=================================Result Set 1============================================= SQL command: select c2.sequencenum, c2.note, acc1.accid as mgiid, acc2.accid as goid, acc3.accid as ref, COALESCE(e.inferredFrom, "N/A") as inferred, voc2.abbreviation as evcode from mgi_note n, mgi_notechunk c1, mgi_notechunk c2, voc_evidence e, voc_annot ann, mrk_marker m, acc_accession acc1, acc_accession acc2, acc_accession acc3, voc_term voc, voc_term voc2 where n._note_key = c1._note_key and c1.note like "evidence%" and c1.sequenceNum = 1 and n._notetype_key = 1008 and n._mgitype_key = 25 and c2._note_key = c1._note_key and n._object_key = e._annotevidence_key and e._annot_key = ann._annot_key and ann._annottype_key = 1000 and m._marker_key = ann._object_key and acc1._object_key = m._marker_key and acc1._logicaldb_key = 1 and acc1._mgitype_key = 2 and acc1.preferred = 1 and acc1.prefixpart = "MGI:" and acc2._object_key = ann._term_key and acc2.preferred = 1 and acc2._logicaldb_key = 31 and acc2._mgitype_key = 13 and voc._term_key = ann._term_key and voc2._term_key = e._evidenceterm_key and acc3._object_key = e._refs_key and acc3._logicaldb_key = 1 and acc3._mgitype_key = 1 and acc3.prefixpart = "J:" order by c2._note_key, c2.sequencenum 26588 rows returned, 27.247 seconds Row # sequencenum note evcode goid mgiid ref inferred 1 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntarget:\ntext:RepProt SeqID:Q62226 IDA GO:0005615 MGI:98297 J:71848 N/A 2 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:1888999 J:62998 N/A 3 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: IDA GO:0005578 MGI:2665790 J:87910 N/A 4 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,venous system; EMAP:3712 cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: IMP GO:0045446 MGI:97772 J:75859 MGI:2386336 5 1 evidence: anatomy: TS20\,lens vesicle; EMAP:4333 cell type: gene product: IGI GO:0043010 MGI:97490 J:77351 MGI:102764 6 1 evidence: anatomy: TS20\,lens vesicle; EMAP:4333 cell type: gene product: IGI GO:0043010 MGI:102764 J:77351 MGI:97490 7 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,epidermis\,rest of skin; EMAP:11613 cell type: gene product: IMP GO:0008544 MGI:104740 J:81021 MGI:1857774 8 1 evidence:immunoprecipitation anatomy: cell type:293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2683486 J:87046 UniProtKB:O09106 9 1 evidence:immunoprecipitation anatomy: cell type:293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1346340 J:87046 UniProtKB:Q60973|UniProtKB:Q60972|UniProtKB:O09106 10 1 evidence:immunoprecipitation anatomy: cell type:293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1194910 J:87046 UniProtKB:Q9R190 11 1 evidence:immunoprecipitation anatomy: cell type:293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:108086 J:87046 UniProtKB:Q9R190|UniProtKB:O09106|UniProtKB:Q80TZ9 12 1 evidence:immunolocalization ; TED:0000020 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:109166 J:38125 N/A 13 1 evidence:immunolocalization ; TED:0000020 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:109166 J:38125 N/A 14 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:99659 J:22418 N/A 15 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: IDA GO:0016529 MGI:99659 J:22418 N/A 16 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:vascular_associated_smooth_muscle_cell ; CL:0000359 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042692 MGI:97837 J:88215 MGI:3033861 17 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:2151233 J:88090 MGI:3033425 18 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: evidence: anatomy: cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1914878 J:88220 N/A 19 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97503 J:88220 N/A 20 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: IDA GO:0009986 MGI:96721 J:88274 N/A 21 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|MCF7 ; ATCC:HTB-22 gene product: IDA GO:0005740 MGI:1206591 J:46845 N/A 22 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|MCF7 ; ATCC:HTB-22 gene product: IDA GO:0006917 MGI:1206591 J:46845 N/A 23 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:103293 J:58365 N/A 24 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:103293 J:58365 N/A 25 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NB-2A gene product: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1270839 J:88665 N/A 26 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NB-2A gene product: IDA GO:0005641 MGI:1270839 J:88665 N/A 27 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:BW5147 ; ATCC:TIB-47 gene product: IDA GO:0030478 MGI:88250 J:88666 N/A 28 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:BW5147 ; ATCC:TIB-47 gene product: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:88250 J:88666 N/A 29 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: evidence: anatomy:TS5\,inner cell mass; EMAP:24 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:96739 J:55182 N/A 30 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:serotinergic_neuron ; CL:0000403 gene product: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:95662 J:88591 N/A 31 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:88354 J:88495 N/A 32 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:88276 J:88495 N/A 33 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:99260 J:88495 N/A 34 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:1277960 J:88495 N/A 35 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:1096399 J:88495 N/A 36 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,Rathke's pouch\,pituitary\,gland\,oral region\,alimentary system; EMAP:1416 cell type: gene product: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:98365 J:88507 MGI:3036671 37 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,hypothalamus; EMAP:4161 cell type: gene product: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:98365 J:88507 MGI:3036671 38 1 evidence: GPF-fusion cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela: ATCC: CCL-2 anatomy: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005814 MGI:2677454 J:80236 N/A 39 1 evidence: immunoloc cell type:ciliated_cell ; CL:0000064 anatomy: gene product: text:Cilated cells IDA GO:0005932 MGI:2677454 J:80236 N/A 40 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatogonium ; CL:0000020 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1100885 J:51719 N/A 41 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: IDA GO:0016308 MGI:1298224 J:88885 N/A 42 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: IDA GO:0005925 MGI:104572 J:88894 N/A 43 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:104572 J:88894 N/A 44 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0008209 MGI:98297 J:88802 MGI:1857796 45 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,prostate gland; EMAP:13163 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030850 MGI:98297 J:88802 MGI:1857796 46 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,future forebrain; EMAP:1200 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:2137520 J:88784 MGI:2655736 47 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,branchial arch; EMAP:1002 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS15\,foregut; EMAP:1364 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: text: IMP GO:0009790 MGI:2137520 J:88784 MGI:2655736 48 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1096881 J:88820 N/A 49 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1096317 J:88820 N/A 50 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,epithelium\,left lung; EMAP:8288 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS23\,epithelium\,right lung; EMAP:8312 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042384 MGI:1347474 J:88943 MGI:2181746 51 1 evidence: anatomy:trachea epithelium ; MA:0001862 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:98931 J:88943 N/A 52 1 evidence: anatomy:trachea epithelium ; MA:0001862 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005932 MGI:98931 J:88943 N/A 53 1 evidence: anatomy:trachea epithelium ; MA:0001862 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:1349482 J:88943 N/A 54 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,epithelium\,trachea; EMAP:11012 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0035089 MGI:1347474 J:88943 MGI:2181746 55 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC ; CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1890504 J:88983 N/A 56 1 evidence:immunogold labelling ; TED:0000022 anatomy: cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016023 MGI:1333754 J:72756 N/A 57 1 evidence:cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Cos7 ATCC: CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:1919104 J:84745 N/A 58 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:8944 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:1270126 J:89027 N/A 59 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030659 MGI:1270126 J:89027 N/A 60 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043005 MGI:1270126 J:89027 N/A 61 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007265 MGI:1270126 J:89027 N/A 62 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IPI GO:0007265 MGI:1337026 J:89027 UniProtKB:O70405 63 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:bone marrow cells gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:107527 J:84890 N/A 64 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:bone marrow cells gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96562 J:84890 N/A 65 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:bone marrow cells gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88329 J:84890 N/A 66 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:peripheral blood cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:106910 J:84890 N/A 67 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:peripheral blood cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:84890 N/A 68 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CL:0000232;erythrocyte gene product: text: evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:bone marrow cells gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:106910 J:89320 N/A 69 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:CL:0000232;erythrocyte gene product: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:106910 J:89320 N/A 70 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:CL:0000232;erythrocyte gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106910 J:89320 UniProtKB:P14220 71 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:CL:0000232;erythrocyte gene product: text: IDA GO:0042803 MGI:106910 J:89320 N/A 72 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:bone marrow cells gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:109440 J:89320 N/A 73 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:bone marrow cells gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96607 J:89320 N/A 74 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 (754A cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88338 J:89320 N/A 75 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 (745A cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95880 J:89320 N/A 76 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:CL:0000232;erythrocyte gene product: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:95880 J:89320 N/A 77 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016023 MGI:1924105 J:88774 N/A 78 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1924105 J:88774 N/A 79 1 evidence:hemolysis assay anatomy: cell type:CL:0000232;erythrocyte gene product: text: IMP GO:0007016 MGI:95880 J:89319 MGI:3039642 80 1 evidence:PAS staining anatomy: cell type:CL:0000232;erythrocyte gene product: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:95880 J:89319 N/A 81 1 evidence:PAS staining anatomy: cell type:CL:0000232;erythrocyte gene product: text: IDA GO:0042803 MGI:95880 J:89319 N/A 82 1 evidence:hemolysis assay anatomy: cell type:CL:0000232;erythrocyte gene product: text: IMP GO:0047484 MGI:95880 J:89319 MGI:3039642 83 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CL:0000232;erythrocyte gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:89319 N/A 84 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CL:0000232;erythrocyte gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:106910 J:89319 N/A 85 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:CL:0000232;erythrocyte gene product: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:106910 J:89319 N/A 86 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:CL:0000232;erythrocyte gene product: text: IDA GO:0042803 MGI:106910 J:89319 N/A 87 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:1087 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS17\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:2112 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:1347521 J:88955 MGI:2183225 88 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,forelimb bud; EMAP:1070 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:1347521 J:88955 MGI:2183225 89 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,genital tubercle; EMAP:4597 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030538 MGI:1347521 J:88955 MGI:2183225 90 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,Meckel's cartilage; EMAP:6594 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS22\,maxilla; EMAP:6619 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS22\,nasal capsule; EMAP:6345 cell type: gene product IMP GO:0001502 MGI:1347521 J:88955 MGI:2183225 91 2 : text: evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cranium; EMAP:6789 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001502 MGI:1347521 J:88955 MGI:2183225 92 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050771 MGI:3039785 J:89027 N/A 93 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:3039785 J:89027 N/A 94 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:thymocyte gene product: text: IMP GO:0045580 MGI:1916978 J:89322 MGI:3039682 95 1 evidence:immunoglobulin titers and lymphocyte activation experiments anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050776 MGI:1916978 J:89322 MGI:3039682 96 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CL:0000624 (CD4+ T cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97601 J:89322 N/A 97 1 evidence:IL-2 production (CTLL-2 proliferation assay)|T cell proliferation|cellular localization (IDA-IF) anatomy: cell type:CL:0000624 (CD4+ T cells) gene product: text: IMP GO:0007242 MGI:97601 J:89322 MGI:2664379 98 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CL:0000624 (CD4+ T cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:97601 J:89322 N/A 99 1 evidence:IL-2 production (CTLL-2 proliferation assay)|T-cell proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:CL:0000624 (CD4+ T cells) gene product: text: IMP GO:0050870 MGI:97601 J:89322 MGI:2664379 100 1 evidence:proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:CL:0000624 (CD4+ T cells) gene product: text: IMP GO:0042102 MGI:97601 J:89322 MGI:2664379 101 1 evidence:CTLL-2 proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:CL:0000624 (CD4+ T cells) gene product: text: IMP GO:0045086 MGI:97601 J:89322 MGI:2664379 102 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CL:0000624 (CD4+ T cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1337994 J:89322 N/A 103 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CL:0000624 (CD4+ T cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0045121 MGI:1337994 J:89322 N/A 104 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96444 J:89322 N/A 105 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96445 J:89322 N/A 106 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96446 J:89322 N/A 107 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96448 J:89322 N/A 108 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96450 J:89322 N/A 109 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CL:0000624 (CD4+ T cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96549 J:89322 N/A 110 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0048304 MGI:1888984 J:84929 MGI:2180194 111 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050776 MGI:1888984 J:84929 MGI:2180194 112 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0048304 MGI:96556 J:84929 N/A 113 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0050776 MGI:96556 J:84929 N/A 114 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0048304 MGI:107656 J:84929 N/A 115 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0050776 MGI:107656 J:84929 N/A 116 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0048304 MGI:88336 J:84929 N/A 117 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0050776 MGI:88336 J:84929 N/A 118 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:splenocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95497 J:84929 N/A 119 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:splenocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:84929 N/A 120 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:splenocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88319 J:84929 N/A 121 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96448 J:84929 N/A 122 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96446 J:84929 N/A 123 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0016064 MGI:96446 J:84929 N/A 124 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96446 J:84929 N/A 125 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96443 J:84929 N/A 126 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0016064 MGI:96443 J:84929 N/A 127 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96443 J:84929 N/A 128 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:2686979 J:84929 N/A 129 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0016064 MGI:2686979 J:84929 N/A 130 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:2686979 J:84929 N/A 131 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96445 J:84929 N/A 132 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0016064 MGI:96445 J:84929 N/A 133 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96445 J:84929 N/A 134 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,epithelium\,submandibular gland primordium; EMAP:4918 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007435 MGI:98297 J:89200 MGI:1857796 135 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,metanephros; EMAP:6674 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001656 MGI:88180 J:82895 MGI:2158495 136 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,metanephros; EMAP:3841 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001656 MGI:88180 J:82895 N/A 137 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,ureter; EMAP:6679 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001657 MGI:88180 J:82895 MGI:2158495 138 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3844 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001657 MGI:88180 J:82895 N/A 139 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:thymus_processed_stem_cell ; CL:0000045 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045165 MGI:88180 J:80062 N/A 140 1 evidence: anatomy:maxilla alveolar process; MA:0001492 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001501 MGI:88180 J:87163 N/A 141 1 evidence: anatomy:retina inner nuclear layer ; MA:0001311 cell type:amacrine_cell ; CL:0000561 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045165 MGI:1859314 J:89191 N/A 142 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:TS25\,inner nuclear layer\,nuclear layer\,neural retina; EMAP:12956 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1859314 J:89191 N/A 143 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,atrio-ventricular cushion tissue; EMAP:4398 cell type: gene product: text:atrioventricular septation e11.0-12.5| IMP GO:0007507 MGI:88180 J:86001 MGI:2181190 144 1 evidence: anatomy:retina inner nuclear layer ; MA:0001311 cell type:amacrine_cell ; CL:0000561 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030182 MGI:1859314 J:89191 N/A 145 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,lung; EMAP:3206 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:103016 J:89196 N/A 146 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,epithelium\,left lung; EMAP:9607|TS24\,epithelium\,right lung; EMAP:9635 cell type:epithelial_cell_of_lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005654 MGI:103016 J:89196 N/A 147 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,inner cell mass; EMAP:24 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1934229 J:89058 N/A 148 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC ; CCL-2 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2443805 J:89304 N/A 149 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042270 MGI:2135589 J:89706 N/A 150 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042270 MGI:2135589 J:86948 N/A 151 1 evidence:flow cytometry|51Cr cytotoxicity assays anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2135589 J:89706 UniProtKB:P27812|UniProtKB:Q99P32 152 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0045953 MGI:107539 J:89706 N/A 153 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0045953 MGI:107539 J:54974 N/A 154 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0045953 MGI:107539 J:54975 N/A 155 1 evidence:flow cytometry|51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107539 J:89706 UniProtKB:Q91V08 156 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:splenocytes|bone marrow cells gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88319 J:89706 N/A 157 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:splenocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96609 J:89706 N/A 158 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:splenocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:107538 J:89706 N/A 159 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:fetal thymocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96549 J:89706 N/A 160 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:splenocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:89706 N/A 161 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,heart; EMAP:4396 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98494 J:89198 N/A 162 1 evidence:ERK activation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0000165 MGI:109235 J:89286 MGI:3039799 163 1 evidence:flow cytometry|IP|Erk activation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007166 MGI:109235 J:89286 MGI:3039799 164 1 evidence:IP3 kinase assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0008440 MGI:109235 J:89286 MGI:3039799 165 1 evidence:ERK activation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0046579 MGI:109235 J:89286 MGI:3039799 166 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0046638 MGI:109235 J:89286 MGI:3039799 167 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0045059 MGI:109235 J:89286 MGI:3039799 168 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,arterial system\,cardiovascular system\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:1455 cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: text: IGI GO:0001570 MGI:1341884 J:89444 MGI:1341800 169 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,arterial system\,cardiovascular system\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:1455 cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: text: IGI GO:0001570 MGI:1341800 J:89444 MGI:1341884 170 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: is a substrate for this enzyme ISA GO:0019276 MGI:2145517 J:89172 EMBL:BC029564 171 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,mandibular component\,1st arch; EMAP:1011 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:108075 J:89445 MGI:2176256 172 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001649 MGI:108075 J:88635 MGI:2176256 173 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0016045 MGI:1916415 J:87632 N/A 174 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001879 MGI:1916415 J:87632 N/A 175 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CL:0000235 macrophage gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1916415 J:87632 N/A 176 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0006910 MGI:1916415 J:87632 N/A 177 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0030247 MGI:1916415 J:87632 N/A 178 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0050766 MGI:1916415 J:87632 N/A 179 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042535 MGI:1916415 J:87632 N/A 180 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001872 MGI:1916415 J:87632 N/A 181 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0006911 MGI:1861431 J:87632 N/A 182 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0006910 MGI:1861431 J:87632 N/A 183 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0030247 MGI:1861431 J:87632 N/A 184 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0050766 MGI:1861431 J:87632 N/A 185 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001872 MGI:1861431 J:87632 N/A 186 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0016337 MGI:1861431 J:87730 N/A 187 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001879 MGI:1861431 J:87730 N/A 188 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001872 MGI:1861431 J:87730 N/A 189 1 evidence:light microscopy anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0008228 MGI:104641 J:89006 N/A 190 1 evidence:NO assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0045429 MGI:104641 J:89006 N/A 191 1 evidence:light microscopy anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:transgenic mouse IMP GO:0050766 MGI:104641 J:89006 N/A 192 1 evidence:light icroscopy|colony formation assay|NO assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001878 MGI:104641 J:89006 N/A 193 1 evidence:light microscopy anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001872 MGI:104641 J:89006 N/A 194 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001878 MGI:1861431 J:87632 N/A 195 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001878 MGI:1861431 J:89006 N/A 196 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CL:0000235 macrophage gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:106912 J:89997 N/A 197 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CL:0000235 macrophage gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96607 J:89997 N/A 198 1 evidence:fluorimetry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001846 MGI:96607 J:89997 MGI:3027319 199 1 evidence:fluorimetry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001846 MGI:96607 J:89997 N/A 200 1 evidence:fluorimetry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001846 MGI:1861431 J:89997 N/A 201 1 evidence:fluorimetry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:glucan phophate|laminarin IDA GO:0030247 MGI:1861431 J:89997 N/A 202 1 evidence:fluorimetry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001872 MGI:1861431 J:89997 N/A 203 1 evidence:flow cytometry|IF anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1861431 J:89998 N/A 204 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Inhibition by the polyxaccharide GluP IDA GO:0030247 MGI:1861431 J:89998 N/A 205 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0032760 MGI:1861431 J:89998 N/A 206 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001878 MGI:1861431 J:89998 N/A 207 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001874 MGI:1861431 J:89998 N/A 208 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1346060 J:89998 N/A 209 1 evidence:immunoprecipitation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ECV304 gene product: text:mouse p140 transfected into human cells bind human Bcar1 P56945 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1933179 J:90046 UniProtKB:P56945 210 1 evidence:immunolocalization anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: text: shown in mouse, human and Xwnopus IDA GO:0005730 MGI:1919202 J:90013 N/A 211 1 evidence:EGFP-loc anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1915551 J:89841 N/A 212 1 evidence:EGFP-loc anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1915551 J:89841 N/A 213 1 evidence: anatomy:testis cell type: gene product: text:meoitic chromosomes IDA GO:0000794 MGI:1920018 J:90049 N/A 214 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:inhibitor securin IMP GO:0045143 MGI:2146156 J:86169 N/A 215 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:inhibitor IMP GO:0007127 MGI:2146156 J:86169 N/A 216 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: inhibitor securin IMP GO:0000212 MGI:2146156 J:86169 N/A 217 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: inhibitor MG132 IMP GO:0007127 MGI:1345192 J:86169 N/A 218 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,endocardial cushion tissue; EMAP:1855 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001837 MGI:98371 J:89752 MGI:2429649 219 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:98371 J:79879 MGI:2385468 220 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:Sertoli_cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98371 J:85717 N/A 221 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:glial_cell_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000243 % glial_cell ; CL:0000125 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001708 MGI:98371 J:84301 MGI:2429649 222 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Amh promoter IDA GO:0045944 MGI:98371 J:84530 N/A 223 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,endocardial cushion tissue; EMAP:1855 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:98371 J:89752 MGI:2429649 224 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,midgut; EMAP:6572 cell type:gut_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: text: inhibitor IMP GO:0007492 MGI:108086 J:89931 N/A 225 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,midgut; EMAP:6572 cell type:gut_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007492 MGI:108086 J:89931 N/A 226 1 evidence: anatomy:haemolymphoid system ; MA:0000013 cell type:hematopoietic_stem_cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: text: IMP GO:0048103 MGI:88174 J:89729 MGI:1857632 227 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,embryo; EMAP:3322 cell type:hematopoietic_stem_cell ; CL:0000037|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text:point mutation IMP GO:0035162 MGI:893598 J:89937 N/A 228 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,embryo; EMAP:3322 cell type:hematopoietic_stem_cell ; CL:0000037|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0035162 MGI:893598 J:89937 N/A 229 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,embryo; EMAP:3322 cell type:hematopoietic_stem_cell ; CL:0000037|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text:point mutation IMP GO:0030154 MGI:893598 J:89937 N/A 230 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,corpus striatum; EMAP:4181 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:102682 J:89028 N/A 231 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,corpus striatum; EMAP:4181 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0035090 MGI:102682 J:89028 MGI:3039269 232 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,corpus striatum; EMAP:4181 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:88276 J:89028 N/A 233 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:107494 J:89028 N/A 234 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: IDA GO:0005814 MGI:102722 J:89028 N/A 235 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:1351655 J:89028 N/A 236 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,future midbrain; EMAP:1218 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:97451 J:89367 MGI:2661065 237 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,midbrain; EMAP:2315 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:97451 J:83110 MGI:2661067 238 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,midbrain; EMAP:2315 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007417 MGI:97451 J:83110 MGI:2661067 239 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,midbrain; EMAP:2315 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:97451 J:83110 MGI:2661067 240 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97450 J:89367 UniProtKB:Q62441 241 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97451 J:89367 UniProtKB:Q62441 242 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104633 J:89367 UniProtKB:P80205|UniProtKB:P80206 243 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016055 MGI:104633 J:89367 N/A 244 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: text: IDA GO:0003714 MGI:104633 J:89367 N/A 245 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: text: IDA GO:0006357 MGI:97450 J:89367 N/A 246 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: text: IDA GO:0006357 MGI:97451 J:89367 N/A 247 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030528 MGI:97451 J:89367 N/A 248 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030528 MGI:97450 J:89367 N/A 249 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: text: IC GO:0005634 MGI:97450 J:89367 GO:0006357 250 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: text: IC GO:0005634 MGI:97451 J:89367 GO:0030528 251 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: text: IC GO:0005634 MGI:104633 J:89367 GO:0003714 252 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:cardiac_muscle_cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005911 MGI:1277201 J:74151 N/A 253 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: calcium channel blocker omega-conotoxin MVIIA IMP GO:0006816 MGI:88296 J:89452 N/A 254 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: calcium channel blocker omega-conotoxin MVIIA IMP GO:0007269 MGI:88296 J:89452 N/A 255 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: calcium channel blocker omega-conotoxin MVIIA IMP GO:0005245 MGI:88296 J:89452 N/A 256 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: calcium channel blocker Cd2+ IMP GO:0006816 MGI:106217 J:89452 N/A 257 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: calcium channel blocker Cd2+ IMP GO:0005245 MGI:106217 J:89452 N/A 258 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: P/Q type calcium channel blocker omega-agatoxin IMP GO:0006816 MGI:109482 J:89452 N/A 259 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: P/Q type calcium channel blocker omega-agatoxin IMP GO:0005245 MGI:109482 J:89452 N/A 260 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005730 MGI:95486 J:89938 N/A 261 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:GABAergic_neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: text: IGI GO:0030182 MGI:3040955 J:90073 MGI:96919 262 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:GABAergic_neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: text: IGI GO:0030182 MGI:96919 J:90073 MGI:3040955 263 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:104654 J:90130 MGI:2155983 264 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045664 MGI:104654 J:87736 N/A 265 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum external granule cell layer ; MA:0000994 cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS21\,marginal layer\,cerebellum; EMAP:5046 cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: quali IMP GO:0007420 MGI:104654 J:79141 MGI:2155983 266 2 fier: text: IMP GO:0007420 MGI:104654 J:79141 MGI:2155983 267 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,embryo; EMAP:7148 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:107739 J:90057 MGI:2178778 268 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,embryo; EMAP:7148 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030216 MGI:107739 J:90057 MGI:2178778 269 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,endocardial lining\,caudal half\,bulbus cordis; EMAP:1328 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS15\,endocardial cushion tissue; EMAP:1334 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001837 MGI:97363 J:87765 MGI:1857230 270 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,endocardial cushion tissue; EMAP:1334 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:97363 J:87765 MGI:1857230 271 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007155 MGI:1916049 J:90082 N/A 272 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009954 MGI:2176159 J:89029 MGI:3039046 273 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:2176159 J:89029 MGI:3039046 274 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,cardiovascular system\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:1454 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:103577 J:89474 MGI:3042297 275 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,heart; EMAP:1317 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1338820 J:89476 MGI:3042354 276 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,lateral wall\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3527 cell type:commisural_neuron ; CL:0000678 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:1890110 J:89780 MGI:3043127 277 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Inhibits activity when co-expressed IGI GO:0007411 MGI:1315203 J:77261 MGI:105088 278 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,mesoderm\,embryo; EMAP:167 cell type:mesodermal_cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001707 MGI:1352457 J:89944 MGI:3043761 279 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030176 MGI:1341070 J:89364 N/A 280 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005740 MGI:1341070 J:89364 N/A 281 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:1341070 J:89364 MGI:3042750 282 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001708 MGI:1341070 J:89364 MGI:3042750 283 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,retina; EMAP:3618 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:1341070 J:89364 MGI:3042750 284 1 evidence:RNAi experiments ; TED:0000073 anatomy: cell type:ermanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3 ATCC: CCL-92 gene product: text: antisense oligo IMP GO:0001778 MGI:1930780 J:90022 N/A 285 1 evidence:RNAi experiments ; TED:0000073 anatomy: cell type:ermanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3 ATCC: CCL-92 gene product: text: antisense oligo IMP GO:0001725 MGI:1930780 J:90022 N/A 286 1 evidence: anatomy:epididymis ; MA:0000397 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:97527 J:89838 MGI:1926817 287 1 evidence: anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007409 MGI:105088 J:63609 N/A 288 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,paramesonephric duct; EMAP:5531 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001880 MGI:1338938 J:89999 MGI:2158390 289 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,midbrain; EMAP:2315 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:97450 J:89367 MGI:97451 290 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0016564 MGI:106181 J:88279 N/A 291 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: agonist T0901317 IMP GO:0016481 MGI:1352462 J:85276 N/A 292 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: agonist T0901317 IMP GO:0030528 MGI:1352462 J:85276 N/A 293 1 evidence:signal transduction assays anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0000188 MGI:97595 J:85923 MGI:2679305 294 1 evidence:glucose transport assays anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0046325 MGI:97595 J:85923 MGI:2679305 295 1 evidence:glucose transport assays|signal transduction assays anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0046627 MGI:97595 J:85923 MGI:2679305 296 1 evidence:signal transduction assays anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0006469 MGI:97595 J:85923 MGI:2679305 297 1 evidence:observation of circling behavior anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0008344 MGI:98849 J:85902 MGI:1856914 298 1 evidence:visual observation anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0040018 MGI:98849 J:85902 MGI:1859614 299 1 evidence:observation of circling behavior anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0040012 MGI:98849 J:85902 MGI:1856914 300 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,otocyst; EMAP:1282 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:98493 J:89188 MGI:2179191 301 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,otocyst; EMAP:1282 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:98493 J:89188 MGI:2179191 302 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,otocyst; EMAP:1282 cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001708 MGI:98493 J:89188 MGI:2179191 303 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,4th arch artery; EMAP:2394 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:98493 J:67409 MGI:2179136 304 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:CNS_interneuron ; CL:0000402 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:103022 J:89993 MGI:1856398 305 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:Purkinje_cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:103022 J:79141 MGI:1856398 306 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,cerebellum; EMAP:10376 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007420 MGI:103022 J:79141 MGI:1856398 307 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3235 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001656 MGI:1890110 J:90324 MGI:3043127 308 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3235 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001656 MGI:1315205 J:90324 MGI:2179460 309 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3235 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001656 MGI:107430 J:90324 MGI:1315205 310 1 evidence:cell fractionation|immunoblot anatomy:brain cell type:brain cells gene product: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:1336192 J:52977 N/A 311 1 evidence:cell fractionation|immunoblot anatomy:brain cell type:brain cells gene product: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:1336192 J:52977 N/A 312 1 evidence:x-ray crystallography anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: ISA GO:0005543 MGI:1336192 J:68186 UniProtKB:P16446 313 1 evidence:x-ray crystallography anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: ISO GO:0005543 MGI:99887 J:68186 UniProtKB:P16446 314 1 evidence:x-ray crystallography anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: ISA GO:0005543 MGI:1927542 J:68186 UniProtKB:P16446 315 1 evidence:x-ray crystallography anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: ISA GO:0005543 MGI:1197524 J:68186 UniProtKB:P16446 316 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,cranial\,ganglion\,central nervous system; EMAP:1266 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:98872 J:90276 MGI:1857265 317 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,mesenchyme\,forelimb bud; EMAP:2099|TS17\,mesenchyme\,hindlimb bud; EMAP:2103 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:98872 J:78407 MGI:1857265 318 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3525 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:98872 J:24349 MGI:1857265 319 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,germinal cells\,ovary; EMAP:12290 cell type:female_germ_cell ; CL:0000021 IGI GO:0007276 MGI:95586 J:90277 MGI:98957 320 2 gene product: text: IGI GO:0007276 MGI:95586 J:90277 MGI:98957 321 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,germinal cells\,ovary; EMAP:12290 cell type:female_germ_cell ; CL:0000021 IGI GO:0007276 MGI:98957 J:90277 MGI:95586 322 2 gene product: IGI GO:0007276 MGI:98957 J:90277 MGI:95586 323 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,ovary; EMAP:6699 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0008585 MGI:95586 J:90277 MGI:1857467 324 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,ovary; EMAP:6699 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0008585 MGI:98957 J:90277 MGI:1857453 325 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lung; EMAP:12324 cell type:epithelial_cell_of_lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: text: IMP GO:0048286 MGI:97800 J:90274 MGI:2154515 326 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lung; EMAP:12324 cell type:epithelial_cell_of_lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030855 MGI:97800 J:90274 MGI:2154515 327 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lung; EMAP:12324 cell type:epithelial_cell_of_lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: text: IMP GO:0043129 MGI:97800 J:90274 MGI:2154515 328 1 evidence: anatomy:decidua ; MA:0001722 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:1354723 J:87675 MGI:3028797 329 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,cardiovascular system\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:1454 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:1354723 J:87675 MGI:3028797 330 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96919 J:2319 N/A 331 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:1998 cell type:trophoblast_cell ; CL:0000351 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:96920 J:20553 MGI:2153832 332 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:1998 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:96920 J:20553 MGI:2153832 333 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:109 cell type:ectodermal_cell ; CL:0000221 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007398 MGI:88276 J:29881 MGI:1857678 334 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:109 cell type:ectodermal_cell ; CL:0000221 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001702 MGI:88276 J:29881 MGI:1857678 335 1 evidence: anatomy:TS7\,embryo; EMAP:42 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005913 MGI:88354 J:29881 N/A 336 1 evidence: anatomy:TS7\,trophectoderm; EMAP:53 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005913 MGI:96650 J:29881 N/A 337 1 evidence: anatomy:TS3\,compacted morula; EMAP:9 cell type:blastoderm_cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS4\,embryo; EMAP:12 cell type:blastoderm_cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88107 J:62912 N/A 338 1 evidence: anatomy:TS3\,compacted morula; EMAP:9 cell type:blastoderm_cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS4\,embryo; EMAP:12 cell type:blastoderm_cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88107 J:62912 N/A 339 1 evidence: anatomy:TS3\,compacted morula; EMAP:9 cell type:blastoderm_cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS4\,embryo; EMAP:12 cell type:blastoderm_cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:88107 J:62912 N/A 340 1 evidence: anatomy:TS3\,compacted morula; EMAP:9 cell type:blastoderm_cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS4\,embryo; EMAP:12 cell type:blastoderm_cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS3\,4-8 IDA GO:0005886 MGI:88105 J:62912 N/A 341 2 cell stage; EMAP:8 cell type:blastoderm_cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:88105 J:62912 N/A 342 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:blastoderm_cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:88108 J:62912 N/A 343 1 evidence: anatomy:TS3\,compacted morula; EMAP:9 cell type:blastoderm_cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS4\,inner cell mass; EMAP:14 cell type:blastoderm_cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:88108 J:62912 N/A 344 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:blastoderm_cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS4\,compacted morula; EMAP:13 cell type:blastoderm_cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88109 J:62919 N/A 345 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:blastoderm_cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS4\,compacted morula; EMAP:13 cell type:blastoderm_cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:107788 J:62912 N/A 346 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney cortex ; MA:0000372 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:kidney medulla ; MA:0000373 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:103285 J:87491 N/A 347 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney collecting tubule ; MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:epididymis ; MA:0000397 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:103285 J:87491 N/A 348 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney collecting tubule ; MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:103285 J:87491 N/A 349 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030070 MGI:101932 J:24436 MGI:1856395 350 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:2678952 J:90887 N/A 351 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1195276 J:90887 N/A 352 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1920939 J:90887 N/A 353 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1333745 J:90887 N/A 354 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651|ATCC:CCL-243 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1919126 J:90433 N/A 355 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-243 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1919126 J:90433 N/A 356 1 evidence: anatomy:stomach epithelium ; MA:0001610 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042592 MGI:109452 J:90769 MGI:3045218 357 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,primordial germ cells; EMAP:206 cell type:germ_cell ; CL:0000586 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007276 MGI:109452 J:90769 MGI:3045219 358 2 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,primordial germ cells\,testis; EMAP:5539 cell type:germ_cell ; CL:0000586 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007276 MGI:109452 J:90769 MGI:3045219 359 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: text:ES cells IDA GO:0030178 MGI:1915756 J:90666 N/A 360 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text:ES cells; neuronal differentiation IDA GO:0009952 MGI:98956 J:90666 N/A 361 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text:ES cells; neuronal differentiation IMP GO:0009952 MGI:1915756 J:90666 MGI:3045424 362 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic_stem_cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: text: IMP GO:0009314 MGI:96677 J:84568 MGI:1856266 363 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96677 J:84599 N/A 364 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory bulb granule cell layer ; MA:0000971 cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:1334445 J:51650 N/A 365 1 evidence: anatomy:fimbria hippocampus ; MA:0000949 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1334445 J:51650 N/A 366 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:photoreceptor_cell ; CL:0000210 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042462 MGI:2136343 J:85459 MGI:2676366 367 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:photoreceptor_cell ; CL:0000210 gene product: text: IMP GO:0016044 MGI:2136343 J:85459 MGI:2676366 368 1 evidence: anatomy:myometrium ; MA:0000391 cell type:smooth_muscle_cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045986 MGI:2151253 J:43695 N/A 369 1 evidence:IDA anatomy:TS20\,atrio-ventricular cushion tissue; EMAP:4398 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: ISO GO:0035051 MGI:88177 J:90643 UniProtKB:P12643 370 1 evidence:IDA anatomy:TS20\,atrio-ventricular cushion tissue; EMAP:4398 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: ISO GO:0001837 MGI:88177 J:90643 UniProtKB:P12643 371 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0048066 MGI:88510 J:15080 MGI:1856000 372 1 evidence: IDA: EMSA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: adrenal nuclear extracts IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1346833 J:89122 N/A 373 1 evidence: anatomy:molar ; MA:0000350 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:99484 J:90053 MGI:3039784 374 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,epithelium\,incisor\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:5461|TS21\,epithelium\,incisor\,tooth\,upper jaw; EMAP:5484 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS21\,vibrissa; EMAP:4965 cell type: IMP GO:0002011 MGI:99484 J:90053 MGI:3045616 375 2 epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IMP GO:0002011 MGI:99484 J:90053 MGI:3045616 376 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,spinal cord; EMAP:6194 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:98769 J:76655 MGI:1857260 377 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,vertebral cartilage condensation\,axial skeleton\,skeleton\,tail; EMAP:8412 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:2137520 J:90398 MGI:3044357 378 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,mandibular component\,1st arch; EMAP:655 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0009888 MGI:2137520 J:90398 MGI:88180 379 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,lateral wall\,telencephalon; EMAP:1216 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030900 MGI:2137520 J:90398 MGI:88180 380 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,lateral wall\,telencephalon; EMAP:1216 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030900 MGI:88180 J:90398 MGI:2137520 381 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,mandibular component\,1st arch; EMAP:655 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0009888 MGI:88180 J:90398 MGI:2137520 382 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: ISA GO:0000300 MGI:1923321 J:89173 UniProtKB:Q96N16 383 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: ISA GO:0030529 MGI:1923321 J:89173 UniProtKB:Q96N16 384 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:blood_cell ; CL:0000081 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:107717 J:90712 N/A 385 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:blood_cell ; CL:0000081 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1930780 J:90712 N/A 386 1 evidence: anatomy:bone ; MA:0001459 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030282 MGI:95523 J:90391 MGI:3044427 387 1 evidence: anatomy:bone ; MA:0001459 cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:95523 J:90391 MGI:3044427 388 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016023 MGI:1913391 J:90707 N/A 389 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-2|ATCC:CRL-5803 gene product: text: IDA GO:0008285 MGI:1913391 J:90707 N/A 390 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: C-terminal domains can dimerize IDA GO:0042803 MGI:95612 J:19614 N/A 391 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: This originally had "EMBL:X54165 in the Inferred from field for protein binding; X54165 is Rnu7, an RNA molecule; this was removed from the annotation. IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104842 J:70593 UniProtKB:Q99LI4|UniProtKB:Q9QXI1 392 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,dorsal root ganglion\,ganglion\,spinal\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:6231 cell type:radial_glial_cell; CL:0000681 gene product: text: IDA GO:0010001 MGI:1917333 J:90575 N/A 393 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:4276 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata); CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050772 MGI:1917333 J:90575 N/A 394 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,spinal cord; EMAP:6194 cell type:glutamatergic_neuron; CL:0000679 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001708 MGI:1351209 J:90585 MGI:2180105 395 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,spinal cord; EMAP:6194 cell type:glutamatergic_neuron; CL:0000679 gene product: text: IGI GO:0001708 MGI:98493 J:90585 MGI:1351209 396 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,spinal cord; EMAP:6194 cell type:GABAergic_neuron; CL:0000617 gene product: text: IGI GO:0001708 MGI:1351209 J:90585 MGI:98769 397 1 evidence: anatomy:pigmented retinal epithelium ; MA:0000279 cell type: gene product: text: TAS GO:0005578 MGI:3044955 J:90670 N/A 398 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:293; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2444993 J:89378 N/A 399 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,primitive streak; EMAP:174 cell type:mesodermal_cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: text: IGI GO:0042074 MGI:1278315 J:91055 MGI:1298218 400 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,primitive streak; EMAP:174 cell type:mesodermal_cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: text: IGI GO:0001702 MGI:1278315 J:91055 MGI:1298218 401 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,primitive streak; EMAP:174 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:1278315 J:91055 MGI:1298218 402 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,primitive streak; EMAP:174 cell type:mesodermal_cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: text: IGI GO:0042074 MGI:1298218 J:91055 MGI:1278315 403 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,primitive streak; EMAP:174 cell type:mesodermal_cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: text: IGI GO:0001702 MGI:1298218 J:91055 MGI:1278315 404 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,primitive streak; EMAP:174 cell type:mesodermal_cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:1298218 J:91055 MGI:1278315 405 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,handplate; EMAP:11242 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0042733 MGI:1278315 J:91055 MGI:1298218 406 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,handplate; EMAP:11242 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0042733 MGI:1298218 J:91055 MGI:1278315 407 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:2442253 J:91217 N/A 408 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:COS-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005775 MGI:2442253 J:91217 N/A 409 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,forelimb bud; EMAP:702 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0035115 MGI:107928 J:91163 MGI:2180721 410 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,forelimb bud; EMAP:1550 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009954 MGI:107928 J:91163 MGI:2180721 411 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:PC-12 ; ATCC:CRL-1721 gene product: text: IDA GO:0015813 MGI:3039629 J:91392 N/A 412 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:PC-12 ; ATCC:CRL-1721 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005313 MGI:3039629 J:91392 N/A 413 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:PC-12 ; ATCC:CRL-1721 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030672 MGI:3039629 J:91392 N/A 414 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,telencephalon; EMAP:3482 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043065 MGI:97363 J:90392 N/A 415 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,mesoderm\,embryo; EMAP:115 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0048319 MGI:1202876 J:90402 MGI:3044616 416 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,primitive streak; EMAP:116 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0008595 MGI:1202876 J:90402 MGI:3044616 417 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:99204 J:90736 N/A 418 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:Schwann_cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005720 MGI:99204 J:90736 N/A 419 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:Schwann_cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005720 MGI:109372 J:90736 N/A 420 1 evidence: anatomy:TS7\,Reichert's membrane; EMAP:51 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009888 MGI:99892 J:91048 MGI:3046686 421 1 evidence: anatomy:TS7\,embryo; EMAP:42 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:96743 J:91048 N/A 422 1 evidence: anatomy:TS7\,embryo; EMAP:42 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007566 MGI:96743 J:91048 MGI:3048667 423 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:2112|TS17\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,tail; EMAP:2586 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009948 MGI:1923615 J:90513 MGI:3044914 424 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:2112|TS17\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,tail; EMAP:2586 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:1923615 J:90513 MGI:3044914 425 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,brain; EMAP:11619 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:107404 J:90129 N/A 426 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,femur; EMAP:12912 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: text: IMP GO:0006916 MGI:103178 J:89363 MGI:1931048 427 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,tibia; EMAP:7364 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:106918 J:89363 MGI:2386679 428 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:106918 J:89363 MGI:2386679 429 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Ihh promoter IDA GO:0003677 MGI:99829 J:89327 N/A 430 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: text: IGI GO:0048469 MGI:99829 J:89327 MGI:102672 431 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Ihh ; MGI:96533 IDA GO:0045944 MGI:99829 J:89327 N/A 432 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: text: IGI GO:0048469 MGI:102672 J:89327 MGI:99829 433 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3235 cell type: gene product: text: TAS GO:0009653 MGI:1100842 J:72723 N/A 434 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3235 cell type: gene product: text: TAS GO:0009653 MGI:97902 J:72723 N/A 435 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,forebrain; EMAP:4127 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:97451 J:91012 MGI:1857510|MGI:3046841 436 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,midbrain; EMAP:4219 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030901 MGI:97451 J:91012 MGI:1857510|MGI:3046841 437 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:88276 J:90990 N/A 438 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:morula_cell ; CL:0000360 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005911 MGI:88276 J:78910 N/A 439 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:98715 J:90990 MGI:2157527 440 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,heart; EMAP:560 cell type: gene product: text:heart looping| IMP GO:0007368 MGI:98715 J:62025 MGI:1859153 441 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,heart; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:106658 J:91025 MGI:3046779 442 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:white matter ; MA:0001135 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042995 MGI:1915835 J:91015 N/A 443 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:P19; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2679270 J:91024 N/A 444 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007517 MGI:104860 J:91191 MGI:3046846 445 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:skeletal_muscle_cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043034 MGI:104860 J:91191 N/A 446 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:skeletal_muscle_cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043034 MGI:98927 J:91191 N/A 447 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001525 MGI:88451 J:91211 N/A 448 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043065 MGI:88451 J:91211 N/A 449 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030335 MGI:88451 J:91211 N/A 450 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:88451 J:91211 N/A 451 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,hindbrain; EMAP:6104 cell type:serotinergic_neuron ; CL:0000403 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:96919 J:91076 MGI:1857470 452 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,ventricular layer\,telencephalon; EMAP:2254 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007400 MGI:96919 J:79854 MGI:1857470 453 1 evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:1098221 J:90367 MGI:3044282 454 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007283 MGI:1098221 J:90367 MGI:3044282 455 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Gcn3 is able to form homodimer with itself and a heterodimerr with Ggn1 IDA GO:0046983 MGI:2181461 J:88438 N/A 456 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:8944 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS25\,cerebellum; EMAP:10376 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: qua IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1202717 J:91057 MGI:1930934 457 2 lifier: text: should be TS25 IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1202717 J:91057 MGI:1930934 458 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:gut_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:1099809 J:87411 N/A 459 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,pancreas; EMAP:12013 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0009887 MGI:1099809 J:86842 N/A 460 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:epithelial_cell_of_pancreas ; CL:0000083 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045596 MGI:1099809 J:86482 N/A 461 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,vibrissa; EMAP:8894 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:1099809 J:82558 MGI:1859647 462 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,dorsal aorta; EMAP:550 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:95558 J:90967 MGI:1857717 463 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:zygote ; CL:0000365 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:96238 J:91051 N/A 464 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:zygote ; CL:0000365 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045120 MGI:96238 J:91051 N/A 465 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal_rod_cell ; CL:0000604 gene product: text:dominant negative eletroporation IMP GO:0001754 MGI:103038 J:90895 N/A 466 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal_rod_cell ; CL:0000604 gene product: text: IDA GO:0046533 MGI:88439 J:90895 N/A 467 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042517 MGI:88439 J:90895 N/A 468 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:COS-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005515 MGI:1099809 J:84622 N/A 469 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12942 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:1194494 J:91269 N/A 470 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12942 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96113 J:91269 N/A 471 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,marginal layer\,rest of cerebral cortex; EMAP:12587 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0008021 MGI:1313277 J:91381 N/A 472 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,marginal layer\,rest of cerebral cortex; EMAP:12587 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0016188 MGI:107363 J:91381 MGI:2183278 473 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text:SiRNA evidence: anatomy: cell type:B16-F1 ; ATCC:CRL-6323 gene product: text:SiRNA IMP GO:0030036 MGI:88262 J:91448 N/A 474 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:B16-F1 ; ATCC:CRL-6323 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030864 MGI:88262 J:91448 N/A 475 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text:SiRNA evidence: anatomy: cell type:B16-F1 ; ATCC:CRL-6323 gene product: text:SiRNA IMP GO:0001667 MGI:88262 J:91448 N/A 476 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text:SiRNA IMP GO:0006898 MGI:88262 J:91448 N/A 477 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text:SiRNA evidence: anatomy: cell type:B16-F1 ; ATCC:CRL-6323 gene product: text:SiRNA IDA GO:0030864 MGI:101757 J:91448 N/A 478 1 evidence: anatomy:paraventricular thalamic nucleus ; MA:0000866 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:97168 J:91214 MGI:1933766 479 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030901 MGI:97168 J:91214 MGI:1933766 480 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,outflow tract\,heart; EMAP:2448 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:87911 J:90988 MGI:2651395 481 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,outflow tract\,heart; EMAP:2448 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001755 MGI:87911 J:90988 MGI:2651395 482 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:8944 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text:subplate neuron IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1859823 J:91247 MGI:3046867 483 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: GO:0000005 obsoleted; suggested protein folding and ribosome biogenesis. ISA GO:0042254 MGI:1923001 J:78050 EMBL:AF411122 484 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:GO:0000005 obsoleted. suggest ribosome biosynthesis and unfolded protein binding. ISA GO:0042254 MGI:1918944 J:78050 EMBL:AF273672 485 1 evidence:sperm counts|histology anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007283 MGI:96239 J:88035 MGI:2664942 486 1 evidence:sperm counts|histology anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:double knowout mice alleles MGI:3033933 and MGI:2664942. IGI GO:0007283 MGI:96238 J:88035 MGI:96239 487 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: bind with Enah IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109168 J:91137 UniProtKB:Q03173 488 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Fath IPI GO:0005515 MGI:108360 J:91137 UniProtKB:Q9QXA3 489 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: cell treated with blocking antibody specific for E-cadherin IMP GO:0016337 MGI:88354 J:91137 N/A 490 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: cell treated with blocking antibody specific for P-cadherin IMP GO:0016337 MGI:88356 J:91137 N/A 491 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: with Casp1 from culture supernatants IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1931465 J:91292 UniProtKB:P29452 492 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:hepatocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:109611 J:85619 N/A 493 1 evidence:western blot anatomy: cell type:HNF-3(beta)-ES cells|hepatocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:102676 J:85619 N/A 494 1 evidence:acetic acid writhing test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050968 MGI:2159339 J:81785 MGI:2451051 495 1 evidence:tail pressure test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050966 MGI:2159339 J:81785 MGI:2451051 496 1 evidence:hot plate test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050965 MGI:2159339 J:81785 MGI:2451051 497 1 evidence:intramuscular acetic acid injection anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050968 MGI:2159339 J:73505 MGI:2429689 498 1 evidence:Von Frey monofilament stimulation anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050966 MGI:2159339 J:73505 MGI:2429689 499 1 evidence:patch clamp recording anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050907 MGI:2159339 J:73505 MGI:2429689 500 1 evidence:patch clamp recording anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050974 MGI:2159339 J:73505 MGI:2429689 501 1 evidence:patch clamp recording anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050961 MGI:2159339 J:73505 MGI:2429689 502 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651 (cos-7 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005261 MGI:1100867 J:74681 N/A 503 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:DRG Neurons gene product: text: IMP GO:0005261 MGI:1100867 J:74681 MGI:2180111 504 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651 (cos-7 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0006812 MGI:1100867 J:74681 N/A 505 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:DRG Neurons gene product: text: IMP GO:0006812 MGI:1100867 J:74681 MGI:2180111 506 1 evidence:inferred from patch clamp on transfected cells anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651 (cos-7 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:1100867 J:74681 N/A 507 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651 (cos-7 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005261 MGI:1194915 J:74681 N/A 508 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:DRG neurons gene product: text: IMP GO:0005261 MGI:1194915 J:74681 MGI:2179834 509 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651 (cos-7 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0006812 MGI:1194915 J:74681 N/A 510 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:DRG neurons gene product: text: IMP GO:0006812 MGI:1194915 J:74681 MGI:2179834 511 1 evidence:inferred from patch clamp in transfected cells anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651 (cos-7 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:1194915 J:74681 N/A 512 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:DRG neurons gene product: text: IMP GO:0005261 MGI:2159339 J:74681 MGI:2429689 513 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651 (cos-7 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005261 MGI:2159339 J:74681 N/A 514 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651 (cos-7 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0006812 MGI:2159339 J:74681 N/A 515 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:DRG neurons gene product: text: IMP GO:0006812 MGI:2159339 J:74681 MGI:2429689 516 1 evidence:inferred from patch clamp in transfected cells anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651 (cos-7 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:2159339 J:74681 N/A 517 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:1918711 J:91298 MGI:3046905 518 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,organ of Corti; EMAP:12637 cell type:hair_cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045198 MGI:1918711 J:91298 MGI:3046905 519 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-61 (CHO cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0015280 MGI:1100867 J:68839 N/A 520 1 evidence:IF|inferred from patch clamp in transfected cells anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-61 (CHO cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:1100867 J:68839 N/A 521 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-61 (CHO cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0006814 MGI:1100867 J:68839 N/A 522 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001843 MGI:1918711 J:91298 MGI:2135272 523 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001843 MGI:2135272 J:91298 MGI:1918711 524 1 evidence:Von Frey hair test anatomy: cell type:skin neurons gene product: text: IMP GO:0050974 MGI:1100867 J:76712 MGI:2180111 525 1 evidence:acetic acid writhing test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001101 MGI:2159339 J:81785 MGI:2451051 526 1 evidence:intramuscular acetic acid injection anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001101 MGI:2159339 J:73505 MGI:2429689 527 1 evidence:hot plate test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009408 MGI:2159339 J:73505 MGI:2429689 528 1 evidence:tail pressure test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009612 MGI:2159339 J:73505 MGI:2429689 529 1 evidence:hot plate test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009408 MGI:2159339 J:81785 MGI:2451051 530 1 evidence:tail pressure test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009612 MGI:2159339 J:81785 MGI:2451051 531 1 evidence:Von Frey hair test anatomy: cell type:skin neurons gene product: text: IMP GO:0009612 MGI:1100867 J:76712 MGI:2180111 532 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-61 (CHO cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0001101 MGI:1100867 J:68839 N/A 533 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651 (cos-7 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0001101 MGI:1100867 J:74681 N/A 534 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:DRG Neurons gene product: text: IMP GO:0001101 MGI:1100867 J:74681 MGI:2180111 535 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651 (cos-7 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0001101 MGI:1194915 J:74681 N/A 536 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:DRG Neurons gene product: text: IMP GO:0001101 MGI:1194915 J:74681 MGI:2179834 537 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651 (cos-7 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0001101 MGI:2159339 J:74681 N/A 538 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:DRG neurons gene product: text: IMP GO:0001101 MGI:2159339 J:74681 MGI:2429689 539 1 evidence:eyeblink conditioning anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0008306 MGI:1194915 J:76361 MGI:2179834 540 1 evidence:Morris water maze anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007613 MGI:1194915 J:76361 MGI:2179834 541 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:hippocampal neuron gene product: text: IMP GO:0001101 MGI:1194915 J:76361 MGI:2179834 542 1 evidence:IB anatomy:brain cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0019717 MGI:1194915 J:76361 N/A 543 1 evidence:IB anatomy:skeletal muscle (EDL) cell type:CL:0000188 (skeletal_muscle) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005626 MGI:1277961 J:87935 N/A 544 1 evidence:IF anatomy:skeletal muscle (EDL) cell type:CL:0000188 (skeletal_muscle) gene product: text: IDA GO:0030018 MGI:94885 J:87935 N/A 545 1 evidence:IB anatomy:skeletal muscle (EDL) cell type:CL:0000188 (skeletal_muscle) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005626 MGI:94885 J:87935 N/A 546 1 evidence:IB anatomy:skeletal muscle (EDL) cell type:CL:0000188 (skeletal_muscle) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005626 MGI:94909 J:87935 N/A 547 1 evidence:IF anatomy:skeletal muscle (EDL) cell type:CL:0000188 (skeletal_muscle) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:94909 J:87935 N/A 548 1 evidence:IF anatomy:skeletal muscle (EDL) cell type:CL:0000188 (skeletal_muscle) gene product: text: IDA GO:0030018 MGI:96240 J:87935 N/A 549 1 evidence:IB anatomy:skeletal muscle (EDL) cell type:CL:0000188 (skeletal_muscle) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005626 MGI:96240 J:87935 N/A 550 1 evidence:IF anatomy:skeletal muscle (EDL) cell type:CL:0000188 (skeletal_muscle) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:96240 J:87935 N/A 551 1 evidence:IB anatomy:skeletal muscle (EDL) cell type:CL:0000188 (skeletal_muscle) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:96240 J:87935 N/A 552 1 evidence:IF anatomy:skeletal muscle (EDL) cell type:CL:0000188 (skeletal_muscle) gene product: text: IDA GO:0030018 MGI:88516 J:87935 N/A 553 1 evidence:IB anatomy:skeletal muscle (EDL) cell type:CL:0000188 (skeletal_muscle) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005626 MGI:88516 J:87935 N/A 554 1 evidence:IF anatomy:skeletal muscle (EDL) cell type:CL:0000188 (skeletal_muscle) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:88516 J:87935 N/A 555 1 evidence:IB anatomy:skeletal muscle (EDL) cell type:CL:0000188 (skeletal_muscle) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:88516 J:87935 N/A 556 1 evidence:IB anatomy:skeletal muscle (EDL) cell type:CL:0000188 (skeletal_muscle) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:1916503 J:87935 N/A 557 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IC GO:0005886 MGI:2154244 J:91658 GO:0017154 558 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IC GO:0005886 MGI:106206 J:91658 GO:0017154 559 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,midbrain; EMAP:4219 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030901 MGI:97451 J:91011 MGI:97450 560 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,diencephalon; EMAP:4128 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030900 MGI:97451 J:91012 MGI:97450 561 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,diencephalon; EMAP:4128 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030900 MGI:97450 J:91011 MGI:97451 562 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,midbrain; EMAP:4219 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030901 MGI:97450 J:91011 MGI:97451 563 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:F9 ; CRL-1720 gene product: text:regulates MGI:95517 IDA GO:0003700 MGI:98369 J:91550 N/A 564 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:F9 ; CRL-1720 gene product: text:regulates MGI:95517 IDA GO:0006357 MGI:98369 J:91550 N/A 565 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:F9 ; CRL-1720 gene product: text:regulates MGI:95517 IDA GO:0003700 MGI:95664 J:91550 N/A 566 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:98364 J:81180 N/A 567 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,inner cell mass; EMAP:14 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98364 J:81180 N/A 568 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: text:meiotic IDA GO:0000793 MGI:104537 J:85108 N/A 569 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IGI GO:0007098 MGI:104537 J:91673 MGI:107799 570 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IGI GO:0007098 MGI:107799 J:91673 MGI:104537 571 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:with Pcna; Cdc2a; Ccnb1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107799 J:78410 UniProtKB:P17918|UniProtKB:P11440|UniProtKB:P24860 572 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cerebellum primordium; EMAP:4207 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:1343102 J:91469 MGI:3043150 573 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: with Hdh and Dctn1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1261831 J:91294 UniProtKB:P42859|UniProtKB:O08788 574 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:with Hap1 and Dctn1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96067 J:91294 UniProtKB:O35668|UniProtKB:O08788 575 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:with Hap1 and Hdh IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107745 J:91294 UniProtKB:O35668|UniProtKB:P42859 576 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001502 MGI:95537 J:91724 N/A 577 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030154 MGI:95537 J:91724 N/A 578 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,enamel organ\,epithelium\,molar\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:10809 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:95586 J:91704 MGI:1857467 579 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001886 MGI:88451 J:91211 N/A 580 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: relase of Calcium from intracellular stores ISO GO:0006874 MGI:2442120 J:73065 EMBL:AB063170 581 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binds to Lyn kinase; binding reduced if yse a kinase dead Lyn mutant ISO GO:0019901 MGI:2442120 J:73065 EMBL:AB063170 582 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binds IP3R ISO GO:0005102 MGI:2442120 J:73065 EMBL:AB063170 583 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0015630 MGI:1915291 J:91336 N/A 584 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1561 gene product: text: IDA GO:0015630 MGI:1100537 J:91336 N/A 585 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Pik3r1; Cdh1; Cdh2. IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1202717 J:91529 UniProtKB:P26450|UniProtKB:P09403|UniProtKB:P15116 586 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: with Psen1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88354 J:91529 UniProtKB:P49769 587 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Psen1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97583 J:91529 UniProtKB:P49769 588 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: human Adprtl1 binding Tep1 ISA GO:0005515 MGI:2685589 J:91080 UniProtKB:Q9UKK3 589 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: human Adprtl1 binding Tep1 ISS GO:0005515 MGI:109573 J:91080 N/A 590 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Acdc IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1919924 J:90488 UniProtKB:Q60094 591 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Adipor2 IPI GO:0046982 MGI:1919924 J:90488 UniProtKB:Q8BQS5 592 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Acdc IPI GO:0005515 MGI:93830 J:90488 UniProtKB:Q60094 593 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Adipor1 IPI GO:0046982 MGI:93830 J:90488 UniProtKB:Q91VH1 594 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lung; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:1277980 J:91986 MGI:2179607 595 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: by dominant negative (DN)-AMPK IMP GO:0019395 MGI:2145955 J:90488 N/A 596 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: by dominant negative (DN)-AMPK IMP GO:0006006 MGI:2145955 J:90488 N/A 597 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: use inhibitor SB203580 IMP GO:0019395 MGI:1346865 J:90488 N/A 598 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: use inhibitor SB203580 IMP GO:0006006 MGI:1346865 J:90488 N/A 599 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Vgll2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:101876 J:87788 UniProtKB:Q8BGW8 600 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Tead1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2447460 J:87788 UniProtKB:P30051 601 1 evidence:tunel assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:1100867 J:90117 MGI:3043849 602 1 evidence:electroretinography anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007602 MGI:1100867 J:90117 MGI:3043849 603 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:glutamatergic_neuron ; CL:0000679 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042137 MGI:1920211 J:89958 MGI:3051945 604 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030097 MGI:1922083 J:90889 MGI:3051894 605 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy:kidney metanephroi cell type: gene product: text:reverses the effect of BMP4 on metanephroi development (human BMP4 used in J:80723) IDA GO:0001657 MGI:104327 J:80723 N/A 606 1 evidence:response to selenium-deficient diet anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001887 MGI:894288 J:87462 MGI:2656912 607 1 evidence:neurological effects of selenium-deficient diet in KO mice anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007420 MGI:894288 J:87462 MGI:2656912 608 1 evidence:weight gain measurements anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0040007 MGI:894288 J:87462 MGI:2656912 609 1 evidence:weight gain after birth|neurological effects of selenium-deficient diet in KO mice anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009791 MGI:894288 J:87462 MGI:2656912 610 1 evidence:stride pattern|stride length|pole climbing|rotarod test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007626 MGI:894288 J:87462 MGI:2656912 611 1 evidence:western blot anatomy:blood plasma cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:894288 J:87984 N/A 612 1 evidence:growth curve anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0040007 MGI:894288 J:87984 MGI:2652747 613 1 evidence:rotarod test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007626 MGI:894288 J:87984 MGI:2652747 614 1 evidence:growth curves|motor development anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009791 MGI:894288 J:87984 MGI:2652747 615 1 evidence:growth curve on selenium deficient diet|selenium plasma measurement anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001887 MGI:894288 J:87984 MGI:2652747 616 1 evidence:weight gain curves anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0040007 MGI:894288 J:82921 MGI:2652747 617 1 evidence:visual observation anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007626 MGI:894288 J:82921 MGI:2652747 618 1 evidence:immunoprecipitation of 75Se-labeled Sepp1 (Se-P)|Se uptake assay anatomy:plasma cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001887 MGI:894288 J:82921 MGI:2652747 619 1 evidence:litter number counting anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0019953 MGI:894288 J:82921 MGI:2652747 620 1 evidence:immunoprecipitation of 75Se-labeled Sepp1 (Se-P) anatomy:plasma cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:894288 J:82921 N/A 621 1 evidence:immunoprecipitation of 75Se-labeled Sepp1 (Se-P) anatomy:plasma cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0008430 MGI:894288 J:82921 N/A 622 1 evidence:immunoprecipitation of 75Se-labeled Sepp1 (Se-P) anatomy:plasma cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001887 MGI:894288 J:82921 N/A 623 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:target ; MGI:98297 IMP GO:0018345 MGI:2444681 J:89228 MGI:3051901|MGI:3051900 624 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045121 MGI:98297 J:89228 N/A 625 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007242 MGI:2444824 J:91676 N/A 626 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050766 MGI:2444824 J:91676 N/A 627 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,optic cup; EMAP:2367 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: text:P2 and P9 IMP GO:0046666 MGI:99702 J:85918 MGI:1857429 628 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy:TS22\,palatal shelf; EMAP:6622 (E14 palatal shelf) cell type: gene product: text:via adenovirus expression of constituitively active Tgfbr1 (caAlk-5) on Tgfb3 -/- tissue and adenovirus expression of dominant negative IMP GO:0001701 MGI:98728 J:87407 N/A 629 2 Tgfbr1 (dnAlk-5) on wildtype tissue. IMP GO:0001701 MGI:98728 J:87407 N/A 630 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy:TS22\,palatal shelf; EMAP:6622 (E14 palatal shelf) cell type: gene product: text:via adenovirus expression of constituitively active Tgfbr1 (caAlk-5) on Tgfb3 -/- tissue and adenovirus expression of dominant negative IMP GO:0009790 MGI:98728 J:87407 N/A 631 2 Tgfbr1 (dnAlk-5) on wildtype tissue. IMP GO:0009790 MGI:98728 J:87407 N/A 632 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,optic cup; EMAP:2367 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: text:P2 and P9 IMP GO:0046666 MGI:99255 J:85918 MGI:1856384 633 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy:TS22\,palatal shelf; EMAP:6622 (E14 palatal shelf) cell type: gene product: text:via adenovirus expression of constituitively active Acvr1 (caAlk-2) on Tgfb3 -/- tissue and adenovirus expression of dominant negative IMP GO:0001701 MGI:87911 J:87407 N/A 634 2 Acvr1 (dnAlk-2) on wildtype tissue. IMP GO:0001701 MGI:87911 J:87407 N/A 635 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy:TS22\,palatal shelf; EMAP:6622 (E14 palatal shelf) cell type: gene product: text:via adenovirus expression of constituitively active Acvr1 (caAlk-2) on Tgfb3 -/- tissue and adenovirus expression of dominant negative IMP GO:0009790 MGI:87911 J:87407 N/A 636 2 Acvr1 (dnAlk-2) on wildtype tissue. IMP GO:0009790 MGI:87911 J:87407 N/A 637 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy:TS22\,palatal shelf; EMAP:6622 (E14 palatal shelf) cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:98727 J:87407 MGI:2158731 638 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binds renin TAS GO:0005515 MGI:105940 J:62268 N/A 639 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS11\,primordial germ cells; EMAP:206 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007281 MGI:87911 J:91660 MGI:1857711 640 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,pulmonary artery; EMAP:4388 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:1202717 J:91716 MGI:3051523 641 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,right ventricle; EMAP:5337 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS23\,interventricular septum; EMAP:7950 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1202717 J:91716 MGI:3051523 642 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Icam5 (telencephalin) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1202717 J:73169 UniProtKB:Q60625 643 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,rectum; EMAP:5417 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS25\,urethra; EMAP:10949 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:105097 J:91491 MGI:3051215|MGI:3051214 644 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,rectum; EMAP:5417 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS25\,urethra; EMAP:10949 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:99611 J:91491 MGI:2149670 645 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:COS-7 ; CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1316740 J:56287 N/A 646 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,lens fibres; EMAP:5220 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS21\,optic nerve; EMAP:5228 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS21\,retina; EMAP:5230 cell type: gene product: qualifie IMP GO:0043010 MGI:2660661 J:91434 MGI:3052418 647 2 r: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:2660661 J:91434 MGI:3052418 648 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1825 (P19 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0007179 MGI:1328787 J:69633 N/A 649 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1825 (P19 cells) gene product: text:also TAS IDA GO:0005887 MGI:87911 J:69633 N/A 650 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1825 (P19 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0007179 MGI:87911 J:69633 N/A 651 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1825 (P19 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0016361 MGI:87911 J:69633 N/A 652 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay ("data not shown") anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1825 (P19 cells) gene product: text:morpholino IMP GO:0030509 MGI:107191 J:69633 N/A 653 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay ("data not shown") anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1825 (P19 cells) gene product: text:morpholino IMP GO:0005025 MGI:107191 J:69633 N/A 654 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:ATCC-1651 (COS7 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005811 MGI:87920 J:82843 N/A 655 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:ATCC-1651 (COS7 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0019915 MGI:87920 J:82843 N/A 656 1 evidence:oleic acid uptake assay|palmitic acid uptake assay anatomy: cell type:ATCC-1651 (COS7 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0015909 MGI:87920 J:92457 N/A 657 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:ATCC-1651 (COS7 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:87920 J:92457 N/A 658 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:ATCC-1651 (COS7 cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:87920 J:92457 N/A 659 1 evidence: anatomy:jejunum ; MA:0000340 cell type:brush_border_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000239 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:1203527 J:92456 N/A 660 1 evidence:in situ hybridization anatomy:TS20\,embryo; EMAP:3980 cell type: gene product: text: vidence:Alcien blue and Alizaran red staining anatomy:axial skeleton ; MA:0000308 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:103222 J:62547 MGI:2182708 661 1 evidence:Alcien blue and Alizaran red staining anatomy:TS24\,hindlimb; EMAP:8589 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0035116 MGI:103222 J:62547 MGI:2182708 662 1 evidence:in situ hybridization anatomy:TS20\,embryo; EMAP:3980 cell type: gene product: text: vidence:Alcien blue and Alizaran red staining anatomy:axial skeleton ; MA:0000308 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009880 MGI:103222 J:62547 MGI:2182708 663 1 evidence:Alcien blue and Alizaran red staining anatomy:TS28\,forelimb ; MA:0000025 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0035136 MGI:103222 J:62547 MGI:2182708 664 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:TS22\,handplate; EMAP:5793 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:103222 J:62547 MGI:2182708 665 1 evidence:TUNEL assay|Nile blue staining anatomy:TS22\,handplate; EMAP:5793 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:103222 J:62547 MGI:2182708 666 1 evidence:in situ hybridization anatomy:TS19\,embryo; EMAP:3322 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0045449 MGI:103222 J:62547 MGI:2182708 667 1 evidence:Alcien blue and Alizaran red staining anatomy:axial skeleton ; MA:0000308 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:103222 J:62547 MGI:2182708 668 1 evidence:sperm counts|TUNEL assay|repopulation of sperm depleted animals anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0048133 MGI:103222 J:91129 MGI:2182708 669 1 evidence:histology|germ cell transplantation anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0048133 MGI:103222 J:89934 MGI:1856943 670 1 evidence:IF anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:103222 J:89934 N/A 671 1 evidence: anatomy:TS6\,trophectoderm; EMAP:39 cell type:trophoblast_cell ; CL:0000351|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005925 MGI:96601 J:92219 N/A 672 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:ab inhibition IMP GO:0050840 MGI:96601 J:92219 N/A 673 1 evidence: anatomy:TS6\,trophectoderm; EMAP:39 cell type:trophoblast_cell ; CL:0000351|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030334 MGI:96612 J:92219 N/A 674 1 evidence: anatomy:TS6\,trophectoderm; EMAP:39 cell type:trophoblast_cell ; CL:0000351|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007160 MGI:96601 J:92219 N/A 675 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:skeletal_muscle_cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005912 MGI:98927 J:78855 N/A 676 1 evidence:Flow cytometry, IF anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96601 J:84599 N/A 677 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:5459|TS21\,tooth\,upper jaw; EMAP:5482 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: IMP GO:0040036 MGI:99829 J:92174 N/A 678 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:5459|TS21\,tooth\,upper jaw; EMAP:5482 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text:: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:99829 J:92174 N/A 679 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:egg ; CL:0000025 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88252 J:92195 N/A 680 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:egg ; CL:0000025 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:88252 J:92195 N/A 681 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:egg ; CL:0000025 gene product: text: IDA GO:0040020 MGI:88252 J:92195 N/A 682 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:egg ; CL:0000025 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030866 MGI:88252 J:92195 N/A 683 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IMP GO:0006929 MGI:2442114 J:92200 N/A 684 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0006929 MGI:97528 J:92200 N/A 685 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,lung; EMAP:4604 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:98297 J:92194 MGI:1857796 686 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,lung; EMAP:4604 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030324 MGI:98297 J:92194 MGI:95729 687 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,lung; EMAP:4604 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030324 MGI:95729 J:92194 MGI:98297 688 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:95729 J:87948 MGI:1856275 689 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,cardiac muscle\,left ventricle; EMAP:7954 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS23\,left atrium; EMAP:7917 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:2385923 J:92209 MGI:3052225 690 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,roof plate\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3534 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: text: dl1 interneuron IMP GO:0007411 MGI:1888519 J:92188 MGI:1888413 691 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,roof plate\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3534 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: text: dl1 interneuron IMP GO:0030182 MGI:1888519 J:92188 MGI:1888413 692 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Shh processing IDA GO:0007225 MGI:1916147 J:79831 N/A 693 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,telencephalon; EMAP:4175 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0009953 MGI:1916147 J:92058 MGI:98297 694 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,telencephalon; EMAP:4175 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0009953 MGI:98297 J:92058 MGI:1916147 695 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,pancreas; EMAP:4113 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:105373 J:85472 MGI:1857447 696 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,primordial germ cells\,primitive seminiferous tubules\,non-hilar region\,medullary region\,testis; EMAP:8448 cell type:male_germ_cell ; CL:0000015 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007281 MGI:98968 J:92201 MGI:1857268 697 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0008584 MGI:98968 J:92201 MGI:1857268 698 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:1929518 J:92220 MGI:3052154 699 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,facial neural crest; EMAP:709 cell type:cranial_neural_crest_cell ; CL:0000008 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:1929518 J:92220 MGI:3052154 700 1 evidence: anatomy:proximal convoluted tubule ; MA:0001669 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96909 J:92087 N/A 701 1 evidence: anatomy:proximal convoluted tubule ; MA:0001669 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:96909 J:92087 N/A 702 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,definitive endoderm; EMAP:113 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007492 MGI:1338938 J:92179 MGI:2158342 703 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,surface ectoderm\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:495 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007398 MGI:1338938 J:92178 MGI:2158342 704 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,notochordal plate; EMAP:532 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0048382 MGI:1338938 J:92179 MGI:2158342 705 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,neural ectoderm\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:151 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:1338938 J:92179 MGI:2158342 706 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,dorsal grey horn\,alar columns\,mantle layer\,lateral wall\,spinal cord; EMAP:7678 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:2148204 J:92064 MGI:2182636 707 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,dorsal grey horn\,alar columns\,mantle layer\,lateral wall\,spinal cord; EMAP:7678 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1351209 J:92064 MGI:2180105 708 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,cardiovascular system; EMAP:307 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001570 MGI:108075 J:92048 MGI:2176255 709 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:EOMA ; ATCC:CRL-2586 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001570 MGI:98297 J:92048 N/A 710 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,submandibular gland primordium; EMAP:4917 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007435 MGI:99604 J:92205 MGI:2686826 711 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:104798 J:91786 N/A 712 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:103290 J:73196 N/A 713 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text:after Tnfr2 stimulation IDA GO:0005634 MGI:103290 J:73196 N/A 714 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,forebrain; EMAP:7470 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030182 MGI:103236 J:91751 N/A 715 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,forebrain; EMAP:7470 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030182 MGI:95278 J:91751 N/A 716 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,forebrain; EMAP:7470 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: blocking fragment IMP GO:0030182 MGI:95278 J:91751 N/A 717 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,forebrain; EMAP:7470 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: inhibitor PD098059 IMP GO:0030182 MGI:1346866 J:91751 N/A 718 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,forebrain; EMAP:7470 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0000187 MGI:103236 J:91751 N/A 719 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,forebrain; EMAP:7470 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0048013 MGI:103236 J:91751 N/A 720 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,forebrain; EMAP:7470 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005003 MGI:99612 J:91751 N/A 721 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045665 MGI:1347464 J:87404 MGI:1932522 722 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebellum; EMAP:11736 cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030902 MGI:98297 J:92189 MGI:1934268|MGI:2387802 723 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebellum; EMAP:11736 cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:98297 J:92189 MGI:1934268|MGI:2387802 724 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebellum; EMAP:11736 cell type:Purkinje_cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: text: IMP GO:0048468 MGI:98297 J:92189 MGI:1934268|MGI:2387802 725 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,primordial germ cells; EMAP:3854 cell type:germ_cell ; CL:0000586 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009986 MGI:95594 J:92186 N/A 726 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,primordial germ cells; EMAP:3854 cell type:germ_cell ; CL:0000586 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS21\,primordial germ cells\,testis; EMAP:5539 cell type:germ_cell ; CL:0000586 gene product: text: evi IDA GO:0005634 MGI:94912 J:92186 N/A 727 2 dence: anatomy:TS22\,primordial germ cells\,testis; EMAP:6713 cell type:germ_cell ; CL:0000586 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS23\,primordial germ cells\,primitive seminiferous tubules\,non-hilar region\,medullary region\,testis; EMAP: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:94912 J:92186 N/A 728 3 8266 cell type:germ_cell ; CL:0000586 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:94912 J:92186 N/A 729 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:GABAergic_neuron ; CL:0000617|CNS_interneuron ; CL:000040 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007399 MGI:1277163 J:92054 MGI:1859863 730 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,telencephalon; EMAP:8943 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1277163 J:92054 MGI:1859863 731 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:pontine nucleus ; MA:0001021 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: t IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1930780 J:92081 MGI:3052104 732 2 ext: evidence: anatomy:facial VII nucleus ; MA:0001014 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1930780 J:92081 MGI:3052104 733 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,gonad primordium; EMAP:3851 cell type:Sertoli_cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:95523 J:92065 N/A 734 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,gonad primordium; EMAP:3851 cell type:Sertoli_cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008543 MGI:104723 J:92065 MGI:2135961 735 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,gonad; EMAP:4598 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS19\,gonad primordium; EMAP:3851 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0008584 MGI:104723 J:92065 MGI:2135961 736 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,gonad; EMAP:4598 cell type:Sertoli_cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:104723 J:92065 MGI:2135961 737 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,gonad primordium; EMAP:3851 cell type:Sertoli_cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: text:Fgfr2 import IMP GO:0006606 MGI:104723 J:92065 MGI:2135961 738 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,gonad primordium; EMAP:3851 cell type:Sertoli_cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98371 J:92065 N/A 739 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Dlgh4 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1306776 J:75815 UniProtKB:Q62108 740 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Mtap1a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1277959 J:75815 UniProtKB:Q9QYR6 741 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:proerythroblast ; CL:0000547 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030099 MGI:96629 J:92299 MGI:3045147 742 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: text: IDA GO:0015630 MGI:109520 J:86720 N/A 743 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,cardiovascular system\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:2629 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:104889 J:92266 MGI:3052819 744 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,cardiovascular system\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:1454 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:892979 J:92328 MGI:3052865 745 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,dorsal grey horn\,alar columns\,mantle layer\,lateral wall\,spinal cord; EMAP:7678 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:1100513 J:92064 MGI:2158463 746 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,dorsal grey horn\,alar columns\,mantle layer\,lateral wall\,spinal cord; EMAP:7678 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1100513 J:92064 MGI:2158463 747 1 evidence:CT4S bioassay|CTLL bioassay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0019882 MGI:107674 J:89707 N/A 748 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 ; CL:0000057 (fibroblast) ; cell_line:C57SV gene product: text: IDA GO:0005769 MGI:107674 J:89707 N/A 749 1 evidence:IP anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 ; CL:0000057 (fibroblast) ; cell_line:C57SV gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:107674 J:89707 N/A 750 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 ; CL:0000057 (fibroblast) ; cell_line:C57SV gene product: text: IDA GO:0005770 MGI:107674 J:89707 N/A 751 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 ; CL:0000057 (fibroblast) ; cell_line:C57SV gene product: text: evidence:subcellular fractionation ; IP anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 ; CL:0000236 (B_lymphocyte) ; ATCC:TIB-208 (A20 IIA1.6 variant used IDA GO:0005764 MGI:107674 J:89707 N/A 752 2 ) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:107674 J:89707 N/A 753 1 evidence:CT4S bioassay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0051135 MGI:107674 J:89707 N/A 754 1 evidence:CTLL bioassay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0045086 MGI:107674 J:89707 N/A 755 1 evidence:CT4S bioassay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0045404 MGI:107674 J:89707 N/A 756 1 evidence:CT4S bioassay|CTLL bioassay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0019882 MGI:96534 J:89707 N/A 757 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 ; cell_line:RBL gene product: text: IDA GO:0006886 MGI:96534 J:89707 N/A 758 1 evidence:IP anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 ; CL:0000236 (B_lymphocyte) ; ATCC:TIB-197 (BCL-1) gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96534 J:89707 UniProtKB:P11609 759 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,6th arch artery; EMAP:2395 cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS17\,3rd arch artery; EMAP:2393 cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: qu IMP GO:0001569 MGI:2154244 J:91658 MGI:3050678 760 2 alifier: text: evidence: anatomy:TS17\,4th arch artery; EMAP:2394 cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS17\,4th arch artery; EMAP:2394 cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene pro IMP GO:0001569 MGI:2154244 J:91658 MGI:3050678 761 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030336 MGI:1921394 J:85367 N/A 762 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0045078 MGI:107674 J:39748 MGI:2180711 763 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0045404 MGI:107674 J:39748 MGI:2180711 764 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050776 MGI:107674 J:39748 MGI:2180711 765 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0050776 MGI:96447 J:39748 N/A 766 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:thymocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95904 J:39748 N/A 767 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:thymocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88338 J:39748 N/A 768 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:thymocytes ; splenocytes ; hepatocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:107538 J:39748 N/A 769 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,lens; EMAP:5217 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS18\,retina; EMAP:3013 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0043010 MGI:88180 J:90398 MGI:2137520 770 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,1st arch; EMAP:1003 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS15\,2nd arch; EMAP:1025 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:95283 J:90465 MGI:1857637 771 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,endoderm\,foregut diverticulum; EMAP:603 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:96086 J:87725 MGI:2177762 772 1 evidence: anatomy:parathyroid gland ; MA:0000128 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS19\,branchial pouch\,3rd arch; EMAP:3348 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:96175 J:89259 MGI:1857992 773 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,pancreas; EMAP:9293 cell type:pancreatic_B_cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS19\,ventral bud\,pancreas primordium; EMAP:3454 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: e IDA GO:0005634 MGI:102851 J:87397 N/A 774 2 nce: anatomy:TS20\,common bile duct; EMAP:4571 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:102851 J:87397 N/A 775 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,pancreas; EMAP:9293 cell type:pancreatic_B_cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101791 J:87397 N/A 776 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ameloblast ; CL:0000059 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101791 J:84600 N/A 777 2 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101791 J:84600 N/A 778 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,epithelium\,mammary gland; EMAP:6040 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS26\,epithelium\,mammary gland; EMAP:11600 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: qualifie IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96770 J:86666 N/A 779 2 r: text: evidence: anatomy:TS22\,mesenchyme\,mammary gland; EMAP:6041 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS22\,mesenchyme\,mammary gland; EMAP:6041 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96770 J:86666 N/A 780 1 evidence: anatomy:TS2\,two-cell stage; EMAP:6 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS3\,4-8 cell stage; EMAP:8 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005730 MGI:106035 J:91494 N/A 781 1 evidence: anatomy:TS1\,first polar body; EMAP:1 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS1\,second polar body; EMAP:3 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:106035 J:91494 N/A 782 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,dorsal bud\,pancreas primordium; EMAP:3453 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:101784 J:87375 N/A 783 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy:TS23\,Meckel's cartilage; EMAP:8146 cell type: gene product: text: evidence:microscopy anatomy:TS22\,palatal shelf; EMAP:6622 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:87911 J:90453 MGI:2651395|MGI:2447280 784 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy:TS23\,Meckel's cartilage; EMAP:8146 cell type: gene product: text: evidence:microscopy anatomy:TS22\,palatal shelf; EMAP:6622 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009790 MGI:87911 J:90453 MGI:2651395|MGI:2447280 785 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS9\,embryo; EMAP:80 cell type:germ_cell ; CL:0000586 gene product: text: evidence:histology anatomy:TS8\,embryo; EMAP:57 cell type:germ_cell ; CL:0000586 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007281 MGI:88180 J:91660 MGI:1857137 786 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,epithelium\,mammary gland; EMAP:11600 cell type:columnar/cuboidal_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000075 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1352467 J:75909 N/A 787 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,epithelium\,other part\,otocyst; EMAP:2360 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1339708 J:75058 N/A 788 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,vomeronasal organ; EMAP:4364 cell type:peptidergic_neuron ; CL:0000110|CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text:Gnrh evidence: anatomy:TS20\,forebrain; EMAP:4127 cell type:peptidergic_neuron ; CL: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:105088 J:89800 MGI:1927548 789 2 0000110|CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text:Gnrh IMP GO:0001764 MGI:105088 J:89800 MGI:1927548 790 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,endocardial cushion tissue; EMAP:1334 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS15\,endocardial lining\,caudal half\,bulbus cordis; EMAP:1328 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001837 MGI:96522 J:87765 MGI:1857411 791 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,endocardial cushion tissue; EMAP:1334 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:96522 J:87765 MGI:1857411 792 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cerebellum primordium; EMAP:4207 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS25\,pontine cistern\,subarachnoid space\,meninges\,hindbrain; EMAP:10371 cell type:CNS_neuron IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1343102 J:91469 MGI:3043150 793 2 _(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS20\,marginal layer\,alar plate\,lateral wall\,metencephalon; EMAP:4209 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1343102 J:91469 MGI:3043150 794 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,palatal shelf; EMAP:4564 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS20\,mesenchyme\,palatal shelf; EMAP:4565 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: qualifi IMP GO:0007267 MGI:98297 J:90909 MGI:1934268 795 2 er: text: IMP GO:0007267 MGI:98297 J:90909 MGI:1934268 796 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,epithelium\,palatal shelf; EMAP:6623 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0008285 MGI:98727 J:84447 N/A 797 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,epithelium\,palatal shelf; EMAP:6623 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:98727 J:87413 MGI:1857259 798 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy:TS22\,palatal shelf; EMAP:6622 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009790 MGI:98727 J:87407 MGI:2158731 799 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,heart; EMAP:1827 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS18\,heart; EMAP:3056 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS17\,heart; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0008016 MGI:98742 J:91511 MGI:2183135 800 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,fibula; EMAP:7363 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS23\,tibia; EMAP:7364 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:103178 J:89363 MGI:1931048 801 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,mesoderm\,yolk sac; EMAP:204 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007498 MGI:103178 J:86673 MGI:2383985 802 1 evidence: anatomy:inner cell mass; EMAP:14 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:trophectoderm; EMAP:28 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:98968 J:87376 N/A 803 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,tubule\,mesonephros; EMAP:3232 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030855 MGI:98968 J:40389 MGI:1857268 804 1 evidence: anatomy:inner cell mass; EMAP:14 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:trophectoderm; EMAP:28 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98968 J:87376 N/A 805 1 evidence:Alcien blue and Alizaran red staining anatomy:TS24\,hindlimb; EMAP:8589 cell type: gene product: text: evidence:Alcien blue and Alizaran red staining anatomy:TS28\,forelimb ; MA:0000025 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0035110 MGI:103222 J:62547 MGI:2182708 806 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,notochord; EMAP:2219 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030903 MGI:3053002 J:91405 MGI:3053092 807 1 evidence:anti-TCR beta antibody blocking of IL-2 production anatomy: cell type:cell_line:DN32.D3 (T-cell hybridoma) gene product: text: IDA GO:0050870 MGI:98578 J:25159 N/A 808 1 evidence:anti-Cd1d1 antibody blocking of T-cell IL-2 production anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0051135 MGI:107674 J:25159 N/A 809 1 evidence:anti-Cd1d1 antibody blocking of T-cell IL-2 production anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0045086 MGI:107674 J:25159 N/A 810 1 evidence:anti-Cd1d1 antibody blocking of T-cell IL-4 production anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0045404 MGI:107674 J:25159 N/A 811 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:thymocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88338 J:25159 N/A 812 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0051135 MGI:107674 J:76976 N/A 813 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0045086 MGI:107674 J:76976 N/A 814 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0051135 MGI:107675 J:76976 N/A 815 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0045086 MGI:107675 J:76976 N/A 816 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0045404 MGI:107675 J:76976 N/A 817 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0048007 MGI:107674 J:86243 N/A 818 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 ; CL:0000236 (B_lymphocyte) ; ATCC:TIB-208 (A20) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:107674 J:86243 N/A 819 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0045086 MGI:107674 J:86243 N/A 820 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0048007 MGI:1333879 J:86243 MGI:1856989 821 1 evidence:"unpublished data" anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0048007 MGI:107734 J:86243 MGI:1856083 822 1 evidence:"unpublished data" anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0019882 MGI:107734 J:86243 MGI:1856083 823 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0006886 MGI:107734 J:86243 MGI:1856083 824 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0019882 MGI:1333879 J:86243 MGI:1856989 825 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0051138 MGI:1333879 J:86243 MGI:1856989 826 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:splenocytes gene product: text: IMP GO:0006622 MGI:1333879 J:86243 MGI:1856989 827 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 ; CL:0000236 (B_lymphocyte) ; ATCC:TIB-208 (A20) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:96748 J:86243 N/A 828 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: siTax1bp3 IMP GO:0030528 MGI:1923531 J:85837 N/A 829 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Map4k1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1333842 J:91552 UniProtKB:P70218 830 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Grap2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1346882 J:91552 UniProtKB:O89100 831 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Atf4 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2386030 J:88780 UniProtKB:Q06507 832 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Atf4 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1860139 J:88780 UniProtKB:Q06507 833 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS21\,embryo; EMAP:4740 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0035116 MGI:1100846 J:86857 MGI:2684189 834 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS21\,embryo; EMAP:4740 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:1100846 J:86857 MGI:2684189 835 1 evidence:histology|resin casts anatomy:TS24, placenta blood vessels cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001570 MGI:108023 J:87595 MGI:3028946 836 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=687 homol_start_in_pep=87 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=61.572 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030013 J:88213 protein_id:CAB42853 837 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=687 homol_start_in_pep=87 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=61.572 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030013 J:88213 protein_id:CAB42853 838 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=687 homol_start_in_pep=87 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=61.572 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030013 J:88213 protein_id:CAB42853 839 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=687 homol_start_in_pep=87 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=61.572 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030013 J:88213 protein_id:CAB42853 840 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=555 homol_start_in_pep=84 homol_end_in_pep=268 percent_ident(pep)=62.162 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030050 J:88213 protein_id:CAB42853 841 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=555 homol_start_in_pep=84 homol_end_in_pep=268 percent_ident(pep)=62.162 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030050 J:88213 protein_id:CAB42853 842 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=555 homol_start_in_pep=84 homol_end_in_pep=268 percent_ident(pep)=62.162 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030050 J:88213 protein_id:CAB42853 843 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=555 homol_start_in_pep=84 homol_end_in_pep=268 percent_ident(pep)=62.162 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030050 J:88213 protein_id:CAB42853 844 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=330 homol_start_in_pep=203 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=57.273 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030054 J:88213 protein_id:AAC64377 845 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=330 homol_start_in_pep=203 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=57.273 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030054 J:88213 protein_id:AAC64377 846 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene 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percent_ident(pep)=77.287 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030529 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45196 1841 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=948 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=77.287 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030529 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45196 1842 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=948 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=77.287 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030529 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45196 1843 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=948 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=77.287 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030529 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45196 1844 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=79.085 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030531 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45198 1845 1 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J:88213 protein_id:AAG45196 1854 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=81.388 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030533 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45196 1855 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=81.388 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030533 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45196 1856 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=83.596 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030534 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45196 1857 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=83.596 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030534 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45196 1858 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene 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percent_ident(pep)=86.709 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030535 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45195 1863 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=948 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=316 percent_ident(pep)=86.709 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030535 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45195 1864 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=75.57 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030536 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45200 1865 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=75.57 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030536 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45200 1866 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=75.57 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030536 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45200 1867 1 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protein_id:AAG45197 1876 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=99.685 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030539 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45196 1877 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=99.685 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030539 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45196 1878 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=99.685 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030539 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45196 1879 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=99.685 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030539 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45196 1880 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 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J:88213 protein_id:AAG45194 1885 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030541 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45194 1886 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030541 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45194 1887 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030541 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45194 1888 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030542 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45200 1889 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 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J:88213 protein_id:AAG45203 1894 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030544 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45203 1895 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030544 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45203 1896 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:104713 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45202 1897 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:104713 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45202 1898 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 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J:88213 protein_id:AAG45189 1903 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030545 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45189 1904 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=984 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=328 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:97432 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45187 1905 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=984 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=328 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:97432 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45187 1906 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=984 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=328 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:97432 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45187 1907 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=984 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=328 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:97432 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45187 1908 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=954 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030547 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45186 1909 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=954 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030547 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45186 1910 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=954 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030547 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45186 1911 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=954 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030547 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45186 1912 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=954 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=99.686 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030548 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45185 1913 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=954 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=99.686 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030548 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45185 1914 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=954 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=99.686 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030548 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45185 1915 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=954 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=99.686 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030548 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45185 1916 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=948 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=316 percent_ident(pep)=99.684 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:109148 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45184 1917 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=948 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=316 percent_ident(pep)=99.684 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:109148 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45184 1918 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=948 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=316 percent_ident(pep)=99.684 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:109148 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45184 1919 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=948 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=316 percent_ident(pep)=99.684 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:109148 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45184 1920 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030549 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45183 1921 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030549 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45183 1922 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030549 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45183 1923 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030549 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45183 1924 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030550 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45182 1925 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030550 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45182 1926 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030550 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45182 1927 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030550 J:88213 protein_id:AAG45182 1928 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=49.342 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030301 J:88213 protein_id:AAC52910 1929 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=49.342 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030301 J:88213 protein_id:AAC52910 1930 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=49.342 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030301 J:88213 protein_id:AAC52910 1931 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=49.342 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030301 J:88213 protein_id:AAC52910 1932 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=53.548 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030303 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1933 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=53.548 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030303 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1934 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=53.548 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030303 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1935 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=53.548 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030303 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1936 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=51.935 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030304 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1937 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=51.935 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030304 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1938 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=51.935 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030304 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1939 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=51.935 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030304 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1940 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=-8 homol_end_in_CDS=891 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=48.333 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030305 J:88213 protein_id:AAC52910 1941 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=-8 homol_end_in_CDS=891 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=48.333 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030305 J:88213 protein_id:AAC52910 1942 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=-8 homol_end_in_CDS=891 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=48.333 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030305 J:88213 protein_id:AAC52910 1943 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=-8 homol_end_in_CDS=891 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=48.333 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030305 J:88213 protein_id:AAC52910 1944 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=51.792 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030306 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1945 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=51.792 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030306 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1946 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=51.792 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030306 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1947 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=51.792 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030306 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1948 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=49.673 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030307 J:88213 protein_id:AAG39872 1949 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=49.673 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030307 J:88213 protein_id:AAG39872 1950 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=49.673 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030307 J:88213 protein_id:AAG39872 1951 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=49.673 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030307 J:88213 protein_id:AAG39872 1952 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=46.906 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030308 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1953 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=46.906 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030308 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1954 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=46.906 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030308 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1955 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=46.906 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030308 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1956 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=49.191 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030310 J:88213 protein_id:AAG39872 1957 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=49.191 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030310 J:88213 protein_id:AAG39872 1958 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=49.191 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030310 J:88213 protein_id:AAG39872 1959 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=49.191 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030310 J:88213 protein_id:AAG39872 1960 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=49.515 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030311 J:88213 protein_id:AAG39872 1961 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=49.515 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030311 J:88213 protein_id:AAG39872 1962 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=49.515 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030311 J:88213 protein_id:AAG39872 1963 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=49.515 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030311 J:88213 protein_id:AAG39872 1964 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=54.248 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030312 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1965 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=54.248 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030312 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1966 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=54.248 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030312 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1967 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=54.248 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030312 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1968 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=51.815 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030314 J:88213 protein_id:AAF20365 1969 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=51.815 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030314 J:88213 protein_id:AAF20365 1970 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=51.815 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030314 J:88213 protein_id:AAF20365 1971 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=51.815 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030314 J:88213 protein_id:AAF20365 1972 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=54.072 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030315 J:88213 protein_id:CAA64370 1973 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=54.072 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030315 J:88213 protein_id:CAA64370 1974 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=54.072 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030315 J:88213 protein_id:CAA64370 1975 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=54.072 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030315 J:88213 protein_id:CAA64370 1976 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=948 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=313 percent_ident(pep)=51.438 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030316 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1977 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=948 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=313 percent_ident(pep)=51.438 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030316 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1978 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=948 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=313 percent_ident(pep)=51.438 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030316 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1979 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=948 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=313 percent_ident(pep)=51.438 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030316 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1980 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.751 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030317 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1981 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.751 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030317 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1982 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.751 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030317 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1983 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.751 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030317 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1984 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=948 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=313 percent_ident(pep)=54.313 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030318 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1985 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=948 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=313 percent_ident(pep)=54.313 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030318 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1986 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=948 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=313 percent_ident(pep)=54.313 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030318 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1987 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=948 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=313 percent_ident(pep)=54.313 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030318 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1988 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=31 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.303 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030319 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1989 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=31 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.303 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030319 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1990 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=31 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.303 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030319 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1991 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=31 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.303 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030319 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1992 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=53.268 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030320 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1993 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=53.268 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030320 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1994 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=53.268 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030320 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1995 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=53.268 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030320 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1996 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=53.268 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030321 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1997 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=53.268 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030321 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1998 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=53.268 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030321 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 1999 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=53.268 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030321 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2000 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.303 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030322 J:88213 protein_id:AAF20365 2001 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.303 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030322 J:88213 protein_id:AAF20365 2002 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.303 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030322 J:88213 protein_id:AAF20365 2003 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.303 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030322 J:88213 protein_id:AAF20365 2004 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=52.258 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030324 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2005 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=52.258 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030324 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2006 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=52.258 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030324 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2007 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=52.258 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030324 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2008 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=50.323 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030325 J:88213 protein_id:AAG39872 2009 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=50.323 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030325 J:88213 protein_id:AAG39872 2010 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=50.323 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030325 J:88213 protein_id:AAG39872 2011 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=50.323 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030325 J:88213 protein_id:AAG39872 2012 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=52.258 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030326 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2013 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=52.258 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030326 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2014 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=52.258 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030326 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2015 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=52.258 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030326 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2016 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=53.226 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030327 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2017 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=53.226 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030327 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2018 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=53.226 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030327 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2019 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=53.226 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030327 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2020 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=53.055 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030328 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2021 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=53.055 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030328 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2022 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=53.055 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030328 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2023 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=53.055 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030328 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2024 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=53.226 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030329 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2025 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=53.226 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030329 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2026 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=53.226 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030329 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2027 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=53.226 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030329 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2028 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=53.094 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030331 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2029 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=53.094 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030331 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2030 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=53.094 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030331 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2031 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=53.094 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030331 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2032 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=51.935 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030332 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2033 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=51.935 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030332 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2034 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=51.935 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030332 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2035 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=51.935 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030332 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2036 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=52.903 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030336 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2037 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=52.903 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030336 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2038 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=52.903 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030336 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2039 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=52.903 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030336 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2040 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=68.79 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030338 J:88213 protein_id:AAK00590 2041 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=68.79 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030338 J:88213 protein_id:AAK00590 2042 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=68.79 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030338 J:88213 protein_id:AAK00590 2043 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene 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homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=52.581 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030340 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2048 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=52.564 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030341 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2049 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=52.564 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030341 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2050 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=52.564 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030341 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2051 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=52.564 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030341 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63970 2052 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=49.671 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030342 J:88213 protein_id:AAC52910 2053 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=49.671 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030342 J:88213 protein_id:AAC52910 2054 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=49.671 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030342 J:88213 protein_id:AAC52910 2055 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=49.671 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030342 J:88213 protein_id:AAC52910 2056 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene 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J:88213 protein_id:AAC63971 4558 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=51.839 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030043 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63971 4559 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=51.839 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030043 J:88213 protein_id:AAC63971 4560 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=47.157 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030045 J:88213 protein_id:CAA74794 4561 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=47.157 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030045 J:88213 protein_id:CAA74794 4562 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=47.157 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030045 J:88213 protein_id:CAA74794 4563 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=47.157 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030045 J:88213 protein_id:CAA74794 4564 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=975 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=325 percent_ident(pep)=84 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030046 J:88213 protein_id:AAC17227 4565 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=975 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=325 percent_ident(pep)=84 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030046 J:88213 protein_id:AAC17227 4566 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=975 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=325 percent_ident(pep)=84 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030046 J:88213 protein_id:AAC17227 4567 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=975 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=325 percent_ident(pep)=84 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030046 J:88213 protein_id:AAC17227 4568 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=975 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=325 percent_ident(pep)=84.308 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030047 J:88213 protein_id:AAC17227 4569 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=975 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=325 percent_ident(pep)=84.308 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030047 J:88213 protein_id:AAC17227 4570 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=975 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=325 percent_ident(pep)=84.308 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030047 J:88213 protein_id:AAC17227 4571 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=975 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=325 percent_ident(pep)=84.308 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030047 J:88213 protein_id:AAC17227 4572 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=66.558 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030048 J:88213 protein_id:AAC17227 4573 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=66.558 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030048 J:88213 protein_id:AAC17227 4574 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=66.558 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030048 J:88213 protein_id:AAC17227 4575 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=66.558 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030048 J:88213 protein_id:AAC17227 4576 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=316 percent_ident(pep)=64.706 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030049 J:88213 protein_id:AAC17226 4577 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=316 percent_ident(pep)=64.706 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030049 J:88213 protein_id:AAC17226 4578 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=316 percent_ident(pep)=64.706 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030049 J:88213 protein_id:AAC17226 4579 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntext:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=316 percent_ident(pep)=64.706 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030049 J:88213 protein_id:AAC17226 4580 1 evidence:histology ("data not shown") anatomy:TS23\,primordial germ cells\,primitive seminiferous tubules\,non-hilar region\,medullary region\,testis; EMAP:8266 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97538 J:50463 N/A 4581 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS20\,primordial germ cells; EMAP:4601 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97538 J:50463 N/A 4582 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1919299 J:91914 N/A 4583 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030890 MGI:1919299 J:91914 N/A 4584 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042102 MGI:1919299 J:91914 N/A 4585 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042102 MGI:1919299 J:91914 MGI:2389403 4586 1 evidence:flow cytometry (data not shown)|gross anatomy (data not shown) anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001782 MGI:1889411 J:91914 MGI:3052983 4587 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1889411 J:91914 N/A 4588 1 evidence:flow cytometry (data not shown)|gross anatomy (data not shown) anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030889 MGI:1889411 J:91914 MGI:3052983 4589 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030890 MGI:1344376 J:91914 N/A 4590 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042102 MGI:1344376 J:91914 N/A 4591 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphoblast ; CL:0000230 gene product: text:upregulation of Bcl2|MGI:88138|SPTR:L31532 IDA GO:0045885 MGI:1344376 J:91914 N/A 4592 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030890 MGI:96448 J:91914 N/A 4593 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:91914 N/A 4594 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:splenocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1916833 J:87680 N/A 4595 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0016064 MGI:1916833 J:88910 MGI:3038886 4596 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0048298 MGI:1916833 J:88910 MGI:3038886 4597 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: evidence:RT-PCR anatomy: cell type:IgM_B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000302 gene product: text: ISO GO:0048298 MGI:1916833 J:88910 UniProtKB:O75888 4598 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050776 MGI:1916833 J:88910 MGI:3038886 4599 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: evidence:RT-PCR anatomy: cell type:IgM_B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000302 gene product: text: IDA GO:0048304 MGI:96556 J:88910 N/A 4600 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: evidence:RT-PCR anatomy: cell type:IgM_B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000302 gene product: text: IDA GO:0048295 MGI:96556 J:88910 N/A 4601 1 evidence:histology|flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1919299 J:92334 N/A 4602 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042102 MGI:1919299 J:92334 N/A 4603 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042102 MGI:1919299 J:92334 MGI:2389403 4604 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0045078 MGI:1919299 J:92334 MGI:2389403 4605 1 evidence:allograph rejection assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050776 MGI:1919299 J:92334 MGI:2389403 4606 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042102 MGI:1344376 J:92334 N/A 4607 1 evidence:allograph rejection assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050776 MGI:1344376 J:92334 MGI:2387426 4608 1 evidence:histology|3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88332 J:92334 N/A 4609 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042102 MGI:88332 J:92334 N/A 4610 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88335 J:92334 N/A 4611 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96549 J:92334 N/A 4612 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88319 J:92334 N/A 4613 1 evidence:histology|flow cytometry anatomy:spleen cell type:splenocytes gene product: text: IMP GO:0001782 MGI:1344376 J:88708 MGI:2387426 4614 1 evidence:histology anatomy:spleen cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050776 MGI:1344376 J:88708 MGI:2387426 4615 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97858 J:92505 N/A 4616 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: Clone M-3 [Cloudman S91 melanoma] ; ATCC:CCL-53.1 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005667 MGI:97858 J:92505 N/A 4617 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: Clone M-3 [Cloudman S91 melanoma] ; ATCC:CCL-53.1 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005667 MGI:1929237 J:92505 N/A 4618 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: Clone M-3 [Cloudman S91 melanoma] ; ATCC:CCL-53.1 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005667 MGI:1344414 J:92505 N/A 4619 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005730 MGI:1929237 J:92505 N/A 4620 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1929237 J:92505 N/A 4621 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: Clone M-3 [Cloudman S91 melanoma] ; ATCC:CCL-53.1 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1929237 J:92505 N/A 4622 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: Clone M-3 [Cloudman S91 melanoma] ; ATCC:CCL-53.1 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1344414 J:92505 N/A 4623 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: Clone M-3 [Cloudman S91 melanoma] ; ATCC:CCL-53.1 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97858 J:92505 N/A 4624 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; CCL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1202878 J:92446 N/A 4625 1 evidence:actin-bundling assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0051017 MGI:1343098 J:90132 N/A 4626 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7) gene product:SPTR:Q61233|MGI:104808 (Lcp1) text: evidence:yeast 2-hybrid anatomy: cell type: gene product:SPTR:P13797 PLS3 (human) plastin 3 (T isoform) aka T-fimbrin|SPTR:P13796 LCP1 (hu IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1343098 J:90132 UniProtKB:Q61233|UniProtKB:P13796|UniProtKB:P13797 4627 2 man) L-plastin aka L-fimbrin text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1343098 J:90132 UniProtKB:Q61233|UniProtKB:P13796|UniProtKB:P13797 4628 1 evidence:actin filament coprecipitation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0051015 MGI:104808 J:90132 N/A 4629 1 evidence:actin-bundling assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0051017 MGI:104808 J:90132 N/A 4630 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,gut; EMAP:3449 cell type:trunk_neural_crest_cell ; CL:0000011 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030336 MGI:98297 J:92499 N/A 4631 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,gut; EMAP:3449 cell type:trunk_neural_crest_cell ; CL:0000011 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007405 MGI:98297 J:92499 N/A 4632 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,gut; EMAP:3449 cell type:neuron_neural_crest_derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045596 MGI:98297 J:92499 N/A 4633 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:older date TAS GO:0004046 MGI:87914 J:62685 N/A 4634 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:older date TAS GO:0006083 MGI:87914 J:62685 N/A 4635 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,embryo; EMAP:80 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001702 MGI:894293 J:92066 MGI:1857691|MGI:2668393|MGI:2656539 4636 1 evidence:gel shift assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98372 J:87286 N/A 4637 1 evidence:enzyme assays anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0004032 MGI:1929955 J:87286 N/A 4638 1 evidence: anatomy:proximal convoluted tubule ; MA:0001669 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0004962 MGI:102720 J:70015 MGI:1857161 4639 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:melanoblast ; CL:0000541 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS17\,gut; EMAP:2235 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001755 MGI:102720 J:58698 N/A 4640 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,foregut; EMAP:4140 cell type:neuron_neural_crest_derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS21\,gut; EMAP:4920 cell type:neuron_neural_crest_derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007422 MGI:102720 J:29884 MGI:1856149 4641 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,gut; EMAP:4920 cell type:neuron_neural_crest_derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007497 MGI:102720 J:29884 MGI:1856149 4642 1 evidence:histology|resin casts anatomy:TS24, placenta blood vessels cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001892 MGI:108023 J:87595 MGI:3028946 4643 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS19, placenta cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001892 MGI:1100846 J:86857 MGI:2684189 4644 1 evidence:histology|propidium iodide staining anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 (P9) cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:2148800 J:92617 MGI:3054793 4645 1 evidence:thin-layer chromatography anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 (P8, P9, P10, P12) cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030823 MGI:2148800 J:92617 MGI:3054793 4646 1 evidence:histology anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 (P10, P11, P18) cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001895 MGI:2148800 J:92617 MGI:3054793 4647 1 evidence:electroretinographic recording|single cell recording anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007603 MGI:2148800 J:92601 MGI:3054784 4648 1 evidence:competitive enzyme immunoassay anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030823 MGI:2148800 J:92601 MGI:3054784 4649 1 evidence:histology anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 (3 months, 8 months) cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001895 MGI:2148800 J:92601 MGI:3054784 4650 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:beta-amyloid protein IPI GO:0001540 MGI:2137022 J:69767 N/A 4651 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001843 MGI:108360 J:92632 MGI:109268 4652 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001843 MGI:109268 J:92632 MGI:108360 4653 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type:columnar/cuboidal_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000075 gene product: text: IGI GO:0030036 MGI:109268 J:92632 MGI:108360 4654 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type:columnar/cuboidal_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000075 gene product: text: IGI GO:0030036 MGI:108360 J:92632 MGI:109268 4655 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2323 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS25\,telencephalon; EMAP:10303 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene produc IGI GO:0007411 MGI:108360 J:92632 MGI:109268 4656 2 t: text: IGI GO:0007411 MGI:108360 J:92632 MGI:109268 4657 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2323 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS25\,telencephalon; EMAP:10303 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene produc IGI GO:0007411 MGI:109268 J:92632 MGI:108360 4658 2 t: text: IGI GO:0007411 MGI:109268 J:92632 MGI:108360 4659 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005794 MGI:1926135 J:91964 N/A 4660 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0000299 MGI:1926135 J:91964 N/A 4661 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:1926135 J:91964 N/A 4662 1 evidence: anatomy:brain pia mater ; MA:0000816 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:choroid plexus ; MA:0000823 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:blood vessel ; MA:0000060 cell type: gene product: qualifi IDA GO:0005604 MGI:88451 J:92842 N/A 4663 2 er: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:88451 J:92842 N/A 4664 1 evidence: anatomy:choroid plexus epithelium ; MA:0000824 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:glomerular capillary basement membrane ; MA:0001659 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:renal tubule ; MA:000037 IMP GO:0030198 MGI:88451 J:92842 MGI:2179134 4665 2 7 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:heart valve ; MA:0000086 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:88451 J:92842 MGI:2179134 4666 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:97747 J:76817 N/A 4667 1 evidence:MEF differentiation assay anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045444 MGI:97747 J:76817 N/A 4668 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97747 J:76817 N/A 4669 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:97747 J:76817 N/A 4670 1 evidence:MEF differentiation assay anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045444 MGI:99480 J:76817 N/A 4671 1 evidence:MEF differentiation assay anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045445 MGI:97275 J:76817 N/A 4672 1 evidence:MEF differentiation assay anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007519 MGI:97275 J:76817 N/A 4673 1 evidence:IP-IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CL-61 (3T3-L1) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:98822 J:89969 N/A 4674 1 evidence: anatomy:amygdala ; MA:0000887 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:pyramidal_cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1345180 J:75439 N/A 4675 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:1345180 J:75439 N/A 4676 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005216 MGI:87888 J:75439 N/A 4677 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 (4 week old mouse) cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001917 MGI:2148800 J:92982 N/A 4678 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: with Ccnd1, Cdk4 IPI GO:0051082 MGI:105384 J:82317 UniProtKB:P25322|UniProtKB:P30285 4679 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: bind with Igf1 and Igf2 IPI GO:0005520 MGI:96440 J:86296 UniProtKB:P05018|UniProtKB:P09535 4680 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: bind with Igfr2 IPI GO:0005159 MGI:96434 J:86296 UniProtKB:Q07113 4681 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: bind with Igfbp5 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96434 J:86296 UniProtKB:Q07079 4682 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Igfr1 IPI GO:0005159 MGI:96432 J:86296 UniProtKB:Q60751 4683 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Igfbp5 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96432 J:86296 UniProtKB:Q07079 4684 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Igf1 IPI GO:0005520 MGI:96433 J:86296 UniProtKB:P05018 4685 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Igf2 IPI GO:0005520 MGI:96435 J:86296 UniProtKB:P09535 4686 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Rasa|isoform unknown IPI GO:0007264 MGI:1933786 J:68871 N/A 4687 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Rasa|isoform unknown IPI GO:0005083 MGI:1933786 J:68871 N/A 4688 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:motor_neuron ; CL:0000100|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:99954 J:92862 N/A 4689 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216|lower back nerve ; MA:0000503 cell type:motor_neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:99954 J:92862 N/A 4690 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216|lower back nerve ; MA:0000503 cell type:motor_neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:99954 J:92862 N/A 4691 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:motor_neuron ; CL:0000100|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type:motor_neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:99954 J:92862 N/A 4692 1 evidence: anatomy:oesophagus smooth muscle ; MA:0001573 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:1095415 J:92510 MGI:3053870 4693 1 evidence: anatomy:oesophagus skeletal muscle ; MA:0001572 cell type:skeletal_muscle_cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007519 MGI:1095415 J:92510 MGI:3053870 4694 1 evidence: anatomy:nipple ; MA:0000796 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:2682211 J:92627 MGI:3054831 4695 1 evidence: anatomy:bronchiole ; MA:0000422 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:2682211 J:92627 MGI:3054831 4696 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS17\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:2628 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0006915 MGI:1261423 J:92722 MGI:2176089 4697 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030225 MGI:1261423 J:92722 MGI:2176089 4698 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001916 MGI:107674 J:76976 N/A 4699 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001916 MGI:107675 J:76976 N/A 4700 1 evidence:IP anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0051260 MGI:106675 J:32963 N/A 4701 1 evidence:IP anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:87931 J:32963 N/A 4702 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:106675 J:92987 N/A 4703 1 evidence:flow cytometry|ELISA|IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106675 J:92987 UniProtKB:Q9WTR5 4704 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0051260 MGI:106675 J:92987 N/A 4705 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Adipor2 and Adipor1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106675 J:90488 UniProtKB:Q8BQS5|UniProtKB:Q91VH1 4706 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:99551 J:92987 N/A 4707 1 evidence:flow cytometry|ELISA|IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99551 J:92987 UniProtKB:Q60994 4708 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042803 MGI:99551 J:92987 N/A 4709 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:1919254 J:92988 N/A 4710 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0000187 MGI:1916433 J:92988 N/A 4711 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:1916433 J:92988 N/A 4712 1 evidence:fatty acid oxidation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0046321 MGI:1916433 J:92988 N/A 4713 1 evidence:glycogen formation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0046326 MGI:1916433 J:92988 N/A 4714 1 evidence:glycogen formation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0045725 MGI:1916433 J:92988 N/A 4715 1 evidence:IP-IB "data not shown" anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0051260 MGI:1916433 J:92988 N/A 4716 1 evidence:IB|glycogen formation assay|fatty acid oxidation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005102 MGI:1916433 J:92988 N/A 4717 1 evidence:IP-IB "data not shown" anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0051260 MGI:1919254 J:92988 N/A 4718 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:1925911 J:92988 N/A 4719 1 evidence:IP-IB "data not shown" anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0051260 MGI:1925911 J:92988 N/A 4720 1 evidence:IP-IB "data not shown" anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:106675 J:92988 N/A 4721 1 evidence:electrophoresis anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:106675 J:93108 N/A 4722 1 evidence:serum glucose measurements following TZD treatment anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042593 MGI:106675 J:93108 N/A 4723 1 evidence:serum glucose measurements anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0006006 MGI:106675 J:93108 N/A 4724 1 evidence:serum glucose measurements anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005179 MGI:106675 J:93108 N/A 4725 1 evidence:glucose measurements in tissue culture media anatomy: cell type:rat hepatocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0045721 MGI:106675 J:93108 N/A 4726 1 evidence:gel filtration assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:106675 J:93110 N/A 4727 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0043123 MGI:106675 J:93110 N/A 4728 1 evidence:gel filtration assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0051260 MGI:106675 J:93110 N/A 4729 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005102 MGI:106675 J:93110 N/A 4730 1 evidence:gel filtration assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:106675 J:93109 N/A 4731 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0043123 MGI:106675 J:93109 N/A 4732 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0009967 MGI:106675 J:93110 N/A 4733 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0009967 MGI:106675 J:93109 N/A 4734 1 evidence:gel filtration assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0051260 MGI:106675 J:93109 N/A 4735 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005102 MGI:106675 J:93109 N/A 4736 1 evidence:glucose tolerance test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042593 MGI:106675 J:77479 N/A 4737 1 evidence:glucose tolerance test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042593 MGI:106675 J:77479 MGI:2387344 4738 1 evidence:fat loading test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0045923 MGI:106675 J:77479 MGI:2387344 4739 1 evidence:glucose tolerance test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0006006 MGI:106675 J:77479 MGI:2387344 4740 1 evidence:glucose tolerance test|2-deoxyglucose uptake assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0006006 MGI:106675 J:77479 N/A 4741 1 evidence:glucose tolerance test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009749 MGI:106675 J:77479 MGI:2387344 4742 1 evidence:glucose tolerance test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0009749 MGI:106675 J:77479 N/A 4743 1 evidence:glucose tolerance test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042593 MGI:106675 J:77876 MGI:2384094 4744 1 evidence:glucose tolerance test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0006006 MGI:106675 J:77876 MGI:2384094 4745 1 evidence:glucose tolerance test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009749 MGI:106675 J:77876 MGI:2384094 4746 1 evidence:2-deoxyglucose uptake assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0006006 MGI:104798 J:77479 N/A 4747 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,optic chiasma; EMAP:5225 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:108360 J:92632 MGI:3056050 4748 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12942 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030175 MGI:108360 J:53259 N/A 4749 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001843 MGI:108360 J:53259 MGI:97549 4750 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001843 MGI:97549 J:53259 MGI:108360 4751 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Gabbr1 and Gpr51 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88096 J:88780 UniProtKB:Q9WV18|protein_id:XP_143750 4752 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding to Snap23 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1926058 J:91698 UniProtKB:O09044 4753 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding to Stx4a IPI GO:0019905 MGI:1926058 J:91698 UniProtKB:P70452 4754 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding to Stx1a IPI GO:0017075 MGI:1926058 J:91698 UniProtKB:O35526 4755 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Stxbp5 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109355 J:91698 UniProtKB:Q8K401 4756 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Binding with Stxbp5 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:893577 J:91698 UniProtKB:Q8K401 4757 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Q8k401 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109356 J:91698 UniProtKB:Q8K401 4758 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,interventricular septum; EMAP:7950 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:1333784 J:93021 MGI:1931221 4759 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,interventricular septum; EMAP:7950 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:1931221 J:93021 MGI:1333784 4760 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,rhombomere 03; EMAP:472|TS13\,rhombomere 04; EMAP:476|TS13\,rhombomere 05; EMAP:480| cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96170 J:93020 MGI:3056069 4761 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,rhombomere 03; EMAP:472|TS13\,rhombomere 04; EMAP:476|TS13\,rhombomere 05; EMAP:480| cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030902 MGI:96170 J:93020 MGI:3056069 4762 1 evidence: anatomy:bony labyrinth ; MA:0000238 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:96170 J:93020 MGI:3056069 4763 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,glossopharyngeal IX; EMAP:2334 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS17\,vagus X; EMAP:2336 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: quali IMP GO:0007399 MGI:96170 J:93020 MGI:3056069 4764 2 fier: text: IMP GO:0007399 MGI:96170 J:93020 MGI:3056069 4765 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4994 cell type:GABAergic_neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4994 cell type:glutamatergic_neuron ; CL:0000107 gene product: text: IGI GO:0045165 MGI:107754 J:93057 MGI:109619 4766 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4994 cell type:GABAergic_neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4994 cell type:glutamatergic_neuron ; CL:0000107 gene product: text: IGI GO:0045165 MGI:109619 J:93057 MGI:107754 4767 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:GABAergic_neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:glutamatergic_neuron ; CL:0000107 gene product: text: IGI GO:0045165 MGI:97490 J:93057 MGI:1100526 4768 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:GABAergic_neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:glutamatergic_neuron ; CL:0000107 gene product: text: IGI GO:0045165 MGI:1100526 J:93057 MGI:97490 4769 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,vestibular component\,inner ear; EMAP:6265 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0042472 MGI:107159 J:92940 MGI:107160 4770 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,vestibular component\,inner ear; EMAP:6265 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0042472 MGI:107160 J:92940 MGI:107159 4771 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,pituitary; EMAP:11623 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007420 MGI:107160 J:92940 MGI:107159 4772 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,pituitary; EMAP:11623 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007420 MGI:107159 J:92940 MGI:107160 4773 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,embryo; EMAP:207 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:1344365 J:93051 MGI:3056132 4774 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,embryo; EMAP:207 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007368 MGI:1344365 J:93051 MGI:97359 4775 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,embryo; EMAP:402 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007354 MGI:102897 J:62181 MGI:2181754 4776 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,embryo; EMAP:402 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007354 MGI:102897 J:62181 MGI:97359 4777 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,embryo; EMAP:402 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007368 MGI:102897 J:62181 MGI:97359 4778 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with human Tnfrsf1a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1934234 J:38804 UniProtKB:P19438 4779 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS10\,endoderm\,embryo; EMAP:112 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042074 MGI:108440 J:82844 MGI:2656627 4780 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS10\,endoderm\,embryo; EMAP:112 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:108440 J:82844 MGI:2656627 4781 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS10\,endoderm\,embryo; EMAP:112 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001702 MGI:108440 J:82844 MGI:2656627 4782 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS10\,endoderm\,embryo; EMAP:112 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0040019 MGI:108440 J:82844 MGI:2656627 4783 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|mast_cell ; CL:0000097 |cell_line:MC9 gene product: text: IDA GO:0019221 MGI:1345171 J:62510 N/A 4784 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: human Rab5 was used IPI GO:0017137 MGI:2447532 J:92859 UniProtKB:P20339 4785 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:human protein has weak activity but mouse has none IDA GO:0017112 MGI:2447532 J:92859 N/A 4786 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7) gene product: text: IDA GO:0004713 MGI:99928 J:62510 N/A 4787 1 evidence:insulin tolerance test|glucose tolerance test anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: ISA GO:0042593 MGI:1345171 J:86301 MGI:2680256 4788 1 evidence:2-deoxyglucose uptake assay anatomy: cell type:fat_cell ; CL:0000136 gene product: text: ISA GO:0046325 MGI:1345171 J:86301 MGI:2680256 4789 1 evidence:RIA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:106675 J:86301 N/A 4790 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,lateral wall\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:860 cell type:CNS_interneuron ; CL:0000402 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045665 MGI:1888519 J:91822 MGI:1888413 4791 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,roof plate\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:863 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007417 MGI:1888519 J:91822 MGI:1888413 4792 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030036 MGI:1345171 J:88527 MGI:2680256 4793 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005884 MGI:1345171 J:88527 N/A 4794 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050776 MGI:1345171 J:88527 MGI:2680256 4795 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,vestibular component\,inner ear; EMAP:4303 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:104723 J:93155 MGI:2135961 4796 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,arterial system; EMAP:1302 cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:1859388 J:93125 MGI:3056460 4797 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,arterial system; EMAP:1302 cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:96522 J:93125 MGI:1857411|MGI:2387130 4798 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:cardiocyte ; CL:0000466 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030018 MGI:96705 J:93467 N/A 4799 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:cardiocyte ; CL:0000466 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030018 MGI:96693 J:93467 N/A 4800 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:cardiocyte ; CL:0000466 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:96693 J:93467 N/A 4801 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:cardiocyte ; CL:0000466 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:96705 J:93467 N/A 4802 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:cardiocyte ; CL:0000466 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030018 MGI:98386 J:93467 N/A 4803 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042130 MGI:2183926 J:84973 N/A 4804 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042130 MGI:2183926 J:84973 MGI:3033707 4805 1 evidence:histology|lymphocyte and macrophage cell counts anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050728 MGI:2183926 J:84973 MGI:3033707 4806 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0045077 MGI:2183926 J:84973 N/A 4807 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0045077 MGI:2183926 J:84973 MGI:3033707 4808 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0045085 MGI:2183926 J:84973 N/A 4809 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay|ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0005102 MGI:2183926 J:84973 MGI:3033707 4810 1 evidence:ELISA to measure autoantibody response anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050776 MGI:2183926 J:84973 MGI:3033707 4811 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,floor plate\,medulla oblongata; EMAP:4191|TS20\,floor plate\,metencephalon; EMAP:4204 cell type:commisural_neuron ; CL:0000678|CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005913 MGI:1926483 J:93147 N/A 4812 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,floor plate\,medulla oblongata; EMAP:4191|TS20\,floor plate\,metencephalon; EMAP:4204 cell type:commisural_neuron ; CL:0000678|CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005913 MGI:1930171 J:93147 N/A 4813 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:phosphorylated form IDA GO:0000922 MGI:1346865 J:93217 N/A 4814 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:phosphorylated form IDA GO:0005819 MGI:1346345 J:93217 N/A 4815 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:phosphorylated form IDA GO:0005819 MGI:104558 J:93217 N/A 4816 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:phosphorylated form IDA GO:0005819 MGI:1342290 J:93217 N/A 4817 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:phosphorylated form IDA GO:0005819 MGI:88184 J:93217 N/A 4818 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:phosphorylated form IDA GO:0005819 MGI:97250 J:93217 N/A 4819 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:phosphorylated form IDA GO:0005819 MGI:87986 J:93217 N/A 4820 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:phosphorylated form IDA GO:0005819 MGI:97874 J:93217 N/A 4821 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:phosphorylated form IDA GO:0005819 MGI:107202 J:93217 N/A 4822 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:phosphorylated form IDA GO:0000794 MGI:88361 J:93217 N/A 4823 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:2183926 J:92445 N/A 4824 1 evidence:osteogenic tissue culture|bone mineral density measurements|bone mechanical strength measurement anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030501 MGI:2183926 J:92445 MGI:3033707 4825 1 evidence:osteogenic tissue culture anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0045669 MGI:2183926 J:92445 MGI:3033707 4826 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007129 MGI:1329021 J:93127 MGI:1858057 4827 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007129 MGI:1860077 J:93127 MGI:2179034 4828 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: text: IDA GO:0000795 MGI:101938 J:93127 N/A 4829 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: text: IDA GO:0000795 MGI:1353455 J:93127 N/A 4830 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007140 MGI:1353455 J:93127 N/A 4831 1 evidence:IP-IB|IF anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q8CGN5|Plin (perilipin) text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914719 J:93460 UniProtKB:Q8CGN5 4832 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1890574 J:93411 N/A 4833 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043203 MGI:1890574 J:93411 N/A 4834 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0019226 MGI:1890574 J:93411 MGI:3497744 4835 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,Reichert's membrane; EMAP:193 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:2138994 J:93435 MGI:3497739 4836 1 evidence: anatomy:TS1\,one-cell stage; EMAP:2 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text: IDA GO:0000794 MGI:109359 J:93521 N/A 4837 1 evidence: anatomy:TS1\,one-cell stage; EMAP:2 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030496 MGI:109359 J:93521 N/A 4838 1 evidence: anatomy:TS1\,one-cell stage; EMAP:2 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text:RNAi IMP GO:0000070 MGI:109359 J:93521 N/A 4839 1 evidence: anatomy:TS1\,one-cell stage; EMAP:2 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text: IDA GO:0000922 MGI:109359 J:93521 N/A 4840 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:chick ISA GO:0016563 MGI:1923684 J:93794 EMBL:AF238863 4841 1 evidence:IDA\: electrophoretic mobility shift assay ; TED:0000017 ; synonym:IDA\: EMSA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:chick ISA GO:0003677 MGI:1923684 J:93794 EMBL:AF238863 4842 1 evidence:IDA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:chick ISA GO:0007498 MGI:1923684 J:93794 EMBL:AF238863 4843 1 evidence:IDA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:chick ISA GO:0045944 MGI:1923684 J:93794 EMBL:AF238863 4844 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:COS-1; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:1923990 J:93203 N/A 4845 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:COS-1; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1923990 J:93203 N/A 4846 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:targets:MGI:88145|MGI:97380 IDA GO:0006357 MGI:102523 J:93143 N/A 4847 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,optic cup; EMAP:1288 cell type:neurectodermal_cell ; CL:0000133 gene product: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:107928 J:93091 MGI:2180721 4848 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:inhibitor IMP GO:0005254 MGI:2139758 J:93468 N/A 4849 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:inhibitor IMP GO:0006821 MGI:2139758 J:93468 N/A 4850 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:inhibitor IMP GO:0015276 MGI:2139758 J:93468 N/A 4851 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:2139758 J:93468 N/A 4852 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:ihibitor IMP GO:0005254 MGI:2139744 J:93468 N/A 4853 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:inhibitor IMP GO:0006821 MGI:2139744 J:93468 N/A 4854 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:inhibitor IMP GO:0015276 MGI:2139744 J:93468 N/A 4855 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: text:: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:2139744 J:93468 N/A 4856 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,mesenchyme\,elbow; EMAP:4016 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88276 J:93028 N/A 4857 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,elbow joint primordium; EMAP:4780 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0035117 MGI:88276 J:93028 N/A 4858 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,elbow joint primordium; EMAP:4780 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0035117 MGI:2446084 J:93028 N/A 4859 1 evidence: anatomy:TS2\,two-cell stage; EMAP:6 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:102959 J:91848 MGI:2450874 4860 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:splenocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98384 J:29272 N/A 4861 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042130 MGI:98384 J:29272 MGI:1857246 4862 1 evidence:light microscopy of PMA induced homotypic adhesion of thymocytes|fibronectin binding|binding to ICAM-1 coated plates anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007162 MGI:98384 J:29272 MGI:1857246 4863 1 evidence:evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay|virus titering anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050688 MGI:98384 J:29272 MGI:1857246 4864 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay|virus titering anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050776 MGI:98384 J:29272 MGI:1857246 4865 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042102 MGI:98384 J:26220 N/A 4866 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045843 MGI:1914228 J:93078 N/A 4867 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042102 MGI:88327 J:91914 N/A 4868 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042102 MGI:88327 J:84973 N/A 4869 1 evidence:GO:0000318 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0030091 MGI:1923717 J:90051 N/A 4870 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: text: IDA GO:0051154 MGI:107940 J:93445 N/A 4871 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:107940 J:93445 N/A 4872 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:thymocytes gene product: text:cell counts determined by flow cytometry IMP GO:0045060 MGI:98384 J:56164 MGI:1857246 4873 1 evidence:TUNEL assay anatomy: cell type:HSAhiCD4+CD8- thymocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0008624 MGI:98384 J:56164 N/A 4874 1 evidence:TUNEL assay anatomy: cell type:HSAhiCD4+CD8- thymocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0043066 MGI:96556 J:56164 N/A 4875 1 evidence:TUNEL assay anatomy: cell type:HSAhiCD4+CD8- thymocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0043066 MGI:96561 J:56164 N/A 4876 1 evidence:TUNEL assay anatomy: cell type:HSAhiCD4+CD8- thymocytes gene product: text: IMP GO:0008625 MGI:95484 J:56164 MGI:1856334 4877 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:thymocytes gene product: text:cell counting by flow cytometry IMP GO:0045060 MGI:95484 J:56164 MGI:1856334 4878 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0004872 MGI:1889024 J:92106 N/A 4879 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0004872 MGI:3042847 J:92106 N/A 4880 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0004872 MGI:1921853 J:92106 N/A 4881 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0004872 MGI:3036289 J:92106 N/A 4882 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: text: evidenc IDA GO:0009897 MGI:3042847 J:92106 N/A 4883 2 e: anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type:lymphocyte ; CL:0000542 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:3042847 J:92106 N/A 4884 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: text: evidenc IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1921853 J:92106 N/A 4885 2 e: anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type:lymphocyte ; CL:0000542 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1921853 J:92106 N/A 4886 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: text: evidenc IDA GO:0009897 MGI:3036289 J:92106 N/A 4887 2 e: anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type:lymphocyte ; CL:0000542 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:3036289 J:92106 N/A 4888 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: text: evidenc IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1889024 J:92106 N/A 4889 2 e: anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type:lymphocyte ; CL:0000542 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1889024 J:92106 N/A 4890 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:95389 J:92327 MGI:2384508,MGI:1857704 4891 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:98961 J:92327 MGI:2384508,MGI:1857163 4892 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:102525 J:93311 MGI:1314872 4893 1 evidence:IF of bacterial binding anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 (mouse spleen derived) gene product: text: IMP GO:0008367 MGI:98384 J:63492 MGI:1857246 4894 1 evidence:ELIZA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042742 MGI:98384 J:63492 MGI:1857246 4895 1 evidence:ELIZA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042535 MGI:98384 J:63492 MGI:1857246 4896 1 evidence:ELIZA of supernatant anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042742 MGI:104798 J:63492 N/A 4897 1 evidence:ELIZA of supernatant anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:104798 J:63492 N/A 4898 1 evidence:ELIZA of supernatant anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042742 MGI:96537 J:63492 N/A 4899 1 evidence:ELIZA of supernatant anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96537 J:63492 N/A 4900 1 evidence:flow cytometry of CD69 expression following activation anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050868 MGI:98384 J:88252 MGI:1857246 4901 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042130 MGI:98384 J:88252 MGI:1857246 4902 1 evidence:footpad swelling anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001808 MGI:98384 J:88252 MGI:1857246 4903 1 evidence:ELIZA for antibody production in response to SRBC anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050776 MGI:98384 J:88252 MGI:1857246 4904 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 (CD3-activated IEL) gene product: text: IDA GO:0042102 MGI:98384 J:88251 N/A 4905 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,pericardial component\,intraembryonic coelom; EMAP:1053 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:95664 J:92434 MGI:3033220 4906 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,limb; EMAP:3397 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:98297 J:92504 MGI:3053959|MGI:3053960 4907 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,mural trophectoderm; EMAP:196 cell type:trophoblast_cell ; CL:0000351|single_fate_stem_cell ; CL:0000035 gene product: text: IGI GO:0019827 MGI:95518 J:92446 MGI:97359 4908 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,mural trophectoderm; EMAP:196 cell type:trophoblast_cell ; CL:0000351|single_fate_stem_cell ; CL:0000035 gene product: text: IGI GO:0019827 MGI:97359 J:93446 MGI:95518 4909 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary primordial follicle ; MA:0001710 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001541 MGI:108011 J:92421 MGI:3053093 4910 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2139369 J:91351 N/A 4911 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphoblast ; CL:0000230 gene product: text:involved with binding of trypanosomal (T. cruzi) trans-sialidase and inappropriate stimulation of T-cell proliferation and subsequent ane IDA GO:0001562 MGI:98384 J:88255 N/A 4912 2 rgy; not exactly a defense response. IDA GO:0001562 MGI:98384 J:88255 N/A 4913 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphoblast ; CL:0000230 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98384 J:94033 N/A 4914 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042130 MGI:98384 J:94033 MGI:1857246 4915 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001772 MGI:97601 J:94033 N/A 4916 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CL:0000624 (CD4+ T cells) gene product: text: IDA GO:0001772 MGI:97601 J:89322 N/A 4917 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4_positive_T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000624 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98384 J:90603 N/A 4918 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CD4_positive_T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000624 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001772 MGI:88332 J:90603 N/A 4919 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CD4_positive_T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000624 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001772 MGI:1342293 J:90603 N/A 4920 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Nr1i2, Nr1i3, human VDR, human PPARA IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97588 J:76833 UniProtKB:O54915|UniProtKB:O35627|UniProtKB:P11473|UniProtKB:Q07869 4921 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Pit1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1337040 J:76833 UniProtKB:Q00286 4922 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|32D clone3 ; ATCC:CRL-11346 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:1338013 J:94073 N/A 4923 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98384 J:94032 N/A 4924 1 evidence:IF|sequence|transfection data anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:98384 J:94032 N/A 4925 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001931 MGI:98384 J:94032 N/A 4926 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001772 MGI:2178103 J:94032 N/A 4927 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001772 MGI:97601 J:94032 N/A 4928 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001931 MGI:98931 J:94032 N/A 4929 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001931 MGI:97167 J:94032 N/A 4930 1 evidence:ELIZA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:104798 J:94032 N/A 4931 1 evidence:IF|sequence information anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:98384 J:88254 N/A 4932 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007162 MGI:98384 J:88254 N/A 4933 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001931 MGI:98384 J:88254 N/A 4934 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:96394 J:88254 N/A 4935 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001931 MGI:96394 J:88254 N/A 4936 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:95640 J:92551 N/A 4937 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:108069 J:92551 N/A 4938 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:108069 J:92551 N/A 4939 1 evidence: anatomy:hair follicle ; MA:0000154 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0031069 MGI:1353500 J:93410 MGI:2181780 4940 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,right ventricle; EMAP:5337 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS21\,endocardial cushion tissue; EMAP:5311 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0035050 MGI:96086 J:93580 MGI:2449914 4941 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,forebrain; EMAP:4937 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:96086 J:93580 MGI:2449914 4942 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,liver; EMAP:5496 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001889 MGI:96086 J:93580 MGI:2449914 4943 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2323 cell type:CNS_interneuron ; CL:0000402 gene product: text:DI1 interneuron IGI GO:0030154 MGI:1338938 J:93603 MGI:107191 4944 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2323 cell type:CNS_interneuron ; CL:0000402 gene product: text:DI1 interneuron IGI GO:0030154 MGI:107191 J:93603 MGI:1338938 4945 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:renal tubule ; MA:0000377 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:95294 J:23046 N/A 4946 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:renal tubule ; MA:0000377 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:88105 J:18532 N/A 4947 1 evidence: anatomy:uterus ; MA:0000389 cell type:natural_killer_cell ; CL:0000623 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001779 MGI:107426 J:93811 MGI:2177774 4948 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030183 MGI:97383 J:93578 MGI:3505767 4949 1 evidence:IB anatomy:urine cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:95290 J:15417 N/A 4950 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0003845 MGI:103562 J:37226 N/A 4951 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:kidney collecting tubule ; MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:1333777 J:54490 N/A 4952 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:kidney collecting tubule ; MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:1096865 J:54490 N/A 4953 1 evidence:immunoloc anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: text: U226 and Jurkate Lymphoid cells IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1335107 J:70309 N/A 4954 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Metap2 text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1346859 J:93997 UniProtKB:O08663 4955 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0008209 MGI:95911 J:94120 N/A 4956 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0004303 MGI:95911 J:94120 N/A 4957 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0008210 MGI:95911 J:94120 N/A 4958 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0050327 MGI:95911 J:94120 N/A 4959 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Nr1i3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1276523 J:76833 UniProtKB:O35627 4960 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text: IMP GO:0051726 MGI:1349415 J:93979 MGI:3511260 4961 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:retina inner nuclear layer ; MA:0001311 cell type:bipolar_neuron ; CL:0000103 gene product: text: IMP GO:0046671 MGI:2153710 J:92623 MGI:3054837 4962 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:retina inner nuclear layer ; MA:0001311 cell type:bipolar_neuron ; CL:0000103 gene product: text: IMP GO:0048050 MGI:2153710 J:92623 MGI:3054837 4963 1 evidence: anatomy:TS28 ; MA:0002405 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IMP GO:0016358 MGI:88145 J:84683 N/A 4964 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:Purkinje_fiber ; CL:0000195 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016023 MGI:88145 J:87385 N/A 4965 1 evidence: anatomy:fibula ; MA:0001360 cell type:mechanoreceptor_cell ; CL:0000199 gene product: text:Pacinian corpuscle IGI GO:0042490 MGI:97380 J:93853 MGI:1857233,MGI:1857136 4966 1 evidence: anatomy:fibula ; MA:0001360 cell type:mechanoreceptor_cell ; CL:0000199 gene product: text:Pacinian corpuscle IGI GO:0042490 MGI:97381 J:93853 MGI:1857136,MGI:1857232 4967 1 evidence: anatomy:fibula ; MA:0001360 cell type:mechanoreceptor_cell ; CL:0000199 gene product: text:Pacinian corpuscle IMP GO:0042490 MGI:97383 J:93853 MGI:1888374 4968 1 evidence: anatomy:fibula ; MA:0001360 cell type:mechanoreceptor_cell ; CL:0000199 gene product: text:Pacinian corpuscle IMP GO:0042490 MGI:97384 J:93853 MGI:1857814 4969 1 evidence: anatomy:fibula ; MA:0001360 cell type:mechanoreceptor_cell ; CL:0000199 gene product: text:Pacinian corpuscle IMP GO:0042490 MGI:97385 J:93853 MGI:1888375 4970 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,optic vesicle; EMAP:1293 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:1346022 J:93910 MGI:3511363 4971 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,optic vesicle; EMAP:1293 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS19\,body-wall mesenchyme; EMAP:3419 cell type: gene product: text:ventral IMP GO:0008284 MGI:1346022 J:93910 MGI:3511363 4972 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,body-wall mesenchyme; EMAP:3419 cell type: gene product: text:ventral IMP GO:0010172 MGI:1346022 J:93910 MGI:3511363 4973 1 evidence:reporter assay for ErbB2 mediated signal transduction anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:based on peptide fragment of Cav1 IDA GO:0009968 MGI:102709 J:52621 N/A 4974 1 evidence:phenylephrine aortic ring vasoconstriction assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0045907 MGI:102709 J:75490 MGI:2180364 4975 1 evidence:cell fractionation followed by IB anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0051259 MGI:102709 J:75490 N/A 4976 1 evidence:cell fractionation followed by IB anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: text: evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEF) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005901 MGI:107571 J:75490 N/A 4977 1 evidence:cell fractionation followed by IB anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0051259 MGI:107571 J:75490 N/A 4978 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,pituitary; EMAP:8903 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007412 MGI:107363 J:91307 MGI:2183278 4979 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,genioglossus; EMAP:6518 anatomy:TS22\,hyoglossus; EMAP:6519 anatomy:TS22\,diaphragm; EMAP:5729 anatomy:TS23\,triceps; EMAP:12662 anatomy:TS23\,biceps; EMAP:12650 anatomy:TS23\,deltoid; EMAP:7411 anatomy:TS23\,pectoralis major; EMAP IGI GO:0007517 MGI:96969 J:93807 MGI:97487 4980 2 :7414 anatomy:TS23\,pectoralis minor; EMAP:7415 anatomy:TS23\,latissimus dorsi; EMAP:7413 anatomy:TS23\,limb; EMAP:7177 anatomy:TS22\,skeletal muscle\,eye; EMAP:6307 anatomy:TS22\,platysma; EMAP:5983 anatomy:TS22\,genioglossus; EMAP:6518 anatomy:TS22\,hyo IGI GO:0007517 MGI:96969 J:93807 MGI:97487 4981 3 glossus; EMAP:6519 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007517 MGI:96969 J:93807 MGI:97487 4982 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,palate; EMAP:9461 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:1859631 J:93954 MGI:3510799 4983 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,palate; EMAP:9461 anatomy:TS23\,associated mesenchyme\,metanephros; EMAP:8227 anatomy:TS23\,interventricular septum; EMAP:7950 anatomy:TS23\,interatrial septum; EMAP:7912 anatomy:TS19\,fronto-nasal process; EMAP:3628 anatomy:TS22\, IGI GO:0009887 MGI:1859631 J:93954 MGI:97527 4984 2 rib cartilage condensation; EMAP:6787 anatomy:TS22\,scapula cartilage condensation; EMAP:6809 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0009887 MGI:1859631 J:93954 MGI:97527 4985 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,palate; EMAP:9461 anatomy:TS23\,associated mesenchyme\,metanephros; EMAP:8227 anatomy:TS23\,interventricular septum; EMAP:7950 anatomy:TS23\,interatrial septum; EMAP:7912 anatomy:TS19\,fronto-nasal process; EMAP:3628 anatomy:TS22\, IGI GO:0009887 MGI:97527 J:93954 MGI:1859631 4986 2 rib cartilage condensation; EMAP:6787 anatomy:TS22\,scapula cartilage condensation; EMAP:6809 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0009887 MGI:97527 J:93954 MGI:1859631 4987 1 evidence:IB anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IMP GO:0000188 MGI:102709 J:82042 MGI:2180364 4988 1 evidence:tri-chrome staining|immunohistochemistry anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:102709 J:82042 MGI:2180364 4989 1 evidence:IB anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0045019 MGI:102709 J:82042 MGI:2180364 4990 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,head mesenchyme; EMAP:708 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001755 MGI:102708 J:89008 MGI:3039290 4991 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009880 MGI:102708 J:89008 MGI:3039289 4992 1 evidence:histology anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type:spermatozoon ; CL:0000019 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045724 MGI:2143311 J:90812 MGI:3045473 4993 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:abdominal fat pad ; MA:0000472 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0019216 MGI:2143311 J:90812 MGI:3045473 4994 1 evidence:histology|immunohistochemistry anatomy:retina outer nuclear layer ; MA:0001315 cell type:photoreceptor_cell ; CL:0000210 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001895 MGI:2143311 J:90812 MGI:3045473 4995 1 evidence: anatomy:trachea epithelium ; MA:0001862 cell type:ciliated_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000067 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005814 MGI:102722 J:92513 N/A 4996 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ciliated_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000067 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005814 MGI:1915585 J:92513 N/A 4997 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type:ciliated_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000067 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005929 MGI:1099818 J:81443 N/A 4998 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016020 MGI:1917173 J:92836 N/A 4999 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:nasal cavity olfactory epithelium ; MA:0001325 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0016358 MGI:1277215 J:92950 MGI:3055491 5000 1 evidence:EOG recording of responses to odor-stimuli anatomy:nasal cavity olfactory epithelium ; MA:0001325 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007608 MGI:1277215 J:92950 MGI:3055491 5001 1 evidence:observation of mutant mice anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001895 MGI:1277215 J:92950 MGI:3055491 5002 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:nasal cavity olfactory epithelium ; MA:0001325 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0035058 MGI:1277215 J:92950 MGI:3055491 5003 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:nasal cavity olfactory epithelium ; MA:0001325 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0016358 MGI:2143311 J:92950 MGI:3055492 5004 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:nasal cavity olfactory epithelium ; MA:0001325 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0000226 MGI:2143311 J:92950 MGI:3055492 5005 1 evidence:EOG recording of responses to odor stimuli anatomy:nasal cavity olfactory epithelium ; MA:0001325 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007608 MGI:2143311 J:92950 MGI:3055492 5006 1 evidence:observation of mutant mice anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001895 MGI:2143311 J:92950 MGI:3055492 5007 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:nasal cavity olfactory epithelium ; MA:0001325 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0035058 MGI:2143311 J:92950 MGI:3055492 5008 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:nasal cavity olfactory epithelium ; MA:0001325 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0000226 MGI:1277215 J:92950 MGI:3055491 5009 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007015 MGI:99260 J:92719 MGI:3054940 5010 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1859320 J:61468 N/A 5011 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005635 MGI:1859320 J:61468 N/A 5012 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:96778 J:61468 N/A 5013 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96778 J:61468 N/A 5014 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,pharynx; EMAP:1893 anatomy:TS17\,lung; EMAP:2551 anatomy:TS17\,hindgut; EMAP:2521 anatomy:TS17\,liver; EMAP:2547 cell type: gene product: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1347476 J:94057 N/A 5015 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje_cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS16\,pharynx; EMAP:1893 anatomy:TS17\,lung; EMAP:2551 anatomy:TS17\,hindgut; EMAP:2521 anatomy:TS17\,live IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1347472 J:94057 N/A 5016 2 r; EMAP:2547 cell type: gene product: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1347472 J:94057 N/A 5017 1 evidence: anatomy:TS2\,two-cell stage; EMAP:6 anatomy:TS3\,4-8 cell stage; EMAP:8 anatomy:TS3\,compacted morula; EMAP:9 anatomy:TS4\,embryo; EMAP:12 anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1928488 J:94339 N/A 5018 1 evidence: anatomy:unfertilized egg ; MA:0000388 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS1\,one-cell stage; EMAP:2 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text: IDA GO:0000793 MGI:1915548 J:94339 N/A 5019 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:maternal IDA GO:0007076 MGI:1928488 J:94339 N/A 5020 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:cardiac_muscle_cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:103577 J:94194 UniProtKB:O70433 5021 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC ; CRL-1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:103577 J:94194 N/A 5022 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC ; CRL-1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1338762 J:94194 N/A 5023 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,heart; EMAP:3666 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:99510 J:94254 N/A 5024 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,heart; EMAP:3666 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:99510 J:94254 N/A 5025 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,outflow tract\,heart; EMAP:3690 cell type:cardiac_muscle_cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030334 MGI:99510 J:94254 N/A 5026 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:1195267 J:84273 MGI:2668459 5027 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,outflow tract\,heart; EMAP:3690 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; CRL-1772 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005925 MGI:1195267 J:94254 N/A 5028 1 evidence: anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030643 MGI:1891427 J:94041 MGI:3512143 5029 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,skeleton; EMAP:13213 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030500 MGI:1891427 J:94041 MGI:3512143 5030 1 evidence:IF anatomy:TS18\,hindlimb bud; EMAP:2730 cell type:ectodermal_cell ; CL:0000221 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88276 J:84878 N/A 5031 1 evidence:in situ hybridization anatomy:TS16\,ectoderm\,hindlimb bud; EMAP:1555 cell type:ectodermal_cell ; CL:0000221 gene product: text: IMP GO:0009950 MGI:88276 J:84878 MGI:2148594|MGI:2158470 5032 1 evidence:gross histology|in situ hybridization anatomy:TS26\,hindlimb; EMAP:11309 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042733 MGI:88276 J:84878 MGI:2148594|MGI:2158470 5033 1 evidence:gross histology|in situ hybridization anatomy:TS26\,hindlimb; EMAP:11309 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0035116 MGI:88276 J:84878 MGI:2148594|MGI:2158470 5034 1 evidence:IF anatomy:TS18\,hindlimb bud; EMAP:2730 cell type:ectodermal_cell ; CL:0000221 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88276 J:84878 N/A 5035 1 evidence:in situ hybridization anatomy:TS16\,ectoderm\,hindlimb bud; EMAP:1555 cell type:ectodermal_cell ; CL:0000221 gene product: text: IMP GO:0009950 MGI:1338938 J:84878 MGI:2181295 5036 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:2135679 J:91127 N/A 5037 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay|sequence information anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IC GO:0005634 MGI:2135679 J:91127 GO:0016564 5038 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0016564 MGI:2135679 J:91127 N/A 5039 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal_muscle_cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: text:antisense evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:1926788 J:93353 N/A 5040 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293T gene product: text: IDA GO:0005741 MGI:1925867 J:88867 N/A 5041 1 evidence:in situ hybridization anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0048511 MGI:2135679 J:72325 N/A 5042 1 evidence:alcian blue and alizanin red staining anatomy:axial skeleton ; MA:0000308 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:2135679 J:72325 MGI:2652222 5043 1 evidence:whole mount lac-Z staining|alcian blue and alizanin red staining anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:2135679 J:72325 MGI:2652222 5044 1 evidence:whole mount in situ hybridization anatomy:tail ; MA:0000008 cell type: gene product: text:seen in Hes7-heterozygous animals IMP GO:0035121 MGI:2135679 J:72325 MGI:2652222 5045 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,node; EMAP:175 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042384 MGI:1913996 J:93573 MGI:3505858 5046 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,embryo; EMAP:402 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:1913996 J:93573 MGI:3505858 5047 1 evidence:in vitro protein methylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:positively regulates activity of UniProt:Q63009, Hrmt1l2 (rat) IDA GO:0006479 MGI:88215 J:33751 N/A 5048 1 evidence:in vitro protein methylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:positively regulates activity of UniProt:Q63009, Hrmt1l2 (rat) IDA GO:0006479 MGI:108384 J:33751 N/A 5049 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:TS26\,forebrain; EMAP:11620 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:109619 J:93141 MGI:2159010 5050 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:TS23\,forebrain; EMAP:7470 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:109619 J:93141 MGI:2159010 5051 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,telencephalon; EMAP:2251 cell type: gene product: text: ventral telencephalon 10.5dpc| IGI GO:0007389 MGI:108067 J:85473 MGI:95843 5052 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,endoderm\,foregut diverticulum; EMAP:603 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:108067 J:94299 N/A 5053 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,endoderm\,foregut diverticulum; EMAP:603 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:87991 J:94299 N/A 5054 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,lung; EMAP:1419 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0030324 MGI:95516 J:94299 N/A 5055 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,endoderm\,midgut; EMAP:616 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS13\,heart; EMAP:560 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS IDA GO:0001759 MGI:95516 J:94299 N/A 5056 2 15\,lung; EMAP:1419 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001759 MGI:95516 J:94299 N/A 5057 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,endoderm\,midgut; EMAP:616 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: text:antibody inhibition evidence: anatomy:TS13\,heart; EMAP:560 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text:anti IMP GO:0001759 MGI:95522 J:94299 N/A 5058 2 body inhibition evidence: anatomy:TS15\,lung; EMAP:1419 cell type: gene product: text:antibody inhibition IMP GO:0001759 MGI:95522 J:94299 N/A 5059 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,lung; EMAP:1419 cell type: gene product: text:antibody inhibition IMP GO:0030324 MGI:95522 J:94299 N/A 5060 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,endoderm\,midgut; EMAP:616 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: text:antibody inhibition evidence: anatomy:TS13\,heart; EMAP:560 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text:anti IMP GO:0001759 MGI:95525 J:94299 N/A 5061 2 body inhibition evidence: anatomy:TS15\,lung; EMAP:1419 cell type: gene product: text:antibody inhibition IMP GO:0001759 MGI:95525 J:94299 N/A 5062 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,lung; EMAP:1419 cell type: gene product: text:antibody inhibition IMP GO:0030324 MGI:95525 J:94299 N/A 5063 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,endoderm\,midgut; EMAP:616 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: text:antibody inhibition evidence: anatomy:TS13\,heart; EMAP:560 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text:anti IDA GO:0001759 MGI:95515 J:94299 N/A 5064 2 body inhibition evidence: anatomy:TS15\,lung; EMAP:1419 cell type: gene product: text:antibody inhibition IDA GO:0001759 MGI:95515 J:94299 N/A 5065 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,lung; EMAP:1419 cell type: gene product: text:antibody inhibition IDA GO:0030324 MGI:95515 J:94299 N/A 5066 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030225 MGI:99480 J:92958 MGI:2177135 5067 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,liver; EMAP:9509 cell type:hematopoietic_stem_cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:99480 J:92958 MGI:2177135 5068 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,liver; EMAP:9509 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:99480 J:92958 N/A 5069 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,liver; EMAP:9509 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:99480 J:92958 N/A 5070 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:regulates MGI:97770 IDA GO:0045944 MGI:109128 J:94267 N/A 5071 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy: cell type:erythroid_stem_cell ; CL:0000038 gene product: text: IDA GO:0008285 MGI:88215 J:94434 N/A 5072 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela ; Atcc:CCL-2 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:99607 J:63265 N/A 5073 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: text: IMP GO:0006911 MGI:99607 J:63265 MGI:1935192 5074 1 evidence: anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type:erythrocyte_(sensu_Mammalia) ; CL:0000595 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045332 MGI:99607 J:63265 MGI:1935192 5075 1 evidence: anatomy:macula ; MA:0001306 cell type:retinal_rod_cell ; CL:0000604 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045494 MGI:109424 J:70248 MGI:1857860 5076 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Ddx5 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1201674 J:93135 UniProtKB:Q61656 5077 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,heart; EMAP:172 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0035054 MGI:1347465 J:93034 MGI:2179442 5078 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,heart; EMAP:3666 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:96396 J:93083 MGI:2384134,MGI:2679967 5079 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,heart; EMAP:3666 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:96397 J:93083 MGI:2679939,MGI:2679967 5080 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,heart; EMAP:3666 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:96398 J:93083 MGI:2384134,MGI:2679939 5081 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NCTC clone 929 ; ATCC:CCL-1 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016358 MGI:2449455 J:93349 N/A 5082 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:1998 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001892 MGI:99480 J:94195 MGI:88373 5083 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:1998 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001892 MGI:88373 J:94195 MGI:99480 5084 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-F422A ; gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88373 J:85421 N/A 5085 1 evidence: anatomy:vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion vestibular component ; MA:0001086 cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:vagus X ganglion ; MA:0001081 cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: q IMP GO:0007412 MGI:88145 J:94276 MGI:1930038 5086 2 ualifier: text: IMP GO:0007412 MGI:88145 J:94276 MGI:1930038 5087 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,pancreas; EMAP:4113 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:1341847 J:85472 MGI:2450891 5088 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IGI GO:0009953 MGI:105373 J:94269 MGI:1341847 5089 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IGI GO:0009953 MGI:1341847 J:94269 MGI:105373 5090 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,floor plate\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2325 anatomy:TS17\,lateral wall\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2326 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: text: IGI GO:0007405 MGI:1341847 J:94269 MGI:105373 5091 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,skeleton\,embryo; EMAP:12382 cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045667 MGI:88276 J:94274 MGI:2148567|MGI:3044412 5092 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:88276 J:94274 MGI:2148567|MGI:3044412 5093 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045669 MGI:98962 J:94274 N/A 5094 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009986 MGI:1341847 J:94269 N/A 5095 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009986 MGI:98297 J:94269 N/A 5096 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2148922 J:94206 N/A 5097 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1921531 J:93469 N/A 5098 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:primary_spermatocyte ; CL:0000656 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005813 MGI:1921531 J:93469 N/A 5099 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:primary_spermatocyte ; CL:0000656 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005813 MGI:102722 J:93469 N/A 5100 1 evidence: anatomy:TS8\,epiblast; EMAP:62 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:97359 J:93140 MGI:3056345|MGI:2656539 5101 1 evidence: anatomy:TS8\,epiblast; EMAP:62 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0016477 MGI:97359 J:93140 MGI:3056345|MGI:2176174 5102 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:95518 J:93163 MGI:99604 5103 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0035108 MGI:99604 J:93163 MGI:95518 5104 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,embryo; EMAP:207 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1345281 J:93193 MGI:3056498 5105 1 evidence:histology anatomy:alveolar system ; MA:0000416 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001937 MGI:102709 J:75490 MGI:2180364 5106 1 evidence:histology anatomy:alveolar system ; MA:0000416 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001937 MGI:107571 J:75490 MGI:2180372 5107 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030183 MGI:2441769 J:80995 MGI:2667614 5108 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IMP GO:0006310 MGI:2441769 J:80995 MGI:2667614 5109 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IMP GO:0051276 MGI:2441769 J:80995 MGI:2667614 5110 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005789 MGI:3045345 J:92651 N/A 5111 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,forebrain; EMAP:8900 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:1306796 J:71086 MGI:1888997 5112 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,forebrain; EMAP:4127 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1306796 J:41353 MGI:1888997 5113 1 evidence:histology anatomy:preputial gland ; MA:0000403 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050728 MGI:1919815 J:89918 MGI:3043446 5114 1 evidence:TUNEL assay anatomy:preputial gland ; MA:0000403 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:1919815 J:89918 MGI:3043446 5115 1 evidence:IB following EMSA anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:103290 J:89918 N/A 5116 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:103290 J:89918 N/A 5117 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:103290 J:89918 N/A 5118 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045121 MGI:1921289 J:90684 N/A 5119 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045577 MGI:1921289 J:90684 N/A 5120 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005913 MGI:1918478 J:94763 N/A 5121 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|TC1 ES cells gene product: text: IMP GO:0010212 MGI:2441769 J:94764 N/A 5122 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|TC1 ES cells gene product: text: IMP GO:0051276 MGI:2441769 J:94764 N/A 5123 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|TC1 ES cells gene product: text: IMP GO:0010212 MGI:2441769 J:80995 MGI:2667614 5124 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|TC1 ES cells gene product: text: IMP GO:0000723 MGI:2441769 J:94764 N/A 5125 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|TC1 ES cells gene product: text: IMP GO:0006302 MGI:2441769 J:94764 N/A 5126 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:female only IDA GO:0001939 MGI:1928488 J:94339 N/A 5127 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:1329040 J:92327 MGI:1857163,MGI:1857704 5128 1 evidence: anatomy:fibula ; MA:0001360 cell type:mechanoreceptor_cell ; CL:0000199 gene product: text:Pacinian corpuscle IGI GO:0042490 MGI:88145 J:93853 MGI:1857232,MGI:1857233 5129 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001922 MGI:1345171 J:88527 MGI:2680256 5130 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007283 MGI:1925230 J:76406 MGI:2449174 5131 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,heart; EMAP:10124|TS25\,arterial system; EMAP:10062 cell type:vascular_associated_smooth_muscle_cell ; CL:0000359 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS25\,membranous part\,interventricular septum; EMAP:10169 anatomy: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:105377 J:87592 MGI:3028702 5132 2 TS25\,valve\,heart; EMAP:10156 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:105377 J:87592 MGI:3028702 5133 1 evidence: anatomy:joint ; MA:0000319 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030500 MGI:3045421 J:63420 MGI:1856651 5134 1 evidence: anatomy:TS7\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:44 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007492 MGI:88067 J:61449 MGI:2386454 5135 1 evidence: anatomy:TS7\,embryo; EMAP:42 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:88067 J:61449 MGI:2386454 5136 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,forebrain; EMAP:4127 anatomy:TS22\,forebrain; EMAP:6019 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1097716 J:79871 MGI:2429693 5137 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,forebrain; EMAP:4127 anatomy:TS22\,forebrain; EMAP:6019 cell type:neuroepithelial_cell; CL:0000710 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:1097716 J:79871 MGI:2429693 5138 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:GABAergic_neuron; CL:0000617|interneuron; CL:0000099 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1097716 J:79871 MGI:2429693 5139 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:mutant cell line IMP GO:0006825 MGI:99400 J:74249 N/A 5140 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001669 MGI:1914581 J:88796 N/A 5141 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007339 MGI:1914581 J:88796 MGI:3039498 5142 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: text: IDA GO:0000299 MGI:1914581 J:88796 N/A 5143 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045332 MGI:1914581 J:88796 MGI:3039498 5144 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,axial skeleton; EMAP:12383 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:108015 J:93802 MGI:1931319 5145 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,branchial arch artery; EMAP:4369 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:88180 J:89237 MGI:3042751 5146 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,outflow tract\,heart; EMAP:4420 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:88180 J:89237 MGI:3042751 5147 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,skeleton\,embryo; EMAP:12382 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:99851 J:80669 MGI:2447293 5148 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,skeleton\,embryo; EMAP:12382 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001503 MGI:99851 J:80669 MGI:2447293 5149 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,skeleton\,embryo; EMAP:12382 cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001649 MGI:99851 J:80669 MGI:2447293 5150 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,spleen; EMAP:10235 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030098 MGI:99851 J:80670 MGI:1934195 5151 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,spleen; EMAP:10235 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030099 MGI:99851 J:80670 MGI:1934195 5152 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,femur; EMAP:12913 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001503 MGI:99851 J:80670 MGI:1934195 5153 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:87904 J:93333 N/A 5154 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:87904 J:93333 N/A 5155 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:88578 J:93333 N/A 5156 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:88578 J:93333 N/A 5157 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1277950 J:93333 N/A 5158 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1277950 J:93333 N/A 5159 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:1277950 J:93333 N/A 5160 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1306796 J:93333 N/A 5161 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1306796 J:93333 N/A 5162 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:1306796 J:93333 N/A 5163 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1349419 J:93333 N/A 5164 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,embryo; EMAP:207 cell type:mesodermal_cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001707 MGI:1313268 J:83662 MGI:2157350 5165 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,future forebrain; EMAP:1200 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1313268 J:79855 MGI:2157350 5166 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,future forebrain; EMAP:1200 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:1313268 J:79855 MGI:2157350 5167 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007517 MGI:88516 J:72926 MGI:1916503 5168 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007525 MGI:1916503 J:72926 MGI:88516 5169 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,skeleton\,embryo; EMAP:6772 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001503 MGI:95537 J:83260 MGI:2663631 5170 1 evidence: anatomy:bone ; MA:0001459 cell type: gene product: text:growth plate IMP GO:0001525 MGI:95537 J:83260 MGI:2663631 5171 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,dentate gyrus; EMAP:12570 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007420 MGI:109563 J:79852 MGI:1934407 5172 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,dentate gyrus; EMAP:12570 cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030334 MGI:109563 J:79852 MGI:1934407 5173 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001764 MGI:109563 J:84597 N/A 5174 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4994 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:108554 J:90026 MGI:1856801 5175 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,embryo; EMAP:147 cell type:stem_cell ; CL:0000034 gene product: text: IMP GO:0019827 MGI:2177178 J:86391 MGI:2681012 5176 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Shh processing IMP GO:0007225 MGI:1916147 J:79831 MGI:2429759 5177 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cranium; EMAP:5612 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:1916147 J:92058 MGI:2448055|MGI:3052133 5178 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:1916147 J:79831 MGI:2429759 5179 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,notochord; EMAP:1195 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0015833 MGI:1916147 J:79831 MGI:2429759 5180 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009880 MGI:1916147 J:79457 MGI:2672101 5181 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:no germ line, knock out IMP GO:0006349 MGI:1261827 J:91108 MGI:3047552|MGI:3047824 5182 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,outflow tract\,heart; EMAP:2448 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:106613 J:79834 MGI:2429760 5183 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:1087|TS15\,dermomyotome\,somite 05; EMAP:1089 cell type: gene product: text: all somites IMP GO:0007379 MGI:106613 J:79834 MGI:2429760 5184 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:106613 J:79834 MGI:2429760 5185 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebral column ; MA:0002416 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030279 MGI:97370 J:48527 MGI:1857079 5186 1 evidence: anatomy:TS3\,4-8 cell stage; EMAP:8 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text: IMP GO:0040016 MGI:1920958 J:93295 MGI:3057184 5187 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:zygote ; CL:0000365 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001939 MGI:1920958 J:76228 N/A 5188 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:zygote ; CL:0000365 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001940 MGI:1920958 J:76228 N/A 5189 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary_oocyte ; CL:0000654 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS2\,two-cell stage; EMAP:6 anatomy:TS3\,compacted morula; EMAP:9 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1920958 J:76228 N/A 5190 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,inner cell mass; EMAP:14 anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1920958 J:76228 N/A 5191 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:TS26\,liver; EMAP:12229 cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045579 MGI:99515 J:29796 MGI:2384078 5192 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:TS24\,thymus; EMAP:8876 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045588 MGI:99515 J:29796 MGI:2384078 5193 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:TS24\,thymus; EMAP:8876 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98633 J:29796 N/A 5194 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:TS24\,thymus; EMAP:8876 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:29796 N/A 5195 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:TS24\,thymus; EMAP:8876 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88335 J:29796 N/A 5196 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96549 J:29796 N/A 5197 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:29796 N/A 5198 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:peritoneal cavity ; MA:0000054 cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88340 J:29797 N/A 5199 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98384 J:29797 N/A 5200 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141|thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88335 J:29797 N/A 5201 1 evidence:Fura-2 spectrofluorimetry following cell-surface CD3e crosslinking anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007242 MGI:99613 J:27768 MGI:2677447 5202 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045060 MGI:99613 J:27768 MGI:2677447 5203 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142|spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0046638 MGI:99613 J:27768 MGI:2677447 5204 1 evidence:Fura-2 spectrofluorimetry following cell-surface CD3e crosslinking anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0050850 MGI:99613 J:27768 MGI:2677447 5205 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142|spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045059 MGI:99613 J:27768 MGI:2677447 5206 1 evidence:Fura-2 spectrofluorimetry following cell-surface CD3e crosslinking anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007166 MGI:88332 J:27768 N/A 5207 1 evidence:Fura-2 spectrofluorimetry following cell-surface CD3e crosslinking anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88332 J:27768 N/A 5208 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045060 MGI:88332 J:27768 N/A 5209 1 evidence:Fura-2 spectrofluorimetry following cell-surface CD3e crosslinking anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050850 MGI:88332 J:27768 N/A 5210 1 evidence:Fura-2 spectrofluorimetry following cell-surface CD3e crosslinking anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0004871 MGI:88332 J:27768 N/A 5211 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142|spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88335 J:27768 N/A 5212 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:27768 N/A 5213 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030198 MGI:88059 J:93306 MGI:2154545,MGI:2137246 5214 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030198 MGI:88046 J:93306 MGI:2137246,MGI:2154522 5215 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030198 MGI:88047 J:93306 MGI:2154545,MGI:2154522 5216 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030900 MGI:88047 J:93306 MGI:2154545,MGI:2154522 5217 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030900 MGI:88046 J:93306 MGI:2137246,MGI:2154522 5218 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:1859631 J:93354 N/A 5219 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0004713 MGI:95602 J:18500 N/A 5220 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:95602 J:18500 N/A 5221 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P43404|Zap70 (mouse, bound by both CD3-zeta and CD3-eta isoforms) text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88334 J:18500 UniProtKB:P43404 5222 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Insr IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1354910 J:91027 UniProtKB:P15208 5223 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Insr IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1201791 J:91027 UniProtKB:P15208 5224 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Socs1 and Socs3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96575 J:91027 UniProtKB:O35716|UniProtKB:O35718 5225 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Vcp and Pdcd6 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1312922 J:87334 UniProtKB:Q01853|UniProtKB:P12815 5226 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Vcp and Pdcd6 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1277950 J:87334 UniProtKB:Q01853|UniProtKB:P12815 5227 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97245 J:94715 N/A 5228 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,primitive ventricle; EMAP:919 cell type:cardiac_muscle_cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:103580 J:94514 MGI:103577 5229 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,primitive ventricle; EMAP:919 cell type:cardiac_muscle_cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:103577 J:94514 MGI:103580 5230 1 evidence: anatomy:skin sebaceous gland ; MA:0000149 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0008544 MGI:97363 J:94517 MGI:1202717,MGI:109284 5231 1 evidence: anatomy:hair inner root sheath ; MA:0000779 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0031069 MGI:97363 J:94517 MGI:3044585|MGI:2159109 5232 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,phalanx cartilage condensation\,mesenchyme\,digit 1\,handplate; EMAP:5797 anatomy:TS22\,phalanx cartilage condensation\,mesenchyme\,digit 2\,handplate; EMAP:5804 anatomy:TS22\,phalanx cartilage condensation\,mesenchyme\,digit 3\,ha IMP GO:0030326 MGI:95688 J:94510 MGI:1855974 5233 2 ndplate; EMAP:5811 anatomy:TS22\,phalanx cartilage condensation\,mesenchyme\,digit 4\,handplate; EMAP:5818 anatomy:TS22\,phalanx cartilage condensation\,mesenchyme\,digit 5\,handplate; EMAP:5825 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: qualif IMP GO:0030326 MGI:95688 J:94510 MGI:1855974 5234 3 ier: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:95688 J:94510 MGI:1855974 5235 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,phalanx cartilage condensation\,mesenchyme\,digit 1\,handplate; EMAP:5797 anatomy:TS22\,phalanx cartilage condensation\,mesenchyme\,digit 2\,handplate; EMAP:5804 anatomy:TS22\,phalanx cartilage condensation\,mesenchyme\,digit 3\,ha IMP GO:0042981 MGI:95688 J:94510 MGI:1855974 5236 2 ndplate; EMAP:5811 anatomy:TS22\,phalanx cartilage condensation\,mesenchyme\,digit 4\,handplate; EMAP:5818 anatomy:TS22\,phalanx cartilage condensation\,mesenchyme\,digit 5\,handplate; EMAP:5825 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: qualif IMP GO:0042981 MGI:95688 J:94510 MGI:1855974 5237 3 ier: text: IMP GO:0042981 MGI:95688 J:94510 MGI:1855974 5238 1 evidence:IP following surface iodination anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0019815 MGI:99546 J:94881 N/A 5239 1 evidence:IP following surface iodination anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:99546 J:94881 N/A 5240 1 evidence:IP following surface iodination anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0019815 MGI:101774 J:94881 N/A 5241 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0050853 MGI:101774 J:94881 N/A 5242 1 evidence:IP following surface iodination anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:101774 J:94881 N/A 5243 1 evidence:IP following surface iodination anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product:UniProt:P15530|Cd79b (mouse) text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:101774 J:94881 UniProtKB:P15530 5244 1 evidence:IP following surface iodination anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0019815 MGI:96431 J:94881 N/A 5245 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0050853 MGI:96431 J:94881 N/A 5246 1 evidence:IP following surface iodination anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96431 J:94881 N/A 5247 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type:radial_glial_cell ; CL:0000681 gene product: text: IGI GO:0048469 MGI:104853 J:94391 MGI:104876 5248 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type:radial_glial_cell ; CL:0000681 gene product: text: IGI GO:0048469 MGI:104876 J:94391 MGI:104853 5249 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IGI GO:0045665 MGI:104876 J:94391 MGI:104853 5250 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type:radial_glial_cell ; CL:0000681 gene product: text: IGI GO:0007155 MGI:104876 J:94391 MGI:104853 5251 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type:radial_glial_cell ; CL:0000681 gene product: text: IGI GO:0007155 MGI:104853 J:94391 MGI:104876 5252 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IGI GO:0045665 MGI:104853 J:94391 MGI:104876 5253 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,skeletal muscle\,axial muscle; EMAP:5957 cell type:skeletal_muscle_cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: text: IGI GO:0051146 MGI:97874 J:94087 MGI:96680 5254 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,skeletal muscle\,axial muscle; EMAP:5957 cell type:skeletal_muscle_cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: text: IGI GO:0051146 MGI:96680 J:94087 MGI:97874 5255 1 evidence: anatomy:cortical layer III ; MA:0000899 cell type:pyramidal_cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: text: IMP GO:0016358 MGI:99918 J:94370 MGI:2158354 5256 1 evidence: anatomy:cortical layer III ; MA:0000899 cell type:pyramidal_cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042551 MGI:99918 J:94370 MGI:2158354 5257 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|CNS_interneuron ; CL:0000402 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030426 MGI:1935169 J:94526 N/A 5258 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|CNS_interneuron ; CL:0000402 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030426 MGI:98241 J:94526 N/A 5259 1 evidence: anatomy:incisor ; MA:0000349 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:95586 J:94518 MGI:1857467 5260 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,epithelium\,incisor\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:9441 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:95586 J:94518 MGI:1857467 5261 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,epithelium\,incisor\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:9441 cell type:amelocyte ; CL:0000139 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:95586 J:94518 MGI:1857467 5262 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,epithelium\,incisor\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:9441 cell type:amelocyte ; CL:0000139 gene product: text: IGI GO:0045596 MGI:95586 J:94518 MGI:88180 5263 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,epithelium\,incisor\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:9441 cell type:amelocyte ; CL:0000139 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045597 MGI:88180 J:94518 N/A 5264 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,epithelium\,incisor\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:9441 cell type:amelocyte ; CL:0000139 gene product: text: IGI GO:0045595 MGI:88180 J:94518 MGI:95586 5265 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,epithelium\,incisor\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:9441 cell type:amelocyte ; CL:0000139 gene product: text: IGI GO:0030509 MGI:95586 J:94518 MGI:88180 5266 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,epithelium\,incisor\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:9441 cell type:amelocyte ; CL:0000139 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045597 MGI:103302 J:94518 N/A 5267 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,epithelium\,incisor\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:9441 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042475 MGI:103302 J:94518 N/A 5268 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,epithelium\,incisor\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:9441 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042475 MGI:88180 J:94518 N/A 5269 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,epithelium\,incisor\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:9441 cell type:amelocyte ; CL:0000139 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045597 MGI:88177 J:94518 N/A 5270 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,epithelium\,incisor\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:9441 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042475 MGI:88177 J:94518 N/A 5271 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T_lymphoblast ; CL:0000230 gene product: text:noggin treatment| IMP GO:0045165 MGI:88177 J:80062 N/A 5272 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,dorsal root ganglion\,ganglion\,spinal\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:6231 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IGI GO:0030517 MGI:106206 J:93799 MGI:107558 5273 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,dorsal root ganglion\,ganglion\,spinal\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:6231 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IGI GO:0030517 MGI:107558 J:93799 MGI:106206 5274 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,dorsal root ganglion\,ganglion\,spinal\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:6231 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030517 MGI:107558 J:93799 N/A 5275 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,cranial\,nerve\,central nervous system; EMAP:3547 anatomy:TS20\,cranial\,nerve\,central nervous system; EMAP:4242 anatomy:TS19\,nerve\,spinal\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:3574 anatomy:TS20\,nerve\,spinal\,peripheral nervous sys IMP GO:0007411 MGI:106206 J:93799 MGI:3512099 5276 2 tem; EMAP:4283 anatomy:corpus callosum ; MA:0000188 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS22\,dorsal root ganglion\,ganglion\,spinal\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:6231 cell ty IMP GO:0007411 MGI:106206 J:93799 MGI:3512099 5277 3 pe:%sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:106206 J:93799 MGI:3512099 5278 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:pyramidal_cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: text: IMP GO:0016358 MGI:106206 J:93799 MGI:3512099 5279 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cardiovascular system; EMAP:4365 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:106206 J:93799 MGI:2450311|MGI:3512101 5280 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cardiovascular system; EMAP:4365 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0048010 MGI:106206 J:93799 MGI:2450311|MGI:3512101 5281 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236|ATCC:CRL-1702 (WEHI-231, mouse)|permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0019815 MGI:101774 J:31951 N/A 5282 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236|ATCC:CRL-1702 (WEHI-231, mouse)|permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0050853 MGI:101774 J:31951 N/A 5283 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236|ATCC:CRL-1702 (WEHI-231, mouse)|permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product:UniProt:P48025|Syk (mouse)|UniProt:P15530|C IPI GO:0005515 MGI:101774 J:31951 UniProtKB:P48025|UniProtKB:P15530 5284 2 d79b (mouse) text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:101774 J:31951 UniProtKB:P48025|UniProtKB:P15530 5285 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236|ATCC:CRL-1702 (WEHI-231, mouse)|permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0019815 MGI:96431 J:31951 N/A 5286 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236|ATCC:CRL-1702 (WEHI-231, mouse)|permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0050853 MGI:96431 J:31951 N/A 5287 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0004707 MGI:1346858 J:31951 N/A 5288 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0000165 MGI:1346858 J:31951 N/A 5289 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,outflow tract\,heart; EMAP:6425 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:106206 J:93799 MGI:1100492 5290 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,outflow tract\,heart; EMAP:6425 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:1100492 J:93799 MGI:106206 5291 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: under TPA stimulation IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97595 J:85668 N/A 5292 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: under serum stimulation IDA GO:0005739 MGI:97595 J:85668 N/A 5293 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:columnar/cuboidal_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000075 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| gene product: text: IDA GO:0030858 MGI:106210 J:93477 N/A 5294 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,inner cell mass; EMAP:24 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005578 MGI:106210 J:93477 N/A 5295 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,inner cell mass; EMAP:24 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:106210 J:93477 N/A 5296 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0001833 MGI:106210 J:93477 N/A 5297 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001824 MGI:106210 J:93477 MGI:3497714 5298 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 (gut intraepithelial lymphocytes) gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98612 J:36147 N/A 5299 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:muscle_cell ; CL:0000187 gene product: text:Achr distribution| IDA GO:0001941 MGI:107430 J:93581 N/A 5300 1 evidence:IP-IB following in vitro kinase reaction anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005524 MGI:99515 J:35411 N/A 5301 1 evidence:IP-IB following in vitro kinase reaction anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0046777 MGI:99515 J:35411 N/A 5302 1 evidence:IP-IB following in vitro kinase reaction anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005524 MGI:99613 J:35411 N/A 5303 1 evidence:IP-IB following in vitro kinase reaction anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0046777 MGI:99613 J:35411 N/A 5304 1 evidence:IP-IB following in vitro kinase reaction anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:99613 J:35411 N/A 5305 1 evidence:IP-IB following in vitro kinase reaction anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0004713 MGI:99613 J:35411 N/A 5306 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,pituitary; EMAP:6022 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:109330 J:94409 MGI:3521736 5307 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,pituitary; EMAP:6022 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:109330 J:94409 MGI:3521736 5308 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,pituitary; EMAP:6022 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:109330 J:79850 MGI:1856842 5309 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,pituitary; EMAP:6022 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:109330 J:79850 MGI:1856842 5310 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:4261 cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS20\,ganglion\,sympathetic\,autonomic\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:4271 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 IMP GO:0007399 MGI:95410 J:94397 MGI:3521860|MGI:3521857|MGI:1929071 5311 2 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007399 MGI:95410 J:94397 MGI:3521860|MGI:3521857|MGI:1929071 5312 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Pard6a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:3029152 J:87877 UniProtKB:Q9Z101 5313 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: bind with human O94906 (C20orf14) ISA GO:0000398 MGI:1916238 J:92573 UniProtKB:Q8WWY3 5314 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Lasp1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:103072 J:93130 UniProtKB:Q61792 5315 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Zyx,Lpp, Vasp. IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109656 J:93130 UniProtKB:Q62523|UniProtKB:Q8BFW7|UniProtKB:P70460 5316 1 evidence:IF anatomy:skeletal muscle (EDL) cell type:CL:0000188 (skeletal_muscle) gene product: text: IDA GO:0043292 MGI:88516 J:87935 N/A 5317 1 evidence:IF anatomy:skeletal muscle (EDL) cell type:CL:0000188 (skeletal_muscle) gene product: text: IDA GO:0043292 MGI:94885 J:87935 N/A 5318 1 evidence:IF anatomy:skeletal muscle (EDL) cell type:CL:0000188 (skeletal_muscle) gene product: text: IDA GO:0043292 MGI:96240 J:87935 N/A 5319 1 evidence:IF anatomy:skeletal muscle (EDL) cell type:CL:0000188 (skeletal_muscle) gene product: text: IDA GO:0043292 MGI:1277961 J:87935 N/A 5320 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0050767 MGI:97490 J:94457 MGI:3521718 5321 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:97490 J:94457 MGI:3521718 5322 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:97490 J:94457 MGI:3521718 5323 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,forebrain; EMAP:6019 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:97490 J:94457 MGI:3521718|MGI:1856155|MGI:2156741 5324 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,medulla oblongata; EMAP:7573 anatomy:TS23\,thalamus; EMAP:7531 anatomy:TS23\,cerebellum; EMAP:7598 anatomy:TS23\,pons; EMAP:7612 anatomy:TS23\,dorsal root ganglion\,ganglion\,spinal\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:7715 anatomy:TS2 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97496 J:93761 N/A 5325 2 3\,lateral wall\,spinal cord; EMAP:7675 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS23\,gut; EMAP:7450 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 cell type:smooth_muscle_cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: quali IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97496 J:93761 N/A 5326 3 fier: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97496 J:93761 N/A 5327 1 evidence: anatomy:medulla oblongata ; MA:0000206 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007585 MGI:97496 J:93761 MGI:3510441 5328 1 evidence: anatomy:medulla oblongata ; MA:0000206 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1351209 J:93761 N/A 5329 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,definitive endoderm; EMAP:161 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001706 MGI:99783 J:93592 MGI:1857848 5330 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,embryo; EMAP:147 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001702 MGI:99783 J:93592 MGI:1857848 5331 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,testis; EMAP:5536 cell type:Sertoli_cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98371 J:94647 N/A 5332 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,testis; EMAP:5536 cell type:Sertoli_cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1330810 J:94647 N/A 5333 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:stratified_squamous_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000240 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001736 MGI:1330810 J:87781 N/A 5334 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:primary_spermatocyte ; CL:0000656 cell type:secondary_spermatocyte ; CL:0000657 gene product: text:target=Clgn promoter ; MGI:107472 IDA GO:0001673 MGI:2672878 J:94670 N/A 5335 1 evidence: anatomy:blood vessel ; MA:0000060 cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:kidney blood vessel ; MA:0001682|artery ; MA:0000064 cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 IC GO:0016337 MGI:1276112 J:94757 GO:0005923 5336 2 gene product: text: IC GO:0016337 MGI:1276112 J:94757 GO:0005923 5337 1 evidence: anatomy:blood vessel ; MA:0000060 cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:kidney blood vessel ; MA:0001682|artery ; MA:0000064 cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 IDA GO:0005923 MGI:105057 J:94757 N/A 5338 2 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005923 MGI:105057 J:94757 N/A 5339 1 evidence: anatomy:blood vessel ; MA:0000060 cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:kidney blood vessel ; MA:0001682|artery ; MA:0000064 cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 IC GO:0016337 MGI:105057 J:94757 GO:0005923 5340 2 gene product: text: IC GO:0016337 MGI:105057 J:94757 GO:0005923 5341 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,optic chiasma; EMAP:4338 cell type:CNS_long_range_interneuron ; CL:0000410 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:1347463 J:94392 MGI:2180362 5342 1 evidence: anatomy:hair inner root sheath ; MA:0000779 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001708 MGI:109284 J:94517 MGI:1202717 5343 1 evidence: anatomy:hair inner root sheath ; MA:0000779 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0042640 MGI:1202717 J:94517 MGI:109284 5344 1 evidence: anatomy:hair inner root sheath ; MA:0000779 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001708 MGI:1202717 J:94517 MGI:109284 5345 1 evidence: anatomy:hair inner root sheath ; MA:0000779 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0042640 MGI:109284 J:94517 MGI:1202717 5346 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebellum; EMAP:11736 cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030902 MGI:95728 J:94461 MGI:1857509 5347 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebellum; EMAP:11736 cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:95728 J:94461 MGI:1857509 5348 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebellum; EMAP:11736 cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IGI GO:0030902 MGI:95728 J:94461 MGI:98297 5349 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebellum; EMAP:11736 cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:95728 J:94461 MGI:98297 5350 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebellum; EMAP:11736 cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IGI GO:0030902 MGI:98297 J:94461 MGI:95728 5351 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebellum; EMAP:11736 cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:98297 J:94461 MGI:95728 5352 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,marginal layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4996 cell type:Cajal-Retzius_cell; CL:0000117|CNS_interneuron ; CL:0000402 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030900 MGI:1352452 J:94458 N/A 5353 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,marginal layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4996 cell type:Cajal-Retzius_cell; CL:0000117|CNS_interneuron ; CL:0000402 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001764 MGI:1352452 J:94458 N/A 5354 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4994 cell type:GABAergic_neuron ; CL:0000617|CNS_interneuron ; CL:0000402 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001764 MGI:1352451 J:94458 N/A 5355 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4994 cell type:GABAergic_neuron ; CL:0000617|CNS_interneuron ; CL:0000402 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030900 MGI:1352451 J:94458 N/A 5356 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4994 cell type:GABAergic_neuron ; CL:0000617|CNS_interneuron ; CL:0000402 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1352451 J:94458 N/A 5357 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4994 cell type:GABAergic_neuron ; CL:0000617|CNS_interneuron ; CL:0000402 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1352452 J:94458 N/A 5358 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001666 MGI:1206587 J:94464 MGI:3513079 5359 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:5134 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IGI GO:0007409 MGI:101766 J:93897 MGI:98956 5360 1 evidence:\nanatomy:\ncell type:\ngene product:\ntarget:\ntext:RepProt SeqID:P27467 IDA GO:0005615 MGI:98956 J:93897 N/A 5361 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:5134 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007409 MGI:98956 J:93897 N/A 5362 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:5134 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IGI GO:0007409 MGI:98956 J:93897 MGI:101766 5363 1 evidence: anatomy:body bone ; MA:0000512 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030282 MGI:1340026 J:94273 MGI:3521852 5364 1 evidence: anatomy:body bone ; MA:0000512 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0051216 MGI:1340026 J:94273 MGI:3521852 5365 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,hindbrain; EMAP:2257|TS17\,cardiovascular system; EMAP:2388 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:106206 J:93809 MGI:1857853 5366 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:necrosis term obsoleted. IMP GO:0008219 MGI:97740 J:54361 N/A 5367 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:necrosis term obsoleted IMP GO:0008219 MGI:98725 J:50848 MGI:1857671 5368 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:necrosis term obsoleted IMP GO:0008219 MGI:98725 J:2892 MGI:1857258 5369 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:necrosis term obsoleted IMP GO:0008219 MGI:1314883 J:21815 MGI:1857262 5370 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type:melanocyte ; CL:0000148 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042640 MGI:2151839 J:94728 MGI:1856847 5371 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type:melanocyte ; CL:0000148 gene product: text: IMP GO:0048066 MGI:2151839 J:94728 MGI:1856847 5372 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type:melanocyte ; CL:0000148 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042640 MGI:105976 J:94728 MGI:1856004 5373 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type:melanocyte ; CL:0000148 gene product: text: IMP GO:0048066 MGI:105976 J:94728 MGI:1856004 5374 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Nefl; Gfap; Prph1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:105976 J:79971 UniProtKB:P08551|UniProtKB:P03995|UniProtKB:P13331 5375 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,retina; EMAP:7822 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042573 MGI:1096359 J:95023 MGI:2183292 5376 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,epithelium\,cornea; EMAP:11940 anatomy:TS26\,anterior epithelium\,lens; EMAP:11956|TS26\,equatorial epithelium\,lens; EMAP:11958 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1346318 J:95031 N/A 5377 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,lens pit; EMAP:2365 anatomy:TS20\,anterior epithelium\,lens vesicle; EMAP:4334|TS20\,equatorial epithelium\,lens vesicle; EMAP:4336|TS20\,posterior epithelium\,lens vesicle; EMAP:4337 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene pro IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1346318 J:95031 N/A 5378 2 duct: text: evidence: anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,cornea; EMAP:4329 anatomy:TS20\,stroma\,cornea; EMAP:4330 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1346318 J:95031 N/A 5379 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,liver; EMAP:6651 cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: text: IMP GO:0006308 MGI:1329019 J:94874 MGI:2449811 5380 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte_(sensu_Mammalia) ; CL:0000595 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030218 MGI:1329019 J:69831 MGI:2449811 5381 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7540 anatomy:TS24\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:8947 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1914453 J:94756 MGI:3514026 5382 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7540 anatomy:TS24\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:8947 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007405 MGI:1914453 J:94756 MGI:3514026 5383 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005813 MGI:1914453 J:94756 N/A 5384 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005819 MGI:1914453 J:94756 N/A 5385 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,embryo; EMAP:640 anatomy:TS14\,heart; EMAP:897 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:87911 J:95020 MGI:1931734 5386 1 evidence: anatomy:lymphatic vessel ; MA:0000138 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001946 MGI:103098 J:94978 MGI:2657021 5387 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009790 MGI:109530 J:91435 MGI:3050154 5388 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7537 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007420 MGI:109392 J:81418 MGI:2152217 5389 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7537 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:109392 J:81418 MGI:2152217 5390 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: transgenic dominant negative| IMP GO:0042981 MGI:109324 J:85525 N/A 5391 1 evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type:Sertoli_cell ; CL:0000216 cell type:Leydig_cell ; CL:0000178 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008584 MGI:1341823 J:85108 MGI:2674095 5392 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008585 MGI:1341823 J:85108 MGI:2674095 5393 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,primordial germ cells; EMAP:3854 cell type:germ_cell ; CL:0000586 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:1341823 J:85108 MGI:2674095 5394 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,submandibular gland primordium; EMAP:4917 cell type: gene product: text: antisense| IMP GO:0007435 MGI:95522 J:79832 N/A 5395 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,spiral organ of Corti; EMAP:12949 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:95522 J:78879 MGI:2153351 5396 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cochlea; EMAP:6271 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:95522 J:78879 MGI:2153351 5397 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,cochlear duct; EMAP:9182 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:1096329 J:82307 MGI:2448634 5398 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: text: IDA GO:0031175 MGI:1337018 J:81743 N/A 5399 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:858 IMP GO:0007398 MGI:2655333 J:86772 MGI:2684328 5400 2 cell type: gene product: : IMP GO:0007398 MGI:2655333 J:86772 MGI:2684328 5401 3 text: IMP GO:0007398 MGI:2655333 J:86772 MGI:2684328 5402 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:858 IMP GO:0007389 MGI:2655333 J:86772 MGI:2684328 5403 2 cell type: gene product: : IMP GO:0007389 MGI:2655333 J:86772 MGI:2684328 5404 3 text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:2655333 J:86772 MGI:2684328 5405 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cochlea; EMAP:5173 anatomy:TS21\,utricle; EMAP:5178 cell type:inner_hair_cell ; CL:0000589 cell type:outer_hair_cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042491 MGI:103170 J:80025 MGI:2449921 5406 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cochlea; EMAP:5173 anatomy:TS21\,utricle; EMAP:5178 cell type:inner_hair_cell ; CL:0000589 cell type:outer_hair_cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:103170 J:80025 MGI:2449921 5407 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007417 MGI:95729 J:80206 MGI:108075 5408 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007417 MGI:108075 J:80206 MGI:95729 5409 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,embryo; EMAP:402 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:108075 J:79831 MGI:2176255 5410 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:1344337 J:84077 MGI:3054923 5411 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009954 MGI:1344337 J:84077 MGI:3054923 5412 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,retina; EMAP:4342 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:1929494 J:65296 MGI:2448591 5413 1 evidence: anatomy:corpus callosum ; MA:0000188 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1929494 J:65296 MGI:2448591 5414 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:1929494 J:65296 MGI:2448591 5415 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IDA GO:0015629 MGI:1929494 J:65296 N/A 5416 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1929494 J:65296 N/A 5417 1 evidence:ELISA| anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:H2-Ea transgene on H2-DMa KO background IGI GO:0016064 MGI:95900 J:72827 MGI:95921 5418 1 evidence:ELISA| anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:H2-Ea transgene on H2-DMa KO background IGI GO:0050778 MGI:95900 J:72827 MGI:95921 5419 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0019886 MGI:95900 J:88533 N/A 5420 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0019886 MGI:95900 J:72827 N/A 5421 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B_lymphoblast ; CL:0000231 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95900 J:4119 N/A 5422 1 evidence:CO-IP| IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1916782 J:79152 UniProtKB:P11831 5423 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1916782 J:79152 UniProtKB:P11831 5424 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: Ncam1 ; MGI:97281 text:by transfection IDA GO:0006357 MGI:96770 J:73689 N/A 5425 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: supershift IDA GO:0003700 MGI:96770 J:73689 N/A 5426 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Dll1 ; MGI:104659 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:96770 J:94049 N/A 5427 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:1087 anatomy:TS15\,paraxial mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,tail; EMAP:1446 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:96770 J:94049 MGI:1933764 5428 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dll1 ; MGI:104659 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:96770 J:94049 N/A 5429 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dll1 ; MGI:104659 text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:96770 J:94049 N/A 5430 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,liver; EMAP:5496 cell type:blood_cell ; CL:0000081 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030097 MGI:1347023 J:94136 MGI:3512409 5431 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,interventricular septum; EMAP:5331 anatomy:TS21\,cardiac muscle\,left ventricle; EMAP:5336 anatomy:TS21\,cardiac muscle\,right ventricle; EMAP:5339 cell type:cardiac_muscle_cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1347023 J:94136 MGI:3512409 5432 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Mitf promoter| IDA GO:0003677 MGI:97490 J:83532 N/A 5433 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,optic cup; EMAP:1288 cell type:pigmented_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000529 gene product: text:retinal pigmented epithelial cells 9.5dpc| IMP GO:0001709 MGI:97490 J:83532 MGI:1934347 5434 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,optic cup; EMAP:1288 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:97490 J:83532 MGI:1934347 5435 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: hand TAS GO:0006355 MGI:97490 J:54357 N/A 5436 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: hand TAS GO:0003700 MGI:97490 J:54357 N/A 5437 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: hand TAS GO:0005667 MGI:97490 J:54357 N/A 5438 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: Unc5c ; MGI:1095412 text: Regulate Unc5h3 expression| IMP GO:0030334 MGI:97490 J:54722 MGI:1856155 5439 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,forebrain; EMAP:2230 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:97490 J:94588 MGI:1856158 5440 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:97490 J:78745 MGI:1856155 5441 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007420 MGI:97490 J:78745 MGI:1856155 5442 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:8944 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:98791 J:94879 MGI:3521923 5443 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:8944 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:98791 J:94879 MGI:3521923 5444 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL:1658 gene product:UniProt:Q8R4B0 text: IHC| IDA GO:0015630 MGI:2445415 J:94990 N/A 5445 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,retina; EMAP:4342 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0043010 MGI:88401 J:94374 MGI:104554 5446 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,neural retinal epithelium; EMAP:3621 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:88401 J:94374 MGI:1856112 5447 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,retina; EMAP:4342 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0043010 MGI:104554 J:94374 MGI:88401 5448 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,pigmented retinal epithelium; EMAP:3622 cell type:pigmented_epithelial_cell gene product: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:104554 J:94374 MGI:1856085 5449 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007166 MGI:99515 J:37676 MGI:2384078 5450 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007242 MGI:99515 J:37676 MGI:2384078 5451 1 evidence:leukotriene enzymeimmunoassay anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text:positive regulation of leukotriene biosynthesis IMP GO:0019370 MGI:99515 J:37676 MGI:2384078 5452 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045425 MGI:99515 J:37676 MGI:2384078 5453 1 evidence:IL-3 bioassay anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045401 MGI:99515 J:37676 MGI:2384078 5454 1 evidence:3H serotonin release assay|beta-hexosaminidase release assay anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IMP GO:0043306 MGI:99515 J:37676 MGI:2384078 5455 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IMP GO:0050731 MGI:99515 J:37676 MGI:2384078 5456 1 evidence:3H serotonin release assay anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text:positive regulation of serotonin secretion IMP GO:0001820 MGI:99515 J:37676 MGI:2384078 5457 1 evidence:3H serotonin release assay|beta-hexosaminidase release assay|leukotriene enzymeimmunoassay|cytokine production assays|IB|IP-IB anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0019767 MGI:95494 J:37676 N/A 5458 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007166 MGI:95494 J:37676 N/A 5459 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95494 J:37676 N/A 5460 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045425 MGI:95494 J:37676 N/A 5461 1 evidence:IL-3 bioassay anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045401 MGI:95494 J:37676 N/A 5462 1 evidence:3H serotonin release assay|beta-hexosaminidase release assay anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043306 MGI:95494 J:37676 N/A 5463 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050731 MGI:95494 J:37676 N/A 5464 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007166 MGI:95496 J:37676 N/A 5465 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:promoter ; SO:0000167|Abcg1 ; MGI:107704 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98214 J:94492 N/A 5466 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007166 MGI:95495 J:37676 N/A 5467 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:promoter ; SO:0000167|Abcg1 ; MGI:107704 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1352462 J:94492 N/A 5468 1 evidence:sequencing|erythrocyte rosetting assay|flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95495 J:31359 N/A 5469 1 evidence:sequencing|erythrocyte rosetting assay|flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:95495 J:31359 N/A 5470 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:UniProt:Q8BSK8 text: IDA GO:0004674 MGI:1928394 J:94381 N/A 5471 1 evidence:IP of 32P labeled protein anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0046777 MGI:96892 J:37676 N/A 5472 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007242 MGI:96892 J:37676 N/A 5473 1 evidence:IP of 32P labeled protein anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0004672 MGI:96892 J:37676 N/A 5474 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: kidney epithelium| IDA GO:0005929 MGI:97603 J:81443 N/A 5475 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,metanephros; EMAP:5504 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text:C-terminal tail IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97603 J:94419 N/A 5476 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text:C-terminal tail IDA GO:0050982 MGI:97603 J:94419 N/A 5477 1 evidence:GST-Jun phosphorylation assay anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007257 MGI:96449 J:37676 N/A 5478 1 evidence:MBP phosphorylation by ERK2 anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text:activation of ERK2 IDA GO:0000187 MGI:96449 J:37676 N/A 5479 1 evidence:leukotriene enzymeimmunoassay anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text:positive regulation of leukotriene biosynthesis IDA GO:0019370 MGI:96449 J:37676 N/A 5480 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045425 MGI:96449 J:37676 N/A 5481 1 evidence:IL-3 bioassay anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045401 MGI:96449 J:37676 N/A 5482 1 evidence:3H serotonin release assay|beta-hexosaminidase release assay anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043306 MGI:96449 J:37676 N/A 5483 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050731 MGI:96449 J:37676 N/A 5484 1 evidence:3H serotonin release assay anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text:positive regulation of serotonin secretion IDA GO:0001820 MGI:96449 J:37676 N/A 5485 1 evidence:GST-Jun phosphorylation assay anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007257 MGI:95494 J:37676 N/A 5486 1 evidence:MBP phosphorylation by ERK2 anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text:activation of ERK2 IDA GO:0000187 MGI:95494 J:37676 N/A 5487 1 evidence:leukotriene enzymeimmunoassay anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text:positive regulation of leukotriene biosynthesis IDA GO:0019370 MGI:95494 J:37676 N/A 5488 1 evidence:3H serotonin release assay anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text:positive regulation of serotonin release IDA GO:0001820 MGI:95494 J:37676 N/A 5489 1 evidence:GST-Jun phosphorylation assay anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007257 MGI:99515 J:37676 MGI:2384078 5490 1 evidence:MBP phosphorylation by ERK2 anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text:activation of ERK2 IMP GO:0000187 MGI:99515 J:37676 MGI:2384078 5491 1 evidence:phosphopeptide mapping following in vitro autophosphorylation anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0046777 MGI:99515 J:39598 N/A 5492 1 evidence:phosphopeptide mapping following in vitro autophosphorylation anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:99515 J:39598 N/A 5493 1 evidence:phosphopeptide mapping following in vitro autophosphorylation anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0004713 MGI:99515 J:39598 N/A 5494 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: promoter ; SO:0000167| Dbn1 ; MGI:1931838 target: promoter ; SO:0000167| Npas4 ; MGI:2664186 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:2664186 J:80366 N/A 5495 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dbn1 ; MGI:1931838 target:Npas4 ; MGI:2664186 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:2664186 J:80366 N/A 5496 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: promoter ; SO:0000167| Dbn1 ; MGI:1931838 target: promoter ; SO:0000167| Npas4 ; MGI:2664186 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:107188 J:80366 N/A 5497 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dbn1 ; MGI:1931838 target:Npas4 ; MGI:2664186 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:107188 J:80366 N/A 5498 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: promoter ; SO:0000167| Dbn1 ; MGI:1931838 target: promoter ; SO:0000167| Npas4 ; MGI:2664186 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:107188 J:80366 MGI:98307 5499 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: promoter ; SO:0000167| Dbn1 ; MGI:1931838 target: promoter ; SO:0000167| Npas4 ; MGI:2664186 text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:98307 J:80366 MGI:2664186 5500 1 evidence: anatomy:retina outer nuclear layer ; MA:0001315 cell type:photoreceptor_cell ; CL:0000210 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045494 MGI:2135267 J:94467 MGI:3521669 5501 1 evidence: anatomy:retina outer nuclear layer ; MA:0001315 cell type:photoreceptor_cell ; CL:0000210 gene product: target:UniProt:P15409 text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:2135267 J:94467 MGI:3521669 5502 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007288 MGI:2135267 J:94467 MGI:3521669 5503 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: dialated cardiomyopathy| IMP GO:0007507 MGI:95410 J:77347 MGI:2177255 5504 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,trophectoderm; EMAP:28 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:95410 J:94401 N/A 5505 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,trophectoderm; EMAP:28 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:95411 J:94401 N/A 5506 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,trophectoderm; EMAP:28 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016328 MGI:95411 J:94401 N/A 5507 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,trophectoderm; EMAP:28 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:95410 J:94401 N/A 5508 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,1st arch; EMAP:3324 anatomy:TS19\,2nd arch; EMAP:3329 cell type:skeletal_muscle_cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007517 MGI:98493 J:94411 MGI:2179190 5509 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,mesenchyme\,mandibular component\,1st arch; EMAP:1016 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:98493 J:94411 MGI:2179190 5510 1 evidence:p53-responsive reporter plasmid IDA GO:0030330 MGI:98834 J:88409 N/A 5511 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0030330 MGI:98834 J:88409 N/A 5512 1 evidence:TUNEL assay; flow cytometry-annexin V IMP GO:0042771 MGI:98834 J:85569 MGI:1926340 5513 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:TUNEL assay; flow cytometry-annexin V IMP GO:0042771 MGI:98834 J:85569 MGI:1926340 5514 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: ISO GO:0042771 MGI:98834 J:87001 UniProtKB:P04637 5515 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:germ_cell ; CL:0000586 gene product: text: non-phosphorylated| IDA GO:0005737 MGI:98834 J:81445 N/A 5516 1 evidence:3H-TdR DNA synthesis assay (complementation assay) IDA GO:0008156 MGI:98834 J:88409 N/A 5517 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:3H-TdR DNA synthesis assay (complementation assay) IDA GO:0008156 MGI:98834 J:88409 N/A 5518 1 evidence:3H-TdR DNA synthesis assay; PI staining IMP GO:0008156 MGI:98834 J:88409 MGI:1926340 5519 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:3H-TdR DNA synthesis assay; PI staining IMP GO:0008156 MGI:98834 J:88409 MGI:1926340 5520 1 evidence:flow cytometry-annexin V IMP GO:0043066 MGI:98834 J:85569 MGI:1926340 5521 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:flow cytometry-annexin V IMP GO:0043066 MGI:98834 J:85569 MGI:1926340 5522 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:germ_cell ; CL:0000586 gene product: text:phosphorylated| IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98834 J:81445 N/A 5523 1 evidence:Immonp with Strn2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98834 J:55013 UniProtKB:Q9Z2R2 5524 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Immonp with Strn2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98834 J:55013 UniProtKB:Q9Z2R2 5525 1 evidence:TUNEL assay| flow cytometry-annexin V anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:TUNEL assay; flow cytometry-annexin V IMP GO:0006974 MGI:98834 J:85569 MGI:1926340 5526 1 evidence:flow cytometry-annexin V IMP GO:0009411 MGI:98834 J:85569 MGI:1926340 5527 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:flow cytometry-annexin V IMP GO:0009411 MGI:98834 J:85569 MGI:1926340 5528 1 evidence:p53-responsive reporter plasmid IDA GO:0010165 MGI:98834 J:88409 N/A 5529 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0010165 MGI:98834 J:88409 N/A 5530 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,primitive ventricle; EMAP:919 anatomy:TS14\,outflow tract\,heart; EMAP:915 anatomy:TS14\,common atrial chamber; EMAP:908 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:101791 J:95093 MGI:2182246 5531 1 evidence:yeast two-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: evidence:yeast two-hybrid IPI GO:0005515 MGI:108384 J:33751 UniProtKB:Q9EP80|UniProtKB:Q63009 5532 2 assay|in vitro protein binding assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:108384 J:33751 UniProtKB:Q9EP80|UniProtKB:Q63009 5533 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,vertebral pre-cartilage condensation\,axial skeleton\,skeleton\,tail; EMAP:13372 anatomy:TS20\,vertebral cartilage condensation\,thoracic region\,axial skeleton; EMAP:4646 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:108384 J:95124 MGI:3525505 5534 1 evidence: anatomy:back bone ; MA:0000494 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:1095407 J:95124 MGI:87912 5535 1 evidence: anatomy:back bone ; MA:0000494 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:87912 J:95124 MGI:1095407 5536 1 evidence:fura-2 spectroscopy anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IMP GO:0050850 MGI:99515 J:37676 MGI:2384078 5537 1 evidence:fura-2 spectroscopy anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050850 MGI:95494 J:37676 N/A 5538 1 evidence:fura-2 spectroscopy anatomy: cell type:mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050850 MGI:96449 J:37676 N/A 5539 1 evidence:indo-1 flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0050852 MGI:99613 J:41170 MGI:3526403 5540 1 evidence:IP followed by immune complex kinase assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0046777 MGI:99613 J:41170 MGI:3526403 5541 1 evidence:IP followed by immune complex kinase assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0018108 MGI:99613 J:41170 MGI:3526403 5542 1 evidence:indo-1 flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0050850 MGI:99613 J:41170 MGI:3526403 5543 1 evidence:IP followed by immune complex kinase assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0004713 MGI:99613 J:41170 MGI:3526403 5544 1 evidence:IP-IB|indo-1 flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007166 MGI:88335 J:41170 N/A 5545 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88335 J:41170 N/A 5546 1 evidence:indo-1 flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050850 MGI:88335 J:41170 N/A 5547 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050731 MGI:88335 J:41170 N/A 5548 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88340 J:41170 N/A 5549 1 evidence:indo-1 flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007166 MGI:88346 J:41170 N/A 5550 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88346 J:41170 N/A 5551 1 evidence:indo-1 flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050850 MGI:88346 J:41170 N/A 5552 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:replaces 56000 IDA GO:0006357 MGI:101877 J:1499 N/A 5553 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:replaces 56000 IDA GO:0016563 MGI:101877 J:1499 N/A 5554 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:41170 N/A 5555 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binds with id3 (IDB3) and MyoD IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98506 J:38665 UniProtKB:P41133|UniProtKB:P10085 5556 1 evidence:indo-1 flow cytometry|IP-IB anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050852 MGI:98578 J:41170 N/A 5557 1 evidence:IP following surface biotinylation anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042105 MGI:98578 J:41170 N/A 5558 1 evidence:flow cytometry|IP following surface biotinylation anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98578 J:41170 N/A 5559 1 evidence:indo-1 flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050850 MGI:98578 J:41170 N/A 5560 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050731 MGI:98578 J:41170 N/A 5561 1 evidence:IP following surface biotinylation anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042105 MGI:98553 J:41170 N/A 5562 1 evidence:IP following surface biotinylation anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042105 MGI:88332 J:41170 N/A 5563 1 evidence:IP following surface biotinylation anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042105 MGI:88331 J:41170 N/A 5564 1 evidence:IP following surface biotinylation anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042105 MGI:88333 J:41170 N/A 5565 1 evidence:IP following surface biotinylation anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042105 MGI:88334 J:41170 N/A 5566 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,neural retina; EMAP:10607 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:1100526 J:92631 MGI:2176560 5567 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,neural retina; EMAP:10607 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008347 MGI:1100526 J:92631 MGI:2176560 5568 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text:independently shown in mice with either of the two alleles listed IMP GO:0045582 MGI:99613 J:41170 MGI:2677447|MGI:3526403 5569 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text:independently shown in mice with either of the two alleles listed IMP GO:0045061 MGI:99613 J:41170 MGI:2677447|MGI:3526403 5570 1 evidence:IPI|mmunoprecipitation ; TED:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: orginally annotated as IDA with UniProt:Q8IW17; however, the experiment was NOT done on the mouse protein, but on the human; hence, removed IDA and with to ch ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1858303 J:70954 EMBL:AF048977 5571 2 ange to ISS ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1858303 J:70954 EMBL:AF048977 5572 1 evidence:TAS anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:missing RNA binding domain ISO GO:0003723 MGI:1858303 J:70954 EMBL:AF048977 5573 1 evidence:IDA|in vitro assay ; TED:0000025 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: ISO GO:0031202 MGI:1858303 J:70954 EMBL:AF048977 5574 1 evidence:IDA|in vitro assay ; TED:0000025 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: ISO GO:0000398 MGI:1858303 J:70954 EMBL:AF048977 5575 1 evidence:IDA|immunolocalization ; TED:0000020 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela: ATCC: CCL-2 gene product: text: ISO GO:0016363 MGI:1858303 J:70954 EMBL:AF048977 5576 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ganglion cell layer ; MA:0001310 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:1313266 J:93205 MGI:3056579 5577 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,vertebral axis muscle system; EMAP:4900 cell type:motor_neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008045 MGI:1313266 J:93205 MGI:3056579 5578 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 cell type:CD8_positive_T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000625 cell type:CD4_positive_T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000624 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1313266 J:40942 N/A 5579 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lung; EMAP:12324 cell type:epithelial_cell_of_lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: text:TypeI IMP GO:0030154 MGI:1298378 J:93296 MGI:2387406 5580 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lung; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:1298378 J:93296 MGI:2387406 5581 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lung; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:1298378 J:93296 MGI:2387406 5582 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lung; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0016126 MGI:1298378 J:93296 MGI:2387406 5583 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lung; EMAP:12324|TS26\,arterial system; EMAP:11422|TS26\,venous system; EMAP:11539 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:1298378 J:93296 MGI:2387406 5584 1 evidence: anatomy:lens fiber ; MA:0001304 anatomy:TS26\,anterior epithelium\,lens; EMAP:11956 anatomy:TS26\,equatorial epithelium\,lens; EMAP:11958 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:1347058 J:93301 MGI:3057199 5585 1 evidence: anatomy:lens fiber ; MA:0001304 cell type:crystallin_accumulating_cell ; CL:0000306 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045597 MGI:1347058 J:93301 MGI:3057199 5586 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,anterior epithelium\,lens; EMAP:11956 anatomy:TS26\,equatorial epithelium\,lens; EMAP:11958 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:1347058 J:93301 MGI:3057199 5587 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:96238 J:74044 N/A 5588 1 evidence:IHC anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:IHC| IDA GO:0005737 MGI:96238 J:74044 N/A 5589 1 evidence:IHC anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:IHC| IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96238 J:74044 N/A 5590 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,anterior epithelium\,lens; EMAP:11956 anatomy:TS26\,equatorial epithelium\,lens; EMAP:11958 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:1347058 J:93301 MGI:96238 5591 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,anterior epithelium\,lens; EMAP:11956 anatomy:TS26\,equatorial epithelium\,lens; EMAP:11958 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:96238 J:93301 MGI:1347058 5592 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Damaged DNA accumulates in mutants IMP GO:0006281 MGI:107202 J:73636 MGI:1857132 5593 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:chaos1 IMP GO:0006281 MGI:2155399 J:82700 MGI:2656007 5594 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: text: mutation studied in chimerae IMP GO:0007283 MGI:1913972 J:92446 N/A 5595 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,epidermis\,skin; EMAP:4964 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007160 MGI:2670972 J:92613 MGI:3526691 5596 1 evidence: anatomy:lung epithelium ; MA:0001783 anatomy:kidney collecting tubule ; MA:0000371 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043296 MGI:1915428 J:94491 N/A 5597 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney collecting tubule ; MA:0000371 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0015629 MGI:1915428 J:94491 N/A 5598 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney collecting tubule ; MA:0000371 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043296 MGI:1927237 J:94491 N/A 5599 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: chimera IMP GO:0045060 MGI:1355329 J:94869 N/A 5600 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,hindbrain; EMAP:2257|TS17\,cardiovascular system; EMAP:2388 cell type:endothelial_tip_cell; CL:0000704 gene product: text: IMP GO:0016477 MGI:106206 J:93809 MGI:1857853 5601 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,midbrain; EMAP:4219 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|dopaminergic_neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: text:dopaminergic evidence: anatomy:TS22\,midbrain; EMAP:6147 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrat IMP GO:0030182 MGI:1352456 J:89797 MGI:3043985 5602 2 a) ; CL:0000117|dopaminergic_neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: text:dopaminergic IMP GO:0030182 MGI:1352456 J:89797 MGI:3043985 5603 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,midbrain; EMAP:4219 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|dopaminergic_neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:1352456 J:46856 MGI:3043985 5604 1 evidence:immunofluorescence anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:IF IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1352456 J:73864 N/A 5605 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,forebrain; EMAP:2230 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|dopaminergic_neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: text:dopaminergic IMP GO:0007409 MGI:97490 J:94588 MGI:1856158 5606 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:radial_glial_cell ; CL:0000681 gene product: text:radial glial cells| IMP GO:0000904 MGI:103022 J:84752 MGI:1856398 5607 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia nigra ; MA:0000210 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|dopaminergic_neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: text: dopaminergic IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1298397 J:92213 N/A 5608 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia nigra ; MA:0000210 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|dopaminergic_neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: text: dopaminergic IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1298397 J:92213 N/A 5609 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,midbrain; EMAP:4219 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata); CL:0000117|dopaminergic_neuron; CL:0000700 gene product: text: IGI GO:0030182 MGI:95389 J:94933 MGI:95390 5610 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,midbrain; EMAP:4219 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata); CL:0000117|dopaminergic_neuron; CL:0000700 gene product: text: IGI GO:0030182 MGI:95390 J:94933 MGI:95389 5611 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,atrium; EMAP:6398 anatomy:TS22\,pulmonary valve; EMAP:6436 anatomy:TS20\,cardiac muscle\,left ventricle; EMAP:4438 anatomy:TS20\,cardiac muscle\,right ventricle; EMAP:4441 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:95664 J:94637 MGI:3526854|MGI:3526856|MGI:3526853 5612 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: human Tnfrsf10b binding with Timm50 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1341090 J:90428 UniProtKB:O14763 5613 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: human Timm50 bind with human Timm23 and Tnfrsf10a, b ISA GO:0005515 MGI:1913775 J:90428 UniProtKB:Q6QA00 5614 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: human Timm23 binding with human Timm50 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1858317 J:90428 UniProtKB:O14925 5615 1 evidence: ChIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1316736 J:88588 N/A 5616 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:phosporylated Galpha subunits; source of G-alpha cDNA expression vector unclear: might be bovine, human, or mouse (refs 2 and 3 of this paper). IDA GO:0051219 MGI:1349455 J:57578 N/A 5617 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:rat Ucn 1 and murine Ucn 2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:894312 J:95540 UniProtKB:P55090|UniProtKB:Q99ML8 5618 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binds Crhr2 IDA GO:0001664 MGI:2176375 J:95540 N/A 5619 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binds Crhr2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2176375 J:95540 UniProtKB:Q60748 5620 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binds to Nova1 and Nova2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1860489 J:62658 UniProtKB:Q9JKN6 5621 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:biinds intronic region IDA GO:0003729 MGI:1860489 J:62658 N/A 5622 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Ptbp2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104297 J:62658 UniProtKB:Q9QYC2 5623 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binds Ptbp2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104296 J:62658 UniProtKB:Q9QYC2 5624 1 evidence:Si RNA anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Leydig_cell ; CL:0000178 gene product: text: IMP GO:0004321 MGI:1347358 J:95163 N/A 5625 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Leydig_cell ; CL:0000178 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1347358 J:95163 N/A 5626 1 evidence:Si RNA anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Leydig_cell ; CL:0000178 gene product: text: IMP GO:0015908 MGI:1347358 J:95163 N/A 5627 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Leydig_cell ; CL:0000178 gene product: text: IC GO:0006637 MGI:1347358 J:95163 GO:0004321 5628 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dhfr ; MGI:94890| RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:101934 J:95187 N/A 5629 1 evidence:dominant negative construct transfection anatomy: cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: text: IMP GO:0000084 MGI:101934 J:95187 N/A 5630 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,epidermis\,skin; EMAP:4150 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0008544 MGI:101934 J:95187 N/A 5631 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:86 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: text: IMP GO:0000904 MGI:107717 J:94940 MGI:3522434 5632 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: text:RW4 ES cells IDA GO:0005737 MGI:107717 J:94940 N/A 5633 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: text:RW4 ES cells IMP GO:0016337 MGI:107717 J:94940 MGI:3522434 5634 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: text:RW4 ES cells IDA GO:0005913 MGI:88276 J:94940 N/A 5635 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: text:RW4 ES cells IDA GO:0005913 MGI:107717 J:94940 N/A 5636 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: text:RW4 ES cells IDA GO:0005913 MGI:88354 J:94940 N/A 5637 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Jup IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88354 J:85670 UniProtKB:Q02257 5638 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,embryo; EMAP:147 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text:VEGFR-positive cells IDA GO:0016477 MGI:103178 J:95386 N/A 5639 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,embryo; EMAP:147 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text:VEGFR-positive cells IGI GO:0016477 MGI:103178 J:95386 MGI:96683,MGI:95558 5640 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,embryo; EMAP:147 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text:VEGFR-positive cells IGI GO:0016477 MGI:95558 J:95386 MGI:103178 5641 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,embryo; EMAP:147 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: text:VEGFR-positive cells IGI GO:0016477 MGI:96683 J:95386 MGI:103178 5642 1 evidence: anatomy:oesophagus basal epithelium ; MA:0001566 anatomy:trachea epithelium ; MA:0001862 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001738 MGI:1330810 J:95347 MGI:1934269 5643 1 evidence: anatomy:oesophagus basal epithelium ; MA:0001566 anatomy:trachea epithelium ; MA:0001862 cell type:ciliated_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000067 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030859 MGI:1330810 J:95347 MGI:1934269 5644 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: Cos7 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005768 MGI:1341878 J:93351 N/A 5645 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: Cos7 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1341878 J:93351 N/A 5646 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: Cos7 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:2154274 J:93351 N/A 5647 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Arp3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2154274 J:93351 UniProtKB:Q99JY9 5648 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Ehbp1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1341878 J:93351 UniProtKB:Q69ZW3 5649 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Arp3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1920428 J:93351 UniProtKB:Q99JY9 5650 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Ehd2 and Wasl IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1921367 J:93351 UniProtKB:Q8BH64|UniProtKB:Q91YD9 5651 1 evidence: anatomy:gut ; MA:0000917 cell type:autonomic_neuron ; CL:0000107 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007422 MGI:107430 J:73922 MGI:2136846 5652 1 evidence: anatomy:gut ; MA:0000917 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030432 MGI:107430 J:73922 MGI:2136846 5653 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:motor_neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: text:fusimotor neuron IMP GO:0007422 MGI:1306780 J:95816 MGI:2180063 5654 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,epithelium\,colon; EMAP:12145 anatomy:TS21\,epithelium\,rest of hindgut; EMAP:5423 cell type:gut_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS21\,rest of hindgut; EMAP:5421 cell type:stromal_ IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88357 J:95925 N/A 5655 2 cell ; CL:0000499 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88357 J:95925 N/A 5656 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,epithelium\,colon; EMAP:12145 cell type:goblet_cell ; CL:0000160 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030141 MGI:104638 J:95925 N/A 5657 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,colon; EMAP:12143 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:104853 J:95925 N/A 5658 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,rest of hindgut; EMAP:5421 cell type:stromal_cell ; CL:0000499 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS26\,colon; EMAP:12143 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:104853 J:95925 N/A 5659 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,colon; EMAP:12143 anatomy:TS21\,hindgut; EMAP:5412 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98366 J:95925 N/A 5660 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,epithelium\,rest of hindgut; EMAP:5423 cell type:gut_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005913 MGI:88276 J:95925 N/A 5661 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,epithelium\,colon; EMAP:12145 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0016328 MGI:88276 J:95925 N/A 5662 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:107423 J:95688 MGI:1932085 5663 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:894702 J:95688 MGI:2429686 5664 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:894702 J:95688 N/A 5665 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007409 MGI:107423 J:95688 N/A 5666 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|epiblast_cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS3\, IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1919200 J:95814 N/A 5667 2 compacted morula; EMAP:9 anatomy:TS9\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:83 anatomy:TS11\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:150 anatomy:TS5\,inner cell mass; EMAP:24 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1919200 J:95814 N/A 5668 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,hepatic primordium; EMAP:2548 anatomy:TS20\,liver; EMAP:4577 anatomy:TS25\,liver; EMAP:10869 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS17\,extraembryonic compon IDA GO:0005634 MGI:99480 J:95079 N/A 5669 2 ent; EMAP:2628 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:99480 J:95079 N/A 5670 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057|permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:1891700 J:95769 N/A 5671 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057|permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:1202717 J:95769 N/A 5672 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0004175 MGI:2385110 J:95769 MGI:3527942 5673 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0004175 MGI:2385110 J:95769 N/A 5674 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0004175 MGI:3522097 J:95769 MGI:2385110 5675 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0004175 MGI:1915568 J:95769 MGI:2385110 5676 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:DAPT treatment IMP GO:0001656 MGI:1915568 J:85474 N/A 5677 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:|a_w| ISA GO:0008233 MGI:1915568 J:80170 UniProtKB:Q8WW43 5678 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:substrate_MGI:88059| ISA GO:0016485 MGI:1915568 J:80170 UniProtKB:Q8WW43 5679 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0016485 MGI:1915568 J:95769 MGI:2385110 5680 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:DAPT treatment| IMP GO:0001656 MGI:2385110 J:85474 N/A 5681 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:|a_w| ISA GO:0008233 MGI:2385110 J:80170 UniProtKB:Q96B13 5682 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:|substrate_MGI:88059| ISA GO:0016485 MGI:2385110 J:80170 UniProtKB:Q96B13 5683 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:hair_cell ; CL:0000202 cell type:support_cell ; CL:0000630 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:104654 J:95110 MGI:2155983 5684 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:hair_cell ; CL:0000202 cell type:support_cell ; CL:0000630 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042491 MGI:104654 J:95110 N/A 5685 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,limb; EMAP:3397 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:87873 J:95686 MGI:1856658 5686 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,cervical region\,axial skeleton; EMAP:3882 anatomy:TS19\,tail; EMAP:3890 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0035282 MGI:87873 J:95686 MGI:1856658 5687 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,cervical region\,axial skeleton; EMAP:3882 anatomy:TS19\,tail; EMAP:3890 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:87873 J:95686 MGI:1856658 5688 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:neuroepithelial_cell; CL:0000710 gene product: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:97363 J:94813 MGI:95516 5689 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hes7; MGI:2135679|RNApol_II_promoter; SO:0000170 text:Hes7 promoter| IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97363 J:83945 N/A 5690 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:neuroepithelial_cell; CL:0000710 gene product: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:95516 J:94813 MGI:97363,MGI:96522 5691 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:neuroepithelial_cell; CL:0000710 gene product: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:96522 J:94813 MGI:95516,MGI:95290 5692 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:neuroepithelial_cell; CL:0000710 gene product: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:95290 J:94813 MGI:96522 5693 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:neuroepithelial_cell; CL:0000710 gene product: text: IGI GO:0048103 MGI:97363 J:94813 MGI:95516 5694 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:radial_glial_cell; CL:0000681 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045165 MGI:95523 J:94813 N/A 5695 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,rest of skin; EMAP:6042 anatomy:TS24\,rest of skin; EMAP:8890 cell type:epidermal_cell ; CL:0000362 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1330810 J:94980 N/A 5696 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,axial skeleton; EMAP:5596 anatomy:TS21\,cranium; EMAP:5612 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:98726 J:95024 MGI:2384513 5697 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: text:mouse brain homologenates analyzed IDA GO:0045121 MGI:102708 J:54097 N/A 5698 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042102 MGI:102708 J:95036 N/A 5699 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fat_cell ; CL:0000136|3T3-L1; ATCC: CL-173 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005768 MGI:95758 J:93351 N/A 5700 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fat_cell ; CL:0000136|3T3-L1; ATCC: CL-173 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:95758 J:93351 N/A 5701 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Edh1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2667252 J:93351 UniProtKB:Q9WVK4 5702 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Cos-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651| gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2664186 J:93202 N/A 5703 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:transactive the CME motif IDA GO:0016563 MGI:2664186 J:93202 N/A 5704 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:cotransactive the CME motif IDA GO:0003713 MGI:88071 J:93202 N/A 5705 1 evidence:EMSAs anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding to promoter of Pkhd1 IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98504 J:89193 N/A 5706 1 evidence:EMSAs anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding to promoter of Pkhd1 IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98505 J:89193 N/A 5707 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:spiral ganglion cells IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1096337 J:77476 N/A 5708 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045121 MGI:1096337 J:95036 N/A 5709 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:spiral ganglion cells IDA GO:0016020 MGI:1096337 J:77476 N/A 5710 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Tceb2|Tceb1|Cul2|Rbx1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:103223 J:94679 UniProtKB:P62869|UniProtKB:P83940|UniProtKB:Q9D4H8|UniProtKB:P62878 5711 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Tceb2|Tceb1|Cul5|Rnf7 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1201791 J:94679 UniProtKB:P62869|UniProtKB:P83940|UniProtKB:Q9D5V5|UniProtKB:Q9WTZ1 5712 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Vhlh|Socs3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914923 J:94679 UniProtKB:P40338|UniProtKB:O35718 5713 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Vhlh|Socs3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1915173 J:94679 UniProtKB:P40338|UniProtKB:O35718 5714 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Vhlh IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1918995 J:94679 UniProtKB:P40338 5715 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Vhlh IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1891829 J:94679 UniProtKB:P40338 5716 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Socs3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1922967 J:94679 UniProtKB:O35718 5717 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Socs3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1337096 J:94679 UniProtKB:O35718 5718 1 evidence:IPI|Pubmed:15601779 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Binding with human Rnf28 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:102844 J:95322 UniProtKB:Q14896 5719 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:hair_cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042491 MGI:104654 J:95110 MGI:2155983 5720 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:support_cell ; CL:0000630 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:104654 J:95110 MGI:2155983 5721 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,liver; EMAP:8200 cell type:non-terminally_differentiated_(blast)_cell ; CL:0000055 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:1347487 J:94883 MGI:3522201 5722 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,liver; EMAP:8200 cell type:non-terminally_differentiated_(blast)_cell ; CL:0000055 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS25\,common bile duct; EMAP:10861 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001889 MGI:1347487 J:94883 MGI:3522201 5723 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,liver; EMAP:8200 cell type:non-terminally_differentiated_(blast)_cell ; CL:0000055 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98505 J:94833 N/A 5724 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,spleen primordium\,haemolymphoid system; EMAP:7434 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:1202715 J:64068 MGI:2148205 5725 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,gonad; EMAP:4598 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007548 MGI:1202715 J:92051 MGI:2148207 5726 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,lens fibres; EMAP:6326 cell type:crystallin_accumulating_cell ; CL:0000306 gene product: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:106913 J:95254 MGI:3526871 5727 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,lens fibres; EMAP:6326 cell type:crystallin_accumulating_cell ; CL:0000306 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005913 MGI:106913 J:95254 N/A 5728 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,lens fibres; EMAP:6326 cell type:crystallin_accumulating_cell ; CL:0000306 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: qua IMP GO:0016477 MGI:106913 J:95254 MGI:3526871 5729 2 lifier: text: IMP GO:0016477 MGI:106913 J:95254 MGI:3526871 5730 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:106913 J:95254 N/A 5731 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0016358 MGI:106913 J:95254 MGI:3526871 5732 1 evidence:antisense| IMP GO:0030324 MGI:102541 J:81141 N/A 5733 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:antisense| IMP GO:0030324 MGI:102541 J:81141 N/A 5734 1 evidence:antisense| IMP GO:0002009 MGI:102541 J:81141 N/A 5735 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:antisense| IMP GO:0002009 MGI:102541 J:81141 N/A 5736 1 evidence: anatomy:impulse conducting system ; MA:0000094 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:102541 J:92050 MGI:2387851 5737 1 evidence: anatomy:impulse conducting system ; MA:0000094 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:102541 J:92050 MGI:2387851 5738 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:muscle_cell ; CL:0000187 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1915071 J:95349 N/A 5739 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:Ptk2 ; ATCC:CCL-56|permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2446472 J:95526 N/A 5740 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:IF. IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97549 J:77643 N/A 5741 1 evidence:yeast 2-hyb to Grid2ip IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97549 J:74533 UniProtKB:Q9ESJ5 5742 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:yeast 2-hyb to Grid2ip IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97549 J:74533 UniProtKB:Q9ESJ5 5743 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0006357 MGI:97549 J:95526 MGI:2446472 5744 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:when bound to Pfn1 (MGI:97549) IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97549 J:95526 N/A 5745 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 anatomy:TS26\,thalamus; EMAP:11658 anatomy:TS26\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12943 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1353598 J:95744 MGI:3527900 5746 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 anatomy:TS26\,thalamus; EMAP:11658 anatomy:TS26\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12943 anatomy:TS26\,optic nerve; EMAP:11964 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: x IMP GO:0007411 MGI:1353598 J:95744 MGI:3527900 5747 2 t: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:1353598 J:95744 MGI:3527900 5748 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,forebrain; EMAP:11620 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: Calb2 ; MGI:101914 text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:1353598 J:95744 MGI:3527900 5749 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:|a_w| IDA GO:0006954 MGI:2151253 J:21870 N/A 5750 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,dorsal root ganglion\,ganglion\,spinal\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:7715 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text:dorsal root ganglion neuronal cell bodies| IDA GO:0005622 MGI:2151253 J:19750 N/A 5751 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text:neuronal cell bodies| IDA GO:0005622 MGI:2151253 J:85092 N/A 5752 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,vertebral axis muscle system; EMAP:4900 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007517 MGI:97252 J:95359 MGI:97275 5753 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,vertebral axis muscle system; EMAP:4900 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007517 MGI:97275 J:95359 MGI:97252 5754 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:immunofluro. IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97275 J:72619 N/A 5755 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Madh3 (Smad3) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97275 J:72619 UniProtKB:Q92940 5756 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Binds to Tcf4 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97275 J:38665 UniProtKB:Q60722 5757 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,vertebral cartilage condensation\,thoracic region\,axial skeleton; EMAP:6788 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0051216 MGI:98367 J:95359 MGI:98368 5758 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,vertebral cartilage condensation\,thoracic region\,axial skeleton; EMAP:6788 cell type:chondroblast ; CL:0000058 gene product: text: IGI GO:0045165 MGI:98367 J:95359 MGI:98368 5759 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,vertebral cartilage condensation\,thoracic region\,axial skeleton; EMAP:6788 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0051216 MGI:98368 J:95359 MGI:98367 5760 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,vertebral cartilage condensation\,thoracic region\,axial skeleton; EMAP:6788 cell type:chondroblast ; CL:0000058 gene product: text: IGI GO:0045165 MGI:98368 J:95359 MGI:98367 5761 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:cardiac_muscle_cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: text:cardiomyocyte| IDA GO:0042692 MGI:98368 J:86174 N/A 5762 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:cardiac_muscle_cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: text:cardiomyocyte| IDA GO:0035051 MGI:98368 J:86174 N/A 5763 1 evidence:SiRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0051298 MGI:1913656 J:94487 N/A 5764 1 evidence:SiRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0051225 MGI:1913656 J:94487 N/A 5765 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Sftpc ; MGI:109517|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1917649 J:89484 MGI:108067 5766 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Sftpc ; MGI:109517|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1917649 J:89484 N/A 5767 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Sftpc ; MGI:109517|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0030528 MGI:1917649 J:89484 N/A 5768 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Sftpc ; MGI:109517|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:108067 J:89484 N/A 5769 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Sftpc ; MGI:109517|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0030528 MGI:108067 J:89484 N/A 5770 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Sftpc ; MGI:109517|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IGI GO:0030528 MGI:108067 J:89484 MGI:1917649 5771 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Pparbp IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107516 J:74328 UniProtKB:O88323 5772 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Grin2b ; MGI:95821 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1309489 J:94801 MGI:107404 5773 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:RNApol_II_promoter; SO:0000170|Grin2b ; MGI:95821 target:RNApol_II_promoter; SO:0000170|Fgf4 ; MGI:95518 target:RNApol_II_promoter; SO:0000170|Il7r ; MGI:96562 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:107404 J:94801 N/A 5774 1 evidence:infected neurons anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IMP GO:0016188 MGI:1915336 J:94875 N/A 5775 1 evidence:infected neurons anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016188 MGI:1277959 J:94875 N/A 5776 1 evidence:infected neurons anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IGI GO:0016188 MGI:1277959 J:94875 MGI:1915336 5777 1 evidence:infected neurons anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IGI GO:0016188 MGI:1915336 J:94875 MGI:1277959 5778 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:when NOT myristylated IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1100860 J:40779 N/A 5779 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:when myristylated IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1100860 J:40779 N/A 5780 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Grb2 and Sos1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1100860 J:40779 UniProtKB:Q60631|UniProtKB:Q62245 5781 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,eye; EMAP:873 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0046619 MGI:1100860 J:94724 MGI:3521833 5782 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:3036234 J:94631 MGI:3525071 5783 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138| gene product: text: IDA GO:0008285 MGI:3036234 J:94631 N/A 5784 1 evidence: anatomy:bone ; MA:0001459 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:3036234 J:94631 MGI:3525071 5785 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001| IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97595 J:87315 N/A 5786 2 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97595 J:87315 N/A 5787 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97595 J:85082 N/A 5788 2 gene product: text:IF; CL:0000312 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97595 J:85082 N/A 5789 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001| IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97595 J:87315 N/A 5790 2 gene product: text:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|TPA-activated| IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97595 J:87315 N/A 5791 1 evidence:nick-end labeling of DNA IMP GO:0008629 MGI:97595 J:85082 MGI:3029711 5792 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:nick-end labeling of DNA IMP GO:0008629 MGI:97595 J:85082 MGI:3029711 5793 1 evidence:chemotaxis assay IMP GO:0050930 MGI:97595 J:85082 MGI:3029711 5794 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:chemotaxis assay chemotaxis assay IMP GO:0050930 MGI:97595 J:85082 MGI:3029711 5795 1 evidence:chemotaxis assay IMP GO:0030593 MGI:97595 J:85082 MGI:3029711 5796 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:chemotaxis assay IMP GO:0030593 MGI:97595 J:85082 MGI:3029711 5797 1 evidence:RT-PCR; histology IMP GO:0050729 MGI:97595 J:85082 MGI:3029711 5798 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:RT-PCR; histology IMP GO:0050729 MGI:97595 J:85082 MGI:3029711 5799 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:with Cish IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97595 J:82431 UniProtKB:Q62225 5800 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:egg ; CL:0000025 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97595 J:94623 N/A 5801 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:zygote ; CL:0000365 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97595 J:94623 N/A 5802 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,thymus primordium; EMAP:4142 anatomy:TS17\,thyroid primordium; EMAP:2238 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:109344 J:79848 MGI:2150426 5803 1 evidence:direct assay IDA GO:0004725 MGI:109344 J:86608 N/A 5804 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:direct assay IDA GO:0004725 MGI:109344 J:86608 N/A 5805 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:because GO:0004725 IDA GO:0006470 MGI:109344 J:86608 N/A 5806 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,otocyst; EMAP:1282 anatomy:TS17\,acoustic ganglion VIII; EMAP:2332 anatomy:TS17\,glossopharyngeal IX; EMAP:2334 anatomy:TS17\,vagus X; EMAP:2336 cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045664 MGI:109344 J:94396 MGI:2150426 5807 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,otocyst; EMAP:1282 anatomy:TS17\,acoustic ganglion VIII; EMAP:2332 anatomy:TS17\,facial ganglion VII; EMAP:2333 anatomy:TS17\,glossopharyngeal IX; EMAP:2334 anatomy:TS17\,vagus X; EMAP:2336 cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101 gen IMP GO:0045664 MGI:102780 J:94396 MGI:2655195 5808 2 e product: text: IMP GO:0045664 MGI:102780 J:94396 MGI:2655195 5809 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,pancreas primordium; EMAP:3452 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:1338027 J:94455 MGI:2449672 5810 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,pancreas; EMAP:10653 cell type:pancreatic_B_cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:1338027 J:94455 MGI:2449672 5811 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,pancreas primordium; EMAP:3452 anatomy:TS25\,pancreas; EMAP:10653 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0031016 MGI:1338027 J:94455 MGI:2449672 5812 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,pancreas; EMAP:10653 cell type:acinar_cell ; CL:0000622 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS25\,dorsal pancreatic duct\,body\,pancreas; EMAP:10655 anatomy:TS25\,ventral pancreatic duct\,head\,pancreas; EMAP:10658 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1196423 J:94455 N/A 5813 2 anatomy:TS25\,dorsal pancreatic duct\,tail\,pancreas; EMAP:10662 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1196423 J:94455 N/A 5814 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,pancreas primordium; EMAP:3452 anatomy:stomach ; MA:0000353 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:1338027 J:94455 MGI:2449672 5815 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: text:non-phosphorylated IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1333110 J:94780 N/A 5816 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: text:phosphorylated IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1333110 J:94780 N/A 5817 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: text:phosphorylated IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1354946 J:94780 N/A 5818 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: text:non-phosphorylated IDA GO:0005737 MGI:109298 J:94780 N/A 5819 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: text:phosphorylated IDA GO:0005634 MGI:109298 J:94780 N/A 5820 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,diaphragm; EMAP:4743 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007517 MGI:88392 J:91066 MGI:3045900 5821 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:motor_neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:88392 J:91066 MGI:3045900 5822 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:motor_neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: text: IMP GO:0016358 MGI:88392 J:91066 MGI:3045900 5823 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,molar\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:5463 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:107558 J:95356 MGI:2449920 5824 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,molar\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:5463 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:106206 J:95356 MGI:1857853 5825 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,mesenchyme\,molar\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:5465 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:98725 J:95356 N/A 5826 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Fgf15 ; MGI:1096383|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:95728 J:95234 N/A 5827 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Fgf15 ; MGI:1096383|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:95727 J:95234 N/A 5828 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,interatrial septum; EMAP:2431 anatomy:TS17\,outflow tract\,heart; EMAP:2448 anatomy:TS17\,bulbus cordis; EMAP:2435 anatomy:TS17\,atrio-ventricular canal; EMAP:2412 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1346345 J:95388 MGI:3526901 5829 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IMP GO:0000165 MGI:1346345 J:95388 MGI:3526901 5830 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cardiac muscle\,right ventricle; EMAP:4441 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:97487 J:96055 MGI:1856173 5831 1 evidence: anatomy:lower jaw molar ; MA:0001602 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:97530 J:95139 MGI:1926728 5832 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,mesenchyme\,palatal shelf; EMAP:5476 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IMP GO:0009653 MGI:97530 J:95139 MGI:1926728 5833 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,mesenchyme\,palatal shelf; EMAP:5476 cell type:cranial_neural_crest_cell ; CL:0000008|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:97530 J:95139 MGI:1926728 5834 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:no allele specified IMP GO:0009887 MGI:97530 J:62052 N/A 5835 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,mandible; EMAP:12155 cell type:osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030316 MGI:99484 J:95156 MGI:1857735 5836 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,liver; EMAP:12229 cell type:osteoclast ; CL:0000092|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IGI GO:0030316 MGI:99484 J:95156 MGI:1100089,MGI:104798 5837 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,liver; EMAP:12229 cell type:osteoclast ; CL:0000092|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IGI GO:0030316 MGI:1100089 J:95156 MGI:104798,MGI:99484 5838 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binds itself (trimer) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1100089 J:74774 UniProtKB:O35235 5839 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:forms trimer (as determined by X-ray structure IDA GO:0051260 MGI:1100089 J:74774 N/A 5840 1 evidence:cell counting anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:cell counting IGI GO:0008625 MGI:104798 J:88139 MGI:1096330 5841 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,liver; EMAP:12229 cell type:osteoclast ; CL:0000092|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IGI GO:0030316 MGI:104798 J:95156 MGI:1100089,MGI:99484 5842 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:when phosphorylated IDA GO:0005634 MGI:108051 J:72786 N/A 5843 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:phosphorylated form| IDA GO:0005634 MGI:108051 J:84447 N/A 5844 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:autocurated IPI GO:0005515 MGI:108051 J:48930 UniProtKB:O88621 5845 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,4th arch artery; EMAP:3643 cell type:neuron_neural_crest_derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:98726 J:95075 MGI:1888389 5846 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,arch of aorta; EMAP:6356 anatomy:TS22\,subclavian artery; EMAP:6389 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:98726 J:95075 MGI:1888389 5847 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,aortic component\,outflow tract\,heart; EMAP:6426 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:98726 J:95075 MGI:1888389 5848 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,arch of aorta; EMAP:7857 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:98726 J:95075 MGI:1888389 5849 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,arch of aorta; EMAP:6356 anatomy:TS23\,subclavian artery; EMAP:7897 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:108051 J:95075 N/A 5850 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Tnni3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2447992 J:95322 UniProtKB:P48787 5851 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Cbx5|Cbx3|Cbx1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2152406 J:94471 UniProtKB:Q61686|UniProtKB:P23198|UniProtKB:P83917 5852 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Trim66 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:105369 J:94471 UniProtKB:Q5SEK5 5853 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Trim66 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109372 J:94471 UniProtKB:Q5SEK5 5854 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|MDCK (NBL-2) ; ATCC:CCL-34 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005768 MGI:109322 J:95306 N/A 5855 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|MDCK (NBL-2) ; ATCC:CCL-34 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005267 MGI:109322 J:95306 N/A 5856 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,heart; EMAP:1317 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001947 MGI:3043027 J:93195 MGI:3043027 5857 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:3043027 J:93195 MGI:3043027 5858 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,tail; EMAP:1443 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:98472 J:93195 MGI:3042262|MGI:3042261|MGI:3042264 5859 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,neural plate\,future spinal cord; EMAP:855 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001839 MGI:98472 J:93195 MGI:3042264 5860 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,notochord; EMAP:1195 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030903 MGI:98472 J:93195 MGI:3042264 5861 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:1087| cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:98472 J:93195 MGI:3042264 5862 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,future forebrain; EMAP:1200 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:3043025 J:93195 MGI:3043026 5863 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 cell type:neural_crest_cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:106679 J:93195 MGI:1862004 5864 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:106679 J:93195 MGI:1862004 5865 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 cell type:neural_crest_cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:3043038 J:93195 MGI:3043039 5866 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,future rhombencephalon; EMAP:1223 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:3043038 J:93195 MGI:3043039 5867 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 cell type:neural_crest_cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001755 MGI:97487 J:93195 MGI:3043030 5868 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:97487 J:93195 MGI:3043030 5869 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,mesoderm\,embryo; EMAP:115 cell type:mesodermal_cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007498 MGI:3047697 J:93195 MGI:3047738 5870 1 evidence: anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 IMP GO:0006885 MGI:102720 J:70015 MGI:1857161 5871 2 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0006885 MGI:102720 J:70015 MGI:1857161 5872 1 evidence:antisense oligonucleotides anatomy:TS19\,lung; EMAP:3857 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:97363 J:96080 N/A 5873 1 evidence:antisense oligonucleotides anatomy:TS19\,lung; EMAP:3857 cell type:neuroendocrine_cell ; CL:0000165 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:97363 J:96080 N/A 5874 1 evidence:antisense oligonucleotides anatomy:TS19\,lung; EMAP:3857 cell type:neuroendocrine_cell ; CL:0000165 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:1095416 J:96080 N/A 5875 1 evidence:antisense oligonucleotides anatomy:TS19\,lung; EMAP:3857 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:99460 J:96080 N/A 5876 1 evidence:antisense oligonucleotides anatomy:TS19\,lung; EMAP:3857 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045665 MGI:99460 J:96080 N/A 5877 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,lung; EMAP:9604 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:103188 J:96006 MGI:3530139 5878 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12942 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:103188 J:96006 MGI:3530139 5879 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,pons; EMAP:9030 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030902 MGI:103188 J:96006 MGI:3530139 5880 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,lung; EMAP:9604 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:103188 J:96006 MGI:3530139 5881 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007015 MGI:109168 J:91137 N/A 5882 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0016337 MGI:109168 J:91137 N/A 5883 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007163 MGI:109168 J:91137 N/A 5884 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0043297 MGI:3029152 J:87877 N/A 5885 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0047496 MGI:1261831 J:91294 N/A 5886 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007155 MGI:105100 J:87902 N/A 5887 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: with Actn4 in normoxia IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97361 J:85387 UniProtKB:P57780 5888 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:SEC61B (monkey) IPI GO:0005784 MGI:1858943 J:62458 N/A 5889 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:SEC61B (monkey) IPI GO:0006613 MGI:1858943 J:62458 N/A 5890 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 (CD3-activated IEL) gene product: text: IDA GO:0031295 MGI:98384 J:88251 N/A 5891 1 evidence:TUNEL assay anatomy: cell type:HSAhiCD4+CD8- thymocytes gene product: text: IDA GO:0031295 MGI:98384 J:56164 N/A 5892 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0031295 MGI:98384 J:26220 N/A 5893 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0031295 MGI:88327 J:84973 N/A 5894 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0031296 MGI:1919299 J:91914 N/A 5895 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0031295 MGI:1919299 J:91914 MGI:2389403 5896 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0031295 MGI:1919299 J:91914 N/A 5897 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0031296 MGI:1344376 J:91914 N/A 5898 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0031295 MGI:1344376 J:91914 N/A 5899 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0031295 MGI:88327 J:91914 N/A 5900 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0031295 MGI:1919299 J:92334 MGI:2389403 5901 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0031295 MGI:1919299 J:92334 N/A 5902 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0031295 MGI:1344376 J:92334 N/A 5903 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Cav1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97747 J:90902 UniProtKB:P49817 5904 1 evidence: anatomy:heart left ventricle ; MA:0000092 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:107570 J:93830 N/A 5905 1 evidence: anatomy:heart left ventricle ; MA:0000092 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:1891496 J:93830 N/A 5906 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay|quantitation of IL-2 production by CTLL-2 assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0031295 MGI:88327 J:14194 MGI:1857150 5907 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042102 MGI:88327 J:14194 MGI:1857150 5908 1 evidence:quantitation of IL-2 production by CTLL-2 assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045086 MGI:88327 J:14194 MGI:1857150 5909 1 evidence:quantitation of IL-2 production by CTLL-2 assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text:tissue culture supernatant IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96548 J:14194 N/A 5910 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:blood serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96446 J:14194 N/A 5911 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:blood serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96445 J:14194 N/A 5912 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:blood serum cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96450 J:14194 N/A 5913 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96549 J:14194 N/A 5914 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88335 J:14194 N/A 5915 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Ggn IPI GO:0005515 MGI:3055306 J:96180 UniProtKB:Q80WJ1 5916 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658? | gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2387356 J:96180 N/A 5917 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Gnbp1, Gnbp2, Oaz3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2181461 J:96180 UniProtKB:Q6K1E7|UniProtKB:Q920N4|UniProtKB:Q9R109 5918 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658? | gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1858170 J:96180 N/A 5919 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658? | gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1858170 J:96180 N/A 5920 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658? | gene product: text: IDA GO:0005794 MGI:3055306 J:96180 N/A 5921 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658? | gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:3055306 J:96180 N/A 5922 1 evidence:CoIP and yeast two hybrid anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with GGN1C (aa 513-675 of GGN1) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1858170 J:96180 UniProtKB:Q80WJ1 5923 1 evidence: CoIP and yeast two hybrid anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with GGN1C (aa 513-675 of GGN1) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2387356 J:96180 UniProtKB:Q80WJ1 5924 1 evidence:ECO:0000005:inferred from enzyme assay anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: text: IDA GO:0004364 MGI:95865 J:21716 N/A 5925 1 evidence:ECO:0000005:inferred from enzyme assay anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: text: IDA GO:0006749 MGI:95864 J:21716 N/A 5926 1 evidence:ECO:0000005:inferred from enzyme assay anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: text: IDA GO:0004364 MGI:95864 J:21716 N/A 5927 1 evidence:ECO:0000005:inferred from enzyme assay anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: text: IDA GO:0006749 MGI:95865 J:21716 N/A 5928 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:thymocytes gene product: text:in Zap70/Syk double KO mice IGI GO:0046641 MGI:99613 J:42818 MGI:99515 5929 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658? | gene product: text: IDA GO:0048471 MGI:1350925 J:96180 N/A 5930 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658? | gene product: text: IDA GO:0048471 MGI:1349635 J:96180 N/A 5931 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:trim28 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1345189 J:94471 UniProtKB:Q62328 5932 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:trim66 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98742 J:94471 UniProtKB:Q5SEK5 5933 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Cdc42 IPI GO:0017048 MGI:1923224 J:96146 UniProtKB:P60766 5934 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:CDC42 IPI GO:0017048 MGI:106321 J:96146 UniProtKB:P60766 5935 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Dock11|Dock9|Dock10 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106211 J:96146 UniProtKB:Q5KTP7|UniProtKB:Q8BIK4|UniProtKB:Q8BZN6 5936 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Cdc42 and Rhoj IPI GO:0017048 MGI:2146320 J:96146 UniProtKB:P60766|UniProtKB:Q9ER71 5937 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Dock10 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1931551 J:96146 UniProtKB:Q8BZN6 5938 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658? | gene product: text: IDA GO:0005884 MGI:1202388 J:74778 N/A 5939 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658? | gene product: text: IDA GO:0001726 MGI:1202388 J:74778 N/A 5940 1 evidence: anatomy:occipital cortex ; MA:0000913 cell type:pyramidal_cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:1098266 J:96525 N/A 5941 1 evidence: anatomy:occipital cortex ; MA:0000913 cell type:pyramidal_cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:1098266 J:96525 N/A 5942 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4176 anatomy:TS21\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4994 anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1098266 J:96525 MGI:2429688 5943 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3235 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001759 MGI:1345139 J:96485 MGI:3574404 5944 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3235 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001657 MGI:1345139 J:96485 MGI:3574404 5945 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3235 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001657 MGI:1345139 J:96485 MGI:107430 5946 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3235 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001759 MGI:107430 J:96485 MGI:1345139 5947 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3235 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001657 MGI:107430 J:96485 MGI:1345139 5948 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatogonium ; CL:0000020 cell type:primary_spermatocyte ; CL:0000656 cell type:secondary_spermatocyte ; CL:0000657 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001673 MGI:1891321 J:95025 N/A 5949 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,primary oocytes\,ovary; EMAP:10932 anatomy:unfertilized egg ; MA:0000388 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001674 MGI:1891321 J:95025 N/A 5950 1 evidence: anatomy:uterine cervix ; MA:0000392 anatomy:vagina ; MA:0000394 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96173 J:95882 N/A 5951 1 evidence: anatomy:uterine cervix ; MA:0000392 anatomy:vagina ; MA:0000394 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96205 J:95882 N/A 5952 1 evidence: anatomy:uterine cervix ; MA:0000392 anatomy:vagina ; MA:0000394 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:104717 J:95882 N/A 5953 1 evidence: anatomy:uterine cervix ; MA:0000392 anatomy:vagina ; MA:0000394 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:108564 J:95882 N/A 5954 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-1 gene product: text: used L cells and S2 (Synider's D. melanogaster cell line to measure) IDA GO:0007156 MGI:1098266 J:55994 N/A 5955 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000540 gene product: text: IDA GO:0031175 MGI:1098266 J:55994 N/A 5956 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1340029 J:82987 N/A 5957 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1340029 J:82987 N/A 5958 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy:TS20\,gut; EMAP:4110 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0016331 MGI:102784 J:95883 N/A 5959 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IGI GO:0045165 MGI:97747 J:95883 MGI:102784 5960 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IGI GO:0045165 MGI:102784 J:95883 MGI:97747 5961 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IGI GO:0030855 MGI:102784 J:95883 MGI:97747 5962 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fat_cell ; CL:0000136 gene product: text: IGI GO:0045599 MGI:102784 J:95883 MGI:97747 5963 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IGI GO:0030855 MGI:97747 J:95883 MGI:102784 5964 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay evidence:IP anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Dnmt1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1097691 J:81304 UniProtKB:P13864 5965 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:in s phase IDA GO:0005657 MGI:1097691 J:81304 N/A 5966 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay|IP anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Dnmt1; Tsg101 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1913483 J:81304 UniProtKB:P13864|UniProtKB:Q61187 5967 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay|IP anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Pcna and Hdac2 and Dmap1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:94912 J:81304 UniProtKB:P17918|UniProtKB:P70288|UniProtKB:Q9JI44 5968 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Cos-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650| gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1913126 J:86405 N/A 5969 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658? | gene product: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1919276 J:87843 N/A 5970 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,otocyst; EMAP:2354 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:98493 J:96463 MGI:2179190 5971 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,middle ear; EMAP:2361 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042474 MGI:98493 J:96463 MGI:2179190 5972 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,roof plate\,rhombomere 04; EMAP:1240 anatomy:TS15\,2nd arch; EMAP:1025 cell type:cranial_neural_crest_cell ; CL:0000008 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001755 MGI:98493 J:96463 MGI:2179190 5973 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,otocyst; EMAP:2354 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:98493 J:96463 MGI:2179190 5974 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4176 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1336991 J:96577 MGI:1859911 5975 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4176 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:101941 J:96577 MGI:1857424 5976 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:8944 cell type:Cajal-Retzius_cell; CL:0000695 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1336991 J:96577 N/A 5977 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:8944 cell type:Cajal-Retzius_cell; CL:0000695 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:103022 J:96577 N/A 5978 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,midbrain; EMAP:4219 cell type:dopaminergic_neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:103022 J:83566 MGI:1856398 5979 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0019226 MGI:1859167 J:96506 MGI:1316660 5980 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0019226 MGI:1316660 J:96506 MGI:1859167 5981 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gcg; MGI:95674|RNApol_II_promoter; SO:0000170 target:Gcg; MGI:95674|RNApol_II_promoter; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:95664 J:96456 N/A 5982 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:F9 ; CRL-1720 gene product: target:Fgf3; MGI:95517 target:Fgf3; MGI:95517 text:regulates MGI:95517 IDA GO:0006357 MGI:95664 J:91550 N/A 5983 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gcg; MGI:95674 target:Gcg; MGI:95674 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:107516 J:96456 N/A 5984 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gcg; MGI:95674 target:Gcg; MGI:95674 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1347472 J:96456 MGI:95664 5985 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gcg; MGI:95674 target:Gcg; MGI:95674 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1347476 J:96456 MGI:95664 5986 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gcg; MGI:95674 target:Gcg; MGI:95674 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:95664 J:96456 N/A 5987 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gcg; MGI:95674 target:Gcg; MGI:95674 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:95664 J:96456 MGI:1347472,MGI:1347476 5988 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0046716 MGI:106658 J:96122 MGI:2385465 5989 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,forebrain; EMAP:2230 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:95794 J:95319 MGI:1931859 5990 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,telencephalon; EMAP:2251 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:95794 J:95319 MGI:1931859 5991 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|P19; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97290 J:87556 N/A 5992 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|P19; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97290 J:87556 N/A 5993 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005813 MGI:2143311 J:96395 N/A 5994 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005813 MGI:2670976 J:96395 N/A 5995 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2670976 J:96395 N/A 5996 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043015 MGI:2670976 J:96395 N/A 5997 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043015 MGI:97290 J:96395 N/A 5998 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005813 MGI:97290 J:96395 N/A 5999 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:97290 J:96395 MGI:2653048 6000 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,hypothalamus; EMAP:4975 anatomy:TS21\,thalamus; EMAP:4989 anatomy:TS23\,midbrain; EMAP:7624 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007417 MGI:97290 J:96395 MGI:2653048 6001 1 evidence: anatomy: anatomy:TS19\,primordial germ cells; EMAP:3854 cell type:germ_line_cell ; CL:0000039 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:102670 J:96322 N/A 6002 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: text: IGI GO:0001649 MGI:99829 J:95960 MGI:88177 6003 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: text: IGI GO:0001649 MGI:88177 J:95960 MGI:99829 6004 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:99829 J:95960 N/A 6005 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88192 J:95960 N/A 6006 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Cdkn2a; MGI:104738 target:Cdkn2a; MGI:104738 text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1335091 J:95884 N/A 6007 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,epithelium\,cochlear duct; EMAP:6274 anatomy:TS24\,epithelium\,cochlear duct; EMAP:9184 cell type:epithelial_cell; CL:0000066 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS26\,organ of Corti; EMAP:12637 cell type:Deiter's_cel IDA GO:0005634 MGI:95663 J:55464 N/A 6008 2 l; CL:0000635 cell type:labyrinth_supporting_cell; CL:0000631 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:95663 J:55464 N/A 6009 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:epidermal_cell ; CL:0000362 gene product: text:skin cells| IDA GO:0001709 MGI:95663 J:85304 N/A 6010 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Pparbp IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95663 J:74328 UniProtKB:O88323 6011 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|chondrocyte ; CL:0000138|cell_line:RCJ 3.1c5.18 (rat, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005007 MGI:95524 J:88289 N/A 6012 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|chondrocyte ; CL:0000138|cell_line:RCJ 3.1c5.18 (rat, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0008543 MGI:95524 J:88289 N/A 6013 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|chondrocyte ; CL:0000138|cell_line:RCJ 3.1c5.18 (rat, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0050731 MGI:95524 J:88289 N/A 6014 1 evidence:confocal microscopy anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|chondrocyte ; CL:0000138|cell_line:RCJ 3.1c5.18 (rat, transfected) gene product: text:cells were transfected with Fgfr3-GFP and colabelled with LysoTracker-Red IDA GO:0005764 MGI:95524 J:88289 N/A 6015 1 evidence:confocal microscopy anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected) gene product: text:cells were transfected with Fgfr3-GFP, the GFP signal was seen in vesicles colocalizing with the inte IDA GO:0009898 MGI:95524 J:88289 N/A 6016 2 rnal side of the plasma membrane. IDA GO:0009898 MGI:95524 J:88289 N/A 6017 1 evidence:confocal microscopy anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected) gene product: text:cells were transfected with Fgfr3-GFP, the GFP signal was seen in vesicles in the perinuclear region. IDA GO:0048471 MGI:95524 J:88289 N/A 6018 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,otocyst; EMAP:2354 cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: text:US/VOT-33 IDA GO:0015630 MGI:107813 J:88813 N/A 6019 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,otocyst; EMAP:2354 cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: text:US/VOT-33 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:95663 J:88813 N/A 6020 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|myoblast ; CL:0000056|ATCC:CRL-1772 (C2C12, mouse) gene product: text: IDA GO:0007242 MGI:108051 J:88288 N/A 6021 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|myoblast ; CL:0000056|ATCC:CRL-1772 (C2C12, mouse) gene product: text: IDA GO:0007179 MGI:108051 J:88288 N/A 6022 1 evidence:tandem RP HPLC/ESI-MS anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|cell_line:NS0 (mouse) gene product: text: IDA GO:0030883 MGI:107674 J:88263 N/A 6023 1 evidence:in vitro DNA replication assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:recombinant baculovirus-produced mouse protein used IDA GO:0003887 MGI:1347081 J:85061 N/A 6024 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:S1 proximal tubule of kidney IDA GO:0016324 MGI:1918920 J:91395 N/A 6025 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:S2, S3 proximal tubule of kidney IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1918920 J:91395 N/A 6026 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:fixed annotation to incorrect allele IMP GO:0001501 MGI:96203 J:19630 MGI:1857963 6027 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Vps18 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1925213 J:90042 UniProtKB:Q8R307 6028 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Vps18 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1336882 J:90042 UniProtKB:Q8R307 6029 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Vps18 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1926235 J:90042 UniProtKB:Q8R307 6030 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:vps18 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1858210 J:90042 UniProtKB:Q8R307 6031 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:VPS18 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1855688 J:90042 UniProtKB:Q8R307 6032 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:vps18 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1931027 J:90042 UniProtKB:Q8R307 6033 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:vps18 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:891965 J:90042 UniProtKB:Q8R307 6034 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:vps18 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1929215 J:90042 UniProtKB:Q8R307 6035 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1340055 J:70687 N/A 6036 1 evidence:yeast two-hybrid anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: evidence:pull-down assays anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected) gene product: text: evidence:IP-IB anatomy: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1340055 J:70687 UniProtKB:Q62108 6037 2 cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected) gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1340055 J:70687 UniProtKB:Q62108 6038 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected)) gene product: text:cytoplasmic localization seen in the absence of Sema4f IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1277959 J:70687 N/A 6039 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected)) gene product: text:localization seen in the presence of Sema4f IDA GO:0031234 MGI:1277959 J:70687 N/A 6040 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding with Vti1b, Vps16, Vps11, Syn7, Vps41, Vps39, Hook1, syn13, syn6, Vps45, Vamp8 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2443626 J:90042 UniProtKB:Q88384|UniProtKB:Q920Q4|UniProtKB:Q91W86|UniProtKB:O70439|UniProtKB:Q8BKK6|UniProtKB:Q8R5L3|UniProtKB:Q8BIL5|UniProtKB:Q9ER00|UniProtKB:Q9JKK1|UniProtKB:P97390|UniProtKB:O70404 6041 1 evidence:yeast two-hybrid anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: evidence:pull-down assays anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected)) gene product: text: evidence:IP-IB anatomy: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1277959 J:70687 UniProtKB:Q9Z123 6042 2 cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected)) gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1277959 J:70687 UniProtKB:Q9Z123 6043 1 evidence:transwell assay of smooth muscle cell migration from aortic explants|in vivo cuff-induced intimal thickening of the murine femoral artery anatomy: cell type:smooth_muscle_cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030336 MGI:1914344 J:96209 MGI:3531515 6044 1 evidence:in vivo cuff-induced intimal thickening of the murine femoral artery anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009611 MGI:1914344 J:96209 MGI:3531515 6045 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dct ; MGI:102563 text: IDA GO:0003705 MGI:98358 J:96431 N/A 6046 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dct ; MGI:102563 text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:98358 J:96431 N/A 6047 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dct ; MGI:102563 text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:104554 J:96431 N/A 6048 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dct ; MGI:102563 text: IDA GO:0003705 MGI:97487 J:96431 N/A 6049 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mitf ; MGI:104554 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97487 J:96431 N/A 6050 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:melanocyte ; CL:0000148 gene product: text: IGI GO:0048468 MGI:96770 J:96431 MGI:104554 6051 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,thymus primordium; EMAP:6015 cell type:thymus_processed_stem_cell ; CL:0000045 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050900 MGI:1099448 J:96376 N/A 6052 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Cmkbr10 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1099448 J:59297 UniProtKB:Q9WUT7 6053 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hlxb9 ; MGI:109160 text: IDA GO:0003705 MGI:1355331 J:95698 N/A 6054 1 evidence:ECO:0000068 anatomy:MA:0000341 cell type: gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2385261 J:97384 UniProtKB:P45481 6055 1 evidence:ECO:0000068 anatomy:MA:0000341 cell type: gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2384802 J:97384 UniProtKB:P45481 6056 1 evidence:ECO:0000068 anatomy:MA:0000341 cell type: gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2442153 J:97384 UniProtKB:P45481 6057 1 evidence:ECO:0000068 anatomy:MA:0000341 cell type: gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:700010 J:97384 UniProtKB:P45481 6058 1 evidence:ECO:0000068 anatomy:MA:0000341 cell type: gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107410 J:97384 UniProtKB:P45481 6059 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hlxb9 ; MGI:109160 text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1355331 J:95698 N/A 6060 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hlxb9 ; MGI:109160 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:109619 J:95698 N/A 6061 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7537 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1202717 J:95663 MGI:2149116 6062 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:fragment VAL569-VAL722| IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1202717 J:84628 N/A 6063 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Doc3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1202717 J:79164 UniProtKB:Q8CIQ7 6064 1 evidence: anatomy:brain meninges ; MA:0000813 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:1202717 J:95663 N/A 6065 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,future rhombencephalon; EMAP:244 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030902 MGI:95389 J:95392 MGI:95390 6066 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,midbrain; EMAP:4219 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030901 MGI:95389 J:95392 MGI:95390 6067 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,future midbrain; EMAP:1218|TS15\,future rhombencephalon; EMAP:1223 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030917 MGI:95389 J:95392 MGI:1857163 6068 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,future midbrain; EMAP:236 cell type:serotinergic_neuron ; CL:0000403 gene product: text: IGI GO:0030182 MGI:95389 J:95392 MGI:95390 6069 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,future midbrain; EMAP:236 cell type:serotinergic_neuron ; CL:0000403 gene product: text: IGI GO:0030182 MGI:95390 J:95392 MGI:95389 6070 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,midbrain; EMAP:4219 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030901 MGI:95390 J:95392 MGI:95389 6071 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,future rhombencephalon; EMAP:244 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0030902 MGI:95390 J:95392 MGI:95389 6072 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2664636 J:97446 N/A 6073 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 anatomy:TS25\,lung; EMAP:10964 anatomy:TS25\,metanephros; EMAP:10896 anatomy:TS25\,salivary gland; EMAP:10644 anatomy:TS25\,epithelium\,cochlear duct; EMAP:10544 anatomy:TS25\,cochlea; EMAP:10541 cell type:epithelia IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1919324 J:82099 N/A 6074 2 l_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1919324 J:82099 N/A 6075 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 anatomy:TS25\,lung; EMAP:10964 anatomy:TS25\,metanephros; EMAP:10896 anatomy:TS25\,salivary gland; EMAP:10644 anatomy:TS25\,epithelium\,cochlear duct; EMAP:10544 anatomy:TS25\,cochlea; EMAP:10541 cell type:epithelia IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1919338 J:82099 N/A 6076 2 l_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1919338 J:82099 N/A 6077 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:GO:0003781 obsoleted IDA GO:0051017 MGI:1919338 J:80836 N/A 6078 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type: gene product: text:pillar cells of the ear in explants| IMP GO:0045597 MGI:95524 J:79996 N/A 6079 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4176 anatomy:TS21\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4994 anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:95524 J:96234 MGI:2135676 6080 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4176 anatomy:TS21\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4994 anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 cell type:neuroblast_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000337 gene product: qu IMP GO:0008285 MGI:95524 J:96234 MGI:2135676 6081 2 alifier: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:95524 J:96234 MGI:2135676 6082 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4176 anatomy:TS21\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4994 anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 cell type:neuroblast_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000337 gene product: qu IMP GO:0043065 MGI:95524 J:96234 MGI:2135676 6083 2 alifier: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:95524 J:96234 MGI:2135676 6084 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Authors do not state which allele they are using. Their bibliography contains references to two alleles, MGI:1888790, and MGI:1888808 . IMP GO:0008285 MGI:104565 J:73449 N/A 6085 1 evidence:3H thymidine incorporation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:3H thymidine incorporation assay IMP GO:0008284 MGI:104565 J:84930 MGI:1888808 6086 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|HT-1080; ATCC:CCL-121 gene product: text: IDA GO:0051271 MGI:104565 J:96084 N/A 6087 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|HT-1080; ATCC:CCL-121 gene product: text: IGI GO:0051272 MGI:96739 J:96084 MGI:104565 6088 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:104565 J:96084 N/A 6089 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:104565 J:96084 N/A 6090 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,embryo; EMAP:80 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001702 MGI:2447063 J:96673 MGI:2449635 6091 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:granulocyte ; CL:0000094 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:3045315 J:96429 N/A 6092 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Rarb ; MGI:97857|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 target:Crabp2 ; MGI:88491|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1923998 J:95332 N/A 6093 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,interventricular septum; EMAP:6440 anatomy:TS22\,cardiac muscle\,left ventricle; EMAP:6446|TS22\,cardiac muscle\,right ventricle; EMAP:6449 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1923998 J:95332 MGI:3526660 6094 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:5711 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001890 MGI:1923998 J:95332 MGI:3526660 6095 1 evidence:IDA|ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1933385 J:49278 EMBL:U40580 6096 1 evidence:IDA|ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binds fibrillarin (co immunippt). ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1933385 J:49278 EMBL:U40580 6097 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:sensory_neuron; CL:0000101 gene product: text:vanilloid receptor 1 and purinergic receptor P2X3-positive IMP GO:0007422 MGI:104749 J:97000 MGI:3574987 6098 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138| IMP GO:0000082 MGI:96610 J:85594 MGI:1926498 6099 2 gene product: text: IMP GO:0000082 MGI:96610 J:85594 MGI:1926498 6100 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138| IMP GO:0051726 MGI:96610 J:85994 MGI:1926498 6101 2 gene product: text:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138| IMP GO:0051726 MGI:96610 J:85994 MGI:1926498 6102 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 cell type:neuroblast; CL:0000031 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:96610 J:96910 MGI:2156945 6103 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum external granule cell layer ; MA:0000994 cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:96610 J:96910 MGI:2156945 6104 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,dorsal bud\,pancreas primordium; EMAP:2829 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0031016 MGI:107928 J:97074 MGI:2180721 6105 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,foregut-midgut junction; EMAP:953 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0016331 MGI:107928 J:97074 MGI:2180721 6106 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:105376 J:97065 N/A 6107 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:105376 J:97065 N/A 6108 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:109548 J:97065 N/A 6109 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1096335 J:97065 N/A 6110 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:88354 J:97065 N/A 6111 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030097 MGI:96522 J:97176 MGI:1857411 6112 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gata2 ; MGI:95662|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 target:Runx1 ; MGI:99852|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:97363 J:97176 N/A 6113 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gata2 ; MGI:95662 text: IGI GO:0006357 MGI:97363 J:97176 MGI:96522 6114 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gata2 ; MGI:95662 text: IGI GO:0006357 MGI:96522 J:97176 MGI:97363 6115 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Dax1-LUC reporter| IDA GO:0006357 MGI:98968 J:78371 N/A 6116 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,neural retinal epithelium; EMAP:4344 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:98968 J:75445 MGI:1857268 6117 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0015630 MGI:2183683 J:96961 N/A 6118 1 evidence:RNAi knockdown anatomy:TS26\,hindbrain; EMAP:11704 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:2183683 J:96961 N/A 6119 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001578 MGI:2183683 J:96961 N/A 6120 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair follicle ; MA:0000160 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042637 MGI:109617 J:96883 MGI:3574438 6121 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Barx2; MGI109617 text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:109617 J:96883 N/A 6122 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,nasal epithelium; EMAP:3626 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:88297 J:96891 N/A 6123 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,nasal epithelium; EMAP:3626 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007409 MGI:88297 J:96891 N/A 6124 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,nasal epithelium; EMAP:3626 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0001764 MGI:88297 J:96891 N/A 6125 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy:TS19\,nasal epithelium; EMAP:3626 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:99478 J:96891 N/A 6126 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy:TS19\,nasal epithelium; EMAP:3626 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:99478 J:96891 N/A 6127 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,olfactory lobe\,telencephalon; EMAP:6098 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:99478 J:96891 MGI:3051882 6128 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,ventricular layer\,telencephalon; EMAP:6103 anatomy:TS22\,olfactory lobe\,telencephalon; EMAP:6098 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1277163 J:96805 MGI:1859863 6129 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,ventricular layer\,telencephalon; EMAP:7569 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007406 MGI:1277163 J:96805 MGI:1859863 6130 1 evidence: anatomy:brain subventricular zone ; MA:0000817 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 cell type:ependymal_cell ; CL:0000065 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:1277163 J:96805 MGI:1859863 6131 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine epithelium ; MA:0001553 cell type:gut_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: text: IMP GO:0016477 MGI:2443012 J:96666 MGI:3574415 6132 1 evidence: anatomy:interalveolar septum ; MA:0000421 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0048286 MGI:2443012 J:96666 MGI:3574415 6133 1 evidence: anatomy:bone ; MA:0001459 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:2443012 J:96666 MGI:3574415 6134 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,blood island; EMAP:205 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030097 MGI:96683 J:96124 MGI:3530468 6135 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,venous system; EMAP:588|TS13\,arterial system; EMAP:547 cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001570 MGI:96683 J:96124 MGI:3530468 6136 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|C2C12; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: text: IGI GO:0045669 MGI:96429 J:96487 MGI:88177 6137 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ifi204; MGI:96429 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:109452 J:96487 N/A 6138 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ifi204; MGI:96429 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1328787 J:96487 N/A 6139 1 evidence: anatomy:TS8\,epiblast; EMAP:62 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045198 MGI:99892 J:96100 MGI:3530455 6140 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:antibody interference with branching in lung and salivary gland IMP GO:0002011 MGI:99892 J:73859 N/A 6141 1 evidence: anatomy:TS8\,epiblast; EMAP:62 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0002011 MGI:99892 J:96100 MGI:3530455 6142 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Saa1 and Saa2, as well as entactin IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99892 J:37650 UniProtKB:P05366|UniProtKB:P05367|UniProtKB:P10493 6143 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:GO:0016347 obsoleted IDA GO:0016338 MGI:1889272 J:78720 N/A 6144 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7537 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1889272 J:96462 N/A 6145 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7537 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:1889272 J:96462 N/A 6146 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7537 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1889272 J:96462 N/A 6147 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|C2C12; ATCC:CRL-1772 cell type:cardiac_muscle_cell ; CL:0000193 cell type:skeletal_muscle_cell ; CL:0000188 cell type:smooth_muscle_cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1928704 J:96348 N/A 6148 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,marginal layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4996 cell type: gene product: text:MGI:1932522 IMP GO:0030900 MGI:103067 J:95953 MGI:3528480 6149 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,lung; EMAP:5545 cell type:endothelial_cell ; CL:0000115|smooth_muscle_cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:98297 J:91723 MGI:1934268|MGI:2679524 6150 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,lung; EMAP:5545 cell type:endothelial_cell ; CL:0000115|smooth_muscle_cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:98297 J:91723 MGI:1934268|MGI:2679524 6151 2 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,carina tracheae; EMAP:12375 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:98297 J:91723 MGI:1934268|MGI:2679524 6152 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,telencephalon; EMAP:6075 cell type:inhibitory_interneuron ; CL:0000498|CNS_interneuron ; CL:0000402 gene product: text:non-radial IMP GO:0001764 MGI:109520 J:92321 MGI:2384054 6153 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,interventricular septum; EMAP:3702 anatomy:TS21\,endocardial cushion tissue; EMAP:5311 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:103577 J:94514 MGI:3514024|MGI:2386742|MGI:3514028 6154 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007140 MGI:101938 J:93127 MGI:1857946 6155 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:4276 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050772 MGI:109244 J:96745 N/A 6156 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:4276 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IGI GO:0050772 MGI:109244 J:96745 MGI:97321,MGI:97383,MGI:2154239,MGI:2154238 6157 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|PC-12; ATCC:CRL-1721 gene product: text: IGI GO:0050772 MGI:2154238 J:96745 MGI:109244 6158 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|PC-12; ATCC:CRL-1721 gene product: text: IGI GO:0050772 MGI:2154239 J:96745 MGI:109244 6159 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1346317 J:97099 N/A 6160 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1194883 J:97099 N/A 6161 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Rho; MGI:97914 target:Opn1mw; MGI:1097692 target:Opn1sw; MGI:99438 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1194883 J:97099 N/A 6162 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Opn1mw; MGI:1097692 target:Opn1sw; MGI:99438 text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:1346317 J:97099 MGI:1194883 6163 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Rho; MGI:97914 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1346317 J:97099 MGI:1194883 6164 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Rho; MGI:97914 target:Opn1mw; MGI:1097692 target:Opn1sw; MGI:99438 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:102567 J:97099 N/A 6165 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Rho; MGI:97914 target:Opn1mw; MGI:1097692 target:Opn1sw; MGI:99438 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:102567 J:97099 MGI:1194883 6166 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,otic placode; EMAP:301 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001759 MGI:99604 J:96329 MGI:95517 6167 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,otic placode; EMAP:301 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001759 MGI:95517 J:96329 MGI:99604 6168 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,otic placode; EMAP:301 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001759 MGI:95517 J:83659 MGI:1099809 6169 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,otic placode; EMAP:301 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001759 MGI:1099809 J:83659 MGI:95517 6170 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Fbxo5 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1342290 J:94781 UniProtKB:Q7TSG3 6171 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:RNAi IMP GO:0001556 MGI:1914391 J:94781 N/A 6172 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Rps6ka2|Cdc20 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914391 J:94781 UniProtKB:Q9WUT3|UniProtKB:Q9JJ66 6173 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Fbxo5 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1859866 J:94781 UniProtKB:Q7TSG3 6174 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:with Olig2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97347 J:86307 UniProtKB:Q9EQW6 6175 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,spinal cord; EMAP:7671 anatomy:TS25\,midbrain; EMAP:10402 anatomy:TS25\,forebrain; EMAP:10260 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: text: IMP GO:0048468 MGI:97347 J:97013 MGI:1932100 6176 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target:Plp1; MGI:97623 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97347 J:97013 N/A 6177 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,choroid invagination\,telencephalon; EMAP:4180 anatomy:TS20\,floor plate\,diencephalon; EMAP:4160 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1929518 J:97076 MGI:3574814 6178 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1929518 J:93136 N/A 6179 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:107201 J:93136 N/A 6180 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:106679 J:93136 N/A 6181 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3524 cell type:motor_neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: text:Cre allele; MGI:2159107 IMP GO:0030182 MGI:107928 J:97213 MGI:2451316 6182 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3524 cell type:motor_neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:96198 J:97213 MGI:3574938 6183 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,hindbrain; EMAP:5020 cell type:motor_neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:103022 J:97218 MGI:1856416 6184 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,hindbrain; EMAP:5020 cell type:motor_neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:108554 J:97218 MGI:1856801 6185 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cortex\,adrenal gland; EMAP:7096 cell type:chromaffin_cell ; CL:0000166 gene product: text: IMP GO:0048468 MGI:1100882 J:96531 MGI:1926861 6186 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:bovine sequence comparison ISA GO:0007186 MGI:102704 J:14657 EMBL:M58349 6187 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:bovine comparison ISA GO:0005834 MGI:102704 J:14657 EMBL:M58349 6188 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,thymus primordium; EMAP:6015 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IMP GO:0048468 MGI:108072 J:97344 MGI:2675469 6189 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,thymus primordium; EMAP:6015 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:108072 J:97344 MGI:2675469 6190 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:self tolerance IMP GO:0006955 MGI:108072 J:97344 MGI:2675469 6191 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,outflow tract\,heart; EMAP:3690 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1096383 J:97317 MGI:3044957 6192 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,outflow tract\,heart; EMAP:3690 cell type:neural_crest_cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001755 MGI:1096383 J:97317 MGI:3044957 6193 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:6600 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:106011 J:97520 N/A 6194 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,rest of skin; EMAP:10250 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008544 MGI:2655333 J:97429 MGI:2684328 6195 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Tgm1; MGI:98730|RNApol_II_promoter; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:2655333 J:97429 N/A 6196 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042060 MGI:2655333 J:97429 MGI:2684328 6197 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,future spinal cord; EMAP:485 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:107928 J:96484 MGI:2180721 6198 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,future spinal cord; EMAP:485 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: posterior IMP GO:0030182 MGI:107928 J:96484 MGI:2180721 6199 1 evidence: anatomy:vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion cochlear component ; MA:0001085 cell type:bipolar_neuron ; CL:0000103 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1100867 J:96521 N/A 6200 1 evidence: anatomy:vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion cochlear component ; MA:0001085 cell type:bipolar_neuron ; CL:0000103 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043005 MGI:1100867 J:96521 N/A 6201 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,skeleton\,embryo; EMAP:12382 cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:99829 J:95959 MGI:2183833 6202 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,skeleton\,embryo; EMAP:12382 cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001649 MGI:99829 J:95959 MGI:2183833 6203 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,skeleton\,embryo; EMAP:12382 cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:99852 J:95959 MGI:2668479 6204 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neural_crest_cell ; CL:0000333|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007015 MGI:101757 J:95452 MGI:3574399 6205 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neural_crest_cell ; CL:0000333|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030010 MGI:101757 J:95452 MGI:3574399 6206 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,embryo; EMAP:2006 cell type:neural_crest_cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001755 MGI:101757 J:96452 MGI:3574399 6207 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type:neurectodermal_cell ; CL:0000133 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001842 MGI:101757 J:96452 MGI:3574399 6208 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:motor_neuron ; CL:0000100 cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: text:motor and sensory axons IDA GO:0030424 MGI:95639 J:78232 N/A 6209 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 anatomy:TS17\,embryo; EMAP:2006 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:1354175 J:96818 MGI:3574773 6210 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair follicle ; MA:0000160 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042640 MGI:101884 J:96826 MGI:3575004 6211 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair follicle ; MA:0000160 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0042640 MGI:87986 J:96826 MGI:2675202 6212 1 evidence:enzyme inhibitor anatomy:coat hair follicle ; MA:0000160 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042640 MGI:97798 J:96826 N/A 6213 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cardiovascular system; EMAP:4365 anatomy:TS20\,cardiovascular system\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:4733 cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:2151071 J:96775 MGI:3531503 6214 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Human ISO GO:0008378 MGI:2151071 J:73644 EMBL:AF155582 6215 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum internal granule cell layer ; MA:0000995 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1859288 J:96912 MGI:2181383 6216 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Ube4b IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99919 J:81362 UniProtKB:Q9ES00 6217 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Rpl4 IPI GO:0043023 MGI:1099460 J:96469 UniProtKB:Q9D8E6 6218 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: enterocyte ; CL:0000584|endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223|acinar_cell ; CL:0000622 gene product: text:under zinc-adquate diet IDA GO:0016323 MGI:1919336 J:94994 N/A 6219 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658? | gene product: text: IDA GO:0042405 MGI:104783 J:94966 N/A 6220 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658? | gene product: text: IDA GO:0042405 MGI:1858330 J:94966 N/A 6221 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658? | gene product: text: IDA GO:0016234 MGI:96067 J:94966 N/A 6222 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658? | gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98283 J:94966 N/A 6223 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658? | gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:104820 J:94966 N/A 6224 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658? | gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:109404 J:94966 N/A 6225 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658? | gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:109484 J:94966 N/A 6226 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type: gene product: text:neocortex| IMP GO:0009952 MGI:95388 J:78745 MGI:2148858 6227 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:95388 J:96705 MGI:2148858 6228 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type: gene product: text:neocortex| IMP GO:0007420 MGI:95388 J:78745 MGI:2148858 6229 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Casp12 and Casp9 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99919 J:87334 UniProtKB:O08736|UniProtKB:Q8C3Q9 6230 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pomc; MGI:97742|RNApol_II_promoter; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1342540 J:97402 N/A 6231 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:PYR complex TAS GO:0005667 MGI:1342540 J:73976 N/A 6232 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pomc; MGI:97742 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1342540 J:97402 N/A 6233 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,pituitary; EMAP:11623 cell type:corticotrophin_hormone_secreting_cell ; CL:0000640 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1342540 J:97402 MGI:2158690 6234 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| gene product: text:MEL585 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101898 J:97249 N/A 6235 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| gene product: text:MEL585 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:95661 J:97249 N/A 6236 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dct ; MGI:102563|enhancer; SO:0000165 text: IDA GO:0003705 MGI:104554 J:96431 N/A 6237 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dct ; MGI:102563 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:104554 J:96431 MGI:98358 6238 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dct; MGI:102563 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:98358 J:96431 MGI:104554 6239 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dct ; MGI:102563 text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:97487 J:96431 MGI:104554,MGI:98358 6240 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type:melanocyte ; CL:0000148 gene product: text: IMP GO:0048468 MGI:102563 J:89896 MGI:1856379 6241 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type:melanocyte ; CL:0000148 gene product: text: IMP GO:0048066 MGI:102563 J:89896 MGI:1856379 6242 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type:melanoblast ; CL:0000541 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:104554 J:41159 MGI:1856094 6243 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|B16-F10; ATCC:CRL-6475 gene product: text: IGI GO:0003705 MGI:104633 J:96431 MGI:97487,MGI:96770,MGI:88276 6244 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|B16-F10; ATCC:CRL-6475 gene product: text: IGI GO:0003705 MGI:97487 J:96431 MGI:104633,MGI:96770,MGI:88276 6245 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|B16-F10; ATCC:CRL-6475 gene product: text: IGI GO:0003705 MGI:96770 J:96431 MGI:88276,MGI:97487,MGI:104633 6246 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dct; MGI:102563 text: IDA GO:0016566 MGI:97487 J:96431 N/A 6247 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mitf; MGI:104554 text: IDA GO:0016563 MGI:97487 J:96431 N/A 6248 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dct; MGI:102563 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:88276 J:96431 MGI:97487,MGI:98358,MGI:104554 6249 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory bulb ; MA:0000194 anatomy:nasal cavity olfactory epithelium ; MA:0001325 cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101|olfactory_receptor_cell ; CL:0000207 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:1889505 J:97372 MGI:3576265 6250 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,primordial germ cells\,primitive seminiferous tubules\,non-hilar region\,medullary region\,testis; EMAP:9808 cell type:spermatogonium ; CL:0000020 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type:oocyt IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1261827 J:97081 N/A 6251 2 e ; CL:0000023 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1261827 J:97081 N/A 6252 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,primordial germ cells\,primitive seminiferous tubules\,non-hilar region\,medullary region\,testis; EMAP:9808 cell type:spermatogonium ; CL:0000020 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type:oocyt IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1261827 J:97081 N/A 6253 2 e ; CL:0000023 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1261827 J:97081 N/A 6254 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,humerus cartilage condensation; EMAP:5789 cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001569 MGI:96533 J:97179 MGI:1934258 6255 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,epithelium\,left lung; EMAP:6725|TS22\,epithelium\,right lung; EMAP:6749 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:97357 J:97215 MGI:2388717|MGI:3574949 6256 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,epithelium\,left lung; EMAP:6725|TS22\,epithelium\,right lung; EMAP:6749 cell type:epithelial_cell_of_lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:97357 J:97215 MGI:2388717|MGI:3574949 6257 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97357 J:97215 N/A 6258 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,midbrain; EMAP:2315 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:109360 J:96957 MGI:3574586 6259 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,retina; EMAP:4342 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0009953 MGI:1338938 J:96964 MGI:107191 6260 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,retina; EMAP:4342 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0009953 MGI:107191 J:96964 MGI:1338938 6261 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,lens fibres; EMAP:5220 cell type:crystallin_accumulating_cell ; CL:0000306 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:107191 J:77444 N/A 6262 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,lens fibres; EMAP:5220 cell type:crystallin_accumulating_cell ; CL:0000306 gene product: target: text:Lens fiber differentiation| IMP GO:0001654 MGI:107191 J:77444 N/A 6263 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,head mesenchyme; EMAP:276|TS12\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:288 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009855 MGI:107928 J:97659 MGI:1857891 6264 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,follicle\,hair; EMAP:10245 cell type:epidermal_cell ; CL:0000362 gene product: target: text:hair bud cell IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98330 J:97750 N/A 6265 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005913 MGI:88275 J:97750 N/A 6266 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005913 MGI:88354 J:97750 N/A 6267 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,follicle\,hair; EMAP:10245 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001942 MGI:98726 J:97750 MGI:1888389 6268 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text:10-15% of cells IDA GO:0005813 MGI:1919823 J:96002 N/A 6269 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text:85-90% of cells IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1919823 J:96002 N/A 6270 1 evidence: anatomy:lymphatic vessel ; MA:0000138 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001945 MGI:105097 J:95885 MGI:3573787 6271 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,hepatic primordium; EMAP:1935 anatomy:TS16\,epithelium\,rest of foregut; EMAP:1899 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001889 MGI:107516 J:97579 MGI:3576383 6272 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,hepatic primordium; EMAP:1935 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:109128 J:97579 N/A 6273 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12943 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:CNS_n IGI GO:0030010 MGI:1923020 J:96030 MGI:2685946 6274 2 euron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030010 MGI:1923020 J:96030 MGI:2685946 6275 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12943 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:CNS_n IGI GO:0030182 MGI:1923020 J:96030 MGI:2685946 6276 2 euron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030182 MGI:1923020 J:96030 MGI:2685946 6277 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12943 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:CNS_n IGI GO:0030010 MGI:2685946 J:96030 MGI:1923020 6278 2 euron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030010 MGI:2685946 J:96030 MGI:1923020 6279 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12943 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:CNS_n IGI GO:0030182 MGI:2685946 J:96030 MGI:1923020 6280 2 euron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030182 MGI:2685946 J:96030 MGI:1923020 6281 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,telencephalon; EMAP:2251 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:88276 J:96233 MGI:2148567|MGI:2176173 6282 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,telencephalon; EMAP:2251 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:88276 J:96233 MGI:2148567|MGI:2176173 6283 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,telencephalon; EMAP:3482 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001709 MGI:88276 J:96233 MGI:2148567|MGI:2176173 6284 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007520 MGI:1097159 J:94846 N/A 6285 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind Cdon IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1097159 J:94846 UniProtKB:O88971 6286 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind Ntn3 IPI GO:0004872 MGI:1097159 J:94846 UniProtKB:Q9R1A3 6287 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind Neo1 IPI GO:0005102 MGI:1341188 J:94846 UniProtKB:P97798 6288 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Nfatc3 text: ISA GO:0030528 MGI:1341188 J:94846 UniProtKB:Q90923 6289 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind pura and purb IPI GO:0005515 MGI:108051 J:94649 UniProtKB:P42669|UniProtKB:O35295 6290 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind pura and purb IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1201674 J:94649 UniProtKB:P42669|UniProtKB:O35295 6291 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind Pura and Purb IPI GO:0005515 MGI:894293 J:94649 UniProtKB:P42669|UniProtKB:O35295 6292 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:ACTA2 text: IDA GO:0003690 MGI:103079 J:94649 N/A 6293 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind sp1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:103079 J:94649 UniProtKB:O89090 6294 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Acta2 text: IDA GO:0003690 MGI:1338779 J:94649 N/A 6295 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Sp1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1338779 J:94649 UniProtKB:O89090 6296 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Acta2 text: IDA GO:0003690 MGI:98372 J:94649 N/A 6297 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Acta2 text: IDA GO:0003690 MGI:1277166 J:94649 N/A 6298 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573 (HEK293, human, transfected) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0031401 MGI:1914045 J:85938 N/A 6299 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573 (HEK293, human, transfected) gene product: target: text:positive regulation of protein lipidation IDA GO:0006497 MGI:1914045 J:85938 N/A 6300 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0031401 MGI:1914045 J:80842 N/A 6301 1 evidence:yeast two-hybrid anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:UniProt:Q9D906|Apg7l (mouse)|UniProt:Q99J83|Apg5l (mouse) text: evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-2 (HeLa, human, transfected) gene produ IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914045 J:80842 UniProtKB:Q9D906|UniProtKB:Q99J83|UniProtKB:Q9CQY1 6302 2 ct: target:UniProt:Q9CQY1|Apg12l (mouse) text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914045 J:80842 UniProtKB:Q9D906|UniProtKB:Q99J83|UniProtKB:Q9CQY1 6303 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573 (HEK293, human, transfected) gene product: target: text:UniProt:O95352|APG7L (human) ISO GO:0031401 MGI:1921494 J:85938 UniProtKB:O95352 6304 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573 (HEK293, human, transfected) gene product: target: text:UniProt:O95352|APG7L (human)|positive regulation of protein lipidation ISO GO:0006497 MGI:1921494 J:85938 UniProtKB:O95352 6305 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0031401 MGI:1921494 J:80842 N/A 6306 1 evidence:yeast two-hybrid anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:UniProt:Q8R1P4|Apg10l (mouse)|UniProt:Q9CQY1|Apg12l (mouse) text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1921494 J:80842 UniProtKB:Q8R1P4|UniProtKB:Q9CQY1 6307 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573 (HEK293, human, transfected) gene product: target:UniProt:O94817|APG12L (human)|UniProt:O95352|APG7L (human) text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914045 J:85938 UniProtKB:O94817|UniProtKB:O95352 6308 1 evidence:RT-PCR of Hes1, a Notch-dependent gene anatomy: cell type:granulocyte ; CL:0000094 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045746 MGI:104741 J:97945 MGI:3577709|MGI:2176180 6309 1 evidence:flow cytometry|colony-forming assays anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045638 MGI:104741 J:97945 MGI:3577709|MGI:2176180 6310 1 evidence:RT-PCR of Hes1 gene expression following culture of mouse bone marrow-derived stromal cells on Jagged1-expressing 3T3 cells in presence or absence of anti-Jagged1 antibody anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045747 MGI:1095416 J:97945 N/A 6311 1 evidence:tissue culture of bone marrow cells on Nfkbia-deficient hepatocytes in presence of anti-Jagged1 antibody anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045639 MGI:1095416 J:97945 N/A 6312 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type:granulocyte ; CL:0000094 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:103290 J:97945 N/A 6313 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type:granulocyte ; CL:0000094 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:97312 J:97945 N/A 6314 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96607 J:97945 N/A 6315 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:109440 J:97945 N/A 6316 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:106910 J:97945 N/A 6317 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007595 MGI:103036 J:77412 MGI:2181607 6318 1 evidence:gross histology (data not shown) anatomy:abdominal fat pad ; MA:0000472 cell type: gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0019915 MGI:103036 J:77412 MGI:103035 6319 1 evidence:histology anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0001553 MGI:103036 J:77412 MGI:103035 6320 1 evidence:histology anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:103036 J:77412 MGI:2181607 6321 1 evidence:weighing of whole mouse anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0040018 MGI:103036 J:77412 MGI:103035 6322 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007595 MGI:103035 J:77412 MGI:2181609 6323 1 evidence:gross histology (data not shown) anatomy:abdominal fat pad ; MA:0000472 cell type: gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0019915 MGI:103035 J:77412 MGI:103036 6324 1 evidence:histology anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0001553 MGI:103035 J:77412 MGI:103036 6325 1 evidence:weighing of whole mouse anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898|phenotype effect of double knockout of Stat5a and Stat5b seen in both male and female mice IGI GO:0040018 MGI:103035 J:77412 MGI:103036 6326 1 evidence:weighing of whole mouse anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:phenotypic effect of mutant only seen in male mice IMP GO:0040018 MGI:103035 J:77412 MGI:2181609 6327 1 evidence:histology anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0046543 MGI:103036 J:77412 MGI:2181607 6328 1 evidence:IB of Cyp2a4 (testosterone 15-alpha hydroxylase) expression in microsome anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 evidence:Coomassie blue staining of MUPs IGI GO:0046544 MGI:103036 J:77412 MGI:103035 6329 2 (major urinary proteins) in urine anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 evidence:weighing of whole mouse anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:data from study IGI GO:0046544 MGI:103036 J:77412 MGI:103035 6330 3 of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0046544 MGI:103036 J:77412 MGI:103035 6331 1 evidence:IB of Cyp2a4 (testosterone 15-alpha hydroxylase) expression in microsome anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0046544 MGI:103036 J:77412 MGI:2181607 6332 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:103036 J:77412 MGI:2181607 6333 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0046543 MGI:103035 J:77412 MGI:2181609 6334 1 evidence:IB of Cyp2a4 (testosterone 15-alpha hydroxylase) expression in microsome anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 evidence:Coomassie blue staining of MUPs IGI GO:0046544 MGI:103035 J:77412 MGI:103036 6335 2 (major urinary proteins) in urine anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 evidence:weighing of whole mouse anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:data from study IGI GO:0046544 MGI:103035 J:77412 MGI:103036 6336 3 of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0046544 MGI:103035 J:77412 MGI:103036 6337 1 evidence:IB of Cyp2a4 (testosterone 15-alpha hydroxylase) expression in microsome anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0046544 MGI:103035 J:77412 MGI:2181609 6338 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:103035 J:77412 MGI:2181609 6339 1 evidence:ELIZA (presumed, only results given, not assay type) anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96432 J:77412 N/A 6340 1 evidence:IB anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005792 MGI:88606 J:77412 N/A 6341 1 evidence:IB anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005792 MGI:88596 J:77412 N/A 6342 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,forebrain; EMAP:6019 cell type: gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS21\,embryo; EMAP:4740 cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:1096551 J:97640 MGI:3576922 6343 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hba-a1; MGI:96015|promoter; SO:0000167 text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1096551 J:92967 N/A 6344 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030520 MGI:2146974 J:97633 MGI:3577076 6345 1 evidence: anatomy:TS7\,embryo; EMAP:42 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043009 MGI:1195263 J:97635 MGI:3577473 6346 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:added allele IMP GO:0008544 MGI:97380 J:49792 MGI:1857232 6347 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:added allele IMP GO:0007403 MGI:97380 J:54402 MGI:1933844 6348 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:added allele IMP GO:0007422 MGI:97380 J:33221 MGI:1857232 6349 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Etv1 ; MGI:99254 IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97380 J:83461 N/A 6350 2 text:regulates MGI:99254 IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97380 J:83461 N/A 6351 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,dorsal root ganglion\,ganglion\,spinal\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:10499 anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:97380 J:97779 MGI:1933844 6352 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,dorsal root ganglion\,ganglion\,spinal\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:10499 cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007411 MGI:97380 J:97779 N/A 6353 1 evidence:antibody perturbation anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:antibody perturbation| IMP GO:0007411 MGI:107556 J:80875 N/A 6354 1 evidence:immunofluorescence anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:immunofluorescence| IDA GO:0016021 MGI:107556 J:80875 N/A 6355 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,cardinal vein; EMAP:2462 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001569 MGI:107556 J:97663 MGI:3577050 6356 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind to P09055, rat Itgb1 ISA GO:0005515 MGI:1195267 J:70132 UniProtKB:Q99J82 6357 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3235 cell type:branched_duct_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000069 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0001658 MGI:1195267 J:97651 N/A 6358 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:mIMCD-3 ; ATCC:CRL-2123|permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0048468 MGI:103302 J:97651 N/A 6359 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:mIMCD-3 ; ATCC:CRL-2123|permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0035239 MGI:103302 J:97651 N/A 6360 1 evidence:co-immunoppt anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:UniProt:Q569L8|Cenpj (mouse) text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:103036 J:78713 UniProtKB:Q569L8 6361 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:transmembrane domain ISS GO:0016021 MGI:1916179 J:93956 N/A 6362 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:UniProt:Q9D0S4|Neurl2 (mouse) text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88276 J:90054 UniProtKB:Q9D0S4 6363 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:CDKN1B AND CCNG2 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1890081 J:93432 N/A 6364 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: of renal tubular cells, not the intestitial cells. IMP GO:0043065 MGI:1916885 J:92102 MGI:3052030 6365 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:human protein in mouse cell ISA GO:0005783 MGI:3576484 J:97773 UniProtKB:Q5H8A4 6366 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind with huamn Pigf ISA GO:0005515 MGI:3576484 J:97773 UniProtKB:Q5H8A4 6367 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind with Pigf IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1861452 J:97773 UniProtKB:Q07326 6368 1 evidence:ECO:000000 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:1890508 J:70661 N/A 6369 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004222 MGI:1890508 J:70661 N/A 6370 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,embryo; EMAP:4740 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1921376 J:97254 MGI:2679656 6371 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:human ISO GO:0005783 MGI:1921376 J:80665 EMBL:AB085847 6372 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:human ISO GO:0006986 MGI:1921376 J:80665 EMBL:AB085847 6373 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:human ISO GO:0000151 MGI:1921376 J:80665 EMBL:AB085847 6374 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:human ISO GO:0004842 MGI:1921376 J:80665 EMBL:AB085847 6375 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,embryo; EMAP:4740 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006916 MGI:1921376 J:97254 MGI:2679656 6376 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Vnn1; MGI:108395|RNApol_II_promoter; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1346833 J:96928 N/A 6377 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Vnn1; MGI:108395|RNApol_II_promoter; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98371 J:96928 N/A 6378 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Vnn1; MGI:108395 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:98371 J:96928 N/A 6379 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Vnn1; MGI:108395 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1346833 J:96928 N/A 6380 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Fshb; MGI:95582 text:Regulates MGI:95582| IDA GO:0006357 MGI:1346833 J:84708 N/A 6381 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Amh; MGI:88006 text:Amh promoter| IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1346833 J:84530 N/A 6382 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,testis; EMAP:5536 anatomy:TS24\,testis; EMAP:8444 cell type:Sertoli_cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98371 J:96928 N/A 6383 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Vnn1; MGI:108395 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:98370 J:96928 N/A 6384 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Amh; MGI:88006|RNApol_II_promoter; SO:0000170 text:Amh promoter| IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98370 J:84530 N/A 6385 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|DUKX B1 [5A HS MYC]; ATCC:CRL-9010 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005911 MGI:88537 J:98324 N/A 6386 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|DUKX B1 [5A HS MYC]; ATCC:CRL-9010 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005911 MGI:105057 J:98324 N/A 6387 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|DUKX B1 [5A HS MYC]; ATCC:CRL-9010 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:88537 J:98324 MGI:105057 6388 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|DUKX B1 [5A HS MYC]; ATCC:CRL-9010 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:105057 J:98324 MGI:88537 6389 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|DUKX B1 [5A HS MYC]; ATCC:CRL-9010 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:88537 J:98324 N/A 6390 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal_muscle_cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045211 MGI:87894 J:98291 N/A 6391 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904 anatomy:TS26\,diaphragm; EMAP:11178 cell type:skeletal_muscle_cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045211 MGI:87895 J:98291 N/A 6392 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2323 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:2682064 J:98216 MGI:2682066 6393 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2323 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:1915396 J:98216 MGI:3578151 6394 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2323 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:107736 J:98216 MGI:3578144 6395 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2323 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:3578193 J:98216 MGI:3578529 6396 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1257 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:108075 J:98216 MGI:2137553 6397 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2323 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:98715 J:98216 MGI:3027342 6398 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:2682064 J:98216 MGI:2682066 6399 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,embryo; EMAP:640 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:1916147 J:98216 MGI:2448055 6400 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,future spinal cord; EMAP:853 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:1916147 J:98216 MGI:2448055 6401 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:107736 J:98216 MGI:3578144 6402 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:1915396 J:98216 MGI:3578151 6403 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,limb; EMAP:4011 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042733 MGI:99833 J:98216 MGI:2137533 6404 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,embryo; EMAP:640 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:108075 J:98216 MGI:2137553 6405 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,limb; EMAP:4011 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042733 MGI:3578193 J:98216 MGI:3578529 6406 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,limb; EMAP:4011 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042733 MGI:98715 J:98216 MGI:3027342 6407 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,embryo; EMAP:3980 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:98715 J:98216 MGI:3027342 6408 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,heart; EMAP:897 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:109583 J:98216 MGI:3578141 6409 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:1086|TS15\,paraxial mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,tail; EMAP:1446 cell type:mesodermal_cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001708 MGI:102539 J:80954 MGI:2447721 6410 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:1086|TS15\,paraxial mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,tail; EMAP:1446 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001707 MGI:102539 J:98216 MGI:3578143 6411 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:1086|TS15\,paraxial mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,tail; EMAP:1446 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001707 MGI:102539 J:80954 MGI:2447721 6412 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:3578139 J:98216 MGI:3578149 6413 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:2384768 J:98216 MGI:2137552 6414 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:3578142 J:98216 MGI:3578522 6415 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:3578150 J:98216 MGI:3578153 6416 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:3578154 J:98216 MGI:3578157 6417 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:3578159 J:98216 MGI:3578166 6418 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:3578162 J:98216 MGI:3578167 6419 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:3578164 J:98216 MGI:3578174 6420 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:3578169 J:98216 MGI:3578153 6421 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:3578172 J:98216 MGI:3578528 6422 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:3578175 J:98216 MGI:3578531 6423 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,embryo; EMAP:207 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001702 MGI:3578179 J:98216 MGI:3578532 6424 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,embryo; EMAP:207 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001702 MGI:3578182 J:98216 MGI:3578533 6425 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,primitive streak; EMAP:373 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001702 MGI:3578184 J:98216 MGI:3578534 6426 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0043029 MGI:103036 J:53400 MGI:103035 6427 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:splenocytes gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0001779 MGI:103036 J:53400 MGI:103035 6428 1 evidence:gross histology|flow cytometry anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0045647 MGI:103036 J:53400 MGI:103035 6429 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay following retroviral-mediated transduction of Stat5a into Stat5a/b KO T cells anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:35778 IDA GO:0042104 MGI:103036 J:53400 N/A 6430 2 98 IDA GO:0042104 MGI:103036 J:53400 N/A 6431 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0042104 MGI:103036 J:53400 MGI:103035 6432 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0045086 MGI:103036 J:53400 MGI:103035 6433 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0045931 MGI:103036 J:53400 MGI:103035 6434 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,embryo; EMAP:207 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001702 MGI:3578186 J:98216 MGI:3578535 6435 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,embryo; EMAP:207 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001702 MGI:3578188 J:98216 MGI:3578536 6436 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,embryo; EMAP:207 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001702 MGI:1306785 J:98216 MGI:2678264 6437 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,embryo; EMAP:106 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001702 MGI:3578190 J:98216 MGI:3578537 6438 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,mesenchyme\,embryo; EMAP:496 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048318 MGI:1276119 J:98216 MGI:2137554 6439 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,paraxial mesenchyme\,head mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,embryo; EMAP:503|TS13\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:514| cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048339 MGI:1276119 J:98216 MGI:2137554 6440 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,mesenchyme\,embryo; EMAP:496 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048318 MGI:103006 J:98216 MGI:3578147 6441 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,paraxial mesenchyme\,head mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,embryo; EMAP:503|TS13\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:514| cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048339 MGI:103006 J:98216 MGI:3578147 6442 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,paraxial mesenchyme\,head mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,embryo; EMAP:503|TS13\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:514| cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048339 MGI:2442620 J:98216 MGI:3578539 6443 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,head mesenchyme; EMAP:276|TS12\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:288 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:104913 J:98216 MGI:3578145 6444 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,heart; EMAP:560 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:3578205 J:98216 MGI:3578540 6445 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:1913498 J:98216 MGI:3578146 6446 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,heart; EMAP:1317 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:3578209 J:98216 MGI:3578209 6447 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,mesenchyme\,embryo; EMAP:1076 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048368 MGI:3578212 J:98216 MGI:3578212 6448 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:1087| cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:3578212 J:98216 MGI:3578212 6449 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,tail; EMAP:1443 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009790 MGI:3578215 J:98216 MGI:3578215 6450 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,primitive heart tube; EMAP:324 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:3578217 J:98216 MGI:3578217 6451 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,primitive heart tube; EMAP:324 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0035050 MGI:3578217 J:98216 MGI:3578217 6452 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0043029 MGI:103035 J:53400 MGI:103036 6453 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:splenocytes gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0001779 MGI:103035 J:53400 MGI:103036 6454 1 evidence:gross histology|flow cytometry anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0045647 MGI:103035 J:53400 MGI:103036 6455 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0042104 MGI:103035 J:53400 MGI:103036 6456 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0045086 MGI:103035 J:53400 MGI:103036 6457 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0045931 MGI:103035 J:53400 MGI:103036 6458 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:107656 J:53400 N/A 6459 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:107656 J:94032 N/A 6460 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96548 J:94032 N/A 6461 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96548 J:85084 N/A 6462 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96548 J:53400 N/A 6463 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88346 J:53400 N/A 6464 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88335 J:53400 N/A 6465 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary oocyte; CL:0000654 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2135608 J:98299 N/A 6466 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary oocyte; CL:0000654 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005819 MGI:2135608 J:98299 N/A 6467 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88338 J:53400 N/A 6468 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96448 J:53400 N/A 6469 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96447 J:53400 N/A 6470 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006942 MGI:88106 J:98210 MGI:2451291 6471 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:natural_killer_cell ; CL:0000623 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:109294 J:53400 N/A 6472 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96549 J:53400 N/A 6473 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:106910 J:53400 N/A 6474 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:granulocyte ; CL:0000094 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:109440 J:53400 N/A 6475 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98279 J:53400 N/A 6476 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88332 J:53400 N/A 6477 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0042102 MGI:88332 J:53400 N/A 6478 1 evidence: anatomy:anatomy:TS15\,epithelium\,otic pit; EMAP:1281 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:109344 J:98114 MGI:1857803 6479 1 evidence: anatomy:anatomy:TS15\,epithelium\,otic pit; EMAP:1281 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:109344 J:98114 MGI:1857803 6480 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,epithelium\,otic pit; EMAP:1281 anatomy:TS17\,epithelium\,other part\,otocyst; EMAP:2360| anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,cochlear duct; EMAP:4312 anatomy:TS22\,epithelium\,cochlear duct; EMAP:6274 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 IMP GO:0043066 MGI:109344 J:98114 MGI:1857803 6481 2 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:109344 J:98114 MGI:1857803 6482 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:HeLa; ATCC;CCL-2|permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:103291 J:98073 N/A 6483 1 evidence: anatomy:TS28 ; MA:0002405 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0040015 MGI:103291 J:98073 MGI:3526160 6484 1 evidence: anatomy:head bone ; MA:0000576 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:103291 J:98073 MGI:3526160 6485 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:epididymis ; MA:0000397 cell type: gene product: target:Hexa; MGI:96073|Hexb; MGI:96074 IDA GO:0008047 MGI:95762 J:21077 N/A 6486 2 text: IDA GO:0008047 MGI:95762 J:21077 N/A 6487 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006689 MGI:95762 J:41950 MGI:1861930 6488 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006689 MGI:96073 J:41950 MGI:1857181 6489 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006689 MGI:96074 J:41950 MGI:1857438 6490 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:pyramidal_cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0019915 MGI:96073 J:41950 MGI:1857181 6491 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:pyramidal_cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 cell type:glial_cell_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000243 cell type:CNS_n IMP GO:0019915 MGI:95762 J:41950 MGI:1861930 6492 2 euron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje_cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebellum molecular cell IMP GO:0019915 MGI:95762 J:41950 MGI:1861930 6493 3 layer ; MA:0000996 cell type:glial_cell_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000243 gene product: target: IMP GO:0019915 MGI:95762 J:41950 MGI:1861930 6494 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0004563 MGI:95762 J:47667 MGI:1861930 6495 1 evidence:inhibitor; thapsigaargin| anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: text: evidence:inhibitor; thapsigaargin| anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_ce IMP GO:0006874 MGI:88110 J:84955 N/A 6496 2 ll_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006874 MGI:88110 J:84955 N/A 6497 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: g IGI GO:0006874 MGI:88110 J:84955 MGI:96074 6498 2 et: IGI GO:0006874 MGI:88110 J:84955 MGI:96074 6499 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: g IGI GO:0006874 MGI:96074 J:84955 MGI:88110 6500 2 et: IGI GO:0006874 MGI:96074 J:84955 MGI:88110 6501 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: g IMP GO:0006874 MGI:96074 J:84955 MGI:1857438 6502 2 et: IMP GO:0006874 MGI:96074 J:84955 MGI:1857438 6503 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006689 MGI:96074 J:84955 MGI:1857438 6504 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatozoon ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007338 MGI:96074 J:84955 MGI:2429701 6505 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:egg ; CL:0000025 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048477 MGI:96074 J:41950 MGI:2429701 6506 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001574 MGI:1342057 J:53080 MGI:2158349 6507 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006689 MGI:96074 J:53080 MGI:1857438 6508 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001574 MGI:1342057 J:53080 MGI:96074 6509 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0019915 MGI:1342057 J:53080 MGI:96074 6510 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type: gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sen IMP GO:0009313 MGI:96074 J:53080 MGI:1857438 6511 2 su_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje_cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009313 MGI:96074 J:53080 MGI:1857438 6512 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0019915 MGI:96073 J:53080 MGI:1857181 6513 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:CDC6 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1096340 J:94257 N/A 6514 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:CDC6 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:99150 J:94257 N/A 6515 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:CDC6 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1929059 J:94257 N/A 6516 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12942 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_ IMP GO:0008654 MGI:96074 J:91444 MGI:1857438 6517 2 line ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008654 MGI:96074 J:91444 MGI:1857438 6518 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target:choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferase activity ; GO:0004105 target:CDP-diacylglycerol-serine O-phosphatidyltransferase activity ; GO IMP GO:0031323 MGI:96074 J:91444 MGI:1857438 6519 2 :0003882 text: evidence: anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12942 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12942 cell type:CNS_ IMP GO:0031323 MGI:96074 J:91444 MGI:1857438 6520 3 ext: IMP GO:0031323 MGI:96074 J:91444 MGI:1857438 6521 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:CEBPA text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:88373 J:94226 N/A 6522 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind with Cbfa2t1h IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88373 J:94226 UniProtKB:Q61909 6523 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind with Cebpb IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104793 J:94226 UniProtKB:P28033 6524 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind with Chek1 and Trp53bp1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1328362 J:92518 UniProtKB:O35280|UniProtKB:P70399 6525 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:BIND WIHT TRP53BP1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98834 J:92518 UniProtKB:P70399 6526 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind with Blm and Trp53 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1351320 J:92518 UniProtKB:O88700|UniProtKB:P02340 6527 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind wiht Blm IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1202065 J:92518 UniProtKB:O88700 6528 1 evidence:DNA binding assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573 (293T, human) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:103036 J:98326 N/A 6529 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007259 MGI:103036 J:98326 N/A 6530 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0019221 MGI:103036 J:98326 N/A 6531 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0042104 MGI:103036 J:98326 MGI:103035 6532 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0045944 MGI:103036 J:98326 MGI:103035 6533 1 evidence:northern blot|3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0004871 MGI:103036 J:98326 MGI:103035 6534 1 evidence:DNA binding assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573 (293T, human) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:103035 J:98326 N/A 6535 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007259 MGI:103035 J:98326 N/A 6536 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0019221 MGI:103035 J:98326 N/A 6537 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0042104 MGI:103035 J:98326 MGI:103036 6538 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0045944 MGI:103035 J:98326 MGI:103036 6539 1 evidence:northern blot|3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0004871 MGI:103035 J:98326 MGI:103036 6540 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005125 MGI:96548 J:98326 N/A 6541 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0042104 MGI:96548 J:98326 N/A 6542 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:96548 J:98326 N/A 6543 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0042523 MGI:96548 J:98326 N/A 6544 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005125 MGI:96556 J:98326 N/A 6545 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0042104 MGI:96556 J:98326 N/A 6546 1 evidence:IP-IB "data not shown" anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0042523 MGI:96556 J:98326 N/A 6547 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0050852 MGI:88332 J:98326 N/A 6548 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88332 J:98326 N/A 6549 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0042102 MGI:88332 J:98326 N/A 6550 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0050731 MGI:88332 J:98326 N/A 6551 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:99928 J:98326 MGI:2675061 6552 1 evidence:flow cytometry of annexin V staining anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0043066 MGI:103036 J:98325 MGI:103035 6553 1 evidence:cell counting anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0008284 MGI:103036 J:98325 MGI:103035 6554 1 evidence:cell counting anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 following retroviral transduction of mouse Stat5a IDA GO:0008284 MGI:103036 J:98325 N/A 6555 1 evidence:cell counting of peritoneal cavity cells following thioglycollate stimulation anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0050729 MGI:103036 J:98325 MGI:103035 6556 1 evidence:northern blot|IB anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0045885 MGI:103036 J:98325 MGI:103035 6557 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0045944 MGI:103036 J:98325 MGI:103035 6558 1 evidence:flow cytometry of annexin V staining anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0043066 MGI:103035 J:98325 MGI:103036 6559 1 evidence:cell counting anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0008284 MGI:103035 J:98325 MGI:103036 6560 1 evidence:cell counting of peritoneal cavity cells following thioglycollate stimulation anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0050729 MGI:103035 J:98325 MGI:103036 6561 1 evidence:northern blot|IB anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0045885 MGI:103035 J:98325 MGI:103036 6562 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0045944 MGI:103035 J:98325 MGI:103036 6563 1 evidence:cell counting anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005125 MGI:1339752 J:98325 N/A 6564 1 evidence:cell counting anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:1339752 J:98325 N/A 6565 1 evidence:northern blot|IB anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045885 MGI:1339752 J:98325 N/A 6566 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005125 MGI:96552 J:98325 N/A 6567 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045885 MGI:96552 J:98325 N/A 6568 1 evidence:cell counting of cells transduced with retrovirus expressing Bcl2l1 (BCL-X) along with other data anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045768 MGI:88139 J:98325 N/A 6569 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:enzyme assay IDA GO:0004563 MGI:96074 J:88531 N/A 6570 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|A20; ATCC:TIB-208 gene product: target: text:IB|CL:0000002|CL:0000236 B_lymphocyte;ATCC:TIB-208 (A20) IDA GO:0005764 MGI:96074 J:88531 N/A 6571 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|A20; ATCC:TIB-208 gene product: target: text:IB|CL:0000002|CL:0000236 B_lymphocyte;ATCC:TIB-208 (A20) IDA GO:0016020 MGI:96074 J:88531 N/A 6572 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,mesenchyme\,gonad primordium; EMAP:3853 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88006 J:98391 N/A 6573 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,primordial germ cells; EMAP:3854 anatomy:TS20\,primordial germ cells; EMAP:4601 cell type:germ cell; CL:0000586 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:102670 J:98391 N/A 6574 1 evidence:inhibitor; bacitration anatomy:TS20\,mesenchyme\,interdigital region between digits 1 and 2\,footplate; EMAP:4078 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:95834 J:98374 N/A 6575 1 evidence:Si-RNA anatomy:TS20\,mesenchyme\,interdigital region between digits 1 and 2\,footplate; EMAP:4078 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006979 MGI:99523 J:98374 N/A 6576 1 evidence:Si-RNA anatomy:TS20\,mesenchyme\,interdigital region between digits 1 and 2\,footplate; EMAP:4078 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042345 MGI:99523 J:98374 N/A 6577 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,primitive endoderm\,endoderm\,embryo; EMAP:162 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:1934943 J:98337 N/A 6578 1 evidence: anatomy:uterus ; MA:0000389 cell type:natural killer cell; CL:0000623 gene product: target: text:uterine natural killer cells| IDA GO:0045177 MGI:1931256 J:76353 N/A 6579 1 evidence: anatomy:uterus ; MA:0000389 cell type:natural killer cell; CL:0000623 gene product: target: text:uterine natural killer cells| IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1931256 J:76353 N/A 6580 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,primitive endoderm\,endoderm\,embryo; EMAP:162 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:95794 J:98337 N/A 6581 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,primitive endoderm\,endoderm\,embryo; EMAP:162 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target:Cubn; MGI:1931256 text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:1934943 J:98337 MGI:2135304|MGI:2135454 6582 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target:Trf; MGI:98821 text: IMP GO:0007588 MGI:1934943 J:98337 MGI:2135304|MGI:2135454 6583 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,internal capsule\,diencephalon; EMAP:6060 anatomy:anterior commissure; MA:0001273 anatomy:internal capsule; MA:0002433 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007413 MGI:1858236 J:98367 MGI:3578665 6584 1 evidence:colony formation assay|flow cytometry of B cell precursors anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0045579 MGI:103036 J:64603 MGI:103035 6585 1 evidence:colony formation assay|flow cytometry of B cell precursors anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: text:data from study of Stat5a/b double KO mice MGI:3577898 IGI GO:0045579 MGI:103035 J:64603 MGI:103036 6586 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005125 MGI:96556 J:64603 N/A 6587 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030890 MGI:96556 J:64603 N/A 6588 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay in presence of anti-CD40 (Tnfrsf5) antibody anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88336 J:64603 N/A 6589 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030890 MGI:88336 J:64603 N/A 6590 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,ganglion\,sympathetic\,autonomic\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:3563 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048485 MGI:95663 J:98339 MGI:2153826 6591 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay in presence of anti-IgM (Igh-6) antibody anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96448 J:64603 N/A 6592 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030890 MGI:96448 J:64603 N/A 6593 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:TS22\,limb; EMAP:5765 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0002009 MGI:2444465 J:98344 MGI:3578641 6594 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:TS22\,limb; EMAP:5765 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0002009 MGI:2385368 J:98344 MGI:1856691 6595 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:Deiter's cell ; CL:0000635 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:1345138 J:98303 MGI:3578633 6596 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:Deiter's cell ; CL:0000635 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0045165 MGI:1345138 J:98303 MGI:99604 6597 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:1345138 J:98303 MGI:3578633 6598 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0042472 MGI:1345138 J:98303 MGI:99604 6599 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:Pillar cell ; CL:1000191 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0045165 MGI:99604 J:98303 MGI:1345138 6600 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0042472 MGI:99604 J:98303 MGI:1345138 6601 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,spinal cord; EMAP:7671 anatomy:TS21\,spinal cord; EMAP:5102 anatomy:TS22\,spinal cord; EMAP:6194 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099|glutamatergic neuron ; CL:0000679 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS20\, IMP GO:0043179 MGI:88392 J:98308 MGI:2450310 6602 2 spinal cord; EMAP:4251 anatomy:TS21\,spinal cord; EMAP:5102 anatomy:TS22\,spinal cord; EMAP:6194 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099|cholinergic_neuron ; CL:0000108 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043179 MGI:88392 J:98308 MGI:2450310 6603 1 evidence: anatomy:unfertilized egg ; MA:0000388 cell type:primary oocyte ; CL:0000654 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0000802 MGI:105931 J:98372 N/A 6604 1 evidence: anatomy:unfertilized egg ; MA:0000388 cell type:primary oocyte ; CL:0000654 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0000802 MGI:109542 J:98372 N/A 6605 1 evidence: anatomy:unfertilized egg ; MA:0000388 cell type:primary oocyte ; CL:0000654 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0000802 MGI:1355311 J:98372 N/A 6606 1 evidence: anatomy:unfertilized egg ; MA:0000388 cell type:primary oocyte ; CL:0000654 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0000800 MGI:1929645 J:98372 N/A 6607 1 evidence: anatomy:unfertilized egg ; MA:0000388 cell type:primary oocyte ; CL:0000654 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0000800 MGI:2154049 J:98372 N/A 6608 1 evidence:ImmPpt IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2154049 J:71579 UniProtKB:Q9CW03 6609 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Cspg6, by ImmPpt IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2154049 J:71579 UniProtKB:Q9CW03 6610 1 evidence: anatomy:unfertilized egg ; MA:0000388 cell type:primary oocyte ; CL:0000654 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0000800 MGI:1339795 J:98372 N/A 6611 1 evidence: anatomy:unfertilized egg ; MA:0000388 cell type:primary oocyte ; CL:0000654 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007129 MGI:109542 J:98372 MGI:2179041 6612 1 evidence: anatomy:TS3\,4-8 cell stage; EMAP:8 anatomy:TS3\,compacted morula; EMAP:9 cell type:early embryonic cell; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005783 MGI:1931256 J:98256 N/A 6613 1 evidence: anatomy:TS6\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:33 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005794 MGI:95794 J:98256 N/A 6614 1 evidence: anatomy:TS6\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:33 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005905 MGI:95794 J:98256 N/A 6615 1 evidence: anatomy:TS6\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:33 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030139 MGI:95794 J:98256 N/A 6616 1 evidence: anatomy:TS3\,4-8 cell stage; EMAP:8 anatomy:TS3\,compacted morula; EMAP:9 cell type:early embryonic cell; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS6\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:33 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:00002 IDA GO:0005783 MGI:95794 J:98256 N/A 6617 2 23 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005783 MGI:95794 J:98256 N/A 6618 1 evidence: anatomy:TS6\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:33 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005794 MGI:1931256 J:98256 N/A 6619 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,primitive endoderm\,endoderm\,embryo; EMAP:162 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS6\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:33 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene pro IDA GO:0045177 MGI:1931256 J:98337 N/A 6620 2 duct: target: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:1931256 J:98337 N/A 6621 1 evidence: anatomy:TS6\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:33 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005905 MGI:1931256 J:98256 N/A 6622 1 evidence: anatomy:TS6\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:33 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030139 MGI:1931256 J:98256 N/A 6623 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:trophectoderm cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS6\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:33 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: te IDA GO:0016324 MGI:1931256 J:98256 N/A 6624 2 xt: evidence: anatomy:TS8\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:61 anatomy:TS8\,parietal endoderm; EMAP:70 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:1931256 J:98256 N/A 6625 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:trophectoderm cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS8\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:61 anatomy:TS8\,parietal endoderm; EMAP:70 cell type:endodermal_cell ; CL:0000 IDA GO:0016324 MGI:95794 J:98256 N/A 6626 2 223 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:95794 J:98256 N/A 6627 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,neural ectoderm\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:440 cell type:neuroepithelial cell ; CL:0000710 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:95794 J:98256 N/A 6628 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,neural ectoderm\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:440 cell type:neuroepithelial cell ; CL:0000710 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:1931256 J:98256 N/A 6629 1 evidence:antibody block anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:trophectoderm cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006898 MGI:1931256 J:98256 N/A 6630 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:trophectoderm cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0042953 MGI:1931256 J:98256 N/A 6631 1 evidence:ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3 ATCC: CCL-92 gene product: target: text:RNAi experiment IPI GO:0045600 MGI:1919257 J:94268 N/A 6632 1 evidence: anatomy:epididymis ; MA:0000397 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:96073 J:48608 N/A 6633 1 evidence: anatomy:epididymis ; MA:0000397 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:48608 MGI:2429698 6634 1 evidence: anatomy:efferent duct ; MA:0000398 anatomy:epididymis ; MA:0000397 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:96074 J:48608 MGI:2429701 6635 1 evidence: anatomy:epididymis ; MA:0000397 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:88562 J:48608 N/A 6636 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:columnar/cuboidal_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000075|kidney collecting tubule ; MA:0000371 gene product: target: text:columnar/cuboidal_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000075|kidney collecting tubule ; MA:0000371| IDA GO:0005764 MGI:88562 J:85207 N/A 6637 1 evidence: anatomy:epididymis ; MA:0000397 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006689 MGI:96073 J:48608 MGI:2429698 6638 1 evidence: anatomy:epididymis ; MA:0000397 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006689 MGI:96074 J:48608 MGI:2429701 6639 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0047006 MGI:2145420 J:95560 N/A 6640 1 evidence:delayed parturition anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007567 MGI:2145420 J:95560 MGI:3527218 6641 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0006709 MGI:2145420 J:95560 N/A 6642 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368|ovary ; MA:0000384|adrenal gland ; MA:0000116 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006709 MGI:2145420 J:95560 MGI:3527218 6643 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0047006 MGI:2145420 J:95560 MGI:3527218 6644 1 evidence:observation of pregnant mice "data not shown" anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007565 MGI:103036 J:95560 MGI:103035 6645 1 evidence:RIA anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 (serum) cell type: gene product: target: text:"regulation of progesterone metabolism" IGI GO:0019218 MGI:103036 J:95560 MGI:103035 6646 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006689 MGI:96074 J:89803 MGI:1857438 6647 1 evidence:observation of pregnant mice "data not shown" anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007565 MGI:103035 J:95560 MGI:103036 6648 1 evidence:observation of pregnant mice anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007565 MGI:103035 J:95560 MGI:2181609 6649 1 evidence:RIA anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 (serum) cell type: gene product: target: text:"regulation of progesterone metabolism" IGI GO:0042448 MGI:103035 J:95560 MGI:103036 6650 1 evidence:RIA anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 (serum) cell type: gene product: target: text:"regulation of progesterone metabolism" IGI GO:0019218 MGI:103035 J:95560 MGI:103036 6651 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:subiculum ; MA:0000960 anatomy:dentate gyrus ; MA:0000190 anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 anatomy:olfa IMP GO:0044267 MGI:96074 J:89803 MGI:1857438 6652 2 ctory bulb ; MA:0000194 anatomy:substantia nigra ; MA:0000210 anatomy:pontine nucleus ; MA:0001021 anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target:Snca ; MGI:1277151 t IMP GO:0044267 MGI:96074 J:89803 MGI:1857438 6653 3 ext: evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:subiculum ; MA:0000960 anatomy:dentate gyrus ; MA:0000190 anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 anatomy:olfactory bulb ; MA:0000194 anatomy:substantia nigra ; MA:0000210 anatomy:pontine nucleus ; IMP GO:0044267 MGI:96074 J:89803 MGI:1857438 6654 4 MA:0001021 anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target:Sncb ; MGI:1889011 text: IMP GO:0044267 MGI:96074 J:89803 MGI:1857438 6655 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293 ATCC: CRL-1573 gene product: target: text:"data not shown" IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97902 J:45720 UniProtKB:O35118 6656 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293 ATCC: CRL-1573 gene product: target: text:data not shown IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1201403 J:45720 UniProtKB:P35546 6657 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Cos1 ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1201403 J:45720 N/A 6658 1 evidence: anatomy:cortical layer II ; MA:0000898 anatomy:cortical layer III ; MA:0000899 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene pro IMP GO:0006689 MGI:96074 J:96874 MGI:1857438 6659 2 duct: target: text: evidence: anatomy:dentate gyrus pyramidal layer ; MA:0000948 cell type:pyramidal_cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 cell type:granule_cell IMP GO:0006689 MGI:96074 J:96874 MGI:1857438 6660 3 ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:glial_cell_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000243 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006689 MGI:96074 J:96874 MGI:1857438 6661 1 evidence:CTLL assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96548 J:39989 N/A 6662 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042104 MGI:96548 J:39989 MGI:1857191 6663 1 evidence:polyclonal plaque assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0051024 MGI:96548 J:39989 MGI:1857191 6664 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048304 MGI:96548 J:39989 MGI:1857191 6665 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted TAS GO:0048535 MGI:96397 J:60454 N/A 6666 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted TAS GO:0048535 MGI:99928 J:60454 N/A 6667 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted TAS GO:0048535 MGI:1100089 J:60454 N/A 6668 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted IMP GO:0048535 MGI:96562 J:83288 MGI:1857198 6669 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted IMP GO:0048535 MGI:104797 J:17976 MGI:1857215 6670 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted IMP GO:0048535 MGI:104797 J:28061 MGI:1860957 6671 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted IMP GO:0048535 MGI:104797 J:43602 MGI:1860953 6672 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:lymph gland development obsoleted IMP GO:0048535 MGI:104797 J:47428 MGI:1860954 6673 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted IMP GO:0048535 MGI:104797 J:56996 N/A 6674 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted IMP GO:0048535 MGI:104796 J:42508 MGI:1860970 6675 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted IMP GO:0048535 MGI:104796 J:39746 MGI:1860955 6676 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted TAS GO:0048535 MGI:104875 J:56996 N/A 6677 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted TAS GO:0048535 MGI:97312 J:60454 N/A 6678 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted TAS GO:0048535 MGI:1099800 J:60454 N/A 6679 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted IMP GO:0048535 MGI:104856 J:87395 MGI:3026635 6680 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted IMP GO:0048535 MGI:98725 J:2892 MGI:1857258 6681 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted TAS GO:0048535 MGI:98769 J:60454 N/A 6682 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:text:lymph gland development obsoleted IMP GO:0048535 MGI:1314891 J:57899 MGI:1860238 6683 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted IMP GO:0048535 MGI:103567 J:83288 MGI:2158677 6684 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted IMP GO:0048535 MGI:1349183 J:83288 MGI:1857881 6685 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:lymph gland development obsoleted IMP GO:0048535 MGI:1888499 J:83288 MGI:2384500 6686 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatogonium ; CL:0000020 |primary_spermatocyte ; CL:0000656 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043073 MGI:105113 J:93127 N/A 6687 1 evidence:IMP anatomy: cell type:CL:0000622 gene product: target: text:Mist1- vs Mist1 acinar cells IMP GO:0007030 MGI:891976 J:98570 MGI:2182768 6688 1 evidence:IMP anatomy: cell type:CL:0000622 gene product: target: text:Mist1- vs Mist1 acinar cells IMP GO:0019722 MGI:891976 J:98570 MGI:2182768 6689 1 evidence:IMP anatomy: cell type:CL:0000622 gene product: target: text:Mist1- vs Mist1 acinar cells IMP GO:0006851 MGI:891976 J:98570 MGI:2182768 6690 1 evidence:IMP anatomy: cell type:CL:0000622 gene product: target: text:Mist1- vs Mist1 acinar cells IMP GO:0048312 MGI:891976 J:98570 MGI:2182768 6691 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88346 J:39981 N/A 6692 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88347 J:39981 N/A 6693 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88335 J:39981 N/A 6694 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:39981 N/A 6695 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88343 J:39981 N/A 6696 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98279 J:39981 N/A 6697 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0042104 MGI:96548 J:64279 N/A 6698 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96549 J:64279 N/A 6699 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:based on comparison of proliferative responses of T cells from wild type and Il2ra mice (MGI:1857192) to IL-2 added after low-dose anti- IDA GO:0005134 MGI:96548 J:64279 N/A 6700 2 CD3 stimulation IDA GO:0005134 MGI:96548 J:64279 N/A 6701 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:based on comparison of proliferative responses of T cells from wild type and Il2ra mice (MGI:1857192) to IL-2 added after low-dose anti- IMP GO:0004911 MGI:96549 J:64279 MGI:1857192 6702 2 CD3 stimulation IMP GO:0004911 MGI:96549 J:64279 MGI:1857192 6703 1 evidence:histology anatomy:colon ; MA:0000335 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0050728 MGI:96549 J:64279 MGI:1857192 6704 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042104 MGI:96549 J:64279 MGI:1857192 6705 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:peripheral deletion of T cells following immunization with SEB IMP GO:0043065 MGI:96549 J:64279 MGI:1857192 6706 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:peripheral deletion of T cells following immunization with SEB IMP GO:0006924 MGI:96549 J:64279 MGI:1857192 6707 1 evidence:histology anatomy:colon ; MA:0000335 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0050728 MGI:96548 J:39981 MGI:1857191 6708 1 evidence:gross pathology|histology anatomy:colon ; MA:0000335 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0050728 MGI:96548 J:15223 MGI:1857191 6709 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,hindbrain; EMAP:4187 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0045686 MGI:1206039 J:98428 MGI:1352738 6710 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,hindbrain; EMAP:4187 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0045686 MGI:1352738 J:98428 MGI:1206039 6711 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1100860 J:98531 N/A 6712 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1100860 J:98531 N/A 6713 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:95805 J:98531 N/A 6714 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:108088 J:98531 N/A 6715 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88190 J:98531 N/A 6716 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:88190 J:98531 N/A 6717 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,radius-ulna pre-cartilage condensation; EMAP:4020 anatomy:TS20\,handplate; EMAP:4028 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0035115 MGI:98961 J:98369 MGI:1298218 6718 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,radius-ulna pre-cartilage condensation; EMAP:4020 anatomy:TS20\,handplate; EMAP:4028 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0035115 MGI:1298218 J:98369 MGI:98961 6719 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,footplate; EMAP:4835 anatomy:TS21\,tibia-fibular pre-cartilage condensation; EMAP:4891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0035116 MGI:1298218 J:98369 MGI:98961 6720 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,footplate; EMAP:4835 anatomy:TS21\,tibia-fibular pre-cartilage condensation; EMAP:4891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0035116 MGI:98961 J:98369 MGI:1298218 6721 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:97858 J:98265 MGI:106918,MGI:88071 6722 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:97856 J:98265 MGI:106918,MGI:88071 6723 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:106918 J:98265 MGI:88071,MGI:97856,MGI:97857,MGI:97858 6724 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:88071 J:98265 MGI:106918,MGI:97856,MGI:97857,MGI:97858 6725 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:97857 J:98265 MGI:106918,MGI:88071 6726 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:98214 J:98265 MGI:106918,MGI:97856,MGI:97857,MGI:97858,MGI:88071,MGI:95664,MGI:1334444 6727 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1334444 J:98265 MGI:98214,MGI:95664 6728 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:95664 J:98265 MGI:1334444,MGI:98214 6729 1 evidence:heterologous displacement assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005134 MGI:96548 J:16175 N/A 6730 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Tpt1 ; MGI:104890 text: ISA GO:0009306 MGI:1915678 J:94489 UniProtKB:Q86SF6 6731 1 evidence:heterologous displacement assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:UniProt:P04351|Il2 (mouse) text: IPI GO:0019976 MGI:96550 J:16175 UniProtKB:P04351 6732 1 evidence:heterologous displacement assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:UniProt:P04351|Il2 (mouse) text: IPI GO:0019976 MGI:96551 J:16175 UniProtKB:P04351 6733 1 evidence:heterologous displacement assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|ATCC:CCL-1 (L cell; L-929, mouse) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96551 J:16175 N/A 6734 1 evidence:heterologous displacement assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:UniProt:P04351|Il2 (mouse)|UniProt:P01585|IL2 (human) text: IPI GO:0019976 MGI:96549 J:16175 UniProtKB:P04351|UniProtKB:P01585 6735 1 evidence:heterologous displacement assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|ATCC:CCL-1 (L cell; L-929, mouse) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96549 J:16175 N/A 6736 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,vestibular component\,inner ear; EMAP:10535 anatomy:TS25\,cochlea; EMAP:10541 cell type:hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:97874 J:98518 MGI:1857242 6737 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,vestibular component\,inner ear; EMAP:10535 anatomy:TS25\,cochlea; EMAP:10541 cell type:hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0051301 MGI:97874 J:98518 MGI:1857242 6738 1 evidence:antisense anatomy:TS23\,lung; EMAP:8285 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:1321393 J:85486 N/A 6739 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,lung; EMAP:3206 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lung; EMAP:12324 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type:epithelial IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1321393 J:85486 N/A 6740 2 cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1321393 J:85486 N/A 6741 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,rhombomere 03; EMAP:472 anatomy:TS13\,rhombomere 04; EMAP:476 anatomy:TS13\,rhombomere 05; EMAP:480 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:107928 J:98515 MGI:2180721 6742 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,rhombomere 03; EMAP:472 anatomy:TS13\,rhombomere 04; EMAP:476 anatomy:TS13\,rhombomere 05; EMAP:480 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030902 MGI:107928 J:98515 MGI:2180721 6743 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,rhombomere 04; EMAP:476 anatomy:TS13\,rhombomere 05; EMAP:480 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:98505 J:98515 MGI:2670936|MGI:2176174 6744 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,rhombomere 04; EMAP:476 anatomy:TS13\,rhombomere 05; EMAP:480 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030902 MGI:98505 J:98515 MGI:2670936|MGI:2176174 6745 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,stomach; EMAP:4494 cell type: gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS21\,stomach; EMAP:5385 anatomy:TS22\,stomach; EMAP:6527 cell type:smooth muscle cell; CL:0000192 gene product: target: IMP GO:0009956 MGI:1352452 J:98520 MGI:3579117|MGI:3579118 6746 2 text: IMP GO:0009956 MGI:1352452 J:98520 MGI:3579117|MGI:3579118 6747 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,stomach; EMAP:9373 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:1352452 J:98520 MGI:3579117|MGI:3579118 6748 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,yolk sac; EMAP:202 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001569 MGI:1888496 J:98489 MGI:3579836 6749 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,heart; EMAP:172 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0035050 MGI:1888496 J:98489 MGI:3579836 6750 1 evidence: anatomy:left ventricle muscular part ; MA:0001875 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008015 MGI:1888496 J:98489 MGI:3579836 6751 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,primitive heart tube; EMAP:324 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0035050 MGI:1888496 J:98489 MGI:97350 6752 1 evidence: anatomy:left ventricle muscular part ; MA:0001875 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006936 MGI:1888496 J:98489 MGI:3579836 6753 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Myocd; MGI:2137495 text:MGI:2137495 IDA GO:0006357 MGI:97350 J:86864 N/A 6754 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,primitive heart tube; EMAP:324 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0035050 MGI:97350 J:98489 MGI:1888496 6755 1 evidence:histology|flow cytometry anatomy:TS19,liver; EMAP:3831 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045648 MGI:1346865 J:63425 MGI:2177830 6756 1 evidence:RT-PCR anatomy:TS18\,liver; EMAP:3203 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:1346865 J:63425 MGI:2177830 6757 1 evidence:IP followed by in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004672 MGI:1346865 J:63425 N/A 6758 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,surface ectoderm; EMAP:3396 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030879 MGI:98956 J:98338 N/A 6759 1 evidence:flow cytometry|IF anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88329 J:84599 N/A 6760 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:TS19,liver; EMAP:3831 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96677 J:63425 N/A 6761 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:281 cell type:mesodermal cell; CL:0000222 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001707 MGI:103302 J:98379 MGI:2137520 6762 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type:blood cell ; CL:0000081 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:109440 J:63425 N/A 6763 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type:blood cell ; CL:0000081 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:63425 N/A 6764 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:281 cell type:mesodermal cell; CL:0000222 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001707 MGI:2137520 J:98379 MGI:103302 6765 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type:blood cell ; CL:0000081 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88335 J:63425 N/A 6766 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type:blood cell ; CL:0000081 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98384 J:63425 N/A 6767 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type:blood cell ; CL:0000081 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88346 J:63425 N/A 6768 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type:blood cell ; CL:0000081 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:63425 N/A 6769 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type:blood cell ; CL:0000081 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:106912 J:63425 N/A 6770 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type:blood cell ; CL:0000081 gene product: target: text: evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:TS19,liver; EMAP:3831 cell type:blood cell ; CL:0000081 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88329 J:63425 N/A 6771 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:TS19,liver; EMAP:3831 cell type:blood cell ; CL:0000081 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88338 J:63425 N/A 6772 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type:blood cell ; CL:0000081 gene product: target: text: evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:TS19,liver; EMAP:3831 cell type:blood cell ; CL:0000081 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:106910 J:63425 N/A 6773 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88338 J:64279 N/A 6774 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005125 MGI:96556 J:1013 N/A 6775 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0042102 MGI:96556 J:1013 N/A 6776 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236|T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:upregulation of Il2rb message seen upon IL-4 treatment of cells IDA GO:0045944 MGI:96556 J:1013 N/A 6777 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005125 MGI:96548 J:1013 N/A 6778 1 evidence:Scatchard analysis anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005134 MGI:96548 J:1013 N/A 6779 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0042102 MGI:96548 J:1013 N/A 6780 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Pkd1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1352448 J:96951 UniProtKB:O08852 6781 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Pkd2l1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97603 J:96951 UniProtKB:Q80ZH4 6782 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata); CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0035249 MGI:106179 J:98227 MGI:1933356 6783 1 evidence: anatomy:cochlea ; MA:0000240 cell type:hair cell; CL:0000202 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005932 MGI:1890219 J:98268 N/A 6784 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:GO:0008014 obsoleted ISS GO:0016339 MGI:1890219 J:66740 N/A 6785 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,cerebellum; EMAP:7598 anatomy:TS26\,cerebellum; EMAP:11736 anatomy:cerebellum external granule cell layer ; MA:0000994 cell type:neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata); CL:0000337 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS IMP GO:0008283 MGI:1351625 J:98316 MGI:3578646 6786 2 21\,brain; EMAP:4936 cell type:neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata); CL:0000337|primary cell line cell; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:1351625 J:98316 MGI:3578646 6787 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 IDA GO:0005635 MGI:88031 J:86832 N/A 6788 2 gene product: target: text:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 IDA GO:0005635 MGI:88031 J:86832 N/A 6789 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 IDA GO:0005886 MGI:88031 J:86832 N/A 6790 2 gene product: target: text:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 IDA GO:0005886 MGI:88031 J:86832 N/A 6791 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Sri IMP GO:0008283 MGI:88031 J:86832 MGI:2159006 6792 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:262 cell type:neuroepithelial cell; CL:0000710 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS21\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4997 anatomy:TS23\,ventricular layer\,cer IDA GO:0005829 MGI:88031 J:98558 N/A 6793 2 ebral cortex; EMAP:7540 cell type: gene product: target: evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:astrocyte; CL:0000127 gene product: target: text: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:88031 J:98558 N/A 6794 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:8947 cell type: gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata); CL:0000117 cell type:astrocyte; CL:0000127 gene product: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88031 J:98558 N/A 6795 2 target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88031 J:98558 N/A 6796 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:cardiac muscle cell; CL:0000193 gene product: target: text:cardiac muscle. IDA GO:0005912 MGI:88355 J:78855 N/A 6797 1 evidence:IHC anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:IHC IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88276 J:73292 N/A 6798 1 evidence:IHC anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:IHC IDA GO:0016020 MGI:88276 J:73292 N/A 6799 1 evidence:IHC anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:IHC IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88276 J:73292 N/A 6800 1 evidence: anatomy:lower jaw incisor ; MA:0001600 anatomy:forelimb long bone ; MA:0000299|hindlimb long bone ; MA:0000300 anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 cell type:osteoclast; CL:0000092 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030316 MGI:88276 J:98430 MGI:1858008 6801 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:with Nf2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88276 J:83082 UniProtKB:P46662 6802 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast; CL:0000062 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88276 J:98430 N/A 6803 1 evidence: anatomy:lower jaw incisor ; MA:0001600 anatomy:forelimb long bone ; MA:0000299|hindlimb long bone ; MA:0000300 anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 cell type:osteoclast; CL:0000092 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045453 MGI:88276 J:98430 MGI:1858008|MGI:2148567|MGI:3041864 6804 1 evidence: anatomy:lower jaw incisor ; MA:0001600 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:88276 J:98430 MGI:1858008 6805 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoclast; CL:0000092 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045671 MGI:88276 J:98430 MGI:2148567|MGI:3041864 6806 1 evidence: anatomy:bone ; MA:0001459 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0045453 MGI:88276 J:98430 MGI:98504 6807 1 evidence: anatomy:bone ; MA:0001459 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0045453 MGI:98504 J:98430 MGI:88276 6808 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Barhl2; MGI:1859314|enhancer; SO:0000165 text: IDA GO:0031490 MGI:104654 J:98522 N/A 6809 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3524 anatomy:TS17\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2323 cell type: gene product: target:Barhl2; MGI:1859314 text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:104654 J:98522 N/A 6810 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,arterial system; EMAP:547|TS13\,venous system; EMAP:588 anatomy:TS14\,arterial system; EMAP:882|TS14\,venous system; EMAP:926 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001955 MGI:105057 J:98466 MGI:1857669 6811 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pax6; MGI:97490|enhancer; SO:0000165 text: IDA GO:0031490 MGI:1346018 J:98488 N/A 6812 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pax6; MGI:97490|enhancer; SO:0000165 text: IDA GO:0031490 MGI:1277163 J:98488 N/A 6813 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,eye; EMAP:3605 cell type:neuroepithelial cell; CL:0000710 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0043010 MGI:1277163 J:98488 MGI:1346018 6814 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,eye; EMAP:3605 cell type:neuroepithelial cell; CL:0000710 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0043010 MGI:1346018 J:98488 MGI:1277163 6815 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:MED9 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914631 J:88488 UniProtKB:Q8R5H4 6816 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:VDRIP IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2183151 J:88488 UniProtKB:Q9CQA5 6817 1 evidence:battery of behavioral tests including a variety of open-field tests and mazes anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:exploratory behavior was decreased and anxiety increased in mutant mice IMP GO:0008344 MGI:104905 J:95954 MGI:2677614 6818 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind Rara IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1338056 J:78275 UniProtKB:P11416 6819 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:GO:0042064 obsoleted TAS GO:0030155 MGI:2385906 J:45282 N/A 6820 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:epb7.2l IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99675 J:78798 UniProtKB:Q6PE84 6821 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,venous system; EMAP:1349|TS15\,arterial system; EMAP:1302 anatomy:TS15\,cardiovascular system\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:1454 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell; CL:0000071 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048514 MGI:88355 J:98422 MGI:3522469 6822 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind Ttn IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107437 J:91206 NCBI:NP_035782 6823 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind Capn3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98864 J:91206 UniProtKB:Q64691 6824 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:rat Trpv1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2444431 J:98288 UniProtKB:Q9Z182 6825 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:rat protein bind mouse Rab11fip3 ISA GO:0005515 MGI:1341787 J:98288 UniProtKB:Q9Z182 6826 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind Nxf1,Nxf2, Nxf3. IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1929619 J:97549 UniProtKB:Q99JX7|UniProtKB:Q4ZGD8|UniProtKB:Q4ZGD9 6827 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind Nxf1,Nxf2,Nxf3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2147914 J:97549 UniProtKB:Q99JX7|UniProtKB:Q4ZGD8|UniProtKB:Q4ZGD9 6828 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:glial_cell_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000243 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009313 MGI:96074 J:96874 MGI:1857438 6829 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|A20 ; ATCC:TIB-2-8 gene product: target: text:IB|CL:0000002|CL:0000236 B_lymphocyte;ATCC:TIB-208 (A20) IDA GO:0005764 MGI:96073 J:88531 N/A 6830 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|A20 ; ATCC:TIB-2-8 gene product: target: text:IB|CL:0000002|CL:0000236 B_lymphocyte;ATCC:TIB-208 (A20) IDA GO:0016020 MGI:96073 J:88531 N/A 6831 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:enzyme assay IDA GO:0004563 MGI:96073 J:88531 N/A 6832 1 evidence: anatomy:epididymis ; MA:0000397 cell type:columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell ; CL:0000067 gene product: target: text:initial segment of epididymis IMP GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:59828 MGI:2429698 6833 1 evidence: anatomy:epididymis ; MA:0000397 cell type:columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell ; CL:0000067 gene product: target: text:initial segment of epididymis IDA GO:0005764 MGI:88562 J:59828 N/A 6834 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004563 MGI:96073 J:30435 N/A 6835 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:43447 MGI:2429698 6836 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 anatomy:trigeminal V ganglion ; MA:0001080 anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene produ IMP GO:0019915 MGI:96074 J:29268 MGI:1857438 6837 2 ct: target: text:GM2 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V ganglion ; MA:0001080 anatomy:myenteric nerve plexus ; MA:0001148 anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text:GM2 IMP GO:0019915 MGI:96074 J:29268 MGI:1857438 6838 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text:GM2 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje_cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: IMP GO:0019915 MGI:96074 J:41950 MGI:1857438 6839 2 target: text:GM2 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 anatomy:cerebellum molecular cell layer ; MA:0000996 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0019915 MGI:96074 J:41950 MGI:1857438 6840 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: text:GM2 IMP GO:0019915 MGI:96074 J:53080 MGI:1857438 6841 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: text:GM2 IGI GO:0019915 MGI:96074 J:53080 MGI:1342057 6842 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text:GM2 and GA2 IMP GO:0006689 MGI:96074 J:29286 N/A 6843 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:binds Ube2i IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1919137 J:82289 UniProtKB:P63280 6844 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: binds Rbx1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1334263 J:90054 UniProtKB:P62878 6845 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:30435 MGI:3581540 6846 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text:ganglioside GM2 IMP GO:0006689 MGI:96073 J:30899 MGI:2429698 6847 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0004563 MGI:96073 J:30899 MGI:2429698 6848 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0004563 MGI:96073 J:30435 MGI:3581540 6849 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:gastrocnemius ; MA:0002306 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0004563 MGI:96073 J:54553 MGI:3581540 6850 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0004563 MGI:96074 J:30899 MGI:2429701 6851 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text:GM2 IMP GO:0006689 MGI:96074 J:30899 MGI:2429701 6852 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006687 MGI:96074 J:30899 MGI:2429701 6853 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:liver parenchyma ; MA:0000366 cell type: gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:Kupffer cell ; IMP GO:0007040 MGI:96074 J:30899 MGI:2429701 6854 2 CL:0000091 cell type:endothelial cell ;CL:0000115 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:proximal convoluted tubule ; MA:0001669 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:96074 J:30899 MGI:2429701 6855 1 evidence: anatomy:primary somatosensory cortex ; MA:0000908 anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 anatomy:septal cortex ; MA:0000924 anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 anatomy:globus pallidus ; MA:0000890 anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 anatomy:dentate gyrus ; MA IMP GO:0019915 MGI:96074 J:30899 MGI:2429701 6856 2 :0000190 anatomy:substantia nigra ; MA:0000210 anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene produc IMP GO:0019915 MGI:96074 J:30899 MGI:2429701 6857 3 t: target: text:GM2a accumulation IMP GO:0019915 MGI:96074 J:30899 MGI:2429701 6858 1 evidence: anatomy:piriform cortex ; MA:0000978 anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 anatomy:subiculum ; MA:0000960 anatomy:amygdala ; MA:0000887 anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 anatomy:paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus ; MA:0000848 anatomy:supraoptic IMP GO:0019915 MGI:96073 J:88460 MGI:2429698 6859 2 nucleus ; MA:0000849 anatomy:ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus ; MA:0000845 anatomy:arcuate nucleus ; MA:0000847 anatomy:ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus ; MA:0000845 anatomy:primary motor cortex ; MA:0000907 anatomy:cortical layer V ; MA:0000901 anatom IMP GO:0019915 MGI:96073 J:88460 MGI:2429698 6860 3 y:substantia nigra ; MA:0000210 anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 anatomy:primary somatosensory cortex ; MA:0000908|secondary somatosensory cortex ; MA:0000918 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: IMP GO:0019915 MGI:96073 J:88460 MGI:2429698 6861 4 target: text:GM2 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord grey matter ; MA:0000002|spinal cord marginal zone ; MA:0001122 cell type: gene product: target: text:GM2 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord grey matter ; MA:0000002|spinal cord marginal zone ; MA:0001122 cell t IMP GO:0019915 MGI:96073 J:88460 MGI:2429698 6862 1 evidence: anatomy:piriform cortex ; MA:0000978 anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 anatomy:subiculum ; MA:0000960 anatomy:amygdala ; MA:0000887 anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 anatomy:paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus ; MA:0000848 anatomy:supraoptic IMP GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:88460 MGI:2429698 6863 2 nucleus ; MA:0000849 anatomy:ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus ; MA:0000845 anatomy:arcuate nucleus ; MA:0000847 anatomy:ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus ; MA:0000845 anatomy:primary motor cortex ; MA:0000907 anatomy:cortical layer V ; MA:0000901 anatom IMP GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:88460 MGI:2429698 6864 3 y:substantia nigra ; MA:0000210 anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 anatomy:primary somatosensory cortex ; MA:0000908|secondary somatosensory cortex ; MA:0000918 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:88460 MGI:2429698 6865 4 target: text:GM2 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord grey matter ; MA:0000002|spinal cord marginal zone ; MA:0001122 cell type: gene product: target: text:GM2 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord grey matter ; MA:0000002|spinal cord marginal zone ; MA:0001122 cell t IMP GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:88460 MGI:2429698 6866 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:39569 MGI:1857181 6867 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: human ISA GO:0048471 MGI:1338012 J:91131 EMBL:BC053544 6868 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:U92454. target: text: IPI GO:0050699 MGI:109567 J:43532 UniProtKB:Q9R1C7 6869 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:CD36 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:101897 J:88916 N/A 6870 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:CKM IN SKELETAL MUSCLE text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:106034 J:88186 N/A 6871 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:CKM IN SKELETAL MUSCLE text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:106034 J:88186 N/A 6872 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:CKM IN CARDIAC MUSCLE text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:106220 J:88186 N/A 6873 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:IN SPERM CELL IDA GO:0005886 MGI:107247 J:98286 N/A 6874 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:OF EPIDIDYMAL CELL IDA GO:0005886 MGI:105988 J:98286 N/A 6875 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind with Nxt1, Nxt2, human Nupl2 and human Nup62 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1858330 J:97549 UniProtKB:Q9QZV9|UniProtKB:Q6P250|UniProtKB:O15504|UniProtKB:P37198 6876 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind to Nxt1, Nxt2, human Nupl2 and Human Nup62 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1933192 J:97549 UniProtKB:Q9QZV9|UniProtKB:Q6P250|UniProtKB:O15504|UniProtKB:P37198 6877 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:HIV1 Rev IPI GO:0016973 MGI:2685230 J:97549 UniProtKB:Q77YF8 6878 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:binding Nxt1 and Nxt2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2685230 J:97549 UniProtKB:Q9QZV9|UniProtKB:Q6P250 6879 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:BIND PPARG IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1337080 J:96189 UniProtKB:P37238 6880 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:BIND NCOR1, NCOR2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97747 J:96189 UniProtKB:Q60974|UniProtKB:Q9WU42 6881 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:with Sgtb ISA GO:0046982 MGI:1098703 J:85835 EMBL:AF368278 6882 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text:nerve cell bodies| IDA GO:0043025 MGI:98474 J:85092 N/A 6883 1 evidence:gel shift assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Trsp ; MGI:98837|enhancer ; SO:0000165 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1277969 J:87286 N/A 6884 1 evidence:ECO:0000092 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|3T3 ATCC: CCL-9 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005794 MGI:1915416 J:99314 N/A 6885 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; MA:0000315 anatomy:jaw ; MA:0001905, MA:0001479 anatomy:frontal bone ; MA:0001466 anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 anatomy:limb long bone ; MA:0000298 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001501 MGI:96073 J:36305 MGI:96074 6886 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; MA:0000315 anatomy:jaw ; MA:0001905, MA:0001479 anatomy:frontal bone ; MA:0001466 anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 anatomy:limb long bone ; MA:0000298 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001501 MGI:96074 J:36305 MGI:96073 6887 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0004563 MGI:96073 J:36305 MGI:96074 6888 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0004563 MGI:96074 J:36305 MGI:96073 6889 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:trigeminal V ganglion ; MA:0001080 anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; MA:0000183 anatomy:cerebellum IGI GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:36305 MGI:96074 6890 2 ; MA:0000198 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 anatomy:trigeminal V nerve ; MA:0001100 anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy: ce IGI GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:36305 MGI:96074 6891 3 ll type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:36305 MGI:96074 6892 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:trigeminal V ganglion ; MA:0001080 anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; MA:0000183 anatomy:cerebellum IGI GO:0007040 MGI:96074 J:36305 MGI:96073 6893 2 ; MA:0000198 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 anatomy:trigeminal V nerve ; MA:0001100 anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy: ce IGI GO:0007040 MGI:96074 J:36305 MGI:96073 6894 3 ll type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007040 MGI:96074 J:36305 MGI:96073 6895 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:meninges ; MA:0001113 anatomy:choroid plexus stroma ; MA:0000825 cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 cell typ IGI GO:0007040 MGI:96074 J:41920 MGI:96073 6896 2 e:microglial cell ; CL:0000129 gene product: a IGI GO:0007040 MGI:96074 J:41920 MGI:96073 6897 3 l neuron ; CL:0000111 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V nerve ; MA:0001100 anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 anatomy:cornea ; MA:0000266 anatomy:sclera ; MA:0000280 anatomy:ch IGI GO:0007040 MGI:96074 J:41920 MGI:96073 6898 4 oroid fissure ; MA:0001305 anatomy:conjunctiva ; MA:0000265 anatomy:iris ; MA:0000273 anatomy:ciliary body ; MA:0000264 anatomy:dermis ; MA:0000152 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:connective tissue ; MA:0000011 cell type:mac IGI GO:0007040 MGI:96074 J:41920 MGI:96073 6899 5 rophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:retina ganglion cell layer ; MA:0001310 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:skeletal system ; MA:0000018 cell type:chondrocy IGI GO:0007040 MGI:96074 J:41920 MGI:96073 6900 6 te ; CL:0000138 cell type:osteocyte ; CL:0000137 cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:renal tubule ; MA:0000377 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007040 MGI:96074 J:41920 MGI:96073 6901 1 evidence: anatomy:corpus callosum ; MA:0000188 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0042552 MGI:96074 J:41920 MGI:96073 6902 1 evidence: anatomy:cranium ; MA:0000316 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001501 MGI:96074 J:41920 MGI:96073 6903 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:meninges ; MA:0001113 anatomy:choroid plexus stroma ; MA:0000825 cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 cell typ IGI GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:41920 MGI:96074 6904 2 e:microglial cell ; CL:0000129 gene product: a IGI GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:41920 MGI:96074 6905 3 l neuron ; CL:0000111 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V nerve ; MA:0001100 anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 anatomy:cornea ; MA:0000266 anatomy:sclera ; MA:0000280 anatomy:ch IGI GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:41920 MGI:96074 6906 4 oroid fissure ; MA:0001305 anatomy:conjunctiva ; MA:0000265 anatomy:iris ; MA:0000273 anatomy:ciliary body ; MA:0000264 anatomy:dermis ; MA:0000152 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:connective tissue ; MA:0000011 cell type:mac IGI GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:41920 MGI:96074 6907 5 rophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:retina ganglion cell layer ; MA:0001310 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:skeletal system ; MA:0000018 cell type:chondrocy IGI GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:41920 MGI:96074 6908 6 te ; CL:0000138 cell type:osteocyte ; CL:0000137 cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:renal tubule ; MA:0000377 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:41920 MGI:96074 6909 1 evidence: anatomy:corpus callosum ; MA:0000188 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0042552 MGI:96073 J:41920 MGI:96074 6910 1 evidence: anatomy:cranium ; MA:0000316 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001501 MGI:96073 J:41920 MGI:96074 6911 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:paper is not clear where they got the KLC vector; the reference they refer to does not describe it either. IDA GO:0019894 MGI:1918084 J:97560 N/A 6912 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0004563 MGI:96073 J:21008 MGI:1857181 6913 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text:GM2 IMP GO:0006689 MGI:96073 J:21008 MGI:1857181 6914 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:piriform cortex ; MA:0000978 anatomy:retrohippocampal cortex ; MA:0000920 anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 anatomy:amygdala ; MA:0000887 anatomy:septal cortex ; MA:0000924 anatomy:mammillary body IMP GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:21008 MGI:1857181 6915 2 ; MA:0000174 anatomy:lateral hypothalamic area ; MA:0000834 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:96073 J:21008 MGI:1857181 6916 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004563 MGI:96073 J:45044 N/A 6917 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004563 MGI:96074 J:45044 N/A 6918 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Syd2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107953 J:70979 UniProtKB:Q9ESN9 6919 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Sox6 (SoxLZ/Sox6) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1926210 J:64789 UniProtKB:P40645 6920 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Solt IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98368 J:64789 UniProtKB:Q9ESN5 6921 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0001669 MGI:96074 J:99375 N/A 6922 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004563 MGI:96074 J:99375 N/A 6923 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007341 MGI:96074 J:99375 N/A 6924 1 evidence:immunoprecipitation anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0042803 MGI:96074 J:99375 N/A 6925 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,retina; EMAP:4342 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0043010 MGI:107191 J:96964 MGI:1338938 6926 1 evidence: anatomy:TS7\,embryo; EMAP:42 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1915022 J:92968 MGI:3530648 6927 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: RNAi| IMP GO:0045449 MGI:1277991 J:86619 N/A 6928 1 evidence:transgenic dominant negative anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: transgenic dominant negative| IMP GO:0008632 MGI:109324 J:85525 N/A 6929 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007140 MGI:1341823 J:85108 MGI:2674095 6930 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573| gene product: target: text:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573| IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1890081 J:85536 N/A 6931 1 evidence:glucose tolerance test anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:glucose tolerance test, "data not shown" IMP GO:0042593 MGI:1890081 J:84269 MGI:2668328 6932 1 evidence:cell counting of dominant gain of function in vitro anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:cell counting IMP GO:0006917 MGI:1890081 J:88139 N/A 6933 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573| gene product: target: text:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573| IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1890081 J:85536 N/A 6934 1 evidence:cytologic evaluation anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:cytologic evaluation, "data not shown" IMP GO:0001542 MGI:1890081 J:84269 MGI:2668328 6935 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:P19; ATCC:CRL-1825|permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:95639 J:96764 N/A 6936 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:radial_glial_cell; CL:0000681 cell type:astrocyte; CL:0000127 cell type:P19; ATCC:CRL-1825|permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:astrocyte; CL:00 IMP GO:0010001 MGI:95639 J:96764 MGI:2180341 6937 2 00127 gene product: text: IMP GO:0010001 MGI:95639 J:96764 MGI:2180341 6938 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ventricle ; MA:0000091 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008016 MGI:95713 J:74146 MGI:1857177 6939 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Naturally mutant in BALB/cHeA ; MGI:2159777 IMP GO:0006094 MGI:95679 J:78827 N/A 6940 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Naturally mutant in BALB/cHeA ; MGI:2159777 IMP GO:0006072 MGI:95679 J:78827 N/A 6941 1 evidence:ELISA| anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:H2-Ea transgene IDA GO:0016064 MGI:95900 J:72827 N/A 6942 1 evidence:ELISA| anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:H2-Ea transgene IDA GO:0050778 MGI:95900 J:72827 N/A 6943 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,cardiac muscle\,left ventricle; EMAP:3708|TS19\,cardiac muscle\,right ventricle; EMAP:3711 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1916782 J:79152 MGI:2389233 6944 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1916782 J:79153 N/A 6945 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,heart; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1916782 J:79153 MGI:2389244|MGI:2389236 6946 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:1925213 J:77010 MGI:1856652 6947 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,embryo; EMAP:106 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:107846 J:61432 MGI:2448365 6948 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:epiblast cell ; CL:0000352|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target:Kras ; UniProt:P32883 text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:1888594 J:62754 MGI:2680650 6949 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:epiblast cell ; CL:0000352|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0004671 MGI:1888594 J:62754 MGI:2680650 6950 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:96533 J:94274 MGI:1934258 6951 1 evidence:antibody inhibition anatomy:TS21\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4994 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:96602 J:90026 N/A 6952 2 antibody inhibition IMP GO:0001764 MGI:96602 J:90026 N/A 6953 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:107689 J:98216 MGI:3580660 6954 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1257 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:107689 J:98216 MGI:3580660 6955 1 evidence: anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 anatomy:white fat ; MA:0000058 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006112 MGI:1101771 J:66078 MGI:1889570 6956 1 evidence:transfected cells anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text:rat cells IMP GO:0048489 MGI:2135609 J:86623 N/A 6957 1 evidence: anatomy:adipose tissue ; MA:0000009 cell type:fat cell ; CL:0000136 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045598 MGI:1891340 J:66739 MGI:1857584|MGI:1856603 6958 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,lens placode; EMAP:1286 cell type: gene product: target: text:lens placode| IMP GO:0043010 MGI:1333773 J:82312 N/A 6959 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,lens pit; EMAP:2365 cell type:crystallin accumulating cell ; CL:0000306 gene product: target: text:lens placode| IMP GO:0008284 MGI:1333773 J:82312 MGI:2654257 6960 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007094 MGI:1860374 J:67456 MGI:2178781 6961 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,telencephalon; EMAP:11663 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1353598 J:85160 MGI:3053053 6962 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal system ; MA:0000018 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030502 MGI:2137384 J:81218 MGI:2448895 6963 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,gut\,alimentary system; EMAP:600 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007492 MGI:1351322 J:77443 MGI:2387828 6964 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,primitive streak; EMAP:88 anatomy:TS9\,mesoderm\,embryo; EMAP:87 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007369 MGI:1351322 J:77443 MGI:2387828 6965 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,gut\,alimentary system; EMAP:600 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048565 MGI:1351322 J:77443 MGI:2387828 6966 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,heart; EMAP:560 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1351322 J:77443 MGI:2387828 6967 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:IF| IDA GO:0005712 MGI:1353455 J:78200 N/A 6968 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:IF| IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1353455 J:78200 N/A 6969 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:IF| IDA GO:0000793 MGI:1353455 J:78200 N/A 6970 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007144 MGI:1353455 J:78200 MGI:2384218 6971 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007140 MGI:1353455 J:78200 MGI:2384218 6972 1 evidence: anatomy:axial skeleton ; MA:0000308 cell type: gene product: target: text:homeotic transformation of vertebrae| IMP GO:0009952 MGI:1917372 J:79367 MGI:2388982 6973 1 evidence: anatomy:axial skeleton ; MA:0000308 cell type: gene product: target: text:homeotic transformation of vertebrae| IMP GO:0007379 MGI:1917372 J:79367 MGI:2388982 6974 1 evidence:Expression of dominant/negative mutants in Xenopus. IMP GO:0007507 MGI:2137495 J:70265 N/A 6975 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Expression of dominant/negative mutants in Xenopus. IMP GO:0007507 MGI:2137495 J:70265 N/A 6976 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:cardiac_muscle_cell ; CL:0000193| IMP GO:0042692 MGI:2137495 J:86864 N/A 6977 2 gene product: target: text:cardiac_muscle_cell ; CL:0000193| IMP GO:0042692 MGI:2137495 J:86864 N/A 6978 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: Binds Srf protein. IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2137495 J:70265 UniProtKB:Q9JM73 6979 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Nppa ; MGI:97367 text:MGI:97367| IDA GO:0006357 MGI:2137495 J:86864 N/A 6980 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,cardiovascular system; EMAP:1301 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042692 MGI:2137495 J:84789 MGI:3052940 6981 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,cardiovascular system; EMAP:1301 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001570 MGI:2137495 J:84789 MGI:3052940 6982 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,primordial germ cells\,primitive seminiferous tubules\,non-hilar region\,medullary region\,testis; EMAP:8266 cell type:male germ cell ; CL:0000015 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007283 MGI:2676627 J:86522 MGI:2682606 6983 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,gonad; EMAP:4598 cell type:female germ cell ; CL:0000021 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048477 MGI:2675387 J:86522 MGI:2682607 6984 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,gonad; EMAP:4598 cell type:male germ cell ; CL:0000015 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007283 MGI:2675387 J:86522 MGI:2682607 6985 1 evidence: anatomy:retina layer ; MA:0001319 cell type:amacrine cell ; CL:0000561 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0045165 MGI:108055 J:65410 MGI:1339708 6986 1 evidence: anatomy:retina layer ; MA:0001319 cell type:amacrine cell ; CL:0000561 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0043010 MGI:108055 J:74573 MGI:1339708 6987 1 evidence: anatomy:retina layer ; MA:0001319 cell type:amacrine cell ; CL:0000561 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0045165 MGI:1339708 J:74573 MGI:108055 6988 1 evidence: anatomy:retina layer ; MA:0001319 cell type:amacrine cell ; CL:0000561 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0043010 MGI:1339708 J:74573 MGI:108055 6989 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,thalamus; EMAP:10298 anatomy:TS25\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:10304 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:109619 J:84846 MGI:2159010 6990 1 evidence:gain of function anatomy: cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007409 MGI:97363 J:95688 N/A 6991 2 gain of function IDA GO:0007409 MGI:97363 J:95688 N/A 6992 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,spinal cord; EMAP:10449 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:97363 J:78726 MGI:1933835 6993 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,embryo; EMAP:7148 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: text:inhibitor IMP GO:0001708 MGI:97363 J:90057 MGI:2178778 6994 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,embryo; EMAP:7148 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: text:inhibitor IMP GO:0030216 MGI:97363 J:90057 MGI:2178778 6995 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,inner cell mass; EMAP:24 cell type:early embryonic cell; CL:0000007|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:1861305 J:98944 MGI:3581448 6996 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048146 MGI:1861305 J:98944 MGI:3581448 6997 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target:Hras1 ; MGI:96224 text: IMP GO:0004311 MGI:1861305 J:98944 MGI:3581448 6998 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042060 MGI:1861305 J:98944 MGI:3581448 6999 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:1861305 J:98944 MGI:3581448 7000 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:fusimotor neuron ; GO:0000717 gene product: text:MyoGDNF transgenic| fusimotor neuron IMP GO:0006916 MGI:107430 J:95816 MGI:3528739 7001 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:fusimotor neuron ; GO:0000717 gene product: text:MyoGDNF transgenic| fusimotor neuron IMP GO:0007422 MGI:107430 J:95816 MGI:3528739 7002 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,eye; EMAP:873 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0000187 MGI:1100860 J:94724 MGI:3521833 7003 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,optic vesicle; EMAP:877 anatomy:TS14\,surface ectoderm\,optic eminence; EMAP:876 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001759 MGI:1100860 J:94724 MGI:3521833 7004 1 evidence: anatomy:TS8\,embryo; EMAP:57 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008595 MGI:1100860 J:98883 MGI:3580390 7005 1 evidence: anatomy:TS8\,ectoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:67 cell type:ectodermal cell ; CL:0000221|extraembryonic cell ; CL:0000349 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0000187 MGI:1100860 J:98883 MGI:3580390 7006 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:trophoblast cell ; trophoblast cell|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0008543 MGI:1100860 J:98883 MGI:95518 7007 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,primitive streak; EMAP:88 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001702 MGI:1100860 J:98883 MGI:3580390 7008 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:myoblast ; CL:0000056 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007519 MGI:97275 J:16387 MGI:97252 7009 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:myoblast ; CL:0000056 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007519 MGI:97252 J:16387 MGI:97275 7010 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,internal capsule\,diencephalon; EMAP:11647 anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 anatomy:TS26\,spinal cord; EMAP:11809 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:1929913 J:98435 MGI:2663971 7011 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:PC12 ; ATCC:CRL-1721|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0008285 MGI:98753 J:98527 N/A 7012 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:PC12 ; ATCC:CRL-1721|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005178 MGI:98753 J:98527 N/A 7013 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:PC12 ; ATCC:CRL-1721|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030814 MGI:98753 J:98527 N/A 7014 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:PC12 ; ATCC:CRL-1721|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009986 MGI:98753 J:98527 N/A 7015 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:PC12 ; ATCC:CRL-1721|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0043408 MGI:98753 J:98527 N/A 7016 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:PC12 ; ATCC:CRL-1721|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045664 MGI:98753 J:98527 N/A 7017 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045664 MGI:98753 J:98527 N/A 7018 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950|hippocampus pyramidal layer ; MA:0000956 cell type: gene product: target: text:GO:0007273 obsoleted IMP GO:0007268 MGI:108082 J:58524 MGI:3028279 7019 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001553 MGI:1346833 J:91352 MGI:2180013|MGI:2179995 7020 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,testis; EMAP:6710 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0008584 MGI:1346833 J:91352 MGI:2180013|MGI:2179995 7021 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,nervous system; EMAP:2227 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007405 MGI:107423 J:79917 MGI:894702 7022 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,nervous system; EMAP:2227 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007405 MGI:894702 J:79917 MGI:107423 7023 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:epiblast cell ; CL:0000352|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006406 MGI:1095411 J:36515 MGI:2441651 7024 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:epiblast cell ; CL:0000352|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0005487 MGI:1095411 J:36515 MGI:2441651 7025 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:epiblast cell ; CL:0000352|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006606 MGI:1095411 J:36515 MGI:2441651 7026 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:epiblast cell ; CL:0000352|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0051726 MGI:1095411 J:36515 MGI:2441651 7027 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:489 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001841 MGI:1351502 J:63241 MGI:2386173|MGI:103561|MGI:107532|MGI:2385621|MGI:2152414 7028 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005643 MGI:1351502 J:63241 N/A 7029 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006259 MGI:1340806 J:73919 N/A 7030 1 evidence:mutant MEFs| anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:mutant MEFs| IMP GO:0006284 MGI:1340806 J:77259 N/A 7031 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,mesenchyme\,arm; EMAP:3401 cell type:myoblast ; CL:0000056 gene product: text: IMP GO:0016477 MGI:97487 J:90568 MGI:3047631|MGI:3047632|MGI:2687297|MGI:1856173 7032 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,mesenchyme\,arm; EMAP:3401 cell type:myoblast ; CL:0000056 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:97487 J:90568 MGI:3047631|MGI:3047632|MGI:2687297|MGI:1856173 7033 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,mesenchyme\,arm; EMAP:3401 cell type:myoblast ; CL:0000056 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007517 MGI:97487 J:90568 MGI:3047631|MGI:3047632|MGI:2687297|MGI:1856173 7034 1 evidence: anatomy:optic cup; EMAP:1288 cell type:pigmented epithelial cell ; CL:0000529 gene product: target: text:retinal pigmented epithelium cells 9.5dpc| IMP GO:0001709 MGI:97486 J:83532 MGI:1857673 7035 1 evidence: anatomy:optic cup; EMAP:1288 cell type:pigmented epithelial cell ; CL:0000529 gene product: target: text:retina development 9.5dpc| IMP GO:0043010 MGI:97486 J:83532 MGI:1857673 7036 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,pronephros; EMAP:985 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001656 MGI:97486 J:80208 MGI:97492 7037 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,pronephros; EMAP:985 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001656 MGI:97492 J:80208 MGI:97486 7038 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,pancreas; EMAP:12013 cell type:glucagon_secreting_cell ; CL:0000170 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:97490 J:92173 MGI:1856155 7039 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal rod cell ; CL:0000604 cell type:retinal cone cell ; CL:0000573 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:2157782 J:73286 N/A 7040 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal rod cell ; CL:0000604 cell type:retinal cone cell ; CL:0000573 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009987 MGI:2157782 J:73286 MGI:3046299 7041 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal rod cell ; CL:0000604 cell type:retinal cone cell ; CL:0000573 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045494 MGI:2157782 J:73286 MGI:3046299 7042 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0016301 MGI:97531 J:83953 N/A 7043 1 evidence: anatomy:gastrocnemius ; MA:0002306 cell type: gene product: target: text:skeletal o.k. IMP GO:0007519 MGI:1859274 J:67358 MGI:2385940 7044 1 evidence: anatomy:heart right ventricle ; MA:0000093 cell type: gene product: target: text:cardiac defect IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1859274 J:69097 MGI:2388199 7045 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006916 MGI:1206581 J:84857 N/A 7046 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,branchial arch; EMAP:2007 anatomy:TS17\,outflow tract\,heart; EMAP:2448 cell type:myoblast ; CL:0000056 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030334 MGI:109340 J:79853 MGI:2445428 7047 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,arch of aorta; EMAP:11424 anatomy:TS24\,pulmonary vein; EMAP:8859 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:patterning of aortic arch vessels| IMP GO:0001569 MGI:109340 J:79853 MGI:2445428 7048 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,arch of aorta; EMAP:11424 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:109340 J:79853 MGI:2445428 7049 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,heart; EMAP:11484 cell type: gene product: target: text:anterior myocardium|| IMP GO:0007507 MGI:109340 J:79853 MGI:2445428 7050 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,heart; EMAP:11484 cell type: gene product: target: text:anterior myocardium| IMP GO:0007389 MGI:109340 J:79853 MGI:2445428 7051 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,heart; EMAP:560 anatomy:TS24\,lung; EMAP:9604 anatomy:TS24\,stomach; EMAP:9373 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:1099818 J:77401 MGI:2676373 7052 1 evidence:blocking antibody anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type:ciliated_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000067 gene product: text:antibody IMP GO:0006816 MGI:1099818 J:81443 N/A 7053 1 evidence:2-hyp, coimip IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1099818 J:65183 UniProtKB:O88903 7054 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:2-hyp, coimip IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1099818 J:65183 UniProtKB:O88903 7055 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,heart; EMAP:2411 cell type:cardiac_muscle_cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: text: IMP GO:0005912 MGI:1914701 J:93314 MGI:3487374 7056 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,heart; EMAP:2411 cell type:cardiac_muscle_cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: text: IMP GO:0016337 MGI:1914701 J:93314 MGI:3487374 7057 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,atrium; EMAP:2413 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS17\,primitive ventricle; EMAP:2454 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1914701 J:93314 MGI:3487374 7058 1 evidence:inhibtor of Plg anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; CRL-1772 gene product: target: text:inhibtor of Plg prevents muscle differention IMP GO:0045445 MGI:97620 J:76082 N/A 7059 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0046716 MGI:97620 J:76082 MGI:2158761 7060 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: target: text:Plg- mice show severe mucle regeneration IMP GO:0042246 MGI:97620 J:76082 MGI:2158761 7061 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006281 MGI:104288 J:94712 MGI:1857947 7062 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type:primary oocyte ; CL:0000654 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007292 MGI:97743 J:17685 MGI:3040786 7063 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,cardiovascular system\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:1454 cell type: gene product: target: text:extraembryonic 9.5-10.5dpc| IMP GO:0001568 MGI:1915166 J:84753 MGI:2674217 7064 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,embryo; EMAP:402 cell type: gene product: target: text:8.5-10.5dpc| IMP GO:0001702 MGI:1915166 J:84753 MGI:2674217 7065 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006997 MGI:97765 J:69127 MGI:3039794 7066 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:97765 J:69127 MGI:3039794 7067 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006997 MGI:97766 J:69127 MGI:3039800 7068 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:97766 J:69127 MGI:3039800 7069 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,retina; EMAP:5230 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:102524 J:66507 MGI:3582493 7070 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0003882 MGI:1351664 J:80673 MGI:2447151 7071 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006659 MGI:1351664 J:80673 MGI:2447151 7072 1 evidence: anatomy:duodenum ; MA:0000338 cell type: gene product: target: text:duodenum mucosal buffering IMP GO:0015701 MGI:97795 J:59696 MGI:2137759 7073 1 evidence:site-directed mutation in insect cells anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:site-directed mutation in insect cells IMP GO:0004957 MGI:97795 J:26652 N/A 7074 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: text:urine concentration IMP GO:0030146 MGI:97795 J:52323 MGI:2157796 7075 1 evidence:mutated in fibroblasts anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:mutated in fibroblasts| IMP GO:0045786 MGI:97874 J:84407 N/A 7076 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Rbig1 ; MGI:1343102 text:Rbig1| IDA GO:0000122 MGI:97874 J:78851 N/A 7077 1 evidence:mutant 3T3 cells anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007050 MGI:97874 J:97648 N/A 7078 1 evidence:mutant 3T3 cells anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0000082 MGI:97874 J:97648 N/A 7079 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,embryo; EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:106582 J:89880 MGI:3045792 7080 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,embryo; EMAP:106 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:1934919 J:68833 MGI:2680166 7081 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,axial skeleton; EMAP:3881 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009948 MGI:1101759 J:79851 MGI:2447529 7082 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,floor plate\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3526 cell type:commisural_neuron ; CL:0000678 gene product: text: IGI GO:0007411 MGI:1274781 J:89780 MGI:1343102 7083 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:commisural neuron ; CL:0000678 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030673 MGI:1890110 J:89438 N/A 7084 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3524 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:1343102 J:89438 MGI:3043150 7085 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3524 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IGI GO:0007411 MGI:1343102 J:89438 MGI:1274781 7086 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3524 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007411 MGI:1343102 J:89438 N/A 7087 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:commisural neuron ; CL:0000678 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030673 MGI:1274781 J:89438 N/A 7088 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3524 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:1274781 J:89438 N/A 7089 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic_B_cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045744 MGI:1923492 J:90669 MGI:3051976 7090 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic_B_cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: text: IMP GO:0017158 MGI:1923492 J:90669 MGI:3051976 7091 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,heart; EMAP:1317 anatomy:TS13\,notochord; EMAP:531 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:2179288 J:76233 MGI:2674124 7092 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,dorsal root ganglion\,ganglion\,spinal\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:6231 cell type:afferent neuron ; CL:0000526 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:motor neuron ; CL IMP GO:0007411 MGI:102672 J:79268 MGI:2179229 7093 2 :0000100 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:102672 J:79268 MGI:2179229 7094 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,dorsal root ganglion\,ganglion\,spinal\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:6231 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0031175 MGI:102672 J:79268 MGI:2179229 7095 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3844 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001657 MGI:1889585 J:71242 MGI:2388379 7096 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3844 anatomy:TS19\,metanephric mesenchyme; EMAP:3843 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0031129 MGI:1889585 J:71242 MGI:2388379 7097 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006887 MGI:1349480 J:58332 MGI:2445741 7098 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:1351596 J:64938 MGI:2676915 7099 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,genital tubercle; EMAP:4597 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030539 MGI:98297 J:72303 MGI:1857796 7100 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,otocyst; EMAP:2354 cell type: gene product: target: text:otic vesicle cell fates| IMP GO:0001708 MGI:98297 J:79100 MGI:1857796 7101 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cochlea; EMAP:4309 cell type: gene product: target: text:mediolateral patterning in the cochlea| IMP GO:0007389 MGI:98297 J:79100 MGI:1857796 7102 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,future spinal cord; EMAP:853 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007417 MGI:98297 J:80206 N/A 7103 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,optic disc; EMAP:6337 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: text:astrocyte precursor cells, optic disc 12.0dpc-14.0dpc| IDA GO:0042127 MGI:98297 J:83530 N/A 7104 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,optic stalk; EMAP:5226 cell type: gene product: text:optic stalk 13.0dpc| IMP GO:0043010 MGI:98297 J:83530 MGI:1934268 7105 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,nuclear layer\,neural retina; EMAP:11969 cell type: gene product: target: text:retinal organization| IDA GO:0043010 MGI:98297 J:78708 N/A 7106 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,mesoderm\,embryo; EMAP:87 cell type:mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001707 MGI:1349469 J:86912 MGI:2683025 7107 1 evidence:inhibitory drug anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048265 MGI:1270850 J:73988 N/A 7108 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text:diaphragm|kidney|heart IMP GO:0009887 MGI:1315202 J:86149 MGI:2679499 7109 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,embryo; EMAP:147 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:894293 J:92066 MGI:1857691|MGI:2668393|MGI:2656539 7110 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:99603 J:51536 MGI:2387988 7111 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Actl6, aka ArpNa, as part of the SWI?SNF chromatin remodeling complex IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99603 J:80453 UniProtKB:Q99MR0 7112 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001835 MGI:88192 J:66861 MGI:2386105 7113 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001832 MGI:88192 J:66861 MGI:2386105 7114 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0004784 MGI:98352 J:78889 MGI:2447406|MGI:2176435 7115 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006801 MGI:98352 J:78889 MGI:2447406|MGI:2176435 7116 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: text:IB; CL:0000182 IDA GO:0005739 MGI:98352 J:85083 N/A 7117 1 evidence: anatomy:TS6\,epiblast; EMAP:32 anatomy:TS5\,inner cell mass; EMAP:24 anatomy:TS8\,ectoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:67 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001708 MGI:98364 J:81180 MGI:2449045 7118 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,male\,reproductive system; EMAP:5532 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008584 MGI:98371 J:76138 MGI:3580900 7119 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008016 MGI:107595 J:77375 MGI:2676622 7120 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:2443471 J:86325 MGI:2684137 7121 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:2443471 J:86325 MGI:2684137 7122 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009954 MGI:2443471 J:86325 MGI:2684137 7123 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0016301 MGI:98397 J:83953 N/A 7124 1 evidence:inhibitor 4MA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: use inhibitor 4MA IMP GO:0003865 MGI:98400 J:91120 N/A 7125 1 evidence:inhibitor 4MA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:inhibitor 4MA IMP GO:0003865 MGI:2150380 J:91120 N/A 7126 1 evidence:inhibitor 4MA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: inhibitor 4MA IMP GO:0006702 MGI:2150380 J:91120 N/A 7127 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006928 MGI:104626 J:69466 MGI:3033751 7128 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:104626 J:69466 MGI:3033751 7129 1 evidence:antagonist drugs anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048265 MGI:98474 J:73988 N/A 7130 1 evidence:antagonist drugs anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048265 MGI:98475 J:73988 N/A 7131 1 evidence:antisense anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:antisense| IMP GO:0030324 MGI:102556 J:81141 N/A 7132 1 evidence:antisense anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:antisense| IMP GO:0002009 MGI:102556 J:81141 N/A 7133 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,allantois; EMAP:375 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:102556 J:83256 MGI:2663716 7134 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,limb; EMAP:1549 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:102556 J:83256 MGI:2663716 7135 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,allantois; EMAP:375 anatomy:TS12\,chorion; EMAP:384 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text:failure to form laryrinth layer in the trophectoderm| IMP GO:0030154 MGI:106032 J:78934 MGI:3040993 7136 1 evidence:Point mutation in transgenic mouse anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Point mutation in transgenic mouse. IMP GO:0003700 MGI:106032 J:77790 N/A 7137 1 evidence: anatomy:thyroid gland ; MA:0000129 anatomy:bone ; MA:0001459 anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:98743 J:52829 MGI:1860407 7138 1 evidence:inhibitor camptothecin anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006260 MGI:98788 J:73919 N/A 7139 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,prostate gland; EMAP:13163 cell type:basal_cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:1330810 J:93615 MGI:1934580 7140 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007093 MGI:2153272 J:71950 MGI:2446468 7141 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0005739 MGI:1099787 J:73905 MGI:2183204 7142 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:glutamatergic neuron ; CL:0000679 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0016188 MGI:3051532 J:56513 MGI:2449468 7143 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007268 MGI:2149021 J:66984 MGI:2449467 7144 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042110 MGI:105059 J:79550 MGI:1861707 7145 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,midgut; EMAP:6572 cell type:gut_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: text: IMP GO:0035088 MGI:98931 J:92210 MGI:3052158 7146 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042110 MGI:2146430 J:79550 MGI:2180570 7147 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042110 MGI:98923 J:79550 MGI:2387838 7148 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:associated with growing end of actin filament in transfected cells IDA GO:0005884 MGI:2682003 J:86904 N/A 7149 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,vestibular component\,inner ear; EMAP:11895 cell type:hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: text:localized in sterocilia in inner ear IDA GO:0005929 MGI:2682003 J:86904 N/A 7150 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:defects in the protein and rescue of the mutant with a transgene IMP GO:0007605 MGI:2682003 J:86904 MGI:1857090 7151 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048599 MGI:98957 J:52554 MGI:1857453 7152 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:98962 J:71583 MGI:2387443 7153 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,primordial germ cells; EMAP:4601 cell type:germ cell ; CL:0000586 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007276 MGI:1332234 J:81445 MGI:3040891 7154 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: compare cell devision in cells derived from + and - embryotes IMP GO:0000278 MGI:1099790 J:85756 MGI:2678106 7155 1 evidence: anatomy:TS6\,trophectoderm; EMAP:39 cell type:trophectoderm cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001824 MGI:88361 J:98502 MGI:1857928 7156 1 evidence: anatomy:TS6\,trophectoderm; EMAP:39 cell type:trophectoderm cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:88361 J:98502 MGI:1857928 7157 1 evidence: anatomy:TS6\,trophectoderm; EMAP:39 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001824 MGI:1201683 J:98502 MGI:3579497 7158 1 evidence: anatomy:TS7\,trophectoderm; EMAP:53 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:1201683 J:98502 MGI:3579497 7159 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 anatomy:TS5\,trophectoderm; EMAP:28 cell type:trophectoderm cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0016020 MGI:98759 J:98502 N/A 7160 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:trophectoderm cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:88354 J:98502 N/A 7161 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:trophectoderm cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005913 MGI:88354 J:98502 N/A 7162 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,inner cell mass; EMAP:14 anatomy:TS3\,compacted morula; EMAP:9 anatomy:TS4\,compacted morula; EMAP:13 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1919200 J:98502 N/A 7163 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,vestibular component\,inner ear; EMAP:3586 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:95668 J:98487 MGI:1857634 7164 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,rhombomere 05; EMAP:1241 anatomy:TS15\,rhombomere 06; EMAP:1245 anatomy:TS15\,rhombomere 04; EMAP:1237 anatomy:TS15\,rhombomere 03; EMAP:1233 anatomy:TS15\,rhombomere 02; EMAP:1229 anatomy:TS15\,rhombomere 01; EMAP:1225 cell type: IMP GO:0030902 MGI:95668 J:98487 MGI:1857634 7165 2 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030902 MGI:95668 J:98487 MGI:1857634 7166 1 evidence:CO-IP anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107688 J:98470 UniProtKB:P70188|UniProtKB:Q02248|UniProtKB:P15116|UniProtKB:P30999 7167 1 evidence:CO-IP anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107566 J:98470 UniProtKB:Q61771|UniProtKB:Q02248|UniProtKB:P15116|UniProtKB:P30999 7168 1 evidence:CO-IP anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88276 J:98470 UniProtKB:P70188|UniProtKB:Q61771|UniProtKB:P15116|UniProtKB:P30999 7169 1 evidence:CO-IP anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:105100 J:98470 UniProtKB:P70188|UniProtKB:Q61771|UniProtKB:Q02248|UniProtKB:P15116 7170 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0046587 MGI:107566 J:98470 MGI:3579410 7171 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,spinal cord; EMAP:11809 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0048469 MGI:98370 J:98431 MGI:98358 7172 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,spinal cord; EMAP:11809 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:98370 J:98431 MGI:2154329 7173 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,spinal cord; EMAP:11809 anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0048469 MGI:98358 J:98431 MGI:98370 7174 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,spinal cord; EMAP:11809 anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:98358 J:98431 MGI:2151173 7175 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mbp ; MGI:96925|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98370 J:98431 N/A 7176 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mbp ; MGI:96925|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98358 J:98431 N/A 7177 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mbp ; MGI:96925|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 target:Plp1 ; MGI:97632|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:98370 J:98431 N/A 7178 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,stomach; EMAP:4494 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030855 MGI:1196625 J:98305 N/A 7179 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,stomach; EMAP:4494 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030855 MGI:1888513 J:98305 N/A 7180 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,stomach; EMAP:4494 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030855 MGI:103124 J:98305 N/A 7181 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,associated mesenchyme\,stomach; EMAP:4493 anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,stomach; EMAP:4494 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0 IDA GO:0007267 MGI:1196625 J:98305 N/A 7182 2 000066 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007267 MGI:1196625 J:98305 N/A 7183 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,stomach; EMAP:4494 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030855 MGI:1196625 J:98305 MGI:103124 7184 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,stomach; EMAP:4494 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030855 MGI:1888513 J:98305 MGI:103124 7185 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,associated mesenchyme\,stomach; EMAP:4493 anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,stomach; EMAP:4494 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0 IDA GO:0007267 MGI:1888513 J:98305 N/A 7186 2 000066 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007267 MGI:1888513 J:98305 N/A 7187 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,associated mesenchyme\,stomach; EMAP:4493 anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,stomach; EMAP:4494 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0 IGI GO:0007267 MGI:103124 J:98305 MGI:1196625,MGI:1196625 7188 2 000066 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007267 MGI:103124 J:98305 MGI:1196625,MGI:1196625 7189 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,associated mesenchyme\,stomach; EMAP:4493 anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,stomach; EMAP:4494 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0 IGI GO:0030178 MGI:103124 J:98305 MGI:1196625,MGI:1196625 7190 2 000066 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030178 MGI:103124 J:98305 MGI:1196625,MGI:1196625 7191 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy:TS20\,associated mesenchyme\,stomach; EMAP:4493 anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,stomach; EMAP:4494 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; IMP GO:0007267 MGI:103124 J:98305 MGI:3578634 7192 2 CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007267 MGI:103124 J:98305 MGI:3578634 7193 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,stomach; EMAP:4494 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009888 MGI:103124 J:98305 MGI:3578634 7194 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88276 J:98426 N/A 7195 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045669 MGI:88276 J:98426 MGI:2148591|MGI:2148594|MGI:2450929 7196 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001708 MGI:88276 J:98426 MGI:2148591|MGI:2148594|MGI:2450929 7197 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:88276 J:98426 MGI:2148591|MGI:2148594|MGI:2450929 7198 1 evidence: anatomy:limb long bone ; MA:0000298 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:88276 J:98426 MGI:2148591|MGI:2148594|MGI:2450929 7199 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,mesenchyme\,upper leg; EMAP:4894 anatomy:TS21\,mesenchyme\,upper arm; EMAP:4791 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target:Sox9 ; MGI:98371 target:Runx2 ; MGI:99829 t IMP GO:0045892 MGI:88276 J:98426 MGI:2148594 7200 2 ext: IMP GO:0045892 MGI:88276 J:98426 MGI:2148594 7201 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,mesenchyme\,upper leg; EMAP:4894 anatomy:TS21\,mesenchyme\,upper arm; EMAP:4791 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target:Tcf1 ; MGI:98504 target:Lef1 ; MGI:96770 te IMP GO:0045941 MGI:88276 J:98426 MGI:1858008 7202 2 xt: IMP GO:0045941 MGI:88276 J:98426 MGI:1858008 7203 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:104597 J:98394 N/A 7204 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: target: text: cardiac muscle| IDA GO:0006936 MGI:104597 J:85429 N/A 7205 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: target: text: cardiac muscle| IDA GO:0005200 MGI:104597 J:85429 N/A 7206 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000193 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2448063 J:98394 N/A 7207 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005856 MGI:2448063 J:98394 N/A 7208 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,vestibular component\,inner ear; EMAP:5167 cell type:afferent neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008038 MGI:88145 J:98393 N/A 7209 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:mouse protein in human cell IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1860454 J:77078 N/A 7210 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002| gene product: target: text:U2-OS cells IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2146189 J:98384 N/A 7211 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NCI-H1299 [ H1299 ] ; ATCC:CRL-5803 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target:Bax ; MGI:99702|Mdm2 ; MGI:96952|Cdkn1a ; MGI:104556 text:H1299 IDA GO:0045941 MGI:98834 J:98384 N/A 7212 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NCI-H1299 [ H1299 ] ; ATCC:CRL-5803 gene product: target:Bax ; MGI:99702|Mdm2 ; MGI:96952|Cdkn1a ; MGI:104556 text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL: IGI GO:0045941 MGI:98834 J:98384 MGI:2146189 7213 2 0000002 gene product: target:Bax ; MGI:99702|Mdm2 ; MGI:96952 text:H1299 IGI GO:0045941 MGI:98834 J:98384 MGI:2146189 7214 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NCI-H1299 [ H1299 ] ; ATCC:CRL-5803 gene product: target:Bax ; MGI:99702|Mdm2 ; MGI:96952|Cdkn1a ; MGI:104556 text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL: IGI GO:0045941 MGI:2146189 J:98384 MGI:98834 7215 2 0000002|Saos-2 ; ATCC:HTB-85 gene product: target:Bax ; MGI:99702|Mdm2 ; MGI:96952 text: IGI GO:0045941 MGI:2146189 J:98384 MGI:98834 7216 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002| gene product: target: text:U2-OS IDA GO:0006915 MGI:2146189 J:98384 N/A 7217 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002| gene product: target: text:U2-OS IDA GO:0042127 MGI:2146189 J:98384 N/A 7218 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002| gene product: target: text:U2-OS IDA GO:0006974 MGI:2146189 J:98384 N/A 7219 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,ectoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:93 cell type:extraembryonic cell ; CL:0000349 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007398 MGI:1335079 J:98382 MGI:3578666 7220 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,genital tubercle\,male\,reproductive system; EMAP:5533 cell type:urothelial cell ; GO:0000731 gene product: target: text:urethral plate IMP GO:0009887 MGI:1099809 J:98380 MGI:1927833 7221 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|neuroblast ; CL:0000031|Neuro-2a [ N2a ; Neuro-2a ] ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1261814 J:63688 N/A 7222 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|neuron ; CL:0000540|Neuro-2a [ N2a ; Neuro-2a ] ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1261814 J:63688 N/A 7223 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NCTC clone 929 [L cell; L-929; derivative of Strain L] ; ATCC:CCL-1 gene product: target: text:GO:0008580 obsoleted IDA GO:0007010 MGI:1261814 J:63688 N/A 7224 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NCTC clone 929 [L cell; L-929; derivative of Strain L] ; ATCC:CCL-1 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0008360 MGI:1261814 J:63688 N/A 7225 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,midbrain; EMAP:4219 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030182 MGI:95389 J:98363 MGI:95390 7226 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,midbrain; EMAP:4219 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030182 MGI:95390 J:98363 MGI:95389 7227 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,midbrain; EMAP:4219 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030901 MGI:95389 J:98363 MGI:95390 7228 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,midbrain; EMAP:4219 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030901 MGI:95390 J:98363 MGI:95389 7229 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,future midbrain; EMAP:1713 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030901 MGI:97451 J:98336 MGI:2661065|MGI:2176222 7230 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,future midbrain; EMAP:1713 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001708 MGI:97451 J:98336 MGI:2661065|MGI:2176222 7231 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,midbrain; EMAP:4219 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:97451 J:98336 MGI:2661065|MGI:2176222 7232 1 evidence: anatomy:pineal gland ; MA:0000175 cell type:pinealocyte ; CL:0000652 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:97451 J:86636 MGI:2178753 7233 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:eye photoreceptor cell ; GO:0000287 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042706 MGI:97451 J:86636 MGI:2178753 7234 1 evidence: anatomy:pineal gland ; MA:0000175 cell type:pinealocyte ; CL:0000652 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:97451 J:86636 MGI:2178753 7235 1 evidence: anatomy:pineal gland ; MA:0000175 cell type:pinealocyte ; CL:0000652 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:97451 J:86636 MGI:2178753 7236 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell ; CL:0000623 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:106588 J:32509 N/A 7237 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell ; CL:0000623 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045954 MGI:106588 J:32509 MGI:2176269 7238 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell ; CL:0000623 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045954 MGI:106588 J:32509 N/A 7239 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,mural trophectoderm; EMAP:29 cell type:trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030154 MGI:108059 J:98274 N/A 7240 1 evidence: anatomy:TS6\,embryo; EMAP:31 cell type: gene product: target: text: IC GO:0007566 MGI:108059 J:98274 GO:0030154 7241 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text:High Five insect cells. IDA GO:0005615 MGI:1913458 J:96847 N/A 7242 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:primary cell line cell ;CL:0000001| CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0043410 MGI:1913458 J:96847 N/A 7243 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:primary cell line cell ;CL:0000001| CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0008083 MGI:1913458 J:96847 N/A 7244 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002| fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target:Nfkbib ; MGI:104752 text: IMP GO:0042177 MGI:103290 J:99127 N/A 7245 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,neural crest\,neural fold\,neural plate\,future spinal cord; EMAP:857 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045165 MGI:95690 J:99238 N/A 7246 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,testis; EMAP:5536 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030238 MGI:1352460 J:98922 MGI:98660 7247 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,testis; EMAP:5536 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030238 MGI:1352460 J:98922 MGI:2159321 7248 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,testis; EMAP:5536 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030238 MGI:98660 J:98992 MGI:1352460 7249 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,apical ectodermal ridge\,ectoderm\,forelimb bud; EMAP:2098 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:97169 J:98917 MGI:97168 7250 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,apical ectodermal ridge\,ectoderm\,forelimb bud; EMAP:2098 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:97168 J:98917 MGI:97169 7251 1 evidence:mutant cells anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:leukocyte ; CL:0000738 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0050900 MGI:1351317 J:98982 MGI:1351317 7252 1 evidence:mutant cells anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:leukocyte ; CL:0000738 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0050900 MGI:88329 J:98982 N/A 7253 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,maxilla; EMAP:9458 anatomy:TS24\,mandible; EMAP:9435 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:1098270 J:98508 MGI:2657215 7254 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:9439|TS24\,tooth\,upper jaw; EMAP:9475 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:1098270 J:98508 MGI:2657215 7255 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,arterial system; EMAP:4366|TS20\,midgut; EMAP:4531 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001667 MGI:103556 J:98453 MGI:1934384 7256 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,arterial system; EMAP:4366|TS20\,midgut; EMAP:4531 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001569 MGI:103556 J:98453 MGI:1934384 7257 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042098 MGI:103556 J:82996 MGI:1934384 7258 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,arterial system; EMAP:4366|TS20\,midgut; EMAP:4531 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001667 MGI:109563 J:98453 MGI:1934442 7259 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,arterial system; EMAP:4366|TS20\,midgut; EMAP:4531 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001569 MGI:109563 J:98453 MGI:1934442 7260 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042098 MGI:109563 J:82996 MGI:1934442 7261 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1921252 J:98185 N/A 7262 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum molecular cell layer ; MA:0000996 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:1921252 J:98185 N/A 7263 1 evidence:IP anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|ATCC:CRL-1658 (NIH/3T3, mouse, transfected) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007243 MGI:99180 J:25750 N/A 7264 1 evidence:histology anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0050728 MGI:99180 J:33986 MGI:2652418 7265 1 evidence:ECO:0000087|ECO:0000092 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005783 MGI:1931556 J:73270 N/A 7266 1 evidence:ECO:0000087|ECO:0000092 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1931560 J:73270 N/A 7267 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q01484 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:88025 J:84168 N/A 7268 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q99933 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:108047 J:84168 N/A 7269 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q99933|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:108047 J:84168 N/A 7270 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O95817 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:1352493 J:84168 N/A 7271 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O95817|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1352493 J:84168 N/A 7272 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O95429 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:1914634 J:84168 N/A 7273 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O95429|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1914634 J:84168 N/A 7274 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q16611 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:1097161 J:84168 N/A 7275 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q16611|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1097161 J:84168 N/A 7276 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P46379 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:1919439 J:84168 N/A 7277 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P46379|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1919439 J:84168 N/A 7278 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O43521 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:1197519 J:84168 N/A 7279 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O43521|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1197519 J:84168 N/A 7280 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q9HB09 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:1922986 J:84168 N/A 7281 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q9HB09|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1922986 J:84168 N/A 7282 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q9BXK5 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:2136959 J:84168 N/A 7283 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q9BXK5|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:2136959 J:84168 N/A 7284 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q9BZR8 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:1914063 J:84168 N/A 7285 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q9BZR8|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1914063 J:84168 N/A 7286 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q92843 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:108052 J:84168 N/A 7287 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q92843|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:108052 J:84168 N/A 7288 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P55957|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:108093 J:84168 N/A 7289 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O15392 RCA GO:0006916 MGI:1203517 J:84168 N/A 7290 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q96CA5 RCA GO:0006916 MGI:2676458 J:84168 N/A 7291 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q12983 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:109326 J:84168 N/A 7292 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q12983|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:109326 J:84168 UniProtKB:Q12983 7293 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O60238 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:1332659 J:84168 N/A 7294 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O60238|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1332659 J:84168 N/A 7295 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P49662 RCA GO:0006917 MGI:107700 J:84168 N/A 7296 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P49662 RCA GO:0006508 MGI:107700 J:84168 N/A 7297 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P31944 RCA GO:0006917 MGI:1335092 J:84168 N/A 7298 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P31944 RCA GO:0006508 MGI:1335092 J:84168 N/A 7299 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P42575 RCA GO:0006917 MGI:97295 J:84168 N/A 7300 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P42575 RCA GO:0006508 MGI:97295 J:84168 N/A 7301 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P42574 RCA GO:0006917 MGI:107739 J:84168 N/A 7302 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P42574 RCA GO:0006508 MGI:107739 J:84168 N/A 7303 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P55212 RCA GO:0006917 MGI:1312921 J:84168 N/A 7304 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P55212 RCA GO:0006508 MGI:1312921 J:84168 N/A 7305 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P55212|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1312921 J:84168 N/A 7306 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P55210 RCA GO:0006917 MGI:109383 J:84168 UniProtKB:P55210 7307 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P55210 RCA GO:0006508 MGI:109383 J:84168 UniProtKB:P55210 7308 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P55210|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:109383 J:84168 UniProtKB:P55210 7309 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P55211 RCA GO:0006917 MGI:1277950 J:84168 N/A 7310 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P55211 RCA GO:0006508 MGI:1277950 J:84168 N/A 7311 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O15519 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:1336166 J:84168 N/A 7312 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O15519|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1336166 J:84168 N/A 7313 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q14999 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:1913765 J:84168 N/A 7314 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q14999|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1913765 J:84168 N/A 7315 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P51398 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:1929538 J:84168 N/A 7316 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P51398|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1929538 J:84168 N/A 7317 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O75618 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:1333874 J:84168 N/A 7318 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O75618|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1333874 J:84168 N/A 7319 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q8NES1 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:1914629 J:84168 N/A 7320 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q8NES1|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1914629 J:84168 N/A 7321 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q8IZA6 RCA GO:0012501 MGI:2442860 J:84168 N/A 7322 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q13158 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:109324 J:84168 N/A 7323 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q13158|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:109324 J:84168 N/A 7324 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O43187 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:2429603 J:84168 N/A 7325 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O43187|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:2429603 J:84168 N/A 7326 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q9Y616 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:1921164 J:84168 N/A 7327 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q9Y616|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1921164 J:84168 N/A 7328 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O15293 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:2444672 J:84168 N/A 7329 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q9UDY8 RCA GO:0007249 MGI:2445027 J:84168 N/A 7330 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q9UDY8 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:2445027 J:84168 N/A 7331 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q96BY2 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:1915555 J:84168 N/A 7332 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:human; nuclear extracts prepared ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1915555 J:76906 EMBL:AF305550 7333 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:binds Bax, Bcl2 and Bclx ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1915555 J:76906 EMBL:AF305550 7334 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q96BY2|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1915555 J:84168 N/A 7335 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q86W26|GO:0003793 obsoleted RCA GO:0006952 MGI:2444084 J:84168 N/A 7336 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q96MN2|GO:0003793 obsoleted RCA GO:0006952 MGI:2443697 J:84168 N/A 7337 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O00221 RCA GO:0016564 MGI:1194908 J:84168 N/A 7338 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q15121 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:104799 J:84168 N/A 7339 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q13794|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1930146 J:84168 N/A 7340 1 evidence:TUNEL assay IMP GO:0008629 MGI:1930146 J:85569 MGI:2678372 7341 1 evidence:colony formation assay IMP GO:0048147 MGI:1930146 J:85569 MGI:2678372 7342 1 evidence:IB IMP GO:0001844 MGI:1930146 J:85569 MGI:2678372 7343 1 evidence:IB IMP GO:0001836 MGI:1930146 J:85569 MGI:2678372 7344 1 evidence:flow cytometry-annexin V IMP GO:0006974 MGI:1930146 J:85569 MGI:2678372 7345 1 evidence:flow cytometry-annexin V IMP GO:0009411 MGI:1930146 J:85569 MGI:2678372 7346 1 evidence:"data not shown" IMP GO:0010165 MGI:1930146 J:85569 MGI:2678372 7347 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q15219 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:1919668 J:84168 N/A 7348 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q15219|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1919668 J:84168 N/A 7349 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O14763 RCA GO:0045569 MGI:1341090 J:84168 N/A 7350 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O14763 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:1341090 J:84168 N/A 7351 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O14763 RCA GO:0008656 MGI:1341090 J:84168 N/A 7352 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O14763|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:1341090 J:84168 N/A 7353 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q969Z4 RCA GO:0012501 MGI:2443373 J:84168 N/A 7354 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q15628 RCA GO:0006915 MGI:109200 J:84168 N/A 7355 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:Q15628|GO:0016329 obsoleted RCA GO:0042981 MGI:109200 J:84168 N/A 7356 1 evidence:inhibitor addition anatomy:TS14\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:726 cell type:muscle cell ; CL:0000187 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007519 MGI:1346865 J:99323 N/A 7357 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005911 MGI:2137858 J:99380 N/A 7358 1 evidence:Ip3R1, coimmunop IPI GO:0005515 MGI:103010 J:81669 UniProtKB:P11881 7359 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Ip3R1, coimmunop IPI GO:0005515 MGI:103010 J:81669 UniProtKB:P11881 7360 1 evidence:in vitro mutagenesis anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:2137858 J:99380 N/A 7361 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,mantle layer\,lateral wall\,spinal cord; EMAP:4254 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0045165 MGI:98370 J:98585 MGI:98371 7362 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,mantle layer\,lateral wall\,spinal cord; EMAP:4254 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0045165 MGI:98371 J:98585 MGI:98370 7363 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,cranium; EMAP:9682 anatomy:chondrocranium ; MA:0000317 cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:1270862 J:98523 MGI:3579503 7364 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,cranium; EMAP:9682 anatomy:chondrocranium ; MA:0000317 cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045668 MGI:1270862 J:98523 MGI:3579503 7365 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:very low activity. claim 40x, but hmmmmmmm IDA GO:0017110 MGI:1096863 J:76081 N/A 7366 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,testis; EMAP:5536 cell type:Leydig cell ; CL:0000178 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS19\,gonad primordium; EMAP:3851 cell type:Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030154 MGI:1352460 J:98517 MGI:1346833 7367 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,testis; EMAP:5536 cell type:Leydig cell ; CL:0000178 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS19\,gonad primordium; EMAP:3851 cell type:Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030154 MGI:1346833 J:98517 MGI:1352460 7368 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,telencephalon; EMAP:2251 cell type: gene product: target: text:ventral telencephalon 10.5dpc| IGI GO:0007420 MGI:95843 J:85473 MGI:108067 7369 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,telencephalon; EMAP:3482 cell type: gene product: target: text:telencephalon 11.5dpc IMP GO:0007417 MGI:95843 J:83567 MGI:2150162 7370 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,telencephalon; EMAP:3482 cell type: gene product: target: text:telencephalon 11.5dpc| IMP GO:0007389 MGI:95843 J:83567 MGI:2150162 7371 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,telencephalon; EMAP:2251 cell type: gene product: target: text:ventral telencephalon 10.5dpc IGI GO:0007389 MGI:95843 J:85473 MGI:108067 7372 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,lateral wall\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2326 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:95843 J:98802 MGI:2150162 7373 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,lateral wall\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2326 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:96919 J:98802 MGI:1857470 7374 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008635 MGI:88578 J:98949 MGI:3581449 7375 1 evidence:32P-labeled DNA binding assay (in vitro) anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1927246 J:50716 N/A 7376 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|ATCC:CRL-1658 (NIH/3T3, mouse) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0016363 MGI:1927246 J:50716 N/A 7377 1 evidence:microscopy of GFP-tagged protein anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|ATCC:CRL-1658 (NIH/3T3, mouse, transfected) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1927246 J:50716 N/A 7378 1 evidence:32P-labeled DNA binding assay (in vitro) in presence of zinc chelating agent anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0008270 MGI:1927246 J:50716 N/A 7379 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,embryonic fissure\,retina; EMAP:6335 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048593 MGI:1338027 J:99244 MGI:2449673 7380 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,metanephros; EMAP:3841 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0001656 MGI:1338027 J:83365 N/A 7381 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3235 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001657 MGI:1338027 J:83365 MGI:2449672 7382 1 evidence:IHC anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:IHC IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97495 J:75811 N/A 7383 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,adrenal gland; EMAP:7095 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030325 MGI:97495 J:87270 MGI:2155612 7384 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,Mullerian tubercle; EMAP:6695 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001655 MGI:97495 J:87270 MGI:2155612 7385 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,pancreas; EMAP:4113 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:97495 J:75811 MGI:2155612 7386 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,primitive ureter; EMAP:4591 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0001658 MGI:97495 J:82126 N/A 7387 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,visceral organ; EMAP:3447 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048536 MGI:97495 J:99062 MGI:2155612 7388 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0048536 MGI:97495 J:99062 MGI:98769 7389 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0048536 MGI:98769 J:99062 MGI:97495 7390 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,visceral organ; EMAP:4909 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: text:spleen IMP GO:0008284 MGI:97495 J:99062 MGI:2155612 7391 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,visceral organ; EMAP:4909 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: text:spleen IMP GO:0008284 MGI:98769 J:99062 MGI:1857260 7392 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Tlx1 ; MGI:98769|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:97495 J:99062 N/A 7393 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,spleen; EMAP:8875 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target:Tlx1 ; MGI:98769 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:98769 J:99062 N/A 7394 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,spleen; EMAP:8875 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target:Tlx1 ; MGI:98769 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97495 J:99062 N/A 7395 1 evidence: anatomy:carpal/tarsal bone ; MA:0000295 anatomy:phalanx ; MA:0000304 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:95716 J:99177 MGI:2445466 7396 1 evidence: anatomy:carpal/tarsal bone ; MA:0000295 anatomy:phalanx ; MA:0000304 anatomy:sternum ; MA:0001331 cell type: gene product: target: text:evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:95716 J:99177 MGI:2445466 7397 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,lateral wall\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2326 cell type:CNS interneuron ; CL:0000402 gene product: target: text:dI3 interneurons IMP GO:0048665 MGI:95843 J:98802 MGI:2150162 7398 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,olfactory\,epithelium\,nasal cavity; EMAP:11991 cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS26\,olfactory lobe\,telencephalon; EMAP:11698 cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101 gene pro IMP GO:0048663 MGI:96919 J:82270 MGI:1857470 7399 2 duct: text: IMP GO:0048663 MGI:96919 J:82270 MGI:1857470 7400 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,cranium; EMAP:9682 anatomy:chondrocranium ; MA:0000317 cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001957 MGI:1270862 J:98523 MGI:3579503 7401 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0016055 MGI:98962 J:99178 MGI:1278315,MGI:1196625,MGI:2136761 7402 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0016055 MGI:1278315 J:99178 MGI:2136761,MGI:1196625,MGI:98961 7403 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0016055 MGI:1196625 J:99178 MGI:98961,MGI:1278315,MGI:2136761 7404 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0016055 MGI:2136761 J:99178 MGI:1278315,MGI:98961,MGI:1196625 7405 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:1453 cell type: gene product: target: text: labyrinthine layer IMP GO:0001763 MGI:1338033 J:99182 MGI:3581891 7406 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 anatomy:TS15\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:1453 cell type: gene product: target: text: labyrinthine layer IMP GO:0001892 MGI:1338033 J:99182 MGI:3581891 7407 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:MA:0000276 cell type:CL:0000573 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045202 MGI:2384571 J:99464 N/A 7408 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:used rat extracts as source of SNARES IDA GO:0000149 MGI:2384571 J:99464 N/A 7409 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:8947 cell type:glutamatergic neuron ; CL:0000679 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:97490 J:99239 MGI:1856155 7410 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:8947 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:97490 J:99239 MGI:1856155 7411 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|HeK293 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:2384571 J:99464 N/A 7412 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|HeK293 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2384571 J:99464 N/A 7413 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|HeK293 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:2384571 J:99464 N/A 7414 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,embryo; EMAP:3980 cell type: gene product: target:Sumo1 ; MGI:1197010 text: IMP GO:0016926 MGI:2445054 J:99175 MGI:3582213 7415 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,brain; EMAP:4126 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:103071 J:99175 N/A 7416 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,brain; EMAP:4126 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0048471 MGI:103071 J:99175 N/A 7417 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1347464 J:87404 MGI:1932522 7418 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,ventricular layer\,telencephalon; EMAP:5019 cell type: gene product: target: text:Dorsal telencephalon. IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1347464 J:78115 MGI:1857771 7419 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4997 anatomy:TS20\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4179 anatomy:TS22\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6079 cell type:neurectodermal cell ; CL:0000133 gene product: qualifie IMP GO:0007346 MGI:1347464 J:78115 MGI:1857771 7420 2 r: target: text:Neocortical progenitors, 12.5-14.5dpc. IMP GO:0007346 MGI:1347464 J:78115 MGI:1857771 7421 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4997 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text:Premature differentiation in dorsal telencephalon. IMP GO:0045665 MGI:1347464 J:26720 MGI:1857771 7422 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,telencephalon; EMAP:3482 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text:telencephalon| IMP GO:0009953 MGI:1347464 J:86254 MGI:1857771 7423 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4997 cell type: gene product: target: text:telencephalon IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1347464 J:26720 MGI:1857771 7424 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,telencephalon; EMAP:3482 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text:telencephalon| IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1347464 J:86254 MGI:1857771 7425 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,telencephalon; EMAP:2251 anatomy:TS22\,telencephalon; EMAP:6075 cell type:neurectodermal cell ; CL:0000133 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045787 MGI:1347464 J:99329 MGI:1932522 7426 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,ventricular layer\,telencephalon; EMAP:5019 cell type: gene product: target: text:Premature differentiation in dorsal telencephalon. IMP GO:0045665 MGI:1347464 J:78115 MGI:1857771 7427 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,future prosencephalon; EMAP:447 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:1347464 J:99329 MGI:1932522 7428 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005770 MGI:1917410 J:99420 N/A 7429 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:1917410 J:99420 N/A 7430 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,pancreas; EMAP:12013 cell type:pancreatic A cell ; CL:0000171 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030154 MGI:1206039 J:98770 MGI:1352738 7431 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,pancreas; EMAP:12013 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0031018 MGI:1206039 J:98770 MGI:1352738 7432 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,pancreas; EMAP:6002 cell type:pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:1206039 J:98770 MGI:2386119 7433 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,pancreas; EMAP:6002 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0031018 MGI:1206039 J:98770 MGI:2386119 7434 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,pancreas; EMAP:12013 cell type:pancreatic A cell ; CL:0000171 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030154 MGI:1352738 J:98770 MGI:1206039 7435 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,pancreas; EMAP:12013 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0031018 MGI:1352738 J:98770 MGI:1206039 7436 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,floor plate\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3526 anatomy:TS19\,lateral wall\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3527 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0045687 MGI:1206039 J:98428 MGI:1352738 7437 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,floor plate\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3526 anatomy:TS19\,lateral wall\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3527 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0045687 MGI:1352738 J:98428 MGI:1206039 7438 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,choroid plexus\,choroid invagination\,telencephalon; EMAP:7543 anatomy:TS23\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7537 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030900 MGI:97451 J:98539 MGI:95388 7439 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,choroid plexus\,choroid invagination\,telencephalon; EMAP:7543 anatomy:TS23\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7537 anatomy:TS20\,thalamus; EMAP:4171 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030900 MGI:95388 J:98539 MGI:97451,MGI:95387 7440 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,thalamus; EMAP:4171 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030900 MGI:97450 J:98539 MGI:95388 7441 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,future forebrain; EMAP:1200 anatomy:TS15\,future midbrain; EMAP:1218 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:97490 J:98539 MGI:95388 7442 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,future forebrain; EMAP:1200 anatomy:TS15\,future midbrain; EMAP:1218 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:95388 J:98539 MGI:97490 7443 1 evidence:fusion protein anatomy:TS12\,unsegmented mesenchyme; EMAP:293 cell type:mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1096325 J:98581 N/A 7444 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Lfng ; MGI:1095413|enhancer ; SO:0000165 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1096325 J:98581 N/A 7445 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,tail; EMAP:3894 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007219 MGI:1096325 J:98581 MGI:104659 7446 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Lfng ; MGI:1095413 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1096325 J:98581 N/A 7447 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,tail; EMAP:3894 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001756 MGI:1096325 J:98581 MGI:104659 7448 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,tail; EMAP:3894 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:1096325 J:98581 MGI:3580268 7449 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Lfng ; MGI:1095413 text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:1096325 J:98581 N/A 7450 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,tail; EMAP:3894 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001756 MGI:104659 J:98581 MGI:1096325 7451 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,heart; EMAP:1317 anatomy:TS11\,embryo; EMAP:147 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:104659 J:83358 MGI:1861919 7452 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:1087 anatomy:TS19\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:3422 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001757 MGI:104659 J:88580 MGI:3038950 7453 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,paraxial mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,tail; EMAP:1446 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007386 MGI:104659 J:77247 MGI:1861919 7454 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Lfng ; MGI:1095413 text:NICD fragment IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97363 J:98581 N/A 7455 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Lfng ; MGI:1095413 text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:2135679 J:98581 N/A 7456 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|ATCC:CRL-1658 (NIH/3T3, mouse) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005626 MGI:1927246 J:61688 N/A 7457 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|ATCC:CRL-1658 (NIH/3T3, mouse) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1927246 J:61688 N/A 7458 1 evidence:CAT assay for expression driven by GAL4BD-Zfp326 fusion proteins anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|ATCC:CRL-1658 (NIH/3T3, mouse, transfected) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0016563 MGI:1927246 J:61688 N/A 7459 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,primitive heart tube; EMAP:324 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001947 MGI:1888496 J:98806 MGI:3580099 7460 1 evidence:cell fractionation followed by RNA binding assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|ATCC:CRL-1573 (293T, human, transfected) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:99180 J:62757 N/A 7461 1 evidence:UV crosslinking followed by RNA protection assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|ATCC:CRL-1573 (293T, human, transfected) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0003729 MGI:99180 J:62757 N/A 7462 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,heart; EMAP:560 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:1888496 J:98806 MGI:3580099 7463 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4179 anatomy:amygdala ; MA:0000887 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:97490 J:98620 MGI:1856155 7464 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4179 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:the dorsal lateral ganglionic eminence IMP GO:0001764 MGI:97490 J:98620 MGI:1856155 7465 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,reproductive system; EMAP:4596 cell type:germ cell ; CL:0000586 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007281 MGI:2447763 J:98580 MGI:2158668 7466 1 evidence:ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product:AF291064 target: text:yest 2-hybrid screen IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1889642 J:64303 UniProtKB:P42227 7467 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:non-murie JAK IDA GO:0019901 MGI:1889642 J:64303 N/A 7468 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:overexpression blocks activation of STAT3, thus blocking cascde IDA GO:0046425 MGI:1889642 J:64303 N/A 7469 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:98715 J:98800 MGI:3027342 7470 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,handplate; EMAP:4028 anatomy:TS20\,footplate; EMAP:4059 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042733 MGI:98715 J:98800 MGI:3027342 7471 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007224 MGI:98715 J:98800 MGI:3027342 7472 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,heart; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:2387217 J:98800 N/A 7473 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,handplate; EMAP:4028 anatomy:TS20\,footplate; EMAP:4059 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042733 MGI:2387217 J:98800 N/A 7474 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,heart; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001947 MGI:2387217 J:98800 N/A 7475 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001841 MGI:2387217 J:98800 N/A 7476 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007224 MGI:2387217 J:98800 N/A 7477 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:rat Sap97 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:107231 J:95877 UniProtKB:Q62696 7478 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2323 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:2387217 J:98800 N/A 7479 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2323 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:98715 J:98800 MGI:3027342 7480 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,handplate; EMAP:4028 anatomy:TS20\,footplate; EMAP:4059 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0042733 MGI:98715 J:98800 MGI:98297 7481 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,oral region\,alimentary system; EMAP:3984 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0048598 MGI:98715 J:98800 MGI:98297 7482 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,limb; EMAP:4011 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007224 MGI:98715 J:98800 MGI:98297 7483 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,handplate; EMAP:4028 anatomy:TS20\,footplate; EMAP:4059 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0042733 MGI:98297 J:98800 MGI:98715 7484 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2323 anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: target:Gli3 ; MGI:95729 text: IMP GO:0045862 MGI:98715 J:98800 MGI:3027342 7485 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2323 anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: target:Gli3 ; MGI:95729 text: IMP GO:0045862 MGI:2387217 J:98800 N/A 7486 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,hindbrain; EMAP:3488 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030902 MGI:1859993 J:99098 MGI:3581766 7487 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,midbrain; EMAP:3516 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030901 MGI:1859993 J:99098 MGI:3581766 7488 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,midbrain; EMAP:3516 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030901 MGI:109452 J:99098 MGI:2157982 7489 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,hindbrain; EMAP:3488 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030902 MGI:109452 J:99098 MGI:2157982 7490 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,roof\,midbrain; EMAP:3523 anatomy:TS19\,lateral wall\,midbrain; EMAP:3518 anatomy:TS19\,lateral wall\,metencephalon; EMAP:3493 anatomy:TS19\,roof\,metencephalon; EMAP:3503 anatomy:TS19\,floor plate\,myelencephalon; EMAP:3505 anatom IMP GO:0008285 MGI:109452 J:99098 MGI:2157982 7491 2 y:TS19\,roof plate\,myelencephalon; EMAP:3515 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:109452 J:99098 MGI:2157982 7492 1 evidence:IMSA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dll1 ; MGI:104659|enhancer ; SO:0000165 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:102539 J:99583 N/A 7493 1 evidence:IHC anatomy:TS17\,unsegmented mesenchyme; EMAP:2623 cell type:mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:102539 J:99583 N/A 7494 1 evidence:GFP fusion anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0042175 MGI:1914430 J:95053 N/A 7495 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,testicular cords; EMAP:5540 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:99892 J:99128 N/A 7496 1 evidence:ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Tie2/Tek IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1202890 J:46939 UniProtKB:Q02858 7497 1 evidence: anatomy:TS7\,polar trophectoderm; EMAP:55 cell type:trophectoderm cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS2\,two-cell stage; EMAP:6 anatomy:TS3\,4-8 cell stage; EMAP:8 anatomy:TS4\,embryo; EMAP:12 cell type: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1201683 J:99440 N/A 7498 2 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1201683 J:99440 N/A 7499 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:overexpression inhibits blood vessel formation in mouse embryo IDA GO:0016525 MGI:1202890 J:46939 N/A 7500 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:MAPK8IP3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1346871 J:97560 UniProtKB:Q9ESN9 7501 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:KPNA2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107532 J:96792 UniProtKB:P52293 7502 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:KPNA2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88258 J:96792 UniProtKB:P52293 7503 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Source or Rac vector not documented; May be in early 1995 papers by A. Hall IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1201407 J:75465 N/A 7504 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Xist ; MGI:98974 text: IMP GO:0048096 MGI:1336196 J:99399 MGI:2679786 7505 1 evidence: anatomy:TS2\,two-cell stage; EMAP:6 anatomy:TS3\,4-8 cell stage; EMAP:8 anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:99638 J:99397 N/A 7506 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,compacted morula; EMAP:13 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045180 MGI:99638 J:99397 N/A 7507 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:trophectoderm cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045179 MGI:97602 J:99397 N/A 7508 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,inner cell mass; EMAP:14 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005938 MGI:97602 J:99397 N/A 7509 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117| IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97602 J:84405 N/A 7510 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,compacted morula; EMAP:13 anatomy:TS4\,inner cell mass; EMAP:14 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:trophectoderm cell ; CL:1000 IDA GO:0005923 MGI:97602 J:99397 N/A 7511 2 274 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005923 MGI:97602 J:99397 N/A 7512 1 evidence: anatomy:TS3\,compacted morula; EMAP:9 anatomy:TS4\,compacted morula; EMAP:13 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:trophectoderm cell ; CL:10 IDA GO:0045177 MGI:2135605 J:99397 N/A 7513 2 00274 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:2135605 J:99397 N/A 7514 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,inner cell mass; EMAP:14 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005938 MGI:2135605 J:99397 N/A 7515 1 evidence: anatomy:TS2\,two-cell stage; EMAP:6 anatomy:TS3\,4-8 cell stage; EMAP:8 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2135605 J:99397 N/A 7516 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,compacted morula; EMAP:13 anatomy:TS4\,inner cell mass; EMAP:14 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:trophectoderm cell ; CL:1000 IDA GO:0005923 MGI:2135605 J:99397 N/A 7517 2 274 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005923 MGI:2135605 J:99397 N/A 7518 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,compacted morula; EMAP:13 anatomy:TS4\,inner cell mass; EMAP:14 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:trophectoderm cell ; CL:1000 IDA GO:0005923 MGI:98759 J:99397 N/A 7519 2 274 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005923 MGI:98759 J:99397 N/A 7520 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,arterial system; EMAP:1302 anatomy:TS15\,venous system; EMAP:1349 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:1313291 J:99326 MGI:3583268 7521 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,venous system; EMAP:3712 anatomy:TS19\,arterial system; EMAP:3639 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001885 MGI:1313291 J:99326 MGI:3583268 7522 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|EOMA ; ATCC:CRL-2586 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1313291 J:99326 N/A 7523 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,trigeminal V; EMAP:1774 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048666 MGI:108055 J:99297 MGI:2158737 7524 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,trigeminal V; EMAP:1774 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001764 MGI:108055 J:99297 MGI:96919 7525 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,trigeminal V; EMAP:1774 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001764 MGI:96919 J:99297 MGI:108055 7526 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,trigeminal V; EMAP:1774 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:96919 J:99297 MGI:1857470 7527 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,trigeminal V; EMAP:1774 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS19\,facial ganglion VII; EMAP:3538 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:108055 J:99297 MGI:2158737 7528 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,ventricular layer\,lateral wall\,rhombomere 04; EMAP:2285 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007405 MGI:96919 J:99297 MGI:108055 7529 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,ventricular layer\,lateral wall\,rhombomere 04; EMAP:2285 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007405 MGI:108055 J:99297 MGI:96919 7530 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,ventricular layer\,lateral wall\,rhombomere 04; EMAP:2285 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007219 MGI:108055 J:99297 MGI:96919 7531 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,ventricular layer\,lateral wall\,rhombomere 04; EMAP:2285 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007219 MGI:96919 J:99297 MGI:108055 7532 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,ventricular layer\,lateral wall\,rhombomere 04; EMAP:2285 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0010001 MGI:96919 J:99297 MGI:108055 7533 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,ventricular layer\,lateral wall\,rhombomere 04; EMAP:2285 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0010001 MGI:108055 J:99297 MGI:96919 7534 1 evidence:IHC anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:IHC IDA GO:0005604 MGI:96257 J:73993 N/A 7535 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,oral epithelium; EMAP:3822 anatomy:TS21\,oral epithelium; EMAP:5467 anatomy:TS23\,enamel organ\,epithelium\,incisor\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:8153|TS23\,enamel organ\,epithelium\,molar\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:8159|TS23\,enamel organ\ IDA GO:0005604 MGI:96257 J:98778 N/A 7536 2 ,epithelium\,incisor\,tooth\,upper jaw; EMAP:8182|TS23\,enamel organ\,epithelium\,molar\,tooth\,upper jaw; EMAP:8188 anatomy:TS25\,enamel organ\,epithelium\,incisor\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:10803|TS25\,enamel organ\,epithelium\,incisor\,tooth\,upper jaw; E IDA GO:0005604 MGI:96257 J:98778 N/A 7537 3 MAP:10839 anatomy:dental pulp ; MA:0001599 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:96257 J:98778 N/A 7538 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ache ; MGI:87876 text:ACHE at the neuromuscular synapse. IMP GO:0008104 MGI:96257 J:74542 MGI:1934891 7539 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:12511 anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001890 MGI:95721 J:98807 MGI:2155738 7540 1 evidence:western anatomy:TS22\,heart; EMAP:6395 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1338822 J:98810 N/A 7541 1 evidence:western anatomy:TS22\,heart; EMAP:6395 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:1338822 J:98810 N/A 7542 1 evidence:western anatomy:TS22\,heart; EMAP:6395 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1342295 J:98810 N/A 7543 1 evidence:western anatomy:TS22\,heart; EMAP:6395 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:1342295 J:98810 N/A 7544 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,endoderm\,embryo; EMAP:112 anatomy:TS10\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:109 anatomy:TS10\,Reichert's membrane; EMAP:133 anatomy:TS10\,ectoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:129 anatomy:TS10\,endoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:130 a IDA GO:0005604 MGI:88454 J:98797 N/A 7545 2 natomy:decidua ; MA:0001722 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:88454 J:98797 N/A 7546 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,endoderm\,embryo; EMAP:112 anatomy:TS10\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:109 anatomy:TS10\,Reichert's membrane; EMAP:133 anatomy:TS10\,ectoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:129 anatomy:TS10\,endoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:130 a IDA GO:0005604 MGI:96257 J:98797 N/A 7547 2 natomy:decidua ; MA:0001722|capillary ; MA:0000065 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:96257 J:98797 N/A 7548 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,endoderm\,embryo; EMAP:112 anatomy:TS10\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:109 anatomy:TS10\,Reichert's membrane; EMAP:133 anatomy:TS10\,ectoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:129 anatomy:TS10\,endoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:130 a IDA GO:0005604 MGI:99892 J:98797 N/A 7549 2 natomy:decidua ; MA:0001722|capillary ; MA:0000065 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:99892 J:98797 N/A 7550 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,endoderm\,embryo; EMAP:112 anatomy:TS10\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:109 anatomy:TS10\,Reichert's membrane; EMAP:133 anatomy:TS10\,ectoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:129 anatomy:TS10\,endoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:130 a IDA GO:0005604 MGI:96743 J:98797 N/A 7551 2 natomy:decidua ; MA:0001722|capillary ; MA:0000065 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:96743 J:98797 N/A 7552 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,endoderm\,embryo; EMAP:112 anatomy:TS10\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:109 anatomy:TS10\,Reichert's membrane; EMAP:133 anatomy:TS10\,ectoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:129 anatomy:TS10\,endoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:130 a IDA GO:0005604 MGI:99914 J:98797 N/A 7553 2 natomy:decidua ; MA:0001722|capillary ; MA:0000065 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:99914 J:98797 N/A 7554 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,endoderm\,embryo; EMAP:112 anatomy:TS10\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:109 anatomy:TS10\,Reichert's membrane; EMAP:133 anatomy:TS10\,ectoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:129 anatomy:TS10\,endoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:130 a IDA GO:0005604 MGI:97342 J:98797 N/A 7555 2 natomy:decidua ; MA:0001722|capillary ; MA:0000065 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:97342 J:98797 N/A 7556 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,endoderm\,embryo; EMAP:112 anatomy:TS10\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:109 anatomy:TS10\,Reichert's membrane; EMAP:133 anatomy:TS10\,ectoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:129 anatomy:TS10\,endoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:130 a IDA GO:0005604 MGI:1298229 J:98797 N/A 7557 2 natomy:decidua ; MA:0001722|capillary ; MA:0000065 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:1298229 J:98797 N/A 7558 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,Reichert's membrane; EMAP:133 anatomy:decidua ; MA:0001722|capillary ; MA:0000065 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:99912 J:98797 N/A 7559 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,Reichert's membrane; EMAP:133 anatomy:decidua ; MA:0001722|capillary ; MA:0000065 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:99909 J:98797 N/A 7560 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,Reichert's membrane; EMAP:133 anatomy:decidua ; MA:0001722|capillary ; MA:0000065 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:99913 J:98797 N/A 7561 1 evidence: anatomy:decidua ; MA:0001722|capillary ; MA:0000065 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:109321 J:98797 N/A 7562 1 evidence: anatomy:decidua ; MA:0001722|capillary ; MA:0000065 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:105382 J:98797 N/A 7563 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IF| IDA GO:0005604 MGI:105382 J:77264 N/A 7564 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: Integrin alphaVbeta3 IDA GO:0005178 MGI:105382 J:73332 N/A 7565 1 evidence:inhibitory peptide anatomy:TS19\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3844 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001658 MGI:105382 J:86123 N/A 7566 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,follicle\,hair; EMAP:8885 anatomy:TS25\,follicle\,hair; EMAP:10245 anatomy:TS26\,follicle\,hair; EMAP:11605 anatomy:hair follicle ; MA:0000154 cell type: gene product: target: text:hair follicle 16.5dpc-TS28| IMP GO:0009887 MGI:105382 J:83570 MGI:1934917 7567 1 evidence:inhibitory peptide anatomy:TS21\,epithelium\,submandibular gland primordium; EMAP:4918 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007431 MGI:105382 J:86123 N/A 7568 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,midgut; EMAP:6572 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: text:intestinal smooth muscle| IMP GO:0007517 MGI:105382 J:84903 MGI:1934917 7569 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,Reichert's membrane; EMAP:133 anatomy:decidua ; MA:0001722 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:99916 J:98797 N/A 7570 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,lung; EMAP:8285 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030324 MGI:1347472 J:98750 MGI:1347476 7571 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lung; EMAP:12324 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030855 MGI:1347472 J:98750 MGI:1347476 7572 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lung; EMAP:12324 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030855 MGI:1347476 J:98750 MGI:1347472 7573 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lung; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030324 MGI:1347476 J:98750 MGI:1347472 7574 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,telencephalon; EMAP:2251 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1353460 J:98687 N/A 7575 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|LLC-PK1 ; CL-101 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030509 MGI:1916049 J:98740 N/A 7576 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:component of mylein IDA GO:0019911 MGI:108511 J:54152 N/A 7577 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: text:Mobp variant 155 IDA GO:0005739 MGI:108511 J:96840 N/A 7578 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; CCL-89 gene product: target:Pomc1 ; MGI:97742 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97874 J:98743 N/A 7579 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; CCL-89 gene product: target:Pomc1 ; MGI:97742 text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:97874 J:98743 N/A 7580 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; CCL-89 gene product: target:Pomc1 ; MGI:97742 text: IMP GO:0000122 MGI:103300 J:98743 N/A 7581 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,pituitary; EMAP:6022 cell type:adrenocorticotrophic hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000467 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97874 J:98743 N/A 7582 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0050779 MGI:99180 J:72219 MGI:2652418 7583 1 evidence:histology anatomy:radio-carpal joint ; MA:0000461 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0050728 MGI:99180 J:72219 MGI:2652418 7584 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0050779 MGI:1314883 J:72219 MGI:1857262 7585 1 evidence:histology anatomy:radio-carpal joint ; MA:0000461 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0050728 MGI:1314883 J:72219 MGI:1857262 7586 1 evidence:cytology anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045638 MGI:99180 J:72219 MGI:2652418 7587 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0019221 MGI:1314884 J:72219 MGI:1861040 7588 1 evidence:histology anatomy:radio-carpal joint ; MA:0000461 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0050729 MGI:1314884 J:72219 MGI:1861040 7589 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:1314884 J:72219 MGI:1861040 7590 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0005031 MGI:1314884 J:72219 MGI:1861040 7591 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005125 MGI:104798 J:72219 N/A 7592 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045994 MGI:104798 J:72219 N/A 7593 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: target: text:based on comparison of cells having or lacking either Tnfrsf1b (MGI:1857262) or Tnfrsf1a (MGI:1861040) IDA GO:0005164 MGI:104798 J:72219 N/A 7594 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573 (293, human, transfected) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:99180 J:75684 N/A 7595 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573 (293, human, transfected) gene product: target: text:seen only when dominant negative Nup214 (CAN) construct simultaneously transfected IDA GO:0005634 MGI:99180 J:75684 N/A 7596 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573 (293, human, transfected) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:107946 J:75684 N/A 7597 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573 (293, human, transfected) gene product: target: text:seen only when dominant negative Nup214 (CAN) construct simultaneously transfected IDA GO:0005634 MGI:107946 J:75684 N/A 7598 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573 (293, human, transfected) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:107945 J:75684 N/A 7599 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573 (293, human, transfected) gene product: target: text:seen only when dominant negative Nup214 (CAN) construct simultaneously transfected IDA GO:0005634 MGI:107945 J:75684 N/A 7600 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573 (293, human, transfected) gene product: target: text:leptomycin B inhibitor of Xpo1 (CRM1) used in study IDA GO:0006611 MGI:2144013 J:75684 N/A 7601 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy:TS13\,embryo; EMAP:402 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:106479 J:98484 N/A 7602 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy:TS15\,future midbrain; EMAP:1218|TS15\,future rhombencephalon; EMAP:1223 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0016331 MGI:106479 J:98484 N/A 7603 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy:TS14\,embryo; EMAP:640 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:1915963 J:98484 N/A 7604 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy:TS13\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,head mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,embryo; EMAP:504|TS13\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:515 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:1915963 J:98484 N/A 7605 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:3A9 (mouse, transfected) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0042289 MGI:106588 J:80063 N/A 7606 1 evidence:CTLL assay of IL-2 production anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:3A9 (mouse, transfected) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007166 MGI:106588 J:80063 N/A 7607 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:3A9 (mouse, transfected) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:106588 J:80063 N/A 7608 1 evidence:CTLL assay of IL-2 production anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:3A9 (mouse, transfected) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0050868 MGI:106588 J:80063 N/A 7609 1 evidence:CTLL assay of IL-2 production anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:3A9 (mouse, transfected) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045085 MGI:106588 J:80063 N/A 7610 1 evidence:CTLL assay of IL-2 production anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:3A9 (mouse, transfected) gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004888 MGI:106588 J:80063 N/A 7611 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine crypt of lieberkuhn ; MA:0001552 cell type:Paneth cell ; CL:0000510 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88276 J:98680 N/A 7612 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine crypt of lieberkuhn ; MA:0001552 cell type:Paneth cell ; CL:0000510 gene product: target:Defcr1 ; MGI:94880|Defcr5 ; MGI:99583 text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:88276 J:98680 N/A 7613 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine crypt of lieberkuhn ; MA:0001552 cell type:Paneth cell ; CL:0000510 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:108571 J:98680 N/A 7614 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Defcr1 ; MGI:94880|Defcr5 ; MGI:99583 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:88276 J:98680 MGI:1202879 7615 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine crypt of lieberkuhn ; MA:0001552 cell type:Paneth cell ; CL:0000510 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1202879 J:98680 N/A 7616 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Defcr1 ; MGI:94880|Defcr5 ; MGI:99583 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1202879 J:98680 MGI:88276 7617 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lateral wall\,medulla oblongata; EMAP:11709 anatomy:TS26\,cerebellum; EMAP:11736 cell type:radial glial cell ; CL:0000681 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008347 MGI:97290 J:99506 MGI:2653048 7618 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lateral wall\,medulla oblongata; EMAP:11709 anatomy:TS26\,cerebellum; EMAP:11736 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:97290 J:99506 MGI:2653048 7619 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lateral wall\,medulla oblongata; EMAP:11709 anatomy:TS26\,cerebellum; EMAP:11736 anatomy:TS16\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1761 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:97290 J:99506 MGI:2653048 7620 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,diaphragm; EMAP:8458 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048676 MGI:97290 J:99506 MGI:2653048 7621 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,diaphragm; EMAP:8458 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007413 MGI:97290 J:99506 MGI:2653048 7622 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,head mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,embryo; EMAP:504|TS13\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:515 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001756 MGI:1343101 J:99573 MGI:1276116 7623 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,head mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,embryo; EMAP:504|TS13\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:515 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001756 MGI:1276116 J:99573 MGI:1343101 7624 1 evidence: anatomy:TS6\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:33 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007163 MGI:1195263 J:99800 MGI:3584173|MGI:3584172 7625 1 evidence: anatomy:TS6\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:33 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0016337 MGI:1195263 J:99800 MGI:3584173|MGI:3584172 7626 1 evidence: anatomy:TS6\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:33 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007160 MGI:1195263 J:99800 MGI:3584173|MGI:3584172 7627 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,neural retinal epithelium; EMAP:5232 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: text:retinal ganglion cell| IMP GO:0007409 MGI:102524 J:80078 MGI:2429632|MGI:2429634 7628 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,optic nerve; EMAP:5228 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: text:retinal ganglion cell evidence: anatomy:TS21\,neural retinal epithelium; EMAP:5232 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene IMP GO:0016199 MGI:1347464 J:92062 MGI:1857771 7629 2 product: text:retinal ganglion cell IMP GO:0016199 MGI:1347464 J:92062 MGI:1857771 7630 1 evidence: anatomy:superior colliculus ; MA:0001068 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0050804 MGI:1352747 J:99761 MGI:3583953 7631 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,outflow tract\,heart; EMAP:915 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:98297 J:99648 MGI:1857796 7632 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 anatomy:TS16\,embryo; EMAP:1461 anatomy:TS17\,embryo; EMAP:2006 anatomy:TS18\,embryo; EMAP:2636 anatomy:TS19\,embryo; EMAP:3322 cell type:neural crest cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001755 MGI:98297 J:99648 MGI:1857796 7633 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,1st arch artery; EMAP:1304 anatomy:TS15\,2nd arch artery; EMAP:1305 anatomy:TS15\,3rd arch artery; EMAP:1306 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001569 MGI:98297 J:99648 MGI:1857796 7634 1 evidence:inhibitory receptor addition anatomy:TS23\,epithelium\,left lung; EMAP:8288|TS23\,epithelium\,right lung; EMAP:8312|TS23\,cardiovascular system; EMAP:7851 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:103178 J:99650 N/A 7635 1 evidence:inhibitory receptor addition anatomy:TS23\,epithelium\,left lung; EMAP:8288|TS23\,epithelium\,right lung; EMAP:8312 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:103178 J:99650 N/A 7636 1 evidence:inhibitory receptor addition anatomy:TS23\,epithelium\,left lung; EMAP:8288|TS23\,epithelium\,right lung; EMAP:8312 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0050679 MGI:103178 J:99650 N/A 7637 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,retina; EMAP:4342 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: text:RGC axons 12.0dpc| IMP GO:0007411 MGI:98297 J:83530 MGI:1934268 7638 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3524 cell type:commisural neuron ; CL:0000678 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007411 MGI:98297 J:82736 N/A 7639 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,lung; EMAP:4604 cell type: gene product: target:Gli3 ; MGI:95729 text: IDA GO:0030162 MGI:98297 J:92194 N/A 7640 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:PCDHA4|PCDHA7 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1935212 J:94992 UniProtKB:O88689|UniProtKB:Q66JL9 7641 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:PCDHA4|PCDHA7 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1935229 J:94992 UniProtKB:O88689|UniProtKB:Q66JL9 7642 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:PCDHA4|PCDHA7 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1935215 J:94992 UniProtKB:O88689|UniProtKB:Q66JL9 7643 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:PCDHA4|PCDHA7 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1935170 J:94992 UniProtKB:O88689|UniProtKB:Q66JL9 7644 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:PCDHA4|PCDHA7 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1935169 J:94992 UniProtKB:O88689|UniProtKB:Q66JL9 7645 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:PCDHA4|PCDHA7 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1935173 J:94992 UniProtKB:O88689|UniProtKB:Q66JL9 7646 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Pcdhga12|Pcdhga1|Pcdhga3|Pcdhgb2|Pcdhgb4|Pcdhgb1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1298369 J:94992 UniProtKB:Q91XY7|UniProtKB:Q91XZ0|UniProtKB:Q91XY5|UniProtKB:Q91XX7|UniProtKB:Q91XX6|UniProtKB:Q91XX8 7647 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Pcdhga12|Pcdhga1|Pcdhga3|Pcdhgb2|Pcdhgb4|Pcdhgb1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1298406 J:94992 UniProtKB:Q91XY7|UniProtKB:Q91XZ0|UniProtKB:Q91XY5|UniProtKB:Q91XX7|UniProtKB:Q91XX6|UniProtKB:Q91XX8 7648 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:1888978 J:90754 N/A 7649 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ITGB1|VCP IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2446216 J:96950 UniProtKB:P09055|UniProtKB:Q01853 7650 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:VCP IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1354743 J:96950 UniProtKB:Q01853 7651 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:FBXO6B|FBXO2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99919 J:96950 UniProtKB:Q9Q2N4|UniProtKB:Q80UW2 7652 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:FBXO2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96610 J:96950 UniProtKB:Q80UW2 7653 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,lateral ventricle; EMAP:3486 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:1100886 J:99843 N/A 7654 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,ventricular layer\,telencephalon; EMAP:3485 cell type:neurectodermal cell ; CL:0000133 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005902 MGI:1100886 J:99843 N/A 7655 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS4\,embryo; EMAP:12 anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type:blastoderm cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: qualifier IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1914233 J:99352 N/A 7656 2 : target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1914233 J:99352 N/A 7657 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 anatomy:TS5\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:25 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001832 MGI:1914233 J:99352 MGI:3583779 7658 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 anatomy:TS5\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:25 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007049 MGI:1914233 J:99352 MGI:3583779 7659 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gata2 ; MGI:95662|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:95457 J:99332 N/A 7660 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gata2 ; MGI:95662 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:95457 J:99332 N/A 7661 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:95457 J:99332 MGI:1857461 7662 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,inner ear; EMAP:6254 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0042472 MGI:98953 J:99408 MGI:98956 7663 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,inner ear; EMAP:6254 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0042472 MGI:98956 J:99408 MGI:98953 7664 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048515 MGI:98365 J:99393 MGI:2682663 7665 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 anatomy:TS26\,dentate gyrus; EMAP:12571 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007405 MGI:1313278 J:99893 MGI:3586504 7666 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042416 MGI:1277151 J:60151 MGI:1888382 7667 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0046928 MGI:1277151 J:60151 MGI:1888382 7668 1 evidence:IHC anatomy:substantia nigra ; MA:0000210 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:98735 J:60151 N/A 7669 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:amphetamine IMP GO:0042493 MGI:1277151 J:60151 MGI:1888382 7670 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:response to amphetamine IMP GO:0040012 MGI:1277151 J:60151 MGI:1888382 7671 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0019717 MGI:1277151 J:64205 N/A 7672 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0019717 MGI:1889011 J:64205 N/A 7673 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,midbrain; EMAP:6147 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0048666 MGI:95389 J:68925 MGI:95390 7674 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,midbrain; EMAP:6147 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0048666 MGI:95390 J:68925 MGI:95389 7675 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048489 MGI:1277151 J:79784 MGI:2389489 7676 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0046928 MGI:1277151 J:79784 MGI:2389489 7677 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048169 MGI:1277151 J:94390 MGI:2429773 7678 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0046928 MGI:1277151 J:94390 MGI:2429773 7679 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0001956 MGI:1277151 J:94390 N/A 7680 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,midbrain; EMAP:4219 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030901 MGI:1100498 J:88592 MGI:1856667 7681 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,midbrain; EMAP:4219 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048666 MGI:1100498 J:88592 MGI:1856667 7682 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: chemical:phosphatidyl-L-serines ; CHEBI:18303 chemical:phosphatidylinositols ; CHEBI:26040 chemical:sphingomyelin ; CHEBI:17636 chemical:glycerophospholipids ; CHEBI:24 IMP GO:0006644 MGI:1277151 J:99690 MGI:2389489 7683 2 362 IMP GO:0006644 MGI:1277151 J:99690 MGI:2389489 7684 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DPYSL2A(CRMP2A) AND DPYSL2B(CRMP2B) IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1349763 J:98063 N/A 7685 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DPYSL2A(CRMP2A) AND DPYSL2B(CRMP2B) IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1349763 J:98063 N/A 7686 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DPYSL2B(CRMP2B) IDA GO:0030425 MGI:1349763 J:98063 N/A 7687 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:with Mapk8ip3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1346880 J:97560 UniProtKB:Q9ESN9 7688 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:with Spag9|Mapk8ip3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1346863 J:97560 UniProtKB:Q8CJC2|UniProtKB:Q9ESN9 7689 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0046928 MGI:1355296 J:86377 MGI:2681404 7690 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0050804 MGI:1355296 J:86377 MGI:2681404 7691 1 evidence:rotarod test evidence:beam traversal task anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007626 MGI:1355296 J:86377 MGI:2681404 7692 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0001590 MGI:99578 J:86377 N/A 7693 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0001591 MGI:94924 J:86377 N/A 7694 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,lung; EMAP:3857 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target:Bmp4 ; MGI:88180 target:Nmyc1 ; MGI:97357 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:88276 J:99391 N/A 7695 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,lung; EMAP:3857 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target:Bmp4 ; MGI:88180 target:Nmyc1 ; MGI:97357 text: IDA GO:0046022 MGI:1202876 J:99391 N/A 7696 1 evidence: anatomy:auchene hair ; MA:0001893 anatomy:zigzag hair ; MA:0001898 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0031069 MGI:102672 J:99572 MGI:2183399 7697 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Human protein ISA GO:0018008 MGI:102579 J:46538 EMBL:AF020500 7698 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Human protein ISA GO:0004379 MGI:102579 J:46538 EMBL:AF020500 7699 1 evidence: anatomy:TS7\,embryo; EMAP:42 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:102579 J:99932 MGI:3586313 7700 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:male germ cell ; CL:0000015 cell type:female germ cell ; CL:0000021 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007127 MGI:1913447 J:99997 MGI:3586897 7701 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,ectoderm\,mandibular component\,1st arch; EMAP:1012 anatomy:TS15\,endoderm\,mandibular component\,1st arch; EMAP:1013 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:88180 J:99697 MGI:3041440|MGI:2654594 7702 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,diaphragm; EMAP:11178 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007519 MGI:97275 J:100052 MGI:94909 7703 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,diaphragm; EMAP:11178 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007519 MGI:94909 J:100052 MGI:97275 7704 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|293IL-1RI gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1915155 J:86934 N/A 7705 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0043005 MGI:1355296 J:73105 N/A 7706 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 anatomy:diencephalon ; MA:0000171 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042417 MGI:1355296 J:85561 MGI:2678247 7707 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,midbrain; EMAP:5059 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0051583 MGI:1355296 J:85561 MGI:2678247 7708 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|glutamatergic neuron ; CL:0000679 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0035249 MGI:1355296 J:85561 MGI:2678247 7709 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: target:Pdha1 ; MGI:97532 target:Pdhb ; MGI:1915513 target:Prdx1 ; MGI:99523 target:Prdx2 ; MGI:109486 target:Prdx6 ; MGI:894320 target:Glo1 ; MGI:95741 text: IMP GO:0019538 MGI:1355296 J:89508 MGI:2681404 7710 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042417 MGI:1355296 J:95204 MGI:3055212 7711 1 evidence:ECO:0000068|inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Scl/Tal1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1923294 J:87685 UniProtKB:P22091 7712 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory bulb ; MA:0000194 anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042415 MGI:1355296 J:91487 MGI:3050230 7713 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001963 MGI:1355296 J:85561 MGI:2678247 7714 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001963 MGI:1277151 J:79784 MGI:2389489 7715 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001963 MGI:1277151 J:60151 MGI:1888382 7716 1 evidence: anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001963 MGI:2135637 J:99905 MGI:3586448 7717 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0051583 MGI:2135637 J:98436 MGI:3579140 7718 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001591 MGI:94924 J:98436 N/A 7719 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042542 MGI:2135637 J:97366 MGI:3576227 7720 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0042542 MGI:2135637 J:97366 N/A 7721 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:103149 J:85069 N/A 7722 1 evidence: anatomy:peripheral nervous system ; MA:0000218 cell type:peripheral neuron ; CL:0000111 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:103149 J:88594 N/A 7723 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006950 MGI:103149 J:88434 MGI:1856882 7724 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:binds HDL preferentialy, but has some binding to VLDL IDA GO:0008034 MGI:88057 J:71838 N/A 7725 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Tap1|Tap2|B2m IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95896 J:88804 UniProtKB:P21958|UniProtKB:P36371|UniProtKB:P01887 7726 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:H2-D1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98483 J:88804 UniProtKB:P14427 7727 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:H2-D1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98484 J:88804 UniProtKB:P14427 7728 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:H2-D1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88127 J:88804 UniProtKB:P14427 7729 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:P69 isoform IDA GO:0001730 MGI:2180852 J:98376 N/A 7730 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:P69 isoform IDA GO:0006401 MGI:2180852 J:98376 N/A 7731 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: in male mouse IMP GO:0019222 MGI:891989 J:94820 MGI:3522352 7732 1 evidence:ECO:0000068|ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:alpha catenin (Ctnna1) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:101815 J:87710 UniProtKB:P26231 7733 1 evidence:ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Ctnna1 alpha catenin IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88276 J:87710 UniProtKB:P26231 7734 1 evidence:ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Ctnna1 alpha catenin IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96650 J:87110 UniProtKB:P26231 7735 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:8944 anatomy:TS24\,olfactory lobe\,telencephalon; EMAP:8978 anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:109205 J:99833 N/A 7736 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407 text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:109205 J:99833 N/A 7737 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0016571 MGI:95286 J:99186 MGI:1856856 7738 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,carotid body; EMAP:13068 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:103149 J:77820 N/A 7739 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatogonium ; CL:0000020 cell type:primary spermatocyte ; CL:0000656 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97503 J:82276 N/A 7740 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatogonium ; CL:0000020 cell type:primary spermatocyte ; CL:0000656 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:103149 J:82276 MGI:1856882 7741 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,maxillary process; EMAP:4558 anatomy:TS20\,mandible primordium; EMAP:4554 anatomy:TS21\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:5459 anatomy:TS21\,tooth\,upper jaw; EMAP:5482 cell type:peripheral neuron ; CL:0000111 gene product: qualif IDA GO:0030424 MGI:103149 J:80738 N/A 7742 2 ier: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:103149 J:80738 N/A 7743 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,maxillary process; EMAP:4558 anatomy:TS20\,mandible primordium; EMAP:4554 anatomy:TS21\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:5459 anatomy:TS21\,tooth\,upper jaw; EMAP:5482 cell type:peripheral neuron ; CL:0000111 gene product: qualif IDA GO:0030424 MGI:97774 J:80738 N/A 7744 2 ier: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:97774 J:80738 N/A 7745 1 evidence: anatomy:gracilis ; MA:0002311 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007412 MGI:103149 J:28526 MGI:1856882 7746 1 evidence: anatomy:gracilis ; MA:0002311 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0019896 MGI:103149 J:30933 MGI:1856882 7747 1 evidence: anatomy:gracilis ; MA:0002311 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:103149 J:1724 MGI:1856882 7748 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,epithelium\,tongue; EMAP:8042 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:103149 J:84674 N/A 7749 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:5134 anatomy:TS21\,trigeminal V\,cranial\,nerve\,central nervous system; EMAP:5095 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:103149 J:71535 N/A 7750 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay|flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007166 MGI:98384 J:26220 N/A 7751 1 evidence: anatomy:corneal epithelium ; MA:0001243 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|corneal endothelial cell ; CL:0000132 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0050673 MGI:88464 J:100136 MGI:88463 7752 1 evidence: anatomy:corneal epithelium ; MA:0001243 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0048593 MGI:88464 J:100136 MGI:88463 7753 1 evidence: anatomy:corneal epithelium ; MA:0001243 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|corneal endothelial cell ; CL:0000132 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0050673 MGI:88463 J:100136 MGI:88464 7754 1 evidence: anatomy:corneal epithelium ; MA:0001243 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0048593 MGI:88463 J:100136 MGI:88464 7755 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:siRNA IMP GO:0048255 MGI:1100851 J:88901 N/A 7756 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:siRNA IMP GO:0043488 MGI:1919558 J:88901 N/A 7757 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:siRNA IMP GO:0043488 MGI:101947 J:88901 N/A 7758 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Rps15|Rps27|Ybx1|Bat4|Npm3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106184 J:96946 UniProtKB:P62843|UniProtKB:Q6ZWU9|UniProtKB:P62960|UniProtKB:Q61858|UniProtKB:Q9CPP0 7759 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay|CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Npm1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:894653 J:96946 UniProtKB:Q61937 7760 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Npm1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98117 J:96946 UniProtKB:Q61937 7761 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Npm1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1888676 J:96946 UniProtKB:Q61937 7762 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Npm1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99146 J:96946 UniProtKB:Q61937 7763 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Npm1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2148975 J:96946 UniProtKB:Q61937 7764 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:RAP1B IPI GO:0008283 MGI:95772 J:88364 UniProtKB:Q99JI6 7765 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Rala IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97852 J:88364 UniProtKB:P63321 7766 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=52.131 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030847 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95154 7767 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=52.131 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030847 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95154 7768 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=52.131 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030847 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95154 7769 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=52.131 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030847 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95154 7770 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=31 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=14 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=52.013 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:2177490 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 7771 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=31 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=14 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=52.013 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:2177490 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 7772 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=31 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=14 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=52.013 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:2177490 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 7773 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=31 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=14 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=52.013 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:2177490 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 7774 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=246 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=82 percent_ident(pep)=59.756 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030905 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7775 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=246 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=82 percent_ident(pep)=59.756 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030905 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7776 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=246 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=82 percent_ident(pep)=59.756 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030905 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7777 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=246 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=82 percent_ident(pep)=59.756 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030905 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7778 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=31 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=14 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=52.027 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:2177491 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 7779 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=31 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=14 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=52.027 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:2177491 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 7780 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=31 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=14 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=52.027 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:2177491 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 7781 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=31 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=14 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=52.027 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:2177491 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 7782 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=31 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=57.77 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030962 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7783 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=31 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=57.77 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030962 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7784 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=31 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=57.77 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030962 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7785 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=31 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=57.77 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030962 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7786 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=73.548 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030965 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7787 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=73.548 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030965 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7788 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=73.548 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030965 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7789 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=73.548 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030965 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7790 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=76.221 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030966 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7791 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=76.221 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030966 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7792 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=76.221 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030966 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7793 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=76.221 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030966 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7794 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=58.632 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030967 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7795 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=58.632 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030967 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7796 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=58.632 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030967 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7797 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=58.632 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030967 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7798 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=59.477 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030968 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7799 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=59.477 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030968 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7800 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=59.477 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030968 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7801 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=59.477 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030968 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7802 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=51.613 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030388 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038648 7803 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=51.613 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030388 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038648 7804 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=51.613 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030388 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038648 7805 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=51.613 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030388 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038648 7806 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=73.226 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030969 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7807 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=73.226 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030969 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7808 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=73.226 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030969 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7809 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=73.226 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030969 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7810 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=68.71 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030970 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7811 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=68.71 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030970 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7812 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=68.71 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030970 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7813 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=68.71 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030970 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7814 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=70 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030971 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7815 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=70 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030971 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7816 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=70 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030971 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7817 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=70 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030971 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7818 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=46.557 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030850 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038756 7819 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=73.941 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030972 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7820 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=73.941 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030972 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7821 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=73.941 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030972 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7822 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=73.941 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030972 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7823 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=46.557 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030850 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038756 7824 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=46.557 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030850 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038756 7825 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=46.557 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030850 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038756 7826 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=71.29 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030974 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7827 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=71.29 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030974 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7828 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=71.29 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030974 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7829 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=71.29 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030974 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7830 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=64.078 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030975 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7831 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=64.078 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030975 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7832 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=64.078 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030975 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7833 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=64.078 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030975 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7834 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=53.746 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030860 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038756 7835 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=53.746 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030860 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038756 7836 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=53.746 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030860 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038756 7837 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=53.746 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030860 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038756 7838 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=73.701 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030977 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7839 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=73.701 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030977 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7840 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=73.701 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030977 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7841 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=73.701 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030977 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7842 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=52.843 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030954 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7843 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=52.843 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030954 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7844 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=52.843 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030954 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7845 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=52.843 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030954 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7846 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=74.277 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030986 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7847 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=74.277 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030986 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7848 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=74.277 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030986 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7849 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=957 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=54.426 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030963 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7850 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=957 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=54.426 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030963 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7851 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=957 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=54.426 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030963 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7852 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=957 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=54.426 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030963 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7853 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=74.277 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030986 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7854 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=957 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=54.426 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030964 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7855 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=957 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=54.426 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030964 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7856 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=957 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=54.426 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030964 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7857 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=957 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=54.426 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030964 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7858 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=76.568 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030987 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7859 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=76.568 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030987 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7860 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=76.568 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030987 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7861 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=76.568 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030987 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 7862 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=54.181 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030982 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7863 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=54.181 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030982 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7864 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=54.181 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030982 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7865 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=54.181 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030982 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7866 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=55.853 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030985 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038756 7867 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=55.853 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030985 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038756 7868 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=55.853 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030985 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038756 7869 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=55.853 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030985 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038756 7870 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=783 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=263 percent_ident(pep)=58.824 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031027 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7871 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=783 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=263 percent_ident(pep)=58.824 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031027 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7872 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=783 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=263 percent_ident(pep)=58.824 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031027 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7873 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=783 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=263 percent_ident(pep)=58.824 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031027 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7874 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=302 percent_ident(pep)=52.318 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031114 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7875 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=302 percent_ident(pep)=52.318 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031114 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7876 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=302 percent_ident(pep)=52.318 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031114 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7877 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=302 percent_ident(pep)=52.318 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031114 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7878 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=48.039 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031155 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 7879 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=48.039 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031155 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 7880 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=48.039 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031155 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 7881 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=48.039 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031155 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 7882 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=58.958 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031200 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7883 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=58.958 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031200 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7884 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=58.958 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031200 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7885 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=58.958 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031200 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7886 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=58.065 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031211 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7887 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=58.065 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031211 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7888 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=58.065 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031211 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7889 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=58.065 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031211 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7890 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=58.199 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031212 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7891 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=58.199 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031212 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7892 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=58.199 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031212 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7893 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=58.199 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031212 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7894 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=891 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=299 percent_ident(pep)=56.61 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:2177525 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7895 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=891 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=299 percent_ident(pep)=56.61 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:2177525 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7896 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=891 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=299 percent_ident(pep)=56.61 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:2177525 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7897 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=891 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=299 percent_ident(pep)=56.61 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:2177525 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7898 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=51.333 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031257 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7899 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=51.333 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031257 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7900 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=51.333 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031257 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7901 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=51.333 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031257 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7902 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=52 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031258 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7903 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=52 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031258 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7904 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=52 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031258 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7905 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=52 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031258 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7906 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=52.333 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031259 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7907 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=52.333 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031259 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7908 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=52.333 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031259 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7909 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=52.333 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031259 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7910 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=54 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031260 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7911 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=54 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031260 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7912 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=54 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031260 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7913 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=54 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031260 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7914 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.961 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031261 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7915 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.961 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031261 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7916 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.961 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031261 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7917 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.961 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031261 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7918 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=52.632 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031262 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7919 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=52.632 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031262 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7920 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=52.632 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031262 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7921 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=52.632 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031262 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7922 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=57.329 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031330 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7923 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=57.329 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031330 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7924 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=57.329 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031330 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7925 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=57.329 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031330 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7926 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=99.351 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031343 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7927 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=99.351 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031343 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7928 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=99.351 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031343 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7929 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=99.351 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031343 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 7930 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=60.204 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031111 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7931 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=60.204 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031111 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7932 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=60.204 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031111 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7933 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=60.204 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031111 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7934 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=954 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=99.686 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:1352683 J:88213 NCBI:NP_062347 7935 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=954 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=99.686 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:1352683 J:88213 NCBI:NP_062347 7936 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=954 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=99.686 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:1352683 J:88213 NCBI:NP_062347 7937 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=954 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=99.686 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:1352683 J:88213 NCBI:NP_062347 7938 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=58.163 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031115 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7939 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=58.163 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031115 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7940 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=58.163 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031115 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7941 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=58.163 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031115 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7942 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:106648 J:88213 NCBI:NP_032789 7943 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:106648 J:88213 NCBI:NP_032789 7944 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:106648 J:88213 NCBI:NP_032789 7945 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:106648 J:88213 NCBI:NP_032789 7946 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=28 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.877 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031116 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7947 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=28 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.877 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031116 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7948 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=28 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.877 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031116 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7949 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=28 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.877 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031116 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7950 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=28 homol_end_in_CDS=546 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=182 percent_ident(pep)=49.133 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030068 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 7951 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=28 homol_end_in_CDS=546 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=182 percent_ident(pep)=49.133 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030068 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 7952 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=28 homol_end_in_CDS=546 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=182 percent_ident(pep)=49.133 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030068 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 7953 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=28 homol_end_in_CDS=546 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=182 percent_ident(pep)=49.133 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030068 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 7954 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=59.864 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031117 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7955 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=59.864 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031117 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7956 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=59.864 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031117 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7957 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=59.864 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031117 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7958 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=54.248 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030081 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7959 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=54.248 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030081 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7960 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=54.248 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030081 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7961 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=54.248 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030081 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 7962 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=876 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=292 percent_ident(pep)=54.795 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031119 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7963 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=876 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=292 percent_ident(pep)=54.795 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031119 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7964 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=876 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=292 percent_ident(pep)=54.795 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031119 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7965 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=876 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=292 percent_ident(pep)=54.795 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031119 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7966 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=45.875 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030091 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7967 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=45.875 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030091 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7968 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=45.875 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030091 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7969 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=45.875 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030091 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 7970 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.143 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031120 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7971 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.143 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031120 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7972 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.143 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031120 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7973 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.143 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031120 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7974 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=58.163 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031121 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7975 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=58.163 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031121 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7976 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=58.163 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031121 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7977 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=58.163 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031121 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7978 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=273 homol_start_in_pep=227 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=68.539 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030098 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 7979 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=273 homol_start_in_pep=227 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=68.539 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030098 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 7980 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=273 homol_start_in_pep=227 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=68.539 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030098 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 7981 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=273 homol_start_in_pep=227 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=68.539 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030098 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 7982 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=81.373 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031123 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7983 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=81.373 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031123 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7984 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=81.373 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031123 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7985 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=81.373 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031123 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7986 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=486 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=168 percent_ident(pep)=70.13 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030099 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 7987 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=486 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=168 percent_ident(pep)=70.13 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030099 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 7988 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=486 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=168 percent_ident(pep)=70.13 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030099 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 7989 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=486 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=168 percent_ident(pep)=70.13 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030099 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 7990 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.823 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031124 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7991 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.823 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031124 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7992 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.823 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031124 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7993 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.823 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031124 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7994 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=50.161 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030100 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 7995 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=50.161 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030100 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 7996 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=50.161 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030100 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 7997 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=50.161 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030100 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 7998 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=82.026 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031125 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 7999 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=82.026 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031125 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8000 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=82.026 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031125 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8001 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=82.026 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031125 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8002 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=849 homol_start_in_pep=30 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=50.538 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030113 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 8003 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=849 homol_start_in_pep=30 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=50.538 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030113 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 8004 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=849 homol_start_in_pep=30 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=50.538 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030113 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 8005 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=849 homol_start_in_pep=30 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=50.538 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030113 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 8006 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=81.373 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031127 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8007 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=81.373 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031127 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8008 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=81.373 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031127 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8009 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=81.373 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031127 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8010 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=54.762 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031128 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8011 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=54.762 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031128 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8012 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=54.762 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031128 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8013 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=54.762 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031128 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8014 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=45.545 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030119 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8015 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=45.545 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030119 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8016 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=45.545 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030119 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8017 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=45.545 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030119 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8018 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=56.122 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031129 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8019 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=56.122 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031129 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8020 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=56.122 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031129 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8021 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=56.122 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031129 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8022 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=56.463 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031131 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8023 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=56.463 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031131 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8024 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=56.463 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031131 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8025 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=56.463 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031131 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8026 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=298 percent_ident(pep)=43.96 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030126 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8027 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=298 percent_ident(pep)=43.96 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030126 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8028 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=298 percent_ident(pep)=43.96 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030126 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8029 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=298 percent_ident(pep)=43.96 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030126 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8030 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.143 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031132 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8031 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.143 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031132 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8032 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.143 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031132 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8033 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.143 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031132 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8034 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=42.434 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030135 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8035 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=42.434 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030135 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8036 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=42.434 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030135 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8037 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=42.434 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030135 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8038 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=55.41 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031133 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8039 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=55.41 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031133 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8040 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=55.41 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031133 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8041 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=55.41 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031133 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8042 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=41.967 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030144 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8043 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=41.967 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030144 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8044 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=41.967 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030144 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8045 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=41.967 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030144 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8046 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=54.576 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031135 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8047 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=54.576 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031135 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8048 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=54.576 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031135 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8049 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=54.576 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031135 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8050 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=296 percent_ident(pep)=48.814 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030145 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8051 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=296 percent_ident(pep)=48.814 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030145 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8052 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=296 percent_ident(pep)=48.814 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030145 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8053 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=296 percent_ident(pep)=48.814 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030145 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8054 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=58.503 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031136 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8055 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=58.503 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031136 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8056 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=58.503 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031136 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8057 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=58.503 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031136 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8058 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=301 percent_ident(pep)=47.333 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030146 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8059 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=301 percent_ident(pep)=47.333 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030146 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8060 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=301 percent_ident(pep)=47.333 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030146 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8061 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=301 percent_ident(pep)=47.333 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030146 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8062 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=52 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=13 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=51.678 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:109302 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8063 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=52 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=13 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=51.678 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:109302 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8064 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=52 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=13 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=51.678 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:109302 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8065 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=52 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=13 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=51.678 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:109302 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8066 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=57.843 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030188 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8067 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=57.843 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030188 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8068 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=57.843 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030188 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8069 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=57.843 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030188 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8070 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=54.545 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030191 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8071 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=54.545 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030191 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8072 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=54.545 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030191 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8073 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=54.545 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030191 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8074 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=58.033 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030199 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8075 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=58.033 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030199 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8076 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=58.033 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030199 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8077 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=58.033 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030199 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8078 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=58.746 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030200 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8079 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=58.746 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030200 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8080 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=58.746 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030200 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8081 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=58.746 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030200 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8082 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=57.616 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030201 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8083 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=57.616 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030201 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8084 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=57.616 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030201 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8085 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=57.616 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030201 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8086 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=312 percent_ident(pep)=61.538 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030208 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8087 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=312 percent_ident(pep)=61.538 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030208 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8088 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=312 percent_ident(pep)=61.538 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030208 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8089 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=312 percent_ident(pep)=61.538 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030208 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8090 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=49.505 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030232 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8091 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=49.505 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030232 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8092 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=49.505 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030232 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8093 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=49.505 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030232 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8094 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=54.369 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031162 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8095 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=54.369 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031162 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8096 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=54.369 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031162 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8097 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=54.369 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031162 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8098 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=55.016 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031163 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8099 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=55.016 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031163 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8100 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=55.016 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031163 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8101 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=55.016 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031163 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8102 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=55.016 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031164 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8103 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=55.016 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031164 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8104 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=55.016 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031164 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8105 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=55.016 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031164 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8106 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=53.795 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031165 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8107 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=53.795 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031165 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8108 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=53.795 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031165 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8109 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=53.795 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031165 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8110 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=54.125 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031167 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8111 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=54.125 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031167 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8112 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=54.125 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031167 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8113 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=54.125 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031167 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8114 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=4 homol_end_in_CDS=768 homol_start_in_pep=54 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.941 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031169 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8115 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=4 homol_end_in_CDS=768 homol_start_in_pep=54 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.941 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031169 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8116 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=4 homol_end_in_CDS=768 homol_start_in_pep=54 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.941 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031169 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8117 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=4 homol_end_in_CDS=768 homol_start_in_pep=54 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=52.941 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031169 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8118 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=54.045 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031171 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8119 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=54.045 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031171 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8120 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=54.045 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031171 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8121 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=54.045 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031171 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8122 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=55.016 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031172 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8123 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=55.016 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031172 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8124 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=55.016 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031172 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8125 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=55.016 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031172 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8126 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=73.016 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031173 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8127 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=73.016 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031173 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8128 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=73.016 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031173 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8129 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=73.016 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031173 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8130 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=68.285 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031174 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8131 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=68.285 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031174 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8132 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=68.285 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031174 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8133 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=68.285 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031174 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8134 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=93.016 ISO GO:0007186 MGI:3031176 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8135 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=93.016 ISO GO:0016021 MGI:3031176 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8136 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=93.016 ISO GO:0004984 MGI:3031176 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8137 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=93.016 ISO GO:0007608 MGI:3031176 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8138 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=77.377 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031186 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23265 8139 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=77.377 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031186 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23265 8140 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=77.377 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031186 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23265 8141 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=77.377 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031186 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23265 8142 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=17 homol_end_in_pep=322 percent_ident(pep)=50 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030263 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8143 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=17 homol_end_in_pep=322 percent_ident(pep)=50 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030263 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8144 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=17 homol_end_in_pep=322 percent_ident(pep)=50 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030263 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8145 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=17 homol_end_in_pep=322 percent_ident(pep)=50 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030263 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8146 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=34 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=47.635 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030267 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8147 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=34 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=47.635 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030267 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8148 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=34 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=47.635 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030267 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8149 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=34 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=47.635 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030267 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8150 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=301 percent_ident(pep)=52.189 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030296 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8151 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=301 percent_ident(pep)=52.189 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030296 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8152 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=301 percent_ident(pep)=52.189 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030296 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8153 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=301 percent_ident(pep)=52.189 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030296 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8154 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=52.333 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030297 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8155 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=52.333 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030297 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8156 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=52.333 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030297 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8157 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=52.333 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030297 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8158 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=53.651 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030337 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8159 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=53.651 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030337 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8160 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=53.651 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030337 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8161 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=53.651 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030337 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8162 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=47.02 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030343 J:88213 NCBI:NP_032789 8163 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=47.02 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030343 J:88213 NCBI:NP_032789 8164 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=47.02 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030343 J:88213 NCBI:NP_032789 8165 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=47.02 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030343 J:88213 NCBI:NP_032789 8166 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=57.235 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:1333747 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8167 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=57.235 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:1333747 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8168 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=57.235 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:1333747 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8169 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=57.235 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:1333747 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8170 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=40 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=40.667 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030354 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 8171 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=40 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=40.667 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030354 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 8172 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=40 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=40.667 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030354 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 8173 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=40 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=40.667 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030354 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 8174 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=45.395 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030359 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8175 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=45.395 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030359 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8176 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=45.395 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030359 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8177 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=45.395 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030359 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8178 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=45.215 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030369 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8179 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=45.215 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030369 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8180 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=45.215 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030369 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8181 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=45.215 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030369 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8182 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=53.77 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:1333750 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8183 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=53.77 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:1333750 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8184 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=53.77 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:1333750 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8185 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=53.77 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:1333750 J:88213 NCBI:NP_036492 8186 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=9 homol_end_in_CDS=1008 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=334 percent_ident(pep)=59.159 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030377 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064685 8187 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=9 homol_end_in_CDS=1008 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=334 percent_ident(pep)=59.159 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030377 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064685 8188 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=9 homol_end_in_CDS=1008 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=334 percent_ident(pep)=59.159 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030377 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064685 8189 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=9 homol_end_in_CDS=1008 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=334 percent_ident(pep)=59.159 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030377 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064685 8190 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=1002 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=334 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030378 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064685 8191 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=1002 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=334 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030378 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064685 8192 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=1002 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=334 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030378 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064685 8193 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=52 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=13 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=51.178 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030393 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8194 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=52 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=13 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=51.178 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030393 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8195 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=52 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=13 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=51.178 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030393 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8196 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=52 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=13 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=51.178 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030393 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8197 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=53.974 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030412 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8198 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=53.974 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030412 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8199 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=53.974 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030412 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8200 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=53.974 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030412 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8201 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=60.927 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030423 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8202 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=60.927 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030423 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8203 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=60.927 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030423 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8204 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=60.927 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030423 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8205 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=58.632 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030432 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038648 8206 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=58.632 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030432 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038648 8207 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=58.632 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030432 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038648 8208 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=58.632 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030432 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038648 8209 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=54.575 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030435 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038648 8210 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=54.575 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030435 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038648 8211 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=54.575 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030435 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038648 8212 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=54.575 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030435 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038648 8213 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=57.426 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030441 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8214 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=57.426 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030441 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8215 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=57.426 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030441 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8216 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=57.426 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030441 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8217 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=34 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=45.973 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030445 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8218 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=34 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=45.973 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030445 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8219 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=34 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=45.973 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030445 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8220 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=34 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=45.973 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030445 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8221 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=34 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=46.309 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030446 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8222 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=34 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=46.309 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030446 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8223 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=34 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=46.309 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030446 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8224 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=34 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=46.309 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030446 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8225 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=76.19 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030451 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8226 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=76.19 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030451 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8227 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=76.19 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030451 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8228 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=76.19 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030451 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8229 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=320 percent_ident(pep)=75.641 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030452 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8230 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=320 percent_ident(pep)=75.641 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030452 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8231 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=320 percent_ident(pep)=75.641 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030452 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8232 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=320 percent_ident(pep)=75.641 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030452 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8233 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=73.397 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030453 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8234 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=73.397 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030453 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8235 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=73.397 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030453 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8236 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=73.397 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030453 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8237 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=92.381 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030457 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8238 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=92.381 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030457 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8239 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=92.381 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030457 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8240 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=92.381 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030457 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8241 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=53.289 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030458 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8242 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=53.289 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030458 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8243 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=53.289 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030458 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8244 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=53.289 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030458 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8245 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=313 percent_ident(pep)=81.21 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3032605 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23266 8246 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=313 percent_ident(pep)=81.21 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3032605 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23266 8247 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=313 percent_ident(pep)=81.21 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3032605 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23266 8248 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=313 percent_ident(pep)=81.21 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3032605 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23266 8249 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=76.825 ISO GO:0007186 MGI:1335096 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039226 8250 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=76.825 ISO GO:0016021 MGI:1335096 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039226 8251 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=76.825 ISO GO:0004984 MGI:1335096 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039226 8252 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=76.825 ISO GO:0007608 MGI:1335096 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039226 8253 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=99.683 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:1341900 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8254 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=99.683 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:1341900 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8255 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=99.683 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:1341900 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8256 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=99.683 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:1341900 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038644 8257 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=314 percent_ident(pep)=57.643 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030487 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8258 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=314 percent_ident(pep)=57.643 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030487 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8259 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=314 percent_ident(pep)=57.643 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030487 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8260 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=314 percent_ident(pep)=57.643 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030487 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8261 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=55.873 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030492 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8262 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=55.873 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030492 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8263 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=55.873 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030492 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8264 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-5 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=55.873 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030492 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8265 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=52.597 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030493 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8266 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=52.597 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030493 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8267 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=52.597 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030493 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8268 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=9 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=52.597 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030493 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8269 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=969 homol_start_in_pep=6 homol_end_in_pep=322 percent_ident(pep)=51.258 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030498 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8270 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=969 homol_start_in_pep=6 homol_end_in_pep=322 percent_ident(pep)=51.258 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030498 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8271 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=969 homol_start_in_pep=6 homol_end_in_pep=322 percent_ident(pep)=51.258 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030498 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8272 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=16 homol_end_in_CDS=969 homol_start_in_pep=6 homol_end_in_pep=322 percent_ident(pep)=51.258 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030498 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8273 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=67.213 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030142 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23267 8274 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=67.213 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030142 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23267 8275 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=67.213 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030142 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23267 8276 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=7 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=67.213 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030142 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23267 8277 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=97.428 ISO GO:0007186 MGI:3030357 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23267 8278 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=97.428 ISO GO:0016021 MGI:3030357 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23267 8279 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=97.428 ISO GO:0004984 MGI:3030357 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23267 8280 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=97.428 ISO GO:0007608 MGI:3030357 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23267 8281 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=37 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=17 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=54.849 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030499 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8282 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=37 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=17 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=54.849 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030499 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8283 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=37 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=17 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=54.849 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030499 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8284 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=37 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=17 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=54.849 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030499 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8285 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=978 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=326 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:1341911 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8286 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=978 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=326 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:1341911 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8287 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=978 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=326 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:1341911 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8288 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=978 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=326 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:1341911 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038647 8289 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:1341790 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038648 8290 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:1341790 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038648 8291 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:1341790 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038648 8292 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:1341790 J:88213 NCBI:NP_038648 8293 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=53.618 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030556 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8294 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=53.618 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030556 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8295 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=53.618 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030556 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8296 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=53.618 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030556 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8297 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=50.329 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030564 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8298 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=50.329 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030564 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8299 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=50.329 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030564 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8300 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=50.329 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030564 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8301 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=50.162 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030020 J:88213 UniProtKB:P37070 8302 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=50.162 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030020 J:88213 UniProtKB:P37070 8303 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=50.162 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030020 J:88213 UniProtKB:P37070 8304 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=50.162 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030020 J:88213 UniProtKB:P37070 8305 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=897 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=299 percent_ident(pep)=55.184 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030565 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8306 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=897 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=299 percent_ident(pep)=55.184 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030565 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8307 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=897 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=299 percent_ident(pep)=55.184 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030565 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8308 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=897 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=299 percent_ident(pep)=55.184 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030565 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8309 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=52.614 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030566 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8310 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=52.614 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030566 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8311 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=52.614 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030566 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8312 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=52.614 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030566 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8313 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=52.941 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030567 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8314 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=52.941 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030567 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8315 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=52.941 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030567 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8316 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=52.941 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030567 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8317 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=52.273 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030568 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8318 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=52.273 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030568 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8319 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=52.273 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030568 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8320 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=52.273 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030568 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8321 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=130 homol_end_in_CDS=1044 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=55.738 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030569 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8322 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=130 homol_end_in_CDS=1044 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=55.738 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030569 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8323 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=130 homol_end_in_CDS=1044 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=55.738 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030569 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8324 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=130 homol_end_in_CDS=1044 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=55.738 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030569 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8325 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=966 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=319 percent_ident(pep)=40.483 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031199 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47887 8326 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=966 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=319 percent_ident(pep)=40.483 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031199 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47887 8327 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=966 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=319 percent_ident(pep)=40.483 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031199 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47887 8328 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=966 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=319 percent_ident(pep)=40.483 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031199 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47887 8329 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=37 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=19 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=67.003 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030572 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8330 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=37 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=19 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=67.003 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030572 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8331 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=37 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=19 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=67.003 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030572 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8332 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=37 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=19 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=67.003 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030572 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8333 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-8 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=6 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=64.839 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030573 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8334 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-8 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=6 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=64.839 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030573 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8335 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-8 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=6 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=64.839 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030573 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8336 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-8 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=6 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=64.839 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030573 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8337 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=66.113 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030574 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8338 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=66.113 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030574 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8339 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=66.113 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030574 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8340 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=66.113 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030574 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8341 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=63.123 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030575 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8342 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=63.123 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030575 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8343 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=63.123 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030575 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8344 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=63.123 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030575 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8345 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=34 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=14 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=54.11 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:2177480 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 8346 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=34 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=14 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=54.11 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:2177480 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 8347 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=34 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=14 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=54.11 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:2177480 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 8348 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=34 homol_end_in_CDS=909 homol_start_in_pep=14 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=54.11 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:2177480 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 8349 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=65.116 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030576 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8350 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=65.116 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030576 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8351 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=65.116 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030576 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8352 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=65.116 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030576 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8353 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=323 percent_ident(pep)=65.049 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030578 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8354 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=323 percent_ident(pep)=65.049 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030578 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8355 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=323 percent_ident(pep)=65.049 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030578 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8356 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=15 homol_end_in_pep=323 percent_ident(pep)=65.049 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030578 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8357 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=4 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=53.156 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:2177481 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 8358 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=4 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=53.156 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:2177481 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 8359 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=4 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=53.156 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:2177481 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 8360 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=4 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=53.156 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:2177481 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 8361 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=55 homol_end_in_CDS=963 homol_start_in_pep=13 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=69.967 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030579 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8362 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=55 homol_end_in_CDS=963 homol_start_in_pep=13 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=69.967 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030579 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8363 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=55 homol_end_in_CDS=963 homol_start_in_pep=13 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=69.967 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030579 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8364 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=55 homol_end_in_CDS=963 homol_start_in_pep=13 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=69.967 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030579 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8365 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=52.475 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:2177482 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 8366 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=52.475 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:2177482 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 8367 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=52.475 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:2177482 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 8368 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=52.475 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:2177482 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47890 8369 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-32 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=324 percent_ident(pep)=90.432 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030581 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8370 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-32 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=324 percent_ident(pep)=90.432 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030581 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8371 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-32 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=324 percent_ident(pep)=90.432 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030581 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8372 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-32 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=324 percent_ident(pep)=90.432 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030581 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8373 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=57.566 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030290 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q13607 8374 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=57.566 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030290 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q13607 8375 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=57.566 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030290 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q13607 8376 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=57.566 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030290 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q13607 8377 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-32 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=324 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030583 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8378 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-32 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=324 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030583 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8379 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-32 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=324 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030583 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8380 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-32 homol_end_in_CDS=939 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=324 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030583 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8381 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=59.609 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030291 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q13607 8382 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=59.609 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030291 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q13607 8383 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=59.609 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030291 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q13607 8384 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=59.609 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030291 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q13607 8385 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=49.164 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030597 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8386 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=49.164 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030597 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8387 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=49.164 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030597 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8388 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=49.164 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030597 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8389 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=59.283 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030292 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q13607 8390 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=59.283 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030292 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q13607 8391 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=59.283 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030292 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q13607 8392 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=59.283 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030292 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q13607 8393 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=28 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=52.649 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030630 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8394 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=28 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=52.649 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030630 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8395 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=28 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=52.649 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030630 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8396 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=28 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=52.649 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030630 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8397 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=49.833 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:107600 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8398 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=49.833 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:107600 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8399 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=49.833 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:107600 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8400 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=49.833 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:107600 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8401 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=312 percent_ident(pep)=74.679 ISO GO:0007186 MGI:2177479 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 8402 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=312 percent_ident(pep)=74.679 ISO GO:0016021 MGI:2177479 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 8403 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=312 percent_ident(pep)=74.679 ISO GO:0004984 MGI:2177479 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 8404 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=312 percent_ident(pep)=74.679 ISO GO:0007608 MGI:2177479 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039225 8405 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=301 percent_ident(pep)=50.331 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030815 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8406 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=301 percent_ident(pep)=50.331 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030815 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8407 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=301 percent_ident(pep)=50.331 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030815 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8408 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=301 percent_ident(pep)=50.331 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030815 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8409 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=58.02 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030557 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8410 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=58.02 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030557 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8411 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=58.02 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030557 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8412 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=58.02 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030557 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8413 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=54.754 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030818 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8414 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=54.754 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030818 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8415 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=54.754 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030818 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8416 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=54.754 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030818 J:88213 NCBI:NP_065260 8417 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=57.426 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030558 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8418 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=57.426 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030558 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8419 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=57.426 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030558 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8420 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=57.426 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030558 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8421 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=59.864 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030559 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8422 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=59.864 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030559 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8423 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=59.864 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030559 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8424 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=59.864 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030559 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8425 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=60.544 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030560 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8426 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=60.544 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030560 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8427 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=60.544 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030560 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8428 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=60.544 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030560 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8429 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=58.844 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030561 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8430 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=58.844 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030561 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8431 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=58.844 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030561 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8432 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=58.844 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030561 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8433 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=61.905 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030562 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8434 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=61.905 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030562 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8435 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=61.905 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030562 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8436 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=295 percent_ident(pep)=61.905 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030562 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8437 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.143 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030563 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8438 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.143 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030563 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8439 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.143 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030563 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8440 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=22 homol_end_in_CDS=903 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=294 percent_ident(pep)=57.143 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030563 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q8NGA8 8441 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=73.052 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:1313138 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 8442 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=73.052 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:1313138 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 8443 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=73.052 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:1313138 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 8444 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=73.052 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:1313138 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 8445 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=56.655 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030202 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 8446 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=56.655 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030202 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 8447 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=56.655 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030202 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 8448 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=303 percent_ident(pep)=56.655 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030202 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95155 8449 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=86.751 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:1313140 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95156 8450 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=86.751 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:1313140 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95156 8451 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=86.751 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:1313140 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95156 8452 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=86.751 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:1313140 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95156 8453 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=61.184 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030284 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95156 8454 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=61.184 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030284 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95156 8455 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=61.184 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030284 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95156 8456 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=61.184 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030284 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95156 8457 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=86.12 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030286 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95156 8458 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=86.12 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030286 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95156 8459 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=86.12 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030286 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95156 8460 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=86.12 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030286 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95156 8461 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=86.751 ISO GO:0007186 MGI:3030287 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95156 8462 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=86.751 ISO GO:0016021 MGI:3030287 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95156 8463 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=86.751 ISO GO:0004984 MGI:3030287 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95156 8464 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=951 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=317 percent_ident(pep)=86.751 ISO GO:0007608 MGI:3030287 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q95156 8465 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=55 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=19 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=54.882 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031192 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8466 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=55 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=19 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=54.882 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031192 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8467 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=55 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=19 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=54.882 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031192 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8468 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=55 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=19 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=54.882 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031192 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8469 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=79.153 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031237 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8470 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=79.153 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031237 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8471 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=79.153 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031237 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8472 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=79.153 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031237 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8473 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=64.194 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031238 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8474 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=64.194 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031238 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8475 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=64.194 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031238 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8476 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=64.194 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031238 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8477 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=66.883 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031240 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8478 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=66.883 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031240 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8479 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=66.883 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031240 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8480 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=318 percent_ident(pep)=66.883 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031240 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8481 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=900 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=66.333 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031242 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8482 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=900 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=66.333 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031242 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8483 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=900 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=66.333 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031242 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8484 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=900 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=66.333 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031242 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8485 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-32 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=46.688 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031251 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8486 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-32 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=46.688 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031251 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8487 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-32 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=46.688 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031251 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8488 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-32 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=46.688 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031251 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8489 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=22 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=50 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031325 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8490 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=22 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=50 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031325 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8491 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=22 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=50 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031325 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8492 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=22 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=50 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031325 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8493 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=40 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=21 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=50.168 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031328 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8494 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=40 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=21 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=50.168 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031328 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8495 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=40 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=21 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=50.168 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031328 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8496 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=40 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=21 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=50.168 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031328 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8497 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=22 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=49.315 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031329 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8498 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=22 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=49.315 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031329 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8499 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=22 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=49.315 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031329 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8500 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=43 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=22 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=49.315 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031329 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8501 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=570 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=199 percent_ident(pep)=63.874 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030052 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8502 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=570 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=199 percent_ident(pep)=63.874 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030052 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8503 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=570 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=199 percent_ident(pep)=63.874 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030052 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8504 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=570 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=199 percent_ident(pep)=63.874 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030052 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8505 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=316 percent_ident(pep)=53.746 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030204 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8506 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=316 percent_ident(pep)=53.746 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030204 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8507 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=316 percent_ident(pep)=53.746 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030204 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8508 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-2 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=11 homol_end_in_pep=316 percent_ident(pep)=53.746 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030204 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8509 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-32 homol_end_in_CDS=891 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=45.484 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030249 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8510 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-32 homol_end_in_CDS=891 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=45.484 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030249 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8511 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-32 homol_end_in_CDS=891 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=45.484 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030249 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8512 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=-32 homol_end_in_CDS=891 homol_start_in_pep=3 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=45.484 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030249 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8513 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=891 homol_start_in_pep=16 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=49.158 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030251 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8514 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=891 homol_start_in_pep=16 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=49.158 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030251 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8515 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=891 homol_start_in_pep=16 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=49.158 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030251 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8516 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=891 homol_start_in_pep=16 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=49.158 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030251 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8517 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=319 percent_ident(pep)=54.045 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030253 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8518 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=319 percent_ident(pep)=54.045 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030253 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8519 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=319 percent_ident(pep)=54.045 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030253 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8520 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=927 homol_start_in_pep=12 homol_end_in_pep=319 percent_ident(pep)=54.045 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030253 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8521 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=897 homol_start_in_pep=16 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=47.138 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030313 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8522 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=897 homol_start_in_pep=16 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=47.138 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030313 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8523 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=897 homol_start_in_pep=16 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=47.138 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030313 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8524 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=7 homol_end_in_CDS=897 homol_start_in_pep=16 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=47.138 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030313 J:88213 UniProtKB:P30954 8525 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=302 percent_ident(pep)=70.199 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031068 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8526 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=302 percent_ident(pep)=70.199 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031068 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8527 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=302 percent_ident(pep)=70.199 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031068 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8528 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=302 percent_ident(pep)=70.199 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031068 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8529 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=302 percent_ident(pep)=77.152 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031072 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8530 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=302 percent_ident(pep)=77.152 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031072 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8531 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=302 percent_ident(pep)=77.152 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031072 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8532 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=906 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=302 percent_ident(pep)=77.152 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031072 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8533 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=900 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=71.667 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031073 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8534 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=900 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=71.667 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031073 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8535 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=900 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=71.667 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031073 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8536 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=900 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=71.667 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031073 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8537 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=75.329 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031074 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8538 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=75.329 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031074 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8539 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=75.329 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031074 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8540 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=75.329 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031074 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8541 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=73.941 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031075 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8542 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=73.941 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031075 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8543 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=73.941 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031075 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8544 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=73.941 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031075 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8545 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=73.026 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031076 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8546 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=73.026 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031076 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8547 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=73.026 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031076 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8548 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=73.026 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031076 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8549 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=74.342 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031077 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8550 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=74.342 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031077 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8551 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=74.342 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031077 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8552 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=74.342 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031077 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8553 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=93.16 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031079 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8554 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=93.16 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031079 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8555 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=93.16 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031079 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8556 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=93.16 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031079 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8557 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=79.805 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031080 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8558 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=79.805 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031080 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8559 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=79.805 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031080 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8560 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=79.805 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031080 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8561 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=75.57 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031081 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8562 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=75.57 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031081 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8563 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=75.57 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031081 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8564 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=75.57 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031081 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8565 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=75.329 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031082 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8566 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=75.329 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031082 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8567 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=75.329 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031082 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8568 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=75.329 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031082 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8569 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=77.632 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031083 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8570 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=77.632 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031083 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8571 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=77.632 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031083 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8572 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=77.632 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031083 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8573 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=76.873 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031084 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8574 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=76.873 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031084 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8575 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=76.873 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031084 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8576 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=76.873 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031084 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8577 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=79.276 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031085 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8578 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=79.276 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031085 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8579 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=79.276 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031085 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8580 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=912 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=304 percent_ident(pep)=79.276 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031085 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8581 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=76.547 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031086 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8582 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=76.547 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031086 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8583 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=76.547 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031086 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8584 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=76.547 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031086 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8585 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=77.199 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031088 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8586 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=77.199 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031088 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8587 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=77.199 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031088 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8588 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=307 percent_ident(pep)=77.199 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031088 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8589 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=900 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=66.667 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031090 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8590 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=900 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=66.667 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031090 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8591 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=900 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=66.667 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031090 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8592 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=900 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=300 percent_ident(pep)=66.667 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031090 J:88213 UniProtKB:Q9QW37 8593 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=44.737 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031228 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23275 8594 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=44.737 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031228 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23275 8595 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=44.737 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031228 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23275 8596 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=10 homol_end_in_CDS=921 homol_start_in_pep=2 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=44.737 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031228 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23275 8597 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=312 percent_ident(pep)=99.679 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:106182 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23275 8598 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=312 percent_ident(pep)=99.679 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:106182 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23275 8599 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=312 percent_ident(pep)=99.679 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:106182 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23275 8600 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=312 percent_ident(pep)=99.679 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:106182 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23275 8601 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=43.607 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030366 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23275 8602 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=43.607 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030366 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23275 8603 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=43.607 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030366 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23275 8604 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=915 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=43.607 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030366 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23275 8605 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=51.325 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:2177477 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23275 8606 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=51.325 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:2177477 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23275 8607 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=51.325 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:2177477 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23275 8608 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=13 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=5 homol_end_in_pep=305 percent_ident(pep)=51.325 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:2177477 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23275 8609 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=84.194 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030089 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23269 8610 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=84.194 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030089 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23269 8611 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=84.194 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030089 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23269 8612 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=84.194 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030089 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23269 8613 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=438 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=146 percent_ident(pep)=77.397 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030090 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23269 8614 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=438 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=146 percent_ident(pep)=77.397 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030090 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23269 8615 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=438 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=146 percent_ident(pep)=77.397 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030090 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23269 8616 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=438 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=146 percent_ident(pep)=77.397 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030090 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23269 8617 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=86.774 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030227 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23269 8618 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=86.774 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030227 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23269 8619 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=86.774 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030227 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23269 8620 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=86.774 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030227 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23269 8621 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=85.806 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030228 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23269 8622 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=85.806 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030228 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23269 8623 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=85.806 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030228 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23269 8624 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=930 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=310 percent_ident(pep)=85.806 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030228 J:88213 UniProtKB:P23269 8625 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=80.952 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030235 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47881 8626 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=80.952 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030235 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47881 8627 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=80.952 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030235 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47881 8628 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=80.952 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030235 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47881 8629 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=82.54 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030236 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47881 8630 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=82.54 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030236 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47881 8631 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=82.54 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030236 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47881 8632 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=82.54 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030236 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47881 8633 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=84.444 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030244 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47881 8634 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=84.444 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030244 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47881 8635 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=84.444 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030244 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47881 8636 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=945 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=315 percent_ident(pep)=84.444 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030244 J:88213 UniProtKB:P47881 8637 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=66.34 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3031175 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8638 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=66.34 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3031175 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8639 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=66.34 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3031175 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8640 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=918 homol_start_in_pep=4 homol_end_in_pep=309 percent_ident(pep)=66.34 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3031175 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8641 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=71.061 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:1333887 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8642 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=71.061 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:1333887 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8643 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=71.061 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:1333887 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8644 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=933 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=311 percent_ident(pep)=71.061 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:1333887 J:88213 UniProtKB:O35434 8645 1 evidence:IDA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: chick, xenopus ISA GO:0005634 MGI:1923684 J:93794 EMBL:AF238863|EMBL:AF238862 8646 1 evidence: anatomy:circumvallate papilla ; MA:0001594 anatomy:TS22\,circumvallate papilla\,tongue; EMAP:6510 anatomy:TS23\,circumvallate papilla\,epithelium\,tongue; EMAP:8043 anatomy:TS24\,circumvallate papilla\,tongue; EMAP:9355 anatomy:TS25\,circumvalla IDA GO:0030424 MGI:103149 J:36520 N/A 8647 2 te papilla\,tongue; EMAP:10715 anatomy:TS26\,circumvallate papilla\,tongue; EMAP:12075 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:103149 J:36520 N/A 8648 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; MA:0000007 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0035108 MGI:87861 J:28671 MGI:87861 8649 1 evidence: anatomy:head ; MA:0000023 anatomy:primary palate ; MA:0001583 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009653 MGI:87861 J:28671 MGI:87861 8650 1 evidence: anatomy:corpus callosum ; MA:0000188 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:87865 J:5639 MGI:1856647 8651 1 evidence: anatomy:corpus callosum ; MA:0000188 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:87865 J:17922 MGI:1856647 8652 1 evidence: anatomy:corpus callosum ; MA:0000188 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:87865 J:51094 MGI:1856647 8653 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MC3T3-E1 Subclone 4 ; ATCC:CRL-2593 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:2137520 J:98069 N/A 8654 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MC3T3-E1 Subclone 4 ; ATCC:CRL-2593 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030514 MGI:2137520 J:98069 N/A 8655 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MC3T3-E1 Subclone 4 ; ATCC:CRL-2593 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045668 MGI:2137520 J:98069 N/A 8656 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MC3T3-E1 Subclone 4 ; ATCC:CRL-2593 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:1313268 J:98069 N/A 8657 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MC3T3-E1 Subclone 4 ; ATCC:CRL-2593 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030514 MGI:1313268 J:98069 N/A 8658 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MC3T3-E1 Subclone 4 ; ATCC:CRL-2593 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045668 MGI:1313268 J:98069 N/A 8659 1 evidence:IDA anatomy: cell type: gene product:human text: ISO GO:0016208 MGI:2685145 J:89847 NCBI:NM_080818 8660 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:GO:0008248 obsoleted ISO GO:0031202 MGI:1932339 J:65061 NCBI:NM_012433 8661 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=1002 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=334 percent_ident(pep)=100 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030378 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064685 8662 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=19 homol_end_in_pep=324 percent_ident(pep)=68.954 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030580 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8663 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=19 homol_end_in_pep=324 percent_ident(pep)=68.954 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030580 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8664 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=19 homol_end_in_pep=324 percent_ident(pep)=68.954 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030580 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8665 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=25 homol_end_in_CDS=942 homol_start_in_pep=19 homol_end_in_pep=324 percent_ident(pep)=68.954 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030580 J:88213 NCBI:NP_064684 8666 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=86.928 ISO GO:0007186 MGI:2177478 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8667 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=86.928 ISO GO:0016021 MGI:2177478 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8668 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=86.928 ISO GO:0004984 MGI:2177478 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8669 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=19 homol_end_in_CDS=936 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=306 percent_ident(pep)=86.928 ISO GO:0007608 MGI:2177478 J:88213 NCBI:NP_039229 8670 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=82.143 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:3030214 J:88213 PIR:S29708 8671 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=82.143 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3030214 J:88213 PIR:S29708 8672 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=82.143 ISA GO:0004984 MGI:3030214 J:88213 PIR:S29708 8673 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:homol_start_in_CDS=1 homol_end_in_CDS=924 homol_start_in_pep=1 homol_end_in_pep=308 percent_ident(pep)=82.143 ISA GO:0007608 MGI:3030214 J:88213 PIR:S29708 8674 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:RAF1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:894315 J:88364 UniProtKB:Q99N57 8675 1 evidence: anatomy:haemolymphoid system ; MA:0000013 cell type:mononuclear phagocyte ; CL:0000113 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009617 MGI:87877 J:5860 N/A 8676 1 evidence: anatomy:adipose tissue ; MA:0000009 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009888 MGI:87915 J:6111 MGI:87915 8677 1 evidence: anatomy:adipose tissue ; MA:0000009 cell type:fat cell ; CL:0000136 gene product: target: text IMP GO:0045792 MGI:87915 J:6095 MGI:87915 8678 1 evidence: anatomy:adipose tissue ; MA:0000009 cell type:fat cell ; CL:0000136 gene product: target: text: Females IMP GO:0008285 MGI:87915 J:6095 MGI:87915 8679 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:No protein ID exists for Atp6c1 IPI GO:0016471 MGI:2153480 J:72365 MGI:107583 8680 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:protein id not available IPI GO:0015991 MGI:2153480 J:72365 MGI:107583 8681 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Vpreb1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96529 J:32583 UniProtKB:P13372 8682 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Itpr1 IPI GO:0007204 MGI:109527 J:53344 UniProtKB:P11881 8683 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Flnb IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95556 J:79977 UniProtKB:Q80X90 8684 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Flna IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2446089 J:79977 UniProtKB:Q8BTM8 8685 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: Ebf4 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:894289 J:78453 UniProtKB:Q8K4J2 8686 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Itch IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106183 J:75463 UniProtKB:Q8C863 8687 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:No Seq_id for Grhl3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109360 J:82770 MGI:2655333 8688 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Lmo4, Grhl3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2655333 J:82770 UniProtKB:P61969|MGI:2655333 8689 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:nephronectin IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96599 J:70545 UniProtKB:Q91ZD3|UniProtKB:Q6NV58 8690 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: Tcfap2d IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104671 J:72398 UniProtKB:Q91ZK0 8691 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Traf1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1096377 J:39510 UniProtKB:P39428 8692 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Actn2 , Flna IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1929471 J:66484 UniProtKB:Q9JI91|UniProtKB:Q8BTM8 8693 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: Myoz1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95556 J:66484 UniProtKB:Q9JK37 8694 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Actn2, Actn3 IPI GO:0015629 MGI:1913063 J:66484 UniProtKB:Q9JI91|UniProtKB:O88990 8695 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Myoz1 , Myoz2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109192 J:66484 UniProtKB:Q9JK37|UniProtKB:Q9JJW5 8696 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Myoz2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99678 J:66484 UniProtKB:Q9JJW5 8697 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:a, non-agouti IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1341628 J:66735 UniProtKB:Q03288 8698 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:a, non-agouti IPI GO:0004872 MGI:1341628 J:66735 UniProtKB:Q03288 8699 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: Scgb3a2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2153470 J:72388 UniProtKB:Q920H1 8700 1 evidence: anatomy:adrenal gland zona glomerulosa ; MA:0001891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030325 MGI:95472 J:5117 N/A 8701 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0000904 MGI:96212 J:7047 MGI:1856902 8702 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:tear IDA GO:0005615 MGI:103146 J:14884 N/A 8703 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:tear IDA GO:0005615 MGI:103145 J:7536 N/A 8704 1 evidence:inhibitory peptide anatomy:TS18\,lung; EMAP:3206 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:105382 J:77264 MGI:1934917 8705 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|TS1[alpha][beta] gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:76678 MGI:1309517 8706 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Mfn1, Mfn2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914664 J:81438 UniProtKB:Q811U4|UniProtKB:Q80U63 8707 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Mfn1, Mfn2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2442230 J:81438 UniProtKB:Q811U4|UniProtKB:Q80U63 8708 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Prkcz2 Had to remove XP_, as is now invalid. Will check back for more seq_id when available. IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1927223 J:87877 MGI:3029152 8709 1 evidence:COIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1352456 J:88146 UniProtKB:P49919 8710 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,midbrain; EMAP:11762 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042551 MGI:104564 J:88146 MGI:1933757 8711 1 evidence:co-transfection anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:104564 J:88146 MGI:1352456 8712 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Snx25 target: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106211 J:83822 UniProtKB:Q80YF9 8713 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 anatomy:corpus callosum ; MA:0000188 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008088 MGI:88059 J:73257 MGI:2136847 8714 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 anatomy:corpus callosum ; MA:0000188 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008088 MGI:107978 J:73257 MGI:2136259 8715 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:107978 J:73257 N/A 8716 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0031410 MGI:107978 J:73257 N/A 8717 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1202717 J:73257 N/A 8718 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0031410 MGI:1202717 J:73257 N/A 8719 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1346542 J:73257 N/A 8720 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0031410 MGI:1346542 J:73257 N/A 8721 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008088 MGI:88059 J:98609 MGI:2136847 8722 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:88059 J:73257 N/A 8723 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:88059 J:98609 N/A 8724 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0031410 MGI:88059 J:98609 N/A 8725 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0031410 MGI:88059 J:73257 N/A 8726 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:corpus callosum ; MA:0000188 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:88059 J:54584 MGI:2154522|MGI:2154535 8727 1 evidence:Morris water maze anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008542 MGI:88059 J:57197 MGI:2136847 8728 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:BMP4|CHRD IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2137520 J:95191 UniProtKB:P21275|UniProtKB:Q9Z0E2 8729 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:TWSG1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88180 J:95191 UniProtKB:Q9ERN7 8730 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:TWSG1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1313268 J:95191 UniProtKB:Q9ERN7 8731 1 evidence:IHC anatomy:TS24\,follicle\,hair; EMAP:8885 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0016020 MGI:101766 J:52203 N/A 8732 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ;CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:101766 J:22530 N/A 8733 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:101766 J:21655 N/A 8734 1 evidence: anatomy:mandible ; MA:0001487 anatomy:maxilla ; MA:0001491 anatomy:chondrocranium ; MA:0000317 anatomy:limb long bone ; MA:0000298 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048705 MGI:101766 J:84392 MGI:2667542 8735 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy:MA:0000142|MA:0000141| cell type:CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:101922 J:13269 N/A 8736 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0035196 MGI:2177178 J:100475 MGI:3589209 8737 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,inner cell mass; EMAP:14 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001833 MGI:1932915 J:100552 MGI:3589467 8738 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:12574 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 g IGI GO:0000226 MGI:109520 J:100552 MGI:1932915 8739 2 ene product: target: text: IGI GO:0000226 MGI:109520 J:100552 MGI:1932915 8740 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:12574 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 g IGI GO:0000226 MGI:1932915 J:100552 MGI:109520 8741 2 ene product: target: text: IGI GO:0000226 MGI:1932915 J:100552 MGI:109520 8742 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0047496 MGI:1932915 J:100552 MGI:1914453,MGI:109520 8743 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0047496 MGI:109520 J:100552 MGI:1932915,MGI:1914453 8744 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0047496 MGI:1914453 J:100552 MGI:1932915,MGI:109520 8745 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:12574 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: qualif IGI GO:0001764 MGI:1932915 J:100552 MGI:109520 8746 2 ier: target: text: IGI GO:0001764 MGI:1932915 J:100552 MGI:109520 8747 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:12574 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: qualif IGI GO:0001764 MGI:109520 J:100552 MGI:1932915 8748 2 ier: target: text: IGI GO:0001764 MGI:109520 J:100552 MGI:1932915 8749 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3235 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0001657 MGI:107430 J:99437 N/A 8750 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:G1P2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914500 J:94130 UniProtKB:Q64339 8751 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UBE2L6 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1855694 J:94130 UniProtKB:Q9QZU9 8752 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:HIST1H1B IPI GO:0007517 MGI:97168 J:91568 UniProtKB:P43276 8753 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:HIST1H1B IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97168 J:91568 UniProtKB:P43276 8754 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:MSX1 IPI GO:0007517 MGI:1861461 J:91568 UniProtKB:P13297 8755 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:MSX1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1861461 J:91568 UniProtKB:P13297 8756 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; CCL-2 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; CRL-1573 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; CRL-1658 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:00000 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2159343 J:100171 N/A 8757 2 02|PA317 ; CRL-9078 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2159343 J:100171 N/A 8758 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; CCL-2 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005635 MGI:1933192 J:100171 N/A 8759 1 evidence: anatomy:unfertilized egg ; MA:0000388 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:one-cell stage; EMAP:2 anatomy:TS2\,two-cell stage; EMAP:6 anatomy:TS3\,4-8 cell stage; EMAP:8 anatomy: IDA GO:0015630 MGI:2442230 J:100252 N/A 8760 2 TS4\,compacted morula; EMAP:13 anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0015630 MGI:2442230 J:100252 N/A 8761 1 evidence:antisense injection anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001825 MGI:2442230 J:100252 N/A 8762 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,optic cup; EMAP:2367 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048593 MGI:2442230 J:100636 MGI:1861626 8763 1 evidence:IHC anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:IHC| IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1095400 J:79154 N/A 8764 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,right ventricle; EMAP:6447 anatomy:TS22\,valve\,heart; EMAP:6433 anatomy:TS22\,interatrial septum; EMAP:6399 anatomy:TS22\,interventricular septum; EMAP:6440 cell type:endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1095400 J:99745 MGI:3583784|MGI:2450311 8765 2 text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1095400 J:99745 MGI:3583784|MGI:2450311 8766 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006629 MGI:1934606 J:100403 MGI:3576051 8767 1 evidence: anatomy:abdominal fat pad ; MA:0000472| white fat ; MA:0000058 cell type:white fat cell ; CL:0000448 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045598 MGI:1934606 J:100403 MGI:3576051 8768 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal rod cell ; CL:0000604 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0046548 MGI:1934606 J:100403 MGI:3576051 8769 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:TAAT text: ISA GO:0003677 MGI:1350935 J:11834 EMBL:M75952 8770 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Hspa5 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1336879 J:88977 UniProtKB:P20029 8771 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Fkbp7 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95835 J:88977 UniProtKB:O54998 8772 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:12transmembrane domains ISS GO:0005886 MGI:1921588 J:90740 N/A 8773 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:SLC2A4 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1929988 J:92922 N/A 8774 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fat_cell ; CL:0000136 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1929988 J:92922 N/A 8775 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:MEF2A IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1929988 J:92922 UniProtKB:Q60929 8776 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:KLF15 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99532 J:92922 UniProtKB:Q9EPW2 8777 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:SLC2A4 text: IDA GO:0016563 MGI:99532 J:92922 N/A 8778 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:human protein bind with Rela and Nfat5. ISA GO:0005515 MGI:1891436 J:97353 UniProtKB:Q9BZS1 8779 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,mesenchyme\,4th arch; EMAP:1525 cell type:neural crest cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001755 MGI:95668 J:100584 MGI:1857634 8780 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,4th arch artery; EMAP:2394 anatomy:TS17\,6th arch artery; EMAP:2395 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001569 MGI:95668 J:100584 MGI:1857634 8781 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,4th arch artery; EMAP:2394 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0035239 MGI:95668 J:100584 MGI:1857634 8782 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,trigeminal V\,cranial\,ganglion\,central nervous system; EMAP:5077 anatomy:TS21\,glossopharyngeal IX\,cranial\,ganglion\,central nervous system; EMAP:5074 anatomy:TS21\,vagus X\,cranial\,ganglion\,central nervous system; EMAP:5078 IMP GO:0048483 MGI:95668 J:100584 MGI:1857634 8783 2 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048483 MGI:95668 J:100584 MGI:1857634 8784 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,inner ear; EMAP:10524 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:95668 J:100584 MGI:1857634 8785 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,4th arch artery; EMAP:2394 anatomy:TS17\,6th arch artery; EMAP:2395 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001569 MGI:95668 J:100584 MGI:99604 8786 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,4th arch artery; EMAP:2394 anatomy:TS17\,6th arch artery; EMAP:2395 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001569 MGI:99604 J:100584 MGI:95668 8787 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:ENSMUSP00000048361 target: text: IDA GO:0005743 MGI:101939 J:100953 N/A 8788 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:secreted into media IDA GO:0005576 MGI:1201414 J:44900 N/A 8789 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:binds BMP4, but cannot ascerrtain the source of the BMP4; it may be xenopus. IDA GO:0005515 MGI:1201414 J:62082 N/A 8790 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:human ISA GO:0005783 MGI:2663253 J:89505 UniProtKB:Q86UH6 8791 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:with Irak4 and Irak1 after IL1 treatment IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96545 J:93342 UniProtKB:Q8R4K2|UniProtKB:Q62406 8792 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind with Il1r1 after IL1 treatment IPI GO:0005149 MGI:107420 J:93342 UniProtKB:P13504 8793 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind with Il1r1 after IL1 treatment IPI GO:0005149 MGI:2182474 J:93342 UniProtKB:P13504 8794 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:CoIP with human Foxp3 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1859333 J:97353 UniProtKB:O94916 8795 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:with Lrp1b IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109622 J:90197 UniProtKB:Q9JI18 8796 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind with Degh4 and Aip IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2151136 J:90197 UniProtKB:Q62108|UniProtKB:O08915 8797 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:wth Lrp1b IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1277959 J:90197 UniProtKB:Q9JI18 8798 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,cavity\,lens vesicle; EMAP:3008 cell type:crystallin accumulating cell ; CL:0000306 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS15\,optic stalk; EMAP:1292 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:104853 J:100591 MGI:2149672 8799 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,malleus pre-cartilage condensation; EMAP:5197|TS21\,incus pre-cartilage condensation; EMAP:5196 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042474 MGI:96174 J:100238 MGI:1857530 8800 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,embryo; EMAP:402 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006264 MGI:1196389 J:99794 MGI:3584444 8801 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Trim61 ; MGI:2387432 text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:88568 J:100828 N/A 8802 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005740 MGI:88194 J:8013 N/A 8803 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0019717 MGI:88194 J:8013 N/A 8804 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Oas1a text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2140770 J:99134 UniProtKB:Q78ZX0 8805 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Oas1d text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2180860 J:99134 UniProtKB:Q8VI95 8806 1 evidence:ECO:0000136 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0003725 MGI:2140770 J:99134 N/A 8807 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Afp ; MGI:87951 target:H19 ; MGI:95891 text: IMP GO:0006357 MGI:87953 J:6993 N/A 8808 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,lens pit; EMAP:2365 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:105916 J:61114 MGI:1856857 8809 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,cavity\,lens vesicle; EMAP:3612 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048593 MGI:105916 J:23892 MGI:1856857 8810 1 evidence: anatomy:lens ; MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001894 MGI:95319 J:79371 MGI:1861119 8811 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:"cytoplasmic granules" IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2685397 J:98938 N/A 8812 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind Egfr IPI GO:0005154 MGI:2385459 J:96642 UniProtKB:Q01279 8813 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Socs5 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95294 J:96642 NCBI:NP_851419 8814 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:95806 J:101190 N/A 8815 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target:Gnrh1 ; MGI:95789 text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:104636 J:101190 N/A 8816 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target:Gnrh1 ; MGI:95789 text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:104633 J:101190 N/A 8817 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target:Gnrh1 ; MGI:95789 text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:104633 J:101190 N/A 8818 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target:Gnrh1 ; MGI:95789 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:101898 J:101190 N/A 8819 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target:Gnrh1 ; MGI:95789 text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:97168 J:101190 N/A 8820 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target:Gnrh1 ; MGI:95789 text: IGI GO:0030528 MGI:95806 J:101190 MGI:97168 8821 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target:Gnrh1 ; MGI:95789 text: IGI GO:0006357 MGI:95806 J:101190 MGI:97168 8822 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,mantle layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6077 anatomy:TS22\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6079 anatomy:TS20\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4176 anatomy:TS20\,spinal cord; EMAP:4251 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: qual IMP GO:0008285 MGI:107566 J:98470 MGI:3579410|MGI:3579409|MGI:3043822 8823 2 ifier: target: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:107566 J:98470 MGI:3579410|MGI:3579409|MGI:3043822 8824 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6079 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target:Cdh2 ; MGI:88355|Ctnnb1 ; MGI:105100 text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:107566 J:98470 MGI:3579410|MGI:3579409|MGI:3043822 8825 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair follicle ; MA:0000160 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001942 MGI:98371 J:100131 MGI:2429649|MGI:3587654 8826 1 evidence: anatomy:hair outer root sheath ; MA:0000780 cell type: gene product: target: text:postnatal day 8.0 IMP GO:0042981 MGI:98371 J:100131 MGI:2429649|MGI:3587654 8827 1 evidence: anatomy:hair outer root sheath ; MA:0000780 cell type: gene product: target: text:postnatal day 8.0 IMP GO:0042127 MGI:98371 J:100131 MGI:2429649|MGI:3587654 8828 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:expressed in insect cells IDA GO:0005634 MGI:95543 J:13203 N/A 8829 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:N Terrminal sequence of protein is MFWGLIMEPNKRYTQVVEKPF; no match IDA GO:0051219 MGI:95543 J:13203 N/A 8830 1 evidence: anatomy:lens fiber ; MA:0001304 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:95391 J:9528 MGI:1861180 8831 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:HUMAN E12 text: IPI GO:0008134 MGI:103577 J:22312 UniProtKB:P15923 8832 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:108426 J:22228 N/A 8833 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,limb; EMAP:2725 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:2177178 J:100475 MGI:3589208|MGI:2450929 8834 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:PPP1R15A text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:109247 J:95320 N/A 8835 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:mouse protein in rat cell line ATCC CRL-6509 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2135947 J:98029 N/A 8836 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:MET IPI GO:0000187 MGI:2385039 J:92782 UniProtKB:P16056 8837 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:MET IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2385039 J:92782 UniProtKB:P16056 8838 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:MUC20 IPI GO:0000187 MGI:96969 J:92782 UniProtKB:Q8BUE7 8839 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:GAB1|Gb2|MUC20 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96969 J:92782 UniProtKB:Q9QYY0|UniProtKB:Q9Z1S8|UniProtKB:Q8BUE7 8840 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Met IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1333854 J:92782 UniProtKB:P16056 8841 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:IL12B IPI GO:0042163 MGI:96539 J:91804 UniProtKB:P43432 8842 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:IL12A IPI GO:0042164 MGI:96540 J:91804 N/A 8843 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:siRNA IMP GO:0001816 MGI:97897 J:91804 N/A 8844 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Nfkb1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97897 J:91804 UniProtKB:P25799 8845 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:siRNA IMP GO:0006928 MGI:101757 J:97332 N/A 8846 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:siRNA IMP GO:0000910 MGI:101757 J:97332 N/A 8847 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:siRNA IMP GO:0030836 MGI:101757 J:97332 N/A 8848 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030836 MGI:1929270 J:97332 N/A 8849 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006928 MGI:1929270 J:97332 N/A 8850 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0000910 MGI:1929270 J:97332 N/A 8851 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0031410 MGI:2443157 J:101173 N/A 8852 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,2nd arch; EMAP:1485 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:2443157 J:101173 MGI:3603514 8853 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,heart; EMAP:1317 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001947 MGI:2443157 J:101173 MGI:3603514 8854 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:1087 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:2443157 J:101173 MGI:3603514 8855 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,mesentery\,heart; EMAP:1335 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:2443157 J:101173 MGI:3603514 8856 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001841 MGI:2443157 J:101173 MGI:3603514 8857 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,future forebrain; EMAP:1200 anatomy:TS15\,future rhombencephalon; EMAP:1223 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045665 MGI:2443157 J:101173 MGI:3603514 8858 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,cardiovascular system\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:1454 cell type: gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS15\,arterial system; EMAP:1302 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:2443157 J:101173 MGI:3603514 8859 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0031410 MGI:104659 J:101173 N/A 8860 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:104659 J:101173 N/A 8861 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1095416 J:101173 N/A 8862 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1657 gene product: target:Dll1 ; MGI:104659 text: IDA GO:0045807 MGI:2443157 J:101173 N/A 8863 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,chondrocranium; EMAP:12403 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048702 MGI:104719 J:100425 MGI:3589383 8864 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,viscerocranium; EMAP:12427 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048703 MGI:104719 J:100425 MGI:3589383 8865 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,diencephalon; EMAP:4938 anatomy:TS21\,telencephalon; EMAP:4993 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:104719 J:100425 MGI:3589383 8866 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,nose; EMAP:7828 anatomy:TS23\,skeleton\,lower jaw; EMAP:8144 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0009790 MGI:104719 J:100425 MGI:98297 8867 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,forebrain; EMAP:7470 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030900 MGI:104719 J:100425 MGI:98297 8868 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,midbrain; EMAP:7624 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030901 MGI:104719 J:100425 MGI:98297 8869 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,nose; EMAP:7828 anatomy:TS23\,skeleton\,lower jaw; EMAP:8144 anatomy:TS23\,forebrain; EMAP:7470 anatomy:TS23\,midbrain; EMAP:7624 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007224 MGI:104719 J:100425 MGI:98297 8870 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,nose; EMAP:7828 anatomy:TS23\,skeleton\,lower jaw; EMAP:8144 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0009790 MGI:98297 J:100425 MGI:104719 8871 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,forebrain; EMAP:7470 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030900 MGI:98297 J:100425 MGI:104719 8872 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,midbrain; EMAP:7624 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030901 MGI:98297 J:100425 MGI:104719 8873 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,head mesenchyme; EMAP:7381 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0000165 MGI:104719 J:100425 MGI:3589383 8874 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,head mesenchyme; EMAP:7381 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008543 MGI:104719 J:100425 MGI:3589383 8875 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,metanephros; EMAP:4587 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001822 MGI:99604 J:101175 MGI:2150348 8876 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3844 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001658 MGI:99604 J:101175 MGI:2150348 8877 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,head mesenchyme; EMAP:276 anatomy:TS12\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:288 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:1344407 J:101030 MGI:2387501 8878 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:cranial neural crest cell ; CL:0000008 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001755 MGI:1344407 J:82084 MGI:2387501 8879 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind Wnk1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99665 J:92516 UniProtKB:P83741 8880 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind Wnk1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1926373 J:92516 UniProtKB:P83741 8881 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay|CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind Wnk1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99666 J:92516 UniProtKB:P83741 8882 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay|CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind Syt2 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind Syt3|S IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2442092 J:92516 UniProtKB:P46097|UniProtKB:O35681|UniProtKB:Q9R0N9|UniProtKB:P46096 8883 2 yt9|Syt1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2442092 J:92516 UniProtKB:P46097|UniProtKB:O35681|UniProtKB:Q9R0N9|UniProtKB:P46096 8884 1 evidence:shRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0000278 MGI:894678 J:97428 N/A 8885 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind Chfr IPI GO:0031625 MGI:894678 J:97428 UniProtKB:Q810L3 8886 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:bind Aurka IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2444898 J:97428 UniProtKB:P97477 8887 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:light chain IDA GO:0005874 MGI:2443304 J:96142 N/A 8888 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:light chain IDA GO:0000226 MGI:2443304 J:96142 N/A 8889 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:light chain bind with heavy chain IDA GO:0042802 MGI:2443304 J:96142 N/A 8890 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ADAM2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2429504 J:92271 UniProtKB:Q60718 8891 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ADAM2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2429506 J:92271 UniProtKB:Q60718 8892 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Adam1a|Adam1b IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1340894 J:92271 UniProtKB:Q60813|UniProtKB:Q8R534 8893 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:1342771 J:97532 N/A 8894 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:1101353 J:97532 N/A 8895 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:2653368 J:97532 N/A 8896 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:1333796 J:97532 N/A 8897 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:3577024 J:97532 N/A 8898 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:1929988 J:97532 N/A 8899 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:2153049 J:97532 N/A 8900 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:1342773 J:97532 N/A 8901 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:1342287 J:97532 N/A 8902 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:1338056 J:97532 N/A 8903 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:1346318 J:97532 N/A 8904 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:1935151 J:97532 N/A 8905 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:2442430 J:97532 N/A 8906 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:1333856 J:97532 N/A 8907 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:1926162 J:97532 N/A 8908 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:1277166 J:97532 N/A 8909 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:107595 J:97532 N/A 8910 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:1927715 J:97532 N/A 8911 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:1932575 J:97532 N/A 8912 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:2153568 J:97532 N/A 8913 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:2443471 J:97532 N/A 8914 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:3574660 J:97532 N/A 8915 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:98372 J:97532 N/A 8916 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:BTK IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1328360 J:95172 UniProtKB:P35991 8917 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ZFPN1A1 IPI GO:0008134 MGI:1344380 J:97581 UniProtKB:Q03267 8918 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ZFPN1A1 IPI GO:0008134 MGI:107157 J:97581 UniProtKB:Q03267 8919 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ZFPN1A1 IPI GO:0008134 MGI:88192 J:97581 UniProtKB:Q03267 8920 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ZFPN1A1 IPI GO:0008134 MGI:1858313 J:97581 UniProtKB:Q03267 8921 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,epithelium\,lens vesicle; EMAP:3009 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS22\,anterior epithelium\,lens; EMAP:6323 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: qu IMP GO:0050679 MGI:1353569 J:101355 MGI:3604211 8922 2 alifier: target: text: IMP GO:0050679 MGI:1353569 J:101355 MGI:3604211 8923 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,anterior epithelium\,lens vesicle; EMAP:4334 cell type:crystallin accumulating cell ; CL:0000306 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048468 MGI:1353569 J:101355 MGI:3604211 8924 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042417 MGI:3038234 J:88298 MGI:3038126 8925 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:9439 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:1913292 J:101382 MGI:3604658 8926 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,epithelium\,molar\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:5464 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030514 MGI:1913292 J:101382 MGI:88180 8927 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,epithelium\,molar\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:5464 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:1913292 J:101382 MGI:3604658 8928 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,epithelium\,molar\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:5464 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0042475 MGI:1913292 J:101382 MGI:88180 8929 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,epithelium\,molar\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:5464 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0042475 MGI:88180 J:101382 N/A 8930 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,epithelium\,molar\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:5464 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0042475 MGI:88180 J:101382 MGI:1913292 8931 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,epithelium\,molar\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:5464 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030514 MGI:1913292 J:101382 N/A 8932 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:2742 anatomy:TS18\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,tail; EMAP:3248 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:97485 J:100951 MGI:3603176 8933 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,thymus; EMAP:10236 cell type:CD4 positive T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043367 MGI:97485 J:100951 MGI:3603176 8934 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,thymus; EMAP:10236 cell type:CD8 positive T cell ; CL:0000625 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043374 MGI:97485 J:100951 MGI:3603176 8935 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0001835 MGI:95832 J:100669 N/A 8936 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,trophectoderm; EMAP:28 cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274 cell t IDA GO:0005615 MGI:95832 J:100669 N/A 8937 2 ype:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:95832 J:100669 N/A 8938 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007566 MGI:95832 J:100669 N/A 8939 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,trophectoderm; EMAP:28 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0050679 MGI:95832 J:100669 N/A 8940 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005769 MGI:2679684 J:100264 N/A 8941 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,lens pit; EMAP:2365 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:97610 J:99963 N/A 8942 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,lens pit; EMAP:2365 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030141 MGI:97610 J:99963 N/A 8943 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,neural retina; EMAP:9247 anatomy:retina outer plexiform layer ; MA:0001316 anatomy:retina outer nuclear layer ; MA:0001315 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97610 J:99963 N/A 8944 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,left ventricle; EMAP:3706|TS19\,right ventricle; EMAP:3709 anatomy:TS19\,endocardial cushion tissue; EMAP:3686 anatomy:TS19\,atrio-ventricular canal; EMAP:3667 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1201679 J:100174 MGI:3587803 8945 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,heart; EMAP:3666 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS19\,heart; EMAP:3666 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000002|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000193 gene produc IMP GO:0048739 MGI:1201679 J:100174 MGI:3587803 8946 2 t: target: text: IMP GO:0048739 MGI:1201679 J:100174 MGI:3587803 8947 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,heart; EMAP:3666 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007005 MGI:1201679 J:100174 MGI:3587803 8948 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cardiovascular system; EMAP:5248 cell type:vascular associated smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000359 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048514 MGI:102700 J:100236 MGI:3512077 8949 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1858308 J:100995 N/A 8950 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: qua IDA GO:0030425 MGI:1858308 J:100995 N/A 8951 2 lifier: target: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:1858308 J:100995 N/A 8952 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1858308 J:100995 N/A 8953 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030426 MGI:1858308 J:100995 N/A 8954 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,lens pit; EMAP:2365 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048593 MGI:88276 J:101264 MGI:2148567|MGI:3045749 8955 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,lens pit; EMAP:2365 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0000904 MGI:88276 J:101264 MGI:2148567|MGI:3045749 8956 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,lens pit; EMAP:2365 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0016331 MGI:88276 J:101264 MGI:2148567|MGI:3045749 8957 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,lens pit; EMAP:2365 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0016337 MGI:88276 J:101264 MGI:2148567|MGI:3045749 8958 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,latero-nasal process; EMAP:3632 cell type:crystallin accumulating cell ; CL:0000306 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:88276 J:101264 MGI:2148567|MGI:3045749 8959 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,midbrain; EMAP:11762 anatomy:TS26\,corpus striatum; EMAP:11671 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text:striatal patch and subcallosal streak IMP GO:0007409 MGI:97363 J:101735 MGI:1933835|MGI:1932522 8960 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,mantle layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4177 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text:TS20\,subventricular zone; MGI:15026 IMP GO:0045665 MGI:97363 J:101735 MGI:1933835|MGI:1932522 8961 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4179 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0048663 MGI:97363 J:101735 MGI:99460 8962 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4179 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0048663 MGI:99460 J:101735 MGI:97363 8963 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,corpus striatum; EMAP:4181 cell type: gene product: target: text:matrix component IGI GO:0030900 MGI:99460 J:101735 MGI:97363 8964 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,corpus striatum; EMAP:4181 cell type: gene product: target: text:patch and subcallosal streak IMP GO:0030900 MGI:97363 J:101735 MGI:1933835|MGI:1932522 8965 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,corpus striatum; EMAP:4181 cell type: gene product: target: text:matrix IGI GO:0030900 MGI:97363 J:101735 MGI:99460 8966 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,branchial arch; EMAP:1002 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:99655 J:101718 MGI:3605483 8967 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,primordial germ cells; EMAP:206 cell type:primordial germ cell ; CL:0000670 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:99655 J:101718 MGI:3605483 8968 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0000239 MGI:1330290 J:101702 MGI:1926599 8969 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007283 MGI:1330290 J:101702 MGI:1926599 8970 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Id2 ; MGI:96397 text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1330290 J:101702 N/A 8971 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cortex\,adrenal gland; EMAP:7096 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030325 MGI:1346833 J:101728 MGI:1857391 8972 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cortex\,adrenal gland; EMAP:7096 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0009888 MGI:1346833 J:101728 MGI:1857391 8973 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:SELEX experiment IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1919200 J:83420 N/A 8974 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002| ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: text:COS7 IDA GO:0031012 MGI:109249 J:54300 N/A 8975 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:precursor IDA GO:0031410 MGI:109249 J:86134 N/A 8976 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:mature, processed form IDA GO:0031012 MGI:109249 J:86134 N/A 8977 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1353635 J:101354 UniProtKB:Q61169 8978 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,heart; EMAP:1317 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS22\,lung; EMAP:6722 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1353635 J:101354 N/A 8979 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:107516 J:101354 N/A 8980 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target:Tnnc1 ; MGI:98779 target:Sftpa ; MGI:109518 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:107516 J:101354 N/A 8981 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target:Tnnc1 ; MGI:98779 target:Sftpa ; MGI:109518 text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:1353635 J:101354 MGI:107516 8982 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Wnt7b ; MGI:98962 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:107516 J:101354 N/A 8983 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Tnnc1 ; MGI:98779 target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Sftpc ; MGI:109517 text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:107516 J:101354 N/A 8984 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030018 MGI:2137706 J:96468 N/A 8985 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,tibia; EMAP:12911 cell type:columnar chondrocyte ; CL:0000744 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030154 MGI:96533 J:99641 N/A 8986 1 evidence:CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:CSRP3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107164 J:96468 UniProtKB:P50462 8987 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ZFPN1A1|ZFPN1A3 IPI GO:0008134 MGI:1197010 J:97581 UniProtKB:Q03267|UniProtKB:O08900 8988 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Ube2i|Uble1b|Sumo1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1342542 J:97581 UniProtKB:P63280|UniProtKB:Q9Z1F9|UniProtKB:P63166 8989 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Cdh4|Sin3a|Sin3b|Smarca4|Ctbp1|Uble1b|Ube2i|Sumo1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1342540 J:97581 UniProtKB:Q6PDQ2|UniProtKB:Q60520|UniProtKB:Q62141|UniProtKB:Q3TUD7|UniProtKB:O88712|UniProtKB:Q9Z1F9|UniProtKB:P63280|UniProtKB:P63166 8990 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7540 cell type:neuroepithelial cell ; CL:0000710 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:88059 J:95286 N/A 8991 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7540 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0051233 MGI:88059 J:95286 N/A 8992 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7540 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0000085 MGI:88059 J:95286 MGI:2154535 8993 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7540 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045931 MGI:88059 J:95286 MGI:2154535 8994 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12942 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:88059 J:101975 MGI:2136847 8995 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12942 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0016358 MGI:88059 J:101975 MGI:2136847 8996 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Neuro-2a [ N2a ] ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0016020 MGI:88059 J:85358 N/A 8997 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0016322 MGI:88059 J:54292 MGI:2136847 8998 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0050803 MGI:88059 J:54292 MGI:2136847 8999 1 evidence: anatomy:sternomastoid ; MA:0002384 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0051124 MGI:88059 J:98108 MGI:88047 9000 1 evidence: anatomy:sternomastoid ; MA:0002384 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0048669 MGI:88059 J:98108 MGI:88047 9001 1 evidence: anatomy:sternomastoid ; MA:0002384 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0016358 MGI:88059 J:98108 MGI:88047 9002 1 evidence: anatomy:sternomastoid ; MA:0002384 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030900 MGI:88047 J:98108 MGI:88059 9003 1 evidence: anatomy:sternomastoid ; MA:0002384 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030901 MGI:88047 J:98108 MGI:88059 9004 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:88047 J:58021 MGI:2137246 9005 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:88059 J:58021 MGI:2136847 9006 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 anatomy:dentate gyrus hilus ; MA:0000947 anatomy:cortical layer I ; MA:0000897 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0016358 MGI:88059 J:53824 MGI:2136847 9007 1 evidence: anatomy:gastrocnemius ; MA:0002306 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0031594 MGI:88059 J:63791 N/A 9008 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,skeletal muscle\,upper arm; EMAP:12802|TS24\,skeletal muscle\,upper leg; EMAP:12915|TS24\,skeletal muscle\,eye; EMAP:9254|TS24\,skeletal muscle\,pharynx; EMAP:9490|TS24\,skeletal muscle\,tongue; EMAP:9363|TS24\,skeletal muscle\,ant IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88059 J:63791 N/A 9009 2 erior abdominal wall; EMAP:9745|TS24\,skeletal muscle\,axial muscle; EMAP:9751|TS24\,skeletal muscle\,cranial muscle; EMAP:9764|TS24\,skeletal muscle\,pectoral girdle and thoracic body wall\,vertebral axis muscle system; EMAP:9773|TS24\,skeletal muscle\,p IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88059 J:63791 N/A 9010 3 elvic girdle\,vertebral axis muscle system; EMAP:9783 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88059 J:63791 N/A 9011 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:88059 J:63791 N/A 9012 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7537 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:TS22\,embryo; EMAP:5719 cell type:primary cell line cell IGI GO:0006878 MGI:88059 J:93279 MGI:88047 9013 2 ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0006878 MGI:88059 J:93279 MGI:88047 9014 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:App ; MGI:88059 target:Notch1 ; MGI:97363 text: IMP GO:0004175 MGI:1202717 J:54336 MGI:2149116 9015 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:App ; MGI:88059 target:Notch1 ; MGI:97363 text: IMP GO:0051605 MGI:1202717 J:54336 MGI:2149116 9016 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text:NICD fragment IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97363 J:54336 N/A 9017 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007220 MGI:1202717 J:54336 MGI:2149116 9018 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:App ; MGI:88059 text: IMP GO:0042987 MGI:1202717 J:54336 MGI:2149116 9019 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006874 MGI:1202717 J:81726 MGI:2684616|MGI:2684620 9020 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0051563 MGI:1202717 J:81726 MGI:88059 9021 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0051563 MGI:88059 J:81726 MGI:1202717 9022 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|B103 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0031175 MGI:88059 J:20179 N/A 9023 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1202717 J:36884 N/A 9024 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:1202717 J:36884 N/A 9025 1 evidence: anatomy:corpus callosum ; MA:0000188 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0016199 MGI:88059 J:21937 MGI:2154522 9026 1 evidence: anatomy:corpus callosum ; MA:0000188 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:88059 J:21937 MGI:2154522 9027 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,floor plate\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1260 anatomy:TS15\,floor plate\,future midbrain; EMAP:1219 anatomy:TS15\,future rhombencephalon; EMAP:1223 anatomy:TS15\,cranial\,ganglion\,central nervous system; EMAP:1266 anatom IDA GO:0048471 MGI:88059 J:18694 N/A 9028 2 y:TS15\,lateral wall\,future midbrain; EMAP:1220 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0048471 MGI:88059 J:18694 N/A 9029 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,trigeminal V\,cranial\,ganglion\,central nervous system; EMAP:5077 anatomy:TS21\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:5134 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006915 MGI:107739 J:71535 N/A 9030 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,trigeminal V\,cranial\,ganglion\,central nervous system; EMAP:5077 anatomy:TS21\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:5134 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target:App ; MGI:88059 text: IMP GO:0008233 MGI:107739 J:71535 N/A 9031 1 evidence: anatomy:sternomastoid ; MA:0002384 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0009790 MGI:88047 J:98108 MGI:88059 9032 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target:APP ; MGI:88059 text: IMP GO:0051605 MGI:1202717 J:71606 MGI:2449304|MGI:2179062 9033 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0006874 MGI:88057 J:18071 N/A 9034 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target:APP ; MGI:88059 text: IMP GO:0042987 MGI:1202717 J:71606 MGI:2449304|MGI:2179062 9035 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target:Nradd ; MGI:1914419 text: IGI GO:0051605 MGI:109284 J:92071 MGI:1202717 9036 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target:Nradd ; MGI:1914419 text: IGI GO:0051604 MGI:1202717 J:92071 MGI:109284 9037 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0042417 MGI:1889011 J:93544 MGI:1277151 9038 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0042417 MGI:1277151 J:93544 MGI:1889011 9039 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,trigeminal V; EMAP:2968 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1298397 J:49830 N/A 9040 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,trigeminal V; EMAP:2968 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1298397 J:49830 N/A 9041 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:4261 anatomy:TS23\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:7690 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1298397 J:86439 N/A 9042 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:4261 anatomy:TS23\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:7690 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1298397 J:86439 N/A 9043 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1298397 J:50900 N/A 9044 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1298397 J:50900 N/A 9045 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1298397 J:50900 N/A 9046 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0048240 MGI:1344408 J:101321 N/A 9047 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009986 MGI:1344408 J:101321 N/A 9048 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0004016 MGI:99673 J:83301 MGI:2662295 9049 1 evidence:videoanalysis anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007626 MGI:99673 J:83301 MGI:2662295 9050 1 evidence:rotorod test anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0050885 MGI:99673 J:83301 MGI:2662295 9051 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007191 MGI:99578 J:83301 N/A 9052 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007195 MGI:94924 J:83301 N/A 9053 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:99673 J:83301 N/A 9054 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:complements yeast mutation IGI GO:0042720 MGI:2135611 J:100749 SGD:S000004638 9055 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Diablo ; MGI:1913843 text:complements yeast mutation IGI GO:0006627 MGI:2135611 J:100749 SGD:S000004638 9056 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target:Casp3 ; MGI:107739 target:Casp9 ; MGI:1277950 text: IDA GO:0006919 MGI:1913843 J:100137 N/A 9057 1 evidence:antisense RNA anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target:Casp3 ; MGI:107739 target:Casp9 ; MGI:1277950 text: IMP GO:0006919 MGI:1913843 J:100137 N/A 9058 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1913843 J:100137 N/A 9059 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0008631 MGI:1913843 J:100137 N/A 9060 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913843 J:100137 N/A 9061 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,embryo; EMAP:9799 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1913843 J:98322 N/A 9062 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,embryo; EMAP:9799 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913843 J:98322 N/A 9063 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,embryo; EMAP:9799 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008637 MGI:1346872 J:98322 N/A 9064 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1928676 J:94227 MGI:3512633 9065 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ;CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007005 MGI:1928676 J:94277 MGI:3512633 9066 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ;CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008629 MGI:1928676 J:94227 MGI:3512633 9067 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048666 MGI:1928676 J:12780 MGI:1856960 9068 1 evidence:PMID:14701752 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IPI GO:0042803 MGI:1921373 J:102102 UniProtKB:Q9DBY0 9069 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001816 MGI:94864 J:53358 MGI:1857556 9070 1 evidence: anatomy:inferior cervical ganglion ; MA:0001154 anatomy:TS24\,inferior\,cervical\,ganglion\,sympathetic\,autonomic\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:9131 cell type:cholinergic neuron ; CL:0000108 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042551 MGI:97902 J:92351 MGI:2136894 9071 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005184 MGI:99924 J:92829 N/A 9072 1 evidence: anatomy:gut ; MA:0000917 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005184 MGI:88297 J:92829 N/A 9073 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:PIP5KL1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107929 J:88739 UniProtKB:Q3V0C8 9074 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:PIP5K1A|PIP5K1B IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2448520 J:88739 UniProtKB:P70181|UniProtKB:P70182 9075 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:CD226 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107741 J:97476 UniProtKB:Q8K4F0 9076 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:CD226 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97822 J:97476 UniProtKB:Q8K4F0 9077 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:six transmembrane domains ISS GO:0016021 MGI:3522699 J:96171 N/A 9078 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:6 transmembrane domains ISS GO:0016021 MGI:2181435 J:96171 N/A 9079 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:CLDN19 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98372 J:95370 N/A 9080 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:TMPRSS11L IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97608 J:94483 UniProtKB:Q5S248 9081 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:SERPINE1|SERPINA5 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:3513175 J:94483 UniProtKB:P22777|UniProtKB:P70458 9082 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,sympathetic\,autonomic\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:2339 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042421 MGI:95663 J:62552 MGI:2153826 9083 1 evidence:antisense anatomy:TS19\,lung; EMAP:3857 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:1345138 J:53234 N/A 9084 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:mIMCD-3 ; ATCC:CRL-2123|permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0048754 MGI:103302 J:97651 N/A 9085 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:mIMCD-3 ; ATCC:CRL-2123|permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0048754 MGI:95290 J:97651 N/A 9086 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,submandibular gland primordium; EMAP:4917 cell type: gene product: text: antisense| IMP GO:0048754 MGI:95522 J:79832 N/A 9087 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,lung; EMAP:8285 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0048754 MGI:1347472 J:98750 MGI:1347476 9088 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lung; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0048754 MGI:1347476 J:98750 MGI:1347472 9089 1 evidence:inhibitory peptide anatomy:TS21\,epithelium\,submandibular gland primordium; EMAP:4918 anatomy:TS18\,lung; EMAP:3206 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:105382 J:86123 N/A 9090 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,epithelium\,left lung; EMAP:6725|TS22\,epithelium\,right lung; EMAP:6749 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:97357 J:97215 MGI:2388717|MGI:3574949 9091 1 evidence:antisense oligonucleotides anatomy:TS19\,lung; EMAP:3857 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:97363 J:96080 N/A 9092 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,lung; EMAP:3206 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:103016 J:89196 N/A 9093 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,cardinal vein; EMAP:2462 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:107556 J:97663 MGI:3577050 9094 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,epithelium\,submandibular gland primordium; EMAP:4918 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:98297 J:89200 MGI:1857796 9095 1 evidence:antisense anatomy:TS23\,lung; EMAP:8285 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:1321393 J:85486 N/A 9096 1 evidence:pharmacological inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042596 MGI:87934 J:89367 N/A 9097 1 evidence:pharmacological inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042596 MGI:87937 J:89376 N/A 9098 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001963 MGI:98735 J:82388 MGI:1928960 9099 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001963 MGI:98735 J:92402 MGI:1928960 9100 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0035240 MGI:94924 J:96985 N/A 9101 1 evidence: anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042593 MGI:94864 J:85772 MGI:1857556 9102 1 evidence:agonist treatment anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007617 MGI:99578 J:51133 N/A 9103 1 evidence: anatomy:tail blood vessel ; MA:0000695 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045907 MGI:94864 J:40052 MGI:1857556 9104 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,spinal cord; EMAP:5102 anatomy:TS21\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:5134 cell type: gene product: target: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97383 J:100024 UniProtKB:P25233|UniProtKB:Q9Z0W1 9105 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,spinal cord; EMAP:5102 anatomy:TS21\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:5134 cell type: gene product: target: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97323 J:100024 UniProtKB:P25233|UniProtKB:Q3UFB7 9106 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:5134 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048011 MGI:97290 J:100024 MGI:3586988 9107 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:5134 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048666 MGI:97290 J:100024 MGI:3586988 9108 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:5134 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0019233 MGI:97290 J:100024 MGI:3586988 9109 1 evidence: anatomy:carotid artery ; MA:0001925 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001974 MGI:94864 J:95771 MGI:1857556 9110 1 evidence: anatomy:carotid artery ; MA:0001925 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001974 MGI:94864 J:100317 MGI:1857556 9111 1 evidence: anatomy:carotid artery ; MA:0001925 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 cell type:vascular associated smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000359 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:94864 J:100317 MGI:1857556 9112 1 evidence: anatomy:carotid artery ; MA:0001925 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042981 MGI:94864 J:100317 MGI:1857556 9113 1 evidence: anatomy:carotid artery ; MA:0001925 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0050900 MGI:94864 J:100317 MGI:1857556 9114 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,epithelium\,left lung rudiment; EMAP:3860|TS19\,epithelium\,right lung rudiment; EMAP:3868 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0048754 MGI:1099809 J:44839 N/A 9115 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,associated mesenchyme\,left lung rudiment; EMAP:3859|TS19\,associated mesenchyme\,right lung rudiment; EMAP:3867 anatomy:TS19\,epithelium\,left lung rudiment; EMAP:3860|TS19\,epithelium\,right lung rudiment; EMAP:3868 cell type:mes IDA GO:0007267 MGI:1099809 J:44839 N/A 9116 2 enchymal cell ; CL:0000134 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007267 MGI:1099809 J:44839 N/A 9117 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,epithelium\,left lung rudiment; EMAP:3860|TS19\,epithelium\,right lung rudiment; EMAP:3868 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:1099809 J:44839 N/A 9118 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,lung; EMAP:3857 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030324 MGI:1099809 J:44839 N/A 9119 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland; EMAP:4958 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:1097165 J:100495 MGI:1889610 9120 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:2723 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030879 MGI:1097165 J:100495 N/A 9121 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa S3 ; ATCC:CCL-2.2 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:2443078 J:101054 N/A 9122 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030384 MGI:2443078 J:101054 N/A 9123 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004629 MGI:2443078 J:101054 N/A 9124 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa S3 ; ATCC:CCL-2.2 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:97614 J:101054 N/A 9125 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:PVR|PVRL2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:3039602 J:97476 UniProtKB:Q60977|UniProtKB:P32507 9126 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0004016 MGI:99673 J:79146 MGI:2387896 9127 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007191 MGI:99673 J:79146 MGI:99578 9128 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007195 MGI:99673 J:79146 MGI:94924 9129 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007191 MGI:99578 J:79146 MGI:99673 9130 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0001609 MGI:99402 J:79146 N/A 9131 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007189 MGI:99402 J:79146 MGI:99673 9132 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007189 MGI:99402 J:79146 N/A 9133 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0001973 MGI:99402 J:79146 N/A 9134 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007189 MGI:99673 J:79146 MGI:99402 9135 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007195 MGI:94924 J:79146 MGI:99578,MGI:99673 9136 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,aortico-pulmonary spiral septum; EMAP:3692 anatomy:TS19\,pericardium; EMAP:3694 anatomy:TS19\,atrium; EMAP:3668 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:1347481 J:102130 MGI:105923 9137 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,dorsal aorta; EMAP:2396 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001569 MGI:1347481 J:102130 MGI:105923 9138 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,aortico-pulmonary spiral septum; EMAP:3692 anatomy:TS19\,pericardium; EMAP:3694 anatomy:TS19\,atrium; EMAP:3668 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:105923 J:102130 MGI:1347481 9139 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,dorsal aorta; EMAP:2396 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001569 MGI:105923 J:102130 MGI:1347481 9140 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0004937 MGI:104773 J:83876 MGI:2387663 9141 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007512 MGI:104773 J:83876 MGI:104774 9142 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0035265 MGI:104773 J:83876 MGI:104774 9143 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0016049 MGI:104773 J:83876 MGI:104774 9144 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0043410 MGI:104773 J:83876 MGI:104774 9145 1 evidence: anatomy:carotid artery ; MA:0001925 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001974 MGI:104774 J:95771 MGI:2148638 9146 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: target:Adra1a ; MGI:104773|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:101876 J:69078 N/A 9147 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004937 MGI:104773 J:47838 N/A 9148 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:104773 J:47838 N/A 9149 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007200 MGI:104773 J:47383 N/A 9150 1 evidence:pharmacological inhibitor anatomy:heart left ventricle ; MA:0000092 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001986 MGI:106673 J:83036 N/A 9151 1 evidence:pharmacological inhibitor anatomy:coronary artery ; MA:0002453 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001994 MGI:106673 J:83036 N/A 9152 1 evidence: anatomy:artery ; MA:0000064 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001994 MGI:104773 J:77732 MGI:2387663 9153 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001985 MGI:104773 J:77732 MGI:2387663 9154 1 evidence:IDA|ECO:0000136| anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:97352 J:66243 N/A 9155 1 evidence:IDA|ECO:0000024 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0008134 MGI:97352 J:66243 N/A 9156 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045818 MGI:104774 J:87718 MGI:2148638 9157 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045819 MGI:104774 J:87718 MGI:2148638 9158 1 evidence: anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042593 MGI:104774 J:87718 MGI:2148638 9159 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001975 MGI:104774 J:84429 MGI:2148638 9160 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0004937 MGI:104774 J:43591 MGI:2148638 9161 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001987 MGI:104774 J:43591 MGI:2148638 9162 1 evidence: anatomy:cortical layer III ; MA:0000899 anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004937 MGI:104774 J:76004 N/A 9163 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004937 MGI:104774 J:18949 N/A 9164 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0000299 MGI:104774 J:76004 N/A 9165 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007191 MGI:99578 J:76004 N/A 9166 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007512 MGI:104774 J:83876 MGI:104773 9167 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0004937 MGI:104774 J:83876 MGI:104773 9168 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0004937 MGI:104774 J:83876 MGI:2148638 9169 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0016049 MGI:104774 J:83876 MGI:104773 9170 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0035265 MGI:104774 J:83876 MGI:104773 9171 1 evidence: anatomy:trachea ; MA:0000441 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial_cell_of_trachea ; CL:0000307 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:87938 J:87186 N/A 9172 1 evidence:spectrophotometric measurement of glucuronate in urine following adminstration of aldehyde reductase enzyme inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0042840 MGI:1929955 J:100379 N/A 9173 1 evidence:ascobic acid measurement in urine following adminstration of aldehyde reductase enzyme inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0019853 MGI:1929955 J:100379 N/A 9174 1 evidence:enzyme assay with specific inhibitor correlated with western blot anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0047939 MGI:1929955 J:100379 N/A 9175 1 evidence:spectrophotometric measurement of glucuronate in urine following adminstration of aldehyde reductase enzyme inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0046185 MGI:1929955 J:100379 N/A 9176 1 evidence:enzyme assay with specific inhibitor correlated with western blot anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004032 MGI:1929955 J:100379 N/A 9177 1 evidence:subcellular fractionation followed by western blot and enzyme assay anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: target: text: evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:kid IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1929955 J:100379 N/A 9178 2 ney ; MA:0000368 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1929955 J:100379 N/A 9179 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:1929955 J:100379 N/A 9180 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Y-1 ; ATCC:CRL-79 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004941 MGI:87938 J:30115 N/A 9181 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Y-1 ; ATCC:CRL-79 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007189 MGI:87938 J:30115 N/A 9182 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Y-1 ; ATCC:CRL-79 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:87938 J:30115 N/A 9183 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,embryo; EMAP:12 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:87938 J:98241 N/A 9184 1 evidence: anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 cell type:brown fat cell ; CL:0000449 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0002024 MGI:87938 J:79309 MGI:87937,MGI:87939 9185 1 evidence: anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 cell type:brown fat cell ; CL:0000449 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0031649 MGI:87938 J:79309 MGI:87937,MGI:87939 9186 1 evidence: anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 cell type:brown fat cell ; CL:0000449 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0002024 MGI:87937 J:79309 MGI:87938,MGI:87939 9187 1 evidence: anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 cell type:brown fat cell ; CL:0000449 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0031649 MGI:87937 J:79309 MGI:87938,MGI:87939 9188 1 evidence: anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 cell type:brown fat cell ; CL:0000449 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0009409 MGI:87937 J:79309 MGI:87938,MGI:87939 9189 1 evidence: anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 cell type:brown fat cell ; CL:0000449 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0009409 MGI:87938 J:79309 MGI:87937,MGI:87939 9190 1 evidence: anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 cell type:brown fat cell ; CL:0000449 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0009409 MGI:87939 J:79309 MGI:87937,MGI:87938 9191 1 evidence: anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 cell type:brown fat cell ; CL:0000449 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0031649 MGI:87939 J:79309 MGI:87937,MGI:87938 9192 1 evidence: anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 cell type:brown fat cell ; CL:0000449 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0002024 MGI:87939 J:79309 MGI:87937,MGI:87938 9193 1 evidence: anatomy:bone ; MA:0001459 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007189 MGI:87938 J:97566 MGI:1859675 9194 1 evidence: anatomy:bone ; MA:0001459 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030501 MGI:87938 J:97566 MGI:1859675 9195 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Tnfsf11 ; MGI:1100089|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:88096 J:97566 N/A 9196 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target:Tnfsf11 ; MGI:1100089|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:88096 J:97566 MGI:87938 9197 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0042802 MGI:1929286 J:100469 N/A 9198 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target:Tnfsf11 ; MGI:1100089|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:87938 J:97566 MGI:88096 9199 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoclast ; CL:0000092|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0045672 MGI:1100089 J:97566 N/A 9200 1 evidence: anatomy:bone ; MA:0001459 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045453 MGI:87938 J:97566 MGI:1859675 9201 1 evidence: anatomy:bone ; MA:0001459 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0046850 MGI:1351330 J:97566 MGI:3576858 9202 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay|CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:RSC1A1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2387201 J:10021 UniProtKB:Q9ER99 9203 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay|CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:YRDC IPI GO:0005515 MGI:3526447 J:10021 UniProtKB:Q3U5F4 9204 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|3T3-F422a gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004941 MGI:87938 J:43208 N/A 9205 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|3T3-F422a gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0031699 MGI:87939 J:43208 N/A 9206 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|3T3-F422a gene product: target:Adrb2 ; MGI:87938 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:104798 J:43208 N/A 9207 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|3T3-F422a gene product: target:Adrb3 ; MGI:87939 text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:104798 J:43208 N/A 9208 1 evidence: anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 cell type:brown fat cell ; CL:0000449 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0050873 MGI:87938 J:79769 MGI:87937,MGI:87939 9209 1 evidence: anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 cell type:brown fat cell ; CL:0000449 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0050873 MGI:87937 J:79769 MGI:87938,MGI:87939 9210 1 evidence: anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 cell type:brown fat cell ; CL:0000449 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0050873 MGI:87939 J:79769 MGI:87937,MGI:87938 9211 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004941 MGI:87938 J:7332 N/A 9212 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:87938 J:7332 N/A 9213 1 evidence:pharmacological stimulation anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045987 MGI:88398 J:85126 N/A 9214 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0045986 MGI:87938 J:85126 MGI:88398,MGI:98496 9215 1 evidence:pharmacological activation anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045987 MGI:98496 J:85126 N/A 9216 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007189 MGI:87938 J:72097 N/A 9217 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004941 MGI:87938 J:72097 N/A 9218 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005792 MGI:88105 J:72097 N/A 9219 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005792 MGI:88106 J:72097 N/A 9220 1 evidence:pharmacologic activation anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ;CL:0000002|brown fat cell ; CL:0000449 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0031699 MGI:87939 J:25102 N/A 9221 1 evidence:pharmacologic activation anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ;CL:0000002|brown fat cell ; CL:0000449 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004940 MGI:87937 J:25102 N/A 9222 1 evidence:pharmacologic activation anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ;CL:0000002|brown fat cell ; CL:0000449 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004941 MGI:87938 J:25102 N/A 9223 1 evidence:pharmacologic activation anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ;CL:0000002|brown fat cell ; CL:0000449 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0007189 MGI:87939 J:25102 N/A 9224 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ;CL:0000002|brown fat cell ; CL:0000449 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:87939 J:25102 N/A 9225 1 evidence: anatomy:heart left ventricle ; MA:0000092 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001997 MGI:104773 J:83036 MGI:104774 9226 1 evidence: anatomy:heart left ventricle ; MA:0000092 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001997 MGI:104774 J:83036 MGI:104773 9227 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001996 MGI:104774 J:83876 MGI:104773 9228 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001996 MGI:104773 J:83876 MGI:104774 9229 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001996 MGI:87937 J:55553 MGI:1857120 9230 1 evidence:agonist anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0002025 MGI:87939 J:55553 N/A 9231 1 evidence: anatomy:carotid artery ; MA:0001925 anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 anatomy:portal vein ; MA:0002198 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0002025 MGI:87937 J:102882 MGI:87938 9232 1 evidence: anatomy:femoral artery ; MA:0001951 anatomy:pulmonary artery ; MA:0002031 anatomy:carotid artery ; MA:0001925 anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 anatomy:mesenteric artery ; MA:0002003 anatomy:portal vein ; MA:0002198 anatomy:femoral vein ; MA:0002118 an IMP GO:0002025 MGI:87937 J:102882 MGI:1857120 9233 2 atomy:jugular vein ; MA:0002154 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0002025 MGI:87937 J:102882 MGI:1857120 9234 1 evidence: anatomy:carotid artery ; MA:0001925 anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 anatomy:portal vein ; MA:0002198 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0002025 MGI:87938 J:102882 MGI:87937 9235 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|3T3-F422a gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004940 MGI:87937 J:43208 N/A 9236 1 evidence: anatomy:alveolus ; MA:0000420 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0002028 MGI:87938 J:98914 MGI:1859675 9237 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0002026 MGI:97595 J:88510 MGI:3037088 9238 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target:Pln ; MGI:97622 text: IMP GO:0001933 MGI:97595 J:88510 MGI:3037088 9239 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006874 MGI:97595 J:88510 MGI:3037088 9240 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target:Atp2a2 ; MGI:88110 text: IMP GO:0001934 MGI:97595 J:88510 MGI:3037088 9241 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ppp1r1a ; MGI:1889595 text: IDA GO:0004674 MGI:97595 J:88510 N/A 9242 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1889595 J:88510 UniProtKB:P62137 9243 1 evidence: anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0002029 MGI:87940 J:55312 MGI:2180127 9244 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Rho ; MGI:97914 text: IMP GO:0004703 MGI:87940 J:36567 MGI:2180127 9245 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cardiac muscle\,left ventricle; EMAP:5336 anatomy:TS21\,cardiac muscle\,right ventricle; EMAP:5339 anatomy:TS21\,cardiac muscle\,left atrium; EMAP:5299|TS21\,cardiac muscle\,right atrium; EMAP:5305 cell type: gene product: qualifie IMP GO:0007507 MGI:87940 J:36567 MGI:2180127 9246 2 r: target: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:87940 J:36567 MGI:2180127 9247 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0002029 MGI:87940 J:37034 MGI:87937 9248 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0002026 MGI:87940 J:37034 MGI:87937 9249 1 evidence:agonist anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0001997 MGI:87937 J:37034 N/A 9250 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0004940 MGI:87937 J:34659 MGI:1857120 9251 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0005624 MGI:87937 J:34659 MGI:1857120 9252 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004941 MGI:87938 J:34659 N/A 9253 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007189 MGI:87937 J:34659 MGI:1857120 9254 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001996 MGI:87937 J:34659 MGI:1857120 9255 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001997 MGI:87937 J:34659 MGI:1857120 9256 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0001998 MGI:87963 J:56635 N/A 9257 1 evidence:radioligand binding anatomy:pallidum ; MA:0000889 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004945 MGI:87966 J:51954 N/A 9258 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0002019 MGI:87963 J:46506 MGI:2136636 9259 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:87963 J:21887 N/A 9260 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Angiotensin II fragment IPI GO:0004945 MGI:87966 J:51954 UniProtKB:P11859 9261 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary follicle ; MA:0001707 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001543 MGI:87963 J:69609 MGI:1857122 9262 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043410 MGI:87963 J:41022 MGI:2136636 9263 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0002019 MGI:87963 J:78698 MGI:2136636 9264 1 evidence:radioligand binding anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000894 anatomy:accumbens nucleus ; MA:0000892 anatomy:pallidum ; MA:0000889 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0002035 MGI:87963 J:51954 N/A 9265 1 evidence: anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000894 anatomy:accumbens nucleus ; MA:0000892 anatomy:pallidum ; MA:0000889 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0031702 MGI:87963 J:51954 N/A 9266 1 evidence:radioligand binding anatomy:pallidum ; MA:0000889 cell type: gene product: target: text: IPI GO:0031703 MGI:87963 J:51954 UniProtKB:P35374 9267 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0002033 MGI:87966 J:56635 MGI:1857123 9268 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0002035 MGI:87964 J:103184 MGI:1857147 9269 1 evidence:radioligand binding anatomy:pallidum ; MA:0000889 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0002035 MGI:87966 J:51954 N/A 9270 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0002035 MGI:87965 J:103184 MGI:2157020 9271 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3844 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0001658 MGI:87963 J:82904 N/A 9272 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12942 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:87963 J:78697 MGI:2136636 9273 1 evidence:phrmacological antagonist anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12942 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:87964 J:78697 N/A 9274 1 evidence:phrmacological antagonist anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12942 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:87966 J:78697 N/A 9275 1 evidence:phrmacological antagonist anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12942 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:87965 J:78697 N/A 9276 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048143 MGI:87963 J:78696 MGI:2136636 9277 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007160 MGI:87963 J:78696 MGI:2136636 9278 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:87963 J:78696 MGI:2136636 9279 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Itga5 IPI GO:0005178 MGI:96615 J:31981 UniProtKB:P11688 9280 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: Itgb6, Itgb5, Itgb3, Itgb1 IPI GO:0005178 MGI:96604 J:31981 UniProtKB:Q9Z0T9|UniProtKB:O70309|UniProtKB:O54890|UniProtKB:P09055 9281 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Itga5 IPI GO:0005178 MGI:96610 J:31981 UniProtKB:P11688 9282 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Itga5 IPI GO:0005178 MGI:96612 J:31981 UniProtKB:P11688 9283 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:Itga5 IPI GO:0005178 MGI:96614 J:31981 UniProtKB:P11688 9284 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 anatomy:juxtaglomerular apparatus ; MA:0002546 cell type:renin secreting cell ; CL:0000461 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:97898 J:55000 N/A 9285 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ins2 ; MGI:96573 text: IMP GO:0042445 MGI:87963 J:83016 MGI:2136636 9286 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Agt ; MGI:87963 target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Bax ; MGI99702 target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Agtr1a ; MGI:87964 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98834 J:54842 N/A 9287 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay|CoIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:HIVEP1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:NCOR2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1891706 J:99923 UniProtKB:Q03172|UniProtKB:Q9WU42 9288 1 evidence:ECO:0000068:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:SPEN IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1337080 J:99923 UniProtKB:Q62504 9289 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:IMPACT IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2444248 J:100824 UniProtKB:Q55091 9290 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:GCN1L1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1098233 J:100824 UniProtKB:Q3UHQ5 9291 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type:white fat cell ; CL:0000448 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:87963 J:73163 N/A 9292 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: text: expression only in adipose tissue IMP GO:0002019 MGI:87963 J:73163 N/A 9293 1 evidence: anatomy:epididymal fat pad ; cell type:white fat cell ; CL:0000448 gene product: target: text: expression only in adipose tissue IMP GO:0045723 MGI:87963 J:73163 N/A 9294 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: text: expression only in adipose tissue IMP GO:0001999 MGI:87963 J:73163 N/A 9295 1 evidence: anatomy:epididymal fat pad ; cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0046622 MGI:87963 J:83016 MGI:2136636 9296 1 evidence: anatomy:juxtaglomerular complex ; MA:0002546 cell type: gene product: target: text: expression only in adipose tissue IMP GO:0008285 MGI:87963 J:73163 N/A 9297 1 evidence: anatomy:juxtaglomerular complex ; MA:0002546 cell type:renin secreting cell ; CL:0000461 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:87963 J:55000 MGI:1857121 9298 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney pelvis ; MA:0000374 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030432 MGI:87963 J:51021 MGI:2183545 9299 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney pelvis ; MA:0000374 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0051145 MGI:87963 J:51021 MGI:2183545 9300 1 evidence: anatomy:ureter ; MA:0000378 cell type: primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001| smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0051145 MGI:87963 J:51021 N/A 9301 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney pelvis ; MA:0000374 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048659 MGI:87963 J:51021 MGI:2183545 9302 1 evidence: anatomy:ureter ; MA:0000378 cell type: primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001| smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0048659 MGI:87963 J:51021 N/A 9303 1 evidence: anatomy:juxtaglomerular complex ; MA:0002546 cell type:juxtaglomerular cell ; CL:0000648 cell type:vascular associated smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000359 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:87963 J:30061 MGI:2183545 9304 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,ureter; EMAP:5509 anatomy:TS23\,ureter; EMAP:8234 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001658 MGI:87963 J:30061 MGI:2183545 9305 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney calyx ; MA:0000369 anatomy:papillary duct ; MA:0001646 anatomy:glomerulus ; MA:0001657 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001822 MGI:87964 J:46007 MGI:87965 9306 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney calyx ; MA:0000369 anatomy:papillary duct ; MA:0001646 anatomy:glomerulus ; MA:0001657 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001822 MGI:87965 J:46007 MGI:87965 9307 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney calyx ; MA:0000369 anatomy:papillary duct ; MA:0001646 anatomy:glomerulus ; MA:0001657 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001822 MGI:87963 J:46007 MGI:2183545 9308 1 evidence: anatomy:renal artery ; MA:0002035 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:87963 J:46007 MGI:2183545 9309 1 evidence: anatomy:renal artery ; MA:0002035 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001568 MGI:87964 J:46007 MGI:87965 9310 1 evidence: anatomy:renal artery ; MA:0002035 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0001568 MGI:87965 J:46007 MGI:87964 9311 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368|artery ; MA:0000064 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368|arteriole ; MA:0000063 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:87963 J:30061 MGI:2183545 9312 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney pelvis ; MA:0000374 anatomy:kidney medulla ; MA:0000373 anatomy:papillary duct ; MA:0001646 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001822 MGI:87963 J:30061 MGI:2183545 9313 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; CCL-61 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0002031 MGI:892877 J:90272 N/A 9314 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0002003 MGI:97898 J:59299 MGI:2136642 9315 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008065 MGI:97898 J:59299 MGI:2136642 9316 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0008065 MGI:87963 J:78696 MGI:2136636 9317 1 evidence: anatomy:juxtaglomerular complex ; MA:0002546 cell type:renin secreting cell ; CL:0000461 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:97898 J:59299 MGI:2136642 9318 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0002016 MGI:97898 J:59299 MGI:2136642 9319 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0002019 MGI:87964 J:78903 MGI:1857147 9320 1 evidence: anatomy:renal tubule ; MA:0000377 anatomy:glomerular capillary basement membrane ; MA:0001659 anatomy:glomerulus ; MA:0001657 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001822 MGI:87964 J:78903 MGI:1857147 9321 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,spinal cord; EMAP:5102 anatomy:TS21\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:5134 cell type: gene product: target: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97290 J:100024 UniProtKB:Q3UFB7|UniProtKB:Q9Z0W1 9322 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IC GO:0004842 MGI:103575 J:82741 GO:0019005 9323 1 evidence:shRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0005088 MGI:98354 J:100216 N/A 9324 1 evidence:shRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007264 MGI:98354 J:100216 N/A 9325 1 evidence:shRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0005088 MGI:98355 J:100216 N/A 9326 1 evidence:shRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007264 MGI:98355 J:100216 N/A 9327 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:upon NGF stimulation IDA GO:0042995 MGI:106211 J:100216 N/A 9328 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:upon NGF stimulation IDA GO:0003924 MGI:97845 J:91862 N/A 9329 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043552 MGI:97845 J:100216 N/A 9330 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:EGFR IPI GO:0005154 MGI:102718 J:100216 UniProtKB:Q01279 9331 1 evidence:shRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0005085 MGI:102718 J:100216 N/A 9332 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:upon NGF stimulation IDA GO:0005886 MGI:102718 J:100216 N/A 9333 1 evidence:shRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007264 MGI:102718 J:100216 N/A 9334 1 evidence:shRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0005085 MGI:1888518 J:100216 N/A 9335 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:upon NGF stimulation IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1888518 J:100216 N/A 9336 1 evidence:shRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007264 MGI:1888518 J:100216 N/A 9337 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:101765 J:66487 N/A 9338 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0016337 MGI:1916774 J:69277 N/A 9339 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID: 9916796|IMP ISO GO:0006885 MGI:103285 J:73065 UniProtKB:P15313 9340 2 text: ISO GO:0006885 MGI:103285 J:73065 UniProtKB:P15313 9341 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID: 9916796|IMP ISO GO:0007605 MGI:103285 J:87491 UniProtKB:P15313 9342 2 text: ISO GO:0007605 MGI:103285 J:87491 UniProtKB:P15313 9343 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11809725 ISA GO:0006878 MGI:109474 J:74624 EMBL:AY047597 9344 2 text:Canine ISA GO:0006878 MGI:109474 J:74624 EMBL:AY047597 9345 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:14645214|IDA ISO GO:0005515 MGI:109474 J:73065 EMBL:AB178811 9346 2 text:human protein binds delta- ENaC ISO GO:0005515 MGI:109474 J:73065 EMBL:AB178811 9347 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:14645214|IDA ISO GO:0019871 MGI:109474 J:73065 EMBL:AB178811 9348 2 text: ISO GO:0019871 MGI:109474 J:73065 EMBL:AB178811 9349 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:9774139|IDA ISO GO:0006412 MGI:1309526 J:49833 NCBI:NM_017152 9350 2 text:implied from identy ISO GO:0006412 MGI:1309526 J:49833 NCBI:NM_017152 9351 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:9774139|IDA ISO GO:0003735 MGI:1309526 J:49833 NCBI:NM_017152 9352 2 text: ISO GO:0003735 MGI:1309526 J:49833 NCBI:NM_017152 9353 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:8563765|IDA ISO GO:0005412 MGI:107678 J:73065 UniProtKB:P13866 9354 2 text: ISO GO:0005412 MGI:107678 J:73065 UniProtKB:P13866 9355 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:8563765|IMP ISO GO:0015758 MGI:107678 J:73065 UniProtKB:P13866 9356 2 text: ISO GO:0015758 MGI:107678 J:73065 UniProtKB:P13866 9357 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:15304507|IDA ISO GO:0005739 MGI:109626 J:73065 NCBI:NM_181314 9358 2 text:yeast|NM_181314 |Human protein expressed in yeast localize to the mitochondria ISO GO:0005739 MGI:109626 J:73065 NCBI:NM_181314 9359 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:15304507|IMP external ref:PMID:12930833|IGI text: NM_181314|cardiolipin metabolism is disrupted; only ONE of several splice variants will rescue a yeast taz deletion ISO GO:0046471 MGI:109626 J:73065 NCBI:NM_181314 9360 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:inhibitor treatment IMP GO:0018149 MGI:1921395 J:94632 N/A 9361 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10101332|IDA ISO GO:0000793 MGI:1915548 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15021 9362 2 text: ISO GO:0000793 MGI:1915548 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15021 9363 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10854427|IDA ISO GO:0001962 MGI:2685279 J:73065 EMBL:AF248543 9364 2 text: ISO GO:0001962 MGI:2685279 J:73065 EMBL:AF248543 9365 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10854427|IDA ISO GO:0006688 MGI:2685279 J:73065 EMBL:AF248543 9366 2 text: ISO GO:0006688 MGI:2685279 J:73065 EMBL:AF248543 9367 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10747952|IDA external ref:PMID:10748143|IDA ISO GO:0008378 MGI:3512453 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NPC4 9368 2 text: ISO GO:0008378 MGI:3512453 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NPC4 9369 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10748143|IDA ISO GO:0005624 MGI:3512453 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NPC4 9370 2 text: PMID: 10748143 ISO GO:0005624 MGI:3512453 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NPC4 9371 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10747952|IDA ISO GO:0007009 MGI:3512453 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NPC4 9372 2 text: PMID: 10747952 ISO GO:0007009 MGI:3512453 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NPC4 9373 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10430883|IDA ISO GO:0008375 MGI:2143261 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UNA3 9374 2 text: PMID: 10430883 ; IDA ISO GO:0008375 MGI:2143261 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UNA3 9375 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10430883|IDA ISO GO:0009101 MGI:2143261 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UNA3 9376 2 text: PMID: 10430883 ; IDA ISO GO:0009101 MGI:2143261 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UNA3 9377 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12730363|IDA ISO GO:0005643 MGI:2443767 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NRG9 9378 2 text: PMID: 12730363 ISO GO:0005643 MGI:2443767 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NRG9 9379 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12730363|IDA ISO GO:0006913 MGI:2443767 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NRG9 9380 2 text: PMID: 12730363 ISO GO:0006913 MGI:2443767 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NRG9 9381 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15238223|IDA ISO GO:0008203 MGI:99606 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9HC28 9382 2 text: PMID: 15238223 ISO GO:0008203 MGI:99606 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9HC28 9383 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11309290|IDA ISO GO:0005765 MGI:99606 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9HC28 9384 2 text: PMID: 11309290 ISO GO:0005765 MGI:99606 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9HC28 9385 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11718719|IDA ISO GO:0042599 MGI:1351617 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99758 9386 2 text: PMID: 11718719 ISO GO:0042599 MGI:1351617 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99758 9387 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11718719|IDA ISO GO:0005886 MGI:1351617 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99758 9388 2 text: PMID: 11718719 ISO GO:0005886 MGI:1351617 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99758 9389 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15531465|IDA ISO GO:0006810 MGI:1351617 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99758 9390 2 text: PMID: 15531465 ISO GO:0006810 MGI:1351617 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99758 9391 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12379217|IDA ISO GO:0042626 MGI:1351668 J:73065 UniProtKB:O94911 9392 2 text: PMID: 12379217 ISO GO:0042626 MGI:1351668 J:73065 UniProtKB:O94911 9393 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12379217|IDA ISO GO:0006810 MGI:1351668 J:73065 UniProtKB:O94911 9394 2 text: PMID: 12379217 ISO GO:0006810 MGI:1351668 J:73065 UniProtKB:O94911 9395 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10837493|IDA ISO GO:0005524 MGI:1921354 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NP58 9396 2 text: PMID: 10837493 ISO GO:0005524 MGI:1921354 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NP58 9397 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10837493|IDA ISO GO:0005740 MGI:1921354 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NP58 9398 2 text: PMID: 10837493 ISO GO:0005740 MGI:1921354 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NP58 9399 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10837493|IDA ISO GO:0006810 MGI:1921354 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NP58 9400 2 text: PMID: 10837493 ISO GO:0006810 MGI:1921354 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NP58 9401 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10362653|IDA ISO GO:0042626 MGI:1923658 J:73065 UniProtKB:O88563 9402 2 text: PMID: 10362653 ISO GO:0042626 MGI:1923658 J:73065 UniProtKB:O88563 9403 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10362653|IDA ISO GO:0015722 MGI:1923658 J:73065 UniProtKB:O88563 9404 2 text: PMID: 10362653 ISO GO:0015722 MGI:1923658 J:73065 UniProtKB:O88563 9405 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:blood_platelet ; CL:0000233 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15297306|IDA ISO GO:0005624 MGI:2443111 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15439 9406 2 text:PMID:15297306|IDA ISO GO:0005624 MGI:2443111 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15439 9407 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:blood_platelet ; CL:0000233 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15297306|IDA ISO GO:0005886 MGI:2443111 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15439 9408 2 text:PMID:15297306|IDA ISO GO:0005886 MGI:2443111 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15439 9409 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:blood_platelet ; CL:0000233 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15297306|IDA ISO GO:0031088 MGI:2443111 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15439 9410 2 text:PMID:15297306|IDA ISO GO:0031088 MGI:2443111 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15439 9411 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|V79-4 ; ATCC:CCL-93 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15297306|IDA ISO GO:0005624 MGI:1351644 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15440 9412 2 text: ISO GO:0005624 MGI:1351644 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15440 9413 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11956071|IDA ISO GO:0030334 MGI:1913860 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P2A4 9414 2 text: PMID: 11956071| ISO GO:0030334 MGI:1913860 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P2A4 9415 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8375402|IDA ISO GO:0015898 MGI:1923757 J:73065 EMBL:X73911 9416 2 text: PMID:8375402| ISO GO:0015898 MGI:1923757 J:73065 EMBL:X73911 9417 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8144586|IDA ISO GO:0008131 MGI:1923757 J:73065 UniProtKB:P19801 9418 2 text: PMID:8144586| ISO GO:0008131 MGI:1923757 J:73065 UniProtKB:P19801 9419 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8660691|IDA ISO GO:0016937 MGI:1914135 J:73065 UniProtKB:P70584 9420 2 text: PMID: 8660691 ISO GO:0016937 MGI:1914135 J:73065 UniProtKB:P70584 9421 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11988176|IDA ISO GO:0043198 MGI:1194915 J:73065 UniProtKB:P78438 9422 2 text: ISO GO:0043198 MGI:1194915 J:73065 UniProtKB:P78438 9423 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11988176|IDA ISO GO:0043197 MGI:1194915 J:73065 UniProtKB:P78438 9424 2 text: ISO GO:0043197 MGI:1194915 J:73065 UniProtKB:P78438 9425 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11448963|IDA ISO GO:0016021 MGI:1194915 J:73065 EMBL:AJ309926 9426 2 text: PMID: 11448963 ISO GO:0016021 MGI:1194915 J:73065 EMBL:AJ309926 9427 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11448963|IDA ISO GO:0015672 MGI:1194915 J:73065 EMBL:AJ309926 9428 2 text: PMID: 11448963 ISO GO:0015672 MGI:1194915 J:73065 EMBL:AJ309926 9429 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11448963|IDA ISO GO:0015077 MGI:1194915 J:73065 EMBL:AJ309926 9430 2 text: PMID: 11448963 ISO GO:0015077 MGI:1194915 J:73065 EMBL:AJ309926 9431 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11988176|IDA ISO GO:0045202 MGI:1194915 J:73065 UniProtKB:P78438 9432 2 text: ISO GO:0045202 MGI:1194915 J:73065 UniProtKB:P78438 9433 1 evidence:expression in cos cells yeilding cation channel by patch clamp|sequence analysis anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|cos-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9261094|IDA ISO GO:0015280 MGI:2159339 J:73065 UniProtKB:O35240 9434 2 text: ISO GO:0015280 MGI:2159339 J:73065 UniProtKB:O35240 9435 1 evidence:expression in cos cells yeilding cation channel by patch clamp|sequence analysis anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|cos-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1657 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9261094|IDA ISO GO:0005887 MGI:2159339 J:73065 UniProtKB:O35240 9436 2 text: ISO GO:0005887 MGI:2159339 J:73065 UniProtKB:O35240 9437 1 evidence:patch clamp anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|cos-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9261094|IDA ISO GO:0001101 MGI:2159339 J:73065 UniProtKB:O35240 9438 2 text: ISO GO:0001101 MGI:2159339 J:73065 UniProtKB:O35240 9439 1 evidence:expression in cos cells yeilding cation channel by patch clamp|sequence analysis anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|cos-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9261094|IDA ISO GO:0006814 MGI:2159339 J:73065 UniProtKB:O35240 9440 2 text: ISO GO:0006814 MGI:2159339 J:73065 UniProtKB:O35240 9441 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15181449|IDA ISO GO:0000783 MGI:87873 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96AP0 9442 2 text: PMID: 15181449 ISO GO:0000783 MGI:87873 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96AP0 9443 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15181449|IDA ISO GO:0000723 MGI:87873 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96AP0 9444 2 text: PMID: 15181449 ISO GO:0000723 MGI:87873 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96AP0 9445 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9630632|IDA ISO GO:0006101 MGI:87880 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99798 9446 2 text: PMID: 9630632 ISO GO:0006101 MGI:87880 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99798 9447 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9630632|IDA ISO GO:0005506 MGI:87880 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99798 9448 2 text: PMID: 9630632 ISO GO:0005506 MGI:87880 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99798 9449 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9630632|IDA ISO GO:0006099 MGI:87880 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99798 9450 2 text: PMID: 9630632 ISO GO:0006099 MGI:87880 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99798 9451 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:3160696|IDA ISO GO:0005764 MGI:87882 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q561W5 9452 2 text: ISO GO:0005764 MGI:87882 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q561W5 9453 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8940033|IDA ISO GO:0009986 MGI:2661081 J:73065 EMBL:U69702 9454 2 text: ISO GO:0009986 MGI:2661081 J:73065 EMBL:U69702 9455 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15150278|IDA ISO GO:0043065 MGI:2661081 J:73065 EMBL:AF525680 9456 2 text: ISO GO:0043065 MGI:2661081 J:73065 EMBL:AF525680 9457 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:trophoblast cell ;CL:0000351 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15150278|IDA ISO GO:0001834 MGI:2661081 J:73065 EMBL:AF525680 9458 2 text: ISO GO:0001834 MGI:2661081 J:73065 EMBL:AF525680 9459 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11278559|IDA ISO GO:0004222 MGI:109249 J:73065 EMBL:AF060152 9460 2 text: ISO GO:0004222 MGI:109249 J:73065 EMBL:AF060152 9461 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10438512|IDA ISO GO:0016525 MGI:109249 J:56900 EMBL:AF060152 9462 2 text: ISO GO:0016525 MGI:109249 J:56900 EMBL:AF060152 9463 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID: 12514189|IDA text: ISO GO:0005578 MGI:1916320 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P2N4 9464 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12514189|IDA ISO GO:0008237 MGI:1916320 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P2N4 9465 2 text: PMID: 12514189| ISO GO:0008237 MGI:1916320 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P2N4 9466 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9020165|IDA ISO GO:0016553 MGI:1889575 J:73065 UniProtKB:P55265 9467 2 text: PMID: 9020165 ISO GO:0016553 MGI:1889575 J:73065 UniProtKB:P55265 9468 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9020165|IDA ISO GO:0003726 MGI:1889575 J:73065 UniProtKB:P55265 9469 2 text: PMID: 9020165 ISO GO:0003726 MGI:1889575 J:73065 UniProtKB:P55265 9470 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9553082|IDA ISO GO:0008609 MGI:2443065 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00116 9471 2 text: PMID: 9553082| ISO GO:0008609 MGI:2443065 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00116 9472 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9553082|IDA ISO GO:0008610 MGI:2443065 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00116 9473 2 text: PMID: 9553082| ISO GO:0008610 MGI:2443065 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00116 9474 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12504007|IDA ISO GO:0001671 MGI:2387603 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95433 9475 2 text: PMID: 12504007| ISO GO:0001671 MGI:2387603 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95433 9476 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12504007|IDA ISO GO:0051087 MGI:2387603 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95433 9477 2 text: PMID: 12504007| ISO GO:0051087 MGI:2387603 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95433 9478 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:fetal, child, and adult human retina cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12374762|IDA text:J:79616|PMID:12374762 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2148800 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NZN9 9479 1 evidence:protein farnesylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:14555765|IDA text:J:92282|PMID:14555765|IDA ISO GO:0018343 MGI:2148800 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NZN9 9480 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10413680|IDA ISO GO:0005635 MGI:3050566 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9WVC7 9481 2 text: PMID: 10413680 ; IDA ISO GO:0005635 MGI:3050566 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9WVC7 9482 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10413680|IDA ISO GO:0051018 MGI:3050566 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9WVC7 9483 2 text: PMID: 10413680 ; IDA ISO GO:0051018 MGI:3050566 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9WVC7 9484 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7721854|IDA ISO GO:0016529 MGI:3050566 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9WVC7 9485 2 text: PMID: 7721854 ; IDA ISO GO:0016529 MGI:3050566 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9WVC7 9486 1 evidence:cell fractionation followed by isolation from SDS-PAGE gel and enzyme assay anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8194472|IDA text:PMID:8194472|IDA ISO GO:0005829 MGI:2145420 J:73065 UniProtKB:P51652 9487 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8172618|IDA ISO GO:0042448 MGI:2145420 J:73065 UniProtKB:P51652 9488 2 text: PMID: 8172618 ISO GO:0042448 MGI:2145420 J:73065 UniProtKB:P51652 9489 1 evidence:cell fractionation followed by isolation from SDS-PAGE gel and enzyme assay anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8194472|IDA text:PMID:8194472|IDA ISO GO:0005625 MGI:2145420 J:73065 UniProtKB:P51652 9490 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10359825|IDA ISO GO:0046527 MGI:2444031 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y672 9491 2 text: PMID: 10359825| ISO GO:0046527 MGI:2444031 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y672 9492 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10924277|IDA ISO GO:0006487 MGI:2444031 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y672 9493 2 text: PMID: 10924277| ISO GO:0006487 MGI:2444031 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y672 9494 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15247254|IDA external ref:PMID:12837691|IDA ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053305 9495 2 text: ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053305 9496 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12837691|IDA ISO GO:0017137 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053305 9497 2 text: ISO GO:0017137 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053305 9498 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: PMID:15579468|IDA ISO GO:0030675 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053305 9499 2 text: ISO GO:0030675 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053305 9500 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15579468|IDA ISO GO:0048365 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053305 9501 2 text: ISO GO:0048365 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053305 9502 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12837691|IDA ISO GO:0005829 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053305|EMBL:AB053306 9503 2 text: long and short forms ISO GO:0005829 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053305|EMBL:AB053306 9504 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12837691|IDA ISO GO:0005769 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053305 9505 2 text: long form ISO GO:0005769 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053305 9506 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: PMID:12837691|IDA ISO GO:0007041 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053305 9507 2 text: ISO GO:0007041 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053305 9508 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12837691|IDA ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053306 9509 2 text:short form ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053306 9510 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15247254|IDA ISO GO:0051260 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053305 9511 2 text: ISO GO:0051260 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053305 9512 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15247254|IDA ISO GO:0042802 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053305 9513 2 text: ISO GO:0042802 MGI:1921268 J:73065 EMBL:AB053305 9514 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ;CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: external ref:PMID:21270349|IDA text:J:69633 (PMID:21270349)|IDA ISO GO:0005615 MGI:88006 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49000 9515 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: external ref:PMID:21270349|IDA text:J:69633 (PMID:21270349)|IDA ISO GO:0005160 MGI:88006 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49000 9516 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy:rat E14.5 urogenital ridges cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:21270349|IDA text:J:69633 (PMID:21270349)|IDA ISO GO:0001655 MGI:88006 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49000 9517 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: external ref:PMID:21270349|IDA text:J:69633 (PMID:21270349)|IDA ISO GO:0005887 MGI:105062 J:76065 UniProtKB:Q62893 9518 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: external ref:PMID:21270349|IDA text:J:69633 (PMID:21270349)|IDA ISO GO:0005026 MGI:105062 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q62893 9519 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: external ref:PMID:21270349|IDA text:J:69633 (PMID:21270349)|IDA ISO GO:0007179 MGI:105062 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q62893 9520 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12135761|IDA ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1918611 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BRQ8 9521 2 text:PMID: 12135761 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1918611 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BRQ8 9522 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11980907|IDA ISO GO:0006917 MGI:1918611 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BRQ8 9523 2 text:PMID: 11980907 ISO GO:0006917 MGI:1918611 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BRQ8 9524 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11980907|IDA ISO GO:0005739 MGI:1918611 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BRQ8 9525 2 text:PMID: 11980907 ISO GO:0005739 MGI:1918611 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BRQ8 9526 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:11257124|IDA text:PMID:11257124|IDA ISO GO:0030139 MGI:108440 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9HD27 9527 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:11257124|IDA text:PMID:11257124|IDA ISO GO:0009897 MGI:108440 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9HD27 9528 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH3T3 ; ATCC:CL-173 (NIH3T3) gene product: external ref:PMID:11257124|IDA text:PMID:11257124|IDA ISO GO:0030027 MGI:108440 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9HD27 9529 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:11257124|IDA text:PMID:11257124|IDA ISO GO:0004872 MGI:108440 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9HD27 9530 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16019084|IDA text:J:100469|PMID:16019084|IDA ISO GO:0042802 MGI:1922973 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8IY63 9531 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|MDCK ATCC:NBL-2 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16019084|IDA text:J:100469|PMID:16019084|IDA ISO GO:0005923 MGI:1922973 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8IY63 9532 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10025962|IDA ISO GO:0005615 MGI:1919963 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95841 9533 2 text:PMID: 10025962| ISO GO:0005615 MGI:1919963 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95841 9534 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10931866|IDA ISO GO:0003779 MGI:1920174 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NQW6 9535 2 text:PMID: 10931866| ISO GO:0003779 MGI:1920174 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NQW6 9536 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10931866|IDA ISO GO:0015629 MGI:1920174 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NQW6 9537 2 text:PMID: 10931866| ISO GO:0015629 MGI:1920174 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NQW6 9538 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10931866|IDA ISO GO:0005826 MGI:1920174 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NQW6 9539 2 text:PMID: 10931866| ISO GO:0005826 MGI:1920174 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NQW6 9540 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10931866|IDA ISO GO:0000910 MGI:1920174 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NQW6 9541 2 text:PMID: 10931866| ISO GO:0000910 MGI:1920174 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NQW6 9542 1 evidence:IF anatomy:colon (human) cell type:gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12072559|IDA text:PMID:12072559|IDA ISO GO:0016328 MGI:88039 J:73065 UniProtKB:P25054 9543 1 evidence:IF anatomy:colon (human) cell type:gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12072559|IDA text:PMID:12072559|IDA ISO GO:0005634 MGI:88039 J:73065 UniProtKB:P25054 9544 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9823329|IDA ISO GO:0008013 MGI:1346052 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95996 9545 2 text:PMID: 9823329 ISO GO:0008013 MGI:1346052 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95996 9546 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9823329|IDA ISO GO:0016342 MGI:1346052 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95996 9547 2 text:PMID: 9823329 ISO GO:0016342 MGI:1346052 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95996 9548 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15448152|IDA ISO GO:0004126 MGI:103298 J:73065 UniProtKB:P38483 9549 2 text:PMID: 15448152 ISO GO:0004126 MGI:103298 J:73065 UniProtKB:P38483 9550 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9843960|IDA ISO GO:0030659 MGI:1914134 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95095 9551 2 text:PMID: 9843960 ISO GO:0030659 MGI:1914134 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95095 9552 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9843960|IDA ISO GO:0046907 MGI:1914134 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95095 9553 2 text:PMID: 9843960 ISO GO:0046907 MGI:1914134 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95095 9554 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9843960|IDA ISO GO:0008017 MGI:1914134 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95095 9555 2 text:PMID: 9843960 ISO GO:0008017 MGI:1914134 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95095 9556 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10963680|IDA ISO GO:0042127 MGI:2140945 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y451 9557 2 text:PMID: 10963680 ISO GO:0042127 MGI:2140945 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y451 9558 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12571360|IDA ISO GO:0000139 MGI:2139354 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y6D5 9559 2 text:PMID: 12571360 ISO GO:0000139 MGI:2139354 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y6D5 9560 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12571360|IDA ISO GO:0005829 MGI:2139354 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y6D5 9561 2 text:PMID: 12571360 ISO GO:0005829 MGI:2139354 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y6D5 9562 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10212200|IDA ISO GO:0005085 MGI:2139354 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y6D5 9563 2 text:PMID: 10212200 ISO GO:0005085 MGI:2139354 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y6D5 9564 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12571360|IDA ISO GO:0007242 MGI:2139354 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y6D5 9565 2 text:PMID: 12571360 ISO GO:0007242 MGI:2139354 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y6D5 9566 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12571360|IDA ISO GO:0016020 MGI:2139354 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y6D5 9567 2 text:PMID: 12571360 ISO GO:0016020 MGI:2139354 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y6D5 9568 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9038142|IDA ISO GO:0000139 MGI:1277120 J:73065 UniProtKB:P53367 9569 2 text:PMID: 9038142 ISO GO:0000139 MGI:1277120 J:73065 UniProtKB:P53367 9570 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9038142|IDA ISO GO:0005829 MGI:1277120 J:73065 UniProtKB:P53367 9571 2 text:PMID: 9038142 ISO GO:0005829 MGI:1277120 J:73065 UniProtKB:P53367 9572 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12606037|IDA ISO GO:0006886 MGI:1277120 J:73065 UniProtKB:P53367 9573 2 text:PMID: 12606037 ISO GO:0006886 MGI:1277120 J:73065 UniProtKB:P53367 9574 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12606037|IDA ISO GO:0050708 MGI:1277120 J:73065 UniProtKB:P53367 9575 2 text:PMID: 12606037 ISO GO:0050708 MGI:1277120 J:73065 UniProtKB:P53367 9576 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8288572|IDA external ref:PMID:8253717|IDA ISO GO:0005100 MGI:2445003 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q07960 9577 2 text:PMID: 8288572|PMID: 8253717 ISO GO:0005100 MGI:2445003 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q07960 9578 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8288572|IDA external ref:PMID:8253717|IDA ISO GO:0007264 MGI:2445003 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q07960 9579 2 text:PMID: 8288572|PMID: 8253717 ISO GO:0007264 MGI:2445003 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q07960 9580 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12650940|IDA ISO GO:0030675 MGI:1923367 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86WP1 9581 2 text:Human ARHGAP15 ISO GO:0030675 MGI:1923367 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86WP1 9582 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12650940|IDA ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1923367 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86WP1 9583 2 text: And has additional Rac binding activity independent of kinase activity ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1923367 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86WP1 9584 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12650940|IDA ISO GO:0008360 MGI:1923367 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86WP1 9585 2 text:Human ARHGAP15 ISO GO:0008360 MGI:1923367 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86WP1 9586 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10967100|IDA ISO GO:0007015 MGI:1917747 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9EQV7 9587 2 text:PMID:10967100|rat protein in mouse cell. ISO GO:0007015 MGI:1917747 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9EQV7 9588 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10967100|IDA ISO GO:0017156 MGI:1917747 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9EQV7 9589 2 text:PMID:10967100|with rat Nadrin. ISO GO:0017156 MGI:1917747 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9EQV7 9590 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10967100|IDA ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1917747 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9EQV7 9591 2 text:PMID:10967100|with rat Nadrin. ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1917747 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9EQV7 9592 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10967100|IDA ISO GO:0005626 MGI:1917747 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9EQV7 9593 2 text:PMID:10967100|with rat Nadrin. ISO GO:0005626 MGI:1917747 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9EQV7 9594 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15147912|IDA ISO GO:0005096 MGI:1916903 J:73065 EMBL:AY394725 9595 2 text: ISO GO:0005096 MGI:1916903 J:73065 EMBL:AY394725 9596 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15147912|IDA ISO GO:0005768 MGI:1916903 J:73065 EMBL:AY394725 9597 2 text: ISO GO:0005768 MGI:1916903 J:73065 EMBL:AY394725 9598 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15147912|IDA ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1916903 J:73065 EMBL:AY394725 9599 2 text: binds one of three SH3 domains of Cin85 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1916903 J:73065 EMBL:AY394725 9600 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15147912|IDA ISO GO:0006898 MGI:1916903 J:73065 EMBL:AY394725 9601 2 text: ISO GO:0006898 MGI:1916903 J:73065 EMBL:AY394725 9602 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12944407|IDA ISO GO:0005096 MGI:1924714 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8IZM6 9603 2 text:PMID: 12944407 ISO GO:0005096 MGI:1924714 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8IZM6 9604 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12944407|IDA ISO GO:0030036 MGI:1924714 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8IZM6 9605 2 text:PMID: 12944407 ISO GO:0030036 MGI:1924714 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8IZM6 9606 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12944407|IDA ISO GO:0030335 MGI:1924714 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8IZM6 9607 2 text:PMID: 12944407 ISO GO:0030335 MGI:1924714 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8IZM6 9608 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11396949|IDA ISO GO:0005096 MGI:2143764 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96S74 9609 2 text:PMID: 11396949 ISO GO:0005096 MGI:2143764 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96S74 9610 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12071859|IDA ISO GO:0030036 MGI:2673002 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96PE2 9611 2 text:PMID: 12071859 ISO GO:0030036 MGI:2673002 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96PE2 9612 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12071859|IDA ISO GO:0005085 MGI:2673002 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96PE2 9613 2 text:PMID: 12071859 ISO GO:0005085 MGI:2673002 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96PE2 9614 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14512443|IDA ISO GO:0030036 MGI:2142567 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60274 9615 2 text:PMID: 14512443 ISO GO:0030036 MGI:2142567 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60274 9616 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14512443|IDA ISO GO:0005085 MGI:2142567 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60274 9617 2 text:PMID: 14512443 ISO GO:0005085 MGI:2142567 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60274 9618 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14512443|IDA ISO GO:0008360 MGI:2142567 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60274 9619 2 text:PMID: 14512443 ISO GO:0008360 MGI:2142567 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60274 9620 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14512443|IDA ISO GO:0007264 MGI:2142567 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60274 9621 2 text:PMID: 14512443 ISO GO:0007264 MGI:2142567 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60274 9622 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10864977|IDA ISO GO:0007623 MGI:2684845 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYQ4 9623 2 text:PMID: 10864977 ISO GO:0007623 MGI:2684845 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYQ4 9624 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12055078|IDA ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2684845 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WYA4 9625 2 text:PMID: 12055078 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2684845 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WYA4 9626 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12055078|IDA ISO GO:0006357 MGI:2684845 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WYA4 9627 2 text:PMID: 12055078 ISO GO:0006357 MGI:2684845 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WYA4 9628 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12055078|IDA ISO GO:0003700 MGI:2684845 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WYA4 9629 2 text:PMID: 12055078 ISO GO:0003700 MGI:2684845 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WYA4 9630 1 evidence:arsenite methylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11790780|IDA text:PMID:11790780|IDA ISO GO:0030791 MGI:1929882 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8VHT6 9631 1 evidence:arsenite methylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:15276411|IDA text:PMID:15276411|IDA ISA GO:0030791 MGI:1929882 J:91992 UniProtKB:Q8VHT6 9632 1 evidence:enzyme purification|arsenite methylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11790780|IDA text:PMID:11790780|IDA ISO GO:0005829 MGI:1929882 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8VHT6 9633 1 evidence:arsenite methylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:15276411|IDA text:PMID:15276411|IDA ISA GO:0046685 MGI:1929882 J:91992 UniProtKB:Q8VHT6 9634 1 evidence:arsenite methylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11790780|IDA text:PMID:11790780|IDA ISO GO:0046685 MGI:1929882 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8VHT6 9635 1 evidence:enzyme purification|arsenite methylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11790780|IDA text:PMID:11790780|IDA ISO GO:0005625 MGI:1929882 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8VHT6 9636 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10610717|IDA ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1914361 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q02083 9637 2 text:PMID: 10610717 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1914361 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q02083 9638 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12077347|IDA ISO GO:0045449 MGI:1916340 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y307 9639 2 text:PMID: 12077347 ISO GO:0045449 MGI:1916340 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y307 9640 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12077347|IDA ISO GO:0003713 MGI:1916340 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y307 9641 2 text:PMID: 12077347 ISO GO:0003713 MGI:1916340 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y307 9642 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12077347|IDA ISO GO:0005667 MGI:1916340 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y307 9643 2 text:PMID: 12077347 ISO GO:0005667 MGI:1916340 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y307 9644 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11897662|IDA ISO GO:0006281 MGI:1913653 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y294 9645 2 text:PMID: 11897662 ISO GO:0006281 MGI:1913653 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y294 9646 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10759893|IDA ISO GO:0016585 MGI:1913653 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y294 9647 2 text:PMID: 10759893 ISO GO:0016585 MGI:1913653 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y294 9648 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10759893|IDA ISO GO:0042393 MGI:1913653 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y294 9649 2 text:PMID: 10759893 ISO GO:0042393 MGI:1913653 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y294 9650 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11897662|IDA ISO GO:0006334 MGI:1913653 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y294 9651 2 text:PMID: 11897662 ISO GO:0006334 MGI:1913653 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y294 9652 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11825910|IDA ISO GO:0006464 MGI:1915091 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NT62 9653 2 text:PMID: 11825910|IDA ISO GO:0006464 MGI:1915091 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NT62 9654 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11825910|IDA ISO GO:0019787 MGI:1915091 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NT62 9655 2 text:PMID: 11825910|IDA ISO GO:0019787 MGI:1915091 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NT62 9656 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12473658|IDA ISO GO:0008234 MGI:2147903 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WYN0 9657 2 text:PMID: 12473658 ISO GO:0008234 MGI:2147903 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WYN0 9658 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14656723|IDA ISO GO:0005635 MGI:1915071 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BDK6 9659 2 text:PMID: 14656723 ISO GO:0005635 MGI:1915071 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BDK6 9660 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1827992|IDA ISO GO:0015078 MGI:1913293 J:73065 UniProtKB:P05630 9661 2 text:PMID: 1827992 ISO GO:0015078 MGI:1913293 J:73065 UniProtKB:P05630 9662 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1827992|IDA ISO GO:0005740 MGI:1913293 J:73065 UniProtKB:P05630 9663 2 text:PMID: 1827992 ISO GO:0005740 MGI:1913293 J:73065 UniProtKB:P05630 9664 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1827992|IDA ISO GO:0015992 MGI:1913293 J:73065 UniProtKB:P05630 9665 2 text:PMID: 1827992 ISO GO:0015992 MGI:1913293 J:73065 UniProtKB:P05630 9666 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1827992|IDA ISO GO:0045259 MGI:1913293 J:73065 UniProtKB:P05630 9667 2 text:PMID: 1827992 ISO GO:0045259 MGI:1913293 J:73065 UniProtKB:P05630 9668 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11784712|IDA ISO GO:0016020 MGI:2446242 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95135 9669 2 text:PMID: 11784712| ISO GO:0016020 MGI:2446242 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95135 9670 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:12244051|IDA text:J:80203|PMID: 12244051|IDA ISA GO:0005634 MGI:1913327 J:80203 UniProtKB:Q9NWT8 9671 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12244051|IDA text:J:80203|PMID: 12244051|IDA Assay for specific degradation of Aurora-A kinase ISA GO:0045862 MGI:1913327 J:80203 UniProtKB:Q9NWT8 9672 1 evidence:IF anatomy:colon (human) cell type:crypt cells gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12072559|IDA text:PMID:12072559|IDA ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1096327 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15169 9673 1 evidence:IF anatomy:colon (human) cell type:crypt cells gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12072559|IDA text:PMID:12072559|IDA ISO GO:0016328 MGI:1096327 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15169 9674 1 evidence:IF anatomy:colon (human) cell type:crypt cells gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12072559|IDA text:PMID:12072559|IDA ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1096327 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15169 9675 1 evidence:IF anatomy:colon (human) cell type:crypt cells gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12072559|IDA text:PMID:12072559|IDA ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1270862 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y2T1 9676 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12730195|IDA ISO GO:0005524 MGI:2684414 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86UW6 9677 2 text:PMID: 12730195 ISO GO:0005524 MGI:2684414 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86UW6 9678 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12730195|IDA ISO GO:0046404 MGI:2684414 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86UW6 9679 2 text:PMID: 12730195 ISO GO:0046404 MGI:2684414 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86UW6 9680 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12730195|IDA ISO GO:0004519 MGI:2684414 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86UW6 9681 2 text:PMID: 12730195 ISO GO:0004519 MGI:2684414 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86UW6 9682 1 evidence:radioassay for N-acyltransferase activity anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12239217|IDA text:PMID:12239217|IDA ISA GO:0016410 MGI:106642 J:80659 UniProtKB:Q96L31 9683 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9873016|IDA ISO GO:0030188 MGI:1891254 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95816 9684 2 text:PMID: 9873016 ISO GO:0030188 MGI:1891254 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95816 9685 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9873015|IDA ISO GO:0019538 MGI:1891254 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95816 9686 2 text:PMID: 9873016 ISO GO:0019538 MGI:1891254 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95816 9687 1 evidence:in vitro translations assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12451124|IDA text:PMID:12451124:IDA ISO GO:0040033 MGI:104905 J:73065 EMBL:M16113 9688 1 evidence:in vitro translations assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12451124|IDA text:PMID:12451124:IDA ISO GO:0045947 MGI:104905 J:73065 EMBL:M16113 9689 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:PABP family members (rat) external ref:PMID:12451124|IDA text:PMID:12451124:IDA ISO GO:0005515 MGI:104905 J:73065 EMBL:M16113 9690 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:eIF4A ; RGD:735141 external ref:PMID:12451124|IDA text:PMID:12451124:IDA ISO GO:0031369 MGI:104905 J:73065 EMBL:M16113 9691 1 evidence:in vitro translations assay|EMSA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12451124|IDA text:PMID:12451124:IDA ISO GO:0000901 MGI:104905 J:73065 EMBL:M16113 9692 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12169396|IDA ISO GO:0005681 MGI:1915433 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75934 9693 2 text:PMID: 12169396 ISO GO:0005681 MGI:1915433 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75934 9694 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10878006|IDA ISO GO:0019207 MGI:1913415 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P288 9695 2 text:PMID: 10878006 ISO GO:0019207 MGI:1913415 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P288 9696 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10878006|IDA ISO GO:0019908 MGI:1913415 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P288 9697 2 text:PMID: 10878006 ISO GO:0019908 MGI:1913415 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P288 9698 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10878006|IDA ISO GO:0000079 MGI:1913415 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P288 9699 2 text:PMID: 10878006 ISO GO:0000079 MGI:1913415 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P288 9700 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10330179|IDA ISO GO:0003677 MGI:1917580 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYF8 9701 2 text:PMID: 10330179 ISO GO:0003677 MGI:1917580 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYF8 9702 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10330179|IDA ISO GO:0016481 MGI:1917580 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYF8 9703 2 text:PMID: 10330179 ISO GO:0016481 MGI:1917580 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYF8 9704 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10330179|IDA ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1917580 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYF8 9705 2 text:PMID: 10330179 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1917580 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYF8 9706 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10330179|IDA ISO GO:0043065 MGI:1917580 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYF8 9707 2 text:PMID: 10330179 ISO GO:0043065 MGI:1917580 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYF8 9708 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10330179|IDA ISO GO:0016564 MGI:1917580 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYF8 9709 2 text:PMID: 10330179 ISO GO:0016564 MGI:1917580 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYF8 9710 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10716992|IDA ISO GO:0006916 MGI:1914368 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NZS9 9711 2 text:PMID: 10716992 ISO GO:0006916 MGI:1914368 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NZS9 9712 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10716992|IDA ISO GO:0005624 MGI:1914368 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NZS9 9713 2 text:PMID: 10716992 ISO GO:0005624 MGI:1914368 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NZS9 9714 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11084331|IDA text: metaphase ISO GO:0000775 MGI:1203517 J:86384 UniProtKB:O15392 9715 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:telophase external ref:PMID:11084331|IDA ISO GO:0030496 MGI:1203517 J:86384 UniProtKB:O15392 9716 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11739401|IDA ISO GO:0007030 MGI:1201607 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15298 9717 2 text:PMID:11739401| ISO GO:0007030 MGI:1201607 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15298 9718 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11739401|IDA ISO GO:0043001 MGI:1201607 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15298 9719 2 text:PMID:11739401| ISO GO:0043001 MGI:1201607 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15298 9720 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11739401|IDA ISA GO:0005634 MGI:1201607 J:88602 UniProtKB:O15298 9721 2 text:PMID:11739401| ISA GO:0005634 MGI:1201607 J:88602 UniProtKB:O15298 9722 1 evidence:alkaline phosphotase staining as assay for differentiation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: external ref:PMID:14749725|IDA text:J:88288|PMID:14749725|IDA ISO GO:0005125 MGI:88180 J:73065 UniProtKB:P12644 9723 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: external ref:PMID:14749725|IDA text:J:88288|PMID:14749725|IDA ISO GO:0045662 MGI:88180 J:73065 UniProtKB:P12644 9724 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: external ref:PMID:14749725|IDA text:J:88288|PMID:14749725|IDA ISO GO:0045843 MGI:88180 J:73065 UniProtKB:P12644 9725 1 evidence:Van Gieson staining for bone nodule formation|Von Kossa assay for calcium deposition anatomy: cell type:primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001|human mesanchymal stem cells (hMSC) gene product: external ref:PMID:14749725|IDA text:J:88288|PMID:1 ISO GO:0030501 MGI:88180 J:73065 UniProtKB:P12644 9726 2 4749725|IDA ISO GO:0030501 MGI:88180 J:73065 UniProtKB:P12644 9727 1 evidence:alkaline phosphotase staining as assay for differentiation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: external ref:PMID:14749725|IDA text:J:88288|PMID:14749725|IDA ISO GO:0045778 MGI:88180 J:73065 UniProtKB:P12644 9728 1 evidence:alkaline phosphotase staining as assay for differentiation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: external ref:PMID:14749725|IDA text:J:88288|PMID:14749725|IDA ISO GO:0045669 MGI:88180 J:73065 UniProtKB:P12644 9729 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: external ref:PMID:14749725|IDA text:J:88288|PMID:14749725|IDA ISO GO:0001934 MGI:88180 J:73065 UniProtKB:P12644 9730 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy:kidney metanephroi cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12141440|IDA text:J:80723 (PMID:12141440) ISO GO:0001657 MGI:88180 J:73065 UniProtKB:P12644 9731 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7954800|IPI|UniProt:P10415 external ref:PMID:7954800|IPI|UniProt:P03246 ISO GO:0006915 MGI:109327 J:37511 UniProtKB:Q12982 9732 2 text:IPI|SPTR:P10415|SPTR:P03246 ISO GO:0006915 MGI:109327 J:37511 UniProtKB:Q12982 9733 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7954800|IDA ISO GO:0005737 MGI:109327 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q12982 9734 2 text:PMID: 7954800|IDA ISO GO:0005737 MGI:109327 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q12982 9735 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7954800|IDA ISO GO:0005739 MGI:109326 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q12983 9736 2 text:PMID: 7954800|IDA ISO GO:0005739 MGI:109326 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q12983 9737 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11741952|IDA ISO GO:0006917 MGI:2384749 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WYG2 9738 2 text:PMID: 11741952 ISO GO:0006917 MGI:2384749 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WYG2 9739 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12499397|IDA ISO GO:0007126 MGI:1922638 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8N9W6 9740 2 text:PMID: 12499397 ISO GO:0007126 MGI:1922638 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8N9W6 9741 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14724641|IDA ISO GO:0000165 MGI:1919649 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75341 9742 2 text:PMID: 14724641 ISO GO:0000165 MGI:1919649 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75341 9743 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14724641|IDA ISO GO:0007265 MGI:1919649 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75341 9744 2 text:PMID: 14724641 ISO GO:0007265 MGI:1919649 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75341 9745 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9497340|IDA ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1919649 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75341 9746 2 text:PMID: 9497340 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1919649 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75341 9747 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9497340|IDA ISO GO:0008139 MGI:1919649 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75341 9748 2 text:PMID: 9497340 ISO GO:0008139 MGI:1919649 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75341 9749 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14724641|IDA ISO GO:0000151 MGI:1919649 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75341 9750 2 text:PMID: 14724641 ISO GO:0000151 MGI:1919649 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75341 9751 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14724641|IDA ISO GO:0004842 MGI:1919649 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75341 9752 2 text:PMID: 14724641 ISO GO:0004842 MGI:1919649 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75341 9753 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14636569|IDA ISO GO:0030234 MGI:2389572 J:73065 UniProtKB:P46736 9754 2 text:PMID: 14636569 ISO GO:0030234 MGI:2389572 J:73065 UniProtKB:P46736 9755 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14636569|IDA ISO GO:0010165 MGI:2389572 J:73065 UniProtKB:P46736 9756 2 text:PMID: 14636569 ISO GO:0010165 MGI:2389572 J:73065 UniProtKB:P46736 9757 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14636569|IDA ISO GO:0000151 MGI:2389572 J:73065 UniProtKB:P46736 9758 2 text:PMID: 14636569 ISO GO:0000151 MGI:2389572 J:73065 UniProtKB:P46736 9759 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10602503|IDA ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1924161 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95696 9760 2 text:PMID: 10602503 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1924161 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95696 9761 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12489984|IDA ISO GO:0042393 MGI:1349766 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NPI1 9762 2 text:PMID: 12489984 ISO GO:0042393 MGI:1349766 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NPI1 9763 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12489984|IDA ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1349766 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NPI1 9764 2 text:PMID: 12489984 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1349766 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NPI1 9765 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12489984|IDA ISO GO:0006357 MGI:1349766 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NPI1 9766 2 text:PMID: 12489984 ISO GO:0006357 MGI:1349766 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NPI1 9767 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14504288|IDA ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2442836 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BX63 9768 2 text:PMID: 14504288 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2442836 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BX63 9769 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14504288|IDA ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2442836 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BX63 9770 2 text:PMID: 14504288 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2442836 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BX63 9771 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14504288|IDA ISO GO:0006357 MGI:2442836 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BX63 9772 2 text:PMID: 14504288 ISO GO:0006357 MGI:2442836 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BX63 9773 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15150265|IDA ISO GO:0000086 MGI:2685946 J:73065 EMBL:AY458602 9774 2 text:IDA|PMID:15150265overexpressin of SAD1A Kinase casues cells to arrest at G2/M ISO GO:0000086 MGI:2685946 J:73065 EMBL:AY458602 9775 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15150265|IDA ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2685946 J:73065 EMBL:AY458602 9776 2 text:IDA|PMID:15150265 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2685946 J:73065 EMBL:AY458602 9777 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15150265|IDA ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2685946 J:73065 EMBL:AY458602 9778 2 text:IDA|PMID:15150265 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2685946 J:73065 EMBL:AY458602 9779 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15150265|IDA ISO GO:0018105 MGI:2685946 J:73065 EMBL:AY458602 9780 2 text:IDA|PMID:15150265 ISO GO:0018105 MGI:2685946 J:73065 EMBL:AY458602 9781 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15150265|IDA ISO GO:0004674 MGI:2685946 J:73065 EMBL:AY458602 9782 2 text:IDA|PMID:15150265 ISO GO:0004674 MGI:2685946 J:73065 EMBL:AY458602 9783 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15150265|IDA ISO GO:0009411 MGI:2685946 J:73065 EMBL:AY458602 9784 2 text:IDA|PMID:15150265 ISO GO:0009411 MGI:2685946 J:73065 EMBL:AY458602 9785 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|QM7 ; ATCC:CRL-1962 gene product: external ref:PMID:11420681|IDA text:PMID:11420681|IDA ISO GO:0005737 MGI:88215 J:73065 UniProtKB:P31607 9786 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1962 (QM7, quail) gene product: external ref:PMID:11420681|IDA text:PMID:11420681|IDA ISO GO:0008285 MGI:88215 J:73065 UniProtKB:P31607 9787 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|QM7 ; ATCC:CRL-1962 gene product: external ref:PMID:11420681|IDA text:PMID:11420681|IDA ISO GO:0005634 MGI:88215 J:73065 UniProtKB:P31607 9788 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|QM7 ; ATCC:CRL-1962 gene product: external ref:PMID:11420681|IDA text:PMID:11420681|IDA ISO GO:0045663 MGI:88215 J:73065 UniProtKB:P31607 9789 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12360398|IDA text:PMID: 12360398 ISO GO:0043066 MGI:108384 J:73065 UniProtKB:P27049 9790 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12360398|IDA text:PMID: 12360398 ISO GO:0030182 MGI:108384 J:73065 UniProtKB:P27049 9791 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8944033|IDA text:PMID: 8944033 ISO GO:0006974 MGI:108384 J:73065 UniProtKB:P78543 9792 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14593112|IDA text:PMID: 14593112 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2448541 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8TE71 9793 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14593112|IDA text:PMID: 14593112 ISO GO:0005739 MGI:2448541 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8TE70 9794 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12413696|IDA text:PMID: 12413696 ISO GO:0006956 MGI:2668347 J:73065 UniProtKB:P07357 9795 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12413696|IDA text:PMID: 12413696 ISO GO:0005579 MGI:2668347 J:73065 UniProtKB:P07357 9796 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11739386|IDA text:PMID: 11739386 ISO GO:0016337 MGI:1923990 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15517 9797 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9395522|IDA text:PMID: 9395522 ISO GO:0001533 MGI:1923990 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15517 9798 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15086562|IDA text:PMID: 15086562 ISO GO:0042803 MGI:1923990 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15517 9799 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10066244|IDA text:PMID: 10066244 ISO GO:0006816 MGI:2178051 J:73065 EMBL:AF086827 9800 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10066244|IDA text:PMID: 10066244 ISO GO:0008332 MGI:2178051 J:73065 EMBL:AF086827 9801 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10066244|IDA text:PMID: 10066244 ISO GO:0042391 MGI:2178051 J:73065 EMBL:AF086827 9802 1 evidence:direct assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11050006|IDA text:human, PMID:11050006 ISO GO:0004683 MGI:2442190 J:73065 EMBL:AF286366 9803 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Cos1 ATCC: CRL-1650 gene product: external ref:PMID:11050006|IDA text: human, PMID:11050006 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2442190 J:73065 EMBL:AF286366 9804 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12919676|IDA text:PMID: 12919676|IDA ISO GO:0005783 MGI:104728 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49069 9805 1 evidence:IF|sequence analysis anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: external ref:PMID:8552590|IDA text:J:30626|PMID:8552590|IDA ISO GO:0005887 MGI:107571 J:73065 UniProtKB:P51636 9806 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: external ref:PMID:8552590|IDA text:J:30626|PMID:8552590|IDA ISO GO:0048471 MGI:107571 J:73065 UniProtKB:P51636 9807 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15788404|IDA text: ISO GO:0005886 MGI:107571 J:100274 UniProtKB:P51636 9808 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: external ref:PMID:8552590|IDA text:J:30626|PMID:8552590|IDA ISO GO:0042803 MGI:107571 J:73065 UniProtKB:P51636 9809 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: external ref:PMID:10988290|IDA text:J:66004|PMID:10988290|IDA ISO GO:0005886 MGI:107570 J:66004 UniProtKB:P51638 9810 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15231665|IDA text:PMID: 15231665 ISO GO:0030851 MGI:1338013 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q6P5W6 9811 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12816952|IDA text:PMID: 12816952 ISO GO:0005641 MGI:1914750 J:73065 EMBL:AY249140 9812 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12816952|IDA text:PMID: 12816952 ISO GO:0043065 MGI:1914750 J:73065 EMBL:AY249140 9813 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7641791|IDA text:PMID: 7641791 ISO GO:0005856 MGI:3045316 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q28068 9814 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11683997|IDA text:PMID: 11683997|IDA ISA GO:0008023 MGI:1922664 J:67671 protein_id:AAD45558 9815 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: external ref:PMID:11390434|IDA text:J:91455|PMID:11390434|IDA ISO GO:0009897 MGI:88327 J:73065 UniProtKB:P10747 9816 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: external ref:PMID:11390434|IDA text:J:91455|PMID:11390434|IDA ISO GO:0005886 MGI:88327 J:73065 UniProtKB:P10747 9817 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: external ref:PMID:8176201|IDA text:J:18037|PMID:8176201|IDA ISO GO:0042101 MGI:88331 J:73065 UniProtKB:P04234 9818 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: external ref:PMID:8176201|IDA text:J:18037|PMID:8176201|IDA ISO GO:0042101 MGI:88332 J:73065 UniProtKB:P07766 9819 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: external ref:PMID:11390434|IDA text:J:91455|PMID:11390434|IDA ISO GO:0005886 MGI:88332 J:73065 UniProtKB:P07766 9820 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: external ref:PMID:8176201|IDA text:J:18037|PMID:8176201|IDA ISO GO:0042101 MGI:88334 J:73065 UniProtKB:P20963 9821 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11390434|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:88334 J:91455 UniProtKB:P20963 9822 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: external ref:PMID:11390434|IDA text:J:91455|PMID:11390434|IDA ISO GO:0005737 MGI:88334 J:73065 UniProtKB:P20963 9823 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1390434|IDA text: ISO GO:0005886 MGI:88334 J:91455 UniProtKB:P20963 9824 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: external ref:PMID:11390434|IDA text:J:91455|PMID:11390434|IDA ISO GO:0005886 MGI:88334 J:73065 UniProtKB:P20963 9825 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:peripheral blood T lymphocytes gene product: external ref:PMID:11390434|IDA text:J:91455|PMID:11390434|IDA ISO GO:0005886 MGI:88335 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01730 9826 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:peripheral blood T lymphocytes gene product: external ref:PMID:11390434|IDA text:J:91455|PMID:11390434|IDA ISO GO:0005886 MGI:88340 J:73065 UniProtKB:P06127 9827 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7736578|IDA text:PMID: 7736578|IDA ISO GO:0005813 MGI:1917207 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13042 9828 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7736578|IDA text:PMID: 7736578|IDA ISO GO:0005876 MGI:1917207 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13042 9829 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10922056|IDA text:PMID: 10922056 ISO GO:0005680 MGI:1913690 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8NHZ8 9830 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10816584|IDA text:PMID: 10816584IDA ISS GO:0005938 MGI:1889510 J:63564 N/A 9831 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10816584|IDA text:PMID: 10816584IDA ISS GO:0046329 MGI:1889510 J:63564 N/A 9832 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10816584|IDA text:PMID: 10816584IDA ISS GO:0008360 MGI:1889510 J:63654 N/A 9833 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10816584|IDA text:PMID: 10816584IDA ISS GO:0007264 MGI:1889510 J:63654 N/A 9834 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12438418|IDA text:PMID: 12438418 ISO GO:0008608 MGI:1914227 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BDZ4 9835 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12438418|IDA text:PMID: 12438418 ISO GO:0000776 MGI:1914227 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BDZ4 9836 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11598121|IDA text:PMID: 11598121 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1914203 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BWT1 9837 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11598121|IDA text:PMID: 11598121 ISO GO:0042127 MGI:1914203 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BWT1 9838 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12734196|IDA text:PMID: 12734196 ISO GO:0005509 MGI:1928330 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86UP0 9839 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12734196|IDA text:PMID: 12734196 ISO GO:0016337 MGI:1928330 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86UP0 9840 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12734196|IDA text:PMID: 12734196 ISO GO:0005911 MGI:1928330 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86UP0 9841 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11006117|IDA text:PMID: 11006117 ISO GO:0005622 MGI:2448549 J:73065 EMBL:L33264 9842 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11006117|IDA text:PMID: 11006117 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2448549 J:73065 EMBL:X78342 9843 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15917271|IDA text:PMID:15917271 ISO GO:0016301 MGI:1278336 J:99792 UniProtKB:O76039 9844 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8863531|IDA text:humanPMID: 8863531 ISO GO:0016024 MGI:1921846 J:73065 EMBL:U65887 9845 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8863531|IDA text:humanPMID: 8863531 ISO GO:0004605 MGI:1921846 J:73065 EMBL:U65887 9846 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11279026|IDA text:PMID: 11279026 ISO GO:0030057 MGI:3505689 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15517 9847 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10608765|IDA text:PMID: 10608765 ; IDA ISO GO:0007155 MGI:2139134 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8N107 9848 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11003675|IDA text:PMID:11003675|IDA ISO GO:0030954 MGI:2684927 J:73065 EMBL:AF139625 9849 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11003675|IDA text:PMID:11003675|IDA ISO GO:0005813 MGI:2684927 J:73065 EMBL:AF139625 9850 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12198240|IDA text:PMID:12198240|IDA ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2684927 J:73065 EMBL:AF139625 9851 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11003675|IDA text:PMID:11003675|IDA ISO GO:0043015 MGI:2684927 J:73065 EMBL:AF139625 9852 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12198240|IDA text:PMID:12198240|IDA ISO GO:0046427 MGI:2684927 J:73065 EMBL:AF139625 9853 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12198240|IDA text:PMID:12198240|IDA ISO GO:0003713 MGI:2684927 J:73065 EMBL:AF139625 9854 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14690521|IDA text:human; PMID: 14690521 ISO GO:0005547 MGI:2663075 J:73065 EMBL:AJ272195 9855 1 evidence: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 anatomy: gene product: external ref:PMID:14690521|IDA text: PMID: 14690521 ISO GO:0005886 MGI:2663075 J:73065 EMBL:AJ272195 9856 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11062263|IDA text:PMID:11062263 ISO GO:0008060 MGI:1925868 J:73065 EMBL:AJ238248 9857 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11062263|IDA text:PMID:11062263 ISO GO:0030029 MGI:1925868 J:73065 EMBL:AJ238248 9858 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11062263|IDA text:PMID:11062263 ISO GO:0001726 MGI:1925868 J:73065 EMBL:AJ238248 9859 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1238857|IDA text:PMID:12388557 ISO GO:0008060 MGI:3580016 J:73065 EMBL:AF384128 9860 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11136977|IDA text:PMID:11136977 ISO GO:0005524 MGI:3580016 J:73065 EMBL:AF384128 9861 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11136977|IDA external ref:PMID:12640130|IDA text:PMID:11136977|PMID: 12640130 ISO GO:0005525 MGI:3580016 J:73065 EMBL:AF384128 9862 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11136977|IDA external ref:PMID:12640130|IDA text:PMID:11136977|PMID: 12640130 ISO GO:0003924 MGI:3580016 J:73065 EMBL:AF384128 9863 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12388557|IDA text:PMID:12388557 ISO GO:0030036 MGI:3580016 J:73065 EMBL:AF384128 9864 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14761976|IDA text:PMID:14761976|NM_014770|PIKE-A ISO GO:0005737 MGI:3580016 J:73065 EMBL:AF384128 9865 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12388557|IDA text:PMID:12388557 ISO GO:0005768 MGI:3580016 J:73065 EMBL:AF384128 9866 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12388557|IDA text:PMID:12388557 ISO GO:0016197 MGI:3580016 J:73065 EMBL:AF384128 9867 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14761976|IDA external ref:PMID:14761976|IDA text:PMID:14761976|PMID: 11136977|NM_014770|PIKE-A ISO GO:0005634 MGI:3580016 J:73065 EMBL:AF384128 9868 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11136977|IDA text:PMID:11136977 ISO GO:0035014 MGI:3580016 J:73065 EMBL:AF384128 9869 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14761976|IDA text:PMID:14761976|NM_014770|PIKE-A ISO GO:0045860 MGI:3580016 J:73065 EMBL:AF384128 9870 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14761976|IDA text:PMID:14761976|NM_014770|PIKE-A ISO GO:0030295 MGI:3580016 J:73065 EMBL:AF384128 9871 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14761976|IDA text:PMID:14761976|NM_014770|PIKE-A ISO GO:0019901 MGI:3580016 J:73065 EMBL:AF384128 9872 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15337773|IDA text:PMID: 15337773 ISO GO:0005813 MGI:1889576 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y489 9873 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8626781|IDA text:Human; PMID: 8626781 ISO GO:0003690 MGI:2146370 J:73065 NCBI:NM_003663 9874 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8626781|IDA text:Human; PMID: 8626781 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2146370 J:73065 NCBI:NM_003663 9875 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10794731|IDA text:PMID: 10794731 ISO GO:0006874 MGI:106417 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00302 9876 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10794731|IDA text:PMID: 10794731 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:106417 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00302 9877 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10794731|IDA text:PMID: 10794731 ISO GO:0008285 MGI:106417 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00302 9878 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8175705|IDA text:human; PMID: 8175705 ISO GO:0005096 MGI:1917243 J:73065 EMBL:L29126 9879 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8175705|IDA text:human; PMID: 8175705 ISO GO:0019717 MGI:1917243 J:73065 EMBL:L29126 9880 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11514575|IDA text:PMID: 11514575 ISO GO:0030206 MGI:2681120 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y2J5 9881 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11514575|IDA text:PMID: 11514575 ISO GO:0047238 MGI:2681120 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y2J5 9882 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12913003|IDA text:humanPMID:12913003 ISO GO:0009986 MGI:2444926 J:73065 NCBI:NM_006825 9883 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12913003|IDA text:humanPMID: 12913003 ISO GO:0005783 MGI:2444926 J:73065 NCBI:NM_006825 9884 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12913003|IPI|UniProt:P00750 text:human PMID: 12913003binds tPA (PLAT) ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2444926 J:73065 NCBI:NM_006825 9885 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15703215|IDA text:PMID:15703215 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1923036 J:73065 EMBL:X92474 9886 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10770946|IDA text:PMID:10770946 ISO GO:0008017 MGI:1923036 J:73065 EMBL:X92474 9887 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15703215|IDA text:PMID:15703215 ISO GO:0043021 MGI:1923036 J:73065 EMBL:X92474 9888 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14718566|IMP text:PMID:14718566|RNAi ISO GO:0051300 MGI:1923036 J:73065 EMBL:X92474 9889 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10564087|IDA text:PMID: 10564087 ISO GO:0005254 MGI:104567 J:73065 UniProtKB:P51793 9890 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10564087|IDA text:PMID: 10564087 ISO GO:0006821 MGI:104567 J:73065 UniProtKB:P51793 9891 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9139710|IDA text:PMID: 9139710|IDA ISO GO:0005635 MGI:2148924 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00299 9892 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293T ATCC: CRL-11268 gene product: external ref:PMID:12766152|IDA text: ISO GO:0000076 MGI:2445153 J:73065 EMBL:AF297866 9893 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749388|IPI|UniProt:Q12967 text:PMID: 14749388|IPI|SPTR:Q12967 ISO GO:0007265 MGI:2670958 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q969H4 9894 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749388|IPI|UniProt:P61586 external ref:PMID:14749388|IPI|UniProt:Q8TCX5 text:PMID: 14749388|IPI|SPTR:P61586|SPTR:Q8TCX5 ISO GO:0007266 MGI:2670958 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q969H4 9895 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15075335|IDA text:PMID: 15075335|IDA ISO GO:0005938 MGI:2670958 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q969H4 9896 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749388|IDA text:PMID: 14749388|IDA ISO GO:0030674 MGI:2670958 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q969H4 9897 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14597674|IDA text:human CNK2 PMID: 14597674 ISO GO:0005886 MGI:2661175 J:73065 EMBL:AF418269|EMBL:AF418270 9898 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14597674|IDA text:human CNK2 PMID: 14597674 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2661175 J:73065 EMBL:AF418269|EMBL:AF418270 9899 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14597674|IDA text:human CNK2 PMID: 14597674 ISO GO:0019901 MGI:2661175 J:73065 EMBL:AF418269|EMBL:AF418270 9900 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14597674|IDA text:human CNK2 PMID: 14597674 ISO GO:0007243 MGI:2661175 J:73065 EMBL:AF418269|EMBL:AF418270 9901 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9792665|IDA text:Human COG5PMID: 9792665 ISO GO:0005794 MGI:2145130 J:73065 EMBL:AF058718 9902 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9792665|IDA text:Human COG5 PMID: 9792665 ISO GO:0048219 MGI:2145130 J:73065 EMBL:AF058718 9903 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11980916|IDA text:PMID:11980916: ISO GO:0005794 MGI:2685013 J:73065 EMBL:AY358632 9904 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14729954|IDA text:PMID: 14729954 ISO GO:0030126 MGI:1334462 J:73065 UniProtKB:P53621 9905 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9115636|IDA text:PMID: 9115636 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1334462 J:73065 UniProtKB:P53621 9906 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1429581|IDA text:PMID: 1429581 ISO GO:0005615 MGI:1334462 J:73065 UniProtKB:P53621 9907 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9115636|IDA text:PMID: 9115636 ISO GO:0005792 MGI:1334462 J:73065 UniProtKB:P53621 9908 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1429581|IDA text:PMID: 1429581 ISO GO:0030157 MGI:1334462 J:73065 UniProtKB:P53621 9909 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9115636|IDA text:PMID: 9115636 ISO GO:0005625 MGI:1334462 J:73065 UniProtKB:P53621 9910 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14729954|IDA text:PMID: 14729954 ISO GO:0030126 MGI:1354962 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35606 9911 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1472999|IDA text:PMID: 14729954 ISO GO:0030126 MGI:1858683 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UBF2 9912 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14729954|IDA text:PMID: 14729954 ISO GO:0030126 MGI:1929063 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y3C3 9913 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14729954|IDA text:PMID: 14729954 ISO GO:0030126 MGI:1929008 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P299 9914 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1370825|IDA text:human; PMID: 1370825 ISO GO:0006508 MGI:1923953 J:73065 EMBL:M81057 9915 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9430674|IDA text:PMID: 9430674|IDA ISO GO:0001786 MGI:2386621 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99829 9916 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:cyclin D3 external ref:PMID:12482873|IDA text:PMID:12482873 ISO GO:0030332 MGI:88491 J:73065 EMBL:M68867 9917 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15866176|IDA text:PMID:15866176|when not bound to retinoic acid ISO GO:0005737 MGI:88491 J:73065 EMBL:M68867 9918 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15866176|IDA text:PMID:15866176|when bound to retinoic acid ISO GO:0005634 MGI:88491 J:73065 EMBL:M68867 9919 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8870652|IDA text:PMID: 8870652|IDA ISO GO:0005622 MGI:105121 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99941 9920 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11073990|IDA text:PMID: 11073990|IDA ISO GO:0000122 MGI:1889651 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y6B2 9921 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11073990|IPI|UniProt:Q09472 text:PMID: 11073990|IPI|SPTR:Q09472 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1889651 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y6B2 9922 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11073990|IDA text:PMID: 11073990|IDA ISO GO:0016566 MGI:1889651 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y6B2 9923 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9989412|IDA text:PMID: 9989412|IDA ISO GO:0006355 MGI:1917458 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9ULK4 9924 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9989412|IDA text:PMID: 9989412|IDA ISO GO:0005667 MGI:1917458 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9ULK4 9925 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9989412|IDA text:PMID: 9989412|IDA ISO GO:0030528 MGI:1917458 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9ULK4 9926 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text:J:76817|PMID:12037571|IDA ISO GO:0045944 MGI:2182585 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NVC6 9927 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9989412|IDA text:PMID: 9989412|IDA ISO GO:0006357 MGI:2182585 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NVC6 9928 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay|GST pull-down assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text:J:76817|PMID:12037571|IDA ISO GO:0003713 MGI:2182585 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NVC6 9929 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9989412|IDA text:PMID: 9989412|IDA ISO GO:0005667 MGI:2182585 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NVC6 9930 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9989412|IDA text:PMID: 9989412|IDA ISO GO:0030528 MGI:2182585 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NVC6 9931 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9989412|IDA text:PMID: 9989412|IDA ISO GO:0006357 MGI:1916225 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95401 9932 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9989412|IDA text:PMID: 9989412|IDA ISO GO:0005667 MGI:1916225 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95401 9933 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9989412|IDA text:PMID: 9989412|IDA ISO GO:0030528 MGI:1916225 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95401 9934 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9989412|IDA text:PMID: 9989412|IDA ISO GO:0006357 MGI:1913463 J:73065 UniProtKB:O43513 9935 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9989412|IDA text:PMID: 9989412|IDA ISO GO:0005667 MGI:1913463 J:73065 UniProtKB:O43513 9936 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9989412|IDA text:PMID: 9989412|IDA ISO GO:0030528 MGI:1913463 J:73065 UniProtKB:O43513 9937 1 evidence:cell counting anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10652277|IDA text:J:98325|PMID:10652277|IDA ISO GO:0005125 MGI:1339753 J:73065 UniProtKB:P09603 9938 1 evidence:cell counting anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10652277|IDA text:J:98325|PMID:10652277|IDA ISO GO:0008284 MGI:1339753 J:73065 UniProtKB:P09603 9939 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:3053245|IDA text:PMID:3053245 ISO GO:0004866 MGI:109514 J:73065 EMBL:AF208234 9940 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11139332|IDA text:PMID:11139332|found in cytoplasm only when bound to a protease. ISO GO:0005634 MGI:109514 J:73065 EMBL:AF208234 9941 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11514663|IDA text:PMID:11514663 ISO GO:0002020 MGI:109514 J:73065 EMBL:AF208234 9942 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12270917|IDA text:PMID: 12270917 ISO GO:0007266 MGI:1859649 J:73065 UniProtKB:O76084 9943 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12270917|IDA text:PMID: 12270917 ISO GO:0005829 MGI:1859649 J:73065 UniProtKB:O76084 9944 1 evidence:IF anatomy:colon (human) cell type:crypt cells gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12072559|IDA text:PMID:12072559|IDA ISO GO:0016328 MGI:88276 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35222 9945 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8635596|IDA text:human; PMID: 8635596|Caldecrin has "serum calcium decreasing activity", (SCDA). ISO GO:0006874 MGI:1923951 J:73065 EMBL:S82198 9946 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8635596|IDA text:human; PMID: 8635596 ISO GO:0006508 MGI:1923951 J:73065 EMBL:S82198 9947 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9639531|IDA text:PMID: 9639531 ISO GO:0004128 MGI:94893 J:73065 NCBI:NP_015565 9948 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9639531|IDA text:PMID: 9639531 ISO GO:0005625 MGI:94893 J:73065 NCBI:NP_015565 9949 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8354692|IDA text:PMID: 8354692 ISO GO:0043159 MGI:1914657 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35663 9950 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11470797|IDA text:PMID:11470797| ISO GO:0001537 MGI:1919386 J:73065 EMBL:AF401222 9951 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11470797|IDA text:hyman:PMID: 11470797 ISO GO:0030208 MGI:1919386 J:73065 EMBL:AF401222 9952 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11955432|IDA text:PMID: 11955432 ISA GO:0008409 MGI:2441769 J:80995 UniProtKB:Q9HAM4 9953 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11955432|IDA text:PMID: 11955432 ISO GO:0000014 MGI:2441769 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9HAM4 9954 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10525537|IDA text:RatPMID: 10525537 ISO GO:0005868 MGI:1914915 J:73065 EMBL:AF190798 9955 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10525537|IDA text:RatPMID: 10525537 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1914915 J:73065 EMBL:AF190798 9956 1 evidence:gel shift assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:14667815|IDA text:J:87286|PMID:14667815 ISO GO:0003677 MGI:109247 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35638 9957 1 evidence:reporter assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:14667815|IDA text:J:87286|PMID:14667815 ISO GO:0045454 MGI:109247 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35638 9958 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9073398|IDA text:rat PMID:9073398 ISO GO:0030425 MGI:108101 J:73065 UniProtKB:P50617 9959 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9409622|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 9409622 ISO GO:0046540 MGI:1921601 J:73065 EMBL:AF026402 9960 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15304343|IDA text:PMID: 15304343 ISO GO:0007186 MGI:1923385 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q70Z35 9961 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15304343|IDA text:PMID: 15304343 ISO GO:0030675 MGI:1923385 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q70Z35 9962 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15304343|IDA text:PMID: 15304343 ISO GO:0030676 MGI:1923385 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q70Z35 9963 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15574589|IDA text:PMID: 15574589 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2151114 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WYQ5 9964 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15531877|IDA external ref:PMID:15574589|IDA text:PMID: 15531877|PMID: 15574589 ISO GO:0031053 MGI:2151114 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WYQ5 9965 1 evidence:localization of GFP/YFP fusion protein ; TED:0000030 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293 ATCC: CRL-1573 gene product: external ref:PMID:12200442|IDA text:DGKD1|DGKD2 ISO GO:0016023 MGI:2138334 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q16760-1|UniProtKB:Q16760-2 9966 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12200442|IDA text:PMID:12200442|enzyme assay ISO GO:0004143 MGI:2138334 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q16760 9967 1 evidence:|ocalization of GFP/YFP fusion protein ; TED:0000030 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12810723|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2444188 J:73065 EMBL:AB078967|EMBL:AB078968 9968 1 evidence:enzyme assays ; TED:0000018 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12810723|IDA text: ISO GO:0004143 MGI:2444188 J:73065 EMBL:AB078967|EMBL:AB078968 9969 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12810723|IC|GO:0004143 text:PMID:12810723|GO:0004143 ISO GO:0046339 MGI:2444188 J:73065 EMBL:AB078967|EMBL:AB078968 9970 1 evidence:|ocalization of GFP/YFP fusion protein ; TED:0000030 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12810723|IDA text: ISO GO:0005768 MGI:2444188 J:73065 EMBL:AB078967|EMBL:AB078968 9971 1 evidence:co-immunoprecipitation ; TED:0000074 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12810723|IDA text: ISO GO:0042803 MGI:2444188 J:73065 EMBL:AB078968 9972 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8549832|IDA text:human;PMID: 8549832 ISO GO:0050983 MGI:2683592 J:73065 EMBL:U40579 9973 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12657639|IDA text:PMID: 12657639 ISO GO:0008013 MGI:1918478 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86WC0 9974 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12657639|IDA text:PMID: 12657639 ISO GO:0008092 MGI:1918478 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86WC0 9975 1 evidence:IP-IB of post-syanaptic density fraction anatomy:brain, total juvenile (rat) cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11483650|IDA text:J:70687|PMID:11483650|IDA ISO GO:0045211 MGI:1277959 J:73065 UniProtKB:P31016 9976 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15681343|IDA text: ISO GO:0045202 MGI:1277959 J:96464 UniProtKB:P31016 9977 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15657400|IDA text: ISO GO:0045202 MGI:1277959 J:95877 UniProtKB:P31016 9978 1 evidence:IB of synaptosome fraction anatomy:brain, total juvenile (rat) cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11483650|IDA text:J:70687|PMID:11483650|IDA ISO GO:0019717 MGI:1277959 J:73065 UniProtKB:P31016 9979 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11353857|IDA text:humanPMID: 11353857 ISO GO:0030018 MGI:2661187 J:73065 EMBL:AF359284 9980 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11353857|IDA text:humanPMID: 11353857 ISO GO:0005882 MGI:2661187 J:73065 EMBL:AF359284 9981 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11353857|IPI|UniProt:P17661 external ref:PMID:11353857|IPI|UniProt:Q9Y4J8 text:human protein interacts with alpha-dystrobrevin and desmin|PMID: 11353857 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2661187 J:73065 EMBL:AF359284 9982 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11353857|IPI|UniProt:Q9Y4J8 external ref:PMID:11353857|IPI|UniProt:P17661 text:human protein interacts with alpha-dystrobrevin and desmin PMID: 11353857 ISO GO:0030674 MGI:2661187 J:73065 EMBL:AF359284 9983 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11809763|IDA text:PMID: 11809763 ISO GO:0017137 MGI:2444630 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8TDJ6 9984 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11809763|IDA text:PMID: 11809763 ISO GO:0008021 MGI:2444630 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8TDJ6 9985 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11877439|IDA text:PMID: 11877439 ISO GO:0005929 MGI:2685838 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WXX0 9986 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11104725|IDA text:PMID: 11104725 ISO GO:0035085 MGI:1289279 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYC9 9987 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11584023|IDA text:PMID: 11584023| transient transfection of human DNAJB11 in HepG2 cells ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1915088 J:73065 protein_id:BAA88307 9988 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11584023|IDA text:PMID: 11584023| editing is shown to be inhibited by expression of antisense RNA ISO GO:0016556 MGI:1915088 J:73065 protein_id:BAA88307 9989 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11584023|IDA text:PMID: 11584023| transient transfection of human DNAJB11 in HepG2 cells ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1915088 J:73065 protein_id:BAA88307 9990 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11584023|IDA text:PMID: 11584023| human DNAJB11-GST pull down experiment ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1915088 J:73065 protein_id:BAA88307 9991 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12662155|IDA text:PMID: 12662155 ; IDA ISO GO:0008239 MGI:2442409 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8N608 9992 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12662155|IDA text:PMID: 12662155 ; IDA ISO GO:0005624 MGI:2442409 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8N608 9993 1 evidence:cell proliferation measured by cell counting|3H thymidine uptake "data not shown" anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|BER2 (mouse, Baf3-B03 transfected with EGFR) gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7736574|IDA text ISO GO:0008083 MGI:95290 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01133 9994 2 :J:24973|PMID:7736574|IDA ISO GO:0008083 MGI:95290 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01133 9995 1 evidence:cell proliferation measured by cell counting|3H thymidine uptake "data not shown" anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|BER2 (mouse, Baf3-B03 transfected with EGFR) gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7736574|IDA text ISO GO:0008284 MGI:95290 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01133 9996 2 :J:24973|PMID:7736574|IDA ISO GO:0008284 MGI:95290 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01133 9997 1 evidence:cell proliferation measured by cell counting|3H thymidine uptake "data not shown" anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|BER2 (mouse, Baf3-B03 transfected with EGFR) gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7736574|IDA text ISO GO:0007166 MGI:95294 J:73065 UniProtKB:P00533 9998 2 :J:24973|PMID:7736574|IDA ISO GO:0007166 MGI:95294 J:73065 UniProtKB:P00533 9999 1 evidence:cell proliferation measured by cell counting|3H thymidine uptake "data not shown" anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|BER2 (mouse, Baf3-B03 transfected with EGFR) gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7736574|IDA text ISO GO:0007173 MGI:95294 J:73065 UniProtKB:P00533 10000 2 :J:24973|PMID:7736574|IDA ISO GO:0007173 MGI:95294 J:73065 UniProtKB:P00533 10001 1 evidence:cell proliferation measured by cell counting|3H thymidine uptake "data not shown" anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|BER2 (mouse, Baf3-B03 transfected with EGFR) gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7736574|IDA text ISO GO:0008284 MGI:95294 J:73065 UniProtKB:P00533 10002 2 :J:24973|PMID:7736574|IDA ISO GO:0008284 MGI:95294 J:73065 UniProtKB:P00533 10003 1 evidence:cell proliferation measured by cell counting|3H thymidine uptake "data not shown" anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|BER2 (mouse, Baf3-B03 transfected with EGFR) gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7736574|IDA text ISO GO:0004888 MGI:95294 J:73065 UniProtKB:P00533 10004 2 :J:24973|PMID:7736574|IDA ISO GO:0004888 MGI:95294 J:73065 UniProtKB:P00533 10005 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8995409|IDA text:PMID: 8995409 ISO GO:0005852 MGI:1926966 J:73065 EMBL:U46025 10006 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9108030|IDA text:human;PMID: 9108030 ISO GO:0006368 MGI:2183438 J:73065 NCBI:NM_012081 10007 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9108030|IDA text:human;PMID: 9108030 ISO GO:0008159 MGI:2183438 J:73065 NCBI:NM_012081 10008 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14690521|IDA text:human; PMID: 14690521 ISO GO:0048017 MGI:2663075 J:73065 EMBL:AJ272195 10009 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9653196|IDA text:PMID:9653196|IDA ISO GO:0019870 MGI:1891189 J:73065 EMBL:X99906 10010 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9653196|IDA text:PMID:9653196|IDA ISO GO:0005102 MGI:1891189 J:73065 EMBL:X99906 10011 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9653196|IDA text:PMID:9653196|IDA ISO GO:0050796 MGI:1891189 J:73065 EMBL:X99906 10012 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11278936|IDA text:PMID:11278936 ISO GO:0017110 MGI:2135885 J:69495 EMBL:AF269255 10013 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11278936|IDA text:PMID:11278936 ISO GO:0017111 MGI:2135885 J:69495 EMBL:AF269255 10014 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11278936|IDA text:PMID:11278936 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2135885 J:69495 EMBL:AF269255 10015 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11278936|IDA text:PMID:11278936 ISO GO:0009191 MGI:2135885 J:69495 EMBL:AF269255 10016 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11278936|IDA text:PMID:11278936 ISO GO:0009203 MGI:2135885 J:69495 EMBL:AF269255 10017 1 evidence:reporter assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:9685399|IDA text:J:52621|PMID:9685399|IDA ISO GO:0007166 MGI:95410 J:73065 UniProtKB:P04626 10018 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:3290851|IDA text:PMID:3290851 ISO GO:0006289 MGI:95412 J:9239 UniProtKB:P07992 10019 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:3290851|IDA text:PMID:3290851 ISO GO:0000109 MGI:95412 J:9239 UniProtKB:P07992 10020 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11782547|IDA text:PMID: 11782547 ISO GO:0016363 MGI:1919241 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13216 10021 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12732143|IDA text:PMID: 12732143 ISO GO:0000109 MGI:1919241 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13216 10022 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11782547|IDA text:PMID: 11782547 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1919241 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13216 10023 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12732143|IDA text:PMID: 12732143 ISO GO:0006283 MGI:1919241 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13216 10024 1 evidence:IF anatomy:hippcampus|heart cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 cell type:cardiocyte ; CL:0000466 gene product: external ref:PMID:15024130|IDA text:PMID:15024130 (rat and human) ISO GO:0005739 MGI:109392 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q62986|UniProtKB:Q92731 10025 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7990965|IDA text:PMID: 7990965 ISO GO:0003747 MGI:2385071 J:73065 EMBL:X81625 10026 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7990965|IDA text:PMID:7990965 ISO GO:0006415 MGI:2385071 J:73065 EMBL:X81625 10027 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14525976|IDA text:PMID:14525976 ISO GO:0017160 MGI:2142527 J:73065 EMBL:AK096460 10028 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14525976|IDA text:PMID:14525976|IDA| "exocyst assembly" ISO GO:0006887 MGI:2142527 J:73065 EMBL:AK096460 10029 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14525976|IDA text:PMID:14525976|IDA ISO GO:0035091 MGI:2142527 J:73065 EMBL:AK096460 10030 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14525976|IPI|UniProt:Q96KP1 text:PMID:14525976|binds to Ral, and Sec5 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2142527 J:73065 EMBL:AK096460 10031 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11812149|IDA text:PMID: 11812149human ISO GO:0006396 MGI:1913833 J:73065 NCBI:NM_016046 10032 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11812149|IDA text:PMID: 11812149human ISO GO:0000178 MGI:1913833 J:73065 NCBI:NM_016046 10033 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11812149|IDA text:PMID: 11812149 human ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1913833 J:73065 NCBI:NM_016046 10034 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12419256|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 12419256 ISO GO:0000178 MGI:2385133 J:73065 EMBL:BC000747 10035 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:10601301|IDA text: PMID: 10601301 ISO GO:0006636 MGI:1923517 J:73065 EMBL:AC004770 10036 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:10601301|IDA text:PMID: 10601301 ISO GO:0016213 MGI:1923517 J:73065 EMBL:AC004770 10037 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:10601301|IDA text:PMID: 10601301 ISO GO:0042759 MGI:1923517 J:73065 EMBL:AC004770 10038 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10727212|IDA text:PMID:10727212 ISO GO:0000122 MGI:2444008 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q12830 10039 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10727212|IDA text:PMID:10727212 ISO GO:0008134 MGI:2444008 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q12830 10040 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|I/11 (mouse) gene product: external ref:PMID:14734530|IDA text:J:94434|PMID:14734530|IDA ISO GO:0045648 MGI:1890081 J:73065 UniProtKB:O43524 10041 1 evidence:reporter gene assay anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:COS-7 ; CRL-1651 gene product: target:Btg1 ; MGI:88215|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref:PMID:14734530|IDA text:J:94434|PMID:14734530|IDA|target_pr ISO GO:0045944 MGI:1890081 J:73065 UniProtKB:O43524 10042 2 omoter:Btg1 (MGI:88215) ISO GO:0045944 MGI:1890081 J:73065 UniProtKB:O43524 10043 1 evidence:reporter gene assay anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target:Btg1 ; MGI:88215|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref:PMID:14734530|IDA text:J:94434|PMID:14734530|IDA|target_pr ISO GO:0003700 MGI:1890081 J:73065 UniProtKB:O43524 10044 2 omoter:Btg1 (MGI:88215) ISO GO:0003700 MGI:1890081 J:73065 UniProtKB:O43524 10045 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8940183|IDA text:IDA|PMID:8940189 ISO GO:0045944 MGI:2443699 J:73065 EMBL:U69127 10046 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8940189|IDA text:IDA|PMID:8940189 ISO GO:0003697 MGI:2443699 J:73065 EMBL:U69127 10047 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8940189|IDA text:IDA|PMID:8940189 ISO GO:0016563 MGI:2443699 J:73065 EMBL:U69127 10048 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: external ref:PMID:11333265|IDA text:Cos 7 ISO GO:0050694 MGI:1916254 J:73065 EMBL:AF316113 10049 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC: CRL-1651 gene product: external ref:PMID:11333265|IDA text:Cos 7 ISO GO:0009101 MGI:1916254 J:73065 EMBL:AF316113 10050 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12753898|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 12753898|galactose prefered 6x over glucose ISO GO:0004034 MGI:2442420 J:73065 EMBL:BC014916 10051 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12753898|IDA text:DA|PMID: 12753898 ISO GO:0005975 MGI:2442420 J:73065 EMBL:BC014916 10052 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12753898|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 12753898 ISO GO:0042803 MGI:2442420 J:73065 EMBL:BC014916 10053 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10545594|IPI|UniProt:Q93063 text:human; binds Ext2; PMID: 10545594 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2179403 J:73065 EMBL:AF049344 10054 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9722565|IDA text:PMID:9722565 ISO GO:0004966 MGI:1329003 J:73065 UniProtKB:O88626 10055 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9218780|IDA text:PMID:9218780|with Human GATM. See J:73077 ISO GO:0006601 MGI:1914342 J:73065 UniProtKB:P50440 10056 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9218780|IDA text:PMID:9218780|with Human GATM. See J:73077 ISO GO:0015068 MGI:1914342 J:73065 UniProtKB:P50440 10057 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9218780|IDA text:PMID:9218780| with Human GATM. See J:73077 ISO GO:0005758 MGI:1914342 J:73065 UniProtKB:P50440 10058 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10725331|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 10725331 |human ISO GO:0015030 MGI:2449313 J:73065 EMBL:AF173856 10059 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10725331|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 10725331|human ISO GO:0005730 MGI:2449313 J:73065 EMBL:AF173856 10060 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10725331|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 10725331|binds Gemin3 directly ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2449313 J:73065 EMBL:AF173856 10061 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10725331|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 10725331|human ISO GO:0043021 MGI:2449313 J:73065 EMBL:AF173856 10062 1 evidence:yeast two-hybrid assay ; TED:0000081 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:10749927|IDA text: PMID: 10749927 ISO GO:0030306 MGI:1921355 J:73065 EMBL:AF190863 10063 1 evidence:immunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein ; TED:0000021 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: external ref:PMID:10749927|IDA text:PMID: 10749927 ISO GO:0005802 MGI:1921355 J:73065 EMBL:AF190863 10064 1 evidence:immunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein ; TED:0000021 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: external ref:PMID:10749927|IDA text:PMID: 10749927 ISO GO:0005802 MGI:2384159 J:73065 EMBL:AF219138 10065 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12604780|IDA text:IDA|PMID:12604780 ISO GO:0007166 MGI:2141180 J:73065 EMBL:U73704 10066 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11571281|IDA text:IDA|PMID:11571281 ISO GO:0005171 MGI:2141180 J:73065 EMBL:U73704 10067 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12604780|IDA text:IDA|PMID:12604780 ISO GO:0008285 MGI:2141180 J:73065 EMBL:U73704 10068 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12604780|IDA text:IDA|PMID:12604780 ISO GO:0045086 MGI:2141180 J:73065 EMBL:U73704 10069 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8955134|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 8955134 ISO GO:0005102 MGI:2141180 J:73065 EMBL:U73704 10070 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8089153|IDA text:human ISO GO:0006177 MGI:2448526 J:73065 EMBL:U10860 10071 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8081953|IDA text: ISO GO:0003921 MGI:2448526 J:73065 EMBL:U10860 10072 1 evidence:cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: external ref:PMID:8089153|IDA text: PMID: 8089153 ISO GO:0005829 MGI:2448526 J:73065 EMBL:U10860 10073 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1543505|IDA text: ISA GO:0003924 MGI:95781 J:21436 UniProtKB:P04901 10074 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1543505|IDA text:PMID:1543505 ISA GO:0005834 MGI:95781 J:21436 UniProtKB:P04901 10075 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:2328987|IDA text: ISA GO:0007603 MGI:95781 J:10436 EMBL:X03073 10076 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1543505|IDA text:PMID:1543505|GO:00003927 obsoleted ISA GO:0003924 MGI:95784 J:21436 UniProtKB:P11017 10077 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1543505|IDA text:PMID:1543505GO:00003927 obsoleted ISA GO:0005834 MGI:95784 J:21436 UniProtKB:P11017 10078 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1543505|IDA text:PMID:1543505GO:00003927 obsoleted ISA GO:0003924 MGI:104581 J:21436 UniProtKB:P04901 10079 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1543505|IDA text:PMID:1543505GO:00003927 obsoleted ISA GO:0005834 MGI:104581 J:21436 UniProtKB:P04901 10080 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:2122451|IDA text:PMID:2122451 ISA GO:0007186 MGI:102705 J:14657 UniProtKB:P16874 10081 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:2122451|IDA text:PMID:2122451 ISA GO:0003924 MGI:102705 J:14657 UniProtKB:P16874 10082 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:2122451|IDA text:PMID:2122451 ISA GO:0005834 MGI:102705 J:14657 UniProtKB:P16874 10083 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8315394|IDA text:PMID:8315394| ISO GO:0005794 MGI:2139395 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q62839 10084 1 evidence:immunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein ; TED:0000021|cell fractionation ; TED:0000015 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC: CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:14522980|IDA text:PMID: 14522980 ISO GO:0000139 MGI:1931029 J:73065 EMBL:AB104615 10085 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14522980|IDA text:human;PMID: 14522980 ISO GO:0006893 MGI:1931029 J:73065 EMBL:AB104615 10086 1 evidence:immunolocalization ; TED:0000020 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: external ref:PMID:9201717|IDA text:PMID: 9201717 ISO GO:0005794 MGI:1920374 J:73065 EMBL:U55853 10087 1 evidence:ell fractionation ; TED:0000015 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: external ref:PMID:9201717|IDA text:PMID: 9201717 ISO GO:0016021 MGI:1920374 J:73065 EMBL:U55853 10088 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:NRK cells gene product: external ref:PMID:11739401|IDA text:PMID: 11739401 (J:88602) ISO GO:0005794 MGI:2135962 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9R064 10089 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9410473|IDA text:GO:0004895 obsoleted ISO GO:0007155 MGI:1333744 J:49049 UniProtKB:P07359 10090 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:blood_platelet ; CL:0000233 gene product: external ref:PMID:15297306|IDA text:PMID:15297306|IDA ISO GO:0005624 MGI:1333744 J:73065 UniProtKB:P07359 10091 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:blood_platelet ; CL:0000233 gene product: external ref:PMID:15297306|IDA text:PMID:15297306|IDA ISO GO:0005886 MGI:1333744 J:73065 UniProtKB:P07359 10092 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15225624|IDA text:PMID:15225624 ISO GO:0009986 MGI:1916151 J:73065 EMBL:AF216967 10093 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15189448|IDA text:PMID:15189448 ISA GO:0005737 MGI:1916151 J:100166 EMBL:AB183546 10094 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15189448|IDA text:PMID:15189448 ISA GO:0005886 MGI:1916151 J:100166 EMBL:AB183546 10095 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11696454|IDA text:PMID:11696454 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1918473 J:73065 EMBL:U34806 10096 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:15086532|IDA text: ISO GO:0001664 MGI:2442071 J:73065 NCBI:NM_001004051 10097 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:15302935|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2442071 J:73065 EMBL:BC013576 10098 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11978826|IDA text:PMID:11978826|rat ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2681173 J:73065 EMBL:AF090113 10099 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10436050|IDA text:PMID:10436050|rat protein ISO GO:0035254 MGI:2681173 J:73065 EMBL:AF205193 10100 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11978826|IDA text:PMID:11978826rat ISO GO:0005886 MGI:2681173 J:73065 EMBL:AF090113 10101 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8756537|IDA text:PMID: 8756537 ; IDA ISO GO:0005615 MGI:95833 J:73065 UniProtKB:P07492 10102 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8756537|IDA text:PMID: 8756537 ; IDA ISO GO:0005184 MGI:95833 J:73065 UniProtKB:P07492 10103 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8756537|IDA text:PMID: 8756537 ; IDA ISO GO:0007218 MGI:95833 J:73065 UniProtKB:P07492 10104 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7724600|IDA text:evidence:IDA|PMID:7724600rat ISO GO:0004383 MGI:106030 J:73065 EMBL:L37203 10105 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL0000002|Raji ; ATCC:CCL-86 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8890155|IDA text:PMID:8890155|IF|CL:0000236;ATCC:CCL-86 (Raji) ISO GO:0005764 MGI:95900 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01903 10106 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Raji ; ATCC:CCL-86 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8890155|IDA text:PMID:8890155|IF|CL:0000236;ATCC:CCL-86 (Raji) ISO GO:0005886 MGI:95900 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01903 10107 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Raji ; ATCC:CCL-86 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8890155|IDA text:PMID:8890155||IF|CL:0000236;ATCC:CCL-86 (Raji) ISO GO:0005764 MGI:95925 J:73065 UniProtKB:P13765 10108 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11217080|IDA text: ISO GO:0008233 MGI:1196378 J:73065 EMBL:S83182 10109 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11217080|IDA text: ISO GO:0006508 MGI:1196378 J:73065 EMBL:S83182 10110 1 evidence:ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:10581175|IPI|UniProt:O19002 text: binds cyclin E-p21, Also used GST-fusion protein pulldown ISO GO:0030332 MGI:1914388 J:73065 EMBL:AB027289 10111 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: external ref:PMID:10581175|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1914388 J:73065 EMBL:AB027289 10112 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:15331633|IDA text:Enzyme assay: ISO GO:0016567 MGI:1914388 J:73065 EMBL:AY337518 10113 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:15331633|IDA text:Enzyme assay: ISO GO:0004842 MGI:1914388 J:73065 EMBL:AY337518 10114 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:6230359|IDA text:PMID:6230359 ISO GO:0046982 MGI:96073 J:73065 UniProtKB:P06865 10115 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:6230359|IDA text:PMID:6230359 ISO GO:0046982 MGI:96074 J:73065 UniProtKB:P07686 10116 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:6230359|IDA text:PMID:6230359 ISO GO:0042803 MGI:96074 J:73065 UniProtKB:P07686 10117 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11788820|IDA text: ISO GO:0005794 MGI:1099804 J:83173 UniProtKB:O00291 10118 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11788820|IDA text: ISO GO:0006915 MGI:1099804 J:83173 UniProtKB:O00291 10119 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11577110|IDA text:human ISO GO:0030276 MGI:1099804 J:73120 UniProtKB:O00291 10120 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11604514|IDA text:PMID:11604514|, rat protein binds rat clathrin ISO GO:0030276 MGI:1099804 J:73065 EMBL:AF388529 10121 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11577110|IDA text:human ISO GO:0048268 MGI:1099804 J:73120 UniProtKB:O00291 10122 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11577110|IDA text:rat ISO GO:0030136 MGI:1099804 J:73120 EMBL:AF388529 10123 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11604514|IDA text:PMID:11604514| ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1099804 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00291 10124 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11604514|IDA text:PMID:11604514| ISO GO:0006897 MGI:1099804 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00291 10125 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11577110|IDA text:human ISO GO:0006897 MGI:1099804 J:73120 UniProtKB:O00291 10126 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11604514|IPI|UniProt:P58197 text:PMID:11604514|rat protein binds rat Ap2; see ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1099804 J:73065 EMBL:AF388529 10127 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11788820|IDA text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1099804 J:83173 UniProtKB:O00291 10128 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8717435|IDA text:PMID: 8717435 ; IDA ISO GO:0004396 MGI:2670962 J:73065 UniProtKB:P52790 10129 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12107751 text:rat|PMID:12107751|IDA ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1891189 J:73065 EMBL:AJ005984 10130 1 evidence:protein methylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:8663146|IDA text:J:33751|PMID:8663146|IDA ISO GO:0016275 MGI:107846 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q63009 10131 1 evidence:protein methylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:8663146|IDA text:J:337511|PMID:8663146|IDA ISO GO:0008469 MGI:107846 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q63009 10132 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:10749851|IDA text:J:63026|PMID:10749851|IDA ISO GO:0005634 MGI:107846 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99873 10133 1 evidence:protein methylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:8663146|IDA text:J:33751|PMID:8663146|IDA ISO GO:0019919 MGI:107846 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q63009 10134 1 evidence:peptide methylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:8663146|IDA text:J:33751|PMID:8663146|IDA ISO GO:0035247 MGI:107846 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q63009 10135 1 evidence:in vitro methylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:10749851|IDA text:J:63026|PMID:10749851|IDA ISO GO:0006479 MGI:107846 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q63009 10136 1 evidence:in vitro methylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:10749851|IDA text:J:63026|PMID:10749851|IDA ISO GO:0008276 MGI:107846 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q63009 10137 1 evidence:protein methylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:8663146|IDA text:J:33751|PMID:8663146|IDA ISO GO:0035242 MGI:107846 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q63009 10138 1 evidence:peptide methylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:8663146|IDA text:J:33751|PMID:8663146|IDA ISO GO:0035241 MGI:107846 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q63009 10139 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12138164|IDA external ref:PMID:12740361|IDA text:This term is synonym for heparan 3-O-sulfotransferae ISO GO:0008467 MGI:2441996 J:73065 EMBL:AF503292 10140 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10698937|IDA text:PMID:10698937 ISO GO:0043068 MGI:1859271 J:73065 EMBL:AF039103 10141 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10698937|IDA text:PMID:10698937 ISO GO:0046022 MGI:1859271 J:73065 EMBL:AF039103 10142 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:10698937|IDA text:evidence:PMID:10698937|CTD or large submunit of RNA polymerase II ISO GO:0046777 MGI:1859271 J:73065 EMBL:AF039103 10143 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10698937|IDA text:PMID:10698937 ISO GO:0004674 MGI:1859271 J:73065 EMBL:AF039103 10144 1 evidence:inositol phosphate production following treatment with serotonin anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: external ref:PMID:1373499|IDA text:J:94881|PMID:1373499|IDA ISO GO:0009897 MGI:96281 J:73065 UniProtKB:P08909 10145 1 evidence:inositol phosphate assay anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: external ref:PMID:8626447|IDA text:J:31951|PMID:8626447|IDA ISO GO:0048016 MGI:96281 J:73065 UniProtKB:P08909 10146 1 evidence:inositol phosphate production following serotonin treatment anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: external ref:PMID:8626447|IDA text:J:31951|PMID:8626447|IDA ISO GO:0004993 MGI:96281 J:73065 UniProtKB:P08909 10147 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16102731|IDA text:PMID: 16102731 ISO GO:0005624 MGI:109246 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13639 10148 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16102731|IDA text:PMID: 16102731 ISO GO:0004993 MGI:109246 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13639 10149 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15843405|IDA text:PMID:15843405 ISA GO:0005737 MGI:1924082 J:99335 UniProtKB:Q96BX9 10150 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15843405|IDA text:PMID:15843405 ISA GO:0005634 MGI:1924082 J:99335 UniProtKB:Q96BX9 10151 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8052601|IDA text:human, PMID: 8052601 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2145219 J:73065 EMBL:D28473 10152 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8052601|IDA text:human, PMID: 8052601 ISO GO:0004822 MGI:2145219 J:73065 EMBL:D28473 10153 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8052601|IDA text:human, PMID: 8052601 ISO GO:0006428 MGI:2145219 J:73065 EMBL:D28473 10154 1 evidence:heterologous displacement assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8262055|IDA text:J:16175|PMID:8262055|IDA ISO GO:0005134 MGI:96548 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01585 10155 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10072077|IDA text:J:53400|PMID:10072077|IDA evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:00000 ISO GO:0042104 MGI:96548 J:73065 UniProtKB:P60568 10156 2 84 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1830926|IDA text:J:39989|PMID: 1830926|IDA ISO GO:0042104 MGI:96548 J:73065 UniProtKB:P60568 10157 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:10749851|IDA text:J:63026|PMID:10749851|IDA ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1339973 J:63026 UniProtKB:Q12906 10158 1 evidence:in vitro methylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:10749851|IDA text:J:63026|PMID:10749851|IDA ISA GO:0006479 MGI:1339973 J:63026 UniProtKB:Q9JIL3 10159 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8006039|IDA text:evidence:PMID:8006039|IDA|human ISO GO:0046855 MGI:2686961 J:73065 EMBL:Z31695 10160 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8006039|IDA text:evidence:PMID:8006039|IDA|human ISO GO:0004445 MGI:2686961 J:73065 EMBL:Z31695 10161 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8006039|IDA text:PMID:8006039|IDA ISO GO:0005624 MGI:2686961 J:73065 EMBL:Z31695 10162 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12799427|IDA text: ISO GO:0000122 MGI:2443921 J:73065 EMBL:AY278023 10163 1 evidence:cell fractionation ; TED:0000015 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC: CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:12799427|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2443921 J:73065 EMBL:AY278023 10164 1 evidence:yeast two-hybrid assay ; TED:0000081|PMID: 12799427 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12799427|IPI|UniProt:P14316 text: binds inteferon regulatory factor 2 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2443921 J:73065 EMBL:AY278023 10165 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12799427|IDA text: ISO GO:0003714 MGI:2443921 J:73065 EMBL:AY278023 10166 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9568719|IDA text:PMID: 9568719 ; IDA ISO GO:0008352 MGI:1921437 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60620 10167 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15581609|IDA text:PMID:15581609 ISO GO:0016567 MGI:1921537 J:73065 NCBI:NM_020122 10168 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15581609|IDA text:PMID:15581609 ISO GO:0004842 MGI:1921537 J:73065 NCBI:NM_020122 10169 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10836990|IC|GO:0005249 text:patch clamp and whole cell recordings from Xenous ISO GO:0005886 MGI:3037820 J:73065 EMBL:U96110 10170 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10836990|IDA text:PMID:10836990|IDA ISO GO:0006813 MGI:3037820 J:73065 EMBL:U96110 10171 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10836990|IDA text:PMID:10836990|IDA ISO GO:0005249 MGI:3037820 J:73065 EMBL:U96110 10172 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12060745|IPI|UniProt:Q8TAE7 text:PMID:12060745|binds to Kv 6.3 and others ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2687399 J:73065 EMBL:AF033382 10173 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11409881|IDA external ref:PMID:1143149|IDA text: The seqid that the first paper reports, AI690321, appears in GenBank with a note that it contains TAR1.t1, the TAR1 repeti ISO GO:0005267 MGI:2675209 J:73065 NCBI:NM_022358 10174 2 tive element ISO GO:0005267 MGI:2675209 J:73065 NCBI:NM_022358 10175 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11042359|IDA text:PMID:11042359 ISO GO:0005886 MGI:3521816 J:73065 EMBL:AF248241 10176 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11042359|IDA text:PMID:11042359 ISO GO:0005267 MGI:3521816 J:73065 EMBL:AF248241 10177 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11042359|IDA text:PMID:11042359 ISO GO:0006813 MGI:3521816 J:73065 EMBL:AF248241 10178 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14684870|IC|GO:0005267 text: rat Slick IC because they made patch clamp and whole cell recordings in transfected CHO cells. ISO GO:0005886 MGI:3036273 J:73065 EMBL:AY359443 10179 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14684870|IDA text:PMID:14684870|rat Slick ISO GO:0005267 MGI:3036273 J:73065 EMBL:AY359443 10180 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14684870|IDA text:PMID:14684870|rat Slick ISO GO:0006813 MGI:3036273 J:73065 EMBL:AY359443 10181 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7565748|IDA text:PMID:7565748 ISA GO:0003700 MGI:1342772 J:29401 UniProtKB:O89090 10182 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15820306 text:DNA binding domain ISS GO:0003677 MGI:1342772 J:97532 N/A 10183 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9315664|IDA text:evidence:IDA|PMID:9315664|during metaphase ISO GO:0000775 MGI:1914302 J:73065 EMBL:AF017790 10184 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9315664|IDA text:IDA|PMID:9315664 ISO GO:0000089 MGI:1914302 J:73065 EMBL:AF017790 10185 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9315664|IDA text:IDA|PMID:9315664 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1914302 J:73065 EMBL:AF017790 10186 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9159144|IDA text:J:40909|PMID:9159144|IDA ISO GO:0042289 MGI:106588 J:40909 UniProtKB:P18627 10187 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:blood_platelet ; CL:0000233 gene product: external ref:PMID:15297306|IDA text: ISO GO:0005624 MGI:96748 J:73065 UniProtKB:P13473 10188 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation|IF anatomy: cell type:blood_platelet ; CL:0000233 gene product: external ref:PMID:15297306|IDA text: ISO GO:0031088 MGI:96748 J:73065 UniProtKB:P13473 10189 1 evidence:histology anatomy:adult rat facial nucleus cell type:OX-42+ microglia gene product: external ref:PMID:14756805|IDA text: ISO GO:0009611 MGI:104808 J:73065 NCBI:NP_001012044 10190 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: external ref:PMID:14961764|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:96778 J:73065 UniProtKB:P17931 10191 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: external ref:PMID:14961764|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:96778 J:73065 UniProtKB:P17931 10192 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10523320|IDA text:human; PMID: 10523320 ISO GO:0046540 MGI:90676 J:73065 EMBL:AF182288 10193 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10523320|IDA text:human; PMID: 10523320 ISO GO:0000244 MGI:90676 J:73065 EMBL:AF182288 10194 1 evidence: YFP-loc cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC: CCL-2 anatomy: gene product: external ref:PMID:12515382|IDA text: human;PMID: 12515382 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:90676 J:73065 EMBL:AF182288 10195 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12515382|IDA text:human;PMID: 12515382 ISO GO:0006402 MGI:90676 J:73065 EMBL:AF182288 10196 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10369684|IDA external ref:PMID:10523320|IDA text:human|PMID: 10369684|PMID: 10523320 ISO GO:0046540 MGI:1914928 J:73065 EMBL:AF18229 10197 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10369684|IDA external ref:PMID:10523320|IDA text:human |PMID: 10369684|PMID: 10523320 ISO GO:0030629 MGI:1914928 J:73065 EMBL:AF182289 10198 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10369684|IDA external ref:PMID:10523320|IDA text:human|PMID: 10369684|PMID: 10523320 ISO GO:0000398 MGI:1914928 J:73065 EMBL:AF182289 10199 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLA ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12515382|IDA text:human|permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela: ATCC: CCL-2|PMID: 12515382 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1913623 J:73065 EMBL:AJ238097 10200 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12515382|IDA text:PMID: 12515382 human LSM5 ISO GO:0006402 MGI:1913623 J:73065 EMBL:AJ238097 10201 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12515382|IDA text:PMID: 12515382 human LSM5 ISO GO:0046982 MGI:1913623 J:73065 EMBL:AJ238097 10202 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12515382|IDA text:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela: ATCC: CCL-2|PMID: 12515382 |human LSM5 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1925901 J:73065 EMBL:AJ238098 10203 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12515382|IDA text:PMID: 12515382human LSM5 ISO GO:0006402 MGI:1925901 J:73065 EMBL:AJ238098 10204 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12515382|IDA text:PMID: 12515382 human LSM5 ISO GO:0046982 MGI:1925901 J:73065 EMBL:AJ238098 10205 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLA ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12515382|IDA text:human LSM7permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela: ATCC: CCL-2PMID: 12515382 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1913344 J:73065 EMBL:AF182293 10206 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12515382|IDA text:human LSM7 PMID: 12515382 ISO GO:0006402 MGI:1913344 J:73065 EMBL:AF182293 10207 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12515382|IDA text:human LSM7PMID: 12515382 ISO GO:0046982 MGI:1913344 J:73065 EMBL:AF182293 10208 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15729693|IDA text:PMID: 15729693 ISO GO:0006928 MGI:1919684 J:98837 UniProtKB:O55162 10209 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15729693|IDA text:PMID: 15729693 ISO GO:0007160 MGI:1919684 J:98837 UniProtKB:O55162 10210 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15729693|IDA text:PMID: 15729693 ISO GO:0043236 MGI:1919684 J:98837 UniProtKB:O55162 10211 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15729693|IDA text:PMID: 15729693 ISO GO:0016020 MGI:1919684 J:98837 UniProtKB:O55162 10212 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|MDCK ; ATCC:CCL-34 gene product: external ref:PMID:10915796|IDA text:MDCK cells ISO GO:0005794 MGI:2446214 J:73065 EMBL:AF261655 10213 1 evidence:ECO:000000 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:10915796|IDA text: activity requires calcium ISO GO:0005509 MGI:2446214 J:73065 EMBL:AF261655 10214 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10915796|IDA text:IDA|ECO:ECO:000000|PMID:10915796 ISO GO:0006013 MGI:2446214 J:73065 EMBL:AF261655 10215 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10915796|IDA text:IDA|ECO:ECO:000000|PMID:10915796 ISO GO:0004571 MGI:2446214 J:73065 EMBL:AF261655 10216 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10915796|IDA text:IC|PMID:10915796 ISO GO:0030166 MGI:2446214 J:73065 EMBL:AF261655 10217 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay followed by proteolytic analysis anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7768935|IDA text: ISO GO:0018105 MGI:1346858 J:73065 UniProtKB:P27703 10218 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7768935|IDA text: ISO GO:0004674 MGI:1346858 J:73065 UniProtKB:P27703 10219 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9233623|IPI|UniProt:P25054 text:Human binds APC; PMID:9233623 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:106271 J:73065 EMBL:X94232 10220 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10791971|IDA text:human, PMID: 10791971 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1345633 J:73065 EMBL:D84224|EMBL:X94754 10221 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:499214|IDA text:human, PMID: 499214 ISO GO:0004825 MGI:1345633 J:73065 EMBL:D84224|EMBL:X94754 10222 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:499214|IDA text:human, PMID: 499214 ISO GO:0006431 MGI:1345633 J:73065 EMBL:D84224|EMBL:X94754 10223 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10791971|IDA text:human , PMID: 10791971 ISO GO:0005730 MGI:1345633 J:73065 EMBL:D84224|EMBL:X94754 10224 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10791971|IDA text:human, PMID: 10791971 ISO GO:0009303 MGI:1345633 J:73065 EMBL:D84224|EMBL:X94754 10225 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15922729|IDA text: pFLAG-MDGA1 and pEGFP-MDGA1 constructs were generated by amplification by PCR of the cDNA clone 2782838 (IMAGE) containing MDGA1 full sequence ISO GO:0045121 MGI:1922012 J:73065 EMBL:AL049553 10226 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:3312200|IDA text:PMID: 3312200 ISO GO:0005829 MGI:97051 J:73065 UniProtKB:P11708 10227 1 evidence:silver staining anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text:J:76817|PMID:12037571|IDA ISO GO:0000119 MGI:1926212 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q93074 10228 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:1926212 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q93074 10229 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay|GST pull-down assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0003713 MGI:1926212 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q93074 10230 1 evidence:silver staining anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0000119 MGI:1917042 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75586 10231 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:1917042 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75586 10232 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10706098|IDA text:IDA|PMID:10706098 ISO GO:0009986 MGI:2443938 J:73065 EMBL:AJ239053 10233 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10706098|IDA text:IDA|PMID:10706098activates progelatinase ISO GO:0016504 MGI:2443938 J:73065 EMBL:AJ239053 10234 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10706098|IDA text:evidence:IDA|PMID:10706098activates progelatinase ISO GO:0006508 MGI:2443938 J:73065 EMBL:AJ239053 10235 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749330|IDA text:PMID: 14749330|IDA ISO GO:0043205 MGI:104697 J:73065 UniProtKB:P98088 10236 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10611155|IDA text:IDA ISO GO:0043206 MGI:104697 J:73992 UniProtKB:P98088 10237 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12151104|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1891750 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99417 10238 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12151104|IPI|UniProt:Q8TBZ2 text:PMID:12151104| binding to Mycbpap-pending ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1891750 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99417 10239 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12151104|IDA text:PMID:12151104| ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2388726 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8TDV8 10240 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12151104|IPI|UniProt:Q99417 text:Binding to Mycbp ISA GO:0005515 MGI:2388726 J:78327 UniProtKB:Q8TDV8 10241 1 evidence:mmunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein ; TED:0000021 anatomy: cell type::permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Cos7 ; ATCC: CRL-1651 gene product: external ref:PMID: 12019269IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2676630 J:73065 EMBL:AY095146 10242 1 evidence:mmunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein ; TED:0000021 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Cos7 ; ATCC: CRL-1651 gene product: external ref:PMID: 12019269 text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2676630 J:73065 EMBL:AY095146 10243 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID: 12759408|IDA text: ISO GO:0045345 MGI:2676630 J:73065 EMBL:AY116204 10244 1 evidence:expression of a reporter gene ; TED:0000050 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Cos7 ; ATCC: CRL-1651 gene product: external ref:PMID: 12019269|IDA text:interacting with Asc ISO GO:0043122 MGI:2676630 J:73065 EMBL:AY095146 10245 1 evidence:expression of a reporter gene ; TED:0000050 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID: 12019269IDA text: ISO GO:0043281 MGI:2676630 J:73065 EMBL:AY095146 10246 1 evidence:immunofluorescence ; TED:0000019 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: external ref:PMID:7540613|IDA text: ISO GO:0016605 MGI:1343177 J:73065 EMBL:U22897 10247 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12773398|IDA text:PMID:12773398 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2140103 J:73065 protein_id:AAD27716 10248 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12773398|IDA text:PMID:12773398 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2140103 J:73065 protein_id:AAD27716 10249 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12773398|IDA text:PMID:12773398 ISO GO:0043023 MGI:2140103 J:73065 protein_id:AAD27716 10250 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12773398|IDA text:PMID:12773398 ISO GO:0000055 MGI:2140103 J:73065 protein_id:AAD27716 10251 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11737202|IDA text:PMID:11737202 ISO GO:0008747 MGI:1921341 J:73065 EMBL:AJ271330 10252 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9659921|IDA text:human, PMID: 9659921 ISO GO:0006379 MGI:1915469 J:73065 EMBL:AJ001810 10253 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9659921|IDA text:human, PMID: 9659921 |permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela: ATCC: CCL-2|nuclear extract. ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1915469 J:73065 EMBL:AJ001810 10254 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1541636|IDA text:IDA|PMID:1541636 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2443665 J:73065 EMBL:Z11584 10255 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11956313|IDA text: ISO GO:0015631 MGI:2443665 J:73065 EMBL:Z11584 10256 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11073998|IDA text:text:Human NXF2 PMID: 11073998 ISO GO:0003723 MGI:1933192 J:73065 EMBL:AF285596 10257 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11073998|IDA text:text:Human NXF2PMID: 11073998 ISO GO:0006405 MGI:1933192 J:73065 EMBL:AF285596 10258 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; CCL-2 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; CRL-1573 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; CRL-1658 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:00000 ISO GO:0005635 MGI:1933192 J:73065 EMBL:AF285596 10259 2 02|PA317 ; CRL-9078 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11073998|IDA text: ISO GO:0005635 MGI:1933192 J:73065 EMBL:AF285596 10260 1 evidence: immunofluorescence ; TED:0000019 anatomy: cell type:cardiac_muscle_cell ; CL:0000193 gene product: external ref:PMID: 12631729|IDA text: ISO GO:0030018 MGI:2681862 J:73065 EMBL:AY167411 10261 1 evidence:yeast two-hybrid assay ; TED:0000081|immunoprecipitation ; TED:0000023|in vitro binding assay ; TED:0000026 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12631729|IDA ISO GO:0030506 MGI:2681862 J:73065 EMBL:AY167411 10262 1 evidence: immunofluorescence ; TED:0000019 anatomy: cell type:skeletal_muscle_cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: external ref:PMID:12631729|IDA text: ISO GO:0005863 MGI:2681862 J:73065 EMBL:AY167411 10263 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7753822|IDA text: ISO GO:0018401 MGI:97464 J:25202 UniProtKB:P07237 10264 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7753822|IDA text:PMID:7753822 ISO GO:0004656 MGI:97464 J:25202 UniProtKB:P07237 10265 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11264294|IDA text:IDA|ECO:0000005|PMID:11264294 ISO GO:0004222 MGI:3051647 J:73065 EMBL:AF311940 10266 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11264294|IDA text: ISO GO:0006508 MGI:3051647 J:73065 EMBL:AF311940 10267 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12446870|IDA text:PMID: 12446870 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2135637 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99497 10268 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12446870|IDA text:PMID: 12446870 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2135637 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99497 10269 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15337773|IDA text:PMID: 15337773 ISO GO:0042384 MGI:102722 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95613 10270 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8780057|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 8780057 ISO GO:0005615 MGI:2448536 J:73065 EMBL:U41745 10271 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8780057|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 8780057 ISO GO:0048407 MGI:2448536 J:73065 EMBL:U41745 10272 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8780057|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 8780057 ISO GO:0048008 MGI:2448536 J:73065 EMBL:U41745 10273 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12853470|IDA text:PMID: 12853470 ISO GO:0007155 MGI:103098 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q64294 10274 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12853470|IDA text:PMID: 12853470 ISO GO:0030335 MGI:103098 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q64294 10275 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12853470|IDA text:PMID: 12853470 ISO GO:0035239 MGI:103098 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q64294 10276 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10095107|IDA text:IDA PMID: 10095107human ISO GO:0003873 MGI:2687284 J:73065 EMBL:AF108765 10277 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15824318|IDA text:PMID: 15824318 ISO GO:0016301 MGI:1916193 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BXM7 10278 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15824318|IDA text:PMID: 15824318 ISO GO:0005739 MGI:1916193 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BXM7 10279 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10531358|IDA text:PMID:10531358 ISO GO:0046488 MGI:1919045 J:73065 EMBL:AF171102 10280 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10531358|IDA text:PMID:10531358 ISO GO:0008526 MGI:1919045 J:73065 EMBL:AF171102 10281 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:G proteins, G alpha subunits external ref:PMID:15203210|IDA text: ISO GO:0001965 MGI:2664668 J:73065 EMBL:AY371495 10282 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15337773|IDA text:PMID: 15337773 ISO GO:0005932 MGI:1099818 J:92513 UniProtKB:Q13563 10283 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15888725|IDA text:PMID:15888726 ISO GO:0003677 MGI:1100874 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UM63 10284 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15888726|IDA text:PMID:15888726 ISO GO:0045944 MGI:1100874 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UM63 10285 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text:PMID:14580349 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:98086 J:86236 UniProtKB:P24928 10286 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC: CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:15302935|IDA text: isolation from Hela cell nuclei followed by mass spec ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2178445 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NQ55 10287 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:10873382|IDA text: what really should be here is the whole concept of achorage dependent/independent growth; contact inhibition ISO GO:0001560 MGI:2178445 J:63280 NCBI:NM_020230 10288 1 evidence:MEF differentiation assay anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text:J:76817|PMID:12037571|IDA ISO GO:0045444 MGI:1100846 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15648 10289 1 evidence:silver staining anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0000119 MGI:1100846 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15648 10290 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14638676|IDA text: ISO GO:0000119 MGI:1100846 J:88488 UniProtKB:Q15648 10291 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text:J:76817|PMID:12037571|IDA ISO GO:0045944 MGI:1100846 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15648 10292 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay|GST pull-down assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0003713 MGI:1100846 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15648 10293 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9328476|IDA text:PMID: 9328476 ISO GO:0046540 MGI:1917302 J:73065 EMBL:AF001687 10294 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9328476|IDA text:PMID: 9328476 ISO GO:0000398 MGI:1917302 J:73065 EMBL:AF001687 10295 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9774689|IDA text:PMID:9774689 ISO GO:0000398 MGI:2179381 J:73065 EMBL:AF092565 10296 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9774689|IDA text:PMID: 9774689 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2179381 J:73065 EMBL:AF092565 10297 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9774689|IDA text:PMID: 9774689 ISO GO:0005682 MGI:2179381 J:73065 EMBL:AF092565 10298 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12606567|IDA text:PMID:12606567| ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1334255 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15438 10299 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12606567|IDA text:PMID:12606567| ISO GO:0005886 MGI:1334255 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15438 10300 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12606567|IDA text:PMID:12606567| ISO GO:0030155 MGI:1334255 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15438 10301 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12606567|IDA text:PMID:12606567| ISO GO:0005938 MGI:2183535 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60759 10302 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12606567|IDA text:PMID:12606567| ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2183535 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60759 10303 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12606567|IDA text:PMID:12606567| ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2183535 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60759 10304 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12606567|IDA text:PMID:12606567| ISO GO:0030155 MGI:2183535 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60759 10305 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1198873|IDA text:PMID:1198873|human Pygo2 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1916161 J:73065 protein_id:AAH06132 10306 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1198873|IDA text:PMID:1198873 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1916161 J:73065 protein_id:AAH06132 10307 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1923815|IDA text:PMID: 1923815 ISO GO:0003723 MGI:1915851 J:73065 EMBL:X76013 10308 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10801842|IDA text:PMID: 10801842 ISO GO:0017101 MGI:1915851 J:73065 EMBL:X76013 10309 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11096076|IDA text:PMID: 11096076 ISO GO:0006916 MGI:1915851 J:73065 EMBL:X76013 10310 1 evidence:enzyme assays;TED:0000018 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:9698378|IDA text: Human QARS ISO GO:0004819 MGI:1915851 J:73065 EMBL:X76013 10311 1 evidence:o-immunoprecipitation ; TED:0000074 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11096076|IPI|UniProt:Q99683 text:binads ASK1 |human QARS ISO GO:0019901 MGI:1915851 J:73065 EMBL:X76013 10312 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12007189|IDA text:IDA|PMID:12007189 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:105933 J:73065 EMBL:AJ312896 10313 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12007189|IPI|UniProt:Q16385 text:IPI|PMID:12007189 when co-expressed with SSX2 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:105933 J:73065 EMBL:AJ312896 10314 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12007189|IPI|UniProt:Q16385 text:IPI|PMID:12007189 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:105933 J:73065 EMBL:AJ312896 10315 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10467249|IDA text:PMID: 10467249|IDA ISO GO:0005525 MGI:1922391 J:73065 UniProtKB:P63033 10316 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12376551|IDA text:PMID: 12376551 ISO GO:0003924 MGI:1928370 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35238 10317 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12376551|IDA text:PMID: 12376551 ISO GO:0016601 MGI:1928370 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35238 10318 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12376551|IDA text:PMID: 12376551 ISO GO:0007266 MGI:1928370 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35238 10319 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12545154|IDA text:PMID: 12545154 ISO GO:0030036 MGI:1928370 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35238 10320 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12545154|IDA text:PMID: 12545154 ISO GO:0045941 MGI:1928370 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35238 10321 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14769789|IDA text:IDA|PMID:14769789 ISO GO:0050779 MGI:2681847 J:73065 EMBL:AF458084 10322 1 evidence:ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:14769789|IDA text: ISO GO:0003730 MGI:2681847 J:73065 EMBL:AF458084 10323 1 evidence:ECO:0000094 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC: CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:14769789|IDA text: transfection in HeLa cells ISO GO:0006402 MGI:2681847 J:73065 EMBL:AF458084 10324 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9705270|IDA text:human , PMID: 9705270 ISO GO:0004482 MGI:1915147 J:73065 EMBL:AF067791 10325 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9705270|IDA text:human, PMID: 9705270 ISO GO:0005845 MGI:1915147 J:73065 EMBL:AF067791 10326 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9705270|IDA text:human, PMID: 9705270 ISO GO:0006370 MGI:1915147 J:73065 EMBL:AF067791 10327 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9705270|IDA text:human, PMID: 9705270|binds capping enzyme ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1915147 J:73065 EMBL:AF067791 10328 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15282305|IDA text:PMID:15282305|IDA ISO GO:0030880 MGI:1916175 J:73065 EMBL:AK022794 10329 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15282305|IDA text:PMID:15282305|IDA ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1916175 J:73065 EMBL:AK022794 10330 1 evidence:in vitro binding assay ; TED:0000026 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7499430|IDA text:in vitro binding assay ; TED:0000026human ISO GO:0005525 MGI:1915691 J:73065 EMBL:X90529 10331 1 evidence:localization of GFP/YFP fusion protein ; TED:0000030 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: external ref:PMID:8995684|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1915691 J:73065 EMBL:U41654 10332 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8995684|IDA text:PMID: 8995684 binds phopshoproteins ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1915691 J:73065 EMBL:U41654 10333 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8995684|IDA text:PMID: 8995684 ISO GO:0042268 MGI:1915691 J:73065 EMBL:U41654 10334 1 evidence:in vitro binding assay ; TED:0000026 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:7499430|IDA text: ISO GO:0005525 MGI:3038613 J:73065 EMBL:X90530 10335 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11073942|IDA text:IDA|PMID:11073942| human ortholog ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1098604 J:73065 EMBL:AF272036 10336 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11073942|IDA text:IDA|PMID:11073942| human ortholog ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1098604 J:73065 EMBL:AF272036 10337 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11073942|IDA text:IDA|PMID:11073942| human ortholog ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1098604 J:73065 EMBL:AF272036 10338 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15034570|IDA text:PMID:15034570|IDA ISO GO:0030334 MGI:1915835 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NQC3-2 10339 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0003677 MGI:98214 J:73065 UniProtKB:P19793 10340 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:98214 J:73065 UniProtKB:P19793 10341 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0003700 MGI:98214 J:73065 UniProtKB:P19793 10342 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:peripheral blood T lymphocytes gene product: external ref:PMID:11390434|IDA text: ISO GO:0005886 MGI:1889206 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75563 10343 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12270931|IDA text:PMID: 12270931 ISA GO:0005615 MGI:1928765 J:73605 UniProtKB:Q8IWY4 10344 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12270931|IDA text:PMID: 12270931 ISO GO:0019897 MGI:1928765 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8IWY4 10345 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12270931|IDA text:PMID: 12270931 ISO GO:0042802 MGI:1928765 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8IWY4 10346 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation|sequence analysis anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: external ref:PMID:10051670|IDA text: ISA GO:0000299 MGI:1340055 J:53335 UniProtKB:Q9Z143 10347 1 evidence:growth-cone collapse assay anatomy: cell type:retinal ganglion cell; CL:0000740 external ref:PMID:10051670|IDA text: ISA GO:0030517 MGI:1340055 J:53335 UniProtKB:Q9Z143 10348 1 evidence:IP-IB of post-syanaptic density fraction anatomy:brain, total juvenile (rat) cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11483650|IDA text: ISO GO:0045211 MGI:1340055 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Z143 10349 1 evidence:growth-cone collapse assay anatomy: cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 external ref:PMID:10051670|IDA text: ISA GO:0031290 MGI:1340055 J:53335 UniProtKB:Q9Z143 10350 1 evidence:IB of synaptosome fraction anatomy:brain, total juvenile (rat) cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11483650|IDA text: ISO GO:0019717 MGI:1340055 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Z143 10351 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:3961501|IDA text:PMID: 3961501 ISO GO:0005765 MGI:1924105 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UGH0 10352 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10581036|IDA text:PMID: 10581036 ISO GO:0015739 MGI:1924105 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UGH0 10353 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10581036|IDA text:PMID: 10581036 ISO GO:0015136 MGI:1924105 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UGH0 10354 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15681343|IDA text: ISO GO:0045202 MGI:1920211 J:96464 UniProtKB:Q62634 10355 1 evidence:flow cytometry|glucose uptake assay "data not shown"|IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: external ref:PMID:14562105|IDA text: ISO GO:0042593 MGI:95758 J:73065 UniProtKB:P14672 10356 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: external ref:PMID:14562105|IDA text: ISO GO:0012506 MGI:95758 J:73065 UniProtKB:P14672 10357 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9852078|IDA text:PMID:9852078rat ISO GO:0019905 MGI:1914724 J:73065 EMBL:AF115435 10358 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14506261|IDA text:PMID: 14506261 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1915097 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y6H5 10359 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14506261|IDA text:PMID: 14506261 ISO GO:0042417 MGI:1915097 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y6H5 10360 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14506261|IDA text:PMID: 14506261 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1915097 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y6H5 10361 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14506261|IDA text:PMID: 14506261 ISO GO:0046928 MGI:1915097 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y6H5 10362 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10419521|IDA text:PMID: 10419521 ISO GO:0006357 MGI:1343161 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UN50 10363 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10419521|IDA text:PMID: 10419521 ISO GO:0008134 MGI:1343161 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UN50 10364 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10419521|IDA text:PMID: 10419521 ISO GO:0005667 MGI:1343161 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UN50 10365 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12896979|IDA text:PMID:12896979 ISO GO:0045806 MGI:2139270 J:73065 EMBL:AF187733 10366 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12896979|IDA text:PMID:12896979|binds dynamin-1 and syntaxin ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2139270 J:73065 EMBL:AF187733 10367 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12896979|IDA text:PMID:12896979 ISO GO:0006906 MGI:2139270 J:73065 EMBL:AF187733 10368 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9632709|IDA text:human: PMID: 9632709 ISO GO:0045944 MGI:1913604 J:73065 EMBL:AF045184 10369 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9569025|IDA external ref:PMID:9632709|IDA text:human; PMID: 9569025|PMID: 9632709 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1913604 J:73065 EMBL:AF045184|NCBI:NM_012245 10370 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9632709|IDA text:human; PMID: 9632709 ISO GO:0003713 MGI:1913604 J:73065 EMBL:AF045184 10371 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9632709|IDA text:human: PMID: 9632709 ISO GO:0042809 MGI:1913604 J:73065 EMBL:AF045184 10372 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text: ISO GO:0045893 MGI:98372 J:86236 UniProtKB:P08047 10373 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text:PMID:14580349 ISO GO:0016563 MGI:98372 J:86236 UniProtKB:P08047 10374 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatozoon ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8167223|IDA text: ISO GO:0001669 MGI:1925378 J:73065 EMBL:X67697 10375 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1219338|IDA text:GO:004274 ISO GO:0042742 MGI:1925378 J:73065 EMBL:X67697 10376 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8788182|IDA text:PMID: 8788182 ISO GO:0001669 MGI:3056295 J:73065 EMBL:S83157 10377 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15602574|IDA text:PMID:15602574human ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2442356 J:73065 EMBL:AB041533 10378 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: external ref:PMID:15623571|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1316649 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYA1 10379 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: external ref:PMID:15623571|IDA text: ISO GO:0005624 MGI:1316649 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYA1 10380 1 evidence:DAPI staining and microscopy anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: external ref:PMID:15623571|IDA text: ISO GO:0043066 MGI:1316649 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYA1 10381 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: external ref:PMID:15623571|IDA text: ISO GO:0005625 MGI:1316649 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYA1 10382 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: external ref:PMID:15623571|IDA text: ISO GO:0008481 MGI:1316649 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYA1 10383 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1346068|IDA text:PMID:1346068 ISO GO:0004994 MGI:98327 J:2346 UniProtKB:P30872 10384 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11714725|IDA text:human ISO GO:0008023 MGI:1889642 J:99828 NCBI:NM_018255 10385 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9880330|IDA text:PMID: 9880330 ISO GO:0007019 MGI:96739 J:73065 UniProtKB:P16949 10386 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9271428|IDA text:PMID: 9271428 ISO GO:0007052 MGI:96739 J:73065 UniProtKB:P16949 10387 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10675326|IDA text:PMID: 10675326 ISO GO:0015631 MGI:96739 J:73065 UniProtKB:P16949 10388 1 evidence:ECO:0000090 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000182| gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10930465|IDA external ref:PMID:9852078|IDA text:Rat protein ISO GO:0030868 MGI:1914977 J:73065 EMBL:AF115435 10389 1 evidence:silver staining anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0000119 MGI:1347064 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13503 10390 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:1347064 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13503 10391 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay|GST pull-down assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0003713 MGI:1347064 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13503 10392 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9592139|IDA text:IDA|PMID:9592139rat ISO GO:0000795 MGI:1933281 J:73065 EMBL:Y08981 10393 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: external ref:PMID:8176201|IDA text: ISO GO:0042101 MGI:99515 J:73065 UniProtKB:P43405 10394 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10967100|IDA text:PMID:10967100| ISO GO:0005737 MGI:99667 J:73065 UniProtKB:P21707 10395 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15082773|IDA text: ISO GO:0050750 MGI:99667 J:90197 UniProtKB:P21579 10396 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text:PMID:14580349 ISO GO:0005669 MGI:1336878 J:86236 UniProtKB:P21675 10397 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text:PMID:14580349 ISO GO:0005669 MGI:1346320 J:86236 UniProtKB:Q12962 10398 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text:PMID:14580349 ISO GO:0005669 MGI:1916026 J:86236 UniProtKB:Q15544 10399 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text:PMID:14580349 ISO GO:0005669 MGI:1913714 J:86236 UniProtKB:Q16514 10400 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text:PMID:14580349 ISA GO:0005669 MGI:2443028 J:86236 UniProtKB:O60668 10401 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text:PMID:14580349 ISO GO:0005669 MGI:2152346 J:86236 UniProtKB:O00268 10402 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text:PMID:14580349 ISO GO:0005669 MGI:2442144 J:86236 UniProtKB:Q15542 10403 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text:PMID:14580349 ISO GO:0005669 MGI:109129 J:86236 UniProtKB:P49848 10404 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text:PMID:14580349 ISO GO:0005669 MGI:1346348 J:86236 UniProtKB:Q15545 10405 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text:PMID:14580349 ISO GO:0005669 MGI:1888697 J:86236 UniProtKB:Q16594 10406 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text:PMID:14580349 ISA GO:0045893 MGI:1926879 J:86236 UniProtKB:Q7Z7C8 10407 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text:PMID:14580349 ISA GO:0005515 MGI:1926879 J:86236 UniProtKB:Q7Z7C8 10408 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text:PMID:14580349 ISA GO:0045598 MGI:1926879 J:86236 UniProtKB:Q7Z7C8 10409 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text:PMID:14580349 ISA GO:0005669 MGI:1926879 J:86236 UniProtKB:Q7Z7C8 10410 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text:PMID:14580349 ISA GO:0016563 MGI:1926879 J:86236 UniProtKB:Q7Z7C8 10411 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14580349|IDA text:PMID:14580349 ISO GO:0005669 MGI:101838 J:86236 UniProtKB:P20226 10412 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15249688|IDA text:PMID: 15249688 ISO GO:0005730 MGI:892003 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13428 10413 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12470648|IDA text:human; PMID: 12470648 ISO GO:0019901 MGI:2387586 J:73065 EMBL:AF518728|EMBL:AF518729 10414 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12470648|IDA text:human; PMID: 12470648 ISO GO:0005102 MGI:2387586 J:73065 EMBL:AF518728|EMBL:AF518729 10415 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11371641|IDA text:PMID:11371641 ISO GO:0008432 MGI:1194497 J:73065 EMBL:AF179900 10416 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11371641|IDA text:PMID:11371641 ISO GO:0000122 MGI:1194497 J:73065 EMBL:AF179900 10417 1 evidence:silver staining anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0000119 MGI:3029632 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UHV7 10418 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay|GST pull-down assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0003713 MGI:3029632 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UHV7 10419 1 evidence:silver staining anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0000119 MGI:2442637 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y2W1 10420 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:2442637 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y2W1 10421 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay|GST pull-down assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0003713 MGI:2442637 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y2W1 10422 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7499434|IDA text:PMID:7499434 ISO GO:0001968 MGI:101922 J:73065 EMBL:M55618 10423 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16052498|IDA text:PMID:16052498 ISO GO:0004713 MGI:1858308 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q5U2X5 10424 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12389033|IDA text:PMID:12389033 ISO GO:0005818 MGI:1919369 J:73065 EMBL:AF244547 10425 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12389033|IDA text:PMID:12389033 ISO GO:0051225 MGI:1919369 J:73065 EMBL:AF244547 10426 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12389033|IDA external ref:PMID:12477396|IDA text:PMID:12389033|PMID:12477396interphase cells ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1919369 J:73065 EMBL:AF244547 10427 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1217704|IDA text: TPX2 binds Aurora kinase, and is phosphorylated by the kinase. However, it binds independently of kinase activity. ISO GO:0019901 MGI:1919369 J:73065 EMBL:AF244547 10428 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12477396|IDA text: ISO GO:0005876 MGI:1919369 J:73065 EMBL:AF244547 10429 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10791955|IDA text:PMID:10791955|IDA ISO GO:0005829 MGI:1921269 J:73065 EMBL:AF230877 10430 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10791955|IDA text:PMID:10791955|IDA ISO GO:0008017 MGI:1921269 J:73065 EMBL:AF230877 10431 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10791955|IDA text:PMID:10791955|IDA|Associates with microtuble cytoskeleton when in assocation with TRAF3; Neither alone does so. ISO GO:0015630 MGI:1921269 J:73065 EMBL:AF230877 10432 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12935900|IDA text:PMID:12935900|IDA ISO GO:0000122 MGI:1921269 J:73065 EMBL:AF242456 10433 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12935900|IDA text:PMID:12935900|IDA ISO GO:0042527 MGI:1921269 J:73065 EMBL:AF242456 10434 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10791955|IPI|UniProt:Q13114 text:PMID:10791955|IDAhuman| binds TRAF3 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1921269 J:73065 EMBL:AF230877 10435 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12935900|IDA text:PMID:12935900|IDA ISO GO:0005102 MGI:1921269 J:73065 EMBL:AF242456 10436 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12935900|IDA text:PMID:12935900|IDA ISO GO:0051101 MGI:1921269 J:73065 EMBL:AF242456 10437 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1-791955|IDA text:PMID:10791955|IDA ISO GO:0015631 MGI:1921269 J:73065 EMBL:AF230877 10438 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12034717|IDA text:PMID:12034717| ISO GO:0050811 MGI:1918077 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8R2H7 10439 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12034717|IDA text:PMID:12034717| ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1918077 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8R2H7 10440 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12034717|IDA text:PMID:12034717| ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1918077 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8R2H7 10441 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12034717|IDA text:PMID:12034717| ISO GO:0005886 MGI:1918077 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8R2H7 10442 1 evidence:IF|IP anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: external ref:PMID:11390434|IDA text: ISA GO:0042101 MGI:1924897 J:91455 UniProtKB:Q6PIZ9 10443 1 evidence:IF|flow cytometry|IP anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: external ref:PMID:11390434|IDA text: ISA GO:0051051 MGI:1924897 J:91455 UniProtKB:Q6PIZ9 10444 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: external ref:PMID:11390434|IDA text: ISA GO:0005886 MGI:1924897 J:91455 UniProtKB:Q6PIZ9 10445 1 evidence:fura-2 Ca++ flux measurement anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: external ref:PMID:11390434|IDA text: ISA GO:0050862 MGI:1924897 J:91455 UniProtKB:Q6PIZ9 10446 1 evidence:fura-2 Ca++ flux measurement anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: external ref:PMID:11390434|IDA text: ISA GO:0050850 MGI:1924897 J:91455 UniProtKB:Q6PIZ9 10447 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:RNY1 ; HGNC:10242|ncRNA ; SO:0000655 external ref:PMID:3200833|IDA text:PMID:3200833EMBL:J04137binds hY1 RNAhuman ISO GO:0003723 MGI:106652 J:73065 EMBL:J04137 10448 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10545525|IPI|UniProt:Q9BXF6 text:PMID:10545525p75 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:106652 J:73065 EMBL:J04137 10449 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15010458|IDA text:IDA|PMID:15010458 ISO GO:0005254 MGI:1925589 J:73065 EMBL:AB162931 10450 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15010458|IC|GO:0005254 text:IDA|PMID:15010458 ISO GO:0016021 MGI:1925589 J:73065 EMBL:AB162931 10451 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11163187|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 11163187human ISO GO:0048471 MGI:2449307 J:73065 EMBL:AY013249 10452 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11113196|IDA text:IDA|PMID:11113196 human ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2449307 J:73065 EMBL:AF318574 10453 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11163187|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 11163187human ISO GO:0006986 MGI:2449307 J:73065 EMBL:AY013249 10454 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11163187|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 11163187human ISO GO:0003729 MGI:1914281 J:73065 EMBL:AY013249 10455 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11163187|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 11163187human ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1914281 J:73065 EMBL:AY013249 10456 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11163187|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 11163187human ISO GO:0006986 MGI:1914281 J:73065 EMBL:AY013249 10457 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11163187|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 11163187human ISO GO:0003729 MGI:1915384 J:73065 EMBL:AY013249 10458 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11163187|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 11163187human ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1915384 J:73065 EMBL:AY013249 10459 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11163187|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 11163187human ISO GO:0006986 MGI:1915384 J:73065 EMBL:AY013249 10460 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11311560|IDA text:ida|PMID11311560 ISO GO:0030165 MGI:1922920 J:73065 NCBI:NM_031941 10461 1 evidence:immunoloc anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC: CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID: 14583602|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1918984 J:73065 EMBL:AB107585 10462 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14583602|IDA text: ISO GO:0000291 MGI:1918984 J:73065 EMBL:AB107585 10463 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14583602|IDA text: ISO GO:0000289 MGI:1918984 J:73065 EMBL:AB107585 10464 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14765194|IDA text:human; PMID: 14765194 ISO GO:0042373 MGI:1916818 J:73065 NCBI:NM_206824 10465 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11134028|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 11134028 human ISO GO:0005829 MGI:1914164 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UK41 10466 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11134028|IDA text:evidence:IDA|PMID: 11134028 human ISO GO:0005768 MGI:1914164 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UK41 10467 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11134028|IPI|UniProt:Q99816 text:evidence:IDA|PMID: 11134028 humanbinds VPS23 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1914164 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UK41 10468 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12709070|IDA text ISO GO:0045861 MGI:2670967 J:73065 EMBL:AF422194 10469 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12709070|IDA text: ISO GO:0030304 MGI:2670967 J:73065 EMBL:AF422194 10470 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12082632|IDA text:PMID:12082632 ISO GO:0016525 MGI:2685581 J:73065 EMBL:AF100781 10471 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12082632|IDA text:PMID:12082632 ISO GO:0008285 MGI:2685581 J:73065 EMBL:AF100781 10472 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14592989|IDA text:IDA|PMID:14592989 binds a complex of actin and profilin, but not each separately; ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2429950 J:73065 protein_id:AAK01471 10473 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14592989|IDA text:PMID:14592989 ISO GO:0006611 MGI:2429950 J:73065 protein_id:AAK01471 10474 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: external ref:PMID:8176201|IDA text: ISO GO:0042101 MGI:99613 J:18037 UniProtKB:P43403 10475 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: external ref:PMID:7630421|IDA text:Human ZAP-70 was expressed on a mouse Zap70 KO background as a transgene and re ISO GO:0045582 MGI:99613 J:73065 UniProtKB:P43403 10476 2 constituted positive selection of thymocytes, a stage of T-cell differentiation. ISO GO:0045582 MGI:99613 J:73065 UniProtKB:P43403 10477 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: external ref:PMID:7630421|IDA text:Human ZAP-70 was expressed on a mouse Zap70 KO background as a transgene and re ISO GO:0045059 MGI:99613 J:73065 UniProtKB:P43403 10478 2 constituted positive selection of thymocytes. ISO GO:0045059 MGI:99613 J:73065 UniProtKB:P43403 10479 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11891219|IPI|UniProt:Q8VI42 text:Sla2, SWP:Q8VI42 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:99613 J:76854 UniProtKB:P43403 10480 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T ; ATCC:CRL-11268 gene product: external ref:PMID:12802276|IDA text:human ZBTB16 ISO GO:0003677 MGI:103222 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q05516 10481 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL0000002|293T ; ATCC:CRL-11268 gene product: external ref:PMID:12802276|IDA text:IDA|human ZBTB16 ISO GO:0045892 MGI:103222 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q05516 10482 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14557641|IDA text:PMID:14557641rat ISO GO:0009615 MGI:1926031 J:73065 EMBL:AF521008 10483 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11245413|IDA text:IDA|PMID:11245413 ISO GO:0007569 MGI:2685408 J:73065 EMBL:AF041259 10484 1 evidence:cell fractionation followed by RNA binding assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293T ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10751406|IDA text: ISO GO:0005829 MGI:99180 J:62757 UniProtKB:P26651 10485 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11782475|IDA text: ISO GO:0003729 MGI:99180 J:75335 UniProtKB:P26651 10486 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293T ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10751406|IDA text: ISO GO:0006402 MGI:99180 J:62757 UniProtKB:P26651 10487 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15344908|IDA text:PMID: 15344908 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2442266 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q7RTV3 10488 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15344908|IDA text:PMID: 15344908 ISO GO:0006357 MGI:2442266 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q7RTV3 10489 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15344908|IDA text:PMID: 15344908 ISO GO:0003700 MGI:2442266 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q7RTV3 10490 1 evidence:cell fractionation followed by RNA binding assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293T ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10751406|IDA text: ISO GO:0005829 MGI:107946 J:62757 UniProtKB:P17431 10491 1 evidence:UV crosslinking followed by RNA protection assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293T ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10751406|IDA text: ISO GO:0003729 MGI:107946 J:62757 UniProtKB:P17431 10492 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293T ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10751406|IDA ISO GO:0006402 MGI:107946 J:62757 UniProtKB:P17431 10493 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11853404|IDA text:PMID:11853404 ISO GO:0003677 MGI:2682318 J:73065 EMBL:AF263928 10494 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11853404|IDA text:PMID:11853404 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2682318 J:73065 EMBL:AF263928 10495 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11853404|IDA text:PMID:11853404 ISO GO:0006357 MGI:2682318 J:73065 EMBL:AF263928 10496 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9865696|IDA text:PMID: 9865696 ISO GO:0046332 MGI:2652838 J:73065 EMBL:AF104304 10497 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9865696|IDA text:PMID: 9865696 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2652838 J:73065 EMBL:AF104304 10498 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9865696|IDA text:PMID: 9865696 ISO GO:0017015 MGI:2652838 J:73065 EMBL:AF104304 10499 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11463333|IDA text:PMID: 11463333 ; IDA ISO GO:0005737 MGI:106441 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UGI0 10500 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11463333|IDA text:PMID: 11463333 ; IDA ISO GO:0005634 MGI:106441 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UGI0 10501 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12686595|IDA text:PMID: 12686595 ISO GO:0000776 MGI:1915264 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9H900 10502 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10749885 text: ISO GO:0031098 MGI:1921405 J:73065 NCBI:NM_018948 10503 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10749885 text: ISO GO:0005829 MGI:1921405 J:73065 NCBI:NM_018948 10504 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:NP_005393.2|NP_068579.2 target:NP_005393.2|NP_068579.2 external ref:MID:14525976| text:IPI|PMID:14525976|binds to Ral, and Sec5 ISO GO:0000145 MGI:2142527 J:73065 EMBL:AK096460 10505 1 evidence: anatomy:brain subventricular zone ; MA:0000817 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98217 J:100376 N/A 10506 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893 text:regulates Pou5f1| IMP GO:0000122 MGI:1352459 J:80978 MGI:2385846|MGI:2448158 10507 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893 target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Nanog ; MGI:1919200 text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1352459 J:101364 N/A 10508 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Nanog ; MGI:1919200 text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1352459 J:101364 N/A 10509 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral hemisphere ; MA:0000133 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:1203517 J:101177 MGI:3028474|MGI:2176173 10510 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,floor plate\,spinal cord; EMAP:5103 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1921382 J:101335 N/A 10511 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:5134 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:00001 IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1921382 J:101335 N/A 10512 2 17 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1921382 J:101335 N/A 10513 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: IMP GO:0030517 MGI:1921382 J:101335 N/A 10514 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: IGI GO:0030517 MGI:1921382 J:101335 MGI:104572 10515 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: IGI GO:0045773 MGI:104572 J:101335 MGI:1921382 10516 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,vestibular component\,vestibulocochlear VIII\,cranial\,ganglion\,central nervous system; EMAP:5083 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0048699 MGI:97380 J:101705 MGI:97385 10517 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,vestibular component\,vestibulocochlear VIII\,cranial\,ganglion\,central nervous system; EMAP:5083 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0048691 MGI:97385 J:101705 MGI:97380 10518 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:1341907 J:102280 N/A 10519 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target:Fjx1 ; MGI:1341907 text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97363 J:102280 N/A 10520 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3524 cell type:spinal accessory motor neuron ; gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:94869 J:102358 MGI:1934924 10521 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Adamts1 ; MGI:109249 text: IDA GO:0016504 MGI:95487 J:102464 N/A 10522 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Adamts1 ; MGI:109249 text: IDA GO:0016504 MGI:95566 J:102464 N/A 10523 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Agc1 ; MGI:99602 text: IDA GO:0004222 MGI:109249 J:102464 N/A 10524 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,metanephros; EMAP:8226 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:109249 J:102464 N/A 10525 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,metanephros; EMAP:8226 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:95487 J:102464 N/A 10526 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,metanephros; EMAP:8226 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:99602 J:102464 N/A 10527 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,palatal shelf; EMAP:5474 anatomy:TS22\,palatal shelf; EMAP:6622 anatomy:TS23\,palatal shelf; EMAP:8171 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048598 MGI:1201673 J:101732 MGI:3605739 10528 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,mesenchyme\,palatal shelf; EMAP:5476 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0008285 MGI:1099809 J:101732 N/A 10529 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7954800|IPI|UniProt:P10415 external ref:PMID:7954800|IPI|UniProt:P03246 ISO GO:0006915 MGI:109326 J:37511 UniProtKB:Q12983 10530 2 text:IPI|SPTR:P10415|SPTR:P03246 ISO GO:0006915 MGI:109326 J:37511 UniProtKB:Q12983 10531 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:CCHCR1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109299 J:102195 UniProtKB:Q8K2I2 10532 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:POLR2C IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2385321 J:102195 UniProtKB:P97760 10533 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,inner ear; EMAP:5156 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Pillar cell ; CL:1000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 gene product: target: text:ear pillar cells| IDA GO:0045597 MGI:95516 J:79996 N/A 10534 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,mesenchyme\,palatal shelf; EMAP:5476 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:95516 J:101732 N/A 10535 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,metanephros; EMAP:8226 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001822 MGI:109249 J:102464 MGI:3609982 10536 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,metanephros; EMAP:8226 cell type: gene product: target:Agc1 ; MGI:99602 text: IMP GO:0004222 MGI:109249 J:102464 MGI:3609982 10537 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle myocardium ; MA:0000082 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005921 MGI:95718 J:102628 N/A 10538 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle myocardium ; MA:0000082 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005921 MGI:95713 J:102628 N/A 10539 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,1st arch; EMAP:2008 cell type:myoblast ; CL:0000056 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030334 MGI:109563 J:100909 MGI:108088 10540 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,1st arch; EMAP:2008 cell type:myoblast ; CL:0000056 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0030334 MGI:108088 J:100909 MGI:109563 10541 1 evidence:dominant negative transgene anatomy:TS20\,spinal cord; EMAP:4251 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:1096342 J:100207 N/A 10542 1 evidence:dominant negative transgene anatomy:TS20\,spinal cord; EMAP:4251 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:107927 J:100207 N/A 10543 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,epithelium\,stomach; EMAP:3765 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048558 MGI:95664 J:101033 MGI:2386764 10544 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,associated mesenchyme\,stomach; EMAP:3764 anatomy:TS19\,epithelium\,stomach; EMAP:3765 cell type:gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 celltype:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007267 MGI:95664 J:101033 MGI:2386764 10545 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,pulmonary artery; EMAP:7890 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:1858910 J:102098 MGI:3580706 10546 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,interventricular septum; EMAP:7950 anatomy:TS23\,right ventricle; EMAP:7957 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1858910 J:102098 MGI:3580706 10547 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,adrenal gland; EMAP:7430 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030325 MGI:1306784 J:102098 MGI:2179740 10548 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,arch of aorta; EMAP:7857 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:1306784 J:102098 MGI:2179740 10549 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001841 MGI:1346877 J:102721 N/A 10550 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0043123 MGI:104798 J:102721 N/A 10551 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:103290 J:102721 N/A 10552 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0043123 MGI:96824 J:102721 N/A 10553 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0043123 MGI:104798 J:102721 MGI:1346877 10554 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0043066 MGI:1346877 J:102721 MGI:104798 10555 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:1346877 J:102721 N/A 10556 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0043123 MGI:1346877 J:102721 MGI:104798,MGI:96536,MGI:2156367 10557 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0046330 MGI:1346877 J:102721 MGI:104798,MGI:96536,MGI:96824 10558 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0046330 MGI:104798 J:102721 N/A 10559 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0046330 MGI:104798 J:102721 MGI:1346877 10560 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0046330 MGI:96824 J:102721 N/A 10561 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0043123 MGI:2156367 J:102721 N/A 10562 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0043123 MGI:2156367 J:102721 MGI:1346877 10563 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0046330 MGI:2156367 J:102721 N/A 10564 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0046330 MGI:96824 J:102721 MGI:1346877 10565 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0007252 MGI:1346877 J:102721 MGI:104798,MGI:96536 10566 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007179 MGI:1346877 J:102271 N/A 10567 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,retina; EMAP:6334 cell type:horizontal cell ; CL:0000745 gene product: target: text:retinal horizontal cells| IMP GO:0001709 MGI:97772 J:83185 MGI:2386336 10568 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,retina; EMAP:6334 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: text:retinal progeitor cells| IMP GO:0008285 MGI:97772 J:83185 MGI:2386336 10569 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,lymphatic system; EMAP:10177 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001945 MGI:97772 J:102652 MGI:3609548|MGI:2450311 10570 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,peripheral nervous system; EMAP:5116 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007422 MGI:1858226 J:102665 MGI:3609547 10571 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005813 MGI:1932915 J:102751 N/A 10572 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,brain; EMAP:7469 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005813 MGI:1344353 J:102751 N/A 10573 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1921437 J:102751 N/A 10574 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,brain; EMAP:7469 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005813 MGI:1921437 J:102751 N/A 10575 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1344353 J:102751 N/A 10576 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1932915 J:102751 N/A 10577 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:5134 anatomy:TS21\,trigeminal V\,cranial\,nerve\,central nervous system; EMAP:5095 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1344353 J:98767 N/A 10578 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:5134 anatomy:TS21\,trigeminal V\,cranial\,nerve\,central nervous system; EMAP:5095 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1921437 J:98767 N/A 10579 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|RFL-6 ; ATCC:CCL-192 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0031122 MGI:1344353 J:98767 N/A 10580 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,2nd arch; EMAP:1025 anatomy:TS17\,2nd arch; EMAP:2027 anatomy:TS18\,2nd arch; EMAP:2657 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001709 MGI:96174 J:102845 MGI:2385711 10581 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,hyoid bone; EMAP:8018 anatomy:TS21\,facial bones primordia; EMAP:5628 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048703 MGI:96174 J:102845 MGI:2385711 10582 1 evidence: anatomy:pre-botzinger complex ; MA:0002577 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043576 MGI:1858226 J:83591 MGI:2663787 10583 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,incus pre-cartilage condensation; EMAP:5196 anatomy:TS21\,malleus pre-cartilage condensation; EMAP:5197 anatomy:TS21\,stapes pre-cartilage condensation; EMAP:5198 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0042474 MGI:96174 J:102845 MGI:2385711 10584 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,footplate; EMAP:5855 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0035116 MGI:97363 J:102852 MGI:1933835|MGI:2158470 10585 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,apical ectodermal ridge\,ectoderm\,footplate; EMAP:3409 cell type:ectodermal cell ; CL:0000221 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:97363 J:102852 MGI:1933835|MGI:2158470 10586 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,hindlimb bud; EMAP:2100 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0035116 MGI:95518 J:102854 MGI:99604 10587 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,mesenchyme\,hindlimb bud; EMAP:2103 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0043066 MGI:95518 J:102854 MGI:99604 10588 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,mesenchyme\,hindlimb bud; EMAP:2103 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:95518 J:102854 MGI:99604 10589 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,hindlimb bud; EMAP:2100 cell type: gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0035116 MGI:99604 J:102854 MGI:95518 10590 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,mesenchyme\,hindlimb bud; EMAP:2103 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0043066 MGI:99604 J:102854 MGI:95518 10591 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,mesenchyme\,hindlimb bud; EMAP:2103 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:99604 J:102854 MGI:95518 10592 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,skeleton\,embryo; EMAP:12382 cell type: gene product: target: text:endochondral bones IMP GO:0001501 MGI:96533 J:102870 MGI:3609381|MGI:2176264 10593 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target:Nppa ; MGI:97367 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:103580 J:102644 N/A 10594 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target:Nppa ; MGI:97367 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:103580 J:102644 MGI:97350 10595 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target:Nppa ; MGI:97367 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:97350 J:102644 MGI:103580 10596 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030178 MGI:1298218 J:101423 MGI:1329040 10597 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target:Nppa ; MGI:97367 external ref: text: IDA GO:0030178 MGI:1329040 J:101423 N/A 10598 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:1298218 J:101423 N/A 10599 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lung; EMAP:12324 cell type:glycogen accumulating cell ; CL:0000326 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005789 MGI:88557 J:101235 N/A 10600 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lung; EMAP:12324 cell type:glycogen accumulating cell ; CL:0000326 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042587 MGI:88557 J:101235 N/A 10601 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,lung; EMAP:12324 cell type:glycogen accumulating cell ; CL:0000326 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042587 MGI:95485 J:101235 N/A 10602 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,retina; EMAP:6334 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:98297 J:103124 MGI:1934268|MGI:3052661 10603 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,neural retinal epithelium; EMAP:5232 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:98297 J:103124 MGI:1934268|MGI:3052661 10604 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,neural retinal epithelium; EMAP:6336 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:98297 J:103124 MGI:1934268|MGI:3052661 10605 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal cone cell ; CL:0000573 cell type:amacrine cell ; CL:0000561 cell type:horizontal cell ; CL:0000745 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048468 MGI:98297 J:103124 MGI:1934268|MGI:3052661 10606 1 evidence:localization of GFP/YFP fusion protein ; TED:0000030 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293 ATCC: CRL-1573 gene product: external ref:PMID:12200442|IDA text:DGKD1|DGKD2 ISO GO:0005886 MGI:2138334 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q16760-1|UniProtKB:Q16760-2 10607 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:rat Nmu and Nms IPI GO:0008188 MGI:2441765 J:98692 UniProtKB:P12760|UniProtKB:Q5H8A2 10608 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:RAT NMU AND NMS IPI GO:0008188 MGI:1341898 J:98692 UniProtKB:P12760|UniProtKB:Q5H8A2 10609 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:PSME2 IPI GO:0008538 MGI:1096367 J:100877 UniProtKB:P97372 10610 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:PSME2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1096367 J:100877 UniProtKB:P97372 10611 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:PSME1 IPI GO:0008538 MGI:1096365 J:100877 UniProtKB:P97371 10612 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:PSME1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1096365 J:100877 UniProtKB:P97371 10613 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:RAT MDH2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1201386 J:100124 UniProtKB:P04636 10614 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:RAT CS BINDING WITH RAT MDH2 ISA GO:0005515 MGI:88529 J:100124 UniProtKB:Q8VHF5 10615 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:rat mdh2 binding with mouse Nrd1 and rat Cs ISA GO:0005515 MGI:97050 J:100124 UniProtKB:P04634 10616 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8172618|IDA text:PMID: 8172618 ISO GO:0047006 MGI:2145420 J:73065 UniProtKB:P51652 10617 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9553082|IDA ISO GO:0005777 MGI:2443065 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00116 10618 2 text: PMID: 9553082| ISO GO:0005777 MGI:2443065 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00116 10619 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12147701|IDA ISO GO:0019207 MGI:2684060 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q62924 10620 2 text: PMID: 12147701| ISO GO:0019207 MGI:2684060 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q62924 10621 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8621616|IDA ISO GO:0005777 MGI:2684060 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q62924 10622 2 text: PMID: 8621616| ISO GO:0005777 MGI:2684060 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q62924 10623 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:2040623|IDA ISO GO:0030122 MGI:2141861 J:73065 UniProtKB:P62744 10624 2 text: ISO GO:0030122 MGI:2141861 J:73065 UniProtKB:P62744 10625 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9813110|IPI|UniProt:Q14247 text:PMID:9813110; IPI cortactin ISO GO:0015629 MGI:1353467 J:73065 UniProtKB:O88864 10626 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9813110|IPI|UniProt:Q14247 text:PMID:9813110; IPI cortactin ISO GO:0030036 MGI:1353467 J:73065 UniProtKB:O88864 10627 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9813110|IPI|UniProt:Q14247 text:PMID:9813110; IPI cortactin ISO GO:0005519 MGI:1353467 J:73065 UniProtKB:O88864 10628 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,mesenchyme\,forelimb bud; EMAP:1072 anatomy:TS15\,mesenchyme\,hindlimb ridge; EMAP:1075 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:95522 J:102949 MGI:2181474|MGI:2176216 10629 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,limb; EMAP:2095 anatomy:TS19\,limb; EMAP:3397 anatomy:TS20\,limb; EMAP:4011 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 cell type:ectodermal cell ; CL:0000221 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:95522 J:102949 MGI:2181474|MGI:2176216 10630 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048514 MGI:95522 J:103237 MGI:1857123 10631 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type:vascular associated smooth muscle cell ;CL:0000359 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:95522 J:103237 MGI:1857123 10632 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,epithelium\,glandular region\,stomach; EMAP:6535 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:95729 J:102853 MGI:1856276 10633 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,glandular region\,stomach; EMAP:6533 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048558 MGI:95729 J:102853 MGI:1856276 10634 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,retina; EMAP:5230 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042573 MGI:1353450 J:102847 MGI:3609477 10635 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,optic cup; EMAP:2367 anatomy:TS19\,neural retinal epithelium; EMAP:3621 anatomy:TS19\,epithelium\,cornea; EMAP:3607 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042573 MGI:1353450 J:102847 MGI:1861722 10636 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,optic cup; EMAP:2367 anatomy:TS19\,neural retinal epithelium; EMAP:3621 anatomy:TS19\,epithelium\,cornea; EMAP:3607 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042573 MGI:1861722 J:102847 MGI:1353450 10637 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,pigmented retinal epithelium; EMAP:3622 anatomy:TS19\,neural retinal epithelium; EMAP:3621 anatomy:TS19\,epithelium\,cornea; EMAP:3607 anatomy:TS19\,perioptic mesenchyme; EMAP:3617 cell type: gene product: target: extern IMP GO:0042573 MGI:1861722 J:102847 MGI:3043947 10638 2 al ref: text: IMP GO:0042573 MGI:1861722 J:102847 MGI:3043947 10639 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,eye; EMAP:3605 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048048 MGI:1861722 J:102847 MGI:3043947 10640 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,perioptic mesenchyme; EMAP:3617 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:1861722 J:102847 MGI:3043947 10641 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,eyelid; EMAP:5206 anatomy:TS21\,cornea; EMAP:5203 anatomy:TS21\,vitreous humour; EMAP:5216 anatomy:TS21\,lens; EMAP:5217 anatomy:TS21\,retina; EMAP:5230 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048048 MGI:1861722 J:102847 MGI:1353450 10642 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,eyelid; EMAP:5206 anatomy:TS21\,cornea; EMAP:5203 anatomy:TS21\,vitreous humour; EMAP:5216 anatomy:TS21\,lens; EMAP:5217 anatomy:TS21\,retina; EMAP:5230 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048048 MGI:1353450 J:102847 MGI:1861722 10643 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,eyelid; EMAP:5206 anatomy:TS21\,cornea; EMAP:5203 anatomy:TS21\,vitreous humour; EMAP:5216 anatomy:TS21\,lens; EMAP:5217 anatomy:TS21\,retina; EMAP:5230 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048048 MGI:97857 J:102847 MGI:97858 10644 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,eyelid; EMAP:5206 anatomy:TS21\,cornea; EMAP:5203 anatomy:TS21\,vitreous humour; EMAP:5216 anatomy:TS21\,lens; EMAP:5217 anatomy:TS21\,retina; EMAP:5230 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048048 MGI:97858 J:102847 MGI:97857 10645 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,perioptic mesenchyme; EMAP:3617 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:1861722 J:102847 MGI:1353450 10646 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,perioptic mesenchyme; EMAP:3617 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:1353450 J:102847 MGI:1861722 10647 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,perioptic mesenchyme; EMAP:3617 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:97857 J:102847 MGI:97858 10648 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,perioptic mesenchyme; EMAP:3617 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:97858 J:102847 MGI:97857 10649 1 evidence: anatomy:lactiferous duct ; MA:0000791 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:98495 J:102855 MGI:2655214 10650 1 evidence: anatomy:lactiferous duct ; MA:0000791 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:98495 J:102855 MGI:2655214 10651 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,mammary gland; EMAP:11599 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030879 MGI:98495 J:102855 MGI:98494 10652 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,mammary gland; EMAP:11599 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030879 MGI:98494 J:102855 MGI:98495 10653 1 evidence: anatomy:retina photoreceptor layer ; MA:0001308 cell type:eye photoreceptor cell ; CL:0000287 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045494 MGI:1891836 J:102697 MGI:3608879 10654 1 evidence: anatomy:nasal cavity olfactory epithelium ; MA:0001325 cell type:ciliated epithelial cell ; CL:0000067 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007608 MGI:1891836 J:102697 MGI:3608879 10655 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,future midbrain; EMAP:1218 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:2143311 J:102697 MGI:3055492 10656 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,organ of Corti; EMAP:12637 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035058 MGI:2143311 J:102697 MGI:3055492 10657 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,organ of Corti; EMAP:12637 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035058 MGI:1277215 J:102697 MGI:3055491 10658 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,organ of Corti; EMAP:12637 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035058 MGI:1891836 J:102697 MGI:3608879 10659 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,organ of Corti; EMAP:12637 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035058 MGI:1891836 J:102697 MGI:2135272 10660 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,organ of Corti; EMAP:12637 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035058 MGI:1277215 J:102697 MGI:2135272 10661 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,organ of Corti; EMAP:12637 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035058 MGI:2135272 J:102697 MGI:1277215,MGI:1891836 10662 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,organ of Corti; EMAP:12637 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050910 MGI:1891836 J:102697 MGI:3608879 10663 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,neural crest\,neural fold\,neural plate\,future spinal cord; EMAP:488 cell type:neural crest cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:97487 J:102820 MGI:1856293 10664 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1100860 J:102930 MGI:3521833 10665 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7540 cell type:neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000337 gene product: target: external ref: text:intermediate neural precursor cells IMP GO:0007405 MGI:1100860 J:102930 MGI:3521833 10666 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,telencephalon; EMAP:6075 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000337 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007405 MGI:1100860 J:102930 MGI:95516 10667 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043516 MGI:106184 J:101353 MGI:98834 10668 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Cdkn2a ; MGI:104738 external ref: text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:106184 J:101353 MGI:3604210 10669 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005730 MGI:104738 J:101353 N/A 10670 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030330 MGI:98834 J:101353 MGI:106184 10671 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030900 MGI:98397 J:101055 MGI:95602 10672 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030900 MGI:95602 J:101055 MGI:98397 10673 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cerebellum primordium; EMAP:4207 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 ge IGI GO:0001764 MGI:95602 J:101055 MGI:98397 10674 2 ne product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001764 MGI:95602 J:101055 MGI:98397 10675 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,atrio-ventricular canal; EMAP:2412 anatomy:TS17\,primitive ventricle; EMAP:2454 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:106658 J:101311 MGI:2385465|MGI:2386742 10676 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,heart; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001947 MGI:106658 J:101311 MGI:2385465|MGI:2386742 10677 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,cardiac muscle\,primitive ventricle; EMAP:1345 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:106658 J:101311 N/A 10678 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target:Srf ; MGI:106658 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:106658 J:101311 MGI:3604097 10679 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1257 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030426 MGI:109563 J:101029 N/A 10680 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,floor plate\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1764 anatomy:TS16\,lateral wall\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1765 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008045 MGI:103556 J:101029 MGI:1934384 10681 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,floor plate\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1764 anatomy:TS16\,lateral wall\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1765 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008045 MGI:109563 J:101029 MGI:1934442 10682 1 evidence:IDA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8422236|PMID:7923172 text: ISO GO:0004126 MGI:1913444 J:73065 EMBL:S52873 10683 1 evidence:IDA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8422236|PMID:7923172 text: ISO GO:0009972 MGI:1913444 J:73065 EMBL:S52873 10684 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: NP_000312|RB target: NP_000312|RB external ref:PMID:9315664|IPI|UniProt:P06400 text:IPI|PMID:9315664 text:original screen yeast 2 hybrid with Rb ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1914302 J:73065 EMBL:AF017790 10685 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11825910|IPI|UniProt:O95352 ISO GO:0000153 MGI:1915091 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NT62 10686 2 text:PMID: 11825910|IPI|SPTR:O95352 ISO GO:0000153 MGI:1915091 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NT62 10687 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebellum; EMAP:6132 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0048663 MGI:1328312 J:100997 N/A 10688 1 evidence: anatomy:gastrointestinal system ; MA:0000323 cell type:leukocyte ; CL:0000738 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:102672 J:93240 N/A 10689 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000781 MGI:1098622 J:89199 N/A 10690 1 evidence: anatomy:TS1\,one-cell stage; EMAP:2 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001939 MGI:1098622 J:89199 N/A 10691 1 evidence: anatomy:TS1\,one-cell stage; EMAP:2 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001940 MGI:1098622 J:89199 N/A 10692 1 evidence: anatomy:TS2\,two-cell stage; EMAP:6 anatomy:TS3\,4-8 cell stage; EMAP:8 anatomy:TS3\,compacted morula; EMAP:9 anatomy:TS4\,embryo; EMAP:12 anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 anatomy:TS6\,embryo; EMAP:31 anatomy:TS7\,embryo; EMAP:42 anatomy:TS8\,embryo IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1098622 J:89199 N/A 10693 2 ; EMAP:57 anatomy:TS9\,embryo; EMAP:80 anatomy:TS10\,embryo; EMAP:106 anatomy:TS11\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:150 anatomy:TS11\,endoderm\,embryo; EMAP:160 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1098622 J:89199 N/A 10694 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,primitive streak; EMAP:88 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009948 MGI:1201414 J:90040 MGI:107405 10695 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,primitive streak; EMAP:88 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009948 MGI:107405 J:90040 MGI:1201414 10696 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:86 cell type:endodermal cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:107405 J:90040 MGI:1201414 10697 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:86 cell type:endodermal cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:1201414 J:90040 MGI:107405 10698 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,embryo; EMAP:80 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042074 MGI:97359 J:90040 N/A 10699 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,primitive streak; EMAP:88 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009948 MGI:1201414 J:90040 N/A 10700 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,primitive streak; EMAP:88 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042074 MGI:1201414 J:90040 MGI:107405 10701 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,primitive streak; EMAP:88 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042074 MGI:107405 J:90040 MGI:1201414 10702 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,embryo; EMAP:80 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:97359 J:90040 MGI:2180793 10703 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,primitive endoderm; EMAP:86 cell type:endodermal cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:97359 J:90040 MGI:2180793 10704 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7537 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:2684607 J:89246 MGI:95516,MGI:95290 10705 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7537 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:95516 J:89246 MGI:95290 10706 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Ba/F3 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:96788 J:89246 MGI:99605 10707 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Ba/F3 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:99605 J:89246 MGI:2684607 10708 1 evidence:inhibiting antibody anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Ba/F3 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:96560 J:89246 MGI:2684607 10709 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,lung; EMAP:4604 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0048754 MGI:1099809 J:103457 N/A 10710 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,lung; EMAP:4604 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006935 MGI:1099809 J:103457 N/A 10711 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,lung; EMAP:4604 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042056 MGI:1099809 J:103457 N/A 10712 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: Induces apoptosis via caspase activiation and mitochondrial involvement IDA GO:0006917 MGI:1914104 J:84377 N/A 10713 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T ; ATCC:CRL-1573 cell type:permanent cell line c IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1914104 J:88986 N/A 10714 2 ell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1914104 J:88986 N/A 10715 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T ; ATCC:CRL-1573 cell type:permanent cell line c IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1914104 J:88986 N/A 10716 2 ell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1914104 J:88986 N/A 10717 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008285 MGI:1914104 J:88986 N/A 10718 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pou3f2 ; MGI:101895 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:88276 J:89066 N/A 10719 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|501 mel gene product: target:Pou3f2 ; MGI:101895|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:88276 J:89066 N/A 10720 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|501 mel gene product: target:Pou3f2 ; MGI:101895|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 target:Mitf ; MGI:104554|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:96770 J:89066 N/A 10721 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|501 mel gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15024079|IDA text: ISO GO:0008284 MGI:101895 J:89066 UniProtKB:P20265 10722 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,telencephalon; EMAP:3482 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref: text:neuroblast specification and differentiation in subcortical telencephalon| IMP GO:0030154 MGI:94901 J:79854 MGI:1857826 10723 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,telencephalon; EMAP:3482 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref: text:neuroblast specification and differentiation in subcortical telencephalon| IMP GO:0030154 MGI:94902 J:79854 MGI:1857828 10724 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617|interneuron ; CL:0000691 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:94901 J:101437 MGI:1857826 10725 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:3972 cell type:mononuclear cytotrophoblast cell ; CL:0000523 gene product: target: external ref: text:spongiotrophoblast cell IMP GO:0008284 MGI:1276108 J:99584 MGI:2678436 10726 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9139710|IDA text:PMID: 9139710|IDA ISO GO:0006821 MGI:2148924 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00299 10727 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9139710|IDA text:PMID: 9139710|IDA ISO GO:0005254 MGI:2148924 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00299 10728 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:homeodomain containing protein ISS GO:0003677 MGI:1202888 J:96937 N/A 10729 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:VCP IPI GO:0005515 MGI:3042273 J:88876 UniProtKB:Q01853 10730 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:NSFL1C IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99919 J:88876 UniProtKB:Q9CZ44 10731 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:HUMAN TRIM55 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98864 J:99979 UniProtKB:Q9BYV6 10732 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID: 15967462|IPI|UniProt:Q3TZL3|UniProt:P48787 text: ISS GO:0005515 MGI:3036269 J:99979 N/A 10733 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID: 15967462|IPI|UniProt:Q9BYV6 text: ISS GO:0042802 MGI:3036269 J:99979 N/A 10734 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID: 15967462|IPI|UniProt:Q3TZL3|UniProt:P48787 text: ISS GO:0005515 MGI:2447992 J:99979 N/A 10735 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Riken clone ID:2410002G23 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1913841 J:103507 NCBI:NM_014628 10736 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Casp12 and Casp9 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109283 J:87334 UniProtKB:O08736|UniProtKB:Q8C3Q9 10737 1 evidence: anatomy:lens ; MA:0000275 cell type:crystallin accumulating cell ; CL:0000306 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048468 MGI:1347058 J:95535 MGI:3527211 10738 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,hindlimb; EMAP:4058 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035116 MGI:2177178 J:103424 MGI:3589208|MGI:2450929 10739 1 evidence: anatomy:heart valve ; MA:0000086 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:1926321 J:103753 N/A 10740 1 evidence: anatomy:periodontal ligament ; MA:0002467 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009888 MGI:1926321 J:103753 N/A 10741 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,visceral endoderm\,endoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:98 cell type:endodermal cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: external ref: text:visceral endoderm is disorganized| IMP GO:0000904 MGI:109175 J:79862 MGI:2429678 10742 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8895581|IDA text:PMID:8895581 ISO GO:0016514 MGI:1328366 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q12824 10743 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11430827|IDA text:PMID:11430827 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1328366 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q12824 10744 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7508385|IDA ISO GO:0006699 MGI:2384785 J:73065 UniProtKB:P51857 10745 2 text: PMID: 7508385| ISO GO:0006699 MGI:2384785 J:73065 UniProtKB:P51857 10746 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10820226|IDA text:PMID: 8202535|IDA|PMID: 10820226 ISO GO:0016021 MGI:1920211 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P2U7 10747 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10820226|IDA text:|IDA|PMID: 10820226 ISO GO:0015319 MGI:1920211 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P2U7 10748 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,liver; EMAP:12229 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:1328366 J:103919 MGI:2387974 10749 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,inner cell mass; EMAP:24 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001824 MGI:1328366 J:69009 MGI:2388033 10750 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001835 MGI:1328366 J:69009 MGI:2388033 10751 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,embryo; EMAP:23 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001835 MGI:1328366 J:68501 MGI:2387974 10752 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5\,inner cell mass; EMAP:24 anatomy:TS5\,trophectoderm; EMAP:28 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001824 MGI:1328366 J:68501 MGI:2387974 10753 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,heart; EMAP:1827 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048738 MGI:95718 J:103078 MGI:3608701|MGI:2177600 10754 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,heart; EMAP:1827 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048468 MGI:95718 J:103078 MGI:3608701|MGI:2177600 10755 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,heart; EMAP:1827 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:95718 J:103078 MGI:3608701|MGI:2177600 10756 1 evidence: anatomy:crypt of lieberkuhn ; MA:0001535 cell type:Paneth cell ; CL:0000510 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:103170 J:102106 MGI:2449921 10757 1 evidence: anatomy:crypt of lieberkuhn ; MA:0001535 cell type:goblet cell ; CL:0000160 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009996 MGI:103170 J:102106 MGI:2449921 10758 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,olfactory\,epithelium\,nasal cavity; EMAP:4349 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048699 MGI:99604 J:103123 MGI:2150347 10759 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,olfactory\,epithelium\,nasal cavity; EMAP:4349 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008543 MGI:99604 J:102854 MGI:95518 10760 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,olfactory\,epithelium\,nasal cavity; EMAP:4349 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:99604 J:102854 MGI:95518 10761 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12514189|IDA ISO GO:0006508 MGI:1916320 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P2N4 10762 2 text: PMID: 12514189| ISO GO:0006508 MGI:1916320 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P2N4 10763 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,lateral wall\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2326 anatomy:TS17\,roof plate\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2329 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:spinal cord| IMP GO:0009953 MGI:95729 J:80207 MGI:1856276 10764 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay|GST pull-down assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0003713 MGI:1917042 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75586 10765 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q8BMZ5 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1913328 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D1R6 10766 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:blood_platelet ; CL:0000233 gene product: external ref:PMID:15297306|IDA text: ISO GO:0005765 MGI:96748 J:73065 UniProtKB:P13473 10767 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1928097 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q60771 10768 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q60771 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106925 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9DCK3 10769 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q61241 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1347557 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D828 10770 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q9JLT4 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1347023 J:103507 UniProtKB:P60335 10771 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q9CXU7 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914803 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9CR09 10772 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q9CR09 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1913405 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9CXU7 10773 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12191473|IMP text: ISO GO:0006611 MGI:1095411 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35658 10774 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10072077|IDA text:J:53400|PMID:10072077|IDA evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:00000 ISO GO:0005125 MGI:96548 J:73065 UniProtKB:P60568 10775 2 84 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1830926|IDA text:J:39989|PMID: 1830926|IDA ISO GO:0005125 MGI:96548 J:73065 UniProtKB:P60568 10776 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q9D1C8 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914164 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D6W9 10777 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15698635|IDA text: ISO GO:0016021 MGI:2138281 J:98702 UniProtKB:Q14739 10778 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:peripheral blood T lymphocytes gene product: external ref:PMID:11390434|IDA text:J:91455|PMID:11390434|IDA ISO GO:0005886 MGI:97811 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q14761 10779 1 evidence:GO:0004143 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12200442|IC|GO:0004143 text: ISO GO:0046339 MGI:2138334 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q16760 10780 1 evidence:co-immunoprecipitation ; TED:0000074 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12200442|IDA text: ISO GO:0046982 MGI:2138334 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q16760 10781 1 evidence:co-immunoprecipitation ; TED:0000074 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12200442|IDA text: ISO GO:0042803 MGI:2138334 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q16760 10782 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q545I0 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109283 J:103507 UniProtKB:P70389|UniProtKB:Q9DC67|UniProtKB:Q9CQ85|UniProtKB:Q9D0C1 10783 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q9D0C1 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1915095 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q545I0|UniProtKB:Q545N1 10784 1 evidence:cell counting anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: external ref:PMID:15623571|IDA text: ISO GO:0048146 MGI:1316649 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NYA1 10785 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:3029632 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UHV7 10786 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0016021 MGI:3580376 J:98702 UniProtKB:Q9Y2U8 10787 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: external ref:PMID:11390434|IDA text: ISO GO:0005886 MGI:1889342 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y3P8 10788 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,forelimb; EMAP:8485 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:95729 J:102948 MGI:96533 10789 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,forelimb; EMAP:8485 cell type:columnar chondrocyte ; CL:0000744 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045596 MGI:95729 J:102948 MGI:96533 10790 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,forelimb; EMAP:8485 cell type:hypertrophic chondrocyte ; CL:0000743 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045595 MGI:95729 J:102948 MGI:96533 10791 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,forelimb; EMAP:8485 cell type:hypertrophic chondrocyte ; CL:0000743 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:96533 J:102948 MGI:1934258 10792 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,forelimb; EMAP:8485 cell type:columnar chondrocyte ; CL:0000744 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:96533 J:102948 MGI:1934258 10793 1 evidence:silver staining anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text:J:76817|PMID:12037571|IDA ISO GO:0000119 MGI:1349442 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60244 10794 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text:J:76817|PMID:12037571|IDA ISO GO:0045944 MGI:1349442 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60244 10795 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14963118|IDA text: ISO GO:0045090 MGI:1328366 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q12824 10796 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11788820|IDA text: ISO GO:0006919 MGI:1099804 J:83173 UniProtKB:O00291 10797 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11788820|IDA text:GO:0016329 obsoleted ISO GO:0042981 MGI:1099804 J:83173 UniProtKB:O00291 10798 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12536145|IDA text: ISO GO:0005764 MGI:96748 J:82579 UniProtKB:P13473 10799 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11782475|IDA text: ISO GO:0006402 MGI:99180 J:75335 UniProtKB:P26651 10800 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:14667815|IDA text:J:87286|PMID:14667815 ISO GO:0042789 MGI:109247 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35638 10801 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:10601332|IDA ISO GO:0003682 MGI:1928488 J:73065 UniProtKB:O43832 10802 2 text: ISO GO:0003682 MGI:1928488 J:73065 UniProtKB:O43832 10803 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:10601332|IDA ISO GO:0000793 MGI:1928488 J:73065 UniProtKB:O43832 10804 2 text: ISO GO:0000793 MGI:1928488 J:73065 UniProtKB:O43832 10805 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:10601332|IMP ISO GO:0007076 MGI:1928488 J:73065 UniProtKB:O43832 10806 2 text: ISO GO:0007076 MGI:1928488 J:73065 UniProtKB:O43832 10807 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:10601332|IDA ISO GO:0000790 MGI:1928488 J:73065 UniProtKB:O43832 10808 2 text: ISO GO:0000790 MGI:1928488 J:73065 UniProtKB:O43832 10809 1 evidence:IF of bacterial binding to SPN transfected cells anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:10899905|IDA text: ISO GO:0008367 MGI:98384 J:73065 UniProtKB:P16150 10810 1 evidence:ELIZA anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: external ref:PMID:10899905|IDA text: ISO GO:0042535 MGI:98384 J:73065 UniProtKB:P16150 10811 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15967462|IPI|UniProt:Q9BYV6|UniProt:Q969Q1 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:97292 J:73065 UniProtKB:P20929 10812 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:7736578|IDA ISO GO:0005813 MGI:102685 J:73065 UniProtKB:P30260 10813 2 text: ISO GO:0005813 MGI:102685 J:73065 UniProtKB:P30260 10814 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:7736578|IMP ISO GO:0007091 MGI:102685 J:73065 UniProtKB:P30260 10815 2 text: ISO GO:0007091 MGI:102685 J:73065 UniProtKB:P30260 10816 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:7736578|IDA ISO GO:0005876 MGI:102685 J:73065 UniProtKB:P30260 10817 2 text: ISO GO:0005876 MGI:102685 J:73065 UniProtKB:P30260 10818 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1789929|IDA ISO GO:0047568 MGI:2384785 J:73065 UniProtKB:P31210 10819 2 text: PMID: 1789929|PMID: 7508385| ISO GO:0047568 MGI:2384785 J:73065 UniProtKB:P31210 10820 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11390979|IDA text:PMID: 11390979 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1922638 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8N9W6 10821 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15855349|IDA ISO GO:0005813 MGI:1934606 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8TCU4 10822 2 text: PMID: 15855349 ISO GO:0005813 MGI:1934606 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8TCU4 10823 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11153919|IMP ISO GO:0005858 MGI:2685574 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9GZS0 10824 2 text: ISO GO:0005858 MGI:2685574 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9GZS0 10825 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11153919|IMP ISO GO:0035085 MGI:2685574 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9GZS0 10826 2 text: ISO GO:0035085 MGI:2685574 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9GZS0 10827 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11153919|IMP ISO GO:0042384 MGI:2685574 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9GZS0 10828 2 text: ISO GO:0042384 MGI:2685574 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9GZS0 10829 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11153919|IMP ISO GO:0003777 MGI:2685574 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9GZS0 10830 2 text: ISO GO:0003777 MGI:2685574 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9GZS0 10831 1 evidence:silver staining anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text:J:76817|PMID:12037571|IDA ISO GO:0000119 MGI:2182585 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NVC6 10832 1 evidence:yeast two-hybrid assay in farnesylation-competent and deficient strains anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:14555765|IDA text:J:92282|PMID:14555765|IDA ISO GO:0001918 MGI:2148800 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NZN9 10833 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15967462|IPI|UniProt:Q9BYV6|UniProt:Q969Q1 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1889800 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UBF9 10834 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,metanephros; EMAP:6674 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001822 MGI:103302 J:103587 MGI:2136986 10835 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,eye; EMAP:3605 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048593 MGI:103302 J:103587 MGI:2136986 10836 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,handplate; EMAP:4793|TS21\,footplate; EMAP:4835 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:97363 J:103603 MGI:97364 10837 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,handplate; EMAP:4793|TS21\,footplate; EMAP:4835 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:97364 J:103603 MGI:97363 10838 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,handplate; EMAP:4793|TS21\,footplate; EMAP:4835 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:1202717 J:103603 MGI:109284 10839 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,handplate; EMAP:4793|TS21\,footplate; EMAP:4835 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:109284 J:103603 MGI:1202717 10840 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,handplate; EMAP:4793|TS21\,footplate; EMAP:4835 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:97363 J:103603 MGI:97364 10841 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,handplate; EMAP:4793|TS21\,footplate; EMAP:4835 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:97364 J:103603 MGI:97363 10842 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,handplate; EMAP:4793|TS21\,footplate; EMAP:4835 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:1202717 J:103603 MGI:109284 10843 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,handplate; EMAP:4793|TS21\,footplate; EMAP:4835 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:109284 J:103603 MGI:1202717 10844 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type:oogonial cell ; CL:0000024 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007128 MGI:2384854 J:102875 N/A 10845 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016358 MGI:108174 J:102943 MGI:2181586 10846 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:108174 J:102943 MGI:2181586 10847 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:108174 J:102943 MGI:2181586 10848 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primordial germ cell ; CL:0000670 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030718 MGI:101893 J:95317 MGI:3578312|MGI:2177588 10849 1 evidence: anatomy:sternomastoid ; MA:0002384 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007274 MGI:1927126 J:90846 MGI:3045463 10850 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:cholinergic neuron ; CL:0000108 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007271 MGI:1927126 J:90846 MGI:3045463 10851 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015871 MGI:1927126 J:90846 MGI:3045463 10852 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008292 MGI:1927126 J:90846 MGI:3045463 10853 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12237312|IDA text: ISO GO:0005886 MGI:1927126 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9GZV3 10854 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12237312|IMP text: ISO GO:0005307 MGI:1927126 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9GZV3 10855 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15385555|IDA text: ISO GO:0006355 MGI:108045 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NP62 10856 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15385555|IDA text: ISO GO:0003700 MGI:108045 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NP62 10857 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15385555|IPI|UNiProt:Q99697 text: ISO GO:0008134 MGI:108045 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NP62 10858 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15385555|IDA text: ISO GO:0005667 MGI:108045 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NP62 10859 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15385555|IDA text: ISO GO:0006355 MGI:109340 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99697 10860 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15385555|IDA text: ISO GO:0003700 MGI:109340 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99697 10861 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15385555|IPI|UniProt:Q9NP62 text: ISO GO:0008134 MGI:109340 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99697 10862 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15385555|IDA text: ISO GO:0005667 MGI:109340 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99697 10863 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1917649 J:103937 N/A 10864 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent Cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1917649 J:103937 MGI:97487 10865 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97487 J:103937 N/A 10866 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016563 MGI:97487 J:103937 N/A 10867 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text:when bound to 14-3-3 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1917649 J:100164 N/A 10868 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001649 MGI:1917649 J:100164 MGI:88177 10869 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0003714 MGI:1917649 J:100164 MGI:97747 10870 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045599 MGI:1917649 J:100164 MGI:97747 10871 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001649 MGI:1917649 J:100164 N/A 10872 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1917649 J:100164 MGI:99829 10873 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045669 MGI:88177 J:100164 N/A 10874 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target:Bglap1 ; MGI:88156 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:99829 J:100164 MGI:1917649 10875 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001649 MGI:99829 J:100164 MGI:1917649 10876 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fat cell ; CL:0000136 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045444 MGI:97747 J:100164 MGI:1917649 10877 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: target:MGI:88038 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97747 J:100164 N/A 10878 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: target:Fabp4 ; MGI:88038 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:1917649 J:100164 MGI:97747 10879 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q9D195 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1110018O07 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1913445 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D122|UniProtKB:Q9D1K4 10880 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q9DBS2 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1200015A19 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1915058 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q3TAK5 10881 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q9DBS2 target: external ref: text: Riken clone 1200015A19 IPI GO:0042802 MGI:1915058 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9DBS2 10882 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q9D8L5 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1810060J02 IPI GO:0042802 MGI:1914265 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D8L5 10883 1 evidence: anatomy:peritubular capillary ; MA:0002588 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048514 MGI:1202890 J:94974 MGI:3040929 10884 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q9DCW2 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 0610009J04 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1270860 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D6S9 10885 1 evidence: anatomy:superior colliculus ; MA:0001068 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031290 MGI:95276 J:99629 MGI:3583808 10886 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,retina; EMAP:9246 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045499 MGI:95276 J:99629 N/A 10887 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,retina; EMAP:9246 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045499 MGI:107444 J:99629 N/A 10888 1 evidence: anatomy:superior colliculus ; MA:0001068 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048755 MGI:95276 J:99629 MGI:3583808 10889 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,retina; EMAP:9246 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031290 MGI:107444 J:99629 N/A 10890 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,collecting ducts\,drainage component\,metanephros; EMAP:5508 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:894293 J:99651 MGI:88177,MGI:104903 10891 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,collecting ducts\,drainage component\,metanephros; EMAP:5508 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001658 MGI:894293 J:99651 MGI:88177,MGI:104903 10892 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,collecting ducts\,drainage component\,metanephros; EMAP:5508 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:104903 J:99651 MGI:88177,MGI:894293 10893 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,collecting ducts\,drainage component\,metanephros; EMAP:5508 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001658 MGI:104903 J:99651 MGI:88177,MGI:894293 10894 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,collecting ducts\,drainage component\,metanephros; EMAP:5508 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030513 MGI:104903 J:99651 MGI:2159356 10895 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,skeleton\,embryo; EMAP:8338 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005578 MGI:106604 J:99694 N/A 10896 1 evidence: anatomy:adrenal gland ; MA:0000116 cell type:adrenal medulla cell ; CL:0000336 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031410 MGI:1350922 J:99762 N/A 10897 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:dystrophin, y2hyb IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1350922 J:80393 UniProtKB:P11531 10898 1 evidence: anatomy:adrenal gland ; MA:0000116 cell type:adrenal medulla cell ; CL:0000336 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031410 MGI:2443963 J:99726 N/A 10899 1 evidence: anatomy:adrenal gland ; MA:0000116 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|adrenal medulla cell ; CL:0000336 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016050 MGI:1350922 J:99762 MGI:3583931 10900 1 evidence: anatomy:adrenal gland ; MA:0000116 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|adrenal medulla cell ; CL:0000336 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050432 MGI:1350922 J:99762 MGI:3583931 10901 1 evidence: anatomy:adrenal gland ; MA:0000116 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|adrenal medulla cell ; CL:0000336 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006887 MGI:1350922 J:99762 MGI:3583931 10902 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,brain; EMAP:11619 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000226 MGI:1916987 J:99877 MGI:3584264 10903 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,thalamus; EMAP:7531 anatomy:TS23\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7537 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030516 MGI:1916987 J:99877 MGI:3584264 10904 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IC GO:0005874 MGI:1916987 J:99877 GO:0004835 10905 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,primordial germ cells; EMAP:206 cell type:primordial germ cell ; CL:0000670 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:99655 J:99994 MGI:3586884 10906 1 evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:2136171 J:100030 MGI:3586991 10907 1 evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type:Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2136171 J:100030 N/A 10908 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V nucleus ; MA:0001028 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: external ref: text:proprioceptors IMP GO:0030182 MGI:102525 J:100128 MGI:2387665 10909 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V nucleus ; MA:0001028 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: external ref: text:proprioceptors IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97821 J:100128 N/A 10910 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2949 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: target: external ref: text:V2 interneuron IGI GO:0048663 MGI:96919 J:100187 MGI:2151057 10911 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2949 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: target: external ref: text:V2 interneuron IGI GO:0048663 MGI:2151057 J:100187 MGI:96919 10912 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2443623 J:100326 N/A 10913 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,vascular element\,left lung; EMAP:10974|TS25\,vascular element\,right lung; EMAP:11003 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001570 MGI:1347487 J:100263 MGI:3522201 10914 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,associated mesenchyme\,left lung; EMAP:8287|TS23\,associated mesenchyme\,right lung; EMAP:8301 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:1347487 J:100263 MGI:3522201 10915 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Lama4 ; MGI:109321 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1347487 J:100263 N/A 10916 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:no protein id available as of 2/02/06; clone id 5730409G06 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1918054 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D6W9 10917 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048514 MGI:103178 J:100347 N/A 10918 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q3TVE1 target: external ref: text:Riken CLone 2310030I10 IPI GO:0042802 MGI:1277120 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q3TVE1 10919 1 evidence:enzyme inhibitor anatomy:TS18\,metanephros; EMAP:3233 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001822 MGI:97402 J:100571 N/A 10920 1 evidence:enzyme inhibitor anatomy:TS18\,metanephros; EMAP:3233 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:97402 J:100571 N/A 10921 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gata4 ; MGI:95664|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1347470 J:100426 N/A 10922 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gata4 ; MGI:95664|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1347476 J:100426 N/A 10923 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gata4 ; MGI:95664|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:109497 J:100426 N/A 10924 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gata4 ; MGI:95664|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:107516 J:100426 N/A 10925 1 evidence:P56389 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2210401N16 IPI GO:0042802 MGI:1919519 J:103507 UniProtKB:P56389 10926 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q60870 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2410015N11 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1270152 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9JM62 10927 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q61576 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 3200001M09 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104769 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9CYZ8 10928 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009953 MGI:2682064 J:100466 MGI:108075 10929 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: target:Gli3 ; MGI:95729 external ref: text: IMP GO:0016485 MGI:105373 J:100466 MGI:1857447 10930 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: target:Gli3 ; MGI:95729 external ref: text: IMP GO:0016485 MGI:2682064 J:100466 MGI:2682066 10931 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15967462|IPI|UniProt:Q9BYV6|UniProt:Q969Q1 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1330233 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15273 10932 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15967462|IPI|UniProt:Q9BYV6|UniProt:Q969Q1 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1333868 J:73065 UniProtKB:P13805 10933 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15967462|IPI|UniProt:Q9BYV6|UniProt:Q969Q1 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:109550 J:73065 UniProtKB:P45378 10934 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15967462|IPI|UniProt:Q9BYV6|UniProt:Q969Q1 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:97272 J:73065 UniProtKB:P10916 10935 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Vtcn1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99511 J:94873 UniProtKB:Q7TPH5 10936 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:2682064 J:86437 MGI:2682066 10937 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001841 MGI:2682064 J:86437 MGI:2682066 10938 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:107736 J:100466 MGI:3578144 10939 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,heart; EMAP:4396 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:107736 J:100466 MGI:3578144 10940 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,node; EMAP:175 cell type:ciliated cell ; CL:0000064 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042384 MGI:107736 J:100466 MGI:3578144 10941 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: target:Gli3 ; MGI:95729 external ref: text: IMP GO:0016485 MGI:107736 J:100466 MGI:3578144 10942 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,node; EMAP:175 cell type:ciliated cell ; CL:0000064 gene product: target:Smo ; MGI:108075 external ref: text: IMP GO:0008105 MGI:107736 J:103514 N/A 10943 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,forebrain; EMAP:2230 cell type:neurectodermal cell ; CL:0000133 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS17\,mesenchyme\,forelimb bud; EMAP:2099|TS17\,mesenchyme\,hindlimb bud; EMAP:2103 cell type:m IMP GO:0042384 MGI:107736 J:103514 N/A 10944 2 esenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042384 MGI:107736 J:103514 N/A 10945 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,heart; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:107736 J:103514 N/A 10946 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,forebrain; EMAP:4127 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS15\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1257 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:107736 J:103514 N/A 10947 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,limb; EMAP:2725 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:107736 J:103514 N/A 10948 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,forebrain; EMAP:4127 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:107736 J:103514 N/A 10949 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,embryo; EMAP:2006 cell type: gene product: target:Gli3 ; MGI:95729 external ref: text: IMP GO:0016485 MGI:107736 J:103514 N/A 10950 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,node; EMAP:175 cell type:ciliated cell ; CL:0000064 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005929 MGI:108075 J:103514 N/A 10951 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Sfrs1 ; MGI:98283 target:Lbr ; MGI:2138281 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006468 MGI:1891338 J:100494 N/A 10952 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Sfrs1 ; MGI:98283 target:Lbr ; MGI:2138281 external ref: text: IDA GO:0004674 MGI:1891338 J:100494 N/A 10953 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Stk23 ;MGI:1891338|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:97276 J:100494 N/A 10954 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Stk23 ;MGI:1891338|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:99458 J:100494 N/A 10955 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Stk23 ;MGI:1891338|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98510 J:100494 N/A 10956 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007519 MGI:1891338 J:100494 N/A 10957 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 anatomy:TS10\,ectoplacental cone; EMAP:141 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001890 MGI:102570 J:100663 MGI:2676199 10958 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cochlear component\,vestibulocochlear VIII\,cranial\,ganglion\,central nervous system; EMAP:4239 anatomy:TS17\,inner ear; EMAP:2353 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0048663 MGI:98726 J:100384 N/A 10959 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy:TS20\,cochlear component\,vestibulocochlear VIII\,cranial\,ganglion\,central nervous system; EMAP:4239 anatomy:TS17\,inner ear; EMAP:2353 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048663 MGI:98728 J:100384 N/A 10960 1 evidence: anatomy:hair shaft ; MA:0000159 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031069 MGI:97363 J:100563 MGI:1933835|MGI:2177413 10961 1 evidence: anatomy:hair follicle ; MA:0000154 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042640 MGI:97363 J:100563 MGI:1933835|MGI:2177427 10962 1 evidence: anatomy:rat E14.5 urigenital ridges cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:21270349|IMP ISO GO:0001655 MGI:87911 J:73065 UniProtKB:P80201 10963 2 text: ISO GO:0001655 MGI:87911 J:73065 UniProtKB:P80201 10964 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,gut; EMAP:1363 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:98728 J:100586 MGI:2388050 10965 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,gut; EMAP:1363 cell type:primordial germ cell ; CL:0000670 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008354 MGI:98728 J:100586 MGI:2388050 10966 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|primordial germ cell ; CL:0000670 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008354 MGI:98725 J:100586 N/A 10967 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ptprv ; MGI:108027|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98834 J:100764 N/A 10968 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ptprv ; MGI:108027 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:98834 J:100764 N/A 10969 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006917 MGI:108027 J:100764 MGI:98834 10970 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006917 MGI:98834 J:100764 N/A 10971 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:108027 J:100764 MGI:3039948 10972 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:108027 J:100764 MGI:98834 10973 1 evidence:allele not specified anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031571 MGI:98834 J:100764 N/A 10974 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031571 MGI:108027 J:100764 MGI:3039948 10975 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006977 MGI:108027 J:100764 MGI:98834 10976 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,eye; EMAP:1285 cell type:amacrine cell ; CL:0000561 cell type:horizontal cell ; CL:0000745 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0045665 MGI:104853 J:100591 MGI:2149672 10977 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2323 anatomy:TS14\,future spinal cord; EMAP:853 anatomy:TS19\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3524 anatomy:TS20\,spinal cord; EMAP:4251 cell type:spinal accessory motor neuron ; CL:0000741 gene product: : IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1313266 J:102358 N/A 10978 2 target: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1313266 J:102358 N/A 10979 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2323 anatomy:TS14\,future spinal cord; EMAP:853 anatomy:TS19\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3524 anatomy:TS20\,spinal cord; EMAP:4251 cell type:spinal accessory motor neuron ; CL:0000741 gene product: : IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1313266 J:102358 N/A 10980 2 target: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1313266 J:102358 N/A 10981 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,spinal cord; EMAP:4251 cell type:spinal accessory motor neuron ; CL:0000741 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0048666 MGI:95728 J:102358 MGI:1857509 10982 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2949 cell type:spinal accessory motor neuron ; CL:0000741 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:1270158 J:102358 MGI:2655862 10983 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3524 cell type:spinal accessory motor neuron ; CL:0000741 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:105088 J:102358 MGI:1927548 10984 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001991 MGI:88584 J:104084 MGI:3582593 10985 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002017 MGI:88584 J:104084 MGI:3582593 10986 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050801 MGI:88584 J:104084 MGI:3582593 10987 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002035 MGI:87963 J:103853 N/A 10988 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15755735|IMP text: ISA GO:0000045 MGI:2138446 J:99084 UniProtKB:Q7Z3C6 10989 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185|arteriole endothelium ; MA:0000705 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:87964 J:103853 N/A 10990 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185|arteriole endothelium ; MA:0000705 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88574 J:103853 N/A 10991 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185|arteriole endothelium ; MA:0000705 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:88574 J:103853 N/A 10992 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185|arteriole endothelium ; MA:0000705 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:87964 J:103853 N/A 10993 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Zhx3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2683087 J:86989 UniProtKB:Q8C0Q2 10994 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Zhx2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2444772 J:86989 UniProtKB:Q8C0C0 10995 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Osta IPI GO:0006810 MGI:3582052 J:84527 UniProtKB:Q8R000 10996 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Osta IPI GO:0005215 MGI:3582052 J:84527 UniProtKB:Q8R000 10997 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ostb IPI GO:0006810 MGI:2146634 J:84527 UniProtKB:Q80WK2 10998 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ostb IPI GO:0005215 MGI:2146634 J:84527 UniProtKB:Q80WK2 10999 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text::According to J:91272, J:79614 is talking about Irak2a. IDA GO:0007250 MGI:2429603 J:79614 N/A 11000 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text::According to J:91272, J:79614 is talking about Irak2a. IDA GO:0046777 MGI:2429603 J:79614 N/A 11001 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:According to J:91272, J:79614 is talking about Irak2a. ISO GO:0004672 MGI:2429603 J:79614 EMBL:AF026273 11002 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:isoforms Irak2a,b IDA GO:0051092 MGI:2429603 J:91272 N/A 11003 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:isoform Irak2c IDA GO:0031663 MGI:2429603 J:91272 N/A 11004 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:isoforms Irak2c,d IDA GO:0043433 MGI:2429603 J:91272 N/A 11005 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:2112 anatomy:TS20\,forelimb; EMAP:4012 cell type:myoblast ; CL:0000056 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051451 MGI:102780 J:98519 MGI:106034 11006 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,forelimb; EMAP:4775 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007519 MGI:102780 J:98519 MGI:106034 11007 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,forelimb; EMAP:4775 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007519 MGI:106034 J:98519 MGI:102780 11008 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,somite\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:2112 anatomy:TS20\,forelimb; EMAP:4012 cell type:myoblast ; CL:0000056 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051451 MGI:106034 J:98519 MGI:102780 11009 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,rib; EMAP:12761 anatomy:TS26\,mandible; EMAP:12155 anatomy:TS26\,Meckel's cartilage; EMAP:12156 anatomy:TS26\,maxilla; EMAP:12178 anatomy:TS26\,premaxilla; EMAP:12561 anatomy:TS26\,squamous part\,temporal bone\,vault of skull; EMAP IGI GO:0048704 MGI:106034 J:98519 MGI:102780 11010 2 :12426 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:106034 J:98519 MGI:102780 11011 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,rib; EMAP:12761 anatomy:TS26\,mandible; EMAP:12155 anatomy:TS26\,Meckel's cartilage; EMAP:12156 anatomy:TS26\,maxilla; EMAP:12178 anatomy:TS26\,premaxilla; EMAP:12561 anatomy:TS26\,squamous part\,temporal bone\,vault of skull; EMAP IGI GO:0048704 MGI:102780 J:98519 MGI:106034 11012 2 :12426 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:102780 J:98519 MGI:106034 11013 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,otic cartilage; EMAP:11894 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042472 MGI:102780 J:98519 MGI:106034 11014 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,otic cartilage; EMAP:11894 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042472 MGI:106034 J:98519 MGI:102780 11015 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Tgfbr2 ; MGI:98729 external ref: text: IMP GO:0046921 MGI:1858901 J:102932 MGI:3608699 11016 1 evidence: anatomy: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Tgfbr2 ; MGI:98729 external ref: text: IMP GO:0043112 MGI:1858901 J:102932 MGI:3608699 11017 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,venous system; EMAP:3712 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS19\,arterial system; EMAP:3639 cell type:vascular associated smooth muscle cell IMP GO:0048514 MGI:1352452 J:98247 MGI:3579116 11018 2 ; CL:0000359 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048514 MGI:1352452 J:98247 MGI:3579116 11019 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4994 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:108067 J:102348 MGI:1857494 11020 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,heart; EMAP:560 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001947 MGI:106918 J:102537 MGI:2179429 11021 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,cardiovascular system; EMAP:881 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:106918 J:102537 MGI:2179429 11022 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,2nd arch; EMAP:1025 anatomy:TS15\,3rd arch; EMAP:1038 anatomy:TS14\,outflow tract\,heart; EMAP:915 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001755 MGI:106918 J:102537 MGI:2179429 11023 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10811639|IDA text:Human and guinea pig proteins characterized in J:63915 ISA GO:0030497 MGI:2148199 J:63915 EMBL:AF232010 11024 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10811639|IDA text:Human and guinea pig proteins characterized in J:63915 ISA GO:0005777 MGI:2148199 J:63915 EMBL:AF232010 11025 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10811639|IDA text:Human and guinea pig proteins characterized in J:63915 ISA GO:0019166 MGI:2148199 J:63915 EMBL:AF232010 11026 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:NP_391987 external ref:PMID:9281591|IDA external ref:PMID:11741908|IDA text:IPI|PMID:9281591|PMID:11741908 ISO GO:0005178 MGI:1306802 J:73065 NCBI:NP_391987 11027 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9813144|IDA text:IDA|PMID:9813144 ISO GO:0030155 MGI:1306802 J:73065 NCBI:NP_391987 11028 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8524242|IDA text:human, preference at 1M salt PMID: 8524242 ISO GO:0008143 MGI:2385206 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13310 11029 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8524242|IDA text:human, Under low salt conditionsPMID: 8524242 ISO GO:0008266 MGI:2385206 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13310 11030 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8524242|IDA text:human, Does not bind PMID: 8524242 ISO GO:0017130 MGI:2385206 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13310 11031 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001649 MGI:88177 J:102448 MGI:88182 11032 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001649 MGI:88182 J:102448 MGI:88177 11033 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050910 MGI:98364 J:98458 MGI:2447995 11034 1 evidence: anatomy:vestibular labyrinth ; MA:0000245 cell type:hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050973 MGI:98364 J:98458 MGI:2447995 11035 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,utricle; EMAP:9186 anatomy:TS24\,saccule; EMAP:9179 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:98364 J:98458 MGI:2447995 11036 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4176 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045665 MGI:99414 J:98270 MGI:3579084 11037 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4176 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007405 MGI:99414 J:98270 MGI:3579084 11038 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,telencephalon; EMAP:6075 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:99414 J:98270 MGI:3579084 11039 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,telencephalon; EMAP:6075 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048712 MGI:99414 J:98270 MGI:88177 11040 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,telencephalon; EMAP:6075 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048711 MGI:88177 J:98270 MGI:99414 11041 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,telencephalon; EMAP:6075 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0048711 MGI:88177 J:98270 N/A 11042 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,collecting ducts\,drainage component\,metanephros; EMAP:5508 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:88177 J:99651 MGI:104903 11043 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,collecting ducts\,drainage component\,metanephros; EMAP:5508 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001658 MGI:88177 J:99651 MGI:104903 11044 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030216 MGI:1891831 J:102931 MGI:1861121 11045 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043588 MGI:1891831 J:102931 MGI:1861121 11046 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,3rd arch artery; EMAP:3642 anatomy:TS19\,4th arch artery; EMAP:3643 anatomy:TS19\,6th arch artery; EMAP:3644 cell type:vascular associated smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000359 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051145 MGI:3050795 J:102475 MGI:3608959 11047 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,interventricular septum; EMAP:4433 anatomy:TS20\,outflow tract\,heart; EMAP:4420 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:3050795 J:102475 MGI:3608959 11048 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,6th arch artery; EMAP:3644 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048514 MGI:3050795 J:102475 MGI:3608959 11049 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,heart; EMAP:4396|TS20\,venous system; EMAP:4442|TS20\,arterial system; EMAP:4366 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:coronary capillaries IMP GO:0001570 MGI:98968 J:102417 MGI:1857268 11050 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,heart; EMAP:4396|TS20\,venous system; EMAP:4442|TS20\,arterial system; EMAP:4366 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:coronary capillaries IMP GO:0001570 MGI:97384 J:102417 MGI:1857814 11051 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,choroidal blood vessels; EMAP:5202 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:103178 J:102398 MGI:1931048|MGI:2387296 11052 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,choroid\,eye; EMAP:12692 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048593 MGI:103178 J:102398 MGI:1931048|MGI:2387296 11053 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:photoreceptor cell ; CL:0000210 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042462 MGI:103178 J:102398 MGI:1931048|MGI:2387296 11054 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,arch of aorta; EMAP:6356 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001974 MGI:98726 J:102822 MGI:1888389 11055 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,arterial system; EMAP:6354 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042981 MGI:98726 J:102822 MGI:1888389 11056 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,diaphragm; EMAP:5729 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007519 MGI:1352452 J:103437 MGI:3579117|MGI:3579118 11057 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,node; EMAP:175 cell type:ciliated cell ; CL:0000064 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005929 MGI:1099818 J:103305 N/A 11058 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,inner ear; EMAP:5156 cell type:neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000337 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031536 MGI:107754 J:102293 N/A 11059 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cochlea; EMAP:11901 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:107754 J:102293 MGI:2183171 11060 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,inner ear; EMAP:11884 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:107754 J:102293 MGI:2183171 11061 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,inner ear; EMAP:4295 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:104654 J:102293 MGI:2155984 11062 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,inner ear; EMAP:4295 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:104654 J:102293 MGI:2155984 11063 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,heart; EMAP:1317 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006816 MGI:107956 J:102710 MGI:3609617 11064 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,heart; EMAP:1317 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002026 MGI:107956 J:102710 MGI:3609617 11065 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,heart; EMAP:897 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:107956 J:102710 N/A 11066 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10\,primitive streak; EMAP:116 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96067 J:103454 MGI:1857180 11067 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,paraxial mesenchyme\,head mesenchyme; EMAP:275 cell type:mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048341 MGI:96067 J:103454 MGI:1857180 11068 1 evidence: anatomy:vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion cochlear component ; MA:0001085 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043204 MGI:1347001 J:102418 N/A 11069 1 evidence: anatomy:vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion cochlear component ; MA:0001085 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005730 MGI:1347001 J:102418 N/A 11070 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:ciliated epithelial cell ; CL:0000067 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:1347001 J:102418 N/A 11071 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; CCL-89 gene product: target:Pomc1 ; MGI:97742 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1339708 J:98743 MGI:1352454,MGI:97874 11072 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; CCL-89 gene product: target:Pomc1 ; MGI:97742 text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:97874 J:98743 MGI:1339708,MGI:1352454 11073 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target:Gnrh1 ; MGI:95789 text: IGI GO:0003714 MGI:104633 J:101190 MGI:97168,MGI:101898 11074 1 evidence: anatomy:crypt of lieberkuhn ; MA:0001535 cell type:enteroendocrine cell ; CL:0000164 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042660 MGI:103170 J:102106 MGI:2449921 11075 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney collecting duct ; MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008217 MGI:95283 J:91968 MGI:3044563|MGI:3054057 11076 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney collecting duct ; MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007589 MGI:95283 J:91968 MGI:3044563|MGI:3054057 11077 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney collecting duct ; MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030147 MGI:95283 J:91968 MGI:3044563|MGI:3054057 11078 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:95283 J:91968 N/A 11079 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006707 MGI:88057 J:51282 N/A 11080 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042311 MGI:88057 J:51282 MGI:2137814 11081 1 evidence:pharmacological inhibitor anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042310 MGI:105923 J:51282 N/A 11082 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,Meckel's cartilage; EMAP:6594 anatomy:TS22\,hyoid bone cartilage condensation; EMAP:6526 anatomy:TS26\,basisphenoid bone; EMAP:12405 anatomy:TS26\,mandible; EMAP:12155 anatomy:TS26\,soft palate; EMAP:12182 anatomy:TS26\,incus; EMAP IMP GO:0014032 MGI:105923 J:46639 MGI:1857473 11083 2 :11924 anatomy:TS26\,malleus; EMAP:11925 anatomy:TS26\,associated mesenchyme\,middle ear; EMAP:11922 anatomy:TS18\,trigeminal V; EMAP:2968 anatomy:TS18\,facial ganglion VII; EMAP:2964 anatomy:TS18\,glossopharyngeal IX; EMAP:2965 anatomy:TS26\,aorta; EMAP: IMP GO:0014032 MGI:105923 J:46639 MGI:1857473 11084 3 11423 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014032 MGI:105923 J:46639 MGI:1857473 11085 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,corpus striatum; EMAP:8951 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031583 MGI:95283 J:37347 N/A 11086 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,head mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,1st arch; EMAP:417 cell type:cranial neural crest cell ; CL:0000008 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:95283 J:93876 MGI:1857637 11087 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,head mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,1st arch; EMAP:417 cell type:cranial neural crest cell ; CL:0000008 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014032 MGI:95283 J:93876 MGI:1857637 11088 1 evidence:phramacological inhibitor anatomy:TS13\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,head mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,1st arch; EMAP:417 cell type:cranial neural crest cell ; CL:0000008 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:105923 J:93876 N/A 11089 1 evidence:phramacological inhibitor anatomy:TS13\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,head mesenchyme\,mesenchyme\,1st arch; EMAP:417 cell type:cranial neural crest cell ; CL:0000008 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014032 MGI:105923 J:93876 N/A 11090 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16322561|IDA text: ISA GO:0042393 MGI:1931051 J:103923 NCBI:NP_05647 11091 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16322561|IDA text:note; this protein inhibits histone acetylation most likely by it's binding to unmodfied (sic) histone; therefore, although this negatively regulates acetyl ISA GO:0035067 MGI:1931051 J:103923 NCBI:NP_05647 11092 2 ation, it is NOT histone acetyltransferase regulator activity. ISA GO:0035067 MGI:1931051 J:103923 NCBI:NP_05647 11093 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16322561|IDA text: ISA GO:0031493 MGI:1931051 J:103923 NCBI:NP_05647 11094 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16322561|IDA text: ISA GO:0005634 MGI:1931051 J:103923 NCBI:NP_05647 11095 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16322561IDA text: ISA GO:0016564 MGI:1931051 J:103923 NCBI:NP_05647 11096 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16322561IDA text: ISA GO:0000122 MGI:1931051 J:103923 NCBI:NP_05647 11097 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:bind RAT ribosomal protein S19 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1913788 J:103797 UniProtKB:P17074 11098 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16289379 |IPI|NP_780318 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1333780 J:73065 UniProtKB:P17074 11099 1 evidence:ECO:0000092 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|COS7 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005730 MGI:1913788 J:103797 N/A 11100 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16289379 |IDA text: ISO GO:0005730 MGI:1333780 J:73065 UniProtKB:P17074 11101 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney collecting duct ; MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030146 MGI:95283 J:104785 MGI:3044563|MGI:3054057 11102 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney collecting duct ; MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030146 MGI:95283 J:104785 MGI:88121 11103 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney collecting duct ; MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:1096865 J:104785 N/A 11104 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney collecting duct ; MA:0000371 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030819 MGI:88121 J:104785 N/A 11105 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney collecting duct ; MA:0000371 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030818 MGI:95283 J:104785 MGI:88121 11106 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney collecting duct ; MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008217 MGI:105923 J:101241 MGI:3044563|MGI:3054057 11107 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney collecting duct ; MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030818 MGI:105923 J:101241 MGI:88121 11108 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney collecting duct ; MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030146 MGI:88121 J:104785 N/A 11109 1 evidence: anatomy:middle ear ; MA:0000253 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042474 MGI:95283 J:17694 MGI:1857637 11110 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,Meckel's cartilage; EMAP:5449 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051216 MGI:95283 J:17694 MGI:1857637 11111 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,mandible; EMAP:8145 anatomy:zygomatic bone ; MA:0001497 anatomy:temporal bone ; MA:0001476 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:95283 J:17694 MGI:1857637 11112 1 evidence: anatomy:ileum ; MA:0000339 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045987 MGI:95284 J:17960 N/A 11113 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|3T3-Swiss albino ; ATCC:CCL-92 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051482 MGI:95283 J:22583 N/A 11114 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|3T3-Swiss albino ; ATCC:CCL-92 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030818 MGI:95283 J:22583 N/A 11115 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|3T3-Swiss albino ; ATCC:CCL-92 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:95283 J:22583 N/A 11116 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|3T3-Swiss albino ; ATCC:CCL-92 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007205 MGI:95283 J:22583 N/A 11117 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|3T3-Swiss albino ; ATCC:CCL-92 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005102 MGI:95283 J:22583 N/A 11118 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,aorta; EMAP:11423 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048514 MGI:95283 J:26778 MGI:1857637 11119 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,branchial arch artery; EMAP:3641 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001569 MGI:95283 J:26778 MGI:1857637 11120 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,endocardial cushion tissue; EMAP:5311 anatomy:TS21\,interventricular septum; EMAP:5331 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:95283 J:26778 MGI:1857637 11121 1 evidence: anatomy:myometrium ; MA:0000391 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045987 MGI:95283 J:28504 N/A 11122 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005102 MGI:95283 J:29595 N/A 11123 1 evidence: anatomy:phrenic nerve ; MA:0001170 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043179 MGI:95283 J:34053 MGI:1857637 11124 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,mesenchyme\,mandibular component\,1st arch; EMAP:1016 anatomy:TS15\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,mesenchyme\,maxillary component\,1st arch; EMAP:1022 anatomy:TS15\,mesenchyme derived f IMP GO:0014032 MGI:95283 J:49658 MGI:1857637 11125 2 rom neural crest\,mesenchyme\,2nd arch; EMAP:1037 anatomy:TS15\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,mesenchyme\,3rd arch; EMAP:1050 cell type:cranial neural crest cell ; CL:0000008 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014032 MGI:95283 J:49658 MGI:1857637 11126 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14685263|IDA text: ISA GO:0000138 MGI:2444110 J:105120 UniProtKB:Q86VZ5 11127 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16322561|IPI|P04637 text:new term p53 binding created ISA GO:0002039 MGI:1931051 J:103923 NCBI:NP_05647 11128 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15381729|IDA text: ISO GO:0001784 MGI:1914992 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NSI8 11129 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Mcm6|Mcm7 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:103199 J:99444 UniProtKB:P97311|UniProtKB:Q61881 11130 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Mcm4|Mcm6 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1298398 J:99444 UniProtKB:P49717|UniProtKB:P97311 11131 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Pcd1|Pcd2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98504 J:95092 UniProtKB:P61458|UniProtKB:Q9CZL5 11132 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:TCF1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:94873 J:95092 UniProtKB:P22361 11133 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:TCF1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1919812 J:95092 UniProtKB:P22361 11134 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,mesenchyme\,mandibular component\,1st arch; EMAP:1016 anatomy:TS15\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,mesenchyme\,maxillary component\,1st arch; EMAP:1022 anatomy:TS15\,mesenchyme derived f IMP GO:0014032 MGI:103580 J:49658 MGI:1857639 11135 2 rom neural crest\,mesenchyme\,2nd arch; EMAP:1037 anatomy:TS15\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,mesenchyme\,3rd arch; EMAP:1050 anatomy:TS16\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,mesenchyme\,4th arch; EMAP:1525 cell type: gene product: t IMP GO:0014032 MGI:103580 J:49658 MGI:1857639 11136 3 arget: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014032 MGI:103580 J:49658 MGI:1857639 11137 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,metanephros; EMAP:6674 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001656 MGI:98297 J:104380 MGI:1857796 11138 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,ureter; EMAP:6679 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001658 MGI:98297 J:104380 MGI:1857796 11139 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,metanephros; EMAP:3841 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001656 MGI:95729 J:104380 MGI:98297 11140 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,ureter; EMAP:5509 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001658 MGI:95729 J:104380 MGI:98297 11141 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,associated mesenchyme\,metanephros; EMAP:6675 anatomy:TS22\,ureter; EMAP:6679 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:95729 J:104380 MGI:98297 11142 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,associated mesenchyme\,metanephros; EMAP:6675 anatomy:TS22\,ureter; EMAP:6679 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:98297 J:104380 MGI:1857796 11143 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,associated mesenchyme\,metanephros; EMAP:6675 anatomy:TS22\,ureter; EMAP:6679 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:95729 J:104380 MGI:1856275 11144 1 evidence:cyclopamine anatomy:TS21\,metanephros; EMAP:5504 cell type: gene product: target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Pax2 ; MGI:97486 target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Sall1 ; MGI:1889585 external ref: text: IGI GO:0043392 MGI:108075 J:104380 MGI:95729 11145 1 evidence:CHip assay anatomy:TS21\,metanephros; EMAP:5504 cell type: gene product: target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Pax2 ; MGI:97486 target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Sall1 ; MGI:1889585 target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Mycn ; M IDA GO:0003682 MGI:95727 J:104380 N/A 11146 2 GI:97357 target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Ccnd1 ; MGI:88313 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:95727 J:104380 N/A 11147 1 evidence:CHip assay anatomy:TS21\,metanephros; EMAP:5504 cell type: gene product: target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Pax2 ; MGI:97486 target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Sall1 ; MGI:1889585 target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Mycn ; M IDA GO:0003682 MGI:95728 J:104380 N/A 11148 2 GI:97357 target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Ccnd1 ; MGI:88313 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:95728 J:104380 N/A 11149 1 evidence:CHip assay anatomy:TS21\,metanephros; EMAP:5504 cell type: gene product: target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Pax2 ; MGI:97486 target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Sall1 ; MGI:1889585 external ref: text: IGI GO:0003682 MGI:95729 J:104380 MGI:108075 11150 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy:cortical layer V ; MA:0000901 anatomy:cortical layer VI ; MA:0000902 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:1859823 J:104387 N/A 11151 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy:cortical layer V ; MA:0000901 anatomy:cortical layer VI ; MA:0000902 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016358 MGI:1859823 J:104387 N/A 11152 1 evidence:PMID:14701752 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IPI GO:0046982 MGI:1921373 J:102102 UniProtKB:P58463|UniProtKB:P58462 11153 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:requires dimerization IDA GO:0003677 MGI:2148705 J:102102 N/A 11154 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:requires dimerization IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1921373 J:102102 N/A 11155 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:requires diermixation IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1914004 J:102102 N/A 11156 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,allantois; EMAP:375 anatomy:TS12\,chorion; EMAP:384 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001890 MGI:88362 J:104372 MGI:88361 11157 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,allantois; EMAP:375 anatomy:TS12\,chorion; EMAP:384 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001890 MGI:88361 J:104372 MGI:88362 11158 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,cardiovascular system\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:628 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001568 MGI:88361 J:104372 MGI:88362 11159 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,cardiovascular system\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:628 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001568 MGI:88362 J:104372 MGI:88361 11160 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,midbrain; EMAP:3516 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048663 MGI:98953 J:104370 MGI:2153126 11161 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048664 MGI:98953 J:104370 MGI:3046939 11162 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,midbrain; EMAP:4219 cell type:serotinergic neuron ; CL:0000403 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048665 MGI:97347 J:104370 MGI:97451 11163 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,midbrain; EMAP:3516 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048663 MGI:97451 J:104370 MGI:2661065|MGI:2446434 11164 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cochlea; EMAP:5173 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042668 MGI:104654 J:104323 N/A 11165 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cochlea; EMAP:5173 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030855 MGI:96398 J:104323 N/A 11166 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,pancreas; EMAP:10653 cell type:exocrine cell ; CL:0000152 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:891976 J:104222 N/A 11167 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:88401 J:104265 MGI:1856112 11168 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:891976 J:104222 MGI:2182768 11169 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 cell type:acinar cell ; CL:0000622 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007267 MGI:891976 J:85104 MGI:2182768 11170 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gjb1 ; MGI:95719 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:891976 J:85104 N/A 11171 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 cell type:acinar cell ; CL:0000622 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:95719 J:85104 N/A 11172 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gjb1 ; MGI:95719 external ref: text: IDA GO:0030528 MGI:891976 J:85104 N/A 11173 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 cell type:acinar cell ; CL:0000622 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:891976 J:89063 N/A 11174 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gjb1 ; MGI:95719 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:891976 J:89063 N/A 11175 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,embryo; EMAP:402 anatomy:TS15\,embryo; EMAP:1001 cell type:cranial neural crest cell ; CL:0000008 cell type:trunk neural crest cell ; CL:0000011 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001755 MGI:105382 J:104151 MGI:1934917 11176 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Type 2 and Type3 OFF cone bipolar cells IMP GO:0048468 MGI:1859086 J:103461 MGI:3610374 11177 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,ventricular layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6079 anatomy:TS22\,marginal layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6078 anatomy:TS22\,mantle layer\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6077 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:95729 J:103594 MGI:1856276 11178 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4176 cell type:Cajal-Retzius cell ; CL:0000695 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048663 MGI:95729 J:103594 MGI:1856276 11179 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0007224 MGI:95729 J:80206 MGI:108075 11180 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,associated mesenchyme\,metanephros; EMAP:6675 anatomy:TS22\,ureter; EMAP:6679 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007224 MGI:95729 J:104380 MGI:98297 11181 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,forelimb; EMAP:8485 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007224 MGI:95729 J:102948 MGI:96533 11182 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,cardiovascular system; EMAP:3638 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001568 MGI:1316649 J:103755 MGI:1861380 11183 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,cardiovascular system; EMAP:3638 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001568 MGI:1861380 J:103755 MGI:1316649 11184 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,brain; EMAP:3461 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007420 MGI:1861380 J:103755 MGI:1316649 11185 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,brain; EMAP:3461 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007420 MGI:1316649 J:103755 MGI:1861380 11186 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,brain; EMAP:3461 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007420 MGI:1096355 J:103755 MGI:2158346 11187 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,telencephalon; EMAP:3482 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:1096355 J:103755 MGI:2158346 11188 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,telencephalon; EMAP:3482 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:1316649 J:103755 MGI:1861380 11189 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,telencephalon; EMAP:3482 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:1861380 J:103755 MGI:1316649 11190 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0017050 MGI:1861380 J:102911 MGI:3580701 11191 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006670 MGI:1861380 J:102911 MGI:3580701 11192 1 evidence: anatomy:cortical layer II ; MA:0000898 anatomy:cortical layer III ; MA:0000899 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:95602 J:103576 MGI:1930480 11193 1 evidence: anatomy:cortical layer II ; MA:0000898 anatomy:cortical layer III ; MA:0000899 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:95602 J:103576 MGI:98397 11194 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cardiovascular system; EMAP:4365 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001525 MGI:97614 J:103759 MGI:107451 11195 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cardiovascular system; EMAP:4365 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001525 MGI:107451 J:103759 MGI:97614 11196 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:3972 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001890 MGI:97614 J:103759 MGI:107451 11197 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:3972 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001890 MGI:107451 J:103759 MGI:97614 11198 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,cardiac muscle\,left part\,common atrial chamber; EMAP:3065 anatomy:TS18\,cardiac muscle\,left auricular region\,left part\,common atrial chamber; EMAP:3064 anatomy:TS18\,cardiac muscle\,right part\,common atrial chamber; EMAP:3068 IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1201679 J:99585 MGI:3583765 11199 2 anatomy:TS18\,cardiac muscle\,right auricular region\,right part\,common atrial chamber; EMAP:3071 anatomy:TS18\,cardiac muscle\,caudal half\,bulbus cordis; EMAP:3081 anatomy:TS18\,cardiac muscle\,rostral half\,bulbus cordis; EMAP:3084 anatomy:TS18\,card IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1201679 J:99585 MGI:3583765 11200 3 iac muscle\,primitive ventricle; EMAP:3097 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1201679 J:99585 MGI:3583765 11201 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,primordial germ cells\,primitive seminiferous tubules\,non-hilar region\,medullary region\,testis; EMAP:8448 anatomy:TS26\,primordial germ cells\,primitive seminiferous tubules\,non-hilar region\,medullary region\,testis; EMAP:1116 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1336166 J:104561 N/A 11202 2 8 cell type:primordial germ cell ; CL:0000670 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1336166 J:104561 N/A 11203 1 evidence:antisense oligo anatomy:TS26\,primordial germ cells\,primitive seminiferous tubules\,non-hilar region\,medullary region\,testis; EMAP:11168 cell type:primordial germ cell ; CL:0000670 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:1336166 J:104561 N/A 11204 1 evidence:antisense oligo anatomy:TS26\,primordial germ cells\,primitive seminiferous tubules\,non-hilar region\,medullary region\,testis; EMAP:11168 cell type:primordial germ cell ; CL:0000670 gene product: target: ; external ref: text: IMP GO:0043154 MGI:1336166 J:104561 N/A 11205 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|L929 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:1919537 J:104095 N/A 11206 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006917 MGI:1919537 J:104095 N/A 11207 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1618880|ODA text: ISA GO:0046902 MGI:1919537 J:104095 EMBL:AY037145 11208 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:489 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001841 MGI:1916968 J:99723 MGI:3583918 11209 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,inner cell mass; EMAP:14 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046853 MGI:1916968 J:99723 MGI:3583918 11210 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mafb ; MGI:104555|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98505 J:105069 N/A 11211 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mafb ; MGI:104555 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:98505 J:105069 N/A 11212 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,interatrial septum; EMAP:3669 anatomy:TS19\,interventricular septum; EMAP:3702 anatomy:TS19\,venous valve\,valve\,right atrium; EMAP:3685 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1344424 J:104942 MGI:3613748 11213 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,metanephric mesenchyme; EMAP:3234 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001656 MGI:1344424 J:104942 MGI:3613748 11214 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,mesenchyme\,gonad primordium; EMAP:3227 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008406 MGI:1344424 J:104942 MGI:3613748 11215 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,metanephric mesenchyme; EMAP:3234 anatomy:TS18\,mesenchyme\,gonad primordium; EMAP:3227 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048389 MGI:1344424 J:104942 MGI:3613748 11216 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,mesenchyme\,palatal shelf; EMAP:5476 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:1930813 J:94755 MGI:3033240 11217 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,palatal shelf; EMAP:3819 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:1930813 J:94755 MGI:3033240 11218 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,cardiovascular system; EMAP:1301 anatomy:TS15\,cardiovascular system\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:1454 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001569 MGI:95768 J:99731 MGI:3583876|MGI:2450311 11219 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,embryo; EMAP:207 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001701 MGI:95768 J:77728 MGI:95767 11220 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030334 MGI:95768 J:77728 MGI:2151775 11221 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,embryo; EMAP:207 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001701 MGI:95767 J:77728 MGI:95768 11222 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,limb; EMAP:4011 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042733 MGI:95767 J:77728 MGI:95776 11223 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,limb; EMAP:4011 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042733 MGI:95776 J:77728 MGI:95767 11224 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Mtap7 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1926945 J:87276 UniProtKB:Q7TQL9 11225 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Trpv4 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1328328 J:87276 UniProtKB:Q9EPK8 11226 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:cry2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1100848 J:98705 UniProtKB:Q9R194 11227 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Crocc IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107953 J:102734 UniProtKB:Q8CJ40 11228 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Crocc IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1277971 J:102734 UniProtKB:Q8CJ40 11229 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,cardiovascular system; EMAP:3638 anatomy:TS19\,cardiovascular system\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:3973 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002040 MGI:97363 J:100449 MGI:1933835|MGI:2450311 11230 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,metanephros; EMAP:3233 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001656 MGI:109344 J:100569 MGI:2150426 11231 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,urogenital system; EMAP:2571 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001657 MGI:88145 J:100569 N/A 11232 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3844 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001657 MGI:109344 J:100569 MGI:97486,MGI:102780 11233 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3844 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001657 MGI:102780 J:100569 MGI:97486,MGI:109344 11234 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,ureteric bud; EMAP:3844 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001657 MGI:97486 J:100569 MGI:109344,MGI:102780 11235 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,metanephric mesenchyme; EMAP:3234 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:109344 J:100569 MGI:2150426 11236 1 evidence: anatomy:metatarsal bone ; MA:0000303 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005578 MGI:96778 J:100747 N/A 11237 1 evidence: anatomy:metatarsal bone ; MA:0000303 cell type:hypertrophic chondrocyte ; CL:0000743 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:97011 J:100747 MGI:1932294 11238 1 evidence: anatomy:metatarsal bone ; MA:0000303 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:97011 J:100747 MGI:1932294 11239 1 evidence: anatomy:metatarsal bone ; MA:0000303 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:97011 J:100747 MGI:1932294 11240 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Lgals3 ; MGI:96778 external ref: text: IDA GO:0008233 MGI:97011 J:100747 N/A 11241 1 evidence: anatomy:metatarsal bone ; MA:0000303 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030198 MGI:97011 J:100747 MGI:96778 11242 1 evidence: anatomy:metatarsal bone ; MA:0000303 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001501 MGI:96778 J:100747 MGI:97011 11243 1 evidence: anatomy:metatarsal bone ; MA:0000303 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001501 MGI:97011 J:100747 MGI:96778 11244 1 evidence: anatomy:metatarsal bone ; MA:0000303 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030198 MGI:96778 J:100747 MGI:97011 11245 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000790 MGI:99430 J:100803 N/A 11246 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:zygote ; CL:0000365 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001939 MGI:105369 J:100803 N/A 11247 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:zygote ; CL:0000365 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001940 MGI:105369 J:100803 N/A 11248 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|chromaffin cell ; CL:0000166 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0017156 MGI:1313277 J:100913 MGI:2179745 11249 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|chromaffin cell ; CL:0000166 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0017156 MGI:1321389 J:100913 MGI:2385941 11250 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|chromaffin cell ; CL:0000166 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006944 MGI:1313277 J:100913 MGI:2179745 11251 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,heart; EMAP:5285 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:104813 J:100923 MGI:1856923 11252 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,heart; EMAP:5285 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target:Ccnd1 ; MGI:88313 target:Ccnd2 ; MGI:88314 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:104813 J:100923 MGI:97874 11253 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14565974|IDA text: ISA GO:0051015 MGI:1914675 J:90061 EMBL:AY074931 11254 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14565974|IDA text: ISA GO:0001726 MGI:1914675 J:90061 EMBL:AY074931 11255 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14565974|IPI|Q8IZP0 text:binds Abi1 ISA GO:0005515 MGI:1914675 J:90061 EMBL:AY074931 11256 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14565974|IDA text: ISA GO:0016601 MGI:1914675 J:90061 EMBL:AY074931 11257 2 : ISA GO:0016601 MGI:1914675 J:90061 EMBL:AY074931 11258 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14565974|IPI|Q8IZP0 text:binds Abi1 ISA GO:0005515 MGI:2139743 J:90061 EMBL:AY074930 11259 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14565974|IDA text: ISO GO:0016601 MGI:2138828 J:90061 EMBL:AY074929 11260 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14565974|IDA text: ISO GO:0051015 MGI:2138828 J:90061 EMBL:AY074929 11261 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14565974|IPI|Q8IZP0 text:binds Abi1 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2138828 J:90061 EMBL:AY074929 11262 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14565974|IDA text: ISO GO:0001726 MGI:2138828 J:90061 EMBL:AY074929 11263 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9874765|IDA text: ISO GO:0042826 MGI:1914185 J:73065 EMBL:AF098297 11264 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9874765|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1914185 J:73065 EMBL:AF098297 11265 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9874765|IDA text: ISA GO:0016564 MGI:1914185 J:103507 EMBL:AF098297 11266 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9874765|IDA text: ISO GO:0000122 MGI:1914185 J:73065 EMBL:AF098297 11267 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q03958 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95908 J:103507 UniProtKB:P04919 11268 1 evidence: anatomy:alveolus ; MA:0000420 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030858 MGI:88276 J:105013 MGI:1858008|MGI:2679524|MGI:2445707 11269 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Foxa2 ; MGI:1347476 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:88276 J:105013 N/A 11270 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q9Z2I4-2 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1343102 J:104261 UniProtKB:O75094 11271 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048709 MGI:1355331 J:105071 MGI:3614399|MGI:2179048 11272 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 cell type: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042552 MGI:1355331 J:105071 MGI:3614399|MGI:2179048 11273 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:2110 cell type:trunk neural crest cell ; CL:0000011 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014032 MGI:98371 J:105025 MGI:3041881 11274 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,3rd arch artery; EMAP:1306 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001974 MGI:96175 J:105082 MGI:1857992 11275 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,mesenchyme\,3rd arch; EMAP:3354 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:96175 J:105082 MGI:1857992 11276 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 anatomy:TS20\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4176 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001764 MGI:107765 J:105160 MGI:108405 11277 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4176 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030198 MGI:107765 J:105160 MGI:108405 11278 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007411 MGI:107765 J:105160 MGI:108405 11279 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:6076 anatomy:TS20\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4176 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001764 MGI:108405 J:105160 MGI:107765 11280 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4176 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030198 MGI:108405 J:105160 MGI:107765 11281 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007411 MGI:108405 J:105160 MGI:107765 11282 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cel line cell ; CL:0000002|NCTC clone 929 ; ATCC:CCL-1 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:108405 J:95351 N/A 11283 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cel line cell ; CL:0000002|NCTC clone 929 ; ATCC:CCL-1 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043066 MGI:108405 J:95351 MGI:104798,MGI:99255 11284 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cel line cell ; CL:0000002|NCTC clone 929 ; ATCC:CCL-1 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008624 MGI:99255 J:95351 N/A 11285 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cel line cell ; CL:0000002|NCTC clone 929 ; ATCC:CCL-1 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008624 MGI:104798 J:95351 N/A 11286 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cel line cell ; CL:0000002|NCTC clone 929 ; ATCC:CCL-1 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043065 MGI:108405 J:95351 N/A 11287 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:App, Aplp1 and Aplp2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107765 J:35780 UniProtKB:P12023|UniProtKB:Q03157|UniProtKB:Q06335 11288 1 evidence:y-2hyb anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:y-2hyb IDA GO:0001540 MGI:107765 J:35780 N/A 11289 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016020 MGI:97004 J:100260 N/A 11290 1 evidence: anatomy:uterus ; MA:0000389 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96788 J:105174 UniProtKB:Q00560 11291 1 evidence: anatomy:uterus ; MA:0000389 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96560 J:105174 UniProtKB:P42703 11292 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:12574 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016358 MGI:3039785 J:93969 MGI:3511175 11293 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,hippocampus\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:12575 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:3039785 J:101084 MGI:3511175 11294 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:12574 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050803 MGI:3039785 J:93969 MGI:3511175 11295 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target:Gria1 ; MGI:95808 external ref: text: IMP GO:0043113 MGI:3039785 J:97391 MGI:3576223 11296 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048169 MGI:3039785 J:97931 MGI:3576223 11297 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048169 MGI:3039785 J:98903 MGI:3580631 11298 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043408 MGI:3039785 J:98903 MGI:3580631 11299 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048169 MGI:3039785 J:98903 MGI:1277959 11300 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048169 MGI:1277959 J:98903 MGI:3039785 11301 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048169 MGI:96224 J:98903 MGI:3580632 11302 1 evidence: anatomy:barrel cortex ; MA:0002712 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043198 MGI:3039785 J:105198 N/A 11303 1 evidence: anatomy:barrel cortex ; MA:0002712 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:3039785 J:105198 MGI:3580631 11304 1 evidence: anatomy:crypt of lieberkuhn ; MA:0001535 cell type:enterocyte ; CL:0000584 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:97363 J:101154 MGI:2684314|MGI:2447212 11305 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,duodenum\,foregut; EMAP:4464 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007440 MGI:97363 J:101154 MGI:2684314|MGI:2684317 11306 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,duodenum\,foregut; EMAP:4464 cell type:stem cell ; CL:0000034 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050678 MGI:97363 J:101154 MGI:2684314|MGI:2684317 11307 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030057 MGI:109611 J:105239 N/A 11308 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1194993 J:105239 N/A 11309 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:88276 J:105239 N/A 11310 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:88354 J:105239 N/A 11311 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1194993 J:105239 N/A 11312 1 evidence: anatomy:TS3\,4-8 cell stage; EMAP:8 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1194993 J:105239 MGI:3615340 11313 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,cerebellum primordium; EMAP:3495 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:104654 J:105185 MGI:2155983 11314 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,cerebellum; EMAP:9016 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:107404 J:105185 N/A 11315 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:7537 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:95713 J:104850 MGI:1857177 11316 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:560 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030241 MGI:98775 J:87158 MGI:2687078 11317 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:560 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030016 MGI:98775 J:87158 N/A 11318 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:560 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030239 MGI:98775 J:87158 MGI:2687078 11319 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8886980|IDA text:Binds Tmbr-3, an isoform of Tmp1; cannot locate a seqid for the rat specific Tmbr-3, so leave as IDA ISO GO:0005523 MGI:1355335 J:73065 EMBL:U59240 11320 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Vangl1|Ltap IPI GO:0005515 MGI:94941 J:95171 UniProtKB:Q80Z96|UniProtKB:Q91ZD4 11321 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:VANGL1|LTAP IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106613 J:95171 UniProtKB:Q80Z96|UniProtKB:Q91ZD4 11322 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Vangl1|Ltap IPI GO:0005515 MGI:108100 J:95171 UniProtKB:Q80Z96|UniProtKB:Q91ZD4 11323 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:transmembrane domain ISS GO:0016021 MGI:2135272 J:95171 N/A 11324 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Dvl1|Dvl2|Dvl3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2135272 J:95171 UniProtKB:P51141|UniProtKB:Q60838|UniProtKB:Q61062 11325 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:transmembrane domain ISS GO:0016021 MGI:2159344 J:95171 N/A 11326 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Dvl1|Dvl2|Dvl3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2159344 J:95171 UniProtKB:P51141|UniProtKB:Q60838|UniProtKB:Q61062 11327 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15226305|IDA text: ISO GO:0003677 MGI:1277097 J:73065 EMBL:AY488087 11328 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15226305|IDA text: ISO GO:0003700 MGI:1277097 J:73065 EMBL:AY488087 11329 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15226305|IDA text: ISO GO:0006355 MGI:1277097 J:73065 EMBL:AY488087 11330 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15226305|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1277097 J:73065 EMBL:AY488087 11331 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,heart; EMAP:897 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001947 MGI:98956 J:104377 MGI:1857489 11332 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,heart; EMAP:897 anatomy:TS19\,hepatic duct; EMAP:3828 anatomy:TS19\,lung; EMAP:3857 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:98956 J:104377 MGI:1857489 11333 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,mesenchyme\,embryo; EMAP:270 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:98956 J:104377 MGI:1857489 11334 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000795 MGI:1921325 J:99196 N/A 11335 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000795 MGI:1919096 J:99196 N/A 11336 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IC GO:0007130 MGI:1919096 J:99196 GO:0000795 11337 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IC GO:0007130 MGI:1921325 J:99196 GO:0000795 11338 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Sycp1 ; MGI:105931 target:Sycp3 ; MGI:109542 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006417 MGI:108442 J:102097 N/A 11339 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Sycp1 ; MGI:105931 target:Sycp3 ; MGI:109542 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003729 MGI:108442 J:102097 N/A 11340 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007283 MGI:1916603 J:100527 MGI:3589381 11341 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006629 MGI:1927235 J:72930 MGI:2156485 11342 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HELA ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005795 MGI:1927235 J:53067 N/A 11343 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Bdnf ; MGI:88145 external ref: text: IDA GO:0004252 MGI:1927235 J:53067 N/A 11344 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS24\,ovary ; EMAP:9563 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007130 MGI:108442 J:102097 MGI:3606747 11345 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048168 MGI:108442 J:101987 MGI:3606747 11346 1 evidence: anatomy:extraembryonic component ; EMAP:15 cell type:trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351|somatic stem cell ; CL:0000723 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015012 MGI:108050 J:103125 MGI:3608690 11347 1 evidence: anatomy:mesoderm ; EMAP:87 anatomy:extraembryonic component ; EMAP:176 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001707 MGI:108050 J:103125 MGI:3608690 11348 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:hypertrophic chondrocyte ; CL:0000743 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:108050 J:103125 MGI:3608690 11349 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12707310|IDA text: ISO GO:0031941 MGI:1355315 J:73065 NCBI:NP_055362 11350 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12707310|IDA text: ISO GO:0030027 MGI:1355315 J:73065 NCBI:NP_055362 11351 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12707310|IDA text: ISO GO:0051011 MGI:1355315 J:73065 NCBI:NP_055362 11352 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12707310|IDA text: ISO GO:0051271 MGI:1355315 J:73065 NCBI:NP_055362 11353 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12707310|IDA text: ISO GO:0051694 MGI:1355315 J:73065 NCBI:NP_055362 11354 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12707310|IDA text: ISO GO:0001726 MGI:1355315 J:73065 NCBI:NP_055362 11355 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Foxa2 ; MGI:1347476|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:104904 J:102951 N/A 11356 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Foxa2 ; MGI:1347476|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:106907 J:102951 N/A 11357 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Foxa2 ; MGI:1347476|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:103290 J:102951 N/A 11358 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target:Foxa2 ; MGI:1347476 external ref: text: IGI GO:0016563 MGI:101876 J:102951 MGI:103262 11359 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target:Foxa2 ; MGI:1347476 external ref: text: IGI GO:0016563 MGI:104904 J:102951 MGI:103262 11360 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target:Foxa2 ; MGI:1347476 external ref: text: IGI GO:0016563 MGI:106907 J:102951 MGI:103262 11361 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target:Foxa2 ; MGI:1347476 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:103262 J:102951 MGI:101876,MGI:104904,MGI:106907,MGI:109241 11362 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target:Foxa2 ; MGI:1347476 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:109241 J:102951 MGI:103262 11363 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target:Foxa2 ; MGI:1347476 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:101876 J:102951 MGI:103262 11364 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005667 MGI:106907 J:102951 N/A 11365 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0005667 MGI:103262 J:102951 MGI:101876,MGI:104904,MGI:106907,MGI:109241 11366 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target:Foxa2 ; MGI:1347476 external ref: text: IGI GO:0016563 MGI:103262 J:102951 MGI:101876,MGI:104904,MGI:106907,MGI:109241 11367 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:104904 J:102951 MGI:103262 11368 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005667 MGI:104904 J:102951 N/A 11369 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005667 MGI:101876 J:102951 N/A 11370 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target:Foxa2 ; MGI:1347476 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:106907 J:102951 MGI:103262 11371 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0005667 MGI:109241 J:102951 MGI:103262 11372 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target:Foxa2 ; MGI:1347476 external ref: text: IGI GO:0016563 MGI:109241 J:102951 MGI:103262 11373 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Sgsh|Sumf2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1889844 J:99578 UniProtKB:Q9EQ08|UniProtKB:Q8BPG6 11374 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Sumf1|Sumf2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1350341 J:99578 UniProtKB:Q8R0F3|UniProtKB:Q8BPG6 11375 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:sumf2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96417 J:99578 UniProtKB:Q8BPG6 11376 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Sgsh|Ids|Sumf1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1915152 J:99578 UniProtKB:Q9EQ08|UniProtKB:Q08890|UniProtKB:Q8R0F3 11377 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Aps IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914649 J:100934 UniProtKB:Q9JID9 11378 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Pdlim7 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1345171 J:100934 UniProtKB:Q3TJD7 11379 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Oxsr1|Stk39 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2135960 J:80982 UniProtKB:Q6P9R2|UniProtKB:Q9Z1W9 11380 1 evidence: anatomy:choroid plexus cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:101924 J:80982 N/A 11381 1 evidence: anatomy:salivary gland cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:101924 J:80982 N/A 11382 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Oxsr1|Stk39 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:103150 J:80982 UniProtKB:Q6P9R2|UniProtKB:Q9Z1W9 11383 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Slc12a6|Slc12a2|Slc12a1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1917378 J:80982 UniProtKB:Q924N4|UniProtKB:P55012|UniProtKB:P55014 11384 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ctbp2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1343139 J:80674 UniProtKB:P56546 11385 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ctbp2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1927616 J:80674 UniProtKB:P56546 11386 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12\,future prosencephalon; EMAP:240 anatomy:TS14\,surface ectoderm\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:700 anatomy:TS13\,future prosencephalon; EMAP:447 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042573 MGI:107928 J:104523 MGI:1857891 11387 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,future prosencephalon; EMAP:447 anatomy:TS14\,prosencephalon; EMAP:840 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:107928 J:104523 MGI:1857891 11388 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,eye; EMAP:1285 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:107928 J:104523 MGI:1857891 11389 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,future diencephalon; EMAP:842 anatomy:TS14\,optic vesicle; EMAP:877 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:107928 J:104523 MGI:1857891 11390 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,head mesenchyme; EMAP:708 cell type:cranial neural crest cell ; CL:0000008 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014032 MGI:107928 J:104523 MGI:1857891 11391 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,future diencephalon; EMAP:842 anatomy:TS14\,optic vesicle; EMAP:877 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:107928 J:104523 MGI:1857891 11392 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008233 MGI:1261423 J:103506 MGI:3609638 11393 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,cardiovascular system\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:3973 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:1261423 J:103506 MGI:3609638 11394 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,heart; EMAP:3056 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1261423 J:103506 MGI:3609638 11395 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,ventricular layer\,lateral wall\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2957 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001841 MGI:1261423 J:103506 MGI:3609638 11396 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,pancreas; EMAP:4113 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031016 MGI:102851 J:104617 MGI:2181362 11397 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS24\,duodenum; EMAP:9336 anatomy:TS24\,stomach; EMAP:9373 cell type:enteroendocrine cell ; IMP GO:0030154 MGI:102851 J:104617 MGI:2181362 11398 2 CL:0000164 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:102851 J:104617 MGI:2181362 11399 1 evidence:anti Snx9 antibody anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006886 MGI:1913866 J:86675 N/A 11400 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Igf1r|Insr IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1913866 J:86675 UniProtKB:Q60751|UniProtKB:P15208 11401 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Snx9 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96433 J:86675 UniProtKB:Q91VH2 11402 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16414017|IPI|UniProt:P10275 text: ISO GO:0050681 MGI:1922946 J:105325 UniProtKB:O94906 11403 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16414017|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1922946 J:105325 UniProtKB:O94906 11404 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16414017|IDA text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:1922946 J:105325 UniProtKB:O94906 11405 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16414017|IGI|UniProt:P10275 text: ISO GO:0003713 MGI:1922946 J:105325 UniProtKB:O94906 11406 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16414017|IPI|UniProt:O94906 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:88064 J:105325 UniProtKB:P10275 11407 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ate1_3 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1333870 J:100170 N/A 11408 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ate1_4 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1333870 J:100170 N/A 11409 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007520 MGI:1330302 J:86200 N/A 11410 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Sin3a|Ncor1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104793 J:102172 UniProtKB:Q60520|UniProtKB:Q60974 11411 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Sin3a|Ncor1|Hdac3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1333833 J:102172 UniProtKB:Q60520|UniProtKB:Q60974|UniProtKB:O88895 11412 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Cbfa2t2h|Cbfa2t1h IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107157 J:102172 UniProtKB:Q70374|UniProtKB:Q61909 11413 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Cbfa2t2h|Cbfa2t1h IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1343091 J:102172 UniProtKB:Q70374|UniProtKB:Q61909 11414 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tfdp1|Trim28|Trim24|Ep300|Nfx1|Ccna2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1913438 J:92455 UniProtKB:Q08639|UniProtKB:Q62318|UniProtKB:Q64127|UniProtKB:Q8BJ14|UniProtKB:Q9JKW7|UniProtKB:P51943 11415 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tfdp1|Trim28|Trim24|Ep300|Nfx1|Ccna2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1931026 J:92455 UniProtKB:Q08639|UniProtKB:Q62318|UniProtKB:Q64127|UniProtKB:Q8BJ14|UniProtKB:Q9JKW7|UniProtKB:P51943 11416 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Fadd IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1889507 J:101402 UniProtKB:Q61160 11417 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,corpus striatum; EMAP:6083 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:98357 J:99610 MGI:2137412 11418 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,corpus striatum; EMAP:6083 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:98357 J:99610 MGI:2137412 11419 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,lateral wall\,midbrain; EMAP:3518 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:109619 J:104525 MGI:2673381 11420 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,marginal layer\,lateral wall\,midbrain; EMAP:5068 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:109619 J:104525 MGI:2673381 11421 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95484 J:104536 N/A 11422 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006915 MGI:97847 J:104536 MGI:2388026 11423 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007010 MGI:97847 J:104536 MGI:2388026 11424 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,liver; EMAP:4577 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006915 MGI:97847 J:104536 MGI:95484,MGI:99255 11425 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,liver; EMAP:4577 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006915 MGI:99255 J:104536 MGI:97847 11426 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,liver; EMAP:4577 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006915 MGI:95484 J:104536 MGI:97847 11427 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID1688465I|DA text: human ISA GO:0005737 MGI:95891 J:10172 EMBL:M32053 11428 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID1688465I|DA text: human ISA GO:0005844 MGI:95891 J:10172 EMBL:M32053 11429 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:99321249|IDA text:human ISO GO:0030305 MGI:1343124 J:56032 EMBL:AF165154 11430 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046622 MGI:87963 J:105371 N/A 11431 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0046621 MGI:95481 J:105371 MGI:87963 11432 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,cerebellum; EMAP:10376 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebellum; EMAP:11736 cell type:inhibitory interneuron ; CL:0000498 gene product: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:107824 J:102920 MGI:1934407 11433 2 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:107824 J:102920 MGI:1934407 11434 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,mesenchyme\,gonad primordium; EMAP:3227 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS20\,gonad; EMAP:4598 cell type:Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: target: external ref: te IDA GO:0005737 MGI:700013 J:102860 N/A 11435 2 xt: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:700013 J:102860 N/A 11436 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hoxa1 ; MGI:96170 target:Crabp2 ; MGI:88491 target:Hoxb1 ; MGI:96182 target:Rarg ; MGI:97858 target:Stra4 ; MGI:107920 target:Cyp26a1 ; MGI:1096359 external ref: text: IMP GO:0000122 MGI:700013 J:98785 N/A 11437 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|F9 ATCC:CRL-1720 gene product: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97858 J:98785 N/A 11438 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,gonad; EMAP:4598 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043410 MGI:700013 J:102860 MGI:3611214 11439 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031589 MGI:700013 J:56246 N/A 11440 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:700013 J:56246 N/A 11441 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005925 MGI:700013 J:56246 N/A 11442 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:700013 J:56246 N/A 11443 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,4th arch artery; EMAP:2394 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:98493 J:102843 N/A 11444 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000001|N1E-115 ; ATCC:CRL-2263 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:105313 J:102817 N/A 11445 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000001|N1E-115 ; ATCC:CRL-2263 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001726 MGI:105313 J:102817 N/A 11446 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000001|N1E-115 ; ATCC:CRL-2263 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050774 MGI:105313 J:102817 N/A 11447 1 evidence: anatomy:superior colliculus ; MA:0001068 anatomy:corpus callosum ; MA:0000188 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016358 MGI:105313 J:102817 MGI:2447844 11448 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015629 MGI:105313 J:50859 N/A 11449 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:male germ cell ; CL:0000015 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000910 MGI:105313 J:80899 MGI:2447844 11450 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:male germ cell ; CL:0000015 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007283 MGI:105313 J:80899 MGI:2447844 11451 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory bulb ; MA:0000194 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000910 MGI:105313 J:77297 MGI:2447844 11452 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3525 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001843 MGI:108476 J:105752 MGI:108474 11453 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3525 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001843 MGI:108474 J:105752 MGI:108476 11454 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,organ of Corti; EMAP:12637 cell type:hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001736 MGI:108474 J:105752 MGI:108476 11455 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,organ of Corti; EMAP:12637 cell type:hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042472 MGI:108474 J:105752 MGI:108476 11456 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,organ of Corti; EMAP:12637 cell type:hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042472 MGI:108476 J:105752 MGI:108474 11457 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,organ of Corti; EMAP:12637 cell type:hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:108476 J:105752 N/A 11458 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,organ of Corti; EMAP:12637 cell type:hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:108474 J:105752 N/A 11459 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,organ of Corti; EMAP:12637 cell type:hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target:Fzd3 ; MGI:108476 target:Fzd6 ; MGI:108474 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045176 MGI:2135272 J:105752 MGI:1857642 11460 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,limb; EMAP:1069 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:2139360 J:105332 MGI:3587949 11461 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,digit 1\,handplate; EMAP:4029 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:2139360 J:105332 MGI:102541 11462 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,heart; EMAP:3666 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:2139360 J:105332 MGI:3587949 11463 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,digit 1\,handplate; EMAP:4029 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:102541 J:105332 MGI:2139360 11464 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|10T1/2 gene product: target:Fgf10 ; MGI:1099809 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:2139360 J:105332 MGI:102541 11465 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|10T1/2 gene product: target:Fgf10 ; MGI:1099809 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:102541 J:105332 MGI:2139360 11466 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|10T1/2 gene product: target:Fgf10 ; MGI:1099809 target:Gja5 ; MGI:95716 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:2139360 J:105332 N/A 11467 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|10T1/2 gene product: target:Nppa ; MGI:97367 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:2139360 J:105332 MGI:102541 11468 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|10T1/2 gene product: target:Nppa ; MGI:97367 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:95664 J:105332 N/A 11469 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|10T1/2 gene product: target:Nppa ; MGI:97367 target:Gja5 ; MGI:95716 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97350 J:105332 N/A 11470 1 evidence:antisense mRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031175 MGI:1921607 J:104857 N/A 11471 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,spinal cord; EMAP:5102 cell type:commisural neuron ; CL:0000678 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:105088 J:105744 MGI:1927548 11472 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,spinal cord; EMAP:5102 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030334 MGI:105088 J:105744 MGI:1927548 11473 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,spinal cord; EMAP:9089 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:105088 J:105744 MGI:1927548 11474 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ada external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:1920524 J:86566 N/A 11475 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tbp|Gtf2b|Gtf2f|Crebbp|Polr2a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1920524 J:86566 UniProtKB:P29037|UniProtKB:P62915|UniProtKB:Q3UMJ4|UniProtKB:P45481|UniProtKB:P08775 11476 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Gpbp1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2385191 J:86566 UniProtKB:Q3TQR2 11477 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Gpbp1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1915955 J:86566 UniProtKB:Q3TQR2 11478 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Gpbp1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98086 J:86566 UniProtKB:Q3TQR2 11479 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Sertad1|Sertad2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1276116 J:92455 UniProtKB:Q9JL10|UniProtKB:Q9JJG5 11480 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Sertad1|Sertad2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1921414 J:92455 UniProtKB:Q9JL10|UniProtKB:Q9JJG5 11481 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Sertad1|Sertad2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:108069 J:92455 UniProtKB:Q9JL10|UniProtKB:Q9JJG5 11482 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Sertad1|Sertad2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:101934 J:92455 UniProtKB:Q9JL10|UniProtKB:Q9JJG5 11483 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005768 MGI:1915678 J:103440 N/A 11484 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1915678 J:103440 N/A 11485 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005768 MGI:98821 J:103440 N/A 11486 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005768 MGI:98822 J:103440 N/A 11487 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:98822 J:103440 N/A 11488 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005768 MGI:1345279 J:103440 N/A 11489 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1345279 J:103440 N/A 11490 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|reticulocyte ; CL:0000558 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006826 MGI:1915678 J:103440 MGI:3609928 11491 1 evidence: anatomy:oviduct ; MA:0000385 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:105949 J:104407 N/A 11492 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,molar\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:8156 anatomy:TS23\,incisor\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:8150 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:1330810 J:104733 MGI:1934269 11493 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,cerebellum; EMAP:10376 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:1339708 J:104896 MGI:2148229 11494 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,cerebellum; EMAP:10376 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030902 MGI:1339708 J:104896 MGI:2148229 11495 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,primordial germ cells\,testis; EMAP:6713 cell type:male germ cell ; CL:0000015 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007281 MGI:1342328 J:104848 MGI:2181904 11496 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:99918 J:104568 N/A 11497 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:99918 J:104568 N/A 11498 1 evidence:SiRNA anatomy:TS26\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:11664 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:99918 J:104568 N/A 11499 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4176 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048663 MGI:98297 J:102950 MGI:1934268 11500 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,pancreas; EMAP:7453 cell type:acinar cell ; CL:0000622 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:88276 J:102698 MGI:2148569 11501 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,pancreas; EMAP:7453 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031016 MGI:88276 J:102698 MGI:2148569 11502 1 evidence: anatomy:retina photoreceptor layer ; MA:0001308 cell type:eye photoreceptor cell ; CL:0000287 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042462 MGI:99260 J:102364 MGI:3526850|MGI:3608904 11503 1 evidence: anatomy:retina photoreceptor layer ; MA:0001308 cell type:eye photoreceptor cell ; CL:0000287 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035089 MGI:99260 J:102364 MGI:3526850|MGI:3608904 11504 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: used binding of mouse protein to chicken cone opsins; not specified which it bound. Multiple isoforms of Arr3 were used in the experiment. IDA GO:0002046 MGI:2159617 J:105598 N/A 11505 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019886 MGI:1859307 J:105484 MGI:3619211 11506 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|RAW 264.7 [ RAW264.7 ] ; ATCC:TIB-71 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005783 MGI:1859307 J:105484 N/A 11507 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|RAW 264.7 [ RAW264.7 ] ; ATCC:TIB-71 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1932389 J:105484 N/A 11508 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|RAW 264.7 [ RAW264.7 ] ; ATCC:TIB-71 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005770 MGI:96745 J:105484 N/A 11509 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|RAW 264.7 [ RAW264.7 ] ; ATCC:TIB-71 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:96745 J:105484 N/A 11510 1 evidence:SiRNA anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001844 MGI:1859730 J:102178 N/A 11511 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:99702 J:102178 N/A 11512 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005741 MGI:99702 J:102178 N/A 11513 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Bax ; MGI:99702 external ref: text: IDA GO:0051084 MGI:1859730 J:102178 N/A 11514 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:binds opsin in a light dependent phosphyrlated manner IDA GO:0051219 MGI:2159617 J:105598 N/A 11515 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Gip ; MGI:107504 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:102851 J:105459 N/A 11516 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gip ; MGI:107504 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:102851 J:105459 N/A 11517 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|STC-1 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:102851 J:105459 N/A 11518 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019717 MGI:1309489 J:102649 N/A 11519 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019717 MGI:1330839 J:102649 N/A 11520 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019717 MGI:2443834 J:102649 N/A 11521 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007269 MGI:1330839 J:102649 MGI:2135609,MGI:1330858 11522 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007269 MGI:1330858 J:102649 MGI:2135609,MGI:1330839 11523 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,roof plate\,spinal cord; EMAP:4260 anatomy:TS20\,lateral wall\,spinal cord; EMAP:4253 cell type:glutamatergic neuron ; CL:0000679 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045665 MGI:104867 J:102513 MGI:2182635 11524 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,roof plate\,spinal cord; EMAP:4260 anatomy:TS20\,lateral wall\,spinal cord; EMAP:4253 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048664 MGI:104867 J:102513 MGI:2182635 11525 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,roof plate\,spinal cord; EMAP:4260 anatomy:TS20\,lateral wall\,spinal cord; EMAP:4253 cell type:glutamatergic neuron ; CL:0000679 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048664 MGI:104867 J:102513 MGI:1351209 11526 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,roof plate\,spinal cord; EMAP:4260 anatomy:TS20\,lateral wall\,spinal cord; EMAP:4253 cell type:glutamatergic neuron ; CL:0000679 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048665 MGI:1351209 J:102513 MGI:104867 11527 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,roof plate\,spinal cord; EMAP:4260 anatomy:TS20\,lateral wall\,spinal cord; EMAP:4253 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045665 MGI:1351209 J:102513 MGI:104867 11528 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,vibrissa; EMAP:7503 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001942 MGI:1330810 J:104733 MGI:1934269 11529 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Brca2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97890 J:95301 UniProtKB:P97929 11530 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ar|Hdac4 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2447160 J:87326 UniProtKB:P19091|UniProtKB:Q6NZM9 11531 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Cmtm2a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:3036234 J:87326 UniProtKB:Q9DAR1 11532 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Cmtm2a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88064 J:87326 UniProtKB:Q9DAR1 11533 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,incisor\,tooth\,lower jaw; EMAP:6601 anatomy:TS22\,incisor\,tooth\,upper jaw; EMAP:6630 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:1195272 J:104871 MGI:1856197|MGI:1856197 11534 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tnfaf4 IPI GO:0005031 MGI:104512 J:87166 UniProtKB:P43488 11535 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tnfrsf4 IPI GO:0005164 MGI:104511 J:87166 UniProtKB:P47741 11536 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:App IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107765 J:104505 UniProtKB:P12023 11537 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Arhgef2|Ppp1r9b IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2442401 J:99758 UniProtKB:Q60875|UniProtKB:Q6R891 11538 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ppp1r9a|Arhgef2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2387581 J:99758 UniProtKB:Q7TN74|UniProtKB:Q60875 11539 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Pak1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106211 J:99758 UniProtKB:O88643 11540 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Gzmb IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106603 J:96611 UniProtKB:P04187 11541 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Serpinb9 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109267 J:96611 UniProtKB:O08797 11542 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Serpinb9b IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99549 J:96611 UniProtKB:Q3TJ69 11543 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ppp1r9b|Adrbk1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:87934 J:105642 UniProtKB:Q6R891|UniProtKB:Q99MK8 11544 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Adra2a|Adra2b IPI GO:0005515 MGI:87940 J:105642 UniProtKB:Q01338|UniProtKB:P30545 11545 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Dusp6|Csnk2b IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88543 J:93976 UniProtKB:Q9DBB1|UniProtKB:P67871 11546 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Dusp6 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1915115 J:93976 UniProtKB:Q9DBB1 11547 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Dusp6 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:894689 J:93976 UniProtKB:Q9DBB1 11548 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Dusp6 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97623 J:93976 UniProtKB:Q9DBB1 11549 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Dusp6 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1098535 J:93976 UniProtKB:Q9DBB1 11550 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peramanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|SK-N-SH ; ATCC:HTB-11 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:1916918 J:105883 N/A 11551 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,embryo; EMAP:5719 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:body# IGI GO:0009952 MGI:892014 J:106551 MGI:108078 11552 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,embryo; EMAP:5719 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:body# IGI GO:0009952 MGI:108078 J:106551 MGI:892014 11553 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,somite 11; EMAP:2137 anatomy:TS17\,somite 12; EMAP:2141 anatomy:TS17\,somite 13; EMAP:2145 anatomy:TS17\,somite 14; EMAP:2149 anatomy:TS17\,somite 15; EMAP:2153 anatomy:TS17\,somite 16; EMAP:2157 anatomy:TS17\,somite 17; EMAP:2161 IGI GO:0001756 MGI:108078 J:106551 MGI:892014 11554 2 anatomy:TS17\,somite 18; EMAP:2165 anatomy:TS17\,somite 19; EMAP:2169 anatomy:TS17\,somite 20; EMAP:2173 anatomy:TS17\,somite 21; EMAP:2177 anatomy:TS17\,somite 22; EMAP:2181 anatomy:TS17\,somite 23; EMAP:2185 cell type: gene product: target: e IGI GO:0001756 MGI:108078 J:106551 MGI:892014 11555 3 xternal ref: text: IGI GO:0001756 MGI:108078 J:106551 MGI:892014 11556 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,somite 11; EMAP:2137 anatomy:TS17\,somite 12; EMAP:2141 anatomy:TS17\,somite 13; EMAP:2145 anatomy:TS17\,somite 14; EMAP:2149 anatomy:TS17\,somite 15; EMAP:2153 anatomy:TS17\,somite 16; EMAP:2157 anatomy:TS17\,somite 17; EMAP:2161 IGI GO:0001756 MGI:892014 J:106551 MGI:108078 11557 2 anatomy:TS17\,somite 18; EMAP:2165 anatomy:TS17\,somite 19; EMAP:2169 anatomy:TS17\,somite 20; EMAP:2173 anatomy:TS17\,somite 21; EMAP:2177 anatomy:TS17\,somite 22; EMAP:2181 anatomy:TS17\,somite 23; EMAP:2185 cell type: gene product: target: e IGI GO:0001756 MGI:892014 J:106551 MGI:108078 11558 3 xternal ref: text: IGI GO:0001756 MGI:892014 J:106551 MGI:108078 11559 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98366 J:104307 N/A 11560 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031017 MGI:98366 J:104307 MGI:2182092 11561 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97347 J:104307 N/A 11562 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1206039 J:104307 N/A 11563 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\,otic pit; EMAP:867 anatomy:TS18\,endolymphatic appendage; EMAP:2994 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:104555 J:104329 MGI:1856419 11564 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:1081 cell type:trunk neural crest cell ; CL:0000011 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001755 MGI:1100492 J:104892 MGI:2137037 11565 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:1081 cell type:trunk neural crest cell ; CL:0000011 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001755 MGI:1096347 J:104892 MGI:2670663 11566 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:1081 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|trunk neural crest cell ; CL:0000011 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045499 MGI:1096347 J:104892 N/A 11567 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:1081 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|trunk neural crest cell ; CL:0000011 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050919 MGI:1096347 J:104892 N/A 11568 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:1081 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|trunk neural crest cell ; CL:0000011 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050919 MGI:1096347 J:104892 MGI:1100492 11569 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,mesenchyme derived from neural crest\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:1081 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|trunk neural crest cell ; CL:0000011 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050919 MGI:1100492 J:104892 MGI:1096347 11570 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:RCL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005743 MGI:1914306 J:105457 N/A 11571 1 evidence: anatomy:deep cerebellar nucleus ; MA:0000203 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030902 MGI:107404 J:106708 MGI:2179766 11572 1 evidence: anatomy:corpus callosum ; MA:0000188 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:1330861 J:105300 MGI:3617379 11573 1 evidence: anatomy:corpus callosum ; MA:0000188 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1330861 J:105300 MGI:3617379 11574 1 evidence: anatomy:cortical layer II ; MA:0000898 anatomy:cortical layer III ; MA:0000899 anatomy:cortical layer V ; MA:0000901 anatomy:cortical layer VI ; MA:0000902 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001764 MGI:1330861 J:105300 MGI:1277171 11575 1 evidence: anatomy:cortical layer II ; MA:0000898 anatomy:cortical layer III ; MA:0000899 anatomy:cortical layer V ; MA:0000901 anatomy:cortical layer VI ; MA:0000902 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001764 MGI:1277171 J:105300 MGI:1330861 11576 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Adra2a|Adra2b IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2387581 J:105642 N/A 11577 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Dnajb6 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1333784 J:102395 UniProtKB:O54946 11578 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Dnajb6 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1891835 J:102395 UniProtKB:O54946 11579 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Dnajb6 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:103296 J:102395 UniProtKB:O54946 11580 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Nfatc3|Hdac4|Hdac5|Hdac7 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1344381 J:102395 UniProtKB:P97305|UniProtKB:Q6NZM9|UniProtKB:Q9Z2V6|UniProtKB:Q8C2B3 11581 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,gonad primordium; EMAP:3851 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019100 MGI:98371 J:104330 MGI:2385468|MGI:2673819 11582 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,testicular cords; EMAP:5540 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98371 J:104330 N/A 11583 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,testicular cords; EMAP:5540 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88006 J:104330 N/A 11584 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,metanephros; EMAP:8226 anatomy:TS26\,glomeruli\,cortex\,excretory component\,metanephros; EMAP:12268 anatomy:glomerulus ; MA:0001657 cell type:podocyte ; CL:0000653 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:104564 J:104004 N/A 11585 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,aortico-pulmonary spiral septum; EMAP:3692 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:98729 J:104325 MGI:2384511|MGI:2386570 11586 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,mesenchyme\,palatal shelf; EMAP:4565 anatomy:TS22\,dura mater\,meninges\,diencephalon; EMAP:6068|TS22\,dura mater\,meninges\,telencephalon; EMAP:6096|TS22\,dura mater\,meninges\,hindbrain; EMAP:6122|TS22\,dura mater\,meninges\,midb IMP GO:0042127 MGI:98729 J:86042 MGI:2384511 11587 2 rain; EMAP:6150 cell type:cranial neural crest cell ; CL:0000008 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:98729 J:86042 MGI:2384511 11588 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:8944 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:103022 J:104312 MGI:1856398 11589 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030183 MGI:97849 J:76489 MGI:1858556 11590 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030217 MGI:97849 J:76489 MGI:1858556 11591 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:109128 J:106933 N/A 11592 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,lymphatic system; EMAP:6450 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:TS22\,lymphatic system; EMAP:6450| IMP GO:0009887 MGI:109124 J:87394 MGI:3026650 11593 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,optic nerve; EMAP:9244 anatomy:TS24\,ventricular layer\,hypothalamus; EMAP:8926 cell type:glioblast (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000339|oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: external ref: text:suprachiasmatic ar IMP GO:0008284 MGI:109124 J:107096 MGI:3026650 11594 2 ea of hypothalamus IMP GO:0008284 MGI:109124 J:107096 MGI:3026650 11595 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type:neurectodermal cell ; CL:0000133 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS15\,sclerotome\,somite 05; EMAP:1091|TS15\,sclerotome\,somite 06; EMAP: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:1314873 J:106931 MGI:1314872 11596 2 1095|TS15\,sclerotome\,somite 07; EMAP:1099|TS15\,sclerotome\,somite 08; EMAP:1103|TS15\,sclerotome\,somite 09; EMAP:1107|TS15\,sclerotome\,somite 10; EMAP:1111|TS15\,sclerotome\,somite 11; EMAP:1115 cell type:mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: qu IGI GO:0008284 MGI:1314873 J:106931 MGI:1314872 11597 3 alifier: target: external ref: text:sclerotomal cells IGI GO:0008284 MGI:1314873 J:106931 MGI:1314872 11598 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 cell type:neurectodermal cell ; CL:0000133 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS15\,sclerotome\,somite 05; EMAP:1091|TS15\,sclerotome\,somite 06; EMAP: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:1314872 J:106931 MGI:1314872 11599 2 1095|TS15\,sclerotome\,somite 07; EMAP:1099|TS15\,sclerotome\,somite 08; EMAP:1103|TS15\,sclerotome\,somite 09; EMAP:1107|TS15\,sclerotome\,somite 10; EMAP:1111|TS15\,sclerotome\,somite 11; EMAP:1115 cell type:mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: qu IGI GO:0008284 MGI:1314872 J:106931 MGI:1314872 11600 3 alifier: target: external ref: text:sclerotomal cells IGI GO:0008284 MGI:1314872 J:106931 MGI:1314872 11601 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:1086 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007224 MGI:1314872 J:106931 MGI:1314872 11602 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,paraxial mesenchyme\,trunk mesenchyme; EMAP:1086 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007224 MGI:1314873 J:106931 MGI:1314872 11603 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 anatomy:TS15\,rhombomere 06; EMAP:1245 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:1314873 J:106931 MGI:1314872 11604 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1259 anatomy:TS15\,rhombomere 06; EMAP:1245 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:1314872 J:106931 MGI:1314872 11605 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042771 MGI:1314873 J:106931 MGI:1314872,MGI:98834 11606 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042771 MGI:1314872 J:106931 MGI:1314872,MGI:98834 11607 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,unsegmented mesenchyme; EMAP:1447 anatomy:TS13\,unsegmented mesenchyme; EMAP:525 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:1096877 J:107136 MGI:1857008 11608 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,mesoderm\,embryo; EMAP:167 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048339 MGI:1096877 J:107136 MGI:1857008 11609 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15466260|IDA text: ISO GO:0005932 MGI:1350328 J:73065 NCBI:NM_003611 11610 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15466260|IDA text: ISO GO:0005813 MGI:1350328 J:73065 NCBI:NM_003611 11611 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,lung; EMAP:9604 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:1338938 J:106392 MGI:2158390|MGI:3574949 11612 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,lung; EMAP:8285 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050679 MGI:1338938 J:106392 MGI:2158390|MGI:3574949 11613 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,lung; EMAP:9604 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:88180 J:106392 MGI:2181190|MGI:3574949 11614 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006629 MGI:109128 J:106993 MGI:3622274 11615 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Nr1i3 ; MGI:1346307 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:109128 J:106933 MGI:3622274 11616 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035196 MGI:2177178 J:106792 MGI:3622169|MGI:1926500 11617 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Sufu external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95727 J:58014 UniProtKB:Q9Z0P7 11618 1 evidence:ECO:0000092 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|MNS-70 (rat) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1345643 J:58014 N/A 11619 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gli1, Gli2, hGLI3 external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1345643 J:58014 UniProtKB:P47806|UniProtKB:Q8K0K3|UniProtKB:P10071 11620 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,optic nerve; EMAP:9244 anatomy:TS22\,telencephalon; EMAP:6075 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|glioblast (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000339|oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1 ISO GO:0008284 MGI:109124 J:73065 UniProtKB:O35757 11621 2 6462734|IDA text: ISO GO:0008284 MGI:109124 J:73065 UniProtKB:O35757 11622 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,optic nerve; EMAP:9244 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|glioblast (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000339|oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16462734|IDA text: ISO GO:0008284 MGI:97527 J:73065 UniProtKB:P04085 11623 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25,olfactory lobe,telencephalon ; EMAP:10338 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16462734|IDA text: ISO GO:0002052 MGI:109124 J:73065 UniProtKB:O35757 11624 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003999 MGI:88061 J:7132 N/A 11625 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15196008|IDA text: ISO GO:0016208 MGI:88061 J:73065 UniProtKB:P07741 11626 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22,ureter ; EMAP:6679 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051145 MGI:1923615 J:106499 MGI:3044914 11627 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22,ureter ; EMAP:6679 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016331 MGI:1923615 J:106499 MGI:3044914 11628 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23,ureter ; EMAP:8234 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050679 MGI:1923615 J:106499 MGI:3044914 11629 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16525121|IDA text: ISO GO:0005085 MGI:2444103 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96NW4 11630 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16525121|IDA text: ISO GO:0005769 MGI:2444103 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96NW4 11631 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16525121|IDA text: ISO GO:0045022 MGI:2444103 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96NW4 11632 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Insm1 ; MGI:1859980 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:893591 J:106988 N/A 11633 1 evidence:antisense morphilinos anatomy:TS24,pancreas ; EMAP:9293 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|pancreatic A cell ; CL:0000171 gene product: target: ext IMP GO:0030154 MGI:1859980 J:106988 N/A 11634 2 ernal ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:1859980 J:106988 N/A 11635 1 evidence:antisense morphilinos anatomy:TS24,pancreas ; EMAP:9293 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|pancreatic A cell ; CL:0000171 gene product: target: ext IMP GO:0031018 MGI:1859980 J:106988 N/A 11636 2 ernal ref: text: IMP GO:0031018 MGI:1859980 J:106988 N/A 11637 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20,lung ; EMAP:4604 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:2177178 J:106072 MGI:3589209|MGI:3053959 11638 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20,lung ; EMAP:4604 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:2177178 J:106072 MGI:3589209|MGI:3053959 11639 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16221671|IDA text: ISO GO:0045727 MGI:1921730 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UPU9 11640 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16221671|IDA text: ISO GO:0030371 MGI:1921730 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UPU9 11641 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,hindbrain ; EMAP:3488 anatomy:TS21,brain ; EMAP:4936 cell type:neuroepithelial cell ; CL:0000710 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:105091 J:105760 N/A 11642 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25,choroid plexus,roof,metencephalon ; EMAP:10396 cell type:neuroepithelial cell ; CL:0000710 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:105091 J:105760 N/A 11643 1 evidence:siRNA evidence:antibody anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016564 MGI:1917193 J:105563 N/A 11644 1 evidence:siRNA evidence:antibody anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016481 MGI:1917193 J:105563 N/A 11645 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16449650|IDA text: ISO GO:0016605 MGI:1917193 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75427 11646 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1917193 J:105563 N/A 11647 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23,ureter ; EMAP:8234 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002053 MGI:1923615 J:106499 MGI:3044914 11648 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje ce IDA GO:0043025 MGI:101849 J:105896 N/A 11649 2 ll ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:amygdala ; MA:0000887 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:101849 J:105896 N/A 11650 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Slamf1 ; MGI:1351314 external ref: text: IDA GO:0050731 MGI:3622649 J:106459 N/A 11651 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Slamf1 ; MGI:1351314 external ref: text: IDA GO:0050731 MGI:1349420 J:106459 N/A 11652 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16,hindlimb bud ; EMAP:1554 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035137 MGI:1338938 J:107396 MGI:2158390|MGI:2176182 11653 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13,outflow tract,heart ; EMAP:577 anatomy:TS13,primitive ventricle ; EMAP:581 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1338938 J:107396 MGI:2158390|MGI:2176182 11654 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Tbx3 ; MGI:98495 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:109452 J:107396 N/A 11655 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Tbx3 ; MGI:98495 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:894293 J:107396 N/A 11656 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Tbx3 ; MGI:98495 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:894293 J:107396 N/A 11657 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Tbx3 ; MGI:98495 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:109452 J:107396 N/A 11658 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; C2C12 ; ATCC: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051146 MGI:98297 J:107621 N/A 11659 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15,limb ; EMAP:1069 cell type:slow muscle cell ; CL:0000189 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051146 MGI:98297 J:107621 MGI:1857796 11660 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Spry1|Spry2|Spry3|Spry4|Grb2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1345139 J:105250 UniProtKB:Q9QXV9|UniProtKB:Q9QXV8|UniProtKB:Q3UUD2|UniProtKB:Q9WTP2|UniProtKB:Q60631 11661 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Spry1|Spry2|Spry3|Spry4 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1345138 J:105250 UniProtKB:Q9QXV9|UniProtKB:Q9QXV8|UniProtKB:Q3UUD2|UniProtKB:Q9WTP2 11662 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Spry1|Spry2|Spry3|Spry4 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1345188 J:105250 UniProtKB:Q9QXV9|UniProtKB:Q9QXV8|UniProtKB:Q3UUD2|UniProtKB:Q9WTP2 11663 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Spry1|Spry2|Spry3|Spry4|Sos1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1345144 J:105250 UniProtKB:Q9QXV9|UniProtKB:Q9QXV8|UniProtKB:Q3UUD2|UniProtKB:Q9WTP2|UniProtKB:Q62245 11664 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Bcl2l1 ; MGI:88139 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1196624 J:107421 N/A 11665 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Grb2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1100860 J:105250 UniProtKB:Q60631 11666 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Mapk1|Mapk14 IPI GO:0051019 MGI:101911 J:104944 UniProtKB:P63085|UniProtKB:P47811 11667 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21,olfactory lobe,telencephalon ; EMAP:5014 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:1920441 J:107405 N/A 11668 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,olfactory lobe,telencephalon ; EMAP:11698 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1920441 J:107405 N/A 11669 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Csnk2a1|Rgs10|Ywhae|Plp1|Camk1|Mapk1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914853 J:93976 UniProtKB:Q60737|UniProtKB:Q9CQE5|UniProtKB:P62259|UniProtKB:P60202|UniProtKB:Q91YS8|UniProtKB:P63085 11670 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Csnk2a1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88548 J:93976 UniProtKB:Q60737 11671 1 evidence:modified Boyden chamber assay anatomy: cell type:mouse aortic endothelial cells gene product: external ref:PMID:11257124|IDA text:PMID:11257124|IDA ISO GO:0030334 MGI:108440 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9HD27 11672 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|NIH3T3 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: external ref:PMID:11257124|IDA text:PMID:11257124|IDA ISO GO:0001726 MGI:108440 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9HD27 11673 1 evidence: anatomy:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030218 MGI:1196624 J:107421 MGI:3622786 11674 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23,cerebral cortex ; EMAP:7537 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1920441 J:107405 N/A 11675 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24,follicle,hair ; EMAP:8885 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031069 MGI:1330810 J:107400 MGI:1934580 11676 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21,tooth,lower jaw ; EMAP:5459|TS21,tooth,upper jaw ; EMAP:5482 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:1330810 J:107400 MGI:1934580 11677 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Bmp7 ; MGI:103302|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 target:Notch1 ; MGI:97363|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1330810 J:107400 N/A 11678 1 evidence:cell line complementation expt anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Col1a1 ; MGI:88467 target:Col1a2 ; MGI:88468 external ref: text:dermatoplastic bivine skin fibroblasts IGI GO:0051605 MGI:3045353 J:107394 N/A 11679 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Col3a1 ; MGI:88453 target:Col1a1 ; MGI:88467 target:Col1a2 ; MGI:88468 external ref: text: IMP GO:0051605 MGI:1347356 J:107394 MGI:2388161 11680 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:1347356 J:107394 MGI:2388161 11681 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043588 MGI:1347356 J:69141 MGI:2388161 11682 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Col3a1 ; MGI:88453 target:Col1a1 ; MGI:88467 target:Col1a2 ; MGI:88468 external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:1347356 J:107394 MGI:2388161 11683 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007283 MGI:1347356 J:69141 MGI:2388161 11684 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,associated mesenchyme,left lung rudiment ; EMAP:3859|TS19,associated mesenchyme,right lung rudiment ; EMAP:3866 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external re IDA GO:0030324 MGI:104723 J:107406 N/A 11685 2 f: text: IDA GO:0030324 MGI:104723 J:107406 N/A 11686 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,associated mesenchyme,left lung rudiment ; EMAP:3859|TS19,associated mesenchyme,right lung rudiment ; EMAP:3866 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external re IDA GO:0002053 MGI:104723 J:107406 N/A 11687 2 f: text: IDA GO:0002053 MGI:104723 J:107406 N/A 11688 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,associated mesenchyme,left lung rudiment ; EMAP:3859|TS19,associated mesenchyme,right lung rudiment ; EMAP:3866 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external re IGI GO:0002053 MGI:95522 J:107406 MGI:95523 11689 2 f: text: IGI GO:0002053 MGI:95522 J:107406 MGI:95523 11690 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,associated mesenchyme,left lung rudiment ; EMAP:3859|TS19,associated mesenchyme,right lung rudiment ; EMAP:3866 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external re IGI GO:0002053 MGI:95523 J:107406 MGI:95522 11691 2 f: text: IGI GO:0002053 MGI:95523 J:107406 MGI:95522 11692 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,associated mesenchyme,left lung rudiment ; EMAP:3859|TS19,associated mesenchyme,right lung rudiment ; EMAP:3866 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external re IGI GO:0030324 MGI:95522 J:107406 MGI:95523 11693 2 f: text: IGI GO:0030324 MGI:95522 J:107406 MGI:95523 11694 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,associated mesenchyme,left lung rudiment ; EMAP:3859|TS19,associated mesenchyme,right lung rudiment ; EMAP:3866 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external re IGI GO:0030324 MGI:95523 J:107406 MGI:95522 11695 2 f: text: IGI GO:0030324 MGI:95523 J:107406 MGI:95522 11696 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,associated mesenchyme,left lung rudiment ; EMAP:3859|TS19,associated mesenchyme,right lung rudiment ; EMAP:3866 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external re IDA GO:0045880 MGI:104723 J:107406 N/A 11697 2 f: text: IDA GO:0045880 MGI:104723 J:107406 N/A 11698 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,epithelium,left lung rudiment ; EMAP:3860|TS19,epithelium,right lung rudiment ; EMAP:3868 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050679 MGI:104723 J:107406 N/A 11699 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,epithelium,left lung rudiment ; EMAP:3860|TS19,epithelium,right lung rudiment ; EMAP:3868 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050679 MGI:1099809 J:107406 N/A 11700 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,primordial germ cells ; EMAP:3854 cell type:male germ cell ; CL:0000015 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008584 MGI:104723 J:107426 MGI:2135961 11701 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15,venous system ; EMAP:1349|TS15,arterial system ; EMAP:1302|TS15,cardiovascular system,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:1454 cell type:vascular associated smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000359 gene product: target: external ref: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:1346877 J:107401 MGI:3608889 11702 2 text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:1346877 J:107401 MGI:3608889 11703 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4,embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98423 J:105552 N/A 11704 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:88192 J:104327 MGI:3605892|MGI:2176173 11705 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellar cortex ; MA:0000199 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030902 MGI:88192 J:104327 MGI:3605892|MGI:2176173 11706 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21,cerebral cortex ; EMAP:4994 cell type:glioblast ; CL:0000030 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007403 MGI:88192 J:104327 MGI:3605892|MGI:2176173 11707 1 evidence: anatomy:crypt of lieberkuhn ; MA:0001535 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005730 MGI:1921361 J:103132 N/A 11708 1 evidence: anatomy:unfertilized egg ; MA:0000388 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1921453 J:105847 N/A 11709 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type:granulosa cell ; CL:0000501 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1921453 J:105847 N/A 11710 1 evidence: anatomy:crypt of lieberkuhn ; MA:0001535 cell type:columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell ; CL:0000075 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005730 MGI:106184 J:103132 N/A 11711 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: AB095445|Ab112362|AB071302 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006508 MGI:2685556 J:98410 N/A 11712 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24,dorsal root ganglion,ganglion,spinal,peripheral nervous system cell type:pain receptor cell ; CL:0000198 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048666 MGI:99852 J:106971 N/A 11713 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15824096|IPI|Q5T8S7 text: ISO GO:0002020 MGI:98941 J:73065 UniProtKB:P04275 11714 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20,heart ; EMAP:4396 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1926944 J:106927 N/A 11715 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20,heart ; EMAP:4396 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:1926944 J:106927 N/A 11716 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20,dorsal aorta ; EMAP:4371 cell type:vascular associated smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000359 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048661 MGI:1926944 J:106927 N/A 11717 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20,heart ; EMAP:4396 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:108058 J:106927 MGI:2176598 11718 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20,heart ; EMAP:4396 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:108058 J:106927 MGI:2176598 11719 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15824096|IPI|P04275 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2685556 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q5T8S7 11720 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Lrp6 IPI GO:0050750 MGI:96967 J:103781 UniProtKB:O75581 11721 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binds human Rab5 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2447532 J:92859 UniProtKB:P20339 11722 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045892 MGI:3036234 J:102395 N/A 11723 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Dnajb6 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:3036234 J:102395 UniProtKB:O54946 11724 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1201409 J:89962 N/A 11725 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:granulosa cell and oocyte gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1201409 J:89962 N/A 11726 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Thra|Hdac1|Hdac3|Hdac5 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96223 J:72326 UniProtKB:P63058|UniProtKB:O09106|UniProtKB:O88895|UniProtKB:Q9Z2V6 11727 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Hr IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98742 J:72326 UniProtKB:Q61645 11728 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Hr IPI GO:0005515 MGI:108086 J:72326 UniProtKB:Q61645 11729 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Hr IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1343091 J:72326 UniProtKB:Q61645 11730 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dpysl3 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:107755 J:102471 N/A 11731 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ncor2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88373 J:99071 UniProtKB:Q9WU42 11732 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,hindgut ; EMAP:3785 anatomy:TS20,midgut ; EMAP:4531 cell type:neural crest cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15242795|IDA text: ISO GO:0001755 MGI:107430 J:73065 UniProtKB:P39905 11733 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,hindgut ; EMAP:3785 anatomy:TS20,midgut ; EMAP:4531 cell type:neural crest cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15242795|IDA text: ISO GO:0031175 MGI:107430 J:73065 UniProtKB:P39905 11734 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,hindgut ; EMAP:3785 anatomy:TS20,midgut ; EMAP:4531 cell type:neural crest cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15242795|IDA text: ISO GO:0001755 MGI:108417 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99748 11735 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,hindgut ; EMAP:3785 anatomy:TS20,midgut ; EMAP:4531 cell type:neural crest cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15242795|IDA text: ISO GO:0031175 MGI:108417 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99748 11736 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,oesophagus ; EMAP:3742 cell type:neural crest cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15242795|IDA text: IMP GO:0001755 MGI:97902 J:106244 MGI:2449909 11737 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,colon ; EMAP:12143 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048566 MGI:1347479 J:106013 MGI:1347470 11738 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,gut ; EMAP:12011 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048566 MGI:1347470 J:106013 MGI:1347479 11739 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,gut ; EMAP:12011 cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030198 MGI:1347470 J:106013 MGI:1347479 11740 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,gut ; EMAP:12011 cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030198 MGI:1347479 J:106013 MGI:1347470 11741 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,gut ; EMAP:12011 cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:1347479 J:106013 MGI:2667134 11742 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, colon,epithelium ; EMAP:12145 cell type:gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042249 MGI:1347479 J:106013 MGI:2667134 11743 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, colon,epithelium ; EMAP:12145 cell type:gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042249 MGI:1347479 J:106013 MGI:1347470 11744 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, colon,epithelium ; EMAP:12145 cell type:gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045198 MGI:1347470 J:106013 MGI:1347479 11745 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,gut ; EMAP:12011 cell type:gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031528 MGI:88276 J:106013 N/A 11746 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,gut ; EMAP:12011 cell type:gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88276 J:106013 N/A 11747 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,endocardial cushion tissue ; EMAP:3686 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:105377 J:106261 MGI:3620562 11748 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target:Nrg1 ; MGI:96083 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006509 MGI:105377 J:106261 MGI:3620562 11749 1 evidence: anatomy:gonad primordium ; EMAP:3851 cell type:Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:98957 J:106304 MGI:1857453 11750 1 evidence: anatomy:gonad primordium ; EMAP:3851 cell type:steroid hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000174 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:98957 J:106304 MGI:1857453 11751 1 evidence: anatomy:primitive seminiferous tubules ; EMAP:8447 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008584 MGI:98957 J:106304 MGI:1857453 11752 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, neural fold ; EMAP:487 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001842 MGI:1338039 J:106405 MGI:3522498 11753 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14, gut ; EMAP:939 cell type:gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048558 MGI:1338039 J:106405 MGI:3522498 11754 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, heart ; EMAP:560 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1338039 J:106405 MGI:3522498 11755 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, neural fold ; EMAP:487 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:1338039 J:106405 MGI:3522498 11756 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, future brain ; EMAP:441 cell type:neurectodermal cell ; CL:0000133 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:1338039 J:106405 MGI:3522498 11757 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14, branchial arch ; EMAP:641 cell type:cranial neural crest cell ; CL:0000008 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001755 MGI:1338039 J:106405 MGI:3522498 11758 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25, intercostal ; EMAP:11116 cell type:skeletal muscle myoblast ; CL:0000515 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051450 MGI:96969 J:106496 MGI:1858021 11759 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle satellite cell ; CL:0000594 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051450 MGI:96079 J:106496 N/A 11760 1 evidence: anatomy:lung epithelium ; MA:0001783 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:99480 J:106543 MGI:2177133|MGI:2445716 11761 1 evidence: anatomy:lung epithelium ; MA:0001783 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:99480 J:106543 MGI:2177133|MGI:2445716 11762 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,glomeruli ; EMAP:12268 cell type:mesangial cell ; CL:0000650 cell type:podocyte ; CL:0000653 cell type:endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048468 MGI:1347481 J:106710 MGI:1857740 11763 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,glomeruli ; EMAP:12268 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001656 MGI:1347481 J:106710 MGI:1857740 11764 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16,apical ectodermal ridge ; EMAP:1552 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:2442252 J:106811 MGI:3621893 11765 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, limb ; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:2442252 J:106811 MGI:3621893 11766 1 evidence: anatomy:limb digit ; MA:0000690 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042733 MGI:2442252 J:108168 MGI:3580702|MGI:2661383 11767 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030178 MGI:2442252 J:106811 N/A 11768 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030178 MGI:96828 J:106811 N/A 11769 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016055 MGI:98953 J:106811 N/A 11770 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, cardiovascular system ; EMAP:3638 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:103223 J:106926 MGI:2136645|MGI:2450311 11771 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, cardiovascular system ; EMAP:3638 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043534 MGI:103223 J:106926 MGI:2136645|MGI:2450311 11772 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,arterial system ; EMAP:3639|TS19,venous system ; EMAP:3712 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:103223 J:106926 MGI:2136645|MGI:2450311 11773 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CRL-9618 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008188 MGI:2685341 J:106981 N/A 11774 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CRL-9618 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007200 MGI:2685341 J:106981 N/A 11775 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CRL-9618 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008528 MGI:2441827 J:106981 N/A 11776 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CRL-9618 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051482 MGI:2441827 J:106981 N/A 11777 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CRL-9618 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046983 MGI:2685341 J:106981 N/A 11778 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16498402|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1328321 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q3MKQ2 11779 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16498402|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1328321 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q3MKQ2 11780 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16498402|IGI|UniProt:P07174 text: ISO GO:0048011 MGI:1328321 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q3MKQ2 11781 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|PC-12 ; ATCC:CRL-1721 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16498402|IDA text: ISO GO:0002052 MGI:1328321 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q3MKQ2 11782 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|PC-12 ; ATCC:CRL-1721 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16498402|IDA text: ISO GO:0045665 MGI:1328321 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q3MKQ2 11783 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005730 MGI:2146285 J:107895 N/A 11784 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16413524|IDA text: ISO GO:0015629 MGI:1861630 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q63618 11785 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16413524|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1861630 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q63618 11786 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16413524|IDA text: ISO GO:0005902 MGI:1861630 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q63618 11787 1 evidence:dominant negative transgenic anatomy:TS24,follicle ; EMAP:8885 anatomy:TS22, integumental system ; EMAP:5979 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001942 MGI:103290 J:106549 N/A 11788 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25,tibia ; EMAP:12910 cell type:hypertrophic chondrocyte ; CL:0000743 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002062 MGI:97801 J:107230 MGI:99829 11789 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25,tibia ; EMAP:12910 cell type:hypertrophic chondrocyte ; CL:0000743 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002062 MGI:99829 J:107230 MGI:97801 11790 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25,tibia ; EMAP:12910 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:99829 J:107230 MGI:97801 11791 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25,tibia ; EMAP:12910 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:97801 J:107230 MGI:99829 11792 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ;CL:0000351 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030154 MGI:101884 J:107381 N/A 11793 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ;CL:0000351 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:101884 J:107381 N/A 11794 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ;CL:0000351 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS15, extraembryonic component ; EMAP:1453 cell type:trophoblast cell ;CL:0000351 ge IDA GO:0014068 MGI:101884 J:107381 N/A 11795 2 ne product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0014068 MGI:101884 J:107381 N/A 11796 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, extraembryonic component ; EMAP:1453 cell type:trophoblast cell ;CL:0000351 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:87920 J:107381 N/A 11797 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, extraembryonic component ; EMAP:1453 cell type:trophoblast cell ;CL:0000351 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006629 MGI:101884 J:107381 MGI:3623147 11798 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Slc14a2 ; MGI:1351653 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1333796 J:108185 N/A 11799 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16615998|IDA text: ISA GO:0003677 MGI:1333796 J:60935 UniProtKB:Q9Y4X4 11800 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:TFAP2a ; HGNC:11742 external ref:PMID:16615998|IDA text: ISA GO:0000122 MGI:1333796 J:108185 UniProtKB:Q9Y4X4 11801 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16615998|IDA text: ISA GO:0003700 MGI:1333796 J:108185 UniProtKB:Q9Y4X4 11802 1 evidence:insulin tolerance test|glucose tolerance test|ELISA for leptin|RIA for adiponectin and glucogon anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0019222 MGI:1345171 J:86301 MGI:2680256 11803 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:cone outer segment; adult mouse retina. IDA GO:0001750 MGI:2159617 J:105598 N/A 11804 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11466310|IDA text: ISO GO:0010181 MGI:1891037 J:73065 NCBI:NP_076915 11805 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045444 MGI:1932610 J:94212 N/A 11806 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Gins4 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1916520 J:104204 UniProtKB:Q99LZ3 11807 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Gins1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1923847 J:104204 UniProtKB:Q9CZ15 11808 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ncor1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104740 J:99071 UniProtKB:Q60974 11809 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Nr3c1|Nfe2l2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1337080 J:99071 UniProtKB:P06537|UniProtKB:Q60795 11810 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Nrf2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:108420 J:99071 UniProtKB:Q9WU42 11811 1 evidence: anatomy:atrium ; EMAP:11488 anatomy:ventricle ; EMAP:11525 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:109383 J:105496 MGI:107739 11812 1 evidence: anatomy:atrium ; EMAP:11488 anatomy:ventricle ; EMAP:11525 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:107739 J:105496 MGI:109383 11813 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009411 MGI:107739 J:105496 MGI:109383 11814 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006917 MGI:109383 J:105496 MGI:107739 11815 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009411 MGI:109383 J:105496 MGI:107739 11816 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006917 MGI:107739 J:105496 MGI:109383 11817 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006309 MGI:107739 J:105496 MGI:2158753 11818 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001836 MGI:107739 J:105496 MGI:109383 11819 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001836 MGI:109383 J:105496 MGI:107739 11820 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1349419 J:105496 N/A 11821 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1349419 J:105496 N/A 11822 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88578 J:105496 N/A 11823 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: apoptotic IDA GO:0005829 MGI:88578 J:105496 N/A 11824 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:99702 J:105496 N/A 11825 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: apoptotic IDA GO:0005739 MGI:99702 J:105496 N/A 11826 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030426 MGI:894662 J:108106 N/A 11827 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:amygdaloid area ; MA:0000887 anatomy:habenular nucleus ; MA IDA GO:0043025 MGI:2684969 J:108106 N/A 11828 2 :0000830 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:2684969 J:108106 N/A 11829 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:amygdaloid area ; MA:0000887 anatomy:habenular nucleus ; MA IDA GO:0016023 MGI:2684969 J:108106 N/A 11830 2 :0000830 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016023 MGI:2684969 J:108106 N/A 11831 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:amygdaloid area ; MA:0000887 anatomy:habenular nucleus ; MA IDA GO:0016023 MGI:894662 J:108106 N/A 11832 2 :0000830 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016023 MGI:894662 J:108106 N/A 11833 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016023 MGI:894662 J:40492 N/A 11834 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:name: Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:894662 J:40492 N/A 11835 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, cardiovascular system ; EMAP:2388 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001974 MGI:96603 J:108464 MGI:1857206 11836 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, cardiovascular system ; EMAP:3638 cell type:vascular associated smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000359 cell type:pericyte ; CL:0000184 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS19, cardiovascular system ; E IMP GO:0016477 MGI:96603 J:108464 MGI:1857206 11837 2 MAP:3638 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|vascular associated smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000359 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|pericyte ; CL:0000184 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016477 MGI:96603 J:108464 MGI:1857206 11838 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22,retina ; EMAP:6334 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048048 MGI:1861722 J:108515 N/A 11839 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, eyelid ; EMAP:6309 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048048 MGI:1861722 J:108515 MGI:1353450 11840 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, eyelid ; EMAP:6309 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048048 MGI:1353450 J:108515 MGI:1861722 11841 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, perioptic mesenchyme ; EMAP:3617 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:1353450 J:108515 MGI:1861722 11842 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, perioptic mesenchyme ; EMAP:3617 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:1861722 J:108515 MGI:1353450 11843 1 evidence: anatomy:retina photoreceptor layer ; MA:0001308 cell type:retinal cone cell ; CL:0000573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:1346317 J:108438 MGI:1346317 11844 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Opnmw ; MGI:1097692 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1194883 J:108438 MGI:98743 11845 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Opn1sw ; MGI:99438 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1194883 J:108438 N/A 11846 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Opnmw ; MGI:1097692 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:98743 J:108438 MGI:1346317 11847 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12244047|IDA text: ISO GO:0000165 MGI:109178 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q92913 11848 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12244047|IPI|UniProt:Q13387-2 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:109178 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q92913 11849 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12244047|IGI|UniProt:Q13387-2 text: ISO GO:0030295 MGI:109178 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q92913 11850 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12244047|IDA text: ISO GO:0000165 MGI:1926555 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13387-2 11851 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12244047|IDA text: ISO GO:0004674 MGI:1346864 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15264 11852 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12244047|IPI|UniProt:Q13387-2 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1346864 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15264 11853 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12244047|IPI|UniProt:Q13387-2 text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:109178 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q92913 11854 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12244047|IDA external ref:PMID:12244047|IGI|UniProt:Q92913 text: ISO GO:0030295 MGI:1926555 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13387-2 11855 2 text: ISO GO:0030295 MGI:1926555 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13387-2 11856 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:2135272 J:108647 N/A 11857 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:2145950 J:108647 N/A 11858 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target:Ltap ; MGI:2135272 external ref: text: IMP GO:0008105 MGI:2145950 J:108647 MGI:1889322 11859 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target:Ltap ; MGI:2135272 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045176 MGI:1100883 J:108647 MGI:2668337 11860 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target:Fzd3 ; MGI:108476 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045176 MGI:2135272 J:108647 MGI:1857642 11861 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:108476 J:108647 N/A 11862 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, liver ;EMAP:6651 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035162 MGI:2442415 J:108699 N/A 11863 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, liver ;EMAP:6651 cell type:hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035019 MGI:2442415 J:108699 N/A 11864 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Frag1|Bcl2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1328356 J:99862 UniProtKB:Q3TQR0|UniProtKB:P10417 11865 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Frag1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97874 J:99862 UniProtKB:Q3TQR0 11866 1 evidence: siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006916 MGI:2385286 J:99862 N/A 11867 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006974 MGI:2385286 J:99862 N/A 11868 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Phr1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104510 J:99802 UniProtKB:Q7TPH6 11869 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Phr1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106612 J:99802 UniProtKB:Q7TPH6 11870 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Myo1c|Myo7a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2179432 J:99802 UniProtKB:Q9WTI7|UniProtKB:P97479 11871 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Phr1 IPI GO:0042803 MGI:2179432 J:99802 UniProtKB:Q7TPH6 11872 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060041 MGI:1346317 J:108438 MGI:1346317 11873 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, optic cup ; EMAP:2367 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002072 MGI:1353450 J:108515 MGI:1861722 11874 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, optic cup ; EMAP:2367 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002072 MGI:1861722 J:108515 MGI:1353450 11875 1 evidence: anatomy:vestibular labyrinth ; MA:0000245 cell type:vestibular dark cell ; gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:96673 J:108905 N/A 11876 1 evidence: anatomy:vestibular labyrinth ; MA:0000245 cell type:vestibular dark cell ; gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002070 MGI:96673 J:108905 MGI:1857442 11877 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009434 MGI:2685063 J:108998 N/A 11878 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, neural tube ; EMAP:489 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron neural crest derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043005 MGI:2685063 J:108998 N/A 11879 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, palatal shelf ; EMAP:5474 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016331 MGI:1098270 J:108824 MGI:2657215 11880 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, palatal shelf, epithelium ; EMAP:5475|TS21, primary palate, epithelium ;EMAP:5479 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030155 MGI:1098270 J:108824 MGI:2657215 11881 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, lower jaw, epithelium ; EMAP:5450 anatomy:TS21, tongue, epithelium ; EMAP:5379 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97363 J:108824 N/A 11882 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, palatal shelf, epithelium ; EMAP:5475 anatomy:TS21, tongue, epithelium ; EMAP:5379 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042981 MGI:1098270 J:108824 MGI:2657215 11883 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, neural tube, roof plate ; EMAP:494 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:1344407 J:108819 MGI:2387501 11884 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, somite ;EMAP:504|TS13, somite ; EMAP:515 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:1344407 J:108819 MGI:2387501 11885 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, fronto-nasal process ; EMAP:4354 anatomy:TS20, maxillary process ; EMAP:4557 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048598 MGI:1344407 J:108819 MGI:1344313 11886 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 anatomy:TS20, tail, spinal cord ; EMAP:4731 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007417 MGI:1344407 J:108819 MGI:1344313 11887 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, fronto-nasal process ; EMAP:4354 anatomy:TS20, maxillary process ; EMAP:4557 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048598 MGI:1344313 J:108819 MGI:1344407 11888 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 anatomy:TS20, tail, spinal cord ; EMAP:4731 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007417 MGI:1344313 J:108819 MGI:1344407 11889 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, neural retina ; EMAP:9247 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060041 MGI:1100526 J:108702 MGI:2176560 11890 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, neural retina ; EMAP:9247 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031|glioblast ; CL:0000030 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:1100526 J:108702 MGI:2176560 11891 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:1100526 J:108702 MGI:2176560 11892 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045665 MGI:1100526 J:108702 MGI:2176560 11893 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pten ; MGI:109583|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 target:Plce1 ; MGI:1921305|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1100526 J:108702 N/A 11894 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pten ; MGI:109583 target:Plce1 ; MGI:1921305 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1100526 J:108702 N/A 11895 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pten ; MGI:109583 target:Plce1 ; MGI:1921305 external ref: text: IDA GO:0016564 MGI:1100526 J:108702 N/A 11896 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, extrinsic ocular muscle ; EMAP:6308 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002074 MGI:109340 J:108510 MGI:1857844 11897 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1197517 J:108459 N/A 11898 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005925 MGI:104572 J:108459 N/A 11899 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005925 MGI:108295 J:108459 N/A 11900 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005801 MGI:1197517 J:108459 N/A 11901 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005801 MGI:2139395 J:108459 N/A 11902 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 cell type:Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:104572 J:108459 N/A 11903 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 cell type:Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:104572 J:108459 N/A 11904 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1197517 J:108459 N/A 11905 1 evidence: anatomy:molar, epithelium ; EMAP:6608 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:105382 J:108325 MGI:1934917 11906 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25, molar, epithelium, enamel organ ; EMAP:10809 cell type:columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell ; CL:0000146 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001738 MGI:105382 J:108325 MGI:1934917 11907 1 evidence: anatomy:molar, epithelium ; EMAP:5464 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016331 MGI:105382 J:108325 MGI:1934917 11908 1 evidence: anatomy:molar, epithelium ; EMAP:5464 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:105382 J:108325 MGI:1934917 11909 1 evidence:antibody blocking anatomy:TS22, molar, epithelium ; EMAP:6608 cell type:Primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007160 MGI:96605 J:108325 N/A 11910 1 evidence:antibody blocking anatomy:TS22, molar, epithelium ; EMAP:6608 cell type:Primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046847 MGI:96605 J:108325 N/A 11911 1 evidence:antibody blocking anatomy:TS22, molar, epithelium ; EMAP:6608 cell type:Primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046847 MGI:96613 J:108325 N/A 11912 1 evidence:antibody blocking anatomy:TS21, molar, epithelium ; EMAP:5464 cell type:Primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:96605 J:108325 N/A 11913 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, 1st arch ; EMAP:1003 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048598 MGI:98297 J:106091 MGI:1857796 11914 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, 1st arch ; EMAP:1003 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007267 MGI:98297 J:106091 MGI:1857796 11915 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:white fat cell ; CL:0000448 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:105085 J:108349 N/A 11916 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:white fat cell ; CL:0000448 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97874 J:108349 N/A 11917 1 evidence: anatomy:auricle ; MA:0000259 anatomy:external acoustic meatus ; MA:0000260 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042473 MGI:1344375 J:108297 MGI:3626341 11918 1 evidence: anatomy:auditory bone ; MA:0000254 anatomy: tubotympanic recess ; MA:0001218 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042474 MGI:1344375 J:108297 MGI:3626341 11919 1 evidence: anatomy:mandible ; MA:0001487 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048705 MGI:1344375 J:108297 MGI:3626341 11920 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|IEC-6 ; ATCC:CRL-1592 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006917 MGI:1344375 J:78899 N/A 11921 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|IEC-6 ; ATCC:CRL-1592 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:1344375 J:108297 N/A 11922 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, somite 08, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1101 anatomy:TS15, somite 09, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1105 anatomy:TS15, somite 10, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1109 anatomy:TS15, somite 11, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1113 anatomy:TS15, somite 12, dermomyotome ; EMAP: IDA GO:0005578 MGI:96743 J:108443 N/A 11923 2 1117 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005578 MGI:96743 J:108443 N/A 11924 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, somite 08, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1101 anatomy:TS15, somite 09, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1105 anatomy:TS15, somite 10, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1109 anatomy:TS15, somite 11, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1113 anatomy:TS15, somite 12, dermomyotome ; EMAP: IDA GO:0005578 MGI:99892 J:108443 N/A 11925 2 1117 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005578 MGI:99892 J:108443 N/A 11926 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, somite 08, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1101 anatomy:TS15, somite 09, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1105 anatomy:TS15, somite 10, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1109 anatomy:TS15, somite 11, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1113 anatomy:TS15, somite 12, dermomyotome ; EMAP: IDA GO:0005578 MGI:105382 J:108443 N/A 11927 2 1117 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005578 MGI:105382 J:108443 N/A 11928 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, somite 08, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1101 anatomy:TS15, somite 09, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1105 anatomy:TS15, somite 10, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1109 anatomy:TS15, somite 11, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1113 anatomy:TS15, somite 12, dermomyotome ; EMAP: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97276 J:108443 N/A 11929 2 1117 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97276 J:108443 N/A 11930 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, somite 08, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1101 anatomy:TS15, somite 09, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1105 anatomy:TS15, somite 10, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1109 anatomy:TS15, somite 11, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1113 anatomy:TS15, somite 12, dermomyotome ; EMAP: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:97252 J:108443 MGI:1857973 11931 2 1117 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:97252 J:108443 MGI:1857973 11932 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, somite 08, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1101 anatomy:TS15, somite 09, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1105 anatomy:TS15, somite 10, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1109 anatomy:TS15, somite 11, dermomyotome ; EMAP:1113 anatomy:TS15, somite 12, dermomyotome ; EMAP: IMP GO:0001952 MGI:97252 J:108443 MGI:1857973 11933 2 1117 cell type:myoblast ; CL:0000056 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001952 MGI:97252 J:108443 MGI:1857973 11934 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:nerve cell gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:2149481 J:89005 N/A 11935 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:nerve cell gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043005 MGI:2149481 J:89005 N/A 11936 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Notch1 IPI GO:0005112 MGI:2152889 J:99826 UniProtKB:Q01705 11937 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Lnpep IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1929095 J:100750 UniProtKB:Q8C129 11938 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Vdp IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2387123 J:100750 UniProtKB:Q9Z1Z0 11939 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:under insulin stimulate IDA GO:0005886 MGI:95758 J:100750 N/A 11940 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Trpm7 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107717 J:105078 UniProtKB:Q923J1 11941 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14675752|IPI|UniProt:P22892 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2144243 J:87183 UniProtKB:Q14677 11942 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046339 MGI:2142716 J:108166 MGI:3624276 11943 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type:glandular epithelial cell ; CL:0000150 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002071 MGI:2142716 J:108166 MGI:3624276 11944 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type:glandular epithelial cell ; CL:0000150 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:2142716 J:108166 MGI:3624276 11945 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005783 MGI:2142716 J:108166 N/A 11946 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006641 MGI:2142716 J:108166 MGI:3624276 11947 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046339 MGI:2142716 J:108332 MGI:3624276 11948 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006631 MGI:2142716 J:108332 MGI:3624276 11949 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006641 MGI:2142716 J:108332 MGI:3624276 11950 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048732 MGI:109330 J:108961 MGI:1856842 11951 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:postnatal day 8 IMP GO:0008284 MGI:97588 J:108961 MGI:1856024 11952 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:109330 J:108961 MGI:1856842 11953 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25, pituitary ; EMAP:10263 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:109330 J:108961 MGI:1856842 11954 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, medullary stroma ; EMAP:6685 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192|pericyte ; CL:0000184 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051145 MGI:98957 J:108713 MGI:1857453 11955 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, metanephros ; EMAP:6674 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192|pericyte ; CL:0000184 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051145 MGI:88180 J:108713 N/A 11956 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, metanephros ; EMAP:6674 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192|pericyte ; CL:0000184 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051145 MGI:98957 J:108713 N/A 11957 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, medullary tubules ; EMAP:6686 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035239 MGI:98957 J:108713 MGI:1857453 11958 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, medullary tubules ; EMAP:6686 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001838 MGI:98957 J:108713 N/A 11959 1 evidence: anatomy:adenohypophysis ; MA:0000177 cell type:somatotropin secreting cell ; CL:0000471 cell type:prolactin secreting cell ; CL:0000439 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048468 MGI:96432 J:108805 MGI:1857466 11960 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16647303|IDA text: ISO GO:0007224 MGI:1926387 J:73065 UniProtKB:O35158 11961 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, embryo ; EMAP:402 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0010172 MGI:1926387 J:108746 MGI:2653120 11962 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007224 MGI:2151153 J:108746 N/A 11963 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, embryo ; EMAP:2006 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0010172 MGI:1926387 J:108747 MGI:98297 11964 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, floor plate ; EMAP:2244 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001708 MGI:1926387 J:108747 MGI:98297 11965 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, floor plate ; EMAP:2244 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001708 MGI:98297 J:108747 MGI:1926387 11966 1 evidence: anatomy:cortical layer VI ; MA:0000902 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:1859823 J:103829 MGI:3046867 11967 1 evidence: anatomy:cortical layer VI ; MA:0000902 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007413 MGI:1859823 J:103829 MGI:3046867 11968 1 evidence: anatomy:cortical layer VI ; MA:0000902 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1859823 J:103829 MGI:3046867 11969 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, trigeminal V ; EMAP:4233 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97383 J:54178 N/A 11970 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, trigeminal V ; EMAP:4233 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97385 J:54178 N/A 11971 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15292400|IDA text: ISA GO:0019898 MGI:1096875 J:92184 UniProtKB:Q6P0Q5 11972 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15292400|IDA text: ISA GO:0005635 MGI:1096875 J:92184 UniProtKB:Q6P0Q5 11973 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15292400|IDA text: ISA GO:0005776 MGI:1096875 J:92184 UniProtKB:Q6P0Q5 11974 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15292400|IDA text: ISO GO:0005545 MGI:1096875 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q6P0Q5 11975 1 evidence:ECO:0000019|inferred from RNAi experiment anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042129 MGI:2136650 J:107956 N/A 11976 1 evidence:ECO:0000019|inferred from RNAi experiment anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045076 MGI:2136650 J:107956 N/A 11977 1 evidence:ECO:0000019|inferred from RNAi experiment anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030833 MGI:2136650 J:107956 N/A 11978 1 evidence:ECO:0000019|inferred from RNAi experiment anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: defective TCR signal transduction IMP GO:0050852 MGI:2136650 J:107956 N/A 11979 1 evidence:ECO:0000019|inferred from RNAi experiment anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: need new term: TCR clutering and regulation of IMP GO:0043113 MGI:2136650 J:107956 N/A 11980 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15292400|IDA text: ISA GO:0044444 MGI:1096875 J:92184 UniProtKB:Q6P0Q5 11981 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:COS-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1096875 J:94931 N/A 11982 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Clec2i IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2442965 J:100657 UniProtKB:Q8BFR3 11983 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Klrb1f IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2136650 J:100657 UniProtKB:Q8VD98 11984 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|Hela ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: tex IDA GO:0009986 MGI:2136650 J:100657 N/A 11985 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, cranium ; EMAP:12402 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045453 MGI:97801 J:108801 MGI:2154519 11986 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, cranium ; EMAP:12402 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004991 MGI:97801 J:108801 MGI:2154519 11987 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Hcst|Tyrobp|Fcer1g IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2153249 J:84951 UniProtKB:Q9QUJ0|UniProtKB:O54885|UniProtKB:P20491 11988 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Cd300a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96055 J:84951 UniProtKB:Q6SJQ0 11989 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ptpn6|Ptpn11|Inpp5d IPI GO:0019902 MGI:2443411 J:84951 UniProtKB:P29351|UniProtKB:P35235|UniProtKB:Q61181 11990 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Cd300a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99511 J:84951 UniProtKB:Q6SJQ0 11991 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Inpp5d IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95499 J:84951 UniProtKB:Q61181 11992 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Cd300d IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1344360 J:84951 UniProtKB:Q8K4V7 11993 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Cd300d IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1277211 J:84951 UniProtKB:Q8K4V7 11994 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Cd300d IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95496 J:84951 UniProtKB:Q8K4V7 11995 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,tibia ; EMAP:12911 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002062 MGI:97801 J:108801 MGI:2154519 11996 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, cranium ; EMAP:12402 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007189 MGI:97801 J:108801 MGI:2154519 11997 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, cranium ; EMAP:12402 cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9832460|IDA text: ISO GO:0007189 MGI:97799 J:73065 UniProtKB:P04089 11998 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, cranium ; EMAP:12402 cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9832460|IDA text: ISO GO:0007189 MGI:97800 J:73065 UniProtKB:P12272 11999 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,tibia ; EMAP:12911 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030282 MGI:97801 J:108801 MGI:2154519 12000 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, cranium ; EMAP:12402 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006874 MGI:97801 J:108801 MGI:2154519 12001 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, cranium ; EMAP:12402 cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9832460|IDA text: ISO GO:0006874 MGI:97799 J:73065 UniProtKB:P04089 12002 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ugt8a ; MGI:109522|CpG_island ; SO:0000307 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1333813 J:109103 N/A 12003 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:transcriptional repressor complex ; GO:0017053 external ref: text: IMP GO:0043623 MGI:1333813 J:68356 MGI:2388002 12004 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5, inner cell mass ; EMAP:24 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS5, trophectoderm ; EMAP:28 cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: qua IDA GO:0000792 MGI:1333813 J:86958 N/A 12005 2 lifier: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000792 MGI:1333813 J:86958 N/A 12006 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5, inner cell mass ; EMAP:24 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS5, trophectoderm ; EMAP:28 cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: qua IDA GO:0000792 MGI:1333812 J:86958 N/A 12007 2 lifier: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000792 MGI:1333812 J:86958 N/A 12008 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5, inner cell mass ; EMAP:24 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS5, trophectoderm ; EMAP:28 cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: qua IDA GO:0000792 MGI:108086 J:86958 N/A 12009 2 lifier: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000792 MGI:108086 J:86958 N/A 12010 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5, inner cell mass ; EMAP:24 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS5, trophectoderm ; EMAP:28 cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: qua IDA GO:0000792 MGI:1097691 J:86958 N/A 12011 2 lifier: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000792 MGI:1097691 J:86958 N/A 12012 1 evidence: anatomy:TS3, 4-8 cell stage ; EMAP:8 anatomy:TS4, compacted morula ; EMAP:13 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1333812 J:86958 N/A 12013 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Hep G2 ; ATCC:HB-8065 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000792 MGI:88192 J:104088 N/A 12014 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Hep G2 ; ATCC:HB-8065 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000792 MGI:1333812 J:104088 N/A 12015 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Hep G2 ; ATCC:HB-8065 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000792 MGI:1261827 J:104088 N/A 12016 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mt1 ; MGI:97171|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1261827 J:104088 N/A 12017 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mt1 ; MGI:97171|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1333812 J:104088 N/A 12018 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mt1 ; MGI:97171|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:88192 J:104088 N/A 12019 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mt1 ; MGI:97171|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006346 MGI:88192 J:104088 N/A 12020 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mt1 ; MGI:97171|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:88192 J:104088 N/A 12021 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mt1 ; MGI:97171|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006346 MGI:1333812 J:104088 N/A 12022 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mt1 ; MGI:97171|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006346 MGI:1261827 J:104088 N/A 12023 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mt1 ; MGI:97171|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1333812 J:104088 N/A 12024 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mt1 ; MGI:97171|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1261827 J:104088 N/A 12025 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016573 MGI:1333812 J:106974 MGI:2388006 12026 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, gut,endoderm ; EMAP:603 cell type:endodermal cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001711 MGI:88276 J:108981 MGI:2148567|MGI:1858007 12027 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11, definitive endoderm ; EMAP:161 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001706 MGI:88276 J:108981 MGI:2148567|MGI:1858007 12028 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:adipose tissue ; MA:0000009 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043491 MGI:1206581 J:109024 MGI:3628805 12029 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016303 MGI:1922019 J:109024 N/A 12030 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy: cell type:platelet ; CL:0000233 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006874 MGI:1922019 J:98315 N/A 12031 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy: cell type:platelet ; CL:0000233 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007156 MGI:1922019 J:98315 N/A 12032 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016303 MGI:1922019 J:98315 N/A 12033 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030168 MGI:1922019 J:98315 N/A 12034 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy: cell type:platelet ; CL:0000233 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001952 MGI:1922019 J:98315 N/A 12035 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044428 MGI:96995 J:109102 N/A 12036 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96995 J:109102 UniProtKB:O88559 12037 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1316736 J:109102 UniProtKB:P55200 12038 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, embryo ; EMAP:402 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96995 J:109102 N/A 12039 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hoxd4 ; MGI:96208| external ref: text: IMP GO:0006306 MGI:96995 J:109102 N/A 12040 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051569 MGI:96995 J:109102 N/A 12041 1 evidence: anatomy:retina outer nuclear layer ; MA:0001315 cell type:retinal rod cell ; CL:0000604 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1100514 J:109158 N/A 12042 1 evidence: anatomy:TS2, two-cell stage ; EMAP:6 anatomy:TS3, 4-8 cell stage ; EMAP:8 anatomy:TS3, compacted morula ; EMAP:9 anatomy:TS4, inner cell mass ; EMAP:14|TS4, extraembryonic component ; EMAP:15 anatomy:TS5, embryo ; EMAP:23 cell type:early embryon IDA GO:0016607 MGI:1100514 J:109158 N/A 12043 2 ic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:retina inner nuclear layer ; MA:0001311 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016607 MGI:1100514 J:109158 N/A 12044 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8922384|IDA text: ISO GO:0016337 MGI:1100514 J:73065 UniProtKB:P79149 12045 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8922384|IDA text: ISO GO:0030057 MGI:1100514 J:73065 UniProtKB:P79149 12046 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030154 MGI:98363 J:109087 MGI:103577 12047 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030154 MGI:103577 J:109087 MGI:98363 12048 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98363 J:62310 N/A 12049 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045843 MGI:98363 J:62310 N/A 12050 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ckm ; MGI:88413 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:98363 J:62310 N/A 12051 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|myoblast ; CL:0000056 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98363 J:93031 N/A 12052 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:skeletal muscle myoblast ; CL:0000515 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048627 MGI:98363 J:93031 MGI:3056078 12053 1 evidence: anatomy:tibilais cranialis ; MA:0002395 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043403 MGI:98363 J:93031 MGI:3056078 12054 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518|enhancer ; SO:0000165 target:Fbxo15 ; MGI:1354755|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IGI GO:0003677 MGI:101893 J:100846 MGI:98363,MGI:98364 12055 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518|enhancer ; SO:0000165 target:Fbxo15 ; MGI:1354755|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IGI GO:0003677 MGI:98363 J:100846 MGI:101893 12056 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518|enhancer ; SO:0000165 target:Fbxo15 ; MGI:1354755|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IGI GO:0003677 MGI:98364 J:100846 MGI:101893 12057 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518 target:Fbxo15 ; MGI:1354755 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:98364 J:100846 MGI:101893 12058 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518 target:Fbxo15 ; MGI:1354755 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:98363 J:100846 MGI:101893 12059 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518 target:Fbxo15 ; MGI:1354755 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:101893 J:100846 MGI:98363,MGI:98364 12060 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hrc ; MGI:96226 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:98363 J:100846 N/A 12061 1 evidence: anatomy:renal tubule ; MA:0000377 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007200 MGI:97801 J:108984 MGI:3628795 12062 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, tibia cartilage condensation ; EMAP:5935 anatomy:TS23, tibia ; EMAP:7364 anatomy:TS24, tibia ; EMAP:12909 cell type:hypertrophic chondrocyte ; CL:0000743 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:97801 J:108984 MGI:3628795 12063 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, tibia cartilage condensation ; EMAP:5935 anatomy:TS23, tibia ; EMAP:7364 anatomy:TS24, tibia ; EMAP:12909 cell type:columnar chondrocyte ; CL:0000744 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:97801 J:108984 MGI:3628795 12064 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, tail, skeleton ; EMAP:12460 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001503 MGI:97801 J:108984 MGI:3628795 12065 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:97355 J:109190 MGI:3628812 12066 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Syn1 ; MGI:98460|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:2384756 J:109077 N/A 12067 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Syn1 ; MGI:98460|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:104897 J:109077 N/A 12068 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15325272|IDA text: ISO GO:0000118 MGI:2384756 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96BD5 12069 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15325272|IDA text: ISO GO:0000122 MGI:2384756 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96BD5-2 12070 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11, future brain ; EMAP:152 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007420 MGI:107202 J:108789 MGI:104779 12071 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11, heart ; EMAP:172 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:107202 J:108789 MGI:104779 12072 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12, somite ; EMAP:276|TS11, somite ; EMAP:288 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001756 MGI:107202 J:108789 MGI:104779 12073 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11, future brain ; EMAP:152 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007420 MGI:104779 J:108789 MGI:107202 12074 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12, somite ; EMAP:276|TS11, somite ; EMAP:288 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001756 MGI:104779 J:108789 MGI:107202 12075 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11, heart ; EMAP:172 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:104779 J:108789 MGI:107202 12076 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, central nervous system ; EMAP:11618 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007417 MGI:2138319 J:108701 MGI:3625686 12077 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,heart ; EMAP:11484 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:2138319 J:108701 MGI:3625686 12078 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NP_033777 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:87977 J:86816 N/A 12079 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Bovine ISA GO:0005753 MGI:1855697 J:61560 EMBL:X16978 12080 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NP_033500 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:109611 J:86816 N/A 12081 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NP_032159 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914434 J:86816 N/A 12082 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,forebrain; EMAP:2230 cell type: gene product: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:97490 J:86369 MGI:1856158 12083 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: IDA GO:0005794 MGI:1201607 J:88602 N/A 12084 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:pancreatic_B_cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: IMP GO:0045597 MGI:97347 J:87406 MGI:1932100 12085 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:pancreatic_B_cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: IMP GO:0045595 MGI:97347 J:88639 MGI:1932100 12086 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:pancreatic_B_cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: IMP GO:0045597 MGI:97488 J:87406 MGI:2182122 12087 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:pancreatic_B_cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: IMP GO:0045595 MGI:97488 J:88639 MGI:2182122 12088 1 evidence: immunoloc cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3 ; ATCC: CCL-92 anatomy: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1891713 J:64828 N/A 12089 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,follicle\,hair; EMAP:8885 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:98297 J:86666 MGI:1857796 12090 1 evidence:colony formation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: bone marrow cells IDA GO:0045578 MGI:1098219 J:84890 N/A 12091 1 evidence:colony formation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: bone marrow cells IDA GO:0045638 MGI:1098219 J:84890 N/A 12092 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|32D ; ATCC:CRL-11346 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1098219 J:84890 N/A 12093 1 evidence:electrophoretic mobility shift assay|western blot anatomy: cell type:thymocyte ; CL:0000624 gene product: text: (CD4+ T-cells) IDA GO:0043123 MGI:104798 J:89322 N/A 12094 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:thymocyte ; CL:0000624 gene product: text: (CD4+ T cells) IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1916978 J:89322 N/A 12095 1 evidence:proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030890 MGI:1916978 J:89322 MGI:3039682 12096 1 evidence:electrophoretic mobility shift assay|western blot anatomy: cell type:thymocytes ; CL:0000624 gene product: text: (CD4+ T-cells) IMP GO:0043123 MGI:1916978 J:89322 MGI:3039682 12097 1 evidence:proliferation assay|flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:thymocyte ; CL:0000624 gene product: text: (CD4+ T cells) IMP GO:0050870 MGI:1916978 J:89322 MGI:3039682 12098 1 evidence:proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:thymocyte ; CL:0000624 gene product: text: (CD4+ T cells) IMP GO:0042102 MGI:1916978 J:89322 MGI:3039682 12099 1 evidence:CTLL-2 proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:thymocyte ; CL:0000624 gene product: text: (CD4+ T cells) IMP GO:0045086 MGI:1916978 J:89322 MGI:3039682 12100 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: B220+ peritoneal cells IMP GO:0045577 MGI:1916978 J:89322 MGI:3039682 12101 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:thymocyte ; ; CL:0000624 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045061 MGI:1916978 J:89322 MGI:3039682 12102 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,lung; EMAP:3206 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:103016 J:89196 N/A 12103 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:cardiovascular system ; MA:0000010 cell type:cardiocyte ; CL:0000466 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:97350 J:89216 MGI:1857618 12104 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:splenocytes|thymocytes|fetal liver cells|bone marrow cells|lymph node cells IDA GO:0009897 MGI:2135589 J:89706 N/A 12105 1 evidence:flow cytometry|CL:0000002;ATCC:TIB-49 (C1498) IDA GO:0009897 MGI:2135589 J:86948 N/A 12106 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: splenocytes IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:14194 N/A 12107 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:peritoneal cavity ; MA:0000054 cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:29797 N/A 12108 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: fetal liver cells|fetal splenocytes IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:89706 N/A 12109 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:bone marrow cells IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:89320 N/A 12110 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:97945 N/A 12111 1 evidence:IP anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: cell_lineC57SV IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95904 J:89707 N/A 12112 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:bone marrow cells|lymph node cells|splenocytes|thymocytes IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95904 J:89706 N/A 12113 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 cell type:monocyte ; CL:0000576 cell type:neutrophil ; CL:0000096 cell type:dendritic cell ; CL:0000451 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1861431 J:89997 N/A 12114 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1861431 J:89006 N/A 12115 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CL:0000235 macrophage cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH3T3 ; ATCC:1658 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1861431 J:87632 N/A 12116 1 evidence:GFP localization anatomy cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|CV-1 ; ATTC: CCL-70 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1351642 J:90051 N/A 12117 1 evidence:GFP localization anatomy cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|CV-1 ; ATTC:CCL-70 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1351642 J:90051 N/A 12118 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:epithelial_cell_of_trachea ; CL:0000307 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:88276 J:85946 N/A 12119 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005793 MGI:1916049 J:87768 N/A 12120 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293T/17 ; ATCC:CRL-11268 gene product: text: IDA GO:0046658 MGI:1916049 J:90082 N/A 12121 1 evidence:RNAi experiments ; TED:0000073 anatomy: cell type:ermanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3 ; ATCC: CCL-92 gene product: text: antisense oligo IMP GO:0006887 MGI:1930780 J:90022 N/A 12122 1 evidence:RNAi experiments ; TED:0000073 anatomy: cell type:ermanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3 ; ATCC: CCL-92 gene product: text: antisense oligo IMP GO:0005794 MGI:1339710 J:90022 N/A 12123 1 evidence:RNAi experiments ; TED:0000073 anatomy: cell type:ermanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3 ; ATCC: CCL-92 gene product: text: antisense oligo IMP GO:0001778 MGI:1339710 J:90022 N/A 12124 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,lens; EMAP:5217 anatomy:TS18\,retina; EMAP:3013 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0043010 MGI:2137520 J:90398 MGI:88180 12125 1 evidence: anatomy:autonomic ganglion ; MA:0000220 cell type: gene product: text:otic and sphenopalatine ganglia IMP GO:0007399 MGI:97902 J:89887 MGI:2136894 12126 1 evidence: anatomy:autonomic ganglion ; MA:0000220 cell type: gene product: text:otic and sphenopalatine ganglia IMP GO:0007399 MGI:1100842 J:89887 MGI:3045109 12127 1 evidence: anatomy:parasympathetic nerve ; MA:0000224 anatomy:lacrimal gland ; MA:0001296 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007399 MGI:1195462 J:89887 MGI:1926440 12128 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16\,limb; EMAP:1549 anatomy:TS18\,metanephros; EMAP:3233 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007267 MGI:1344337 J:90991 MGI:3046937 12129 1 evidence: anatomy: anatomy:TS19\,primordial germ cells; EMAP:3854 cell type:germ_line_cell ; CL:0000039 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:103038 J:96322 N/A 12130 1 evidence: anatomy:mural trophectoderm; EMAP:20 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:103038 J:86147 N/A 12131 1 evidence: anatomy:mural trophectoderm; EMAP:20 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:103038 J:86147 N/A 12132 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,hippocampus\,forebrain; EMAP:12942 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009987 MGI:1194494 J:91269 N/A 12133 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1194494 J:88010 N/A 12134 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: hepatocytes IDA GO:0016323 MGI:1351891 J:85619 N/A 12135 1 evidence:IF|western blot anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: HNF-3(beta)-ES cells|hepatocytes IDA GO:0005887 MGI:1351891 J:85619 N/A 12136 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:hepatocytes IDA GO:0016324 MGI:1352447 J:85619 N/A 12137 1 evidence:IF|western blot anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:HNF-3(beta)-ES cells|hepatocytes IDA GO:0005887 MGI:1352447 J:85619 N/A 12138 1 evidence:western blot anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:HNF-3(beta)-ES cells|hepatocytes IDA GO:0005887 MGI:1923658 J:85619 N/A 12139 1 evidence:western blot anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:HNF-3(beta)-ES cells|hepatocytes IDA GO:0005887 MGI:98898 J:85619 N/A 12140 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,mantle layer\,lateral wall\,rhombomere 01; EMAP:2262|TS17\,mantle layer\,lateral wall\,rhombomere 03; EMAP:2276|TS17\,mantle layer\,lateral wall\,rhombomere 02; EMAP:2269|TS17\,mantle layer\,lateral wall\,rhombomere 04; EMAP:2283|T IMP GO:0030182 MGI:99852 J:91470 MGI:2668479 12141 2 S17\,mantle layer\,lateral wall\,rhombomere 05; EMAP:2290|TS17\,mantle layer\,lateral wall\,rhombomere 06; EMAP:2297|TS17\,mantle layer\,lateral wall\,rhombomere 07; EMAP:2304|TS17\,mantle layer\,lateral wall\,rhombomere 08; EMAP:2311 anatomy:anatomy:TS20 IMP GO:0030182 MGI:99852 J:91470 MGI:2668479 12142 3 \,vestibulo-cochlear VIII ganglion complex; EMAP:4237 cell type:cholinergic_neuron ; CL:0000108|CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:99852 J:91470 MGI:2668479 12143 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,lateral wall\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:3527 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 cell type:motor_neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS23\,dorsal root ganglion\,ganglion\,spinal\,periph IDA GO:0005737 MGI:99495 J:92224 N/A 12144 2 eral nervous system; EMAP:7715 cell type:sensory_neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:99495 J:92224 N/A 12145 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1257 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS19\,dorsal root ganglion; EMAP:3568 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: text: evidence: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:99495 J:92224 N/A 12146 2 anatomy:TS19\,hindbrain; EMAP:3488 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:99495 J:92224 N/A 12147 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text:TaxonID:20040927 IMP GO:0030425 MGI:2135283 J:92380 N/A 12148 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: text:TaxonID:20040927 IMP GO:0016358 MGI:2135283 J:92380 N/A 12149 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,mesenchyme\,palatal shelf; EMAP:4565 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,palatal shelf; EMAP:4564 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: qualifie IMP GO:0007267 MGI:1099809 J:90909 MGI:1927833 12150 2 r: text: IMP GO:0007267 MGI:1099809 J:90909 MGI:1927833 12151 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,palatal shelf; EMAP:4564 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS20\,mesenchyme\,palatal shelf; EMAP:4565 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: qualifi IDA GO:0008284 MGI:1099809 J:90909 N/A 12152 2 er: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:1099809 J:90909 N/A 12153 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,palatal shelf; EMAP:4564 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS20\,mesenchyme\,palatal shelf; EMAP:4565 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: qualifi IMP GO:0007267 MGI:95523 J:90909 MGI:2153811 12154 2 er: text: IMP GO:0007267 MGI:95523 J:90909 MGI:2153811 12155 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,epithelium\,palatal shelf; EMAP:4564 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS20\,mesenchyme\,palatal shelf; EMAP:4565 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: qualifi IMP GO:0008284 MGI:95523 J:90909 MGI:2153811 12156 2 er: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:95523 J:90909 MGI:2153811 12157 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,pancreas primordium; EMAP:2828 IMP GO:0009887 MGI:96086 J:87725 MGI:2177762 12158 2 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:96086 J:87725 MGI:2177762 12159 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,epithelium\,other part\,otocyst; EMAP:2360 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:96605 J:75058 N/A 12160 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,epithelium\,other part\,otocyst; EMAP:2360 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:96605 J:75058 N/A 12161 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,epithelium\,other part\,otocyst; EMAP:2360 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009925 MGI:96613 J:75058 N/A 12162 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,epithelium\,other part\,otocyst; EMAP:2360 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:96602 J:75058 N/A 12163 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9\,ectoderm\,embryo; EMAP:83 anatomy:TS9\,ectoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:93 cell type:ectodermal_cell ; CL:0000221 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:2140494 J:91601 MGI:3050545 12164 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: thymocytes | splenocytes | lymph node cells IDA GO:0009897 MGI:107674 J:76976 N/A 12165 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: thymocytes IDA GO:0009897 MGI:107674 J:39748 N/A 12166 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|A20 ; ATCC:TIB-208 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:107674 J:86243 N/A 12167 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:thymocytes ; splenocytes ; hepatocytes IMP GO:0051138 MGI:107674 J:39748 MGI:2180711 12168 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:thymocytes | splenocytes | lymph node cells | hepatocytes IMP GO:0051138 MGI:107674 J:76976 MGI:2180713 12169 1 evidence:RT-PCR anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:splenocytes IMP GO:0045404 MGI:107674 J:76976 MGI:2180713 12170 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:thymocytes ; splenocytes ; hepatocytes IMP GO:0045059 MGI:107674 J:39748 MGI:2180711 12171 1 evidence:IP anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 |Bcl-1 ; ATCC:TIB-197 gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107674 J:89707 UniProtKB:P04441-2 12172 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: thymocytes | splenocytes | lymph node cells IDA GO:0009897 MGI:107675 J:76976 N/A 12173 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:hepatoctyes | splenocytes | thymocytes IMP GO:0051138 MGI:107734 J:86243 MGI:1856083 12174 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS19\,liver; EMAP:3831 anatomy:TS20\,liver; EMAP:4577 anatomy:TS19\,heart; EMAP:3666 anatomy:TS20\,heart; EMAP:4396 anatomy:TS21\,embryo; EMAP:4740 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1100846 J:86857 MGI:2684189 12175 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS19\,heart; EMAP:3666 anatomy:TS20\,heart; EMAP:4396 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0035050 MGI:1100846 J:86857 MGI:2684189 12176 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS19\,liver; EMAP:3831 anatomy:TS20\,liver; EMAP:4577 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0035162 MGI:1100846 J:86857 MGI:2684189 12177 1 evidence:MEF differentiation assay anatomy: cell type:fat cell ; CL:0000136 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045444 MGI:1100846 J:76817 MGI:1861125 12178 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS19\,liver; EMAP:3831 anatomy:TS20\,liver; EMAP:4577 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001889 MGI:1100846 J:86857 MGI:2684189 12179 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|microglial_cell ; CL:0000129 gene product: text: cell_lineMG5 IDA GO:0005884 MGI:1343098 J:90132 N/A 12180 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|microglial_cell ; CL:0000129 gene product: text: cell_lineMG5 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1343098 J:90132 N/A 12181 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|microglial_cell ; CL:0000129 gene product: text:cell_lineMG5 IDA GO:0001726 MGI:1343098 J:90132 N/A 12182 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|microglial_cell ; CL:0000129 gene product: text: cell_lineMG5 IDA GO:0005884 MGI:104808 J:90132 N/A 12183 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|microglial_cell ; CL:0000129 gene product: text:cell_lineMG5 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:104808 J:90132 N/A 12184 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|microglial_cell ; CL:0000129 gene product: text:cell_lineMG5 IDA GO:0001891 MGI:104808 J:90132 N/A 12185 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|microglial_cell ; CL:0000129 gene product: text:cell_lineMG5 IDA GO:0001726 MGI:104808 J:90132 N/A 12186 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,cochlear duct; EMAP:6272 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS24\,epithelium\,cochlear duct; EMAP:9184 cell type:sensory_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000098 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS26\ IDA GO:0005737 MGI:107376 J:91308 N/A 12187 2 ,epithelium\,cochlear duct; EMAP:11904 cell type:sensory_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000098 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:cochlear duct ; MA:0000243 cell type:sensory_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000098 cell type:Claudius_cell ; CL:0000634 cell typ IDA GO:0005737 MGI:107376 J:91308 N/A 12188 3 e:Deiter's_cell ; CL:0000635 cell type:Hensen_cell ; CL:0000633 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS24\,lateral semicircular canal; EMAP:9192 cell type:sensory_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000098 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:107376 J:91308 N/A 12189 1 evidence: anatomy:cochlear duct ; MA:0000243 cell type:sensory_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000098 cell type:Claudius_cell ; CL:0000634 cell type:Deiter's_cell ; CL:0000635 cell type:Hensen_cell ; CL:0000633 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:inte IDA GO:0005634 MGI:107376 J:91308 N/A 12190 2 rnal spiral sulcus ; MA:0001197 cell type:sensory_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000098 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:vestibular apparatus ; MA:0000245 cell type:sensory_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000098 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:107376 J:91308 N/A 12191 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,endocardial cushion tissue; EMAP:1334 cell type:endothelial_cell ; CL:0000115 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001837 MGI:107172 J:92515 MGI:3044031 12192 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,endocardial cushion tissue; EMAP:1334 cell type:endothelial_cell ; CL:0000115 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: IMP GO:0001837 MGI:102469 J:92515 MGI:2181762 12193 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,valve\,right part\,common atrial chamber; EMAP:3072 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS15\,endocardial cushion tissue; EMAP:1334 cell type:endothelial_cell ; CL:0000115 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:00 IMP GO:0007507 MGI:107172 J:92515 MGI:3044031 12194 2 00134 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:107172 J:92515 MGI:3044031 12195 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,valve\,right part\,common atrial chamber; EMAP:3072 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS15\,endocardial cushion tissue; EMAP:1334 cell type:endothelial_cell ; CL:0000115 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:00 IMP GO:0007507 MGI:102469 J:92515 MGI:2181762 12196 2 00134 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:102469 J:92515 MGI:2181762 12197 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|microglial_cell ; CL:0000129 gene product: text:cell_lineMG5 IDA GO:0001891 MGI:1343098 J:90132 N/A 12198 1 evidence:IP-IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0000299 MGI:95758 J:89969 N/A 12199 1 evidence:IP-IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:95758 J:89969 N/A 12200 1 evidence:IP-IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005792 MGI:95758 J:89969 N/A 12201 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0048471 MGI:95758 J:92989 N/A 12202 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:95758 J:92989 N/A 12203 1 evidence:IF|IP-IB following cell fractionation "data not shown" anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1916188 J:89969 N/A 12204 1 evidence:IF|IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0019898 MGI:1916188 J:89969 N/A 12205 1 evidence:flow cytometry|glucose uptake assay "data not shown"|IF|IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|CHO ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0042593 MGI:1916188 J:89969 N/A 12206 1 evidence:IF|IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009898 MGI:1916188 J:89969 N/A 12207 1 evidence:flow cytometry|IP-IB|IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|CHO ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0006886 MGI:1916188 J:89969 N/A 12208 1 evidence:IP-IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005792 MGI:1916188 J:89969 N/A 12209 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0048471 MGI:1916188 J:89969 N/A 12210 1 evidence:IP-IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0000300 MGI:1916188 J:89969 N/A 12211 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 (3T3-L1)|ATCC:CRL-11268 (293T) gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1916188 J:89969 UniProtKB:P14672 12212 1 evidence:flow cytometry|glucose uptake assay "data not shown"|IF|IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0046324 MGI:1916188 J:89969 N/A 12213 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0012506 MGI:1916188 J:89969 N/A 12214 1 evidence:IP-IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:95755 J:89969 N/A 12215 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005768 MGI:98822 J:89969 N/A 12216 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0048471 MGI:98822 J:92989 N/A 12217 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:98822 J:92989 N/A 12218 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005794 MGI:1917599 J:92989 N/A 12219 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005802 MGI:101919 J:92989 N/A 12220 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0048471 MGI:101919 J:92989 N/A 12221 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293T ; ATCC:CRL-11268 call type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: external ref:PMID:14562105|IDA text: ISO GO:0009897 MGI:95758 J:73065 UniProtKB:P14672 12222 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002||3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: external ref:PMID:14562105|IDA text: ISO GO:0048471 MGI:95758 J:73065 UniProtKB:P14672 12223 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005783 MGI:98817 J:92989 N/A 12224 1 evidence:IP anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:88461 J:92989 N/A 12225 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005783 MGI:106675 J:92989 N/A 12226 1 evidence:IP anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:106675 J:92989 N/A 12227 1 evidence:2-deoxyglucose uptake assay anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: text: IDA GO:0046326 MGI:106675 J:77479 N/A 12228 1 evidence:2-deoxyglucose uptake assay anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: text: IDA GO:0046325 MGI:104798 J:77479 N/A 12229 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1313302 J:55850 N/A 12230 1 evidence: anatomy:unfertilized egg ; MA:0000388 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0045120 MGI:1313302 J:55850 N/A 12231 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016202 MGI:1313302 J:55850 N/A 12232 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text:cell_lineBAL17 IDA GO:0050851 MGI:1345171 J:62510 N/A 12233 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text:cell_lineY16 IDA GO:0005125 MGI:96557 J:62510 N/A 12234 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text:cell_lineY16 IDA GO:0050731 MGI:96557 J:62510 N/A 12235 1 evidence:northern blot|cell proliferation as measured by cell counting anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: text: cell_lineBaf3-B03 (mouse, transfected) IDA GO:0005125 MGI:96552 J:24973 N/A 12236 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text:cell_lineMC9 evidence:IP-IB "data not shown" anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene produ IDA GO:0005125 MGI:96552 J:62510 N/A 12237 2 ct: text:cell_lineY16 IDA GO:0005125 MGI:96552 J:62510 N/A 12238 1 evidence:cell proliferation as measured by cell counting anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: text:cell_lineBaf3-B03 (mouse, transfected) IDA GO:0008284 MGI:96552 J:24973 N/A 12239 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text:cell_lineMC9 evidence:IP-IB "data not shown" anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene IDA GO:0050731 MGI:96552 J:62510 N/A 12240 2 product: text: cell_lineY16 IDA GO:0050731 MGI:96552 J:62510 N/A 12241 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: text:cell_lineBaf3-B03 (mouse, transfected) IDA GO:0045885 MGI:96552 J:24973 N/A 12242 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text:cell_lineMC9 IDA GO:0050731 MGI:96974 J:62510 N/A 12243 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text: cell_lineMC9 IDA GO:0005173 MGI:96974 J:62510 N/A 12244 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC: CCL-2 gene product: text: caused alteration in endosome morphology ISA GO:0007032 MGI:2447532 J:92859 EMBL:AB107015 12245 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0004713 MGI:96629 J:62510 N/A 12246 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:96629 J:62510 N/A 12247 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:99928 J:62510 N/A 12248 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: text: IDA GO:0019815 MGI:99515 J:31951 N/A 12249 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050853 MGI:99515 J:31951 N/A 12250 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: text: IDA GO:0000187 MGI:99515 J:31951 N/A 12251 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|DT40 ; ATCC:CRL-2111 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007166 MGI:99515 J:39598 N/A 12252 1 evidence:IP-IB|in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007242 MGI:99515 J:31951 N/A 12253 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: text: IDA GO:0004715 MGI:99515 J:31951 N/A 12254 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:99515 J:62510 N/A 12255 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: evidence:IP-IB following in vitro kinase reaction anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:99515 J:35411 N/A 12256 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:peritoneal cavity ; MA:0000054 cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045579 MGI:99515 J:29797 MGI:1857421 12257 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:in Zap70/Syk double KO mice|thymocytes IGI GO:0046638 MGI:99515 J:42818 MGI:99613 12258 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:in Zap70/Syk double KO mice|thymocytes IGI GO:0046641 MGI:99515 J:42818 MGI:99613 12259 1 evidence:flow cytometry|sequencing anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IMP GO:0045588 MGI:99515 J:36147 MGI:1857421 12260 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: text: IDA GO:0046777 MGI:99515 J:31951 N/A 12261 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0004713 MGI:99515 J:62510 N/A 12262 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: evidence:IP-IB following in vitro kinase reaction anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0004713 MGI:99515 J:35411 N/A 12263 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: text: IDA GO:0004716 MGI:99515 J:31951 N/A 12264 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:95602 J:62510 N/A 12265 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0004713 MGI:95602 J:62510 N/A 12266 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:96892 J:62510 N/A 12267 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0004713 MGI:96892 J:62510 N/A 12268 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:88216 J:62510 N/A 12269 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0004713 MGI:88216 J:62510 N/A 12270 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:96628 J:62510 N/A 12271 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0004713 MGI:96628 J:62510 N/A 12272 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text:cell_lineMC9 IDA GO:0019221 MGI:96677 J:62510 N/A 12273 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:bone marrow cells IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96677 J:89706 N/A 12274 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: bone marrow cells IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96677 J:84890 N/A 12275 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:96677 J:62510 N/A 12276 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|mast_cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: text:cell_lineMC9 IDA GO:0007243 MGI:96677 J:62510 N/A 12277 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005020 MGI:96677 J:62510 N/A 12278 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,vestibular component\,inner ear; EMAP:4303 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007267 MGI:104723 J:93155 MGI:2135961 12279 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 cell type:dendritic_cell ; CL:0000451 cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:2183926 J:84973 N/A 12280 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1914719 J:93562 N/A 12281 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1914719 J:93460 N/A 12282 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:fat_cell ; CL:0000136 ; synonym:adipocyte|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005811 MGI:1914719 J:93460 N/A 12283 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005811 MGI:1914719 J:93562 N/A 12284 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005811 MGI:1890505 J:93460 N/A 12285 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0007155 MGI:1321398 J:93522 N/A 12286 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030855 MGI:1321398 J:93522 N/A 12287 1 evidence:antibody inhibition anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type:early_embryonic_cell ; CL:0000007 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IMP GO:0005923 MGI:1321398 J:93522 N/A 12288 1 evidence:immunofluorescence anatomy:glomerular capillary basement membrane ; MA:0001659 anatomy:bronchus basement membrane ; MA:0001832 anatomy:endometrium ; MA:0000390 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:98384 J:18035 N/A 12289 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:lymph node cells|thymocytes IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98384 J:26220 N/A 12290 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphoblast ; CL:0000230 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98384 J:88252 N/A 12291 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: splenocytes IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98384 J:18035 N/A 12292 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:lymphocyte ; CL:0000542 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98384 J:88251 N/A 12293 1 evidence:TUNEL assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:HSAhiCD4+CD8- thymocytes IDA GO:0031295 MGI:88327 J:56164 N/A 12294 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: lymph node cells|thymocytes IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88327 J:26220 N/A 12295 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:peripheral blood lymphocytes IMP GO:0009897 MGI:88327 J:14194 MGI:1857150 12296 1 evidence:TUNEL assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:CD4+CD8+ thymocytes|HSAhiCD4+CD8- thymocytes IDA GO:0008624 MGI:88327 J:56164 N/A 12297 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: text:cell counts determined by flow cytometry|thymocytes IMP GO:0045060 MGI:88327 J:56164 MGI:1857150 12298 1 evidence:proliferation assay anatomy:serum cell type:CL:0000624 gene product: text: (CD4+ T cells) IDA GO:0042102 MGI:88327 J:89322 N/A 12299 1 evidence:ELIZA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: blood serum IMP GO:0048304 MGI:88327 J:14194 MGI:1857150 12300 1 evidence:GFP localization anatomy cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|CV-1 ; ATTC: CCL-70 gene product: text: ISA GO:0005739 MGI:2443538 J:90051 EMBL:BC040053 12301 1 evidence:TUNEL assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:HSAhiCD4+CD8- thymocytes IDA GO:0031295 MGI:88340 J:56164 N/A 12302 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:thymocytes IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88340 J:25159 N/A 12303 1 evidence:TUNEL assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:HSAhiCD4+CD8- thymocytes IDA GO:0008624 MGI:88340 J:56164 N/A 12304 1 evidence:platelet adherance assay anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|B16-F10 ; ATCC:CRL-6475 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007162 MGI:98384 J:88253 MGI:1857246 12305 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:amacrine_cell ; CL:0000561 gene product: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:2151057 J:92622 MGI:3054789 12306 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:95911 J:37226 N/A 12307 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005740 MGI:95911 J:37226 N/A 12308 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:95911 J:37226 N/A 12309 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation|IF|sequence analysis anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Y1-BS1 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005901 MGI:893578 J:40432 N/A 12310 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation|IF|sequence analysis anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0000299 MGI:893578 J:40432 N/A 12311 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation|IF|sequence analysis anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:893578 J:40432 N/A 12312 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Y1-BS1 (mouse) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005901 MGI:102709 J:40432 N/A 12313 1 evidence:cell fractionation followed by IB anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: text: evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005901 MGI:102709 J:75490 N/A 12314 1 evidence:IF|sequence analysis anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:102709 J:30626 N/A 12315 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: text: IDA GO:0048471 MGI:102709 J:30626 N/A 12316 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: text: IDA GO:0051260 MGI:102709 J:30626 N/A 12317 1 evidence:fatty acid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:plasma IMP GO:0019217 MGI:102709 J:75490 MGI:2180364 12318 1 evidence:histology anatomy:abdominal fat pad ; MA:0000472 anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0019915 MGI:102709 J:75490 MGI:2180364 12319 1 evidence:triglyceride assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:plasma IMP GO:0006641 MGI:102709 J:75490 MGI:2180364 12320 1 evidence:IF following transfection with reporter tag anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|mCCD gene product: text:only minor staining seen compared to that in the cilium axoneme IDA GO:0005932 MGI:2177632 J:74701 N/A 12321 1 evidence:IF following transfection with reporter tag anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|mCCD gene product: text: IDA GO:0035085 MGI:2177632 J:74701 N/A 12322 1 evidence:IB anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005626 MGI:101864 J:87935 N/A 12323 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:101864 J:66004 N/A 12324 1 evidence:IF anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:101864 J:87935 N/A 12325 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:Purkinje_fiber ; CL:0000195 gene product: text: IDA GO:0016023 MGI:97380 J:87385 N/A 12326 1 evidence:cell fractionation|immunoblot anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0000299 MGI:102709 J:52977 N/A 12327 1 evidence: anatomy:blood vessel ; MA:0000060 cell type:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell ; CL:0000071 cell type:vascular_associated_smooth_muscle_cell ; CL:0000359 gene product: text: IDA GO:0030155 MGI:1096355 J:93030 N/A 12328 1 evidence:in situ hybridization anatomy:TS12\,embryo; EMAP:207 anatomy:TS13\,embryo; EMAP:402 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0048511 MGI:2135679 J:91127 MGI:2652222|MGI:3046536 12329 1 evidence:in situ hybridization anatomy:TS12\,embryo; EMAP:207 anatomy:TS13\,embryo; EMAP:402 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:2135679 J:91127 MGI:2652222|MGI:3046536 12330 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,telencephalon; EMAP:2251 cell type: gene product: text: ventral telencephalon 10.5dpc IGI GO:0007420 MGI:108067 J:85473 MGI:95843 12331 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|32d ; ATCC:CRL-11346 gene product:UniProt:Q61696|Hspa1b (mouse) text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914634 J:94503 UniProtKB:Q61698 12332 1 evidence:trypan blue exclusion anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|32D ; ATCC:CRL-11346 gene product: text:viability following IL-3 removal if transfected or not IDA GO:0043066 MGI:1352493 J:94503 N/A 12333 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Chuk-rs1 ; MGI:99458 text:regulates MGI:99458| IGI GO:0045944 MGI:97350 J:93034 MGI:1347465 12334 1 evidence:LDH release assay anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008630 MGI:1919815 J:93333 MGI:3043446 12335 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043293 MGI:1919815 J:93333 N/A 12336 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 transfected) gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1919815 J:84854 N/A 12337 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1919815 J:89918 N/A 12338 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1919815 J:93333 N/A 12339 1 evidence:IB of apoptotic-related proteins following H2O2 treatment anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008631 MGI:1919815 J:93333 MGI:3043446 12340 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|F9 ; ATCC:CRL-1720 cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:1919815 J:84854 N/A 12341 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation|EMSA anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042347 MGI:1919815 J:89918 MGI:3043446 12342 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005635 MGI:1919815 J:84854 N/A 12343 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005635 MGI:1919815 J:89918 N/A 12344 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1919815 J:93333 N/A 12345 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0048471 MGI:1919815 J:93333 N/A 12346 1 evidence:PI staining|TUNEL staining|LDH release assay anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043065 MGI:1919815 J:93333 N/A 12347 1 evidence:IB demonstrating procaspase-9 cleavage following H2O2 treatment anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IMP GO:0043280 MGI:1919815 J:93333 MGI:3043446 12348 1 evidence:trypan blue staining in presence of caspase inhibitors anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: text: IDA GO:0043280 MGI:1919815 J:93333 N/A 12349 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IMP GO:0042307 MGI:1919815 J:93333 MGI:3043446 12350 1 evidence:LDH release assay anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IMP GO:0009411 MGI:1919815 J:93333 MGI:3043446 12351 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|F9 ; ATCC:CRL-1720 cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:1919815 J:84854 N/A 12352 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:1919815 J:93333 N/A 12353 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:splenocyte IDA GO:0019815 MGI:96447 J:88708 N/A 12354 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 anatomy:peritoneal cavity ; MA:0000054 cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0019815 MGI:96447 J:29796 N/A 12355 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 anatomy:peritoneal cavity ; MA:0000054 cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96447 J:29796 N/A 12356 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:splenocytes IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96447 J:88708 N/A 12357 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:splenocytes IDA GO:0019815 MGI:96448 J:88708 N/A 12358 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 anatomy:peritoneal cavity ; MA:0000054 cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0019815 MGI:96448 J:29796 N/A 12359 1 evidence:IP following surface iodination anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: text: IDA GO:0019815 MGI:96448 J:94881 N/A 12360 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 cell type:|permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: text: IDA GO:0019815 MGI:96448 J:31951 N/A 12361 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:splenocyte IDA GO:0019815 MGI:96448 J:84929 N/A 12362 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050853 MGI:96448 J:94881 N/A 12363 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 cell line:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050853 MGI:96448 J:31951 N/A 12364 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: text: IDA GO:0000187 MGI:96448 J:31951 N/A 12365 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:blood serum IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96448 J:14194 N/A 12366 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 cell line:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96448 J:31951 N/A 12367 1 evidence:IP following surface iodination|IF|flow cytometry "data not shown" anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96448 J:94881 N/A 12368 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:peritoneal cavity ; MA:0000054 cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96448 J:29797 N/A 12369 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 anatomy:peritoneal cavity ; MA:0000054 cell type:B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96448 J:29796 N/A 12370 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:splenocytes IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96448 J:88708 N/A 12371 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:splenocytes IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96448 J:84929 N/A 12372 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:serum IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96448 J:84929 N/A 12373 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:blood serum IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96448 J:14194 N/A 12374 1 evidence:IF of permeabilized cells anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: text: IDA GO:0048471 MGI:96448 J:94881 N/A 12375 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050731 MGI:96448 J:94881 N/A 12376 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: text: IDA GO:0050731 MGI:96448 J:31951 N/A 12377 1 evidence:IP following surface iodination anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product:UniProt:P01843|Igl-C1 (mouse) text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96448 J:94881 UniProtKB:P01843 12378 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: text: IDA GO:0004888 MGI:96448 J:94881 N/A 12379 1 evidence:CTLL assay of IL-2 production anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:cell_line3A9 (mouse) IDA GO:0050870 MGI:88335 J:80063 N/A 12380 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: text:cell_line3A9 (mouse) IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88335 J:80063 N/A 12381 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:thymocytes ; splenocytes ; hepatocytes IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88335 J:39748 N/A 12382 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,retina; EMAP:5230 cell type:amacrine cell ; CL:0000561|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 cell type:eye photoreceptor cell ; GO:0000287|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740|primary cell IDA GO:0045596 MGI:1338027 J:99244 N/A 12383 2 line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0045596 MGI:1338027 J:99244 N/A 12384 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,lung; EMAP:3857 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target:Bmp4 ; MGI:88180| RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 target:Nmyc1 ; MGI:97357|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0 IDA GO:0003682 MGI:88276 J:99391 N/A 12385 2 000170 text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:88276 J:99391 N/A 12386 1 evidence:ECO:0000007|inferred from immunofluroescence anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:107629 J:34242 N/A 12387 1 evidence:IPI anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Cos1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: target: text:in golgi when bound to Ras_GTP ISA GO:0005794 MGI:1917153 J:97974 EMBL:AY378097 12388 1 evidence:IPI|ECO:0000070|ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|HEK293 ; ATCC: CRL-1573 gene product: target: text:human protein was analyzed, but identified mouse ortholog ; binds Ras; confirmed by yeast two-hybrid, c ISA GO:0017016 MGI:1917153 J:97974 EMBL:AY378097 12389 2 o-immuno, and in vivo co-immunop ISA GO:0017016 MGI:1917153 J:97974 EMBL:AY378097 12390 1 evidence:IDA anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Cos1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: target: text: ISA GO:0048471 MGI:1917153 J:97974 EMBL:AY378097 12391 1 evidence:IDA anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3 ; ATCC: CCL-92 gene product: target: text: ISA GO:0008284 MGI:1917153 J:97974 EMBL:AY378097 12392 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary neuron ; CL:0000530 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0006979 MGI:1921268 J:100336 MGI:3522476 12393 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ywhah ; MGI:109194 text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1350935 J:50105 UniProtKB:P68510 12394 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Tlx2 ; MGI:1350935 text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109194 J:50105 UniProtKB:Q61663 12395 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|PC12 ; CRL-1721 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0050774 MGI:109194 J:50105 N/A 12396 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|PC12 ; CRL-1721 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0050774 MGI:1350935 J:50105 N/A 12397 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005783 MGI:1921846 J:100304 N/A 12398 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: target: text IDA GO:0005783 MGI:1332236 J:100304 N/A 12399 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: text: ISA GO:0005737 MGI:1353557 J:60244 EMBL:AF145713 12400 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: human "schwannomin" binding IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1353557 J:60244 UniProtKB:P35240 12401 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: human ISA GO:0042803 MGI:1353557 J:60244 EMBL:AF145713 12402 1 evidence: anatomy:TS1, one-cell state ; EMAP:2 cell type:zygote ; CL:0000365 gene product: target: text:arrested at one cell stage IMP GO:0009790 MGI:2140770 J:99134 MGI:3581976 12403 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2140770 J:99134 N/A 12404 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Oas1a ; MGI:2180860 text: IDA GO:0004857 MGI:2140770 J:99134 N/A 12405 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,pectoral girdle and thoracic body wall\,skeleton\,embryo; EMAP:5629 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:97485 J:75823 MGI:1856222 12406 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,pectoral girdle and thoracic body wall\,skeleton\,embryo; EMAP:5629 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:97485 J:75823 MGI:1856222 12407 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:2628 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001892 MGI:99655 J:101718 MGI:3605483 12408 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0001893 MGI:99655 J:101718 MGI:3605483 12409 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:HTB-174 gene product: target: text:transfection assay IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1921373 J:102102 N/A 12410 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:HTB-174 gene product: target: text:transfection assay IDA GO:0016564 MGI:1921373 J:102102 N/A 12411 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0004937 MGI:106673 J:83036 N/A 12412 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-70 gene product: target: text:CV1 cells; transfection assay IDA GO:0006355 MGI:97352 J:66243 N/A 12413 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-70 gene product: target: text:CV1 cells; transfection assay IDA GO:0016563 MGI:97352 J:66243 N/A 12414 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-70 gene product: target: text:CV1 cells; transfection assay IDA GO:0003700 MGI:97352 J:66243 N/A 12415 1 evidence:GST fusion pulldown assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Magi1 ; UniProt:Q6RHR9 text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1929286 J:100469 UniProtKB:Q6RHR9 12416 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|MDCK ; ATCC:NBL-2 gene product: target: text: |ATCC:NBL-2 (MDCK, dog, transfected) IDA GO:0005923 MGI:1929286 J:100469 N/A 12417 1 evidence:GST fusion pulldown assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Amotl2 ; Uniprot:Q8K371|AMOTL1 ; UniProt:Q8IY63 text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1203522 J:100469 UniProtKB:Q8K371|UniProtKB:Q8IY63 12418 1 evidence:immunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein ; TED:0000021 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC: CRL-1573 gene product: external ref:PMID:10531358|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1919045 J:73065 EMBL:AF171102 12419 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC: CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:14769789|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2681847 J:73065 EMBL:AF458084 12420 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation|sequence analysis anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: external ref:PMID:10051670|IDA text: ISA GO:0016021 MGI:1340055 J:53335 UniProtKB:Q9Z143 12421 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: external ref:PMID:11483650|IDA text:rat hippocampal neuron ISO GO:0045202 MGI:1340055 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Z143 12422 1 evidence: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1650 anatomy: gene product: external ref:PMID:9569025|IDA text: human ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1913604 J:73065 NCBI:NM_012245 12423 1 evidence:IF|flow cytometry|IP anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: text:PMID:11390434|IDA text: ISA GO:0001920 MGI:1924897 J:91455 UniProtKB:Q6PIZ9 12424 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC: CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:11113196|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2449307 J:73065 EMBL:AF318574 12425 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T ; ATCC:CRL-11268 gene product: external ref:PMID:12802276|IDA text:human ZBTB16 ISO GO:0016566 MGI:103222 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q05516 12426 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T ; ATCC:CRL-11268 gene product: external ref:PMID:12802276|IDA text:human ZBTB16 ISO GO:0017053 MGI:103222 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q05516 12427 1 evidence:heterologous displacement assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|L-929 ; ATCC:CCL-1 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96550 J:16175 N/A 12428 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7736574|IDA text:cell_lineBaf3-B03 (mouse, transfected) ISO GO:0004911 MGI:96550 J:73065 UniProtKB:P14784 12429 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7736574|IDA text:cell_lineBaf3-B03 (mouse, transfected) ISO GO:0019221 MGI:96550 J:73065 UniProtKB:P14784 12430 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7736574|IDA text:cell_lineBaf3-B03 (mouse, transfected) ISO GO:0045885 MGI:96550 J:73065 UniProtKB:P14784 12431 1 evidence: anatomy:pigmented retinal epithelium ; MA:0000279 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030855 MGI:103178 J:102398 MGI:1931048|MGI:2387296 12432 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|F9 ; ATCC:CRL-1720 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:700013 J:98785 N/A 12433 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|F9 ; ATCC:CRL-1720 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:700013 J:98785 N/A 12434 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|F9 ; ATCC:CRL-1720 gene product: external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:700013 J:98785 MGI:97858 12435 1 evidence:ECO:0000087|infered from immunolocaization anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal cone cell ; CL:0000573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045202 MGI:2159617 J:105598 N/A 12436 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product:AB071302AB095445|Ab112362|AB071302 target: external ref: text: excreted into culture media; Media used as enzyme source IDA GO:0005615 MGI:2685556 J:98410 N/A 12437 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:Sertoli_cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: target: external ref: text:Sertoli_cell ; CL:0000216 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:98363 J:85717 N/A 12438 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98363 J:62310 N/A 12439 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11742540|IDA text: ISO GO:0047223 MGI:1915523 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WZA1 12440 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,tibia ; EMAP:12911 cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002076 MGI:97800 J:108801 MGI:2154515 12441 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,tibia ; EMAP:12911 cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002076 MGI:97801 J:108801 MGI:2154519 12442 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11709191|IDA text: ISO GO:0006493 MGI:1915523 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WZA1 12443 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11709191|IDA text: ISO GO:0005792 MGI:1915523 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WZA1 12444 1 evidence: anatomy:septal coronary artery ; MA:0002456 anatomy:left coronary artery ; MA:0002454 anatomy:right coronary artery ; MA:0002455 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048514 MGI:95713 J:108525 MGI:3051881|MGI:2386570 12445 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23,right ventricle,cardiac muscle ;EMAP:7959 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:95713 J:108525 MGI:3051881|MGI:2176205 12446 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,neural tube,lateral wall ; EMAP:3527 anatomy:TS19,neural tube,roof plate ; EMAP:3534 cell type:neuroepithelial cell ; CL:0000710 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002070 MGI:95713 J:108525 MGI:3051881|MGI:2176205 12447 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-92|3T3 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005777 MGI:97138 J:21477 N/A 12448 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20,parenchyma ; EMAP:4579 anatomy:TS22,parenchyma ; EMAP:6656|TS22,parenchyma ; EMAP:6661|TS22,parenchyma ; EMAP:6666 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005578 MGI:97342 J:108466 N/A 12449 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20,parenchyma ; EMAP:4579 anatomy:TS22,parenchyma ; EMAP:6656|TS22,parenchyma ; EMAP:6661|TS22,parenchyma ; EMAP:6666 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005578 MGI:1298229 J:108466 N/A 12450 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-92|3T3 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006800 MGI:97138 J:21477 N/A 12451 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000794 MGI:1859287 J:108227 N/A 12452 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1859287 J:108227 N/A 12453 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005720 MGI:1261819 J:108227 N/A 12454 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1261819 J:108227 N/A 12455 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target:Dnmt3l ; MGI:1859287 external ref: text: IDA GO:0031503 MGI:1261819 J:108227 N/A 12456 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16543361|IDA text: ISO GO:0003886 MGI:1261819 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UBC3 12457 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dnmt3b ; MGI:1261819 external ref: text: IDA GO:0008047 MGI:1859287 J:108227 N/A 12458 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16543361|IDA text: ISO GO:0008047 MGI:1859287 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UJW3 12459 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16582910|IDA text: ISO GO:0005739 MGI:97138 J:73065 UniProtKB:P39210 12460 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,glomeruli ; EMAP:12268 cell type:columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell ; CL:0000075 cell type:podocyte ; CL:0000653 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:106645 J:108461 N/A 12461 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,glomeruli ; EMAP:12268 cell type:columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell ; CL:0000075 cell type:podocyte ; CL:0000653 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:106645 J:108461 N/A 12462 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,glomeruli ; EMAP:12268 cell type:columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell ; CL:0000075 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031410 MGI:106645 J:108461 N/A 12463 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,glomeruli ; EMAP:12268 cell type:columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell ; CL:0000075 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:Bowman's capsule (EMAP:12275) cell type:columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell ; CL: IDA GO:0005903 MGI:106645 J:108461 N/A 12464 2 0000075 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005903 MGI:106645 J:108461 N/A 12465 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035019 MGI:2442415 J:108453 MGI:3626344 12466 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:somatotropin secreting cell ; CL:0000295 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048732 MGI:1342540 J:106071 MGI:2158690 12467 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:somatotropin secreting cell ; CL:0000295 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1342540 J:106071 MGI:2158690 12468 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24,hypothalamus ; EMAP:8923 anatomy:TS25,hypothalamus ; EMAP:10283 anatomy:TS26,hypothalamus ; EMAP:11643 cell type:peptide hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000167 gene product: target: external ref: text: GHRH IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1342540 J:106071 N/A 12469 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; EMAP:10283 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|N3 gene product: target:Ghrh ; MGI:95709 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1342540 J:106071 N/A 12470 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tor1aip1|Tor1aip2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1353568 J:109257 UniProtKB:Q921T2|UniProtKB:Q8BYU6 12471 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tor1a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:3582693 J:109257 UniProtKB:Q9ER39 12472 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tor1a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:3582695 J:109257 UniProtKB:Q9ER39 12473 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16109376|IPI|UniProt:Q9ESU6 text: ISO GO:0006468 MGI:1328363 J:101015 UniProtKB:O60563 12474 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16109376|IPI|UniProt:Q9ESU6 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1328363 J:101015 UniProtKB:O60563 12475 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12867153|IDA text: rat ISO GO:0003868 MGI:96213 J:73065 UniProtKB:P32755 12476 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12867153|IDA text: rat ISO GO:0005794 MGI:96213 J:73065 UniProtKB:P32755 12477 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12867153|IDA text: rat ISO GO:0005783 MGI:96213 J:73065 UniProtKB:P32755 12478 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Pdss2 IPI GO:0051290 MGI:1889278 J:102627 UniProtKB:Q33DR3 12479 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Pdss2 IPI GO:0050347 MGI:1889278 J:102627 UniProtKB:Q33DR3 12480 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Pdss1 IPI GO:0051290 MGI:1918615 J:102627 UniProtKB:Q33DR2 12481 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Pdss1 IPI GO:0050347 MGI:1918615 J:102627 UniProtKB:Q33DR2 12482 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:isoforms 1 and 3 IDA GO:0004406 MGI:2385142 J:99401 N/A 12483 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:isoforms 1 and 3 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2385142 J:99401 N/A 12484 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:isoforms 1 and 3 IDA GO:0045444 MGI:2385142 J:99401 N/A 12485 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:isoforms 1 and 3 IDA GO:0016573 MGI:2385142 J:99401 N/A 12486 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:isoforms 1 and 3 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2385142 J:99401 N/A 12487 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:isoforms 1 and 3 IDA GO:0007519 MGI:2385142 J:99401 N/A 12488 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1653739|IPI|UniProt:P29476| UniProt:P10888 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1330806 J:107662 UniProtKB:O08701 12489 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1653739|IPI|UniProt:O08701 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:97360 J:107662 UniProtKB:P29476 12490 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1653739|IPI|UniProt:O08701 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:88473 J:107662 UniProtKB:P10888 12491 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:CCNT1|CDK9|MED12|CRSP2|CRSP6|CCNT2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1888520 J:101015 UniProtKB:O60563|UniProtKB:P50750|UniProtKB:Q7Z2E0|UniProtKB:O60244|UniProtKB:Q9HA81|UniProtKB:O60583 12492 1 evidence: anatomy:outflow tract ; EMAP:577 anatomy:TS20, right ventricle ; EMAP:4439 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:99604 J:109474 MGI:2686864|MGI:2654594 12493 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14, mesenchyme derived from splanchnopleure ; EMAP:722 cell type:mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000165 MGI:99604 J:109474 MGI:2686864|MGI:2654594 12494 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14, mesenchyme derived from splanchnopleure ; EMAP:722 cell type:mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS14, pharyngeal region, epithelium ; EMAP:943 cell type:endodermal IMP GO:0008284 MGI:99604 J:109474 MGI:2686864|MGI:2654594 12495 2 cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:99604 J:109474 MGI:2686864|MGI:2654594 12496 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme derived from neural crest ; EMAP:1016|mesenchyme derived from neural crest ; EMAP:1022|mesenchyme derived from neural crest ; EMAP:1037|mesenchyme derived from neural crest ; EMAP:1050 cell type:cranial neural crest cell ; CL: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:99604 J:109474 MGI:2686864|MGI:2654594 12497 2 0000008 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:99604 J:109474 MGI:2686864|MGI:2654594 12498 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; EMAP:560 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001947 MGI:104867 J:109334 MGI:2386948 12499 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, cardiac muscle ; EMAP:6446|TS22, cardiac muscle ; EMAP:6449 anatomy:TS23, cardiac muscle ; EMAP:7956|TS23, cardiac muscle ; EMAP:7959 anatomy:TS25, cardiac muscle ; EMAP:10173|TS25, cardiac muscle ; EMAP:10176 anatomy:MA:0000082 ; IMP GO:0008285 MGI:104867 J:109334 MGI:2386948 12500 2 ventricle myocardium cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:104867 J:109334 MGI:2386948 12501 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target:Dab1 ; MGI:108554 external ref: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:98397 J:109819 N/A 12502 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, cerebral cortex ; EMAP:7537 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target:Dab1 ; MGI:108554 target:Fyn ; MGI:95602 external ref: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:103022 J:109819 N/A 12503 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, cerebral cortex ; EMAP:7537 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045860 MGI:103022 J:109819 N/A 12504 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, cerebral cortex ; EMAP:7537 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045860 MGI:103022 J:109819 MGI:108554,MGI:98935,MGI:1340044 12505 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, cerebral cortex ; EMAP:7537 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045860 MGI:108554 J:109819 MGI:103022 12506 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, cerebral cortex ; EMAP:7537 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045860 MGI:1340044 J:109819 MGI:98935,MGI:103022 12507 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, cerebral cortex ; EMAP:7537 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045860 MGI:98935 J:109819 MGI:103022,MGI:1340044 12508 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, heart ; EMAP:5285|arterial system ; EMAP:5249 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:104723 J:109722 MGI:2135961 12509 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, ventricle ; EMAP:4431|arterial system ; EMAP:4366 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001525 MGI:95522 J:109722 MGI:95523 12510 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, ventricle ; EMAP:4431|arterial system ; EMAP:4366 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001525 MGI:95523 J:109722 MGI:95522 12511 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20,heart ; EMAP:4396 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008543 MGI:95523 J:109722 MGI:95522 12512 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20,heart ; EMAP:4396 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008543 MGI:95522 J:109722 MGI:95523 12513 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20,heart ; EMAP:4396 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:95522 J:109722 MGI:95523 12514 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20,heart ; EMAP:4396 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:95523 J:109722 MGI:95522 12515 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20,heart ; EMAP:4396 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:104723 J:109722 MGI:2135961 12516 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, ventricle ; EMAP:4431|arterial system ; EMAP:4366 cell type:mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS20, cardiac muscle ; EMAP:4435|TS20, cardiac muscle ; EMAP:4441 cell IMP GO:0045880 MGI:104723 J:109722 MGI:2135961 12517 2 type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045880 MGI:104723 J:109722 MGI:2135961 12518 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, heart ; EMAP:4396|arterial system ; EMAP:4366 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001525 MGI:98297 J:109722 N/A 12519 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, heart ; EMAP:4396|arterial system ; EMAP:4366 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001525 MGI:104723 J:109722 N/A 12520 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, heart ; EMAP:4396|arterial system ; EMAP:4366 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001525 MGI:1202890 J:109722 MGI:103178 12521 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, heart ; EMAP:4396|arterial system ; EMAP:4366 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001525 MGI:103178 J:109722 MGI:1202890 12522 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, vestibular component ; EMAP:5167 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:88145 J:109712 MGI:1929986 12523 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellar cortex ; MA:0000199 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:1353598 J:109570 N/A 12524 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellar cortex ; MA:0000199 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1353598 J:109570 N/A 12525 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellar cortex ; MA:0000199 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005790 MGI:1353598 J:109570 N/A 12526 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellar cortex ; MA:0000199 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030673 MGI:1353598 J:109570 N/A 12527 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:1353598 J:109570 N/A 12528 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:2684956 J:109310 MGI:3629211 12529 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007283 MGI:2684956 J:109310 MGI:3629211 12530 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatogonium ; CL:0000020 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2684956 J:109310 N/A 12531 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatogonium ; CL:0000020 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:103222 J:109310 N/A 12532 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatogonium ; CL:0000020 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:105113 J:109310 N/A 12533 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:cholinergic neuron ; CL:0000108|motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007274 MGI:88323 J:109028 MGI:2179996 12534 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:cholinergic neuron ; CL:0000108|motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048488 MGI:88323 J:109028 MGI:2179996 12535 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:cholinergic neuron ; CL:0000108|motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007274 MGI:2139434 J:109028 N/A 12536 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:cholinergic neuron ; CL:0000108|motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007274 MGI:2139434 J:109028 MGI:88323 12537 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:cholinergic neuron ; CL:0000108|motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007274 MGI:88323 J:109028 MGI:2139434 12538 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:Schwann cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0010001 MGI:96083 J:109028 MGI:2447761|MGI:2447758 12539 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Wnt2 ; MGI:98954|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:107516 J:109283 N/A 12540 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Wnt2 ; MGI:98954 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:107516 J:109283 N/A 12541 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic vertebra 10 ; MA:0001447 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:99150 J:109284 MGI:1101770 12542 1 evidence: anatomy:axial skeleton ; MA:0000308 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 1 ; MA:0001428 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:99150 J:109284 MGI:2445451 12543 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 1 ; MA:0001428 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:1101770 J:109284 MGI:1926913 12544 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic vertebra 10 ; MA:0001447 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:1101770 J:109284 MGI:99150 12545 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25, lens ; EMAP:10595 anatomy:TS25, anterior chamber ; EMAP:10572 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048593 MGI:1101770 J:109284 MGI:99150 12546 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25, lens ; EMAP:10595 anatomy:TS25, anterior chamber ; EMAP:10572 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048593 MGI:99150 J:109284 MGI:1101770 12547 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, tubo-tympanic recess ; EMAP:2363 anatomy:TS25, ossicle ; EMAP:10563 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042474 MGI:98493 J:109536 MGI:1932522|MGI:3619149 12548 1 evidence: anatomy:TS27, pinna ; EMAP:10520 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042473 MGI:98493 J:109536 MGI:1932522|MGI:3619149 12549 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25, inner ear ; EMAP:10524 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:98493 J:109536 MGI:3619149|MGI:3046196 12550 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mmp14 ; MGI:101900 target:Mmp2 ; MGI:97009 target:Mmp9 ; MGI:97011 external ref: text: IDA GO:0004866 MGI:1855698 J:107674 N/A 12551 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17,arterial system ; EMAP:2389|TS17, venous system ; EMAP:2461 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001955 MGI:1855698 J:107674 MGI:3623517 12552 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, neural tube EMAP:2324 anatomy:TS17, arterial system ; EMAP:2389|TS17, venous system ; EMAP:2461 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:1855698 J:107674 MGI:3623517 12553 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17,arterial system ; EMAP:2389|TS17, venous system ; EMAP:2461 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001955 MGI:1855698 J:107674 MGI:97009 12554 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17,arterial system ; EMAP:2389|TS17, venous system ; EMAP:2461 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001955 MGI:97009 J:107674 MGI:1855698 12555 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9789069|IDA text: ISO GO:0004866 MGI:1855698 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95980 12556 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9789069|IDA text: ISO GO:0000300 MGI:1855698 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95980 12557 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9789069|IPI|UniProt:P14780 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1855698 J:73065 UniProtKB:O95980 12558 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9789069|IPI|UniProt:O95980 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:97011 J:73065 UniProtKB:P14780 12559 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9789069|IDA text: ISO GO:0004222 MGI:97011 J:73065 UniProtKB:P14780 12560 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hoxb8 ; MGI:96189 target:Tbx2 ; MGI:98494 target:Hoxb4 ; MGI:96185 target:Hoxb5 ; MGI:96186 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1101759 J:109525 N/A 12561 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hoxb8 ; MGI:96189 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1101770 J:109525 N/A 12562 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hoxb8 ; MGI:96189 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:103248 J:109525 N/A 12563 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hoxb8 ; MGI:96189 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:99161 J:109525 N/A 12564 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hoxb8 ; MGI:96189 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:88289 J:109525 N/A 12565 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target:Hoxa1 ;MGI:96170 target:Hoxa7 ;MGI:96179 target:Hoxb3 ;MGI:96184 target:Hoxb13 ;MGI:107730 target:Hoxb8 ;MGI:96189 target:Hoxc9 ;MGI:9 IMP GO:0016564 MGI:1101759 J:109525 N/A 12566 2 6199 target:Hoxd8 ;MGI:96209 target:Hoxd10 ;MGI:96202 external ref: text: IMP GO:0016564 MGI:1101759 J:109525 N/A 12567 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target:Hoxa1 ;MGI:96170 target:Hoxa7 ;MGI:96179 target:Hoxb3 ;MGI:96184 target:Hoxb13 ;MGI:107730 target:Hoxb8 ;MGI:96189 target:Hoxc9 ;MGI:9 IMP GO:0000122 MGI:1101759 J:109525 N/A 12568 2 6199 target:Hoxd8 ;MGI:96209 target:Hoxd10 ;MGI:96202 external ref: text: IMP GO:0000122 MGI:1101759 J:109525 N/A 12569 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hoxa4 ; MGI:96170 target:Hoxb1 ;MGI:96182 target:Hoxb4 ;MGI:96185 target:Hoxb6 ;MGI:96187 target:Hoxb8 ;MGI:96189 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1261758 J:109525 N/A 12570 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hoxa1 ;MGI:96170 target:Hoxa4 ; MGI:96170 target:Hoxb1 ;MGI:96182 target:Hoxb4 ;MGI:96185 target:Hoxb6 ;MGI:96187 target:Hoxb8 ;MGI:96189 target:Hoxb9 ;MGI:96190 target:Hoxc6 ;MGI:96197 target: IMP GO:0000122 MGI:1261758 J:109525 N/A 12571 2 Hoxb3 ;MGI:96184 external ref: text: IMP GO:0000122 MGI:1261758 J:109525 N/A 12572 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hoxb8 ; MGI:96189 external ref: text: IGI GO:0016573 MGI:99161 J:109525 MGI:88174 12573 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hoxb8 ; MGI:96189 external ref: text: IGI GO:0016573 MGI:88174 J:109525 MGI:99161 12574 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hoxa4 ; MGI:96170 target:Hoxb1 ;MGI:96182 target:Hoxb4 ;MGI:96185 target:Hoxb6 ;MGI:96187 target:Hoxb8 ;MGI:96189 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:95286 J:109525 N/A 12575 1 evidence: anatomy:adrenal gland cortex ; MA:0000118 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:steroid hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000174 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:Leydig cell ; CL:00 IMP GO:0044255 MGI:102760 J:43589 MGI:2388706 12576 2 00178 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0044255 MGI:102760 J:43589 MGI:2388706 12577 1 evidence: anatomy:adrenal gland cortex ; MA:0000118 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:steroid hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000174 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:Leydig cell ; CL:00 IMP GO:0008211 MGI:102760 J:43589 MGI:2388706 12578 2 00178 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008211 MGI:102760 J:43589 MGI:2388706 12579 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, axial skeleton ; EMAP:12383 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:1101770 J:65300 MGI:1926913 12580 1 evidence:knockdown in cells anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016571 MGI:1261758 J:104662 N/A 12581 1 evidence:knockdown in cells anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016574 MGI:1261758 J:104662 N/A 12582 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hoxc13 ; MGI:99560 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:88174 J:104662 N/A 12583 1 evidence: anatomy:axial skeleton ; MA:0000308 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:99161 J:96358 MGI:1932339 12584 1 evidence: anatomy:axial skeleton ; MA:0000308 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96995 J:96358 MGI:1932339 12585 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hoxa5 ; MGI:96177 target:Hoxb1 ; MGI:96182 target:Hoxb3 ; MGI:96184 target:Hoxb4 ; MGI:96185 target:Hoxb6 ; MGI:96187 target:Hoxc6 ; MGI:96197 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1932339 J:96358 N/A 12586 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hoxa5 ; MGI:96177 target:Hoxb1 ; MGI:96182 target:Hoxb3 ; MGI:96184 target:Hoxb4 ; MGI:96185 target:Hoxb6 ; MGI:96187 target:Hoxb8 ; MGI:96189 target:Hoxc6 ; MGI:96197 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1101759 J:96358 N/A 12587 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hoxa5 ; MGI:96177 target:Hoxb1 ; MGI:96182 target:Hoxb3 ; MGI:96184 target:Hoxb4 ; MGI:96185 target:Hoxb6 ; MGI:96187 target:Hoxb8 ; MGI:96189 target:Hoxc6 ; MGI:96197 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:99161 J:96358 N/A 12588 1 evidence: anatomy:TS10, embryo ; EMAP:106 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:1261758 J:93307 MGI:3530650 12589 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15385962|IMP text: ISO GO:0035098 MGI:1261758 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15022 12590 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15385962|IMP text: ISO GO:0042054 MGI:1261758 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15022 12591 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15385962|IDA text: ISO GO:0042054 MGI:95286 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00149 12592 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15385962|IDA text: ISO GO:0035098 MGI:95286 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00149 12593 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15385962|IDA text: ISO GO:0035098 MGI:107940 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15910 12594 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15385962|IDA text: ISO GO:0042054 MGI:107940 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15910 12595 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dlx5 ; MGI:101926|Dlx6 ; MGI:101927|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:2443217 J:109093 MGI:94902 12596 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dlx5 ; MGI:101926|Dlx6 ; MGI:101927|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:94902 J:109093 MGI:2443217 12597 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, heart ; EMAP:3666 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:106676 J:108576 MGI:2180720 12598 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, heart ; EMAP:3666 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001947 MGI:106676 J:108576 MGI:2180720 12599 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, brain ; EMAP:2229 anatomy:TS17, neural tube ; EMAP:2627 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:106676 J:108576 MGI:97359 12600 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, brain ; EMAP:2229 anatomy:TS17, neural tube ; EMAP:2627 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:97359 J:108576 MGI:106676 12601 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, heart ; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007368 MGI:97359 J:108576 MGI:106676 12602 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, heart ; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001947 MGI:97359 J:108576 MGI:106676 12603 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, heart ; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007368 MGI:106676 J:108576 MGI:97359 12604 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, heart ; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001947 MGI:106676 J:108576 MGI:97359 12605 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Nodal ; MGI:97359 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:106676 J:108576 N/A 12606 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005911 MGI:1201679 J:108729 N/A 12607 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, heart ; EMAP:1317 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035050 MGI:99604 J:109475 MGI:2686864|MGI:2176467 12608 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, outflow tract ; EMAP:1338 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:99604 J:109475 MGI:2686864|MGI:3639735 12609 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, femur cartilage condensation ; EMAP:5941 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:99829 J:109399 MGI:2176466 12610 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, mantle layer ; EMAP:2247 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97490 J:109412 N/A 12611 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25, organ of Corti ; EMAP:12636 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS25, utricle, epithelium ; EMAP:10551 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: IMP GO:0048839 MGI:1095416 J:107414 MGI:3623344|MGI:1932522 12612 2 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048839 MGI:1095416 J:107414 MGI:3623344|MGI:1932522 12613 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25, organ of Corti ; EMAP:12636 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS25, utricle ; EMAP:10546 cell type:hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: IMP GO:0042491 MGI:1095416 J:107414 MGI:3623344|MGI:1932522 12614 2 external ref: text: IMP GO:0042491 MGI:1095416 J:107414 MGI:3623344|MGI:1932522 12615 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25, organ of Corti ; EMAP:12636 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045608 MGI:104659 J:107414 MGI:3044907|MGI:1932522 12616 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25, organ of Corti ; EMAP:12636 cell type:Deiter's cell ; CL:0000635 cell type:Pillar cell ; CL:1000191 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:104659 J:107414 MGI:3044907|MGI:1932522 12617 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25, organ of Corti ; EMAP:12636 cell type:Deiter's cell ; CL:0000635 cell type:Pillar cell ; CL:1000191 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1095416 J:107414 N/A 12618 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25, organ of Corti ; EMAP:12636 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 cell type:Deiter's cell ; CL:0000635 cell type:Pillar cell ; CL:1000191 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048839 MGI:104659 J:107414 MGI:3044907|MGI:1932522 12619 2 evidence: anatomy:TS25, utricle, epithelium ; EMAP:10545 anatomy:TS25, saccule, epithelium ; EMAP:10551 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048839 MGI:104659 J:107414 MGI:3044907|MGI:1932522 12620 1 evidence: anatomy:interalveolar septum ; MA:0000421 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048286 MGI:97527 J:108040 MGI:1926817 12621 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, lung ; EMAP:3857 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:97530 J:108040 MGI:1926728 12622 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, retina ; EMAP:5230 anatomy:TS22, retina ; EMAP:6334 anatomy:TS23, retina ; EMAP:7822 anatomy:TS24, retina ; EMAP:9246 anatomy:TS25, retina ; EMAP:10606 anatomy:TS26, retina ; EMAP:11966 anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal IMP GO:0030182 MGI:102524 J:107704 MGI:2176272 12623 2 ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:102524 J:107704 MGI:2176272 12624 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, retina ; EMAP:5230 anatomy:TS22, retina ; EMAP:6334 anatomy:TS23, retina ; EMAP:7822 anatomy:TS24, retina ; EMAP:9246 anatomy:TS25, retina ; EMAP:10606 anatomy:TS26, retina ; EMAP:11966 anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal IMP GO:0060041 MGI:102524 J:107704 MGI:2176272 12625 2 ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060041 MGI:102524 J:107704 MGI:2176272 12626 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12, primitive heart tube ; EMAP:324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:98493 J:107397 MGI:2179191 12627 1 evidence: anatomy:TS12, primitive heart tube ; EMAP:324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:98493 J:107397 MGI:2179191 12628 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, heart ; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:109340 J:107397 MGI:98493 12629 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, heart ; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:98493 J:107397 MGI:109340 12630 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pitx2 ; MGI:109340 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:98493 J:107397 MGI:97350 12631 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pitx2 ; MGI:109340 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:97350 J:107397 MGI:98493 12632 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, embryo ; EMAP:3322 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:2682319 J:107403 MGI:3623309 12633 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14992727|IPI|UniProt:Q15291 external ref:PMID:14992727|IPI|UniProt:Q9UBL3 external ref:PMID:14992727|IPI|UniProt:O14686 text: ISO GO:0035097 MGI:1316736 J:88588 UniProtKB:O00255 12634 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14992727|IPI|UniProt:Q15291 external ref:PMID:14992727|IPI|UniProt:Q9UBL3 external ref:PMID:14992727|IPI|UniProt:O14686 external ref:PMID:14992727|IPI|UniProt:P24928 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1316736 J:88588 UniProtKB:O00255 12635 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14992727|IPI|UniProt:Q15291 external ref:PMID:14992727|IPI|UniProt:O00255 external ref:PMID:14992727|IPI|UniProt:O14686 text: ISO GO:0035097 MGI:1344416 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UBL3 12636 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14992727|IPI|UniProt:Q15291 external ref:PMID:14992727|IPI|UniProt:Q9UBL3 external ref:PMID:14992727|IPI|UniProt:O00255 text: ISO GO:0035097 MGI:2682319 J:73065 UniProtKB:O14686 12637 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14992727|IPI|UniProt:O00255 external ref:PMID:14992727|IPI|UniProt:Q9UBL3 external ref:PMID:14992727|IPI|UniProt:O14686 text: ISO GO:0035097 MGI:1918367 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15291 12638 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CV-1 ; ATCC:CCL-70 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044428 MGI:2444289 J:88430 N/A 12639 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CV-1 ; ATCC:CCL-70 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:2444289 J:88430 N/A 12640 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:2444289 J:88430 N/A 12641 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CV-1 ; ATCC:CCL-70 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:2444289 J:88430 N/A 12642 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031594 MGI:3584043 J:110011 N/A 12643 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043113 MGI:3584043 J:110011 N/A 12644 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007528 MGI:3584043 J:110011 MGI:103581 12645 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043113 MGI:3584043 J:110011 MGI:103581 12646 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007528 MGI:103581 J:110011 MGI:3584043 12647 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043113 MGI:103581 J:110011 MGI:3584043 12648 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Musk ; MGI:103581 external ref: text: IMP GO:0001934 MGI:3584043 J:110011 N/A 12649 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4,inner cell mass ; EMAP:14 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001826 MGI:2429770 J:108385 MGI:3624778 12650 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4,inner cell mass ; EMAP:14 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101893 J:108385 N/A 12651 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, pancreas ; EMAP:12013 anatomy:dorsal pancreatic duct ; MA:0000125 anatomy:ventral pancreatic duct ; MA:0000126 cell type:duct epithelial cell ; CL:0000068 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:98389 J:108608 N/A 12652 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, spleen primordium ; EMAP:7434 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048536 MGI:98769 J:107696 MGI:3581680 12653 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, spleen primordium ; EMAP:7434 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048645 MGI:98769 J:107696 MGI:3581680 12654 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, spleen primordium ; EMAP:7434 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:98769 J:107696 MGI:3581680 12655 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, embryo ; EMAP:402 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:1924209 J:107913 MGI:3626293 12656 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, embryo ; EMAP:402 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008333 MGI:1924209 J:107913 MGI:3626293 12657 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; CRL-1658 gene product: target:Tgfbr2 ; MGI:98729 external ref: text: IMP GO:0001919 MGI:1924209 J:107913 N/A 12658 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11466310|IDA text: ISO GO:0050660 MGI:1891037 J:73065 NCBI:NP_076915 12659 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16769880|IDA text: ISO GO:0030586 MGI:1891037 J:73065 EMBL:AF025784|UniProtKB:Q9UBK8 12660 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16769880|IDA text ISO GO:0047138 MGI:1891037 J:73065 EMBL:AF025784|UniProtKB:Q9UBK8 12661 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16769880|IDA text ISO GO:0050821 MGI:1891037 J:73065 EMBL:AF025784|UniProtKB:Q9UBK8 12662 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pola1 ; MGI:MGI:99660|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98372 J:63626 N/A 12663 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pola1 ; MGI:MGI:99660|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:95610 J:63626 N/A 12664 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:95610 J:63626 N/A 12665 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1634 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98372 J:63626 N/A 12666 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pola1 ; MGI:MGI:99660|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:101941 J:63626 N/A 12667 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pola1 ; MGI:MGI:99660|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:103012 J:63626 N/A 12668 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pola1 ; MGI:99660 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000083 MGI:103012 J:63626 N/A 12669 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:99660 J:47666 N/A 12670 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:99690 J:47666 N/A 12671 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pola1 ; MGI:MGI:99660 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000060 MGI:99690 J:47666 N/A 12672 1 evidence:point mutation in cell line anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|FT20 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006260 MGI:99660 J:17170 N/A 12673 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003918 MGI:98790 J:3098 N/A 12674 1 evidence:ECO:0000012 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:rescues Top2 null mutation in yeast. IGI GO:0003918 MGI:98790 J:110796 SGD:S000005032 12675 1 evidence:ECO:0000012 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:rescues Top2 ts mutation in yeast. IGI GO:0003918 MGI:98790 J:3098 SGD:S000005032 12676 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:101816 J:110435 MGI:1857940 12677 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006119 MGI:101816 J:110435 MGI:1857940 12678 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000795 MGI:101938 J:104493 N/A 12679 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000795 MGI:1353455 J:104493 N/A 12680 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target:Mlh1 ; MGI:101938 external ref: text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:1353455 J:104493 MGI:2384218 12681 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007130 MGI:1353455 J:104493 MGI:2384218 12682 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019237 MGI:101816 J:104493 N/A 12683 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019237 MGI:109519 J:104493 N/A 12684 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000795 MGI:1860077 J:104493 N/A 12685 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000795 MGI:1329021 J:104493 N/A 12686 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:topo II inhibitor decreases transcription of Hox2a IMP GO:0045944 MGI:98790 J:1777 N/A 12687 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016447 MGI:101816 J:99462 MGI:1857940 12688 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016447 MGI:101816 J:99207 MGI:1857940 12689 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:yeast cells IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98791 J:42077 N/A 12690 1 evidence:ECO:0000087|ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:yeast cells expressing mouse protein IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98790 J:42077 N/A 12691 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0031573 MGI:101816 J:94447 MGI:103557 12692 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016447 MGI:109352 J:94542 MGI:2182610 12693 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0016447 MGI:109352 J:94542 MGI:101816 12694 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004844 MGI:109352 J:94542 MGI:2182610 12695 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0016447 MGI:101816 J:94542 MGI:109352 12696 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0016446 MGI:101816 J:94542 MGI:109352 12697 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0016446 MGI:109352 J:94542 MGI:101816 12698 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Crebbp IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1913438 J:106848 UniProtKB:P45481 12699 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Crebbp IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1931026 J:106848 UniProtKB:P45481 12700 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Crebbp IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2180697 J:106848 UniProtKB:P45481 12701 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 cell type:zygote ; CL:0000365 gene product: target: external ref: text:phosphorylated form IDA GO:0005938 MGI:96907 J:98298 N/A 12702 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:96907 J:98298 N/A 12703 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042585 MGI:96907 J:98298 N/A 12704 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005813 MGI:96907 J:98298 N/A 12705 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048477 MGI:1096372 J:97817 MGI:3576937 12706 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:zygote ; CL:0000365 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001939 MGI:108069 J:103442 N/A 12707 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:zygote ; CL:0000365 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001940 MGI:108069 J:103442 N/A 12708 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:1096372 J:97817 MGI:3576937 12709 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type:zygote ; CL:0000365 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045941 MGI:108069 J:103442 N/A 12710 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:zygote ; CL:0000365 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045941 MGI:104772 J:103442 MGI:108069 12711 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:zygote ; CL:0000365 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045941 MGI:108069 J:103442 MGI:104772 12712 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:H19 ; MGI:95891 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006349 MGI:109447 J:90538 N/A 12713 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:H19 ; MGI:95891 external ref: text: IMP GO:0010216 MGI:109447 J:90538 N/A 12714 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1096372 J:82629 N/A 12715 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:prm1 ; MGI:97765 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003729 MGI:1096372 J:82629 N/A 12716 1 evidence: anatomy:unfertilized egg ; MA:0000388 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007144 MGI:99701 J:87011 MGI:2682953 12717 1 evidence: anatomy:unfertilized egg ; MA:0000388 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001556 MGI:99701 J:87011 MGI:2682953 12718 1 evidence: anatomy:unfertilized egg ; MA:0000388 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045860 MGI:99701 J:87011 MGI:2682953 12719 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15153069|IGI|SGD:S000005324|IDA text: ISO GO:0006744 MGI:1919133 J:73065 EMBL:AJ621061 12720 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004422 MGI:96217 J:3478 MGI:1857299 12721 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18, neural tube ; EMAP:2950 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0021904 MGI:88180 J:91296 N/A 12722 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88110 J:91410 UniProtKB:P61014 12723 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97622 J:91410 UniProtKB:O55143 12724 1 evidence:pharmacological inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006166 MGI:88061 J:4123 N/A 12725 1 evidence:pharmacological inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003999 MGI:88061 J:4123 N/A 12726 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: target:Hprt1 ; MGI:96217 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006464 MGI:96111 J:6291 N/A 12727 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Eif2ak2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95730 J:19621 UniProtKB:Q03963 12728 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Galk1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1353449 J:19621 UniProtKB:Q9R0N0 12729 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:follicle stimulating hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000437 cell type:thyroid stimulating hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000476 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:95662 J:108963 MGI:3628639|MGI:2179995 12730 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:follicle stimulating hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000437 cell type:thyroid stimulating hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000476 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021983 MGI:95662 J:108963 MGI:3628639|MGI:2179995 12731 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:follicle stimulating hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000437 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:95662 J:108963 MGI:3628639|MGI:2179995 12732 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, cerebral cortex ; EMAP:6076 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021895 MGI:96217 J:107966 MGI:1857299 12733 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, cerebral cortex ; EMAP:6076 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048813 MGI:96217 J:107966 MGI:1857299 12734 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gcg ; MGI:95674|RNA_II_promotor_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1347472 J:53312 N/A 12735 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gcg ; MGI:95674 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1347472 J:53312 N/A 12736 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006168 MGI:96217 J:53129 MGI:1857299 12737 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006178 MGI:96217 J:53129 MGI:1857299 12738 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046100 MGI:96217 J:53129 MGI:1857299 12739 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004422 MGI:96217 J:53129 MGI:1857299 12740 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006166 MGI:96217 J:53129 MGI:1857299 12741 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:1309996 J:52809 MGI:1889331 12742 1 evidence: anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021954 MGI:96217 J:51651 MGI:1857299 12743 1 evidence: anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042417 MGI:96217 J:51651 MGI:1857299 12744 1 evidence: anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021756 MGI:96217 J:51651 MGI:1857299 12745 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, liver ; EMAP:4577 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035162 MGI:96995 J:48502 MGI:2177818 12746 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006281 MGI:99135 J:48442 MGI:1857939 12747 1 evidence:GFP fusion into HeLa and COS cells. anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2387107 J:76596 N/A 12748 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11519011|IMP text: ISO GO:0006695 MGI:1922004 J:71595 UniProtKB:Q15392 12749 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11519011|IDA text: ISO GO:0016628 MGI:1922004 J:71595 UniProtKB:Q15392 12750 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030539 MGI:1922004 J:87402 MGI:3027024 12751 1 evidence: anatomy:subcutaneous adipose tissue ; MA:0000473 anatomy:fat pad ; MA:0002481 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009888 MGI:1922004 J:87402 MGI:3027024 12752 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042987 MGI:1922004 J:105158 MGI:3027024 12753 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008203 MGI:1922004 J:105158 MGI:3027024 12754 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016044 MGI:1922004 J:105158 MGI:3027024 12755 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target:Plg ; MGI:97620 external ref: text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:1922004 J:105158 MGI:3027024 12756 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8790420|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:109183 J:73065 UniProtKB:P61328 12757 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8790420|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:109178 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q92913 12758 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98504 J:31593 N/A 12759 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:occipital cortex ; MA:0000913 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050900 MGI:96605 J:26920 MGI:103020 12760 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:occipital cortex ; MA:0000913 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007269 MGI:103020 J:26920 MGI:1857251 12761 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:occipital cortex ; MA:0000913 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007269 MGI:98460 J:26920 MGI:1857250 12762 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:occipital cortex ; MA:0000913 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007269 MGI:98460 J:26920 MGI:103020 12763 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:occipital cortex ; MA:0000913 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007269 MGI:103020 J:26920 MGI:98460 12764 1 evidence:antibody block anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:pro-T cell ; CL:0000827 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050900 MGI:96605 J:26839 N/A 12765 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18, blood ; EMAP:3055 cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043249 MGI:1342771 J:25651 N/A 12766 1 evidence: anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042417 MGI:96217 J:17905 MGI:1857299 12767 1 evidence: anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045964 MGI:96217 J:17798 MGI:1857299 12768 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external IDA GO:0005737 MGI:96217 J:17722 N/A 12769 2 ref: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:96217 J:17722 N/A 12770 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:occipital cortex ; MA:0000913 anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003917 MGI:98788 J:104607 N/A 12771 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type:CNS neuron IDA GO:0005737 MGI:98788 J:104607 N/A 12772 2 (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref IDA GO:0005737 MGI:98788 J:104607 N/A 12773 3 : text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:98788 J:104607 N/A 12774 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 anatomy:cerebellum molecular cell layer IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98788 J:104607 N/A 12775 2 ; MA:0000996 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:dentate gyrus ; MA:0000190 cell type:granule IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98788 J:104607 N/A 12776 3 cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98788 J:104607 N/A 12777 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043204 MGI:98788 J:104607 N/A 12778 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11016921|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:98788 J:73065 UniProtKB:P11387 12779 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003917 MGI:98788 J:39389 N/A 12780 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98788 J:39389 N/A 12781 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003918 MGI:98790 J:39389 N/A 12782 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98790 J:39389 N/A 12783 1 evidence: anatomy:TS3, 4-8 cell stage ; EMAP:8 cell type:blastoderm cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0040016 MGI:98788 J:36546 MGI:2678314 12784 1 evidence: anatomy:TS3, 4-8 cell stage ; EMAP:8 cell type:blastoderm cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98788 J:36546 N/A 12785 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8078902|IGI|SGD:S000006093 text:PMID: 8078902human ISO GO:0004311 MGI:1917633 J:73065 EMBL:U09466|UniProtKB:Q12887 12786 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15153069|IGI|SGD:S000005324 text: change to GO:0002083 when term is in GO ISO GO:0004659 MGI:1919133 J:73065 EMBL:AJ621061 12787 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|HEK293 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005783 MGI:3625331 J:107018 N/A 12788 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|HEK293 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006638 MGI:3625331 J:107018 N/A 12789 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006695 MGI:1922004 J:108495 MGI:3027024 12790 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16782067|IDA text: ISA GO:0045944 MGI:1924294 J:110513 EMBL:DQ096628 12791 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16782067|IDA text: ISA GO:0016563 MGI:1924294 J:110513 EMBL:DQ096628 12792 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16782067|IPI|UniProt:P11831 text: human protein binds huma SRF, p49, and Kkx2.5 ISA GO:0008134 MGI:1924294 J:110513 EMBL:DQ096628 12793 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16782067|IDA text: ISA GO:0005667 MGI:1924294 J:110513 EMBL:DQ096628 12794 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mobility shift with anti-GATA1 in crude extracts of MEL cells with GATA sequences from Alas2 IDA GO:0003677 MGI:95661 J:61852 N/A 12795 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14643893|IDA text: ISO GO:0003870 MGI:87990 J:73065 EMBL:AF068624 12796 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14643893|IDA text: ISO GO:0005739 MGI:87990 J:73065 EMBL:AF068624 12797 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14643893|IPI|UniProt:Q9P2R7 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:87990 J:73065 EMBL:AF068624 12798 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003990 MGI:87876 J:17788 N/A 12799 1 evidence:CL:0000002|CHO| anatomy: cell type: gene product:Protein_id:AAG02119 target: external ref: text:hort Short N-terminal (SN)-forum IDA GO:0009986 MGI:87961 J:64996 N/A 12800 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Acvr1 and Acvr1b bind IPI GO:0005102 MGI:96570 J:27756 UniProtKB:P37172|UniProtKB:Q61271 12801 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: E8.5 primordial pituitary; IDA GO:0045177 MGI:87911 J:68348 N/A 12802 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target:Plg ; MGI:97620 external ref: text: IMP GO:0031639 MGI:1922004 J:105158 MGI:3027024 12803 1 evidence: anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 IMP GO:0007040 MGI:1336194 J:94884 MGI:3521972 12804 2 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:mot IMP GO:0007040 MGI:1336194 J:94884 MGI:3521972 12805 3 or neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:1336194 J:94884 MGI:3521972 12806 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 anatomy:midbrain ; MA:0000207 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:2442253 J:94383 MGI:3521802 12807 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 cell type:egg ; CL:0000025 cell type:blastoderm cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:109419 J:73293 N/A 12808 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 cell type:egg ; CL:0000025 cell type:blastoderm cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005635 MGI:109419 J:73293 N/A 12809 1 evidence:antisense anatomy:4-8 cell stage ;l EMAP:8 anatomy:compacted morula ; EMAP:9 cell type:blastoderm cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030155 MGI:109419 J:73293 N/A 12810 1 evidence: anatomy:compacted morula ; EMAP:9 anatomy:TS4, embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type:blastoderm cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005913 MGI:88276 J:73293 N/A 12811 1 evidence: anatomy:compacted morula ; EMAP:9 anatomy:TS4, embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type:blastoderm cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005913 MGI:98759 J:73293 N/A 12812 1 evidence: anatomy:compacted morula ; EMAP:9 anatomy:TS4, embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type:blastoderm cell ; CL:0000353 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005913 MGI:1314653 J:73293 N/A 12813 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007601 MGI:2159324 J:47292 MGI:2159328 12814 1 evidence: anatomy:Heart|EMAP:7907|lung|EMAP:8285 cell type:CL:0000158 gene product: target: external ref: text:kidney, more IDA GO:0005737 MGI:96738 J:105164 N/A 12815 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:GO:0030324 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:96738 J:105164 MGI:2449650 12816 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:107537 J:55232 MGI:1933976 12817 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:107537 J:57155 MGI:3623134 12818 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:107537 J:58230 MGI:1933976 12819 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005769 MGI:107537 J:95873 N/A 12820 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005770 MGI:107537 J:95873 N/A 12821 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:107537 J:95873 N/A 12822 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:107537 J:95873 MGI:2388887 12823 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016044 MGI:107537 J:95873 MGI:2388887 12824 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target:Ctsd ; MGI:88562 external ref: text: IMP GO:0016485 MGI:107537 J:95873 MGI:2388887 12825 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:96745 J:95873 N/A 12826 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005769 MGI:2442192 J:95873 N/A 12827 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005770 MGI:105068 J:95873 N/A 12828 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1925213 J:97449 UniProtKB:Q4U256 12829 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88026 J:97449 UniProtKB:Q8BIL5 12830 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15823567|IPI|UniProt:Q9UJC3 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:88026 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q12955 12831 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15823567|IPI|UniProt:Q12955 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1925213 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UJC3 12832 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9012495|IDA text:zebrafish ISS ISA GO:0007498 MGI:1338944 J:37683 EMBL:X94119 12833 1 evidence: anatomy:optic II nerve ; MA:0001097 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006865 MGI:107537 J:111204 MGI:1933976 12834 1 evidence: anatomy:optic II nerve ; MA:0001097 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001508 MGI:107537 J:111204 MGI:1933976 12835 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035235 MGI:107537 J:111283 MGI:1933976 12836 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:1298204 J:49059 N/A 12837 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:1298204 J:49059 N/A 12838 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1298204 J:59196 N/A 12839 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:1298204 J:59196 N/A 12840 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019101 MGI:1349428 J:99790 MGI:2182312 12841 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98371 J:99790 N/A 12842 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:95523 J:99790 N/A 12843 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005764 MGI:1298204 J:102821 MGI:2176390 12844 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007269 MGI:1298204 J:102821 MGI:2176390 12845 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:88562 J:102821 N/A 12846 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:1298204 J:104521 MGI:2176390 12847 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target:Gap43 ; MGI:95639 external ref: text: IMP GO:0044257 MGI:1298204 J:104521 MGI:2176390 12848 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Nfe2l2|Nfe2l1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1341830 J:85958 UniProtKB:Q60795|UniProtKB:Q61985 12849 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0044267 MGI:1349447 J:624 MGI:1856959 12850 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043030 MGI:104661 J:2228 MGI:1857035 12851 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051935 MGI:1349447 J:4191 MGI:1856959 12852 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0044257 MGI:1349447 J:4750 MGI:1856959 12853 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:1349447 J:17522 MGI:1856959 12854 1 evidence: anatomy:ventral thalamus ; MA:0000181 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:piriform cortex ; MA:0000978 anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: qualifier IMP GO:0007040 MGI:1349447 J:17600 MGI:1856959 12855 2 : target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:extraocular skeletal muscle ; MA:0001271 anatomy:cardiac muscle tissue ; MA:0002441 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: target: ext IMP GO:0007040 MGI:1349447 J:17600 MGI:1856959 12856 3 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:1349447 J:17600 MGI:1856959 12857 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007601 MGI:1349447 J:17934 MGI:1856959 12858 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007601 MGI:1349447 J:19328 MGI:1856959 12859 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:1349447 J:23643 MGI:1856959 12860 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007601 MGI:1349447 J:25748 MGI:1856959 12861 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target:protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase activity ; GO:0003810 external ref: text: IMP GO:0051348 MGI:1349447 J:35599 MGI:1856959 12862 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007006 MGI:1349447 J:39062 MGI:1856959 12863 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006644 MGI:1349447 J:42419 MGI:1856959 12864 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal rod cell ; CL:0000604 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045494 MGI:1349447 J:42641 MGI:1856959 12865 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051935 MGI:1349447 J:47141 MGI:1856959 12866 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:1349447 J:53928 MGI:1856959 12867 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001306 MGI:1349447 J:90947 MGI:1856959 12868 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:1918215 J:110409 N/A 12869 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0021978 MGI:88180 J:110657 N/A 12870 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Keap1 IPI GO:0005737 MGI:108420 J:85958 UniProtKB:Q9Z2X8 12871 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Keap1|Eif2ak3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:108420 J:85958 UniProtKB:Q9Z2X8|UniProtKB:Q9Z2B5 12872 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Nfe2l2 IPI GO:0005737 MGI:1858732 J:85958 UniProtKB:Q60795 12873 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Nfe2l2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1858732 J:85958 UniProtKB:Q60795 12874 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Eif2ak3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99421 J:85958 UniProtKB:Q9Z2B5 12875 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Nfe2l2 IPI GO:0003677 MGI:96911 J:85958 UniProtKB:Q60795 12876 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ttpr3|Atp2a2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104653 J:105342 UniProtKB:P70227|UniProtKB:O54994 12877 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Atp2b1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96624 J:105342 UniProtKB:Q8K314 12878 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Atp2b1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88110 J:105342 UniProtKB:Q8K314 12879 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ryr2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:103013 J:105342 UniProtKB:Q62174 12880 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, mammary gland ; EMAP:7492 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:96770 J:110699 MGI:1926601 12881 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, epithelium ; EMAP:4959 cell type:epithelial cell of gland ; CL:0000070 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016055 MGI:96770 J:110699 MGI:1926601 12882 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, mammary gland, epithelium EMAP:4959 cell type:epithelial cell of gland ; CL:0000070 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS21, mammary gland, mesenchyme ; EMAP:4960 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; C IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88276 J:110699 N/A 12883 2 L:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88276 J:110699 N/A 12884 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9235896|IPI|UniProt:Q01338|UniProt:P30545|UniProt:Q01337|UniProt:P18762 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2384802 J:41995 UniProtKB:Q14232 12885 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:87938 J:41995 UniProtKB:Q14232 12886 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000001|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016055 MGI:108559 J:110693 N/A 12887 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11, mesoderm ; EMAP:167 anatomy:TS11, primitive streak ; EMAP:174 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001707 MGI:108559 J:110693 MGI:3652899 12888 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000001|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0016055 MGI:108559 J:110693 MGI:1861437 12889 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000001|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0016055 MGI:1861437 J:110693 MGI:108559 12890 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000001|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: target:Axin1 ; MGI:1096327 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006620 MGI:108559 J:110693 N/A 12891 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9139680|IPI|UniProt:Q64350 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2145118 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q62818 12892 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9139680|IPI|UniProt:Q64350 text: ISO GO:0005851 MGI:2384802 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q64270 12893 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9139680|IPI|UniProt:Q64350 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2384802 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q64270 12894 1 evidence:reporter gene assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:95664 J:4641 N/A 12895 1 evidence:reporter gene assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003704 MGI:95664 J:4641 N/A 12896 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9139680|IPI|UniProt:Q64350 text: ISO GO:0005851 MGI:2145118 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q62818 12897 1 evidence:gel shift assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:95664 J:4641 N/A 12898 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9139680|IPI|UniProt:Q64350 text: ISO GO:0005851 MGI:1313286 J:73065 UniProtKB:P70541 12899 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9139680|IPI|UniProt:Q64350 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1313286 J:73065 UniProtKB:P70541 12900 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10858531|IDA text: ISO GO:0005085 MGI:2446176 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q64350 12901 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9139680|IDA text: ISO GO:0005085 MGI:2446176 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q64350 12902 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9139680|IPI|UniProt:Q64350 text: ISO GO:0005851 MGI:95300 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q63186 12903 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9139680|IPI|UniProt:Q64350 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:95300 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q63186 12904 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9139680|IGI|UniProt:Q64350|UniProt:Q62818|UniProt:Q64270|UniProt:Q63186 text: ISO GO:0005085 MGI:1313286 J:73065 UniProtKB:P70541 12905 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10858531|IGI|UniProt:Q64350|UniProt:Q62818|UniProt:Q64270|UniProt:Q63186 text: ISO GO:0005085 MGI:1313286 J:73065 UniProtKB:P70541 12906 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10858531|IGI|UniProt:Q64350|UniProt:Q64270|UniProt:P70541|UniProt:Q63186 text: ISO GO:0005085 MGI:2145118 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q62818 12907 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9139680|IGI|UniProt:Q64350|UniProt:Q64270|UniProt:P70541|UniProt:Q63186 text: ISO GO:0005085 MGI:2145118 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q62818 12908 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9139680|IGI|UniProt:Q64350|UniProt:Q62818|UniProt:P70541|UniProt:Q63186 text: ISO GO:0005085 MGI:2384802 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q64270 12909 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10858531|IGI|UniProt:Q64350|UniProt:Q62818|UniProt:P70541|UniProt:Q63186 text: ISO GO:0005085 MGI:2384802 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q64270 12910 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9139680|IGI|UniProt:Q64350|UniProt:Q62818|UniProt:P70541|UniProt:Q64270 text: ISO GO:0005085 MGI:95300 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q63186 12911 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10858531|IGI|UniProt:Q64350|UniProt:Q62818|UniProt:P70541|UniProt:Q64270 text: ISO GO:0005085 MGI:95300 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q63186 12912 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9139680|IPI|UniProt:Q62818|UniProt:P70541|UniProt:Q63186|UniProt:Q64270 text: ISO GO:0005851 MGI:2446176 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q64350 12913 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9139680|IPI|UniProt:Q64270|UniProt:Q62818|UniProt:P70541|UniProt:Q63186 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2446176 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q64350 12914 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:95664 J:19374 N/A 12915 1 evidence:CAT reporter gene assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:95664 J:19374 N/A 12916 1 evidence:CAT reporter gene assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003704 MGI:95664 J:19374 N/A 12917 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8007990|IDA text: ISO GO:0003677 MGI:95664 J:73065 UniProtKB:P46152 12918 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS13\,heart ; EMAP:560 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007512 MGI:97350 J:27443 MGI:1927227 12919 1 evidence:RT-PCR anatomy:TS13\,heart ; EMAP:560 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048738 MGI:97350 J:27443 MGI:1927227 12920 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS13\,heart ; EMAP:560 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001947 MGI:97350 J:27443 MGI:1927227 12921 1 evidence:eletronmicroscopy anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:histology anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: ext IMP GO:0007512 MGI:97255 J:36089 MGI:3652543 12922 2 ernal ref: text: IMP GO:0007512 MGI:97255 J:36089 MGI:3652543 12923 1 evidence:physiological analyses of left ventricular function anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008217 MGI:97255 J:36089 MGI:3652543 12924 1 evidence:eletronmicroscopy anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048739 MGI:97255 J:36089 MGI:3652543 12925 1 evidence:no homozygous knockouts are born anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Mice die between TS18 and TS20 IMP GO:0001701 MGI:97255 J:36089 MGI:3652543 12926 1 evidence:physiological analyses of left ventricular function anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008016 MGI:97255 J:36089 MGI:3652543 12927 1 evidence:eletronmicroscopy anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045214 MGI:97255 J:36089 MGI:3652543 12928 1 evidence:physiological analyses of left ventricular function anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006941 MGI:97255 J:36089 MGI:3652543 12929 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, cerebral cortex ; EMAP:7537 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CL:0000117 ; CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:1298204 J:111503 MGI:3527191 12930 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16542649|IMP text: ISO GO:0006907 MGI:1298204 J:73065 UniProtKB:P50897 12931 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16542649|IMP text: ISO GO:0006898 MGI:1298204 J:73065 UniProtKB:P50897 12932 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16542649|IDA text: ISO GO:0005769 MGI:2442192 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15075 12933 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, cerebral cortex ; EMAP:7537 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CL:0000117 ; CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:96745 J:111503 N/A 12934 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16542649|IDA text: ISO GO:0005770 MGI:96745 J:73065 UniProtKB:P11279 12935 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16542649|IDA text: ISO GO:0005764 MGI:96745 J:73065 UniProtKB:P11279 12936 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, cerebral cortex ; EMAP:8944 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external re IDA GO:0008474 MGI:1298204 J:112161 N/A 12937 2 f: text: evidence: anatomy:TS24, neural retina ; EMAP:9247 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:TS24, neural retina ; EMAP:9247 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL: IDA GO:0008474 MGI:1298204 J:112161 N/A 12938 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1298204 J:112161 N/A 12939 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, pancreas ; EMAP:4113 anatomy:TS21, pancreas ; EMAP:4923 anatomy:TS22, pancreas ; EMAP:6002 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; pancreatic IDA GO:0005737 MGI:98389 J:108608 N/A 12940 2 islet cell type:pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 cell type:pancreatic D cell ; CL:0000173 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:98389 J:108608 N/A 12941 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS6, embryo ; EMAP:31 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:96610 J:28330 MGI:2154539 12942 1 evidence:electrophysiological measurements via patch-clamp evidence:RT-PCR evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:cardiac muscle myoblast ; CL:0000513 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042685 MGI:96610 J:37583 MGI:2154539 12943 1 evidence:electrophysiological measurements via patch-clamp evidence:RT-PCR evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:cardiac muscle myoblast ; CL:0000513 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0010002 MGI:96610 J:37583 MGI:2154539 12944 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type:cardiac muscle myoblast ; CL:0000513 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045214 MGI:96610 J:37583 MGI:2154539 12945 1 evidence:gross histology evidence:in situ hybridization anatomy:TS17, embryo ; EMAP:2006 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:95664 J:40144 MGI:2386265 12946 1 evidence:gross histology evidence:in situ hybridization anatomy:TS17, embryo ; EMAP:2006 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048617 MGI:95664 J:40144 MGI:2386265 12947 1 evidence:gross histology evidence:in situ hybridization anatomy:TS17, embryo ; EMAP:2006 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035054 MGI:95664 J:40144 MGI:2386265 12948 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS13, heart ; EMAP:560 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035050 MGI:95664 J:40144 MGI:2386265 12949 1 evidence:gross histology evidence:in situ hybridization anatomy:TS17, embryo ; EMAP:2006 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048598 MGI:95664 J:40144 MGI:2386265 12950 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS15, embryo ; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:95664 J:40145 MGI:2179443 12951 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS13, gut ; EMAP:600 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048617 MGI:95664 J:40145 MGI:2179443 12952 1 evidence:gross histology evidence:in situ hybridization anatomy:TS13, heart ; EMAP:560 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035050 MGI:95664 J:40145 MGI:2179443 12953 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS15, embryo ; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048598 MGI:95664 J:40145 MGI:2179443 12954 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS10, embryo ; EMAP:106 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001702 MGI:95664 J:40145 MGI:2179443 12955 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS17, heart ; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007512 MGI:103580 J:40768 MGI:1857639 12956 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS17, embryo ; EMAP:2006 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:103580 J:40768 MGI:1857639 12957 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS17, heart ; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001947 MGI:103580 J:40768 MGI:1857639 12958 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS16, heart ; EMAP:1827 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007512 MGI:95713 J:46473 MGI:1857177 12959 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS16, heart ; EMAP:1827 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:95713 J:46473 MGI:1857177 12960 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS16, heart ; EMAP:1827 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001947 MGI:95713 J:46473 MGI:1857177 12961 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9, embryo ; EMAP:80 cell type:epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019827 MGI:97359 J:110605 MGI:2180793 12962 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9, ectoderm ; EMAP:83 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002085 MGI:97359 J:110605 MGI:2180793 12963 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8242742|IDA text: ISO GO:0009986 MGI:1338946 J:73065 UniProtKB:P37023 12964 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8242742|IDA text: ISO GO:0016361 MGI:1338946 J:73065 UniProtKB:P37023 12965 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8242742|IDA text: ISO GO:0005024 MGI:1338946 J:73065 UniProtKB:P37023 12966 1 evidence:left ventricular pressure measurement evidence:cardiac output measurement anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008016 MGI:97255 J:32960 MGI:2182704 12967 1 evidence:left ventricular pressure measurement evidence:cardiac output measurement anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006941 MGI:97255 J:32960 MGI:2182704 12968 1 evidence:heart physiology measurements anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:only diastolic dysfunction seen; systolic function normal in hearts heterozygous for mutant Mh6 (R403Q). IMP GO:0002027 MGI:97255 J:47028 MGI:2182704 12969 1 evidence:heart physiology measurements anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:only diastolic dysfunction seen; systolic function normal in hearts heterozygous for mutant Mh6 (R403Q). IMP GO:0002026 MGI:97255 J:47028 MGI:2182704 12970 1 evidence:heart physiology measurements anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006941 MGI:97255 J:47028 MGI:2182704 12971 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:binds rat and bovine acetylcholine esterase IPI GO:0019899 MGI:1926097 J:73903 NCBI:NP_742006,protein_id:AAC64270 12972 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: rat ACHE, and bovine IPI GO:0043495 MGI:1926097 J:73903 NCBI:NP_742006,protein_id:AAC64270 12973 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:reqyired for membrane localization of AchE(t) in brain. IDA GO:0051649 MGI:1926097 J:73903 N/A 12974 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003869 MGI:88105 J:55191 MGI:2451290 12975 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002026 MGI:88106 J:55191 MGI:2451291 12976 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045822 MGI:88106 J:55191 MGI:2451291 12977 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045823 MGI:88105 J:55191 MGI:2451290 12978 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002026 MGI:88105 J:55191 MGI:2451290 12979 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006937 MGI:88106 J:55191 MGI:2451291 12980 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051481 MGI:88106 J:55191 MGI:2451291 12981 1 evidence:ouabain inhibition anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005391 MGI:88105 J:55191 N/A 12982 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10555956|IDA text: ISO GO:0005391 MGI:1351335 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q64541 12983 1 evidence: anatomy:central nervous system ; EMAP:6883 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:2135272 J:72911 MGI:1857642 12984 1 evidence:ouabain inhibition anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005391 MGI:88105 J:95157 N/A 12985 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002026 MGI:88105 J:95157 MGI:3527337 12986 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045822 MGI:88105 J:95157 MGI:3527337 12987 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: Isoform determined by expression reported in GXD. IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88105 J:95157 UniProtKB:P70414 12988 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88106 J:95157 UniProtKB:P70414 12989 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: Isorm of Slc determined by GXD expression data. IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107956 J:95157 UniProtKB:Q8VDN2|UniProtKB:Q6PIE5 12990 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:107956 J:95157 N/A 12991 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:88106 J:95157 N/A 12992 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:88105 J:95157 N/A 12993 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type:vascular associated smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006940 MGI:88106 J:95348 MGI:2451291 12994 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019229 MGI:88106 J:95348 MGI:2451291 12995 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0019229 MGI:88106 J:95348 MGI:98469 12996 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0019229 MGI:98496 J:95348 MGI:88106 12997 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; EMAP:11540 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002087 MGI:88106 J:81899 MGI:2451291 12998 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, ventral grey horn ; EMAP:11818 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text:cervical root C4, respiratory motoneuron IMP GO:0002087 MGI:88106 J:94810 MGI:3522421 12999 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiovascular system ; MA:0000010 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008217 MGI:97742 J:102928 MGI:88105,MGI:88106 13000 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiovascular system ; MA:0000010 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008217 MGI:88105 J:102928 MGI:97742 13001 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiovascular system ; MA:0000010 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008217 MGI:88106 J:102928 MGI:97742 13002 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016529 MGI:97622 J:38400 N/A 13003 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016529 MGI:88110 J:38400 N/A 13004 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904 anatomy:extensor digitorum communis ; MA:0002293 anatomy:soleus ; MA:0002424 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006874 MGI:99684 J:45244 MGI:2181794 13005 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904 anatomy:extensor digitorum communis ; MA:0002293 anatomy:soleus ; MA:0002424 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006941 MGI:99684 J:45244 MGI:2181794 13006 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9887021|IDA text: ISO GO:0006816 MGI:105058 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q64578 13007 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9887021|IDA text: ISO GO:0005388 MGI:105058 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q64578 13008 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005388 MGI:88110 J:52436 N/A 13009 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006874 MGI:88110 J:52436 N/A 13010 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, hindlimb, skeletal muscle ;TS26, hindlimb, EMAP:13205|skeletal muscle ; EMAP:12917 anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030314 MGI:99684 J:56913 N/A 13011 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, hindlimb, skeletal muscle ;TS26, hindlimb, EMAP:13205|skeletal muscle ; EMAP:12917 anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030314 MGI:99659 J:56913 N/A 13012 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030315 MGI:88294 J:56913 N/A 13013 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000034|stem cell gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:107913 J:46239 MGI:2660803 13014 1 evidence:ECO:0000096|inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0017091 MGI:107913 J:88770 N/A 13015 1 evidence:ECO:0000087|inferred from immunolocalization anatomy:EMAP:6709|TS22.primitive seminiferous tubles cell type:CL:0000670|primordial germ cell gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:107913 J:46239 N/A 13016 1 evidence:EC):0000096|inferred from mobility shift assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0017091 MGI:107914 J:88770 N/A 13017 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7870171|IMP text: ISO GO:0007605 MGI:104510 J:23239 UniProtKB:Q13402 13018 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:isoform a IDA GO:0001917 MGI:1919338 J:86248 N/A 13019 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:isoform a and b IDA GO:0001750 MGI:1919338 J:86248 N/A 13020 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:isoform a IDA GO:0045202 MGI:1919338 J:86248 N/A 13021 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003990 MGI:87876 J:111571 N/A 13022 1 evidence:ECO:0000068|ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:P02469|laminin beta 1 external ref: text: IPI GO:0043236 MGI:87876 J:93292 UniProtKB:P02469 13023 1 evidence:ECO:0000070|ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:P21836|Ache external ref: text: IPI GO:0019899 MGI:96743 J:93292 UniProtKB:P21836 13024 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Pcdh15 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104510 J:105750 UniProtKB:Q99PJ1 13025 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Myo7a|Ush1c IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1891428 J:105750 UniProtKB:Q9ES64|UniProtKB:P97479 13026 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Pcdh15 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1919338 J:105750 UniProtKB:Q99PJ1 13027 1 evidence:ECO:0000126|ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:107913 J:112748 N/A 13028 1 evidence:ECO:0000126|ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:107914 J:112748 N/A 13029 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000556 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:104813 J:68443 MGI:1856923 13030 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000352 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048484 MGI:97380 J:93814 MGI:1933844 13031 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000352 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051145 MGI:97380 J:93814 MGI:1933844 13032 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:not 100% sure of human protein id. IPI GO:0048185 MGI:87912 J:2304 UniProtKB:P08476 13033 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:human ativin A used external ref: text: IPI GO:0048185 MGI:87912 J:2521 UniProtKB:P08476 13034 1 evidence: anatomy:myocardium ; MA:0000164 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048738 MGI:1330824 J:58299 MGI:97622 13035 1 evidence: anatomy:myocardium ; MA:0000164 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048738 MGI:97622 J:58299 MGI:1330824 13036 1 evidence: anatomy:myocardium ; MA:0000164 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002026 MGI:1330824 J:58299 MGI:97622 13037 1 evidence: anatomy:myocardium ; MA:0000164 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002026 MGI:97622 J:58299 MGI:1330824,MGI:88110 13038 1 evidence: anatomy:myocardium ; MA:0000164 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045822 MGI:97622 J:58299 MGI:88110 13039 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002026 MGI:88110 J:58299 MGI:97622 13040 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045822 MGI:88110 J:58299 MGI:97622 13041 1 evidence: anatomy:myocardium ; MA:0000164 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006874 MGI:1330824 J:58299 MGI:97622 13042 1 evidence: anatomy:myocardium ; MA:0000164 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006874 MGI:97622 J:58299 MGI:88110 13043 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: target:Atp2a1 ; MGI:105058|Ldb3 ; MGI:1344412|Ttn ; MGI:98864|Nrap ; MGI:1098765|Capn3 ; MGI:107437|Fhod3 ; MGI:2679008|Gfpt1 ; MGI:95698|Mbnl1 ; MGI:1928482|Mbnl2 ; MGI:21 IMP GO:0006376 MGI:1928482 J:112061 MGI:3052922 13044 2 45597|Pdlim3 ; MGI:1859274 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006376 MGI:1928482 J:112061 MGI:3052922 13045 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007519 MGI:1928482 J:112061 MGI:3052922 13046 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16717059|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1928482 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NR56 13047 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1928482 J:112061 N/A 13048 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1928482 J:112061 N/A 13049 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum molecular cell layer ; MA:0000996 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050808 MGI:105368 J:13355 MGI:1857092 13050 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046068 MGI:105368 J:18352 MGI:1857092 13051 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046068 MGI:104661 J:18352 MGI:1857035 13052 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006809 MGI:104661 J:18352 MGI:1857035 13053 1 evidence: anatomy:central nervous system ; MA:0000167 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042428 MGI:105368 J:19947 MGI:1857092 13054 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046068 MGI:105368 J:19948 MGI:1857092 13055 1 evidence: anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007605 MGI:105368 J:38429 MGI:1857396 13056 1 evidence: anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007605 MGI:105368 J:38429 MGI:1890219 13057 1 evidence: anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007605 MGI:1890219 J:38429 MGI:105368 13058 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021702 MGI:105368 J:48863 MGI:1857876 13059 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021707 MGI:105368 J:48863 MGI:1857876 13060 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:105368 J:48863 MGI:1857876 13061 1 evidence: anatomy:utricle ; MA:0000247 anatomy:saccule ; MA:0000246 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045299 MGI:105368 J:48863 MGI:1857876 13062 1 evidence: anatomy:cochlea ; MA:0000240 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:105368 J:56737 N/A 13063 1 evidence: anatomy:cochlea ; MA:0000240 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005929 MGI:105368 J:56737 N/A 13064 1 evidence: anatomy:cochlea ; MA:0000240 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000902 MGI:105368 J:56737 MGI:1857092 13065 1 evidence: anatomy:cochlea ; MA:0000240 cell type:hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007605 MGI:105368 J:71283 MGI:1857092 13066 1 evidence: anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007605 MGI:105368 J:92390 MGI:1934613 13067 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006816 MGI:105368 J:93962 MGI:1857876 13068 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005792 MGI:105368 J:93962 N/A 13069 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006874 MGI:105368 J:102783 MGI:1857092 13070 1 evidence: anatomy:cochlea ; MA:0000240 cell type:hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050910 MGI:101924 J:108937 MGI:1935144 13071 1 evidence: anatomy:cochlea ; MA:0000240 cell type:hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050910 MGI:105368 J:108937 MGI:1857876 13072 1 evidence: anatomy:urine ; MA:0002545 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006885 MGI:103285 J:101414 MGI:2673510 13073 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney collecting duct ; MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Type A intercalated cells IDA GO:0016323 MGI:103285 J:101414 N/A 13074 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney collecting duct ; MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Type A intercalated cells IMP GO:0015078 MGI:103285 J:101414 MGI:2673510 13075 1 evidence:western blot anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:found in supernatant of transfected 293T cells IDA GO:0005615 MGI:98658 J:60356 N/A 13076 1 evidence:ECO:0000126|ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text: moves to cytoplasm during stress IDA GO:0005737 MGI:107913 J:112748 N/A 13077 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney medulla ; MA:0000373|kidney collecting duct ; MA:0000371 anatomy:kidney cortex ; MA:0000372|kidney collecting duct ; MA:0000371 anatomy:vas deferens ; MA:0000413 anatomy:epididymis ; MA:0000397 cell type: gene product: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:2153480 J:72557 N/A 13078 2 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:2153480 J:72557 N/A 13079 1 evidence: anatomy:proximal convoluted tubule ; MA:0001669 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005903 MGI:2153480 J:72557 N/A 13080 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland milk ; MA:0002552 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007595 MGI:103297 J:1046 MGI:1856220 13081 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland milk ; MA:0002552 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007595 MGI:105368 J:93962 MGI:1857876 13082 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:103297 J:7102 MGI:1856220 13083 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:103297 J:1046 MGI:1856220 13084 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:muscle ; MA:0000015 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:103297 J:19226 MGI:1856220 13085 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:muscle ; MA:0000015 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006882 MGI:103297 J:19226 MGI:1856220 13086 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:103297 J:40104 MGI:1856220 13087 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland milk ; MA:0002552 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007595 MGI:103297 J:24233 MGI:1856221 13088 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:103297 J:44523 MGI:1856220 13089 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006882 MGI:103297 J:44523 MGI:1856220 13090 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:103297 J:45933 MGI:1856220 13091 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006882 MGI:103297 J:45933 MGI:1856220 13092 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:103297 J:57632 MGI:2158253 13093 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:103297 J:57632 N/A 13094 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:mammary gland milk ; MA:0002552 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:103297 J:66749 MGI:1856220 13095 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type:glandular epithelial cell ; CL:0000150 gene product: target: external ref: text:non-lactating IDA GO:0005802 MGI:103297 J:66749 N/A 13096 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type:glandular epithelial cell ; CL:0000150 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006825 MGI:103297 J:66749 MGI:1856220 13097 1 evidence: anatomy:anterior commissure ; MA:0002722 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021960 MGI:1100526 J:71869 MGI:2176490 13098 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, cerebral cortex ; EMAP:8944 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021987 MGI:1100526 J:71869 MGI:2176490 13099 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory bulb ; MA:0000194 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021772 MGI:1100526 J:71869 MGI:2176490 13100 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, neural retina ; EMAP:9247 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060041 MGI:1100526 J:71869 MGI:2176490 13101 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015680 MGI:103297 J:106305 MGI:2158253 13102 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS11, heart ; EMAP:172 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0010002 MGI:98658 J:51595 MGI:1857518 13103 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS11, embryo ; EMAP:147 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:98658 J:51595 MGI:1857518 13104 1 evidence:attachment assay anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text:MEFs used IMP GO:0001954 MGI:98658 J:51595 MGI:1857518 13105 1 evidence:MTT proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text:MEFs used IMP GO:0048146 MGI:98658 J:51595 MGI:1857518 13106 1 evidence:haptotactic assay evidence:wound healing assay in cell monolayer anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text:MEFs used IMP GO:0030334 MGI:98658 J:51595 MGI:1857518 13107 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS11, yolk sac ; EMAP:202 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001570 MGI:98658 J:51595 MGI:1857518 13108 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:88476 J:106305 N/A 13109 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005507 MGI:88476 J:106305 N/A 13110 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004322 MGI:88476 J:106305 N/A 13111 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:human activin IDA GO:0048185 MGI:87912 J:91816 N/A 13112 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:HUMAN Gdf11 external ref: text: IMP GO:0019838 MGI:87912 J:79880 UniProtKB:O95390 13113 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:human GDF11 external ref: text: IMP GO:0019838 MGI:102806 J:79880 UniProtKB:O95390 13114 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Cdkn2a (aka Arf) external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107187 J:94162 UniProtKB:Q64364 13115 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007512 MGI:97255 J:51939 MGI:2182704 13116 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048739 MGI:97255 J:51939 MGI:2182704 13117 1 evidence:45Mhz echocardiogrpahy anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008016 MGI:97255 J:51939 MGI:2182704 13118 1 evidence:45Mhz echocardiogrpahy anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006941 MGI:97255 J:51939 MGI:2182704 13119 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Bergmann glial cell ; CL:0000644 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:99400 J:97775 N/A 13120 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Sf9 ; ATCC:CRL-1711 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016020 MGI:103297 J:97775 N/A 13121 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Sf9 ; ATCC:CRL-1711 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016020 MGI:99400 J:97775 N/A 13122 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:617 MGI:1856466 13123 1 evidence:twitch force measurement anatomy:heart right ventricle ; MA:0000093|ventricle myocardium ; GO:0000082 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008016 MGI:97255 J:53392 MGI:2182704 13124 1 evidence:twitch force measurement anatomy:heart right ventricle ; MA:0000093|ventricle myocardium ; GO:0000082 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006941 MGI:97255 J:53392 MGI:2182704 13125 1 evidence: anatomy:cingulate cortex ; MA:0000904 anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042417 MGI:99400 J:2026 MGI:1856098 13126 1 evidence: anatomy:cingulate cortex ; MA:0000904 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042414 MGI:99400 J:2026 MGI:1856098 13127 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:99400 J:2026 MGI:1856098 13128 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:87968 J:3850 N/A 13129 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019102 MGI:88064 J:5173 MGI:1856319 13130 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:99400 J:5295 MGI:1856099 13131 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:1195272 J:5295 MGI:1856197 13132 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042415 MGI:99400 J:5373 MGI:1856102 13133 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006568 MGI:99400 J:5373 MGI:1856102 13134 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006570 MGI:99400 J:5373 MGI:1856102 13135 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:males IMP GO:0030199 MGI:99400 J:5397 MGI:1856102 13136 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:males IMP GO:0043588 MGI:99400 J:5397 MGI:1856102 13137 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: target:Col1a1 ; MGI:88467 external ref: text:males IMP GO:0018205 MGI:99400 J:5397 MGI:1856102 13138 1 evidence: anatomy:submandibular gland ; MA:0001589 anatomy:TS24, submandibular gland ; EMAP:9288 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005578 MGI:96817 J:44769 N/A 13139 1 evidence: anatomy:submandibular gland ; MA:0001589 anatomy:TS24, submandibular gland ; EMAP:9288 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005578 MGI:95566 J:44796 N/A 13140 1 evidence:eletronmicroscopy anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007512 MGI:97255 J:53848 MGI:2182704 13141 1 evidence:eletronmicroscopy anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048739 MGI:97255 J:53848 MGI:2182704 13142 1 evidence:QT interval measurement via electrophysiology anatomy:heart ; MGI:2182704 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008016 MGI:97255 J:57223 MGI:2182704 13143 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Gipc1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104785 J:111724 UniProtKB:Q9Z0G0 13144 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Acta1 IPI GO:0003779 MGI:1926252 J:103917 UniProtKB:P68134 13145 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Myo6 IPI GO:0006605 MGI:1926252 J:103917 UniProtKB:Q64331 13146 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Myo6|Gipc1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95755 J:103917 UniProtKB:Q64331|UniProtKB:Q9Z0G0 13147 1 evidence:eletronmicroscopy anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030239 MGI:97255 J:53848 MGI:2182704 13148 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Gipc1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97384 J:111724 UniProtKB:Q9Z0G0 13149 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ntrk2 IPI GO:0014047 MGI:88145 J:111724 UniProtKB:P15209 13150 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030239 MGI:97255 J:51939 MGI:2182704 13151 1 evidence:SDS-PAGE anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030016 MGI:97255 J:51939 N/A 13152 1 evidence:SDS-PAGE anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016459 MGI:97255 J:51939 N/A 13153 1 evidence:SDS-PAGE anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030016 MGI:2155600 J:51939 N/A 13154 1 evidence:SDS-PAGE anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016459 MGI:2155600 J:51939 N/A 13155 1 evidence:SDS-PAGE anatomy:heart ventricle ; MA:0000091 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030016 MGI:97255 J:36089 N/A 13156 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy:ventricle myocardium ; MA:0000082 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030239 MGI:97255 J:36089 MGI:3652543 13157 1 evidence:SDS-PAGE of isololated myosin anatomy:heart left ventricle ; MA:0000092 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016459 MGI:97255 J:95600 N/A 13158 1 evidence:strain gauge measurements anatomy:left ventricle muscular part ; MA:0001875|ventricle myocardium ; GO:0000082 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008016 MGI:97255 J:53848 MGI:2182704 13159 1 evidence:strain gauge measurements anatomy:left ventricle muscular part ; MA:0001875|ventricle myocardium ; GO:0000082 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006941 MGI:97255 J:53848 MGI:2182704 13160 1 evidence:electrophysiology testing anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008016 MGI:97255 J:112966 MGI:2182704 13161 1 evidence:electrophysiology testing anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006941 MGI:97255 J:112966 MGI:2182704 13162 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:99400 J:5430 MGI:1856098 13163 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:5462 MGI:1856097 13164 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042421 MGI:99400 J:5462 MGI:1856097 13165 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:99400 J:5462 MGI:1856097 13166 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T_lymphocyte ; CL:0000084 gene product: text:mutant Zap70ST allele on DO11.10 alpha-beta TCR tg background IMP GO:0046638 MGI:99613 J:41170 MGI:3526403 13167 1 evidence:histology anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007512 MGI:1930780 J:60967 MGI:2386439|MGI:2386445 13168 1 evidence:histology anatomy:lateral ventricle ; MA:0000192 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021670 MGI:1930780 J:60967 MGI:2386439 13169 1 evidence:histology anatomy:fourth ventricle ; MA:0000196 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1930780 J:60967 MGI:2386439 13170 1 evidence: anatomy:hair follicle ; MA:0000154 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001942 MGI:1099438 J:5502 MGI:1857776 13171 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:99400 J:5516 MGI:1856097 13172 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:99400 J:5516 MGI:1856097 13173 1 evidence: anatomy:alveolus ; MA:0000420 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048286 MGI:99400 J:5664 MGI:1856097 13174 1 evidence: anatomy:alveolus ; MA:0000420 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048251 MGI:99400 J:5664 MGI:1856097 13175 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004720 MGI:96817 J:5777 N/A 13176 1 evidence:SDS-PAGE of isolated myosin anatomy:TS26, limb ; EMAP:11205 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016459 MGI:1339712 J:32187 N/A 13177 1 evidence:SDS-PAGE of isolated myosin anatomy:TS26, limb ; EMAP:11205 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016459 MGI:1339709 J:32187 N/A 13178 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:99400 J:5880 MGI:1856097 13179 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048251 MGI:99400 J:5880 MGI:1856097 13180 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target:Lox ; MGI:96817 external ref: text: IMP GO:0048554 MGI:99400 J:5880 MGI:1856097 13181 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004720 MGI:96817 J:5880 N/A 13182 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004557 MGI:1347344 J:5963 N/A 13183 1 evidence: anatomy:extraembryonic component, cardiovascular system ; EMAP:2629 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001974 MGI:99400 J:105797 MGI:3588774 13184 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, extraembryonic component ; EMAP:2628 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:99400 J:105797 MGI:3588774 13185 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:105797 MGI:3588774 13186 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 anatomy:limb blood vessel ; MA:0000687 anatomy:head blood vessel ; MA:0000575 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048251 MGI:99400 J:105797 MGI:3588774 13187 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:99400 J:105797 MGI:3588774 13188 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005802 MGI:103181 J:105736 N/A 13189 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004784 MGI:103181 J:105736 N/A 13190 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016532 MGI:99400 J:105736 N/A 13191 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target:Sod3 ; MGI:103181 external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: target:Sod3 ; MGI:10 IMP GO:0048554 MGI:99400 J:105736 MGI:1856097 13192 2 3181 external ref: text: IMP GO:0048554 MGI:99400 J:105736 MGI:1856097 13193 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019430 MGI:99400 J:105736 MGI:1856097 13194 1 evidence: anatomy:adrenal gland ; MA:0000116 cell type: gene product: target:dopamine beta-monooxygenase activity ; GO:0004500 external ref: text: IMP GO:0048553 MGI:99400 J:5830 MGI:1856098 13195 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: superoxide dismutase activity ; GO:0004784 target: cytochrome-c oxidase activity ; GO:0004129 external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:adrenal gland ; MA:0000116 cell type: gen IMP GO:0048554 MGI:99400 J:5830 MGI:1856098 13196 2 e product: target:phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase activity ; GO:0004603 target:amine oxidase activity ; GO:0008131 external ref: text: IMP GO:0048554 MGI:99400 J:5830 MGI:1856098 13197 1 evidence: anatomy:adrenal gland ; MA:0000116 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006584 MGI:99400 J:5830 MGI:1856098 13198 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005794 MGI:99400 J:97021 N/A 13199 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15634787|IDA text: ISO GO:0005794 MGI:99400 J:73065 UniProtKB:P70705 13200 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text IDA GO:0031410 MGI:99400 J:97021 N/A 13201 1 evidence: anatomy:gut ; MA:0000917 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015677 MGI:99400 J:82681 MGI:1856097 13202 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 anatomy:muscle ; MA:0000015 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:82681 MGI:1856097 13203 2 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:82681 MGI:1856097 13204 1 evidence:regulated thin filament motility assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030048 MGI:97255 J:95600 MGI:2182704|MGI:3664197 13205 1 evidence:histology anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007512 MGI:97255 J:95600 MGI:2182704|MGI:3664197 13206 1 evidence:histology anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048739 MGI:97255 J:95600 MGI:2182704|MGI:3664197 13207 1 evidence:regulated thin filament motility assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000146 MGI:97255 J:95600 MGI:2182704|MGI:3664197 13208 1 evidence:actin-activated ATPase activity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043462 MGI:97255 J:95600 MGI:2182704|MGI:3664197 13209 1 evidence:strain gauge measurements anatomy:ventricle myocardium ; MA:0000082|left ventricle muscular part ; MA:0001875 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006941 MGI:97255 J:95600 MGI:2182704|MGI:3664197 13210 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005802 MGI:99400 J:81409 N/A 13211 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12488345|IDA text: ISO GO:0005802 MGI:99400 J:73065 UniProtKB:P70705 13212 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12488345|IDA text: ISO GO:0000299 MGI:99400 J:73065 UniProtKB:P70705 13213 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005802 MGI:99400 J:105736 N/A 13214 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005802 MGI:105080 J:81409 N/A 13215 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:endocrine cell ; CL:0000163 gene product: target:Pam ; MGI:97475 external ref: text: IMP GO:0048554 MGI:99400 J:81409 MGI:1856098 13216 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral artery ; MA:0002562 anatomy:abdominal aorta ; MA:0000474 anatomy:arch of aorta ; MA:0000475 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:99400 J:59415 MGI:1856097 13217 1 evidence: anatomy:semicircular canal ; MA:0000251 anatomy:spiral ligament ; MA:0001192 anatomy:temporal bone ; MA:0001476 cell type:cochlea ; MA:0000240 cell type:bony labyrinth ; MA:0000238 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048839 MGI:101894 J:59387 MGI:1856631 13218 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005375 MGI:99400 J:55409 MGI:1856097|MGI:1856098 13219 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:55409 MGI:1856097|MGI:1856098 13220 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005802 MGI:99400 J:55409 N/A 13221 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: high external copper IDA GO:0043005 MGI:99400 J:97021 N/A 13222 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text:high external copper IDA GO:0005886 MGI:99400 J:55409 N/A 13223 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target:cytochrome-c oxidase activity ; GO:0004129 external ref: text: IMP GO:0048554 MGI:99400 J:53559 MGI:1856102 13224 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:NADH dehydrogenase activity ; GO:0003954 external ref: text: IMP GO:0043085 MGI:99400 J:53559 MGI:1856102 13225 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:renal proximal tubule ; MA:0002611 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evi IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:49385 MGI:1856466 13226 2 dence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: ex IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:49385 MGI:1856466 13227 3 ternal ref: text: evidence: anatomy:choroid plexus ; MA:0000823 anatomy:brain ependyma ; MA:0000809 anatomy:blood vessel ; MA:0000060 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:choroid plexus ; MA:0000823 anatomy:brain ependyma ; MA:0000809 anatom IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:49385 MGI:1856466 13228 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:43235 MGI:1856097|MGI:1856322|MGI:1856325|MGI:1856098|MGI:1856099|MGI:1856323|MGI:1856324|MGI:1858103|MGI:1856101 13229 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:99400 J:41388 N/A 13230 1 evidence: anatomy:cartilaginous joint ; MA:0000320 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051216 MGI:99400 J:36378 MGI:1856097 13231 1 evidence: anatomy:cartilage ; MA:0000104 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:99400 J:36378 MGI:1856097 13232 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:99400 J:36272 MGI:1856101 13233 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target:Lox ; MGI:96817 external ref: text: IMP GO:0048554 MGI:99400 J:36272 MGI:1856101 13234 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:36272 MGI:1856101 13235 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051542 MGI:99400 J:36272 MGI:1856101 13236 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 anatomy:connective tissue ; MA:0000011 anatomy:duodenum ; MA:0000338 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:36271 MGI:1856097 13237 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: target:Lox ; MGI:96817 external ref: text: IMP GO:0048554 MGI:99400 J:5777 MGI:1856098|MGI:1856102 13238 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000018 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002080 MGI:1915003 J:111428 N/A 13239 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|3T6 ATCC:CCL-96|Hela ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: 3%3 cell (endogenous) and Hela (transfected) IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1915003 J:111428 N/A 13240 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|Hela ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text:Hela Cells IDA GO:0005769 MGI:1915003 J:111428 N/A 13241 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|3T6 ATCC:CCL-96|Hela ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: 3T3 cells (endogenous) and in transfected Hela IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1915003 J:111428 N/A 13242 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|Hela ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text:Hela cells only IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1915003 J:111428 N/A 13243 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030304 MGI:1925492 J:112572 N/A 13244 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16430885|IDA text: ISA GO:0005730 MGI:2146285 J:107895 UniProtKB:Q5D1Z3 13245 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16430885|IDA text: ISA GO:0019843 MGI:2146285 J:107895 UniProtKB:Q5D1Z3 13246 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16109376|IPI|UniProt:Q9ESU6 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1328368 J:101015 UniProtKB:P50750 13247 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16109376|IPI|UniProt:Q9ESU6 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1349442 J:101015 UniProtKB:O60244 13248 1 evidence:in vitro transcription assay|GST pull-down assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12037571|IDA text:J:76817|PMID:12037571|IDA ISO GO:0003713 MGI:1349442 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60244 13249 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16109376|IPI|UniProt:Q9ESU6 text: ISA GO:0005515 MGI:2182585 J:101015 UniProtKB:Q9HA81 13250 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16109376|IPI|UniProt:Q9ESU6 text: ISA GO:0005515 MGI:1926212 J:101015 UniProtKB:Q7Z2E0 13251 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9459447|IPI|UniProt:P29476 text: ISO GO:0030165 MGI:1917979 J:104715 UniProtKB:O54960 13252 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9459447|IPI|UniProt:P29476 text: ISO GO:0050998 MGI:1917979 J:104715 UniProtKB:O54960 13253 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000034|stem cell gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0017145 MGI:107913 J:46239 MGI:2660803 13254 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12652642|IDA text:PMID:12652642|human ISO GO:0001965 MGI:2141866 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NVN3 13255 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12509430|IDA text:PMID:12509430|rat ISO GO:0001965 MGI:2141866 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q80ZG1 13256 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12509430|IDA text:PMID:12509430 ISO GO:0005096 MGI:2141866 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q80ZG1 13257 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12652642|IDA text:PMID:12652642human ISO GO:0005829 MGI:2141866 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NVN3 13258 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12509430|IDA text:PMID:12509430 ISO GO:0005085 MGI:2141866 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q80ZG1 13259 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12652642|IDA text:human ISO GO:0005886 MGI:2141866 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NVN3 13260 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12652642|IDA text:PMID:12652642|human ISO GO:0008277 MGI:2141866 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NVN3 13261 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060003 MGI:99400 J:36269 MGI:1856097 13262 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:lipooligosaccharides ; CHEBI:35371 external ref: text: IMP GO:0044265 MGI:1298204 J:112499 MGI:2176390 13263 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:lipooligosaccharides ; CHEBI:35371 external ref: text: IMP GO:0044265 MGI:2159324 J:112499 MGI:2159328 13264 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:lipooligosaccharides ; CHEBI:35371 external ref: text: IMP GO:0044265 MGI:1349447 J:112499 MGI:1856959 13265 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:36268 MGI:1856097 13266 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target:cytochrome-c oxidase activity ; GO:0004129 external ref: text: IMP GO:0002082 MGI:99400 J:30532 MGI:1856098 13267 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: target:protein-lysine 6-oxidase activity ; GO:0004720 external ref: text: IMP GO:0048554 MGI:99400 J:26617 MGI:1856097 13268 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16251195|IDA text: ISO GO:0005578 MGI:96817 J:73065 UniProtKB:P16636 13269 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16251195|IDA text: ISO GO:0005578 MGI:106096 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q5FWS5 13270 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, dorsal aorta ; EMAP:6359 anatomy:TS26, aorta ; EMAP:11423 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:96817 J:103389 MGI:3610732 13271 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, alveolar duct ; EMAP:13013 anatomy:TS26, alveolus ; EMAP:13011 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048251 MGI:96817 J:101687 MGI:3610732 13272 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, alveolar duct ; EMAP:13013 anatomy:TS26, alveolus ; EMAP:13011 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:96817 J:101687 MGI:3610732 13273 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, alveolar duct ; EMAP:13013 anatomy:TS26, alveolus ; EMAP:13011 anatomy:TS26, skin ; EMAP:11211 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:96817 J:101678 MGI:3610732 13274 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, alveolar duct ; EMAP:13013 anatomy:TS26, alveolus ; EMAP:13011 anatomy:TS26, skin ; EMAP:11211 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type:primary cell line cell IMP GO:0048251 MGI:96817 J:103389 MGI:3610732 13275 2 ; CL:0000001|vascular associated smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000359 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref IMP GO:0048251 MGI:96817 J:103389 MGI:3610732 13276 3 : text: IMP GO:0048251 MGI:96817 J:103389 MGI:3610732 13277 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|vascular associated smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000359 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001| IDA GO:0004720 MGI:96817 J:101687 N/A 13278 2 fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004720 MGI:96817 J:101687 N/A 13279 1 evidence: anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004720 MGI:96817 J:88033 N/A 13280 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:99400 J:24988 MGI:1856101 13281 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042417 MGI:99400 J:24169 MGI:1856466 13282 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042414 MGI:99400 J:24169 MGI:1856466 13283 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042415 MGI:99400 J:24169 MGI:1856466 13284 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: qualifie IMP GO:0007005 MGI:99400 J:23996 MGI:1856466 13285 2 r: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007005 MGI:99400 J:23996 MGI:1856466 13286 1 evidence: anatomy:vibrissa ; MA:0000163 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031069 MGI:99400 J:23995 MGI:1856466 13287 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:99400 J:23995 MGI:1856466 13288 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external r IMP GO:0021702 MGI:99400 J:23995 MGI:1856466 13289 1 evidence: anatomy:cortical layer V ; MA:0000901 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: ext IMP GO:0048813 MGI:99400 J:23995 MGI:1856466 13290 2 ernal ref: text: IMP GO:0048813 MGI:99400 J:23995 MGI:1856466 13291 1 evidence: anatomy:cortical layer V ; MA:0000901 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021860 MGI:99400 J:23995 MGI:1856466 13292 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:23215 MGI:1856466 13293 1 evidence: anatomy:renal tubule ; MA:0000377 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:gut ; MA:0000917 cell type:gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: target: extern IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:19860 MGI:1856098 13294 2 al ref: text: evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; C IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:19860 MGI:1856098 13295 3 ext: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:19860 MGI:1856098 13296 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007005 MGI:99400 J:19578 MGI:1856466 13297 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:serotonergic neuron ; gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021954 MGI:99400 J:16943 MGI:1856098 13298 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 anatomy:lateral ventricle ependyma ; MA:0000964 anatomy:dentate gyrus ; MA:0000190 cell type:serotonergic neuron ; gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048812 MGI:99400 J:16943 MGI:1856098 13299 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:diencephalon ; MA:0000171 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042417 MGI:99400 J:16943 MGI:1856098 13300 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:diencephalon ; MA:0000171 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042428 MGI:99400 J:16943 MGI:1856098 13301 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:99400 J:16303 MGI:1856322|MGI:1856323|MGI:1856324 13302 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:99400 J:15796 MGI:1856097 13303 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048251 MGI:99400 J:15796 MGI:1856097 13304 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:15759 MGI:1856466 13305 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:15433 MGI:1856466 13306 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:99400 J:14901 MGI:1856479 13307 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015677 MGI:99400 J:14875 MGI:1856100 13308 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:99400 J:14875 MGI:1856100 13309 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T-helper cell ; CL:0000492 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042093 MGI:99400 J:13154 MGI:1856466 13310 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Q13263|human Tif1b (aka TRIM28 external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:3643133 J:111975 UniProtKB:Q13263 13311 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:99400 J:13104 MGI:2447843 13312 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:99400 J:13041 MGI:1856098|MGI:1856096 13313 1 evidence: anatomy:vibrissa ; MA:0000163 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031069 MGI:99400 J:12943 MGI:1856099 13314 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:99400 J:12943 MGI:1856099 13315 1 evidence: anatomy:foot ; MA:0000044 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035137 MGI:99400 J:12943 MGI:1856099 13316 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:12937 MGI:1856098 13317 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target:cytochrome-c oxidase activity ; GO:0004129 external ref: text: IMP GO:0048554 MGI:99400 J:12745 MGI:1856466 13318 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral hemisphere ; MA:0000133 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 anatomy:large intestine ; MA:0000333 anatomy:kid IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:12745 MGI:1856466 13319 2 ney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:12745 MGI:1856466 13320 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ARPE-19 human cells gene product: target:UniProt:Q14784|human MYO6 external ref: text: IPI GO:0017022 MGI:1926252 J:112916 UniProtKB:Q14784 13321 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0022010 MGI:97623 J:10575 MGI:1856067 13322 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043209 MGI:96925 J:10575 N/A 13323 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043209 MGI:97623 J:10575 N/A 13324 1 evidence:ECO:0000018|Inferred from antisense experiment anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004340 MGI:1270854 J:29415 N/A 13325 1 evidence:ECO:0000018|Inferred from antisense experiment anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042593 MGI:1270854 J:29415 N/A 13326 1 evidence:ECO:0000018|Inferred from antisense experiment anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046835 MGI:1270854 J:29415 N/A 13327 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004111 MGI:88413 J:7361 N/A 13328 1 evidence:ECO:0000018|Inferred from antisense experiment anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032024 MGI:1270854 J:29415 N/A 13329 1 evidence: anatomy:gastrocnemius ; MA:0002306 anatomy:soleus ; MA:0002424 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046716 MGI:94909 J:7361 MGI:1856328 13330 1 evidence:CL:000016|pancreatic B cell anatomy:MA:0000127 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042593 MGI:1270854 J:30334 MGI:2177703 13331 1 evidence:CL:000016|pancreatic B cell anatomy:MA:0000127 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050796 MGI:1270854 J:30334 MGI:2177703 13332 1 evidence:ECO:0000018|Inferred from antisense experiment anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006006 MGI:1270854 J:29415 N/A 13333 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:gastrointestinal system smooth muscle ; MA:0001523 anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 anatomy:bone ; MA:0001459 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:6150 MGI:1856098 13334 1 evidence: anatomy:duodenum ; MA:0000338 anatomy:ileum ; MA:0000339 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015677 MGI:99400 J:6206 MGI:1856098 13335 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:6206 MGI:1856098 13336 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:6204 MGI:1856098 13337 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015677 MGI:99400 J:6204 MGI:1856098 13338 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:5956 MGI:1856098 13339 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:gut ; MA:0000917 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: extern IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:6013 MGI:1856097 13340 2 al ref: text: IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:6013 MGI:1856097 13341 1 evidence: anatomy:hand digit 5 ; MA:0000458 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035136 MGI:98961 J:112 MGI:1857009 13342 1 evidence: anatomy:foot digit 5 ; MA:0000469 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035137 MGI:98961 J:112 MGI:1857009 13343 1 evidence: anatomy:uterine horn ; MA:0000393 anatomy:oviduct ; MA:0000385 anatomy:vagina ; MA:0000394 anatomy:vas deferens ; MA:0000413 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048608 MGI:98961 J:112 MGI:1857009 13344 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, handplate ; EMAP:3402 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035115 MGI:98961 J:112 MGI:1857009 13345 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, scapula ; EMAP:8389 anatomy:humerus ; MA:0001356 anatomy:radius ; MA:0001357 anatomy:phalanx ; MA:0000304 anatomy:metacarpal bone ; MA:0000302 anatomy:carpal bone ; MA:0000296 anatomy:ulna ; MA:0001358 anatomy:sternebra ; MA:000133 IMP GO:0048705 MGI:98961 J:112 MGI:1857009 13346 2 3 anatomy:vertebral column ;MA:0002416 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048705 MGI:98961 J:112 MGI:1857009 13347 1 evidence: anatomy:foot skin ; MA:0000654 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043589 MGI:98961 J:112 MGI:1857009 13348 1 evidence:immunoblot following myosin extraction anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016459 MGI:107717 J:44181 N/A 13349 1 evidence: anatomy:foot digit 1 ; MA:0000465 anatomy:foot digit 2 ; MA:0000466 anatomy:foot digit 3 ; MA:0000467 anatomy:foot digit 4 ; MA:0000468 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035137 MGI:94889 J:112 MGI:1857878 13350 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048536 MGI:94889 J:112 MGI:1857878 13351 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001822 MGI:94889 J:112 MGI:1857878 13352 1 evidence:histology anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007512 MGI:1930780 J:44181 MGI:2386445 13353 1 evidence:histology anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0055003 MGI:1930780 J:44181 MGI:2386445 13354 1 evidence:gross histology evidence:birth ratios anatomy:adult mouse ; MA:0002405 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1930780 J:44181 MGI:2386445 13355 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:lateral ventricle ; MA:0000192 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021670 MGI:1930780 J:44181 MGI:2386445 13356 1 evidence:immunoblot following myosin extraction anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:TS18,heart ; EMAP:3056 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016459 MGI:1930780 J:44181 N/A 13357 1 evidence:histology (data not shown) anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060041 MGI:1930780 J:44181 MGI:2386445 13358 1 evidence: anatomy:forestomach ; MA:0001606 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:94889 J:112 MGI:1857878 13359 1 evidence: anatomy:tibia ; MA:0001361 anatomy:fibula ; MA:0001360 anatomy:femur ; MA:0001359 anatomy:pubis ; MA:0001338 anatomy:vertebral column ; MA:0002416 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:94889 J:112 MGI:1857878 13360 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, hindlimb (EMAP:7277) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:98961 J:23922 MGI:1857704 13361 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, limb ; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:95389 J:34307 MGI:1857163 13362 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, limb ; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:95389 J:34307 MGI:1857163 13363 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; MA:0000007 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009954 MGI:95389 J:34307 MGI:1857163 13364 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, limb ; EMAP:3397 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:98961 J:45301 MGI:1857704 13365 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, handplate ; EMAP:5793 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035115 MGI:98961 J:45301 MGI:95389 13366 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, handplate ; EMAP:5793 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035115 MGI:95389 J:45301 MGI:98961 13367 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, handplate ; EMAP:3402 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:95389 J:45301 MGI:1857163 13368 1 evidence: anatomy:foot skin ; MA:0000654 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:95389 J:45301 MGI:1857163 13369 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, apical ectodermal ridge ; EMAP:3404 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009954 MGI:95389 J:45301 MGI:1857163 13370 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0021707 MGI:98961 J:45351 N/A 13371 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031133 MGI:98961 J:45351 N/A 13372 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text:axon branching IDA GO:0050770 MGI:98961 J:45351 N/A 13373 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051965 MGI:98961 J:45351 N/A 13374 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005938 MGI:107717 J:49882 N/A 13375 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:107717 J:49882 N/A 13376 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051295 MGI:107717 J:49882 N/A 13377 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000212 MGI:107717 J:49882 N/A 13378 1 evidence:IB following myosin isolation anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016459 MGI:107717 J:49882 N/A 13379 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005819 MGI:107717 J:49882 N/A 13380 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007132 MGI:107717 J:49882 N/A 13381 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005938 MGI:1930780 J:49882 N/A 13382 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1930780 J:49882 N/A 13383 1 evidence:IB following myosin isolation anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016459 MGI:1930780 J:49882 N/A 13384 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005819 MGI:1930780 J:49882 N/A 13385 1 evidence:IB anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005938 MGI:1930780 J:45687 N/A 13386 1 evidence:IB anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1930780 J:45687 N/A 13387 1 evidence:histology anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030239 MGI:1930780 J:60967 MGI:2386439|MGI:2386445 13388 1 evidence:IB anatomy:telencephalon ; MA:0000183 (cerebrum) anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:cardiac muscle tissue ; MA:0002441 anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type: gene product IDA GO:0016459 MGI:1930780 J:45687 N/A 13389 2 : target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016459 MGI:1930780 J:45687 N/A 13390 1 evidence:IB anatomy:telencephalon ; MA:0000183 (cerebrum) anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:cardiac muscle tissue ; MA:0002441 anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type: gene product IDA GO:0016459 MGI:107717 J:45687 N/A 13391 2 : target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016459 MGI:107717 J:45687 N/A 13392 1 evidence:comassie blue staining of isolated myosin anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016459 MGI:2155600 J:45687 N/A 13393 1 evidence:comassie blue staining of isolated myosin anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016459 MGI:97255 J:45687 N/A 13394 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS20,embryo ; EMAP:3980 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1930780 J:68664 MGI:2386445 13395 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS21,4th ventricle ; EMAP:5021 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021592 MGI:1930780 J:68664 MGI:2386445 13396 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS20,lateral ventricle ; EMAP:4182 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021670 MGI:1930780 J:68664 MGI:2386445 13397 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS20,3rd ventricle ; EMAP:4154 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021678 MGI:1930780 J:68664 MGI:2386445 13398 1 evidence: anatomy:retina outer nuclear layer ; MA:0001315 cell type:photoreceptor cell ; CL:0000210 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11526344|IDA text: ISO GO:0043025 MGI:1859639 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q923Z7 13399 1 evidence: anatomy:retina outer nuclear layer ; MA:0001315 cell type:photoreceptor cell ; CL:0000210 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11526344|IDA text: ISO GO:0000299 MGI:1859639 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q923Z7 13400 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008331 MGI:88293 J:86180 N/A 13401 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IC GO:0005887 MGI:88293 J:86180 GO:0008331 13402 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:ON-bipolar cell ; CL:0000749 cell type:horizontal cell ; CL:0000745 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:1859639 J:102753 MGI:3609549 13403 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:ON-bipolar cell ; CL:0000749 cell type:horizontal cell ; CL:0000745 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048813 MGI:1859639 J:102753 MGI:3609549 13404 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005245 MGI:1859639 J:102753 MGI:3609549 13405 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007601 MGI:1859639 J:102753 MGI:3609549 13406 1 evidence: anatomy:retina outer nuclear layer ; MA:0001315 cell type:photoreceptor cell ; CL:0000210 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11526344|IDA text: ISO GO:0016020 MGI:1859639 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q923Z7 13407 1 evidence: anatomy:retina outer plexiform layer ; MA:0001316 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006874 MGI:1859639 J:102753 MGI:3609549 13408 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: mouse strain with an anti-GK ribozyme under control of a pancreatic specific promoter. IMP GO:0004340 MGI:1270854 J:109919 N/A 13409 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006534 MGI:104995 J:80927 MGI:2447852 13410 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006749 MGI:104995 J:80927 MGI:2447852 13411 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004357 MGI:104990 J:80927 N/A 13412 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006979 MGI:104995 J:80927 MGI:2447852 13413 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Hepa-1 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0035229 MGI:104995 J:91536 N/A 13414 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Gclc ; MGI:104990 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:101786 J:48216 N/A 13415 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Gclc ; MGI:104990 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:101786 J:48216 N/A 13416 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046686 MGI:101786 J:48216 MGI:2182939 13417 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006979 MGI:101786 J:48216 MGI:2182939 13418 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5, embryo ; EMAP:23 cell type: primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006750 MGI:104990 J:62177 MGI:2387010 13419 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004357 MGI:104990 J:66499 MGI:2429419 13420 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019852 MGI:104990 J:66499 MGI:2429419 13421 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006749 MGI:104990 J:66499 MGI:2429419 13422 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8940033|IDA ISO GO:0048185 MGI:2661081 J:73065 UniProtKB:P70539 13423 2 text: EMBL:U69702 ISO GO:0048185 MGI:2661081 J:73065 UniProtKB:P70539 13424 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15196700|IDA ISO GO:0048185 MGI:2661081 J:73065 UniProtKB:P70539 13425 2 text: rat cDNA used in transfections EMBL:U35025 ISO GO:0048185 MGI:2661081 J:73065 UniProtKB:P70539 13426 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:6231 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:2444782 J:110447 N/A 13427 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:6231 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030426 MGI:2444782 J:110447 N/A 13428 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:6231 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005884 MGI:2444782 J:110447 N/A 13429 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16316988|IDA text: ISA GO:0005792 MGI:1917587 J:107429 UniProtKB:Q6TA49 13430 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16316988|IDA text: ISA GO:0004447 MGI:1917587 J:107429 UniProtKB:Q6TA49 13431 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007189 MGI:101950 J:22084 N/A 13432 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030316 MGI:101950 J:29261 N/A 13433 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004948 MGI:101950 J:22084 N/A 13434 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Calcr ; MGI:101950 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043488 MGI:101950 J:38221 N/A 13435 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5, embryo ; EMAP:23 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007204 MGI:101950 J:49911 N/A 13436 1 evidence: anatomy:bone ; MA:0001459 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045779 MGI:96382 J:88964 MGI:2656235 13437 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:96382 J:88964 MGI:2656235 13438 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045596 MGI:96382 J:88964 MGI:1346858 13439 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045596 MGI:1346858 J:88964 MGI:96382 13440 1 evidence: anatomy:bone ; MA:0001459 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045124 MGI:101950 J:88964 MGI:3038975 13441 1 evidence: anatomy:bone ; MA:0001459 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030279 MGI:101950 J:88964 MGI:3038975 13442 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001890 MGI:2157785 J:106134 MGI:3620548 13443 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043195 MGI:2151253 J:4497 N/A 13444 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, nasal cavity ; EMAP:7839 anatomy:TS26, olfactory lobe ; EMAP:11698 anatomy:nasal cavity olfactory epithelium ; MA:0001325 cell type:olfactory receptor cell ; CL:0000207 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:2151253 J:14064 N/A 13445 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: cells of bax- mice assayed IMP GO:0006974 MGI:99702 J:45765 N/A 13446 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: cells of bax- mice assayed IMP GO:0009636 MGI:99702 J:45765 N/A 13447 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal nerve ; MA:0000233 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: external ref: text:cervical ventral root IDA GO:0030424 MGI:2151253 J:19739 N/A 13448 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal nerve ; MA:0000233 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: external ref: text:cervical ventral root IDA GO:0030424 MGI:98474 J:19739 N/A 13449 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005102 MGI:2151253 J:21697 N/A 13450 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, thymus primordium ; EMAP:4142 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048538 MGI:96175 J:26753 MGI:1857992 13451 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, thyroid primordium ; EMAP:2238 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030878 MGI:96175 J:26753 MGI:1857992 13452 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, thymus primordium ; EMAP:4142 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048645 MGI:96175 J:26753 MGI:1857992 13453 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:9139 anatomy:TS24, sympathetic, ganglion ; EMAP:9128 anatomy:TS24, cranial ; EMAP:9056 anatomy:TS26, cranial ; EMAP:11776 anatomy:TS26, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:11859 anatomy:TS26, sympathetic, gangli IDA GO:0043025 MGI:88586 J:29763 N/A 13454 2 on ; EMAP:11848 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:88586 J:29763 N/A 13455 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, internal capsule ; EMAP:8927 anatomy:TS26, internal capsule ; EMAP:11647 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:88586 J:29763 N/A 13456 1 evidence: anatomy:TS 19, forelimb bud ; EMAP:3398 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007189 MGI:2151253 J:30368 MGI:1926944 13457 1 evidence: anatomy:TS 19, forelimb bud ; EMAP:3398 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007190 MGI:2151253 J:30368 N/A 13458 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy:TS 19, forelimb bud ; EMAP:3398 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007189 MGI:1926944 J:30368 N/A 13459 1 evidence: anatomy:TS 19, forelimb bud ; EMAP:3398 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001635 MGI:1926944 J:30368 MGI:2151253 13460 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, forelimb ; EMAP:8485|blood vessel ; cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:2151253 J:30368 N/A 13461 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045785 MGI:2151253 J:31377 N/A 13462 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:102524 J:33502 MGI:3582493 13463 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060041 MGI:102524 J:33502 MGI:3582493 13464 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042491 MGI:102523 J:33502 MGI:2176270 13465 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, ganglion,trigeminal V ; EMAP:11781 anatomy:habenula ; MA:0000830 anatomy:red nucleus ; MA:0001063 anatomy:inferior olive ; MA:0001040 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external re IMP GO:0021953 MGI:102525 J:35877 MGI:2387665 13466 2 f: text: IMP GO:0021953 MGI:102525 J:35877 MGI:2387665 13467 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:11859 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048934 MGI:102525 J:35877 MGI:2387665 13468 1 evidence: anatomy:nucleus ambiguus ; MA:0001050 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021535 MGI:102525 J:37118 MGI:3512302 13469 1 evidence: anatomy:red nucleus ; MA:0001063 anatomy:TS26, inferior olivary nucleus ; EMAP:13117 anatomy:nucleus ambiguus ; MA:0001050 anatomy:trigeminal V ganglion ; MA:0001080 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: t IMP GO:0021953 MGI:102525 J:37118 MGI:3512302 13470 2 arget: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021953 MGI:102525 J:37118 MGI:3512302 13471 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 anatomy:vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion ; MA:0001084 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048934 MGI:102525 J:37118 MGI:3512302 13472 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:11859 cell type:primary sensory neuron ; CL:0000531 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048666 MGI:97380 J:38578 MGI:2388319 13473 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type:neuroendocrine cell ; CL:0000165 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2151253 J:41573 N/A 13474 1 evidence: anatomy:molar ; MA:0000350 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042488 MGI:97323 J:42087 MGI:1857226 13475 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target:Utrn ; MGI:104631 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:87961 J:45159 N/A 13476 1 evidence: anatomy:esophagus skeletal muscle ; MA:0001572 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043195 MGI:2151253 J:50608 N/A 13477 1 evidence: anatomy:esophagus skeletal muscle ; MA:0001572 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043195 MGI:1101061 J:50608 N/A 13478 1 evidence: anatomy:myenteric nerve plexus ; MA:0001148 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:88392 J:50608 N/A 13479 1 evidence: anatomy:myenteric nerve plexus ; MA:0001148 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:98474 J:50608 N/A 13480 1 evidence: anatomy:myometrium ; MA:0000391 cell type:smooth_muscle_cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: text: IDA GO:0031716 MGI:2151253 J:43695 N/A 13481 1 evidence: anatomy:limb skin ; MA:0000694 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021675 MGI:97323 J:43748 MGI:1857226 13482 1 evidence: anatomy:limb skin ; MA:0000694 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043588 MGI:97323 J:43748 MGI:1857226 13483 1 evidence: anatomy:limb skin ; MA:0000694 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016048 MGI:97323 J:43748 MGI:1857226 13484 1 evidence: anatomy:limb skin ; MA:0000694 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:98474 J:43748 N/A 13485 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, thyroid, lobe ; EMAP:12030 cell type:parafollicular cell ; CL:0000570 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030878 MGI:96175 J:46523 MGI:1857992 13486 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, thyroid, lobe ; EMAP:12030 cell type:parafollicular cell ; CL:0000570 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030878 MGI:96175 J:46235 MGI:96207,MGI:96184 13487 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, thyroid, lobe ; EMAP:12030 cell type:parafollicular cell ; CL:0000570 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030878 MGI:96184 J:46523 MGI:96175 13488 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, thyroid, lobe ; EMAP:12030 cell type:parafollicular cell ; CL:0000570 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030878 MGI:96207 J:46523 MGI:96175 13489 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, thymus ; EMAP:11596 anatomy:TS26, parathyroid ; cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0010159 MGI:96175 J:46523 MGI:96207,MGI:96184 13490 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, thymus ; EMAP:11596 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048538 MGI:96175 J:46523 MGI:96207,MGI:96184 13491 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, colloid-filled follicles ; EMAP:13183|TS26, colloid-filled follicles ; EMAP:13184 cell type:follicle cell ; CL:0000477 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:97492 J:47310 MGI:2156985 13492 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, colloid-filled follicles ; EMAP:13183|TS26, colloid-filled follicles ; EMAP:13184 cell type:follicle cell ; CL:0000477 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030878 MGI:97492 J:47310 MGI:2156985 13493 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, gut ; EMAP:4920 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048484 MGI:97902 J:49702 MGI:2136894 13494 1 evidence: anatomy:foot ; MA:0000044 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019233 MGI:96382 J:51556 MGI:2656235 13495 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046849 MGI:97370 J:53773 MGI:1857079 13496 1 evidence: anatomy:popliteus ; MA:0002554 anatomy:extensor digitorum longus ; MA:0002295 anatomy:soleus ; MA:0002424 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043195 MGI:2151253 J:54422 N/A 13497 1 evidence: anatomy:superior cervical ganglion ; MA:0001156 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048485 MGI:1201403 J:57342 MGI:2136781 13498 1 evidence: anatomy:superior cervical ganglion ; MA:0001156 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048666 MGI:1201403 J:57342 MGI:2136781 13499 1 evidence: anatomy:submandibular gland ; MA:0001589 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:1201403 J:57342 MGI:2136781 13500 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, ganglion ; EMAP:4271 anatomy:superior cervical ganglion ; MA:0001156 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1201403 J:57342 MGI:2136781 13501 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043195 MGI:2151253 J:57708 N/A 13502 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10642343|IDA text: ISA GO:0001976 MGI:2151253 J:60046 UniProtKB:P06881-1 13503 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10642343|IDA text: ISA GO:0045776 MGI:2151253 J:60046 UniProtKB:P06881-1 13504 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, midgut ; EMAP:2527 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1100882 J:57952 N/A 13505 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, midgut ; EMAP:2527 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:97323 J:57952 N/A 13506 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, lobar bronchus ; EMAP:6727|TS22, lobar bronchus ; EMAP:6734|TS22, lobar bronchus ; EMAP:6740|TS22, lobar bronchus ; EMAP:6745|TS22, lobar bronchus ; EMAP:6752 cell type:neuroendocrine cell ; CL:0000165 gene product: g IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96919 J:64088 N/A 13507 2 et: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96919 J:64088 N/A 13508 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:104853 J:64088 N/A 13509 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type:Clara cell ; CL:0000158 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:104853 J:64088 MGI:2149672 13510 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type:Clara cell ; CL:0000158 cell type:neuroendocrine cell ; CL:0000165 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:104853 J:64088 MGI:2149672 13511 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type:neuroendocrine cell ; CL:0000165 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:104853 J:64088 MGI:2149672 13512 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type:neuroendocrine cell ; CL:0000165 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:96919 J:64088 MGI:1857470 13513 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11208722|IDA text: ISO GO:0005615 MGI:2151253 J:66997 UniProtKB:P01257 13514 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, superior cervical ganglion ; EMAP:7124 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045499 MGI:1096347 J:72426 N/A 13515 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, superior cervical ganglion ; EMAP:7124 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050919 MGI:1096347 J:72426 MGI:107683 13516 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, superior cervical ganglion ; EMAP:7124 anatomy:TS21, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:5134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045499 MGI:107558 J:72426 N/A 13517 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, superior cervical ganglion ; EMAP:7124 anatomy:TS21, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:5134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050919 MGI:107558 J:72426 MGI:107683 13518 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, superior cervical ganglion ; EMAP:7124 anatomy:TS21, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:5134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048843 MGI:107558 J:72426 MGI:107683 13519 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, superior cervical ganglion ; EMAP:7124 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048843 MGI:1096347 J:72426 MGI:107683 13520 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, superior cervical ganglion ; EMAP:7124 anatomy:TS21, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:5134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050919 MGI:107683 J:72426 MGI:1096347,MGI:107558 13521 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, superior cervical ganglion ; EMAP:7124 anatomy:TS21, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:5134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048843 MGI:107683 J:72426 MGI:1096347,MGI:107558 13522 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, trigeminal V ; EMAP:3542 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text:opthalamic branch of the nerve evidence: anatomy:dentate gyrus ; MA:0000190 anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:107683 J:72426 MGI:2386961 13523 2 granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:107683 J:72426 MGI:2386961 13524 1 evidence: anatomy:dentate gyrus ; MA:0000190 anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:000059 IMP GO:0021766 MGI:107683 J:72426 MGI:2386961 13525 2 8 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021766 MGI:107683 J:72426 MGI:2386961 13526 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021860 MGI:107683 J:72426 MGI:2386961 13527 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine epithelium ; MA:0001553 cell type:endocrine cell ; CL:0000163 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0048471 MGI:1202306 J:73722 N/A 13528 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 anatomy:tibia ; MA:0001361 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030279 MGI:2151253 J:80827 MGI:3527257 13529 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001669 MGI:101950 J:83111 N/A 13530 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044442 MGI:101950 J:83111 N/A 13531 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12704735|IDA text: ISA GO:0007190 MGI:2151253 J:83111 UniProtKB:P01263 13532 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12704735|IDA text: ISA GO:0048240 MGI:2151253 J:83111 UniProtKB:P01263 13533 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, colloid-filled follicles ; EMAP:13183|TS26, colloid-filled follicles ; EMAP:13184 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030878 MGI:96177 J:84449 MGI:2150397 13534 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type:epithelial cell of gland ; CL:0000070|peptide hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000167 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002070 MGI:97567 J:87986 MGI:1857933 13535 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type:epithelial cell of gland ; CL:0000070|peptide hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000167 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:97567 J:87986 MGI:1857933 13536 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:pain receptor cell ; CL:0000198 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050965 MGI:2151253 J:101430 N/A 13537 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0001325 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006919 MGI:99702 J:89724 MGI:1857429 13538 1 evidence: anatomy:tibia ; MA:0001361 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030279 MGI:1341873 J:108404 MGI:3625130 13539 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, thymus primordium ; EMAP:4142 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048538 MGI:102780 J:108725 MGI:2655195 13540 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, thyroid ; EMAP:4143 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030878 MGI:102780 J:108725 MGI:2655195 13541 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, thymus primordium ; EMAP:4142 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030855 MGI:102780 J:108725 MGI:2655195 13542 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, thymus primordium ; EMAP:4142 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048538 MGI:102780 J:108725 MGI:106034 13543 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, thymus primordium ; EMAP:4142 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048538 MGI:106034 J:108725 MGI:102780 13544 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, branchial pouch ; EMAP:2046 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007389 MGI:102780 J:108725 MGI:109344 13545 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, branchial pouch ; EMAP:2046 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007389 MGI:109344 J:108725 MGI:102780 13546 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, 2nd arch ; EMAP:2027 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048856 MGI:109344 J:108725 MGI:102780 13547 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, 2nd arch ; EMAP:2027 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048856 MGI:102780 J:108725 MGI:109344,MGI:106034 13548 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, 2nd arch ; EMAP:2027 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048856 MGI:106034 J:108725 MGI:102780 13549 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord dorsal horn ; MA:0001119 cell type:pain receptor cell ; CL:0000198 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021511 MGI:103022 J:108959 MGI:1856398 13550 1 evidence:ECO:0000120 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: microinjection into chick nerons deprived of neurotrophic factors IDA GO:0043524 MGI:99702 J:32153 N/A 13551 1 evidence:ECO:0000120 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: microinjection into chick nerons deprived of neurotrophic factors IDA GO:0043524 MGI:88138 J:32153 N/A 13552 1 evidence:ECO:0000120 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: microinjection into chick nerons deprived of neurotrophic factors IDA GO:0043524 MGI:88139 J:32153 N/A 13553 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy:MA:0001064 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:99702 J:67861 N/A 13554 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: binds Bax IPI GO:0046982 MGI:88138 J:67861 UniProtKB:Q07813 13555 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: binds Bcl2 IPI GO:0046982 MGI:99702 J:67861 UniProtKB:P10417 13556 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: ventricular wall, 10-14 days IDA GO:0005737 MGI:99702 J:57870 N/A 13557 1 evidence:ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913687 J:113296 N/A 13558 1 evidence:ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1921393 J:113296 N/A 13559 1 evidence:ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1858317 J:113296 N/A 13560 1 evidence:ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2442230 J:113296 N/A 13561 1 evidence:ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1097161 J:113296 N/A 13562 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:MEF gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006919 MGI:1097161 J:112620 MGI:2159364 13563 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10920234|IMP text: ISA GO:0043473 MGI:105976 J:63781 UniProtKB:Q9QYF3 13564 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Myo5a IPI GO:0031489 MGI:1861441 J:67601 UniProtKB:Q99104 13565 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Rab27a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:105976 J:67601 UniProtKB:Q9ERI2 13566 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Mlph IPI GO:0051010 MGI:105976 J:104400 UniProtKB:Q91V27 13567 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Mlph IPI GO:0005515 MGI:105976 J:87907 UniProtKB:Q9ERI2 13568 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Myo5a IPI GO:0031489 MGI:2176380 J:87907 UniProtKB:Q99104 13569 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:Myo5a text: IPI GO:0031489 MGI:2176380 J:75876 UniProtKB:Q99104 13570 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Mlph IPI GO:0005515 MGI:891995 J:104400 UniProtKB:Q91V27 13571 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Myo5a IPI GO:0051010 MGI:2176380 J:100998 UniProtKB:Q99104 13572 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:99702 J:94292 N/A 13573 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:99702 J:94292 N/A 13574 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000114 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97495 J:95019 N/A 13575 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9989495|IDA text: ISA GO:0051092 MGI:1337994 J:52071 EMBL:AJ006288 13576 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9989495|IDA text: ISA GO:0006917 MGI:1337994 J:52071 EMBL:AJ006288 13577 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ventral horn ; MA:0001134 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045211 MGI:95747 J:112871 N/A 13578 1 evidence: anatomy:pre-botzinger complex ; MA:0002577 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002087 MGI:95747 J:111542 MGI:1856362 13579 1 evidence: anatomy:pre-botzinger complex ; MA:0002577 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001508 MGI:95747 J:111542 MGI:1856362 13580 1 evidence: anatomy:tail skin ; MA:0000700 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008544 MGI:95587 J:5286 MGI:1856880 13581 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10187771|IDA text: ISA GO:0051092 MGI:1337994 J:54313 EMBL:AF100338 13582 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7920629|IDA text: ISO GO:0016594 MGI:95747 J:73065 UniProtKB:P23415 13583 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7920629|IMP text: ISO GO:0016934 MGI:95747 J:73065 UniProtKB:P23415 13584 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7920629|IMP text: ISO GO:0042391 MGI:95747 J:73065 UniProtKB:P23415 13585 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8298642|IMP text: ISO GO:0001964 MGI:95747 J:73065 UniProtKB:P23415 13586 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016594 MGI:95747 J:20373 MGI:1856362 13587 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016594 MGI:95747 J:21529 N/A 13588 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016594 MGI:95747 J:42647 MGI:1856177 13589 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016020 MGI:95747 J:42647 N/A 13590 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord dorsal horn ; MA:0001119 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007268 MGI:95747 J:105485 MGI:1856177|MGI:1856363 13591 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|293T gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10187771|IDA text: ISA GO:0007257 MGI:1337994 J:54313 EMBL:AF100338 13592 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|293T gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10364242|IDA text: ISA GO:0046982 MGI:1337994 J:55630 EMBL:AF134395 13593 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|293T gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10364242|IDA text: ISA GO:0042803 MGI:1337994 J:55630 EMBL:AF134395 13594 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007340 MGI:95747 J:107699 MGI:1856362 13595 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007340 MGI:95751 J:107699 MGI:1856363 13596 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|MCF-fas gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10364242|IDA text: ISA GO:0006917 MGI:1337994 J:55630 EMBL:AF134395 13597 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|Jurkat gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10364242|IDA text: ISA GO:0051092 MGI:1337994 J:55630 EMBL:AF134395 13598 1 evidence: anatomy:pre-botzinger complex ; MA:0002577 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001508 MGI:95747 J:107942 MGI:1856177 13599 1 evidence: anatomy:pre-botzinger complex ; MA:0002577 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043576 MGI:95747 J:107942 MGI:1856177 13600 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:J:87716 has additional experiments about binding to Bcl10, and kinnase activity; however, the vector used was human Rip2 (sequence comparison to mouse in a referenced paper) IMP GO:0051092 MGI:1891456 J:87716 MGI:2446070 13601 2 , and the species of the Bcl10 clone used for the experiments is either moue or human (again from referenced text). IMP GO:0051092 MGI:1891456 J:87716 MGI:2446070 13602 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:J:87716 has additional experiments about binding to Bcl10, and kinnase activity; however, the vector used was human Rip2 (sequence comparison to mouse in a referenced paper) IMP GO:0042098 MGI:1891456 J:87716 MGI:2446070 13603 2 , and the species of the Bcl10 clone used for the experiments is either moue or human (again from referenced text). IMP GO:0042098 MGI:1891456 J:87716 MGI:2446070 13604 1 evidence: anatomy:myocardium ; MA:0000164 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051926 MGI:97360 J:113533 MGI:1857227 13605 1 evidence: anatomy:myocardium ; MA:0000164 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target:calcium-transporting ATPase activity ; GO:0005388 target:sodium:potassium-exchanging ATPase activity ; GO:0005391 external ref: text: IMP GO:0051346 MGI:97360 J:113533 MGI:1857227 13606 1 evidence: anatomy:myocardium ; MA:0000164 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002028 MGI:97360 J:113533 MGI:1857227 13607 1 evidence: anatomy:myocardium ; MA:0000164 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043267 MGI:97360 J:113533 MGI:1857227 13608 1 evidence: anatomy:myocardium ; MA:0000164 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051926 MGI:97362 J:113533 MGI:2150145 13609 1 evidence: anatomy:myocardium ; MA:0000164 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043267 MGI:97362 J:113533 MGI:2150145 13610 1 evidence: anatomy:myocardium ; MA:0000164 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002028 MGI:97362 J:113533 MGI:2150145 13611 1 evidence: anatomy:myocardium ; MA:0000164 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target:calcium-transporting ATPase activity ; GO:0005388 target:sodium:potassium-exchanging ATPase activity ; GO:0005391 external ref: text: IMP GO:0051346 MGI:97362 J:113533 MGI:2150145 13612 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16713580|IDA text: ISO GO:0032405 MGI:108028 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13535 13613 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16713580|IDA text: ISO GO:0032407 MGI:108028 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13535 13614 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16713580|IDA text: ISA GO:0032405 MGI:1328317 J:111285 UniProtKB:Q9NSU2 13615 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16713580|IDA text: ISA GO:0032407 MGI:1328317 J:111285 UniProtKB:Q9NSU2 13616 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16713580|IMP text: ISO GO:0032137 MGI:101816 J:111285 UniProtKB:P43246 13617 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16713580|IMP text: ISO GO:0032137 MGI:101938 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00497 13618 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:lymphocyte ; CL:0000542 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045190 MGI:1343961 J:110906 MGI:3653701 13619 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:lymphocyte ; CL:0000542 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016446 MGI:1343961 J:110906 MGI:3653701|MGI:1858014 13620 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:lymphocyte ; CL:0000542 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1343961 J:110906 N/A 13621 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:lymphocyte ; CL:0000542 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000790 MGI:1343961 J:110906 N/A 13622 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006298 MGI:1343961 J:92555 MGI:3653701 13623 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008630 MGI:1343961 J:92555 MGI:1858014 13624 1 evidence: anatomy:hypoglossal XII nucleus ; MA:0001039 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060012 MGI:95747 J:108318 MGI:1856177|MGI:1856362 13625 1 evidence: anatomy:hypoglossal XII nucleus ; MA:0001039 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060012 MGI:95751 J:108318 MGI:1856363 13626 1 evidence: anatomy:hypoglossal XII nucleus ; MA:0001039 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016934 MGI:95751 J:108318 MGI:1856363 13627 1 evidence: anatomy:hypoglossal XII nucleus ; MA:0001039 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016934 MGI:95747 J:108318 MGI:1856177|MGI:1856362 13628 1 evidence: anatomy:hypoglossal XII nucleus ; MA:0001039 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95747 J:108318 MGI:1856177|MGI:1856362 13629 1 evidence: anatomy:hypoglossal XII nucleus ; MA:0001039 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95751 J:108318 MGI:1856363 13630 1 evidence: anatomy:extensor digitorum longus ; MA:0002295 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045988 MGI:88106 J:114415 MGI:2451291 13631 1 evidence: anatomy:extensor digitorum longus ; MA:0002295 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045989 MGI:88105 J:114415 MGI:2451290 13632 1 evidence:strychnine anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060012 MGI:95751 J:797 N/A 13633 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007601 MGI:95751 J:797 MGI:1856363 13634 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8717357|IDA text: ISO GO:0016594 MGI:95747 J:73065 UniProtKB:P23415 13635 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8717357|IGI|UniProt:P48167 text: ISO GO:0016934 MGI:95747 J:73065 UniProtKB:P23415 13636 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15548604|IDA text:protein_id:XP_234264 ISA GO:0047545 MGI:2384968 J:94727 EMBL:AY757363 13637 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15548604|IDA text:protein_id:XP_234264 ISA GO:0016021 MGI:2384968 J:94727 EMBL:AY757363 13638 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15548604|IDA text:protein_id:XP_234264 ISA GO:0005739 MGI:2384968 J:94727 EMBL:AY757363 13639 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ventral horn ; MA:0001134 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016934 MGI:95751 J:107528 MGI:1856363 13640 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ventral horn ; MA:0001134 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060012 MGI:95751 J:107528 MGI:1856363 13641 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 anatomy:midbrain ; MA:0000207 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016594 MGI:95751 J:6816 MGI:1856363 13642 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, embryo ; EMAP:3980 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007265 MGI:97306 J:114455 MGI:1857444 13643 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, heart ; EMAP:4396 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:97306 J:114455 MGI:1857444 13644 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:glial cell ; CL:0000125 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045685 MGI:97306 J:84861 MGI:1857444 13645 1 evidence: anatomy:adrenal gland medulla ; MA:0000119 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030325 MGI:97306 J:114455 MGI:1857444 13646 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:neuron neural crest derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021510 MGI:97306 J:114455 MGI:1857444 13647 1 evidence: anatomy:sympathetic ganglion ; MA:0000226 cell type:neuron neural crest derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048485 MGI:97306 J:114455 MGI:1857444 13648 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, interventricular septum ; EMAP:8807 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:98493 J:105259 MGI:104686 13649 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, interventricular septum ; EMAP:8807 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:104686 J:105259 MGI:98493 13650 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, thymus ; EMAP:8876 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048538 MGI:104686 J:105259 MGI:98493 13651 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, subclavian artery ; EMAP:8753 anatomy:TS24, arch of aorta ; EMAP:8704 anatomy:TS17, 4th arch artery ; EMAP:2394 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001568 MGI:104686 J:105259 MGI:98493 13652 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, subclavian artery ; EMAP:8753 anatomy:TS24, arch of aorta ; EMAP:8704 anatomy:TS17, 4th arch artery ; EMAP:2394 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001568 MGI:98493 J:105259 MGI:104686 13653 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, 3rd branchial pouch ; EMAP:2046 anatomy:TS17, 4th branchial pouch ; EMAP:2061 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007389 MGI:98493 J:105259 MGI:104686 13654 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, 1st branchial pouch ; EMAP:2011 anatomy:TS17, 2nd branchial pouch ; EMAP:2033 anatomy:TS17, 3rd branchial pouch ; EMAP:2046 anatomy:TS17, 4th branchial pouch ; EMAP:2061 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: tex IGI GO:0009952 MGI:104686 J:105259 MGI:98493 13655 2 t: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:104686 J:105259 MGI:98493 13656 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, 3rd branchial pouch ; EMAP:2046 anatomy:TS17, 4th branchial pouch ; EMAP:2061 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007389 MGI:104686 J:105259 MGI:98493 13657 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, 1st branchial pouch ; EMAP:2011 anatomy:TS17, 2nd branchial pouch ; EMAP:2033 anatomy:TS17, 3rd branchial pouch ; EMAP:2046 anatomy:TS17, 4th branchial pouch ; EMAP:2061 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: tex IGI GO:0009952 MGI:98493 J:105259 MGI:104686 13658 2 t: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:98493 J:105259 MGI:104686 13659 1 evidence: anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007605 MGI:1924427 J:113021 MGI:1856614|MGI:3055292 13660 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, cochlear duct ; EMAP:5174 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:1924427 J:113021 MGI:1856614 13661 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:strychnine ; CHEBI:28973 external ref: text: IMP GO:0005488 MGI:95751 J:6816 MGI:1856363 13662 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:strychnine ; CHEBI:28973 external ref: text: IMP GO:0005488 MGI:95751 J:7776 MGI:1856363 13663 1 evidence: anatomy:parathyroid gland ; MA:0000128 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060017 MGI:104686 J:105259 MGI:98493 13664 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:reticulocyte ; CL:0000558 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048821 MGI:107187 J:105042 MGI:2158436 13665 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target:Il13 ; MGI:96541 external ref: text: IMP GO:0032764 MGI:107187 J:99053 MGI:2158436 13666 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Igh-7 ; MGI:96449 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:88373 J:98563 N/A 13667 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Igh-7 ; MGI:96449 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:107187 J:98563 N/A 13668 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|M12.4.1 gene product: target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Igh-7 ; MGI:96449 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:107187 J:98563 N/A 13669 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170|Igh-7 ; MGI:96449 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:103034 J:98563 N/A 13670 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000902 MGI:107187 J:98043 MGI:2158438 13671 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030036 MGI:107187 J:98043 MGI:2158438 13672 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051272 MGI:107187 J:98043 MGI:2158438 13673 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001953 MGI:107187 J:98043 MGI:2158438 13674 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035024 MGI:107187 J:98043 MGI:2158438 13675 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032319 MGI:107187 J:98043 MGI:2158438 13676 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007266 MGI:107187 J:98043 MGI:1096342 13677 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0000902 MGI:107187 J:98043 MGI:1096342 13678 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0000902 MGI:1096342 J:98043 MGI:107187 13679 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001726 MGI:2445003 J:98043 N/A 13680 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001726 MGI:97860 J:98043 N/A 13681 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:97860 J:98043 N/A 13682 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:2445003 J:98043 N/A 13683 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target:UniProt:Q91YX7 target:UniProt:Q5FWK3 external ref: text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:107187 J:98043 MGI:2158438 13684 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1339758 J:98043 N/A 13685 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ddx20 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1349428 J:114729 UniProtKB:Q9JJY4 13686 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Foxl2 IPI GO:0006917 MGI:1858415 J:114729 UniProtKB:O88470 13687 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Foxl2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1858415 J:114729 UniProtKB:O88470 13688 1 evidence:shRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021954 MGI:1347464 J:110301 N/A 13689 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, 3rd branchial pouch ; EMAP:3348 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060017 MGI:96175 J:71183 MGI:97485 13690 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, 3rd branchial pouch ; EMAP:3348 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060017 MGI:97485 J:71183 MGI:96175 13691 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, thymus primordium ; EMAP:4952 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048538 MGI:97485 J:71183 MGI:96175 13692 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, thymus primordium ; EMAP:4952 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048538 MGI:96175 J:71183 MGI:97485 13693 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:perament cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1861438 J:109989 N/A 13694 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:perament cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:108045 J:109989 N/A 13695 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, brain ; EMAP:4126 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0060018 MGI:108045 J:109989 N/A 13696 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050727 MGI:107187 J:39815 MGI:2158439 13697 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:perament cell line cell ; WILS-NS gene product: target:Fcer2a ; MGI:95497 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:107187 J:39815 N/A 13698 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:perament cell line cell ; WILS-NS gene product: target:Fcer2a ; MGI:95497 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:107187 J:39815 MGI:96556,MGI:103034 13699 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:perament cell line cell ; WILS-NS gene product: target:Fcer2a ; MGI:95497 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:103034 J:39815 MGI:96556 13700 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:perament cell line cell ; WILS-NS gene product: target:Fcer2a ; MGI:95497 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:96556 J:39815 MGI:103034 13701 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen germinal center ; MA:0000764 anatomy:lymph node secondary follicle ; MA:0000744 anatomy:peyer's patch germinal center ; MA:0000734 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002467 MGI:107187 J:40769 MGI:2158438 13702 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen germinal center ; MA:0000764 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002467 MGI:107187 J:39815 MGI:2158439 13703 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen lymphoid follicle ; MA:0002672 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030890 MGI:107187 J:40769 MGI:2158437 13704 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permaent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043066 MGI:107187 J:52960 N/A 13705 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Idh-7 ; MGI:96449|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:107187 J:57856 N/A 13706 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Idh-7 ; MGI:96449|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:103034 J:57856 N/A 13707 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Idh-7 ; MGI:96449|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:107187 J:57856 N/A 13708 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Idh-7 ; MGI:96449 external ref: text: IDA GO:0016564 MGI:107187 J:57856 N/A 13709 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048294 MGI:107187 J:57856 MGI:2158438 13710 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048294 MGI:107187 J:57856 MGI:103034 13711 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048295 MGI:103034 J:57856 MGI:107187 13712 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11929873|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:107187 J:73065 UniProtKB:P41182 13713 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11929873|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:3036234 J:73065 UniProtKB:P56524 13714 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11929873|IPI|UniProt:P41182 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1333784 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UQL6 13715 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11929873|IPI|UniProt:P41182 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1891835 J:73065 UniProtKB:O54946 13716 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11929873|IPI|UniProt:P41182 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:3036234 J:73065 UniProtKB:P56524 13717 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11929873|IPI|UniProt:Q9UQL6 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:107187 J:73065 UniProtKB:P41182 13718 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11929873|IDA text: ISO GO:0000122 MGI:107187 J:73065 UniProtKB:P41182 13719 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11929873|IDA text: ISO GO:0016564 MGI:107187 J:73065 UniProtKB:P41182 13720 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11929873|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:103222 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q05516 13721 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11929873|IPI|UniProt:Q8WUI4 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:103222 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q05516 13722 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12097386|IDA text: ISO GO:0003682 MGI:107187 J:73065 UniProtKB:P41182 13723 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Il5 ; MGI:96557 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:107187 J:77745 N/A 13724 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|T-helper 2 cell ; CL:0000546 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045629 MGI:107187 J:81987 MGI:96559 13725 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|T-helper 2 cell ; CL:0000546 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045630 MGI:96559 J:81987 N/A 13726 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Il18 ; MGI:107936 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:107187 J:84005 N/A 13727 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Il18 ; MGI:107936 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:107187 J:84005 N/A 13728 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Il18 ; MGI:107936 external ref: text: IDA GO:0016564 MGI:107187 J:84005 N/A 13729 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030183 MGI:107187 J:87846 MGI:88337 13730 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030183 MGI:88337 J:87846 MGI:96556 13731 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Prdm1 ; MGI:99655 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:107187 J:91929 N/A 13732 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:plasma cell ; CL:0000786 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:107187 J:91929 MGI:2158439 13733 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Prdm1 ; MGI:99655 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:107187 J:91929 N/A 13734 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Prdm1 ; MGI:99655 external ref: text: IDA GO:0016564 MGI:107187 J:91929 N/A 13735 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Nfkb1 ; MGI:97312 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:107187 J:95859 N/A 13736 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:107187 J:95859 N/A 13737 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Nfkb1 ; MGI:97312 external ref: text: IMP GO:0000122 MGI:107187 J:95859 N/A 13738 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:107187 J:96601 MGI:2158439 13739 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Il6 ; MGI:96559 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:107187 J:96601 N/A 13740 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:memory T cell ; CL:0000813 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:107187 J:91924 MGI:2158436 13741 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:memory T cell ; CL:0000813 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043380 MGI:107187 J:91924 MGI:2158436 13742 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebral column ; MA:0002416 anatomy:rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:87912 J:114533 MGI:1857709 13743 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, paraxial mesenchyme ; EMAP:503|TS13, paraxial mesenchyme ; EMAP:514 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:87912 J:114533 MGI:102806 13744 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebral column ; MA:0002416 anatomy:rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048705 MGI:87912 J:114533 MGI:1857709 13745 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, paraxial mesenchyme ; EMAP:503|TS13, paraxial mesenchyme ; EMAP:514 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:102806 J:114533 MGI:87912 13746 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, embryo ; EMAP:402 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007368 MGI:87912 J:114533 MGI:102806 13747 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, embryo ; EMAP:402 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007368 MGI:102806 J:114533 MGI:87912 13748 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17003121|IDA text: ISO GO:0045202 MGI:98460 J:73065 UniProtKB:P09951 13749 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17003121|IDA text: ISO GO:0045202 MGI:95819 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35439 13750 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005802 MGI:99400 J:114528 N/A 13751 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031410 MGI:99400 J:114528 N/A 13752 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005802 MGI:1926235 J:114528 N/A 13753 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043526 MGI:99400 J:114528 MGI:1856098 13754 1 evidence: anatomy:heart left ventricle ; MA:0000092 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007512 MGI:97255 J:114549 MGI:3690299|MGI:3690300 13755 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006941 MGI:97255 J:114549 MGI:3690299|MGI:3690300 13756 1 evidence:ECO:0000090|ECO:0000007|ECO:0000004 anatomy:MA:0000072 cell type:CL:0000187 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005901 MGI:107570 J:109447 N/A 13757 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0017156 MGI:103013 J:84919 MGI:2674119|MGI:2176227 13758 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030073 MGI:103013 J:84919 MGI:2674119|MGI:2176227 13759 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005245 MGI:103013 J:84919 MGI:2674119|MGI:2176227 13760 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ventral horn ; MA:0001134 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:109482 J:92975 N/A 13761 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ventral horn ; MA:0001134 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:109482 J:92975 N/A 13762 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ventral horn ; MA:0001134 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:88296 J:92975 N/A 13763 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ventral horn ; MA:0001134 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:88296 J:92975 N/A 13764 1 evidence:ECO:0000019 anatomy:MA:0000072 cell type:CL:000018 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051925 MGI:107570 J:109447 N/A 13765 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617|interneuron ; CL:0000099 cell type:glutamatergic neuron ; CL:0000679|pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043198 MGI:103013 J:98871 N/A 13766 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617|interneuron ; CL:0000099 cell type:glutamatergic neuron ; CL:0000679|pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:103013 J:98871 N/A 13767 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617|interneuron ; CL:0000099 cell type:glutamatergic neuron ; CL:0000679|pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:103013 J:98871 N/A 13768 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, nose,process ; EMAP:4353 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048598 MGI:95729 J:4086 MGI:1856276 13769 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20,eye ; EMAP:4327 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048593 MGI:95729 J:4086 MGI:1856276 13770 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, midbrain ; EMAP:4219 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021915 MGI:95729 J:4086 MGI:1856276 13771 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, footplate ; EMAP:5855 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:95729 J:4086 MGI:1856276 13772 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0001539 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006939 MGI:103013 J:111375 MGI:2674119|MGI:2389040 13773 1 evidence:microscopy of explant culture anatomy: cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:1930780 J:68664 MGI:2386445 13774 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS20,3rd ventricle ; EMAP:4154 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1930780 J:68664 MGI:2386445 13775 1 evidence:histology anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060041 MGI:1930780 J:68664 MGI:2386445 13776 1 evidence:ECO:0000164 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005245 MGI:103013 J:102383 N/A 13777 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:diffeence between KO and wt cells IMP GO:0007188 MGI:88293 J:108922 MGI:2180141 13778 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:X15539 external ref: text: binds to Cacna1c "a" isoform IPI GO:0005515 MGI:894644 J:110984 UniProtKB:Q01815 13779 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000708 cell type:CL:0000187 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005245 MGI:103013 J:112881 MGI:2674119|MGI:2389040 13780 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000351 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1099800 J:56138 N/A 13781 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: spleenic germinal centers missing in bcl3 ko IMP GO:0002467 MGI:88140 J:38092 MGI:1861796 13782 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16384933|IMP text:RNA i knockdown ISO GO:0042771 MGI:88140 J:73065 UniProtKB:P20749 13783 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005776 MGI:107537 J:114863 N/A 13784 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:107537 J:114863 N/A 13785 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000046 MGI:107537 J:114863 MGI:2388888 13786 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 anatomy:hippocampus CA2 ; MA:0000951 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 IMP GO:0016236 MGI:107537 J:114863 MGI:2388888 13787 2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016236 MGI:107537 J:114863 MGI:2388888 13788 1 evidence:rapamycin anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016242 MGI:1928394 J:114863 N/A 13789 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 anatomy:hippocampus CA2 ; MA:0000951 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 IMP GO:0016242 MGI:107537 J:114863 MGI:2388888 13790 2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016242 MGI:107537 J:114863 MGI:2388888 13791 1 evidence:antibody inactivation anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021938 MGI:98297 J:20187 N/A 13792 1 evidence:antibody inactivation anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0021938 MGI:98297 J:20187 N/A 13793 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Bergmann glial cell ; CL:0000644 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0060020 MGI:98297 J:20187 N/A 13794 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25, cerebellum ; EMAP:10376 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030902 MGI:95728 J:30339 MGI:1857164 13795 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25, cerebellum ; EMAP:10376 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:95728 J:30339 MGI:1857164 13796 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9118802|IDA text: ISO GO:0003677 MGI:95727 J:73065 UniProtKB:P08151 13797 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9118802|IDA text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:95727 J:73065 UniProtKB:P08151 13798 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, floor plate ; EMAP:4160 anatomy:TS20, hindbrain ; EMAP:4187 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0021904 MGI:95728 J:41861 N/A 13799 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:GO:0006299 was obsoleted; decided to just use genetic mistmatch repair term. IMP GO:0006298 MGI:109519 J:60604 MGI:1858056 13800 1 evidence: anatomy:lactiferous duct ; MA:0000791 anatomy:mammary gland lobule ; MA:000793 cell type:glandular epithelial cell ; CL:0000150 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:105373 J:42408 MGI:1857447 13801 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, lung ; EMAP:4604 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:95729 J:42454 MGI:1856276 13802 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, lung ; EMAP:4604 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048589 MGI:95729 J:42454 MGI:1856276 13803 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, floor plate ; EMAP:490 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021508 MGI:95728 J:49164 MGI:1857509 13804 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, floor plate ; EMAP:490 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:95728 J:49164 MGI:1857509 13805 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, future midbrain, floor plate ; EMAP:1219 anatomy:TS15, future rhombencephalon, floor plate ; EMAP:1226|floor plate ; EMAP:1230|floor plate ; EMAP:1234|floor plate ; EMAP:1238|floor plate ; EMAP:1242|floor plate ; EMAP:1246|floor pl IMP GO:0021508 MGI:95728 J:49251 MGI:1857509 13806 2 ate ; EMAP:1250|floor plate ; EMAP:1254|floor plate ; EMAP:1254 anatomy:TS15, future spinal cord, floor plate ; EMAP:1260 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021508 MGI:95728 J:49251 MGI:1857509 13807 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, lateral wall ; EMAP:2326 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:95728 J:49251 MGI:1857509 13808 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, incisor ; EMAP:5483 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:95728 J:49252 MGI:1857509 13809 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, molar ; EMAP:5486 anatomy:TS21, molar ; EMAP:5463 anatomy:TS21, incisor ; EMAP:5460 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042475 MGI:95728 J:49252 MGI:95729 13810 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, molar ; EMAP:5486 anatomy:TS21, molar ; EMAP:5463 anatomy:TS21, incisor ; EMAP:5460 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042475 MGI:95729 J:49252 MGI:95728 13811 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, right lung rudiment ; EMAP:2556 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:95728 J:49603 MGI:1857509 13812 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, right lung rudiment ; EMAP:2556 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:95728 J:49603 MGI:1857509 13813 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, associated mesenchyme ; EMAP:6724|TS22, associated mesenchyme ; EMAP:6738 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS22, epithelium ; EMAP:6725|TS22, epithelium IMP GO:0008284 MGI:95728 J:49603 MGI:1857509 13814 2 ; EMAP:6749 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:95728 J:49603 MGI:1857509 13815 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16, trachea ; EMAP:1953 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048646 MGI:95728 J:49603 MGI:95729 13816 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16, trachea ; EMAP:1953 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS16, oesophagus (EMAP:1887) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035295 MGI:95728 J:49603 MGI:95729 13817 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16, trachea ; EMAP:1953 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS16, oesophagus (EMAP:1887) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035295 MGI:95729 J:49603 MGI:95728 13818 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16, trachea ; EMAP:1953 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048646 MGI:95729 J:49603 MGI:95728 13819 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, handplate ; EMAP:4793 anatomy:TS21, footplate ; EMAP:4835 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:96533 J:49653 MGI:1857644 13820 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, follicle ; EMAP:11605 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031069 MGI:98297 J:50050 MGI:1934261 13821 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, trachea ; EMAP:4627 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048646 MGI:98297 J:50051 MGI:1934261 13822 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, left lung ; EMAP:4605|TS20, right lung ; EMAP:4613 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:98297 J:50051 MGI:1934261 13823 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, left lung ; EMAP:4605|TS20, right lung ; EMAP:4613 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:98297 J:50051 MGI:1934261 13824 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:95516 J:52548 MGI:98297 13825 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0021940 MGI:98297 J:52548 N/A 13826 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0021940 MGI:95290 J:52548 N/A 13827 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0021940 MGI:96432 J:52548 N/A 13828 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0021940 MGI:95516 J:52548 N/A 13829 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18, future spinal cord ; EMAP:2949 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021965 MGI:95728 J:54746 MGI:1857509 13830 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18, future spinal cord ; EMAP:2949 anatomy:TS18, hindbrain ; EMAP:2863 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:95728 J:54746 MGI:1857509 13831 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, vertebral cartilage condensation ; EMAP:4639|vertebral cartilage condensation ; EMAP:4641|vertebral pre-cartilage condensation ; EMAP:4643|vertebral cartilage condensation ; EMAP:4646|vertebral pre-cartilage condensation ; EMAP:133 IMP GO:0048705 MGI:108015 J:55583 MGI:1857926 13832 2 72 anatomy:TS22, exoccipital cartilage condensation ; EMAP:6793 anatomy:TS22, vault of skull ; EMAP:6798 anatomy:TS22, basioccipital cartilage condensation ; EMAP:6791 anatomy:TS22, basisphenoid cartilage condensation ; EMAP:6792 anatomy:TS22, supraoccipi IMP GO:0048705 MGI:108015 J:55583 MGI:1857926 13833 3 tal cartilage condensation (EMAP:6795) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048705 MGI:108015 J:55583 MGI:1857926 13834 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text:blebbistatin inhibitor and siRNA used in separate experiments IMP GO:0006928 MGI:107717 J:89810 N/A 13835 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text:blebbistatin inhibitor and siRNA used in separate experiments IMP GO:0001768 MGI:107717 J:89810 N/A 13836 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001772 MGI:107717 J:89810 N/A 13837 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001931 MGI:107717 J:89810 N/A 13838 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001772 MGI:88332 J:89810 N/A 13839 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001772 MGI:96606 J:89810 N/A 13840 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|cell_line:CH27 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007159 MGI:96606 J:89810 N/A 13841 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:mature neutrophil ; CL:0000096 cell type:megakaryocyte ; CL:0000556 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:107717 J:94067 N/A 13842 1 evidence:IF anatomy:skeletal muscle ; GO:0000165 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031594 MGI:97314 J:103681 N/A 13843 1 evidence:IF anatomy:skeletal muscle ; GO:0000165 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031594 MGI:107717 J:103681 N/A 13844 1 evidence:IF anatomy:skeletal muscle ; GO:0000165 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031594 MGI:1930780 J:103681 N/A 13845 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, rectum ; EMAP:5417 cell type:TS17, cloacal membrane ; EMAP:2480 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048566 MGI:95728 J:60446 MGI:1857509 13846 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, rectum ; EMAP:5417 cell type:TS17, cloacal membrane ; EMAP:2480 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048566 MGI:95729 J:60446 MGI:1856276 13847 1 evidence:genotyping of F1 pups of heterozygous crosses anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:107717 J:110432 MGI:3641195 13848 1 evidence:genotyping of F1 pups of heterozygous crosses anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:107717 J:94067 MGI:3511350 13849 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, lung ; EMAP:4604 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030324 MGI:95727 J:60986 MGI:95728 13850 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, lung ; EMAP:4604 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030324 MGI:95728 J:60986 MGI:95727 13851 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, pituitary ; EMAP:3465 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021983 MGI:95728 J:60986 MGI:95727 13852 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, floor plate ; EMAP:2325 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007418 MGI:95728 J:60986 MGI:1857509 13853 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, floor plate ; EMAP:3475 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007418 MGI:95728 J:60986 MGI:95727 13854 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, floor plate ; EMAP:3475 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007418 MGI:95727 J:60986 MGI:95728 13855 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, pituitary ; EMAP:3465 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021983 MGI:95727 J:60986 MGI:95728 13856 1 evidence:immuno-electron microscopy anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|myoblast ; CL:0000056|cell_line:H-2Kb-tsA58 myogenic cells gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1930780 J:113128 N/A 13857 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|myoblast ; CL:0000056|cell_line:H-2Kb-tsA58 myogenic cells gene product: target: external ref: text:antisense oligonucleotide used IMP GO:0007097 MGI:1930780 J:113128 N/A 13858 1 evidence:immuno-electron microscopy anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|myoblast ; CL:0000056|cell_line:H-2Kb-tsA58 myogenic cells gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1930780 J:113128 N/A 13859 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|myoblast ; CL:0000056|cell_line:H-2Kb-tsA58 myogenic cells gene product: target: external ref: text:antisense oligonucleotide used IMP GO:0008360 MGI:1930780 J:113128 N/A 13860 1 evidence:immuno-electron microscopy anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|myoblast ; CL:0000056|cell_line:H-2Kb-tsA58 myogenic cells gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005938 MGI:107717 J:113128 N/A 13861 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|myoblast ; CL:0000056|cell_line:H-2Kb-tsA58 myogenic cells gene product: target: external ref: text:antisense oligonucleotide used IMP GO:0007520 MGI:107717 J:113128 N/A 13862 1 evidence:immuno-electron microscopy anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|myoblast ; CL:0000056|cell_line:H-2Kb-tsA58 myogenic cells gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:107717 J:113128 N/A 13863 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|myoblast ; CL:0000056|cell_line:H-2Kb-tsA58 myogenic cells gene product: target: external ref: text:antisense oligonucleotide used IMP GO:0008360 MGI:107717 J:113128 N/A 13864 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|myoblast ; CL:0000056|cell_line:H-2Kb-tsA58 myogenic cells gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001725 MGI:107717 J:113128 N/A 13865 1 evidence:neutralizing ab anatomy:TS22, thymus primordium ; EMAP:6015 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|double-positive, alpha-beta immature T cell ; CL:0000809 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046639 MGI:98297 J:64180 N/A 13866 1 evidence:neutralizing ab anatomy:TS22, thymus primordium ; EMAP:6015 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|pro-T cell ; CL:0000827 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042130 MGI:98297 J:64180 N/A 13867 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, thymus primordium ; EMAP:6015 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|pro-T cell ; CL:0000827 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045879 MGI:88332 J:64180 N/A 13868 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, molar ; EMAP:6607 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:98297 J:65294 MGI:1934268|MGI:2445832 13869 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, molar ; EMAP:6607 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048589 MGI:98297 J:65294 MGI:1934268|MGI:2445832 13870 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, handplate ; EMAP:11242|TS26, footplate ; EMAP:11310 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:98297 J:69771 MGI:2387802 13871 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, handplate ; EMAP:11242|TS26, footplate ; EMAP:11310 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:98297 J:69771 MGI:2387802 13872 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, handplate ; EMAP:11242|TS26, footplate ; EMAP:11310 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:98297 J:69771 MGI:105373 13873 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, handplate ; EMAP:11242|TS26, footplate ; EMAP:11310 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:105373 J:69771 MGI:98297 13874 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS20,cardiac muscle,left ventricle ; EMAP:4438 anatomy:TS22,heart ; EMAP:6395 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007512 MGI:1930780 J:92230 MGI:2386445|MGI:3052104 13875 1 evidence:BrdU labeling anatomy:TS22,heart ; EMAP:6395 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:1930780 J:92230 MGI:2386445 13876 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS20,cardiac muscle,left ventricle ; EMAP:4438 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000281 MGI:1930780 J:92230 MGI:2386445|MGI:3052104 13877 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1930780 J:92230 N/A 13878 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS20,cardiac muscle,left ventricle ; EMAP:4438 anatomy:TS22,heart ; EMAP:6395 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1930780 J:92230 MGI:2386445|MGI:3052104 13879 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001725 MGI:1930780 J:92230 N/A 13880 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS20,cardiac muscle,left ventricle ; EMAP:4438 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0055015 MGI:1930780 J:92230 MGI:2386445|MGI:3052104 13881 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030863 MGI:107717 J:92230 N/A 13882 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:107717 J:92230 N/A 13883 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, anal canal ; EMAP:6478 anatomy:TS26, urethra ; EMAP:12309 anatomy:TS17, cloacal membrane ; EMAP:2480 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048856 MGI:95728 J:70870 MGI:1857509 13884 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, rectum ; EMAP:6562 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007442 MGI:95728 J:70870 MGI:1857509 13885 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, anal canal ; EMAP:6478 anatomy:TS26, urethra ; EMAP:12309 anatomy:TS17, cloacal membrane ; EMAP:2480 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048856 MGI:95729 J:70870 MGI:95728 13886 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, anal canal ; EMAP:6478 anatomy:TS26, urethra ; EMAP:12309 anatomy:TS17, cloacal membrane ; EMAP:2480 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048856 MGI:98297 J:70870 MGI:1857796 13887 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, rectum ; EMAP:6562 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007442 MGI:95729 J:70870 MGI:95728 13888 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, rectum ; EMAP:6562 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007442 MGI:98297 J:70870 MGI:1857796 13889 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, anal canal ; EMAP:6478 anatomy:TS26, urethra ; EMAP:12309 anatomy:TS17, cloacal membrane ; EMAP:2480 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048856 MGI:95728 J:70870 MGI:95729 13890 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, rectum ; EMAP:6562 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007442 MGI:95728 J:70870 MGI:95729 13891 1 evidence: anatomy:lactiferous duct ; MA:0000791 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:95728 J:72024 MGI:1857509 13892 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, floor plate ; EMAP:2325 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021517 MGI:95728 J:73074 MGI:2158472 13893 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, floor plate ; EMAP:2325 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021513 MGI:95728 J:73074 MGI:2158472 13894 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, floor plate ; EMAP:2325 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021513 MGI:98297 J:73074 MGI:1857796 13895 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ventricular zone ; MA:0000819|neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002052 MGI:98297 J:73075 N/A 13896 1 evidence: anatomy:tectum ; MA:0000211 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:98297 J:73075 N/A 13897 1 evidence: anatomy:molar ; MA:0000350|tooth enamel organ ; MA:0001604 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:108075 J:80081 MGI:2176256|MGI:2445832 13898 1 evidence: anatomy:molar ; MA:0000350|tooth enamel organ ; MA:0001604 cell type:ameloblast ; CL:0000059 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048468 MGI:108075 J:80081 MGI:2176256|MGI:2445832 13899 1 evidence: anatomy:molar ; MA:0000350|tooth enamel organ ; MA:0001604 cell type:ameloblast ; CL:0000059 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:108075 J:80081 MGI:2176256|MGI:2445832 13900 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1930780 J:99233 N/A 13901 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:1930780 J:99233 MGI:2386445 13902 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030426 MGI:1930780 J:99233 N/A 13903 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031175 MGI:1930780 J:99233 MGI:2386445 13904 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1919210 J:99233 N/A 13905 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1919210 J:99233 N/A 13906 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030426 MGI:1919210 J:99233 N/A 13907 1 evidence:histology anatomy:fourth ventricle ; MA:0000196 anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007420 MGI:1930780 J:112536 MGI:3664764|MGI:3664765 13908 1 evidence:IF anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1930780 J:112536 N/A 13909 1 evidence:histology anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021680 MGI:1930780 J:112536 MGI:3664765 13910 1 evidence:IF anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043197 MGI:1930780 J:112536 N/A 13911 1 evidence:histology anatomy:fourth ventricle ; MA:0000196 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021592 MGI:1930780 J:112536 MGI:3664764 13912 1 evidence:histology anatomy:fourth ventricle ; MA:0000196 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1930780 J:112536 MGI:3664764 13913 1 evidence:IF anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043005 MGI:1930780 J:112536 N/A 13914 1 evidence:rotorod anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050885 MGI:1930780 J:112536 MGI:3664765 13915 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, somite ; EMAP:1087 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007389 MGI:95728 J:87223 MGI:95729 13916 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, somite ; EMAP:1087 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007389 MGI:95729 J:87223 MGI:95728,MGI:98297 13917 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, somite ; EMAP:1087 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007389 MGI:98297 J:87223 MGI:95729 13918 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, future spinal cord ; EMAP:2323 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021513 MGI:95728 J:92067 MGI:95729 13919 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, future spinal cord ; EMAP:2323 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021776 MGI:95728 J:92067 MGI:95729 13920 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, future spinal cord ; EMAP:2323 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021775 MGI:95728 J:92067 MGI:95729 13921 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, future spinal cord ; EMAP:2323 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021513 MGI:95729 J:92067 MGI:95728 13922 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, future spinal cord ; EMAP:2323 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021776 MGI:95729 J:92067 MGI:95728 13923 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, future spinal cord ; EMAP:2323 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021775 MGI:95729 J:92067 MGI:95728 13924 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, handplate ; EMAP:4028 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:95729 J:92507 MGI:1856276 13925 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, embryo ; EMAP:5719 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001942 MGI:98297 J:100687 MGI:1857796 13926 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, follicle ; EMAP:11605 cell type:epidermal cell ; CL:0000362 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:98297 J:100687 MGI:1857796 13927 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, follicle ; EMAP:11605 cell type:epidermal cell ; CL:0000362 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:98297 J:100687 MGI:95728 13928 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, follicle ; EMAP:11605 cell type:epidermal cell ; CL:0000362 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:95728 J:100687 MGI:98297 13929 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8 ; CCL-226 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1345643 J:103171 N/A 13930 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8 ; CCL-226 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:95727 J:103171 N/A 13931 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8 ; CCL-226 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:95728 J:103171 N/A 13932 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8 ; CCL-226 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0005737 MGI:95728 J:103171 MGI:1345643 13933 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8 ; CCL-226 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0005737 MGI:95727 J:103171 MGI:1345643 13934 1 evidence:inhibitor leptomycin B anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8 ; CCL-226 gene product: target:Gli1 ; MGI:95727 target:Gli2 ; MGI:95728 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006611 MGI:2144013 J:103171 N/A 13935 1 evidence:IF of transfected cells anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001725 MGI:1919210 J:99417 N/A 13936 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, floor plate ; EMAP:2325 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021513 MGI:99833 J:104803 MGI:2137533 13937 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,future spinal cord; EMAP:1257 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0021513 MGI:99833 J:98216 MGI:2137533 13938 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021513 MGI:99833 J:86437 MGI:2682064 13939 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, floor plate ; EMAP:2325 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021513 MGI:95728 J:104803 MGI:1857509 13940 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021513 MGI:95728 J:104803 MGI:99833 13941 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, embryo ; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: target:Gli3 ; MGI:95729 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045861 MGI:99833 J:104803 MGI:2137533 13942 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021513 MGI:99833 J:104803 MGI:95728,MGI:95729 13943 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,neural tube\,future spinal cord; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021513 MGI:95729 J:104803 MGI:99833 13944 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, lateral wall ; EMAP:491 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045879 MGI:1345643 J:105832 MGI:3619046 13945 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, neural tube ; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021513 MGI:1345643 J:105832 MGI:3619046 13946 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8 ; CCL-226 gene product: target:Gli1 ; MGI:95727 target:Gli2 ; MGI:95728 external ref: text: IGI GO:0042994 MGI:1345643 J:103171 MGI:95727,MGI:95728 13947 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:95727 J:105822 N/A 13948 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043588 MGI:1345643 J:105832 MGI:3619046 13949 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, eye ; EMAP:3605 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009954 MGI:95729 J:106158 MGI:1856276 13950 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, eye ; EMAP:3605 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009954 MGI:95729 J:106158 MGI:95728 13951 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, eye ; EMAP:3605 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009954 MGI:95728 J:106158 MGI:95727,MGI:95729 13952 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, eye ; EMAP:3605 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009954 MGI:95727 J:106158 MGI:95728 13953 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, optic stalk ; EMAP:3615 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009953 MGI:95727 J:106158 MGI:95728 13954 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, optic stalk ; EMAP:3615 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009953 MGI:95728 J:106158 MGI:95727 13955 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, optic nerve ; EMAP:6332 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021631 MGI:95729 J:106158 MGI:1856276 13956 1 evidence:ATPase activity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005524 MGI:1919210 J:100268 N/A 13957 1 evidence:ATPase activity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030898 MGI:1919210 J:100268 N/A 13958 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, ventricular layer ; EMAP:4997 cell type:neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000337 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043297 MGI:88274 J:106707 MGI:2677796|MGI:2176173 13959 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, ventricular layer ; EMAP:4997 cell type:neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000337 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007163 MGI:88274 J:106707 MGI:2677796|MGI:2176173 13960 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, ventricular layer ; EMAP:4997 cell type:neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000337 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007406 MGI:88274 J:106707 MGI:2677796|MGI:2176173 13961 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, ventricular layer ; EMAP:4997 cell type:neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000337 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:88274 J:106707 MGI:2677796|MGI:2176173 13962 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, ventricular layer ; EMAP:4997 cell type:neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000337 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007406 MGI:88274 J:106707 MGI:108075 13963 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, ventricular layer ; EMAP:4997 cell type:neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000337 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045880 MGI:88274 J:106707 MGI:108075 13964 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, ventricular layer ; EMAP:4997 cell type:neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000337 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002052 MGI:108075 J:106707 MGI:88274 13965 1 evidence:in vitro motility assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051015 MGI:1919210 J:100268 N/A 13966 1 evidence:in vitro motility assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030048 MGI:1919210 J:100268 N/A 13967 1 evidence:in vitro motility assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000146 MGI:1919210 J:100268 N/A 13968 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, metanephros EMAP:12256 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001822 MGI:95728 J:113186 MGI:95729 13969 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, metanephros ; EMAP:12256 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001822 MGI:95729 J:113186 MGI:95728 13970 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, outflow tract ; EMAP:6425 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:95728 J:113186 MGI:95729 13971 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, outflow tract ; EMAP:6425 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:95729 J:113186 MGI:95728 13972 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, outflow tract ; EMAP:6425 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:98297 J:113186 MGI:1857796 13973 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, metanephros ; EMAP:12256 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001822 MGI:98297 J:113186 MGI:1857796 13974 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:processed form 78kd IGI GO:0000122 MGI:95728 J:108433 MGI:95727 13975 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gli2 ; UniProt: Q0VGT2 external ref: text: IMP GO:0032435 MGI:98297 J:108433 N/A 13976 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gli3 ; UniProt:Q61602 external ref: text: IMP GO:0042177 MGI:98297 J:108433 MGI:1857796 13977 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gli2 ; MGI:95728 external ref: text:ShhN gene product IDA GO:0007228 MGI:98297 J:108433 N/A 13978 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021938 MGI:95728 J:108507 MGI:3664541|MGI:2446434 13979 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021938 MGI:95728 J:108507 MGI:95727 13980 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021938 MGI:95727 J:108507 MGI:95728 13981 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021696 MGI:95727 J:108507 MGI:95728 13982 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021696 MGI:108075 J:108507 MGI:2176256|MGI:2176173 13983 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021938 MGI:108075 J:108507 MGI:2176256|MGI:2176173 13984 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021696 MGI:95728 J:108507 MGI:3664541|MGI:2446434 13985 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021696 MGI:95728 J:108507 MGI:95727 13986 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, midbrain ; EMAP:11762 anatomy:TS26, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 anatomy:TS26, tectum ; EMAP:12599 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048589 MGI:108075 J:108509 MGI:2176256|MGI:2446434 13987 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13, floor plate ; EMAP:443 anatomy:TS13, roof plate ; EMAP:446 anatomy:TS13, rhombomere 01 ; EMAP:465 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:108075 J:108509 MGI:2176256|MGI:2176173 13988 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18, floor plate ; EMAP:2887 anatomy:TS18, floor plate ; EMAP:2943 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 cell type:serotinergic neuron ; CL:0000403 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS18, late IMP GO:0021953 MGI:108075 J:108509 MGI:2176256|MGI:2446434 13989 2 ral wall ; EMAP:2902 anatomy:TS18, lateral wall ; EMAP:2944 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021953 MGI:108075 J:108509 MGI:2176256|MGI:2446434 13990 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, midbrain ; EMAP:4219 anatomy:TS20, hindbrain ; EMAP:4187 anatomy:TS26, midbrain ; EMAP:11762 anatomy:TS26, hindbrain ; EMAP:11704 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048589 MGI:95728 J:108509 MGI:3664541|MGI:2446434 13991 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, future midbrain ; EMAP:1218 anatomy:TS15, rhombomere 01 ; EMAP:1225 anatomy:TS17, midbrain ; EMAP:2315 anatomy:TS17, rhombomere 01 ; EMAP:2259 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:108075 J:108509 MGI:2176256|MGI:2446434 13992 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, roof ; EMAP:4202 anatomy:TS20, roof plate ; EMAP:4226 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:95729 J:108509 MGI:1856276 13993 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, roof ; EMAP:4202 anatomy:TS20, roof plate ; EMAP:4226 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007224 MGI:95729 J:108509 MGI:98297 13994 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|2T3 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8 ; ATCC:CCL-226 gene product: t IDA GO:0002076 MGI:95728 J:111401 N/A 13995 2 : external ref: text: IDA GO:0002076 MGI:95728 J:111401 N/A 13996 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|2T3 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8 ; ATCC:CCL-226 gene product: t IDA GO:0002076 MGI:98297 J:111401 N/A 13997 2 : external ref: text: IDA GO:0002076 MGI:98297 J:111401 N/A 13998 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Bmp2 ; MGI:88177 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:95728 J:111401 N/A 13999 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002076 MGI:95728 J:111401 N/A 14000 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Bmp2 ; MGI:88177|RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:95728 J:111401 N/A 14001 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target:Bmp2 ; MGI:88177 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:95728 J:111401 MGI:98297 14002 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007228 MGI:98297 J:111401 MGI:95728 14003 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target:Bmp2 ; MGI:88177 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:98297 J:111401 MGI:95728 14004 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, notochord ; EMAP:1195 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048570 MGI:104327 J:111617 N/A 14005 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, oesophagus ; EMAP:6500 anatomy:TS22, trachea ; EMAP:6763 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048646 MGI:104327 J:111617 N/A 14006 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, oesophagus ; EMAP:6500 anatomy:TS22, trachea ; EMAP:6763 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048646 MGI:104327 J:111617 MGI:88180 14007 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, oesophagus ; EMAP:6500 anatomy:TS22, trachea ; EMAP:6763 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048646 MGI:88180 J:111617 MGI:104327 14008 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, mammary gland ; EMAP:4958 anatomy:TS21, abdominal mammary gland ; MA:0000787 anatomy:TS21, thoracic mammary gland ; MA:0000797 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:95729 J:112460 MGI:1856276 14009 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, molar ; EMAP:6636 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:99829 J:112545 MGI:2176465 14010 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, mesenchyme ; EMAP:6640|TS22, mesenchyme EMAP:6611 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS22, epithelium ; EMAP:6608|TS22, epithelium ; EMAP:6637 cell type: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:99829 J:112545 MGI:2176465 14011 2 epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:99829 J:112545 MGI:2176465 14012 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, molar ; EMAP:6607 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045879 MGI:99829 J:112545 MGI:2176465 14013 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, floor plate EMAP:2325 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text:V3 neurons IGI GO:0045666 MGI:95728 J:112802 MGI:97490 14014 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, floor plate EMAP:2325 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text:V3 neurons IGI GO:0045665 MGI:97490 J:112802 MGI:95728 14015 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Nkx2-2 ; MGI:97347 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:95728 J:112802 N/A 14016 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16950124|IDA text: ISO GO:0003677 MGI:98506 J:73065 UniProtKB:P15884 14017 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Nkx2-2 ; MGI:97347 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:98506 J:112802 N/A 14018 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004340 MGI:1270854 J:115233 N/A 14019 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006739 MGI:1270854 J:115233 N/A 14020 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050877 MGI:103301 J:1484 MGI:1856936 14021 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007214 MGI:103301 J:4388 MGI:1856936 14022 1 evidence: anatomy:peyer's patch ; MA:0000137 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048541 MGI:103301 J:5281 MGI:1856936 14023 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048536 MGI:103301 J:5281 MGI:1856936 14024 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048538 MGI:103301 J:5281 MGI:1856936 14025 1 evidence: anatomy:tail ; MA:0000008 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019227 MGI:103301 J:6556 MGI:1856936 14026 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014051 MGI:103301 J:29347 MGI:1856936 14027 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006816 MGI:103301 J:29347 MGI:1856936 14028 1 evidence: anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046058 MGI:103301 J:29347 MGI:1856936 14029 1 evidence: anatomy:lateral thalamic group ; MA:0000862 anatomy:reticular thalamic nucleus ; MA:0000876 anatomy:nucleus reuniens ; MA:0000865 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007214 MGI:103301 J:29786 MGI:1856936 14030 1 evidence:IB following myosin isolation anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1825 (P19, mouse) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016459 MGI:102643 J:39886 N/A 14031 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1825 (P19, mouse) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001725 MGI:102643 J:39886 N/A 14032 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007214 MGI:103301 J:30226 MGI:1856936 14033 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007214 MGI:103301 J:4388 MGI:1856936 14034 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1825 (P19, mouse) gene product: target: external ref: text:antisense oligonucleotide used to suppress gene expression and promote SMC differentiation instead of ne IMP GO:0045595 MGI:101895 J:39886 N/A 14035 2 uronal differentiation IMP GO:0045595 MGI:101895 J:39886 N/A 14036 1 evidence:CTX binding anatomy:forebrain ; MA:0000170 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005245 MGI:103301 J:49244 MGI:1856936 14037 1 evidence: anatomy:forebrain ; MA:0000170 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005891 MGI:103301 J:49244 MGI:1856936 14038 1 evidence: anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051932 MGI:103301 J:56225 MGI:1856936 14039 1 evidence: anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035249 MGI:103301 J:56225 MGI:1856936 14040 1 evidence: anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051932 MGI:109482 J:56225 MGI:1856209 14041 1 evidence: anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035249 MGI:109482 J:56225 MGI:1856209 14042 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006816 MGI:103301 J:56507 MGI:1856936 14043 1 evidence:IB following myofibril isolation from smooth muscle anatomy:urinary bladder smooth muscle ; MA:0001697 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005859 MGI:102643 J:97927 N/A 14044 1 evidence:IB following myofibril isolation from smooth muscle anatomy:urinary bladder smooth muscle ; MA:0001697 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030485 MGI:102643 J:97927 N/A 14045 1 evidence:isometric force measurement anatomy:urinary bladder smooth muscle ; MA:0001697 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006939 MGI:102643 J:97927 N/A 14046 1 evidence: anatomy:retina inner plexiform layer ; MA:0001312 cell type:retinal rod cell ; CL:0000604|rod bipolar cell ; CL:0000751 call type:retinal cone cell ; CL:0000573|cone retinal bipolar cell ; CL:0000752 gene product: target: external ref IMP GO:0007268 MGI:894644 J:80080 MGI:2429694 14047 2 : text: IMP GO:0007268 MGI:894644 J:80080 MGI:2429694 14048 1 evidence: anatomy:retina inner plexiform layer ; MA:0001312 cell type:rod bipolar cell ; CL:0000751 call type:cone retinal bipolar cell ; CL:0000752 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007601 MGI:894644 J:80080 MGI:2429694 14049 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006874 MGI:103301 J:95687 MGI:1856936 14050 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050852 MGI:103301 J:95687 MGI:1856936 14051 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:103301 J:95687 MGI:1856936 14052 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Gata2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97588 J:70561 UniProtKB:O09100 14053 1 evidence: anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:103301 J:106959 MGI:1856936 14054 1 evidence: anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:1316660 J:106959 MGI:1856548 14055 1 evidence: anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:109482 J:106959 MGI:1856209 14056 1 evidence: anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005245 MGI:1316660 J:106959 MGI:1856548 14057 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Pou1f1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95662 J:70561 UniProtKB:Q00286 14058 1 evidence: anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005245 MGI:103301 J:106959 MGI:1856936 14059 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030217 MGI:103301 J:115345 MGI:1856936 14060 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050852 MGI:103301 J:115345 MGI:1856936 14061 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gata3 ; MGI:95663|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:88140 J:107516 N/A 14062 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T-helper 2 cell ; CL:0000546 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045064 MGI:88140 J:107516 MGI:2158443 14063 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gata3 ; MGI:95663 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:88140 J:107516 N/A 14064 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gata3 ; MGI:95663|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:97312 J:107516 N/A 14065 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gata3 ; MGI:95663 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97312 J:107516 N/A 14066 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T-helper 1 cell ; CL:0000545 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045063 MGI:103289 J:107516 MGI:2179545 14067 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000625 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032729 MGI:88140 J:110058 MGI:2158443 14068 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:88140 J:111822 N/A 14069 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008017 MGI:1197519 J:111822 N/A 14070 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:1197519 J:111822 MGI:2156498 14071 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:1197519 J:111822 MGI:88140 14072 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043066 MGI:88140 J:111822 MGI:1197519 14073 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:2181667 J:111822 MGI:2681654 14074 1 evidence: anatomy:medial preoptic region ; MA:0000839 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050999 MGI:102806 J:115447 MGI:1861779 14075 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen germinal center ; MA:0000764 cell type:follicular dendritic cell ; CL:0000442 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002268 MGI:1099800 J:112111 MGI:2179705 14076 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen germinal center ; MA:0000764 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002467 MGI:1099800 J:112111 MGI:2179705 14077 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen marginal sinus ; MA:0000754 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:1099800 J:112111 MGI:2179705 14078 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen marginal sinus ; MA:0000754 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048536 MGI:1099800 J:112111 MGI:2179705 14079 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen germinal center ; MA:0000764 cell type:follicular dendritic cell ; CL:0000442 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002268 MGI:88140 J:112111 MGI:2158443 14080 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen germinal center ; MA:0000764 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002467 MGI:88140 J:112111 MGI:2158443 14081 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen marginal sinus ; MA:0000754 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:88140 J:112111 MGI:2158443 14082 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen marginal sinus ; MA:0000754 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048536 MGI:88140 J:112111 MGI:2158443 14083 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 cell type:lymphocyte ; CL:0000542 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:2181667 J:86466 MGI:2681654 14084 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:1930146 J:86466 MGI:2681649 14085 1 evidence: anatomy:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043525 MGI:1930146 J:98100 MGI:2678372 14086 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042771 MGI:2181667 J:101198 MGI:2681654 14087 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 anatomy:pons ; MA:0000204 anatomy:medulla oblongata ; MA:0000206 cell type: gene product: target:Penk1 ; MGI:104629 external ref: text: IMP GO:0042133 MGI:109482 J:633 MGI:1856209 14088 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:109482 J:1180 MGI:1856209 14089 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019226 MGI:109482 J:1180 MGI:1856209 14090 1 evidence: anatomy:globus pallidus ; MA:0000890 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019226 MGI:109482 J:3190 MGI:1856211 14091 1 evidence: anatomy:basal ganglia ; MA:0000184 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050877 MGI:109482 J:3611 MGI:1856211 14092 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:109482 J:3627 MGI:1856209 14093 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019226 MGI:109482 J:3627 MGI:1856209 14094 1 evidence:force and stiffness measurement anatomy:urinary bladder smooth muscle ; MA:0001697 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006939 MGI:102643 J:105431 MGI:3576856 14095 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:caudate nucleus ; MA:0000894 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000096 MGI:109482 J:12200 MGI:1856211 14096 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016049 MGI:109482 J:14500 MGI:1856209|MGI:1856210 14097 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021702 MGI:109482 J:14500 MGI:1856209|MGI:1856210 14098 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021680 MGI:109482 J:14500 MGI:1856209|MGI:1856210 14099 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:cerebral hemisphere ; MA:0000133 cell type: gene product: target:Cck ; MGI:88297 target:Sst ; MGI:98326 external ref: text: IMP GO:0042133 MGI:109482 J:14712 MGI:1856211 14100 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:cerebral hemisphere ; MA:0000133 cell type: gene product: target:Cck ; MGI:88297 target:Sst ; MGI:98326 external ref: text: IMP GO:0042133 MGI:2159437 J:14712 MGI:1856535 14101 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target:Trh ; MGI:98823 external ref: text: IMP GO:0042445 MGI:109482 J:15508 MGI:1856211 14102 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051899 MGI:109482 J:18102 MGI:1856209 14103 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021702 MGI:109482 J:20921 MGI:1856210 14104 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum molecular cell layer ; MA:0000996 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021679 MGI:109482 J:22482 MGI:1856210|MGI:1856209 14105 1 evidence: anatomy:medial vestibular nucleus ; MA:0001048 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021750 MGI:109482 J:30260 MGI:1856210 14106 1 evidence:proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031295 MGI:101775 J:94873 N/A 14107 1 evidence:proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046642 MGI:2675303 J:94873 N/A 14108 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID: 15155745|IMP ISA GO:0007006 MGI:1916686 J:91908 protein_id:AAH47132 14109 2 text: ISA GO:0007006 MGI:1916686 J:91908 protein_id:AAH47132 14110 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID: 15155745|IDA ISA GO:0005739 MGI:1916686 J:91908 protein_id:AAH47132 14111 2 text: ISA GO:0005739 MGI:1916686 J:91908 protein_id:AAH47132 14112 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050731 MGI:2675303 J:94873 N/A 14113 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:UniProt:Q7TSA3 (Btla ; MGI:2658978) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2675303 J:94873 UniProtKB:Q7TSA3 14114 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: bind with human RXRB ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1928899 J:91741 UniProtKB:O95359 14115 1 evidence:ECO:0000090 anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11042173|IDA text: immunogold labeling ISO GO:0005794 MGI:1917129 J:73065 EMBL:AJ296153 14116 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:splenocytes gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88336 J:91939 N/A 14117 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:myeloid dendritic cell ; CL:0000782 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002768 MGI:88336 J:91939 N/A 14118 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:myeloid dendritic cell ; CL:0000782 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032735 MGI:88336 J:91939 N/A 14119 1 evidence:ELISA evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005125 MGI:96537 J:91939 MGI:1857199 14120 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96537 J:91939 N/A 14121 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032695 MGI:96537 J:91939 MGI:1857199 14122 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030886 MGI:96537 J:91939 MGI:1857199 14123 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96540 J:91939 N/A 14124 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96557 J:91939 N/A 14125 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96541 J:91939 N/A 14126 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96559 J:91939 N/A 14127 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:107656 J:91939 N/A 14128 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88346 J:68956 N/A 14129 1 evidence:cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002456 MGI:88346 J:68956 MGI:1857149 14130 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum internal granule cell layer ; MA:0000995 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000 IMP GO:0043524 MGI:109482 J:36596 MGI:1856209 14131 2 121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:109482 J:36596 MGI:1856209 14132 1 evidence:flow cytombetry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88347 J:68956 N/A 14133 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:myeloid dendritic cell ; CL:0000782 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88346 J:91939 N/A 14134 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96549 J:91939 N/A 14135 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:myeloid dendritic cell ; CL:0000782 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:101775 J:91939 N/A 14136 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:myeloid dendritic cell ; CL:0000782 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:101773 J:91939 N/A 14137 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-61 (CHO-K1, hamster, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:101775 J:94873 N/A 14138 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-61 (CHO-K1, hamster, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:104879 J:94873 N/A 14139 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104879 J:94873 UniProtKB:Q9EP73 14140 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-61 (CHO-K1, hamster, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1926446 J:94873 N/A 14141 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1926446 J:94873 UniProtKB:Q02242 14142 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|adrenal medulla cell ; CL:0000336 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0017158 MGI:109482 J:31925 N/A 14143 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|adrenal medulla cell ; CL:0000336 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007204 MGI:109482 J:31925 N/A 14144 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|adrenal medulla cell ; CL:0000336 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005245 MGI:109482 J:31925 N/A 14145 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007214 MGI:109482 J:32181 MGI:1856209 14146 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030644 MGI:109482 J:32181 MGI:1856209 14147 1 evidence:proliferation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031295 MGI:1355317 J:94873 N/A 14148 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|cell_line:BJAB (human, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:2675303 J:94873 N/A 14149 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|ATCC:TIB-39 (EL4, mouse) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007166 MGI:2658978 J:94873 N/A 14150 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:lymphocyte ; CL:0000542 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:2658978 J:94873 N/A 14151 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:UniProt:Q3SXX1 (Tnfrsf14 ; MGI:2675303)|UniProt:P35235 (Ptpn11 ; MGI:99511) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2658978 J:94873 UniProtKB:Q3SXX1|UniProtKB:P35235 14152 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|ATCC:TIB-39 (EL4, mouse) gene product: target: external ref: text:UniProt:Q7TSA3 (Btla ; MGI:2658978) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99511 J:94873 UniProtKB:Q7TSA3 14153 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:MA:0000072 cell type:CL:0000513 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005916 MGI:1333878 J:52598 N/A 14154 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10021346|IMP text:chicken; antisense incubation of chicken explants ISA GO:0003007 MGI:1333878 J:52598 EMBL:AF051944 14155 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:MA:0000072 cell type:CL:0000513 gene product: target: external ref: text: Artilce in PUBMED says that authors have done protein binding experiments to demonstrate interaction of mouse protein with beta-catenin, and IDA GO:0005916 MGI:1333878 J:112201 N/A 14156 2 other proteins. There is NO data shown or mentioned as unpublished. IDA GO:0005916 MGI:1333878 J:112201 N/A 14157 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1663174|IPI|UniProt:Q14315 text: ISO GO:0031008 MGI:1333878 J:73065 NCBI:NM_194293 14158 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1663174|IPI|UniProt:P50552 text:binds VASP/Mena ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1333878 J:73065 NCBI:NM_194293 14159 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042130 MGI:1891436 J:102496 MGI:1857034 14160 1 evidence:histology anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050728 MGI:1891436 J:102496 MGI:1857034 14161 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98279 J:102496 N/A 14162 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88338 J:102496 N/A 14163 1 evidence:histology anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002862 MGI:95499 J:107174 MGI:1857166 14164 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96446 J:107174 N/A 14165 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96446 J:107174 N/A 14166 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96446 J:107174 N/A 14167 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96443 J:107174 N/A 14168 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96443 J:107174 N/A 14169 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96443 J:107174 N/A 14170 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96445 J:107174 N/A 14171 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96445 J:107174 N/A 14172 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96445 J:107174 N/A 14173 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96444 J:107174 N/A 14174 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96444 J:107174 N/A 14175 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96444 J:107174 N/A 14176 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96450 J:107174 N/A 14177 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96450 J:107174 N/A 14178 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96450 J:107174 N/A 14179 1 evidence:histopathological assesement of adult mice anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002851 MGI:1891436 J:112554 MGI:2654936 14180 1 evidence:flow cytometry coupled with sequence analysis anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:1858745 J:61649 N/A 14181 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:UniProt:Q9JHJ8 (Icosl ; MGI:1354701) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1858745 J:61649 UniProtKB:Q9JHJ8 14182 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96549 J:61649 N/A 14183 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1858745 J:61649 N/A 14184 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pre-B cell ; CL:0000817|cell_line:300-19 (mouse, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1354701 J:61649 N/A 14185 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:UniProt:Q9WVS0 (Icos ; MGI:1858745) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1354701 J:61649 UniProtKB:Q9WVS0 14186 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mRNA for Begfa is more associated with polyribosomes in the mutant cells than wt. IMP GO:0006417 MGI:107946 J:113396 MGI:3686982 14187 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1354701 J:60318 N/A 14188 1 evidence:flow cytometry combined with sequence analysis anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:1354701 J:60318 N/A 14189 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text:UniProt:Q9WVS0 (Icos ; MGI:1858745) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1354701 J:60318 UniProtKB:Q9WVS0 14190 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:UniProt:Q9JHJ8 (Icosl ; MGI:1354701) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1858745 J:60318 UniProtKB:Q9JHJ8 14191 1 evidence:proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005125 MGI:96539 J:65439 N/A 14192 1 evidence:proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042102 MGI:96539 J:65439 N/A 14193 1 evidence:proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005125 MGI:96540 J:65439 N/A 14194 1 evidence:proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042102 MGI:96540 J:65439 N/A 14195 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:107656 J:65439 N/A 14196 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96556 J:65439 N/A 14197 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96557 J:65439 N/A 14198 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96445 J:65439 N/A 14199 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96444 J:65439 N/A 14200 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96450 J:65439 N/A 14201 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96448 J:65439 N/A 14202 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96446 J:65439 N/A 14203 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96446 J:65439 N/A 14204 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96446 J:65439 N/A 14205 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Although the paper reported the isotype in question as IgG2a (Igh-1a), because the experiments were done on KO made in 129 mice but backcrossed on C57/B6 mice for seven IDA GO:0003823 MGI:2686979 J:65439 N/A 14206 2 generations, the isotype assayed is really IgG2c (Igh-1b), as B6 mice express IgG2c instead of IgG2a. IDA GO:0003823 MGI:2686979 J:65439 N/A 14207 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Although the paper reported the isotype in question as IgG2a (Igh-1a), because the experiments were done on KO made in 129 mice but backcrossed on C57/B6 mice for seven IDA GO:0002455 MGI:2686979 J:65439 N/A 14208 2 generations, the isotype assayed is really IgG2c (Igh-1b), as B6 mice express IgG2c instead of IgG2a. IDA GO:0002455 MGI:2686979 J:65439 N/A 14209 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Although the paper reported the isotype in question as IgG2a (Igh-1a), because the experiments were done on KO made in 129 mice but backcrossed on C57/B6 mice for seven IDA GO:0042571 MGI:2686979 J:65439 N/A 14210 2 generations, the isotype assayed is really IgG2c (Igh-1b), as B6 mice express IgG2c instead of IgG2a. IDA GO:0042571 MGI:2686979 J:65439 N/A 14211 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type:lymphocyte ; CL:0000542 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050672 MGI:96548 J:112602 MGI:1857191 14212 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type:lymphocyte ; CL:0000542 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050672 MGI:96549 J:112602 MGI:1857192 14213 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type:lymphocyte ; CL:0000542 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050672 MGI:1891436 J:112602 MGI:2654936 14214 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell ; CL:0000792 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046013 MGI:96548 J:112602 MGI:1857191 14215 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:894675 J:112602 N/A 14216 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96549 J:112602 N/A 14217 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88343 J:112602 N/A 14218 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96550 J:112602 N/A 14219 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98279 J:112602 N/A 14220 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88556 J:112602 N/A 14221 1 evidence:nitric oxide production assay (Greiss reagent) anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043032 MGI:1925027 J:82077 N/A 14222 1 evidence:rejection of transfected tumor cells by whole animal followed by rejection of untransfected tumor cells anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:RMA (mouse, transfected) gene product: target: ex IDA GO:0002839 MGI:1925027 J:82077 N/A 14223 2 ternal ref: text: IDA GO:0002839 MGI:1925027 J:82077 N/A 14224 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target:L-thyroxine ; CHEBI:18332 target:3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine ; CHEBI:18258 target:3,3',5'-triiodothyronine ; CHEBI:28774 external ref: text: IMP GO:0042403 MGI:104781 J:37975 MGI:1856525 14225 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target:L-thyroxine ; CHEBI:18332 target:3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine ; CHEBI:18258 target:3,3',5'-triiodothyronine ; CHEBI:28774 external ref: text: IMP GO:0042403 MGI:103022 J:37975 MGI:1856398 14226 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target:L-thyroxine ; CHEBI:18332 external ref: text: IMP GO:0042403 MGI:109482 J:37975 MGI:1856211 14227 1 evidence: anatomy:diencephalon ; MA:0000171 anatomy:dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus ; MA:0000838 anatomy:lateral geniculate nucleus ; MA:0000869 anatomy:superior colliculus ; MA:0001068 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 anatomy:substantia nigra ; MA:0000210 IMP GO:0006006 MGI:109482 J:40690 MGI:1856211 14228 2 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006006 MGI:109482 J:40690 MGI:1856211 14229 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 cell type: gene product: target:Trh ; MGI:98823 external ref: text: IMP GO:0042445 MGI:109482 J:40690 MGI:1856211 14230 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:RMA (mouse, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1925027 J:82077 N/A 14231 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:UniProt:O54709 (Klrk1 ; MGI:1196250) IPI GO:0046703 MGI:1925027 J:82077 UniProtKB:O54709 14232 1 evidence:flow cytometry of intracellular cytokine staining anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032729 MGI:1925027 J:82077 N/A 14233 1 evidence:nitric oxide production assay (Greiss reagent) anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045429 MGI:1925027 J:82077 N/A 14234 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:RMA (mouse, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042271 MGI:1925027 J:82077 N/A 14235 1 evidence:nitric oxide production assay (Greiss reagent) anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043032 MGI:109432 J:82077 N/A 14236 1 evidence:rejection of transfected tumor cells by whole animal followed by rejection of untransfected tumor cells anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:RMA (mouse, transfected) gene product: target: ex IDA GO:0002839 MGI:109432 J:82077 N/A 14237 2 ternal ref: text: IDA GO:0002839 MGI:109432 J:82077 N/A 14238 1 evidence:flow cytometry combined with sequence information and PI-PLC treatment anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:RMA (mouse, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031362 MGI:109432 J:82077 N/A 14239 1 evidence:flow cytometry of intracellular cytokine production anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032729 MGI:109432 J:82077 N/A 14240 1 evidence:nitric oxide production assay (Greiss reagent) anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045429 MGI:109432 J:82077 N/A 14241 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:RMA (mouse, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042271 MGI:109432 J:82077 N/A 14242 1 evidence:nitric oxide production assay (Greiss reagent) anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043032 MGI:1306817 J:82077 N/A 14243 1 evidence:rejection of transfected tumor cells by whole animal followed by rejection of untransfected tumor cells anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:RMA (mouse, transfected) gene product: target: ex IDA GO:0002839 MGI:1306817 J:82077 N/A 14244 2 ternal ref: text: IDA GO:0002839 MGI:1306817 J:82077 N/A 14245 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:RMA (mouse, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1306817 J:82077 N/A 14246 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:UniProt:O54709 (Klrk1 ; MGI:1196250) IPI GO:0046703 MGI:1306817 J:82077 UniProtKB:O54709 14247 1 evidence:flow cytometry of intracellular cytokine staining anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032729 MGI:1306817 J:82077 N/A 14248 1 evidence:nitric oxide production assay (Greiss reagent) anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045429 MGI:1306817 J:82077 N/A 14249 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:RMA (mouse, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042271 MGI:1306817 J:82077 N/A 14250 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005245 MGI:109482 J:47984 MGI:1856210 14251 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006816 MGI:109482 J:47984 MGI:1856210 14252 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:anti-NKG2D (anti-Klrk1 gene product) antibody used to block cytotoxicity IMP GO:0032394 MGI:1196250 J:82077 N/A 14253 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-61 (CHO-K1, hamster, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1196250 J:82077 N/A 14254 1 evidence:flow cytometry of intracellular cytokine staining anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell ; CL:0000623 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032729 MGI:1196250 J:82077 N/A 14255 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:anti-NKG2D (anti-Klrk1 gene product) antibody used to block cytotoxicity IMP GO:0045954 MGI:1196250 J:82077 N/A 14256 1 evidence:nitric oxide production assay (Greiss reagent) anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045429 MGI:1196250 J:82077 N/A 14257 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:UniProt:Q9D205 (Ulbp1 ; MGI:1925027), UniProt:Q3TM01 (H60 ; MGI:1306817), UniProt:O08603 (Raet1b ; MGI:109432) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1196250 J:82077 UniProtKB:Q9D205|UniProtKB:Q3TM01|UniProtKB:O08603 14258 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:109482 J:47984 MGI:1856210 14259 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006816 MGI:109482 J:51647 MGI:1856210|MGI:1856209 14260 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:109482 J:51647 MGI:1856210|MGI:1856209 14261 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005245 MGI:109482 J:51647 MGI:1856210|MGI:1856209 14262 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048813 MGI:109482 J:55268 MGI:1856211 14263 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007416 MGI:109482 J:55268 MGI:1856211 14264 1 evidence:flow cytometry combined with sequence informations and PI-PLC treatment anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:RMA (mouse, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:1925027 J:82077 N/A 14265 1 evidence:flow cytometry combined with sequence information and PI-PLC treatment anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:RMA (mouse, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:1306817 J:82077 N/A 14266 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021702 MGI:109482 J:58539 MGI:1856209 14267 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021702 MGI:2159437 J:58539 MGI:1856535 14268 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005245 MGI:109482 J:59076 MGI:2181384 14269 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007268 MGI:109482 J:59076 MGI:2181384 14270 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048791 MGI:109482 J:60492 MGI:1856209 14271 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014051 MGI:109482 J:60492 MGI:1856209 14272 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:109482 J:60492 MGI:1856209 14273 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008331 MGI:109482 J:63634 MGI:1856211 14274 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051899 MGI:109482 J:63634 MGI:1856211 14275 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048813 MGI:109482 J:71860 MGI:2154404 14276 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050883 MGI:109482 J:72853 MGI:1856210 14277 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048265 MGI:109482 J:72853 MGI:1856210 14278 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008331 MGI:109482 J:72853 MGI:1856210 14279 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051899 MGI:109482 J:72853 MGI:1856210 14280 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021590 MGI:109482 J:76459 MGI:2180190 14281 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008331 MGI:109482 J:76459 MGI:2180190 14282 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008331 MGI:109482 J:75166 MGI:102522 14283 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008331 MGI:102522 J:75166 MGI:109482 14284 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chromaffin cell ; CL:0000166 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0017156 MGI:109482 J:76879 MGI:2181384 14285 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chromaffin cell ; CL:0000166 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008331 MGI:109482 J:76879 MGI:2181384 14286 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target:acetylcholine receptor activity ; GO:0015464 external ref: text: IMP GO:0043113 MGI:109482 J:82722 MGI:2181384 14287 1 evidence:localization combined with activation activity anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell ; CL:0000623 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004888 MGI:2662547 J:87433 N/A 14288 1 evidence:flow cytometry evidence:surface iodination following by IP anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell ; CL:0000623 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:2662547 J:87433 N/A 14289 1 evidence:flow cytometry combined with sequence information evidence:surface iodination following by IP combined with sequence information anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell ; CL:0000623 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005887 MGI:2662547 J:87433 N/A 14290 1 evidence:cytokine release measured by ELISA following antibody mediated receptor ligation anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell ; CL:0000623 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032729 MGI:2662547 J:87433 N/A 14291 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibody used IMP GO:0045954 MGI:2662547 J:87433 N/A 14292 1 evidence:IP of surface labeled (iodinated) molecules under reducing and non-reducing conditions anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell ; CL:0000623 gene product: target: text:The authors state that this may be homodimerization or heterodimeriza IDA GO:0046983 MGI:2662547 J:87433 N/A 14293 2 tion with another NKG2 family member. IDA GO:0046983 MGI:2662547 J:87433 N/A 14294 1 evidence:cytokine release measured by ELISA following antibody mediated receptor ligation combined with sequence information anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell ; CL:0000623 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002223 MGI:2662547 J:87433 N/A 14295 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell ; CL:0000623 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1196275 J:87433 N/A 14296 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1336161 J:87433 N/A 14297 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1336162 J:87433 N/A 14298 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1196250 J:87433 N/A 14299 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1929720 J:87433 N/A 14300 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell ; CL:0000623 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:107538 J:87433 N/A 14301 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:lymphocyte ; CL:0000542 (splenocytes) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96600 J:87433 N/A 14302 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell ; CL:0000623 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:101907 J:87433 N/A 14303 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell ; CL:0000623 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:101904 J:87433 N/A 14304 1 evidence:cytokine release by NK cells measured by ELISA in contact with H60 transfected cells anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032816 MGI:1306817 J:82077 N/A 14305 1 evidence:cytokine release by NK cells measured by ELISA in contact with Raet1b transfected cells anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032816 MGI:109432 J:82077 N/A 14306 1 evidence:cytokine release by NK cells measured by ELISA in contact with Ulbp1 transfected cells anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032816 MGI:1925027 J:82077 N/A 14307 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:anti-NKG2D (anti-Klrk1 gene product) antibody used to block cytotoxicity IMP GO:0030101 MGI:1196250 J:82077 N/A 14308 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:anti-NKG2D (anti-Klrk1 gene product) antibody used to block cytotoxicity IMP GO:0002223 MGI:1196250 J:82077 N/A 14309 1 evidence:cytokine release measured by ELISA following antibody mediated receptor ligation anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell ; CL:0000623 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030101 MGI:2662547 J:87433 N/A 14310 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell ; CL:0000792 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046013 MGI:96549 J:112602 MGI:1857192 14311 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032831 MGI:96551 J:112602 MGI:1857455 14312 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1298377 J:112602 N/A 14313 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1858745 J:112602 N/A 14314 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048813 MGI:109482 J:90116 MGI:2181384 14315 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035249 MGI:109482 J:90116 MGI:2181384 14316 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007416 MGI:109482 J:90116 MGI:2181384 14317 1 evidence: anatomy:superior olivary nucleus ; MA:0001026 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008331 MGI:109482 J:96814 MGI:2181384 14318 1 evidence: anatomy:nucleus of trapezoid body ; MA:0001018 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007268 MGI:109482 J:96814 MGI:2181384 14319 1 evidence:ECO:0000090|ECO:0000007|ECO:0000004 anatomy:MA:0000072 cell type:CL:0000187 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002095 MGI:103013 J:109447 N/A 14320 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000625 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98729 J:113553 N/A 14321 1 evidence:western blot of autoantibodies anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002663 MGI:98729 J:113553 MGI:2183502|MGI:2386448 14322 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051138 MGI:98729 J:113553 MGI:2183502|MGI:2386448 14323 1 evidence:flow cytometry of T cell activation markers on a transgenic T cell receptor background anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002666 MGI:98729 J:113553 MGI:2183502|MGI:2386448|MGI:2665469 14324 1 evidence:histology anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 anatomy:myocardium ; MA:0000164 anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:western bl IMP GO:0002651 MGI:98729 J:113553 MGI:2183502|MGI:2386448 14325 2 ot of autoantibodies anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002651 MGI:98729 J:113553 MGI:2183502|MGI:2386448 14326 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000625 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:99255 J:113553 N/A 14327 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000625 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96745 J:113553 N/A 14328 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000625 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:107538 J:113553 N/A 14329 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88346 J:113553 N/A 14330 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text:Seen on NK1.1+ T cells from mice lacking Tgfbr2 expression on T cells IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96600 J:113553 N/A 14331 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text:Seen on NK1.1+ T cells from mice lacking Tgfbr2 expression on T cells IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1196275 J:113553 N/A 14332 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text:Seen on NK1.1+ T cells from mice lacking Tgfbr2 expression on T cells IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1196250 J:113553 N/A 14333 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000625 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96392 J:113553 N/A 14334 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000625 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88343 J:113553 N/A 14335 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000625 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88338 J:113553 N/A 14336 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000625 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88335 J:113553 N/A 14337 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000625 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98279 J:113553 N/A 14338 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000625 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96599 J:113553 N/A 14339 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000625 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96607 J:113553 N/A 14340 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98578 J:113553 N/A 14341 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96549 J:113553 N/A 14342 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904|phrenic nerve ; MA:0001170 anatomy:levator auris longus ; MA:0002758 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008331 MGI:109482 J:82722 MGI:2181384 14343 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904|phrenic nerve ; MA:0001170 anatomy:levator auris longus ; MA:0002758 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014056 MGI:109482 J:82722 MGI:2181384 14344 1 evidence: anatomy:inferior olive ; MA:0001040 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:97375 J:101982 MGI:1856971 14345 1 evidence: anatomy:phrenic nerve ; MA:0001170 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014056 MGI:109482 J:102080 MGI:1856209 14346 1 evidence: anatomy:phrenic nerve ; MA:0001170 anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007274 MGI:109482 J:102080 MGI:1856209 14347 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030644 MGI:109482 J:103988 MGI:1856210 14348 1 evidence: anatomy:parietal cortex ; MA:0000916|cortical layer IV ; MA:0000900 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007270 MGI:109482 J:106709 MGI:1856209 14349 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ventral horn ; MA:0001134 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: e IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97307 J:31660 N/A 14350 2 t: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:Schwann cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:Schwann cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:intestine epithelium ; MA IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97307 J:31660 N/A 14351 3 ternal ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97307 J:31660 N/A 14352 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9, ectoderm ; EMAP:93 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007398 MGI:97307 J:40596 MGI:1857941 14353 1 evidence: anatomy:TS9, mesoderm ; EMAP:87 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001707 MGI:97307 J:40596 MGI:1857941 14354 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032154 MGI:97307 J:46198 N/A 14355 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030175 MGI:97307 J:46918 N/A 14356 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030027 MGI:97307 J:46918 N/A 14357 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001726 MGI:97307 J:46918 N/A 14358 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001726 MGI:97887 J:46918 N/A 14359 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030175 MGI:97887 J:46918 N/A 14360 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030027 MGI:97887 J:46918 N/A 14361 1 evidence: anatomy:renal proximal tubule ; MA:0002611 anatomy:glomerulus ; MA:0001657 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:97887 J:52936 N/A 14362 1 evidence: anatomy:renal proximal tubule ; MA:0002611 anatomy:glomerulus ; MA:0001657 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:98931 J:52936 N/A 14363 1 evidence: anatomy:renal proximal tubule ; MA:0002611 anatomy:glomerulus ; MA:0001657 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:97167 J:52936 N/A 14364 1 evidence: anatomy:molar ; MA:0000350 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:97307 J:63264 MGI:1926957 14365 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:Schwann cell ; CL:0000218 cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:97307 J:63264 MGI:1926957 14366 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97307 J:104992 UniProtKB:Q60631 14367 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043409 MGI:97307 J:104992 N/A 14368 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006469 MGI:97307 J:104992 N/A 14369 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellar cortex ; MA:0000199 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008331 MGI:109482 J:107960 MGI:2181384 14370 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellar cortex ; MA:0000199 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:109482 J:107960 MGI:2181384 14371 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellar cortex ; MA:0000199 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007268 MGI:109482 J:109231 MGI:1856211|MGI:1856209 14372 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellar cortex ; MA:0000199 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008331 MGI:109482 J:109231 MGI:1856211|MGI:1856209 14373 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target:Crh ; MGI:88496 external ref: text: IMP GO:0032353 MGI:109482 J:110939 MGI:1856211 14374 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008331 MGI:109482 J:112100 MGI:1856210 14375 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target:glutamate(1-) ; CHEBI:14321 external ref: text: IMP GO:0042133 MGI:109482 J:6553 MGI:1856211 14376 1 evidence: anatomy:locus coeruleus ; MA:0001017 cell type:norepinephrin secreting cell ; CL:0000459|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021953 MGI:109482 J:6615 MGI:1856209 14377 1 evidence: anatomy:locus coeruleus ; MA:0001017 cell type:norepinephrin secreting cell ; CL:0000459|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050770 MGI:109482 J:6154 MGI:1856209 14378 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:109482 J:5240 MGI:1856210|MGI:1856209 14379 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050877 MGI:109482 J:7519 MGI:1856209 14380 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060024 MGI:109482 J:107094 MGI:1856210 14381 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060024 MGI:1929813 J:107094 MGI:1856022 14382 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95896 J:84807 N/A 14383 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96559 J:93342 N/A 14384 1 evidence:ELISA of IL-6 release anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005125 MGI:96543 J:93342 N/A 14385 1 evidence:ELISA of IL-6 release anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032755 MGI:96543 J:93342 N/A 14386 1 evidence:CAT assay following transfection of reporter construct anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045941 MGI:1927246 J:61688 N/A 14387 1 evidence:ECO:0000007|ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:1919022 J:114650 N/A 14388 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009088 MGI:3041254 J:115003 N/A 14389 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17030985|IDA text: ISA GO:0030426 MGI:1918903 J:115005 EMBL:EF055485 14390 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17030985|IDA text: ISA GO:0051899 MGI:1918903 J:115005 EMBL:EF055485 14391 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15652350|IDA text: ISO GO:0016607 MGI:2157166 J:73065 NCBI:NP_976033 14392 1 evidence:ECO:0000079 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005537 MGI:2157942 J:114887 N/A 14393 1 evidence:ECO:0000079 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005537 MGI:2157945 J:114887 N/A 14394 1 evidence:ECO:0000079 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005537 MGI:2157947 J:114887 N/A 14395 1 evidence:ECO:0000079 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005537 MGI:2157948 J:114887 N/A 14396 1 evidence:ECO:0000079 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005537 MGI:1916392 J:114887 N/A 14397 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0042803 MGI:2157947 J:114887 UniProtKB:Q91ZW8 14398 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, notochord ; EMAP:2219 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060032 MGI:95728 J:60986 MGI:95727 14399 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, notochord ; EMAP:4109 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060032 MGI:95727 J:60986 MGI:95728 14400 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, dorsal aorta ; EMAP:5254 anatomy:TS21, pulmonary artery ; EMAP:5276 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048844 MGI:97306 J:18048 MGI:1857444 14401 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, interventricular septum ; EMAP:5331 anatomy:TS21, atrio-ventricular canal ; EMAP:5286|TS21, endocardial cushion tissue ; EMAP:5311 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:97306 J:18048 MGI:1857444 14402 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, liver ; EMAP:5496 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001889 MGI:97306 J:18048 MGI:1857444 14403 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, metanephros ; EMAP:5504 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001656 MGI:97306 J:18048 MGI:1857444 14404 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, skeletal muscle ; EMAP:5223|shoulder ; EMAP:4785 anatomy:TS21, anterior abdominal wall, skeletal muscle ; EMAP:4902 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007519 MGI:97306 J:18048 MGI:1857444 14405 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, stomach ; EMAP:5385|TS21, cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048745 MGI:97306 J:18048 MGI:1857444 14406 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, ganglion ; EMAP:5126 cell type:neuron neural crest derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007406 MGI:97306 J:18048 MGI:1857444 14407 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, ganglion ; EMAP:5126 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048485 MGI:97306 J:18048 MGI:1857444 14408 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, outflow tract ; EMAP:5316 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:97306 J:18542 MGI:1857478 14409 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|myeloid cell ; CL:0000763 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008285 MGI:88348 J:28658 N/A 14410 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7568895|IDA text: ISO GO:0008017 MGI:97306 J:73065 UniProtKB:P97526 14411 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, liver ; EMAP:5496 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|myeloid cell ; CL:0000763 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:97306 J:31568 MGI:1857444 14412 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, liver ; EMAP:5496 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|myeloid cell ; CL:0000763 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005096 MGI:97306 J:31568 MGI:1857444 14413 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, liver ; EMAP:5496 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|myeloid cell ; CL:0000763 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007265 MGI:97306 J:31568 MGI:1857444 14414 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8808709|IDA text: ISO GO:0046875 MGI:109196 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15768 14415 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8808709|IDA text: ISO GO:0048013 MGI:109196 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15768 14416 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043123 MGI:96543 J:102721 N/A 14417 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043123 MGI:96543 J:102721 MGI:1346877 14418 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046330 MGI:96543 J:102721 N/A 14419 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0046330 MGI:96543 J:102721 MGI:1346877 14420 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Schwann cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014044 MGI:97306 J:38460 MGI:1857444 14421 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Schwann cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007265 MGI:97306 J:38460 MGI:1857444 14422 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Schwann cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:97306 J:38460 MGI:1857444 14423 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Syx1(AY605057) and Syx2(AY605058) IDA GO:0005089 MGI:2652860 J:112471 N/A 14424 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: both Syx1(AY605057) and Syx2(AY605058) IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2652860 J:112471 N/A 14425 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Syx1(AY605057) IDA GO:0043542 MGI:2652860 J:112471 N/A 14426 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:only Syx1 (AY605057) IDA GO:0005886 MGI:2652860 J:112471 N/A 14427 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Syx1(AY605057) bind to Gipc1 and Myo6 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2652860 J:112471 UniProtKB:Q9Z0G0|UniProtKB:Q64331 14428 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:bind Plekhg5 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104785 J:112471 UniProtKB:Q66T02 14429 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, superior ; EMAP:7130 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007406 MGI:98834 J:47680 MGI:97306 14430 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, superior ; EMAP:7130 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043525 MGI:98834 J:47680 MGI:1857263 14431 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain periaqueductal grey ; MA:0000209 anatomy:accumbens nucleus ; MA:0000892 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048712 MGI:97306 J:51953 MGI:1857444 14432 1 evidence: anatomy:dermis ; MA:0000152 cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:97306 J:55742 MGI:1857444 14433 1 evidence: anatomy:dermis ; MA:0000152 cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042060 MGI:97306 J:55742 MGI:1857444 14434 1 evidence: anatomy:dermis ; MA:0000152 cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:97306 J:55742 MGI:1857444 14435 1 evidence: anatomy:eye ; MA:0000261 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048593 MGI:97306 J:18048 MGI:1857444 14436 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, neural tube ; EMAP:3525 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021915 MGI:97306 J:56680 MGI:97487 14437 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, neural tube ; EMAP:3525 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021915 MGI:97487 J:56680 MGI:97306 14438 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, brain ; EMAP:2229 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007420 MGI:97306 J:56680 MGI:1857478 14439 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, heart ; EMAP:4396 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:97306 J:56680 MGI:1857478 14440 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:5134) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007422 MGI:97306 J:56680 MGI:1857478 14441 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048712 MGI:97306 J:56902 MGI:1857444 14442 1 evidence: anatomy:dentate gyrus ; MA:0000190 anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:97306 J:56902 MGI:1857478 14443 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007154 MGI:97306 J:56902 MGI:1857478 14444 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98579 J:36147 N/A 14445 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: binding of iodinated HUMAN Vegfa IPI GO:0019838 MGI:96683 J:36300 UniProtKB:P15692 14446 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, liver ; EMAP:5496 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007265 MGI:97306 J:57842 MGI:1857478 14447 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, liver ; EMAP:5496 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:97306 J:57842 MGI:1857478 14448 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neural crest cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:97306 J:58877 MGI:98834 14449 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neural crest cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:98834 J:58877 MGI:97306 14450 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:97306 J:59045 MGI:1857444 14451 1 evidence: anatomy:peritoneal cavity ; MA:0000054 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:96677 J:59248 MGI:96974|MGI:97306 14452 1 evidence: anatomy:peritoneal cavity ; MA:0000054 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:96974 J:59248 MGI:97306|MGI:96677 14453 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043406 MGI:96677 J:59248 MGI:96974|MGI:97306 14454 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043406 MGI:96974 J:59248 MGI:97306|MGI:96677 14455 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal rod cell ; CL:0000604 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046548 MGI:2143311 J:90812 MGI:3045473 14456 1 evidence:histology anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type:spermatozoon ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:2143311 J:90812 MGI:3045473 14457 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043542 MGI:95481 J:99637 MGI:3583806|MGI:2137691 14458 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text:infection of Ad-wt and Ad-kianse domain deleted virus vectors, and comparison of phosphorylation (auto) of the resulting protein IMP GO:0046777 MGI:95481 J:638 N/A 14459 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0022011 MGI:97306 J:59850 N/A 14460 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:pimary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000839 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042127 MGI:1339752 J:60155 MGI:97306 14461 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:pimary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000839 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042127 MGI:97306 J:60155 MGI:1339752 14462 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:97306 J:62818 MGI:1857444 14463 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15652350|IDA text: ISA GO:0016607 MGI:1914185 J:114123 EMBL:AF098297 14464 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:5134 anatomy:TS21, trigeminal V ; EMAP:5077 anatomy:TS21, vagus X ; EMAP:5078 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron neural crest derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: target: exter IGI GO:0043524 MGI:96680 J:63722 MGI:97306|MGI:96224 14465 2 nal ref: text: IGI GO:0043524 MGI:96680 J:63722 MGI:97306|MGI:96224 14466 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:5134 anatomy:TS21, trigeminal V ; EMAP:5077 anatomy:TS21, vagus X ; EMAP:5078 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron neural crest derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: target: exter IGI GO:0043524 MGI:96224 J:63722 MGI:97306|MGI:96680 14467 2 nal ref: text: IGI GO:0043524 MGI:96224 J:63722 MGI:97306|MGI:96680 14468 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:5134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron neural crest derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043524 MGI:96224 J:63722 N/A 14469 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:glial cell ; CL:0000125 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:97306 J:64364 MGI:98834 14470 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:glial cell ; CL:0000125 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:98834 J:64364 MGI:97306 14471 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:5134 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043525 MGI:97306 J:68558 MGI:2176057|MGI:2176055 14472 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex layer MA:0000186 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021987 MGI:97306 J:68558 MGI:2176057|MGI:2176055 14473 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex layer MA:0000186 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048853 MGI:97306 J:68558 MGI:2176057|MGI:2176055 14474 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex layer MA:0000186 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048712 MGI:97306 J:68558 MGI:2176057|MGI:2176055 14475 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex layer MA:0000186 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043407 MGI:97306 J:68558 MGI:2176057|MGI:2176055 14476 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Schwann cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:97306 J:38460 UniProtKB:Q02297 14477 1 evidence: anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005245 MGI:109482 J:106959 MGI:1856209 14478 1 evidence:listeria colony formation assays anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050830 MGI:1355318 J:65439 MGI:3525439 14479 1 evidence:ELISA for cytokine expression patterns anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002829 MGI:1355318 J:65439 MGI:3525439 14480 1 evidence:ELISA for cytokine expression patterns anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002827 MGI:1355318 J:65439 MGI:3525439 14481 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032729 MGI:1355318 J:65439 MGI:3525439 14482 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048302 MGI:1355318 J:65439 MGI:3525439 14483 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:5134 anatomy:TS19, trigeminal V ; EMAP:3542 anatomy:TS19, vagus X ; EMAP:3543 anatomy:TS21, cervical ; EMAP:7124 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: : IMP GO:0043525 MGI:97306 J:68952 MGI:1857444 14484 2 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043525 MGI:97306 J:68952 MGI:1857444 14485 1 evidence:proliferation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002768 MGI:2658978 J:94873 MGI:3027713 14486 1 evidence:proliferation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046642 MGI:2658978 J:94873 MGI:3027713 14487 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:5134 anatomy:TS21, trigeminal V ; EMAP:5077 anatomy:TS21, vagus X ; EMAP:5078 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron neural crest derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: target: exter IGI GO:0007265 MGI:97306 J:63722 MGI:96680,MGI:96224 14488 2 nal ref: text: IGI GO:0007265 MGI:97306 J:63722 MGI:96680,MGI:96224 14489 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043407 MGI:97306 J:59248 MGI:96677,MGI:96974 14490 1 evidence: anatomy:peritoneal cavity ; MA:0000054 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:97306 J:59248 MGI:96677,MGI:96974 14491 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:5134 anatomy:TS21, trigeminal V ; EMAP:5077 anatomy:TS21, vagus X ; EMAP:5078 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron neural crest derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: target: exter IGI GO:0043525 MGI:97306 J:63722 MGI:96680,MGI:96224 14492 2 nal ref: text: IGI GO:0043525 MGI:97306 J:63722 MGI:96680,MGI:96224 14493 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:5134 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048011 MGI:97847 J:68953 N/A 14494 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:5285 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:95408 J:73780 MGI:1857575 14495 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:2836|EMAP:3461 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007420 MGI:95408 J:73780 MGI:1857575 14496 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:TS 12-18 IMP GO:0030324 MGI:104723 J:69852 MGI:2135961 14497 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy:EMAP:6651 cell type:CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97874 J:95106 N/A 14498 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy:EMAP:6651 cell type:CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96397 J:95106 N/A 14499 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:6651 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045651 MGI:97874 J:95106 MGI:1857242|MGI:2384134 14500 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy:EMAP:7364 cell type:CL:0000138 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:106918 J:72709 N/A 14501 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: lack of Hif1a leads to impaired growth arrest in growth plates of bone IMP GO:0045926 MGI:106918 J:72709 MGI:2386679|MGI:2386649 14502 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:5994 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:101900 J:95881 MGI:2386246 14503 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:P33434 external ref: text:activates MMP2 IMP GO:0031638 MGI:101900 J:95881 MGI:2386246 14504 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy:MA:0000154 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1202876 J:55937 N/A 14505 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy:MA:0000154 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96770 J:55937 N/A 14506 1 evidence:ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016055 MGI:1202879 J:45934 N/A 14507 1 evidence:ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0008013 MGI:1202879 J:45934 UniProtKB:Q02248 14508 1 evidence:ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88276 J:45934 UniProtKB:Q9Z1J1|UniProtKB:Q924A0 14509 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, mesenchyme derived from neural crest ; EMAP:3420 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|melanocyte ; CL:0000148 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:97306 J:69377 MGI:96974 14510 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, mesenchyme derived from neural crest ; EMAP:3420 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|melanocyte ; CL:0000148 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:97306 J:69377 MGI:1857444 14511 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, mesenchyme derived from neural crest ; EMAP:3420 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|melanocyte ; CL:0000148 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:95285 J:69377 N/A 14512 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, mesenchyme derived from neural crest ; EMAP:3420 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|melanocyte ; CL:0000148 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001755 MGI:96974 J:69377 N/A 14513 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, mesenchyme derived from neural crest ; EMAP:3420 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|melanocyte ; CL:0000148 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:96974 J:69377 N/A 14514 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, mesenchyme derived from neural crest ; EMAP:3420 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|melanocyte ; CL:0000148 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:96974 J:69377 MGI:97306 14515 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008624 MGI:99255 J:89131 N/A 14516 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:99255 J:89131 MGI:97306,MGI:97583 14517 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043066 MGI:97583 J:89131 MGI:97306,MGI:99255 14518 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:97306 J:89131 MGI:99255,MGI:97583,MGI:96974 14519 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043066 MGI:96974 J:89131 MGI:97306,MGI:95484 14520 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:95484 J:89131 MGI:96974 14521 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005096 MGI:97306 J:71331 MGI:1857478 14522 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007265 MGI:97306 J:71331 MGI:1857478 14523 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046579 MGI:96974 J:71331 N/A 14524 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:96974 J:71331 N/A 14525 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:96974 J:71331 MGI:97306 14526 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:97306 J:71331 MGI:96974,MGI:97846 14527 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:97846 J:71331 MGI:97306 14528 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:97846 J:71331 MGI:1857701 14529 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; CRL-1573 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0006405 MGI:1933192 J:100171 N/A 14530 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048169 MGI:97306 J:74257 MGI:1857478 14531 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048169 MGI:97306 J:74257 MGI:96680 14532 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048169 MGI:96680 J:74257 MGI:97306 14533 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0032228 MGI:96680 J:74257 MGI:97306 14534 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0032228 MGI:97306 J:74257 MGI:96680 14535 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:3470787|IPI text: ISO GO:0032311 MGI:88022 J:73065 UniProtKB:P03950 14536 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11165261|IMP text: ISO GO:0001932 MGI:1343135 J:67810 UniProtKB:O43181 14537 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19,endocardial cushion tissue ; EMAP:3686 cell type:endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007265 MGI:97306 J:80323 MGI:2176057|MGI:2450311 14538 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, endocardial cushion tissue ; EMAP:5311 anatomy:TS21, interventricular septum ; EMAP:5331 anatomy:TS21, atrio-ventricular cushion tissue ; EMAP:5287 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:97306 J:80323 MGI:2176057|MGI:2450311 14539 1 evidence: anatomy:endocardial lining ; EMAP:1322|endocardial lining ; EMAP:1328|endocardial lining ; EMAP:1332|endocardial tube ; EMAP:1340|endocardial lining ; EMAP:1344 cell type:endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external re IDA GO:0005737 MGI:102469 J:80323 N/A 14540 2 f: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:102469 J:80323 N/A 14541 1 evidence: anatomy:endocardial lining ; EMAP:1322|endocardial lining ; EMAP:1328|endocardial lining ; EMAP:1332|endocardial tube ; EMAP:1340|endocardial lining ; EMAP:1344 cell type:endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target:Nfatc1 ; MGI IMP GO:0042992 MGI:97306 J:80323 MGI:2176057|MGI:2450311 14542 2 :102469 external ref: text: IMP GO:0042992 MGI:97306 J:80323 MGI:2176057|MGI:2450311 14543 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:97306 J:80411 MGI:1857444 14544 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032320 MGI:97306 J:71331 MGI:1857478 14545 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, liver ; EMAP:5496 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|myeloid cell ; CL:0000763 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032320 MGI:97306 J:31568 MGI:1857444 14546 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046580 MGI:97306 J:80411 MGI:1857444 14547 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:97306 J:80411 MGI:98834|MGI:97874 14548 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:98834 J:80411 MGI:97306 14549 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:97874 J:80411 MGI:97306 14550 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Schwann cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030336 MGI:97306 J:88366 MGI:1857444 14551 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Schwann cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030336 MGI:97306 J:88366 MGI:1914172|MGI:98179 14552 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Schwann cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030336 MGI:98179 J:88366 MGI:97306 14553 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Schwann cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030335 MGI:1914172 J:88366 MGI:97306 14554 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Schwann cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014065 MGI:97306 J:88366 MGI:1857444 14555 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Schwann cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000165 MGI:97306 J:88366 MGI:1857444 14556 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000839 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:97306 J:90973 MGI:2176057|MGI:2176073 14557 1 evidence:apoptosis induction assay evidence:IB of phosphoserine anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:FL5.12 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005125 MGI:96552 J:88294 N/A 14558 1 evidence:ECO:0000126ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:0000011 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:1922169 J:115900 N/A 14559 1 evidence:ECO:0000092 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:0000007 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:3696042 J:116977 N/A 14560 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046580 MGI:97306 J:95509 MGI:2176057 14561 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0046580 MGI:97306 J:95509 MGI:96680 14562 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target:Kras ; MGI:96680 external ref: text: IGI GO:0005096 MGI:97306 J:95509 MGI:96680 14563 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030036 MGI:97306 J:95509 MGI:96680 14564 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:97306 J:95509 MGI:96680 14565 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0003924 MGI:96680 J:95509 MGI:97306 14566 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007265 MGI:96680 J:95509 MGI:97306 14567 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030036 MGI:96680 J:95509 MGI:97306 14568 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:96680 J:95509 MGI:97306 14569 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035021 MGI:97306 J:95509 MGI:96680 14570 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035022 MGI:96680 J:95509 MGI:97306 14571 1 evidence:apoptosis induction assay evidence:IB of phosphoserine anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:FL5.12 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043066 MGI:96552 J:88294 N/A 14572 1 evidence:GST-c-Jun kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:FL5.12 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046330 MGI:96552 J:88294 N/A 14573 1 evidence:GST-BAD kinase assay evidence:GST-c-Jun kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:FL5.12 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001934 MGI:96552 J:88294 N/A 14574 1 evidence:GST-BAD kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:FL5.12 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019221 MGI:1096330 J:88294 N/A 14575 1 evidence:caspase-9 activity assay evidence:caspase-3 activity assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:FL5.12 gene product: target: external ref: text:FL5.12 cells were transfected with Bad or IMP GO:0043281 MGI:1096330 J:88294 N/A 14576 2 mutants of Bad unable to be phosphorylated on particular residues IMP GO:0043281 MGI:1096330 J:88294 N/A 14577 1 evidence:apoptosis induction assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:FL5.12 gene product: target: external ref: text:FL5.12 cells were transfected with Bad or mutants of Bad unable to be phosp IMP GO:0042981 MGI:1096330 J:88294 N/A 14578 2 horylated on particular residues IMP GO:0042981 MGI:1096330 J:88294 N/A 14579 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046580 MGI:97306 J:98766 MGI:1857444 14580 1 evidence:GSK-c-Jun kinase assay anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007258 MGI:1346861 J:88294 MGI:2384141 14581 1 evidence:apoptosis induction assay with inhibitor evidence:GST-c-Jun kinase assay with inhibitor anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:FL5.12 gene product: target: external ref: text:SP600125 inhi IMP GO:0046330 MGI:96552 J:88294 N/A 14582 2 bitor of JNK1, JNK2, and JNK3 used IMP GO:0046330 MGI:96552 J:88294 N/A 14583 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021897 MGI:97306 J:98766 MGI:1857444 14584 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048715 MGI:97306 J:98766 MGI:1857444 14585 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS20, central nervous system ; EMAP:4125 cell type:neuroblast IMP GO:0008285 MGI:97306 J:98766 MGI:1857444 14586 2 ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:97306 J:98766 MGI:1857444 14587 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS20, central nervous system ; EMAP:4125 cell type:neuroblast IMP GO:0043065 MGI:97306 J:98766 MGI:1857444 14588 2 ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:97306 J:98766 MGI:1857444 14589 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043407 MGI:97306 J:103961 MGI:1857478 14590 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043407 MGI:97306 J:103961 MGI:96159 14591 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043407 MGI:96159 J:103961 MGI:97306 14592 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101|substance P secreting cell ; CL:0000505 gene product: target:Tac1 ; MGI:98474 external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:sensory neu IMP GO:0046929 MGI:97306 J:104588 MGI:1857478 14593 2 ron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target:Calca ; MGI:2151253 external ref: text: IMP GO:0046929 MGI:97306 J:104588 MGI:1857478 14594 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101|substance P secreting cell ; CL:0000505 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0046929 MGI:97306 J:104588 MGI:97321 14595 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101|substance P secreting cell ; CL:0000505 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0046928 MGI:97321 J:104588 MGI:97306 14596 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, embryo ; EMAP:3980 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001952 MGI:97306 J:104986 MGI:1857478 14597 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, embryo ; EMAP:3980 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030036 MGI:97306 J:104986 MGI:1857478 14598 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, embryo ; EMAP:3980 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005925 MGI:95481 J:104986 N/A 14599 1 evidence: anatomy:retina blood vessel ; MA:0001317 anatomy:corneal blood vessel ; MA:0001241 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045765 MGI:97306 J:108781 MGI:1857444 14600 1 evidence: anatomy:retina blood vessel ; MA:0001317 anatomy:corneal blood vessel ; MA:0001241 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001666 MGI:97306 J:108781 MGI:1857444 14601 1 evidence: anatomy:retina blood vessel ; MA:0001317 anatomy:corneal blood vessel ; MA:0001241 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001937 MGI:97306 J:108781 MGI:1857444 14602 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, forebrain ; EMAP:4127 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS20, forebrain ; EMAP:4127 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene pr IMP GO:0045762 MGI:97306 J:109327 MGI:1857444 14603 2 oduct: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045762 MGI:97306 J:109327 MGI:1857444 14604 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta smooth muscle ; MA:0000702 cell type:vascular associated smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000359 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030336 MGI:97306 J:109530 MGI:97528 14605 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta smooth muscle ; MA:0000702 cell type:vascular associated smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000359 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030336 MGI:97528 J:109530 MGI:97306 14606 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta smooth muscle ; MA:0000702 cell type:vascular associated smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000359 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001938 MGI:97528 J:109530 MGI:97306 14607 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta smooth muscle ; MA:0000702 cell type:vascular associated smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000359 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001938 MGI:97306 J:109530 MGI:97528 14608 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta smooth muscle ; MA:0000702 cell type:vascular associated smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000359 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043409 MGI:97306 J:109530 MGI:1857478 14609 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16648142|IMP text: ISO GO:0032320 MGI:97306 J:73065 UniProtKB:P21359 14610 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16648142|IMP text: ISO GO:0043409 MGI:97306 J:73065 UniProtKB:P21359 14611 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16648142|IMP text: ISO GO:0030336 MGI:97306 J:73065 UniProtKB:P21359 14612 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16648142|IMP text: ISO GO:0001937 MGI:97306 J:73065 UniProtKB:P21359 14613 1 evidence:ECO:0000092 anatomy:CL00002|ATCC:0000011 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005770 MGI:1929467 J:116248 N/A 14614 1 evidence:ECO:0000092 anatomy:CL00002|ATCC:0000011 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005770 MGI:1932697 J:116248 N/A 14615 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045766 MGI:95516 J:109532 N/A 14616 1 evidence: anatomy:blood vessel ; MA:0000060 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045766 MGI:95516 J:109532 MGI:97306 14617 1 evidence: anatomy:blood vessel ; MA:0000060 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0016525 MGI:97306 J:109532 MGI:95516 14618 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:97306 J:112050 MGI:1857478 14619 1 evidence:GSK-c-Jun kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:FL5.12 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14967141|IDA text:PMID:14967141 (J:88294)|UniProt:P45983 (MAPK8, human) ISO GO:0007258 MGI:1346861 J:73065 UniProtKB:P45983 14620 1 evidence:apoptosis induction assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:FL5.12 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14967141|IDA text:PMID:14967141 (J:88294)|UniProt:P45983 (MAPK8, human) ISO GO:0043066 MGI:1346861 J:73065 UniProtKB:P45983 14621 1 evidence:chromatographic phosphopeptide mapping anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14967141|IDA text:PMID:14967141 (J:88294)|UniProt:P45983 (MAPK8, human) ISO GO:0009411 MGI:1346861 J:73065 UniProtKB:P45983 14622 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046580 MGI:97306 J:112050 MGI:1857478 14623 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target:Abl1 ; MGI:87859 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006469 MGI:97306 J:112050 MGI:1857478 14624 1 evidence:in vitro activation of JNK1 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007254 MGI:1346872 J:88294 N/A 14625 1 evidence:in vitro activation of JNK1 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008545 MGI:1346872 J:88294 N/A 14626 1 evidence:in vitro activation of JNK1 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007257 MGI:1346872 J:88294 N/A 14627 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046579 MGI:1339753 J:114609 N/A 14628 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005096 MGI:97306 J:114609 N/A 14629 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target:Akt1 ; MGI:87986 external ref: text: IGI GO:0006469 MGI:97306 J:114609 MGI:1339753 14630 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target:Akt1 ; MGI:87986 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045860 MGI:1339753 J:114609 MGI:97306 14631 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:97306 J:114609 MGI:1857478 14632 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030335 MGI:1339753 J:114609 MGI:97306 14633 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001954 MGI:1339753 J:114609 MGI:97306 14634 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045672 MGI:1339753 J:114609 MGI:1100089 14635 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045672 MGI:1100089 J:114609 MGI:1339753 14636 1 evidence: anatomy:bone ; MA:0001459 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045124 MGI:97306 J:114609 MGI:1857478 14637 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0046580 MGI:97306 J:114609 MGI:1339753 14638 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045671 MGI:97306 J:114609 MGI:1339753|MGI:1100089|MGI:3607981 14639 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030336 MGI:97306 J:114609 MGI:1339753|MGI:3607981 14640 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001953 MGI:97306 J:114609 MGI:1339753|MGI:3607981 14641 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001953 MGI:97583 J:114609 MGI:97306 14642 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045671 MGI:97583 J:114609 MGI:97306 14643 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030335 MGI:97583 J:114609 MGI:97306 14644 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:mesenchyme condensation cell ; CL:0000335 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046580 MGI:97306 J:114925 MGI:1857478 14645 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001649 MGI:97306 J:114925 MGI:1857478 14646 1 evidence: anatomy:blood vessel endothelium ; MA:0000709 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:intestine epithelium ; MA:0001536 cell type:gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000 IMP GO:0006047 MGI:1342058 J:7986 MGI:3579308 14647 2 131 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006047 MGI:1342058 J:7986 MGI:3579308 14648 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005792 MGI:88589 J:17488 N/A 14649 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine epithelium ; MA:0001536 cell type:gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006047 MGI:1342058 J:17488 N/A 14650 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Vwf ; MGI:98941 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006486 MGI:1342058 J:52069 MGI:3618460 14651 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021702 MGI:96956 J:11192 MGI:1856075 14652 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021707 MGI:96956 J:11192 MGI:1856075 14653 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021587 MGI:96956 J:11192 MGI:1856075 14654 1 evidence: anatomy:tail bone ; MA:0000696 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:96956 J:11192 MGI:1856075 14655 1 evidence:IB of Bad-phosphothreonine anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 (MEFs) gene product: target:Bad ; MGI:1096330 external ref: text: IMP GO:0018107 MGI:1346861 J:88294 MGI:2384141 14656 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:FL5.12 gene product: target:Bad ; MGI:1096330 external ref:PMID:14967141|IDA text:PMID:14967141 (J:88294)|UniProt:P45983 (MAPK8, human) ISO GO:0004674 MGI:1346861 J:73065 UniProtKB:P45983 14657 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:rat prestin external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104662 J:98709 NCBI:NP_110467 14658 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:human PML external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97250 J:97160 UniProtKB:P29590 14659 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008378 MGI:95705 J:28214 N/A 14660 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007173 MGI:95294 J:28214 MGI:95290 14661 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:95294 J:28214 N/A 14662 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:95294 J:28214 MGI:95290|MGI:95705 14663 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007173 MGI:95290 J:28214 MGI:95294 14664 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:95290 J:28214 MGI:95705|MGI:95294 14665 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844|B4galt1 ; MGI:95705 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98372 J:31737 N/A 14666 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003831 MGI:95705 J:40026 MGI:2450889 14667 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006496 MGI:95705 J:40026 MGI:2450889 14668 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland milk ; MA:0002552 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005989 MGI:95705 J:40026 MGI:2450889 14669 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 anatomy:small intestine epithelium ; MA:0001553 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:95705 J:40026 MGI:2450889 14670 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine villus ; MA:0001563 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002064 MGI:95705 J:40026 MGI:2450889 14671 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007339 MGI:95705 J:43773 MGI:2178779 14672 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0007339 MGI:95705 J:43773 UniProtKB:P10761 14673 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0007339 MGI:95705 J:20319 UniProtKB:P10761 14674 1 evidence: anatomy:oviduct ; MA:0000385 cell type:egg ; CL:0000025 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0007339 MGI:99215 J:43773 UniProtKB:P15535 14675 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060046 MGI:95705 J:43773 MGI:2178779 14676 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048863 MGI:1919200 J:114674 N/A 14677 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007341 MGI:95705 J:43773 MGI:2178779 14678 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009986 MGI:95705 J:43773 N/A 14679 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003831 MGI:95705 J:47338 MGI:2450889 14680 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005243 MGI:1339969 J:55020 N/A 14681 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005921 MGI:1339969 J:55020 N/A 14682 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007276 MGI:1339969 J:55020 N/A 14683 1 evidence: anatomy:retina layer ; MA:0001319 cell type:horizontal cell ; CL:0000745 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007416 MGI:1339969 J:111597 MGI:3043946 14684 1 evidence: anatomy:retina layer ; MA:0001319 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009416 MGI:1339969 J:111597 MGI:3043946 14685 1 evidence: anatomy:retina layer ; MA:0001319 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050908 MGI:1339969 J:111597 MGI:3043946 14686 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003831 MGI:95705 J:55876 MGI:2450889 14687 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009101 MGI:95705 J:55876 MGI:2450889 14688 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009101 MGI:95705 J:70854 MGI:2450889 14689 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042060 MGI:95705 J:89125 MGI:2450889 14690 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050900 MGI:95705 J:89125 MGI:2450889 14691 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009101 MGI:95705 J:90896 MGI:2450889 14692 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:leukocyte ; CL:0000738 cell type:monocyte ; CL:0000576 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007155 MGI:95705 J:106669 MGI:98280 14693 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:leukocyte ; CL:0000738 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009101 MGI:95705 J:106669 MGI:2450889 14694 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002526 MGI:95705 J:106669 MGI:2450889 14695 1 evidence: anatomy:leg muscle ; MA:0000672 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048741 MGI:97628 J:4723 MGI:1856996 14696 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland alveolus ; MA:0002760 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:95705 J:92325 MGI:2178779 14697 1 evidence: anatomy:peroneal nerve ; MA:0001169 anatomy:saphenous nerve ; MA:0002761 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007422 MGI:97628 J:4723 MGI:1856996 14698 1 evidence: anatomy:peroneal nerve ; MA:0001169 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007422 MGI:97628 J:8195 MGI:1856996 14699 1 evidence: anatomy:leg muscle ; MA:0000672 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048741 MGI:97628 J:8195 MGI:1856996 14700 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, notochord ; EMAP:4109|TS20, tail ; EMAP:4121 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030903 MGI:98265 J:4754 MGI:1857746 14701 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Rgs6, Rgs7, Rgs8, Rgs11 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106334 J:100172 UniProtKB:Q9Z2H2|UniProtKB:O54829|UniProtKB:O54828|UniProtKB:Q9Z2H1 14702 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Rgs7bp IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1354730 J:100172 UniProtKB:Q3UVC4 14703 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Rgs7bp IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1346089 J:100172 UniProtKB:Q3UVC4 14704 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Rgs7bp IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1354739 J:100172 UniProtKB:Q3UVC4 14705 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004035 MGI:87983 J:21480 N/A 14706 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:87983 J:21480 N/A 14707 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|L cell ; gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005882 MGI:97313 J:28596 N/A 14708 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|L cell ; gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005882 MGI:98932 J:28596 N/A 14709 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, atrio-ventricular canal ; EMAP:1318 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048738 MGI:98494 J:93610 MGI:3505715 14710 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, atrio-ventricular canal ; EMAP:1318 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007521 MGI:98494 J:93610 MGI:3505715 14711 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, future midbrain ; EMAP:1218 anatomy:TS15, future rhombencephalon ; EMAP:1223 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0022004 MGI:98953 J:29060 MGI:1856382 14712 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|autonomic neuron ; CL:0000107 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048666 MGI:96919 J:30246 MGI:1857470 14713 1 evidence:antisense anatomy:TS21, vestibulocochlear VIII ; EMAP:5081 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045773 MGI:97321 J:32557 N/A 14714 1 evidence:antisense anatomy:TS21, vestibulocochlear VIII ; EMAP:5081 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:97380 J:32557 N/A 14715 1 evidence:antisense anatomy:TS21, vestibulocochlear VIII ; EMAP:5081 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:88145 J:32557 N/A 14716 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14, caudal neuropore ; EMAP:854 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021506 MGI:104671 J:33032 MGI:1888387 14717 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, cranium ; EMAP:9682 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048701 MGI:104671 J:33032 MGI:1888387 14718 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, maxilla ; EMAP:9458 anatomy:TS24, mandible ; EMAP:9435 anatomy:TS24, Meckel's cartilage ; EMAP:9436 anatomy:TS24, vertebra ; EMAP:9742|TS24, vertebra ; EMAP:9665|TS24, vertebra ; EMAP:9672|TS24, vertebra ; EMAP:9675|TS24, vertebra IMP GO:0048705 MGI:104671 J:33032 MGI:1888387 14719 2 ; EMAP:9681 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048705 MGI:104671 J:33032 MGI:1888387 14720 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, heart ; EMAP:1317 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016020 MGI:88276 J:33980 N/A 14721 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, heart ; EMAP:7907 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS23, diaphragm ; EMAP:7151 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: t IDA GO:0030018 MGI:88276 J:33980 N/A 14722 2 arget: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030018 MGI:88276 J:33980 N/A 14723 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, heart ; EMAP:7907 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS23, diaphragm ; EMAP:7151 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: t IDA GO:0030018 MGI:96650 J:33980 N/A 14724 2 arget: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030018 MGI:96650 J:33980 N/A 14725 1 evidence: anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 cell type:peripheral neuron ; CL:0000111 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:97313 J:33980 N/A 14726 1 evidence: anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 cell type:peripheral neuron ; CL:0000111 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005883 MGI:97313 J:33980 N/A 14727 1 evidence: anatomy:gastrocnemius ; MA:0002306 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031594 MGI:106672 J:36170 N/A 14728 1 evidence: anatomy:intercostales ; MA:0002324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031594 MGI:99422 J:37005 N/A 14729 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:894318 J:41229 N/A 14730 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:894318 J:41229 N/A 14731 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:894318 J:41229 N/A 14732 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:101765 J:41229 N/A 14733 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004672 MGI:101765 J:41229 N/A 14734 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Cep78 ; MGI:1924386 external ref: text: IDA GO:0004674 MGI:101765 J:85235 N/A 14735 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045109 MGI:97313 J:42834 N/A 14736 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050772 MGI:97313 J:42834 N/A 14737 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:97313 J:42834 N/A 14738 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type:peripheral neuron ; CL:0000111 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014012 MGI:97313 J:44421 MGI:2180095 14739 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type:peripheral neuron ; CL:0000111 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031133 MGI:97313 J:44421 MGI:2180095 14740 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000782|CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002102 MGI:2147790 J:114381 N/A 14741 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000057|CL:0000312 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005925 MGI:2443583 J:114381 N/A 14742 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000057|CL:0000312 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031941 MGI:2443583 J:114381 N/A 14743 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000057|CL:0000312 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031941 MGI:2385001 J:114381 N/A 14744 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000057|CL:0000312 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001725 MGI:2385001 J:114381 N/A 14745 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000018|CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001669 MGI:1924106 J:117731 N/A 14746 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000018|CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001669 MGI:3043288 J:117731 N/A 14747 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 anatomy:ventral root ; cell type:peripheral neuron ; CL:0000111 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:000 IMP GO:0031133 MGI:97314 J:47438 MGI:2180135 14748 2 0117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031133 MGI:97314 J:47438 MGI:2180135 14749 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, colon ; EMAP:12143 cell type:neuron neural crest derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:95285 J:48411 MGI:1856392 14750 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, colon ; EMAP:9423 cell type:neural crest cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001755 MGI:95285 J:48411 MGI:1856392 14751 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, spinal cord ; EMAP:5706 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008045 MGI:102673 J:51420 MGI:101776 14752 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, spinal cord ; EMAP:5706 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021526 MGI:101776 J:51420 MGI:102673 14753 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, spinal cord ; EMAP:5706 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008045 MGI:101776 J:51420 MGI:102673 14754 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, spinal cord ; EMAP:5706 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021526 MGI:102673 J:51420 MGI:101776 14755 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, lateral semicircular canal ; EMAP:7767 anatomy:TS23, utricle ; EMAP:7761 anatomy:TS23, saccule ; EMAP:7754 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042472 MGI:97450 J:53713 MGI:97451 14756 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, lateral semicircular canal ; EMAP:7767 anatomy:TS23, utricle ; EMAP:7761 anatomy:TS23, saccule ; EMAP:7754 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:97450 J:53713 MGI:2136272 14757 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, saccule ; EMAP:3590 anatomy:TS19, saccule ; EMAP:3590 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042472 MGI:97451 J:53713 MGI:97450 14758 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, gut ; EMAP:4110 anatomy:TS24, gut ; EMAP:9291 anatomy:gut ; MA:0000917 cell type:neuron neural crest derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005883 MGI:97309 J:54791 N/A 14759 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, gut ; EMAP:4110 anatomy:TS24, gut ; EMAP:9291 anatomy:gut ; MA:0000917 cell type:neuron neural crest derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005883 MGI:97314 J:54791 N/A 14760 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, gut ; EMAP:4110 anatomy:TS24, gut ; EMAP:9291 anatomy:gut ; MA:0000917 cell type:neuron neural crest derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005883 MGI:97313 J:54791 N/A 14761 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, gut ; EMAP:4110 anatomy:TS24, gut ; EMAP:9291 anatomy:gut ; MA:0000917 cell type:neuron neural crest derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005883 MGI:96568 J:54791 N/A 14762 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, gut ; EMAP:4110 anatomy:TS24, gut ; EMAP:9291 anatomy:gut ; MA:0000917 cell type:neuron neural crest derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005883 MGI:97774 J:54791 N/A 14763 1 evidence:blockade of MyD88 signaling pathways serving TLR3 and TLR4 anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002756 MGI:2147032 J:84896 MGI:2679794 14764 1 evidence:interferon-alpha/beta production following mCMV infection anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:plaque assay of following mCMV infection anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene pr IMP GO:0051607 MGI:2147032 J:84896 MGI:2679794 14765 2 oduct: target: external ref: text: evidence:plaque assay of following vaccinia virus infection anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051607 MGI:2147032 J:84896 MGI:2679794 14766 1 evidence:LPS induced apoptosis anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008624 MGI:2147032 J:84896 MGI:2679794 14767 1 evidence:western blot of various phosphorylated intracellular signaling molecules anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031663 MGI:2147032 J:84896 MGI:2679794 14768 1 evidence:TNF release upon activation induced by LPS as measured by TNF activity assay anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002281 MGI:2147032 J:84896 MGI:2679794 14769 1 evidence:interferon-alpha/beta production assay anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032481 MGI:2147032 J:84896 MGI:2679794 14770 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045359 MGI:2147032 J:84896 MGI:2679794 14771 1 evidence:Greiss assay for NO anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045429 MGI:2147032 J:84896 MGI:2679794 14772 1 evidence:TNF release upon activation induced by LPS as measured by TNF activity assay evidence:western blot anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0032760 MGI:2147032 J:84896 MGI:108005 14773 1 evidence:TNF release upon activation as measured by TNF activity assay anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032760 MGI:2147032 J:84896 MGI:2679794 14774 1 evidence:IB of IRF-3 phosphodimer formation anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043496 MGI:2147032 J:84896 MGI:2679794 14775 1 evidence:TNF release upon activation induced by poly I:C as measured by TNF activity assay evidence:western blot anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text:macrophages from MGI:2679794 (Lps2, Ticam2-KO) IDA GO:0043330 MGI:2147032 J:84896 N/A 14776 2 were transfected with cloned normal Ticam2 IDA GO:0043330 MGI:2147032 J:84896 N/A 14777 1 evidence:TNF release upon activation induced by LPS as measured by TNF activity assay evidence:western blot anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0032496 MGI:2147032 J:84896 MGI:108005 14778 1 evidence:TNF release upon activation induced by LPS as measured by TNF activity assay anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032496 MGI:2147032 J:84896 MGI:2679794 14779 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 anatomy:ventral root ; cell type:peripheral neuron ; CL:0000111 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:000 IMP GO:0060052 MGI:97314 J:47438 MGI:2180135 14780 2 0117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060052 MGI:97314 J:47438 MGI:2180135 14781 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type:peripheral neuron ; CL:0000111 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060052 MGI:97313 J:44421 MGI:2180095 14782 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031663 MGI:1859179 J:84896 N/A 14783 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042803 MGI:1859179 J:84896 N/A 14784 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043330 MGI:1859179 J:84896 N/A 14785 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032496 MGI:1859179 J:84896 N/A 14786 1 evidence:TNF release upon activation induced by poly (I:C) as measured by TNF activity assay evidence:western blot anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text:macrophages from MGI:2679794 (Lps2, Ticam2-KO IDA GO:0032760 MGI:2147032 J:84896 N/A 14787 2 ) were transfected with cloned normal Ticam2 IDA GO:0032760 MGI:2147032 J:84896 N/A 14788 1 evidence:TNF release upon activation by poly (I:C) as measured by TNF activity assay anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043330 MGI:2147032 J:84896 MGI:2679794 14789 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019221 MGI:103063 J:84896 N/A 14790 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031663 MGI:103063 J:84896 N/A 14791 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043330 MGI:103063 J:84896 N/A 14792 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032496 MGI:103063 J:84896 N/A 14793 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031663 MGI:1346858 J:84896 N/A 14794 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043330 MGI:1346858 J:84896 N/A 14795 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032496 MGI:1346858 J:84896 N/A 14796 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031663 MGI:1346859 J:84896 N/A 14797 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043330 MGI:1346859 J:84896 N/A 14798 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032496 MGI:1346859 J:84896 N/A 14799 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031663 MGI:104741 J:84896 N/A 14800 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043330 MGI:104741 J:84896 N/A 14801 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032496 MGI:104741 J:84896 N/A 14802 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031663 MGI:1346865 J:84896 N/A 14803 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032496 MGI:1346865 J:84896 N/A 14804 1 evidence:TNF activity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:104798 J:84896 N/A 14805 1 evidence:TNF production upon LPS stimulation measured by TNF activity assay anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002755 MGI:108005 J:84896 MGI:2385681 14806 1 evidence:TNF production upon LPS stimulation measured by TNF activity assay anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0032760 MGI:108005 J:84896 MGI:2147032 14807 1 evidence:TNF production upon LPS stimulation measured by TNF activity assay anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032760 MGI:108005 J:84896 MGI:2385681 14808 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032496 MGI:108005 J:84896 MGI:2385681 14809 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0032496 MGI:108005 J:84896 MGI:2147032 14810 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0032760 MGI:108005 J:89998 MGI:2385681 14811 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0032760 MGI:1346060 J:89998 MGI:2178675 14812 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA GO:0032760 MGI:1861431 J:87632 N/A 14813 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:also studies on cytoplasmic tail mutants done IDA GO:0002752 MGI:1861431 J:89998 N/A 14814 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|macrophage ; CL:0000235|cell_line:RAW264.7 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002238 MGI:1861431 J:89998 N/A 14815 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002238 MGI:1346060 J:89998 MGI:2178675 14816 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002755 MGI:1346060 J:89998 MGI:108005 14817 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0002752 MGI:1346060 J:89998 MGI:2178675 14818 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0007166 MGI:108005 J:89998 MGI:2385681 14819 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002755 MGI:108005 J:89998 MGI:1346060 14820 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032496 MGI:108005 J:89998 MGI:2385681 14821 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002238 MGI:108005 J:89998 MGI:2385681 14822 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, optic chiasma ; EMAP:6329|TS22, optic nerve ; EMAP:6332 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016198 MGI:95639 J:22966 MGI:2448337 14823 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, optic nerve ; EMAP:6332|TS22, diencephalon ; EMAP:6020 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:95639 J:60394 MGI:2448337 14824 1 evidence:antisense anatomy:TS26, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048812 MGI:1202388 J:49905 N/A 14825 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048813 MGI:94941 J:95820 MGI:2137230 14826 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019717 MGI:94941 J:111190 N/A 14827 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045202 MGI:94941 J:111190 N/A 14828 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045202 MGI:1277959 J:111190 N/A 14829 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045202 MGI:98460 J:111190 N/A 14830 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050808 MGI:98962 J:111190 MGI:98961 14831 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text:s IMP GO:0001505 MGI:94941 J:111190 MGI:2137230 14832 2 ynaptic vesicle recycling IMP GO:0001505 MGI:94941 J:111190 MGI:2137230 14833 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050808 MGI:94941 J:111190 MGI:2137230 14834 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050808 MGI:94941 J:111190 MGI:98961 14835 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050808 MGI:98961 J:111190 MGI:94941 14836 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002756 MGI:2147032 J:84679 MGI:3029019 14837 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051092 MGI:2147032 J:84679 MGI:108005 14838 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051092 MGI:2147032 J:84679 MGI:3029019 14839 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031663 MGI:2147032 J:84679 MGI:3029019 14840 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050871 MGI:2147032 J:84679 MGI:3029019 14841 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferations assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030890 MGI:2147032 J:84679 MGI:3029019 14842 1 evidence:northern blot of chemokine RNAs anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target:Cxcl10 ; MGI:1352450 (IP-10) target:Ccl5 ; MGI:98262 (RANTES) target:Ccl2 ; MGI:98259 (MCP-1) external ref: text: IMP GO:0045080 MGI:2147032 J:84679 MGI:3029019 14843 1 evidence:northern blot of chemokine RNAs anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target:Cxcl10 ; MGI:1352450 (IP-10) target:Ccl5 ; MGI:98262 (RANTES) target:Ccl2 ; MGI:98259 (MCP-1) external ref: text: IGI GO:0045080 MGI:2147032 J:84679 MGI:108005 14844 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045359 MGI:2147032 J:84679 MGI:3029019 14845 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032755 MGI:2147032 J:84679 MGI:3029019 14846 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032760 MGI:2147032 J:84679 MGI:3029019 14847 1 evidence:northern blot of cytokine and chemokine RNA upregulation anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043330 MGI:2147032 J:84679 MGI:3029019 14848 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032496 MGI:2147032 J:84679 MGI:3029019 14849 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007269 MGI:98961 J:111190 MGI:94941 14850 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050808 MGI:98961 J:111190 MGI:1857704 14851 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007269 MGI:94941 J:111190 MGI:98961 14852 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051092 MGI:2156367 J:84679 MGI:3690535 14853 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043123 MGI:2156367 J:84679 MGI:3690535 14854 1 evidence:NF-kappaB EMSA anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043123 MGI:2147032 J:84679 MGI:3029019 14855 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043123 MGI:2147032 J:84679 MGI:108005 14856 1 evidence:northern blot of chemokine RNAs anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target:Cxcl10 ; MGI:1352450 (IP-10) target:Ccl5 ; MGI:98262 (RANTES) target:Ccl2 ; MGI:98259 (MCP-1) external ref: text: IMP GO:0045080 MGI:2156367 J:84679 MGI:3690535 14857 1 evidence:northern blot of cytokine and chemokine RNA upregulation anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043330 MGI:2156367 J:84679 MGI:3690535 14858 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051092 MGI:108005 J:84679 MGI:2147032 14859 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051092 MGI:108005 J:84679 MGI:2385681 14860 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031663 MGI:108005 J:84679 MGI:2385681 14861 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043123 MGI:108005 J:84679 MGI:2385681 14862 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043123 MGI:108005 J:84679 MGI:2147032 14863 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032496 MGI:108005 J:84679 MGI:2385681 14864 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046330 MGI:108005 J:84679 MGI:2385681 14865 1 evidence:northern blot of chemokine RNAs anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target:Cxcl10 ; MGI:1352450 (IP-10) target:Ccl5 ; MGI:98262 (RANTES) target:Ccl2 ; MGI:98259 (MCP-1) external ref: text: IGI GO:0045080 MGI:108005 J:84679 MGI:2147032 14866 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031663 MGI:107420 J:84679 N/A 14867 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032496 MGI:107420 J:84679 N/A 14868 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031663 MGI:1859179 J:84679 N/A 14869 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042803 MGI:1859179 J:84679 N/A 14870 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043330 MGI:1859179 J:84679 N/A 14871 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032496 MGI:1859179 J:84679 N/A 14872 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:104798 J:84679 N/A 14873 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96559 J:84679 N/A 14874 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96540 J:84679 N/A 14875 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:changed Li's annotation of flagellum to specifically microtubule-based flagellum to distinquish it from bacterial flagellum IDA GO:0009434 MGI:2387404 J:78669 N/A 14876 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007528 MGI:103581 J:78399 MGI:94941|MGI:87961 14877 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043113 MGI:103581 J:78399 MGI:94941|MGI:87961 14878 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:87961 J:78399 N/A 14879 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: Claim that J:117731's acrosome labeling is non-specific IDA GO:0001669 MGI:3043288 J:116406 N/A 14880 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:94941 J:78399 UniProtKB:Q61006|UniProtKB:O88643 14881 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:103581 J:78399 UniProtKB:P51141|UniProtKB:O88643 14882 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007528 MGI:1339975 J:78399 MGI:87961|MGI:94941 14883 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043113 MGI:1339975 J:78399 MGI:87961|MGI:94941 14884 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007528 MGI:87961 J:78399 MGI:103581|MGI:94941|MGI:1339975 14885 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043113 MGI:87961 J:78399 MGI:103581|MGI:94941|MGI:1339975 14886 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007528 MGI:94941 J:78399 MGI:87961|MGI:103581|MGI:1339975 14887 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043113 MGI:94941 J:78399 MGI:87961|MGI:103581|MGI:1339975 14888 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:note: they do an in vitro fertilization assay!! IMP GO:0009566 MGI:2387404 J:86972 MGI:2683843 14889 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16716191|IPI|UniProt:O00221 text: ISA GO:0005515 MGI:2442163 J:116466 UniProtKB:Q2M2H3 14890 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16716191|IPI|UniProt:O00743 text: ISA GO:0019903 MGI:2442163 J:116466 UniProtKB:Q2M2H3 14891 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16716191|IPI|UniProt:Q2M2H3|UniProt:Q75170|UniProt:Q5H9R7 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1915107 J:116466 UniProtKB:O00743 14892 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16716191|IPI|UniProt:O00743 text: ISA GO:0019903 MGI:1921807 J:116466 UniProtKB:Q5H9R7 14893 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16716191|IPI|UniProt:Q2M2H3|UniProt:Q75170 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1194908 J:116466 UniProtKB:O00221 14894 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16716191|IPI|UniProt:O00221 text: ISA GO:0005515 MGI:1918724 J:116466 UniProtKB:Q75170 14895 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16716191|IPI|UniProt:O00743 text: ISA GO:0019903 MGI:1918724 J:116466 UniProtKB:Q75170 14896 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, spinal cord ; EMAP:7671 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021529 MGI:97347 J:97013 MGI:1932100 14897 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, spinal cord ; EMAP:7671 anatomy:TS25, midbrain ; EMAP:10402 anatomy:TS25, hindbrain ; EMAP:10181 anatomy:corpus callosum ; MA:0000188 anatomy:anterior commissure ; MA:0002722 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:striatum ; IMP GO:0014003 MGI:97347 J:97013 MGI:1932100 14898 2 MA:0000891 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014003 MGI:97347 J:97013 MGI:1932100 14899 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Plp1 ; MGI:97623 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97347 J:97013 N/A 14900 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4994 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117|glial_cell_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000243 gene product: text: IMP GO:0021813 MGI:108554 J:90026 MGI:1856801 14901 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,cerebral cortex; EMAP:4994 cell type:CNS_neuron_(sensu_Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: text: IMP GO:0007162 MGI:108554 J:90026 MGI:1856801 14902 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021589 MGI:108554 J:43647 MGI:1861918 14903 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex layer ; MA:0000186 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus layer ; MA:0002427 anatomy:dentate gyrus ; MA:0000190 cell type:pyramid IMP GO:0021799 MGI:108554 J:43647 MGI:1861918 14904 2 al cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021799 MGI:108554 J:43647 MGI:1861918 14905 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellar layer ; MA:0000201 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021942 MGI:108554 J:43647 MGI:1861918 14906 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 cell type:neuroepithelial cell ; CL:0000710 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000922 MGI:1334448 J:111698 N/A 14907 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy:TS20, telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuroepithelial cell ; CL:0000710 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051661 MGI:1334448 J:111698 N/A 14908 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy:TS20, telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuroepithelial cell ; CL:0000710 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045769 MGI:1334448 J:111698 N/A 14909 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, brain ; EMAP:2229 cell type:CNS neuron ; sensu Vertebrata gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045665 MGI:1334448 J:111698 N/A 14910 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy:TS20, telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuroepithelial cell ; CL:0000710 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021873 MGI:1334448 J:111698 N/A 14911 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151|blood vessel ; MA:0000060 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060055 MGI:95705 J:89125 MGI:2450889 14912 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060054 MGI:95705 J:89125 MGI:2450889 14913 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,telencephalon; EMAP:2251 anatomy:TS22\,telencephalon; EMAP:6075 cell type:neurectodermal cell ; CL:0000133 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0002052 MGI:1347464 J:99329 MGI:1932522 14914 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, posterior semicircular canal ; EMAP:3596|TS19, superior semicircular canal ; EMAP:3599 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:1347464 J:111604 MGI:2388671 14915 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19, posterior semicircular canal ; EMAP:3596|TS19, superior semicircular canal ; EMAP:3599 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042472 MGI:1347464 J:111604 MGI:1099809 14916 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, inner ear EMAP:11884 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048667 MGI:1347464 J:111604 MGI:2388671 14917 1 evidence: anatomy:optic II nerve ; MA:0001097 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060052 MGI:97313 J:55800 MGI:96568 14918 1 evidence: anatomy:optic II nerve ; MA:0001097 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060052 MGI:96568 J:55800 MGI:97313 14919 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008543 MGI:99604 J:56088 N/A 14920 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:99604 J:56088 N/A 14921 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008543 MGI:1202401 J:56088 N/A 14922 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:1202401 J:56088 N/A 14923 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008090 MGI:104627 J:86328 MGI:2429314 14924 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|PC-12 ; ATCC:CRL-1721 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030182 MGI:1202388 J:118056 N/A 14925 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text:ventral root IMP GO:0031133 MGI:97314 J:56931 MGI:2180106 14926 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008088 MGI:97314 J:56931 MGI:2180106 14927 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045110 MGI:97314 J:56931 MGI:97313|MGI:97309 14928 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060052 MGI:97314 J:56931 MGI:97313|MGI:97309 14929 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045110 MGI:97313 J:56931 MGI:97314|MGI:97309 14930 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060052 MGI:97313 J:56931 MGI:97314|MGI:97309 14931 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045110 MGI:97309 J:56931 MGI:97313|MGI:97314 14932 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060052 MGI:97309 J:56931 MGI:97313|MGI:97314 14933 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0000226 MGI:97309 J:56931 MGI:97314 14934 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0000226 MGI:97314 J:56931 MGI:97309 14935 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text:ventral root IMP GO:0060052 MGI:97313 J:58388 MGI:2180095 14936 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10673337|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1354386 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NRM7 14937 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048812 MGI:97313 J:63482 MGI:2180095 14938 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:97313 J:63482 MGI:2180095 14939 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97451 J:63629 N/A 14940 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, pigmented retinal epithelium ; EMAP:9253 anatomy: cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:retina inner nuclear layer ; MA:0001311 cell type:retinal bipola IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97451 J:63629 N/A 14941 2 r neuron ; CL:0000748 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS24, retina ; EMAP:9246 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97451 J:63629 N/A 14942 1 evidence: anatomy:prostate gland ventral lobe ; MA:0001740 anatomy:prostate gland dorsolateral lobe ; MA:0001739 anatomy:palatine gland ; MA:0001584 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:97352 J:64981 MGI:1928655 14943 1 evidence: anatomy:palatine gland ; MA:0001584 anatomy:prostate gland epithelium ; MA:0001737 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050680 MGI:97352 J:64981 MGI:1928655 14944 1 evidence: anatomy:prostate gland ventral lobe ; MA:0001740 anatomy:prostate gland dorsolateral lobe ; MA:0001739 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030850 MGI:97352 J:64981 MGI:1928655 14945 1 evidence: anatomy:accessory olfactory bulb ; MA:0000966 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:107444 J:67679 MGI:2429768 14946 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ventral horn ; MA:0001134 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060052 MGI:98351 J:69136 MGI:3574016 14947 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16716191|IDA text: ISA GO:0043666 MGI:1918724 J:116466 UniProtKB:Q75170 14948 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16716191|IDA text: ISA GO:0043666 MGI:2442163 J:116466 UniProtKB:Q2M2H3 14949 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ventral horn ; MA:0001134 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060052 MGI:98351 J:69136 MGI:97313 14950 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16716191|IDA text: ISA GO:0043666 MGI:1921807 J:116466 UniProtKB:Q5H9R7 14951 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ventral horn ; MA:0001134 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060052 MGI:97313 J:69136 MGI:98351 14952 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ventral horn ; MA:0001134 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031133 MGI:97313 J:69136 MGI:2180095 14953 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16716191|IDA text: ISO GO:0005829 MGI:1915107 J:116466 UniProtKB:O00743 14954 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16716191|IDA text: ISO GO:0006470 MGI:1915107 J:116466 UniProtKB:O00743 14955 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16716191|IDA text: ISO GO:0004722 MGI:1915107 J:116466 UniProtKB:O00743 14956 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord [MA:0000216] cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060052 MGI:97313 J:70838 MGI:2180095 14957 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord [MA:0000216] cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000226 MGI:97313 J:70838 MGI:2180095 14958 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060052 MGI:2178798 J:71188 MGI:1857091 14959 1 evidence: anatomy:endolymphatic appendage ; EMAP:2994 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:95523 J:72516 MGI:2153811 14960 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, retina ; EMAP:9246 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048676 MGI:102524 J:73779 MGI:102523 14961 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, retina ; EMAP:9246 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048676 MGI:102523 J:73779 MGI:102524 14962 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0031290 MGI:102523 J:73779 MGI:102524 14963 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0031290 MGI:102524 J:73779 MGI:102523 14964 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; EMAP:4936|optic chiasma ; EMAP:7820 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0031290 MGI:1315205 J:73904 MGI:1315203 14965 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; EMAP:4936|optic chiasma ; EMAP:7820 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0031290 MGI:1315203 J:73904 MGI:1315205 14966 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|SW-13 ; ATCC:CCL-105 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005882 MGI:97774 J:82517 N/A 14967 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|SW-13 ; ATCC:CCL-105 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045104 MGI:97774 J:82517 N/A 14968 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0060053 MGI:1932915 J:91559 N/A 14969 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CAD gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060052 MGI:1932915 J:91559 N/A 14970 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021955 MGI:1932915 J:91559 N/A 14971 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8988165|IMP text: ISO GO:0035136 MGI:102541 J:37424 UniProtKB:Q99593 14972 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8988164|IMP text: ISO GO:0035136 MGI:102541 J:37423 UniProtKB:Q99593 14973 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8988164|IMP text: ISO GO:0007507 MGI:102541 J:37423 UniProtKB:Q99593 14974 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8988165|IMP text: ISO GO:0007507 MGI:102541 J:37424 UniProtKB:Q99593 14975 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Nkx2-5 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:102541 J:71845 UniProtKB:P42582 14976 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15843409|IPI|UniProt:Q000T4 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:101791 J:101739 UniProtKB:P61371 14977 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15843409|IPI|UniProt:P61371 text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1888496 J:101739 UniProtKB:Q000T4 14978 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003007 MGI:1914243 J:94180 N/A 14979 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042692 MGI:1914243 J:94180 N/A 14980 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Gata4 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914243 J:94180 UniProtKB:Q08369 14981 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Cdh23,Myo7a,Pcdh15,Ush1g IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1919338 J:95929 UniProtKB:Q5DUA3|UniProtKB:P97479|UniProtKB:Q99PJ1|UniProtKB:Q80T11 14982 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ush1c IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1891428 J:95929 UniProtKB:Q9ES64 14983 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, endolymphatic sac EMAP:4299 anatomy:TS20, cochlea ; EMAP:4309 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:97486 J:92326 MGI:1857673 14984 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Robo3 ; MGI:1343102 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97486 J:78851 N/A 14985 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97313 J:106807 UniProtKB:P97433 14986 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1346016 J:106807 UniProtKB:P08551 14987 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060052 MGI:1346016 J:106807 N/A 14988 1 evidence: anatomy:TS16, ectoderm ; EMAP:1493 anatomy:TS17, facial ganglion VII ; EMAP:2333 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048699 MGI:95522 J:105216 MGI:2153343 14989 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ush1c,Myo7a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2450757 J:95929 UniProtKB:Q9ES64|UniProtKB:P97479 14990 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ush1c IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1890219 J:95929 UniProtKB:Q9ES64 14991 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ush1c,Ush1g IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104510 J:95929 UniProtKB:Q9ES64|UniProtKB:Q80T11 14992 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ush2a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88457 J:87900 UniProtKB:Q2QI47 14993 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Rgs7bp IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1338824 J:100172 UniProtKB:Q3UVC4 14994 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Rgs7bp IPI GO:0005515 MGI:101848 J:100172 UniProtKB:Q3UVC4 14995 1 evidence:histidine ammonia-lyase enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004397 MGI:96010 J:4406 N/A 14996 1 evidence:histidine ammonia-lyase enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006548 MGI:96010 J:4406 N/A 14997 1 evidence:cell fractionations followed by enzyme assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected with mouse Hal cDNA (MGI:96010) IDA GO:0005625 MGI:96010 J:4406 N/A 14998 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:97252 J:63517 MGI:1857219 14999 1 evidence:expression of myotome specific genes anatomy:TS14,somite,paraxial mesenchyme,trunk mesenchyme ; EMAP:726 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:disruption of early myotome formation IMP GO:0001756 MGI:97252 J:63517 MGI:2449231 15000 1 evidence:IF anatomy:triceps surae ; MA:0002400 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031674 MGI:1097717 J:87870 N/A 15001 1 evidence:yeast two-hybrid anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1097717 J:87870 NCBI:NP_035782 15002 1 evidence:IF anatomy:triceps surae ; MA:0002400 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031674 MGI:1861447 J:87870 N/A 15003 1 evidence:IF anatomy:triceps surae ; MA:0002400 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031674 MGI:1925571 J:87870 N/A 15004 1 evidence:yeast two-hybrid anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98864 J:87870 UniProtKB:Q9CR42|UniProtKB:Q64691 15005 1 evidence:yeast two-hybrid anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107437 J:87870 NCBI:NP_035782 15006 1 evidence:gait analysis of heterzygous animals vs. homzygous wt animals anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043056 MGI:98864 J:101746 MGI:1856953 15007 1 evidence:gait analysis of heterzygous animals vs. homzygous wt animals anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:this is the authors' interpretation of their data IMP GO:0006936 MGI:98864 J:101746 MGI:1856953 15008 1 evidence:histology anatomy:soleus ; MA:0002424 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0055002 MGI:98864 J:101746 MGI:1856953 15009 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, retina ; EMAP:5230 cell type:retinal cone cell ; CL:0000573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046533 MGI:97363 J:105970 MGI:1933835|MGI:3052237 15010 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ventral horn ; MA:0001134 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060052 MGI:97313 J:113025 MGI:2180095 15011 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002224 MGI:1859307 J:105484 MGI:3619211 15012 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:2661187 J:113326 N/A 15013 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0060053 MGI:2661187 J:113326 N/A 15014 1 evidence:IF anatomy:TS18,heart ; EMAP:3056 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031672 MGI:98864 J:111284 N/A 15015 1 evidence:IF anatomy:TS18,heart ; EMAP:3056 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031674 MGI:98864 J:111284 N/A 15016 1 evidence:IF anatomy:TS18,heart ; EMAP:3056 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031430 MGI:98864 J:111284 N/A 15017 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS18,heart ; EMAP:3056 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007512 MGI:98864 J:111284 MGI:3654306 15018 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy:TS18,heart ; EMAP:3056 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0055003 MGI:98864 J:111284 MGI:3654306 15019 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS18,heart ; EMAP:3056 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003007 MGI:98864 J:111284 MGI:3654306 15020 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS18,embryo ; EMAP:2636 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:98864 J:111284 MGI:3654306 15021 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy:TS18,heart ; EMAP:3056 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045214 MGI:98864 J:111284 MGI:3654306 15022 1 evidence:IF anatomy:TS18,heart ; EMAP:3056 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030017 MGI:1341430 J:111284 N/A 15023 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009448 MGI:2441982 J:110214 MGI:2180159 15024 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048839 MGI:1274784 J:109595 MGI:3046273 15025 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050910 MGI:1274784 J:109595 MGI:3046273 15026 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1274784 J:109595 N/A 15027 1 evidence:IF evidence:EM anatomy:left ventricle muscular part ; MA:0001875 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005916 MGI:98386 J:112534 N/A 15028 1 evidence:EM anatomy:left ventricle muscular part ; MA:0001875 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005916 MGI:98927 J:112534 N/A 15029 1 evidence:IF anatomy:left ventricle muscular part ; MA:0001875 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:98927 J:112534 N/A 15030 1 evidence:IF evidence:EM anatomy:left ventricle muscular part ; MA:0001875 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005916 MGI:88276 J:112534 N/A 15031 1 evidence:IF (data not shown) anatomy:left ventricle muscular part ; MA:0001875 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030017 MGI:98783 J:112534 N/A 15032 1 evidence:IF anatomy:left ventricle muscular part ; MA:0001875 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031674 MGI:87905 J:112534 N/A 15033 1 evidence:IF (data not shown) anatomy:left ventricle muscular part ; MA:0001875 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030018 MGI:1344412 J:112534 N/A 15034 1 evidence:IF anatomy:left ventricle muscular part ; MA:0001875 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031672 MGI:98864 J:112534 N/A 15035 1 evidence:IF anatomy:left ventricle muscular part ; MA:0001875 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031674 MGI:98864 J:112534 N/A 15036 1 evidence:IF anatomy:left ventricle muscular part ; MA:0001875 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030018 MGI:98864 J:112534 N/A 15037 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015269 MGI:99923 J:57916 N/A 15038 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:99923 J:57916 N/A 15039 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006813 MGI:99923 J:57916 N/A 15040 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:treatment with DMBA leads to increase in mutations in two target sites studied when Ercc6 is KO IMP GO:0006974 MGI:1100494 J:70351 MGI:1932102 15041 1 evidence: anatomy:parotid gland ; MA:0001585 cell type:acinar cell ; CL:0000622 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015269 MGI:1277957 J:82065 N/A 15042 1 evidence: anatomy:parotid gland ; MA:0001585 cell type:acinar cell ; CL:0000622 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016021 MGI:99923 J:82065 N/A 15043 1 evidence: anatomy:parotid gland ; MA:0001585 cell type:acinar cell ; CL:0000622 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016021 MGI:1334203 J:82065 N/A 15044 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0015269 MGI:1913272 J:82065 MGI:99923 15045 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0015269 MGI:99923 J:82065 MGI:1334203,MGI:1913272 15046 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0015269 MGI:1334203 J:82065 MGI:99923 15047 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008076 MGI:99923 J:82065 MGI:1913272,MGI:1334203 15048 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008076 MGI:1334203 J:82065 MGI:99923 15049 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008076 MGI:1913272 J:82065 MGI:99923 15050 1 evidence: anatomy:myometrium inner circular layer ; MA:0002735 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: early pregnancy IDA GO:0005886 MGI:99923 J:86594 N/A 15051 1 evidence: anatomy:myometrium inner circular layer ; MA:0002735 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: late pregnancy IDA GO:0044444 MGI:99923 J:86594 N/A 15052 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:99923 J:91427 MGI:3050114 15053 1 evidence: anatomy:deep cerebellar nucleus ; MA:0000203 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007268 MGI:99923 J:91427 MGI:3050114 15054 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042491 MGI:99923 J:92443 MGI:3050114 15055 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 cell type:Deiter's cell ; CL:0000635 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:99923 J:92443 MGI:3050114 15056 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045211 MGI:99923 J:92443 N/A 15057 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042734 MGI:98467 J:92443 N/A 15058 1 evidence: anatomy:urinary bladder smooth muscle ; MA:0001697 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005249 MGI:99923 J:92539 MGI:3053849 15059 1 evidence: anatomy:urinary bladder smooth muscle ; MA:0001697 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015269 MGI:99923 J:92539 MGI:3053849 15060 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001666 MGI:99923 J:104394 N/A 15061 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|AtT-20 ; ATCC:CCL-89 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015269 MGI:99923 J:104394 N/A 15062 1 evidence: anatomy:parotid gland ; MA:0001585 cell type:acinar cell ; CL:0000622 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0060072 MGI:99923 J:82065 N/A 15063 1 evidence: anatomy:urinary bladder ; MA:0000380 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060073 MGI:99923 J:92539 MGI:3053849 15064 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000002|inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:99923 J:109217 MGI:3050114 15065 1 evidence: anatomy:suprachiasmatic nucleus ; MA:0000843 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007623 MGI:99923 J:111722 MGI:3053849 15066 1 evidence: anatomy:suprachiasmatic nucleus ; MA:0000843 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019228 MGI:99923 J:111722 MGI:3053849 15067 1 evidence: anatomy:tibial artery ; MA:0002067 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042311 MGI:99923 J:116777 MGI:3050114 15068 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032344 MGI:99923 J:116177 MGI:3050114 15069 1 evidence: anatomy:parotid gland ; MA:0001585 cell type:acinar cell ; CL:0000622 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060072 MGI:99923 J:116922 MGI:3053849 15070 1 evidence: anatomy:parotid gland ; MA:0001585 cell type:acinar cell ; CL:0000622 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045794 MGI:99923 J:116922 MGI:3053849 15071 1 evidence: anatomy:parotid gland ; MA:0001585 cell type:acinar cell ; CL:0000622 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0046541 MGI:99923 J:116922 MGI:1277957 15072 1 evidence: anatomy:parotid gland ; MA:0001585 cell type:acinar cell ; CL:0000622 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0005267 MGI:99923 J:116922 MGI:1277957 15073 1 evidence: anatomy:parotid gland ; MA:0001585 cell type:acinar cell ; CL:0000622 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0046541 MGI:1277957 J:116922 MGI:99923 15074 1 evidence: anatomy:parotid gland ; MA:0001585 cell type:acinar cell ; CL:0000622 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0005267 MGI:1277957 J:116922 MGI:99923 15075 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042491 MGI:99923 J:117764 MGI:3050114 15076 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:99923 J:117811 N/A 15077 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005267 MGI:99923 J:117811 MGI:3053849 15078 1 evidence:flow cytometry apoptosis assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|HCT 116 ; ATCC:CCL-247 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14744935|IDA text:J:88275 ISO GO:0042771 MGI:98834 J:73065 UniProtKB:P04637 15079 1 evidence:IF evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|HT-1080 ; ATCC:CCL-121 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14744935|IDA text:J:88275 ISO GO:0006983 MGI:98834 J:73065 UniProtKB:P04637 15080 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|WI-38 ; ATCC:CCL-75 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14744935|IDA text:J:88275 ISO GO:0042149 MGI:98834 J:73065 UniProtKB:P04637 15081 1 evidence:IF evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|HT-1080 ; ATCC:CCL-121 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14744935|IDA text:J:88275 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:98834 J:73065 UniProtKB:P04637 15082 1 evidence:IF evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|HT-1080 ; ATCC:CCL-121 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14744935|IDA text:J:88275 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:98834 J:73065 UniProtKB:P04637 15083 1 evidence:nuclear condensation apoptosis assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|Saos-2 ; ATCC:HTB-85 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14744935|IDA text:J:88275 ISO GO:0042981 MGI:98834 J:73065 UniProtKB:P04637 15084 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|WI-38 ; ATCC:CCL-75 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14744935|IDA text:J:88275 ISO GO:0006974 MGI:98834 J:73065 UniProtKB:P04637 15085 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006974 MGI:98834 J:88275 N/A 15086 1 evidence:IB (data not shown) anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pre-B cell ; CL:0000817|70Z/3 [70Z/3.12] ; ATCC:TIB-158 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009411 MGI:98834 J:88275 N/A 15087 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pre-B cell ; CL:0000817|70Z/3 ; ATCC:TIB-158 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0010332 MGI:98834 J:88275 N/A 15088 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|HT-1080 ; ATCC:CCL-121 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14744935|IDA text:J:88275 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:95295 J:73065 UniProtKB:P18146 15089 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042770 MGI:1355321 J:88275 N/A 15090 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|HT-1080 ; ATCC:CCL-121 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14744935|IDA text:J:88275 ISO GO:0042770 MGI:1355321 J:73065 UniProtKB:O96017 15091 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pre-B cell ; CL:0000817|70Z/3 ; ATCC:TIB-158 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0010332 MGI:1355321 J:88275 N/A 15092 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|WI-38 ; ATCC:CCL-75 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14744935|IDA text:J:88275 ISO GO:0006983 MGI:1861437 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49841 15093 1 evidence:IB (data not shown) anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006983 MGI:1861437 J:88275 N/A 15094 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|WI-38 ; ATCC:CCL-75 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14744935|IDA text:J:88275 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1861437 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49841 15095 1 evidence:p53 phosphorylation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14744935|IDA text:J:88275 ISO GO:0004696 MGI:1861437 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49841 15096 1 evidence:apoptosis assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|Saos-2 ; ATCC:HTB-85 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14744935|IDA text:J:88275 ISO GO:0043066 MGI:1861437 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49841 15097 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|WI-38 ; ATCC:CCL-75 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14744935|IDA text:J:88275 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1861437 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49841 15098 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|WI-38 ; ATCC:CCL-75 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14744935|IDA text:J:88275 ISO GO:0002039 MGI:1861437 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49841 15099 1 evidence:p53 phosphorylation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14744935|IDA text:J:88275 ISO GO:0018105 MGI:1861437 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49841 15100 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14744935|IDA text:J:88275|Gsk3b-/- MEFs used as basis for transfection of human p53-GFP and GSK3b ISO GO:0046827 MGI:1861437 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49841 15101 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Myh6 IPI GO:0032036 MGI:102844 J:117119 UniProtKB:Q02566 15102 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Mybpc3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97255 J:117119 UniProtKB:O70468 15103 1 evidence: anatomy:artery ; MA:0000064 cell type:vascular associated smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000359 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060087 MGI:99923 J:116777 MGI:3050114 15104 1 evidence: anatomy:urinary bladder ; MA:0000380 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060073 MGI:99923 J:92539 MGI:3053849 15105 1 evidence: anatomy:urinary bladder smooth muscle ; MA:0001697 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060083 MGI:99923 J:104666 MGI:3053849 15106 1 evidence: anatomy:cochlea ; MA:0000240 cell type:neuroepithelial cell ; CL:0000710 gene product: target: external ref: text:cochlear neuroepithelium. IMP GO:0002009 MGI:1891428 J:66738 MGI:2151877 15107 1 evidence: anatomy:auditory system ; MA:0002443 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007605 MGI:1891428 J:56493 MGI:2151877 15108 1 evidence: anatomy:auditory system ; MA:0002443 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007605 MGI:1891428 J:28688 MGI:1856394,MGI:1855958 15109 1 evidence: anatomy:auditory system ; MA:0002443 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007605 MGI:1891428 J:45743 MGI:1856467 15110 1 evidence: anatomy:auditory system ; MA:0002443 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007605 MGI:1891428 J:5225 MGI:1856467 15111 1 evidence: anatomy:auditory system ; MA:0002443 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007605 MGI:1891428 J:66637 MGI:2151877 15112 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048839 MGI:1891428 J:66637 MGI:2151877|MGI:1855958 15113 1 evidence: anatomy:auditory system ; MA:0002443 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007605 MGI:1891428 J:95655 MGI:1890219 15114 1 evidence: anatomy:auditory system ; MA:0002443 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007605 MGI:1890219 J:95655 MGI:1891428 15115 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15537665|IMP text: ISO GO:0007605 MGI:1891428 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96QU1 15116 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15537665|IMP text: ISO GO:0007605 MGI:1890219 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9H251 15117 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048839 MGI:1891428 J:97048 MGI:2183469 15118 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:macula of utricle ; MA:0001203 cell type:vestibular hair cell IMP GO:0007015 MGI:1891428 J:106625 MGI:1856396,MGI:1856394,MGI:1855958 15119 2 ; CL:0000609 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007015 MGI:1891428 J:106625 MGI:1856396,MGI:1856394,MGI:1855958 15120 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 anatomy:vestibulocochlear VIII nerve cochlear component ; MA:0001110 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007605 MGI:1891428 J:106625 MGI:1856396,MGI:1856394,MGI:1855958 15121 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050878 MGI:1918615 J:5232 MGI:1856927 15122 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair follicle ; MA:0000160 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001942 MGI:1343498 J:6308 MGI:1856017 15123 1 evidence: anatomy:incisor ; MA:0000349 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:1343498 J:6308 MGI:1856017 15124 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:1343498 J:6308 MGI:1856017 15125 1 evidence: anatomy:vibrissa ; MA:0000163 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001942 MGI:1195272 J:6308 MGI:1856197 15126 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001942 MGI:1343498 J:6308 MGI:1931001 15127 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001942 MGI:1931001 J:6308 MGI:1343498 15128 1 evidence: anatomy:lens ; MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002088 MGI:96990 J:6702 MGI:1857105 15129 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001942 MGI:95803 J:11987 MGI:1856888 15130 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:95803 J:11987 MGI:1856888 15131 1 evidence: anatomy:tectorial membrane ; MA:0001199 anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 anatomy:stria vascularis ; MA:0001198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:1890219 J:12997 MGI:1856229 15132 1 evidence: anatomy:auditory system ; MA:0002443 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007605 MGI:1890219 J:12997 MGI:1856229 15133 1 evidence: anatomy:lens ; MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002088 MGI:98786 J:17606 MGI:2137391 15134 1 evidence: anatomy:lens ; MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002088 MGI:88521 J:17606 MGI:1856493 15135 1 evidence: anatomy:lens ; MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002088 MGI:88525 J:17606 MGI:1857598 15136 1 evidence: anatomy:lens ; MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002088 MGI:1298216 J:17606 MGI:1861635 15137 1 evidence: anatomy:lens ; MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002088 MGI:97366 J:17606 MGI:1860752 15138 1 evidence: anatomy:lens ; MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002088 MGI:97366 J:21952 MGI:1860752 15139 1 evidence: anatomy:lens ; MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002088 MGI:97366 J:34877 MGI:1860752 15140 1 evidence: anatomy:lens ; MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002088 MGI:98786 J:21951 MGI:2137391 15141 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: cells from MGI:1932102 were used in these experiments. IMP GO:0007257 MGI:1100494 J:111758 MGI:1932102 15142 1 evidence: anatomy:lens ; MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002088 MGI:107542 J:34877 MGI:1861669 15143 1 evidence: anatomy:lens ; MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002088 MGI:104698 J:34877 MGI:1862040 15144 1 evidence: anatomy:lens ; MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002088 MGI:107542 J:66649 MGI:1861669 15145 1 evidence: anatomy:vibrissa hair ; MA:0000782 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031069 MGI:107542 J:66649 MGI:1861669 15146 1 evidence: anatomy:eye ; MA:0000261 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:97490 J:66649 MGI:1931308 15147 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:1890219 J:25694 MGI:1856681 15148 1 evidence: anatomy:semicircular canal ; MA:0000249 cell type:sensory epithelial cell ; CL:0000098 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048839 MGI:1890219 J:31771 MGI:1856681 15149 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 anatomy:stria vascularis ; MA:0001198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048839 MGI:1890219 J:34019 MGI:1856681 15150 1 evidence:ECO:0000092 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:108247 J:96947 N/A 15151 1 evidence:ECO:0000092 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016605 MGI:108247 J:96947 N/A 15152 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:rescued by human cytoplasmic isoform of PML (cPML) IMP GO:0007184 MGI:104662 J:92664 MGI:2429949 15153 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:rescued by human cytoplasmic isoform of PML (cPML) IMP GO:0007182 MGI:104662 J:92664 MGI:2429949 15154 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:rescued by human cytoplasmic isoform of PML (cPML) IMP GO:0007179 MGI:104662 J:92664 MGI:2429949 15155 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:PML, and cPML IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2652838 J:92664 UniProtKB:Q60953 15156 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060088 MGI:1891428 J:66637 MGI:2151877 15157 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060088 MGI:1890219 J:95655 MGI:1891428 15158 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060088 MGI:1891428 J:95655 MGI:1890219 15159 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060088 MGI:1891428 J:106625 MGI:1856396,MGI:1856394,MGI:1855958 15160 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060088 MGI:1891428 J:111661 MGI:3505691 15161 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060088 MGI:1890219 J:25694 MGI:1856681 15162 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060088 MGI:1890219 J:34019 MGI:1856681 15163 1 evidence: anatomy:vestibular labyrinth ; MA:0000245 cell type:vestibular hair cell ; CL:0000609 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060088 MGI:1890219 J:38748 MGI:1856681 15164 1 evidence: anatomy:auditory system ; MA:0002443 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007605 MGI:1890219 J:57150 MGI:1856681 15165 1 evidence: anatomy:auditory system ; MA:0002443 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007605 MGI:1890219 J:66698 MGI:2154548 15166 1 evidence: anatomy:TS28, spiral organ of Corti ; EMAP:12949 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060088 MGI:1890219 J:66698 MGI:2154548 15167 1 evidence: anatomy:auditory system ; MA:0002443 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007605 MGI:1890219 J:69028 MGI:2154549 15168 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060088 MGI:1890219 J:69028 MGI:2154549 15169 1 evidence: anatomy:auditory system ; MA:0002443 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007605 MGI:1890219 J:87783 MGI:3028349 15170 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048839 MGI:1890219 J:87783 MGI:3028349 15171 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:Pillar cell ; CL:1000191 cell type:Deiter's cell ; CL:0000635 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:1890219 J:98742 MGI:2665714 15172 1 evidence: anatomy:auditory system ; MA:0002443 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007605 MGI:1890219 J:98742 MGI:2665714 15173 1 evidence: anatomy:utricle ; MA:0000247 anatomy:saccule ; MA:0000246 cell type:vestibular hair cell ; CL:0000609 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032420 MGI:1890219 J:113401 N/A 15174 1 evidence: anatomy:utricle ; MA:0000247 anatomy:saccule ; MA:0000246 cell type:vestibular hair cell ; CL:0000609 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032426 MGI:1890219 J:113401 N/A 15175 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032420 MGI:106612 J:113401 N/A 15176 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060088 MGI:1890219 J:113401 MGI:2154548 15177 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060088 MGI:104510 J:113401 N/A 15178 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,cochlea; EMAP:9181 anatomy:TS26\,cochlea; EMAP:11901 anatomy:cochlea ; MA:0000240 cell type:hair cell; CL:0000202 gene product: target: text:kinocilium IDA GO:0005929 MGI:1890219 J:98268 N/A 15179 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, cochlea ; EMAP:9181 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032420 MGI:1890219 J:98268 N/A 15180 1 evidence:flow cytometry BrdU incorporation anatomy: cell type:mature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000791 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042130 MGI:1891436 J:115967 MGI:1857034 15181 1 evidence:RT-PCR of anergy associated genes anatomy: cell tyoe:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 cell type:mature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000791 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002669 MGI:1891436 J:115967 MGI:1857034 15182 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:mature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000791 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002666 MGI:1891436 J:115967 MGI:1857034 15183 1 evidence:RT-PCR of anergy associated genes anatomy: cell type:mature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000791 gene product: target:Egr1 ; MGI:95295|Egr2 ; MGI:95296|Egr3 ; MGI:1306780|Cblb ; MGI:2146430|Rnf128 ; MGI:1914139|Itch ; MGI:1202301 external re IMP GO:0045944 MGI:1891436 J:115967 MGI:1857034 15184 2 f: text:Rnf128 ; MGI:1914139 AKA GRAIL evidence:RT-PCR of anergy associated genes anatomy: cell tyoe:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: text:Rnf128 ; MGI:1914139 AKA GRAIL evidence:RT-PCR of anergy associated genes anatomy: cell tyoe: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:1891436 J:115967 MGI:1857034 15185 3 8 ; MGI:1914139 AKA GRAIL IMP GO:0045944 MGI:1891436 J:115967 MGI:1857034 15186 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, vestibular component ; EMAP:5167 anatomy:TS22, vestibular component ; EMAP:6265 anatomy:TS23, vestibular component ; EMAP:7750 anatomy:TS24, vestibular component ; EMAP:9175 anatomy:TS25, vestibular component ; EMAP:10535 anatomy:T IDA GO:0032420 MGI:1919338 J:80836 N/A 15187 2 S26, vestibular component ; EMAP:11895 anatomy:vestibular labyrinth ; MA:0000245 cell type:vestibular hair cell ; CL:0000609 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:TS23, cochlea ; EMAP:7756 anatomy:TS24, cochlea ; EMAP:918 IDA GO:0032420 MGI:1919338 J:80836 N/A 15188 3 1 anatomy:TS25, cochlea ; EMAP:10541 anatomy:TS26, cochlea ; EMAP:11901 anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032420 MGI:1919338 J:80836 N/A 15189 1 evidence: anatomy:vestibular component ; EMAP:6265 cell type:vestibular hair cell ; CL:0000609 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032426 MGI:1890219 J:80836 N/A 15190 1 evidence: anatomy:vestibular component ; EMAP:6265 cell type:vestibular hair cell ; CL:0000609 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032420 MGI:104510 J:80836 N/A 15191 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:binnds Catsper3 and 4, IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2179947 J:116406 NCBI:NP_084048|NCBI:NP_808534 15192 1 evidence:3H proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042130 MGI:1891436 J:116306 N/A 15193 1 evidence:control of inflammatory bowel syndrome in mouse model anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002677 MGI:1891436 J:116306 N/A 15194 1 evidence:cytokine bead assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032689 MGI:1891436 J:116306 N/A 15195 1 evidence:cytokine bead assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032703 MGI:1891436 J:116306 N/A 15196 1 evidence:cytokine bead assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032713 MGI:1891436 J:116306 N/A 15197 1 evidence:cytokine bead assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032714 MGI:1891436 J:116306 N/A 15198 1 evidence:cell fractionation followed by IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text:human cells were transfected with mouse Foxp3 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1891436 J:116306 N/A 15199 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045591 MGI:1891436 J:116306 N/A 15200 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text:human cells were transfected with mouse Foxp3 IDA GO:0042803 MGI:1891436 J:116306 N/A 15201 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: target: external ref: text:human cells transfected with mouse Foxp3 and reporter constructs IDA GO:0016566 MGI:1891436 J:116306 N/A 15202 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98279 J:116306 N/A 15203 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1298377 J:116306 N/A 15204 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:894675 J:116306 N/A 15205 1 evidence:cytokine bead assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96548 J:116306 N/A 15206 1 evidence:cytokine bead assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:107656 J:116306 N/A 15207 1 evidence:cytokine bead assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96556 J:116306 N/A 15208 1 evidence:cytokine bead assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96557 J:116306 N/A 15209 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032420 MGI:1890219 J:105750 N/A 15210 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032420 MGI:104510 J:105750 N/A 15211 1 evidence: anatomy:vestibular labyrinth ; MA:0000245 cell type:vestibular hair cell ; CL:0000609 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050973 MGI:1891428 J:105750 MGI:1856394 15212 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050910 MGI:1891428 J:105750 MGI:1856394 15213 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88343 J:27768 N/A 15214 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88343 J:91914 N/A 15215 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88343 J:116616 N/A 15216 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96537 J:116616 N/A 15217 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:107570 J:33699 N/A 15218 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:94909 J:33699 N/A 15219 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005901 MGI:102709 J:37694 N/A 15220 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:107570 J:37694 N/A 15221 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030315 MGI:107570 J:37694 N/A 15222 1 evidence: anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: qualif IDA GO:0005901 MGI:107570 J:37694 N/A 15223 2 ier: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005901 MGI:107570 J:37694 N/A 15224 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9925767|IDA text: ISO GO:0030315 MGI:107570 J:73065 UniProtKB:P51638 15225 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9925767|IDA text: ISO GO:0005901 MGI:107570 J:73065 UniProtKB:P51638 15226 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9925767|IDA text: ISO GO:0005886 MGI:107570 J:73065 UniProtKB:P51638 15227 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:107570 J:63998 N/A 15228 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Cav3 ; MGI:107570 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97276 J:63998 N/A 15229 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Cav3 ; MGI:107570 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:96397 J:63998 MGI:97276 15230 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844|Cav3 ; MGI:107570 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:97276 J:63998 N/A 15231 1 evidence: anatomy:soleus ; MA:0002424 anatomy:gastrocnemius ; MA:0002306 anatomy:extensor digitorum longus ; MA:0002295 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046716 MGI:107570 J:66558 MGI:2684578 15232 1 evidence: anatomy:soleus ; MA:0002424 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007009 MGI:107570 J:66558 MGI:2684578 15233 1 evidence: anatomy:quadriceps ; MA:0002363 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:107570 J:66558 N/A 15234 1 evidence: anatomy:quadriceps ; MA:0002363 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:97360 J:66558 N/A 15235 1 evidence: anatomy:quadriceps ; MA:0002363 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:101772 J:66558 N/A 15236 1 evidence: anatomy:quadriceps ; MA:0002363 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:94909 J:66558 N/A 15237 1 evidence: anatomy:quadriceps ; MA:0002363 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:894698 J:66558 N/A 15238 1 evidence: anatomy:quadriceps ; MA:0002363 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:101864 J:66558 N/A 15239 1 evidence: anatomy:quadriceps ; MA:0002363 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:1353511 J:66558 N/A 15240 1 evidence: anatomy:quadriceps ; MA:0002363 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:99912 J:66558 N/A 15241 1 evidence: anatomy:quadriceps ; MA:0002363 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051001 MGI:107570 J:67174 MGI:2180562 15242 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:94909 J:69965 N/A 15243 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:101864 J:69965 N/A 15244 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:894698 J:69965 N/A 15245 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045121 MGI:894698 J:69965 N/A 15246 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045121 MGI:94909 J:69965 N/A 15247 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045121 MGI:101864 J:69965 N/A 15248 1 evidence:RT-PCR anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: target:Erbb2 ; MGI:95410 external ref: text: IMP GO:0016566 MGI:1891436 J:116829 MGI:1857034 15249 1 evidence:RT-PCR anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066|cell_line:6.1.7 gene product: target:Erbb2 ; MGI:95410 external ref: text: IDA GO:0016566 MGI:1891436 J:116829 N/A 15250 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Frap1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104662 J:111744 NCBI:NP_110467 15251 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Pml IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1928394 J:111744 UniProtKB:Q60953 15252 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045121 MGI:107570 J:69965 N/A 15253 1 evidence:RT-PCR anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: target:Erbb2 ; MGI:95410 external ref: text: IMP GO:0000122 MGI:1891436 J:116829 MGI:1857034 15254 1 evidence:RT-PCR anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066|cell_line:6.1.7 gene product: target:Erbb2 ; MGI:95410 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1891436 J:116829 N/A 15255 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: target: external ref: text:human cells transfected with mouse Foxp3 and reporter constructs IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1891436 J:116306 N/A 15256 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|chondrocyte ; CL:0000138|cell_line:RCJ 3.1c5.18 gene product: text:RCJ are transfected rat cells. IDA GO:0000165 MGI:95524 J:88289 N/A 15257 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|chondrocyte ; CL:0000138|cell_line:RCJ 3.1c5.18 gene product: text:RCJ are transfected rat cells. IDA GO:0031398 MGI:95524 J:88289 N/A 15258 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: target: external ref: text:in Zap70/Syk double KO mice IGI GO:0043366 MGI:99613 J:42818 MGI:99515 15259 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: text:in Zap70/Syk double KO mice IGI GO:0046638 MGI:99613 J:42818 MGI:99515 15260 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: target: external ref: text:in Zap70/Syk double KO mice IGI GO:0043366 MGI:99515 J:42818 MGI:99613 15261 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046716 MGI:107570 J:79453 MGI:2180558 15262 1 evidence: anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:107570 J:79453 N/A 15263 1 evidence: anatomy:heart endocardium ; MA:0000076 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:102709 J:79453 N/A 15264 1 evidence: anatomy:heart endocardium ; MA:0000076 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:107571 J:79453 N/A 15265 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: IDA GO:0005901 MGI:107570 J:79453 N/A 15266 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: IMP GO:0007009 MGI:107570 J:79453 MGI:2180558 15267 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: IDA GO:0045121 MGI:102709 J:79453 N/A 15268 1 evidence: anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target:Sgca ; MGI:894698 external ref: text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:107570 J:79453 MGI:2180558 15269 1 evidence: anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043409 MGI:107570 J:79453 MGI:2180558 15270 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:107570 J:86955 N/A 15271 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle myoblast ; CL:0000515 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:102709 J:86955 N/A 15272 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15155732|IDA text: ISO GO:0043113 MGI:87961 J:73065 UniProtKB:P25304 15273 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15155732|IGI|UniProt:P25304 text: ISO GO:0043624 MGI:96083 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q02297-6 15274 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005901 MGI:107570 J:91905 N/A 15275 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96444 J:88910 N/A 15276 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96444 J:88910 N/A 15277 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96444 J:88910 N/A 15278 1 evidence:ELISA following mucosal immunization anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002385 MGI:96444 J:88910 N/A 15279 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96445 J:88910 N/A 15280 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96445 J:88910 N/A 15281 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96445 J:88910 N/A 15282 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042593 MGI:107570 J:92435 MGI:2684578 15283 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96448 J:88910 N/A 15284 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96448 J:88910 N/A 15285 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96448 J:88910 N/A 15286 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96450 J:88910 N/A 15287 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96450 J:88910 N/A 15288 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96450 J:88910 N/A 15289 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96446 J:88910 N/A 15290 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96446 J:88910 N/A 15291 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96446 J:88910 N/A 15292 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042632 MGI:107570 J:92435 MGI:2684578 15293 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006641 MGI:107570 J:92435 MGI:2684578 15294 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:1453 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: E9 yolk sacs looked at. somite counts, yolk sac size, number of cells recovered from collagenase digestion IMP GO:0035162 MGI:106918 J:116886 MGI:1857719 15295 1 evidence:histology|flow cytometry anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001782 MGI:1919299 J:88708 MGI:2389403 15296 1 evidence:histology anatomy:spleen germinal center ; MA:0000764 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002636 MGI:1919299 J:88708 MGI:2389403 15297 1 evidence:histology anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0050776 MGI:1919299 J:88708 MGI:2389403 15298 1 evidence:histology anatomy:spleen germinal center ; MA:0000764 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002636 MGI:1344376 J:88708 MGI:2387426 15299 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target:Alb1 ; MGI:87991 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006897 MGI:107570 J:86955 N/A 15300 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031579 MGI:107570 J:69965 MGI:2180558 15301 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031579 MGI:107570 J:86955 N/A 15302 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046716 MGI:107570 J:86955 N/A 15303 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target:Src ; MGI:98397 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006469 MGI:107570 J:86955 N/A 15304 1 evidence:transfected mutant anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007009 MGI:107570 J:86955 N/A 15305 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target:Src ; MGI:98397 external ref: text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:107570 J:86955 N/A 15306 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target:Ryr1 ; MGI:99659 target:Dmd ; MGI:94909 target:Sgca ; MGI:894698 target:Dag1 ; MGI:101864 external ref: text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:107570 J:69965 MGI:2180558 15307 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048741 MGI:107571 J:117199 MGI:2180372 15308 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007519 MGI:102709 J:117199 MGI:2180364 15309 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:107570 J:117199 N/A 15310 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007029 MGI:107571 J:117199 MGI:2180372 15311 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007005 MGI:107571 J:117199 MGI:2180372 15312 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type:skeletal muscle satellite cell ; CL:0000594 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:107571 J:117199 MGI:2180372 15313 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030315 MGI:107570 J:104461 N/A 15314 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:107570 J:104461 N/A 15315 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030315 MGI:1349385 J:104461 N/A 15316 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:1349385 J:104461 N/A 15317 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target:Dysf ; MGI:1349385 external ref: text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:107570 J:104461 N/A 15318 1 evidence:cell counts anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033092 MGI:1891436 J:116829 MGI:1857034 15319 1 evidence:cell counts anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:treatment with anti-Erbb2 antibody (Herceptin) IMP GO:0033088 MGI:95410 J:116829 N/A 15320 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text:blebbistatin inhibitor and siRNA used in separate experiments IMP GO:0032796 MGI:107717 J:89810 N/A 15321 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:uses wt vs PML-/- MEFs; source not cited IMP GO:0006917 MGI:104662 J:88573 N/A 15322 1 evidence:secretion of beta-hexaminidase evidence:production of TNF evidence:production of IL-6 evidence:production of PGD(2) anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text:mast cells from Fcer1g KO mice retro IMP GO:0002431 MGI:95496 J:88051 N/A 15323 2 virally transduced with wildtype murine Fcer1g or cytoplasmic tail mutants of murine Fcer1g that failed to support mast cell activation IMP GO:0002431 MGI:95496 J:88051 N/A 15324 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032998 MGI:95496 J:88051 MGI:2384004 15325 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019863 MGI:95496 J:88051 MGI:2384004 15326 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text:mast cells from Fcer1g KO mice retrovirally transduced with murine Fcer1g and gained ability to bind IgE IDA GO:0019863 MGI:95496 J:88051 N/A 15327 1 evidence:secretion of beta-hexaminidase evidence:production of TNF evidence:production of IL-6 evidence:production of PGD(2) anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text:mast cells from Fcer1g KO mice retro IDA GO:0019767 MGI:95496 J:88051 N/A 15328 2 virally transduced with murine Fcer1g and gained ability to activated by IgE-antigen complex IDA GO:0019767 MGI:95496 J:88051 N/A 15329 1 evidence:secretion of beta-hexaminidase evidence:production of TNF evidence:production of IL-6 evidence:production of PGD(2) anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019767 MGI:95496 J:88051 MGI:2384004 15330 1 evidence:IP following surgace biotinylation anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95496 J:88051 N/A 15331 1 evidence:secretion of beta-hexaminidase evidence:production of TNF evidence:production of IL-6 evidence:production of PGD(2) anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text:mast cells from Fcer1g KO mice retro IDA GO:0045576 MGI:95496 J:88051 N/A 15332 2 virally transduced with murine Fcer1g and gained ability to activated by IgE-antigen complex IDA GO:0045576 MGI:95496 J:88051 N/A 15333 1 evidence:secretion of beta-hexaminidase evidence:production of TNF evidence:production of IL-6 evidence:production of PGD(2) anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045576 MGI:95496 J:88051 MGI:2384004 15334 1 evidence:cell viability assay as proxy for apoptosis anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033026 MGI:95496 J:88051 MGI:2384004 15335 1 evidence:cell viability assay as proxy for apoptosis anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text:mast cells from Fcer1g KO mice retrovirally transduced with murine Fcer1g IDA GO:0033026 MGI:95496 J:88051 N/A 15336 1 evidence:production of IL-6 anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text:mast cells from Fcer1g KO mice retrovirally transduced with murine Fcer1g IDA GO:0032755 MGI:95496 J:88051 N/A 15337 1 evidence:production of IL-6 anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032755 MGI:95496 J:88051 MGI:2384004 15338 1 evidence:production of TNF evidence:production of IL-6 anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032765 MGI:95496 J:88051 MGI:2384004 15339 1 evidence:production of TNF evidence:production of IL-6 anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text:mast cells from Fcer1g KO mice retrovirally transduced with murine Fcer1g IDA GO:0032765 MGI:95496 J:88051 N/A 15340 1 evidence:secretion of beta-hexaminidase anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text:mast cells from Fcer1g KO mice retrovirally transduced with murine Fcer1g IDA GO:0043306 MGI:95496 J:88051 N/A 15341 1 evidence:secretion of beta-hexaminidase anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043306 MGI:95496 J:88051 MGI:2384004 15342 1 evidence:production of TNF anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text:mast cells from Fcer1g KO mice retrovirally transduced with murine Fcer1g IDA GO:0032760 MGI:95496 J:88051 N/A 15343 1 evidence:production of TNF anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032760 MGI:95496 J:88051 MGI:2384004 15344 1 evidence:in vivo induction of passive systemic anaphylaxis anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001812 MGI:95496 J:88051 MGI:2384004 15345 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032998 MGI:95495 J:88051 N/A 15346 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019863 MGI:95495 J:88051 N/A 15347 1 evidence:IP-IB following binding of IgE at the cell surface anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95495 J:88051 N/A 15348 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:104798 J:88051 N/A 15349 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96559 J:88051 N/A 15350 1 evidence:mast cell activation anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96449 J:88051 N/A 15351 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032755 MGI:96449 J:88051 N/A 15352 1 evidence:release of beta-hexoaminidase anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043306 MGI:96449 J:88051 N/A 15353 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:mast cell ; CL:0000097 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032760 MGI:96449 J:88051 N/A 15354 1 evidence:analysis of T cell content of leishmania lesions in infected mice anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:anti-IL-6 antibody used IMP GO:0042832 MGI:96559 J:117115 N/A 15355 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target:Cd36 ; MGI:107899 target:Fabp3 ; MGI:95476 target:Cpt1b ; MGI:1098297 target:Acsl4 ; MGI:1354713 target:Adopor1 ; MGI:1919924 target:A IDA GO:0045944 MGI:104661 J:92557 N/A 15356 2 dipor2 ; MGI:93830 target:Slc2a4 ; MGI:95758 target:Abca1 ; MGI:99607 target:Apoe ; MGI:88057 target:Cav3 ; MGI:107570 target:Adfp ; MGI:87920 target:Srebf1 ; MGI:107606 target:Scd1 ; MGI:98239 target:Scd2 ; MGI:98240 target:Fasn ; MGI:95485 target:Ucp1 ; IDA GO:0045944 MGI:104661 J:92557 N/A 15357 3 MGI:98894 target:Ucp2 ; MGI:109354 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:104661 J:92557 N/A 15358 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: target:Cpt1b ; MGI:1098297 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:104661 J:92557 MGI:1342774,MGI:1276116 15359 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: target:Cpt1b ; MGI:1098297 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1342774 J:92557 MGI:104661,MGI:1276116 15360 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: target:Cpt1b ; MGI:1098297 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1276116 J:92557 MGI:104661,MGI:1342774 15361 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Cav3 ; MGI:107570|RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Pcp2 ; MGI:97508|RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:104661 J:92557 N/A 15362 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ventricle ; MA:0000091 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107231 J:95586 UniProtKB:P51637|UniProtKB:Q61762 15363 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Kcna5 ; MGI:96662 external ref: text: IGI GO:0008104 MGI:107570 J:95586 MGI:107231 15364 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Kcna5 ; MGI:96662 external ref: text: IGI GO:0008104 MGI:107231 J:95586 MGI:107570 15365 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:107231 J:95586 N/A 15366 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:96662 J:95586 N/A 15367 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:107570 J:95586 N/A 15368 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ventricle ; MA:0000091 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107570 J:95586 UniProtKB:Q811D0|UniProtKB:Q61762 15369 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96662 J:95586 UniProtKB:Q811D0|UniProtKB:P51637 15370 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042391 MGI:96662 J:95586 MGI:107231,MGI:107570 15371 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042391 MGI:107231 J:95586 MGI:107570,MGI:96662 15372 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042391 MGI:107570 J:95586 MGI:96662,MGI:107231 15373 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:95747 J:117236 N/A 15374 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:95747 J:1965 N/A 15375 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045211 MGI:95747 J:117236 N/A 15376 1 evidence: anatomy:hindlimb ; MA:0000026 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050884 MGI:95747 J:117236 MGI:3696673 15377 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal cone cell ; CL:0000573 cell type:retinal bipolar neuron ; CL:0000748 cell type:amacrine cell ; CL:0000561 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007601 MGI:95747 J:117236 MGI:3696673 15378 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, spinal cord ; EMAP:5102 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060080 MGI:95747 J:117236 MGI:3696673 15379 1 evidence:gross histology and phenotype observations anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002677 MGI:1891436 J:117165 MGI:3696705 15380 1 evidence:cytokine bead array anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032689 MGI:1891436 J:117165 MGI:3696705 15381 1 evidence:cytokine bead array anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032693 MGI:1891436 J:117165 MGI:3696705 15382 1 evidence:cytokine bead array anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032713 MGI:1891436 J:117165 MGI:3696705 15383 1 evidence:cytokine bead array anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032714 MGI:1891436 J:117165 MGI:3696705 15384 1 evidence:cytokine bead array anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032715 MGI:1891436 J:117165 MGI:3696705 15385 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048294 MGI:1891436 J:117165 MGI:3696705 15386 1 evidence:cell counts anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type:lymphocyte ; CL:0000542 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050672 MGI:1891436 J:117165 MGI:3696705 15387 1 evidence:cytokine bead array anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032720 MGI:1891436 J:117165 MGI:3696705 15388 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032831 MGI:1891436 J:117165 MGI:3696705 15389 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002637 MGI:1891436 J:117165 MGI:3696705 15390 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048302 MGI:1891436 J:117165 MGI:3696705 15391 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96443 J:117165 N/A 15392 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:2686979 J:117165 N/A 15393 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96449 J:117165 N/A 15394 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96446 J:117165 N/A 15395 1 evidence:cytokine bead array anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96556 J:117165 N/A 15396 1 evidence:cytokine bead array anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96557 J:117165 N/A 15397 1 evidence:cytokine bead array anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:107656 J:117165 N/A 15398 1 evidence:cytokine bead array anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:104798 J:117165 N/A 15399 1 evidence:cytokine bead array anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96559 J:117165 N/A 15400 1 evidence:cytokine bead array anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96537 J:117165 N/A 15401 1 evidence:cytokine bead array anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96541 J:117165 N/A 15402 1 evidence:RT-PCR evidence:chromatin immunoprecipitation anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target:Ifng ; MGI:107656 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003705 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15403 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15404 1 evidence:flow cytomety of CFSE-dilution as measure of proliferation anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042130 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15405 1 evidence:RT-PCR evidence:chromatin immunoprecipitation anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text:measured at the promoters of Ifng ; MGI:107656 and Il2 ; MGI:96548 IDA GO:0035067 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15406 1 evidence:RT-PCR anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045077 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15407 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032689 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15408 1 evidence:RT-PCR anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045085 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15409 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032703 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15410 1 evidence:RT-PCR evidence:chromatin immunoprecipitation anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target:Ifng ; MGI:107656|Il2 ; MGI:96548 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15411 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15412 1 evidence:RT-PCR evidence:chromatin immunoprecipitation anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text:measured at the promoters of Tnfrsf18 ; MGI:894675, Il2ra ; MGI:96549, and Ctla4 ; M IDA GO:0035066 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15413 2 GI:88556 IDA GO:0035066 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15414 1 evidence:RT-PCR evidence:suppression of T cell proliferation anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045591 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15415 1 evidence:RT-PCR evidence:chromatin immunoprecipitation anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target:Tnfrsf18 ; MGI:894675|Il2ra ; MGI:96549|Ctla4 ; MGI:88556 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15416 1 evidence:RT-PCR anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032914 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15417 1 evidence:chromatin immunoprecipitation anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target:Ifng ; MGI:107656|Il2 ; MGI:96548|Tnfrsf18 ; MGI:894675|Il2ra ; MGI:96549|Ctla4 ; MGI:88556 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15418 1 evidence:RT-PCR evidence:chromatin immunoprecipitation anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target:Tnfrsf18 ; MGI:894675|Il2ra ; MGI:96549|Ctla4 ; MGI:88556 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003704 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15419 1 evidence:RT-PCR anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target:Ifng ; MGI:107656|Il2 ; MGI:96548 external ref: text: IDA GO:0016566 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15420 1 evidence:RT-PCR evidence:chromatin immunoprecipitation anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target:Ifng ; MGI:107656|Il2 ; MGI:96548|Tnfrsf18 ; MGI:894675|Il2ra ; MGI:96549|Ctla4 ; MGI:88556 external ref IDA GO:0003700 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15421 2 : text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15422 1 evidence:RT-PCR anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target:Tnfrsf18 ; MGI:894675|Il2ra ; MGI:96549|Ctla4 ; MGI:88556 external ref: text: IDA GO:0016563 MGI:1891436 J:117627 N/A 15423 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell ; CL:0000792 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:enhancement of diabetes incidence in Foxp3 KO NOD mice anatomy: cell type: gen IMP GO:0032831 MGI:1891436 J:118845 MGI:1857034 15424 2 e product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032831 MGI:1891436 J:118845 MGI:1857034 15425 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:104512 J:118845 N/A 15426 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:107182 J:118845 N/A 15427 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88343 J:118845 N/A 15428 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96549 J:118845 N/A 15429 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88338 J:118845 N/A 15430 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98578 J:118845 N/A 15431 1 evidence:lack of homozygous KO viable offspring anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:98809 J:45833 MGI:2387893 15432 1 evidence:IB anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030016 MGI:98809 J:45833 N/A 15433 1 evidence:IF anatomy:TS1,one-cell stage ; EMAP:2 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032154 MGI:1890149 J:45993 N/A 15434 1 evidence:IF anatomy:TS1,one-cell stage ; EMAP:2 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030863 MGI:1890149 J:45993 N/A 15435 1 evidence:SDS-PAGE anatomy:ventricle myocardium ; MA:0000082 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030016 MGI:98809 J:69918 N/A 15436 1 evidence:SDS-PAGE anatomy:ventricle myocardium ; MA:0000082 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030016 MGI:97272 J:69918 N/A 15437 1 evidence:rotorod test anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050885 MGI:1202390 J:70796 MGI:2180750 15438 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030426 MGI:1890149 J:101470 N/A 15439 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043005 MGI:1890149 J:101470 N/A 15440 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:98809 J:114084 N/A 15441 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031941 MGI:98809 J:114084 N/A 15442 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030863 MGI:1890149 J:114084 N/A 15443 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1890149 J:114084 N/A 15444 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031941 MGI:1890149 J:114084 N/A 15445 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002102 MGI:1890149 J:114084 N/A 15446 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030863 MGI:2449202 J:114084 N/A 15447 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2449202 J:114084 N/A 15448 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031941 MGI:2449202 J:114084 N/A 15449 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002102 MGI:2449202 J:114084 N/A 15450 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:telencephal IMP GO:0004558 MGI:95609 J:45386 MGI:2179961 15451 2 on ; MA:0000183 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004558 MGI:95609 J:45386 MGI:2179961 15452 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 anatomy:cardiac muscle tissue ; MA:0002441 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005977 MGI:95609 J:45386 MGI:2179961 15453 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003007 MGI:95609 J:45386 MGI:2179961 15454 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 anatomy:cardiac muscle tissue ; MA:0002441 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:95609 J:45386 MGI:2179961 15455 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:tail ; MA:0000008 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004558 MGI:95609 J:48839 MGI:2148550 15456 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046716 MGI:95609 J:48839 MGI:2148550 15457 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 anatomy:cardiac muscle tissue ; MA:0002441 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005977 MGI:95609 J:48839 MGI:2148550 15458 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 anatomy:cardiac muscle tissue ; MA:0002441 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:95609 J:48839 MGI:2148550 15459 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003007 MGI:95609 J:45386 MGI:2179961 15460 1 evidence: anatomy:abdominal fat pad ; MA:0000472 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009888 MGI:95609 J:58096 MGI:2179961 15461 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 anatomy:cardiac muscle tissue ; MA:0002441 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046716 MGI:95609 J:58096 MGI:2179961 15462 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:arterial system smooth muscle ; MA:0000704 anatomy:venous system smooth muscle ; MA: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:95609 J:58096 MGI:2179961 15463 2 0000715 anatomy:bronchiole ; MA:0000422 anatomy:myometrium ; MA:0000391 anatomy:urinary bladder smooth muscle ; MA:0001697 anatomy:urethra smooth muscle ; MA:0001691 anatomy:gall bladder smooth muscle ; MA:0001635 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 IMP GO:0007040 MGI:95609 J:58096 MGI:2179961 15464 3 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:95609 J:58096 MGI:2179961 15465 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:arterial system smooth muscle ; MA:0000704 anatomy:venous system smooth muscle ; MA: IMP GO:0005977 MGI:95609 J:58096 MGI:2179961 15466 2 0000715 anatomy:bronchiole ; MA:0000422 anatomy:myometrium ; MA:0000391 anatomy:urinary bladder smooth muscle ; MA:0001697 anatomy:urethra smooth muscle ; MA:0001691 anatomy:gall bladder smooth muscle ; MA:0001635 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 IMP GO:0005977 MGI:95609 J:58096 MGI:2179961 15467 3 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 anatomy:salivary gland epithelium ; MA:0001587 anatomy:salivary duct ; MA:0 IMP GO:0005977 MGI:95609 J:58096 MGI:2179961 15468 4 001586 anatomy:adrenal gland medulla ; MA:0000119 anatomy:renal distal tubule ; MA:0002633 anatomy:loop of henle ; MA:0001675 anatomy:kidney collecting duct ; MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:c IMP GO:0005977 MGI:95609 J:58096 MGI:2179961 15469 5 artilage ; MA:0000104 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 cell type:chondroblast ; CL:0000058 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:central nervous system ; MA:0000167 cell type:glial cell (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000243 IMP GO:0005977 MGI:95609 J:58096 MGI:2179961 15470 6 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005977 MGI:95609 J:58096 MGI:2179961 15471 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004558 MGI:95609 J:70048 MGI:2179961 15472 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005980 MGI:95609 J:70048 MGI:2179961 15473 1 evidence: anatomy:heart atrium ; MA:0000073 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: te IMP GO:0007040 MGI:95609 J:70048 MGI:2179961 15474 2 xt: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:95609 J:70048 MGI:2179961 15475 1 evidence: anatomy:heart left ventricle ; MA:0000092 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002026 MGI:95609 J:70048 MGI:2179961 15476 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904 anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005977 MGI:95609 J:72192 MGI:2148550 15477 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004558 MGI:95609 J:72192 MGI:2148550 15478 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005980 MGI:95609 J:76435 MGI:2179960,MGI:2179955 15479 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046716 MGI:95609 J:76435 MGI:2148550 15480 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:dorsiflexor muscle IMP GO:0046716 MGI:95609 J:105167 MGI:2179961 15481 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:dorsiflexor muscle IMP GO:0006941 MGI:95609 J:105167 MGI:2179961 15482 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|CRL-1951 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005794 MGI:3525016 J:117524 N/A 15483 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|CRL-1951 gene product: target: external ref: text IDA GO:0005634 MGI:3525016 J:117524 N/A 15484 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Pea15b, aka vanishin IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1346859 J:117524 UniProtKB:Q5QHR8 15485 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Mapk1 (Erk2) and Mapk3 (Erk1) IPI GO:0051019 MGI:3525016 J:117524 UniProtKB:P63085|UniProtKB:Q63844 15486 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:eye ; MA:0000261 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:2444748 J:104123 MGI:3588650 15487 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS23 ; footplate ; EMAP:7278 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035116 MGI:2444748 J:104123 MGI:3588650 15488 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS23 ; interventricular septum ; EMAP:7950 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:TS23 ; haematoxylin/eosin heart staining IMP GO:0007512 MGI:2444748 J:104123 MGI:3588650 15489 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS23 ; embryo ; EMAP:7148 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:TS23 ; oedema IMP GO:0008015 MGI:2444748 J:104123 MGI:3588650 15490 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS23 ; interventricular septum ; EMAP:7950 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:TS23 ; haematoxylin/eosin heart staining IMP GO:0003007 MGI:2444748 J:104123 MGI:3588650 15491 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:T23 ; primary choana ; EMAP:7837 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:TS23 ; scanning electron microscopy IMP GO:0043584 MGI:2444748 J:104123 MGI:3588650 15492 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS23 ; primary palate ; EMAP:8175 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:TS23 ; scanning electron microscopy IMP GO:0060021 MGI:2444748 J:104123 MGI:3588650 15493 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005977 MGI:95609 J:106533 MGI:2148550 15494 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:95609 J:106533 MGI:2148550 15495 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004558 MGI:95609 J:106533 MGI:2148550 15496 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002086 MGI:95609 J:106533 MGI:2148550 15497 1 evidence: anatomy:plantar foot interosseus muscle ; MA:0002304 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046716 MGI:95609 J:113067 MGI:2179961 15498 1 evidence: anatomy:plantar foot interosseus muscle ; MA:0002304 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006941 MGI:95609 J:113067 MGI:2179961 15499 1 evidence: anatomy:plantar foot interosseus muscle ; MA:0002304 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005977 MGI:95609 J:113067 MGI:2179961 15500 1 evidence: anatomy:plantar foot interosseus muscle ; MA:0002304 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:95609 J:113067 MGI:2179961 15501 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:102548 J:52464 MGI:1926345 15502 1 evidence: anatomy:neural tube ; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:102548 J:52464 MGI:1926345 15503 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; EMAP:4396 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:102548 J:52464 MGI:1926345 15504 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:102548 J:57631 MGI:1857938 15505 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:102548 J:62413 N/A 15506 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030100 MGI:102548 J:62413 N/A 15507 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: Cdkn1b ; MGI:104565 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006606 MGI:102548 J:62413 N/A 15508 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:104565 J:62413 N/A 15509 1 evidence:ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016363 MGI:104662 J:91881 N/A 15510 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, cardiovascular system ; EMAP:4365 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:97603 J:68331 MGI:2183523 15511 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20, cardiovascular system ; EMAP:4365 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016337 MGI:97603 J:68331 MGI:2183523 15512 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: GO:0009591 obsoleted IMP GO:0050982 MGI:97603 J:81443 MGI:1857562 15513 1 evidence:blocking antibody anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type:ciliated_epithelial_cell ; CL:0000067 gene product: text:antibody|GO:0009591 obsoleted IMP GO:0050982 MGI:1099818 J:81443 N/A 15514 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000792 MGI:103067 J:91881 N/A 15515 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016605 MGI:1197015 J:91881 N/A 15516 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Binds Atrx IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1197015 J:91881 UniProtKB:Q61687 15517 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:binds Daxx IPI GO:0005515 MGI:103067 J:91881 UniProtKB:O35613 15518 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:daxx-/- cells have greater % double nuclei; Daxx supplied in trans reduces 3x. IMP GO:0000281 MGI:1197015 J:91881 MGI:3051780 15519 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; EMAP:4396 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0055007 MGI:1929183 J:70463 MGI:2183146 15520 1 evidence: anatomy:neural tube ; EMAP:858 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:1929183 J:70463 MGI:2183146 15521 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:1929183 J:70463 MGI:2183146 15522 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:102548 J:73510 N/A 15523 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1929183 J:73510 N/A 15524 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: target:Tsc1 ; MGI:1929183 external ref: text: IDA GO:0008104 MGI:102548 J:73510 N/A 15525 1 evidence: anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:102548 J:100094 MGI:109583 15526 1 evidence: anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:109583 J:100094 MGI:102548 15527 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, cardiovascular system ; EMAP:6895|placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:87986 J:85181 MGI:2675202 15528 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, cardiovascular system ; EMAP:6895|placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005977 MGI:87986 J:85181 MGI:2675202 15529 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, cardiovascular system ; EMAP:6895|placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001890 MGI:87986 J:85181 MGI:2675202 15530 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048009 MGI:102548 J:91846 N/A 15531 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014065 MGI:102548 J:91846 N/A 15532 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043491 MGI:102548 J:91846 N/A 15533 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048009 MGI:102548 J:91846 MGI:1270849|MGI:1927343 15534 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target:Rps6kb2 ; MGI:1927343|Rps6kb1 ; MGI:1270849 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006469 MGI:102548 J:91846 N/A 15535 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043491 MGI:102548 J:91846 MGI:1270849|MGI:1927343|MGI:1928394|MGI:87986|MGI:99454 15536 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043491 MGI:87986 J:91846 MGI:102548|MGI:1270849|MGI:1927343|MGI:99454 15537 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043491 MGI:1270849 J:91846 MGI:102548|MGI:87986|MGI:1927343|MGI:99454 15538 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043491 MGI:1927343 J:91846 MGI:102548|MGI:87986|MGI:1270849|MGI:99454 15539 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043491 MGI:99454 J:91846 MGI:102548|MGI:87986|MGI:1270849|MGI:1927343|MGI:99454 15540 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Irs1 ; MGI:99454 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006468 MGI:1270849 J:91846 N/A 15541 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Irs1 ; MGI:99454 external ref: text: IDA GO:0004672 MGI:1270849 J:91846 N/A 15542 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Irs1 ; MGI:99454 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006468 MGI:1927343 J:91846 N/A 15543 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Irs1 ; MGI:99454 external ref: text: IDA GO:0004672 MGI:1927343 J:91846 N/A 15544 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target:Irs1 ; MGI:99454 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006468 MGI:1270849 J:91846 N/A 15545 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target:Irs1 ; MGI:99454 external ref: text: IMP GO:0004672 MGI:1270849 J:91846 N/A 15546 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050918 MGI:102548 J:91846 N/A 15547 1 evidence: anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:102548 J:100095 MGI:109583 15548 1 evidence: anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051898 MGI:102548 J:100095 MGI:109583 15549 1 evidence: anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:109583 J:100095 MGI:1857936 15550 1 evidence: anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014067 MGI:102548 J:100095 MGI:1857938 15551 1 evidence: anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051898 MGI:102548 J:100095 MGI:1857938 15552 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1890077 J:100095 N/A 15553 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1890077 J:100095 N/A 15554 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, ventricle ; EMAP:6438 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1341850 J:114498 MGI:3690329 15555 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, liver ; EMAP:6651 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001889 MGI:1341850 J:114498 MGI:3690329 15556 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Rps6kb1 ; MGI:1270849|Rps6 ; MGI:98159|Eif4ebp1 ; MGI:103267 external ref: text: IMP GO:0001934 MGI:1341850 J:114498 MGI:3690329 15557 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, ventricle ; EMAP:6438 anatomy:TS22, liver ; EMAP:6651 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045793 MGI:1341850 J:114498 MGI:3690329 15558 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, ventricle ; EMAP:6438 anatomy:TS22, liver ; EMAP:6651 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:1341850 J:114498 MGI:3690329 15559 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007254 MGI:104798 J:114498 MGI:1341850 15560 1 evidence:inferred from immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000085 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage ; CL:0000581 cell type:monoblast ; CL:0000040 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:ELISA ; IL-6 production assay IMP GO:0032755 MGI:2685628 J:117799 MGI:3698412 15561 1 evidence:inferred from immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000085 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage ; CL:0000581 cell type:monoblast ; CL:0000040 gene product: target: external ref: text: e IMP GO:0045089 MGI:2685628 J:117799 MGI:3698412 15562 2 vidence:ELISA ; IL-6 and TNF production assays IMP GO:0045089 MGI:2685628 J:117799 MGI:3698412 15563 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage ; CL:0000581 cell type:monoblast ; CL:0000040 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:immunoblot of MAPK phosphorylation IMP GO:0032874 MGI:2685628 J:117799 MGI:3698412 15564 1 evidence:inferred from immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000085 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR ; ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage ; CL:0000581 cell type:monoblast ; CL:0000040 gene product: qualifie IMP GO:0032760 MGI:2685628 J:117799 MGI:3698412 15565 2 r: target: external ref: text: evidence:ELISA ; TNF production assay ; RT-PCR IMP GO:0032760 MGI:2685628 J:117799 MGI:3698412 15566 1 evidence:inferred from immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000085 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage ; CL:0000581 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:ELISA ; IL-6 production assay IMP GO:0042493 MGI:2685628 J:117799 MGI:3698412 15567 1 evidence:inferred from immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000085 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage ; CL:0000581 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:ELISA ; IL-6 production assay IMP GO:0043330 MGI:2685628 J:117799 MGI:3698412 15568 1 evidence:inferred from immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000085 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage ; CL:0000581 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:ELISA ; IL-6 production assay IMP GO:0032495 MGI:2685628 J:117799 MGI:3698412 15569 1 evidence:inferred from immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000085 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage ; CL:0000581 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:ELISA ; IL-6 production assay IMP GO:0032494 MGI:2685628 J:117799 MGI:3698412 15570 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage ; CL:0000581 cell type:monoblast ; CL:0000040 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051092 MGI:2685628 J:117799 MGI:3698412 15571 2 evidence:immunoblot of MAPK phosphorylation IMP GO:0051092 MGI:2685628 J:117799 MGI:3698412 15572 1 evidence:inferred from immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000085 anatomy: cell type:monoblast ; CL:0000040 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:ELISA ; IL-6 and TNF production assays IMP GO:0050830 MGI:2685628 J:117799 MGI:3698412 15573 1 evidence:inferred from immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000085 evidence:inferred from level of transcript determined by RT-PCR ; ECO:0000108 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage ; CL:0000581 cell type: IMP GO:0051607 MGI:2685628 J:117799 MGI:3698412 15574 2 monoblast ; CL:0000040 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:ELISA ; IL-6 and TNF production assays ; RT-PCR ; Immunoblot of MAPK phosphorylation IMP GO:0051607 MGI:2685628 J:117799 MGI:3698412 15575 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:monoblast ; CL:0000040 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:Immunoblot of MAPK phosphorylation IMP GO:0046330 MGI:2685628 J:117799 MGI:3698412 15576 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:293 ; ATCC:0000013 ; CRL-1573 gene product: target:JNK1 ; JNK2 external ref: text: evidence:immunoblot of MAPK phosphorylation ISA GO:0046330 MGI:2685628 J:117799 UniProtKB:Q9H257 15577 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:293 ; ATCC:0000013 ; CRL-1573 gene product: target:p38 external ref: text: evidence:immunoblot of MAPK phospho ISA GO:0032874 MGI:2685628 J:117799 UniProtKB:Q9H257 15578 2 rylation ; luciferase transcriptional reporter assay ISA GO:0032874 MGI:2685628 J:117799 UniProtKB:Q9H257 15579 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:293 ; ATCC:0000013 ; CRL-1573 gene product: target:JNK1 ; JNK2 external ref: text: evidence:immunoblot of MAPK phosphorylation ISA GO:0046330 MGI:2429397 J:117799 UniProtKB:Q7Z597 15580 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:293 ; ATCC:0000013 ; CRL-1573 gene product: target:p38 external ref: text: evidence:immunoblot of MAPK phosphorylation ISA GO:0032874 MGI:2429397 J:117799 UniProtKB:Q7Z597 15581 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:293 ; ATCC:0000013 ; CRL-1573 gene product: target:p38 external ref: text: evidence:luciferase transcriptional reporter assay ISA GO:0032760 MGI:2429397 J:117799 UniProtKB:Q7Z597 15582 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tcf1 IPI GO:0046982 MGI:98505 J:32278 UniProtKB:P22361 15583 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tcf1 IPI GO:0046982 MGI:98505 J:32277 UniProtKB:P22361 15584 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98505 J:98014 N/A 15585 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Crebbp,Pcaf IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98505 J:98014 UniProtKB:P45481|UniProtKB:Q3U142 15586 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Crebbp,Pcaf,Hdac1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98505 J:94611 UniProtKB:P45481|UniProtKB:Q3U142|UniProtKB:PO09106 15587 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA IDA GO:0048471 MGI:1277223 J:70808 N/A 15588 2 :0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0048471 MGI:1277223 J:70808 N/A 15589 1 evidence: anatomy:adult mouse ; MA:0002405 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0040015 MGI:1277223 J:103805 MGI:3611805 15590 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9353120|IDA text: ISO GO:0016363 MGI:104783 J:73065 UniProtKB:P54253 15591 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9353120|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:104783 J:73065 UniProtKB:P54253 15592 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:104783 J:48508 MGI:2181805 15593 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:jun +/+ vsjun -/- cells IMP GO:0031953 MGI:96646 J:112622 N/A 15594 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97597 J:71483 N/A 15595 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:97597 J:71483 N/A 15596 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 anatomy:corpora quadrigemina ; MA:0002567 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004889 MGI:99779 J:37665 N/A 15597 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004889 MGI:99779 J:44288 MGI:1888407 15598 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:99779 J:44288 MGI:1888407 15599 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006811 MGI:99779 J:44288 MGI:1888407 15600 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007271 MGI:99779 J:44288 MGI:1888407 15601 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:5059|EMAP:6147 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007417 MGI:1335098 J:51608 MGI:1857720 15602 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10800961|IDA text: ISO GO:0004889 MGI:99779 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q05941 15603 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:99779 J:61536 MGI:2155604 15604 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006811 MGI:99779 J:61536 MGI:2155604 15605 1 evidence:whole-mount view of embryo ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS10 embryo ; EMAP:106 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:87911 J:117234 MGI:3696672|MGI:1931734 15606 1 evidence:histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS11 embryo ; EMAP:147 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001707 MGI:87911 J:117234 MGI:3696672|MGI:1931734 15607 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:99779 J:74703 N/A 15608 1 evidence: anatomy:superior colliculus ; MA:0001068 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:caudate putamen ; MA:0000893 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004889 MGI:99779 J:74703 MGI:1888407 15609 1 evidence:inferred from protein binding ; ECO:0000024 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 | ATCC:TIB-71 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2685628 J:117799 UniProtKB:Q8K3Z0 15610 1 evidence:inferred from protein binding ; ECO:0000024 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 | ATCC:TIB-71 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2429397 J:117799 UniProtKB:Q6P065 15611 1 evidence:sequencing of V(D)J coding joints anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051102 MGI:1335098 J:50865 MGI:1857732 15612 1 evidence:based on response to radiation and demonstrated role in DNA ligation anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051103 MGI:1335098 J:50865 MGI:1857732 15613 1 evidence:lack of live births anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1335098 J:50865 MGI:1857732 15614 1 evidence:cell counts anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text:MEFs used from 13.5-day-old embryos IMP GO:0048146 MGI:1335098 J:50865 MGI:1857732 15615 1 evidence:cell counts of gamma irradiated cells anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text:MEFs from 13.5-day-old embryos used IMP GO:0010332 MGI:1335098 J:50865 MGI:1857732 15616 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: difference in activity via gel staining assay IMP GO:0004784 MGI:98351 J:46672 MGI:3526701 15617 1 evidence:karyotyping of irradiated cells anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text:MEFs from 13.5-day-old embryos used IMP GO:0006303 MGI:1335098 J:62721 MGI:1857732 15618 1 evidence:cell cycle arrest (data not shown) anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text:MEFs from 13.5-day-old embryos used IMP GO:0010212 MGI:1335098 J:62721 MGI:1857732 15619 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:paraquat treatment, but not hyperbaric oxygen IMP GO:0000303 MGI:98351 J:46672 MGI:3526701 15620 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: by virtual of GO:0004785 IMP GO:0019430 MGI:98351 J:46672 MGI:3526701 15621 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12508119|IDA text: ISO GO:0005886 MGI:99779 J:73065 UniProtKB:P36544 15622 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: target:Tnf ; MGI:104798 external ref: text: IMP GO:0032720 MGI:99779 J:89610 MGI:1888407 15623 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target:Il1b ; MGI:96543 external ref: text: IMP GO:0032691 MGI:99779 J:89610 MGI:1888407 15624 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target:Il6 ; MGI:96559 external ref: text: IMP GO:0032715 MGI:99779 J:89610 MGI:1888407 15625 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:DN2 immature T cell ; CL:0000806 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033077 MGI:1335098 J:63078 MGI:1857732 15626 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:DN2 immature T cell ; CL:0000806 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033077 MGI:1335098 J:50865 MGI:1857732 15627 1 evidence:lack of live births anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1335098 J:63078 MGI:1857732 15628 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS22,cerebral cortex ; EMAP:6076 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043524 MGI:1335098 J:63078 MGI:98834 15629 1 evidence:cell counts anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text:MEFs used from 13.5-day-old embryos IMP GO:0048146 MGI:1335098 J:63078 MGI:1857732 15630 1 evidence:cell counts of gamma irradiated cells anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text:MEFs from 13.5-day-old embryos used IMP GO:0010332 MGI:1335098 J:63078 MGI:1857732 15631 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS22,cerebral cortex ; EMAP:6076 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043525 MGI:98834 J:63078 MGI:1335098 15632 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy:TS4, embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|GCS-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031397 MGI:104990 J:117265 MGI:2387010 15633 1 evidence:degron sequence fused to GFP ; inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 evidence:chymotrypsin-like peptidase activity of proteasome ; inferred from enzyme assay ; ECO:0000005 anatomy:TS4, embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type:permanent cell line cell IMP GO:0032436 MGI:104990 J:117265 MGI:2387010 15634 2 ; CL:0000002|GCS-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032436 MGI:104990 J:117265 MGI:2387010 15635 1 evidence:arsenite-induced citotoxicity assay ; inferred from physiological response ; ECO:0000174 anatomy:TS4, embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|GCS-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046685 MGI:104990 J:117265 MGI:2387010 15636 1 evidence:arsenite-induced citotoxicity assay ; inferred from physiological response ; ECO:0000174 anatomy:TS4, embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|GCS-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009410 MGI:104990 J:117265 MGI:2387010 15637 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy:TS4, embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|GCS-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051879 MGI:109531 J:117265 N/A 15638 1 evidence:inferred from fractionation ; ECO:0000100 anatomy:TS4, embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|GCS-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:109531 J:117265 N/A 15639 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:progressive loss of muscle mass IMP GO:0046716 MGI:98351 J:108756 MGI:2680903 15640 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS22,cerebral cortex ; EMAP:6076 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007417 MGI:98834 J:101353 MGI:1335098 15641 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS22,cerebral cortex ; EMAP:6076 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007417 MGI:1335098 J:65218 MGI:1857732 15642 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS22,cerebral cortex ; EMAP:6076 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:1335098 J:65218 MGI:1857732 15643 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS22,cerebral cortex ; EMAP:6076 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050769 MGI:1335098 J:65218 MGI:1857732 15644 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:DN2 immature T cell ; CL:0000806 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033077 MGI:97849 J:65218 MGI:1858556 15645 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:DN2 immature T cell ; CL:0000806 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033077 MGI:1333799 J:65218 MGI:1926771 15646 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS22,cerebral cortex ; EMAP:6076 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007417 MGI:1333799 J:65218 MGI:1926771 15647 1 evidence:asymmetric field inversion electrophoresis analysis of double strand breaks in gamma irradiated cells anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text:MEFs from 13.5-day-old embryos used IMP GO:0006302 MGI:1333799 J:65218 MGI:1926771 15648 1 evidence:lack of live births anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1333799 J:65218 MGI:1926771 15649 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS22,cerebral cortex ; EMAP:6076 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:1333799 J:65218 MGI:1926771 15650 1 evidence:cell counts anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text:MEFs from 13.5-day-old embryos used IMP GO:0048146 MGI:1333799 J:65218 MGI:1926771 15651 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS22,cerebral cortex ; EMAP:6076 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050769 MGI:1333799 J:65218 MGI:1926771 15652 1 evidence:cell counts after X irradiation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text:MEFs from 13.5-day-old embryos used IMP GO:0010165 MGI:1333799 J:65218 MGI:1926771 15653 1 evidence:cell counts following gamma irradiation anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text:MEFs from 13.5-day-old embryos used IMP GO:0010332 MGI:1333799 J:65218 MGI:1926771 15654 1 evidence:colony-resistance assay for V(D)J recombination anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text:Recombination of V(D)J substrate required cont IGI GO:0033151 MGI:97849 J:10580 MGI:97848 15655 2 ransfection of both Rag1 and Rag2. IGI GO:0033151 MGI:97849 J:10580 MGI:97848 15656 1 evidence:colony-resistance assay for V(D)J recombination anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text:Recombination of V(D)J substrate required cont IGI GO:0033151 MGI:97848 J:10580 MGI:97849 15657 2 ransfection of both Rag1 and Rag2. IGI GO:0033151 MGI:97848 J:10580 MGI:97849 15658 1 evidence:sequence analysis of V-D-J rearrangements anatomy: cell type:pro-B cell ; CL:0000826 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033152 MGI:1333799 J:65218 MGI:1926771 15659 1 evidence:sequence analysis of V-D-J joints (data not shown) anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033153 MGI:1335098 J:63078 MGI:1857732 15660 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS22,cerebral cortex ; EMAP:6076 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007417 MGI:1335098 J:63078 MGI:98834 15661 1 evidence:sequence analysis of V-D-J joints in pro-B cells anatomy: cell type:pro-B cell ; CL:0000826 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033152 MGI:1335098 J:50865 MGI:1857732 15662 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:pro-B cell ; CL:0000826 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002328 MGI:1335098 J:50865 MGI:1857732 15663 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:pro-B cell ; CL:0000826 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002328 MGI:1335098 J:63078 MGI:1857732 15664 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:pro-B cell ; CL:0000826 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002328 MGI:1333799 J:65218 MGI:1926771 15665 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033077 MGI:104779 J:50222 MGI:2383951 15666 1 evidence:PCR anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033153 MGI:104779 J:50222 MGI:2383951 15667 1 evidence:PCR anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033152 MGI:104779 J:50222 MGI:2383951 15668 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:pro-B cell ; CL:0000816 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002328 MGI:104779 J:50222 MGI:2383951 15669 1 evidence:cell counts anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text:MEFs from 13.5-day-old embryos used IMP GO:0010332 MGI:104779 J:50222 MGI:2383951 15670 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 ; rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:87912 J:116889 MGI:1857709 15671 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 ; rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:87912 J:116889 MGI:1857709 15672 1 evidence:Whole-mount urogenital system view, microscopic view ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001822 MGI:87912 J:116889 MGI:1857709 15673 1 evidence:Skeleton staining of skulls from embryos ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060021 MGI:87912 J:116889 MGI:1857709 15674 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001988 MGI:99779 J:96657 MGI:1888407 15675 1 evidence: anatomy:heart atrium ; MA:0000073|sympathetic nervous system ; MA:0000225 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014061 MGI:99779 J:96657 MGI:1888407 15676 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Hepa-1 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004357 MGI:104990 J:91536 N/A 15677 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Hepa-1 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043066 MGI:104990 J:91536 MGI:104995 15678 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Hepa-1 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043066 MGI:104995 J:91536 MGI:104990 15679 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Hepa-1 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051900 MGI:104995 J:91536 MGI:104990 15680 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Hepa-1 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051900 MGI:104990 J:91536 MGI:104995 15681 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|BEAS-2B ; ATCC:CRL-9609 gene product: target:Chrna7 ; MGI:99779 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:95295 J:101308 N/A 15682 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|BEAS-2B ; ATCC:CRL-9609 gene product: target:Chrna7 ; MGI:99779 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:105044 J:101308 N/A 15683 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, lung,epithelium ; EMAP:8312 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 cell type:Clara cell ; CL:0000158 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:99779 J:101308 N/A 15684 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 ; rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:87912 J:116889 MGI:98728 15685 1 evidence:Whole-mount urogenital system view, microscopic view ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001822 MGI:87912 J:116889 MGI:98728 15686 1 evidence:Skeleton staining of skulls from embryos ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060021 MGI:87912 J:116889 MGI:98728 15687 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 ; rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001501 MGI:87912 J:116889 MGI:98728 15688 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 ; rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:T1/T2 rib fusion IGI GO:0048705 MGI:87912 J:116889 MGI:98728 15689 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 ; inferred from Western blot ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Acvr2b IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1338027 J:116889 UniProtKB:P27040 15690 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 ; inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Gdf11 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:87912 J:116889 UniProtKB:Q9Z1W4 15691 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tcf2 IPI GO:0046982 MGI:98504 J:32277 UniProtKB:P27889 15692 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tcf2 IPI GO:0046982 MGI:98504 J:32278 UniProtKB:P27889 15693 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:99779 J:103908 N/A 15694 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 ; rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:98728 J:116889 MGI:87912 15695 1 evidence:Whole-mount urogenital system view, microscopic view ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001822 MGI:98728 J:116889 MGI:87912 15696 1 evidence:Skeleton staining of skulls from embryos ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060021 MGI:98728 J:116889 MGI:87912 15697 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 ; rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001501 MGI:98728 J:116889 MGI:87912 15698 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 ; rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:T1/T2 rib fusion IGI GO:0048705 MGI:98728 J:116889 MGI:87912 15699 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:87888 J:103908 N/A 15700 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:87891 J:103908 N/A 15701 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042113 MGI:99779 J:103908 MGI:1888407 15702 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042113 MGI:87888 J:103908 MGI:1926251 15703 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042113 MGI:87891 J:103908 MGI:1926253 15704 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001824 MGI:98504 J:111226 N/A 15705 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Smarca5 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98504 J:111226 UniProtKB:Q91ZW3 15706 1 evidence:RNAI anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:98504 J:111226 N/A 15707 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006355 MGI:98504 J:111226 N/A 15708 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003700 MGI:98504 J:111226 N/A 15709 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030890 MGI:87891 J:103908 MGI:88336 15710 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030890 MGI:88336 J:103908 MGI:87891 15711 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045471 MGI:99779 J:104831 MGI:1888407 15712 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11222635|IDA text: ISO GO:0004889 MGI:99779 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q05941 15713 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12508119|IDA text: ISO GO:0032720 MGI:99779 J:73065 UniProtKB:P36544 15714 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11222635|IDA text: ISO GO:0042391 MGI:99779 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q05941 15715 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1763325|IPI|UniProt:P61458 text: ISO GO:0045893 MGI:98504 J:32276 UniProtKB:P15257 15716 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; MA:0000207 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004889 MGI:87888 J:109365 MGI:1926251 15717 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; MA:0000207 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004889 MGI:87891 J:109365 MGI:1926253 15718 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tcf2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1098280 J:94611 UniProtKB:P27889 15719 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; MA:0000207 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051899 MGI:87888 J:109365 MGI:1926251 15720 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tcf2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1343094 J:94611 UniProtKB:P27889 15721 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; MA:0000207 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051899 MGI:87891 J:109365 MGI:1926253 15722 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tcf2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:108086 J:94611 UniProtKB:P27889 15723 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tcf2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1098280 J:98014 UniProtKB:P27889 15724 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; MA:0000207 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: target: external ref: text: IC GO:0030890 MGI:87891 J:109365 GO:0051899|GO:0004889 15725 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009790 MGI:1935129 J:111226 N/A 15726 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tcf1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1935129 J:111226 UniProtKB:P22361 15727 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006355 MGI:1935129 J:111226 N/A 15728 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016563 MGI:1935129 J:111226 N/A 15729 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042110 MGI:99779 J:112766 MGI:1888407 15730 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042113 MGI:99779 J:112766 MGI:1888407 15731 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042113 MGI:87891 J:112766 MGI:1926253 15732 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tcf1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98505 J:31627 UniProtKB:P22361 15733 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tcf1 IPI GO:0046982 MGI:98505 J:31831 UniProtKB:P22361 15734 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tcf2 IPI GO:0042803 MGI:98505 J:31627 UniProtKB:P27889 15735 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030317 MGI:99779 J:115434 MGI:1888407 15736 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1763325|IPI|UniProt:P15257 text: ISA GO:0005634 MGI:94873 J:32276 UniProtKB:P61458 15737 1 evidence:ASO(antisense oligonucleotide) anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001658 MGI:1202715 J:47105 N/A 15738 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15760934|IMP text: ISO GO:0006816 MGI:99779 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q05941 15739 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15760934|IMP text: ISO GO:0004889 MGI:99779 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q05941 15740 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15760934|IMP text: ISO GO:0042391 MGI:99779 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q05941 15741 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016337 MGI:1889007 J:119553 N/A 15742 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031589 MGI:1889007 J:119553 N/A 15743 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031527 MGI:1889007 J:119553 N/A 15744 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032433 MGI:1889007 J:119553 N/A 15745 1 evidence:histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS11 embryo ; EMAP:147 evidence:in situ hybridization ; inferred from expression pattern ; ECO:0000008 anatomy:TS9 embryo ; EMAP:80 cell type: gene product: qualifier IMP GO:0007498 MGI:87911 J:117234 MGI:3696672|MGI:1931734 15746 2 : target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007498 MGI:87911 J:117234 MGI:3696672|MGI:1931734 15747 1 evidence:histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS11 embryo ; EMAP:147 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001702 MGI:87911 J:117234 MGI:3696672|MGI:1931734 15748 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17116230|IDA text: ISO GO:0030424 MGI:1889007 J:73065 EMBL:BG668399|EMBL:BF544777 15749 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046847 MGI:1889007 J:119553 N/A 15750 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032313 MGI:1921268 J:100945 N/A 15751 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016050 MGI:1921268 J:100945 N/A 15752 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|SW13 ; ATCC:CCL-105 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1921268 J:100945 N/A 15753 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|SW13 ; ATCC:CCL-105 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005813 MGI:1921268 J:100945 N/A 15754 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16085057|IDA text: ISO GO:0005813 MGI:1921268 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96Q42 15755 1 evidence: anatomy:gastrocnemius ; MA:0002306 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007528 MGI:1921268 J:104446 MGI:3612978 15756 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016197 MGI:1921268 J:104446 MGI:3612978 15757 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell IMP GO:0016197 MGI:1921268 J:111035 MGI:3653518 15758 2 line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016197 MGI:1921268 J:111035 MGI:3653518 15759 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031947 MGI:88105 J:117414 MGI:2451290 15760 1 evidence:inferred from bioassay ; ECO:0000094 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:methamphetamine IMP GO:0042493 MGI:88105 J:117414 MGI:2451290 15761 1 evidence:inferred from bioassay ; ECO:0000094 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008344 MGI:88106 J:117414 MGI:2451291 15762 1 evidence:inferred from bioassay ; ECO:0000094 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008542 MGI:88106 J:117414 MGI:2451291 15763 1 evidence:inferred from bioassay ; ECO:0000094 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008344 MGI:88107 J:117414 MGI:3696954 15764 1 evidence:inferred from bioassay ; ECO:0000094 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035235 MGI:88107 J:117414 MGI:3696954 15765 1 evidence:inferred from bioassay ; ECO:0000094 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007613 MGI:88107 J:117414 MGI:3696954 15766 1 evidence:inferred from bioassay ; ECO:0000094 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:methamphetamine IMP GO:0042493 MGI:88107 J:117414 MGI:3696954 15767 1 evidence:inferred from bioassay ; ECO:0000094 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008542 MGI:88107 J:117414 MGI:3696954 15768 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0014069 MGI:1921268 J:114917 N/A 15769 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0014069 MGI:1277959 J:114917 N/A 15770 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043197 MGI:1921268 J:114917 N/A 15771 1 evidence: anatomy:cortical layer III ; MA:0000899 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035249 MGI:1921268 J:114917 MGI:3522476 15772 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target:Grip1 ; MGI:1921303 external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:cortical layer III ; MA:0000899 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:1921268 J:114917 MGI:3522476 15773 2 target:Gria2 ; MGI:95809 external ref: text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:1921268 J:114917 MGI:3522476 15774 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001881 MGI:1921268 J:114917 MGI:3522476 15775 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:95808 J:114917 N/A 15776 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:95809 J:114917 N/A 15777 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:95810 J:114917 N/A 15778 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:95819 J:114917 N/A 15779 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17239822|IPI|UniProt:Q96Q42 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2447532 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q60I27 15780 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17239822|IPI|UniProt:Q60I27 text: ISO GO:0042802 MGI:2447532 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q60I27 15781 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17239822|IPI|UniProt:Q60I27 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1921268 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96Q42 15782 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target:Als2 ; MGI:1921268 external ref: text: IDA GO:0008104 MGI:2447532 J:118328 N/A 15783 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17239822|IGI|UniProt:Q96Q42 text: ISO GO:0007032 MGI:2447532 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q60I27 15784 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17239822|IGI|UniProt:Q60I27 text: ISO GO:0007032 MGI:1921268 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96Q42 15785 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:enzyme assay was non-specific for Zn SOD, but was sufficient to demonstrate phenotpe. (drop in SOD activity). IMP GO:0004784 MGI:98351 J:56971 MGI:1857872 15786 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019430 MGI:98351 J:56971 MGI:1857872 15787 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042157 MGI:1930124 J:97550 N/A 15788 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043691 MGI:1930124 J:97550 N/A 15789 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Fech external ref: text: IMP GO:0016563 MGI:98504 J:60083 MGI:2384429 15790 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Slc37a4 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98504 J:68032 N/A 15791 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Slc37a4 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:98504 J:68032 N/A 15792 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Fabp1 external ref: text: IDA GO:0016563 MGI:98504 J:64325 N/A 15793 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hlc10a2|Nr1h4 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98504 J:68661 N/A 15794 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Slc10a2|Nr1h4 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:98504 J:68661 N/A 15795 1 evidence:ChIP|EMSA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:LPHL|2010204N08RIK external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98504 J:111082 N/A 15796 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Slc5a2 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98504 J:106621 N/A 15797 1 evidence:antisense ribozyme anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045941 MGI:98504 J:113611 N/A 15798 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Slc5a2 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:98504 J:106621 N/A 15799 1 evidence:inferred from physiological response ; ECO:0000174 anatomy:T27, T28 ; utricle ; MA:0000247 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 gene product: target: external ref: text:cultured hair cells from P0-P4 utricle IMP GO:0006874 MGI:105368 J:119503 MGI:1856799|MGI:1857876 15800 1 evidence:inferred from physiological response ; ECO:0000174 anatomy:T27, T28 ; utricle ; MA:0000247 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 gene product: target: external ref: text:cultured hair cells from P0-P4 utricle IMP GO:0006816 MGI:105368 J:119503 MGI:1856799|MGI:1857876 15801 1 evidence:inferred from immunolocalization ; ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005783 MGI:105368 J:119503 N/A 15802 1 evidence:inferred from immunolocalization ; ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:105368 J:119503 N/A 15803 1 evidence:inferred from physiological response ; ECO:0000174 anatomy:T27, T28 ; cochlea ; MA:0000240 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:P0-P4 organotypic cochlear cultures IMP GO:0007605 MGI:105368 J:119503 MGI:1856799|MGI:1857876 15804 1 evidence:inferred from physiological response ; ECO:0000174 anatomy:urinary bladder ; MA:0000380 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 | smooth muscle myoblast ; CL:0000514 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006874 MGI:103013 J:118456 MGI:2674119 15805 1 evidence:inferred from physiological response ; ECO:0000174 anatomy:urinary bladder ; MA:0000380 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 | smooth muscle myoblast ; CL:0000514 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006816 MGI:103013 J:118456 MGI:2674119 15806 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation ; ECO:0000004 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy:urinary bladder ; MA:0000380 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Microsomal membranes from urinary bladder IDA GO:0005624 MGI:103013 J:118456 N/A 15807 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:urinary bladder ; MA:0000380 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 | smooth muscle myoblast ; CL:0000514 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046620 MGI:103013 J:118456 MGI:2674119 15808 1 evidence:inferred from physiological response ; ECO:0000174 anatomy:urinary bladder detrussor smooth muscle ; MA:0001698 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 | smooth muscle myoblast ; CL:0000514 gene product: target: external ref: tex IMP GO:0060083 MGI:103013 J:118456 MGI:2674119 15809 2 t: IMP GO:0060083 MGI:103013 J:118456 MGI:2674119 15810 1 evidence: anatomy:inner ear ; MA:0000237 cell type:vestibular hair cell ; CL:0000609 cell type:auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060088 MGI:1915382 J:98396 MGI:3055797 15811 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS25 ; heart ; EMAP:10124 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:98728 J:119667 MGI:2388050|MGI:2386570 15812 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS25 ; heart ; EMAP:10124 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:98728 J:119667 MGI:2388050|MGI:2386570 15813 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS18 ; outflow tract ; EMAP:3089 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:98728 J:119667 MGI:2388050|MGI:2386570 15814 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS22 ; parathiroid gland ; thyroid ; EMAP:6016 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060017 MGI:98728 J:119667 MGI:2388050|MGI:2386570 15815 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS22 ; pharynx ; EMAP:6506 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060037 MGI:98728 J:119667 MGI:2388050|MGI:2386570 15816 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS22 ; thymus primordium ; EMAP:6015 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048538 MGI:98728 J:119667 MGI:2388050|MGI:2386570 15817 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:for anatomy, see notes for other J119667 annotations IMP GO:0007179 MGI:98728 J:119667 MGI:2388050|MGI:2386570 15818 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS25 ; heart ; EMAP:10124 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:98729 J:119667 MGI:2384513|MGI:2386570 15819 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS25 ; heart ; EMAP:10124 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001569 MGI:98729 J:119667 MGI:2384513|MGI:2386570 15820 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy:MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004784 MGI:98351 J:60470 MGI:2387861 15821 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy:MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019430 MGI:98351 J:60470 MGI:2387861 15822 1 evidence:ECO:0000085 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text:NSC-34 murine cell line IDA GO:0005615 MGI:98351 J:97045 N/A 15823 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Sod1 KO female have few corpus lutia (adult) IMP GO:0001541 MGI:98351 J:64299 MGI:1857873 15824 1 evidence: anatomy:inner ear ; EMAP:9164 anatomy:inner ear ; MA:0000237 cell type:auditory receptor cell ; CL:0000201 cell type:vestibular hair cell ; CL:0000609 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032420 MGI:1917912 J:112741 N/A 15825 1 evidence: anatomy:inner ear ; MA:0000237 cell type:auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202 cell type:vestibular hair cell ; CL:0000609 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060088 MGI:1917912 J:112741 MGI:3663254 15826 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17021174|IDA text: ISO GO:0032421 MGI:1917912 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9EPT8 15827 1 evidence: anatomy:inner ear ; MA:0000237 cell type:vestibular hair cell ; CL:0000609 cell type:auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target:Rdx ; MGI:97887 external ref: text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:1917912 J:112741 MGI:3663254 15828 1 evidence: anatomy:inner ear ; MA:0000237 cell type:auditory receptor cell ; CL:0000201 cell type:vestibular hair cell ; CL:0000609 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032420 MGI:97887 J:112741 N/A 15829 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1332049|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:98351 J:73065 UniProtKB:P00441 15830 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS25 ; heart ; EMAP:10124 anatomy:TS18 ; TS20 ; TS21 ; 3rd arch artery ; EMAP:3038 anatomy:TS18 ; TS20 ; TS21 ; 4th arch artery ; EMAP:3039 anatomy:TS18 ; TS20 ; TS21 ; 6th arch artery ; EMAP: IMP GO:0048844 MGI:98728 J:119667 MGI:2388050|MGI:2386570 15831 2 3040 anatomy:TS18 ; TS20 ; TS21 ; dorsal aorta ; EMAP:3041 anatomy:TS19 ; aortico-pulmonary spiral septum ; EMAP:3692 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048844 MGI:98728 J:119667 MGI:2388050|MGI:2386570 15832 1 evidence:inferred from immunolocalization ; ECO:0000087 evidence:inferred from immunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein ; ECO:0000092 anatomy:TS22 ; TS25 ; TS26 ; saccule ; EMAP:10539 anatomy:TS22 ; TS25 ; TS26 ; utricle ; EMAP:10546 cell type:primary IDA GO:0016327 MGI:1925144 J:119451 N/A 15833 2 cell line cell ; CL:0000001 ; hair cell CL:0000855 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016327 MGI:1925144 J:119451 N/A 15834 1 evidence:inferred from immunolocalization ; ECO:0000087 anatomy:TS22 ; TS25 ; TS26 ; P12 ; saccule ; EMAP:10539 anatomy:TS22 ; TS25 ; TS26 ; P12 ; utricle ; EMAP:10546 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 ; hair cell CL:0000855 gene product: qual IDA GO:0045197 MGI:1925144 J:119451 N/A 15835 2 ifier: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045197 MGI:1925144 J:119451 N/A 15836 1 evidence:inferred from immunolocalization ; ECO:0000087 evidence:inferred from immunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein ; ECO:0000092 anatomy:TS22 ; TS25 ; TS26 ; saccule ; EMAP:10539 anatomy:TS22 ; TS25 ; TS26 ; utricle ; EMAP:10546 cell type:primary IDA GO:0016328 MGI:1925144 J:119451 N/A 15837 2 cell line cell ; CL:0000001 ; hair cell CL:0000855 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016328 MGI:1925144 J:119451 N/A 15838 1 evidence:inferred from immunolocalization ; ECO:0000087 evidence:inferred from immunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein ; ECO:0000092 anatomy:TS21 - TS27 ; P0 ; P5 ; saccule ; EMAP:10539 anatomy:TS21 - TS27 ; P0 ; P5 ; utricle ; EMAP:10546 cell type:p IDA GO:0016327 MGI:108474 J:119451 N/A 15839 2 rimary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 ; hair cell CL:0000855 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016327 MGI:108474 J:119451 N/A 15840 1 evidence:inferred from immunolocalization ; ECO:0000087 anatomy:TS22 - TS26 ; utricle ; EMAP:10546 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 ; hair cell CL:0000855 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045197 MGI:2135272 J:119451 MGI:3038823 15841 1 evidence:ChIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043566 MGI:101938 J:87869 N/A 15842 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11555625|IMP text: ISO GO:0006298 MGI:101938 J:71822 UniProtKB:O00497 15843 1 evidence:inferred from immunolocalization ; ECO:0000087 anatomy:TS9-TS13 ; embryo (EMAP:80) ; visceral endoderm (EMAP:98) ; embryo (EMAP:147) ; embryo (EMAP:207) ; embryo (EMAP:402) ; neural tube (EMAP:489) cell type: gene product: target: exte IDA GO:0045176 MGI:1355333 J:119028 N/A 15844 2 rnal ref: text: IDA GO:0045176 MGI:1355333 J:119028 N/A 15845 1 evidence:inferred from immunolocalization ; ECO:0000087 anatomy:TS9-TS13 ; embryo (EMAP:80) ; visceral endoderm (EMAP:98) ; embryo (EMAP:147) ; embryo (EMAP:207) ; embryo (EMAP:402) ; neural tube (EMAP:489) cell type: gene product: target: exte IDA GO:0045175 MGI:1355333 J:119028 N/A 15846 2 rnal ref: text: IDA GO:0045175 MGI:1355333 J:119028 N/A 15847 1 evidence:inferred from immunolocalization ; ECO:0000087 evidence:histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:TS8 ; embryo (EMAP:57) ; TS9 ; endoderm (EMAP:84) ; TS11 IMP GO:0042074 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15848 2 ; endoderm (EMAP:160) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042074 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15849 1 evidence:histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS13 ; embryo (EMAP:402) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0010172 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15850 1 evidence:histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS13 ; foregut-midgut junction (EMAP:607) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048617 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15851 1 evidence:histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS13 ; heart (EMAP:560) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035050 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15852 1 evidence:histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS11 ; endoderm (EMAP:160) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007492 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15853 1 evidence:inferred from immunolocalization ; ECO:0000087 anatomy:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 ; mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030950 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15854 1 evidence:histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS14 ; embryo (EMAP:640) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15855 1 evidence:inferred from immunolocalization ; ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 ; mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030032 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15856 1 evidence:inferred from immunolocalization ; ECO:0000087 anatomy:TS11 ; mesoderm (EMAP:167) cell type:mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 ; primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008078 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15857 1 evidence:histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS13 ; neural tube (EMAP:489) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15858 1 evidence:histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS13 ; notochord (EMAP:531) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030903 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15859 1 evidence:histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS13 ; notochord (EMAP:531) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048570 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15860 1 evidence:histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS13 ; somite (EMAP:515) evidence:inferred from immunolocalization ; ECO:0000087 anatomy:TS11 ; mesoderm (EMAP:167) cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 ; mes IMP GO:0048339 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15861 2 odermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048339 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15862 1 evidence:histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS13 ; somite (EMAP:515) evidence:inferred from immunolocalization ; ECO:0000087 anatomy:TS11 ; mesoderm (EMAP:167) cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 ; mes IMP GO:0048340 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15863 2 odermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048340 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15864 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy:embryo (EMAP:402) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050821 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15865 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 ; inferred from immunolocalization ; ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 ; mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032880 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15866 1 evidence:histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:T13 ; somite (EMAP:515) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15867 1 evidence:histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS13 ; embryo (EMAP:402) ; primitive streak (EMAP:626) ; notochord (EMAP:531) ; heart (EMAP:560) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007354 MGI:1355333 J:119028 MGI:3578145 15868 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:mesoderm (EMAP:167) cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 ; mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031252 MGI:1344414 J:119028 N/A 15869 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:mesoderm (EMAP:167) cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 ; mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031252 MGI:104913 J:119028 N/A 15870 1 evidence:ChIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043566 MGI:1349427 J:87869 N/A 15871 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1928897 J:87735 N/A 15872 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ddx4 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1928897 J:87735 UniProtKB:Q61496 15873 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ddx4 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1930036 J:87735 UniProtKB:Q61496 15874 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Piwil1,Piwil2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:102670 J:87735 UniProtKB:Q9JMB7|UniProtKB:Q8CDG1 15875 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030036 MGI:1354949 J:96194 MGI:3529997 15876 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, heart ; EMAP:1317 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003007 MGI:1354949 J:96194 MGI:3529997 15877 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, neural tube ; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:1354949 J:96194 MGI:3529997 15878 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, future rhombencephalon ; EMAP:1223 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021575 MGI:1354949 J:96194 MGI:3529997 15879 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15, future forebrain ; EMAP:1200 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1354949 J:96194 MGI:3529997 15880 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048041 MGI:1354949 J:96194 MGI:3529997 15881 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target:Igf1 ; MGI:96432 external ref: text: IMP GO:0043568 MGI:2441906 J:89243 MGI:3040440 15882 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16491079|IDA text: ISO GO:0016358 MGI:1930008 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UBU3 15883 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016358 MGI:1930008 J:107095 MGI:3045041 15884 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16491079|IDA text: ISO GO:0051965 MGI:1930008 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UBU3 15885 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051965 MGI:1930008 J:107095 MGI:3045041 15886 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:1930008 J:107095 MGI:3045041 15887 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16491079|IDA text: ISO GO:0008542 MGI:1930008 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q5Y391 15888 1 evidence: anatomy:ventral tegmental nucleus ; MA:0001031 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051963 MGI:2441906 J:117370 MGI:3040440 15889 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic A cell ; CL:0000171 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048468 MGI:1347476 J:96332 MGI:2177337|MGI:2664968 15890 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic A cell ; CL:0000171 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031018 MGI:1347476 J:96332 MGI:2177337|MGI:2664968 15891 1 evidence: anatomy:median eminence ; MA:0000859 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043195 MGI:95709 J:16164 N/A 15892 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:95709 J:21491 N/A 15893 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:95709 J:23748 N/A 15894 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target:Ghrh ; MGI:95709 external ref: text: IDA GO:0046888 MGI:96559 J:23748 N/A 15895 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: ISO GO:0046888 MGI:107613 J:73065 UniProtKB:P20809 15896 2 target:Ghrh ; MGI:95709 external ref:PMID:7867561|IDA text: ISO GO:0046888 MGI:107613 J:73065 UniProtKB:P20809 15897 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: ISO GO:0046888 MGI:96787 J:73065 UniProtKB:P15018 15898 2 target:Ghrh ; MGI:95709 external ref:PMID:7867561|IDA text: ISO GO:0046888 MGI:96787 J:73065 UniProtKB:P15018 15899 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: ISO GO:0046888 MGI:104749 J:73065 UniProtKB:P13725 15900 2 target:Ghrh ; MGI:95709 external ref:PMID:7867561|IDA text: ISO GO:0046888 MGI:104749 J:73065 UniProtKB:P13725 15901 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:95709 J:18206 N/A 15902 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:95707 J:29213 N/A 15903 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008544 MGI:101895 J:30430 MGI:1857996 15904 1 evidence: anatomy:paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus ; MA:0000848 anatomy:supraoptic nucleus ; MA:0000849 cell type:neuroendocrine cell ; CL:0000165 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021979 MGI:101895 J:30430 MGI:1857996 15905 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, neurohypophysis ; EMAP:11629 cell type:pituicyte ; CL:0000645 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014002 MGI:101895 J:30430 MGI:1857996 15906 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, neurohypophysis ; EMAP:11629 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021985 MGI:101895 J:30430 MGI:1857996 15907 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, neurohypophysis ; EMAP:11629 cell type:neuroendocrine cell ; CL:0000165 gene product: target: external ref: text:magnocellular neuron IMP GO:0050770 MGI:101895 J:30430 MGI:1857996 15908 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type:somatostatin secreting cell ; CL:0000172 cell type:peptide hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000167 gene product: target: external ref: text:GHRH secreting cell IMP GO:0021979 MGI:109330 J:38548 MGI:1856842 15909 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:mesenteric vein ; MA:0002177 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000069 ; primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050901 MGI:98280 J:119376 MGI:1857245 15910 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:mesenteric vein ; MA:0002177 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000069 ; primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016020 MGI:98280 J:119376 N/A 15911 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 ; inferred from immunogold labelling ; ECO:0000090 anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:eye photoreceptor cell ; CL:0000287 ; primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: ext IDA GO:0016324 MGI:1341292 J:118927 N/A 15912 2 ernal ref: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:1341292 J:118927 N/A 15913 1 evidence: anatomy:TS2 two-cell stage ; EMAP:6 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:95708 J:40378 N/A 15914 1 evidence: anatomy:TS2 two-cell stage ; EMAP:6 anatomy:TS3 4-8 cell stage ; EMAP:8 anatomy:TS5 embryo ; EMAP:23 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:95708 J:40378 N/A 15915 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5 embryo ; EMAP:23 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:95707 J:40378 N/A 15916 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5 embryo ; EMAP:23 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:95707 J:40378 N/A 15917 1 evidence: anatomy:TS5 embryo ; EMAP:23 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005802 MGI:95707 J:40378 N/A 15918 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:eye photoreceptor cell ; CL:0000287 ; primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 ; retinal cone cell ; CL:0000573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045494 MGI:1341292 J:118927 MGI:3702040 15919 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:inner ear ; MA:0000237 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 ; inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 ; primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:postnata IDA GO:0032421 MGI:1341292 J:118927 N/A 15920 2 l days 1-5 IDA GO:0032421 MGI:1341292 J:118927 N/A 15921 1 evidence: anatomy:pars anterior ; MA:0000854 anatomy:pars intermedia ; MA:0000855 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021984 MGI:94862 J:41856 MGI:2386303 15922 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042053 MGI:94862 J:41856 MGI:2386303 15923 1 evidence:histology ; microscopy ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:inner ear ; MA:0000237 cell type:auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202 ; primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 ; labyrinth supporting cell ; CL:0000631 ; Pillar cell ; CL:1000 IMP GO:0005764 MGI:95609 J:120391 MGI:2179961 15924 2 191 ; blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 ; epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005764 MGI:95609 J:120391 MGI:2179961 15925 1 evidence:histology ; microscopy ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:inner ear ; MA:0000237 ; spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202 ; primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 ; labyrinth supporting cell ; CL:000 IMP GO:0005977 MGI:95609 J:120391 MGI:2179961 15926 2 0631 ; Pillar cell ; CL:1000191 ; blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 ; epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 ; sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005977 MGI:95609 J:120391 MGI:2179961 15927 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation ; ECO:0000004 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 ; spinal cord ; MA:0000216 ; liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:beta-deletion7 i IDA GO:0005624 MGI:95751 J:120269 N/A 15928 2 soform or beta-delta7 isoform and other Glrb isoforms IDA GO:0005624 MGI:95751 J:120269 N/A 15929 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11102452|IDA text: ISO GO:0005509 MGI:97272 J:67954 UniProtKB:P10916 15930 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell type cell ; CL:0000002|COS7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text:Slo1-DEC 1169 aa isoform ; Slo1-ERL 1116 aa isoform ; Slo1-VYR 1116 a IDA GO:0005783 MGI:99923 J:118875 N/A 15931 2 a isoform (no UniProt IDs) IDA GO:0005783 MGI:99923 J:118875 N/A 15932 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell type cell ; CL:0000002|COS7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text:Slo1-ERL 1116 aa isoform (no UniProt IDs) IDA GO:0051260 MGI:99923 J:118875 N/A 15933 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 ; inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell type cell ; CL:0000002|COS7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text:Slo1-DEC 1169 aa IDA GO:0009897 MGI:99923 J:118875 N/A 15934 2 isoform ; Slo1-ERL 1116 aa isoform ; Slo1-VYR 1116 aa isoform (no UniProt IDs). aa 1109-1169 of Slo1-DEC negatively regulate its Slo1-DEC surface expression. IDA GO:0009897 MGI:99923 J:118875 N/A 15935 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition ; ECO:0000020 anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text: IMP GO:0030252 MGI:95709 J:43815 N/A 15936 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8421089|IMP text: ISO GO:0040018 MGI:95709 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01286 15937 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:2857452|IDA text: ISO GO:0030252 MGI:95709 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01286 15938 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000236 cell type:CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060088 MGI:98351 J:118910 MGI:1857872 15939 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9144201|IDA text: ISO GO:0015758 MGI:95707 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01241 15940 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0001195 cell type:CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text:Gene KOleadsto ganglion cell loss IMP GO:0042493 MGI:98351 J:116036 MGI:3526701 15941 1 evidence: anatomy:pars posterior ; MA:0000860 cell type:neuroendocrine cell ; CL:0000165 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021985 MGI:99835 J:58466 MGI:2180541 15942 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000240 cell type:CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060088 MGI:98351 J:57435 MGI:1857872 15943 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, hypothalamus ; EMAP:6056 cell type:neuroendocrine cell ; CL:0000165 gene product: target: external ref: text:TRH, CRH, OT, AVP releasing cells IMP GO:0021979 MGI:99835 J:58466 MGI:2180541 15944 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18, mantle layer ; EMAP:2853 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002052 MGI:99835 J:58466 MGI:2180541 15945 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:metabolism of methamphetamine IMP GO:0042738 MGI:97360 J:67775 MGI:1857227 15946 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Gsh2+/+ gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:102463 J:94240 N/A 15947 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Gsh2+/+ gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:102463 J:94240 N/A 15948 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Gsh2+/+ gene product: target:Ghrh ; MGI:95709 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006355 MGI:102463 J:94240 N/A 15949 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844|Ghrh ; MGI:95709 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:102463 J:94240 N/A 15950 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ghrh ; MGI:95709 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:102463 J:94240 N/A 15951 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ghrh ; MGI:95709 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:102463 J:94240 N/A 15952 1 evidence: anatomy:pars anterior ; MA:0000854 cell type:somatotropin secreting cell ; CL:0000295 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021984 MGI:95709 J:102449 MGI:3051561 15953 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030252 MGI:95709 J:102449 MGI:3051561 15954 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:95707 J:102449 N/A 15955 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021983 MGI:88494 J:104066 MGI:2181395|MGI:2176173 15956 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 target:Prl ; MGI:97762 target:Fshb ; MGI:95582 target:Lhb ; MGI:96782 external ref: text: IMP GO:0046887 MGI:88494 J:104066 MGI:2181395|MGI:2176173 15957 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition ; ECO:0000020 anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 target:Igf1 ; MGI:96432 external ref: text: IMP GO:0046887 MGI:95709 J:43815 N/A 15958 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text: IMP GO:0046887 MGI:95709 J:102449 MGI:3051561 15959 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text: IMP GO:0046887 MGI:95709 J:116842 MGI:3051561 15960 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy:MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004784 MGI:98351 J:59502 MGI:1857872 15961 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:binds to human SOD1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98351 J:30458 UniProtKB:P00441 15962 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland alveolus ; MA:0002760 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:alveolus IMP GO:0030879 MGI:88494 J:104066 MGI:2181395|MGI:2176173 15963 1 evidence: anatomy:pars anterior ; MA:0000854 cell type:somatotropin secreting cell ; CL:0000471 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:95710 J:802 MGI:1856425 15964 1 evidence: anatomy:pars anterior ; MA:0000854 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021984 MGI:95710 J:3198 MGI:1856425 15965 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:increased frequency of DNA mutation in laz Z reporter in KO; presume increase is effect of increased supeoxide levels IMP GO:0000303 MGI:98351 J:104300 MGI:2680903 15966 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target:Igf1 ; MGI:96432 target: target: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046887 MGI:95710 J:3735 MGI:1856425 15967 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96436 J:3735 N/A 15968 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96437 J:3735 N/A 15969 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96438 J:3735 N/A 15970 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96439 J:3735 N/A 15971 1 evidence: anatomy:pars anterior ; MA:0000854 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021984 MGI:95710 J:5647 MGI:1856425 15972 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 target:Prl ; MGI:97762 external ref: text: IMP GO:0042445 MGI:95710 J:5647 MGI:1856425 15973 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030252 MGI:95710 J:5710 MGI:1856425 15974 1 evidence:microscopy ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:blastocyst ; embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001833 MGI:1916520 J:119867 MGI:3706309 15975 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006260 MGI:1916520 J:119867 MGI:3706309 15976 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0001925 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060087 MGI:98351 J:109001 MGI:1857873 15977 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay ; ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004415 MGI:109335 J:117970 N/A 15978 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay ; ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004415 MGI:1921718 J:117970 N/A 15979 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay ; ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1921718 J:117970 N/A 15980 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay ; ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:109335 J:117970 N/A 15981 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, adenohypophysis (EMAP:6023) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021983 MGI:96522 J:112960 MGI:3583755 15982 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, adenohypophysis (EMAP:6023) cell type:adrenocorticotropic hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000467 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048505 MGI:96522 J:112960 MGI:3583755 15983 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, adenohypophysis (EMAP:6023) cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021983 MGI:104853 J:112960 MGI:2149672 15984 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, adenohypophysis (EMAP:6023) cell type:adrenocorticotropic hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000467 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048505 MGI:104853 J:112960 MGI:2149672 15985 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22, adenohypophysis ; EMAP:6023 cell type:somatotropin secreting cell ; CL:0000295 cell type:thyroid stimulating hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000476 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:96522 J:112960 MGI:3583755 15986 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844|Prop1 ; MGI:109330 target:RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844|Hes1 ; MGI:104853 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:96522 J:112960 N/A 15987 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25, pars intermedia ; EMAP:10266 cell type:melanocyte stimulating hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000440 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:96522 J:112960 MGI:3583755 15988 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ghrhr ; MGI:95710|RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Neurod4 ; MGI:108055|RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:97588 J:112960 N/A 15989 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021983 MGI:97588 J:108961 MGI:1856024 15990 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030183 MGI:97588 J:110683 MGI:1856024 15991 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030183 MGI:98849 J:110683 MGI:1856914 15992 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:95710 J:105630 MGI:1856425 15993 1 evidence: anatomy:lactiferous duct ; MA:0000791 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:96432 J:105630 MGI:1861704 15994 1 evidence: anatomy:lactiferous duct ; MA:0000791 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:96432 J:105630 MGI:1861704 15995 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030054 MGI:3033992 J:105556 N/A 15996 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:3033992 J:105556 N/A 15997 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:3033992 J:105556 N/A 15998 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030054 MGI:98759 J:105556 N/A 15999 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:98759 J:105556 N/A 16000 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98759 J:105556 N/A 16001 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 ; fibroblast ; CL:0000057 ; primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: purified proteins analized by mass spectroscopy IMP GO:0046921 MGI:1858901 J:117643 MGI:3608699 16002 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 ; fibroblast ; CL:0000057 ; primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016477 MGI:1858901 J:117643 MGI:3608699 16003 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 ; fibroblast ; CL:0000057 ; primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007229 MGI:1858901 J:117643 MGI:3608699 16004 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:pillar cells IMP GO:0048839 MGI:95524 J:117235 MGI:1931521 16005 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:pillar cells ; Deiters' cells IMP GO:0002009 MGI:95524 J:117235 MGI:1931521 16006 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:pillar cells ; Deiters' cells IMP GO:0045597 MGI:95524 J:117235 MGI:1931521 16007 1 evidence:in vitro mutants anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text: IMP GO:0007242 MGI:1201787 J:95918 N/A 16008 1 evidence: anatomy:tail connective tissue ; MA:0000697|tendon ; MA:0000115 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032962 MGI:97588 J:69878 MGI:1856025|MGI:1856024 16009 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17452644|IDA text: ISO GO:0000794 MGI:2443011 J:73065 protein_id:XP_235483 16010 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000794 MGI:2443011 J:120984 N/A 16011 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000784 MGI:2443011 J:120984 N/A 16012 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17452644|IDA text: ISO GO:0000784 MGI:2443011 J:73065 protein_id:XP_235483 16013 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005635 MGI:2443011 J:120984 N/A 16014 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17452644|IDA text: ISO GO:0005635 MGI:2443011 J:73065 protein_id:XP_235483 16015 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 ; retinal rod cell ; CL:0000604 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:1349447 J:116862 MGI:1856959 16016 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal rod cell ; CL:0000604 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045494 MGI:1349447 J:116862 MGI:1856959 16017 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008361 MGI:1349447 J:116862 MGI:1856959 16018 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 ; retinal rod cell ; CL:0000604 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060041 MGI:1349447 J:116862 MGI:1856959 16019 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16380439|IDA text: ISO GO:0005635 MGI:2443011 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UH99 16020 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005635 MGI:1924303 J:104409 N/A 16021 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005639 MGI:1924303 J:104409 N/A 16022 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16380439|IGI|UniProt:Q9UH99 text: ISO GO:0006998 MGI:1924303 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9D666 16023 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16380439|IGI|UniProt:Q9D666 text: ISO GO:0006998 MGI:2443011 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UH99 16024 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:submandibular gland ; MA:0001589 cell type:duct epithelial cell ; CL:0000068|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2444691 J:119674 N/A 16025 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:submandibular gland ; MA:0001589 cell type:duct epithelial cell ; CL:0000068|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016020 MGI:2444691 J:119674 N/A 16026 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:submandibular gland ; MA:0001589 cell type:duct epithelial cell ; CL:0000068|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2444691 J:119674 N/A 16027 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045927 MGI:2444691 J:119674 MGI:3707684 16028 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016021 MGI:95710 J:58346 N/A 16029 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10537133|IDA text: ISO GO:0016021 MGI:95710 J:73065 UniProtKB:P78470 16030 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:95710 J:58346 N/A 16031 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10537133|IPI|UniProt:P01286 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:95710 J:73065 UniProtKB:P78470 16032 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10537133|IPI|UniProt:P78470 text: ISO GO:0031770 MGI:95709 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01286 16033 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007189 MGI:95710 J:58346 MGI:1856425 16034 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007189 MGI:95709 J:58346 N/A 16035 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016520 MGI:95710 J:58346 MGI:1856425 16036 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:salivary gland ; MA:0000346 cell type:duct epithelial cell ; CL:0000068|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: e IMP GO:0007028 MGI:2444691 J:119674 MGI:3707684 16037 2 xternal ref: text: IMP GO:0007028 MGI:2444691 J:119674 MGI:3707684 16038 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:testosterone ; CHEBI:17347 external ref: text: IMP GO:0033143 MGI:95710 J:56310 MGI:1856425 16039 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10459853|IDA text: ISO GO:0033143 MGI:95707 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01246 16040 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10459853|IDA text: ISO GO:0033143 MGI:96432 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01343 16041 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8528260|IMP text: ISO GO:0040018 MGI:95710 J:73065 UniProtKB:P78470 16042 1 evidence: anatomy:arcuate nucleus ; MA:0000847 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:95574 J:29289 N/A 16043 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7595148|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:95574 J:73065 UniProtKB:P12841 16044 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051246 MGI:96432 J:16863 MGI:95710 16045 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051246 MGI:95710 J:16863 MGI:96432 16046 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96432 J:16863 N/A 16047 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96436 J:16863 N/A 16048 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96437 J:16863 N/A 16049 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96438 J:16863 N/A 16050 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96439 J:16863 N/A 16051 1 evidence: anatomy:pars anterior ; MA:0000854 cell type:adrenocorticotropic hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000467 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030141 MGI:97742 J:15586 N/A 16052 1 evidence: anatomy:pars anterior ; MA:0000854 cell type:somatotropin secreting cell ; CL:0000295 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030141 MGI:95707 J:15586 N/A 16053 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25, pars anterior ; EMAP:10265 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021984 MGI:95710 J:15586 MGI:1856425 16054 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CV-1 [ Part of the Wistar Special Collection ] ; ATCC:CCL-70 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0016520 MGI:95710 J:13404 MGI:95709 16055 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CV-1 [ Part of the Wistar Special Collection ] ; ATCC:CCL-70 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007189 MGI:95710 J:13404 MGI:95709 16056 1 evidence: anatomy:pars anterior ; MA:0000854 cell type:somatotropin secreting cell ; CL:0000295 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:95710 J:13404 MGI:1856425 16057 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CV-1 [ Part of the Wistar Special Collection ] ; ATCC:CCL-70 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007189 MGI:95709 J:13404 MGI:95710 16058 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ghrhr ; MGI:95710 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97588 J:13404 N/A 16059 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:salivary gland ; MA:0000346 anatomy:TS26\ ; salivary gland ; EMAP:12004 cell type:duct epithelial cell ; CL:0000068|primary cell line cell ; C IMP GO:0000902 MGI:2444691 J:119674 MGI:3707684 16060 2 L:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000902 MGI:2444691 J:119674 MGI:3707684 16061 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:salivary gland ; MA:0000346 anatomy:TS24\ ; salivary gland ; EMAP:9284 cell type:duct epithelial cell ; CL:0000068|primary cell line cell ; CL IMP GO:0007431 MGI:2444691 J:119674 MGI:3707684 16062 2 :0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007431 MGI:2444691 J:119674 MGI:3707684 16063 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007189 MGI:95710 J:12846 MGI:95709 16064 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007189 MGI:95709 J:12846 MGI:95710 16065 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008340 MGI:2444691 J:119674 MGI:3707684 16066 1 evidence: anatomy:pars anterior ; MA:0000854 cell type:somatotropin secreting cell ; CL:0000295 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007189 MGI:95710 J:8252 MGI:1856425 16067 1 evidence: anatomy:pars anterior ; MA:0000854 cell type:somatotropin secreting cell ; CL:0000295 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060124 MGI:95710 J:8252 MGI:1856425 16068 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:3008329|IDA text: ISO GO:0007189 MGI:95709 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01286 16069 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:3008329|IDA text: ISO GO:0060124 MGI:95709 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01286 16070 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004903 MGI:95708 J:7060 N/A 16071 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004925 MGI:97763 J:7060 N/A 16072 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:salivary gland ; MA:0000346 ; kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type:duct epithelial cell ; CL:0000068|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product IMP GO:0002070 MGI:2444691 J:119674 MGI:3707684 16073 2 : target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002070 MGI:2444691 J:119674 MGI:3707684 16074 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:6303755|IDA text: ISO GO:0005148 MGI:97762 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01240 16075 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:6303755|IDA text: ISO GO:0005131 MGI:95707 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01246 16076 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:6303755|IDA text: ISO GO:0005131 MGI:95707 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01241 16077 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:brainstem nucleus ; MA:0000821 cell type:serotonergic neuron ; CL:0000850|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021954 MGI:1100513 J:116706 MGI:3696968|MGI:3696982 16078 1 evidence: anatomy:pars anterior ; MA:0000854 cell type:somatotropin secreting cell ; CL:0000295 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060133 MGI:95710 J:7211 MGI:1856425 16079 1 evidence: anatomy:pars anterior ; MA:0000854 cell type:somatotropin secreting cell ; CL:0000295 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060126 MGI:97588 J:7211 MGI:1856024 16080 1 evidence: anatomy:pars anterior ; MA:0000854 cell type:somatotropin secreting cell ; CL:0000295 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060126 MGI:109330 J:7211 MGI:1856842 16081 1 evidence: anatomy:pars anterior ; MA:0000854 cell type:somatotropin secreting cell ; CL:0000295 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060133 MGI:95710 J:15348 MGI:1856425 16082 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CV-1 [ Part of the Wistar Special Collection ] ; ATCC:CCL-70 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007189 MGI:95710 J:33102 MGI:95709 16083 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CV-1 [ Part of the Wistar Special Collection ] ; ATCC:CCL-70 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007189 MGI:95709 J:33102 MGI:95710 16084 1 evidence: anatomy:pars anterior ; EMAP:8905 cell type:somatotropin secreting cell ; CL:0000295 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060126 MGI:97588 J:33102 MGI:1856024 16085 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25, adenohypophysis ; EMAP:10264 cell type:somatotropin secreting cell ; CL:0000295 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060133 MGI:97588 J:112960 MGI:2158737 16086 1 evidence: anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 anatomy:accumbens nucleus ; MA:0000892 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042053 MGI:94926 J:43061 MGI:2178631 16087 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001670 MGI:94924 J:65023 N/A 16088 1 evidence: anatomy:frontal cortex ; MA:0000905 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060080 MGI:94926 J:69457 MGI:2178631 16089 1 evidence: anatomy:frontal cortex ; MA:0000905 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001593 MGI:94926 J:69457 MGI:2178631 16090 1 evidence: anatomy:globus pallidus ; MA:0000890 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060080 MGI:94926 J:97412 MGI:3576789 16091 1 evidence: anatomy:globus pallidus ; MA:0000890 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007195 MGI:94926 J:97412 MGI:3576789 16092 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:isoform A IDA GO:0030315 MGI:1341265 J:96039 N/A 16093 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:isoform A IDA GO:0006816 MGI:1341265 J:96039 N/A 16094 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:isoform A IDA GO:0060048 MGI:1341265 J:96039 N/A 16095 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:isoform C IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1341265 J:96039 N/A 16096 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:isoform B IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1341265 J:96039 N/A 16097 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|SH-SY5Y ; ATCC:CRL-2266 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044433 MGI:107537 J:117797 N/A 16098 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|SH-SY5Y ; ATCC:CRL-2266 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1929258 J:117797 N/A 16099 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|SH-SY5Y ; ATCC:CRL-2266 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1929258 J:117797 N/A 16100 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay ; ECO:0000068 ; inferred from affinity chromatography ; ECO:0000079 ; inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 ; inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:perm IPI GO:0008022 MGI:1929258 J:117797 UniProtKB:Q61124 16101 2 anent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|SH-SY5Y ; ATCC:CRL-2266 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0008022 MGI:1929258 J:117797 UniProtKB:Q61124 16102 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay ; ECO:0000068 ; inferred from affinity chromatography ; ECO:0000079 ; inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 ; inferred from in vitro binding assay ; ECO:0000148 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107537 J:117797 UniProtKB:Q9QXT8 16103 2 permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|SH-SY5Y ; ATCC:CRL-2266 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107537 J:117797 UniProtKB:Q9QXT8 16104 1 evidence:cell death assay ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 ; inferred from anti-sense experiment ; ECO:0000018 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|SH-SY5Y ; ATCC:CRL-2266 gene product: target: external ref: t IDA GO:0043524 MGI:107537 J:117797 N/A 16105 2 ext: IDA GO:0043524 MGI:107537 J:117797 N/A 16106 1 evidence:cell death assay ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 ; inferred from anti-sense experiment ; ECO:0000018 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|SH-SY5Y ; ATCC:CRL-2266 gene product: target: external ref: t IDA GO:0051480 MGI:107537 J:117797 N/A 16107 2 ext: IDA GO:0051480 MGI:107537 J:117797 N/A 16108 1 evidence:inferred from affinity chromatography ; ECO:0000079 ; inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 ; inferred from in vitro binding assay ; ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HEK-293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene pr IPI GO:0048306 MGI:107537 J:117797 UniProtKB:Q9QXT8 16109 2 oduct: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0048306 MGI:107537 J:117797 UniProtKB:Q9QXT8 16110 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay ; ECO:0000068 ; inferred from affinity chromatography ; ECO:0000079 ; inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 ; inferred from in vitro binding assay ; ECO:0000148 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: IPI GO:0048306 MGI:1929258 J:117797 UniProtKB:Q61124 16111 2 permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|SH-SY5Y ; ATCC:CRL-2266 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0048306 MGI:1929258 J:117797 UniProtKB:Q61124 16112 1 evidence:cell death assay ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 ; inferred from anti-sense experiment ; ECO:0000018 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|SH-SY5Y ; ATCC:CRL-2266 gene product: target: external ref: t IDA GO:0043523 MGI:1929258 J:117797 N/A 16113 2 ext: IDA GO:0043523 MGI:1929258 J:117797 N/A 16114 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:CNS neuron ; sensu Vertebrata gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051967 MGI:94924 J:103965 MGI:1857875 16115 1 evidence: anatomy:colon ; MA:0000335 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030432 MGI:94924 J:106280 MGI:2388386 16116 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1831904|IDA text: ISO GO:0004952 MGI:94927 J:73065 UniProtKB:P25115 16117 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1831904|IDA text: ISO GO:0007189 MGI:94927 J:73065 UniProtKB:P25115 16118 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1831904|IDA text: ISO GO:0004952 MGI:99578 J:73065 UniProtKB:P21728 16119 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0002003|mesenteric artery cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060087 MGI:98351 J:86950 MGI:1857873 16120 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0002003 cell type:CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050665 MGI:98351 J:86950 MGI:1857873 16121 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:vagina ; MA:0000394 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030540 MGI:2444748 J:104123 MGI:3588650|MGI:3588652|MGI:3511552 16122 1 evidence:inferred from affinity chromatography ; ECO:0000079 ; inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Slo1-DEC isoform (its C-terminal domain) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99923 J:118875 UniProtKB:Q60737|UniProtKB:O54833|protein_id:AAH52678|protein_id:AAH83344|protein_id:CAA31455 16123 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:mesenteric vein ; MA:0002177 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000069 ; primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050901 MGI:106689 J:119376 MGI:2176571|MGI:2176571|MGI:2176571 16124 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Sbf2 IPI GO:0051262 MGI:1924366 J:106780 UniProtKB:Q91VH0 16125 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Mtmr2 IPI GO:0019902 MGI:1921831 J:106780 UniProtKB:Q9Z2D1 16126 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Mtmr2 IPI GO:0051262 MGI:1921831 J:106780 UniProtKB:Q9Z2D1 16127 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:under hypo-osmotic conditions IDA GO:0005774 MGI:1921831 J:106780 N/A 16128 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:under hypo-osmotic condition IDA GO:0005774 MGI:1924366 J:106780 N/A 16129 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17284516|IDA text: ISO GO:0015030 MGI:1917895 J:120756 UniProtKB:O43482 16130 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17284516|IDA text: ISO GO:0000785 MGI:1917895 J:120756 UniProtKB:O43482 16131 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17284516|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1917895 J:120756 UniProtKB:O43482 16132 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17284516|IPI|UniProt:P42166 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1917895 J:120756 UniProtKB:O43482 16133 1 evidence:Ab anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019855 MGI:109355 J:119891 N/A 16134 1 evidence:Ab anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0017156 MGI:109355 J:119891 N/A 16135 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Cacna1d IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109355 J:119891 UniProtKB:Q99246 16136 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Stx1a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88293 J:119891 UniProtKB:Q35526 16137 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:L3 vertral root axons IMP GO:0032287 MGI:98351 J:57385 MGI:1857872 16138 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042133 MGI:107537 J:105697 MGI:1933976 16139 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Wee1 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:2684058 J:116631 N/A 16140 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:under hydroxyurea treatment IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2684058 J:116631 N/A 16141 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Wee1 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:2684058 J:116631 N/A 16142 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749367|IDA text: ISA GO:0005886 MGI:3693832 J:87682 UniProtKB:Q503B1 16143 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749367|IDA text: ISA GO:0001934 MGI:3693832 J:87682 UniProtKB:Q503B1 16144 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749367|IDA text: ISA GO:0032092 MGI:3693832 J:87682 UniProtKB:Q503B1 16145 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749367|IPI|UniProt:P31749|UniProt:O15530 text: ISA GO:0005515 MGI:3693832 J:87682 UniProtKB:Q503B1 16146 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749367|IMP text: ISO GO:0006924 MGI:87986 J:87682 UniProtKB:P31749 16147 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749367|IDA text: ISO GO:0007242 MGI:87986 J:87682 UniProtKB:P31749 16148 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749367|IDA text: ISO GO:0016301 MGI:87986 J:87682 UniProtKB:P31749 16149 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749367|IDA text: ISO GO:0005886 MGI:87986 J:87682 UniProtKB:P31749 16150 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749367|IDA text: ISO GO:0006468 MGI:87986 J:87682 UniProtKB:P31749 16151 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749367|IDA text: ISA GO:0007242 MGI:1926119 J:87682 UniProtKB:O15530 16152 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749367|IDA text: ISA GO:0005886 MGI:1926119 J:87682 UniProtKB:O15530 16153 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749367|IPI|UniProt:P31749|UniProt:Q503B1 text: ISA GO:0005515 MGI:1926119 J:87682 UniProtKB:O15530 16154 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749367|IDA text: ISO GO:0007242 MGI:1861437 J:87682 UniProtKB:P49841 16155 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749367|IDA text: ISO GO:0007242 MGI:102469 J:87682 UniProtKB:O95644 16156 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749367|IDA text: ISO GO:0006355 MGI:102469 J:87682 UniProtKB:O95644 16157 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749367|IDA text: ISO GO:0016563 MGI:102469 J:87682 UniProtKB:O95644 16158 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14749367|IDA text: ISO GO:0043065 MGI:99255 J:87682 UniProtKB:P48023 16159 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16428451|IDA text: ISO GO:0015616 MGI:3605986 J:105544 UniProtKB:O95073 16160 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16428451|IDA text: ISO GO:0000724 MGI:3605986 J:105544 UniProtKB:O95073 16161 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16428451|IPI|UniProt:Q06609 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:3605986 J:105544 UniProtKB:O95073 16162 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0005524 MGI:97890 J:105544 UniProtKB:Q06609 16163 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16428451|IDA text: ISO GO:0000724 MGI:97890 J:105544 UniProtKB:Q06609 16164 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16428451|IDA text: IDA GO:0007126 MGI:97890 J:78200 N/A 16165 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16428451|IPI|O95073 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:97890 J:105544 UniProtKB:Q06609 16166 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014059 MGI:94925 J:46772 MGI:3044114 16167 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory tubercle ; MA:0000976 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebral hemisphere ; MA:0000133 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|glial cell ; CL:0000125 gene product: quali IDA GO:0005624 MGI:94925 J:48510 N/A 16168 2 fier: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:94925 J:48510 N/A 16169 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral hemisphere ; MA:0000133 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:94925 J:48510 N/A 16170 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral hemisphere ; MA:0000133 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0048715 MGI:94925 J:48510 N/A 16171 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001561 MGI:1919379 J:84795 MGI:2384515 16172 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016560 MGI:1919379 J:84795 MGI:2384515 16173 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021795 MGI:1919379 J:84795 MGI:2384515 16174 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1919379 J:84795 MGI:2384515 16175 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16449325|IDA text: ISO GO:0005778 MGI:1927868 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75381 16176 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16449325|IDA text: ISO GO:0005778 MGI:1919379 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q92968 16177 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005778 MGI:1919379 J:106517 N/A 16178 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005778 MGI:1927868 J:106517 N/A 16179 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005777 MGI:105089 J:84795 N/A 16180 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:human kidney ISA GO:0043296 MGI:3033992 J:105556 UniProtKB:Q8N6F1 16181 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:human kidney ISA GO:0016323 MGI:3033992 J:105556 UniProtKB:Q8N6F1 16182 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MDCK (NBL-2) ; ATCC:CCL-34 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0005923 MGI:3033992 J:105556 UniProtKB:Q8N6F1 16183 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 ; COS7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95747 J:120269 N/A 16184 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 ; COS7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:95747 J:120269 N/A 16185 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, cerebellum ; EMAP:7598 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|glial cell ; CL:0000125 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005777 MGI:1927868 J:88772 N/A 16186 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 ; COS7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text:rat beta-delta7 and other isoforms of Glrb ISA GO:0005783 MGI:95751 J:120269 UniProtKB:P07727 16187 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 ; COS7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text:rat beta-delta7 and other isoforms of Glrb ISA GO:0009897 MGI:95751 J:120269 UniProtKB:P07727 16188 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 ; COS7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:109602 J:120269 N/A 16189 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MDCK (NBL-2) ; ATCC:CCL-34 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0005923 MGI:98759 J:105556 UniProtKB:O97758 16190 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0043296 MGI:98759 J:105556 UniProtKB:Q07157 16191 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9922452|IMP text: ISO GO:0016558 MGI:1338829 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y5Y5 16192 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0016323 MGI:98759 J:105556 UniProtKB:Q07157 16193 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9922452|IMP text: ISO GO:0005779 MGI:1338829 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y5Y5 16194 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9922452|IDA text: ISO GO:0005777 MGI:1349216 J:73065 UniProtKB:P28288 16195 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9922452|IDA text: ISO GO:0005777 MGI:2144177 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00623 16196 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9922452|IDA text: ISO GO:0005777 MGI:1929646 J:73065 UniProtKB:P56589 16197 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9922452|IDA text: ISO GO:0005777 MGI:2684988 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60683 16198 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9922452|IDA text: ISO GO:0005777 MGI:1338882 J:73065 UniProtKB:O96011 16199 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9922452|IDA text: ISO GO:0005777 MGI:1338788 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75192 16200 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000411 cell type:CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009408 MGI:98351 J:114384 MGI:1857873 16201 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000411 cell type:CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:98351 J:114348 MGI:1857873 16202 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042542 MGI:98351 J:115465 MGI:1857873 16203 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0001301 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006302 MGI:98352 J:115465 MGI:1857480 16204 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0001301 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042542 MGI:98352 J:115465 MGI:1857480 16205 1 evidence:ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: Human lens epithelial cells (HLE, SRA 01/04) (Ibaraki et al., 1998) IMP GO:0000303 MGI:98352 J:115465 N/A 16206 1 evidence:ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: Human lens epithelial cells (HLE, SRA 01/04) (Ibaraki et al., 1998) IMP GO:0043066 MGI:98352 J:115465 N/A 16207 1 evidence:ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: Human lens epithelial cells (HLE, SRA 01/04) (Ibaraki et al., 1998) IMP GO:0001836 MGI:98352 J:115465 N/A 16208 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:12358|MA:0000358|MA:0000118|MA:0001887|EMAP:11591|MA:0002611|MA:0000072 cell type:CL:0000182|CL:0000066|CL:0000513 gene product: target: external ref: text:microscoopy IMP GO:0007006 MGI:1098808 J:71941 MGI:2154454 16209 1 evidence:ECO:0000087|ECO:0000090 anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type:CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:98352 J:71941 N/A 16210 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 anatomy:subiculum ; MA:0000960 anatomy:retrohippocampal cortex ; MA:0000920 anatomy:superior colliculus ; MA:0001068 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: qualifie IDA GO:0030425 MGI:1096392 J:96808 N/A 16211 2 r: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:1096392 J:96808 N/A 16212 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 anatomy:subiculum ; MA:0000960 anatomy:retrohippocampal cortex ; MA:0000920 anatomy:superior colliculus ; MA:0001068 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: qualifie IDA GO:0030425 MGI:1916672 J:96808 N/A 16213 2 r: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:1916672 J:96808 N/A 16214 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target:Pex2 ; MAI:1916672 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045176 MGI:1096392 J:96808 MGI:2686950 16215 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hcn1 ; MGI:1096392 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045185 MGI:1916672 J:96808 N/A 16216 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042391 MGI:1916672 J:96808 N/A 16217 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9090381|IDA text: ISO GO:0016558 MGI:1321392 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00628 16218 1 evidence:cell line transfection anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016558 MGI:1321392 J:49521 N/A 16219 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1321392 J:49521 N/A 16220 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006635 MGI:1098808 J:42719 MGI:2154454 16221 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:12229 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007031 MGI:1098808 J:42719 MGI:2154454 16222 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:12229 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048468 MGI:1098808 J:42719 MGI:2154454 16223 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1098808 J:42719 MGI:2154454 16224 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021795 MGI:1098808 J:42719 MGI:2154454 16225 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021895 MGI:1098808 J:42719 MGI:2154454 16226 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000038 MGI:1098808 J:59989 MGI:2154454 16227 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021795 MGI:1098808 J:59989 MGI:2154454 16228 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1098808 J:59989 MGI:2154454 16229 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008299 MGI:1098808 J:70287 MGI:2154454 16230 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:alveolar system ; MA:0000416 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048286 MGI:2148705 J:121421 MGI:3584266 16231 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy:TS26\ ; lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: target:T1alpha promoter ; MGI:103098 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:2148705 J:121421 N/A 16232 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy:TS26\ ; lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: target:T1alpha promoter ; MGI:103098 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:1914004 J:121421 N/A 16233 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS19\ ; embryo ; EMAP:3322 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009790 MGI:2148705 J:121421 MGI:1914004 16234 1 evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type:Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060009 MGI:105089 J:108368 MGI:2385822 16235 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS19\ ; embryo ; EMAP:3322 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009790 MGI:1914004 J:121421 MGI:2148705 16236 1 evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type:Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000038 MGI:105089 J:108368 MGI:2385822 16237 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS22\ ; lung ; EMAP:6722 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030324 MGI:2148705 J:121421 MGI:1914004 16238 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS22\ ; lung ; EMAP:6722 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030324 MGI:1914004 J:121421 MGI:2148705 16239 1 evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type:Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0044255 MGI:1098808 J:108368 MGI:2384516 16240 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:KO decreases lifespan IMP GO:0007568 MGI:98351 J:110486 MGI:1857872 16241 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:decreased body size throughout life IMP GO:0040014 MGI:98351 J:110486 MGI:1857872 16242 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050679 MGI:2148705 J:121421 MGI:1914004 16243 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050679 MGI:1914004 J:121421 MGI:2148705 16244 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007031 MGI:1098808 J:112503 MGI:2384516|MGI:2176228 16245 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002053 MGI:2148705 J:121421 MGI:1914004 16246 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002053 MGI:1914004 J:121421 MGI:2148705 16247 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS26\ ; oesophagus ; EMAP:12064 anatomy:TS22\ ; oesophagus ; EMAP:6500 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007519 MGI:2148705 J:121421 MGI:1914004 16248 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS26\ ; oesophagus ; EMAP:12064 anatomy:TS22\ ; oesophagus ; EMAP:6500 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048745 MGI:2148705 J:121421 MGI:1914004 16249 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007005 MGI:1098808 J:112503 MGI:2384516|MGI:2176228 16250 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS26\ ; oesophagus ; EMAP:12064 anatomy:TS22\ ; oesophagus ; EMAP:6500 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007519 MGI:1914004 J:121421 MGI:2148705 16251 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS26\ ; oesophagus ; EMAP:12064 anatomy:TS22\ ; oesophagus ; EMAP:6500 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048745 MGI:1914004 J:121421 MGI:2148705 16252 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007029 MGI:1098808 J:112503 MGI:2384516|MGI:2176228 16253 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:iron leves in liver increase by 50% in KO IMP GO:0006879 MGI:98351 J:110486 MGI:1857872 16254 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:increased level in liver in KO IMP GO:0006749 MGI:98351 J:110486 MGI:1857872 16255 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043490 MGI:1926080 J:120897 MGI:3603462 16256 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043490 MGI:1354721 J:120897 MGI:3530352 16257 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005739 MGI:1354721 J:120897 MGI:3530352 16258 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005739 MGI:1926080 J:120897 MGI:3603462 16259 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,epithelium\,mammary gland; EMAP:11600 cell type:epithelial_cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:96770 J:86666 N/A 16260 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH-3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target:T1alpha ; MGI:103098 external ref: text: IDA GO:0016566 MGI:1914004 J:121421 N/A 16261 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH-3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target:T1alpha ; MGI:103098 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1914004 J:121421 N/A 16262 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH-3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target:T1alpha ; MGI:103098 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:2148705 J:121421 N/A 16263 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH-3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target:T1alpha ; MGI:103098 external ref: text: IDA GO:0016566 MGI:2148705 J:121421 N/A 16264 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay ; ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:rag2 ; MGI:97849 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003705 MGI:1914004 J:112644 N/A 16265 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:die at emryonic day 14.5 IMP GO:0009790 MGI:1914004 J:112644 MGI:3711150 16266 1 evidence:inferred from fractionation ; ECO:0000100 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1914004 J:112644 N/A 16267 1 evidence:inferred from experiment ; ECO:0000006 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:immunoglobulin m-chain production in pro-B cells IMP GO:0002639 MGI:1914004 J:112644 MGI:3711150 16268 1 evidence:inferred from experiment ; ECO:0000006 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:expression pattern of early B cell lineage genes IMP GO:0002329 MGI:1914004 J:112644 MGI:3711150 16269 1 evidence:inferred from PCR experiment ; ECO:0000082 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033152 MGI:1914004 J:112644 MGI:3711150 16270 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:immunoneutralization of endogenous ghrelin with anti-ghrelin antiserum results in increased insulin release ISA GO:0046676 MGI:1930008 J:121019 UniProtKB:Q9QYH7 16271 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21, embryo ; EMAP:4740 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060152 MGI:1919379 J:106517 MGI:2384515 16272 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16449325|IMP text: ISO GO:0060152 MGI:1918632 J:73065 UniProtKB:O43933 16273 1 evidence:inferred from experiment ; ECO:0000006 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blockage of GHSR with the antagonist results in increased insulin release ISO GO:0046676 MGI:2441906 J:121019 UniProtKB:O08725 16274 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10318963|IDA text: ISO GO:0005902 MGI:109527 J:73065 UniProtKB:O70485 16275 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS20\ ; thymus primordium ; EMAP:4142 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|parathyroid hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000446 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:1861438 J:121311 MGI:1889069 16276 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS19\ ; gland ; EMAP:3468 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|parathyroid hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000446 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:1861438 J:121311 MGI:1889069 16277 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0005634 MGI:1278322 J:120869 UniProtKB:Q9H2F5 16278 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0005634 MGI:1916782 J:120869 UniProtKB:Q9BPY8 16279 1 evidence:Epc1 knockdown cells evidence:overexpression anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|H9c2 ; ATCC:CRL-1446 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0051155 MGI:1278322 J:120869 UniProtKB:Q6QI89 16280 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR ; ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|H9c2 ; ATCC:CRL-1446 gene product: t ISA GO:0045944 MGI:1278322 J:120869 UniProtKB:Q6QI89 16281 2 :Myog ; UniProt:P20428 external ref: text: ISA GO:0045944 MGI:1278322 J:120869 UniProtKB:Q6QI89 16282 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|SW480 ; ATCC:CCL-228 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0005654 MGI:1278322 J:66240 UniProtKB:Q9H2F5 16283 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|SW480 ; ATCC:CCL-228 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0031965 MGI:1278322 J:66240 UniProtKB:Q9H2F5 16284 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|SW480 ; ATCC:CCL-228 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0031965 MGI:97904 J:66240 UniProtKB:P14373 16285 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|SW480 ; ATCC:CCL-228 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0005654 MGI:97904 J:66240 UniProtKB:P14373 16286 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HEK293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0045814 MGI:1278322 J:66240 UniProtKB:Q9H2F5 16287 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HEK293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0000122 MGI:1278322 J:66240 UniProtKB:Q9H2F5 16288 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HEK293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0045814 MGI:97904 J:66240 UniProtKB:P14373 16289 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HEK293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0000122 MGI:97904 J:66240 UniProtKB:P14373 16290 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HEK293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0045944 MGI:1278322 J:66240 UniProtKB:Q9H2F5 16291 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17284516|IPI|UniProt:O43428 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:106920 J:120756 UniProtKB:P42166 16292 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:decreased ethanolamine glycerophospholipid levels IMP GO:0006650 MGI:2441982 J:121643 MGI:2180159 16293 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046459 MGI:2441982 J:121643 MGI:2180159 16294 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006681 MGI:2441982 J:121643 MGI:2180159 16295 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006678 MGI:2441982 J:121643 MGI:2180159 16296 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032799 MGI:2140260 J:121673 N/A 16297 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008203 MGI:2140260 J:121673 N/A 16298 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042157 MGI:2140260 J:121673 N/A 16299 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006644 MGI:2140260 J:121673 N/A 16300 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006641 MGI:2140260 J:121673 N/A 16301 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\ ; embryo ; EMAP:3322 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:98495 J:121230 MGI:3710254 16302 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\ ; embryo ; EMAP:3322 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021761 MGI:98495 J:121230 MGI:3710254 16303 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\ ; embryo ; EMAP:3322 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:98495 J:121230 MGI:3710254 16304 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\ ; heart ; EMAP:3666 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003007 MGI:98495 J:121230 MGI:3710254 16305 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression ; ECO:0000048 anatomy:TS19\ ; heart ; EMAP:3666 cell type: gene product: target:Scn5a ; MGI:98251|Smpx ; MGI:1913356|Gja ; MGI:9571 IMP GO:0045892 MGI:98495 J:121230 MGI:3710254 16306 2 6|Gja1 ; MGI:95713|Nppa ; MGI:97367 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045892 MGI:98495 J:121230 MGI:3710254 16307 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression ; ECO:0000048 anatomy:TS19\ ; heart ; EMAP:3666 cell type: gene product: target:Lbh ; MGI:1925139 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045893 MGI:98495 J:121230 MGI:3710254 16308 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:98495 J:121230 N/A 16309 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007596 MGI:98941 J:121278 MGI:2153009 16310 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition ; ECO:0000020 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030168 MGI:88380 J:121278 N/A 16311 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:macula degeneration increasing IMP GO:0001895 MGI:98351 J:111796 MGI:1857873 16312 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:renal tubule ; MA:0000377 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015629 MGI:2685570 J:116228 N/A 16313 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051015 MGI:2685570 J:116228 N/A 16314 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007015 MGI:2685570 J:116228 N/A 16315 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:TS20\ ; neural epithelium ; nervous system ; EMAP:4124 anatomy:renal tubule ; MA:0000377 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:2685570 J:116228 N/A 16316 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:renal tubule ; MA:0000377 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009925 MGI:2685570 J:116228 N/A 16317 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:renal tubule ; MA:0000377 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2685570 J:116228 N/A 16318 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:embryonic fibroblasts cell type:mouse brain endothelial cells gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016460 MGI:2685570 J:116228 N/A 16319 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:TS17\ ; embryo ; EMAP:2006 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001725 MGI:2685570 J:116228 N/A 16320 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:lower plasma glucose levels IMP GO:0042593 MGI:95607 J:33212 MGI:2387343 16321 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:elevated plasma cholesterol IMP GO:0042632 MGI:95607 J:33212 MGI:2387343 16322 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:elevated plasma triglycerides IMP GO:0006641 MGI:95607 J:33212 MGI:2387343 16323 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:elevated plasma uric acid IMP GO:0046415 MGI:95607 J:33212 MGI:2387343 16324 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy:MA:0000358|MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004346 MGI:95607 J:33212 MGI:2387343 16325 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy:MA:0000358|MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051156 MGI:95607 J:33212 MGI:2387343 16326 1 evidence:ECO:0000134 anatomy:MA:0000358|MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: transport assay, microsomes, liver and kidney; homozygous shows much lowered G6P transport IMP GO:0015760 MGI:95607 J:33212 MGI:2387343 16327 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000358|MA:0000358 cell type:CL:0000182|CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text:accumaltion of glycogen in liver hepatocytes and kidney epethielial cells IMP GO:0005977 MGI:95607 J:33212 MGI:2387343 16328 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:overall decreased size and weight IMP GO:0035264 MGI:95607 J:33212 MGI:2387343 16329 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006641 MGI:1316650 J:86005 MGI:3046091 16330 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005977 MGI:1316650 J:86005 MGI:3046091 16331 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035166 MGI:1316650 J:86005 MGI:3046091 16332 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Csf3 ; MGI:1339751 external ref: text: IMP GO:0001816 MGI:1316650 J:86005 MGI:3046091 16333 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neutrophil ; CL:0000775 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006874 MGI:1316650 J:86005 MGI:3046091 16334 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007628 MGI:1349447 J:121249 MGI:1856959 16335 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050881 MGI:1349447 J:121249 MGI:1856959 16336 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060052 MGI:1349447 J:121249 MGI:1856959 16337 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050884 MGI:1349447 J:121249 MGI:1856959 16338 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021522 MGI:1349447 J:121249 MGI:1856959 16339 1 evidence:X-ray diffraction anatomy:heart right ventricle ; MA:0000093|heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031034 MGI:102844 J:121672 MGI:3526881 16340 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:cloned cDNA has no activiity IDA GO:0004346 MGI:1277193 J:70390 N/A 16341 1 evidence:quantitative histomorphometry anatomy:epidermis ; EMAP:11613 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031069 MGI:95586 J:118511 MGI:1857467 16342 1 evidence:using Ki-67 as the proliferation marker anatomy:TS26\ ; follicle ; EMAP:11605 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:positive regulation of keratinocyte prolifer IMP GO:0043616 MGI:95586 J:118511 MGI:1857467 16343 2 ation IMP GO:0043616 MGI:95586 J:118511 MGI:1857467 16344 1 evidence:alkaline phosphatase staining anatomy:TS24\ ; epidermis ; EMAP:8893 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:recombinant human follistatin was added to cultured normal mouse embryonic skin ISO GO:0051798 MGI:95586 J:118511 UniProtKB:P19883 16345 1 evidence:alkaline phosphatase staining anatomy:TS24\ ; epidermis ; EMAP:8893 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:recombinant human activin A was added to cultured normal mouse embryonic skin ISA GO:0051799 MGI:96570 J:118511 UniProtKB:A4D1W7 16346 1 evidence:inhibitor metyrapone anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006704 MGI:88583 J:54615 N/A 16347 1 evidence:antagonist RU486 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042921 MGI:95824 J:54615 N/A 16348 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Mutant myocilin localizes to peroxisomes in human TM cells ISO GO:0005615 MGI:1202864 J:121699 UniProtKB:Q99972 16349 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR ; ECO:0000108 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:negative regulation IMP GO:0032429 MGI:1298204 J:121809 MGI:2176390 16350 2 of phospholipase A2 activity IMP GO:0032429 MGI:1298204 J:121809 MGI:2176390 16351 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy:TS22\, pituitary (EMAP:6022 gene product: target:Pou1f1 ; MGI:97588 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:96770 J:114817 N/A 16352 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS22\ , pituitary ; EMAP:6022 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048850 MGI:109330 J:114817 MGI:3690463 16353 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112|inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0008013 MGI:109330 J:114817 MGI:88276 16354 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070|inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0008134 MGI:88276 J:114817 MGI:109330 16355 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112|inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0008022 MGI:109330 J:114817 MGI:88276 16356 1 evidence:inferred from nucleic acid binding assay ; ECO:0000136 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003690 MGI:88276 J:114817 N/A 16357 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|pituitary cell lines TalphaT1 and alphaT3 gene product: target:Pit1 ; MGI:97588 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:109330 J:114817 N/A 16358 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition ; ECO:0000020 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|pituitary cell lines Talp IGI GO:0045944 MGI:88276 J:114817 MGI:109330 16359 2 haT1 and alphaT3 gene product: target:Pit1 ; MGI:97588 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:88276 J:114817 MGI:109330 16360 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition ; ECO:0000020 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pit1 ; MGI:97588 external re IGI GO:0045944 MGI:109330 J:114817 MGI:88276 16361 2 f: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:109330 J:114817 MGI:88276 16362 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; GHFT-1 gene product: target: Pou1f1 ; MGI:97588 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:96770 J:114817 N/A 16363 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa gene product: target: PrdQ external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1915756 J:114817 N/A 16364 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa gene product: target:PrdQ external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1915756 J:114817 N/A 16365 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070|inferred from PCR experiment ; ECO:0000082 anatomy:TS19\, pituitary ; EMAP:3465 cell type: gene product: target:Pou1f1 ; MGI:97588 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:96071 J:114817 N/A 16366 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070|inferred from PCR experiment ; ECO:0000082 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pou1f1 ; MGI:97588|RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:97588 J:114817 N/A 16367 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:GHFT-1 ; permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target:Hesx1 ; MGI:96071|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:109330 J:114817 N/A 16368 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070|inferred from PCR experiment ; ECO:0000082 anatomy:TS19\, pituitary ; EMAP:3465 anatomy:TS20\, pituitary ; EMAP:4130 anatomy:TS21\, pituitary ; EMAP:4940 cell type: gene product: e IDA GO:0003682 MGI:109330 J:114817 N/A 16369 2 t:Pou1f1 ; MGI:97588|Hesx1 ; MGI:96071 target:enhancer ; SO:0000165|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:109330 J:114817 N/A 16370 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070|inferred from PCR experiment ; ECO:0000082 anatomy:TS21\, pituitary ; EMAP:4940 cell type: gene product: target:Pou1f1 ; MGI:97588 external ref: text: evidence:inferred from co-immun IDA GO:0003682 MGI:88276 J:114817 N/A 16371 2 oprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy:TS20\ ; pituitary ; EMAP:4130 cell type:TS21\ ; pituitary ; EMAP:4940 gene product: target:Axin2 ; MGI:1270862|lef1 ; MGI:96770 target:Hesx1 ; MGI:96071 target:enhancer ; SO:0000165|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0 IDA GO:0003682 MGI:88276 J:114817 N/A 16372 3 000170 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:88276 J:114817 N/A 16373 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy:TS20\ ; pituitary ; EMAP:4130 gene product: target:Hesx1 ; MGI:96071 target:enhancer ; SO:0000165|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:108086 J:114817 N/A 16374 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070|inferred from PCR experiment ; ECO:0000082 anatomy:TS19\, pituitary ; EMAP:3465 anatomy:TS20\, pituitary ; EMAP:4130 anatomy:TS21\, pituitary ; EMAP:4940 cell type: gene product: e IDA GO:0005667 MGI:109330 J:114817 N/A 16375 2 t:Pou1f1 ; MGI:97588|Hesx1 ; MGI:96071 target:enhancer ; SO:0000165|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text:Repressor complex of Reptin, beta-catenin, Prop1, TLE, Hdac1 at Hesx1 promoter text:Activator complex of Prop1, beta-catenin, CBP at P IDA GO:0005667 MGI:109330 J:114817 N/A 16376 3 it1 promoter IDA GO:0005667 MGI:109330 J:114817 N/A 16377 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070|inferred from PCR experiment ; ECO:0000082 anatomy:TS19\, pituitary ; EMAP:3465 anatomy:TS20\, pituitary ; EMAP:4130 anatomy:TS21\, pituitary ; EMAP:4940 cell type: gene product: e IDA GO:0005667 MGI:88276 J:114817 N/A 16378 2 t:Pou1f1 ; MGI:97588|Hesx1 ; MGI:96071 target:enhancer ; SO:0000165|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text:Repressor complex of Reptin, beta-catenin, Prop1, TLE, Hdac1 at Hesx1 promoter text:Activator complex of Prop1, beta-catenin, CBP at P IDA GO:0005667 MGI:88276 J:114817 N/A 16379 3 it1 promoter IDA GO:0005667 MGI:88276 J:114817 N/A 16380 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:neuromuscular junction IMP GO:0048747 MGI:1929813 J:121463 MGI:1856022 16381 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0040014 MGI:1929813 J:121463 MGI:1856022 16382 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007528 MGI:1929813 J:121463 MGI:1856022 16383 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048747 MGI:103301 J:121463 MGI:1856936 16384 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007528 MGI:103301 J:121463 MGI:1856936 16385 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007528 MGI:1316660 J:121463 MGI:1856548 16386 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\, dorsal aorta ; EMAP:550 anatomy:TS13\, cardinal vein ; EMAP:589 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035050 MGI:1347481 J:119144 MGI:1347466 16387 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\, heart ; EMAP:897 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050880 MGI:1347481 J:119144 MGI:1347466 16388 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\, dorsal aorta ; EMAP:550 anatomy:TS13\, cardinal vein ; EMAP:589 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035050 MGI:1347466 J:119144 MGI:1347481 16389 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\, heart ; EMAP:897 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050880 MGI:1347466 J:119144 MGI:1347481 16390 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS14\, heart ; EMAP:897 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001568 MGI:1347466 J:119144 MGI:1347481 16391 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS14\, heart ; EMAP:897 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001568 MGI:1347481 J:119144 MGI:1347466 16392 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\, heart ; EMAP:897 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001974 MGI:1347481 J:119144 MGI:1347466 16393 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14\, heart ; EMAP:897 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001974 MGI:1347466 J:119144 MGI:1347481 16394 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS19\, heart ; EMAP:3666 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text:Prox-1 expression in lymphatic endoth IGI GO:0001945 MGI:1347466 J:119144 MGI:1347481 16395 2 elial cells IGI GO:0001945 MGI:1347466 J:119144 MGI:1347481 16396 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS19\, heart ; EMAP:3666 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text:Prox-1 expression in lymphatic endoth IGI GO:0001945 MGI:1347481 J:119144 MGI:1347466 16397 2 elial cells IGI GO:0001945 MGI:1347481 J:119144 MGI:1347466 16398 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS14\, heart ; EMAP:897 anatomy:TS12\, neural tube ; EMAP:262 anatomy:TS12\, endoderm ; EMAP:268 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 ge IGI GO:0048010 MGI:1347466 J:119144 MGI:1347481 16399 2 ne product: target: external ref: text:Neurofilin-1 expression ; VEGF expression evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS19\, heart ; EMAP:3666 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|endothelial cell ; CL:0 IGI GO:0048010 MGI:1347466 J:119144 MGI:1347481 16400 3 000115 gene product: target: external ref: text:VEGF-C expression IGI GO:0048010 MGI:1347466 J:119144 MGI:1347481 16401 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS14\, heart ; EMAP:897 anatomy:TS12\, neural tube ; EMAP:262 anatomy:TS12\, endoderm ; EMAP:268 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 ge IGI GO:0048010 MGI:1347481 J:119144 MGI:1347466 16402 2 ne product: target: external ref: text:Neurofilin-1 expression ; VEGF expression evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS19\, heart ; EMAP:3666 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|endothelial cell ; CL:0 IGI GO:0048010 MGI:1347481 J:119144 MGI:1347466 16403 3 000115 gene product: target: external ref: text:VEGF-C expression IGI GO:0048010 MGI:1347481 J:119144 MGI:1347466 16404 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay ; ECO:0000096 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dll4 ; MGI:1859388|RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: tex IDA GO:0003705 MGI:1347466 J:119144 N/A 16405 2 t:Forkhead-binding element IDA GO:0003705 MGI:1347466 J:119144 N/A 16406 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay ; ECO:0000096 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dll4 ; MGI:1859388|RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: tex IGI GO:0003705 MGI:1347481 J:119144 N/A 16407 2 t:Forkhead-binding element IGI GO:0003705 MGI:1347481 J:119144 N/A 16408 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR ; ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:multipotent mesenchymal 10T1/2 cells cell type:mouse embryonic endothelial cells ; MEECs gene product: target:Foxc2 ; MGI:1347481|Dll4 ; IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1347481 J:119144 N/A 16409 2 MGI:1859388|Notch1 ; MGI:1859388|Notch4 ; MGI:107471|Hey2 ; MGI:1341884| external ref: text:transfection ; overexpression evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay ; ECO:0000096 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1347481 J:119144 N/A 16410 3 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dll4 ; MGI:1859388|RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text:Forkhead-binding element IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1347481 J:119144 N/A 16411 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR ; ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:multipotent mesenchymal 10T1/2 cells cell type:mouse embryonic endothelial cells ; MEECs gene product: target:Foxc2 ; MGI:1347481|Dll4 ; IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1347466 J:119144 N/A 16412 2 MGI:1859388|Notch1 ; MGI:1859388|Notch4 ; MGI:107471|Hey2 ; MGI:1341884| external ref: text:transfection ; overexpression evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay ; ECO:0000096 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1347466 J:119144 N/A 16413 3 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Dll4 ; MGI:1859388|RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text:Forkhead-binding element IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1347466 J:119144 N/A 16414 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS14\, 1st arch ; EMAP:642 anatomy:2nd arch ; EMAP:669 anatomy:3rd arch ; EMAP:682 cell type:neural crest cell ; CL:0000333|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: e IGI GO:0006916 MGI:1347466 J:119303 MGI:1347481 16415 2 t: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006916 MGI:1347466 J:119303 MGI:1347481 16416 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS15\, heart ; EMAP:1317 anatomy:TS17\, heart ; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:expression of markers for the second heart field IGI GO:0060038 MGI:1347466 J:119303 MGI:1347481 16417 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS15\, heart ; EMAP:1317 anatomy:TS17\, heart ; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:expression of markers for the second heart field IGI GO:0007507 MGI:1347466 J:119303 MGI:1347481 16418 1 evidence:Histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 evidence:Wnt11 ; inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS14\, heart ; EMAP:897 anatomy:TS14\, outflow tract ; EMAP:915 anatomy:TS14\, right ventricle ; prim IGI GO:0003007 MGI:1347466 J:119303 MGI:1347481 16419 2 itive ventricle ; EMAP:919 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0003007 MGI:1347466 J:119303 MGI:1347481 16420 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS14\, 1st arch ; EMAP:642 anatomy:2nd arch ; EMAP:669 anatomy:3rd arch ; EMAP:682 cell type:neural crest cell ; CL:0000333|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: e IGI GO:0014032 MGI:1347466 J:119303 MGI:1347481 16421 2 t: external ref: text: IGI GO:0014032 MGI:1347466 J:119303 MGI:1347481 16422 1 evidence:Histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 evidence:Wnt11 ; inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS17\, heart ; EMAP:2411 anatomy:TS17\, outflow tract ; EMAP:2448 anatomy:TS17\, right ventricle ; pr IGI GO:0046620 MGI:1347466 J:119303 MGI:1347481 16423 2 imitive ventricle ; EMAP:2454 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0046620 MGI:1347466 J:119303 MGI:1347481 16424 1 evidence:Histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 evidence:Wnt11 ; inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS14\, heart ; EMAP:897 anatomy:TS14\, outflow tract ; EMAP:915 anatomy:TS14\, right ventricle ; prim IGI GO:0055010 MGI:1347466 J:119303 MGI:1347481 16425 2 itive ventricle ; EMAP:919 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0055010 MGI:1347466 J:119303 MGI:1347481 16426 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15702972|IDA text: ISA GO:0050429 MGI:2683547 J:117528 UniProtKB:Q29RV9 16427 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15702972|IDA text: ISA GO:0005737 MGI:2683547 J:117528 UniProtKB:Q29RV9 16428 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15702972|IDA text: ISA GO:0048015 MGI:2683547 J:117528 UniProtKB:Q29RV9 16429 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15702972|IDA text: ISA GO:0005737 MGI:97613 J:117528 UniProtKB:Q17RQ6 16430 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15702972|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:97614 J:117528 UniProtKB:P51178 16431 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15702972|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:97615 J:117528 UniProtKB:P19174 16432 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS14\, 1st arch ; EMAP:642 anatomy:2nd arch ; EMAP:669 anatomy:3rd arch ; EMAP:682 cell type:neural crest cell ; CL:0000333|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: e IGI GO:0006916 MGI:1347481 J:119303 MGI:1347466 16433 2 t: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006916 MGI:1347481 J:119303 MGI:1347466 16434 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS15\, heart ; EMAP:1317 anatomy:TS17\, heart ; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:expression of markers for the second heart field IGI GO:0060038 MGI:1347481 J:119303 MGI:1347466 16435 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS15\, heart ; EMAP:1317 anatomy:TS17\, heart ; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:expression of markers for the second heart field IGI GO:0007507 MGI:1347481 J:119303 MGI:1347466 16436 1 evidence:Histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 evidence:Wnt11 ; inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS14\, heart ; EMAP:897 anatomy:TS14\, outflow tract ; EMAP:915 anatomy:TS14\, right ventricle ; prim IGI GO:0003007 MGI:1347481 J:119303 MGI:1347466 16437 2 itive ventricle ; EMAP:919 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0003007 MGI:1347481 J:119303 MGI:1347466 16438 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS14\, 1st arch ; EMAP:642 anatomy:2nd arch ; EMAP:669 anatomy:3rd arch ; EMAP:682 cell type:neural crest cell ; CL:0000333|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: e IGI GO:0014032 MGI:1347481 J:119303 MGI:1347466 16439 2 t: external ref: text: IGI GO:0014032 MGI:1347481 J:119303 MGI:1347466 16440 1 evidence:Histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 evidence:Wnt11 ; inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS17\, heart ; EMAP:2411 anatomy:TS17\, outflow tract ; EMAP:2448 anatomy:TS17\, right ventricle ; pr IGI GO:0046620 MGI:1347481 J:119303 MGI:1347466 16441 2 imitive ventricle ; EMAP:2454 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0046620 MGI:1347481 J:119303 MGI:1347466 16442 1 evidence:Histological analysis ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 evidence:Wnt11 ; inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS14\, heart ; EMAP:897 anatomy:TS14\, outflow tract ; EMAP:915 anatomy:TS14\, right ventricle ; prim IGI GO:0055010 MGI:1347481 J:119303 MGI:1347466 16443 2 itive ventricle ; EMAP:919 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0055010 MGI:1347481 J:119303 MGI:1347466 16444 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mice die within days after birth IMP GO:0009791 MGI:107557 J:71240 MGI:2150759 16445 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:P0\, arch of aorta ; MA:0000475 anatomy:P0\, outflow tract ; MA:0000100 anatomy:P0\, truncus arteriosus ; MA:0000103 anatomy:P0\, aorta ; MA:0000062 anatomy:P0\, heart left ventricle ; MA:0000 IMP GO:0007507 MGI:107557 J:71240 MGI:2150759 16446 2 092 anatomy:P0\, pulmonary artery ; MA:0002031 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:107557 J:71240 MGI:2150759 16447 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS20\, outflow tract ; EMAP:4420 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neural crest cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001755 MGI:107557 J:71240 MGI:2150759 16448 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10231569|IDA text: ISO GO:0043123 MGI:1341296 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y2C9 16449 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10231569|IDA text: ISO GO:0043507 MGI:1341296 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Y2C9 16450 1 evidence: anatomy:pigmented retinal epithelium ; MA:0000279 cell type:pigmented epithelial cell ; CL:0000529 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032438 MGI:1929230 J:61187 MGI:2449643 16451 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR ; ECO:0000108 anatomy:heart left ventricle ; MA:0000092 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001974 MGI:1277186 J:121778 MGI:3663625|MGI:3050453 16452 1 evidence:Trans-thoracic M-mode echocardiographic and physiological analyses ; inferred from physiological response ; ECO:0000174 anatomy:heart left ventricle ; MA:0000092 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060047 MGI:1277186 J:121778 MGI:3663625|MGI:3050453 16453 1 evidence:Trans-thoracic M-mode echocardiographic and physiological analyses ; inferred from physiological response ; ECO:0000174 anatomy:heart left ventricle ; MA:0000092 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042311 MGI:1277186 J:121778 MGI:3663625|MGI:3050453 16454 1 evidence:histology anatomy:heart left ventricle ; MA:0000092 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0055015 MGI:1277186 J:121778 MGI:3663625|MGI:3050453 16455 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:cardiomyocytes infected with adenovirus e IMP GO:0006914 MGI:1921494 J:121778 N/A 16456 2 xpressing shRNA against Atg7 IMP GO:0006914 MGI:1921494 J:121778 N/A 16457 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007189 MGI:94927 J:95570 N/A 16458 1 evidence: anatomy:renal proximal tubule ; MA:0002611 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031526 MGI:94927 J:95570 N/A 16459 1 evidence: anatomy:renal proximal tubule ; MA:0002611 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031526 MGI:892877 J:95570 N/A 16460 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:RNA interference IMP GO:0055013 MGI:1921494 J:121778 N/A 16461 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy:heart left ventricle ; MA:0000092 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031397 MGI:1277186 J:121778 MGI:3663625|MGI:3050453 16462 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target:GRP7 IMP GO:0043066 MGI:1277186 J:121778 MGI:3663625|MGI:3050453 16463 2 8; MGI:95835 target:GRP94 ; MGI:98817 target:caspase-12 ; MGI:1312922 external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:1277186 J:121778 MGI:3663625|MGI:3050453 16464 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target:caspas IMP GO:0043066 MGI:1921494 J:121778 N/A 16465 2 e 12 ; MGI:1312922 external ref: text:RNA interference IMP GO:0043066 MGI:1921494 J:121778 N/A 16466 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002246 MGI:88338 J:111216 MGI:2181292 16467 1 evidence: anatomy:stomach mucosa ; MA:0002683 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042060 MGI:94927 J:111218 MGI:3528074 16468 1 evidence: anatomy:amygdala ; MA:0000887 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001589 MGI:94927 J:114543 N/A 16469 1 evidence: anatomy:amygdala ; MA:0000887 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001590 MGI:99578 J:114543 N/A 16470 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q9JJP1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043524 MGI:1336991 J:63419 N/A 16471 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q9JJP1 target: external ref: text:Trp53 IPI GO:0002039 MGI:1336991 J:63419 UniProtKB:P02340 16472 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Trp73 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98834 J:63419 UniProtKB:Q9JJP1 16473 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q9JJP1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043508 MGI:1336991 J:97170 N/A 16474 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q9JJP1 target: external ref: text:Mapk8 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1336991 J:97170 UniProtKB:Q91Y86 16475 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q9JJP1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001836 MGI:1336991 J:97170 N/A 16476 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006974 MGI:1336991 J:104726 N/A 16477 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15678106|IDA text: ISO GO:0045893 MGI:1336991 J:105215 UniProtKB:O15350 16478 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15678106|IPI|UniProt: Q96J02 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1336991 J:105215 UniProtKB:O15350 16479 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15678106|IDA text: ISO GO:0003700 MGI:1336991 J:105215 UniProtKB:O15350 16480 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15678106|IDA text: ISA GO:0006511 MGI:1202301 J:105215 UniProtKB:Q96J02 16481 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15678106|IDA text: ISA GO:0004842 MGI:1202301 J:105215 UniProtKB:Q96J02 16482 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:SCRC-1040|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|early embrionic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1306778 J:111138 N/A 16483 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 gene product:AB020022 target: external ref:PMID:16352598|IDA text: alpha variant. ISA GO:0005634 MGI:106247 J:110552 EMBL:AB020022 16484 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product::AB020022 target: external ref: text: alpha variant ISA GO:0045666 MGI:106247 J:110552 EMBL:AB020022 16485 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:AB222602 target: external ref: text: beta variant binds peptidyl proline isomerase IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106247 J:110552 UniProtKB:P17742 16486 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:AB020022 target: external ref:PMID:16352598|IDA text: alpha variant is found in splicesosomes ISA GO:0005681 MGI:106247 J:110552 EMBL:AB020022 16487 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:beta variant of Prpf19 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97749 J:110552 UniProtKB:Q4ADG5 16488 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 gene product:EMBL:AB222602|UniProt:Q4ADG5 target: external ref: text: beta splice variant IDA GO:0005737 MGI:106247 J:110552 N/A 16489 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:AB222602|UniProt:Q4ADG5 target: external ref: text:beta variant IDA GO:0045665 MGI:106247 J:110552 N/A 16490 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 gene product:EMBL:AB222602|UniProt:Q4ADG5 target: external ref: text: beta splice variant IDA GO:0005634 MGI:106247 J:110552 N/A 16491 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:AB222602|UniProt:Q4ADG5 target: external ref: text:beta variant IDA GO:0048711 MGI:106247 J:110552 N/A 16492 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:AB222602|UniProt:Q4ADG5 target: external ref: text:beta variant is not found in splicesosomes IDA GO:0005681 MGI:106247 J:110552 N/A 16493 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:antisense/sense IMP GO:0030182 MGI:97749 J:110552 N/A 16494 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:NCBI_NM:134129 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005811 MGI:106247 J:120303 N/A 16495 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:AF251503 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001833 MGI:106247 J:121379 MGI:3711357 16496 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:fluorescence microscopy IMP GO:0006914 MGI:1921494 J:100199 MGI:3587769|MGI:2176052 16497 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032446 MGI:1921494 J:100199 MGI:3587769|MGI:2176052 16498 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:amino acid concentrations in the sera of Atg7 mice were lower than those of wild-type mice IMP GO:0006520 MGI:1921494 J:100199 MGI:3587769|MGI:2176052 16499 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mice died within 1 d after birth IMP GO:0009791 MGI:1921494 J:100199 MGI:3587769|MGI:2176052 16500 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:survival time of Atg7 neonates under starvation condition IMP GO:0042594 MGI:1921494 J:100199 MGI:3587769|MGI:2176052 16501 1 evidence: electron micrographs anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006914 MGI:1921494 J:100199 MGI:3587769|MGI:2176073 16502 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:total protein under starvation conditions IMP GO:0030163 MGI:1921494 J:100199 MGI:3587769|MGI:2176073 16503 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042594 MGI:1921494 J:100199 MGI:3587769|MGI:2176073 16504 1 evidence:histology ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001889 MGI:1921494 J:100199 MGI:3587769|MGI:2176073 16505 1 evidence:electron micrographs ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006996 MGI:1921494 J:100199 MGI:3587769|MGI:2176073 16506 1 evidence: anatomy:peritoneal cavity ; MA:0000054 cell type:neutrophil ; CL:0000775|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006874 MGI:1316650 J:117277 MGI:3046091 16507 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042632 MGI:1316650 J:117277 MGI:3046091 16508 1 evidence: anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005977 MGI:1316650 J:117277 MGI:3046091 16509 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006089 MGI:1316650 J:117277 MGI:3046091 16510 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:numbers of myeloid progenitor cells are increased IMP GO:0002318 MGI:1316650 J:117277 MGI:3046091 16511 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:chemokine KC IMP GO:0032682 MGI:1316650 J:117277 MGI:3046091 16512 1 evidence: anatomy:peritoneal cavity ; MA:0000054 cell type:neutrophil ; CL:0000775|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030593 MGI:1316650 J:117277 MGI:3046091 16513 1 evidence: anatomy:peritoneal cavity ; MA:0000054 cell type:neutrophil ; CL:0000775|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001780 MGI:1316650 J:117277 MGI:3046091 16514 1 evidence: anatomy:peritoneal cavity ; MA:0000054 cell type:neutrophil ; CL:0000775|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045730 MGI:1316650 J:117277 MGI:3046091 16515 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006641 MGI:1316650 J:117277 MGI:3046091 16516 1 evidence:inferred from experiment ; ECO:0000006 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected ISO GO:0004346 MGI:95607 J:98017 UniProtKB:P35575 16517 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0004346 MGI:1915651 J:98017 N/A 16518 1 evidence:glucose-6-phosphate assay ; inferred from experiment ; ECO:0000006 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected IGI GO:0015760 MGI:1915651 J:98017 MGI:1316650 16519 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015760 MGI:1316650 J:98017 MGI:3046091 16520 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050883 MGI:94925 J:96803 MGI:1857159 16521 1 evidence:inferred from experiment ; ECO:0000006 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text:peroxisomes IMP GO:0006635 MGI:1098808 J:121804 MGI:2384516|MGI:2176228 16522 1 evidence:inferred from experiment ; ECO:0000006 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006635 MGI:105089 J:121804 MGI:2385822 16523 1 evidence:inferred from experiment ; ECO:0000006 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006635 MGI:1277964 J:121804 MGI:1857810 16524 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042220 MGI:94925 J:103704 MGI:1857159 16525 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord intermediolateral nucleus ; MA:0002753 cell type: gene product: target:Th ; MGI:98735 external ref: text: IMP GO:0032922 MGI:94925 J:104271 MGI:1857159 16526 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:94925 J:106395 N/A 16527 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1261814 J:106395 N/A 16528 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|CRL-1650 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004346 MGI:95607 J:15150 N/A 16529 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|CRL-1650 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016773 MGI:95607 J:15150 N/A 16530 1 evidence:GO:0016773 anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004346 MGI:95607 J:91041 MGI:2387343 16531 1 evidence:GO:0016773 anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005792 MGI:95607 J:91041 MGI:2387343 16532 1 evidence:GO:0015760 anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004346 MGI:95607 J:59395 MGI:2387343 16533 1 evidence:GO:0015760 anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: mouse vector delivered via adenovirus infusion restores activity in liver microsomes of a KO mutant IDA GO:0004346 MGI:95607 J:59395 N/A 16534 1 evidence:ECO:0000134 anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: G-6-P import into liver microsomes is virtually abolished in G6PC KO IMP GO:0015760 MGI:95607 J:91041 MGI:2387343 16535 1 evidence:ECO:0000134 anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015760 MGI:95607 J:59395 N/A 16536 1 evidence:ECO:0000134 anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015760 MGI:95607 J:59395 MGI:2387343 16537 1 evidence:GO:0015760 anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005792 MGI:95607 J:59395 MGI:2387343 16538 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000358|MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:increased glycogen depositin in liver and kidney IMP GO:0005980 MGI:95607 J:59395 MGI:2387343 16539 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target:Drd3 ; MGI:94925 external ref: text: IDA GO:0008104 MGI:1261814 J:106395 N/A 16540 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:plasma levels effected IMP GO:0042632 MGI:95607 J:59395 MGI:2387343 16541 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:plasma levels effected. IMP GO:0042593 MGI:95607 J:59395 MGI:2387343 16542 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:plasma levels effected. IMP GO:0006641 MGI:95607 J:59395 MGI:2387343 16543 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:7095|MA:0000116 cell type:CL:0000166|NOT gene product: target: external ref: text:no chromaffin cells in adult or embryonic adrenal glands IMP GO:0030325 MGI:95824 J:27441 MGI:1857745 16544 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030818 MGI:1261814 J:106395 N/A 16545 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007191 MGI:94925 J:106395 N/A 16546 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007194 MGI:1261814 J:106395 N/A 16547 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000354 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:lact of intra hepatic biliary duct formation IMP GO:0001889 MGI:104853 J:95098 MGI:2149672 16548 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:10869 cell type:CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text:glycogen accumulation reduced IMP GO:0005977 MGI:96560 J:54660 MGI:2176787 16549 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:female knockout mice are infertile. IMP GO:0009566 MGI:2443767 J:106908 MGI:3621812 16550 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mutant mice were not able to remain on the rotating roller as long as their wild-type lettermates. IMP GO:0007612 MGI:2443767 J:106908 MGI:3621812 16551 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID: 16286931|IMP text: evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID: 16286931|IGI text: ISO GO:0030030 MGI:102548 J:103933 UniProtKB:P49816 16552 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID: 16286931|IMP text: ISO GO:0045792 MGI:102548 J:103933 UniProtKB:P49816 16553 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001669 MGI:87884 J:21948 N/A 16554 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID: 16286931|IGI text: ISO GO:0030030 MGI:1928394 J:103933 UniProtKB:P42346 16555 1 evidence:inhibitor rapamycin anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030030 MGI:1928394 J:103933 N/A 16556 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID: 16286931|IMP text: ISO GO:0045792 MGI:1928394 J:103933 UniProtKB:P42346 16557 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID: 16286931|IDA text: ISO GO:0030030 MGI:101757 J:103933 UniProtKB:P45592 16558 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID: 16286931|IDA text: ISO GO:0045792 MGI:101757 J:103933 UniProtKB:P45592 16559 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID: 16286931|IDA text: ISO GO:0030030 MGI:87986 J:103933 UniProtKB:P47196 16560 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID: 16286931|IDA text: ISO GO:0045792 MGI:87986 J:103933 UniProtKB:P47196 16561 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007341 MGI:87884 J:38658 MGI:2429958 16562 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007341 MGI:87884 J:21944 MGI:2180087 16563 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-11268 gene product: target:Mena ; MGI:108360 external ref: text:transfected text:c-Abl mediated Mena tyrosine phosphorylat ISA GO:0018108 MGI:104913 J:117719 UniProtKB:Q8IZP0 16564 2 ion ISA GO:0018108 MGI:104913 J:117719 UniProtKB:Q8IZP0 16565 1 evidence: anatomy:epididiymis ; MA:0000397 cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:1342295 J:118291 MGI:3700209 16566 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-11268 gene product: target:Mena ; MGI:108360 external ref: text:transfected text:c-Abl mediated Mena tyrosine phosphorylat ISA GO:0018108 MGI:106913 J:117719 UniProtKB:Q9NYB9 16567 2 ion ISA GO:0018108 MGI:106913 J:117719 UniProtKB:Q9NYB9 16568 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-11268 gene product: target:Mena ; MGI:108360 external ref: text:transfected text:c-Abl mediated Mena tyrosine phosphorylat ISA GO:0018108 MGI:1913860 J:117719 UniProtKB:Q9P2A4 16569 2 ion ISA GO:0018108 MGI:1913860 J:117719 UniProtKB:Q9P2A4 16570 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1342295 J:118291 N/A 16571 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1342295 J:118291 N/A 16572 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|human umbilical vein endothelial cells ; ATCC:CRL-1730 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0030027 MGI:1913860 J:117719 UniProtKB:Q9P2A4 16573 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|human umbilical vein endothelial cells ; ATCC:CRL-1730 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0030027 MGI:104913 J:117719 UniProtKB:Q8IZP0 16574 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|human umbilical vein endothelial cells ; ATCC:CRL-1730 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0005622 MGI:104913 J:117719 UniProtKB:Q8IZP0 16575 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|human umbilical vein endothelial cells ; ATCC:CRL-1730 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0005829 MGI:106913 J:117719 UniProtKB:Q9NYB9 16576 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|human umbilical vein endothelial cells ; ATCC:CRL-1730 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0005829 MGI:87859 J:117719 UniProtKB:Q8TDN4 16577 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|human umbilical vein endothelial cells ; ATCC:CRL-1730 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0005622 MGI:1098641 J:117719 UniProtKB:Q9Y6W5 16578 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|human umbilical vein endothelial cells ; ATCC:CRL-1730 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0030027 MGI:1098641 J:117719 UniProtKB:Q9Y6W5 16579 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|human umbilical vein endothelial cells ; ATCC:CRL-1730 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0005622 MGI:1913860 J:117719 UniProtKB:Q9P2A4 16580 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030016 MGI:2444891 J:120881 N/A 16581 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: r IGI GO:0045944 MGI:2444891 J:120881 MGI:1194500|MGI:2385758|MGI:2442582 16582 2 get: external ref: text:SM22-luciferase reporter IGI GO:0045944 MGI:2444891 J:120881 MGI:1194500|MGI:2385758|MGI:2442582 16583 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: r IMP GO:0045944 MGI:2442582 J:120881 N/A 16584 2 get: external ref: text:SM22-luciferase reporter IMP GO:0045944 MGI:2442582 J:120881 N/A 16585 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: r IMP GO:0045944 MGI:2385758 J:120881 N/A 16586 2 get: external ref: text:SM22-luciferase reporter IMP GO:0045944 MGI:2385758 J:120881 N/A 16587 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: r IMP GO:0045944 MGI:1194500 J:120881 N/A 16588 2 get: external ref: text:SM22-luciferase reporter IMP GO:0045944 MGI:1194500 J:120881 N/A 16589 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:SM22-luciferase reporter IDA GO:0045944 MGI:2444891 J:120881 N/A 16590 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0015629 MGI:2385758 J:120881 UniProtKB:Q6H8Q1 16591 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030016 MGI:2385758 J:120881 N/A 16592 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007341 MGI:87884 J:90008 MGI:96945 16593 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007341 MGI:96945 J:90008 MGI:87884 16594 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: MEFs of the mutant vs wt cells. IMP GO:0033205 MGI:109337 J:93261 MGI:1930616 16595 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007283 MGI:1931523 J:90008 MGI:96945 16596 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007283 MGI:1888530 J:90008 MGI:96945 16597 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030317 MGI:98785 J:90008 MGI:96945 16598 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007339 MGI:96945 J:98301 MGI:98785,MGI:87884,MGI:1888530 16599 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007339 MGI:87884 J:98301 MGI:96945,MGI:1888530,MGI:98785 16600 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007339 MGI:1888530 J:98301 MGI:87884,MGI:96945,MGI:98785 16601 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030317 MGI:1888530 J:98301 MGI:87884,MGI:96945,MGI:98785 16602 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007339 MGI:98785 J:98301 MGI:87884,MGI:1888530,MGI:96945 16603 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030317 MGI:98785 J:98301 MGI:87884,MGI:1888530,MGI:96945 16604 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Infusion of isoproterenol for 7 d in Atg5flox/flox;MLC2v-Cre+ led to left ventricular dilatation and contractile dysfunction compared to that in controls IMP GO:0042493 MGI:1277186 J:121778 MGI:3663625|MGI:3050453 16605 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Gipc1|Slc2a1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104785 J:103917 UniProtKB:Q9Z0G0|UniProtKB:P17809 16606 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16135809|IPI|UniProt:P27694 text: ISO GO:0006310 MGI:1916973 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86UA6 16607 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16135809|IPI|UniProt:P27694 text: ISO GO:0006281 MGI:1916973 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86UA6 16608 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16135809|IPI|UniProt:P27694 text: ISO GO:0006261 MGI:1916973 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86UA6 16609 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16135809|IDA text: ISO GO:0016605 MGI:1916973 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86UA6-2 16610 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16135809|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1916973 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86UA6-1 16611 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16135809|IPI|UniProt:P27694 text: ISO GO:0032403 MGI:1916973 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86UA6 16612 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16135809|IDA text: ISO GO:0009411 MGI:1916973 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86UA6-2 16613 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16135809|IDA text: ISO GO:0006606 MGI:1916973 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q86UA6 16614 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16135809|IPI|UniProt:P15927 text: ISO GO:0005662 MGI:1915525 J:73065 UniProtKB:P27694 16615 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16135809|IDA text: ISO GO:0016605 MGI:1915525 J:73065 UniProtKB:P27694 16616 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16135809|IPI|UniProt:P27694 text: ISO GO:0005662 MGI:1339939 J:73065 UniProtKB:P15927 16617 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006641 MGI:1913363 J:116807 MGI:3609233 16618 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14, neural tube ; EMAP:858 cell type:neuroepithelial cell ; CL:0000710 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:1351655 J:103784 N/A 16619 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14, neural tube ; EMAP:858 cell type:neuroepithelial cell ; CL:0000710 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:88276 J:103748 N/A 16620 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14, neural tube ; EMAP:858 cell type:neuroepithelial cell ; CL:0000710 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043296 MGI:1351655 J:103784 N/A 16621 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14, neural tube ; EMAP:858 cell type:neuroepithelial cell ; CL:0000710 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043296 MGI:88276 J:103784 N/A 16622 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14, neural tube ; EMAP:858 cell type:neuroepithelial cell ; CL:0000710 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043296 MGI:1930171 J:103784 N/A 16623 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MDCK ; ATCC:CCL-34 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002066 MGI:1351655 J:103784 N/A 16624 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MDCK ; ATCC:CCL-34 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008360 MGI:1351655 J:103784 N/A 16625 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MDCK ; ATCC:CCL-34 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030036 MGI:107927 J:103784 MGI:1930780,MGI:107926,MGI:1351655 16626 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MDCK ; ATCC:CCL-34 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030036 MGI:107926 J:103784 MGI:107927,MGI:1930780,MGI:1351655 16627 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MDCK ; ATCC:CCL-34 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030036 MGI:1930780 J:103784 MGI:1351655,MGI:107927, 16628 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MDCK ; ATCC:CCL-34 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030036 MGI:1351655 J:103784 MGI:1930780,MGI:107927,MGI:107926 16629 1 evidence: anatomy:TS14, neural tube ; EMAP:858 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:1351655 J:103784 MGI:1889778 16630 1 evidence: anatomy:tail skin ; MA:0000700 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:1931028 J:97101 MGI:3045113 16631 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; MA:0000007 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048705 MGI:1931028 J:97101 MGI:3045113 16632 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:no viable homozygous LSD12/2 embryos could be detected after embryonic day (E)7.5 IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1196256 J:121427 MGI:3711561 16633 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045875 MGI:1931028 J:97101 MGI:3045113 16634 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MC3T3-E1 Subclone 4 ; ATCC:CRL-2593 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:1931028 J:108182 N/A 16635 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\ ; pituitary ; EMAP:10263 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:markers of pituitary terminal differentiation were undetectable IMP GO:0021983 MGI:1196256 J:121427 MGI:3711205|MGI:3690467 16636 1 evidence: anatomy:femur ; MA:0001359 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:1931028 J:108182 MGI:2677314 16637 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Rho ; MGI:97914 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1194883 J:87337 N/A 16638 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2179277 J:87337 N/A 16639 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS25\ ; pituitary ; EMAP:10263 cell type: gene product: target:Cga ; MGI:88390|Pomc1 ; MGI:97742|Lhb ; MGI:96782|Tshb ; MGI:98848|Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text: IMP GO:0046886 MGI:1196256 J:121427 MGI:3711205|MGI:3690467 16640 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS25\ ; pituitary ; EMAP:10263 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:1196256 J:121427 MGI:3711205|MGI:3690467 16641 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Rho ; MGI:97914 target:Opn1sw ; MGI:99438 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:2179277 J:87337 N/A 16642 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Rho ; MGI:97914 target:Opn1sw ; MGI:99438 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1194883 J:87337 N/A 16643 1 evidence:inferred from PCR experiment ; ECO:0000082 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:1196256 J:121427 MGI:3711205|MGI:3690467|MGI:3711561 16644 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy:TS21\ ; pituitary ; EMAP:4940 anatomy:TS22\ ; pituitary ; EMAP:6022 anatomy:TS24\ ; pituitary ; EMAP:8903 anatomy:TS25\ ; pituitary ; EMAP:10263 cell type: gene product: t IDA GO:0003700 MGI:1196256 J:121427 N/A 16645 2 :Gh ; MGI:95707 target:Prl ; MGI:97762 target:Tshb ; MGI:98848 target: Pou1f1 ; MGI:97588 target:Hey1 ; MGI:1341800 target:Ccne1 ; MGI:88316 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:1196256 J:121427 N/A 16646 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ccne1 ; MGI:88316 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:1859854 J:121427 N/A 16647 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ccne1 ; MGI:88316 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:1201685 J:121427 N/A 16648 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 evidence:inferred from PCR experiment ; ECO:0000082 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Hey1 ; MGI:1341800 external ref: te IMP GO:0000122 MGI:1196256 J:121427 MGI:3711205|MGI:3690467 16649 2 xt: IMP GO:0000122 MGI:1196256 J:121427 MGI:3711205|MGI:3690467 16650 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4, inner cell mass ; EMAP:14 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001833 MGI:1913961 J:112167 MGI:3664792 16651 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HEK293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target:Dio1 ; MGI:94896 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:2443930 J:121427 N/A 16652 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy:P20 ; pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:2443930 J:121427 N/A 16653 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy:TS21\ ; pituitary ; EMAP:4940 anatomy:TS22\ ; pituitary ; EMAP:6022 anatomy:TS24\ ; pituitary ; EMAP:8903 anatomy:TS25\ ; pituitary ; EMAP:10263 anatomy:P20 ; pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 IDA GO:0003700 MGI:97588 J:121427 N/A 16654 2 cell type: gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:97588 J:121427 N/A 16655 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:88058 J:68990 N/A 16656 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0008134 MGI:96522 J:121427 UniProtKB:Q6ZQ88 16657 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0008134 MGI:97588 J:121427 UniProtKB:Q6ZQ88 16658 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0008134 MGI:2443930 J:121427 UniProtKB:Q6ZQ88 16659 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0008134 MGI:1344313 J:121427 UniProtKB:Q6ZQ88|UniProtKB:O88712 16660 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0008134 MGI:1196256 J:121427 UniProtKB:Q00286|UniProtKB:Q64318|UniProtKB:P31266|UniProtKB:Q6ZPI3|UniProtKB:O88712|UniProtKB:Q8C796 16661 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: Rcor2 ; MGI:1859854| Ctbp1 ; MGI:1201685| Zeb1 ; MGI:1344313| Aof2 ; MGI:1196256 exter IDA GO:0005667 MGI:97588 J:121427 N/A 16662 2 nal ref: text: IDA GO:0005667 MGI:97588 J:121427 N/A 16663 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: Rcor2 ; MGI:1859854| Ctbp1 ; MGI:1201685| Pou1f1 ; MGI:97588|Aof2 ; MGI:1196256 extern IDA GO:0005667 MGI:1344313 J:121427 N/A 16664 2 al ref: text: IDA GO:0005667 MGI:1344313 J:121427 N/A 16665 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: Rcor2 ; MGI:1859854| Zeb1 ; MGI:1344313| Pou1f1 ; MGI:97588|Aof2 ; MGI:1196256 externa IDA GO:0005667 MGI:1201685 J:121427 N/A 16666 2 l ref: text: IDA GO:0005667 MGI:1201685 J:121427 N/A 16667 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: Aof2 ; MGI:1196256| Ctbp1 ; MGI:1201685| Zeb1 ; MGI:1344313| Pou1f1 ; MGI:97588 extern IDA GO:0005667 MGI:1859854 J:121427 N/A 16668 2 al ref: text: IDA GO:0005667 MGI:1859854 J:121427 N/A 16669 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:prolactin secreting cell ; CL:0000439|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:1344313 J:121427 N/A 16670 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: Rcor2 ; MGI:1859854| Ctbp1 ; MGI:1201685| Zeb1 ; MGI:1344313| Pou1f1 ; MGI:97588| Wdr5 IDA GO:0005667 MGI:1196256 J:121427 N/A 16671 2 ; MGI:2155884 external ref: text: IDA GO:0005667 MGI:1196256 J:121427 N/A 16672 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MMQ ; ATCC:CRL-10609 gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:108086 J:121427 N/A 16673 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MMQ ; ATCC:CRL-10609 gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:1097691 J:121427 N/A 16674 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MMQ ; ATCC:CRL-10609 gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:1349717 J:121427 N/A 16675 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MMQ ; ATCC:CRL-10609 gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1195985 J:121427 N/A 16676 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR ; ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text:siRNA IMP GO:0000122 MGI:1924933 J:121427 N/A 16677 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR ; ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text:siRNA IMP GO:0000122 MGI:2148922 J:121427 N/A 16678 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text:siRNA IMP GO:0000122 MGI:1344313 J:121427 N/A 16679 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text:siRNA IMP GO:0000122 MGI:1196256 J:121427 N/A 16680 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text:siRNA IMP GO:0000122 MGI:2443930 J:121427 N/A 16681 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text:siRNA IMP GO:0000122 MGI:1201685 J:121427 N/A 16682 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Gh ; MGI:95707 external ref: text:siRNA IMP GO:0000122 MGI:1195985 J:121427 N/A 16683 1 evidence: anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030193 MGI:88058 J:68990 MGI:2157224 16684 1 evidence: anatomy:forebrain ; MA:0000170 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060161 MGI:94925 J:107534 MGI:1857159 16685 1 evidence: anatomy:forebrain ; MA:0000170 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0060158 MGI:94924 J:107534 N/A 16686 1 evidence: anatomy:forebrain ; MA:0000170 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0060158 MGI:99578 J:107534 N/A 16687 1 evidence: anatomy:frontal cortex ; MA:0000905 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001590 MGI:99578 J:109223 N/A 16688 1 evidence: anatomy:forebrain ; MA:0000170 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060160 MGI:94924 J:109223 MGI:99578,MGI:94925 16689 1 evidence: anatomy:forebrain ; MA:0000170 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060160 MGI:94925 J:109223 MGI:94924,MGI:99578 16690 1 evidence: anatomy:forebrain ; MA:0000170 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007212 MGI:99578 J:109223 MGI:94924,MGI:94925 16691 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Calb1 ; MGI:88248 external ref: text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:94924 J:110781 MGI:2388386 16692 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88248 J:110781 N/A 16693 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88248 J:110781 N/A 16694 1 evidence: anatomy:artery ; MA:0000064 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045776 MGI:94925 J:115136 MGI:1857159 16695 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:local renal renin levels are affected. IMP GO:0002016 MGI:94925 J:115136 MGI:1857159 16696 1 evidence:antagonist anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045777 MGI:87964 J:95908 N/A 16697 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051898 MGI:94925 J:117785 MGI:3698033 16698 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051898 MGI:94924 J:117785 MGI:2387895,MGI:2675755 16699 1 evidence: anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014059 MGI:94925 J:117918 MGI:3698033 16700 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001670 MGI:94924 J:10932 N/A 16701 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060160 MGI:88414 J:10932 MGI:94924 16702 1 evidence:haloperidol anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042417 MGI:94924 J:20835 N/A 16703 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 anatomy:olfactory tubercle ; MA:0000976 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001670 MGI:94924 J:29045 N/A 16704 1 evidence: anatomy:islands of Calleja ; MA:0000977 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001592 MGI:94925 J:29045 N/A 16705 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001590 MGI:99578 J:29045 N/A 16706 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product:UniProt:P61168-1 gene product:UniProt:P61168-2 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001670 MGI:94924 J:40408 N/A 16707 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048169 MGI:94924 J:40956 MGI:2387895 16708 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy:TS20\ ; embryo ; EMAP:3980 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0051219 MGI:1195985 J:44468 UniProtKB:P25916 16709 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy:TS20\ ; embryo ; EMAP:3980 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88174 J:44468 UniProtKB:P30658|UniProtKB:O55187 16710 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:HTB-96 ; U2-OS|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1195985 J:44468 UniProtKB:O00257 16711 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:HTB-96 ; U2-OS|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:88174 J:44468 UniProtKB:P35226 16712 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:HTB-96 ; U2-OS|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text:TK promoter-luciferase reporter IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1195985 J:44468 N/A 16713 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:HTB-96 ; U2-OS|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text:TK promoter-luciferase reporter IDA GO:0000122 MGI:88289 J:44468 N/A 16714 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:HTB-96 ; U2-OS|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text:TK promoter-luciferase reporter IDA GO:0000122 MGI:88174 J:44468 N/A 16715 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060088 MGI:105368 J:121326 MGI:1856799 16716 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:spiral ganglion cell development IMP GO:0048839 MGI:105368 J:121326 MGI:1856799 16717 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:spiral ganglion cells IMP GO:0006996 MGI:105368 J:121326 MGI:1856799 16718 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008361 MGI:105368 J:121326 MGI:1856799 16719 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048167 MGI:105368 J:121220 MGI:1857876 16720 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000795 MGI:2675859 J:95368 N/A 16721 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR ; ECO:0000108 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:response to 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) IDA GO:0009636 MGI:2675859 J:95368 N/A 16722 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:3614952 J:97933 N/A 16723 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:P8-P12 ; spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005932 MGI:3614952 J:97933 N/A 16724 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:3614952 J:97933 N/A 16725 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0060091 MGI:3614952 J:97933 N/A 16726 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text:starting with P15 IDA GO:0016324 MGI:3614952 J:97933 N/A 16727 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032437 MGI:3614952 J:97933 N/A 16728 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 cell type:Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: qua IDA GO:0005737 MGI:3614952 J:97933 N/A 16729 2 lifier: target: external ref: text:comma-shaped pattern above the nucleus IDA GO:0005737 MGI:3614952 J:97933 N/A 16730 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:pillar cell ; CL:1000191|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 cell type:Deiter's cell ; CL:0000635|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: qualifi IDA GO:0005874 MGI:3614952 J:97933 N/A 16731 2 er: target: external ref: text:transcellular bundle of microtubules anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 cell type:Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 IDA GO:0005874 MGI:3614952 J:97933 N/A 16732 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|JEG-3 ; ATCC:HTB-36 gene product:UniProt:P61168-1 target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007195 MGI:94924 J:41193 MGI:95772 16733 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|JEG-3 ; ATCC:HTB-36 gene product:UniProt:P61168-1 target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007193 MGI:95772 J:41193 MGI:94924 16734 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|JEG-3 ; ATCC:HTB-36 gene product:UniProt:P61168-1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016020 MGI:94924 J:41193 N/A 16735 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|JEG-3 ; ATCC:HTB-36 gene product:UniProt:P61168-1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001670 MGI:94924 J:41193 N/A 16736 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001670 MGI:94924 J:41857 MGI:2387895 16737 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:prolactin secreting cell ; CL:0000439 cell type:thyroid stimulating hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000476 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:94924 J:41857 MGI:2387895 16738 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:prolactin secreting cell ; CL:0000439 cell type:thyroid stimulating hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000476 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:94924 J:41857 MGI:97762 16739 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:prolactin secreting cell ; CL:0000439 cell type:thyroid stimulating hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000476 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:97762 J:41857 MGI:94924 16740 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:prolactin secreting cell ; CL:0000439 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:94924 J:41858 MGI:1857875 16741 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:prolactin secreting cell ; CL:0000439 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030141 MGI:97762 J:41858 N/A 16742 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051586 MGI:94924 J:52172 MGI:1857875 16743 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia nigra ; MA:0000210 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:94924 J:52509 N/A 16744 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia nigra ; MA:0000210 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:94924 J:52509 N/A 16745 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:for three Gnn isoforms IDA GO:0005829 MGI:3513266 J:97834 N/A 16746 2 Gnn1, Gnn2, Gnn3 IDA GO:0005829 MGI:3513266 J:97834 N/A 16747 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:prolactin secreting cell ; CL:0000439 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:94924 J:58342 MGI:1857875 16748 1 evidence:inferred from localization of GFP fusion protein ; ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0005737 MGI:99180 J:100670 N/A 16749 1 evidence:inferred from localization of GFP fusion protein ; ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected ; in the presence of CRM1 inhibitor leptomycin B IDA GO:0005634 MGI:99180 J:100670 N/A 16750 1 evidence:inferred from localization of GFP fusion protein ; ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0005737 MGI:3525151 J:100670 N/A 16751 1 evidence:inferred from Northwestern analysis ; ECO:0000146 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:TNF AU-rich RNA external ref: text: IDA GO:0017091 MGI:99180 J:100670 N/A 16752 1 evidence:inferred from Northwestern analysis ; ECO:0000146 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:TNF AU-rich RNA external ref: text: IDA GO:0017091 MGI:3525151 J:100670 N/A 16753 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by Northern assay ; ECO:0000106 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-11268 gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected 293 cells IDA GO:0000288 MGI:3525151 J:100670 N/A 16754 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by Northern assay ; ECO:0000106 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-11268 gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected 293 cells IDA GO:0000288 MGI:99180 J:100670 N/A 16755 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by Northern assay ; ECO:0000106 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-11268 gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected 293 cells IDA GO:0000288 MGI:107946 J:100670 N/A 16756 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by Northern assay ; ECO:0000106 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-11268 gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected 293 cells IDA GO:0000288 MGI:107945 J:100670 N/A 16757 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by Northern assay ; ECO:0000106 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-11268 gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected 293 cells IDA GO:0000289 MGI:99180 J:100670 N/A 16758 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by Northern assay ; ECO:0000106 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-11268 gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected 293 cells IDA GO:0000289 MGI:3525151 J:100670 N/A 16759 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:6075 anatomy:telencephalon ; MA:0000183 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:dentate gyrus granule cell layer ; IDA GO:0002052 MGI:94924 J:121538 N/A 16760 2 MA:0000946 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002052 MGI:94924 J:121538 N/A 16761 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, telencephalon ; EMAP:7536 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030336 MGI:94924 J:121219 MGI:1857875 16762 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, telencephalon ; EMAP:7536 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030335 MGI:99578 J:121219 MGI:1857875 16763 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricular layer ; EMAP:7540 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021800 MGI:1097716 J:121077 MGI:2679972 16764 1 evidence: anatomy:globus pallidus ; MA:0000890 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021759 MGI:1097716 J:121077 MGI:2679972 16765 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:11664 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021853 MGI:1097716 J:121077 MGI:2679972 16766 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:6075 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text:medial ganglionic eminence IMP GO:0007411 MGI:1097716 J:121077 MGI:2679972 16767 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, telencephalon ; EMAP:7536 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021853 MGI:94924 J:121219 MGI:1857875 16768 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, telencephalon ; EMAP:7536 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021853 MGI:99578 J:121219 MGI:1857875 16769 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 anatomy:globus pallidus ; MA:0000890 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050804 MGI:94924 J:119592 MGI:1857875 16770 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009566 MGI:3050640 J:117563 MGI:3050642 16771 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030317 MGI:3050640 J:117563 MGI:3050642 16772 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:3050640 J:117563 MGI:3050642 16773 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007289 MGI:3050640 J:117563 MGI:3050642 16774 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030382 MGI:3050640 J:117563 MGI:3050642 16775 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009566 MGI:3590178 J:117563 MGI:3590190 16776 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030382 MGI:3590178 J:117563 MGI:3590190 16777 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030317 MGI:3590178 J:117563 MGI:3590190 16778 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:3590178 J:117563 MGI:3590190 16779 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007289 MGI:3590178 J:117563 MGI:3590190 16780 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009566 MGI:3512773 J:117563 MGI:3512896 16781 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030317 MGI:3512773 J:117563 MGI:3512896 16782 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:3512773 J:117563 MGI:3512896 16783 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007289 MGI:3512773 J:117563 MGI:3512896 16784 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17194762|IGI|UniProt:P21728 text: ISO GO:0060158 MGI:94924 J:73065 UniProtKB:P14416 16785 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17194762|IGI|UniProt:P14416 text: ISO GO:0060158 MGI:99578 J:73065 UniProtKB:P21728 16786 1 evidence:inferred from protein binding ; ECO:0000024 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005516 MGI:3607784 J:116920 UniProtKB:P62204 16787 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay ; ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008017 MGI:3607784 J:116920 N/A 16788 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay ; ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008017 MGI:1201690 J:116920 N/A 16789 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060158 MGI:95776 J:119081 MGI:94924|MGI:99578|MGI:95766 16790 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060158 MGI:95766 J:119081 MGI:95776|MGI:94924|MGI:99578 16791 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060158 MGI:99578 J:119081 MGI:94924|MGI:95776|MGI:95766 16792 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060158 MGI:94924 J:119081 MGI:95766|MGI:95776|MGI:99578 16793 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007191 MGI:99578 J:119081 MGI:95774|MGI:95777 16794 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007191 MGI:95777 J:119081 MGI:95774|MGI:99578 16795 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007191 MGI:95774 J:119081 MGI:95777|MGI:99578 16796 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay ; ECO:0000148 evidence:inferred from loss of function mutant phenotype ; ECO:0000050 evidence:Inferred from in vivo assay ; ECO:0000178 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007026 MGI:3607784 J:116920 N/A 16797 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; CO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005798 MGI:3607784 J:116920 N/A 16798 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; CO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005801 MGI:3607784 J:116920 N/A 16799 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:morphine ; CHEBI:17303 external ref: text: IMP GO:0042493 MGI:94924 J:114311 MGI:1857875 16800 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 evidence:inferred from immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000085 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0018009 MGI:3607784 J:116920 N/A 16801 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0032230 MGI:99402 J:112280 MGI:94924 16802 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032230 MGI:99402 J:112280 N/A 16803 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0032228 MGI:94924 J:112280 MGI:99402 16804 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007189 MGI:99402 J:112280 N/A 16805 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001609 MGI:99402 J:112280 N/A 16806 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042220 MGI:94924 J:112235 MGI:2387895 16807 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product:UniProt:P61168-2 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014059 MGI:94924 J:112235 MGI:2387895|MGI:2675755 16808 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043278 MGI:94924 J:112235 MGI:2387895 16809 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory bulb ; MA:0000194 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007608 MGI:94862 J:110704 MGI:2386303 16810 1 evidence: anatomy:pars intermedia ; MA:0000855 cell type:melanocyte stimulating hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000440 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:94924 J:110599 MGI:2387895 16811 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|JEG-3 ; ATCC:HTB-36 gene product:UniProt:P61168-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007195 MGI:94924 J:41193 N/A 16812 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product:UniProt:P61168-1 gene product:UniProt:P61168-2 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032228 MGI:94924 J:109311 MGI:2675755,MGI:2387895 16813 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product:UniProt:P61168-2 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051967 MGI:94924 J:109311 MGI:2675755,MGI:2387895 16814 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target:Per1 ; MGI:1098283 external ref: text: IMP GO:0032922 MGI:94924 J:109095 MGI:2387895 16815 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Per1 ; MGI:1098283 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1096381 J:109095 MGI:99698 16816 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Per1 ; MGI:1098283 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:99698 J:109095 MGI:1096381 16817 1 evidence:ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Brca2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97890 J:39764 UniProtKB:P97929 16818 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2686052 J:112231 N/A 16819 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro transcription reconstitution assay with recombinant protein ; ECO:0000152 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016564 MGI:2686052 J:112231 N/A 16820 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060124 MGI:94924 J:106832 MGI:1857875 16821 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:14 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:GO:0001833 inner cell mass proliferation ??? IMP GO:0010332 MGI:109337 J:39764 MGI:2177233 16822 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 evidence:inferred from protein expression in heterologous system ; ECO:0000154 anatomy:chick embryo ; neural tube cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Chick embryo in ovo IDA GO:0014003 MGI:2686052 J:112231 N/A 16823 2 electroporation text:in the presence of Notch signaling activation IDA GO:0014003 MGI:2686052 J:112231 N/A 16824 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 evidence:inferred from protein expression in heterologous system ; ECO:0000154 anatomy:chick embryo ; neural tube cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Chick embryo in ovo IGI GO:0048714 MGI:2686052 J:112231 MGI:1355331 16825 2 electroporation IGI GO:0048714 MGI:2686052 J:112231 MGI:1355331 16826 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2686052 J:112231 UniProtKB:Q9EQW6 16827 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P61168-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060134 MGI:94924 J:104036 MGI:2656648 16828 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product:UniProt:P61168-1 gene product:UniProt:P61168-2 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001670 MGI:94924 J:104036 N/A 16829 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P61168-2 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001975 MGI:94924 J:104036 MGI:2656648 16830 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016481 MGI:2684938 J:106935 N/A 16831 1 evidence:inferred from immunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein ; ECO:0000092 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2684938 J:106935 N/A 16832 1 evidence:inferred from immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000085 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042803 MGI:2684938 J:106935 N/A 16833 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:aggressive behavior IMP GO:0030534 MGI:94924 J:103562 MGI:2656648 16834 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Loss of PRISM induces differentiated markers in SMCs. IMP GO:0051151 MGI:2684938 J:106935 N/A 16835 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay ; ECO:0000181 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay ; ECO:0000182 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Purified T cells IDA GO:0042130 MGI:2679720 J:114496 N/A 16836 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay ; ECO:0000181 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay ; ECO:0000182 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Purified T cells IDA GO:0042130 MGI:1926446 J:114496 N/A 16837 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay ; ECO:0000181 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay ; ECO:0000182 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Purified T cells IDA GO:0042130 MGI:1930125 J:114496 N/A 16838 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricular layer ; EMAP:2254 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060165 MGI:96919 J:51598 MGI:1857470 16839 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26,cerebral cortex ; EMAP:11664 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060163 MGI:96919 J:51598 MGI:1857470 16840 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory pit ; EMAP:2375 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:corpus striatum ; EMAP:6083 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text IMP GO:0042573 MGI:1861722 J:119190 MGI:3512079 16841 2 : IMP GO:0042573 MGI:1861722 J:119190 MGI:3512079 16842 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, corpus striatum ; EMAP:11671 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021768 MGI:1861722 J:119190 MGI:3512079 16843 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17, olfactory pit ; EMAP:2375 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060166 MGI:1861722 J:119190 MGI:3512079 16844 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002027 MGI:94924 J:103181 MGI:1857875 16845 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030146 MGI:94924 J:103181 MGI:1857875 16846 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030147 MGI:94924 J:103181 MGI:1857875 16847 1 evidence: anatomy:sympathetic nervous system ; MA:0000225 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001976 MGI:94924 J:103181 MGI:1857875 16848 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney cortex ; MA:0000372 anatomy:kidney medulla ; MA:0000373 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043266 MGI:94924 J:103181 MGI:1857875 16849 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney cortex ; MA:0000372 anatomy:kidney medulla ; MA:0000373 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002028 MGI:94924 J:103181 MGI:1857875 16850 1 evidence: anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 anatomy:accumbens nucleus ; MA:0000892 anatomy:olfactory tubercle ; MA:0000976 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001670 MGI:94924 J:97838 MGI:3576789 16851 1 evidence: anatomy:pars intermedia ; MA:0000855 cell type:melanocyte stimulating hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000440 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021984 MGI:94924 J:97838 MGI:3576789 16852 1 evidence: anatomy:pars intermedia ; MA:0000855 cell type:melanocyte stimulating hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000440 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:94924 J:97838 MGI:3576789 16853 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:94924 J:97838 MGI:3576789 16854 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS15\ ; embryo ; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048872 MGI:1925255 J:99711 MGI:3584037 16855 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS15\ ; embryo ; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:embryos were unturned and 10- to 20-fold smaller than wild-type littermates IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1925255 J:99711 MGI:3584037 16856 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS15\ ; neural tube ; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:1925255 J:99711 MGI:3584037 16857 1 evidence:inferred from immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000085 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006361 MGI:1925255 J:99711 MGI:3584037 16858 1 evidence: anatomy:basal ganglia ; MA:0000184 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032228 MGI:94924 J:91838 MGI:2387895 16859 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007028 MGI:1925255 J:99711 MGI:3584037 16860 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007000 MGI:1925255 J:99711 MGI:3584037 16861 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042254 MGI:1925255 J:99711 MGI:3584037 16862 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005730 MGI:104738 J:99711 N/A 16863 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005730 MGI:106184 J:99711 N/A 16864 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005730 MGI:98512 J:99711 N/A 16865 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:1925255 J:99711 MGI:3584037 16866 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:99702 J:99711 N/A 16867 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96952 J:99711 UniProtKB:P02340|UniProtKB:Q64364 16868 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98834 J:99711 UniProtKB:P23804 16869 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:3652571 J:112166 N/A 16870 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:3652571 J:112166 N/A 16871 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:109447 J:112166 N/A 16872 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:rat ; no rat protein information in mgi or ncbi IDA GO:0032473 MGI:1914256 J:120125 N/A 16873 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine smooth muscle ; MA:0001539] cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030432 MGI:94924 J:91781 MGI:99578 16874 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine smooth muscle ; MA:0001539] cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030432 MGI:99578 J:91781 MGI:94924 16875 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory bulb ; MA:0000194 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: odor discrimination IMP GO:0007608 MGI:94924 J:110704 MGI:1857875 16876 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051584 MGI:94924 J:79144 MGI:2388386 16877 1 evidence: anatomy:accumbens nucleus ; MA:0000892 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007270 MGI:94924 J:77342 MGI:2388386 16878 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product:UniProt:P61168-2 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060160 MGI:94924 J:77277 MGI:2675755 16879 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product:UniProt:P61168-1 target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007212 MGI:94924 J:77277 MGI:99578 16880 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007212 MGI:99578 J:77277 MGI:94924 16881 1 evidence: anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048755 MGI:94924 J:70177 MGI:2387895 16882 1 evidence: anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:94924 J:70177 MGI:2387895 16883 1 evidence: anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042053 MGI:99578 J:70177 MGI:1857158 16884 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001670 MGI:94924 J:67550 MGI:1857875 16885 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001609 MGI:99402 J:67550 MGI:2155985 16886 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 anatomy:dentate gyrus ; MA:0000190 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001670 MGI:94924 J:65767 MGI:2387895 16887 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001609 MGI:99402 J:63612 N/A 16888 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:99402 J:63612 N/A 16889 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007566 MGI:3708481 J:120782 N/A 16890 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007566 MGI:3645447 J:120782 N/A 16891 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021902 MGI:97490 J:66590 MGI:1856158 16892 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021798 MGI:97490 J:66590 MGI:1856158 16893 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021798 MGI:95843 J:66590 MGI:2150162 16894 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060163 MGI:95843 J:66590 MGI:2150162 16895 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021543 MGI:97490 J:66590 MGI:1856158 16896 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P61168-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007626 MGI:94924 J:65770 MGI:2656648 16897 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001670 MGI:94924 J:65770 N/A 16898 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001590 MGI:99578 J:65770 N/A 16899 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021798 MGI:95843 J:65298 MGI:2150162 16900 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory lobe ; EMAP:7564 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021889 MGI:95843 J:65298 MGI:2150162 16901 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021798 MGI:108067 J:55842 MGI:1857494 16902 1 evidence: anatomy:forebrain ; EMAP:4127 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021978 MGI:98297 J:65298 MGI:1857796 16903 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:iRNA IMP GO:0042461 MGI:2144114 J:97088 N/A 16904 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9000051|IPI|UniProt:P53762 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:109169 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99814 16905 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9000051|IDA text: ISO GO:0005667 MGI:109169 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99814 16906 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:88071 J:37851 UniProtKB:Q99814 16907 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IGI GO:0003677 MGI:88071 J:37851 UniProtKB:Q99814 16908 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9000051|IGI|UniProt:P53762 text: ISO GO:0003677 MGI:109169 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99814 16909 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9000051|IGI|UniProt:P53762 text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:109169 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99814 16910 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IGI GO:0003677 MGI:88071 J:41526 UniProtKB:P97481|UniProtKB:Q16665 16911 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IGI GO:0003677 MGI:109169 J:41526 MGI:88071 16912 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IGI GO:0003677 MGI:106918 J:41526 MGI:88071 16913 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407 target:Vegfa ; MGI:103178 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:88071 J:41526 MGI:106918,MGI:109169 16914 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407 target:Vegfa ; MGI:103178 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:109169 J:41526 MGI:88071 16915 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407 target:Vegfa ; MGI:103178 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:106918 J:41526 MGI:88071 16916 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005938 MGI:102709 J:59358 N/A 16917 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:109169 J:121253 N/A 16918 2 IDA GO:0003677 MGI:109169 J:121253 N/A 16919 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:109169 J:121253 MGI:3526731 16920 2 IMP GO:0045944 MGI:109169 J:121253 MGI:3526731 16921 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0002545|MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:calcium absporption imparied. Increased Ca+2 levels in urine and incresed number of kidney stones (calcium phosphate). IMP GO:0055074 MGI:102709 J:82490 MGI:2654177 16922 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Fxn ; MGI:1096879 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:109169 J:121138 N/A 16923 1 evidence: anatomy:loop of henle ; MA:0001675 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048873 MGI:95530 J:120969 MGI:3710112|MGI:2665300 16924 1 evidence: anatomy:extraembryonic component ; EMAP:1453 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001892 MGI:106918 J:119854 MGI:109169 16925 1 evidence: anatomy:extraembryonic component ; EMAP:1453 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001892 MGI:106918 J:119854 MGI:2179429 16926 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|spongiotrophoblast cell cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|trophoblast giant cell gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030154 MGI:106918 J:119854 MGI:109169 16927 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|spongiotrophoblast cell gene product:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|trophoblast giant cell target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030154 MGI:109169 J:119854 MGI:106918 16928 1 evidence: anatomy:extraembryonic component ; EMAP:1453 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001892 MGI:109169 J:119854 MGI:106918 16929 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|spongiotrophoblast cell cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|trophoblast giant cell gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:88071 J:119854 MGI:1857680 16930 1 evidence: anatomy:extraembryonic component ; EMAP:1453 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001892 MGI:88071 J:119854 MGI:1857680 16931 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030218 MGI:109169 J:119731 MGI:3710344 16932 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407 external ref: text: IMP GO:0043619 MGI:109169 J:119731 MGI:3710344 16933 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Epo ; MGI:95407 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:106918 J:119731 MGI:2386679 16934 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle ; EMAP:4431 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1932286 J:114669 MGI:3690045 16935 1 evidence: anatomy:extraembryonic component ; EMAP:2628 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001892 MGI:1932286 J:114669 MGI:3690045 16936 1 evidence: anatomy:blood vessel ; MA:0000060 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:109169 J:100440 MGI:2386334 16937 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030097 MGI:109169 J:98454 MGI:1861921 16938 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001666 MGI:109169 J:98454 MGI:1861921 16939 1 evidence: anatomy:retina blood vessel ; MA:0001317 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:109169 J:96396 MGI:1861921 16940 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007601 MGI:109169 J:96396 MGI:1861921 16941 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007005 MGI:109169 J:86736 MGI:1861921 16942 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Sod2 ; MGI:98352 target:Sod1 ; MGI:98351 target:Gpx1 ; MGI:104887 target:Cat ; MGI:88271 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043619 MGI:109169 J:86736 N/A 16943 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:blood cell ; CL:0000081 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030097 MGI:109169 J:85299 MGI:1861921 16944 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:109169 J:84384 N/A 16945 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043619 MGI:109169 J:84384 MGI:106918 16946 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target:Vegf ; MGI:103178 external ref: text: IMP GO:0043619 MGI:106918 J:84384 MGI:2385358 16947 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target:Hif1a ; MGI:106918 external ref: text: IMP GO:0030163 MGI:103223 J:84384 N/A 16948 1 evidence: anatomy:capillary endothelium ; MA:0000711|brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:109169 J:82142 N/A 16949 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293[HEK] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target:Kdr ; MGI:96683 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:109169 J:82142 N/A 16950 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Kdr ; MGI:96683|RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:109169 J:82142 N/A 16951 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293[HEK-293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target:Kdr ; MGI:96683 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:109169 J:82142 MGI:95455 16952 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Kdr ; MGI:96683 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:95455 J:82142 N/A 16953 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Kdr ; MGI:96683 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:95455 J:82142 MGI:109169 16954 1 evidence: anatomy:lung surfactant ; MA:0002534 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043129 MGI:109169 J:77480 MGI:2663583 16955 1 evidence: anatomy:lung epithelium ; MA:0001783 cell type:pneumocyte ; CL:0000322 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:109169 J:77480 MGI:2663583 16956 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:109169 J:77480 MGI:2663583 16957 1 evidence: anatomy:lung alveolus ; MA:0000420 cell type:pneumocyte ; CL:0000322 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:103178 J:77480 MGI:1931047 16958 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:103178 J:77480 MGI:1931047 16959 1 evidence: anatomy:lung alveolus ; MA:0000420 cell type:pneumocyte ; CL:0000322 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043129 MGI:103178 J:77480 MGI:1931047 16960 1 evidence: anatomy:lung epithelium ; MA:0001783 cell type:pneumocyte ; CL:0000322 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:109169 J:77480 MGI:2663583 16961 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:103178 J:77480 N/A 16962 1 evidence:antibody anatomy:lung ; EMAP:10964 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048286 MGI:96683 J:77480 N/A 16963 1 evidence:antibody anatomy:lung ; EMAP:10964 cell type:pneumocyte ; CL:0000322 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:96683 J:77480 N/A 16964 1 evidence:antibody anatomy:lung ; EMAP:10964 cell type:pneumocyte ; CL:0000322 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043129 MGI:96683 J:77480 N/A 16965 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; EMAP:1827 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:96922 J:74121 MGI:2159349 16966 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary ; EMAP:6022 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021983 MGI:1891158 J:70462 N/A 16967 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary ; EMAP:6022 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:1891158 J:70462 N/A 16968 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target:Pomc1 ; MGI:97742 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97588 J:70462 N/A 16969 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target:Pomc1 ; MGI:97742 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:97588 J:70462 MGI:1891158 16970 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target:Pomc1 ; MGI:97742 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1891158 J:70462 MGI:97588 16971 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: target:Pomc1 ; MGI:97742 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1891158 J:70462 N/A 16972 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiovascular system ; EMAP:1454 anatomy:cardiovascular system ; EMAP:3973 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001974 MGI:109169 J:63415 MGI:2386334 16973 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiovascular system ; EMAP:989 anatomy:cardiovascular system ; EMAP:1301 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001974 MGI:99458 J:56426 MGI:1857491 16974 1 evidence: anatomy:endocardial lining ; EMAP:1322|endocardial lining ; EMAP:1328|endocardial lining ; EMAP:1332|endocardial tube ; EMAP:1340|endocardial lining ; EMAP:1344 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:99458 J:56426 MGI:1857491 16975 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; EMAP:4396 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002027 MGI:109169 J:50964 MGI:1861921 16976 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:3980 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042415 MGI:109169 J:50964 MGI:1861921 16977 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9576906|IGI|UniProt:O15516 external ref:PMID:9576906|IGI|UniProt:Q16665 external ref:PMID:9576906|IGI|UniProt:Q99814 external ref:PMID:9576906|IGI|UniProt:Q99743 text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:1096381 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00327 16978 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9576906|IPI|UniProt:O15516 external ref:PMID:9576906|IPI|UniProt:Q16665 external ref:PMID:9576906|IPI|UniProt:Q99814 external ref:PMID:9576906|IPI|UniProt:Q99743 text: ISO GO:0005667 MGI:1096381 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00327 16979 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9576906|IGI|UniProt:O00327 text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:99698 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15516 16980 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9576906|IPI|UniProt:O00327 text: ISO GO:0005667 MGI:99698 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15516 16981 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9576906|IGI|UniProt:O00327 text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:106918 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q16665 16982 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9576906|IPI|UniProt:O00327 text: ISO GO:0005667 MGI:106918 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q16665 16983 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9576906|IGI|UniProt:O00327 text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:109169 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99814 16984 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9576906|IPI|UniProt:O00327 text: ISO GO:0005667 MGI:109169 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99814 16985 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9576906|IGI|UniProt:O00327 text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:109232 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99743 16986 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9576906|IPI|UniProt:O00327 text: ISO GO:0005667 MGI:109232 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99743 16987 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9576906|IGI|UniProt:Q99743 text: ISO GO:0003677 MGI:1096381 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00327 16988 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9576906|IPI|UniProt:O00327 text: ISO GO:0003677 MGI:109232 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99743 16989 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiovascular system ; EMAP:1454 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048514 MGI:1338946 J:122868 MGI:2680088 16990 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12759 anatomy:forelimb ; EMAP:9845 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001958 MGI:1277980 J:119882 MGI:2178751 16991 1 evidence: anatomy:frontal bone primordium ; EMAP:8374 anatomy:parietal bone ; EMAP:8376 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001957 MGI:1277980 J:119882 MGI:2178751 16992 1 evidence: anatomy:metatarsus ; EMAP:12852|metatarsus ; EMAP:12858|metatarsus ; EMAP:12864|metatarsus ; EMAP:12870|metatarsus ; EMAP:12876 cell type:hypertrophic chondrocyte ; CL:0000743 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002063 MGI:1277980 J:119882 MGI:2178751 16993 1 evidence: anatomy:femur ; EMAP:7371 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:1277980 J:119882 MGI:2178751 16994 1 evidence: anatomy:tibia cartilage condensation ; EMAP:5935 anatomy:humerus cartilage condensation; EMAP:5789 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:1277980 J:119882 MGI:2178751 16995 1 evidence: anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:5793 anatomy:footplate ; EMAP:5855 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030949 MGI:1277980 J:119882 MGI:2178751 16996 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015012 MGI:1354958 J:122656 MGI:3715259 16997 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiovascular system ; EMAP:8414 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:1354958 J:122656 MGI:3715259 16998 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiovascular system ; EMAP:8414 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001890 MGI:1354958 J:122656 MGI:3715259 16999 1 evidence: anatomy:lung alveolus ; MA:0000420 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048286 MGI:1354958 J:122656 MGI:3715259 17000 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle myocardium ; MA:0000082|sympathetic nervous system ; MA:0000225 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:107558 J:121789 MGI:2158944 17001 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle myocardium ; MA:0000082 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002027 MGI:107558 J:121789 MGI:2158944 17002 1 evidence: anatomy:facial ganglion VII ; EMAP:2964 anatomy:vagus X ; EMAP:2969 anatomy:glossopharyngeal IX ; EMAP:2965 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007413 MGI:107558 J:121420 MGI:2158944 17003 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; EMAP:4011 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007413 MGI:106206 J:121420 MGI:3512099 17004 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; EMAP:4011 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001569 MGI:106206 J:121420 MGI:3512099 17005 1 evidence: anatomy:hindbrain ; EMAP:4187 anatomy:limb ; EMAP:4011 cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q00731-2 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001569 MGI:103178 J:121420 MGI:1931047 17006 1 evidence: anatomy:axon guidance ; GO:0007411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:107558 J:121420 MGI:2158944 17007 1 evidence:antibody inhibition anatomy:ovary primordial follicle ; MA:0001710 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001541 MGI:103178 J:121170 N/A 17008 1 evidence:antibody inhibition anatomy:ovary primordial follicle ; MA:0001710 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001541 MGI:96683 J:121170 N/A 17009 1 evidence: anatomy:interalveolar septum ; MA:0000421 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048286 MGI:104676 J:119977 MGI:3703789 17010 1 evidence: anatomy:bronchus epithelium ; MA:0001839 anatomy:bronchiole epithelium ; MA:0001772 cell type:columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell ; CL:0000075 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009100 MGI:104676 J:119977 MGI:3703789 17011 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:8285 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001525 MGI:98297 J:119174 MGI:95516 17012 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:8285 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001525 MGI:98297 J:119174 MGI:95516 17013 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:8285 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:98297 J:119174 MGI:1857796 17014 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:8285 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:98297 J:119174 MGI:1857796 17015 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:8285 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001525 MGI:95516 J:119174 MGI:98297 17016 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:8285 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030324 MGI:95516 J:119174 MGI:98297 17017 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:8285 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050679 MGI:95516 J:119174 N/A 17018 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:8285 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050679 MGI:95521 J:119174 N/A 17019 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:8285 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050679 MGI:95515 J:119174 N/A 17020 1 evidence: anatomy:allantois ; EMAP:136 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009653 MGI:98472 J:119027 MGI:1856185 17021 1 evidence: anatomy:allantois ; EMAP:136 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:98472 J:119027 MGI:1856185 17022 1 evidence: anatomy:endoderm ; EMAP:130 cell type:endodermal cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:98472 J:119027 N/A 17023 1 evidence: anatomy:neural tube ; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:98472 J:119027 MGI:1856158 17024 1 evidence: anatomy:somite ; EMAP:276|somite ; EMAP:288 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:98472 J:119027 MGI:1856158 17025 1 evidence: anatomy:allantois ; EMAP:375 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001570 MGI:98472 J:119027 MGI:1856185 17026 1 evidence: anatomy:associated mesenchyme ; EMAP:4606|associated mesenchyme ; EMAP:4614 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product:UniProt:Q00731-2 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002053 MGI:103178 J:104895 N/A 17027 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:4607|epithelium ; EMAP:4615 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0048754 MGI:103178 J:104895 N/A 17028 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:4607|epithelium ; EMAP:4615 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0048754 MGI:1099809 J:104895 N/A 17029 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:4607|epithelium ; EMAP:4615 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030324 MGI:1099809 J:104895 N/A 17030 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:4607|epithelium ; EMAP:4615 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030324 MGI:103178 J:104895 N/A 17031 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15256496|IDA text: ISA GO:0005737 MGI:88931 J:94007 UniProtKB:Q2KIH2 17032 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15256496|IDA text: ISA GO:0005615 MGI:88931 J:94007 UniProtKB:Q2KIH2 17033 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000037 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035019 MGI:1335098 J:122725 MGI:3714783 17034 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000352 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:1335098 J:122725 MGI:3714783 17035 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006302 MGI:1335098 J:122725 MGI:3714783 17036 1 evidence:antisense anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:4607|epithelium ; EMAP:4615 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:96683 J:104895 N/A 17037 1 evidence:antisense anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:4607|epithelium ; EMAP:4615 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050679 MGI:96683 J:104895 N/A 17038 1 evidence:antisense anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:4607|epithelium ; EMAP:4615 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:96683 J:104895 N/A 17039 1 evidence:antisense anatomy:associated mesenchyme ; EMAP:4606|associated mesenchyme ; EMAP:4614 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002053 MGI:96683 J:104895 N/A 17040 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000411 cell type:CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007141 MGI:109337 J:87231 MGI:2177233 17041 1 evidence: anatomy:blood vessel endothelium ; MA:0000709 cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006816 MGI:102709 J:122666 MGI:2154537 17042 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045121 MGI:102709 J:122666 N/A 17043 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000001|endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045121 MGI:103309 J:122666 N/A 17044 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045121 MGI:109528 J:122666 N/A 17045 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045121 MGI:109525 J:122666 N/A 17046 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0043234 MGI:102709 J:122666 UniProtKB:Q61056|UniProtKB:Q9QUQ5|UniProtKB:P11881 17047 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target:UniProt:Q61056|UniProt:Q9QUQ5|UniProt:P11881 external ref: text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:102709 J:122666 MGI:2154537 17048 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0043234 MGI:96623 J:122666 UniProtKB:P49817|UniProtKB:Q61056|UniProtKB:Q9QUQ5 17049 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109528 J:122666 UniProtKB:P49817|UniProtKB:P11881|UniProtKB:Q9QUQ5 17050 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0043234 MGI:109528 J:122666 UniProtKB:P49817|UniProtKB:P11881|UniProtKB:Q9QUQ5 17051 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109525 J:122666 UniProtKB:Q61056|UniProtKB:P49817|UniProtKB:P11881 17052 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0043234 MGI:109525 J:122666 UniProtKB:Q61056|UniProtKB:P49817|UniProtKB:P11881 17053 1 evidence: anatomy:leg blood vessel ; MA:0000669 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001666 MGI:102709 J:122233 MGI:2154537 17054 1 evidence: anatomy:leg blood vessel ; MA:0000669 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001570 MGI:102709 J:122233 MGI:2154537 17055 1 evidence: anatomy:left ventricle muscular part ; MA:0001875 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:102709 J:120811 N/A 17056 1 evidence: anatomy:heart left ventricle ; MA:0000092 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:97009 J:120811 N/A 17057 1 evidence: anatomy:heart left ventricle ; MA:0000092 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030017 MGI:97009 J:120811 N/A 17058 1 evidence: anatomy:heart left ventricle ; MA:0000092 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target:Mmp2 ; MGI:97009 external ref: text: IMP GO:0048554 MGI:102709 J:120811 MGI:2180364 17059 1 evidence: anatomy:heart left ventricle ; MA:0000092 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target:Mmp2 ; MGI:97009 external ref: text: IMP GO:0016504 MGI:102709 J:120811 MGI:2180364 17060 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral artery ; MA:0002562 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006874 MGI:102709 J:120603 MGI:2180364 17061 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral artery ; MA:0002562 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051899 MGI:102709 J:120603 MGI:2180364 17062 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral artery ; MA:0002562 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006940 MGI:102709 J:120603 MGI:2180364 17063 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral artery ; MA:0002562 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042310 MGI:102709 J:120603 MGI:2180364 17064 1 evidence: anatomy:femur ; EMAP:12914 anatomy:humerus ; EMAP:12851 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:104723 J:122592 MGI:2135961 17065 1 evidence: anatomy:femur cartilage condensation ; EMAP:5941 cell type:hypertrophic chondrocyte ; CL:0000743 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002062 MGI:104723 J:122952 MGI:95522 17066 1 evidence: anatomy:femur cartilage condensation ; EMAP:5941 cell type:hypertrophic chondrocyte ; CL:0000743 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002062 MGI:104723 J:122952 MGI:2135961 17067 1 evidence: anatomy:humerus ; EMAP:7204 anatomy:femur ; EMAP:12912 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048706 MGI:104723 J:122952 MGI:2135961 17068 1 evidence: anatomy:femur ; EMAP:7371 cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001649 MGI:104723 J:122952 MGI:2135961 17069 1 evidence: anatomy:femur cartilage condensation ; EMAP:5941 cell type:hypertrophic chondrocyte ; CL:0000743 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048505 MGI:104723 J:122952 MGI:2135961 17070 1 evidence: anatomy:femur cartilage condensation ; EMAP:5941 cell type:hypertrophic chondrocyte ; CL:0000743 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002062 MGI:95522 J:122952 MGI:104723 17071 1 evidence: anatomy:femur ; EMAP:12912|cardiovascular system ; EMAP:8701 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:104723 J:122952 MGI:2135961 17072 1 evidence: anatomy:femur ; EMAP:12912 cell type:hypertrophic chondrocyte ; CL:0000743 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030949 MGI:104723 J:122952 MGI:2135961 17073 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9012504|IDA text: ISO GO:0005021 MGI:95561 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35916 17074 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9012504|IDA text: ISO GO:0048010 MGI:95561 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35916 17075 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product:UniProt:Q00731-2 gene product:UniProt:Q00731-3 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001938 MGI:103178 J:27451 N/A 17076 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q00731-2 gene product:UniProt:Q00731-3 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0048010 MGI:103178 J:27451 N/A 17077 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Ba/F3 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:108037 J:72279 N/A 17078 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11574540|IGI|UniProt:P97946 text: ISO GO:0048010 MGI:95561 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35916 17079 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11574540|IGI|UniProt:P97946 text: ISO GO:0008284 MGI:95561 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35916 17080 1 evidence: anatomy:humerus cartilage condensation ; EMAP:5789 cell type:hypertrophic chondrocyte ; CL:0000743 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002063 MGI:1201673 J:122558 MGI:3605739 17081 1 evidence: anatomy:upper arm ; EMAP:4024 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:1201673 J:122558 MGI:3605739 17082 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:3401 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target:Ihh ; MGI:96533 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045880 MGI:1201673 J:122558 MGI:3605739 17083 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:3401 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032331 MGI:88180 J:122558 N/A 17084 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product:UniProt:P70390-1 gene product:UniProt:P70390-2 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1201673 J:122558 N/A 17085 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|U20s gene product:UniProt:P70390-1 gene product:UniProt:P70390-2 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1201673 J:122558 N/A 17086 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Bmp4 ; MGI:88180 external ref: text: IMP GO:0030514 MGI:1344337 J:122530 MGI:3046937 17087 1 evidence: anatomy:ureteric bud ; EMAP:3844 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001658 MGI:1344337 J:122530 MGI:88180 17088 1 evidence: anatomy:ureteric bud ; EMAP:3844 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001658 MGI:88180 J:122530 MGI:1344337 17089 1 evidence: anatomy:ureteric bud ; EMAP:3844 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:bud outgrowth into metanephric mesenchyme IMP GO:0001657 MGI:2148811 J:122519 MGI:3715213 17090 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephros ; EMAP:3841 cell type: gene product: target:Gdnf ; MGI:107430 external ref: text: IMP GO:0030511 MGI:2148811 J:122519 MGI:3715213 17091 1 evidence: anatomy:ureteric bud ; EMAP:3844 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:bud outgrowth into metanephric mesenchyme IMP GO:0001658 MGI:2148811 J:122519 MGI:3715213 17092 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephros ; EMAP:3841 cell type: gene product: target:Gdnf ; MGI:107430 external ref: text: IMP GO:0030511 MGI:109442 J:122519 MGI:2181699 17093 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001656 MGI:109442 J:122519 MGI:2181699 17094 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030511 MGI:109442 J:122519 MGI:107430 17095 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001656 MGI:107430 J:122519 MGI:109442 17096 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001656 MGI:107430 J:122519 MGI:2136843 17097 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001656 MGI:109442 J:122519 MGI:107430|MGI:1345139 17098 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001656 MGI:1345139 J:122519 MGI:109442 17099 1 evidence: anatomy:femur ; EMAP:12914 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033344 MGI:99607 J:120283 MGI:3613250 17100 1 evidence: anatomy:femur ; EMAP:12914 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030301 MGI:96765 J:120283 MGI:1857212 17101 1 evidence: anatomy:femur ; EMAP:12914 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005041 MGI:96765 J:120283 MGI:1857212 17102 1 evidence: anatomy:femur ; EMAP:12914 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042953 MGI:98257 J:120283 MGI:1857874 17103 1 evidence: anatomy:femur ; EMAP:12914 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033344 MGI:1097712 J:120283 MGI:1857409 17104 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HC11 gene product: target:Jak2 ; MGI:96629 target:Stat5a ; MGI:103036 external ref: text: IDA GO:0046426 MGI:102709 J:120010 N/A 17105 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045121 MGI:102709 J:120010 N/A 17106 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045121 MGI:96629 J:120010 N/A 17107 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96629 J:120010 UniProtKB:P49817 17108 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792|mammary gland alveolus |MA:0002760 cell type:epithelial cell of gland ; CL:0000070 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:102709 J:120010 MGI:2180364 17109 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792|mammary gland alveolus ; MA:0002760 cell type:epithelial cell of gland ; CL:0000070 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030857 MGI:102709 J:120010 MGI:2180364 17110 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HC11 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0046426 MGI:102709 J:120010 MGI:97762 17111 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HC11 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0046427 MGI:97762 J:120010 MGI:102709 17112 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: target:Mapk1 ; MGI:1346858 target:Mapk3 ; MGI:1346859 external ref: text: IMP GO:0043409 MGI:102709 J:120010 MGI:2180364 17113 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060056 MGI:102709 J:120010 MGI:2180364 17114 1 evidence: anatomy:thyroid gland ; MA:0000129 cell type:thyroid hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000452 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:102709 J:119709 MGI:2154537 17115 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine smooth muscle ; MA:0001559 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:102709 J:116899 N/A 17116 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine smooth muscle ; MA:0001559 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006940 MGI:102709 J:116899 MGI:2180364 17117 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine smooth muscle ; MA:0001559 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:97592 J:116899 N/A 17118 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:peritoneal cavity ; MA:0000054 cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042632 MGI:102709 J:116292 MGI:2180364 17119 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:peritoneal cavity ; MA:0000054 cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:102709 J:116292 N/A 17120 1 evidence:ECO:0000019; RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000724 MGI:109238 J:95301 N/A 17121 1 evidence:ECO:0000022 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: and co-crystal, x-ray Brca2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109238 J:114800 UniProtKB:P97929 17122 1 evidence:IL-6 bioassay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96559 J:762 N/A 17123 1 evidence:TNF bioassay (L929 cytotoxicity) anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:104798 J:762 N/A 17124 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005125 MGI:96559 J:771 N/A 17125 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045893 MGI:96559 J:771 N/A 17126 1 evidence:colony formation assay (CFU-C0 anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000839 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005125 MGI:1339752 J:1049 N/A 17127 1 evidence:colony formation assay (CFU-C) anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000839 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:1339752 J:1049 N/A 17128 1 evidence:colony formation assay (CFU-C and CFU-S) anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000839 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005125 MGI:96552 J:1049 N/A 17129 1 evidence:colony formation assay (CFU-C and CFU-S) anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000839 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:96552 J:1049 N/A 17130 1 evidence: anatomy:inner cell mass ; EMAP:14 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006260 MGI:109635 J:48424 MGI:2156622 17131 1 evidence: anatomy:inner cell mass ; EMAP:14 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:109635 J:48424 N/A 17132 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:cell in vivo ; CL:0000003 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0000723 MGI:109635 J:93016 MGI:1328362|MGI:109558 17133 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:cell in vivo ; CL:0000003 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0000723 MGI:1328362 J:93016 MGI:109635|MGI:109558 17134 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:cell in vivo ; CL:0000003 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0000723 MGI:109635 J:91715 MGI:109558 17135 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:cell in vivo ; CL:0000003 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0000723 MGI:109558 J:91715 MGI:109635 17136 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12944467|IDA text: ISO GO:0005730 MGI:109635 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q14191 17137 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12944467|IDA text: ISO GO:0005654 MGI:109635 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q14191 17138 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12944467|IDA text: ISO GO:0005730 MGI:87859 J:73065 UniProtKB:P00519 17139 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12944467|IDA text: ISO GO:0005730 MGI:97286 J:73065 UniProtKB:P19338 17140 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12944467|IDA text: ISO GO:0003678 MGI:109635 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q14191 17141 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12944467|IDA text: ISO GO:0004527 MGI:109635 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q14191 17142 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11420665|IDA text: ISO GO:0005730 MGI:109635 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q14191 17143 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|B16-F10 ; ATCC:CRL-6475 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005730 MGI:109635 J:69659 N/A 17144 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11420665|IDA text: ISO GO:0005654 MGI:109635 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q14191 17145 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|B16-F10 ; ATCC:CRL-6475 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005654 MGI:109635 J:69659 N/A 17146 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11420665|IDA text: ISO GO:0005730 MGI:106184 J:73065 UniProtKB:P06748 17147 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10871373|IDA text: ISO GO:0008408 MGI:109635 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q14191 17148 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001302 MGI:109635 J:61567 MGI:2386438 17149 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9681877|IGI|UniProt:P25445 text: ISO GO:0042981 MGI:109635 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q14191 17150 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9681877|IDA text: ISO GO:0006915 MGI:95484 J:73065 UniProtKB:P25445 17151 1 evidence: anatomy:rattus ; TaxonID:10114 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|glial cell ; CL:0000125 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8321227|IDA text: ISO GO:0008284 MGI:104723 J:73065 UniProtKB:P31371 17152 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8321227|IDA text: ISO GO:0005615 MGI:104723 J:73065 UniProtKB:P31371 17153 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|AR42J ; ATCC:CRL-1492 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17192470|IDA text: ISO GO:0043410 MGI:95524 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9JHX9 17154 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|AR42J ; ATCC:CRL-1492 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17192470|IGI|UniProt:P36364 text: ISO GO:0043410 MGI:95524 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9JHX9 17155 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|AR42J ; ATCC:CRL-1492 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17192470|IGI|UniProt:Q9JHX9 text: ISO GO:0043410 MGI:104723 J:73065 UniProtKB:P36364 17156 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050680 MGI:95524 J:121934 MGI:1931521 17157 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17192470|IMP text: ISO GO:0050680 MGI:95524 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9JHX9 17158 1 evidence: anatomy:limb long bone ; MA:0000298 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:2446084 J:119030 MGI:3701350 17159 1 evidence: anatomy:imb joint ; MA:0000691 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032331 MGI:2446084 J:119030 MGI:3701350 17160 1 evidence: anatomy:limb joint ; MA:0000691 cell type:synovial cell ; CL:0000214 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045597 MGI:2446084 J:119030 MGI:3701350 17161 1 evidence: anatomy:wrist joint ; MA:0000460 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048856 MGI:2446084 J:119030 MGI:98957 17162 1 evidence: anatomy:wrist joint ; MA:0000460 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048856 MGI:98957 J:119030 MGI:2446084 17163 1 evidence: anatomy:humerus ; EMAP:7204 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060070 MGI:2446084 J:119030 MGI:88276 17164 1 evidence: anatomy:humerus ; EMAP:7204 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0032331 MGI:2446084 J:119030 MGI:88267 17165 1 evidence: anatomy:humerus ; EMAP:7204 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060070 MGI:88276 J:119030 MGI:2446084 17166 1 evidence: anatomy:humerus ; EMAP:7204 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0032331 MGI:88276 J:119030 MGI:2446084 17167 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ihh ; MGI:96533|promoter_region ; SO:0000832 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:88276 J:119030 N/A 17168 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ihh ; MGI:96533|promoter_region ; SO:0000832 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:96770 J:119030 N/A 17169 1 evidence: anatomy:gonad primordium ; EMAP:3851 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030238 MGI:104723 J:110252 MGI:98660|MGI:98371|MGI:98957 17170 1 evidence: anatomy:gonad ; EMAP:4598 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030238 MGI:104723 J:110252 MGI:2135961 17171 1 evidence: anatomy:gonad primordium ; EMAP:3851 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030178 MGI:104723 J:110252 MGI:98957 17172 1 evidence: anatomy:gonad primordium ; EMAP:3851 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0040037 MGI:98957 J:110252 MGI:104723 17173 1 evidence: anatomy:gonad primordium ; EMAP:3851 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030238 MGI:98660 J:110252 MGI:104723|MGI:98371 17174 1 evidence: anatomy:hindgut ; EMAP:4525 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:cecum IMP GO:0048566 MGI:104723 J:104353 MGI:2135961 17175 1 evidence: anatomy:hindgut ; EMAP:4525 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:cecum IMP GO:0048566 MGI:1099809 J:104353 MGI:1927833 17176 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:4527 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text:cecum IMP GO:0050679 MGI:104723 J:104353 MGI:2135961 17177 1 evidence: anatomy:associated mesenchyme ; EMAP:4526 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text:cecum IMP GO:0002053 MGI:104723 J:104353 MGI:2135961 17178 1 evidence: anatomy:hindgut ; EMAP:4525 cell type: gene product: target:Fgf10 ; MGI:1099809 external ref: text:cecum IMP GO:0045743 MGI:104723 J:104353 MGI:2135961 17179 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:4527 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text:cecum IDA GO:0050679 MGI:104723 J:104353 N/A 17180 1 evidence: anatomy:associated mesenchyme ; EMAP:4526 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text:cecum IDA GO:0002053 MGI:104723 J:104353 N/A 17181 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:4527 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text:cecum IDA GO:0042056 MGI:1099809 J:104353 N/A 17182 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:4527 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text:cecum IDA GO:0050930 MGI:1099809 J:104353 N/A 17183 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:4527 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text:cecum IDA GO:0050679 MGI:1099809 J:104353 N/A 17184 1 evidence: anatomy:reproductive system ; EMAP:3849 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98660 J:103443 N/A 17185 1 evidence: anatomy:gonad primordium ; EMAP:3851 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:104723 J:103443 N/A 17186 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy:gonad primordium ; EMAP:3851 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030238 MGI:102966 J:103443 N/A 17187 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle ; EMAP:4431 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060045 MGI:104723 J:95803 N/A 17188 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle ; EMAP:4431 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060045 MGI:95522 J:95803 MGI:95523 17189 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle ; EMAP:4431 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060045 MGI:95523 J:95803 MGI:95522 17190 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle ; EMAP:4431 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008543 MGI:95523 J:95803 MGI:104723 17191 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle ; EMAP:4431 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008543 MGI:95522 J:95803 MGI:104723 17192 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle ; EMAP:4431 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008543 MGI:104723 J:95803 MGI:95523|MGI:95522 17193 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle ; EMAP:4431 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060045 MGI:104723 J:95803 MGI:95522|MGI:95523 17194 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle ; EMAP:4431 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060045 MGI:95522 J:95803 MGI:104723 17195 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle ; EMAP:4431 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060045 MGI:95523 J:95803 MGI:104723 17196 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell : CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008792 MGI:2442093 J:116975 N/A 17197 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell : CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2442093 J:116975 N/A 17198 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell : CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042978 MGI:2442093 J:116975 MGI:97402|MGI:109433|MGI:109492|MGI:1858170 17199 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell : CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004586 MGI:2442093 J:116975 N/A 17200 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell : CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008073 MGI:109492 J:116975 MGI:97402 17201 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell : CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008073 MGI:1858170 J:116975 MGI:97402 17202 2 ene@informatics.jax.org> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 04 Apr 2005 21:19:58.0083 (UTC) FILETIME=[0DC6BD30:01C5395C] Status: p55 KO - #003242 p75 KO - # 003246 -----Original Message----- From: hdene@informatics.jax.org [mai IGI GO:0008073 MGI:1858170 J:116975 MGI:97402 17203 3 lto:hdene@informatics.jax.org] Sent: Mon 4/4/2005 1:09 PM To: Meng Xianzhong Subject: Recent paper in the American Journal of Physiology Dear Dr. Meng, I have been reading your recent paper, Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 288:R600-R606 (2005), IGI GO:0008073 MGI:1858170 J:116975 MGI:97402 17204 4 with the intention of indexing it in the MGI database to the alleles used. Several mouse knockouts were obtained from Jackson Laboratory. In two cases, however, further information is needed to correctly identify the allele you used since more than one IGI GO:0008073 MGI:1858170 J:116975 MGI:97402 17205 5 allele is distributed by Jackson Lab. p55 could be either Tnfrsf1a (stock #02818) or Tnfrsf1a (stock #003242). p75 could be either Tnfrsf1b (stock #002620) or Tnfrsf1b (stock#003246). Any help you can offer to enable me IGI GO:0008073 MGI:1858170 J:116975 MGI:97402 17206 6 to make the correct assignments in the database will be greatly appreciated. Best Regards, Howard Dene

J:104990, J:107903, J:111507, J115008, J:119508, J:120174, J:122167 used Jax mice. J:123301 used B6;129S-Tnfrsf1atm1Imx Tnfrsf1btm IGI GO:0008073 MGI:1858170 J:116975 MGI:97402 17207 7 1Imx/J mice (stock #3243). IGI GO:0008073 MGI:1858170 J:116975 MGI:97402 17208 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell : CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008073 MGI:109433 J:116975 MGI:97402 17209 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell : CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004586 MGI:97402 J:116975 N/A 17210 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell : CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042978 MGI:1859169 J:116975 MGI:97402|MGI:109433|MGI:109492|MGI:1858170 17211 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell : CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006591 MGI:2442093 J:116975 N/A 17212 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell : CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:97402 J:116975 N/A 17213 1 evidence: anatomy: anatomy:left lung ; EMAP:4605 cell type:right lung ; EMAP:4613 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:1099809 J:122951 MGI:3629660 17214 1 evidence: anatomy: anatomy:left lung ; EMAP:4605 cell type:right lung ; EMAP:4613 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:1099809 J:122951 MGI:3629660 17215 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:4607|epithelium ; EMAP:4615 anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:5548|epithelium ; EMAP:5572 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030177 MGI:1099809 J:122951 MGI:3629660 17216 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:5548|epithelium ; EMAP:5572 anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:6725|epithelium ; EMAP:6749 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050679 MGI:1099809 J:122951 MGI:3629660 17217 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:4607|epithelium ; EMAP:4615 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88276 J:122951 N/A 17218 1 evidence: anatomy:interalveolar septum ; MA:0000421 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048286 MGI:1099809 J:122951 MGI:3629660 17219 1 evidence: anatomy:vascular element ; EMAP:10974|vascular element ; EMAP:11003 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048514 MGI:1099809 J:122951 MGI:3629660 17220 1 evidence: anatomy:alveolus ; EMAP:13011|alveolus ; EMAP:13027|alveolus ; EMAP:13023|alveolus : EMAP:13019|alveolus ; EMAP:13015 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051145 MGI:1099809 J:122951 MGI:3629660 17221 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:6725|epithelium ; EMAP:6749 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target:Vegfa ; MGI:103178 external ref: text: IMP GO:0030949 MGI:1099809 J:122951 MGI:3629660 17222 1 evidence: anatomy:sternum ; MA:0001331 cell type:hypertrophic chondrocyte ; CL:0000743 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002062 MGI:99458 J:119152 MGI:99533 17223 1 evidence: anatomy:sternum ; MA:0001331 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001958 MGI:99458 J:119152 MGI:99533 17224 1 evidence: anatomy:sternum ; MA:0001331 cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001649 MGI:99458 J:119152 MGI:99533 17225 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: x-ray crystal structure IPI GO:0042803 MGI:1328317 J:121158 UniProtKB:Q91XB0 17226 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: x-ray crystal structure IDA GO:0003697 MGI:1328317 J:121158 N/A 17227 1 evidence: anatomy:sternum ; MA:0001331 cell type:hypertrophic chondrocyte ; CL:0000743 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002062 MGI:99533 J:119152 MGI:99458 17228 1 evidence: anatomy:sternum ; MA:0001331 cell type:hypertrophic chondrocyte ; CL:0000743 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001649 MGI:99533 J:119152 MGI:99458 17229 1 evidence: anatomy:sternum ; MA:0001331 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001958 MGI:99533 J:119152 MGI:99458 17230 1 evidence: anatomy:radius ; MA:0001357|blood vessel ; MA:0000060 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:99458 J:119152 N/A 17231 1 evidence: anatomy:sternum ; MA:0001331 anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 anatomy:supraoccipital bone ; MA:0001474 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001958 MGI:99458 J:119152 N/A 17232 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Col10a1 ; MGI:88445|RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:99458 J:119152 N/A 17233 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Col10a1 ; MGI:88445 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:99458 J:119152 N/A 17234 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Col10a1 ; MGI:88445 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:99458 J:119152 MGI:3036234 17235 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Col10a1 ; MGI:88445 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:3036234 J:119152 MGI:99458 17236 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045950 MGI:1328362 J:66261 MGI:2158669|MGI:2158670 17237 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:DN4 alpha-beta immature T cell ; CL:0000808 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046632 MGI:1328362 J:118992 MGI:3663359|MGI:3053044 17238 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: when forks are stalled using hydroxyurea treatment, Brca2-/- cells lose the forks due to double-strand breaks. This does not occur in wt. IMP GO:0048478 MGI:109337 J:87195 MGI:1930616 17239 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:DN3 immature T cell ; CL:0000807 cell type:DN4 alpha-beta immature T cell ; CL:0000808 cell type:double-positive, alpha-beta immature T cell ; CL:0000809 cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta immature T cell ; IMP GO:0006917 MGI:98834 J:118992 MGI:1857590 17240 2 CL:0000810 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006917 MGI:98834 J:118992 MGI:1857590 17241 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045950 MGI:1328362 J:118992 MGI:3663359|MGI:3053044 17242 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:DN4 alpha-beta immature T cell ; CL:0000808 cell type:DN3 immature T cell ; CL:0000807 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046641 MGI:1328362 J:118992 MGI:3663359|MGI:3053044 17243 1 evidence: anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type:reticulocyte ; CL:0000558 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051276 MGI:1328362 J:93771 MGI:2158670 17244 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051276 MGI:1328362 J:50843 MGI:1857708 17245 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045950 MGI:1328362 J:50843 MGI:1857708 17246 1 evidence: anatomy:4-8 cell stage ; EMAP:8 anatomy:compacted morula ; EMAP:9 anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1352460 J:110428 N/A 17247 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy:inner cell mass ; EMAP:14 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|endodermal cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:1352460 J:110428 N/A 17248 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Leydig cell ; CL:0000178 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:1352460 J:91558 MGI:1352454 17249 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Leydig cell ; CL:0000178 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0003714 MGI:1352460 J:91558 MGI:1352454 17250 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Leydig cell ; CL:0000178 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1352460 J:91558 UniProtKB:P12813 17251 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Cyp17a1 ; MGI:88586 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1352454 J:91558 N/A 17252 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Cyp17a1 ; MGI:88586 external ref: text: IMP GO:0000122 MGI:1352460 J:91558 N/A 17253 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Leydig cell ; CL:0000178 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1352454 J:91558 MGI:1276523|MGI:1352460 17254 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1101765 J:44194 N/A 17255 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Nr0b1 ; MGI:1352460 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1346833 J:56540 N/A 17256 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:Leydig cell ; CL:0000178 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007283 MGI:1352460 J:51292 MGI:2159321 17257 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:Leydig cell ; CL:0000178 cell type:Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007283 MGI:1352460 J:70206 MGI:2159321 17258 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,metanephros; EMAP:3233 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0001656 MGI:98968 J:54493 MGI:1857268,MGI:2183642 17259 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001656 MGI:98968 J:71149 MGI:2183640 17260 1 evidence: anatomy:gonad ; EMAP:4598 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007530 MGI:98968 J:71149 MGI:2183642 17261 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98968 J:71149 N/A 17262 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033327 MGI:1352460 J:71710 MGI:2159321 17263 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060008 MGI:1352460 J:71710 MGI:2159321 17264 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009798 MGI:2685968 J:122747 MGI:3513254 17265 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001503 MGI:2685968 J:122747 MGI:3513254 17266 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:2685968 J:122747 MGI:3513254 17267 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:T26\; tail ; EMAP:11674 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035121 MGI:2685968 J:122747 MGI:3513254 17268 1 evidence: anatomy:adrenal gland ; MA:0000116 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030325 MGI:1346833 J:74975 MGI:1352460 17269 1 evidence: anatomy:adrenal gland ; MA:0000116 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030325 MGI:1352460 J:74975 MGI:1346833 17270 1 evidence: anatomy:gonad ; EMAP:4598 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008584 MGI:1352460 J:83187 MGI:2159321 17271 1 evidence: anatomy:gonad ; EMAP:4598 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030238 MGI:1352460 J:83187 MGI:2159321 17272 1 evidence: anatomy:Rathke's pouch ; EMAP:2226 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1352460 J:83625 N/A 17273 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Nr0b1 ; MGI:1352460 external ref: text: IDA GO:0051457 MGI:1346833 J:83625 N/A 17274 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:postnatal P2 day IMP GO:0048589 MGI:2157767 J:117058 MGI:3696958 17275 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: P19 IMP GO:0031077 MGI:2157767 J:117058 MGI:3696958 17276 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: 9 months IMP GO:0035129 MGI:2157767 J:117058 MGI:3696958 17277 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ctnnb1 IPI GO:0008013 MGI:1202879 J:85837 UniProtKB:Q02248 17278 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: binding with Tax1bp3; Tcf7l2; Apc; Gsk3b; Catnbip1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88276 J:85837 UniProtKB:Q9DBG9|UniProtKB:Q924A0|UniProtKB:Q61315|UniProtKB:Q9WV60|UniProtKB:Q9JJN6 17279 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: P17 IMP GO:0042640 MGI:2157767 J:117058 MGI:3696958 17280 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: P19 ; P24 IMP GO:0022405 MGI:2157767 J:117058 MGI:3696958 17281 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: 9 months ; P3-P13 IMP GO:0001942 MGI:2157767 J:117058 MGI:3696958 17282 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:P11 IMP GO:0043480 MGI:2157767 J:117058 MGI:3696958 17283 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 anatomy:coat hair follicle ; MA:0000160 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:2157767 J:117058 MGI:3696958 17284 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051726 MGI:2157767 J:117058 MGI:3696958 17285 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression ; ECO:0000048 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007165 MGI:2157767 J:117058 MGI:3696958 17286 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:P13 IMP GO:0043588 MGI:2157767 J:117058 MGI:3696958 17287 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 anatomy:hippocampus CA2 ; MA:0000951 anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:cortical layer II ; MA:0 IDA GO:0043025 MGI:109284 J:40990 N/A 17288 2 000898 anatomy:cortical layer V ; MA:0000901 anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 anatomy:globus pallidus ; MA:0000890 anatomy:amygdala ; MA:0000887 anatomy:dorsal thalamus ; MA:0000180 anatomy:septal cortex ; MA:0000924 anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 anatomy IDA GO:0043025 MGI:109284 J:40990 N/A 17289 3 :diencephalon ; MA:0000171 anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:109284 J:40990 N/A 17290 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8755489|IDA text: ISO GO:0004175 MGI:1202717 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49768 17291 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|3DO gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006915 MGI:109283 J:33763 N/A 17292 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell : CL:0000002|3DO gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006915 MGI:109284 J:37098 N/A 17293 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; EMAP:3461|cardiovascular system ; EMAP:3638 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:1202717 J:40308 MGI:1930934 17294 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; EMAP:3461|cardiovascular system ; EMAP:3638 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007420 MGI:1202717 J:40308 MGI:1930934 17295 1 evidence: anatomy:somite ; EMAP:1087 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:1202717 J:40308 MGI:1930934 17296 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030136 MGI:2442794 J:116685 N/A 17297 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2442794 J:116685 MGI:101920 17298 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0017124 MGI:2442794 J:116685 MGI:700009|MGI:1338069 17299 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; EMAP:8923 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:109284 J:46769 N/A 17300 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; EMAP:8923 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:109284 J:46769 N/A 17301 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; EMAP:8923 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:88059 J:46769 N/A 17302 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product:UniProt:Q61144-1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006915 MGI:109284 J:43976 N/A 17303 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product:UniProt:Q61144-2 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043066 MGI:109284 J:43976 N/A 17304 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peramanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product:UniProt:Q61144-2 target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043066 MGI:109284 J:43976 UniProtKB:P42574 17305 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:2442794 J:116685 N/A 17306 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:2442794 J:116685 N/A 17307 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045202 MGI:2442794 J:116685 N/A 17308 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9353287|IGI|UniProt:Q61144-2 text: ISO GO:0043066 MGI:107739 J:73065 UniProtKB:P42574 17309 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030665 MGI:2442794 J:116685 N/A 17310 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0048488 MGI:2442794 J:116685 N/A 17311 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:CTLL gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050731 MGI:96556 J:19201 N/A 17312 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:CTLL gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019221 MGI:96628 J:19201 N/A 17313 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:CTLL gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007167 MGI:96628 J:19201 N/A 17314 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:CTLL gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007243 MGI:96628 J:19201 N/A 17315 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:CTLL gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007167 MGI:96629 J:19201 N/A 17316 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:CTLL gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007243 MGI:96629 J:19201 N/A 17317 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:CTLL gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004718 MGI:99928 J:19201 N/A 17318 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:CTLL gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019221 MGI:99928 J:19201 N/A 17319 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:CTLL gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007167 MGI:99928 J:19201 N/A 17320 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:CTLL gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007243 MGI:99928 J:19201 N/A 17321 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CV-1 ; ATCC:CCL-70 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1923258 J:115888 N/A 17322 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay ; ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003723 MGI:1923258 J:115888 N/A 17323 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay ; ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003697 MGI:1923258 J:115888 N/A 17324 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1277220 J:119185 N/A 17325 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay ; ECO:0000068 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy:TS19\ ; embryo ; EMAP:3322 anatomy:TS20\ ; embryo ; EMAP:3980 anatomy:TS21\ ; embryo ; EMAP:4740 cell type: gene product: qualifi IPI GO:0046332 MGI:1917923 J:122807 UniProtKB:Q8BUN5 17326 2 er: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0046332 MGI:1917923 J:122807 UniProtKB:Q8BUN5 17327 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10559507|IDA text: ISO GO:0030301 MGI:88049 J:59668 UniProtKB:P02647 17328 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:regulate abca1 phosphorylation IDA GO:0001932 MGI:88049 J:85674 N/A 17329 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10559507|IDA text: ISO GO:0008203 MGI:96755 J:59668 UniProtKB:P04180 17330 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10559507|IDA text: ISO GO:0030301 MGI:96755 J:59668 UniProtKB:P04180 17331 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10559507|IDA text: ISO GO:0005615 MGI:96755 J:59668 UniProtKB:P04180 17332 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10559507|IDA text: ISO GO:0004607 MGI:96755 J:59668 UniProtKB:P04180 17333 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay ; ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:lipin-1A and lipin-1B isoforms IDA GO:0008195 MGI:1891340 J:120935 N/A 17334 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay ; ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:lipin-1A and lipin-1B isoforms IDA GO:0008195 MGI:1891341 J:120935 N/A 17335 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay ; ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:lipin-1A and lipin-1B isoforms IDA GO:0008195 MGI:1891342 J:120935 N/A 17336 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:2136335 J:112937 N/A 17337 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:2136335 J:112937 N/A 17338 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060113 MGI:105368 J:121326 MGI:1856799 17339 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000240|cochlea cell type:CL:0000202|hair cell gene product: target: external ref: text: reduced ahir cell count in cohlea IMP GO:0060113 MGI:1889850 J:99624 MGI:3583715 17340 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060113 MGI:95524 J:117235 MGI:1931521 17341 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:inner ear ; MA:0000237 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 ; inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 ; primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060113 MGI:1341292 J:118927 MGI:3702040 17342 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007628 MGI:2136335 J:112937 MGI:3664543 17343 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007626 MGI:2136335 J:112937 MGI:3664543|MGI:3664534 17344 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021680 MGI:2136335 J:112937 MGI:3664543|MGI:3664534 17345 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016358 MGI:2136335 J:112937 MGI:3664543|MGI:3664534 17346 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay ; ECO:0000005 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030828 MGI:2660877 J:110362 MGI:3640794 17347 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay ; ECO:0000005 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030828 MGI:1926562 J:110362 MGI:3640802 17348 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0052565 MGI:1926562 J:110362 MGI:3640802 17349 1 evidence:inferred from experiment ; ECO:0000006 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060087 MGI:1926562 J:110362 MGI:3640802 17350 1 evidence:inferred from experiment ; ECO:0000006 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006182 MGI:1926562 J:110362 MGI:3640802 17351 1 evidence:inferred from experiment ; ECO:0000006 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008217 MGI:1926562 J:110362 MGI:3640802 17352 1 evidence:inferred from localization of fusion protein ; ECO:0000124 anatomy: cell type:COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text:fusion between Tectonic signal peptide and alkaline phos IDA GO:0005615 MGI:3603820 J:103820 N/A 17353 2 phatase. IDA GO:0005615 MGI:3603820 J:103820 N/A 17354 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS21\ ; embryo ; EMAP:4740 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:3603820 J:103820 MGI:3716885 17355 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS15\ ; floor plate ; EMAP:1260 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001841 MGI:3603820 J:103820 MGI:3716885 17356 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS17\ ; embryo ; EMAP:2006 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021537 MGI:3603820 J:103820 MGI:3716885 17357 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS15\ ; floor plate ; EMAP:1260 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021956 MGI:3603820 J:103820 MGI:3716885 17358 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS15\ ; floor plate ; EMAP:1260 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021523 MGI:3603820 J:103820 MGI:3716885 17359 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS15\ ; floor plate ; EMAP:1260 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021904 MGI:3603820 J:103820 MGI:3716885 17360 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 evidence:evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS21\ ; embryo ; EMAP:4740 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008589 MGI:3603820 J:103820 MGI:3716885 17361 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1920563 J:122745 MGI:3716208 17362 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:1920563 J:122745 MGI:3716208 17363 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS26\ ; forelimb ; EMAP:11205 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035115 MGI:1920563 J:122745 MGI:3716208 17364 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS26\ ; hindlimb ; EMAP:11309 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035116 MGI:1920563 J:122745 MGI:3716208 17365 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS26\ ; mandibular division ; EMAP:11802 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042305 MGI:1920563 J:122745 MGI:3716208 17366 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS26\ ; maxillary division ; EMAP:11803 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007382 MGI:1920563 J:122745 MGI:3716208 17367 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS26\ ; nasal cavity ; EMAP:11989 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043584 MGI:1920563 J:122745 MGI:3716208 17368 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS17\ ; pericardial component ; EMAP:2071 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060039 MGI:1920563 J:122745 MGI:3716208 17369 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS17\ ; brain ; EMAP:2229 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007420 MGI:1920563 J:122745 MGI:3716208 17370 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS15\ ; heart ; EMAP:1317 anatomy:TS15\ ; tail ; EMAP:1443 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:1920563 J:122745 MGI:3716208 17371 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS19\ ; limb ; EMAP:3397 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008589 MGI:1920563 J:122745 MGI:3716208 17372 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS19\ ; neural tube ; EMAP:3525 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021532 MGI:1920563 J:122745 MGI:3716208 17373 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS19\ ; neural tube ; EMAP:3525 anatomy:TS19\ ; limb ; EMAP:3397 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042384 MGI:1920563 J:122745 MGI:3716208 17374 1 evidence:siRNA knockdown anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|U20S gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17599062|IMP text: ISO GO:0042771 MGI:1913876 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9H305 17375 1 evidence:siRNA knockdown anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|U20S gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17599062|IGI|UniProt:P01375 text: ISO GO:0033209 MGI:1913876 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9H305 17376 1 evidence:siRNA knockdown anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|U20S gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17599062|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1913876 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9H305 17377 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS24\ ; embryo ; EMAP:8439 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007420 MGI:1920563 J:123018 MGI:3716208 17378 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS24\ ; embryo ; EMAP:8439 anatomy:TS26\ ; embryo ; EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:1920563 J:123018 MGI:3716208 17379 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: C16orf5 ; HGNC:13234 external ref:PMID:17599062|IDA text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:98834 J:73065 UniProtKB:P04637 17380 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: C16orf5 ; HGNC:13234|RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref:PMID:17599062|IDA text: ISO GO:0003682 MGI:98834 J:73065 UniProtKB:P04637 17381 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17599062|IMP text: ISO GO:0006915 MGI:1930146 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13794 17382 1 evidence:siRNA knockdown anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|U20S gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17599062|IGI|UniProt:Q14790 text: ISO GO:0008632 MGI:1913876 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9H305 17383 1 evidence:siRNA knockdown anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|U20S gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17599062|IDA text: ISO GO:0006917 MGI:1913876 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9H305 17384 1 evidence:siRNA knockdown anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|U20S gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17599062|IGI|UniProt:Q9H305 text: ISO GO:0008632 MGI:1261423 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q14790 17385 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007420 MGI:1920563 J:123018 MGI:3716208 17386 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:1920563 J:123018 MGI:3716208 17387 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035108 MGI:1920563 J:123018 MGI:3716208 17388 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021549 MGI:1920563 J:123018 MGI:3716208 17389 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0022038 MGI:1920563 J:123018 MGI:3716208 17390 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001822 MGI:1920563 J:123018 MGI:3716208 17391 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021670 MGI:1920563 J:123018 MGI:3716208 17392 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001889 MGI:1920563 J:123018 MGI:3716208 17393 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021772 MGI:1920563 J:123018 MGI:3716208 17394 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021537 MGI:1920563 J:123018 MGI:3716208 17395 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0005932 MGI:1920563 J:123018 UniProtKB:Q68CZ1 17396 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0005813 MGI:1920563 J:123018 UniProtKB:Q68CZ1 17397 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0005929 MGI:1920563 J:123018 UniProtKB:Q68CZ1 17398 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0035085 MGI:1920563 J:123018 UniProtKB:Q68CZ1 17399 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: ISA GO:0005737 MGI:1920563 J:123018 UniProtKB:Q68CZ1 17400 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11207365|IDA text: ISA GO:0002111 MGI:1341190 J:67272 EMBL:AF331191 17401 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11207365|IDA text: ISA GO:0000794 MGI:1341190 J:67272 EMBL:AF331191 17402 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11207365|IDA text: ISA GO:0000400 MGI:1341190 J:67272 EMBL:AF331191 17403 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005932 MGI:1920563 J:122745 N/A 17404 1 evidence: anatomy:heart left ventricle ; MA:0000092 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target:Mmp2 ; MGI:97009 external ref: text: IMP GO:0052547 MGI:102709 J:120811 MGI:2180364 17405 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay ; ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016787 MGI:1916142 J:113342 N/A 17406 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay ; ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016831 MGI:3647519 J:113342 N/A 17407 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:30539 N/A 17408 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:2685968 J:122747 MGI:3513254 17409 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2684956 J:110210 N/A 17410 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2684956 J:110210 N/A 17411 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001541 MGI:2684956 J:110210 MGI:3629211 17412 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008585 MGI:1096343 J:110210 MGI:2182594 17413 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HEK293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target:UniProt:O35652 target:UniProt:Q62005 target:UniProt:P10761 external ref: text:Transfec IDA GO:0016563 MGI:2684956 J:110210 N/A 17414 2 ted. E box containing promoter regions of Lhx8, Zp1, Zp3. IDA GO:0016563 MGI:2684956 J:110210 N/A 17415 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HEK293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target:UniProt:O35652 target:UniP IDA GO:0003700 MGI:2684956 J:110210 N/A 17416 2 rot:Q62005 target:UniProt:P10761 external ref: text:Transfected. E box containing promoter regions of Lhx8, Zp1, Zp3. IDA GO:0003700 MGI:2684956 J:110210 N/A 17417 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048477 MGI:2684956 J:110210 MGI:3629211 17418 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046620 MGI:107917 J:116498 MGI:3622304 17419 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048599 MGI:107917 J:116498 MGI:3622304 17420 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:ovary follicle ; MA:0001707 cell type:follicle cell ; CL:0000477|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001541 MGI:107917 J:116498 MGI:3622304 17421 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:male germ cell ; CL:0000015|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007283 MGI:107917 J:116498 MGI:3622304 17422 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS24\ ; ovary ; EMAP:9563 cell type:female germ cell ; CL:0000021|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0010032 MGI:107917 J:116498 MGI:3622304 17423 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS23\ ; ovary ; EMAP:8251 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007066 MGI:107917 J:116498 MGI:3622304 17424 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS23\ ; ovary ; EMAP:8251 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042138 MGI:107917 J:116498 MGI:3622304 17425 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS23\ ; ovary ; EMAP:8251 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007131 MGI:107917 J:116498 MGI:3622304 17426 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS23\ ; ovary ; EMAP:8251 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007129 MGI:107917 J:116498 MGI:3622304 17427 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS23\ ; ovary ; EMAP:8251 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033315 MGI:107917 J:116498 MGI:3622304 17428 1 evidence:flow cytometry following PI-PLC treatment anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031362 MGI:88323 J:10697 N/A 17429 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:10697 N/A 17430 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Abca1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88049 J:104106 UniProtKB:P41233 17431 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:ear ; MA:0000236 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042473 MGI:2662561 J:95895 MGI:3574787 17432 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:middle ear ; MA:0000253 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042474 MGI:2662561 J:95895 MGI:3574787 17433 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060117 MGI:2662561 J:95895 MGI:3574787 17434 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Apoa1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99607 J:104106 UniProtKB:Q00623 17435 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021680 MGI:1100855 J:104903 MGI:1857337 17436 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007626 MGI:1100855 J:104903 MGI:1857337 17437 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme inhibition ; ECO:0000184 anatomy: cell type:3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target:RefSeq:NP_780300 target: Tnks ; MGI:1341087 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006468 MGI:1861437 J:114505 N/A 17438 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0005788 MGI:1914217 J:111585 N/A 17439 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle tissue ; MA:0002439 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048741 MGI:97276 J:14208 MGI:1857667 17440 1 evidence:flow cytometry following PI-PLC treatment anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9038707|IDA text:J:38053 ISO GO:0031362 MGI:88323 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q07490 17441 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9038707|IDA text:J:38053 ISO GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q07490 17442 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Cd24a ; MGI:88323 (UniProt:P4807) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98280 J:38402 UniProtKB:P24807 17443 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Cd24a ; MGI:88323 (UniProt:P4807) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96721 J:38402 UniProtKB:P24807 17444 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HEK293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected ; pulse-chase IDA GO:0006516 MGI:1914217 J:111585 N/A 17445 1 evidence:inferred from loss-of-function mutant phenotype ; ECO:0000016 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HEK293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0004569 MGI:1914217 J:111585 N/A 17446 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme inhibition ; ECO:0000184 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HEK293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0043161 MGI:1914217 J:111585 N/A 17447 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:107690 J:121073 N/A 17448 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay ; ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:107690 J:121073 N/A 17449 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay ; ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:prevents the binding of HOXA9/PBX complexes to their consensus DNA site IDA GO:0043392 MGI:107690 J:121073 N/A 17450 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:1196463 J:119576 MGI:3713800|MGI:1857062 17451 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0004889 MGI:87895 J:19812 MGI:87885|MGI:87890|MGI:87893 17452 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042391 MGI:87895 J:19812 MGI:87885|MGI:87890|MGI:87893 17453 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0004889 MGI:87894 J:19812 MGI:87893|MGI:87890|MGI:87885 17454 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042391 MGI:87894 J:19812 MGI:87893|MGI:87890|MGI:87885 17455 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0004889 MGI:87885 J:19812 MGI:87894|MGI:87890|MGI:87893|MGI:87895 17456 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042391 MGI:87885 J:19812 MGI:87894|MGI:87890|MGI:87893|MGI:87895 17457 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0004889 MGI:87890 J:19812 MGI:87894|MGI:87885|MGI:87893|MGI:87895 17458 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell lince cell ; CL:0000002|COS gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042391 MGI:87890 J:19812 MGI:87894|MGI:87885|MGI:87893|MGI:87895 17459 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0004889 MGI:87893 J:19812 MGI:87894|MGI:87885|MGI:87890|MGI:87895 17460 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042391 MGI:87893 J:19812 MGI:87894|MGI:87885|MGI:87890|MGI:87895 17461 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR ; ECO:0000108 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 cell type:Ser IMP GO:0016337 MGI:1196463 J:119576 MGI:3713800|MGI:1857062 17462 2 toli cell ; CL:0000216|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:adhesion between spermatids and Sertoli cells IMP GO:0016337 MGI:1196463 J:119576 MGI:3713800|MGI:1857062 17463 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 cell type:Leydig cell ; CL:0000178 gene product: target: external ref: text:Acrosomal loca IDA GO:0001669 MGI:1196463 J:119576 N/A 17464 2 lization of FNDC3A is observed in spermatids between step 2 and step 10 inclusive. IDA GO:0001669 MGI:1196463 J:119576 N/A 17465 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:step 12 spermatids IDA GO:0042598 MGI:1196463 J:119576 N/A 17466 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:step 12 spermatids IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1196463 J:119576 N/A 17467 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 cell type:Leydig cell ; CL:0000178 gene product: target: external ref: text:Acrosomal loca IDA GO:0012506 MGI:1196463 J:119576 N/A 17468 2 lization of FNDC3A is observed in spermatids between step 2 and step 10 inclusive. IDA GO:0012506 MGI:1196463 J:119576 N/A 17469 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031410 MGI:1196463 J:119576 N/A 17470 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015813 MGI:101931 J:21903 N/A 17471 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015501 MGI:101931 J:21903 N/A 17472 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032224 MGI:99912 J:29768 MGI:1856026 17473 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1921321 J:97209 N/A 17474 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1921321 J:97209 N/A 17475 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005635 MGI:1921321 J:97209 N/A 17476 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected text: Compared to the Pas1c1-Va plasmids and empty vector, transient transfection with Pas1c1-Vb- IDA GO:0008283 MGI:1921321 J:97209 N/A 17477 2 A/J expression construct was shown to promote colony formation IDA GO:0008283 MGI:1921321 J:97209 N/A 17478 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9221765|IMP text: ISO GO:0007274 MGI:87885 J:73065 UniProtKB:P02708 17479 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9221765|IMP text: ISO GO:0004889 MGI:87885 J:73065 UniProtKB:P02708 17480 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9221765|IMP text: ISO GO:0007528 MGI:87885 J:73065 UniProtKB:P02708 17481 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9221765|IDA text: ISO GO:0031594 MGI:87885 J:73065 UniProtKB:P02708 17482 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9221765|IMP text: ISO GO:0042391 MGI:87885 J:73065 UniProtKB:P02708 17483 1 evidence: anatomy:inguinal fat pad ; MA:0002548 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fat cell ; CL:0000136 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031532 MGI:1891340 J:42314 MGI:1856603 17484 1 evidence: anatomy:inguinal fat pad ; MA:0002548 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fat cell ; CL:0000136 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032869 MGI:1891340 J:42314 MGI:1856603 17485 1 evidence: anatomy:inguinal fat pad ; MA:0002548 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fat cell ; CL:0000136 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031529 MGI:1891340 J:42314 MGI:1856603 17486 1 evidence:inferred from nucleic acid binding assay ; ECO:0000136 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay ; ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:MGI:3719032|GeneBank:AF444142 external ref: text:the IRF-E motif IDA GO:0043565 MGI:96590 J:121092 N/A 17487 2 of mouse C1rA promoter IDA GO:0043565 MGI:96590 J:121092 N/A 17488 1 evidence:inferred from nucleic acid binding assay ; ECO:0000136 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay ; ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:MGI:3719032|GeneBank:AF444142 external ref: text:the IRF-E motif IDA GO:0003700 MGI:96590 J:121092 N/A 17489 2 of mouse C1rA promoter IDA GO:0003700 MGI:96590 J:121092 N/A 17490 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay ; ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312|Pam212 gene product: target:MGI:3719032|GeneBank:AF444142 external ref: text:the IRF-E motif of mouse C1rA promoter IDA GO:0045944 MGI:96590 J:121092 N/A 17491 1 evidence: anatomy:ureter ; EMAP:6679 anatomy:metanephros ; EMAP:10896|cardiovascular system ; EMAP:10061 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 cell type:endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:105382 J:43178 N/A 17492 1 evidence: anatomy:ureter ; EMAP:6679 anatomy:medullary tubules ; EMAP:6686 cell type:endothelial cell ; CL:0000115 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:99892 J:43178 N/A 17493 1 evidence: anatomy:nervous system ; EMAP:4124 cell type:Schwann cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014037 MGI:95411 J:43515 MGI:1929072,MGI:1929598 17494 1 evidence: anatomy:cranial ; EMAP:1770 cell type:neuron neural crest derived ; CL:0000029 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021545 MGI:95411 J:43515 MGI:1929072,MGI:1929598 17495 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:6231 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:ventral grey horn ; EMAP:11818 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: qualifier IMP GO:0043524 MGI:95411 J:43515 MGI:1929072,MGI:1929598 17496 2 : target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:95411 J:43515 MGI:1929072,MGI:1929598 17497 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal rod cell ; CL:0000604|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:immunohistochemical staining IMP GO:0046548 MGI:2444886 J:112267 MGI:3665263 17498 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7556068|IGI|UniProt:P04626 text: ISO GO:0004713 MGI:95411 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75810 17499 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7556068|IGI|UniProt:O75810 text: ISO GO:0004713 MGI:95410 J:73065 UniProtKB:P04626 17500 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7556068|IGI|UniProt:P04626 text: ISO GO:0007169 MGI:95411 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75810 17501 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:PMID:12466018 G6PDX deleted ES cell line IMP GO:0006741 MGI:105979 J:94894 N/A 17502 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:PMID:12466018 G6PDX deleted ES cell line IMP GO:0048821 MGI:105979 J:94894 N/A 17503 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:PMID:12466018 G6PDX deleted ES cell line IMP GO:0004345 MGI:105979 J:94894 N/A 17504 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045213 MGI:94909 J:43694 MGI:1856328 17505 1 evidence:inhibitor Rottlerin anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032613 MGI:97598 J:99289 N/A 17506 1 evidence:inhibitor Rottlerin anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032615 MGI:97598 J:99289 N/A 17507 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:2006 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:108359 J:43769 N/A 17508 1 evidence: anatomy:limb digit ; MA:0000690 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035108 MGI:108359 J:43769 MGI:1857484 17509 1 evidence: anatomy:chest muscle ; MA:0000548 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007517 MGI:108359 J:43769 MGI:1857484 17510 1 evidence: anatomy:parietal bone ; MA:0001469 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048705 MGI:108359 J:43769 MGI:1857484 17511 1 evidence: anatomy:limb digit ; MA:0000690 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:108359 J:43769 MGI:1857484 17512 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000337 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006974 MGI:109337 J:98772 MGI:2429691|MGI:3052655 17513 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000337 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042771 MGI:109337 J:98772 MGI:2429691|MGI:3052655 17514 1 evidence: anatomy:intercostal ; EMAP:11116 anatomy:skeletal muscle ; EMAP:10723 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042383 MGI:96610 J:44406 N/A 17515 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9415431|IDA text: ISO GO:0042383 MGI:96610 J:73065 UniProtKB:P05556 17516 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031594 MGI:96610 J:44406 N/A 17517 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9415431|IDA text: ISO GO:0031594 MGI:96610 J:73065 UniProtKB:P05556 17518 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9415431|IDA text: ISO GO:0043034 MGI:98927 J:73065 UniProtKB:P18206 17519 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9415431|IDA text: ISO GO:0030018 MGI:94885 J:73065 UniProtKB:P17661 17520 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005605 MGI:99912 J:44761 N/A 17521 1 evidence: anatomy:capillary ; MA:0000065 anatomy:arteriole ; MA:0000063 anatomy:venule ; MA:0000071 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005605 MGI:109321 J:44761 N/A 17522 1 evidence: anatomy:capillary ; MA:0000065 anatomy:arteriole ; MA:0000063 anatomy:venule ; MA:0000071 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005605 MGI:105382 J:44761 N/A 17523 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:capillary ; MA:0000065 anatomy:arteriole ; MA:0000063 anatomy:venule ; MA:0000071 cell type: gene product: t IDA GO:0005605 MGI:96743 J:44761 N/A 17524 2 arget: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005605 MGI:96743 J:44761 N/A 17525 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:capillary ; MA:0000065 anatomy:arteriole ; MA:0000063 anatomy:venule ; MA:0000071 cell type: gene product: t IDA GO:0005605 MGI:99914 J:44761 N/A 17526 2 arget: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005605 MGI:99914 J:44761 N/A 17527 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048677 MGI:99916 J:44761 MGI:1856026 17528 1 evidence: anatomy:corpora quadrigemina ; MA:0002567 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004889 MGI:99779 J:46773 N/A 17529 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004889 MGI:87891 J:47985 N/A 17530 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9688278|IDA text: ISO GO:0008233 MGI:109608 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q12884 17531 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; EMAP:5729|phrenic ; EMAP:6241 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008045 MGI:95410 J:60191 MGI:1929070 17532 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; EMAP:5729|phrenic ; EMAP:6241 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007528 MGI:95410 J:60191 MGI:1929070 17533 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001824 MGI:1098754 J:63395 MGI:2180548 17534 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001824 MGI:1346093 J:63395 MGI:2180553 17535 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:RNA_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844|Slc30a1 ; MGI:1345281 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:101786 J:65478 N/A 17536 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Slc30a1 ; MGI:1345281 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:101786 J:65478 N/A 17537 1 evidence: anatomy:phrenic nerve ; MA:0001170 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021675 MGI:109160 J:69623 MGI:2447793 17538 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; EMAP:4743 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:109160 J:69623 MGI:2447793 17539 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; EMAP:11178 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043113 MGI:87961 J:69623 MGI:1929777 17540 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; EMAP:11178 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043113 MGI:103581 J:69623 MGI:1929066 17541 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: target:Erbb2 ; MGI:95410 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045860 MGI:101765 J:102479 MGI:1861809 17542 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: target:Erbb2 ; MGI:95410|Erbb3 ; MGI:95411 external ref: text: IMP GO:0004672 MGI:101765 J:102479 MGI:1861809 17543 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: target:Chrna1 ; MGI:87885 external ref: text: IMP GO:0043113 MGI:101765 J:102479 MGI:1861809 17544 1 evidence: anatomy:hindlimb muscle ; MA:0000663 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031594 MGI:87885 J:102479 N/A 17545 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; EMAP:11178 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008045 MGI:101765 J:102479 MGI:1861809 17546 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; EMAP:9818 cell type:Schwann cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014044 MGI:101765 J:102479 MGI:1861809 17547 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; MA:0001904 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060078 MGI:101765 J:102479 MGI:1861809 17548 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; EMAP:1069 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:2442252 J:119654 MGI:3707955 17549 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; EMAP:1069 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:2442252 J:119654 MGI:3707955|MGI:3707726 17550 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; EMAP:1069 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009954 MGI:2442252 J:119654 MGI:3707955 17551 1 evidence: anatomy:vibrissa ; MA:0000163 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048856 MGI:2442252 J:119654 MGI:3580702|MGI:2661383 17552 1 evidence: anatomy:hair follicle ; MA:0000154 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001942 MGI:2442252 J:119654 MGI:3580702|MGI:2661383 17553 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001822 MGI:2442252 J:119654 MGI:3580702|MGI:2661383 17554 1 evidence: anatomy:tooth ; MA:0000348 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:2442252 J:119654 MGI:3580702|MGI:2661383 17555 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; EMAP:11178 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051124 MGI:2442252 J:119654 MGI:3580702|MGI:2661383 17556 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; EMAP:5729 cell type:primary cell line cell; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043113 MGI:87961 J:119654 N/A 17557 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; EMAP:5729 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; EMAP:5729 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000 IMP GO:0043113 MGI:2442252 J:119654 MGI:3580702|MGI:2661383 17558 2 188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043113 MGI:2442252 J:119654 MGI:3580702|MGI:2661383 17559 1 evidence: anatomy:hindlimb ; EMAP:11309 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target:Rapsn ; MGI:99422 target:Utrn ; MGI:104631 target:Musk ; MGI:103581 external ref: text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:2442252 J:119654 MGI:3580702|MGI:2661383 17560 1 evidence: anatomy:hindlimb ; EMAP:11309 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031594 MGI:103581 J:119654 N/A 17561 1 evidence: anatomy:hindlimb ; EMAP:11309 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031594 MGI:99422 J:119654 N/A 17562 1 evidence: anatomy:hindlimb ; EMAP:11309 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031594 MGI:104631 J:119654 N/A 17563 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; EMAP:3618 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:88401 J:32083 MGI:1856112 17564 1 evidence: anatomy:retina layer ; MA:0001319 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060042 MGI:88401 J:32083 MGI:1856112 17565 1 evidence: anatomy:neural retinal epithelium ; EMAP:6336 cell type:bipolar neuron ; CL:0000103 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060040 MGI:88401 J:32083 MGI:1856112 17566 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:proliferatioin and renwal of "neural progenitors" IMP GO:0008283 MGI:109337 J:122559 MGI:2156556|MGI:2176173 17567 1 evidence: anatomy:superior cervical ganglion ; MA:0001156 anatomy:parasympathetic nerve ; MA:0000224 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:87887 J:54994 MGI:2155602 17568 1 evidence: anatomy:iris smooth muscle ; MA:0001270 anatomy:urinary bladder smooth muscle ; MA:0001697 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006940 MGI:87887 J:54994 MGI:2155602 17569 1 evidence: anatomy:eyelid muscle ; MA:0000269 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006937 MGI:87887 J:54994 MGI:2155602 17570 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory bulb glomerular layer ; MA:0000970 anatomy:olfactory bulb internal plexiform layer ; MA:0000972 anatomy:accessory olfactory bulb glomerular layer ; MA:0000967 anatomy:medial habenular nucleus ; MA:0000832 anatomy:inferior colli IMP GO:0004889 MGI:87887 J:76008 MGI:2155602 17571 2 culus ; MA:0001067 anatomy:anterior thalamic group ; MA:0000861 anatomy:medial geniculate nucleus ; MA:0000870 anatomy:medial vestibular nucleus ; MA:0001048 anatomy:prepositus hypoglossal nucleus ; MA:0001023 anatomy:interpeduncular nucleus ; MA:0001069 IMP GO:0004889 MGI:87887 J:76008 MGI:2155602 17572 3 anatomy:accessory olfactory bulb mitral cell layer ; MA:0002766 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004889 MGI:87887 J:76008 MGI:2155602 17573 1 evidence: anatomy:sympathetic nervous system ; MA:0000225 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:87887 J:101059 MGI:2155602 17574 1 evidence: anatomy:superior cervical ganglion ; MA:0001156 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014056 MGI:87887 J:101059 MGI:2155602 17575 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy:superior cervical ganglion ; MA:0001156 cell type:neuron ; GO:000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007271 MGI:1927126 J:101059 N/A 17576 1 evidence: anatomy:superior cervical ganglion ; MA:0001156 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007171 MGI:87887 J:101059 MGI:2155602 17577 1 evidence: anatomy:urinary bladder smooth muscle ; MA:0001697 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006940 MGI:87887 J:102601 MGI:2155602 17578 1 evidence: anatomy:autonomic ganglion ; MA:0000220|urinary bladder ; MA:0000380 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060084 MGI:87892 J:102601 MGI:2158716 17579 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory bulb glomerular layer ; MA:0000970 anatomy:olfactory bulb internal plexiform layer ; MA:0000972 anatomy:accessory olfactory bulb glomerular layer ; MA:0000967 anatomy:medial habenular nucleus ; MA:0000832 anatomy:inferior colli IC GO:0045211 MGI:87887 J:76008 GO:0004889 17580 2 culus ; MA:0001067 anatomy:anterior thalamic group ; MA:0000861 anatomy:medial geniculate nucleus ; MA:0000870 anatomy:medial vestibular nucleus ; MA:0001048 anatomy:prepositus hypoglossal nucleus ; MA:0001023 anatomy:interpeduncular nucleus ; MA:0001069 IC GO:0045211 MGI:87887 J:76008 GO:0004889 17581 3 anatomy:accessory olfactory bulb mitral cell layer ; MA:0002766 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: IC GO:0045211 MGI:87887 J:76008 GO:0004889 17582 1 evidence: anatomy:retina inner plexiform layer ; MA:0001312 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048814 MGI:87887 J:110809 MGI:2155602 17583 1 evidence: anatomy:urinary bladder ; MA:0000380|autonomic ganglion ; MA:0000220 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060084 MGI:87887 J:102601 MGI:2155602 17584 1 evidence: anatomy:urinary bladder ; MA:0000380|autonomic ganglion ; MA:0000220 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007271 MGI:87887 J:101059 MGI:2155602 17585 1 evidence: anatomy:retina inner plexiform layer ; MA:0001312 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048814 MGI:87891 J:110809 MGI:2158714 17586 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR ; ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: Kcnq1ot1 ; MGI:1926855 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045892 MGI:94912 J:118209 MGI:2156895 17587 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015031 MGI:1920075 J:123506 N/A 17588 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006879 MGI:1920075 J:123506 N/A 17589 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text:MIF, IL-12 IMP GO:0009306 MGI:1920075 J:123506 N/A 17590 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding ; ECO:0000023 anatomy:urine ; MA:0002545 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005550 MGI:3651981 J:117578 N/A 17591 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005892 MGI:87889 J:122030 UniProtKB:O70174|UniProtKB:Q8R4G9 17592 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005892 MGI:87888 J:122030 UniProtKB:Q3KP94 17593 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005892 MGI:87887 J:122030 UniProtKB:Q3KP94 17594 1 evidence:inferred from experiment ; ECO:0000006 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000129 cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033077 MGI:1289164 J:123300 MGI:3710093 17595 1 evidence: anatomy:ventral tegmental nucleus ; MA:0001031 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032225 MGI:99779 J:122939 MGI:1888407 17596 1 evidence: anatomy:ventral tegmental nucleus ; MA:0001031 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032225 MGI:87891 J:122939 MGI:1926253 17597 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032720 MGI:99779 J:124406 MGI:1888407 17598 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000001|COS-7 ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016020 MGI:108018 J:35254 N/A 17599 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:cell llines derived from Rad-/- mutant; not specified IMP GO:0000724 MGI:97890 J:94149 N/A 17600 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; EMAP:9042 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051899 MGI:87888 J:67863 MGI:2158758 17601 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; EMAP:9042 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007271 MGI:87888 J:67863 MGI:2158758 17602 1 evidence: anatomy:lateral geniculate nucleus ; MA:0000869 anatomy:superior colliculus ; MA:0001068 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021952 MGI:87891 J:77377 MGI:1926253 17603 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:strain variant IMP GO:0004889 MGI:87888 J:78831 N/A 17604 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005892 MGI:87888 J:85306 N/A 17605 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005892 MGI:106213 J:85306 N/A 17606 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005892 MGI:87891 J:85306 N/A 17607 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:87891 J:85306 UniProtKB:O70174|UniProtKB:Q9R0W9 17608 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106213 J:85306 UniProtKB:O70174|UniProtKB:Q9ERK7 17609 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:87888 J:85306 UniProtKB:Q9ERK7|UniProtKB:Q9R0W9 17610 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014059 MGI:106213 J:85306 MGI:2179133 17611 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014059 MGI:87888 J:85306 MGI:1926251 17612 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014059 MGI:87891 J:85306 MGI:1926253 17613 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051899 MGI:87888 J:85306 MGI:1926251 17614 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051899 MGI:106213 J:85306 MGI:2179133 17615 1 evidence: anatomy:lateral geniculate nucleus ; MA:0000869 anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 anatomy:superior colliculus ; MA:0001068 anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 anatomy:ventral tegmental nucleus ; MA:0001031 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell ty IMP GO:0004889 MGI:106213 J:74587 MGI:2179133 17616 2 pe: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004889 MGI:106213 J:74587 MGI:2179133 17617 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1861100 J:123383 UniProtKB:Q9Z255|UniProtKB:P63147 17618 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:102959 J:123383 UniProtKB:A6MFP4 17619 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:102944 J:123383 UniProtKB:A6MFP4 17620 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1277977 J:123383 UniProtKB:Q9Z255|UniProtKB:P63147 17621 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:102959 J:123383 UniProtKB:O70481 17622 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:102944 J:123383 UniProtKB:O70481 17623 1 evidence: anatomy:inferior colliculus ; MA:0001067 anatomy:superior colliculus ; MA:0001068 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004889 MGI:87888 J:93873 MGI:3511287 17624 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1861100 J:123383 MGI:3718505 17625 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001967 MGI:1861100 J:123383 MGI:3718505 17626 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006816 MGI:87888 J:94804 MGI:87891 17627 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0004889 MGI:87888 J:94804 MGI:87891 17628 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042391 MGI:87888 J:94804 MGI:87891 17629 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006816 MGI:87891 J:94804 MGI:87888 17630 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0004889 MGI:87891 J:94804 MGI:87888 17631 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042391 MGI:87891 J:94804 MGI:87888 17632 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0004889 MGI:87888 J:99085 MGI:87891 17633 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:87888 J:99085 N/A 17634 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0004889 MGI:87891 J:99085 MGI:87888 17635 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:87891 J:99085 N/A 17636 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042391 MGI:87891 J:99085 MGI:87888 17637 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051899 MGI:87888 J:99085 MGI:87891 17638 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035094 MGI:87888 J:99085 MGI:87891 17639 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035094 MGI:87891 J:99085 MGI:87888 17640 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050877 MGI:87888 J:118273 MGI:3700204,MGI:3700205 17641 1 evidence: anatomy:cortical layer II ; MA:0000898 anatomy:cortical layer III ; MA:0000899 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060080 MGI:87888 J:118273 MGI:3700204,MGI:3700205 17642 1 evidence:inferred from fractionation ; ECO:0000100 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:96438 J:124324 UniProtKB:P17936 17643 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0004889 MGI:87890 J:35334 MGI:87893|MGI:87895 17644 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042391 MGI:87890 J:35334 MGI:87893|MGI:87895 17645 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:22RV1 CaP ; ATCC:CRL-2505|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target:c-JNK external ref: text: ISO GO:0006468 MGI:96438 J:124324 UniProtKB:P17936 17646 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:22RV1 CaP ; ATCC:CRL-2505|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target:Akt external ref: text: ISO GO:0001933 MGI:96438 J:123324 UniProtKB:P17936 17647 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005892 MGI:87890 J:35334 N/A 17648 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0004889 MGI:87893 J:35334 MGI:87890|MGI:87895 17649 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005892 MGI:87893 J:35334 N/A 17650 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042391 MGI:87893 J:35334 MGI:87890|MGI:87895 17651 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005892 MGI:87895 J:35334 N/A 17652 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:87895 J:35334 UniProtKB:P35564|UniProtKB:P02716|UniProtKB:P09690 17653 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042391 MGI:87895 J:35334 MGI:87890|MGI:87893 17654 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:IGFBP-3-induced apoptosis ; embryonic fibroblast cells ;Nur77 null text:extranuclear mechanistic role for the orphan receptor Nur77 in mediating the apoptotic actions of I IMP GO:0006915 MGI:3577487 J:124324 MGI:3577496 17655 2 GFBP-3 in vitro and in vivo. IMP GO:0006915 MGI:3577487 J:124324 MGI:3577496 17656 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000114 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Treatment with IGFBP-3 resulted in predominantly cytoplasmic staining of Nur77 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:3577487 J:124324 N/A 17657 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pura ; MGI:103079 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043388 MGI:88251 J:53125 N/A 17658 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033603 MGI:87891 J:45151 MGI:1926253 17659 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia nigra pars compacta ; MA:0001064 anatomy:ventral tegmental nucleus ; MA:0001031 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:87891 J:45151 MGI:1926253 17660 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia nigra pars compacta ; MA:0001064 anatomy:ventral tegmental nucleus ; MA:0001031 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035094 MGI:87891 J:45151 MGI:1926253 17661 1 evidence: anatomy:iris muscle ; MA:0001287 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006939 MGI:87891 J:73590 MGI:87892 17662 1 evidence: anatomy:iris muscle ; MA:0001287 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006939 MGI:87892 J:73590 MGI:87891 17663 1 evidence: anatomy:superior cervical ganglion ; MA:0001156 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042391 MGI:87892 J:73590 MGI:87891 17664 1 evidence: anatomy:superior cervical ganglion ; MA:0001156 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035094 MGI:87892 J:73590 MGI:87891 17665 1 evidence: anatomy:superior cervical ganglion ; MA:0001156 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042391 MGI:87891 J:73590 MGI:87892 17666 1 evidence: anatomy:superior cervical ganglion ; MA:0001156 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035094 MGI:87891 J:73590 MGI:87892 17667 1 evidence: anatomy:urinary bladder ; MA:0000380 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060084 MGI:87891 J:73590 MGI:87892 17668 1 evidence: anatomy:urinary bladder ; MA:0000380 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060084 MGI:87892 J:73590 MGI:87891 17669 1 evidence: anatomy:lateral geniculate nucleus ; MA:0000869 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021952 MGI:87891 J:87146 MGI:1926253 17670 1 evidence: anatomy:lateral geniculate nucleus ; MA:0000869 anatomy:superior colliculus ; MA:0001068 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021631 MGI:87891 J:77377 MGI:1926253 17671 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001508 MGI:1334209 J:95818 MGI:2388383 17672 1 evidence: anatomy:lateral geniculate nucleus ; MA:0000869 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021952 MGI:87891 J:95818 MGI:2158714 17673 1 evidence: anatomy:superior cervical ganglion ; MA:0001156 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001508 MGI:87891 J:73590 MGI:87892 17674 1 evidence: anatomy:superior cervical ganglion ; MA:0001156 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001508 MGI:87892 J:73590 MGI:87891 17675 1 evidence: anatomy:urinary bladder smooth muscle ; MA:0001697 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006940 MGI:87892 J:102601 MGI:2158716 17676 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042320 MGI:87891 J:97276 MGI:1926253 17677 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045188 MGI:87891 J:97276 MGI:1926253 17678 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035094 MGI:87891 J:97276 MGI:1926253 17679 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme inhibition ; ECO:0000184 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: Camk2a ; MGI:88256 external ref: text: IDA GO:0004860 MGI:1913509 J:121494 N/A 17680 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation ; ECO:0000004 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019717 MGI:1913509 J:121494 N/A 17681 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation ; ECO:0000004 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0014069 MGI:1913509 J:121494 N/A 17682 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:some double-nulls died between E15 and the day of birth (E18), and most doublenulls died soon after birth or before postnatal da IGI GO:0001701 MGI:104669 J:111055 MGI:2150656 17683 2 y 2 IGI GO:0001701 MGI:104669 J:111055 MGI:2150656 17684 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:neonates actively gasped for air at birth but failed to breathe properly and died IGI GO:0007585 MGI:104669 J:111055 MGI:2150656 17685 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:neonates had less alveolar air space IGI GO:0048286 MGI:104669 J:111055 MGI:2150656 17686 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:livers of double-nulls were also frequently damaged IGI GO:0001889 MGI:104669 J:111055 MGI:2150656 17687 1 evidence:chromatography anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:7148 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:complex-type N-glycans were completely absent IGI GO:0006491 MGI:104669 J:111055 MGI:2150656 17688 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type:pneumocyte ; CL:0000322 gene product: target: external ref: text:enlarged mitochondria IGI GO:0007005 MGI:104669 J:111055 MGI:2150656 17689 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type:pneumocyte ; CL:0000322 gene product: target: external ref: text:abnormal vacuole formation IGI GO:0007033 MGI:104669 J:111055 MGI:2150656 17690 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay ; ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016799 MGI:2150656 J:111055 N/A 17691 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay ; ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015923 MGI:2150656 J:111055 N/A 17692 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay ; ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015923 MGI:104669 J:111055 N/A 17693 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay ; ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016799 MGI:104669 J:111055 N/A 17694 1 evidence: anatomy:raphe magnus nucleus ; MA:0001024 cell type:serotonergic neuron ; CL:0000850 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: IMP GO:0001508 MGI:87891 J:54505 MGI:1926253 17695 2 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001508 MGI:87891 J:54505 MGI:1926253 17696 1 evidence: anatomy:raphe magnus nucleus ; MA:0001024 cell type:serotonergic neuron ; CL:0000850 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: IMP GO:0001508 MGI:87888 J:54505 MGI:1926251 17697 2 target: IMP GO:0001508 MGI:87888 J:54505 MGI:1926251 17698 1 evidence: anatomy:raphe magnus nucleus ; MA:0001024 cell type:serotonergic neuron ; CL:0000850 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: IMP GO:0035094 MGI:87888 J:54505 MGI:1926251 17699 2 target: IMP GO:0035094 MGI:87888 J:54505 MGI:1926251 17700 1 evidence: anatomy:raphe magnus nucleus ; MA:0001024 cell type:serotonergic neuron ; CL:0000850 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:thalamus ; MA:0000179 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: IMP GO:0035094 MGI:87891 J:54505 MGI:1926253 17701 2 target: IMP GO:0035094 MGI:87891 J:54505 MGI:1926253 17702 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IDA ISA GO:0005739 MGI:1922733 J:85236 UniProtKB:Q7Z4L0 17703 1 evidence: anatomy:vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion cochlear component ; MA:0001085 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: spiral ganglion IMP GO:0007605 MGI:87891 J:98632 N/A 17704 1 evidence: anatomy:vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion cochlear component ; MA:0001085 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: spiral ganglion IMP GO:0021562 MGI:87891 J:98632 N/A 17705 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293T gene product:EMBL:AF257502|EMBL:AF257503 target: text:short and long isoforms in this paper both localize to nucleus IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1923820 J:102265 N/A 17706 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042053 MGI:87891 J:106489 MGI:1926253 17707 1 evidence: anatomy:lateral geniculate nucleus ; MA:0000869 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045759 MGI:87891 J:109772 MGI:1926253 17708 1 evidence:FACS analysis anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CCL-213 ; Daudi cells | permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target:CD48 ; CD59 ; DAF external ref: text:transfected ISA GO:0006506 MGI:1913709 J:118312 UniProtKB:Q3MUY2 17709 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected ISA GO:0005789 MGI:1913709 J:118312 UniProtKB:Q3MUY2 17710 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|CHO gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected ISA GO:0005886 MGI:1913709 J:118312 UniProtKB:Q3MUY2 17711 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:JY5 ; JY25 gene product: target:PIG-A external ref: text:cotransfected ISA GO:0000506 MGI:1913709 J:118312 UniProtKB:Q3MUY2 17712 1 evidence: anatomy:superior colliculus ; MA:0001068 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051963 MGI:87891 J:118361 MGI:2158714 17713 1 evidence:Mouse cytomegalovirus infection|viral titers|inferred from experiment ; ECO:0000006 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051607 MGI:1917700 J:119974 MGI:3628822 17714 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Stimulus-induced degranulation of NK cells measured by CD107a surface expression. IMP GO:0043320 MGI:1917700 J:119974 MGI:3628822 17715 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:histology IMP GO:0002432 MGI:1917700 J:119974 MGI:3628822 17716 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:histology IMP GO:0002467 MGI:1917700 J:119974 MGI:3628822 17717 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: target: external ref: text:histology IMP GO:0006909 MGI:1917700 J:119974 MGI:3628822 17718 1 evidence: anatomy:lateral septal complex ; MA:0000933 anatomy:accumbens nucleus ; MA:0000892 anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004889 MGI:87891 J:121590 N/A 17719 1 evidence: anatomy:lateral geniculate nucleus ; MA:0000869 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021955 MGI:87891 J:124529 MGI:2158714 17720 1 evidence: anatomy:lateral geniculate nucleus ; MA:0000869 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021771 MGI:87891 J:124529 MGI:2158714 17721 1 evidence: anatomy:lateral geniculate nucleus ; MA:0000869 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021631 MGI:87891 J:124529 MGI:2158714 17722 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019717 MGI:95823 J:28825 N/A 17723 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum internal granule cell layer ; MA:0000995 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004972 MGI:95820 J:34076 MGI:1928285 17724 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum internal granule cell layer ; MA:0000995 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:95820 J:34076 MGI:1928285 17725 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004972 MGI:95822 J:34597 MGI:1928301 17726 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95822 J:34597 MGI:1928301 17727 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:95822 J:34597 MGI:1928301 17728 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021702 MGI:104661 J:39065 MGI:1857035 17729 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:No increased embryonic lethality occurred in Sox10Sox8ki/Sox8ki mice around 13.5 dpc, as previously observed for mice with inactive Sox10 (Sox10Dom/Dom). Sox10Sox8ki/Sox8ki IGI GO:0001701 MGI:98370 J:119015 MGI:98358 17730 2 mice also survived birth, in contrast to Sox10-deficient mice. IGI GO:0001701 MGI:98370 J:119015 MGI:98358 17731 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:No increased embryonic lethality occurred in Sox10Sox8ki/Sox8ki mice around 13.5 dpc, as previously observed for mice with inactive Sox10 (Sox10Dom/Dom). Sox10Sox8ki/Sox8ki IGI GO:0001701 MGI:98358 J:119015 MGI:98370 17732 2 mice also survived birth, in contrast to Sox10-deficient mice. IGI GO:0001701 MGI:98358 J:119015 MGI:98370 17733 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Sox10Sox8ki/Sox8ki mice failed to thrive, were severely growth retarded and invariably died during the first postnatal week IMP GO:0048589 MGI:98358 J:119015 MGI:3701358 17734 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:At the end of embryogenesis, both small and large intestine were devoid of immunoreactivity for PGP9.5, a ubiquitin hydrolase IMP GO:0048484 MGI:98358 J:119015 MGI:3701358 17735 2 expressed by all enteric neurons and neuronal precursors, and NADPH diaphorase staining, which specifically labels NOS-positive neurons IMP GO:0048484 MGI:98358 J:119015 MGI:3701358 17736 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 anatomy:hair follicle ; MA:0000154 cell type:melanocyte ; CL:0000148|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:Melanin was absen IMP GO:0030318 MGI:98358 J:119015 MGI:3701358 17737 2 t from all hair follicles and hair shafts, as evident from whole skin preparations, indicating that melanocytes were absent or unable to produce melanin. IMP GO:0030318 MGI:98358 J:119015 MGI:3701358 17738 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:peripheral nervous system ; MA:0000218 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007422 MGI:98358 J:119015 MGI:98370 17739 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:peripheral nervous system ; MA:0000218 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007422 MGI:98370 J:119015 MGI:98358 17740 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:11809 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048709 MGI:98358 J:119015 MGI:3701358 17741 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:no pregnancy features were observed IMP GO:0009566 MGI:2148922 J:123269 MGI:3718790 17742 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035265 MGI:2148922 J:123269 MGI:3718790 17743 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:95820 J:41902 MGI:1928506 17744 1 evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text:germ-lineage-specific G9a-KO females had a paucity of oocytes. IMP GO:0007281 MGI:2148922 J:123269 MGI:3718790 17745 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:meiosis was aborted during the early pachytene stage in G9a-KO male germ cells. IMP GO:0000239 MGI:2148922 J:123269 MGI:3718790 17746 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 cell type:commisural neuron ; CL:0000678 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007268 MGI:95820 J:41902 MGI:1928506 17747 1 evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:KO tubules at P21 completely lacked spermatids. IMP GO:0007286 MGI:2148922 J:123269 MGI:3718790 17748 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: target: external ref: text: fimbrial cell IMP GO:0060079 MGI:95821 J:41902 MGI:1928295 17749 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 | primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007130 MGI:2148922 J:123269 MGI:3718790 17750 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 | primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:G9a deficiency leads to a global loss of H3K9me2 and 1 but not H3K9me3 at male meiotic prop IMP GO:0051567 MGI:2148922 J:123269 MGI:3718790 17751 2 hase IMP GO:0051567 MGI:2148922 J:123269 MGI:3718790 17752 1 evidence:inferred from expression microarray experiment ; ECO:0000058 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 | primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 | primary cell line cell ; CL:0000 IMP GO:0006357 MGI:2148922 J:123269 MGI:3718790 17753 2 001 gene product: target:G9a downregulated genes, termed Akr1c13, Tnmd, Defb42, Ptgds, and Chst11 target: external ref: text:The G9a upregulated genes were mostly germ cell or meiosis-specific genes. IMP GO:0006357 MGI:2148922 J:123269 MGI:3718790 17754 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98847 J:123269 N/A 17755 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145|terminal end bud cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:5 weeks after birth IMP GO:0035148 MGI:1197519 J:119922 MGI:2156483 17756 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145|terminal end bud cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:5 weeks after birth IMP GO:0030879 MGI:1197519 J:119922 MGI:2156483 17757 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145|terminal end bud cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:1197519 J:119922 MGI:2156483 17758 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145|terminal end bud cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:5-8 weeks after birth IMP GO:0048563 MGI:1197519 J:119922 MGI:2156483 17759 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145|terminal end bud cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:5 weeks after birth IMP GO:0046620 MGI:1197519 J:119922 MGI:2156483 17760 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007160 MGI:1197519 J:119922 MGI:2156483 17761 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032943 MGI:98725 J:123547 MGI:3719583 17762 1 evidence: anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mesenteric lymph nodes IMP GO:0043029 MGI:98725 J:123547 MGI:3719583 17763 1 evidence: anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mesenteric lymph nodes IMP GO:0042130 MGI:98725 J:123547 MGI:3719583 17764 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045066 MGI:98725 J:123547 MGI:3576270|MGI:3719583 17765 1 evidence: anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mesenteric lymph nodes IMP GO:0042110 MGI:98725 J:123547 MGI:3719583 17766 1 evidence: anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mesenteric lymph nodes IMP GO:0030217 MGI:98725 J:123547 MGI:3719583 17767 1 evidence:inferred from PCR experiment ; ECO:0000082 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006970 MGI:1919283 J:118536 N/A 17768 1 evidence:inferred from PCR experiment ; ECO:0000082 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006970 MGI:1926079 J:118536 N/A 17769 1 evidence:inferred from PCR experiment ; ECO:0000082 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006970 MGI:1196284 J:118536 N/A 17770 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mefs IMP GO:0008283 MGI:1335098 J:90442 MGI:1857732 17771 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2685412 J:122343 N/A 17772 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:2685412 J:122343 N/A 17773 1 evidence: anatomy:forebrain ; MA:0000170 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:synaptosomes ; labeled D-serine IMP GO:0042942 MGI:1858261 J:122880 MGI:3716074 17774 1 evidence: anatomy:forebrain ; MA:0000170 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042941 MGI:1858261 J:122880 MGI:3716074 17775 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035129 MGI:95688 J:124813 MGI:1856810 17776 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0040014 MGI:95688 J:124813 MGI:1856810 17777 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:differentiated cld liver cell lines; transformed; mouse and human hepatic lipase secretion IMP GO:0009306 MGI:1923733 J:123020 MGI:1856820 17778 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016050 MGI:1914391 J:119087 N/A 17779 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:using morpholino (MO) oligonucleotides IDA GO:0051225 MGI:1914391 J:119087 N/A 17780 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:using morpholino (MO) oligonucleotides IDA GO:0007057 MGI:1914391 J:119087 N/A 17781 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046785 MGI:1914391 J:119087 N/A 17782 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0040020 MGI:1914391 J:119087 N/A 17783 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0040020 MGI:1926790 J:119087 N/A 17784 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:at sound level 100-110 dB IMP GO:0001964 MGI:95820 J:89405 MGI:1928285 17785 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Grin1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95822 J:45446 UniProtKB:P35438 17786 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Grin2c, Dlg4 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95819 J:45446 UniProtKB:Q01098|UniProtKB:Q62108 17787 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Grin1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1277959 J:45446 UniProtKB:p35438 17788 1 evidence:flow cytometry following PI-PLC treatment anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031362 MGI:88323 J:17350 N/A 17789 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:17350 N/A 17790 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046641 MGI:88323 J:17350 N/A 17791 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031295 MGI:88327 J:17350 N/A 17792 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay following antibody stimulation anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88327 J:17350 N/A 17793 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046641 MGI:88327 J:17350 N/A 17794 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay following antibody stimulation anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88332 J:17350 N/A 17795 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046641 MGI:88332 J:17350 N/A 17796 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88320 J:17350 N/A 17797 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96549 J:17350 N/A 17798 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96721 J:17350 N/A 17799 1 evidence:ECO:0000070; inferred from co-immunoprecipitation anatomy:MA:0000165; skeletal muscle cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1924809 J:100920 UniProtKB:Q9R078 17800 1 evidence:ECO:0000070; inferred from co-immunoprecipitation anatomy:MA:0000165; skeletal muscle cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1336167 J:100920 NCBI:NP_001074795 17801 1 evidence:IDA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16338935|IDA text: ISO GO:0003779 MGI:106624 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WVD2 17802 1 evidence:IDA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16338935|IDA text: ISO GO:0030898 MGI:106624 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WVD2 17803 1 evidence:IDA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16338935|IDA text: ISO GO:0005524 MGI:106624 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WVD2 17804 1 evidence:IDA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16338935|IDA text: ISO GO:0003779 MGI:106624 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8WVD2 17805 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8907710|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:106624 J:73065 EMBL:U42391 17806 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12134079|IPI|NCBI_NP:000382.3, NCBI_NP:000077.1 text:binds Cln2 and Cln3 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2442253 J:73065 NCBI:NP_006484.1 17807 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11323413 |IDA text: ISO GO:0005525 MGI:2145118 J:73065 NCBI:NP_055054.1 17808 1 evidence:inferred from experiment ; ECO:0000006 anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0042803 MGI:102509 J:91749 UniProtKB:P50715 17809 1 evidence:inferred from experiment ; ECO:0000006 anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:HPLC IPI GO:0046982 MGI:102509 J:91749 UniProtKB:Q70LV9 17810 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding ; ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001530 MGI:102512 J:91749 N/A 17811 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding ; ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032496 MGI:102512 J:91749 N/A 17812 1 evidence:inferred from experiment ; ECO:0000006 anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type:Paneth cell ; CL:0000510 gene product: target: external ref: text:HPLC IPI GO:0046982 MGI:102512 J:91749 UniProtKB:P50715 17813 1 evidence:inferred from experiment ; ECO:0000006 anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type:Paneth cell ; CL:0000510 gene product: target: external ref: text:HPLC IPI GO:0042803 MGI:102512 J:91749 UniProtKB:Q70LV9 17814 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:CFU assay IDA GO:0042742 MGI:102509 J:91749 N/A 17815 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:CFU assay IDA GO:0042742 MGI:102507 J:91749 N/A 17816 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0048306 MGI:98280 J:19833 N/A 17817 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:UniProt:P24807|Cd24a ; MGI:88323 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98280 J:19833 UniProtKB:P24807 17818 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS26\ ; alveolar system ; EMAP:12332 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048286 MGI:103098 J:119680 MGI:2657021 17819 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by Northern assay ; ECO:0000106 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy:TS26\ ; alveolar system ; EMAP:12332 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:103098 J:119680 MGI:2657021 17820 2 text:PCNA, p21 protein expression IMP GO:0008283 MGI:103098 J:119680 MGI:2657021 17821 1 evidence:inferred from expression microarray experiment ; ECO:0000058 anatomy:TS26\ ; lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 IMP GO:0016337 MGI:103098 J:119680 MGI:2657021 17822 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Fabp1 ; MGI:95479 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045893 MGI:98504 J:64325 N/A 17823 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Slc10a2 ; MGI:1201406 target:Nr1h4 ; MGI:1352464 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045893 MGI:98504 J:68661 N/A 17824 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Slc37a4 ; MGI:1316650 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045893 MGI:98504 J:68032 N/A 17825 1 evidence:inferred from expression microarray experiment ; ECO:0000058 anatomy:TS26\ ; lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006928 MGI:103098 J:119680 MGI:2657021 17826 1 evidence:inferred from expression microarray experiment ; ECO:0000058 anatomy:TS26\ ; lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006693 MGI:103098 J:119680 MGI:2657021 17827 1 evidence:inferred from expression microarray experiment ; ECO:0000058 anatomy:TS26\ ; lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Insulin-like growth factor I ; Sp 17 ; PKC delta ; Signal-induced proliferation assoc.1 IMP GO:0007165 MGI:103098 J:119680 MGI:2657021 17828 2 ; G protein gamma 3 linked; Pip5k2c IMP GO:0007165 MGI:103098 J:119680 MGI:2657021 17829 1 evidence:inferred from expression microarray experiment ; ECO:0000058 anatomy:TS26\ ; lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:FosB, Egr1, MPK-1 and Nur77 IMP GO:0007049 MGI:103098 J:119680 MGI:2657021 17830 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:hindlimb ; MA:0000026 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035137 MGI:96856 J:81331 MGI:1856944 17831 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Prodh ; MGI:97770 text:regulates MGI:97770 IDA GO:0045944 MGI:98504 J:94267 N/A 17832 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:G6pc ; MGI:95607 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006357 MGI:98504 J:49085 N/A 17833 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Fech ; MGI:95513 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045893 MGI:98504 J:60083 MGI:2384429 17834 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Slc5a2 ; MGI:2181411 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045893 MGI:98504 J:106621 N/A 17835 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: postnatal day 12-15 IMP GO:0016265 MGI:1916847 J:106411 MGI:1856984 17836 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0040014 MGI:1916847 J:106411 MGI:1856984 17837 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060013 MGI:1916847 J:106411 MGI:1856984 17838 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:G6pc ; MGI:95607 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:96573 J:49085 N/A 17839 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:activity decreases with increased anti-sense RNA; there are two isoforms of this protein in NCBI attached to this paper, but paper does not specify which they used; the anti IMP GO:0003870 MGI:87990 J:28141 N/A 17840 2 sense probe would most likely hit both. the difference between them is at the c-term, and probe covered N-term NP_001095916 NP_033783 IMP GO:0003870 MGI:87990 J:28141 N/A 17841 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NP_079867 target: text:refseq id fixed IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913738 J:86816 N/A 17842 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NP_084363 target: text: refseq corrected; this is 486 aa isoform. The other isoform is 104 aa. IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1890894 J:86816 N/A 17843 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|A20 ; ATCC:TIB-208 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031362 MGI:88323 J:125147 N/A 17844 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|A20 ; ATCC:TIB-208 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:125147 N/A 17845 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046641 MGI:88323 J:125147 N/A 17846 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:antibody to LFA-1/CD11a/Itgal (clone M17/5.2) used to block T cell proliferation IMP GO:0042102 MGI:96606 J:125147 N/A 17847 1 evidence:light microscopy anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:antibody to LFA-1/CD11a/Itgal (clone M17/5.2) used to block T cell-APC cluster formation IMP GO:0022409 MGI:96606 J:125147 N/A 17848 1 evidence: anatomy:gastrocnemius ; MA:0002306 cell type:muscle cell ; CL:0000187|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:also sternocleidomastoid muscle IMP GO:0048747 MGI:1916847 J:106411 MGI:1856984 17849 1 evidence: anatomy:gastrocnemius ; MA:0002306 cell type:muscle cell ; CL:0000187|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:also sternocleidomastoid muscle IMP GO:0007528 MGI:1916847 J:106411 MGI:1856984 17850 1 evidence: anatomy:gastrocnemius ; MA:0002306 cell type:muscle cell ; CL:0000187|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:also sternocleidomastoid muscle IMP GO:0007409 MGI:1916847 J:106411 MGI:1856984 17851 1 evidence: anatomy:soleus ; MA:0002424 cell type:muscle cell ; CL:0000187|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:electron microscopy IMP GO:0042552 MGI:1916847 J:106411 MGI:1856984 17852 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:muscle cell ; CL:0000187|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021675 MGI:1916847 J:106411 MGI:1856984 17853 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\ ; embryo ; EMAP:2636 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:homozygous condition Wt/Wt is lethal during day 11 or 12 of embryonic life. IMP GO:0001701 MGI:98967 J:122950 MGI:1861234 17854 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\ ; embryo ; EMAP:2636 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Brains were distorted and either collapsed or inflated IMP GO:0007420 MGI:98967 J:122950 MGI:1861234 17855 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\ ; embryo ; EMAP:2636 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:also optic vesicle IMP GO:0030916 MGI:98967 J:122950 MGI:1861234 17856 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\ ; eye ; EMAP:2364 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002088 MGI:98967 J:122950 MGI:1861234 17857 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030910 MGI:98967 J:122950 MGI:1861234 17858 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:rat Myo6 protein_id:XP_236444 ISO GO:0051015 MGI:104785 J:95877 NCBI:XP_236444 17859 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:rat Myo6 protein_id:XP_236444 ISO GO:0048471 MGI:104785 J:95877 NCBI:XP_236444 17860 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:rat Myo6 protein_id:XP_236444 ISO GO:0045202 MGI:104785 J:95877 NCBI:XP_236444 17861 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:dendritic cell ; CL:0000451 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96609 J:125145 N/A 17862 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96609 J:86758 N/A 17863 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:dendritic cell ; CL:0000451 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96609 J:87420 N/A 17864 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:dendritic cell ; CL:0000451 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96609 J:87421 N/A 17865 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031295 MGI:101775 J:125145 N/A 17866 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with murine Cd80 IDA GO:0009897 MGI:101775 J:125145 N/A 17867 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046641 MGI:101775 J:125145 N/A 17868 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:UniProt:P10747|Cd28 (human)|UniProt:O95653 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:101775 J:125145 UniProtKB:P10747|UniProtKB:O95653 17869 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:dendritic cell ; CL:0000451 cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:125145 N/A 17870 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibody to Cd24a/HSA used (20C9 clone) IMP GO:0046641 MGI:88323 J:125145 N/A 17871 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:125141 N/A 17872 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007159 MGI:88323 J:125141 N/A 17873 1 evidence:cellular aggregation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|neuroblast ; CL:0000031|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0022409 MGI:88323 J:125140 N/A 17874 1 evidence:cellular aggregation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|neuroblast ; CL:0000031|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0022409 MGI:96605 J:125140 N/A 17875 1 evidence:cellular aggregation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|neuroblast ; CL:0000031|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibody to L1cam (clone 557) used to inhibit cell-cell ag IMP GO:0007156 MGI:96721 J:125140 N/A 17876 2 gregation IMP GO:0007156 MGI:96721 J:125140 N/A 17877 1 evidence:cellular aggregation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|neuroblast ; CL:0000031|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibody to L1cam (clone 557) used to inhibit cell-cell ag IMP GO:0022409 MGI:96721 J:125140 N/A 17878 2 gregation IMP GO:0022409 MGI:96721 J:125140 N/A 17879 1 evidence:flow cytometry following PI-PLC treatment anatomy: cell type:Langerhans cell ; CL:0000453 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031362 MGI:88323 J:125143 N/A 17880 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:Langerhans cell ; CL:0000453 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:125143 N/A 17881 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibody to Cd24a used (clone 20C9) IMP GO:0046641 MGI:88323 J:125143 N/A 17882 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:4740 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006281 MGI:1354163 J:87684 MGI:3028660 17883 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:4740 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009650 MGI:1354163 J:87684 MGI:3028660 17884 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR ; ECO:0000108 anatomy:E17.5 midgut cell type: gene product: target:Fabp1 ; MGI:95479 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:95664 J:122635 MGI:3526856 17885 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR ; ECO:0000108 anatomy:E17.5 midgut cell type: gene product: target:Fabp1 ; MGI:95479 target:Lactase-phlorizin hydrolase external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:98504 J:122635 MGI:2384429 17886 1 evidence:inferred from fractionation ; ECO:0000100 anatomy:jejunum ; MA:0000340 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:postnatal 10 day IDA GO:0005737 MGI:95479 J:122635 N/A 17887 1 evidence:inferred from fractionation ; ECO:0000100 anatomy:jejunum ; MA:0000340 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:postnatal 10 day IDA GO:0005634 MGI:95479 J:122635 N/A 17888 1 evidence:costaining with DAPI evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:epithelial cells of the E13.5 midgut and on nascent villi and in intervillus regions of the E16.5 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98504 J:122635 N/A 17889 1 evidence:antagonist ifenprodic anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004972 MGI:95821 J:84361 N/A 17890 1 evidence:antagonist ifenprodic anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:95821 J:84361 N/A 17891 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:small intestine villus ; MA:0001563 anatomy:jejunum ; P10 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:P10 jejunum IDA GO:0016020 MGI:98303 J:122635 N/A 17892 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000358; liver cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:6778858|IDA text ISO GO:0005739 MGI:1341155 J:73065 NCBI:NP_001101053 17893 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000358; liver cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:6778858|IPI|NCBI:NP_001101053 text ISO GO:0042803 MGI:1341155 J:73065 NCBI:NP_001101053 17894 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000358; liver cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:6778858|IDA text: enzyme stability compromised unless add "H-protein to extract during assay, but claim not needed for activity. Gldc is aka "P-protein. ISO GO:0019464 MGI:1341155 J:73065 NCBI:NP_001101053 17895 1 evidence:inferred from affinity chromatography ; ECO:0000079 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:phosphorylation of high mannose oligosaccharides on acid hydrolases IMP GO:0046835 MGI:3643902 J:124928 MGI:3757945 17896 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target:Ctsd ; MGI:88562 external ref: text: IMP GO:0009306 MGI:3643902 J:124928 MGI:3757945 17897 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000358; liver cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:6778858|IDA text: ISO GO:0004375 MGI:1341155 J:73065 NCBI:NP_001101053 17898 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS25\ ; midbrain ; EMAP:10402 anatomy:TS25\ ; hindbrain ; EMAP:10181 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:the cerebellar midline (vermis) is absent in Gbx2neo homozyg IMP GO:0021549 MGI:95668 J:108519 MGI:1857634 17899 2 otes IMP GO:0021549 MGI:95668 J:108519 MGI:1857634 17900 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS19, cerebellum primordium ; EMAP:3495 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Math1 expression IMP GO:0021930 MGI:95668 J:108519 MGI:1857634 17901 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS13\ , rhombomere 02 ; EMAP:468 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Cyp26c1 expression IMP GO:0021568 MGI:95668 J:108519 MGI:1857634 17902 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS17\ , isthmic organizer cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Fgf8, Wnt1 and Otx2, Fgf17, Spry1 and Spry4 expression IMP GO:0030917 MGI:95668 J:108519 MGI:1857634 17903 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization;ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS17\,medial isthmus cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:95668 J:108519 MGI:1857634 17904 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization;ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS17\,medial isthmus cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Math1 IMP GO:0021555 MGI:95668 J:108519 MGI:1857634 17905 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS25\ ; midbrain ; EMAP:10402 anatomy:TS25\ ; hindbrain ; EMAP:10181 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030902 MGI:95668 J:108519 MGI:1857634 17906 1 evidence:inferred from loss-of-function mutant phenotype ; ECO:0000016 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay ; ECO:0000181 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:phosphorylated by rabbit GSK3 ISO GO:0018105 MGI:1341087 J:114505 UniProtKB:O95271 17907 1 evidence:inferred from loss-of-function mutant phenotype ; ECO:0000016 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay ; ECO:0000181 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:phosphorylated by rabbit GSK3 ISO GO:0018107 MGI:1341087 J:114505 UniProtKB:O95271 17908 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12508119|IDA text: ISO GO:0004889 MGI:99779 J:73065 UniProtKB:P36544 17909 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15760934|IMP text: ISO GO:0004889 MGI:99779 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q05941 17910 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:AAH24518 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913402 J:86816 N/A 17911 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080448 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914710 J:86816 N/A 17912 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:AAH27432 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1919586 J:86816 N/A 17913 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032280 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:96158 J:86816 N/A 17914 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032282 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:101939 J:86816 N/A 17915 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_780386 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1919161 J:86816 N/A 17916 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_663542 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1889802 J:86816 N/A 17917 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_619611 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2179733 J:86816 N/A 17918 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_077150 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914291 J:86816 N/A 17919 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_071316 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1891061 J:86816 N/A 17920 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032724 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1278344 J:86816 N/A 17921 1 evidence: anatomy:iver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_598790 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1917127 J:86816 N/A 17922 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_035087 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1097693 J:86816 N/A 17923 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_064305 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1890218 J:86816 N/A 17924 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_849534 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1919214 J:86816 N/A 17925 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:protein_id:AAC53152 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:109533 J:86816 N/A 17926 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_659033 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:87870 J:86816 N/A 17927 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_803421 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1098623 J:86816 N/A 17928 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031407 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:87866 J:86816 N/A 17929 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031408 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:87867 J:86816 N/A 17930 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_062774 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1931010 J:86816 N/A 17931 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_542364 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:87880 J:86816 N/A 17932 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031409 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:87868 J:86816 N/A 17933 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080102 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914135 J:86816 N/A 17934 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_059062 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:895149 J:86816 N/A 17935 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_056544 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1330812 J:86816 N/A 17936 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_073727 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1928940 J:86816 N/A 17937 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_033809 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1298405 J:86816 N/A 17938 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_058591 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:87978 J:86816 N/A 17939 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_067274 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1860835 J:86816 N/A 17940 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_033777 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:87979 J:86816 N/A 17941 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_473411 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1928277 J:86816 N/A 17942 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_033778 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:104729 J:86816 N/A 17943 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_033786 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:99600 J:86816 N/A 17944 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_598803 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915077 J:86816 N/A 17945 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_613066 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:108186 J:86816 N/A 17946 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079613 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107796 J:86816 N/A 17947 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:AAH04802 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:101863 J:86816 N/A 17948 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032563 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1098273 J:86816 N/A 17949 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_033783 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:87990 J:86816 N/A 17950 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_109615 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1922896 J:86816 N/A 17951 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\, forebrain ; EMAP:6019 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Cresyl Violet-stained horizontal sections prepared from E14.5 embryos IMP GO:0048853 MGI:99604 J:108506 MGI:1857843 17952 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_036052 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1347090 J:86816 N/A 17953 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_084219 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1924872 J:86816 N/A 17954 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCIB:NP_033835 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1330806 J:86816 N/A 17955 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS22\, telencephalon ; EMAP:6075 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Cresyl Violet-stained horizontal sections prepared from E14.5 embryos IMP GO:0021537 MGI:99604 J:108506 MGI:1857843|MGI:2150348 17956 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Whole-mount in situ hybridization of Otx2, Six3 and Foxg1 expression in 9 to 10 somite embryos. morphological defects in the anterior neural plate, IMP GO:0001839 MGI:99604 J:108506 MGI:1857843 17957 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|UV24 (UV sensitive mutant of CHO) ; ATCC:CRL-1866 gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009650 MGI:95414 J:1626 UniProtKB:A0MQ57 17958 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|XL216 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009650 MGI:103582 J:29500 N/A 17959 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7510366|IGI|UniProt:P35689 text: ISO GO:0009650 MGI:103582 J:73065 UniProtKB:P28715 17960 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|UV135 (UV sensitive mutant of CHO) ; ATCC:CRL-1867 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009650 MGI:103582 J:35458 N/A 17961 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006289 MGI:103582 J:53756 MGI:2182793 17962 1 evidence: anatomy:adult mouse ; MA:0002405 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035264 MGI:103582 J:53756 MGI:2182793 17963 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:2835663|IGI|UniProt:Q60452 text: ISO GO:0009650 MGI:95413 J:73065 UniProtKB:P18074 17964 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:2835663|IGI|UniProt:Q60452 text: ISO GO:0006289 MGI:95413 J:73065 UniProtKB:P18074 17965 1 evidence: anatomy:two-cell stage ; EMAP:6 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0040016 MGI:95413 J:45017 MGI:2183947 17966 1 evidence: anatomy:hair shaft ; MA:0000159 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048820 MGI:95413 J:48256 MGI:2183949 17967 1 evidence: anatomy:hair shaft ; MA:0000159 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:95413 J:48256 MGI:2183949 17968 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_659072 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:894291 J:86816 N/A 17969 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009650 MGI:95413 J:48256 MGI:2183949 17970 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006289 MGI:95413 J:48256 MGI:2183949 17971 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis stratum corneum ; MA:0000804 anatomy:epidermis stratum granulosum ; MA:0000805 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043588 MGI:95413 J:48256 MGI:2183949 17972 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_058566 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:99538 J:86816 N/A 17973 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032327 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:96243 J:86816 N/A 17974 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_038924 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1353436 J:86816 N/A 17975 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:TS14\, rostroventral telencephalon cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:phosphohistone-3 (PH3) IMP GO:0021846 MGI:99604 J:108506 MGI:1857843|MGI:2150348 17976 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS15\, future forebrain ; EMAP:1200 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Bmp4, Msx1, Sp8, Wnt8b expression IMP GO:0021798 MGI:99604 J:108506 MGI:1857843|MGI:2150348 17977 1 evidence:inferred from direct assay ; ECO:0000002 anatomy:TS14\, future forebrain ; EMAP:1200 anatomy:TS14\, optic vesicle ; EMAP:877 anatomy:TS14\, hypothalamus cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:TUNEL assay IMP GO:0006915 MGI:99604 J:108506 MGI:1857843|MGI:2150348 17978 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS20\, ventricular layer ; EMAP:4179 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Nkx2.1 and Shh expression IMP GO:0021544 MGI:99604 J:108506 MGI:1857843|MGI:2150348 17979 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\, telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007420 MGI:99414 J:93574 MGI:3505549 17980 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:hippocampal primordium IMP GO:0021766 MGI:99414 J:93574 MGI:3505549 17981 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\, cerebral cortex ; EMAP:7537 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021895 MGI:99414 J:93574 MGI:3505549 17982 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_033855 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1100495 J:86816 N/A 17983 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_058054 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107801 J:86816 N/A 17984 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_031532 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107653 J:86816 N/A 17985 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_065607 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1927558 J:86816 N/A 17986 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_058035 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107777 J:86816 N/A 17987 1 evidence:FACS analysis anatomy:TS20\, cerebral cortex ; EMAP:4176 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000082 MGI:99414 J:93574 MGI:3505549 17988 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_038823 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1351597 J:86816 N/A 17989 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031531 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88115 J:86816 N/A 17990 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ngn2, Ngn1, NeuroD, Emx1 and cadherin 8 expression IMP GO:0008283 MGI:99414 J:93574 MGI:3505549 17991 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080259 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1855697 J:86816 N/A 17992 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_065640 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1261437 J:86816 N/A 17993 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_613063 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:106341 J:86816 N/A 17994 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031538 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1196457 J:86816 N/A 17995 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031534 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1201780 J:86816 N/A 17996 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031536 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:894326 J:86816 N/A 17997 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_033017 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1349216 J:86816 N/A 17998 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:AAC64398 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1306775 J:86816 N/A 17999 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_057918 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1338011 J:86816 N/A 18000 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_033871 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88138 J:86816 N/A 18001 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_031557 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:102520 J:86816 N/A 18002 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001302 MGI:95412 J:118249 MGI:2183944 18003 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016868 MGI:1925668 J:125408 N/A 18004 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0002501; plasma cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008203 MGI:88055 J:21750 MGI:1857128 18005 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0002501; plasma cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006641 MGI:88055 J:21750 MGI:1857128 18006 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0002501; plasma cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008203 MGI:88055 J:34875 MGI:3758464 18007 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0002501; plasma cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006642 MGI:88055 J:34875 MGI:3758464 18008 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\, embryo ; EMAP:2006 anatomy:TS19\, embryo ; EMAP:3322 anatomy:TS20\, embryo ; EMAP:3980 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:microinjecting mutant ES cells into wild-type blastocysts IMP GO:0060173 MGI:1352452 J:95527 MGI:2385933 18009 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS15\, embryo ; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:myogenin expression ; limb muscles IMP GO:0007519 MGI:1352452 J:95527 MGI:2385933 18010 1 evidence: anatomy:testes cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Mutant males produce no sperm, have small testes IMP GO:0035265 MGI:2685134 J:125220 MGI:3050548 18011 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:seminiferous tubules cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006915 MGI:2685134 J:125220 MGI:3050548 18012 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007132 MGI:2685134 J:125220 MGI:3050548 18013 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:2685134 J:125220 MGI:3050548 18014 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0033634 MGI:88323 J:125141 N/A 18015 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0033625 MGI:88323 J:125141 N/A 18016 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016010 MGI:1925668 J:125409 N/A 18017 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1925668 J:125409 UniProtKB:P11531|UniProtKB:O08614 18018 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104631 J:125409 UniProtKB:Q8BZF8|UniProtKB:P11531 18019 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016010 MGI:104631 J:125409 N/A 18020 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016010 MGI:94909 J:125409 N/A 18021 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030055 MGI:94909 J:125409 N/A 18022 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030055 MGI:1925668 J:125409 N/A 18023 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030018 MGI:1925668 J:125409 N/A 18024 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030018 MGI:94909 J:125409 N/A 18025 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8175905|IDA text: ISO GO:0005913 MGI:1925668 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15124 18026 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8175905|IDA text: ISO GO:0004614 MGI:1925668 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15124 18027 1 evidence:cellular aggregation assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text:polyclonal antibodies to L1cam used to inhibit cell-cell aggregation IMP GO:0007159 MGI:96721 J:125144 N/A 18028 1 evidence:cellular aggregation assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007159 MGI:96606 J:125144 N/A 18029 1 evidence:cellular aggregation assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0022407 MGI:96606 J:125144 N/A 18030 1 evidence:spectrophotometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007166 MGI:88323 J:125144 N/A 18031 1 evidence:cellular aggregation assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007159 MGI:88323 J:125144 N/A 18032 1 evidence:spectrophotometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050850 MGI:88323 J:125144 N/A 18033 1 evidence:cellular aggregation assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0022407 MGI:88323 J:125144 N/A 18034 1 evidence:spectrophotometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007166 MGI:96606 J:125144 N/A 18035 1 evidence:spectrophotometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050850 MGI:96606 J:125144 N/A 18036 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:Hoechst-stained metaphase I chromosome structures IMP GO:0001825 MGI:2685134 J:125220 MGI:3050548 18037 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:MLH3 and MLH1 markers IMP GO:0051026 MGI:2685134 J:125220 MGI:3050548 18038 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text:sex chromosomes text:along the asynapsed axes IDA GO:0000805 MGI:104772 J:125220 N/A 18039 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text:sex chromosomes text:along the asynapsed axes IDA GO:0000806 MGI:104772 J:125220 N/A 18040 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000793 MGI:109542 J:125220 N/A 18041 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text:at interstitial sites along synapsed bivalents IDA GO:0000793 MGI:104772 J:125220 N/A 18042 2 in pachynema. IDA GO:0000793 MGI:104772 J:125220 N/A 18043 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence ; ECO:0000007 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: target: external ref: text:sex chromosomes IDA GO:0000781 MGI:104772 J:125220 N/A 18044 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 evidence:dual-color confocal laser scanning microscopy anatomy: cell type:C127 ; ATCC:CRL-1804|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text:monomethyl K9 IDA GO:0016604 MGI:96098 J:100751 N/A 18045 2 H3 text:punctate foci within the interior of the nucleus, excluding the nuclear periphery, nucleoli, and associated chromocenters. IDA GO:0016604 MGI:96098 J:100751 N/A 18046 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 evidence:dual-color confocal laser scanning microscopy anatomy: cell type:C127 ; ATCC:CRL-1804|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text:dimethyl K9H3 IDA GO:0010370 MGI:96098 J:100751 N/A 18047 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 evidence:dual-color confocal laser scanning microscopy anatomy: cell type:C127 ; ATCC:CRL-1804|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text:monomethyl K9 IDA GO:0043596 MGI:96098 J:100751 N/A 18048 2 H3. Colocalization of Me1K9H3 with sites of DNA synthesis was found almost exclusively during the first half of S phase. text:dimethyl K9H3. Most of S phase, unlike for monomethyl K9H3. IDA GO:0043596 MGI:96098 J:100751 N/A 18049 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 evidence:dual-color confocal laser scanning microscopy anatomy: cell type:C127 ; ATCC:CRL-1804|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text:trimethyl K9H IDA GO:0005720 MGI:96098 J:100751 N/A 18050 2 3. pericentric heterochromatin. mid-late period of S phase. IDA GO:0005720 MGI:96098 J:100751 N/A 18051 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021543 MGI:99604 J:108506 MGI:1857843|MGI:2150348 18052 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9490638|IDA text: ISO GO:0005100 MGI:106624 J:73065 NCBI:NP_004136.2 18053 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9490638|IDA text: ISO GO:0051015 MGI:106624 J:73065 NCBI:NP_004136.2 18054 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9490638|IDA text: ISO GO:0033275 MGI:106624 J:73065 NCBI:NP_004136.2 18055 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9490638|IDA text: ISO GO:0003774 MGI:106624 J:73065 NCBI:NP_004136.2 18056 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 evidence:dual-color confocal laser scanning microscopy anatomy: cell type:C127 ; ATCC:CRL-1804|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text:dimethyl K9H3 IDA GO:0044428 MGI:96098 J:100751 N/A 18057 2 text:nuclear periphery text:internal foci text:nucleolar periphery IDA GO:0044428 MGI:96098 J:100751 N/A 18058 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 evidence:dual-color confocal laser scanning microscopy anatomy: cell type:C127 ; ATCC:CRL-1804|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text:dimethyl K9H3 IDA GO:0044452 MGI:96098 J:100751 N/A 18059 2 text:nuclear periphery text:internal foci text:nucleolar periphery IDA GO:0044452 MGI:96098 J:100751 N/A 18060 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7651355|IDA text: ISA GO:0015193 MGI:107578 J:29030 EMBL:S80071 18061 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:PMID:17284516|IDA ISO GO:0000785 MGI:106920 J:120756 UniProtKB:P42166 18062 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:17284516|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:106920 J:120756 UniProtKB:P42166 18063 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 inferred from mutant phenotype ; ECO:0000015 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Suv39h1,2 double null embryonic stem cell line HM1. enrichment of Me1K9H3 staini IGI GO:0051567 MGI:1099440 J:100751 MGI:1890396 18064 2 ng at the nuclear periphery in mutant relative to wild-type cells. IGI GO:0051567 MGI:1099440 J:100751 MGI:1890396 18065 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 inferred from mutant phenotype ; ECO:0000015 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Suv39h1,2 double null embryonic stem cell line HM1. enrichment of Me1K9H3 staini IGI GO:0051567 MGI:1890396 J:100751 MGI:1099440 18066 2 ng at the nuclear periphery in mutant relative to wild-type cells. IGI GO:0051567 MGI:1890396 J:100751 MGI:1099440 18067 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 inferred from mutant phenotype ; ECO:0000015 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:G9a null embryonic stem cell line TT2. change of Me1K9H3 and Me2K9H3 staining in IMP GO:0051567 MGI:2148922 J:100751 N/A 18068 2 mutant relative to wild-type cells. IMP GO:0051567 MGI:2148922 J:100751 N/A 18069 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 evidence:chromatin immunoprecipitation anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:bone marrow pro-B cells isolated from Pax5-/- mice after a short-term culture in IL- IMP GO:0051573 MGI:97489 J:91758 N/A 18070 2 7, Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand and stem cell factor. text: Myc5 cells with a retrovirus expressing puromycin-resistance gene or a bicistronic virus expressing Pax5 and the puromycin-resistance gene. IMP GO:0051573 MGI:97489 J:91758 N/A 18071 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR ; ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: Csf1r ; MGI:1339758 target: Notch1 ; MGI:97363 external ref: text: Myc5 cells with a retrovirus expressing puromy IDA GO:0000122 MGI:97489 J:91758 N/A 18072 2 cin-resistance gene or a bicistronic virus expressing Pax5 and the puromycin-resistance gene. text:T cell line S49 with a retrovirus expressing puromycin-resistance gene or a bicistronic virus expressing Pax5 and the puromycin-resistance gene. IDA GO:0000122 MGI:97489 J:91758 N/A 18073 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pre-B cell ; CL:0000817|cell_line:N232.18 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:125142 N/A 18074 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007157 MGI:88323 J:125142 N/A 18075 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0033632 MGI:88323 J:125142 N/A 18076 1 evidence:fibronectin adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibody (clone PS-2) to VLA-4 (Itga4 ; MGI:96603) used IMP GO:0001968 MGI:96603 J:125142 N/A 18077 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibody (clone PS-2) to VLA-4 (Itga4 ; MGI:96603) used IMP GO:0007157 MGI:96603 J:125142 N/A 18078 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibody (clone MK-2) to VCAM-1 (Vcam1 ; MGI:96603) used to inhibit cell adhesion IMP GO:0007157 MGI:98926 J:125142 N/A 18079 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Wnt1-Cre+; c-mycfl/fl Mutant Mice Have Coat Pigmentation Defects IMP GO:0043473 MGI:97250 J:121871 MGI:2178233|MGI:2386570 18080 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:muzzle ; MA:0001910 anatomy:snout ; MA:0001910 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Wnt1-Cre+; c-mycfl/fl Mutant Mice Have Skull Defects IMP GO:0048705 MGI:97250 J:121871 MGI:2178233|MGI:2386570 18081 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Wnt1-Cre+; c-mycfl/fl Mutant Mice Have Middle Ear Ossicle Defects text:malleus is smaller in shape IMP GO:0042474 MGI:97250 J:121871 MGI:2178233|MGI:2386570 18082 1 evidence:Preyer's reflex evidence:auditory brainstem evoked responses (ABR) to sound stimuli anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mutant mice have a conduction-hearing defect IMP GO:0050910 MGI:97250 J:121871 MGI:2178233|MGI:2386570 18083 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:failed to obtain newborn mice IMP GO:0001701 MGI:95610 J:121823 MGI:3665313 18084 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR ; ECO:0000108 anatomy:gastrocnemius ; MA:0002306 cell type: gene product: target:rb1 ; MGI:97874 external ref: text: IMP GO:0000122 MGI:95610 J:121823 MGI:2447635|MGI:3665312 18085 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009650 MGI:95412 J:15422 MGI:2158940 18086 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006289 MGI:95412 J:15422 MGI:2183944 18087 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001302 MGI:95412 J:41161 MGI:2183945 18088 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009650 MGI:95412 J:56965 N/A 18089 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000720 MGI:95412 J:56965 N/A 18090 1 evidence:Echocardiographic analysis evidence:treadmill experiment anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: target: external ref: text:at 9 months of age, femal IMP GO:0060048 MGI:1328787 J:121072 MGI:2679443 18091 2 es, but not males, show larger systolic and diastolic LV internal diameters and decreased fractional shortening, indicating decreased cardiac contractility text:fractional shortening in myocytes IMP GO:0060048 MGI:1328787 J:121072 MGI:2679443 18092 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006974 MGI:95412 J:41161 MGI:2183945 18093 1 evidence:ELISA (data not shown) anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042802 MGI:96721 J:38402 N/A 18094 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:cell adhesion blocked by antibodies to L1cam (clone 324 +355) and to VLA-5 alpha chain (Itga5, clones MFR5 or MHalpha5-3) IMP GO:0033631 MGI:96721 J:125138 N/A 18095 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:cell adhesion blocked by antibodies to L1cam (clone 324 +355) and to VLA-5 alpha chain (Itga5, clones MFR5 or MHalpha5-3) IMP GO:0007157 MGI:96721 J:125138 N/A 18096 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042802 MGI:96721 J:125138 N/A 18097 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:integrintegrin target is VLA-5 IDA GO:0005178 MGI:96721 J:125138 N/A 18098 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|monocyte ; CL:0000576|cell_line:ESb-MP gene product: target: external ref: text:cell adhesion blocked by antibodies to L1cam (clone 324 +355) IMP GO:0007159 MGI:96721 J:125138 N/A 18099 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:platelet ; CL:0000233 gene product: external ref:PMID:15297306|IDA text: ISO GO:0005624 MGI:98280 J:73065 UniProtKB:P16109 18100 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:platelet ; CL:0000233 gene product: external ref:PMID:15297306|IDA text: ISO GO:0031092 MGI:98280 J:73065 UniProtKB:P16109 18101 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibody to P-selectin (Selp, antibody clone RB40.34) used IMP GO:0007157 MGI:98280 J:125138 N/A 18102 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibody to P-selectin (Selp, antibody clone RB40.34) used IMP GO:0007159 MGI:98280 J:125138 N/A 18103 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|monocyte ; CL:0000576|cell_line:ESb-MP gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:125138 N/A 18104 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|monocyte ; CL:0000576|cell_line:ESb-MP gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007159 MGI:88323 J:125138 N/A 18105 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|monocyte ; CL:0000576|cell_line:ESb-MP gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0022409 MGI:88323 J:125138 N/A 18106 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|monocyte ; CL:0000576|cell_line:ESb-MP gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96603 J:125138 N/A 18107 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|monocyte ; CL:0000576|cell_line:ESb-MP gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96605 J:125138 N/A 18108 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|monocyte ; CL:0000576|cell_line:ESb-MP gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96608 J:125138 N/A 18109 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|monocyte ; CL:0000576|cell_line:ESb-MP gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96606 J:125138 N/A 18110 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|monocyte ; CL:0000576|cell_line:ESb-MP gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96607 J:125138 N/A 18111 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibodies to VLA-5 alpha chains (clones MFR5 and MHalpha5-2) used in separate experiments IMP GO:0033631 MGI:96604 J:125138 N/A 18112 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|monocyte ; CL:0000576|cell_line:ESb-MP gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96604 J:125138 N/A 18113 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibodies to VLA-5 alpha chains (clones MFR5 and MHalpha5-2) used in separate experiments IMP GO:0007157 MGI:96604 J:125138 N/A 18114 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibodies to VLA-5 alpha chains (clones MFR5 and MHalpha5-2) used in separate experiments IMP GO:0007159 MGI:96604 J:125138 N/A 18115 1 evidence: anatomy:liver parenchyma ; MA:0000366 cell type:binucleate cell ; CL:0000227|hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048468 MGI:95412 J:62553 MGI:2158940 18116 1 evidence: anatomy:liver parenchyma ; MA:0000366 cell type:binucleate cell ; CL:0000227|hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006949 MGI:95412 J:62553 MGI:2158940 18117 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:male germ cell ; CL:0000015 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007283 MGI:95412 J:80586 MGI:2158940 18118 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:male germ cell ; CL:0000015 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006281 MGI:95412 J:80586 MGI:2158940 18119 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|cell_line:K1735M2 gene product: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Cd24a IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:25743 N/A 18120 1 evidence:in vivo immunization with Cd24a-transfected tumor cells followed by in vitro restimulation and cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002842 MGI:88323 J:25743 N/A 18121 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type:female germ cell ; CL:0000021 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048477 MGI:95412 J:80586 MGI:2158940 18122 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy:MA:0002569 cell type:CL:0000192 gene product:AA546169 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915270 J:116508 N/A 18123 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mutants died soon after birth IMP GO:0009791 MGI:99783 J:123471 MGI:3719681 18124 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:cerebellum in Lhx1/Lhx5 double mutants was small. It lacked the Purkinje cell layer and the foliation. IGI GO:0021549 MGI:107792 J:123471 MGI:99783 18125 1 evidence:immunostaining of calbindin evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS26, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021702 MGI:107792 J:123471 MGI:99783 18126 1 evidence:ECO:0000182 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000192 cell type:CL:0000002|CCL-2 gene product:AA546169 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008629 MGI:1915270 J:116508 N/A 18127 1 evidence:immunostaining of calbindin evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS26, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021702 MGI:99783 J:123471 MGI:107792 18128 1 evidence:x-ray structure anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032558 MGI:1328317 J:121158 N/A 18129 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS26\, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:expression of Gli1, a Shh signalin IGI GO:0007267 MGI:99783 J:123471 MGI:107792 18130 2 g pathway target gene, was missing in the cerebellum of the mutants IGI GO:0007267 MGI:99783 J:123471 MGI:107792 18131 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:cerebellum in Lhx1/Lhx5 double mutants was small. It lacked the Purkinje cell layer and the foliation. IGI GO:0021549 MGI:99783 J:123471 MGI:107792 18132 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS26\, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:expression of Gli1, a Shh signalin IGI GO:0007267 MGI:107792 J:123471 MGI:99783 18133 2 g pathway target gene, was missing in the cerebellum of the mutants IGI GO:0007267 MGI:107792 J:123471 MGI:99783 18134 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS26\, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:expression of Gli1, a Shh signalin IGI GO:0021937 MGI:107792 J:123471 MGI:99783 18135 2 g pathway target gene, was missing in the cerebellum of the mutants IGI GO:0021937 MGI:107792 J:123471 MGI:99783 18136 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization ; ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS26\, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:expression of Gli1, a Shh signalin IGI GO:0021937 MGI:99783 J:123471 MGI:107792 18137 2 g pathway target gene, was missing in the cerebellum of the mutants IGI GO:0021937 MGI:99783 J:123471 MGI:107792 18138 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:cerebellum in mutants was small and lacked the foliation. IMP GO:0021549 MGI:894762 J:123471 MGI:3719683 18139 1 evidence:immunostaining of calbindin evidence:inferred from immunological assay ; ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS26, cerebellum ; EMAP:11736 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021702 MGI:894762 J:123471 MGI:3719683 18140 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006302 MGI:95412 J:91596 MGI:2183944 18141 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051276 MGI:95412 J:91596 MGI:2183944 18142 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045190 MGI:95412 J:92471 MGI:2183944 18143 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text:transduced CD4+ T cells IDA GO:0032753 MGI:95663 J:123632 N/A 18144 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:5480 cell type:CL:0000002|CRL-1951 cell type: CL:0000001|CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007050 MGI:3575512 J:83857 N/A 18145 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:5480 cell type:CL:0000002|CRL-1951 cell type: CL:0000001|CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:3575512 J:83857 N/A 18146 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:5480 cell type:CL:0000002|CRL-1951 cell type: CL:0000001|CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008624 MGI:3575512 J:83857 N/A 18147 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:5480 cell type:CL:0000002|CRL-1951 cell type: CL:0000001|CL:0000134 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008285 MGI:3575512 J:83857 N/A 18148 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:Balb/C CD4+ T cells|T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: target:Gata3;MGI:95663 external ref: text:transduced with Notch1 construct IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97363 J:123632 N/A 18149 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:platelet ; CL:0000233 cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000839 cell type:erythroid progenitor cell ; CL:0000038 cell type:granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: external ref: t IMP GO:0035166 MGI:95412 J:96496 MGI:2183944 18150 2 ext: IMP GO:0035166 MGI:95412 J:96496 MGI:2183944 18151 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000839 cell type:erythroid progenitor cell ; CL:0000038 cell type:granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell ; CL:0000557 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:95412 J:96496 MGI:2183944 18152 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:erythroid progenitor cell ; CL:0000038 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006974 MGI:95412 J:96496 MGI:2183944 18153 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009650 MGI:95412 J:115849 MGI:3692923|MGI:3050065 18154 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 evidence:chromatin immunoprecipitation evidence:inferred from PCR experiment;ECO:0000082 anatomy: cell type:Balb/C CD4+ T cells|T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: target:CSL-binding sites w IDA GO:0043565 MGI:97363 J:123632 N/A 18155 2 ithin the Gata3 gene external ref: text:transduced with Notch1 construct; induced or uninduced IDA GO:0043565 MGI:97363 J:123632 N/A 18156 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 evidence:chromatin immunoprecipitation evidence:inferred from PCR experiment;ECO:0000082 anatomy: cell type:Balb/C CD4+ T cells|T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: target:CSL-binding sites w IDA GO:0003700 MGI:97363 J:123632 N/A 18157 2 ithin the Gata3 gene external ref: text:transduced with Notch1 construct; induced or uninduced IDA GO:0003700 MGI:97363 J:123632 N/A 18158 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type:Balb/C CD4+ T cells|T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: target:CSL-binding sites within the Gata3 gene external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:96522 J:123632 N/A 18159 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 evidence:chromatin immunoprecipitation evidence:inferred from PCR experiment;ECO:0000082 anatomy: cell type:Balb/C CD4+ T cells|T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: target:CSL-binding sites w IDA GO:0031490 MGI:97363 J:123632 N/A 18160 2 ithin the Gata3 gene external ref: text:transduced with Notch1 construct; induced or uninduced IDA GO:0031490 MGI:97363 J:123632 N/A 18161 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006310 MGI:95412 J:72856 MGI:2183944 18162 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006302 MGI:95412 J:72856 MGI:2183944 18163 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006974 MGI:95412 J:72856 MGI:2183944 18164 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11707424|IGI|UniProt:P07903 text: ISO GO:0006310 MGI:95412 J:73065 UniProtKB:P07992 18165 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11707424|IGI|UniProt:P07903 text: ISO GO:0006289 MGI:95412 J:73065 UniProtKB:P07992 18166 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|J774 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:105049 J:98066 N/A 18167 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:1338859 J:112177 MGI:3665297 18168 1 evidence: anatomy:inner renal medulla collecting duct ; MA:0002598 anatomy:outer renal medulla collecting duct ; MA:0002599 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:principal cell IDA GO:0045177 MGI:1338859 J:122385 N/A 18169 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,outflow tract ; EMAP:6425 anatomy:TS23\, heart ; EMAP:7907 anatomy:TS24\,heart ; EMAP:8764 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mutant embryos had both OFTs originating completely from the right ventricle IGI GO:0007507 MGI:97168 J:124119 MGI:97169 18170 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,outflow tract ; EMAP:6425 anatomy:TS23\, heart ; EMAP:7907 anatomy:TS24\,heart ; EMAP:8764 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mutant embryos had both OFTs originating completely from the right ventricle IGI GO:0007507 MGI:97169 J:124119 MGI:97168 18171 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_033890 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:109326 J:86816 N/A 18172 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: target: external ref:NCBI:NP_033891 text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1332659 J:86816 N/A 18173 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_033873 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88139 J:86816 N/A 18174 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_033905 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88222 J:86816 N/A 18175 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_033867 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1276534 J:86816 N/A 18176 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031559 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107701 J:86816 N/A 18177 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_033869 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1276121 J:86816 N/A 18178 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_473435 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2152200 J:86816 N/A 18179 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_033943 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1309468 J:86816 N/A 18180 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031634 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:101946 J:86816 N/A 18181 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_031647 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107200 J:86816 N/A 18182 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031786 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:109501 J:86816 N/A 18183 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_038523 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1098296 J:86816 N/A 18184 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034078 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1098297 J:86816 N/A 18185 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034079 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:109176 J:86816 N/A 18186 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_035932 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1346017 J:86816 N/A 18187 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_059089 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1858213 J:86816 N/A 18188 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_033934 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88271 J:86816 N/A 18189 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031824 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88561 J:86816 N/A 18190 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034113 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88562 J:86816 N/A 18191 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034036 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1336194 J:86816 N/A 18192 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_038913 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1352754 J:86816 N/A 18193 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080720 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88529 J:86816 N/A 18194 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031599 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1194505 J:86816 N/A 18195 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_031783 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:104841 J:86816 N/A 18196 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_067248 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88407 J:86816 N/A 18197 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034027 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:99441 J:86816 N/A 18198 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:AAA40121 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:98351 J:86816 N/A 18199 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_031832 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1316658 J:86816 N/A 18200 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_031833 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88574 J:86816 N/A 18201 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080073 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1926952 J:86816 N/A 18202 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_444321 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2135755 J:86816 N/A 18203 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_033213 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:106015 J:86816 N/A 18204 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079655 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913392 J:86816 N/A 18205 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034071 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88473 J:86816 N/A 18206 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031773 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88474 J:86816 N/A 18207 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034072 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88475 J:86816 N/A 18208 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mutant pups did not survive to term due to cleft palate IMP GO:0001701 MGI:97168 J:124119 MGI:1926386 18209 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:platelet ; CL:0000233 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98941 J:125139 N/A 18210 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:platelet ; CL:0000233 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98280 J:125139 N/A 18211 1 evidence:flow cytometry following neuroaminidase or endoglycosidase F traeatment of target Cd24a-coasted beads anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:flow cytometry used to detect binding of mouse P-selectin-Ig to Cd24a (U IDA GO:0001948 MGI:98280 J:125139 N/A 18212 2 niProt:P24807) coated beads. IDA GO:0001948 MGI:98280 J:125139 N/A 18213 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibodies (affinity purified polyclonal) to P-selectin used IMP GO:0007157 MGI:98280 J:125139 N/A 18214 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibodies (affinity purified polyclonal) to P-selectin used IMP GO:0007159 MGI:98280 J:125139 N/A 18215 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:flow cytometry used to detect binding of mouse P-selectin-Ig to Cd24a (UniProt:P24807) coated beads. IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98280 J:125139 UniProtKB:P24807 18216 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007157 MGI:88323 J:125139 N/A 18217 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007159 MGI:88323 J:125139 N/A 18218 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibody to Itga4 (clone 5/3) used IMP GO:0007159 MGI:96603 J:125139 N/A 18219 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibody to VCAM-1 (clone MK2.7) used IMP GO:0007159 MGI:98926 J:125139 N/A 18220 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibody to ICAM-1 (clone YN.1/1.7) used IMP GO:0007159 MGI:96392 J:125139 N/A 18221 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibody to LFA-1 alpha chain (clone FD18.5) used IMP GO:0007159 MGI:96606 J:125139 N/A 18222 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibody to Mac-1 alpha chain (clone M1/ used IMP GO:0007159 MGI:96607 J:125139 N/A 18223 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7929101|IGI|MGI:95820|MGI:95822 text: ISO GO:0004972 MGI:95819 J:20537 UniProtKB:P35439 18224 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|CRL-1951 gene product:EMBL:AY338955 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1932575 J:87330 N/A 18225 1 evidence:ECO:0000182 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|CRL-1951 gene product:EMBL:AY338955 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:1932575 J:87330 N/A 18226 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:adult mouse IMP GO:0060079 MGI:95820 J:86846 MGI:1928287 18227 1 evidence:antagonist anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:95820 J:114728 N/A 18228 1 evidence:antagonist anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060078 MGI:95820 J:114728 N/A 18229 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0002501; plasma cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008203 MGI:88055 J:72320 MGI:1857128 18230 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0002501; plasma cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006641 MGI:88055 J:72320 MGI:1857128 18231 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019433 MGI:88055 J:72320 MGI:1857128 18232 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000237 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032474 MGI:2178598 J:5145 MGI:1856106 18233 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:splanchnic and somatic mesoderm cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Msx1 or Msx2 is required for the survival of a subpopulation of SHF precursors that are ultimately IGI GO:0043066 MGI:97168 J:124119 MGI:1926386 18234 2 incorporated into the myocardium of the OFT but not of the right ventricle text:anti-Pitx2 and anti-cleaved Caspase 3 antibodies IGI GO:0043066 MGI:97168 J:124119 MGI:1926386 18235 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:splanchnic and somatic mesoderm cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Msx1 or Msx2 is required for the survival of a subpopulation of SHF precursors that are ultimately IGI GO:0043066 MGI:97169 J:124119 MGI:97168 18236 2 incorporated into the myocardium of the OFT but not of the right ventricle text:anti-Pitx2 and anti-cleaved Caspase 3 antibodies IGI GO:0043066 MGI:97169 J:124119 MGI:97168 18237 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS15\,heart ; EMAP:1317 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0003007 MGI:97168 J:124119 MGI:1926386 18238 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS15\,heart ; EMAP:1317 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:shortened outflow tract IGI GO:0003007 MGI:97169 J:124119 MGI:97168 18239 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042596 MGI:95821 J:114728 N/A 18240 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007613 MGI:95821 J:114728 N/A 18241 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:95821 J:114728 N/A 18242 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060078 MGI:95821 J:114728 N/A 18243 1 evidence: anatomy:heart cell type:neural crest cells gene product: target: external ref: text:between E10.0 and E12.0 Msx1 and Msx2 negatively regulate cell proliferation in the septating OFT, and this effect is predominantly on the cardiac neu IGI GO:0008285 MGI:97168 J:124119 MGI:1926386 18244 2 ral crest. IGI GO:0008285 MGI:97168 J:124119 MGI:1926386 18245 1 evidence: anatomy:heart cell type:neural crest cells gene product: target: external ref: text:between E10.0 and E12.0 Msx1 and Msx2 negatively regulate cell proliferation in the septating OFT, and this effect is predominantly on the cardiac neu IGI GO:0008285 MGI:97169 J:124119 MGI:97168 18246 2 ral crest. IGI GO:0008285 MGI:97169 J:124119 MGI:97168 18247 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Grin2a,Grin2b IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95819 J:37859 UniProtKB:P35436|UniProtKB:Q01097 18248 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Grin2b,Grin2c IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95819 J:33060 UniProtKB:Q01097|UniProtKB:Q01098 18249 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Grin2b IPI GO:0035254 MGI:99694 J:119025 UniProtKB:Q01097 18250 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Grin2b IPI GO:0035254 MGI:97615 J:119025 UniProtKB:Q01097 18251 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Grin2b IPI GO:0035254 MGI:88256 J:119025 UniProtKB:Q01097 18252 1 evidence:antagonist BTX anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006897 MGI:99779 J:101438 N/A 18253 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000154 anatomy:MA:0000263 anatomy:MA:0000276 cell type:CL:0000148 cell type:CL:0000066 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032438 MGI:107448 J:106442 MGI:3620573 18254 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031774 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:103099 J:86816 N/A 18255 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034073 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:104649 J:86816 N/A 18256 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079904 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107460 J:86816 N/A 18257 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_444301 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:104614 J:86816 N/A 18258 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034074 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1316714 J:86816 N/A 18259 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034075 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1316715 J:86816 N/A 18260 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031775 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:103226 J:86816 N/A 18261 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_031776 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:105959 J:86816 N/A 18262 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_031777 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:105958 J:86816 N/A 18263 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031834 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88578 J:86816 N/A 18264 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079843 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913695 J:86816 N/A 18265 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:XP_125908 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1098274 J:86816 N/A 18266 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_062753 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88582 J:86816 N/A 18267 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:UNIPROT:P15539|NCIB:NP_034121 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88584 J:86816 N/A 18268 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031835 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88586 J:86816 N/A 18269 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_034126 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88593 J:86816 N/A 18270 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_077226 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88594 J:86816 N/A 18271 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_034070 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107207 J:86816 N/A 18272 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_038792 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1351602 J:86816 N/A 18273 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_076084 target: external ref: text:UniProt:In humans, P33316-2 is apparently nuclear and P33 IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1346051 J:86816 N/A 18274 2 316-1 is mitochondrial. (SP record for P33316)) IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1346051 J:86816 N/A 18275 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031856 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:94865 J:86816 N/A 18276 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NP_034152 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:105386 J:86816 N/A 18277 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NP_031887 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107450 J:86816 N/A 18278 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_663589 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2385311 J:86816 N/A 18279 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_064430 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1928378 J:86816 N/A 18280 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034085 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1349763 J:86816 N/A 18281 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_083048 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1921379 J:86816 N/A 18282 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_075721 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913843 J:86816 N/A 18283 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_081846 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:106428 J:86816 N/A 18284 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_598768 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1261855 J:86816 N/A 18285 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_613067 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1351861 J:86816 N/A 18286 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_081052 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:106354 J:86816 N/A 18287 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_613065 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:106295 J:86816 N/A 18288 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_149071 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:94203 J:86816 N/A 18289 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034153 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:94871 J:86816 N/A 18290 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NP_663590 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:106092 J:86816 N/A 18291 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080070 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:106100 J:86816 N/A 18292 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NP_031957 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1261433 J:86816 N/A 18293 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_058052 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1858208 J:86816 N/A 18294 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_444349 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2136460 J:86816 N/A 18295 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_038571 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:95911 J:86816 N/A 18296 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_077128 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1261428 J:86816 N/A 18297 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032731 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:97356 J:86816 N/A 18298 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_062705 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1931148 J:86816 N/A 18299 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:Protein_id:AAH31544 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1919129 J:86816 N/A 18300 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032007 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:102797 J:86816 N/A 18301 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032022 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:103224 J:86816 N/A 18302 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032023 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:104724 J:86816 N/A 18303 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_080562 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914884 J:86816 N/A 18304 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_032024 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:95513 J:86816 N/A 18305 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCIB:NP_034366 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:95576 J:86816 N/A 18306 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_062375 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1315196 J:86816 N/A 18307 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032070 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1096879 J:86816 N/A 18308 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034339 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:95530 J:86816 N/A 18309 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_613057 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107339 J:86816 N/A 18310 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_075801 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005743 MGI:1914434 J:100953 N/A 18311 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032121 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1278343 J:86816 N/A 18312 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_034422 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1270854 J:86816 N/A 18313 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032159 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:95753 J:86816 N/A 18314 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCIB:NP_034455 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:95792 J:86816 N/A 18315 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032157 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:95739 J:86816 N/A 18316 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032103 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:95632 J:86816 N/A 18317 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032123 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:104541 J:86816 N/A 18318 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032186 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:104887 J:86816 N/A 18319 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032188 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:104767 J:86816 N/A 18320 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_034474 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:95804 J:86816 N/A 18321 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_083831 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1923513 J:86816 N/A 18322 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034493 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1341859 J:86816 N/A 18323 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032110 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:95640 J:86816 N/A 18324 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_032220 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:106594 J:86816 N/A 18325 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_032175 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:109162 J:86816 N/A 18326 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034404 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:99778 J:86816 N/A 18327 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080237 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914342 J:86816 N/A 18328 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_038875 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1349389 J:86816 N/A 18329 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034429 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:95762 J:86816 N/A 18330 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032201 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:95832 J:86816 N/A 18331 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_075527 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107757 J:86816 N/A 18332 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_077798 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1334417 J:86816 N/A 18333 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_067271 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1334416 J:86816 N/A 18334 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:AAC64399 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1306824 J:86816 N/A 18335 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032329 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:104680 J:86816 N/A 18336 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034607 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:96242 J:86816 N/A 18337 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_0323284 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:96247 J:86816 N/A 18338 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034611 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:96245 J:86816 N/A 18339 1 evidence:IB; CL:0000182 IDA GO:0005739 MGI:96245 J:85083 N/A 18340 2 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:96245 J:85083 N/A 18341 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_038574 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1333880 J:86816 N/A 18342 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_034568 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:96103 J:86816 N/A 18343 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_631884 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:894646 J:8616 N/A 18344 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene productNCBI:NP_032248: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:106911 J:86816 N/A 18345 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_035956 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1346319 J:86816 N/A 18346 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_075643 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913321 J:86816 N/A 18347 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_058043 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1333871 J:86816 N/A 18348 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_663533 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2136381 J:86816 N/A 18349 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_849209 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2135593 J:86816 N/A 18350 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032318 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:105089 J:86816 N/A 18351 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032320 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:96236 J:86816 N/A 18352 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080894 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1098757 J:86816 N/A 18353 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_083949 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1923864 J:86816 N/A 18354 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_666253 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1922026 J:86816 N/A 18355 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_766599 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:96414 J:86816 N/A 18356 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_083849 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915084 J:86816 N/A 18357 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:TS17\,outflow tract;EMAP:2448 anatomy:TS19\,outflow tract;EMAP:2448 cell type: gene product: target:Bmp2;MGI:88177 target:Bmp4;MGI:88180 target:Smad1;MGI:109452 target:Smad5;MGI:1328 IGI GO:0030509 MGI:97168 J:124119 MGI:1926386 18358 2 787 target:Smad8;MGI:1859993 external ref: text: IGI GO:0030509 MGI:97168 J:124119 MGI:1926386 18359 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032349 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1099463 J:86816 N/A 18360 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:TS17\,outflow tract;EMAP:2448 anatomy:TS19\,outflow tract;EMAP:2448 cell type: gene product: target:Bmp2;MGI:88177 target:Bmp4;MGI:88180 target:Smad1;MGI:109452 target:Smad5;MGI:1328 IGI GO:0030509 MGI:97169 J:124119 MGI:97168 18361 2 787 target:Smad8;MGI:1859993 external ref: text: IGI GO:0030509 MGI:97169 J:124119 MGI:97168 18362 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_570954 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2158650 J:86816 N/A 18363 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_062800 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1929242 J:86816 N/A 18364 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_083826 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1928492 J:86816 N/A 18365 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_598570 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2138151 J:86816 N/A 18366 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_035964 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1345167 J:86816 N/A 18367 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032238 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:96009 J:86816 N/A 18368 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_663356 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2442551 J:86816 N/A 18369 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_109642 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1933395 J:86816 N/A 18370 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_077754 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914238 J:86816 N/A 18371 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_062668 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1932557 J:86816 N/A 18372 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_082509 target: external ref: text: 1392 AA IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1919666 J:86816 N/A 18373 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_694808 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2142973 J:86816 N/A 18374 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_077791 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1934604 J:86816 N/A 18375 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032539 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1278315 J:86816 N/A 18376 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079628 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107807 J:86816 N/A 18377 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,embryo;EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:The majority of animals homozygous for L5Jcs1 survived to approximately embryonic day 18.5 (E18.5), but either were born dead or survived until 1 day IMP GO:0001701 MGI:2683537 J:125425 MGI:1857317 18378 2 postpartum. IMP GO:0001701 MGI:2683537 J:125425 MGI:1857317 18379 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,embryo;EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:The majority of animals homozygous for L5Jcs1 survived to approximately embryonic day 18.5 (E18.5), but either were born dead or survived until 1 day IMP GO:0009791 MGI:2683537 J:125425 MGI:1857317 18380 2 postpartum. IMP GO:0009791 MGI:2683537 J:125425 MGI:1857317 18381 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS26\,skeleton;EMAP:12043 anatomy:vertebral column midsection cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:skeletons from mutant mice exhibited posterior-to-anterior transforma IMP GO:0048706 MGI:2683537 J:125425 MGI:1857317 18382 2 tions IMP GO:0048706 MGI:2683537 J:125425 MGI:1857317 18383 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:died before 7 days of age IMP GO:0009791 MGI:97369 J:122924 MGI:2388899 18384 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:changes in organ weight IMP GO:0048513 MGI:97369 J:122924 MGI:2388899 18385 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:remarkable changes in body size IMP GO:0040014 MGI:97369 J:122924 MGI:2388899 18386 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128 gene product: target: external ref: text:infection with RNAi IMP GO:0048715 MGI:1915522 J:99078 N/A 18387 1 evidence:knock-out evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy:ventral midbrain anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207 cell type:dopaminergic neuron;CL:0000700|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref IMP GO:0021954 MGI:1915522 J:124946 MGI:3623893 18388 2 : text:Enhanced Survival and Function ofdopaminergic neurons in Mouse Model of Parkinson Disease by Elimination of LINGO-1. IMP GO:0021954 MGI:1915522 J:124946 MGI:3623893 18389 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type:dopaminergic neuron;CL:0000700|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 celltype:tyrosine hydroxylase neuron gene product: target: external ref: text:Neurite Outgrowth a IDA GO:0031175 MGI:1915522 J:124946 N/A 18390 2 nd Survival of dopaminergic neurons in Vitro text:transduced with lentivirus (non-full length Lingo1) text:cultured dopaminergic neurons IDA GO:0031175 MGI:1915522 J:124946 N/A 18391 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207 cell type:dopaminergic neuron;CL:0000700|primary cell line c IDA GO:0043491 MGI:1915522 J:124946 N/A 18392 2 ell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:A significant increase in p-Akt was observed in primary ventral midbrain cultures after DN-LINGO-1 (non-full length Lingo1) transduction IDA GO:0043491 MGI:1915522 J:124946 N/A 18393 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 evidence:inhibition by antibodies evidence:DAPI-stain evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207 cell type:dopaminergic neuron;CL:0000700|primary cell line c IDA GO:0021954 MGI:1915522 J:124946 N/A 18394 2 ell;CL:0000001 cell type:tyrosine hydroxylase neurons gene product: target: external ref: text:antibody-treated ventral midbrain cultures contained a relatively larger number of TH neurons IDA GO:0021954 MGI:1915522 J:124946 N/A 18395 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005154 MGI:1915522 J:124946 UniProtKB:Q01279 18396 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: target:Lingo1 external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95294 J:124946 NCBI:NP_851419 18397 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay;ECO:0000182 anatomy:forelimb;MA:0000025 anatomy:forelimb bud cell type:mesenchymal cell;CL:0000134|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:micromass culture text:E IDA GO:0002062 MGI:2684993 J:125386 N/A 18398 2 xogenous Cytl1 or lentivurus-encoded Cytl1 IDA GO:0002062 MGI:2684993 J:125386 N/A 18399 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay;ECO:0000182 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy:forelimb;MA:0000025 anatomy:forelimb bud cell type:mesenchymal cell;CL:0000134|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: qualifi IDA GO:0016563 MGI:2684993 J:125386 N/A 18400 2 er: target: external ref: text:Exogenous Cytl1 did not affect the Sox9 protein level but enhanced its transcriptional activity IDA GO:0016563 MGI:2684993 J:125386 N/A 18401 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay;ECO:0000182 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy:forelimb;MA:0000025 anatomy:forelimb bud cell type:mesenchymal cell;CL:0000134|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: qualifi IDA GO:0051091 MGI:2684993 J:125386 N/A 18402 2 er: target: external ref: text:Exogenous Cytl1 did not affect the Sox9 protein level but enhanced its transcriptional activity IDA GO:0051091 MGI:2684993 J:125386 N/A 18403 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay;ECO:0000182 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy:forelimb;MA:0000025 anatomy:forelimb bud cell type:mesenchymal cell;CL:0000134|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: qualifi IDA GO:0045944 MGI:98371 J:125386 N/A 18404 2 er: target: external ref: text:A reporter gene containing the 48-bp Sox9-binding site in the first intron of human COL2A1 IDA GO:0045944 MGI:98371 J:125386 N/A 18405 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay;ECO:0000182 anatomy:forelimb;MA:0000025 anatomy:forelimb bud cell type:mesenchymal cell;CL:0000134|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:micromass culture text:E IDA GO:0050650 MGI:2684993 J:125386 N/A 18406 2 xogenous Cytl1 IDA GO:0050650 MGI:2684993 J:125386 N/A 18407 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy:forelimb;MA:0000025 anatomy:forelimb bud cell type:mesenchymal cell;CL:0000134|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target:collagen IIB ex IDA GO:0045944 MGI:96432 J:125386 N/A 18408 2 ternal ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:96432 J:125386 N/A 18409 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay;ECO:0000182 anatomy:forelimb;MA:0000025 anatomy:forelimb bud cell type:mesenchymal cell;CL:0000134|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:micromass culture text:E IDA GO:0050650 MGI:96432 J:125386 N/A 18410 2 xogenous Igf1 IDA GO:0050650 MGI:96432 J:125386 N/A 18411 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay;ECO:0000182 inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy:forelimb;MA:0000025 anatomy:forelimb bud cell type:mesenchymal cell;CL:0000134|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: qualifie IDA GO:0051216 MGI:1346859 J:125386 N/A 18412 2 r: target: external ref: text:micromass culture text:chondrogenesis is enhanced by the inhibition of Mapk3 IDA GO:0051216 MGI:1346859 J:125386 N/A 18413 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay;ECO:0000182 inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy:forelimb;MA:0000025 anatomy:forelimb bud cell type:mesenchymal cell;CL:0000134|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: qualifie IDA GO:0002062 MGI:1346865 J:125386 N/A 18414 2 r: target: external ref: text:micromass culture text:differentiation is blocked by the inhibition of Mapk14 IDA GO:0002062 MGI:1346865 J:125386 N/A 18415 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay;ECO:0000182 inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy:forelimb;MA:0000025 anatomy:forelimb bud cell type:mesenchymal cell;CL:0000134|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: qualifie IDA GO:0002062 MGI:97595 J:125386 N/A 18416 2 r: target: external ref: text:micromass culture text:differentiation is blocked by the inhibition of Prkca IDA GO:0002062 MGI:97595 J:125386 N/A 18417 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy:forelimb;MA:0000025 anatomy:forelimb bud cell type:mesenchymal cell;CL:0000134|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target:collagen IIB ta IDA GO:0045944 MGI:2684993 J:125386 N/A 18418 2 rget:Cytl1;MGI:2684993 target:Igf1;MGI:96432 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:2684993 J:125386 N/A 18419 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:homozygous pups die shortly after birth probably from a failure to feed IMP GO:0009791 MGI:107636 J:92442 MGI:3053098 18420 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mutant mice were 20% less sensitive to noxious thermal stimulation than controls IMP GO:0048266 MGI:107636 J:92442 MGI:3053098 18421 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:inflammatory pain responses evoked by a range of stimuli, such as formalin, carrageenan, complete Freund's adjuvant, or nerve growth factor, were reduced or abolished IMP GO:0006954 MGI:107636 J:92442 MGI:3053098 18422 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Deficits in Hippocampal-Dependent Learning. text:significantly less contextdependent memory than the adult CTL mice IMP GO:0007611 MGI:88145 J:91563 MGI:2176750 18423 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mice were hyperactive compared with their littermate controls IMP GO:0007610 MGI:88145 J:91563 MGI:2176750 18424 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:virtually complete absence of context-dependent fear conditioning compared with littermate controls IMP GO:0042596 MGI:88145 J:91563 MGI:2176750 18425 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Altered Response to Desipramine. IMP GO:0042493 MGI:88145 J:91563 MGI:2176750 18426 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:small intestine villus;MA:0001563 anatomy:crypt and villus epithelium cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:increased apoptosis IMP GO:0006915 MGI:88276 J:92092 MGI:2148567 18427 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:small intestine villus;MA:0001563 anatomy:villus epithelium cell type:goblet cell;CL:0000160 gene product: target: external ref: text:reduced numbers of secretory cells text:goblet cell differentiation IMP GO:0030154 MGI:88276 J:92092 MGI:2148567 18428 1 evidence: anatomy:gastrointestinal system epithelium;MA:0001520 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:required for the maintenance of intestinal cell proliferation IMP GO:0008283 MGI:88276 J:92092 MGI:2148567 18429 1 evidence: anatomy:anatomy:gastrointestinal system epithelium;MA:0001520 cell type:enterocyte;CL:0000584|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:enterocyte-matrix attachment. IMP GO:0007160 MGI:88276 J:92092 MGI:2148567 18430 1 evidence:histology;stained small intestine anatomy:small intestine;MA:0000337 anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:cryptopatches cell type:isolated lymphoid follicles gene product: target: external ref: text:cryptopatches and isolated lymphoid f IMP GO:0048537 MGI:104856 J:91566 MGI:3026635 18431 2 ollicles were absent IMP GO:0048537 MGI:104856 J:91566 MGI:3026635 18432 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine;MA:0000337 cell type:mature alpha-beta T cell;CL:0000791|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:reduction of CD4minus8minus (DN), CD4plus, CD8alpha-beta-plus, CD8alpha-alpha- IMP GO:0046632 MGI:104856 J:91566 MGI:3026635 18433 2 plus cells IMP GO:0046632 MGI:104856 J:91566 MGI:3026635 18434 1 evidence:propidium iodide (PI) staining of fresh thymocytes anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:double-positive, alpha-beta immature T cell;CL:0000809 gene product: target: external ref: text:DP thymocytes progress prematurely into the cell cyc IMP GO:0033077 MGI:104856 J:91566 MGI:3026635 18435 2 le IMP GO:0033077 MGI:104856 J:91566 MGI:3026635 18436 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:minority of pups survived the early postnatal period, and none of them survived to adulthood IMP GO:0009791 MGI:95776 J:92771 MGI:2151661 18437 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:no nest building, gathering of pups to the nest, or crouching IMP GO:0007610 MGI:95776 J:92771 MGI:2151661 18438 1 evidence:c-fos immunohistochemistry anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:c-fos induction was strongly impaired in the medial preoptic area IMP GO:0021884 MGI:95776 J:92771 MGI:2151661 18439 1 evidence:marker immunostaining anatomy:MA:0000198 cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050771 MGI:95481 J:93215 MGI:1857596 18440 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell;CL:0000121|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:density of synapses increased in mutants IMP GO:0051964 MGI:95481 J:93215 MGI:1857596 18441 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text:marked increase in the number of complex synapses formed by Purkinije cells IMP GO:0051964 MGI:95481 J:93215 MGI:1857596 18442 1 evidence:marker immunostaining anatomy:MA:0000198 cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000121 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 evidence: culture assay anatomy:MA:0000198 cell type:CL:0000001|CL:00 IMP GO:0021955 MGI:95481 J:93215 MGI:1857596 18443 2 00121 gene product: target: external ref: text:increased number of branchpoints evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 evidence: culture assay anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type:CL:0000117|CL:000 IMP GO:0021955 MGI:95481 J:93215 MGI:1857596 18444 3 0001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021955 MGI:95481 J:93215 MGI:1857596 18445 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000191 cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000540 gene product: target: external ref: text:rgnef delta1292-1301 mutant transfected IMP GO:0021955 MGI:1346016 J:93215 N/A 18446 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:resistant to CD95-, and staurosporine-induced cell death IMP GO:0001783 MGI:97250 J:115648 MGI:1931143 18447 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:resistant to CD95-, and staurosporine-induced cell death IMP GO:0043279 MGI:97250 J:115648 MGI:1931143 18448 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: Parp1;MGI:1340806 external ref: text:decreased PARP protein processing when compared with controls. IMP GO:0016485 MGI:97250 J:115648 MGI:1931143 18449 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:serum leptin levels mutant mice were significantly increased IMP GO:0042445 MGI:99511 J:94738 MGI:3522021 18450 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:serum triglyceride levels were significantly higher in mutants, with nearly 20% more in both males and females IMP GO:0006641 MGI:99511 J:94738 MGI:3522021 18451 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:hypothalamus;MA:0000173 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:ObRb was coimmunoprecipitated with Shp2 in hypothalamic lysates IPI GO:0051428 MGI:99511 J:94738 UniProtKB:P48356 18452 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:hypothalamus;MA:0000173 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:ObRb was coimmunoprecipitated with Shp2 in hypothalamic lysates IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104993 J:94738 UniProtKB:P35235 18453 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:hypothalamus;MA:0000173 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:ObRb was coimmunoprecipitated with Shp2 in hypothalamic lysates after i.p. injection of leptin IDA GO:0009755 MGI:99511 J:94738 N/A 18454 1 evidence:immunohistochemical staining anatomy:hypothalamus;MA:0000173 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:leptin-induced phospho-Erk signals in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) of hypothalamus were dramatically reduced IMP GO:0009967 MGI:99511 J:94738 MGI:3522021 18455 1 evidence:blood glucose levels anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042593 MGI:99511 J:94738 MGI:3522021 18456 1 evidence:serum insulin levels anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:hyperinsulinemia was detected in mutant mice IMP GO:0046676 MGI:99511 J:94738 MGI:3522021 18457 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:liver size in male mutants was significantly increased IMP GO:0035265 MGI:99511 J:94738 MGI:3522021 18458 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte;CL:0000182|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:triglycerides were secreted from hepatocytes but were abnormally accumulated in the liver IMP GO:0006629 MGI:99511 J:94738 MGI:3522021 18459 1 evidence:serum cortisol anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:hypersecretion of glucocorticoids such as cortisol IMP GO:0051463 MGI:99511 J:94738 MGI:3522021 18460 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:hypersecretion of GH IMP GO:0060125 MGI:99511 J:94738 MGI:3522021 18461 1 evidence:serum corticosterone and thyroid-stimulating hormone levels anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:hypersecretion of glucocorticoids such as corticosterone text:had higher serum levels of thyroid-stimulating hormo IMP GO:0046888 MGI:99511 J:94738 MGI:3522021 18462 2 ne levels IMP GO:0046888 MGI:99511 J:94738 MGI:3522021 18463 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:modestly decreased serum triiodothyronine and significantly lower thyroxine levels IMP GO:0046887 MGI:99511 J:94738 MGI:3522021 18464 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:severe impairment in reproduction IMP GO:0048609 MGI:99511 J:94738 MGI:3522021 18465 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:early-onset obesity and accelerated increase of body weight in both males and females text:increased linear growth, expressed as IMP GO:0040014 MGI:99511 J:94738 MGI:3522021 18466 2 the snout-anus length IMP GO:0040014 MGI:99511 J:94738 MGI:3522021 18467 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_598427 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107851 J:86816 N/A 18468 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_076226 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1277964 J:86816 N/A 18469 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032892 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1344588 J:86816 N/A 18470 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032643 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:97050 J:86816 N/A 18471 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Mafg IDA GO:0003677 MGI:108420 J:85958 N/A 18472 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:000007 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_663469 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2147351 J:86816 N/A 18473 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_064350 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1928485 J:86816 N/A 18474 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_034969 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:102699 J:86816 N/A 18475 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_038632 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:103025 J:86816 N/A 18476 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_058084 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1859652 J:86816 N/A 18477 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_076133 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1919289 J:86816 N/A 18478 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_032664 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1338850 J:86816 N/A 18479 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_032676 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:97239 J:86816 N/A 18480 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_064330 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913850 J:86816 N/A 18481 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_079581 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1354367 J:86816 N/A 18482 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_598949 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2159605 J:86816 N/A 18483 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_080812 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915305 J:86816 N/A 18484 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_081712 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1917728 J:86816 N/A 18485 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_067511 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1926078 J:86816 N/A 18486 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_444391 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2137224 J:86816 N/A 18487 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_444389 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2137204 J:86816 N/A 18488 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080072 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2137225 J:86816 N/A 18489 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_444392 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2137227 J:86816 N/A 18490 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_059100 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1351620 J:86816 N/A 18491 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080522 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:108180 J:86816 N/A 18492 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_848718 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107329 J:86816 N/A 18493 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_084392 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2137211 J:86816 N/A 18494 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_080774 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915244 J:86816 N/A 18495 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_036015 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1346333 J:86816 N/A 18496 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079750 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1928141 J:86816 N/A 18497 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_079820 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913657 J:86816 N/A 18498 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:newborn pups were unable to nurse and died within 6?8 h after birth. text:mice were born with subcutaneous edema IMP GO:0009791 MGI:95777 J:106979 MGI:3043361 18499 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mice were born with subcutaneous edema IMP GO:0040032 MGI:95777 J:106979 MGI:3043361 18500 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:newborn mice had skeletal abnormalities, including small skulls with shortened craniofacial diameter and short limbs IMP GO:0001501 MGI:95777 J:106979 MGI:3043361 18501 1 evidence:ECO:0000176 anatomy:palate;MA:0002476 anatomy:MA:0001491 anatomy:MA:0001487 anatomy:zygomatic arch cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mice showed hypoplastic craniofacial bones, particularly in the anterior components IMP GO:0048701 MGI:95777 J:106979 MGI:3043361 18502 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,EMAP:10796 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:premature occurrence of endochondral ossification of the cartilage IMP GO:0051216 MGI:95777 J:106979 MGI:3043361 18503 1 evidence:Masson-Trichrome staining anatomy:primary spongiosa cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:endochondral ossification were limited to primary spongiosa formation IMP GO:0001958 MGI:95777 J:106979 MGI:3043361 18504 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24\,EMAP:12912 anatomy:newborn;tibia anatomy:MA:0001461;P0.5 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:significant decrease in length of tibia text:shortening of femur morphology text:increased cortical bone thi IMP GO:0035116 MGI:95777 J:106979 MGI:3043361 18505 2 ckness IMP GO:0035116 MGI:95777 J:106979 MGI:3043361 18506 1 evidence:expression of osteoblast differention markers anatomy:skull cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:inhibition of osteoblast maturation and bone forming ability. IMP GO:0045669 MGI:95777 J:106979 MGI:3043361 18507 1 evidence:expression of osteoclast differention markers anatomy:skull cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mutants show reduced expression of osteoclast differentiation markers IMP GO:0045672 MGI:95777 J:106979 MGI:3043361 18508 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mice died in utero between E12.5 and E13.5 IMP GO:0001701 MGI:99852 J:125796 MGI:3043614 18509 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,central nervous system ; EMAP:4125 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:hemorrhage in the central nervous system IMP GO:0007417 MGI:99852 J:125796 MGI:3043614 18510 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,liver;EMAP:2547 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:lack of Runx1+ progenitors in the center of the fetal liver text:pale livers IMP GO:0001889 MGI:99852 J:125796 MGI:3043614 18511 1 evidence:Colony-forming assays anatomy:embryonic yolk sac anatomy:fetal liver anatomy:embryonic dorsal aorta cell type:endothelial cells gene product: target: external ref: text:reduction of hematopoietic progenitors IMP GO:0035162 MGI:99852 J:125796 MGI:3043614 18512 1 evidence:antagonist FK506 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050804 MGI:107164 J:96807 N/A 18513 1 evidence:antagonist anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048167 MGI:95821 J:107683 N/A 18514 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Myl7 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95819 J:95556 UniProtKB:Q9QVP4 18515 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mouse Grin2a, rat Grin2b,2c,2d, rat Grin1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1277959 J:48437 UniProtKB:P35436|UniProtKB:Q00960|UniProtKB:Q00961|UniProtKB:Q62645|UniProtKB:P35439 18516 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Kcnj10,Kcn15,Grin2a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1277960 J:48437 UniProtKB:Q9JM63|UniProtKB:O88932|UniProtKB:P35436 18517 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Inadl IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1194504 J:48437 UniProtKB:Q63ZW7 18518 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Inadl IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1310000 J:48437 UniProtKB:Q63ZW7 18519 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:95821 J:85901 N/A 18520 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045471 MGI:95821 J:85901 N/A 18521 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Grin1,Grin2a,Grin2b,Dlg4,Myh10 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107495 J:95556 UniProtKB:P35438|UniProtKB:P35436|UniProtKB:Q01097|UniProtKB:Q62108|UniProtKB:Q61879 18522 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Myl7 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1930780 J:95556 UniProtKB:Q9QVP4 18523 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Myl7 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1277959 J:95556 UniProtKB:Q9QVP4 18524 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 ; enzyme assay anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|CCL-92 ; 3T3 gene product:EMBL:AF288783 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005977 MGI:97829 J:126098 N/A 18525 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 ; enzyme assay anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|CCL-92 ; 3T3 gene product:EMBL:AF288783 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008184 MGI:97829 J:126098 N/A 18526 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 ; enzyme assay evidence:ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|CCL-92 ; 3T3 gene product:EMBL:AF288783 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:97829 J:126098 N/A 18527 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16879805|IDA text: ISO GO:0030424 MGI:97828 J:73065 NCBI:NM_013188 18528 1 evidence:EC:0000004|ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|murine myeloid FDCP-1 cells gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:109529 J:48978 N/A 18529 1 evidence:EC:0000004|ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|murine myeloid FDCP-1 cells gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:109529 J:48978 N/A 18530 1 evidence: anatomy:retina photoreceptor layer ; MA:0001308 cell type:eye photoreceptor cell ; CL:0000287 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045494 MGI:2143311 J:123272 MGI:3045473 18531 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mice die at birth IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1334444 J:100119 MGI:3587413 18532 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_079716 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913492 J:86816 N/A 18533 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079726 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913508 J:86816 N/A 18534 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS25\, lung anatomy:TS25\, diaphragm cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:pulmonary hypoplasia text:thin diaphragm. text:Diaphragms from mutant lil mice were intac IMP GO:0048568 MGI:1334444 J:100119 MGI:3587413 18535 2 t, but muscularization was absent in the dorsal regions. IMP GO:0048568 MGI:1334444 J:100119 MGI:3587413 18536 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_536700 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2153089 J:86816 N/A 18537 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_510964 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913542 J:86816 N/A 18538 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079854 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1928140 J:86816 N/A 18539 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS23\, heart ; EMAP:7907 anatomy:TS23\, endocardial cushion tissue ; EMAP:7932 anatomy:TS23\, right ventricle ; EMAP:7957 anatomy:TS23\, atrio-ventricular canal ; EMAP:7909 cell type: gene produ IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1334444 J:100119 MGI:3587413 18540 2 ct: target: external ref: text:abnormally developed endocardial cushions, a double-outlet right ventricle, and a complete atrioventricular canal. IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1334444 J:100119 MGI:3587413 18541 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10938081|IDA text: ISA GO:0003735 MGI:1928140 J:65190 UniProtKB:P82669 18542 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_065585 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913153 J:86816 N/A 18543 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_084239 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1924971 J:86816 N/A 18544 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_536704 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2153111 J:86816 N/A 18545 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS23\, cardiac muscle ; EMAP:7920 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:The myocardium was also poorly developed, with thinning of the outer compact layer and decrease IMP GO:0048738 MGI:1334444 J:100119 MGI:3587413 18546 2 d vascularity IMP GO:0048738 MGI:1334444 J:100119 MGI:3587413 18547 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_598528 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1924034 J:86816 N/A 18548 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_666072 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2384815 J:86816 N/A 18549 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_776101 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:96915 J:86816 N/A 18550 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_034954 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:97137 J:86816 N/A 18551 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_077159 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914523 J:86816 N/A 18552 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_062316 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1929511 J:86816 N/A 18553 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_035015 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1343103 J:86816 N/A 18554 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS23\, cardiac muscle ; EMAP:7920 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:The myocardium was also poorly developed, with thinning of the outer compact layer and decrease IMP GO:0001570 MGI:1334444 J:100119 MGI:3587413 18555 2 d vascularity IMP GO:0001570 MGI:1334444 J:100119 MGI:3587413 18556 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_035016 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107686 J:86816 N/A 18557 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080890 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915452 J:86816 N/A 18558 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080263 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914380 J:86816 N/A 18559 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_075691 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913666 J:86816 N/A 18560 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080979 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915625 J:86816 N/A 18561 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079634 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913358 J:86816 N/A 18562 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_081451 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1916952 J:86816 N/A 18563 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079873 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913745 J:86816 N/A 18564 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS25\, lung ; EMAP:10964 anatomy:TS20\, lung ; EMAP:4604 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:pulmonary hypoplasia text:the lung weights were significantly lower in t IMP GO:0030324 MGI:1334444 J:100119 MGI:3587413 18565 2 he mutant mice. text: All lungs from mutant mice were lacking an accessory lobe on the right side and had underdevelopment of the anterior right middle lobe text:Lungs dissected at E12 from Fog2 -/- embryos were smaller in size and lacked the develo IMP GO:0030324 MGI:1334444 J:100119 MGI:3587413 18566 3 pment of an accessory lobe. IMP GO:0030324 MGI:1334444 J:100119 MGI:3587413 18567 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:MCBI:NP_080337 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914514 J:86816 N/A 18568 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080888 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915448 J:86816 N/A 18569 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079592 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913296 J:86816 N/A 18570 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080119 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914166 J:86816 N/A 18571 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:utricle ; MA:0000247 anatomy:saccule ; MA:0000246 cell type:efferent neuron ; CL:0000527|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 cell type:afferent neuron ; CL:0000526|primary cell line cell ; CL: IMP GO:0021562 MGI:102523 J:82156 MGI:1857425 18572 2 0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:Reduction of innervation of the ear in 8-day old mice. IMP GO:0021562 MGI:102523 J:82156 MGI:1857425 18573 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:cochlea ; MA:0000240 cell type:auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: target: external ref: text:The lack of immature hair cells seems to affect also the formation of pillar IMP GO:0042491 MGI:102523 J:82156 MGI:1857425 18574 2 cells (undifferentiated almost throughout the cochlea; Fig. 4) and Deiters' cells (not recognizable based on their morphology), IMP GO:0042491 MGI:102523 J:82156 MGI:1857425 18575 1 evidence:Cell death and proliferation assays evidence:Histology and histochemistry anatomy:articular cartilage ; MA:0000487 cell type: gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0051216 MGI:1338938 J:97780 MGI:2158390|MGI:3577961 18576 1 evidence: anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006879 MGI:87879 J:87889 MGI:3029223 18577 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:87879 J:87889 N/A 18578 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003994 MGI:87879 J:87889 N/A 18579 1 evidence: anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030350 MGI:87879 J:87889 N/A 18580 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 cell type: gene product: target:Fth1 ; MGI:95588 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006417 MGI:87879 J:87889 MGI:3029223 18581 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006879 MGI:1928268 J:87889 MGI:87879 18582 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 anatomy:forebrain ; MA:0000170 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006879 MGI:1928268 J:87889 MGI:2181660 18583 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030350 MGI:1928268 J:87889 N/A 18584 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:brown fat ; MA:0000057 anatomy:forebrain ; MA:0000170 anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: target:Trf ; MGI:98821 target:Tfrc ; MGI:98822 external ref: IMP GO:0006417 MGI:1928268 J:87889 MGI:2181660 18585 2 text: IMP GO:0006417 MGI:1928268 J:87889 MGI:2181660 18586 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006879 MGI:87879 J:87889 MGI:1928268 18587 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Tfrc ; MGI:98822 external ref: text: IDA GO:0030350 MGI:87879 J:66321 N/A 18588 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,corpus striatum; EMAP:608 anatomy:olfactory tubercle3;MA:0000976|E14 - P0 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: The Mouse Sox1bgeo Allele Reveals the Requirement of SOX1 in the Development of VS Neurons te IMP GO:0021884 MGI:98357 J:99610 MGI:2137412 18589 2 xt:both the striatal bridges and the OT (olfactory tubercle) layers are absent in the Sox1-null brain at all developmental stages IMP GO:0021884 MGI:98357 J:99610 MGI:2137412 18590 1 evidence:marker expression anatomy:TS21\, telencephalon ; EMAP:4993 anatomy:vetral striatum E13 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:expression of striatal markers such as preproenkephalin and Gad65/67 [34], and in our current st IMP GO:0021879 MGI:98357 J:99610 MGI:2137412 18591 2 udy, at embryonic stages with additional markers such as Brn4 [39] (Figure 3C and 3D) and Robo [40] (Figure 3E and 3F). This analysis revealed a differentiation defect restricted in the region of the nucleus accumbens/OT, and not the rest of the striatum. IMP GO:0021879 MGI:98357 J:99610 MGI:2137412 18592 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Brca2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97890 J:84892 UniProtKB:P97929 18593 1 evidence: anatomy:humerus pre-cartilage condensation ; EMAP:4027 cell type: gene product: target:Ihh ; MGI:96533 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045880 MGI:2446084 J:119030 MGI:3701350 18594 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8834001|IDA text: ISO GO:0001614 MGI:1098235 J:73065 UniProtKB:P51575 18595 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8834001|IDA text: ISO GO:0006811 MGI:1098235 J:73065 UniProtKB:P51575 18596 1 evidence: anatomy:vas deferens smooth muscle ; MA:0001750 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001614 MGI:1098235 J:59336 MGI:2181608 18597 1 evidence: anatomy:vas deferens smooth muscle ; MA:0001750 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006940 MGI:1098235 J:59336 MGI:2181608 18598 1 evidence: anatomy:vas deferens smooth muscle ; MA:0001750 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006811 MGI:1098235 J:59336 MGI:2181608 18599 1 evidence: anatomy:vas deferens smooth muscle ; MA:0001750 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045211 MGI:1098235 J:74184 N/A 18600 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8834001|IDA text: ISO GO:0005261 MGI:1098235 J:73065 UniProtKB:P51575 18601 1 evidence: anatomy:vas deferens smooth muscle ; MA:0001750 cell type:smooth muscle cell ; CL:0000192 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005261 MGI:1098235 J:59336 MGI:2181608 18602 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007628 MGI:1921494 J:110051 MGI:3587769|MGI:2386545 18603 1 evidence:histology ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:cerebellar cortex ; MA:0000199 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021680 MGI:1921494 J:110051 MGI:3587769|MGI:2386545 18604 1 evidence:histology ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021987 MGI:1921494 J:110051 MGI:3587769|MGI:2386545 18605 1 evidence:TUNEL ; inferred from experiment ; ECO:0000006 anatomy:cerebellar cortex ; MA:0000199 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:1921494 J:110051 MGI:3587769|MGI:2386545 18606 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:tremor, deficit in grasping behavior IMP GO:0050877 MGI:1921494 J:110051 MGI:3587769|MGI:2386545 18607 1 evidence:histology ; inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external re IMP GO:0021860 MGI:1921494 J:110051 MGI:3587769|MGI:2386545 18608 2 f: text: IMP GO:0021860 MGI:1921494 J:110051 MGI:3587769|MGI:2386545 18609 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031396 MGI:1921494 J:110051 MGI:3587769|MGI:2386545 18610 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay ; ECO:0000068 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1100537 J:91336 UniProtKB:Q9CQ20 18611 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text:Mig12 is present in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm and the relative abundanc IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1915291 J:91336 N/A 18612 2 e in the two compartments is variable IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1915291 J:91336 N/A 18613 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: Mid1 and Mig12 form bundles within the cytoplasm IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1100537 J:91336 N/A 18614 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay ; ECO:0000068 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 cell type:ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell line cell;CL:000000 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1915291 J:91336 UniProtKB:O70583 18615 2 2 gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1915291 J:91336 UniProtKB:O70583 18616 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay ; ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:construct encompassing the C-terminal half of MID1, was used as a IPI GO:0008022 MGI:1915291 J:91336 UniProtKB:O70583 18617 2 bait. text:coiled-coil region of Mid1 is necessary and sufficient for the binding to Mig12. IPI GO:0008022 MGI:1915291 J:91336 UniProtKB:O70583 18618 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text:Mig12 is present in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm and the relative abundanc IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1915291 J:91336 N/A 18619 2 e in the two compartments is variable IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1915291 J:91336 N/A 18620 1 evidence:histology anatomy:small intestine lamina propria ; MA:0001554 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002426 MGI:1916833 J:88910 MGI:3038886 18621 1 evidence:histoloyg anatomy:spleen germinal center ; MA:0000764 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002636 MGI:1916833 J:88910 MGI:3038886 18622 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|monocyte ; CL:0000576|cell_line:ESb-MP gene product: target: external ref: text:monoclonal antibody to Cd24a (clone M1.69) used IDA GO:0007166 MGI:88323 J:40461 N/A 18623 1 evidence:cell aggregation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|monocyte ; CL:0000576|cell_line:ESb-MP gene product: target: external ref: text:monoclonal antibody to Cd24a (clone 79) used to activate cell adhesion. IDA GO:0007159 MGI:88323 J:40461 N/A 18624 1 evidence:cell aggregation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|monocyte ; CL:0000576|cell_line:ESb-MP gene product: target: external ref: text:monoclonal antibody to Cd24a (clone 79) used to activate cell adhesion. IDA GO:0022409 MGI:88323 J:40461 N/A 18625 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|monocyte ; CL:0000576|cell_line:ESb-MP gene product: target: external ref: text:monoclonal antibody to Cd24a (clone M1.69) used IDA GO:0050731 MGI:88323 J:40461 N/A 18626 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|monocyte ; CL:0000576|cell_line:ESb-MP gene product: target: external ref: text:monoclonal antibody to Cd24a (clone M1.69) used to stimulate cells IDA GO:0007166 MGI:96756 J:40461 N/A 18627 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|monocyte ; CL:0000576|cell_line:ESb-MP gene product: target: external ref: text:monoclonal antibody to Cd24a (clone M1.69) used to stimulate cells IDA GO:0007166 MGI:95602 J:40461 N/A 18628 1 evidence:flow cytometry following neuraminidase treatment anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:flow cytometry used to detect binding of mouse P-selectin-Ig to Cd24a (UniProt:P24807) coated beads. IDA GO:0033691 MGI:98280 J:125139 N/A 18629 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:27374 N/A 18630 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045577 MGI:88323 J:27374 MGI:2179996 18631 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98384 J:27374 N/A 18632 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:106645 J:27374 N/A 18633 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:at birth, mutants are smaller than wild type littermates. IMP GO:0035264 MGI:1298378 J:93296 MGI:2387406 18634 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:at birth, pups died within 14 hours IMP GO:0009791 MGI:1298378 J:93296 MGI:2387406 18635 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002| C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: target: external ref: text:responded to Shh treatment by increased terminal differentiation IDA GO:0045445 MGI:98297 J:107621 N/A 18636 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:immature B cell ; CL:0000816 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002329 MGI:88323 J:27374 MGI:2179996 18637 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:76695 N/A 18638 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:immature B cell ; CL:0000816 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002329 MGI:88323 J:76695 MGI:2179996 18639 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:immature B cell ; CL:0000816 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045577 MGI:88323 J:76695 MGI:2179996 18640 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS10\, node ; EMAP:117 anatomy:TS11\, node ; EMAP:175 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:at E7.0?7.5 that all Hdhex4/5/ Hdhex4/5 homozygotes exhibit abnormal morpholo IMP GO:0009653 MGI:96067 J:103454 MGI:1857180 18641 2 gy, including lack of morphological head folds or node IMP GO:0009653 MGI:96067 J:103454 MGI:1857180 18642 1 evidence:ECO:0000004|ECO:0000112| anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type:CL:0000002|CCL-2 gene product: target: external ref: text:MOD:00595 text: mannose-6 phophatemodfication; man6p IDA GO:0005764 MGI:1919022 J:120972 N/A 18643 1 evidence:spectrofluorometry anatomy: cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007166 MGI:88323 J:26606 N/A 18644 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|neuroblast ; CL:0000031|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:26606 N/A 18645 1 evidence:spectrofluorometry anatomy: cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050850 MGI:88323 J:26606 N/A 18646 1 evidence:spectrofluorometry anatomy: cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007166 MGI:96721 J:26606 N/A 18647 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|neuroblast ; CL:0000031|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96721 J:26606 N/A 18648 1 evidence:spectrofluorometry anatomy: cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050850 MGI:96721 J:26606 N/A 18649 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96721 J:26606 UniProtKB:P24807 18650 1 evidence:spectrofluorometry anatomy: cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007166 MGI:97281 J:26606 N/A 18651 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|neuroblast ; CL:0000031|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97281 J:26606 N/A 18652 1 evidence:spectrofluorometry anatomy: cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050850 MGI:97281 J:26606 N/A 18653 1 evidence:dark field microscopy anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte;CL:0000232|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:dark field microscopy revealed changes in shape and diameter of the anxA7-/- red blood cells. IMP GO:0008360 MGI:88031 J:91188 MGI:2159006 18654 1 evidence:Osmotic resistance curves of red blood cells anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte;CL:0000232|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:The osmotic resistance of annexin A7 deficient red blood cells is signifi IMP GO:0009992 MGI:88031 J:91188 MGI:2159006 18655 2 cantly increased compared to wild type cells. IMP GO:0009992 MGI:88031 J:91188 MGI:2159006 18656 1 evidence:Osmotic resistance curves of red blood cells anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte;CL:0000232|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:The minimal resistance value of knock out cells is observed in a 0.60 % N IMP GO:0009651 MGI:88031 J:91188 MGI:2159006 18657 2 aCl solution versus 0.65 % for wild type cells. 50 % haemolysis is achieved at 0.516 % NaCl solution for knock out versus 0.564 % IMP GO:0009651 MGI:88031 J:91188 MGI:2159006 18658 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|platelet;CL:0000233 gene product: target: external ref: text:Annexin A7 deficient platelets showed a slightly lowered aggregation velocity. IMP GO:0007599 MGI:88031 J:91188 MGI:2159006 18659 1 evidence:DNA fragmentation assay anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008624 MGI:88323 J:125137 N/A 18660 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte;CL:0000232|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:exovesicles, microand nanovesicles IDA GO:0031982 MGI:88031 J:91188 N/A 18661 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte;CL:0000232|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:nanovesicles IDA GO:0031982 MGI:98419 J:91188 N/A 18662 1 evidence:flow cytometry measurement of Ca++ concentration anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007166 MGI:88332 J:125137 N/A 18663 1 evidence:flow cytometry measurement of Ca++ concentration anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050850 MGI:88332 J:125137 N/A 18664 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte;CL:0000232|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005626 MGI:88031 J:91188 N/A 18665 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte;CL:0000232|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:88031 J:91188 N/A 18666 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:pro-B cell ; CL:0000826 cell type:pre-B cell ; CL:0000817 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98384 J:125136 N/A 18667 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:pro-B cell ; CL:0000826 cell type:pre-B cell ; CL:0000817 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:125136 N/A 18668 1 evidence:flow cytometry of PI stained cells evidence:DNA fragmentation assay anatomy: cell type:pro-B cell ; CL:0000826 cell type:pre-B cell ; CL:0000817 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008624 MGI:88323 J:125136 N/A 18669 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:mature B cell ; CL:0000785 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030889 MGI:88323 J:125136 N/A 18670 1 evidence:flow cytometry of PI stained cells evidence:DNA fragmentation assay anatomy: cell type:pre-B cell ; CL:0000817 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002904 MGI:88323 J:125136 N/A 18671 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:mature B cell ; CL:0000785 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030890 MGI:88336 J:125136 N/A 18672 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031295 MGI:88327 J:125135 N/A 18673 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031295 MGI:88327 J:125135 MGI:1857150 18674 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046641 MGI:88327 J:125135 N/A 18675 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046641 MGI:88327 J:125135 MGI:1857150 18676 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046641 MGI:88323 J:125135 N/A 18677 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046641 MGI:88323 J:125135 MGI:2179996 18678 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0033630 MGI:88323 J:125134 N/A 18679 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033630 MGI:88323 J:125134 MGI:2179996 18680 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0033625 MGI:88323 J:125134 N/A 18681 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033625 MGI:88323 J:125134 MGI:2179996 18682 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050731 MGI:88323 J:125134 N/A 18683 1 evidence:cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045121 MGI:96611 J:125134 N/A 18684 1 evidence:cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:96611 J:125134 N/A 18685 1 evidence:cell adhesion assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0033627 MGI:96392 J:125134 N/A 18686 1 evidence:flow cytometry|IF anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic D cell ; CL:0000173 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:55511 N/A 18687 1 evidence:in vitro dendritic cell differentiation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043011 MGI:98282 J:59927 MGI:1930970 18688 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:die within 28 weeks IMP GO:0009791 MGI:1921494 J:110051 MGI:3587769|MGI:2386545 18689 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:myeloid dendritic cell ; CL:0000782 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96609 J:59927 N/A 18690 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:plasmacytoid dendritic cell ; CL:0000784 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:106662 J:59927 N/A 18691 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:plasmacytoid dendritic cell ; CL:0000784 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88346 J:59927 N/A 18692 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:The Pygo2 homozygous null mice survived to birth, but with rare exceptions, died shortly afterwards. The gut, heart and limbs developed without detectable abnormality (data IMP GO:0009791 MGI:1916161 J:121918 MGI:3712856 18693 2 not shown) despite known requirements for Wnt signaling. The Pygo2 mutants did, however, show growth retardation, lens agenesis and a kidney phenotype with high penetrance, exencephaly, and cleft palate with incomplete penetrance. IMP GO:0009791 MGI:1916161 J:121918 MGI:3712856 18694 1 evidence:histology anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002863 MGI:88323 J:120498 MGI:2179996 18695 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:E18.5;kidney cortex cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:nuclear localization of encoded proteins in the ureteric bud, capping mesenchyme, and stromal cells IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1916161 J:121918 N/A 18696 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\, embryo ; EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Double homozygous mutant Pygo1-/-/Pygo2-/- embryos were smaller, with eye defects including absent or rudimentary lens and folded pigmented retina IGI GO:0009791 MGI:1916161 J:121918 UniProtKB:Q9D0P5 18697 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\, embryo ; EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Double homozygous mutant Pygo1-/-/Pygo2-/- embryos were smaller, with eye defects including absent or rudimentary lens and folded pigmented retina IGI GO:0009791 MGI:1919385 J:121918 NCBI:NP_081145 18698 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:E18.5;kidney cortex cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:nuclear localization of encoded proteins in the ureteric bud, capping mesenchyme, and stromal cells IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1919385 J:121918 N/A 18699 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\, palate ; EMAP:12181 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:cleft palate with incomplete penetrance. IMP GO:0060021 MGI:1916161 J:121918 MGI:3712856 18700 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\, lens ; EMAP:11955 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:lens agenesis IMP GO:0002088 MGI:1916161 J:121918 MGI:3712856 18701 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\, brain ; EMAP:11540 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:exencephaly IMP GO:0007420 MGI:1916161 J:121918 MGI:3712856 18702 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\, embryo ; EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Reabsorption/in utero death IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1916161 J:121918 MGI:3712856 18703 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042102 MGI:88327 J:120498 MGI:1857150 18704 1 evidence:histology anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002863 MGI:88327 J:120498 MGI:1857150 18705 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\, embryo ; EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:The Pygo2 mutants did, however, show growth retardation IMP GO:0048589 MGI:1916161 J:121918 MGI:3712856 18706 1 evidence:Confocal analysis anatomy:TS26\, kidney cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Confocal analysis also showed that the ureteric bud tips [16] of Pygo1/Pygo2 null kidneys were dilated and misshaped compared with those of lit IGI GO:0001822 MGI:1919385 J:121918 NCBI:NP_081145 18707 2 termates with at least one wild-type Pygo2 allele (Figure 3). In addition, the Pygo1/Pygo2 double-homozygous mutant kidneys also had a decrease of approximately 25% in the number of ureteric bud tips per area compared with littermates with at least one wi IGI GO:0001822 MGI:1919385 J:121918 NCBI:NP_081145 18708 3 ld-type copy of Pygo2 (Table 2). IGI GO:0001822 MGI:1919385 J:121918 NCBI:NP_081145 18709 1 evidence:Confocal analysis anatomy:TS26\, kidney cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Confocal analysis also showed that the ureteric bud tips [16] of Pygo1/Pygo2 null kidneys were dilated and misshaped compared with those of lit IGI GO:0001822 MGI:1916161 J:121918 UniProtKB:Q9D0P5 18710 2 termates with at least one wild-type Pygo2 allele (Figure 3). In addition, the Pygo1/Pygo2 double-homozygous mutant kidneys also had a decrease of approximately 25% in the number of ureteric bud tips per area compared with littermates with at least one wi IGI GO:0001822 MGI:1916161 J:121918 UniProtKB:Q9D0P5 18711 3 ld-type copy of Pygo2 (Table 2). IGI GO:0001822 MGI:1916161 J:121918 UniProtKB:Q9D0P5 18712 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\, embryo ; EMAP:2006 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Both Pygo2-/- and Pygo1/Pygo2 double-null E10.5 embryos showed a decrease in canonical Wnt signaling IMP GO:0016055 MGI:1916161 J:121918 MGI:3712856 18713 1 evidence:expression of markers anatomy:TS17\, embryo ; EMAP:2006 anatomy:TS26\, kidney cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Both Pygo2-/- and Pygo1/Pygo2 double-null E10.5 embryos showed a decrease in canonical Wnt signaling IGI GO:0016055 MGI:1919385 J:121918 NCBI:NP_081145 18714 1 evidence:expression of markers anatomy:TS17\, embryo ; EMAP:2006 anatomy:TS26\, kidney cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Both Pygo2-/- and Pygo1/Pygo2 double-null E10.5 embryos showed a decrease in canonical Wnt signaling IGI GO:0016055 MGI:1916161 J:121918 UniProtKB:Q9D0P5 18715 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Tnfrsf1b,Ltbr IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96692 J:121814 UniProtKB:P25119|UniProtKB:P50284 18716 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Krt18,Krt8 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1314883 J:121814 UniProtKB:P05784|UniProtKB:P11679 18717 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 anatomy:kidney collecting duct;MA:0000371 cell type:inner medullary collecting duct cells cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external re IMP GO:0042384 MGI:1934606 J:118221 N/A 18718 2 f: text:Depletion of Alms1 mRNA and Protein by Short Interfering RNA Causes Defective Ciliogenesis in Kidney Cells IMP GO:0042384 MGI:1934606 J:118221 N/A 18719 1 evidence:cytosolic calcium measurement anatomy:kidney collecting duct;MA:0000371 cell type:inner medullary collecting duct cells cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:siR IMP GO:0019722 MGI:1934606 J:118221 N/A 18720 2 NA knock-down text: the stunted cilia formed in the presence of the Alms1a siRNA were unable to induce calcium flux after a flow stimulus. IMP GO:0019722 MGI:1934606 J:118221 N/A 18721 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Homozygous mutant mice increased in weight faster than wild-type controls between 7 and 10 wk of age, and body composition analysis showed that this increase was almost enti IMP GO:0048589 MGI:1934606 J:118221 MGI:3699224 18722 2 rely explained by an increase in fat mass IMP GO:0048589 MGI:1934606 J:118221 MGI:3699224 18723 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|fat cell;CL:0000136 gene product: target: external ref: text:hypertrophy of white and brown adipocytes IMP GO:0045444 MGI:1934606 J:118221 MGI:3699224 18724 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:elevated total cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol in serum IMP GO:0042632 MGI:1934606 J:118221 MGI:3699224 18725 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:elevated triglycerides IMP GO:0006641 MGI:1934606 J:118221 MGI:3699224 18726 1 evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule;MA:0000412 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Testis H&E sections show degeneration of seminiferous tubules (arrow), which have reduced numbers of germinal cells. Reduced numbers of sperm f IMP GO:0007286 MGI:1934606 J:118221 MGI:3699224 18727 2 lagella with decreased length are observed in the epididymus of Alms1L2131X/L2131X mice IMP GO:0007286 MGI:1934606 J:118221 MGI:3699224 18728 1 evidence: anatomy:renal cortex tubule;MA:0002609 anatomy:renal proximal tubule;MA:0002611 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:cortex tubules appeared to be almost compl IMP GO:0042384 MGI:1934606 J:118221 MGI:3699224 18729 2 etely denuded of cilia in aged Alms1L2131X/L2131X mutants text:most of the LTAlabeled proximal tubules of Alms1L2131X/L2131X mutants were not ciliated. IMP GO:0042384 MGI:1934606 J:118221 MGI:3699224 18730 1 evidence:marker for proliferation, Ki67 anatomy:kidney cortex;MA:0000372 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:Higher levels of proliferation were detected in the cortex IMP GO:0050673 MGI:1934606 J:118221 MGI:3699224 18731 2 of kidneys from Alms1L2131X/L2131X mice IMP GO:0050673 MGI:1934606 J:118221 MGI:3699224 18732 1 evidence:TUNEL assay anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: target: external ref: text:dramatic increase in kidney epithelial cell apoptosis in the mutant mice. IMP GO:0006915 MGI:1934606 J:118221 MGI:3699224 18733 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:survival time without weaning was on average 4 wk after onset. IMP GO:0009791 MGI:96623 J:122793 MGI:3715928|MGI:1856981 18734 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:The abnormal movements occurred predominantly below the cervical level, and the disorder appeared progressive. Ataxia. IMP GO:0050882 MGI:96623 J:122793 MGI:3715928|MGI:1856981 18735 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 evidence:Histology of lung sections anatomy:TS26\,lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:closed lungs. IMP GO:0030324 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18736 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mice developed normally but died immediately after birth. IMP GO:0009791 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18737 1 evidence:neuromuscular transmission detected by electromyograms anatomy:TS26\,embryo ; EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Impairment of neuromuscular transmission detected by electromyograms of the wild-type and Rab3 IMP GO:0007274 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18738 2 GEP2/2 embryos at E18.5. IMP GO:0007274 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18739 1 evidence:Action potentials of the quadriceps muscle evoked with electrical stimulation anatomy:TS26\,embryo ; EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051602 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18740 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Rab3 GEP2/2 mice showed few responses to tactile stimulation IMP GO:0050975 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18741 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Rab3 GEP2/2 mice showed impaired respiratory movement. IMP GO:0003016 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18742 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy:TS26\,embryo ; EMAP:11159 anatomy:TS26\,diaphragm ; EMAP:11178 anatomy:synapses at the neuromuscular junction of the phrenic nerve and the diaphragm cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Active IMP GO:0048790 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18743 2 zones at the presynaptic plasma membrane were not well developed IMP GO:0048790 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18744 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy:TS26\,embryo ; EMAP:11159 anatomy:TS26\,diaphragm ; EMAP:11178 anatomy:synapses at the neuromuscular junction of the phrenic nerve and the diaphragm cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:enlarg IMP GO:0007409 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18745 2 ement of the axon terminal IMP GO:0007409 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18746 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy:TS26\,embryo ; EMAP:11159 anatomy:TS26\,diaphragm ; EMAP:11178 anatomy:synapses at the neuromuscular junction of the phrenic nerve and the diaphragm cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Degene IMP GO:0007005 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18747 2 rated mitochondria. IMP GO:0007005 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18748 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy:TS26\,embryo ; EMAP:11159 anatomy:TS26\,diaphragm ; EMAP:11178 anatomy:synapses at the neuromuscular junction of the phrenic nerve and the diaphragm cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:there IMP GO:0016188 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18749 2 were only a few synaptic vesicles or almost none in the Rab3 GEP2/2 axon terminal section. vesicles larger than normal. large synaptic vesicles with no content were frequently detected in the mutant. Reduced Numbers of Synaptic Vesicles. IMP GO:0016188 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18750 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy:TS26\,embryo ; EMAP:11159 anatomy:TS26\,diaphragm ; EMAP:11178 anatomy:synapses at the neuromuscular junction of the phrenic nerve and the diaphragm cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:most o IMP GO:0031630 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18751 2 f the synaptic vesicles in Rab3 GEP2/2 embryos were located apart from the presynaptic plasma membrane, IMP GO:0031630 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18752 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy:TS26\,embryo ; EMAP:11159 anatomy:TS26\,diaphragm ; EMAP:11178 anatomy:synapses at the neuromuscular junction of the phrenic nerve and the diaphragm cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Active IMP GO:0016079 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18753 2 zones at the presynaptic plasma membrane were not well developed, reflecting the presence of chronic defects in exocytosis during gestation. IMP GO:0016079 MGI:97843 J:126869 MGI:3762127 18754 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 evidence:site directed mutagenesis anatomy: cell type:HEK293T ; ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text:mr-s protein self-associates st IDA GO:0042731 MGI:2446220 J:109350 N/A 18755 2 rongly through its SAM domain and weakly through the N-terminus portion lacking SAM domain. IDA GO:0042731 MGI:2446220 J:109350 N/A 18756 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043621 MGI:2446220 J:109350 N/A 18757 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 evidence:site directed mutagenesis anatomy: cell type:HEK293T ; ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text:mr-s protein self-associates st IDA GO:0032093 MGI:2446220 J:109350 N/A 18758 2 rongly through its SAM domain and weakly through the N-terminus portion lacking SAM domain. IDA GO:0032093 MGI:2446220 J:109350 N/A 18759 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type:Y79;ATCC:HTB-18|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 cell type:HEK293T ; ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gen IDA GO:0000122 MGI:2446220 J:109350 N/A 18760 2 e product: target:luciferase reporter external ref: text:GAL4 fusions with deletion mutants of Samd11 text:C-terminal region of mr-s (amino acids 463 to 542) is required for transcriptional repression of mr-s and the SAM domain appears to be di IDA GO:0000122 MGI:2446220 J:109350 N/A 18761 3 spensable for this repressive activity. DBD-mrs repressed luciferase activity by about 90% in a dose-dependent manner IDA GO:0000122 MGI:2446220 J:109350 N/A 18762 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type:Y79;ATCC:HTB-18|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 cell type:HEK293T ; ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gen IDA GO:0016564 MGI:2446220 J:109350 N/A 18763 2 e product: target:luciferase reporter external ref: text:GAL4 fusions with deletion mutants of Samd11 text:C-terminal region of mr-s (amino acids 463 to 542) is required for transcriptional repression of mr-s and the SAM domain appears to be di IDA GO:0016564 MGI:2446220 J:109350 N/A 18764 3 spensable for this repressive activity. DBD-mrs repressed luciferase activity by about 90% in a dose-dependent manner IDA GO:0016564 MGI:2446220 J:109350 N/A 18765 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 evidence: luciferase reporter anatomy:pineal gland;MA:0000175 cell type:HEK293T ; ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell li IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1194883 J:109350 N/A 18766 2 ne cell;CL:0000002 gene product: target:Samd11;MGI:2446220 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1194883 J:109350 N/A 18767 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 evidence: luciferase reporter anatomy: cell type:HEK293T ; ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: target:Samd11;MGI:2446220 external ref: text: IDA GO:0016563 MGI:1194883 J:109350 N/A 18768 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 evidence: luciferase reporter cell type:HEK293T ; ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: target:Samd11;MGI:2446220 external ref: text:the luciferase activity was si IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97451 J:109350 N/A 18769 2 gnificantly upregulated when the Crx or Otx2 expression vector was co-introduced with Pro1.2k into HEK293T cells IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97451 J:109350 N/A 18770 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 evidence:Confocal microscopy anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2446220 J:109350 N/A 18771 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation; ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:binding of TACC2 to the nuclear hormone receptor RXRß. ISO GO:0035257 MGI:1928899 J:91741 UniProtKB:O95359 18772 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:yeast twohybrid system with a construct (PAX6CTP) in which the 32 amino acid C-terminal peptide was fused to the yeast GAL4 DNA IPI GO:0008022 MGI:1861457 J:114731 UniProtKB:P26367 18773 2 binding domain IPI GO:0008022 MGI:1861457 J:114731 UniProtKB:P26367 18774 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:yeast twohybrid system with a construct (PAX6CTP) in which the 32 amino acid C-terminal peptide was fused to the yeast GAL4 DNA IPI GO:0008022 MGI:1347359 J:114731 UniProtKB:P63015 18775 2 binding domain IPI GO:0008022 MGI:1347359 J:114731 UniProtKB:P63015 18776 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:yeast twohybrid system with a construct (PAX6CTP) in which the 32 amino acid C-terminal peptide was fused to the yeast GAL4 DNA IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1347359 J:114731 UniProtKB:P63015 18777 2 binding domain IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1347359 J:114731 UniProtKB:P63015 18778 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:yeast twohybrid system with a construct (PAX6CTP) in which the 32 amino acid C-terminal peptide was fused to the yeast GAL4 DNA IPI GO:0008022 MGI:2137355 J:114731 UniProtKB:P63015 18779 2 binding domain IPI GO:0008022 MGI:2137355 J:114731 UniProtKB:P63015 18780 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:yeast twohybrid system with a construct (PAX6CTP) in which the 32 amino acid C-terminal peptide was fused to the yeast GAL4 DNA IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2137355 J:114731 UniProtKB:P63015 18781 2 binding domain IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2137355 J:114731 UniProtKB:P63015 18782 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:proline-serine-threonine-rich domain of Pax6 external ref: text:yeast twohybrid system with a construct (PAX6CTP) in which the 32 amino acid C-term IPI GO:0019904 MGI:2137355 J:114731 UniProtKB:P63015 18783 2 inal peptide was fused to the yeast GAL4 DNA binding domain text: For comparison we also carried out the screen using a construct containing the whole PST domain IPI GO:0019904 MGI:2137355 J:114731 UniProtKB:P63015 18784 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:proline-serine-threonine-rich domain of Pax6 external ref: text:yeast twohybrid system with a construct (PAX6CTP) in which the 32 amino acid C-term IPI GO:0019904 MGI:1347359 J:114731 UniProtKB:P63015 18785 2 inal peptide was fused to the yeast GAL4 DNA binding domain text: For comparison we also carried out the screen using a construct containing the whole PST domain IPI GO:0019904 MGI:1347359 J:114731 UniProtKB:P63015 18786 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:proline-serine-threonine-rich domain of Pax6 external ref: text:yeast two hybrid system with a construct (PAX6CTP) in which the 32 amino acid C-ter IPI GO:0019904 MGI:1861457 J:114731 UniProtKB:P26367 18787 2 minal peptide was fused to the yeast GAL4 DNA binding domain text: For comparison we also carried out the screen using a construct containing the whole PST domain IPI GO:0019904 MGI:1861457 J:114731 UniProtKB:P26367 18788 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:yeast two hybrid system with a construct (PAX6CTP) in which the 32 amino acid C-terminal peptide was fused to t IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97490 J:114731 UniProtKB:P63168|UniProtKB:Q99PQ2|UniProtKB:Q99JP6 18789 2 he yeast GAL4 DNA binding domain text: For comparison we also carried out the screen using a construct containing the whole PST domain text: mouse brain cDNA library IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97490 J:114731 UniProtKB:P63168|UniProtKB:Q99PQ2|UniProtKB:Q99JP6 18790 1 evidence:Genotyping of weanlings from heterozygote intercrosses anatomy:TS3\, 4-8 cell stage ; EMAP:8 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Two of 90 successfully genotyped pre-implantation embryos were Capn2-/-, (Table 2; Figure IMP GO:0001824 MGI:88264 J:107240 MGI:3628453 18791 2 5). Both of these Capn2-/- embryos were isolated at the 8-cell stage and did not display any obvious morphological defects. None of the 46 successfully genotyped blastocyst-staged embryos were Capn2-/-. The scarcity of Capn2-deficient embryos surviving to IMP GO:0001824 MGI:88264 J:107240 MGI:3628453 18792 3 the 8-cell stage suggested that the loss of m-calpain activity must fatally compromise the viability of early embryos. ...disruption of the Capn2 gene results in preimplantation embryonic lethality between the morula and blastocyst stage. IMP GO:0001824 MGI:88264 J:107240 MGI:3628453 18793 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mutant embryos die around day 10 of embryogenesis. IMP GO:0001701 MGI:2384585 J:126871 N/A 18794 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,embryo ; EMAP:402 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Virtually every organ of candidate mutant embryos could be affected, resulting in dramatically smaller embryos and advanced stages of necrosis. IMP GO:0012501 MGI:2384585 J:126871 N/A 18795 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,embryo ; EMAP:402 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Virtually every organ of candidate mutant embryos could be affected, resulting in dramatically smaller embryos and advanced stages of necrosis. ... IMP GO:0010172 MGI:2384585 J:126871 N/A 18796 2 However, of the 6 animals not genotyped in this group, 4 were less than half the size of siblings and were probably null. ... much smaller size than litter mates. IMP GO:0010172 MGI:2384585 J:126871 N/A 18797 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube ; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:null embryos around day 9.5 (A, B) include malformed and non-fused neural folds IMP GO:0001842 MGI:2384585 J:126871 N/A 18798 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:null embryos around day 9.5 (A, B) include failure of closure of anterior neuropore IMP GO:0021506 MGI:2384585 J:126871 N/A 18799 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:null embryos around day 9.5 (A, B) include missing or excessively large blood vessels in the yolk sac. IMP GO:0001568 MGI:2384585 J:126871 N/A 18800 1 evidence:IB following membrane fractionation anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:88323 J:120470 N/A 18801 1 evidence:neurite outgrowth assay anatomy: cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031175 MGI:88323 J:120470 MGI:2179996 18802 1 evidence:neurite outgrowth assay anatomy: cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031175 MGI:88323 J:120470 N/A 18803 1 evidence:IB following membrane fractionation anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:96721 J:120470 N/A 18804 1 evidence:neurite outgrowth assay anatomy: cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031175 MGI:96721 J:120470 N/A 18805 1 evidence:neurite outgrowth assay anatomy: cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031175 MGI:96721 J:120470 MGI:2181735 18806 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96721 J:120470 UniProtKB:P24807 18807 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0033691 MGI:96721 J:120470 N/A 18808 1 evidence:IB following membrane fractionation anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:95697 J:120470 N/A 18809 1 evidence:IB following membrane fractionation anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043209 MGI:96912 J:120470 N/A 18810 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:only 41% of MCAD-/- mice survived to weaning as compared to 98% of MCAD+/+ mice IMP GO:0009791 MGI:87867 J:115759 MGI:3692446 18811 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mice displayed lower serum glucose and elevated serum free fatty acid levels IMP GO:0042594 MGI:87867 J:115759 MGI:3692446 18812 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:After 1 h of the cold challenge, the average rectal temperature of MCAD-/- mice was 23.4 8C as compared with 35 8C for MCADþ/þ mice (n ¼ 4). Rectal temperatures declined to IMP GO:0009409 MGI:87867 J:115759 MGI:3692446 18813 2 unrecoverable temperatures of 16.7?19.2 8C in three of the five MCAD IMP GO:0009409 MGI:87867 J:115759 MGI:3692446 18814 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:when fasted for 18 h, MCAD-/- mice developed significantly elevated concentrations of adipic, suberic, and sebacic acids and hexanoylglycine as compared to MCADþ/þ controls, IMP GO:0006082 MGI:87867 J:115759 MGI:3692446 18815 2 which showed trace to no detectable amounts of the same organic acids IMP GO:0006082 MGI:87867 J:115759 MGI:3692446 18816 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:5- to 6-fold elevation of serum decenoylcarnitine evident in the acylcarnitine profile IMP GO:0009437 MGI:87867 J:115759 MGI:3692446 18817 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:after a 24-h fast demonstrated diffuse microvesicular and macrovesicular hepatic steatosis in 6-8-wk-old MCAD-/- mice whereas MCAD+/+ mice had no histologic changes. Fatty IMP GO:0001889 MGI:87867 J:115759 MGI:3692446 18818 2 liver IMP GO:0001889 MGI:87867 J:115759 MGI:3692446 18819 1 evidence: anatomy:myocardium;MA:0000164 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:diffuse cardiomyopathy with chronic active multifocal myocyte degeneration and necrosis (Figure 5C and 5D). Changes in degenerating myocytes included sw IMP GO:0055007 MGI:87867 J:115759 MGI:3692446 18820 2 elling, pale staining, and, in portions of the sarcoplasm, replacement of myofibrils with finely granular eosinophilic material. Nuclei of affected myocytes were large, pale, and vesicular and had prominent nucleoli. In the most severely affected areas, t IMP GO:0055007 MGI:87867 J:115759 MGI:3692446 18821 3 here was loss of myocytes accompanied by fibrosis. IMP GO:0055007 MGI:87867 J:115759 MGI:3692446 18822 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta;MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:In the wall of the aorta at the base of the heart there was multifocal degeneration of the elastic tissue, accompanied by multifocal collections of globular IMP GO:0007507 MGI:87867 J:115759 MGI:3692446 18823 2 translucent yellow-brown pigment interpreted to be ceroid/ lipofuscin. Similar deposits were scattered within adjacent adipose tissue. IMP GO:0007507 MGI:87867 J:115759 MGI:3692446 18824 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_075661 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913468 J:86816 N/A 18825 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_082453 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1917566 J:86816 N/A 18826 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_079799 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913627 J:86816 N/A 18827 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_663493 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2443241 J:86816 N/A 18828 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_694704 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2385112 J:86816 N/A 18829 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_035017 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1343135 J:86816 N/A 18830 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_598865 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1890889 J:86816 N/A 18831 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_083548 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1922656 J:86816 N/A 18832 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_659119 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2385079 J:86816 N/A 18833 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:XP_128725 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1920150 J:86816 N/A 18834 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_035056 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1343095 J:86816 N/A 18835 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:AAA39809 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:97309 J:86816 N/A 18836 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_062308 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1349919 J:86816 N/A 18837 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032736 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:109279 J:86816 N/A 18838 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079899 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913786 J:86816 N/A 18839 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_075664 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1261838 J:86816 N/A 18840 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079802 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913633 J:86816 N/A 18841 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_035041 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1316706 J:86816 N/A 18842 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_032769 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1313275 J:86816 N/A 18843 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_083070 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1921417 J:86816 N/A 18844 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:hidden water maze and rotating rod task skills are impaired in ADAM11-deficient mice. ...mutant mice were found to take a significantly longer time to locate the hidden plat IMP GO:0008542 MGI:1340894 J:107127 MGI:3625523 18845 2 form... These results indicate a spatial learning impairment in (-/-) mice. IMP GO:0008542 MGI:1340894 J:107127 MGI:3625523 18846 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_598513 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1921393 J:86816 N/A 18847 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_058674 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:97394 J:86816 N/A 18848 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032795 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:97448 J:86816 N/A 18849 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_035086 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1098267 J:86816 N/A 18850 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_071315 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1929938 J:86816 N/A 18851 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_598845 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2145814 J:86816 N/A 18852 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031478 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88034 J:86816 N/A 18853 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_058044 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1859815 J:86816 N/A 18854 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_036151 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1859821 J:86816 N/A 18855 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_573503 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2158201 J:86816 N/A 18856 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_076012 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2148199 J:86816 N/A 18857 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:we have examined ADAM11 mutant mice for learning using visual and hidden water maze tasks, and their motor coordination using a rotating rod task. Our results showed that th IMP GO:0030534 MGI:1340894 J:107127 MGI:3625523 18858 2 eir visual water maze task results are normal, but the hidden water maze and rotating rod task skills are impaired in ADAM11-deficient mice. IMP GO:0030534 MGI:1340894 J:107127 MGI:3625523 18859 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_659145 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2442496 J:86816 N/A 18860 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_067426 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1930146 J:86816 N/A 18861 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_032845 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:104535 J:86816 N/A 18862 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_056625 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1354947 J:86816 N/A 18863 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_059490 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1196389 J:86816 N/A 18864 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080665 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915061 J:86816 N/A 18865 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_036149 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1349419 J:86816 N/A 18866 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032857 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:97572 J:86816 N/A 18867 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080111 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914154 J:86816 N/A 18868 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_659093 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:97499 J:86816 N/A 18869 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_035309 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:97783 J:86816 N/A 18870 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072: cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_062726 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1928676 J:86816 N/A 18871 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032932 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:97748 J:86816 N/A 18872 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_032937 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:104968 J:86816 N/A 18873 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_084530 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1933134 J:86816 N/A 18874 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_659044 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2384795 J:86816 N/A 18875 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_705782 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1888908 J:86816 N/A 18876 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032823 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:97520 J:86816 N/A 18877 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:The human gene MCOLN1 (GenBank #AF287270) maps to chromosome 19p13.2-13.3 and encodes a novel protein that is a member of the transient receptor potential (TRP) cation chann ISA GO:0005261 MGI:1890498 J:75410 EMBL:AF287270 18878 2 el gene superfamily [7?10]. ISA GO:0005261 MGI:1890498 J:75410 EMBL:AF287270 18879 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:analyses showed that a majority of DAZAP1 in adult mouse testes was also present in the cytoplasmic fraction IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1917498 J:71989 N/A 18880 1 evidence:sucrose gradient analyses anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:sucrose gradient analyses of the post- mitochondria fraction showed that, unlike DAZL, DAZAP1 did not co-sediment with polyribosomes IDA GO:0005844 MGI:1917498 J:71989 N/A 18881 1 evidence:sucrose gradient analyses anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:sucrose gradient analyses of the post- mitochondria fraction showed that, unlike DAZL, DAZAP1 did not co-sediment with polyribosomes IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1917498 J:71989 N/A 18882 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_077183 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915513 J:86816 N/A 18883 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_780303 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1351627 J:86816 N/A 18884 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_032836 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:97532 J:86816 N/A 18885 1 evidence:sucrose gradient analyses anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:sucrose gradient analyses of the post- mitochondria fraction showed that DAZL co-sediment with polyribosomes IDA GO:0005844 MGI:1342328 J:71989 N/A 18886 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_598428 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1343087 J:86816 N/A 18887 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_663605 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2384308 J:86816 N/A 18888 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_038771 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1351481 J:86816 N/A 18889 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_035229 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:97591 J:86816 N/A 18890 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_570962 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2178759 J:86816 N/A 18891 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_671750 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1917605 J:86816 N/A 18892 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS19 ; outflow tract ; EMAP:3690 anatomy:TS19 ; aortico-pulmonary spiral septum ; EMAP:3692 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:immunostaining for aSMA appeared much IMP GO:0051145 MGI:87911 J:119667 MGI:2651395|MGI:2386570 18893 2 weaker when compared to controls and Alk5 mutants, implying that ALK2-mediated signaling is involved in smooth muscle cell differentiation as previously suggested IMP GO:0051145 MGI:87911 J:119667 MGI:2651395|MGI:2386570 18894 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_035405 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1335073 J:86816 N/A 18895 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_079761 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1928137 J:86816 N/A 18896 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10938081|IDA text: ISO GO:0005763 MGI:1928137 J:65190 UniProtKB:P82650 18897 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:10938081|IDA text: ISO GO:0003735 MGI:1928137 J:65190 UniProtKB:P82650 18898 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080887 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915445 J:86816 N/A 18899 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_082138 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1918929 J:86816 N/A 18900 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS19 ; outflow tract ; EMAP:3690 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:In Alk2/Wnt1-Cre mutants, the rotation of the aortic sac and truncal OFT failed to occur (Fig. 6 IMP GO:0007507 MGI:87911 J:119667 MGI:2651395|MGI:2386570 18901 2 M?R) as seen in Alk5/Wnt1-Cre mutants. IMP GO:0007507 MGI:87911 J:119667 MGI:2651395|MGI:2386570 18902 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype ; ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS19 ; outflow tract ; EMAP:3690 anatomy:TS19 ; aortico-pulmonary spiral septum ; EMAP:3692 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: In Alk2/Wnt1-Cre mutants, the rotati IMP GO:0001569 MGI:87911 J:119667 MGI:2651395|MGI:2386570 18903 2 on of the aortic sac and truncal OFT failed to occur (Fig. 6M?R) as seen in Alk5/Wnt1-Cre mutants. IMP GO:0001569 MGI:87911 J:119667 MGI:2651395|MGI:2386570 18904 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080971 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:106098 J:86816 N/A 18905 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080428 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914682 J:86816 N/A 18906 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_083023 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1921338 J:86816 N/A 18907 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079612 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913325 J:86816 N/A 18908 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080434 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914691 J:86816 N/A 18909 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\,branchial arch artery ; EMAP:3641 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:in Alk2 mutants the 6th pair of the PAAs was grossly hypoplastic IMP GO:0060037 MGI:87911 J:119667 MGI:2651395|MGI:2386570 18910 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_081008 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1333864 J:86816 N/A 18911 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079645 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913378 J:86816 N/A 18912 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_079663 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913404 J:86816 N/A 18913 1 evidence:BrdU labeling anatomy:brain subventricular zone ; MA:0000817 cell type:neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000337 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007406 MGI:88323 J:76253 MGI:2179996 18914 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy: cell type:ependymal cell ; CL:0000065 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0060170 MGI:88323 J:76253 N/A 18915 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy: cell type:ependymal cell ; CL:0000065 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031528 MGI:88323 J:76253 N/A 18916 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy: cell type:neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000337 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:88323 J:76253 N/A 18917 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:homozygotes were scored as normal in appearance at this and later stages and proceeded to die between E18.5 and birth, though homozygotes were of comparable body size to wil IMP GO:0001701 MGI:95457 J:113445 MGI:2158381 18918 2 dtype littermates. IMP GO:0001701 MGI:95457 J:113445 MGI:2158381 18919 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:homozygotes were scored as normal in appearance at this and later stages and proceeded to die between E18.5 and birth, though homozygotes were of comparable body size to wil IMP GO:0009791 MGI:95457 J:113445 MGI:2158381 18920 2 dtype littermates. IMP GO:0009791 MGI:95457 J:113445 MGI:2158381 18921 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,hindlimb bud ; EMAP:2100 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:homozygote mice had small hind limbs IMP GO:0035116 MGI:95457 J:113445 MGI:2158381 18922 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\, perecardial sac cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:large pericardial sac IMP GO:0060039 MGI:95457 J:113445 MGI:2158381 18923 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,forebrain ; EMAP:2230 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:malformed forebrain IMP GO:0030900 MGI:95457 J:113445 MGI:2158381 18924 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,forelimb ; EMAP:11205 anatomy:TS26\,handplate ; EMAP:11242 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mice have extra digits on both forelimbs IMP GO:0035115 MGI:95457 J:113445 MGI:2158381 18925 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:scid.adh gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1349419 J:87358 N/A 18926 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:scid.adh gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1349419 J:87358 N/A 18927 1 evidence:flow cytometry of annexin V staining anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:scid.adh gene product: target: external ref: text:mouse BCL-2 was expresssed via a retrovirus vector IDA GO:0043066 MGI:88138 J:87358 N/A 18928 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:scid.adh gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008637 MGI:88323 J:87358 N/A 18929 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:scid.adh gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030262 MGI:88323 J:87358 N/A 18930 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:DN3 immature T cell ; CL:0000807 cell type:DN4 alpha-beta immature T cell ; CL:0000808 cell type:double-positive, alpha-beta immature T cell ; CL:0000809 cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta immature T cell ; CL:00 IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:87358 N/A 18931 2 00810 cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta immature T cell ; CL:0000811 gene product: target: external ref: text:DN Thymocytes in text interpreted as DN3 and DN4 immature T cells which constitute the majority of DN thymocytes. IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:87358 N/A 18932 1 evidence:flow cytometry of annexin V staining anatomy: cell type:DN3 immature T cell ; CL:0000807 cell type:DN4 alpha-beta immature T cell ; CL:0000808 cell type:double-positive, alpha-beta immature T cell ; CL:0000809 gene product: target: ext IDA GO:0008624 MGI:88323 J:87358 N/A 18933 2 ernal ref: text:DN Thymocytes in text interpreted as DN3 and DN4 immature T cells which constitute the majority of DN thymocytes. IDA GO:0008624 MGI:88323 J:87358 N/A 18934 1 evidence:inhibition of apoptosis by NAC anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006800 MGI:88323 J:87358 N/A 18935 1 evidence:flow cytometry following PI-PLC treatment anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031362 MGI:98747 J:87358 N/A 18936 1 evidence:flow cytometry following PI-PLC treatment anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031362 MGI:88323 J:87358 N/A 18937 1 evidence:histology anatomy:middle ear;MA:0000253 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Adult Jbo/þ mice .29 DAB develop bilateral chronic suppurative OM (inflammation of the middle ear). Chronic changes in inflamed thickened muco IMP GO:0006954 MGI:95457 J:113445 MGI:2158381 18938 2 periosteum include formation of multiple polyps (Figure 2I) covered by low cuboidal cells or hyperplastic ciliated columnar cells and scattered mucous cells. IMP GO:0006954 MGI:95457 J:113445 MGI:2158381 18939 1 evidence: anatomy:middle ear;MA:0000253 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:inflammation of the middle ear... dependent on the microbiological status of the mice and their air quality IMP GO:0009605 MGI:95457 J:113445 MGI:2158381 18940 1 evidence: anatomy:middle ear;MA:0000253 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:inflammation of the middle ear... dependent on the microbiological status of the mice and their air quality IMP GO:0009617 MGI:95457 J:113445 MGI:2158381 18941 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:blood;MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:there was a significantly lower ratio of immature forms in the circulating neutrophil pool in mutant mice, but not in wt mice IMP GO:0001780 MGI:95457 J:113445 MGI:2158381 18942 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_075969 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915886 J:86816 N/A 18943 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080922 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915517 J:86816 N/A 18944 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:XP_127742 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1916339 J:86816 N/A 18945 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080222 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914317 J:86816 N/A 18946 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_766333 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1923686 J:86816 N/A 18947 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_077170 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915106 J:86816 N/A 18948 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080728 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915164 J:86816 N/A 18949 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_081410 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1916856 J:86816 N/A 18950 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079805 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913637 J:86816 N/A 18951 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080784 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915265 J:86816 N/A 18952 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_079827 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913664 J:86816 N/A 18953 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_082313 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1919235 J:86816 N/A 18954 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_081706 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1917706 J:86816 N/A 18955 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_077217 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1919729 J:86816 N/A 18956 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_077219 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1919998 J:86816 N/A 18957 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_598445 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914497 J:86816 N/A 18958 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:microglial cell ; CL:0000129 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:93933 N/A 18959 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002523 MGI:88323 J:93933 MGI:2179996 18960 1 evidence:BrdU incorporation anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046641 MGI:88323 J:93933 MGI:2179996 18961 1 evidence:EAE clinical scores anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002863 MGI:88323 J:93933 MGI:2179996 18962 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:microglial cell ; CL:0000129 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:101775 J:93933 N/A 18963 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:microglial cell ; CL:0000129 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:101773 J:93933 N/A 18964 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:microglial cell ; CL:0000129 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95904 J:93933 N/A 18965 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_082695 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1920296 J:86816 N/A 18966 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_080818 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1196386 J:86816 N/A 18967 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_080124 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914175 J:86816 N/A 18968 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:XP_131914 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1920328 J:86816 N/A 18969 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_780403 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1920382 J:86816 N/A 18970 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:XP_181312 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2388633 J:86816 N/A 18971 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_082987 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1921261 J:86816 N/A 18972 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079986 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913944 J:86816 N/A 18973 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079982 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913937 J:86816 N/A 18974 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_598821 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913978 J:86816 N/A 18975 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_083420 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1922264 J:86816 N/A 18976 1 evidence: anatomy:genioglossus;MA:0002307 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Consistent with decreased flow through the glycolytic pathway, however, the increased amount of HMPs was correlated with increased muscle glycogenolys IMP GO:0042593 MGI:106918 J:97761 MGI:2386679 18977 2 is (Figure 3C) and increased depletion of phosphocreatine IMP GO:0042593 MGI:106918 J:97761 MGI:2386679 18978 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_766368 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2443511 J:86816 N/A 18979 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_083270 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1860456 J:86816 N/A 18980 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080841 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915367 J:86816 N/A 18981 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_766234 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1341299 J:86816 N/A 18982 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_766549 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2443582 J:86816 N/A 18983 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay;ECO:0000005 anatomy:genioglossus;MA:0002307 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:several of the enzymes assayed showed a decrease in activity in response to exercise: phosphofructokinase tex IMP GO:0050790 MGI:106918 J:97761 MGI:2386679 18984 2 t:There is an increase in activity of rate-limiting enzymes of the mitochondria in the muscles of HIF-1a KOs IMP GO:0050790 MGI:106918 J:97761 MGI:2386679 18985 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_666047 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2147502 J:86816 N/A 18986 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_663573 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1924446 J:86816 N/A 18987 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_780647 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2443883 J:86816 N/A 18988 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_766253 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1926119 J:86816 N/A 18989 1 evidence: anatomy:serum;MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:significantly decreased amounts of lactate in the serum of exercising HIF-1a KOs. ...decreased lactate accumulation postexercise clearly occurs in the HIF-1 IMP GO:0006089 MGI:106918 J:97761 MGI:2386679 18990 2 a KOs. IMP GO:0006089 MGI:106918 J:97761 MGI:2386679 18991 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle;MA:0000165 anatomy:gastrocnemius;MA:0002306 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:repeated exercise trials give rise to extensive muscle damage in HIF-1a KOs, ultimately resulting in greatly reduc IMP GO:0046716 MGI:106918 J:97761 MGI:2386679 18992 2 ed exercise times relative to wild-type animals. After 1 d of recovery from endurance testing, HIF-1a KOs had increased levels of the MM isoform of creatine kinase in their serum, indicative of skeletal muscle damage. IMP GO:0046716 MGI:106918 J:97761 MGI:2386679 18993 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR ;ECO:0000108 anatomy:skeletal muscle;MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:The muscle-specific form of phosphofructokinase (PFK-M), phosphoglyce IMP GO:0014850 MGI:106918 J:97761 MGI:2386679 18994 2 rate kinase (PGK), and lactate dehydrogenase-A (LDH-A) are also upregulated at the mRNA level by exercise, and this upregulation is inhibited by the loss of HIF-1a, further demonstrating that HIF-1a is important for transcriptional response during skeleta IMP GO:0014850 MGI:106918 J:97761 MGI:2386679 18995 3 l muscle activity. ...increasing exercise times in the HIF-1a KOs. ...repeated exercise trials give rise to extensive muscle damage in HIF-1a KOs, ultimately resulting in greatly reduced exercise times relative to wild-type animals. After 1 d of recove IMP GO:0014850 MGI:106918 J:97761 MGI:2386679 18996 4 ry from endurance testing, HIF-1a KOs had increased levels of the MM isoform of creatine kinase in their serum. Histological examination of gastrocnemius tissue following 1 d of recovery revealed significantly greater amounts of muscle damage in HIF-1a K IMP GO:0014850 MGI:106918 J:97761 MGI:2386679 18997 5 O tissue than WT tissue. IMP GO:0014850 MGI:106918 J:97761 MGI:2386679 18998 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:knockdown mice had a 74% reduction in open arm entries (Fig. 4A) and an 83% reduction in time on open arms (Fig. 4B) compared to controls suggesting an increase in anxiety-l IMP GO:0030534 MGI:95623 J:98560 MGI:3579440 18999 2 ike behavior. ...reduction in exploratory behavior in the knockdown animals is also indicative of an increase in anxiety-like behavior. IMP GO:0030534 MGI:95623 J:98560 MGI:3579440 19000 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:13 of the 14 f/f mice died within three days of birth. One f/f mouse survived until postnatal day 21. IMP GO:0009791 MGI:95623 J:98560 MGI:3582967 19001 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:93953 N/A 19002 1 evidence:flow cytometry of CFSE-loaded adoptively transferred T cells anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042103 MGI:88323 J:93953 MGI:2179996 19003 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000625 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88338 J:93953 N/A 19004 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000625 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98279 J:93953 N/A 19005 1 evidence:in vivo erythrocyte clearance assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0034107 MGI:88323 J:76695 MGI:2179996 19006 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0034119 MGI:88323 J:76695 MGI:2179996 19007 1 evidence:cell aggregation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|neuroblast ; CL:0000031|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibodies to L1cam used to inhibit aggregation (mAb clone 557 IMP GO:0034109 MGI:96721 J:26606 N/A 19008 2 or polyclonal antibodies) IMP GO:0034109 MGI:96721 J:26606 N/A 19009 1 evidence:cell aggregation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|neuroblast ; CL:0000031|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibodies to Cd24a used to inhibit aggregation (mAb clones 79 IMP GO:0034109 MGI:88323 J:26606 N/A 19010 2 and M1/69 used) IMP GO:0034109 MGI:88323 J:26606 N/A 19011 1 evidence:cell aggregation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|neuroblast ; CL:0000031|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: target: external ref: text:blocking antibodies to N-CAM used to inhibit aggregation (polyclonal an IMP GO:0034109 MGI:97281 J:26606 N/A 19012 2 tibodies) IMP GO:0034109 MGI:97281 J:26606 N/A 19013 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mutant mice were not observed, neither amongst live births nor embryonic day 13.5 (E13.5) or E3.5 embryos. mutation encoding XPDR683W, which is associated with XP in the ho IMP GO:0001701 MGI:95413 J:116054 MGI:3696121|MGI:3693615 19014 2 mozygous state in humans, was similarly underexpressed and lethal in the homozygous state IMP GO:0001701 MGI:95413 J:116054 MGI:3696121|MGI:3693615 19015 1 evidence:neurosphere proliferation followed by histology anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050768 MGI:88323 J:125133 MGI:2179996 19016 1 evidence:neurosphere proliferation followed by histology anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045665 MGI:88323 J:125133 MGI:2179996 19017 1 evidence:flow cytometry of CFSE labeled T cells after in vivo passage anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046014 MGI:88323 J:124399 MGI:2179996 19018 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Developmental Delay, delay in body weight IMP GO:0009791 MGI:95413 J:116054 MGI:2183949 19019 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair;MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Amino acid analysis confirmed that cysteine levels in the hair of the XpdTTD/ mice were significantly higher than in XpdTTD/TTD animals IMP GO:0035315 MGI:95413 J:116054 MGI:2183949 19020 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair;MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:display complete hair loss in the first hair cycle and partial hair loss in subsequent cycles throughout their lives IMP GO:0022405 MGI:95413 J:116054 MGI:2183949 19021 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Hematocrit values from blood. Anemia. IMP GO:0043249 MGI:95413 J:116054 MGI:2183949 19022 1 evidence: anatomy:bone;MA:0001459 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:animals show reduced bone mineral density IMP GO:0030282 MGI:95413 J:116054 MGI:2183949 19023 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Ageing XpdTTD/TTD mice develop kyphosis (curvature of the spinal column) IMP GO:0021510 MGI:95413 J:116054 MGI:2183949 19024 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Overall appearance and body weight curves revealed that TTD-associated age-related premature cachexia and lack of general fitness IMP GO:0035264 MGI:95413 J:116054 MGI:2183949 19025 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:reduced life span IMP GO:0007568 MGI:95413 J:116054 MGI:2183949 19026 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:unscheduled DNA synthesis after UV irradiation - 50% vs 25% in wt IMP GO:0009411 MGI:95413 J:116054 MGI:2183949 19027 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis stratum corneum ; MA:0000804 anatomy:epidermis stratum granulosum ; MA:0000805 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:acanthosis (thickening of the layer of the nucleated cells), hyperkeratosis (prominen IMP GO:0043588 MGI:95413 J:116054 MGI:2183949 19028 2 t thickening of the cornified layer), and pronounced granular layer and sebacious gland hyperplasia (causing greasy appearance of the hair) IMP GO:0043588 MGI:95413 J:116054 MGI:2183949 19029 1 evidence:gas chromatography anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Plasma cholesterol levels of the homozygous and heterozygous mice were decreased by 52% and 26%, respectively, compared to those of wildty IMP GO:0042632 MGI:1914720 J:94759 MGI:3514037 19030 2 pe mice IMP GO:0042632 MGI:1914720 J:94759 MGI:3514037 19031 1 evidence:gas chromatography anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Mice deficient in Abcg8 have significantly increased plasma and tissue plant sterol levels (sitosterol and campesterol) consistent with si IMP GO:0055092 MGI:1914720 J:94759 MGI:3514037 19032 2 tosterolemia. IMP GO:0055092 MGI:1914720 J:94759 MGI:3514037 19033 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Abcg8 deficient mice had an impaired ability to secrete cholesterol into bile, but still maintained the ability to secrete sitosterol. IMP GO:0015918 MGI:1914720 J:94759 MGI:3514037 19034 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:1351659 J:94759 N/A 19035 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type:ATCC:CRL-1650|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016020 MGI:1351659 J:94759 N/A 19036 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:1351659 J:94759 N/A 19037 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:1351619 J:94759 N/A 19038 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Analyses of the initial basal bile secretion showed that the sterol and phospholipid contents in Abcg8-/- mice were reduced as compared to wild-type mice IMP GO:0015914 MGI:1914720 J:94759 MGI:3514037 19039 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\, head mesenchyme ; EMAP:2105 anatomy:TS15\, head mesenchyme ; EMAP:1077 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006915 MGI:1346347 J:107620 MGI:3623627 19040 1 evidence:IP of surface iodiated proteins anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|BW5147.3 ; ATCC:TIB-47 cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|WEHI 22.1 ; ATCC:TIB-54 gene product: target: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:5707 N/A 19041 2 external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:5707 N/A 19042 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:human T2BP IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2445126 J:108656 UniProtKB:Q96CG3 19043 1 evidence:51Cr-cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Polyclonal antibodies to Ly-5 (CD45/Ptprc) used to inhibit T cell cytoxicity. IMP GO:0001916 MGI:97810 J:7453 N/A 19044 1 evidence:inhibition of generation of cytotxoic effectors in mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Polyclonal antibodies to Ly-5 (CD45/Ptprc) used to inhibit in MLC. IMP GO:0002711 MGI:97810 J:7453 N/A 19045 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Homer1,Itpr1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107464 J:101279 UniProtKB:Q9Z2Y3|UniProtKB:P11881 19046 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_766120 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2441982 J:86816 N/A 19047 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_598908 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2147583 J:86816 N/A 19048 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_796284 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2445217 J:86816 N/A 19049 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:AAH11301 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2183102 J:86816 N/A 19050 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:AAC52252 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:104642 J:86816 N/A 19051 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_033197 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:98299 J:86816 N/A 19052 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_082506 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1277989 J:86816 N/A 19053 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_081600 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2137677 J:86816 N/A 19054 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_444426 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2137678 J:86816 N/A 19055 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_444428 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2137680 J:86816 N/A 19056 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:XP_131359 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2684983 J:86816 N/A 19057 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_077195 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1888981 J:86816 N/A 19058 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_062661 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1353479 J:86816 N/A 19059 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_035528 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1330823 J:86816 N/A 19060 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_056644 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1354721 J:86816 N/A 19061 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Homer1,Itpr1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1351338 J:101279 UniProtKB:Q9Z2Y3|UniProtKB:P11881 19062 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_038798 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1353497 J:86816 N/A 19063 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_077173 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915113 J:86816 N/A 19064 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_03552 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1342248 J:86816 N/A 19065 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_598429 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1353498 J:86816 N/A 19066 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_080347 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914533 J:86816 N/A 19067 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_694790 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1345283 J:86816 N/A 19068 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_031477 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1353496 J:86816 N/A 19069 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_036108 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1347099 J:86816 N/A 19070 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072: cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_694816 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2385906 J:86816 N/A 19071 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Homer1,Itpr1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95813 J:101279 UniProtKB:Q9Z2Y3|UniProtKB:P11881 19072 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Grm1,Itpr1,Plcb4,Grid2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1347345 J:101279 UniProtKB:P97772|UniProtKB:P11881|UniProtKB:Q91UZ1UniProt 19073 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_035615 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:102760 J:86816 N/A 19074 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:XP_131616 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:98254 J:86816 N/A 19075 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_075720 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913842 J:86816 N/A 19076 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079597 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913302 J:86816 N/A 19077 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:XP_127445 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914195 J:86816 N/A 19078 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_075863 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914930 J:86816 N/A 19079 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_063932 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1927234 J:86816 N/A 19080 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_067482 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1929899 J:86816 N/A 19081 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_776094 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:2446117 J:86816 N/A 19082 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_038699 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:98352 J:86816 N/A 19083 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_038705 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:98443 J:86816 N/A 19084 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_033321 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107363 J:86816 N/A 19085 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_291088 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1889011 J:86816 N/A 19086 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079838 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913687 J:86816 N/A 19087 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080066 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914084 J:86816 N/A 19088 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_035790 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:98874 J:86816 N/A 19089 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_064297 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1929468 J:86816 N/A 19090 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_033463 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:98852 J:86816 N/A 19091 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_066356 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913266 J:86816 N/A 19092 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_033443 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:98813 J:86816 N/A 19093 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_033386 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107810 J:86816 N/A 19094 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_038927 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1353429 J:86816 N/A 19095 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_058593 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1858317 J:86816 N/A 19096 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_038926 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1353433 J:86816 N/A 19097 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_038925 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1353424 J:86816 N/A 19098 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_038923 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1353432 J:86816 N/A 19099 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_077176 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915202 J:86816 N/A 19100 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_058567 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1858259 J:86816 N/A 19101 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_035722 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1343262 J:86816 N/A 19102 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_035720 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1343131 J:86816 N/A 19103 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_081738 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1917810 J:86816 N/A 19104 1 evidence: anatomy:anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_033562 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:894689 J:86816 N/A 19105 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_035870 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:109484 J:86816 N/A 19106 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_666326 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:98487 J:86816 N/A 19107 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079917 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913826 J:86816 N/A 19108 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_080495 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914780 J:86816 N/A 19109 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079683 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107876 J:86816 N/A 19110 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_079926 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1913844 J:86816 N/A 19111 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_033489 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:98894 J:86816 N/A 19112 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_035801 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:109354 J:86816 N/A 19113 1 evidence: anatomy:anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_033490 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1099787 J:86816 N/A 19114 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:BAB23591 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1921392 J:86816 N/A 19115 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:BAB22149 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915599 J:86816 N/A 19116 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:BAB22156 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915592 J:86816 N/A 19117 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072: cell type: gene product:protein_id:BAC35360 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915843 J:86816 N/A 19118 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:BAB22828 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1920974 J:86816 N/A 19119 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:BAB23041 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915896 J:86816 N/A 19120 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:BAB23318 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1916142 J:86816 N/A 19121 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:BAB23334 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1916167 J:86816 N/A 19122 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:BAB23697 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1919008 J:86816 N/A 19123 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:BAB23818 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1916221 J:86816 N/A 19124 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:proein_id:BAB25138 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1916377 J:86816 N/A 19125 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:BAB25529 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1917125 J:86816 N/A 19126 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:BAB26682 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1917457 J:86816 N/A 19127 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:BAB27054 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1351639 J:86816 N/A 19128 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:BAB30272 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1918230 J:86816 N/A 19129 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:BAB31847 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1925288 J:86816 N/A 19130 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:protein_id:BAB32185 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:99948 J:86816 N/A 19131 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_075700 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1891435 J:86816 N/A 19132 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_035807 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:109352 J:86816 N/A 19133 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_033500 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:98907 J:86816 N/A 19134 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_033505 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:98917 J:86816 N/A 19135 1 evidence: ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006779 MGI:98917 J:107043 MGI:3620007 19136 1 evidence: ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004852 MGI:98917 J:107043 MGI:3620007 19137 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_035820 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:90675 J:86816 N/A 19138 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_766266 target: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1914272 J:86816 N/A 19139 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: Gene_Product:NCBI:NP_035824 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:106919 J:86816 N/A 19140 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:MGI:106915 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:106915 J:86816 N/A 19141 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_035826 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:106922 J:86816 N/A 19142 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_062519 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1931237 J:86816 N/A 19143 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Binds Pafah1b1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106014 J:47594 UniProtKB:P63005 19144 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|CCL-92 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031252 MGI:109520 J:87104 N/A 19145 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10491172|IDA text: ISO GO:0008017 MGI:109520 J:73065 UniProtKB:P43033 19146 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031175 MGI:1921494 J:124947 MGI:3587769|MGI:2137515 19147 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006914 MGI:1921494 J:124947 MGI:3587769|MGI:2137515 19148 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016044 MGI:1921494 J:124947 MGI:3587769|MGI:2137515 19149 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:cerebellum [MA:0000198] cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modi IMP GO:0016242 MGI:1097712 J:125097 MGI:1857409 19150 2 fication: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016242 MGI:1097712 J:125097 MGI:1857409 19151 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2138453 J:112036 N/A 19152 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte; CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell type:spermatid;CL:0000018|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: t IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2138453 J:112036 N/A 19153 2 arget: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2138453 J:112036 N/A 19154 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte; CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001741 MGI:2138453 J:112036 N/A 19155 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0016242 MGI:1097712 J:125097 MGI:1891828 19156 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0016239 MGI:1891828 J:125097 MGI:1097712 19157 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q91XQ0-1|EMBL:AF356520|protein_id:AAK60621 modification: target: external ref:PMID:16054618 text: IDA GO:0009434 MGI:107714 J:101666 N/A 19158 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Sin3B;MGI:107158 target:Smarcb1;MGI:1328366 external ref: text: IDA GO:0016585 MGI:2138453 J:112036 N/A 19159 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte; CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: ext IDA GO:0033391 MGI:2138453 J:112036 N/A 19160 2 ernal ref: text: IDA GO:0033391 MGI:2138453 J:112036 N/A 19161 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2138453 J:112036 UniProtKB:Q9Z0H3|UniProtKB:Q62141|UniProtKB:P69566|UniProtKB:Q8K1H1|UniProtKB:Q99MV1|UniProtKB:Q61496|UniProtKB:Q9JMB7|UniProtKB:Q8CDG1 19162 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1930036 J:112036 UniProtKB:Q8BVN9 19163 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1928897 J:112036 UniProtKB:Q8BVN9 19164 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:102670 J:112036 UniProtKB:Q8BVN9 19165 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1933218 J:112036 UniProtKB:Q8BVN9 19166 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1928741 J:112036 UniProtKB:Q8BVN9 19167 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2140279 J:112036 UniProtKB:Q8BVN9 19168 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001741 MGI:107158 J:112036 N/A 19169 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001741 MGI:1328366 J:112036 N/A 19170 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type:Sertoli cell;CL:0000216|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 anatomy:gonad;MA:0002420 cell type:somatic stem cell;CL:0000723|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell type:germ cell;CL:0 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1328366 J:112036 N/A 19171 2 000586|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1328366 J:112036 N/A 19172 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: anatomy:gonad;MA:0002420 cell type:germ cell;CL:0000586|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:from at least day 12.5 pc until da IDA GO:0005737 MGI:107158 J:112036 N/A 19173 2 y 18.5 pc. This is an unexpected localization, as SIN3B is a chromatin-associated protein. IDA GO:0005737 MGI:107158 J:112036 N/A 19174 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88192 J:112036 N/A 19175 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1203524 J:112036 N/A 19176 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1351645 J:112036 N/A 19177 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:UniProt:O70405 external ref: text: IDA GO:0046777 MGI:1270126 J:47612 N/A 19178 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:UniProt:O70405 external ref: text: IDA GO:0004672 MGI:1270126 J:47612 N/A 19179 1 evidence:deconvolution microscopy anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:unsynapsed autosomes IDA GO:0030849 MGI:2138453 J:112036 N/A 19180 1 evidence:deconvolution microscopy anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:unsynapsed autosomes IDA GO:0030849 MGI:107158 J:112036 N/A 19181 1 evidence:deconvolution microscopy anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:when full synapsis of chromosome 16 is achieved, MAEL and SIN3B are present only in the X and Y chromosomes IDA GO:0000805 MGI:107158 J:112036 N/A 19182 1 evidence:deconvolution microscopy anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:when full synapsis of chromosome 16 is achieved, MAEL and SIN3B are present only in the X and Y chromosomes IDA GO:0000806 MGI:107158 J:112036 N/A 19183 1 evidence:deconvolution microscopy anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:when full synapsis of chromosome 16 is achieved, MAEL and SIN3B are present only in the X and Y chromosomes IDA GO:0000805 MGI:2138453 J:112036 N/A 19184 1 evidence:deconvolution microscopy anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:when full synapsis of chromosome 16 is achieved, MAEL and SIN3B are present only in the X and Y chromosomes IDA GO:0000806 MGI:2138453 J:112036 N/A 19185 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:UniProt:O70405 external ref: text: IDA GO:0046777 MGI:1270126 J:59129 N/A 19186 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:UniProt:O70405 external ref: text: IDA GO:0004672 MGI:1270126 J:59129 N/A 19187 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1270126 J:59129 N/A 19188 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043005 MGI:1270126 J:59129 N/A 19189 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1270126 J:59129 N/A 19190 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031175 MGI:1270126 J:59129 N/A 19191 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021707 MGI:1270126 J:59129 N/A 19192 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021933 MGI:1270126 J:59129 N/A 19193 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:COS-1;ATCC:CRL-1650|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: in the absence of MyD88-5/GFP fusion protein IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1346863 J:126083 N/A 19194 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:COS-1;ATCC:CRL-1650|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: in the absence of MyD88-5/GFP fusion protein IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1346863 J:126083 N/A 19195 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:COS-1;ATCC:CRL-1650|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: in the presence of MyD88-5/GFP fusion protein IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1346863 J:126083 N/A 19196 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2136419 J:126083 N/A 19197 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:COS-1;ATCC:CRL-1650|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005874 MGI:2136419 J:126083 N/A 19198 2 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 IDA GO:0005874 MGI:2136419 J:126083 N/A 19199 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:COS-1;ATCC:CRL-1650|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy:b IDA GO:0031315 MGI:2136419 J:126083 N/A 19200 2 rain;MA:0000168 IDA GO:0031315 MGI:2136419 J:126083 N/A 19201 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8448182|IDA text: ISO GO:0001525 MGI:88022 J:73065 UniProtKB:P03950 19202 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15608632|IDA text: ISA GO:0015630 MGI:94941 J:95820 UniProtKB:Q9WVB9 19203 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR ; ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:human normal bronchial epithelial cells gene product: target:antioxidant or DNA repair genes target:XRCC1 ; UniProt:Q60596 target:ERCC5 ISO GO:0006357 MGI:104982 J:114814 UniProtKB:P53567 19204 2 ; UniProt:P35689 target:GSTP1 ; UniProt:P19157 target:SOD1 ; UniProt:P08228 external ref:PMID:16255782|IDA text: ISO GO:0006357 MGI:104982 J:114814 UniProtKB:P53567 19205 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11604102|ISS text:The DAZAP1 protein contains two RNA-binding domains (RBDS) and a C-terminal portion that is rich in proline (Figure 1). It is highly conserved evolutionaril ISA GO:0003723 MGI:1917498 J:71989 UniProtKB:Q98SJ2 19206 2 y. The mouse and the human proteins differ in 9 amino acids only, with 7 substitutions and two deletions/insertions. The mammalian proteins shares 89% similarity and 81% identity with Xenopus Prrp (for proline-rich RNA binding protein) ISA GO:0003723 MGI:1917498 J:71989 UniProtKB:Q98SJ2 19207 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation ; ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 | HEK-293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text:rat beta-deletion7 isoform or beta-delta7 isoform of Glrb ISA GO:0005624 MGI:95751 J:120269 UniProtKB:P07727 19208 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11897010|ISS text:late endosomal/lysosomal targeting signal is conserved. The putativedi-leucine (L-L-X-X) motif at the Cterminus, which may act as a late endosomal/lysosoma ISA GO:0016197 MGI:1890498 J:75410 EMBL:AF287270 19209 2 l targeting signal, is also conserved [9]. ISA GO:0016197 MGI:1890498 J:75410 EMBL:AF287270 19210 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11897010|ISS text:TMPred analysis [http://www.ch.embnet.org/software/ TMPRED_form.html] predicts a protein structure that is nearly identical to MCOLN1, containing 6 transmem ISA GO:0005770 MGI:1890498 J:75410 EMBL:AF287270 19211 2 brane domains with the N- and C-termini residing in the cytoplasm (Fig. 2) [9]. ISA GO:0005770 MGI:1890498 J:75410 EMBL:AF287270 19212 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11897010|ISS text:The mouse Mcoln1 gene has two alternatively spliced isoforms, with isoform 2 having a different c-terminal cytoplasmic tail. The unique 86 amino acid c-term ISA GO:0005764 MGI:1890498 J:75410 EMBL:AF287270 19213 2 inal tail lacks the lysosomal targeting signal and does not contain any conserved domains when compared against the current profile databases. We speculate that this protein may have similar channel function but an alternate subcellular localization, but ISA GO:0005764 MGI:1890498 J:75410 EMBL:AF287270 19214 3 this must be proven once isoform-specific antibodies are raised. ISA GO:0005764 MGI:1890498 J:75410 EMBL:AF287270 19215 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11897010|IDA text:The putative di-leucine (L-L-X-X) motif at the Cterminus, which may act as a late endosomal/lysosomal targeting signal, is also conserved [9]. This speculat ISA GO:0016020 MGI:1890498 J:75410 EMBL:AF287270 19216 2 ion is supported by work with cup-5[13], the c. elegans homologue of MCOLN1, since cellular localization studies suggest that the protein is found in the late endosomes and/ or lysosomes. ISA GO:0016020 MGI:1890498 J:75410 EMBL:AF287270 19217 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048675 MGI:1270126 J:120306 N/A 19218 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048671 MGI:1270126 J:120306 N/A 19219 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048671 MGI:1352758 J:120306 N/A 19220 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048675 MGI:1352758 J:120306 N/A 19221 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:COS-1;ATCC:CRL-1650|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2136419 J:126083 UniProtKB:Q61831 19222 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: modification: target:Ntrk1 ; MGI:97383 external ref: text: IMP GO:0031623 MGI:1270126 J:120306 N/A 19223 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051386 MGI:1270126 J:120306 N/A 19224 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107931 J:120306 UniProtKB:O70405|UniProtKB:P70196|UniProtKB:Q3UFB7 19225 1 evidence:cell death assay anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Hippocampal neurons from MyD88-5 deficient mice are protected from death when deprived of oxygen and glu IMP GO:0042981 MGI:2136419 J:126083 N/A 19226 2 cose IMP GO:0042981 MGI:2136419 J:126083 N/A 19227 1 evidence:cell death assay anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Hippocampal neurons from MyD88-5 deficient mice are protected from death when deprived of oxygen and glu IMP GO:0009749 MGI:2136419 J:126083 N/A 19228 2 cose IMP GO:0009749 MGI:2136419 J:126083 N/A 19229 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97383 J:120306 UniProtKB:Q64337 19230 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:nasal cavity;MA:0000284 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:97436 J:110621 N/A 19231 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:nasal cavity;MA:0000284 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005938 MGI:106182 J:110621 N/A 19232 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:nasal cavity;MA:0000284 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005938 MGI:3645892 J:110621 N/A 19233 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:14988498|IDA text: evidence:RT-PCR anatomy: cell type:IgM_B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000302 gene product: text: ISO GO:0048298 MGI:98725 J:88910 UniProtKB:P01137 19234 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:nasal cavity;MA:0000284 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:95775 J:110621 N/A 19235 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:nasal cavity;MA:0000284 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:95771 J:110621 N/A 19236 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:nasal cavity;MA:0000284 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:97436 J:110621 N/A 19237 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:nasal cavity;MA:0000284 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:97436 J:110621 N/A 19238 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:TS4\, trophectoderm ; EMAP:19 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005576 MGI:1194993 J:123065 N/A 19239 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_620084 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1342005 J:86816 N/A 19240 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy: brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy: kidney ; MA:0000368 aatomy: heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_061300 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1859310 J:86816 N/A 19241 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:eye;MA:0000261 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:2685047 J:123065 N/A 19242 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:eye;MA:0000261 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005938 MGI:2685047 J:123065 N/A 19243 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:TS4\, trophectoderm ; EMAP:19 anatomy:skin;MA:0000151 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005576 MGI:2685047 J:123065 N/A 19244 2 text: In stages of mouse development ranging from 12.5 days postcoitus (E12.5) through adulthood, staining can be observed in a pericellular pattern around IDA GO:0005576 MGI:2685047 J:123065 N/A 19245 3 individual epithelial cell surfaces anatomy:eye;MA:0000261 IDA GO:0005576 MGI:2685047 J:123065 N/A 19246 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:eye;MA:0000261 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:2677838 J:123065 N/A 19247 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:eye;MA:0000261 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005938 MGI:2677838 J:123065 N/A 19248 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:TS4\, trophectoderm ; EMAP:19 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005576 MGI:2677838 J:123065 N/A 19249 2 text: In stages of mouse development ranging from 12.5 days postcoitus (E12.5) through adulthood, staining can be observed in a pericellular pattern around individual epithelial ce IDA GO:0005576 MGI:2677838 J:123065 N/A 19250 3 ll surfaces IDA GO:0005576 MGI:2677838 J:123065 N/A 19251 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032735 MGI:2429397 J:86264 MGI:2680581 19252 1 evidence:in vivo challenge with endotoxin anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032496 MGI:2429397 J:86264 MGI:2680581 19253 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032495 MGI:2429397 J:86264 MGI:2680581 19254 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:myeloid dendritic cell ; CL:0000782 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:101775 J:86264 N/A 19255 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:myeloid dendritic cell ; CL:0000782 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:101773 J:86264 N/A 19256 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:myeloid dendritic cell ; CL:0000782 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88336 J:86264 N/A 19257 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:lens;MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:At the posterior of the lens, hemicentin staining is detected along the length of the junction betwe IDA GO:0030054 MGI:2677838 J:123065 N/A 19258 2 en lens fibers and the lens capsule basement membrane IDA GO:0030054 MGI:2677838 J:123065 N/A 19259 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:lens;MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:At the posterior of the lens, hemicentin staining is detected along the length of the junction betwe IDA GO:0030054 MGI:2685047 J:123065 N/A 19260 2 en lens fibers and the lens capsule basement membrane IDA GO:0030054 MGI:2685047 J:123065 N/A 19261 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002253 MGI:2429397 J:96035 MGI:3529594 19262 1 evidence:bacterial counts in liver and spleen anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050830 MGI:2429397 J:96035 MGI:3529594 19263 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002381 MGI:2429397 J:96035 MGI:3529594 19264 1 evidence:bacterial counts in liver and spleen following instestinal infection with L. moncytogenes anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:RT-PCR anatomy:ileum ; MA:0000339 cell type: gene product: IMP GO:0002227 MGI:2429397 J:96035 MGI:3529594 19265 2 modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002227 MGI:2429397 J:96035 MGI:3529594 19266 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043410 MGI:2429397 J:96035 MGI:3529594 19267 1 evidence:RT-PCR anatomy:ileum ; MA:0000339 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006965 MGI:2429397 J:96035 MGI:3529594 19268 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002925 MGI:2429397 J:96035 MGI:3529594 19269 1 evidence:bacterial counts in liver and spleen following instestinal infection with L. moncytogenes anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:RT-PCR anatomy:ileum ; MA:0000339 cell type: gene product: IMP GO:0045089 MGI:2429397 J:96035 MGI:3529594 19270 2 modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045089 MGI:2429397 J:96035 MGI:3529594 19271 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032735 MGI:2429397 J:96035 MGI:3529594 19272 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032755 MGI:2429397 J:96035 MGI:3529594 19273 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050731 MGI:2429397 J:96035 MGI:3529594 19274 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043330 MGI:2429397 J:96035 MGI:3529594 19275 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032496 MGI:2429397 J:96035 MGI:3529594 19276 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032495 MGI:2429397 J:96035 MGI:3529594 19277 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032495 MGI:104741 J:96035 N/A 19278 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032495 MGI:1346865 J:96035 N/A 19279 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96559 J:96035 N/A 19280 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hypersensitive to the lethal effects of poly(I:C) IMP GO:0043330 MGI:1100508 J:126658 MGI:3720053 19281 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mayday homozygotes died when injected with as little as 10 ng of LPS, consistent with B20,000-fold sensitization IMP GO:0032496 MGI:1100508 J:126658 MGI:3720053 19282 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:susceptibility to mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) after infection with a normally harmless inoculum. ...mutant lines,.. died suddenly between 36 h and 3 d after i IMP GO:0051607 MGI:1100508 J:126658 MGI:3626348|MGI:3720053|MGI:3626350|MGI:3626349 19283 2 noculation. ...and to infection by vesicular stomatitis virus IMP GO:0051607 MGI:1100508 J:126658 MGI:3626348|MGI:3720053|MGI:3626350|MGI:3626349 19284 1 evidence:inferred from expression microarray experiment;ECO:0000058 anatomy:heart;MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Thirty minutes after injection of 0.5 mg of LPS, more than 600 changes in gene expres IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1100508 J:126658 MGI:3720053 19285 2 sion were evident in both Kcnj8mydy/mydy and wild-type hearts; This gene expression profile suggested that cardiac hemorrhage had occurred, consistent with severe ischemia and subsequent reperfusion. IMP GO:0007507 MGI:1100508 J:126658 MGI:3720053 19286 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96540 J:96035 N/A 19287 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96446 J:96035 N/A 19288 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96446 J:96035 N/A 19289 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96446 J:96035 N/A 19290 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type:respiratory epithelial cell line|LA4;ATCC:CCL-196|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target:mEar2 intron site 3 external ref IDA GO:0043565 MGI:102469 J:87791 N/A 19291 2 : text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:102469 J:87791 N/A 19292 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:Interleukin-3 (IL-3)-dependent Ba/F3 cells|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:only the smaller, immature form o IPI GO:0005102 MGI:1913705 J:104199 UniProtKB:Q9QUK6 19293 2 f TLR4 was coprecipitated with PRAT4B IPI GO:0005102 MGI:1913705 J:104199 UniProtKB:Q9QUK6 19294 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005102 MGI:1919279 J:104199 UniProtKB:Q9QUK6 19295 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:weight loss IMP GO:0035264 MGI:1096861 J:126481 MGI:2447990 19296 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:exercise intolerance IMP GO:0014850 MGI:1096861 J:126481 MGI:2447990 19297 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:edema text:pale ears IMP GO:0048871 MGI:1096861 J:126481 MGI:2447990 19298 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:low levels of urine albumin, Marked increases in serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, Increased serum total cholesterol. IMP GO:0019725 MGI:1096861 J:126481 MGI:2447990 19299 1 evidence:collagen level assay evidence:inferred from protein assay;ECO:0000039 anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:homozygous ICGN mice showed 1.35-fold and 1.65-fold increases in total co IMP GO:0032963 MGI:1096861 J:126481 MGI:2447990 19300 2 llagen levels, and 1.49-fold and 1.66- fold increases in type I collagen levels. IMP GO:0032963 MGI:1096861 J:126481 MGI:2447990 19301 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:homozygous ICGN mice had kidneys with abnormal glomeruli... expansion of the mesangial areas with IMP GO:0001822 MGI:1096861 J:126481 MGI:2447990 19302 2 an apparent increase in the mesangial matrix, appearance of cysts, extension of renal tubules and infiltration of inflammatory cells were observed in the kidney sections of 50-week-old homozygous ICGN mice IMP GO:0001822 MGI:1096861 J:126481 MGI:2447990 19303 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q61762-1|UniProt:Q61762-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005249 MGI:96662 J:15498 N/A 19304 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q61762-3 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019870 MGI:96662 J:15498 N/A 19305 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:103258 J:26660 N/A 19306 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:HEK293;ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:interaction with ShcD was dependent upon phosphorylatio IPI GO:0030971 MGI:2655364 J:122785 UniProtKB:Q61006 19307 2 n of Musk IPI GO:0030971 MGI:2655364 J:122785 UniProtKB:Q61006 19308 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:HEK293;ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:interaction with ShcD was dependent upon phosphorylatio IPI GO:0019904 MGI:2655364 J:122785 UniProtKB:Q61006 19309 2 n of Musk text:juxtamembrane NPXY motif in MuSK IPI GO:0019904 MGI:2655364 J:122785 UniProtKB:Q61006 19310 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Prm1 ; MGI:97765 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003723 MGI:103258 J:26660 N/A 19311 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:HEK293;ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:interaction with ShcD was dependent upon phosphorylatio IPI GO:0005515 MGI:103581 J:122785 UniProtKB:Q61006 19312 2 n of Musk... ShcD associated with autophosphorylated MuSK was tyrosine phosphorylated... IPI GO:0005515 MGI:103581 J:122785 UniProtKB:Q61006 19313 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Prm2 ; MGI:97766 target:Gapdhs ; MGI:95653 target:Odf2 ; MGI:1098824 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006417 MGI:103258 J:96477 MGI:3574372 19314 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:103258 J:96477 MGI:3574372 19315 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniPRot:Q61762-3 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043267 MGI:96662 J:15498 N/A 19316 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q61762-1|Q61762-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006813 MGI:96662 J:15498 N/A 19317 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q61762-1|UniProt:Q61762-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IC GO:0005887 MGI:96662 J:15498 GO:0005249 19318 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|PC-12 ; ATCC:CRL-1721 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1861742 J:63409 N/A 19319 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10900017|IPI|UniProt:Q9DCD6 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:109602 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q03555 19320 1 evidence: anatomy:etina inner plexiform layer ; MA:0001312 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045202 MGI:1277955 J:63409 N/A 19321 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P04202 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030879 MGI:98725 J:1988 N/A 19322 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P17125 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030879 MGI:98727 J:1988 N/A 19323 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:10964 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:1858910 J:86771 MGI:2686850 19324 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:10964 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:retina ; EMAP:9246 anatomy:midbrain ; EMAP:904 IMP GO:0043654 MGI:1858910 J:86771 MGI:2686850 19325 2 2 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043654 MGI:1858910 J:86771 MGI:2686850 19326 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P22605-4 modification: target: external ref: text:This isoform is derived from the beta-2 isoform transcript, but the protein uses a CUG as a translation start. IDA GO:0016563 MGI:97857 J:45 N/A 19327 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P22605-4 modification: target: external ref: text:This isoform is derived from the beta-2 isoform transcript, but the protein uses a CUG as a translation start. IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97857 J:45 N/A 19328 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus ; EMAP:11596 cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033077 MGI:1858910 J:90288 MGI:3043930 19329 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:5496 anatomy:thymus ; EMAP:8876 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043277 MGI:1858910 J:90288 MGI:3043930 19330 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:8200 cell type:erythroblast ; CL:0000765 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048821 MGI:1858910 J:90288 MGI:3043930 19331 1 evidence:ECO:0000040 ; inferred from immunological assay anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q61739-2 modification: target: external ref: text: monoclonal to a6 inhbits surface binding. IDA GO:0033627 MGI:96605 J:28224 N/A 19332 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q61739-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009986 MGI:96605 J:28224 N/A 19333 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q61739-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005178 MGI:96605 J:28224 UniProtKB:P09055 19334 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032695 MGI:2429397 J:91804 MGI:2680581 19335 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:macrophages from Nod2 KO mice transfected with wildtype mouse Nod2 IDA GO:0032695 MGI:2429397 J:91804 N/A 19336 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:macrophages from Nod2 KO mice transfected with wildtype mouse Nod2 IDA GO:0032735 MGI:2429397 J:91804 N/A 19337 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032495 MGI:2429397 J:91804 MGI:2680581 19338 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:macrophages from Nod2 KO mice transfected with wildtype mouse Nod2 IDA GO:0032495 MGI:2429397 J:91804 N/A 19339 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032494 MGI:2429397 J:91804 MGI:2680581 19340 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:macrophages from Nod2 KO mice transfected with wildtype mouse Nod2 IDA GO:0032494 MGI:2429397 J:91804 N/A 19341 1 evidence:NF-kappaB activation assay anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051092 MGI:2429397 J:91804 MGI:2680581 19342 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:107656 J:91804 N/A 19343 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:107936 J:91804 N/A 19344 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96537 J:91804 N/A 19345 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:104798 J:91804 N/A 19346 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephros ; EMAP:9536 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001822 MGI:1858910 J:98905 MGI:3580706 19347 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:9604 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:1858910 J:98905 MGI:3580706 19348 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96539 J:91804 N/A 19349 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043514 MGI:96539 J:91804 N/A 19350 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:9509 cell type:erythroblast ; CL:0000765 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048821 MGI:1858910 J:98905 MGI:3580706 19351 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; EMAP:9246 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060041 MGI:1858910 J:98905 MGI:3580706 19352 1 evidence: anatomy:interdigital region between digits 1 and 2 ; EMAP:4862|interdigital region between digits 2 and 3 ; EMAP:4865|interdigital region between digits 3 and 4 ; EMAP:4868|interdigital region between digits 4 and 5 ; EMAP:4871 anatomy:embryo ; IMP GO:0043277 MGI:1858910 J:98905 MGI:3580706 19353 2 EMAP:3980 anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:8439 anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:9799 anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043277 MGI:1858910 J:98905 MGI:3580706 19354 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96540 J:91804 N/A 19355 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043514 MGI:96540 J:91804 N/A 19356 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042116 MGI:1858910 J:98905 MGI:3580706 19357 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1858910 J:106377 N/A 19358 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043277 MGI:1858910 J:106377 N/A 19359 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043277 MGI:96828 J:106377 N/A 19360 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043277 MGI:107899 J:106377 N/A 19361 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043277 MGI:96608 J:106377 N/A 19362 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:104579 J:91804 N/A 19363 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1270861 J:91804 N/A 19364 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1346060 J:91804 N/A 19365 1 evidence:Nf-kappaB activation assay using nuclear extracts anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97897 J:91804 N/A 19366 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:siRNA transfection to target c-Rel IMP GO:0045084 MGI:97897 J:86244 N/A 19367 1 evidence:EMSA with blocking antibodies anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97897 J:91804 UniProtKB:P25799 19368 1 evidence:Nf-kappaB activation assay using nuclear extracts anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:103290 J:91804 N/A 19369 1 evidence:Nf-kappaB activation assay using nuclear extracts anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97312 J:91804 N/A 19370 1 evidence:EMSA with blocking antibodies anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042803 MGI:97312 J:91804 N/A 19371 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15602573|IDA text: ISO GO:0005102 MGI:1261864 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q5MNZ9 19372 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15602573|IDA text: ISO GO:0000407 MGI:1261864 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q5MNZ9 19373 1 evidence: anatomy:renal proximal tubule ; MA:0002611 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031526 MGI:1195269 J:114141 N/A 19374 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Ncstn,Psenen,Aph1a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109284 J:93093 UniProtKB:P57716|UniProtKB:Q9CQR7|UniProtKB:Q8BVF7 19375 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Ryr2, Sri IPI GO:0006816 MGI:109284 J:104643 UniProtKB:Q9ERN6|UniProtKB:Q6P069 19376 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Ryr2,Sri IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109284 J:104643 UniProtKB:Q9ERN6|UniProtKB:Q6O069 19377 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004175 MGI:109284 J:122380 N/A 19378 1 evidence:inhibitor anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004175 MGI:1202717 J:122380 N/A 19379 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9246482|IDA text: ISO GO:0005794 MGI:1202717 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49768 19380 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9246482|IDA text: ISO GO:0005783 MGI:1202717 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49768 19381 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9246482|IDA text: ISO GO:0005640 MGI:1202717 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49768 19382 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:PSEN1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88276 J:67950 UniProtKB:P49768 19383 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11104755|IDA text: ISO GO:0018105 MGI:1861437 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49841 19384 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11104755|IDA text: ISO GO:0004674 MGI:1861437 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49841 19385 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Hep G2 ; ATCC:HB-8065 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005777 MGI:1929481 J:81891 N/A 19386 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Hep G2 ; ATCC:HB-8065 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015879 MGI:1929481 J:81891 N/A 19387 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Hep G2 ; ATCC:HB-8065 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015226 MGI:1929481 J:81891 N/A 19388 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16729965|IDA text: ISO GO:0005739 MGI:1353479 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9H015 19389 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16729965|IDA text: ISO GO:0005739 MGI:107686 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00483 19390 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16729965|IDA text: ISO GO:0005739 MGI:87868 J:73065 UniProtKB:P16219 19391 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16729965|IDA text: ISO GO:0005739 MGI:1929511 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15239 19392 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16729965|IDA text: ISO GO:0005739 MGI:97520 J:73065 UniProtKB:P11498 19393 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16729965|IDA text: ISO GO:0015879 MGI:1353479 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9H015 19394 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16729965|IDA text: ISO GO:0015226 MGI:1353479 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9H015 19395 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1353479 J:109656 N/A 19396 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10966924|IDA text: ISO GO:0015101 MGI:1333817 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75751 19397 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10966924|IDA text: ISO GO:0015695 MGI:1333817 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75751 19398 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10966924|IDA text: ISO GO:0015651 MGI:1333817 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75751 19399 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10966924|IDA text: ISO GO:0015697 MGI:1333817 J:73065 UniProtKB:O75751 19400 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:guanidine ; CHEBI:42820 external ref: text: IDA GO:0015695 MGI:1333817 J:64862 N/A 19401 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:guanidine ; CHEBI:42820 external ref: text: IDA GO:0015697 MGI:1333817 J:64862 N/A 19402 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015844 MGI:1333817 J:69978 MGI:2388117 19403 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:sodium chloride ; CHEBI:26710 external ref: text: IMP GO:0032098 MGI:1333817 J:90076 MGI:2388117 19404 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:basophil ; CL:0000767 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051615 MGI:1333817 J:100519 MGI:2388117 19405 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:basophil ; CL:0000767 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051608 MGI:1333817 J:100519 MGI:2388117 19406 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Otoconia are absent from het/het mice IMP GO:0048840 MGI:2681162 J:59485 MGI:1856606 19407 1 evidence:ECO:0000005|ECO:0000182 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|CRL-1573 gene product:AY573240 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042554 MGI:2681162 J:94490 N/A 19408 1 evidence:ECO:0000005|ECO:0000182 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|CRL-1573 gene product:AY573240 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016175 MGI:2681162 J:94490 N/A 19409 1 evidence:ECO:0000124 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|CCL-61 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Note: needs other proteins to localize to the nucleus; This paper uses human and rat constructs for the others. IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2681162 J:121409 N/A 19410 1 evidence:ECO:0000124 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|CCL-61 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Note: needs two other proteins to localize to the nucleus; This paper uses human and rat constructs for the others. p22phox and NO IDA GO:0043020 MGI:2681162 J:121409 N/A 19411 2 XO1 IDA GO:0043020 MGI:2681162 J:121409 N/A 19412 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:CYBA IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2681162 J:121409 UniProtKB:P13498 19413 1 evidence:ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000352| gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:RNAi experriments of IMP GO:0035051 MGI:1354184 J:114492 N/A 19414 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003994 MGI:87879 J:94824 N/A 19415 1 evidence:ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030350 MGI:87879 J:94824 N/A 19416 1 evidence:IDA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006879 MGI:1928268 J:117319 MGI:2181660 19417 1 evidence:IDA anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:lower hematocrite IMP GO:0034101 MGI:1928268 J:117319 MGI:2181660 19418 1 evidence:IDA anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:removal of Ireb2 increases Alas2 synthesis, resulting in increased levels of protophorhyrin IMP GO:0006782 MGI:1928268 J:117319 MGI:2181660 19419 1 evidence:ECO:0000096 ; mobility shift anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030350 MGI:87879 J:95352 N/A 19420 1 evidence: anatomy: ell type:CL:0000002|SW 1088 human astrocytes gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16144863|IDA text: ISO GO:0005794 MGI:1928268 J:73065 UniProtKB:P21399 19421 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: ell type:CL:0000002|SW 1088 human astrocytes gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16144863|IDA text: ISO GO:0005783 MGI:1928268 J:73065 UniProtKB:P21399 19422 1 evidence:ECO:0000004 evidence: ECO:0000087 anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type:CL:0000002|SW 1088 human astrocytes gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16144863|IDA text: human cells in culture and rat liver cells ISO GO:0005794 MGI:87879 J:73065 UniProtKB:P21399|UniProtKB:Q63270 19423 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: ell type:CL:0000002|SW 1088 human astrocytes gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16144863|IDA text: ISO GO:0005783 MGI:87879 J:73065 UniProtKB:P21399 19424 1 evidence:ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:RAW 264.7 macrophages IDA GO:0003677 MGI:98372 J:116529 N/A 19425 1 evidence:ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:RAW 264.7 macrophages IDA GO:0003677 MGI:101786 J:116529 N/A 19426 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: KO results in iron-dependent regulation of IRP1 protein IMP GO:0006879 MGI:109533 J:105934 MGI:3628654 19427 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:the morphology of cortical neurons and radial glia is aberrant in the developing cortex, and the neurons migrate more slowly. This is the first demonstration, IMP GO:0021987 MGI:109520 J:69631 MGI:2387783 19428 2 to our knowledge, of a cellular abnormality in the migrating neurons after Lis1 mutation. Moreover, cortical plate splitting and thalomocortical innervation are also abnormal. IMP GO:0021987 MGI:109520 J:69631 MGI:2387783 19429 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 ; immunolocalization anatomy:MA:0000441 ; trachea anatomy:MA:0001719 ; ciliated columnar oviduct epithelium cell type:CL:0000307 ; tracheal epithelial cell gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031512 MGI:109520 J:120729 N/A 19430 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 ; immunolocalization anatomy:MA:0000385 ; oviduct cell type:CL:0000501 ; granulosa cell gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031513 MGI:109520 J:120729 N/A 19431 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 ; immunolocalization anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 ; permanent cell line|CCL-92 ; 3T3 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015630 MGI:109520 J:120729 N/A 19432 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:95824 J:19784 N/A 19433 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:95824 J:19784 N/A 19434 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009437 MGI:1329012 J:13736 MGI:1856926 19435 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: mo IMP GO:0007005 MGI:1329012 J:27811 MGI:1856926 19436 2 dification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007005 MGI:1329012 J:27811 MGI:1856926 19437 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009437 MGI:1329012 J:31000 MGI:1856926 19438 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015879 MGI:1329012 J:18523 MGI:1856926 19439 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015879 MGI:1329012 J:33615 MGI:1856926 19440 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ventricle ; MA:0000091 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007512 MGI:1329012 J:40286 MGI:1856926 19441 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015879 MGI:1329012 J:47837 MGI:1856926 19442 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015226 MGI:1329012 J:47837 MGI:1856926 19443 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Psen2,Psen1,Ncstn,Psenen IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2385110 J:93093 UniProtKB:Q61144|UniProtKB:P49769|UniProtKB:P57716|UniProtKB:Q9CQR7 19444 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Psen2,Psen1,Aph1a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1891700 J:93093 UniProtKB:Q61144|UniProtKB:P49769|UniProtKB:Q8BVF7 19445 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015879 MGI:1329012 J:51918 MGI:1856926 19446 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015226 MGI:1329012 J:51918 MGI:1856926 19447 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Ncstn,Psenen,Aph1a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1202717 J:93093 UniProtKB:P57716|UniProtKB:Q9CQR7|UniProtKB:Q8BVF7 19448 1 evidence: anatomy:epididymis ; MA:0000397 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048608 MGI:1329012 J:53598 MGI:1856926 19449 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015879 MGI:1329012 J:55582 MGI:1856926 19450 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015879 MGI:1329012 J:59469 MGI:1856926 19451 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015226 MGI:1329012 J:59469 MGI:1856926 19452 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Psen2 IPI GO:0006816 MGI:99685 J:104643 UniProtKB:Q61144 19453 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Psen2 IPI GO:0006816 MGI:98419 J:104643 UniProtKB:Q61144 19454 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Psen2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98419 J:104643 UniProtKB:Q61144 19455 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009437 MGI:1329012 J:101983 MGI:1856926 19456 1 evidence:inhibitor M146V/D257A anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004175 MGI:1202717 J:116653 N/A 19457 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003857 MGI:96009 J:101983 N/A 19458 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016509 MGI:2135593 J:101983 N/A 19459 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003988 MGI:2136381 J:101983 N/A 19460 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:after fasting IMP GO:0007626 MGI:1329012 J:116011 MGI:1856926 19461 1 evidence:ECO:0000164 anatomy:MA:0002754 cell type:CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019226 MGI:109520 J:123225 MGI:2387783 19462 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:11619 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021766 MGI:894689 J:84075 MGI:2667341 19463 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:11664 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021987 MGI:894689 J:84075 MGI:2667341 19464 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Ndel1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:894689 J:84075 UniProtKB:Q9ERR1 19465 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Ywhae IGI GO:0001764 MGI:109520 J:84075 MGI:894689 19466 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Pafah1b1 IGI GO:0001764 MGI:894689 J:84075 MGI:109520 19467 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Ywhae preferenially binds phosphorylated Ndel1, and protects it from being dephosphorylated IDA GO:0035308 MGI:894689 J:84075 N/A 19468 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P18581-1 gene product:UniProt:P18581-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015181 MGI:99828 J:18942 N/A 19469 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P18581-1 gene product:UniProt:P18581-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015809 MGI:99828 J:18942 N/A 19470 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P18581-1 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005289 MGI:99828 J:18942 N/A 19471 1 evidence: anatomy:tibia ; MA:0001361 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046849 MGI:1345284 J:47637 MGI:2386786 19472 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015809 MGI:99828 J:69414 MGI:2150359 19473 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015181 MGI:99828 J:69414 MGI:2150359 19474 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002537 MGI:99828 J:69414 MGI:2150359 19475 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006809 MGI:99828 J:82914 MGI:2150359 19476 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015179 MGI:99828 J:82914 MGI:2150359 19477 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015809 MGI:99828 J:82914 MGI:2150359 19478 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050727 MGI:99828 J:114692 MGI:2150359 19479 1 evidence: anatomy:lung alveolus ; MA:0000420 cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002537 MGI:99828 J:114692 MGI:2150359 19480 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042116 MGI:99828 J:115060 MGI:2150359 19481 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:2573597|IDA text: ISO GO:0006529 MGI:1350929 J:73065 UniProtKB:P08243 19482 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:2573597|IDA text: ISO GO:0004066 MGI:1350929 J:73065 UniProtKB:P08243 19483 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:12753071|IDA text: ISO GO:0004067 MGI:1913764 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8VI04 19484 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:12753071|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1913764 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8VI04 19485 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:12753071|IDA text: ISO GO:0033345 MGI:1913764 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q8VI04 19486 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000997 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035249 MGI:95813 J:24477 MGI:2178052 19487 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:X66081|NCBI:CAA46880 gene product:EMBL:X66082|NCBI:CAA46881.1 gene product:EMBL:X66083|NCBI:CAA46882.1 gene product:EMBL:X66084|NCBI:CAA46883.1 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007155 MGI:88338 J:41342 N/A 19488 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:X66081|NCBI:CAA46880 gene product:EMBL:X66082|NCBI:CAA46881.1 gene product:EMBL:X66083|NCBI:CAA46882.1 gene product:EMBL:X66084|NCBI:CAA46883.1 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009986 MGI:88338 J:41342 N/A 19489 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:X66081|NCBI:CAA46880 gene product:EMBL:X66082|NCBI:CAA46881.1 gene product:EMBL:X66083|NCBI:CAA46882.1 gene product:EMBL:X66084|NCBI:CAA46883.1 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005540 MGI:88338 J:41342 N/A 19490 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 evidence:three-dimensional craniofacial scans and skeleton measurements anatomy:head;MA:0000023 anatomy:nasal bone;MA:0001494 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text IMP GO:0001501 MGI:103291 J:125240 MGI:3521986|MGI:3521985|MGI:3526160 19491 2 : IMP GO:0001501 MGI:103291 J:125240 MGI:3521986|MGI:3521985|MGI:3526160 19492 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000997 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:95813 J:24477 MGI:2178052 19493 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:glutamatergic neuron ; CL:0000679 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031630 MGI:95818 J:81742 MGI:2668206 19494 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:glutamatergic neuron ; CL:0000679 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035249 MGI:95818 J:81742 MGI:2668206 19495 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:95818 J:81742 MGI:2668206 19496 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045211 MGI:95818 J:85342 N/A 19497 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:glutamatergic neuron ; CL:0000679 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042734 MGI:95818 J:85342 N/A 19498 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045211 MGI:95817 J:85342 N/A 19499 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:glutamatergic neuron ; CL:0000679 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042734 MGI:95817 J:85342 N/A 19500 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:95818 J:85342 N/A 19501 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:95817 J:85342 N/A 19502 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0032983 MGI:95815 J:85342 UniProtKB:Q61626|UniProtKB:Q8BMF5 19503 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:95815 J:85342 N/A 19504 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0032983 MGI:95818 J:85342 UniProtKB:Q8BMF5|UniProtKB:P39087 19505 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95817 J:85342 UniProtKB:P39087|UniProtKB:Q61626 19506 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0032983 MGI:95817 J:85342 UniProtKB:P39087|UniProtKB:Q61626 19507 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:skin;MA:0000151 cell type:Langerhans cell;CL:0000453|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043011 MGI:98729 J:126147 MGI:2384513 19508 1 evidence:ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:AY177625|UniProt:P25425-10 gene product:EMBL:AF508939.1|UniProt:P25425-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:101898 J:87960 N/A 19509 1 evidence:ECO:0000178 anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:AY177625|UniProt:P25425-10 gene product:EMBL:AF508939.1|UniProt:P25425-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016563 MGI:101898 J:87960 N/A 19510 1 evidence:ECO:0000178 anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:AY177625|UniProt:P25425-10 gene product:EMBL:AF508939.1|UniProt:P25425-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:101898 J:87960 N/A 19511 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015277 MGI:95815 J:96594 MGI:1857979 19512 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035249 MGI:95815 J:96594 MGI:1857979 19513 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95815 J:96594 MGI:1857979 19514 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015277 MGI:95814 J:96594 MGI:2176347 19515 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95814 J:96594 MGI:2176347 19516 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035249 MGI:95814 J:96594 MGI:2176347 19517 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mossy fiber IDA GO:0060079 MGI:99401 J:120963 N/A 19518 1 evidence:ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:AF289078.1|NCBI:AAK49895.1|UniProt:Q60591-4|NFAT1-D modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:102463 J:87345 N/A 19519 1 evidence:ECO:0000178 anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:AF289078.1|NCBI:AAK49895.1|UniProt:Q60591-4|NFAT1-D modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:102463 J:87345 N/A 19520 1 evidence:ECO:0000178 anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:AF289078.1|NCBI:AAK49895.1|UniProt:Q60591-4|NFAT1-D modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016563 MGI:102463 J:87345 N/A 19521 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product:UniProt:P39087-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060079 MGI:95815 J:120963 MGI:107164 19522 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060079 MGI:107164 J:120963 MGI:95815 19523 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product:UniProt:P39087-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:95815 J:120963 MGI:1857979 19524 1 evidence:ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 gene product:EMBL:X62379|NCBI:CAA44244|UniProt:Q05860-4 modification:MOD:00046 ; O-phospho-L-serine target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:101815 J:13110 N/A 19525 1 evidence: anatomy:skin;MA:0000151 cell type:Langerhans cell;CL:0000453|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: LCs require autocrine/paracrine TGFb1 IMP GO:0043011 MGI:98725 J:126147 MGI:3719583 19526 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type:fibroblast;CL:0000057|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:no proliferation or flat morphology of p53-/- mouse embryonic IDA GO:0048147 MGI:98834 J:127492 N/A 19527 2 fibroblasts IDA GO:0048147 MGI:98834 J:127492 N/A 19528 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_032013 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009986 MGI:95484 J:29455 N/A 19529 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:S79835|NCBI:AAB35489|Fas B|UniProt:P41047-? modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005576 MGI:95484 J:29455 N/A 19530 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:S79835|NCBI:AAB35489|Fas B|UniProt:P41047-? modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043066 MGI:95484 J:29455 N/A 19531 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mice die at birth or within a day of birth of unknown causes IMP GO:0009791 MGI:2136841 J:127492 MGI:3765156 19532 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:MEF;fibroblast;CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: An anti-MORC3 mAb specifically stained entire nuclei and a few small nuclear foci togethe IDA GO:0016605 MGI:2136841 J:127492 N/A 19533 2 r with Pml, except for the nucleolus IDA GO:0016605 MGI:2136841 J:127492 N/A 19534 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:MEF;fibroblast;CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: An anti-MORC3 mAb specifically stained entire nuclei and a few small nuclear foci togethe IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2136841 J:127492 N/A 19535 2 r with Pml, except for the nucleolus IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2136841 J:127492 N/A 19536 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:MEF;fibroblast;CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: An anti-MORC3 mAb specifically stained entire nuclei and a few small nuclear foci togethe IDA GO:0005654 MGI:2136841 J:127492 N/A 19537 2 r with Pml, except for the nucleolus IDA GO:0005654 MGI:2136841 J:127492 N/A 19538 1 evidence:EGFP-MORC3 in WI38 human normal fibroblasts using the pLNCX2 retrovirus vector anatomy: cell type:WI38 ; ATCC:CCL-75|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17332504|IDA text:Most cel ISO GO:0007569 MGI:2136841 J:127492 UniProtKB:Q14149 19539 2 ls expressing MORC3 exhibited a large flat morphology, suggesting premature senescence. The percentage of SA-beta-gal-positive cells infected with the MORC3-retrovirus vector was significantly greater than that of controls infected with vector alone. MO ISO GO:0007569 MGI:2136841 J:127492 UniProtKB:Q14149 19540 3 RC3 expression also strongly induced p16, another senescence marker. ISO GO:0007569 MGI:2136841 J:127492 UniProtKB:Q14149 19541 1 evidence:EGFP-MORC3 in WI38 human normal fibroblasts using the pLNCX2 retrovirus vector anatomy: cell type:WI38 ; ATCC:CCL-75|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17332504|IDA text:Expressi ISO GO:0048147 MGI:2136841 J:127492 UniProtKB:Q14149 19542 2 on of MORC3 severely inhibited proliferation of infected cells ISO GO:0048147 MGI:2136841 J:127492 UniProtKB:Q14149 19543 1 evidence:overexpressed pMEPy-FLAG-MORC3 in WI38 human normal fibroblasts anatomy: cell type:WI38 ; ATCC:CCL-75|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: Trp53;UniProt:P02340 external ref:PMID:17332504|IDA text:In ISO GO:0018105 MGI:2136841 J:127492 UniProtKB:Q14149 19544 2 MORC3-overexpressed WI38 cells, p53 was stabilized and phosphorylated at serine 15 but barely acetylated at lysine 373 and 382 ISO GO:0018105 MGI:2136841 J:127492 UniProtKB:Q14149 19545 1 evidence:overexpressed pMEPy-FLAG-MORC3 in WI38 human normal fibroblasts anatomy: cell type:WI38 ; ATCC:CCL-75|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: Trp53;UniProt:P02340 external ref:PMID:17332504|IDA text:In ISO GO:0006468 MGI:2136841 J:127492 UniProtKB:Q14149 19546 2 MORC3-overexpressed WI38 cells, p53 was stabilized and phosphorylated at serine 15 but barely acetylated at lysine 373 and 382 ISO GO:0006468 MGI:2136841 J:127492 UniProtKB:Q14149 19547 1 evidence:overexpressed pMEPy-FLAG-MORC3 in WI38 human normal fibroblasts anatomy: cell type:WI38 ; ATCC:CCL-75|permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: Trp53;UniProt:P02340 external ref:PMID:17332504|IDA text:In ISO GO:0050821 MGI:2136841 J:127492 UniProtKB:Q14149 19548 2 MORC3-overexpressed WI38 cells, p53 was stabilized and phosphorylated at serine 15 but barely acetylated at lysine 373 and 382 ISO GO:0050821 MGI:2136841 J:127492 UniProtKB:Q14149 19549 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:Saos-2 and HeLa cells gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17332504|IDA text:endogenous MORC3 was detected primarily on nuclear foci, together with PML ISO GO:0016605 MGI:2136841 J:127492 UniProtKB:Q14149 19550 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:18026101|IMP text:RNA-mediated interference. succumbed rapidly to a challenge with the RNA virus flock house virus ISO GO:0051607 MGI:1352630 J:126658 UniProtKB:O60706 19551 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:NB4 cells, an acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) cell line expressing PML-retinoic acid receptor alpha gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17332504|IDA t ISO GO:0051457 MGI:104662 J:127492 UniProtKB:P29590 19552 2 ext:ATRA treatment induced PML-NB formation and recruitment of MORC3 as well as Sp100 and CBP to the reorganized PML-NBs in 15.4% of the cells. The localization of MORC3 to nuclear foci was also suppressed in PML-knockdown cells. Furthermore, in WI38 cell ISO GO:0051457 MGI:104662 J:127492 UniProtKB:P29590 19553 3 s, overexpression of PML IV increased the localization of endogenous MORC3 to PML-NBs ISO GO:0051457 MGI:104662 J:127492 UniProtKB:P29590 19554 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:U-2 OS cells cell type:WI38 cells cell type:HeLa cells gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17332504|IDA external ref:PMID:17332504|IMP text:Overexpressed ISO GO:0051457 MGI:2136841 J:127492 UniProtKB:Q14149 19555 2 FLAG-MORC3 colocalized with endogenous p53 and CBP in U-2 OS cells and WI38 cells, but p53 showed diffuse nuclear localization in nontransfected and FLAG-MORC3-E35A transfected cells Endogenous Sp100 was completely dispersed or localized to two or fewer ISO GO:0051457 MGI:2136841 J:127492 UniProtKB:Q14149 19556 3 nuclear foci in DsRed2-positive cells (41.3%) in which MORC3 was simultaneously repressed ISO GO:0051457 MGI:2136841 J:127492 UniProtKB:Q14149 19557 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:Saos-2 cells gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17332504|IDA text:endogenous CBP localized on PML-NBs in both MORC3-knockdown cells and cells transfecte ISO GO:0016605 MGI:1098280 J:127492 UniProtKB:O60424 19558 2 d with control vector ISO GO:0016605 MGI:1098280 J:127492 UniProtKB:O60424 19559 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Cdh1 IPI GO:0045296 MGI:1202717 J:115561 UniProtKB:P09803 19560 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11953314|IMP text: ISO GO:0016337 MGI:1202717 J:115561 UniProtKB:P49768 19561 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17431506|IDA text: ISO GO:0032469 MGI:1202717 J:122034 UniProtKB:P49768 19562 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000120 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:109520 J:85751 MGI:2384054 19563 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mice die before E16.5 due to heart defects IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1337080 J:127720 MGI:3765904 19564 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Dab1 external ref: text:binds phosphorylated Dab1 IPI GO:0051219 MGI:109520 J:86398 UniProtKB:P97318 19565 1 evidence:ECO:0000126 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|CRL-1951 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0048471 MGI:109520 J:86398 N/A 19566 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: present here only if Lis (Pafah1b1) is also expressed IGI GO:0031252 MGI:1352757 J:105269 MGI:109520 19567 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: present here only if Lis (Pafah1b1) is also expressed IGI GO:0043005 MGI:1352757 J:105269 MGI:109520 19568 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS25\, forebrain ; EMAP:10260 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Inspection of forebrain structures at E17.5 revealed significant differences between wi IMP GO:0021537 MGI:1337080 J:127720 MGI:3765904 19569 2 ld-type and SMRT2/2 cortex, most noticeably with a shift in the proportional volumes of dorsal and ventral telencephalon regions. IMP GO:0021537 MGI:1337080 J:127720 MGI:3765904 19570 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybritization;ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS22\, telencephalon ; EMAP:6075 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hes5 ; MGI:104876 target:Dll1 ; MGI:104659 external ref: text: IMP GO:0016566 MGI:1337080 J:127720 MGI:3765904 19571 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:binds Pafah1b1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1928401 J:128546 UniProtKB:P63005 19572 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression;ECO:0000048 evidence:expression of Ki67 marker anatomy:T21\,telencephalon;EMAP:4994 cell type:myeloid progenitor cell;CL:0000839 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021846 MGI:1337080 J:127720 MGI:3765904 19573 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 evidence:chromatin precipitation anatomy:T22\,telencephalon;EMAP:6075 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Gfap;MGI:95697 target:Dcx:MGI:1277171 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1349717 J:127720 N/A 19574 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS25\, forebrain ; EMAP:10260 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Inspection of forebrain structures at E17.5 revealed significant differences between wi IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1337080 J:127720 MGI:3765904 19575 2 ld-type and SMRT2/2 cortex, most noticeably with a shift in the proportional volumes of dorsal and ventral telencephalon regions. text:retinoic-acid-dependent and Notch-dependent forebrain development IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1337080 J:127720 MGI:3765904 19576 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 evidence:chromatin precipitation anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Jmjd3;MGI:2448492 external ref: text:Jmjd3 promoter binding IDA GO:0043565 MGI:97856 J:127720 N/A 19577 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 evidence:chromatin precipitation anatomy:T22\,telencephalon;EMAP:6075 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Dll1;MGI:104659 target:Hes5;MGI:104876 target:Gfap;MGI:95697 target:Dc IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1337080 J:127720 N/A 19578 2 x:MGI:1277171 target:Jmjd3;MGI:2448492 external ref: text:presence of Ncor2 on Hes5 and Dll1 promoters, as well as Gfap and Dcx, Jmjd3 promoters IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1337080 J:127720 N/A 19579 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybritization;ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS22\, telencephalon ; EMAP:6075 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hes5 ; MGI:104876 target:Dll1 ; MGI:104659 target:Jmjd3 ; MGI:2448492 external ref: text: IMP GO:0000122 MGI:1337080 J:127720 MGI:3765904 19580 1 evidence:inferred from PCR experiment;ECO:00000082 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:overexpression of Jmjd3 in neural stem cells resulted in induction of Dlx5, Gad1, Gad2, Dcx IDA GO:0000122 MGI:2448492 J:127720 N/A 19581 1 evidence:inferred from PCR experiment;ECO:00000082 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:overexpression of a mutant form of Jmjd3, which lacks the enzymatic jumonji C domain, failed to activate neuronal gene IMP GO:0000122 MGI:2448492 J:127720 N/A 19582 2 s IMP GO:0000122 MGI:2448492 J:127720 N/A 19583 1 evidence:histone demethylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:H3K27me3 external ref: text:expression of full-length, but not jumonji-C domain deleted protein resulted in a dramatic decrease of global trimethyl hist IMP GO:0016577 MGI:2448492 J:127720 N/A 19584 2 one H3K27 IMP GO:0016577 MGI:2448492 J:127720 N/A 19585 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:retinoic-acid-induced neuronal differentiation caused a decrease in Jmjd3 recrutment to the Dlx5 promoter IDA GO:0043565 MGI:2448492 J:127720 N/A 19586 1 evidence:ECO:0000181 anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042744 MGI:104887 J:62395 MGI:3589261 19587 1 evidence:ECO:0000181 anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005739 MGI:104887 J:62395 MGI:3589261 19588 1 evidence:ECO:0000181 anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006629 MGI:104887 J:62395 MGI:3589261 19589 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000340 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004602 MGI:104887 J:63988 MGI:2158814 19590 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:NIH3T3;ATCC:CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005768 MGI:2442192 J:123368 N/A 19591 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:NIH3T3;ATCC:CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16923123|IDA text:transfected ISO GO:0005769 MGI:1352507 J:123368 UniProtKB:O75059 19592 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:NIH3T3;ATCC:CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16923123|IDA text:transfected ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1352507 J:123368 UniProtKB:O75059 19593 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:NIH3T3;ATCC:CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16923123|IDA text:transfected ISO GO:0005794 MGI:1352507 J:123368 UniProtKB:O75059 19594 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:NIH3T3;ATCC:CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target:Eea1;MGI:2442192 external ref:PMID:16923123|IDA text:transfected, overexpressed ISO GO:0032880 MGI:1352507 J:123368 UniProtKB:O75059 19595 2 . text:EEA1 signals almost disappeared in cells showing high expression level of GFP-FLJ38519 ISO GO:0032880 MGI:1352507 J:123368 UniProtKB:O75059 19596 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay;ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Rab22A target:Rab34 target:Rab39B external ref:PMID:16923123|IDA text:the strongest GAP activity toward Rab22A. mild GAP activity toward Rab ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1352507 J:123368 UniProtKB:O75059 19597 2 34 and Rab39B. ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1352507 J:123368 UniProtKB:O75059 19598 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay;ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Rab10 external ref:PMID:16923123|IDA text:human UVI5l possesses significant Rab10-GAP activity ISO GO:0005097 MGI:2442167 J:123368 NCBI:NP_660288 19599 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay;ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Rab2a external ref:PMID:16923123|IDA text:human OATL1 possess significant Rab2A-GAP activity ISO GO:0005097 MGI:2444862 J:123368 UniProtKB:Q14830 19600 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay;ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Rab39B external ref:PMID:16923123|IDA text:no previously reported RabGAP-5 activity ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19601 2 get someone to resolve this experimentally. We will wait until we hear from him. csmith ---- The evidence is more convincing that this mutation is in Penk1 than in Penk-rs. The genomic structure in J:35826 matches the Penk1 genomic structure, the geno ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19602 3 typing primers blast to Chr 4 and the phenotypes of the mice match other alleles of Penk1. It is not clear if Penk-rs even exists. See all corespondence below. csmith 12-21-07

HI Cindy, I am writing you about an issue that has come ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19603 4 to our attention through Tech Support (See the extensive correspondence below for details for the evolution of this issue). There are some conflicting reports in the literature on the Penk gene(s) and consequently in MGI and that confusion seems to h ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19604 5 ave carried over to our strain data page for Strain Name: B6.129-Penk-rstm1Pig/J, Stock Number: 002880 and the Strain Name: D2.129(B6)-Penk-rstm1Pig/J, Stock Number: 002881. In a nut shell: The strain data sheets for these two KO's (2880 and 2881) say t ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19605 6 he Penk gene that was knocked out maps to Chr 9 (this is where MGI lists the Penk-rs gene based on one mapping publication, there is no annotation/sequence data for this gene in Ensembl). AND The same strain data sheets for these two KO's lists the con ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19606 7 trols primers, to genotype the wildtype allele, and they clearly map to Chr 4 where penk1 is said to be located (based on MGI and ensembl). I blasted these primers myself and confirmed this. It appears that penk-rs is not real but that is not for us ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19607 8 to determine. But....if the genotyping primers effectively distinguished hets from WT and homs, then we clearly have the wrong chromosome listed on the strain data sheets and the strain name should be called penk1 rather than penk-rs. There are two other ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19608 9 penk1 (Chr 4) mutants listed in MGI and these have a similar behavioral phenotype as the "penk-rs" strain that Jax has suggesting they are all penk1 mutants. We thought you might want to investigate this since MGI is linking the original publication ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19609 10 for this knockout (Konig and Zimmer et al, 1986) to a gene on Chr 9 (Penk-rs) based on a single subsequent paper (Shapiro et al, 1992) when all other data from the genotyping lab, the journals and ensembl suggest that the gene knocked resides on Chr 4. ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19610 11 Our customer has some biological issues with this KO that we are helping him address but he brought this Chr 4 vs Chr 9 issue to our attention and it is clearly conflicting data that should be corrected in the strain data sheet (at our end) and in MGI. ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19611 12 Let me know if you need any additional information from me and please keep me updated on any decisions/changes that you make regarding this situation. Thanks, Janice __________________________________ Janice K. Pendola The Jackson Laboratory 600 ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19612 13 Main Street Bar Harbor, ME 04609-1500 (207) 288-6652 From: Cathy Lutz [mailto:cat.lutz@jax.org] Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 9:58 AM To: Michael Sasner; Steve Rockwood; Ray Vonder Haar; Janice Pendola Cc: Dawn Jellison Subject: RE: Penk gene mapping ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19613 14 loci Janice I would ask MGI to investigate. My guess is that they split Penk into two symbols; Penk and Penk-rs and migrated data from Penk to Penk-rs. Wether or not the migration of this Nature paper to Penk-rs is appropriate may be as simple as ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19614 15 a going through MGI; Sometimes these nomenclature assignments can get quite tricky. Certainly the paper seems to claim that their KO is to Penk. Cindy Smith in MGI would be a good person to help. Cathleen Lutz, Ph.D. Repository Operations Manag ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19615 16 er Associate Research Scientist The Jackson Laboratory 600 Main Street Bar Harbor Maine 04609 (207) 288-6341 From: Michael Sasner [mailto:mike.sasner@jax.org] Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 5:07 PM To: Steve Rockwood; Cathy Lutz Subject: Fwd: ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19616 17 Penk gene mapping loci I'm forwarding this as an FYI. I don't know the process for initiating an investigation for something like this, I'm assuming Ray will investigate and then bring to the GQC? Mike Begin forwarded message: From: " ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19617 18 Janice Pendola" Date: February 8, 2007 5:01:40 PM EST To: "Michael Sasner" , "Ray Vonderhaar" Cc: "Dawn Jellison" Subject: FW: Penk gene mapping loci Reply ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19618 19 -To: "janice.pendola@jax.org" Hi Ray and Mike, Prior to my coming into TIS, Brian had conversed with Laynez Ackermann at U of Iowa about our Strain Name: B6.129-Penk-rstm1Pig/J, Stock Number: 002880 (we also have this stra ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19619 20 in on D2 background: Strain Name: D2.129(B6)-Penk-rstm1Pig/J, Stock Number: 002881.) See the extensive correspondence below along with my letter to them recently. I have been trying to sort this out to see if there was a problem on our end or not. I ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19620 21 n a nut shell, there are some conflicting reports in the literature on this Penk gene and that confusion seems to have carried over to our strain data page for this KO. As you will see from the Laynez Ackermann correspondence below, they are concerned abo ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19621 22 ut numerous things including whether the original investigators knocked out the correct gene or not, and whether a related penk-rs gene really exists etc. These are things they need to solve and publish but what does concern me is the following: The ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19622 23 strain data sheets for these two KO's (2880 and 2881) say the gene that was knocked out maps to Chr 9 (this is where MGI lists the Penk-rs gene based on one mapping publication, there is no annotation/sequence data for this gene in Ensembl). AND The s ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19623 24 ame strain data sheets for these two KO's lists the controls primers, to genotype the wildtype allele, and they clearly map to Chr 4 where penk1 is said to be located (based on MGI and ensembl). I blasted these primers myself and confirmed this. It ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19624 25 appears that penk-rs is not real but that is not for us to determine. But....if the genotyping primers effectively distinguished hets from WT and homs, then we clearly have the wrong chromosome listed on the strain data sheets and the strain name should b ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19625 26 e called penk1 rather than penk-rs. There are two other penk1 (Chr 4) mutants listed in MGI and these have a similar behavioral phenotype as the "penk-rs" strain that Jax has suggesting they are all penk1 mutants. Laynez "knows" that our strain is re ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19626 27 ally a Chr 4 KO and he believed that it was Penk1 but he is now getting quant RT expression and positive antibody staining for this transcript and protein when it should be knocked out. We can address this as a separate issue but my main concern at this ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19627 28 point is that our strain data sheets aren't reflecting the correct genomic location and gene name. I asked Laynez if his mice were displaying the proper phenotype and that is certainly the most important point but he did not respond to that question ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19628 29 . Anyway, I thought it was time I brought this to the table given that it is a web strain data sheet issue. I wasn't sure who to contact about it. Let me know if you need any further feedback from me. I will continue to address Laynez's other is ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19629 30 sues with this model. -Janice __________________________________ Janice K. Pendola The Jackson Laboratory 600 Main Street Bar Harbor, ME 04609-1500 (207) 288-6652 Janice I did another control experiment, to see if I was amplifying R ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19630 31 NA or contaminating DNA in my samples. I did identical samples with and without reverse transcriptase. There was indeed some amplification achieved in the sample without RT, but the difference in Ct's of the RT and no RT was 17.This would mean that the co ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19631 32 ntaminating DNA was accounting for less than 0.001% of the total. Another thing derived from the Konig paper was that in that paper there was no mRNA for Penk measured by Northern. I think the insertion site of the neo probe totally eliminated any on the ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19632 33 Exon 3 to be put into the transcript. The paper in unfortunately a Nature paper and so exactly what they used as a probe in their Northerns isn't published. Laynez Ackermann Janice, Good to hear from you. I will try to answer your questions and e ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19633 34 xplain other things to you. I will try to do it slowly as there are many inconsistencies. First let me say that we are studying the Penk1 gene not the Penk-rs gene. We bought your mouse as many other authors have used this mouse in published papers for a ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19634 35 "Penk" knockout. The gene you advertise to have been knocked out is on Chromosome 9. The primers you list to do the genotyping are on Chromosome 4. The Konig paper that is referenced in your Web site is for a Chromosome 4 knockout. Penk-rs, as ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19635 36 far as I can find in the literature is a "phantom gene". This gene has never been sequenced. It is listed on all the maps I can find on the Web, and where it is also mentioned. The place on chromosome 9 is said to be 8q11.23-q12. Exactly what this sequenc ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19636 37 e is I don't know. If you can help me and let me know what the sequence of this piece of DNA is I would appreciate it. In the early literature the gene on chromosome 4 had 3 exons in it. Current data shows it with only 2.. Penk was said to be o ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19637 38 n chromosome 9 in a paper by Shapiro et al (JBC 267, 4664-4671 (1992). He used a short probe designed by Keshet et al ( EMBO 8, 2917-2923, 1989). Keshet designed a 278bp probe, Shapiro sites the probe as a ~600bp probe (this inconsistency could be just du ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19638 39 e to the fact that the one doing the work is not the one who writes the paper). In 1995, Giros said that Penk was on Chromosome 4 (Pharmacology Letters 56, 369-375, 1995). He used a full length probe for his work and said that Shapiro's gene was a Penk re ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19639 40 lated sequence. All references to Penk on chromosome 9 that I can find in the literature reference Shapiro and use his probes. I checked my primers and they are both in exon 3, so I could be amplifying DNA. Since I am using Sybr green, I don't ha ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19640 41 ve primers I can use that are in different exons, but I can design such primers and just do regular RT PCR and I will do that. Our antibodies are from the several places in the protein, one being the very end of the protein, so that shouldn't be there. ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19641 42 I'm not offended if you point out what you may see as inconsistencies in my data, in fact I encourage it. I am seeking the truth. To answer your questions : 1) Yes I now have mice that I believe to be homozygotes 2) I d ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19642 43 on't know if these mice are making Penk-rs, as neither me nor anyone else knows what the transcript for Penk-rs is. What I do find is that these mice are making the transcript for Penk 3) I don't know if the original investigators knocked out th ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19643 44 e gene on chr 4, what I do know is that people are using your mouse in the literature as a chr 4 knockout. Laynez Ackermann -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Janice Pendola [mailto: ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19644 45 janice.pendola@jax.org] Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 4:18 PM To: Ackermann, Laynez W Subject: Penk Dear Laynez, Brian Soper forwarded you recent emails to me. Brian has changed positions and is no longer a member of Technical Supp ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19645 46 ort group but I am and I will be helping you to sort out the Penk gene problem. So that I can better help you, please review the following information and let me know if any of it is NOT correct: 1) You have mice from Jax strain #2880 that g ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19646 47 enotype as homozygous knockouts. 2) Your results using these homozygous knockouts indicate that you are getting penk-rs expression (by quant RT) AND you are getting a positive antibody response for penk-rs protein. 3) You believe that ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19647 48 the original investigators may have knocked out the related gene, Penk1 on chr 4. If there is anything further you think I should know, please send that information along to me. A few questions and comments: Do your homozygous knockout anima ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19648 49 ls respond phenotypically the way you would expect this strain to react? Are you sure you are not amplifying the related Penk1 gene transcript? Just because someone called it a pseudo gene doesn't mean that is necessarily true. Have you had your a ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19649 50 mplified product sequenced to confirm that it matches the Penk gene exactly? Are your quant RT primers amplifying over an exon-exon boundary? If your primers are within a single exon, it is possible that you are amplifying contaminating genomic DNA ( ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19650 51 a common problem with quant RT). If you are ready to have FISH done, you can certainly do so. I recommend that you ask the group performing the FISH what they recommend as far as a probe including what probe length would be ideal. From my perspecti ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19651 52 ve, your probe should be a stretch of nucleotide that is both unique to your gene of interest (i.e. blast the sequence to make sure it is specific to Penk-rs and not Penk1) AND it should be a stretch that is a portion of the gene that was knocked out when ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19652 53 the construct was inserted. I understand the construct knocked out a 5' portion of exon 3. Because the KO removes a portion of exon 3, we would expect that a penk-rs transcript would be transcribed, but that the translated product is not function ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19653 54 al due to the missing exon 3 enkephalin-coding sequence. Thus, you expect that you might see expression of the gene transcript by quant RT depending on where your primers are AND you may get antibody recognition of the protein if your antibodies are made ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19654 55 against a portion of the Penk protein that is unaffected by the KO construct (i.e. exon 1, 2). Also, have you thought about the possibility of doing a simple PCR reaction with one primer located in the neo portion of the construct and the other locat ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19655 56 ed in the genomic region of the Penk-rs gene? A little genomic exploration like this might allow you to avoid the FISH analysis. I am not implying that your conclusion is incorrect. Your concerns are valid and we want to help you sort them out, how ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19656 57 ever, I think we should consider the possibility that your data may be leading you to the wrong conclusion. Please let me know the answers to these questions and we will go from there. Thanks, Janice Begin forwarded message: > Fro ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19657 58 m: "Ackermann, Laynez W" > > Date: January 24, 2007 10:23:55 AM EST > > To: "Brian Soper" > > Subject: RE: Penk gene mapping loci > > > > I have now been in contact with a company that will do the FISH. ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19658 59 They > > can do it from a spleen. What I do need to send them is a probe to > > use. > > What do I send them as a probe? > > > > Laynez Ackermann > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Brian Soper [mailto:brian.soper@jax.org] > > Sent: Tuesday, ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19659 60 July 18, 2006 1:57 PM > > To: Ackermann, Laynez W > > Subject: RE: Penk gene mapping loci > > > > Laynez, > > > > Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I mistakenly suggested we > > could get the FISH done for you. Unfortunately, we do not cu ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19660 61 rrently > > provide FISH as a service. Here are some vendors you might choose > > from > > to get the mice tested... > > > > http://www.techno-path.com/oncor.html > > > > http://www.chrombios.com/Karyotyping/Mouse_ES1.html > > > > http://www.seedna ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19661 62 .com/catalog.html > > > > If you get this issue sorted out, please let us know the answer. We > > would like to make sure the data sheets on the mice are as accurate as > > possible. If you can prove there are two genes differentially > > expressed, t ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19662 63 he MGI folks would be interested for their database as > > well. > > Good luck! > > > > ======================================= > > Brian W. Soper, PhD > > Research Scientist > > Technical Information Services, Lead > > Bldg 51, Box 643 > > The Jackson ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19663 64 Laboratory > > 610 Main Street > > Bar Harbor, ME 04609 > > > > Phone: (207) 288-6652 > > Fax: (207) 288-6629 > > E-mail: brian.soper@jax.org > > ======================================= > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Ackermann, L ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19664 65 aynez W [mailto:laynez-ackermann@uiowa.edu] > > Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 3:58 PM > > To: Brian Soper > > Subject: RE: Penk gene mapping loci > > > > What would it cost to have a FISH done? > > > > Laynez Ackermann > > > > -----Original Message--- ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19665 66 -- > > From: Brian Soper [mailto:brian.soper@jax.org] > > Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 1:51 PM > > To: Ackermann, Laynez W > > Cc: Don Liu; Stephen Rockwood; Jen Merriam > > Subject: FW: Penk gene mapping loci > > > > Laynez, > > > > Below is a thread ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19666 67 of e-mails exchanged with Michael Seldon, who > > reported > > the mapping of Penk1 on chromosome 4. It appears the only way to > > resolve this is to use FISH analysis to determine if the 2880 mice > > indeed have Penk-rs KO'ed on chromosome 9. If you ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19667 68 have live mice, we > > can get the FISH done for you (our mice are all frozen). On the > > bright > > side, it is possible that there are two independent alleles that > > may be > > differentially expressed in specific tissues. If you could > > demonstr ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19668 69 ate > > this, you would have a nice paper! Let us know what you would like to > > do. > > > > ======================================= > > Brian W. Soper, PhD > > Research Scientist > > Technical Information Services, Lead > > Bldg 51, Box 643 > > The J ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19669 70 ackson Laboratory > > 610 Main Street > > Bar Harbor, ME 04609 > > > > Phone: (207) 288-6652 > > Fax: (207) 288-6629 > > E-mail: brian.soper@jax.org > > ======================================= > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19670 71 Seldin Michael [mailto:mfseldin@ucdavis.edu] > > Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 2:27 PM > > To: Brian Soper > > Subject: RE: Penk gene mapping loci > > > > Hi Brian, > > Well - mapping was done well in the other paper. The only reason > > (but a > > real ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19671 72 good one) to believe that the mouse chromosome 4 is right is that > > it is part of a human mouse homology group (human is right where it > > would be predicted) where as the mouse chromosome 9 would create a new > > homology group made up of one gene. > ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19672 73 > > > Final resolution would require re-mapping (not by me) or better yet > > checking where the transgene inserted. > > > > Good luck, > > > > Michael F. Seldin, M.D.,Ph.D. > > Professor Biological Chemistry and Medicine > > Chair Rowe Program in ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19673 74 Genetics > > UCD Med Biological Chemistry > > 4453 Tupper Hall > > One Shields Ave. > > Davis, CA 95616 > > Telephone 530-754-6016 > > FAX 530-754-6015 > > Email mfseldin@ucdavis.edu > > http//roweprogram.ucdavis.edu/ > > ********************************* ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19674 75 ******************** > > "Genes and Immunity", from Nature Publishing Group; emerging as the > > best > > journal for research on functional & molecular immunogenetics, > > controlling the immune system in health and disease. > > Grant Gallagher & Michael ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19675 76 Seldin (Editors); editor-GAI@ucdavis.edu > > Subscriptions and Customer Service; subscriptions@nature.com > > http//www.nature.com/gene > > ************************************************** > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Brian Sope ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19676 77 r [mailto:brian.soper@jax.org] > > Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 10:55 AM > > To: Seldin Michael > > Subject: RE: Penk gene mapping loci > > > > Dr. Seldon, > > > > Attached is the Seldon paper. Interestingly, if you look at the > > top of > > page 466 ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19677 78 6, they state that a 600 bp fragment of mouse genomic DNA was > > used as a probe to determine the locus. The reference for that > > probe is > > an early paper examining developmental expression of Penk (Keshet et > > al.). Keshet et al. generated th ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19678 79 eir own murine subclone/probe by PCR > > using data from a cDNA subclone sequence reported by Zurawski et al. > > 1986. > > > > Zurawski, G., M. Benedik, et al. (1986). "Activation of mouse T-helper > > cells induces abundant preproenkephalin mRNA synth ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19679 80 esis." Science > > 232(4751): 772-5. > > > > > > ====================================== > > Brian W. Soper, PhD > > Research Scientist > > Technical Information Services, Lead > > Bldg 51, Box 643 > > The Jackson Laboratory > > 610 Main Street > > Bar ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19680 81 Harbor, ME 04609 > > > > Phone: (207) 288-6652 > > Fax: (207) 288-6629 > > E-mail: brian.soper@jax.org > > ======================================= > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Seldin Michael [mailto:mfseldin@ucdavis.edu] ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19681 82 > > Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 1:14 PM > > To: Brian Soper > > Subject: RE: Penk gene mapping loci > > > > Hi Brian, > > Please send a PDF of the Shapiro report. The mouse Penk1 is also > > where > > it should be by homology relationships. Would sus ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19682 83 pect that the > > Penk-rs > > may not have been well mapped or is a pseudogene. > > > > Michael F. Seldin, M.D.,Ph.D. > > Professor Biological Chemistry and Medicine > > Chair Rowe Program in Genetics > > UCD Med Biological Chemistry > > 4453 Tupper Hal ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19683 84 l > > One Shields Ave. > > Davis, CA 95616 > > Telephone 530-754-6016 > > FAX 530-754-6015 > > Email mfseldin@ucdavis.edu > > http//roweprogram.ucdavis.edu/ > > ***************************************************** > > "Genes and Immunity", from Nature Pu ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19684 85 blishing Group; emerging as the > > best > > journal for research on functional & molecular immunogenetics, > > controlling the immune system in health and disease. > > Grant Gallagher & Michael Seldin (Editors); editor-GAI@ucdavis.edu > > Subscriptions a ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19685 86 nd Customer Service; subscriptions@nature.com > > http//www.nature.com/gene > > ************************************************** > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Brian Soper [mailto:brian.soper@jax.org] > > Sent: Monday, July 17, 200 ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19686 87 6 9:33 AM > > To: Seldin Michael > > Subject: Penk gene mapping loci > > > > Dear Dr. Seldon, > > > > I am hoping you may be able to clarify some confusion regarding a > > knockout mouse strain being sold here at The Jackson Laboratory. The > > strai ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19687 88 n is (stock #002880) B6.129-Penk-rs/J. The early > > literature indicates the enkephalin proteins emanate from a single > > gene(1). The first report that included mapping of Penk showed it > > to be > > located on chromosome 9 near the Epo rece ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19688 89 ptor(2). You were an > > author on > > two papers indicating that Penk maps to chromosome 4(3, 4). The > > original paper describing the KO mouse does not characterize the > > chromosome in which the transgene inserted(5). Based on these papers, > > th ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19689 90 e Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) database describes Penk1 on > > chromosome 4 and Penk-rs on chromosome 9. It appears that only Penk1 > > has been cloned and sequenced. The question is, are there really two > > alleles of Penk? It appears that when the ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19690 91 gene was knocked out, all > > protein was eliminated(5), suggesting no expression from the other > > allele (unless expression from the other allele is tissue > > specific). As > > far as I can ascertain, nobody has confirmed that the neo cassette > > i ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19691 92 nserted into chromosome 9. We would like to know if the mouse we > > have > > is actually a Penk1 KO on chromosome 4, or a Penk-rs KO on > > chromosome 9 > > as described? We contacted the original donator of the strain and > > never > > received a repl ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19692 93 y. Any thoughts you might have would be a great help. > > > > > > (1) Keshet, E., R. D. Polakiewicz, et al. (1989). Proenkephalin A is > > expressed in mesodermal lineages during organogenesis. Embo J. > > > > (2) Shapiro, S. D., G. L. Griffin, e ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19693 94 t al. (1992). "Molecular cloning, > > chromosomal localization, and bacterial expression of a murine > > macrophage metalloelastase." J Biol Chem 267(7): 4664-71. > > > > (3) Giros, B., M. Pohl, et al. (1995). "Chromosomal localization of > > opioid pe ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19694 95 ptide and receptor genes in the mouse." Life Sci 56(18): > > PL369-75. > > > > (4) Seldin, M. F., M. D. Gustavson, et al. (1998). "Mapping of two > > mouse membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase (MT-MMP) genes, Mmp15 and > > Mmp16, to mouse chromosomes ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19695 96 8 and 4, respectively." Genomics 50(2): > > 295-7. > > > > (5) Konig, M., A. M. Zimmer, et al. (1996). "Pain responses, anxiety > > and aggression in mice deficient in pre-proenkephalin." Nature > > 383(6600): 535-8. > > > > > > > > ============ ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19696 97 =========================== > > Brian W. Soper, PhD > > Research Scientist > > Technical Information Services, Lead > > Bldg 51, Box 643 > > The Jackson Laboratory > > 610 Main Street > > Bar Harbor, ME 04609 > > > > Phone: (207) 288-6652 > > Fax: ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19697 98 (207) 288-6629 > > E-mail: brian.soper@jax.org > > ======================================= > Michael Sasner, Ph.D. Genetic Resources Scientist The Jackson Lab Bar Harbor, ME 04609 207-288-6817 ISO GO:0005097 MGI:1916329 J:123368 NCBI:NP_056520 19698 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay;ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Rab3A external ref:PMID:16923123|IDA text: ISO GO:0005097 MGI:2445001 J:123368 UniProtKB:Q15042 19699 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 anatomy:medulla oblongata;MA:0000206 cell type:oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: qual IDA GO:0033269 MGI:1925017 J:104529 N/A 19700 2 ifier: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0033269 MGI:1925017 J:104529 N/A 19701 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 anatomy:medulla oblongata;MA:0000206 cell type:oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: qual IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1925017 J:104529 N/A 19702 2 ifier: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1925017 J:104529 N/A 19703 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:brainstem;MA:0000169 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0033269 MGI:96925 J:104529 N/A 19704 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:brainstem;MA:0000169 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043209 MGI:96925 J:104529 N/A 19705 1 evidence:immunoelectron microscopy anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 anatomy:medulla oblongata;MA:0000206 cell type:oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: exte IDA GO:0043209 MGI:1925017 J:104529 N/A 19706 2 rnal ref: text:present in the abaxonal, cytoplasmic pocket of the myelin sheath, also referred to as the "outer tongue" or the "outer lip" IDA GO:0043209 MGI:1925017 J:104529 N/A 19707 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 anatomy:medulla oblongata;MA:0000206 cell type:oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: qual IDA GO:0033269 MGI:107848 J:104529 N/A 19708 2 ifier: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0033269 MGI:107848 J:104529 N/A 19709 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 anatomy:medulla oblongata;MA:0000206 cell type:oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: qual IDA GO:0033270 MGI:1925017 J:104529 N/A 19710 2 ifier: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0033270 MGI:1925017 J:104529 N/A 19711 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 anatomy:medulla oblongata;MA:0000206 cell type:oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: qual IDA GO:0043209 MGI:107848 J:104529 N/A 19712 2 ifier: target: external ref: text:outer cytoplasmic lip of the myelin sheath in the CNS IDA GO:0043209 MGI:107848 J:104529 N/A 19713 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 anatomy:medulla oblongata;MA:0000206 cell type:oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: qual IDA GO:0033270 MGI:1858201 J:104529 N/A 19714 2 ifier: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0033270 MGI:1858201 J:104529 N/A 19715 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 cell type:oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: localized to F-actin-containing spikes. IDA GO:0030175 MGI:1925017 J:104529 N/A 19716 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:COS-7;ATCC:CRL-1651|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|astrocyte;C IDA GO:0008360 MGI:1925017 J:104529 N/A 19717 2 L:0000127 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:marked change in cell morphology in all cell types tested text:overexpressed IDA GO:0008360 MGI:1925017 J:104529 N/A 19718 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:COS-7;ATCC:CRL-1651|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|astrocyte;C IDA GO:0007015 MGI:1925017 J:104529 N/A 19719 2 L:0000127 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Ermin overexpression induced robust reorganization of F-actin IDA GO:0007015 MGI:1925017 J:104529 N/A 19720 1 evidence:F-actin cosedimentation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051015 MGI:1925017 J:104529 N/A 19721 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:COS-7;ATCC:CRL-1651|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|astrocyte;C IDA GO:0001763 MGI:1925017 J:104529 N/A 19722 2 L:0000127 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001763 MGI:1925017 J:104529 N/A 19723 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:COS-7;ATCC:CRL-1651|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|astrocyte;C IDA GO:0031344 MGI:1925017 J:104529 N/A 19724 2 L:0000127 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031344 MGI:1925017 J:104529 N/A 19725 1 evidence:ECO:0000005; inferred from enzyme assay anatomy:MA:0000168; brain anatomy:MA:0000072; heart anatomy:MA:0000368;kidney anatomy:MA:0000358;liver anatomy:MA:0000415;lung cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004602 MGI:104887 J:44499 MGI:2158814 19726 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:removing upstream element in the gene abolishes transripton of the tRNA gene, which in turn prevents syntheis of various proteins requiring selenocysteine such IMP GO:0001514 MGI:98837 J:97632 N/A 19727 2 as Gpx1 IMP GO:0001514 MGI:98837 J:97632 N/A 19728 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 cell type:oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042995 MGI:1333754 J:104529 N/A 19729 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 cell type:oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1333754 J:104529 N/A 19730 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 cell type:oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042995 MGI:107848 J:104529 N/A 19731 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 cell type:oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:107848 J:104529 N/A 19732 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 cell type:oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042995 MGI:96925 J:104529 N/A 19733 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 cell type:oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:96925 J:104529 N/A 19734 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Rrm2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98180 J:116942 UniProtKB:P11157 19735 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Rrm1|Rrm2 IPI GO:0051259 MGI:98180 J:116926 UniProtKB:P07742|UniProtKB:P11157 19736 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Rrm2 IPI GO:0004748 MGI:98180 J:116926 UniProtKB:P11157 19737 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Rrm1|Rrm2 IPI GO:0051259 MGI:98181 J:116926 UniProtKB:P07742|UniProtKB:P11157 19738 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Rrm1 IPI GO:0009263 MGI:98181 J:116926 UniProtKB:P07742 19739 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Rrm1 IPI GO:0004748 MGI:98181 J:116926 UniProtKB:P07742 19740 1 evidence:inhibitor hydroxyurea anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009263 MGI:98181 J:10107 N/A 19741 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Rrm1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98181 J:116942 UniProtKB:P07742 19742 1 evidence:inhibitor hydroxyurea anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004748 MGI:98181 J:10107 N/A 19743 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:comparing strains, mapping experiments. IMP GO:0008203 MGI:104511 J:8735 N/A 19744 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:type C Apoa2 IDA GO:0042157 MGI:88050 J:22520 N/A 19745 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042157 MGI:88050 J:39861 N/A 19746 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:marked effect on HDL binding by SR-BI and CD36 IMP GO:0008035 MGI:88050 J:88979 MGI:2157148 19747 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:marked effect on lipid uptake by SR_BI and CD36 IMP GO:0006869 MGI:88050 J:88979 MGI:2157148 19748 1 evidence:ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008035 MGI:893578 J:88979 N/A 19749 1 evidence:ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030301 MGI:893578 J:88979 N/A 19750 1 evidence:ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030301 MGI:107899 J:88979 N/A 19751 1 evidence:ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008035 MGI:107899 J:88979 N/A 19752 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:knockout mice had reduced total, HDL and non-HDL cholesterol levels IMP GO:0042632 MGI:88050 J:55745 MGI:2157148 19753 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased synthesis of Apoa2 results in increased HDL cholesterol levels. IDA GO:0042632 MGI:88050 J:4733 N/A 19754 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Apoa2 knockout mice had reduced cholesterol levels, but Apoa2/Lipc double knockout mice had increased cholesterol levels. IGI GO:0042632 MGI:88050 J:55745 MGI:96216 19755 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Apoa2 knockout mice had reduced cholesterol levels, but Apoa2/Lipc double knockout mice had increased cholesterol levels. IGI GO:0042632 MGI:96216 J:55745 MGI:88050 19756 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased HDL cholesteryl ester fractional catabolic rate in Apoa2 knockout mice IMP GO:0008203 MGI:88050 J:55745 MGI:2157148 19757 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased HDL cholesteryl ester fractional catabolic rate in Apoa2 knockout mice was decreased to nearly normal in double Apoa2/Lipc knockout mice IGI GO:0008203 MGI:88050 J:55745 MGI:96216 19758 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased HDL cholesteryl ester fractional catabolic rate in Apoa2 knockout mice was decreased to nearly normal in double Apoa2/Lipc knockout mice IGI GO:0008203 MGI:96216 J:55745 MGI:88050 19759 1 evidence:lipase inhibitor study using Apoa2 knockout mice evidence:HDL triglyceride hydrolysis assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:In the presence of Apoa2 lipase inhibitor did not further increase H IMP GO:0060192 MGI:88050 J:55745 MGI:2157148 19760 2 DL triglycerides. IMP GO:0060192 MGI:88050 J:55745 MGI:2157148 19761 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:homozygotes - embryonic lethality during organogenesis, incomplete penetrance, most dead by E10.5 IMP GO:0001701 MGI:88052 J:23315 MGI:1857625 19762 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:homozygotes - exencephaly in mice that survived past E10.5 IMP GO:0007399 MGI:88052 J:23315 MGI:1857625 19763 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:markedly reduced plasma concentrations of the pre-beta and beta-migrating lipoproteins, and an 70%o reduction in plasma apolipoprotein B levels. IMP GO:0042157 MGI:88052 J:23315 MGI:1857625 19764 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:about 60% of heterozygous males were not able to fertilize eggs both in vitro and in vivo. IMP GO:0009566 MGI:88052 J:35836 MGI:2157090 19765 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:80% of heterozygous sperm revealed reduced sperm motility, and motile sperm bound to zona pellucida became immotile. IMP GO:0030317 MGI:88052 J:35836 MGI:2157090 19766 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:revealed reduced sperm motility, survival time, and sperm count IMP GO:0007283 MGI:88052 J:35836 MGI:2157090 19767 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; EMAP:2095 anatomy:vibrissa ; EMAP:4151 anatomy:mammary gland ; EMAP:4958 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007499 MGI:1330810 J:54636 MGI:1934580 19768 1 evidence: anatomy:apical ectodermal ridge ; EMAP:2098|apical ectodermal ridge ; EMAP:2102 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:1330810 J:54636 MGI:1934580 19769 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; EMAP:2095 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009954 MGI:1330810 J:54636 MGI:1934580 19770 1 evidence:SDS-PAGE of apolipoprotein B evidence:Plasma concentrations of cholesterol anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:homozygotes - decreased circulating HDL, LDL, VLDL cholesterol levels, ApoB containin IMP GO:0042632 MGI:88052 J:36426 MGI:3665449 19771 2 g LDL and VLDL particles are almost absent. IMP GO:0042632 MGI:88052 J:36426 MGI:3665449 19772 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10657951|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1330810 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9H3D4 19773 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10657951|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1330810 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9H3D4 19774 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:homozygotes - embryonic exencephaly, if survive neonatal period - hydroencephaly. text:heterozygotes - develop hydroencephaly IMP GO:0007399 MGI:88052 J:36426 MGI:3665449 19775 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008544 MGI:1330810 J:54636 MGI:1934580 19776 1 evidence: anatomy:prostate gland epithelium ; MA:0001737 cell type:basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1330810 J:66126 N/A 19777 1 evidence: anatomy:prostate gland ; MA:0000404 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030850 MGI:1330810 J:66126 MGI:1934269 19778 1 evidence:plasma cholesterol levels anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Compared with the levels in apo-B+/+/apo-E-/-, the total plasma cholesterol levels were higher in the apo-B48/48/Apo- IMP GO:0042632 MGI:88052 J:41510 MGI:1857304|MGI:1857303 19779 2 E-/- mice, and were lower in the apo-B100/100/Apo-E-/- mice. ApoB48 and ApoB100 are isoforms of ApoB. text:susceptibility to atherosclerosis was dependent on total cholesterol levels. IMP GO:0042632 MGI:88052 J:41510 MGI:1857304|MGI:1857303 19780 1 evidence: anatomy:tongue epithelium ; MA:0001592 anatomy:esophagus epithelium ; MA:0001565 cell type:basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1330810 J:71053 N/A 19781 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by Northern assay;ECO:0000106 anatomy:small intestine;MA:0000337 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:for LPH, SGLT1 and apoB, the mRNA abundance was IMP GO:0016071 MGI:104982 J:46862 MGI:2177053 19782 2 significantly higher in the null animals than in the wild-types. IMP GO:0016071 MGI:104982 J:46862 MGI:2177053 19783 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased circulating cholesterol level observed in females. IMP GO:0042632 MGI:88052 J:46549 MGI:1857304 19784 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:homozygotes - die in utero or born dead, reduced embryo size, hemorrhage from the brain into the amniotic fluid, herniation of the liver into the umbilical cor IMP GO:0001701 MGI:88052 J:46549 MGI:2157775 19785 2 d. IMP GO:0001701 MGI:88052 J:46549 MGI:2157775 19786 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:homozygotes - embryonic exencephalus IMP GO:0007399 MGI:88052 J:46549 MGI:2157775 19787 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:plasma LDL cholesterol levels were higher in Ldlr-/-ApoB48/48 mice than in ApoB48/48 mice IMP GO:0042632 MGI:96765 J:51022 MGI:1857212 19788 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Apo-B100 levels were 65% lower in Apoe-deficient mice, Apo-B48 were significantly higher in Apoe-deficient mice. IMP GO:0042157 MGI:88057 J:51022 MGI:1857129 19789 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:U07808|UniProt:P47945 modification: target: external ref:PMID:8003488|IDA text: ISO GO:0046686 MGI:99692 J:18736 EMBL:U07807|UniProtKB:P47944 19790 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo;EMAP:80 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:106 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:147 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Homozygous GATA6-/- mice died between embryonic day (E) 6.5 and E7.5. Mutant E6.5 GATA6-/- embry IMP GO:0001701 MGI:107516 J:51304 MGI:2177785 19791 2 os were consistently smaller (10%?20%) than their heterozygous and wild-type littermates IMP GO:0001701 MGI:107516 J:51304 MGI:2177785 19792 1 evidence:TUNEL assay anatomy:TS9\,embryo;EMAP:80 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cell death is observed within the embryonic ectoderm in GATA6-/- embryos beginning at E6.5 IMP GO:0006915 MGI:107516 J:51304 MGI:2177785 19793 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q04592-1|Pcsk5B; long form modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005794 MGI:97515 J:37018 N/A 19794 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|NIH-3T3;ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target:HNF4;MGI:109128 external ref: text:GATA6 activates transcription of the HNF4 IDA GO:0045944 MGI:107516 J:51304 N/A 19795 2 promoter in nonendodermal cells IDA GO:0045944 MGI:107516 J:51304 N/A 19796 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|NIH-3T3;ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target:HNF4;MGI:109128 external ref: text:GATA6 activates transcription of the HNF4 IDA GO:0016563 MGI:107516 J:51304 N/A 19797 2 promoter in nonendodermal cells IDA GO:0016563 MGI:107516 J:51304 N/A 19798 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by Northern assay;ECO:0000106 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:HNF4;MGI:109128 target:GATA4;MGI:95664 targe IMP GO:0007492 MGI:107516 J:51304 MGI:2177785 19799 2 t:Afp;MGI:87951 target:HNF3b;MGI:1347476 external ref: text:Differentiated embryoid bodies (12 days) derived from GATA6-/- ES cells lack a covering layer of visceral endoderm and severely attenuate, or fail to express, genes encoding early and late endode IMP GO:0007492 MGI:107516 J:51304 MGI:2177785 19800 3 rmal markers, including HNF4, GATA4, a-fetoprotein (AFP), and HNF3b text:bronhial endoderm development. evidence: anatomy:TS9\,embryo;EMAP:80 cell type: gene product: modification: text:bronhial endoderm development. evidence: anatomy: IMP GO:0007492 MGI:107516 J:51304 MGI:2177785 19801 4 l ref: text:specific defect in endoderm differentiation including severely down-regulated expression of GATA4 and absence of HNF4 gene expression IMP GO:0007492 MGI:107516 J:51304 MGI:2177785 19802 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q04592-2|Pcsk5A; short form modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030141 MGI:97515 J:37018 N/A 19803 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0034136 MGI:2429397 J:91804 MGI:2680581 19804 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:1341628 J:103 MGI:1856081 19805 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:about one-half of homozygotes did not survive until weaning, and some were hydrocephalic. IMP GO:0009791 MGI:88052 J:51549 MGI:2157108 19806 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased circulating LDL and VLDL cholesterol levels. IMP GO:0042632 MGI:88052 J:51549 MGI:2157108 19807 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:apoB39 was not cleared as rapidly from the plasma as apoB48. IMP GO:0042157 MGI:88052 J:51549 MGI:2157108 19808 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type:somatic stem cell ; CL:0000723 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035019 MGI:88039 J:1879 MGI:1856318 19809 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type:somatic stem cell ; CL:0000723 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035019 MGI:88039 J:1879 MGI:104642 19810 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type:somatic stem cell ; CL:0000723 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035019 MGI:104642 J:1879 MGI:88039 19811 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type:brush border epithelial cell ; CL:0000239 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:96964 J:15105 N/A 19812 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type:brush border epithelial cell ; CL:0000239 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:96963 J:15105 N/A 19813 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:half-normal levels of MTP (heterozygotes) reduced the plasma cholesterol levels. IMP GO:0042632 MGI:106926 J:61175 MGI:2152201 19814 1 evidence:radioimmunoassay anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:half-normal levels of MTP (heterozygotes) reduced the plasma apoB100 levels. IMP GO:0042157 MGI:106926 J:61175 MGI:2152201 19815 1 evidence:autoradiogram anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte;CL:0000182|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:The amount of apoB isoforms in the medium from heterozygous Mttp+/- hepatoc IMP GO:0042953 MGI:106926 J:61175 MGI:2152201 19816 2 ytes was lower than in wild-type mice IMP GO:0042953 MGI:106926 J:61175 MGI:2152201 19817 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:heterozygosity for an apoB knockout mutation lowered plasma apoB100 levels IMP GO:0042157 MGI:88052 J:61175 MGI:1857303 19818 1 evidence:gel retardation anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target:ApoB;MGI:88052 external ref: text:binding to intestine-specific enhancer IDA GO:0003705 MGI:1347476 J:64004 N/A 19819 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target:ApoB;MGI:88052 external ref: text:increasing amounts of an HNF-3b expression vector leads to a progressive stimula IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1347476 J:64004 N/A 19820 2 tion of transcription text:co-transfection experiment. IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1347476 J:64004 N/A 19821 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target:ApoB;MGI:88052 external ref: text:increasing amounts of an Cebpb expression vector leads to a progressive stimulat IDA GO:0045944 MGI:88373 J:64004 N/A 19822 2 ion of transcription text:co-transfection experiment. IDA GO:0045944 MGI:88373 J:64004 N/A 19823 1 evidence:gel retardation anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target:ApoB;MGI:88052 external ref: text:binding to intestine-specific enhancer IDA GO:0003705 MGI:88373 J:64004 N/A 19824 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target:ApoB;MGI:88052 external ref: text:increasing amounts of an Cebpa expression vector leads to a progressive repressi IDA GO:0000122 MGI:99480 J:64004 N/A 19825 2 on of transcription text:co-transfection experiment. IDA GO:0000122 MGI:99480 J:64004 N/A 19826 1 evidence:gel retardation anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target:ApoB;MGI:88052 external ref: text:binding to intestine-specific enhancer of ApoB. IDA GO:0003705 MGI:99480 J:64004 N/A 19827 1 evidence:gel retardation anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target:ApoB;MGI:88052 external ref: text:binding to intestine-specific enhancer IDA GO:0003705 MGI:109128 J:64004 N/A 19828 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target:ApoB;MGI:88052 external ref: text:increasing amounts of an Hnf4a expression vector leads to a progressive stimulat IDA GO:0045944 MGI:109128 J:64004 N/A 19829 2 ion of transcription text:co-transfection experiment. IDA GO:0045944 MGI:109128 J:64004 N/A 19830 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:P30557-1 gene Product:P30557-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004957 MGI:97795 J:15973 N/A 19831 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015277 MGI:95814 J:123244 N/A 19832 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042391 MGI:95814 J:123244 N/A 19833 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: kainate selective glutamate receptor complex ; GO:0032983 external ref: text IMP GO:0031503 MGI:1098229 J:123244 N/A 19834 2 : IMP GO:0031503 MGI:1098229 J:123244 N/A 19835 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 cell type:neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000337 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021874 MGI:98956 J:59283 MGI:1857489 19836 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; EMAP:12943 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021766 MGI:98956 J:59283 MGI:1857489 19837 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy:developing neocortex E11.5 cell type:neural progenitors gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:altered nuclear morphology is consistent IMP GO:0022027 MGI:2147298 J:126953 N/A 19838 2 with a potential nuclear migration defect. IMP GO:0022027 MGI:2147298 J:126953 N/A 19839 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005813 MGI:2147298 J:126953 N/A 19840 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005813 MGI:102722 J:126953 N/A 19841 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:neocortex E12.5 cell type:neural progenitors gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in utero electroporation IDA GO:0005813 MGI:1347085 J:126953 N/A 19842 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy:developing neocortex E11.5 cell type:neural progenitors gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021987 MGI:2147298 J:126953 N/A 19843 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy:developing neocortex E11.5 cell type:neural progenitors gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0022008 MGI:2147298 J:126053 N/A 19844 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy:developing neocortex E11.5 cell type:neural progenitors gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:silencing Cep120 causes a premature depl IMP GO:0008283 MGI:2147298 J:126953 N/A 19845 2 etion of proliferating progenitors IMP GO:0008283 MGI:2147298 J:126953 N/A 19846 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:using yeast cells expressing the coiled-coil domain of Cep120 and/or the C terminus of TACCs. IPI GO:0019904 MGI:1341163 J:126953 MGI:2147298 19847 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:using yeast cells expressing the coiled-coil domain of Cep120 and/or the C terminus of TACCs. IPI GO:0019904 MGI:1928899 J:126953 MGI:2147298 19848 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:using yeast cells expressing the coiled-coil domain of Cep120 and/or the C terminus of TACCs. IPI GO:0019904 MGI:2443510 J:126953 MGI:2147298 19849 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2147298 J:126953 MGI:105108|MGI:2384917|MGI:2384878|MGI:1891434|MGI:1925343 19850 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1925343 J:126953 MGI:2147298 19851 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1891434 J:126953 MGI:2147298 19852 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2384878 J:126953 MGI:2147298 19853 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2384917 J:126953 MGI:2147298 19854 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:105108 J:126953 MGI:2147298 19855 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:using yeast cells expressing the coiled-coil domain of IPI GO:0008022 MGI:2147298 J:126953 MGI:2443510|MGI:1928899|MGI:1341163 19856 2 Cep120 and/or the C terminus of TACCs. IPI GO:0008022 MGI:2147298 J:126953 MGI:2443510|MGI:1928899|MGI:1341163 19857 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|COS-7;ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected, overexpressed text:increase in the size of the IDA GO:0030953 MGI:2147298 J:126953 N/A 19858 2 microtubule aster emanating from the centrosome IDA GO:0030953 MGI:2147298 J:126953 N/A 19859 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|COS-7;ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected, overexpressed text:increase in the size of the IDA GO:0030953 MGI:1928899 J:126953 N/A 19860 2 microtubule aster emanating from the centrosome text: TACC2B isoform IDA GO:0030953 MGI:1928899 J:126953 N/A 19861 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|COS-7;ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected, overexpressed text:increase in the size of the IDA GO:0030953 MGI:1341163 J:126953 N/A 19862 2 microtubule aster emanating from the centrosome IDA GO:0030953 MGI:1341163 J:126953 N/A 19863 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy:developing neocortex E11.5 cell type:neural progenitors gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:altered nuclear morphology is consistent IMP GO:0022027 MGI:2443510 J:126953 N/A 19864 2 with a potential nuclear migration defect. IMP GO:0022027 MGI:2443510 J:126953 N/A 19865 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy:developing neocortex E11.5 cell type:neural progenitors gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:altered nuclear morphology is consistent IMP GO:0022027 MGI:1928899 J:126953 N/A 19866 2 with a potential nuclear migration defect. IMP GO:0022027 MGI:1928899 J:126953 N/A 19867 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy:developing neocortex E11.5 cell type:neural progenitors gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:altered nuclear morphology is consistent IMP GO:0022027 MGI:1341163 J:126953 N/A 19868 2 with a potential nuclear migration defect. IMP GO:0022027 MGI:1341163 J:126953 N/A 19869 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy:developing neocortex E11.5 cell type:neural progenitors gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:2443510 J:126953 N/A 19870 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy:developing neocortex E11.5 cell type:neural progenitors gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021987 MGI:2443510 J:126953 N/A 19871 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy:developing neocortex E11.5 cell type:neural progenitors gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0022008 MGI:2443510 J:126953 N/A 19872 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy:developing neocortex E11.5 cell type:neural progenitors gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:1928899 J:126953 N/A 19873 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy:developing neocortex E11.5 cell type:neural progenitors gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021987 MGI:1928899 J:126953 N/A 19874 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy:developing neocortex E11.5 cell type:neural progenitors gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0022008 MGI:1928899 J:126953 N/A 19875 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy:developing neocortex E11.5 cell type:neural progenitors gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:1341163 J:126953 N/A 19876 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy:developing neocortex E11.5 cell type:neural progenitors gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021987 MGI:1341163 J:126953 N/A 19877 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy:developing neocortex E11.5 cell type:neural progenitors gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0022008 MGI:1341163 J:126953 N/A 19878 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:TS19\,brain;EMAP:3461 cell type:neural progenitors gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005813 MGI:2384875 J:126953 N/A 19879 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000226 MGI:2147298 J:126953 N/A 19880 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032886 MGI:2147298 J:126953 N/A 19881 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000226 MGI:2443510 J:126953 N/A 19882 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032886 MGI:2443510 J:126953 N/A 19883 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000226 MGI:1928899 J:126953 N/A 19884 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032886 MGI:1928899 J:126953 N/A 19885 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000226 MGI:1341163 J:126953 N/A 19886 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032886 MGI:1341163 J:126953 N/A 19887 1 evidence:in utero electroporation evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Cep120 Regulates Centrosomal Localization of TACC3 in Neural Progenitors IMP GO:0032880 MGI:2147298 J:126953 N/A 19888 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Cep120 Regulates Centrosomal Localization of TACC3 in Neural Progenitors IDA GO:0005813 MGI:1341163 J:126953 N/A 19889 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte;CL:0000182|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cholesterogenic enzymes were downregulated in mutant mice and cholesterol synthesisrates IMP GO:0045540 MGI:88052 J:111086 MGI:2183298 19890 2 reduced. IMP GO:0045540 MGI:88052 J:111086 MGI:2183298 19891 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte;CL:0000182|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutants showed enhanced lipid peroxidation and reduced mRNA expression of the microsomal IMP GO:0016042 MGI:88052 J:111086 MGI:2183298 19892 2 lipid peroxidizing enzymes Cyp4A10 and Cyp4A14. IMP GO:0016042 MGI:88052 J:111086 MGI:2183298 19893 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte;CL:0000182|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: mutants showed significantly elevated levels of triglycerides. IMP GO:0019433 MGI:88052 J:111086 MGI:2183298 19894 1 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:107585 J:111086 N/A 19895 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:30% of homozygotes die within the first 2 weeks due to acute intestinal malabsorption; surviving homozygotes recover rapidly, are fertile, and appear generally IMP GO:0009791 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19896 2 healthy as adults. homozygotes develop diarrhea and steatorrhea in the neonatal period. IMP GO:0009791 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19897 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduction in the length of the intestinal tract. varying degrees of intestinal distension, with enlarged and paddle-shaped villi. blood ac IMP GO:0048565 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19898 2 cumulation in the intestinal lumen. mild delay in intestinal development. abnormal intestinal peristalsis. IMP GO:0048565 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19899 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal intestinal mucosa morphology - engorged with lipid-staining vesicles, resulting in abnormal villus morphology. decreased and smal IMP GO:0048537 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19900 2 l Peyer's patch number. IMP GO:0048537 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19901 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduction in the length of the intestinal tract. varying degrees of intestinal distension, with enlarged and paddle-shaped villi. blood ac IMP GO:0048621 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19902 2 cumulation in the intestinal lumen. mild delay in intestinal development. abnormal cecum morphology. abnormal small intestine crypts of Lieberkuhn morphology. abnormal duodenum morphology. abnormal jejunum morphology. IMP GO:0048621 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19903 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:plasma;MA:0002501 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:intestinal villi contained few IgA1 plasma cells IMP GO:0002317 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19904 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine;MA:0000337 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduction in CD4+ T cells IMP GO:0043367 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19905 1 evidence: anatomy:blood;MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased leukocyte cell number IMP GO:0001776 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19906 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:complete loss of zone-specific metallophilic macrophages IMP GO:0030225 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19907 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:small spleen, absent spleen marginal zone, abnormal spleen periarteriolar lymphoid sheath morphology, absent spleen, spleen atrophy IMP GO:0048536 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19908 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal spleen B cell follicle morphology IMP GO:0016333 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19909 1 evidence: anatomy:lymph node;MA:0000139 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal mesenteric lymph node morphology IMP GO:0048535 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19910 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:severely impaired homing of leukocytes into the spleen IMP GO:0050900 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19911 1 evidence: anatomy:serum;MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased circulating triglyceride level IMP GO:0006641 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19912 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine crypt of lieberkuhn;MA:0001552 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal small intestine crypts of Lieberkuhn morphology IMP GO:0022612 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19913 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:gut endothelial cell;CL:0000131|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:97348 J:64018 MGI:2448069 19914 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced plasma cholesterol levels IGI GO:0042632 MGI:88052 J:66424 MGI:88057|MGI:96765 19915 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:heterozygotes - 20%o reduction in plasma cholesterol levels, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level IMP GO:0042632 MGI:88052 J:23315 MGI:1857625 19916 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced plasma cholesterol levels IGI GO:0042632 MGI:88057 J:66424 MGI:88052 19917 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced plasma cholesterol levels IGI GO:0042632 MGI:96765 J:66424 MGI:88052 19918 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006629 MGI:88052 J:66424 MGI:88057|MGI:96765 19919 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042157 MGI:88052 J:66424 MGI:88057|MGI:96765 19920 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006629 MGI:88057 J:66424 MGI:88052 19921 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042157 MGI:88057 J:66424 MGI:88052 19922 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006629 MGI:96765 J:66424 MGI:88052 19923 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042157 MGI:96765 J:66424 MGI:88052 19924 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:NIH3T3;ATCC:CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1926034 J:128362 N/A 19925 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:NIH3T3;ATCC:CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1926034 J:128362 N/A 19926 1 evidence: anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030317 MGI:1926034 J:128362 MGI:3767553 19927 1 evidence: anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007283 MGI:1926034 J:128362 MGI:3767553 19928 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q8CCH7 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1334444 J:53717 N/A 19929 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q8CCH7 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1334444 J:53717 N/A 19930 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q8CCH7 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003714 MGI:1334444 J:53717 N/A 19931 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Review of autopsy material revealed severe bilateral pulmonary hypoplasia, most markedly involving the left lung. The lung/body weight ratio was 0.0037 (expected . 0.010). T ISO GO:0048568 MGI:1334444 J:100119 NCBI:NP_036214 19932 2 here were a reduced number of bronchial generations, and the radial alveolar count was 2?3 (expected ¼ 5). There were incomplete lung fissures bilaterally. A deep posterior diaphragmatic eventration was present on the left side. Additionally, two muscular ISO GO:0048568 MGI:1334444 J:100119 NCBI:NP_036214 19933 3 ized ligamentous bands resembling diaphragmatic remnants encircled the left lobe of the liver, creating an abnormal fissured liver contour. ISO GO:0048568 MGI:1334444 J:100119 NCBI:NP_036214 19934 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|HEK293;ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16338228|IMP text:Cell surface TLR4 was downregulated by RPAT4B ISO GO:0032880 MGI:1913705 J:104199 NCBI:NP_689968 19935 2 siRNA but not by control siRNA. ISO GO:0032880 MGI:1913705 J:104199 NCBI:NP_689968 19936 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mouse oocytes transformed with GFP-hEmi1 construct ISO GO:0007128 MGI:1914391 J:119087 NCBI:NP_036309 19937 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:mouse oocytes transformed with GFP-hEmi1 construct ISO GO:0051442 MGI:1914391 J:119087 NCBI:NP_036309 19938 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:Saos-2 and HeLa cells gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17332504|IDA text:Sp100 constitutively localized on PML-NBs and also in entire nuclei. ISO GO:0016605 MGI:109561 J:127492 UniProtKB:P23497 19939 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:Saos-2 and HeLa cells gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17332504|IDA text:Sp100 constitutively localized on PML-NBs and also in entire nuclei. ISO GO:0005634 MGI:109561 J:127492 UniProtKB:P23497 19940 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,inner cell mass; EMAP:14 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008440 MGI:1916968 J:99723 MGI:3583918 19941 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,inner cell mass; EMAP:14 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000824 MGI:1916968 J:99723 MGI:3583918 19942 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q8CCH7 modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0008134 MGI:1334444 J:53713 UniProtKB:Q08369 19943 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:A5HE91|Fog2s gene product:Q8CCH7 modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0008134 MGI:1334444 J:121803 UniProtKB:Q08369 19944 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Rates of secretion were reduced in heterozygotes Apob38.9/ApoB100 IMP GO:0042953 MGI:88052 J:87974 MGI:2183298 19945 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:hepatocyte;CL:0000182|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: rates of apoB-100 synthesis were reduced IGI GO:0042158 MGI:103298 J:87974 MGI:88052 19946 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:hepatocyte;CL:0000182|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: rates of apoB-100 synthesis were reduced IGI GO:0042158 MGI:88052 J:87974 MGI:103298 19947 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042157 MGI:88052 J:87974 MGI:88057 19948 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042157 MGI:88052 J:87974 MGI:96765 19949 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042157 MGI:88057 J:87974 MGI:88052 19950 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042157 MGI:96765 J:87974 MGI:88052 19951 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:hepatocyte;CL:0000182|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Rates of secretion were reduced in heterozygotes Apob38.9/ApoB100 IGI GO:0042953 MGI:88052 J:87974 MGI:103298 19952 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:hepatocyte;CL:0000182|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Rates of secretion were reduced IGI GO:0042953 MGI:103298 J:87974 MGI:88052 19953 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Ptgs;MGI:97798 external ref: text:binding of apobec-1 to AU-rich sequences in the first 60 nucleotides of the 3' untr IDA GO:0017091 MGI:103298 J:93425 N/A 19954 2 anslated region of cyclooxygenase-2. IDA GO:0017091 MGI:103298 J:93425 N/A 19955 1 evidence:clonogenic assay anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:after gamma-irradiation, the survival of intestinal stem cells decreased significantly IMP GO:0010332 MGI:103298 J:93425 MGI:2157186 19956 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by Northern assay;ECO:0000106 anatomy: cell type:HEK293;ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target:Ptgs;MGI:97798 external ref: text:Apob IDA GO:0048255 MGI:103298 J:93425 N/A 19957 2 ec-1 Stabilizes Cyclooxygenase-2 Messenger RNA IDA GO:0048255 MGI:103298 J:93425 N/A 19958 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:the plasma cholesterol level was significantly higher. higher plasma apoB-48 levels, slower clearance for plasma apoB-48-carrying lipoproteins, and more advan IGI GO:0042159 MGI:107202 J:100500 MGI:88057 19959 2 ced atherosclerotic lesions in the aorta IGI GO:0042159 MGI:107202 J:100500 MGI:88057 19960 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:the plasma cholesterol level was significantly higher. higher plasma apoB-48 levels, slower clearance for plasma apoB-48-carrying lipoproteins, and more advan IGI GO:0042159 MGI:88052 J:100500 MGI:107202 19961 2 ced atherosclerotic lesions in the aorta IGI GO:0042159 MGI:88052 J:100500 MGI:107202 19962 1 evidence: anatomy:femoral artery;MA:0001951 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Delayed Arteriogenesis IGI GO:0048844 MGI:88052 J:116827 MGI:88057 19963 1 evidence: anatomy:femoral artery;MA:0001951 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Delayed Arteriogenesis IGI GO:0048844 MGI:88057 J:116827 MGI:88052 19964 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042632 MGI:88057 J:116827 MGI:88052 19965 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042632 MGI:88052 J:116827 MGI:88057 19966 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Psen1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1861437 J:83886 UniProtKB:P49769 19967 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Gsk3b IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1202717 J:83886 UniProtKB:Q9WV60 19968 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021798 MGI:95729 J:59923 MGI:1856276 19969 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021537 MGI:95729 J:59923 MGI:1856276 19970 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007420 MGI:96785 J:86254 MGI:1890208 19971 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:96785 J:67304 MGI:1890208 19972 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:96785 J:86254 MGI:1890208 19973 1 evidence: anatomy:choroid invagination ; EMAP:4180 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021537 MGI:96785 J:67304 MGI:1890208 19974 1 evidence: anatomy:forebrain ; EMAP:7470 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021846 MGI:95388 J:72659 MGI:2148858 19975 1 evidence: anatomy:dentate gyrus ; EMAP:12571 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021542 MGI:95388 J:72659 MGI:2148858 19976 1 evidence: anatomy:forebrain ; EMAP:7470 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021885 MGI:95388 J:72659 MGI:2148858 19977 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hypothermic rel to single ko IGI GO:0001659 MGI:104887 J:71506 MGI:104887|MGI:106609 19978 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, hippocampus ; cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021766 MGI:1344407 J:123406 MGI:2387499|MGI:2684610 19979 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000340; jejunum anatomy:MA:0000339 ; ileum anatomy:MA:0000335 ; colon cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004602 MGI:106609 J:71506 MGI:1888703 19980 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, hippocampus ; cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021846 MGI:1344407 J:123406 MGI:2387499|MGI:2684610 19981 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, hippocampus ; cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030177 MGI:1344407 J:123406 MGI:2387499|MGI:2684610 19982 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000340; jejunum anatomy:MA:0000339 ; ileum anatomy:MA:0000335 ; colon cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004602 MGI:104887 J:71506 MGI:2158814 19983 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23, hippocampus ; cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043507 MGI:1344407 J:123406 MGI:2387499|MGI:2684610 19984 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000339 ; ileum cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004602 MGI:106609 J:103116 MGI:1888703 19985 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000340; jejunum cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004602 MGI:104887 J:103116 MGI:2158814 19986 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043523 MGI:104887 J:71798 MGI:2388705 19987 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 ; inferred from enzyme assay anatomy:MA:0000168 ; brain anatomy:MA:0000072 ; heart anatomy:MA:0000358 ; liver anatomy:0000368 ; kidney cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004602 MGI:104887 J:90710 MGI:2158814 19988 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 ; inferred from enzyme assay anatomy:MA:0000168 ; brain anatomy:MA:0000072 ; heart anatomy:MA:0000358 ; liver anatomy:0000368 ; kidney cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004784 MGI:98352 J:90710 MGI:1857344 19989 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000057 ; fibroblast gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:104887 J:87985 MGI:2388705 19990 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000057 ; fibroblast gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042542 MGI:104887 J:87985 MGI:2388705 19991 1 evidence:in vitro phosphorylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15194694|IDA text:J:92391 ISO GO:0004677 MGI:104779 J:73065 UniProtKB:P78527 19992 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15194694|IDA text:J:92391 ISO GO:0005958 MGI:104779 J:73065 UniProtKB:P78527 19993 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15194694|IDA text:J:92391 ISO GO:0018105 MGI:104779 J:73065 UniProtKB:P78527 19994 1 evidence:IP anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse PRKdc and Lig4 IDA GO:0031648 MGI:104779 J:92391 N/A 19995 1 evidence: anatomy:rectum ; MA:0000336 anatomy:vagina ; MA:0000394 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060197 MGI:1330810 J:79340 MGI:1934269 19996 1 evidence: anatomy:clitoris ; MA:0000382 anatomy:vagina ; MA:0000394 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048807 MGI:1330810 J:79340 MGI:1934269 19997 1 evidence: anatomy:tail ; MA:0000008 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035121 MGI:1330810 J:79340 MGI:1934269 19998 1 evidence: anatomy:vagina squamous epithelium ; MA:0001731 cell type:squamous epithelial cell ; CL:0000076 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:cervix epithelium ; MA:0001724 cell type:columnar/cuboidal epit IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1330810 J:79340 N/A 19999 2 helial cell ; CL:0000075 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:female urethra ; MA:0002637|urethra epithelium ; MA:0001686 anatomy:urinary bladder mucosa ; MA:0001692 anatomy:ureter urothelium ; MA:0002655 c IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1330810 J:79340 N/A 20000 3 ell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1330810 J:79340 N/A 20001 1 evidence: anatomy:vagina squamous epithelium ; MA:0001731 anatomy:vulva ; MA:0000395 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030855 MGI:1330810 J:79340 MGI:1934269 20002 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product:UniProt:O88898-2 modification: target: external ref: text:p53 responsive genes IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1330810 J:83976 N/A 20003 1 evidence:adenylation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:XR-1 CHO variant used (XRCC4-deficent) IDA GO:0005524 MGI:1335098 J:92391 N/A 20004 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:XR-1 CHO variant used (XRCC4 deficient) IDA GO:0005958 MGI:1335098 J:92391 N/A 20005 1 evidence:in vitro phosphorylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15194694|IDA text:J:92391 ISO GO:0005958 MGI:1335098 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49917 20006 1 evidence:transient V(D)J recombination assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0033151 MGI:1335098 J:92391 N/A 20007 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:XR-1 CHO variant used (XRCC4-deficent), cells were transfected ISA GO:0005515 MGI:1335098 J:92391 UniProtKB:Q13426 20008 1 evidence: anatomy:palatal shelf ; EMAP:8171 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060021 MGI:1338938 J:97214 MGI:2158390|MGI:2176835 20009 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:2022 anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:3818|mesenchyme ; EMAP:3821 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002053 MGI:1338938 J:97214 MGI:2158390|MGI:2176835 20010 1 evidence: anatomy:palatal shelf ; EMAP:4563 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:1338938 J:97214 MGI:2158390|MGI:2176835 20011 1 evidence: anatomy:medial-nasal process ; EMAP:2385 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048598 MGI:1338938 J:97214 MGI:2158390|MGI:2176835 20012 1 evidence: anatomy:incisor ;EMAP:9476 anatomy:molar ; EMAP:9482 cell type:molar ; EMAP:12166 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042475 MGI:1338938 J:97214 MGI:2158390|MGI:2176835 20013 1 evidence: anatomy:medial-nasal process ; EMAP:4361 anatomy:maxillary process ; EMAP:4557 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048598 MGI:88180 J:97214 MGI:3041440|MGI:2176835 20014 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15194694|IDA text:XR-1 CHO variant used (XRCC4-deficent), XRCC and LIG4 transfected ISO GO:0005958 MGI:1333799 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13426 20015 1 evidence:in vitro cohesive end ligation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003910 MGI:1335098 J:92391 N/A 20016 1 evidence:in vitro cohesive end legation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006266 MGI:1333799 J:92391 N/A 20017 1 evidence:in vitro phosphorylation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:XR-1 CHO variant used (XRCC4-deficent), transfected with Xrcc4 and Lig4 IDA GO:0005958 MGI:1333799 J:92391 N/A 20018 1 evidence:in vitro cohesive end ligation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006266 MGI:1335098 J:92391 N/A 20019 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell;CL:0000236| gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:two-fold proliferative advantage ISO GO:0042100 MGI:88138 J:946 UniProtKB:P10415 20020 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell;CL:0000236| gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:946 UniProtKB:P10415 20021 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle myocardium ; MA:0000082 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030315 MGI:98246 J:109097 N/A 20022 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle myocardium ; MA:0000082 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0014704 MGI:98246 J:109097 N/A 20023 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle myocardium ; MA:0000082 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:98251 J:109097 N/A 20024 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle myocardium ; MA:0000082 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030315 MGI:98251 J:109097 N/A 20025 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle myocardium ; MA:0000082 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0014704 MGI:98251 J:109097 N/A 20026 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle myocardium ; MA:0000082 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030315 MGI:98248 J:109097 N/A 20027 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle myocardium ; MA:0000082 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0014704 MGI:98248 J:109097 N/A 20028 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricle myocardium ; MA:0000082 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:98249 J:109097 N/A 20029 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:bipolar neuron ; CL:0000103|GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006814 MGI:98246 J:113149 MGI:3665322 20030 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:bipolar neuron ; CL:0000103|GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005248 MGI:98246 J:113149 MGI:3665322 20031 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:bipolar neuron ; CL:0000103|GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019228 MGI:98246 J:113149 MGI:3665322 20032 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:98246 J:121969 N/A 20033 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:98248 J:121969 N/A 20034 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:98249 J:121969 N/A 20035 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:103169 J:121969 N/A 20036 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043194 MGI:98246 J:121969 N/A 20037 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:basket cell ; CL:0000118 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:000 IDA GO:0030424 MGI:98246 J:121969 N/A 20038 2 0121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:98246 J:121969 N/A 20039 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:98246 J:121969 N/A 20040 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum white matter ; MA:0002430 anatomy:corpus callosum ; MA:0000188 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0033268 MGI:98246 J:121969 N/A 20041 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019227 MGI:98246 J:121696 MGI:3713733 20042 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006814 MGI:98246 J:125694 MGI:3665322 20043 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000333 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:respponse to microflora establishment in the gut/large intestine,as determined by presence or absence of inflammation. IGI GO:0051702 MGI:106609 J:103116 MGI:104887|MGI:106609 20044 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000333 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:respponse to microflora establishment in the gut/large intestine,as determined by presence or absence of inflammation. IGI GO:0002862 MGI:106609 J:103116 MGI:104887|MGI:106609 20045 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000333 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:respponse to microflora establishment in the gut/large intestine,as determined by presence or absence of inflammation. IGI GO:0009609 MGI:106609 J:103116 MGI:104887|MGI:106609 20046 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000333 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:respponse to microflora establishment in the gut/large intestine,as determined by presence or absence of inflammation.t: IGI GO:0051702 MGI:104887 J:103116 MGI:106609|MGI:104887 20047 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000333 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:respponse to microflora establishment in the gut/large intestine,as determined by presence or absence of inflammation. IGI GO:0002862 MGI:104887 J:103116 MGI:106609|MGI:104887 20048 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000333 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:respponse to microflora establishment in the gut/large intestine,as determined by presence or absence of inflammation. IGI GO:0009609 MGI:104887 J:103116 MGI:106609|MGI:104887 20049 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:98246 J:125694 N/A 20050 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:98246 J:125694 N/A 20051 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:103169 J:125694 N/A 20052 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:103169 J:125694 N/A 20053 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum molecular cell layer ; MA:0000996 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:98248 J:125694 N/A 20054 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004602 MGI:104887 J:115327 MGI:2158814 20055 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019228 MGI:98246 J:125694 MGI:3665322 20056 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001508 MGI:98246 J:125694 MGI:3665322 20057 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:98246 J:125694 MGI:3665322 20058 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000168 ; brain cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:getting rid of ROS after Kainate treatment IMP GO:0000302 MGI:104887 J:115327 MGI:2158814 20059 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006979 MGI:104887 J:115327 MGI:2158814 20060 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000168 ; brain cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042744 MGI:104887 J:115327 MGI:2158814 20061 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000168 ; brain cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: response to kainate (induced epilepsy IMP GO:0009410 MGI:104887 J:115327 MGI:2158814 20062 1 evidence:in vitro cell survival assay anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:s IMP GO:0007569 MGI:88138 J:14685 MGI:2156165 20063 2 horter life-span and sensitivity to glucocorticoids and gamma-irradiation IMP GO:0007569 MGI:88138 J:14685 MGI:2156165 20064 1 evidence:in vitro cell survival assay anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:s IMP GO:0010332 MGI:88138 J:14685 MGI:2156165 20065 2 horter life-span and increased sensitivity to glucocorticoids and gamma-irradiation IMP GO:0010332 MGI:88138 J:14685 MGI:2156165 20066 1 evidence:in vitro cell survival assay anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:s IMP GO:0051384 MGI:88138 J:14685 MGI:2156165 20067 2 horter life-span and increased sensitivity to glucocorticoids and gamma-irradiation IMP GO:0051384 MGI:88138 J:14685 MGI:2156165 20068 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: tex IMP GO:0008219 MGI:88138 J:14685 MGI:2156165 20069 2 t:T and B cells with no Bcl-2 dissappeared from the bone marrow, thymus and perephery by 4 weeks of age. IMP GO:0008219 MGI:88138 J:14685 MGI:2156165 20070 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 ; enzyme assay anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004602 MGI:104887 J:113070 MGI:2158814 20071 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased expression of Bcl2 decreased dexamethasone-mediated cell death. IDA GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:16871 N/A 20072 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased expression of Bcl2 decreased dexamethasone-mediated cell death. IDA GO:0051384 MGI:88138 J:16871 N/A 20073 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:plasma triglycerides drop upon KO IMP GO:0006641 MGI:104887 J:113070 MGI:2158814 20074 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:no mature lymphoid cells. IMP GO:0030098 MGI:104779 J:17426 MGI:1857113 20075 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy:MA:0000358 ; liver cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004602 MGI:104887 J:113167 MGI:2158814 20076 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy:MA:0000358 ; liver cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042744 MGI:104887 J:113167 MGI:2158814 20077 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:M1;ATCC:TIB-192|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ts p53 mutants overexpressed in M1 murine leukemia line IMP GO:0043066 MGI:98834 J:18753 N/A 20078 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:M1;ATCC:TIB-192|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target:bcl2;MGI:88138 external ref: text:ts p53 mutants ov IDA GO:0000122 MGI:98834 J:18753 N/A 20079 2 erexpressed in M1 murine leukemia line IDA GO:0000122 MGI:98834 J:18753 N/A 20080 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:M1;ATCC:TIB-192|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target:Bax;MGI:99702 external ref: text:ts p53 mutants ove IDA GO:0045944 MGI:98834 J:18753 N/A 20081 2 rexpressed in M1 murine leukemia line IDA GO:0045944 MGI:98834 J:18753 N/A 20082 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Spalax MOP3 ISA GO:0003700 MGI:1096381 J:72921 EMBL:AJ318060 20083 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Spalax.forms heterodimer with Clock ISA GO:0008134 MGI:1096381 J:72921 EMBL:AJ318060 20084 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000056 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: increase in apoptosis if KO gene IMP GO:0043066 MGI:104887 J:112582 MGI:2158814 20085 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type:C3H mouse embryonic fibroblasts gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:DNA ladder characteristic of apoptotic cell death IDA GO:0006917 MGI:104798 J:18874 N/A 20086 1 evidence:morphology evidence:nucleosomal size DNA fragmentation anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006924 MGI:98726 J:18904 N/A 20087 1 evidence:morphology evidence:nucleosomal size DNA fragmentation anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006917 MGI:98726 J:18904 N/A 20088 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS22\, brain;EMAP:6018 anatomy:TS24\, brain;EMAP:8820 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88138 J:19108 N/A 20089 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS22\, brain;EMAP:6018 anatomy:TS24\, brain;EMAP:8820 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005783 MGI:88138 J:19108 N/A 20090 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS22\, brain;EMAP:6018 anatomy:TS24\, brain;EMAP:8820 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031965 MGI:88138 J:19108 N/A 20091 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS22\, brain;EMAP:6018 anatomy:TS24\, brain;EMAP:8820 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88138 J:19108 N/A 20092 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS22\, brain;EMAP:6018 anatomy:TS24\, brain;EMAP:8820 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:88138 J:19108 N/A 20093 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS22\, brain;EMAP:6018 anatomy:TS24\, brain;EMAP:8820 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: detected in total, heavy, light, but not nuclear membrane fr IDA GO:0005624 MGI:88138 J:19108 N/A 20094 2 actions. IDA GO:0005624 MGI:88138 J:19108 N/A 20095 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS22\, brain;EMAP:6018 anatomy:TS24\, brain;EMAP:8820 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:heavy and light membrane fractions. IDA GO:0005624 MGI:102501 J:19108 N/A 20096 1 evidence:purification from cellular supernatant anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:97618 J:21978 N/A 20097 1 evidence:rat cornea angiogenesis assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045766 MGI:97618 J:21978 N/A 20098 1 evidence:Boyden chamber assay anatomy: cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043536 MGI:97618 J:21978 N/A 20099 1 evidence:rat cornea angiogenesis assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002040 MGI:97618 J:21978 N/A 20100 1 evidence:purification from supernatant of transfected cells anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:97619 J:21978 N/A 20101 1 evidence:rat cornea angiogenesis assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016525 MGI:97619 J:21978 N/A 20102 1 evidence:Boyden chamber assay anatomy: cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043537 MGI:97619 J:21978 N/A 20103 1 evidence:Boyden chamber assay anatomy: cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:rat cornea angiogenesis assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: qualifie IDA GO:0008083 MGI:97618 J:21978 N/A 20104 2 r: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008083 MGI:97618 J:21978 N/A 20105 1 evidence:Boyden chamber assay anatomy: cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:rat cornea angiogenesis assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: qualifie IDA GO:0005179 MGI:97618 J:21978 N/A 20106 2 r: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005179 MGI:97618 J:21978 N/A 20107 1 evidence:Boyden chamber assay anatomy: cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:rat cornea angiogenesis assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: qualifie IDA GO:0005125 MGI:97619 J:21978 N/A 20108 2 r: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005125 MGI:97619 J:21978 N/A 20109 1 evidence:Boyden chamber assay anatomy: cell type:blood vessel endothelial cell ; CL:0000071 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:rat cornea angiogenesis assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: qualifie IDA GO:0005179 MGI:97619 J:21978 N/A 20110 2 r: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005179 MGI:97619 J:21978 N/A 20111 1 evidence:purification from cellular supernatant anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:97618 J:129362 N/A 20112 1 evidence:purification via affinity column followed by IP anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97618 J:129362 UniProtKB:Q07113 20113 1 evidence:cell fractionation followed by purification via affinity column and IP anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:term selected in lieu of mannose-6-phosphate binding term IDA GO:0005537 MGI:96435 J:129362 N/A 20114 1 evidence:cell fractionation followed by purification via affinity column and IP anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016020 MGI:96435 J:129362 N/A 20115 1 evidence:cell fractionation followed by purification via affinity column and IP anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:96435 J:129362 N/A 20116 1 evidence:purification via affinity column followed by IP anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0001948 MGI:96435 J:129362 UniProtKB:P04095 20117 1 evidence:purification from cellular supernatant anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:97618 J:129428 N/A 20118 1 evidence:microscopy of transformed cells anatomy: cell type:myoblast ; CL:0000056 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045662 MGI:97618 J:129430 N/A 20119 1 evidence:CAT assay to measure transcription from muscle specific promoter in transfected cells anatomy: cell type:myoblast ; CL:0000056 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97618 J:129430 N/A 20120 1 evidence:RIA from cellular supernatant anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:supernatant from cultured placental cells IDA GO:0005615 MGI:97619 J:25699 N/A 20121 1 evidence:RIA from cellular supernatant anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:supernatant from cultured placental cells IDA GO:0005615 MGI:97606 J:25699 N/A 20122 1 evidence:RIA from cellular supernatant anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:supernatant from cultured placental cells IDA GO:0005615 MGI:97607 J:25699 N/A 20123 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004069 MGI:95791 J:4443 N/A 20124 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:95791 J:4443 N/A 20125 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004069 MGI:95792 J:4443 N/A 20126 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:95792 J:4443 N/A 20127 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay;ECO:0000182 evidence:Inferred from in vivo assay;ECO:0000178 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell ty IDA GO:0005792 MGI:88138 J:19523 N/A 20128 2 pe:astrocyte;CL:0000127|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005792 MGI:88138 J:19523 N/A 20129 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay;ECO:0000182 evidence:Inferred from in vivo assay;ECO:0000178 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell ty IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88138 J:19523 N/A 20130 2 pe:astrocyte;CL:0000127|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88138 J:19523 N/A 20131 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay;ECO:0000182 evidence:Inferred from in vivo assay;ECO:0000178 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell ty IDA GO:0043209 MGI:88138 J:19523 N/A 20132 2 pe:astrocyte;CL:0000127|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043209 MGI:88138 J:19523 N/A 20133 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay;ECO:0000182 evidence:Inferred from in vivo assay;ECO:0000178 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell ty IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88138 J:19523 N/A 20134 2 pe:astrocyte;CL:0000127|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88138 J:19523 N/A 20135 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell type:spermatid;CL:0000018|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell type:HEK293;ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent c IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1921424 J:127127 N/A 20136 2 ell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:present predominantly in the cytoplasm of pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids text:transformed HEK293 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1921424 J:127127 N/A 20137 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:shortened startle response latency IMP GO:0001964 MGI:101916 J:128536 MGI:3665437 20138 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Fabp7-deficient mice showed decreased PPI IMP GO:0060134 MGI:101916 J:128536 MGI:3665437 20139 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 anatomy:dentate gyrus;MA:0000190 cell type:astrocyte;CL:0000127|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell type:neural stem cells cell type:early progenitor cells gene produ IMP GO:0022008 MGI:101916 J:128536 MGI:3665437 20140 2 ct: modification: target: external ref: text:affects neurogenesis (defined as the proliferation of neural stem cells to produce new neurons). text:Fabp7 deficiency impairs the maintenance of neural stem/progenitor cells. IMP GO:0022008 MGI:101916 J:128536 MGI:3665437 20141 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 anatomy:dentate gyrus;MA:0000190 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutants showed about 30% REDUCTION IN THE NUMBER OF DIVIDING CELLS. IMP GO:0021846 MGI:101916 J:128536 MGI:3665437 20142 1 evidence:histology anatomy:decidua ; MA:0001722 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001892 MGI:95662 J:38829 MGI:1857743 20143 1 evidence:histology anatomy:decidua ; MA:0001722 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045766 MGI:95662 J:38829 MGI:1857743 20144 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:95662 J:38829 MGI:1857743 20145 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:95663 J:38829 MGI:2153826 20146 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:Primary human keratinocytes gene product: modification: target:S100A7;NCBI:NP_789793 target:hBD-2;UniProt:O15263 target:S100A8;UniProt:P05 IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1355307 J:124638 N/A 20147 2 109 target:S100A9;UniProt:P06702 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1355307 J:124638 N/A 20148 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:Primary human keratinocytes gene product: modification: target:S100A7;NCBI:NP_789793 target:hBD-2;UniProt:O15263 target:S100A8;UniProt:P05 IDA GO:0045944 MGI:2676631 J:124638 N/A 20149 2 109 target:S100A9;UniProt:P06702 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:2676631 J:124638 N/A 20150 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:Primary human keratinocytes gene product: modification: target:S100A7;NCBI:NP_789793 target:hBD-2;UniProt:O15263 target:S100A8;UniProt:P05 ISO GO:0045944 MGI:107364 J:124638 UniProtKB:Q16552 20151 2 109 target:S100A9;UniProt:P06702 external ref:NCBI:16982811;IDA text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:107364 J:124638 UniProtKB:Q16552 20152 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:Primary human keratinocytes gene product: modification: target:S100A7;NCBI:NP_789793 target:hBD-2;UniProt:O15263 target:S100A8;UniProt:P05 IGI GO:0045944 MGI:107364 J:124638 MGI:1355307 20153 2 109 target:S100A9;UniProt:P06702 external ref: text:synergistically induced the expression IGI GO:0045944 MGI:107364 J:124638 MGI:1355307 20154 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:Primary human keratinocytes gene product: modification: target:S100A7;NCBI:NP_789793 target:hBD-2;UniProt:O15263 target:S100A8;UniProt:P05 IGI GO:0045944 MGI:2676631 J:124638 MGI:1355307 20155 2 109 target:S100A9;UniProt:P06702 external ref: text: synergistically induced the expression IGI GO:0045944 MGI:2676631 J:124638 MGI:1355307 20156 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:Primary human keratinocytes gene product: modification: target:S100A7;NCBI:NP_789793 target:hBD-2;UniProt:O15263 target:S100A8;UniProt:P05 IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1355307 J:124638 UniProtKB:Q16552 20157 2 109 target:S100A9;UniProt:P06702 external ref: text:synergistically induced the expression IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1355307 J:124638 UniProtKB:Q16552 20158 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:Primary human keratinocytes gene product: modification: target:S100A7;NCBI:NP_789793 target:hBD-2;UniProt:O15263 target:S100A8;UniProt:P05 IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1355307 J:124638 MGI:2676631 20159 2 109 target:S100A9;UniProt:P06702 external ref: text:synergistically induced the expression IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1355307 J:124638 MGI:2676631 20160 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:Th17 linage gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:enhanced the proliferation and expansion of IL-22+IL-17A- and IL-22+IL-17A+ cells text:IL-23 enhances the expansion of IL-22?producing cells during IDA GO:0042098 MGI:1932410 J:124638 N/A 20161 2 Th17 differentiation IDA GO:0042098 MGI:1932410 J:124638 N/A 20162 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:3646964 J:128382 MGI:1918382 20163 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1918382 J:128382 MGI:3646964 20164 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid;CL:0000018|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:The CABYR CR-A antibody localized to the ent IDA GO:0044442 MGI:1918382 J:128382 N/A 20165 2 ire length of the principal piece, and also extended into the end piece IDA GO:0044442 MGI:1918382 J:128382 N/A 20166 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 evidence:inferred from immunogold labelling;ECO:0000090 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid;CL:0000018|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: externa IDA GO:0044442 MGI:3646964 J:128382 N/A 20167 2 l ref: text:starting with elongating spermatids at step 11 text:Immunofluorescence and Immunoelectron Microscopy Localized FSCB to the Fibrous Sheath of the Principal Piece of the Flagellum in Mouse Sperm? IDA GO:0044442 MGI:3646964 J:128382 N/A 20168 1 evidence:45Ca overlay technique anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005509 MGI:3646964 J:128382 N/A 20169 1 evidence:45Ca overlay technique anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005509 MGI:1918382 J:128382 N/A 20170 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046777 MGI:97592 J:128382 N/A 20171 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 evidence:autoradiogram anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fscb;MGI:3646964 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006468 MGI:97592 J:128382 N/A 20172 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 evidence:autoradiogram anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fscb;MGI:3646964 external ref: text: IDA GO:0004672 MGI:97592 J:128382 N/A 20173 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fscb;MGI:3646964 external ref: text: IDA GO:0004674 MGI:97592 J:128382 N/A 20174 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fscb;MGI:3646964 external ref: text: IDA GO:0004674 MGI:97592 J:128382 N/A 20175 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:phosphorylated by Prkaca;MGI:97592 IDA GO:0018105 MGI:3646964 J:128382 N/A 20176 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1918382 J:128382 MGI:95393 20177 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1918382 J:128382 MGI:1923628 20178 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1918382 J:128382 MGI:1353598 20179 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0019901 MGI:1918382 J:128382 MGI:96628 20180 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0019901 MGI:1918382 J:128382 MGI:1270126 20181 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95393 J:128382 MGI:3646964 20182 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1923628 J:128382 MGI:3646964 20183 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96628 J:128382 MGI:96628 20184 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1270126 J:128382 MGI:3646964 20185 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|neuroblast ; CL:0000031|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with Prl2c2 (PLF1) IDA GO:0005783 MGI:97618 J:112947 N/A 20186 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|neuroblast ; CL:0000031|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with Prl2c2 (PLF1) IDA GO:0031346 MGI:97618 J:112947 N/A 20187 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|neuroblast ; CL:0000031|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with Prl2c2 (PLF1) IDA GO:0002052 MGI:97618 J:112947 N/A 20188 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|neuroblast ; CL:0000031|Neuro-2a ; ATCC:CCL-131 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with Prl2c2 (PLF1)|correct term is "positive r IDA GO:0032534 MGI:97618 J:112947 N/A 20189 2 egulation of microbillus biogenesis" but not in ontologu so coannotated to "positive regulation of cell projection organization and biogenesis ; GO:0031346". IDA GO:0032534 MGI:97618 J:112947 N/A 20190 1 evidence:IB of supernatant of transfected COS cells anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:1858413 J:61870 N/A 20191 1 evidence:IB of supernatant of transfected COS cells anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:97618 J:61870 N/A 20192 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:H2;MGI:95894 text:CIITA/RFX5 double-deficient (CR-/-) mice showed a novel repressive function of RFX5. IMP GO:0000122 MGI:1858421 J:129309 MGI:1857456|MGI:2386501 20193 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:mouse aortic endothelial cells gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:apoptosis of murine aortic endothelial cells was induced by deprivation of bFGF but required new RNA and protein synthesis. IDA GO:0006915 MGI:95516 J:20034 N/A 20194 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:mouse aortic endothelial cells (MAE) gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:enforced expression of human Bcl2 in MAE cells decreased apoptosis, induced by deprivation of bFGF. ISO GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:20034 UniProtKB:P10415 20195 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS12,trophectoderm ; EMAP:391 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001892 MGI:1346832 J:42488 MGI:1857422 20196 1 evidence:embryonic histology anatomy:TS11,embryo ; EMAP:147 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1346832 J:42488 MGI:1857422 20197 1 evidence:BrdU incorporatoin anatomy:TS12,trophectoderm ; EMAP:391 cell type:trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001834 MGI:1346832 J:42488 MGI:1857422 20198 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS12,trophectoderm ; EMAP:391 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001831 MGI:1346832 J:42488 MGI:1857422 20199 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:107527 J:129497 N/A 20200 1 evidence:purification from supernatant of cultured cells anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:1341833 J:129497 N/A 20201 1 evidence:BrdU incorporation anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008083 MGI:1341833 J:129497 N/A 20202 1 evidence:BrdU incorporation anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005179 MGI:1341833 J:129497 N/A 20203 1 evidence:BrdU incorporation anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:1341833 J:129497 N/A 20204 1 evidence:numbers of live births observed anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1195972 J:105516 MGI:3619525 20205 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mouse embryonic fibroblasts used IDA GO:0000784 MGI:1195972 J:105516 N/A 20206 1 evidence:FISH anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Terf2 -/- mouse embryonic fibroblasts complemented by transfected mouse Terf2 IDA GO:0032206 MGI:1195972 J:105516 N/A 20207 1 evidence:FISH anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mouse embryonic fibroblasts used IMP GO:0032206 MGI:1195972 J:105516 MGI:3619525 20208 1 evidence:FISH anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Terf2 -/- mouse embryonic fibroblasts used IMP GO:0031848 MGI:1195972 J:105516 MGI:3619525 20209 1 evidence:FISH anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Terf2 -/- mouse embryonic fibroblasts complemented by transfected mouse Terf2 IDA GO:0031848 MGI:1195972 J:105516 N/A 20210 1 evidence:FISH anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mouse embryonic fibroblasts used IDA GO:0000784 MGI:109634 J:105516 N/A 20211 1 evidence:FISH anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mouse embryonic fibroblasts used IDA GO:0000784 MGI:1929871 J:105516 N/A 20212 1 evidence:FISH anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:effect of Lig4-/- mutation seen on Terf2-/-Trp53-/- background in mouse embryonic fibroblasts IMP GO:0006266 MGI:1335098 J:105516 MGI:1857732 20213 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:when injected with cells deriveed from a B-lymphoma patient, SCID-hu mice develop lymphoma. text:reduction of Bcl2 pro IMP GO:0016049 MGI:88138 J:20547 N/A 20214 2 tein expression (iRNA) suppress the the oncogenic potential of these lymphoma cells confirming its role in the development of malignancy. IMP GO:0016049 MGI:88138 J:20547 N/A 20215 1 evidence:V(D)J recombination anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected KO MEFs used for assay (transfected with RAG genes and RS recombination substrate) IMP GO:0033151 MGI:1335098 J:110848 MGI:1857732 20216 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS20,spinal cord ; EMAP:4251 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050769 MGI:1335098 J:110848 MGI:1857732 20217 1 evidence:V(D)J recombination anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected KO MEFs used for assay (transfected with RAG genes and RS recombination substrate) IMP GO:0033151 MGI:1333799 J:110848 MGI:1926771 20218 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS20,spinal cord ; EMAP:4251 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050769 MGI:104517 J:110848 MGI:2179987 20219 1 evidence:measurement of chromosome aberration frequencies anatomy: cell type:totipotent stem cell ; CL:0000052 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0010165 MGI:95412 J:105008 MGI:2183944 20220 1 evidence:measurement of chromosome aberration frequencies anatomy: cell type:totipotent stem cell ; CL:0000052 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006974 MGI:95412 J:105008 MGI:2183944 20221 1 evidence:measurement of chromosome aberration frequencies anatomy: cell type:totipotent stem cell ; CL:0000052 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0010165 MGI:1927345 J:105008 MGI:2662686 20222 1 evidence:measurement of chromosome aberration frequencies anatomy: cell type:totipotent stem cell ; CL:0000052 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006974 MGI:1927345 J:105008 MGI:2662686 20223 1 evidence:measurement of chromosome aberration frequencies anatomy: cell type:totipotent stem cell ; CL:0000052 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006974 MGI:1100494 J:105008 MGI:1932102 20224 1 evidence:measurement of chromosome aberration frequencies anatomy: cell type:totipotent stem cell ; CL:0000052 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0010165 MGI:1100494 J:105008 MGI:1932102 20225 1 evidence:V(D)J recombination anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected KO MEFs used for assay (transfected with RAG genes and RS recombination substrate) IMP GO:0033151 MGI:95606 J:110848 MGI:2179954 20226 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS20,spinal cord ; EMAP:4251 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050769 MGI:95606 J:110848 MGI:2179954 20227 1 evidence:measurement of chromosome aberration frequencies anatomy: cell type:totipotent stem cell ; CL:0000052 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0010212 MGI:95606 J:105008 MGI:2179954 20228 1 evidence:measurement of chromosome aberration frequencies anatomy: cell type:totipotent stem cell ; CL:0000052 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006974 MGI:95606 J:105008 MGI:2179954 20229 1 evidence:TUNEL staining of proliferative ventricular zone anatomy:TS22,forebrain ; EMAP:6019 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000724 MGI:1927345 J:111068 MGI:3654106 20230 1 evidence:lack of live births anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1927345 J:111068 MGI:3654106 20231 1 evidence:TUNEL staining of proliferative ventricular zone anatomy:TS22,forebrain ; EMAP:6019 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043524 MGI:1927345 J:111068 MGI:98834 20232 1 evidence:TUNEL staining anatomy:TS19,forebrain ; EMAP:3462 anatomy:TS19,hindbrain ; EMAP:3488 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050769 MGI:1927345 J:111068 MGI:3654106 20233 1 evidence:mitomycin C treatment of MEFs and cell counts anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Xrcc2-/- MEFs used IMP GO:0006974 MGI:1927345 J:111068 MGI:3654106 20234 1 evidence:137Cs-gamma irradiation treatment of MEFs and cell counts anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Xrcc2-/- MEFs used IMP GO:0010332 MGI:1927345 J:111068 MGI:3654106 20235 1 evidence:TUNEL staining of proliferative ventricular zone anatomy:TS22,forebrain ; EMAP:6019 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042771 MGI:98834 J:111068 MGI:1857263 20236 1 evidence:TUNEL staining of proliferative ventricular zone anatomy:TS22,forebrain ; EMAP:6019 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043525 MGI:98834 J:111068 MGI:1927345 20237 1 evidence:TUNEL staining of postmitotic subventricular zone anatomy:TS22,forebrain ; EMAP:6019 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006303 MGI:1335098 J:111068 MGI:1857720 20238 1 evidence:TUNEL staining of postmitotic subventricular zone anatomy:TS22,forebrain ; EMAP:6019 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1335098 J:111068 MGI:1857720 20239 1 evidence:TUNEL staining of postmitotic subventricular zone anatomy:TS22,forebrain ; EMAP:6019 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043524 MGI:1335098 J:111068 MGI:107202 20240 1 evidence:TUNEL staining of postmitotic subventricular zone anatomy:TS22,forebrain ; EMAP:6019 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050769 MGI:1335098 J:111068 MGI:1857720 20241 1 evidence:TUNEL staining of postmitotic subventricular zone anatomy:TS22,forebrain ; EMAP:6019 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008630 MGI:107202 J:111068 MGI:1933746 20242 1 evidence:TUNEL staining of postmitotic subventricular zone anatomy:TS22,forebrain ; EMAP:6019 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043525 MGI:107202 J:111068 MGI:1335098 20243 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:murine FL5.12 cells gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:periphery of mitochondria IDA GO:0044429 MGI:88139 J:20957 N/A 20244 1 evidence:cell survival assay anatomy: cell type:murine FL5.12 cells gene product:bcl-xL isoform modification: target: external ref: text:dominant cel death inhibitor upon growth factor withdrawal. IDA GO:0006916 MGI:88139 J:20957 N/A 20245 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:NIH-3T3 murine fibroblasts;ATCC:CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:overexpression IDA GO:0006874 MGI:88138 J:20969 N/A 20246 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy: cell type:NIH-3T3 murine fibroblasts;ATCC:CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external IDA GO:0005792 MGI:88138 J:20969 N/A 20247 2 ref: text:overexpression IDA GO:0005792 MGI:88138 J:20969 N/A 20248 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy: cell type:NIH-3T3 murine fibroblasts;ATCC:CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88138 J:20969 N/A 20249 2 ref: text:overexpression IDA GO:0005739 MGI:88138 J:20969 N/A 20250 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy: cell type:NIH-3T3 murine fibroblasts;ATCC:CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88138 J:20969 N/A 20251 2 ref: text:overexpression IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88138 J:20969 N/A 20252 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:non-syndromic recessive hearing loss (DFNB23) is caused by missense mutations of PCDH15. IMP GO:0007605 MGI:1891428 J:124774 N/A 20253 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001750 MGI:1891428 J:124774 N/A 20254 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004609 MGI:95791 J:9715 N/A 20255 1 evidence:cytogenetic analysis anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000723 MGI:109558 J:118902 MGI:1857930 20256 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:adrenal gland ; MA:0000116 anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: modification IDA GO:0016788 MGI:95429 J:9715 N/A 20257 2 : target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016788 MGI:95429 J:9715 N/A 20258 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005764 MGI:95429 J:9715 N/A 20259 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:adrenal gland ; MA:0000116 anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: modification IC GO:0009056 MGI:95429 J:9715 GO:0016788 20260 2 : target: external ref: text: IC GO:0009056 MGI:95429 J:9715 GO:0016788 20261 1 evidence:TUNEL staining anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035234 MGI:104779 J:118902 MGI:2667593 20262 1 evidence:TUNEL staining anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:104779 J:118902 MGI:2667593 20263 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:mature B cell ; CL:0000785 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:assayed on Trp53-/- background IMP GO:0045190 MGI:1335098 J:126758 MGI:1857732 20264 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:about 70% die at 2-3 weeks, just before weaning. about 20% survive for 5-7 weeks and the rest (about 10%) live longer than 10 weeks of age IMP GO:0009791 MGI:88138 J:22391 MGI:2158305 20265 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:postnatal growth retardation, decreased body size. at about 10 days after birth, some mutants are already smaller IMP GO:0040007 MGI:88138 J:22391 MGI:2158305 20266 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:mature B cell ; CL:0000785 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:allele used not given in the paper IMP GO:0045190 MGI:1342279 J:126758 N/A 20267 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal small intestine morphology IMP GO:0048547 MGI:88138 J:22391 MGI:2158305 20268 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal lymphocyte morphology, IMP GO:0030097 MGI:88138 J:22391 MGI:2158305 20269 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:small ears, small spleen, spleen atrophy, small thymus, thymus atrophy IMP GO:0035265 MGI:88138 J:22391 MGI:2158305 20270 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:kidneys are pale and kidney architecture is very distored IMP GO:0001822 MGI:88138 J:22391 MGI:2156165 20271 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal small intestine crypts of Lieberkuhn morphology IMP GO:0022612 MGI:88138 J:22391 MGI:2158305 20272 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal lymphocyte morphology, small spleen, spleen atrophy, small thymus, thymus atrophy , abnormal T cell physiology. IMP GO:0002520 MGI:88138 J:22391 MGI:2158305 20273 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|3T3-F442a|fat cell ; CL:0000136 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004069 MGI:95791 J:124582 N/A 20274 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|3T3-F442a|fat cell ; CL:0000136 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006114 MGI:95791 J:124582 N/A 20275 1 evidence:cell counts following irradiation anatomy: cell type:mature B cell ; CL:0000785 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:MGI:1926771 was on a Trp53-/- background. MGI:3641440 and MGI:3047571 were in same mouse, separate IMP GO:0010212 MGI:1333799 J:126758 MGI:1926771|MGI:3641440|MGI:3047571 20276 2 from the first allele. IMP GO:0010212 MGI:1333799 J:126758 MGI:1926771|MGI:3641440|MGI:3047571 20277 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|3T3-F442a|fat cell ; CL:0000136 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0055089 MGI:95791 J:124582 N/A 20278 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17545671|IDA text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:104661 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35398 20279 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17545671|IDA text: ISO GO:0003700 MGI:104661 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35398 20280 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:overexpression text:erythropoietin signaling was inhibited by injection of a soluable form of erythropoietin receptor. IDA GO:0007165 MGI:95408 J:127025 N/A 20281 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:overexpression text:erythropoietin signaling was inhibited by injection of a soluable form of erythropoietin receptor. text:pale and defective decidual bodie IDA GO:0009790 MGI:95408 J:127025 N/A 20282 2 s appeared. text:most embryos showed developmental arrest. IDA GO:0009790 MGI:95408 J:127025 N/A 20283 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004069 MGI:95792 J:1547 N/A 20284 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006508 MGI:88558 J:1547 N/A 20285 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:erythropoeitin signaling results in defective implantation. IDA GO:0007566 MGI:95407 J:127025 N/A 20286 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016788 MGI:95420 J:5571 N/A 20287 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016788 MGI:95431 J:1547 N/A 20288 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016788 MGI:95442 J:5571 N/A 20289 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016788 MGI:95445 J:5571 N/A 20290 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004069 MGI:95792 J:5572 N/A 20291 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016788 MGI:95420 J:5572 N/A 20292 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004347 MGI:95797 J:5572 N/A 20293 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:blocking of erythropoietin signaling results in apoptosis. IDA GO:0006915 MGI:95407 J:127025 N/A 20294 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:beta-globin, aminolevulinate synthase. IDA GO:0006357 MGI:95407 J:127025 N/A 20295 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:lethality at weaning, mice die around P21. IMP GO:0009791 MGI:2148705 J:125023 MGI:3723630 20296 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:impaired righting response IMP GO:0060013 MGI:2148705 J:125023 MGI:3723630 20297 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal cerebellar foliation, small cerebellum IMP GO:0021549 MGI:2148705 J:125023 MGI:3723630 20298 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased body weight IMP GO:0040007 MGI:2148705 J:125023 MGI:3723630 20299 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:delayed eyelid opening IMP GO:0043010 MGI:2148705 J:125023 MGI:3723630 20300 1 evidence:metaphase chromosome analysis anatomy: cell type:mature B cell ; CL:0000785 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:MGI:1926771 was on a Trp53-/- background. MGI:3641440 and MGI:3047571 were in same mouse, separate from IMP GO:0006303 MGI:1333799 J:126758 MGI:1926771|MGI:3641440|MGI:3047571 20301 2 the first allele. IMP GO:0006303 MGI:1333799 J:126758 MGI:1926771|MGI:3641440|MGI:3047571 20302 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:mature B cell ; CL:0000785 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:MGI:1926771 was on a Trp53-/- background. MGI:3641440 and MGI:3047571 were in same mouse, separate from the first alle IMP GO:0045190 MGI:1333799 J:126758 MGI:1926771|MGI:3641440|MGI:3047571 20303 2 le. IMP GO:0045190 MGI:1333799 J:126758 MGI:1926771|MGI:3641440|MGI:3047571 20304 1 evidence:mutation rate frequency anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006281 MGI:1100494 J:122881 MGI:1097693 20305 1 evidence:mutation rate frequency anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006281 MGI:1097693 J:122881 MGI:1100494 20306 1 evidence:mutation rate frequency anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006281 MGI:1097693 J:122881 MGI:2386943 20307 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:phosphorylated by Kndc1 IDA GO:0018107 MGI:97175 J:129501 N/A 20308 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type:pyramidal cell;CL:0000598|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1923734 J:129501 N/A 20309 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type:pyramidal cell;CL:0000598|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:1923734 J:129501 N/A 20310 1 evidence:8-oxoG:C lesion removal assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0034039 MGI:1097693 J:125672 MGI:2386943 20311 1 evidence:mutation rate frequency anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006281 MGI:1097693 J:125672 MGI:1100494 20312 1 evidence:mutation rate frequency anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006281 MGI:1097693 J:125672 MGI:2386943 20313 1 evidence:mutation rate frequency anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0006281 MGI:1100494 J:125672 MGI:1097693 20314 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Kndc1;MGI:1923734 external ref: text:v-KIND domain binding of Kndc1;MGI:1923734 IPI GO:0019904 MGI:1922721 J:129501 MGI:1923734 20315 1 evidence:pull-down assay using the GST-fused Raf-1 Ras binding domain (RBD) anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651;COS-7|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:The expressed FLAG-tagged v-KIND was c IDA GO:0005088 MGI:1923734 J:129501 N/A 20316 2 oimmunoprecipitated with endogenous Ras by the anti-Ras antibody, whereas the mutant lacking the RasGEF domain, failed to be precipitated. IDA GO:0005088 MGI:1923734 J:129501 N/A 20317 1 evidence:pull-down assay using the GST-fused Raf-1 Ras binding domain (RBD) anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651;COS-7|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:The expressed FLAG-tagged v-KIND was c IDA GO:0032045 MGI:1923734 J:129501 N/A 20318 2 oimmunoprecipitated with endogenous Ras by the anti-Ras antibody, whereas the mutant lacking the RasGEF domain, failed to be precipitated. IDA GO:0032045 MGI:1923734 J:129501 N/A 20319 1 evidence:inferred from over expression;ECO:0000120 anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Overexpression of v-KIND impairs dendritic growth of hippocampal neurons text: IDA GO:0050773 MGI:1923734 J:129501 N/A 20320 2 v-KIND suppresses dendrite growth during development IDA GO:0050773 MGI:1923734 J:129501 N/A 20321 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Mtap2;MGI:97175 external ref: text:v-KIND enhances Thr phosphorylation of MAP2. IDA GO:0004674 MGI:1923734 J:129501 N/A 20322 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: textv-KIND is anchored to MAP2 through the KIND2 domain IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1923734 J:129501 MGI:1922721 20323 1 evidence:inferred from over expression;ECO:0000120 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:KIND2 of v-KIND overexpression induced significant increase in the total dendrite length IDA GO:0048814 MGI:1923734 J:129501 N/A 20324 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:important role in the control of cerebellar granule cell dendrite development IMP GO:0021707 MGI:1923734 J:129501 N/A 20325 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:23608 N/A 20326 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004091 MGI:95420 J:8157 N/A 20327 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004091 MGI:95431 J:8157 N/A 20328 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004091 MGI:95444 J:8157 N/A 20329 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:95444 J:8157 N/A 20330 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:95420 J:8157 N/A 20331 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:95431 J:8157 N/A 20332 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004091 MGI:95445 J:8157 N/A 20333 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004091 MGI:95446 J:8157 N/A 20334 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004091 MGI:95448 J:8157 N/A 20335 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004091 MGI:95422 J:8157 N/A 20336 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004091 MGI:95432 J:8157 N/A 20337 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004091 MGI:95433 J:8157 N/A 20338 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 anatomy:embryonic kidney; TS20; embryonic day 12 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduction of renal size, fewer nephrons, smaller nephrogenic zones. IMP GO:0001822 MGI:88138 J:22552 MGI:1857134 20339 1 evidence: anatomy:corneal epithelium ; MA:0001243 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050680 MGI:97490 J:99962 MGI:1856158 20340 1 evidence: anatomy:corneal epithelium ; MA:0001243 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1330810 J:99962 N/A 20341 1 evidence: anatomy:corneal epithelium ; MA:0001243 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030216 MGI:97490 J:99962 MGI:1856158 20342 1 evidence: anatomy:corneal epithelium ; MA:0001243 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:97490 J:99962 MGI:1856158 20343 1 evidence: anatomy:corneal epithelium ; MA:0001243 cell type:goblet cell ; CL:0000160 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030858 MGI:97490 J:99962 MGI:1856158 20344 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,metanephros;EMAP:4587 anatomy:TS20\,induced blastemal cells;EMAP:4589 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:apoptosis in metanephroi IMP GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:22552 MGI:1857134 20345 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,metanephros;EMAP:4587 anatomy:TS20\,induced blastemal cells;EMAP:4589 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:apoptosis in metanephroi IMP GO:0001656 MGI:88138 J:22552 MGI:1857134 20346 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007569 MGI:1330810 J:100483 MGI:2385473 20347 1 evidence: anatomy:prostatic region ; EMAP:10950 anatomy:prostate gland ; EMAP:13163 anatomy:prostate gland epithelium ; MA:0001737 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1347472 J:101172 N/A 20348 1 evidence: anatomy:prostate gland ; MA:0000404 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030850 MGI:1347472 J:101172 MGI:2384404 20349 1 evidence: anatomy:prostate gland ; MA:0000404 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035239 MGI:1347472 J:101172 MGI:2384404 20350 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:glial cell;CL:0000243|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced glutamate/glutamine cycling IMP GO:0006536 MGI:2441982 J:128716 MGI:2180159 20351 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:glial cell;CL:0000243|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced glutamate/glutamine cycling IMP GO:0006541 MGI:2441982 J:128716 MGI:2180159 20352 1 evidence:intraperitoneal infusion of [1,6-13C2]glucose or [2-13C]acetate for different periods anatomy:cerebral cortex;MA:0000185 anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006083 MGI:2441982 J:128716 MGI:2180159 20353 1 evidence:intraperitoneal infusion of [1,6-13C2]glucose or [2-13C]acetate for different periods anatomy:cerebral cortex;MA:0000185 anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006006 MGI:2441982 J:128716 MGI:2180159 20354 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy:cerebral cortex;MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Analysis of eight mice infused with 13C-glucose showed a significant reduction in GS in c IMP GO:0009749 MGI:95739 J:128716 MGI:2180159 20355 2 ortex of SSADH-null compared with wild-type mice IMP GO:0009749 MGI:95739 J:128716 MGI:2180159 20356 1 evidence: anatomy:prostate gland epithelium ; MA:0001737 cell type:duct epithelial cell ; CL:0000068 cell type:secretory cell ; CL:0000151 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002070 MGI:1347472 J:101172 MGI:2384404 20357 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:homozygous embryos die by E12.5; knockout embryos dye by mid-gestation IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1888594 J:67598 MGI:2680650 20358 1 evidence: anatomy:prostate gland epithelium ; MA:0001737 cell type:basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016020 MGI:88276 J:101172 N/A 20359 1 evidence: anatomy:prostate gland epithelium ; MA:0001737 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97352 J:101172 N/A 20360 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\, embryo;EMAP:3322 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased body size text:homozygous mice were far smaller than heterozygous and wild-type mice IMP GO:0035264 MGI:1888594 J:67598 MGI:2680650 20361 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fibroblast;CL:0000057|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:bovine Rab3b target:Rab3D;MGI:97844 target:human Rab6;UniProt:P20340 external ref: text:lacked the ability to methylate eith IMP GO:0004671 MGI:1888594 J:67598 MGI:2680650 20362 2 er recombinant K-Ras or small molecule substrates, as well as Rab proteins. IMP GO:0004671 MGI:1888594 J:67598 MGI:2680650 20363 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fibroblast;CL:0000057|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:bovine Rab3b target:Rab3D;MGI:97844 target:human Rab6;UniProt:P20340 external ref: text:lacked the ability to methylate eith IMP GO:0006479 MGI:1888594 J:67598 MGI:2680650 20364 2 er recombinant K-Ras or small molecule substrates, as well as Rab proteins. IMP GO:0006479 MGI:1888594 J:67598 MGI:2680650 20365 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 11121396;IDA text:Lysates from Icmt-/- cells were incapable of methylating three different CXC Rab proteins, although those proteins were readily methylated by IDA GO:0018125 MGI:1917158 J:67598 N/A 20366 2 lysates from Icmt1/1 cells text:bovine Rab3b; no UniProt record IDA GO:0018125 MGI:1917158 J:67598 N/A 20367 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Lysates from Icmt-/- cells were incapable of methylating three different CXC Rab proteins, although those proteins were readily methylated by lysates from Icmt IDA GO:0018125 MGI:97844 J:67598 N/A 20368 2 1/1 cells text: methylated by murine Icmt;MGI:1888594 IDA GO:0018125 MGI:97844 J:67598 N/A 20369 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 11121396;IDA text:Lysates from Icmt-/- cells were incapable of methylating three different CXC Rab proteins, although those proteins were readily methylated by ISO GO:0018125 MGI:894313 J:67598 UniProtKB:P20340 20370 2 lysates from Icmt1/1 cells text: methylated by murine Icmt;MGI:1888594 ISO GO:0018125 MGI:894313 J:67598 UniProtKB:P20340 20371 1 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 11121396;IDA text:data not shown ISO GO:0005794 MGI:894313 J:67598 UniProtKB:P20340 20372 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:plasma Apo-B48 levels were higher in Ldlr-/-ApoB48/48 mice than in ApoB48/48 mice IMP GO:0042159 MGI:96765 J:51022 MGI:1857212 20373 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:serpin-serine protease activity shown in vitro IDA GO:0004867 MGI:894696 J:40775 N/A 20374 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:embryos dye with anemia and apoptosis by E10.5 IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1888594 J:77742 MGI:2183607 20375 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy:TS17\, liver;EMAP:2547 anatomy:TS15\, liver cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:defect in liver bud formatiom. Liver agenesis. Hepatocyte develepment. IMP GO:0001889 MGI:1888594 J:77742 MGI:2183607 20376 1 evidence:radioimmunoassay anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cold stress increased VGF-derived AQEE30 peptide levels in female but not male hippocampus IDA GO:0009409 MGI:1343180 J:109670 N/A 20377 1 evidence:radioimmunoassay anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:high fat diet increased VGF-derived AQEE30 peptide levels in female but not male hippocampus IDA GO:0002021 MGI:1343180 J:109670 N/A 20378 1 evidence:radioimmunoassay anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cold stress increased pro-SAAS PEN peptide levels in female but not male hippocampus IDA GO:0009409 MGI:1353431 J:109670 N/A 20379 1 evidence:radioimmunoassay anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:high fat diet increased pro-SAAS PEN peptide levels in female but not male hippocampus IDA GO:0002021 MGI:1353431 J:109670 N/A 20380 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000056 ; myoblast gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000302 MGI:104887 J:112583 MGI:2158814 20381 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000056 ; myoblast gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006979 MGI:104887 J:112583 MGI:2158814 20382 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000056 ; myoblast gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006915 MGI:104887 J:112583 MGI:2158814 20383 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0002395 : tibilais cranialis cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043403 MGI:104887 J:112583 MGI:2158814 20384 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:overexpression text:erythropoietin signaling was inhibited by injection of a soluable form of erythropoietin receptor. text:pale and defective decidual bodie IDA GO:0046697 MGI:95408 J:127025 N/A 20385 2 s appeared. IDA GO:0046697 MGI:95408 J:127025 N/A 20386 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000056 ; myoblast gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045444 MGI:104887 J:112583 MGI:2158814 20387 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000663 ; hindlimb muscle cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048741 MGI:104887 J:112583 MGI:2158814 20388 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy: cell type:human myeloblastic leukemia ML-1 cells gene product: modification: target: external ref:PubMed:7896880;IDA text: ISO GO:0005739 MGI:101769 J:23788 UniProtKB:Q07820 20389 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy: cell type:human myeloblastic leukemia ML-1 cells gene product: modification: target: external ref:PubMed:7896880;IDA text: ISO GO:0005739 MGI:96245 J:23788 UniProtKB:P38646 20390 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy: cell type:human myeloblastic leukemia ML-1 cells gene product: modification: target: external ref:PubMed:7896880;IDA text: ISO GO:0016020 MGI:88138 J:23788 UniProtKB:P10415 20391 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy: cell type:human myeloblastic leukemia ML-1 cells gene product: modification: target: external ref:PubMed:7896880;IDA text:heavy and ISO GO:0016020 MGI:101769 J:23788 UniProtKB:Q07820 20392 2 light membrane fractions ISO GO:0016020 MGI:101769 J:23788 UniProtKB:Q07820 20393 1 evidence:cell proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:Ba/F3 (Baf3) gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Il11ra1 and treated w IDA GO:0019221 MGI:107426 J:21233 N/A 20394 2 ith mouse IL-11 IDA GO:0019221 MGI:107426 J:21233 N/A 20395 1 evidence:cell proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:Ba/F3 (Baf3) gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Il11ra1 and treated w IDA GO:0004921 MGI:107426 J:21233 N/A 20396 2 ith mouse IL-11 IDA GO:0004921 MGI:107426 J:21233 N/A 20397 1 evidence:cell proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:Ba/F3 (Baf3) gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Il11ra1 and treated w IDA GO:0008284 MGI:107426 J:21233 N/A 20398 2 ith mouse IL-11 IDA GO:0008284 MGI:107426 J:21233 N/A 20399 1 evidence:cell proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:Ba/F3 (Baf3) gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Il11ra1 and treated w IDA GO:0005125 MGI:107613 J:21233 N/A 20400 2 ith mouse IL-11 IDA GO:0005125 MGI:107613 J:21233 N/A 20401 1 evidence:cell proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:Ba/F3 (Baf3) gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Il11ra1 and treated w IDA GO:0008083 MGI:107613 J:21233 N/A 20402 2 ith mouse IL-11 IDA GO:0008083 MGI:107613 J:21233 N/A 20403 1 evidence:Scatchard analysis anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005142 MGI:107613 J:21233 UniProtKB:Q64385 20404 1 evidence:cell proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:Ba/F3 (Baf3) gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Il11ra1 and treated w IDA GO:0008284 MGI:107613 J:21233 N/A 20405 2 ith mouse IL-11 IDA GO:0008284 MGI:107613 J:21233 N/A 20406 1 evidence:cell proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:Ba/F3 (Baf3) gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Il11ra1 and gp130 (Il IDA GO:0019221 MGI:96560 J:21233 N/A 20407 2 6st) and treated with mouse IL-11 IDA GO:0019221 MGI:96560 J:21233 N/A 20408 1 evidence:Scatchard analysis anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:gp130 cannot bind IL-11 by itself, but when expressed in combination with IL11ra1, converts IL11ra1 from a low affinity recepto IDA GO:0019970 MGI:96560 J:21233 N/A 20409 2 r for IL-11 to a high affinity recepotr for IL-11. IDA GO:0019970 MGI:96560 J:21233 N/A 20410 1 evidence:cell proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:Ba/F3 (Baf3) gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Il11ra1 IDA GO:0004921 MGI:96560 J:21233 N/A 20411 2 and gp130 (Il6st) and treated with mouse IL-11 (gp130 cannot bind IL-11 bu itself). IDA GO:0004921 MGI:96560 J:21233 N/A 20412 1 evidence:cell proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:Ba/F3 (Baf3) gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005125 MGI:96552 J:21233 N/A 20413 1 evidence:cell proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:Ba/F3 (Baf3) gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008083 MGI:96552 J:21233 N/A 20414 1 evidence:cell proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:Ba/F3 (Baf3) gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:96552 J:21233 N/A 20415 1 evidence:macrophage differentiation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000839|cell_line:M1 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7957045|IDA text:J:21233 ISO GO:0005125 MGI:96787 J:73065 UniProtKB:P15018 20416 1 evidence:cell proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:Ba/F3 (Baf3) gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7957045|IDA text:J:21233|cells were transfected with hum ISO GO:0008083 MGI:96787 J:73065 UniProtKB:P15018 20417 2 an LIFR and treated with human LIF ISO GO:0008083 MGI:96787 J:73065 UniProtKB:P15018 20418 1 evidence:cell proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:Ba/F3 (Baf3) gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7957045|IDA text:J:21233|cells were transfected with hum ISO GO:0008284 MGI:96787 J:73065 UniProtKB:P15018 20419 2 an LIFR and treated with human LIF ISO GO:0008284 MGI:96787 J:73065 UniProtKB:P15018 20420 1 evidence:macrophage differentiation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000839|cell_line:M1 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7957045|IDA text:J:21233 ISO GO:0045651 MGI:96787 J:73065 UniProtKB:P15018 20421 1 evidence:cell proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:Ba/F3 (Baf3) gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7957045|IDA text:J:21233|cells were transfected with hum ISO GO:0019221 MGI:96788 J:73065 UniProtKB:P42702 20422 2 an LIFR and treated with human LIF ISO GO:0019221 MGI:96788 J:73065 UniProtKB:P42702 20423 1 evidence:cell proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:Ba/F3 (Baf3) gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7957045|IDA text:J:21233|cells were transfected with hum ISO GO:0004923 MGI:96788 J:73065 UniProtKB:P42702 20424 2 an LIFR and treated with human LIF ISO GO:0004923 MGI:96788 J:73065 UniProtKB:P42702 20425 1 evidence:cell proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:Ba/F3 (Baf3) gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7957045|IDA text:J:21233|cells were transfected with hum ISO GO:0008284 MGI:96788 J:73065 UniProtKB:P42702 20426 2 an LIFR and treated with human LIF ISO GO:0008284 MGI:96788 J:73065 UniProtKB:P42702 20427 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8 ; ATCC:CCL-226 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96173 J:96550 N/A 20428 1 evidence: anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:4028 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035115 MGI:96173 J:96550 MGI:2150506 20429 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:adipose tissue ; MA:0000009 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004465 MGI:96820 J:9560 N/A 20430 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004069 MGI:95792 J:10041 N/A 20431 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:95420 J:10041 N/A 20432 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016788 MGI:95420 J:10041 N/A 20433 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016788 MGI:95431 J:10041 N/A 20434 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016788 MGI:95448 J:10041 N/A 20435 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016788 MGI:95446 J:10041 N/A 20436 1 evidence:cell proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|pro-B cell ; CL:0000826|cell_line:Ba/F3 (Baf3) gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7957045|IDA text:J:21233|cells were transfected with hum ISO GO:0005146 MGI:96787 J:21233 UniProtKB:P15018 20437 2 an LIFR and treated with human LIF ISO GO:0005146 MGI:96787 J:21233 UniProtKB:P15018 20438 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004069 MGI:95792 J:10432 N/A 20439 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004362 MGI:95804 J:10432 N/A 20440 1 evidence:IB anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:97619 J:129983 N/A 20441 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048821 MGI:88024 J:10432 MGI:1856298 20442 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004069 MGI:95792 J:15451 N/A 20443 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015451 MGI:95443 J:15451 N/A 20444 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016788 MGI:95431 J:15451 N/A 20445 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016788 MGI:95446 J:15451 N/A 20446 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016788 MGI:95448 J:15451 N/A 20447 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair ; MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043473 MGI:99456 J:39923 MGI:1856029 20448 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:RAW 264.7;ATCC:TIB-71|permanent cell line;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:induction of Irg1 gene expression by LPS IDA GO:0032496 MGI:103206 J:25077 N/A 20449 1 evidence:microinjection of cDNA anatomy: cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:inhibition of primary sympathetic neurons cell death. IDA GO:0043524 MGI:88139 J:25204 N/A 20450 1 evidence: anatomy:extraembryonic component ; EMAP:12511|placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:rosiglitazone treatment IMP GO:0001890 MGI:97747 J:129630 N/A 20451 1 evidence: anatomy:extraembryonic component ; EMAP:12511|placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:rosiglitazone treatment IMP GO:0015909 MGI:97747 J:129630 N/A 20452 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:susceptible to glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis IMP GO:0051384 MGI:95484 J:26199 MGI:1856334|MGI:1856384 20453 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutants are susceptible to glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis IMP GO:0006924 MGI:95484 J:26199 MGI:1856334|MGI:1856384 20454 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Bcl2;MGI:88138 external ref: text:expression levels of Bcl-2 in peripheral T cells o IMP GO:0010467 MGI:95484 J:26199 MGI:1856334|MGI:1856384 20455 2 f aged lpr and gld mice were significantly reduced IMP GO:0010467 MGI:95484 J:26199 MGI:1856334|MGI:1856384 20456 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell;CL:0000121|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88138 J:27470 N/A 20457 1 evidence:in situ hybridization anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001892 MGI:97359 J:70738 MGI:1856970|MGI:2158730 20458 1 evidence:CAT assay for PL-I promoter activation in presence of Nodal anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351|cell_line:Rcho-1 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045596 MGI:97359 J:70738 N/A 20459 1 evidence:CAT assay for promoter activation in presence of Nodal anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351|cell_line:Rcho-1 gene product: modification: target:Prl3d1 ; MGI:97606 target:Prl3b1 ; MGI:96607 t IDA GO:0000122 MGI:97359 J:70738 N/A 20460 2 arget:Junb ; MGI:96647 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:97359 J:70738 N/A 20461 1 evidence:CAT assay for PL-I promoter activation in presence of Nodal anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351|cell_line:Rcho-1 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001829 MGI:97359 J:70738 N/A 20462 1 evidence:in situ hybridization anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001831 MGI:97359 J:70738 MGI:1856970|MGI:2158730 20463 1 evidence:giant cell differentiation assay follwoing JunB transfection anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351|cell_line:Rcho-1 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045597 MGI:96647 J:70738 N/A 20464 1 evidence:giant cell differentiation assay follwoing JunB transfection anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351|cell_line:Rcho-1 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001829 MGI:96647 J:70738 N/A 20465 1 evidence: anatomy:superior colliculus ; MA:0001068 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:1859288 J:120983 MGI:2181383 20466 1 evidence: anatomy:cochlea ; MA:0000240 cell type:inner hair cell ; CL:0000589 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:1859288 J:77122 MGI:2181383 20467 1 evidence: anatomy:superior colliculus ; MA:0001068 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030901 MGI:1859288 J:120983 MGI:2181383 20468 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ganglion cell layer ; MA:0001310 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:102525 J:120983 N/A 20469 1 evidence:histology anatomy:uterus ; MA:0000389 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060135 MGI:107426 J:46263 MGI:2177778 20470 1 evidence:colony formation assay anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic progenitor cell ; CL:0000837 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002763 MGI:96974 J:1139 MGI:96552 20471 1 evidence:colony formation assay anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic progenitor cell ; CL:0000837 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002763 MGI:96552 J:1139 MGI:96974 20472 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048169 MGI:1351342 J:112751 MGI:1857437 20473 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050877 MGI:1351344 J:114435 MGI:1857984 20474 1 evidence:histology anatomy:uterus ; MA:0000389 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046697 MGI:107426 J:48920 MGI:2177774 20475 1 evidence:histology anatomy:uterus ; MA:0000389 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046697 MGI:107426 J:46263 MGI:2177778 20476 1 evidence:histology anatomy:uterus ; MA:0000389 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060135 MGI:107426 J:48920 MGI:2177774 20477 1 evidence:histology anatomy:uterus ; MA:0000389 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001890 MGI:107426 J:48920 MGI:2177774 20478 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COC-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008285 MGI:1342287 J:34906 N/A 20479 1 evidence:histology anatomy:uterus ; MA:0000389 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005125 MGI:96787 J:35071 N/A 20480 1 evidence:histology anatomy:uterus ; MA:0000389 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046697 MGI:96787 J:35071 MGI:2177780 20481 1 evidence:histology anatomy:uterus ; MA:0000389 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046697 MGI:96787 J:35071 N/A 20482 1 evidence:embryos transfered to KO mothers fail to implant anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007566 MGI:96787 J:35071 MGI:2177780 20483 1 evidence:histology anatomy:uterus ; MA:0000389 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007566 MGI:96787 J:35071 N/A 20484 1 evidence:ES colony formation assay anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:MEFs used IMP GO:0008083 MGI:96787 J:35071 MGI:2177780 20485 1 evidence:embryos transfered to KO mothers fail to implant anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060135 MGI:96787 J:35071 MGI:2177780 20486 1 evidence:ES colony formation assay anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:MEFs used IMP GO:0008284 MGI:96787 J:35071 MGI:2177780 20487 1 evidence:histology anatomy:ovary primordial follicle;MA:0001710 cell type:oocyte;CL:0000023|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:numerous aberrantly formed primordial follicles with a single l IMP GO:0048599 MGI:88138 J:28173 MGI:1857134 20488 2 ayer of granulosa cells and lacking oocytes IMP GO:0048599 MGI:88138 J:28173 MGI:1857134 20489 1 evidence:histology anatomy:ovary primordial follicle;MA:0001710 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:numerous aberrantly formed primordial follicles with a single layer of granulosa cells and lacking oocytes IMP GO:0001541 MGI:88138 J:28173 MGI:1857134 20490 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|ATCC:TIB-214 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 7650367;IDA text:transfection of either bcl-2 or bcl-x expression plasmids promotes the survival of CTLL-2 cell ISO GO:0043066 MGI:88139 J:28194 UniProtKB:Q07817 20491 2 s in the setting of IL-2 withdrawal. ISO GO:0043066 MGI:88139 J:28194 UniProtKB:Q07817 20492 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GST-Paip2B and GSTPaip2A, but not GST alone, specifically inhibited CAT ORF translation in a dose-dependent manner. Ta ISO GO:0017148 MGI:1915119 J:124723 NCBI:NP_057564 20493 2 rget:capped and polyadenylated bicistronic CAT-HCV IRES-luciferase mRNA. ISO GO:0017148 MGI:1915119 J:124723 NCBI:NP_057564 20494 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GST-Paip2B and GSTPaip2A, but not GST alone, specifically inhibited CAT ORF translation in a dose-dependent manner. Ta ISO GO:0017148 MGI:2386865 J:124723 NCBI:NP_065192 20495 2 rget:capped and polyadenylated bicistronic CAT-HCV IRES-luciferase mRNA. ISO GO:0017148 MGI:2386865 J:124723 NCBI:NP_065192 20496 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 evidence:RNA binding assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GST-Paip2B and GSTPaip2A, but not GST alone, specifically inhibited CAT ORF translation in a ISO GO:0000900 MGI:2386865 J:124723 NCBI:NP_065192 20497 2 dose-dependent manner. Target:capped and polyadenylated bicistronic CAT-HCV IRES-luciferase mRNA. ISO GO:0000900 MGI:2386865 J:124723 NCBI:NP_065192 20498 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 evidence:P32-polyA RNA filter binding assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0008143 MGI:2386865 J:124723 NCBI:NP_065192 20499 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 evidence:RNA binding assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GST-Paip2B and GSTPaip2A, but not GST alone, specifically inhibited CAT ORF translation in a ISO GO:0000900 MGI:1915119 J:124723 NCBI:NP_057564 20500 2 dose-dependent manner. Target:capped and polyadenylated bicistronic CAT-HCV IRES-luciferase mRNA. ISO GO:0000900 MGI:1915119 J:124723 NCBI:NP_057564 20501 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 evidence:polyA RNA filter binding assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0008143 MGI:1915119 J:124723 NCBI:NP_057564 20502 1 evidence:in vitro 32P-polyA RNA filter binding assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0008143 MGI:1349722 J:124723 UniProtKB:P11940 20503 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte;CL:0000138|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:c-Maf facilitates the initial chondrocyte terminal differentiation and influences the disappearance of IMP GO:0032330 MGI:96909 J:85738 MGI:2148636 20504 2 hypertrophic chondrocytes. IMP GO:0032330 MGI:96909 J:85738 MGI:2148636 20505 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:100% frequency of death soon after birth. IGI GO:0009791 MGI:87912 J:125512 MGI:108051 20506 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ActRIIB-/- mice died peri- or postnataly. IMP GO:0009791 MGI:87912 J:125512 MGI:1857709 20507 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mice died during embryogenesis. IMP GO:0001701 MGI:108051 J:125512 MGI:1857692 20508 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:100% frequency of death soon after birth. IGI GO:0009791 MGI:108051 J:125512 MGI:87912 20509 1 evidence:colony formation assay anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic progenitor cell ; CL:0000837 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:96974 J:15406 MGI:96552 20510 1 evidence:colony formation assay anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic progenitor cell ; CL:0000837 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002763 MGI:96974 J:15406 MGI:96552 20511 1 evidence: anatomy:future rhombencephalon ; EMAP:1223 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045665 MGI:1347476 J:128441 MGI:1347476 20512 1 evidence: anatomy:future rhombencephalon ; EMAP:1223 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045665 MGI:1100882 J:128441 MGI:1100882 20513 1 evidence: anatomy:future rhombencephalon ; EMAP:1223 cell type:serotinergic neuron ; CL:0000403 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045666 MGI:1100882 J:128441 MGI:1100882 20514 1 evidence:activity found in supernatant of transfected CHO cells anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96552 J:15406 N/A 20515 1 evidence:colony formation assay anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic progenitor cell ; CL:0000837 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:96552 J:15406 MGI:96974 20516 1 evidence:colony formation assay anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic progenitor cell ; CL:0000837 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002763 MGI:96552 J:15406 MGI:96974 20517 1 evidence:activity found in supernatant of transfected CHO cells anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96974 J:15406 N/A 20518 1 evidence: anatomy:future rhombencephalon ; EMAP:1223 cell type:serotinergic neuron ; CL:0000403 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021533 MGI:1347476 J:128441 MGI:2177337|MGI:2176222 20519 1 evidence: anatomy:future rhombencephalon ; EMAP:1223 cell type:serotinergic neuron ; CL:0000403 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021533 MGI:1347476 J:128441 MGI:1347476 20520 1 evidence: anatomy:future rhombencephalon ; EMAP:1223 cell type:serotinergic neuron ; CL:0000403 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048665 MGI:1347476 J:128441 MGI:2177337|MGI:2176222 20521 1 evidence: anatomy:future rhombencephalon ; EMAP:1223 cell type:serotinergic neuron ; CL:0000403 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045666 MGI:1347476 J:128441 MGI:1347476 20522 1 evidence:activity found in supernatant of transfected NSO myeloma cells anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96539 J:15406 N/A 20523 1 evidence:activity found in supernatant of transfected NSO myeloma cells anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043514 MGI:96539 J:15406 MGI:96540 20524 1 evidence: anatomy:future rhombencephalon ; EMAP:1223 cell type:serotinergic neuron ; CL:0000403 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021533 MGI:1100882 J:128441 MGI:1926861 20525 1 evidence:activity found in supernatant of transfected NSO myeloma cells anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96540 J:15406 N/A 20526 1 evidence:activity found in supernatant of transfected NSO myeloma cells anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043514 MGI:96540 J:15406 MGI:96539 20527 1 evidence:activity found in supernatant of transfected COS-1 cells anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:1339752 J:15406 N/A 20528 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS15,cardiovascular system,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:1454 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046697 MGI:96647 J:53304 MGI:2153821 20529 1 evidence:lack of live births evidence:histology anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:96647 J:53304 MGI:2153821 20530 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS11,trophectoderm ; EMAP:195 cell type:trophoblast cell; CL:0000351 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001829 MGI:96647 J:53304 MGI:2153821 20531 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS15,cardiovascular system,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:1454 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001570 MGI:96647 J:53304 MGI:2153821 20532 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS21,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:5711 anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001892 MGI:96238 J:58383 MGI:2155444 20533 1 evidence:observation of live births anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:96238 J:58383 MGI:2155444 20534 1 evidence:growth curve, weight-based anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0040018 MGI:96238 J:58383 MGI:2155444 20535 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046826 MGI:101765 J:124168 N/A 20536 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031397 MGI:101765 J:124168 N/A 20537 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051402 MGI:101765 J:124168 N/A 20538 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Trp53 IPI GO:0002039 MGI:101765 J:124168 UniProtKB:P02340 20539 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006468 MGI:101765 J:124168 N/A 20540 1 evidence: anatomy:corneal epithelium ; MA:0001243 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048597 MGI:96120 J:105284 MGI:3590648 20541 1 evidence: anatomy:corneal epithelium ; MA:0001243 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050678 MGI:96120 J:105284 MGI:3590648 20542 1 evidence: anatomy:corneal epithelium ; MA:0001243 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:88354 J:105284 N/A 20543 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:right pulmonary isomerism IGI GO:0030324 MGI:108051 J:125512 MGI:87912 20544 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:right pulmonary isomerism IGI GO:0030324 MGI:87912 J:125512 MGI:108051 20545 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormality in the cardiac outflow tracts. IGI GO:0007507 MGI:87912 J:125512 MGI:108051 20546 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormality in the cardiac outflow tracts. IGI GO:0007507 MGI:108051 J:125512 MGI:87912 20547 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:kainate treatment results in down-regulation of bcl2 and apoptosis. IDA GO:0001101 MGI:88138 J:29613 N/A 20548 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:kainate treatment evoked a 3-fold increase in bax mRNA levels. IDA GO:0001101 MGI:99702 J:29613 N/A 20549 1 evidence: anatomy:corneal epithelium ; MA:0001243 cell type:basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1330810 J:105284 N/A 20550 1 evidence: anatomy:corneal epithelium ; MA:0001243 cell type:basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96120 J:105284 N/A 20551 1 evidence: anatomy:ganglion ; EMAP:11848 cell type:autonomic neuron ; CL:0000107 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051402 MGI:1330810 J:105512 MGI:1934580 20552 1 evidence: anatomy:ganglion ; EMAP:11848 cell type:autonomic neuron ; CL:0000107 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048485 MGI:1330810 J:105512 MGI:1934580 20553 1 evidence: anatomy:bladder ; EMAP:12248 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048745 MGI:1330810 J:119657 MGI:1934580 20554 1 evidence: anatomy:bladder ; EMAP:12248 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060157 MGI:1330810 J:119657 MGI:1934580 20555 1 evidence: anatomy:bladder ; EMAP:12248 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product:UniProt: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006916 MGI:1330810 J:119657 MGI:1934580 20556 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type:pyramidal cell;CL:0000598|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88138 J:29613 N/A 20557 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032720 MGI:96238 J:58383 MGI:2155444 20558 1 evidence:IB of heat-shock proteins anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009408 MGI:96238 J:58383 MGI:2155444 20559 1 evidence:reduced survival following LPS challenge in KO mice anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032496 MGI:96238 J:58383 MGI:2155444 20560 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:104798 J:58383 N/A 20561 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96537 J:58383 N/A 20562 1 evidence:in situ hybridization anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060136 MGI:97359 J:70738 MGI:1856970|MGI:2158730 20563 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS15,cardiovascular system,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:1454 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001892 MGI:96647 J:53304 MGI:2153821 20564 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS15,cardiovascular system,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:1454 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060136 MGI:96647 J:53304 MGI:2153821 20565 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS21,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:5711 anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060136 MGI:96238 J:58383 MGI:2155444 20566 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:88039 J:21856 MGI:1856318 20567 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17202132|IDA text: ISA GO:0030182 MGI:101765 J:120888 UniProtKB:Q00314 20568 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17202132|IDA text: ISO GO:0006468 MGI:101765 J:120888 UniProtKB:Q03114 20569 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17202132|IDA text: ISO GO:0004672 MGI:101765 J:120888 UniProtKB:Q03114 20570 1 evidence:inhibitor roscovitine anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048813 MGI:101765 J:117343 N/A 20571 1 evidence:NF-kappaB activation assay anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032088 MGI:2429397 J:91804 MGI:2680581 20572 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032689 MGI:2429397 J:91804 MGI:2680581 20573 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032701 MGI:2429397 J:91804 MGI:2680581 20574 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032735 MGI:2429397 J:91804 MGI:2680581 20575 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:splenocytes used IMP GO:0032760 MGI:2429397 J:91804 MGI:2680581 20576 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:right pulmonary isomerism. tetx:aorta arose from the anteriormost position of the heart, where the pulmonary tract w IGI GO:0007389 MGI:108051 J:125512 MGI:87912 20577 2 as located in the wild-type, whereas the PT was located posterior to, and on the right side of the aorta. IGI GO:0007389 MGI:108051 J:125512 MGI:87912 20578 1 evidence:inferred from visible phenotype;ECO:0000176 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:right pulmonary isomerism. tetx:aorta arose from the anteriormost position of the heart, where the pulmonary tract w IGI GO:0007389 MGI:87912 J:125512 MGI:108051 20579 2 as located in the wild-type, whereas the PT was located posterior to, and on the right side of the aorta. text:nine ribs intead of seven. IGI GO:0007389 MGI:87912 J:125512 MGI:108051 20580 1 evidence:Scatchard analysis anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0019970 MGI:107426 J:21233 UniProtKB:P47873 20581 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,embryo;EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abdominal organ hypoplasia IGI GO:0035265 MGI:87912 J:125512 MGI:108051 20582 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,embryo;EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abdominal organ hypoplasia IGI GO:0035265 MGI:108051 J:125512 MGI:87912 20583 1 evidence:inhibitor butyrolactone I anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008306 MGI:101765 J:76252 N/A 20584 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 cell type:mouse hypothalamic tumor cell line, GT1-7 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Bcl-2 Protects Neural Cells from Cyanide/ Aglycemia-Induced Lipid Oxidat IDA GO:0042221 MGI:88138 J:29779 N/A 20585 2 ion, Mitochondrial Injury, and Loss of Viability text:in the absence of glucose. IDA GO:0042221 MGI:88138 J:29779 N/A 20586 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17589504|IDA text: ISA GO:0005737 MGI:2443564 J:122795 UniProtKB:Q9C0C7 20587 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Becn1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2443564 J:122795 UniProtKB:O88597 20588 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Ambra1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1891828 J:122795 UniProtKB:Q3TF60 20589 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17589504|IPI|Q15134 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1891828 J:122795 UniProtKB:Q14457 20590 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17589504|IPI|Q14457 text: ISA GO:0005515 MGI:2445019 J:122795 UniProtKB:Q15134 20591 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas primordium ; EMAP:2828 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031016 MGI:1196423 J:121610 MGI:2179340 20592 1 evidence: anatomy:body ; EMAP:4924 anatomy:head ; EMAP:4927 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0031016 MGI:1891408 J:121610 MGI:1196423 20593 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; EMAP:6002 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0031018 MGI:1891408 J:121610 MGI:1196423 20594 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; EMAP:6002 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0031018 MGI:1196423 J:121610 MGI:1891408 20595 1 evidence: anatomy:body ; EMAP:4924 anatomy:head ; EMAP:4927 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0031016 MGI:1196423 J:121610 MGI:1891408 20596 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Neurog3 ; MGI:893591 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1891408 J:121610 N/A 20597 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Neurog3 ; MGI:893591 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:1891408 J:121610 N/A 20598 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Foxa2 ; MGI:1347476 target:Ttr ; MGI:98865 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006357 MGI:1891409 J:75967 N/A 20599 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Foxa2 ; MGI:1347476 target:Ttr ; MGI:98865 target:Hnf4a ; MGI:109128 target:Gck ; MGI:1270854 target:Mitf ; MGI:104554 target:Pdx1 ; MGI:102851 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:1891409 J:75967 N/A 20600 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Foxa2 ; MGI:1347476 target:Ttr ; MGI:98865 target:Hnf4a ; MGI:109128 target:Gck ; MGI:1270854 target:Mitf ; MGI:104554 target:Pdx1 ; MGI:102851 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1196423 J:75967 N/A 20601 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Foxa2 ; MGI:1347476 target:Ttr ; MGI:98865 target:Gck ; MGI:1270854 target:Mitf ; MGI:104554 target:Pdx1 ; MGI:102851 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1891408 J:75967 N/A 20602 1 evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001741 MGI:1931321 J:69760 N/A 20603 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:decidua ; MA:0001722 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046697 MGI:1306784 J:109335 MGI:2176158 20604 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS22,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:6894 anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001892 MGI:1306784 J:109335 MGI:2176158 20605 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS22,embryo ; EMAP:5719 anatomy:TS22,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:6894 anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060136 MGI:1306784 J:109335 MGI:2176158 20606 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS22,embryo ; EMAP:5719 anatomy:TS22,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:6894 anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1306784 J:109335 MGI:2176158 20607 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS22,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:6894 anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001829 MGI:1306784 J:109335 MGI:2176158 20608 1 evidence:histology evidence:vascular casts anatomy:TS22,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:6894 anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001570 MGI:1306784 J:109335 MGI:2176158 20609 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\, pancreas ; EMAP:12013 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:weights of pancreas reduced IGI GO:0031016 MGI:108051 J:125512 MGI:87912 20610 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\, pancreas ; EMAP:12013 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:weights of pancreas reduced IGI GO:0031016 MGI:87912 J:125512 MGI:108051 20611 1 evidence:acid-ethanol method anatomy:TS26\, pancreas ; EMAP:12013 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:insulin content significantly reduced. IGI GO:0030073 MGI:87912 J:125512 MGI:108051 20612 1 evidence:acid-ethanol method anatomy:TS26\, pancreas ; EMAP:12013 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:insulin content significantly reduced. IGI GO:0030073 MGI:108051 J:125512 MGI:87912 20613 1 evidence:Glucose tolerance testing evidence:plasma insulin levels anatomy:blood;MA:0000059 anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Impaired Glucose-Induced Insulin Secretion IGI GO:0009749 MGI:108051 J:125512 MGI:87912 20614 1 evidence:Glucose tolerance testing evidence:plasma insulin levels anatomy:blood;MA:0000059 anatomy:plasma;MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Impaired Glucose-Induced Insulin Secretion IGI GO:0009749 MGI:87912 J:125512 MGI:108051 20615 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:average life span - approximately 38 days IMP GO:0009791 MGI:1917680 J:29787 MGI:1856997 20616 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:muscular atrophy which was accompanied by reduced locomotor activity IMP GO:0014889 MGI:1917680 J:29787 MGI:1856997 20617 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced locomotor activity IMP GO:0008344 MGI:1917680 J:29787 MGI:1856997 20618 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:inability to increase body weight IMP GO:0048589 MGI:1917680 J:29787 MGI:1856997 20619 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:axons of the peripheral nerves degenerate IMP GO:0048936 MGI:1917680 J:29787 MGI:1856997 20620 1 evidence: anatomy:face;MA:000247 cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Bcl-2 overexpression protected motoneurons from axotomy-induced cell death IDA GO:0043524 MGI:88138 J:29787 N/A 20621 1 evidence:FACS analysis anatomy:TS24\,liver;EMAP:9509 anatomy:TS25\,liver;EMAP:10869 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030183 MGI:1196423 J:120667 MGI:2179340 20622 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Two weeks after birth, at a time when spleen development is complete, the spleen of hnf6-/- mice was smaller than that of control littermates IMP GO:0048536 MGI:1196423 J:120667 MGI:2179340 20623 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy:TS20\,liver;EMAP:4577 cell type: gene product: modification: target:MGI:1891012 target:MGI:1338033 external ref: text:There was a 75% decrease in mRN IMP GO:0006357 MGI:1196423 J:120667 MGI:2179340 20624 2 A for Hageman factor (coagulation factor XII), a serine protease that catalyzes the cleavage of pro- HGF into HGF and an increased expression (85%) of the HAI. IMP GO:0006357 MGI:1196423 J:120667 MGI:2179340 20625 1 evidence:blood cell counts anatomy:TS24,blood ; EMAP:8763 cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060216 MGI:98372 J:123073 MGI:1277166 20626 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS26,eye ; EMAP:11931 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048596 MGI:98372 J:123073 MGI:1277166 20627 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS22,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:6894 anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001892 MGI:98372 J:123073 MGI:1277166 20628 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS26,embryo ; EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060136 MGI:98372 J:123073 MGI:1277166 20629 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS26,skeleton,embryo ; EMAP:12382 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:98372 J:123073 MGI:1277166 20630 1 evidence:blood cell counts anatomy:TS24,blood ; EMAP:8763 cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043353 MGI:98372 J:123073 MGI:1277166 20631 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS26,embryo ; EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001701 MGI:98372 J:123073 MGI:1277166 20632 1 evidence:weight anatomy:TS22,liver ; EMAP:6651 anatomy:TS24,liver ; EMAP:9509 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001889 MGI:98372 J:123073 MGI:1277166 20633 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS26,lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030324 MGI:98372 J:123073 MGI:1277166 20634 1 evidence:colony forming assay anatomy: cell type:megakaryocyte progenitor cell ; CL:0000553 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030219 MGI:98372 J:123073 MGI:1277166 20635 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS26,skeleton,embryo ; EMAP:12382 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001503 MGI:98372 J:123073 MGI:1277166 20636 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS22,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:6894 anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type:trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001829 MGI:98372 J:123073 MGI:1277166 20637 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis stratum granulosum ; MA:0000805 anatomy:tongue epithelium ; MA:0001592 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009913 MGI:1342287 J:56495 MGI:2183936 20638 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis stratum corneum ; MA:0000804 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048730 MGI:1342287 J:56495 MGI:2183936 20639 1 evidence: anatomy:inner cell mass ; EMAP:24 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019827 MGI:1342287 J:96515 N/A 20640 1 evidence: anatomy:inner cell mass ; EMAP:24 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009968 MGI:1201791 J:96515 MGI:96787 20641 1 evidence: anatomy:inner cell mass ; EMAP:24 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|blood cell ; CL:0000081 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045597 MGI:1201791 J:96515 N/A 20642 1 evidence: anatomy:inner cell mass ; EMAP:24 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|blood cell ; CL:0000081 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045597 MGI:1201791 J:96515 MGI:96787 20643 1 evidence: anatomy:inner cell mass ; EMAP:24 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019827 MGI:96787 J:96515 N/A 20644 1 evidence: anatomy:inner cell mass ; EMAP:24 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0019827 MGI:96787 J:96515 MGI:1201791|MGI:1342287 20645 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000780 MGI:1098767 J:130184 N/A 20646 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000780 MGI:1919665 J:130184 N/A 20647 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000780 MGI:1100510 J:130184 N/A 20648 1 evidence:blood cell counts anatomy:TS24,blood ; EMAP:8763 cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060216 MGI:1277166 J:123073 MGI:98372 20649 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS26,eye ; EMAP:11931 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048596 MGI:1277166 J:123073 MGI:98372 20650 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS22,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:6894 anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001892 MGI:1277166 J:123073 MGI:98372 20651 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS26,embryo ; EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060136 MGI:1277166 J:123073 MGI:98372 20652 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS26,skeleton,embryo ; EMAP:12382 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:1277166 J:123073 MGI:98372 20653 1 evidence:blood cell counts anatomy:TS24,blood ; EMAP:8763 cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043353 MGI:1277166 J:123073 MGI:98372 20654 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS26,embryo ; EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001701 MGI:1277166 J:123073 MGI:98372 20655 1 evidence:weight anatomy:TS22,liver ; EMAP:6651 anatomy:TS24,liver ; EMAP:9509 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001889 MGI:1277166 J:123073 MGI:98372 20656 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS26,lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030324 MGI:1277166 J:123073 MGI:98372 20657 1 evidence:colony forming assay anatomy: cell type:megakaryocyte progenitor cell ; CL:0000553 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030219 MGI:1277166 J:123073 MGI:98372 20658 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:TS26,skeleton,embryo ; EMAP:12382 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001503 MGI:1277166 J:123073 MGI:98372 20659 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS22,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:6894 anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type:trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001829 MGI:1277166 J:123073 MGI:98372 20660 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051754 MGI:1098767 J:130184 N/A 20661 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000780 MGI:1929645 J:130184 N/A 20662 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000794 MGI:1929645 J:130184 N/A 20663 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: modification: target:Ppp2ca ; MGI:1321159|Ppp2cb ; MGI:1321161 external ref: text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:1098767 J:130184 N/A 20664 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:18084284|IDA text: ISO GO:0030892 MGI:1098767 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q562F6 20665 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:18084284|IDA text: ISO GO:0030892 MGI:1919665 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q5FBB7 20666 1 evidence: anatomy:surface ectoderm ; EMAP:2094 anatomy:surface ectoderm ; EMAP:2724 anatomy:limb ; EMAP:4011 cell type:surface ectodermal cell ; CL:0000114 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:limb ; EMAP:1 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88192 J:101729 N/A 20667 2 1204 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88192 J:101729 N/A 20668 1 evidence: anatomy:apical ectodermal ridge ; EMAP:3409 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035116 MGI:88192 J:101729 MGI:3605892|MGI:2177413 20669 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; EMAP:11613 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048730 MGI:88192 J:101729 MGI:3605892|MGI:2177413 20670 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; EMAP:11613 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030216 MGI:88192 J:101729 MGI:3605892|MGI:2177413 20671 1 evidence: anatomy:corneal epithelium ; MA:0001243 anatomy:corneal stroma ; MA:0001245 anatomy:corneal endothelium ; MA:0001242 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031077 MGI:1342287 J:117671 MGI:2183917|MGI:3045749 20672 1 evidence:in vitro cell differentiation assays anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351|cell_line:TS cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351|cell_line:Rcho-1 gene product: modificati ISO GO:0045596 MGI:1916782 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BPY8 20673 2 on: target: external ref:PMID:17576768|IDA text:J:124707|cells infected with adenovirus vector expressing human HOPX ISO GO:0045596 MGI:1916782 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BPY8 20674 1 evidence:in situ hybridization evidence:histology anatomy:TS19,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:3972 anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type:trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001829 MGI:1916782 J:124707 MGI:2389233 20675 1 evidence:in vitro cell differentiation assays anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351|cell_line:TS cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351|cell_line:Rcho-1 gene product: modificati ISO GO:0001829 MGI:1916782 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BPY8 20676 2 on: target: external ref:PMID:17576768|IDA text:J:124707|cells infected with adenovirus vector expressing human HOPX ISO GO:0001829 MGI:1916782 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BPY8 20677 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:TS15,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:1453 anatmoy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:106658 J:124707 N/A 20678 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:TS15,extraembryonic component ; EMAP:1453 anatmoy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:106658 J:124707 N/A 20679 1 evidence:in vitro cell differentiation assays anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351|cell_line:TS cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351|cell_line:Rcho-1 gene product: modificati ISO GO:0045597 MGI:106658 J:73065 UniProtKB:P11831 20680 2 on: target: external ref:PMID:17576768|IDA text:J:124707|cells transfected with human SRF ISO GO:0045597 MGI:106658 J:73065 UniProtKB:P11831 20681 1 evidence:promoter reporter assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351|cell_line:TS cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351|cell_line:Rcho-1 gene product: modification: qualifier ISO GO:0045944 MGI:106658 J:73065 UniProtKB:P11831 20682 2 : target: external ref:PMID:17576768|IDA text:J:124707|cells transfected with human SRF ISO GO:0045944 MGI:106658 J:73065 UniProtKB:P11831 20683 1 evidence:in vitro cell differentiation assays anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351|cell_line:TS cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351|cell_line:Rcho-1 gene product: modificati ISO GO:0001829 MGI:106658 J:73065 UniProtKB:P11831 20684 2 on: target: external ref:PMID:17576768|IDA text:J:124707|cells transfected with human SRF ISO GO:0001829 MGI:106658 J:73065 UniProtKB:P11831 20685 1 evidence: anatomy:conjunctiva ; MA:0000265 cell type:goblet cell ; CL:0000160 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:1342287 J:117671 MGI:2183917|MGI:3045749 20686 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Krt12 ; MGI:96687 target:Aqp5 ; MGI:106215 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1342287 J:117671 N/A 20687 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Alox12b ; MGI:1274782 target:Cdsn ; MGI:3505689 target:Dusp14 ; MGI:1927168 target:Ephb6 ; MGI:2685183 target:Far2 ; MGI:2687035 target:Gm2a ; MGI:95762 target:Id4 ; MGI:99414 tar IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1342287 J:118301 N/A 20688 2 get:Klf3 ; MGI:1342773 target:Klk7 ; MGI:1346336 target:Mtap2 ; MGI:97175 target:Smpd3 ; MGI:1927578 target:Tesc ; MGI:1930803 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1342287 J:118301 N/A 20689 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas primordium ; EMAP:2828 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:104717 J:119671 N/A 20690 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas primordium ; EMAP:2828 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:108564 J:119671 N/A 20691 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas primordium ; EMAP:2828 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1201409 J:119671 N/A 20692 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas primordium ; EMAP:2828 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2445415 J:119671 N/A 20693 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pax6 ; MGI:97490|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IGI GO:0003677 MGI:1201409 J:119671 MGI:97495 20694 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pax6 ; MGI:97490|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IGI GO:0043565 MGI:97495 J:119671 MGI:1201409|MGI:2445415|MGI:104717|MGI:108564 20695 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pax6 ; MGI:97490|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IGI GO:0043565 MGI:2445415 J:119671 MGI:97495 20696 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pax6 ; MGI:97490|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IGI GO:0043565 MGI:104717 J:119671 MGI:97495 20697 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pax6 ; MGI:97490|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IGI GO:0043565 MGI:108564 J:119671 MGI:97495 20698 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16980962|IDA text: ISA GO:0005525 MGI:1913975 J:113152 UniProtKB:Q17RV3 20699 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16980962|IDA text: ISA GO:0034211 MGI:1913975 J:113152 UniProtKB:Q17RV3 20700 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16980962|IDA text: ISA GO:0046777 MGI:1913975 J:113152 UniProtKB:Q17RV3 20701 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16980962|IDA text: ISA GO:0006468 MGI:1913975 J:113152 UniProtKB:Q17RV3 20702 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9473669|IDA text: ISO GO:0004514 MGI:1914625 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15274 20703 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9473669|IDA text: ISO GO:0034213 MGI:1914625 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15274 20704 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Human C1S IPI GO:0001848 MGI:894696 J:47976 UniProtKB:P04281 20705 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045618 MGI:97363 J:108327 MGI:1330810 20706 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product:UniProt:O88898-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045617 MGI:1330810 J:108327 MGI:97363 20707 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product:UniProt:O88898-2 modification: target:Hes1 ; MGI:104853 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1330810 J:108327 N/A 20708 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product:UniProt:O88898-2 modification: target:Hes1 ; MGI:104853 external ref: text: IMP GO:0000122 MGI:1330810 J:108327 N/A 20709 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: modification: target:Hes1 ; MGI:104853 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:97363 J:108327 MGI:1330810 20710 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: modification: target:Hes1 ; MGI:104853 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97363 J:108327 N/A 20711 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product:UniProt:O88898-2 modification: target:Hes1 ; MGI:104853 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:1330810 J:108327 MGI:97363 20712 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000026; hindlimb cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060055 MGI:104887 J:118088 MGI:2158814 20713 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96522 J:114702 N/A 20714 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis suprabasal layer ; MA:0000808 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97363 J:114702 N/A 20715 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis suprabasal layer ; MA:0000808 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:97363 J:114702 N/A 20716 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis suprabasal layer ; MA:0000808 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:99460 J:114702 N/A 20717 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:7148|epidermis suprabasal layer ; MA:0000808 anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:7148| epidermis stratum basale ; MA:0000803 anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:9799|epidermis stratum spinosum ; MA:0000807 anatomy:follicle ; EMAP:10245 cell type: gene IDA GO:0005634 MGI:104853 J:114702 N/A 20718 2 product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:104853 J:114702 N/A 20719 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis stratum spinosum ; MA:0000807 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009957 MGI:96522 J:114702 MGI:3583755|MGI:1926500 20720 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis stratum spinosum ; MA:0000807 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030216 MGI:96522 J:114702 MGI:3583755|MGI:1926500 20721 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis suprabasal layer ; MA:0000808 cell type:basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:96522 J:114702 MGI:3583755|MGI:1926500 20722 1 evidence: anatomy:hair shaft ; MA:0000159 anatomy:hair inner root sheath ; MA:0000779 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048820 MGI:96522 J:114702 MGI:3583755|MGI:1926500 20723 1 evidence: anatomy:skin sebaceous gland ; MA:0000149 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048733 MGI:96522 J:114702 MGI:3583755|MGI:1926500 20724 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis stratum spinosum ; MA:0000807 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045618 MGI:97363 J:114702 N/A 20725 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000115 ; endothelial cell gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042542 MGI:104887 J:118088 MGI:2158814 20726 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000115 ; endothelial cell gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006917 MGI:104887 J:118088 MGI:2158814 20727 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000115; endothelial cell gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043534 MGI:104887 J:118088 MGI:2158814 20728 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:chimeric fusion of the cytoplasmic (death domain-containing) domain of Fas failed to induce apoptosis. text:murine L cells. IMP GO:0008625 MGI:95484 J:30163 N/A 20729 1 evidence:CAT fusion evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:human bcl2 target:murine c-myc external ref: text:transfected ISO GO:0000122 MGI:98968 J:30176 UniProtKB:P19544 20730 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:murine c-myc promoter IDA GO:0003690 MGI:98968 J:30176 N/A 20731 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:murine c-myc promoter IDA GO:0003700 MGI:98968 J:30176 N/A 20732 1 evidence: anatomy:neural retina ; EMAP:11967 cell type:amacrine cell ; CL:0000561 cell type:horizontal cell ; CL:0000745 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:1328312 J:119184 MGI:3701996 20733 1 evidence: anatomy:retina inner plexiform layer ; MA:0001312 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060042 MGI:1328312 J:119184 MGI:3701996 20734 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:88039 J:36816 MGI:97798 20735 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:88039 J:36816 MGI:1857957 20736 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042127 MGI:97798 J:36816 MGI:88039 20737 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:88039 J:37223 MGI:104642 20738 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050678 MGI:104642 J:37223 MGI:88039 20739 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:lack of bcl2 increased the proportion of Fas+ and Fas+ CD4+ B-lympphocyte linage cells IMP GO:0002326 MGI:88138 J:31364 MGI:2156165 20740 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased amount of T-cell lineage cells. IMP GO:0002360 MGI:88138 J:31364 MGI:2156165 20741 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:88039 J:37224 MGI:104642 20742 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050678 MGI:104642 J:37224 MGI:88039 20743 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051726 MGI:88039 J:37447 MGI:1856318 20744 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88313 J:37447 N/A 20745 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88357 J:37447 N/A 20746 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050680 MGI:88039 J:38609 MGI:1857932 20747 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042127 MGI:103189 J:38609 MGI:88039 20748 1 evidence: anatomy:floor plate ; EMAP:3526 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021965 MGI:94869 J:39765 MGI:1934924 20749 1 evidence: anatomy:crypt of lieberkuhn ; MA:0001535 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:88039 J:40134 MGI:1856318 20750 1 evidence: anatomy:crypt of lieberkuhn ; MA:0001535 cell type:gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:88039 J:40923 MGI:104642 20751 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:88039 J:42722 MGI:104642 20752 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050680 MGI:104642 J:42722 MGI:88039 20753 1 evidence: anatomy:crypt of lieberkuhn ; MA:0001535 cell type:gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050678 MGI:104642 J:40923 MGI:88039 20754 1 evidence: anatomy:large intestine crypt of lieberkuhn ; MA:0001544 cell type:gut endothelial cell ; CL:0000131 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050680 MGI:88039 J:38930 MGI:1856318 20755 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:lack of p53 increased the prop IMP GO:0002326 MGI:98834 J:31364 MGI:1857590 20756 2 ortions of Fas-expressing CD4 and CD8 mature T-cell subsets and of Fas B-cell precursors but decreased that of Fas mature B-lymphocyte populations. IMP GO:0002326 MGI:98834 J:31364 MGI:1857590 20757 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:lack of p53 increased the prop IMP GO:0002360 MGI:98834 J:31364 MGI:1857590 20758 2 ortions of Fas-expressing CD4 and CD8 mature T-cell subsets and of Fas B-cell precursors but decreased that of Fas mature B-lymphocyte populations. IMP GO:0002360 MGI:98834 J:31364 MGI:1857590 20759 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:changed proportions of CD4, CD IMP GO:0002360 MGI:104779 J:31364 MGI:1857113 20760 2 8, TCR T-cells. IMP GO:0002360 MGI:104779 J:31364 MGI:1857113 20761 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:changed linage proportions of IMP GO:0002326 MGI:97849 J:31364 MGI:1858556 20762 2 B-cells. IMP GO:0002326 MGI:97849 J:31364 MGI:1858556 20763 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:changed proportions of CD4, CD IMP GO:0002360 MGI:97849 J:31364 MGI:1858556 20764 2 8, TCR T-cells. IMP GO:0002360 MGI:97849 J:31364 MGI:1858556 20765 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:changed lineage proportions of IMP GO:0002326 MGI:104779 J:31364 MGI:1857113 20766 2 B-cells. IMP GO:0002326 MGI:104779 J:31364 MGI:1857113 20767 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:antibody for TCR-alpha-beta. IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98578 J:31364 N/A 20768 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:antibody for TCR-alpha-beta. IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98553 J:31364 N/A 20769 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:antibody for TCR-gamma-delta. IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98623 J:31364 N/A 20770 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:antibody for TCR-gamma-delta. IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98611 J:31364 N/A 20771 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88335 J:31364 N/A 20772 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88346 J:31364 N/A 20773 1 evidence:FACS anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95484 J:31364 N/A 20774 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:TS23\,liver;EMAP:8200 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:31364 N/A 20775 1 evidence:FACS anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:106910 J:31364 N/A 20776 1 evidence:FACS anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96607 J:31364 N/A 20777 1 evidence:FACS anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:109440 J:31364 N/A 20778 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q7TNK1-1 modification: target:Cxc3l1 ; MGI:1097153|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1918387 J:119277 N/A 20779 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q7TNK1-1 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1918387 J:119277 N/A 20780 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q7TNK1-1 modification: target:Cxc3l1 ; MGI:1097153 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1918387 J:119277 N/A 20781 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:4176 cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q7TNK1-1 modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021696 MGI:1918387 J:84751 N/A 20782 1 evidence: anatomy:roof plate ; EMAP:4260 cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q7TNK1-1 modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021516 MGI:1918387 J:84751 N/A 20783 1 evidence: anatomy:roof plate ; EMAP:4170 cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q7TNK1-1 modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030900 MGI:1918387 J:84751 N/A 20784 1 evidence: anatomy:roof plate ; EMAP:4226 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030901 MGI:1918387 J:84751 N/A 20785 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebra ; EMAP:9665 anatomy:vertebra ; EMAP:9681 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:1346031 J:124124 MGI:3721421 20786 1 evidence: anatomy:malleus ; EMAP:10565 anatomy:pharyngo-tympanic tube ; EMAP:10567 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042474 MGI:1346031 J:124124 MGI:3721421 20787 1 evidence: anatomy:palatal shelf ; EMAP:6622 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060023 MGI:1346031 J:124124 MGI:3721421 20788 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HS683 gene product:UniProt:Q810B3-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2669849 J:122211 N/A 20789 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HS683 gene product:UniProt:Q810B3-1 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2669849 J:122211 N/A 20790 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Npy ; MGI:97374 target:Agrp ; MGI:892013 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:2669849 J:122746 N/A 20791 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HS683 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Neuro2a gene product:UniProt:Q810B3-1 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:2669849 J:122211 N/A 20792 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Agrp ; MGI:892013|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:2669849 J:122746 MGI:1890077 20793 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q810B3-1 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:2669849 J:122211 N/A 20794 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Npy ; MGI:97374|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Agrp ; MGI:892013|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:2669849 J:122746 N/A 20795 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HS683 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Neuro2a gene product:UniProt:Q810B3-1 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:2669849 J:122211 N/A 20796 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Agrp ; MGI:892013 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1890077 J:122746 MGI:2669849 20797 1 evidence: anatomy:arcuate nucleus ; MA:0000847 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2669849 J:122746 N/A 20798 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060056 MGI:2669849 J:123638 MGI:3719242|MGI:3719245 20799 1 evidence: anatomy:future rhombencephalon ; EMAP:806 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96174 J:43763 MGI:1857626 20800 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 01 ; EMAP:808 anatomy:rhombomere 02 ; EMAP:812 anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:816 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035284 MGI:96174 J:43763 MGI:1857626 20801 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 02 ; EMAP:812 anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:816 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007379 MGI:96174 J:43763 MGI:1857626 20802 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:3482 anatomy:hypothalamus ; EMAP:4161 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021798 MGI:108067 J:74238 MGI:1857494 20803 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 02 ; EMAP:2266|facial ganglion VII ; EMAP:2333 anatomy:rhombomere 02 ; EMAP:2266|trigeminal V ; EMAP:2335 anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:2273|facial ganglion VII ; EMAP:2333 anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:2273|trigeminal V ; EMAP: IMP GO:0008045 MGI:96174 J:43763 MGI:1857626 20804 2 2335 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008045 MGI:96174 J:43763 MGI:1857626 20805 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:6075 anatomy:hypothalamus ; EMAP:6056 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:11663 cell type:dopaminergic neu IMP GO:0007411 MGI:108067 J:74238 MGI:1857494 20806 2 ron ; CL:0000700 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:108067 J:74238 MGI:1857494 20807 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|J774A1 ; ATCC:TIB-67 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015629 MGI:1345961 J:100752 N/A 20808 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|J774A1 ; ATCC:TIB-67 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1345961 J:100752 N/A 20809 1 evidence: anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type:T cell ; CL:0000083 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043029 MGI:1345961 J:111593 MGI:3664599 20810 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000083 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030595 MGI:1345961 J:111593 MGI:3664599 20811 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000083 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008064 MGI:1345961 J:111593 MGI:3664599 20812 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000083 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032796 MGI:1345961 J:111593 MGI:3664599 20813 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:L cells gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cytoplasmic (death) domain of Fas is sufficient to induce apoptosis. text:murine L cells IDA GO:0008625 MGI:95484 J:30163 N/A 20814 1 evidence:dead cell % anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells - cd4/fas16 text:Faf1 mediates apoptosis mediated by Fas IDA GO:0043065 MGI:109419 J:30163 N/A 20815 1 evidence:FACS anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88335 J:30163 N/A 20816 1 evidence:DNA fragmentation anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:murine cell lines text:dimerization or oligomerization of the cytoplasmic Fas domain is sufficient for an apoptotic signal. IDA GO:0051260 MGI:95484 J:30163 N/A 20817 1 evidence:DNA fragmentation anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cytoplasmic (death domain-containing) domain of Fas failed to induce apoptosis. text:murine cell lines. IDA GO:0008625 MGI:95484 J:30163 N/A 20818 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109419 J:30163 UniProtKB:P25446 20819 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cytoplasmic domain of Fas IPI GO:0019904 MGI:109419 J:30163 UniProtKB:P25446 20820 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cowpox virus-encoded protein CrmA inhibits Fas-induced apoptosis. IMP GO:0051789 MGI:95484 J:31382 MGI:1856334 20821 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Fas-deficient cell promote survival of T lymphocytes, activated by addition of staphylococcal enterotoxin B. IMP GO:0009636 MGI:95484 J:31382 MGI:1856334 20822 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:homodimerization via the BH3 domain. IPI GO:0042803 MGI:99702 J:32264 UniProtKB:Q07813 20823 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:homodimerization via the BH3 domain. its deletion disru IMP GO:0042803 MGI:99702 J:32264 N/A 20824 2 pts the interaction. IMP GO:0042803 MGI:99702 J:32264 N/A 20825 1 evidence:cell number assay anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1593.2|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:expression of mouse Bcl2 diminished cell prolefiration while expression of Bcl2 mutant had IMP GO:0008285 MGI:88138 J:33247 N/A 20826 2 no effect. text: transfected U937 monocyte cell line. IMP GO:0008285 MGI:88138 J:33247 N/A 20827 1 evidence:cell survival assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:expression of Bcl2 mutant results in defective cell death protection IMP GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:33247 N/A 20828 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:1888594 J:88170 MGI:3033709 20829 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0046578 MGI:1888594 J:88170 MGI:96680 20830 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Kras ; UniProt:P32883 external ref: text: IMP GO:0008140 MGI:1888594 J:88170 MGI:3033709 20831 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0005624 MGI:96680 J:88170 MGI:1888594 20832 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:A5HE91|Fog2s modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1334444 J:121803 N/A 20833 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q8CCH7 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1334444 J:121803 N/A 20834 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:A5HE91|Fog2s modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003714 MGI:1334444 J:121803 N/A 20835 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: small peptide derived from this gene IDA GO:0043524 MGI:1338758 J:53031 N/A 20836 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:small peptide derived from this gene product IDA GO:0005615 MGI:1338758 J:53031 N/A 20837 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: modification: target:Apoe ; target:Neurog1 ; MGI:107754 target:Ctsc ; MGI:109553 target:Ctsz ; MGI:1891190 target:Apoe ; MGI:88057 target:Myl IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1338758 J:119141 N/A 20838 2 2 ; MGI:97272 target:Mt1 ; MGI:97171 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1338758 J:119141 N/A 20839 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: mo IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1316736 J:51201 N/A 20840 2 dification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1316736 J:51201 N/A 20841 1 evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type:spermatogonium ; CL:0000020 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1316736 J:51201 N/A 20842 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009790 MGI:1316736 J:67128 MGI:2158698 20843 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1316736 J:85133 N/A 20844 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:1316736 J:85133 MGI:2675250|MGI:2387567 20845 1 evidence: anatomy:parathyroid gland ; MA:0000128 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:1316736 J:86642 MGI:2683274|MGI:2683304 20846 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043065 MGI:1316736 J:88866 N/A 20847 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:1316736 J:88866 MGI:99702|MGI:1097161 20848 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target:Casp8 ; MGI:1261423 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043280 MGI:1316736 J:88866 N/A 20849 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:1316736 J:89898 MGI:2384620|MGI:2176227 20850 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15150273|IDA text: ISO GO:0001649 MGI:88177 J:73065 UniProtKB:P12643 20851 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ST2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1316736 J:93345 N/A 20852 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ST2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:99829 J:93345 N/A 20853 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ST2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:99829 J:93345 N/A 20854 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ST2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:99829 J:93345 MGI:1316736 20855 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MC3T3-E1 Subclone 14 ; ATCC:CRL-2594 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1201674 J:93345 MGI:1316736 20856 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MC3T3-E1 Subclone 14 ; ATCC:CRL-2594 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1201674 J:93345 N/A 20857 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ST2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045669 MGI:1316736 J:93345 MGI:88177 20858 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MC3T3-E1 Subclone 14 ; ATCC:CRL-2594 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045668 MGI:1316736 J:93345 N/A 20859 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MC3T3-E1 Subclone 14 ; ATCC:CRL-2594 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002076 MGI:1316736 J:93345 MGI:1201674 20860 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ST2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002051 MGI:1316736 J:93345 MGI:109452|MGI:1328787|MGI:99829 20861 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MC3T3-E1 Subclone 14 ; ATCC:CRL-2594 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045668 MGI:1201674 J:93345 MGI:1316736 20862 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MC3T3-E1 Subclone 14 ; ATCC:CRL-2594 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002076 MGI:1201674 J:93345 MGI:1316736 20863 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ST2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002051 MGI:109452 J:93345 MGI:1316736 20864 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ST2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045669 MGI:109452 J:93345 MGI:1316736 20865 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ST2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002051 MGI:1328787 J:93345 MGI:1316736 20866 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ST2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045669 MGI:1328787 J:93345 MGI:1316736 20867 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ST2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002051 MGI:99829 J:93345 MGI:1316736 20868 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ST2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045669 MGI:99829 J:93345 MGI:1316736 20869 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Cdkn1b ; MGI:104565 target:Cdkn2c ; MGI:105388 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1316736 J:96252 MGI:96995 20870 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Cdkn1b ; MGI:104565 target:Cdkn2c ; MGI:105388 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:96995 J:96252 MGI:1316736 20871 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:96995 J:96252 N/A 20872 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:1316736 J:96252 N/A 20873 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Cdkn1b ; MGI:104565 target:Cdkn2c ; MGI:105388 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1316736 J:96252 N/A 20874 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Cdkn1b ; MGI:104565 target:Cdkn2c ; MGI:105388 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:96995 J:96252 N/A 20875 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15640349|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:96995 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q03164 20876 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15640349|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1316736 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00255 20877 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15640349|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:104565 J:73065 UniProtKB:O43806 20878 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MC3T3-E1 Subclone 14 ; ATCC:CRL-2594 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045668 MGI:1316736 J:96882 MGI:96648 20879 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MC3T3-E1 Subclone 14 ; ATCC:CRL-2594 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002076 MGI:1316736 J:96882 MGI:96648 20880 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MC3T3-E1 Subclone 14 ; ATCC:CRL-2594 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002076 MGI:96648 J:96882 MGI:1316736 20881 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|MC3T3-E1 Subclone 14 ; ATCC:CRL-2594 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045669 MGI:96648 J:96882 MGI:1316736 20882 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15563473|IGI|MGI:1316736 text: ISO GO:0045668 MGI:1316736 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00255 20883 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15563473|IGI|MGI:1316736 text: ISO GO:0002076 MGI:1316736 J:73065 UniProtKB:O00255 20884 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:1316736 J:102494 MGI:3608952 20885 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051781 MGI:1316736 J:102494 MGI:3608952 20886 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1316736 J:102494 N/A 20887 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:104565 J:102494 N/A 20888 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Cdkn1b ; MGI:104565|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Cdkn2c ; MGI:105388|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1316736 J:102494 N/A 20889 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Cdkn1b ; MGI:104565 target:Cdkn2c ; MGI:105388 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1316736 J:102494 N/A 20890 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Cdkn1b ; MGI:104565|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Cdkn2c ; MGI:105388|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IMP GO:0031062 MGI:1316736 J:102494 MGI:3608952 20891 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis IMP GO:0006924 MGI:95484 J:31852 MGI:1856334 20892 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target:Igfbp2 ; MGI:96437 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1316736 J:105625 N/A 20893 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis IMP GO:0051384 MGI:95484 J:31852 MGI:1856334 20894 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008285 MGI:1316736 J:105625 N/A 20895 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 anatomy:lymph node;MA:0000139 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:changed number of T cells in the lymph nodes and the spleen IMP GO:0043029 MGI:95484 J:31852 MGI:1856384 20896 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:renal damage IMP GO:0003014 MGI:95484 J:31852 MGI:1856334 20897 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030097 MGI:1316736 J:105708 MGI:2158697 20898 1 evidence: anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type:leukocyte ; CL:0000738 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001776 MGI:1316736 J:105708 MGI:2158697 20899 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hoxa9 ; MGI:96180|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1316736 J:105708 N/A 20900 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|myeloid cell ; CL:0000763 gene product: modification: target:Hoxa9 ; MGI:96180|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IMP GO:0031062 MGI:1316736 J:105708 MGI:2158697 20901 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|myeloid cell ; CL:0000763 gene product: modification: target:Hoxa9 ; MGI:96180|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0006338 MGI:88393 J:105708 MGI:1316736 20902 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target:Igfbp2 ; MGI:96437|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006338 MGI:1316736 J:105625 MGI:2158698 20903 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|myeloid cell ; CL:0000763 gene product: modification: target:Hoxa9 ; MGI:96180|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0006338 MGI:1316736 J:105708 MGI:88393 20904 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hoxa9 ; MGI:96180 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:1316736 J:105708 MGI:2158697 20905 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007050 MGI:1316736 J:110111 MGI:2158697|MGI:3663673 20906 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type: gene product: modification: qualifie IMP GO:0008285 MGI:1316736 J:110111 MGI:2158697|MGI:3663673 20907 2 r: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:1316736 J:110111 MGI:2158697|MGI:3663673 20908 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051781 MGI:1316736 J:110111 MGI:2158697|MGI:3663673 20909 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:binds both soluble and transmembrane isoforms of Il1rl1 IPI GO:0005125 MGI:1924375 J:124985 UniProtKB:P14719-1|UniProtKB:P14719-2 20910 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P14719-2 modification: target: external ref: text:when induced by Il-33 IDA GO:0043124 MGI:98427 J:124985 N/A 20911 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary primordial follicle; MA:0001710 anatomy:ovary growing follicle ; MA:0001708 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2684058 J:123297 N/A 20912 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:zygote ; CL:0000365 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001939 MGI:101838 J:123297 N/A 20913 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:zygote ; CL:0000365 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001940 MGI:101838 J:123297 N/A 20914 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary growing follicle ; MA:0001708 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030308 MGI:95692 J:123297 MGI:1930111 20915 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary growing follicle ; MA:0001708 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001555 MGI:95692 J:123297 MGI:1930111 20916 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary growing follicle ; MA:0001708 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001541 MGI:108011 J:123297 MGI:3053093 20917 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Gdf9 ; target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Nlrp14 ; MGI:1924108|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Nlrp4c ; MGI:1890518|RNApol_II_ IDA GO:0003677 MGI:108011 J:124049 N/A 20918 2 promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Oosp1 ; MGI:2149290|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Astl ; MGI:3046414|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Sall4 ; MGI:2139360|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Olfr976 ; MGI:3030810| IDA GO:0003677 MGI:108011 J:124049 N/A 20919 3 RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:108011 J:124049 N/A 20920 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Gdf9 ; target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893 target:Nlrp14 ; MGI:1924108 target:Nlrp4c ; MGI:1890518 target:Oosp1 ; MGI:2149290 target:Astl ; MGI:3046414 target:Sall4 ; MG IMP GO:0045944 MGI:108011 J:124049 MGI:3053093 20921 2 I:2139360 target:Olfr976 ; MGI:3030810 external ref: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:108011 J:124049 MGI:3053093 20922 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003700 MGI:108011 J:124049 MGI:3053093 20923 1 evidence:MAPK activity assays anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7508917|IDA text:J:16744|human IL-11 used on mouse cells ISO GO:0043410 MGI:107613 J:73065 UniProtKB:P20809 20924 1 evidence:pp90rsk activity assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7508917|IDA text:J:16744|human IL-11 used on mouse cells ISO GO:0033138 MGI:107613 J:73065 UniProtKB:P20809 20925 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7508917|IDA text:J:16744|human IL-11 used on mouse cells ISO GO:0050731 MGI:107613 J:73065 UniProtKB:P20809 20926 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7508917|IDA text:J:16744|human IL-11 used on mouse cells ISO GO:0045944 MGI:107613 J:73065 UniProtKB:P20809 20927 1 evidence: anatomy:rest of skin ; EMAP:10250 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043588 MGI:1859211 J:115343 MGI:3522096 20928 1 evidence: anatomy:rest of skin ; EMAP:10250 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030216 MGI:1859211 J:115343 MGI:3522096 20929 1 evidence: anatomy:rest of skin ; EMAP:10250 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043616 MGI:1859211 J:115343 MGI:3522096 20930 1 evidence: anatomy:bronchiole epithelium ; MA:0001772 cell type:epithelial cell of lung ; CL:0000082 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:1270158 J:115581 MGI:3692933 20931 1 evidence: anatomy:bronchiole epithelium ; MA:0001772 anatomy:bronchus epithelium ; MA:0001839 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050680 MGI:1270158 J:115581 MGI:3692933 20932 1 evidence: anatomy:bronchus epithelium ; MA:0001839 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030323 MGI:1270158 J:115581 MGI:3692933 20933 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:3209|epithelium ; EMAP:3213 anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:3223 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:108067 J:115581 N/A 20934 1 evidence:MAPK activity assays anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7508917|IDA text:J:16744|human IL-6 used on mouse cells ISO GO:0043410 MGI:96559 J:73065 UniProtKB:P05231 20935 1 evidence:pp90rsk activity assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7508917|IDA text:J:16744|human IL-6 used on mouse cells ISO GO:0033138 MGI:96559 J:73065 UniProtKB:P05231 20936 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7508917|IDA text:J:16744|human IL-6 used on mouse cells ISO GO:0050731 MGI:96559 J:73065 UniProtKB:P05231 20937 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7508917|IDA text:J:16744|human IL-6 used on mouse cells ISO GO:0045944 MGI:96559 J:73065 UniProtKB:P05231 20938 1 evidence:MAPK activity assays anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7508917|IDA text:J:16744|human LIF used on mouse cells ISO GO:0043410 MGI:96787 J:73065 UniProtKB:P15018 20939 1 evidence:pp90rsk activity assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7508917|IDA text:J:16744|human LIF used on mouse cells ISO GO:0033138 MGI:96787 J:73065 UniProtKB:P15018 20940 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7508917|IDA text:J:16744|human LIF used on mouse cells ISO GO:0050731 MGI:96787 J:73065 UniProtKB:P15018 20941 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7508917|IDA text:J:16744|human LIF used on mouse cells ISO GO:0045944 MGI:96787 J:73065 UniProtKB:P15018 20942 1 evidence:MAPK activity assays anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7508917|IDA text:J:16744|human OSM used on mouse cells ISO GO:0043410 MGI:104749 J:73065 UniProtKB:P13725 20943 1 evidence:pp90rsk activity assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7508917|IDA text:J:16744|human OSM used on mouse cells ISO GO:0033138 MGI:104749 J:73065 UniProtKB:P13725 20944 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7508917|IDA text:J:16744|human OSM used on mouse cells ISO GO:0050731 MGI:104749 J:73065 UniProtKB:P13725 20945 1 evidence:northern blot anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7508917|IDA text:J:16744|human OSM used on mouse cells ISO GO:0045944 MGI:104749 J:73065 UniProtKB:P13725 20946 1 evidence:pp90rsk activity assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0018105 MGI:1342290 J:16744 N/A 20947 1 evidence:pp90rsk activity assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004674 MGI:1342290 J:16744 N/A 20948 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary primordial follicle ; MA:0001710 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:two-cell stage ; EMAP:6 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101838 J:123297 N/A 20949 2 modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:ovary primordial follicle ; MA:0001710 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101838 J:123297 N/A 20950 1 evidence: anatomy:rest of skin ; EMAP:10250 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043589 MGI:1330810 J:116077 MGI:3693324 20951 1 evidence: anatomy:rest of skin ; EMAP:10250 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043616 MGI:1859211 J:116077 MGI:3693324 20952 1 evidence: anatomy:rest of skin ; EMAP:10250 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043588 MGI:1859211 J:116077 MGI:3693324 20953 1 evidence: anatomy:rest of skin ; EMAP:10250 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030216 MGI:1859211 J:116077 MGI:3693324 20954 1 evidence: anatomy:rest of skin ; EMAP:10250 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043588 MGI:1859211 J:116077 MGI:1891831 20955 1 evidence: anatomy:rest of skin ; EMAP:10250 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043588 MGI:1891831 J:116077 MGI:1859211 20956 1 evidence: anatomy:rest of skin ; EMAP:10250 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312|basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:1891831 J:116077 MGI:1859211 20957 1 evidence: anatomy:rest of skin ; EMAP:10250 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312|basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043616 MGI:1859211 J:116077 MGI:1891831 20958 1 evidence: anatomy:rest of skin ; EMAP:10250 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312|basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:1859211 J:116077 MGI:1891831 20959 1 evidence: anatomy:rest of skin ; EMAP:10250 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312|basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043616 MGI:1891831 J:116077 MGI:1859211 20960 1 evidence: anatomy:rest of skin ; EMAP:10250 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312|basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048468 MGI:1859211 J:116077 MGI:3693324 20961 1 evidence: anatomy:rest of skin ; EMAP:10250 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1338071 J:116077 UniProtKB:Q60680 20962 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Dst ; MGI:104627 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:1330810 J:99215 MGI:1861713 20963 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P14719-1 gene product:|UniProt:P14719-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0002113 MGI:98427 J:124985 UniProtKB:Q8BVZ5 20964 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P14719-1 modification: target: external ref: text:membrane bound form is a receptor; soluble form is not IPI GO:0002114 MGI:98427 J:124985 UniProtKB:Q8BVZ5 20965 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:O95817 IDA GO:0006916 MGI:1352493 J:58551 N/A 20966 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043367 MGI:105084 J:61085 MGI:2386676 20967 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000625 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043374 MGI:105084 J:61085 MGI:2386676 20968 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042110 MGI:105084 J:61085 MGI:2386676 20969 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000625 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043374 MGI:105084 J:98155 MGI:2386676 20970 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050798 MGI:105084 J:98155 MGI:2386676 20971 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:7488 N/A 20972 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88340 J:7488 N/A 20973 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88346 J:7488 N/A 20974 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045619 MGI:95484 J:7488 MGI:1856334 20975 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:onset of mortality ranges from 2 to 24 weeks IMP GO:0009791 MGI:88138 J:34326 MGI:1857430 20976 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,nephrons;EMAP:10909 anatomy:TS26\,nephrons;EMAP:12269 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:33776 MGI:2156165 20977 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,nephrons;EMAP:10909 anatomy:TS26\,nephrons;EMAP:12269 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hypoplasia of nephrons IMP GO:0001656 MGI:88138 J:33776 MGI:2156165 20978 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant kidneys smaller in siza IMP GO:0035265 MGI:88138 J:33776 MGI:2156165 20979 1 evidence: anatomy:nephron;MA:0000375 cell type:mesenchymal cell;CL:0000134|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:uninduced mesenchymal cells IMP GO:0014031 MGI:88138 J:33776 MGI:2156165 20980 1 evidence: anatomy:glomerulus;MA:0001657 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:glomeruli rarely encountered in mutants IMP GO:0032835 MGI:88138 J:33776 MGI:2156165 20981 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001657 MGI:88138 J:33776 MGI:2156165 20982 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043159 MGI:107450 J:100834 N/A 20983 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107450 J:100834 N/A 20984 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:11664 cell type: gene product: modification: target:matrix_attachment_site ; SO:0000036 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:2679336 J:99491 N/A 20985 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:11664 cell type: gene product: modification: target:matrix_attachment_site ; SO:0000036 external ref: text: IC GO:0000790 MGI:2679336 J:99491 GO:0003677 20986 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:105084 J:100849 N/A 20987 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000785 MGI:105084 J:100849 N/A 20988 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:105084 J:100849 N/A 20989 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016363 MGI:105084 J:100849 N/A 20990 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016564 MGI:105084 J:100849 N/A 20991 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15851481|IMP text: ISO GO:0000122 MGI:105084 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q01826 20992 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10318867|IGI|UniProt:P01104 text: ISO GO:0000122 MGI:99948 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15911 20993 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10318867|IDA text: ISO GO:0005667 MGI:99948 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15911 20994 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10318867|IGI|UniProt:P01104 text: ISO GO:0016564 MGI:99948 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15911 20995 1 evidence: anatomy:hepatic duct ; EMAP:8195 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009653 MGI:1891408 J:100352 MGI:3588425 20996 1 evidence: anatomy:common bile duct; EMAP:8192 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009653 MGI:1196423 J:100352 MGI:2179340 20997 1 evidence: anatomy:hepatic duct ; EMAP:8195 cell type:duct epithelial cell ; CL:0000068 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045165 MGI:1196423 J:100352 MGI:1891408 20998 1 evidence: anatomy:hepatic duct ; EMAP:8195 cell type:duct epithelial cell ; CL:0000068 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045165 MGI:1891408 J:100352 MGI:1196423 20999 1 evidence: anatomy:liver and biliary system ; EMAP:4570 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030512 MGI:1891408 J:100352 MGI:1196423 21000 1 evidence: anatomy:liver and biliary system ; EMAP:4570 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030512 MGI:1196423 J:100352 MGI:1891408 21001 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; EMAP:4113 cell type:pancreatic A cell ; CL:0000171 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; EMAP:7453 cell type:pancreatic A cell ; CL:0000171 cell type:pancreatic B cell IMP GO:0030154 MGI:1196423 J:62595 MGI:2179340 21002 2 ; CL:0000169 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:endocrine pancreas ; MA:0001582 cell type:pancreatic A cell ; CL:0000171 cell type:pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 cell type:pancreatic D cell ; CL:0000173 IMP GO:0030154 MGI:1196423 J:62595 MGI:2179340 21003 3 cell type:pp cell ; CL:0000696 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:1196423 J:62595 MGI:2179340 21004 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; EMAP:6002 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:pancreas IMP GO:0007492 MGI:1196423 J:62595 MGI:2179340 21005 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:4925|ventral pancreatic duct ; EMAP:4930|dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:4932 cell type:duct epithelial cell ; CL:0000068 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:d IDA GO:0016324 MGI:97231 J:125042 N/A 21006 2 orsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:10655|ventral pancreatic duct ; EMAP:10658|dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:10662 cell type:duct epithelial cell ; CL:0000068 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:97231 J:125042 N/A 21007 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:6004)|ventral pancreatic duct ; EMAP:6009|dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:6011 anatomy:dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:7455|ventral pancreatic duct ; EMAP:7458|dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:7462 cell type:ciliat IMP GO:0042384 MGI:1196423 J:125042 MGI:2179340 21008 2 ed epithelial cell ; CL:0000067 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042384 MGI:1196423 J:125042 MGI:2179340 21009 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:6004)|ventral pancreatic duct ; EMAP:6009|dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:6011 anatomy:dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:7455|ventral pancreatic duct ; EMAP:7458|dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:7462 cell type:ciliat IMP GO:0002064 MGI:1196423 J:125042 MGI:2179340 21010 2 ed epithelial cell ; CL:0000067 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002064 MGI:1196423 J:125042 MGI:2179340 21011 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; EMAP:4923 cell type:epithelial cell of pancreas ; CL:0000083 cell type:duct epithelial cell ;CL:0000068 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:1065 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1196423 J:125042 N/A 21012 2 5|ventral pancreatic duct ; EMAP:10658|dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:10662 cell type:duct epithelial cell ;CL:0000068 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1196423 J:125042 N/A 21013 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:6004)|ventral pancreatic duct ; EMAP:6009|dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:6011 anatomy:dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:7455|ventral pancreatic duct ; EMAP:7458|dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:7462 cell type:ciliat IMP GO:0042384 MGI:1891408 J:125042 MGI:3588425 21014 2 ed epithelial cell ; CL:0000067 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042384 MGI:1891408 J:125042 MGI:3588425 21015 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:6004)|ventral pancreatic duct ; EMAP:6009|dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:6011 anatomy:dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:7455|ventral pancreatic duct ; EMAP:7458|dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:7462 cell type:ciliat IMP GO:0002064 MGI:1891408 J:125042 MGI:3588425 21016 2 ed epithelial cell ; CL:0000067 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002064 MGI:1891408 J:125042 MGI:3588425 21017 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V ; EMAP:4233 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|peripheral neuron ; CL:0000111 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0048663 MGI:88180 J:126770 N/A 21018 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V ; EMAP:3542 cell type:peripheral neuron ; CL:0000111 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048663 MGI:894293 J:126770 MGI:2386393|MGI:2386570 21019 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V nerve ; MA:0001100|vibrissa ; MA:0000163 cell type:peripheral neuron ; CL:0000111 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048935 MGI:1891408 J:126770 MGI:3588425 21020 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V ; EMAP:3542 cell type:peripheral neuron ; CL:0000111 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048663 MGI:88180 J:126770 MGI:2158495 21021 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:1934 anatomy:hepatic component ; EMAP:1193 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001889 MGI:1891408 J:127540 MGI:1196423 21022 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:1934 anatomy:hepatic component ; EMAP:1193 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030335 MGI:1891408 J:127540 MGI:1196423 21023 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:1934 anatomy:hepatic component ; EMAP:1193 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000355 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001952 MGI:1891408 J:127540 N/A 21024 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:1934 anatomy:hepatic component ; EMAP:1193 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000355 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001889 MGI:1196423 J:127540 MGI:1891408 21025 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:1934 anatomy:hepatic component ; EMAP:1193 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000355 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030335 MGI:1196423 J:127540 MGI:1891408 21026 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:1934 anatomy:hepatic component ; EMAP:1193 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000355 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001952 MGI:1196423 J:127540 MGI:1891408 21027 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:12229 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101898 J:17251 N/A 21028 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:12229 cell type: gene product: modification: target:enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:101898 J:17251 N/A 21029 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:102565 J:18662 N/A 21030 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9242494|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:101898 J:73065 UniProtKB:P14859 21031 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9242494|IDA text: ISO GO:0043565 MGI:101898 J:73065 UniProtKB:P14859 21032 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9242494|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:101897 J:73065 UniProtKB:P09086 21033 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9242494|IDA text: ISO GO:0043565 MGI:101897 J:73065 UniProtKB:P09086 21034 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9242494|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:102565 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UKI9 21035 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9242494|IDA text: ISO GO:0043565 MGI:102565 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UKI9 21036 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9242494|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:101896 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q03052 21037 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9242494|IDA text: ISO GO:0043565 MGI:101896 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q03052 21038 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008544 MGI:102565 J:42016 MGI:101896 21039 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030216 MGI:102565 J:42016 MGI:101896 21040 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008544 MGI:101896 J:42016 MGI:102565 21041 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030216 MGI:101896 J:42016 MGI:102565 21042 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042060 MGI:102565 J:42016 MGI:2450109 21043 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008544 MGI:1099809 J:64492 MGI:1859647 21044 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis stratum basale ; MA:0000803 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312|basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043616 MGI:1099809 J:64492 MGI:1859647 21045 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis stratum basale ; MA:0000803 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312|basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050679 MGI:1099809 J:64492 MGI:1859647 21046 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:102935 J:4396 N/A 21047 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target:Pou6f1 ; MGI:102935 external ref: text: IDA GO:0055074 MGI:95819 J:17129 N/A 21048 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target:Pou6f1 ; MGI:102935 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:95819 J:17129 N/A 21049 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9756919|IDA text: ISO GO:0008203 MGI:104665 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35610 21050 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9756919|IDA text: ISO GO:0016020 MGI:104665 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35610 21051 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9756919|IDA text: ISO GO:0004772 MGI:104665 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35610 21052 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1316736 J:116086 N/A 21053 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type:somatic stem cell ; CL:0000723 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:1316736 J:120835 MGI:105388 21054 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type:somatic stem cell ; CL:0000723 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:105388 J:120835 MGI:1316736 21055 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008285 MGI:1316736 J:127140 N/A 21056 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046621 MGI:1316736 J:127140 N/A 21057 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0060135 MGI:1316736 J:127140 N/A 21058 1 evidence: anatomy:palatal shelf ; EMAP:6622 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060021 MGI:1316736 J:127545 MGI:2683274|MGI:3573783 21059 1 evidence: anatomy:palatal shelf ; EMAP:6622 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001503 MGI:1316736 J:127545 MGI:2683274|MGI:3573783 21060 1 evidence: anatomy:rib cartilage condensation (EMAP:13438) anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:9719 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:1316736 J:127545 MGI:2683274|MGI:3573783 21061 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:6624 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:1316736 J:127545 MGI:2683274|MGI:3573783 21062 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:6624 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045597 MGI:1316736 J:127545 MGI:2683274|MGI:3573783 21063 1 evidence: anatomy:stomach ; MA:0000353 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004022 MGI:87926 J:6249 N/A 21064 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004022 MGI:87921 J:6249 N/A 21065 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006068 MGI:87921 J:6249 N/A 21066 1 evidence: anatomy:stomach ; MA:0000353 anatomy:epididymis ; MA:0000397 anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004022 MGI:1349472 J:6249 N/A 21067 1 evidence: anatomy:stomach ; MA:0000353 anatomy:epididymis ; MA:0000397 anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006067 MGI:1349472 J:6249 N/A 21068 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Spp1 ; MGI:98389 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1346831 J:130865 N/A 21069 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Spp1 ; MGI:98389|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1346831 J:130865 N/A 21070 1 evidence: anatomy:maxilla ; EMAP:10818 anatomy:premaxilla ; EMAP:12560 anatomy:nasal bone ; EMAP:13050 anatomy:facial bones ; EMAP:11069 anatomy:temporal bone ; EMAP:11057 anatomy:hyoid bone ; EMAP:10684 cell type: gene product: modification: t IMP GO:0009880 MGI:2679336 J:115876 MGI:3692768 21071 2 arget: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009880 MGI:2679336 J:115876 MGI:3692768 21072 1 evidence: anatomy:maxilla ; EMAP:10818 anatomy:premaxilla ; EMAP:12560 anatomy:nasal bone ; EMAP:13050 anatomy:facial bones ; EMAP:11069 anatomy:temporal bone ; EMAP:11057 anatomy:hyoid bone ; EMAP:10684 cell type: gene product: modification: t IMP GO:0048704 MGI:2679336 J:115876 MGI:3692768 21073 2 arget: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:2679336 J:115876 MGI:3692768 21074 1 evidence: anatomy:thyroid ; EMAP:10960 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051216 MGI:2679336 J:115876 MGI:3692768 21075 1 evidence: anatomy:palatal shelf ; EMAP:6622 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060021 MGI:2679336 J:115876 MGI:3692768 21076 1 evidence: anatomy:skeleton ; EMAP:8338 cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002076 MGI:2679336 J:115876 MGI:96174 21077 1 evidence: anatomy:skeleton ; EMAP:8338 cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002076 MGI:2679336 J:115876 MGI:3692768 21078 1 evidence: anatomy:skeleton ; EMAP:8338 cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002076 MGI:96174 J:115876 MGI:2679336 21079 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: modification: target:Hoxa2 ; MGI:96174|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:2679336 J:115876 N/A 21080 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: modification: target:Hoxa2 ; MGI:96174 external ref: text: IMP GO:0000122 MGI:2679336 J:115876 MGI:3692768 21081 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Spp1 ; MGI:98389 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:2679336 J:115876 N/A 21082 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Spp1 ; MGI:98389 target:Bglap1 ; MGI:88156 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:2679336 J:115876 MGI:88096|MGI:99829 21083 1 evidence: anatomy:prostate gland;MA:0000404 anatomy:epididymis;MA:0000397 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:after gonadectomy IMP GO:0006915 MGI:95484 J:34351 MGI:1856334 21084 1 evidence: anatomy:hair follicle;MA:0000154 cell type:melanocyte;CL:0000148|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:accelerated disappearience of melanocytes in mutan mice IMP GO:0030318 MGI:88138 J:34356 MGI:2158305 21085 1 evidence: anatomy:hair follicle;MA:0000154 cell type:melanocyte;CL:0000148|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048753 MGI:88138 J:34356 MGI:2158305 21086 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: apoE-deficient lipoproteins induced intracellular lipoprotein, cholesteryl ester, and trigly IMP GO:0042159 MGI:88057 J:129977 MGI:1857303 21087 2 ceride accumulation, which was associated with a time-related decline in apoE-deficient lipoprotein degradation IMP GO:0042159 MGI:88057 J:129977 MGI:1857303 21088 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0055088 MGI:88057 J:129977 MGI:1857303 21089 1 evidence:confocal microscopy anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:E2/B48 lipoproteins result in lipid accumulation in MPM lysosomes (from cy IMP GO:0051651 MGI:88057 J:129977 MGI:1857303 21090 2 toplasm in wild type) IMP GO:0051651 MGI:88057 J:129977 MGI:1857303 21091 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Msr1;MGI:98257 target:Apob-48R;MGI:2176230 target:Scarb1;MGI:893578 target:Cd36;MGI:107899 external ref: text:add IMP GO:0010468 MGI:88057 J:129977 MGI:1857303 21092 2 ition of lipoproteins from mutant mice downregulate protein levels. IMP GO:0010468 MGI:88057 J:129977 MGI:1857303 21093 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: High-fat diet induces foam cell formation in mutant mice IMP GO:0002021 MGI:88057 J:129977 MGI:1857303 21094 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:vascular defects and liver hemorrhage text:Cardiovascular abnormalities text:defective vitelline vein and yolk sac development. IMP GO:0048568 MGI:3050795 J:117226 MGI:3696666 21095 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:homozygous mutants die in late gestation IMP GO:0001701 MGI:3050795 J:117226 MGI:3696666 21096 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:TS23\,liver;EMAP:8200 anatomy:TS23\,yolk sac cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Smooth muscle gene expression is decreased in mutant mice text:smooth muscle alpha-actin, SM22a IMP GO:0010467 MGI:3050795 J:117226 MGI:3696666 21097 2 lpha, SM-MHC IMP GO:0010467 MGI:3050795 J:117226 MGI:3696666 21098 1 evidence: anatomy:heart;MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal heart morphology, persistent truncus arteriosis, thin myocardial wall, abnormal ventricular septum morphology IMP GO:0003007 MGI:3050795 J:117226 MGI:3696666 21099 1 evidence: anatomy:myocardium;MA:0000164 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:thin myocardium IMP GO:0048738 MGI:3050795 J:117226 MGI:3696666 21100 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:expression of smooth muscle markers is decreased in the large central veins and the sinusoids of the liver parenchyma IMP GO:0001889 MGI:3050795 J:117226 MGI:3696666 21101 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016447 MGI:101938 J:124827 MGI:1857946 21102 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016447 MGI:101816 J:124827 MGI:2151801 21103 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016447 MGI:104288 J:124827 MGI:1857947 21104 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:KRT10 ; UniProt:P13645 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:102565 J:130866 N/A 21105 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex layer;MA:0000186 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:inversion of cortical layers IGI GO:0021819 MGI:109520 J:129338 MGI:1340044 21106 1 evidence: anatomy:neocortex layer;MA:0000186 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:inversion of cortical layers IGI GO:0021819 MGI:1340044 J:129338 MGI:109520 21107 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hippocampal disorganization IGI GO:0021766 MGI:1340044 J:129338 MGI:109520 21108 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hippocampal disorganization IGI GO:0021766 MGI:109520 J:129338 MGI:1340044 21109 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107194 J:124995 UniProtKB:P97479 21110 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104510 J:124995 UniProtKB:A2ALU4 21111 1 evidence: anatomy:cortical layer II;MA:0000898 anatomy:cortical layer III;MA:0000899 anatomy:cortical layer VI;MA:0000902 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004712 MGI:103022 J:129338 N/A 21112 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004745 MGI:87926 J:131078 N/A 21113 1 evidence: anatomy:mandible primordium ; EMAP:4554 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:2679336 J:116770 MGI:3695425 21114 1 evidence: anatomy:palatal shelf ; EMAP:5474 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060021 MGI:2679336 J:116770 MGI:3695425 21115 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:6076 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021800 MGI:103022 J:119267 MGI:1856398 21116 1 evidence: anatomy:diencephalon ; EMAP:4938 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:7537 anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:7671 anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2679336 J:99491 N/A 21117 2 target: external ref: evidence: anatomy:latero-nasal process ; EMAP:3632 anatomy:mandible primordium ; EMAP:3813 anatomy:maxilla primordium ; EMAP:3817 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2679336 J:99491 N/A 21118 1 evidence: anatomy:eye ; EMAP:4327 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:1346018 J:74241 MGI:2159246 21119 1 evidence: anatomy:eye ; EMAP:4327 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009950 MGI:1346018 J:74241 MGI:2159246 21120 1 evidence: anatomy:eye ; EMAP:4327 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048048 MGI:1346018 J:74241 MGI:2159246 21121 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060041 MGI:107191 J:82686 MGI:2158497 21122 1 evidence: anatomy:optic nerve ; EMAP:7799 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031290 MGI:107191 J:82686 MGI:2158497 21123 1 evidence: anatomy:eye ; EMAP:1786 anatomy:eye ; EMAP:4327 anatomy:eye ; EMAP:6299 anatomy:eye ; EMAP:9211 anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1277163 J:113403 N/A 21124 1 evidence: anatomy:neural retinal epithelium ; EMAP:6336 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: phosphorylated form ser170 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1346018 J:113403 N/A 21125 1 evidence: anatomy:optic cup ; EMAP:2367 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: non-phosphorylated form ser170 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1346018 J:113403 N/A 21126 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme inhibition ; ECO:0000184 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050804 MGI:97592 J:96807 N/A 21127 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme inhibition ; ECO:0000184 anatomy:neural retinal epithelium ; EMAP:6336 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: modification: target:Vax2 ; MGI:1346018 external ref: text: phosphorylated form ser1 IMP GO:0046827 MGI:97592 J:113403 N/A 21128 2 70 IMP GO:0046827 MGI:97592 J:113403 N/A 21129 1 evidence: anatomy:optic cup ; EMAP:2367 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Vax2 ; MGI:1346018 external ref: text: non-phosphorylated form ser170 IGI GO:0042307 MGI:98297 J:113403 MGI:108075 21130 1 evidence: anatomy:optic cup ; EMAP:2367 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007224 MGI:98297 J:113403 MGI:108075 21131 1 evidence: anatomy:optic cup ; EMAP:2367 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Vax2 ; MGI:1346018 external ref: text: non-phosphorylated form ser170 IGI GO:0042307 MGI:108075 J:113403 MGI:98297|MGI:95729 21132 1 evidence: anatomy:optic cup ; EMAP:2367 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007224 MGI:108075 J:113403 MGI:98297|MGI:95729 21133 1 evidence: anatomy:optic cup ; EMAP:2367 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Vax2 ; MGI:1346018 external ref: text: non-phosphorylated form ser170 IGI GO:0042307 MGI:95729 J:113403 MGI:108075 21134 1 evidence: anatomy:optic cup ; EMAP:2367 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007224 MGI:95729 J:113403 MGI:98297|MGI:108075 21135 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Pax6; MGI:97490 text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:1346018 J:98488 MGI:97486,MGI:1277163 21136 1 evidence: anatomy:fissure ; EMAP:3616 anatomy:optic disc ; EMAP:6337 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048646 MGI:103302 J:119026 MGI:1857654 21137 1 evidence: anatomy:fissure ; EMAP:3616 anatomy:optic disc ; EMAP:6337 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048593 MGI:103302 J:119026 MGI:1857654 21138 1 evidence: anatomy:optic cup ; EMAP:2367 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:103302 J:119026 MGI:1857654 21139 1 evidence: anatomy:optic cup ; EMAP:2367 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:103302 J:119026 MGI:1857654 21140 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; EMAP:6334 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060042 MGI:88401 J:119026 MGI:1856112 21141 1 evidence: anatomy:retina inner plexiform layer ; MA:0001312 cell type:retinal bipolar neuron ; CL:0000748 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: cone cell retinal bipolar neuron IMP GO:0048666 MGI:1890816 J:89292 MGI:3040317 21142 1 evidence: anatomy:retina inner plexiform layer ; MA:0001312 cell type:retinal bipolar neuron ; CL:0000748 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: cone cell retinal bipolar neuron IMP GO:0048666 MGI:1890816 J:88182 MGI:3033929 21143 1 evidence: anatomy:retina inner plexiform layer ; MA:0001312 cell type:retinal bipolar neuron ; CL:0000748 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: cone cell retinal bipolar neuron IMP GO:0060040 MGI:1890816 J:89292 MGI:3040317 21144 1 evidence: anatomy:retina inner plexiform layer ; MA:0001312 cell type:retinal bipolar neuron ; CL:0000748 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cone cell retinal bipolar neuron IMP GO:0060040 MGI:1890816 J:88182 MGI:3033929 21145 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C8-B4 ; ATCC:CRL-2540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88401 J:97559 N/A 21146 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C8-B4 ; ATCC:CRL-2540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88401 J:97559 N/A 21147 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition ; ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Vsx2 ; MGI:88401 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006611 MGI:2144013 J:97559 N/A 21148 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition ; ECO:0000020|leptomycin B anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target:Gli1 ; MGI:95727 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006611 MGI:2144013 J:105832 N/A 21149 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition ; ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Vsx2 ; MGI:88401 external ref: text: IMP GO:0042176 MGI:2144013 J:97559 N/A 21150 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Hela ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:88401 J:97559 N/A 21151 1 evidence: anatomy:retina inner nuclear layer ; MA:0001311 cell type:amacrine cell ; CL:0000561|GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cone retinal bipolar neuron IMP GO:0030182 MGI:1930001 J:119663 MGI:3707409 21152 1 evidence: anatomy:retina inner nuclear layer ; MA:0001311 cell type:retinal bipolar neuron ; CL:0000748 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cone retinal bipolar neuron IMP GO:0060040 MGI:1930001 J:119663 MGI:3707409 21153 1 evidence: anatomy:neural retina ; EMAP:7823 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060042 MGI:1930001 J:119663 MGI:3707409 21154 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|HeLa cells gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected text:punctate staining throughout cell bodies and also peripheral text:cytoplasmic extension. IDA GO:0005938 MGI:107194 J:124995 N/A 21155 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|HeLa cells gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected text:punctate staining throughout cell bodies and also peripheral IDA GO:0043025 MGI:107194 J:124995 N/A 21156 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|HeLa cells gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:104510 J:124995 N/A 21157 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant kidneys reduced in size IMP GO:0001822 MGI:88138 J:34504 MGI:1857134 21158 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cystogenesis IMP GO:0003014 MGI:88138 J:34504 MGI:1857134 21159 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:34504 MGI:1857134 21160 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hormonal responses to dietary salt loading text:0.3 or 4% NaCl diet IMP GO:0009651 MGI:87963 J:106325 MGI:2136636 21161 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hypotension in mutant mice IMP GO:0008217 MGI:87963 J:106325 MGI:2136636 21162 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:excretion of aldosterone lower in mutant mice text:vasopressin excretion greater in mutant mice IMP GO:0007588 MGI:87963 J:106325 MGI:2136636 21163 1 evidence:transfection evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:KGN cells gene product: modification: target: external ref:NCBI:17472960;IDA text: ISO GO:0030510 MGI:2679262 J:123381 NCBI:NP_064596 21164 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0018158 MGI:104887 J:56648 MGI:2158814 21165 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text IMP GO:0006979 MGI:104887 J:56648 MGI:2158814 21166 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000358 ; liver cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004602 MGI:104887 J:75857 MGI:2158814 21167 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:KGN cells gene product: modification: target: external ref:17472960;IMP text:RGMa-mediated BMP Signaling Is Reduced by Inhibition of Either ActRIIA or BMPRII Expression ISO GO:0030509 MGI:1095407 J:123381 UniProtKB:Q13161 21168 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:KGN cells gene product: modification: target: external ref:17472960;IMP text:RGMa-mediated BMP Signaling Is Reduced by Inhibition of Either ActRIIA or BMPRII Expression ISO GO:0030509 MGI:102806 J:123381 UniProtKB:P27037 21169 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000705 ; arteriole endothelium anatomy:MA:MA:0002003 ; mesenteric artery cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042311 MGI:104887 J:75857 MGI:2158814 21170 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000275;lens cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004602 MGI:104887 J:69125 MGI:2158814 21171 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10854790|IDA text: ISO GO:0003677 MGI:109617 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UMQ3 21172 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Mylk ; MGI:894806 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:106658 J:69012 N/A 21173 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033108 MGI:107810 J:125471 MGI:1860962|MGI:2177173 21174 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; EMAP:2095 cell type:priamry cell line cell ; CL:0000002|skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014902 MGI:109617 J:82185 N/A 21175 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Barx2 ; MGI:109617|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:97276 J:82185 N/A 21176 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Barx2 ; MGI:109617|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97276 J:82185 N/A 21177 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Barx2 ; MGI:109617|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:97275 J:82185 N/A 21178 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Barx2 ; MGI:109617|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97275 J:82185 N/A 21179 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Barx2 ; MGI:109617|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:106658 J:82185 N/A 21180 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:2099 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001502 MGI:109617 J:98500 N/A 21181 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:2099 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001502 MGI:109617 J:98500 N/A 21182 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:2099 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target:Col2a1 ; MGI:88452|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:109617 J:98500 N/A 21183 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:2099 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target:Col2a1 ; MGI:88452 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:109617 J:98500 N/A 21184 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:2099 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target:Col2a1 ; MGI:88452|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:98371 J:98500 N/A 21185 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:2099 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target:Col2a1 ; MGI:88452|SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:109617 J:98500 N/A 21186 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042771 MGI:1330810 J:116176 MGI:1934269 21187 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003684 MGI:1330810 J:116176 N/A 21188 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product:UniProk:O88898-2 modification: target:Chuk ; MGI:99484 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1330810 J:117365 N/A 21189 1 evidence: anatomy:respiratory tract epithelium ; MA:0001480 cell type:ciliated epithelial cell ; CL:0000067 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042384 MGI:103012 J:121517 MGI:1888952 21190 1 evidence: anatomy:respiratory tract epithelium ; MA:0001480 cell type:ciliated epithelial cell ; CL:0000067 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002064 MGI:103012 J:121517 MGI:1888952 21191 1 evidence: anatomy:respiratory tract ; EMAP:9644 anatomy:respiratory tract ; EMAP:12364 cell type:columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell ; CL:0000075 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1330810 J:121517 N/A 21192 1 evidence: anatomy:respiratory tract ; EMAP:12364 anatomy:respiratory tract ; EMAP:8320 cell type:ciliated epithelial cell ; CL:0000067 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1347474 J:121517 N/A 21193 1 evidence: anatomy:respiratory tract ; EMAP:12364 anatomy:respiratory tract ; EMAP:8320 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:103012 J:121517 N/A 21194 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:KGN cells gene product: modification: target:alpha-phospho-Smad1/5/8 external ref:17472960;IDA text:RGMa-induced Smad1/5/8 activation text:transfected ISO GO:0001934 MGI:2679262 J:123381 NCBI:NP_064596 21195 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:KGN cells gene product: modification: target:alpha-phospho-Smad1/5/8 external ref:17472960;IMP text:BMP2- or RGMa-induce ISO GO:0001934 MGI:1095407 J:123381 UniProtKB:Q13161 21196 2 d Smad1/5/8 activation text:transfected text:siRNA experiment ISO GO:0001934 MGI:1095407 J:123381 UniProtKB:Q13161 21197 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:KGN cells gene product: modification: target:alpha-phospho-Smad1/5/8 external ref:17472960;IMP text:RGMa-induced Smad1/5 ISO GO:0001934 MGI:102806 J:123381 UniProtKB:P27037 21198 2 /8 activation text:transfected text:siRNA experiment ISO GO:0001934 MGI:102806 J:123381 UniProtKB:P27037 21199 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:siRNA experiment in Bmp2- mouse Pulmonary artery s IMP GO:0030509 MGI:102806 J:123381 N/A 21200 2 mooth muscle cells IMP GO:0030509 MGI:102806 J:123381 N/A 21201 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfection experiment in Bmp2- mouse Pulmonary a IDA GO:0030510 MGI:2679262 J:123381 N/A 21202 2 rtery smooth muscle cells IDA GO:0030510 MGI:2679262 J:123381 N/A 21203 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:siRNA experiment in Bmp2- mouse Pulmonary artery s IMP GO:0030510 MGI:2679262 J:123381 N/A 21204 2 mooth muscle cells IMP GO:0030510 MGI:2679262 J:123381 N/A 21205 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:siRNA experiment in Bmp2- mouse Pulmonary artery s IMP GO:0030510 MGI:102806 J:123381 N/A 21206 2 mooth muscle cells IMP GO:0030510 MGI:102806 J:123381 N/A 21207 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfection experiment in Bmp2- mouse Pulmonary a IDA GO:0030509 MGI:88180 J:123381 N/A 21208 2 rtery smooth muscle cells IDA GO:0030509 MGI:88180 J:123381 N/A 21209 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:siRNA experiment in mouse Pulmonary artery smooth m IMP GO:0030509 MGI:1095407 J:123381 N/A 21210 2 uscle cells IMP GO:0030509 MGI:1095407 J:123381 N/A 21211 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:12066 cell type:basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98364 J:122531 N/A 21212 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:12066 cell type:columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell ; CL:0000075 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:108067 J:122531 N/A 21213 1 evidence: anatomy:trachea ; EMAP:9650 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048646 MGI:108067 J:122531 MGI:1857494 21214 1 evidence: anatomy:oesophagus ; EMAP:8033 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048646 MGI:98364 J:122531 MGI:3625175|MGI:3589809 21215 1 evidence: anatomy:foregut ; EMAP:2236 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009880 MGI:1099809 J:122531 MGI:3629660 21216 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|HeLa cells gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:diffuse cytoplasmic staining text:transfected HeLa cells IDA GO:0005737 MGI:107194 J:124995 N/A 21217 1 evidence:in vitro binding assays anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:myosin- VIIa-binding region of Shroom2 IPI GO:0019904 MGI:104510 J:124995 UniProtKB:A2ALU4 21218 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:12066 cell type:basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1330810 J:122531 N/A 21219 1 evidence: anatomy:stomach ; EMAP:12093 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048568 MGI:98364 J:122531 MGI:3625175|MGI:3589809 21220 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043296 MGI:107194 J:124995 N/A 21221 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005911 MGI:107194 J:124995 N/A 21222 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:resisted of F-actin disassembly in the presence of cytochalasin D IDA GO:0030835 MGI:107194 J:124995 N/A 21223 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:epithelial cells IDA GO:0005923 MGI:106183 J:124995 N/A 21224 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:different epithelial cells IDA GO:0005923 MGI:98759 J:124995 N/A 21225 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:epithelial cells IDA GO:0043296 MGI:88276 J:124995 N/A 21226 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:epithelia IDA GO:0005913 MGI:88354 J:124995 N/A 21227 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:epithelial cells IDA GO:0005913 MGI:98759 J:124995 N/A 21228 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Shroom2 aa 1 - 356 containing PDZ and SPR domains IPI GO:0019904 MGI:98759 J:124995 UniProtKB:A2ALU4 21229 1 evidence:in vitro binding assays evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: C-terminal FERM domain of myosin VIIa text:aa 444 - 1015 of ZO-1 containing S IPI GO:0019904 MGI:107194 J:124995 UniProtKB:P97479|UniProtKB:P39447 21230 2 H3/GuK domains IPI GO:0019904 MGI:107194 J:124995 UniProtKB:P97479|UniProtKB:P39447 21231 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis stratum basale ; MA:0000803 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312|basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008544 MGI:105373 J:124280 MGI:1856954 21232 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis stratum basale ; MA:0000803 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312|basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043616 MGI:105373 J:124280 MGI:1856954 21233 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis stratum basale ; MA:0000803 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312|basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050680 MGI:105373 J:124280 MGI:1856954 21234 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis stratum basale ; MA:0000803 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312|basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97250 J:124280 N/A 21235 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:6040 cell type:glandular epithelial cell ; CL:0000150 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030335 MGI:1332637 J:124667 MGI:2179998 21236 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:6040 anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:6041 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:1332637 J:24667 MGI:2179998 21237 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:6040 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:96433 J:124667 MGI:1926486 21238 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:6040 cell type:glandular epithelial cell ; CL:0000150 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030335 MGI:99454 J:124667 MGI:109334 21239 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:6040 anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:6041 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030879 MGI:99454 J:124667 MGI:109334 21240 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:6040 anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:6041 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030879 MGI:109334 J:124667 MGI:99454 21241 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:6040 cell type:glandular epithelial cell ; CL:0000150 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030335 MGI:109334 J:124667 MGI:99454 21242 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:6041 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002053 MGI:109334 J:124667 MGI:2158686 21243 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:6041 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002053 MGI:99454 J:124667 MGI:109334 21244 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:6041 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002053 MGI:1332637 J:124667 MGI:2179998 21245 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis ; MA:0000153 cell type: gene product:UniProt:O88898-1 gene product:UniProt:O88898-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008544 MGI:1330810 J:126411 MGI:1934269 21246 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:O88898-2 modification: target:Krt14 ; MGI:96688|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1330810 J:126411 N/A 21247 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:O88898-2 modification: target:Krt14 ; MGI:96688 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1330810 J:126411 N/A 21248 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis stratum corneum ; MA:0000804 anatomy:epidermis stratum granulosum ; MA:0000805 anatomy:epidermis stratum lucidum ; MA:0000806 anatomy:epidermis stratum spinosum ; MA:0000807 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 gene product:UniP IDA GO:0002064 MGI:1330810 J:126411 N/A 21249 2 rot:O88898-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002064 MGI:1330810 J:126411 N/A 21250 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis stratum basale ; MA:0000803 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312|basal cell ; CL:0000646 gene product:UniProt:O88898-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043616 MGI:1330810 J:126411 N/A 21251 1 evidence: anatomy:neural tube ; EMAP:3525 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:V0 interneuron IMP GO:0021521 MGI:94867 J:70191 MGI:2182329 21252 1 evidence: anatomy:urethra ; EMAP:8274 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048646 MGI:1330810 J:127939 MGI:1861713 21253 1 evidence: anatomy:urethra ; EMAP:8274 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048646 MGI:103302 J:127939 MGI:2136986 21254 1 evidence: anatomy:urethra ; EMAP:8274 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048646 MGI:101926 J:127939 MGI:101927 21255 1 evidence: anatomy:urethra ; EMAP:8274 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048646 MGI:101927 J:127939 MGI:101926 21256 1 evidence: anatomy:urethra ; EMAP:8274 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030855 MGI:101926 J:127939 MGI:101927 21257 1 evidence: anatomy:urethra ; EMAP:8274 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030855 MGI:101927 J:127939 MGI:101926 21258 1 evidence: anatomy:urethra ; EMAP:8274 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030855 MGI:103302 J:127939 MGI:2136986 21259 1 evidence: anatomy:urethra ; EMAP:8274 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030855 MGI:1330810 J:127939 MGI:1861713 21260 1 evidence: anatomy:urorectal septum ; EMAP:5521 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001655 MGI:104327 J:130204 MGI:1862000 21261 1 evidence: anatomy:prostatic region ; EMAP:10950 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030850 MGI:104327 J:130204 MGI:1862000 21262 1 evidence: anatomy:male ; EMAP:6705 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048762 MGI:104327 J:130204 MGI:1862000 21263 1 evidence: anatomy:male ; EMAP:6705 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050679 MGI:104327 J:130204 MGI:1862000 21264 1 evidence: anatomy:male ; EMAP:6705 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050679 MGI:104327 J:130204 MGI:88180 21265 1 evidence: anatomy:male ; EMAP:6705 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:88180 J:130204 MGI:104327 21266 1 evidence: anatomy:future spinal cord ; EMAP:2323 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099|V0 interneuron gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0010454 MGI:1352738 J:71607 MGI:2651850 21267 1 evidence: anatomy:future spinal cord ; EMAP:2323 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099|V1 interneuron gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0010455 MGI:1352738 J:71607 MGI:2651850 21268 1 evidence: anatomy:future spinal cord ; EMAP:2323 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099|V1 interneuron cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099|V0 interneuron gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021913 MGI:1352738 J:71607 MGI:2651850 21269 1 evidence: anatomy:future spinal cord ; EMAP:2323 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099|V2 interneuron gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021913 MGI:1206039 J:71607 MGI:2386119 21270 1 evidence: anatomy:future spinal cord ; EMAP:2323 cell type:neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1352738 J:71607 N/A 21271 1 evidence: anatomy:future spinal cord ; EMAP:2323 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021912 MGI:1352738 J:71607 MGI:1206039 21272 1 evidence: anatomy:future spinal cord ; EMAP:2323 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021912 MGI:1206039 J:71607 MGI:1352738 21273 1 evidence: anatomy:neural tube ; EMAP:2324 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048663 MGI:104867 J:76659 MGI:1352738 21274 1 evidence: anatomy:neural tube ; EMAP:2324 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048709 MGI:1352738 J:95822 MGI:1206039 21275 1 evidence: anatomy:future spinal cord ; EMAP:2323 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048709 MGI:1206039 J:95822 MGI:1352738 21276 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1352738 J:4385 N/A 21277 1 evidence: anatomy:white matter ; MA:0001135 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0022010 MGI:1352738 J:94807 MGI:3522433 21278 1 evidence: anatomy:oculomotor III ; EMAP:5092 anatomy:trochlear IV ; EMAP:6190 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021523 MGI:106633 J:126634 MGI:3521825 21279 1 evidence: anatomy:vagal X nerve trunk ; EMAP:5120 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1100882 J:126634 MGI:3521828 21280 1 evidence: anatomy:extraembryonic component ; EMAP:2628 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001890 MGI:96247 J:58075 MGI:1857893 21281 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiovascular system ; EMAP:4733 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:94903 J:52247 MGI:2155443 21282 1 evidence: anatomy:extraembryonic component ; EMAP:4732 anatomy:cardiovascular system ; EMAP:4733 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001890 MGI:94903 J:52247 MGI:2155443 21283 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiovascular system ; EMAP:6895 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:1096388 J:50590 MGI:2153820 21284 1 evidence: anatomy:extraembryonic component ; EMAP:3972 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001890 MGI:1096388 J:50590 MGI:2153820 21285 1 evidence: anatomy:mouse ; EMAP:25771 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007566 MGI:107160 J:46379 MGI:1857577 21286 1 evidence: anatomy:macula of utricle ; MA:0001203 anatomy:macula of saccule ; MA:0001201 cell type:sensory epithelial cell ; CL:0000098 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:107160 J:46379 MGI:1857577 21287 1 evidence: anatomy:endometrium ; MA:0000390 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060135 MGI:107160 J:46379 MGI:1857577 21288 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17178831|IDA text: ISO GO:0043565 MGI:108519 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q99687 21289 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; EMAP:2315 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:108564 J:118901 N/A 21290 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; EMAP:2315 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:104717 J:118901 N/A 21291 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17178831|IDA text: ISO GO:0043565 MGI:108564 J:73065 UniProtKB:O14770-3|UniProtKB:O14770-4 21292 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; EMAP:2315 cell type: gene product:UniProt:P97367-3 modification: target:Epha8 ; MGI:109378|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:108564 J:118901 N/A 21293 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; EMAP:2315 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Epha8 ; MGI:109378|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:97495 J:118901 N/A 21294 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; EMAP:2315 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Epha8 ; MGI:109378|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1341793 J:118901 N/A 21295 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; EMAP:2315 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Epha8 ; MGI:109378|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0043565 MGI:1341793 J:118901 MGI:108564 21296 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; EMAP:2315 cell type: gene product:UniProt:P97367-3 modification: target:Epha8 ; MGI:109378|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0043565 MGI:108564 J:118901 MGI:1341793 21297 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; EMAP:2315 cell type: gene product:UniProt:P97367-3 modification: target:Epha8 ; MGI:109378|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:108564 J:118901 MGI:1341793 21298 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; EMAP:2315 cell type: gene product:UniProt:P97367-3 modification: target:Epha8 ; MGI:109378|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1341793 J:118901 MGI:108564 21299 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Nr2f6 ; MGI:1352453 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:104654 J:112202 N/A 21300 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Nr2f6 ; MGI:1352453|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:104654 J:112202 N/A 21301 1 evidence: anatomy:blood ; EMAP:7906 cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030218 MGI:1201409 J:111418 MGI:3530910 21302 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; EMAP:6018 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:blood ; EMAP:7906 cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1201409 J:111418 N/A 21303 1 evidence: anatomy:blood ; EMAP:7906 cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97249 J:111418 N/A 21304 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiovascular system ; EMAP:5712 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:1201409 J:111418 MGI:3530910 21305 1 evidence: anatomy:eye ; EMAP:6299 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:1201409 J:111418 MGI:3530910 21306 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10206974|IGI|UniProt:P52952 text: ISO GO:0000122 MGI:107178 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13028 21307 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10206974|IDA text: ISO GO:0043565 MGI:107178 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13028 21308 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10206974|IGI|UniProt:O70218 text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:97350 J:73065 UniProtKB:P52952 21309 1 evidence: anatomy:2nd arch ; EMAP:3329 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:97495 J:71996 MGI:2155612 21310 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12759 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:9719 anatomy:vertebra ; EMAP:9681 anatomy:vertebra ; EMAP:9666 anatomy:exoccipital ; EMAP:9687 anatomy:supraoccipital cartilage condensation ; EMAP:9696 cell type: gene product: modification: quali IMP GO:0048706 MGI:97495 J:71996 MGI:2155612 21311 2 fier: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048706 MGI:97495 J:71996 MGI:2155612 21312 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|Jurkat human cell line;ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:coexpression of Bag1 and Bcl2 increased protection from cell death IGI GO:0006916 MGI:108047 J:34759 MGI:88138 21313 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|Jurkat human cell line;ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:coexpression of Bag1 and Bcl2 increased protection from cell death IGI GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:34759 MGI:108047 21314 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:3T3 fibroblasts;ATCC:CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Bag1 transfected cell exhibited prolonged cell survival. IDA GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:34759 N/A 21315 1 evidence: anatomy:skeleton ; EMAP:8338 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030278 MGI:97495 J:71996 MGI:2155612 21316 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:DHL-4 cells text:phosphorylated CREB protein was present in untreated DHL-4 cells. ISO GO:0006468 MGI:88494 J:35340 UniProtKB:P16220 21317 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:4896 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:skeleton ; EMAP:6772 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:000138 gene product: modification: target: external ref: t IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97495 J:71996 N/A 21318 2 ext: evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme derived from neural crest ; EMAP:3341 anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:3401|mesenchyme ; EMAP:3413 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97495 J:71996 N/A 21319 1 evidence: anatomy:upper arm ; EMAP:5787 anatomy:shoulder ; EMAP:5781 anatomy:hip ; EMAP:5920 anatomy:upper leg ; EMAP:5939 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009954 MGI:97495 J:71996 MGI:2155612 21320 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12758 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:97495 J:71996 MGI:2155612 21321 1 evidence:ECO:0000178; inferrred from in vitro assay evidence:ECO:0000134; inferred from transport asssay anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell line|ATCC:CL-101|LLC-PK1 gene product:EMBL:L33415|UniProt:P49282-2 modification: target: exte IDA GO:0015087 MGI:1345279 J:101187 N/A 21322 2 rnal ref: text: IDA GO:0015087 MGI:1345279 J:101187 N/A 21323 1 evidence:ECO:0000178; inferrred from in vitro assay evidence:ECO:0000134; inferred from transport asssay anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell line|ATCC:CL-101|LLC-PK1 gene product:EMBL:L33415|UniProt:P49282-2 modification: target: exte IDA GO:0006824 MGI:1345279 J:101187 N/A 21324 2 rnal ref: text: IDA GO:0006824 MGI:1345279 J:101187 N/A 21325 1 evidence:ECO:0000178; inferrred from in vitro assay evidence:ECO:0000134; inferred from transport asssay anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell line|ATCC:CL-101|LLC-PK1 gene product:EMBL:L33415|UniProt:P49282-2 modification: target: exte IDA GO:0005381 MGI:1345279 J:101187 N/A 21326 2 rnal ref: text: IDA GO:0005381 MGI:1345279 J:101187 N/A 21327 1 evidence:ECO:0000178; inferrred from in vitro assay evidence:ECO:0000134; inferred from transport asssay anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell line|ATCC:CL-101|LLC-PK1 gene product:EMBL:L33415|UniProt:P49282-2 modification: target: exte IDA GO:0006826 MGI:1345279 J:101187 N/A 21328 2 rnal ref: text: IDA GO:0006826 MGI:1345279 J:101187 N/A 21329 1 evidence:ECO:0000092;inferred from immunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell line|ATCC:CL-101|LLC-PK1 gene product:EMBL:L33415|UniProt:P49282-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0012505 MGI:1345279 J:84408 N/A 21330 1 evidence:ECO:0000092;inferred from immunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell line|ATCC:CL-101|LLC-PK1 gene product:EMBL:L33415|UniProt:P49282-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1345279 J:84408 N/A 21331 1 evidence: anatomy:mesoderm ; EMAP:87 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001707 MGI:1201683 J:60897 MGI:2182814 21332 1 evidence: anatomy:TS7\,trophectoderm; EMAP:53 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351 gene product: target: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:1201683 J:60897 MGI:2182814 21333 1 evidence: anatomy:fungiform papillae ; EMAP:9359 cell type:receptor cell (sensu Animalia) ; CL:0000006 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048663 MGI:98364 J:112945 MGI:3589809 21334 1 evidence: anatomy:fungiform papillae ; EMAP:9359 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043586 MGI:98364 J:112945 MGI:3589809 21335 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P35438-1 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004972 MGI:95819 J:2285 N/A 21336 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P35438-1 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005262 MGI:95819 J:2285 N/A 21337 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P35438-1 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006816 MGI:95819 J:2285 N/A 21338 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P35438-1 modification: target: external ref: text: IC GO:0016020 MGI:95819 J:2285 GO:0004972 21339 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P35438-1 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042391 MGI:95819 J:2285 N/A 21340 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P70363 modification: target: external ref: text:PAI-1 (Serpine1 ) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2449057 J:36876 UniProtKB:P22777 21341 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P70363 modification: target: external ref: text:release from the granules by a secretologue IDA GO:0045055 MGI:2449057 J:36876 N/A 21342 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:P70363 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030141 MGI:2449057 J:36876 N/A 21343 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Cells were transfected with mouse Fasl. IDA GO:0008624 MGI:99255 J:17445 N/A 21344 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|WR19L ; ATCC:TIB-52 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Cells were transfected with mouse Fas. IDA GO:0008624 MGI:95484 J:17445 N/A 21345 1 evidence:ECO:0000092;inferred from immunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell line|ATCC:CL-101|LLC-PK1 gene product:EMBL:L33415|UniProt:P49282-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005769 MGI:1345279 J:84408 N/A 21346 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|YAC-1 ; ATCC:TIB-160 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:comparison done between CD45+ and CD45-deficient cells IMP GO:0050732 MGI:97810 J:17973 N/A 21347 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|YAC-1 ; ATCC:TIB-160 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:96756 J:17973 N/A 21348 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|YAC-1 ; ATCC:TIB-160 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046777 MGI:96756 J:17973 N/A 21349 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|YAC-1 ; ATCC:TIB-160 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004713 MGI:96756 J:17973 N/A 21350 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|YAC-1 ; ATCC:TIB-160 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:95602 J:17973 N/A 21351 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|YAC-1 ; ATCC:TIB-160 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046777 MGI:95602 J:17973 N/A 21352 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|YAC-1 ; ATCC:TIB-160 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004713 MGI:95602 J:17973 N/A 21353 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|YAC-1 ; ATCC:TIB-160 gene product: modification: target:Lck ; MGI:96756 target:Fyn ; MGI:95602 external ref: text:comparison done between CD4 IMP GO:0031953 MGI:97810 J:17973 N/A 21354 2 5+ and CD45-deficient cells IMP GO:0031953 MGI:97810 J:17973 N/A 21355 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15963465|IDA text: ISO GO:0005275 MGI:1918090 J:73065 UniProtKB:O14567 21356 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:12089149|IDA text: ISO GO:0015879 MGI:1918090 J:73065 UniProtKB:O14567 21357 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:12089149|IDA text: ISO GO:0015226 MGI:1918090 J:73065 UniProtKB:O14567 21358 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15963465|IDA text: ISO GO:0015101 MGI:1918090 J:73065 UniProtKB:O14567 21359 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15963465|IDA text: ISO GO:0015695 MGI:1918090 J:73065 UniProtKB:O14567 21360 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15963465|IC|GO:0015101|GO:0005275 text: ISO GO:0005886 MGI:1918090 J:73065 UniProtKB:O14567 21361 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17253959|IDA text:Isoform3 of human ISO GO:0005886 MGI:1926225 J:73065 NCBI:NP_057693 21362 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17253959|IPI|P80188 text:Isoform3 of human ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1926225 J:73065 NCBI:NP_057693 21363 1 evidence:ECO:0000162; inferred from uptake assay in a heterologous system anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: The existence of isoforms is mentioned in this paper but it is not clear what isoform they use IC GO:0005887 MGI:1346021 J:57568 GO:0015132|GO:0015732 21364 2 for their functional experiments IC GO:0005887 MGI:1346021 J:57568 GO:0015132|GO:0015732 21365 1 evidence:ECO:0000087; inferred from immunolocalization anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002 ; permanent cell line|ATCC:CRL-1951;COS-7 gene product:UniPRot:Q8R4D1|EMBL:AB089793 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005794 MGI:1924281 J:96197 N/A 21366 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q8R4D1|EMBL:AB089793 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006813 MGI:1924281 J:96197 N/A 21367 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q8R4D1|EMBL:AB089793 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015386 MGI:1924281 J:96197 N/A 21368 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q8R4D1|EMBL:AB089793 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006814 MGI:1924281 J:96197 N/A 21369 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q8R4D1|EMBL:AB089793 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015385 MGI:1924281 J:96197 N/A 21370 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mean weight much smaller than wild-type. IMP GO:0040007 MGI:2178798 J:35489 MGI:1857091 21371 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:23 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009954 MGI:88039 J:112232 MGI:1856318 21372 1 evidence: anatomy:epiblast ; EMAP:32 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060070 MGI:88039 J:112232 MGI:1856318 21373 1 evidence: anatomy:epiblast ; EMAP:32 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030178 MGI:88039 J:112232 MGI:1856318 21374 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q8R4D1|EMBL:AB089793 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051453 MGI:1924281 J:96167 N/A 21375 1 evidence: anatomy:definitive endoderm ; EMAP:113 cell type:endodermal cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042074 MGI:1351322 J:117059 MGI:2387829 21376 1 evidence: anatomy:definitive endoderm ; EMAP:113 cell type:endodermal cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001706 MGI:1351322 J:117059 MGI:2387829 21377 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Mixl1 ; MGI:1351322|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1347465 J:123041 N/A 21378 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Mixl1 ; MGI:1351322 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:894293 J:123041 MGI:98725|MGI:1347465 21379 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Mixl1 ; MGI:1351322 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:108051 J:123041 MGI:98725|MGI:1347465 21380 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Mixl1 ; MGI:1351322 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:98725 J:123041 MGI:1347465|MGI:108051|MGI:894293 21381 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Mixl1 ; MGI:1351322 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:97359 J:123041 MGI:98658|MGI:1347465 21382 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Mixl1 ; MGI:1351322 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:98658 J:123041 MGI:1347465|MGI:97359 21383 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Mixl1 ; MGI:1351322 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:1347465 J:123041 MGI:95841 21384 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Mixl1 ; MGI:1351322 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:95841 J:123041 MGI:1347465 21385 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; EMAP:4396 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97350 J:48404 N/A 21386 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000839|cell_line:A4 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:19636 N/A 21387 1 evidence:cell binding assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043395 MGI:97810 J:19636 N/A 21388 1 evidence:cell binding assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008201 MGI:97810 J:19636 N/A 21389 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000839|cell_line:A4 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96607 J:19636 N/A 21390 1 evidence:cell binding assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043395 MGI:96607 J:19636 N/A 21391 1 evidence:cell binding assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008201 MGI:96607 J:19636 N/A 21392 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000839|cell_line:A4 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96606 J:19636 N/A 21393 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000839|cell_line:A4 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98279 J:19636 N/A 21394 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|myeloid progenitor cell ; CL:0000839|cell_line:A4 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88338 J:19636 N/A 21395 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:immature gamma-delta T cell ; CL:0000799 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:22470 N/A 21396 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:immature gamma-delta T cell ; CL:0000799 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045588 MGI:97810 J:22470 MGI:2181288 21397 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:immature gamma-delta T cell ; CL:0000799 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045588 MGI:96756 J:22470 MGI:1857211 21398 1 evidence:muscular strenth test anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutants fall in < 5 sec IMP GO:0050881 MGI:2178798 J:35489 MGI:1857091 21399 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|motor neuron;CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048873 MGI:2178798 J:35489 MGI:1857091 21400 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V nucleus ; MA:0001028 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:barrelettes IMP GO:0021586 MGI:95819 J:17384 MGI:1928270 21401 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V nucleus ; MA:0001028 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:barrelettes IMP GO:0035249 MGI:95819 J:17384 MGI:1928270 21402 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V nucleus ; MA:0001028 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:barrelettes IMP GO:0004972 MGI:95819 J:17384 MGI:1928270 21403 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected :mouse hippocampal cells text:protected against haloperidol toxicity. ISO GO:0042493 MGI:88138 J:36599 UniProtKB:P10415 21404 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Bc1-2 prevents hippocampal cell death induced by the neuroleptic drug halopendol. ISO GO:0008219 MGI:88138 J:36599 UniProtKB:P10415 21405 1 evidence:cell-cell binding assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:CA-21 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:assay performed in presence of CD45 blocking antibody IMP GO:0034113 MGI:97810 J:25220 N/A 21406 1 evidence:cell-cell binding assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:CA-21 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:assay performed in presence of CD45 blocking antibody IMP GO:0007159 MGI:97810 J:25220 N/A 21407 1 evidence:PTPase assay on isolated protein anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004725 MGI:97810 J:25220 N/A 21408 1 evidence:DNA-fragmentation apoposis assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:CA-21 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:assay performed in presence of CD45 antibody IMP GO:0042981 MGI:97810 J:25220 N/A 21409 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051968 MGI:99578 J:35286 MGI:1857158 21410 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:1895 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030154 MGI:97351 J:69976 MGI:97350 21411 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:1895 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043066 MGI:97351 J:69976 MGI:97350 21412 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:1895 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060037 MGI:97351 J:69976 MGI:97350 21413 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:1895 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:97351 J:69976 MGI:97350 21414 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:addition of IL-7 inhibits CS-21 cell apoptosis. IDA GO:0006916 MGI:96561 J:37476 N/A 21415 1 evidence: anatomy:notochord ; EMAP:1195 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030903 MGI:3053002 J:12146 MGI:1857063 21416 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; EMAP:1317 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:97351 J:69976 MGI:97350 21417 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:1895 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030154 MGI:97350 J:69976 MGI:97351 21418 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:1895 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043066 MGI:97350 J:69976 MGI:97351 21419 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:1895 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060037 MGI:97350 J:69976 MGI:97351 21420 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:1895 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008284 MGI:97350 J:69976 MGI:97351 21421 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; EMAP:1317 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007507 MGI:97350 J:69976 MGI:97351 21422 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Cpp-32-like protease external ref: text:suppressing of Cpp32-like protease activation IDA GO:0043086 MGI:96561 J:37476 N/A 21423 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Bcl2;MGI:88138 external ref: text:positive regulation of Bcl2 gene expression IDA GO:0010468 MGI:96561 J:37476 N/A 21424 1 evidence: anatomy:somite ; EMAP:2586|somite ; EMAP:2112 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:3053002 J:16484 MGI:1857063 21425 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050869 MGI:95484 J:7488 MGI:1856334 21426 1 evidence: anatomy:notochord ; EMAP:3445 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030903 MGI:98265 J:16484 MGI:1857746 21427 1 evidence: anatomy:tail ; EMAP:3890|notochord ; EMAP:3445 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030903 MGI:3053002 J:16484 MGI:1857063 21428 1 evidence: anatomy:notochord ; EMAP:3445|tail ; EMAP:3890 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030903 MGI:97790 J:16484 MGI:1857063 21429 1 evidence: anatomy:notochord ; EMAP:3445 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030903 MGI:98472 J:16484 MGI:1856185 21430 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000165; skeletal muscle cell type:CL:0000515; skeletal muscle myoblast gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000302 MGI:104887 J:116698 MGI:2158814 21431 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000165; skeletal muscle cell type:CL:0000515; skeletal muscle myoblast gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000302 MGI:98352 J:116698 MGI:1857344 21432 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7945330|IDA text:J:20571 ISO GO:0043565 MGI:101898 J:73065 UniProtKB:P14859 21433 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:101893 J:20571 N/A 21434 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000063 ;arteriole|MA:0002003;mesenteric cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042311 MGI:104887 J:111478 MGI:2158814 21435 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000276; retina cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033194 MGI:104887 J:111894 MGI:2388705 21436 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000094; granulocyte gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030595 MGI:107448 J:5405 MGI:1855968 21437 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000094; granulocyte gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042742 MGI:107448 J:5405 MGI:1855968 21438 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000334 MGI:1349444 J:131587 N/A 21439 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000334 MGI:1349444 J:131586 N/A 21440 1 evidence:catecholamine release assay anatomy: cell type:chromaffin cell ; CL:0000166 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033605 MGI:1916193 J:122728 MGI:3716083 21441 1 evidence:evoked dopamine release assay anatomy: cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033603 MGI:1916193 J:122728 MGI:3716083 21442 1 evidence:LTP assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:LTP measured at corticostriatal synapses IMP GO:0032226 MGI:1916193 J:122728 MGI:3716083 21443 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000151; skin cell type:CL:0000057;fibroblast gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007040 MGI:107448 J:6629 MGI:1855968 21444 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:CMV infection IMP GO:0051607 MGI:107448 J:6646 MGI:1855968 21445 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88276 J:94395 N/A 21446 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1653 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1919200 J:102832 N/A 21447 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1653 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008284 MGI:1919200 J:102832 N/A 21448 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1653 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045931 MGI:1919200 J:102832 N/A 21449 1 evidence: anatomy:inner cell mass ; EMAP:14 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101893 J:94395 N/A 21450 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019827 MGI:1098622 J:107560 N/A 21451 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019827 MGI:101893 J:111554 N/A 21452 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019827 MGI:98364 J:111554 N/A 21453 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019827 MGI:1346832 J:111554 N/A 21454 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019827 MGI:1346832 J:107560 N/A 21455 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019827 MGI:1097166 J:111554 N/A 21456 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target:Nanog ; MGI:1919200|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:103038 J:111703 N/A 21457 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target:Nanog ; MGI:1919200|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:98472 J:111703 N/A 21458 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target:Nanog ; MGI:1919200 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:98472 J:111703 MGI:96787 21459 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target:Nanog ; MGI:1919200 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:103038 J:111703 MGI:96787 21460 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030514 MGI:1919200 J:111703 N/A 21461 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019827 MGI:1919200 J:111703 N/A 21462 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0010454 MGI:1919200 J:111703 N/A 21463 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001710 MGI:1919200 J:111703 MGI:109452 21464 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0010454 MGI:1919200 J:111703 MGI:109452 21465 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001710 MGI:109452 J:111703 MGI:1919200 21466 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000141; spleen cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:spleen burden of parasites IMP GO:0042832 MGI:107448 J:6946 MGI:1855968 21467 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000097; mast cell gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033364 MGI:107448 J:5935 MGI:1855968 21468 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:T ; MGI:98472 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:1919200 J:111703 MGI:103302|MGI:1098280 21469 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:T ; MGI:98472 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1098280 J:111703 MGI:103302|MGI:1919200 21470 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:T ; MGI:98472 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:103302 J:111703 MGI:1919200|MGI:1098280 21471 1 evidence: anatomy:primitive endoderm ; EMAP:44 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|endodermal cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:95805 J:114676 N/A 21472 1 evidence: anatomy:primitive endoderm ; EMAP:44 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|endodermal cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045597 MGI:1346866 J:114676 N/A 21473 1 evidence: anatomy:epiblast ; EMAP:43 anatomy:endoderm ; EMAP:48 anatomy:primitive endoderm ; EMAP:44 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:2139360 J:115635 MGI:3692447 21474 1 evidence: anatomy:endoderm ; EMAP:48 anatomy:primitive endoderm ; EMAP:44 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009888 MGI:2139360 J:115635 MGI:3692447 21475 1 evidence: anatomy:compacted morula ; EMAP:9 anatomy:mouse ; EMAP:25769 anatomy:mouse ; EMAP:25770 anatomy:mouse ; EMAP:25771 anatomy:mouse ; EMAP:25773 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1333812 J:118937 N/A 21476 1 evidence: anatomy:epiblast ; EMAP:43 anatomy:trophectoderm ; EMAP:39 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1333812 J:118937 MGI:2388006 21477 1 evidence: anatomy:epiblast ; EMAP:43 anatomy:trophectoderm ; EMAP:39 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009888 MGI:1333812 J:118937 MGI:2388006 21478 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte;CL:0000138|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005938 MGI:88445 J:37692 N/A 21479 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte;CL:0000138|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:99702 J:37692 N/A 21480 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte;CL:0000138|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:88138 J:37692 N/A 21481 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte;CL:0000138|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Targeted Overexpression of PTHrP to Chondrocytes In Vivo Leads to Increased Bcl-2 Expression and Delaye ISO GO:0001501 MGI:97800 J:37692 UniProtKB:P12272 21482 2 d Skeletal Development ISO GO:0001501 MGI:97800 J:37692 UniProtKB:P12272 21483 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Accelerated Endochondral Bone Formation in bcl-2 Knockout Mice IMP GO:0030279 MGI:88138 J:37692 N/A 21484 1 evidence:inferred from array experiment;ECO:0000055 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:88064 J:129602 MGI:1856319 21485 1 evidence: anatomy:heart myocardium;MA:0000080 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Cdk7;MGI:102956 external ref: text: IMP GO:0050790 MGI:88064 J:129766 MGI:3707001 21486 1 evidence: anatomy:heart;MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:fatal heart failure ensued at 6-8 weeks text: Cardiac metabolic defects IMP GO:0007512 MGI:106207 J:129766 MGI:3707001 21487 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:cardiac muscle cell;CL:0000746|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Loss of MAT1 causes cardiomyocyte apoptosis IMP GO:0006915 MGI:106207 J:129766 MGI:3707001 21488 1 evidence: anatomy:heart myocardium;MA:0000080 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Cdk7;MGI:102956 target: Ppargc1a;MGI:1342774 target: Ppargc1b;MGI:2444934 target:Casp3;MGI:107739 external ref: text: PGC-1a failed to activate PGC-1-r IMP GO:0050790 MGI:106207 J:129766 MGI:3707001 21489 2 esponsive promoters and nuclear receptors text:Loss of MAT1 causes caspase-3 activation IMP GO:0050790 MGI:106207 J:129766 MGI:3707001 21490 1 evidence: anatomy:heart;MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:prevention of ventricular remodeling. IMP GO:0021591 MGI:106207 J:129766 MGI:3707001 21491 1 evidence: anatomy:heart;MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Impaired contractile responses to Ca2+ in isolated mouse heart IMP GO:0051592 MGI:106207 J:129766 MGI:3707001 21492 1 evidence: anatomy:heart;MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Cardiac Metabolic Dysfunction IMP GO:0044236 MGI:106207 J:129766 MGI:3707001 21493 1 evidence:inferred from array experiment;ECO:0000055 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: r IMP GO:0006355 MGI:106207 J:129766 MGI:3707001 21494 2 get: external ref: text:genes for energy metabolism were found to be suppressed selectively, including targets of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor g coactivator 1 (PGC-1). IMP GO:0006355 MGI:106207 J:129766 MGI:3707001 21495 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019827 MGI:1919200 J:83420 MGI:2664492 21496 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019827 MGI:1919200 J:111554 N/A 21497 1 evidence: anatomy:epiblast ; EMAP:43 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009790 MGI:1919200 J:83420 MGI:2664492 21498 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:80 anatomy:visceral endoderm ; EMAP:98 anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:147 anatomy:visceral endoderm ; EMAP:194 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030509 MGI:1338938 J:124681 MGI:2158342 21499 1 evidence: anatomy:ectoderm ; EMAP:83 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050768 MGI:1338938 J:124681 MGI:2158342 21500 1 evidence: anatomy:mesoderm ; EMAP:87 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001707 MGI:1338938 J:124681 MGI:2158342 21501 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019827 MGI:1338938 J:124681 MGI:2158342 21502 1 evidence: anatomy:ectoderm ; EMAP:83 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050768 MGI:103302 J:124681 N/A 21503 1 evidence: anatomy:primordial germ cells ; EMAP:3854 cell type:primordial germ cell ; primordial germ cell gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030718 MGI:1098280 J:127542 MGI:3618462|MGI:2177588 21504 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1859287 J:128981 UniProtKB:O88508|UniProtKB:O88509 21505 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product:UniProt:O88509-1 gene product:UniProt:O88509-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1261819 J:128981 UniProtKB:O88509|UniProtKB:Q9CWR8 21506 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0003886 MGI:1261819 J:128981 MGI:1261827 21507 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0003886 MGI:1261827 J:128981 MGI:1261819 21508 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Nanog ; MGI:1919200|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0006306 MGI:1261827 J:128981 MGI:1261819 21509 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Nanog ; MGI:1919200|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0006306 MGI:1261819 J:128981 MGI:1261827 21510 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Nanog ; MGI:1919200|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0006346 MGI:1261819 J:128981 MGI:1261827 21511 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Nanog ; MGI:1919200|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0006346 MGI:1261827 J:128981 MGI:1261819 21512 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048167 MGI:95819 J:37456 MGI:1928279 21513 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048167 MGI:95819 J:37457 MGI:1928279|MGI:2177650 21514 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008542 MGI:95819 J:41316 MGI:1928279 21515 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:hematopoietic stem cell;CL:0000037 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002320 MGI:88138 J:38087 MGI:2156165 21516 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106207 J:129766 UniProtKB:O70343 21517 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97747 J:129766 UniProtKB:P51949 21518 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:102956 J:129766 UniProtKB:P51949 21519 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:lymph node;MA:0000139 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decrease in cell number IMP GO:0001776 MGI:88138 J:38087 MGI:2156165 21520 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:T cells were barely detectable. IMP GO:0033077 MGI:88138 J:38087 MGI:2156165 21521 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030183 MGI:88138 J:38087 MGI:2156165 21522 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 gene product: modification: target:Lyn ; MGI:96892 external ref: text:comparison done between CD45+ and CD45-defici IMP GO:0050732 MGI:97810 J:29834 N/A 21523 2 ent cells IMP GO:0050732 MGI:97810 J:29834 N/A 21524 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 gene product: modification: target:Lyn ; MGI:96892 external ref: text:comparison done between CD45+ and CD45-defici IMP GO:0031953 MGI:97810 J:29834 N/A 21525 2 ent cells IMP GO:0031953 MGI:97810 J:29834 N/A 21526 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:comparison done between CD45+ and CD45-deficient cells IMP GO:0050855 MGI:97810 J:29834 N/A 21527 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050853 MGI:96448 J:29834 N/A 21528 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050731 MGI:96448 J:29834 N/A 21529 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050853 MGI:96892 J:29834 N/A 21530 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:96892 J:29834 N/A 21531 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046777 MGI:96892 J:29834 N/A 21532 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004713 MGI:96892 J:29834 N/A 21533 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050853 MGI:96756 J:29834 N/A 21534 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:96756 J:29834 N/A 21535 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004713 MGI:96756 J:29834 N/A 21536 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050853 MGI:99515 J:29834 N/A 21537 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:99515 J:29834 N/A 21538 1 evidence:in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|B cell ; CL:0000236|WEHI-231 ; ATCC:CRL-1702 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004713 MGI:99515 J:29834 N/A 21539 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030890 MGI:97810 J:30239 MGI:2181288 21540 1 evidence:ELISA for antibody response to T-dependent antigen showing requirement for CD45 on T cells anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002711 MGI:97810 J:30239 MGI:2181288 21541 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002925 MGI:97810 J:30239 MGI:2181288 21542 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96447 J:30239 N/A 21543 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95497 J:30239 N/A 21544 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95497 J:19437 N/A 21545 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002925 MGI:95497 J:19437 MGI:3583003 21546 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88489 J:19437 N/A 21547 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:19437 N/A 21548 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96447 J:19437 N/A 21549 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88336 J:30239 N/A 21550 1 evidence:IDA anatomy:MA:0000072 cell type:CL:0000187 gene product:UniProt:P47757-1|EMBL:U10406 modification: target: external ref:PMID:7929588|IDA text:beta1 isoform ISA GO:0030018 MGI:104652 J:20868 EMBL:J04959|UniProtKB:P14315-1 21551 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:101775 J:30239 N/A 21552 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96448 J:30239 N/A 21553 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96448 J:19437 N/A 21554 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96448 J:30239 N/A 21555 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96448 J:19437 N/A 21556 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96448 J:19437 N/A 21557 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96448 J:30239 N/A 21558 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050871 MGI:96448 J:30239 N/A 21559 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050871 MGI:96556 J:30239 N/A 21560 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:97856 J:17599 N/A 21561 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:97857 J:17599 N/A 21562 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:97858 J:17599 N/A 21563 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96449 J:19437 N/A 21564 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96449 J:30239 N/A 21565 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96449 J:30239 N/A 21566 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96449 J:19437 N/A 21567 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96449 J:19437 N/A 21568 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96449 J:30239 N/A 21569 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002925 MGI:96449 J:19437 N/A 21570 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:101893 J:21487 N/A 21571 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101893 J:21487 N/A 21572 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96448 J:30239 N/A 21573 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96448 J:19437 N/A 21574 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96444 J:30239 N/A 21575 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96444 J:30239 N/A 21576 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96444 J:30239 N/A 21577 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96446 J:30239 N/A 21578 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96446 J:30239 N/A 21579 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96446 J:30239 N/A 21580 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96446 J:19437 N/A 21581 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96446 J:19437 N/A 21582 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96446 J:19437 N/A 21583 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:retinal axons IDA GO:0031103 MGI:88138 J:38306 N/A 21584 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:retina;MA:0000276 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:stimulation of axonal growth IMP GO:0007409 MGI:88138 J:38306 N/A 21585 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003823 MGI:96445 J:19437 N/A 21586 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002455 MGI:96445 J:19437 N/A 21587 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042571 MGI:96445 J:19437 N/A 21588 1 evidence: anatomy:hair shaft ; MA:0000159 anatomy:vibrissa hair ; MA:0000782 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001942 MGI:99560 J:45400 MGI:1926422 21589 1 evidence: anatomy:filiform papilla ; MA:0002678 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043587 MGI:99560 J:45400 MGI:1926422 21590 1 evidence: anatomy:caudal vertebra ; MA:0000310 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:99560 J:45400 MGI:1926422 21591 1 evidence: anatomy:nail ; MA:0002703 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009653 MGI:99560 J:45400 MGI:1926422 21592 1 evidence: anatomy:notochord ; EMAP:3445|tail ; EMAP:3890 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009880 MGI:3053002 J:100185 MGI:1857063 21593 1 evidence: anatomy:notochord ; EMAP:3445|tail ; EMAP:3890 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030903 MGI:3053002 J:100185 MGI:1857063 21594 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Afp ; MGI:87951 text: IMP GO:0006357 MGI:2683087 J:20408 N/A 21595 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Afp ; MGI:87951 text: IMP GO:0000122 MGI:2683087 J:60690 N/A 21596 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:2547 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001889 MGI:96109 J:31553 MGI:2182089 21597 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:4577 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:96109 J:31553 MGI:2182089 21598 1 evidence: anatomy:loop ; EMAP:5435 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048558 MGI:96109 J:31553 MGI:2182089 21599 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:2547 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046622 MGI:96109 J:31553 MGI:2182089 21600 1 evidence: anatomy:gall bladder primordium ; EMAP:2543 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048513 MGI:96109 J:31553 MGI:2182089 21601 1 evidence: anatomy:diaphragm ; EMAP:4743 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007519 MGI:96109 J:31553 MGI:2182089 21602 1 evidence: anatomy:midgut ; EMAP:2527 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 cell type:neural creat cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048484 MGI:96109 J:119681 MGI:2182089 21603 1 evidence: anatomy:midgut ; EMAP:2527 anatomy:midgut ; EMAP:3791 cell type:neural crest cell ; CL:0000333 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1100882 J:119681 N/A 21604 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T-helper 2 cell ; CL:0000546 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045629 MGI:96109 J:126429 MGI:2182089 21605 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T-helper 2 cell ; CL:0000546 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045629 MGI:96109 J:126429 MGI:105367 21606 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T-helper 1 cell ; CL:0000545 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045627 MGI:96109 J:126429 MGI:105367 21607 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T-helper 1 cell ; CL:0000545 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045627 MGI:96109 J:126429 MGI:2182089 21608 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T-helper 1 cell ; CL:0000545 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045626 MGI:105367 J:126429 MGI:96109 21609 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T-helper 2 cell ; CL:0000546 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045630 MGI:105367 J:126429 MGI:96109 21610 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 cell type:enterocyte ; CL:0000584 gene product:Q78IQ7-1|NCBI:NM_028064 I IDA GO:0016324 MGI:1919277 J:87294 N/A 21611 2 :NM_028064 IDA GO:0016324 MGI:1919277 J:87294 N/A 21612 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q78IQ7-1|BCBULNM_028064 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005385 MGI:1919277 J:87294 N/A 21613 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Q78IQ7-1|NCBI:NM_028064 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006829 MGI:1919277 J:87294 N/A 21614 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:long form|UniProt:Q78IQ7-1|NCBI:NM_028064 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005768 MGI:1919277 J:87965 N/A 21615 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:long form|UniProt:Q78IQ7-1|NCBI:NM_028064 modification: target: external ref: text:mouse protein in human cell IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1919277 J:87965 N/A 21616 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:long form|UniProt:Q78IQ7-1|NCBI:NM_028064 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005385 MGI:1919277 J:87965 N/A 21617 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:long form|UniProt:Q78IQ7-1|NCBI:NM_028064 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006829 MGI:1919277 J:87965 N/A 21618 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:long form|UniProt:Q78IQ7-1|NCBI:NM_028064 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016023 MGI:1919277 J:87965 N/A 21619 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:long form|UniProt:Q78IQ7-1|NCBI:NM_028064 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006882 MGI:1919277 J:87965 N/A 21620 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:12677006|IDA text:rat GST-2 ISO GO:0008514 MGI:1921691 J:73065 EMBL:AF326133 21621 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:12677006|IDA text:rat GST-2 ISO GO:0015711 MGI:1921691 J:73065 EMBL:AF326133 21622 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:12677006|IC text:rat GST-2 ISO GO:0005887 MGI:1921691 J:73065 EMBL:AF326133 21623 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:12677006|IC text:rat GST-1 ISO GO:0005887 MGI:1915104 J:73065 EMBL:AF321415 21624 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:12677006|IC text:rat GST-1 ISO GO:0008514 MGI:1915104 J:73065 EMBL:AF321415 21625 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:12677006|IC text:rat GST-1 ISO GO:0015711 MGI:1915104 J:73065 EMBL:AF321415 21626 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:14993604|IDA text: AF454761 (rat Oatp4c1)]. ISO GO:0016323 MGI:2442784 J:73065 EMBL:AF454761 21627 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:14993604|IDA text:AF401643 (human OATP4C1) and AF454761 (rat Oatp4c1)]. ISO GO:0008514 MGI:2442784 J:73065 EMBL:AF401643|EMBL:AF454761 21628 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:14993604|IDA text:AF401643 (human OATP4C1) and AF454761 (rat Oatp4c1)]. ISO GO:0015711 MGI:2442784 J:73065 EMBL:AF401643|EMBL:AF454761 21629 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Vps4b IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1913451 J:90848 UniProtKB:P46467 21630 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Vps4b IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1916203 J:90848 UniProtKB:P46467 21631 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Vps4b IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1097712 J:110348 UniProtKB:P46467 21632 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1352452 J:22384 N/A 21633 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1352451 J:22384 N/A 21634 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; GO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1352451 J:22384 N/A 21635 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; GO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1352452 J:22384 N/A 21636 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; GO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0043565 MGI:97856 J:22384 MGI:98214|MGI:98215|MGI:98216 21637 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; GO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:97857 J:22384 N/A 21638 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; GO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0043565 MGI:98214 J:22384 MGI:97856|MGI:97857 21639 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; GO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:98215 J:22384 MGI:97587|MGI:97586 21640 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; GO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0043565 MGI:98215 J:22384 MGI:97857|MGI:97856 21641 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; GO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:98216 J:22384 MGI:97586|MGI:97587 21642 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; GO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0043565 MGI:98216 J:22384 MGI:97856|MGI:97857 21643 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; GO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:97856 J:22384 MGI:98214|MGI:98215|MGI:98216 21644 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; GO:0000844 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:97857 J:22384 MGI:98214|MGI:98215|MGI:98216 21645 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:101893 J:29675 MGI:98364 21646 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:98364 J:29675 MGI:101893 21647 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Spp1 ; MGI:98389|enhancer ; SO:0000155 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:101893 J:48570 MGI:98364 21648 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Spp1 ; MGI:98389|enhancer ; SO:0000155 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:101893 J:48570 N/A 21649 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Spp1 ; MGI:98389|enhancer ; SO:0000155 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:101893 J:48570 N/A 21650 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Spp1 ; MGI:98389 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:98364 J:48570 MGI:101893 21651 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Spp1 ; MGI:98389|enhancer ; SO:0000155 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:98364 J:48570 N/A 21652 1 evidence:inferred from nucleic acid hybridization;ECO:0000026 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:402 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:640 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:overexpression of bcl2 in response to valpr IDA GO:0042493 MGI:88138 J:40102 N/A 21653 2 oic acid IDA GO:0042493 MGI:88138 J:40102 N/A 21654 1 evidence:inferred from nucleic acid hybridization;ECO:0000026 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:402 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:640 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:overexpression of emx1 in response to valpr IDA GO:0042493 MGI:95387 J:40102 N/A 21655 2 oic acid IDA GO:0042493 MGI:95387 J:40102 N/A 21656 1 evidence:inferred from nucleic acid hybridization;ECO:0000026 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:402 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:640 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:overexpression in response to valproic acid IDA GO:0042493 MGI:95388 J:40102 N/A 21657 1 evidence:inferred from nucleic acid hybridization;ECO:0000026 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:402 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:640 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:overexpression in response to valproic acid IDA GO:0042493 MGI:95574 J:40102 N/A 21658 1 evidence:inferred from nucleic acid hybridization;ECO:0000026 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:402 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:640 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:overexpression in response to valproic acid IDA GO:0042493 MGI:96646 J:40102 N/A 21659 1 evidence:inferred from nucleic acid hybridization;ECO:0000026 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:402 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:640 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:overexpression in response to valproic acid IDA GO:0042493 MGI:88494 J:40102 N/A 21660 1 evidence:inferred from nucleic acid hybridization;ECO:0000026 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:402 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:640 anatomy:embryo;EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:overexpression in response to valproic acid IDA GO:0042493 MGI:98834 J:40102 N/A 21661 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PubMed:9184696;IDA text:IL-10 inhibits the proliferation and increases the apoptosis of SAC-activated B cells. ISO GO:0030889 MGI:96537 J:40789 UniProtKB:P22301 21662 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PubMed:9184696;IDA text:IL-10 inhibits the proliferation and increases the apoptosis of SAC-activated B cells. ISO GO:0002904 MGI:96537 J:40789 UniProtKB:P22301 21663 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PubMed:9184696;IDA text:SAC-activated B cells ISO GO:0002903 MGI:96548 J:40789 UniProtKB:P60568 21664 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PubMed:9184696;IDA text:SAC-activated B cells ISO GO:0030890 MGI:96548 J:40789 UniProtKB:P60568 21665 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref:pubmed:9184696;ida text:IL-10 Inhibits SAC-Induced Bcl-xL and Bcl-2 Ex ISO GO:0034097 MGI:88139 J:40789 UniProtKB:Q07817 21666 2 pression of B Cells ISO GO:0034097 MGI:88139 J:40789 UniProtKB:Q07817 21667 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref:pubmed:9184696;ida text: Enhanced Mcl-1 Expression of B Cells Once B C ISO GO:0034097 MGI:101769 J:40789 UniProtKB:Q07820 21668 2 ells Were Preactivated ISO GO:0034097 MGI:101769 J:40789 UniProtKB:Q07820 21669 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:bcl2;RefSeq:NM_000633 target:bclx;RefSeq;NM_001191 target:mcl1;refseq:NM_021960 exte ISO GO:0010468 MGI:96537 J:40789 UniProtKB:P22301 21670 2 rnal ref: text:IL-10 Inhibits SAC-Induced Bcl-xL and Bcl-2 Expression of B Cells ISO GO:0010468 MGI:96537 J:40789 UniProtKB:P22301 21671 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ob/ob mice displayed elevated levels of circulating insulin, glucose, and corticosterone in the fed state IMP GO:0006111 MGI:104663 J:129482 MGI:1856424 21672 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ob/ob mice displayed elevated levels of circulating insulin, glucose, and corticosterone in the fed state IMP GO:0050796 MGI:104663 J:129482 MGI:1856424 21673 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ob/ob mice displayed elevated levels of circulating insulin, glucose, and corticosterone in the fed state IMP GO:0050810 MGI:104663 J:129482 MGI:1856424 21674 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:lower levels of circulating growth hormone in mutant mice text: ghrelin levels also tended to be suppressed; IMP GO:0042445 MGI:104663 J:129482 MGI:1856424 21675 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression;ECO:0000048 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:The suppression of GH and GHS-R mRNA was also observed after 10 wk of HF feeding IDA GO:0032094 MGI:2441906 J:129482 N/A 21676 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression;ECO:0000048 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:The suppression of GH and GHS-R mRNA was also observed after 10 wk of HF feeding IDA GO:0032094 MGI:95707 J:129482 N/A 21677 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression;ECO:0000048 anatomy:pituitary gland;MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GHRH-R mRNA levels were inhibited by insulin treatment in a dose-dependent ma IDA GO:0032869 MGI:95710 J:129482 N/A 21678 2 nner IDA GO:0032869 MGI:95710 J:129482 N/A 21679 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression;ECO:0000048 anatomy:pituitary gland;MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: GH, GHRH-R, and GHS-R mRNA levels were inhibited by insulin treatment in a d IDA GO:0032869 MGI:95707 J:129482 N/A 21680 2 ose-dependent manner IDA GO:0032869 MGI:95707 J:129482 N/A 21681 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression;ECO:0000048 anatomy:pituitary gland;MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: GH, GHRH-R, and GHS-R mRNA levels were inhibited by insulin treatment in a d IDA GO:0032869 MGI:2441906 J:129482 N/A 21682 2 ose-dependent manner IDA GO:0032869 MGI:2441906 J:129482 N/A 21683 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:diet-induced obese (DIO; high-fat fed) mouse text:reduced expression of pituitary receptors important for GH synthesis and release - GHRH receptor IDA GO:0032094 MGI:95709 J:129482 N/A 21684 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:acute effects of insulin on Akt activation IDA GO:0032094 MGI:87986 J:129482 N/A 21685 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0018105 MGI:87986 J:129482 N/A 21686 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Caveolin-1-deficient Mice Show Accelerated Mammary Gland Development During Pregnancy IMP GO:0030879 MGI:102709 J:120010 MGI:2180364 21687 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Stat5a;MGI:103036 external ref: text:pY694 of Stat5a IDA GO:0007260 MGI:96629 J:120010 N/A 21688 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland;MA:0000145 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001960 MGI:102709 J:120010 MGI:2180364 21689 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002;HC11 cells gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Cav-1 Expression Negatively Regulates Prolactininduced Activation of a STAT5a-s IDA GO:0046426 MGI:102709 J:120010 N/A 21690 2 pecific Luciferase Reporter IDA GO:0046426 MGI:102709 J:120010 N/A 21691 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002;HC11 cells gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042524 MGI:102709 J:120010 N/A 21692 1 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy:mammary gland;MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005901 MGI:102709 J:120010 N/A 21693 1 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy:mammary gland;MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005901 MGI:96629 J:120010 N/A 21694 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:mammary gland;MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96629 J:120010 UniProtKB:P49817 21695 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy:mammary gland;MA:0000145 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Cav-1 Expression Functionally Inhibits Prolactininduced STAT5a Activa IDA GO:0043392 MGI:96629 J:120010 N/A 21696 2 tion, as Assessed byTyrosine Phosphorylation and DNA-binding Activity IDA GO:0043392 MGI:96629 J:120010 N/A 21697 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy:mammary gland;MA:0000145 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:103036 J:120010 N/A 21698 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Premature Lactation IMP GO:0007595 MGI:102709 J:120010 MGI:2180364 21699 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:prolactin induces STAT5a DNA binding, IDA GO:0043434 MGI:103036 J:120010 N/A 21700 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Ras-p42/44 MAPK cascade is hyper-activated in mutant mice IMP GO:0043407 MGI:102709 J:120010 MGI:2180364 21701 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland;MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Cav-1 null mammary glands clearly exhibit premature hyperphosphorylation of STAT5a during pregnancy, IMP GO:0042524 MGI:102709 J:120010 MGI:2180364 21702 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland;MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ERK-1/2 is hyperactivated during pregnancy in Cav-1 null mammary glands IMP GO:0000165 MGI:102709 J:120010 MGI:2180364 21703 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product:UniProt:P06800-1 modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:flow cytometry evidence:surface biotinylation followed by IP anatomy: cell type:myeloid dendritic c IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:30241 N/A 21704 2 ell ; CL:0000782 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:30241 N/A 21705 1 evidence:tyosine phophatase assay anatomy: cell type:myeloid dendritic cell ; CL:0000782 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004725 MGI:97810 J:30241 N/A 21706 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland;MA:0000145 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Estrogen and Progesterone Synergistically Upregulate Cav-1 Protein Levels in Normal Mammary Epithelial Cells IDA GO:0043627 MGI:102709 J:120010 N/A 21707 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042169 MGI:96055 J:31423 N/A 21708 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0017124 MGI:96055 J:31423 N/A 21709 1 evidence:tyrosine phosphatase assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006470 MGI:96055 J:31423 N/A 21710 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96055 J:31423 UniProtKB:P27870|UniProtKB:Q60631|UniProtKB:Q62245 21711 1 evidence:tyrosine phosphatase assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004725 MGI:96055 J:31423 N/A 21712 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98923 J:31423 UniProtKB:P29351 21713 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Grin1 ; MGI:95819 external ref: text: IMP GO:0018108 MGI:95602 J:43707 MGI:1930480 21714 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte;CL:0000182|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008283 MGI:88139 J:40808 N/A 21715 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte;CL:0000182|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008283 MGI:1097161 J:40808 N/A 21716 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte;CL:0000182|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008283 MGI:1096330 J:40808 N/A 21717 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte;CL:0000182|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008283 MGI:99702 J:40808 N/A 21718 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte;CL:0000182|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051789 MGI:88139 J:40808 N/A 21719 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte;CL:0000182|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046898 MGI:88139 J:40808 N/A 21720 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:myeloid cell;CL:0000763|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002;32D;ATCC:CRL-11346 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Apoptotic cell death was induced by IL-3 deprivation IDA GO:0033028 MGI:96552 J:41093 N/A 21721 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:myeloid cell;CL:0000763|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002;32D;ATCC:CRL-11346 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Apoptotic cell death was induced by IL-3 deprivation or by actinomycin D IDA GO:0033033 MGI:88138 J:41093 N/A 21722 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043524 MGI:95815 J:57544 MGI:95819 21723 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043523 MGI:95819 J:57544 MGI:95815 21724 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2151153 J:115577 UniProtKB:Q62226 21725 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021954 MGI:104663 J:59144 MGI:1856424 21726 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:commisural neuron;CL:0000678|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:2151153 J:115577 N/A 21727 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:commisural neuron;CL:0000678|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:2151153 J:115577 N/A 21728 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:commisural neuron;CL:0000678|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030426 MGI:2151153 J:115577 N/A 21729 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:commisural neuron;CL:0000678|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:104518 J:115577 N/A 21730 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:commisural neuron;CL:0000678|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009986 MGI:104518 J:115577 N/A 21731 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:commisural neuron;CL:0000678|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:2151153 J:115577 MGI:3692939 21732 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:commisural neuron;CL:0000678|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030030 MGI:2151153 J:115577 MGI:3692939 21733 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:commisural neuron;CL:0000678|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007411 MGI:105088 J:115577 N/A 21734 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:commisural neuron;CL:0000678|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Commissural axons from explants treated with siRNA again IMP GO:0051789 MGI:2151153 J:115577 N/A 21735 2 st Boc showed normal growth and responsiveness to netrin-1 (Fig. 4d), but their ability to turn towards a source of Shh was markedly diminished IMP GO:0051789 MGI:2151153 J:115577 N/A 21736 1 evidence: anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050877 MGI:109346 J:125509 MGI:2684149 21737 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042743 MGI:109486 J:91748 MGI:2668456 21738 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: enlargement of PrxIInull thymus IMP GO:0048538 MGI:109486 J:91748 MGI:2668456 21739 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased number of thymocytes in PrxII-null thymus IMP GO:0048872 MGI:109486 J:91748 MGI:2668456 21740 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: amount of apoptosis is consistently lower in PrxII-null thymocytes IMP GO:0006916 MGI:109486 J:91748 MGI:2668456 21741 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: PrxII-deleted T cells proliferate more vigorously after stimulation with concana IMP GO:0042098 MGI:109486 J:91748 MGI:2668456 21742 2 valin A. IMP GO:0042098 MGI:109486 J:91748 MGI:2668456 21743 1 evidence: anatomy:superior cervical ganglia cell type:neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:alpha,beta-meATP response was reduced to 2% IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1098235 J:101793 MGI:2181608 21744 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:BC025059 gene product:EMBL:BC094464 modification: target: external ref:PMID:16971491|IDA text:Human has two splice variants ISO GO:0009986 MGI:1351867 J:73065 EMBL:AB031050|EMBL:BC000585 21745 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:BC025059 gene product:EMBL:BC094464 modification: target: external ref:PMID:16971491|IC|GO:0015198 text:Human has two splice variants ISO GO:0005887 MGI:1351867 J:73065 EMBL:AB031050|EMBL:BC000585 21746 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:BC025059 gene product:EMBL:BC094464 modification: target: external ref:PMID:16971491|IDA text:Human has two splice variants ISO GO:0006857 MGI:1351867 J:73065 EMBL:AB031050|EMBL:BC000585 21747 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,liver;EMAP:8200 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Smooth muscle gene expression is decreased text:defective smooth muscle gene expression in the liver sinusoids, vitelline veins, and yolk IMP GO:0010468 MGI:3050795 J:117226 MGI:3696666 21748 2 sac IMP GO:0010468 MGI:3050795 J:117226 MGI:3696666 21749 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:BC094464.1 modification: target: external ref:PMID:16971491|IDA text:Human has two splice variants ISO GO:0016324 MGI:1351867 J:73065 EMBL:BC000585 21750 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:BC025059 modification: target: external ref:PMID:16971491|IDA text:Human has two splice variants ISO GO:0009925 MGI:1351867 J:73065 EMBL:AB031050 21751 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:BC025059 gene product:EMBL:BC094464 modification: target: external ref:PMID:16971491|IDA text:Human has two splice variants ISO GO:0008514 MGI:1351867 J:73065 EMBL:AB031050|EMBL:BC000585 21752 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:BC025059 gene product:EMBL:BC094464 modification: target: external ref:PMID:16971491|IDA text:Human has two splice variants ISO GO:0015711 MGI:1351867 J:73065 EMBL:AB031050|EMBL:BC000585 21753 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL: BC030719|UniProt:Q8K078-1 modification: target: external ref:PMID:10873595|IC:GO:0008514 text: ISO GO:0005887 MGI:1351866 J:73065 EMBL:AB031051|UniProtKB:Q96BD0-1 21754 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL: BC030719|UniProt:Q8K078-1 modification: target: external ref:PMID:10873595|IDA text: ISO GO:0008514 MGI:1351866 J:73065 EMBL:AB031051|UniProtKB:Q96BD0-1 21755 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:lymphocyte ; CL:0000542 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:33466 N/A 21756 1 evidence:apoptosis assay anatomy: cell type:double-positive, alpha-beta immature T cell ; CL:0000809 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045060 MGI:97810 J:33466 MGI:1857277 21757 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030890 MGI:97810 J:33466 MGI:1857277 21758 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045582 MGI:97810 J:33466 MGI:1857277 21759 1 evidence:apoptosis assay anatomy: cell type:double-positive, alpha-beta immature T cell ; CL:0000809 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:97810 J:33466 MGI:1857277 21760 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:double-positive, alpha-beta immature T cell ; CL:0000809 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045059 MGI:97810 J:33466 MGI:1857277 21761 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045577 MGI:97810 J:33466 MGI:1857277 21762 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96447 J:33466 N/A 21763 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030890 MGI:96447 J:33466 N/A 21764 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96448 J:33466 N/A 21765 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030890 MGI:96448 J:33466 N/A 21766 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030890 MGI:88336 J:33466 N/A 21767 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030890 MGI:107474 J:33466 N/A 21768 1 evidence:apoptosis assay anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008624 MGI:95484 J:33466 N/A 21769 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88332 J:33466 N/A 21770 1 evidence:apoptosis assay anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008624 MGI:88332 J:33466 N/A 21771 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Msx3-s modification: target:Msx1 ; MGI:97168 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:106587 J:65763 MGI:98372 21772 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Msx3-s modification: target:Msx1 ; MGI:97168 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:106587 J:65763 N/A 21773 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Msx3-s modification: target:Msx1 ; MGI:97168 external ref: text: IDA GO:0016566 MGI:106587 J:65763 N/A 21774 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Msx3-s gene product:Msx3-l modification: target:Msx1 ; MGI:97168 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006357 MGI:106587 J:65763 N/A 21775 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Msx1 ; MGI:97168 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:98372 J:97497 MGI:106587 21776 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:Msx3-s modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106587 J:65736 UniProtKB:O89090 21777 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030217 MGI:96562 J:41239 MGI:1857198 21778 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:defect in cell expansion IMP GO:0016049 MGI:96562 J:41239 MGI:1857198 21779 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048872 MGI:96562 J:41239 MGI:1857198 21780 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001915 MGI:96562 J:41239 MGI:1857198 21781 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033077 MGI:97848 J:41239 MGI:2448994 21782 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|osteoclast ; CL:0000092 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045672 MGI:1339753 J:41240 MGI:1856333 21783 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|macrophage;CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045651 MGI:1339753 J:41240 MGI:1856333 21784 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|monocyte;CL:0000576 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045657 MGI:1339753 J:41240 MGI:1856333 21785 1 evidence: anatomy:blood;MA:0000059 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|monocyte;CL:0000576 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|macrophage;CL:0000235 cell type:neutrophil;CL:0000775|p IMP GO:0048873 MGI:1339753 J:41240 MGI:1856333 21786 2 rimary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048873 MGI:1339753 J:41240 MGI:1856333 21787 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Msx1 ; MGI:97168 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:106587 J:132209 N/A 21788 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Msx1 ; MGI:97168 external ref: text: IDA GO:0016566 MGI:106587 J:132209 N/A 21789 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048872 MGI:96562 J:41241 MGI:1857198 21790 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033089 MGI:96562 J:41241 MGI:1857198 21791 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Msx1 ; MGI:97168 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:106587 J:132209 MGI:1098280|MGI:1276116 21792 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000789 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042105 MGI:96055 J:35279 N/A 21793 1 evidence:ERK2 activation assay following TCR-stimulation anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043409 MGI:96055 J:35279 MGI:1856074 21794 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042130 MGI:96055 J:35279 MGI:1856073|MGI:1856074 21795 1 evidence:ERK2 activation assay following TCR-stimulation anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050860 MGI:96055 J:35279 MGI:1856074 21796 1 evidence:in vitro dephosphorylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006470 MGI:96055 J:35279 N/A 21797 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006470 MGI:96055 J:35279 MGI:1856073|MGI:1856074 21798 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000789 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96055 J:35279 UniProtKB:P13379 21799 1 evidence:in vitro dephosphorylation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004725 MGI:96055 J:35279 N/A 21800 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 anatomy:small intestine;MA:0000337 anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:lymphocyte;CL:0000542|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GR binding to [3H]dexamethasone IDA GO:0004883 MGI:95824 J:41618 N/A 21801 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:P160 of Mybbp1a IDA GO:0022904 MGI:106181 J:88279 N/A 21802 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:lymphocyte;CL:0000542|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:95824 J:41618 N/A 21803 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:lymphocyte;CL:0000542|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016020 MGI:95824 J:41618 N/A 21804 1 evidence:ERK2 activation assay following TCR-stimulation anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000165 MGI:1346858 J:35279 N/A 21805 1 evidence:ERK2 activation assay following TCR-stimulation anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050852 MGI:1346858 J:35279 N/A 21806 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88340 J:35279 UniProtKB:P29351 21807 1 evidence:DNA fragmentation assay anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|CNS neuron;CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:41907 MGI:2158305 21808 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Hap1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96067 J:47245 UniProtKB:O35668 21809 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Htt IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1261831 J:47245 UniProtKB:P42859 21810 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000789 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042105 MGI:88332 J:35279 N/A 21811 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000789 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042105 MGI:98578 J:35279 N/A 21812 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:106587 J:132209 N/A 21813 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000789 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042105 MGI:88334 J:35279 N/A 21814 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:behavioral response to neuropeptide U IMP GO:0051789 MGI:2441765 J:117649 MGI:3701426 21815 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased grooming behavior in response to neuropeptide U IMP GO:0007625 MGI:2441765 J:117649 MGI:3701426 21816 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:suppression of food intake abolished in mutant mice in response to neuropeptide U IMP GO:0002023 MGI:2441765 J:117649 MGI:3701426 21817 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced pain sensitivity in both the hot plate and formalin tests in response to neuropeptide U IMP GO:0048265 MGI:2441765 J:117649 MGI:3701426 21818 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:neurite cells IDA GO:0031175 MGI:2180784 J:112529 N/A 21819 1 evidence:Confocal microscopy anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:Pubed:16525025;IDA text: ISO GO:0043025 MGI:2180784 J:112529 UniProtKB:P60763 21820 1 evidence:Confocal microscopy anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:Pubed:16525025;IDA text: ISO GO:0031941 MGI:2180784 J:112529 UniProtKB:P60763 21821 1 evidence:Confocal microscopy anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:Pubed:16525025;IDA text: ISO GO:0043005 MGI:2180784 J:112529 UniProtKB:P60763 21822 1 evidence:Confocal microscopy anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:Pubed:16525025;IDA text: ISO GO:0030426 MGI:2180784 J:112529 UniProtKB:P60763 21823 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1333857 J:112529 UniProtKB:P60764 21824 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2442401 J:112529 UniProtKB:P60764 21825 1 evidence:measured target cell killing by monitoring the release of 51Cr in the supernatant. anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell;CL:0000623|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased ability to kil IMP GO:0045953 MGI:1349420 J:110195 MGI:3641174 21826 2 l target cells IMP GO:0045953 MGI:1349420 J:110195 MGI:3641174 21827 1 evidence:measured target cell killing by monitoring the release of 51Cr in the supernatant. anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell;CL:0000623|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased ability to kil IMP GO:0045953 MGI:3622649 J:110195 MGI:3641175 21828 2 l target cells IMP GO:0045953 MGI:3622649 J:110195 MGI:3641175 21829 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell;CL:0000623|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: substantial increase (four- to fivefold) in IFN-g secretion IMP GO:0032689 MGI:1349420 J:110195 MGI:3641174 21830 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell;CL:0000623|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced capacity to kill RMA-S and C4.4-25 cells, IMP GO:0045954 MGI:1328352 J:110195 MGI:3575311 21831 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell;CL:0000623|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1349420 J:110195 UniProtKB:Q07763 21832 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell;CL:0000623|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:3622649 J:110195 UniProtKB:Q07763 21833 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell;CL:0000623|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:1349420 J:110195 N/A 21834 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell;CL:0000623|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0018108 MGI:3622649 J:110195 N/A 21835 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell;CL:0000623|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: textincrease in CD16-induced protein tyrosine phosphorylation. text:inhibiting proximal events in NK cell signa IMP GO:0002769 MGI:1349420 J:110195 MGI:3641174 21836 2 ling. IMP GO:0002769 MGI:1349420 J:110195 MGI:3641174 21837 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell;CL:0000623|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: textincrease in CD16-induced protein tyrosine phosphorylation. text:inhibiting proximal events in NK cell signa IMP GO:0050732 MGI:1349420 J:110195 MGI:3641174 21838 2 ling. text:EAT-2-deficient NK cells had an increase in CD16-induced protein tyrosine phosphorylation. IMP GO:0050732 MGI:1349420 J:110195 MGI:3641174 21839 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Myb IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106181 J:31923 UniProtKB:P06876 21840 1 evidence: anatomy:prosencephalon ; EMAP:840 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021797 MGI:102764 J:130851 MGI:2450901 21841 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:1212 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021537 MGI:102764 J:130851 MGI:2450901 21842 1 evidence: anatomy:diencephalon ; EMAP:1687 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021797 MGI:102764 J:130851 MGI:98953 21843 1 evidence: anatomy:diencephalon ; EMAP:1687 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021536 MGI:102764 J:130851 MGI:98953 21844 1 evidence: anatomy:diencephalon ; EMAP:1687 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021536 MGI:98953 J:130851 MGI:102764 21845 1 evidence: anatomy:diencephalon ; EMAP:1687 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021797 MGI:98953 J:130851 MGI:102764 21846 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:lateral ganglionic eminence IDA GO:0005634 MGI:108564 J:69870 N/A 21847 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9073066|IDA text: ISO GO:0043565 MGI:94904 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q92988 21848 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9073066|IDA text: ISO GO:0043565 MGI:96109 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q14774 21849 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9073066|IDA text: ISO GO:0043565 MGI:103219 J:73065 UniProtKB:P50222 21850 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9073066|IDA text: ISO GO:0043565 MGI:97169 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35548 21851 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased thymocyte number IMP GO:0048873 MGI:96561 J:42039 MGI:1857652 21852 1 evidence:FACS evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Reduced Bcl-2 expression IMP GO:0010468 MGI:96561 J:42039 MGI:1857652 21853 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant mice had smaller thymus IMP GO:0046622 MGI:96561 J:42039 MGI:1857652 21854 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant mice had smaller thymus IGI GO:0046622 MGI:96561 J:42039 MGI:97849 21855 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant mice had smaller thymus IGI GO:0046622 MGI:97849 J:42039 MGI:96561 21856 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant mice had smaller thymus IMP GO:0046622 MGI:97849 J:42039 N/A 21857 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002360 MGI:96561 J:42039 MGI:1857652 21858 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:88138 J:42039 N/A 21859 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030890 MGI:97810 J:37640 MGI:2181288 21860 1 evidence:serum neutralization assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048304 MGI:97810 J:37640 MGI:2181288 21861 1 evidence:serum neutralization assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002923 MGI:97810 J:37640 MGI:2181288 21862 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:25537 N/A 21863 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:mature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000791 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046641 MGI:97810 J:25537 MGI:2181288 21864 1 evidence:ERK2 activation assay following TCR-stimulation anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043407 MGI:96055 J:35279 MGI:1856074 21865 1 evidence:ERK2 activation assay following TCR-stimulation anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016908 MGI:1346858 J:35279 N/A 21866 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:dramatic reduction in total thymocytes IMP GO:0048873 MGI:88138 J:42051 MGI:1857134 21867 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant mice show thymus hypoplasia IMP GO:0048538 MGI:88138 J:42051 MGI:1857134 21868 1 evidence:ERK2 activation assay following BCR-stimulation anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050853 MGI:1346858 J:42368 N/A 21869 1 evidence:ERK2 activation assay following BCR-stimulation anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016908 MGI:1346858 J:42368 N/A 21870 1 evidence:ERK2 activation assay following BCR-stimulation anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000165 MGI:1346858 J:42368 N/A 21871 1 evidence:FACS anatomy: cell type:common lymphocyte progenitor;CL:0000051 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001777 MGI:99702 J:42051 MGI:1857429 21872 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:few doublt mutants reach weaning IGI GO:0009791 MGI:99702 J:42051 MGI:88138 21873 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:few doublt mutants reach weaning IGI GO:0009791 MGI:88138 J:42051 MGI:99702 21874 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050853 MGI:97810 J:42368 MGI:2181288 21875 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045577 MGI:97810 J:42368 MGI:2181288 21876 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050853 MGI:96055 J:42368 MGI:1856074 21877 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002924 MGI:96055 J:42368 MGI:1856074 21878 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050732 MGI:96055 J:42368 MGI:1856074 21879 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045577 MGI:96055 J:42368 MGI:1856074 21880 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050853 MGI:88319 J:42368 N/A 21881 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019815 MGI:96448 J:42368 N/A 21882 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050853 MGI:96448 J:42368 N/A 21883 1 evidence:ERK2 in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000187 MGI:96448 J:42368 N/A 21884 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96448 J:42368 N/A 21885 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030890 MGI:96448 J:42368 N/A 21886 1 evidence:ERK2 in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043410 MGI:96448 J:42368 N/A 21887 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050731 MGI:96448 J:42368 N/A 21888 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96447 J:42368 N/A 21889 1 evidence:ERK2 in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000187 MGI:97810 J:42368 MGI:2181288 21890 1 evidence:ERK2 in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043410 MGI:97810 J:42368 MGI:2181288 21891 1 evidence:ERK2 in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043407 MGI:96055 J:42368 MGI:1856074 21892 1 evidence:ERK2 in vitro kinase assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043409 MGI:96055 J:42368 MGI:1856074 21893 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hypopigmentation with first hair-follicle cycle IGI GO:0048087 MGI:88138 J:42051 MGI:88138 21894 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hypopigmentation with first hair-follicle cycle IGI GO:0048087 MGI:99702 J:42051 MGI:99702 21895 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant mice are azotemic IGI GO:0006808 MGI:99702 J:42051 MGI:88138 21896 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant mice are azotemic IGI GO:0006808 MGI:88138 J:42051 MGI:99702 21897 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutants develop polycystic kidney disease IGI GO:0001822 MGI:88138 J:42051 MGI:99702 21898 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutants develop polycystic kidney disease IGI GO:0001822 MGI:99702 J:42051 MGI:88138 21899 1 evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule;MA:0000412 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:disrupted seminiferous tubules IGI GO:0008584 MGI:99702 J:42051 MGI:88138 21900 1 evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule;MA:0000412 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:disrupted seminiferous tubules IGI GO:0008584 MGI:88138 J:42051 MGI:99702 21901 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:retarded cell cycle progression in the presence or absence of Bax IDA GO:0045930 MGI:88138 J:42051 N/A 21902 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106484 J:117195 UniProtKB:P61226 21903 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:RUN domain of Rpipx IPI GO:0019904 MGI:1921262 J:117195 UniProtKB:Q9D394 21904 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:die in early development during gastrulation IMP GO:0001701 MGI:2141866 J:115754 MGI:3608888 21905 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:anxiety in light-dark test IMP GO:0009416 MGI:2141866 J:115754 MGI:3608888 21906 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal spatial learning IMP GO:0008542 MGI:2141866 J:115754 MGI:3608888 21907 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced inositol concentrations IMP GO:0006020 MGI:1858226 J:111651 MGI:2663787 21908 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000146 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030008 MGI:1351486 J:114995 N/A 21909 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000146 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030008 MGI:1913932 J:114995 N/A 21910 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000146 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030008 MGI:1913476 J:114995 N/A 21911 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000146 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030008 MGI:1098727 J:114995 N/A 21912 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000146 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030008 MGI:1926211 J:114995 N/A 21913 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1913476 J:114995 UniProtKB:O55013 21914 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1098727 J:114995 UniProtKB:O55013|UniProtKB:Q9ES56 21915 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033089 MGI:96551 J:42537 MGI:2429736 21916 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045579 MGI:96551 J:42537 MGI:2429736 21917 1 evidence:Transmission electron microscopy anatomy:cartilage;MA:0000104 cell type:chondrocyte;CL:0000138|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:femoral cartilage IMP GO:0043066 MGI:88452 J:43079 MGI:2152978 21918 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy:cartilage;MA:0000104 cell type:chondrocyte;CL:0000138|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Bcl2;MGI:88138 external ref: text:mutants show lower levels of Bcl2 IMP GO:0010468 MGI:88452 J:43079 MGI:2152978 21919 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|sensory neuron;CL:0000101 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Response of Bcl-2-deficient sensory neurons to neurotrophins in vitro text:neurons from mutant embryos initiall IMP GO:0051789 MGI:88138 J:43775 MGI:2156165 21920 2 y survived in culture in response to NGF but were not sustained as well as neurons from wild-type embryos. text:response to BDNF IMP GO:0051789 MGI:88138 J:43775 MGI:2156165 21921 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,embryo;EMAP:5719 anatomy:TS24\,embryo;EMAP:8439 anatomy:TS26\,embryo;EMAP:11159 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|sensory neuron;CL:0000101 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:number of neurons undergoi IMP GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:43775 MGI:2156165 21922 2 ng apoptosis was significantly greater in mutants IMP GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:43775 MGI:2156165 21923 1 evidence:inferred from PCR experiment;ECO:0000082 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Meiotic and Postmeiotic Germ Cell mRNAs Are Markedly Red IMP GO:0048255 MGI:1096372 J:117361 MGI:3576937 21924 2 uced in Msy2-Null Mice IMP GO:0048255 MGI:1096372 J:117361 MGI:3576937 21925 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:csda;MGI:2137670 target:Acr;MGI:87884 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003729 MGI:1096372 J:117361 N/A 21926 1 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005844 MGI:1096372 J:117361 N/A 21927 1 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043021 MGI:1096372 J:117361 N/A 21928 1 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: In the Absence of MSY2, There Is an Enrichment of Msy2- Bound mRNAs on Polysomes IMP GO:0051100 MGI:1096372 J:117361 MGI:3576937 21929 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatid;CL:0000018|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:In the Absence of MSY2, Spermatids Show Incomplete Nuclear Condensation and Degeneration IMP GO:0007286 MGI:1096372 J:117361 MGI:3576937 21930 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:107854 J:46844 N/A 21931 1 evidence: anatomy:pons ; EMAP:6140 anatomy:primordial germ cells ; EMAP:4601 anatomy:primordial germ cells ; EMAP:5539 anatomy:primordial germ cells ; EMAP:6702 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:892006 J:47285 N/A 21932 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta;MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased expression of differentiated trophoblast markers including Tpbp, Gcm1, and Pl-1, and increased expression of the trophoblast stem cell marker IMP GO:0010468 MGI:2384034 J:131022 MGI:3774031 21933 2 Eomes. text: IMP GO:0010468 MGI:2384034 J:131022 MGI:3774031 21934 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005719 MGI:2384034 J:131022 N/A 21935 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9700206|IDA text: ISO GO:0003700 MGI:892006 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15499 21936 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2384034 J:131022 UniProtKB:O54946 21937 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1344381 J:131022 UniProtKB:Q5XLJ1UniProt 21938 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:3036234 J:131022 UniProtKB:Q5XLJ1 21939 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:birth weights are significantly smaller IMP GO:0048589 MGI:2384034 J:131022 MGI:3774031 21940 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:intrauterine growth retardation IMP GO:0001701 MGI:2384034 J:131022 MGI:3774031 21941 1 evidence: anatomy:placenta;MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:lack the red/pink coloration of Wt text:placental weights lag behind those of Wt IMP GO:0001890 MGI:2384034 J:131022 MGI:3774031 21942 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:dramatic reduction in three trophoblast cell lineages: spongiotrophoblasts, giant cell trophoblasts, and glycogen cells IMP GO:0030154 MGI:2384034 J:131022 MGI:3774031 21943 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced embryo size text:reduced fetal size text:exencephaly text:die by embryonic day 18.5 [E18.5] to postnatal day 1 text:runting phenotype IMP GO:0001701 MGI:99146 J:115970 MGI:3581780 21944 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:small testis IMP GO:0046622 MGI:2137670 J:115970 MGI:3693011 21945 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:3 of 6 males were infertile IMP GO:0009566 MGI:2137670 J:115970 MGI:3693011 21946 1 evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule;MA:0000412 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:seminiferous tubule degeneration IMP GO:0008584 MGI:2137670 J:115970 MGI:3693011 21947 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased apoptosis occurs in meiotic and post-meiotic spermatocytes during mid to late spermatogenesis text:oligozoospermia IMP GO:0007283 MGI:2137670 J:115970 MGI:3693011 21948 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased apoptosis occurs in meiotic and post-meiotic spermatocytes during mid to late spermatogenesis IMP GO:0043066 MGI:2137670 J:115970 MGI:3693011 21949 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Embryos doubly deficient for YB-1 and MSY4 are severely runted and die much earlier (E8.5 to E11.5) IGI GO:0001701 MGI:2137670 J:115970 MGI:99146 21950 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Embryos doubly deficient for YB-1 and MSY4 are severely runted and die much earlier (E8.5 to E11.5) IGI GO:0001701 MGI:99146 J:115970 MGI:2137670 21951 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy: cell type:germ line cell;CL:0000039primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043186 MGI:2679727 J:117063 N/A 21952 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy: cell type:germ line cell;CL:0000039primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043186 MGI:2140279 J:117063 N/A 21953 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy: cell type:germ line cell;CL:0000039primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0033391 MGI:1933218 J:117063 N/A 21954 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy: cell type:germ line cell;CL:0000039primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0033391 MGI:2679727 J:117063 N/A 21955 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:germ line cell;CL:0000039primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000795 MGI:109542 J:117063 N/A 21956 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:germ line cell;CL:0000039primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043186 MGI:1933218 J:117063 N/A 21957 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:germ line cell;CL:0000039primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1933218 J:117063 N/A 21958 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1933218 J:117063 UniProtKB:Q61496|UniProtKB:P61407|UniProtKB:Q8K1H1 21959 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in RNA, Tdrd6, Tdrd7, Ddx4 complex IDA GO:0030529 MGI:1933218 J:117063 N/A 21960 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in RNA, Tdrd6, Tdrd7, Tdrd1 complex IDA GO:0030529 MGI:102670 J:117063 N/A 21961 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:102670 J:117063 UniProtKB:Q8K1H1|UniProtKB:P61407|UniProtKB:Q99MV1 21962 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2679727 J:117063 UniProtKB:Q99MV1|UniProtKB:Q8K1H1|UniProtKB:Q61496 21963 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in RNA, Tdrd1, Tdrd7, Ddx4 complex IDA GO:0030529 MGI:2679727 J:117063 N/A 21964 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2140279 J:117063 UniProtKB:Q99MV1|UniProtKB:P61407|UniProtKB:Q61496 21965 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in RNA, Tdrd1, Tdrd7, Ddx4 complex IDA GO:0030529 MGI:2140279 J:117063 N/A 21966 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Tdrd6, Tdrd7, Tdrd1 co-localization is disrupted IMP GO:0032880 MGI:102670 J:117063 MGI:2182568 21967 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Tudor domain repeats are essential for germ cell differentiation IDA GO:0007281 MGI:1933218 J:117063 N/A 21968 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Tudor domain repeats are essential for germ cell differentiation IDA GO:0007281 MGI:2679727 J:117063 N/A 21969 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Tudor domain repeats are essential for germ cell differentiation IDA GO:0007281 MGI:2140279 J:117063 N/A 21970 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,trigeminal V ; EMAP:2968 anatomy:TS19\,trigeminal V ; EMAP:4233 cell type:sensory neuron;CL:0000101|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Bcl-2 Accelerates the Maturation of Early IMP GO:0014042 MGI:88138 J:47572 MGI:2156165 21971 2 Sensory Neurons IMP GO:0014042 MGI:88138 J:47572 MGI:2156165 21972 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1201691 J:62070 N/A 21973 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:prostate gland epithelium ; MA:0001737 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: tex IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1201691 J:62070 N/A 21974 2 t: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1201691 J:62070 N/A 21975 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:892006 J:62070 N/A 21976 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9700206|IDA text: ISO GO:0006357 MGI:892006 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15499 21977 1 evidence: anatomy:adenohypophysis ; MA:0000177 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021984 MGI:95842 J:31764 MGI:2154448 21978 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021854 MGI:95842 J:31764 MGI:2154448 21979 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Gsx1 ; MGI:95842|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Ghrh ; MGI:95709|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:95842 J:31764 N/A 21980 1 evidence: anatomy:hypothalamus ; MA:0000173 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Ghrh ; MGI:95709 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:95842 J:31764 MGI:2154448 21981 1 evidence: anatomy:future forebrain ; EMAP:1200 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021797 MGI:97490 J:41030 MGI:1856158|MGI:1856155 21982 1 evidence: anatomy:future forebrain ; EMAP:1200 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021905 MGI:97490 J:41030 MGI:1856158|MGI:1856155 21983 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11731616|IDA text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:95842 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9H4S2 21984 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11731616|IDA text: ISO GO:0043565 MGI:95842 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9H4S2 21985 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11932330|IDA text: ISO GO:0009925 MGI:1351872 J:73065 NCBI:NM_007256 21986 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11932330|IDA text: ISO GO:0008514 MGI:1351872 J:73065 NCBI:NM_007256 21987 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11932330|IDA text: ISO GO:0015711 MGI:1351872 J:73065 NCBI:NM_007256 21988 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:common myeloid progenitor;CL:0000049|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Fas;MGI:95484 external ref: text:positive regulation of Fas expression IDA GO:0010468 MGI:96552 J:48838 N/A 21989 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:common myeloid progenitor;CL:0000049|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Fas;MGI:95484 external ref: text:positive regulation of Fas expression IDA GO:0010468 MGI:1339752 J:48838 N/A 21990 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|common myeloid progenitor;CL:0000049 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:greatly increased numbers of myeloid mechacolony-forming cells IMP GO:0045637 MGI:95484 J:48838 MGI:1856334 21991 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme inhibition;ECO:0000184 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004867 MGI:1277952 J:49294 N/A 21992 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast;CL:0000062|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cuboidal, not flattened, phenotype IMP GO:0000902 MGI:88138 J:50619 MGI:1857430 21993 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast;CL:0000062|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:greater numaber of osteoblasts than in control mice IMP GO:0033689 MGI:88138 J:50619 MGI:1857430 21994 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|osteoblast;CL:0000062 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal bone deposition in mutant mice IMP GO:0001503 MGI:88138 J:50619 MGI:1857430 21995 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106207 J:129766 UniProtKB:Q8VHJ7 21996 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030890 MGI:97810 J:42368 MGI:2181288 21997 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL: BC030719|UniProt:Q8K078-1 modification: target: external ref:PMID:10873595|IDA text: ISO GO:0015711 MGI:1351866 J:73065 EMBL:AB031051|UniProtKB:Q96BD0-1 21998 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic vertebra ; MA:0000314 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96209 J:68720 MGI:2151815 21999 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic vertebra ; MA:0000314 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96209 J:68720 MGI:96189|MGI:96198 22000 1 evidence: anatomy:rib 1 ; MA:0001401 anatomy:rib 2 ; MA:0001402 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048705 MGI:96209 J:68720 MGI:96189 22001 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic vertebra 7 ; MA:0001444 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 12 ; MA:0001449 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 1 ; MA:0001428 anatomy:sacral vertebra 1 ; MA:0001434 cell type: gene product: modification: targ IGI GO:0048705 MGI:96209 J:68720 MGI:96198 22002 2 et: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048705 MGI:96209 J:68720 MGI:96198 22003 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 1 ; MA:0001428 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048705 MGI:96209 J:68720 MGI:2151815 22004 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic vertebra ; MA:0000314 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96189 J:68720 MGI:1934178 22005 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic vertebra ; MA:0000314 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96189 J:68720 MGI:96198|MGI:96209 22006 1 evidence: anatomy:rib 1 ; MA:0001401 anatomy:rib 2 ; MA:0001402 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048705 MGI:96189 J:68720 MGI:1934178 22007 1 evidence: anatomy:rib 1 ; MA:0001401 anatomy:rib 2 ; MA:0001402 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 7 ; MA:0001444 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 12 ; MA:0001449 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 1 ; MA:0001428 anatomy:sacral vertebra 1 ; IGI GO:0048705 MGI:96189 J:68720 MGI:96198 22008 2 MA:0001434 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048705 MGI:96189 J:68720 MGI:96198 22009 1 evidence: anatomy:rib 1 ; MA:0001401 anatomy:rib 2 ; MA:0001402 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048705 MGI:96189 J:68720 MGI:96209 22010 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic vertebra ; MA:0000314 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96198 J:68720 MGI:96209|MGI:96189 22011 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic vertebra ; MA:0000314 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96198 J:68720 MGI:2149030 22012 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic vertebra 7 ; MA:0001444 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 12 ; MA:0001449 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 1 ; MA:0001428 anatomy:sacral vertebra 1 ; MA:0001434 cell type: gene product: modification: targ IMP GO:0048705 MGI:96198 J:68720 MGI:2149030 22013 2 et: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048705 MGI:96198 J:68720 MGI:2149030 22014 1 evidence: anatomy:rib 1 ; MA:0001401 anatomy:rib 2 ; MA:0001402 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 7 ; MA:0001444 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 12 ; MA:0001449 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 1 ; MA:0001428 anatomy:sacral vertebra 1 ; IGI GO:0048705 MGI:96198 J:68720 MGI:96189 22015 2 MA:0001434 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048705 MGI:96198 J:68720 MGI:96189 22016 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic vertebra 7 ; MA:0001444 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 12 ; MA:0001449 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 1 ; MA:0001428 anatomy:sacral vertebra 1 ; MA:0001434 cell type: gene product: modification: targ IGI GO:0048705 MGI:96198 J:68720 MGI:96209 22017 2 et: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048705 MGI:96198 J:68720 MGI:96209 22018 1 evidence: anatomy:paraxial mesenchyme ; EMAP:3421|paraxial mesenchyme ; EMAP:3893 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:1338027 J:55879 MGI:2449672 22019 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephros ; EMAP:5504 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009953 MGI:96172 J:69851 MGI:96203 22020 1 evidence: anatomy:ureter ; EMAP:5509 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001658 MGI:96172 J:69851 MGI:96203 22021 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephros ; EMAP:5504 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009953 MGI:96203 J:69851 MGI:96172 22022 1 evidence: anatomy:ureter ; EMAP:5509 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001658 MGI:96203 J:69851 MGI:96172 22023 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10618370|IDA text: ISO GO:0005730 MGI:1346087 J:73065 UniProtKB:P61011 22024 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10618370|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1346087 J:73065 UniProtKB:P61011 22025 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10618370|IDA text ISO GO:0005730 MGI:1913634 J:73065 UniProtKB:P09132 22026 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10618370|IDA text: ISO GO:0005730 MGI:1917447 J:73065 NCBI:NP_055045 22027 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10618370|IDA text: ISO GO:0005730 MGI:1333795 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15302 22028 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9511762|IDA text: ISO GO:0008312 MGI:1346087 J:73065 UniProtKB:P61011 22029 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9511762|IDA text: ISO GO:0043021 MGI:1346087 J:73065 UniProtKB:P61011 22030 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9511762|IC|GO:0008312 text: ISO GO:0006614 MGI:1346087 J:73065 UniProtKB:P61011 22031 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland;MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:lack of functional TSH IMP GO:0006590 MGI:88390 J:51465 MGI:1857152 22032 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland;MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046884 MGI:88390 J:51465 MGI:1857152 22033 1 evidence: anatomy:gonad;MA:0002420 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008406 MGI:88390 J:51465 MGI:1857152 22034 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland;MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032275 MGI:88390 J:51465 MGI:1857152 22035 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland;MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030878 MGI:88390 J:51465 MGI:1857152 22036 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland;MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:pituitary gland weight increased in mutants IMP GO:0046621 MGI:88390 J:51465 MGI:1857152 22037 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutants have decreased body weight IMP GO:0048589 MGI:88390 J:51465 MGI:1857152 22038 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:response to thyroxine and estradiol IMP GO:0032870 MGI:88390 J:51465 MGI:1857152 22039 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:gc-deficient thymocytes exhibit diminished BrdU incorporation and decreased cycling cells. IMP GO:0033089 MGI:96551 J:52019 MGI:1857455 22040 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Bcl2;MGI:88138 external ref: text:Bcl-2 is diminished in the CD251 DN and in CD41 and CD81 SP populations, but not in the IMP GO:0010468 MGI:96551 J:52019 MGI:1857455 22041 2 CD3low DP population of thymocytes in gc-deficient mice IMP GO:0010468 MGI:96551 J:52019 MGI:1857455 22042 1 evidence: anatomy:skin;MA:0000151 cell type:epidermal cell;CL:0000362 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Exposure of depilated back skin of bcl-27/7 mice to 0.5 J/cm2 UV-B caused a prolonged increase in the number of epidermal cells sh IMP GO:0010224 MGI:88138 J:52893 MGI:1857430 22043 2 owing nuclear DNA fragmentation compared to wild-type littermates. text: Alterations in cell death and cell cycle progression in response to UV-B IMP GO:0010224 MGI:88138 J:52893 MGI:1857430 22044 1 evidence: anatomy:skin;MA:0000151 cell type:epidermal cell;CL:0000362 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Exposure of depilated back skin of bcl-27/7 mice to 0.5 J/cm2 UV-B caused a prolonged increase in the number of epidermal cells sh IMP GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:52893 MGI:1857430 22045 2 owing nuclear DNA fragmentation compared to wild-type littermates. text: Alterations in cell death and cell cycle progression in response to UV-B IMP GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:52893 MGI:1857430 22046 1 evidence: anatomy:skin;MA:0000151 cell type:epidermal cell;CL:0000362 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Exposure of depilated back skin of bcl-27/7 mice to 0.5 J/cm2 UV-B caused a prolonged increase in the number of epidermal cells sh IMP GO:0051726 MGI:88138 J:52893 MGI:1857430 22047 2 owing nuclear DNA fragmentation compared to wild-type littermates. text: Alterations in cell death and cell cycle progression in response to UV-B IMP GO:0051726 MGI:88138 J:52893 MGI:1857430 22048 1 evidence:chromatin immunoprecipitation anatomy: cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell;CL:0000625|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Gzmb;MGI:109267 external ref: text: IDA GO:0031490 MGI:107187 J:117088 N/A 22049 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Gzmb;MGI:109267 external ref: text:luciferase reporter gene expression controlled by the granzyme B promoter IDA GO:0000122 MGI:107187 J:117088 N/A 22050 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Gzmb;MGI:109267 external ref: text:luciferase reporter gene expression controlled by the granzyme B promoter IDA GO:0016564 MGI:107187 J:117088 N/A 22051 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1099442 J:122993 N/A 22052 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042405 MGI:1099442 J:122993 N/A 22053 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:104783 J:131821 MGI:2429435 22054 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:2179277 J:131821 MGI:2651378 22055 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebra ; EMAP:12392|vertebra ; EMAP:12395 anatomy:pelvic girdle ; EMAP:12443 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96171 J:84456 MGI:96192|MGI:96202 22056 1 evidence: anatomy:L1 ; EMAP:14122 anatomy:L2 ; EMAP:14123 anatomy:L3 ; EMAP:14124 anatomy:L4 ; EMAP:14125 anatomy:L5 ; EMAP:14126 anatomy:L6 ; EMAP:14127 anatomy:S1 ; EMAP:14141 anatomy:S2 ; EMAP:14142 anatomy:S3 ; EMAP:14143 anatomy:S4 ; EMAP:14144 anato IGI GO:0001501 MGI:96171 J:84456 MGI:96192|MGI:96202 22057 2 my:pelvic girdle ; EMAP:12443 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001501 MGI:96171 J:84456 MGI:96192|MGI:96202 22058 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebra ; EMAP:12392|vertebra ; EMAP:12395 anatomy:pelvic girdle ; EMAP:12443 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96192 J:84456 MGI:96171|MGI:96202 22059 1 evidence: anatomy:L1 ; EMAP:14122 anatomy:L2 ; EMAP:14123 anatomy:L3 ; EMAP:14124 anatomy:L4 ; EMAP:14125 anatomy:L5 ; EMAP:14126 anatomy:L6 ; EMAP:14127 anatomy:S1 ; EMAP:14141 anatomy:S2 ; EMAP:14142 anatomy:S3 ; EMAP:14143 anatomy:S4 ; EMAP:14144 anato IGI GO:0001501 MGI:96192 J:84456 MGI:96171|MGI:96202 22060 2 my:pelvic girdle ; EMAP:12443 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001501 MGI:96192 J:84456 MGI:96171|MGI:96202 22061 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebra ; EMAP:12392|vertebra ; EMAP:12395 anatomy:pelvic girdle ; EMAP:12443 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96202 J:84456 MGI:96192|MGI:96171 22062 1 evidence: anatomy:L1 ; EMAP:14122 anatomy:L2 ; EMAP:14123 anatomy:L3 ; EMAP:14124 anatomy:L4 ; EMAP:14125 anatomy:L5 ; EMAP:14126 anatomy:L6 ; EMAP:14127 anatomy:S1 ; EMAP:14141 anatomy:S2 ; EMAP:14142 anatomy:S3 ; EMAP:14143 anatomy:S4 ; EMAP:14144 anato IGI GO:0001501 MGI:96202 J:84456 MGI:96192|MGI:96171 22063 2 my:pelvic girdle ; EMAP:12443 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001501 MGI:96202 J:84456 MGI:96192|MGI:96171 22064 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043569 MGI:2179277 J:131821 MGI:2651378 22065 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043569 MGI:104783 J:131821 MGI:2429435 22066 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042326 MGI:104783 J:131821 MGI:2429435 22067 1 evidence: anatomy:S1 ; EMAP:14141 anatomy:S2 ; EMAP:14142 anatomy:S3 ; EMAP:14143 anatomy:S4 ; EMAP:14144 anatomy:pelvic girdle ; EMAP:12443 cell type: gene product: modification: IGI GO:0001501 MGI:96193 J:84456 MGI:96172|MGI:96203 22068 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042326 MGI:2179277 J:131821 MGI:2651378 22069 1 evidence: anatomy:S1 ; EMAP:14141 anatomy:S2 ; EMAP:14142 anatomy:S3 ; EMAP:14143 anatomy:S4 ; EMAP:14144 anatomy:pelvic girdle ; EMAP:12443 cell type: gene product: modification: IGI GO:0001501 MGI:96172 J:84456 MGI:96193|MGI:96203 22070 1 evidence: anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:11242 anatomy:footplate ; EMAP:11310 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042733 MGI:96193 J:84456 MGI:96172|MGI:96203 22071 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased phosphorilation of Igf1r in Atxn1- and Atxn7 IDA GO:0006468 MGI:96433 J:131821 N/A 22072 2 - mice IDA GO:0006468 MGI:96433 J:131821 N/A 22073 1 evidence: anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:11242 anatomy:footplate ; EMAP:11310 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042733 MGI:96172 J:84456 MGI:96193|MGI:96203 22074 1 evidence: anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:11242 anatomy:footplate ; EMAP:11310 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042733 MGI:96203 J:84456 MGI:96172|MGI:96193 22075 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,metanephros; EMAP:3233 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001759 MGI:96203 J:88686 MGI:96172|MGI:96193 22076 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,metanephros; EMAP:3233 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001759 MGI:96172 J:88686 MGI:96203|MGI:96193 22077 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,metanephros; EMAP:3233 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001656 MGI:96172 J:88686 MGI:96203|MGI:96193 22078 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,metanephros; EMAP:3233 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001759 MGI:96193 J:88686 MGI:96172|MGI:96203 22079 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,metanephros; EMAP:3233 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001656 MGI:96193 J:88686 MGI:96172|MGI:96203 22080 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,metanephros; EMAP:3233 cell type: gene product: text: IGI GO:0001656 MGI:96203 J:88686 MGI:96172|MGI:96193 22081 1 evidence: anatomy:S1 ; EMAP:14141 anatomy:S2 ; EMAP:14142 anatomy:S3 ; EMAP:14143 anatomy:S4 ; EMAP:14144 anatomy:pelvic girdle ; EMAP:12443 cell type: gene product: modification: IGI GO:0001501 MGI:96203 J:84456 MGI:96172|MGI:96193 22082 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebra ; EMAP:12395 anatomy:pelvic girdle ; EMAP:12443 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96172 J:84456 MGI:96193|MGI:96203 22083 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebra ; EMAP:12395 anatomy:pelvic girdle ; EMAP:12443 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96193 J:84456 MGI:96172|MGI:96203 22084 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebra ; EMAP:12395 anatomy:pelvic girdle ; EMAP:12443 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96203 J:84456 MGI:96172|MGI:96193 22085 1 evidence:gamma-32P-ATP binding assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:deletion mutants IMP GO:0005524 MGI:88115 J:4125 N/A 22086 1 evidence: anatomy:upper arm ; EMAP:11229|upper leg ; EMAP:11406 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:96202 J:84456 MGI:96192|MGI:96171 22087 1 evidence: anatomy:upper arm ; EMAP:11229|upper leg ; EMAP:11406 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:96192 J:84456 MGI:96171|MGI:96202 22088 1 evidence: anatomy:upper arm ; EMAP:11229|upper leg ; EMAP:11406 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:96171 J:84456 MGI:96192|MGI:96202 22089 1 evidence: anatomy:hindlimb ; EMAP:11309|forelimb ; EMAP:11205 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009954 MGI:96171 J:84456 MGI:96192|MGI:96202 22090 1 evidence: anatomy:hindlimb ; EMAP:11309|forelimb ; EMAP:11205 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009954 MGI:96172 J:84456 MGI:96193|MGI:96203 22091 1 evidence: anatomy:hindlimb ; EMAP:11309|forelimb ; EMAP:11205 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009954 MGI:96192 J:84456 MGI:96171|MGI:96202 22092 1 evidence: anatomy:hindlimb ; EMAP:11309|forelimb ; EMAP:11205 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009954 MGI:96193 J:84456 MGI:96172|MGI:96203 22093 1 evidence: anatomy:hindlimb ; EMAP:11309|forelimb ; EMAP:11205 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009954 MGI:96202 J:84456 MGI:96192|MGI:96171 22094 1 evidence: anatomy:hindlimb ; EMAP:11309|forelimb ; EMAP:11205 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009954 MGI:96203 J:84456 MGI:96172|MGI:96193 22095 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fibroblast;CL:0000057|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:overexpression text:MyoD was necessary for muscle-specific alternative splicing IDA GO:0000381 MGI:97275 J:46849 N/A 22096 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:MyoD was necessary for muscle-specific alternative splicing text:Exogenous Id, a negative regulator of MyoD, blocked muscle-specific alternative splicing of F1g pre-mRNA IMP GO:0000381 MGI:97275 J:46849 N/A 22097 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:4251 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021512 MGI:1338027 J:119016 MGI:2449672 22098 1 evidence: anatomy:L1 ; EMAP:13417 anatomy:L2 ; EMAP:13418 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021520 MGI:96202 J:130489 MGI:96192 22099 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra ; MA:0000311|thoracic vertebra ; MA:0000314 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96195 J:31635 MGI:1857570 22100 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 7 ; MA:0001427 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 3 ; MA:0001440 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:96195 J:31635 MGI:1857570 22101 1 evidence: anatomy:xiphoid cartilage ; MA:0001884 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051216 MGI:96195 J:31635 MGI:1857570 22102 1 evidence: anatomy:L1 ; EMAP:13417 anatomy:L2 ; EMAP:13418 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021520 MGI:96192 J:130489 MGI:96202 22103 1 evidence: anatomy:hindlimb ; MA:0000026 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050905 MGI:96192 J:130489 MGI:96202 22104 1 evidence: anatomy:hindlimb ; MA:0000026 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050905 MGI:96202 J:130489 MGI:96192 22105 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic vertebra ; MA:0000314 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96195 J:34198 MGI:2150683 22106 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic vertebra 2 ; MA:0001439 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 3 ; MA:0001440 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 4 ; MA:0001441 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 5 ; MA:0001442 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 6 ; MA:0001443 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 7 ; MA:0001444 IMP GO:0001501 MGI:96195 J:34198 MGI:2150683 22107 2 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 9 ; MA:0001446 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 10 ; MA:0001447 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 11 ; MA:0001448 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:96195 J:34198 MGI:2150683 22108 1 evidence: anatomy:esophagus muscle ; MA:0002682 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048562 MGI:96195 J:34198 MGI:2150683 22109 1 evidence: anatomy:neural tube ; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021903 MGI:88174 J:35539 MGI:1857632 22110 1 evidence: anatomy:gut ; EMAP:5723 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96186 J:60124 N/A 22111 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: ATCC CCL-61 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005783 MGI:106215 J:100522 N/A 22112 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: ATCC CCL-61 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:106215 J:100522 N/A 22113 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7908909|IDA text: ISO GO:0005874 MGI:1915661 J:73065 NCBI:NP_955794 22114 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC CCL-61 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005783 MGI:1913583 J:100522 N/A 22115 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC CCL-61 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1913583 J:100522 N/A 22116 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7908909|IDA text: ISO GO:0008017 MGI:1915661 J:73065 NCBI:NP_955794 22117 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:8944 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021795 MGI:108554 J:91679 MGI:3050637 22118 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:distribution of actin in kidneys from P21 bcl-22/2mice was altered. IMP GO:0007015 MGI:88138 J:53123 MGI:1857134 22119 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001822 MGI:88138 J:53123 MGI:1857134 22120 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:88276 J:53123 N/A 22121 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005911 MGI:88276 J:53123 N/A 22122 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant mice show altered beta-catenin localization IMP GO:0032880 MGI:88138 J:53123 MGI:1857134 22123 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:88275 J:53123 N/A 22124 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005911 MGI:88354 J:53123 N/A 22125 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:intestinal malabsorption and dehydration IGI GO:0050892 MGI:1928268 J:131013 MGI:87879 22126 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Slc11a2;MGI:1345279 terget:Slc40a1;MGI:1315204 external ref: text: IGI GO:0010468 MGI:1928268 J:131013 MGI:87879 22127 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:die within 4 weeks of birth IGI GO:0009791 MGI:1928268 J:131013 MGI:87879 22128 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Ab IMP GO:0006629 MGI:107801 J:123729 N/A 22129 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Ab IMP GO:0006933 MGI:107801 J:123729 N/A 22130 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Ab IMP GO:0046933 MGI:88115 J:123729 N/A 22131 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Ab IMP GO:0006629 MGI:88115 J:123729 N/A 22132 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:intestinal malabsorption and dehydration IGI GO:0050892 MGI:87879 J:131013 MGI:1928268 22133 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:die within 4 weeks of birth IGI GO:0009791 MGI:87879 J:131013 MGI:1928268 22134 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine;MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Slc11a2;MGI:1345279 terget:Slc40a1;MGI:1315204 external ref: text: IGI GO:0010468 MGI:87879 J:131013 MGI:1928268 22135 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mice die at E10.5 IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1338946 J:130020 MGI:2680088 22136 1 evidence: anatomy:TS25\,umbilical artery;EMAP:11154 anatomy:TS25\,umbilical vein;EMAP:11157 anatomy:TS25\,arterial system;EMAP:10062 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: t IMP GO:0048514 MGI:1338946 J:130020 MGI:2680088 22137 2 ext:endothelial ALK1 plays an important role for the morphogenesis of arterial vessels. IMP GO:0048514 MGI:1338946 J:130020 MGI:2680088 22138 3 text:arteriovenous malformations IMP GO:0048514 MGI:1338946 J:130020 MGI:2680088 22139 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:glycogen binding IDA GO:0030247 MGI:1924809 J:125489 N/A 22140 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:delta-CBD and G144R Agl variant. text:glycogen binding IMP GO:0030247 MGI:1924809 J:125489 N/A 22141 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031593 MGI:1924809 J:125489 N/A 22142 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:delta-CBD and G144R Agl variant. IMP GO:0031593 MGI:1924809 J:125489 N/A 22143 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1924809 J:125489 N/A 22144 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:96247 J:125489 N/A 22145 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:96250 J:125489 N/A 22146 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005813 MGI:2144208 J:125489 N/A 22147 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005813 MGI:101834 J:125489 N/A 22148 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:low-level expression IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2145264 J:125489 N/A 22149 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:high-level expression IDA GO:0048471 MGI:2145264 J:125489 N/A 22150 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:under glucose deprivation IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1924809 J:125489 N/A 22151 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1341085 J:125489 N/A 22152 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:glucose deprivation IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1341085 J:125489 N/A 22153 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1924809 J:125489 UniProtKB:Q8BR37 22154 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Agl;MGI:1924809 external ref: text: IDA GO:0004842 MGI:2145264 J:125489 N/A 22155 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Agl;MGI:1924809 external ref: text: IDA GO:0031398 MGI:2145264 J:125489 N/A 22156 1 evidence: anatomy:nephric duct ; EMAP:1441 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048646 MGI:99783 J:98831 MGI:2385716|MGI:2675121 22157 1 evidence: anatomy:nephric duct ; EMAP:1441 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001655 MGI:99783 J:98831 MGI:2385716|MGI:2675121 22158 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:101805 J:125489 N/A 22159 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:inclusions that stain positive for periodic acid Schiff IDA GO:0016234 MGI:101805 J:125489 N/A 22160 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:inclusions that stain positive for periodic acid Schiff IDA GO:0016234 MGI:1924809 J:125489 N/A 22161 1 evidence: anatomy:genital tubercle ; EMAP:4597 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009653 MGI:99783 J:98831 MGI:2385716|MGI:2675121 22162 1 evidence: anatomy:ureteric bud EMAP:3235 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001657 MGI:99783 J:98831 MGI:2385716|MGI:2675121 22163 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephros ; EMAP:5504 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:renal vesicle IMP GO:0007389 MGI:99783 J:98831 MGI:1857848 22164 1 evidence: anatomy:nephrons ; EMAP:6683 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001822 MGI:99783 J:98831 MGI:2385716|MGI:2675121 22165 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:about 5% survival in mutant mice IMP GO:0016265 MGI:97848 J:53571 MGI:1857241 22166 1 evidence: anatomy:epiblast ; EMAP:62 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:108051 J:46532 MGI:1857691 22167 1 evidence: anatomy:epiblast ; EMAP:32 cell type:epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019827 MGI:101893 J:51139 MGI:1933381 22168 1 evidence:TUNEL assay anatomy:TS21\,limb;EMAP:4774 cell type:mesenchymal cell;CL:0000134|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Reduction of Cell Death and Increased Cell Proliferation in the Interdigital M IGI GO:0008285 MGI:97857 J:54066 MGI:97858 22169 2 esenchymal Cells of RARb/RARg Mutants IGI GO:0008285 MGI:97857 J:54066 MGI:97858 22170 1 evidence:TUNEL assay anatomy:TS21\,limb;EMAP:4774 cell type:mesenchymal cell;CL:0000134|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Reduction of Cell Death and Increased Cell Proliferation in the Interdigital M IGI GO:0043068 MGI:97857 J:54066 MGI:97858 22171 2 esenchymal Cells of RARb/RARg Mutants IGI GO:0043068 MGI:97857 J:54066 MGI:97858 22172 1 evidence: anatomy:epiblast ; EMAP:32 cell type:epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:101893 J:51139 MGI:1933381 22173 1 evidence:TUNEL assay anatomy:TS21\,limb;EMAP:4774 cell type:mesenchymal cell;CL:0000134|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Reduction of Cell Death and Increased Cell Proliferation in the Interdigital M IGI GO:0008285 MGI:97858 J:54066 MGI:97857 22174 2 esenchymal Cells of RARb/RARg Mutants IGI GO:0008285 MGI:97858 J:54066 MGI:97857 22175 1 evidence:TUNEL assay anatomy:TS21\,limb;EMAP:4774 cell type:mesenchymal cell;CL:0000134|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Reduction of Cell Death and Increased Cell Proliferation in the Interdigital M IGI GO:0043068 MGI:97858 J:54066 MGI:97857 22176 2 esenchymal Cells of RARb/RARg Mutants IGI GO:0043068 MGI:97858 J:54066 MGI:97857 22177 1 evidence: anatomy:primitive streak ; EMAP:88 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048646 MGI:99783 J:53656 MGI:1347476 22178 1 evidence: anatomy:ectoderm ; EMAP:83 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001705 MGI:99783 J:53656 MGI:1347476 22179 1 evidence: anatomy:epiblast ; EMAP:62 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:99783 J:53656 MGI:1347476 22180 1 evidence: anatomy:epiblast ; EMAP:62 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:1347476 J:53656 MGI:99783 22181 1 evidence: anatomy:ectoderm ; EMAP:83 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001705 MGI:1347476 J:53656 MGI:99783 22182 1 evidence: anatomy:primitive streak ; EMAP:88 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048646 MGI:1347476 J:53656 MGI:99783 22183 1 evidence: anatomy:visceral endoderm ; EMAP:52 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007389 MGI:1347476 J:53656 MGI:95664 22184 1 evidence: anatomy:visceral endoderm ; EMAP:52 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007389 MGI:99783 J:53656 MGI:1347476 22185 1 evidence: anatomy:mesoderm ; EMAP:167 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009953 MGI:99783 J:53656 MGI:1347476 22186 1 evidence: anatomy:mesoderm ; EMAP:167 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009953 MGI:1347476 J:53656 MGI:99783 22187 1 evidence: anatomy:primordial germ cells ; EMAP:2574 cell type:primordial germ cell ; CL:0000670 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008354 MGI:96610 J:55247 MGI:2154538 22188 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,hindlimb;EMAP:4834 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Approximately 10% (3 of 35) of the E13.5 Ab/Ag mutants displayed an additional, unilateral or bilateral, preaxial digit on the hindlimb IGI GO:0035116 MGI:97858 J:54066 MGI:97857 22189 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,hindlimb;EMAP:4834 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Approximately 10% (3 of 35) of the E13.5 Ab/Ag mutants displayed an additional, unilateral or bilateral, preaxial digit on the hindlimb IGI GO:0035116 MGI:97857 J:54066 MGI:97858 22190 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type:retinal ganglion cell;CL:0000740|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:54876 MGI:1857430 22191 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:4994 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043525 MGI:95276 J:99355 N/A 22192 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type:retinal ganglion cell;CL:0000740|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046671 MGI:88138 J:54876 MGI:1857430 22193 1 evidence: anatomy:mesonephros ; EMAP:1436 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001823 MGI:95663 J:104408 MGI:3720332 22194 1 evidence: anatomy:nephric duct ; EMAP:983 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048646 MGI:95663 J:104408 MGI:3720332 22195 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland;MA:0000145 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060058 MGI:99702 J:55402 MGI:1857429 22196 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland;MA:0000145 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033599 MGI:99702 J:55402 MGI:1857429 22197 1 evidence: anatomy:mesonephros ; EMAP:1436 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:95663 J:104408 MGI:3720332 22198 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:embryos die at E15 IMP GO:0001701 MGI:97249 J:58207 MGI:2662859 22199 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,gut;EMAP:5723 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:c-myb homozygous knockout colon is highly irregular with a disordered epithelium and abnormal crypts IMP GO:0048566 MGI:97249 J:58207 MGI:2662859 22200 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy:TS22\,embryo;EMAP:5719 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Bcl2;MGI:88138 external ref: text:the expression of Bcl-2, a known target of c-Myb, is reduced and apoptosis is increased IMP GO:0010468 MGI:97249 J:58207 MGI:2662859 22201 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 evidence:Immunoperoxidase electron microscopy evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:mammary gland;MA:0000145 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000 IDA GO:0016324 MGI:105368 J:131135 N/A 22202 2 001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:105368 J:131135 N/A 22203 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:In milk calcium concentrations were reduced, IMP GO:0051928 MGI:105368 J:131135 MGI:1856799 22204 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland;MA:0000145 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|epithelial cell;CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:CaR stimulation up-regulated calcium-dependent ATPase activity IDA GO:0032781 MGI:1351351 J:131135 N/A 22205 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland;MA:0000145 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:By small interfering RNA-mediated gene knockdown of PMCA2, we show that PMCA2 accounts IMP GO:0030899 MGI:105368 J:131135 N/A 22206 2 for the preponderance of calcium-ATPase activity IMP GO:0030899 MGI:105368 J:131135 N/A 22207 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland;MA:0000145 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|epithelial cell;CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduction of CaR expression with small interfering RNA eliminates the ability of extra IMP GO:0032781 MGI:1351351 J:131135 N/A 22208 2 cellular calcium to elicit an increase in calcium-dependent ATPase activity IMP GO:0032781 MGI:1351351 J:131135 N/A 22209 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:male germ cell;MA:0002765|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:lack of sperm flagella IMP GO:0009296 MGI:1277215 J:128532 MGI:3767672 22210 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:male infertility IMP GO:0009566 MGI:1277215 J:128532 MGI:3767672 22211 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:partial anosmia IMP GO:0042048 MGI:1277215 J:128532 MGI:3767672 22212 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased food intake text:display a lack of social dominance text:hypoactivity IMP GO:0030534 MGI:1277215 J:128532 MGI:3767672 22213 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mice obese IMP GO:0035264 MGI:1277215 J:128532 MGI:3767672 22214 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased adipose tissue amount - significant elevation in fat content at 3.5 and 6 months of age text:abnormal fat pad - increase in the amount of reproductive, perirena IMP GO:0044255 MGI:1277215 J:128532 MGI:3767672 22215 2 l, and omental fat IMP GO:0044255 MGI:1277215 J:128532 MGI:3767672 22216 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:enlarged lateral ventricles tyext:enlarged third ventricle text:abnormal ependyma morphology IMP GO:0048854 MGI:1277215 J:128532 MGI:3767672 22217 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:thinning of the caudal half detected at 3.5- to 6-months of age IMP GO:0021987 MGI:1277215 J:128532 MGI:3767672 22218 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced in size at 3.5- to 6-months of age IMP GO:0021766 MGI:1277215 J:128532 MGI:3767672 22219 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased circulating leptin level IMP GO:0042445 MGI:1277215 J:128532 MGI:3767672 22220 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal retinal photoreceptor morphology text:disorganized photoreceptor inner segment text:photoreceptor inner segment degeneration IMP GO:0008594 MGI:1277215 J:128532 MGI:3767672 22221 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduction in size of the corpus striatum at 3-weeks and 3.5- to 6-months of age IMP GO:0021756 MGI:1277215 J:128532 MGI:3767672 22222 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal brain ventricle/choroid plexus morphology text:enlarged lateral ventricles text:enlarged third ventricle IMP GO:0048854 MGI:2135267 J:128532 MGI:3521669 22223 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:thin cerebral cortex IMP GO:0021987 MGI:2135267 J:128532 MGI:3521669 22224 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:small hippocampus IMP GO:0021766 MGI:2135267 J:128532 MGI:3521669 22225 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduction in size of the corpus striatum at 3-weeks and 3.5- to 6-months of age IMP GO:0021756 MGI:2135267 J:128532 MGI:3521669 22226 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal brain ventricle/choroid plexus morphology text:enlarged lateral ventricles text:enlarged third ventricle IMP GO:0048854 MGI:2143311 J:128532 MGI:3045473 22227 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:thin cerebral cortex IMP GO:0021987 MGI:2143311 J:128532 MGI:3045473 22228 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:small hippocampus IMP GO:0021766 MGI:2143311 J:128532 MGI:3045473 22229 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:eduction in size of the corpus striatum at 3-weeks and 3.5- to 6-months of age IMP GO:0021756 MGI:2143311 J:128532 MGI:3045473 22230 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal brain ventricle/choroid plexus morphology text:enlarged lateral ventricles text:enlarged third ventricle IMP GO:0048854 MGI:1891836 J:128532 MGI:3526444 22231 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:thin cerebral cortex IMP GO:0021987 MGI:1891836 J:128532 MGI:3526444 22232 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:small hippocampus IMP GO:0021766 MGI:1891836 J:128532 MGI:3526444 22233 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduction in size of the corpus striatum at 3-weeks and 3.5- to 6-months of age IMP GO:0021756 MGI:1891836 J:128532 MGI:3526444 22234 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:elongated cilia and cilia with abnormally swollen distal ends were present IMP GO:0042384 MGI:1277215 J:128532 MGI:3767672 22235 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:102564 J:132749 N/A 22236 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:102564 J:132749 N/A 22237 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|F9 ; ATCC:CRL-1720 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101898 J:132750 N/A 22238 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|F9 ; ATCC:CRL-1720 gene product: modification: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:101898 J:132750 N/A 22239 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|F9 ; ATCC:CRL-1720 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005667 MGI:101898 J:132750 N/A 22240 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|F9 ; ATCC:CRL-1720 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101893 J:132750 N/A 22241 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|F9 ; ATCC:CRL-1720 gene product: modification: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:101893 J:132750 N/A 22242 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|F9 ; ATCC:CRL-1720 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005667 MGI:101893 J:132750 N/A 22243 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11082198|IDA text:IDA|PMID: 11082198|pig|no seq id available but we have a homology record to an amino acid. paper reports Porcine cloning and characterization, but NCBI has ISO GO:0004475 MGI:2660880 J:73065 UniProtKB:P0C5I2 22244 2 HUMAN records linked to the reference. ISO GO:0004475 MGI:2660880 J:73065 UniProtKB:P0C5I2 22245 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:16647304|IPI|UniProt:Q62226 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2151153 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9BWV1 22246 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1929213 J:119183 N/A 22247 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1929613 J:119183 N/A 22248 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Dll1 ; MGI:104659|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:96919 J:119653 N/A 22249 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Dll1 ; MGI:104659|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:109619 J:119653 N/A 22250 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:octamer_motif ; SO:0001258 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:101897 J:119653 N/A 22251 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:octamer_motif ; SO:0001258 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:102564 J:119653 N/A 22252 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:octamer_motif ; SO:0001258 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:101895 J:119653 N/A 22253 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:octamer_motif ; SO:0001258 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:101894 J:119653 N/A 22254 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Dll1 ; MGI:104659 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:102564 J:119653 MGI:96919 22255 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Dll1 ; MGI:104659 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:101895 J:119653 MGI:96919 22256 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Dll1 ; MGI:104659 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:96919 J:119653 MGI:101895|MGI:102564 22257 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: chick IDA GO:0030182 MGI:101895 J:119653 N/A 22258 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:11664 anatomy:corpus striatum ; EMAP:11671 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:97845 J:121201 MGI:2663662|MGI:1932522 22259 1 evidence: anatomy:marginal layer ; EMAP:12579 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021799 MGI:97845 J:121201 MGI:2663662|MGI:1932522 22260 1 evidence: anatomy:marginal layer ; EMAP:12579 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030334 MGI:97845 J:121201 MGI:2663662|MGI:1932522 22261 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory lobe ; EMAP:11698 cell type:CNS interneuron ; CL:0000402 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021831 MGI:97845 J:121201 MGI:2663662|MGI:1932522 22262 1 evidence: anatomy:convoluted tubules ; EMAP:9556 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001822 MGI:102564 J:84756 MGI:2673387 22263 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricular layer ; EMAP:6079 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021869 MGI:102564 J:77999 MGI:101895 22264 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:6076 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021799 MGI:102564 J:77999 MGI:101895 22265 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:6076 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021799 MGI:101895 J:77999 MGI:102564 22266 1 evidence: anatomy:ventricular layer ; EMAP:6079 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021869 MGI:101895 J:77999 MGI:102564 22267 1 evidence: anatomy:autopod ; MA:0002714 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035108 MGI:95462 J:37211 N/A 22268 1 evidence: anatomy:autopod ; MA:0002714 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035108 MGI:95462 J:37211 MGI:96205 22269 1 evidence: anatomy:autopod ; MA:0002714 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035108 MGI:96205 J:37211 MGI:95462 22270 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; EMAP:4011 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030326 MGI:96205 J:75699 MGI:1857397 22271 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; EMAP:4011 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:96205 J:75699 MGI:1857397 22272 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; EMAP:4011 cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:96205 J:75699 MGI:1857397 22273 1 evidence: anatomy:primitive streak ; EMAP:88 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048646 MGI:97359 J:19211 MGI:1856970 22274 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:80 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001702 MGI:97359 J:119211 MGI:1856970 22275 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9069281|IDA text: ISO GO:0008067 MGI:1860139 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Z0U4-2|UniProtKB:Q9Z0U4-3 22276 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9069281|IDA text: ISO GO:0007194 MGI:1860139 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9Z0U4-2|UniProtKB:Q9Z0U4-3 22277 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12211109|IDA text: ISO GO:0030018 MGI:97830 J:73065 NCBI:NM_005609.2 22278 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11263999|IDA text:IDA|PMID:11263999 ISO GO:0005267 MGI:1921821 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96T55 22279 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12724142|IDA text:human Talk1b ISO GO:0005267 MGI:1921821 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96T55 22280 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:112639999|IDA text:IDA|PMID:11263999 ISO GO:0006813 MGI:1921821 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96T55 22281 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12724142|IDA text:Human Talk1b ISO GO:0006813 MGI:1921821 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q96T55 22282 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015277 MGI:95815 J:52041 MGI:1857979 22283 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060080 MGI:95815 J:52041 MGI:1857979 22284 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11124978|IDA text: ISO GO:0004970 MGI:95816 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13003 22285 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11124978|IDA text: ISO GO:0042391 MGI:95816 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13003 22286 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11124978|IDA text: ISO GO:0004970 MGI:95816 J:73065 UniProtKB:P42264 22287 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11124978|IDA text: ISO GO:0042391 MGI:95816 J:73065 UniProtKB:P42264 22288 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition ; ECO:0000020 anatomy:spinal cord dorsal horn ; MA:0001119 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015277 MGI:95815 J:79143 N/A 22289 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition ; ECO:0000020 anatomy:spinal cord dorsal horn ; MA:0001119 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95815 J:79143 N/A 22290 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord dorsal horn ; MA:0001119 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060080 MGI:95815 J:79143 MGI:1857979 22291 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015277 MGI:95814 J:79143 MGI:2176347 22292 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95814 J:79143 MGI:2176347 22293 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060080 MGI:95814 J:79143 MGI:2176347 22294 1 evidence: anatomy:hair follicle;MA:0000154 cell type:fibroblast;CL:0000057|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:significant acceleration of HF morphogenesis, IMP GO:0051799 MGI:97323 J:58865 MGI:1857226 22295 1 evidence: anatomy:hair follicle;MA:0000154 cell type:fibroblast;CL:0000057|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:fibroblasts of p75NTR knockout mice show reduced proliferative activity in situ, IMP GO:0048146 MGI:97323 J:58865 MGI:1857226 22296 1 evidence: anatomy:hair follicle;MA:0000154 cell type:fibroblast;CL:0000057|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:significant acceleration of HF morphogenesis, IMP GO:0031069 MGI:97323 J:58865 MGI:1857226 22297 1 evidence: anatomy:hair follicle;MA:0000154 cell type:fibroblast;CL:0000057|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Fgfr2;MGI:95523 external ref: text:mutants showed a prominent upregulation of FGFR-2, IMP GO:0010468 MGI:97323 J:58865 MGI:1857226 22298 1 evidence: anatomy:hair follicle;MA:0000154 cell type:fibroblast;CL:0000057|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:administration of anti-KGF neutralizing antibody significantly inhibited acceleration of HF IMP GO:0031069 MGI:95521 J:68865 N/A 22299 2 morphogenesis in p75NTR knockout mice in vivo. IMP GO:0031069 MGI:95521 J:68865 N/A 22300 1 evidence: anatomy:hair follicle;MA:0000154 cell type:fibroblast;CL:0000057|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:downregulation of KGF/FGFR-2 signaling in the HF. IMP GO:0040037 MGI:97323 J:58865 MGI:1857226 22301 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain ; MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:95815 J:40245 N/A 22302 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,primary palate;EMAP:6626 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ALK5 plays an indispensable role in the disappearance of the palatal epithelial seam during palatal fusion, IMP GO:0060021 MGI:98728 J:119289 MGI:2680164|MGI:2388050 22303 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,primary palate;EMAP:6626 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased proportion of cells with filopodia IMP GO:0051491 MGI:98727 J:119289 MGI:2158731 22304 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,primary palate;EMAP:6626 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased proportion of cells with filopodia IMP GO:0051491 MGI:98728 J:119289 MGI:2680164 22305 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015277 MGI:95815 J:46932 MGI:1857979 22306 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95815 J:46392 MGI:1857979 22307 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035249 MGI:95815 J:46932 MGI:1857979 22308 1 evidence:TUNEL anatomy:TS25\,palate;EMAP:10821 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:TGF-ß signaling contributes to induction of programmed cell death in the palatal MES IMP GO:0006917 MGI:98727 J:119289 MGI:2158731 22309 1 evidence:TUNEL anatomy:TS25\,palate;EMAP:10821 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:TGF-ß signaling contributes to induction of programmed cell death in the palatal MES text:Although palatal shelves in Alk5/K14-Cre mutants wer IMP GO:0006917 MGI:98728 J:119289 MGI:2680164 22310 2 e adherent, they still failed to display apoptotic cells. IMP GO:0006917 MGI:98728 J:119289 MGI:2680164 22311 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant newborn mice died soon after birth, lacking milk in the stomach. text:Alk5/Wnt1-Cre embryos were born alive but were severely disfigured and died soon after birth. IMP GO:0009791 MGI:98728 J:119289 MGI:2680164|MGI:2388050 22312 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,embryo;EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:The most characteristic macroscopic external features included hypoplastic cranium, split snout, small mandible, cleft palate, and small tongue t IMP GO:0048701 MGI:98728 J:119289 MGI:2680164 22313 2 ext: large portions of frontal bones were missing, and parietal bones were so severely developmentally retarded that they displayed only the most posterior border IMP GO:0048701 MGI:98728 J:119289 MGI:2680164 22314 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,embryo;EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048701 MGI:98729 J:119289 MGI:2384513 22315 1 evidence:TUNEL anatomy:TS18\,first pharyngeal arch cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ALK5 signaling is critically involved in the regulation of cell death within the mesenchyme of the first pharyngeal arch. text:ALK5 is req IMP GO:0042981 MGI:98728 J:119289 MGI:2680164 22316 2 uired for cell survival not only in the early facial mesenchyme at E10 and E11, but also in the palatal mesenchyme at E14. IMP GO:0042981 MGI:98728 J:119289 MGI:2680164 22317 1 evidence: anatomy:TS18\,embryo;EMAP:2636 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Msx1;MGI:97168 target:Fgf8;MGI:99604 target:Tgif1;MGI:1194497 external ref: text: IMP GO:0010468 MGI:98728 J:119289 MGI:2680164 22318 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015277 MGI:95815 J:60965 MGI:1857979 22319 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060080 MGI:95815 J:60965 MGI:1857979 22320 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95815 J:60965 MGI:1857979 22321 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060080 MGI:95815 J:60965 MGI:99402 22322 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060080 MGI:99402 J:60965 MGI:95815 22323 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060080 MGI:95815 J:66021 MGI:95814 22324 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060080 MGI:95814 J:66021 MGI:95815 22325 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Atp1a1 ; MGI:88105|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:106220 J:35368 N/A 22326 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Atp1a1 ; MGI:88105|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:102778 J:35368 N/A 22327 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Atp1a1 ; MGI:88105|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:102764 J:35368 N/A 22328 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Atp1a1 ; MGI:88105|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:106034 J:35368 N/A 22329 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Myog ; MGI:97276|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Aldoa ; MGI:87994||RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:106034 J:51236 N/A 22330 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Myog ; MGI:97276|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Aldoa ; MGI:87994||RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:102780 J:51236 N/A 22331 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanant cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:102780 J:51236 N/A 22332 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanant cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:106034 J:51236 N/A 22333 1 evidence: anatomy:lens ; MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002088 MGI:106220 J:61881 MGI:2148689 22334 1 evidence: anatomy:lens ; MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002088 MGI:106220 J:61882 MGI:2148692 22335 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:106220 J:91207 MGI:2148689 22336 1 evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type:Leydig cell ; CL:0000178 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:106220 J:91207 MGI:2148689 22337 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Six2 ; MGI:102778|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:96174 J:95309 N/A 22338 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Six2 ; MGI:102778|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:104717 J:95309 N/A 22339 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Six2 ; MGI:102778|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:97495 J:95309 N/A 22340 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Six2 ; MGI:102778 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:96174 J:95309 N/A 22341 1 evidence: anatomy:stapes ; EMAP:11926 anatomy:lesser horn ; EMAP:12046 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96174 J:95309 MGI:102778 22342 1 evidence: anatomy:stapes ; EMAP:11926 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042474 MGI:96174 J:95309 MGI:102778 22343 1 evidence: anatomy:stapes ; EMAP:11926 anatomy:lesser horn ; EMAP:12046 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:102778 J:95309 MGI:96174 22344 1 evidence: anatomy:stapes ; EMAP:11926 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042474 MGI:102778 J:95309 MGI:96174 22345 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014853 MGI:94906 J:124462 MGI:2182402 22346 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002028 MGI:94906 J:124462 MGI:2182402 22347 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:106 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009792 MGI:1096879 J:62185 MGI:2177162 22348 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046621 MGI:1096879 J:74420 MGI:2177176|MGI:2177175 22349 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiac muscle tissue ; MA:0002441 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007005 MGI:1096879 J:74420 MGI:2177176|MGI:2177175 22350 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiac muscle tissue ; MA:0002441 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006879 MGI:1096879 J:74420 MGI:2177176|MGI:2177175 22351 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiac muscle tissue ; MA:0002441 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009060 MGI:1096879 J:74420 MGI:2177176|MGI:2177175 22352 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Alk5;UniProt:P80204 external ref: text:resulting in phosphorylation of Smad2 IDA GO:0032147 MGI:98729 J:119289 N/A 22353 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Alk5;UniProt:P80204 external ref: text:resulting in phosphorylation of Smad2 IDA GO:0032147 MGI:87912 J:119289 N/A 22354 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Smad2;UniProt:Q15796 external ref:PubMed:16806156;IDA text:phosphorylation of Smad2 by Alk5 ISS GO:0006468 MGI:108051 J:119289 N/A 22355 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PubMed:16806156;IDA text: ISO GO:0007182 MGI:108051 J:119289 UniProtKB:Q15796 22356 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007005 MGI:1096879 J:90083 MGI:2177177 22357 1 evidence: anatomy:colon;MA:0000335 anatomy:small intestine;MA:0000337 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:enterotoxin 5-¯uorouracil treated bcl-2-null mice showed el IMP GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:59016 MGI:2156165 22358 2 evated levels of apoptosis text:signifcant increase in apoptosis in thesmall intestine of the bcl-2-null mice IMP GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:59016 MGI:2156165 22359 1 evidence: anatomy:colon;MA:0000335 anatomy:small intestine;MA:0000337 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:enterotoxin 5-¯uorouracil treated bcl-2-null mice showed el IMP GO:0009636 MGI:88138 J:59016 MGI:2156165 22360 2 evated levels of apoptosis text:signifcant increase in apoptosis in thesmall intestine of the bcl-2-null mice IMP GO:0009636 MGI:88138 J:59016 MGI:2156165 22361 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016226 MGI:1096879 J:104119 MGI:2177176|MGI:2176228 22362 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009060 MGI:1096879 J:104119 MGI:2177176|MGI:2176228 22363 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006119 MGI:1096879 J:104119 MGI:2177176|MGI:2176228 22364 1 evidence: anatomy:adipose tissue ; MA:0000009 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006119 MGI:1096879 J:120849 MGI:2177176|MGI:2182103 22365 1 evidence:telomere length assay anatomy: cell type:oocyte;CL:0000023|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032212 MGI:109558 J:131948 MGI:1857930 22366 1 evidence:telomerase activity assay anatomy: cell type:oocyte;CL:0000023|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003720 MGI:109558 J:131948 MGI:1857930 22367 1 evidence:Epifluorescence anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Rad50 foci localized to pronuclei of zygotes and nuclei of two cell embryos at S?G2 phase of the cell cycle, IDA GO:0005634 MGI:109292 J:131948 N/A 22368 1 evidence:Epifluorescence anatomy: cell type:zygote;CL:0000365|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Rad50 foci localized to pronuclei of zygotes and nuclei of two cell embryos at S?G2 phase of the cell cy IDA GO:0045120 MGI:109292 J:131948 N/A 22369 2 cle, IDA GO:0045120 MGI:109292 J:131948 N/A 22370 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:zygote;CL:0000365|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Specific BLM foci were also observed in the pronucei of zygotes, despite th IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1328362 J:131948 N/A 22371 2 e presence of cytoplasmic BLM fluorescence signals IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1328362 J:131948 N/A 22372 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:zygote;CL:0000365|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Specific BLM foci were also observed in the pronucei of zygotes, despite th IDA GO:0045120 MGI:1328362 J:131948 N/A 22373 2 e presence of cytoplasmic BLM fluorescence signals IDA GO:0045120 MGI:1328362 J:131948 N/A 22374 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 evidence:confocal microscopy anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:TRF1 foci in a nucleus of two-cell embryos at S-G2 phase of cell cycle IDA GO:0005634 MGI:109634 J:131948 N/A 22375 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Acp2;MGI:87882 external ref: text:Increased enzymatic activities of LAP/Acp2 in the brainof Cln3-/- mice IMP GO:0043086 MGI:107537 J:128711 MGI:1933976 22376 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:altered spleen weight IMP GO:0048536 MGI:95484 J:131363 MGI:1856334 22377 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|Jurkat;ATCC: TIB-152 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected text:after activation of the transfected Jurkat cells with IDA GO:0001772 MGI:1345961 J:131363 N/A 22378 2 Staphylococcal enterotoxin D (SED)-pulsed Raji cells, became concentrated in the immune synapse IDA GO:0001772 MGI:1345961 J:131363 N/A 22379 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|Jurkat;ATCC: TIB-152 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1345961 J:131363 N/A 22380 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutants failed to masculinize and were externally female IGI GO:0030238 MGI:1095403 J:129625 MGI:94891 22381 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutants failed to masculinize and were externally female IGI GO:0030238 MGI:94891 J:129625 MGI:1095403 22382 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:20 genes of a somatic tubular origin that were significantly down-regulated IMP GO:0006357 MGI:88064 J:129602 MGI:1856319 22383 2 in the Tfm testis and six genes that were significantly up-regulated text:Altered expression of these genes was confirmed by real-time PCR, IMP GO:0006357 MGI:88064 J:129602 MGI:1856319 22384 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 evidence:inferred from expression microarray experiment;ECO:0000058 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:20 genes IMP GO:0010468 MGI:88064 J:129602 MGI:1856319 22385 2 of a somatic tubular origin that were significantly down-regulated in the Tfm testis and six genes that were significantly up-regulated text:Altered expression of these genes was confirmed by real-time PCR, IMP GO:0010468 MGI:88064 J:129602 MGI:1856319 22386 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:up-regulated gene expression in response to androgen in mutant mice IMP GO:0048545 MGI:95789 J:129602 MGI:1856393 22387 1 evidence:inferred from expression microarray experiment;ECO:0000058 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:up-regulated in testes of hypogonadal (hpg) mice treated with androgen. IMP GO:0010468 MGI:95789 J:129602 MGI:1856393 22388 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016226 MGI:1096879 J:129870 MGI:2177176|MGI:2176228 22389 1 evidence: anatomy:primordial germ cells ; EMAP:3854 anatomy:primordial germ cells ; EMAP:4601 anatomy:primordial germ cells ; EMAP:5529 cell type:primordial germ cell ; CL:0000670 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101893 J:46643 N/A 22390 2 ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type:oocyte ; CL:0000023 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatogonium ; CL:0000020 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101893 J:46643 N/A 22391 1 evidence: anatomy:node ; EMAP:117 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060064 MGI:98955 J:56511 MGI:2178826 22392 1 evidence: anatomy:primitive streak ; EMAP:116 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048646 MGI:98955 J:56511 MGI:2178826 22393 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:106 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:98955 J:56511 MGI:2178826 22394 1 evidence: anatomy:mesoderm ; EMAP:115 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001707 MGI:98955 J:56511 MGI:2178826 22395 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:57 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009948 MGI:88276 J:60391 MGI:2148590 22396 1 evidence: anatomy:ectoderm ; EMAP:150 anatomy:visceral endoderm ; EMAP:194 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030057 MGI:96650 J:60391 N/A 22397 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|Schneider's Drosophila Line 2 [D. Mel. (2), SL2] ; ATCC:CRL-1963 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005635 MGI:1345156 J:61448 N/A 22398 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001712 MGI:101893 J:61492 N/A 22399 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|endodermal cell ; CL:0000223 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001711 MGI:101893 J:61492 N/A 22400 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|mesodermal cell ; CL:0000222 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001710 MGI:101893 J:61492 N/A 22401 1 evidence: anatomy:inner cell mass ; EMAP:24 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001833 MGI:1926879 J:65596 MGI:3033758 22402 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|female germ cell ; CL:0000021 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045835 MGI:96787 J:67053 N/A 22403 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|female germ cell ; CL:0000021 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045835 MGI:104749 J:67053 N/A 22404 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:80 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:97359 J:70006 MGI:2180793 22405 1 evidence: anatomy:visceral endoderm ; EMAP:98 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:108051 J:70006 MGI:1857691 22406 1 evidence: anatomy:primordial germ cells ; EMAP:294 cell type:primordial germ cell ; CL:0000670 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007281 MGI:1328787 J:70069 N/A 22407 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,primordial germ cells;EMAP:6713 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:Leydig cell;CL:0000178|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:absence of differentiated fetal Leydig cells tex IGI GO:0033327 MGI:1095403 J:129625 MGI:94891 22408 2 t:adult Leydig cells failed to develop IGI GO:0033327 MGI:1095403 J:129625 MGI:94891 22409 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,primordial germ cells;EMAP:6713 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:Leydig cell;CL:0000178|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:absence of differentiated fetal Leydig cells tex IGI GO:0033327 MGI:94891 J:129625 MGI:1095403 22410 2 t:adult Leydig cells failed to develop IGI GO:0033327 MGI:94891 J:129625 MGI:1095403 22411 1 evidence: anatomy:male reproductive gland/organ;MA:0000545 cell type:spermatid;CL:0000018|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Single-mutant Dhh-/- homozygotes lacked mature spermatids IMP GO:0007286 MGI:94891 J:129625 MGI:1934259 22412 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Q262X mutation in Coro1a text:reduced T cell migration in mutants. IMP GO:0030335 MGI:1345961 J:131363 N/A 22413 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:bcl-xycaspase-3 double mutants text:caspase-3 deficiency abrogated the increased apoptosis of postmitotic neurons IGI GO:0006915 MGI:107739 J:59317 MGI:88139 22414 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:bcl-xycaspase-3 double mutants IGI GO:0006915 MGI:88139 J:59317 MGI:107739 22415 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:AY249865|UniProt:Q6X893 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015220 MGI:2140592 J:93075 N/A 22416 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:AY249865|UniProt:Q6X893 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015871 MGI:2140592 J:93075 N/A 22417 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:AY249865|UniProt:Q6X893 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016021 MGI:2140592 J:93075 N/A 22418 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000386; placenta cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015758 MGI:95757 J:121238 MGI:3710246 22419 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048505 MGI:104853 J:30431 MGI:2149672 22420 1 evidence: anatomy:rostral neuropore ; EMAP:851 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060164 MGI:104853 J:30431 MGI:2149672 22421 1 evidence: anatomy:rib pre-cartilage condensation ; EMAP:3888 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001502 MGI:97252 J:30824 MGI:1857219 22422 1 evidence: anatomy:somite ; EMAP:1087|dermomyotome ; EMAP:1089 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001756 MGI:97252 J:30824 MGI:1857219 22423 1 evidence: anatomy:somite ; EMAP:2112 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001502 MGI:98726 J:30824 MGI:95518|MGI:95520 22424 1 evidence: anatomy:somite ; EMAP:2112 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001502 MGI:95518 J:30824 MGI:98726 22425 1 evidence: anatomy:somite ; EMAP:2112 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001502 MGI:95520 J:30824 MGI:98726 22426 1 evidence: anatomy:neural tube ; EMAP:858 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:104621 J:33716 MGI:1857553 22427 1 evidence: anatomy:head mesenchyme ; EMAP:706 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014031 MGI:104621 J:33716 MGI:1857553 22428 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8756334|IDA text: ISO GO:0000122 MGI:104621 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q15699 22429 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Ncam1 ; MGI:97281 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006357 MGI:108359 J:73689 N/A 22430 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:108359 J:50255 N/A 22431 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:P2_motif external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:108359 J:50255 N/A 22432 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,brain;EMAP:4126 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:numerous ectopic pyknotic clusters in the MZ of the embryonic cerebrum where postmitotic neurons w IMP GO:0043066 MGI:88139 J:59317 MGI:2158303 22433 2 ere located IMP GO:0043066 MGI:88139 J:59317 MGI:2158303 22434 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,brain;EMAP:4126 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006915 MGI:107739 J:59317 MGI:2158753 22435 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Pnp1 and cell extracts assayed. Assay was not described in detail IDA GO:0042278 MGI:97365 J:814 N/A 22436 2 . IDA GO:0042278 MGI:97365 J:814 N/A 22437 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Pnp1 and cell extracts assayed IDA GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:814 N/A 22438 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,brain;EMAP:4126 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006915 MGI:99702 J:59317 N/A 22439 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Embryonic Lethality in Bcl-XL-Deficient Mice. IMP GO:0001701 MGI:88139 J:59317 MGI:2158303 22440 1 evidence: anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:11242|footplate ; EMAP:11310 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:104621 J:51128 MGI:108359 22441 1 evidence: anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:11242|footplate ; EMAP:11310 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:104621 J:51128 MGI:108359 22442 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Q262X mutation in Coro1a IMP GO:0050870 MGI:1345961 J:131363 N/A 22443 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Q262X mutation in Coro1a IMP GO:0042102 MGI:1345961 J:131363 N/A 22444 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Q262X mutation in Coro1a text:Accumulation of F-Actin in T Cells IMP GO:0007015 MGI:1345961 J:131363 N/A 22445 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Q262X mutation in Coro1a text:defective calcium ion transport in T cells IMP GO:0006816 MGI:1345961 J:131363 N/A 22446 1 evidence: anatomy:footplate ; EMAP:11310|handplate ; EMAP:11242 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:108359 J:51128 MGI:1857484 22447 1 evidence: anatomy:footplate ; EMAP:11310|handplate ; EMAP:11242 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:108359 J:51128 MGI:104621 22448 1 evidence: anatomy:footplate ; EMAP:11310|handplate ; EMAP:11242 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035108 MGI:108359 J:51128 MGI:1857484 22449 1 evidence: anatomy:footplate ; EMAP:11310|handplate ; EMAP:11242 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035108 MGI:108359 J:51128 MGI:104621 22450 1 evidence: anatomy:palate ; EMAP:12181 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060021 MGI:108359 J:51128 MGI:104621 22451 1 evidence: anatomy:palate ; EMAP:12181 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060021 MGI:104621 J:51128 MGI:108359 22452 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Impaired T-Dependent B Cell Response IMP GO:0019724 MGI:95484 J:131363 N/A 22453 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Reduced IgG Antibodies IMP GO:0002377 MGI:95484 J:131363 MGI:1856334 22454 1 evidence: anatomy:mandible ; EMAP:12155 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:104621 J:51128 MGI:108359 22455 1 evidence: anatomy:mandible ; EMAP:12155 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:108359 J:51128 MGI:104621 22456 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Embryonic gonads of Sf1/dhh double mutants contain testis cords, interstitial cells, and primordial germs cells in mitotic arrest IGI GO:0022402 MGI:1095403 J:129625 MGI:94891 22457 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Embryonic gonads of Sf1/dhh double mutants contain testis cords, interstitial cells, and primordial germs cells in mitotic arrest IGI GO:0022402 MGI:94891 J:129625 MGI:1095403 22458 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,primordial germ cells;EMAP:6713 cell type:Leydig cell;CL:0000178|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant are not capable of testosterone production IGI GO:0050810 MGI:94891 J:129625 MGI:1095403 22459 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,primordial germ cells;EMAP:6713 cell type:Leydig cell;CL:0000178|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant are not capable of testosterone production IGI GO:0050810 MGI:1095403 J:129625 MGI:94891 22460 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory ; EMAP:9271 cell type:olfactory receptor cell ; CL:0000207 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:96785 J:90847 MGI:1890208 22461 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Olfr151 ; MGI:2661338|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000014 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:96785 J:90847 N/A 22462 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042278 MGI:97365 J:5825 N/A 22463 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:5825 N/A 22464 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0046982 MGI:88138 J:58488 UniProtKB:Q07813 22465 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0042803 MGI:99702 J:58488 UniProtKB:P10417 22466 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:97365 J:7090 N/A 22467 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:97365 J:7923 N/A 22468 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:97365 J:6126 N/A 22469 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042278 MGI:97365 J:7090 N/A 22470 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042278 MGI:97365 J:7923 N/A 22471 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042278 MGI:97365 J:6126 N/A 22472 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:7090 N/A 22473 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:7923 N/A 22474 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:6126 N/A 22475 1 evidence:adenosine kinase activity anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004001 MGI:87930 J:7090 N/A 22476 1 evidence:adenosine kinase activity anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:87930 J:7090 N/A 22477 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:PNP assay anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:thymus ; MA:000 IMP GO:0042278 MGI:97365 J:491 MGI:3777967|MGI:3777968 22478 2 0142 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042278 MGI:97365 J:491 MGI:3777967|MGI:3777968 22479 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:PNP assay anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:thymus ; MA:000 IMP GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:491 MGI:3777967|MGI:3777968 22480 2 0142 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:491 MGI:3777967|MGI:3777968 22481 1 evidence:deoxyguanosine kinase assay anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046070 MGI:1351602 J:491 N/A 22482 1 evidence:deoxyguanosine kinase assay anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004138 MGI:1351602 J:491 N/A 22483 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042278 MGI:97365 J:522 MGI:3777967|MGI:3777968|MGI:3777975|MGI:3777976|MGI:3777978 22484 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:522 MGI:3777967|MGI:3777968|MGI:3777975|MGI:3777976|MGI:3777978 22485 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042278 MGI:97365 J:523 MGI:3777975 22486 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:523 MGI:3777975 22487 1 evidence:histology anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060009 MGI:1196463 J:10611 MGI:1857062 22488 1 evidence:histology anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:1196463 J:10611 MGI:1857062 22489 1 evidence:histology anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060009 MGI:1196463 J:1972 MGI:1857062 22490 1 evidence:histology anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:1196463 J:1972 MGI:1857062 22491 1 evidence:sequence analysis anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: ISM GO:0016021 MGI:99906 J:15180 N/A 22492 1 evidence:sequence analysis anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: ISM GO:0016021 MGI:98664 J:15180 N/A 22493 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:97365 J:21160 N/A 22494 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:PNP assay anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:leukocyte ; CL:0000738 gene product: modification: target: external IMP GO:0042278 MGI:97365 J:21160 MGI:3777967|MGI:3777968 22495 2 ref: text: evidence:PNP assay anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042278 MGI:97365 J:21160 MGI:3777967|MGI:3777968 22496 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042278 MGI:97365 J:21160 N/A 22497 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:PNP assay anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:leukocyte ; CL:0000738 gene product: modification: target: external IMP GO:0042278 MGI:97365 J:23354 MGI:3777967|MGI:3777968 22498 2 ref: text: evidence:PNP assay anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042278 MGI:97365 J:23354 MGI:3777967|MGI:3777968 22499 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:21160 N/A 22500 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:PNP assay anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:leukocyte ; CL:0000738 gene product: modification: target: external IMP GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:21160 MGI:3777967|MGI:3777968 22501 2 ref: text: evidence:PNP assay anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:21160 MGI:3777967|MGI:3777968 22502 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:PNP assay anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:leukocyte ; CL:0000738 gene product: modification: target: external IMP GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:23354 MGI:3777967|MGI:3777968 22503 2 ref: text: evidence:PNP assay anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:23354 MGI:3777967|MGI:3777968 22504 1 evidence:adenosine kinase activity anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004001 MGI:87930 J:21160 N/A 22505 1 evidence:adenosine kinase activity anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:87930 J:21160 N/A 22506 1 evidence:adenosine kinase activity anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1351602 J:21160 N/A 22507 1 evidence:adenosine kinase activity anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046070 MGI:1351602 J:21160 N/A 22508 1 evidence:adenosine kinase activity anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004138 MGI:1351602 J:21160 N/A 22509 1 evidence: anatomy:skin;MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutants are hypopigmented IMP GO:0048087 MGI:88138 J:59943 N/A 22510 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:retardation of the first anagen after birth. IMP GO:0009791 MGI:88138 J:59943 N/A 22511 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046070 MGI:97365 J:39328 MGI:3777968|MGI:3777975 22512 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042102 MGI:97365 J:39328 MGI:3777967|MGI:3777968|MGI:3777975 22513 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046638 MGI:97365 J:39328 MGI:3777967|MGI:3777968|MGI:3777975 22514 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042278 MGI:97365 J:39328 MGI:3777967|MGI:3777968|MGI:3777975 22515 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:39328 MGI:3777967|MGI:3777968|MGI:3777975 22516 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:TS24\,tibia;EMAP:12909 cell type:chondrocyte;CL:0000138|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:97800 J:60156 N/A 22517 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:TS24\,tibia;EMAP:12909 cell type:chondrocyte;CL:0000138|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:97801 J:60156 N/A 22518 1 evidence: anatomy:endochondral bone cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:proliferating zone was dramatically shorter in PTHrP(-/-) cartilage. text:promotes elongation of endochondral bone by restraining or delaying the pace of IMP GO:0001958 MGI:97800 J:60156 MGI:2154515 22519 2 chondrocytic development and terminal differentiation of growth-plate chondrocytes. IMP GO:0001958 MGI:97800 J:60156 MGI:2154515 22520 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|chondrocyte;CL:0000138 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:delays the pace of chondrocytic development and terminal differentiation of growth-plate chondrocytes. IMP GO:0032331 MGI:97800 J:50156 MGI:2154515 22521 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:develepmental changes in antioxidant enzymes and oxidative damage in kidneys, liver and brain of bcl2 knockout mice. IMP GO:0006800 MGI:88138 J:61247 MGI:1857134 22522 1 evidence: anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:male germ cell;CL:0000015|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced numbers of germ cells within the seminiferous tubules and some tubules lacked germ cel IMP GO:0007281 MGI:101816 J:130019 MGI:1858055 22523 2 ls altogether IMP GO:0007281 MGI:101816 J:130019 MGI:1858055 22524 1 evidence: anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Increased apoptosis in p53 and Msh2 depleted testes IMP GO:0043066 MGI:101816 J:130019 MGI:1858055 22525 1 evidence: anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Increased apoptosis in p53 and Msh2 depleted testes IMP GO:0043066 MGI:98834 J:130019 MGI:1857989 22526 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000795 MGI:109542 J:130019 N/A 22527 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:102688 J:130019 N/A 22528 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:DNA damage in pachytene spermatocytes, increased incidence of unrepaired DNA breaks in pachytene spermatocytes IMP GO:0006302 MGI:101816 J:130019 MGI:1858055 22529 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:DNA damage in pachytene spermatocytes, increased incidence of unrepaired DNA breaks in pachytene spermatocytes IMP GO:0006302 MGI:98834 J:130019 MGI:1857989 22530 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:DNA damage in pachytene spermatocytes, increased incidence of unrepaired DNA breaks in pachytene spermatocytes IMP GO:0006302 MGI:95412 J:130019 MGI:2158940|MGI:3617449 22531 1 evidence: anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Increased apoptosis in mutants. IMP GO:0043066 MGI:95412 J:130019 MGI:2158940|MGI:3617449 22532 1 evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule;MA:0000412 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Reduction in tubule diameter in Msh2 IMP GO:0008584 MGI:101816 J:130019 MGI:1858055 22533 1 evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule;MA:0000412 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Reduction in tubule diameter in mutants IMP GO:0008584 MGI:95412 J:130019 MGI:2158940|MGI:3617449 22534 1 evidence: anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:male germ cell;CL:0000015|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced numbers of germ cells within the seminiferous tubules and some tubules lacked germ cel IMP GO:0007281 MGI:95412 J:130019 MGI:2158940|MGI:3617449 22535 2 ls altogether IMP GO:0007281 MGI:95412 J:130019 MGI:2158940|MGI:3617449 22536 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:hematopoietic stem cell;CL:0000037|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060218 MGI:95413 J:122781 MGI:2183947 22537 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:hematopoietic stem cell;CL:0000037|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060218 MGI:109558 J:122781 MGI:1857930 22538 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:hematopoietic stem cell;CL:0000037|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060218 MGI:104517 J:122781 MGI:2152542 22539 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006183 MGI:97365 J:62870 MGI:2386195 22540 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:negatively regulates dGTP levels IMP GO:0046070 MGI:97365 J:62870 MGI:2386195 22541 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:urine ; MA:0002545 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006161 MGI:97365 J:62870 MGI:2386195 22542 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006149 MGI:97365 J:62870 MGI:2386195 22543 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:urine ; MA:0002545 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046115 MGI:97365 J:62870 MGI:2386195 22544 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:urine ; MA:0002545 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006148 MGI:97365 J:62870 MGI:2386195 22545 1 evidence:flow cytometry of annexin V staining anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:97365 J:62870 MGI:2386195 22546 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:B cell ; CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045579 MGI:97365 J:62870 MGI:2386195 22547 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay following gamma irradiation anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045739 MGI:97365 J:62870 MGI:2386195 22548 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001916 MGI:97365 J:62870 MGI:2386195 22549 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046638 MGI:97365 J:62870 MGI:2386195 22550 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:62870 MGI:2386195 22551 1 evidence:flow cytometry of annexin V staining anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0010332 MGI:97365 J:62870 MGI:2386195 22552 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006148 MGI:97365 J:114541 MGI:2386195 22553 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16964310|IDA text:J;114541|human TAT-PNP fusion protein injected into mice ISO GO:0006148 MGI:97365 J:73065 UniProtKB:P00491 22554 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042102 MGI:97365 J:114541 MGI:2386195 22555 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16964310|IDA text:J;114541|human TAT-PNP fusion protein injected into mice ISO GO:0046638 MGI:97365 J:73065 UniProtKB:P00491 22556 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046638 MGI:97365 J:114541 MGI:2386195 22557 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:114541 MGI:2386195 22558 1 evidence:PNP assay anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16964310|IDA text:J;114541|human TAT-PNP fusion protein injected into mice ISO GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:73065 UniProtKB:P00491 22559 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:hematopoietic stem cell;CL:0000037|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:limits stem cell function in an agedependent manner by intrinsically diminishing IMP GO:0008283 MGI:109558 J:122781 MGI:1857930 22560 2 self-renewal and proliferative capacity, and rendering LT-HSCs susceptible to apoptosis under conditions of stress. IMP GO:0008283 MGI:109558 J:122781 MGI:1857930 22561 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:hematopoietic stem cell;CL:0000037|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:limits stem cell function in an agedependent manner by intrinsically diminishing IMP GO:0043066 MGI:109558 J:122781 MGI:1857930 22562 2 self-renewal and proliferative capacity, and rendering LT-HSCs susceptible to apoptosis under conditions of stress. IMP GO:0043066 MGI:109558 J:122781 MGI:1857930 22563 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:shortened life span of mutants. IMP GO:0009791 MGI:109558 J:122781 MGI:1857930 22564 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:hematopoietic stem cell;CL:0000037|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:95413 J:122781 MGI:2183947 22565 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:hematopoietic stem cell;CL:0000037|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:95413 J:122781 MGI:2183947 22566 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:hematopoietic stem cell;CL:0000037|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:104517 J:122781 MGI:2152542 22567 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:hematopoietic stem cell;CL:0000037|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:104517 J:122781 MGI:2152542 22568 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine;MA:0000337 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:gamma-rays text:Crypt survival levels were higher in p53 -/- mice IMP GO:0009411 MGI:98834 J:62429 MGI:1857590 22569 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 anatomy: cell type:platelet;CL:0000233|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:serotonin secretion of P2X1-deficient platelets was decreased IMP GO:0002554 MGI:1098235 J:85102 MGI:2181608 22570 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 anatomy: cell type:platelet;CL:0000233|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:alteration of collagen-induced platelet activation IMP GO:0030168 MGI:1098235 J:85102 MGI:2181608 22571 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:The mortality of P2X1 mice in a model of systemic thromboembolism was reduced and the size of mural thrombi formed after a laser-induced vessel wall injury was decreased IMP GO:0016265 MGI:1098235 J:85102 MGI:2181608 22572 2 as compared with normal mice, whereas the time for complete thrombus removal was shortened. IMP GO:0016265 MGI:1098235 J:85102 MGI:2181608 22573 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:impaired in their responses to SC45647 (sweetener), saccharin, denatonium saccharide IMP GO:0009743 MGI:1097160 J:103231 MGI:1934019 22574 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:impaired response to denatonium saccharide. IMP GO:0009743 MGI:2665170 J:103231 MGI:2687349 22575 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mice were not responsive to artificial sweeteners (Fig. 2, A and C), sucrose (Fig. 2B), or monosodium glutamate (Fig. 2D) and were largely unresponsive to many bitter sub IGI GO:0050909 MGI:2665170 J:103231 MGI:1097160 22576 2 stances including quinine hydrochloride (Fig. 2E) and denatonium benzoate IGI GO:0050909 MGI:2665170 J:103231 MGI:1097160 22577 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mice were not responsive to artificial sweeteners (Fig. 2, A and C), sucrose (Fig. 2B), or monosodium glutamate (Fig. 2D) and were largely unresponsive to many bitter sub IGI GO:0050909 MGI:1097160 J:103231 MGI:2665170 22578 2 stances including quinine hydrochloride (Fig. 2E) and denatonium benzoate IGI GO:0050909 MGI:1097160 J:103231 MGI:2665170 22579 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|L cell; L-929 ; ATCC:CCL-1 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with either Cdh4 or Cdh2 and mixed togelther. IDA GO:0007157 MGI:99218 J:14830 N/A 22580 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|L cell; L-929 ; ATCC:CCL-1 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with Cdh4 and mixed togelther. IDA GO:0007156 MGI:99218 J:14830 N/A 22581 1 evidence:IF combined with sequence analysis anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|L cell; L-929 ; ATCC:CCL-1 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected IDA GO:0005887 MGI:99218 J:14830 N/A 22582 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|L cell; L-929 ; ATCC:CCL-1 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with either Cdh4 or Cdh2 and mixed togelther. IDA GO:0007157 MGI:88355 J:14830 N/A 22583 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|L cell; L-929 ; ATCC:CCL-1 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with Cdh2 and mixed togelther. IDA GO:0007156 MGI:88355 J:14830 N/A 22584 1 evidence:IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:87916 J:15401 N/A 22585 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,ovary;EMAP:5526 anatomy:TS21\,testis;EMAP:5536 cell type:germ cell;CL:0000586|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:88139 J:63161 MGI:2176699 22586 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary primordial follicle;MA:0001710 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:94% fewer primordial follicles at 9 days of age than controls IMP GO:0001541 MGI:88139 J:63161 MGI:2176699 22587 1 evidence: anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:small testes text:decreased size due to an absence of spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spermatids form the seminiferous tubules, however seminal vesicle IMP GO:0008584 MGI:88139 J:63161 MGI:2176699 22588 2 s and accessory glands were normal IMP GO:0008584 MGI:88139 J:63161 MGI:2176699 22589 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased litter size, fertile females never gave birth to more than 3 pups IMP GO:0040007 MGI:88139 J:63161 MGI:2176699 22590 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|primordial germ cell;CL:0000670 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased primordial germ cell number IMP GO:0007281 MGI:88139 J:63161 MGI:2176699 22591 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|spermatogonium;CL:0000020 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:absence of spermatogonia IGI GO:0007281 MGI:88139 J:63161 MGI:99702 22592 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:germ cell;CL:0000586|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:male infertility IGI GO:0009566 MGI:99702 J:63161 MGI:2176699 22593 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|spermatogonium;CL:0000020 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:absence of spermatogonia IGI GO:0007281 MGI:99702 J:63161 MGI:2176699 22594 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary primordial follicle;MA:0001710 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased number of ovarian follicles IGI GO:0001541 MGI:99702 J:63161 MGI:2176699 22595 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatogonium;CL:0000020|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|spermatocyte;CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:excessive numbers of spermatogonia and sper IGI GO:0007283 MGI:99702 J:63161 MGI:2176699 22596 2 matocytes, mature sperm are not produced IGI GO:0007283 MGI:99702 J:63161 MGI:2176699 22597 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:germ cell;CL:0000586|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:male infertility IGI GO:0009566 MGI:88139 J:63161 MGI:99702 22598 1 evidence: anatomy:ovary primordial follicle;MA:0001710 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased number of ovarian follicles IGI GO:0001541 MGI:88139 J:63161 MGI:99702 22599 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatogonium;CL:0000020|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|spermatocyte;CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:excessive numbers of spermatogonia and sper IGI GO:0007283 MGI:88139 J:63161 MGI:99702 22600 2 matocytes, mature sperm are not produced IGI GO:0007283 MGI:88139 J:63161 MGI:99702 22601 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal and nodose ganglia cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:88138 J:63350 MGI:1857134 22602 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:enkephalin IMP GO:0042445 MGI:96067 J:61687 MGI:2388032 22603 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:enkephalin IMP GO:0030072 MGI:96067 J:79137 MGI:2388032 22604 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:bcl2 disruption exacerbates focal ischemic brain injury induced by occlusion of the middle cerebral artery IMP GO:0009605 MGI:88138 J:59492 MGI:1857430 22605 1 evidence:acridine orange reaction|EtBr staining of DNA ladders anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:dCF used to inhibit Ada IMP GO:0043066 MGI:87916 J:16960 N/A 22606 1 evidence:alizarin red skeletal staining anatomy:hand bone ; MA:0000619 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035136 MGI:95688 J:17582 MGI:1855974 22607 1 evidence:alizarin red skeletal staining anatomy:foot bone ; MA:0000643 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035137 MGI:95688 J:17582 MGI:1855974 22608 1 evidence:adenonsine deaminase assay anatomy:TS23,embryo ; EMAP:7148 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:25085 MGI:1857117 22609 1 evidence:adenonsine deaminase assay anatomy:TS23,embryo ; EMAP:7148 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004000 MGI:87916 J:25085 MGI:1857117 22610 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:TS25,embryo ; EMAP:9799 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046061 MGI:87916 J:25085 MGI:1857117 22611 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:TS25,embryo ; EMAP:9799 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006157 MGI:87916 J:25085 MGI:1857117 22612 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy:TS25,liver ; EMAP:10869 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:87916 J:25085 MGI:1857117 22613 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:TS25,embryo ; EMAP:9799 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046103 MGI:87916 J:25085 MGI:1857117 22614 1 evidence:microscopy anatomy:TS25,liver ; EMAP:10869 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001889 MGI:87916 J:25085 MGI:1857117 22615 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:TS24,liver ; EMAP:9509 cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045582 MGI:87916 J:25085 MGI:1857117 22616 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal and nodose ganglia cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:99702 J:63350 MGI:1857429 22617 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal and nodose ganglia cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043525 MGI:99702 J:63350 MGI:1857429 22618 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal and nodose ganglia cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008283 MGI:99702 J:63350 MGI:88138 22619 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal and nodose ganglia cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051402 MGI:99702 J:63350 MGI:88138 22620 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal and nodose ganglia cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008283 MGI:88138 J:63350 MGI:99702 22621 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal and nodose ganglia cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051402 MGI:88138 J:63350 MGI:99702 22622 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 evidence:Inferred from in vivo assay;ECO:0000178 anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decrease reductase activity IMP GO:0043085 MGI:1316650 J:124781 N/A 22623 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 evidence:Inferred from in vivo assay;ECO:0000178 anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Corticosterone Metabolism IMP GO:0008202 MGI:1316650 J:124781 N/A 22624 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 evidence:Inferred from in vivo assay;ECO:0000178 anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Corticosterone Metabolism IMP GO:0008202 MGI:95607 J:124781 N/A 22625 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 evidence:Inferred from in vivo assay;ECO:0000178 anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased reductase, dehydrogenase activity due to reduced 11beta IMP GO:0010468 MGI:95607 J:124781 N/A 22626 2 -HSD1 protein levels IMP GO:0010468 MGI:95607 J:124781 N/A 22627 1 evidence:adenosine deaminase assay anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:adenosine deaminase assy anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 g IMP GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:26731 MGI:2155977 22628 2 ene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:26731 MGI:2155977 22629 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:26731 MGI:2155977 22630 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:HPLC anatomy: cell type:enucleate erythrocyte ; CL:0000595 gene product: modification: target: extern IMP GO:0046061 MGI:87916 J:26731 MGI:2155977 22631 2 al ref: text: IMP GO:0046061 MGI:87916 J:26731 MGI:2155977 22632 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006157 MGI:87916 J:26731 MGI:2155977 22633 1 evidence:histology anatomy:small intestine epithelium ; MA:0001553 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048566 MGI:87916 J:26731 MGI:2155977 22634 1 evidence:histology anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001889 MGI:87916 J:26731 MGI:2155977 22635 1 evidence:histology anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:87916 J:26731 MGI:2155977 22636 1 evidence:histology anatomy:small intestine epithelium ; MA:0001553 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:87916 J:26731 MGI:2155977 22637 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:TS26,thymus ; EMAP:11596 cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045580 MGI:87916 J:26731 MGI:2155977 22638 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Crygf ; MGI:88526 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:98364 J:27437 N/A 22639 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Crygf ; MGI:88526|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:98364 J:27437 N/A 22640 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7628452|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:98364 J:73065 UniProtKB:P48430 22641 1 evidence:3H-thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16964310|IDA text:J;114541|human TAT-PNP fusion protein injected into mice ISO GO:0042102 MGI:97365 J:73065 UniProtKB:P00491 22642 1 evidence:uric acid assay anatomy:urine ; MA:0002545 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0034418 MGI:97365 J:114541 MGI:2386195 22643 1 evidence:uric acid assay anatomy:urine ; MA:0002545 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16964310|IDA text:J;114541|human TAT-PNP fusion protein injected into mice ISO GO:0034418 MGI:97365 J:73065 UniProtKB:P00491 22644 1 evidence: anatomy:nasal epithelium ; EMAP:3626 cell type:olfactory receptor cell ; CL:0000207 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048666 MGI:96919 J:40190 MGI:1857470 22645 1 evidence: anatomy:nasal epithelium ; EMAP:3626 cell type:olfactory receptor cell ; CL:0000207 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060166 MGI:96919 J:40190 MGI:1857470 22646 1 evidence: anatomy:lens fibres ; EMAP:5220 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002089 MGI:98357 J:46636 MGI:2137412 22647 1 evidence: anatomy:lens fibres ; EMAP:5220 cell type:crystallin accumulating cell ; CL:0000306 gene product: modification: target:Cryaa ; MGI:88515|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:98357 J:46636 N/A 22648 1 evidence: anatomy:eye ; EMAP:2364 anatomy:eye ; EMAP:4327 anatomy:lens fibres ; EMAP:7817 cell type:crystallin accumulating cell ; CL:0000306 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:anterior epithelium ; EMAP:4334 cell t IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98357 J:46636 N/A 22649 2 ype:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98357 J:46636 N/A 22650 1 evidence: anatomy:eye ; EMAP:2364 cell type:crystallin accumulating cell ; CL:0000306 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:lens pit ; EMAP:2365 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98364 J:46636 N/A 22651 1 evidence:adenonsine deaminase xymogram assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|JEG-3 ; ATCC:HTB-36 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Ada gene IDA GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:10680 N/A 22652 1 evidence:adenonsine deaminase xymogram assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|JEG-3 ; ATCC:HTB-36 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Ada gene IDA GO:0004000 MGI:87916 J:10680 N/A 22653 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:98364 J:48465 N/A 22654 1 evidence:adanosine deaminase assay evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:1463 N/A 22655 1 evidence:adanosine deaminase assay evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004000 MGI:87916 J:1463 N/A 22656 1 evidence:adanosine deaminase assay anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046103 MGI:87916 J:1463 N/A 22657 1 evidence:adenosine deaminase assay evidence:HPLC anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:29350 N/A 22658 1 evidence:adenosine deaminase assay evidence:HPLC anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004000 MGI:87916 J:29350 N/A 22659 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046061 MGI:87916 J:29350 N/A 22660 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006157 MGI:87916 J:29350 N/A 22661 1 evidence:adenosine deaminase assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046103 MGI:87916 J:29350 N/A 22662 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:98364 J:27437 N/A 22663 1 evidence: anatomy:cochlea;MA:0000240 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:anteroventral cochlear nucleus text:decreased size of the nucleus IMP GO:0021747 MGI:88138 J:64998 MGI:1857134 22664 1 evidence: anatomy:cochlea;MA:0000240 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:anteroventral cochlear nucleus IMP GO:0043524 MGI:88138 J:64998 MGI:1857134 22665 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:block in the development of mature CD4 and CD8 lineage cells IMP GO:0002360 MGI:98553 J:66168 MGI:1857255 22666 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle;MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Bcl-2?null mice had only ;2/3 as many fast muscle fibers as muscles in wild-type mice. IMP GO:0048743 MGI:88138 J:66494 MGI:1857134 22667 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:myotubes IDA GO:0005622 MGI:88138 J:66494 N/A 22668 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:myotubes IDA GO:0005622 MGI:88139 J:66494 N/A 22669 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:myotubes IDA GO:0005622 MGI:1097161 J:66494 N/A 22670 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:myotubes IDA GO:0005622 MGI:99702 J:66494 N/A 22671 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:myotubes IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1096330 J:66494 N/A 22672 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:94885 J:66494 N/A 22673 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:limb;MA:0000007 cell type:muscle cell;CL:0000187|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:107527 J:66494 N/A 22674 1 evidence: anatomy:primitive streak ; EMAP:626 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:middle primitive streak IMP GO:0048646 MGI:98364 J:51542 MGI:2135304 22675 1 evidence: anatomy:optic vesicle ; EMAP:1293|lens placode ; EMAP:1286 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060235 MGI:88180 J:51570 MGI:1857137 22676 1 evidence: anatomy:surface ectoderm ; EMAP:876 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009880 MGI:103302 J:53380 N/A 22677 1 evidence: anatomy:lens pit ; EMAP:2365 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048646 MGI:103302 J:53380 MGI:1857654 22678 1 evidence: anatomy:lens pit ; EMAP:2365 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048596 MGI:103302 J:53380 MGI:1857654 22679 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Crygf ; MGI:88526|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Cryaa ; MGI:88515|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:96909 J:56583 N/A 22680 1 evidence: anatomy:lens fibres ; EMAP:5220 cell type:crystallin accumulating cell ; CL:0000306 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048468 MGI:96909 J:56583 MGI:2148635 22681 1 evidence: anatomy:lens fibres ; EMAP:5220 cell type:crystallin accumulating cell ; CL:0000306 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002088 MGI:96909 J:56583 MGI:2148635 22682 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Cryba1 ; MGI:88518 target:Cryba2 ; MGI:104336 target:Cryba4 ; MGI:102716 target:Crybb1 ; MGI:104992 target:Crybb2 ; MGI:88519 target:Crybb3 ; MGI:102717 target:Cryaa ; MGI:88515 external ref IMP GO:0045944 MGI:96909 J:56583 MGI:2148635 22683 2 : text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:96909 J:56583 MGI:2148635 22684 1 evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:duodenum ; MA:0000338 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:stomach ; MA:0000353 anatomy:colon ; MA:0000335 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:eye ; MA:00002 IDA GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:35811 N/A 22685 2 61 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:adrenal gland ; MA:0000116 anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 anatomy IDA GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:35811 N/A 22686 3 :femur ; MA:0001359 anatomy:urinary bladder ; MA:0000380 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:trachea ; MA:0000441 anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 anatomy:forestomach ; MA:0001606 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:35811 N/A 22687 1 evidence:adanosine deaminase zymogram anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8894685|IDA text:J:35811 ISO GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:73065 UniProtKB:P00813 22688 1 evidence:adanosine deaminase zymogram anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8894685|IDA text:J:35811 ISO GO:0004000 MGI:87916 J:73065 UniProtKB:P00813 22689 1 evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:duodenum ; MA:0000338 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:stomach ; MA:0000353 anatomy:colon ; MA:0000335 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:eye ; MA:00002 IDA GO:0004000 MGI:87916 J:35811 N/A 22690 2 61 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:adrenal gland ; MA:0000116 anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 anatomy IDA GO:0004000 MGI:87916 J:35811 N/A 22691 3 :femur ; MA:0001359 anatomy:urinary bladder ; MA:0000380 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:trachea ; MA:0000441 anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 anatomy:forestomach ; MA:0001606 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004000 MGI:87916 J:35811 N/A 22692 1 evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:duodenum ; MA:0000338 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:stomach ; MA:0000353 anatomy:colon ; MA:0000335 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:eye ; MA:00002 IDA GO:0046103 MGI:87916 J:35811 N/A 22693 2 61 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:adrenal gland ; MA:0000116 anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 anatomy IDA GO:0046103 MGI:87916 J:35811 N/A 22694 3 :femur ; MA:0001359 anatomy:urinary bladder ; MA:0000380 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:trachea ; MA:0000441 anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 anatomy:forestomach ; MA:0001606 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046103 MGI:87916 J:35811 N/A 22695 1 evidence:adanosine deaminase zymogram anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8894685|IDA text:J:35811 ISO GO:0046103 MGI:87916 J:73065 UniProtKB:P00813 22696 1 evidence: anatomy:scapula ; EMAP:9718 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:1277234 J:101708 MGI:95729 22697 1 evidence: anatomy:scapula ; EMAP:9718 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:95729 J:101708 MGI:1277234 22698 1 evidence: anatomy:cranium ; MA:0000316 anatomy:basioccipital bone ; MA:0001462 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048701 MGI:1277234 J:101708 MGI:1856015 22699 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra ; MA:0000311 anatomy:pectoral girdle bone ; MA:0000292 anatomy:scapula pre-cartilage condensation ; EMAP:5631 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:1277234 J:101708 MGI:1856015 22700 1 evidence: anatomy:scapula ; EMAP:9718 anatomy:clavicle ; EMAP:9716 anatomy:pubic bone ; EMAP:9728 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:104621 J:101708 MGI:108359 22701 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:malformations in the axial and appendicular skeletons. in the skull, cleft of the secondary palate was observed. The exoccipital bone was frequently split. IGI GO:0048706 MGI:88174 J:68216 MGI:99161 22702 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: abnormal craniofacial bone morphology, split exoccipital bone, abnormal axial skeleton morphology, abnormal rib attachment, abnormal sternum ossification, abnormal ce IGI GO:0048704 MGI:88174 J:68216 MGI:99161 22703 2 rvical atlas morphology, abnormal scapula morphology, abnormal acromion morphology, scapular bone foramen IGI GO:0048704 MGI:88174 J:68216 MGI:99161 22704 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mice did not survive until birth text:abnormal embryonic tissue morphology, abnormal first branchial arch morphology, abnormal second branchial arch morphology, abnormal IGI GO:0001701 MGI:88174 J:68216 MGI:99161 22705 2 notochord morphology, abnormal somite development, embryonic growth arrest text: abnormal brain morphology, abnormal hindbrain morphology, abnormal neural tube morphology/development IGI GO:0001701 MGI:88174 J:68216 MGI:99161 22706 1 evidence: anatomy:pubic bone ; EMAP:9728 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:108359 J:101708 MGI:1856069 22707 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mice did not survive until birth text:abnormal embryonic tissue morphology, abnormal first branchial arch morphology, abnormal second branchial arch morphology, abnormal IGI GO:0001701 MGI:99161 J:68216 MGI:88174 22708 2 notochord morphology, abnormal somite development, embryonic growth arrest text: abnormal brain morphology, abnormal hindbrain morphology, abnormal neural tube morphology/development IGI GO:0001701 MGI:99161 J:68216 MGI:88174 22709 1 evidence: anatomy:scapula ; EMAP:9718 anatomy:clavicle ; EMAP:9716 anatomy:pubic bone ; EMAP:9728 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:108359 J:101708 MGI:104621|MGI:1277097 22710 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:malformations in the axial and appendicular skeletons. in the skull, cleft of the secondary palate was observed. The exoccipital bone was frequently split. IGI GO:0048706 MGI:99161 J:68216 MGI:88174 22711 1 evidence: anatomy:scapula ; EMAP:9718 anatomy:clavicle ; EMAP:9716 anatomy:pubic bone ; EMAP:9728 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:1277097 J:101708 MGI:108359 22712 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: abnormal craniofacial bone morphology, split exoccipital bone, abnormal axial skeleton morphology, abnormal rib attachment, abnormal sternum ossification, abnormal ce IGI GO:0048704 MGI:99161 J:68216 MGI:88174 22713 2 rvical atlas morphology, abnormal scapula morphology, abnormal acromion morphology, scapular bone foramen IGI GO:0048704 MGI:99161 J:68216 MGI:88174 22714 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo;EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hox genes target:Hoxb6;MGI:96187 terget:Hoxd13;MGI:96205 external ref: textcranial (cr) and trunk (tr) regions: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:99161 J:68216 MGI:88174 22715 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,embryo;EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hox genes target:Hoxb6;MGI:96187 terget:Hoxd13;MGI:96205 external ref: textcranial (cr) and trunk (tr) regions: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:88174 J:68216 MGI:99161 22716 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube;EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043066 MGI:88174 J:68216 MGI:99161 22717 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\,neural tube;EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043066 MGI:99161 J:68216 MGI:88174 22718 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:TS23\,submandibular gland primordium;EMAP:7444 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96559 J:68367 N/A 22719 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:TS23\,submandibular gland primordium;EMAP:7444 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96560 J:68367 N/A 22720 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay;ECO:0000182 anatomy:TS23\,submandibular gland primordium;EMAP:7444 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: overexpression text:induces epithelial cell proliferation IDA GO:0050679 MGI:96559 J:68367 N/A 22721 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay;ECO:0000182 anatomy:TS23\,submandibular gland primordium;EMAP:7444 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: antibody interference text:decreased cell proliferation IMP GO:0050679 MGI:96559 J:68367 N/A 22722 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay;ECO:0000182 anatomy:TS23\,submandibular gland primordium;EMAP:7444 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: overexpression text:increase in size and number of ductal branches IDA GO:0007435 MGI:96559 J:68367 N/A 22723 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro culture assay;ECO:0000182 anatomy:TS23\,submandibular gland primordium;EMAP:7444 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:antibody inteference text:decreased size IMP GO:0007435 MGI:96559 J:68367 N/A 22724 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 anatomy:blood;MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043374 MGI:96590 J:69487 MGI:1857205 22725 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell;CL:0000625 gene product: modification: target:Bcl2;MGI:88138 external ref: text:majority of IRF-12/2 CD8SP cells expressed endogenous Bcl-2 at significantly lower levels than those of wild-type IMP GO:0010468 MGI:96590 J:69487 MGI:1857205 22726 2 CD8SP cells IMP GO:0010468 MGI:96590 J:69487 MGI:1857205 22727 1 evidence: anatomy:tubule ; EMAP:4586 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001823 MGI:97486 J:30343 MGI:1857673 22728 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephros ; EMAP:3841 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001656 MGI:97486 J:30343 MGI:1857673 22729 1 evidence: anatomy:nephric duct ; EMAP:2581 anatomy:paramesonephric duct ; EMAP:5531 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001655 MGI:97486 J:30343 MGI:1857673 22730 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephros ; EMAP:3841 anatomy:tubule ; EMAP:4586 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060231 MGI:97486 J:30343 MGI:1857673 22731 1 evidence: anatomy:incus ; EMAP:11924 anatomy:malleus ; EMAP:11925 anatomy:stapes ; EMAP:11926 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042474 MGI:109344 J:57313 MGI:2150426 22732 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:myeloid cell;CL:0000763 gene product: modification: target:Cdkn2a;MGI:104738 target:Trp53;MGI:98834 external ref: text:overexpression of virus encoded. text:induction of ARF and p53 in wild-type myeloid cells IDA GO:0010468 MGI:97250 J:70387 N/A 22733 1 evidence: anatomy:cranium ; EMAP:12402) anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761) anatomy:vertebra ; EMAP:12385) anatomy:pelvic girdle ; EMAP:12443) cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:109344 J:57313 MGI:2150426 22734 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:myeloid cell;CL:0000763 gene product: modification: target:Trp53;MGI:98834 target:Cdkn1a;MGI:104556 external ref: text: induction of p53 and p53 transcriptional target p21Cip1 was severely impaired in ARF-null cells IMP GO:0010468 MGI:104738 J:70387 MGI:1926877 22735 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:all homozygotes die from polycystic kidney disease between 3 and 8 weeks of age IMP GO:0009791 MGI:88138 J:73316 MGI:2156165 22736 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased body size, all homozygotes become runted IMP GO:0040018 MGI:88138 J:73316 MGI:2156165 22737 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:small ears, all homozygotes have short ears IMP GO:0043583 MGI:88138 J:73316 MGI:2156165 22738 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,metanephros;EMAP:8226 anatomy:nephron;MA:0000375 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:at E15.5 metanephroi are smaller mostly as a result of reduced mesenchymal area of the cortex, neonates have fewer IMP GO:0001822 MGI:88138 J:73316 MGI:2156165 22739 2 nephrons and a narrower nephrogenic area, some cysts are present at P0, all homozygotes die from polycystic kidney disease between 3 and 8 weeks of age IMP GO:0001822 MGI:88138 J:73316 MGI:2156165 22740 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:micce turn gray IMP GO:0048066 MGI:88138 J:73316 MGI:2156165 22741 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:102463 J:37134 N/A 22742 1 evidence:EMSA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:FAT binding site ofmurine IL-2 promoter used as oligonucleotide target IDA GO:0043565 MGI:102463 J:37154 N/A 22743 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair follicle;MA:0000160 cell type:melanocyte;CL:0000148 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:by 5 to 7 weeks of age melanocytes are lost from the hair follicles IMP GO:0030318 MGI:88138 J:73316 MGI:2156165 22744 1 evidence: anatomy:hair follicle;MA:0000154 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:absent melanin granules in hair follicle, absent from hair starting at the second hair follicle cycle IMP GO:0006582 MGI:88138 J:73316 MGI:2156165 22745 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ear length is normal in double mutants IGI GO:0043583 MGI:88138 J:73316 MGI:1197519 22746 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mice do not develop polycystic kidney disease IGI GO:0001822 MGI:88138 J:73316 MGI:1197519 22747 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:coat color is normal in double mutants IGI GO:0048066 MGI:88138 J:73316 MGI:1197519 22748 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:double mutant mice are healthy through at least 6 months of age compared to bcl2 mutants IGI GO:0009791 MGI:88138 J:73316 MGI:1197519 22749 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:coat color is normal in double mutants, single bcl2 mutants - gray IGI GO:0048066 MGI:1197519 J:73316 MGI:88138 22750 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ear length is normal in double mutants, bcl2 single mutants - abnormal ear development, small ears. IGI GO:0043583 MGI:1197519 J:73316 MGI:88138 22751 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:double mutant mice are healthy through at least 6 months of age compared to bcl2 mutants, single blc2 mutants die. IGI GO:0009791 MGI:1197519 J:73316 MGI:88138 22752 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mice do not develop polycystic kidney disease, single bcl2 mutants - all homozygotes die from polycystic kidney disease between 3 and 8 weeks of age IGI GO:0001822 MGI:1197519 J:73316 MGI:88138 22753 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q8CCH7 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003714 MGI:1334444 J:121803 N/A 22754 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:survival of mature resting T and B cells in the absence of cytokines is improved compared to cells from mice homozygous for Bcl2tm1Dlo alone and cells from wild type mice IGI GO:0002260 MGI:1197519 J:73316 MGI:88138 22755 2 . single bcl2 mutants - survival of mature resting T and B cells in the absence of cytokines is impaired compared to wild type cells IGI GO:0002260 MGI:1197519 J:73316 MGI:88138 22756 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002260 MGI:88138 J:73316 MGI:2156165 22757 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:survival of mature resting T and B cells in the absence of cytokines is improved compared to cells from mice homozygous for Bcl2tm1Dlo alone and cells from wild type mice IGI GO:0002260 MGI:88138 J:73316 MGI:1197519 22758 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:survival of mature resting T and B cells in the absence of cytokines is improved compared to wild type cells IMP GO:0002260 MGI:1197519 J:73316 MGI:2156498 22759 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:sympathetic nervous system;MA:0000225 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031966 MGI:88138 J:76215 N/A 22760 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:sympathetic nervous system;MA:0000225 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031966 MGI:1097161 J:76215 N/A 22761 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:sympathetic nervous system;MA:0000225 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:88139 J:76215 N/A 22762 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:sympathetic nervous system;MA:0000225 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031966 MGI:88139 J:76215 N/A 22763 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:sympathetic nervous system;MA:0000225 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:108052 J:76215 N/A 22764 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:sympathetic nervous system;MA:0000225 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031966 MGI:108052 J:76215 N/A 22765 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:sympathetic nervous system;MA:0000225 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1096330 J:76215 N/A 22766 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:sympathetic nervous system;MA:0000225 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:108093 J:76215 N/A 22767 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:sympathetic nervous system;MA:0000225 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:99702 J:76215 N/A 22768 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:sympathetic nervous system;MA:0000225 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031966 MGI:99702 J:76215 N/A 22769 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:sympathetic nervous system;MA:0000225 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:96759 J:76215 N/A 22770 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:sympathetic nervous system;MA:0000225 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031966 MGI:2135755 J:76215 N/A 22771 1 evidence: anatomy:ureteric bud ; EMAP:3844 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001657 MGI:102780 J:83432 MGI:2655195 22772 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephros ; EMAP:5504 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001658 MGI:102780 J:83432 MGI:109344 22773 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephros ; EMAP:5504 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001658 MGI:109344 J:83432 MGI:102780 22774 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephric mesenchyme ; EMAP:3234 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001759 MGI:102780 J:83432 MGI:2655195 22775 1 evidence: anatomy:inner ear ; EMAP:2353 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:109344 J:57313 MGI:2150426 22776 1 evidence: anatomy:outer ear ; MA:0000258 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042473 MGI:109344 J:57313 MGI:2150426 22777 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type:enterocyte ; CL:0000584 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030334 MGI:88039 J:44103 MGI:1856318 22778 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|B cell;CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030183 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 22779 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased pre-B cell number, decreased mature B cell number IMP GO:0001782 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 22780 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 anatomy:lymph node;MA:0000139 cell type:CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell;CL:0000625|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external IMP GO:0043375 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 22781 2 ref: text: IMP GO:0043375 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 22782 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030217 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 22783 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033077 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 22784 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased CD8-positive T cell number, decreased thymocyte number IMP GO:0043029 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 22785 1 evidence: anatomy:blood;MA:0000059 cell type:lymphocyte;CL:0000542|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:disappearance of bcl-2-/- lymphocytes by 6 weeks postnatally. IMP GO:0008219 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 22786 1 evidence: anatomy:ear;MA:0000236 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:small ears IMP GO:0043583 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 22787 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:2-deficient mice were smaller IMP GO:0040007 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 22788 1 evidence: anatomy:blood;MA:0000059 anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 anatomy:lymph node;MA:0000139 cell type:lymphocyte;CL:0000542|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002260 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 22789 1 evidence: anatomy:blood;MA:0000059 cell type:lymphocyte;CL:0000542|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 22790 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 anatomy:nose;MA:0000281 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: abnormal kidney morphology - kidneys have a nonsmooth surface, are pale, and exhibit interstitial hyperproliferation; abnorma IMP GO:0009887 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 22791 2 l kidney cortex - disarray of the cortex structure; abnormal kidney medulla morphology - disarray of the medulla structure; small kidney; decreased renal glomerulus number; dilated renal tubules - dilated renal tubules with hypertrophic epithelium; polycy IMP GO:0009887 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 22792 3 stic kidney - kidneys exhibit a polycystic appearance text:abnormal nose morphology - rounder nose IMP GO:0009887 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 22793 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair;MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hair color of mutant mice turned gray postnatally between 4 and 5 weeks IMP GO:0048066 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 22794 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:about 50%o died between 1 and 6 weeks after birth IMP GO:0009791 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 22795 1 evidence: anatomy:blood;MA:0000059 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased sensitivity of mature T cells to glucocorticoid and y-irradiation, IMP GO:0048545 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 22796 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:melanocyte;CL:0000148|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:melanocyte loss IMP GO:0030318 MGI:104554 J:77083 MGI:1856095 22797 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair;MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mice are born black with occasional white spots IMP GO:0043473 MGI:104554 J:77083 MGI:1856095 22798 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:melanocyte;CL:0000148|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:melanocyte loss IGI GO:0030318 MGI:88138 J:77083 MGI:104554 22799 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:melanocyte;CL:0000148|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:melanocyte loss IMP GO:0030318 MGI:88138 J:77083 MGI:2158305 22800 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:melanocyte;CL:0000148|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:melanocyte loss IGI GO:0030318 MGI:104554 J:77083 MGI:88138 22801 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:melanocyte;CL:0000148|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:melanocyte loss IGI GO:0043473 MGI:104554 J:77083 MGI:88138 22802 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 evidence: chromatin immunoprecipitation evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:BCL2;UniProt:P10415 target:pro ISA GO:0043565 MGI:104554 J:77083 UniProtKB:P10415 22803 2 moter external ref:12086670;IDA text:CATGTG element 220 base upstream of transcriptional start site ISA GO:0043565 MGI:104554 J:77083 UniProtKB:P10415 22804 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:human melanocytes gene product: modification: target:BCL2;UniProt:P10415 external ref:PubMed:12086670;IDA text: ISS GO:0045944 MGI:104554 J:77083 N/A 22805 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:human melanocytes gene product: modification: target:BCL2;UniProt:P10415 external ref:PubMed:12086670;IDA text: ISA GO:0016563 MGI:104554 J:77083 UniProtKB:P10415 22806 1 evidence: anatomy:femur;MA:0001359 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Significantly increased bone density IMP GO:0046849 MGI:104554 J:77083 MGI:1856095 22807 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:melanocyte;CL:0000148|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:antivirus-overexpression of dominant negative Mitf mutant - R215del (dnMitf) IMP GO:0043066 MGI:104554 J:77083 MGI:1856095 22808 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoclast;CL:0000092|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030316 MGI:104554 J:77083 MGI:1856095 22809 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy:bone;MA:0001459 cell type:osteoclast;CL:0000092|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Bcl2;MGI:88138 external ref: text:Bcl2 protein in Mitf mi/mi osteoclasts is IMP GO:0010468 MGI:104554 J:77083 MGI:1856095 22810 2 greatly reduced IMP GO:0010468 MGI:104554 J:77083 MGI:1856095 22811 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|B cell;CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:loss of B cell population IMP GO:0001782 MGI:88138 J:78583 MGI:1857134 22812 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|B cell;CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:loss of T cell population IMP GO:0043029 MGI:88138 J:78583 MGI:1857134 22813 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0046982 MGI:99702 J:78583 UniProtKB:Q64373 22814 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0046982 MGI:88139 J:78583 UniProtKB:Q07813 22815 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased Percentage and Absolute Numbers of B220+ Cells IMP GO:0002358 MGI:97849 J:79297 MGI:1858556 22816 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:neonatal lethality IMP GO:0009791 MGI:1929913 J:83651 MGI:2663971 22817 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased T cell apoptosis - increased thymocyte apoptosis IMP GO:0043066 MGI:1929913 J:83651 MGI:2663971 22818 1 evidence: anatomy:eye;MA:0000261 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:eyelids open at birth IMP GO:0031077 MGI:1929913 J:83651 MGI:2663971 22819 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:thymus hypoplasia, abnormal thymus cortex morphology, abnormal thymus medulla morphology IMP GO:0048538 MGI:1929913 J:83651 MGI:2663971 22820 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:alpha-beta T cell;CL:0000789|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal T cell differentiation - block at CD4-CD8- double-negative stage of development IMP GO:0046632 MGI:1929913 J:83651 MGI:2663971 22821 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9614111|IDA text: ISO GO:0005783 MGI:1888594 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60725 22822 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11104755|IPI|UniProt:Q02248 text: ISO GO:0008013 MGI:1202717 J:73065 UniProtKB:P49768 22823 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:14729963|IPI|UniProt:Q15287.1 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1346087 J:73065 UniProtKB:P61011 22824 1 evidence:DNA-PCR assay anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:V-beta to D-beta rearrangements were impaired in mutant thymocytes IMP GO:0033153 MGI:1929913 J:83651 MGI:2663971 22825 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Tcrb;MGI:98578 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:1929913 J:83651 MGI:2663971 22826 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:follicular B cell;CL:0000843|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Plcg2 Deficiency Specifically Blocks B Cell Maturation at the T2 to FO B Cell Transition IMP GO:0002316 MGI:97616 J:86373 MGI:2386100 22827 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043069 MGI:97616 J:86373 MGI:2386100 22828 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Bcl2;MGI:88138 target:Bcl2a1a;MGI:102687 external ref: text:abnormally low levels of Bcl-2 protein. disrupts BCR-mediated induction of A1 IMP GO:0010468 MGI:97616 J:86373 MGI:2386100 22829 2 expression IMP GO:0010468 MGI:97616 J:86373 MGI:2386100 22830 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:enforced expression of A1 preferentially prevents BCR-induced apoptosis IDA GO:0043066 MGI:102687 J:86373 N/A 22831 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:enforced expression of A1 partially restores the numbers of B cells. IDA GO:0001782 MGI:102687 J:86373 N/A 22832 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland;MA:0000145 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PubMed:12388746;IDA text:Estrogen and Progesterone Synergistically Upregulate Cav-1 Protein Levels in Normal Mammar ISO GO:0043627 MGI:102709 J:120010 UniProtKB:Q03135 22833 2 y Epithelial Cells ISO GO:0043627 MGI:102709 J:120010 UniProtKB:Q03135 22834 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland;MA:0000145 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PubMed:12388746;IDA text:Estrogen and Progesterone Synergistically Upregulate Cav-1 Protein Levels in Normal Mammar ISO GO:0032570 MGI:102709 J:120010 UniProtKB:Q03135 22835 2 y Epithelial Cells ISO GO:0032570 MGI:102709 J:120010 UniProtKB:Q03135 22836 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007029 MGI:96067 J:102831 N/A 22837 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000891 striatum cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046902 MGI:96067 J:99425 MGI:1861934 22838 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Cul2, Stx1a, Cacna2d1,Snap25, Usp9x, Psmc2, Gapdh, Pkm2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96067 J:121567 UniProtKB:Q9D4H8|UniProtKB:O35526|UniProtKB:O08532|UniProtKB:P60879|UniProtKB:P70398|UniProtKB:P46471|UniProtKB:P16858|UniProtKB:P52480 22839 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Htt IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109355 J:121567 UniProtKB:P42859 22840 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Htt IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1918995 J:121567 UniProtKB:P42859 22841 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Htt IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88295 J:121567 UniProtKB:P42859 22842 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Htt IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98331 J:121567 UniProtKB:P42859 22843 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Htt IPI GO:0005515 MGI:894681 J:121567 UniProtKB:P42859 22844 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Htt IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109555 J:121567 UniProtKB:P42859 22845 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Htt IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95640 J:121567 UniProtKB:P42859 22846 1 evidence:FACS anatomy: cell type:myeloid cell;CL:0000763|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:murine IL-3-dependent myeloid NSF/N1.H7 cells text:phosphomimetic S70E and T69E/S70E/S87E (EEE) Bcl2 mutant IMP GO:0000082 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22847 2 s were compared to the nonphosphorylatable S70A or T69A/S70A/S87A (AAA) Bcl2. text:transfected text:growing cells expressing the S70E or EEE Bcl2 accumulate in G0/G1 (78%-95%), with only 3% to 17% of the population in the S phase under growth factor reple IMP GO:0000082 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22848 3 te conditions text:Phosphomimetic Bcl2 mutants retard G13S cell cycle transition and increase cell survival IMP GO:0000082 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22849 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:myeloid cell;CL:0000763|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:murine IL-3-dependent myeloid NSF/N1.H7 cells text:more potently inhibits oxidative stressinduced apoptosis tex IMP GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22850 2 t:phosphomimetic S70E and T69E/S70E/S87E (EEE) Bcl2 mutants were compared to the nonphosphorylatable S70A or T69A/S70A/S87A (AAA) Bcl2. text:transfected IMP GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22851 1 evidence:FACS anatomy: cell type:myeloid cell;CL:0000763|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:murine IL-3-dependent myeloid NSF/N1.H7 cells text:phosphomimetic S70E and T69E/S70E/S87E (EEE) Bcl2 mutant IMP GO:0030308 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22852 2 s were compared to the nonphosphorylatable S70A or T69A/S70A/S87A (AAA) Bcl2. text:transfected text:growing cells expressing the S70E or EEE Bcl2 accumulate in G0/G1 (78%-95%), with only 3% to 17% of the population in the S phase under growth factor reple IMP GO:0030308 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22853 3 te conditions text:Phosphomimetic Bcl2 mutants retard G13S cell cycle transition and increase cell survival IMP GO:0030308 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22854 1 evidence:FACS anatomy: cell type:myeloid cell;CL:0000763|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:murine IL-3-dependent myeloid NSF/N1.H7 cells text:Mono- or multisite phosphomimetic Bcl2 reduces intracell IMP GO:0006800 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22855 2 ular ROS levels text:phosphomimetic S70E and T69E/S70E/S87E (EEE) Bcl2 mutants were compared to the nonphosphorylatable S70A or T69A/S70A/S87A (AAA) Bcl2. text:transfected IMP GO:0006800 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22856 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:myeloid cell;CL:0000763|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target:Sod1;MGI:98351 target:Cat;MGI:88271 external ref: text:murine IL-3-dependent myeloid NSF/N1.H7 cells text:more potently inhibits ox IMP GO:0010468 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22857 2 idative stressinduced apoptosis text:phosphomimetic S70E and T69E/S70E/S87E (EEE) Bcl2 mutants were compared to the nonphosphorylatable S70A or T69A/S70A/S87A (AAA) Bcl2. text:transfected text:cells stably expressing S70E and EEE Bcl2 but not those expre IMP GO:0010468 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22858 3 ssing nonphosphorylatableA-mutants express increased levels of catalase and SOD1 IMP GO:0010468 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22859 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:myeloid cell;CL:0000763|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:murine IL-3-dependent myeloid NSF/N1.H7 cells text:more potently inhibits oxidative stressinduced apoptosis tex IMP GO:0034097 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22860 2 t:phosphomimetic S70E and T69E/S70E/S87E (EEE) Bcl2 mutants were compared to the nonphosphorylatable S70A or T69A/S70A/S87A (AAA) Bcl2. text:transfected text:IL-3 addition enhances intracellular ROS levels and promotes G1/S cell cycle progression that is IMP GO:0034097 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22861 3 retarded in cells expressing the phosphomimetic Bcl2 IMP GO:0034097 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22862 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:myeloid cell;CL:0000763|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:murine IL-3-dependent myeloid NSF/N1.H7 cells text:more potently inhibits oxidative stressinduced apoptosis tex IMP GO:0042542 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22863 2 t:phosphomimetic S70E and T69E/S70E/S87E (EEE) Bcl2 mutants were compared to the nonphosphorylatable S70A or T69A/S70A/S87A (AAA) Bcl2. text:transfected text:Addition of H2O2 stimulates G1/S cell cycle transition, down-regulation of p27, and activation o IMP GO:0042542 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22864 3 f Cdk2 in cells expressing the phosphomimetic Bcl2 IMP GO:0042542 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22865 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:myeloid cell;CL:0000763|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:murine IL-3-dependent myeloid NSF/N1.H7 cells text:more potently inhibits oxidative stressinduced apoptosis tex IMP GO:0006979 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22866 2 t:phosphomimetic S70E and T69E/S70E/S87E (EEE) Bcl2 mutants were compared to the nonphosphorylatable S70A or T69A/S70A/S87A (AAA) Bcl2. text:transfected IMP GO:0006979 MGI:88138 J:86240 N/A 22867 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:immature B cell;CL:0000816|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:88216 J:87650 MGI:2449487 22868 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:natural killer cell;CL:0000623|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032825 MGI:1890474 J:88003 N/A 22869 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:natural killer cell;CL:0000623|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045954 MGI:1890474 J:88003 N/A 22870 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:natural killer cell;CL:0000623|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045078 MGI:1890474 J:88003 N/A 22871 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:natural killer cell;CL:0000623|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032733 MGI:1890474 J:88003 N/A 22872 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:In embryonic kidney organ culture, incubation with the bcl-2 BH4 domain resulted in inhibition of ureteric bud branching IDA GO:0001658 MGI:88138 J:88736 N/A 22873 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:ATCC: CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0051435 MGI:108295 J:88736 UniProtKB:P10417|UniProtKB:Q64373|UniProtKB:P70345 22874 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:ATCC: CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88508 J:88736 UniProtKB:Q8VI36 22875 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:ATCC: CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104673 J:88736 UniProtKB:Q8VI36 22876 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:ATCC: CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1195267 J:88736 UniProtKB:Q8VI36 22877 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Gdnf ; MGI:107430 target:Six2 ; MGI:102778 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:102778 J:93877 N/A 22878 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Gdnf ; MGI:107430|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 target:Six2 ; MGI:102778|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:102778 J:93877 N/A 22879 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:T cell:CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1197519 J:90654 N/A 22880 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:T cell:CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: not associated with microtubules IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1197519 J:90654 N/A 22881 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:T cell:CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915202 J:90654 N/A 22882 1 evidence: anatomy:lens placode ; EMAP:1286 cell type:surface ectodermal cell ; CL:0000114 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:102764 J:103131 N/A 22883 1 evidence: anatomy:lens placode ; EMAP:1286 cell type:surface ectodermal cell ; CL:0000114 gene product: modification: target:Six3 ; MGI:102764 external ref: text: IMP GO:0033365 MGI:97490 J:103131 MGI:1856155 22884 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory placode ; EMAP:1296 anatomy:nasal epithelium ; EMAP:2376 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1277991 J:103131 N/A 22885 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory placode ; EMAP:1296 anatomy:nasal epithelium ; EMAP:2376 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1277991 J:103131 N/A 22886 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory placode ; EMAP:1296 anatomy:nasal epithelium ; EMAP:2376 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:109344 J:103131 N/A 22887 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory placode ; EMAP:1296 anatomy:nasal epithelium ; EMAP:2376 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:109344 J:103131 N/A 22888 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Eya1 ; MGI:109344 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006606 MGI:102778 J:103131 N/A 22889 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Eya1 ; MGI:109344 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006606 MGI:102764 J:103131 N/A 22890 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephric mesenchyme ; EMAP:3234 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048762 MGI:95522 J:107078 MGI:95523 22891 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephric mesenchyme ; EMAP:3234 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048762 MGI:95523 J:107078 MGI:95522 22892 1 evidence: anatomy:ureteric bud ; EMAP:3844 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001657 MGI:95523 J:107078 MGI:95522 22893 1 evidence: anatomy:ureteric bud ; EMAP:3844 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001657 MGI:95522 J:107078 MGI:95523 22894 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephric mesenchyme ; EMAP:3843 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000116 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001656 MGI:102778 J:115344 MGI:3691857 22895 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephric mesenchyme ; EMAP:3843 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:102778 J:115344 MGI:3691857 22896 1 evidence: anatomy:1st arch ; EMAP:1463 cell type:myoblast ; CL:0000056 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014707 MGI:107374 J:120320 MGI:2384494 22897 1 evidence: anatomy:1st arch ; EMAP:1463 cell type:myoblast ; CL:0000056 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048625 MGI:107374 J:120320 MGI:2384494 22898 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical region ; EMAP:4638 anatomy:thoracic region ; EMAP:4644 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:88360 J:29755 MGI:2154514 22899 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hoxa7 ; MGI:96179 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:88360 J:29755 N/A 22900 1 evidence: anatomy:axial skeleton ; EMAP:3881 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:99161 J:33159 MGI:1857633 22901 1 evidence: anatomy:pectoral girdle and thoracic body wall ; EMAP:5629 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:TS21\,pectoral girdle and thoracic body wall\,skeleton\,embryo; EMAP:5629| IMP GO:0007389 MGI:96177 J:75823 MGI:2150397 22902 1 evidence: anatomy:pectoral girdle and thoracic body wall ; EMAP:5629 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:TS21\,pectoral girdle and thoracic body wall\,skeleton\,embryo; EMAP:5629| IMP GO:0001501 MGI:96177 J:75823 MGI:2150397 22903 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:L1 ; EMAP:14122 anatomy:L2 ; EMAP:14123 anatomy:L3 ; EMAP:14124 anatomy:L4 ; EMAP:14125 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96180 J:124112 MGI:96190|MGI:96199|MGI:96210 22904 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:L1 ; EMAP:14122 anatomy:L2 ; EMAP:14123 anatomy:L3 ; EMAP:14124 anatomy:L4 ; EMAP:14125 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96180 J:124112 MGI:96190|MGI:96199|MGI:96210 22905 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:L1 ; EMAP:14122 anatomy:L2 ; EMAP:14123 anatomy:L3 ; EMAP:14124 anatomy:L4 ; EMAP:14125 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96190 J:124112 MGI:96180|MGI:96199|MGI:96210 22906 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:L1 ; EMAP:14122 anatomy:L2 ; EMAP:14123 anatomy:L3 ; EMAP:14124 anatomy:L4 ; EMAP:14125 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96190 J:124112 MGI:96180|MGI:96199|MGI:96210 22907 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:L1 ; EMAP:14122 anatomy:L2 ; EMAP:14123 anatomy:L3 ; EMAP:14124 anatomy:L4 ; EMAP:14125 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96199 J:124112 MGI:96180|MGI:96190|MGI:96210 22908 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:L1 ; EMAP:14122 anatomy:L2 ; EMAP:14123 anatomy:L3 ; EMAP:14124 anatomy:L4 ; EMAP:14125 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96199 J:124112 MGI:96180|MGI:96190|MGI:96210 22909 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:L1 ; EMAP:14122 anatomy:L2 ; EMAP:14123 anatomy:L3 ; EMAP:14124 anatomy:L4 ; EMAP:14125 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96210 J:124112 MGI:96180|MGI:96190|MGI:96199 22910 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:L1 ; EMAP:14122 anatomy:L2 ; EMAP:14123 anatomy:L3 ; EMAP:14124 anatomy:L4 ; EMAP:14125 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96210 J:124112 MGI:96180|MGI:96190|MGI:96199 22911 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:C6 ; EMAP:14101 anatomy:C7 ; EMAP:14102 anatomy:T1 ; EMAP:14289 anatomy:T2 ; EMAP:14290 anatomy:T3 ; EMAP:14291 anatomy:T4 ; EMAP:14292 anatomy:T5 ; EMAP:14293 anatomy:T6 ; EMAP:14294 IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96178 J:124112 MGI:96187|MGI:96197 22912 2 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96178 J:124112 MGI:96187|MGI:96197 22913 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:C6 ; EMAP:14101 anatomy:C7 ; EMAP:14102 anatomy:T1 ; EMAP:14289 anatomy:T2 ; EMAP:14290 anatomy:T3 ; EMAP:14291 anatomy:T4 ; EMAP:14292 anatomy:T5 ; EMAP:14293 anatomy:T6 ; EMAP:14294 IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96178 J:124112 MGI:96187|MGI:96197 22914 2 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96178 J:124112 MGI:96187|MGI:96197 22915 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:C6 ; EMAP:14101 anatomy:C7 ; EMAP:14102 anatomy:T1 ; EMAP:14289 anatomy:T2 ; EMAP:14290 anatomy:T3 ; EMAP:14291 anatomy:T4 ; EMAP:14292 anatomy:T5 ; EMAP:14293 anatomy:T6 ; EMAP:14294 IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96197 J:124112 MGI:96178|MGI:96187 22916 2 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96197 J:124112 MGI:96178|MGI:96187 22917 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:C6 ; EMAP:14101 anatomy:C7 ; EMAP:14102 anatomy:T1 ; EMAP:14289 anatomy:T2 ; EMAP:14290 anatomy:T3 ; EMAP:14291 anatomy:T4 ; EMAP:14292 anatomy:T5 ; EMAP:14293 anatomy:T6 ; EMAP:14294 IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96197 J:124112 MGI:96178|MGI:96187 22918 2 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96197 J:124112 MGI:96178|MGI:96187 22919 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:C3 ; EMAP:14098 anatomy:C4 ; EMAP:14099 anatomy:C5 ; EMAP:14100 anatomy:C6 ; EMAP:14101 anatomy:C7 ; EMAP:14102 anatomy:T1 ; EMAP:14289 anatomy:T2 ; EMAP:14290 cell type: gene product IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96177 J:124112 MGI:96196|MGI:96186 22920 2 : modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96177 J:124112 MGI:96196|MGI:96186 22921 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:C3 ; EMAP:14098 anatomy:C4 ; EMAP:14099 anatomy:C5 ; EMAP:14100 anatomy:C6 ; EMAP:14101 anatomy:C7 ; EMAP:14102 anatomy:T1 ; EMAP:14289 anatomy:T2 ; EMAP:14290 cell type: gene product IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96177 J:124112 MGI:96196|MGI:96186 22922 2 : modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96177 J:124112 MGI:96196|MGI:96186 22923 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:C3 ; EMAP:14098 anatomy:C4 ; EMAP:14099 anatomy:C5 ; EMAP:14100 anatomy:C6 ; EMAP:14101 anatomy:C7 ; EMAP:14102 anatomy:T1 ; EMAP:14289 anatomy:T2 ; EMAP:14290 cell type: gene product IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96186 J:124112 MGI:96177|MGI:96196 22924 2 : modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96186 J:124112 MGI:96177|MGI:96196 22925 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:C3 ; EMAP:14098 anatomy:C4 ; EMAP:14099 anatomy:C5 ; EMAP:14100 anatomy:C6 ; EMAP:14101 anatomy:C7 ; EMAP:14102 anatomy:T1 ; EMAP:14289 anatomy:T2 ; EMAP:14290 cell type: gene product IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96186 J:124112 MGI:96177|MGI:96196 22926 2 : modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96186 J:124112 MGI:96177|MGI:96196 22927 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:C3 ; EMAP:14098 anatomy:C4 ; EMAP:14099 anatomy:C5 ; EMAP:14100 anatomy:C6 ; EMAP:14101 anatomy:C7 ; EMAP:14102 anatomy:T1 ; EMAP:14289 anatomy:T2 ; EMAP:14290 cell type: gene product IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96196 J:124112 MGI:96177|MGI:96186 22928 2 : modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96196 J:124112 MGI:96177|MGI:96186 22929 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:C3 ; EMAP:14098 anatomy:C4 ; EMAP:14099 anatomy:C5 ; EMAP:14100 anatomy:C6 ; EMAP:14101 anatomy:C7 ; EMAP:14102 anatomy:T1 ; EMAP:14289 anatomy:T2 ; EMAP:14290 cell type: gene product IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96196 J:124112 MGI:96177|MGI:96186 22930 2 : modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96196 J:124112 MGI:96177|MGI:96186 22931 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 04 ; EMAP:1237 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021570 MGI:96170 J:14491 MGI:1857504 22932 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 05 ; EMAP:1241 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021571 MGI:96170 J:14491 MGI:1857504 22933 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:T cell:CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043231 MGI:96242 J:90654 N/A 22934 1 evidence: anatomy:facio-acoustic VII-VIII preganglion complex ; EMAP:1267 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021754 MGI:96170 J:14491 MGI:1857504 22935 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:T cell:CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043231 MGI:1197519 J:90654 N/A 22936 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:T cell:CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: most of this protein was cytosolic, a smaller proportion coisolated with t IDA GO:0005856 MGI:1861457 J:90654 N/A 22937 2 he cytoskeleton, and even less of the protein was identified in the membrane fraction IDA GO:0005856 MGI:1861457 J:90654 N/A 22938 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:T cell:CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: most of this protein was cytosolic, a smaller proportion coisolated with t IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1861457 J:90654 N/A 22939 2 he cytoskeleton, and even less of the protein was identified in the membrane fraction IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1861457 J:90654 N/A 22940 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:T cell:CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: most of this protein was cytosolic, a smaller proportion coisolated with t IDA GO:0005624 MGI:1861457 J:90654 N/A 22941 2 he cytoskeleton, and even less of the protein was identified in the membrane fraction IDA GO:0005624 MGI:1861457 J:90654 N/A 22942 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:T cell:CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032592 MGI:1858259 J:90654 N/A 22943 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:T cell:CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000300 MGI:1197519 J:90654 N/A 22944 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:4251 anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:6194 anatomy:spinal cord ; MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96174 J:57955 N/A 22945 1 evidence: anatomy:future spinal cord ; EMAP:1761 anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:6194 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97486 J:57955 N/A 22946 1 evidence: anatomy:future spinal cord ; EMAP:1761 anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:6194 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101791 J:57955 N/A 22947 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048706 MGI:96201 J:70547 MGI:3616015 22948 1 evidence: anatomy:diencephalon ; EMAP:2231 anatomy:hypothalamus ; EMAP:4161 anatomy:thalamus ; EMAP:4171 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96174 J:74097 N/A 22949 1 evidence: anatomy:diencephalon ; EMAP:2231 anatomy:hypothalamus ; EMAP:4161 anatomy:thalamus ; EMAP:4171 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96201 J:74097 N/A 22950 1 evidence: anatomy:diencephalon ; EMAP:2231 anatomy:hypothalamus ; EMAP:4161 anatomy:thalamus ; EMAP:4171 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97490 J:74097 N/A 22951 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046676 MGI:1922637 J:129427 MGI:3769237 22952 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Glud1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1922637 J:129427 UniProtKB:P26443 22953 1 evidence:RNAi anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046676 MGI:95753 J:129427 N/A 22954 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Sirt4 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95753 J:129427 UniProtKB:Q8R216 22955 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17875669|IMP text: ISO GO:0001822 MGI:1197522 J:73065 UniProtKB:O42261 22956 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:T cell:CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1915202 J:90654 N/A 22957 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:murine IL-3-dependent NSF/N1.H7 cells text:transfected text:phosphorylation of T69, S70, S87 IDA GO:0018105 MGI:88138 J:88281 N/A 22958 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:murine IL-3-dependent NSF/N1.H7 cells text:transfected text:phosphorylation of T69, S70, S87 IDA GO:0018107 MGI:88138 J:88281 N/A 22959 1 evidence:vaiable cells assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:paclitaxel treated cells text:Bcl2 phosphorylation enhances anti-apoptotic activity of Bcl2 IDA GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:88281 N/A 22960 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:4176 anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:8944 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1306803 J:119476 N/A 22961 1 evidence:vaiable cells assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:paclitaxel treated cells text:Bcl2 phosphorylation enhances anti-apoptotic activity of Bcl2 text:Bcl2 phosphorylation mutants (T69A, S70A, S87A) have m IMP GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:88281 N/A 22962 2 uch reduced anti-apoptotic activity IMP GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:88281 N/A 22963 1 evidence:FACS anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Mono- or Multisite Bcl2 Phosphorylation Retards Cell Cycle Progression After IL-3 Addition or Treatment with a Chemotherapeutic Agent. text:NSF.N1/H7 cells expressing IMP GO:0000082 MGI:88138 J:88281 N/A 22964 2 WT or various A- or E-Bcl2 mutants text:Bcl2 phosphorylation mutants. IMP GO:0000082 MGI:88138 J:88281 N/A 22965 1 evidence:FACS anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Mono- or Multisite Bcl2 Phosphorylation Retards Cell Cycle Progression After IL-3 Addition or Treatment with a Chemotherapeutic Agent. text:NSF.N1/H7 cells expressing IDA GO:0000082 MGI:88138 J:88281 N/A 22966 2 WT or various A- or E-Bcl2 mutants IDA GO:0000082 MGI:88138 J:88281 N/A 22967 1 evidence:[35S]methionine assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Bcl2 phosphorylation positively regulates Bcl2 stability and resistance to proteolysis. text:T69A, S70A, S87A Bcl2 mutants. IMP GO:0031647 MGI:88138 J:88281 N/A 22968 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:4994 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:1306803 J:119476 MGI:3702518 22969 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:4994 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021853 MGI:1306803 J:119476 MGI:3702518 22970 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:4994 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021799 MGI:1306803 J:119476 MGI:3702518 22971 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:4994 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021800 MGI:1306803 J:119476 MGI:3702518 22972 1 evidence: anatomy:forebrain ; MA:0000170 cell type:cholinergic neuron ; CL:0000108 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:basal forebrain IGI GO:0021884 MGI:1306803 J:100340 MGI:1096343 22973 1 evidence: anatomy:forebrain ; MA:0000170 cell type:cholinergic neuron ; CL:0000108 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:basal forebrain IGI GO:0021884 MGI:1096343 J:100340 MGI:1306803 22974 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021798 MGI:97490 J:65195 MGI:1856155 22975 1 evidence: anatomy:adenohypophysis;MA:0000177 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:although the posterior and intermediate lobes of the pituitary appear normal, the anterior pituitary gland is dysplastic and has many large abno IMP GO:0048855 MGI:3036280 J:121821 MGI:3712359 22976 2 rmal cells, some with multiple nuclei IMP GO:0048855 MGI:3036280 J:121821 MGI:3712359 22977 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:the whole skeleton appears under-mineralized with thin bones and narrow cortex, DEXA analysis at 8 weeks of age reveals that total body and areal bone mineral density is IMP GO:0030282 MGI:3036280 J:121821 MGI:3712359 22978 2 significantly reduced with no sex difference IMP GO:0030282 MGI:3036280 J:121821 MGI:3712359 22979 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:homozygotes do not breed IMP GO:0009566 MGI:3036280 J:121821 MGI:3712359 22980 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased circulating thyroid-stimulating hormone level, decreased circulating thyroxine level, decreased circulating insulin-like growth factor I level IMP GO:0042445 MGI:3036280 J:121821 MGI:3712359 22981 1 evidence: anatomy:inner ear;MA:0000237 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:delayed inner ear development IMP GO:0048839 MGI:3036280 J:121821 MGI:3712359 22982 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased body size, decreased body weight IMP GO:0035264 MGI:3036280 J:121821 MGI:3712359 22983 1 evidence: anatomy:thyroid gland;MA:0000129 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:thyroid gland hyperplasia, thyroid gland is highly dysplastic with few normal follicles and highly proliferating epithelial cells, which give rise IMP GO:0030878 MGI:3036280 J:121821 MGI:3712359 22984 2 to bilateral thyroid adenomas IMP GO:0030878 MGI:3036280 J:121821 MGI:3712359 22985 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:defect in thyroid hormone synthesis IMP GO:0042403 MGI:3036280 J:121821 MGI:3712359 22986 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97712 J:73653 N/A 22987 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant RBCs show altered cation content (increased K+/decreased Na+) leading to dehydration; text:passive Na+ permeability and the activities of the Na-K-2Cl and K-Cl c IMP GO:0050801 MGI:95402 J:67412 MGI:2182816 22988 2 otransporters, the Na/H exchanger, and the Gardos channel are significantly increased; increased passive Na+ permeability is dependent on cell shrinkage; text:cell shrinkage induces a greater activation of Na/H exchange and Na-K-2Cl cotransport in mutan IMP GO:0050801 MGI:95402 J:67412 MGI:2182816 22989 3 t RBCs IMP GO:0050801 MGI:95402 J:67412 MGI:2182816 22990 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased spleen weight, adult homozygotes show a 2-fold increase in spleen weight IMP GO:0048536 MGI:95402 J:67412 MGI:2182816 22991 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased accumulation of iron in the spleen, indicating RBC damage text:no iron deposition is noted in the kidney, indicating absence of intravascular IMP GO:0055072 MGI:95402 J:67412 MGI:2182816 22992 2 hemolysis IMP GO:0055072 MGI:95402 J:67412 MGI:2182816 22993 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte;CL:0000232|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal erythrocyte morphology IMP GO:0000902 MGI:95402 J:67412 MGI:2182816 22994 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased hemoglobin content, adult homozygotes display slightly reduced hemoglobin levels relative to wild type mice IMP GO:0020027 MGI:95402 J:67412 MGI:2182816 22995 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Secondary axis formation was observed both in Xenopus embryos injected with mouse Frat1 RNA, and in Xenopus embryos injected with Frat3 RNA, indicating that both Frat1 an IDA GO:0000578 MGI:1351637 J:58550 N/A 22996 2 d mouse Frat3 can promote axis duplication text:blastomeres of 4 cell stage Xenopus embryos. IDA GO:0000578 MGI:1351637 J:58550 N/A 22997 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Secondary axis formation was observed both in Xenopus embryos injected with mouse Frat1 RNA, and in Xenopus embryos injected with Frat3 RNA, indicating that both Frat1 an IDA GO:0000578 MGI:109450 J:58550 N/A 22998 2 d mouse Frat3 can promote axis duplication text:blastomeres of 4 cell stage Xenopus embryos. IDA GO:0000578 MGI:109450 J:58550 N/A 22999 1 evidence: anatomy:mandibular component ; EMAP:2643 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:98218 J:71035 MGI:97712 23000 1 evidence: anatomy:mandibular component ; EMAP:2013 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:97712 J:71035 MGI:98218 23001 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Frat2 is not an essential component of the canonical Wnt pathway IMP GO:0016055 MGI:2673967 J:96034 MGI:3530460 23002 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Frat1-/Frat2-/Frat3_ triple homozygotes have no Wnt signaling abnormalities, no abnormal phenotype detected IGI GO:0016055 MGI:2673967 J:96034 UniProtKB:P70339|NCBI:NP_038816 23003 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:2016 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002053 MGI:97712 J:71035 MGI:98218 23004 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Frat1-/Frat2-/Frat3_ triple homozygotes have no Wnt signaling abnormalities, no abnormal phenotype detected IGI GO:0016055 MGI:109450 J:96034 UniProtKB:Q8K025|NCBI:NP_038816 23005 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:2016 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002053 MGI:98218 J:71035 MGI:97712 23006 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Frat1-/Frat2-/Frat3_ triple homozygotes have no Wnt signaling abnormalities, no abnormal phenotype detected IGI GO:0016055 MGI:1351637 J:96034 UniProtKB:P70339|UniProtKB:Q8K025 23007 1 evidence: anatomy:mandibular component ; EMAP:2013 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045880 MGI:98218 J:71035 MGI:97712 23008 1 evidence: anatomy:mandibular component ; EMAP:2013 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045880 MGI:97712 J:71035 MGI:98218 23009 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type:retinal rod cell;CL:0000604|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:One day of constant light caused the rods in the RK2y2 mouse retina to undergo apoptotic deg IMP GO:0006915 MGI:1345146 J:54021 MGI:2668595 23010 2 eneration IMP GO:0006915 MGI:1345146 J:54021 MGI:2668595 23011 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type:retinal rod cell;CL:0000604|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal retinal rod cell morphology - impaired rhodopsin deactivation text:abnormal retina IMP GO:0008594 MGI:1345146 J:54021 MGI:2668595 23012 2 l rod cell outer segment morphology - rod outer segments of mice raised in 12 hour cyclic illumination were 50% shorter than those of wild type or mutant mice raised in darkness IMP GO:0008594 MGI:1345146 J:54021 MGI:2668595 23013 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ltered morphology of retina IMP GO:0060060 MGI:1345146 J:54021 MGI:2668595 23014 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal aorta ; EMAP:6359 anatomy:ductus arteriosus ; EMAP:6365 anatomy:pulmonary trunk ; EMAP:6383 anatomy:arch of aorta ; EMAP:6356 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048844 MGI:98218 J:60507 MGI:97712 23015 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal aorta ; EMAP:6359 anatomy:ductus arteriosus ; EMAP:6365 anatomy:pulmonary trunk ; EMAP:6383 anatomy:arch of aorta ; EMAP:6356 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048844 MGI:97712 J:60507 MGI:98218 23016 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Rho;MGI:97914 external ref: text:no increase in rhodopsin phosphorylation was observed in RK2y2 retinas IMP GO:0042327 MGI:1345146 J:54021 MGI:2668595 23017 1 evidence:membrane currents from single rods anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type:retinal rod cell;CL:0000604|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:flash responses of RK2-/- rods were greatly prolonged IMP GO:0009416 MGI:1345146 J:54021 MGI:2668595 23018 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal aorta ; EMAP:6359 anatomy:ductus arteriosus ; EMAP:6365 anatomy:pulmonary trunk ; EMAP:6383 anatomy:arch of aorta ; EMAP:6356 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048844 MGI:97712 J:60507 MGI:1857640 23019 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:bright flash caused the rhodopsin C termini to become monophosphorylated, diphosphorylated, triphosphorylated. IDA GO:0006468 MGI:97914 J:54021 N/A 23020 1 evidence: anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:4028 anatomy:footplate ; EMAP:4059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:98218 J:52212 MGI:97712 23021 1 evidence: anatomy:footplate ; EMAP:4059 anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:4028 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:97712 J:52212 MGI:98218 23022 1 evidence: anatomy:Meckel's cartilage ; EMAP:6594 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051216 MGI:98218 J:51596 MGI:97712 23023 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: lethality throughout fetal growth and development; death between E14.5 and E16.5 text: Mutation: Disruption caused by insertion of vector Both of the adult he IGI GO:0001701 MGI:96015 J:28392 NCBI:NP_001077424 23024 2 moglobin genes, alpha 1 and alpha 2, and the region between them were deleted and replaced with a neomycin resistance cassette by homologous recombination. text:reduced fetal size - noticeably smaller than littermates at E14.5 text:hydrop fetal IGI GO:0001701 MGI:96015 J:28392 NCBI:NP_001077424 23025 3 is IGI GO:0001701 MGI:96015 J:28392 NCBI:NP_001077424 23026 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: lethality throughout fetal growth and development; death between E14.5 and E16.5 text: Mutation: Disruption caused by insertion of vector Both of the adult he IGI GO:0001701 MGI:96016 J:28392 UniProtKB:P01942 23027 2 moglobin genes, alpha 1 and alpha 2, and the region between them were deleted and replaced with a neomycin resistance cassette by homologous recombination. text:reduced fetal size - noticeably smaller than littermates at E14.5 text:hydrop fetal IGI GO:0001701 MGI:96016 J:28392 UniProtKB:P01942 23028 3 is IGI GO:0001701 MGI:96016 J:28392 UniProtKB:P01942 23029 1 evidence: anatomy:Meckel's cartilage ; EMAP:6594 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051216 MGI:97712 J:51596 MGI:98218 23030 1 evidence: anatomy:mandible primordium ; EMAP:4554 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:97712 J:51596 MGI:98218 23031 1 evidence: anatomy:mandible primordium ; EMAP:4554 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:98218 J:51596 MGI:97712 23032 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte;CL:0000232|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal red blood cell - presence of large inclusion bodies in red blood cells at E14.5 text:decreased mean corpu IGI GO:0048821 MGI:96016 J:28392 UniProtKB:P01942 23033 2 scular volume; decreased mean corpuscular hemoglobin IGI GO:0048821 MGI:96016 J:28392 UniProtKB:P01942 23034 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte;CL:0000232|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal red blood cell - presence of large inclusion bodies in red blood cells at E14.5 text:decreased mean corpu IGI GO:0048821 MGI:96015 J:28392 NCBI:NP_001077424 23035 2 scular volume; decreased mean corpuscular hemoglobin IGI GO:0048821 MGI:96015 J:28392 NCBI:NP_001077424 23036 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134|somatic stem cell ; CL:0000723 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1197522 J:133640 N/A 23037 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134|somatic stem cell ; CL:0000723 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98872 J:133640 N/A 23038 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045665 MGI:1197522 J:133641 N/A 23039 1 evidence: anatomy:interneuron ; CL:0000099 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:V2 interneuron IDA GO:0045666 MGI:1197522 J:133641 N/A 23040 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045666 MGI:1206039 J:133641 N/A 23041 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:V3 interneuron IDA GO:0045665 MGI:97347 J:133641 N/A 23042 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045666 MGI:97347 J:133641 N/A 23043 1 evidence: anatomy:renal proximal tubule;MA:0002611 anatomy:kidney collecting duct;MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased production offibronectin text:decreased amount of thrombospondin-1 IMP GO:0010559 MGI:88138 J:95643 MGI:1857134 23044 1 evidence: anatomy:renal proximal tubule;MA:0002611 anatomy:kidney collecting duct;MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant cells demonstrate increased migration in a scratch wound assay. IMP GO:0030336 MGI:88138 J:95643 MGI:1857134 23045 1 evidence: anatomy:renal proximal tubule;MA:0002611 anatomy:kidney collecting duct;MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells incubated with PP1 (Src inhibitor) exhibited little to no migration into the wound IMP GO:0016477 MGI:98397 J:95643 N/A 23046 1 evidence:beta-catenin staining anatomy:renal proximal tubule;MA:0002611 anatomy:kidney collecting duct;MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:altered cel-cell contacts IMP GO:0016337 MGI:88138 J:95643 MGI:1857134 23047 1 evidence:vinculin staining anatomy:renal proximal tubule;MA:0002611 anatomy:kidney collecting duct;MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:altered Formation of focal adhesions IMP GO:0048041 MGI:88138 J:95643 MGI:1857134 23048 1 evidence: anatomy:renal proximal tubule;MA:0002611 anatomy:kidney collecting duct;MA:0000371 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:proximal tubule - mutant cells do not adhere to collagen, laminin; decreased adherence to fibron IMP GO:0001952 MGI:88138 J:95643 MGI:1857134 23049 2 ectin text:collecting ducts - altered adherence to vitronectin and fibronectin. IMP GO:0001952 MGI:88138 J:95643 MGI:1857134 23050 1 evidence: anatomy:renal proximal tubule;MA:0002611 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Itga5;MGI:96604 target:Itga3;MGI:96602 target:Itga6;MGI:96605 target:Itgb1;MGI:96610 external ref: text:increased expression of alpha-integrins in mutants tex IMP GO:0010468 MGI:88138 J:95643 MGI:1857134 23051 2 t:decreased expression of beta-integrin in mutants IMP GO:0010468 MGI:88138 J:95643 MGI:1857134 23052 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal hematopoiesis - liver shows a significant increase in hematopoietic precursor cells including nucleated erythrocytes at E18.5 IMP GO:0030097 MGI:98368 J:115753 MGI:2681117 23053 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:perinatal lethality IMP GO:0009791 MGI:98368 J:115753 MGI:2681117 23054 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal erythrocyte morphology - increased numbers of nucleated red cells than in wild type at E14.5 and E18.5, however at P10.5, circulating nucleated red cells are not IMP GO:0000902 MGI:98368 J:115753 MGI:2681117 23055 2 seen, suggesting a transient effect IMP GO:0000902 MGI:98368 J:115753 MGI:2681117 23056 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,liver;EMAP:6651 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:The Expression Pattern of Sox6 Suggests a Role in Definitive Erythropoiesis IMP GO:0048821 MGI:98368 J:115753 MGI:2681117 23057 1 evidence:inferred from in situ hybridization;ECO:0000098 anatomy:TS22\,liver;EMAP:6651 cell type:erythroid progenitor cell;CL:0000038|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:The Persistent Expression of ey IMP GO:0016458 MGI:98368 J:115753 MGI:2681117 23058 2 Globin in Sox6-Deficient Mice Is Due to a Defect in the ey-Gene?Silencing Mechanism in Definitive Erythroid Cells IMP GO:0016458 MGI:98368 J:115753 MGI:2681117 23059 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 anatomy:TS23\,liver;EMAP:8200 anatomy:TS26\,liver;EMAP:12229 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased transc IMP GO:0000122 MGI:98368 J:115753 MGI:2681117 23060 2 ription of beta-, epsilon- globin genes in mutants IMP GO:0000122 MGI:98368 J:115753 MGI:2681117 23061 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|GM979 Cells (murine erythroleukemic cell line) gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected; IDA GO:0000122 MGI:98368 J:115753 N/A 23062 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070;ChIP anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reticulocyte lysate-based transcription/trans IDA GO:0043565 MGI:98368 J:115753 N/A 23063 2 lation in vitro system; MEL cell nuclear extracts. text:epsilon globin Sox6 specific promoter sequences; confirmed by mutations IDA GO:0043565 MGI:98368 J:115753 N/A 23064 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:1284 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050679 MGI:101926 J:114449 MGI:101927 23065 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:1284 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050679 MGI:101927 J:114449 MGI:101926 23066 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:1284 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042472 MGI:101927 J:114449 MGI:101926 23067 1 evidence: anatomy:otocyst ; EMAP:1282 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042472 MGI:101926 J:114449 MGI:101927 23068 1 evidence: anatomy:inner ear ; EMAP:4295 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042472 MGI:97712 J:50488 MGI:98218 23069 1 evidence: anatomy:inner ear ; EMAP:4295 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042472 MGI:98218 J:50488 MGI:97712 23070 1 evidence: anatomy:middle ear ; EMAP:4323 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042474 MGI:98218 J:50488 MGI:97712 23071 1 evidence: anatomy:middle ear ; EMAP:4323 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042474 MGI:97712 J:50488 MGI:98218 23072 1 evidence: anatomy:zygomatic bone ; MA:0001497 anatomy:squamosal bone ; MA:0001473 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048701 MGI:97712 J:50488 MGI:98218 23073 1 evidence: anatomy:zygomatic bone ; MA:0001497 anatomy:squamosal bone ; MA:0001473 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048701 MGI:98218 J:50488 MGI:97712 23074 1 evidence: anatomy:radius-ulna cartilage condensation ; EMAP:4784|tibia-fibular pre-cartilage condensation ; EMAP:4891 anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:4793|footplate ; EMAP:4835 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:98218 J:50488 MGI:97712 23075 1 evidence: anatomy:radius-ulna cartilage condensation ; EMAP:4784|tibia-fibular pre-cartilage condensation ; EMAP:4891 anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:4793|footplate ; EMAP:4835 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:97712 J:50488 MGI:98218 23076 1 evidence: anatomy:mandibular process ; EMAP:3812 anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 anatomy:radius-ulna cartilage condensation ; EMAP:4784|tibia-fibular pre-cartilage condensation ; EMAP:4891 anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:4793|footplate ; EMAP:4835 anatomy:pubis ; IGI GO:0048704 MGI:98218 J:50488 MGI:97712 23077 2 MA:0001338 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:98218 J:50488 MGI:97712 23078 1 evidence: anatomy:mandibular process ; EMAP:3812 anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 anatomy:radius-ulna cartilage condensation ; EMAP:4784|tibia-fibular pre-cartilage condensation ; EMAP:4891 anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:4793|footplate ; EMAP:4835 anatomy:pubis ; IGI GO:0048704 MGI:97712 J:50488 MGI:98218 23079 2 MA:0001338 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:97712 J:50488 MGI:98218 23080 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Hpcal1|Hpca IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2386848 J:89525 UniProtKB:P62748|UniProtKB:P84075 23081 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:calcium dependent Cyb5r4 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1855689 J:89525 UniProtKB:Q3TDX8 23082 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Cyb5r4, calcium dependent IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1336200 J:89525 UniProtKB:Q3TDX8 23083 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:000169 pancreatic B cell gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048468 MGI:2386848 J:91486 MGI:3050973 23084 1 evidence: anatomy:anterior epithelium ; EMAP:11956|equatorial epithelium ; EMAP:11958 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002088 MGI:107231 J:86871 MGI:2680670 23085 1 evidence: anatomy:anterior epithelium ; EMAP:11956|equatorial epithelium ; EMAP:11958 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050680 MGI:107231 J:86871 MGI:2680670 23086 1 evidence: anatomy:guard hair;MA:0001896 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:melanoblasts in lower permanent portion of hair follicle; Decrease in the LPP Mb population in the Bcl2 null mice from birth IMP GO:0048873 MGI:88138 J:106370 MGI:2158305 23087 1 evidence: anatomy:guard hair;MA:0001896 cell type:melanocyte;CL:0000148|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:after injection of anti-c-Kit antibody TEXT:Complete absence of the Melanocyte Stem Cells in t IMP GO:0045636 MGI:88138 J:106370 MGI:2158305 23088 2 he Bcl2 null mice IMP GO:0045636 MGI:88138 J:106370 MGI:2158305 23089 1 evidence:Whole-mount immunostaining of hair follicles anatomy:hair follicle;MA:0000154 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Rescue of Melanocyte Stem Cells in the Bcl2 null mice by overexpression of SCF IDA GO:0045636 MGI:96974 J:106370 N/A 23090 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:splenocytes text:incubation with dopamine or paraquat IMP GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:111984 MGI:1857134 23091 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:incubation with 0.5 mM dopamine IMP GO:0043524 MGI:88138 J:111984 MGI:1857134 23092 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Enhanced Oxidative Stress and Altered Antioxidants in Brains of Bcl-2-Deficient Mice IMP GO:0006800 MGI:88138 J:111984 MGI:1857134 23093 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:higher activities of the antioxidant enzymes GSH reductase (192%) and GSH transferase (142%), whereas at the age of 30 days, GSH peroxidase was significan IMP GO:0050790 MGI:88138 J:111984 MGI:1857134 23094 2 tly lower (66%). Activities of GSH transferase and GSH reductase increased significantly (158 and 262%, respectively) from day 8 to day 30 in Bc!-2 +1+ mice, whereas GSH peroxidase decreased (31%) significantly in Bcl-2 ?I? animals. IMP GO:0050790 MGI:88138 J:111984 MGI:1857134 23095 1 evidence:staining techniques;FACS anatomy:TS20\,telencephalon;EMAP:4175 anatomy:TS21\,telencephalon;EMAP:4993 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:DNA damage induces caspase 3 IDA GO:0006974 MGI:107739 J:115386 N/A 23096 2 activation and NPC apoptosis in vivo and in vitro text:treatment with nucleoside analogs and gamma-UV. IDA GO:0006974 MGI:107739 J:115386 N/A 23097 1 evidence:staining techniques;FACS anatomy:TS20\,telencephalon;EMAP:4175 anatomy:TS21\,telencephalon;EMAP:4993 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:DNA damage induces caspase 3 IDA GO:0009411 MGI:107739 J:115386 N/A 23098 2 activation and NPC apoptosis in vivo and in vitro text:treatment with nucleoside analogs and gamma-UV. IDA GO:0009411 MGI:107739 J:115386 N/A 23099 1 evidence: anatomy:hard palate ; EMAP:9465 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060022 MGI:107231 J:67360 MGI:2680670 23100 1 evidence: anatomy:mandible ; EMAP:6597 anatomy:premaxilla ; EMAP:6625 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:107231 J:67360 MGI:2680670 23101 1 evidence:cell viability assays;TUNEL anatomy:TS20\,telencephalon;EMAP:4175 anatomy:TS21\,telencephalon;EMAP:4993 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:p53 or caspase 9 deficien IMP GO:0043525 MGI:1277950 J:115386 MGI:2158755 23102 2 cy protects against AraCinduced neural precursor cell apoptosis text:AraC or gamma-irradiation treated embryos IMP GO:0043525 MGI:1277950 J:115386 MGI:2158755 23103 1 evidence:cell viability assays;TUNEL anatomy:TS20\,telencephalon;EMAP:4175 anatomy:TS21\,telencephalon;EMAP:4993 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:p53 or caspase 9 deficien IMP GO:0006974 MGI:1277950 J:115386 MGI:2158755 23104 2 cy protects against AraC induced neural precursor cell apoptosis text:AraC or gamma-irradiation treated embryos IMP GO:0006974 MGI:1277950 J:115386 MGI:2158755 23105 1 evidence:cell viability assays;TUNEL anatomy:TS20\,telencephalon;EMAP:4175 anatomy:TS21\,telencephalon;EMAP:4993 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:p53 or caspase 9 deficien IMP GO:0009411 MGI:1277950 J:115386 MGI:2158755 23106 2 cy protects against AraC induced neural precursor cell apoptosis text:AraC or gamma-irradiation treated embryos IMP GO:0009411 MGI:1277950 J:115386 MGI:2158755 23107 1 evidence:cell viability assays;TUNEL anatomy:TS20\,telencephalon;EMAP:4175 anatomy:TS21\,telencephalon;EMAP:4993 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:p53 or caspase 9 deficien IMP GO:0043525 MGI:98834 J:115386 MGI:1857590 23108 2 cy protects against AraC induced neural precursor cell apoptosis text:AraC or gamma-irradiation treated embryos IMP GO:0043525 MGI:98834 J:115386 MGI:1857590 23109 1 evidence:cell viability assays;TUNEL anatomy:TS20\,telencephalon;EMAP:4175 anatomy:TS21\,telencephalon;EMAP:4993 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:p53 or caspase 9 deficien IMP GO:0006974 MGI:98834 J:115386 MGI:1857590 23110 2 cy protects against AraC induced neural precursor cell apoptosis text:AraC or gamma-irradiation treated embryos IMP GO:0006974 MGI:98834 J:115386 MGI:1857590 23111 1 evidence:cell viability assays;TUNEL anatomy:TS20\,telencephalon;EMAP:4175 anatomy:TS21\,telencephalon;EMAP:4993 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:p53 or caspase 9 deficien IMP GO:0009411 MGI:98834 J:115386 MGI:1857590 23112 2 cy protects against AraC induced neural precursor cell apoptosis text:AraC or gamma-irradiation treated embryos IMP GO:0009411 MGI:98834 J:115386 MGI:1857590 23113 1 evidence:open field, enclosure, maze tests anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutants - significant increase of anxiety-like behaviors. IMP GO:0001662 MGI:88138 J:115732 MGI:1857430 23114 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ER-enriched light membrane fraction from mouse brain IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1321159 J:116445 UniProtKB:P10417 23115 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:PP2A is capable of dephosphorylating BCL-2 in vitro IDA GO:0006470 MGI:88138 J:116445 N/A 23116 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001772 MGI:107231 J:96052 N/A 23117 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045121 MGI:107231 J:96052 N/A 23118 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ER-enriched light membrane fraction from mouse brain IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1321161 J:116445 UniProtKB:P10417 23119 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:MEF;fibroblast;CL:0000057|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Knock Down of PP2A Catalytic Subunit with RNA interference Causes a Decrease in Endogenous BCL-2 That Is Depend IMP GO:0010468 MGI:1321161 J:116445 N/A 23120 2 ent on BCL-2 Phosphorylation? IMP GO:0010468 MGI:1321161 J:116445 N/A 23121 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032947 MGI:107231 J:96052 N/A 23122 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001771 MGI:107231 J:96052 N/A 23123 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031579 MGI:107231 J:96052 N/A 23124 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030838 MGI:107231 J:96052 N/A 23125 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042110 MGI:107231 J:96052 N/A 23126 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002369 MGI:107231 J:96052 N/A 23127 1 evidence: anatomy:quadriceps ; MA:0002363 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031594 MGI:107231 J:103698 N/A 23128 1 evidence: anatomy:quadriceps ; MA:0002363 cell type:skeletal muscle cell ; CL:0000188 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031594 MGI:104631 J:103698 N/A 23129 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:NCBI:16717086;IMP text:shRNA interference ISO GO:0043161 MGI:1349475 J:116445 UniProtKB:Q13362 23130 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ER-enriched light membrane fraction from mouse brain IDA GO:0000159 MGI:88138 J:116445 N/A 23131 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ER-enriched light membrane fraction from mouse brain IDA GO:0000159 MGI:1321159 J:116445 N/A 23132 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ER-enriched light membrane fraction from mouse brain IDA GO:0000159 MGI:1321161 J:116445 N/A 23133 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ER-enriched light membrane fraction from mouse brain IDA GO:0000159 MGI:1926334 J:116445 N/A 23134 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-2214|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:shRNA interference IMP GO:0043066 MGI:1321161 J:116445 N/A 23135 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-2214|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:shRNA interference IMP GO:0043161 MGI:1321161 J:116445 N/A 23136 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-2214|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:shRNA interference text:increased apoptosis IMP GO:0046677 MGI:1321161 J:116445 N/A 23137 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-2214|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:shRNA interference text:increased apoptosis text:Taxol, etoposide, staurosporine, IMP GO:0042221 MGI:1321161 J:116445 N/A 23138 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-2214|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:shRNA interference text:increased apoptosis IMP GO:0042542 MGI:1321161 J:116445 N/A 23139 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:dendritic cell;CL:0000451|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfection IDA GO:0008284 MGI:88139 J:118686 N/A 23140 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:dendritic cell;CL:0000451|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfection IDA GO:0006916 MGI:88139 J:118686 N/A 23141 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:dendritic cell;CL:0000451|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfection IDA GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:118686 N/A 23142 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical ganglion;MA:0001153 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Sympathetic Neurons from BCL-2-Deficient Mice Die More Rapidly Than Neurons from Wild-Type IMP GO:0051402 MGI:88138 J:119622 MGI:1857134 23143 2 Mice under trophic factor deprivation IMP GO:0051402 MGI:88138 J:119622 MGI:1857134 23144 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic aorta;MA:0002569 cell type:smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hypoxia-induced vascular smooth muscle cells text:uPA-/- severely decreased hypoxi IMP GO:0014909 MGI:97611 J:124454 N/A 23145 2 ainduced VSMC migration and invasion text:no MGI ID for the mutant IMP GO:0014909 MGI:97611 J:124454 N/A 23146 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic aorta;MA:0002569 cell type:smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hypoxia-induced vascular smooth muscle cells text:tPA-/- increased hypoxia-induced IMP GO:0001666 MGI:97610 J:124454 N/A 23147 2 VSMC migration and invasion text:no MGI ID for the mutant IMP GO:0001666 MGI:97610 J:124454 N/A 23148 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic aorta;MA:0002569 cell type:smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hypoxia-induced vascular smooth muscle cells text:tPA-/- increased hypoxia-induced IMP GO:0014909 MGI:97610 J:124454 N/A 23149 2 VSMC migration and invasion text:no MGI ID for the mutant IMP GO:0014909 MGI:97610 J:124454 N/A 23150 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic aorta;MA:0002569 cell type:smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hypoxia-induced vascular smooth muscle cells, hypoxia increased Mmp2 activity text IDA GO:0001666 MGI:97009 J:124454 N/A 23151 2 :no MGI ID for the mutant IDA GO:0001666 MGI:97009 J:124454 N/A 23152 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic aorta;MA:0002569 cell type:smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hypoxia-induced vascular smooth muscle cells text:uPA-/- severely decreased hypoxi IMP GO:0001666 MGI:97611 J:124454 N/A 23153 2 ainduced VSMC migration and invasion text:no MGI ID for the mutant text:Hypoxia increases uPA expression and activity IMP GO:0001666 MGI:97611 J:124454 N/A 23154 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic aorta;MA:0002569 cell type:smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Mmp2;MGI:97009 external ref: text:siRNA interference IMP GO:0043085 MGI:97250 J:124454 N/A 23155 2 text:hypoxia-induced IMP GO:0043085 MGI:97250 J:124454 N/A 23156 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic aorta;MA:0002569 cell type:smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Plau;MGI:97611 external ref: text:siRNA interference IMP GO:0045944 MGI:97250 J:124454 N/A 23157 2 text:hypoxia-induced IMP GO:0045944 MGI:97250 J:124454 N/A 23158 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic aorta;MA:0002569 cell type:smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hypoxia-induced IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97250 J:124454 UniProtKB:P10417 23159 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic aorta;MA:0002569 cell type:smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hypoxia-induced IPI GO:0008134 MGI:88138 J:124454 UniProtKB:P10417 23160 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic aorta;MA:0002569 cell type:smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hypoxia-induced text: Bcl2 binding IDA GO:0016563 MGI:88138 J:124454 N/A 23161 2 to c-Myc enhanced hypoxia-mediated c-Myc transcriptional activity. IDA GO:0016563 MGI:88138 J:124454 N/A 23162 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic aorta;MA:0002569 cell type:smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hypoxia-induced text:siRNA interfere IMP GO:0043085 MGI:88138 J:124454 N/A 23163 2 nce text: silence of Bcl2 decreased uPA and MMP-2 activity on hypoxia-induced VSMC text:Bcl2 binding to c-Myc enhanced c-Mycmediated VSMC migration and invasion. IMP GO:0043085 MGI:88138 J:124454 N/A 23164 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic aorta;MA:0002569 cell type:smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hypoxia-induced text:siRNA interfere IMP GO:0014911 MGI:88138 J:124454 N/A 23165 2 nce text: silence of Bcl2 decreased uPA and MMP-2 activity on hypoxia-induced VSMC text:Bcl2 binding to c-Myc enhanced c-Mycmediated VSMC migration and invasion. IMP GO:0014911 MGI:88138 J:124454 N/A 23166 1 evidence: anatomy:blood;MA:0000059 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased sensitivity of mature T cells to glucocorticoid and y-irradiation, IMP GO:0010332 MGI:88138 J:73660 MGI:2156165 23167 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine;MA:0000337 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:gamma-rays text:lower crypt survival after all survival has been observed in the null compared with doses used in the -/- mice, IMP GO:0010332 MGI:88138 J:62429 MGI:2156165 23168 1 evidence: anatomy:stomach epithelium;MA:0001610 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:proliferative zone of stomach epithelium text:in response to gamma-radiation text:mutants show increased apoptosis IMP GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:124814 MGI:2156165 23169 1 evidence: anatomy:stomach epithelium;MA:0001610 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:proliferative zone of stomach epithelium text:in response to gamma-radiation text:mutants show increased apoptosis IMP GO:0010332 MGI:88138 J:124814 MGI:2156165 23170 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:107231 J:111553 N/A 23171 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-1 ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:104750 J:111553 N/A 23172 1 evidence: anatomy:stomach epithelium;MA:0001610 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:proliferative zone of stomach epithelium text:in response to gamma-radiation text:mutants show decreased apoptosis IMP GO:0010332 MGI:1097161 J:124814 MGI:2159364 23173 1 evidence: anatomy:stomach epithelium;MA:0001610 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:proliferative zone of stomach epithelium text:in response to gamma-radiation text:mutants show decreased apoptosis IMP GO:0043065 MGI:1097161 J:124814 MGI:2159364 23174 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Dlg1 ; MGI:107231 external ref: text: IDA GO:0008104 MGI:104750 J:111553 N/A 23175 1 evidence: anatomy:stomach epithelium;MA:0001610 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:proliferative zone of stomach epithelium text:in response to gamma-radiation text:mutants show decreased apoptosis IMP GO:0043065 MGI:99702 J:124814 MGI:1857429 23176 1 evidence: anatomy:stomach epithelium;MA:0001610 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:proliferative zone of stomach epithelium text:in response to gamma-radiation text:mutants show decreased apoptosis IMP GO:0010332 MGI:99702 J:124814 MGI:1857429 23177 1 evidence: anatomy:stomach epithelium;MA:0001610 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:proliferative zone of stomach epithelium text:in response to gamma-radiation text:mutants show decreased apoptosis IMP GO:0043065 MGI:98834 J:124814 MGI:1857590 23178 1 evidence: anatomy:stomach epithelium;MA:0001610 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:proliferative zone of stomach epithelium text:in response to gamma-radiation text:mutants show decreased apoptosis IMP GO:0010332 MGI:98834 J:124814 MGI:1857590 23179 1 evidence: anatomy:retina photoreceptor layer ; MA:0001308 cell type:photoreceptor cell ; CL:0000210 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045202 MGI:104750 J:111553 N/A 23180 1 evidence: anatomy:retina photoreceptor layer ; MA:0001308 cell type:photoreceptor cell ; CL:0000210 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:evidence: anatomy:retina photoreceptor layer ; MA:0001308 cell type:photoreceptor cell ; CL:0000210 IDA GO:0045202 MGI:107231 J:111553 N/A 23181 2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045202 MGI:107231 J:111553 N/A 23182 1 evidence: anatomy:lymph node;MA:0000139 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:memory T cell;CL:0000813|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Bim/Bcl-2 balance is critical for maint IGI GO:0043029 MGI:88138 J:125868 MGI:1197519 23183 2 aining naive and memory T cell homeostasis IGI GO:0043029 MGI:88138 J:125868 MGI:1197519 23184 1 evidence: anatomy:lymph node;MA:0000139 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type:memory T cell;CL:0000813|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Bim/Bcl-2 balance is critical for maint IGI GO:0043029 MGI:1197519 J:125868 MGI:88138 23185 2 aining naive and memory T cell homeostasis IGI GO:0043029 MGI:1197519 J:125868 MGI:88138 23186 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Lower levels of ATP were also found, IMP GO:0046034 MGI:99400 J:126025 MGI:1856098 23187 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased levels of copper content IMP GO:0006878 MGI:99400 J:126025 MGI:1856098 23188 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased activity of the mitochondrial copper dependent enzyme cytochrome c oxidase. Copper, zinc-superoxide dismutase activity also shows a slight decr IMP GO:0043085 MGI:99400 J:126025 MGI:1856098 23189 2 ease, IMP GO:0043085 MGI:99400 J:126025 MGI:1856098 23190 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Bcl2;MGI:88138 external ref: text:decreased Bcl2 expression IMP GO:0010468 MGI:99400 J:126025 MGI:1856098 23191 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:dramatically decreased and the levels of cytochrome c released from mitochondria IMP GO:0001836 MGI:99400 J:126025 MGI:1856098 23192 1 evidence: anatomy:T26\,embryo;EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:E18.5 embryos were readily recognizable because they all had massive fluid accumulation and oedema, died around birth IGI GO:0001701 MGI:97603 J:126158 MGI:1197519 23193 1 evidence: anatomy:T26\,embryo;EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:E18.5 embryos were readily recognizable because they all had massive fluid accumulation and oedema, died around birth IMP GO:0001701 MGI:97603 J:126158 MGI:1857562 23194 1 evidence: anatomy:T26\,embryo;EMAP:11159 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:E18.5 embryos were readily recognizable because they all had massive fluid accumulation and oedema, died around birth IGI GO:0001701 MGI:1197519 J:126158 MGI:97603 23195 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:four times smalle rat birth IMP GO:0001822 MGI:88138 J:126158 MGI:2156165 23196 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ER-enriched light membrane fraction from mouse brain IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107164 J:116445 UniProtKB:P10417 23197 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:107164 J:126237 N/A 23198 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005792 MGI:107164 J:126237 N/A 23199 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:107164 J:126237 N/A 23200 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107164 J:126237 UniProtKB:P10417 23201 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005955 MGI:107164 J:126237 N/A 23202 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:107164 J:126237 N/A 23203 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005955 MGI:88138 J:126237 N/A 23204 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107164 J:126237 UniProtKB:P11881 23205 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005955 MGI:96623 J:126237 N/A 23206 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutants die within 6 hours of birth due to respiratory distress IMP GO:0009791 MGI:1927166 J:128547 MGI:3768254 23207 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:E19.5 embryo IMP GO:0048589 MGI:1927166 J:128547 MGI:3768254 23208 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:E19.5 embryo text:abnormal phalanx morphology IMP GO:0042733 MGI:1927166 J:128547 MGI:3768254 23209 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:E19.5 embryo text:short limbs, decreased length of long bones, increased diameter of long bones IMP GO:0030326 MGI:1927166 J:128547 MGI:3768254 23210 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:E19.5 embryo; text:domed skull, decreased length of long bones, increased diameter of long bones, abnormal phalanx morphology, abnormal talus morphology, abnormal thorac IMP GO:0048704 MGI:1927166 J:128547 MGI:3768254 23211 2 ic cage, abnormal vertebral column, abnormal vertebrae morphology, abnormal vertebral arch morphology, abnormal cartilage morphology, abnormal ilium morphology, small scapula, abnormal epiphyseal plate morphology, abnormal long bone hypertrophic chondrocy IMP GO:0048704 MGI:1927166 J:128547 MGI:3768254 23212 3 te zone IMP GO:0048704 MGI:1927166 J:128547 MGI:3768254 23213 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:E19.5 embryo; mice exhibit short facial bones; short mandible, short maxilla, short nasal bone IMP GO:0048703 MGI:1927166 J:128547 MGI:3768254 23214 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:E19.5 embryo; IMP GO:0007585 MGI:1927166 J:128547 MGI:3768254 23215 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:E19.5 embryo text:abnormal talus morphology IMP GO:0035121 MGI:1927166 J:128547 MGI:3768254 23216 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:disorganized cartilage growth plate as well as specific alterations in the orientation of chondrocyte columns IMP GO:0051216 MGI:1927166 J:128547 MGI:3768254 23217 1 evidence: anatomy:cartilage;MA:0000104 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:chondroitin sulfation imbalance IMP GO:0030204 MGI:1927166 J:128547 MGI:3768254 23218 1 evidence: anatomy:cartilage;MA:0000104 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030512 MGI:1927166 J:128547 MGI:3768254 23219 1 evidence: anatomy:cartilage;MA:0000104 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mislocalization of chondroitin sulfate in the growth plate IMP GO:0033037 MGI:1927166 J:128547 MGI:3768254 23220 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:TS26\,tibia;EMAP:12911 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cartilage growth plate IDA GO:0031012 MGI:99602 J:128547 N/A 23221 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:TS26\,tibia;EMAP:12911 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cartilage growth plate IDA GO:0031012 MGI:88452 J:128547 N/A 23222 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,tibia;EMAP:12911 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002063 MGI:1927166 J:128547 MGI:3768254 23223 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,tibia;EMAP:12911 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutants show increase in apoptosis IMP GO:0043066 MGI:1927166 J:128547 MGI:3768254 23224 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\,tibia;EMAP:12911 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:1927166 J:128547 MGI:3768254 23225 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:growth retardation IMP GO:0048589 MGI:88138 J:128559 MGI:2156165 23226 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:polycystic kidneys IMP GO:0001822 MGI:88138 J:128559 MGI:2156165 23227 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042981 MGI:88138 J:128559 MGI:1197519 23228 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:small spleen IMP GO:0048536 MGI:88138 J:128559 MGI:2156165 23229 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048536 MGI:88138 J:128559 MGI:1197519 23230 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048538 MGI:88138 J:128559 MGI:1197519 23231 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:small thymus IMP GO:0048538 MGI:88138 J:128559 MGI:2156165 23232 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:lymphocyte;CL:0000542|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002260 MGI:1197519 J:128559 MGI:88138 23233 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042981 MGI:1197519 J:128559 MGI:88138 23234 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048536 MGI:1197519 J:128559 MGI:88138 23235 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048538 MGI:1197519 J:128559 MGI:88138 23236 1 evidence: anatomy:nephron;MA:0000375 anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001822 MGI:97486 J:129294 MGI:88138 23237 1 evidence: anatomy:nephron;MA:0000375 anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal Kidney Size and Nephron Number IMP GO:0001822 MGI:97486 J:129294 MGI:1857114 23238 1 evidence:TUNEL anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant kidneys exhibit a 10- to 15-fold increase in TUNEL-positive UB cells IMP GO:0043069 MGI:97486 J:129294 MGI:1857114 23239 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,metanephric kidneys cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Mutant Mice Have Suboptimal Branching of the UB IMP GO:0001658 MGI:97486 J:129294 MGI:1857114 23240 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,metanephric kidneys cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001658 MGI:97486 J:129294 MGI:88138 23241 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 anatomy:nephron;MA:0000375 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001822 MGI:88138 J:129294 MGI:97486 23242 1 evidence:TUNEL anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043067 MGI:88138 J:129294 MGI:97486 23243 1 evidence:TUNEL anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043067 MGI:97486 J:129294 MGI:88138 23244 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:lymphocyte;CL:0000542|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002260 MGI:88138 J:128559 MGI:1197519 23245 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\,metanephric kidneys cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001658 MGI:88138 J:129294 MGI:97486 23246 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:CnAbeta enhances the spontaneous survival of naive T cells by maintaining high levels of Bcl-2, a critical homeostatic IMP GO:0043029 MGI:107163 J:130898 MGI:2181294 23247 2 survival factor for naive T cells. IMP GO:0043029 MGI:107163 J:130898 MGI:2181294 23248 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant mice displayed accelerated spontaneous apoptosis. IMP GO:0001915 MGI:107163 J:130898 MGI:2181294 23249 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Bcl2;MGI:88138 external ref: text:positive regulation of Bcl2 levels IMP GO:0010468 MGI:107163 J:130898 MGI:2181294 23250 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:apoptosis of the mutant T cells was prevented by IL-7 and IL-15 IMP GO:0034097 MGI:107163 J:130898 MGI:2181294 23251 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:natural killer cell;CL:0000623|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002729 MGI:1890474 J:88003 N/A 23252 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:urinary bladder;MA:0000380 cell type:smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031240 MGI:1098235 J:102580 N/A 23253 1 evidence: anatomy:epididymal smooth muscle;MA:0001736 anatomy:seminal vesicle;MA:0000410 anatomy:vagina;MA:0000394 anatomy:ileum;MA:0000339 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006940 MGI:1098235 J:102580 MGI:2181608 23254 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenteric artery;MA:0002003 cell type:smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051924 MGI:1098235 J:116400 MGI:2181608 23255 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenteric artery;MA:0002003 cell type:smooth muscle cell;CL:0000192|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003056 MGI:1098235 J:116400 MGI:2181608 23256 1 evidence: anatomy:renal artery;MA:0002035 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019229 MGI:1098235 J:118486 MGI:2181608 23257 1 evidence: anatomy:renal artery;MA:0002035 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:responses to: renal perfusion pressure; P2X receptor blockade with NF279 or A1 receptor blockade with 1,3-dipropyl-8-cyclopentylxanthine; ATP IMP GO:0050896 MGI:1098235 J:118486 MGI:2181608 23258 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:megakaryocyte;CL:0000556|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043270 MGI:1098235 J:118491 MGI:2181608 23259 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:megakaryocyte;CL:0000556|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:response to ADP, ATP IMP GO:0010033 MGI:1098235 J:118491 MGI:2181608 23260 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:megakaryocyte;CL:0000556|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:most likely external side of plasma membrane t IDA GO:0005938 MGI:1316726 J:118491 N/A 23261 2 ext:in response to ADP IDA GO:0005938 MGI:1316726 J:118491 N/A 23262 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:megakaryocyte;CL:0000556|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:most likely external side of plasma membrane t IDA GO:0005938 MGI:99501 J:118491 N/A 23263 2 ext:in response to ADP IDA GO:0005938 MGI:99501 J:118491 N/A 23264 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:megakaryocyte;CL:0000556|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:most likely external side of plasma membrane t IDA GO:0005938 MGI:95526 J:118491 N/A 23265 2 ext:in response to ADP IDA GO:0005938 MGI:95526 J:118491 N/A 23266 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:megakaryocyte;CL:0000556|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to ADP IGI GO:0043270 MGI:1098235 J:118491 MGI:105049|MGI:1918089 23267 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:megakaryocyte;CL:0000556|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to ADP IGI GO:0043270 MGI:1918089 J:118491 MGI:105049|MGI:1098235 23268 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:megakaryocyte;CL:0000556|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to ADP IMP GO:0043270 MGI:105049 J:118491 MGI:2181709 23269 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:megakaryocyte;CL:0000556|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to ADP IGI GO:0043270 MGI:105049 J:118491 MGI:1098235|MGI:1918089 23270 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:AF230802|TRPC2-alpha|UniProt:Q9R244-3 gene product:EMBL:AF230803|UniProt:Q9R244-4 modification: target: external ref: text:bothforms studied localize similarly IDA GO:0000139 MGI:109527 J:65272 N/A 23271 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:AF230802|TRPC2-alpha|UniProt:Q9R244-3 gene product:EMBL:AF230803|UniProt:Q9R244-4 modification: target: external ref: text:bothforms studied localize similarly IDA GO:0005789 MGI:109527 J:65272 N/A 23272 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:EMBL:AF230802|TRPC2-alpha|UniProt:Q9R244-3 gene product:EMBL:AF230803|UniProt:Q9R244-4 modification: target: external ref: text:bothforms studied localize similarly IDA GO:0005635 MGI:109527 J:65272 N/A 23273 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mossy fiber IMP GO:0048169 MGI:95815 J:89599 MGI:1857979 23274 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mossy fiber IMP GO:0048169 MGI:95815 J:91763 MGI:1857979 23275 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mossy fiber IMP GO:0048172 MGI:95815 J:91763 MGI:1857979 23276 1 evidence: anatomy:accumbens nucleus ; MA:0000892 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0015277 MGI:95815 J:97340 MGI:95814 23277 1 evidence: anatomy:accumbens nucleus ; MA:0000892 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015277 MGI:95815 J:97340 MGI:1857979 23278 1 evidence: anatomy:accumbens nucleus ; MA:0000892 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042734 MGI:95815 J:97340 N/A 23279 1 evidence: anatomy:accumbens nucleus ; MA:0000892 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0015277 MGI:95814 J:97340 MGI:95815 23280 1 evidence: anatomy:accumbens nucleus ; MA:0000892 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051967 MGI:95814 J:97340 MGI:95815 23281 1 evidence: anatomy:accumbens nucleus ; MA:0000892 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051967 MGI:95815 J:97340 MGI:95814 23282 1 evidence: anatomy:accumbens nucleus ; MA:0000892 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060079 MGI:95815 J:97340 MGI:95814 23283 1 evidence: anatomy:accumbens nucleus ; MA:0000892 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060079 MGI:95814 J:97340 MGI:95815 23284 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:C6 ; EMAP:14101 anatomy:C7 ; EMAP:14102 anatomy:T1 ; EMAP:14289 anatomy:T2 ; EMAP:14290 anatomy:T3 ; EMAP:14291 anatomy:T4 ; EMAP:14292 anatomy:T5 ; EMAP:14293 anatomy:T6 ; EMAP:14294 IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96187 J:124112 MGI:96197|MGI:96178 23285 2 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96187 J:124112 MGI:96197|MGI:96178 23286 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; EMAP:12761 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:C6 ; EMAP:14101 anatomy:C7 ; EMAP:14102 anatomy:T1 ; EMAP:14289 anatomy:T2 ; EMAP:14290 anatomy:T3 ; EMAP:14291 anatomy:T4 ; EMAP:14292 anatomy:T5 ; EMAP:14293 anatomy:T6 ; EMAP:14294 IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96187 J:124112 MGI:96197|MGI:96178 23287 2 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96187 J:124112 MGI:96197|MGI:96178 23288 1 evidence: anatomy:amygdala ; MA:0000887 anatomy:auditory cortex ; MA:0000942 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu vertebrata) ; CL:0000114 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048169 MGI:95815 J:98109 MGI:1857979 23289 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia gelatinosa ; MA:0001124 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000114 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048169 MGI:95815 J:104051 MGI:1857979 23290 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia gelatinosa ; MA:0001124 cell type:CNS neuron ; CL:0000114 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006874 MGI:95815 J:104051 MGI:1857979 23291 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia gelatinosa ; MA:0001124 cell type:CNS neuron ; CL:0000114 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95815 J:104051 MGI:1857979 23292 1 evidence:Drug-inducedlongitudinal muscle contractions assays anatomy:gastrointestinal system;MA:0000323 anatomy:small intestine;MA:0000337 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text IMP GO:0007274 MGI:2665170 J:105504 MGI:2687349 23293 2 :ileal myenteric neurons text:P2X2 subunits contribute to fast synaptic excitation in myenteric neurons of the mouse small intestine IMP GO:0007274 MGI:2665170 J:105504 MGI:2687349 23294 1 evidence:Drug-inducedlongitudinal muscle contractions assays anatomy:gastrointestinal system;MA:0000323 anatomy:small intestine;MA:0000337 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text IMP GO:0030432 MGI:2665170 J:105504 MGI:2687349 23295 2 :ileal myenteric neurons text:Peristalsis was inhibited in ileal segments from mutant mice IMP GO:0030432 MGI:2665170 J:105504 MGI:2687349 23296 1 evidence:Drug-inducedlongitudinal muscle contractions assays anatomy:gastrointestinal system;MA:0000323 anatomy:small intestine;MA:0000337 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text IMP GO:0033198 MGI:2665170 J:105054 MGI:2687349 23297 2 :ileal myenteric neurons text:ATP did not depolarize S neurons in mutants IMP GO:0033198 MGI:2665170 J:105054 MGI:2687349 23298 1 evidence: anatomy:gastrointestinal system;MA:0000323 anatomy:small intestine;MA:0000337 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ileal myenteric neurons text:pyridoxalphosphate-6- IMP GO:0010033 MGI:2665170 J:105504 MGI:2687349 23299 2 azophenyl-2',4'-disulphonic acid text:mecamylamine IMP GO:0010033 MGI:2665170 J:105504 MGI:2687349 23300 1 evidence:inferred from two-electrode voltage clamp technique;ECO:0000166 anatomy:superior cervical ganglion;MA:0001156 anatomy:celiac ganglion;MA:0001158 anatomy:vagus X ganglion;MA:0001081 anatomy:dorsal root ganglion;MA:0000232 cell type:neuron;CL:00005 IMP GO:0033198 MGI:2665170 J:112498 MGI:2687349 23301 2 40|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mediating multiple sensory effects of ATP IMP GO:0033198 MGI:2665170 J:112498 MGI:2687349 23302 1 evidence:inferred from two-electrode voltage clamp technique;ECO:0000166 anatomy:superior cervical ganglion;MA:0001156 anatomy:celiac ganglion;MA:0001158 anatomy:vagus X ganglion;MA:0001081 anatomy:dorsal root ganglion;MA:0000232 cell type:neuron;CL:00005 IGI GO:0033198 MGI:2665170 J:112498 MGI:1097160 23303 2 40|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mediating multiple sensory effects of ATP IGI GO:0033198 MGI:2665170 J:112498 MGI:1097160 23304 1 evidence:inferred from two-electrode voltage clamp technique;ECO:0000166 anatomy:superior cervical ganglion;MA:0001156 anatomy:celiac ganglion;MA:0001158 anatomy:vagus X ganglion;MA:0001081 anatomy:dorsal root ganglion;MA:0000232 cell type:neuron;CL:00005 IGI GO:0033198 MGI:1097160 J:112498 MGI:2665170 23305 2 40|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mediating multiple sensory effects of ATP IGI GO:0033198 MGI:1097160 J:112498 MGI:2665170 23306 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to injected formalin IGI GO:0048266 MGI:1097160 J:112498 MGI:2665170 23307 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to injected formalin IGI GO:0048266 MGI:2665170 J:112498 MGI:1097160 23308 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to injected formalin IMP GO:0048266 MGI:2665170 J:112498 MGI:2687349 23309 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced urinary bladder contraction IMP GO:0014832 MGI:2665170 J:112498 MGI:2687349 23310 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced urinary bladder contraction IGI GO:0014832 MGI:2665170 J:112498 MGI:1097160 23311 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced urinary bladder contraction IGI GO:0014832 MGI:1097160 J:112498 MGI:2665170 23312 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced urinary bladder contraction IMP GO:0014832 MGI:1097160 J:112498 MGI:1934019 23313 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044424 MGI:2665170 J:112498 N/A 23314 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044424 MGI:1097160 J:112498 N/A 23315 1 evidence: anatomy:NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:misapposition of nerve terminals and post-synaptic AChR expression localization was common; the density of post-synaptic junctional folds was reduce IMP GO:0007528 MGI:2665170 J:128394 MGI:2687349 23316 2 d; and there was increased end-plate fragmentation. IMP GO:0007528 MGI:2665170 J:128394 MGI:2687349 23317 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle;MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:muscle fiber atrophy in mutants text:increased proportion of fast muscle fibers IMP GO:0048741 MGI:2665170 J:128394 MGI:2687349 23318 1 evidence:immunofluorescence anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:muscle fiber membrane IDA GO:0005886 MGI:2665170 J:128394 N/A 23319 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia gelatinosa ; MA:0001124 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000114 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:95814 J:105519 MGI:2176347 23320 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia gelatinosa ; MA:0001124 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000114 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042734 MGI:95815 J:105519 N/A 23321 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia gelatinosa ; MA:0001124 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000114 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045211 MGI:95815 J:105519 N/A 23322 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia gelatinosa ; MA:0001124 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000114 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:95815 J:105519 MGI:1857979 23323 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019228 MGI:95815 J:107777 MGI:1857979 23324 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95814 J:107790 N/A 23325 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015277 MGI:95815 J:109768 N/A 23326 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015277 MGI:95814 J:109768 N/A 23327 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P39087-2 modification: target:UniProtKB:P39087-1 target:UniProtKB:Q60934-1 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006886 MGI:95815 J:97011 N/A 23328 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P39087-1 gene product:UniProtKB:P39087-2 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016020 MGI:95815 J:97011 N/A 23329 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000114 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:perforant path synapses IMP GO:0060079 MGI:95814 J:111580 MGI:2176347 23330 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000114 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: mossy fiber,collateral and perforant synapses IMP GO:0060079 MGI:95815 J:111580 MGI:1857979 23331 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95815 J:107790 MGI:1857979 23332 1 evidence: anatomy:cingulate cortex ; MA:0000904 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007268 MGI:95815 J:114338 MGI:1857979 23333 1 evidence: anatomy:cingulate cortex ; MA:0000904 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007268 MGI:95815 J:114338 MGI:95814 23334 1 evidence: anatomy:cingulate cortex ; MA:0000904 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035249 MGI:95814 J:114338 MGI:3623113 23335 1 evidence: anatomy:cingulate cortex ; MA:0000904 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035249 MGI:95814 J:114338 MGI:95815 23336 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia gelatinosa ; MA:0001124 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000114 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042734 MGI:95814 J:105519 N/A 23337 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia gelatinosa ; MA:0001124 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000114 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042734 MGI:95814 J:97340 N/A 23338 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000114 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030425 MGI:95814 J:123244 N/A 23339 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion;MA:0000232 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutants lose the rapidly desensitizing ATP-induced currents IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1097160 J:65557 MGI:1934019 23340 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to injection of ATP and formalin IMP GO:0048266 MGI:1097160 J:65557 MGI:1934019 23341 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to injection of ATP and formalin IMP GO:0010033 MGI:1097160 J:65557 MGI:1934019 23342 1 evidence: anatomy:urinary bladder;MA:0000380 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced urinary bladder contraction, hyporeflexia IMP GO:0014832 MGI:1097160 J:65557 MGI:1934019 23343 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044424 MGI:1097160 J:65557 N/A 23344 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion;MA:0000232 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006812 MGI:1097160 J:65558 MGI:2385840 23345 1 evidence: anatomy:vagus X nerve trunk;MA:0001150 anatomy:dorsal root ganglion;MA:0000232 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006811 MGI:1097160 J:65557 MGI:1934019 23346 1 evidence: anatomy:vagus X nerve trunk;MA:0001150 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1097160 J:65558 MGI:2385840 23347 1 evidence: anatomy:hindlimb;MA:0000026 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hindlimb withdrawl IMP GO:0009266 MGI:1097160 J:65558 MGI:2385840 23348 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to formalin IMP GO:0048266 MGI:1097160 J:65558 MGI:2385840 23349 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to injection of ATP and formalin IMP GO:0010033 MGI:1097160 J:65558 MGI:2385840 23350 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95814 J:57983 MGI:3623113 23351 1 evidence:behavioral and electrophysiological responses anatomy:hindlimb;MA:0000026 ANATOMY:tail;MA:0000008 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009409 MGI:1097160 J:103789 MGI:1934019 23352 1 evidence:behavioral and electrophysiological responses anatomy:hindlimb;MA:0000026 ANATOMY:tail;MA:0000008 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009408 MGI:1097160 J:103789 MGI:1934019 23353 1 evidence:Drug-inducedlongitudinal muscle contractions assays anatomy:gastrointestinal system;MA:0000323 anatomy:small intestine;MA:0000337 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text IMP GO:0007274 MGI:1097160 J:105400 MGI:1934019 23354 2 :ileal myenteric neurons IMP GO:0007274 MGI:1097160 J:105400 MGI:1934019 23355 1 evidence:Drug-inducedlongitudinal muscle contractions assays anatomy:gastrointestinal system;MA:0000323 anatomy:small intestine;MA:0000337 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text IMP GO:0030432 MGI:1097160 J:105400 MGI:1934019 23356 2 :ileal myenteric neurons IMP GO:0030432 MGI:1097160 J:105400 MGI:1934019 23357 1 evidence:Drug-inducedlongitudinal muscle contractions assays anatomy:gastrointestinal system;MA:0000323 anatomy:small intestine;MA:0000337 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1097160 J:105400 MGI:1934019 23358 2 :ileal myenteric neurons IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1097160 J:105400 MGI:1934019 23359 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Hspa9 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1933786 J:89091 UniProtKB:P38647 23360 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Hspa9,Polg IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1933786 J:104462 UniProtKB:P38646|UniProtKB:P54099 23361 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Dnaja3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1196389 J:104462 UniProtKB:Q99M87 23362 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Dnaja3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96245 J:89091 UniProtKB:Q99M87 23363 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:urinary bladder;MA:0000380 cell type:sensory neuron;CL:0000101|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043005 MGI:1097160 J:111371 N/A 23364 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:urinary bladder;MA:0000380 cell type:sensory neuron;CL:0000101|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043005 MGI:2151253 J:111371 N/A 23365 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:urinary bladder;MA:0000380 cell type:sensory neuron;CL:0000101|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043005 MGI:1341787 J:111371 N/A 23366 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:urinary bladder;MA:0000380 cell type:sensory neuron;CL:0000101|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:103149 J:111371 N/A 23367 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:urinary bladder;MA:0000380 cell type:sensory neuron;CL:0000101|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1097160 J:111371 N/A 23368 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134|somatic stem cell ; CL:0000723 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1197522 J:133640 N/A 23369 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005313 MGI:1096331 J:87447 MGI:3027689 23370 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015813 MGI:1096331 J:87447 MGI:3027689 23371 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:1096331 J:87447 MGI:3027689 23372 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:Purkinje cell ; CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:95814 J:87447 MGI:2176347 23373 1 evidence: anatomy:amygdala ; MA:0000887 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051899 MGI:95814 J:129352 MGI:2176347 23374 1 evidence: anatomy:amygdala ; MA:0000887 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014054 MGI:95814 J:129352 MGI:2176347 23375 1 evidence: anatomy:amygdala ; MA:0000887 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032230 MGI:95814 J:129352 MGI:2176347 23376 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048169 MGI:95819 J:62289 MGI:1928283|MGI:1928284 23377 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:attenuated response to bladder distension IMP GO:0050896 MGI:1097160 J:111371 MGI:1934019 23378 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormalities in hippocampal synaptic plasticity IMP GO:0048167 MGI:1097160 J:119952 MGI:1934019 23379 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:attenuated calcium response to ATP in hippocampal neurons IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1097160 J:119952 MGI:1934019 23380 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1;MA:0000950 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:failed to induce long-term depression in slices from P2X3KO mice IMP GO:0007268 MGI:1097160 J:119952 MGI:1934019 23381 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:In response to ATP pro-IL-1b produced by the P2X7R2/2 cells is not externalized or activated by caspase- IMP GO:0050718 MGI:1339957 J:66835 MGI:2386080 23382 2 1. IMP GO:0050718 MGI:1339957 J:66835 MGI:2386080 23383 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:IL-1beta processing in response to ATP IMP GO:0016485 MGI:1339957 J:66835 MGI:2386080 23384 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:In response to ATP pro-IL-1b produced by the P2X7R2/2 cells is not externalized or activated by caspase- IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:66835 MGI:2386080 23385 2 1. IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:66835 MGI:2386080 23386 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased IL-1beta production in mutants. IMP GO:0032731 MGI:1339957 J:66835 MGI:2386080 23387 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased IL-6 production in mutants. IMP GO:0032755 MGI:1339957 J:66835 MGI:2386080 23388 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96543 J:66835 N/A 23389 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text IDA GO:0005615 MGI:96559 J:66835 N/A 23390 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016485 MGI:96544 J:66835 N/A 23391 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:bind LPS in vitro. IDA GO:0001530 MGI:1339957 J:70817 N/A 23392 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:promote the degradation of the inhibitor of kappaB-alpha isoform IDA GO:0044254 MGI:1339957 J:70817 N/A 23393 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:neutralize the ability of LPS to activate the extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK1, ERK2) IDA GO:0043409 MGI:1339957 J:70817 N/A 23394 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006816 MGI:1339957 J:79540 MGI:3042190 23395 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:exposure of PS on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane IMP GO:0006649 MGI:1339957 J:79540 MGI:3042190 23396 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046931 MGI:1339957 J:79540 MGI:3042190 23397 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:alterations in motor coordination IMP GO:0008344 MGI:1098266 J:96214 MGI:2429688 23398 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:alterations in emotional reactivity IMP GO:0050890 MGI:1098266 J:96214 MGI:2429688 23399 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay;ECO:0000005 anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003933 MGI:96214 J:8982 MGI:1856903 23400 1 evidence: anatomy:lens;MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:studied between E14 and P21 IMP GO:0002088 MGI:2684894 J:16467 MGI:1861111 23401 1 evidence: anatomy:lens;MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:studied between E14 and P21 text:differentiation of lens fiber cells IMP GO:0030154 MGI:2684894 J:16467 MGI:1861111 23402 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:prenatal lethality IMP GO:0001701 MGI:105953 J:21097 MGI:1861103 23403 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:malloclusion, abnormal bite IMP GO:0048701 MGI:105953 J:21097 MGI:1861103 23404 1 evidence: anatomy:ear;MA:0000236 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:lowered ear position, small ears IMP GO:0043583 MGI:105953 J:21097 MGI:1861103 23405 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle;MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:age-related changes in levels of mRNA of collagen I and collagen III genes. IMP GO:0045449 MGI:94909 J:19383 MGI:1856328 23406 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:hepatocyte;CL:0000182 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:891996 J:48100 N/A 23407 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:hepatocyte;CL:0000182 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:95739 J:48100 N/A 23408 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: modification: target:Xirp1 ; MGI:1333878|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97275 J:128715 N/A 23409 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-1 ; ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: modification: target:Xirp1 ; MGI:1333878|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97252 J:128715 N/A 23410 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:1333878 J:128715 N/A 23411 1 evidence: anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0055013 MGI:1333878 J:132079 MGI:3521795 23412 1 evidence: anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0014704 MGI:1333878 J:132079 N/A 23413 1 evidence: anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045214 MGI:1333878 J:132079 MGI:3521795 23414 1 evidence: anatomy:heart myocardium ; MA:0000080 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:1333878 J:132079 MGI:3521795 23415 1 evidence: anatomy:squamosal bone ; MA:0001473 anatomy:alisphenoid bone ; MA:0002772 anatomy:zygomatic bone ; MA:0001497 anatomy:supraoccipital bone ; MA:0001474 anatomy:pterygoid bone ; MA:0001471 anatomy:palatine bone ; MA:0001495 anatomy:maxilla ; MA:00 IMP GO:0048704 MGI:97712 J:25649 MGI:1857640 23416 2 01491 anatomy:mandible ; MA:0001487 anatomy:malleus ; MA:0001216 anatomy:incus ; MA:0001215 anatomy:stapes ; MA:0001217 anatomy:thoracic vertebra ; MA:0000314 anatomy:lumbar vertebra ; MA:0000312 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref IMP GO:0048704 MGI:97712 J:25649 MGI:1857640 23417 3 : text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:97712 J:25649 MGI:1857640 23418 1 evidence: anatomy:squamosal bone ; MA:0001473 anatomy:alisphenoid bone ; MA:0002772 anatomy:zygomatic bone ; MA:0001497 anatomy:supraoccipital bone ; MA:0001474 anatomy:pterygoid bone ; MA:0001471 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external re IMP GO:0048701 MGI:97712 J:25649 MGI:1857640 23419 2 f: text: IMP GO:0048701 MGI:97712 J:25649 MGI:1857640 23420 1 evidence: anatomy:radius-ulna cartilage condensation ; EMAP:4784 anatomy:tibia-fibular pre-cartilage condensation ; EMAP:4891 anatomy:Meckel's cartilage ; EMAP:5449 anatomy:chondrocranium ; EMAP:5613 anatomy:sphenoid bone pre-cartilage condensation ; EMAP IMP GO:0051216 MGI:97712 J:25649 MGI:1857640 23421 2 :5617 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051216 MGI:97712 J:25649 MGI:1857640 23422 1 evidence: anatomy:malleus ; MA:0001216 anatomy:incus ; MA:0001215 anatomy:stapes ; MA:0001217 anatomy:tympanic ring ; MA:0001225 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042474 MGI:97712 J:25649 MGI:1857640 23423 1 evidence: anatomy:palate ; MA:0002476 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060021 MGI:97712 J:25649 MGI:1857640 23424 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hoxb2 ; MGI:96183|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:95296 J:3739 N/A 23425 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hoxb2 ; MGI:96183|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:95296 J:3739 N/A 23426 1 evidence: anatomy:future rhombencephalon ; EMAP:451 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035284 MGI:95296 J:16077 MGI:1857507 23427 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:472 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021660 MGI:95296 J:16077 MGI:1857507 23428 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 05 ; EMAP:480 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021666 MGI:95296 J:16077 MGI:1857507 23429 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme derived from neural crest ; EMAP:427 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:96174 J:16388 MGI:1857626 23430 1 evidence: anatomy:branchial arch ; EMAP:403 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:96174 J:16388 MGI:1857626 23431 1 evidence:protein kinase assay anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004862 MGI:1343086 J:41726 N/A 23432 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|CV-1 ; ATCC:CCL-70 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were tranfected with murine genes for both Phig and Prkac4 IDA GO:0042308 MGI:1343086 J:41726 N/A 23433 1 evidence:protein kinase assay anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006469 MGI:1343086 J:41726 N/A 23434 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were tranfected with murine genes for both Phig and Prkac4 IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1343086 J:41726 N/A 23435 1 evidence:protein kinase assay following cell fractionation anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:1343086 J:41726 N/A 23436 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme derived from neural crest ; EMAP:427 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:96174 J:16389 MGI:1857530 23437 1 evidence: anatomy:branchial arch ; EMAP:403 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:96174 J:16389 MGI:1857530 23438 1 evidence:protein kinase assay anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004862 MGI:104747 J:41726 N/A 23439 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|CV-1 ; ATCC:CCL-70 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were tranfected with murine genes for both Phia and Prkac4 IDA GO:0042308 MGI:104747 J:41726 N/A 23440 1 evidence:protein kinase assay anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006469 MGI:104747 J:41726 N/A 23441 1 evidence:luciferase reporter assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|fibroblast ; CL:0000057|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were tranfected with murine genes for both Phia and Prkac4 IDA GO:0000122 MGI:104747 J:41726 N/A 23442 1 evidence:protein kinase assay following cell fractionation anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:104747 J:41726 N/A 23443 1 evidence:protein kinase assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004691 MGI:97592 J:41726 N/A 23444 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|CV-1 ; ATCC:CCL-70 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were tranfected with murine gene for Prkac4 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97592 J:41726 N/A 23445 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|CV-1 ; ATCC:CCL-70 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were tranfected with murine gene for Prkac4 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97592 J:41726 N/A 23446 1 evidence:protein kinase assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006468 MGI:97592 J:41726 N/A 23447 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 05 ; EMAP:1241 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021571 MGI:104555 J:19631 MGI:1856419 23448 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 06 ; EMAP:1245 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021572 MGI:104555 J:19631 MGI:1856419 23449 1 evidence: anatomy:future rhombencephalon ; EMAP:451 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035284 MGI:104555 J:19631 MGI:1856419 23450 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hoxb2 ; MGI:96183|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:95296 J:36044 N/A 23451 1 evidence: anatomy:facial VII nucleus ; MA:0001014 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021754 MGI:96182 J:36235 MGI:1857824 23452 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutation results in development of anemia, most likely due to decreased RBC survival rather than a defect in development IMP GO:0034101 MGI:99523 J:84677 MGI:2670538 23453 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000057; fibroblast gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:MEF IMP GO:0008283 MGI:99523 J:84677 MGI:2670538 23454 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:demonstrate ROS accumulation in mutant IMP GO:0019430 MGI:99523 J:104078 MGI:3611932 23455 1 evidence:ECO:0000019; inferred from RNAi anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell lline; ATCC:TIB-67 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019430 MGI:99523 J:116929 N/A 23456 1 evidence:ECO:0000019; inferred from RNAi anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell lline; ATCC:TIB-67 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032872 MGI:99523 J:116929 N/A 23457 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11986303|IDA text: ISO GO:0004601 MGI:99523 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q06830 23458 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11986303|IDA text: ISO GO:0042744 MGI:99523 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q06830 23459 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17603937|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:99523 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q06830 23460 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17603937|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:99523 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q06830 23461 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96183 J:37682 MGI:2151772 23462 1 evidence: anatomy:sternum ; MA:0001331 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048705 MGI:96183 J:37682 MGI:2151772 23463 1 evidence: anatomy:facial VII nerve ; MA:0001091 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021612 MGI:96183 J:37682 MGI:2151772 23464 1 evidence: anatomy:facial VII nucleus ; MA:0001014 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048857 MGI:96183 J:37682 MGI:2151772 23465 1 evidence: anatomy:facial VII nerve ; MA:0001091 anatomy:cranial ; EMAP:3547 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021612 MGI:96182 J:36235 MGI:1857824 23466 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96183 J:37682 MGI:96185 23467 1 evidence: anatomy:sternum ; MA:0001331 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048705 MGI:96183 J:37682 MGI:96185 23468 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96185 J:37682 MGI:96183 23469 1 evidence: anatomy:sternum ; MA:0001331 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048705 MGI:96185 J:37682 MGI:96183 23470 1 evidence: anatomy:2nd arch ; EMAP:669 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048646 MGI:96182 J:41540 MGI:96170 23471 1 evidence: anatomy:2nd arch ; EMAP:669 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048646 MGI:96170 J:41540 MGI:96182 23472 1 evidence: anatomy:3rd arch ; EMAP:2040 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009653 MGI:96170 J:41540 MGI:96182 23473 1 evidence: anatomy:3rd arch ; EMAP:2040 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009653 MGI:96182 J:41540 MGI:96170 23474 1 evidence: anatomy:future rhombencephalon ; EMAP:451 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96182 J:41540 MGI:96170 23475 1 evidence: anatomy:future rhombencephalon ; EMAP:451 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96170 J:41540 MGI:96182 23476 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 04 ; EMAP:820 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021570 MGI:96170 J:41540 MGI:96182 23477 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 05 ; EMAP:824 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021571 MGI:96170 J:41540 MGI:96182 23478 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 04 ; EMAP:820 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021570 MGI:96182 J:41540 MGI:96170 23479 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 05 ; EMAP:824 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021571 MGI:96182 J:41540 MGI:96170 23480 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hoxb2 ; MGI:96183|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:96182 J:42017 N/A 23481 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:472 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021569 MGI:96170 J:50514 MGI:1857504 23482 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 04 ; EMAP:476 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021570 MGI:96170 J:50514 MGI:1857504 23483 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 05 ; EMAP:480 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021571 MGI:96170 J:50514 MGI:1857504 23484 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:1233 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021569 MGI:96170 J:50514 MGI:95296 23485 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 04 ; EMAP:1237 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021569 MGI:95296 J:50514 MGI:96170 23486 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:1233 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021953 MGI:96170 J:50514 MGI:1857504 23487 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:2273 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021612 MGI:96170 J:50514 MGI:95296 23488 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:2273 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008045 MGI:96170 J:50514 MGI:95296 23489 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:2273 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021612 MGI:95296 J:50514 MGI:96170 23490 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:2273 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008045 MGI:95296 J:50514 MGI:96170 23491 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:816 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021658 MGI:96174 J:54652 MGI:1857626 23492 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:2273 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009953 MGI:96174 J:54652 MGI:96183 23493 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 02 ; EMAP:2266 anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:2273 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:96174 J:54652 MGI:1857626 23494 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 02 ; EMAP:2266 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021568 MGI:96174 J:54625 MGI:1857626 23495 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:2273 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021569 MGI:96174 J:54625 MGI:96183 23496 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:2273 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021569 MGI:96183 J:54652 MGI:96174 23497 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:2273 anatomy:rhombomere 04 ; EMAP:2280 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009953 MGI:96183 J:54652 MGI:96174 23498 1 evidence: anatomy:rhombomere 03 ; EMAP:2273 anatomy:rhombomere 04 ; EMAP:2280 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021570 MGI:96183 J:54652 MGI:96174 23499 1 evidence: anatomy:physiological umbilical hernia ; EMAP:7056 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:body wall IGI GO:0002011 MGI:96185 J:71389 MGI:96183 23500 1 evidence: anatomy:physiological umbilical hernia ; EMAP:7056 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:body wall IGI GO:0002011 MGI:96183 J:71389 MGI:96185 23501 1 evidence: anatomy:extraembryonic component ; EMAP:45|embryo ; EMAP:42 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009792 MGI:95461 J:20014 MGI:2177782 23502 1 evidence: anatomy:future spinal cord ; EMAP:2323 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:V0 interneuron IMP GO:0021913 MGI:95461 J:70192 MGI:2182858 23503 1 evidence: anatomy:T1 ; EMAP:13332 anatomy:T2 ; EMAP:13333 anatomy:T3 ; EMAP:13334 anatomy:T4 ; EMAP:13335 anatomy:T5 ; EMAP:13336 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001502 MGI:108013 J:62022 MGI:1859373 23504 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:2343 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021516 MGI:108013 J:62022 MGI:1859373 23505 1 evidence: anatomy:somite ; EMAP:1568 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:sclerotome IMP GO:0007389 MGI:108013 J:62022 MGI:1859373 23506 1 evidence: anatomy:somite ; EMAP:1568 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:sclerotome IMP GO:0045595 MGI:108013 J:62022 MGI:1859373 23507 1 evidence: anatomy:T1 ; EMAP:13332 anatomy:T2 ; EMAP:13333 anatomy:T3 ; EMAP:13334 anatomy:T4 ; EMAP:13335 anatomy:T5 ; EMAP:13336 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001502 MGI:108013 J:62023 MGI:1928812 23508 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:2343 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021516 MGI:108013 J:62023 MGI:1928812 23509 1 evidence: anatomy:somite ; EMAP:1568 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:sclerotome IMP GO:0007389 MGI:108013 J:62023 MGI:1928812 23510 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000807|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cell lysis in response to ATP IMP GO:0019835 MGI:1339957 J:89513 MGI:2386080|MGI:3042190 23511 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000807|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cell lysis in response to ATP IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:89513 MGI:2386080 23512 1 evidence:TUNEL anatomy: cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000807 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutation impares induction of apoptosis IMP GO:0001916 MGI:1339957 J:89513 MGI:3042190 23513 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000807|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:phospholipase D (in response to ATP) IMP GO:0043085 MGI:1339957 J:89513 MGI:2386080 23514 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:macrophage;CL:0000235|RAW264.7;ATCC:TIB-71 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:intracellular type I isoform of IL-1ra (icIL-1ra1), an isoform known to lack a secretory signal peptide IDA GO:0005576 MGI:96547 J:91940 N/A 23515 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:macrophage;CL:0000235|RAW264.7;ATCC:TIB-71 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:P2X7R activation caused icIL-1ra1 release from LPS-primed RAW264.7 macrophages IDA GO:0050714 MGI:1339957 J:91940 N/A 23516 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:macrophage;CL:0000235|RAW264.7;ATCC:TIB-71 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:P2X7R activation caused icIL-1ra1 release from LPS-primed RAW264.7 macrophages IDA GO:0032496 MGI:1339957 J:91940 N/A 23517 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:phosphatidylserine exposed microvesicles contained icIL-1ra1. IDA GO:0031982 MGI:96547 J:91940 N/A 23518 1 evidence: anatomy:nasal capsule ; MA:0000283 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051216 MGI:97491 J:32018 MGI:1857831 23519 1 evidence: anatomy:maxilla ; MA:0001491 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048706 MGI:97491 J:32018 MGI:1857831 23520 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:P2X7R activation caused icIL-1ra1 release from LPS-primed RAW264.7 macrophages and from HUVECs. This release was inhibited in the absence of extracellular calcium, and at IDA GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:91940 N/A 23521 2 tenuated by preincubation with oxidized ATP, KN62, and apyrase. IDA GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:91940 N/A 23522 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:P2X7R activation caused icIL-1ra1 release from LPS-primed RAW264.7 macrophages and from HUVECs. This release was inhibited in the absence of extracellular calcium, and at IDA GO:0051592 MGI:1339957 J:91940 N/A 23523 2 tenuated by preincubation with oxidized ATP, KN62, and apyrase. IDA GO:0051592 MGI:1339957 J:91940 N/A 23524 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:P2X7R activation caused icIL-1ra1 release from LPS-primed RAW264.7 macrophages and from HUVECs. This release was inhibited in the absence of extracellular calcium, and at IDA GO:0014070 MGI:1339957 J:91940 N/A 23525 2 tenuated by preincubation with oxidized ATP, KN62, and apyrase. IDA GO:0014070 MGI:1339957 J:91940 N/A 23526 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:P2X7R activation caused icIL-1ra1 release from LPS-primed RAW264.7 macrophages and from HUVECs. This release was inhibited in the absence of extracellular calcium, and at IDA GO:0051789 MGI:1339957 J:91940 N/A 23527 2 tenuated by preincubation with oxidized ATP, KN62, and apyrase. IDA GO:0051789 MGI:1339957 J:91940 N/A 23528 1 evidence: anatomy:tibilais cranialis ; MA:0002395 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043403 MGI:97491 J:47833 N/A 23529 1 evidence: anatomy:future spinal cord ; EMAP:1257 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048663 MGI:97487 J:51645 MGI:97491 23530 1 evidence: anatomy:future spinal cord ; EMAP:1257 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021527 MGI:97487 J:51645 MGI:97491 23531 1 evidence: anatomy:future spinal cord ; EMAP:1257 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048663 MGI:97491 J:51645 MGI:97487 23532 1 evidence: anatomy:sternum ; MA:0001331 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048705 MGI:96185 J:37682 MGI:2388364 23533 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell ine cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96177 J:8923 N/A 23534 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96179 J:50942 MGI:96188 23535 1 evidence: anatomy:rib 1 ; MA:0001401 anatomy:rib 2 ; MA:0001402 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96179 J:50942 MGI:96188 23536 1 evidence: anatomy:rib 1 ; MA:0001401 anatomy:rib 2 ; MA:0001402 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96188 J:50942 MGI:96179 23537 1 evidence: anatomy:rib 1 ; MA:0001401 anatomy:rib 2 ; MA:0001402 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:96188 J:50942 MGI:2150401 23538 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96188 J:50942 MGI:2150401 23539 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96188 J:50942 MGI:96179 23540 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11435435|IDA text: ISO GO:0045617 MGI:96179 J:73065 UniProtKB:P31268 23541 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11435435|IDA text: ISO GO:0000122 MGI:96179 J:73065 UniProtKB:P31268 23542 1 evidence:inferred from anti-sense experiment ; ECO:0000018 anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell ine cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030099 MGI:96188 J:2202 N/A 23543 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96190 J:37847 MGI:96180 23544 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96190 J:37847 MGI:2150429 23545 1 evidence: anatomy:sternum ; MA:0001331 anatomy:rib 1 ; MA:0001401 anatomy:rib 2 ; MA:0001402 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048706 MGI:96190 J:37847 MGI:2150429 23546 1 evidence: anatomy:sternum ; MA:0001331 anatomy:rib 1 ; MA:0001401 anatomy:rib 2 ; MA:0001402 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96190 J:37847 MGI:96180 23547 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96180 J:37847 MGI:96190 23548 1 evidence: anatomy:sternum ; MA:0001331 anatomy:rib 1 ; MA:0001401 anatomy:rib 2 ; MA:0001402 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96180 J:37847 MGI:96190 23549 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|skeletal muscle satellite cell ; CL:0000594 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014813 MGI:97491 J:64793 MGI:1857831 23550 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type:skeletal muscle satellite cell ; CL:0000594 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007519 MGI:97491 J:64793 MGI:1857831 23551 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra ; MA:0000311 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96208 J:25267 MGI:2151488 23552 1 evidence: anatomy:C1 ; EMAP:6776 anatomy:C2 ; EMAP:6778 anatomy:C3 ; EMAP:13485 anatomy:C7 ; EMAP:13490 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:96208 J:25267 MGI:2151488 23553 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra ; MA:0000311 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96208 J:27467 MGI:96176 23554 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 3 ; MA:0001423 anatomy:cervical vertebra 4 ; MA:0001424 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96208 J:27467 MGI:96176 23555 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 3 ; MA:0001423 anatomy:cervical vertebra 4 ; MA:0001424 anatomy:cervical vertebra 6 ; MA:0001426 anatomy:cervical vertebra 7 ; MA:0001427 IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96176 J:27467 MGI:96185 23556 2 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96176 J:27467 MGI:96185 23557 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 3 ; MA:0001423 anatomy:cervical vertebra 4 ; MA:0001424 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96176 J:27467 MGI:96208 23558 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra ; MA:0000311 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96185 J:27467 MGI:96176 23559 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 3 ; MA:0001423 anatomy:cervical vertebra 4 ; MA:0001424 anatomy:cervical vertebra 6 ; MA:0001426 anatomy:cervical vertebra 7 ; MA:0001427 IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96185 J:27467 MGI:96176 23560 2 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96185 J:27467 MGI:96176 23561 1 evidence: anatomy:lateral geniculate nucleus ; MA:0000869 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031290 MGI:109156 J:94630 MGI:3046260 23562 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:5102 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:somatic motor neuron IGI GO:0045665 MGI:109156 J:89755 MGI:101791 23563 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:5102 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:somatic motor neuron IMP GO:0045665 MGI:109156 J:89755 MGI:3046260 23564 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:5102 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:visceral motor neuron IGI GO:0048663 MGI:109156 J:89755 MGI:101791 23565 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:5102 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:visceral motor neuron IMP GO:0048663 MGI:109156 J:89755 MGI:3046260 23566 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:5102 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:visceral motor neuron IMP GO:0021524 MGI:109156 J:89755 MGI:3046260 23567 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:5102 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:visceral motor neuron IGI GO:0021524 MGI:109156 J:89755 MGI:101791 23568 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:5102 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:somatic motor neuron IGI GO:0045665 MGI:101791 J:89755 MGI:109156 23569 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:5102 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:visceral motor neuron IGI GO:0048663 MGI:101791 J:89755 MGI:109156 23570 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:5102 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:visceral motor neuron IGI GO:0021524 MGI:101791 J:89755 MGI:109156 23571 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ventricle ; MA:0000091 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002027 MGI:1859086 J:115194 MGI:3610374 23572 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ventricle muscular part ; MA:0001879 cell type:cardiac muscle cell ; CL:0000746 gene product: modification: target:Kcnd2 ; MGI:102663 external ref: text: IMP GO:0010468 MGI:1859086 J:115194 MGI:3610374 23573 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:OFF-bipolar cell ; CL:0000750 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042551 MGI:1859086 J:132777 MGI:1890816 23574 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:OFF-bipolar cell ; CL:0000750 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060040 MGI:1859086 J:132777 MGI:1890816 23575 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:OFF-bipolar cell ; CL:0000750 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042551 MGI:1890816 J:132777 MGI:1859086 23576 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:OFF-bipolar cell ; CL:0000750 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060040 MGI:1890816 J:132777 MGI:1859086 23577 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hoxb1 ; MGI:96182 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1201409 J:56023 N/A 23578 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fshb ; MGI:95582|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1201409 J:89598 N/A 23579 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fshb ; MGI:95582|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:97495 J:89598 N/A 23580 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fshb ; MGI:95582|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:894293 J:89598 N/A 23581 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030217 MGI:1201409 J:103769 MGI:3530910 23582 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:6651 cell type:hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030097 MGI:1201409 J:127523 MGI:3530910 23583 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; EMAP:3618 anatomy:retina ; EMAP:5230 anatomy:retina ; EMAP:4342 anatomy:retina ; EMAP:7822 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101791 J:134978 N/A 23584 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; EMAP:3618 anatomy:retina ; EMAP:5230 anatomy:retina ; EMAP:4342 anatomy:retina ; EMAP:7822 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:102524 J:134978 N/A 23585 1 evidence: anatomy:diencephalon ; EMAP:4938 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031290 MGI:101791 J:134978 MGI:3790243 23586 1 evidence: anatomy:diencephalon ; EMAP:4938 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031290 MGI:102524 J:134978 MGI:2429634 23587 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030182 MGI:101791 J:134987 MGI:102524 23588 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type:retinal ganglion cell ; CL:0000740 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030182 MGI:102524 J:134978 MGI:101791 23589 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:7929101|IPI|UniProt:P35436| UniProt:Q01098 text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:95819 J:20537 UniProtKB:P35439 23590 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Grin2a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95819 J:86846 UniProtKB:P35436 23591 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Rat Grin1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95822 J:20537 UniProtKB:P35439 23592 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Grin1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95822 J:33060 UniProtKB:P35438 23593 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou4f2 ; MGI:102524 target:Shh ; MGI:98297 target:Pou4f1 ; MGI:102525 target:Isl2 ; MGI:109156 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:101791 J:134978 N/A 23594 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou4f2 ; MGI:102524 target:Shh ; MGI:98297 target:Pou4f1 ; MGI:102525 target:Isl2 ; MGI:109156 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:102524 J:134978 N/A 23595 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou4f1 ; MGI:102525 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:102524 J:134978 N/A 23596 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou4f1 ; MGI:102525 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:102524 J:134978 MGI:101791 23597 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou4f1 ; MGI:102525 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:101791 J:134978 MGI:102524 23598 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas primordium ; EMAP:2828 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 cell type:glucagon secreting cell ; CL:0000170 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031016 MGI:101791 J:37641 MGI:2182246 23599 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas primordium ; EMAP:2828 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048762 MGI:101791 J:37641 MGI:2182246 23600 1 evidence: anatomy:future rhombencephalon ; EMAP:1223 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:101791 J:31131 MGI:2182246 23601 1 evidence: anatomy:future spinal cord ; EMAP:1257 cell type:motor neuron ; CL:0000100 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021522 MGI:101791 J:31131 MGI:2182246 23602 1 evidence:ECO:0000004; inferred from cell fractionation anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031410 MGI:1335106 J:135217 N/A 23603 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebral column ; MA:0002416 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96182 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23604 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 6 ; MA:0001426 anatomy:cervical vertebra 7 ; MA:0001427 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 1 ; MA:0001438 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 2 ; MA:0001439 IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96182 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23605 2 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 3 ; MA:0001440 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 4 ; MA:0001441 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96182 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23606 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 6 ; MA:0001426 anatomy:cervical vertebra 7 ; MA:0001427 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 1 ; MA:0001438 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 2 ; MA:0001439 IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96184 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96182|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23607 2 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 3 ; MA:0001440 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 4 ; MA:0001441 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96184 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96182|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23608 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 6 ; MA:0001426 anatomy:cervical vertebra 7 ; MA:0001427 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 1 ; MA:0001438 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 2 ; MA:0001439 IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96185 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96184|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23609 2 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 3 ; MA:0001440 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 4 ; MA:0001441 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96185 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96184|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23610 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 6 ; MA:0001426 anatomy:cervical vertebra 7 ; MA:0001427 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 1 ; MA:0001438 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 2 ; MA:0001439 IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96186 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96182|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23611 2 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 3 ; MA:0001440 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 4 ; MA:0001441 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96186 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96182|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23612 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 6 ; MA:0001426 anatomy:cervical vertebra 7 ; MA:0001427 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 1 ; MA:0001438 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 2 ; MA:0001439 IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96187 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96182|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23613 2 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 3 ; MA:0001440 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 4 ; MA:0001441 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96187 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96182|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23614 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 6 ; MA:0001426 anatomy:cervical vertebra 7 ; MA:0001427 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 1 ; MA:0001438 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 2 ; MA:0001439 IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96188 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96182|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23615 2 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 3 ; MA:0001440 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 4 ; MA:0001441 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96188 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96182|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23616 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 6 ; MA:0001426 anatomy:cervical vertebra 7 ; MA:0001427 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 1 ; MA:0001438 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 2 ; MA:0001439 IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96189 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96182|MGI:96190 23617 2 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 3 ; MA:0001440 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 4 ; MA:0001441 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96189 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96182|MGI:96190 23618 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 6 ; MA:0001426 anatomy:cervical vertebra 7 ; MA:0001427 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 1 ; MA:0001438 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 2 ; MA:0001439 IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96190 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96182 23619 2 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 3 ; MA:0001440 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 4 ; MA:0001441 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96190 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96182 23620 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebral column ; MA:0002416 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96190 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96182 23621 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebral column ; MA:0002416 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96189 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96182|MGI:96190 23622 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebral column ; MA:0002416 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96188 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96182|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23623 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebral column ; MA:0002416 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96187 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96182|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23624 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebral column ; MA:0002416 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96186 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96182|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23625 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebral column ; MA:0002416 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96185 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96184|MGI:96184|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23626 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebral column ; MA:0002416 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96184 J:62577 MGI:96183|MGI:96182|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23627 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebral column ; MA:0002416 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:vertebral column ; MA:0002416 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96183 J:62577 MGI:96182|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23628 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:cervical vertebra 6 ; MA:0001426 anatomy:cervical vertebra 7 ; MA:0001427 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 1 ; MA:0001438 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 2 ; MA:0001439 IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96183 J:62577 MGI:96182|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23629 2 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 3 ; MA:0001440 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 4 ; MA:0001441 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 8 ; MA:0001445 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96183 J:62577 MGI:96182|MGI:96184|MGI:96185|MGI:96186|MGI:96187|MGI:96188|MGI:96189|MGI:96190 23630 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:smaller body size IMP GO:0040007 MGI:97888 J:130100 MGI:1856137 23631 1 evidence: anatomy:prostate gland ventral lobe ; MA:0001740|prostate gland epithelium [MA:0001737] cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002064 MGI:107730 J:82540 MGI:2655242 23632 1 evidence: anatomy:prostate gland ventral lobe ; MA:0001740|prostate gland epithelium [MA:0001737] cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002009 MGI:107730 J:82540 MGI:2655242 23633 1 evidence: anatomy:prostate gland ventral lobe ; MA:0001740|prostate gland epithelium [MA:0001737] cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030850 MGI:107730 J:82540 MGI:2655242 23634 1 evidence: anatomy:prostate gland ventral lobe ; MA:0001740 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048754 MGI:107730 J:82450 MGI:96205 23635 1 evidence: anatomy:prostate gland ventral lobe ; MA:0001740 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030850 MGI:107730 J:82540 MGI:96205 23636 1 evidence: anatomy:prostate gland ventral lobe ; MA:0001740 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048754 MGI:96205 J:82540 MGI:107730 23637 1 evidence: anatomy:prostate gland ventral lobe ; MA:0001740 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030850 MGI:96205 J:82540 MGI:107730 23638 1 evidence: anatomy:sebaceous gland;MA:0002565 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:enlarged sebaceous gland IMP GO:0048733 MGI:97888 J:130100 MGI:1856137 23639 1 evidence: anatomy:hair follicle;MA:0000154 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031069 MGI:1918060 J:130100 MGI:3707007 23640 1 evidence:histological analysis anatomy:hair follicle;MA:0000154 anatomy:vibrissa;MA:0000163 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:bent and shorter hair follicles; whiskers are irregular and fragile IMP GO:0031069 MGI:97888 J:130100 MGI:1856137|MGI:1856138 23641 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra [MA:0000311] cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96176 J:27467 MGI:96185|MGI:96208 23642 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:103178 J:87618 MGI:2386592|MGI:2386595 23643 1 evidence:IDA anatomy:MA:0000072 cell type:CL:0000187 gene product:UniProt:P47757-2|EMBL:U10407 modification: target: external ref:PMID:7929588|IDA text:beta-2 subunit of chicken to beta-2 ofmouse above) ISA GO:0014704 MGI:104652 J:20868 EMBL:U07826|UniProtKB:P14315-2 23644 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:hair follicle;MA:0000154 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045095 MGI:1861586 J:130100 N/A 23645 1 evidence: anatomy:hair follicle;MA:0000154 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031424 MGI:97888 J:130100 MGI:1856137 23646 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:COS-1;ATCC:CRL-1650|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1346863 J:126083 UniProtKB:Q6PDS3 23647 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8995409|IDA text:PMID:8995409 ISO GO:0043022 MGI:1926966 J:73065 EMBL:U46025 23648 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8995409|IDA text:PMID:8995409 ISO GO:0003743 MGI:1926966 J:73065 EMBL:U46025 23649 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8995409|IDA text:PMID:8995409 ISO GO:0006413 MGI:1926966 J:73065 EMBL:U46025 23650 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11536050|IDA text: ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1914992 J:71359 EMBL:AF218085 23651 1 evidence:histological analysis anatomy:hair follicle;MA:0000154 anatomy:vibrissa;MA:0000163 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:wavy coat phenotype IMP GO:0031069 MGI:1339999 J:130100 MGI:1856138 23652 1 evidence:TAS|PMID:12709070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:author states is secreted; previoius papers predict this; paper with possible experiments not available: Biol Chem. 2002 Jan;383(1):223-8. ISO GO:0005615 MGI:2670967 J:73065 EMBL:AF422194 23653 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:prevents precipitation of ribosomal protens such as rpS7 and rpL18a, by covering their basic domains. ISA GO:0050821 MGI:1918944 J:78048 EMBL:AF273672 23654 1 evidence: anatomy:hair follicle;MA:0000154 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:keratin filament network abnormal in mutants IMP GO:0045109 MGI:1918060 J:130100 MGI:3707007 23655 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060216 MGI:96185 J:126371 MGI:96180|MGI:96184 23656 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060216 MGI:96184 J:126371 MGI:96180|MGI:96185 23657 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060216 MGI:96180 J:126371 MGI:96184|MGI:96185 23658 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048539 MGI:96185 J:90976 MGI:3045971 23659 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008283 MGI:96185 J:90976 MGI:3045971 23660 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048536 MGI:96185 J:90976 MGI:3045971 23661 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030097 MGI:96185 J:90976 MGI:3045971 23662 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1341793 J:63180 N/A 23663 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:8943 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97495 J:63180 N/A 23664 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:8943 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97496 J:63180 N/A 23665 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:8943 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:104717 J:63180 N/A 23666 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:2251 anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:4175 anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:8943 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:108564 J:63180 N/A 23667 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:6651 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035162 MGI:97495 J:70684 MGI:2155612 23668 1 evidence: anatomy:forelimb ; EMAP:4775 anatomy:hindlimb ; EMAP:4834 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:1341793 J:109528 MGI:97495 23669 1 evidence: anatomy:forelimb ; EMAP:4775 anatomy:hindlimb ; EMAP:4834 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030326 MGI:97495 J:109528 MGI:1341793 23670 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Shh ; MGI:98297|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1341793 J:109528 N/A 23671 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Shh ; MGI:98297|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:96202 J:109528 N/A 23672 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Shh ; MGI:98297|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:96205 J:109528 N/A 23673 1 evidence: anatomy:forelimb ; EMAP:4775 anatomy:hindlimb ; EMAP:4834 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009954 MGI:1341793 J:109528 MGI:97495 23674 1 evidence: anatomy:forelimb ; EMAP:4775 anatomy:hindlimb ; EMAP:4834 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009954 MGI:97495 J:109528 MGI:1341793 23675 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Shh ; MGI:98297 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1341793 J:109528 N/A 23676 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Shh ; MGI:98297 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:96202 J:109528 N/A 23677 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Shh ; MGI:98297 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:96205 J:109528 N/A 23678 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:macrophage;CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ATP-sensitive J774.G8 macrophages IDA GO:0005911 MGI:95713 J:92523 N/A 23679 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:macrophage;CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ATP-sensitive J774.G8 macrophages IDA GO:0005886 MGI:95713 J:92523 N/A 23680 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:macrophage;CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ATP-insensitive J774.G8 macrophages IDA GO:0005829 MGI:95713 J:92523 N/A 23681 1 evidence:confocal microscope anatomy: cell type:macrophage;CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ATP-sensitive J774.G8 macrophages IDA GO:0005911 MGI:1339957 J:92523 N/A 23682 1 evidence:confocal microscope anatomy: cell type:macrophage;CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ATP-sensitive J774.G8 macrophages IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1339957 J:92523 N/A 23683 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation anatomy: cell type:macrophage;CL:0000235 cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:P2rx7;MGI:1339957 external ref: text:ATP-sensitive J774. IPI GO:0005102 MGI:95713 J:92523 UniProtKB:Q9Z1M0 23684 2 G8 macrophages IPI GO:0005102 MGI:95713 J:92523 UniProtKB:Q9Z1M0 23685 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation anatomy: cell type:macrophage;CL:0000235 cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Gja1;MGI:95713 external ref: text:ATP-sensitive J774.G8 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1339957 J:92523 UniProtKB:P23242 23686 2 macrophages IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1339957 J:92523 UniProtKB:P23242 23687 1 evidence:cross-linking evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Dbil5;MGI:108039|Ints10;MGI:191 IDA GO:0003729 MGI:109263 J:115433 N/A 23688 2 8135|Arsa;MGI:88077|Rnf139;MGI:1923091|CA repeat 23;(CA)23 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003729 MGI:109263 J:115433 N/A 23689 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Nct1;MGI:3775246|Nct2;MGI:3775249 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003723 MGI:109263 J:115433 N/A 23690 1 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:109263 J:115433 N/A 23691 1 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:109263 J:115433 N/A 23692 1 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:RNA localization text:pachytene spermatocytes IDA GO:0005737 MGI:3775246 J:115433 N/A 23693 1 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:RNA localization text:pachytene spermatocytes IDA GO:0005634 MGI:3775246 J:115433 N/A 23694 1 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modificatio IDA GO:0005737 MGI:3775249 J:115433 N/A 23695 2 n: target: external ref: text:RNA localization text:pachytene spermatocytes IDA GO:0005737 MGI:3775249 J:115433 N/A 23696 1 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte;CL:0000017|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modificatio IDA GO:0005634 MGI:3775249 J:115433 N/A 23697 2 n: target: external ref: text:RNA localization text:pachytene spermatocytes IDA GO:0005634 MGI:3775249 J:115433 N/A 23698 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048146 MGI:1194497 J:109616 MGI:3652354 23699 1 evidence: anatomy:gut;MA:0000917 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased affected gut length IMP GO:0048547 MGI:98358 J:118320 MGI:1857401 23700 1 evidence: anatomy:gut;MA:0000917 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased affected gut length IGI GO:0048547 MGI:98358 J:118320 MGI:3511472|MGI:3511473|MGI:3511474|MGI:3511476 23701 1 evidence:adanosine deaminase assay evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:42444 N/A 23702 1 evidence:adanosine deaminase assay evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:42444 MGI:1857117 23703 1 evidence:adanosine deaminase assay evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004000 MGI:87916 J:42444 N/A 23704 1 evidence:adanosine deaminase assay evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004000 MGI:87916 J:42444 MGI:1857117 23705 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006157 MGI:87916 J:42444 MGI:1857117 23706 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS15,embryo ; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:87916 J:42444 MGI:1857117 23707 1 evidence:adanosine deaminase assay evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046103 MGI:87916 J:42444 N/A 23708 1 evidence:adanosine deaminase assay evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046103 MGI:87916 J:42444 MGI:1857117 23709 1 evidence:histology anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type:trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001890 MGI:87916 J:42444 MGI:1857117 23710 1 evidence:histology anatomy:placenta ; MA:0000386 cell type:trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001829 MGI:87916 J:42444 MGI:1857117 23711 1 evidence: anatomy:gut;MA:0000917 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased affected gut length IGI GO:0048547 MGI:3511472 J:118320 MGI:98358 23712 1 evidence: anatomy:gut;MA:0000917 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased affected gut length IGI GO:0048547 MGI:3511473 J:118320 MGI:98358 23713 1 evidence: anatomy:gut;MA:0000917 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased affected gut length IGI GO:0048547 MGI:3511474 J:118320 MGI:98358 23714 1 evidence: anatomy:gut;MA:0000917 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased affected gut length IGI GO:0048547 MGI:3511476 J:118320 MGI:98358 23715 1 evidence: anatomy:neural tube ; EMAP:2950 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001843 MGI:1194497 J:117761 MGI:3698004 23716 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; EMAP:3461 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:1194497 J:117761 MGI:3698004 23717 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; EMAP:4126 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:1194497 J:117761 MGI:3698004 23718 1 evidence: anatomy:maxilla ; MA:0001491 anatomy:frontal bone ; MA:0001466 anatomy:pterygoid bone ; MA:0001471 anatomy:alisphenoid bone ; MA:0002772 anatomy:mandible ; EMAP:5453 anatomy:rib 1 ; MA:0001401 anatomy:rib 2 ; MA:0001402 anatomy:rib 4 ; MA:000140 IMP GO:0048704 MGI:95841 J:28702 MGI:1857726 23719 2 4 anatomy:rib 5 ; MA:0001405 anatomy:sternebra ; MA:0001333 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:95841 J:28702 MGI:1857726 23720 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:T cell:CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1861457 J:90654 UniProtKB:O54918 23721 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ER-enriched light membrane fraction from mouse brain IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1926334 J:116445 UniProtKB:P10417 23722 1 evidence: anatomy:mandible ; MA:0001487 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:95841 J:29421 MGI:1857496 23723 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ER-enriched light membrane fraction from mouse brain IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88138 J:116445 UniProtKB:Q76MZ3 23724 1 evidence: anatomy:genioglossus ; MA:0002307 anatomy:geniohyoid ; MA:0002308 anatomy:hyoglossus ; MA:0002317 anatomy:mylohyoid ; MA:0002344 anatomy:masseter ; MA:0002343 anatomy:tongue skeletal muscle ; MA:0001596 cell type: gene product: modification: tar IMP GO:0048644 MGI:95841 J:29421 MGI:1857496 23725 2 get: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048644 MGI:95841 J:29421 MGI:1857496 23726 1 evidence: anatomy:tympanic ring ; MA:0001225 anatomy:malleus ; MA:0001216 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043583 MGI:95841 J:29421 MGI:1857496 23727 1 evidence: anatomy:neural tube ; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021904 MGI:95841 J:41809 MGI:1347476 23728 1 evidence: anatomy:1st arch ; EMAP:1003 anatomy:2nd arch ; EMAP:1025 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009653 MGI:1347476 J:41809 MGI:95841 23729 1 evidence: anatomy:neural tube ; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021904 MGI:1347476 J:41809 MGI:95841 23730 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:1212 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030900 MGI:95841 J:119933 MGI:1329040 23731 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon ; EMAP:1212 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030900 MGI:1329040 J:119933 MGI:95841 23732 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:207 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030111 MGI:1329040 J:119933 MGI:2387760 23733 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:207 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030178 MGI:95841 J:119933 MGI:1857726 23734 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:insulin secreting cell ; CL:0000168 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:102851 J:130389 N/A 23735 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic A cell ; CL:0000171 cell type:somatostatin secreting cell ; CL:0000172 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:102851 J:130389 MGI:2181360 23736 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic duct ; MA:0000124 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Krt19 ; MGI:96693 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:102851 J:117676 N/A 23737 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Krt19 ; MGI:96693|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:102851 J:117676 N/A 23738 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Krt19 ; MGI:96693|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:104717 J:117676 N/A 23739 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:4115|ventral pancreatic duct ; EMAP:4120|dorsal pancreatic duct ; EMAP:4122 cell type:acinar cell ; CL:0000622 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031017 MGI:102851 J:103522 MGI:2388676 23740 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic beta cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:102851 J:130389 MGI:2181360 23741 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas primordium ; EMAP:2828 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016331 MGI:102851 J:33133 MGI:2152755 23742 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas primordium ; EMAP:2828 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031016 MGI:102851 J:33133 MGI:2152755 23743 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031018 MGI:102851 J:130389 MGI:2181360 23744 1 evidence: anatomy:palatal shelf ; EMAP:8171 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060021 MGI:103219 J:104217 MGI:2176174 23745 1 evidence: anatomy:brain blood vessel ; MA:0002769 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:103219 J:101703 MGI:2674242 23746 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; EMAP:4774 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060173 MGI:103219 J:56172 MGI:2674242 23747 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; EMAP:4774 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007519 MGI:103219 J:56172 MGI:2674242 23748 1 evidence: anatomy:future prosencephalon ; EMAP:240 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048853 MGI:96071 J:63681 MGI:1931124 23749 1 evidence: anatomy:future prosencephalon ; EMAP:447 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048853 MGI:96071 J:47920 MGI:1931124 23750 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory placode ; EMAP:1296 anatomy:fronto-nasal process ; EMAP:1298 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043584 MGI:96071 J:47920 MGI:1931124 23751 1 evidence: anatomy:otocyst ; EMAP:1282 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030916 MGI:96071 J:47920 MGI:1931124 23752 1 evidence: anatomy:Rathke's pouch ; EMAP:2833 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:102673 J:130185 MGI:2385819 23753 1 evidence: anatomy:Rathke's pouch ; EMAP:2833 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021983 MGI:102673 J:130185 MGI:2385819 23754 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary ; EMAP:4130 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:102673 J:130185 MGI:2385819 23755 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary ; EMAP:7473 cell type:thyroid stimulating hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000476 cell type:prolactin secreting cell ; CL:0000439 cell type:somatotropin secreting cell ; CL:0000295 gene product: modification: target: external ref: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:102673 J:33050 MGI:2385819 23756 2 text: IMP GO:0030154 MGI:102673 J:33050 MGI:2385819 23757 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015630 MGI:2179432 J:132726 N/A 23758 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021510 MGI:3777558 J:132726 MGI:3777571 23759 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021510 MGI:3777564 J:132726 MGI:3777573 23760 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:2179432 J:132726 N/A 23761 1 evidence: anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:4028|footplate ; EMAP:4059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042733 MGI:96204 J:36443 MGI:96203|MGI:96205 23762 1 evidence: anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:4028|footplate ; EMAP:4059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007389 MGI:96204 J:36443 MGI:96203|MGI:96205 23763 1 evidence: anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:4028|footplate ; EMAP:4059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042733 MGI:96203 J:36443 MGI:96205|MGI:96204 23764 1 evidence: anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:4028|footplate ; EMAP:4059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007389 MGI:96203 J:36443 MGI:96205|MGI:96204 23765 1 evidence: anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:4028|footplate ; EMAP:4059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042733 MGI:96205 J:36443 MGI:96203|MGI:96204 23766 1 evidence: anatomy:handplate ; EMAP:4028|footplate ; EMAP:4059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007389 MGI:96205 J:36443 MGI:96203|MGI:96204 23767 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia nigra pars compacta ; MA:0001064 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030901 MGI:1100498 J:125552 MGI:1856667 23768 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; EMAP:4011 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035108 MGI:96205 J:71694 MGI:1857397 23769 1 evidence: anatomy:sacral vertebra 4 ; MA:0001437 anatomy:limb ; EMAP:4774 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:96205 J:15507 MGI:1857871 23770 1 evidence: anatomy:genital tubercle ; EMAP:4597 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045840 MGI:96173 J:83431 MGI:2152356 23771 1 evidence: anatomy:genital tubercle ; EMAP:4597 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030539 MGI:96173 J:83431 MGI:2152356 23772 1 evidence: anatomy:genital tubercle ; EMAP:4597 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:96173 J:83431 MGI:2152356 23773 1 evidence: anatomy:urethra ; EMAP:8274 anatomy:rectum ; EMAP:8102 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009653 MGI:96173 J:83431 MGI:2152356 23774 1 evidence: anatomy:genital tubercle ; EMAP:4597 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030510 MGI:96173 J:83431 MGI:2152356 23775 1 evidence: anatomy:genital tubercle ; EMAP:4597 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045840 MGI:99604 J:83431 N/A 23776 1 evidence: anatomy:genital tubercle ; EMAP:4597 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030539 MGI:99604 J:83431 N/A 23777 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008045 MGI:109563 J:132726 MGI:3777572 23778 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008045 MGI:3777561 J:132726 MGI:3777572 23779 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008045 MGI:3777558 J:132726 MGI:3777571 23780 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008045 MGI:3777564 J:132726 MGI:3777573 23781 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008045 MGI:3777566 J:132726 MGI:3778927 23782 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008045 MGI:3777569 J:132726 MGI:3777574 23783 1 evidence: anatomy:prostate gland ; MA:0000404 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030850 MGI:96173 J:54823 MGI:1857336 23784 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008045 MGI:2179432 J:132726 MGI:3777465|MGI:3777464 23785 1 evidence: anatomy:seminal vesicle ; MA:0000410 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:96173 J:54823 MGI:1857336 23786 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021785 MGI:2179432 J:132726 MGI:3777464 23787 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; EMAP:4774 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Epha7 ; MGI:95276 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:96173 J:107262 N/A 23788 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; EMAP:4774 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Epha7 ; MGI:95276 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:96205 J:107262 N/A 23789 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021952 MGI:2179432 J:132726 MGI:3777465|MGI:3777464 23790 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: axon morphology IMP GO:0048667 MGI:2179432 J:132726 MGI:3777465|MGI:3777464 23791 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: antisense expression of full legnth clone used as a method to downregulate production of the protein in MEL cells IMP GO:0030099 MGI:88034 J:36017 N/A 23792 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Map3k12;MGI:1346881 external ref: text: IMP GO:0032880 MGI:2179432 J:132726 MGI:3777464 23793 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7733872|IGI text:expressed protein in e.coli to compliment an e.coli mutant in the aphC gene. ISO GO:0042744 MGI:88034 J:25560 UniProtKB:P30048 23794 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0033267 MGI:1346881 J:132726 N/A 23795 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030426 MGI:1346881 J:132726 N/A 23796 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:siRNA text:Phr1 functions to stabilize microtubules within the axon and inhibit the formation of dynamic cytoskeletal s IMP GO:0051493 MGI:2179432 J:132726 N/A 23797 2 tructures such as those in growth cones IMP GO:0051493 MGI:2179432 J:132726 N/A 23798 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:5-phenyl-1-pentyne IMP GO:0009636 MGI:88608 J:111938 N/A 23799 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: DBC BNF-induced in liver IMP GO:0009404 MGI:88588 J:122123 MGI:2182307 23800 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:DBC in liver IMP GO:0009404 MGI:88589 J:122123 MGI:2182351 23801 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:DBC BNF-induced in lung, non induced blood IMP GO:0009404 MGI:88590 J:122123 MGI:2154690 23802 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: Cyp1a1 external ref: text: IMP GO:0010468 MGI:88589 J:126225 MGI:1861917 23803 1 evidence: anatomy:parasympathetic ; EMAP:5118 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048486 MGI:106633 J:39084 MGI:2180328 23804 1 evidence: anatomy:ganglion ; EMAP:5126 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048485 MGI:106633 J:39084 MGI:2180328 23805 1 evidence: anatomy:locus coeruleus ; MA:0001017 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021703 MGI:106633 J:39084 MGI:2180328 23806 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic region ; EMAP:12396 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96189 J:58621 MGI:1934178 23807 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; EMAP:4276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021516 MGI:96189 J:58621 MGI:1934178 23808 1 evidence: anatomy:T1 ; EMAP:14276 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:96189 J:58621 MGI:1934178 23809 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type:macrophage;CL:0000235|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009617 MGI:1339957 J:97422 N/A 23810 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:7671 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021516 MGI:96189 J:134668 MGI:1934178 23811 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding;ECO:0000023|inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0042288 MGI:1196250 J:131505 UniProtKB:B1B212|NCBI:GeneID_670558 23812 1 evidence:ECO:0000005; inferred from enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009435 MGI:1921330 J:111688 N/A 23813 1 evidence:ECO:0000005; inferred from enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:1921330 J:111688 N/A 23814 1 evidence:ECO:0000005; inferred from enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000309 MGI:1921330 J:111688 N/A 23815 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:mast cell;CL:0000097|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:97953 N/A 23816 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type:astrocyte;CL:0000127|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006900 MGI:1339957 J:99000 N/A 23817 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:astrocyte;CL:0000127|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005576 MGI:96543 J:99000 N/A 23818 1 evidence:ELISA anatomy: cell type:astrocyte;CL:0000127|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031982 MGI:96543 J:99000 N/A 23819 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:astrocyte;CL:0000127|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:efflux from shed vesicles was enhanced by ATP IDA GO:0033198 MGI:96543 J:99000 N/A 23820 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type:astrocyte;CL:0000127|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050718 MGI:1339957 J:99000 N/A 23821 1 evidence:GFP-tagged gene construcs; transfected anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GC-2 cells - immortalized germ cells (spermatocytes) of mouse testis IDA GO:0005634 MGI:3647699 J:125967 N/A 23822 1 evidence:GFP-tagged gene construcs; transfected anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GC-2 cells - immortalized germ cells (spermatocytes) of mouse testis IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1914754 J:125967 N/A 23823 1 evidence:GFP-tagged gene construcs; transfected anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GC-2 cells - immortalized germ cells (spermatocytes) of mouse testis IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2685449 J:125967 N/A 23824 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Klrk1 IPI GO:0030101 MGI:1306817 J:131505 UniProtKB:O54709 23825 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Klrk1 IPI GO:0046703 MGI:1306817 J:131505 UniProtKB:O54709 23826 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Klrk1 IPI GO:0030101 MGI:3649078 J:131505 UniProtKB:O54709 23827 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Klrk1 IPI GO:0046703 MGI:3649078 J:131505 UniProtKB:O54709 23828 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding;ECO:0000023|inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0046703 MGI:3774845 J:131505 UniProtKB:O54709 23829 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding;ECO:0000023|inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Klrk1 IPI GO:0030101 MGI:3774845 J:131505 UniProtKB:O54709 23830 1 evidence: anatomy:left lung ; EMAP:4605 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:109340 J:51160 MGI:1857844|MGI:1857846 23831 1 evidence: anatomy:eye ; EMAP:4327 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031076 MGI:109340 J:51160 MGI:1857844|MGI:1857846 23832 1 evidence: anatomy:interatrial septum ; EMAP:4400 anatomy:interventricular septum ; EMAP:4433 anatomy:valve ; EMAP:4415 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:109340 J:51160 MGI:1857844|MGI:1857846 23833 1 evidence: anatomy:left lung ; EMAP:4605 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:109340 J:51160 MGI:1857844|MGI:1857846 23834 1 evidence: anatomy:tooth ; MA:0000348 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042476 MGI:109340 J:51160 MGI:1857844|MGI:1857846 23835 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary ; EMAP:4130 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021983 MGI:109340 J:51160 MGI:1857844|MGI:1857846 23836 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:1419 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:109340 J:55455 MGI:1857880 23837 1 evidence: anatomy:left lung rudiment ; EMAP:1420 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:109340 J:55455 MGI:1857880 23838 1 evidence: anatomy:left lung rudiment ; EMAP:1420 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009887 MGI:109340 J:55455 MGI:1857880 23839 1 evidence: anatomy:atrium ; EMAP:2413 anatomy:primitive ventricle ; EMAP:2454 anatomy:atrio-ventricular canal ; EMAP:3667 anatomy:endocardial cushion tissue ; EMAP:3686 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:109340 J:55455 MGI:1857880 23840 1 evidence: anatomy:eye ; EMAP:4327 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031076 MGI:109340 J:55455 MGI:1857880 23841 1 evidence: anatomy:eye ; EMAP:4327 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007519 MGI:109340 J:55455 MGI:1857880 23842 1 evidence: anatomy:left lung ; EMAP:4605 anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:1001 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:109340 J:57673 MGI:2384494 23843 1 evidence: anatomy:left lung ; EMAP:4605 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:109340 J:57673 MGI:2384494 23844 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary ; EMAP:1689 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021983 MGI:109340 J:57673 MGI:2384494 23845 1 evidence: anatomy:tooth ; EMAP:5459 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042476 MGI:109340 J:57673 MGI:2384494 23846 1 evidence: anatomy:oral region ; EMAP:5992 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009653 MGI:109340 J:57674 MGI:2136268 23847 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; EMAP:4396 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:109340 J:57674 MGI:2136268 23848 1 evidence: anatomy:tooth ; EMAP:12159 anatomy:eye ; EMAP:4327 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:109340 J:62068 N/A 23849 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Plod2 ; MGI:1347007|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:109340 J:67321 N/A 23850 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Plod2 ; MGI:1347007|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003700 MGI:109340 J:67321 N/A 23851 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Plod2 ; MGI:1347007 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:109340 J:67321 N/A 23852 1 evidence:GFP-tagged gene construcs; transfected anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GC-2 cells - immortalized germ cells (spermatocytes) of mouse testis IDA GO:0005634 MGI:3616452 J:125967 N/A 23853 1 evidence:GFP-tagged gene construcs; transfected anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GC-2 cells - immortalized germ cells (spermatocytes) of mouse testis IDA GO:0005634 MGI:3616450 J:125967 N/A 23854 1 evidence:GFP-tagged gene construcs; transfected anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GC-2 cells - immortalized germ cells (spermatocytes) of mouse testis IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1916573 J:125967 N/A 23855 1 evidence:GFP-tagged gene construcs; transfected anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GC-2 cells - immortalized germ cells (spermatocytes) of mouse testis IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1918359 J:125967 N/A 23856 1 evidence:GFP-tagged gene construcs; transfected anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GC-2 cells - immortalized germ cells (spermatocytes) of mouse testis IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1916531 J:125967 N/A 23857 1 evidence:GFP-tagged gene construcs; transfected anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GC-2 cells - immortalized germ cells (spermatocytes) of mouse testis IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1918312 J:125967 N/A 23858 1 evidence:GFP-tagged gene construcs; transfected anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GC-2 cells - immortalized germ cells (spermatocytes) of mouse testis IDA GO:0005783 MGI:2679727 J:125967 N/A 23859 1 evidence:GFP-tagged gene construcs; transfected anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GC-2 cells - immortalized germ cells (spermatocytes) of mouse testis IDA GO:0005783 MGI:1925719 J:125967 N/A 23860 1 evidence:GFP-tagged gene construcs; transfected anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GC-2 cells - immortalized germ cells (spermatocytes) of mouse testis IDA GO:0005783 MGI:1924106 J:125967 N/A 23861 1 evidence:GFP-tagged gene construcs; transfected anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GC-2 cells - immortalized germ cells (spermatocytes) of mouse testis IDA GO:0005794 MGI:1920731 J:125967 N/A 23862 1 evidence:GFP-tagged gene construcs; transfected anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GC-2 cells - immortalized germ cells (spermatocytes) of mouse testis IDA GO:0005794 MGI:1916689 J:125967 N/A 23863 1 evidence:GFP-tagged gene construcs; transfected anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GC-2 cells - immortalized germ cells (spermatocytes) of mouse testis IDA GO:0005794 MGI:1914871 J:125967 N/A 23864 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:mature B cell ; CL:0000785 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002335 MGI:101897 J:4555 MGI:3028896 23865 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type:Schwann cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0014044 MGI:101895 J:83739 MGI:101896 23866 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type:Schwann cell ; CL:0000218 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014044 MGI:101896 J:83739 MGI:2387953 23867 1 evidence: anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0022011 MGI:101896 J:83739 MGI:101895 23868 1 evidence: anatomy:semicircular canal ; MA:0000249 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048839 MGI:101894 J:112541 MGI:1857990 23869 1 evidence:antisense anatomy:corpus striatum ; EMAP:6083 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021879 MGI:101894 J:52381 N/A 23870 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas primordium ; EMAP:2828 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031016 MGI:109160 J:57317 MGI:2182358 23871 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; EMAP:10653 cell type:pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031018 MGI:109160 J:57317 MGI:2182358 23872 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type:granule cell;CL:0000120|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1339957 J:99778 N/A 23873 1 evidence: anatomy:mesoderm ; EMAP:115 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001707 MGI:1350935 J:48372 MGI:1857514 23874 1 evidence: anatomy:enteric ganglion ; MA:0001144 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048484 MGI:1350935 J:42356 MGI:2448951 23875 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS17,heart ; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035050 MGI:103577 J:46383 MGI:2153823 23876 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS11,trophectoderm ; EMAP:195 cell type:trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001892 MGI:103577 J:46383 MGI:2153823 23877 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS17,heart ; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001947 MGI:103577 J:46383 MGI:2153823 23878 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS17,embryo ; EMAP:2006 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001701 MGI:103577 J:46383 MGI:2153823 23879 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS11,trophectoderm ; EMAP:195 cell type:trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001829 MGI:103577 J:46383 MGI:2153823 23880 1 evidence:histology anatomy:TS17,heart ; EMAP:2411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0055010 MGI:103577 J:46383 MGI:2153823 23881 1 evidence: anatomy:eye ; MA:0000261 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:109632 J:229 MGI:1856862 23882 1 evidence: anatomy:suprachiasmatic nucleus ; MA:0000843 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021854 MGI:109632 J:5891 MGI:1856862 23883 1 evidence: anatomy:eye ; EMAP:1786 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:109632 J:5962 MGI:1856862 23884 1 evidence: anatomy:eye ; MA:0000261 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:109632 J:13083 MGI:1856862 23885 1 evidence: anatomy:autopod ; MA:0002714 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060173 MGI:109632 J:13084 MGI:1856862 23886 1 evidence: anatomy:autopod ; MA:0002714 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:109632 J:13084 MGI:1856862 23887 1 evidence: anatomy:optic vesicle ; EMAP:877 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:109632 J:66894 MGI:2152531 23888 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type:granule cell;CL:0000120|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051592 MGI:1339957 J:99778 MGI:2386080 23889 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type:granule cell;CL:0000120|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:99778 MGI:2386080 23890 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type:granule cell;CL:0000120|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0010043 MGI:1339957 J:99778 MGI:2386080 23891 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy:uterus;MA:0000389 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032355 MGI:1330350 J:114772 N/A 23892 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy:uterus;MA:0000389 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032355 MGI:1330352 J:114772 N/A 23893 1 evidence: anatomy:gonad primordium ; EMAP:3851 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035262 MGI:1316721 J:60621 MGI:1888554 23894 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy:uterus;MA:0000389 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased mRNA levels in response to estradiol IDA GO:0032355 MGI:1330351 J:114772 N/A 23895 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy:uterus;MA:0000389 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased mRNA levels in response to estradiol IDA GO:0032355 MGI:1330347 J:114772 N/A 23896 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy:uterus;MA:0000389 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased mRNA levels in response to estradiol IDA GO:0032355 MGI:1330346 J:114772 N/A 23897 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy:uterus;MA:0000389 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased mRNA levels in response to estradiol IDA GO:0032355 MGI:1330349 J:114772 N/A 23898 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy:uterus;MA:0000389 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased mRNA levels in response to estradiol IDA GO:0032355 MGI:1330348 J:114772 N/A 23899 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:100823 MGI:2386080 23900 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme inhibition;ECO:0000184 anatomy: cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to ATP IMP GO:0043410 MGI:1339957 J:100823 N/A 23901 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to ATP IDA GO:0006468 MGI:1346865 J:100823 N/A 23902 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme inhibition;ECO:0000184 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:anisomycin-in IMP GO:0006468 MGI:1346865 J:100823 N/A 23903 2 duced phosphorylation IMP GO:0006468 MGI:1346865 J:100823 N/A 23904 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme inhibition;ECO:0000184 anatomy: cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Erk1/2 external ref: text:inhibitor studies text:mutants studies IMP GO:0001934 MGI:1339957 J:100823 MGI:2386080 23905 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006468 MGI:98397 J:100823 N/A 23906 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006468 MGI:87986 J:100823 N/A 23907 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:inhibitor or mutant studies. text:in response to ATP IMP GO:0032436 MGI:87986 J:100823 N/A 23908 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme inhibition;ECO:0000184 anatomy: cell type:immature T cell;CL:0000804|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: inhibitor and mutant studies IMP GO:0046931 MGI:1339957 J:100823 N/A 23909 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:control of the mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production IDA GO:0006800 MGI:102500 J:120917 N/A 23910 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1921381 J:102171 N/A 23911 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1921381 J:102171 N/A 23912 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiovascular system ; EMAP:5248 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:104717 J:87890 MGI:3029063 23913 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:5496 cell type:common myeloid progenitor ; CL:0000049 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030097 MGI:104717 J:87890 MGI:3029063 23914 1 evidence: anatomy:lens ; EMAP:5217 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002089 MGI:104717 J:87890 MGI:3029063 23915 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; EMAP:4577 cell type:hematopoietic stem cell ; CL:0000037 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060216 MGI:104717 J:98307 MGI:3578637 23916 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiovascular system ; EMAP:3638 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048514 MGI:104717 J:98307 MGI:3578637 23917 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045665 MGI:104717 J:131060 MGI:96174|MGI:97495 23918 1 evidence: anatomy:facial VII ; EMAP:6162 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045665 MGI:96174 J:131060 MGI:1857530 23919 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045665 MGI:97495 J:131060 MGI:104717|MGI:96174 23920 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045666 MGI:96207 J:131060 MGI:96174 23921 1 evidence: anatomy:parietal endoderm ; EMAP:50 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97538 J:40601 N/A 23922 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97538 J:46889 N/A 23923 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030890 MGI:1921381 J:102171 MGI:3716944 23924 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042102 MGI:1921381 J:102171 MGI:3716944 23925 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002726 MGI:1921381 J:102171 MGI:3716944 23926 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus;MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 anatomy:lymph node;MA:0000139 anatomy:peyer's patch;MA:0000137 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048873 MGI:1921381 J:102171 MGI:3716944 23927 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced lymphoid organs' size IMP GO:0046622 MGI:1921381 J:102171 MGI:3716944 23928 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell;CL:0000624|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043372 MGI:1921381 J:102171 MGI:3716944 23929 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216 gene product: modification: target:Unc5c ; MGI:1095412 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:97538 J:132146 N/A 23930 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:IgG1 levels are decreased, IgG2a levels are lower; decreased IgM level IMP GO:0002639 MGI:1921381 J:102171 MGI:3716944 23931 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:gamma-interferon production by CD3 antibody stimulated mutant T cells was impaired IMP GO:0032729 MGI:1921381 J:102171 MGI:3716944 23932 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:IL-10 production by CD3 antibody stimulated mutant T cells was impaired IMP GO:0032733 MGI:1921381 J:102171 MGI:3716944 23933 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:IL-2 production by CD3 antibody stimulated mutant T cells was impaired IMP GO:0032743 MGI:1921381 J:102171 MGI:3716944 23934 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:IL-4 production by CD3 antibody stimulated mutant T cells was impaired IMP GO:0032753 MGI:1921381 J:102171 MGI:3716944 23935 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:TNF production by CD3 antibody stimulated mutant T cells was impaired IMP GO:0032760 MGI:1921381 J:102171 MGI:3716944 23936 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:receptor-mediated IMP GO:0051251 MGI:1921381 J:102171 MGI:3716944 23937 1 evidence:confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscope anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL:1573;HEK293 cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|ATCC:HB-12317;NG108-15 gene product: modification: target: external ref: tex IDA GO:0005829 MGI:108439 J:110504 N/A 23938 2 t:transfected NG108-15 or HEK293 cells text:GFP/cag-8 fusion protein IDA GO:0005829 MGI:108439 J:110504 N/A 23939 1 evidence:confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscope anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL:1573;HEK293 cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|ATCC:HB-12317;NG108-15 gene product: modification: target: external ref: tex IDA GO:0016604 MGI:108439 J:110504 N/A 23940 2 t:transfected NG108-15 or HEK293 cells text:GFP/cag-8 fusion protein IDA GO:0016604 MGI:108439 J:110504 N/A 23941 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebra ; EMAP:6775 anatomy:vertebral cartilage condensation ; EMAP:6788 anatomy:basioccipital cartilage condensation ; EMAP:6791 anatomy:basisphenoid cartilage condensation ; EMAP:6792 cell type: gene product: modification: target: ext IMP GO:0048706 MGI:108015 J:57112 MGI:1931319 23942 2 ernal ref: text: IMP GO:0048706 MGI:108015 J:57112 MGI:1931319 23943 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen primordium ; EMAP:7434 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048645 MGI:108015 J:57112 MGI:1931319 23944 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen primordium ; EMAP:7434 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048536 MGI:108015 J:57112 MGI:1931319 23945 1 evidence: anatomy:submandibular gland;MA:0001589 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant and inhibitor studies text:mitochondrial membrane depolarization induced by P2X7 receptor activation IMP GO:0051901 MGI:1339957 J:102387 MGI:2386080 23946 1 evidence: anatomy:tympanic ring ; MA:0001225 anatomy:malleus ; MA:0001216 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042474 MGI:108015 J:88584 MGI:1931319 23947 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Nkx2-5 ; MGI:97350 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:103220 J:89068 N/A 23948 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Nkx2-5 ; MGI:97350 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:103220 J:89068 MGI:97485|MGI:97493 23949 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Nkx2-5 ; MGI:97350 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:97485 J:89068 MGI:108015 23950 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Nkx2-5 ; MGI:97350 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:97493 J:89068 MGI:108015 23951 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal bud ; EMAP:2829 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:108015 J:93234 MGI:1931319 23952 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal bud ; EMAP:2829 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:1099809 J:93234 MGI:1859647 23953 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal bud ; EMAP:2829 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007368 MGI:94889 J:93234 MGI:1857878 23954 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal bud ; EMAP:2829 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031016 MGI:94889 J:93234 MGI:1857878 23955 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal bud ; EMAP:2829 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031016 MGI:108015 J:93234 MGI:1931319 23956 1 evidence: anatomy:splenic primordium ; EMAP:12536 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048536 MGI:108015 J:93234 MGI:1931319 23957 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal bud ; EMAP:2829 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031016 MGI:1099809 J:93234 MGI:1859647 23958 1 evidence: anatomy:splenic primordium ; EMAP:12536 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048536 MGI:1099809 J:93234 MGI:1859647 23959 1 evidence: anatomy:splenic primordium ; EMAP:12536 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048536 MGI:94889 J:93234 MGI:1857878 23960 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033081 MGI:1344313 J:39865 MGI:1857515 23961 1 evidence: anatomy:thymus ; EMAP:11596 cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033081 MGI:1344313 J:45575 MGI:1857799 23962 1 evidence: anatomy:forelimb ; EMAP:11205 anatomy:hindlimb ; EMAP:11309 anatomy:axial skeleton ; EMAP:12383 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:basisphenoid bone ; EMAP:12405 anatomy:mandible ; EMAP:12155 anatomy:maxilla ; EMAP:12178 cell type: gene produc IMP GO:0048704 MGI:1344313 J:45575 MGI:1857799 23963 2 t: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:1344313 J:45575 MGI:1857799 23964 1 evidence: anatomy:forelimb ; EMAP:11205 anatomy:hindlimb ; EMAP:11309 anatomy:axial skeleton ; EMAP:12383 anatomy:sternum ; EMAP:12439 anatomy:basisphenoid bone ; EMAP:12405 anatomy:mandible ; EMAP:12155 anatomy:maxilla ; EMAP:12178 cell type: gene produc IMP GO:0007389 MGI:1344313 J:45575 MGI:1857799 23965 2 t: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:1344313 J:45575 MGI:1857799 23966 1 evidence: anatomy:Meckel's cartilage ; EMAP:12156 anatomy:nasal septum ; EMAP:11993 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051216 MGI:1344313 J:45575 MGI:1857799 23967 1 evidence:siRNA anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|A404 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051150 MGI:1344313 J:110800 N/A 23968 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Myh11 ; target:Acta2 ; MGI:87909 target:Tagln ; MGI:106012 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1344313 J:110800 N/A 23969 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Acta2 ; MGI:87909|RNApol_II_promoter_region ; SO:0000844 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1344313 J:110800 N/A 23970 1 evidence: anatomy:submandibular gland;MA:0001589 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:102387 MGI:2386080 23971 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Acta2 ; MGI:87909 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1344313 J:110800 MGI:894293|MGI:106658 23972 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Acta2 ; MGI:87909 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1344313 J:110800 MGI:1201674|MGI:106658 23973 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Acta2 ; MGI:87909 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:106658 J:110800 MGI:1344313|MGI:1201674 23974 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Acta2 ; MGI:87909 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1201674 J:110800 MGI:106658|MGI:1344313 23975 1 evidence: anatomy:eye ; EMAP:7786 anatomy:brain ; EMAP:7469 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030857 MGI:1344313 J:131173 N/A 23976 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:9220 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048596 MGI:1344313 J:135179 MGI:1857515 23977 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:9220 cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:1344313 J:135179 MGI:1857515 23978 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|osteoblast;CL:0000062 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045778 MGI:1888525 J:134287 MGI:3789484 23979 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|osteoclast;CL:0000092 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045671 MGI:1888525 J:134287 MGI:3789484 23980 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:stromal cell;CL:0000499|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Tnfsf11;MGI:1100089 external ref: text: IMP GO:0010468 MGI:1888525 J:134287 MGI:3789484 23981 1 evidence:immunoblotting anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IPI GO:0042809 MGI:1888525 J:134287 UniProtKB:P48281 23982 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:murine cDNA in rabbit reticulocyte and wheat germ lysate coupled transcription-translation systems IDA GO:0008119 MGI:98812 J:46811 N/A 23983 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:murine cDNA in rabbit reticulocyte and wheat germ lysate coupled transcription-translation systems text:human ortholog ISS GO:0008119 MGI:98812 J:46811 N/A 23984 1 evidence: anatomy:skin;MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:99915 J:17618 N/A 23985 1 evidence: anatomy:skin;MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:human ortholog ISS GO:0005604 MGI:99915 J:17618 N/A 23986 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type:NIH 3T3;ATCC:CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0045095 MGI:96698 J:2991 N/A 23987 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type:NIH 3T3;ATCC:CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0045095 MGI:96685 J:3991 N/A 23988 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type:NIH 3T3;ATCC:CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0045095 MGI:96702 J:3991 N/A 23989 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type:NIH 3T3;ATCC:CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected ISO GO:0045095 MGI:96702 J:3991 UniProtKB:P13647 23990 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type:NIH 3T3;ATCC:CRL-1658|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected ISO GO:0045095 MGI:96688 J:3991 UniProtKB:P02533 23991 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected fibroblast line IDA GO:0002457 MGI:96392 J:10119 N/A 23992 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:tetrahydrobiopterin levels are decreased IMP GO:0046146 MGI:103078 J:124817 MGI:3757641 23993 1 evidence: anatomy:medulla oblongata ; MA:0000206 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002087 MGI:97496 J:109165 MGI:3510441 23994 1 evidence: anatomy:medulla oblongata ; MA:0000206 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002087 MGI:1351209 J:109165 MGI:2180105 23995 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord dorsal horn ; MA:0001119 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:7671 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021516 MGI:97496 J:130927 MGI:3773271|MGI:3773272 23996 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:7671 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048666 MGI:97496 J:130927 MGI:3773271|MGI:3773272 23997 1 evidence: anatomy:future spinal cord ; EMAP:2949 anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:4251 anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:5102 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97496 J:130927 N/A 23998 1 evidence: anatomy:vestibular component ; EMAP:5167 anatomy:labyrinth ; EMAP:5163 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:107159 J:73069 MGI:2154542 23999 1 evidence: anatomy:inner ear ; EMAP:3582 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:107159 J:73069 MGI:2154542 24000 1 evidence: anatomy:future spinal cord ; EMAP:2323 anatomy:gut ; EMAP:2235 anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:2103 anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:2099 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96210 J:9875 N/A 24001 1 evidence: anatomy:lumbar vertebra ; MA:0000312 anatomy:sacral vertebra ; MA:0000313 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96210 J:31476 MGI:2150414 24002 1 evidence: anatomy:sacral vertebra 2 ; MA:0001435 anatomy:sacral vertebra 4 ; MA:0001437 anatomy:caudal vertebra ; MA:0000310 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 2 ; MA:0001429 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 3 ; MA:0001430 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 4 ; MA:0001431 cell type: ge IMP GO:0048706 MGI:96210 J:31476 MGI:2150414 24003 2 ne product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048706 MGI:96210 J:31476 MGI:2150414 24004 1 evidence: anatomy:lumbar vertebra ; MA:0000312 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96180 J:31476 MGI:2150411 24005 1 evidence: anatomy:lumbar vertebra 1 ; MA:0001428 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 2 ; MA:0001429 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 3 ; MA:0001430 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 4 ; MA:0001431 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 5 ; MA:0001432 cell type: gene product: modification: target: ext IMP GO:0048706 MGI:96180 J:31476 MGI:2150411 24006 2 ernal ref: text: IMP GO:0048706 MGI:96180 J:31476 MGI:2150411 24007 1 evidence: anatomy:lumbar vertebra ; MA:0000312 anatomy:sacral vertebra ; MA:0000313 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96180 J:31476 MGI:96210 24008 1 evidence: anatomy:sacral vertebra 1 ; MA:0001434 anatomy:sacral vertebra 2 ; MA:0001435 anatomy:sacral vertebra 3 ; MA:0001436 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 1 ; MA:0001428 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 2 ; MA:0001429 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 3 ; MA:0001430 anatomy:lum IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96180 J:31476 MGI:96210 24009 2 bar vertebra 4 ; MA:0001431 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 5 ; MA:0001432 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 6 ; MA:0001433 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96180 J:31476 MGI:96210 24010 1 evidence: anatomy:lumbar vertebra ; MA:0000312 anatomy:sacral vertebra ; MA:0000313 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96210 J:31476 MGI:96180 24011 1 evidence: anatomy:sacral vertebra 1 ; MA:0001434 anatomy:sacral vertebra 2 ; MA:0001435 anatomy:sacral vertebra 3 ; MA:0001436 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 1 ; MA:0001428 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 2 ; MA:0001429 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 3 ; MA:0001430 anatomy:lum IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96210 J:31476 MGI:96180 24012 2 bar vertebra 4 ; MA:0001431 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 5 ; MA:0001432 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 6 ; MA:0001433 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96210 J:31476 MGI:96180 24013 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; MA:0000007 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035115 MGI:96180 J:31476 MGI:96210 24014 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; MA:0000007 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009954 MGI:96180 J:31476 MGI:96210 24015 1 evidence: anatomy:forelimb ; MA:0000025 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035115 MGI:96210 J:31476 MGI:96180 24016 1 evidence: anatomy:shoulder ; MA:0000038 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035115 MGI:96210 J:31476 MGI:2150414 24017 1 evidence: anatomy:humerus ; MA:0001356 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009954 MGI:96210 J:31476 MGI:2150414 24018 1 evidence: anatomy:forelimb ; MA:0000025 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009954 MGI:96210 J:31476 MGI:96180 24019 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030879 MGI:96210 J:52279 MGI:96180|MGI:96190 24020 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030879 MGI:96180 J:52279 MGI:96210|MGI:96190 24021 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030879 MGI:96190 J:52279 MGI:96210|MGI:96180 24022 1 evidence: anatomy:sacral vertebra ; MA:0000313 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96202 J:59070 MGI:96210 24023 1 evidence: anatomy:forelimb ; MA:0000025 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035136 MGI:96202 J:59070 MGI:96210 24024 1 evidence: anatomy:hindlimb ; MA:0000026 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035137 MGI:96202 J:59070 MGI:96210 24025 1 evidence: anatomy:forelimb ; EMAP:4012 anatomy:hindlimb ; EMAP:4058 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048935 MGI:96202 J:59070 MGI:96210 24026 1 evidence: anatomy:forelimb ; MA:0000025 anatomy:hindlimb ; MA:0000026 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007519 MGI:96202 J:59070 MGI:96210 24027 1 evidence: anatomy:forelimb ; MA:0000025 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035136 MGI:96210 J:59070 MGI:96202 24028 1 evidence: anatomy:forelimb ; MA:0000025 anatomy:hindlimb ; MA:0000026 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048935 MGI:96210 J:59070 MGI:96202 24029 1 evidence: anatomy:forelimb ; MA:0000025 anatomy:hindlimb ; MA:0000026 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007519 MGI:96210 J:59070 MGI:96202 24030 1 evidence: anatomy:hindlimb ; MA:0000026 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035137 MGI:96210 J:59070 MGI:96202 24031 1 evidence: anatomy:sacral vertebra 1 ; MA:0001434 anatomy:sacral vertebra 2 ; MA:0001435 anatomy:sacral vertebra 3 ; MA:0001436 anatomy:sacral vertebra 4 ; MA:0001437 anatomy:humerus ; MA:0001356 anatomy:ulnar sesamoid bone ; MA:0001379 cell type: gene pro IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96202 J:59070 MGI:96210 24032 2 duct: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96202 J:59070 MGI:96210 24033 1 evidence: anatomy:sacral vertebra 1 ; MA:0001434 anatomy:sacral vertebra 2 ; MA:0001435 anatomy:sacral vertebra 3 ; MA:0001436 anatomy:sacral vertebra 4 ; MA:0001437 anatomy:humerus ; MA:0001356 anatomy:ulnar sesamoid bone ; MA:0001379 cell type: gene pro IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96210 J:59070 MGI:96202 24034 2 duct: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96210 J:59070 MGI:96202 24035 1 evidence: anatomy:sacral vertebra ; MA:0000313 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96210 J:59070 MGI:96202 24036 1 evidence: anatomy:neural tube ; EMAP:262 anatomy:somite ; EMAP:288 anatomy:somite ; EMAP:276 anatomy:lung ; EMAP:4604 anatomy:stomach ; EMAP:4492 anatomy:hindgut ; EMAP:4525 anatomy:mesenchyme derived from neural crest ; EMAP:1079 cell type: gene product: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96186 J:1513 N/A 24037 2 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96186 J:1513 N/A 24038 1 evidence: anatomy:axial skeleton ; EMAP:5596 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96186 J:22424 MGI:96187 24039 1 evidence: anatomy:axial skeleton ; EMAP:5596 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96186 J:22424 MGI:2151484 24040 1 evidence: anatomy:axial skeleton ; EMAP:5596 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96187 J:22424 MGI:96186 24041 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 6 ; MA:0001426 anatomy:cervical vertebra 7 ; MA:0001427 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 1 ; MA:0001438 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96187 J:22424 MGI:2151485 24042 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 6 ; MA:0001426 anatomy:cervical vertebra 7 ; MA:0001427 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 1 ; MA:0001438 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048706 MGI:96187 J:22424 MGI:2151485 24043 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 6 ; MA:0001426 anatomy:cervical vertebra 7 ; MA:0001427 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 1 ; MA:0001438 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:96186 J:22424 N/A 24044 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 6 ; MA:0001426 anatomy:cervical vertebra 7 ; MA:0001427 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 1 ; MA:0001438 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96186 J:22424 MGI:96187 24045 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:mature B cell ; CL:0000785 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002380 MGI:101897 J:4555 MGI:3028896 24046 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:erythroid progenitor cell ; CL:0000038 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0034101 MGI:96187 J:133561 MGI:3514269 24047 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic vertebra ; MA:0000314 anatomy:lumbar vertebra ; MA:0000312 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96199 J:26535 MGI:2150685 24048 1 evidence: anatomy:thoracic vertebra 10 ; MA:0001447 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 11 ; MA:0001448 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 12 ; MA:0001449 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 13 ; MA:0001450 anatomy:lumbar vertebra 1 ; MA:0001428 cell type: gene product: modification: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:96199 J:26535 MGI:2150685 24049 2 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:96199 J:26535 MGI:2150685 24050 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra ; MA:0000311 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96178 J:19217 MGI:2150392 24051 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 7 ; MA:0001427 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:96178 J:19217 MGI:2150392 24052 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra ; MA:0000311 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96176 J:19219 MGI:2150391 24053 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 3 ; MA:0001423 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:96176 J:19219 MGI:2150391 24054 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:96177 J:125040 MGI:3723623 24055 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra ; MA:0000311 anatomy:thoracic vertebra ; MA:0000314 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96177 J:125040 MGI:3723623 24056 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 6 ; MA:0001426 anatomy:cervical vertebra 7 ; MA:0001427 anatomy:thoracic vertebra 1 ; MA:0001438 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:96177 J:125040 MGI:3723623 24057 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:96207 J:19447 MGI:1857959 24058 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical region ; EMAP:5597 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96207 J:19447 MGI:1857959 24059 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical region ; EMAP:5597 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96207 J:19447 MGI:96175 24060 1 evidence: anatomy:C1 ; EMAP:5599 anatomy:C2 ; EMAP:5600 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96207 J:19447 MGI:96175 24061 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebral cartilage condensation ; EMAP:5598 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96175 J:19447 MGI:96207 24062 1 evidence: anatomy:C1 ; EMAP:5599 anatomy:C2 ; EMAP:5600 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:96175 J:19447 MGI:96207 24063 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:96184 J:45337 MGI:2151773 24064 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra ; MA:0000311 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96175 J:45337 MGI:96184|MGI:96207 24065 1 evidence: anatomy:hyoid bone ; MA:0001484 anatomy:thyroid cartilage ; MA:0001764 anatomy:cricoid cartilage ; MA:0001762 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051216 MGI:96175 J:45337 MGI:96184|MGI:96207 24066 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:basioccipital bone ; MA:0001462 anatomy:exoccipital bone ; MA:0001464 anatomy:supraoccipital bone ; MA:0001474 anatomy:hyoid bone ; MA:0001484 anatomy:thyr IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96175 J:45337 MGI:96184|MGI:96207 24067 2 oid cartilage ; MA:0001764 anatomy:cricoid cartilage ; MA:0001762 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96175 J:45337 MGI:96184|MGI:96207 24068 1 evidence: anatomy:glossopharyngeal IX ; EMAP:3551 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021615 MGI:96175 J:45337 MGI:1857992 24069 1 evidence: anatomy:glossopharyngeal IX ; EMAP:3551 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021615 MGI:96175 J:45337 MGI:96184|MGI:96207 24070 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra ; MA:0000311 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96207 J:45337 MGI:96184|MGI:96175 24071 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:basioccipital bone ; MA:0001462 anatomy:exoccipital bone ; MA:0001464 anatomy:supraoccipital bone ; MA:0001474 anatomy:hyoid bone ; MA:0001484 anatomy:thyr IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96207 J:45337 MGI:96184|MGI:96175 24072 2 oid cartilage ; MA:0001764 anatomy:cricoid cartilage ; MA:0001762 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96207 J:45337 MGI:96184|MGI:96175 24073 1 evidence: anatomy:hyoid bone ; MA:0001484 anatomy:thyroid cartilage ; MA:0001764 anatomy:cricoid cartilage ; MA:0001762 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051216 MGI:96207 J:45337 MGI:96184|MGI:96175 24074 1 evidence: anatomy:glossopharyngeal IX ; EMAP:3551 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021615 MGI:96207 J:45337 MGI:96184|MGI:96175 24075 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra ; MA:0000311 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:96184 J:45337 MGI:96175|MGI:96207 24076 1 evidence: anatomy:hyoid bone ; MA:0001484 anatomy:thyroid cartilage ; MA:0001764 anatomy:cricoid cartilage ; MA:0001762 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051216 MGI:96184 J:45337 MGI:96175|MGI:96207 24077 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical vertebra 1 ; MA:0001421 anatomy:cervical vertebra 2 ; MA:0001422 anatomy:basioccipital bone ; MA:0001462 anatomy:exoccipital bone ; MA:0001464 anatomy:supraoccipital bone ; MA:0001474 anatomy:hyoid bone ; MA:0001484 anatomy:thyr IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96184 J:45337 MGI:96175|MGI:96207 24078 2 oid cartilage ; MA:0001764 anatomy:cricoid cartilage ; MA:0001762 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:96184 J:45337 MGI:96175|MGI:96207 24079 1 evidence: anatomy:glossopharyngeal IX ; EMAP:3551 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021615 MGI:96184 J:45337 MGI:96175|MGI:96207 24080 1 evidence: anatomy:cervical region ; EMAP:5597 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96207 J:15678 MGI:1857959 24081 1 evidence: anatomy:C1 ; EMAP:5599 anatomy:C2 ; EMAP:5600 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:96207 J:15678 MGI:1857959 24082 1 evidence: anatomy:hand ; MA:0000037 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035115 MGI:1277097 J:71880 MGI:108359 24083 1 evidence: anatomy:fronto-nasal process ; EMAP:2378 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:1277097 J:71880 MGI:108359 24084 1 evidence: anatomy:fronto-nasal process ; EMAP:1799 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042981 MGI:1277097 J:71880 MGI:108359 24085 1 evidence: anatomy:foot ; MA:0000044 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035116 MGI:1277097 J:71880 MGI:108359 24086 1 evidence: anatomy:hand ; MA:0000037 anatomy:foot ; MA:0000044 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007389 MGI:1277097 J:71880 MGI:108359 24087 1 evidence: anatomy:hand ; MA:0000037 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035115 MGI:108359 J:71880 MGI:1277097 24088 1 evidence: anatomy:foot ; MA:0000044 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0035116 MGI:108359 J:71880 MGI:1277097 24089 1 evidence: anatomy:fronto-nasal process ; EMAP:2378 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048704 MGI:108359 J:71880 MGI:1277097 24090 1 evidence: anatomy:hand ; MA:0000037 anatomy:foot ; MA:0000044 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007389 MGI:108359 J:71880 MGI:1277097 24091 1 evidence: anatomy:fronto-nasal process ; EMAP:1799 cell type:mesenchymal cell ; CL:0000134 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042981 MGI:108359 J:71880 MGI:1277097 24092 1 evidence: anatomy:palate ; EMAP:12181 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060021 MGI:1277163 J:58996 MGI:1859863 24093 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:102851 J:99302 N/A 24094 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:6194 cell type:inhibitory interneuron ; CL:0000498 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048663 MGI:95842 J:110261 MGI:95843 24095 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:6194 cell type:inhibitory interneuron ; CL:0000498 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021527 MGI:95842 J:110261 MGI:95843 24096 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:6194 cell type:inhibitory interneuron ; CL:0000498 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048663 MGI:95843 J:110261 MGI:95842 24097 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:6194 cell type:inhibitory interneuron ; CL:0000498 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021527 MGI:95843 J:110261 MGI:95842 24098 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:6194 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048663 MGI:96919 J:110261 MGI:1857470 24099 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:6194 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021527 MGI:96919 J:110261 MGI:1857470 24100 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:4251 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045747 MGI:96919 J:110291 MGI:1857470 24101 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord ; EMAP:4251 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007219 MGI:1202717 J:110261 MGI:1857974 24102 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:most mice die 1 to 2 months after birth with remaining mice dying 2 to 6 months after birth IMP GO:0016265 MGI:103078 J:124817 MGI:3757641 24103 1 evidence: anatomy:mpulse conducting system ; MA:0000094 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008016 MGI:1916782 J:108531 MGI:2389244 24104 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:serum phenylalanine levels are increased IMP GO:0006558 MGI:103078 J:124817 MGI:3757641 24105 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:norepinepherine levels in the cortex and cerebellum are reduced IMP GO:0042415 MGI:103078 J:124817 MGI:3757641 24106 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168|liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:neopterin levels are increased IMP GO:0019889 MGI:103078 J:124817 MGI:3757641 24107 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:serotonine levels in the cortex are reduced IMP GO:0042428 MGI:103078 J:124817 MGI:3757641 24108 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:dopaminergic neuron;CL:0000700|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal dopaminergic neuron morphology IMP GO:0048667 MGI:103078 J:124817 MGI:3757641 24109 1 evidence: anatomy:caudate-putamen;MA:0000893|cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased dopamine level IMP GO:0042417 MGI:103078 J:124817 MGI:3757641 24110 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:dwarfism text:postnatal growth retardation IMP GO:0040014 MGI:103078 J:124817 MGI:3757641 24111 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal voluntary movement IMP GO:0050882 MGI:103078 J:124817 MGI:3757641 24112 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ATP-evoked IMP GO:0014054 MGI:1339957 J:103703 MGI:2386080 24113 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:electrical stimulation-induced IMP GO:0014049 MGI:1339957 J:103703 MGI:2386080 24114 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051602 MGI:1339957 J:103703 MGI:2386080 24115 1 evidence: anatomy:lung alveolus ; MA:0000420 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048286 MGI:1916782 J:121211 MGI:2389244 24116 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hopx ; MGI:1916782 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:108067 J:121221 N/A 24117 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hopx ; MGI:1916782 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:108067 J:121221 MGI:107516 24118 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hopx ; MGI:1916782 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:107516 J:121211 MGI:108067 24119 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 evidence:immunoelectron microscopy anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005586 MGI:88453 J:20667 N/A 24120 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Sftpa1 ; MGI:109518 target:Sftpb ; MGI:109516 target:Sftpc ; MGI:109517 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:107516 J:121211 MGI:107516|MGI:106658 24121 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 evidence:immunoelectron microscopy anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005584 MGI:88468 J:20667 N/A 24122 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Sftpa1 ; MGI:109518 target:Sftpb ; MGI:109516 target:Sftpc ; MGI:109517 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:108067 J:121211 MGI:107516|MGI:106658 24123 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Sftpa1 ; MGI:109518 target:Sftpb ; MGI:109516 target:Sftpc ; MGI:109517 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:106658 J:121211 MGI:107516|MGI:108067 24124 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Sftpa1 ; MGI:109518 target:Sftpb ; MGI:109516 target:Sftpc ; MGI:109517 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:1916782 J:121221 MGI:108067|MGI:107516|MGI:106658 24125 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased body size IMP GO:0040018 MGI:95786 J:11718 MGI:1856605 24126 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:educed ability to stand on either fore or hind limbs when tested for motor deficits IMP GO:0008344 MGI:95786 J:11718 MGI:1856605 24127 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal gait IMP GO:0007628 MGI:95786 J:11718 MGI:1856605 24128 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:95786 J:11718 MGI:1856605 24129 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hunched posture IMP GO:0050884 MGI:95786 J:11718 MGI:1856605 24130 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal sexual interaction;only rarely do mutants breed IMP GO:0030534 MGI:95786 J:11718 MGI:1856605 24131 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal coat appearance IMP GO:0043588 MGI:95786 J:11718 MGI:1856605 24132 1 evidence: anatomy:medulla oblongata;MA:0000206|spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:104627 J:11718 MGI:1856672|MGI:1856673 24133 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:1890574 J:11718 MGI:1856939 24134 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:tremors;abnormal gait;partial paralysis IMP GO:0030534 MGI:1890574 J:11718 MGI:1856939 24135 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal gait IMP GO:0007628 MGI:1890574 J:11718 MGI:1856939 24136 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:male infertility IMP GO:0009566 MGI:1890574 J:11718 MGI:1856939 24137 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased body size IMP GO:0040018 MGI:1890574 J:11718 MGI:1856939 24138 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:premature death IMP GO:0007568 MGI:98951 J:11718 MGI:1856273 24139 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased body size;cachexia IMP GO:0040018 MGI:98951 J:11718 MGI:1856273 24140 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007409 MGI:98951 J:11718 MGI:1856273 24141 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:vestibulo-motor degeneration;chromatolysis IMP GO:0048666 MGI:98951 J:11718 MGI:1856273 24142 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:unable to feed themselves leading to starvation IMP GO:0042755 MGI:98951 J:11718 MGI:1856273 24143 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal involuntary movement;when startled, jump sideways with legs splay out from the body text:limb grasping text:tremors IMP GO:0003011 MGI:98951 J:11718 MGI:1856273 24144 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hunched posture IMP GO:0050884 MGI:98951 J:11718 MGI:1856273 24145 1 evidence: anatomy:coat hair;MA:0000155 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:disheveled coat IMP GO:0043588 MGI:98951 J:11718 MGI:1856273 24146 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte;CL:0000232|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell type:erythroid progenitor cell;CL:0000038|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:targeted mutation 3, Stuart Orkin IMP GO:0043249 MGI:96019 J:19573 N/A 24147 2 text: maturation arrest in mutants IMP GO:0043249 MGI:96019 J:19573 N/A 24148 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte;CL:0000232|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 cell type:erythroid progenitor cell;CL:0000038|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Gata2;MGI:95662 target:Myb;MGI:97249 external ref: te IMP GO:0000122 MGI:96019 J:19573 N/A 24149 2 xt:targeted mutation 3, Stuart Orkin IMP GO:0000122 MGI:96019 J:19573 N/A 24150 1 evidence:ECO:0000087; inferred from immunolocalization anatomy: cell type:CL:0000650; mesangial cell gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:109528 J:95311 N/A 24151 1 evidence: anatomy:urine;MA:0002545 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006520 MGI:96078 J:16506 MGI:1856664 24152 1 evidence:ECO:0000087; inferred from immunolocalization anatomy: cell type:CL:0000650; mesangial cell gene product:UniProtKB:Q9QUQ5-1 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:109525 J:95311 N/A 24153 1 evidence:ECO:0000019; inferred from RNAi experiment anatomy: cell type:CL:0000650; mesangial cell gene product:UniProtKB:Q9QUQ5-1 modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015279 MGI:109525 J:95311 N/A 24154 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|JEG-3;ATCC:HTB-36 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97311 J:39019 N/A 24155 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|JEG-3;ATCC:HTB-36 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0016563 MGI:97311 J:39019 N/A 24156 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|JEG-3;ATCC:HTB-36 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0045944 MGI:108056 J:39019 N/A 24157 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|JEG-3;ATCC:HTB-36 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0016563 MGI:108056 J:39019 N/A 24158 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|JEG-3;ATCC:HTB-36 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0045944 MGI:103188 J:39019 N/A 24159 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|JEG-3;ATCC:HTB-36 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0016563 MGI:103188 J:39019 N/A 24160 1 evidence:ECO:0000087; inferred from immunolocalization anatomy:MA:0001523; gastrointestinal system smooth muscle cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) IDA GO:0005901 MGI:109525 J:76857 N/A 24161 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|JEG-3;ATCC:HTB-36 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0045944 MGI:109591 J:39019 N/A 24162 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|JEG-3;ATCC:HTB-36 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0016563 MGI:109591 J:39019 N/A 24163 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;CO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:108092 J:35155 UniProtKB:P01106 24164 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine villus ; MA:0001563 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048565 MGI:97348 J:54198 MGI:2386680 24165 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine villus ; MA:0001563 cell type:enterocyte ; CL:0000584 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:97348 J:54198 MGI:2386680 24166 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048536 MGI:97348 J:54198 MGI:2386680 24167 1 evidence:ECO:0000092; inferred from immunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell line cell| CCL-92 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1333773 J:58808 N/A 24168 1 evidence:ECO:0000092; inferred from immunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell line cell| CCL-92 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1346022 J:58808 N/A 24169 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected COS cells IDA GO:0005634 MGI:108092 J:35155 N/A 24170 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:leukocyte ; CL:0000738 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050900 MGI:97348 J:62129 MGI:2386680 24171 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048536 MGI:97348 J:62129 MGI:2386680 24172 1 evidence: anatomy:peyer's patch ; MA:0000137 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048541 MGI:97348 J:62129 MGI:2386680 24173 1 evidence: anatomy:lymph node ; MA:0000139 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048535 MGI:97348 J:62129 MGI:2386680 24174 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Madcam1 ; MGI:103579 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97348 J:62129 N/A 24175 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:neonatal lethality;postnatal lethality IMP GO:0016265 MGI:106677 J:42811 MGI:3620458 24176 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:amphetamine produces enhanced locomotion but diminished behavioral reward. IMP GO:0007626 MGI:106677 J:42811 MGI:3620458 24177 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:neonatal lethality;postnatal lethality IMP GO:0009791 MGI:106677 J:42811 MGI:3620458 24178 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:amphetamine produces enhanced locomotion but diminished behavioral reward. IMP GO:0001975 MGI:106677 J:42811 MGI:3620458 24179 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:response to dopamine neurotoxins produces more than twice the dopamine cell losses found in wild-type mice. IMP GO:0009636 MGI:106677 J:42811 MGI:3620458 24180 1 evidence: anatomy:stomach;MA:0000353|gut;MA:0000917|blood;MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutants showed reduced Zn concentration IMP GO:0055069 MGI:1345282 J:2205 MGI:1856938 24181 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:SH3 domain of Abl1 IPI GO:0017124 MGI:104603 J:57558 UniProtKB:P00520 24182 1 evidence: anatomy:future spinal cord ; EMAP:3524 cell type:interneuron ; CL:0000099 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021920 MGI:104867 J:76658 MGI:2182635 24183 1 evidence: anatomy:barrel cortex ; MA:0002712 anatomy:ventral posterior thalamic group ; MA:0000867 anatomy:secondary somatosensory cortex ; MA:0000918 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:2148204 J:84873 MGI:2182636 24184 1 evidence: anatomy:barrel cortex ; MA:0002712 anatomy:ventral posterior thalamic group ; MA:0000867 anatomy:secondary somatosensory cortex ; MA:0000918 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021559 MGI:2148204 J:84873 MGI:2182636 24185 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:peptidergic neuron ; CL:0000110 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021516 MGI:2148204 J:116558 MGI:2182636 24186 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:peptidergic neuron ; CL:0000110 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:2148204 J:116558 MGI:2182636 24187 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0017124 MGI:1346349 J:57558 UniProtKB:Q60631|UniProtKB:P05480|UniProtKB:P00520|NCBI:NP_035008 24188 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:proline-rich 9-10 residue domain of Sh3bp2 IPI GO:0019904 MGI:109601 J:57558 UniProtKB:Q06649 24189 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:proline-rich domain of 9-10 residues IPI GO:0019904 MGI:87859 J:57558 UniProtKB:P55194|UniProtKB:Q06649 24190 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:proline-rich 9-10 residue domain of Sh3bp2 IPI GO:0019904 MGI:98397 J:57558 UniProtKB:Q06649 24191 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:proline-rich 9-10 residue domain of Sh3bp2 IPI GO:0019904 MGI:95805 J:57558 UniProtKB:Q06649 24192 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0017124 MGI:101815 J:57558 UniProtKB:P00520 24193 1 evidence: anatomy:1st arch ; EMAP:1003 anatomy:2nd arch ; EMAP:1025 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009653 MGI:95841 J:41809 MGI:1347476 24194 1 evidence: anatomy:sacral vertebra ; MA:0000313 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:96205 J:15507 MGI:1857871 24195 1 evidence: anatomy:penis ; MA:0000408 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030539 MGI:96205 J:15507 MGI:1857871 24196 1 evidence: anatomy:limb ; EMAP:4011 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007389 MGI:96205 J:15507 MGI:1857871 24197 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|P19 ; ATCC:CRL-1825 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045665 MGI:96174 J:131060 MGI:97495|MGI:104717|MGI:96207 24198 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:Leydig cell;CL:0000178|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Leydig cell hyperplasia IMP GO:0033327 MGI:1328328 J:62570 MGI:2148221 24199 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|Sertoli cell;CL:0000216 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal Sertoli cell morphology IMP GO:0060009 MGI:1328328 J:62570 MGI:2148221 24200 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|Sertoli cell;CL:0000216 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal Sertoli cell morphology IMP GO:0000902 MGI:1328328 J:62570 MGI:2148221 24201 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Gradual germ cell loss in mutant testis IMP GO:0008283 MGI:1328328 J:62570 MGI:2148221 24202 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:male infertility IMP GO:0009566 MGI:1328328 J:62570 MGI:2148221 24203 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:germ cell;CL:0000586|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Gradual germ cell loss in mutant testis IMP GO:0007281 MGI:1328328 J:62570 MGI:2148221 24204 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:germ cell;CL:0000586|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Gradual germ cell loss in mutant testis IMP GO:0048872 MGI:1328328 J:62570 MGI:2148221 24205 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|Sertoli cell;CL:0000216 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001578 MGI:1328328 J:62570 MGI:2148221 24206 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:spermatid;CL:0000018|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:deformation of spermatid nuclei IMP GO:0006997 MGI:1328328 J:62570 MGI:2148221 24207 1 evidence: anatomy:testis;MA:0000411|seminiferous tubule;MA:0000412|epididymis;MA:0000397 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:small seminiferous tubules; small testis; small epididymis IMP GO:0035265 MGI:1328328 J:62570 MGI:2148221 24208 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:stem cell;CL:0000034|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032526 MGI:1328328 J:62570 MGI:2148221 24209 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis;MA:0000153 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031424 MGI:1913331 J:27806 MGI:1856699 24210 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis;MA:0000153|esophagus;MA:0000352|forestomach;MA:0001606 cell type:keratinocyte;CL:0000312|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030262 MGI:1913331 J:27806 MGI:1856699 24211 1 evidence:electron microscopy anatomy:epidermis;MA:0000153|esophagus;MA:0000352|forestomach;MA:0001606 cell type:keratinocyte;CL:0000312|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:inclusion bodies formed in mut IMP GO:0007005 MGI:1913331 J:27806 MGI:1856699 24212 2 ants; in mitochondria IMP GO:0007005 MGI:1913331 J:27806 MGI:1856699 24213 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:epidermal hyperplasia in mutants IMP GO:0008544 MGI:1913331 J:27806 MGI:1856699 24214 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:ganglion;MA:0002406 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ganglion cell layer; inner nuclear (INL) and inner plexiform layers IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1339957 J:103892 N/A 24215 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:ganglion;MA:0002406 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ganglion cell layer; inner nuclear (INL) and inner plexi IDA GO:0043025 MGI:97175 J:103892 N/A 24216 2 form layers IDA GO:0043025 MGI:97175 J:103892 N/A 24217 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:ganglion;MA:0002406 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ganglion cell layer; inner nuclear (INL) and inner plexi IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1929613 J:103892 N/A 24218 2 form layers IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1929613 J:103892 N/A 24219 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:a massive tissue degeneration in mutants IMP GO:0060041 MGI:102791 J:103892 MGI:1856523 24220 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|astrocyte;CL:0000127 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:95697 J:103892 N/A 24221 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|Muller cell;CL:0000636 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:95739 J:103892 N/A 24222 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021522 MGI:109482 J:135940 MGI:1856209|MGI:1856211 24223 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021522 MGI:1932969 J:135940 MGI:2148487 24224 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PubMed:18066067;IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1889364 J:130487 NCBI:NP_060534 24225 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PubMed:18066067;IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1915300 J:130487 NCBI:NP_078871 24226 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected MEFs; reduced IL6 production in mutants IMP GO:0032755 MGI:1889364 J:130487 MGI:3796163 24227 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected MEFs; reduced IL6 production in mutants IMP GO:0032496 MGI:1889364 J:130487 MGI:3796163 24228 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:IL6;MGI:96559|Cxcl10;MGI:1352450|Ccl5;MGI:98262|Bcl3;MGI:88140 external ref: text: in response to LPS IMP GO:0045944 MGI:1889364 J:130487 MGI:3796163 24229 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast;CL:0000062|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046931 MGI:1339957 J:105908 MGI:2386080 24230 1 evidence:receptor blockage anatomy: cell type:osteoblast;CL:0000062|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:PGE2 release was suppressed by P2X7R blockade IMP GO:0032308 MGI:1339957 J:105908 N/A 24231 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast;CL:0000062|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to fluid shear stress IMP GO:0032308 MGI:1339957 J:105908 MGI:2386080 24232 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast;CL:0000062|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0034405 MGI:1339957 J:105908 MGI:2386080 24233 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:The Osteogenic Response to Mechanical Loading Was Suppressed in P2X7R Null Mice IMP GO:0009612 MGI:1339957 J:105908 MGI:2386080 24234 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to mechanical loading IMP GO:0045778 MGI:1339957 J:105908 MGI:2386080 24235 1 evidence: anatomy:lens;MA:0000275 cell type:crystallin accumulating cell;CL:0000306|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:primary fiber cells did not elongate properly IMP GO:0000902 MGI:1923993 J:136139 MGI:3529958 24236 1 evidence: anatomy:lens;MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002088 MGI:1923993 J:136139 MGI:3529958 24237 1 evidence: anatomy:lens;MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced size of the lenses IMP GO:0035265 MGI:1923993 J:136139 MGI:3529958 24238 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type:oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:newborn mice IMP GO:0048709 MGI:96919 J:135661 MGI:1857470 24239 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type:oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014003 MGI:96919 J:135661 MGI:1857470 24240 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type:oligodendrocyte;CL:0000128|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Olig2;MGI:1355331|Nkx2-2;MGI:97347 external ref: text: IMP GO:0010468 MGI:96919 J:135661 MGI:1857470 24241 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Ascl1, Olig2 and Nkx2-2 alone stimulated the specification of OLPs IMP GO:0021530 MGI:96919 J:135661 MGI:1857470 24242 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Ascl1, Olig2 and Nkx2-2 alone stimulated the specification of OLPs IGI GO:0021529 MGI:96919 J:135661 MGI:97347|MGI:1355331 24243 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021529 MGI:1355331 J:135661 MGI:96919 24244 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Ascl1, Olig2 and Nkx2-2 alone stimulated the specification of OLPs text:overexpression IDA GO:0021530 MGI:1355331 J:135661 N/A 24245 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021529 MGI:97347 J:135661 MGI:96919 24246 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Ascl1, Olig2 and Nkx2-2 alone stimulated the specification of OLPs text:overexpression IDA GO:0021530 MGI:97347 J:135661 N/A 24247 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9443083|IDA text: ISO GO:0003735 MGI:105943 J:73065 UniProtKB:P27635 24248 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9443083|IDA text: The protein is added to the ribosomal subunit after it has been exported from the nucleolus/nucleus. ISO GO:0022625 MGI:105943 J:73065 UniProtKB:P27635 24249 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9443083|IC|GO:0022635 text: The protein is added to the ribosomal subunit after it has been exported from the nucleolus/nucleus. ISO GO:0006412 MGI:105943 J:73065 UniProtKB:P27635 24250 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay;ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004060 MGI:1328365 J:20122 N/A 24251 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay;ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004060 MGI:97279 J:20122 N/A 24252 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay;ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004060 MGI:109201 J:20122 N/A 24253 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Catsper1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2443988 J:123481 UniProtKB:Q91ZR5 24254 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:macrophage;CL:0000235|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:1351646 J:94706 N/A 24255 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Hspa2,Catsperb IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2179947 J:123481 UniProtKB:P17156,UniProtKB:A2RTF1 24256 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Catsper1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96243 J:123481 UniProtKB:Q91ZR5 24257 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay;ECO:0000005 anatomy:renal proximal tubule;MA:0002611 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:1351646 J:94706 N/A 24258 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:HEK293;ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0033700 MGI:1351646 J:94706 N/A 24259 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:HEK293;ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0005548 MGI:1351646 J:94706 N/A 24260 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:HEK293;ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0033344 MGI:99607 J:94706 N/A 24261 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:HEK293;ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0033700 MGI:99607 J:94706 N/A 24262 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:HEK293;ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0005548 MGI:99607 J:94706 N/A 24263 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:HEK293;ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0017127 MGI:99607 J:94706 N/A 24264 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:homozygous mutant IMP GO:0033344 MGI:99607 J:94706 N/A 24265 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:homozygous mutant IMP GO:0017127 MGI:99607 J:94706 N/A 24266 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:homozygous mutant IMP GO:0033700 MGI:99607 J:94706 N/A 24267 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:homozygous mutant IMP GO:0005548 MGI:99607 J:94706 N/A 24268 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:HEK293;ATCC:CRL-1573|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0005886 MGI:99607 J:94706 N/A 24269 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell;CL:0000790|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to ATP or a P2X7R agonist IDA GO:0046513 MGI:1339957 J:110330 N/A 24270 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell;CL:0000790|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to ATP or a P2X7R agonist IDA GO:0007005 MGI:1339957 J:110330 N/A 24271 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell;CL:0000790|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to ATP IMP GO:0043065 MGI:1339957 J:110330 N/A 24272 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell;CL:0000790|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:inhibition or mutation in P2rx7 IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:110330 N/A 24273 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell;CL:0000790|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:caspase 3/7 external ref: text:in response to ATP or a P2rx1 agonist IDA GO:0006919 MGI:1098235 J:110330 N/A 24274 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell;CL:0000790|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to ATP or a P2rx1 agonist IDA GO:0046513 MGI:1098235 J:110330 N/A 24275 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with FLAG-tagged mouse Stub1 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1891731 J:71263 N/A 24276 1 evidence:in vitro ubiquitination assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000209 MGI:1891731 J:71263 N/A 24277 1 evidence:in vitro ubiquitination assay with ubiquitin substrate anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0034450 MGI:1891731 J:71263 N/A 24278 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Pulmonary Hypertension phenotype IMP GO:0008217 MGI:95675 J:109694 MGI:1856903 24279 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014916 MGI:95675 J:109694 MGI:1856903 24280 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7730309|IDA text: ISO GO:0003934 MGI:95675 J:73065 UniProtKB:P30793 24281 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7874165|IDA text: ISO GO:0003934 MGI:95675 J:73065 UniProtKB:P30793 24282 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7874165|IMP text: ISO GO:0050884 MGI:95675 J:73065 UniProtKB:P30793 24283 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046068 MGI:96214 J:58489 MGI:1856903 24284 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046146 MGI:96214 J:58489 MGI:1856903 24285 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected human 293 cells IDA GO:0004944 MGI:88232 J:2871 N/A 24286 1 evidence:Surface plasmon resonance analysis anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0001851 MGI:88385 J:105012 UniProtKB:P01027 24287 1 evidence:Surface plasmon resonance analysis anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88227 J:105012 UniProtKB:P06909 24288 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:endothelial cell;CL:0000115|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:human endothelial cells IDA GO:0043499 MGI:88385 J:105012 N/A 24289 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia nigra;MA:0000210 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mRNA expression desappeared or decreased after neurotoxin MPTP treatment IDA GO:0009636 MGI:94876 J:15421 N/A 24290 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:NIH/3T3;ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0000902 MGI:95281 J:4309 N/A 24291 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0017048 MGI:95281 J:4309 UniProtKB:Q62159 24292 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95281 J:4309 UniProtKB:P63001 24293 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96932 J:4309 UniProtKB:Q62159|UniProtKB:P63001|UniProtKB:P84096|UniProtKB:P60766 24294 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106211 J:4309 NCBI:573460 24295 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1928370 J:4309 NCBI:NP_573460 24296 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97845 J:4309 UniProtKB:Q07139|NCBI:NP_573460 24297 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106028 J:4309 UniProtKB:Q07139|NCBI:NP_573460 24298 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Gch1 ; MGI:95675 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1352456 J:122522 N/A 24299 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:96242 J:143 N/A 24300 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030141 MGI:96242 J:143 N/A 24301 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005739 MGI:96242 J:30898 N/A 24302 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet ; MA:0000127 cell type:pancreatic B cell ; CL:0000169 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030141 MGI:96242 J:30898 N/A 24303 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032760 MGI:96824 J:59296 MGI:1857718 24304 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002537 MGI:96824 J:59296 MGI:1857718 24305 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044459 MGI:96242 J:91263 N/A 24306 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044459 MGI:98817 J:91263 N/A 24307 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042110 MGI:96242 J:94477 N/A 24308 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15371451|IDA text: ISO GO:0042110 MGI:96242 J:73065 UniProtKB:P10809 24309 1 evidence: anatomy:head mesenchyme;EMAP:415 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009653 MGI:99783 J:55061 N/A 24310 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Sii6;MGI:2180948 external ref: text:SII6 expression is undetectable in the anterior mesendoderm of Lim1-null embryos IMP GO:0010468 MGI:99783 J:55061 N/A 24311 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|A20 ; ATCC:TIB-208 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043231 MGI:96242 J:115064 N/A 24312 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|A20 ; ATCC:TIB-208 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043231 MGI:88336 J:115064 N/A 24313 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|A20 ; ATCC:TIB-208 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043231 MGI:101773 J:115064 N/A 24314 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007411 MGI:107444 J:47983 N/A 24315 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Tandem GATA binding sites in the proximal MLC3 promoter bind with high affinity to mouse GATA-4 protein. IDA GO:0043565 MGI:95664 J:34383 N/A 24316 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo;EMAP:402 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96522 J:39351 N/A 24317 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo;EMAP:402 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97286 J:39351 N/A 24318 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042110 MGI:96242 J:131964 N/A 24319 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:18256040|IDA text: ISO GO:0042110 MGI:96242 J:73065 UniProtKB:P10809 24320 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hes5;MGI:104876| Ascl1 ;MGI:96919 external ref: text:Downregulation of Hes-5 and up-regulation of Mash-1 expression in RBP-Jk and Notch1 mutant embryos IMP GO:0010468 MGI:97363 J:39351 MGI:1857230 24321 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hes5;MGI:104876| Ascl1 ;MGI:96919 external ref: text:Downregulation of Hes-5 and up-regulation of Mash-1 expression in RBP-Jk and Notch1 mutant embryos IMP GO:0010468 MGI:96522 J:39351 MGI:1857411 24322 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo;EMAP:640 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:96522 J:39351 MGI:1857411 24323 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo;EMAP:640 cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030182 MGI:97363 J:39351 MGI:1857230 24324 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168|spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046622 MGI:1929813 J:43719 MGI:1856022 24325 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay;ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Nqo1;MGI:104513 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043086 MGI:103187 J:63632 N/A 24326 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm:CL0000019|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002080 MGI:97514 J:107011 N/A 24327 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm:CL0000019|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048240 MGI:97514 J:107011 MGI:2665512 24328 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm:CL0000019|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007340 MGI:97514 J:107011 MGI:2665512 24329 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm:CL0000019|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007339 MGI:97514 J:107011 MGI:2665512 24330 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm:CL0000019|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009566 MGI:97514 J:107011 MGI:2665512 24331 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:monocyte;CL:0000576|lymphocyte;CL:0000542|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:111397 MGI:2386080 24332 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: volume/shape changes IMP GO:0000902 MGI:1339957 J:111397 MGI:2386080 24333 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032496 MGI:1339957 J:111397 MGI:2386080 24334 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006954 MGI:1339957 J:111397 MGI:2386080 24335 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:all necrotic and undergoing resorption by E16 IMP GO:0001701 MGI:106651 J:73972 MGI:2429638 24336 1 evidence: anatomy:heart;MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035265 MGI:106651 J:73972 MGI:2429638 24337 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ventricle;MA:0000091 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0055010 MGI:106651 J:73972 MGI:2429638 24338 1 evidence: anatomy:adrenal gland;MA:0000116 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030325 MGI:106651 J:73972 MGI:2429638 24339 1 evidence: anatomy:adrenal gland;MA:0000116 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048242 MGI:106651 J:73972 MGI:2429638 24340 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cell cycle regulated IDA GO:0005737 MGI:104747 J:23206 N/A 24341 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:inhibition of the C subunit IDA GO:0043086 MGI:104747 J:23206 N/A 24342 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cell cycle regulated IDA GO:0005634 MGI:104747 J:23206 N/A 24343 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0010389 MGI:104747 J:23206 N/A 24344 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target:Ifng ; MGI:107656 external ref: text: IDA GO:0042110 MGI:96242 J:120927 N/A 24345 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17164250|IDA text: ISO GO:0042110 MGI:96242 J:73065 UniProtKB:P10809 24346 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:professional antigen presenting cell ; CL:0000145 gene product: modification: target:Ifna ; MGI:107670 external ref: text:without LPS IDA GO:0032727 MGI:96242 J:120927 N/A 24347 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target:Ifng ; MGI:107656 external ref: text:with LPS IDA GO:0032729 MGI:96242 J:120927 N/A 24348 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17164250|IDA text: ISO GO:0032729 MGI:96242 J:73065 UniProtKB:P10809 24349 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target:Ifng ; MGI:107656 external ref: text: IDA GO:0032729 MGI:96242 J:94477 N/A 24350 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042110 MGI:96242 J:120927 MGI:107658 24351 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target:Ifng ; MGI:107656 external ref: text: without LPS IGI GO:0032729 MGI:96242 J:120927 MGI:107658 24352 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042110 MGI:107658 J:120927 MGI:96242 24353 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0032729 MGI:107658 J:120927 MGI:96242 24354 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:homozygotes die within one hour after birth IMP GO:0016265 MGI:104664 J:37117 MGI:1929775 24355 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:newborn homozygotes exhibit severe truncation of the anterior-posterior axis IMP GO:0009952 MGI:104664 J:37117 MGI:1929775 24356 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells from the mutant paraxial mesoderm fail to form epithelia IMP GO:0048339 MGI:104664 J:37117 MGI:1929775 24357 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:disrupted somite formation IMP GO:0001756 MGI:104664 J:37117 MGI:1929775 24358 1 evidence: anatomy:muscle;MA:0000015 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:newborn homozygotes lack the transverse abdominal muscle of the abdominal wall IMP GO:0007517 MGI:104664 J:37117 MGI:1929775 24359 1 evidence: anatomy:basisphenoid cartilage condensation ; EMAP:6792 anatomy:incus cartilage condensation ; EMAP:6294 anatomy:stapes cartilage condensation ; EMAP:6296 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051216 MGI:94902 J:29443 MGI:1857828 24360 1 evidence: anatomy:alisphenoid bone ; MA:0002772 anatomy:basisphenoid bone ; MA:0001463 anatomy:squamosal bone ; MA:0001473 anatomy:pterygoid bone ; MA:0001471 anatomy:palatine bone ; MA:0001495 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: IMP GO:0048701 MGI:94902 J:29443 MGI:1857828 24361 2 text: IMP GO:0048701 MGI:94902 J:29443 MGI:1857828 24362 1 evidence: anatomy:cranium;MA:0000316|rib;MA:0000315|vertebra;MA:0000309|spinal cord;MA:0000216 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal basioccipital bone morphology; abnormal exoccipital bone morphology; abnormal supraoc IMP GO:0048705 MGI:104664 J:37117 MGI:1929775 24363 2 cipital bone morphology; abnormal axial skeleton morphology; absent sclerotome IMP GO:0048705 MGI:104664 J:37117 MGI:1929775 24364 1 evidence: anatomy:ear;MA:0000236 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:lowered ear position IMP GO:0043583 MGI:104664 J:37117 MGI:1929775 24365 1 evidence: anatomy:muscle;MA:0000015 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal myotome morphology; abnormal skeletal muscle morphology; abnormal intercostal muscle morphology IMP GO:0048644 MGI:104664 J:37117 MGI:1929775 24366 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V ; EMAP:2335 anatomy:facial ganglion VII ; EMAP:2333 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048755 MGI:94902 J:29443 MGI:1857828 24367 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory bulb ; MA:0000194 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021772 MGI:94902 J:29443 MGI:1857828 24368 1 evidence: anatomy:tail;MA:0000008 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:curly, short tail IMP GO:0035121 MGI:104664 J:37117 MGI:1929775 24369 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:newborn homozygotes fail to feed IMP GO:0042755 MGI:104664 J:31117 MGI:1929775 24370 1 evidence: anatomy:limb;MA:0000007 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:newborn homozygotes display abnormal limb posture IMP GO:0050884 MGI:104664 J:37117 MGI:1929775 24371 1 evidence: anatomy:skin;MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:loose skin IMP GO:0043588 MGI:104664 J:31117 MGI:1929775 24372 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:respiratory distress IMP GO:0003016 MGI:104664 J:37117 MGI:1929775 24373 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hepcidin expression IMP GO:0042446 MGI:109191 J:118862 MGI:2385353 24374 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358|spleen;MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0055072 MGI:109191 J:118862 MGI:2385353 24375 1 evidence: anatomy:temporal bone ; EMAP:9697 anatomy:chondrocranium ; EMAP:9683 anatomy:incus ; EMAP:9204 anatomy:stapes ; EMAP:9206 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048706 MGI:94902 J:40427 MGI:1857828 24376 1 evidence: anatomy:temporal bone ; EMAP:9697 anatomy:chondrocranium ; EMAP:9683 anatomy:incus ; EMAP:9204 anatomy:stapes ; EMAP:9206 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:94902 J:40427 MGI:94901 24377 1 evidence: anatomy:1st arch ; EMAP:3324 anatomy:2nd arch ; EMAP:3329 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009954 MGI:94902 J:40427 MGI:94901 24378 1 evidence: anatomy:1st arch ; EMAP:3324 anatomy:2nd arch ; EMAP:3329 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009954 MGI:94902 J:40427 MGI:1857828 24379 1 evidence: anatomy:chondrocranium ; EMAP:9683 anatomy:stapes ; EMAP:9206 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048706 MGI:94901 J:40427 MGI:1857826 24380 1 evidence: anatomy:1st arch ; EMAP:3324 anatomy:2nd arch ; EMAP:3329 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009954 MGI:94901 J:40427 MGI:1857826 24381 1 evidence: anatomy:upper jaw molar ; MA:0001603 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042475 MGI:94901 J:40427 MGI:94902 24382 1 evidence: anatomy:upper jaw molar ; MA:0001603 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042475 MGI:94902 J:40427 MGI:94901 24383 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast;CL:0000062|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:membrane blebbing in response to ATP IMP GO:0032060 MGI:1339957 J:120291 MGI:2386080 24384 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast;CL:0000062|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:membrane blebbing in response to ATP IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:120291 MGI:2386080 24385 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast;CL:0000062|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:membrane blebbing in response to ATP; inhibitor sudies IMP GO:0032060 MGI:894320 J:120291 N/A 24386 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast;CL:0000062|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:membrane blebbing in response to ATP; inhibitor sudies IGI GO:0032060 MGI:108429 J:120291 MGI:1929469 24387 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast;CL:0000062|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:membrane blebbing in response to ATP; inhibitor sudies IGI GO:0032060 MGI:1929469 J:120291 MGI:108429 24388 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:osteoblast;CL:0000062|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:membrane blebbing in response to ATP; inhibitor sudies IMP GO:0032060 MGI:107927 J:120291 N/A 24389 1 evidence: anatomy:forebrain ; EMAP:2837 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:94901 J:58233 N/A 24390 1 evidence: anatomy:forebrain ; EMAP:2837 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:94902 J:58233 N/A 24391 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 9632656;IGI external ref:PMID: 9632656;IDA text:transfected in U138 glioblastoma cells; luciferase reporter text: a lucife ISO GO:0045944 MGI:98366 J:48317 NCBI:XP_001068302 24392 2 rase reporter driven by a multimerized enhancer from the FGF-4 gene text: cooperative action with Brn-1 ISO GO:0045944 MGI:98366 J:48317 NCBI:XP_001068302 24393 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 9632656;IGI external ref:PMID: 9632656;IDA text:transfected in U138 glioblastoma cells; luciferase reporter text: a lucife ISO GO:0016563 MGI:98366 J:48317 NCBI:XP_001068302 24394 2 rase reporter driven by a multimerized enhancer from the FGF-4 gene text: cooperative action with Brn-1 ISO GO:0016563 MGI:98366 J:48317 NCBI:XP_001068302 24395 1 evidence: anatomy:forebrain ; EMAP:2837 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:101926 J:58233 N/A 24396 1 evidence: anatomy:forebrain ; EMAP:2837 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101926 J:58233 N/A 24397 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 9632656;IGI external ref:PMID: 9632656;IDA text:transfected in U138 glioblastoma cells; luciferase reporter text: a lucife ISO GO:0045944 MGI:98359 J:48317 NCBI:NP_445801 24398 2 rase reporter driven by a multimerized enhancer from the FGF-4 gene text: cooperative action with Pou3f1, Brn-2, Brn-3 ISO GO:0045944 MGI:98359 J:48317 NCBI:NP_445801 24399 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 9632656;IGI external ref:PMID: 9632656;IDA text:transfected in U138 glioblastoma cells; luciferase reporter text: a lucife ISO GO:0016563 MGI:98359 J:48317 NCBI:NP_445801 24400 2 rase reporter driven by a multimerized enhancer from the FGF-4 gene text: cooperative action with Pou3f1, Brn-2, Brn-3 ISO GO:0016563 MGI:98359 J:48317 NCBI:NP_445801 24401 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 9632656;IDA text:transfected in U138 glioblastoma cells text FXO enhancer ISO GO:0003705 MGI:98359 J:48317 NCBI:NP_445801 24402 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 9632656;IDA text:transfected in U138 glioblastoma cells ISO GO:0005634 MGI:98359 J:48317 NCBI:NP_445801 24403 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:4176 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021893 MGI:94901 J:132162 MGI:94902 24404 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:4176 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048715 MGI:94901 J:132162 MGI:94902 24405 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Olig2 ; MGI:1355331 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:94901 J:132162 MGI:94902 24406 1 evidence: anatomy:1st arch ; EMAP:3324 anatomy:2nd arch ; EMAP:3329 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009954 MGI:94901 J:40427 MGI:94902 24407 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:4176 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021882 MGI:94901 J:132162 MGI:94902 24408 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:4176 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048715 MGI:94902 J:132162 MGI:94901 24409 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:4176 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021893 MGI:94902 J:132162 MGI:94901 24410 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Olig2 ; MGI:1355331 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:94902 J:132162 MGI:94901 24411 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:4176 cell type:GABAergic neuron ; CL:0000617 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021882 MGI:94902 J:132162 MGI:94901 24412 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:4176 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048715 MGI:94902 J:132162 MGI:94901 24413 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:4176 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021779 MGI:96919 J:132162 MGI:1857470 24414 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:4176 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021987 MGI:96919 J:132162 MGI:1857470 24415 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with FLAG-tagged mouse Ube4a IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2154580 J:71263 N/A 24416 1 evidence:in vitro ubiquitination assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000209 MGI:2154580 J:71263 N/A 24417 1 evidence:in vitro ubiquitination assay with ubiquitin substrate anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0034450 MGI:2154580 J:71263 N/A 24418 1 evidence:in vitro ubiquitination assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004842 MGI:2154580 J:71263 N/A 24419 1 evidence:in vitro ubiquitination assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000209 MGI:1927086 J:71263 N/A 24420 1 evidence:in vitro ubiquitination assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004842 MGI:1927086 J:71263 N/A 24421 1 evidence:in vitro ubiquitination assay with ubiquitin substrate anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0034450 MGI:1927086 J:71263 N/A 24422 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with FLAG-tagged mouse Ubox5 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2154658 J:71263 N/A 24423 1 evidence:in vitro ubiquitination assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000209 MGI:2154658 J:71263 N/A 24424 1 evidence:in vitro ubiquitination assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004842 MGI:2154658 J:71263 N/A 24425 1 evidence:in vitro ubiquitination assay with ubiquitin substrate anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0034450 MGI:2154658 J:71263 N/A 24426 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with FLAG-tagged mouse Ube4b IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1927086 J:71263 N/A 24427 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:RAW264.7;ATCC:TIB-71;macrophage|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:121597 N/A 24428 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:RAW264.7;ATCC:TIB-71;macrophage|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032496 MGI:1339957 J:121597 N/A 24429 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:RAW264.7;ATCC:TIB-71;macrophage|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006800 MGI:1339957 J:121597 N/A 24430 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ERK1/ERK2, p38, and JNK1/JNK2; in response to ATP IMP GO:0001934 MGI:1339957 J:121597 N/A 24431 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephros ; EMAP:10896 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016328 MGI:107231 J:114313 N/A 24432 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephros ; EMAP:10896 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005923 MGI:98759 J:114313 N/A 24433 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:10785 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:107231 J:67360 N/A 24434 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephros ; EMAP:10896 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:1309489 J:114313 N/A 24435 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:periods of decreased activity were noted;occasional convulsions noted IMP GO:0007610 MGI:99540 J:65762 MGI:2684532 24436 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:many animals die between 21-24 days after birth; all die by 32 days IMP GO:0009791 MGI:99540 J:65762 MGI:2684532 24437 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:postnatal growth retardation; noticeable by 10-12 days of age IMP GO:0035264 MGI:99540 J:65762 MGI:2684532 24438 1 evidence: anatomy:thalamus;MA:0000179 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal thalamus morphology; distorted, compression of the fimbra fornix along the roof of the thalamus resulting in the obstruction of the foramen of IMP GO:0021794 MGI:99540 J:65762 MGI:2684532 24439 2 Munro IMP GO:0021794 MGI:99540 J:65762 MGI:2684532 24440 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030901 MGI:99540 J:65762 MGI:2684532 24441 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:C-terminal 380 aminoacids expressed in E.coli IDA GO:0004510 MGI:98796 J:10480 N/A 24442 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutation in exon 4; mutants are sensitive to lysis by anti-P91A cytolytic cells IMP GO:0019835 MGI:98857 J:9898 N/A 24443 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutation in exon 4 IMP GO:0005488 MGI:98857 J:9898 N/A 24444 1 evidence: anatomy:metanephros ; EMAP:9536 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:metanephros ; EMAP:10896 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001658 MGI:107231 J:114313 MGI:2680670 24445 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:recombinant polytropic or mink cell focus-forming (MCF) viruses IDA GO:0009615 MGI:97932 J:52534 N/A 24446 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:binding to virus proteins; Xpr1 injected Xenopus oocytes IDA GO:0004872 MGI:97932 J:52534 N/A 24447 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:recombinant polytropic or mink cell focus-forming (MCF) viruses ISO GO:0009615 MGI:97932 J:52534 NCBI:NP_004727 24448 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:postnatal lethality; approximately 90% died prior to weaning IMP GO:0016265 MGI:99211 J:41131 MGI:2450147 24449 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:postnatal lethality; approximately 90% died prior to weaning IMP GO:0009791 MGI:99211 J:41131 MGI:2450147 24450 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal parental behavior; pups died within 1 day of birth regardless of genotype IMP GO:0007610 MGI:99211 J:41131 MGI:2450147 24451 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:20% reduction in body size relative to heterozygous female embryos IMP GO:0035264 MGI:99211 J:41131 MGI:2450147 24452 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:germ cell;CL:0000586|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased mature ovarian follicle number IMP GO:0001541 MGI:99211 J:41131 MGI:2450147 24453 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte;CL:0000023|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased oocyte cell number IMP GO:0048872 MGI:99211 J:41131 MGI:2450147 24454 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced female fertility IMP GO:0009566 MGI:99211 J:41131 MGI:2450147 24455 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte;CL:0000023|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased oocyte cell number IMP GO:0048599 MGI:99211 J:41131 MGI:2450147 24456 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal embryonic growth/weight/body size IMP GO:0009790 MGI:99211 J:41131 MGI:2450147 24457 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001|germ cell;CL:0000586 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased germ cell number IMP GO:0007281 MGI:99211 J:41131 MGI:2450147 24458 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:sperm counts were half those of wild type IMP GO:0007283 MGI:99211 J:41131 MGI:2450147 24459 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:audiogenic seizures IMP GO:0031223 MGI:88087 J:11261 MGI:1856807 24460 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:audiogenic seizures IMP GO:0031223 MGI:88085 J:11261 MGI:1889100 24461 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:audiogenic seizures IMP GO:0031223 MGI:88086 J:11261 MGI:1856806 24462 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:premature death; audiogenic seizures lead to death IMP GO:0016265 MGI:88086 J:11261 MGI:1856806 24463 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:premature death; audiogenic seizures lead to death IMP GO:0016265 MGI:88087 J:11261 MGI:1856807 24464 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:resistant to Con A-induced hepatitis text: response to Concanavalin A IMP GO:0051789 MGI:107546 J:129123 MGI:2388822 24465 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:resistant to Con A-induced hepatitis text: response to Concanavalin A IMP GO:0051789 MGI:107545 J:129123 MGI:2388827 24466 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell;CL:0000623|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:response to NAD IMP GO:0010033 MGI:1339957 J:129123 MGI:2386080 24467 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell;CL:0000623|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:response to NAD IDA GO:0010033 MGI:106008 J:129123 N/A 24468 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme inhibition;ECO:0000184|inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:astrocyte;CL:0000127 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:antagonist, knockdown and transfection studies IMP GO:0043132 MGI:1339957 J:125172 N/A 24469 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:lymphocyte;CL:0000542|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043499 MGI:106008 J:130933 N/A 24470 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|lymphocyte;CL:0000542 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to BzATP IDA GO:0008219 MGI:1339957 J:130933 N/A 24471 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|lymphocyte;CL:0000542 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:P2X7-stimulated cells shrank within seconds of activation but after 90 s began to swell beyond their original size IDA GO:0006884 MGI:1339957 J:130933 N/A 24472 2 text:in response to BzATP IDA GO:0006884 MGI:1339957 J:130933 N/A 24473 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|lymphocyte;CL:0000542 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:membrane rupture in response to BzATP IDA GO:0007009 MGI:1339957 J:130933 N/A 24474 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|lymphocyte;CL:0000542 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: in response to BzATP IDA GO:0019835 MGI:1339957 J:130933 N/A 24475 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|lymphocyte;CL:0000542 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: phosphatidylserine translocation IDA GO:0045332 MGI:1339957 J:130933 N/A 24476 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|lymphocyte;CL:0000542 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:130933 MGI:2386080 24477 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|lymphocyte;CL:0000542 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: cell shrinkage text:in response to BzATP text:inhibitor and mutant studies IMP GO:0006884 MGI:1277957 J:130933 MGI:3521668 24478 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|lymphocyte;CL:0000542 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: phosphatidylserine translocation text:in response to BzATP text:inhibitor and mutant studies IMP GO:0045332 MGI:1277957 J:130933 MGI:3521668 24479 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neutrophil;CL:0000775|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007162 MGI:107711 J:113020 MGI:3664779 24480 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:response to Listeria monocytogenes infection IMP GO:0050830 MGI:107711 J:113020 MGI:3664779 24481 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neutrophil;CL:0000775|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045088 MGI:107711 J:113020 MGI:3664779 24482 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neutrophil;CL:0000775|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030864 MGI:107711 J:113020 N/A 24483 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neutrophil;CL:0000775|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031941 MGI:107711 J:113020 N/A 24484 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neutrophil;CL:0000775|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:96837 J:113020 N/A 24485 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000775 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009986 MGI:96611 J:113020 N/A 24486 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neutrophil;CL:0000775|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043312 MGI:107711 J:113020 MGI:3664779 24487 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neutrophil;CL:0000775|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030335 MGI:107711 J:113020 MGI:3664779 24488 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neutrophil;CL:0000775|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002446 MGI:107711 J:113020 MGI:3664779 24489 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neutrophil;CL:0000775|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032956 MGI:107711 J:113020 MGI:3664779 24490 1 evidence:ECO:0000064; inferred from functional complemtation in heterologous system anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: complementation of yeast deltion of L29 IGI GO:0022626 MGI:1347076 J:137257 SGD:RPL29 24491 1 evidence:ECO:0000064; inferred from functional complemtation in heterologous system anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: complementation of yeast deltion of L29 IGI GO:0003735 MGI:1347076 J:137257 SGD:RPL29 24492 1 evidence:ECO:0000064; inferred from functional complemtation in heterologous system anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: complementation of yeast deltion of L29 IGI GO:0006412 MGI:1347076 J:137257 SGD:RPL29 24493 1 evidence:ECO:0000020; inferred from specific protein inhibition anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:antibody to Plcg2 inhibits activation of channels IMP GO:0032237 MGI:97616 J:95865 N/A 24494 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:synaptic terminals; response to BBG and KN-62 IMP GO:0031668 MGI:1339957 J:130842 MGI:2386080 24495 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:synaptic terminals IMP GO:0051209 MGI:1339957 J:130842 MGI:2386080 24496 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:synaptic terminals; response to ATP and BzATP IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:130842 MGI:2386080 24497 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:synaptic terminals IMP GO:0051592 MGI:1339957 J:130842 MGI:2386080 24498 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:synaptic terminals; response to suramin IMP GO:0042493 MGI:1339957 J:130842 MGI:2386080 24499 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:synaptic terminals IMP GO:0010043 MGI:1339957 J:130842 MGI:2386080 24500 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:synaptic terminals IDA GO:0019717 MGI:1339957 J:130842 N/A 24501 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 10438522;IDA text: ISO GO:0008237 MGI:1346321 J:56831 NCBI:NP_008969 24502 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:double knockout mutants lack adenylate cyclase activity IGI GO:0004016 MGI:1341110 J:57343 MGI:99677 24503 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:double knockout IGI GO:0007616 MGI:1341110 J:57343 MGI:99677 24504 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:double knockout mutants lack adenylate cyclase activity IGI GO:0004016 MGI:99677 J:57343 MGI:2176596 24505 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:double knockout mutants IGI GO:0007616 MGI:99677 J:57343 MGI:2176596 24506 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme assay;ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004032 MGI:1353494 J:23037 N/A 24507 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 10092583;IMP text:Ser472; mutational analysis ISO GO:0018105 MGI:1345147 J:54026 NCBI:NP_005456 24508 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 10092583;IMP text:Thr305; mutational analysis ISO GO:0018107 MGI:1345147 J:54026 NCBI:NP_005456 24509 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 10092583;IMP text: ISO GO:0004672 MGI:1345147 J:54026 NCBI:NP_005456 24510 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 10092583;IMP text: ISO GO:0032869 MGI:1345147 J:54026 NCBI:NP_005456 24511 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0004052 MGI:1274782 J:46510 N/A 24512 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:108430 J:36812 UniProtKB:P62746 24513 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:natural killer cell;CL:0000623|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:109294 J:110195 UniProtKB:O35324|NCBI:NP_001028671 24514 1 evidence:inferred from immunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein ; ECO:0000092 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0005739 MGI:1914256 J:120125 NCBI:NP_001008389 24515 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:podocyte;CL:0000653|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:rat CD2AP; NP_852140 (RefSeq) ISO GO:0005938 MGI:1330281 J:117677 NCBI:NP_852140 24516 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay ; ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: target: external ref: text:transfected ISA GO:0004346 MGI:1915651 J:98017 NCBI:NM_138387.2 24517 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 cell type:astrocyte ; CL:0000127 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8096811|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1352738 J:73065 NCBI:XP_001068954 24518 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 9632656;IGI text:transfected in U138 glioblastoma cells; luciferase reporter text: a luciferase reporter driven by a multi ISO GO:0000122 MGI:102564 J:48317 UniProtKB:Q63262 24519 2 merized enhancer from the FGF-4 gene text: cooperative action with Sox11, Sox4 ISO GO:0000122 MGI:102564 J:48317 UniProtKB:Q63262 24520 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 9632656;IDA text:transfected in U138 glioblastoma cells ISO GO:0005634 MGI:102564 J:48317 UniProtKB:Q63262 24521 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 9632656;IGI text:transfected in U138 glioblastoma cells; luciferase reporter text: a luciferase reporter driven by a multi ISO GO:0016563 MGI:102564 J:48317 UniProtKB:Q63262 24522 2 merized enhancer from the FGF-4 gene text: cooperative action with Sox11, Sox4 ISO GO:0016563 MGI:102564 J:48317 UniProtKB:Q63262 24523 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:podocyte;CL:0000653|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:rat ZHX3 ISO GO:0005938 MGI:2444772 J:117677 NCBI:NP_001040562 24524 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|podocyte;CL:0000653 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:rat WT1 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:98968 J:117677 NCBI:NM_031534 24525 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay ; ECO:0000068 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation ; ECO:0000070 anatomy:TS19\ ; embryo ; EMAP:3322 anatomy:TS20\ ; embryo ; EMAP:3980 anatomy:TS21\ ; embryo ; EMAP:4740 cell type: gene product: qualifi IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1201674 J:122807 NCBI:NP_081780 24526 2 er: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1201674 J:122807 NCBI:NP_081780 24527 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2683087 J:36812 UniProtKB:Q61411 24528 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:108430 J:36812 UniProtKB:P84096 24529 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1928370 J:36812 UniProtKB:Q62160 24530 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|HeLa;ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: modification: target:RhoB;MGI:107949 external ref: text:RhoGDI-1 is able to inhibit GDP/GTP exchange of RhoB and to release GDP-bound but not IDA GO:0032880 MGI:2178103 J:36812 N/A 24531 2 GTP-bound RhoB from cell membranes. text:transfected IDA GO:0032880 MGI:2178103 J:36812 N/A 24532 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|HeLa;ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: modification: target:RhoB;MGI:107949 external ref: text:RhoGDI-3 is able to inhibit GDP/GTP exchange of RhoB and to release GDP-bound but not IDA GO:0032880 MGI:108430 J:36812 N/A 24533 2 GTP-bound RhoB from cell membranes. text:transfected IDA GO:0032880 MGI:108430 J:36812 N/A 24534 1 evidence:;inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|HeLa;ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected text:GTP-bound text:RhoGDI-3 and RhoGDI-1 stimulated release of GDPbound RhoB from cell IDA GO:0005624 MGI:107949 J:36812 N/A 24535 2 membranes. IDA GO:0005624 MGI:107949 J:36812 N/A 24536 1 evidence:;inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|HeLa;ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected text:GTP-bound text:RhoGDI-3 and RhoGDI-1 stimulated release of GDPbound RhoB from cell IDA GO:0005625 MGI:107949 J:36812 N/A 24537 2 membranes. IDA GO:0005625 MGI:107949 J:36812 N/A 24538 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:immunoprecipitated RhoB proteins were bound to either [3H]GDP or [3H]GTP IDA GO:0019003 MGI:107949 J:36812 N/A 24539 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Inhibitory effects of RhoGDI-3 on the dissociation of [3H]GDP and [3H]GTP from RhoB. IDA GO:0005092 MGI:108430 J:36812 N/A 24540 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Inhibitory effects of RhoGDI-3 on the dissociation of [3H]GDP and [3H]GTP from RhoB. IDA GO:0005083 MGI:108430 J:36812 N/A 24541 1 evidence:ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|HeLa;ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:108430 J:36812 N/A 24542 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:presynaptic motor nerve terminals text:BzATP induces vesicle release; P2rx7 inhibitors inhibit vesicle release IMP GO:0016079 MGI:1339957 J:96213 N/A 24543 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by RT-PCR;ECO:0000108 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|NIH 3T3;ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:STK-1 is expressed in a cell-cycle-dependent fashion. IDA GO:0007049 MGI:107168 J:32112 N/A 24544 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Mild deficits in synaptic plasticity may exist, as maintenance of late-phase hippocampal long-term potentiation is reduced. text:synaptic neurophils IMP GO:0051823 MGI:104694 J:70858 MGI:2182149 24545 1 evidence: anatomy:ectoderm ; EMAP:150 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:97451 J:70278 MGI:109448 24546 1 evidence: anatomy:ectoderm ; EMAP:150 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0009952 MGI:109448 J:70278 MGI:1857543 24547 1 evidence:inferred from protein:ion binding assay ; ECO:0000142 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0005506 MGI:1914256 J:120125 NCBI:NP_001008389 24548 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2145264 J:125489 NCBI:NP_001074795 24549 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:tibial nerve;MA:0001173| cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:flexor digitorum brevis muscle and tibial ner IDA GO:0031594 MGI:1339957 J:96213 N/A 24550 2 ve IDA GO:0031594 MGI:1339957 J:96213 N/A 24551 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 9632656;IDA text:transfected in U138 glioblastoma cells text FXO enhancer ISO GO:0003705 MGI:102564 J:48317 UniProtKB:Q63262 24552 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107949 J:36812 UniProtKB:Q62160 24553 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1351486 J:114995 UniProtKB:Q5NCF2|NCBI:NP_079708|UniProtKB:Q9CQA1 24554 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:tibial nerve;MA:0001173| cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:flexor digitorum brevis muscle and tibial ner IDA GO:0031594 MGI:97314 J:96213 N/A 24555 2 ve IDA GO:0031594 MGI:97314 J:96213 N/A 24556 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:tibial nerve;MA:0001173| cell type:motor neuron;CL:0000100|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:flexor digitorum brevis muscle and tibial ner IDA GO:0031594 MGI:1927139 J:96213 N/A 24557 2 ve IDA GO:0031594 MGI:1927139 J:96213 N/A 24558 1 evidence: anatomy:visceral endoderm ; EMAP:52 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007492 MGI:97451 J:70278 MGI:109448 24559 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PubMed:17086203IMP text: ISO GO:0007411 MGI:2151153 J:115577 NCBI:NP_001101787 24560 1 evidence: anatomy:visceral endoderm ; EMAP:52 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0007492 MGI:109448 J:70278 MGI:1857543 24561 1 evidence: anatomy:amnion ; EMAP:179 anatomy:chorion ; EMAP:187 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048856 MGI:109448 J:70278 MGI:1857543 24562 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Specific antibody. This antibody only binds to multimeric, membrane-bound P2X7 receptors rather than isolated subunits text: neuromoleclular junction IDA GO:0016020 MGI:1339957 J:96213 N/A 24563 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Specific antibody. This antibody only binds to multimeric, membrane-bound P2X7 receptors rather than isolated subunits text: neuromoleclular junction IDA GO:0051259 MGI:1339957 J:96213 N/A 24564 1 evidence: anatomy:amnion ; EMAP:179 anatomy:chorion ; EMAP:187 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048856 MGI:97451 J:70278 MGI:109448 24565 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:presynaptic motor nerve terminals text:BzATP induces vesicle release; P2rx7 inhibitors inhibit vesicle release IDA GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:96213 N/A 24566 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:P2X7RS antagonist calmidazolium specifically blocks the ion channel formed upon P2X7RS activation IMP GO:0004931 MGI:1339957 J:96213 N/A 24567 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant embryos die around E6.5 IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1202875 J:28132 MGI:3688730 24568 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased double-negative T cell number IMP GO:0043029 MGI:88311 J:47430 MGI:2429974 24569 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased body weight; decreased litter size IMP GO:0040007 MGI:88311 J:47430 MGI:2429974 24570 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:partial embryonic lethality, homozygous mutants are underrepresented in F2 progeny IMP GO:0001701 MGI:88311 J:47430 MGI:2429974 24571 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:small thymus IMP GO:0048538 MGI:88311 J:47430 MGI:2429974 24572 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:lethality before E10 IMP GO:0001701 MGI:88302 J:47430 MGI:2429976 24573 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:88302 J:47430 N/A 24574 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005625 MGI:88302 J:47430 N/A 24575 1 evidence:inferred from cell fractionation;ECO:0000004 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:88311 J:47430 N/A 24576 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043029 MGI:1339957 J:113208 MGI:2386080 24577 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Purinergic receptor P2X7 is required for NAD-induced death in CD4+CD25+ cells text:ATP and Bz-ATP induce rapid death in CD4+CD25+ cells IMP GO:0008219 MGI:1339957 J:113208 MGI:2386080 24578 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:addition of agonists IDA GO:0019835 MGI:1339957 J:113208 N/A 24579 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:113208 MGI:2386080 24580 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Purinergic receptor P2X7 is required for NAD-induced death in CD4+CD25+ cells IMP GO:0010033 MGI:1339957 J:113208 MGI:2386080 24581 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:macrophage;CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:MACROPHAGE DEATH IMP GO:0008219 MGI:1339957 J:118651 MGI:3575425 24582 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:macrophage;CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ATP-induced mycobacterial killing, IMP GO:0050830 MGI:1339957 J:118561 MGI:3575425 24583 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:macrophage;CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Following ATP stimulation, BCGcontaining phagosomes rapidly coalesce and fuse with lysosomes. IMP GO:0001845 MGI:1339957 J:118561 MGI:3575425 24584 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:macrophage;CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:118561 MGI:3575425 24585 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000235 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Blocking of macrophage phospholipase D activity with butan-1-ol blocked BCG killing IMP GO:0050830 MGI:109585 J:118561 N/A 24586 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: Mapk14 ; MGI:1346865 external ref: text:ATP (1 mM) and the P2X7R agonist BzATP (100 lM) significantly increased p38 MAPK phosphorylation and activity in WT mice, an IMP GO:0000187 MGI:1339957 J:118643 N/A 24587 2 d these effects were absent in the hippocampal slices of P2X7R mutants IMP GO:0000187 MGI:1339957 J:118643 N/A 24588 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to ATP IMP GO:0014049 MGI:1339957 J:118643 N/A 24589 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: Mapk14 ; MGI:1346865 external ref: text:ATP (1 mM) and the P2X7R agonist BzATP (100 lM) significantly increased p38 MAPK phosphorylation and activity in WT mice, an IMP GO:0006468 MGI:1339957 J:118643 N/A 24590 2 d these effects were absent in the hippocampal slices of P2X7R mutants IMP GO:0006468 MGI:1339957 J:118643 N/A 24591 1 evidence:FACS anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1339957 J:118682 N/A 24592 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042098 MGI:1339957 J:118862 MGI:2386080 24593 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: ATP induced cell death. IMP GO:0008219 MGI:1339957 J:118682 MGI:2386080 24594 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: Sell ;MGI:98279 external ref: text:in response to ATP IMP GO:0006509 MGI:1339957 J:118682 MGI:2386080 24595 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:118682 MGI:2386080 24596 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:response to NAD IMP GO:0010033 MGI:1339957 J:118682 MGI:2386080 24597 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98279 J:118862 N/A 24598 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:T cell;CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:ATP triggers P2X7R-dependent CD62L shedding IDA GO:0033198 MGI:98279 J:118862 N/A 24599 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Activation of P2X7R with 1 mM ATP rapidly triggered a >40-fold increase in the rate of IL-1beta secretion text:Bac1 macrophages IDA GO:0033198 MGI:96543 J:122152 N/A 24600 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Bac1 macrophages text:Strong inhibition (90%) of the ATP-dependent IL-1beta secretion was observed when the normal transmembrane gradients for Na+ and K+ were reduced by IDA GO:0042221 MGI:96543 J:122152 N/A 24601 2 replacing the 130 mM extracellular NaCl with equimolar KCl or potassium gluconate IDA GO:0042221 MGI:96543 J:122152 N/A 24602 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: Il1b ; MGI:96543 external ref: text:Bac1 macrophages text:Enhancement of P2X7R-induced IL-1beta processing in sodium gluconate (NaGlu IMP GO:0016485 MGI:96544 J:122152 N/A 24603 2 c) is blocked by caspase-1 inhibitors and is not due to nonselective lysis IMP GO:0016485 MGI:96544 J:122152 N/A 24604 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:response to NaCl, Sodium Gluconate IDA GO:0042221 MGI:96544 J:122152 N/A 24605 1 evidence:ECO:0000112; inferred from Western blot assay|ECO:0000004; inferred from cell fractionation anatomy:EMAP:10259; TS25, brain cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:immunoblot of membrane fraction of embryonic brain extra IDA GO:0005624 MGI:107685 J:67768 N/A 24606 2 ct IDA GO:0005624 MGI:107685 J:67768 N/A 24607 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:lymphocyte;CL:0000542|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043065 MGI:1339957 J:129413 MGI:2386080 24608 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to ureteral obstruction IMP GO:0032963 MGI:1339957 J:136485 MGI:2386080 24609 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to ureteral obstruction text:mutants showed 43% less macrophages when compared to WT IMP GO:0048873 MGI:1339957 J:136485 MGI:2386080 24610 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to ureteral obstruction IMP GO:0006954 MGI:1339957 J:136485 MGI:2386080 24611 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to ureteral obstruction IMP GO:0043065 MGI:1339957 J:136485 MGI:2386080 24612 1 evidence:inferred from direct assay;ECO:0000002 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Il18;MGI:107936 external ref: text: IMP GO:0050715 MGI:1339957 J:136350 MGI:3606250 24613 1 evidence:inferred from direct assay;ECO:0000002 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050718 MGI:1339957 J:136350 MGI:3606250 24614 1 evidence:inferred from direct assay;ECO:0000002 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:136350 MGI:3606250 24615 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Il18;MGI:107936 external ref: text:The panx1-mimetic inhibitory peptide IMP GO:0050715 MGI:1860055 J:136350 N/A 24616 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:The panx1-mimetic inhibitory peptide IMP GO:0050717 MGI:1860055 J:136350 N/A 24617 1 evidence:inferred from direct assay;ECO:0000002 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050717 MGI:1339957 J:136350 MGI:3606250 24618 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Il18;MGI:107936 external ref: text: cell-permeable caspase-1 inhibitor IMP GO:0050715 MGI:96544 J:136350 N/A 24619 2 ; in response to ATP IMP GO:0050715 MGI:96544 J:136350 N/A 24620 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: cell-permeable caspase-1 inhibitor; in responseto IMP GO:0050717 MGI:96544 J:136350 N/A 24621 2 ATP IMP GO:0050717 MGI:96544 J:136350 N/A 24622 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: cell-permeable caspase-1 inhibitor; in responseto IMP GO:0050718 MGI:96544 J:136350 N/A 24623 2 ATP IMP GO:0050718 MGI:96544 J:136350 N/A 24624 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: cell-permeable caspase-1 inhibitor; in responseto IMP GO:0033198 MGI:96544 J:136350 N/A 24625 2 ATP IMP GO:0033198 MGI:96544 J:136350 N/A 24626 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:The panx1-mimetic inhibitory peptide IMP GO:0050718 MGI:1860055 J:136350 N/A 24627 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition;ECO:0000020 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1860055 J:136350 N/A 24628 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0033198 MGI:96543 J:136350 N/A 24629 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033198 MGI:96543 J:136350 MGI:3606250 24630 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032496 MGI:96543 J:136350 MGI:3606250 24631 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032496 MGI:96543 J:136350 N/A 24632 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:In a model of severe, but not completely lethal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge9, we show that PAR1 deficiency protects mice from lethality IMP GO:0016265 MGI:101802 J:133917 MGI:3038377 24633 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:In a model of severe, but not completely lethal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge9, we show that PAR1 deficiency protects mice from lethality IMP GO:0032496 MGI:101802 J:133917 MGI:3038377 24634 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Like PAR1 deficiency, PAR1 antagonism also attenuated late-stage coagulation (Fig. 1c), indicating that continuing activation of coagulation and inflammation are coupled IMP GO:0030194 MGI:101802 J:133917 MGI:3038377 24635 2 by a common upstream mechanism. IMP GO:0030194 MGI:101802 J:133917 MGI:3038377 24636 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme inhibition;ECO:0000184 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Like PAR1 deficiency, PAR1 antagonism also attenuated late-stage coagulation (Fig. 1c), indicating that continuing activation o IMP GO:0030194 MGI:101802 J:133917 N/A 24637 2 f coagulation and inflammation are coupled by a common upstream mechanism. IMP GO:0030194 MGI:101802 J:133917 N/A 24638 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:PAR1 deficiency attenuated broadly inflammatory parameters 18 h after LPS challenge IMP GO:0032496 MGI:101802 J:133917 MGI:3038377 24639 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Inflammatory exacerbation was attenuated in mice lacking sphingosine kinase 1 IMP GO:0006954 MGI:1316649 J:133917 MGI:3526071 24640 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:attenuated cytokine levels IMP GO:0001816 MGI:1339365 J:133917 MGI:2182637 24641 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:PAR1-/-, SphK1-/- and S1P3-/- mice had increased IL-1b levels in mesenteric lymph nodes, but IL-1b levels were conversely reduced in the lungs IMP GO:0032651 MGI:1339365 J:133917 MGI:2182637 24642 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:PAR1-/-, SphK1-/- and S1P3-/- mice had increased IL-1b levels in mesenteric lymph nodes, but IL-1b levels were conversely reduced in the lungs IMP GO:0032651 MGI:101802 J:133917 MGI:3038377 24643 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:PAR1-/-, SphK1-/- and S1P3-/- mice had increased IL-1b levels in mesenteric lymph nodes, but IL-1b levels were conversely reduced in the lungs IMP GO:0032651 MGI:1316649 J:133917 MGI:3526071 24644 1 evidence: anatomy:lymph node;MA:0000139 cell type:dendritic cell;CL:0000451|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048873 MGI:101802 J:133917 MGI:3038377 24645 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:;IDA text:rat calvarial cell cultures; pore formation assay ISO GO:0015267 MGI:1339957 J:137037 UniProtKB:Q64663 24646 1 evidence: anatomy:calvarium cell type:calvarial cell gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015267 MGI:1339957 J:137037 MGI:2386080 24647 1 evidence: anatomy:calvarium cell type:calvarial cell gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced or increased expression of many marker genes IMP GO:0010467 MGI:1339957 J:137037 MGI:2386080 24648 1 evidence: anatomy:calvarium cell type:calvarial cell gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030501 MGI:1339957 J:137037 MGI:2386080 24649 1 evidence: anatomy:calvarium cell type:calvarial cell gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045778 MGI:1339957 J:137037 MGI:2386080 24650 1 evidence: anatomy:calvarium cell type:calvarial cell gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0033198 MGI:1339957 J:137037 MGI:2386080 24651 1 evidence: anatomy:calvarium cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:calvarial sutures were wider in P2rx7-/- mice IMP GO:0048705 MGI:1339957 J:137037 MGI:2386080 24652 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:18519738;IMP text:calvarium text;Rat calvarial cells text:abolished by 1-butanol - PLD inhibitor text:Lysophosphatidic acid production ISO GO:0008654 MGI:109585 J:137037 UniProtKB:P70496 24653 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:18519738;IMP text:calvarium text;Rat calvarial cells text:abolished by 1-butanol - PLD inhibitor ISO GO:0006654 MGI:109585 J:137037 UniProtKB:P70496 24654 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:18519738;IMP text:Rat calvarial cells text:selective COX-2 inhibitor ISO GO:0030282 MGI:97798 J:137037 UniProtKB:P35355 24655 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 7877627;IDA text:increase of NOT gene expression in response to phytohemagglutinin ISO GO:0051789 MGI:1352456 J:22051 UniProtKB:P43354 24656 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11435423|IDA text:J:71263|cells were transfected with FLAG-tagged human Ppil2 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2447857 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13356 24657 1 evidence:in vitro ubiquitination assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11435423|IDA text:J:71263 ISO GO:0000209 MGI:2447857 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13356 24658 1 evidence:in vitro ubiquitination assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11435423|IDA text:J:71263 ISO GO:0004842 MGI:2447857 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13356 24659 1 evidence:in vitro ubiquitination assay with ubiquitin substrate anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11435423|IDA text:J:71263 ISO GO:0034450 MGI:2447857 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13336 24660 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11435423|IDA text:cells were transfected with FLAG-tagged human PRPF19 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:106247 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UMS4 24661 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11435423|IDA text:cells were transfected with FLAG-tagged human PRPF19 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:106247 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UMS4 24662 1 evidence:in vitro ubiquitination assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11435423|IDA text:J:71263 ISO GO:0000209 MGI:106247 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UMS4 24663 1 evidence:in vitro ubiquitination assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11435423|IDA text:J:71263 ISO GO:0004842 MGI:106247 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9UMS4 24664 1 evidence:in vitro ubiquitination assay with ubiquitin substrate anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11435423|IDA text:J:71263 ISO GO:0034450 MGI:106247 J:73065 UniProtKB:U9UMS4 24665 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 8737662;IDA text:change of NZF-3 gene expression in response to lindane ISO GO:0017085 MGI:1352456 J:33226 UniProtKB:Q07917 24666 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 8737662;IDA text:NBRE DNA element ISO GO:0043565 MGI:1352456 J:33226 UniProtKB:Q07917 24667 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 1491694;IDA text:Nur77 shows an early transcriptional response to nerve growth factor stimulation, ISA GO:0051789 MGI:3577487 J:33283 NCBI:NP_077364 24668 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 1491694;IDA text:Nur77 shows an early transcriptional response to KCl ISA GO:0010035 MGI:3577487 J:33283 NCBI:NP_077364 24669 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 1491694;IDA text:Nur77 shows an early transcriptional response to KCl ISO GO:0010035 MGI:1352456 J:33283 UniProtKB:Q07917 24670 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:JEG-3;ATCC:HTB-36|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1352454 J:37081 N/A 24671 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:JEG-3;ATCC:HTB-36|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016563 MGI:1352454 J:37081 N/A 24672 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 7877627;IDA text:increase of NOT gene expression in response to calcium ionophore A23187 or the tumor promoter phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, cyclohexamide ISO GO:0031668 MGI:1352456 J:22051 UniProtKB:P43354 24673 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:JEG-3;ATCC:HTB-36|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031668 MGI:1352456 J:37081 N/A 24674 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:JEG-3;ATCC:HTB-36|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016563 MGI:1352456 J:37081 N/A 24675 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:JEG-3;ATCC:HTB-36|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:NBRE element IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1352456 J:37081 N/A 24676 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:JEG-3;ATCC:HTB-36|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:NBRE element IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1352454 J:37081 N/A 24677 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:JEG-3;ATCC:HTB-36|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:NBRE element IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1352457 J:37081 N/A 24678 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:JEG-3;ATCC:HTB-36|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:1352457 J:37081 N/A 24679 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type:JEG-3;ATCC:HTB-36|permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016563 MGI:1352457 J:37081 N/A 24680 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0046982 MGI:1352454 J:37081 UniProtKB:O75798 24681 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0046982 MGI:1352456 J:37081 UniProtKB:O75798 24682 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mice die within 24 h after birth. IMP GO:0016265 MGI:1352456 J:47684 MGI:2429971 24683 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mice die within 24 h after birth. IMP GO:0009791 MGI:1352456 J:47684 MGI:2429971 24684 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia nigra;MA:0000210|ventral tegmental nucleus;MA:0001031 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042416 MGI:1352456 J:47684 MGI:2429971 24685 1 evidence: anatomy:substantia nigra;MA:0000210|ventral tegmental nucleus;MA:0001031 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Th;MGI:98735 external ref: text:tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity was absent in the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental IMP GO:0010467 MGI:1352456 J:57161 MGI:2429971 24686 2 area of Nurr1-deficient mic IMP GO:0010467 MGI:1352456 J:57161 MGI:2429971 24687 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:dopaminergic neuron;CL:0000700|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:gene marker analysis IMP GO:0043524 MGI:1352456 J:58939 MGI:2157566 24688 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:dopaminergic neuron;CL:0000700|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:gene marker analysis IMP GO:0042551 MGI:1352456 J:58939 MGI:2157566 24689 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:dopaminergic neuron;CL:0000700|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:gene marker analysis IMP GO:0001764 MGI:1352456 J:58939 MGI:2157566 24690 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:3013; TS18,retina cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:D 10.5 IMP GO:0060041 MGI:1915443 J:53381 MGI:1856685 24691 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000358; liver cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000027 MGI:1915443 J:92052 MGI:1856685 24692 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mefs IMP GO:0006412 MGI:1915443 J:92052 MGI:1856685 24693 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:MEFs leave G1 slowly IMP GO:0031575 MGI:1915443 J:92052 MGI:1856685 24694 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8048931|IDA text:probe design to find clone based on seqeuencing a protein isolated from 60s subunits ISO GO:0022625 MGI:1915443 J:73065 UniProtKB:P83732 24695 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8048931|IC text:probe design to find clone based on seqeuencing a protein isolated from 60s subunits ISO GO:0006412 MGI:1915443 J:73065 UniProtKB:P83732 24696 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8048931|IDA text:probe design to find clone based on seqeuencing a protein isolated from 60s subunits ISO GO:0003735 MGI:1915443 J:73065 UniProtKB:P83732 24697 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207 cell type:dopaminergic neuron;CL:0000700|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:dopaminergic neuron precursors are arrested from terminal differentiation IMP GO:0021953 MGI:1352456 J:66522 MGI:2429971 24698 1 evidence:matrigel tube formation assay anatomy: cell type:mouse aortic endothelial cells gene product: external ref:PMID:11257124|IDA text:PMID:11257124|IDA ISO GO:0016525 MGI:108440 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9HD27 24699 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:hepatocyte ; CL:0000182 gene product: text:TO Ghbp (short form)|Ghr, long form IDA GO:0019898 MGI:95708 J:74664 N/A 24700 1 evidence:IP-IB|agarose-bead affinity purification followed by IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: UniProt:P51637|Cav3 (mouse)|UniProt:P51638|Cav3 (rat) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107570 J:66004 UniProtKB:P51637|UniProtKB:P51638 24701 1 evidence:agarose-bead affinity purification followed by IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: UniProt:Q62165|Dag1 (mouse, beta-dystroglycan subunit) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:101864 J:66004 UniProtKB:Q62165 24702 1 evidence:GST-fusion protein fragment precipitation followed by IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:UniProt:P11532|DMD (human dystrophin) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:101864 J:94188 UniProtKB:P11532 24703 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q8K4Z6 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007186 MGI:2429498 J:104103 N/A 24704 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: Ggn1, Ggn3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914280 J:84438 UniProtKB:Q80WJ1|UniProtKB:Q80WI9 24705 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:hyperactivity; tonic-clonic seizures IMP GO:0030534 MGI:1352457 J:73971 MGI:3037444 24706 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:impaired balance IMP GO:0050885 MGI:1352457 J:73971 MGI:3037444 24707 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal vestibular response IMP GO:0060005 MGI:1352457 J:73971 MGI:3037444 24708 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Xenopus ISS GO:0003723 MGI:1919202 J:90013 N/A 24709 1 evidence: anatomy:semicircular canal;MA:0000249 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: reduced diameter of semicircular canals IMP GO:0048752 MGI:1352457 J:73971 MGI:3037444 24710 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal endolymphatic duct morphology; abnormal sulcus ampullaris morphology IMP GO:0042472 MGI:1352457 J:73971 MGI:3037444 24711 1 evidence:ECO:0000154; inferred from protein expression in heterologous anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell line cell|ATCC:CRL-11268 gene product:UniProtKB:Q9WVC5 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006816 MGI:1349470 J:57770 N/A 24712 1 evidence:ECO:0000154; inferred from protein expression in heterologous anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell line cell|ATCC:CRL-11268 gene product:UniProtKB:Q9WVC5 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006828 MGI:1349470 J:57770 N/A 24713 1 evidence:ECO:0000154; inferred from protein expression in heterologous anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell line cell|ATCC:CRL-11268 gene product:UniProtKB:Q9WVC5 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005262 MGI:1349470 J:57770 N/A 24714 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\;hindbrain;EMAP:2257 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021575 MGI:104853 J:71074 MGI:104877 24715 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\;midbrain;EMAP:2315 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:the oculomoter and trochlear motor nuclei are absent at E10.5 and E12.5 IGI GO:0030901 MGI:104853 J:71074 MGI:104877 24716 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:TS17\;hindbrain EMAP:2257|TS17\;midbrain;EMAP:2315 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal isthmic organizer morphology IGI GO:0021555 MGI:104853 J:71074 MGI:104877 24717 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\;neural tube;EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:all double homozygotes had some type of neural tube defect IGI GO:0021915 MGI:104853 J:71074 MGI:104877 24718 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:dopaminergic neuron;CL:0000700|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal dopaminergic neuron morphology IGI GO:0048667 MGI:104853 J:71074 MGI:104877 24719 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\;oculomotor III;EMAP:4248 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:at E12.5 the oculomoter nerve is absent IGI GO:0021557 MGI:104853 J:71074 MGI:104877 24720 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:isthmic organizer cells prematurely differenciate in double mutants IGI GO:0060164 MGI:104853 J:71074 MGI:104877 24721 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:at E12.5 the trochlear nerve is absent IGI GO:0021558 MGI:104853 J:71074 MGI:104877 24722 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\;hindbrain;EMAP:2257 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021575 MGI:104877 J:71074 MGI:104853 24723 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\; embryo ; EMAP:7148 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:most of double mutants died by E15.5; embryonic growth retardation IGI GO:0001701 MGI:104853 J:71074 MGI:104877 24724 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\; embryo ; EMAP:7148 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:most of double mutants died by E15.5; embryonic growth retardation IGI GO:0001701 MGI:104877 J:71074 MGI:104853 24725 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\;midbrain;EMAP:2315 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:the oculomoter and trochlear motor nuclei are absent at E10.5 and E12.5 IGI GO:0030901 MGI:104877 J:71074 MGI:104853 24726 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:TS17\;hindbrain EMAP:2257|TS17\;midbrain;EMAP:2315 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal isthmic organizer morphology IGI GO:0021555 MGI:104877 J:71054 MGI:104853 24727 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\;neural tube;EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:all double homozygotes had some type of neural tube defect IGI GO:0021915 MGI:104877 J:71074 MGI:104853 24728 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\;oculomotor III;EMAP:4248 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:at E12.5 the oculomoter nerve is absent IGI GO:0021557 MGI:104877 J:71074 MGI:104853 24729 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:at E12.5 the trochlear nerve is absent IGI GO:0021558 MGI:104877 J:71074 MGI:104853 24730 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:isthmic organizer cells prematurely differenciate in double mutants IGI GO:0060164 MGI:104877 J:71074 MGI:104853 24731 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fgf8;MGI:99604|Wnt1;MGI:98953|Pax2;MGI:97486|Pax5;MGI:97489|Nr4a2;MGI:1352456 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:104877 J:71074 MGI:104853 24732 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fgf8;MGI:99604|Wnt1;MGI:98953|Pax2;MGI:97486|Pax5;MGI:97489|Nr4a2;MGI:1352456 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:104853 J:71074 MGI:104877 24733 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216|TM4 ; ATCC:CRL-1715 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells transfected with mouse Acsbg2 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:3587728 J:110391 N/A 24734 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16371355|IDA text:cells transfected with human ACSBG2 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:3587728 J:110391 UniProtKB:Q5FVE4 24735 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216|TM4 ; ATCC:CRL-1715 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells transfected with mouse Acsbg2 IDA GO:0005829 MGI:3587728 J:110391 N/A 24736 1 evidence:acyl-CoA synthetase assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IC GO:0006635 MGI:3587728 J:110391 GO:0004467 24737 1 evidence:acyl-CoA synthetase assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006631 MGI:3587728 J:110391 N/A 24738 1 evidence:acyl-CoA synthetase assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16371355|IDA text: ISO GO:0006631 MGI:3587728 J:110391 UniProtKB:Q5FVE4 24739 1 evidence:acyl-CoA synthetase assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004467 MGI:3587728 J:110391 N/A 24740 1 evidence:acyl-CoA synthetase assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16371355|IDA text: ISO GO:0004467 MGI:3587728 J:110391 UniProtKB:Q5FVE4 24741 1 evidence:IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|Sertoli cell ; CL:0000216|TM4 ; ATCC:CRL-1715 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells transfected with mouse Acsbg2 IDA GO:0005792 MGI:3587728 J:110391 N/A 24742 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant mice displayed significantly greater locomotor activity in a novel open field and after saline injection IMP GO:0008344 MGI:1352456 J:96227 MGI:2429971 24743 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:lower levels of DA in whole brain; and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid IMP GO:0042417 MGI:1352456 J:96227 MGI:2429971 24744 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased stress-induced locomotor activity IMP GO:0001975 MGI:1352456 J:96227 MGI:2429971 24745 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant mice displayed significantly greater locomotor activity in a novel open field and after saline injection IMP GO:0006950 MGI:1352456 J:96227 MGI:2429971 24746 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Abnormal projection of olfactory axons in Arx deficient mice IMP GO:0007411 MGI:1097716 J:96969 N/A 24747 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\;olfactory lobe;EMAP:6098 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Reduced cell proliferation in Arx-deficient mice IMP GO:0021846 MGI:1097716 J:96969 MGI:2429693 24748 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\;olfactory lobe;EMAP:5014 anatomy:TS24\;olfactory lobe;EMAP:8978 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Impaired entry of interneuron progenitors into OB in Arx-deficient mice IMP GO:0021831 MGI:1097716 J:96969 MGI:2429693 24749 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:olfactory bulb mitral cell layer; embryonic; E16.5 and P0 text:disorganization of the layer structure of the olfactory bulb IMP GO:0021772 MGI:1097716 J:96969 MGI:2429693 24750 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\;olfactory lobe;EMAP:5014 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:size reduction of the olfactory bulb IMP GO:0046622 MGI:1097716 J:96969 MGI:2429693 24751 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:localized to the olfactory axons IDA GO:0030424 MGI:97282 J:96969 N/A 24752 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:localized to the olfactory axons IDA GO:0030424 MGI:97281 J:96868 N/A 24753 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:localized to the olfactory axons IDA GO:0030424 MGI:106206 J:96969 N/A 24754 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:localized to the olfactory axons IDA GO:0030424 MGI:1100492 J:96969 N/A 24755 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: mitral cells IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1888984 J:96969 N/A 24756 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: mitral cells IDA GO:0030425 MGI:98747 J:96969 N/A 24757 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: mitral cells IDA GO:0030425 MGI:103022 J:96969 N/A 24758 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16762313|IDA text:J:111936 ISO GO:0016291 MGI:3587728 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q5FVE4 24759 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16762313|IDA text:J:111936 ISO GO:0006631 MGI:3587728 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q5FVE4 24760 1 evidence:IB folowing cell fractionation anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16762313|IDA text:J:111936 ISO GO:0005792 MGI:3587728 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q5FVE4 24761 1 evidence:IB folowing cell fractionation anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16762313|IDA text:J:111936 ISO GO:0005739 MGI:3587728 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q5FVE4 24762 1 evidence: anatomy:adrenal gland;MA:0000116 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042415 MGI:106651 J:73972 MGI:2429638|MGI:2429638 24763 1 evidence:histology anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021549 MGI:1888519 J:1460 MGI:1888413 24764 1 evidence:histollogy anatomy:dentate gyrus ; MA:0000190 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021542 MGI:1888519 J:1460 MGI:1888413 24765 1 evidence:histology anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021766 MGI:1888519 J:1460 MGI:1888413 24766 1 evidence:histology anatomy:joint ; MA:0000319 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030500 MGI:3045421 J:6580 MGI:1856651 24767 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus;MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal hippocampus morphology IMP GO:0021766 MGI:1096385 J:79605 MGI:2388924 24768 1 evidence: anatomy:head;MA:0000023|bone;MA:0001459|kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: Nr4a2;MGI:1352456| Nr4a1;MGI:1352454|Nr4a3;MGI:1352457 external ref: text:induction of gene expression IDA GO:0010468 MGI:97799 J:98600 N/A 24769 1 evidence:histology anatomy:colon ; MA:0000335 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048484 MGI:98358 J:7688 MGI:1857401 24770 1 evidence:histology anatomy:colon ; MA:0000335 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048547 MGI:98358 J:7688 MGI:1857401 24771 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0034370 MGI:1913363 J:116807 MGI:3609233 24772 1 evidence: anatomy:head;MA:0000023|bone;MA:0001459|kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Deletion of the two N-terminal amino acids abolishes PTH's ability to activate cAMP/PKA pathway IMP GO:0009967 MGI:97799 J:98600 N/A 24773 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression;ECO:0000048 anatomy:head;MA:0000023|bone;MA:0001459|kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Nr4a2;MGI:1352456|Spp1;MGI:98389 external ref: text:osteocalcin IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97799 J:98600 N/A 24774 1 evidence:histology anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003097 MGI:1096865 J:9451 MGI:1856830 24775 1 evidence: anatomy:TS19\;midbrain;EMAP:3516 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021954 MGI:109619 J:104524 MGI:2159010|MGI:2159011|MGI:2673381 24776 1 evidence:IB following water deprivation anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042631 MGI:1096865 J:47478 N/A 24777 1 evidence:IF and hydropathy plot anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IC GO:0031303 MGI:1096865 J:47478 GO:0016021|GO:0055037 24778 1 evidence:hydropathy profile following sequencing anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: ISM GO:0016021 MGI:1096865 J:47478 N/A 24779 1 evidence:IF and hydropathy plot anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IC GO:0005887 MGI:1096865 J:47478 GO:0016021|GO:0005886 24780 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transefected with mouse Aqp2 IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1096865 J:47478 N/A 24781 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|CHO-K1 ; ATCC:CCL-61 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transefected with mouse Aqp2 IDA GO:0055037 MGI:1096865 J:47478 N/A 24782 1 evidence:IF and hydropathy plot anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IC GO:0055038 MGI:1096865 J:47478 GO:0016021|GO:0055037 24783 1 evidence:osmotic water permeability assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015250 MGI:1096865 J:47478 N/A 24784 1 evidence:osmotic water permeability assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006833 MGI:1096865 J:47478 N/A 24785 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1916782 J:104524 N/A 24786 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Ascl1;MGI:96919 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:109619 J:104524 MGI:2159010|MGI:2159011|MGI:2673381 24787 1 evidence:general appearance of mice anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048070 MGI:2660628 J:12724 MGI:2675831 24788 1 evidence:gross appearance of mice anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048070 MGI:95285 J:12724 MGI:1856392 24789 1 evidence:skin grafting assay anatomy: cell type:melanoblast ; CL:0000541 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030334 MGI:95285 J:12724 MGI:1856392 24790 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:TS19\;midbrain;EMAP:3516 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021954 MGI:109619 J:104524 MGI:96919 24791 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:TS19\;midbrain;EMAP:3516 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021954 MGI:96919 J:105524 MGI:109619 24792 1 evidence:blind whole cell recordings anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051899 MGI:1316660 J:40687 MGI:1856548 24793 1 evidence:blind whole cell recordings anatomy:neocortex ; MA:0002754 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060081 MGI:1316660 J:40687 MGI:1856548 24794 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:at 21 days of age, mutants are markedly smaller (runted) compared to littermates IGI GO:0035264 MGI:1860297 J:115573 MGI:1261791 24795 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:at 21 days of age, mutants are markedly smaller (runted) compared to littermates IGI GO:0035264 MGI:1261791 J:115573 MGI:1860297 24796 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:neonatal lethality IGI GO:0001701 MGI:1888527 J:115573 MGI:1860297 24797 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:neonatal lethality IGI GO:0001701 MGI:1261791 J:115573 MGI:1860297 24798 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:neonatal lethality IGI GO:0001701 MGI:1860297 J:115573 MGI:1261791|MGI:1888527 24799 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-13 gene product:UniProtKB::P09631-2 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:96180 J:88272 N/A 24800 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:pyramidal cell;CL:0000598|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:impairment of GABA release IMP GO:0014051 MGI:1860297 J:115573 MGI:2450729 24801 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:pyramidal cell;CL:0000598|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:defect in glutamate release IGI GO:0014047 MGI:1860297 J:115573 MGI:1261791 24802 1 evidence: anatomy:central nervous system;MA:0000167 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal CNS synaptic transmission IGI GO:0007268 MGI:1261791 J:115573 MGI:1888527|MGI:1860297 24803 1 evidence: anatomy:central nervous system;MA:0000167 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal CNS synaptic transmission IGI GO:0007268 MGI:1888527 J:115573 MGI:2450729|MGI:1261791 24804 1 evidence: anatomy:central nervous system;MA:0000167 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal CNS synaptic transmission IMP GO:0007268 MGI:1860297 J:115573 MGI:2450729 24805 1 evidence: anatomy:central nervous system;MA:0000167 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal CNS synaptic transmission IGI GO:0007268 MGI:1860297 J:115573 MGI:1888527|MGI:2450729 24806 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001|neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target:Apbb1;MGI:107765|Fe65l2;MGI:108404|fe65l1;MGI:108405|Gria1;MGI:95808|Stxbp1;MGI:107363 external ref: text:selective increase in Fe65 family of adaptor proteins (F IGI GO:0010468 MGI:1860297 J:115573 MGI:1261791|MGI:1888527 24807 2 e65, Fe65L1, and Fe65L2), postsynaptic receptor GluR1, and synaptic protein Munc18-1 IGI GO:0010468 MGI:1860297 J:115573 MGI:1261791|MGI:1888527 24808 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001|neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target:Apbb1;MGI:107765|Fe65l2;MGI:108404|fe65l1;MGI:108405|Gria1;MGI:95808|Stxbp1;MGI:107363 external ref: text:selective increase in Fe65 family of adaptor proteins (F IGI GO:0010468 MGI:1261791 J:115573 MGI:1860297|MGI:1888527 24809 2 e65, Fe65L1, and Fe65L2), postsynaptic receptor GluR1, and synaptic protein Munc18-1 IGI GO:0010468 MGI:1261791 J:115573 MGI:1860297|MGI:1888527 24810 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001|neuron;CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target:Apbb1;MGI:107765|Fe65l2;MGI:108404|fe65l1;MGI:108405|Gria1;MGI:95808|Stxbp1;MGI:107363 external ref: text:selective increase in Fe65 family of adaptor proteins (F IGI GO:0010468 MGI:1888527 J:115573 MGI:1860297|MGI:3694702 24811 2 e65, Fe65L1, and Fe65L2), postsynaptic receptor GluR1, and synaptic protein Munc18-1 IGI GO:0010468 MGI:1888527 J:115573 MGI:1860297|MGI:3694702 24812 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000540|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:overexpression IDA GO:0032229 MGI:107363 J:115573 N/A 24813 1 evidence:in vitro versican cleavage assay evidence:in vivo versican cleavage assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004175 MGI:2660628 J:133403 N/A 24814 1 evidence:in vitro versican cleavage assay evidence:in vivo versican cleavage assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030198 MGI:2660628 J:133403 N/A 24815 1 evidence:in vitro versican cleavage assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:2660628 J:133403 N/A 24816 1 evidence:analysis of melanocyte distribution by gross histology evidence:determination of apoptotic index anatomy:TS21,skin ; EMAP:4961 cell type: melanoblast ; CL:0000541 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043066 MGI:2660628 J:133403 MGI:3766915 24817 1 evidence:analysis of melanocyte distribution by gross histology evidence:determination of apoptotic index anatomy:TS21,skin ; EMAP:4961 cell type: melanoblast ; CL:0000541 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:analysis of melan IMP GO:0045636 MGI:2660628 J:133403 MGI:3766915 24818 2 ocyte distribution by gross histology in newborn mice anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: melanoblast ; CL:0000541 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045636 MGI:2660628 J:133403 MGI:3766915 24819 1 evidence:analysis of melanocyte distribution by gross histology in newborn mice anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: melanoblast ; CL:0000541 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045636 MGI:2660628 J:133403 MGI:1916320 24820 1 evidence:sKitl melanoblast proliferation assay anatomy:TS21,skin ; EMAP:4961 cell type:melanoblast ; CL:0000541 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Kit signaling pathway implicated IMP GO:0009967 MGI:2660628 J:133403 MGI:3766915 24821 1 evidence:in vitro versican cleavage assay evidence:in vivo versican cleavage assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006508 MGI:2660628 J:133403 N/A 24822 1 evidence:analysis of melanocyte distribution by gross histology in newborn mice anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: melanoblast ; CL:0000541 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048070 MGI:2660628 J:133403 MGI:1916320 24823 1 evidence:general appearance of mice anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048070 MGI:2660628 J:133403 MGI:3766915 24824 1 evidence:general appearance of mice anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048070 MGI:2660628 J:133403 MGI:96677 24825 1 evidence:general appearance of mice anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048070 MGI:96677 J:133403 MGI:2449782|MGI:1856164|MGI:1856161 24826 1 evidence:general appearance of mice anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048070 MGI:96677 J:133403 MGI:2660628 24827 1 evidence:in vitro versican cleavage assay evidence:in vivo versican cleavage assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004175 MGI:1916320 J:133403 N/A 24828 1 evidence:in vitro versican cleavage assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:1916320 J:133403 N/A 24829 1 evidence:analysis of melanocyte distribution by gross histology in newborn mice anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: melanoblast ; CL:0000541 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045636 MGI:1916320 J:133403 MGI:2660628 24830 1 evidence:in vitro versican cleavage assay evidence:in vivo versican cleavage assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006508 MGI:1916320 J:133403 N/A 24831 1 evidence:analysis of melanocyte distribution by gross histology in newborn mice anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: melanoblast ; CL:0000541 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048070 MGI:1916320 J:133403 MGI:2660628 24832 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032281 MGI:95809 J:100200 N/A 24833 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032281 MGI:95808 J:100200 N/A 24834 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032281 MGI:95811 J:100200 N/A 24835 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032281 MGI:1277959 J:100200 N/A 24836 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:midbrain-hindbrain boundary; different embryonic stages; increased cell death IMP GO:0008219 MGI:1100513 J:117035 MGI:2158463 24837 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:midbrain-hindbrain boundary; different embryonic stages; reduced cell proliferation. IMP GO:0008283 MGI:1100513 J:117035 MGI:2158463 24838 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:small cerebellum; severe reduction in size at P0 IMP GO:0021587 MGI:1100513 J:117035 MGI:2158463 24839 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000198;MA:0000211 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:small cerebellum; severe reduction in size at P0 text:decreased tectum size; severe reduction in size at P0 IMP GO:0035265 MGI:1100513 J:117035 MGI:2158463 24840 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fgf8;MGI:99604|En1;MGI:95389|Pax2;MGI:97486 external ref: text:midbrain-hindbrain boundary; different embryonic stages IMP GO:0045944 MGI:1100513 J:117035 MGI:2158463 24841 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042110 MGI:107231 J:117798 N/A 24842 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target:Mapk1 ; MGI:1346858 external ref: text: IMP GO:0032147 MGI:107231 J:117798 N/A 24843 1 evidence: anatomy:ureter ; EMAP:12264 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048745 MGI:107231 J:118250 MGI:3699270 24844 1 evidence: anatomy:ureter ; EMAP:12264 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048729 MGI:107231 J:118250 MGI:3699270 24845 1 evidence: anatomy:ureter ; EMAP:5509 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001658 MGI:107231 J:118250 MGI:3699270 24846 1 evidence: anatomy:ureter ; EMAP:12264 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030432 MGI:107231 J:118250 MGI:3699270 24847 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0014069 MGI:107231 J:118332 N/A 24848 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0014069 MGI:109548 J:118332 N/A 24849 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042982 MGI:107231 J:118332 MGI:109548 24850 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Adam10 ; MGI:109548 external ref: text: IMP GO:0008104 MGI:107231 J:118332 N/A 24851 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:expression down-regulated in response to Pentylenetetrazol IDA GO:0042493 MGI:892866 J:33773 N/A 24852 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reticulocyte system; microsome membrane IDA GO:0005792 MGI:892866 J:33773 N/A 24853 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reticulocyte system; microsome membrane IDA GO:0016020 MGI:892866 J:33773 N/A 24854 1 evidence:ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005509 MGI:106504 J:137305 N/A 24855 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy:MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:105384 J:137305 UniProtKB:Q06219 24856 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy:MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106504 J:137305 UniProtKB:P63017|UniProtKB:P10637 24857 1 evidence:ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mb-1 promoter binding IDA GO:0043565 MGI:98282 J:2685 N/A 24858 1 evidence:ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mb-1 promoter binding IDA GO:0043565 MGI:95455 J:2685 N/A 24859 1 evidence:ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mb-1 promoter binding IDA GO:0043565 MGI:95456 J:2685 N/A 24860 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000584|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mosaic pattern IDA GO:0044424 MGI:95478 J:2313 N/A 24861 1 evidence:ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005164 MGI:104798 J:11207 UniProtKB:P25119|UniProtKB:P25118 24862 1 evidence:ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005031 MGI:1314884 J:11207 UniProtKB:P06804|UniProtKB:P01374 24863 1 evidence:ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005031 MGI:1314883 J:11207 UniProtKB:P06804|UniProtKB:P01374 24864 1 evidence:ECO:0000019; inferred from RNAi experiment anatomy:MA:0002562; cerebral artery cell type:CL:0000192; smooth muscle cell gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006812 MGI:107476 J:127788 N/A 24865 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0001589; submandibular gland cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0016323 MGI:109528 J:127118 MGI:3764882 24866 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000346; salivary gland cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046541 MGI:109528 J:127118 MGI:3764882 24867 1 evidence: anatomy:hard palate ; EMAP:12185 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060022 MGI:107231 J:121262 MGI:3710242 24868 1 evidence: anatomy:ureteric bud ; EMAP:3844 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001658 MGI:107231 J:121262 MGI:3710242 24869 1 evidence: anatomy:primitive ureter ; EMAP:4591 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001657 MGI:107231 J:121262 MGI:3710242 24870 1 evidence: anatomy:paramesonephric duct ; EMAP:5531 anatomy:mesonephric duct ; EMAP:5534 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048608 MGI:107231 J:121262 MGI:3710242 24871 1 evidence: anatomy:primitive ureter ; EMAP:4591 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:107231 J:121262 MGI:3710242 24872 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042130 MGI:107231 J:129078 MGI:3699270 24873 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:CD8 ; MGI:88364|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1891832 J:112614 N/A 24874 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:CD8 ; MGI:88364|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:1891832 J:112614 N/A 24875 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; GO:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1891832 J:112614 N/A 24876 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target:CD8 ; MGI:88364 external ref: text: IDA GO:0010468 MGI:1891832 J:112614 N/A 24877 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030217 MGI:1891832 J:112614 N/A 24878 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8139551|IDA text: ISA GO:0015935 MGI:98158 J:17377 UniProtKB:P139551 24879 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0001589; submandibular gland cell type:CL:0000622; acinar cell gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015279 MGI:109528 J:127118 MGI:3764882 24880 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:O88998-3 gene product:UniProtKB:O88998-4 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:1860437 J:104246 N/A 24881 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product:UniProtKB:Q9CYI4-1 text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product:UniProtKB:Q9CYI4-2 text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1914228 J:93078 N/A 24882 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P15535-1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008378 MGI:95705 J:20319 N/A 24883 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ENSMUSP00000020142 IDA GO:0005743 MGI:1353498 J:100953 N/A 24884 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product:UniProtKB:Q9DAE0 target:Creb3l4 ; MGI:1916603 external ref: text: IDA GO:0004175 MGI:1927235 J:104257 N/A 24885 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P70160-1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:2151253 J:87986 N/A 24886 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q8K4Z6 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0019722 MGI:2429498 J:104103 N/A 24887 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q8CIV7-1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045892 MGI:1338039 J:91895 N/A 24888 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: EMBL:AF469621 IDA GO:0005100 MGI:2147274 J:94300 N/A 24889 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q8R4B0 text: IHC| IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2445415 J:80127 N/A 24890 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_067617 target: external ref: text:Long N-term (LN) form IDA GO:0005605 MGI:87961 J:64996 N/A 24891 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product:UniProtKB:Q60824-1 gene product:UniProtKB:Q60824-2 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015629 MGI:104627 J:56502 N/A 24892 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:EMBL:AF469621 IDA GO:0008360 MGI:2147274 J:94300 N/A 24893 1 evidence:IP-IB following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-61 gene product: text:beta-subunit of insulin receptor IDA GO:0005886 MGI:96575 J:89969 N/A 24894 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:EMBL:AF469621 IDA GO:0030027 MGI:2147274 J:94300 N/A 24895 1 evidence:GFP anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q80WI9 text: Ggn3 IDA GO:0005730 MGI:2181461 J:84438 N/A 24896 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P22561-2|UniProtKB:P22561-4 target:Ntrk2 ; MGI:97384 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:98968 J:102417 N/A 24897 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057|primary_cell_line ; CL:0000001 gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:97610 J:93392 N/A 24898 1 evidence: cell type: anatomy: gene product: text:EMBL:AF488552 IDA GO:0008238 MGI:2442042 J:84745 N/A 24899 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,trophectoderm; EMAP:19 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q7TSK9 IDA GO:0005635 MGI:2152844 J:88688 N/A 24900 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product:UniProtKB:Q80W95 text: evidence: anatomy:white matter ; MA:0001135 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product:UniProtKB:Q80W95 text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1915835 J:91015 N/A 24901 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ENSMUSP00000034546 IDA GO:0005743 MGI:87870 J:100953 N/A 24902 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3; ATCC:CRL-1658? | gene product: text:GGN1 IDA GO:0048471 MGI:2181461 J:96180 N/A 24903 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: EMBL:AF469621 IDA GO:0030675 MGI:2147274 J:94300 N/A 24904 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mme ; MGI:97004 external ref: text:AICD IDA GO:0045944 MGI:88059 J:100260 N/A 24905 1 evidence:ECO:0000087 anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:data not shown, EMBL:AF469621 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2147274 J:94300 N/A 24906 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: expresion decresses Rac levels; assume process of Rac signal transduction decreases; EMBL:AF469621 IDA GO:0035021 MGI:2147274 J:94300 N/A 24907 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:EMBL:AF469621 IDA GO:0008060 MGI:2147274 J:94300 N/A 24908 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: EMBL:AF469621 IDA GO:0030336 MGI:2147274 J:94300 N/A 24909 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: expresion decresses RhoA levels; assume process of Rho signal transduction decreases ; EMBL:AF469621 IDA GO:0035024 MGI:2147274 J:94300 N/A 24910 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q01815 target: external ref: text:Xeopus oocyte injection assay IDA GO:0005245 MGI:103013 J:22307 N/A 24911 1 evidence:gfp, fractionation cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|BaF3 anatomy: gene product: text:EMBL:AF126746 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1344336 J:56367 N/A 24912 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: BAC35287 IDA GO:0005743 MGI:2443386 J:100953 N/A 24913 1 evidence: anatomy:erebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 cell type:granule_cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: IDA GO:0007409 MGI:1298224 J:88885 N/A 24914 2 target: text: IDA GO:0007409 MGI:1298224 J:88885 N/A 24915 1 evidence:ECO:0000126|inferred from localization of GFP fusion protein|ECO:0000004|inferred from cell fractionation cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|BaF3 anatomy: gene product: text: EMBL:AF126746 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1344336 J:56367 N/A 24916 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:binds Fitz3 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1344336 J:56367 UniProtKB:Q00342 24917 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8 ; ATCC:CCL-226 gene product:UniProtKB:Q8K0M3 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043410 MGI:700013 J:102860 N/A 24918 1 evidence: anatomy:TS1\,one-cell stage; EMAP:2 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q7TSK9 evidence: anatomy:TS2\,two-cell stage; EMAP:6 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q7TSK9 IDA GO:0005887 MGI:2152844 J:88688 N/A 24919 1 evidence: anatomy:TS1\,one-cell stage; EMAP:2 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:O35219-1 text: evidence: anatomy:TS2\,two-cell stage; EMAP:6 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:O35219-1 text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1341722 J:89383 N/A 24920 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene productuniProtKB:Q80WJ0 text: Ggn2 IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2181461 J:84438 N/A 24921 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: ensmusp00000045654 IDA GO:0005743 MGI:1915240 J:100953 N/A 24922 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_659150.1 target: text: IDA GO:0005743 MGI:92356 J:100953 N/A 24923 1 evidence: anatomy:blood vessel ; MA:0000060 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q8K3G7 text: IMP GO:0001525 MGI:1915835 J:90093 MGI:2661228 24924 1 evidence: anatomy:barrel cortex ; MA:0002712 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035249 MGI:95819 J:64064 MGI:1928279|MGI:1928281 24925 1 evidence: anatomy:barrel cortex ; MA:0002712 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021987 MGI:95819 J:64064 MGI:1928279|MGI:1928281 24926 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:000 IMP GO:0004972 MGI:95819 J:66345 MGI:1928327 24927 2 0001|pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004972 MGI:95819 J:66345 MGI:1928327 24928 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:000 IMP GO:0006874 MGI:95819 J:66345 MGI:1928327 24929 2 0001|pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006874 MGI:95819 J:66345 MGI:1928327 24930 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:000 IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95819 J:66345 MGI:1928327 24931 2 0001|pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95819 J:66345 MGI:1928327 24932 1 evidence:ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS17\;midbrain;EMAP:2315|TS20\;midbrain;EMAP:4219 cell type:CL:0000700|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Neurog2;MGI:109619|Nkx2-2;MGI:97347|Nr4a2;MGI:1352456|En1;MGI:95389|Ddc;MGI:94876|Th;MGI:98735 external ref: IGI GO:0010468 MGI:1347472 J:124122 MGI:1347476 24933 2 text: Foxa1/2 positively regulate the expression of Ngn2 in mDA progenitors IGI GO:0010468 MGI:1347472 J:124122 MGI:1347476 24934 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\;midbrain;EMAP:4219 cell type:CL:0000700|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Foxa1?/?;Foxa2cko double-mutant embryos exhibited a more severe phenotype than Foxa1/2 single mutants because neuronal specif IGI GO:0048665 MGI:1347472 J:124122 MGI:1347476 24935 2 ication and early differentiation of mDA progenitors were affected, leading to an almost complete loss of mDA neurons. IGI GO:0048665 MGI:1347472 J:124122 MGI:1347476 24936 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\;midbrain;EMAP:4219 cell type:CL:0000700|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Foxa1?/?;Foxa2cko double-mutant embryos exhibited a more severe phenotype than Foxa1/2 single mutants because neuronal specif IGI GO:0045666 MGI:1347472 J:124122 MGI:1347476 24937 2 ication and early differentiation of mDA progenitors were affected, leading to an almost complete loss of mDA neurons. IGI GO:0045666 MGI:1347472 J:124122 MGI:1347476 24938 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\;midbrain;EMAP:4219 cell type:CL:0000700|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:In single mutants, there is a block in the late differentiation phase, with a reduction in the number of mature mDA neurons. IMP GO:0045666 MGI:1347472 J:124122 MGI:2653543 24939 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\;midbrain;EMAP:4219 cell type:CL:0000700|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:In single mutants, there is a block in the late differentiation phase, with a reduction in the number of mature mDA neurons. IMP GO:0045666 MGI:1347476 J:124122 MGI:2177337 24940 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\;midbrain;EMAP:4219 cell type:CL:0000700|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Foxa1?/?;Foxa2cko double-mutant embryos exhibited a more severe phenotype than Foxa1/2 single mutants because neuronal specif IGI GO:0048665 MGI:1347476 J:124122 MGI:1347472 24941 2 ication and early differentiation of mDA progenitors were affected, leading to an almost complete loss of mDA neurons. IGI GO:0048665 MGI:1347476 J:124122 MGI:1347472 24942 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\;midbrain;EMAP:4219 cell type:CL:0000700|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Foxa1?/?;Foxa2cko double-mutant embryos exhibited a more severe phenotype than Foxa1/2 single mutants because neuronal specif IGI GO:0045666 MGI:1347476 J:124122 MGI:1347472 24943 2 ication and early differentiation of mDA progenitors were affected, leading to an almost complete loss of mDA neurons. IGI GO:0045666 MGI:1347476 J:124122 MGI:1347472 24944 1 evidence:ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS17\;midbrain;EMAP:2315|TS20\;midbrain;EMAP:4219 cell type:CL:0000700|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Neurog2;MGI:109619|Nkx2-2;MGI:97347|Nr4a2;MGI:1352456|En1;MGI:95389|Ddc;MGI:94876|Th;MGI:98735 external ref: IGI GO:0010468 MGI:1347476 J:124122 MGI:1347472 24945 2 text: Foxa1/2 positively regulate the expression of Ngn2 in mDA progenitors IGI GO:0010468 MGI:1347476 J:124122 MGI:1347472 24946 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004972 MGI:95819 J:77718 MGI:1928279|MGI:2387441 24947 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95819 J:77718 MGI:1928279|MGI:2387441 24948 1 evidence: anatomy:barrel cortex ; MA:0002712 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021987 MGI:95819 J:82670 MGI:2655237|MGI:2655232 24949 1 evidence: anatomy:barrel cortex ; MA:0002712 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051963 MGI:95819 J:82670 MGI:2655237|MGI:2655232 24950 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95819 J:82670 MGI:2655237|MGI:2655232 24951 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: IDA GO:0005743 MGI:1920583 J:100953 N/A 24952 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q769J6 target: external ref: text:AB095445|Ab112362|AB071302 IDA GO:0004175 MGI:2685556 J:98410 N/A 24953 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q08460-4 gene product:UniProtKB:Q08460-1 target: text:UniProt:Q9EQ26 is a fragment IDA GO:0005249 MGI:99923 J:102457 N/A 24954 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product:UniProtKB:P15535-1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008092 MGI:95705 J:28214 N/A 24955 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002; ATCC:CCL-13 gene product:UniProtKB::P09631-1 gene product:UniProtKB::P09631-2 IDA GO:0005634 MGI:96180 J:88272 N/A 24956 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ENSMUSP00000046011 IDA GO:0005743 MGI:1261437 J:100953 N/A 24957 1 evidence: anatomy:limb skin ; MA:0000694 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product:UniProtKB:Q99JA0-1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:2151253 J:43748 N/A 24958 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q8R4B0 text: IDA GO:0051015 MGI:2445415 J:94990 N/A 24959 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P30728-2 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001592 MGI:94925 J:24208 N/A 24960 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q8R5G7-1 target: text: EMBL:AF469621 IDA GO:0001726 MGI:2147274 J:94300 N/A 24961 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q60953 gene product:UniProtKB:Q8VCC4 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030528 MGI:104662 J:51294 N/A 24962 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| T47i gene product:UniProtKB:Q08775-8 gene product:UniProtKB:Q08775-9 text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:99829 J:91894 N/A 24963 1 evidence:ECO:0000092 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002| gene product:UniProtKB:Q8K4Z6 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009986 MGI:2429498 J:104103 N/A 24964 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q6ZPK0-8 gene product:UniProtKB:Q6ZPK0-3 target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:cerebellum granule cell layer ; MA:0000993 anatomy:dentate gyrus ; IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2384756 J:91979 N/A 24965 2 MA:0002429 cell type:CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy:seminiferous tubule ; MA:0000412 cell type:spermatogonium ; CL:0000020 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 cell type:spermatid IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2384756 J:91979 N/A 24966 3 ; CL:0000018 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2384756 J:91979 N/A 24967 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:secondary oocyte; CL:0000655 gene product:UniProtKB:Q99NH2-3 target: text: IDA GO:0005938 MGI:2135608 J:98299 N/A 24968 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:U87420 target: text: IDA GO:0004559 MGI:107286 J:42783 N/A 24969 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product:UniProtKB:Q1KP04 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008017 MGI:104627 J:56502 N/A 24970 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product:UniProtKB:Q1KP04 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015630 MGI:104627 J:56502 N/A 24971 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product:UniProtKB:Q1KP04 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0060053 MGI:104627 J:56502 N/A 24972 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q60953 gene product:UniProtKB:Q8VCC4 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045343 MGI:104662 J:51294 N/A 24973 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|glandular epithelial cell ; CL:0000150 gene product:UniProtKB:P15535-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003831 MGI:95705 J:36784 MGI:2388614 24974 1 evidence: anatomy:TS1\,one-cell stage; EMAP:2 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:O35219-1 text: evidence: anatomy:TS2\,two-cell stage; EMAP:6 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:O35219-1 text: IDA GO:0005635 MGI:1341722 J:89383 N/A 24975 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q8K4Z6 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004930 MGI:2429498 J:104103 N/A 24976 1 evidence: anatomy:TS3\,4-8 cell stage; EMAP:8 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:O35219-1 text: evidence: anatomy:TS2\,two-cell stage; EMAP:6 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:O35219-1 text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1341722 J:89383 N/A 24977 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q8VCQ6 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043066 MGI:2444110 J:103447 N/A 24978 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|TS1[alpha][beta] gene product:UniProtKB:Q9JME4 target: text: IDA GO:0006915 MGI:1309517 J:76678 N/A 24979 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,spinal cord; EMAP:4251 cell type:commisural_neuron ; CL:0000678 gene product: text:MGI:2179460 IGI GO:0007411 MGI:1315205 J:89780 MGI:2179459,MGI:2662358 24980 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|TS1[alpha][beta] gene product:UniProtKB:Q9JME4 target: text: IGI GO:0006917 MGI:1309517 J:76678 MGI:88138 24981 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,spinal cord; EMAP:4251 cell type:commisural_neuron ; CL:0000678 gene product: text:MGI:2179459 IGI GO:0007411 MGI:1315203 J:89780 MGI:2179460,MGI:2662358 24982 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product:UniProtKB:P15535-1 target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:95705 J:28214 MGI:95290|MGI:95294 24983 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,spinal cord; EMAP:4251 cell type:commisural_neuron ; CL:0000678 gene product: text:MGI:2662358 IGI GO:0009887 MGI:1315202 J:89780 MGI:2179460,MGI:2179459 24984 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product:UniProtKB:P15535-1 target:Egfr ; MGI:95294 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003831 MGI:95705 J:28214 N/A 24985 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q99JA0-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007528 MGI:2151253 J:57708 MGI:2148538 24986 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q99JA0-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045778 MGI:2151253 J:111358 MGI:2148538 24987 1 evidence: anatomy:optic II nerve ; MA:0001097 cell type:oligodendrocyte ; CL:0000128 gene product:UniProtKB:P60202-2 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048469 MGI:97623 J:105188 N/A 24988 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|glandular epithelial cell ; CL:0000150 gene product:UniProtKB:P15535-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009986 MGI:95705 J:36784 MGI:2388614 24989 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland duct ; MA:0000791 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P15535-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:95705 J:75957 MGI:2450889 24990 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q99JA0-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048265 MGI:2151253 J:68693 MGI:2148771 24991 1 evidence:in vitro anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|TS1[alpha][beta] gene product:UniProtKB:Q9JME4 target: text: IMP GO:0006915 MGI:1309517 J:76678 N/A 24992 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland duct ; MA:0000791 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P15535-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:95705 J:75957 MGI:2450889 24993 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9QXJ1-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008542 MGI:107765 J:94887 MGI:3514266 24994 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,olfactory\,epithelium\,nasal cavity; EMAP:4349 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P22561-1 text: IMP GO:0009888 MGI:98968 J:97217 MGI:2183640 24995 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland duct ; MA:0000791 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P15535-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060058 MGI:95705 J:92325 MGI:2178779 24996 1 evidence: anatomy:artery ; MA:0000064 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q99JA0-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045776 MGI:2151253 J:80225 MGI:2445489 24997 1 evidence: anatomy:sympathetic nervous system ; MA:0000225|adrenal gland medulla ; MA:0000119 cell type:dopaminergic neuron ; CL:0000700 gene product:UniProtKB:Q99JA0-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031645 MGI:2151253 J:80225 MGI:2445489 24998 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebra ; MA:0000309 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P70160-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030279 MGI:2151253 J:111358 MGI:3527257 24999 1 evidence: anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q99JA0-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002027 MGI:2151253 J:80225 MGI:2445489 25000 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland duct ; MA:0000791 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P15535-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048754 MGI:95705 J:92325 MGI:2178779 25001 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product:UniProtKB:P15535-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042127 MGI:95705 J:28214 N/A 25002 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product:UniProtKB:P15535-1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009986 MGI:95705 J:17178 N/A 25003 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product:UniProtKB:P15535-1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009986 MGI:95705 J:28214 N/A 25004 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product:UniProtKB:P15535-1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009986 MGI:95705 J:20319 N/A 25005 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product:UniProtKB:P15535-1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008092 MGI:95705 J:17178 N/A 25006 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|glandular epithelial cell ; CL:0000150 gene product:UniProtKB:P15535-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:95705 J:36784 MGI:2388614 25007 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product:UniProtKB:P15535-1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008378 MGI:95705 J:17178 N/A 25008 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product:UniProtKB:P15535-1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051270 MGI:95705 J:17178 N/A 25009 1 evidence: anatomy:TS11\,visceral endoderm\,endoderm\,extraembryonic component; EMAP:194 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|endodermal cell ; CL:0000223 gene product:UniProtKB:98078-1 target:Lrp2 ; MGI:95794 target:Cubn ; MGI:1931256 target:Ldlr IMP GO:0006907 MGI:109175 J:103780 MGI:2387168 25010 2 ap1 ; MGI:2140175 external ref: text: IMP GO:0006907 MGI:109175 J:103780 MGI:2387168 25011 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207|MA:0000891|MA:0000892 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Th;MGI:98735 external ref: text: IMP GO:0043085 MGI:1352456 J:126668 MGI:2429971 25012 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Th;MGI:98735|Gch1;MGI:95675 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:1352456 J:128668 MGI:2429971 25013 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042416 MGI:1352456 J:128668 MGI:2429971 25014 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ENSMUSP00000027392 IDA GO:0005743 MGI:2676312 J:100953 N/A 25015 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ENSMUSP00000025407 IDA GO:0005743 MGI:1916847 J:100953 N/A 25016 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mme ; MGI:97004 external ref: text:AICD IGI GO:0045944 MGI:107765 J:100260 MGI:88059,MGI:1932051 25017 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mme ; MGI:97004|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text:AICD IDA GO:0003677 MGI:88059 J:100260 N/A 25018 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mme ; MGI:97004 external ref: text:AICD IGI GO:0045944 MGI:88059 J:100260 MGI:107765,MGI:1932051 25019 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ENSMUSP00000043456 IDA GO:0005743 MGI:1918929 J:100953 N/A 25020 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ENSMUSP00000036716 IDA GO:0005743 MGI:1919161 J:100953 N/A 25021 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text:NCBI_NP:084048 IMP GO:0005227 MGI:1924106 J:116406 MGI:3694352 25022 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text:NCBI_NP:084048 IMP GO:0006814 MGI:1924106 J:116406 MGI:3694352 25023 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:NCBI_NP:084048 IMP GO:0030317 MGI:1924106 J:116406 MGI:3694352 25024 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:binds catsper1,NCBI_NP:084048 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1924106 J:116406 UniProtKB:Q91ZR5 25025 1 evidence: anatomy:TS23\,urethra; EMAP:8274 cell type:urothelial cell ; GO:0000731 gene product: target: text:EMBL:M63503 IMP GO:0050673 MGI:95523 J:98380 MGI:2153818 25026 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,genital tubercle\,male\,reproductive system; EMAP:5533 cell type:urothelial cell ; GO:0000731 gene product: target: text:urethral plate|EMBL:M63503 IMP GO:0048562 MGI:95523 J:98380 MGI:2153818 25027 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,genital tubercle\,male\,reproductive system; EMAP:5533 cell type:urothelial cell ; GO:0000731 gene product: target: text:urethral plate|EMBL:M63503 IMP GO:0016331 MGI:95523 J:98380 MGI:2153818 25028 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Mme ; MGI:97004 external ref: text:AICD IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1932051 J:100260 MGI:88059,MGI:107765 25029 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ENSMUSF00000010981 IDA GO:0005743 MGI:1921393 J:100953 N/A 25030 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ENSMUSP00000047540 IDA GO:0005743 MGI:1920345 J:100953 N/A 25031 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ENSMUSP00000032981 IDA GO:0005743 MGI:1923686 J:100953 N/A 25032 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ENSMUSP00000031192 IDA GO:0005743 MGI:2148239 J:100953 N/A 25033 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ENSMUSP00000027972 IDA GO:0005743 MGI:1914780 J:100953 N/A 25034 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:ENSMUSP00000035412 IDA GO:0005743 MGI:106922 J:100953 N/A 25035 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:caput epididymis;MA:000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: apical cell surface IDA GO:0009986 MGI:107161 J:24921 N/A 25036 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:caput epididymis;MA:000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:107161 J:24921 N/A 25037 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:caput epididymis;MA:000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005576 MGI:107161 J:24921 N/A 25038 1 evidence: anatomy:TS26\;nasal septum;EMAP:11993 cell type:CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045471 MGI:95789 J:24052 N/A 25039 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99654 J:51889 UniProtKB:P52801|UniProtKB:O08543 25040 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:102707 J:51889 UniProtKB:Q60629 25041 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord dorsal horn ; MA:0001119 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004972 MGI:95819 J:84354 MGI:1928279 25042 1 evidence: anatomy:spinal cord dorsal horn ; MA:0001119 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95819 J:84354 MGI:1928279 25043 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:95819 J:88689 MGI:1928279|MGI:2177650 25044 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; MA:0000185 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048167 MGI:95819 J:88689 MGI:1928279|MGI:2177650 25045 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043197 MGI:2446216 J:97815 N/A 25046 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Grin1 ; MGI:95819 external ref: text: IDA GO:0001948 MGI:2446216 J:97815 N/A 25047 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Grin1 ; MGI:95819 external ref: text: IDA GO:0031396 MGI:2446216 J:97815 N/A 25048 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Grin1 ; MGI:95819 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006511 MGI:2446216 J:96950 N/A 25049 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product:UniProtKB:Q8K450 text: evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product:UniProtKB:Q8K450|UniProtKB:Q9CPU8 text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1913972 J:92446 N/A 25050 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatozoon ; CL:0000019 gene product:UniProtKB:Q8K450 text: IDA GO:0035086 MGI:1913972 J:92446 N/A 25051 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid ; CL:0000018 gene product:UniProtKB:Q9CPU8 text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1913972 J:92446 N/A 25052 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9CPU8 text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1913972 J:92446 UniProtKB:Q61845 25053 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q08460-4 gene product:UniProtKB:Q08460-1 gene product:UniProtKB:Q9EQ26 target: text: UniProt Q9EQ26 is a fragment IDA GO:0015269 MGI:99923 J:102457 N/A 25054 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type:outer hair cell ; CL:0000601 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043195 MGI:99923 J:92443 N/A 25055 1 evidence:inferred from electrophysiological experiment ; ECO:0000164 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [ HEK-293 ] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: target: external ref: text:Slo1-DEC 1169 aa isoform ; Slo1-ERL 1116 aa isoform ; S IDA GO:0015269 MGI:99923 J:118875 N/A 25056 2 lo1-VYR 1116 aa isoform IDA GO:0015269 MGI:99923 J:118875 N/A 25057 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 anatomy:spinal cord dorsal horn ; MA:0001119 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product:UniProtKB:Q99JA0-1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:96382 J:51556 N/A 25058 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q8CIV7-2 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045893 MGI:1338039 J:91895 N/A 25059 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:O88998-3 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051259 MGI:1860437 J:104246 N/A 25060 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|MDCK(NBL-2) ; ATCC:CCL-34 gene product:UniProtKB:P35546-2 text: IDA GO:0001838 MGI:97902 J:94527 N/A 25061 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q0VGT2 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:95728 J:108433 N/A 25062 1 evidence: anatomy:TS17\,embryo; EMAP:2006 cell type:mesenchymal_cell ; CL:0000134 gene product:UniProtKB:Q8BJF5 text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:2445415 J:94990 N/A 25063 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002| NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL:1658 gene product:UniProtKB:Q8R4B0 text: IHC| IDA GO:0015629 MGI:2445415 J:94990 N/A 25064 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q8R4B0 text: IDA GO:0003785 MGI:2445415 J:94990 N/A 25065 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 anatomy:spinal cord dorsal horn ; MA:0001119 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product:UniProtKB:Q99JA0-1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:2151253 J:51556 N/A 25066 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product:UniProtKB:Q9DAE0 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005783 MGI:1916603 J:104257 N/A 25067 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type:epithelial cell of gland ; CL:0000070|peptide hormone secreting cell ; CL:0000167 gene product:UniProtKB:P70160-1 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2151253 J:87986 N/A 25068 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product:UniProtKB:Q9DAE0 target:Creb3l4 ; MGI:1916603 external ref: text: IDA GO:0042990 MGI:1927235 J:104257 N/A 25069 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell;CL:0000001|spermatocyte;CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:bound at least six other proteins text: bound radiolabeled laminin IDA GO:0043236 MGI:105381 J:3984 N/A 25070 1 evidence:ECO:0000182; inferred from in vitro culture assay anatomy:MA:0000276; retina ; EMAP:10606; TS 25 retina cell type: gene product: modification:MI:0560; myristylated residue target: external ref: text: needs to be myristlyated to effect proliferati IDA GO:0008284 MGI:97143 J:126289 N/A 25071 2 on IDA GO:0008284 MGI:97143 J:126289 N/A 25072 1 evidence: anatomy:retina photoreceptor layer ; MA:0001308 cell type:photoreceptor cell ; CL:0000210 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042462 MGI:2443337 J:103713 MGI:3612338 25073 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0046982 MGI:1339708 J:136893 UniProtKB:P15806 25074 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0046982 MGI:98510 J:136893 UniProtKB:Q60867 25075 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: EboxNeuro promoter IDA GO:0043565 MGI:98510 J:136893 N/A 25076 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: EboxNeuro promoter IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1339708 J:136893 N/A 25077 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:binding to NurRE probe (presence of this DNA) IDA GO:0042803 MGI:1352454 J:136893 N/A 25078 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:binding to NurRE probe (presence of this DNA) IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1352454 J:136893 N/A 25079 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97742 J:136893 N/A 25080 1 evidence: anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051918 MGI:2146636 J:134621 MGI:3789962 25081 1 evidence: anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: modification: target:F2 ; MGI:88380 external ref: text: IMP GO:0004867 MGI:2146636 J:134621 MGI:3789962 25082 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15784617|IDA text: ISO GO:0030374 MGI:1921356 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q58WW2 25083 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15784617|IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1921356 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q58WW2 25084 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88216 J:65127 N/A 25085 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88216 J:65127 N/A 25086 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Btk ; MGI:88216 external ref: text: IDA GO:0006469 MGI:1927238 J:65127 N/A 25087 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1927238 J:65127 N/A 25088 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:carbonate dehydratase activity ; GO:0004089 external ref: text: IDA GO:0004857 MGI:1919025 J:125561 N/A 25089 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1339708 J:136893 N/A 25090 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\;pituitary;EMAP:6022 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1339708 J:136893 N/A 25091 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\;pituitary;EMAP:6022|TS24\;pituitary;EMAP:8903|TS26\;pituitary;EMAP:11623|MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1352456 J:136893 N/A 25092 1 evidence: anatomy:TS15\;EMAP:1218|TS20\;EMAP:4219|TS26\;EMAP:11762 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030901 MGI:95522 J:123685 MGI:2448986 25093 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutants did not survive after birth. IGI GO:0001701 MGI:95522 J:123685 MGI:95523 25094 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\;EMAP:442 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030901 MGI:95522 J:123685 MGI:95523 25095 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutants did not survive after birth. IGI GO:0001701 MGI:95523 J:123685 MGI:95522 25096 1 evidence: anatomy:TS13\;EMAP:442 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030901 MGI:95523 J:123685 MGI:95522 25097 1 evidence: anatomy:two-cell stage ; EMAP:6 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:95893 J:38844 N/A 25098 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:10649 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:107496 J:49213 N/A 25099 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:12009 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:98279 J:74148 N/A 25100 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell line; CRL-1573 gene product: modification:MI:0533; glycosyalated residue target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:1913900 J:118145 N/A 25101 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell line; CRL-15 gene product: modification:MI:0533; glycosyalated residue target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0010553 MGI:1913900 J:118145 N/A 25102 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell line; CRL-15 gene product: modification:MI:0533; glycosyalated residue target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030512 MGI:1913900 J:118145 N/A 25103 1 evidence:ECO:0000087; inferred from immunolocalization anatomy:MA:0000134; bone marrow cell type:CL:0000775; neutrophile gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031410 MGI:105983 J:31215 N/A 25104 1 evidence:ECO:0000004; inferred from cell factionation anatomy: MA:0000358; liver cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005758 MGI:1918951 J:114639 N/A 25105 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell : CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030384 MGI:2143585 J:122737 MGI:3716838 25106 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V ganglion ; MA:0001080 anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 anatomy:sciatic nerve ; MA:0001172 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048666 MGI:2143585 J:122737 MGI:3716838 25107 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell : CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 IMP GO:0007033 MGI:2143585 J:122737 MGI:3716838 25108 2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007033 MGI:2143585 J:122737 MGI:3716838 25109 1 evidence:antibody interference anatomy:cochlea ; EMAP:5173 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:support cell IMP GO:0030154 MGI:1891346 J:137155 N/A 25110 1 evidence:antibody interference anatomy:cochlea ; EMAP:5173 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|auditory hair cell ; CL:0000202 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060113 MGI:1891346 J:137155 N/A 25111 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ganglion cell layer ; MA:0001310 anatomy:retina inner plexiform layer ; MA:0001312 cell type:amacrine cell ; CL:0000561 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048813 MGI:1196281 J:129238 MGI:3761008 25112 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ganglion cell layer ; MA:0001310 anatomy:retina inner plexiform layer ; MA:0001312 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060060 MGI:1196281 J:129238 MGI:3761008 25113 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiovascular system ; EMAP:1999 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008015 MGI:88382 J:36444 MGI:1931525 25114 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:F5 ; MGI:88382 external ref: text: IDA GO:0030195 MGI:97771 J:48078 N/A 25115 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:F5 ; MGI:88382 external ref: text: IDA GO:0008233 MGI:97771 J:48078 N/A 25116 1 evidence: anatomy:plasma ; MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005615 MGI:88382 J:60494 N/A 25117 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293T/17 ; ATCC:CRL-11268 cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|HeLa ; ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Ankrd26 IDA GO:0005884 MGI:1917887 J:130984 N/A 25118 1 evidence:gross anatomy anatomy:adult mouse ; MA:0002405 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0040015 MGI:1917887 J:130984 MGI:3774418 25119 1 evidence:gross histology anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046621 MGI:1917887 J:130984 MGI:3774418 25120 1 evidence:fatty acid assay anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019217 MGI:1917887 J:130984 MGI:3774418 25121 1 evidence:measurement of food intact anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060259 MGI:1917887 J:130984 MGI:3774418 25122 1 evidence:histology anatomy:fat pad ; MA:0002481 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019216 MGI:1917887 J:130984 MGI:3774418 25123 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:95655 J:64788 N/A 25124 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11356029|IGI|UniProtKB:P04637 text: ISO GO:0045930 MGI:95655 J:73065 UniProtKB:P54826 25125 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021587 MGI:95655 J:70736 MGI:2388397 25126 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048589 MGI:95655 J:70736 MGI:2388397 25127 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum external granule cell layer ; MA:0000994 anatomy:cerebellum purkinje cell layer ; MA:0000997 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008284 MGI:95655 J:70736 MGI:2388397 25128 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum external granule cell layer ; MA:0000994 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042981 MGI:95655 J:70736 MGI:2388397 25129 1 evidence: anatomy:maxilla ; EMAP:12178 anatomy:parietal bone ; EMAP:12424 anatomy:tympanic ring ; EMAP:13041 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048706 MGI:95655 J:121553 MGI:3711070 25130 1 evidence: anatomy:maxilla ; EMAP:12178 anatomy:parietal bone ; EMAP:12424 anatomy:tympanic ring ; EMAP:13041 anatomy:mandible ; EMAP:12155 anatomy:axial skeleton ; EMAP:12383 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:98297 J:121553 MGI:95655 25131 1 evidence: anatomy:digit 2 ; EMAP:11251 anatomy:digit 3 ; EMAP:11259 anatomy:digit 2 ; EMAP:11319 anatomy:digit 3 ; EMAP:11327 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042733 MGI:95655 J:121553 MGI:98297 25132 1 evidence: anatomy:digit 2 ; EMAP:11251 anatomy:digit 3 ; EMAP:11259 anatomy:digit 2 ; EMAP:11319 anatomy:digit 3 ; EMAP:11327 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042733 MGI:95655 J:121553 MGI:3711070 25133 1 evidence: anatomy:floor plate ; EMAP:2325 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045165 MGI:95655 J:121553 MGI:98297 25134 1 evidence: anatomy:floor plate ; EMAP:2325 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045165 MGI:95655 J:121553 MGI:3711070 25135 1 evidence: anatomy:medial-nasal process ; EMAP:2385 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048598 MGI:95655 J:121553 MGI:3711070 25136 1 evidence: anatomy:neural tube ; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021904 MGI:95655 J:121553 MGI:98297 25137 1 evidence: anatomy:neural tube ; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021904 MGI:95655 J:121553 MGI:3711070 25138 1 evidence: anatomy:neural tube ; EMAP:3525 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007411 MGI:95655 J:121553 MGI:3711070 25139 1 evidence: anatomy:medial-nasal process ; EMAP:2385 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048598 MGI:1926387 J:121553 MGI:95655 25140 1 evidence: anatomy:medial-nasal process ; EMAP:2385 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048598 MGI:95655 J:121553 MGI:1926387 25141 1 evidence: anatomy:maxilla ; EMAP:12178 anatomy:parietal bone ; EMAP:12424 anatomy:tympanic ring ; EMAP:13041 anatomy:mandible ; EMAP:12155 anatomy:axial skeleton ; EMAP:12383 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048706 MGI:95655 J:121553 MGI:98297 25142 1 evidence: anatomy:digit 2 ; EMAP:11251 anatomy:digit 3 ; EMAP:11259 anatomy:digit 2 ; EMAP:11319 anatomy:digit 3 ; EMAP:11327 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042733 MGI:98297 J:121553 MGI:95655 25143 1 evidence: anatomy:floor plate ; EMAP:2325 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045165 MGI:98297 J:121553 MGI:95655 25144 1 evidence: anatomy:neural tube ; EMAP:2324 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021904 MGI:98297 J:121553 MGI:95655 25145 1 evidence: anatomy:somite ; EMAP:1087 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009953 MGI:95655 J:121554 MGI:3711070 25146 1 evidence: anatomy:neural tube ; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021904 MGI:95655 J:121554 MGI:3711070 25147 1 evidence: anatomy:somite ; EMAP:1087 anatomy:neural tube ; EMAP:1259 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045880 MGI:95655 J:121554 MGI:3711070 25148 1 evidence: anatomy:foot digit 2 ; MA:0000466 anatomy:hand digit 2 ; MA:0000455 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042733 MGI:95655 J:121554 MGI:3711070 25149 1 evidence: anatomy:foot digit 2 ; MA:0000466 anatomy:hand digit 2 ; MA:0000455 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042733 MGI:95655 J:121554 MGI:98297 25150 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:response to hexamethylene bis-acetamide IDA GO:0031668 MGI:88081 J:9558 N/A 25151 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:88068 J:27180 N/A 25152 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0048471 MGI:98658 J:27180 N/A 25153 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005794 MGI:98658 J:27180 N/A 25154 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:98658 J:27180 N/A 25155 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98658 J:27180 N/A 25156 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:88068 J:27180 N/A 25157 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88068 J:27180 N/A 25158 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:resorbtion of embrhyos IMP GO:0001666 MGI:894281 J:117034 MGI:3513194 25159 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 2212616;IDA text: ISS GO:0009986 MGI:88158 J:14605 UniProtKB:P28653 25160 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 2212616;IDA text: ISS GO:0031012 MGI:94872 J:14605 N/A 25161 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative bacteria IDA GO:0050829 MGI:108443 J:40483 N/A 25162 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000738|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:In peripheral leukocytes, CRAMP was detected in abundance in neutrophil granules IDA GO:0042581 MGI:108443 J:40483 N/A 25163 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Lipopolysaccharide-treatment induces B1 receptor transcripts in the heart, liver and lung. IDA GO:0032496 MGI:88144 J:31998 N/A 25164 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:The rank order of affinity of the receptor for the agonists and antagonists was: des- Arg9BKdes-Arg9Leu8BKdes-Arg10kallidin@Hoe-1404bradykinin. IDA GO:0042277 MGI:88144 J:31998 N/A 25165 1 evidence:ECO:0000018; inferred from anti-sense experiment anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:antisense IMP GO:0043278 MGI:1919228 J:100587 N/A 25166 1 evidence:ECO:0000018; inferred from anti-sense experiment anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:antisense IMP GO:0043278 MGI:102666 J:100587 N/A 25167 1 evidence:ECO:0000018; inferred from anti-sense experiment anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:antisens IMP GO:0004721 MGI:102666 J:100587 N/A 25168 1 evidence: anatomy:eye ; MA:0000261 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:95655 J:122159 MGI:2388397 25169 1 evidence: anatomy:chondrocranium ; MA:0000317 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048701 MGI:95655 J:122159 MGI:2388397 25170 1 evidence: anatomy:tympanic ring ; MA:0001225 anatomy:malleus ; MA:0001216 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042474 MGI:95655 J:122159 MGI:2388397 25171 1 evidence: anatomy:external acoustic meatus ; MA:0000260 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042473 MGI:95655 J:122159 MGI:2388397 25172 1 evidence: anatomy:palate ; MA:0002476 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060021 MGI:95655 J:122159 MGI:2388397 25173 1 evidence: anatomy:fronto-nasal process ; EMAP:2378 anatomy:primary palate ; EMAP:8175 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045880 MGI:95655 J:122159 MGI:2388397 25174 1 evidence: anatomy:chondrocranium ; MA:0000317 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0048701 MGI:95655 J:122159 MGI:98297 25175 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:5479 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050679 MGI:95655 J:122159 MGI:2388397 25176 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:5480 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002053 MGI:95655 J:122159 MGI:2388397 25177 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Lpar1 and PDZ domains from human Arhgef11 or Arhgef12 (in separate exp IPI GO:0030165 MGI:108429 J:99931 UniProtKB:O15085|UniProtKB:Q9NZN5 25178 2 eriments) IPI GO:0030165 MGI:108429 J:99931 UniProtKB:O15085|UniProtKB:Q9NZN5 25179 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Lpar1 IDA GO:0035025 MGI:108429 J:99931 N/A 25180 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000120; pancrase cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: more severe response to cerulein induced pancreatitis IMP GO:0009636 MGI:1891834 J:88958 MGI:3784016 25181 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000120; pancrase cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: more severe response to cerulein induced pancreatitis IMP GO:0002526 MGI:1891834 J:88958 MGI:3784016 25182 1 evidence:ECO:0000182; inferred from in in vitro culture assay anatomy: cell type:CL:0000057; fibroblast gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:MEFs from +/+ vs -/- IMP GO:0042771 MGI:1891834 J:133728 MGI:3784016 25183 1 evidence:ECO:0000182; inferred from in in vitro culture assay anatomy: cell type:CL:0000057; fibroblast gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:MEFs from +/+ vs -/- IMP GO:0048147 MGI:1891834 J:133728 MGI:3784016 25184 1 evidence:ECO:0000182; inferred from in in vitro culture assay anatomy: cell type:CL:0000057; fibroblast gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:MEFs from +/+ vs -/- IMP GO:0043065 MGI:1891834 J:133728 MGI:3784016 25185 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V ; EMAP:10441 anatomy:barrel cortex ; MA:0002712 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050770 MGI:95819 J:98614 MGI:1928270 25186 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V ; EMAP:10441 anatomy:barrel cortex ; MA:0002712 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048814 MGI:95819 J:98614 MGI:1928270 25187 1 evidence: anatomy:barrel cortex ; MA:0002712 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004972 MGI:95819 J:98614 MGI:1928270 25188 1 evidence: anatomy:epididymal duct ; MA:0001735 cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008233 MGI:87884 J:38658 MGI:2429958 25189 1 evidence: anatomy:epididymis ; MA:0000397 cell type:sperm ; CL:0000019 gene product: target: external ref: text: acrosin activity obsoleted;; changed to peptidase activity. IMP GO:0008233 MGI:87884 J:21944 MGI:2180087 25190 1 evidence:inferred from protein assay;inferred from protein assay anatomy: cell type:peritoneal macrophage;CL:0000581|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008233 MGI:96544 J:136350 N/A 25191 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P31944 RCA GO:0008233 MGI:1335092 J:84168 N/A 25192 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P42575 RCA GO:0008233 MGI:97295 J:84168 N/A 25193 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:UniProt:Q61144-1 external ref:PMID:9353287|IDA text: ISO GO:0008233 MGI:107739 J:73065 UniProtKB:P42574 25194 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P42574 RCA GO:0008233 MGI:107739 J:84168 N/A 25195 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|fibroblast ; CL:0000057 gene product: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008233 MGI:107739 J:105496 MGI:2158753 25196 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P49662 RCA GO:0008233 MGI:107700 J:84168 N/A 25197 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P55212 RCA GO:0008233 MGI:1312921 J:84168 N/A 25198 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P55211 RCA GO:0008233 MGI:1277950 J:84168 N/A 25199 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: text: evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0004180 MGI:101932 J:24436 MGI:1856395 25200 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8635596|IDA text:human; PMID: 8635596 ISO GO:0008233 MGI:1923951 J:73065 EMBL:S82198 25201 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas ; MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008233 MGI:88558 J:1547 N/A 25202 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008233 MGI:88562 J:95873 N/A 25203 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum ; MA:0000198 cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: target: external ref: text: IC GO:0006508 MGI:88562 J:95873 GO:0008233 25204 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0010646 MGI:95819 J:103934 MGI:1928270 25205 1 evidence:inferred from enzyme inhibition;ECO:0000184 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008233 MGI:88380 J:133917 N/A 25206 1 evidence:inhibitor zAAD-cmk anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: IMP GO:0008233 MGI:109267 J:93322 N/A 25207 2 inhibitor zAAD-cmk IMP GO:0008233 MGI:109267 J:93322 N/A 25208 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Diablo ; MGI:1913843 text:complements yeast mutation IGI GO:0008233 MGI:2135611 J:100749 SGD:S000004638 25209 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\,embryo; EMAP:12 cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008233 MGI:97004 J:100260 N/A 25210 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Col1a1 ; MGI:88467 target:Col1a2 ; MGI:88468 external ref: text: IDA GO:0008233 MGI:1347356 J:107394 N/A 25211 1 evidence:cell line complementation expt anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:dermatoplastic bivine skin fibroblasts IGI GO:0008233 MGI:3045353 J:107394 N/A 25212 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:UniProt:P55210 RCA GO:0008233 MGI:109383 J:84168 UniProtKB:P55210 25213 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:neuron ; GO:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048168 MGI:95819 J:107871 MGI:2178083|MGI:2181422 25214 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:neuron ; GO:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006816 MGI:95819 J:107871 MGI:2178083|MGI:2181422 25215 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Lpar1 IDA GO:0007186 MGI:108429 J:99931 N/A 25216 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Lpar1 IDA GO:0000187 MGI:108429 J:99931 N/A 25217 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Lpar1 IDA GO:0001619 MGI:108429 J:99931 N/A 25218 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Lpar1 IDA GO:0043410 MGI:108429 J:99931 N/A 25219 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Lpar2 IDA GO:0007186 MGI:1858422 J:99931 N/A 25220 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Lpar2 and PDZ domains from human Arhgef11 or Arhgef12 (in separate exp IPI GO:0030165 MGI:1858422 J:99931 UniProtKB:O15085|UniProtKB:Q9NZN5 25221 2 eriments) IPI GO:0030165 MGI:1858422 J:99931 UniProtKB:O15085|UniProtKB:Q9NZN5 25222 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Lpar2 IDA GO:0000187 MGI:1858422 J:99931 N/A 25223 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Lpar2 IDA GO:0001619 MGI:1858422 J:99931 N/A 25224 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Lpar2 IDA GO:0043410 MGI:1858422 J:99931 N/A 25225 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Lpar2 IDA GO:0035025 MGI:1858422 J:99931 N/A 25226 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:neuron ; GO:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95819 J:107871 MGI:2178083|MGI:2181422 25227 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Lpar3 IDA GO:0000187 MGI:1929469 J:99931 N/A 25228 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Lpar3 IDA GO:0001619 MGI:1929469 J:99931 N/A 25229 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:cells were transfected with mouse Lpar3 IDA GO:0043410 MGI:1929469 J:99931 N/A 25230 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15755723|IDA text:J:99931|cells were transfected with mouse Lpar1 or mouse Lpar2 and the PDZ domain from ISO GO:0007186 MGI:1916882 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NZN5 25231 2 human Arhgef12 (in separate experiments) ISO GO:0007186 MGI:1916882 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NZN5 25232 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15755723|IDA text:J:99931|cells were transfected with mouse Lpar1 or mouse Lpar2 and the PDZ domain from ISO GO:0001664 MGI:1916882 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NZN5 25233 2 human Arhgef12 (in separate experiments) ISO GO:0001664 MGI:1916882 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NZN5 25234 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15755723|IDA text:J:99931|cells were transfected with mouse Lpar1 or mouse Lpar2 and the PDZ domain from ISO GO:0007186 MGI:2441869 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15085 25235 2 human Arhgef11 (in separate experiments) ISO GO:0007186 MGI:2441869 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15085 25236 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15755723|IDA text:J:99931|cells were transfected with mouse Lpar1 or mouse Lpar2 and the PDZ domain from ISO GO:0001664 MGI:2441869 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15085 25237 2 human Arhgef11 (in separate experiments) ISO GO:0001664 MGI:2441869 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15085 25238 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15755723|IDA text:J:99931|cells were transfected with mouse Lpar1 or mouse Lpar2 and the PDZ domain from ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2441869 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15085 25239 2 human Arhgef11 (in separate experiments) ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2441869 J:73065 UniProtKB:O15085 25240 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15755723|IDA text:J:99931|cells were transfected with mouse Lpar1 or mouse Lpar2 and the PDZ domain from ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1916882 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NZN5 25241 2 human Arhgef12 (in separate experiments) ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1916882 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NZN5 25242 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay in presence of exogenous peptide antigen anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032398 MGI:95915 J:4408 N/A 25243 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002476 MGI:95915 J:4408 N/A 25244 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95915 J:4408 N/A 25245 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay in presence of exogenous peptide antigen anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042605 MGI:95915 J:4408 N/A 25246 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001916 MGI:95915 J:4408 N/A 25247 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Grin1 ; MGI:95819 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003723 MGI:107877 J:108921 N/A 25248 1 evidence: anatomy:dentate gyrus ; MA:0000190 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043523 MGI:95819 J:112227 MGI:1928279 25249 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007611 MGI:95819 J:112944 MGI:1928279|MGI:2387441 25250 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007612 MGI:95819 J:115299 MGI:3692441 25251 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048169 MGI:95819 J:115299 MGI:3692441 25252 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V nucleus ; MA:0001028 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:95819 J:117103 MGI:1928270 25253 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V nucleus ; MA:0001028 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043524 MGI:95819 J:117103 MGI:99702 25254 1 evidence: anatomy:trigeminal V nucleus ; MA:0001028 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0051402 MGI:99702 J:117103 MGI:95819 25255 1 evidence: anatomy:dentate gyrus ; MA:0000190 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048169 MGI:95819 J:119834 MGI:3611337|MGI:2448952 25256 1 evidence: anatomy:dentate gyrus ; MA:0000190 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008542 MGI:95819 J:119834 MGI:3611337|MGI:2448952 25257 1 evidence: anatomy:dentate gyrus ; MA:0000190 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004972 MGI:95819 J:119834 MGI:3611337|MGI:2448952 25258 1 evidence: anatomy:dentate gyrus ; MA:0000190 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042391 MGI:95819 J:119834 MGI:3611337|MGI:2448952 25259 1 evidence: anatomy:dentate gyrus ; MA:0000190 cell type:granule cell ; CL:0000120 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007613 MGI:95819 J:122763 MGI:1928279 25260 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK-293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:95819 J:125170 MGI:95820|MGI:1096575 25261 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK-293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:1096575 J:125170 MGI:95820|MGI:95819 25262 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|293 [HEK-293] ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043065 MGI:95820 J:125170 MGI:1096575|MGI:95819 25263 1 evidence: anatomy:frontal cortex ; MA:0000905 anatomy:cingulate cortex ; MA:0000904 anatomy:amygdala ; MA:0000887 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001975 MGI:95819 J:133847 MGI:1928280 25264 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:6076 anatomy:corpus striatum ; EMAP:10311 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021987 MGI:98364 J:92063 MGI:2181440|MGI:3052123 25265 1 evidence: anatomy:thalamus ; EMAP:10298 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048852 MGI:98364 J:92063 MGI:2181440|MGI:3052123 25266 1 evidence: anatomy:dentate gyrus ; MA:0000190 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021879 MGI:98364 J:92063 MGI:2181440|MGI:3052123 25267 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002052 MGI:98364 J:92063 MGI:2181440|MGI:3052123 25268 1 evidence:ECO:0000182 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:obtain fluid from mediat of COS7 cells expressing Sema3a vector IDA GO:0005576 MGI:107558 J:100439 N/A 25269 1 evidence:ECO:0000092; inferred from immunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106206 J:57968 UniProtKB:P70206 25270 1 evidence:ECO:0000092; inferred from immunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107685 J:57968 UniProtKB:P97333|UniProtKB:O35375 25271 1 evidence:ECO:0000182; inferred from in vitro culture assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0007411 MGI:107558 J:100439 N/A 25272 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045668 MGI:98364 J:98255 N/A 25273 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030178 MGI:98364 J:98255 MGI:88276 25274 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|osteoblast ; CL:0000062 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0060070 MGI:88276 J:98255 N/A 25275 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:response to N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine and dexamethasone IDA GO:0031668 MGI:99403 J:17705 N/A 25276 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; EMAP:5230 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002052 MGI:98364 J:108452 MGI:3625176 25277 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; EMAP:5230 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045666 MGI:98364 J:108452 MGI:3625176 25278 1 evidence: anatomy:retina ; EMAP:6334 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060042 MGI:98364 J:108452 MGI:3625176 25279 1 evidence:ECO:0000106 anatomy:MA:0000134 cell type:CL:0000235|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Il4 increases Acp5 mRNA levels IDA GO:0034097 MGI:87883 J:18351 N/A 25280 1 evidence:ECO:0000106 anatomy:MA:0000134 cell type:CL:0000235|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Il4 increases Acp5 mRNA levels IDA GO:0045944 MGI:96556 J:18351 N/A 25281 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0003948 MGI:104873 J:29915 N/A 25282 1 evidence:ECO:0000005 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected; maturation likely by proteolysis IDA GO:0051604 MGI:104873 J:29915 N/A 25283 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:one N-linked and at least one O-linked oligosaccharide, one intra-chain disulfide bridge ISO GO:0051604 MGI:88002 J:32516 NCBI:NP_776414.1 25284 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:response to amyloid enhancing factor resulting in amyloidosis IMP GO:0051789 MGI:98229 J:42137 MGI:2138028 25285 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:postnatal lethality; die within 48 hours of birth ; stopped feeding within 48 hours IMP GO:0009791 MGI:88084 J:101658 MGI:3604881 25286 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:became less active when they stopped feeding IMP GO:0007626 MGI:88084 J:101658 MGI:3604881 25287 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal circulating amino acid level IMP GO:0006520 MGI:88084 J:101658 MGI:3604881 25288 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased circulating ammonia level IMP GO:0019676 MGI:88084 J:101658 MGI:3604881 25289 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to Il-1 IMP GO:0007249 MGI:88123 J:56156 MGI:2384212 25290 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to Il-18 IMP GO:0032609 MGI:88123 J:56156 MGI:2384212 25291 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000057 cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000775 cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000576 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:response to Il-1 and Il-18 IMP GO:0034097 MGI:88123 J:56156 MGI:2384212 25292 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000057|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:97312 J:56156 N/A 25293 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000057|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97312 J:56156 N/A 25294 1 evidence:ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: ISS GO:0016020 MGI:99439 J:63016 NCBI:NP_071592 25295 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651|CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected ISS GO:0045840 MGI:99439 J:63016 NCBI:NP_071592 25296 1 evidence:ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88281 J:64199 UniProtKB:Q9JHG0 25297 1 evidence:ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1889286 J:64199 UniProtKB:Q9R171 25298 1 evidence:ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042803 MGI:88224 J:64199 N/A 25299 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045665 MGI:98364 J:110710 N/A 25300 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98364 J:110710 N/A 25301 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuroblast ; CL:0000031 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045747 MGI:98364 J:110710 N/A 25302 1 evidence: anatomy:adenohypophysis ; EMAP:11624 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021984 MGI:98364 J:114458 MGI:2449045 25303 1 evidence: anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030539 MGI:98364 J:114458 MGI:2449045 25304 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hesx1 ; MGI:96071 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:98364 J:114458 N/A 25305 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050727 MGI:98919 J:105523 N/A 25306 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042130 MGI:98919 J:105523 N/A 25307 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: mouse polarized T cells IDA GO:0032689 MGI:98919 J:105523 N/A 25308 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: mouse polarized T cells IDA GO:0032696 MGI:98919 J:105523 N/A 25309 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: mouse polarized T cells IDA GO:0032713 MGI:98919 J:105523 N/A 25310 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: mouse polarized T cells IDA GO:0032714 MGI:98919 J:105523 N/A 25311 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Il4;MGI:96556|Il5;MGI:96557|Il13;MGI:96541|Gata3;MGI:95663 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:98919 J:105523 N/A 25312 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Gata3;MGI:95663 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043488 MGI:98919 J:105523 N/A 25313 1 evidence: anatomy:lung;MA:0000415 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032696 MGI:98919 J:105523 MGI:2386295 25314 1 evidence: anatomy:lung;MA:0000415 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032713 MGI:98919 J:105523 MGI:2386295 25315 1 evidence: anatomy:lung;MA:0000415 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032714 MGI:98919 J:105523 MGI:2386295 25316 1 evidence: anatomy:lung;MA:0000415 cell type:epithelial cell;CL:0000066|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Gata3;MGI:95663 external ref: text: IMP GO:0000122 MGI:98919 J:105523 MGI:2386295 25317 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:loss of these neurons that is due to increased apoptosis during programmed cell death IMP GO:0043524 MGI:1314872 J:117465 MGI:3487301 25318 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mice showed dystonia, characterized by the clasping of hindlimbs when mice were suspended by their tails IMP GO:0008344 MGI:1314872 J:117465 MGI:3487301 25319 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:consistent failure to finish the tandem walk compared with wild-type mice IMP GO:0007628 MGI:1314872 J:117465 MGI:3487301 25320 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:severe retardation in the initiation of voluntary movement IMP GO:0050882 MGI:1314872 J:117465 MGI:3487301 25321 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mesencephalon of E13.5 embryos IMP GO:0007179 MGI:1314872 J:117465 MGI:3487301 25322 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:MGI:3616404 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:894293 J:117465 MGI:1314872|MGI:108051|MGI:1201674|MGI:98727 25323 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:MGI:3616404 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:108051 J:117465 MGI:894293|MGI:1201674|MGI:1314872|MGI:98727 25324 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:MGI:3616404 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1201674 J:117465 MGI:1314872|MGI:894293|MGI:108051|MGI:98727 25325 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:MGI:3616404 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:1314872 J:117465 MGI:1201674|MGI:108051|MGI:894293|MGI:98727|MGI:98727 25326 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:MGI:3616404 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:98727 J:117465 MGI:1314872|MGI:894293|MGI:108051|MGI:1201674 25327 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043524 MGI:98727 J:117465 MGI:1857259 25328 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal circulating cholesterol level IMP GO:0008203 MGI:88053 J:22858 MGI:2157218 25329 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Serum triacylglycerol levels are increased by 60 % IMP GO:0006641 MGI:88053 J:22858 MGI:2157218 25330 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:pericyte cells IDA GO:0005622 MGI:88056 J:73820 N/A 25331 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:pericyte cells IDA GO:0005622 MGI:101784 J:73820 N/A 25332 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:critical role in the maintenance of K+ homeostasis IMP GO:0055075 MGI:1926943 J:45707 MGI:1926943 25333 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:its disruption severely affects endochondral ossification IMP GO:0030278 MGI:95296 J:30822 MGI:1857507 25334 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P22561,UniProtKB:P22561-4 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003723 MGI:98968 J:88333 N/A 25335 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P22561,UniProtKB:P22561-4 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:98968 J:88333 N/A 25336 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P22561,UniProtKB:P22561-4 modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98968 J:88333 N/A 25337 1 evidence:ECO:0000087; inferred from immunolocalization anatomy:MA:0000165; skeletal muscle cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030018 MGI:1347345 J:133899 N/A 25338 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\, midbrain;EMAP:5059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021953 MGI:1888519 J:124270 MGI:1888413 25339 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Neurog2;MGI:109619|Ascl1;MGI:96919 external ref: text:reduced in mutants IMP GO:0010468 MGI:1888519 J:124270 MGI:1888413 25340 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,embryo;EMAP:4740 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001558 MGI:1888519 J:124270 MGI:1888413 25341 1 evidence:FACS anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009986 MGI:1349451 J:124270 N/A 25342 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000122 MGI:102524 J:133489 MGI:2176272 25343 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045597 MGI:102524 J:133489 MGI:2176272 25344 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001764 MGI:2679336 J:133318 MGI:3695425 25345 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Bcl11b;MGI:1929913|Tbr1;MGI:107404|Sip1;MGI:1913853 external ref: text: IMP GO:0010468 MGI:2679336 J:135318 MGI:3695425 25346 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:MA:0000186 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:1929913 J:135318 N/A 25347 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:MA:0000186 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:107404 J:135318 N/A 25348 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:MA:0000186 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:1913853 J:135318 N/A 25349 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Ctip2;MGI:1929913 external ref: text:Ctip2 genomic region IDA GO:0003677 MGI:2679336 J:135318 N/A 25350 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Ctip2;MGI:1929913 external ref: text:Ctip2 genomic region IDA GO:0006338 MGI:2679336 J:135318 N/A 25351 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Ctip2;MGI:1929913 external ref: text:Ctip2 genomic region IDA GO:0000118 MGI:2679336 J:135318 N/A 25352 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:18255031;IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2679336 J:135318 NCBI:NP_001102776 25353 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory bulb;MA:0000194 cell type:interneuron;CL:0000099|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021891 MGI:109295 J:137254 MGI:3052730 25354 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory bulb;MA:0000194 cell type:interneuron;CL:0000099|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1889585 J:137254 N/A 25355 1 evidence:ECO:0000164; inferred from electrophysiological experiment anatomy:MA:0001328; vomeronasal organ sensory epithelium cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019236 MGI:109527 J:74988 MGI:2657154 25356 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product:UniProtKB:Q1KP04 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031122 MGI:104627 J:56502 MGI:2429314 25357 1 evidence: anatomy:dorsal root ganglion ; MA:0000232 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|sensory neuron ; CL:0000101 gene product:UniProtKB:Q1KP04 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031110 MGI:104627 J:56502 MGI:2429314 25358 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q99JA0-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009408 MGI:2151253 J:101430 N/A 25359 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_067617 target: external ref: text: Long N-terminal (LN) form IMP GO:0008582 MGI:87961 J:64996 MGI:2136176 25360 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9DCP6 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1913301 J:103507 UniProtKB:P60335 25361 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9D122 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1110004E04|1110018O07 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1915923 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D1K4|UniProtKB:Q9D195 25362 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9D1I4 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1110007B04 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1915078 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q3V4B7 25363 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q3V4B7 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1110054P19 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1916018 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D1I4|UniProtKB:Q9D7Q2 25364 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9CZ74 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1200014M14Rik IPI GO:0042802 MGI:1914713 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9CZ74 25365 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9CZ74 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1200014M14Rik IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914713 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D902 25366 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9CR67 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1915128 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q3V4A2 25367 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9CQB2 target: external ref: text:Riken Clone 1110008E06 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1915491 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D828 25368 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9D2Q3 target: external ref: text:Riken cline 2900056E03; no protein id corresponding to it; used only Trembl IPI GO:0042802 MGI:1915527 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D2Q3 25369 1 evidence:GST pull down anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: human RAP80 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1915551 J:89841 UniProtKB:Q96RL1 25370 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9D6X5 target: external ref: text: Riken clone 2310046K01 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1916948 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q3UA06 25371 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:males attempt to mate with males or females IMP GO:0048047 MGI:109527 J:74988 MGI:2657154 25372 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q91YT1 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1190002C06 IPI GO:0042802 MGI:1916106 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q91YT1 25373 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q3V4A2 target: external ref: text:Riken clone used in experiment corresponds to the Q3v4A2 variant IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1916179 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D882|UniProtKB:Q9CR67 25374 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9D6S9 target: external ref: text:Riken cline 2310061N02 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1916911 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9DCW2 25375 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q3UA06 target: external ref: text: Riken clone 2410002G23 IPI GO:0042802 MGI:1916966 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q3UA06 25376 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q3UA06 target: external ref: text: Riken clone 2410002G23 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1916966 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9DCX1|UniProtKB:Q9D6X5|UniProtKB:Q9D6I7|UniProtKB:Q9D784|UniProtKB:P15209 25377 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKBQ9D882 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2010107G23 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1917144 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q8BGG6|UniProtKB:Q8R5J9|UniProtKB:P49070|UniProtKB:P51942|UniProtKB:Q9JJC8 25378 1 evidence:ECO:0000164; inferred from electrophysiological experiment anatomy:MA:0001328; vomeronasal organ sensory epithelium cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019236 MGI:109527 J:76339 MGI:2179812 25379 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9JM62 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 0610011M24 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1917585 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q8R5J9|UniProtKB:Q60870 25380 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9DB97 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1500001L03 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1917614 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9R1Z7 25381 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9CS67 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 5730493L18 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1917875 J:103507 UniProtKB:P56873 25382 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9D6W8 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2310047M10 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1919173 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D9Z1 25383 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9D7C4 target: external ref: text:Riken cline 2310015J09 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1919138 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9CRS6 25384 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9DAW9 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1600014M03 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1919244 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q61233 25385 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9D0Q2 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1919375 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D828 25386 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q80V53 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2600016L03 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1919386 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D828 25387 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9CZX2 target: external ref: text:Riken Clone 2610507L03 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1919390 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q8R326 25388 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q80XD5 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2510002A14 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1919563 J:103507 UniProtKB:P60335 25389 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product:UniProtKB:Q8K419|UniProtKB:P17931 text:UniProtKB:Q8K419|Lgals4 (mouse)|UniProtKB:P17931|LGALS3 (human) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1919815 J:89918 UniProtKB:Q8K419|UniProtKB:P17931 25390 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q8K2Y3 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2610027C15 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1922063 J:103507 UniProtKB:P56873 25391 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9CYS6 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2810459M11 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1920042 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q6P8Z1 25392 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9D009 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2810421N01; no corresponding protein id IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914414 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q6P8Z1 25393 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9D1K4 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1110004E04 IPI GO:0042802 MGI:1920972 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D1K4 25394 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9D7Q2 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2300002G24 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1921425 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q3V4B7 25395 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9D6I7 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2900024C23 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914516 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q3UA06 25396 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9D3R3 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2610029E11; no corresponding protein id IPI GO:0042802 MGI:1921720 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D3R3 25397 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9CR78 target: external ref: text:Riken Clone 2610011M17 IPI GO:0042802 MGI:1913915 J:103570 UniProtKB:Q9CR78 25398 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9D0A1 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2610034E18 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1924165 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q08297 25399 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:human Sin3a; human NCOR1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1929129 J:66985 UniProtKB:Q96ST3|UniProtKB:O75376 25400 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P10518 target: external ref: text:Riken clone id:0610007L13 IPI GO:0042802 MGI:96853 J:103507 UniProtKB:P10518 25401 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q8R5J9 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2010305B07 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1929501 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D882|UniProtKB:Q9JM62 25402 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9CYE0 target: external ref: text:Riken Clone 5730519E19 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1890394 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D6W9 25403 1 evidence:IDA\: immunoprecipitation ; TED:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Erk1, Erk2, Eif2s1 (eIF2a) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1929701 J:93997 UniProtKB:Q63844|UniProtKB:P63085|UniProtKB:Q6ZWX6 25404 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9JK92 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1300018P04 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2135756 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9JLV1 25405 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9JKB3 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1100001A17 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2137670 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9DCC4 25406 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Sry IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2178114 J:75423 UniProtKB:Q05738 25407 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9D6W9 target: external ref: text:Riken clone id 2310047L21 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2179717 J:103507 EMBL:AV174268|UniProtKB:Q9D6W9|UniProtKB:Q9D1C8 25408 1 evidence:Co-immunoppt anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: human also binds Stat5b; Sat5a IPI GO:0005515 MGI:2684927 J:78713 UniProtKB:P42230 25409 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Rbx1, Tceb2(elongin B), Catn B (beta catenin) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:3043305 J:90054 UniProtKB:Q9D105|protein_id:AAH56983|UniProtKB:Q02248 25410 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8 ; ATCC:CCL-226 gene product:UniProtKB:Q8K0M3 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:700013 J:102860 UniProtKB:Q99N57 25411 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9JLV1 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1200005I04 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1352493 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9JK92 25412 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|32D ; ATCC:CRL-11346 gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1352493 J:94503 UniProtKB:Q61698 25413 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q6P8Z1 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2900002K07 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88184 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D009|UniProtKB:Q9CYS6|UniProtKB:Q99KW9 25414 1 evidence:yeast two-hybrid assay|in vitro protein binding assay anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q63009 text:Hrmt1l2 (rat) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88215 J:33751 UniProtKB:Q63009 25415 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P39688|UniProtKB:P43404 text: Fyn (mouse) text:Zap70 (mouse) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88332 J:18500 UniProtKB:P39688|UniProtKB:P43404 25416 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P43404 text:Zap70 (mouse) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88333 J:18500 UniProtKB:P43404 25417 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q8VI42 target: external ref:PMID:8196616|IPI|UniProtKB:Q8VI42 text:Binding to Sla2, UniProtKB:Q8VI42 ISO GO:0005515 MGI:88334 J:76854 UniProtKB:P20963 25418 1 evidence:direct binding anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: Fgf4 and Fgf2 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95523 J:13170 UniProtKB:P11403|UniProtKB:P15655 25419 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Riken clone id 0610006G13 text:AV000112|BB562165 IPI GO:0042802 MGI:95558 J:103507 UniProtKB:P35969 25420 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P35438 target: external ref: text:Grin2a and Grin2b text:P35438 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95819 J:106962 UniProtKB:P35436|UniProtKB:Q01097 25421 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q3U1H1 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1300015L18 ; no protein id associated IPI GO:0005515 MGI:95901 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q545R7 25422 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:UniProtKB:|UniProtKB::P09631-1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96180 J:88272 UniProtKB:P45481 25423 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:Riken clone id:0610007F07 text:AV000285|BY702810 IPI GO:0042802 MGI:96217 J:103507 UniProtKB:P00493 25424 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Socs1 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96629 J:43733 UniProtKB:O35716 25425 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:ecoli expressed human Pip5k2b clone ISO GO:0016308 MGI:1934234 J:38804 UniProtKB:P78356 25426 1 evidence:IP-IP anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|TK-1 ; ATCC:CRL-2396 gene product: text:UniProtKB:Q62230|Sn IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98384 J:94072 UniProtKB:Q62230 25427 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:fetal, child, and adult human retina cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12374762|IDA text:UniProtKB:Q9NZN9 AIPL1 (human)J:79616|PMID:12374762 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2148800 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9NZN9 25428 1 evidence:ADP binding assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15065866|IDA text:UniProt:P35579|MYH9 (human)IDA ISO GO:0043531 MGI:107717 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35579 25429 1 evidence:ATPase activity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15845534|IDA text:UniProt:P35579|MYH9 (human)IDA|J:100268 ISO GO:0005524 MGI:107717 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35579 25430 1 evidence:ATPase activity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15065866|IDA text:UniProt:P35579|MYH9 (human)IDA ISO GO:0005524 MGI:107717 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35579 25431 1 evidence:ATPase activity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15065866|IDA text:UniProt:P35579|MYH9 (human)IDA ISO GO:0003779 MGI:107717 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35579 25432 1 evidence:in vitro motility assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15845534|IDA text:UniProt:P35579|MYH9 (human)IDA|J:100268 ISO GO:0051015 MGI:107717 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35579 25433 1 evidence:in vitro motility assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15845534|IDA text:MYH9 (human)|IDA|J:100268 ISO GO:0030048 MGI:107717 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35579 25434 1 evidence:ATPase activity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15065866|IDA text:UniProt:P35579|MYH9 (human)IDA ISO GO:0030898 MGI:107717 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35579 25435 1 evidence:ATPase activity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15845534|IDA text:UniProt:P35579|MYH9 (human)IDA|J:100268 ISO GO:0030898 MGI:107717 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35579 25436 1 evidence:fluorescence microscopy anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15064761|IDA text:UniProt:P35579|MYH9 (human)IDA|MYH9-GFP used ISO GO:0001772 MGI:107717 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35579 25437 1 evidence:in vitro motility assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15845534|IDA text:UniProt:P35579|MYH9 (human)IDA|J:100268 ISO GO:0000146 MGI:107717 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35579 25438 1 evidence:fluorescence microscopy anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15064761|IDA text:UniProt:P35579|MYH9 (human)IDA|MYH9-GFP used ISO GO:0005886 MGI:107717 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35579 25439 1 evidence:IF of transfected cells anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected) gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15774463|IDA text:UniProt:P35579|MYH9 (human)IDA ISO GO:0001725 MGI:107717 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35579 25440 1 evidence:fluorescence microscopy anatomy: cell type:CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000624 gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15064761|IDA text:UniProt:P35579|MYH9 (human)IDA|MYH9-GFP used ISO GO:0001931 MGI:107717 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35579 25441 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11577348 text:IDA|PMID:11577348 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:1918677 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P2D0 25442 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target:Q06187 target:Q06187 external ref:PMID:11577348 text:IPI|PMID:11577348 ISO GO:0019901 MGI:1918677 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P2D0 25443 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11577348 text:IDA|PMID:11577348 ISO GO:0030292 MGI:1918677 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P2D0 25444 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Xwnopus and Human ISS GO:0030685 MGI:1919202 J:90013 N/A 25445 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:fibroblast ; CL:0000057|3T3-L1 ; ATCC:CL-173 gene product: text: UniProt:Q6QA69|Abhd5 (rat, aka CGI-58) ISA GO:0006629 MGI:1914719 J:93562 UniProtKB:Q6QA69 25446 1 evidence:yeast two-hybrid anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: UniProt:Q6QA69|Abhd5 (rat, aka CGI-58) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:87920 J:93562 UniProtKB:Q6QA69 25447 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binds Rab5-GTP ISO GO:0017137 MGI:2384914 J:73065 NCBI:NM_018171 25448 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:human, PMID: 15016378 ISO GO:0008283 MGI:2384914 J:73065 NCBI:NM_018171 25449 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:humanpermanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela: ATCC: CCL-2 gene product: text:PMID: 15016378 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2384914 J:73065 NCBI:NM_018171 25450 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:humanpermanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Hela: ATCC: CCL-2 gene product: text:human, PMID: 15016378 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2384914 J:73065 NCBI:NM_018171 25451 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: human ISA GO:0008376 MGI:2145517 J:89172 EMBL:BC029564 25452 1 evidence:IDA anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3 ATCC: CCL-92 gene product: text: human, overexpressed human protein in mouse 3T3 ISO GO:0005829 MGI:1924210 J:86479 EMBL:AF041260 25453 1 evidence:IDA anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|3T3 ATCC: CCL-92 gene product: text:human, over expressed human protein in 3T3 ISO GO:0042803 MGI:1924210 J:86479 EMBL:AF041260 25454 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|Jurkat ; ATCC:TIB-152 gene product: external ref:PMID:11390434|IDA text:J:91455|PMID:11390434|IDA ISO GO:0009897 MGI:88332 J:73065 UniProtKB:P07766 25455 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8242750|IDA text:overexpression delays progression through the cell cycle; an inactive form does not ISO GO:0007050 MGI:1919641 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q16667 25456 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:12745075|IDA text:PMID: 12745075 ISO GO:0004722 MGI:1919641 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q16667 25457 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8242750|IDA text:human:PMID: 8242750 ISO GO:0004725 MGI:1919641 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q16667 25458 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: human ISO GO:0009986 MGI:3040968 J:89520 EMBL:AY498550 25459 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:5226314|IDA text:human, binds replication forks, but not single or double-stranded DNA; they use "branched DNA binding" as the term ISO GO:0000217 MGI:2445153 J:73065 EMBL:AF297866 25460 1 evidence:immunofluorescence ; TED:0000019 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|T24 ; ATCC:HTB-4 gene product: external ref:PMID:12766152|IDA text: human ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2445153 J:73065 EMBL:AF297866 25461 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8078902|IDA text:PMID: 8078902 human ISO GO:0005739 MGI:1917633 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q12287 25462 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8078902|IDA text:PMID: 8078902 human ISO GO:0018347 MGI:1917633 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q12287 25463 1 evidence:human pedigree analysis anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:human ISA GO:0007605 MGI:1889850 J:50172 protein_id:AAC69324 25464 1 evidence:immunofluorescence ; TED:0000019 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line; Hela ; ATCC: CCL-2 gene product: external ref:PMID:11418481|IDA text: AAK58687 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1921677 J:73065 protein_id:AAK58687 25465 1 evidence:transcriptional activation assay ; TED:0000041|PMID:11418481 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: external ref:PMID:11418481|IDA text:AAK58687 ISO GO:0045944 MGI:1921677 J:73065 protein_id:AAK58687 25466 1 evidence:immunoprecipitation ; TED:0000023 anatomy: cell type:ermanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: external ref:PMID:11418481|IDA text: AAK58687 ISO GO:0016563 MGI:1921677 J:73065 protein_id:AAK58687 25467 1 evidence:immunoprecipitation ; TED:0000023 anatomy: cell type:ermanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|293 ; ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: external ref:PMID:11418481|IDA text: AAK58687 ISO GO:0008134 MGI:1921677 J:73065 protein_id:AAK58687 25468 1 evidence:ida anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: HUMAN, binds EPM2A ISO GO:0005515 MGI:1925031 J:73065 EMBL:BAA34486 25469 1 evidence:localization of GFP/YFP fusion protein ; TED:0000030 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:EXOSC1, human, PMID: 11812149 ISO GO:0005730 MGI:1913833 J:73065 NCBI:NM_016046 25470 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9988682|IDA external ref:PMID:12600830|IDA text:PMID: 9988682|PMID: 12600830|human ISO GO:0008375 MGI:1919327 J:73065 NCBI:NP_004742 25471 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:9988682|IDA external ref:PMID:12600830|IDA text:PMID: 9988682|PMID: 12600830|human ISO GO:0006493 MGI:1919327 J:73065 NCBI:NP_004742 25472 1 evidence:yeast two-hybrid assay ; TED:0000081 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:HUMAN, PMID: 10749927 ISO GO:0030306 MGI:2384159 J:73065 EMBL:AF219138 25473 1 evidence:immunoloc anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: external ref:PMID:12359426|IDA text: PMID: 12359426 ISO GO:0005794 MGI:1917329 J:73065 NCBI:NM_016548 25474 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:9281591|IDA external ref:PMID:11741908|IDA text:IPI|PMID:9281591|PMID:11741908 ISO GO:0008022 MGI:1306802 J:73065 NCBI:NP_391987 25475 1 evidence:IDA anatomy: cell type:blood_platelet ; CL:0000233 ; synonym:platelet ; gene product: text:human ISA GO:0009986 MGI:1933825 J:78942 EMBL:AF448478 25476 1 evidence:IPI anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:human, binds human Mac-1 ISA GO:0005515 MGI:1933825 J:78942 EMBL:AF448478 25477 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11090342|IDA text: NP_071903 ISO GO:0035116 MGI:1861746 J:73065 NCBI:NP_071903 25478 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:1370825|IDA text:human; PMID: 1370825 ISO GO:0004180 MGI:1923953 J:73796 EMBL:M81057 25479 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12515822|IMP ISO GO:0007059 MGI:1914389 J:73065 NCBI:NP_076944 25480 2 text: NP_076944, RNAi ISO GO:0007059 MGI:1914389 J:73065 NCBI:NP_076944 25481 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:12515822|IDA ISO GO:0000775 MGI:1914389 J:73065 NCBI:NP_076944 25482 2 text: NP_076944 ISO GO:0000775 MGI:1914389 J:73065 NCBI:NP_076944 25483 1 evidence:ADP binding assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15845534|IDA text:UniProt:P35580|MYH10 (human)IDA|J:100268 ISO GO:0043531 MGI:1930780 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35580 25484 1 evidence:ATPase activity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15845534|IDA text:UniProt:P35580|MYH10 (human)IDA|J:100268 ISO GO:0005524 MGI:1930780 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35580 25485 1 evidence:in vitro motility assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15845534|IDA text:UniProt:P35580|MYH10 (human)IDA|J:100268 ISO GO:0051015 MGI:1930780 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35580 25486 1 evidence:in vitro motility assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15845534|IDA text:IDA|J:100268 UniProt:P35580|MYH10 (human) ISO GO:0030048 MGI:1930780 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35580 25487 1 evidence:ATPase activity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15845534|IDA text:UniProt:P35580|MYH10 (human)IDA|J:100268 ISO GO:0030898 MGI:1930780 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35580 25488 1 evidence:IF of transfected cells anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected) gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15774463|IDA text:IDA UniProt:P35580|MYH10 (human) ISO GO:0000281 MGI:1930780 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35580 25489 1 evidence:in vitro motility assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15845534|IDA text:UniProt:P35580|MYH10 (human)IDA|J:100268 ISO GO:0000146 MGI:1930780 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35580 25490 1 evidence:IF of transfected cells anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 (COS-7, monkey, transfected) gene product: target: external ref:PMID:15774463|IDA text:UniProt:P35580|MYH10 (human) ISO GO:0001725 MGI:1930780 J:73065 UniProtKB:P35580 25491 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text: chicken netrin-2 ISA GO:0007520 MGI:1341188 J:94846 UniProtKB:Q90923 25492 1 evidence:immunolocalization anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ECV304 gene product: text: Q9C0H9 ISA GO:0015629 MGI:1933179 J:90046 UniProtKB:Q9C0H9 25493 1 evidence:immunolocalization anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ECV304 gene product: text: Q9C0H9 ISA GO:0005925 MGI:1933179 J:90046 UniProtKB:Q9C0H9 25494 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:8524242|IDA text:UniProt:Q13310human PMID: 8524242 ISO GO:0005737 MGI:2385206 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q13310 25495 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:human ISA GO:0008233 MGI:1913772 J:91690 EMBL:AJ278828 25496 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:human ISA GO:0006508 MGI:1913772 J:91690 EMBL:AJ278828 25497 1 evidence:IP-IB|IF anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: UniProt:Q9DBL9|Abhd5 (abhydrolase domain containing 5) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1890505 J:93460 UniProtKB:Q9DBL9 25498 1 evidence:yeast two-hybrid anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:binding to UniProt:Q6QA69|Adhd5 (rat, aka CGI-58) ISA GO:0005515 MGI:1890505 J:93562 UniProtKB:Q6QA69 25499 1 evidence:nzyme assays ; TED:0000018 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: human POLN ISO GO:0006261 MGI:2675617 J:85120 EMBL:AY136549 25500 1 evidence: enzyme assays ; TED:0000018 anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: human POLN ISO GO:0003887 MGI:2675617 J:85120 EMBL:AY136549 25501 1 evidence:localization of GFP/YFP fusion protein ; TED:0000030 anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002 gene product: text: human POLN ISO GO:0005634 MGI:2675617 J:85120 EMBL:AY136549 25502 1 evidence:ELIZA anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|macrophage ; CL:0000235 gene product: external ref:PMID:10899905|IDA text:UniProtKB:P16150, SPN (human, Galgp fragment) ISO GO:0042742 MGI:98384 J:73065 UniProtKB:P16150 25503 1 evidence:protein purification and assay anatomy:human plasma cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:10899905|IDA text: UniProtKB:Q16667 ISO GO:0005615 MGI:98384 J:73065 UniProtKB:P16150 25504 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:PMID:11792814|IDA text: AAH42134, with human SYNE-2. See J:73684 ISO GO:0005635 MGI:2449316 J:73065 protein_id:AAH42134 25505 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: human bind hDLG ISA GO:0005515 MGI:1921344 J:90865 EMBL:AK024269 25506 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: text:human Hox11 ISA GO:0005634 MGI:1350935 J:11834 EMBL:M75952 25507 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:S. pombe ortholog Cut5 ISA GO:0007131 MGI:1920018 J:90049 GeneDB_Spombe:SPAC23C4.18c 25508 1 evidence:immunoloc cell type:keratinocyte ; CL:0000312 anatomy: penis foreskin ; MA:0001744 gene product: text: UBN1 ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1891307 J:74234 EMBL:AF108460|EMBL:AF108461 25509 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:human ISO GO:0017147 MGI:1344332 J:54017 EMBL:AF122922 25510 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:human ISO GO:0030178 MGI:1344332 J:54017 EMBL:AF122922 25511 1 evidence:ECO:0000020; inferred from specific protein inhibition anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:inhibition of acrosome reaction by antibody against TRPC2 IMP GO:0007340 MGI:109527 J:90939 N/A 25512 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text:Kitl IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96677 J:10751 UniProtKB:P20826 25513 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: text: Kit IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96974 J:10751 UniProtKB:P05532 25514 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:O35317-1 text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97496 J:93761 UniProtKB:O55144|UniProtKB:Q60954-1 25515 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9CRS6 target: external ref: text:Riken cclone 3300001P10 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96702 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D7C4 25516 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref: text:the "a" isoform preferentially interacts with Cacnb2 over the "b" isoform of Cacna1c. IPI GO:0005515 MGI:103013 J:110984 UniProtKB:Q8CC27 25517 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q99JA0-1 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008217 MGI:2151253 J:57708 MGI:2148538 25518 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9WUF3 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2610104C23 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1349399 J:103507 UniProtKB:P63166 25519 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q08297 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2600017H22 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:97890 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D0A1 25520 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000019 gene product:NCBI:NP_808534 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005227 MGI:3043288 J:116406 MGI:3694354 25521 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000019 gene product:NCBI:NP_808534 target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009434 MGI:3043288 J:116406 N/A 25522 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_808534 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:3043288 J:116406 UniProtKB:Q91ZR5 25523 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000019 gene product:NCBI:NP_808534 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006814 MGI:3043288 J:116406 MGI:3694354 25524 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:NCBI:NP_808534 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030317 MGI:3043288 J:116406 MGI:3694354 25525 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProt:Q9D1R6 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98810 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q8BMZ5 25526 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P80313 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2700002C15 IPI GO:0042802 MGI:107184 J:103507 UniProtKB:P80313 25527 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P80313 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2700002C15 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107184 J:103507 UniProtKB:P56873 25528 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|32d ; ATCC:CRL-11346 gene product:UniProtKB:Q8CI61|UniProtKB:Q9JLV1 text: Bag4 (mouse)|Bag3 (mouse) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99517 J:94503 UniProtKB:Q8CI61|UniProtKB:Q9JLV1 25529 1 evidence:IP following surface iodination anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product:UniProtKB:Q8VCX7 text:Igh-6 (mouse) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99546 J:94881 UniProtKB:Q8VCX7 25530 1 evidence:IP following surface iodination anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96431 J:94881 UniProtKB:P11911 25531 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|B_lymphocyte ; CL:0000236|ATCC:CRL-1702 (WEHI-231, mouse)|permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-89 (AtT-20, mouse, transfected) gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96431 J:31951 UniProtKB:P11911 25532 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: target: external ref:UniProtKB:Q8VI42 text:Sla2, SWP:Q8VI42 text:PMID:12024036|IPI ISO GO:0005515 MGI:99613 J:76785 UniProtKB:P43403 25533 1 evidence:IP-IP anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|TK-1 ; ATCC:CRL-2396 gene product:UniProtKB:P15702|UniProtKB:Q62170 text:Selpl|Spn| IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99668 J:94072 UniProtKB:P15702|UniProtKB:Q62170 25534 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product:UniProtKB:Q9JID9 text: (Aps) IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99928 J:62510 UniProtKB:Q9JID9 25535 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P24161|Cd3z|UniProtKB:P29020|UniProtKB:P22646 text: (mouse CD3-zeta isoform)|Cd3z (mouse CD3-eta isoform)|Cd3e (mouse) IPI GO:0001784 MGI:99613 J:18500 UniProtKB:P24161|UniProtKB:P29020|UniProtKB:P22646 25536 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9D9Z1 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1700025D04 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1289298 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D6W8 25537 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q545R7 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 0610010F19 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1330238 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q3U1H1 25538 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P35545 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2010206P06 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:102547 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D828 25539 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q99KW9 target: external ref: text:Riken clone IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106419 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q6P8Z1 25540 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96629 J:62510 UniProtKB:Q9JID9 25541 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9CWT1 target: external ref: text:Riken cline 2410004N11 IPI GO:0042802 MGI:1914239 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9CWT1 25542 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:96677 J:62510 UniProtKB:Q9JID9 25543 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q61233 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2310007K12 IPI GO:0042802 MGI:104808 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q61233 25544 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104808 J:90132 UniProtKB:O70200 25545 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q61233 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2310007K12 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104808 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9DAW9 25546 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:107536 J:89918 UniProtKB:Q8CGB3 25547 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q60954-1 modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104717 J:117676 UniProtKB:P52946 25548 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q96054-1 gene product:UniProtKB:Q96054-2 text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104717 J:95882 UniProtKB:Q62424 25549 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q60954-1 text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104717 J:93761 UniProtKB:O35317-1 25550 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q04690 target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008542 MGI:97306 J:68489 MGI:2137365 25551 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q8R326 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2610002B22 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1913895 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q99KW6 25552 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9R1Z7 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 0610012K15 IPI GO:0042802 MGI:1338783 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9R1Z7 25553 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9R1Z7 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 0610012K15 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1338783 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9DB97|UniProtKB:Q545P6|UniProtKB:Q9CQ20|UniProtKB:Q9D7L7 25554 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniPtoKB:Q9DCC4 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 0610042H17 IPI GO:0042802 MGI:1913444 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9DCC4 25555 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9DCC4 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 0610042H17 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1913444 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9JKB3 25556 1 evidence:IP-IP anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|TK-1 ; ATCC:CRL-2396 gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:106689 J:94072 UniProtKB:Q62230 25557 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type:permanent_cell_line ; CL:0000002|COS-7 ; ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1345171 J:62510 UniProtKB:Q62120|UniProtKB:Q62137|UniProtKB:P48025|UniProtKB:P39688|UniProtKB:P05532 25558 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9CYZ8 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 2310079I02 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914220 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q61576|UniProtKB:Q9WUH2 25559 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q545N1 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1500016H19 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1913482 J:103507 UniProtKB:P80313|UniProtKB:Q8K2Y3|UniProtKB:Q9CS67|UniProtKB:Q9D0C1 25560 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q545N1 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 1500016H19 IPI GO:0042802 MGI:1913482 J:103507 UniProtKB:P56873 25561 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P63166 target: external ref: text:Riken clone 0610011F08 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1197010 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9WUF3 25562 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:AV069319|BY708434 target: external ref: text:AV069319|BY708434|Riken clone 2010309C18 IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1347064 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D828 25563 1 evidence:PCR analysis of embryo DNA anatomy:TS4,embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001824 MGI:1347064 J:57760 MGI:2445456 25564 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9D828 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0042802 MGI:1338041 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q9D828 25565 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9D828 target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1338041 J:103507 UniProtKB:Q921I5|UniProtKB:Q9D0Q2|UniProtKB:Q9CQB2|UniProtKB:Q80V53|UniProtKB:Q3THB2|UniProtKB:Q9D0F1|UniProtKB:P26450|UniProtKB:Q9DCH3|UniProtKB:P32020|UniProtKB:Q61241 25566 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,neural retinal epithelium; EMAP:4344 cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:P22561-2 text: IMP GO:0043010 MGI:98968 J:97217 MGI:2183642 25567 1 evidence: anatomy:uterus;MA:0000389 cell type:mast cell;CL:0000097|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:1194491 J:44053 N/A 25568 1 evidence: anatomy:uterus;MA:0000389 cell type:mast cell;CL:0000097|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:96937 J:44053 N/A 25569 1 evidence: anatomy:uterus;MA:0000389 cell type:mast cell;CL:0000097|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:96938 J:44053 N/A 25570 1 evidence: anatomy:uterus;MA:0000389 cell type:mast cell;CL:0000097|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:96940 J:44053 N/A 25571 1 evidence: anatomy:uterus;MA:0000389 cell type:mast cell;CL:0000097|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:96941 J:44053 N/A 25572 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas;MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:104659 J:57072 MGI:1861919 25573 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas;MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:96522 J:57072 MGI:1857411 25574 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000001|ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005794 MGI:1347360 J:57761 N/A 25575 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000001|ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1347360 J:57761 N/A 25576 1 evidence: anatomy:lens pit ; EMAP:2365 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060235 MGI:102764 J:116102 MGI:3693322 25577 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pax6 ; MGI:97490|enhancer ; SO:0000165 target:Sox2 ; MGI:98364|enhancer ; SO:0000165 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003705 MGI:102764 J:116102 N/A 25578 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pax6 ; MGI:97490 target:Sox2 ; MGI:98364 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:102764 J:116102 N/A 25579 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Sox2 ; MGI:98364 target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893 external ref: text: IDA GO:0019789 MGI:1197010 J:115485 N/A 25580 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Sox2 ; MGI:98364 target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893 external ref: text: IDA GO:0016925 MGI:1197010 J:115485 N/A 25581 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:98364 J:116485 MGI:101893 25582 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:98364 J:116485 N/A 25583 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:101893 J:116485 MGI:98364 25584 1 evidence: anatomy:lens placode ; EMAP:1286 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060235 MGI:98364 J:119175 MGI:101898 25585 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory pit ; EMAP:2375 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030910 MGI:98364 J:119175 MGI:101898 25586 1 evidence: anatomy:olfactory pit ; EMAP:2375 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030910 MGI:101898 J:119175 MGI:98364 25587 1 evidence: anatomy:lens placode ; EMAP:1286 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0060235 MGI:101898 J:119175 MGI:98364 25588 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pax6 ; MGI:97490 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:101898 J:119175 MGI:98364 25589 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pax6 ; MGI:97490 external ref: text: IGI GO:0045944 MGI:98364 J:119175 MGI:101898 25590 1 evidence:evidence:ECO:0000182; inferred from in vitro culture assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10594026|IDA text: ISS GO:0030308 MGI:108090 J:58960 UniProtKB:O14681 25591 1 evidence:ECO:0000182; inferred from in vitro culture assay anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell lineCCL-9 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006917 MGI:108090 J:58960 N/A 25592 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045596 MGI:98364 J:123604 N/A 25593 1 evidence: anatomy:stomach ; MA:0000353 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048856 MGI:103124 J:128378 MGI:3578634 25594 1 evidence: anatomy:gastrointestinal system ; MA:0000323 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009952 MGI:103124 J:128378 MGI:3578634 25595 1 evidence: anatomy:stomach ; EMAP:12093 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030178 MGI:103124 J:128378 MGI:3578634 25596 1 evidence: anatomy:splenic primordium ; EMAP:12536 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048536 MGI:103124 J:128378 MGI:3578634 25597 1 evidence:ECO:0000018; antisense RNA anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell line |CCL-92; 3T3 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006917 MGI:108090 J:127736 N/A 25598 1 evidence:ECO:0000018; antisense RNA anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell line |CCL-92; 3T3 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042493 MGI:108090 J:127736 N/A 25599 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8135813|IDA text: ISS GO:0005737 MGI:99262 J:17186 UniProt:P35268 25600 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8135813|IDA text: ISS GO:0005840 MGI:99262 J:17186 UniProt:P67984 25601 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88316 J:57761 UniProtKB:Q9JLV5 25602 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0030332 MGI:1347360 J:57761 UniProtKB:Q61457 25603 1 evidence: anatomy:foot digit 2 ; MA:0000466 anatomy:hand digit 2 ; MA:0000455 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042733 MGI:98297 J:121554 MGI:95655 25604 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9724629|IDA text:rat Dpm2 used ISO GO:0006506 MGI:1330238 J:50812 UniProtKB:Q9Z325 25605 1 evidence:DPM synthase assay following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9724629|IDA text:rat Dpm2 used ISO GO:0019348 MGI:1330238 J:50812 UniProtKB:Q9Z325 25606 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9724629|IDA text:rat Dpm2 and human DPM1 used in cotransfection ISO GO:0033185 MGI:1330238 J:50812 UniProtKB:Q9Z325 25607 1 evidence:DPM synthase assay following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9724629|IDA text:rat Dpm2 used ISO GO:0004582 MGI:1330238 J:50812 UniProtKB:Q9Z325 25608 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9724629|IDA text:rat Dpm2 used ISO GO:0005783 MGI:1330238 J:50812 UniProtKB:Q9Z325 25609 1 evidence:hydrophobicity analysis of mouse sequence anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: ISM GO:0016021 MGI:1330238 J:50812 N/A 25610 1 evidence:DPM synthase assay following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9724629|IDA text:rat Dpm2 used ISO GO:0005792 MGI:1330238 J:50812 UniProtKB:Q9Z325 25611 1 evidence:DPM synthase assay following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9724629|IDA text:human DPM1 used ISO GO:0019348 MGI:1330239 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60762 25612 1 evidence:IP-IB anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9724629|IDA text:rat Dpm2 and human DPM1 used in cotransfection ISO GO:0033185 MGI:1330239 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60762 25613 1 evidence:DPM synthase assay following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9724629|IDA text:human DPM1 used ISO GO:0004582 MGI:1330239 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60762 25614 1 evidence:DPM synthase assay following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9724629|IDA text:human DPM1 used ISO GO:0005783 MGI:1330239 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60762 25615 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|BW5147.3(Thy-1-e).10 ; ATCC:TIB-234 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:humana DPM1 used to complement mouse cells mutant in Dpm1 IMP GO:0006506 MGI:1330239 J:50821 N/A 25616 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9535917|IDA text:humana DPM1 used to complement mouse cells mutant in Dpm1 ISO GO:0006506 MGI:1330239 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60762 25617 1 evidence:DPM synthase assay following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9535917|IDA text:humana DPM1 used to complement mouse cells mutant in Dpm1 ISO GO:0019348 MGI:1330239 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60762 25618 1 evidence:DPM synthase assay following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|BW5147.3(Thy-1-e).10 ; ATCC:TIB-234 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:humana DPM1 used to complement mous IMP GO:0019348 MGI:1330239 J:50821 N/A 25619 2 e cells mutant in Dpm1 IMP GO:0019348 MGI:1330239 J:50821 N/A 25620 1 evidence:DPM synthase assay following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9535917|IDA text:humana DPM1 used ISO GO:0004582 MGI:1330239 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60762 25621 1 evidence:DPM synthase assay following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|BW5147.3(Thy-1-e).10 ; ATCC:TIB-234 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:humana DPM1 used to complement mous IMP GO:0004582 MGI:1330239 J:50821 N/A 25622 2 e cells mutant in Dpm1 IMP GO:0004582 MGI:1330239 J:50821 N/A 25623 1 evidence:DPM synthase assay following cell fractionation anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9535917|IDA text:humana DPM1 used ISO GO:0005624 MGI:1330239 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60762 25624 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9724629|IDA text:human DPM1 used ISO GO:0006506 MGI:1330239 J:73065 UniProtKB:O60762 25625 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9724629|IDA text: ISO GO:0031362 MGI:1888996 J:73065 UniProtKB:P13987 25626 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|BW5147.3(Thy-1-e).10 ; ATCC:TIB-234 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:human DPM1 used to complement mouse cells mutant in Dpm1 to restore GPI anchor IDA GO:0031362 MGI:98747 J:58593 N/A 25627 2 ed Thy1 IDA GO:0031362 MGI:98747 J:58593 N/A 25628 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003874 MGI:1338783 J:52326 N/A 25629 1 evidence:Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0042803 MGI:1338783 J:52326 UniProtKB:Q9R1Z7 25630 1 evidence:enzyme assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006729 MGI:1338783 J:52326 N/A 25631 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary ; EMAP:3465 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:88354 J:132812 N/A 25632 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98371 J:132812 N/A 25633 1 evidence: anatomy:pituitary gland ; MA:0000176 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:98364 J:132812 N/A 25634 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Sox2 ; MGI:98364 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:97490 J:133921 N/A 25635 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebral cortex ; EMAP:11664 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002052 MGI:97490 J:133921 N/A 25636 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: ISS GO:0008054 MGI:1347360 J:57761 UniProtKB:Q13618 25637 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 10500095;IMP text: ISS GO:0006468 MGI:88316 J:57761 UniProtKB:Q61457 25638 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal gastrulation with no clear evidence of embryonic mesoderm and endoderm IMP GO:0007369 MGI:1347360 J:57761 MGI:2651546 25639 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormally developed trophectoderm; extraembryonic ectoderm: greatly elevated frequency of cells in S-phase IMP GO:0001831 MGI:1347360 J:57761 MGI:2651546 25640 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal trophoblast giant cells IMP GO:0000902 MGI:1347360 J:57761 MGI:2651546 25641 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:embryonic lethality before somite formation ; reduced embryo size; absent amnion;absence of the extraembryonic cavities; embryos were substantially smaller than wild ty IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1347360 J:57761 MGI:2651546 25642 2 pe embryos (E6.5) IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1347360 J:57761 MGI:2651546 25643 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:trophoblast cell;CL:0000351|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88316 J:57761 N/A 25644 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:mesangial cell;CL:0000650|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:response to collagen IMP GO:0051789 MGI:99216 J:103387 MGI:2388024 25645 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:mesangial cell;CL:0000650|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to collagen IDA GO:0018108 MGI:99216 J:103387 N/A 25646 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:mesangial cell;CL:0000650|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to collagen IDA GO:0005886 MGI:99216 J:103387 N/A 25647 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:mesangial cell;CL:0000650|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:adhesion to collagen IMP GO:0001952 MGI:99216 J:103387 MGI:2388024 25648 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:mesangial cell;CL:0000650|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001558 MGI:99216 J:103387 MGI:2388024 25649 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:mesangial cell;CL:0000650|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:99216 J:103387 MGI:2388024 25650 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:embryonic lethality before somite formation; homozygotes die before E6.5 but after implantation, as evident by the presence of maternal decidual tissues at E6.5, ~25% of IMP GO:0001701 MGI:109377 J:66498 MGI:1933265 25651 2 offspring generated by heterozygous matings (i.e. presumed homozygotes) are already degenerative, exhibiting necrosis and hemorrhage, and undergo gradual resorption by E8.5 IMP GO:0001701 MGI:109377 J:66498 MGI:1933265 25652 1 evidence: anatomy:brainstem ; MA:0000169 anatomy:diencephalon ; MA:0000171 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:95809 J:132191 N/A 25653 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043234 MGI:1355296 J:132191 N/A 25654 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:pyramidal cell ; CL:0000598 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050806 MGI:1277151 J:101275 MGI:1888382 25655 1 evidence: anatomy:sympathetic nervous system ; MA:0000225 cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043523 MGI:1277151 J:101289 MGI:2429773 25656 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target:cardiolipin external ref: text: IMP GO:0006644 MGI:1277151 J:102361 MGI:2389489 25657 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007006 MGI:1277151 J:102361 MGI:2389489 25658 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042775 MGI:1277151 J:102361 MGI:2389489 25659 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050812 MGI:1277151 J:109641 N/A 25660 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050544 MGI:1277151 J:109641 N/A 25661 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006644 MGI:1277151 J:109641 MGI:2389489 25662 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050812 MGI:1277151 J:109461 MGI:2389489 25663 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|microglial cell ; CL:0000129 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043030 MGI:1277151 J:113229 MGI:2389489 25664 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043524 MGI:892995 J:115193 MGI:1277151|MGI:1889011 25665 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043524 MGI:1277151 J:115193 MGI:892995 25666 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0043524 MGI:1889011 J:115193 MGI:892995 25667 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043415 MGI:97275 J:116060 N/A 25668 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle ; MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051146 MGI:97275 J:116060 N/A 25669 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:14507911|IDA text: ISO GO:0005829 MGI:1277151 J:73065 UniProtKB:P37840 25670 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:1277151 J:122473 N/A 25671 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:erythrocyte ; CL:0000232 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1277151 J:122473 N/A 25672 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006638 MGI:1277151 J:122525 MGI:2389489 25673 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006631 MGI:1277151 J:122525 MGI:2389489 25674 1 evidence:ECO:0000182; inferred from in vitro culture assay anatomy:EMAP:23; TS5,embryo cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:blastocyst : enhance binding IDA GO:0031589 MGI:99687 J:68197 N/A 25675 1 evidence:ECO:0000148; inferred from in vitro binding assa anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008201 MGI:99687 J:50096 N/A 25676 1 evidence:ECO:0000004; inferred from cell fractionation anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002; permanent cell line|CLR-1636; NMuMG gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000300 MGI:99687 J:50096 N/A 25677 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas;MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Rough microsomes; decrease of gene expression of proteins involved in ER stress IMP GO:0030968 MGI:92638 J:106619 MGI:3652355 25678 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:impaired glucose tolerance IMP GO:0006006 MGI:92638 J:106619 MGI:3652355 25679 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:~35% of mice reach adulthood IMP GO:0010259 MGI:92638 J:109619 MGI:3652355 25680 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal muscle;MA:0000165 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal skeletal muscle morphology IMP GO:0048644 MGI:92638 J:106619 MGI:3652355 25681 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased circulating growth hormone level IMP GO:0060124 MGI:92638 J:106619 MGI:3652355 25682 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreatic islet;MA:0000127 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant mice failed to rapidly synthesize proinsulin in response to a glucose load IMP GO:0032024 MGI:92638 J:106619 MGI:3652355 25683 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:small adrenal glands;small adenohypophysis;small pituitary gland;small thyroid gland IMP GO:0046622 MGI:92638 J:106619 MGI:3652355 25684 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:viability of homozygotes declines starting about 1 week postnatal IMP GO:0009791 MGI:92638 J:109619 MGI:3652355 25685 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased bone mass IMP GO:0001501 MGI:92638 J:106619 MGI:3652355 25686 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas;MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:rough microsomes IDA GO:0006468 MGI:1098684 J:109619 N/A 25687 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in vitro translation system with mutant rough microsomes IMP GO:0045727 MGI:92638 J:106619 MGI:3652355 25688 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:low-salt conditions IDA GO:0043022 MGI:1858417 J:109619 N/A 25689 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:low-salt conditions IDA GO:0043022 MGI:1931071 J:109619 N/A 25690 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:low-salt conditions IDA GO:0043022 MGI:1913462 J:109619 N/A 25691 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:fractionation follwed by western blot IDA GO:0043022 MGI:1916269 J:109619 N/A 25692 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:postnatal lethality;ome deaths occur in second week after birth; more mice die in weeks 3 and 4 IMP GO:0009791 MGI:3040955 J:119562 MGI:3703237 25693 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:no mice survive beyond 5 weeks IMP GO:0010259 MGI:3040955 J:119562 MGI:3703237 25694 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased body weight;postnatal growth retardation IMP GO:0035264 MGI:3040955 J:119562 MGI:3703237 25695 1 evidence: anatomy:brain; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:seizures; tonic-clonic seizures; loss of GABA neurons IMP GO:0007417 MGI:3040955 J:119562 MGI:3703237 25696 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GABAergic cells appear to be generated in right numbers but fail to become GABAergic neurons IMP GO:0021858 MGI:3040955 J:119562 MGI:3703237 25697 1 evidence: anatomy:midbrain;MA:0000207 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:complete depletion of Gad65 and Gad67 expression IMP GO:0010467 MGI:3040955 J:119562 MGI:3703237 25698 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:pups show decreased body weight resulting from their inability to nurse properly IMP GO:0001967 MGI:3040955 J:119562 MGI:3703237 25699 1 evidence:inferred from specific protein inhibition ; ECO:0000020 anatomy:hippocampus ; MA:0000191 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048168 MGI:88256 J:126092 N/A 25700 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060079 MGI:1277151 J:126092 MGI:2429773 25701 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA1 ; MA:0000950 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048168 MGI:1277151 J:126092 MGI:2429773 25702 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:congenital hypoventilation IMP GO:0043576 MGI:1352456 J:105253 MGI:2157566 25703 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:response to hypoxia IMP GO:0001666 MGI:1352456 J:105253 MGI:2157566 25704 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021953 MGI:98367 J:135233 MGI:1929913 25705 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060164 MGI:98367 J:135233 N/A 25706 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:neuron;CL:0000540|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0021953 MGI:1929913 J:135233 MGI:1352456 25707 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005856 MGI:1277151 J:129746 N/A 25708 1 evidence: anatomy:striatum ; MA:0000891 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005829 MGI:1277151 J:129746 N/A 25709 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 1608964;IDA text: ISS GO:0004993 MGI:96279 J:15473 UniProtKB:P28566 25710 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 1608964;IDA text: ISS GO:0051378 MGI:96279 J:15473 UniProtKB:P28566 25711 1 evidence: anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0014059 MGI:1277151 J:132938 MGI:1298397 25712 1 evidence: anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0046928 MGI:1277151 J:132938 MGI:1298397 25713 1 evidence: anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0014059 MGI:1298397 J:132938 MGI:1277151 25714 1 evidence: anatomy:caudate-putamen ; MA:0000893 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0046928 MGI:1298397 J:132938 MGI:1277151 25715 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 8380639;IDA text: ISS GO:0051378 MGI:99842 J:20578 UniProtKB:P30939 25716 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 8380639;IDA text: ISS GO:0004993 MGI:99842 J:20578 UniProtKB:P30939 25717 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected cells; agonist studies IDA GO:0004993 MGI:96273 J:16036 N/A 25718 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:CNS neuron (Sensu vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060291 MGI:1277151 J:134812 MGI:2154692 25719 1 evidence: anatomy:hippocampus CA3 ; MA:0000952 cell type:CNS neuron (Sensu vertebrata) ; CL:0000117 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014048 MGI:1277151 J:134812 MGI:2154692 25720 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected cells; response to agonist IDA GO:0030818 MGI:96274 J:15978 N/A 25721 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:pertussis toxin blocked receptor activity IDA GO:0009636 MGI:96274 J:15978 N/A 25722 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding;ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004993 MGI:96274 J:15978 N/A 25723 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected cells; pertussis toxin blocked receptor activity IDA GO:0009636 MGI:96276 J:43 N/A 25724 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding;ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051378 MGI:96276 J:43 N/A 25725 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding;ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004993 MGI:96276 J:43 N/A 25726 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding;ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 7582481;IDA text: ISO GO:0051378 MGI:109521 J:31112 UniProtKB:P28223 25727 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding;ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 7582481;IDA text: ISO GO:0004993 MGI:109521 J:31112 UniProtKB:P28223 25728 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding;ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 7582481;IDA text: ISO GO:0051378 MGI:109323 J:31112 UniProtKB:P41595 25729 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding;ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 7582481;IDA text: ISO GO:0004993 MGI:109323 J:31112 UniProtKB:P41595 25730 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding;ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 7582481;IDA text: ISO GO:0051378 MGI:96281 J:31112 UniProtKB:P28335 25731 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding;ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 7582481;IDA text: ISO GO:0004993 MGI:96281 J:31112 UniProtKB:P28335 25732 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding;ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7565620 ; IDA text: ISO GO:0051378 MGI:96282 J:30225 UniProtKB:P46098 25733 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding;ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7565620 ; IDA text: ISO GO:0004993 MGI:96282 J:30225 UniProtKB:P46098 25734 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding;ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004993 MGI:96284 J:15791 N/A 25735 1 evidence:inferred from ligand binding;ECO:0000023 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7988681 text: ISO GO:0004993 MGI:96283 J:21931 UniProtKB:P47898 25736 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected cells;cAMP responsive reporter IDA GO:0019933 MGI:96283 J:70063 N/A 25737 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004022 MGI:87921 J:6917 N/A 25738 1 evidence: anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004022 MGI:87921 J:7405 N/A 25739 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GRE element of Rp2 promoter IDA GO:0043565 MGI:88064 J:17588 N/A 25740 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased Adh1 transcription in response to androgen IDA GO:0048545 MGI:87921 J:17588 N/A 25741 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased Adh1 transcription in response to retinoic acid IDA GO:0032526 MGI:87921 J:26933 N/A 25742 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased Adh1 transcription in response to testosterone IDA GO:0033574 MGI:87921 J:37129 N/A 25743 1 evidence: anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:spermatid;CL:0000018|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 anatomy:epidermis;MA:0000153 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:87926 J:38038 N/A 25744 1 evidence: anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:Sertoli cell;CL:0000216|Leydig cell;CL:0000178 anatomy:epidermis;MA:0000153 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:87921 J:38038 N/A 25745 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Serum RA levels following a 50 mg/kg dose of retinol were reduced 72% in Raldh1-/- IMP GO:0042573 MGI:1353450 J:85538 MGI:2667220 25746 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Serum RA levels following a 50 mg/kg dose of retinol were reduced 72% in Raldh1-/- IMP GO:0042572 MGI:1353450 J:85538 MGI:2667220 25747 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Serum RA levels following a 50 mg/kg dose of retinol were reduced 72% in Raldh1-/- and 82% in Adh1-/- IMP GO:0042573 MGI:87921 J:85538 MGI:2180100 25748 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Serum RA levels following a 50 mg/kg dose of retinol were reduced 72% in Raldh1-/- and 82% in Adh1-/- IMP GO:0042572 MGI:87921 J:85538 MGI:2180100 25749 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042573 MGI:87921 J:94065 MGI:97876 25750 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042573 MGI:87921 J:94065 MGI:2180099 25751 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042572 MGI:87921 J:94065 MGI:2180099 25752 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042572 MGI:87921 J:94065 MGI:97876 25753 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042573 MGI:97876 J:94065 MGI:2181412 25754 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042573 MGI:97876 J:94065 MGI:87921 25755 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042572 MGI:97876 J:94065 MGI:2181412 25756 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0042572 MGI:97876 J:94065 MGI:87921 25757 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:male aggression to other males is lacking in Trpc2 -/- males IMP GO:0002121 MGI:109527 J:74988 MGI:2657154 25758 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:aspartate binding IDA GO:0016597 MGI:99917 J:16962 N/A 25759 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:radiolabelled glutamate binding assay IDA GO:0016595 MGI:99917 J:16962 N/A 25760 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:uptake assay IDA GO:0005314 MGI:99917 J:16962 N/A 25761 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas;MA:0000120 cell type:pancreatic B cell;CL:0000169|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0008083 MGI:97895 J:59534 UniProtKB:P05451|UniProtKB:P10758 25762 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000820 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:receptor binding assay; brain IDA GO:0005102 MGI:97931 J:15186 N/A 25763 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000540|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:explant cultures; neurite cells IDA GO:0048843 MGI:107558 J:25500 N/A 25764 1 evidence:ECO:0000087; inferred from immunolocalization anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:two isoforms shown IDA GO:0005886 MGI:109527 J:88868 N/A 25765 1 evidence: anatomy:TS24, brain ; EMAP:8820 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:embryos from E15-E17 IDA GO:0048843 MGI:107558 J:49908 N/A 25766 1 evidence:inferred from reconstitution assay;ECO:0000003 anatomy:TS24, brain ; EMAP:8820 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:embryos from E15-E17 IDA GO:0048843 MGI:1096347 J:49908 N/A 25767 1 evidence:inferred from reconstitution assay;ECO:0000003 anatomy:TS24, brain ; EMAP:8820 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001|neuron ; CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:embryos from E15-E17 IDA GO:0048843 MGI:106206 J:49908 N/A 25768 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1352459 J:71786 N/A 25769 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:1352459 J:71786 N/A 25770 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|germ cell ; CL:0000586 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101893 J:82966 N/A 25771 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101893 J:86143 N/A 25772 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0019827 MGI:101893 J:86143 N/A 25773 1 evidence: anatomy:4-8 cell stage ; EMAP:8 anatomy:compacted morula ; EMAP:9 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101893 J:90627 N/A 25774 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7568196;IDA text:transformed COS-7 cells ISO GO:0048101 MGI:108413 J:37553 UniProtKB:Q63421 25775 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7568196;IDA text:transformed COS-7 cells ISO GO:0004117 MGI:108413 J:37553 UniProtKB:Q63421 25776 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7568196;IDA text:transformed COS-7 cells; calcium increases activity ISO GO:0051592 MGI:108413 J:37553 UniProtKB:Q63421 25777 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893|RNApol_II_promoter ; SO:0000170 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:1346834 J:97652 N/A 25778 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7568196;IDA text:transformed COS-7 cells ISO GO:0048101 MGI:97523 J:37553 UniProtKB:Q01061 25779 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7568196;IDA text:transformed COS-7 cells ISO GO:0004117 MGI:97523 J:37553 UniProtKB:Q01061 25780 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7568196;IDA text:transformed COS-7 cells ISO GO:0048101 MGI:1201792 J:37553 UniProtKB:P14100 25781 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7568196;IDA text:transformed COS-7 cells ISO GO:0004117 MGI:1201792 J:37553 UniProtKB:P14100 25782 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:1346834 J:97625 MGI:3528835 25783 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893 target:Sox2 ; MGI:98364 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:101893 J:99361 N/A 25784 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:MA 10 transfected cells IDA GO:0005625 MGI:1860764 J:70210 N/A 25785 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Sox2 ; MGI:98364 target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893 external ref: text: IDA GO:0003682 MGI:98364 J:99361 N/A 25786 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893 target:Sox2 ; MGI:98364 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:101893 J:99361 N/A 25787 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001|oocyte;CL:0000023 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005626 MGI:1860764 J:70210 N/A 25788 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Sox2 ; MGI:98364 target:Pou5f1 ; MGI:101893 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:98364 J:99361 N/A 25789 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected MA-10 cells IDA GO:0004115 MGI:1860764 J:70210 N/A 25790 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000023|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001556 MGI:1860764 J:70210 N/A 25791 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:inhibition of enzyme activity ; transfected cells IDA GO:0042493 MGI:1860764 J:70210 N/A 25792 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000023|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0040020 MGI:1860764 J:70210 N/A 25793 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:cone retinal bipolar cell;CL:0000752|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:failure of the cone phototransduction cascade IMP GO:0050953 MGI:105956 J:111892 MGI:2657247 25794 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:cone retinal bipolar cell;CL:0000752|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:failure of the cone phototransduction cascade IMP GO:0007603 MGI:105956 J:111892 MGI:2657247 25795 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:retinal rod cell;CL:0000604|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007602 MGI:97914 J:111892 MGI:2181812 25796 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:retinal rod cell;CL:0000604|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009416 MGI:97914 J:111892 MGI:2181812 25797 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:retinal rod cell;CL:0000604|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050953 MGI:97914 J:111892 MGI:2181812 25798 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transformed Xenopus oocytes ISO GO:0015813 MGI:99917 J:22673 UniProtKB:P24942 25799 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transformed Xenopus oocytes ISO GO:0015813 MGI:99917 J:22673 UniProtKB:P46411 25800 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transformed Xenopus oocytes; response to sodium ion ISO GO:0010035 MGI:99917 J:22673 UniProtKB:P46411 25801 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transformed Xenopus oocytes; response to sodium ion ISO GO:0010035 MGI:99917 J:22673 UniProtKB:P24942 25802 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:inhibition of L-glutamate uptake by DL-threo-beta-hydroxyaspartate, L-CCG-III, L-cysteate, L-glutamate, L-aspartate, L-trans-2,4-PDC ISO GO:0043200 MGI:99917 J:22673 UniProtKB:P46411 25803 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8943082;IDA text: ISO GO:0004115 MGI:1202402 J:49823 UniProtKB:Q13946 25804 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased expression in response to SV40 virus infection IDA GO:0009615 MGI:96757 J:20468 N/A 25805 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043621 MGI:102669 J:23599 N/A 25806 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042803 MGI:102669 J:23599 N/A 25807 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis;MA:0000153 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009725 MGI:2135945 J:68786 N/A 25808 1 evidence: anatomy:epidermis;MA:0000153 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051789 MGI:2135945 J:68786 N/A 25809 1 evidence: anatomy:respiratory bronchiole;MA:0000423 cell type:macrophage;CL:0000235|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000902 MGI:96789 J:101217 MGI:2451080 25810 1 evidence: anatomy:respiratory bronchiole;MA:0000423 cell type:macrophage;CL:0000235|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048873 MGI:96789 J:101217 MGI:2451080 25811 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased levels of proinflammatory cytokine (including IL-1beta, TNF-alpha, IL6) and matrix metalloproteinase (including MMP-8, MMP-9, and MMP-12) IMP GO:0001816 MGI:96789 J:101217 MGI:2451080 25812 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal cell proliferation IMP GO:0008283 MGI:96789 J:101217 MGI:2451080 25813 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:alveolar remodeling IMP GO:0048771 MGI:96789 J:101217 MGI:2451080 25814 1 evidence: anatomy:lung;MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030324 MGI:96789 J:101217 MGI:2451080 25815 1 evidence: anatomy:lung;MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006954 MGI:96789 J:101217 MGI:2451080 25816 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10318835;IDA text: ISO GO:0008970 MGI:1341803 J:54918 UniProtKB:Q9Y5X9 25817 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type:CL:0000182|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050746 MGI:1341803 J:129942 MGI:2450672 25818 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:oocyte;CL:0000023|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GPR3 Maintains Meiotic Arrest IMP GO:0040020 MGI:101908 J:105641 MGI:3604483 25819 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15927955;IDA text: ISO GO:0007411 MGI:1347522 J:100820 UniProtKB:O15496 25820 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15927955;IDA text: ISO GO:0051977 MGI:1347522 J:100820 UniProtKB:O15496 25821 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal neuron morphology; abnormal Purkinje cell morphology IMP GO:0000902 MGI:96418 J:39522 MGI:2176236 25822 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal urine chemistry IMP GO:0048878 MGI:96418 J:39522 MGI:2176236 25823 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal limb morphology; abnormal paw/hand/foot morphology; abnormal digit morphology IMP GO:0035108 MGI:96418 J:39522 MGI:2176236 25824 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:lysosomal protein accumulation text:abnormal lysosomal storage in all tissues examined particularly the reticuloendothelial system text:15-20% of hepatocyte cytoplasm tak IMP GO:0007040 MGI:96418 J:39522 MGI:2176236 25825 2 en up by lysosomes by 8 weeks of age IMP GO:0007040 MGI:96418 J:39522 MGI:2176236 25826 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal zygomatic bone morphology; broad head; abnormal rib morphology IMP GO:0048705 MGI:96418 J:39522 MGI:2176236 25827 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006302 MGI:1916966 J:123677 MGI:3719273 25828 1 evidence:histology anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007144 MGI:1916966 J:123677 MGI:3719273 25829 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry evidence:IF anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001673 MGI:1916966 J:123677 N/A 25830 1 evidence:histology anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007141 MGI:1916966 J:123677 MGI:3719273 25831 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007131 MGI:1916966 J:123677 MGI:3719273 25832 1 evidence:histology anatomy:ovary ; MA:0000384 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001556 MGI:1916966 J:123677 MGI:3719273 25833 1 evidence:histology anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000239 MGI:1916966 J:123677 MGI:3719273 25834 1 evidence:histology anatomy:testis ; MA:0000411 cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:1916966 J:123677 MGI:3719273 25835 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001673 MGI:1195972 J:123677 N/A 25836 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000784 MGI:1195972 J:123677 N/A 25837 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001673 MGI:102688 J:123677 N/A 25838 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000790 MGI:102688 J:123677 N/A 25839 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005712 MGI:101938 J:123677 N/A 25840 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001673 MGI:101938 J:123677 N/A 25841 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005712 MGI:1353455 J:123677 N/A 25842 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001673 MGI:1353455 J:123677 N/A 25843 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001673 MGI:105931 J:123677 N/A 25844 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000795 MGI:105931 J:123677 N/A 25845 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001673 MGI:109542 J:123677 N/A 25846 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0000795 MGI:109542 J:123677 N/A 25847 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001673 MGI:1328362 J:123677 N/A 25848 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001673 MGI:1920018 J:123677 N/A 25849 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001673 MGI:1915525 J:123677 N/A 25850 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001673 MGI:1355311 J:123677 N/A 25851 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030893 MGI:1355311 J:123677 N/A 25852 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007141 MGI:1349669 J:123677 MGI:2178805 25853 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:1349669 J:123677 MGI:2178805 25854 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007141 MGI:3028590 J:123677 MGI:2176973 25855 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:3028590 J:123677 MGI:2176973 25856 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001673 MGI:1929645 J:123677 N/A 25857 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030893 MGI:1929645 J:123677 N/A 25858 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007141 MGI:1929645 J:123677 MGI:3512754 25859 1 evidence:histology anatomy: cell type:ovary ; MA:0000384 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001556 MGI:1929645 J:123677 MGI:3512754 25860 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:1929645 J:123677 MGI:3512754 25861 1 evidence:IF anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007129 MGI:1929645 J:123677 MGI:3512754 25862 1 evidence:histology anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007141 MGI:105393 J:123677 MGI:2176331 25863 1 evidence:histology anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001556 MGI:105393 J:123677 MGI:2176331 25864 1 evidence:histology anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0000239 MGI:105393 J:123677 MGI:2176331 25865 1 evidence:histology anatomy: cell type:spermatocyte ; CL:0000017 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007286 MGI:105393 J:123677 MGI:2176331 25866 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002481 MGI:95915 J:104295 N/A 25867 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001916 MGI:95915 J:104295 N/A 25868 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002237 MGI:95915 J:104295 N/A 25869 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:RMA-S gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Tap2-deficient RMA-S cells used in assay IMP GO:0002481 MGI:98484 J:104295 N/A 25870 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:RMA-S gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Tap2-deficient RMA-S cells used in assay IMP GO:0001916 MGI:98484 J:104295 N/A 25871 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|cell_line:RMA-S gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Tap2-deficient RMA-S cells used in assay IMP GO:0002237 MGI:98484 J:104295 N/A 25872 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|EL4 ; ATCC:TIB-39 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:a B2m-deficient varient of the EL4 cell line (C4.4) used in assay IMP GO:0002481 MGI:88127 J:104295 N/A 25873 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|EL4 ; ATCC:TIB-39 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:a B2m-deficient varient of the EL4 cell line (C4.4) used in assay IMP GO:0001916 MGI:88127 J:104295 N/A 25874 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line ; CL:0000002|T cell ; CL:0000084|EL4 ; ATCC:TIB-39 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:a B2m-deficient varient of the EL4 cell line (C4.4) used in assay IMP GO:0002237 MGI:88127 J:104295 N/A 25875 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:5475 anatomy:cardiovascular system ; EMAP:5248|palatal shelf ; EMAP:5474 anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:6623 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031012 MGI:88467 J:30059 N/A 25876 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:5475 anatomy:cardiovascular system ; EMAP:5248|palatal shelf ; EMAP:5474 anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:6623 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:95566 J:30059 N/A 25877 1 evidence: anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:6623 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031012 MGI:88453 J:30059 N/A 25878 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:3206 anatomy:lung ; EMAP:5545 anatomy:lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031012 MGI:88453 J:32939 N/A 25879 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:3206 anatomy:lung ; EMAP:5545 anatomy:lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031012 MGI:88467 J:32939 N/A 25880 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:3206 anatomy:lung ; EMAP:5545 anatomy:lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031012 MGI:95566 J:32939 N/A 25881 1 evidence: anatomy:lung ; EMAP:3206 anatomy:lung ; EMAP:5545 anatomy:lung ; EMAP:12324 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031012 MGI:98725 J:32939 N/A 25882 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8900172|IDA text: ISO GO:0048407 MGI:88453 J:73065 UniProtKB:P02461 25883 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8900172|IDA text: ISO GO:0048407 MGI:88459 J:73065 UniProt:P12109 25884 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8900172|IDA text: ISO GO:0048407 MGI:88457 J:73065 UniProt:P20908 25885 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8900172|IDA text: ISO GO:0048407 MGI:88454 J:73065 UniProt:P02462 25886 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8900172|IDA text: ISO GO:0048407 MGI:88452 J:73065 UniPRotKB:P02458 25887 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8900172|IDA text: ISO GO:0048407 MGI:88468 J:73065 UniProt:P08123 25888 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8900172|IDA text: ISO GO:0048407 MGI:88467 J:73065 UniPRotKB:P02452 25889 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8900172|IDA text: ISO GO:0005518 MGI:97527 J:73065 UniProtKB:P04085 25890 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8900172|IDA text: ISO GO:0005518 MGI:97528 J:73065 UniProtKB:P01127 25891 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:88453 J:39273 MGI:1857431 25892 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048565 MGI:88453 J:39273 MGI:1857431 25893 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:88453 J:39273 MGI:1857431 25894 1 evidence: anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:stromal cell;CL:0000499|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015629 MGI:87909 J:126330 N/A 25895 1 evidence: anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:stromal cell;CL:0000499|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005882 MGI:98932 J:126330 N/A 25896 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:stromal cell;CL:0000499|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1917943 J:126330 N/A 25897 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:stromal cell;CL:0000499|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88329 J:126330 N/A 25898 1 evidence: anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:stromal cell;CL:0000499|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044464 MGI:105113 J:126330 N/A 25899 1 evidence: anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:stromal cell;CL:0000499|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044464 MGI:1342328 J:126330 N/A 25900 1 evidence: anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:stromal cell;CL:0000499|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044464 MGI:102670 J:126330 N/A 25901 1 evidence: anatomy:testis;MA:0000411 cell type:stromal cell;CL:0000499|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101893 J:126330 N/A 25902 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:endoderm or ectoderm IDA GO:0044464 MGI:1347476 J:126330 N/A 25903 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044464 MGI:104697 J:126330 N/A 25904 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence; ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044464 MGI:95697 J:126330 N/A 25905 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebral cartilage condensation ; EMAP:6788 anatomy:intervertebral disc ; EMAP:13467 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051216 MGI:88452 J:51376 MGI:2152978 25906 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Col1a1 ; MGI:88467 external ref: text: IMP GO:0051604 MGI:88283 J:64899 MGI:2385994 25907 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland alveolus ; MA:0002760 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030879 MGI:99216 J:68368 MGI:2388024 25908 1 evidence: anatomy:outer ear ; MA:0000258 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043583 MGI:99216 J:68368 MGI:2388024 25909 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:42 anatomy:endometrium ; MA:0000390 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007566 MGI:99216 J:68368 MGI:2388024 25910 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:T cell;CL:0000084|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051384 MGI:95712 J:1663 N/A 25911 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:premature death; only about 50% survive until after 6 weeks of age IMP GO:0010259 MGI:101931 J:40984 MGI:2449707 25912 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:convulsive seizures; susceptibility to pharmacologically induced seizures IMP GO:0030534 MGI:101931 J:40984 MGI:2449707 25913 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:postnatal growth retardation IMP GO:0035264 MGI:101931 J:40984 MGI:2449707 25914 1 evidence: anatomy:telencephalon;MA:0000183 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal telencephalon morphology IMP GO:0021537 MGI:101931 J:40984 MGI:2449707 25915 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal nervous system physiology IMP GO:0007399 MGI:101931 J:40984 MGI:2449707 25916 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:subconvulsive doses of pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) lead to high voltage sharp wave bursts IMP GO:0042493 MGI:101931 J:40984 MGI:2449707 25917 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:response to glutamate IMP GO:0043200 MGI:101931 J:40984 MGI:2449707 25918 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:response to injury IMP GO:0009611 MGI:101931 J:40984 MGI:2449707 25919 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:spinal cord;EMAP:5102 cell type:neuroepithelial cell;CL:0000710|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:99917 J:44290 N/A 25920 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy:spinal cord;EMAP:5102 cell type:neuroepithelial cell;CL:0000710|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005882 MGI:101784 J:44290 N/A 25921 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:astrocyte;CL:0000127|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005882 MGI:95697 J:44290 N/A 25922 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0008021 MGI:98467 J:44290 N/A 25923 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000358|MA:0000368|MA:0000415|MA:0000168|MA:0000072|MA:0000165|MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004363 MGI:95852 J:34320 N/A 25924 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:yeast transformed with mouse cDNA IDA GO:0046686 MGI:95852 J:34320 N/A 25925 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:BHK tk2 (ts13)-transfected cell lysate IDA GO:0004385 MGI:95871 J:34091 N/A 25926 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:BHK tk2 (ts13)-transfected cell lysate ISO GO:0004385 MGI:95871 J:34091 UniProtKB:Q16774 25927 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased susceptibility to bacterial infection; impaired ability to resolve infection with Listeria monocytogenes IGI GO:0050830 MGI:95527 J:16994 MGI:96052 25928 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased susceptibility to bacterial infection; impaired ability to resolve infection with Listeria monocytogenes IGI GO:0050830 MGI:96052 J:16994 MGI:95527 25929 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:phagocytosis is impared IMP GO:0006909 MGI:96052 J:16994 MGI:2384049 25930 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,embryo ; EMAP:5719 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:embryonic lethality during organogenesis; homozygotes die of rapid, fatal anemia at ~E14 after switching of embryonic hematopoiesis to the fetal l IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1342771 J:25650 MGI:1857557 25931 2 iver IMP GO:0001701 MGI:1342771 J:25650 MGI:1857557 25932 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal erythropoiesis; anemia; decreased hemoglobin content; impaired hematopoiesis; erythroblastosis IMP GO:0035162 MGI:1342771 J:25650 MGI:1857557 25933 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\, liver and biliary system ; EMAP:4570 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:fetal small liver; pale liver IMP GO:0001889 MGI:1342771 J:25650 MGI:1857557 25934 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:at E12.5, homozygotes exhibit erythroblastosis IMP GO:0048821 MGI:1342771 J:25650 MGI:1857557 25935 1 evidence: anatomy:back bone ; MA:0000494 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001501 MGI:88458 J:22301 MGI:2152946 25936 1 evidence: anatomy:tibia ; EMAP:12911 anatomy:femur ; EMAP:12914 anatomy:humerus ; EMAP:12851 anatomy:radius ; EMAP:12794 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002063 MGI:99829 J:54095 MGI:2176466 25937 1 evidence: anatomy:femur ; EMAP:12914 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030278 MGI:99829 J:54095 MGI:2176466 25938 1 evidence: anatomy:aorta ; MA:0000062 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001568 MGI:88457 J:112728 MGI:3664598 25939 1 evidence: anatomy:dermis connective tissue ; MA:0000799 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:88457 J:112728 MGI:3664598 25940 1 evidence: anatomy:dermis connective tissue ; MA:0000799 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043588 MGI:88457 J:112728 MGI:3664598 25941 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fibroblast;CL:0000057|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Fosl1;MGI:107179 external ref: text:reduced expression in response to serum in c-Fos mutants IMP GO:0031668 MGI:95574 J:42942 N/A 25942 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fibroblast;CL:0000057|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Fosl1;MGI:107179 external ref: text:reduced expression in response to serum in c-Fos mutants IMP GO:0045944 MGI:95574 J:42942 N/A 25943 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:fibroblast;CL:0000057|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased expression in response to serum IDA GO:0031668 MGI:107179 J:42942 N/A 25944 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:1461 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051128 MGI:88457 J:113133 MGI:3664598 25945 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:virus-encoded mouse Fosl2 in chicken embryo IDA GO:0048146 MGI:102858 J:21147 N/A 25946 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:1461 anatomy:dermis connective tissue ; MA:0000799 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:88457 J:113133 MGI:3664598 25947 1 evidence: anatomy:dermis connective tissue ; MA:0000799 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043588 MGI:88457 J:113133 MGI:3664598 25948 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,liver ; EMAP:4577 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1927549 J:16244 N/A 25949 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy:TS20\,liver ; EMAP:4577 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:"eG" HNF3 binding site from serum albumin enhancer IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1927549 J:16244 N/A 25950 1 evidence: anatomy:TS20\,liver ; EMAP:4577 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1347472 J:16244 N/A 25951 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy:TS20\,liver ; EMAP:4577 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:"eG" HNF3 binding site from serum albumin enhancer IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1347472 J:16244 N/A 25952 1 evidence: anatomy:valve ; EMAP:11516 anatomy:cardiac muscle ; EMAP:11533|cardiac muscle ; EMAP:11536 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031012 MGI:88457 J:116643 N/A 25953 1 evidence: anatomy:valve ; EMAP:11516 anatomy:cardiac muscle ; EMAP:11533|cardiac muscle ; EMAP:11536 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031012 MGI:88446 J:116643 N/A 25954 1 evidence: anatomy:valve ; EMAP:11516 anatomy:cardiac muscle ; EMAP:11533|cardiac muscle ; EMAP:11536 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031012 MGI:88467 J:116643 N/A 25955 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:109128 J:16244 N/A 25956 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:apolipoprotein CIII binding site IDA GO:0043565 MGI:109128 J:16244 N/A 25957 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiac muscle ; EMAP:11533|cardiac muscle ; EMAP:11536 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0055010 MGI:88446 J:116643 MGI:1856399 25958 1 evidence: anatomy:valve ; EMAP:11516 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0003007 MGI:88446 J:116643 MGI:88457 25959 1 evidence: anatomy:valve ; EMAP:11516 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0003007 MGI:88457 J:116643 MGI:88446 25960 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiac muscle ; EMAP:11533|cardiac muscle ; EMAP:11536 anatomy:valve ; EMAP:11516 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031012 MGI:88467 J:116643 N/A 25961 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:nuclear extract IDA GO:0005634 MGI:97306 J:16244 N/A 25962 1 evidence: anatomy:valve ; EMAP:11516 anatomy:cardiac muscle ; EMAP:11536|cardiac muscle ; EMAP:11533 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:88457 J:116643 MGI:3664598 25963 1 evidence: anatomy:valve ; EMAP:11516 anatomy:cardiac muscle ; EMAP:11536|cardiac muscle ; EMAP:11533 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030199 MGI:88457 J:116643 MGI:88446 25964 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:albumin enhancer eG site text:nuclear extract IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1347477 J:16244 N/A 25965 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:albumin enhancer eG site IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1347477 J:16244 N/A 25966 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiac muscle ; EMAP:11533|cardiac muscle ; EMAP:11536 anatomy:valve ; EMAP:11516 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030199 MGI:88446 J:116643 MGI:88457 25967 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiac muscle ; EMAP:11533|cardiac muscle ; EMAP:11536 anatomy:valve ; EMAP:11516 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:88446 J:116643 MGI:1856399 25968 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0003677 MGI:97316 J:16244 N/A 25969 1 evidence: anatomy:spiral organ ; MA:0001193 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042472 MGI:88446 J:999 MGI:1856399 25970 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007420 MGI:95729 J:17581 MGI:1856282 25971 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042981 MGI:95729 J:17581 MGI:1856282 25972 1 evidence: anatomy:cartilage ; MA:0000104|rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002063 MGI:88446 J:5198 MGI:1856399 25973 1 evidence: anatomy:cartilage ; MA:0000104|rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:88446 J:5198 MGI:1856399 25974 1 evidence: anatomy:cartilage ; MA:0000104|rib ; MA:0000315 anatomy:long bone epiphysis ; MA:0001362 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051216 MGI:88446 J:5198 MGI:1856399 25975 1 evidence: anatomy:limb long bone ; MA:0000298 anatomy:mandible ; EMAP:12155 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:88446 J:5198 MGI:1856399 25976 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\, embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:anti-apoptotic role for Dad1. IMP GO:0006916 MGI:101912 J:62083 MGI:2445490 25977 1 evidence: anatomy:TS4\, embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Dad1 is required for development beyond the late blastocyst stage text: mice dye at E3.5 IMP GO:0001824 MGI:101912 J:62083 MGI:2445490 25978 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:microsomes IDA GO:0004800 MGI:94896 J:3643 N/A 25979 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005792 MGI:94896 J:3643 N/A 25980 1 evidence: anatomy:trachea cartilage ; MA:0001857 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051216 MGI:88446 J:5254 MGI:1856399 25981 1 evidence: anatomy:trachea cartilage ; MA:0001857 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:88446 J:5254 MGI:1856399 25982 1 evidence: anatomy:liver;MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:radioactive Se binding assay IDA GO:0008430 MGI:94896 J:3643 N/A 25983 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant mice resistant to DMBA-mediated toxicity text:mice were unable to produce the proximate carcinogenic metabolite of 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) IMP GO:0006725 MGI:95405 J:56886 MGI:2137236 25984 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mutant mice resistant to DMBA-mediated toxicity IMP GO:0014070 MGI:95405 J:56886 MGI:2137236 25985 1 evidence: anatomy:cartilage ; MA:0000104|rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051216 MGI:88446 J:11994 MGI:1856399 25986 1 evidence: anatomy:long bone epiphysis ; MA:0001362|tibia ; MA:0001361 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051216 MGI:88446 J:22965 MGI:1856399 25987 1 evidence: anatomy:vertebral column ; MA:0002416 anatomy:rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048705 MGI:88446 J:22965 MGI:1856399 25988 1 evidence: anatomy:long bone epiphysis ; MA:0001362|tibia ; MA:0001361 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:88446 J:22965 MGI:1856399 25989 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168|pancreas;MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005624 MGI:99479 J:35876 N/A 25990 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168|pancreas;MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104768 J:35876 UniProtKB:P56481 25991 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168|pancreas;MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99479 J:35876 UniProtKB:P48757|UniProtKB:P09240 25992 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro binding assay;ECO:0000148 anatomy:brain;MA:0000168|pancreas;MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88297 J:35876 UniProtKB:P56481 25993 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031012 MGI:96257 J:58700 N/A 25994 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiac muscle ; EMAP:2421|cardiac muscle ; EMAP:2425|cardiac muscle ; EMAP:2439|cardiac muscle ; EMAP:2443|cardiac muscle ; EMAP:2457 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048738 MGI:96257 J:58700 MGI:1934892 25995 1 evidence: anatomy:cardiac muscle ; EMAP:2421|cardiac muscle ; EMAP:2425|cardiac muscle ; EMAP:2439|cardiac muscle ; EMAP:2443|cardiac muscle ; EMAP:2457 anatomy:brain ; EMAP:3461 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030198 MGI:96257 J:58700 MGI:1934892 25996 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; EMAP:3461 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007420 MGI:96257 J:58700 MGI:1934892 25997 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; EMAP:3461 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005604 MGI:96257 J:58700 N/A 25998 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11707324|IDA text: ISA GO:0005737 MGI:108057 J:72889 EMBL:AY032864 25999 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11707324|IDA text: ISA GO:0005634 MGI:108057 J:72889 EMBL:AY032864 26000 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11707324|IDA text: ISA GO:0005730 MGI:108057 J:72889 EMBL:AY032864 26001 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:7148 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048704 MGI:96257 J:58700 MGI:1934892 26002 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:7148 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001958 MGI:96257 J:58700 MGI:1934892 26003 1 evidence: anatomy:cartilage ; MA:0000104|rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:88446 J:128357 MGI:1856399 26004 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:embryonic lethality before implantation; abnormal embryogenesis/ development; abnormal trophectoderm morphology; absent trophoblast giant cells text: Tead4 is re IMP GO:0001708 MGI:106907 J:130047 MGI:106907 26005 2 quired for specification of trophectoderm in pre-implantation mouse embryos IMP GO:0001708 MGI:106907 J:130047 MGI:106907 26006 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:embryonic lethality before implantation IMP GO:0007566 MGI:106907 J:130047 MGI:106907 26007 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:embryonic lethality before implantation; abnormal embryogenesis/ development; abnormal trophectoderm morphology; absent trophoblast giant cells IMP GO:0001701 MGI:106907 J:130047 MGI:106907 26008 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Eomes;MGI:1201683|Fgfr2;MGI:95523| external ref: text:None of the TE specific genes, including Eomes and a Cdx2 independent gene, Fgfr2, was detected in Tead4-/- IMP GO:0006357 MGI:106907 J:130047 MGI:106907 26009 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:embryonic lethality before implantation; abnormal embryogenesis/ development; abnormal trophectoderm morphology; absent trophoblast giant cells IMP GO:0001830 MGI:106907 J:130047 MGI:106907 26010 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8441630|IPI|UniProtKB:P18124 text: ISO GO:0042803 MGI:98073 J:4014 UniProtKB:P18124 26011 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8441630|IDA text: ISO GO:0003677 MGI:98073 J:4014 UniProtKB:P18124 26012 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8441630|IDA text: ISO GO:0003729 MGI:98073 J:4014 UniProtKB:P18124 26013 1 evidence: anatomy:urethra urothelium;MA:0001687 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016324 MGI:98914 J:113619 N/A 26014 1 evidence: anatomy:urethra urothelium;MA:0001687 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0015840 MGI:98914 J:113619 MGI:2183244 26015 1 evidence: anatomy:urethra urothelium;MA:0001687 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006833 MGI:98914 J:113619 MGI:2183244 26016 1 evidence: anatomy:kidney;MA:0000368 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:detailed measurements of the body and kidney weights as well as the diameters of the stretched bladder revealed some abnormalities IMP GO:0001822 MGI:98914 J:113619 MGI:2183244 26017 1 evidence: anatomy:urinary bladder;MA:0000380 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:detailed measurements of the body and kidney weights as well as the diameters of the stretched bladder revealed some abnormalities IMP GO:0060157 MGI:98914 J:113619 MGI:2183244 26018 1 evidence: anatomy:urine;MA:0002545 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:lower levels of potassium and sodium than controls per unit volume of urine IMP GO:0055075 MGI:98914 J:113619 MGI:2183244 26019 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0055078 MGI:98914 J:113619 MGI:2183244 26020 1 evidence: anatomy:ureter urothelium;MA:0002655 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal apical cell size and apical cell surface morphology IMP GO:0000902 MGI:98914 J:113619 MGI:2183244 26021 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:pre-B cell;CL:0000817|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:response to recombinant mouse SCM-1 by the baculovirus expression system. IDA GO:0034097 MGI:1346338 J:57566 N/A 26022 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:pre-B cell;CL:0000817|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:chemotactic response to recombinant mouse SCM-1 by the baculovirus expression system. IDA GO:0006935 MGI:1346338 J:57566 N/A 26023 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:pre-B cell;CL:0000817|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: Induction of chemotaxis and calcium mobilization by mSCM-1 via mXCR1 IDA GO:0006935 MGI:104593 J:57566 N/A 26024 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:pre-B cell;CL:0000817|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: Induction of chemotaxis and calcium mobilization by mSCM-1 via mXCR1 IDA GO:0051209 MGI:104593 J:57566 N/A 26025 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Induction of chemotaxis and calcium mobilization by mSCM-1 via mXCR1 IDA GO:0051209 MGI:1346338 J:57566 N/A 26026 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IC GO:0003735 MGI:98038 J:31514 GO:0022625 26027 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IC GO:0006412 MGI:98038 J:31514 GO:0022625 26028 1 evidence: anatomy:skeleton ; EMAP:12382 cell type:hypertrophic chondrocyte ; CL:0000743 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002063 MGI:99602 J:48562 MGI:1856465 26029 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte ; CL:0000138 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032332 MGI:95688 J:52419 N/A 26030 1 evidence: anatomy:tectorial membrane ; MA:0001199 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:88447 J:58794 MGI:2154689 26031 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10581026|IMP text: ISO GO:0007605 MGI:88447 J:73065 UniProtKB:P13942 26032 1 evidence: anatomy:nasal bone ; MA:0001494 anatomy:limb long bone ; MA:0000298 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048705 MGI:88447 J:71948 MGI:2154689 26033 1 evidence: anatomy:limb long bone ; MA:0000298 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002062 MGI:88447 J:71948 MGI:2154689 26034 1 evidence: anatomy:limb long bone ; MA:0000298 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:88447 J:71948 MGI:2154689 26035 1 evidence: anatomy:joint ; MA:0000319 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001894 MGI:88447 J:115506 MGI:2154689 26036 1 evidence: anatomy:joint ; MA:0000319 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001894 MGI:88452 J:115506 MGI:2152978 26037 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015187 MGI:95760 J:1378 N/A 26038 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0015816 MGI:95760 J:1378 N/A 26039 1 evidence: anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IC GO:0016021 MGI:95760 J:1378 GO:0015187 26040 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Col1a1 ; MGI:88467 external ref: text: IDA GO:0045944 MGI:98372 J:1587 N/A 26041 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:1524678|IGI|UniProtKB:O89090 text: ISO GO:0000122 MGI:109591 J:73065 UniProtKB:P08651 26042 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:1524678|IDA text: ISO GO:0045944 MGI:109591 J:73065 UniProtKB:P08651 26043 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:1524678|IDA text: ISO GO:0003700 MGI:109591 J:73065 UniProtKB:P08651 26044 1 evidence: anatomy:long bone epiphysis ; MA:0001362 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051216 MGI:88452 J:6582 MGI:1857275 26045 1 evidence: anatomy:long bone epiphysis ; MA:0001362 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:88452 J:6582 MGI:1857275 26046 1 evidence: anatomy:long bone epiphysis ; MA:0001362 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0005585 MGI:88452 J:6582 MGI:1857275 26047 1 evidence: anatomy:palate ; MA:0002476 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0060021 MGI:88452 J:6582 MGI:1857275 26048 1 evidence: anatomy:long bone epiphysis ; MA:0001362 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006029 MGI:88452 J:6582 MGI:1857275 26049 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal system ; MA:0000018 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048705 MGI:88452 J:6582 MGI:1857275 26050 1 evidence: anatomy:rib ; MA:0000315 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048705 MGI:88452 J:17182 MGI:1857275 26051 1 evidence: anatomy:knee connective tissue ; MA:0000667|hyaline cartilage ; MA:0000109 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001894 MGI:88465 J:18628 MGI:2152964 26052 1 evidence: anatomy:long bone epiphysis ; MA:0001362 anatomy:nasal septum ; MA:0000285 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051216 MGI:88452 J:30041 MGI:2152978 26053 1 evidence: anatomy:long bone epiphysis ; MA:0001362 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002062 MGI:88452 J:30041 MGI:2152978 26054 1 evidence: anatomy:long bone epiphysis ; MA:0001362 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030199 MGI:88452 J:30041 MGI:2152978 26055 1 evidence: anatomy:heart valve ; MA:0000086 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0003007 MGI:88452 J:30041 MGI:2152978 26056 1 evidence: anatomy:skeletal system ; MA:0000018 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048705 MGI:88452 J:30041 MGI:2152978 26057 1 evidence: anatomy:Meckel's cartilage ; EMAP:8146 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0051216 MGI:88446 J:5847 MGI:1856399 26058 1 evidence: anatomy:inner ear ; EMAP:4295) cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031012 MGI:88452 J:32201 N/A 26059 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:neural tube; E14; Exencephaly; overgrowth of neural tissue IMP GO:0021915 MGI:87984 J:2944 MGI:1856293 26060 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:neural tube; E14; Exencephaly; overgrowth of neural tissue IMP GO:0022008 MGI:87984 J:2944 MGI:1856293 26061 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\,tail ; EMAP:6010 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:tail flexion defect IMP GO:0035121 MGI:87984 J:2944 MGI:1856293 26062 1 evidence: anatomy:TS22\, embryo ; EMAP:5719 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:small embryo size IMP GO:0035264 MGI:87984 J:2944 MGI:1856293 26063 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:femur;MA:0001359 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:BM (both femurs) pre-B cells IDA GO:0009897 MGI:98936 J:99189 N/A 26064 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:femur;MA:0001359 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:BM (both femurs) pre-B cells IDA GO:0008361 MGI:98936 J:99189 N/A 26065 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:femur;MA:0001359 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:BM (both femurs) pre-B cells IDA GO:0008361 MGI:96562 J:99189 N/A 26066 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:femur;MA:0001359 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:BM (both femurs) IDA GO:0009897 MGI:97810 J:99189 N/A 26067 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:femur;MA:0001359 cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:BM (both femurs) IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96677 J:99189 N/A 26068 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:femur;MA:0001359 cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:BM (both femurs) IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88319 J:99189 N/A 26069 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:femur;MA:0001359 cell type:CL:0000236|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:BM (both femurs) pre-B cells IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96562 J:99189 N/A 26070 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:femur;MA:0001359 cell type:CL:0000236|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:BM (both femurs) pre-B cells IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96549 J:99189 N/A 26071 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduction of the pre-BII cell population; Splenic B cells in double-deficient mice reduced IGI GO:0048872 MGI:96562 J:99189 MGI:98936|MGI:98937 26072 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduction of the pre-BII cell population; Splenic B cells in double (triple)-deficient mice reduced IGI GO:0048872 MGI:98936 J:99189 MGI:96562|MGI:98937 26073 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduction of the pre-BII cell population; Splenic B cells in double (triple)-deficient mice reduced IGI GO:0042100 MGI:98937 J:99189 MGI:96562|MGI:98936 26074 1 evidence: anatomy:spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduction of the pre-BII cell population; Splenic B cells in double (triple)-deficient mice reduced IGI GO:0048872 MGI:98937 J:99189 MGI:96562|MGI:98936 26075 1 evidence: anatomy:femur;MA:0001359|spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008361 MGI:96562 J:99189 MGI:98936|MGI:98937 26076 1 evidence: anatomy:femur;MA:0001359|spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008361 MGI:98936 J:99189 MGI:96562|MGI:98937 26077 1 evidence: anatomy:femur;MA:0001359|spleen;MA:0000141 cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000236 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008361 MGI:98937 J:99189 MGI:96562|MGI:98936 26078 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:MA:0000141;spleen cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96447 J:99189 N/A 26079 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:MA:0000141;spleen cell type:CL:0000236|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88489 J:99189 N/A 26080 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:MA:0000141;spleen cell type:CL:0000236|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96448 J:99189 N/A 26081 1 evidence:FACS anatomy:MA:0000141;spleen cell type:CL:0000236|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95497 J:99189 N/A 26082 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000141;spleen cell type:CL:0000236|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0000902 MGI:96562 J:99189 MGI:98936|MGI:98937 26083 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000141;spleen cell type:CL:0000236|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0000902 MGI:98936 J:99189 MGI:96562|MGI:98937 26084 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000141;spleen cell type:CL:0000236|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0000902 MGI:98937 J:99189 MGI:96562|MGI:98936 26085 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000141;spleen cell type:CL:0000236|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002377 MGI:98936 J:99189 MGI:96562|MGI:98937 26086 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000141;spleen cell type:CL:0000236|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0002377 MGI:96562 J:99189 MGI:98936|MGI:98937 26087 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduced accumulation of glycoproteins IMP GO:0009100 MGI:88082 J:21380 MGI:88082 26088 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0002501 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal lipid homeostasis IMP GO:0055088 MGI:88082 J:21380 MGI:88082 26089 1 evidence:ECO:0000112 anatomy:MA:0000358 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042803 MGI:88081 J:21380 N/A 26090 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Asgr1;MGI:88081 external ref: text:expression in mutants reduced; PROTEIN SATBILITY AFFECTED IMP GO:0031647 MGI:88082 J:21380 MGI:88082 26091 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:2-cell, 8-cell embryos and blastocysts IDA GO:0004035 MGI:108009 J:11608 N/A 26092 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:2133555;IDA text: ISO GO:0004035 MGI:87983 J:11608 UniProtKB:P09487 26093 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:response to enzyme inhibitor - levamisole IDA GO:0046677 MGI:87983 J:11608 N/A 26094 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:2133555;IDA text: ISO GO:0004035 MGI:87982 J:11608 UniProtKB:P05187 26095 1 evidence:ECO:0000087; inferred from immunolocalizatioin anatomy:MA:0000237; inner ear cell type:CL:0000855; hair cell gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032421 MGI:3522699 J:98611 N/A 26096 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in vitro assay with rabbit Atp4b IPI GO:0046982 MGI:88113 J:26578 UniProtKB:P18597 26097 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7762614;IDA text:binds mouse Atp4a ISO GO:0046982 MGI:88114 J:26578 UniProtKB:P18597 26098 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7762614;IDA text: ISO GO:0005783 MGI:88114 J:26578 UniProtKB:P18597 26099 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Sch-28080 - an imidazopyridine derivative; inhibition of enzyme activity IDA GO:0042493 MGI:88113 J:26578 N/A 26100 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected in Xenopus oocytes IDA GO:0005886 MGI:88113 J:26578 N/A 26101 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected in Xenopus oocytes ISO GO:0005886 MGI:88114 J:26578 UniProtKB:P18597 26102 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7762614;IDA text: transfected Xenopus oocytes ISO GO:0008900 MGI:88114 J:26578 UniProtKB:P18597 26103 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7762614;IDA text: transfected Xenopus oocytes ISO GO:0010155 MGI:88114 J:26578 UniProtKB:P18597 26104 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: transfected Xenopus oocytes IDA GO:0008900 MGI:88113 J:26578 N/A 26105 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: transfected Xenopus oocytes IDA GO:0010155 MGI:88113 J:26578 N/A 26106 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: transfected Xenopus oocytes IDA GO:0045851 MGI:88113 J:26578 N/A 26107 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7762614;IDA text: transfected Xenopus oocytes ISO GO:0045851 MGI:88114 J:26578 UniProtKB:P18597 26108 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7762614;IDA text: transfected Xenopus oocytes ISO GO:0033577 MGI:88114 J:26578 UniProtKB:P18597 26109 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045597 MGI:88361 J:104800 N/A 26110 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001829 MGI:88361 J:104800 N/A 26111 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045597 MGI:1201683 J:104800 N/A 26112 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001829 MGI:1201683 J:104800 N/A 26113 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045597 MGI:1201683 J:104800 MGI:101893 26114 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001829 MGI:1201683 J:104800 MGI:101893 26115 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0001829 MGI:101893 J:104800 MGI:1201683 26116 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0045596 MGI:101893 J:104800 MGI:1201683 26117 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518 target:Utf1 ; MGI:1276125 external ref: text: IDA GO:0000122 MGI:88361 J:104800 N/A 26118 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518 target:Utf1 ; MGI:1276125 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:101893 J:104800 MGI:88361|MGI:88362 26119 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518 target:Utf1 ; MGI:1276125 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:88362 J:104800 MGI:101893 26120 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fgf4 ; MGI:95518 target:Utf1 ; MGI:1276125 external ref: text: IGI GO:0000122 MGI:88361 J:104800 MGI:101893 26121 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:trophoblast cell ; CL:0000351|somatic stem cell ; CL:0000723|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035019 MGI:88361 J:104800 N/A 26122 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|epiblast cell ; CL:0000352 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0010468 MGI:101800 J:115671 N/A 26123 1 evidence: anatomy:cerebellum;MA:0000198 cell type:CL:0000540|CL:0000001|CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021545 MGI:99917 J:46746 MGI:1931872 26124 1 evidence: anatomy:inner cell mass ; EMAP:14 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101893 J:117056 N/A 26125 1 evidence: anatomy:trophectoderm ; EMAP:19 cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88361 J:117056 N/A 26126 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:failed to stay on a quickly rotating rotorod IMP GO:0050885 MGI:99917 J:46746 MGI:1931872 26127 1 evidence: anatomy:trophectoderm ; EMAP:19 cell type:trophectodermal cell ; CL:1000274|primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001829 MGI:88354 J:117056 MGI:3696711 26128 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000198 cell type:CL:0000121 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal Purkinje cell morphology IMP GO:0048667 MGI:99917 J:46746 MGI:1931872 26129 1 evidence: anatomy:brain;MA:0000168|MA:0000198 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: brain cold-induced injury ; edemas resulting from cold injury are much larger than normal in the cerebellum IMP GO:0009611 MGI:99917 J:46746 MGI:1931872 26130 1 evidence:ECO:0000108|ECO:0000181 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fos;MGI:95574 external ref: text:osteoblastic MCT3T-E1 cells in vitro IDA GO:0045944 MGI:88177 J:3481 N/A 26131 1 evidence:ECO:0000108|ECO:0000181 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Fos;MGI:95574 external ref: text:osteoblastic MCT3T-E1 cells in vitro IDA GO:0045944 MGI:88179 J:3481 N/A 26132 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:MA:0002763 cell type:CL:0000019|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:acrosomal region of spermatozoa from the cauda epididymis. IDA GO:0001669 MGI:1352490 J:109390 N/A 26133 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005923 MGI:98759 J:117056 N/A 26134 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transformed HeLa cells IDA GO:0016607 MGI:1914130 J:97604 N/A 26135 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005902 MGI:98931 J:117056 N/A 26136 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005911 MGI:88354 J:117056 N/A 26137 1 evidence:ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:nuclear extract IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1914130 J:97604 N/A 26138 1 evidence:ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:nuclear extract IDA GO:0006468 MGI:1914130 J:97604 N/A 26139 1 evidence:ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:ATCC: CRL-1711;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15798186;IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:104816 J:97604 UniProtKB:Q8R081 26140 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID: 15798186;IDA text: ISO GO:0016607 MGI:98284 J:97604 UniProtKB:Q01130 26141 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:in response to actinomycin SRrp53s relocalized to larger and fewer speckles IDA GO:0046677 MGI:1914130 J:97604 N/A 26142 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1918206 J:133713 N/A 26143 1 evidence: anatomy:4-8 cell stage ; EMAP:8 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101893 J:133713 N/A 26144 1 evidence: anatomy:4-8 cell stage ; EMAP:8 cell type:early embryonic cell ; CL:0000007 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|NIH/3T3 ; ATCC:CRL-1658 gene product: modi IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1920929 J:133713 N/A 26145 2 fication: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1920929 J:133713 N/A 26146 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006913 MGI:1914130 J:97604 N/A 26147 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914228 J:97604 MGI:1914130 26148 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1913368 J:97604 MGI:1914130 26149 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:98353 J:97604 MGI:1914130 26150 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0008022 MGI:1913368 J:97604 MGI:1914130 26151 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0050733 MGI:1913368 J:97604 MGI:1914130 26152 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0050733 MGI:1914228 J:97604 MGI:1914130 26153 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0050733 MGI:98353 J:97604 MGI:1914130 26154 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:1914130 J:97604 MGI:1913368|MGI:98353|MGI:1914228|MGI:98283 26155 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0050733 MGI:98283 J:97604 MGI:1914130 26156 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0050733 MGI:98287 J:97604 MGI:1914130 26157 1 evidence:inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay;ECO:0000068 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0050733 MGI:98884 J:97604 MGI:1914130 26158 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:CCL-2 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:SRrp53 is required for the second catalytic step of pre-mRNA splicing. ISO GO:0008380 MGI:1914130 J:97604 UniProtKB:Q96IZ7 26159 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transformed Hela cells IDA GO:0000380 MGI:1914130 J:97604 N/A 26160 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transformed Hela cells IDA GO:0008380 MGI:98283 J:97604 N/A 26161 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transformed Hela cells IDA GO:0008380 MGI:104820 J:97604 N/A 26162 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transformed Hela cells IDA GO:0000380 MGI:104820 J:97604 N/A 26163 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002477 MGI:95915 J:118952 N/A 26164 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay evidence:intracellular cytokine staining anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042742 MGI:95915 J:118952 N/A 26165 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042605 MGI:95915 J:118952 N/A 26166 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001916 MGI:95915 J:118952 N/A 26167 1 evidence:intracellular cytokine staining anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042742 MGI:95904 J:118952 N/A 26168 1 evidence:intracellular cytokine staining anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042605 MGI:95904 J:118952 N/A 26169 1 evidence:intracellular cytokine staining anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001916 MGI:95904 J:118952 N/A 26170 1 evidence:inferred from level of transcript expression determined by Northern assay;ECO:0000106|inferred from array experiment;ECO:0000055 anatomy:TS22\,pancreas ; EMAP:6002 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Nnat;MGI:104716 external ref: text: IMP GO:0045944 MGI:1339708 J:105207 MGI:2148229 26171 1 evidence:inferred from co-immunoprecipitation;ECO:0000070|ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Nnat;MGI:104716 external ref: text: IDA GO:0043565 MGI:1339708 J:105207 N/A 26172 1 evidence:intracellular cytokine staining anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042590 MGI:95904 J:118952 N/A 26173 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:reduction in the ability of mouse NIT cells to respond to glucose IMP GO:0009749 MGI:104716 J:105207 N/A 26174 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002287 MGI:95915 J:118960 MGI:3701255 26175 1 evidence:survival curve of infected mice anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042742 MGI:95915 J:118960 MGI:3701255 26176 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042742 MGI:95915 J:118960 N/A 26177 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:lymphocyte ; CL:0000542 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95915 J:118960 N/A 26178 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042605 MGI:95915 J:118960 N/A 26179 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042605 MGI:95915 J:118960 MGI:3701255 26180 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001916 MGI:95915 J:118960 N/A 26181 1 evidence:51Cr cytotoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001916 MGI:95915 J:118960 MGI:3701255 26182 1 evidence:intracellular cytokine staining anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0032729 MGI:95915 J:118960 MGI:3701255 26183 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045954 MGI:95915 J:118960 MGI:3701255 26184 1 evidence:nitrite assay anatomy: cell type:leukocyte ; CL:0000738 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045429 MGI:95915 J:118960 MGI:3701255 26185 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS22\,pancreas ; EMAP:6002 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044424 MGI:102851 J:105207 N/A 26186 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS22\,pancreas ; EMAP:6002 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044424 MGI:1339708 J:105207 N/A 26187 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS22\,pancreas ; EMAP:6002 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044424 MGI:893591 J:105207 N/A 26188 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS22\,pancreas ; EMAP:6002 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044424 MGI:97490 J:105207 N/A 26189 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS22\,pancreas ; EMAP:6002 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044424 MGI:1206039 J:105207 N/A 26190 1 evidence:inferred from immunological assay;ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS22\,pancreas ; EMAP:6002 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0044424 MGI:97347 J:105207 N/A 26191 1 evidence: anatomy:pancreas;MA:0000120 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal insulin cellular localization IMP GO:0032880 MGI:104716 J:105207 N/A 26192 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:MA:0000120 cell type:pancreatic B cell;CL:0000169 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:104716 J:105207 N/A 26193 1 evidence:immunohistochemistry anatomy:MA:0000120 cell type:pancreatic B cell;CL:0000169 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:96573 J:105207 N/A 26194 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000169 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:knockdown resulted in decrease in glucose mediated insulin secretion IMP GO:0032024 MGI:104716 J:105207 N/A 26195 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006691 MGI:107498 J:34202 N/A 26196 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0006691 MGI:107498 J:34202 UniProtKB:Q16873 26197 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0004464 MGI:107498 J:34202 UniProtKB:Q16873 26198 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004464 MGI:107498 J:34202 N/A 26199 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:leukotriene binding IDA GO:0008289 MGI:107498 J:34202 N/A 26200 1 evidence:inferred from in vitro assay;ECO:0000181 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:leukotriene binding ISO GO:0008289 MGI:107498 J:34202 UniProtKB:Q16873 26201 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:neuroprotective role during ischemia in the retina in response to pentobarbital IMP GO:0042493 MGI:101931 J:47463 MGI:2449707 26202 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:neuroprotective role during ischemia in the retina in response to pentobarbital IMP GO:0042493 MGI:99917 J:47463 MGI:1931872 26203 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:essential for synaptic transmission of the light response from photoreceptors to bipolar cells. IMP GO:0050806 MGI:99917 J:47463 MGI:1931872 26204 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:essential for synaptic transmission of the light response from photoreceptors to bipolar cells. IMP GO:0009416 MGI:99917 J:47463 MGI:1931872 26205 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009416 MGI:101931 J:47463 MGI:2449707 26206 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: lack of gene leads to increased ROS upon LPS treatment. The increased ROS appears to be due to increase in NADPH oxidase activities. However, note: ROS incrases in wt al IMP GO:0010671 MGI:109486 J:125361 MGI:2668456 26207 2 so; it just incrases more in KO IMP GO:0010671 MGI:109486 J:125361 MGI:2668456 26208 1 evidence:intracellular cytokine staining evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032398 MGI:95938 J:137349 N/A 26209 1 evidence:intracellular cytokine staining evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0002476 MGI:95938 J:137349 N/A 26210 1 evidence:intracellular cytokine staining evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0051607 MGI:95938 J:137349 N/A 26211 1 evidence:intracellular cytokine staining evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:95938 J:137349 N/A 26212 1 evidence:intracellular cytokine staining evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042605 MGI:95938 J:137349 N/A 26213 1 evidence:51Cr cytoxicity assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0001916 MGI:95938 J:137349 N/A 26214 1 evidence:intracellular cytokine staining anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0032729 MGI:95938 J:137349 N/A 26215 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hba ; MGI:96014 external ref: text: IMP GO:0020027 MGI:105112 J:58821 MGI:2447193 26216 1 evidence: anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: modification: target:Hp ; MGI:96211 target:Hba ; MGI:96014 external ref: text: IMP GO:0051246 MGI:105112 J:58821 MGI:2447193 26217 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001825 MGI:98759 J:136803 N/A 26218 1 evidence: anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005911 MGI:98759 J:136803 N/A 26219 1 evidence: anatomy:two-cell stage ; EMAP:6 anatomy:4-8 cell stage ; EMAP:8 anatomy:compacted morula ; EMAP:9 anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005911 MGI:88354 J:136803 N/A 26220 1 evidence: anatomy:compacted morula ; EMAP:9 anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101893 J:136803 N/A 26221 1 evidence: anatomy:compacted morula ; EMAP:9 anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005886 MGI:1341872 J:136803 N/A 26222 1 evidence: anatomy:compacted morula ; EMAP:9 anatomy:embryo ; EMAP:12 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:88361 J:136803 N/A 26223 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000141|MA:0000134|MA:0000059 cell type:CL:0000624|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: FACS IMP GO:0043372 MGI:1328316 J:92721 MGI:3055293 26224 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000059 cell type:CL:0000624|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0014070 MGI:1328316 J:92721 MGI:3055293 26225 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000059 cell type:CL:0000624|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: FACS IDA GO:0009897 MGI:1328316 J:92721 N/A 26226 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000059 cell type:CL:0000624|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: FACS IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96534 J:92721 N/A 26227 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000142 cell type:CL:0000625|CL:0000624|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: FACS IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88335 J:92721 N/A 26228 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000142 cell type:CL:0000625|CL:0000624|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: FACS IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88346 J:92721 N/A 26229 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000624|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased production of IL-4 and IL-10 and diminished IL-2 production. IMP GO:0032713 MGI:1328316 J:92721 MGI:3055293 26230 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000624|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased production of IL-4 and IL-10 and diminished IL-2 production. IMP GO:0032733 MGI:1328316 J:92721 MGI:3055293 26231 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000624|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:increased production of IL-4 and IL-10 and diminished IL-2 production. IMP GO:0032743 MGI:1328316 J:92721 MGI:3055293 26232 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000823 cell type:CL:0000066|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Immunohistochemical localization IDA GO:0016323 MGI:2150150 J:87933 N/A 26233 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000823 cell type:CL:0000066|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Immunohistochemical localization IDA GO:0016323 MGI:2443878 J:87933 N/A 26234 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:14592810;IDA text: ISO GO:0006486 MGI:2150150 J:87933 NCBI:NP_835193 26235 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000823 cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:109351 J:87933 N/A 26236 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000823 cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: ISO GO:0016323 MGI:109351 J:87933 UniProtKB:P23347 26237 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000879 cell type:CL:0000065|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0045177 MGI:2443384 J:87933 N/A 26238 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000879 cell type:CL:0000065|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: ISS GO:0045177 MGI:2443384 J:87933 NCBI:NP_690921 26239 1 evidence:cAMP assay anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007189 MGI:99402 J:63086 MGI:2155985 26240 1 evidence:cAMP assay anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001609 MGI:99402 J:63086 MGI:2155985 26241 1 evidence:cAMP assay anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001973 MGI:99402 J:63086 MGI:2155985 26242 1 evidence:Annexin V staining anatomy: cell type:immature alpha-beta T cell ; CL:0000790 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0031558 MGI:99402 J:63086 MGI:2155985 26243 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:4960 anatomy:epithelium ; EMAP:4959 anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1919200 J:137356 N/A 26244 1 evidence: anatomy:mesenchyme ; EMAP:4960 anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:101893 J:137356 N/A 26245 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:98658 J:137356 N/A 26246 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland epithelium ; MA:0000792 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:105088 J:137356 N/A 26247 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030879 MGI:105088 J:137356 MGI:97762 26248 1 evidence: anatomy:mammary gland ; MA:0000145 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0030879 MGI:97762 J:137356 MGI:105088 26249 1 evidence: anatomy:skin ; MA:0000151 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0043588 MGI:88039 J:46025 MGI:1857951 26250 1 evidence: anatomy:large intestine ; MA:0000333 anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:88039 J:46242 MGI:894293 26251 1 evidence: anatomy:large intestine ; MA:0000333 anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:894293 J:46242 MGI:88039 26252 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:88039 J:46419 MGI:104288 26253 1 evidence: anatomy:colon ; MA:0000335 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:88039 J:51518 MGI:1857951 26254 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:88039 J:52043 MGI:1857951 26255 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0050680 MGI:88039 J:52560 MGI:104642 26256 1 evidence: anatomy:intestine ; MA:0000328 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IGI GO:0008285 MGI:104642 J:52560 MGI:88039 26257 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine epithelium ; MA:0001553 cell type:epithelial cell ; CL:0000066 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0016323 MGI:88338 J:52818 N/A 26258 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16525025|IDA text:Rac3 Induces the Accumulation of Neurabin I to the Cytoskeleton ISO GO:0005856 MGI:2442401 J:112529 UniProtKB:O35867 26259 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16525025|IDA text: ISO GO:0030426 MGI:2442401 J:112529 UniProtKB:O35867|NCBI:NP_060120 26260 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16525025|IDA text:Rac3-induced Neuritogenesis Requires Neurabin I ISO GO:0031175 MGI:2442401 J:112529 UniProtKB:O35867 26261 1 evidence: anatomy:crypt of lieberkuhn ; MA:0001535 cell type:epithelial fate stem cell ; CL:0000036 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0035019 MGI:1202879 J:52818 MGI:1926344 26262 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment ; ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell ; CL:0000002|C2C12 ; ATCC:CRL-1772 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042692 MGI:108092 J:53316 N/A 26263 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|HeLa;ATCC: CCL-2 gene product: modification: target:Acp2;UniProt:P11117 external ref:PMID:17868323|IMP text:RNA interference text:mutants show increased expression of Apc2 text:Increased exp ISO GO:0010468 MGI:107537 J:128711 UniProtKB:O95085 26264 2 ression of LAP /ACP2 in fibroblasts of JNCL patients ISO GO:0010468 MGI:107537 J:128711 UniProtKB:O95085 26265 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte;CL:0000138|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:90087|IDA text:Treatment of cultured murine growth plate chondrocyteswith the NH2-terminal fragments P TH ISO GO:0030819 MGI:97799 J:37692 UniProtKB:P01270 26266 2 rP 1-37 (Figs. 2 and 3) or PTH 1-34 (data not shown) resulted in an increase in cAMP production and a marked increase in Bcl-2 expression. ISO GO:0030819 MGI:97799 J:37692 UniProtKB:P01270 26267 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte;CL:0000138|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:90087|IDA text:Treatment of cultured murine growth plate chondrocyteswith the NH2-terminal fragments P TH ISO GO:0010468 MGI:97799 J:37692 UniProtKB:P01270 26268 2 rP 1-37 (Figs. 2 and 3) or PTH 1-34 (data not shown) resulted in an increase in cAMP production and a marked increase in Bcl-2 expression. ISO GO:0010468 MGI:97799 J:37692 UniProtKB:P01270 26269 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7877627|IDA text:change of Nr3c1 gene expression in response to phytohemagglutinin ISO GO:0051789 MGI:95824 J:22051 UniProtKB:P04150 26270 1 evidence: anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:88039 J:54507 MGI:1857951 26271 1 evidence:cell viability assay. anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8022822;IDA text:overexpression of human Bcl2 interfered with dexamethasone and thapsigargin-induced cell growth inhibition and cell death . ISO GO:0030307 MGI:88138 J:19381 UniProtKB:P10415 26272 1 evidence:cell viability assay. anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8022822;IDA text:overexpression of human Bcl2 interfered with dexamethasone and thapsigargin-induced cell growth inhibition and cell death . ISO GO:0008219 MGI:88138 J:19381 UniProtKB:P10415 26273 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8022822;IDA text:BCL-2 overexpression reduces ER Ca2+ efflux after ER Ca2+ pump inhibition. ISO GO:0051924 MGI:88138 J:19381 UniProtKB:P10415 26274 1 evidence:cell viability, DNA fragmentation assays anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8080725;IDA text:overexpression of human Bcl2 in bone marrow cells increased resistance to apopto s ISO GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:19996 UniProtKB:P10415 26275 2 is caused by camptothecin, etoposide and doxorubicin. ISO GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:19996 UniProtKB:P10415 26276 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7772249;IDA external ref:PMID:7772249;IMP text:human, chicken and Epstein-Barr Virus version ofBcl2 retained the structural characteristics necessary to inter fa ISO GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:19998 UniProtKB:P10415 26277 2 ce with apoptosis in murine cells. ISO GO:0006916 MGI:88138 J:19998 UniProtKB:P10415 26278 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy: cell type:human myeloblastic leukemia ML-1 cells gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7896880;IDA text: ISO GO:0005739 MGI:88138 J:23788 UniProtKB:P10415 26279 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7546744;IDA text:rat cells ISO GO:0005737 MGI:88138 J:119622 UniProtKB:P10415 26280 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7546744;IDA text:rat cells ISO GO:0005634 MGI:88138 J:119622 UniProtKB:P10415 26281 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:permanent cell line cell;CL:0000002|ATCC:TIB-214 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7650367;IDA text:transfection of either bcl-2 or bcl-xexpression plasmids promotes the survival of CTLL-2 cells ISO GO:0043066 MGI:88138 J:28194 UniProtKB:P10415 26282 2 in the setting of IL-2 withdrawal. ISO GO:0043066 MGI:88138 J:28194 UniProtKB:P10415 26283 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7546744;IDA text:transfection ISO GO:0043524 MGI:88138 J:119622 UniProtKB:P10415 26284 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16717086;IDA text:Multiple high molecular weight ubiquitin bands were observed and enhanced when proteasome activity was inhibited by MG132, ISO GO:0000209 MGI:88138 J:116445 UniProtKB:P10415 26285 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9184696;ida text:IL-10 Inhibits SAC-Induced Bcl-xL and Bcl-2 Ex pr ISO GO:0034097 MGI:88138 J:40789 UniProtKB:P10415 26286 2 ession of B Cells ISO GO:0034097 MGI:88138 J:40789 UniProtKB:P10415 26287 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:B cell;CL:0000236|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:bcl2;RefSeq:NM_000633 target:bclx;RefSeq;NM_001191 external ref: text:IL-10 Inhibits SAC-Induce ISO GO:0034097 MGI:88138 J:40789 UniProtKB:P10415 26288 2 d Bcl-xL and Bcl-2 Expression of B Cells ISO GO:0034097 MGI:88138 J:40789 UniProtKB:P10415 26289 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:16717086;IDA text:response to okadaic acid - inhibitor of PP2A, resulting in BCL2 dephosphorylation and in turn in degradation ISO GO:0009636 MGI:88138 J:116445 UniProtKB:P10415 26290 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 evidence:inferred from fractionation;ECO:0000100 anatomy: cell type:human myeloblastic leukemia ML-1 cells gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7896880;IDA text:mostly heavy membrane f ISO GO:0005634 MGI:88138 J:23788 UniProtKB:P10415 26291 2 raction ISO GO:0005634 MGI:88138 J:23788 UniProtKB:P10415 26292 1 evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:adenosine deaminase enzyme assay anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 IDA GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:96688 N/A 26293 2 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 anatomy:forestomach ; MA:0001606 anatomy:esophagus ; MA:0000352 anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 anatomy:large i IDA GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:96688 N/A 26294 3 ntestine ; MA:0000333 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:96688 N/A 26295 1 evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:adenosine deaminase enzyme assay anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 IDA GO:0004000 MGI:87916 J:96688 N/A 26296 2 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 anatomy:forestomach ; MA:0001606 anatomy:esophagus ; MA:0000352 anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 anatomy:large i IDA GO:0004000 MGI:87916 J:96688 N/A 26297 3 ntestine ; MA:0000333 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004000 MGI:87916 J:96688 N/A 26298 1 evidence:adenosine deaminase enzyme assay anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 anatomy:tongue ; MA:00 IDA GO:0046103 MGI:87916 J:96688 N/A 26299 2 00347 anatomy:forestomach ; MA:0001606 anatomy:esophagus ; MA:0000352 anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 anatomy:large intestine ; MA:0000333 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0046103 MGI:87916 J:96688 N/A 26300 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte;CL:0000138|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:90087;IDA text:Treatment of cultured murine growth plate chondrocyteswith the NH2-terminal fragments P TH ISO GO:0030819 MGI:97800 J:37692 UniProtKB:P12272 26301 2 rP 1-37 (Figs. 2 and 3) or PTH 1-34 (data not shown) resulted in an increase in cAMP production and a marked increase in Bcl-2 expression. ISO GO:0030819 MGI:97800 J:37692 UniProtKB:P12272 26302 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte;CL:0000138|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target:Bcl2;MGI:88138 external ref:PMID:90087;IDA text:Treatment of cultured murine growth plate chondrocyteswith the NH2-termin al ISO GO:0010468 MGI:97800 J:37692 UniProtKB:P12272 26303 2 fragments PTHrP 1-37 (Figs. 2 and 3) or PTH 1-34 (data not shown) resulted in an increase in cAMP production and a marked increase in Bcl-2 expression. ISO GO:0010468 MGI:97800 J:37692 UniProtKB:P12272 26304 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:chondrocyte;CL:0000138|primary cell line cell;CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:90087;IDA text:inhibition of chondrocyte differentiation ISO GO:0032331 MGI:97800 J:37692 UniProtKB:P12272 26305 1 evidence:ECO:0000018; inferred from anti-sense experiment anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050968 MGI:3522699 J:135245 N/A 26306 1 evidence:ECO:0000018; inferred from anti-sense experiment anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042493 MGI:3522699 J:135245 N/A 26307 1 evidence:ECO:0000018; inferred from anti-sense experiment anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0048265 MGI:3522699 J:135245 N/A 26308 1 evidence:PNPase zymogram anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042278 MGI:97365 J:96688 N/A 26309 1 evidence:PNPase zymogram anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0004731 MGI:97365 J:96688 N/A 26310 1 evidence:ECO:0000174; inferred from physiological response anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050968 MGI:3522699 J:135206 MGI:3692770 26311 1 evidence:ECO:0000174; inferred from physiological response anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050968 MGI:3522699 J:108343 MGI:3624810 26312 1 evidence:ECO:0000174; inferred from physiological response anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050968 MGI:3522699 J:115886 MGI:3692770 26313 1 evidence:ECO:0000174; inferred from physiological response anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0009409 MGI:3522699 J:108343 MGI:3624810 26314 1 evidence:ECO:0000174; inferred from physiological response anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048265 MGI:3522699 J:108343 MGI:3624810 26315 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:KGN cells gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17472960;IMP text:siRNA ISO GO:0030509 MGI:88177 J:123381 UniProtKB:P12643 26316 1 evidence:inferred from Western blot assay;ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:KGN cells gene product: modification: target:alpha-phospho-Smad1/5/8 external ref:PMID:17472960;IDA text:RGMa-induced Smad1/5/8 activation text:transfected ISO GO:0001934 MGI:88177 J:123381 UniProtKB:P12643 26317 1 evidence:ECO:0000018; inferred from anti-sense experiment evidence:ECO:0000174; inferred from physiological response anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050968 MGI:1341787 J:135245 N/A 26318 1 evidence:ECO:0000018; inferred from anti-sense experiment evidence:ECO:0000174; inferred from physiological response anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0048265 MGI:1341787 J:135245 N/A 26319 1 evidence:inferred from RNAi experiment;ECO:0000019 anatomy: cell type:KGN cells gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:17472960;IMP text:siRNA ISO GO:0030509 MGI:88180 J:123381 UniProtKB:P12644 26320 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID::8798441;IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:109349 J:35340 UniProtKB:P15336 26321 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:bcl2;UniProt:P10415 external ref:PMID:8798441;IDA text: ISO GO:0003700 MGI:109349 J:35340 UniProtKB:P15336 26322 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID::8798441;IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:1298366 J:35340 UniProtKB:P18846 26323 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8798441;IDA text: ISO GO:0005634 MGI:88494 J:35340 UniProtKB:P16220 26324 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:bcl2;UniProt:P10415 external ref:PMID:8798441;IDA text:in response to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate ISO GO:0045944 MGI:88494 J:35340 UniProtKB:P16220 26325 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:bcl2;UniProt:P10415 external ref:PMID:8798441;IDA text:in response to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and forskolin text: upregulation of transcription text: increased levels o f ISO GO:0010033 MGI:88494 J:35340 UniProtKB:P16220 26326 2 phosphorylated Creb1 ISO GO:0010033 MGI:88494 J:35340 UniProtKB:P16220 26327 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:bcl2;UniProt:P10415 external ref:PMID:8798441;IDA text:in response to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate text: upregulation of transcription text:binding to bcl2 promoter ISO GO:0003700 MGI:88494 J:35340 UniProtKB:P16220 26328 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9632656;IGI external ref:PMID:9632656;IDA text:transfected in U138 glioblastoma cells; luciferase reporter text: a lucifera ISO GO:0045944 MGI:101896 J:48317 UniProtKB:P20267 26329 2 se reporter driven by a multimerized enhancer from the FGF-4 gene text: cooperative action with Sox11 ISO GO:0045944 MGI:101896 J:48317 UniProtKB:P20267 26330 1 evidence:inferred from reporter gene assay;ECO:0000049 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9632656;IGI external ref:PMID:9632656;IDA text:transfected in U138 glioblastoma cells; luciferase reporter text: a lucifera ISO GO:0016563 MGI:101896 J:48317 UniProtKB:P20267 26331 2 se reporter driven by a multimerized enhancer from the FGF-4 gene text: cooperative action with Sox11 ISO GO:0016563 MGI:101896 J:48317 UniProtKB:P20267 26332 1 evidence:inferred from electrophoretic mobility shift assay;ECO:0000096 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:9632656;IDA text:transfected in U138 glioblastoma cells text FXO enhancer ISO GO:0003705 MGI:101896 J:48317 UniProtKB:P20267 26333 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11577348;IDA text:IDA|PMID:11577348 ISO GO:0001933 MGI:1918677 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P2D0 26334 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: external ref:PMID:11577348;IDA text:IDA|PMID:11577348 ISO GO:0051209 MGI:1918677 J:73065 UniProtKB:Q9P2D0 26335 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:15784617;IGI text:PMID:15784617|IGI|UniPRotKB:P10275 text:PMID:15784617|IGI|UniPRotKB:P04150 ISO GO:0045944 MGI:1921356 J:73065 UniPRotKB:Q58WW2 26336 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected;Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis IDA GO:0005576 MGI:891971 J:76390 N/A 26337 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected;Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis IDA GO:0005576 MGI:891970 J:76390 N/A 26338 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1650 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected;Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis IDA GO:0005576 MGI:891969 J:76390 N/A 26339 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Structural studies involving glycosidase digestion (data not shown) have indicated that the secreted a1-PIs contain, like the native inhibitor, as many as four N-linked o IDA GO:0006487 MGI:891969 J:76390 N/A 26340 2 ligosaccharide units. IDA GO:0006487 MGI:891969 J:76390 N/A 26341 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Structural studies involving glycosidase digestion (data not shown) have indicated that the secreted a1-PIs contain, like the native inhibitor, as many as four N-linked o IDA GO:0006487 MGI:891970 J:76390 N/A 26342 2 ligosaccharide units. IDA GO:0006487 MGI:891970 J:76390 N/A 26343 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Structural studies involving glycosidase digestion (data not shown) have indicated that the secreted a1-PIs contain, like the native inhibitor, as many as four N-linked o IDA GO:0006487 MGI:891971 J:76390 N/A 26344 2 ligosaccharide units. IDA GO:0006487 MGI:891971 J:76390 N/A 26345 1 evidence:ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:891971 J:76390 UniProtKB:Q29463|UniProtKB:P00766|UniProtKB:B2MUD5 26346 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:MGI:891971|MGI:891970|MGI:891969|MGI:891968 external ref:PMID:11961105;IDA text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:102759 J:76390 UniProtKB:Q29463 26347 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:MGI:891971|MGI:891970|MGI:891969|MGI:891968 external ref:PMID:11961105;IDA text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:88558 J:76390 UniProtKB:P00766 26348 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11961105;IDA text:self-proteolysis ISO GO:0051603 MGI:88558 J:76390 UniProtKB:P00766 26349 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11961105;IDA text:self-proteolysis ISO GO:0051603 MGI:2679229 J:76390 UniProtKB:B2MUD5 26350 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:11961105;IDA text:self-proteolysis ISO GO:0051603 MGI:102759 J:76390 UniProtKB:Q29463 26351 1 evidence:ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:891970 J:76390 UniProtKB:Q29463|UniProtKB:P00766|UniProtKB:B2MUD5 26352 1 evidence:ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:891968 J:76390 UniProtKB:Q29463|UniProtKB:P00766 26353 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:MGI:891971|MGI:891970|MGI:891969 external ref:PMID:11961105;IDA text: ISO GO:0005515 MGI:2679229 J:76390 UniProtKB:B2MUD5 26354 1 evidence:ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:891969 J:76390 UniProtKB:Q29463|UniProtKB:P00766 26355 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:MGI:891971 external ref:PMID:11961105;IDA text:binds Sax-1 (ortholog of Serpina1a) of M. saxicola ISO GO:0005515 MGI:88563 J:76390 UniProtKB:P08311 26356 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:MA:0000377 cell type:CL:0000066|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:98262 J:4055 N/A 26357 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:culture studies ; response to IL1-alpha; increased expression IDA GO:0034097 MGI:98262 J:4055 N/A 26358 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:culture studies ; response to TNF-alpha; increased expression IDA GO:0034612 MGI:98262 J:4055 N/A 26359 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0002502 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:1.8-fold reduction in serum IgG1 IMP GO:0002639 MGI:88330 J:63315 MGI:2386160 26360 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:impaired antibody response to T cell dependent antigens IMP GO:0002920 MGI:88330 J:63315 MGI:2386160 26361 1 evidence:ECO:0000024 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88339 J:2873 UniProtKB:P08920 26362 1 evidence:ECO:0000024 anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:88320 J:2873 UniProtKB:P18181 26363 1 evidence: anatomy:colon ; MA:0000335 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0008285 MGI:88039 J:58033 MGI:1856318 26364 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected P3U1 cell line IDA GO:0005576 MGI:88320 J:2873 N/A 26365 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:immunofluorescecence staining and FACS analysis; mouse T cell lines, including CTLL-2, MBL-2 and FBL-3 IDA GO:0043499 MGI:88320 J:2873 N/A 26366 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:inhibition by Rat mAbs reactive with mouse CD2 (RM2-1) and hamster HM48-1 IMP GO:0043499 MGI:88320 J:2873 N/A 26367 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:disulfide-linked homodimerization IDA GO:0042803 MGI:88320 J:2873 N/A 26368 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:possesses a cytoplasmic tail IDA GO:0009898 MGI:88320 J:2873 N/A 26369 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:GPI-anchored membrane protein IDA GO:0046658 MGI:88320 J:2873 N/A 26370 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000142|MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:thymocytes and splenocytes IDA GO:0043499 MGI:88339 J:2873 N/A 26371 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000142|MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:thymocytes and splenocytes IDA GO:0043499 MGI:88323 J:2873 N/A 26372 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000142|MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:thymocytes and splenocytes IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88323 J:2873 N/A 26373 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000142|MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:thymocytes and splenocytes IDA GO:0009897 MGI:88339 J:2873 N/A 26374 1 evidence:ECO:0000087; inferred from immunolocalization anatomy: cell type:CL:0000243; glial cell (sensu Vertebrata gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:97283 J:67554 N/A 26375 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000084|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042110 MGI:88339 J:2873 N/A 26376 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000129; microglial cell gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042554 MGI:97283 J:67554 MGI:1934143 26377 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:phytohemagglutinin response IDA GO:0051789 MGI:88339 J:2873 N/A 26378 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:Cd2- and Cd3-mediated signal transduction IDA GO:0007165 MGI:88339 J:2873 N/A 26379 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0001863; trachea smooth muscle cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045986 MGI:97283 J:130504 MGI:1934143 26380 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:mature B cell ; CL:0000785 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030890 MGI:96556 J:106733 N/A 26381 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:mature B cell ; CL:0000785 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030890 MGI:88336 J:106733 N/A 26382 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:mature B cell ; CL:0000785 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030890 MGI:96448 J:106733 N/A 26383 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000581; peritoneal macrophage gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:killing of bacterial cells IMP GO:0001909 MGI:97283 J:123374 MGI:2661962 26384 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:106733 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26385 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046061 MGI:87916 J:106733 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26386 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:bone marrow ; MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006157 MGI:87916 J:106733 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26387 1 evidence:histology anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type:germinal center B cell ; CL:0000844 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002314 MGI:87916 J:106733 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26388 1 evidence:flow cytometry of annexin V anatomy: cell type:mature B cell ; CL:0000785 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002906 MGI:87916 J:106733 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26389 1 evidence:3H thymidine proliferation assay anatomy: cell type:mature B cell ; CL:0000785 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0030890 MGI:87916 J:106733 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26390 1 evidence:histology anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0002636 MGI:87916 J:106733 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26391 1 evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:adenosine deaminase enzyme assay anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 IMP GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:96688 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26392 2 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: IMP GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:96688 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26393 1 evidence:adenosine deaminase enzyme assay anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene produc IMP GO:0046103 MGI:87916 J:96688 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26394 2 t: modification: IMP GO:0046103 MGI:87916 J:96688 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26395 1 evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:adenosine deaminase enzyme assay anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 anatomy:brain ; MA:0000168 IMP GO:0004000 MGI:87916 J:96688 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26396 2 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:heart ; MA:0000072 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004000 MGI:87916 J:96688 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26397 1 evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 anatomy:forestomach ; MA:0001606 anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 anatomy:large intestine ; MA:0000333 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 IMP GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:73418 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26398 2 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: evidence:HPLC anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell typ IMP GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:73418 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26399 3 e: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:73418 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26400 1 evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 anatomy:forestomach ; MA:0001606 anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 anatomy:large intestine ; MA:0000333 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:blood ; MA:0000059 IMP GO:0004000 MGI:87916 J:73418 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26401 2 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004000 MGI:87916 J:73418 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26402 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046061 MGI:87916 J:73418 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26403 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:serum ; MA:0002502 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 anatomy:spleen ; MA:0000141 anatomy:liver ; MA:0000358 anatomy:kidney ; MA:0000368 anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006157 MGI:87916 J:73418 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26404 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type:immature T cell ; CL:0000804 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0045582 MGI:87916 J:73418 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26405 1 evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 anatomy:forestomach ; MA:0001606 anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:72057 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26406 1 evidence:adenosine deaminase zymogram anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 anatomy:forestomach ; MA:0001606 anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 anatomy:thymus ; MA:0000142 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0004000 MGI:87916 J:72057 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26407 1 evidence:histology anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050728 MGI:87916 J:72057 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26408 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:lung ; MA:0000415 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:63493 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26409 1 evidence:histology anatomy:alveolus ; MA:0000420 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048286 MGI:87916 J:63493 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26410 1 evidence:ECO:0000068; inferred from yeast 2-hybrid assay anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:used human RAC2 for this experiment. IPI GO:0048365 MGI:97284 J:45759 UniProtKB:P15153 26411 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy: cell type:T cell ; CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0050870 MGI:87916 J:63086 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26412 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:TS21\,brain ; EMAP:4936 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:95394 J:48808 N/A 26413 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043204 MGI:95394 J:48808 N/A 26414 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,marginal layer ; EMAP:5108 cell type:CL:0000540|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:immunoelectron microscopy IDA GO:0030673 MGI:101931 J:48808 N/A 26415 1 evidence: anatomy:TS21\,marginal layer ; EMAP:5108 cell type:CL:0000540|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:immunoelectron microscopy IDA GO:0030424 MGI:101931 J:48808 N/A 26416 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000540 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043205 MGI:99917 J:48808 N/A 26417 1 evidence:histology anatomy:small intestine ; MA:0000337 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048541 MGI:87916 J:110603 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26418 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:duodenum ; MA:0000338 anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 anatomy:forestomach ; MA:0001606 anatomy:esophagus ; MA:0000352 anatomy:jejunum ; MA:0000340 anatomy:ileum ; MA:0000339 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: te IMP GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:110603 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26419 2 xt: IMP GO:0006154 MGI:87916 J:110603 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26420 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:duodenum ; MA:0000338 anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 anatomy:forestomach ; MA:0001606 anatomy:esophagus ; MA:0000352 anatomy:jejunum ; MA:0000340 anatomy:ileum ; MA:0000339 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: te IMP GO:0006157 MGI:87916 J:110603 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26421 2 xt: IMP GO:0006157 MGI:87916 J:110603 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26422 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:duodenum ; MA:0000338 anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 anatomy:forestomach ; MA:0001606 anatomy:esophagus ; MA:0000352 anatomy:jejunum ; MA:0000340 anatomy:ileum ; MA:0000339 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: te IMP GO:0046101 MGI:87916 J:110603 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26423 2 xt: IMP GO:0046101 MGI:87916 J:110603 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26424 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:duodenum ; MA:0000338 anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 anatomy:forestomach ; MA:0001606 anatomy:esophagus ; MA:0000352 anatomy:jejunum ; MA:0000340 anatomy:ileum ; MA:0000339 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: te IMP GO:0046103 MGI:87916 J:110603 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26425 2 xt: IMP GO:0046103 MGI:87916 J:110603 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26426 1 evidence:HPLC anatomy:duodenum ; MA:0000338 anatomy:tongue ; MA:0000347 anatomy:forestomach ; MA:0001606 anatomy:esophagus ; MA:0000352 anatomy:jejunum ; MA:0000340 anatomy:ileum ; MA:0000339 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: te IMP GO:0046111 MGI:87916 J:110603 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26427 2 xt: IMP GO:0046111 MGI:87916 J:110603 MGI:1857117|MGI:2681791 26428 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000142 cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000084 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0048873 MGI:88344 J:48758 MGI:2180804 26429 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text: ISO GO:0043025 MGI:104727 J:29256 UniProtKB:P63041 26430 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text: ISO GO:0043025 MGI:104726 J:29256 UniProtKB:P84087 26431 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat synaptophysin binding from brain ISO GO:0001948 MGI:109355 J:29256 UniProtKB:P32851 26432 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat syntaxin 1a binding ISO GO:0017075 MGI:98467 J:29256 UniProtKB:P07825 26433 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat SNAP-25 binding ISO GO:0000149 MGI:109355 J:29256 UniProtKB:P32851 26434 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat SNAP-25, synaptobrevin complex ISO GO:0070044 MGI:109355 J:29256 UniProtKB:P32851 26435 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat syntaxin 1A and SNAP-25 complex binding ISO GO:0000149 MGI:1313277 J:29256 UniProtKB:P63045 26436 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat syntaxin 1A and SNAP-25 complex binding ISO GO:0070044 MGI:1313277 J:29256 UniProtKB:P63045 26437 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat syntaxin 1A and SNAP-25 complex binding ISO GO:0017075 MGI:1313277 J:29256 UniProtKB:P63045 26438 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat syntaxin 1A and synaptobrevin 2 complex binding ISO GO:0000149 MGI:98331 J:29256 UniProtKB:P60881 26439 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat syntaxin 1A and synaptobrevin 2 complex binding ISO GO:0070044 MGI:98331 J:29256 UniProtKB:P60881 26440 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat syntaxin 1A and synaptobrevin 2 complex binding ISO GO:0017075 MGI:98331 J:29256 UniProtKB:P60881 26441 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat brain syntaxin 1A binding ISO GO:0017075 MGI:107363 J:29256 UniProtKB:P61765 26442 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat Stxbp1 and Syt1 binding from brain ISO GO:0005515 MGI:109355 J:29256 UniProtKB:P32851 26443 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat synapsin 1A binding from brain ISO GO:0005515 MGI:99667 J:29256 UniProtKB:P21707 26444 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a-complexin I complex ISO GO:0070032 MGI:104727 J:29256 UniProtKB:P63041 26445 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat synapsin 1A binding from brain ISO GO:0017075 MGI:104727 J:29256 UniProtKB:P63041 26446 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat synapsin 1A binding from brain ISO GO:0017075 MGI:104726 J:29256 UniProtKB:P84087 26447 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:inhibitor of Indo causes fetus rejection. IMP GO:0002666 MGI:96416 J:49473 N/A 26448 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a-complexin I complex ISO GO:0070032 MGI:98331 J:29256 UniProtKB:P60881 26449 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a-complexin I complex ISO GO:0070032 MGI:109355 J:29256 UniProtKB:P32851 26450 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a-complexin I complex ISO GO:0070032 MGI:1313277 J:29256 UniProtKB:P63045 26451 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat; brain; synapse ISO GO:0045202 MGI:104727 J:29256 UniProtKB:P63041 26452 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat; brain; synapse ISO GO:0045202 MGI:104726 J:29256 UniProtKB:P84087 26453 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat dendrite ISO GO:0030425 MGI:104726 J:29256 UniProtKB:P84087 26454 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat dendrite ISO GO:0030425 MGI:104727 J:29256 UniProtKB:P63041 26455 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat ISO GO:0000149 MGI:104563 J:29256 UniProtKB:P54921 26456 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:7553862;IDA text:rat ISO GO:0070044 MGI:104563 J:29256 UniProtKB:P54921 26457 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000441 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDO-/- have reduced Th2 cell devleopment IMP GO:0002830 MGI:96416 J:134645 MGI:3505776 26458 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000441 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDO-/- have reduced chronic inflammatory response in the trachae IMP GO:0002678 MGI:96416 J:134645 MGI:3505776 26459 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased brainstem auditory evoked potential; increased susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss IMP GO:0007605 MGI:99917 J:66146 MGI:1931872 26460 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:decreased brainstem auditory evoked potential; increased susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss IMP GO:0031223 MGI:99917 J:66146 MGI:1931872 26461 1 evidence: anatomy:perilymph;MA:0002529 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:after acoustic overstimulation, GLAST-deficient mice show increased accumulation of glutamate in perilymphs IMP GO:0006536 MGI:99917 J:66146 MGI:1931872 26462 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:MGI:88357|MGI:101757|MGI:107793|MGI:98506|MGI:2447063 external ref: text: IMP GO:0010468 MGI:95388 J:116586 N/A 26463 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target:MGI:88357|MGI:101757|MGI:107793|MGI:98506|MGI:2447063 external ref: text: IMP GO:0010468 MGI:97490 J:116586 N/A 26464 1 evidence:ECO:0000040 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000018|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005737 MGI:99543 J:138760 N/A 26465 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000018 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005634 MGI:102688 J:138760 N/A 26466 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10504726|IDA text: ISO GO:0020037 MGI:105112 J:73065 UniProtKB:P20058 26467 1 evidence: anatomy:lens;MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:lenses are somewhat deformed IMP GO:0002089 MGI:1926483 J:101707 MGI:3605480 26468 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:retinal layers are undulating IMP GO:0060041 MGI:1926483 J:101707 MGI:3605480 26469 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000261|TS24\, eyelid ; EMAP:9222 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal anterior eye segment morphology; Microphthalmia; abnormal eyelid morphology; eyelids open at birth; abnormal vitreous body IMP GO:0048593 MGI:1926483 J:101707 MGI:3605480 26470 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000261 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal anterior eye segment morphology; Microphthalmia; abnormal vitreous body IMP GO:0009566 MGI:1930171 J:101707 MGI:3605481 26471 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000275 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:lenses are somewhat deformed IMP GO:0002089 MGI:1930171 J:101707 MGI:3605481 26472 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal retinal layer morphology IMP GO:0060042 MGI:1930171 J:101707 MGI:3605481 26473 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:ciliary epithelium;MA:0001238 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005913 MGI:1930171 J:101707 N/A 26474 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:ciliary epithelium;MA:0001238 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005913 MGI:1926483 J:101707 N/A 26475 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:ciliary epithelium;MA:0001238 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005913 MGI:88356 J:101707 N/A 26476 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:ciliary epithelium;MA:0001238 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005913 MGI:98759 J:101707 N/A 26477 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:ciliary epithelium;MA:0001238 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005913 MGI:1314653 J:101707 N/A 26478 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:ciliary epithelium;MA:0001238 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005911 MGI:97822 J:101707 N/A 26479 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:telencephalon;MA:0000183 cell type:CL:0000125|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:99917 J:67408 N/A 26480 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:telencephalon;MA:0000183 cell type:CL:0000125|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1929610 J:67408 N/A 26481 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:telencephalon;MA:0000183 cell type:CL:0000125|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:101916 J:67408 N/A 26482 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy:TS22\,ganglion ; EMAP:6160 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:96919 J:67408 N/A 26483 1 evidence:ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000540|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005622 MGI:106035 J:67408 N/A 26484 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0002892; amniotic fluid cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:amniotic fluid IDA GO:0005615 MGI:98726 J:16945 N/A 26485 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:560; TS13,heart cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0007507 MGI:99458 J:50309 MGI:1857491 26486 1 evidence: anatomy:EMAP:398; TS12,yolk sac anatomy:EMAP:EMAP:550; TS13,right,dorsal aorta cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:actually TS13 for yolk sac would be closer in DPC, but there are no emap terms for yolk sca beyond IMP GO:0001568 MGI:99458 J:50309 MGI:1857491 26487 2 TS12 IMP GO:0001568 MGI:99458 J:50309 MGI:1857491 26488 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:8097422|IMP text: ISO GO:0001501 MGI:88467 J:73065 UniProtKB:P02452 26489 1 evidence: anatomy:endochondral bone ; MA:0002836 cell type:primary cell line cell ; CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0001958 MGI:88467 J:16630 MGI:1856671 26490 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046579 MGI:2443430 J:99817 MGI:3584141 26491 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: platelet-derived growth factor IMP GO:0051789 MGI:2443430 J:99817 MGI:3584141 26492 1 evidence:ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: Rasgrp3;MGI:3028579 external ref: text: IDA GO:0005095 MGI:2443430 J:99817 N/A 26493 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0046580 MGI:1278339 J:99817 MGI:2674915 26494 1 evidence:ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: Rasgrp1; MGI:1314635| Rasgrp4;MGI:2386851 external ref: text: IDA GO:0004857 MGI:1278339 J:99817 N/A 26495 1 evidence:ECO:0000112 anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: Rasgrp3;MGI:3028579 external ref: text:protein mutant IMP GO:0005095 MGI:2443430 J:99817 N/A 26496 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0005737 MGI:2443430 J:99817 N/A 26497 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0048471 MGI:2443430 J:99817 N/A 26498 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0005737 MGI:3028579 J:99817 N/A 26499 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000002|ATCC:CRL-1651 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0048471 MGI:3028579 J:99817 N/A 26500 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1573|CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IPI GO:0019900 MGI:3028579 J:99817 NCBI:NP_001074675 26501 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1573|CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0032045 MGI:3028579 J:99817 N/A 26502 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1573|CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0032045 MGI:2443430 J:99817 N/A 26503 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1573|CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0032045 MGI:97852 J:99817 N/A 26504 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product:UniProtKB:Q9R244-1 gene_product:UniProtKB:Q9R244-2 modification: target: external ref: text:isoforms A and B (not alpha and beta) IDA GO:0005516 MGI:109527 J:82375 N/A 26505 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1573|CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IPI GO:0017016 MGI:97852 J:99817 NCBI:NP_997129 26506 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1573|CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IPI GO:0017016 MGI:3028579 J:99817 UniProtKB:P62835 26507 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1573|CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0004143 MGI:2443430 J:99817 N/A 26508 1 evidence:ECO:0000070 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1573|CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IPI GO:0017016 MGI:2443430 J:99817 NCBI:NP_997129 26509 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000001|CL:0000057 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:active Rap1 assay IMP GO:0032317 MGI:2443430 J:99817 MGI:3584141 26510 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mice serum inhibits human leukocyte alastase activity IMP GO:0004867 MGI:891970 J:94168 MGI:3512411 26511 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mice serum inhibits human chymotrypsin activity IMP GO:0030569 MGI:891970 J:94168 MGI:3512411 26512 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:prenatal lethality IMP GO:0001701 MGI:891970 J:94168 MGI:3512411 26513 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:resistance to Plasmodium berghei IMP GO:0001562 MGI:98607 J:74139 N/A 26514 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0005634 MGI:1921539 J:104175 N/A 26515 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0005737 MGI:3505701 J:135444 N/A 26516 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0005783 MGI:3505701 J:135444 N/A 26517 1 evidence:inferred from immunofluorescence;ECO:0000007 anatomy: cell type:ATCC:CRL-1651;CL:0000002 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transfected IDA GO:0005783 MGI:97464 J:135444 N/A 26518 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal eye morphology IMP GO:0048593 MGI:1096337 J:85573 MGI:2677305 26519 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal optic tract morphology IMP GO:0021631 MGI:1096337 J:85573 MGI:2677305 26520 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal optic nerve innervation IMP GO:0021545 MGI:1096337 J:85573 MGI:2677305 26521 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal eye morphology IMP GO:0048593 MGI:99611 J:85573 MGI:2149765 26522 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:abnormal optic tract morphology IMP GO:0021631 MGI:99611 J:85573 MGI:2149765 26523 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000740|CL:0000002;ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0050771 MGI:99611 J:85573 N/A 26524 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000740|CL:0000002;ATCC:CRL-1573 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:antiphospho Ephb2 antibodies IDA GO:0006468 MGI:99611 J:85573 N/A 26525 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type:CL:0000740|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: also Xenopus retinal cells IDA GO:0031290 MGI:99611 J:85573 N/A 26526 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0021952 MGI:99611 J:85573 N/A 26527 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:99611 J:85573 MGI:104757 26528 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IPI GO:0005515 MGI:104757 J:85573 MGI:99611 26529 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0021952 MGI:1096337 J:85573 N/A 26530 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031290 MGI:1096337 J:85573 N/A 26531 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0031290 MGI:104770 J:85573 N/A 26532 1 evidence: anatomy:retina;MA:0000276 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0021952 MGI:104770 J:85573 N/A 26533 1 evidence:ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS23\,optic chiasma ; EMAP:7820 cell type:CL:0000740|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0030424 MGI:97314 J:85573 N/A 26534 1 evidence:ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS23\,optic chiasma ; EMAP:7820 cell type:CL:0000740|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0005883 MGI:97314 J:85573 N/A 26535 1 evidence:ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS23\,optic chiasma ; EMAP:7820 cell type:CL:0000740|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:99611 J:85573 N/A 26536 1 evidence:ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS23\,optic chiasma ; EMAP:7820 cell type:CL:0000740|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:101916 J:85573 N/A 26537 1 evidence:ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS23\,optic chiasma ; EMAP:7820 cell type:CL:0000740|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042995 MGI:99917 J:85573 N/A 26538 1 evidence:ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS23\,optic chiasma ; EMAP:7820 cell type:CL:0000740|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:99917 J:85573 N/A 26539 1 evidence:ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS23\,optic chiasma ; EMAP:7820 cell type:CL:0000740|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0042995 MGI:1929610 J:85573 N/A 26540 1 evidence:ECO:0000040 anatomy:TS23\,optic chiasma ; EMAP:7820 cell type:CL:0000740|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0043025 MGI:1929610 J:85573 N/A 26541 1 evidence: anatomy:optic tract;MA:0001099 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:optic tract IMP GO:0021952 MGI:1096337 J:85573 MGI:2677305|MGI:2677312 26542 1 evidence: anatomy:optic tract;MA:0001099 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:optic tract IMP GO:0007411 MGI:1096337 J:85573 MGI:2677305|MGI:2677312 26543 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transformed X. laevis oocytes IDA GO:0008514 MGI:2442751 J:88841 N/A 26544 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transformed X. laevis oocytes IDA GO:0015711 MGI:2442751 J:88841 N/A 26545 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:mycotoxin ochratoxin A IDA GO:0019534 MGI:2442751 J:88841 N/A 26546 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transformed X. laevis oocytes ISS GO:0008514 MGI:892001 J:88841 UniProtKB:O35956 26547 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:transformed X. laevis oocytes ISS GO:0015711 MGI:892001 J:88841 UniProtKB:O35956 26548 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0034097 MGI:98376 J:97996 N/A 26549 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0043434 MGI:98376 J:97996 N/A 26550 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0034097 MGI:105045 J:97996 N/A 26551 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0043434 MGI:105045 J:97996 N/A 26552 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in extracellular expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0005576 MGI:105045 J:97996 N/A 26553 1 evidence: anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression (extracellular) in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0005576 MGI:98376 J:97996 N/A 26554 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0034097 MGI:102848 J:97996 N/A 26555 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0043434 MGI:102848 J:97996 N/A 26556 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0034097 MGI:2182836 J:97996 N/A 26557 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0043434 MGI:2182836 J:97996 N/A 26558 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0034097 MGI:98377 J:97996 N/A 26559 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0043434 MGI:98377 J:97996 N/A 26560 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0034097 MGI:98378 J:97996 N/A 26561 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0043434 MGI:98378 J:97996 N/A 26562 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0034097 MGI:2182837 J:97996 N/A 26563 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0043434 MGI:2182837 J:97996 N/A 26564 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0034097 MGI:2182838 J:97996 N/A 26565 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0043434 MGI:2182838 J:97996 N/A 26566 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0034097 MGI:105046 J:97996 N/A 26567 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0043434 MGI:105046 J:97996 N/A 26568 1 evidence: anatomy:MA:0000154; hair follicle cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IMP GO:0042637 MGI:1341787 J:110694 MGI:1934023 26569 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0034097 MGI:891970 J:97996 N/A 26570 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0043434 MGI:891970 J:97996 N/A 26571 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0034097 MGI:891971 J:97996 N/A 26572 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0043434 MGI:891971 J:97996 N/A 26573 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0034097 MGI:2182839 J:97996 N/A 26574 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0043434 MGI:2182839 J:97996 N/A 26575 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0034097 MGI:2182841 J:97996 N/A 26576 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0043434 MGI:2182841 J:97996 N/A 26577 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0034097 MGI:891969 J:97996 N/A 26578 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0043434 MGI:891969 J:97996 N/A 26579 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0034097 MGI:891968 J:97996 N/A 26580 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0043434 MGI:891968 J:97996 N/A 26581 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0034097 MGI:891967 J:97996 N/A 26582 1 evidence:ECO:0000108 anatomy:bone marrow;MA:0000134 cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:strong reduction in expression in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor IDA GO:0043434 MGI:891967 J:97996 N/A 26583 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref: text:inhibition of VCAM-1 cleavage ISS GO:0004867 MGI:98376 J:97996 UniProt:P01009 26584 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10201375|IDA text: ISO GO:0008324 MGI:1341787 J:73065 UniProtKB:O35433 26585 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10201375|IDA text: ISO GO:0016020 MGI:1341787 J:73065 UniProt:O35433 26586 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10201375|IDA text: ISO GO:0009408 MGI:1341787 J:73065 UniProtKB:O35433 26587 1 evidence: anatomy: cell type: gene product: modification: target: external ref:PMID:10201375|IDA text: ISO GO:0009268 MGI:1341787 J:73065 UniProtKB:O35433 26588 1 evidence:flow cytometry anatomy:MA:0000134 cell type:CL:0000763|CL:0000001 gene product: modification: target: external ref: text: IDA GO:0009897 MGI:96607 J:97996 N/A