• severe optic nerve atrophy characterized by retinal ganglion cell axon loss and excavative remodeling of the optic nerve are seen
• iris flattening is detected by 4 months of age
• increased depth is seen by 4 months of age
• lens extrusion at later stages
• in some cases the mass of fiber cells pass through the pupil into the anterior chamber of the eye
• rupture and extrusion of fiber cell mass into the vitreous at later stages
• develop vacuoles at later stages
• all develop posterior cataracts by 4 weeks of age that become more severe with age
• detected in some mice by 6 months of age
• incidence increases with age
reproductive system
• arrests at the round spermatid stage
nervous system
• severe optic nerve atrophy characterized by retinal ganglion cell axon loss and excavative remodeling of the optic nerve are seen
immune system