liver/biliary system
• in mutant livers, bile canaliculi show extensive branching at membrane surface
• bile canaliculi and junctional complexes appear more tortuous
• Background Sensitivity: occlusion of gall bladder with mucin occurs at 18 hours on a lithogenic diet
• Background Sensitivity: occlusion occurs much more quickly than on the C57BL/6J background
• bile flow rate is reduced by ~35% after 30 minutes in mutants on a regular chow diet
• Background Sensitivity: bile salt concentrations are 4.3 fold higher than controls on regular chow diets
• Background Sensitivity: there is marked increase in bile salt secretion on chow diet
• Background Sensitivity: on lithogenic diet, concentration decreases; in wild-type, concentrations increase such that both genotypes have similar bile salt concentrations
• Background Sensitivity: on a chow diet, TC concentration is higher than controls, while other bile salt concentrations are reduced; on a lithogenic diet, percentage of TUDC is higher in mutants, but other types are similar in both mutants and controls
• Background Sensitivity: on a lithogenic diet, biliary cholesterol levels decrease, but levels increase in wild-type
• Background Sensitivity: in chow-fed mice, biliary cholesterol levels are 5.9 fold higher than in controls