• only 40% of mice survive until weaning
• 11% of mice die within 24 hours of birth
• 29% of mice die before weaning
• mice weigh 29% less than age- and sex- matched controls at three weeks of age and 27% less than controls at 7 weeks of age
immune system
• uterine NK cells in pregnant mice at 14 days of gestation are only found at 3% the number found in CBA controls
• the uterine NK cells are restricted in their location to the spongiotrophoblast region of the placenta
• no clear distinction exists between the cortex and the medulla
• thymic cellularity is half of normal
• very few thymocytes are present with the vast majority of them arrested in the double negative stage
• NK cells are absent in these mice based upon the lack of splenocytes expressing LGL-1, NK1.1, and "bright" levels of AGM-1
• the NK target cell line YAC-1 is not lysed when co-cultured with activated splenocytes also indicating an absence of NK cells
• T cell numbers are reduced by about 40%
• mean thymocyte number in mice up to 6 months of age is decreased 70-fold compared to controls
• absolute numbers (but not relative percentage) of double-positive thymocytes is reduced by half
reproductive system
• the uterine arterioles undergo abnormal histological changes during the pregnancy of homozygote transgenic females mated with homozygotic transgenic males
• at 10 days of gestation, the endothelial cells become cuboidal with thickening of the arteriolar media and adventitia occurring
• at 12 days of gestation, the endothelium becomes flat and deposition of lipid and foam cells occurs
• at 14 days of gestation, loss of vessel integrity occurs with a discontinous endothelium and leakage of blood
• similar histological changes are observed during the first 12 days of gestation that result from breeding homozygote transgenic females with wild-type CD-1 males
• uterine NK cells in pregnant mice at 14 days of gestation are only found at 3% the number found in CBA controls
• the uterine NK cells are restricted in their location to the spongiotrophoblast region of the placenta
• the metrial gland and uterine NK cells are absent from the uteri of pregnant mice at day 14 of gestation
• the metrial gland is absent from the uteri of pregnant mice at day 14 of gestation
• fetal viability is low with 67% of embryos being in the late stages of resorption at E14
• the loss of fetuses starts at 10 days post-conception
• matings of homozygous mice produce on average 6 pups while control mice produce 9 pus
• placenta morphology is abnormal in homozygote transgenic females mated with wild-type CD-1 males
• at 12 days of gestation, the placenta becomes more disorganized with variation in appearances between implantation sites and trophoblast cells moving adjacent to decidual artioles
• uterine NK cells in pregnant mice at 14 days of gestation are only found at 3% the number found in CBA controls
• the uterine NK cells are restricted in their location to the spongiotrophoblast region of the placenta
• placenta labyrinth morphology is abnormal in homozygote transgenic females mated with wild-type CD-1 males
• extremely large syncytia are present with peripheral nuclei surrounding a vacuolated cytoplasm
• extensive smooth muscle development is sometimes found adjacent to the labyrinthine trophoblast
• the placenta of mice 14 days after gestation is 45% the size of control CBA mice
• reductions of placenta size are evident at 10 days of gestation
hematopoietic system
• uterine NK cells in pregnant mice at 14 days of gestation are only found at 3% the number found in CBA controls
• the uterine NK cells are restricted in their location to the spongiotrophoblast region of the placenta
• no clear distinction exists between the cortex and the medulla
• thymic cellularity is half of normal
• very few thymocytes are present with the vast majority of them arrested in the double negative stage
• NK cells are absent in these mice based upon the lack of splenocytes expressing LGL-1, NK1.1, and "bright" levels of AGM-1
• the NK target cell line YAC-1 is not lysed when co-cultured with activated splenocytes also indicating an absence of NK cells
• T cell numbers are reduced by about 40%
• mean thymocyte number in mice up to 6 months of age is decreased 70-fold compared to controls
• absolute numbers (but not relative percentage) of double-positive thymocytes is reduced by half
endocrine/exocrine glands
• uterine NK cells in pregnant mice at 14 days of gestation are only found at 3% the number found in CBA controls
• the uterine NK cells are restricted in their location to the spongiotrophoblast region of the placenta
• no clear distinction exists between the cortex and the medulla
• thymic cellularity is half of normal
• mean thymocyte number in mice up to 6 months of age is decreased 70-fold compared to controls
• the metrial gland is absent from the uteri of pregnant mice at day 14 of gestation