• lethality by E14.5 due to hepatic dysplasia
• 10 of 21 E8.5-E10.5 mutants suffer lethality due to patterning defects
• severely affected mutants are growth retarded at E9.5
• E14.5 mutants are somewhat larger in size
liver/biliary system
• marker analysis indicates defects in hepatoblast migration
• liver architecture is distorted
• cultured livers from E10.5 mutants do not exhibit outgrowth of liver lobules with primitive bile ducts as in wild-type, instead, they suffer extensive cell death or fail to develop normal liver architecture
• dilated sinusoidal spaces
• marker analysis indicates a delay in hepatogenesis
• arrangement of hepatocytes is abnormal in E14.5 livers; hepatocytes are found in small clusters and cell plates are absent unlike in wild-type where cords of hepatocytes are distributed throughout in the parenchyma
small liver
• small livers but have the correct number of lobes and appear red
• 100% of E14.5 mutants exhibit severe liver hypoplasia
• liver is reduced in some mutants at E12.5-E14.5
• hepatocytes cultured in vitro fail to adhere well to various substrates, expression of beta1 integrin is lost, and E-cadherin is mislocalized, indicating that hepatocytes have abnormal adhesive properties
• liver cells are in a less proliferative state than in wild-type as indicated by PCNA antibody staining
hematopoietic system
• increase in the number of erythrocytes in E14.5 livers
• 20% of E14.5 mutants exhibit craniofacial defects in addition to the liver hypoplaisa
• some embryos display craniofacial defects as early as E8.5
cardiovascular system
• dilated sinusoidal spaces
• some embryos exhibit abnormal heart looping
• some embryos exhibit an enlarged pericardiac cavity
digestive/alimentary system
• anterior ventral foregut defects at E8.5 as indicated by marker analysis, showing that the definitive endoderm fails to displace the visceral endoderm at the anterior intestinal portal
• 54 of 106 mutants display patterning abnormalities of varying severity at E9.5-E10.5
• some embryos display midline defects as early as E8.5
• gastrulation defects
• definitive endoderm is reduced at E8.5 as indicated by marker analysis
• mutants display defects in the specification of hepatogenic endoderm
• severely affected mutants are growth retarded at E9.5
• severely affected mutants exhibit irregular somites at E9.5
endocrine/exocrine glands
• reduced thyroid at E10.5
nervous system
• seen in some mutants
• marker analysis indicates defects in hepatoblast migration
• liver cells are in a less proliferative state than in wild-type as indicated by PCNA antibody staining