• fewer than the expected numbers (6.5% vs 12.5%) of mutants are born, indicating partial prenatal lethality; time of lethality not determined
hematopoietic system
• those double negative (DN) 3 cells that are able to develop into DN4 cells, exhibit increased apoptosis compared to controls
small thymus
• decrease in total thymocyte number at 4-6 weeks of age
• 10-fold reduction in the number of alpha/beta TCR+ thymocytes
• double negative (DN) thymocytes fail to develop into large active double positive thymocytes
• accumulation of cells in the CD44-CD25+ DN3 stage and decreased CD44-CD25- DN4 cells, indicating a partial arrest at the DN3 to DN4 transition
• reduction in the CD4/CD8 ratio (1.33 vs 3-4 in controls)
• variable numbers of total SP CD8 cell numbers, with a decrease in most cases but increases in other cases
immune system
• those double negative (DN) 3 cells that are able to develop into DN4 cells, exhibit increased apoptosis compared to controls
small thymus
• decrease in total thymocyte number at 4-6 weeks of age
• 10-fold reduction in the number of alpha/beta TCR+ thymocytes
• double negative (DN) thymocytes fail to develop into large active double positive thymocytes
• accumulation of cells in the CD44-CD25+ DN3 stage and decreased CD44-CD25- DN4 cells, indicating a partial arrest at the DN3 to DN4 transition
• reduction in the CD4/CD8 ratio (1.33 vs 3-4 in controls)
• variable numbers of total SP CD8 cell numbers, with a decrease in most cases but increases in other cases
• those double negative (DN) 3 cells that are able to develop into DN4 cells, exhibit increased apoptosis compared to controls
endocrine/exocrine glands
small thymus
• decrease in total thymocyte number at 4-6 weeks of age
• 10-fold reduction in the number of alpha/beta TCR+ thymocytes