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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:53033 Xiong JW, et al., Vezf1: A Zn finger transcription factor restricted to endothelial cells and their precursors. Dev Biol. 1999 Feb 15;206(2):123-41
Assay type: RNA in situ
MGI Accession ID: MGI:5806287
Gene symbol: Vezf1
Gene name: vascular endothelial zinc finger 1
Probe: Vezf1 probe C
Probe preparation: Antisense RNA
Specimen 5A/B: embryonic day 7.25 (more )
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TS10: yolk sac mesoderm Strong Uniform 5A/B Onset of expression detected at the primitive streak stage. Strong, uniform expression localized to the extraembryonic mesodermal component of the visceral yolk sac.
TS10: amniotic fold Absent 5A/B No expression in the ectoplacental cone, amnion, chorion, or regions of the embryo proper.
TS10: ectoplacental cone Absent 5A/B No expression in the ectoplacental cone, amnion, chorion, or regions of the embryo proper.
TS10: embryo Absent 5A/B No expression in the ectoplacental cone, amnion, chorion, or regions of the embryo proper.

Specimen 5C/D: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
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TS13: 1st branchial arch mesenchyme Strong Regionally restricted 5C/D Patches of intense expression in regions of angioblast differentiation into the primary vascular plexus. Strong expression in capillary structures of the cephalic mesenchyme and first branchial arch, the inner lining of the dorsal aorta and its communication with the first branchial arch artery, the endocardium, and the yolk sac blood islands.
TS13: blood island Strong Regionally restricted 5C/D Patches of intense expression in regions of angioblast differentiation into the primary vascular plexus. Strong expression in capillary structures of the cephalic mesenchyme and first branchial arch, the inner lining of the dorsal aorta and its communication with the first branchial arch artery, the endocardium, and the yolk sac blood islands.
TS13: dorsal aorta Strong Regionally restricted 5C/D Patches of intense expression in regions of angioblast differentiation into the primary vascular plexus. Strong expression in capillary structures of the cephalic mesenchyme and first branchial arch, the inner lining of the dorsal aorta and its communication with the first branchial arch artery, the endocardium, and the yolk sac blood islands.
TS13: endocardial tube Strong Regionally restricted 5C/D Patches of intense expression in regions of angioblast differentiation into the primary vascular plexus. Strong expression in capillary structures of the cephalic mesenchyme and first branchial arch, the inner lining of the dorsal aorta and its communication with the first branchial arch artery, the endocardium, and the yolk sac blood islands.
TS13: head mesenchyme Strong Regionally restricted 5C/D Patches of intense expression in regions of angioblast differentiation into the primary vascular plexus. Strong expression in capillary structures of the cephalic mesenchyme and first branchial arch, the inner lining of the dorsal aorta and its communication with the first branchial arch artery, the endocardium, and the yolk sac blood islands.

Specimen 5E: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
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TS17: head mesenchyme Strong Regionally restricted 5E High levels of expression detected in the putative angioblasts of the head mesenchyme.
TS17: vascular element Strong Regionally restricted 5E High levels of expression detected in the putative angioblasts of the meningeal plexus surrounding the brain and spinal cord, dorsal aorta, heart chambers, truncus arteriosus, and umbilical vein.

Specimen 5G/H: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: dorsal aorta Strong Regionally restricted 5G/H Strong expression in capillaries sprouting from the dorsal aorta. Expression restricted to a single layer of presumptive endothelium in the larger vessels.
TS17: blood Absent 5G/H No expression in circulating nucleated blood cells trapped in sections of the dorsal aorta.

Specimen 5I/J: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
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TS17: endocardial tube Strong Regionally restricted 5I/J Expression restricted to a single layer of presumptive endothelium.

Specimen 5K/L: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
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TS17: intersomitic artery Strong Regionally restricted 5K/L Expression restricted to a single layer of presumptive endothelium.

Specimen 5M/N: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
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TS17: branchial arch artery Strong 5M/N

Specimen 5O: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
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TS17: lung rudiment vascular element Present Patchy 5O Expression in sprouting capillaries in the lung rudiment. Small patches of expression in what appear to be interstitial capillaries between mesenchymal cells.

Specimen 5P: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
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TS17: urinary system Present Regionally restricted 5P In the kidney rudiment, small patches of expression in what appear to be interstitial capillaries between mesenchymal cells.

Specimen 6A: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
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TS21: vascular system Present Widespread 6A Sustained expression throughout the vascular plexus.
TS21: central nervous system Present Punctate 6A Punctate expression throughout the central nervous system and in the craniofacial mesenchyme.
TS21: head mesenchyme Present Punctate 6A Punctate expression throughout the central nervous system and in the craniofacial mesenchyme.
TS21: 4th ventricle choroid plexus Present Regionally restricted 6A
TS21: heart ventricle Strong 6A
TS21: liver vasculature Strong Regionally restricted 6A High expression in capillaries of the liver and lung.
TS21: lung vascular element Strong Regionally restricted 6A High expression in capillaries of the liver and lung.

Specimen 6B: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
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TS21: developing vasculature of metanephros Strong Regionally restricted 6B High expression in capillaries of the kidney
TS21: vasculature Strong Regionally restricted 6B Strong expression in intervertebral vessels.

Specimen 6C: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
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TS21: 4th ventricle choroid plexus Present Clusters 6C Clusters of expressing cells in mesenchyme of the choroid plexus.

Specimen 6D: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
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TS21: liver vasculature Strong Regionally restricted 6D High expression in capillaries of the liver. Expression in fetal liver appeared to be restricted to interstitial capillaries. No expression in primitive hematopoietic cells of the liver.

Specimen 6E: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: central nervous system Present Punctate 6E Punctate expression throughout the central nervous system and in the craniofacial mesenchyme.
TS21: head mesenchyme Present Punctate 6E Punctate expression throughout the central nervous system and in the craniofacial mesenchyme.
TS21: 4th ventricle choroid plexus Present Regionally restricted 6E
TS21: dorsal aorta Strong Regionally restricted 6E Strong expression in the dorsal aorta and surrounding capillaries.
TS21: heart ventricle Strong 6E
TS21: liver vasculature Strong Regionally restricted 6E High expression in capillaries of the liver and lung.
TS21: lung vascular element Strong Regionally restricted 6E High expression in capillaries of the liver and lung.

Specimen 6F: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: dorsal aorta Strong Regionally restricted 6F Strong expression in the dorsal aorta and surrounding capillaries.
TS21: blood Absent 6F No expression in circulating nucleated blood cells trapped in section of the dorsal aorta.

Specimen 6G: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
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TS21: lung vascular element Strong 6G High expression in capillaries of the lung.

Specimen 6H: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
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TS21: heart ventricle Strong 6H
TS21: blood Absent 6H No expression in circulating nucleated blood cells trapped in section of the heart.

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory