Transgene Detail
Symbol: |
Tg(Adam12-cre,-EGFP)1Lpe |
Name: |
transgene insertion 1, Lucie Peduto |
MGI:5442695 |
Synonyms: |
Adam12-cre-ires-egfpTG, M12-CIG |
Transgene: |
Tg(Adam12-cre,-EGFP)1Lpe Location: unknown
Alliance: |
Tg(Adam12-cre,-EGFP)1Lpe page
Strain of Origin: |
Not Specified
Transgene Type: |
Transgenic (Recombinase) |
Mutation: |
Tg(Adam12-cre,-EGFP)1Lpe expression driven by
1 gene
Transgene expression driven by:
Organism |
Driver Gene |
Note |
Not Specified |
Adam12 |
Mutation details: A cre-ires-EGFP coding sequence, including a polyA sequence was inserted into exon 1 of the Adam12 gene in a 200 kb BAC by homologous recombination. The sequence replaced the endogenous ATG translation start codon. The modified BAC was used to generate transgenic founders. Line information is not available.
Activity: |
 Tissue activity of this recombinase allele
(species not specified)
Mouse strains and cell lines
available from the International Mouse Strain Resource
(IMSR) |
Carrying this Mutation: |
Mouse Strains: 0 strains available
Cell Lines: 0 lines available
Original: |
J:188912 Dulauroy S, et al., Lineage tracing and genetic ablation of ADAM12(+) perivascular cells identify a major source of profibrotic cells during acute tissue injury. Nat Med. 2012 Aug;18(8):1262-70 |
All: |
2 reference(s) |