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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:83327 Ohazama A, et al., Expression of TNF-receptor-associated factor genes in murine tooth development. Gene Expr Patterns. 2003 May;3(2):127-9
Assay type: RNA in situ
MGI Accession ID: MGI:2664393
Gene symbol: Traf4
Gene name: TNF receptor associated factor 4
Probe: Traf4 probe
Probe preparation: Antisense labelled with S35 RNA
Specimen Not Shown: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: oral region Absent

Specimen 2D: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: mandibular process mesenchyme Present Uniform 2D
TS20: oral epithelium Absent 2D Absent from the tooth epithelium.

Specimen 2I: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Note: Bud stage of tooth development.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: lower jaw Absent 2I

Specimen 2N: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Note: Cap stage of tooth development.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: lower jaw incisor enamel organ Weak 2N Expression is in both internal and external enamel epithelium.
TS22: lower jaw molar enamel organ Weak 2N Expression is in both internal and external enamel epithelium.
TS22: lower jaw incisor epithelium Weak 2N
TS22: lower jaw molar epithelium Weak 2N

Specimen 2S: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Note: Early bell stage of tooth development.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: lower jaw incisor enamel organ Present 2S Expression is in both internal and external enamel epithelium.
TS23: lower jaw molar enamel organ Present 2S Expression is in both internal and external enamel epithelium.
TS23: lower jaw incisor dental papilla Present 2S
TS23: lower jaw molar dental papilla Present 2S

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MGI 6.24
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