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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:181231 Garcia-Lax N, et al., Developmental expression pattern of hspb8 mRNA in the mouse brain: analysis through online databases. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2012 Mar;295(3):492-503
Assay type: RNA in situ
MGI Accession ID: MGI:6368633
Gene symbol: Hspb8
Gene name: heat shock protein 8
Probe: Hspb8_riboprobe1
Probe preparation: Antisense labelled with digoxigenin RNA
Visualized with: Alkaline phosphatase
Assay notes: Specimens are post-fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde.
Specimen 1A: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 100046149.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: heart Strong 1A
TS19: nasal epithelium Strong 1A
TS19: oral epithelium Strong 1A
TS19: face Strong Regionally restricted 1A Expression is in the facial epithelia.
TS19: head surface ectoderm Strong Regionally restricted 1A Expression is in the facial epithelia.
TS19: forebrain Present Regionally restricted 1A , 1B Expression is in the anlage of the hippocampus abutting the cortical hem and is absent in the cortical hem.
TS19: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 1A Expression is in the choroid plexus.
TS19: hindbrain ventricular layer Present Regionally restricted 1A , 1C Expression is in rhombomere 4.
TS19: surface ectoderm Present Regionally restricted 1A Expression is strong in the facial epithelia and weaker in the rest of the body skin.
TS19: embryo mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 1A Expression is in the mesenchyme surrounding the neural tube.
TS19: brain Present Regionally restricted 1B , 1A Expression is in the choroidal stroma or mesenchymal component of the choroid plexus and is absent in the neural-derived choroidal epithelium.
TS19: telencephalon Weak Regionally restricted 1A Expression is in the neocortical anlage.

Specimen 1D: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 100046149.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: heart Strong 1D
TS19: nasal epithelium Strong 1D
TS19: oral epithelium Strong 1D
TS19: face Strong Regionally restricted 1D Expression is in the facial epithelia.
TS19: head surface ectoderm Strong Regionally restricted 1D Expression is in the facial epithelia.
TS19: forebrain Present Regionally restricted 1E , 1D Expression is in the anlage of the hippocampus abutting the cortical hem and is absent in the cortical hem.
TS19: surface ectoderm Present Regionally restricted 1D Expression is strong in the facial epithelia and weaker in the rest of the body skin.
TS19: embryo mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 1D Expression is in the mesenchyme surrounding the neural tube.
TS19: brain Present Regionally restricted 1D , 1E Expression is in the choroidal stroma or mesenchymal component of the choroid plexus and is absent in the neural-derived choroidal epithelium.

Specimen 1G: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 100045915.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: forebrain Present Regionally restricted 1G Expression is in the hippocampus.

Specimen 1H: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 100045915.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: 4th ventricle choroid plexus Present 1H , 1I
TS21: lateral ventricle choroid plexus Present 1H , 1I

Specimen 1L: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 100083451.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: hippocampus Present Regionally restricted 1L , 1M Expression is ventral corresponding to the dentate gyrus and in the migratory stream dervied from it adjacent to the fimbriodentate junction.
TS23: dentate gyrus primordium Present 1L , 1M
TS23: cranial ganglion Present 1L
TS23: glossopharyngeal ganglion Present 1L
TS23: spinal ganglion Present 1L
TS23: brain meninges Present Regionally restricted 1L Expression is in the mesenchymal tissue condensing to form the meninges.
TS23: head mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 1L Expression is in the mesenchymal tissue condensing to form the meninges.

Specimen 1N: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 100083451.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: trigeminal nucleus Present Regionally restricted 1N Expression is in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus.

Specimen 2A: embryonic day 18.5 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 100054804.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: globus pallidus Present Scattered 2A , 2B
TS26: pallidum Present Scattered 2A , 2B
TS26: brain meninges Present 2A
TS26: choroid plexus Present 2A

Specimen 2C: embryonic day 18.5 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 100054804.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: dentate gyrus Present Regionally restricted 2C Expression is in the migratory stream of the dentate gyrus occupying a subpial position and is weak in the granular cell layer.
TS26: hippocampus Present Regionally restricted 2C Expression is in the migratory stream of the dentate gyrus occupying a subpial position and is weak in the granular cell layer.

Specimen 2D: postnatal day 4 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 100055017.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: dentate gyrus Present Regionally restricted 2D Expression is in the migratory stream of the dentate gyrus occupying a subpial position.
TS28: hippocampus Present Regionally restricted 2D Expression is in the migratory stream of the dentate gyrus occupying a subpial position.
TS28: anterior dorsal thalamic nucleus Present Uniform 2D
TS28: hippocampus granule cell layer Weak 2D

Specimen 2E: postnatal day 4 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 100055017.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Present 2E
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Present 2E

Specimen 2F: postnatal day 4 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 100055017.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Present 2F
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Present 2F

Specimen 2K: postnatal day 14 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 100076179.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Strong 2M , 2K
TS28: trigeminal V mesencephalic nucleus Strong 2K
TS28: brainstem nucleus Strong Regionally restricted 2K Expression is in motoneurons of the cranial motor nuclei.
TS28: accumbens nucleus Present Scattered 2K
TS28: brainstem reticular formation Present Scattered 2K
TS28: corpus striatum Present Scattered 2K
TS28: medial septal complex Present Scattered 2K
TS28: nucleus of diagonal band Present Scattered 2K
TS28: trigeminal V sensory nucleus Present Scattered 2K
TS28: vestibular nucleus Present Scattered 2K
TS28: amygdala Present Scattered 2K There is scattered expression in the extended and central amygdala.
TS28: brainstem Present Scattered 2K Expression is in the lateral lemniscus.
TS28: hippocampus granule cell layer Present Regionally restricted 2L , 2K There is some basal expression.
TS28: hippocampus pyramidal cell layer Present Regionally restricted 2L , 2K There is some basal expression.
TS28: dentate gyrus Absent 2L , 2K

Specimen 2N: postnatal day 28 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 100040813.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: trigeminal V mesencephalic nucleus Strong 2N
TS28: brainstem Strong Regionally restricted 2N Expression is in motoneurons of the cranial motor nuclei.
TS28: accumbens nucleus Present Scattered 2N
TS28: brainstem reticular formation Present Scattered 2N
TS28: medial septal complex Present Scattered 2N
TS28: nucleus of diagonal band Present Scattered 2N
TS28: pontine nucleus Present Scattered 2N
TS28: trigeminal V sensory nucleus Present Scattered 2N
TS28: vestibular nucleus Present Scattered 2N
TS28: amygdala Present Scattered 2N There is scattered expression in the extended and central amygdala.
TS28: corpus striatum Present Scattered 2P , 2N

Specimen 2O: postnatal day 28 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 100040813.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: trigeminal V mesencephalic nucleus Strong 2O , 2Q
TS28: brainstem nucleus Strong Regionally restricted 2O , 2Q Expression is in motoneurons of the cranial motor nuclei.
TS28: locus coeruleus Weak Uniform 2Q , 2O

Specimen 3A: postnatal day 56 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 77866850.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Strong Single cells 3A , 3K Expression is weak and homogeneous throughout the layer.
TS28: trigeminal V mesencephalic nucleus Strong 3A
TS28: brainstem nucleus Strong Regionally restricted 3A Expression is in motoneurons of the cranial motor nuclei.
TS28: brainstem reticular formation Present Single cells 3A
TS28: cochlear nucleus Present Single cells 3A
TS28: cuneate nucleus Present Single cells 3A
TS28: lateral medullary reticular formation Present Single cells 3A
TS28: lateral reticular nucleus Present Single cells 3A
TS28: medullary reticular formation Present Single cells 3A
TS28: reticular tegmental nucleus Present Single cells 3A
TS28: solitary tract nucleus Present Single cells 3A
TS28: trigeminal V principal sensory nucleus Present Single cells 3A
TS28: trigeminal V spinal sensory nucleus Present Single cells 3A
TS28: vestibular nucleus Present Single cells 3A
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Absent 3A , 3K
TS28: cerebellum white matter Absent 3A , 3K

Specimen 3B: postnatal day 56 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 77866850.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum internal granule cell layer Strong Single cells 3B Expression is weak and homogeneous throughout the layer.
TS28: trigeminal V mesencephalic nucleus Strong 3B
TS28: brainstem nucleus Strong Regionally restricted 3B Expression is in motoneurons of the cranial motor nuclei.
TS28: abducens nucleus Present Single cells 3B
TS28: gigantocellular reticular nucleus Present Single cells 3B
TS28: raphe nucleus Present Single cells 3B
TS28: locus coeruleus Weak Uniform 3B
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Absent 3B
TS28: cerebellum white matter Absent 3B

Specimen 3C: postnatal day 56 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 77866850.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: trigeminal V mesencephalic nucleus Strong 3C
TS28: brainstem nucleus Strong Regionally restricted 3C Expression is in motoneurons of the cranial motor nuclei.
TS28: pontine nucleus Present Single cells 3C
TS28: trigeminal V spinal sensory nucleus Present Single cells 3C
TS28: locus coeruleus Weak Uniform 3C

Specimen 3D: postnatal day 56 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 77866850.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: trigeminal V mesencephalic nucleus Strong 3D
TS28: brainstem nucleus Strong Regionally restricted 3D Expression is in motoneurons of the cranial motor nuclei.
TS28: laterodorsal tegmental nucleus Present Single cells 3D
TS28: locus coeruleus Present Single cells 3D
TS28: pontine nucleus Present Single cells 3D
TS28: trigeminal V principal sensory nucleus Present Single cells 3D

Specimen 3E: postnatal day 56 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 77866850.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brainstem nucleus Present Regionally restricted 3E Expression is in motoneurons of the cranial motor nuclei.
TS28: edinger-westphal nucleus Present Single cells 3E
TS28: interpeduncular nucleus Present Single cells 3E
TS28: midbrain tegmentum Present Single cells 3E
TS28: pontine nucleus Present Single cells 3E
TS28: red nucleus Present Single cells 3E
TS28: reticular tegmental nucleus Present Single cells 3E

Specimen 3F: postnatal day 56 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 77866850.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: lateral mammillary nucleus Present 3F

Specimen 3G: postnatal day 56 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 77866850.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: arcuate nucleus Present 3G

Specimen 3H: postnatal day 56 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 77866850.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: medial habenular nucleus Weak 3H

Specimen 3I: postnatal day 56 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 77866850.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: corpus striatum Present 3I
TS28: globus pallidus Present 3I
TS28: medial septal nucleus Present 3I
TS28: nucleus of diagonal band Present 3I
TS28: amygdala Present Regionally restricted 3I Expression is in the extended and central amygdala.
TS28: pallidum Present Regionally restricted 3I Expression is in the ventral pallidum.
TS28: anterior dorsal thalamic nucleus Moderate Uniform 3I

Specimen 3J: postnatal day 56 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 77866850.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: globus pallidus Present 3J
TS28: medial septal nucleus Present 3J
TS28: nucleus of diagonal band Present 3J
TS28: amygdala Present Regionally restricted 3J Expression is in the extended and central amygdala.
TS28: pallidum Present Regionally restricted 3J Expression is in the ventral pallidum.
TS28: corpus striatum Present Regionally restricted 3M , 3J

Specimen 3L: postnatal day 56 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 77866850.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: trigeminal V mesencephalic nucleus Strong Single cells 3L
TS28: locus coeruleus Present Single cells 3L

Specimen 3O: postnatal month 24 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 100084595.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brainstem nucleus Present Regionally restricted 3O , 3Q , 3P , 3R Expression is in motoneurons of the cranial motor nuclei.
TS28: corpus striatum Present Single cells 3O , 3P
TS28: accumbens nucleus Present Single cells 3O , 3Q
TS28: trigeminal V principal sensory nucleus Present Single cells 3R , 3O

Specimen 3S: postnatal month 24 (more )
Note: Allen Brain Atlas specimen 100084595.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: anterior dorsal thalamic nucleus Present Single cells 3T , 3S

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory