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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:95330 Vitureira N, et al., Pattern of expression of the podocalyxin gene in the mouse brain during development. Gene Expr Patterns. 2005 Feb;5(3):349-54
Assay type: RNA in situ
MGI Accession ID: MGI:3527977
Gene symbol: Podxl
Gene name: podocalyxin-like
Probe: PC cDNA
Probe preparation: Antisense labelled with digoxigenin RNA
Visualized with: Alkaline phosphatase
Specimen Table 1 E14: embryonic day 14.0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: cerebral cortex Present Regionally restricted Expression is very low in the cortical plate, low in the marginal zone and moderate in the intermediate zone/subplate. Also low in cingulate/retrosp., temporal and parietal areas.
TS22: cortical plate Weak
TS22: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present
TS22: forebrain Weak Regionally restricted Expression is low in the hippocampus and the caudate/putamen, moderate in the ganglionar eminence.
TS22: caudal ganglionic eminence Weak
TS22: thalamus Weak Regionally restricted Expression is present in ventral, medial, and lateral thalamus and is absent in the dorsal part.
TS22: midbrain Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the periaqueductal gray area.
TS22: hindbrain Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the rhombic lip.

Specimen Table 1 E16: embryonic day 16.0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: olfactory cortex Present Regionally restricted Expression is low in the glomerular and granular cell layers and moderate in the mitral cell layer.
TS24: cerebral cortex Present Regionally restricted Expression is very low in the marginal zone, weak in the intermediate zone/subplate and moderate in the cortical plate, cingulate/retrosp., and temporal and parietal areas.
TS24: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Weak
TS24: cortical plate Present
TS24: forebrain Present Regionally restricted Weak in SVZ/RMS, ganglionic eminence, globus pallidus, and dorso-lateral and medial septum, moderate in entorhinal cortex, piriform cortex, and fimbria fornix, and strong in the hippocampus, tenia tecta and amygdaloid complex.
TS24: ganglionic eminence Weak Regionally restricted
TS24: caudate-putamen Weak
TS24: hypothalamus Present Regionally restricted Expression is weak in the ventral, dorsal, and mammillary nuclei, moderate in the periventricular nuclei, and is absent in the arcuate nuclei.
TS24: diencephalon Strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the epithalamus/habenula/subcommissural organ.
TS24: thalamus Weak
TS24: midbrain Present Regionally restricted Expression is weak in the dorsal raphe and substantia nigra, moderate in the periaqueductal gray area, and the superior and inferior colliculus.
TS24: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted Expression is moderate in the rhombic lip, weak in the inferior olive.
TS24: pons Weak Regionally restricted Expression is in the pontine nuclei.

Specimen Table 1 E18: embryonic day 18.0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: olfactory lobe Present Regionally restricted Expression is moderate in the mitral cell layer, weak in the glomerular and granular cell layer.
TS26: hippocampus Present Regionally restricted Expression is strong in the alveus, moderate in CA1, CA2, CA3, dentate gyrus and fimbria fornix.
TS26: forebrain Present Regionally restricted Weak in SVZ/RMS, globus pallidus, and dorso-lateral and medial septum, moderate in entorhinal cortex, piriform cortex, accumbens nucleus, and strong in the tenia tecta and amygdaloid complex.
TS26: caudate-putamen Weak
TS26: hypothalamus Present Regionally restricted Expression is weak in the ventral, dorsal, and mammillary nuclei, moderate in the periventricular nuclei, and is absent in the arcuate nuclei.
TS26: diencephalon Weak Regionally restricted Expression is in the epithalamus/habenula/subcommissural organ.
TS26: thalamus Present
TS26: midbrain Present Regionally restricted Expression is weak in the dorsal raphe, superior and inferior colliculus, and very weak in substantia nigra, moderate in the periaqueductal gray area.
TS26: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted Expression is moderate in the rhombic lip, weak in the inferior olive, strong in the external germinative layer.
TS26: pons Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the pontine nuclei.

Specimen Table 1 P0: postnatal day 0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: cerebellum external granule cell layer Very strong
TS27: fimbria hippocampus Very strong
TS27: cingulate cortex Strong
TS27: dentate gyrus Strong
TS27: hippocampus CA3 Strong
TS27: piriform cortex Strong
TS27: amygdala Moderate
TS27: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Moderate
TS27: hippocampus CA1 Moderate
TS27: hippocampus CA2 Moderate
TS27: hypothalamus periventricular zone Moderate
TS27: lateral entorhinal cortex Moderate
TS27: main olfactory bulb mitral cell layer Moderate
TS27: medial entorhinal cortex Moderate
TS27: periaqueductal grey Moderate
TS27: subiculum Moderate
TS27: brain subventricular zone Weak
TS27: caudate-putamen Weak
TS27: epithalamus Weak
TS27: globus pallidus Weak
TS27: habenula Weak
TS27: inferior colliculus Weak
TS27: inferior olivary nucleus Weak
TS27: main olfactory bulb glomerular layer Weak
TS27: main olfactory bulb granule cell layer Weak
TS27: mammillary body Weak
TS27: pontine nucleus Weak
TS27: superior colliculus Weak
TS27: thalamus Weak
TS27: accumbens nucleus Absent
TS27: arcuate nucleus Absent
TS27: cerebellum molecular layer Absent
TS27: substantia nigra Absent
TS27: hypothalamus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the ventral and dorsal nuclei.
TS27: diencephalon Weak Regionally restricted Expression is in the subcommissural organ.
TS27: hindbrain Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the rhombic lip.

Specimen Table 1 P5: postnatal day 5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: caudate-putamen Very strong
TS28: cerebellum external granule cell layer Very strong
TS28: cingulate cortex Very strong
TS28: cortical layer II Very strong
TS28: cortical layer III Very strong
TS28: globus pallidus Very strong
TS28: lateral entorhinal cortex Very strong
TS28: medial entorhinal cortex Very strong
TS28: piriform cortex Very strong
TS28: brain subventricular zone Strong
TS28: dentate gyrus Strong
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Strong
TS28: hippocampus CA2 Strong
TS28: hippocampus CA3 Strong
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Moderate
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Moderate
TS28: cortical layer IV Moderate
TS28: cortical layer V Moderate
TS28: cortical layer VI Moderate
TS28: epithalamus Moderate
TS28: fimbria hippocampus Moderate
TS28: habenula Moderate
TS28: hypothalamus periventricular zone Moderate
TS28: subiculum Moderate
TS28: amygdala Weak
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Weak
TS28: inferior colliculus Weak
TS28: main olfactory bulb glomerular layer Weak
TS28: main olfactory bulb granule cell layer Weak
TS28: main olfactory bulb mitral cell layer Weak
TS28: mammillary body Weak
TS28: periaqueductal grey Weak
TS28: superior colliculus Weak
TS28: thalamus Weak
TS28: accumbens nucleus Absent
TS28: arcuate nucleus Absent
TS28: inferior olivary nucleus Absent
TS28: pontine nucleus Absent
TS28: substantia nigra Absent
TS28: hypothalamus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the ventral and dorsal nuclei.
TS28: diencephalon Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the subcommissural organ.

Specimen Table 1 P10: postnatal day 10 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Strong
TS28: cortical layer II Strong
TS28: cortical layer III Strong
TS28: dentate gyrus Strong
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Strong
TS28: hippocampus CA2 Strong
TS28: lateral entorhinal cortex Strong
TS28: medial entorhinal cortex Strong
TS28: piriform cortex Strong
TS28: brain subventricular zone Moderate
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Moderate
TS28: cerebellum external granule cell layer Moderate
TS28: cingulate cortex Moderate
TS28: epithalamus Moderate
TS28: fimbria hippocampus Moderate
TS28: habenula Moderate
TS28: hippocampus CA3 Moderate
TS28: hypothalamus periventricular zone Moderate
TS28: mammillary body Moderate
TS28: subiculum Moderate
TS28: amygdala Weak
TS28: arcuate nucleus Weak
TS28: caudate-putamen Weak
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Weak
TS28: cortical layer IV Weak
TS28: cortical layer V Weak
TS28: cortical layer VI Weak
TS28: globus pallidus Weak
TS28: inferior colliculus Weak
TS28: main olfactory bulb glomerular layer Weak
TS28: main olfactory bulb granule cell layer Weak
TS28: main olfactory bulb mitral cell layer Weak
TS28: periaqueductal grey Weak
TS28: superior colliculus Weak
TS28: thalamus Weak
TS28: accumbens nucleus Absent
TS28: inferior olivary nucleus Absent
TS28: pontine nucleus Absent
TS28: substantia nigra Absent
TS28: hypothalamus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the ventral nuclei and is absent in the dorsal nuclei.
TS28: diencephalon Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the subcommissural organ.

Specimen Table 1 P15: postnatal day 15 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Strong
TS28: cortical layer II Strong
TS28: cortical layer III Strong
TS28: dentate gyrus Strong
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Strong
TS28: hippocampus CA2 Strong
TS28: lateral entorhinal cortex Strong
TS28: medial entorhinal cortex Strong
TS28: piriform cortex Strong
TS28: brain subventricular zone Moderate
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Moderate
TS28: cingulate cortex Moderate
TS28: epithalamus Moderate
TS28: habenula Moderate
TS28: hippocampus CA3 Moderate
TS28: hypothalamus periventricular zone Moderate
TS28: mammillary body Moderate
TS28: subiculum Moderate
TS28: arcuate nucleus Weak
TS28: caudate-putamen Weak
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Weak
TS28: cortical layer IV Weak
TS28: cortical layer V Weak
TS28: cortical layer VI Weak
TS28: globus pallidus Weak
TS28: inferior colliculus Weak
TS28: main olfactory bulb glomerular layer Weak
TS28: main olfactory bulb granule cell layer Weak
TS28: main olfactory bulb mitral cell layer Weak
TS28: periaqueductal grey Weak
TS28: superior colliculus Weak
TS28: thalamus Weak
TS28: amygdala Absent
TS28: cerebellum external granule cell layer Absent
TS28: fimbria hippocampus Absent
TS28: inferior olivary nucleus Absent
TS28: pontine nucleus Absent
TS28: substantia nigra Absent
TS28: hypothalamus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the ventral nuclei and is absent in the dorsal nuclei.
TS28: diencephalon Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the subcommissural organ.

Specimen Table 1 P21: postnatal day 21 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: dentate gyrus Very strong
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Strong
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Strong
TS28: hippocampus CA2 Strong
TS28: brain subventricular zone Moderate
TS28: cingulate cortex Moderate
TS28: epithalamus Moderate
TS28: habenula Moderate
TS28: hippocampus CA3 Moderate
TS28: hypothalamus periventricular zone Moderate
TS28: lateral entorhinal cortex Moderate
TS28: mammillary body Moderate
TS28: medial entorhinal cortex Moderate
TS28: piriform cortex Moderate
TS28: subiculum Moderate
TS28: arcuate nucleus Weak
TS28: cortical layer II Weak
TS28: cortical layer III Weak
TS28: cortical layer IV Weak
TS28: cortical layer V Weak
TS28: cortical layer VI Weak
TS28: inferior colliculus Weak
TS28: main olfactory bulb glomerular layer Weak
TS28: main olfactory bulb granule cell layer Weak
TS28: periaqueductal grey Weak
TS28: superior colliculus Weak
TS28: thalamus Weak
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Trace
TS28: amygdala Absent
TS28: caudate-putamen Absent
TS28: cerebellum external granule cell layer Absent
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Absent
TS28: fimbria hippocampus Absent
TS28: globus pallidus Absent
TS28: inferior olivary nucleus Absent
TS28: pontine nucleus Absent
TS28: substantia nigra Absent
TS28: hypothalamus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the ventral nuclei and is absent in the dorsal nuclei.
TS28: diencephalon Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the subcommissural organ.

Specimen Table 1 Adult: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: dentate gyrus Very strong
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Strong
TS28: epithalamus Strong
TS28: habenula Strong
TS28: subiculum Strong
TS28: arcuate nucleus Moderate
TS28: brain subventricular zone Moderate
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Moderate
TS28: hippocampus CA2 Moderate
TS28: hippocampus CA3 Moderate
TS28: hypothalamus periventricular zone Moderate
TS28: mammillary body Moderate
TS28: cingulate cortex Weak
TS28: cortical layer II Weak
TS28: cortical layer III Weak
TS28: cortical layer IV Weak
TS28: cortical layer V Weak
TS28: cortical layer VI Weak
TS28: inferior colliculus Weak
TS28: lateral entorhinal cortex Weak
TS28: main olfactory bulb glomerular layer Weak
TS28: main olfactory bulb granule cell layer Weak
TS28: main olfactory bulb mitral cell layer Weak
TS28: medial entorhinal cortex Weak
TS28: periaqueductal grey Weak
TS28: piriform cortex Weak
TS28: superior colliculus Weak
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Trace
TS28: amygdala Absent
TS28: caudate-putamen Absent
TS28: fimbria hippocampus Absent
TS28: globus pallidus Absent
TS28: inferior olivary nucleus Absent
TS28: pontine nucleus Absent
TS28: substantia nigra Absent
TS28: thalamus Strong Regionally restricted Expression is ventral and medial.
TS28: hypothalamus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the ventral nuclei and is absent in the dorsal nuclei.
TS28: diencephalon Strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the subcommissural organ.

Specimen 2A: embryonic day 16.0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: cortical plate Present Regionally restricted 2A Expression is in layers II-III.
TS24: forebrain Present Regionally restricted 2A Expression is in the pyramidal and granule cell layers of the hippocampus.

Specimen 2B: postnatal day 5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cortical layer II Present 2B
TS28: cortical layer III Present 2B
TS28: hippocampus granule cell layer Present 2B
TS28: hippocampus pyramidal cell layer Present 2B
TS28: corpus callosum Present 2B

Specimen 2C: embryonic day 18.0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: olfactory lobe Present Regionally restricted 2C Expression is in the mitral cell layer.
TS26: cerebral cortex Present 2C
TS26: hippocampus Present 2C

Specimen 2D: embryonic day 16.0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: cortical plate Present Regionally restricted 2D Expression is in layers II-III.

Specimen 2E: postnatal day 5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cortical layer II Present 2E
TS28: cortical layer III Present 2E

Specimen 2F: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cortical layer II Present 2F
TS28: cortical layer III Present 2F

Specimen 2G: embryonic day 16.0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: forebrain Present Regionally restricted 2G Expression is in the pyramidal and granule cell layers of the hippocampus.

Specimen 2H: postnatal day 5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: hippocampus granule cell layer Present 2H
TS28: hippocampus pyramidal cell layer Present 2H
TS28: corpus callosum Present 2H

Specimen 2I: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: hippocampus granule cell layer Present 2I
TS28: hippocampus pyramidal cell layer Present 2I

Specimen 2J: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: diencephalon Present 2J
TS28: midbrain Present 2J
TS28: epithalamus Strong Regionally restricted 2J Expression is in the habenular complex.

Specimen 2K: postnatal day 5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: corpus striatum Present 2K

Specimen 2L: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: forebrain Present Regionally restricted 2L Expression is in the SVZ and rostral migratory pathways.

Specimen 3A: embryonic day 16.0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: cerebellum Present Regionally restricted 3A Expression is in the rhombic lip

Specimen 3B: embryonic day 16.0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: midbrain Moderate Regionally restricted 3B Expression is in the superiror colliculus.

Specimen 3C: postnatal day 5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: superior colliculus Moderate 3C

Specimen 3D: postnatal day 5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum external granule cell layer Present 3D
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Present 3D

Specimen 3E: postnatal day 10 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum external granule cell layer Present 3E
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Present 3E

Specimen 3F: postnatal day 21 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum external granule cell layer Present 3F
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Present 3F
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Weak 3F

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MGI 6.24
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