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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:229005 Gordon A, et al., Expression of Cntnap2 (Caspr2) in multiple levels of sensory systems. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2016 Jan;70:42-53
Assay type: In situ reporter (knock in)
MGI Accession ID: MGI:7261408
Gene symbol: Cntnap2
Gene name: contactin associated protein-like 2
Reporter: lacZ
Direct Detection
Assay notes: Fixative of adult brains, developing brains, spinal cord, and optic nerves was 1% paraformaldehyde followed by 0.5% glutaraldehyde. Adult cochlea were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.2% glutaraldehyde. Retinas and olfactory system were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde.
Specimen Table 1: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: amygdaloid nucleus Present
TS28: anterior cortical amygdaloid nucleus Present
TS28: anterior dorsal thalamic nucleus Present
TS28: anterior medial thalamic nucleus Present
TS28: anterior tegmental nucleus Present
TS28: anterior ventral thalamic nucleus Present
TS28: caudate-putamen Present
TS28: central amygdaloid nucleus Present
TS28: central medial thalamic nucleus Present
TS28: cerebral internal capsule Present
TS28: cuneate nucleus Present
TS28: dentate nucleus Present
TS28: dorsal cochlear nucleus Present
TS28: dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus Present
TS28: fasciculus retroflexus Present
TS28: fimbria hippocampus Present
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Present
TS28: hippocampus CA2 Present
TS28: hypoglossal nucleus Present
TS28: hypothalamus medial zone tuberal area Present
TS28: indusium griseum Present
TS28: insular cortex Present
TS28: interpeduncular nucleus Present
TS28: lateral habenular nucleus Present
TS28: lateral mammillary nucleus Present
TS28: lateral preoptic nucleus Present
TS28: laterodorsal tegmental nucleus Present
TS28: medial dorsal thalamic nucleus Present
TS28: medial geniculate nucleus Present
TS28: medial habenular nucleus Present
TS28: medial mammillary nucleus Present
TS28: medial preoptic nucleus Present
TS28: median eminence Present
TS28: nucleus of trapezoid body Present
TS28: paraventricular thalamic nucleus Present
TS28: piriform cortex Present
TS28: posterior thalamic group Present
TS28: primary somatosensory cortex Present
TS28: solitary tract nucleus Present
TS28: substantia nigra pars compacta Present
TS28: subthalamic nucleus Present
TS28: superior colliculus Present
TS28: suprachiasmatic nucleus Present
TS28: supramammillary nucleus Present
TS28: trigeminal V principal sensory nucleus Present
TS28: trigeminal ganglion Present
TS28: ventral lateral geniculate nucleus Present
TS28: ventral lateral thalamic nucleus Present
TS28: ventral medial thalamic nucleus Present
TS28: ventral posterior lateral thalamic nucleus Present
TS28: ventral posterior medial thalamic nucleus Present
TS28: ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus Present
TS28: amygdalohippocampal area Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the amygdalohippocampal area posterior medial.
TS28: thalamic nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the xiphoid thalamic nucleus, submedius thalamic nucleus, posterior limitans thalamic nucleus, paracentral thalamic nucleus, nucleus ansa lenticularis, laterodorsal thalamic nucleus dorsomedia, laterodorsal thalamic nucleus ventrolateral and lateral posterior thalamic nucleus mediocaudal.
TS28: anterior pretectal nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the anterior pretectal nucleus dorsal.
TS28: arcuate nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is arcuate hypothalamic nucleus.
TS28: pallidum Present Regionally restricted Expression is ventral.
TS28: inferior colliculus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the brachium inferior colliculus and external cortex inferior colliculus.
TS28: bed nucleus of stria terminalis Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis lateral division posterior, ventral and medial.
TS28: pons Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the central gray pons and in transverse fibers.
TS28: fornix Present Regionally restricted Expression is dorsal.
TS28: orbital area Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the dorsolateral orbital cortex.
TS28: periaqueductal grey Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the dorsal lateral and dorsomedial periaqueductal gray area.
TS28: pontine nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the dorsomedial pontine nucleus.
TS28: trigeminal V spinal sensory nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the dorsomedial spinal trigeminal nucleus.
TS28: optic tract Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the dorsal terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract and lateral terminal nucleus accessory optic tract.
TS28: cochlear nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the granular layer cochlear nucleus.
TS28: nucleus of diagonal band Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the nucleus horizontal limb diagonal band.
TS28: anterior commissure Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the interstriatal nucleus posterior limb-anterior commissure lateral and medial.
TS28: parabrachial nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is central and dorsal.
TS28: lateral septal nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is dorsal and intermediate.
TS28: inferior olivary nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the lateral superior olive.
TS28: neocortex region Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the medial orbital cortex.
TS28: preoptic area Present Regionally restricted Expression is medial.
TS28: vestibular nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the medial vestibular nucleus mediocaudal and paravicel.
TS28: paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the paraventricular hypothalamic anterior parvicellular and ventral.
TS28: brain nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the precommissural nucleus.
TS28: nerve fiber tract Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the pyramidal tract.
TS28: raphe nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the raphe capsule.
TS28: periolivary nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the rostral periolivary region.
TS28: midbrain tegmentum Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the paralemniscal nucleus and in the visual tegmental relay zone and in the retrorubral field.
TS28: hypothalamic nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the terete hypothalamus.
TS28: ventral cochlear nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is posterior.

Specimen 2A: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Note: The areas of expression are detailed in Table 1.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present 2A

Specimen 2B: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Note: The areas of expression are detailed in Table 1.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present 2B

Specimen 2C: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Note: The areas of expression are detailed in Table 1.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present 2C

Specimen 2D: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Note: The areas of expression are detailed in Table 1.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present 2D

Specimen 2E: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Note: The areas of expression are detailed in Table 1.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present 2E

Specimen 2F: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Note: The areas of expression are detailed in Table 1.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present 2F

Specimen 2G: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Note: The areas of expression are detailed in Table 1.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present 2G

Specimen 2H: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Note: The areas of expression are detailed in Table 1.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present 2H

Specimen 2I: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Note: The areas of expression are detailed in Table 1.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present 2I

Specimen 2J: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Note: The areas of expression are detailed in Table 1.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present 2J

Specimen 2K: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Note: The areas of expression are detailed in Table 1.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present 2K

Specimen 2L: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Note: The areas of expression are detailed in Table 1.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present 2L

Specimen 3A: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebral cortex Strong Regionally restricted 3A Expression is in the dorsolateral orbital cortex.

Specimen 3B: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebral cortex Strong 3B
TS28: hippocampus Strong 3B

Specimen 3C: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: lateral septal nucleus Present 3C

Specimen 3D: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: indusium griseum Present 3D

Specimen 3E: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: medial habenular nucleus Strong 3E

Specimen 3F: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain nucleus Present Regionally restricted 3F Expression is in the interstriatal nucleus of the posterior limb of the anterior commissure, lateral part.

Specimen 3G: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: substantia nigra Present 3G

Specimen 3H: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: interpeduncular nucleus Strong 3H
TS28: pontine nucleus Strong 3H

Specimen 3I: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: medial mammillary nucleus Strong 3I

Specimen 4A E18: embryonic day 18.0; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: cerebral cortex Present Regionally restricted 4A E18 Expression is at the surface.
TS26: brainstem Strong 4A E18
TS26: hypothalamus Strong 4A E18
TS26: thalamus Strong 4A E18

Specimen 4A P0: postnatal day 0; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: cerebral cortex Present Regionally restricted 4A P0 Expression is at the surface.
TS27: brainstem Strong 4A P0
TS27: hypothalamus Strong 4A P0
TS27: inferior colliculus Strong 4A P0
TS27: superior colliculus Strong 4A P0
TS27: thalamus Strong 4A P0

Specimen 4A P7: postnatal day 7; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: neocortex layer Present 4A P7 Expression is in many layers of the cortex.

Specimen 4A P14: postnatal day 14; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum white matter Present 4A P14
TS28: cortical layer I Present 4A P14
TS28: cortical layer II Present 4A P14
TS28: cortical layer III Present 4A P14
TS28: cortical layer IV Present 4A P14
TS28: cortical layer V Present 4A P14
TS28: cortical layer VI Present 4A P14
TS28: main olfactory bulb Present 4A P14

Specimen 4A Adult: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum white matter Present 4A Adult
TS28: cortical layer I Present 4A Adult
TS28: cortical layer II Present 4A Adult
TS28: cortical layer III Present 4A Adult
TS28: cortical layer IV Present 4A Adult
TS28: cortical layer V Present 4A Adult
TS28: cortical layer VI Present 4A Adult
TS28: main olfactory bulb Present 4A Adult

Specimen 4C E18: embryonic day 18.0; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: dentate gyrus Present 4C E18 Expression started in the dentate gyrus at E18 and gradually with development moved to the CA1 and CA2 regions of the hippocampus.

Specimen 4C P0: postnatal day 0; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: dentate gyrus Present Regionally restricted 4C P0 Expression started in the dentate gyrus at E18 and gradually with development moved to the CA1/CA2 regions of the hippocampus.
TS27: hippocampus CA1 Present Regionally restricted 4C P0 Expression started in the dentate gyrus at E18 and gradually with development moved to the CA1/CA2 regions of the hippocampus.

Specimen 4C P7: postnatal day 7; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: dentate gyrus Present 4C P7
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Present 4C P7
TS28: hippocampus CA2 Present 4C P7

Specimen 4C P14: postnatal day 14; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Present 4C P14
TS28: hippocampus CA2 Present 4C P14
TS28: dentate gyrus Weak 4C P14

Specimen 4C Adult: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Present 4C Adult
TS28: hippocampus CA2 Present 4C Adult
TS28: dentate gyrus Weak 4C Adult

Specimen 4D E18: embryonic day 18.0; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: cerebral cortex marginal zone Present Regionally restricted 4D E18 Expression is at the surface.

Specimen 4D P0: postnatal day 0; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: cerebral cortex marginal zone Present Regionally restricted 4D P0 Expression is at the surface.

Specimen 4D P7: postnatal day 7; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebral cortex Present Regionally restricted 4D P7 Expression is in many layers of the cortex.

Specimen 4D P14: postnatal day 14; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cortical layer I Present 4D P14
TS28: cortical layer II Present 4D P14
TS28: cortical layer III Present 4D P14
TS28: cortical layer IV Present 4D P14
TS28: cortical layer V Present 4D P14
TS28: cortical layer VI Present 4D P14

Specimen 4D Adult: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cortical layer I Present 4D Adult
TS28: cortical layer II Present 4D Adult
TS28: cortical layer III Present 4D Adult
TS28: cortical layer IV Present 4D Adult
TS28: cortical layer V Present 4D Adult
TS28: cortical layer VI Present 4D Adult

Specimen 5A: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present Regionally restricted 5A Expression is in areas involved in sensory processing.
TS28: piriform cortex Present Regionally restricted 5A

Specimen 5B: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present Regionally restricted 5B Expression is in areas involved in sensory processing.
TS28: medial geniculate nucleus Present 5B

Specimen 5C: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present Regionally restricted 5C Expression is in areas involved in sensory processing.
TS28: ventral posterior lateral thalamic nucleus Present 5C
TS28: ventral posterior medial thalamic nucleus Present 5C

Specimen 5D: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present Regionally restricted 5D Expression is in areas involved in sensory processing.
TS28: dorsal cochlear nucleus Present 5D
TS28: solitary tract nucleus Present 5D
TS28: trigeminal V spinal sensory nucleus Present 5D

Specimen 6A: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: retina Present 6A

Specimen 6B: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: optic nerve Present 6B

Specimen 6C: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: lateral geniculate nucleus Present 6C

Specimen 6D: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: central nervous system nerve Present Regionally restricted 6D Expression is in the visual pathway leading from the retina to the superior colliculus.
TS28: retina Present Regionally restricted 6D Expression is in the visual pathway leading from the retina to the superior colliculus.
TS28: superior colliculus Present Regionally restricted 6D Expression is in the visual pathway leading from the retina to the superior colliculus.

Specimen 6E: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: organ of Corti Present Regionally restricted 6F , 6E Expression is in the inner spiral plexus and is absent in the inner or outer hair cells.
TS28: organ of Corti cochlear inner hair cell Absent 6F , 6E Expression is in the inner spiral plexus and is absent in the inner or outer hair cells.
TS28: organ of Corti cochlear outer hair cell Absent 6F , 6E Expression is in the inner spiral plexus and is absent in the inner or outer hair cells.
TS28: cochlear ganglion Present 6E , 6F

Specimen 6G: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: dorsal cochlear nucleus Present 6G

Specimen 6H: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: medial geniculate nucleus Present 6H

Specimen 6I: embryonic day 15.0; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: hindlimb nerve Present Regionally restricted 6I Expression is in nerves innervating the footpad.
TS23: metapodial pad Present Regionally restricted 6I Expression is in nerves innervating the footpad.

Specimen 6J: embryonic day 15.0; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: dorsal root ganglion Present 6J

Specimen 6K: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: spinal cord dorsal horn Present 6K

Specimen 6L: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: ventral posterior lateral thalamic nucleus Present 6L

Specimen 6M: embryonic day 18.0; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: mystacial pad Present Regionally restricted 6M Expression is in the innervation of the maxillary whiskers.

Specimen 6N: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: nerve Present Regionally restricted 6N Expression is in the innervation of the tongue.
TS28: tongue Present Regionally restricted 6N Expression is in the innervation of the tongue.

Specimen 6O: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: nerve Present Regionally restricted 6O Expression is in axon bundles within the tongue.
TS28: tongue Present Regionally restricted 6O Expression is in axon bundles within the tongue.

Specimen 6P: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: solitary tract nucleus Present 6P

Specimen 6Q: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: ventral posterior lateral thalamic nucleus Present 6Q

Specimen 7B: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: olfactory nerve Present 7B

Specimen 7C: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: olfactory nerve Present 7C

Specimen 7D: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: main olfactory bulb external plexiform layer Present 7D
TS28: main olfactory bulb glomerular layer Present 7D
TS28: main olfactory bulb mitral cell layer Present 7D

Specimen 7E: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: vomeronasal organ Present Regionally restricted 7E Expression is in the basal vomeronasal sensory neurons.

Specimen 7F: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: vomeronasal organ Present 7F Expression includes the vomeronasal sensory neurons axons converging on the accessory olfactory bulb.
TS28: olfactory epithelium Present 7F

Specimen 7G: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: accessory olfactory bulb Strong Regionally restricted 7G Expression is posterior.

Specimen 7H: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: accessory olfactory bulb Strong Regionally restricted 7H Expression is posterior with lower levels in the anterior part.

Specimen 7I: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: bed nucleus of stria terminalis Present 7I
TS28: medial preoptic nucleus Present 7I

Specimen 7J: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: medial thalamic group Present 7J

Specimen 7K: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2tm2Pele (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: piriform cortex Present 7K

Specimen S1A: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present S1A The authors state that a comparison of the staining pattern from the homozygous and heterozygous brains showed differences in levels of expression but no gross differences in the regions that have expression.

Specimen S1B: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present S1B The authors state that a comparison of the staining pattern from the homozygous and heterozygous brains showed differences in levels of expression but no gross differences in the regions that have expression.

Specimen S1C: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present S1C The authors state that a comparison of the staining pattern from the homozygous and heterozygous brains showed differences in levels of expression but no gross differences in the regions that have expression.

Specimen S1D: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present S1D The authors state that a comparison of the staining pattern from the homozygous and heterozygous brains showed differences in levels of expression but no gross differences in the regions that have expression.

Specimen S1E: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present S1E The authors state that a comparison of the staining pattern from the homozygous and heterozygous brains showed differences in levels of expression but no gross differences in the regions that have expression.

Specimen S1F: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present S1F The authors state that a comparison of the staining pattern from the homozygous and heterozygous brains showed differences in levels of expression but no gross differences in the regions that have expression.

Specimen S1G: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present S1G The authors state that a comparison of the staining pattern from the homozygous and heterozygous brains showed differences in levels of expression but no gross differences in the regions that have expression.

Specimen S1H: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present S1H The authors state that a comparison of the staining pattern from the homozygous and heterozygous brains showed differences in levels of expression but no gross differences in the regions that have expression.

Specimen S1I: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present S1I The authors state that a comparison of the staining pattern from the homozygous and heterozygous brains showed differences in levels of expression but no gross differences in the regions that have expression.

Specimen S1J: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present S1J The authors state that a comparison of the staining pattern from the homozygous and heterozygous brains showed differences in levels of expression but no gross differences in the regions that have expression.

Specimen S1K: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present S1K The authors state that a comparison of the staining pattern from the homozygous and heterozygous brains showed differences in levels of expression but no gross differences in the regions that have expression.

Specimen S1L: postnatal adult; Cntnap2tm2Pele/Cntnap2+ (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: brain Present S1L The authors state that a comparison of the staining pattern from the homozygous and heterozygous brains showed differences in levels of expression but no gross differences in the regions that have expression.

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