Transgene Detail
Symbol: |
Tg(Ntrk2-cre/ERT2)#Phep |
Name: |
transgene insertion, Paul A Heppenstall |
MGI:6201344 |
Synonyms: |
TrkBCreERT2 |
Transgene: |
Tg(Ntrk2-cre/ERT2)#Phep Location: unknown
Alliance: |
Tg(Ntrk2-cre/ERT2)#Phep page
Transgene Type: |
Transgenic (Inducible, Recombinase) |
Inducer: |
tamoxifen |
Mutation: |
Tg(Ntrk2-cre/ERT2)#Phep expression driven by
1 gene
Transgene expression driven by:
Organism |
Driver Gene |
Note |
mouse |
Ntrk2 (MGI:97384) |
Mutation details: A cassette containing a modified CreERT2-pA-Frt-Ampicillin-Frt was inserted in the first coding ATG of exon 2 into a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) containing the Ntrk2 mouse locus (RP23-391J8) deleting the entire coding region of exon 2. Purified BAC cDNA was purified and injected into pronuclei of B6D2F1/N oocytes or prepared for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Both methods produced transgenic offspring. Line numbers were not indicated. The pound symbol (#) is used when no line is specified and/or lines are pooled.
Activity: |
 Tissue activity of this recombinase allele
Mouse strains and cell lines
available from the International Mouse Strain Resource
(IMSR) |
Carrying this Mutation: |
Mouse Strains: 1 strain available
Cell Lines: 0 lines available
Original: |
J:265202 Dhandapani R, et al., Control of mechanical pain hypersensitivity in mice through ligand-targeted photoablation of TrkB-positive sensory neurons. Nat Commun. 2018 Apr 24;9(1):1640 |
All: |
2 reference(s) |