# The Jackson Laboratory - Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) # Copyright 1996, 1999, 2002, 2005, 2008 The Jackson Laboratory # All Rights Reserved # Date Generated: Thu Jul 02 02:27:05 2009 # # # *Conditions of use:* # # Copyright Notice:* This software and data are provided to enhance # knowledge and encourage progress in the scientific community and are # to be used only for research and educational purposes.Any reproduction # or use for commercial purpose is prohibited without the prior express # written permission of the Jackson Laboratory.* # Copyright 1996, 1999, 2002, 2005, 2008 by The Jackson Laboratory # All Rights Reserved # # *Citing these data:* # Use of this data must be properly acknowledged in all forms of # publications (web sites, databases, research papers) by citing the Mouse # Genome Informatics Database project that made the data available. For this # report, we recommend the following electronic and published citations: # # Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) Web, The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, # Maine. World Wide Web (URL: http://www.informatics.jax.org). # [Type in date (month, yr) when you retrieved data cited.] # # Bult CJ, Richardson JE, Blake JA, Kadin JA, Ringwald M, Eppig JT, and # the Mouse Genome Database Group. 2000. Mouse genome informatics in a # new age of biological inquiry. Proceedings of the IEEE International # Symposium on Bio-Informatics and Biomedical Engineering: 29-32. # # See also http://www.informatics.jax.org/mgihome/other/citation.shtml # for additional guidelines. # # Orthology - Human vs. Mouse (Sorted by Mouse Symbol) Data Attributes: M - MGI curated, C - HomoloGene calculated, B - MGI curated and HomoloGene calculated Mouse MGI Acc ID Mouse EntrezGene ID Mouse Symbol Mouse Chr Mouse cM Mouse Band Human EntrezGene ID Human Symbol Human Chr Data Attributes ---------------- ------------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------- ------------ ---------- ---------------