MGI MouseCyc experimental GO annotations for PWY-901: methylglyoxal degradation II

  • Gray arrows indicate "is_a"; Blue arrows indicate "part_of"; Black arrows indicate "regulates"; Green arrows indicate "positively_regulates"; Red arrows indicate "negatively_regulates"
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    CategoryIDTermMouse gene EvidenceColor Key
    Molecular FunctionGO:0008720D-lactate dehydrogenase activity Ldhd MGI_noIEAcolor key
    Molecular FunctionGO:0008720D-lactate dehydrogenase activity Ldhd_RXN MANUALcolor key
    Molecular FunctionGO:0005515protein binding Ldhd MGI_noIEAcolor key
    Biological ProcessGO:0006754ATP biosynthetic process Ldhd MGI_noIEAcolor key
    Biological ProcessGO:0019243methylglyoxal catabolic process to D-lactate Ldhd_PWY EC-NUMBERcolor key
    Biological ProcessGO:0019243methylglyoxal catabolic process to D-lactate Ldhd_PWY MANUALcolor key