• mutant newborns die within a day after birth
• at birth, mutant pups display flattened skulls
• mutant mandibular molars are fused with the oral ectoderm and the alveolar bone is absent
• at birth, mutant pups display small (only 5% of normal size) and abnormally shaped incisors in both the mandible and maxilla
• mandibular incisors display a single cusp with two symmetrical cervical loops; additional cusp formation is disrupted
• at birth, incisors are only 5% of normal size
• mandibular molars display a single irregular cusp; additional cusp formation is disrupted
small molars
• at birth, mutant pups display small and abnormally shaped first molars in both the mandible and maxilla
• maxillary molars are less affected than mandibular molars which are 25% of normal size
• although cervical loops, dental papilla, inner enamel epithelium, predentin, and stellate reticulum are present, no dental cord is formed
• the dental cord is absent in mandibular molars
• at birth, mutant pups show absence of obvious teeth: manidbular molars and incisors exhibit a cap stage tooth rudiment of abnormal morphology
• at birth, mandibular incisors are more developmentally advanced relative to mandibular molars
• at birth, mandibular molars are less developmentally advanced relative to mandibular incisors
• in grafts of early tooth rudiments (13.5-15.5 dpc), dentin deposits are deposited but crown formation is incomplete and resulting teeth are small and abnormally shaped
• at birth, functional odontoblast layers are present but display abnormal polarity and cellular architecture
• at 14.5 dpc, the outer enamel epithelium of the lingual side is severely reduced and the lingual inner enamel epithelium has not invaginated, suggesting impaired crown formation
• when early tooth rudiments (13.5-15.5 dpc) are transplanted under kidney capsules of nude mice, enamel matrix is secreted but crown formation is incomplete and resulting teeth are small and abnormally shaped
• at birth, functional ameloblast layers are present but display abnormal polarity and cellular architecture
• when early tooth rudiments (13.5-15.5 dpc) are transplanted under kidney capsules of nude mice, enamel and dentin matrices are deposited in spite of absent ameloblast elongation and odontoblast disorganization
• at birth, mutant pups display a small frontal nasal process; nasal passageways are severely reduced
• the rudimentary palatal shelves are spaced widely apart
• the palatal shelves fail to develop beyond rudimentary processes
• 85% exhibit a cleft palate with rudimentary palatal shelves spaced widely apart
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• at birth, mutant pups possess normal skeletal elements; the upper and lower jaws are of normal length
• at birth, mutant pups display flattened skulls
• mutant mandibular molars are fused with the oral ectoderm and the alveolar bone is absent
• at birth, mutant pups display small (only 5% of normal size) and abnormally shaped incisors in both the mandible and maxilla
• mandibular incisors display a single cusp with two symmetrical cervical loops; additional cusp formation is disrupted
• at birth, incisors are only 5% of normal size
• mandibular molars display a single irregular cusp; additional cusp formation is disrupted
small molars
• at birth, mutant pups display small and abnormally shaped first molars in both the mandible and maxilla
• maxillary molars are less affected than mandibular molars which are 25% of normal size
• although cervical loops, dental papilla, inner enamel epithelium, predentin, and stellate reticulum are present, no dental cord is formed
• the dental cord is absent in mandibular molars
• at birth, mutant pups show absence of obvious teeth: manidbular molars and incisors exhibit a cap stage tooth rudiment of abnormal morphology
• at birth, mandibular incisors are more developmentally advanced relative to mandibular molars
• at birth, mandibular molars are less developmentally advanced relative to mandibular incisors
• in grafts of early tooth rudiments (13.5-15.5 dpc), dentin deposits are deposited but crown formation is incomplete and resulting teeth are small and abnormally shaped
• at birth, functional odontoblast layers are present but display abnormal polarity and cellular architecture
• at 14.5 dpc, the outer enamel epithelium of the lingual side is severely reduced and the lingual inner enamel epithelium has not invaginated, suggesting impaired crown formation
• when early tooth rudiments (13.5-15.5 dpc) are transplanted under kidney capsules of nude mice, enamel matrix is secreted but crown formation is incomplete and resulting teeth are small and abnormally shaped
• at birth, functional ameloblast layers are present but display abnormal polarity and cellular architecture
• when early tooth rudiments (13.5-15.5 dpc) are transplanted under kidney capsules of nude mice, enamel and dentin matrices are deposited in spite of absent ameloblast elongation and odontoblast disorganization
• at birth, mutant pups display a small frontal nasal process; nasal passageways are severely reduced
respiratory system
• at birth, mutant pups display a small frontal nasal process; nasal passageways are severely reduced
digestive/alimentary system
• the rudimentary palatal shelves are spaced widely apart
• the palatal shelves fail to develop beyond rudimentary processes
• 85% exhibit a cleft palate with rudimentary palatal shelves spaced widely apart
• at birth, mutant pups are observed gulping air
• mutant mandibular molars are fused with the oral ectoderm and the alveolar bone is absent
• at birth, mutant pups display small (only 5% of normal size) and abnormally shaped incisors in both the mandible and maxilla
• mandibular incisors display a single cusp with two symmetrical cervical loops; additional cusp formation is disrupted
• at birth, incisors are only 5% of normal size
• mandibular molars display a single irregular cusp; additional cusp formation is disrupted
small molars
• at birth, mutant pups display small and abnormally shaped first molars in both the mandible and maxilla
• maxillary molars are less affected than mandibular molars which are 25% of normal size
• although cervical loops, dental papilla, inner enamel epithelium, predentin, and stellate reticulum are present, no dental cord is formed
• the dental cord is absent in mandibular molars
• at birth, mutant pups show absence of obvious teeth: manidbular molars and incisors exhibit a cap stage tooth rudiment of abnormal morphology
• at birth, mandibular incisors are more developmentally advanced relative to mandibular molars
• at birth, mandibular molars are less developmentally advanced relative to mandibular incisors
• in grafts of early tooth rudiments (13.5-15.5 dpc), dentin deposits are deposited but crown formation is incomplete and resulting teeth are small and abnormally shaped
• at birth, functional odontoblast layers are present but display abnormal polarity and cellular architecture
• at 14.5 dpc, the outer enamel epithelium of the lingual side is severely reduced and the lingual inner enamel epithelium has not invaginated, suggesting impaired crown formation
• when early tooth rudiments (13.5-15.5 dpc) are transplanted under kidney capsules of nude mice, enamel matrix is secreted but crown formation is incomplete and resulting teeth are small and abnormally shaped
• at birth, functional ameloblast layers are present but display abnormal polarity and cellular architecture
• when early tooth rudiments (13.5-15.5 dpc) are transplanted under kidney capsules of nude mice, enamel and dentin matrices are deposited in spite of absent ameloblast elongation and odontoblast disorganization
• at birth, mutant pups display a small frontal nasal process; nasal passageways are severely reduced
• the rudimentary palatal shelves are spaced widely apart
• the palatal shelves fail to develop beyond rudimentary processes
• 85% exhibit a cleft palate with rudimentary palatal shelves spaced widely apart