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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:99712 Yarovaya N, et al., Sialin, an anion transporter defective in sialic acid storage diseases, shows highly variable expression in adult mouse brain, and is developmentally regulated. Neurobiol Dis. 2005 Aug;19(3):351-65
Assay type: Immunohistochemistry
MGI Accession ID: MGI:3763715
Gene symbol: Slc17a5
Gene name: solute carrier family 17 (anion/sugar transporter), member 5
Antibody: anti-sialin
Detection system: Biotinylated secondary antibody/[Strept]avidin coupled to horseradish peroxidase
Specimen Table 2: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: corpus striatum Very strong
TS28: hippocampus pyramidal cell layer Very strong
TS28: hippocampus stratum oriens Very strong
TS28: hippocampus stratum radiatum Very strong
TS28: red nucleus Very strong
TS28: accumbens nucleus Strong
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Strong
TS28: cortical layer I Strong
TS28: cortical layer II Strong
TS28: cortical layer III Strong
TS28: cortical layer IV Strong
TS28: cortical layer V Strong
TS28: cortical layer VI Strong
TS28: dentate gyrus granule cell layer Strong
TS28: dentate gyrus molecular layer Strong
TS28: globus pallidus Strong
TS28: interpeduncular nucleus Strong
TS28: lateral septal nucleus Strong
TS28: reticular tegmental nucleus Strong
TS28: substantia nigra pars compacta Strong
TS28: amygdalopiriform transition area Moderate
TS28: arcuate nucleus Moderate
TS28: central thalamic nucleus Moderate
TS28: claustrum Moderate
TS28: dentate gyrus polymorphic layer Moderate
TS28: endopiriform nucleus Moderate
TS28: hippocampus stratum lacunosum Moderate
TS28: islands of Calleja Moderate
TS28: locus coeruleus Moderate
TS28: medial septal nucleus Moderate
TS28: nucleus of trapezoid body Moderate
TS28: nucleus reuniens Moderate
TS28: olfactory tubercle Moderate
TS28: paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus Moderate
TS28: periaqueductal grey Moderate
TS28: piriform cortex Moderate
TS28: pontine nucleus Moderate
TS28: raphe magnus nucleus Moderate
TS28: subiculum Moderate
TS28: suprachiasmatic nucleus Moderate
TS28: ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus Moderate
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Weak
TS28: dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus Weak
TS28: hypothalamus periventricular zone Weak
TS28: inferior colliculus Weak
TS28: lateral habenular nucleus Weak
TS28: lateral hypothalamic area Weak
TS28: medial habenular nucleus Weak
TS28: nucleus of diagonal band Weak
TS28: pallidum Weak
TS28: paracentral nucleus Weak
TS28: paraventricular thalamic nucleus Weak
TS28: raphe pallidus nucleus Weak
TS28: reticular thalamic nucleus Weak
TS28: substantia nigra pars reticulata Weak
TS28: superior colliculus Weak
TS28: superior olivary nucleus Weak
TS28: trigeminal nucleus Weak
TS28: forebrain Present Regionally restricted Expression is strong in the indusium griseum and weak in the subtstantia innominata.
TS28: basolateral amygdaloid nucleus Strong Moderate to high expression.
TS28: basomedial amygdaloid nucleus Strong Moderate to high expression.
TS28: medial amygdaloid nucleus Strong Moderate to high expression.
TS28: posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nucleus Strong Moderate to high expression.
TS28: posteromedial cortical amygdaloid nucleus Strong Moderate to high expression.
TS28: amygdala Strong Regionally restricted Moderate to high expression in the central amyddaloid nucleus.
TS28: anterior cortical amygdaloid nucleus Moderate Weak to moderate expression.
TS28: lateral amygdaloid nucleus Moderate Weak to moderate expression.
TS28: midbrain tegmentum Weak Regionally restricted Expression is ventral.
TS28: midbrain Present Regionally restricted Expression is moderate in the lateral lemniscus nucleus, weak in the deep mesencephalic nuclei and is trace in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus.
TS28: raphe nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is moderate in the median raphe nucleus and is weak in the dorsal-, paramedian nucleus , and in the linear nucleus of raphe.
TS28: cerebellum granule cell layer Weak Weak to trace expression.
TS28: corpus callosum Weak Weak to trace expression.
TS28: fimbria hippocampus Weak Weak to trace expression.
TS28: cochlear nucleus Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the ventral cochlear nucleus.
TS28: cerebral hemisphere white matter Trace Regionally restricted Absent in the the external and internal capsule (weak to trace in corpus callosum and fimbria of hippocampus).
TS28: hypothalamus Weak Regionally restricted Expression is in the anterior hypothalamic area.
TS28: thalamus Weak Regionally restricted Expression is in the anterodorsal and anteromedial thalamic nuclei, the interarterodorsal and interarteromedial thalmice nuclei, and the ventral anterior and ventrolateral thalamic nuclei.
TS28: lateral thalamic group Weak Regionally restricted Expression is in the laterodorsal thalamic nuclei.
TS28: anterior commissure Absent
TS28: cerebellum white matter Absent Absent in the arbor vitae.

Specimen 2A: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: accumbens nucleus Strong 2A
TS28: cerebral cortex Strong 2A
TS28: corpus striatum Strong 2A

Specimen 2B: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: accumbens nucleus Strong 2B
TS28: cerebral cortex Strong 2B
TS28: corpus striatum Strong 2B
TS28: hippocampus Strong 2B

Specimen 2D: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cortical layer I Strong 2D Immunoreactivity was observed mainly in the neuropil.
TS28: cortical layer II Strong 2D Immunoreactivity was observed mainly in the neuropil.
TS28: cortical layer III Strong 2D Immunoreactivity was observed mainly in the neuropil.
TS28: cortical layer IV Strong 2D Immunoreactivity was observed mainly in the neuropil.
TS28: cortical layer V Strong 2D Immunoreactivity was observed mainly in the neuropil.
TS28: cortical layer VI Strong 2D Immunoreactivity was observed mainly in the neuropil.

Specimen 2E: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cortical layer V Very strong 2E Large pyramidal neurons having high cytoplasmic immunoreactivity.

Specimen 2F: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: hippocampus pyramidal cell layer Very strong 2F Immunoreactivity was observed mainly in the neuropil.

Specimen 2G: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: hippocampus CA3 Strong 2G Expression is in the perikarya of the pyramidal cells within the CA2 and CA3 (shown) areas of the hippocampus.

Specimen 2H: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: globus pallidus Present 2H Expression is in the lateral globus pallidus.

Specimen 2I: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: corpus striatum Present 2I

Specimen Not shown: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: spinal cord Present Low to moderate expression.
TS28: enteric nervous system Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the enteric nervous system neurons of the gut.
TS28: gut Weak Regionally restricted Expression is in epithelial cells.
TS28: spleen Absent
TS28: thymus Absent

Specimen 3A: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: thalamus Present 3A Expression is in the anterodorsal thalamic nucleus.

Specimen 3B: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: reticular thalamic nucleus Present 3B

Specimen 3C: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Present 3C
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Weak 3C
TS28: cerebellum granule cell layer Absent 3C

Specimen 3D: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: substantia nigra pars compacta Present 3D

Specimen 3E: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: red nucleus Present Regionally restricted 3E Expression is in the magnocellular part.

Specimen 3F: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: fimbria hippocampus Weak Single cells 3F Immunoreactivity was observed in some glial cells within the fimbria of the hippocampus.

Specimen 3G: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: raphe nucleus Present Regionally restricted 3G Expression is in the median raphe nucleus.

Specimen 3H: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: nucleus of trapezoid body Present 3H
TS28: raphe magnus nucleus Present 3H

Specimen 3I: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: nucleus of trapezoid body Present 3I

Specimen 3J: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: choroid plexus Present 3J

Specimen 3K: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain ependyma Present 3K

Specimen 4A: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cardiac muscle tissue Weak Diffuse 4A

Specimen 4B: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: renal distal tubule Present Regionally restricted 4B Expression is in the apical parts.
TS28: renal proximal tubule Weak Regionally restricted 4B Expression is in the epithelium.
TS28: glomerular tuft Weak 4B

Specimen 4C: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: liver parenchyma Present 4C

Specimen 4D: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present 4D

Specimen 4E: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: lung Present Regionally restricted 4E Expression is in a small population.

Specimen 4F: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: pancreas Weak Regionally restricted 4F Expression is in some endothelial cells.

Specimen 4G: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: germ cell of testis Present 4G Expression was seen in cells at different stages of spermatogenesis in the testes

Specimen 4H: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: dorsal root ganglion Present 4H The ganglion cell labeling intensity was higher in the larger neurons, with some of those exhibiting very strong immunoreactivity both in the cytoplasm and on the plasma membrane.

Specimen 5A: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: brain Moderate Regionally restricted 5A Low to moderate (marginal layer) expression.
TS19: head Present Regionally restricted 5A Low to moderate staining was present in the developing brain and mesenchyme, with no immunoreactivity in other tissues.
TS19: head mesenchyme Moderate 5A
TS19: brain ventricular layer Absent 5A

Specimen 5B: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: brain Strong Regionally restricted 5B
TS23: cerebral cortex ventricular layer Weak 5B
TS23: forebrain Weak 5B
TS23: midbrain Weak Regionally restricted 5B Expression is in the inferior colliculus.

Specimen 5C: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: telencephalon Present Regionally restricted 5C Expression is in the precortical plate.

Specimen 5D: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: cerebral cortex Present Regionally restricted 5D Expression is in the precortical plate.

Specimen 5E: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present 5E
TS23: cerebral cortex marginal layer Present 5E
TS23: cortical subplate Present 5E

Specimen 5F: embryonic day 18.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present 5F
TS26: cerebral cortex marginal zone Present 5F
TS26: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Absent 5F
TS26: cerebral cortex ventricular zone Absent 5F
TS26: cortical plate Absent 5F
TS26: cortical subplate Absent 5F

Specimen 5H: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: spinal cord Strong 5H

Specimen 5I: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: spinal cord Strong 5I

Specimen 6A: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: trigeminal ganglion Moderate 6A Low to moderate levels.

Specimen 6B: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: acoustic ganglion Moderate 6B
TS19: facial ganglion Moderate 6B

Specimen 6C: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: glossopharyngeal ganglion Moderate Regionally restricted 6C Expression is in extending axons.
TS19: superior vagus ganglion Moderate Regionally restricted 6C Expression is in extending axons.

Specimen 6D: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: dorsal root ganglion Moderate Regionally restricted 6D Expression is in extending axons.

Specimen 6E: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: neural tube mantle layer Moderate 6E
TS19: neural tube marginal layer Moderate 6E

Specimen 7A: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: trigeminal ganglion Present 7A

Specimen 7B: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: vestibulo-cochlear ganglion Present 7B

Specimen 7C: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: dorsal root ganglion Strong 7C

Specimen 8A: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: central nervous system ganglion Strong Regionally restricted 8A Expression is in the heart ganglion.

Specimen 8B: embryonic day 17.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS25: parasympathetic nervous system Strong Regionally restricted 8B Expression is in the submandibular gland parasympathetic ganglion.

Specimen 8C: embryonic day 17.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS25: cochlear ganglion Strong 8C

Specimen 8D: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: olfactory nerve Strong 8D

Specimen 8E: embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: olfactory epithelium Strong 8E

Specimen 8F: embryonic day 17.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS25: lens epithelium Strong 8F

Specimen 8G: embryonic day 17.5 (more )
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TS25: inferior cervical ganglion Strong 8G

Specimen 8H: embryonic day 17.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS25: thoracic ganglion Strong 8H

Specimen 8I: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: parasympathetic nervous system Strong 8I Expression is in intra-lingual parasympathetic ganglia.

Specimen 9A: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: midgut Present Regionally restricted 9A Expression is in neural crest-derived cells residing in the outer mesenchyme of the midgut.

Specimen 9B: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: enteric nervous system Present Regionally restricted 9B Expression is in the myenteric plexi.
TS23: midgut Present Regionally restricted 9B Expression is in the myenteric plexi.

Specimen 9C: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: enteric nervous system Present Regionally restricted 9C Expression is in the myenteric plexi.
TS23: esophagus Present Regionally restricted 9C Expression is in the myenteric plexi.

Specimen 9D: embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: myenteric nerve plexus Present Regionally restricted 9D Expression is in the myenteric plexi.
TS24: stomach Present Regionally restricted 9D Expression is in the myenteric plexi.

Specimen 9E: embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: gut Present Regionally restricted 9E Expression is in the myenteric plexi of the midgut.
TS24: myenteric nerve plexus Present Regionally restricted 9E Expression is in the myenteric plexi of the midgut.

Specimen 9F: embryonic day 17.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS25: myenteric nerve plexus Present Regionally restricted 9F Expression is in the myenteric plexi.
TS25: rectum Present Regionally restricted 9F Expression is in the myenteric plexi.

Specimen Not shown: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: central nervous system Present
TS19: peripheral nervous system Present
TS19: embryo Weak Non-Uniform Expression is mainly in the central and peripheral nervous system, with much lower staining intensity in other tissues and organs.

Specimen Not shown: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: central nervous system Present
TS21: peripheral nervous system Present
TS21: embryo Weak Non-Uniform Expression is mainly in the central and peripheral nervous system, with much lower staining intensity in other tissues and organs.
TS21: forebrain Strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the basal forebrain and hippocampus.
TS21: hypothalamus Strong
TS21: midbrain Strong
TS21: pons Strong
TS21: thalamus Strong
TS21: brain Present Regionally restricted Expression is absent in the ventricular and subventricular zones.
TS21: cardiac muscle tissue Weak Diffuse

Specimen Not shown: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: central nervous system Present
TS23: peripheral nervous system Present
TS23: embryo Weak Non-Uniform Expression is mainly in the central and peripheral nervous system, with much lower staining intensity in other tissues and organs.
TS23: cardiac muscle tissue Weak Diffuse
TS23: lung Weak Regionally restricted Expression is in a small population.
TS23: liver Weak Regionally restricted Expression is in hepatocytes and megakaryocytes.
TS23: pancreas Weak Regionally restricted Expression is in the islands of Langerhans.
TS23: metanephros Present Regionally restricted Moderate expression in in distal tubules, with low staining in the glomeruli.

Specimen Not shown: embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: central nervous system Present
TS24: peripheral nervous system Present
TS24: embryo Weak Non-Uniform Expression is mainly in the central and peripheral nervous system, with much lower staining intensity in other tissues and organs.
TS24: cardiac muscle tissue Weak Diffuse
TS24: lung Weak Regionally restricted Expression is in a small population.
TS24: liver Weak Regionally restricted Expression is in hepatocytes and megakaryocytes.
TS24: pancreas Weak Regionally restricted Expression is in the islands of Langerhans.
TS24: metanephros Present Regionally restricted Moderate expression in in distal tubules, with low staining in the glomeruli.

Specimen Not shown: embryonic day 17.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS25: central nervous system Present
TS25: peripheral nervous system Present
TS25: embryo Weak Non-Uniform Expression is mainly in the central and peripheral nervous system, with much lower staining intensity in other tissues and organs.
TS25: cardiac muscle tissue Weak Diffuse
TS25: lung Weak Regionally restricted Expression is in a small population.
TS25: liver Weak Regionally restricted Expression is in hepatocytes and megakaryocytes.
TS25: pancreas Weak Regionally restricted Expression is in the islands of Langerhans.
TS25: renal distal tubule Moderate
TS25: glomerular tuft Weak

Specimen Not shown: embryonic day 18.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: central nervous system Present
TS26: peripheral nervous system Present
TS26: embryo Weak Non-Uniform Expression is mainly in the central and peripheral nervous system, with much lower staining intensity in other tissues and organs.

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory