Transgene Detail
Symbol: |
Tg(Rlbp1-cre/ERT2,-EGFP)1Wshn |
Name: |
transgene insertion 1, Weiyong Shen |
MGI:5473306 |
Synonyms: |
Rblp1-CreER |
Transgene: |
Tg(Rlbp1-cre/ERT2,-EGFP)1Wshn Location: unknown
Alliance: |
Tg(Rlbp1-cre/ERT2,-EGFP)1Wshn page
Strain of Origin: |
C57BL/6J x CBA
Transgene Type: |
Transgenic (Inducible, Recombinase, Reporter) |
Inducer: |
tamoxifen |
Mutation: |
Tg(Rlbp1-cre/ERT2,-EGFP)1Wshn expression driven by
1 gene
Transgene expression driven by:
Organism |
Driver Gene |
Note |
Not Specified |
Rlbp1 |
Mutation details: A 2.6 kb fragment of the Rlbp1 gene regulatory region (Rlbp1 promoter, exons 1 and 2 and intron 1) shown to drive Muller cell-specific gene expression was generated by PCR and cloned into a plasmid vector with a cre/ERT2 sequence separeted by IRES and EGFP-pA. The resulting 7 kb construct was linearized and injected into single-cell embryos. Founder information is not available.
Activity: |
 Tissue activity of this recombinase allele
(species not specified)
View phenotypes and curated references for all genotypes (concatenated display).
Mouse strains and cell lines
available from the International Mouse Strain Resource
(IMSR) |
Carrying this Mutation: |
Mouse Strains: 0 strains available
Cell Lines: 0 lines available
Original: |
J:192243 Shen W, et al., Conditional Mullercell ablation causes independent neuronal and vascular pathologies in a novel transgenic model. J Neurosci. 2012 Nov 7;32(45):15715-27 |
All: |
16 reference(s) |