Transgene Detail
Symbol: |
Tg(Col2a1/Acan-rtTA,tetO-cre)#Vlf |
Name: |
transgene insertion, Veronique Lefebvre |
MGI:5426519 |
Synonyms: |
Transgene: |
Tg(Col2a1/Acan-rtTA,tetO-cre)#Vlf Location: unknown
Alliance: |
Tg(Col2a1/Acan-rtTA,tetO-cre)#Vlf page
Strain of Origin: |
Not Specified
Transgene Type: |
Transgenic (Inducible, Recombinase, Transactivator) |
Inducer: |
doxycycline/tetracycline |
Mutation: |
Tg(Col2a1/Acan-rtTA,tetO-cre)#Vlf expression driven by
1 gene
Transgene expression driven by:
Organism |
Driver Gene |
Note |
Not Specified |
Acan |
Mutation details: A bigenic construct was generated with a 0.9kb fragment of the Col2a1 promoter, 4 tandem copies of a cartilage-specific Acan enhancer in an intron, a splice acceptor site, the reverse tetracycline transactivator coding sequence and a polyadenylation site composing the first gene. A 4 kb Trp53 intron insulator sequence separated the rtTA sequence from the second part of the construct, consisting of a heptad of tandem copies of a tetracycline-responsive element (tetO), the human cytomegalovirus promoter (hCMV), the cre recombinase coding sequence, and a polyadenylation site. No founder information for the transgene is available. Upon treatment of transgenic mice with doxycycline, the rtTA is activated and binds to tetO to induce cre expression.
Activity: |
 Tissue activity of this recombinase allele
(species not specified)
View phenotypes and curated references for all genotypes (concatenated display).
Mouse strains and cell lines
available from the International Mouse Strain Resource
(IMSR) |
Carrying this Mutation: |
Mouse Strains: 0 strains available
Cell Lines: 0 lines available
Original: |
J:183084 Dy P, et al., Sox9 directs hypertrophic maturation and blocks osteoblast differentiation of growth plate chondrocytes. Dev Cell. 2012 Mar 13;22(3):597-609 |
All: |
11 reference(s) |