• although present in normal ratios at E15.5/E16.5, double heterozygotes are recovered at lower than Mendelian ratios at weaning; however, increase in lethality between E15.5/E16.5 and weaning does not reach statistical significance
cardiovascular system
• at E10.5, atrioventricular (AV) endocardial cushions are hypocellular with a significant reduction in mesenchymal cell density relative to wild-type and single heterozygous controls
• at E15.5, three of 8 (38%) of double heterozygotes develop VSDs, not observed in wild-type or single heterozygous controls
• at E15.5, two of 8 double heterozygotes develop perimembranous VSDs
• at E15.5, one of 8 double heterozygotes shows a muscular VSD