• mutants die shortly after birth when doxycycline is administered throughout gestation
• in the absence of doxycycline mutants are viable
respiratory system
• lung and airway malformations are seen when doxycycline exposure occurs between E0.5 and E13.5
• doxycycline exposure after E13.5 does not result in any pulmonary or extrapulmonary abnormalities
• cysts that contain neuroepithelial cells are seen in the peripheral lung tissue
• branching morphogenesis is abnormal
• lungs are hypoplastic when doxycycline is administered throughout gestation
• peripheral tubule dilation is seen after doxycycline exposure
• tracheal abnormalities are seen
• doxycycline exposure before E8.5 or after E13.5 does not result in tracheal abnormalities
• the cartilaginous rings that normal surround the trachea are malformed with incomplete rings found along the ventral midline after doxycycline exposure
• fewer cartilaginous rings are seen after doxycycline exposure
• the cartilaginous rings that normal surround the trachea are malformed with incomplete rings found along the ventral midline after doxycycline exposure
• fewer cartilaginous rings are seen after doxycycline exposure
• cysts that contain neuroepithelial cells are seen in the peripheral lung tissue