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Assay Details
Reference: J:266809 Hino K, et al., Comparative Analysis of cul5 and rbx2 Expression in the Developing and Adult Murine Brain and Their Essentiality During Mouse Embryogenesis. Dev Dyn. 2018 Nov;247(11):1227-1236
Assay type: In situ reporter (knock in)
MGI Accession ID: MGI:6342798
Gene symbol: Cul5
Gene name: cullin 5
Reporter: lacZ
Direct Detection
Assay notes: Data was summarized in Table 1.
Specimen 2A: embryonic day 7.5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: embryo Strong 2A
TS11: extraembryonic component Present 2A Lower expression compared with the embryo.

Specimen 2B: embryonic day 9.5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS15: central nervous system Present 2B
TS15: limb bud Present 2B
TS15: telencephalon Strong Regionally restricted 2B Expressed in the neuroepithelium surrounding the telencephalic vesicle.
TS15: neural tube Strong 2B
TS15: diencephalon Strong Regionally restricted 2B Expressed in the neuroepithelium surrounding the III ventricle.

Specimen 2C: embryonic day 9.5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS15: 1st branchial arch mandibular component Present 2C
TS15: limb bud Present 2C
TS15: neural tube Strong 2C
TS15: diencephalon Strong Regionally restricted 2C Expressed in the neuroepithelium surrounding the III ventricle.

Specimen 2D: embryonic day 11.5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: central nervous system Present 2D
TS19: forelimb bud Present 2D
TS19: hindlimb bud Present 2D
TS19: midbrain Present 2D
TS19: neural tube Present 2D
TS19: telencephalon Present 2D

Specimen 2E: embryonic day 11.5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: central nervous system Present 2E
TS19: forelimb bud Present 2E
TS19: hindlimb bud Present 2E
TS19: lens vesicle Present 2E
TS19: neural retinal epithelium Present 2E
TS19: pigmented retinal epithelium Present 2E
TS19: rhombic lip Present 2E

Specimen 3A E14.5: embryonic day 14.5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: main olfactory bulb mitral cell layer Strong 3A E14.5
TS22: main olfactory bulb ventricular layer Absent 3A E14.5

Specimen 3A E16.5: embryonic day 16.5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: main olfactory bulb mitral cell layer Very strong 3A E16.5 Maintained and increased expression.
TS24: main olfactory bulb prospective glomerular layer Absent 3A E16.5
TS24: main olfactory bulb ventricular layer Absent 3A E16.5
TS24: main olfactory bulb prospective granule cell layer Weak 3A E16.5

Specimen 3A P0: postnatal day 0; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: main olfactory bulb mitral cell layer Very strong 3A P0 Maintained and increased expression.
TS27: main olfactory bulb glomerular layer Trace 3A P0 Very low.
TS27: main olfactory bulb granule cell layer Trace 3A P0 Very low.
TS27: main olfactory bulb subependymal zone Absent 3A P0
TS27: main olfactory bulb ventricular layer Absent 3A P0

Specimen 3A P5: postnatal day 5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: main olfactory bulb mitral cell layer Very strong 3A P5 Maintained and increased expression.
TS28: main olfactory bulb granule cell layer Moderate 3A P5 Increased expression.
TS28: main olfactory bulb subependymal zone Absent 3A P5
TS28: main olfactory bulb ventricular layer Absent 3A P5
TS28: main olfactory bulb glomerular layer Strong 3A P5

Specimen 3A AD: postnatal day 60-90; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: main olfactory bulb glomerular layer Very strong 3A AD Maintained and increased expression. Highest exxpression.
TS28: main olfactory bulb mitral cell layer Very strong 3A AD Maintained and increased expression. Highest exxpression.
TS28: main olfactory bulb granule cell layer Strong 3A AD Increased expression. Highest exxpression.
TS28: main olfactory bulb subependymal zone Absent 3A AD

Specimen 3B E14.5: embryonic day 14.5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: cerebral cortex ventricular layer Weak 3B E14.5
TS22: cortical plate Weak 3B E14.5
TS22: cortical subplate Moderate 3B E14.5 Moderate to strong expression.
TS22: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Absent 3B E14.5
TS22: cerebral cortex marginal layer Absent 3B E14.5

Specimen 3B E16.5: embryonic day 16.5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: cerebral cortex ventricular layer Strong 3B E16.5
TS24: cortical plate Strong 3B E16.5
TS24: cortical subplate Strong 3B E16.5
TS24: neocortex Moderate Regionally restricted 3B E16.5 Moderate expression in IV-V-VI layer. Low expression in II-III layer.
TS24: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Absent 3B E16.5
TS24: cerebral cortex marginal layer Absent 3B E16.5

Specimen 3B P0: postnatal day 0; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: cerebral cortex ventricular zone Strong 3B P0
TS27: cortical layer IV Strong 3B P0
TS27: cortical layer V Strong 3B P0
TS27: cortical layer VI Strong 3B P0
TS27: cortical layer II Weak 3B P0
TS27: cortical layer III Weak 3B P0
TS27: cortical subplate Weak 3B P0
TS27: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Absent 3B P0
TS27: cerebral cortex marginal zone Absent 3B P0

Specimen 3B P5: postnatal day 5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cortical layer IV Very strong 3B P5
TS28: cortical layer V Very strong 3B P5
TS28: cortical layer VI Very strong 3B P5
TS28: cortical layer II Strong 3B P5
TS28: cortical layer III Strong 3B P5
TS28: cerebral cortex marginal zone Absent 3B P5

Specimen 3B AD: postnatal day 60-90; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cortical layer II Strong 3B AD
TS28: cortical layer III Strong 3B AD
TS28: cortical layer IV Strong 3B AD
TS28: cortical layer V Strong 3B AD
TS28: cortical layer VI Strong 3B AD
TS28: cerebral cortex marginal zone Absent 3B AD

Specimen 3C E14.5: embryonic day 14.5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: hippocampus Moderate Regionally restricted 3C E14.5 Expressed in subiculum. No expression in the dentate gyrus.

Specimen 3C E16.5: embryonic day 16.5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: hippocampus Strong Regionally restricted 3C E16.5 Expressed in subiculum, CA1/CA2. Moderate expression in CA3. No expression in the dentate gyrus, fimbria/fornix.
TS24: fornix Absent 3C E16.5
TS24: hippocampus ventricular layer Present 3C E16.5
TS24: dentate gyrus primordium Present 3C E16.5 Expressed in the dentate neuroepithelium.

Specimen 3C P0: postnatal day 0; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: hippocampus CA1 Very strong 3C P0
TS27: hippocampus CA2 Very strong 3C P0
TS27: hippocampus CA3 Strong 3C P0
TS27: dentate gyrus granule cell layer Weak 3C P0
TS27: fimbria hippocampus Absent 3C P0
TS27: fornix Absent 3C P0
TS27: subiculum Moderate 3C P0
TS27: hippocampus Present Regionally restricted 3C P0 No expression in the alveus.

Specimen 3C P5: postnatal day 5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Very strong 3C P5
TS28: hippocampus CA2 Very strong 3C P5
TS28: hippocampus CA3 Strong 3C P5
TS28: subiculum Strong 3C P5
TS28: dentate gyrus granule cell layer Moderate 3C P5
TS28: fimbria hippocampus Absent 3C P5
TS28: fornix Absent 3C P5
TS28: hippocampus Present Regionally restricted 3C P5 No expression in the alveus.

Specimen 3C AD: postnatal day 60-90; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Very strong 3C AD
TS28: hippocampus CA2 Very strong 3C AD
TS28: subiculum Very strong 3C AD
TS28: dentate gyrus subgranular zone Strong 3C AD
TS28: hippocampus CA3 Strong 3C AD
TS28: dentate gyrus granule cell layer Moderate 3C AD
TS28: fimbria hippocampus Absent 3C AD
TS28: fornix Absent 3C AD
TS28: hippocampus Present Regionally restricted 3C AD No expression in the alveus.

Specimen 3D E14.5: embryonic day 14.5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: cerebral cortex ventricular layer Weak 3D E14.5
TS22: cortical plate Weak 3D E14.5
TS22: lateral ganglionic eminence Weak 3D E14.5
TS22: cortical subplate Moderate 3D E14.5 Moderate to strong expression.
TS22: subcommissural organ Very strong 3D E14.5

Specimen 3D P0: postnatal day 0; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: cortical subplate Weak 3D P0
TS27: caudate-putamen Strong 3D P0
TS27: cerebral cortex ventricular zone Strong 3D P0
TS27: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Absent 3D P0
TS27: cerebral cortex marginal zone Absent 3D P0
TS27: piriform cortex Very strong 3D P0
TS27: subcommissural organ Very strong 3D P0

Specimen 3D AD: postnatal day 60-90; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: caudate-putamen Moderate 3D AD
TS28: thalamus Moderate 3D AD
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Very strong 3D AD
TS28: hippocampus CA2 Very strong 3D AD
TS28: piriform cortex Very strong 3D AD
TS28: subcommissural organ Very strong 3D AD
TS28: cortical layer II Strong 3D AD
TS28: cortical layer III Strong 3D AD
TS28: cortical layer IV Strong 3D AD
TS28: cortical layer V Strong 3D AD
TS28: cortical layer VI Strong 3D AD
TS28: hippocampus CA3 Strong 3D AD
TS28: medial habenular nucleus Strong 3D AD
TS28: hypothalamus Strong 3D AD Expressed in most nuclei. Moderate expression in arcuate nuclei.

Specimen 4A E14.5: embryonic day 14.5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: cerebellum Present 4A E14.5
TS22: medulla oblongata Present 4A E14.5
TS22: superior colliculus Present 4A E14.5

Specimen 4A P0: postnatal day 0; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Very strong 4A P0
TS27: cerebellum external granule cell layer Weak 4A P0
TS27: brainstem reticular formation Present 4A P0
TS27: inferior colliculus Present 4A P0
TS27: medial vestibular nucleus Present 4A P0
TS27: trigeminal V spinal sensory nucleus Present 4A P0

Specimen 4A AD: postnatal day 60-90; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Very strong 4A AD
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Strong 4A AD

Specimen 4B P5: postnatal day 5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Very strong 4B P5
TS28: cerebellum external granule cell layer Weak 4B P5
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Weak 4B P5

Specimen 4B AD: postnatal day 60-90; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Very strong 4B AD
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Strong Non-Uniform 4B AD Expressed in a subset of cells.
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Weak Non-Uniform 4B AD Expressed in a subset of cells.

Specimen 4C E16.5: embryonic day 16.5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: brainstem nucleus Present Regionally restricted 4C E16.5 Expressed in the inferior olivary nucleus.

Specimen 4C P0: postnatal day 0; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: inferior olivary nucleus Strong 4C P0
TS27: area postrema Strong 4C P0 Strong to very strong.

Specimen 4C P5: postnatal day 5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: inferior olivary nucleus Strong 4C P5
TS28: area postrema Very strong 4C P5

Specimen 4C AD: postnatal day 60-90; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: area postrema Strong 4C AD
TS28: cuneate nucleus Strong 4C AD
TS28: inferior olivary nucleus Strong 4C AD

Specimen not shown: embryonic day 18.5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: caudate-putamen Very strong
TS26: cerebral cortex ventricular zone Very strong
TS26: hippocampus CA1 Very strong
TS26: hippocampus CA2 Very strong
TS26: main olfactory bulb mitral cell layer Very strong
TS26: parafascicular nucleus Very strong
TS26: subcommissural organ Very strong
TS26: accumbens nucleus Absent
TS26: cerebral cortex marginal zone Absent
TS26: fornix Absent
TS26: main olfactory bulb glomerular layer Absent
TS26: main olfactory bulb ventricular layer Absent
TS26: reticular thalamic nucleus Absent
TS26: dentate gyrus Weak
TS26: hypoglossal nucleus Weak
TS26: inferior colliculus Weak
TS26: main olfactory bulb prospective granule cell layer Weak
TS26: neocortex Very strong Regionally restricted Very strong expression in IV-V-VI layer. Moderate expression in II-III layer. Expressed in the cingular-retrosplenial cortex.
TS26: amygdala Strong
TS26: cortical plate Strong
TS26: cortical subplate Strong
TS26: habenula Strong
TS26: inferior olivary nucleus Strong
TS26: periaqueductal grey Strong
TS26: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Trace
TS26: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Moderate
TS26: hippocampus CA3 Moderate
TS26: substantia nigra Moderate
TS26: superior colliculus Moderate
TS26: hippocampus Moderate Regionally restricted Expressed in the subiculum. No expression in alvenus.
TS26: telencephalon septum Strong Regionally restricted Expressed in the medial septum. Moderate to strong expression in the dorso-lateral septum.
TS26: main olfactory bulb Strong Regionally restricted Expressed in teniae tecta.
TS26: lateral geniculate nucleus Strong Strong to very strong.
TS26: midbrain tegmentum Moderate Regionally restricted Moderate to strong expression in the dorsal raphe.
TS26: brainstem nucleus Strong Regionally restricted Expressed in the pontine migratory stream, vestibular nuclei, solitary tract nucleus, cochlear and facial nuclei. Very strong expression in tegmental pontine nuclei. Moderate expression in the cuneate nucleus. Weak expression in dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve.
TS26: trigeminal nucleus Strong Regionally restricted Expressed in spinal trigeminal nucleus.
TS26: brainstem Moderate Regionally restricted Expressed in reticular formation.
TS26: medulla oblongata Strong Regionally restricted Expressed in area postrema.

Specimen not shown: embryonic day 14.5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: neocortex Weak Regionally restricted Expressed in the cingular-retrosplenial cortex.
TS22: caudate-putamen Strong
TS22: lateral geniculate nucleus Strong
TS22: main olfactory bulb Moderate Regionally restricted Expressed in taenia tecta.
TS22: amygdala Trace
TS22: thalamic nucleus Strong Regionally restricted Strong expression in the lateral nuleus, weak to moderate expression in other nuclei.
TS22: hypothalamus Strong Regionally restricted Expressed in arcuate and paraventricular nuclei. No expression in ventral and dorsal nuclei.
TS22: reticular thalamic nucleus Absent
TS22: habenula Very strong
TS22: midbrain Strong Regionally restricted Expressed in the periaqueductal gray area. Moderate expression in the substantia Nigra.
TS22: inferior colliculus Weak
TS22: superior colliculus Weak
TS22: midbrain tegmentum Moderate Regionally restricted Expressed in the dorsal raphe.
TS22: rhombic lip Moderate Regionally restricted Expressed in the lateral/caudal side.
TS22: brain nucleus Very strong Regionally restricted Expressed in tegmental pontine nuclei and vestibular nuclei. Weak expression in the cuneate nucleus, pontine migratory stream, dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve and hypoglossal nucleus. Strong expression in the solitary tract nucleus, cochlear, inferior olive and facial nuclei. Moderate expression in the spinal trigeminal nucleus.
TS22: brainstem Moderate Regionally restricted Expressed in reticular formation.
TS22: medulla oblongata Moderate Regionally restricted Expressed in area postrema.

Specimen not shown: embryonic day 16.5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: neocortex Moderate Regionally restricted Expressed in the cingular-retrosplenial cortex.
TS24: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Moderate
TS24: inferior colliculus Moderate
TS24: telencephalon septum Moderate Regionally restricted Expressed in the dorso-lateral septum. Weak expression in the medial septum.
TS24: amygdala Strong
TS24: caudate-putamen Strong
TS24: habenula Strong
TS24: lateral geniculate nucleus Strong
TS24: superior colliculus Strong
TS24: main olfactory bulb Strong Regionally restricted Expressed in teniae tecta.
TS24: thalamic nucleus Strong Regionally restricted Expressed in medial and lateral nuclei. Moderate expression in dorsal and ventral nuclei.
TS24: parafascicular nucleus Very strong
TS24: subcommissural organ Very strong
TS24: hypothalamic nucleus Strong Regionally restricted Expressed in the ventral and arcuate nuclei. Moderate expression in the dorsal nuclei.
TS24: reticular thalamic nucleus Absent
TS24: midbrain tegmentum Moderate Regionally restricted Expressed in the dorsal raphe.
TS24: midbrain Very strong Regionally restricted Expressed in the periaqueductal gray area. Moderate expression in the substantia Nigra.
TS24: rhombic lip Moderate Regionally restricted Expressed in the lateral/caudal side.
TS24: brain nucleus Trace Regionally restricted Expressed in the accumbens nucleus.
TS24: brainstem nucleus Strong Regionally restricted Expressed in the pontine migratory stream, vestibular nuclei, cochlear nuclei. Very strong expression in tegmental pontine nuclei and facial nuclei. Weak expression in hypoglossal nucleus.

Specimen not shown: postnatal day 0; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: cingulate cortex Moderate Expressed in the cingular-retrosplenial cortex.
TS27: brainstem reticular formation Moderate
TS27: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Moderate
TS27: cuneate nucleus Moderate
TS27: dorsal raphe nucleus Moderate
TS27: facial nucleus Moderate
TS27: globus pallidus Moderate
TS27: inferior colliculus Moderate
TS27: substantia nigra Moderate
TS27: superior colliculus Moderate
TS27: vestibular nucleus Moderate
TS27: accumbens nucleus Weak
TS27: dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve Weak
TS27: hypoglossal nucleus Weak
TS27: lateral septal complex Moderate Dorso-lateral septum.
TS27: medial septal complex Moderate Moderate to strong expression.
TS27: amygdala Strong
TS27: cochlear nucleus Strong
TS27: habenula Strong
TS27: parafascicular nucleus Strong
TS27: periaqueductal grey Strong
TS27: reticular thalamic nucleus Strong
TS27: solitary tract nucleus Strong
TS27: taenia tecta Strong
TS27: arcuate nucleus Strong Strong to very strong.
TS27: hypothalamic nucleus Strong Regionally restricted Expressed in the ventral nuclei. Weak expression in the dorsal nuclei.
TS27: thalamic nucleus Strong Regionally restricted Expressed in the ventral and lateral nuclei. Moderate expression in the dorsal and medial nuclei.
TS27: pontine nucleus Very strong Expressed in the pontine migratory stream (strong) and tegmental pontine nuclei.

Specimen not shown: postnatal day 5; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cingulate cortex Strong Expressed in the cingular-retrosplenial cortex.
TS28: accumbens nucleus Strong
TS28: amygdala Strong
TS28: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Strong
TS28: cochlear nucleus Strong
TS28: cuneate nucleus Strong
TS28: dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve Strong
TS28: dorsal raphe nucleus Strong
TS28: facial nucleus Strong
TS28: habenula Strong
TS28: solitary tract nucleus Strong
TS28: taenia tecta Strong
TS28: caudate-putamen Very strong
TS28: subcommissural organ Very strong
TS28: lateral septal complex Strong Dorso-lateral septum.
TS28: brainstem reticular formation Moderate
TS28: globus pallidus Moderate
TS28: inferior colliculus Moderate
TS28: medial septal complex Moderate
TS28: reticular thalamic nucleus Moderate
TS28: substantia nigra Moderate
TS28: superior colliculus Moderate
TS28: trigeminal V spinal sensory nucleus Moderate
TS28: hypoglossal nucleus Weak
TS28: parafascicular nucleus Weak
TS28: vestibular nucleus Weak
TS28: arcuate nucleus Moderate Moderate to strong expression.
TS28: periaqueductal grey Moderate Moderate to strong expression.
TS28: thalamic nucleus Strong Regionally restricted Expressed in the ventral, medial and lateral nuclei. Moderate expression in the dorsal nuclei.
TS28: hypothalamic nucleus Strong Regionally restricted Expressed in the ventral nuclei. Weak expression in the dorsal nuclei.
TS28: pontine nucleus Very strong Expressed in the pontine migratory stream (strong) and tegmental pontine nuclei.

Specimen not shown: postnatal day 60-90; Cul5Gt(AA0096)Wtsi/Cul5+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cingulate cortex Strong Expressed in the cingular-retrosplenial cortex.
TS28: amygdala Strong
TS28: entorhinal cortex Strong
TS28: facial nucleus Strong
TS28: hypothalamic nucleus Strong
TS28: parafascicular nucleus Strong
TS28: superior colliculus Strong
TS28: taenia tecta Strong
TS28: accumbens nucleus Moderate
TS28: arcuate nucleus Moderate
TS28: brainstem reticular formation Moderate
TS28: dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve Moderate
TS28: dorsal raphe nucleus Moderate
TS28: globus pallidus Moderate
TS28: inferior colliculus Moderate
TS28: medial septal complex Moderate
TS28: periaqueductal grey Moderate
TS28: reticular thalamic nucleus Moderate
TS28: trigeminal V spinal sensory nucleus Moderate
TS28: lateral septal complex Strong Dorso-lateral septum.
TS28: thalamic nucleus Moderate Expressed in all the nuclei.
TS28: hypoglossal nucleus Weak
TS28: substantia nigra Weak
TS28: vestibular nucleus Weak
TS28: pontine nucleus Very strong Expressed in the pontine migratory stream and tegmental pontine nuclei.
TS28: cochlear nucleus Very strong
TS28: solitary tract nucleus Strong Strong to very strong.

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