Transgene Detail
Symbol: |
Tg(Tnfrsf19-cre/ERT2)1Kori |
Name: |
transgene insertion 1, Vladimir Korinek |
MGI:5575757 |
Synonyms: |
Transgene: |
Tg(Tnfrsf19-cre/ERT2)1Kori Location: unknown
Alliance: |
Tg(Tnfrsf19-cre/ERT2)1Kori page
Transgene Type: |
Transgenic (Inducible, Recombinase) |
Inducer: |
tamoxifen |
Mutation: |
Tg(Tnfrsf19-cre/ERT2)1Kori expression driven by
1 gene
Transgene expression driven by:
Mutation details: The transgene was derived from the mouse bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) RP23-166C22, which contains the entire tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily 19 (Tnfrsf19; also called Troy) gene with 65 kb of 5' and 88 kb of 3' flanking genomic DNA. A cDNA encoding a fusion protein comprising cre recombinase joined to a modified human estrogen receptor (creERT2), followed by the rabbit beta-globin polyadenylation signal, was inserted in-frame at the translation initiation codon in the second exon; the timing and location of creERT2 expression are determined by Tnfrsf19 regulatory sequences, but it remains inactive until bound to tamoxifen and transported to the nucleus. X-Gal staining and in-situ hybridization with a Tnfrsf19 anti-sense RNA of E14 embryos bearing this transgene and the Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1Sor cre reporter collected one day after their dams' treatment with tamoxifen showed coordinate cre recombinase-induced lacZ and endogenous Tnfrsf19 mRNA expression, notably in the telencephalon, cerebral plate, ear, maxilla, vibrissae, dorsal root ganglia, and mammary gland primordia. Three transgenic founder lines were obtained, all exhibiting virtually identical Cre recombinase activity patterns.
Activity: |
 Tissue activity of this recombinase allele
View phenotypes and curated references for all genotypes (concatenated display).
Mouse strains and cell lines
available from the International Mouse Strain Resource
(IMSR) |
Carrying this Mutation: |
Mouse Strains: 1 strain available
Cell Lines: 0 lines available
Original: |
J:211697 Fafilek B, et al., Troy, a tumor necrosis factor receptor family member, interacts with lgr5 to inhibit wnt signaling in intestinal stem cells. Gastroenterology. 2013 Feb;144(2):381-91 |
All: |
3 reference(s) |