• drastic reduction in most cranial neural crest derived bones
• enlarged frontal fontanelle at E18.5
• phenotype is more severe than in conditional null mice wild-type for Bmp2
• pieces of the interparietal bone are absent
• mandibular defects at E18.5
• phenotype is more severe than in conditional null mice wild-type for Bmp2
• pieces of the nasal bone are absent
cleft palate
• drastic reduction in most cranial neural crest derived bones
• enlarged frontal fontanelle at E18.5
• phenotype is more severe than in conditional null mice wild-type for Bmp2
• pieces of the interparietal bone are absent
• mandibular defects at E18.5
• phenotype is more severe than in conditional null mice wild-type for Bmp2
• pieces of the nasal bone are absent
digestive/alimentary system
cleft palate
• pieces of the nasal bone are absent
cleft palate
respiratory system
• pieces of the nasal bone are absent