Affected Systems |
cardiovascular system
transposition of great arteries
ventricular septal defect
perimembraneous ventricular septal defect
decreased primordial germ cell number
abnormal primordial germ cell migration
abnormal cranium morphology
increased cranium width
abnormal jaw morphology
abnormal mandible morphology
abnormal mandibular angle morphology
abnormal mandibular condyloid process morphology
short mandible
abnormal maxilla morphology
abnormal middle ear ossicle morphology
abnormal malleus morphology
abnormal craniofacial development
abnormal Meckel's cartilage morphology
short Meckel's cartilage
abnormal nasal capsule morphology
midface hypoplasia
cleft secondary palate
failure of palatal shelf elevation
digestive/alimentary system
cleft secondary palate
failure of palatal shelf elevation
decreased embryo size
abnormal somite development
abnormal somite shape
abnormal somite size
small tail bud
abnormal nasal capsule morphology
midface hypoplasia
cleft secondary palate
failure of palatal shelf elevation
decreased embryo size
abnormal middle ear ossicle morphology
abnormal malleus morphology
abnormal organ of Corti morphology
abnormal cochlear hair cell morphology
abnormal cochlear outer hair cell morphology
abnormal tegmen tympani morphology
abnormal blood homeostasis
small tail bud
abnormal limb morphology
abnormal autopod morphology
abnormal forelimb stylopod morphology
abnormal forelimb zeugopod morphology
short radius
short ulna
abnormal hindlimb stylopod morphology
abnormal hindlimb zeugopod morphology
short metacarpal bones
short tail
neonatal lethality, complete penetrance
perinatal lethality, incomplete penetrance
nervous system
abnormal cochlear hair cell morphology
abnormal cochlear outer hair cell morphology
reproductive system
decreased primordial germ cell number
abnormal primordial germ cell migration
genital tubercle hypoplasia
respiratory system
abnormal nasal capsule morphology
abnormal pulmonary alveolus morphology
respiratory distress
abnormal cranium morphology
increased cranium width
abnormal jaw morphology
abnormal mandible morphology
abnormal mandibular angle morphology
abnormal mandibular condyloid process morphology
short mandible
abnormal maxilla morphology
abnormal middle ear ossicle morphology
abnormal malleus morphology
abnormal long bone morphology
decreased length of long bones
short radius
short ulna
short metacarpal bones
absent sternum
abnormal pubic symphysis morphology
abnormal rib morphology
rib fusion
abnormal vertebrae morphology
abnormal sacral vertebrae morphology
sacral vertebral fusion
small sacral vertebrae
abnormal vertebrae development
abnormal cartilage morphology
abnormal Meckel's cartilage morphology
short Meckel's cartilage
abnormal nasal capsule morphology
abnormal cartilage development
abnormal long bone epiphyseal plate proliferative zone
decreased width of hypertrophic chondrocyte zone
abnormal chondrocyte morphology
delayed chondrocyte differentiation
delayed bone ossification
ocular hypertelorism