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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:39086 Marcos MA, et al., Antigenic phenotype and gene expression pattern of lymphohemopoietic progenitors during early mouse ontogeny. J Immunol. 1997 Mar 15;158(6):2627-37
Assay type: RT-PCR
MGI Accession ID: MGI:2670388
Gene symbol: Rag1
Gene name: recombination activating 1
Probe: F3, R6
Probe preparation: labelled with P32 DNA
Visualized with: Autoradiography
Assay notes: The RT-PCR reaction was electrophoresed, Southern blotted and hybridized with a probe (MGI:2670373).
Results Image: 4B RAG-1
 Sample Information Bands Other Sample Information
Lane AgeStructure Size Not Specified Amount Genetic BackgroundMutant Allele(s)Sex Note
8 E8.5 (a) TS13: embryo ectoderm
TS13: head
TS13: musculature
Absent 0.1-1 µg; total RNA BALB/c Not Specified remainder of embryo after dissection of the P-Sp (para-aortic splanchnopleure-the paired dorsal aorta, gut, omphalomesenteric artery, and the splanchnic mesoderm), yolk sac and liver.
9 E9.5 (a) TS15: appendage
TS15: embryo ectoderm
TS15: embryo mesoderm
TS15: head
TS15: musculature
TS15: musculoskeletal system
TS15: respiratory system
Absent 0.1-1 µg; total RNA BALB/c Not Specified remainder of embryo after dissection of the P-Sp (para-aortic splanchnopleure-the paired dorsal aorta, gut, omphalomesenteric artery, and the splanchnic mesoderm), yolk sac and liver.
9.5 E10.0 (a) TS16: appendage
TS16: embryo ectoderm
TS16: embryo mesoderm
TS16: head
TS16: musculature
TS16: musculoskeletal system
TS16: respiratory system
Absent 0.1-1 µg; total RNA BALB/c Not Specified embryo after dissection of the AGM (aorta, gonads, mesonephros, gut and mesentery), yolk sac and liver.
10.5 E11.0 (a) TS18: appendage
TS18: embryo ectoderm
TS18: embryo mesoderm
TS18: head
TS18: musculature
TS18: musculoskeletal system
TS18: respiratory system
Absent 0.1-1 µg; total RNA BALB/c Not Specified embryo after dissection of the AGM (aorta, gonads, mesonephros, gut and mesentery), yolk sac and liver.
11 E11.5 (a) TS19: embryo Present 0.1-1 µg; total RNA BALB/c Not Specified embryo after dissection of the AGM (aorta, gonads, mesonephros, gut and mesentery), yolk sac and liver.
12 E12.5 (a) TS20: embryo Present 0.1-1 µg; total RNA BALB/c Not Specified embryo after dissection of the AGM (aorta, gonads, mesonephros, gut and mesentery), yolk sac and liver.
13 E13.5 (a) TS21: embryo Present 0.1-1 µg; total RNA BALB/c Not Specified embryo after dissection of the AGM (aorta, gonads, mesonephros, gut and mesentery), yolk sac and liver.
(a) Age normalized so that noon of plug day = E0.5.

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
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