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• mutants show comparable behavior to wild-type in tests for object recognition memory and spatial change
• moderate impairment is exhibited in rewarded alternation task compared to wild-type
• spatial reference memory is unimpaired in Y maze paradigm
nervous system
• power of gamma oscillations in CA3 region hippocampal slices induced by kainate is reduced compared to wild-type
• stronger stimuli are needed to evoke action potential (AP) firing from fast-spiking cells; average probability of firing is close to 1 in wild-type cells vs 0.7 in mutant cells
• compound EPSPs in interneurons are significantly smaller in slices from mutants than in slices from wild-type; EPSPs also have longer decay times
• no reduction in AMPA current is seen at P14, but AMPA-mediated currents are significantly reduced at P42, comparable with the reduction detected in Gria4 mutants at P42