endocrine/exocrine glands
• absence of visible nipples
• from P7 onwards
weight loss
• during the first month of life
• apparent from P2 onwards
adipose tissue
• reduced amount of subcutaneous adipose tissue
• eyes appear half-opened throughout life
hematopoietic system
• decrease in the number of CD3+ T cells and MHC class II cells in the skin
immune system
• decrease in the number of CD3+ T cells and MHC class II cells in the skin
• slight delay in the development of skin barrier function at E16.5, E17.5, and E18.5
• pigment deposition is irregular and lacks the air spaces seen in wild-type hair
• reduced amount of subcutaneous adipose tissue
• absence of visible nipples
• from P7 onwards
• slight delay in the development of skin barrier function at E16.5, E17.5, and E18.5
• mice remain bald at P10
• gradual loss of abdominal hair
• anterior to posterior shedding in the head area with limited hair regeneration
short hair
• hair that does grow is short and stubby
sparse hair
• sparse hair growth around the head and neck starting from P12
• remaining hairs are irregular with a short, thick, and hard appearance and a rounded tip
• in some follicles small cysts develop by 5 months of age
• increase in the number of cells expressing stem cell markers in distal hair follicles
• the hair follicle and epidermal stem cell marker expression domains are connected rather than separate as in wild-type mice
• expanded precortex and cortex
• a decrease in the number of proliferating cells close to the hair bulb
• pigment deposition is irregular and lacks the air spaces seen in wild-type hair
• absence of the companion layer that normally separates AE15+ and K14+ cells in inner root sheath cells
• absence of Huxley's layer and cuticle of the inner root sheath
• grow at a wider angle, often parallel to the skin surface
• however, the overall hair follicle number is not reduced
• increase in the number of proliferating cells in the outer root sheath
• the outer root sheath is about twice as thick as in wild-type mice
• short and thick
• catagen is prolonged lasting for 6 days after which hair follicles enter telogen where in most cases the proximal end of the follicle fails to reform
• decrease in the number of apoptotic cells
• increase in the number of cells expressing stem cell markers
• the hair follicle and epidermal stem cell marker expression domains are connected rather than separate as in wild-type mice
• increase in the number of proliferating cells at P7 and P11-15
• pronounced hyperplasia beginning at P3
• gradual, pronounce epidermal thickening that involves the basal and suprabasal layers
• the basal epidermal layer is about twice as thick as in wild-type
scaly skin
• squames cover the skin wrinkles
• develops after onset of epidermal hyperplasia