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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:84358 de Sousa Lopes SM, et al., Distribution of phosphorylated Smad2 identifies target tissues of TGF beta ligands in mouse development. Gene Expr Patterns. 2003 Jun;3(3):355-60
Assay type: Immunohistochemistry
MGI Accession ID: MGI:2673222
Gene symbol: Smad2
Gene name: SMAD family member 2
Antibody: anti-PSmad2
Detection system: Biotinylated secondary antibody/[Strept]avidin coupled to horseradish peroxidase
Specimen 2A: embryonic day 5.5 (more )
Note: Specimen was embedded in plastic.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS7: embryo Present Single cells 2A Nuclear and/or cytoplasmic staining is random througout embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues.
TS7: extraembryonic component Present Single cells 2A Nuclear and/or cytoplasmic staining is random througout embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues.

Specimen 2B: embryonic day 6.5 (more )
Note: Early streak embryo. Specimen was embedded in plastic.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS9: embryo Present Single cells 2B Nuclear and/or cytoplasmic staining is random througout embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues.
TS9: extraembryonic component Present Single cells 2B Nuclear and/or cytoplasmic staining is random througout embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues.
TS9: extraembryonic visceral endoderm Present Regionally restricted 2B Expression is anterior.

Specimen 2C: embryonic day 7.0 (more )
Note: Late streak embryo. Specimen was embedded in plastic.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS10: embryo Present Single cells 2C Nuclear and/or cytoplasmic staining is random througout embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues.
TS10: extraembryonic component Present Single cells 2C Nuclear and/or cytoplasmic staining is random througout embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues.
TS10: extraembryonic visceral endoderm Present Regionally restricted 2C Expression is anterior.

Specimen 2D: embryonic day 7.5 (more )
Note: Early head fold embryo. Specimen was embedded in plastic.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: embryo Present Single cells 2D Nuclear and/or cytoplasmic staining is random througout embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues.
TS11: extraembryonic component Present Single cells 2D Nuclear and/or cytoplasmic staining is random througout embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues.

Specimen 3A: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: somite Present 3A
TS13: trunk mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 3A Expression is in the body wall.
TS13: heart Present Regionally restricted 3A Expression is in the endo- and myocardium of the heart.
TS13: blood Present 3A
TS13: cardiovascular system Present 3A
TS13: surface ectoderm Present 3A
TS13: foregut diverticulum Present 3A
TS13: hindgut diverticulum Present 3A

Specimen 3C: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Note: Specimen was embedded in plastic.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: head mesenchyme Present 3C Expression is in the cephalic mesenchyme.
TS13: surface ectoderm Present 3C
TS13: future hindbrain Present 3C
TS13: future prosencephalon Present 3C

Specimen Not Shown: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Note: Specimen was embedded in plastic.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: rhombomere Present

Specimen 3D: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Note: Specimen was embedded in plastic.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: foregut diverticulum Present 3D
TS13: heart Present 3D
TS13: trunk somite Present 3D
TS13: trunk mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 3D Expresion is in the body wall.
TS13: neural tube Present Regionally restricted 3D Expression is in the rostral extremity of neural tube closure.

Specimen 3E: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Note: Specimen was embedded in plastic.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: foregut diverticulum Present 3E
TS13: heart Present 3E
TS13: trunk mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 3E Expression is in the body wall.
TS13: neural tube Present Regionally restricted 3E Expression is in the rostral extremity of neural tube closure.

Specimen 3F: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Note: Specimen was embedded in plastic.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: foregut diverticulum Present 3F
TS13: hindgut diverticulum Present 3F
TS13: trunk mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 3F Expression is in the body wall.
TS13: surface ectoderm Present 3F
TS13: heart Present 3F
TS13: neural tube Present Regionally restricted 3F Expression is in the rostral extremity of neural tube closure.
TS13: future spinal cord neural plate Present 3F

Specimen Not Shown: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: yolk sac endoderm Present
TS13: yolk sac mesenchyme Present

Specimen Not Shown: embryonic day 9.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS15: arterial system Present
TS15: venous system Present
TS15: blood Present
TS15: heart Present
TS15: foregut Present
TS15: hindgut Present
TS15: trunk somite Present
TS15: trunk mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the body wall.
TS15: surface ectoderm Present
TS15: oral region Weak Regionally restricted Expression is in the buccal cavity.
TS15: notochord Weak
TS15: nose Weak Regionally restricted Expression is in the nasal epithelium.
TS15: yolk sac endoderm Present
TS15: yolk sac mesenchyme Present

Specimen 4A: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: dorsal root ganglion Present 4A
TS17: neural tube Present Uniform 4A Expression in the ependymal layer and motor neurons.

Specimen 4B: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: liver Present Uniform 4B

Specimen 4C: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: cardiac muscle tissue Present 4C
TS17: endocardial cushion Absent 4C
TS17: endocardial lining Absent 4C

Specimen 4D: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: diencephalon lateral wall ventricular layer Present Regionally restricted 4D Expression is in the neuroepithelial layer.

Specimen 4E: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: diencephalon lateral wall ventricular layer Present Regionally restricted 4E Expression is in the neuroepithelial layer.

Specimen 4F: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: hindbrain ventricular layer Present Regionally restricted 4F Expression is in the neuroepithelial layer.

Specimen 4G: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: yolk sac endoderm Present 4G
TS17: yolk sac mesenchyme Present 4G

Specimen 4H: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: trigeminal ganglion Present 4H

Specimen Not Shown: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: acoustic ganglion Present
TS17: facial ganglion Present
TS17: glossopharyngeal ganglion Present
TS17: vagus ganglion Present

Specimen 4I: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: lung Present 4I

Specimen 4J: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: tail somite Present 4J

Specimen 5A: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: skeletal muscle Present Regionally restricted 5A Expression is in the pre-muscle masses.
TS20: skin Present 5A

Specimen 5B: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: dorsal root ganglion Present 5B
TS20: spinal cord Present Regionally restricted 5B Expression is in the motor neurons.

Specimen 5C: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: epithalamus mantle layer Present 5C
TS20: hypothalamus Present 5C
TS20: thalamus mantle layer Present 5C
TS20: trigeminal ganglion Present 5C
TS20: skin Present 5C

Specimen 5D: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: vertebral pre-cartilage condensation Present 5D

Specimen 5E: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: dorsal root ganglion Present 5E

Specimen 6A: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: arterial system Present Regionally restricted 6A Nuclear expression in the vascular smooth muscle cell layer. Endothelial cells are negative.

Specimen 6B: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: arterial system Present Regionally restricted 6B Nuclear expression in the vascular smooth muscle cell layer. Endothelial cells are negative.

Specimen 6C: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: cardiac muscle tissue Present 6C
TS20: endocardial cushion Absent 6C
TS20: endocardial lining Absent 6C

Specimen 6D: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: liver Present Patchy 6D

Specimen 6E: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: ventricle cardiac muscle Present 6E

Specimen 6F: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: atrium cardiac muscle Present 6F

Specimen 7A: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: oral region Present Regionally restricted 7A Expression is in the salivary glands. Staining is predominantly cytoplasmic.

Specimen 7B: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: pancreas Present 7B Staining is predominantly cytoplasmic.
TS20: gut Present 7B Staining is predominantly cytoplasmic. Inset shows midgut at higher magnification.

Specimen 7C: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: metanephros Present 7C Staining is predominantly cytoplasmic.

Specimen 7D: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: esophagus Present 7D

Specimen 7E: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: lung Present 7E Staining is predominantly cytoplasmic. Inset shows higher magnification.

Specimen 7F: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: reproductive system Present 7F Cytoplasmic staining in the genital ridge.

Specimen 7G: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: vibrissa Present 7G Staining is predominantly cytoplasmic.

Specimen 7H: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: mandibular process Present Regionally restricted 7H Expression is in the tooth primordia. Staining is predominantly cytoplasmic.
TS20: maxillary process Present Regionally restricted 7H Expression is in the tooth primordia. Staining is predominantly cytoplasmic.

Specimen 7I: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: stomach Present 7I

Specimen Not Shown: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: Meckel's cartilage Present

Specimen Table 1, E8.5: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: surface ectoderm Strong
TS13: future brain Strong
TS13: neural tube Strong
TS13: notochord Absent
TS13: head mesenchyme Moderate
TS13: trunk mesenchyme Moderate
TS13: trunk somite Moderate
TS13: heart Moderate
TS13: arterial system Weak
TS13: venous system Weak
TS13: blood Moderate
TS13: yolk sac Moderate
TS13: foregut diverticulum Moderate
TS13: hindgut diverticulum Moderate
TS13: midgut Moderate

Specimen Table 1, E10.5: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: surface ectoderm Strong
TS17: brain Strong
TS17: neural tube Strong
TS17: notochord Moderate
TS17: nose Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the nasal epithelium.
TS17: lens pit Moderate
TS17: cranial ganglion Strong
TS17: dorsal root ganglion Strong
TS17: head mesenchyme Moderate
TS17: trunk mesenchyme Moderate
TS17: trunk somite Strong
TS17: liver Strong
TS17: heart Strong
TS17: arterial system Weak
TS17: blood Weak
TS17: venous system Weak
TS17: yolk sac Moderate
TS17: lung Strong
TS17: esophagus Weak
TS17: foregut Weak
TS17: oral region Moderate Regionally restricted Expression is in the buccal cavity.
TS17: hindgut Moderate
TS17: midgut Moderate
TS17: stomach Moderate

Specimen Table 1, E12.5: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: skin Strong
TS20: brain Strong
TS20: spinal cord Strong
TS20: notochord Strong
TS20: nose Strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the epithelium.
TS20: cranial ganglion Strong
TS20: dorsal root ganglion Strong
TS20: head mesenchyme Moderate
TS20: skeletal muscle Strong Regionally restricted Strong expression in the somites and premuscle masses.
TS20: trunk mesenchyme Strong Regionally restricted Strong expression in the somites and premuscle masses.
TS20: axial skeleton Strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the pre-cartilage primordia.
TS20: gonad Strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the genital ridges.
TS20: liver Moderate
TS20: heart Strong
TS20: arterial system Strong
TS20: venous system Strong
TS20: blood Absent
TS20: lung Moderate
TS20: oral region Strong Regionally restricted Strong expression in salivary glands, moderate expression in the buccal cavity.
TS20: esophagus Strong Regionally restricted
TS20: foregut Strong Regionally restricted
TS20: hindgut Moderate
TS20: mesonephros Moderate
TS20: metanephros Moderate
TS20: midgut Moderate
TS20: pancreas Moderate
TS20: stomach Moderate
TS20: endocrine gland Strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the adrenal primordia.
TS20: vibrissa Strong
TS20: mandibular process Strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the tooth primordia.
TS20: maxillary process Strong Regionally restricted Expression is in the tooth primordia.

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory