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Targeted Allele Detail
Symbol: Brs3tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Rei
Name: bombesin-like receptor 3; targeted mutation 3.1, Marc L Reitman
MGI ID: MGI:6259727
Synonyms: Brs3-2A-CreERT2, Brs3-Cre, BRS3-CreER
Gene: Brs3  Location: ChrX:56088434-56094118 bp, + strand  Genetic Position: ChrX, 30.78 cM, cytoband A7.1-A7.2
Alliance: Brs3tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Rei page
Germline Transmission:  Earliest citation of germline transmission: J:271513
Parent Cell Line:  TC1/TC-1 (ES Cell)
Strain of Origin:  129S6/SvEvTac
Allele Type:    Targeted (Hypomorph, Inducible, Recombinase)
Inducer:    tamoxifen
Mutation:    Insertion
Brs3tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Rei expression driven by 1 gene
Mutation detailsA targeting construct containing a 2A peptide, CreERT2 fusion gene, thymidine kinase polyadenylation signal sequence, followed by a FRT site flanked neo cassette was inserted into exon 3 of the targeted Brs3 gene into embryonic stem (ES) cells. The resulting chimeric animals were tested for germline transmission and were then bred to FLPo recombinase expressing mice to remove the neo cassette. (J:101977, J:271513)
 Tissue activity of this recombinase allele
Driver: Brs3 (mouse)
Summary of all recombinase alleles driven by Brs3.

Find Mice (IMSR)
Mouse strains and cell lines available from the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Carrying this Mutation:  Mouse Strains: 1 strain available      Cell Lines: 0 lines available
Carrying any Brs3 Mutation:  14 strains or lines available
Original:  J:271513 Pinol RA, et al., Brs3 neurons in the mouse dorsomedial hypothalamus regulate body temperature, energy expenditure, and heart rate, but not food intake. Nat Neurosci. 2018 Nov;21(11):1530-1540
All:  4 reference(s)

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory