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Targeted Allele Detail
Symbol: Erbb4tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Aibs
Name: erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Allen Institute for Brain Science
MGI ID: MGI:4421788
Synonyms: Erbb4-2A-CreERT2, Erbb4tm1(cre/ERT2)Aibs
Gene: Erbb4  Location: Chr1:68071345-69147218 bp, - strand  Genetic Position: Chr1, 33.8 cM
Alliance: Erbb4tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Aibs page
Germline Transmission:  Earliest citation of germline transmission: J:155793
Parent Cell Line:  G4 (ES Cell)
Strain of Origin:  (129S6/SvEvTac x C57BL/6NCrl)F1
Allele Type:    Targeted (Inducible, Recombinase)
Inducer:    tamoxifen
Mutation:    Insertion
Erbb4tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Aibs expression driven by 1 gene
Mutation detailsA targeting vector was designed to insert a viral 2A oligopeptide that mediates ribosomal skipping and a CreERT2 fusion gene immediately downstream of the translational STOP codon of the Erbb4 locus (v-erb-a erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 4 (avian)). The targeting vector contained, from 5' to 3', an frt3 site, a viral 2A oligopeptide, a CreERT2 fusion gene, a bovine growth hormone polyA signal, an attB site, a PGK-Neo-polyA cassette, an frt5 site, an RNA splice acceptor, the 3' portion of the hygromycin gene with SV40 polyA signal, and an attP site. This construct was electroporated into G4 ES cells. Correctly targeted ES cells were injected into recipient blastocysts. The resulting chimeric animals were bred to C57BL/6J mice to generate the Erbb4-2A-CreERT2 mutant colony. These mutant mice were bred to PhiC31-expressing mice (C57BL/6J congenic background) to remove the PGK-Neo-polyA cassette, frt5 site, RNA splice acceptor, and the 3' portion of the hygromycin gene with SV40 polyA signal. Following tamoxifen induction, Erbb4-2A-CreERT2 directs reporter gene expression in scattered interneuron subpopulations of Erbb4-expressing cells in the cortex and hippocampus. (J:155793)
 Tissue activity of this recombinase allele
Driver: Erbb4 (mouse)
Summary of all recombinase alleles driven by Erbb4.

View phenotypes and curated references for all genotypes (concatenated display).
Find Mice (IMSR)
Mouse strains and cell lines available from the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Carrying this Mutation:  Mouse Strains: 1 strain available      Cell Lines: 0 lines available
Carrying any Erbb4 Mutation:  87 strains or lines available
Original:  J:155793 Madisen L, et al., A robust and high-throughput Cre reporting and characterization system for the whole mouse brain. Nat Neurosci. 2010 Jan;13(1):133-40
All:  22 reference(s)

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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory