• B cell proliferation following LPS and sCD40L stimulation is impaired
• however, B cells proliferate normally in response to CD40L, alpha-delta-dex and IL-4 + IL-5
• B cells do not proliferate in response to LPS concentration that stimulate wild-type B cells to proliferate
• mice die 24 hours after infection with Staphylococcus pneumoniae compared to wild-type mice that die between 36 and 72 hours after infection
• mice are more resistant to EMC virus infection than wild-type mice and exhibit mortality at a 10-fold higher titer with a slower progression towards fatal encephalopathy
• mice die more frequently at a young age compared to wild-type mice
immune system
• B cell proliferation following LPS and sCD40L stimulation is impaired
• however, B cells proliferate normally in response to CD40L, alpha-delta-dex and IL-4 + IL-5
• B cells do not proliferate in response to LPS concentration that stimulate wild-type B cells to proliferate
• mice exhibit mild typhlocolitis
• mice exhibit mild typhlocolitis
• mild
• B cells are defective in IgG3, IgE and IgA class switching but undergo substantial IgG1 class switching
• low number of myeloid dendritic cells in Peyer's patches
• size of interfollicluar region is reduced
• slight increase of M cells in the follicle-associated epithelium (FAE)
• CD3+ T cell numbers are reduced and T-cell areas of Peyer's patches are underrepresented and small in size
• germinal centers are reduced in number and size with a low number of myeloid dentritic cells
• average of 2 to 4 Peyer's patches per mouse compared to an observed average of 7 to 10 per control mouse
• Peyer's patches are smaller and contain a range of no more than 1 to 2 follicles
• total NP-binding following exposure to NP15-CG is lower than in wild-type mice and NP-specific antibodies of all isotypes are decreased compared to in wild-type mice
• immunoglobin levels are 4-fold lower than in wild-type mice
• all isotypes except IgM are reduced
• IgA levels are decreased 5-fold
• IgE levels are decreased 50-fold
• IgG1 levels are reduced 10-fold
• proliferating B cells stimulated with alpha-delta-dex and IL-4 + IL-5 produce 32-fold less IgM than wild-type
• proliferating B cells stimulated wth mCD40L + IL-4 + IL-5 produce 41-fold less IgM than wild-type
• however, mlg and CD40 signaling restores B cell maturation to IgM secretion
• LPS-stimulated macrophages release 6-fold less IL-6
• mice are more prone to infection than wild-type mice
• while mice efficiently clear extracellular bacteria they fail to clear intracellular bacteria
• 6 days after infection with Listeria monocytogenes, mice exhibit no peritoneal bacterial but several thousand splenic bacteria compared to wild-type mice that exhibit neither
• mice die 24 hours after infection with Staphylococcus pneumoniae compared to wild-type mice that die between 36 and 72 hours after infection
• however, mice do not exhibit any abnormal response to H. influenzae and E. coli infection
• mice are more sensitive to typhlocolitis induced by H. hepaticus than wild-type mice but less sensitive than Nfkb1tm1Bal/Nfkb1tm1Bal Relatm1Bal/Rela+
• mice die 24 hours after infection with Staphylococcus pneumoniae compared to wild-type mice that die between 36 and 72 hours after infection
• mice are more resistant to EMC virus infection than wild-type mice and exhibit mortality at a 10-fold higher titer with a slower progression towards fatal encephalopathy
digestive/alimentary system
• mice exhibit mild colonic perforations and typhlocolitis
• mice exhibit mild typhlocolitis
• mice exhibit mild typhlocolitis
• mild
hematopoietic system
• B cell proliferation following LPS and sCD40L stimulation is impaired
• however, B cells proliferate normally in response to CD40L, alpha-delta-dex and IL-4 + IL-5
• B cells do not proliferate in response to LPS concentration that stimulate wild-type B cells to proliferate
• B cells are defective in IgG3, IgE and IgA class switching but undergo substantial IgG1 class switching
• low number of myeloid dendritic cells in Peyer's patches
• immunoglobin levels are 4-fold lower than in wild-type mice
• all isotypes except IgM are reduced
• IgA levels are decreased 5-fold
• IgE levels are decreased 50-fold
• IgG1 levels are reduced 10-fold
• proliferating B cells stimulated with alpha-delta-dex and IL-4 + IL-5 produce 32-fold less IgM than wild-type
• proliferating B cells stimulated wth mCD40L + IL-4 + IL-5 produce 41-fold less IgM than wild-type
• however, mlg and CD40 signaling restores B cell maturation to IgM secretion