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Phenotypes Associated with This Genotype
involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * Black Swiss
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Mouse lines carrying:
Tll1tm1Dgr mutation (0 available); any Tll1 mutation (70 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• most homozygous mutant embryos die between E14.5 and E16.5

cardiovascular system
• at E11.0, mutant dorsal aortae are dilated and filled with blood, consistent with cardiac failure
• at E13.5, all (16 of 16) homozygotes have a descending aorta that is mispositioned in the center of the embryo, rather than found towards the left of the trachea
• at E11.0, mutant cardinal veins are dilated and filled with blood, consistent with cardiac failure
• at E13.5, endocardial ridges fail to form properly and fuse, resulting in nonfunctional semilunar valves
• at E11.0, the muscular ventricular septum has failed to rise resulting in two un-fused endocardial cushions in the atrio-ventricular canal
• at E13.5, 5 of 16 mutant embryos exhibit a double-outlet right ventricle, where both the normally divided aorta and pulmonary trunk exit the right ventricle
• at E13.5, 8 of 16 homozygotes display a dysplastic mitral valve
• at E13.5, 1 of 16 homozygotes display a double-inlet left ventricle, where both atria open into the left ventricle
• at E110.0, all (5 of 5) homozygotes display a large opening between the future left and right atria due to absence of a normal septum primum (the future atrial septum)
• at E13.5, all (16 of 16) homozygotes display mispositioning of the entire heart to the left side of the embryo
• at E13.5, 12 of 16 homozygotes have a balanced atrio-ventricular septal defect with divided orifices, showing aberrant septation of both the ventricles and atria
• at E110.0, all (5 of 5) homozygotes display a large opening between the future left and right atria due to absence of a normal septum primum (the future atrial septum)
• at E13.5, all (16 of 16) homozygotes display a large interventricular septal defect beneath the superior bridging leaflet
• however, septation of the common outflow tract into the separate aorta and pulmonary trunk is normal
• at E13.5, some homozygotes display severely dysplastic semilunar valves where the valvar leaflets are attached to the crest of the ventricular septum and the venous valves are attached to the spina vestibuli
• at E13.5, the fetal liver is engorged with blood, consistent with cardiac failure
• at E13.5, failure to maintain a uni-directional blood flow, combined with a failure to septate the common ventricular chamber results in hemodynamic overload, eventually leading to cardiac failure

• at E13.5, mutant embryos are severely edematous resulting in damage to the dermis and undelying mesenchyme

• at E13.5, mutant embryos are pale

liver/biliary system
• at E13.5, the fetal liver is engorged with blood, consistent with cardiac failure

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory