nervous system
• in culture, hippocampal cells exhibit less neurite outgrowth than wild-type cells
• the volume increase in CA1 parallels the increase in CA1 pyramidal cells
• in adult mice, hippocampal volume and neuron number is increased by 20% compared to in wild-type mice
• the volume increase in CA1 parallels the increase in CA1 pyramidal cells
• cells proliferation within the hippocampus is increased
• hippocampal cell dendrite length is decreased compared to wild-type
• mice exhibit increased memory retention compared to wild-type mice
• mice spend more time in the center of an open field test than wild-type mice
• in culture, hippocampal cells exhibit less neurite outgrowth than wild-type cells
• when hippocampal cells are grown in culture, proliferation and differentiation into neural phenotypes in greater than in cultures of wild-type cells