• there is a general ventralization of neural cell fates in cells posterior to the prospective spinal cord similar to that seen in Fkbp8tm1Tili homozygotes
• at E12.5 double homozygotes have dilated caudal neural tubes similar to Fkbp8tm1Tili homozygotes
• by E12.5 the somites in double homozygotes are abnormally shaped similar to Shhtm1Chg homozygotes
• by E12.5 the somites in double homozygotes are small similar to Shhtm1Chg homozygotes
• by E12.5 the limbs fail to grow out along the proximodistal axis similar to Shhtm1Chg homozygotes
• double homozygotes are rescued from cyclopia seen in Shhtm1Chg homozygotes
nervous system
• at E12.5 double homozygotes have dilated caudal neural tubes similar to Fkbp8tm1Tili homozygotes