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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:200912 Crevecoeur J, et al., Expression of SV2 isoforms during rodent brain development. BMC Neurosci. 2013;14(1):87
Assay type: Immunohistochemistry
MGI Accession ID: MGI:5905004
Gene symbol: Sv2a
Gene name: synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2a
Antibody: anti-SV2A
Detection system: Secondary antibody
Specimen 1 H: postnatal day 7 (more )
Note: Quantification of confocal analyses are shown in Figure 2A.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: dentate gyrus hilus Present 1_SV2A H
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Present 1_SV2A H

Specimen 1 BO: postnatal day 7 (more )
Note: Quantification of confocal analyses are shown in Figure 2A.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: main olfactory bulb Present 1_SV2A BO

Specimen S1 WT: postnatal day 7 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: hippocampus Present S1_SV2A WT

Specimen S1 SV2A-/-;SV2B-/-: postnatal day 7; Sv2atm1Sud/Sv2atm1Sud, Sv2btm1Sud/Sv2btm1Sud (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: hippocampus Absent S1_SV2A SV2A-/-;SV2B-/-

Specimen S2 WT: postnatal (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: hippocampus Present S2_SV2A WT

Specimen S2 SV2A+/-: postnatal; Sv2atm1Sud/Sv2a+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: hippocampus Present S2_SV2A SV2A+/-

Specimen S2 SV2A-/-: postnatal; Sv2atm1Sud/Sv2atm1Sud (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: hippocampus Absent S2_SV2A SV2A-/-

Specimen Table 1 E12: embryonic day 12.0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: cerebellum primordium Absent
TS20: cerebral cortex Absent
TS20: diencephalon Absent
TS20: hypothalamus Absent
TS20: midbrain Absent
TS20: pons Absent
TS20: telencephalon Absent
TS20: thalamus Absent

Specimen Table 1 E14: embryonic day 14.0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: caudate-putamen Very strong
TS22: geniculate thalamic group Very strong
TS22: hippocampus Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the CA4 region, weak in the CA1 region, and is absent in the dentate gyrus.
TS22: thalamus Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the anterior thalamus.
TS22: hypothalamus Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the preoptic nucleus.
TS22: midbrain Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the substantia nigra and common oculomotor nucleus.
TS22: pons Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the facial nucleus.
TS22: brainstem Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the ambiguus nucleus, vestibular nucleus, and hypoglossal nucleus.
TS22: amygdala Moderate
TS22: cerebral cortex Moderate
TS22: telencephalon septum Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the stria terminalis nucleus.
TS22: cerebellum Absent
TS22: cerebral hemisphere white matter Absent
TS22: inferior colliculus Absent
TS22: main olfactory bulb Absent
TS22: pallidum Absent
TS22: superior colliculus Absent
TS22: ventral striatum Absent

Specimen Table 1 E16: embryonic day 16.0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: main olfactory bulb Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the glomerular region and is weak in the fascicular region.
TS24: hippocampus Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the CA4 region, weak in the CA1 region, and is absent in the dentate gyrus.
TS24: telencephalon septum Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the stria terminalis nucleus.
TS24: amygdala Very strong
TS24: cochlear nucleus Very strong
TS24: geniculate thalamic group Very strong
TS24: habenula Very strong
TS24: pretectum Very strong
TS24: midbrain Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the substantia nigra, per-aqueductal grey matter, common oculomotor nucleus, and red nucleus and is moderate in the ventral tegmental area.
TS24: ventral striatum Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the nucleus accumbens.
TS24: telencephalon Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the septal lateral nucleus and septo-fimbrial nucleus.
TS24: pallidum Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the magno-cellular nucleus.
TS24: pons Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the facial nucleus, superior olivary nucleus, and moderate in the trigeminal V motor nucleus.
TS24: medulla oblongata Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the cuneus nucleus, solitary tract nuclleus, nucleus ambiguus, dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve, hypoglossal nucleus, and moderate in inferior olivary nucleus.
TS24: caudate-putamen Moderate
TS24: cerebral cortex Moderate
TS24: superior colliculus Moderate
TS24: thalamus Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the anterior thalamus.
TS24: hypothalamus Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the periventricular region, the preoptic nucleus, arcuetes nucleus, paraventricular nucleus, mammillary bodies, the paraventricular region, and supra-chiasmatic nucleus, and is absent in the medial hypothalamus.
TS24: brainstem nucleus Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the raphe nucleus and vestibular nucleus.
TS24: cerebellum Absent
TS24: cerebral hemisphere white matter Absent
TS24: dentate nucleus Absent
TS24: fastigial nucleus Absent
TS24: inferior colliculus Absent

Specimen Table 1 E18: embryonic day 18.0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: main olfactory bulb Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the glomerular region and is moderate in the fascicular region.
TS26: amygdala Very strong
TS26: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Very strong
TS26: cochlear nucleus Very strong
TS26: facial nucleus Very strong
TS26: fastigial nucleus Very strong
TS26: hypoglossal nucleus Very strong
TS26: inferior colliculus Very strong
TS26: inferior olivary nucleus Very strong
TS26: periaqueductal grey Very strong
TS26: pretectum Very strong
TS26: substantia nigra Very strong
TS26: ventral tegmental area Very strong
TS26: pallidum Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the magno-cellular nucleus.
TS26: midbrain Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the common oculomotor nucleus and red nucleus.
TS26: brainstem nucleus Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the raphe nucleus and vestibular nucleus.
TS26: pons Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the superior olivary nucleus, and moderate in the trigeminal V motor nucleus.
TS26: medulla oblongata Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the facial nucleus, superior olivary nucleus, cuneus nucleus, solitary tract nucleus, nucleus ambiguus, dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve, hypoglossal nucleus, and moderate in inferior olivary nucleus and the trigeminal V motor nucleus.
TS26: accumbens nucleus Moderate
TS26: caudate-putamen Moderate
TS26: cerebral cortex Moderate
TS26: dentate nucleus Moderate
TS26: habenula Moderate
TS26: hippocampus CA4 Moderate
TS26: superior colliculus Moderate
TS26: suprachiasmatic nucleus Moderate
TS26: ventral striatum Moderate
TS26: telencephalon septum Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the stria terminalis nucleus.
TS26: thalamus Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the anterior-, ventral-, lateral-, and medio-dorsal thalamus.
TS26: hypothalamus Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the periventricular region, the preoptic nucleus, arcuetes nucleus, paraventricular nucleus, mammillary bodies, the paraventricular region, and is absent in the medial hypothalamus.
TS26: telencephalon Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the septal lateral nucleus and septo-fimbrial nucleus.
TS26: geniculate thalamic group Weak
TS26: hippocampus CA1 Weak
TS26: cerebral hemisphere white matter Absent
TS26: dentate gyrus Absent
TS26: intralaminar thalamic group Absent

Specimen Table 1 P0: postnatal day 0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: main olfactory bulb Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the glomerular region and is moderate in the fascicular region.
TS27: red nucleus Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the glomerular region and is moderate in the fascicular region.
TS27: accumbens nucleus Very strong
TS27: amygdala Very strong
TS27: bed nucleus of stria terminalis Very strong
TS27: caudate-putamen Very strong
TS27: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Very strong
TS27: cerebellum molecular layer Very strong
TS27: cochlear nucleus Very strong
TS27: cuneate nucleus Very strong
TS27: dentate nucleus Very strong
TS27: dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve Very strong
TS27: dorsal tegmental nucleus Very strong
TS27: edinger-westphal nucleus Very strong
TS27: facial nucleus Very strong
TS27: fastigial nucleus Very strong
TS27: geniculate thalamic group Very strong
TS27: habenula Very strong
TS27: hippocampus CA4 Very strong
TS27: hypoglossal nucleus Very strong
TS27: inferior colliculus Very strong
TS27: inferior olivary nucleus Very strong
TS27: intralaminar thalamic group Very strong
TS27: lateral septal nucleus Very strong
TS27: mammillary body Very strong
TS27: nucleus ambiguus Very strong
TS27: oculomotor nucleus Very strong
TS27: pallidum Very strong
TS27: paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus Very strong
TS27: periaqueductal grey Very strong
TS27: pretectum Very strong
TS27: raphe nucleus Very strong
TS27: solitary tract nucleus Very strong
TS27: substantia nigra Very strong
TS27: superior colliculus Very strong
TS27: superior olivary nucleus Very strong
TS27: suprachiasmatic nucleus Very strong
TS27: trigeminal V motor nucleus Very strong
TS27: ventral striatum Very strong
TS27: ventral tegmental area Very strong
TS27: vestibular nucleus Very strong
TS27: thalamus Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the polymodal sensory thalamus, ventral thalamus, and moderate in the anterior and lateral thalamus.
TS27: hypothalamus Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the periventricular region, the preoptic nucleus, and the paraventricular region and weak expression in the medial hypothalamus.
TS27: basal magnocellular complex Moderate
TS27: cerebral cortex Moderate
TS27: medial dorsal thalamic nucleus Moderate
TS27: septofimbrial nucleus Moderate
TS27: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Absent
TS27: cerebral hemisphere white matter Absent
TS27: dentate gyrus Absent
TS27: hippocampus CA1 Absent

Specimen Table 1 P1: postnatal day 1 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: main olfactory bulb Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the glomerular and the fascicular region.
TS27: pallidum Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the dorsal pallidum and is moderate in the ventral pallidum.
TS27: thalamus Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the polymodal sensory thalamus, ventral and lateral thalamus, and moderate in the anterior thalamus.
TS27: amygdala Very strong
TS27: arcuate nucleus Very strong
TS27: basal magnocellular complex Very strong
TS27: bed nucleus of stria terminalis Very strong
TS27: caudate-putamen Very strong
TS27: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Very strong
TS27: cerebellum molecular layer Very strong
TS27: cochlear nucleus Very strong
TS27: cuneate nucleus Very strong
TS27: dentate nucleus Very strong
TS27: dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve Very strong
TS27: edinger-westphal nucleus Very strong
TS27: facial nucleus Very strong
TS27: fastigial nucleus Very strong
TS27: hippocampus CA4 Very strong
TS27: hypoglossal nucleus Very strong
TS27: inferior colliculus Very strong
TS27: inferior olivary nucleus Very strong
TS27: lateral septal nucleus Very strong
TS27: mammillary body Very strong
TS27: nucleus ambiguus Very strong
TS27: oculomotor nucleus Very strong
TS27: paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus Very strong
TS27: pretectum Very strong
TS27: raphe nucleus Very strong
TS27: red nucleus Very strong
TS27: septofimbrial nucleus Very strong
TS27: solitary tract nucleus Very strong
TS27: substantia nigra Very strong
TS27: superior colliculus Very strong
TS27: superior olivary nucleus Very strong
TS27: suprachiasmatic nucleus Very strong
TS27: trigeminal V motor nucleus Very strong
TS27: ventral tegmental area Very strong
TS27: vestibular nucleus Very strong
TS27: hypothalamus Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the periventricular region, the preoptic nucleus, the paraventricular region, and in the medial hypothalamus.
TS27: accumbens nucleus Moderate
TS27: cerebral cortex Moderate
TS27: dorsal tegmental nucleus Moderate
TS27: periaqueductal grey Moderate
TS27: ventral striatum Moderate
TS27: dentate gyrus Weak
TS27: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Absent
TS27: cerebral hemisphere white matter Absent
TS27: hippocampus CA1 Absent

Specimen Table 1 P6: postnatal day 6 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: main olfactory bulb Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the glomerular and the fascicular regions.
TS28: amygdala Very strong
TS28: arcuate nucleus Very strong
TS28: basal magnocellular complex Very strong
TS28: bed nucleus of stria terminalis Very strong
TS28: caudate-putamen Very strong
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Very strong
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Very strong
TS28: cochlear nucleus Very strong
TS28: cuneate nucleus Very strong
TS28: dentate nucleus Very strong
TS28: dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve Very strong
TS28: dorsal tegmental nucleus Very strong
TS28: edinger-westphal nucleus Very strong
TS28: facial nucleus Very strong
TS28: fastigial nucleus Very strong
TS28: geniculate thalamic group Very strong
TS28: habenula Very strong
TS28: hippocampus CA4 Very strong
TS28: hypoglossal nucleus Very strong
TS28: hypothalamus periventricular region Very strong
TS28: inferior colliculus Very strong
TS28: inferior olivary nucleus Very strong
TS28: intralaminar thalamic group Very strong
TS28: lateral septal nucleus Very strong
TS28: mammillary body Very strong
TS28: nucleus ambiguus Very strong
TS28: pallidum Very strong
TS28: paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus Very strong
TS28: periaqueductal grey Very strong
TS28: pretectum Very strong
TS28: raphe nucleus Very strong
TS28: red nucleus Very strong
TS28: septofimbrial nucleus Very strong
TS28: substantia nigra Very strong
TS28: superior colliculus Very strong
TS28: superior olivary nucleus Very strong
TS28: suprachiasmatic nucleus Very strong
TS28: trigeminal V motor nucleus Very strong
TS28: ventral striatum Very strong
TS28: ventral tegmental area Very strong
TS28: vestibular nucleus Very strong
TS28: thalamus Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the lateral and ventral thalamus, and moderate in the anterior and the polymodal sensory thalamus.
TS28: hypothalamus Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the medial hypothalamus, the preoptic nucleus, and the paraventricular region.
TS28: accumbens nucleus Moderate
TS28: cerebral cortex Moderate
TS28: medial dorsal thalamic nucleus Moderate
TS28: oculomotor nucleus Moderate
TS28: solitary tract nucleus Moderate
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Absent
TS28: cerebral hemisphere white matter Absent
TS28: dentate gyrus Absent
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Absent

Specimen Table 1 P7: postnatal day 7 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: main olfactory bulb Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the glomerular and the fascicular regions.
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Very strong
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Very strong
TS28: cuneate nucleus Very strong
TS28: dentate nucleus Very strong
TS28: fastigial nucleus Very strong
TS28: hypoglossal nucleus Very strong
TS28: hypothalamus periventricular region Very strong
TS28: inferior colliculus Very strong
TS28: oculomotor nucleus Very strong
TS28: periaqueductal grey Very strong
TS28: raphe nucleus Very strong
TS28: superior colliculus Very strong
TS28: superior olivary nucleus Very strong
TS28: trigeminal V motor nucleus Very strong
TS28: hypothalamus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the medial hypothalamus, the preoptic nucleus, and the paraventricular region.
TS28: basal magnocellular complex Moderate
TS28: bed nucleus of stria terminalis Moderate
TS28: caudate-putamen Moderate
TS28: cerebral cortex Moderate
TS28: cochlear nucleus Moderate
TS28: dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve Moderate
TS28: dorsal tegmental nucleus Moderate
TS28: edinger-westphal nucleus Moderate
TS28: facial nucleus Moderate
TS28: geniculate thalamic group Moderate
TS28: habenula Moderate
TS28: inferior olivary nucleus Moderate
TS28: nucleus ambiguus Moderate
TS28: pallidum Moderate
TS28: paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus Moderate
TS28: pretectum Moderate
TS28: red nucleus Moderate
TS28: septofimbrial nucleus Moderate
TS28: solitary tract nucleus Moderate
TS28: substantia nigra Moderate
TS28: suprachiasmatic nucleus Moderate
TS28: ventral striatum Moderate
TS28: ventral tegmental area Moderate
TS28: vestibular nucleus Moderate
TS28: thalamus Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the lateral and ventral thalamus, and weak in the anterior and the polymodal sensory thalamus.
TS28: accumbens nucleus Weak
TS28: amygdala Weak
TS28: arcuate nucleus Weak
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Weak
TS28: hippocampus CA4 Weak
TS28: intralaminar thalamic group Weak
TS28: lateral septal nucleus Weak
TS28: mammillary body Weak
TS28: medial dorsal thalamic nucleus Weak
TS28: cerebral hemisphere white matter Absent

Specimen Table 1 P8: postnatal day 8 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: amygdala Very strong
TS28: arcuate nucleus Very strong
TS28: bed nucleus of stria terminalis Very strong
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Very strong
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Very strong
TS28: cochlear nucleus Very strong
TS28: cuneate nucleus Very strong
TS28: dentate nucleus Very strong
TS28: dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve Very strong
TS28: edinger-westphal nucleus Very strong
TS28: facial nucleus Very strong
TS28: fastigial nucleus Very strong
TS28: geniculate thalamic group Very strong
TS28: habenula Very strong
TS28: hypoglossal nucleus Very strong
TS28: hypothalamus periventricular region Very strong
TS28: inferior colliculus Very strong
TS28: inferior olivary nucleus Very strong
TS28: mammillary body Very strong
TS28: medial dorsal thalamic nucleus Very strong
TS28: nucleus ambiguus Very strong
TS28: oculomotor nucleus Very strong
TS28: paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus Very strong
TS28: periaqueductal grey Very strong
TS28: pretectum Very strong
TS28: red nucleus Very strong
TS28: solitary tract nucleus Very strong
TS28: substantia nigra Very strong
TS28: superior colliculus Very strong
TS28: superior olivary nucleus Very strong
TS28: suprachiasmatic nucleus Very strong
TS28: trigeminal V motor nucleus Very strong
TS28: ventral striatum Very strong
TS28: vestibular nucleus Very strong
TS28: main olfactory bulb Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the glomerular and the fascicular regions.
TS28: pallidum Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the dorsal pallidum and is moderate in the ventral pallidum.
TS28: thalamus Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the polymodal sensory thalamus, the anterior and ventral thalamus, and is weak in the lateral thalamus.
TS28: hypothalamus Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the medial hypothalamus, the preoptic nucleus, and the paraventricular region.
TS28: accumbens nucleus Moderate
TS28: basal magnocellular complex Moderate
TS28: caudate-putamen Moderate
TS28: cerebral cortex Moderate
TS28: dorsal tegmental nucleus Moderate
TS28: hippocampus CA4 Moderate
TS28: intralaminar thalamic group Moderate
TS28: lateral septal nucleus Moderate
TS28: raphe nucleus Moderate
TS28: ventral tegmental area Moderate
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Weak
TS28: septofimbrial nucleus Weak
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Absent
TS28: cerebral hemisphere white matter Absent
TS28: dentate gyrus Absent

Specimen Table 1 P9: postnatal day 9 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: amygdala Very strong
TS28: caudate-putamen Very strong
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Very strong
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Very strong
TS28: cerebral cortex Very strong
TS28: cochlear nucleus Very strong
TS28: cuneate nucleus Very strong
TS28: dentate nucleus Very strong
TS28: dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve Very strong
TS28: edinger-westphal nucleus Very strong
TS28: facial nucleus Very strong
TS28: fastigial nucleus Very strong
TS28: nucleus ambiguus Very strong
TS28: periaqueductal grey Very strong
TS28: pretectum Very strong
TS28: raphe nucleus Very strong
TS28: red nucleus Very strong
TS28: trigeminal V motor nucleus Very strong
TS28: ventral striatum Very strong
TS28: ventral tegmental area Very strong
TS28: main olfactory bulb Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the glomerular and the fascicular regions.
TS28: pallidum Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the dorsal pallidum and is weak in the ventral pallidum.
TS28: accumbens nucleus Moderate
TS28: arcuate nucleus Moderate
TS28: bed nucleus of stria terminalis Moderate
TS28: dorsal tegmental nucleus Moderate
TS28: habenula Moderate
TS28: hippocampus CA4 Moderate
TS28: hypoglossal nucleus Moderate
TS28: inferior colliculus Moderate
TS28: inferior olivary nucleus Moderate
TS28: intralaminar thalamic group Moderate
TS28: mammillary body Moderate
TS28: solitary tract nucleus Moderate
TS28: substantia nigra Moderate
TS28: superior colliculus Moderate
TS28: superior olivary nucleus Moderate
TS28: suprachiasmatic nucleus Moderate
TS28: vestibular nucleus Moderate
TS28: thalamus Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the anterior and ventral thalamus, and moderate in the lateral and the polymodal sensory thalamus.
TS28: hypothalamus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the medial hypothalamus, the preoptic nucleus, and the paraventricular region.
TS28: basal magnocellular complex Weak
TS28: geniculate thalamic group Weak
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Weak
TS28: hypothalamus periventricular region Weak
TS28: lateral septal nucleus Weak
TS28: medial dorsal thalamic nucleus Weak
TS28: oculomotor nucleus Weak
TS28: paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus Weak
TS28: septofimbrial nucleus Weak
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Absent
TS28: cerebral hemisphere white matter Absent
TS28: dentate gyrus Absent

Specimen Table 1 P10: postnatal day 10 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: accumbens nucleus Very strong
TS28: amygdala Very strong
TS28: arcuate nucleus Very strong
TS28: basal magnocellular complex Very strong
TS28: bed nucleus of stria terminalis Very strong
TS28: caudate-putamen Very strong
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Very strong
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Very strong
TS28: cerebral cortex Very strong
TS28: cochlear nucleus Very strong
TS28: cuneate nucleus Very strong
TS28: dentate nucleus Very strong
TS28: dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve Very strong
TS28: dorsal tegmental nucleus Very strong
TS28: fastigial nucleus Very strong
TS28: geniculate thalamic group Very strong
TS28: habenula Very strong
TS28: hippocampus CA4 Very strong
TS28: hypothalamus periventricular region Very strong
TS28: lateral septal nucleus Very strong
TS28: mammillary body Very strong
TS28: nucleus ambiguus Very strong
TS28: oculomotor nucleus Very strong
TS28: pallidum Very strong
TS28: periaqueductal grey Very strong
TS28: pretectum Very strong
TS28: septofimbrial nucleus Very strong
TS28: substantia nigra Very strong
TS28: suprachiasmatic nucleus Very strong
TS28: trigeminal V motor nucleus Very strong
TS28: ventral striatum Very strong
TS28: ventral tegmental area Very strong
TS28: vestibular nucleus Very strong
TS28: main olfactory bulb Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the glomerular and the fascicular regions.
TS28: edinger-westphal nucleus Moderate
TS28: facial nucleus Moderate
TS28: hypoglossal nucleus Moderate
TS28: inferior colliculus Moderate
TS28: inferior olivary nucleus Moderate
TS28: medial dorsal thalamic nucleus Moderate
TS28: paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus Moderate
TS28: raphe nucleus Moderate
TS28: red nucleus Moderate
TS28: solitary tract nucleus Moderate
TS28: superior colliculus Moderate
TS28: superior olivary nucleus Moderate
TS28: thalamus Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the lateral, anterior and the polymodal sensory thalamus, and weak expression in the ventral thalamus.
TS28: hypothalamus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the medial hypothalamus, the preoptic nucleus, and the paraventricular region.
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Weak
TS28: intralaminar thalamic group Weak
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Absent
TS28: cerebral hemisphere white matter Absent
TS28: dentate gyrus Absent

Specimen Table 1 P15: postnatal day 15 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: accumbens nucleus Very strong
TS28: arcuate nucleus Very strong
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Very strong
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Very strong
TS28: cerebral cortex Very strong
TS28: cochlear nucleus Very strong
TS28: fastigial nucleus Very strong
TS28: geniculate thalamic group Very strong
TS28: habenula Very strong
TS28: hypothalamus periventricular region Very strong
TS28: inferior colliculus Very strong
TS28: oculomotor nucleus Very strong
TS28: paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus Very strong
TS28: superior colliculus Very strong
TS28: suprachiasmatic nucleus Very strong
TS28: main olfactory bulb Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the glomerular and the fascicular regions.
TS28: thalamus Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the anterior thalamus and moderate expression is in the polymodal sensory thalamus, the ventral thalamus, and lateral thalamus.
TS28: hypothalamus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the medial hypothalamus, the preoptic nucleus, and the paraventricular region.
TS28: amygdala Moderate
TS28: basal magnocellular complex Moderate
TS28: bed nucleus of stria terminalis Moderate
TS28: caudate-putamen Moderate
TS28: cuneate nucleus Moderate
TS28: dentate nucleus Moderate
TS28: dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve Moderate
TS28: edinger-westphal nucleus Moderate
TS28: hippocampus CA4 Moderate
TS28: hypoglossal nucleus Moderate
TS28: inferior olivary nucleus Moderate
TS28: intralaminar thalamic group Moderate
TS28: lateral septal nucleus Moderate
TS28: mammillary body Moderate
TS28: medial dorsal thalamic nucleus Moderate
TS28: nucleus ambiguus Moderate
TS28: pallidum Moderate
TS28: periaqueductal grey Moderate
TS28: pretectum Moderate
TS28: raphe nucleus Moderate
TS28: red nucleus Moderate
TS28: septofimbrial nucleus Moderate
TS28: solitary tract nucleus Moderate
TS28: ventral striatum Moderate
TS28: ventral tegmental area Moderate
TS28: vestibular nucleus Moderate
TS28: dorsal tegmental nucleus Weak
TS28: facial nucleus Weak
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Weak
TS28: substantia nigra Weak
TS28: superior olivary nucleus Weak
TS28: trigeminal V motor nucleus Weak
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Absent
TS28: cerebral hemisphere white matter Absent
TS28: dentate gyrus Absent

Specimen Table 1 >/=30: postnatal day 30 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: accumbens nucleus Very strong
TS28: amygdala Very strong
TS28: arcuate nucleus Very strong
TS28: basal magnocellular complex Very strong
TS28: bed nucleus of stria terminalis Very strong
TS28: caudate-putamen Very strong
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Very strong
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Very strong
TS28: cerebral cortex Very strong
TS28: cochlear nucleus Very strong
TS28: dentate gyrus Very strong
TS28: dorsal tegmental nucleus Very strong
TS28: edinger-westphal nucleus Very strong
TS28: facial nucleus Very strong
TS28: fastigial nucleus Very strong
TS28: geniculate thalamic group Very strong
TS28: habenula Very strong
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Very strong
TS28: hippocampus CA4 Very strong
TS28: hypoglossal nucleus Very strong
TS28: hypothalamus periventricular region Very strong
TS28: inferior colliculus Very strong
TS28: intralaminar thalamic group Very strong
TS28: lateral septal nucleus Very strong
TS28: mammillary body Very strong
TS28: medial dorsal thalamic nucleus Very strong
TS28: nucleus ambiguus Very strong
TS28: oculomotor nucleus Very strong
TS28: pallidum Very strong
TS28: periaqueductal grey Very strong
TS28: raphe nucleus Very strong
TS28: red nucleus Very strong
TS28: septofimbrial nucleus Very strong
TS28: solitary tract nucleus Very strong
TS28: substantia nigra Very strong
TS28: superior colliculus Very strong
TS28: suprachiasmatic nucleus Very strong
TS28: trigeminal V motor nucleus Very strong
TS28: ventral striatum Very strong
TS28: vestibular nucleus Very strong
TS28: main olfactory bulb Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the glomerular and the fascicular regions.
TS28: thalamus Very strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the ventral thalamus and there is moderate expression in the polymodal sensory thalamus, the anterior and lateral thalamus.
TS28: hypothalamus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the medial hypothalamus, the preoptic nucleus, and the paraventricular region.
TS28: cuneate nucleus Moderate
TS28: dentate nucleus Moderate
TS28: dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve Moderate
TS28: inferior olivary nucleus Moderate
TS28: paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus Moderate
TS28: pretectum Moderate
TS28: ventral tegmental area Moderate
TS28: superior olivary nucleus Weak
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Absent
TS28: cerebral hemisphere white matter Absent

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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory