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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:81291 Aitola MH, et al., Expression of arnt and arnt2 mRNA in developing murine tissues. J Histochem Cytochem. 2003 Jan;51(1):41-54
Assay type: RNA in situ
MGI Accession ID: MGI:4440508
Gene symbol: Arnt
Gene name: aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator
Probe: Arnt cDNA10
Probe preparation: Antisense labelled with P33 RNA
Visualized with: Autoradiography
Specimen 1a: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: embryo Present Ubiquitous 1a
TS19: branchial arch Strong 1a
TS19: cerebellum primordium Strong 1a
TS19: limb Strong 1a
TS19: liver Strong 1a
TS19: nasal process Strong 1a
TS19: telencephalon Strong 1a
TS19: midbrain Strong Regionally restricted 1a Expression is in the tectum.
TS19: heart Weak 1a

Specimen 1b: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: axial skeleton Strong 1b
TS21: eye Strong 1b
TS21: genital tubercle Strong 1b
TS21: intestine Strong 1b
TS21: limb Strong 1b
TS21: liver Strong 1b
TS21: lung Strong 1b
TS21: nervous system Strong 1b
TS21: telencephalon Moderate Regionally restricted 1b Expression is in the pallidal subventricular zone.
TS21: medulla oblongata Moderate Regionally restricted 1b Expression is in the medullary differentiating field.
TS21: olfactory epithelium Moderate 1b
TS21: spinal cord Moderate 1b
TS21: tongue Moderate 1b
TS21: heart Weak 1b

Specimen 1c: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: axial skeleton Strong 1c
TS21: genital tubercle Strong 1c
TS21: intestine Strong 1c
TS21: limb Strong 1c
TS21: liver Strong 1c
TS21: lung Strong 1c
TS21: nervous system Strong 1c
TS21: neural retinal epithelium Strong 1c
TS21: telencephalon Strong Regionally restricted 1c Expression is in the pallidal subventricular zone.
TS21: medulla oblongata Strong Regionally restricted 1c Expression is in the medullary differentiating field.
TS21: olfactory epithelium Moderate 1c
TS21: spinal cord Moderate 1c
TS21: tongue Moderate 1c
TS21: heart Weak 1c

Specimen 1d: embryonic day 9.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS15: nervous system Strong 1d

Specimen 1e: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: aorta Present 1e
TS23: cerebellum Present 1e
TS23: esophagus Present 1e
TS23: heart Present 1e
TS23: intestine Present 1e
TS23: limb Present 1e
TS23: liver Present 1e
TS23: lung Present 1e
TS23: metanephros Present 1e
TS23: nervous system Present 1e
TS23: olfactory epithelium Present 1e
TS23: oral cavity Present 1e
TS23: pituitary gland Present 1e
TS23: pons Present 1e
TS23: telencephalon septum Present 1e
TS23: thalamus Present 1e
TS23: tongue Present 1e

Specimen 1f: embryonic day 17.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS25: aorta Present 1f
TS25: bladder Present 1f
TS25: brown fat Present 1f
TS25: cerebellum Present 1f
TS25: esophagus Present 1f
TS25: heart Present 1f
TS25: inner ear Present 1f
TS25: intestine Present 1f
TS25: limb Present 1f
TS25: liver Present 1f
TS25: lung Present 1f
TS25: metanephros Present 1f
TS25: nervous system Present 1f
TS25: olfactory epithelium Present 1f
TS25: oral cavity Present 1f
TS25: pituitary gland Present 1f
TS25: pons Present 1f
TS25: skin Present 1f
TS25: submandibular gland Present 1f
TS25: thalamus Present 1f
TS25: thymus Present 1f
TS25: tongue Present 1f
TS25: trachea epithelium Present 1f
TS25: trachea mesenchyme Present 1f
TS25: vibrissa follicle Present 1f
TS25: telencephalon Present Regionally restricted 1f Expression is in the septum.

Specimen 1g: embryonic day 17.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS25: cochlear duct epithelium Present 1g
TS25: cochlear duct mesenchyme Present 1g
TS25: retina inner nuclear layer Present 1g
TS25: retina outer nuclear layer Present 1g
TS25: vibrissa follicle Present 1g
TS25: temporal bone petrous part Present 1g

Specimen 1h: postnatal day 1.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: cerebellum external granule cell layer Present 1h
TS27: cochlear duct Present 1h
TS27: corpus striatum Present 1h
TS27: hippocampus Present 1h
TS27: lower jaw incisor Present 1h
TS27: neocortex Present 1h
TS27: olfactory epithelium Present 1h
TS27: submandibular gland Present 1h
TS27: thymus Present 1h
TS27: tongue Present 1h
TS27: upper jaw molar Present 1h
TS27: vibrissa follicle Present 1h
TS27: temporal bone Present Regionally restricted 1h Expression is in the cartilage primordium of the petrous part of the temporal bone.

Specimen 2a,b: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Note: brightfield/darkfield pair
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: liver Strong 2a , 2b
TS23: stomach epithelium Strong 2a , 2b
TS23: stomach mesenchyme Strong 2a , 2b

Specimen 2c: postnatal day 1.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: dental pulp Moderate Regionally restricted 2c Expression is in odontoblasts.
TS27: lower jaw molar Moderate Regionally restricted 2c
TS27: inner enamel epithelium Moderate 2c
TS27: outer enamel epithelium Moderate 2c
TS27: stratum intermedium Moderate 2c

Specimen 2d: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: lobar bronchus Moderate 2d
TS23: lung epithelium Moderate 2d
TS23: lung mesenchyme Moderate 2d

Specimen 2e: postnatal day 1.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: epidermis Moderate 2e
TS27: vibrissa follicle Moderate 2e

Specimen 2f: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: vertebra Moderate Regionally restricted 2f Expression is stronger in the mesenchyme surrounding the bones.

Specimen 2g,h: postnatal day 1.5 (more )
Note: brightfield/darkfield pair
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: retina inner nuclear layer Strong 2g , 2h
TS27: retina outer nuclear layer Strong 2g , 2h

Specimen 2i: embryonic day 17.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS25: olfactory epithelium Moderate 2i

Specimen 2j: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: dorsal root ganglion Strong 2j

Specimen Table 1 E9: embryonic day 9.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS15: neural tube Strong

Specimen Table 1 E10: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: neural tube Strong

Specimen Table 1 E11: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: cerebellum primordium Strong
TS19: myelencephalon Strong
TS19: neural tube Strong
TS19: telencephalon Strong Regionally restricted Rhinencephalic neuroepithelium and weaker in striatum.
TS19: midbrain Strong Regionally restricted Strong in the tectal neuroepithelium, weak in tegmentum.
TS19: diencephalon Strong Regionally restricted thalamic neuroepithelium, weak in hypothalamus
TS19: metencephalon Strong Regionally restricted pons
TS19: forebrain Present Regionally restricted hippocampus
TS19: future spinal cord Weak

Specimen Table 1 E13: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: corpus striatum Strong
TS21: dorsal root ganglion Strong
TS21: medulla oblongata Strong
TS21: neocortex Strong
TS21: pons Strong
TS21: olfactory lobe Strong Regionally restricted olfactory bulb
TS21: midbrain Strong Regionally restricted Strong in the tectal neuroepithelium, weak in tegmentum, inferior colliculus, superior colliculus.
TS21: telencephalon Strong Regionally restricted Septal neuroepithelium, pallidal neuroepithelium and subventricular zone, moderate in rhinencephalic neuroepithelium.
TS21: forebrain Strong Regionally restricted hippocampus
TS21: cerebellum Present
TS21: spinal cord Present
TS21: hypothalamus Weak Regionally restricted
TS21: thalamus Weak Regionally restricted

Specimen Table 1 E15: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Strong
TS23: dorsal root ganglion Strong
TS23: hippocampus Strong
TS23: hypothalamus Strong
TS23: main olfactory bulb Strong
TS23: medulla oblongata Strong
TS23: neocortex Strong
TS23: tectum Strong
TS23: telencephalon Strong Regionally restricted Septal neuroepithelium, moderate in septal subventricular zone and in rhinencephalic neuroepithelium.
TS23: corpus striatum Present
TS23: pallidum Present
TS23: pons Present
TS23: cerebellum Weak
TS23: inferior colliculus Weak
TS23: midbrain tegmentum Weak
TS23: spinal cord Weak
TS23: superior colliculus Weak
TS23: thalamus Weak

Specimen Table 1 E17: embryonic day 17.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS25: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Strong
TS25: corpus striatum Strong
TS25: cortical plate Strong
TS25: dorsal root ganglion Strong
TS25: hippocampus Strong
TS25: neocortex Strong
TS25: tectum Strong
TS25: main olfactory bulb Strong Regionally restricted Strong in the subventricular zone, moderate in neuroepithelium and differentiating field.
TS25: telencephalon Strong Regionally restricted Rhinencephalic neuroepithelium, moderate in the septal and rhinencephalic subventricular zone.
TS25: cerebellum Weak
TS25: hypothalamus Weak
TS25: spinal cord Weak
TS25: superior colliculus Weak
TS25: thalamus Weak
TS25: midbrain tegmentum Absent

Specimen Table 1 P1.5: postnatal day 1.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: dorsal root ganglion Strong
TS27: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Present
TS27: cerebellum external granule cell layer Present
TS27: hippocampus Present
TS27: neocortex Present
TS27: subiculum Present
TS27: main olfactory bulb Present Regionally restricted Present in neuroepithelium and subventricular zone, weak in differentiating field.
TS27: cerebral cortex Weak Regionally restricted cortical plate
TS27: corpus striatum Weak
TS27: inferior colliculus Weak
TS27: medulla oblongata Weak
TS27: spinal cord Weak
TS27: superior colliculus Weak
TS27: telencephalon septum Weak
TS27: thalamus Weak

Specimen Table 2 E11: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: branchial arch Strong
TS19: intestine Strong
TS19: nasal process Strong
TS19: limb Present
TS19: liver Present
TS19: cardiac muscle tissue Weak

Specimen Table 2 E13: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: eye Strong
TS21: genital tubercle Strong
TS21: intestine Strong
TS21: limb Strong
TS21: liver Strong
TS21: lung Strong
TS21: metanephros Strong
TS21: retina Strong
TS21: skeletal muscle Strong
TS21: skeleton Strong
TS21: stomach Strong
TS21: gland Strong Regionally restricted adrenal gland
TS21: inner ear Present
TS21: olfactory epithelium Present
TS21: pituitary gland Present
TS21: skin Present
TS21: thymus primordium Present
TS21: tongue Present
TS21: vibrissa follicle Present
TS21: blood vessel Present Regionally restricted Walls of large vessels.
TS21: cardiac muscle tissue Weak

Specimen Table 2 E15: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: adrenal gland Strong
TS23: eye Strong
TS23: liver Strong
TS23: retina Strong
TS23: skeletal muscle Strong
TS23: skeleton Strong
TS23: stomach Strong
TS23: esophagus Present
TS23: intestine Present
TS23: lung Present
TS23: metanephros Present
TS23: olfactory epithelium Present
TS23: pituitary gland Present
TS23: skin Present
TS23: thymus primordium Present
TS23: tongue Present
TS23: urethra Present
TS23: vibrissa Present
TS23: cardiac muscle tissue Weak
TS23: inner ear Weak
TS23: limb Weak
TS23: oral cavity Weak
TS23: blood vessel Weak Regionally restricted Walls of large vessels.

Specimen Table 2 E17: embryonic day 17.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS25: adrenal gland Strong
TS25: eye Strong
TS25: retina Strong
TS25: bladder Present
TS25: brown fat Present
TS25: esophagus Present
TS25: intestine Present
TS25: lung Present
TS25: metanephros Present
TS25: olfactory epithelium Present
TS25: oral cavity Present
TS25: pituitary gland Present
TS25: skin Present
TS25: submandibular gland Present
TS25: thymus Present
TS25: tongue Present
TS25: tooth Present
TS25: trachea Present
TS25: vibrissa follicle Present
TS25: cardiac muscle tissue Weak
TS25: inner ear Weak
TS25: limb Weak
TS25: liver Weak
TS25: spleen Weak
TS25: urethra of male Weak
TS25: skeleton Weak Regionally restricted Absent in backbone.
TS25: blood vessel Weak Regionally restricted Walls of large vessels.
TS25: skeletal muscle Absent

Specimen Table 2 P1.5: postnatal day 1.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: adrenal gland Strong
TS27: eye Strong
TS27: retina Strong
TS27: submandibular gland Strong
TS27: bladder Present
TS27: intestine Present
TS27: metanephros Present
TS27: olfactory epithelium Present
TS27: pituitary gland Present
TS27: skin Present
TS27: spleen Present
TS27: stomach Present
TS27: thymus Present
TS27: tooth Present
TS27: vibrissa follicle Present
TS27: cardiac muscle tissue Weak
TS27: liver Weak
TS27: oral region Weak
TS27: tongue Weak
TS27: blood vessel Weak Regionally restricted Walls of large vessels.
TS27: bone Absent
TS27: limb Absent
TS27: lung Absent
TS27: skeletal muscle Absent

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory