This report provides a list of all recombinase-containing alleles in the MGI database.
Each allele symbol is linked to its respective MGI Allele Detail page, containing phenotypic and disease model data; each Cre System for an allele is linked to its MGI Recombinase Detail page. A link is provided to the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR) strain if a repository holds mice carrying the listed allele.
To search for floxed, frt, or other recombinase target-containing alleles in MGI, use the Phenotype and Alleles Query Form.
To search repositories for specific strains carrying mutations of all types, use the IMSR Search Form.
Driver | Allele Symbol | Name | Detected in | Absent in | IMSR Strain | Allele ID |
1600020E01Rik | 1600020E01RikGt(cre/ERT2)Card | RIKEN cDNA 1600020E01 gene; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7520935 | |||
1700028K03Rik | 1700028K03Rikem1(icre/EGFP)Gpt | RIKEN cDNA 1700028K03 gene; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7309166 | |||
1700028K03Rik | 1700028K03Riktm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | RIKEN cDNA 1700028K03 gene; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | B6NCrl;B6N-1700028K03Riktm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Ics | MGI:5811633 | ||
2500002B13Rik | 2500002B13RikGt(cre/ERT2)Card | RIKEN cDNA 2500002B13 gene; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7520936 | |||
2500002B13Rik | 2500002B13RikGt(cre/ERT2)2Card | RIKEN cDNA 2500002B13 gene; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7520939 | |||
2500002B13Rik | 2500002B13RikGt(cre)3Card | RIKEN cDNA 2500002B13 gene; gene trap 3, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7520940 | |||
6820431F20Rik | 6820431F20RikGt(cre/ERT2)Card | RIKEN cDNA 6820431F20 gene; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7520941 | |||
a | atm1(cre)Smoc | nonagouti; targeted mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | C57BL/6Smoc-atm1(Cre)Smoc | MGI:6430178 | ||
A4galt | A4galttm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | alpha 1,4-galactosyltransferase; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-A4galttm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632380 | ||
A4gnt | A4gnttm1.1(cre/ERT2)Niba | alpha-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase; targeted mutation 1.1, Nick Barker | alimentary system | MGI:6450709 | ||
Abcb11 | Abcb11tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B member 11; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:6115590 | |||
Abcb1a | Tg(Abcb1a-cre)NIDA045Htz | transgene insertion NIDA045, Nathaniel Heintz | C57BL/6J-Tg(Abcb1a-cre)NIDA045Htz/J | MGI:5882712 | ||
Abcc9 | Abcc9em2(cre/ERT2)Cbet | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C member 9; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Christer Betsholtz | MGI:7489797 | |||
Abcg2 | Abcg2tm1.1(cre/Esr1*)Jvbe | ATP binding cassette subfamily G member 2 (Junior blood group); targeted mutation 1.1, Jop H van Berlo | head nervous system muscle liver & biliary system cardiovascular system renal & urinary system respiratory system alimentary system reproductive system hemolymphoid system | MGI:7449246 | ||
Abcg2 | Abcg2tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Bsor | ATP binding cassette subfamily G member 2 (Junior blood group); targeted mutation 3.1, Brian P Sorrentino | B6;129-Abcg2tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Bsor/J | MGI:5444690 | ||
ABCG2 | Tg(ABCG2-cre/ERT2)1Cns | Transgene insertion 1, Chia-Ning Shen | MGI:5898060 | |||
Acan | Acantm1(cre/ERT2)Crm | aggrecan; targeted mutation 1, Benoit de Crombrugghe | head muscle limbs mouse-other sensory organs mesenchyme embryo-other respiratory system skeletal system | renal & urinary system cardiovascular system nervous system liver & biliary system | B6.Cg-Acantm1(cre/ERT2)Crm/J | MGI:4420223 |
Acan | Tg(Rr162136-cre/ERT2)#Bpou | transgene insertion, Blandine Poulet | limbs skeletal system | MGI:7447483 | ||
Acan | Tg(Acan-cre/ERT2,-luc)1Gbg | transgene insertion 1, George Bou-Gharios | limbs tail alimentary system head embryo-other mouse-other mesenchyme skeletal system sensory organs | MGI:5563229 | ||
Acan | Acanem2(dre)Smoc | aggrecan; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | mesenchyme limbs | MGI:7434960 | ||
Acan | Tg(Rr358-cre/ERT2)#Bpou | transgene insertion, Blandine Poulet | MGI:7447482 | |||
Acan | Acantm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | aggrecan; targeted mutation 1.1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Acantm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5632381 | ||
Acan | Acanem3(cre/ERT2)Gpt | aggrecan; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, GemPharmatech | MGI:7576220 | |||
Acan | Tg(Col2a1/Acan-rtTA,tetO-cre)#Vlf | transgene insertion, Veronique Lefebvre | MGI:5426519 | |||
Acan | Acanem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | aggrecan; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6430179 | |||
Ace2 | Ace2em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | angiotensin converting enzyme 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6430724 | |||
Acox2 | Acox2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | acyl-Coenzyme A oxidase 2, branched chain; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Acox2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5811647 | ||
Acp5 | Tg(Acp5-cre)1Star | transgene insertion 1, Rene St-Arnaud | MGI:5499507 | |||
Acp5 | Acp5em1(cre)Gpt | acid phosphatase 5, tartrate resistant; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7460309 | |||
Acp5 | Tg(Acp5-cre)4Rda | transgene insertion 4, Rachel A Davey | cardiovascular system mouse-other hemolymphoid system skeletal system respiratory system alimentary system head limbs liver & biliary system | MGI:3053813 | ||
Acp5 | Tg(Acp5-cre/ERT2)11.40Ics | transgene insertion 11.40, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Acp5-cre/ERT2)11.40Ics/Ics | MGI:7345856 | ||
Acp5 | Tg(Acp5-cre)3Rda | transgene insertion 3, Rachel A Davey | mouse-other limbs skeletal system liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system head alimentary system | MGI:3053816 | ||
Acrv1 | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.1(Acrv1-icre)Jcoc | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1.1, Julie Cocquet | reproductive system | respiratory system cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system nervous system renal & urinary system head liver & biliary system | MGI:7514846 | |
Acsm4 | Acsm4tm1(cre)Hsak | acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 4; targeted mutation 1, Hitoshi Sakano | head sensory organs nervous system | embryo-other | B6.129S2-Acsm4tm1(cre)Hsak ICR.Cg-Acsm4tm1(cre)Hsak/HsakRbrc | MGI:3765958 |
Acsm4 | Acsm4tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 4; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:5811649 | |||
ACTA1 | Tg(ACTA1-cre)79Jme | transgene insertion 79, Judith Melki | muscle liver & biliary system sensory organs reproductive system branchial arches integumental system nervous system endocrine system cavities & their linings mesenchyme adipose tissue respiratory system cardiovascular system limbs tail skeletal system alimentary system head embryo-other renal & urinary system extraembryonic component hemolymphoid system | B6.Cg-Tg(ACTA1-cre)79Jme/J FVB.Cg-Tg(ACTA1-cre)79Jme/J | MGI:2447635 | |
ACTA1 | Tg(ACTA1-cre)1Mll | transgene insertion 1, Ulrich Muller | limbs muscle integumental system | MGI:2656907 | ||
ACTA1 | Tg(ACTA1-cre)AMcle | transgene insertion A, Ian S McLennan | B6;FVB-Tg(ACTA1-cre)AMcle/Rbrc | MGI:4833970 | ||
ACTA1 | Tg(ACTA1-rtTA,tetO-cre)102Monk | transgene insertion 102, Douglas Monks | mesenchyme limbs muscle | renal & urinary system cardiovascular system | B6;C3-Tg(ACTA1-rtTA,tetO-cre)102Monk/J | MGI:4818775 |
ACTA1 | Tg(ACTA1-cre/ERT2)97.16Mtz | transgene insertion 97.16, Daniel Metzger | muscle limbs | cardiovascular system alimentary system | B6.Cg-Tg(ACTA1-cre/ERT2)97.16Mtz/J | MGI:3576667 |
ACTA1 | Tg(ACTA1-cre)1Jdz | transgene insertion 1, Jeffrey D Zajac | MGI:3718075 | |||
ACTA1 | Tg(ACTA1-cre/Esr1*)2Kesr | transgene insertion 2, Karyn A Esser | head sensory organs limbs muscle cavities & their linings cardiovascular system | liver & biliary system | B6.Cg-Tg(ACTA1-cre/Esr1*)2Kesr/J STOCK Tg(ACTA1-cre/Esr1*)2Kesr/J | MGI:5435875 |
Acta2 | Tg(Acta2-cre/ERT2)#Pcn | transgene insertion, Pierre Chambon | reproductive system | MGI:5305721 | ||
Acta2 | Tg(Acta2-cre/ERT2)12Pcn | transgene insertion 12, Pierre Chambon | renal & urinary system head respiratory system cardiovascular system alimentary system reproductive system nervous system muscle | MGI:3831907 | ||
Acta2 | Tg(Acta2-cre)1Rkl | transgene insertion 1, Raghu Kalluri | renal & urinary system cardiovascular system | B6.FVB-Tg(Acta2-cre)1Rkl/J | MGI:6101504 | |
Acta2 | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm6(Acta2-cre)Npa | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 6, Novartis Pharma AG | MGI:5424002 | |||
Acta2 | Tg(Acta2-cre/ERT2)1Ikal | transgene insertion 1, Ivo Kalajzic | muscle limbs cardiovascular system mouse-other | B6(Cg)-Tg(Acta2-cre/ERT2)1Ikal/J | MGI:5461154 | |
Acta2 | Tg(Acta2-cre/ERT2)1Tcw | transgene insertion 1, Timothy C Wang | alimentary system | MGI:5696986 | ||
Acta2 | Acta2em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | actin alpha 2, smooth muscle, aorta; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6430180 | |||
Acta2 | Tg(Acta2-icre)62Gpt | transgene insertion 62, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307365 | |||
Acta2 | Tg(Acta2-cre)#Xya | transgene insertion, Xiao Yang | MGI:5293230 | |||
Acta2 | Tg(Acta2-cre/ERT2)51Pcn | transgene insertion 51, Pierre Chambon | nervous system alimentary system reproductive system renal & urinary system head cardiovascular system muscle respiratory system | MGI:3831911 | ||
ACTA2 | Tg(ACTA2-cre)1Miwa | transgene insertion 1, Takeshi Miwa | nervous system cardiovascular system head | MGI:2177599 | ||
Actb | Actbtm4(cre/ERT2)Npa | actin, beta; targeted mutation 4, Novartis Pharma AG | MGI:5514361 | |||
Actb | Actbtm1(icre)Ksak | actin, beta; targeted mutation 1, Kenji Sakimura | MGI:7423624 | |||
ACTB | Tg(ACTFLPe)9205Dym | transgene insertion 9205, Susan Dymecki | endocrine system cardiovascular system nervous system embryo-other head reproductive system | B6.Cg-Sppl2atm1c(EUCOMM)Hmgu Tg(ACTFLPe)9205Dym/1MarpAnuApb B6.Cg-Sppl2atm1c(EUCOMM)Hmgu Tg(ACTFLPe)9205Dym/2MarpAnuApb B6.Cg-Tg(ACTFLPe)9205Dym/H B6.Cg-Tg(ACTFLPe)9205Dym/H B6N.Cg-Tg(ACTFLPe)9205Dym/CjDswJ B6.Cg-Tg(ACTFLPe)9205Dym/J B6;SJL-Tg(ACTFLPe)9205Dym/J | MGI:2448985 | |
ACTB | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(ACTB-cre,-EGFP)Ics | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, Mouse Clinical Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(ACTB-cre,-EGFP)Ics/Ics | MGI:5285392 | ||
ACTB | Tg(ACTB-cre)3Mrt | transgene insertion 3, Gail R Martin | C57BL/6NTac-Tg(ACTB-cre)3Mrt/H C57BL/6NTac-Tg(ACTB-cre)3Mrt/H | MGI:5316983 | ||
ACTB | Tg(ACTB-cre)#Bzsh | transgene insertion, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system embryo-other mouse-other | MGI:7446368 | ||
ACTB | Tmem163Tg(ACTB-cre)2Mrt | transmembrane protein 163; transgene insertion 2, Gail R Martin | sensory organs head embryo-other | B6.FVB-Tmem163Tg(ACTB-cre)2Mrt/EmsJ B6N.FVB-Tmem163Tg(ACTB-cre)2Mrt/CjDswJ FVB/N-Tmem163Tg(ACTB-cre)2Mrt/J | MGI:2176050 | |
ACTB | Tg(ACTB-EGFP/cre)21Klin | Transgene insertion 21, Kurt Lin | FVB/N-Tg(ACTB-EGFP/Cre)21Klin/Narl | MGI:5898065 | ||
ACTB | Tg(ACTB-cre)1Tes | transgene insertion 1, Lino Tessarollo | hemolymphoid system respiratory system sensory organs reproductive system renal & urinary system alimentary system cardiovascular system endocrine system skeletal system liver & biliary system head | MGI:2677702 | ||
ACTB | Bmpr1bTg(ACTB-FLP)4917Dym | bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type 1B; transgene insertion 4917, Susan Dymecki | embryo-other | MGI:2158498 | ||
ACTB | Tg(ACTB-EGFP/cre)36Klin | Transgene insertion 36, Kurt Lin | FVB/N-Tg(ACTB-EGFP/Cre)36Klin/Narl | MGI:5898068 | ||
ACTC1 | Tg(ACTC1-cre)1Miwa | transgene insertion 1, Takeshi Miwa | mesenchyme cardiovascular system alimentary system muscle | MGI:2177600 | ||
Actl6b | Tg(Actl6b-cre)4092Jiwu | transgene insertion 4092, Jie Wu | alimentary system head integumental system sensory organs endocrine system nervous system | STOCK Tg(Actl6b-Cre)4092Jiwu/J | MGI:5699179 | |
Acvrl1 | Tg(Acvrl1-cre)B1Spo | transgene insertion B1, S Paul Oh | renal & urinary system respiratory system embryo-other mouse-other nervous system liver & biliary system cardiovascular system head | MGI:4438606 | ||
Acvrl1 | Tg(Acvrl1-cre)L1Spo | transgene insertion L1, S Paul Oh | extraembryonic component renal & urinary system respiratory system mouse-other alimentary system head nervous system embryo-other cardiovascular system | muscle liver & biliary system | MGI:4398903 | |
Adam12 | Tg(Adam12-cre,-EGFP)1Lpe | transgene insertion 1, Lucie Peduto | MGI:5442695 | |||
Adcy1 | Adcy1tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | adenylate cyclase 1; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:5811651 | |||
Adcyap1 | Adcyap1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Z Josh Huang | STOCK Adcyap1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:6360920 | ||
Adcyap1 | Adcyap1tm1.1(cre)Hze | adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Adcyap1tm1.1(cre)Hze/ZakJ | MGI:5635438 | |
Adcyap1 | Adcyap1tm1.1(cre)Mjkr | adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Michael J Krashes | nervous system head | MGI:5562871 | ||
Adcyap1r1 | Adcyap1r1tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa | adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide 1 receptor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Adcyap1r1tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa/J | MGI:6451460 | |
Adgra3 | Adgra3tm1.1(HBEGF,-cre/ERT2)Pac | adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A3; targeted mutation 1.1, Pamela Cowin | MGI:6759474 | |||
Adgre1 | Adgre1em1(cre/ERT2)Cya | adhesion G protein-coupled receptor E1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657206 | |||
Adgre1 | Adgre1em4(dre)Smoc | adhesion G protein-coupled receptor E1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750312 | |||
Adgre1 | Adgre1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | adhesion G protein-coupled receptor E1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514746 | |||
Adgre1 | Adgre1tm1(cre)Kpf | adhesion G protein-coupled receptor E1; targeted mutation 1, Klaus Pfeffer | MGI:2429642 | |||
ADGRG1 | Tg(ADGRG1-cre/ERT2)#Tcw | transgene insertion, Timothy C Wang | alimentary system | MGI:6200288 | ||
Adipoq | Tg(Adipoq-cre/ERT2)#Wfrm | transgene insertion, Christian Wolfrum | adipose tissue | MGI:7468602 | ||
Adipoq | Tg(Adipoq-cre/Esr1*)1Evdr | transgene insertion 1, Evan Rosen | B6.129-Tg(Adipoq-cre/Esr1*)1Evdr/J | MGI:5550467 | ||
Adipoq | Adipoqtm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867296 | |||
Adipoq | Adipoqem1(icre)Cya | adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657207 | |||
Adipoq | Adipoqem3(dre/ERT2)Gpt | adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7309524 | |||
Adipoq | Tg(Adipoq-cre/ERT2)1Jgra | transgene insertion 1, James G Granneman | MGI:5634383 | |||
Adipoq | Tg(Adipoq-cre/ERT2)226Gpt | transgene insertion 226, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307366 | |||
Adipoq | Adipoqem4(icre)Gpt | adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7309522 | |||
Adipoq | Tg(Adipoq-cre)1Evdr | transgene insertion 1, Evan Rosen | reproductive system endocrine system embryo-other integumental system alimentary system adipose tissue mesenchyme | respiratory system sensory organs skeletal system nervous system renal & urinary system limbs muscle tail cardiovascular system cavities & their linings liver & biliary system extraembryonic component head hemolymphoid system | B6.Cg-Mglltm1.2Rzim Tg(Adipoq-cre)1Evdr/Ieg B6;FVB-Tg(Adipoq-cre)1Evdr/J B6.FVB-Tg(Adipoq-cre)1Evdr/J | MGI:4836360 |
Adipoq | Adipoqem1(cre)Oam | adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Ormond A MacDougald | B6.Cg-Adipoqem1(cre)Oam/J | MGI:7294222 | ||
Adipoq | Tg(Adipoq-FusRed,-cre/ERT2)13Narl | transgene insertion 13, National Applied Research Laboratories | C57BL/6-Tg(Adipoq-FusRed,-cre/ERT2)13Narl/Narl | MGI:5898124 | ||
Adipoq | Tg(Adipoq-icre/ERT2)1Soff | transgene insertion 1, Stefan Offermanns | C57BL/6-Tg(Adipoq-icre/ERT2)1Soff/J | MGI:4946615 | ||
Adipoq | Tg(Adipoq-cre)#Pesch | transgene insertion, Philipp E Scherer | adipose tissue | MGI:4462047 | ||
ADIPOQ | Tg(ADIPOQ-cre/ERT2)5.1Ics | transgene insertion 5.1, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(ADIPOQ-cre/ERT2)5.1Ics/Ics | MGI:4887842 | ||
Adora1 | Adora1em1(cre)Rei | adenosine A1 receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Marc L Reitman | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Adora1em1(cre)Rei/J | MGI:6509134 | |
Adora2a | Tg(Adora2a-cre)KG139Gsat | transgene insertion KG139, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Adora2a-cre)KG139Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Adora2a-cre)KG139Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4361654 | ||
Adora2a | Tg(Adora2a-cre)2MDkde | transgene insertion 2M, Alban de Kerhcove d'Exaerde | nervous system head | MGI:3852493 | ||
Adora2a | Tg(Adora2a-cre)KG126Gsat | transgene insertion KG126, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Adora2a-cre)KG126Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051776 | |
Adora2a | Adora2aem2(flpo)Rcos | adenosine A2a receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Rui Costa | MGI:7858924 | |||
Adora2a | Adora2atm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | adenosine A2a receptor; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Adora2atm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5632382 | ||
Adora2a | Adora2aem1(cre)Rcos | adenosine A2a receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Rui Costa | MGI:7858920 | |||
Adra2a | Adra2atm1(cre/ERT2)Ddg | adrenergic receptor, alpha 2a; targeted mutation 1, David D Ginty | STOCK Adra2atm1(cre/ERT2)Ddg/J | MGI:7643381 | ||
Adra2a | Tg(Adora2a-RFP,-cre/ERT2)8Narl | transgene insertion 8, National Applied Research Laboratories | C57BL/6-Tg(Adora2a-RFP,-cre/ERT2)8Narl/Narl | MGI:5898127 | ||
Adra2c | Tg(Adra2c-rtTA,tetO-cre)1Acch | Transgene insertion 1, Alice Chang | MGI:5898133 | |||
ADRB1 | Tg(ADRB1-cre)#Ljp | transgene insertion, Louis Ptacek | nervous system head | MGI:7328730 | ||
Afm | Afmtm38(cre)Imeg | afamin; targeted mutation 38, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:6758534 | |||
Afm | Afmtm61(cre)Imeg | afamin; targeted mutation 61, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:6758535 | |||
Afp | Tg(Afp-cre/ERT2)1Smoc | transgene insertion 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6430268 | |||
Afp | Afptm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | alpha fetoprotein; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Afptm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Afptm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632383 | ||
Ager | Agertm2.1(cre/ERT2)Blh | advanced glycosylation end product-specific receptor; targeted mutation 2.1, Brigid L Hogan | respiratory system | STOCK Agertm2.1(cre/ERT2)Blh/2J | MGI:6203633 | |
Ago1 | Ago1Gt(cre/ERT2)2Card | argonaute RISC catalytic subunit 1; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7471388 | |||
Ago1 | Ago1Gt(cre/ERT2)3Card | argonaute RISC catalytic subunit 1; gene trap 3, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7471391 | |||
Ago1 | Ago1Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | argonaute RISC catalytic subunit 1; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7471386 | |||
Agr2 | Agr2em3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | anterior gradient 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750320 | |||
Agrp | Agrptm1(cre*)Rpa | agouti related neuropeptide; targeted mutation 1, Richard D Palmiter | MGI:5911621 | |||
Agrp | Tg(Agrp-cre)2Gsb | transgene insertion 2, Gregory S Barsh | nervous system head | MGI:3688399 | ||
Agrp | Agrptm4.1(cre/EGFP)Rpa | agouti related neuropeptide; targeted mutation 4.1, Richard D Palmiter | head nervous system | MGI:7448510 | ||
Agrp | Agrpem2(cre/ERT2)Cya | agouti related neuropeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7834408 | |||
Agrp | Agrpem1(flp)Chua | agouti related neuropeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Streamson C Chua, Jr | MGI:7711960 | |||
Agrp | Agrptm3(cre/ERT)Rpa | agouti related neuropeptide; targeted mutation 3, Richard D Palmiter | MGI:3527190 | |||
Agrp | Agrptm1(cre)Lowl | agouti related neuropeptide; targeted mutation 1, Bradford B Lowell | alimentary system integumental system renal & urinary system skeletal system nervous system head reproductive system hemolymphoid system endocrine system respiratory system | sensory organs muscle liver & biliary system embryo-other adipose tissue cardiovascular system | STOCK Agrptm1(cre)Lowl/J | MGI:3815085 |
Agrp | Tg(Agrp-cre)1Gsb | transgene insertion 1, Gregory S Barsh | head nervous system | MGI:3576074 | ||
Agrp | Agrptm1.1(cre/EGFP)Stei | agouti related neuropeptide; targeted mutation 1.1, Robert A Steiner | nervous system head | MGI:5752370 | ||
Agrp | Agrpem3(dre)Smoc | agouti related neuropeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750321 | |||
Agrp | Tg(Agrp-cre/ERT2)#Jmz | transgene insertion, Jeffrey M Zigman | MGI:5909993 | |||
Agrp | Agrpem2(icre)Smoc | agouti related neuropeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7626367 | |||
AGTR1 | Hprt1tm343(Ple270-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 343, Elizabeth M Simpson | C57BL/6-Hprt1tm343(Ple270-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5532392 | ||
Agtr1a | Agtr1aem1(cre)Zak | angiotensin II receptor, type 1a; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Zachary Knight | B6.FVB-Agtr1aem1(cre)Zak/J | MGI:6117421 | ||
Agtr1a | Agtr1atm1.1(cre)Ekrs | angiotensin II receptor, type 1a; targeted mutation 1.1, Eric Krause | nervous system head | B6(C3)-Agtr1atm1.1(cre)Ekrs/J | MGI:5906996 | |
Agtr1a | Tg(Agtr1a-icre)70865/2Jgro | transgene insertion 70865/2, Justin Grobe | MGI:7709177 | |||
Agtr2 | Agtr2em1(cre)Adk | angiotensin II receptor, type 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Annette D de Kloet | B6.Cg-Agtr2em1(cre)Adk/J | MGI:6834781 | ||
Aicda | Tg(Aicda-cre,-CD2)dCEBP1Hon | transgene insertion dCEBP1, Tasuku Honjo | hemolymphoid system mouse-other cardiovascular system | MGI:7520887 | ||
Aicda | Tg(Aicda-cre)1Rcas | transgene insertion 1, Rafael Casellas | alimentary system | B6;FVB-Tg(Aicda-cre)1Rcas/J | MGI:5318074 | |
Aicda | Tg(Aicda-cre,-CD2)dR21Hon | transgene insertion dR21, Tasuku Honjo | mouse-other hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system | MGI:7520882 | ||
Aicda | Tg(Aicda-cre,-CD2)1Hon | transgene insertion 1, Tasuku Honjo | mouse-other hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system | MGI:7520879 | ||
Aicda | Aicdatm1.1(cre/ERT2)Crey | activation-induced cytidine deaminase; targeted mutation 1.1, Claude-Agnes Reynaud | B6;129P2-Aicdatm1.1(cre/ERT2)Crey/Ph B6.129P2-Aicdatm1.1(cre/ERT2)Crey/Ph B6.129P2-Aicdatm1.1(cre/ERT2)Crey/J | MGI:4437052 | ||
Aicda | Tg(Aicda-cre,-CD2)dR41Hon | transgene insertion dR41, Tasuku Honjo | mouse-other hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system | MGI:7520884 | ||
Aicda | Aicdaem1(cre)Smoc | activation-induced cytidine deaminase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514144 | |||
Aicda | Aicdatm1(cre)Njen | activation-induced cytidine deaminase; targeted mutation 1, Nancy A Jenkins | MGI:5314932 | |||
Aicda | Tg(Aicda-cre)9Mbu | transgene insertion 9, Meinrad Busslinger | hemolymphoid system | embryo-other | B6.Cg-Ighmtm1Cgn Tg(Aicda-cre)9Mbu Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1Sho/HonRbrc B6.Cg-Tg(Aicda-cre)9Mbu Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1Hjf/HonRbrc | MGI:3803651 |
Aicda | Tg(Aicda-cre,-CD2)dME1Hon | transgene insertion dME1, Tasuku Honjo | cardiovascular system mouse-other hemolymphoid system | MGI:7519082 | ||
Aicda | Aicdatm1(cre)Mnz | activation-induced cytidine deaminase; targeted mutation 1, Michel C Nussenzweig | B6.129P2-Aicdatm1(cre)Mnz/J | MGI:3720568 | ||
Aicda | Aicdatm1(cre)Uba | activation-induced cytidine deaminase; targeted mutation 1, Uttiya Basu | MGI:6693484 | |||
Aif1 | Aif1tm1(icre)Mabe | allograft inflammatory factor 1; targeted mutation 1, Manabu Abe | nervous system head | MGI:6193625 | ||
Aif1 | Aif1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | allograft inflammatory factor 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Aif1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632384 | ||
Aif1 | Aif1em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | allograft inflammatory factor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7309631 | |||
Aif1 | Aif1tm1.1(cre)Mrc | allograft inflammatory factor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Mario R Capecchi | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Aif1tm1.1(cre)Mrc/J | MGI:7446945 | |
Aire | Airetm1.1(cre)Ghr | autoimmune regulator; targeted mutation 1.1, Georg A Hollander | MGI:5296650 | |||
Aire | Airetm3(cre)Mmat | autoimmune regulator; targeted mutation 3, Mitsuru Matsumoto | nervous system alimentary system head hemolymphoid system integumental system | MGI:4454265 | ||
Aire | Tg(Aire-cre)410-5Mmat | transgene insertion 410-5, Mitsuru Matsumoto | nervous system alimentary system renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system integumental system head | MGI:4454269 | ||
Aire | Tg(Aire-cre/ERT2*)1Mand | transgene insertion 1, Mark Anderson | hemolymphoid system | MGI:5527371 | ||
Aire | Tg(Aire-cre)1Mnt | transgene insertion 1, Massimo Trucco | hemolymphoid system | endocrine system alimentary system | MGI:4361672 | |
Aire | Tg(Aire-cre/Esr1)1Mmat | transgene insertion 1, Mitsuru Matsumoto | C57BL/6-Tg(Aire-cre/Esr1)1Mmat/J | MGI:5570119 | ||
Akr1b7 | Akr1b7tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | aldo-keto reductase family 1, member B7; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867302 | |||
Akr1b7 | Tg(Akr1b7-cre)1Anm | transgene insertion 1, Antoine Martinez | cardiovascular system endocrine system renal & urinary system | reproductive system | MGI:3839676 | |
Alad | AladGt(cre/ERT2)2Card | aminolevulinate, delta-, dehydratase; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7522043 | |||
Alad | AladGt(cre/ERT2)1Card | aminolevulinate, delta-, dehydratase; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7522042 | |||
Alb | Albtm1(cre/ERT2)Mtz | albumin; targeted mutation 1, Daniel Metzger | liver & biliary system | B6.Cg-Slc2a9tm1.1Thor Albtm1(cre/ERT2)Mtz/ThorOrl B6.129S2-Albtm1(cre/ERT2)Mtz/J | MGI:3052812 | |
Alb | Tg(Alb-cre/ERT)1Xue | transgene insertion 1, Jing-Lun Xue | MGI:3767395 | |||
Alb | Igs2em3(Alb-icre)Cya | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657268 | |||
Alb | Tg(Alb1-cre)7Gsc | transgene insertion 7, Gunther Schutz | liver & biliary system | cardiovascular system | STOCK Tg(Alb1-cre)7Gsc/Cnrm | MGI:2177602 |
Alb | Gt(ROSA)26Sorem12(Alb-icre)Gpt | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; endonuclease-mediated mutation 12, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7377149 | |||
Alb | Albem1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | albumin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514749 | |||
Alb | Albtm1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | albumin; targeted mutation 1, Bin Zhou | MGI:6386781 | |||
Alb | Tg(Alb-cre)1Cya | transgene insertion 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657332 | |||
Alb | Speer6-ps1Tg(Alb-cre)21Mgn | spermatogenesis associated glutamate (E)-rich protein 6, pseudogene 1; transgene insertion 21, Mark A Magnuson | liver & biliary system | muscle embryo-other alimentary system adipose tissue mouse-other renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system nervous system tail skeletal system cavities & their linings respiratory system mesenchyme reproductive system endocrine system sensory organs limbs cardiovascular system integumental system head | CrTac:NCr-Portm1Wolf Foxn1nu Tg(Alb-cre)21Mgn B6.Cg-Portm1Wolf Tg(Alb-cre)21Mgn N7 stock Speer6-ps1Tg(Alb-cre)21Mgn Soat2tm1.1Llr/Mmnc B6N.Cg-Speer6-ps1Tg(Alb-cre)21Mgn/J B6.Cg-Speer6-ps1Tg(Alb-cre)21Mgn/J 129S.Cg-Speer6-ps1Tg(Alb-cre)21Mgn/MdfJ | MGI:2176228 |
Alb | Tg(Alb1-cre)1Khk | transgene insertion 1, Klaus H Kaestner | alimentary system | B6;SJL-Tg(Alb1-cre)1Khk/Mmmh | MGI:2664969 | |
Alb | Igs2em12(Alb-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 12, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300625 | |||
Alb | Tg(Alb1-cre)1Dlr | transgene insertion 1, Derek LeRoith | alimentary system cardiovascular system endocrine system nervous system reproductive system head liver & biliary system muscle | tail adipose tissue respiratory system hemolymphoid system renal & urinary system cavities & their linings integumental system mesenchyme skeletal system extraembryonic component branchial arches embryo-other limbs mouse-other | B6.Cg-Tg(Csf1r*-GAL4/VP16,UAS-ECFP)1Hume Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4(ACTB-tdTomato,-EGFP)Luo Tg(Alb1-cre)1Dlr/JApb B6.FVB(129)-Tg(Alb1-cre)1Dlr/J FVB(Cg)-Tg(Alb1-cre)1Dlr/J | MGI:2176946 |
Alb | Tg(Alb1-cre)1Rck | transgene insertion 1, Jeffrey M Friedman | MGI:2176780 | |||
Alb | Igs2em10(Alb-cre/ERT2)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 10, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300623 | |||
Alb | Albtm1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | albumin; targeted mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | liver & biliary system | MGI:6430260 | ||
Alb | Albem1(cre/ERT2)Bcgen | albumin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Biocytogen LLC | MGI:7490209 | |||
Alb | Albem4(icre)Smoc | albumin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6690251 | |||
Alb | Albem1(icre)Gpt | albumin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7309680 | |||
Alb | Albtm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | albumin; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Albtm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5811675 | ||
Alb | Albem1(dre/ERT2)Bzsh | albumin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | liver & biliary system | MGI:6202045 | ||
Alb | Tg(Alb-cre)1Smoc | transgene insertion 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750833 | |||
Alb | Tg(Alb-cre/ERT2)#Nor | transgene insertion, Alfred Nordheim | liver & biliary system | MGI:7446725 | ||
ALB | Tg(ALB-cre,CMV-rtTA)#Wcyy | transgene insertion, Winston C Y Yu | MGI:3510916 | |||
Aldh1a1 | Aldh1a1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Cai | aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A1; targeted mutation 1.1, Huaibin Cai | nervous system head | MGI:6423547 | ||
Aldh1a1 | Aldh1a1em1(icre)Awar | aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Rajeshwar Awatramani | B6J.B6NTac-Aldh1a1em1(icre)Awar/Mmmh | MGI:7661041 | ||
Aldh1a1 | Aldh1a1em2(cre)Ylu | aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Youming Lu | head nervous system | MGI:7466201 | ||
Aldh1a1 | Aldh1a1tm1(cre/ERT2)Awar | aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A1; targeted mutation 1, Rajeshwar Awatramani | MGI:6726326 | |||
Aldh1a1 | Aldh1a1em1(icre)Ylu | aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Youming Lu | head nervous system | MGI:7466179 | ||
Aldh1a3 | Aldh1a3tm1(cre/ERT2)Dac | aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A3; targeted mutation 1, Domenico Accili | MGI:7488653 | |||
Aldh1b1 | Aldh1b1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Agav | aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family, member B1; targeted mutation 1.1, Anthony Gavalas | alimentary system | MGI:6382179 | ||
Aldh1l1 | Aldh1l1em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family, member L1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7288225 | |||
Aldh1l1 | Tg(Aldh1l1-cre)JD1884Htz | transgene insertion JD188, Nathaniel Heintz | B6;FVB-Tg(Aldh1l1-cre)JD1884Htz/J | MGI:5514272 | ||
Aldh1l1 | Tg(Aldh1l1-cre)PB1Gsat | transgene insertion PB1, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Aldh1l1-cre)PB1Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086209 | ||
Aldh1l1 | Aldh1l1em2(icre)Gpt | aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family, member L1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7309695 | |||
Aldh1l1 | Aldh1l1em1(cre/ERT2)Nju | aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family, member L1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Model Animal Research Center of Nanjing University | alimentary system nervous system muscle hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system head respiratory system sensory organs liver & biliary system | MGI:7450881 | ||
Aldh1l1 | Aldh1l1tm1(cre)Pfw | aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family, member L1; targeted mutation 1, Paul Worley | MGI:5635921 | |||
Aldh1l1 | Aldh1l1em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family, member L1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7309694 | |||
Aldh1l1 | Tg(Aldh1l1-cre/ERT2)1Khakh | transgene insertion 1, Baljit Khakh | head nervous system | B6N.FVB-Tg(Aldh1l1-cre/ERT2)1Khakh/J B6;FVB-Tg(Aldh1l1-cre/ERT2)1Khakh/J | MGI:5806568 | |
Aldh1l1 | Tg(Aldh1l1-cre/ERT2)02Kan | transgene insertion 02, Klaus-Armin Nave | respiratory system nervous system liver & biliary system renal & urinary system alimentary system head | cardiovascular system | MGI:6121471 | |
Aldh3a1 | Tg(Aldh3a1-cre)1Zkoz | transgene insertion 1, Zbynek Kozmik | sensory organs head | MGI:6727945 | ||
Aldh3a2 | Aldh3a2tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | aldehyde dehydrogenase family 3, subfamily A2; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Aldh3a2tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5632385 | ||
Aldh8a1 | Aldh8a1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | aldehyde dehydrogenase 8 family, member A1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Aldh8a1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5632386 | ||
Aldoc | Aldoctm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | aldolase C, fructose-bisphosphate; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867288 | |||
Alpi | Alpitm1.1(cre/ERT2)Cle | alkaline phosphatase, intestinal; targeted mutation 1.1, Hans Clevers | alimentary system | MGI:7531286 | ||
Alpl | Tg(Alpl-cre/ERT2)12Gcos | transgene insertion 12, Giulio Cossu | MGI:5439469 | |||
Alpl | Alpltm1(cre)Nagy | alkaline phosphatase, liver/bone/kidney; targeted mutation 1, Andras Nagy | muscle limbs cardiovascular system extraembryonic component endocrine system reproductive system nervous system respiratory system branchial arches skeletal system tail embryo-other renal & urinary system mouse-other head adipose tissue integumental system sensory organs cavities & their linings alimentary system mesenchyme liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system | C.B6-Alpltm1(cre)Nagy/AnuApb B6.129-Alpltm1(cre)Nagy/Apb BALB/c-Alpltm1(cre)Nagy/AnuApb 129-Alpltm1(cre)Nagy/AnuApb B6.Cg-Alpltm1(cre)Nagy/Evo 129-Alpltm1(cre)Nagy/J | MGI:2177588 | |
Alx3 | Alx3em1(cre/ERT2)Lanyu | aristaless-like homeobox 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Yu Lan | alimentary system skeletal system mesenchyme head sensory organs | MGI:7520584 | ||
Alx4 | Tg(Alx4-cre/ERT2)1Bky | transgene insertion 1, Bradley K Yoder | reproductive system mesenchyme embryo-other renal & urinary system limbs | MGI:5291907 | ||
Alyref | Alyrefem2(cre/ERT2)Gpt | Aly/REF export factor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7462023 | |||
Ambn | Ambnem1(cre)Mlp | ameloblastin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Michael L Paine | MGI:6696099 | |||
Ambn | Ambnem2(cre)Odk | ameloblastin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Ophir D Klein | MGI:7606997 | |||
Ambn | Ambnem3(cre/ERT2)Odk | ameloblastin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Ophir D Klein | MGI:7606999 | |||
Amelx | Tg(Amelx-icre)863Ppap | transgene insertion 863, Petros Papagerakis | alimentary system | MGI:6360642 | ||
Amelx | Tg(Amelx-icre)872Ppap | transgene insertion 872, Petros Papagerakis | alimentary system | C57BL/6-Tg(Amelx-icre)872Ppap/JdbJ | MGI:6360646 | |
Amelx | Amelxem4(cre)Odk | amelogenin, X-linked; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Ophir D Klein | MGI:7606998 | |||
Amelx | Tg(Amelx-icre)854Ppap | transgene insertion 854, Petros Papagerakis | alimentary system skeletal system | MGI:6360644 | ||
Amelx | Tg(Amelx-icre)876Ppap | transgene insertion 876, Petros Papagerakis | skeletal system alimentary system | MGI:6360640 | ||
Amelx | Tg(Amelx-icre)#Ppap | transgene insertion, Petros Papagerakis | alimentary system | MGI:6717121 | ||
AMELX | Tg(AMELX-cre)A1Kul | transgene insertion A1, Ashok B Kulkarni | alimentary system | FVB/N-Tg(AMELX-cre)A1Kul/J | MGI:5544787 | |
Amh | Tg(Amh-cre/ERT)#Sabe | transgene insertion, Shin-ichi Abe | MGI:5292109 | |||
Amh | Tg(Amh-cre)8815Reb | transgene insertion 8815, Robert E Braun | hemolymphoid system renal & urinary system alimentary system endocrine system head skeletal system nervous system sensory organs reproductive system respiratory system | embryo-other mesenchyme limbs adipose tissue liver & biliary system cavities & their linings mouse-other muscle integumental system extraembryonic component cardiovascular system | B6.FVB(129S)-Tg(Amh-cre)8815Reb/J 129S.FVB-Tg(Amh-cre)8815Reb/J | MGI:3044683 |
Amh | Amhem1(icre)Gpt | anti-Mullerian hormone; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7309766 | |||
Amh | Tg(Amh-cre)#Ysa | transgene insertion, Yumiko Saga | MGI:5426695 | |||
AMH | Tg(AMH-cre)#Sinos | transgene insertion, Satoshi Inoue | reproductive system | MGI:6721404 | ||
AMH | Plekha5Tg(AMH-cre)1Flor | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family A member 5; transgene insertion 1, Florian Guillou | reproductive system alimentary system | embryo-other | B6;SJL-Plekha5Tg(AMH-cre)1Flor/Orl | MGI:2450300 |
Amhr2 | Amhr2tm3(cre)Bhr | anti-Mullerian hormone type 2 receptor; targeted mutation 3, Richard R Behringer | mouse-other alimentary system mesenchyme reproductive system cardiovascular system | B6;129S7-Amhr2tm3(cre)Bhr/Mmnc | MGI:3042214 | |
Amhr2 | Amhr2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | anti-Mullerian hormone type 2 receptor; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867271 | |||
Amhr2 | Amhr2em1(icre)Fjd | anti-Mullerian hormone type 2 receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Franco J DeMayo | mouse-other cardiovascular system reproductive system respiratory system hemolymphoid system | MGI:7513976 | ||
Amhr2 | Tg(Amhr2-cre)#Liud | transgene insertion, Dehong Liu | MGI:6758127 | |||
Amhr2 | Amhr2em1(cre/ERT2)Bult | anti-Mullerian hormone type 2 receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Carol Bult | alimentary system | C57BL/6J-Amhr2em1(cre/ERT2)Bult/BultJ | MGI:7511885 | |
Amhr2 | Amhr2em4(cre)Smoc | anti-Mullerian hormone type 2 receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7626373 | |||
Amhr2 | Amhr2em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | anti-Mullerian hormone type 2 receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514759 | |||
Amigo1 | Tg(Amigo1-cre)NP210Gsat | transgene insertion NP210, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Amigo1-cre)NP210Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5524072 | ||
Amigo1 | Tg(Amigo1-cre)NP231Gsat | transgene insertion NP231, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | MGI:5435479 | |||
Amigo2 | Tg(Amigo2-icre/ERT2)1Ehs | transgene insertion 1, National Institute of Environmental Health Science | cardiovascular system nervous system head | MGI:6754158 | ||
Amigo2 | Tg(Amigo2-icre/ERT2)2Ehs | transgene insertion 2, National Institute of Environmental Health Science | head nervous system | MGI:6754159 | ||
Amigo2 | Tg(Amigo2-cre)1Sieg | transgene insertion 1, Steven A Siegelbaum | B6.Cg-Tg(Amigo2-cre)1Sieg/J | MGI:5565335 | ||
Amn | Amnem1(cre/ERT2)Fuzh | amnionless; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Fujian Zhang | renal & urinary system | MGI:7516282 | ||
AMOTL1 | Hprt1tm344a(Ple5-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 344a, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5532492 | |||
Amy | Tg(Amy2-cre)1Herr | transgene insertion 1, Pedro L Herrera | endocrine system liver & biliary system alimentary system respiratory system mesenchyme | embryo-other | MGI:3641201 | |
Angpt4 | Angpt4tm1.1(cre)Ekl | angiopoietin 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Lauri Eklund | cardiovascular system head sensory organs | nervous system | MGI:6357966 | |
Angptl7 | Angptl7em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | angiopoietin-like 7; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7309800 | |||
Ankfn1 | Ankfn1tm2.1(cre)Mnw | ankyrin-repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Mark N Wu | head nervous system | MGI:6782844 | ||
Anks1 | Tg(Anks1-cre/ERT2)#Sopa | transgene insertion, Soochul Park | head nervous system | MGI:6720248 | ||
Anxa1 | Anxa1em1(icre)Awar | annexin A1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Rajeshwar Awatramani | B6J.B6NTac-Anxa1em1(icre)Awar/Mmmh | MGI:7661042 | ||
Anxa1 | Anxa1em1(cre)Rcos | annexin A1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Rui Costa | MGI:7858965 | |||
Anxa10 | Anxa10em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | annexin A10; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514760 | |||
Anxa10 | Anxa10tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Dstan | annexin A10; targeted mutation 1.1, Daniel E Stange | alimentary system | renal & urinary system liver & biliary system respiratory system | B6.Cg-Anxa10tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Dstan/DstanMmucd B6.Cg-Anxa10tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Dstan/Ieg | MGI:6758084 |
Anxa2 | Anxa2tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | annexin A2; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6N-Anxa2tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5811676 | ||
Apln | Aplnem1(icre)Gpt | apelin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7309939 | |||
Apln | Aplntm1.1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | apelin; targeted mutation 1.1, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system muscle | MGI:5637737 | ||
Aplnr | Tg(Aplnr-cre/ERT2)#Krh | transgene insertion, Kristy Red-Horse | cardiovascular system | cavities & their linings mesenchyme | MGI:5689869 | |
Aplnr | Aplnrem3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | apelin receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | liver & biliary system nervous system renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system respiratory system head cardiovascular system alimentary system | MGI:6690419 | ||
Aplnr | Aplnrem1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | apelin receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514761 | |||
Apobec1 | Apobec1Gt(cre)1Card | apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide 1; gene trap Ayu21-B120, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:7522044 | |||
Apoc4 | Apoc4em1(cre/ERT2)Hzhu | apolipoprotein C-IV; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Hao Zhu | STOCK Apoc4em1(cre/ERT2)Hzhu/J | MGI:6704909 | ||
Apoe | Tg(Apoe-cre/ERT2)54-29Fwp | transgene insertion 54-29, Frank W Pfrieger | MGI:4420277 | |||
APOE | Tg(APOE-cre)VITew | transgene insertion VI, Thomas E Willnow | renal & urinary system | MGI:2449766 | ||
Aqp2 | Tg(Aqp2-cre)1Dek | transgene insertion 1, Donald E Kohan | nervous system head renal & urinary system reproductive system | respiratory system hemolymphoid system alimentary system cardiovascular system liver & biliary system muscle | B6.Cg-Tg(Aqp2-cre)1Dek/J | MGI:3712435 |
Aqp2 | Tg(Aqp2-cre)3Dek | transgene insertion 3, Donald E Kohan | MGI:4820838 | |||
Aqp2 | Tg(Aqp2-icre)1Gsc | transgene insertion 1, Gunther Schutz | renal & urinary system | B6.FVB-Tg(Aqp2-icre)1Gsc/Ieg | MGI:3843825 | |
Aqp2 | Tg(Aqp2-cre/ERT2)4Gsc | transgene insertion 4, Gunther Schutz | MGI:4941815 | |||
Aqp2 | Aqp2tm1(cre/ERT2)Wezh | aquaporin 2; targeted mutation 1, Wenzheng Zhang | renal & urinary system | MGI:6382079 | ||
Aqp2 | Aqp2tm1(cre)Blyg | aquaporin 2; targeted mutation 1, Baoli Yang | MGI:3711456 | |||
AQP2 | Tg(AQP2-cre)2Dek | transgene insertion 2, Donald E Kohan | renal & urinary system | MGI:3054057 | ||
Aqp3 | Aqp3tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | aquaporin 3; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Aqp3tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5632387 | ||
Aqp4 | Tg(Aqp4-cre/ERT2)55-27Fwp | transgene insertion 55-27, Frank W Pfrieger | MGI:4420275 | |||
Aqp4 | Tg(Aqp4-cre)6Ito | transgene insertion 6, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Aqp4-cre)6Ito | MGI:7524122 | ||
Aqp4 | Tg(Aqp4-cre)3Ito | transgene insertion 3, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Aqp4-cre)3Ito | MGI:7524112 | ||
Aqp4 | Tg(Aqp4-cre)2Ito | transgene insertion 2, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Aqp4-cre)2Ito | MGI:7524110 | ||
Aqp4 | Tg(Aqp4-cre)4Ito | transgene insertion 4, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Aqp4-cre)4Ito | MGI:7524116 | ||
Aqp4 | Tg(Aqp4-cre)1Ito | transgene insertion 1, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Aqp4-cre)1Ito | MGI:7524108 | ||
Aqp4 | Tg(Aqp4-cre)5Ito | transgene insertion 5, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Aqp4-cre)5Ito | MGI:7524120 | ||
Aqp5 | Aqp5tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ptch | aquaporin 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Pao-Tien Chuang | MGI:6741118 | |||
Aqp5 | Aqp5em2(icre)Smoc | aquaporin 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6690280 | |||
Aqp5 | Aqp5em2.1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | aquaporin 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2.1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7295392 | |||
Aqp5 | Aqp5tm1.1(cre)Pfl | aquaporin 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Per Flodby | MGI:5051940 | |||
Aqp5 | Aqp5tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Niba | aquaporin 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Nick Barker | alimentary system | MGI:6450542 | ||
Aqp5 | Aqp5tm4.1(cre/ERT2)Niba | aquaporin 5; targeted mutation 4.1, Nick Barker | alimentary system | MGI:6450733 | ||
Aqp5 | Aqp5em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | aquaporin 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514762 | |||
Aqp5 | Aqp5em2(cre/ERT2)Cya | aquaporin 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657211 | |||
Ar | Arem1(cre)Zsu | androgen receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Zijie Sun | renal & urinary system | embryo-other | MGI:6723948 | |
Arc | Arctm1.1(cre/ERT2)Luo | activity regulated cytoskeletal-associated protein; targeted mutation 1.1, Liqun Luo | nervous system head | B6.129(Cg)-Arctm1.1(cre/ERT2)Luo/J | MGI:5488904 | |
Arc | Tg(Arc-cre/ERT2)MRhn | transgene insertion M, Rene Hen | head nervous system | 129S.Cg-Tg(Arc-cre/ERT2)MRhn/CdnyJ B6.Cg-Tg(Arc-cre/ERT2)MRhn/CdnyJ | MGI:5607252 | |
Arc | Arcem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | activity regulated cytoskeletal-associated protein; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514766 | |||
Arf6 | Tg(Arf6-RFP,-cre/ERT2)36Narl | Transgene insertion 36, National Applied Research Laboratories | MGI:5898135 | |||
Arg1 | Arg1em1(cre/ERT2)Hzhu | arginase, liver; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Hao Zhu | MGI:6704913 | |||
Arg1 | Arg1em2(cre/ERT2)Hzhu | arginase, liver; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Hao Zhu | MGI:6704914 | |||
Arg1 | Arg1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Lky | arginase, liver; targeted mutation 2.1, Richard M Locksley | MGI:6754106 | |||
Arhgef6 | Tg(Arhgef6-cre)NL189Gsat | transgene insertion NL189, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Arhgef6-cre)NL189Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051784 | |
Arpp21 | Tg(Arpp21-cre)OL90Gsat | transgene insertion OL90, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Arpp21-cre)OL90Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086174 | |
Arr3 | Arr3tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Eye | arrestin 3, retinal; targeted mutation 1.1, Stephen H Tsang | sensory organs head | MGI:7514881 | ||
Asb4 | Asb4em1(cre/ERT2)Awx | ankyrin repeat and SOCS box-containing 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Allison W Xu | nervous system head | MGI:7522997 | ||
Ascl1 | Tg(Ascl1-cre)ND216Gsat | transgene insertion ND216, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Ascl1-cre)ND216Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086208 | ||
Ascl1 | Tg(Ascl1-EGFP,-cre)1Jejo | transgene insertion 1, Jane Johnson | nervous system head | MGI:3767431 | ||
Ascl1 | Ascl1tm1(Ccre)Cschu | achaete-scute family bHLH transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1, Carol Schuurmans | B6.Cg-Ascl1tm1(Ccre)Cschu/J | MGI:7451387 | ||
Ascl1 | Ascl1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | achaete-scute family bHLH transcription factor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514771 | |||
Ascl1 | Ascl1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jejo | achaete-scute family bHLH transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Jane Johnson | head nervous system | STOCK Ascl1tm1.1(Cre/ERT2)Jejo/J | MGI:4452601 | |
Ascl1 | Tg(Ascl1-cre)1Fgu | transgene insertion 1, Francois Guillemot | nervous system head | MGI:3709987 | ||
Ascl1 | Tg(Ascl1-cre/Esr1*)1Jejo | transgene insertion 1, Jane Johnson | head nervous system | MGI:3767428 | ||
Ascl3 | Ascl3tm1.1(EGFP/cre)Ovi | achaete-scute family bHLH transcription factor 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Catherine E Ovitt | B6.129S1(Cg)-Ascl3tm1.1(EGFP/cre)Ovi/J | MGI:5520171 | ||
Ascl3 | Ascl3tm1(EGFP/cre)Ovi | achaete-scute family bHLH transcription factor 3; targeted mutation 1, Catherine E Ovitt | alimentary system | MGI:3808720 | ||
Ascl3 | Ascl3tm2.1(icre/ESR1*)Ovi | achaete-scute family bHLH transcription factor 3; targeted mutation 2.1, Catherine E Ovitt | B6.Cg-Ascl3tm2.1(icre/ESR1*)Ovi/J | MGI:7447443 | ||
Asic1 | Tg(Asic1-cre)1Cibms | transgene insertion 1, Chih-Cheng Chen | nervous system | MGI:6759763 | ||
Asic4 | Asic4tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Cibms | acid-sensing ion channel family member 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Chih-Cheng Chen | MGI:6120518 | |||
Aspm | Aspmtm1(cre)Mrc | abnormal spindle microtubule assembly; targeted mutation 1, Mario R Capecchi | MGI:5753079 | |||
Aspm | Tg(Aspm-cre/ERT2)1Lmuz | transgene insertion 1, Luca Muzio | MGI:5297394 | |||
Atf3 | Atf3em1(cre/ERT2)Wlf | activating transcription factor 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Clifford J Woolf | nervous system | MGI:7450981 | ||
Atf3 | Atf3em1(cre)Ryba | activating transcription factor 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Nicholas JP Ryba | nervous system | MGI:7447444 | ||
Atf3 | Tg(Atf3-GFP*,-cre)#Hiki | transgene insertion, Hiroshi Kiyama | nervous system sensory organs head | MGI:7438151 | ||
Atf3 | Atf3tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Msra | activating transcription factor 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Matt S Ramer | nervous system cardiovascular system head | MGI:6360893 | ||
Atf4 | Atf4tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi | activating transcription factor 4; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Atf4tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5659996 | ||
Atoh1 | Atoh1em1(cre)Zyliu | atonal bHLH transcription factor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Zhiyong Liu | sensory organs head | nervous system | B6.Cg-Atoh1em1(cre)Zyliu/J | MGI:6856836 |
Atoh1 | Atoh1tm5.1(cre/PGR)Hzo | atonal bHLH transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 5.1, Huda Y Zoghbi | B6.129S-Atoh1tm5.1(Cre/PGR)Hzo/J | MGI:4418334 | ||
Atoh1 | Tg(Atoh1-cre/ERT)1Sbk | transgene insertion 1, Suzanne J Baker | head sensory organs nervous system | FVB-Tg(Atoh1-cre/ERT)1Sbk/Mmnc | MGI:3686985 | |
Atoh1 | Tg(Atoh1-flpo/ERT2)26CAlj | transgene insertion 26C, Alexandra L Joyner | STOCK Tg(Atoh1-flpo/ERT2)26CAlj/J | MGI:7790847 | ||
Atoh1 | Atoh1tm2.1(cre/ERT2,-CD2)Dwi | atonal bHLH transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Douglas J Winton | MGI:7444368 | |||
Atoh1 | Atoh1tm1(cre)Gan | atonal bHLH transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1, Lin Gan | head sensory organs alimentary system nervous system | MGI:4455013 | ||
Atoh1 | Tg(Atoh1-cre/Esr1)676Sleep | transgene insertion 676, Yu Hayashi | MGI:6446976 | |||
Atoh1 | Atoh1em1(flpo)Hlai | atonal bHLH transcription factor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Helen C Lai | nervous system | STOCK Atoh1em1(flpo)Hlai/J | MGI:6729714 | |
Atoh1 | Tg(Atoh1-cre)1Bfri | transgene insertion 1, Bernd Fritzsch | sensory organs head nervous system | B6.Cg-Tg(Atoh1-cre)1Bfri/J | MGI:3775845 | |
Atoh1 | Tg(Atoh1-cre)1Mhos | transgene insertion 1, Mikio Hoshino | MGI:3849083 | |||
Atoh1 | Tg(Atoh1-cre/ERT2)45Fmr | transgene insertion 45, Filippo M Rijli | nervous system head | MGI:6759845 | ||
Atoh1 | Atoh1tm8.1(flpo)Hzo | atonal bHLH transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 8.1, Huda Y Zoghbi | STOCK Atoh1tm8.1(flpo)Hzo/J | MGI:6717359 | ||
Atoh1 | Tg(Atoh1-cre/Esr1*)14Fsh | transgene insertion 14, Gordon Fishell | sensory organs reproductive system nervous system head | alimentary system cardiovascular system respiratory system integumental system endocrine system hemolymphoid system liver & biliary system adipose tissue renal & urinary system | STOCK Tg(Atoh1-cre/Esr1*)14Fsh/J | MGI:3615691 |
Atoh1 | Atoh1tm1.1(cre/ERT2,-CD2)Dwi | atonal bHLH transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Douglas J Winton | MGI:7444367 | |||
Atoh1 | Tg(Atoh1-flpo/ERT2)#Alj | transgene insertion, Alexandra L Joyner | MGI:6331265 | |||
Atoh1 | Tg(Atoh1-cre)#Fmr | transgene insertion, Filippo M Rijli | MGI:7437940 | |||
Atoh1 | Atoh1tm1(cre/ERT2)Mhos | atonal bHLH transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1, Mikio Hoshino | MGI:3849084 | |||
Atoh1 | Atoh1tm1.1(cre)Jbr | atonal bHLH transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Jean-Francois Brunet | MGI:5751770 | |||
Atoh1 | Atoh1tm1(cre)Jbr | atonal bHLH transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1, Jean-Francois Brunet | MGI:5751764 | |||
Atoh7 | Tg(Atoh7-cre)360Gla | transgene insertion 360, Tom Glaser | MGI:5428439 | |||
Atoh7 | Atoh7tm3(cre/ERT2)Xmu | atonal bHLH transcription factor 7; targeted mutation 3, Xiuqian Mu | sensory organs head | MGI:6727035 | ||
Atoh7 | Atoh7tm3(cre)Gan | atonal bHLH transcription factor 7; targeted mutation 3, Lin Gan | head sensory organs | MGI:3514047 | ||
Atoh8 | Atoh8tm1(EGFP/cre)Gasa | atonal bHLH transcription factor 8; targeted mutation 1, Rosa Gasa | alimentary system mesenchyme respiratory system nervous system embryo-other muscle cardiovascular system integumental system skeletal system cavities & their linings | MGI:3799350 | ||
Atp1a1 | Atp1a1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, alpha 1 polypeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7288387 | |||
Atp4b | Atp4bem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | ATPase, H+/K+ exchanging, beta polypeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514778 | |||
Atp4b | Tg(Atp4b-cre)1Jig | transgene insertion 1, Jeffrey I Gordon | alimentary system | renal & urinary system respiratory system liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system | B6.FVB-Tg(Atp4b-cre)1Jig/JcmiJ | MGI:3040892 |
Atp4b | Tg(Atp4b-cre)3Xya | transgene insertion 3, Xiao Yang | alimentary system | MGI:4835161 | ||
Atp4b | Atp4bem1(icre)Gpt | ATPase, H+/K+ exchanging, beta polypeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7295662 | |||
Atp4b | Atp4btm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | ATPase, H+/K+ exchanging, beta polypeptide; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Atp4btm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632388 | ||
Atp4b | Tg(Atp4b-cre/ERT2)1Jrgo | transgene insertion 1, James R Goldenring | C57BL/6-Tg(Atp4b-cre/ERT2)1Jrgo/J | MGI:5495984 | ||
Atp4b | Atp4bem2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | ATPase, H+/K+ exchanging, beta polypeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514783 | |||
Atp4b | Atp4bem3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | ATPase, H+/K+ exchanging, beta polypeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514774 | |||
ATP6V1B1 | Tg(ATP6V1B1-cre)45Rnel | transgene insertion 45, Raoul Nelson | nervous system reproductive system renal & urinary system alimentary system head | liver & biliary system cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system muscle | MGI:4820423 | |
ATP6V1C2 | Hprt1tm80(Ple9-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 80, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303438 | |||
Atp6v1g2 | Atp6v1g2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit G2; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867270 | |||
Atrn | Atrnem2(cre)Smoc | attractin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7288405 | |||
Aurkb | Aurkbtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Deli | aurora kinase B; targeted mutation 1.1, Deqiang Li | embryo-other head alimentary system nervous system | MGI:6758108 | ||
Avil | Aviltm1.1(flpo)Ddg | advillin; targeted mutation 1.1, David D Ginty | nervous system head | MGI:6740440 | ||
Avil | Tg(Avil-icre/ERT2)AJwo | transgene insertion A, John N Wood | B6J;129-Kcns1tm1.1Kcl Tg(Avil-icre/ERT2)AJwo/H STOCK Tg(Avil-icre/ERT2)AJwo/J | MGI:5312922 | ||
Avil | Tg(Avil-cre)1Phep | transgene insertion 1, Paul A Heppenstall | nervous system head alimentary system | reproductive system liver & biliary system cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system integumental system embryo-other | B6;D2-Tg(Avil-cre)1Phep/Cnrm | MGI:5292346 |
Avil | Aviltm3(cre/ERT2)Fawa | advillin; targeted mutation 3, Fan Wang | MGI:4940823 | |||
Avil | Aviltm2(cre)Fawa | advillin; targeted mutation 2, Fan Wang | nervous system | B6.129P2-Aviltm2(cre)Faw B6.129P2-Aviltm2(cre)Fawa/J | MGI:4459942 | |
Avil | Avilem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | advillin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7288410 | |||
Avp | Avptm1.1(cre)Hze | arginine vasopressin; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Avptm1.1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:5522761 | |
Avp | Tg(Avp-cre)QZ20Gsat | transgene insertion QZ20, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Avp-cre)QZ20Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Avp-cre)QZ20Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4940535 | ||
Avp | Tg(Avp-icre)#Meid | transgene insertion, Michihiro Mieda | nervous system head | C57BL/6J-Tg(Avp-icre)#Meid | MGI:5697941 | |
Avp | Avpem1(cre)Smoc | arginine vasopressin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6515544 | |||
Avp | Avptm1.1(cre)Dolsn | arginine vasopressin; targeted mutation 1.1, David P Olson | nervous system head | MGI:5559541 | ||
Avp | Tg(Avp-cre)QZ27Gsat | transgene insertion QZ27, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Avp-cre)QZ27Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086207 | ||
Avpr1a | Avpr1atm1.1(cre)Ddg | arginine vasopressin receptor 1A; targeted mutation 1.1, David D Ginty | nervous system | MGI:6728137 | ||
Avpr1a | Avpr1atm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa | arginine vasopressin receptor 1A; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Avpr1atm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa/J | MGI:6451470 | |
Avpr1b | Avpr1btm2.1(cre)Wsy | arginine vasopressin receptor 1B; targeted mutation 2.1, W Scott Young III | head nervous system | B6.Cg-Avpr1btm2.1(cre)Wsy/J | MGI:6764454 | |
Axin2 | Axin2em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | axin 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6515545 | |||
Axin2 | Axin2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Niba | axin 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Nick Barker | alimentary system | MGI:7468751 | ||
Axin2 | Tg(Axin2-mCherry,-cre/ERT2)#Npa | transgene insertion, Novartis Pharma AG | MGI:6724081 | |||
Axin2 | Axin2em2(dre/ERT2)Smoc | axin 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6515546 | |||
Axin2 | Axin2tm1.1(cre/ERT2/tdTomato)Eem | axin 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Edward E Morrisey | MGI:5532194 | |||
Axin2 | Axin2tm1(cre/ERT2)Rnu | axin 2; targeted mutation 1, Roel Nusse | integumental system | B6.129(Cg)-Axin2tm1(cre/ERT2)Rnu/J | MGI:5433373 | |
Bach2 | Bach2tm2(GFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | BTB and CNC homology, basic leucine zipper transcription factor 2; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:6095173 | |||
Barhl1 | Barhl1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | BarH like homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Barhl1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Barhl1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632389 | ||
Barhl2 | Barhl2tm2(cre)Gan | BarH like homeobox 2; targeted mutation 2, Lin Gan | MGI:3841418 | |||
Batf3 | Batf3tm1(flpo)Tasic | basic leucine zipper transcription factor, ATF-like 3; targeted mutation 1, Bosiljka Tasic | B6;129S6-Batf3tm1(flpo)Tasic/J | MGI:6514359 | ||
Bcl11a | Bcl11atm1.1(cre/ERT2)Khal | BCL11 transcription factor A; targeted mutation 1.1, Walid T Khaled | integumental system head nervous system | MGI:7468922 | ||
Bcl11a | Tg(BCL11A-cre/ERT2/EGFP)Pred6Jlr | transgene insertion Pred6, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(BCL11A-cre/ERT2/EGFP)Pred6Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:6860317 | ||
Bdnf | Bdnfem1(cre)Zak | brain derived neurotrophic factor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Zachary Knight | B6.FVB-Bdnfem1(cre)Zak/J | MGI:5824836 | ||
Begain | Begaintm2.1(icre)Tayk | brain-enriched guanylate kinase-associated; targeted mutation 2.1, Tayo Katano | MGI:7709171 | |||
BEST1 | Tg(BEST1-cre)1Jdun | transgene insertion 1, Joshua L Dunaief | head sensory organs | C57BL/6-Tg(BEST1-cre)1Jdun/J | MGI:4946605 | |
BEST1 | Igs2em14(BEST1-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 14, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300627 | |||
BEST1 | Tg(BEST1-cre)1Taf | transgene insertion 1, Thomas A Ferguson | MGI:5529527 | |||
BEST1 | Tg(BEST1-rtTA,tetO-cre)1Yzl | transgene insertion 1, Yun-Zheng Le | head sensory organs | STOCK Tg(BEST1-rtTA,tetO-cre)1Yzl/J | MGI:4398912 | |
BEST1 | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(BEST1-cre/ERT2)Vold | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, Douglas Vollrath | sensory organs head reproductive system | cardiovascular system nervous system muscle respiratory system hemolymphoid system liver & biliary system renal & urinary system | B6;129-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(BEST1-cre/ERT2)Vold/J | MGI:6711969 |
Bglap | Tg(Bglap-cre/ERT)#Hmk | transgene insertion, Henry M Kronenberg | head skeletal system | MGI:7442470 | ||
Bglap | Tg(Bglap-cre/ERT2)26.3Ics | transgene insertion 26.3, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Bglap1-cre/ERT2)26.3Ics/Ics | MGI:7345878 | ||
BGLAP | Igs2em15(BGLAP-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 15, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300628 | |||
BGLAP | Tg(BGLAP-cre/ERT2)#Stko | transgene insertion, Stavroula Kousteni | MGI:5514364 | |||
BGLAP | Tg(BGLAP-cre)1Clem | transgene insertion 1, Thomas L Clemens | head skeletal system | renal & urinary system cardiovascular system muscle | B6.FVB-Tg(BGLAP-cre)1Clem/J | MGI:2446069 |
Bglap2 | Tg(Bglap2-cre)2Kry | transgene insertion 2, Gerard Karsenty | cardiovascular system mouse-other | skeletal system | MGI:3041872 | |
Bglap2 | Tg(Bglap2-cre)1Kry | transgene insertion 1, Gerard Karsenty | skeletal system | MGI:3041870 | ||
Bhlha15 | Bhlha15em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | basic helix-loop-helix family, member a15; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6515548 | |||
Bhlha15 | Bhlha15tm3(cre/ERT2)Skz | basic helix-loop-helix family, member a15; targeted mutation 3, Stephen F Konieczny | alimentary system | B6.129-Bhlha15tm3(cre/ERT2)Skz/J | MGI:3821734 | |
Bhlha15 | Bhlha15tm6(cre)Skz | basic helix-loop-helix family, member a15; targeted mutation 6, Stephen F Konieczny | MGI:7645189 | |||
Bhlha15 | Bhlha15em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | basic helix-loop-helix family, member a15; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6515547 | |||
Bhlha9 | Bhlha9tm1(Venus/cre)Asah | basic helix-loop-helix family, member a9; targeted mutation 1, Hiroshi Asahara | MGI:5909077 | |||
Bhlhe22 | Bhlhe22tm1(flpo)Sros | basic helix-loop-helix family, member e22; targeted mutation 2, Sarah Ross | MGI:6369826 | |||
Bhlhe22 | Bhlhe22tm3.1(cre)Meg | basic helix-loop-helix family, member e22; targeted mutation 3.1, Michael E Greenberg | MGI:4440745 | |||
Bhlhe22 | Bhlhe22tm2(cre)Gan | basic helix-loop-helix family, member e22; targeted mutation 2, Lin Gan | head nervous system | MGI:3830517 | ||
Bhlhe41 | Bhlhe41em1(cre)Cya | basic helix-loop-helix family, member e41; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | hemolymphoid system skeletal system cavities & their linings | MGI:7468986 | ||
Bhlhe41 | Tg(Bhlhe41-icre,-CD2)#Mbu | transgene insertion, Meinrad Busslinger | MGI:7439462 | |||
Birc5 | Birc5em3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750386 | |||
BLG | Tg(BLG-cre)1Homy | transgene insertion 1, Hiroaki Honda | MGI:7464754 | |||
Bmi1 | Bmi1em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | Bmi1 polycomb ring finger oncogene; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7295937 | |||
Bmi1 | Bmi1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | Bmi1 polycomb ring finger oncogene; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6515552 | |||
Bmi1 | Tg(Bmi1-cre/ERT2)1Fjs | transgene insertion 1, Frederick J de Sauvage | MGI:5294806 | |||
Bmi1 | Bmi1tm1(cre/ERT)Mrc | Bmi1 polycomb ring finger oncogene; targeted mutation 1, Mario R Capecchi | alimentary system | B6J;129-Bmi1tm1(cre/ERT)Mrc/JAnu B6;129-Bmi1tm1(cre/ERT)Mrc/J | MGI:3805814 | |
Bmp10 | Bmp10tm1(icre/ERT2)Fwin | bone morphogenetic protein 10; targeted mutation 1, Floriana Winau | C57BL/6-Bmp10tm1(icre/ERT2)Fwin/J | MGI:7492063 | ||
Bmp2 | Tg(Bmp2-cre/ERT)1Smac | transgene insertion 1, Susan Mackem | MGI:5817747 | |||
Bmp7 | Bmp7tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Grsh | bone morphogenetic protein 7; targeted mutation 1.1, Irina Grishina | B6N(Cg)-Bmp7tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Grsh/J | MGI:5792123 | ||
Bmp7 | Bmp7tm6(cre)Rob | bone morphogenetic protein 7; targeted mutation 6, Elizabeth J Robertson | renal & urinary system mesenchyme | MGI:3626288 | ||
Bmpr1b | Bmpr1bem1.1(cre/ERT2)Ddg | bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type 1B; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1.1, David D Ginty | MGI:7540313 | |||
Bmpr1b | Bmpr1btm1(cre)Ddg | bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type 1B; targeted mutation 1, David D Ginty | nervous system | STOCK Bmpr1btm1(cre)Ddg/J | MGI:6728138 | |
Bmx | Tg(Bmx-cre/ERT2)1Rha | transgene insertion 1, Ralf H Adams | cardiovascular system reproductive system limbs alimentary system muscle integumental system | hemolymphoid system | C57BL/6J-Tg(Bmx-cre/ERT2)1Rha/H B6.Cg-Tg(Bmx-cre/ERT2)1Rha/H | MGI:5513853 |
Bpifa2 | Tg(Bpifa2-cre)#Hhas | transgene insertion, Hisashi Hasumi | MGI:6727391 | |||
Brs3 | Brs3em1(icre)Gpt | bombesin-like receptor 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7296015 | |||
Brs3 | Brs3tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa | bombesin-like receptor 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | head nervous system | B6.Cg-Brs3tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa/J | MGI:5896306 | |
Brs3 | Brs3tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Rei | bombesin-like receptor 3; targeted mutation 3.1, Marc L Reitman | head nervous system | B6.129S6(C3)-Brs3tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Rei/J | MGI:6259727 | |
Bsx | Tg(Bsx-icre)1Kess | transgene insertion 1, Nicoletta Kessaris | head nervous system | MGI:7490135 | ||
Bsx | Tg(Bsx-cre)NS106Gsat | transgene insertion NS106, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Bsx-cre)NS106Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311759 | ||
Bsx | Tg(Bsx-cre)NS92Gsat | transgene insertion NS92, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Bsx-cre)NS92Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Bsx-cre)NS92Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051785 | ||
Btbd8 | Tg(A830010M20Rik-cre)KJ227Gsat | transgene insertion KJ227, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(A830010M20Rik-cre)KJ227Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051749 | |
Btg2 | Btg2tm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | BTG anti-proliferation factor 2; targeted mutation 1, Z Josh Huang | B6;129S4-Btg2tm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:7284275 | ||
Btg2 | Btg2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Wbh | BTG anti-proliferation factor 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Weiland B Huttner | head nervous system | MGI:5696980 | ||
Btg2 | Btg2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | BTG anti-proliferation factor 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Z Josh Huang | nervous system head | MGI:6720842 | ||
C1ql2 | C1ql2em1(cre)Gfng | complement component 1, q subcomponent-like 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Guoping Feng | nervous system head | C57BL/6-C1ql2em1(cre)Gfng/J | MGI:6856619 | |
C1ql2 | Igs2em16(C1ql2-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 16, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300629 | |||
C1ql2 | C1ql2em2(cre)Smoc | complement component 1, q subcomponent-like 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750403 | |||
C3ar1 | C3ar1em3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | complement component 3a receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750406 | |||
C8ORF46 | Hprt1tm367a(Ple251-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 367a, Elizabeth M Simpson | B6.Cg-Hprt1tm367a(Ple251-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5568250 | ||
CA2 | Tg(CA2-cre/Esr1*)1Subw | transgene insertion 1, Susan Bonner-Weir | nervous system alimentary system endocrine system | MGI:3829880 | ||
CA2 | Tg(CA2-cre)1Subw | transgene insertion 1, Susan Bonner-Weir | endocrine system nervous system alimentary system | MGI:3829879 | ||
Cacna1h | Cacna1htm2.1(cre)Glwn | calcium channel, voltage-dependent, T type, alpha 1H subunit; targeted mutation 2.1, Gary R Lewin | muscle head nervous system skeletal system limbs integumental system | MGI:6759808 | ||
Cacna1i | Tg(Cacna1i-cre)1Ito | transgene insertion 1, Shigeyoshi Itohara | MGI:7524130 | |||
Cacng5 | Tg(Cacng5-cre)181Tjmc | transgene insertion 181, Thomas J McHugh | nervous system head | MGI:6117425 | ||
Cadm4 | Cadm4tm1(cre/ERT2)Qiu | cell adhesion molecule 4; targeted mutation 1, Mengsheng Qiu | MGI:5518469 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-flp)1Bsi | transgene insertion 1, RIKEN Brain Science Institute | C57BL/6-St3gal4tm1.2Bsi Tg(CAG-FLP)1Bsi/BsiRbrc | MGI:7539283 | ||
CAG | Rprd1bTg(CAG-GFP/neo*,-cre/Esr1*)32Ichi | regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain containing 1B; transgene insertion 32, Hirotake Ichise | MGI:5888985 | |||
CAG | Igs2em5(CAG-cre/Esr1*)Cya | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 5, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657270 | |||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3.1(CAG-Cre/ERT2)Dsa | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 3.1, Dieter Saur | MGI:5616878 | |||
CAG | Igs51tm1(CAG-flpe,-EGFP)Itoi | intergenic site 51; targeted mutation 1, Keiichi Itoi | MGI:7466667 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)67Csk | transgene insertion 67, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd | MGI:5291515 | |||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sorem131(CAG-dre/ERT2)Smoc | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; endonuclease-mediated mutation 131, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7645677 | |||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm19.1(CAG-cre/ERT2)Ics | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 19.1, Mouse Clinical Institute | MGI:7863542 | |||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(CAG-Cre/ERT2)Dsa | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 3, Dieter Saur | MGI:5616874 | |||
CAG | Col1a1tm2.1(CAG-cre/ERT2)Dgk | collagen, type I, alpha 1; targeted mutation 2.1, David Kirsch | B6;129S4-Col1a1tm2.1(CAG-cre/ERT2)Dgk/J | MGI:5642281 | ||
CAG | Tg(CAG-flpo)2Osb | transgene insertion 2, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University | B6D2-Tg(CAG-flpo)2Osb B6D2-Tg(CAG-FLPo)2Osb | MGI:7531285 | ||
CAG | Hprt1tm1(CAG-cre,-flpo,-EYFP)Ics | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 1, Mouse Clinical Institute | MGI:7863540 | |||
CAG | Hprt1tm1(CAG-cre)Mnn | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 1, Jeffrey R Mann | head nervous system integumental system respiratory system muscle embryo-other skeletal system reproductive system hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system mesenchyme renal & urinary system mouse-other endocrine system liver & biliary system alimentary system | 129S1/Sv-Hprt1tm1(CAG-cre)Mnn/J | MGI:2181632 | |
CAG | Hprt1tm319(CAG-cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 319, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303419 | |||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm2(CAG-flpo,-EYFP)Ics | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 2, Mouse Clinical Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm2(CAG-flpo,-EYFP)Ics/Ics | MGI:5285396 | ||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(CAG-Ncre/vvd*,-vvd*/Ccre,-mKate2)Yzwa | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, Masayuki Yazawa | B6;129S-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(CAG-Ncre/vvd*,vvd*/Ccre,-mKate2)Yzwa/J | MGI:6470703 | ||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sorem6(CAG-cre)Smoc | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; endonuclease-mediated mutation 6, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724576 | |||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(CAG-dre)Hshu | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, Hsien-Sung Huang | MGI:7516274 | |||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(CAG-flpe)Arte | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, TaconicArtemis | MGI:5295849 | |||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(CAG-EYFP*,-tdTomato*,-cre)Ben | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 3, Rui Benedito | MGI:6361135 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre)#Ben | transgene insertion, Rui Benedito | MGI:6361145 | |||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm7(CAG-dre/ERT2)Bzsh | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 7, Bin Zhou | MGI:6388407 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre)1Nagy | transgene insertion 1, Andras Nagy | embryo-other | NMRI.Cg-Tg(CAG-cre)1Nagy/Cnbc | MGI:3586452 | |
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre/ERT2)1Asim | transgene insertion 1, Antonio Simeone | MGI:7856908 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-flpe)37Ito | transgene insertion 37, Shigeyoshi Itohara | MGI:4415709 | |||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sorem1(CAG-Ncre/vvd*,-vvd*/Ccre)Larc | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Tomoji Mashimo | muscle integumental system head cardiovascular system renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system mouse-other respiratory system liver & biliary system nervous system | MGI:7523854 | ||
CAG | Hprt1tm315(CAG-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 315, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303414 | |||
CAG | Tn(pb-CAG-icre)1Gpt | transposon insertion 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307419 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre/ERT2)F34Fmr | transgene insertion F34, Filippo M Rijli | MGI:4415132 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-dre)1Smoc | transgene insertion 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758064 | |||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sorem130(CAG-cre/ERT2)Smoc | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; endonuclease-mediated mutation 130, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7645675 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre/ERT2/Hif1a)#Hhas | transgene insertion, Hesham A Sadek | cardiovascular system | MGI:5749962 | ||
CAG | Tg(CAG-XBP1*/cre/ERT2)#Grtn | transgene insertion, Florian R Greten | MGI:5507828 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)5Amc | transgene insertion 5, Andrew P McMahon | embryo-other alimentary system integumental system branchial arches liver & biliary system cavities & their linings hemolymphoid system endocrine system reproductive system muscle nervous system head respiratory system renal & urinary system limbs mesenchyme tail skeletal system sensory organs cardiovascular system adipose tissue | STOCK Grm7Tg(SMN2)89Ahmb Smn1tm3(SMN2/Smn1)Mrph Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)5Amc Tg(SMN2*delta7)4299Ahmb/J STOCK Trpa1tm2Kykw Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)5Amc/J B6N.Cg-Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)5Amc/CjDswJ NOD.Cg-Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)5Amc/J NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)5Amc/J STOCK Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)5Amc/J B6.Cg-Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)5Amc/J FVB.Cg-Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)5Amc/J B6.Cg-Ghrhrtm1.1Deh Trhrtm1.1Deh Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)5Amc/Deh STOCK Ndufs2tm1.1Job Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)5Amc/J | MGI:2182767 | |
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre/ERT2)#Rlb | transgene insertion, Robin Lovell-Badge | MGI:5316062 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)86Lbgn | transgene insertion 86, Laurence Bugeon | cardiovascular system renal & urinary system liver & biliary system muscle alimentary system | MGI:3618929 | ||
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre)1Htak | transgene insertion 1, Hirohide Takebayashi | MGI:3716986 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre)eKymm | intergenic site 54; transgene insertion e, Ken-ichi Yamamura | MGI:7494269 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-flpe)#Ito | transgene insertion, Shigeyoshi Itohara | MGI:4845873 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-flpe)32Ito | transgene insertion 32, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6-Tg(CAG-flpe)32Ito | MGI:7444772 | ||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm2(CAG-Ncre/vvd*,-vvd*/Ccre)Yzwa | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 2, Masayuki Yazawa | B6;129S-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm2(CAG-Ncre/vvd*,-vvd*/Ccre)Yzwa/J | MGI:6470712 | ||
CAG | Tg(CAG-dre)1Afst | transgene insertion 1, A Francis Stewart | embryo-other | B6;129-Tg(CAG-dre)1Afst/Mmucd B6;129-Tg(CAG-dre)1Afst/Ieg | MGI:4367446 | |
CAG | Gm10822Tn(pb-CAG-tdTomato,-cre)Cot2Zhu | predicted gene 10822; transposon insertion Cot2, Yuan Zhuang | STOCK Gm10822Tn(pb-CAG-tdTomato,Cre)Cot2Zhu Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(EYFP)Cos/J | MGI:6720234 | ||
CAG | Tg(CAG-flpe)36Ito | transgene insertion 36, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6-Tg(CAG-FLPe)36Ito/ItoRbrc | MGI:4415706 | ||
CAG | Hprt1tm364a(CAG-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 364a, Elizabeth M Simpson | cardiovascular system endocrine system extraembryonic component tail renal & urinary system integumental system embryo-other hemolymphoid system muscle respiratory system limbs mesenchyme adipose tissue alimentary system skeletal system head nervous system liver & biliary system reproductive system cavities & their linings branchial arches sensory organs | B6.Cg-Hprt1tm364a(CAG-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5568383 | |
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(CAG-flpe)Hmpr | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, Haydn Prosser | MGI:5438836 | |||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.1(CAG-CCre,-NCre)Syao | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1.1, Shenqin Yao | B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.1(CAG-CCre,-NCre)Syao/J | MGI:7573052 | ||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(CAG-flp)Htng | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, Hiroki Taniguchi | MGI:7514974 | |||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm5(CAG-flpo)Zjh | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 5, Z Josh Huan | B6;129S4-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm5(CAG-flpo)Zjh/J | MGI:5700398 | ||
CAG | Tg(CAG-flpe)16Ito | transgene insertion 16, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6-Tg(CAG-flpe)16Ito | MGI:3793304 | ||
CAG | Diaph2tm2(CAG-cre/ERT2)Hna | diaphanous related formin 2; targeted mutation 1, Hiroyasu Nakano | MGI:6758921 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-flpo)1Afst | transgene insertion 1, A Francis Stewart | embryo-other | B6N(B6J)-Tg(CAG-Flpo)1Afst/Mmucd B6J;B6N-Tg(CAG-Flpo)1Afst/Mmucd C57BL/6-Tg(CAG-flpo)1Afst/Ieg | MGI:4453967 | |
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre)2Osb | transgene insertion 2, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University | mouse-other embryo-other | C.Cg-Tg(CAG-Cre)CZ-M02Osb/OsbRbrc B6.Cg Tg(CAG-Cre)CZ-M02Osb/OsbRbrc | MGI:3046669 | |
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre)47Imeg | transgene insertion 47, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:4418695 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)70Lbgn | transgene insertion 70, Laurence Bugeon | MGI:3618928 | |||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm2.1(CAG-CCre,-folA*/NCre)Syao | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 2.1, Shenqin Yao | B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm2.1(CAG-CCre,-folA*/NCre)Syao/J | MGI:7573053 | ||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(CAG-cre)Jphe | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, Jean-Paul Herman | MGI:3774388 | |||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sorem5(CAG-dre)Smoc | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; endonuclease-mediated mutation 5, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724574 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-FLP1)18Imeg | transgene insertion 18, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:4418674 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre/ERT2/Hif1a)#Heh | transgene insertion, Hannelore Ehrenreich | head nervous system | MGI:7482230 | ||
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)1Lbe | transgene insertion 1, Corrinne Lobe | integumental system head limbs cardiovascular system nervous system renal & urinary system sensory organs reproductive system respiratory system embryo-other muscle endocrine system liver & biliary system alimentary system | MGI:2677720 | ||
CAG | Tg(CAG-EGFP/cre)21Klin | Transgene insertion 21, Kurt Lin | MGI:6758729 | |||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.1(CAG-cre)Jphe | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1.1, Jean-Paul Herman | adipose tissue head liver & biliary system renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system respiratory system endocrine system cardiovascular system reproductive system nervous system | integumental system muscle | B6;129-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.1(CAG-cre)Jphe/Orl | MGI:3789474 |
CAG | Tg(CAG-flpe)41Ito | transgene insertion 41, Shigeyoshi Itohara | MGI:7444773 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-flpe)2Arte | transgene insertion 2, TaconicArtemis | C57BL/6-Tg(CAG-Flpe)2Arte | MGI:3850329 | ||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4(CAG-Scre)Maito | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 4, Mamoru Ito | mouse-other | MGI:6202431 | ||
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre)fKymm | intergenic site 54; transgene insertion f, Ken-ichi Yamamura | MGI:7494271 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-flpe/ERT2)1Dym | transgene insertion 1, Susan Dymecki | MGI:5432116 | |||
CAG | Igs2em18(CAG-folA/cre)Smoc | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 18, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7626524 | |||
CAG | Rprd1bTg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)32Ichi | regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain containing 1B; transgene insertion 32, Hirotake Ichise | MGI:5888987 | |||
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre)13Miya | transgene insertion 13, Jun-ichi Miyazaki | embryo-other nervous system head | C57BL/6-Tg(CAG-cre)13Miya | MGI:2176435 | |
CAG | Tg(CAG-flpo)1Osb | transgene insertion 1, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University | B6D2-Tg(CAG-flpo)1Osb B6.Cg-Tg(CAG-flpo)1Osb B6.Cg-Tg(CAG-FLPo)1Osb B6D2-Tg(CAG-FLPo)1Osb/1 | MGI:7437692 | ||
CAG | Col1a1tm25(tetO-cre/PhoCl/ERT2,CAG-rtTA)Nki | collagen, type I, alpha 1; targeted mutation 25, The Netherlands Cancer Institute | MGI:7382867 | |||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(CAG-flpo/ERT2)Alj | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 3, Alexandra L Joyner | B6N.129S6(Cg)-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(CAG-flpo/ERT2)Alj/J STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(CAG-flpo/ERT2)Alj/J | MGI:5432216 | ||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(CAG-Vcre)Maito | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 3, Mamoru Ito | mouse-other | MGI:6202425 | ||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4.1(CAG-dre)Ics | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 4.1, Mouse Clinical Institute | C57BL/6N-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4.1(CAG-dre)Ics/Ics | MGI:6467222 | ||
CAG | Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)1Egwa | transgene insertion 1, Gyohei Egawa | MGI:4430073 | |||
CAG | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm8(CAG-dre/ERT2)Bzsh | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 8, Bin Zhou | nervous system renal & urinary system muscle respiratory system integumental system head liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system alimentary system cardiovascular system | MGI:6501124 | ||
Calb1 | Calb1em1(icre)Cya | calbindin 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657216 | |||
Calb1 | Calb1tm2.1(cre)Hze | calbindin 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Hongkui Zeng | nervous system | B6;129S-Calb1tm2.1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:5792816 | |
Calb1 | Calb1em1(icre)Gpt | calbindin 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7296157 | |||
Calb1 | Calb1tm1.1(folA/cre)Hze | calbindin 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | head nervous system | B6.Cg-Calb1tm1.1(folA/cre)Hze/J | MGI:5522769 | |
Calb1 | Calb1em5(EGFP/cre)Smoc | calbindin 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 5, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6681819 | |||
Calb1 | Calb1tm1.1(cre)Arte | calbindin 1; targeted mutation 1.1, TaconicArtemis | head nervous system | MGI:7280721 | ||
Calb2 | Calb2tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | calbindin 2; targeted mutation 2.1, Z Josh Huang | nervous system head sensory organs | B6(Cg)-Calb2tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:4880758 | |
Calb2 | Tg(Calb2-cre)6Tama | transgene insertion 6, Nobuaki Tamamaki | MGI:7339238 | |||
Calb2 | Calb2em1(icre)Smoc | calbindin 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7288605 | |||
Calb2 | Calb2tm1(cre)Zjh | calbindin 2; targeted mutation 1, Z Josh Huang | muscle tail integumental system sensory organs hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system embryo-other adipose tissue renal & urinary system mesenchyme cavities & their linings head respiratory system alimentary system limbs reproductive system skeletal system nervous system | endocrine system liver & biliary system branchial arches extraembryonic component | B6(Cg)-Calb2tm1(cre)Zjh/J | MGI:4365736 |
Calca | Calcatm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ptch | calcitonin/calcitonin-related polypeptide, alpha; targeted mutation 1.1, Pao-Tien Chuang | nervous system | MGI:5460801 | ||
Calca | Calcatm3.1(flpo/DsRed)Rpa | calcitonin/calcitonin-related polypeptide, alpha; targeted mutation 3.1, Richard D Palmiter | MGI:7543592 | |||
Calca | Calcatm1.1(cre/EGFP)Rpa | calcitonin/calcitonin-related polypeptide, alpha; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Calcatm1.1(cre/EGFP)Rpa/J | MGI:5559692 | |
Calca | Calcatm2.1(cre/EGFP)Rpa | calcitonin/calcitonin-related polypeptide, alpha; targeted mutation 2.1, Richard D Palmiter | MGI:6357958 | |||
Calca | Tg(Calca-flpe)#Ddg | transgene insertion, David D Ginty | nervous system | MGI:7539714 | ||
Calca | Calcaem1(cre)Smoc | calcitonin/calcitonin-related polypeptide, alpha; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7288606 | |||
Calcb | Calcbem1(flpo)Gpt | calcitonin-related polypeptide, beta; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7296161 | |||
Calcr | Calcrtm1.1(cre)Mgmj | calcitonin receptor; targeted mutation 1.1, Martin G Myers, Jr | head nervous system | STOCK Calcrtm1.1(cre)Mgmj/J | MGI:6719375 | |
Calcr | Calcrtm1(cre)Dlc | calcitonin receptor; targeted mutation 1, Catherine Dulac | MGI:7490084 | |||
Calcr | Calcrem2(icre)Gpt | calcitonin receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech | MGI:7576255 | |||
Calcr | Calcrem1(icre)Gpt | calcitonin receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7296167 | |||
Calcr | Tg(Calcr-cre)379Oyak | transgene insertion 379, Kumi O Kuroda | nervous system head | MGI:7435348 | ||
Calcrl | Calcrltm1.1(cre)Rpa | calcitonin receptor-like; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | MGI:7706080 | |||
Calcrl | Tg(Calcrl,cre)4688Nkza | transgene insertion 4688, Kazu Nakazawa | C57BL/6N-Tg(Calcrl,cre)4688Nkza/J | MGI:5523525 | ||
Calhm1 | Calhm1em1(cre)Marun | calcium homeostasis modulator 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Yoshinori Marunaka | alimentary system | MGI:7435048 | ||
Camk1g | Camk1gtm1(cre/PGR)Hbto | calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I gamma; targeted mutation 1, Haruhiko Bito | MGI:3851326 | |||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)3Szi | transgene insertion 3, Scott Zeitlin | B6.Cg-Tg(Camk2a-cre)3Szi/J | MGI:2678305 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)1Nobs | transgene insertion 1, Noboru Suzuki | endocrine system respiratory system head integumental system sensory organs embryo-other cardiovascular system nervous system | C57BL/6J-Tg(Camk2a-cre)1Nobs | MGI:3715976 | |
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)159Kln | transgene insertion 159, Rudiger Klein | head nervous system | MGI:2176753 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)1Szi | transgene insertion 1, Scott Zeitlin | nervous system head | MGI:2177768 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)#Kln | transgene insertion, Rudiger Klein | MGI:3835518 | |||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)1Lfr | transgene insertion 1, Louis F Reichardt | head nervous system | B6.Cg-Tg(Camk2a-cre)1Lfr/Mmucd B6;D2-Tg(Camk2a-cre)1Lfr/Mmucd | MGI:2177631 | |
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)T17Stl | transgene insertion T17, Susumu Tonegawa | nervous system head | MGI:2177653 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)M34Stl | transgene insertion M34, Susumu Tonegawa | head nervous system | MGI:3050382 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre/ERT2)1Casa | transgene insertion 1, Emilio Casanova | nervous system head | MGI:2445680 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre/ERT2)127.29Ics | transgene insertion 127.29, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(CamkIIa-cre/ERT2)127.29Ics/Ics | MGI:7345880 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre,-tTA)1Tyag | transgene insertion 1, Takeshi Yagi | MGI:7495890 | |||
Camk2a | Igs2em87(Camk2a-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 87, GemPharmatech | MGI:7576383 | |||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)10Kmik | transgene insertion 10, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba | B6.Cg-Tg(Camk2a-cre)10Kmik/KmikRbrc | MGI:3697157 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)17NKmik | transgene insertion 17N, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba | B6.Cg-Tg(Camk2a-cre)17NKmik/KmikRbrc | MGI:3697165 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre/ERT2)1Aibs | transgene insertion 1, Allen Institute for Brain Science | head renal & urinary system nervous system sensory organs alimentary system muscle endocrine system | cardiovascular system respiratory system reproductive system liver & biliary system skeletal system hemolymphoid system integumental system adipose tissue | B6;129S6-Tg(Camk2a-cre/ERT2)1Aibs/J | MGI:4421787 |
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)22Kmik | transgene insertion 22, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba | B6.Cg-Tg(Camk2a-cre)22Kmik/KmikRbrc | MGI:3697170 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre/folA)1Amax | transgene insertion 1, Anton Maximov | MGI:5563562 | |||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)3487Cnl | transgene insertion 3487, Christiaan N Levelt | nervous system head | MGI:3619346 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre/PGR)7Gsc | transgene insertion 7, Gunther Schutz | MGI:3046785 | |||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)T29-1Stl | transgene insertion T29-1, Susumu Tonegawa | renal & urinary system reproductive system head sensory organs nervous system alimentary system | cardiovascular system respiratory system adipose tissue liver & biliary system embryo-other hemolymphoid system muscle integumental system extraembryonic component skeletal system | B6.Cg-Tg(Camk2a-cre)T29-1Stl/J B6N.Cg-Tg(Camk2a-cre)T29-1Stl/J | MGI:2177650 |
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)3Gsc | transgene insertion 3, Gunther Schutz | MGI:2668555 | |||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre/PGR*)1Gsc | transgene insertion 1, Gunther Schutz | head nervous system | MGI:2447654 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)11Kmik | transgene insertion 11, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba | B6.Cg-Tg(Camk2a-cre)11Kmik/KmikRbrc | MGI:3697163 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)62Jzt | transgene insertion 62, Joe Z Tsien | MGI:3847114 | |||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)1557Sva | transgene insertion 1557, Alcino J Silva | MGI:3622450 | |||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)93Kln | transgene insertion 93, Rudiger Klein | B6.Cg-Tg(Camk2a-cre)93Kln/KlnCnrm | MGI:2176754 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)CW2Stl | transgene insertion CW2, Susumu Tonegawa | MGI:3530562 | |||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)2Szi | transgene insertion 2, Scott Zeitlin | head nervous system | B6.Cg-Tg(Camk2a-cre)2Szi/J | MGI:2177769 | |
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)20Kmik | transgene insertion 20, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba | B6.Cg-Tg(Camk2a-cre)20Kmik/KmikRbrc | MGI:3697168 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)#Szi | transgene insertion, Scott Zeitlin | MGI:3811778 | |||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre/ERT2)2Gsc | transgene insertion 2, Gunther Schutz | head nervous system | B6.FVB-Tg(Camk2a-cre/ERT2)2Gsc/Ieg | MGI:3759305 | |
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)5Tyag | transgene insertion 5, Takeshi Yagi | C57BL/6-Tg(Camk2a-cre,-tTA)5Tyag/TyagRbrc | MGI:4413672 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre/ERT2/Hif1a)#Heh | transgene insertion, Hannelore Ehrenreich | nervous system head | MGI:7481236 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)#Stl | transgene insertion, Susumu Tonegawa | MGI:4946944 | |||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-flpe)23Arte | transgene insertion 23, TaconicArtemis | MGI:5440165 | |||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)T50Stl | transgene insertion T50, Susumu Tonegawa | nervous system head | MGI:3531299 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)2Gsc | transgene insertion 2, Gunther Schutz | head nervous system | STOCK Nox4tm1.2Hwsc Tg(Camk2a-cre)2Gsc/Orl B6.FVB-Tg(Camk2a-cre)2Gsc/Cnrm | MGI:2181426 | |
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)1Gsc | transgene insertion 1, Gunther Schutz | nervous system head | MGI:2181422 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)17AKmik | transgene insertion 17A, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba | B6.Cg-Tg(Camk2a-cre)17AKmik/KmikRbrc | MGI:3697167 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)1Shn | transgene insertion 1, Jie Shen | MGI:3777953 | |||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)2834Lusc | transgene insertion 2834, Bernhard Luscher | nervous system head | MGI:2680625 | ||
Camk2a | Tg(Camk2a-cre)T29-2Stl | transgene insertion T29-2, Susumu Tonegawa | head nervous system | MGI:2177654 | ||
CAMK2A | Tg(CAMK2a-cre/ERT2)130.38Ics | transgene insertion 130.38, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(CAMK2a-cre/ERT2)130.38Ics/Ics | MGI:7345882 | ||
Capn8 | Tg(Capn8-cre)1Xya | transgene insertion 1, Xiao Yang | alimentary system | MGI:4365914 | ||
Capn8 | Capn8tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | calpain 8; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Capn8tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632390 | ||
Car1 | Car1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Cle | carbonic anhydrase 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Hans Clevers | MGI:5908163 | |||
Car1 | Tg(Car1-cre)5Flt | transgene insertion 5, James C Fleet | liver & biliary system alimentary system | embryo-other | C57BL/6-Tg(Car1-cre)5Flt/J | MGI:4835007 |
Car1 | Tg(Car1-icre)22Gpt | transgene insertion 22, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307368 | |||
Car4 | Car4em1(cre/ERT2)Jich | carbonic anhydrase 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Jichao Chen | C57BL/6-Car4em1(cre/ERT2)Jich/J | MGI:7522064 | ||
Car4 | Car4em1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | carbonic anhydrase 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | MGI:7514993 | |||
Car4 | Car4em1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | carbonic anhydrase 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6681841 | |||
Cartpt | Cartpttm1(cre)Hze | CART prepropeptide; targeted mutation 1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Cartpttm1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:7571430 | ||
Cartpt | Tg(Cartpt-cre)1Aibs | transgene insertion 1, Ed Lein | STOCK Tg(Cartpt-cre)1Aibs/J | MGI:3850194 | ||
Cartpt | Tg(Cartpt-cre)RY16Gsat | transgene insertion RY16, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Cartpt-cre)RY16Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435509 | |
Cartpt | Cartpttm1.1(cre)Hze | CART prepropeptide; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | head nervous system | B6;129S-Cartpttm1.1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:5704439 | |
Cartpt | Cartptem1(icre)Smoc | CART prepropeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7288645 | |||
Cartpt | Cartpttm1.2(cre/ERT2)Hhz | CART prepropeptide; targeted mutation 1.2, Herbert Herzog | nervous system head | MGI:7439824 | ||
CARTPT | Hprt1tm356a(Ple271-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 356a, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5568227 | |||
Casz1 | Casz1tm2(cre/ERT2)Flc | castor zinc finger 1; targeted mutation 2, Frank Conlon | B6.Cg-Casz1tm2(cre/ERT2)Flc/Mmnc | MGI:5638932 | ||
Cblif | Cblifem2(dre)Smoc | cobalamin binding intrinsic factor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750427 | |||
Cbln1 | Tg(Cbln1-cre)NIDA169Htz | transgene insertion NIDA169, Nathaniel Heintz | C57BL/6J-Tg(Cbln1-cre)NIDA169Htz/Mmjax | MGI:5927705 | ||
Cbln2 | Tg(Cbln2-cre/ERT2)NIDA167Htz | transgene insertion NIDA167, Nathaniel Heintz | C57BL/6J-Tg(Cbln2-cre/ERT2)NIDA167Htz/Mmucd | MGI:6119490 | ||
Cbln2 | Cbln2em1(cre)Pc | cerebellin 2 precursor protein; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Peng Cao | nervous system head | MGI:6764492 | ||
Cbln4 | Tg(Cbln4-cre)SN7Gsat | transgene insertion SN7, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Cbln4-cre)SN7Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435517 | ||
Cbln4 | Cbln4tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa | cerebellin 4 precursor protein; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | nervous system head | MGI:7439917 | ||
Ccdc3 | Tg(Ccdc3-cre)PO33Gsat | transgene insertion PO33, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Ccdc3-cre)PO33Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051750 | ||
Ccdc3 | Tg(Ccdc3-cre)PO34Gsat | transgene insertion PO34, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Ccdc3-cre)PO34Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086173 | ||
Ccdc3 | Tg(Ccdc3-cre)PO24Gsat | transgene insertion PO24, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Ccdc3-cre)PO24Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051786 | |
Cck | Cckem1(icre)Gpt | cholecystokinin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7296422 | |||
Cck | Tg(Cck-cre)BKres | transgene insertion B, Kerry J Ressler | head nervous system | MGI:5571926 | ||
Cck | Ccktm1.1(cre)Zjh | cholecystokinin; targeted mutation 1.1, Z Josh Huang | reproductive system head hemolymphoid system integumental system sensory organs skeletal system limbs alimentary system cardiovascular system adipose tissue renal & urinary system mesenchyme cavities & their linings liver & biliary system respiratory system endocrine system muscle nervous system | embryo-other | B6N.Cg-Ccktm1.1(cre)Zjh/J STOCK Ccktm1.1(cre)Zjh/J | MGI:5014096 |
Cck | Ccktm2.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | cholecystokinin; targeted mutation 2.1, Z Josh Huang | head nervous system | STOCK Ccktm2.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:5014094 | |
Cck | Tg(Cck-cre)CKres | transgene insertion C, Kerry J Ressler | head nervous system | C57BL/6-Tg(Cck-cre)CKres/J | MGI:4438218 | |
Cck | Tg(Cck-cre,-lacZ)1Mini | transgene insertion 1, Liliana Minichiello | head nervous system | MGI:5574585 | ||
Cck | Tg(Cck-cre)AKres | transgene insertion A, Kerry J Ressler | nervous system head | MGI:5571924 | ||
Cck | Cckem1(icre)Cya | cholecystokinin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657219 | |||
Cck | Cckem2(icre)Smoc | cholecystokinin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7288692 | |||
Cckar | Cckarem1(cre)Lida | cholecystokinin A receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Dayu Lin | MGI:7574223 | |||
Cckar | Cckarem1(cre)Shah | cholecystokinin A receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Nirao Shah | nervous system head | STOCK Cckarem1(cre)Shah/J | MGI:6885886 | |
Cckbr | Cckbrtm1.1(cre)Mgmj | cholecystokinin B receptor; targeted mutation 1.1, Martin G Myers, Jr | head nervous system | B6;129-Cckbrtm1.1(cre)Mgmj/J | MGI:6834787 | |
Cckbr | Tg(Cckbr-cre/ERT2)#Tcw | transgene insertion, Timothy C Wang | alimentary system | MGI:7437479 | ||
Ccl17 | Ccl17tm2.1(cre)Ifo | C-C motif chemokine ligand 17; targeted mutation 2.1, Irmgard Foerster | MGI:5438830 | |||
Ccl19 | Tg(Ccl19-cre)489Biat | transgene insertion 489, Biomodels Austria | C57BL/6N-Tg(Ccl19-cre)489Biat/Biat | MGI:5526991 | ||
Ccl25 | Ccl25tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | C-C motif chemokine ligand 25; targeted mutation 1.1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Ccl25tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5632391 | ||
Ccn2 | Tg(Ctgf-cre)2Aibs | transgene insertion 2, Ed Lein | sensory organs skeletal system integumental system renal & urinary system respiratory system head muscle embryo-other alimentary system adipose tissue cavities & their linings nervous system cardiovascular system endocrine system reproductive system liver & biliary system mesenchyme hemolymphoid system limbs branchial arches tail | B6;C3-Tg(Ctgf-cre)2Aibs/J | MGI:3838494 | |
Ccn2 | Tg(Ctgf-cre)1Aibs | transgene insertion 1, Ed Lein | MGI:5635429 | |||
Ccn2 | Ccn2tm1.1(folA/cre)Hze | cellular communication network factor 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Ccn2tm1.1(folA/cre)Hze/J | MGI:5702703 | ||
CCN3 | Hprt1tm336a(Ple134-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 336a, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5532382 | |||
Ccn6 | Ccn6tm1(cre)Mawa | cellular communication network factor 6; targeted mutation 1, Matthew L Warman | B6;129S-Ccn6tm1(cre)Mawa/J | MGI:5302829 | ||
Ccna2 | Ccna2em1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | cyclin A2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | MGI:7451131 | |||
Ccr2 | Tg(Ccr2-cre/ERT2)12Kuan | transgene insertion, Chia-Yi Kuan | cardiovascular system liver & biliary system nervous system head embryo-other | MGI:7448543 | ||
Ccr2 | Ccr2em1(mNeonGreen,cre)Cya | C-C motif chemokine receptor 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | alimentary system respiratory system | MGI:7448950 | ||
Ccr2 | Ccr2em3(dre/ERT2)Smoc | C-C motif chemokine receptor 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6682024 | |||
Ccr2 | Tg(Ccr2-cre)584Hohl | transgene insertion 584, Tobias M Hohl | skeletal system hemolymphoid system respiratory system | MGI:7539279 | ||
Ccr2 | Ccr2tm1(cre/ERT2,mKate2)Arte | C-C motif chemokine receptor 2; targeted mutation 1, TaconicArtemis | C57BL/6-Ccr2tm1(cre/ERT2,mKate2)Arte/Orl | MGI:6314378 | ||
Ccr2 | Ccr2em1(icre/ERT2)Peng | C-C motif chemokine receptor 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bo Peng | C57BL/6-Ccr2em1(icre/ERT2)Peng/J | MGI:6414749 | ||
Ccr4 | Ccr4em1(mNeonGreen,cre)Cya | C-C motif chemokine receptor 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7448951 | |||
Cd19 | Cd19em10(dre/ERT2)Smoc | CD19 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 10, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7288763 | |||
Cd19 | Cd19em4(dre/ERT2)Smoc | CD19 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7288766 | |||
Cd19 | Cd19em2(icre)Gpt | CD19 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7296527 | |||
Cd19 | Cd19em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | CD19 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7296526 | |||
Cd19 | Cd19em1.1(icre)Yoba | CD19 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1.1, Yoshihiro Baba | mouse-other | MGI:6717340 | ||
Cd19 | Tg(CD19-cre/ERT2)61.2Ics | transgene insertion 61.2, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(CD19-cre/ERT2)61.2Ics/Ics | MGI:7345884 | ||
Cd19 | Cd19em5(icre)Smoc | CD19 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 5, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7288767 | |||
Cd19 | Cd19tm1(cre/ERT2)Rsky | CD19 antigen; targeted mutation 1, Klaus Rajewsky | B6.129P2-Cd19tm1(cre/ERT2)Rsky/J | MGI:5614310 | ||
Cd19 | Cd19em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | CD19 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6682026 | |||
Cd19 | Igs2em35(Cd19-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 35, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300648 | |||
Cd19 | Cd19tm1(cre)Cgn | CD19 antigen; targeted mutation 1, University of Cologne | renal & urinary system alimentary system hemolymphoid system reproductive system | integumental system nervous system head muscle respiratory system embryo-other mouse-other liver & biliary system extraembryonic component cardiovascular system | NOD.129-Cd19tm1(cre)Cgn/MarpApb C57BL/6JAnu-Cd19tm1(Cre)Cgn Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4(Ikbkb)Rsky Sppl2am1Anu/AnuApb C57BL/6JAnu-Cd19tm1(Cre)Cgn/AnuApb B6.129P2-Cd19tm1(cre)Cgn/Cnrm B6.129P2-Cd19tm1(cre)Cgn/CgnCnrm C.Cg-Cd19tm1(cre)Cgn Ighb/J B6.129P2(C)-Cd19tm1(cre)Cgn/J B6N.129P2-Cd19tm1(cre)Cgn/J B6.129(C)-Cd19tm1(cre)Cgn Is(14)2Rdf/CjwuJ B6.Cg-Cd19tm1(cre)Cgn Ikzf3tm1.1Cjwu/J NOD.129P2(Cg)-Cd19tm1(cre)Cgn/J | MGI:1931143 |
Cd19 | Cd19tm1(cre)Thr | CD19 antigen; targeted mutation 1, Terence H Rabbitts | MGI:3584432 | |||
CD19 | Tg(CD19-cre/ERT2)1Cgn | transgene insertion 1, University of Cologne | MGI:3037896 | |||
CD19 | Tg(CD19-cre/ERT2)1Jsv | transgene insertion 1, J Sjef Verbeek | C57BL/6-Tg(CD19-cre/ERT2)1Jsv/Cnbc | MGI:4399751 | ||
Cd2 | Cd2em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | CD2 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6682028 | |||
Cd2 | Cd2em1(cre/ERT2)Cya | CD2 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657220 | |||
Cd2 | Cd2em2(icre)Cya | CD2 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657221 | |||
CD2 | Igs2em36(CD2-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 36, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300649 | |||
CD2 | Tg(CD2-cre)1Lov | transgene insertion 1, Paul E Love | C57BL/6-Tg(CD2-cre)1Lov/J | MGI:5637406 | ||
CD2 | Tg(CD2-cre)#Soy | transgene insertion, Sho Yamasaki | MGI:7438359 | |||
CD2 | Tg(CD2-cre)1Sriv | transgene insertion 1, Madhulika Srivastava | MGI:2655212 | |||
CD2 | Tg(CD2-icre)4Kio | transgene insertion 4, Dimitris Kioussis | skeletal system muscle renal & urinary system liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system respiratory system sensory organs alimentary system mesenchyme integumental system reproductive system adipose tissue nervous system head | embryo-other extraembryonic component endocrine system limbs cavities & their linings | STOCK Egr2tm3Pch Egr3tm1Jmi Tg(CD2-icre)4Kio Tg(Tbx21-AmCyan)Jfz/H STOCK Egr2tm3Pch Tg(CD2-icre)4Kio/H STOCK Egr2tm3Pch Egr3tm1Jmi Tg(CD2-icre)4Kio/H STOCK Egr2tm3Pch Tg(CD2-icre)4Kio/H B6.Cg-Tg(CD2-icre)4Kio/J | MGI:2449947 |
CD2 | Tg(CD2-cre)1Tjw | transgene insertion 1, Trevor J Wilson | MGI:2450356 | |||
Cd207 | Cd207tm2.1(cre)Bjec | CD207 antigen; targeted mutation 2.1, Bjorn Clausen | MGI:5308064 | |||
Cd207 | Cd207em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | CD207 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6682073 | |||
CD207 | Tg(CD207-cre/ERT2)1Dhka | transgene insertion 1, Daniel H Kaplan | STOCK Tg(CD207-cre/ERT2)1Dhka/J | MGI:5431679 | ||
CD207 | Tg(CD207-cre)1Dhka | transgene insertion 1, Daniel H Kaplan | B6.Cg-Tg(CD207-cre)1Dhka/Nci | MGI:3761645 | ||
Cd209b | Cd209btm1.1(cre,HBEGF)Bcgen | CD209b antigen; targeted mutation 1.1, Biocytogen LLC | hemolymphoid system | MGI:6755214 | ||
Cd209e | Cd209eem1(icre)Gpt | CD209e antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7296543 | |||
Cd300c | Cd300cem1(icre,CD2)Cln | CD300C molecule; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Marco Colonna | MGI:7520352 | |||
Cd34 | Cd34tm1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | CD34 antigen; targeted mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7786828 | |||
Cd34 | Tg(Cd34-cre)1Yiw | transgene insertion 1, Yoichiro Iwakura | B6(129P2)-Tg(CD34-cre)1Yiw/YiwRbrc | MGI:6473664 | ||
Cd34 | Cd34em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | CD34 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7296576 | |||
Cd34 | Cd34tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | CD34 antigen; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867297 | |||
Cd34 | Cd34tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Lizg | CD34 antigen; targeted mutation 1.1, Li Zhang | respiratory system cardiovascular system liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system renal & urinary system | muscle | MGI:7434546 | |
Cd3e | Cd3eem7(cre)Smoc | CD3 antigen, epsilon polypeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 7, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750464 | |||
Cd3e | Cd3etm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | CD3 antigen, epsilon polypeptide; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867259 | |||
Cd4 | Tg(Cd4-cre/ERT2)11Gnri | transgene insertion 11, Fotini Gounari | B6(129X1)-Tg(Cd4-cre/ERT2)11Gnri/J | MGI:5464279 | ||
Cd4 | Tg(Cd4-cre)1Cwi | transgene insertion 1, Christopher B Wilson | hemolymphoid system mouse-other | B6.Cg-Ikzf2tm1.1Etms Tg(CD4-Cre)/Anu B6.129-Egr2tm3Pch Egr3tm1Jmi Tg(Cd4-Cre)1Cwi/JhmiAnu B6.Cg-Tg(Cd4-Cre)1Cwi/AnuApb B6.129S6(Cg)-Casz1tm1Zel Tg(CD4-cre)1Cwi/Mmucd B6N.Cg-Tg(Cd4-cre)1Cwi/TacMmmh B6.Cg-Smad3tm1Par Smad2tm2Rob Tg(Cd4-cre)1Cwi/2AchMmnc B6;D2-Tg(Cd4-cre)1Cwi/CwiCnrm STOCK Tg(Cd4-cre)1Cwi/BfluJ NOD.Cg-Tg(Cd4-cre)1Cwi/2AchJ B6.Cg-Tg(Cd4-cre)1Cwi/BfluJ | MGI:2386448 | |
Cd4 | Tg(Cd4-cre/ERT2)6.35Ics | transgene insertion 6.35, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Cd4-cre/ERT2)6.35Ics/Ics | MGI:7345899 | ||
Cd4 | Cd4em3(dre/ERT2)Smoc | CD4 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6682075 | |||
Cd4 | Cd4tm1(cre/ERT2)Thbu | CD4 antigen; targeted mutation 1, Thorsten Buch | MGI:5549971 | |||
Cd4 | Igs2em37(Cd4-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 37, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300650 | |||
Cd4 | Cd4tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | CD4 antigen; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Cd4tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5632392 | ||
Cd40lg | Cd40lgtm1.1(icre)Tega | CD40 ligand; targeted mutation 1.1, Takeshi Egawa | hemolymphoid system liver & biliary system | B6(SJL)-Cd40lgtm1.1(icre)Tega/J | MGI:7490227 | |
Cd6 | Cd6em1(cre/ERT2)Maik | CD6 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Masahito Ikawa | MGI:7431261 | |||
Cd63 | Cd63tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | CD63 antigen; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Cd63tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Cd63tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632393 | ||
Cd68 | Cd68em5(cre)Smoc | CD68 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 5, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6682112 | |||
Cd68 | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(CD68-cre/ERT2)Drg | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, David Greaves | B6(Cg)-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(CD68-cre/ERT2)Drg/J | MGI:7562289 | ||
Cd68 | Cd68em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | CD68 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6682076 | |||
Cd68 | Cd68tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | CD68 antigen; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | limbs renal & urinary system nervous system embryo-other muscle mouse-other integumental system head tail extraembryonic component cardiovascular system endocrine system mesenchyme hemolymphoid system respiratory system reproductive system alimentary system cavities & their linings sensory organs adipose tissue liver & biliary system skeletal system | MGI:5755029 | ||
Cd68 | Cd68em1(icre)Cya | CD68 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657224 | |||
Cd68 | Tg(Cd68-cre/ERT2)31.11Ics | transgene insertion 31.11, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Cd68-cre/ERT2)31.11Ics/Ics | MGI:7345903 | ||
Cd68 | Cd68em1(cre)Smoc | CD68 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514142 | |||
CD68 | Tg(CD68-icre)1Bwlx | transgene insertion 1, Ben Wielockx | MGI:5474196 | |||
Cd7 | Cd7em1(dre)Xhl | CD7 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Xiang-Hang Luo | MGI:7767877 | |||
Cd70 | Cd70tm1(cre)Jbo | CD70 antigen; targeted mutation 1, Jannie Borst | MGI:5514249 | |||
Cd74 | Tg(Cd74-cre)#Tfk | transgene insertion, Toshiyuki Fukada | mouse-other | MGI:6790248 | ||
Cd79a | Cd79atm2(cre/Esr1*)Reth | CD79A antigen (immunoglobulin-associated alpha); targeted mutation 2, Michael Reth | MGI:4414764 | |||
Cd79a | Cd79aem3(icre)Cya | CD79A antigen (immunoglobulin-associated alpha); endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7834406 | |||
Cd79a | Cd79atm3(cre/ERT2)Reth | CD79A antigen (immunoglobulin-associated alpha); targeted mutation 3, Michael Reth | B6.129-Cd79atm3(cre/ERT2)Reth/RethAnu B6.C-Cd79atm3(cre/ERT2)Reth/EhobJ | MGI:5568505 | ||
Cd79a | Cd79atm1(cre)Reth | CD79A antigen (immunoglobulin-associated alpha); targeted mutation 1, Michael Reth | B6.C-Cd79atm1(cre)Reth/Anu B6.C(Cg)-Cd79atm1(cre)Reth/EhobJ C(Cg)-Cd79atm1(cre)Reth/EhobJ | MGI:3687451 | ||
Cd81 | Cd81em1(cre/ERT2)Kajim | CD81 antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shingo Kajimura | adipose tissue | MGI:6718376 | ||
Cd8a | Tg(Cd8a-icre/ERT2,-GFP)#Daav | transgene insertion, Dario AA Vignali | MGI:6726258 | |||
Cd8a | Tg(Cd8a-cre,-GFP)1Yzo | transgene insertion 1, Yong-Rui Zou | MGI:3774145 | |||
Cd8a | Cd8atm1.1(cre)Koni | CD8 subunit alpha; targeted mutation 1.1, Pandelakis A Koni | B6(Cg)-Cd8atm1.1(cre)Koni/J | MGI:5294414 | ||
Cd8a | Tg(Cd8a-cre)1Itan | transgene insertion 1, Ichiro Taniuchi | B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(CAG-loxP-Stop-loxP-OsTIR1F74,-EGFP)Tani Pdcd1em1(mAID)Tani Tg(Cd8a-cre)1Itan/J C57BL/6-Tg(Cd8a-cre)1Itan/J | MGI:3851193 | ||
Cd8a | Tg(Cd8a*-cre)B8Asin | transgene insertion B8, Alfred Singer | C57BL/6J-Tg(Cd8a*-cre)B8Asin/J | MGI:4462361 | ||
Cd8a | Tg(Cd8a-cre/ERT2)123Gpt | transgene insertion 123, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307371 | |||
Cd8a | Tg(Cd8a-icre)19Gpt | transgene insertion 19, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307372 | |||
Cdcp1 | Tg(Cdcp1-cre/ERT2)#Qql | transgene insertion, QingQuan Li | MGI:6382293 | |||
Cdh1 | Cdh1em3(dre/ERT2)Smoc | cadherin 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6682115 | |||
Cdh10 | Cdh10tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jrs | cadherin 10; targeted mutation 1.1, Joshua R Sanes | nervous system head | MGI:6357709 | ||
Cdh13 | Cdh13tm1(cre/ERT2)Jrs | cadherin 13; targeted mutation 1, Joshua R Sanes | MGI:5896332 | |||
Cdh16 | Tg(Cdh16-cre/ERT2)F427Djmp | transgene insertion F427, Dorien JM Peters | renal & urinary system | cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system alimentary system head reproductive system nervous system liver & biliary system | MGI:3641108 | |
Cdh16 | Tg(Cdh16-cre/ERT2)11Sji | Transgene insertion 11, Si-Tse Jiang | MGI:5898139 | |||
Cdh16 | Cdh16em1(cre/ERT2)Cya | cadherin 16; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:6727358 | |||
Cdh16 | Cdh16em3(cre/Esr1*)Cya | cadherin 16; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657225 | |||
Cdh16 | Tg(Cdh16-cre/ERT2)24Igr | transgene insertion 24, Peter Igarashi | renal & urinary system | MGI:3794556 | ||
Cdh16 | Cdh16em1(cre)Smoc | cadherin 16; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7450852 | |||
Cdh16 | Cdh16em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | cadherin 16; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7296669 | |||
Cdh16 | Cdh16em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | cadherin 16; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750486 | |||
Cdh16 | Cdh16tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | cadherin 16; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Cdh16tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Cdh16tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632394 | ||
Cdh16 | Tg(Cdh16-cre)24Sji | Transgene insertion 24, Si-Tse Jiang | C57BL/6-Tg(Cdh16-cre)24SJi/Narl | MGI:5898137 | ||
Cdh16 | Tg(Cdh16-cre)91Igr | transgene insertion 91, Peter Igarashi | skeletal system respiratory system liver & biliary system endocrine system mesenchyme renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system alimentary system reproductive system | cavities & their linings sensory organs cardiovascular system muscle embryo-other tail head mouse-other integumental system extraembryonic component nervous system limbs adipose tissue | B6.Cg-Tg(Cdh16-cre)91Igr/J | MGI:2665300 |
Cdh16 | Igs2em38(Cdh16-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 38, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300651 | |||
Cdh16 | Cdh16em2(cre)Cya | cadherin 16; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7573100 | |||
Cdh2 | Cdh2em1(dre)Bzsh | cadherin 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | MGI:6720926 | |||
Cdh2 | Cdh2tm1(cre/ERT)Linli | cadherin 2; targeted mutation 1, Linheng Li | B6;129-Cdh2tm1(cre/ERT)Linli/J | MGI:6359739 | ||
Cdh2 | Cdh2tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | cadherin 2; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Cdh2tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5632395 | ||
Cdh2 | Cdh2tm1(cre/ERT2)Gcr | cadherin 2; targeted mutation 1, Gerhard Christofori | MGI:7466159 | |||
Cdh3 | Tg(Cdh3-cre/ERT2)NIDA158Htz | transgene insertion NIDA158, Nathaniel Heintz | C57BL/6J-Tg(Cdh3-cre/ERT2)NIDA158Htz/J | MGI:5882705 | ||
Cdh4 | Cdh4tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jrs | cadherin 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Joshua R Sanes | STOCK Cdh4tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jrs/J | MGI:6116670 | ||
Cdh4 | Cdh4tm1(cre/ERT2)Jrs | cadherin 4; targeted mutation 1, Joshua R Sanes | MGI:5896331 | |||
Cdh5 | Cdh5tm1(rtTA-tetO-cre)Smoc | cadherin 5; targeted mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | B6;129S-Cdh5tm1(rtTA-tetO-Cre)Smoc | MGI:7288892 | ||
Cdh5 | Igs2em39(Cdh5-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 39, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300652 | |||
Cdh5 | Cdh5em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | cadherin 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | extraembryonic component head cardiovascular system nervous system muscle liver & biliary system cavities & their linings | MGI:6724355 | ||
Cdh5 | Tg(Cdh5-cre)7Mlia | transgene insertion 7, M Luisa Iruela-Arispe | adipose tissue integumental system cardiovascular system nervous system alimentary system sensory organs hemolymphoid system head tail respiratory system cavities & their linings renal & urinary system endocrine system liver & biliary system reproductive system muscle limbs mesenchyme extraembryonic component skeletal system | branchial arches embryo-other | B6.FVB-Tg(Cdh5-cre)7Mlia/J | MGI:3620560 |
Cdh5 | Tg(Cdh5-cre/ERT2)102Gpt | transgene insertion 102, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307373 | |||
Cdh5 | Tg(Cdh5-cre,-GFP)21Msri | transgene insertion 21, Michele Souyri | B6.Cg-Tg(Cdh5-cre,-GFP)21Msri/Orl | MGI:5882215 | ||
Cdh5 | Tg(Cdh5-cre/ERT2)1Rha | transgene insertion 1, Ralf H Adams | cardiovascular system | B6.CBA-Tg(Cdh5-cre/ERT2)1Rha B6.129-Rargtm3Ipc Tg(Cdh5(PAC)Cre/ERT2)1Rha Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4(ACTB-tdTomato,-EGFP)Luo/StVApb STOCK-Tg(Cdh5-cre/ERT2)1Rha/H STOCK Tg(Cdh5-cre/ERT2)1Rha/H | MGI:3848982 | |
Cdh5 | Cdh5em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | cadherin 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7296685 | |||
Cdh5 | Tg(Cdh5-cre/ERT2)#Ykub | transgene insertion, Yoshiaki Kubota | mesenchyme cardiovascular system | MGI:5705396 | ||
Cdh5 | Cdh5em3(cre/Esr1*)Smoc | cadherin 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750489 | |||
Cdh5 | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm7(Cdh5-cre)Npa | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 7, Novartis Pharma AG | MGI:5424003 | |||
Cdh5 | Tg(Cdh5-cre)1Nmoc | transgene insertion 1, Naoki Mochizuki | liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system mesenchyme respiratory system cardiovascular system | MGI:3842516 | ||
Cdh5 | Tg(Cdh5-cre)1Spe | transgene insertion 1, Nancy A Speck | mesenchyme liver & biliary system mouse-other extraembryonic component cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system | B6;129-Tg(Cdh5-cre)1Spe/J B6.Cg-Tg(Cdh5-cre)1Spe/J | MGI:3836418 | |
Cdh5 | Cdh5em1(cre/ERT2)Boz | cadherin 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bo O Zhou | reproductive system | MGI:7464545 | ||
Cdh5 | Cdh5tm1(cre/Esr1*)Nat | cadherin 5; targeted mutation 1, Jeremy Nathans | MGI:5660289 | |||
Cdh5 | Cdh5em2(cre)Smoc | cadherin 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7543919 | |||
Cdh5 | Tg(Cdh5-cre/ERT2)CIVE23Mlia | transgene insertion CIVE23, M Luisa Iruela-Arispe | respiratory system cardiovascular system renal & urinary system alimentary system cavities & their linings limbs embryo-other hemolymphoid system muscle extraembryonic component integumental system adipose tissue reproductive system skeletal system head liver & biliary system | MGI:3700149 | ||
Cdh5 | Cdh5em1(nigri)Bzsh | cadherin 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system head embryo-other alimentary system liver & biliary system nervous system respiratory system | MGI:7444934 | ||
Cdh6 | Tg(Cdh6-cre/ERT2)8Inot | transgene insertion 8, Takayoshi Inoue | MGI:6784069 | |||
Cdh6 | Cdh6tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jrs | cadherin 6; targeted mutation 1.1, Joshua R Sanes | sensory organs head | B6.Cg-Cdh6tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jrs/J | MGI:5461051 | |
Cdh6 | Cdh6em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | cadherin 6; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724357 | |||
Cdhr1 | Tg(Pcdh21-cre/ERT)CYoko | transgene insertion C, Mineto Yokoi | nervous system head | C57BL/6Cr-Tg(Pcdh21-cre/Esr1)CYoko/YokoRbrc | MGI:3793762 | |
Cdhr1 | Tg(Pcdh21-cre)1Liuch | transgene insertion 1, Chong Liu | MGI:7486195 | |||
Cdhr1 | Cdhr1tm1(cre)Kbal | cadherin-related family member 1; targeted mutation 1, Kristin K Baldwin | MGI:4360873 | |||
Cdhr1 | Tg(Cdhr1-cre)KG66Gsat | transgene insertion KG66, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Cdhr1-cre)KG66Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4367046 | ||
Cdhr1 | Tg(Cdhr1-cre)KG76Gsat | transgene insertion KG76, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Cdhr1-cre)KG76Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086206 | ||
Cdhr1 | Tg(Pcdh21-cre)BYoko | transgene insertion B, Mineto Yokoi | cardiovascular system head nervous system | C57BL/6-Tg(Pcdh21-cre)BYoko/YokoRbrc | MGI:3603201 | |
Cdkn1a | Cdkn1aem3(cre/ERT)Smoc | cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | limbs | MGI:6361244 | ||
Cdkn1a | Igs2tm1(Cdkn1a-cre/ERT2,-EGFP)Mxu | intergenic site 2; targeted mutation 1, Ming Xu | respiratory system alimentary system head muscle liver & biliary system cardiovascular system renal & urinary system adipose tissue mouse-other nervous system | integumental system | MGI:7469624 | |
Cdkn1a | Cdkn1aem5(cre)Smoc | cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 5, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750494 | |||
Cdkn1c | Cdkn1cem2(cre/ERT2)Kei | cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1C; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Keiichi I Nakayama | alimentary system | MGI:7482648 | ||
Cdkn2a | Cdkn2aem1.1(cre/ERT2)Jvd | cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1.1, Jan MA van Deursen | MGI:7561499 | |||
Cdkn2a | Cdkn2atm1.1(cre)Dvb | cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2A; targeted mutation 1.1, Dmitry V Bulavin | mouse-other alimentary system liver & biliary system renal & urinary system cardiovascular system adipose tissue respiratory system | MGI:6727119 | ||
Cdkn2a | Cdkn2aem3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724360 | |||
Cdkn2a | Cdkn2atm2.1(cre/ERT2)Dvb | cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2A; targeted mutation 2.1, Dmitry V Bulavin | cardiovascular system liver & biliary system | MGI:6727120 | ||
Cdkn2a | Cdkn2atm3(cre)Cjs | cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2A; targeted mutation 3, Charles J Sherr | reproductive system head cardiovascular system sensory organs | MGI:3842628 | ||
Cdkn2a | Cdkn2aem1(flpo,HBEGF/mCherry)Jpmb | cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Juan Pedro Martinez-Barbera | MGI:7514135 | |||
Cdkn2a | Cdkn2atm1(cre/ERT2)Mkt | cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2A; targeted mutation 1, Makoto Nakanishi | alimentary system renal & urinary system nervous system head cardiovascular system integumental system respiratory system liver & biliary system | MGI:6726124 | ||
Cdx1 | Tg(Cdx1-cre)23Kem | transgene insertion 23, Rolf Kemler | extraembryonic component embryo-other mesenchyme | cardiovascular system head respiratory system mouse-other | B6.FVB-Tg(Cdx1-cre)23Kem/Ieg | MGI:3841474 |
Cdx2 | Cdx2em1(flp)Smoc | caudal type homeobox 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7288916 | |||
Cdx2 | Tg(Cdx2-flpo)2Ddg | transgene insertion 2, David D Ginty | FVB/N-Tg(Cdx2-flpo)2Ddg/J | MGI:5828010 | ||
Cdx2 | Tg(Cdx2-cre/ERT)#Mllo | transgene insertion, Moises Mallo | embryo-other | MGI:6331233 | ||
Cdx2 | Cdx2tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | caudal type homeobox 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Cdx2tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Cdx2tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632396 | ||
Cdx2 | Tg(Cdx2-cre)R337Npln | transgene insertion R337, Nicolas Pilon | alimentary system integumental system nervous system embryo-other head cardiovascular system tail mesenchyme | MGI:5543474 | ||
CDX2 | Tg(CDX2-cre*)189Erf | transgene insertion 189, Eric R Fearon | tail alimentary system | B6.Cg-Tg(CDX2-cre*)189Erf/J | MGI:3843611 | |
CDX2 | Tg(CDX2-cre)101Erf | transgene insertion 101, Eric R Fearon | nervous system reproductive system head respiratory system mouse-other tail limbs renal & urinary system liver & biliary system cavities & their linings adipose tissue endocrine system skeletal system muscle cardiovascular system alimentary system mesenchyme integumental system hemolymphoid system embryo-other | B6.Cg-Tg(CDX2-cre)101Erf/J | MGI:3696953 | |
CDX2 | Tg(CDX2-cre/ERT2)741Erf | transgene insertion 741, Eric Fearon | MGI:7433054 | |||
CDX2 | Tg(CDX2-cre/ERT)#Erf | transgene insertion, Eric R Fearon | MGI:5446614 | |||
CDX2 | Tg(CDX2-cre/ERT2)752Erf | transgene insertion 752, Eric Fearon | B6.Cg-Tg(CDX2-Cre/ERT2)752Erf/J B6.Cg-Krastm4Tyj Apctm1Tno Tg(CDX2-cre/ERT2)752Erf/MaraJ | MGI:5477802 | ||
CDX2 | Tg(CDX2-flpo)#Gld | transgene insertion, Martyn Goulding | MGI:5911680 | |||
Ceacam1 | Ceacam1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | CEA cell adhesion molecule 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Ceacam1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5632397 | ||
Cebpa | Cebpatm1.1(cre)Touw | CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha; targeted mutation 1.1, Ivo P Touw | MGI:4867437 | |||
Cela1 | Tg(Cela1-cre/ERT2)1Stof | transgene insertion 1, Doris A Stoffers | alimentary system | endocrine system | STOCK Tg(Cela1-Cre/ERT2)1Stof/J | MGI:3820514 |
Cela1 | Tg(Cela1-cre/Ers1*)26Cns | Transgene insertion 26, Chia-Ning Shen | MGI:5898047 | |||
Cela1 | Tg(Cela1-cre/ERT)1Lgdn | transgene insertion 1, Craig Logsdon | alimentary system | endocrine system | STOCK Tg(Cela1-cre/ERT)1Lgdn/J | MGI:3848026 |
Cela1 | Cela1em1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | chymotrypsin-like elastase family, member 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724234 | |||
Cela1 | Tg(Cela1-cre/ERT2)28.3Ics | transgene insertion 28.3, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Cela1-cre/ERT2)28.3Ics/Ics | MGI:5500796 | ||
Cela1 | Tg(Cela1-cre/ERT2)#Skz | transgene insertion #, Stephen F Konieczny | MGI:5493325 | |||
Cela1 | Tg(Ela1-cre)2Kymm | transgene insertion 2, Ken-ichi Yamamura | MGI:3806588 | |||
Cela1 | Tg(Cela1-cre)1Stof | transgene insertion 1, Doris A Stoffers | MGI:4888693 | |||
Cela1 | Tg(Cela1-cre/Ers1*)49Cns | Transgene insertion 49, Chia-Ning Shen | MGI:5898048 | |||
Cela1 | Tg(Cela1-cre/ERT)2Lgdn | transgene insertion 2, Craig Logsdon | alimentary system | MGI:6831178 | ||
Cela1 | Tg(Cela1-cre/ERT)1Dam | transgene insertion 1, Douglas A Melton | MGI:3821749 | |||
Celf4 | Celf4em1(icre/ERT2)Zyliu | CUGBP, Elav-like family member 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Zhiyong Liu | B6;DBA-Celf4em1(icre/ERT2)Zyliu/J | MGI:6368146 | ||
Cep295nl | Cep295nlem1(icre)Gpt | CEP295 N-terminal like; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7296797 | |||
Cer1 | Tg(Cer1-cre/ERT2)1Hmd | transgene insertion 1, Hiroshi Hamada | mouse-other | MGI:6358757 | ||
Cfap126 | Cfap126tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | cilia and flagella associated protein 126; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Cfap126tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632398 | ||
Cfap126 | Cfap126tm1.1(icre)Heli | cilia and flagella associated protein 126; targeted mutation 1.1, Heiko Lickert | nervous system respiratory system alimentary system embryo-other endocrine system mesenchyme cardiovascular system sensory organs head | MGI:5308442 | ||
Cfc1 | Tg(Rr456-cre/Esr1*)7Hmd | transgene insertion 7, Hiroshi Hamada | limbs embryo-other mesenchyme | MGI:5636152 | ||
Cfc1 | Tg(Rr456-cre/Esr1*)28Hmd | transgene insertion 28, Hiroshi Hamada | MGI:7529520 | |||
Cga | Tg(Cga-icre)961Sac | transgene insertion 961, Sally A Camper | embryo-other reproductive system endocrine system mesenchyme head sensory organs nervous system | renal & urinary system muscle liver & biliary system cardiovascular system | MGI:5547616 | |
Cga | Tg(Cga-cre)1Awo | transgene insertion 1, Andrew Wolfe | MGI:3842442 | |||
Cga | Cgatm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | glycoprotein hormones, alpha subunit; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Cgatm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632399 | ||
Cga | Tg(Cga-cre)3Sac | transgene insertion 3, Sally A Camper | cardiovascular system endocrine system respiratory system tail mesenchyme muscle reproductive system head nervous system renal & urinary system | B6;SJL-Tg(Cga-cre)3Sac/J | MGI:2179995 | |
Chat | Chattm2(cre)Lowl | choline O-acetyltransferase; targeted mutation 2, Bradford B Lowell | renal & urinary system reproductive system integumental system head alimentary system muscle nervous system | adipose tissue cardiovascular system liver & biliary system limbs endocrine system hemolymphoid system sensory organs tail cavities & their linings embryo-other mesenchyme skeletal system respiratory system | B6;129S6-Chattm2(cre)Lowl/JAnu B6;129S6-Chattm2(cre)Lowl/J B6N.129S6(B6)-Chattm2(cre)Lowl/J B6J.129S6-Chattm2(cre)Lowl/MwarJ | MGI:5475195 |
Chat | Tg(Chat-cre)GM24Gsat | transgene insertion GM24, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | sensory organs head nervous system | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Chat-cre)GM24Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Chat-cre)GM24Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:3836624 | |
Chat | Tg(Chat-cre)615Sleep | transgene insertion 615, Yu Hayashi | MGI:7524142 | |||
Chat | Chattm1.1(flpo)Rmcld | choline O-acetyltransferase; targeted mutation 1.1, Robert Machold | B6.Cg-Chattm1.1(flpo)Rmcld/J | MGI:6512860 | ||
Chat | Tg(Chat-cre)612Sleep | transgene insertion 612, Yu Hayashi | MGI:7524140 | |||
Chat | Chattm1(cre)Lowl | choline O-acetyltransferase; targeted mutation 1, Bradford B Lowell | sensory organs head nervous system | B6.129S-Chattm1(cre)Lowl/MwarJ | MGI:3689420 | |
Chat | Tg(Chat-cre)609Sleep | transgene insertion 609, Yu Hayashi | C57BL/6J-Tg(Chat-cre)609Sleep | MGI:7524138 | ||
Chat | Chatem1(flp)Lowl | choline O-acetyltransferase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1,Bradford B Lowell | MGI:7434545 | |||
Chat | Tg(Chat-cre)GM60Gsat | transgene insertion GM60, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Chat-cre)GM60Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Chat-cre)GM60Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:3836628 | |
Chat | Chattm1(cre/ERT)Nat | choline O-acetyltransferase; targeted mutation 1, Jeremy Nathans | nervous system sensory organs head | B6;129-Chattm1(cre/ERT)Nat/J | MGI:3777637 | |
Chat | Tg(Chat-flpo)22Majh | transgene insertion 22, Marthe Howard | B6;SJL-Tg(Chat-flpo)22Majh/J | MGI:6387001 | ||
Chat | Tg(Chat-cre)GM53Gsat | transgene insertion GM53, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Chat-cre)GM53Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Chat-cre)GM53Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:3836626 | |
Chga | Chgaem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | chromogranin A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724368 | |||
Chga | Chgatm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | chromogranin A; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Chgatm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5632402 | ||
Chgb | Chgbtm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | chromogranin B; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Chgbtm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632403 | ||
Chia1 | Chia1tm1.1(icre)Lky | chitinase, acidic 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard M Locksley | respiratory system | B6(C)-Chia1tm1.1(icre)Lky/J | MGI:5927647 | |
Chodl | Chodlem1(cre)Ngai | chondrolectin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, John Ngai | B6.Cg-Chodlem1(cre)Ngai/TasicJ | MGI:7286049 | ||
Chrna2 | Tg(Chrna2-cre)OE25Gsat | transgene insertion OE25, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Chrna2-cre)OE25Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Chrna2-cre)OE25Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311721 | |
Chrna2 | Tg(Chrna2-cre)1Kldr | transgene insertion 1, Klas Kullander | C57BL/6-Tg(Chrna2-cre)1Kldr/Kctt | MGI:5490768 | ||
Chrna2 | Tg(Chrna2-cre)OE29Gsat | transgene insertion OE29, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Chrna2-cre)OE29Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435485 | ||
Chrna3 | Tg(Chrna3-cre)NO196Gsat | transgene insertion NO196, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Chrna3-cre)NO196Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Chrna3-cre)NO196Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086205 | |
Chrna5 | Tg(Chrna5-cre)3Et | transgene insertion 3, Eric E Turner | head nervous system | MGI:6201564 | ||
Chrna5 | Tg(Chrna5-cre)2Et | transgene insertion 2, Eric E Turner | nervous system head | MGI:6201567 | ||
Chrna5 | Tg(Chrna5-cre)SN86Gsat | transgene insertion SN86, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Chrna5-cre)SN86Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435484 | ||
Chrna5 | Tg(Chrna5-cre)NP306Gsat | transgene insertion NP306, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Chrna5-cre)NP306Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435478 | |
Chrna5 | Tg(Chrna5-cre)1Et | transgene insertion 1, Eric E Turner | nervous system head | MGI:6201568 | ||
Chrna5 | Tg(Chrna5-cre)SN83Gsat | transgene insertion SN83, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Chrna5-cre)SN83Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Chrna5-cre)SN83Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311712 | ||
Chrna6 | Chrna6tm1(flpo)Tasic | cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 6; targeted mutation 1, Bosiljka Tasic | B6;129S6-Chrna6tm1(flpo)Tasic/J | MGI:6514361 | ||
Chrna6 | Chrna6tm2(flpo)Tasic | cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 6; targeted mutation 2, Bosiljka Tasic | B6.Cg-Chrna6tm2(flpo)Tasic/J | MGI:7571383 | ||
Chrna7 | Chrna7tm2.1(cre)Swr | cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 7; targeted mutation 2.1, Scott W Rogers | head embryo-other nervous system | MGI:5662228 | ||
Chrna7 | Tg(Chrna7-cre)NP366Gsat | transgene insertion NP366, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Chrna7-cre)NP366Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051787 | |
Chrna7 | Tg(Chrna7-cre)NP348Gsat | transgene insertion NP348, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Chrna7-cre)NP348Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051751 | ||
Chrnb3 | Tg(Chrnb3-cre)SM93Gsat | transgene insertion SM93, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Chrnb3-cre)SM93Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311728 | ||
Chrnb4 | Tg(Chrnb4-cre)OL57Gsat | transgene insertion OL57, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Chrnb4-cre)OL57Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311751 | ||
Chst4 | Chst4em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | carbohydrate sulfotransferase 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7288986 | |||
Chst4 | Tg(Chst4-cre)1Hkwa | transgene insertion 1, Hiroto Kawashima | nervous system head respiratory system cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system alimentary system reproductive system liver & biliary system | renal & urinary system | MGI:3842784 | |
Cidec | Cidectm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | cell death-inducing DFFA-like effector c; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867286 | |||
Cited1 | Tg(Cited1-cre/ERT2,-EGFP)1Mdca | transgene insertion 1, Mark de Caestecker | renal & urinary system mesenchyme | MGI:3772664 | ||
Ckm | Tg(Ckm-icre)34Gpt | transgene insertion 34, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307374 | |||
Ckm | Tg(Ckm-cre)28Arte | transgene insertion 28, TaconicArtemis | MGI:5440422 | |||
Ckm | Tg(Ckmm-cre)1Lrsn | transgene insertion 1, Nils-Goran Larsson | MGI:2177173 | |||
Ckm | Tg(Ckmm-cre)5Khn | transgene insertion 5, C Ronald Kahn | renal & urinary system muscle respiratory system sensory organs mesenchyme alimentary system head cardiovascular system reproductive system integumental system | embryo-other | B6.FVB(129S4)-Tg(Ckmm-cre)5Khn/J B6.Cg-Fxnem2.1Lutzy Tg(Ckmm-cre)5Khn/J FVB-Tg(Ckmm-cre)5Khn/J B6.Cg-Fxnem2Lutzy Fxnem2.1Lutzy Tg(Ckmm-cre)5Khn/J | MGI:2182095 |
CLCNKB | Tg(CLCNKB-cre)#Ttok | transgene insertion, Takeshi Tokudome | renal & urinary system | MGI:6718960 | ||
Cldn11 | Tg(Cldn11-cre/ERT2)151Tmak | transgene insertion 151, Taija Makinen | cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system | MGI:6727043 | ||
Cldn18 | Cldn18em3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | claudin 18; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750514 | |||
Cldn18 | Cldn18tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Geno | claudin 18; targeted mutation 1.1, Genoway | alimentary system | liver & biliary system | MGI:7467158 | |
Cldn18 | Cldn18tm1(cre/ERT2)Cya | claudin 18; targeted mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657228 | |||
Cldn4 | Cldn4em1(flp)Smoc | claudin 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7289019 | |||
CLDN5 | Hprt1tm332(Ple272-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 332, Elizabeth M Simpson | C57BL/6-Hprt1tm332(Ple272-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5532374 | ||
Cldn6 | Cldn6tm1(cre)Dkwu | claudin 6; targeted mutation 1, Doris Wu | C57BL/6-Cldn6tm1(cre)Dkwu/J | MGI:3834897 | ||
Cldn6 | Cldn6tm1(cre/ERT2)Dam | claudin 6; targeted mutation 1, Douglas A Melton | embryo-other mesenchyme respiratory system integumental system renal & urinary system liver & biliary system alimentary system | B6;129X1-Cldn6tm1(cre/ERT2)Dam/J | MGI:3772092 | |
Cldn7 | Cldn7tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | claudin 7; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Cldn7tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5632404 | ||
Clec11a | Clec11aem3(cre/ERT2)Sjm | C-type lectin domain family 11, member a; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Sean Morrison | hemolymphoid system skeletal system limbs | MGI:7464488 | ||
Clec3b | Clec3bem2(cre/ERT2)1Smoc | C-type lectin domain family 3, member b; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750520 | |||
Clec4f | Clec4fem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | C-type lectin domain family 4, member f; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724370 | |||
Clec4f | Clec4fem2(icre)Gpt | C-type lectin domain family 4, member f; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7297097 | |||
Clec4f | Clec4fem5(cre/ERT2)Smoc | C-type lectin domain family 4, member f; endonuclease-mediated mutation 5, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750522 | |||
Clec4f | Clec4fem1(icre)Cya | C-type lectin domain family 4, member f; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657229 | |||
Clec4f | Clec4ftm2.1(icre)Ciphe | C-type lectin domain family 4, member f; targeted mutation 2.1, Centre d'ImmunoPhenomique | MGI:6330738 | |||
Clec4f | Clec4fem1(cre)Glass | C-type lectin domain family 4, member f; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Christopher Glass | C57BL/6J-Clec4fem1(cre)Glass/J | MGI:6283832 | ||
Clec4f | Clec4fem2(icre)Smoc | C-type lectin domain family 4, member f; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724371 | |||
Clec4g | Tg(Clec4g-icre)1.1Sgoe | transgene insertion 1.1, Sergij Goerdt | liver & biliary system cardiovascular system | skeletal system renal & urinary system respiratory system hemolymphoid system | C57BL/6NCrl-Tg(Clec4g-icre)1.1Sgoe/Ieg | MGI:6280453 |
Clec4g | Tg(Clec4g-icre)#Sgoe | transgene insertion, Sergij Goerdt | MGI:6280455 | |||
Clec9a | Clec9atm4.1(cre/ERT2)Crs | C-type lectin domain family 9, member a; targeted mutation 4.1, Caetano Reis e Sousa | nervous system | B6.Cg-Clec9atm4.1(cre/ERT2)Crs/J | MGI:7338965 | |
Clec9a | Clec9atm2.1(icre)Crs | C-type lectin domain family 9, member a; targeted mutation 2.1, Caetano Reis e Sousa | head mouse-other alimentary system renal & urinary system integumental system hemolymphoid system nervous system | B6J.B6N(Cg)-Clec9atm2.1(icre)Crs/J | MGI:5502446 | |
Clec9a | Tg(Clec9a-cre)1Crs | transgene insertion 1, Caetano Reis e Sousa | MGI:5502458 | |||
Clec9a | Clec9aem2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | C-type lectin domain family 9, member a; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6430706 | |||
Clgn | Tg(Clgn-cre)40Osb | transgene insertion 1, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University | B6.Cg-Tg(Clgn-Cre)40Osb/Osb | MGI:6324057 | ||
Clu | Cluem2(dre/ERT2)Smoc | clusterin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6430708 | |||
Clu | Clutm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | clusterin; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | head liver & biliary system integumental system nervous system reproductive system renal & urinary system cardiovascular system respiratory system hemolymphoid system skeletal system limbs muscle alimentary system | mesenchyme cavities & their linings extraembryonic component tail sensory organs mouse-other adipose tissue embryo-other endocrine system | MGI:5697395 | |
Clu | Cluem1.1(cre/ERT2)Algr | clusterin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Alex Gregorieff | alimentary system | MGI:6716263 | ||
CLVS2 | Hprt1tm341a(Ple273-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 341a, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5532389 | |||
Cma1 | Tg(Cma1-cre)#Roer | transgene insertion, Axel Roers | MGI:5572820 | |||
Cma1 | Tg(Cma1-cre)ARoer | transgene insertion A, Axel Roers | MGI:3785000 | |||
Cma1 | Cma1em3(cre)Smoc | chymase 1, mast cell; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750527 | |||
Cma1 | Tg(Cma1-cre)XRoer | transgene insertion X, Axel Roers | MGI:3785001 | |||
CMA1 | Tg(CMA1-cre)6Thhe | transgene insertion 6, Thomas Hehlgans | alimentary system respiratory system hemolymphoid system | B6.FVB-Tg(CMA1-cre)6Thhe/J | MGI:3778624 | |
Cmtm5 | Tg(Cmtm5-cre)GM106Gsat | transgene insertion GM106, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Cmtm5-cre)GM106Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435495 | ||
Cmtm5 | Tg(Cmtm5-cre)GM160Gsat | transgene insertion GM160, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | MGI:3841676 | ||
Cmtm5 | Cmtm5tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 5; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Cmtm5tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Cmtm5tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632412 | ||
CMV | Tg(CMV-cre)1And | transgene insertion 1, David J Anderson | cardiovascular system head mesenchyme muscle embryo-other nervous system | MGI:3783633 | ||
CMV | Tg(CMV-rtTA/cre)2Jcha | transgene insertion 2, Jeong-Heon Cha | MGI:3785521 | |||
CMV | Tg(CMV-cre)1Nagy | transgene insertion 1, Andras Nagy | hemolymphoid system | NMRI.Cg-Tg(CMV-cre)1Nagy/Cnbc | MGI:2178227 | |
CMV | Tg(CMV-cre)1Cgn | transgene insertion 1, University of Cologne | respiratory system integumental system renal & urinary system embryo-other cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system muscle head alimentary system nervous system branchial arches adipose tissue endocrine system liver & biliary system | mesenchyme | B6.Cg-Tg(CMV-cre)1Cgn/AnuApb B6(Cg)-GzmkKO Tg(CMV-Cre)/MarpApb B6.C(129)-Tg(CMV-cre)1Cgn/CgnCnrm B6.C-Tg(CMV-cre)1Cgn/CgnCnrm B6.C-Tg(CMV-cre)1Cgn/J BALB/c-Tg(CMV-cre)1Cgn/J | MGI:2176180 |
CMV | Tg(CMV-cre)1Mem | transgene insertion 1, Marcy E MacDonald | MGI:3702643 | |||
CMV | Hprt1tm1(CMV-cre)Wtsi | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6N-Hprt1tm1(CMV-cre)Wtsi/Mmucd C57BL/6N-Hprt1tm1(CMV-cre)Wtsi/WtsiOulu | MGI:5496382 | ||
CMV | Tg(CMV-cre/ERT)1Ipc | transgene insertion 1, I Pierre Chambon | integumental system | MGI:2387570 | ||
CMV | Tg(CMV-cre)27Rbrc | transgene insertion 27, RIKEN BioResource Center | C57BL/6J-Tg(CMV-cre)27Rbrc/Rbrc | MGI:4415193 | ||
CMV | Hprt1tm1(CMV-cre)Brd | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 1, Allan Bradley | MGI:3046308 | |||
CMV | Tg(CMV-cre)64Rbrc | transgene insertion 64, RIKEN BioResource Center | C57BL/6J-Tg(CMV-cre)64Rbrc/Rbrc | MGI:4415195 | ||
CMV | Tg(CMV-cre)#Bgmn | transgene insertion, Marianne Bruggemann | MGI:3702862 | |||
CMV | Tg(CMV-flpe)15Narl | Transgene insertion 15, National Applied Research Laboratories | MGI:5898269 | |||
CMV | Tg(CMV-flpe)14Narl | Transgene insertion 14, National Applied Research Laboratories | MGI:5898267 | |||
CMV | Tg(CMV-cre)1Ipc | transgene insertion 1, I Pierre Chambon | MGI:2177165 | |||
Cnnm2 | Tg(Cnnm2-cre)KD18Gsat | transgene insertion KD18, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Cnnm2-cre)KD18Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Cnnm2-cre)KD18Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4366732 | |
Cnp | Cnptm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3' phosphodiesterase; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Cnptm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632471 | ||
Cnp | Cnptm1(cre)Kan | 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3' phosphodiesterase; targeted mutation 1, Klaus-Armin Nave | head nervous system | MGI:3051635 | ||
Cnp | Cnptm1.1(icre)Htak | 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3' phosphodiesterase; targeted mutation 1.1, Hirohide Takebayashi | MGI:6865676 | |||
Cnr1 | Tg(Cnr1-cre)RY75Gsat | transgene insertion RY75, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | MGI:5311711 | |||
Cntn2 | Tg(Cntn2-cre)1Kmln | transgene insertion 1, Bjorn Knollmann | MGI:7434716 | |||
Cntn2 | Cntn2tm1.1(cre/EGFP)Nmun | contactin 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Nikhil V Munshi | cardiovascular system nervous system head | MGI:6476947 | ||
Coch | Cochem1(cre)Bcgen | cochlin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Biocytogen LLC | head nervous system | MGI:7461129 | ||
Col10a1 | Tg(Col10a1-cre)1427Vdm | transgene insertion 1427, Klaus von der Mark | limbs mouse-other skeletal system head | MGI:3831541 | ||
Col10a1 | Col10a1tm1.1(cre)Lyng | collagen, type X, alpha 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Liu Yang | MGI:7490046 | |||
Col10a1 | Tg(Col10a1-cre)1Xya | transgene insertion 1, Xiao Yang | integumental system mesenchyme skeletal system mouse-other limbs | liver & biliary system respiratory system | MGI:4366841 | |
Col10a1 | Tg(Col10a1-cre)1465Vdm | transgene insertion 1465, Klaus von der Mark | embryo-other skeletal system limbs mesenchyme | MGI:5755265 | ||
Col10a1 | Tg(Col10a1-cre)1466Vdm | transgene insertion 1466, Klaus von der Mark | embryo-other limbs mesenchyme skeletal system | MGI:5755264 | ||
Col10a1 | Col10a1em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | collagen, type X, alpha 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750531 | |||
Col10a1 | Col10a1tm2.1(cre)Ksec | collagen, type X, alpha 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Kathryn S E Cheah | head alimentary system mesenchyme skeletal system limbs | MGI:5662423 | ||
Col10a1 | Col10a1tm1(cre)Haak | collagen, type X, alpha 1; targeted mutation 1, Haruhiko Akiyama | MGI:5293313 | |||
Col10a1 | Col10a1tm3.1(cre/ERT)Ksec | collagen, type X, alpha 1; targeted mutation 3.1, Kathryn S E Cheah | skeletal system limbs | mesenchyme | MGI:5662425 | |
Col10a1 | Tg(Col10a1-cre)#Ksec | transgene insertion, Kathryn S E Cheah | limbs skeletal system mesenchyme | MGI:5662429 | ||
Col10a1 | Tg(Col10a1-cre)#Vdm | transgene insertion, Klaus von der Mark | MGI:7442876 | |||
Col10a1 | Col10a1em1(cre)Bcgen | collagen, type X, alpha 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Biocytogen LLC | limbs skeletal system | MGI:7434961 | ||
Col11a2 | Tg(Col11a2-cre/ERT)#Ntsu | transgene insertion, Noriyuki Tsumaki | MGI:5911537 | |||
Col11a2 | Tg(Col11a2-cre)4Nhzi | transgene insertion 4, Nobumichi Hozumi | mouse-other mesenchyme limbs embryo-other skeletal system head | nervous system cardiovascular system | MGI:5435262 | |
Col11a2 | Tg(Col11a2-cre)2Ntsu | transgene insertion 2, Noriyuki Tsumaki | MGI:5435242 | |||
Col11a2 | Tg(Col11a2-cre)1Ntsu | transgene insertion 1, Noriyuki Tsumaki | MGI:5435240 | |||
Col1a1 | Col1a1em3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | collagen, type I, alpha 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750533 | |||
Col1a1 | Tg(Col1a1-cre)1Kry | transgene insertion 1, Gerard Karsenty | limbs head integumental system skeletal system | mouse-other | FVB-Tg(Col1a1-cre)1Kry/Mmucd B6.FVB-Tg(Col1a1-cre)1Kry/Rbrc | MGI:3041864 |
Col1a1 | Tg(Col1a1-cre/ERT2)1Crm | transgene insertion 1, Benoit de Crombrugghe | head tail skeletal system nervous system sensory organs limbs alimentary system embryo-other respiratory system integumental system reproductive system | hemolymphoid system liver & biliary system adipose tissue renal & urinary system extraembryonic component mouse-other mesenchyme endocrine system muscle cardiovascular system cavities & their linings | B6.Cg-Tg(Col1a1-cre/ERT2)1Crm/J | MGI:4949435 |
Col1a1 | Tg(Col1a1-cre)13Kaws | transgene insertion 13, Shinji Kawai | MGI:7446754 | |||
Col1a1 | Tg(Col1a1-cre/Esr1*)1Mis | transgene insertion 1, Yuji Mishina | limbs skeletal system head | MGI:3829219 | ||
Col1a1 | Tg(Col1a1-cre/ERT2)6.1Ics | transgene insertion 6.1, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Col1a1-cre/ERT2)6.1Ics/Ics | MGI:7345910 | ||
Col1a1 | Tg(Col1a1-cre)1Haak | transgene insertion 1, Haruhiko Akiyama | B6.Cg-Tg(Col1a1-cre)1Haak/HaakRbrc | MGI:3835846 | ||
Col1a1 | Tg(Col1a1-cre/ERT)#Hmk | transgene insertion, Henry M Kronenberg | MGI:4829806 | |||
Col1a1 | Tg(Col1a1-cre)2Bek | transgene insertion 2, Barbara E Kream | head mouse-other limbs skeletal system | STOCK Tg(Col1a1-cre)2Bek/Mmucd | MGI:3574763 | |
Col1a1 | Tg(Col1a1-cre)1Ack | transgene insertion 1, Andrew C Karaplis | MGI:3603124 | |||
Col1a1 | Igs2em40(Col1a1-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 40, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300653 | |||
Col1a1 | Tg(Col1a1-cre/ERT2,-DsRed)1Smkm | transgene insertion 1, Shunichi Murakami | B6.Cg-Tg(Col1a1-cre/ERT2,-DsRed)1Smkm/J | MGI:5788738 | ||
Col1a1 | Tg(Col1a1-cre)1Bek | transgene insertion 1, Barbara E Kream | skeletal system mouse-other limbs head | STOCK Tg(Col1a1-cre)1Bek/Mmucd | MGI:3574761 | |
Col1a1 | Tg(Col1a1-cre)#Xya | transgene insertion, Xiao Yang | head skeletal system limbs mesenchyme | liver & biliary system cardiovascular system embryo-other reproductive system | MGI:4440759 | |
Col1a1 | Tg(Col1a1-cre)1Dab | transgene insertion 1, David A Brenner | MGI:5431933 | |||
Col1a2 | Col1a2em2(scre/ERT2)Bzsh | collagen, type I, alpha 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Bin Zhou | MGI:7451373 | |||
Col1a2 | Col1a2em1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | collagen, type I, alpha 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7289075 | |||
Col1a2 | Col1a2em3(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | collagen, type I, alpha 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Bin Zhou | MGI:7451377 | |||
Col1a2 | Tg(Col1a2-cre/ERT,-ALPP)7Cpd | transgene insertion 7, Christopher P Denton | renal & urinary system cardiovascular system mouse-other nervous system integumental system skeletal system limbs head alimentary system reproductive system mesenchyme sensory organs respiratory system | liver & biliary system muscle adipose tissue hemolymphoid system endocrine system tail embryo-other | STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(EYFP)Cos Tg(Col1a2-cre/ERT,-ALPP)7Cpd/H STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(EYFP)Cos Tg(Col1a2-cre/ERT,-ALPP)7Cpd/H STOCK Tg(Col1a2-cre/ERT,-ALPP)7Cpd/J B6.Cg-Tg(Col1a2-cre/ERT,-ALPP)7Cpd/2J | MGI:3785760 |
Col1a2 | Tg(Col1a2-cre)23Angl | transgene insertion 23, Peter Angel | liver & biliary system embryo-other respiratory system limbs skeletal system renal & urinary system cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system nervous system integumental system alimentary system head | MGI:3042879 | ||
Col1a2 | Col1a2em1(cre)Smoc | collagen, type I, alpha 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7289074 | |||
Col1a2 | Col1a2em1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | collagen, type I, alpha 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system | MGI:6721050 | ||
Col1a2 | Col1a2em1(icre)Cya | collagen, type I, alpha 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657230 | |||
Col2a1 | Col2a1em2(dre)Smoc | collagen, type II, alpha 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | skeletal system hemolymphoid system limbs | MGI:7434956 | ||
Col2a1 | Tg(Col2a1-cre/ERT)KA3Smac | transgene insertion KA3, Susan Mackem | embryo-other reproductive system head mouse-other limbs tail mesenchyme respiratory system skeletal system | nervous system liver & biliary system sensory organs integumental system renal & urinary system cardiovascular system | FVB-Tg(Col2a1-cre/ERT)KA3Smac/J | MGI:3665440 |
Col2a1 | Tg(Col2a1-cre)15Amc | transgene insertion 15, Andrew P McMahon | mesenchyme nervous system head embryo-other limbs | MGI:2176262 | ||
Col2a1 | Tg(Col2a1-cre/ERT2)1Dic | transgene insertion 1, Di Chen | skeletal system mesenchyme limbs mouse-other | cardiovascular system renal & urinary system liver & biliary system | MGI:3698311 | |
Col2a1 | Tg(Col2a1-cre)#Amc | transgene insertion, Andrew P McMahon | MGI:4840368 | |||
Col2a1 | Tg(Col2a1-cre)3Amc | transgene insertion 3, Andrew P McMahon | limbs embryo-other head mesenchyme nervous system | B6.Cg-Tg(Col2a1-cre)3Amc/RgrayJ | MGI:2176263 | |
Col2a1 | Tg(Col2a1-cre)1Xya | transgene insertion 1, Xiao Yang | skeletal system mouse-other limbs | MGI:3829498 | ||
Col2a1 | Igs2em6(Col2a1-icre)Cya | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 6, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657271 | |||
Col2a1 | Tg(Col2a1-cre/ERT)1Flng | transgene insertion 1, Fanxin Long | embryo-other mesenchyme skeletal system limbs mouse-other | MGI:3721223 | ||
Col2a1 | Tg(Col2a1-cre)1Rsjo | transgene insertion 1, Randall S Johnson | embryo-other limbs | MGI:2386649 | ||
Col2a1 | Tg(Col2a1-cre)1Star | transgene insertion 1, Rene St-Arnaud | skeletal system mouse-other | B6.SJL-Tg(Col2a1-cre)1Star/Mmucd | MGI:2671895 | |
Col2a1 | Igs2em41(Col2a1-cre/ERT2)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 41, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300654 | |||
Col2a1 | Tg(Col2a1-cre)1Bhr | transgene insertion 1, Richard R Behringer | mouse-other sensory organs skeletal system mesenchyme head embryo-other limbs | STOCK Tg(Col2a1-cre)1Bhr/H STOCK Tg(Col2a1-cre)1Bhr/H B6;SJL-Tg(Col2a1-cre)1Bhr/J | MGI:2176070 | |
Col2a1 | Tg(Col2a1-cre)10Amc | transgene insertion 10, Andrew P McMahon | nervous system limbs head mesenchyme embryo-other | MGI:2176264 | ||
Col2a1 | Tg(Col2a1-rtTA,tetO-cre)22Pjro | transgene insertion 22, Peter J Roughley | mesenchyme skeletal system limbs tail | MGI:4418267 | ||
Col2a1 | Tg(Col2a1-cre)1Asz | transgene insertion 1, Attila Aszodi | tail embryo-other head skeletal system alimentary system limbs cardiovascular system nervous system respiratory system branchial arches sensory organs mesenchyme | MGI:3050410 | ||
Col2a1 | Col2a1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | collagen, type II, alpha 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724372 | |||
COL2A1 | Tg(COL2A1-cre)1Wag | transgene insertion 1, Erwin F Wagner | skeletal system integumental system muscle cardiovascular system head sensory organs nervous system mesenchyme | MGI:2445431 | ||
Col6a1 | Tg(Col6a1-cre)1Gkl | transgene insertion 1, George Kollias | integumental system cardiovascular system muscle alimentary system skeletal system | hemolymphoid system | B6.Cg-Tg(Col6a1-cre)1Gkl/Flmg | MGI:3775430 |
Colgalt2 | Tg(Colgalt2-cre)NF111Htz | transgene insertion NF111, Nathaniel Heintz | STOCK Tg(Colgalt2-cre)NF111Htz/J | MGI:5911065 | ||
Colgalt2 | Tg(Colgalt2-cre)NF107Gsat | transgene insertion NF107, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Colgalt2-cre)NF107Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Colgalt2-cre)NF107Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311719 | |
Colq | Tg(Colq-cre)#Kohno | transgene insertion, Kinji Ohno | limbs muscle | MGI:7338925 | ||
Corin | Corintm2(cre)Bamo | corin, serine peptidase; targeted mutation 2, Bruce A Morgan | integumental system | MGI:4457000 | ||
Corin | Corintm1(cre/ERT2)Ense | corin, serine peptidase; targeted mutation 1, David Enshell-Seijffers | MGI:7482264 | |||
Corin | Corintm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | corin, serine peptidase; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867298 | |||
Cort | Tg(Cort-cre)IM42Gsat | transgene insertion IM42, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Cort-cre)IM42Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4366792 | |
Cort | Corttm1(cre)Zjh | cortistatin; targeted mutation 1, Z Josh Huang | nervous system renal & urinary system respiratory system reproductive system skeletal system head alimentary system | muscle hemolymphoid system sensory organs liver & biliary system adipose tissue embryo-other integumental system endocrine system cardiovascular system | STOCK Corttm1(cre)Zjh/J | MGI:4431363 |
Cpa1 | Cpa1tm1(cre/ERT2)Dam | carboxypeptidase A1, pancreatic; targeted mutation 1, Douglas A Melton | alimentary system endocrine system | MGI:3720733 | ||
Cpa3 | Cpa3em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | carboxypeptidase A3, mast cell; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724375 | |||
Cpa3 | Tg(Cpa3-cre)3Glli | transgene insertion 3, Stephen J Galli | MGI:5301437 | |||
Cpa3 | Tg(Cpa3-cre)4Glli | transgene insertion 4, Stephen J Galli | C57BL/6-Tg(Cpa3-cre)4Glli/J | MGI:5607597 | ||
Cpa3 | Cpa3tm3(icre)Hrr | carboxypeptidase A3, mast cell; targeted mutation 3, Hans-Reimer Rodewald | MGI:3829878 | |||
Cpa3 | Csf1rem3(icre)Cya | colony stimulating factor 1 receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657235 | |||
Cpa3 | Cpa3em1(icre)Cya | carboxypeptidase A3, mast cell; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657234 | |||
Cplx3 | Cplx3em1(flpo*)Ngai | complexin 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, John Ngai | B6.Cg-Cplx3em1(flpo*)Ngai/TasicJ | MGI:7286055 | ||
Cpne4 | Cpne4em1(flpo*)Ngai | copine IV; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, John Ngai | B6.Cg-Cpne4em1(flpo*)Ngai/TasicJ | MGI:7286056 | ||
Cpne6 | Cpne6tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | copine VI; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Cpne6tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Cpne6tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632473 | ||
Cpne6 | Cpne6tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | copine VI; targeted mutation 1.1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Cpne6tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Cpne6tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632472 | ||
Cpne7 | Cpne7tm1(cre)Sleep | copine VII; targeted mutation 1, Yu Hayashi | MGI:6739834 | |||
Cpne7 | Cpne7tm1.1(cre)Sleep | copine VII; targeted mutation 1.1, Yu Hayashi | nervous system head | MGI:6739829 | ||
Cr2 | Tg(Cr2-cre)3Cgn | transgene insertion 3, University of Cologne | hemolymphoid system | B6.Cg-Tg(Cr2-cre)3Cgn/Flmg B6.Cg-Tg(Cr2-cre)3Cgn/J | MGI:3047571 | |
Crct1 | Crct1tm2(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi | cysteine-rich C-terminal 1; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6N-Crct1tm2(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5659998 | ||
Crh | Tg(Crh-cre)1Kres | transgene insertion 1, Kerry J Ressler | head nervous system | B6;FVB-Tg(Crh-cre)1Kres/J | MGI:4457114 | |
Crh | Crhtm1.1(cre)Dolsn | corticotropin releasing hormone; targeted mutation 1.1, David P Olson | head nervous system | MGI:5559540 | ||
Crh | Crhtm1(cre)Zjh | corticotropin releasing hormone; targeted mutation 1, Z Josh Huang | nervous system hemolymphoid system mesenchyme endocrine system adipose tissue alimentary system reproductive system head integumental system cardiovascular system respiratory system | liver & biliary system muscle sensory organs cavities & their linings skeletal system renal & urinary system limbs embryo-other tail | B6(Cg)-Crhtm1(cre)Zjh/J | MGI:4452089 |
Crh | Tg(Crh-cre)KN282Gsat | transgene insertion KN282, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head sensory organs | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Crh-cre)KN282Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Crh-cre)KN282Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4366795 | |
Crh | Crhtm1.1(flpo)Bsab | corticotropin releasing hormone; targeted mutation 1.1, Bernardo Sabatini | nervous system head endocrine system | B6.Cg-Crhtm1.1(flpo)Bsab/J | MGI:6116854 | |
Crh | Crhem3(cre)Smoc | corticotropin releasing hormone; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7645526 | |||
Crh | Crhtm2(icre)Ksak | corticotropin releasing hormone; targeted mutation 2, Kenji Sakimura | head nervous system | MGI:5707348 | ||
CRH | Hprt1tm353(Ple274-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 353, Elizabeth M Simpson | B6.Cg-Hprt1tm353(Ple274-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5568222 | ||
Crhr1 | Crhr1tm4.1(cre)Jde | corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1; targeted mutation 4.1, Jan Deussing | nervous system head | MGI:6201420 | ||
Crhr1 | Crhr1tm1.1(cre/GFP)Lsz | corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Larry S Zweifel | nervous system head | MGI:7438225 | ||
Crhr1 | Tg(Crhr1-icre,-tdTomato)3Njus | transgene insertion 3, Nicholas J Justice | nervous system head | C57BL/6-Tg(Crhr1-icre,-tdTomato)3Njus/J | MGI:7439324 | |
Crhr1 | Crhr1em2(cre)Smoc | corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750543 | |||
Crhr1 | Crhr1tm4(cre)Jde | corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1; targeted mutation 4, Jan Deussing | MGI:6201418 | |||
Crhr2 | Tg(Crhr2-EGFP/cre)#And | transgene insertion, David J Anderson | head nervous system | MGI:7438099 | ||
Crhr2 | Crhr2tm1(cre)Lbrl | corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 2; targeted mutation 1, Stephen Liberles | MGI:6306111 | |||
Crhr2 | Tg(Crhr2-cre)RT30Gsat | transgene insertion RT30, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Crhr2-cre)RT30Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5523325 | ||
Crhr2 | Crhr2tm1.1(cre)Lbrl | corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Stephen Liberles | nervous system | B6.129S4(SJL)-Crhr2tm1.1(cre)Lbrl/J | MGI:6726589 | |
Crim1 | Crim1tm1(GFP/cre/ERT2)Pzg | cysteine rich transmembrane BMP regulator 1; targeted mutation 1, Pumin Zhang | B6;129S7-Crim1tm1(GFP/cre/ERT2)Pzg/J | MGI:5317218 | ||
Crisp3 | Crisp3tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | cysteine-rich secretory protein 3; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Crisp3tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632474 | ||
Crisp4 | Crisp4tm1(icre)Mpo | cysteine-rich secretory protein 4; targeted mutation 1, Matti Poutanen | MGI:5431546 | |||
CRP | Tg(CRP-cre)1Iz | transgene insertion 1, Manfred F Rajewsky | STOCK Mgmttm1Iz Tg(CRP-cre)1Iz/Cnrm | MGI:2652465 | ||
Crx | Tg(Crx-Atoh7,-cre)251Gla | transgene insertion 251, Tom Glaser | MGI:5433215 | |||
Crx | Tg(Crx-cre)764Gla | transgene insertion 764, Tom Glaser | B6.SJL-Tg(Crx-cre)764Gla/Mmucd | MGI:5433291 | ||
Crx | Tg(Crx-Atoh7,-cre)60Gla | transgene insertion 60, Tom Glaser | MGI:5433290 | |||
Crx | Tg(Crx-cre/ERT2)1Tfur | transgene insertion 1, Takahisa Furukawa | head sensory organs | B6.Cg-Tg(Crx-cre/ERT2)1Tfur/TfurRbrc | MGI:5302219 | |
Crx | Tg(Crx-icre)35Gpt | transgene insertion 35, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307375 | |||
Crx | Tg(Crx-cre)352Gla | transgene insertion 352, Tom Glaser | sensory organs head | MGI:5433216 | ||
Crx | Tg(Crx-cre)1Tfur | transgene insertion 1, Takahisa Furukawa | endocrine system sensory organs head nervous system | 129.Cg-Tg(Crx-cre)1Tfur/TfurRbrc | MGI:3608904 | |
Cryaa | Tg(Cryaa-cre,Tyr)37Mlr | transgene insertion 37, Mike Robinson | MGI:5582797 | |||
Cryaa | Tg(Cryaa-cre,Tyr)39Mlr | transgene insertion 39, Mike Robinson | sensory organs embryo-other head | FVB/N-Tg(Cryaa-cre,Tyr)39Mlr/J | MGI:3811526 | |
Cryaa | Cryaaem1(cre/ERT2)Xfan | crystallin, alpha A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Xingjun Fan | MGI:7345512 | |||
Cryaa | Tg(Cryaa-icre)27Gpt | transgene insertion 27, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307376 | |||
Cryaa | Tg(Cryaa-cre)A9874Sau | transgene insertion A9874, Brian Sauer | MGI:2176178 | |||
Cryaa | Tg(Cryaa-cre)10Mlr | transgene insertion 10, Mike Robinson | sensory organs integumental system nervous system endocrine system head | STOCK Tg(Cryaa-cre)10Mlr/J | MGI:3038243 | |
Cryba1 | Cryba1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | crystallin, beta A1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6N-Cryba1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5811746 | ||
Crybb1 | Crybb1em1(icre)Cln | crystallin, beta B1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Marco Colonna | head hemolymphoid system nervous system limbs renal & urinary system cardiovascular system skeletal system liver & biliary system alimentary system | extraembryonic component | C57BL/6J-Crybb1em1(icre)Cln/J | MGI:7488430 |
Cryga | Crygatm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | crystallin, gamma A; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Crygatm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632475 | ||
Crygb | Crygbtm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | crystallin, gamma B; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Crygbtm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632476 | ||
Crygd | Crygdtm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | crystallin, gamma D; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Crygdtm2(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Crygdtm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632477 | ||
Crym | Crymtm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | crystallin, mu; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Crymtm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Crymtm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632478 | ||
Crym | Tg(Crym-Ncre,Crym-Ccre)RL89Gsat | transgene insertion RL89, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Crym-Ncre,Crym-Ccre)RL89Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435527 | ||
Csf1r | Tg(Csf1r-cre/Esr1*)1Jwp | transgene insertion 1, Jeffrey W Pollard | liver & biliary system embryo-other head extraembryonic component | alimentary system | FVB-Tg(Csf1r-cre/Esr1*)1Jwp/J | MGI:5433683 |
Csf1r | Tg(Csf1r-cre)1Mnz | transgene insertion 1, Michel C Nussenzweig | C57BL/6-Tg(Csf1r-cre)1Mnz/J | MGI:5763756 | ||
Csf1r | Csf1rem1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | colony stimulating factor 1 receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7297457 | |||
Csf1r | Tg(Csf1r-icre)1Jwp | transgene insertion 1, Jeffrey W Pollard | muscle cardiovascular system alimentary system hemolymphoid system renal & urinary system liver & biliary system | FVB-Tg(Csf1r-icre)1Jwp/J B6J.FVB-Tg(Csf1r-icre)1Jwp/BacJ | MGI:4429470 | |
Csf1r | Csf1rem2(icre)Smoc | colony stimulating factor 1 receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7289164 | |||
Csf1r | Csf1rem3(icre)Gpt | colony stimulating factor 1 receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7297456 | |||
Csf2rb2 | Csf2rb2em1(cre)Smoc | colony stimulating factor 2 receptor, beta 2, low-affinity (granulocyte-macrophage); endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724382 | |||
Csf2rb2 | Tg(Csf2rb2-cre)252Tjmc | transgene insertion 252, Thomas J McHugh | nervous system head | MGI:6719252 | ||
Csk | Csktm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | c-src tyrosine kinase; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Csktm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632479 | ||
Csn1s2a | Csn1s2atm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | casein alpha s2-like A; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Csn1s2atm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Csn1s2atm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632480 | ||
Csn2 | Tg(Csn2-cre)#Kobia | transgene insertion, Jakub Abramson | MGI:6201557 | |||
Cspg4 | Ifi208Tg(Cspg4-cre)1Akik | interferon activated gene 208; transgene insertion 1, Akiko Nishiyama | cardiovascular system respiratory system nervous system integumental system reproductive system muscle sensory organs adipose tissue renal & urinary system limbs endocrine system alimentary system hemolymphoid system head skeletal system | liver & biliary system | B6;FVB-Ifi208Tg(Cspg4-cre)1Akik/J | MGI:3778062 |
Cspg4 | Cspg4tm1(cre)Akik | chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4; targeted mutation 1, Akiko Nishiyama | MGI:4950067 | |||
Cspg4 | Tg(Cspg4-cre)1Rkl | transgene insertion 1, Raghu Kalluri | cardiovascular system renal & urinary system | B6.FVB-Tg(Cspg4-cre)1Rkl/J | MGI:6101509 | |
Cspg4 | Cspg4tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Fki | chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Frank Kirchhoff | MGI:5566862 | |||
Cspg4 | Cspg4em1(cre/ERT2)Cya | chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657236 | |||
Cspg4 | Cspg4em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7297487 | |||
Cspg4 | Tg(Cspg4-cre/Esr1*)BAkik | transgene insertion B, Akiko Nishiyama | respiratory system skeletal system adipose tissue hemolymphoid system integumental system reproductive system alimentary system muscle cardiovascular system renal & urinary system nervous system head | liver & biliary system cavities & their linings endocrine system sensory organs limbs mesenchyme | B6.Cg-Tg(Cspg4-cre/Esr1*)BAkik/J | MGI:4819178 |
Cspg4 | Cspg4em1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724383 | |||
Cspg4 | Tg(Pdgfrb-FLP1,Cspg4-cre/ERT2)#Bvz | transgene insertion, Berislav V Zlokovic | head nervous system cardiovascular system | MGI:6382023 | ||
Csrp1 | Tg(Csrp1-cre)1Sjc | transgene insertion 1, Simon J Conway | head renal & urinary system mouse-other cardiovascular system mesenchyme nervous system muscle respiratory system sensory organs | MGI:3783321 | ||
Cthrc1 | Cthrc1em1(cre/ERT2)Des | collagen triple helix repeat containing 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Dean Sheppard | MGI:7530615 | |||
Cthrc1 | Cthrc1em1(cre/ERT2)Rph | collagen triple helix repeat containing 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Richard P Harvey | C57BL/6J-Cthrc1em1(cre/ERT2)Rph/J | MGI:7712823 | ||
Ctnnal1 | Ctnnal1em1(cre)Smoc | catenin alpha like 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724384 | |||
Ctsk | Ctskem3(icre)Cya | cathepsin K; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657238 | |||
Ctsk | Tg(Ctsk-cre)1Rda | transgene insertion 1, Rachel A Davey | head skeletal system alimentary system limbs | hemolymphoid system | MGI:3053818 | |
Ctsk | Ctsktm1(cre)Ska | cathepsin K; targeted mutation 1, Shigeaki Kato | reproductive system skeletal system | nervous system head | MGI:3764465 | |
Ctsk | Tg(Ctsk-cre/ERT2)4Hlk | transgene insertion 4, Bernard Hoflack | MGI:5431091 | |||
Ctsk | Igs2em9(Ctsk-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 9, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:6765437 | |||
Ctsk | Ctskem2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | cathepsin K; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6690423 | |||
Ctsk | Ctskem1(cre)Smoc | cathepsin K; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514745 | |||
Ctsk | Tg(Ctsk-RFP,-cre)7Narl | Transgene insertion 7, National Applied Research Laboratories | C57BL/6-Tg(Ctsk-RFP,-cre)7Narl/Narl | MGI:5898143 | ||
Ctsk | Tg(Ctsk-cre)8Rda | transgene insertion 8, Rachel A Davey | liver & biliary system limbs alimentary system skeletal system head | MGI:4843200 | ||
Ctsk | Tg(Ctsk-RFP,-cre/ERT2)26Narl | Transgene insertion 26, National Applied Research Laboratories | C57BL/6-Tg(Ctsk-RFP,-cre/ERT2)26Narl/Narl | MGI:5898147 | ||
Ctsq | Ctsqtm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | cathepsin Q; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Ctsqtm2(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Ctsqtm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm C57BL/6NTac-Ctsqtm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632481 | ||
Ctxn3 | Ctxn3em1(flpo)Tasic | cortexin 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bosiljka Tasic | B6;129S6-Ctxn3em1(flpo)Tasic/J | MGI:6514362 | ||
Cux1 | Cux1tm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | cut-like homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1, Z Josh Huang | B6;129S4-Cux1tm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:6720840 | ||
Cux2 | Cux2tm2.1(cre)Mull | cut-like homeobox 2; targeted mutation 2.1, Ulrich Mueller | head nervous system | B6(Cg)-Cux2tm2.1(cre)Mull/Mmmh | MGI:5014175 | |
Cux2 | Cux2tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Mull | cut-like homeobox 2; targeted mutation 3.1, Ulrich Mueller | nervous system head | B6(Cg)-Cux2tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Mull/Mmmh | MGI:5014172 | |
Cux2 | Cux2tm1.1(cre)Mull | cut-like homeobox 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Ulrich Mueller | head nervous system | B6(Cg)-Cux2tm1.1(cre)Mull/Mmmh | MGI:5014209 | |
Cx3cl1 | Tg(Cx3cl1-cre)RA63Gsat | transgene insertion RA63, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | MGI:5528890 | ||
Cx3cr1 | Cx3cr1em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | C-X3-C motif chemokine receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724385 | |||
Cx3cr1 | Cx3cr1em1(icre)Smoc | C-X3-C motif chemokine receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | C57BL/6Smoc-Cx3cr1em1(iCre)Smoc | MGI:6724386 | ||
Cx3cr1 | Tg(Cx3cr1-cre)MW126Gsat | transgene insertion MW126, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Cx3cr1-cre)MW126Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311737 | ||
Cx3cr1 | Cx3cr1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Litt | C-X3-C motif chemokine receptor 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Dan R Littman | reproductive system nervous system head skeletal system integumental system hemolymphoid system renal & urinary system | cardiovascular system sensory organs endocrine system adipose tissue alimentary system liver & biliary system respiratory system muscle | B6.129P2(Cg)-Cx3cr1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Litt/WganJ | MGI:5450813 |
Cx3cr1 | Cx3cr1em4(icre)Cya | C-X3-C motif chemokine receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657239 | |||
Cx3cr1 | Cx3cr1tm1.1(cre)Jung | C-X3-C motif chemokine receptor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Steffen Jung | endocrine system renal & urinary system respiratory system liver & biliary system cavities & their linings alimentary system nervous system skeletal system hemolymphoid system mouse-other head | B6(C)-Cx3cr1tm1.1(cre)Jung/Orl B6J.B6N(Cg)-Cx3cr1tm1.1(cre)Jung/J | MGI:5467983 | |
Cx3cr1 | Cx3cr1em1(Ccre)Jung | C-X3-C motif chemokine receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Steffen Jung | nervous system head | C57BL/6-Lyve1em1(Ncre)Jung Cx3cr1em1(Ccre)Jung/J C57BL/6-Sall1em1(Ncre)Jung Cx3cr1em1(Ccre)Jung/J | MGI:6508987 | |
Cx3cr1 | Cx3cr1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Jung | C-X3-C motif chemokine receptor 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Steffen Jung | endocrine system alimentary system skeletal system sensory organs head liver & biliary system respiratory system hemolymphoid system mouse-other cavities & their linings renal & urinary system nervous system | B6.129(C)-Cx3cr1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Jung/Orl B6.129P2(C)-Cx3cr1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Jung/J | MGI:5467985 | |
Cx3cr1 | Cx3cr1em1(cre)Cya | C-X3-C motif chemokine receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | nervous system head | MGI:7450876 | ||
Cx3cr1 | Cx3cr1em1(icre)Gpt | C-X3-C motif chemokine receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7297597 | |||
Cxcl1 | Cxcl1em1(icre)Gpt | C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7297602 | |||
Cxcl11 | Tg(Cxcl11-cre)KN257Gsat | transgene insertion KN257, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Cxcl11-cre)KN257Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051777 | ||
Cxcl12 | Tg(Cxcl12-icre/ERT2)L289Nono | transgene insertion L289, Noriaki Ono | hemolymphoid system skeletal system | B6N.Cg-Tg(Cxcl12-icre/ERT2)L289Nono/J | MGI:6508084 | |
Cxcl13 | Tg(Cxcl13-cre,-tdTomato)723Biat | transgene insertion 723, Biomodels Austria | C57BL/6N-Tg(Cxcl13-cre,-tdTomato)723Biat/Biat | MGI:7565586 | ||
Cxcl13 | Tg(Cxcl13-cre,-tdTomato)719Biat | transgene insertion 719, Biomodels Austria | embryo-other hemolymphoid system | MGI:6717438 | ||
Cxcr4 | Cxcr4em2(cre/ERT2)H | C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Harwell | MGI:7859309 | |||
Cxcr4 | Cxcr4tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Stum | C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Ralf Stumm | mouse-other head nervous system hemolymphoid system | MGI:6719054 | ||
Cxcr4 | Cxcr4em1(cre)H | C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Harwell | C57BL/6NTac-Cxcr4em1H/H C57BL/6NTac-Cxcr4em1(cre)H/H | MGI:6750854 | ||
Cxcr5 | Cxcr5em1(cre/ERT2)Yhar | C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Yohsuke Harada | cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system | MGI:7443960 | ||
Cyb561 | Cyb561tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi | cytochrome b-561; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6N-Cyb561tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5659999 | ||
Cyp11a1 | Tg(Cyp11a1-cre)16Mchu | transgene insertion 16, Meng-Chun Hu | head endocrine system reproductive system nervous system | C57BL/6-Tg(Cyp11a1-cre)16Mchu/Narl | MGI:3712926 | |
Cyp11a1 | Tg(Cyp11a1-icre)1Aswn | transgene insertion 1, Amanda Swain | B6;CBA-Tg(Cyp11a1-icre)1Aswn/H B6;CBA-Tg(Cyp11a1-icre)1Aswn/H | MGI:5462056 | ||
Cyp11a1 | Tg(Cyp11a1-cre)30Mchu | transgene insertion 30, Meng-Chun Hu | MGI:5898036 | |||
Cyp11a1 | Cyp11a1tm1(GFP/cre)Pzg | cytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily a, polypeptide 1; targeted mutation 1, Pumin Zhang | nervous system reproductive system head endocrine system | cardiovascular system alimentary system liver & biliary system renal & urinary system embryo-other | B6;129P-Cyp11a1tm1(GFP/cre)Pzg/J | MGI:4442187 |
Cyp11b2 | Cyp11b2tm1.1(cre)Brlt | cytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily b, polypeptide 2; targeted mutation 1.1, David T Breault | MGI:5543601 | |||
Cyp17a1 | Tg(Cyp17a1-cre,-GFP)1Dbhl | transgene insertion 1, Dale Buchanan Hales | MGI:5462107 | |||
Cyp17a1 | Cyp17a1em1(icre)Gpt | cytochrome P450, family 17, subfamily a, polypeptide 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7297652 | |||
Cyp17a1 | Tg(Cyp17a1-icre)AJako | transgene insertion A, CheMyong Ko | head liver & biliary system reproductive system renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system nervous system respiratory system endocrine system | B6;SJL-Tg(Cyp17a1-icre)AJako/J | MGI:3807212 | |
Cyp19a1 | Tg(Cyp19a1-cre)5909Gle | transgene insertion 5909, Gustavo Leone | sensory organs reproductive system integumental system head liver & biliary system nervous system cardiovascular system embryo-other | MGI:3712299 | ||
Cyp19a1 | Cyp19a1tm2.1(cre)Shah | cytochrome P450, family 19, subfamily a, polypeptide 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Nirao Shah | nervous system head | B6.129S(SJL)-Cyp19a1tm2.1(cre)Shah/J | MGI:5632151 | |
Cyp19a1 | Tg(Cyp19a1-cre)5912Gle | transgene insertion 5912, Gustavo Leone | sensory organs extraembryonic component head reproductive system nervous system integumental system embryo-other | MGI:3712298 | ||
Cyp19a1 | Cyp19a1tm1(cre)Cya | cytochrome P450, family 19, subfamily a, polypeptide 1; targeted mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657386 | |||
Cyp19a1 | Cyp19a1em2(cre)Smoc | cytochrome P450, family 19, subfamily a, polypeptide 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7289243 | |||
Cyp19a1 | Tg(Cyp19a1-cre)1Dlc | transgene insertion 1, Catherine Dulac | B6;CBA-Tg(Cyp19a1-cre)1Dlc/J | MGI:6114070 | ||
CYP19A1 | Tg(CYP19A1-cre)1Jri | transgene insertion 1, JoAnne Richards | reproductive system | C57BL/6-Tg(CYP19A1-cre)1Jri/Mmucd | MGI:3799733 | |
CYP19A1 | Tg(CYP19A1-icre)3Fcrt | transgene insertion 3, Sophie Fouchecourt | STOCK Tg(CYP19A1-icre)3Fcrt/Biat | MGI:5807485 | ||
Cyp1a1 | Tg(Cyp1a1-creA)1Dwi | transgene insertion 1, Douglas J Winton | MGI:5486347 | |||
Cyp1a1 | Tg(Cyp1a1-cre/ERT)1Dwi | transgene insertion 1, Douglas J Winton | liver & biliary system alimentary system renal & urinary system | MGI:3829429 | ||
Cyp1a1 | Cyp1a1tm1.1(cre)Arte | cytochrome P450, family 1, subfamily a, polypeptide 1; targeted mutation 1.1, TaconicArtemis | MGI:5635035 | |||
Cyp1a1 | Cyp1a1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | cytochrome P450, family 1, subfamily a, polypeptide 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Cyp1a1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5632482 | ||
Cyp1a1 | Tg(Cyp1a1-cre)1Dwi | transgene insertion 1, Douglas J Winton | renal & urinary system endocrine system cardiovascular system muscle liver & biliary system alimentary system | B6;CBA-Tg(Cyp1a1-cre)1Dwi/H B6;CBA-Tg(Cyp1a1-cre)1Dwi/H | MGI:3052655 | |
Cyp1a2 | Cyp1a2em1(cre/ERT2)Hzhu | cytochrome P450, family 1, subfamily a, polypeptide 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Hao Zhu | STOCK Cyp1a2em1(cre/ERT2)Hzhu/J | MGI:6704899 | ||
Cyp2e1 | Cyp2e1em1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily e, polypeptide 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750577 | |||
Cyp39a1 | Tg(Cyp39a1-cre)7Aibs | transgene insertion 7, Ed Lein | B6;C3-Tg(Cyp39a1-cre)7Aibs/J | MGI:3838501 | ||
Cyp39a1 | Tg(Cyp39a1-cre)1Aibs | transgene insertion 1, Ed Lein | cardiovascular system respiratory system sensory organs muscle adipose tissue skeletal system liver & biliary system endocrine system limbs integumental system alimentary system branchial arches reproductive system head hemolymphoid system tail embryo-other nervous system mesenchyme renal & urinary system | extraembryonic component cavities & their linings | B6;C3-Tg(Cyp39a1-cre)1Aibs/J | MGI:3838493 |
Cyp3a11 | Cyp3a11tm1(flpo)Jic | cytochrome P450, family 3, subfamily a, polypeptide 11; targeted mutation 1, Central Institute for Experimental Animals, Japan | MGI:7491810 | |||
Cysltr2 | Cysltr2em1(cre)Ddg | cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, David D Ginty | MGI:7736360 | |||
D130043K22Rik | D130043K22Riktm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | RIKEN cDNA D130043K22 gene; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867300 | |||
D630045J12Rik | Tg(D630045J12Rik-cre)SG2Gsat | transgene insertion SG2, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(D630045J12Rik-cre)SG2Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435483 | ||
Dach1 | Tg(Dach1-cre)1Krs | transgene insertion 1, Stefan Krauss | nervous system head | B6;CBA-Tg(Dach1-cre)1Krs/Kctt | MGI:2651403 | |
Dact2 | Tg(Dact2-cre)SJ48Gsat | transgene insertion SJ48, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Dact2-cre)SJ48Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435516 | ||
Dagla | Daglatm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | diacylglycerol lipase, alpha; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Daglatm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632483 | ||
Dbh | Tg(Dbh-icre)1Gsc | transgene insertion 1, Gunther Schutz | cardiovascular system nervous system alimentary system head | MGI:4355551 | ||
Dbh | Dbhtm1(flpo)Pjen | dopamine beta hydroxylase; targeted mutation 1, Patricia Jensen | MGI:5495939 | |||
Dbh | Dbhtm1(cre)Sath | dopamine beta hydroxylase; targeted mutation 1, Steven A Thomas | nervous system head | MGI:6850023 | ||
Dbh | Tg(Dbh-cre)KH212Gsat | transgene insertion KH212, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Dbh-cre)KH212Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Dbh-cre)KH212Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4846983 | |
Dbh | Dbhem1.1(flpo)Rray | dopamine beta hydroxylase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1.1, Russell Ray | B6.129S7(FVB)-Dbhem1.1(flpo)Rray/Mmucd | MGI:6118955 | ||
Dbh | Tg(Dbh-cre)KH210Gsat | transgene insertion KH210, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Dbh-cre)KH210Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435477 | ||
Dbh | Dbhem1(cre)Smoc | dopamine beta hydroxylase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750585 | |||
Dbh | Dbhtm1.1(flpo)Pjen | dopamine beta hydroxylase; targeted mutation 1.1, Patricia Jensen | B6.129S7(FVB)-Dbhtm1.1(flpo)Pjen/J | MGI:6358815 | ||
Dbh | Dbhem2.1(flpo)Rray | dopamine beta hydroxylase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2.1, Russell Ray | B6.129S7(FVB)-Dbhem2.1(flpo)Rray/Mmucd | MGI:5770774 | ||
Dbh | Dbhtm3.2(cre)Pjen | dopamine beta hydroxylase; targeted mutation 3.2, Patricia Jensen | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Dbhtm3.2(cre)Pjen/J | MGI:6305870 | |
Dbh | Tg(Dbh-cre/ERT2)198.1Hroh | transgene insertion 198.1, Hermann Rohrer | nervous system endocrine system head | cardiovascular system alimentary system | STOCK Tg(Dbh-cre/ERT2)198.1Hroh/J | MGI:4821735 |
DBH | Tg(DBH-cre)1Cse | transgene insertion 1, Peter Cserjesi | head nervous system | cardiovascular system | MGI:4417960 | |
DBH | Igs2em42(DBH-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 42, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300655 | |||
DBH | Tg(DBH-cre)6-8Koba | transgene insertion 6-8, Kazuto Kobayashi | endocrine system head nervous system branchial arches mesenchyme alimentary system | B6.Cg-Tg(DBH-cre)6-8Koba/KobaRbrc | MGI:3588786 | |
DBH | Hprt1tm113(Ple49-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 113, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303195 | |||
DBH | Tg(DBH-cre,-taulacZ)1Wgt | transgene insertion 1, Warren G Tourtellotte | MGI:5489898 | |||
DBH | Tg(DBH-cre)9-9Koba | transgene insertion 9-9, Kazuto Kobayashi | head branchial arches mesenchyme nervous system alimentary system cardiovascular system endocrine system | B6.Cg-Tg(DBH-cre)9-9Koba/KobaRbrc | MGI:3588787 | |
DBH | Hprt1tm111(Ple48-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 111, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303193 | |||
DBH | Tg(DBH-cre/ERT2)#Ich | transgene insertion, Hiroshi Ichinose | MGI:6849737 | |||
DBH | Hprt1tm115(Ple51-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 115, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303197 | |||
Dbi | Dbitm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | diazepam binding inhibitor; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867253 | |||
Dbp | Tg(Dbp-cre)MN120Gsat | transgene insertion MN120, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Dbp-cre)MN120Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051752 | |
Dbx1 | Dbx1tm1(cre/ERT2)Jcor | developing brain homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1, Joshua Corbin | nervous system head | 129;B6-Dbx1tm1(cre/ERT2)Jcor/J | MGI:3837011 | |
Dbx1 | Tg(Dbx1-icre)1Wdr | transgene insertion 1, William D Richardson | nervous system | MGI:3605785 | ||
Dbx1 | Dbx1tm1.1(cre)Mull | developing brain homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Ulrich Mueller | nervous system head | B6(Cg)-Dbx1tm1.1(cre)Mull/Mmmh | MGI:5014205 | |
Dbx1 | Dbx1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | developing brain homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Dbx1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632484 | ||
Dbx1 | Dbx1tm2(cre)Apie | developing brain homeobox 1; targeted mutation 2, Alessandra Pierani | B6;129P2-Dbx1tm2(cre)Apie/Orl | MGI:3757955 | ||
Dbx1 | Dbx1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | developing brain homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724387 | |||
Dcdc2a | Tg(Dcdc2a-cre)NIDA056Htz | transgene insertion NIDA056, Nathaniel Heintz | C57BL/6J-Tg(Dcdc2a-cre)NIDA056Htz/Mmjax | MGI:5927708 | ||
Dclk1 | Dclk1em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | doublecortin-like kinase 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7297805 | |||
Dclk1 | Dclk1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jay | doublecortin-like kinase 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Philippe Jay | MGI:5563428 | |||
Dclk1 | Dclk1tm1.2(cre/ERT2)Jay | doublecortin-like kinase 1; targeted mutation 1.2, Philippe Jay | MGI:7713128 | |||
Dclk1 | Dclk1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Seno | doublecortin-like kinase 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Hiroshi Seno | MGI:5475100 | |||
Dclk1 | Tg(Dclk1-EGFP/cre)#Tcw | transgene insertion, Timothy C Wang | MGI:5909917 | |||
Dclk1 | Tg(Dclk1-cre/ERT2)#Tcw | transgene insertion, Timothy C Wang | alimentary system | MGI:5909916 | ||
Dcpp1 | Dcpp1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ovi | demilune cell and parotid protein 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Catherine E Ovitt | alimentary system | reproductive system respiratory system renal & urinary system | B6.Cg-Dcpp1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ovi/J | MGI:5661581 |
Dct | Tg(Dct-cre/ERT2)40ALru | transgene insertion 40A, Lionel Larue | C57BL/6J-Tg(Dct-cre/ERT2)40ALru/J | MGI:7425240 | ||
Dct | Tg(Dct-cre)3510Bee | transgene insertion 3510, Friedrich Beermann | MGI:2387120 | |||
Dct | Dcttm1(cre)Bee | dopachrome tautomerase; targeted mutation 1, Friedrich Beermann | nervous system head integumental system sensory organs | B6;129-Dcttm1(cre)Bee/Orl | MGI:2387116 | |
Dct | Tg(Dct-cre)1Apdn | transgene insertion 1, Ruth Ashery-Padan | head nervous system muscle embryo-other sensory organs | STOCK Tg(Dct-cre)1Apdn/Mmucd | MGI:4358082 | |
Dct | Dctem1(cre/ERT2)Enis | dopachrome tautomerase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Emi K Nishimura | integumental system | MGI:6766471 | ||
Dcx | Tg(Dcx-icre/ERT2)1Mash | transgene insertion 1, Markus Schwaninger | head nervous system | MGI:6783980 | ||
Dcx | Dcxem1(cre/ERT2)Jjan | doublecortin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Joanna Jankowsky | B6(Cg)-Dcxem1(cre/ERT2)Jjan/J | MGI:7513054 | ||
Dcx | Tg(Dcx-cre/ERT2)DC-F30Zqx | transgene insertion DC-F30, Zhi-Qi Xiong | MGI:5438991 | |||
Dcx | Dcxem1(icre)Imayo | doublecortin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Itaru Imayoshi | MGI:7282160 | |||
Dcx | Tg(Dcx-cre/ERT2)DC-F18Zqx | transgene insertion DC-F18, Zhi-Qi Xiong | MGI:5438982 | |||
Dcx | Dcxem2(flpo)Imayo | doublecortin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Itaru Imayoshi | MGI:7282229 | |||
DCX | Tg(DCX-cre)38Mull | transgene insertion 38, Ulrich Mueller | nervous system head | C57BL/6J-Tg(DCX-cre)38Mull/JMmmh | MGI:5009460 | |
DCX | Tg(DCX-cre/ERT2)2Wrst | transgene insertion 2, Wolfgang Wurst | MGI:4867631 | |||
DCX | Tg(DCX-cre/ERT2)1Mull | transgene insertion 1, Ulrich Mueller | nervous system head | C57BL/6J-Tg(DCX-cre/ERT2)1Mull/Mmmh | MGI:5014069 | |
DCX | Tg(DCX-cre)35Mull | transgene insertion 35, Ulrich Mueller | nervous system head | C57BL/6J-Tg(DCX-cre)35MullMmmh | MGI:5014073 | |
Ddc | Tg(Ddc-cre)SD56Gsat | transgene insertion SD56, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Ddc-cre)SD56Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Ddc-cre)SD56Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435515 | ||
Ddr2 | Ddr2tm1.1(cre/Esr1*)Rcow | discoidin domain receptor family, member 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Randy T Cowling | MGI:5662369 | |||
Ddr2 | Ddr2tm2.1(cre/Esr1*)Rcow | discoidin domain receptor family, member 2; targeted mutation 2.1, Randy T Cowling | MGI:5662371 | |||
Ddx4 | Ddx4em1(icre)Jobo | DEAD box helicase 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Josephine Bowles | embryo-other renal & urinary system mesenchyme reproductive system limbs cardiovascular system liver & biliary system respiratory system | MGI:7464282 | ||
Ddx4 | Tg(Ddx4-cre)1Ptch | transgene insertion 1, Pao-Tien Chuang | reproductive system | MGI:5566906 | ||
Ddx4 | Ddx4em2(cre)Smoc | DEAD box helicase 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7623909 | |||
Ddx4 | Ddx4tm1(cre)Dcp | DEAD box helicase 4; targeted mutation 1, David C Page | C57BL/6N-Ddx4tm1(cre)Dcp/J 129S4.B6N-Ddx4tm1(cre)Dcp/J | MGI:6505285 | ||
Ddx4 | Tg(Ddx4-cre/ERT2)1Dcas | transgene insertion 1, Diego H Castrillon | reproductive system | FVB/N-Tg(Ddx4-cre/ERT2)1Dcas/J | MGI:4882088 | |
Ddx4 | Ddx4tm1.1(cre)Dcp | DEAD box helicase 4; targeted mutation 1.1, David C Page | reproductive system | MGI:5554579 | ||
Ddx4 | Ddx4em1(cre/ERT2)Utr | DEAD box helicase 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, University of Tsukuba Laboratory Animal Resource Center | reproductive system hemolymphoid system alimentary system | head cavities & their linings integumental system skeletal system adipose tissue renal & urinary system muscle respiratory system cardiovascular system nervous system sensory organs liver & biliary system | C57BL/6J-Ddx4em1(cre/ERT2)Utr | MGI:6509979 |
Ddx4 | Tg(Ddx4-cre)1Dcas | transgene insertion 1, Diego H Castrillon | nervous system adipose tissue cardiovascular system skeletal system respiratory system hemolymphoid system liver & biliary system extraembryonic component embryo-other alimentary system branchial arches muscle endocrine system tail reproductive system cavities & their linings sensory organs limbs mesenchyme head integumental system renal & urinary system | FVB-Tg(Ddx4-cre)1Dcas/J B6.FVB-Tg(Ddx4-cre)1Dcas/KnwJ | MGI:3757577 | |
Defa4 | Defa4tm1.1(cre)Fya | defensin, alpha, 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Felix Yarovinsky | MGI:6331073 | |||
Defa6 | Tg(Defa6-icre)1Rsb | transgene insertion 1, Richard S Blumberg | MGI:5559374 | |||
Defb41 | Defb41tm1(icre)Psip | defensin beta 41; targeted mutation 1, Petra Sipila | B6N.129S7-Defb41tm1(icre)Psip/Oulu | MGI:5439010 | ||
Depp1 | Depp1tm1(EGFP/cre)Shin | DEPP1 autophagy regulator; targeted mutation 1, Donghun Shin | MGI:3526084 | |||
Des | Tg(Des-cre)1Zli | transgene insertion 1, Zhenlin Li | B6.Cg-Tg(Des-cre)1Zli/Orl | MGI:4362109 | ||
Dhh | Tg(Dhh-cre)1Mejr | transgene insertion 1, Dies Meijer | alimentary system nervous system head cardiovascular system reproductive system | FVB(Cg)-Tg(Dhh-cre)1Mejr/J | MGI:4359600 | |
Dhh | Tg(Dhh-cre/ERT2)1Heno | transgene insertion 1, Hideki Enomoto | nervous system alimentary system embryo-other | MGI:7468844 | ||
Dhh | Dhhem1(cre)Smoc | desert hedgehog; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750599 | |||
Dkk1 | Tg(Dkk1-cre/Esr1*)1Sia | transgene insertion 1, Shinichi Aizawa | MGI:5817757 | |||
Dkk1 | Dkk1tm1(cre/ERT2)Pmy | dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 1; targeted mutation 1, Peggy Myung | integumental system | MGI:7485774 | ||
Dkk3 | Tg(Dkk3-cre/ERT2)#Mpac | transgene insertion, Maurizio Pacifici | limbs mesenchyme skeletal system | MGI:7435585 | ||
Dkk3 | Dkk3tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 3; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Dkk3tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632485 | ||
Dkk3 | Tg(Dkk3-cre)D9Tfur | transgene insertion D9, Takahisa Furukawa | head sensory organs | B6.Cg-Tg(Dkk3-cre)D9Tfur 129.Cg-Tg(Dkk3-cre)D9Tfur/TfurRbrc | MGI:4881674 | |
Dkk4 | Dkk4em1(cre)Baz | dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Hisham Bazzi | MGI:7645459 | |||
Dlk1 | Tg(Dlk1-cre/ERT2)426Biat | transgene insertion 426, Biomodels Austria | MGI:6201327 | |||
Dlk1 | Tg(Dlk1-cre/ERT2)26.10Ics | transgene insertion 26.10, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Dlk1-cre/ERT2)26.10Ics/Ics | MGI:5555961 | ||
Dll1 | Tg(Dll1-cre)33Dchp | transgene insertion 33, Deborah L Chapman | mesenchyme tail embryo-other alimentary system renal & urinary system limbs respiratory system cardiovascular system | nervous system extraembryonic component | MGI:3849069 | |
Dll1 | Tg(Dll1-cre)1Gos | transgene insertion 1, Achim Gossler | mesenchyme | MGI:3665233 | ||
Dll1 | Dll1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Cle | delta like canonical Notch ligand 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Hans Clevers | MGI:5473277 | |||
Dll4 | Tg(Rr393-cre)#Sav | transgene insertion, Sarah De Val | cardiovascular system | MGI:7444409 | ||
Dll4 | Dll4em1(cre/ERT2)Bz | delta like canonical Notch ligand 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system | MGI:7467077 | ||
Dll4 | Tg(Dll4-cre)#Xia | transgene insertion, Mengqing Xiang | sensory organs mesenchyme cardiovascular system head nervous system | MGI:5645999 | ||
Dlx1 | Dlx1tm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | distal-less homeobox 1; transgene insertion 1, Z Josh Huang | head nervous system | B6;129S4-Dlx1tm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:5295937 | |
Dlx1 | Tg(Dlx1-cre)RB27Gsat | transgene insertion RB27, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | sensory organs respiratory system skeletal system head alimentary system | STOCK Tg(Dlx1-cre)RB27Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086204 | |
Dlx2 | Dlx2tm1.1(cre)Mrc | distal-less homeobox 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Mario R Capecchi | MGI:6114082 | |||
Dlx2 | Tg(Dlx2-cre,-mCherry)4Grsr | transgene insertion 4, Genetic Resource Science Repository | MGI:5503129 | |||
Dlx2 | Tg(Dlx2-cre)RT20Gsat | transgene insertion RT20, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Dlx2-cre)RT20Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051795 | ||
Dlx2 | Dlx2em1(cre)Zzz | distal-less homeobox 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Zhuangzhi Zhang | MGI:7341520 | |||
Dlx2 | Tg(Dlx2-cre,-mCherry)9Grsr | transgene insertion 9, Genetic Resource Science Repository | C57BL/6J-Tg(Dlx2-cre,-mCherry)9Grsr/GrsrJ | MGI:5503130 | ||
Dlx2 | Tg(Dlx2-cre)RB47Gsat | transgene insertion RB47, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Dlx2-cre)RB47Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051797 | ||
Dlx5 | Tg(Dlx5-cre)MO36Gsat | transgene insertion MO36, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Dlx5-cre)MO36Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Dlx5-cre)MO36Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086172 | ||
Dlx5 | Dlx5tm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | distal-less homeobox 5; targeted mutation 1, Z Josh Huang | head reproductive system skeletal system nervous system | respiratory system endocrine system mouse-other adipose tissue cardiovascular system integumental system renal & urinary system alimentary system muscle hemolymphoid system | B6(Cg)-Dlx5tm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:4355155 |
dlx5a | Tg(dlx5a-cre)1Mekk | transgene insertion 1, Marc Ekker | reproductive system integumental system alimentary system head nervous system mesenchyme renal & urinary system adipose tissue cavities & their linings sensory organs respiratory system embryo-other skeletal system limbs muscle | liver & biliary system branchial arches hemolymphoid system extraembryonic component cardiovascular system endocrine system | B6.Cg-Tg(dlx5a-cre)1Mekk/Cnrm STOCK Tg(dlx5a-cre)1Mekk/J | MGI:3758328 |
Dmbt1 | Dmbt1em1(icre)Gpt | deleted in malignant brain tumors 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7298053 | |||
Dmbx1 | Dmbx1tm3(cre)Aoh | diencephalon/mesencephalon homeobox 1; targeted mutation 3, Akihira Ohtoshi | branchial arches mesenchyme nervous system head | MGI:3641328 | ||
Dmbx1 | Dmbx1tm2(cre/ERT2)Miki | diencephalon/mesencephalon homeobox 1; targeted mutation 2, Takashi Miki | MGI:5911627 | |||
Dmbx1 | Dmbx1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | diencephalon/mesencephalon homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Dmbx1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632486 | ||
Dmp1 | Tg(Dmp1-cre,-EGFP)2Kikd | transgene insertion 2, Kyoji Ikeda | MGI:5634455 | |||
Dmp1 | Dmp1tm1(cre)Msue | dentin matrix protein 1; targeted mutation 1, Makoto Suematsu | head alimentary system skeletal system hemolymphoid system nervous system mouse-other muscle limbs reproductive system | MGI:7513837 | ||
Dmp1 | Dmp1tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | dentin matrix protein 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | alimentary system reproductive system renal & urinary system skeletal system | head cardiovascular system adipose tissue cavities & their linings tail endocrine system muscle nervous system embryo-other limbs extraembryonic component mesenchyme hemolymphoid system respiratory system integumental system liver & biliary system sensory organs mouse-other | MGI:5697479 | |
Dmp1 | Tg(Dmp1-cre)1Btm | transgene insertion 1, Teresita M Bellido | C57BL/6-Tg(Dmp1-cre)1Btm/Mmnc | MGI:5570152 | ||
Dmp1 | Igs2em43(Dmp1-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 43, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300656 | |||
Dmp1 | Tg(Dmp1-cre/ERT2)D77Pdp | transgene insertion D77, Paola Divieti Pajevic | MGI:5297120 | |||
Dmp1 | Tg(Dmp1-cre)1Jqfe | transgene insertion 1, Jian Q Feng | alimentary system limbs skeletal system head | B6-Socs3tm2Wsa Tg(Dmp1-cre)1Jqfe/StVApb B6.Cg-Efnb2tm2And Tg(Dmp1-cre)1Jqfe B6(Cg)-Il6sttm1c(KOMP)Mbp Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(EYFP)Cos Tg(Dmp1-cre)1Jqfe/Apb B6N.FVB-Tg(Dmp1-cre)1Jqfe/BwdJ | MGI:3784520 | |
Dmp1 | Dmp1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | dentin matrix protein 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7289359 | |||
Dmp1 | Tg(Dmp1-cre/ERT2)0022Pdp | transgene insertion 0022, Paola Divieti Pajevic | B6.Cg-Tg(Dmp1-cre/ERT2)0022Pdp/IkalJ | MGI:5792965 | ||
DMRT1 | Tg(DMRT1-cre)1Svs | transgene insertion 1, David W Silversides | nervous system embryo-other head reproductive system mesenchyme | MGI:2447637 | ||
Dmrt3 | Dmrt3em1(cre)Kldr | doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Klas Kullander | head nervous system | B6.Cg-Dmrt3em1(cre)Kldr/Kctt | MGI:6331094 | |
Dmrtc2 | Dmrtc2tm1(cre)Knis | doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor like family C2; targeted mutation 1, Katsuhiko Nishimori | B6.129P2-Dmrtc2tm1(cre)Knis/KnisRbrc | MGI:3697743 | ||
Dmrtc2 | Dmrtc2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor like family C2; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867287 | |||
Dntt | Dnttem2(icre)Trx | deoxynucleotidyltransferase, terminal; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Roxane Tussiwand | hemolymphoid system skeletal system | MGI:6392142 | ||
Doc2b | Doc2bem1(folA/cre)Guru | double C2, beta; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Channabasavaiah Gurumurthy | nervous system | MGI:6718299 | ||
Dock10 | Tg(Dock10-cre)#Stl | transgene insertion, Susumu Tonegawa | MGI:6117432 | |||
Dpep3 | Dpep3tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | dipeptidase 3; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | renal & urinary system reproductive system | integumental system nervous system extraembryonic component cardiovascular system sensory organs muscle adipose tissue endocrine system hemolymphoid system skeletal system head tail embryo-other mouse-other mesenchyme respiratory system liver & biliary system limbs alimentary system cavities & their linings | MGI:5629520 | |
Dpp4 | Dpp4em1(cre/ERT2)Jkpns | dipeptidylpeptidase 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Jonathan Kipnis | C57BL/6J-Dpp4em1(cre/ERT2)Jkpns/J | MGI:7595997 | ||
Dpp4 | Tg(Dpp4-RFP,-cre)63Narl | Transgene insertion 63, National Applied Research Laboratories | MGI:5898150 | |||
Dpp4 | Tg(Dpp4-RFP,-cre/ERT2)83Narl | Transgene insertion 83, National Applied Research Laboratories | MGI:5898153 | |||
Dppa3 | Tg(Dppa3-cre/Esr1*)9Sait | transgene insertion 9, Mitinori Saitou | B6.Cg-Tg(Dppa3-cre/Esr1*)9Sait/SaitRbrc | MGI:5285343 | ||
Dppa3 | Dppa3em2(flpo)Smoc | developmental pluripotency-associated 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750618 | |||
Dppa3 | Dppa3tm1(cre)Peli | developmental pluripotency-associated 3; targeted mutation 1, Pentao Liu | MGI:5004882 | |||
Dppa3 | Dppa3em1(cre)Smoc | developmental pluripotency-associated 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6358046 | |||
Dppa3 | Tg(Dppa3-cre/Esr1*)3Sait | transgene insertion 3, Mitinori Saitou | MGI:5285344 | |||
Dpt | Dptem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | dermatopontin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750619 | |||
Dpt | Dpttm1.1(cre/ERT2)Snjt | dermatopontin; targeted mutation 1.1, Shannon J Turley | respiratory system integumental system adipose tissue hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system alimentary system reproductive system | MGI:7484702 | ||
Drd1 | Tg(Drd1-cre)120Mxu | transgene insertion 120, Ming Xu | head nervous system | B6;129-Tg(Drd1-cre)120Mxu/Mmjax | MGI:3700228 | |
Drd1 | Tg(Drd1a-cre)1Gsc | transgene insertion 1, Gunther Schutz | head nervous system | MGI:2181424 | ||
Drd1 | Tg(Drd1-cre)EY266Gsat | transgene insertion EY266, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Drd1-cre)EY266Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Drd1-cre)EY266Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4366810 | |
Drd1 | Drd1em1(flpo)Nryn | dopamine receptor D1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Nandakumar Narayanan | MGI:7703312 | |||
Drd1 | Tg(Drd1-cre)EY262Gsat | transgene insertion EY262, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Drd1-cre)EY262Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Drd1-cre)EY262Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:3836631 | |
Drd1 | Tg(Drd1-cre)EY242Gsat | transgene insertion EY242, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Drd1-cre)EY242Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4366807 | ||
Drd1 | Tg(Drd1-cre)FK150Gsat | transgene insertion FK150, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Drd1-cre)FK150Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Drd1-cre)FK150Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:3836633 | |
Drd1 | Drd1em1(cre)Rcos | dopamine receptor D1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Rui Costa | MGI:7858926 | |||
Drd1 | Tg(Drd1a-cre)FK161Gsat | transgene insertion FK161, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | MGI:3841670 | |||
Drd1 | Drd1em3(cre/ERT2)Cya | dopamine receptor D1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657242 | |||
Drd1 | Drd1em5(cre)Smoc | dopamine receptor D1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 5, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750621 | |||
Drd1 | Tg(Drd1-cre)FK164Gsat | transgene insertion FK164, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Drd1-cre)FK164Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4366799 | |
Drd1 | Drd1em1(cre)Phsh | dopamine receptor D1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Minoru Narita | nervous system head | MGI:7434695 | ||
Drd1 | Tg(Drd1-COP4/YFP,-cre)ETyag | transgene insertion E, Takeshi Yagi | MGI:7514223 | |||
Drd1 | Tg(Drd1a-cre)AGsc | transgene insertion A, Gunther Schutz | head nervous system | B6N.FVB-Tg(Drd1a-cre)AGsc/Ieg B6.FVB(129S6)-Tg(Drd1a-cre)AGsc/KndlJ 129S6.FVB(B6)-Tg(Drd1a-cre)AGsc/KndlJ | MGI:3761818 | |
Drd1 | Drd1em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | dopamine receptor D1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724388 | |||
Drd1 | Tg(Drd1-cre)EY217Gsat | transgene insertion EY217, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Drd1-cre)EY217Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Drd1-cre)EY217Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4366803 | |
Drd1 | Drd1em1(icre)Gpt | dopamine receptor D1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7298220 | |||
Drd1 | Drd1tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | dopamine receptor D1; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867258 | |||
Drd1 | Tg(Drd1a-cre/ERT2)61.3Gsc | transgene insertion 61.3, Gunther Schutz | MGI:3843500 | |||
Drd1 | Drd1em2(flpo)Rcos | dopamine receptor D1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Rui Costa | MGI:7858928 | |||
Drd1 | Drd1tm1(cre)Rpa | dopamine receptor D1; targeted mutation 1, Richard D Palmiter | nervous system head | MGI:3527153 | ||
Drd2 | Tg(Drd2-cre)EIto | transgene insertion E, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Drd2-cre)EIto | MGI:7524150 | ||
Drd2 | Tg(Drd2-cre)MIto | transgene insertion M, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Drd2-cre)MIto | MGI:7524152 | ||
Drd2 | Tg(Drd2-cre)ER43Gsat | transgene insertion ER43, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Drd2-cre)ER43Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Drd2-cre)ER43Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:3836634 | |
Drd2 | Drd2tm1(icre)Hike | dopamine receptor D2; targeted mutation tm1, Hiroko Ikeda | MGI:6720244 | |||
Drd2 | Drd2em1(icre)Gpt | dopamine receptor D2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7298223 | |||
Drd2 | Tg(Drd2-flpo)3BBsab | transgene insertion 3B, Bernardo Sabatini | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Drd2-flpo)3BBsab/J | MGI:6378545 | ||
Drd2 | Drd2em1(cre)Phsh | dopamine receptor D2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Minoru Narita | nervous system head | MGI:7434696 | ||
Drd2 | Drd2em4(cre)Smoc | dopamine receptor D2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750622 | |||
Drd2 | Tg(Drd2-cre)ER44Gsat | transgene insertion ER44, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | sensory organs nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Drd2-cre)ER44Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Drd2-cre)ER44Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:3836635 | |
Drd3 | Tg(Drd3-cre)KI196Gsat | transgene insertion KI196, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Drd3-cre)KI196Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Drd3-cre)KI196Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Drd3-cre)KI198Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4940565 | |
Drd3 | Tg(Drd3-cre)KI198Gsat | transgene insertion KI198, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Drd3-cre)KI198Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4366814 | |
Drd3 | Tg(Drd3-cre)KJ291Gsat | transgene insertion KJ291, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Drd3-cre)KJ291Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435526 | |
Drd3 | Tg(Drd3-cre)KJ302Gsat | transgene insertion KJ302, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Drd3-cre)KJ302Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051753 | ||
Drgx | Tg(Prrxl1-cre)#Fmr | transgene insertion, Filippo M Rijli | nervous system head | MGI:6758989 | ||
Drgx | Tg(Prrxl1-cre/ERT2)1Yqd | transgene insertion 1, Yu-Qiang Ding | MGI:5439541 | |||
Dspp | Tg(Dspp-cre)1Kul | transgene insertion 1, Ashok B Kulkarni | alimentary system | B6.FVB-Tg(Dspp-cre)1Kul/Mmucd B6;FVB-Tg(Dspp-cre)1Kul/Mmucd | MGI:2450281 | |
Dusp4 | Dusp4tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | dual specificity phosphatase 4; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:5754936 | |||
Ebf1 | Ebf1em1(icre)Gpt | early B cell factor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7298326 | |||
Ebf2 | Tg(Ebf2-cre/ERT2)1Ggc | transgene insertion 1, Giacomo Consalez | MGI:5448218 | |||
Ebf2 | Tg(Ebf2-cre)NP183Gsat | transgene insertion NP183, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Ebf2-cre)NP183Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311727 | |
Ebf2 | Tg(Ebf2-EGFP/icre)1Ggc | transgene insertion 1, Giacomo Consalez | head nervous system | MGI:4421668 | ||
Ebf3 | Ebf3tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Tng | early B cell factor 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Takashi Nagasawa | MGI:7435191 | |||
ED-L2 | Tg(ED-L2-cre)267Jkat | transgene insertion 267, Jonathan P Katz | alimentary system | B6.Cg-Tg(ED-L2-cre)267Jkat/Nci | MGI:4462391 | |
ED-L2 | Tg(ED-L2-cre)3Akih | transgene insertion 3, Akio Kihara | MGI:7469604 | |||
Edn2 | Tg(Edn2-icre)12Jako | transgene insertion 12, CheMyong Ko | MGI:5644455 | |||
Edn2 | Tg(Edn2-icre)9Jako | transgene insertion 9, CheMyong Ko | C57BL/6-Tg(Edn2-icre)9Jako/J | MGI:5644453 | ||
Ednrb | Tg(Ednrb-icre)1Lby | transgene insertion 1, Patricia A Labosky | STOCK Tg(Ednrb-icre)1Lby/Mmnc | MGI:5467940 | ||
Ednrb | Tg(Ednrb-cre)NR24Gsat | transgene insertion NR24, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Ednrb-cre)NR24Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051788 | ||
Ednrb | Tg(Ednrb-icre)#Lby | transgene insertion, Patricia A Labosky | MGI:5432801 | |||
EEF1A1 | Tg(EEF1A1-flp)66Mim | transgene insertion 66, Masayoshi Mishina | C57BL/6-Tg(EIF1A-FLP)66Mim/MmshRbrc | MGI:2651460 | ||
Efnb2 | Efnb2em1(cre/ERT2)Kloh | ephrin B2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Kyle Loh | C57BL/6-Efnb2em1(cre/ERT2)Kloh/J | MGI:7543314 | ||
Efr3a | Tg(Efr3a-cre)NO108Gsat | transgene insertion NO108, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Efr3a-cre)NO108Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Efr3a-cre)NO108Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435508 | |
Egr1 | Egr1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jglt | early growth response 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Jean-Antoine Girault | head cardiovascular system nervous system | MGI:7484542 | ||
Egr1 | Tg(Egr1-cre/ERT2)47DSJDJdd | transgene insertion 47DSJD, Joseph D Dougherty | B6(Cg)-Tg(Snap25-FLPe)47DSJDJdd Tg(Egr1-cre/ERT2)47DSJDJdd/J | MGI:6342002 | ||
Egr2 | Egr2em1(icre)Smoc | early growth response 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7289455 | |||
Egr2 | Tg(Egr2-cre)1Pch | transgene insertion 1, Patrick Charnay | STOCK Tg(Egr2-cre)1Pch/Orl | MGI:6756343 | ||
Egr2 | Egr2tm2(cre)Pch | early growth response 2; targeted mutation 2, Patrick Charnay | nervous system head | STOCK Egr2tm2(cre)Pch/Orl STOCK Egr2tm2(cre)Pch/J | MGI:1931056 | |
Egr3 | Egr3tm1(cre)Mod | early growth response 3; targeted mutation 1, Michael J O'Donovan | MGI:3843775 | |||
Egr3 | Egr3tm1.1(cre)Wgt | early growth response 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Warren G Tourtellotte | MGI:5489890 | |||
EIF1AX | Tg(EIF1A-FLP)14Mim | transgene insertion 14, Masayoshi Mishina | C57BL/6-Tg(EIF1A-FLP)14Mim/MimRbrc | MGI:4415822 | ||
Eif2ak4 | Eif2ak4em1(dre)Smoc | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750640 | |||
EIIA | Igs2em7(EIIa-icre)Cya | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 7, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657272 | |||
EIIA | Gt(ROSA)26Sorem9(EIIa-icre)Gpt | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; endonuclease-mediated mutation 9, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7299988 | |||
EIIA | Tg(EIIa-cre)C5379Lmgd | transgene insertion C5379, Laboratory of Mammalian Genes and Development, Heiner Westphal | respiratory system muscle cardiovascular system adipose tissue reproductive system extraembryonic component sensory organs mouse-other nervous system renal & urinary system skeletal system tail hemolymphoid system integumental system mesenchyme embryo-other branchial arches alimentary system limbs cavities & their linings head endocrine system liver & biliary system | B6.FVB-Tg(EIIa-cre)C5379Lmgd/JSJiNarl FVB/N-Tg(EIIa-cre)C5379Lmgd/J NOD.FVB-Tg(EIIa-cre)C5379Lmgd/J B6.FVB-Tg(EIIa-cre)C5379Lmgd/J | MGI:2137691 | |
Ela1 | Tg(Ela1-cre)16Eps | transgene insertion 16, Eric P Sandgren | alimentary system | MGI:3774278 | ||
Elane | Elaneem2(icre)Gpt | elastase, neutrophil expressed; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7298473 | |||
Elane | Elaneem1(icre)Gpt | elastase, neutrophil expressed; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7298472 | |||
Elane | Elanetm1(cre)Roes | elastase, neutrophil expressed; targeted mutation 1, Jurgen Roes | 129-Elanetm1(cre)Roes/Apb 129-Elanetm1(cre)Roes/H 129-Elanetm1(cre)RoesCtsgtm1.1Roes/H 129-Elanetm1(cre)Roes/H 129-Elanetm1(cre)Roes Ctsgtm1.1Roes/H | MGI:2182177 | ||
Elf5 | Tg(Elf5-cre/ERT2,-GFP)3Rcha | transgene insertion 3, Rumela Chakrabarti | MGI:6343503 | |||
Elf5 | Elf5em1(cre)Cya | E74-like factor 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657243 | |||
Elf5 | Elf5em1(icre)Gpt | E74-like factor 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7298482 | |||
Elf5 | Elf5em1(cre)Jilu | E74-like factor 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Jinhua Lu | reproductive system respiratory system extraembryonic component | mouse-other | MGI:7439765 | |
Elf5 | Tg(Elf5-cre/ERT2,-GFP)5Rcha | transgene insertion 5, Rumela Chakrabarti | MGI:6343505 | |||
Elf5 | Tg(Elf5-cre/ERT2,-GFP)2Rcha | transgene insertion 2, Rumela Chakrabarti | reproductive system alimentary system respiratory system renal & urinary system integumental system | hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system liver & biliary system | MGI:6343502 | |
Elfn1 | Elfn1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Kama | leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III, extracellular 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Kirill Martemyanov | head sensory organs | MGI:7433062 | ||
Elovl6 | Elovl6Gt(cre/ERT2)2Card | ELOVL fatty acid elongase 6; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7471393 | |||
Elovl6 | Elovl6Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | ELOVL fatty acid elongase 6; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7471392 | |||
Emp1 | Tg(Emp1-cre)NP267Gsat | transgene insertion NP267, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Emp1-cre)NP267Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435494 | ||
Emx1 | Emx1em1(cre)Smoc | empty spiracles homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514141 | |||
Emx1 | Emx1em1(dre)Kta | empty spiracles homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Kohichi Tanaka | C57BL/6J-Emx1em1(dre)Kta | MGI:7610674 | ||
Emx1 | Tg(Emx1-cre)5Yql | transgene insertion 5, Yuqing Li | nervous system head | MGI:3689917 | ||
Emx1 | Emx1tm1(cre)Krj | empty spiracles homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1, Kevin R Jones | embryo-other limbs renal & urinary system head muscle integumental system branchial arches alimentary system hemolymphoid system nervous system sensory organs mesenchyme | extraembryonic component respiratory system liver & biliary system endocrine system cavities & their linings reproductive system skeletal system cardiovascular system tail adipose tissue | B6.Cg-Zfp335tm1.2Caw Emx1tm1(cre)Krj/J B6.129S2-Emx1tm1(cre)Krj/J | MGI:2684610 |
Emx1 | Tg(Emx1-cre)#Ito | transgene insertion, Shigeyoshi Itohara | MGI:5433170 | |||
Emx1 | Tg(Emx1-cre/ERT2)1Kess | transgene insertion 1, Nicoletta Kessaris | nervous system head | B6;CBA-Tg(Emx1-cre/ERT2)1Kess/SshiJ | MGI:3761168 | |
Emx1 | Tg(Emx1-cre)1Ito | transgene insertion 1, Shigeyoshi Itohara | nervous system head | C57BL/6J-Tg(Emx1-cre)1Ito/ItoRbrc | MGI:3701617 | |
Emx1 | Tg(Emx1-cre)2Ito | transgene insertion 2, Shigeyoshi Itohara | head nervous system | C57BL/6J-Tg(Emx1-cre)2Ito/ItoRbrc | MGI:3701618 | |
Emx1 | Tg(Emx1-cre)3Ito | transgene insertion 3, Shigeyoshi Itohara | nervous system head embryo-other | C57BL/6J-Tg(Emx1-cre)3Ito/ItoRbrc | MGI:3701619 | |
Emx1 | Emx1tm1.1(cre)Ito | empty spiracles homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Shigeyoshi Itohara | B6.129P2-Emx1tm1.1(cre)Ito/ItoRbrc | MGI:3762664 | ||
Emx1 | Emx1tm1(cre)Yql | empty spiracles homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1, Yuqing Li | MGI:2176219 | |||
Emx1 | Emx1tm1(cre)Ito | empty spiracles homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1, Shigeyoshi Itohara | nervous system head | B6.129P2-Emx1tm1(cre)Ito/ItoRbrc | MGI:1928281 | |
Emx1 | Emx1tm1(flpo)Jmac | empty spiracles homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1, Jeffrey D Macklis | MGI:7341566 | |||
Emx1 | Emx1tm1.1(flpo)Jmac | empty spiracles homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Jeffrey D Macklis | B6(C)-Emx1tm1.1(flpo)Jmac/J | MGI:7444792 | ||
Emx1 | Tg(Emx1-cre)1Wdr | transgene insertion 1, William D Richardson | nervous system head | MGI:3761167 | ||
Emx2 | Emx2em1(cre)Smoc | empty spiracles homeobox 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750645 | |||
Emx2 | Emx2em1(cre/ERT2)Mdea | empty spiracles homeobox 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Michael R Deans | B6129S1-Emx2em1(cre/ERT2)Mdea/J | MGI:7657423 | ||
Emx2 | Emx2tm2(cre)Sia | empty spiracles homeobox 2; targeted mutation 2, Shinichi Aizawa | mesenchyme sensory organs nervous system head | B6.Cg-Emx2tm2(cre)Sia/SiaRbrc | MGI:3579416 | |
En1 | En1tm7(cre/ESR1)Alj | engrailed 1; targeted mutation 7, Alexandra L Joyner | nervous system head | STOCK En1tm7(cre/ESR1)Alj/J | MGI:3528251 | |
En1 | En1tm2(cre)Wrst | engrailed 1; targeted mutation 2, Wolfgang Wurst | integumental system cavities & their linings head alimentary system skeletal system sensory organs branchial arches limbs mesenchyme reproductive system embryo-other nervous system muscle adipose tissue tail | respiratory system liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system renal & urinary system endocrine system extraembryonic component mouse-other | STOCK En1tm2(cre)Wrst/J | MGI:2446434 |
En1 | En1tm1.1(flpo)Jbb | engrailed 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Jay B Bikoff | nervous system | MGI:6810135 | ||
En1 | En1em1(icre)Gpt | engrailed 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7298525 | |||
En1 | En1em1(cre)Smoc | engrailed 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750646 | |||
En1 | En1tm1.1(dre)Pjen | engrailed 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Patricia Jensen | B6.Cg-En1tm1.1(dre)Pjen/J | MGI:5776371 | ||
En1 | En1tm2(cre)Gld | engrailed 1; targeted mutation 2, Martyn Goulding | MGI:3029756 | |||
En2 | Tg(En2-cre)6Alj | transgene insertion 6, Alexandra L Joyner | nervous system head | MGI:2450320 | ||
En2 | Tg(En2-cre)22Alj | transgene insertion 22, Alexandra L Joyner | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(En2-cre)22Alj/J | MGI:2450322 | |
En2 | Tg(En2-cre)4Alj | transgene insertion 4, Alexandra L Joyner | head nervous system | MGI:2450319 | ||
En2 | Tg(En2-cre/ERT)1Alj | transgene insertion 1, Alexandra L Joyner | nervous system head | MGI:4359460 | ||
En2 | Tg(En2-cre)11Alj | transgene insertion 11, Alexandra L Joyner | head nervous system | MGI:2450321 | ||
En2 | En2tm4(cre/ERT2)Alj | engrailed 2; targeted mutation 4, Alexandra L Joyner | head nervous system | STOCK En2tm4(cre/ERT2)Alj/J | MGI:3528247 | |
En2 | Tg(En2-cre)3Alj | transgene insertion 3, Alexandra L Joyner | head nervous system | MGI:2386460 | ||
Eno2 | Tg(Eno2-cre)2Lfp | transgene insertion 2, Luis F Parada | reproductive system alimentary system head renal & urinary system nervous system | hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system liver & biliary system respiratory system | MGI:3621475 | |
Eno2 | Tg(Eno2-EGFP/cre)25kb2Ngc | transgene insertion 25kb2, Neal G Copeland | nervous system head | hemolymphoid system muscle sensory organs alimentary system cardiovascular system respiratory system liver & biliary system renal & urinary system | MGI:3783336 | |
Eno2 | Tg(Eno2-cre/Esr1*)778Vchl | transgene insertion 778, Vincent Chi Hang Lui | MGI:5438647 | |||
Eno2 | Tg(Eno2-cre)1Lfp | transgene insertion 1, Luis F Parada | head nervous system | MGI:3621474 | ||
Eno2 | Tg(Eno2-cre)#Mlit | transgene insertion, Jian Fei | MGI:5052048 | |||
Eno2 | Tg(Eno2-cre/ERT2)1Pohlk | transgene insertion 1, Theresa Pohlkamp | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Eno2-cre/ERT2)1Pohlk/J | MGI:5510668 | |
Eno2 | Tg(Eno2-EGFP/cre)1Ngc | transgene insertion 1, Neal G Copeland | head nervous system | cardiovascular system respiratory system hemolymphoid system renal & urinary system sensory organs alimentary system liver & biliary system muscle | MGI:3783334 | |
Eno2 | Eno2em2(icre)Smoc | enolase 2, gamma neuronal; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724396 | |||
Eno2 | Eno2em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | enolase 2, gamma neuronal; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724391 | |||
Eno2 | Tg(Eno2-cre/ERT2)122.19Ics | transgene insertion 122.19, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6.SJL-Tg(Eno2-cre/ERT2)122.19Ics/Ics | MGI:7346118 | ||
Eno2 | Tg(Eno2-cre)#Lfp | transgene insertion, Luis F Parada | MGI:4367263 | |||
Eno2 | Tg(Eno2-cre)26Fsky | transgene insertion 26, Fred Sablitzky | nervous system head renal & urinary system | MGI:3702035 | ||
Eno2 | Tg(Eno2-EGFP/cre)25kb1Ngc | transgene insertion 25kb1, Neal G Copeland | nervous system head | sensory organs respiratory system alimentary system renal & urinary system muscle liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system | MGI:3783335 | |
Eno2 | Tg(Eno2-cre)39Jme | transgene insertion 39, Judith Melki | adipose tissue liver & biliary system renal & urinary system respiratory system limbs skeletal system embryo-other hemolymphoid system sensory organs alimentary system mouse-other reproductive system endocrine system muscle branchial arches mesenchyme head tail cardiovascular system nervous system integumental system cavities & their linings | FVB.Cg-Tg(Eno2-cre)39Jme/J B6.Cg-Tg(Eno2-cre)39Jme/J | MGI:2177175 | |
Entpd5 | Entpd5tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 5; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Entpd5tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5632487 | ||
Entpd5 | Entpd5tm1(cre/ERT2)Amc | ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 5; targeted mutation 1, Andrew P McMahon | C57BL/6-Entpd5tm1(cre/ERT2)Amc/J | MGI:5565343 | ||
Eomes | Eomestm3(flpo)Zjh | eomesodermin; targeted mutation 3, Z Josh Huang | nervous system head | MGI:7523052 | ||
Eomes | Eomestm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | eomesodermin; targeted mutation 1.1, Z Josh Huang | B6;129S4-Eomestm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:6720841 | ||
Eomes | Eomesem1(icre)Mhos | eomesodermin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Mikio Hoshino | MGI:7282233 | |||
Eomes | Eomestm3.1(cre)Rob | eomesodermin; targeted mutation 3.1, Elizabeth J Robertson | MGI:5296755 | |||
Eomes | Eomestm1.1(cre/ERT2)Sjar | eomesodermin; targeted mutation 1.1, Sebastian J Arnold | MGI:5499762 | |||
Eomes | Eomestm4.1(icre)Rob | eomesodermin; targeted mutation 3.1, Elizabeth J Robertson | mesenchyme embryo-other extraembryonic component | MGI:6718928 | ||
Eomes | Tg(Eomes-cre)SO41Gsat | transgene insertion SO41, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Eomes-cre)SO41Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311720 | ||
Eomes | Eomestm2.1(flpo/ERT2)Zjh | eomesodermin; targeted mutation 2.1, Z Josh Huang | MGI:6720888 | |||
Eomes | Eomestm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | eomesodermin; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Eomestm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5632488 | ||
Epcam | Tg(Epcam-cre/ERT2)13Hmd | transgene insertion 13, Hiroshi Hamada | MGI:7520206 | |||
Epcam | Tg(Epcam-cre/ERT2)#Hmar | transgene insertion, Hiroyuki Marusawa | alimentary system | liver & biliary system | MGI:7437768 | |
Epcam | Epcamem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | epithelial cell adhesion molecule; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6430709 | |||
Epo | Tg(Epo-cre)241Weng | transgene insertion 241, Roland H Wenger | renal & urinary system | MGI:7448900 | ||
Epo | Tg(Epo-cre)1Weng | transgene insertion 1, Roland H Wenger | renal & urinary system | MGI:7448899 | ||
Epo | Tg(Epo-cre)#Weng | transgene insertion, Roland H Wenger | renal & urinary system | MGI:7448903 | ||
Epo | Tg(Epo-cre)44Mym | transgene insertion 44, Masayuki Yamamoto | liver & biliary system renal & urinary system cardiovascular system respiratory system head hemolymphoid system nervous system | MGI:6727112 | ||
Epor | Eporem1(cre)Bcgen | erythropoietin receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Biocytogen LLC | skeletal system hemolymphoid system | MGI:7464882 | ||
Epor | Eportm1.1(EGFP/icre)Uk | erythropoietin receptor; targeted mutation 1.1, Ursula Klingmuller | liver & biliary system respiratory system renal & urinary system cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system | STOCK Eportm1(EGFP/cre)Uk Recql4tm2272Arte Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(EYFP)Cos/StVApb B6.C-Eportm1.1(EGFP/icre)Uk/MdfJ | MGI:3052727 | |
Epor | Eporem1(icre)Gpt | erythropoietin receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7298611 | |||
Epx | Epxtm1.1(cre)Jlee | eosinophil peroxidase; targeted mutation 1.1, James J Lee | alimentary system integumental system mouse-other liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system | MGI:5498555 | ||
Epx | Tg(Epx-EYFP/cre)#Voeh | transgene insertion, David Voehringer | hemolymphoid system cavities & their linings respiratory system skeletal system mouse-other | MGI:6790413 | ||
Epx | Epxtm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi | eosinophil peroxidase; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57NL/6NTac-Epxtm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Epxtm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5660003 | ||
Epx | Epxem3(cre)Smoc | eosinophil peroxidase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514733 | |||
Epx | Epxem1(icre)Gpt | eosinophil peroxidase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | alimentary system | MGI:7298622 | ||
Epx | Epxtm1(icre)Cya | eosinophil peroxidase; targeted mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657244 | |||
Epyc | Tg(Epyc-cre)KR363Gsat | transgene insertion KR363, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Epyc-cre)KR363Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086171 | |
Erbb4 | Erbb4tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Aibs | erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Allen Institute for Brain Science | head nervous system | B6.Cg-Erbb4tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Aibs/J | MGI:4421788 | |
Erv4 | Tg(Erv4-cre/ERT2*)657Slp | transgene insertion 657, Samuel L Pfaff | B6;C-Tg(Erv4-cre/ERT2*)657Slp/J | MGI:5431581 | ||
Esm1 | Esm1em1(icre/ERT2)Ben | endothelial cell-specific molecule 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Rui Benedito | sensory organs head | MGI:7444426 | ||
Esm1 | Tg(Esm1-icre/ERT2)27Rha | transgene insertion 27, Ralf H Adams | head sensory organs cardiovascular system | MGI:7490347 | ||
Esr1 | Esr1tm2.1(cre)And | estrogen receptor 1 (alpha); targeted mutation 2.1, David J Anderson | head nervous system | C57BL/6-Esr1tm2.1(cre)And/J | MGI:5605085 | |
Esr1 | Esr1tm1.1(cre)And | estrogen receptor 1 (alpha); targeted mutation 1.1, David J Anderson | head nervous system | B6N.129S6(Cg)-Esr1tm1.1(cre)And/J | MGI:5559339 | |
Esr1 | Esr1tm1.1(icre)Jako | estrogen receptor 1 (alpha); targeted mutation 1.1, CheMyong Ko | B6(Cg)-Esr1tm1.1(icre)Jako/J | MGI:6102905 | ||
Esr1 | Esr1em8(cre/ERT2)Smoc | estrogen receptor 1 (alpha); endonuclease-mediated mutation 8, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750673 | |||
Esr1 | Esr1tm3.1(flpo)And | estrogen receptor 1 (alpha); targeted mutation 3.1, David Anderson | B6.129S6(Cg)-Esr1tm3.1(flpo)And/J | MGI:6514725 | ||
Esr1 | Esr1em2(icre)Smoc | estrogen receptor 1 (alpha); endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7289549 | |||
Esr1 | Esr1em1(flpo)Shah | estrogen receptor 1 (alpha); endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Nirao Shah | nervous system head | STOCK Esr1em1(flpo)Shah/J | MGI:6885884 | |
Esr2 | Esr2em3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | estrogen receptor 2 (beta); endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750675 | |||
Esr2 | Esr2tm1.1(icre)Jako | estrogen receptor 2 (beta); targeted mutation 1.1, CheMyong Ko | B6(Cg)-Esr2tm1.1(icre)Jako/J | MGI:5907833 | ||
Esr2 | Esr2tm1.1(cre)Hze | estrogen receptor 2 (beta); targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6;129S-Esr2tm1.1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:5904044 | ||
Esrrb | Esrrbtm1(cre)Yba | estrogen related receptor, beta; targeted mutation 1, Yaacov Barak | embryo-other extraembryonic component mouse-other | B6.Cg-Esrrbtm1(cre)Yba/J | MGI:5699263 | |
Esrrg | Tg(Esrrg-cre)AIto | transgene insertion A, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Esrrg-cre)Aito | MGI:7524154 | ||
Et(cre/ERT2)119Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)119Rdav | enhancer trap 119, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)119Rdav/J | MGI:3852324 | |
Et(cre/ERT2)1382Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)1382Rdav | enhancer trap 1382, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)1382Rdav/J | MGI:3852329 | |
Et(cre/ERT2)13866Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)13866Rdav | enhancer trap 13866, Ron Davis | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)13866Rdav/J | MGI:4947562 | ||
Et(cre/ERT2)1642Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)1642Rdav | enhancer trap 1642, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)1642Rdav/J | MGI:3852330 | |
Et(cre/ERT2)1645Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)1645Rdav | enhancer trap 1645, Ron Davis | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)1645Rdav/J | MGI:3852332 | ||
Et(cre/ERT2)1957Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)1957Rdav | enhancer trap 1957, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)1957Rdav/J | MGI:3852333 | |
Et(cre/ERT2)2007Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)2007Rdav | enhancer trap 2007, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)2007Rdav/J | MGI:3852336 | |
Et(cre/ERT2)2047Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)2047Rdav | enhancer trap 2047, Ron Davis | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)2047Rdav/J | MGI:3852337 | ||
Et(cre/ERT2)21Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)21Rdav | enhancer trap 21, Ron Davis | head nervous system | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)21Rdav/J | MGI:3852323 | |
Et(cre/ERT2)25175Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)25175Rdav | enhancer trap 25175, Ron Davis | B6(129S)-Et(cre/ERT2)25175Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:5009328 | ||
Et(cre/ERT2)25279Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)25279Rdav | enhancer trap 25279, Ron Davis | B6(129S)-Et(cre/ERT2)25279Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:5009329 | ||
Et(cre/ERT2)25378Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)25378Rdav | enhancer trap 25378, Ron Davis | B6(129S)-Et(cre/ERT2)25378Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:5009330 | ||
Et(cre/ERT2)25422Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)25422Rdav | enhancer trap 25422, Ron Davis | B6(129S)-Et(cre/ERT2)25422Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:5009331 | ||
Et(cre/ERT2)25463Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)25463Rdav | enhancer trap 25463, Ron Davis | B6(129S)-Et(cre/ERT2)25463Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:5009332 | ||
Et(cre/ERT2)278Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)278Rdav | enhancer trap 278, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6;129S4-Et(cre/ERT2)278Rdav/J | MGI:3852325 | |
Et(cre/ERT2)296Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)296Rdav | enhancer trap 296, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)296Rdav/J | MGI:3852326 | |
Et(cre/ERT2)398Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)398Rdav | enhancer trap 398, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)398Rdav/J | MGI:3852327 | |
Et(cre/ERT2)4Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)4Rdav | enhancer trap 4, Ron Davis | head nervous system | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)4Rdav/J | MGI:3852322 | |
Et(cre/ERT2)6691Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)6691Rdav | enhancer trap 6691, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)6691Rdav/J | MGI:3852338 | |
Et(cre/ERT2)6959Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)6959Rdav | enhancer trap 6959, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)6959Rdav/J | MGI:3852339 | |
Et(cre/ERT2)7089Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)7089Rdav | enhancer trap 7089, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)7089Rdav/J | MGI:3852340 | |
Et(cre/ERT2)7149Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)7149Rdav | enhancer trap 7149, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)7149Rdav/J | MGI:3852341 | |
Et(cre/ERT2)7381Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)7381Rdav | enhancer trap 7381, Ron Davis | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)7381Rdav/J | MGI:3852342 | ||
Et(cre/ERT2)8120Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)8120Rdav | enhancer trap 8120, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)8120Rdav/J | MGI:3852343 | |
Et(cre/ERT2)8131Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)8131Rdav | enhancer trap 8131, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)8131Rdav/J | MGI:3852344 | |
Et(cre/ERT2)837Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)837Rdav | enhancer trap 837, Ron Davis | head nervous system | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)837Rdav/J | MGI:3852328 | |
Et(cre/ERT2)9699Rdav | Et(cre/ERT2)9699Rdav | enhancer trap 9699, Ron Davis | head nervous system | B6(129S4)-Et(cre/ERT2)9699Rdav/J | MGI:3852345 | |
Et(cre)TFC.09Lois | Et(cre)TFC.09Lois | enhancer trap TFC.09, Carlos Lois | STOCK Et(cre)TFC.09Lois/J | MGI:5443915 | ||
Et(EGFP/cre)16053Rdav | Et(EGFP/cre)16053Rdav | enhancer trap 16053, Ron Davis | B6(129S)-Et(EGFP/cre)16053Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:4947515 | ||
Et(EGFP/cre)16055Rdav | Et(EGFP/cre)16055Rdav | enhancer trap 16055, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S)-Et(EGFP/cre)16055Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:4947516 | |
Et(EGFP/cre)16059Rdav | Et(EGFP/cre)16059Rdav | enhancer trap 16059, Ron Davis | B6(129S)-Et(EGFP/cre)16059Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:4947518 | ||
Et(EGFP/cre)16102Rdav | Et(EGFP/cre)16102Rdav | enhancer trap 16102, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S)-Et(EGFP/cre)16102Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:4947519 | |
Et(EGFP/cre)16218Rdav | Et(EGFP/cre)16218Rdav | enhancer trap 16218, Ron Davis | head nervous system | B6(129S)-Et(EGFP/cre)16218Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:4947520 | |
Et(EGFP/cre)16250Rdav | Et(EGFP/cre)16250Rdav | enhancer trap 16250, Ron Davis | head nervous system | B6(129S)-Et(EGFP/cre)16250Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:4947521 | |
Et(EGFP/cre)16255Rdav | Et(EGFP/cre)16255Rdav | enhancer trap 16255, Ron Davis | head nervous system | B6(129S)-Et(EGFP/cre)16255Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:4947522 | |
Et(EGFP/cre)16261Rdav | Et(EGFP/cre)16261Rdav | enhancer trap 16261, Ron Davis | head nervous system | B6(129S)-Et(EGFP/cre)16261Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:4947525 | |
Et(EGFP/cre)16279Rdav | Et(EGFP/cre)16279Rdav | enhancer trap 16279, Ron Davis | B6(129S)-Et(EGFP/cre)16279Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:4947527 | ||
Et(icre)1402Rdav | Et(icre)1402Rdav | enhancer trap 1402, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(icre)1402Rdav/J | MGI:3852331 | |
Et(icre)1470Rdav | Et(icre)1470Rdav | enhancer trap 1470, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(icre)1470Rdav/J | MGI:3852349 | |
Et(icre)1555Rdav | Et(icre)1555Rdav | enhancer trap 1555, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(icre)1555Rdav/J | MGI:3852350 | |
Et(icre)21468Rdav | Et(icre)21468Rdav | enhancer trap 21468, Ron Davis | B6(129S)-Et(icre)21468Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:4947538 | ||
Et(icre)21603Rdav | Et(icre)21603Rdav | enhancer trap 21603, Ron Davis | B6(129S)-Et(icre)21603Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:4947548 | ||
Et(icre)21605Rdav | Et(icre)21605Rdav | enhancer trap 21605, Ron Davis | B6(129S)-Et(icre)21605Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:4947549 | ||
Et(icre)21614Rdav | Et(icre)21614Rdav | enhancer trap 21614, Ron Davis | B6(129S)-Et(icre)21614Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:4947551 | ||
Et(icre)21733Rdav | Et(icre)21733Rdav | enhancer trap 21733, Ron Davis | B6(129S)-Et(icre)21733Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:4947554 | ||
Et(icre)22787Rdav | Et(icre)22787Rdav | enhancer trap 22787, Ron Davis | B6(129S)-Et(icre)22787Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:4947557 | ||
Et(icre)23031Rdav | Et(icre)23031Rdav | enhancer trap 23031, Ron Davis | B6(129S)-Et(icre)23031Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:4947559 | ||
Et(icre)23033Rdav | Et(icre)23033Rdav | enhancer trap 23033, Ron Davis | B6(129S)-Et(icre)23033Rdav/Mmmh | MGI:4947561 | ||
Et(icre)754Rdav | Et(icre)754Rdav | enhancer trap 754, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(icre)754Rdav/J | MGI:3852347 | |
Et(icre/ERT2)10596Rdav | Et(icre/ERT2)10596Rdav | enhancer trap 10596, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(icre/ERT2)10596Rdav/J | MGI:3852351 | |
Et(icre/ERT2)10727Rdav | Et(icre/ERT2)10727Rdav | enhancer trap 10727, Ron Davis | nervous system head | B6(129S4)-Et(icre/ERT2)10727Rdav/J | MGI:3852352 | |
Et(icre/ERT2)14163Rdav | Et(icre/ERT2)14163Rdav | enhancer trap 14163, Ron Davis | B6(129S4)-Et(icre/ERT2)14163Rdav/J | MGI:4947567 | ||
Et(icre/ERT2)14208Rdav | Et(icre/ERT2)14208Rdav | enhancer trap 14208, Ron Davis | B6(129S4)-Et(icre/ERT2)14208Rdav/J | MGI:4947569 | ||
Et(icre/ERT2)14374Rdav | Et(icre/ERT2)14374Rdav | enhancer trap 14374, Ron Davis | STOCK Et(icre/ERT2)14374Rdav/J | MGI:4947570 | ||
Et(icre/ERT2)14602Rdav | Et(icre/ERT2)14602Rdav | enhancer trap 14602, Ron Davis | STOCK Et(icre/ERT2)14602Rdav/J | MGI:4947572 | ||
Et(icre/ERT2)14624Rdav | Et(icre/ERT2)14624Rdav | enhancer trap 14624, Ron Davis | STOCK Et(icre/ERT2)14624Rdav/J | MGI:4947573 | ||
Et(icre/ERT2)14915Rdav | Et(icre/ERT2)14915Rdav | enhancer trap 14915, Ron Davis | B6(129S4)-Et(icre/ERT2)14915Rdav/J | MGI:4947574 | ||
Etl4 | Etl4tm1(cre)Kymm | enhancer trap locus 4; targeted mutation 1, Ken-ichi Yamamura | MGI:5435947 | |||
Etv1 | Etv1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | ets variant 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724399 | |||
Etv1 | Etv1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | ets variant 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Z Josh Huang | cardiovascular system head muscle nervous system alimentary system | hemolymphoid system endocrine system liver & biliary system reproductive system sensory organs renal & urinary system integumental system adipose tissue skeletal system respiratory system | B6(Cg)-Etv1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:4838417 |
Etv1 | Etv1em2(icre)Gpt | ets variant 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7376528 | |||
Etv1 | Tg(Etv1-cre)GM225Gsat | transgene insertion GM225, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | MGI:3841666 | ||
Etv1 | Tg(Etv1-cre,-GFP)#Stoy | transgene insertion, Anastassia Stoykova | nervous system head | MGI:6355401 | ||
Etv2 | Tg(Etv2-cre)15508Djg | transgene insertion 15508, Daniel J Garry | embryo-other mesenchyme liver & biliary system extraembryonic component cardiovascular system | MGI:5496223 | ||
Etv2 | Tg(Etv2-cre/ERT2)#Djg | transgene insertion, Daniel J Garry | limbs | hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system | MGI:7329039 | |
Etv2 | Tg(Etv2-cre)#Blk | transgene insertion, Brian L Black | mesenchyme extraembryonic component cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system | muscle | MGI:7443167 | |
Etv5 | Etv5tm1(cre/ERT2)Brst | ets variant 5; targeted mutation 1, Barry R Stripp | tail sensory organs embryo-other head respiratory system limbs cardiovascular system alimentary system renal & urinary system | MGI:5800318 | ||
Eya1 | Eya1tm3(cre/ERT2)Px | EYA transcriptional coactivator and phosphatase 1; targeted mutation 3, Pin-Xian Xu | B6;129-Eya1tm3(cre/ERT2)Px/J | MGI:6102917 | ||
Fabp1 | Fabp1tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi | fatty acid binding protein 1, liver; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Fabp1tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5660005 | ||
Fabp1 | Tg(Fabp1-cre-GH1)1Jig | transgene insertion 1, Jeffrey I Gordon | renal & urinary system alimentary system | MGI:4820575 | ||
Fabp1 | Tg(Fabp1-cre)1Mmt | transgene insertion 1, Makoto M Taketo | MGI:2673819 | |||
Fabp1 | Tg(Fabp1-cre)1Jig | transgene insertion 1, Jeffrey I Gordon | alimentary system liver & biliary system | FVB/N-Tg(Fabp1-Cre)1Jig/Nci STOCK Tg(Fabp1-cre)1Jig/JigCnrm | MGI:2447212 | |
Fabp4 | Igs2em46(Fabp4-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 46, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300659 | |||
Fabp4 | Fabp4em1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | fatty acid binding protein 4, adipocyte; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724509 | |||
Fabp4 | Tg(Fabp4-cre)#Abel | transgene insertion, E Dale Abel | MGI:5297947 | |||
Fabp4 | Tg(Fabp4-cre/ERT2)1Ipc | transgene insertion 1, I Pierre Chambon | alimentary system adipose tissue cardiovascular system muscle integumental system | respiratory system nervous system head liver & biliary system reproductive system hemolymphoid system endocrine system renal & urinary system | MGI:2387425 | |
Fabp4 | Tg(Fabp4-cre)1Blw | transgene insertion 1, Carrolee Barlow | adipose tissue | renal & urinary system nervous system head muscle cardiovascular system | MGI:2181654 | |
Fabp4 | Tg(Fabp4-cre)1Jmgr | transgene insertion 1, Jonathan M Graff | MGI:5300925 | |||
Fabp4 | Tg(Fabp4-cre)1Rev | transgene insertion 1, Ronald M Evans | integumental system alimentary system hemolymphoid system mesenchyme endocrine system cardiovascular system nervous system tail cavities & their linings skeletal system extraembryonic component branchial arches sensory organs muscle reproductive system adipose tissue head limbs renal & urinary system respiratory system liver & biliary system | embryo-other | B6.Cg-Tg(Fabp4-cre)1Rev/J B6N.Cg-Tg(Fabp4-cre)1Rev/J | MGI:2386686 |
Fabp4 | Tg(Fabp4-cre)1Abel | transgene insertion 1, E Dale Abel | respiratory system reproductive system cardiovascular system integumental system adipose tissue muscle | liver & biliary system head renal & urinary system endocrine system nervous system alimentary system hemolymphoid system | MGI:2182103 | |
Fabp4 | Tg(Fabp4-cre)2Abel | transgene insertion 2, E Dale Abel | MGI:2182105 | |||
FABP4 | Tg(FABP4-cre/ERT2)24.12/13Ics | transgene insertion 24.12/13, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(FABP4-cre/ERT2)24.12/13.Ics/Ics | MGI:7346126 | ||
Fabp7 | Tg(Fabp7-cre/Esr1*)#Hoso | transgene insertion, Toshihiko Hosoya | nervous system head | MGI:6303842 | ||
Fabp7 | Fabp7tm1(cre)Ksak | fatty acid binding protein 7, brain; targeted mutation 1, Kenji Sakimura | C57BL/6-Fabp7tm1(cre)Ksak/KsakRbrc | MGI:4360723 | ||
Fabp7 | Tg(Fabp7-cre,-lacZ)3Gtm | transgene insertion 3, David H Gutmann | nervous system head | B6;CB-Tg(Fabp7-creLacZ)3Gtm/Nci | MGI:3810647 | |
Fabp7 | Fabp7tm2(cre/PGR*)Ksak | fatty acid binding protein 7, brain; targeted mutation 2, Kenji Sakimura | C57BL/6-Fabp7tm2(cre/PGR)Ksak/KsakRbrc | MGI:4360725 | ||
Fabp7 | Tg(Fabp7-cre)1Htz | transgene insertion 1, Nathaniel Heintz | nervous system head | MGI:3046301 | ||
Fam13a | Fam13atm2(GFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | family with sequence similarity 13, member A; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:6095187 | |||
Fam161a | Fam161atm1(GFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | family with sequence similarity 161, member A; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:6095189 | |||
Fap | Fapem1(cre/ERT2)Nros | fibroblast activation protein; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Nadia Rosenthal | C57BL/6J-Fapem1(cre/ERT2)Nros/J | MGI:7781802 | ||
Fap | Tg(Fap-cre)1Rkl | transgene insertion 1, Raghu Kalluri | C57BL/6-Tg(Fap-cre)1Rkl/J | MGI:7546824 | ||
Far2 | Far2em2(icre)Smoc | fatty acyl CoA reductase 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750688 | |||
Fblim1 | Fblim1Gt(cre/ERT2)3Card | filamin binding LIM protein 1; gene trap 3, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7471412 | |||
Fblim1 | Fblim1Gt(cre/ERT2)2Card | filamin binding LIM protein 1; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7471397 | |||
Fblim1 | Fblim1Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | filamin binding LIM protein 1; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7471396 | |||
Fbxo17 | Fbxo17Gt(cre)1Card | F-box protein 17; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7471415 | |||
Fbxo17 | Fbxo17Gt(cre)2Card | F-box protein 17; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7481934 | |||
Fbxo2 | Fbxo2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Hels | F-box protein 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Stefan Heller | STOCK Fbxo2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Hels/J | MGI:6194328 | ||
Fbxo2 | Fbxo2tm1(cre/ERT2)Akg | F-box protein 2; targeted mutation 1, Andrew K Groves | STOCK Fbxo2tm1(cre/ERT2)Akg/J | MGI:7645434 | ||
Fbxo2 | Fbxo2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Akg | F-box protein 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Andrew K Groves | MGI:7522231 | |||
Fcer1g | Tg(Fcer1g-cre)NIDA168Htz | transgene insertion NIDA168, Nathaniel Heintz | MGI:7606972 | |||
Fcer2a | Tg(Fcer2a-cre)5Mbu | transgene insertion 5, Meinrad Busslinger | hemolymphoid system | embryo-other | B6.Cg-Tg(Fcer2a-cre)5Mbu/JMarpAnuApb B6.Cg-Atmintm1.2Jhh Ighmtm1(Bcl6)Rdf Tg(Fcer2a-cre)5Mbu/SviApb Dynll1tm1.1JhhTg(Fcer2a-cre)5MbuBcl2l11tm6.1Boui B6.Cg-Tg(Fcer2a-cre)5Mbu/J | MGI:3803652 |
Fcgr1 | Fcgr1tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi | Fc receptor, IgG, high affinity I; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Fcgr1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Fcgr1tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5660015 | ||
Fcgr1 | Fcgr1tm1.1(icre)Ciphe | Fc receptor, IgG, high affinity I; targeted mutation 1.1, Centre d'ImmunoPhenomique | MGI:6330739 | |||
Fcgr1 | Fcgr1em1.1(icre)Moli | Fc receptor, IgG, high affinity I; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Ming O Li | mouse-other | B6(129S4)-Fcgr1em1.1(icre)Moli/J | MGI:7516071 | |
Fcrl2 | Fcrl2em1(cre)Gfng | Fc receptor like 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Guoping Feng | C57BL/6J-Fcrl2em1(cre)Gfng/J | MGI:7329795 | ||
FES | Tg(FES-cre)31Bsl | transgene insertion 31, Monica Bessler | MGI:2386125 | |||
Fev | Tg(Fev-cre/ERT2)21.4Ics | transgene insertion 21.4, Mouse Clinical Institute | C57BL/6N-Tg(Fev-cre/ERT2)21.4Ics/Ics | MGI:7346224 | ||
Fev | Tg(Fev-cre)2Esd | transgene insertion 2, Evan S Deneris | head nervous system | MGI:3696983 | ||
Fev | Tg(Fev-cre/ERT2)aEsd | transgene insertion a, Evan S Deneris | MGI:4837204 | |||
Fev | Tg(Fev-cre)1Esd | transgene insertion 1, Evan S Deneris | head nervous system | sensory organs | B6.Cg-Tg(Fev-cre)1Esd/J | MGI:3696982 |
Fev | Tg(Fev-cre/ERT2)#Yqd | transgene insertion, Yu-Qiang Ding | MGI:4881729 | |||
Fev | Tg(Fev-flpe)1Dym | transgene insertion 1, Susan Dymecki | nervous system head | MGI:3795206 | ||
Fev | Tg(Fev-cre)FF3Pasq | transgene insertion FF3, Massimo Pasqualetti | head nervous system renal & urinary system alimentary system | MGI:5620669 | ||
Fev | Tg(Fev-cre)#Esd | transgene insertion, Evan S Deneris | MGI:6448940 | |||
Fev | Tg(Fev-cre)FF9Pasq | transgene insertion FF9, Massimo Pasqualetti | mesenchyme alimentary system nervous system renal & urinary system endocrine system head embryo-other | hemolymphoid system liver & biliary system cardiovascular system | MGI:5620670 | |
Fev | Tg(Fev-cre)FM3Pasq | transgene insertion FM3, Massimo Pasqualetti | head nervous system alimentary system renal & urinary system | MGI:5620671 | ||
FEV | Hprt1tm366a(Ple67-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 366a, Elizabeth M Simpson | B6.Cg-Hprt1tm366(Ple67-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5568249 | ||
Fezf1 | Fezf1tm1.1(cre/folA)Hze | Fez family zinc finger 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Fezf1tm1.1(cre/folA)Hze/J | MGI:5603434 | ||
Fezf2 | Tg(Fezf2-cre/ERT2)#Bche | transgene insertion, Bin Chen | nervous system head | MGI:5581530 | ||
Fezf2 | Fezf2tm2.1(flpo)Zjh | Fez family zinc finger 2; targeted mutation 2.1, Z Josh Huang | nervous system head | B6;129S4-Fezf2tm2.1(flpo)Zjh/J | MGI:6720837 | |
Fezf2 | Fezf2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | Fez family zinc finger 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Z Josh Huang | head nervous system | B6;129S4-Fezf2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:6720836 | |
Fezf2 | Tg(FEZF2-cre/ERT2/EGFP)Pred3Jlr | transgene insertion Pred3, John L R Rubenstein | MGI:6860321 | |||
Fga | Fgatm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | fibrinogen alpha chain; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Fgatm2(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Fgatm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632489 | ||
Fgd5 | Fgd5tm3(cre/ERT2)Djr | FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 5; targeted mutation 3, Derrick Rossi | C57BL/6N-Fgd5tm3(cre/ERT2)Djr/J | MGI:5642327 | ||
Fgd5 | Fgd5em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724512 | |||
Fgf1 | Tg(Fgf1-RFP,-cre/ERT2)13AChiu | transgene insertion 13A, Ing-Ming Chiu | cardiovascular system | renal & urinary system head nervous system | MGI:7482681 | |
Fgf10 | Fgf10tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Sbel | fibroblast growth factor 10; targeted mutation 1.1, Saverio Bellusci | B6(129S6)-Fgf10tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Sbel/J | MGI:5438701 | ||
Fgf10 | Fgf10tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Sbel | fibroblast growth factor 10; targeted mutation 2.1, Saverio Bellusci | head respiratory system sensory organs alimentary system limbs | MGI:6296741 | ||
Fgf15 | Tg(Fgf15-cre)1Bld | transgene insertion 1, Antonio Baldini | embryo-other branchial arches | mesenchyme | MGI:4365407 | |
Fgf15 | Tg(Fgf15-cre)1Hisa | transgene insertion 1, Hirotomo Saitsu | MGI:4430281 | |||
Fgf15 | Tg(Fgf15/Hsp68-cre)1Bld | transgene insertion 1, Antonio Baldini | embryo-other branchial arches | B6.FVB(129S)-Tg(Fgf15/Hsp68-cre)1Bld/Cnrm | MGI:4365402 | |
Fgf15 | Fgf15tm1.1(cre)Thor | fibroblast growth factor 15; targeted mutation 1.1, Bernard Thorens | head nervous system alimentary system | B6.Cg-Fgf15tm1.1(cre)Thor/J | MGI:6711269 | |
Fgf16 | Fgf16tm1(cre)Sms | fibroblast growth factor 16; targeted mutation 1, Suzanne L Mansour | MGI:3790778 | |||
Fgf16 | Fgf16tm1.1(cre)Sms | fibroblast growth factor 16; targeted mutation 1.1, Suzanne L Monsour | embryo-other respiratory system branchial arches limbs head nervous system endocrine system hemolymphoid system sensory organs cardiovascular system alimentary system | integumental system adipose tissue | MGI:3790784 | |
Fgf17 | Fgf17tm1(cre/ERT2)Jlr | fibroblast growth factor 17; targeted mutation 1, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Fgf17tm1(cre/ERT2)Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:5690227 | ||
Fgf18 | Fgf18tm2.2(cre/ERT2)Dor | fibroblast growth factor 18; targeted mutation 2.2, David M Ornitz | tail embryo-other respiratory system hemolymphoid system head mesenchyme renal & urinary system alimentary system nervous system skeletal system liver & biliary system limbs extraembryonic component cardiovascular system | adipose tissue reproductive system sensory organs | MGI:6382298 | |
Fgf20 | Fgf20tm2.1(cre/EGFP)Dor | fibroblast growth factor 20; targeted mutation 2.1, David M Ornitz | MGI:5751785 | |||
Fgf21 | Fgf21em1(cre)Mpot | fibroblast growth factor 21; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Matthew J Potthoff | alimentary system nervous system head liver & biliary system | endocrine system | MGI:7546790 | |
Fgf8 | Fgf8tm1(cre)Itl | fibroblast growth factor 8; targeted mutation 1, inGenious Targeting Laboratory | B6;Cg-Fgf8tm1.1(cre)Itl/ Tshim | MGI:4839641 | ||
Fgf8 | Fgf8tm3.1(cre/Esr1*)Moon | fibroblast growth factor 8; targeted mutation 3.1, Anne M Moon | sensory organs head limbs | MGI:7471382 | ||
Fgf8 | Fgf8tm1(cre/ERT2)Jlr | fibroblast growth factor 8; targeted mutation 1, John L R Rubenstein | CD1;B6-Fgf8tm1(cre/ERT2)Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:5690222 | ||
Fgf8 | Fgf8em1(flpo)Thore | fibroblast growth factor 8; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Wallace Thoreson | sensory organs head | B6;129S6-Fgf8em1(flpo)Thore/SmsMmucd | MGI:7441912 | |
Fgfr3 | Tg(Fgfr3-icre/ERT2)4-2Wdr | transgene insertion 4-2, William D Richardson | nervous system muscle head cardiovascular system liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system alimentary system respiratory system | sensory organs | B6;CBA-Tg(Fgfr3-icre/ERT2)4-2Wdr/J | MGI:3832576 |
Fgg | Tg(Fgg-RFP,-cre/ERT2)8Narl | Transgene insertion 8, National Applied Research Laboratories | MGI:5898223 | |||
Figla | Tg(Figla-EGFP,-icre)ZP3Dean | transgene insertion ZP3, Jurrien Dean | reproductive system | cardiovascular system renal & urinary system liver & biliary system | FVB/N-Tg(Figla-EGFP,-icre)ZP3Dean/Mmjax | MGI:5569236 |
Fkbp4 | Fkbp4Gt(cre/ERT2)2Card | FK506 binding protein 4; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7482562 | |||
Fkbp4 | Fkbp4Gt(cre/ERT2)4Card | FK506 binding protein 4; gene trap 4, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7482564 | |||
Fkbp4 | Fkbp4Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | FK506 binding protein 4; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7482558 | |||
Fkbp4 | Fkbp4Gt(cre/ERT2)3Card | FK506 binding protein 4; gene trap 3, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7482563 | |||
Flrt3 | Flrt3tm4(cre/ERT2)Kln | fibronectin leucine rich transmembrane protein 3; targeted mutation 3, Rudiger Klein | nervous system sensory organs head | MGI:7467420 | ||
Flt1 | Flt1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | FMS-like tyrosine kinase 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7289713 | |||
Flt1 | Tg(Flt1-cre/ERT2)1Tmak | transgene insertion 1, Taija Makinen | cardiovascular system cavities & their linings integumental system sensory organs alimentary system head | MGI:7532647 | ||
Flt3 | Tg(Flt3-EGFP-cre/ERT2)#Fcam | transgene insertion, Fernando D Camargo | MGI:7581041 | |||
Flt3 | Flt3em4(cre/ERT2)Smoc | FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750714 | |||
Flt3 | Flt3em3(cre)Smoc | FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750713 | |||
Flt3 | Flt3em2(dre/ERT2)Smoc | FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724245 | |||
Flt3 | Tg(Flt3-RFP,-cre)33Narl | Transgene insertion 33, National Applied Research Laboratories | C57BL/6-Tg(Flt3-RFP,-cre)33Narl/Narl | MGI:5898229 | ||
Flt3 | Tg(Flt3-cre/ERT2)#Ccb | transgene insertion, Conrad C Bleul | skeletal system mouse-other hemolymphoid system | MGI:4462357 | ||
Flt3 | Tg(Flt3-RFP,-cre/ERT2)59Narl | Transgene insertion 59, National Applied Research Laboratories | MGI:5898227 | |||
Flt3 | Tg(Flt3-cre)#Ccb | transgene insertion, Conrad C Bleul | skeletal system hemolymphoid system mouse-other | B6-Tg(Flt3-Cre)#Ccb Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4(ACTB-tdTomato, -EGFP)Luo/Apb B6.129-Tg(Flt3-cre)#Ccb/Ieg | MGI:4462354 | |
Flt3l | Flt3lem1(cre/ERT2)Bcgen | FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Biocytogen LLC | MGI:7444377 | |||
Flt3l | Flt3lem2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750716 | |||
Flt4 | Flt4tm2.1(cre/Esr1*)Ichi | FMS-like tyrosine kinase 4; targeted mutation 2.1, Hirotake Ichise | hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system | MGI:5584320 | ||
Flt4 | Flt4tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Sgo | FMS-like tyrosine kinase 4; targeted mutation 2.1, Sagrario Ortega | alimentary system liver & biliary system cavities & their linings head cardiovascular system embryo-other sensory organs hemolymphoid system | MGI:5750213 | ||
Flt4 | Tg(Flt4-cre)44Ichi | transgnene insertion 44, Hirotake Ichise | MGI:4441403 | |||
Fn1 | Fn1em2(cre/ERT2)Gpt | fibronectin 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7376573 | |||
Fn1 | Tg(Fn1-cre)41Stl | transgene insertion 41, Susumu Tonegawa | MGI:6113839 | |||
Folr2 | Folr2em2(cre)Smoc | folate receptor beta; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750722 | |||
Folr2 | Folr2em3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | folate receptor beta; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750723 | |||
Fos | Fostm1.1(cre/ERT2)Luo | FBJ osteosarcoma oncogene; targeted mutation 1.1, Liqun Luo | head nervous system cardiovascular system | B6.129(Cg)-Fostm1.1(cre/ERT2)Luo/J | MGI:5488905 | |
Fos | Fostm1.1(cre/folA)Mmay | FBJ osteosarcoma oncogene; targeted mutation 1.1,Mark Mayford | nervous system head | MGI:7450797 | ||
Fos | Tg(TCF/Lef1-cre/ERT2)1Dje | transgene insertion 1, Douglas J Epstein | sensory organs head | STOCK Tg(TCF/Lef1-cre/ERT2)1Dje/J | MGI:3836892 | |
Fos | Fostm2.1(icre/ERT2)Luo | FBJ osteosarcoma oncogene; targeted mutation 2.1, Liqun Luo | head nervous system | STOCK Fostm2.1(icre/ERT2)Luo/J | MGI:5910950 | |
Fos | Fosem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | FBJ osteosarcoma oncogene; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724513 | |||
Foxa1 | Foxa1tm1(cre)Sew | forkhead box A1; targeted mutation 1, Susan E Waltz | MGI:2386437 | |||
Foxa2 | Foxa2tm1(cre)Heli | forkhead box A2; targeted mutation 1, Heiko Lickert | respiratory system embryo-other mesenchyme liver & biliary system branchial arches alimentary system nervous system cardiovascular system | MGI:3822329 | ||
Foxa2 | Tg(Foxa2*-cre)1Mtse | transgene insertion 1, Michael P Matise | MGI:5290104 | |||
Foxa2 | Tg(Foxa2/Sox9-cre,-lacZ)#Vleu | transgene insertion, Victor Leung | tail embryo-other skeletal system | limbs | MGI:6724034 | |
Foxa2 | Tg(Foxa2*-cre)#Mku | transgene insertion, Michael R Kuehn | embryo-other nervous system alimentary system | MGI:4454663 | ||
Foxa2 | Foxa2tm1(cre/ERT2)Hssk | forkhead box A2; targeted mutation 1, Hiroshi Sasaki | nervous system embryo-other alimentary system | MGI:5490029 | ||
Foxa2 | Foxa2tm2(cre/Esr1*)Moon | forkhead box A2; targeted mutation 2, Anna M Moon | MGI:3774419 | |||
Foxa2 | Foxa2tm2.1(cre/Esr1*)Moon | forkhead box A2; targeted mutation 2.1, Anne M Moon | branchial arches extraembryonic component liver & biliary system mesenchyme embryo-other respiratory system head cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system nervous system alimentary system muscle | STOCK Foxa2tm2.1(cre/Esr1*)Moon/J | MGI:3774420 | |
Foxa2 | Foxa2tm3.1(icre)Heli | forkhead box A2; targeted mutation 3.1, Heiko Lickert | nervous system embryo-other mesenchyme mouse-other cardiovascular system alimentary system | MGI:5426440 | ||
Foxa3 | Tg(Foxa3-cre)1Khk | transgene insertion 1, Klaus H Kaestner | alimentary system extraembryonic component tail mesenchyme | STOCK Tg(Foxa3-cre)1Khk/Mmmh | MGI:2664968 | |
Foxb1 | Foxb1tm1(cre)Gabo | forkhead box B1; targeted mutation 1, Gonzalo Alvarez-Bolado | B6.129X1-Foxb1tm1(cre)Gabo/Anu | MGI:3772366 | ||
Foxc2 | Foxc2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Rssr | forkhead box C2; targeted mutation 1.1, R Sathish Srinivasan | B6(129S4)-Foxc2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Rssr/J | MGI:5829561 | ||
Foxc2 | Foxc2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Aot | forkhead box C2; targeted mutation 1.1, Kazushi Aoto | STOCK Foxc2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Aot | MGI:5910136 | ||
Foxd1 | Foxd1tm2(GFP/cre/ERT2)Amc | forkhead box D1; targeted mutation 2, Andrew P McMahon | B6;129S4-Foxd1tm2(GFP/cre/ERT2)Amc/J | MGI:4437895 | ||
Foxd1 | Foxd1tm1(GFP/cre)Amc | forkhead box D1; targeted mutation 1, Andrew P McMahon | head cavities & their linings adipose tissue cardiovascular system sensory organs endocrine system renal & urinary system respiratory system nervous system hemolymphoid system skeletal system alimentary system reproductive system embryo-other tail muscle integumental system mesenchyme | B6;129S4-Foxd1tm1(GFP/cre)Amc/J | MGI:4359653 | |
Foxd1 | Tg(Foxd1-GFP/cre)1Amc | transgene insertion 1, Andrew P McMahon | MGI:3848354 | |||
Foxd1 | Foxd1tm3(cre/ERT2)Amc | forkhead box D1; targeted mutation 2, Andrew P McMahon | MGI:5825477 | |||
Foxd1 | Foxd1em1(icre)Smoc | forkhead box D1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7626440 | |||
Foxg1 | Foxg1tm1.2(flpe)Fsh | forkhead box G1; targeted mutation 1.2, Gordon Fishell | MGI:6368632 | |||
Foxg1 | Foxg1em1(icre)Cya | forkhead box G1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657249 | |||
Foxg1 | Foxg1em1(cre)Smoc | forkhead box G1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724516 | |||
Foxg1 | Foxg1tm1(cre)Skm | forkhead box G1; targeted mutation 1, Susan K McConnell | limbs mesenchyme branchial arches sensory organs head alimentary system nervous system embryo-other | B6.129P2(Cg)-Foxg1tm1(cre)Skm/J 129(Cg)-Foxg1tm1(cre)Skm/J | MGI:1932522 | |
Foxg1 | Foxg1em1(icre)Gpt | forkhead box G1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7299236 | |||
Foxg1 | Foxg1tm1.1(cre)Ddmo | forkhead box G1; targeted mutation 1.1, Dennis D M O'Leary | B6.129T(SJL)-Foxg1tm1.1(cre)Ddmo/J | MGI:5818697 | ||
Foxi3 | Foxi3em1(cre)Smoc | forkhead box I3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750725 | |||
Foxi3 | Foxi3em2(cre/ERT2)Akg | forkhead box I3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Andrew K Groves | STOCK Foxi3em2(cre/ERT2)Akg/J | MGI:7522306 | ||
Foxj1 | Foxj1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | forkhead box J1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724523 | |||
Foxj1 | Tg(Foxj1-cre/ERT2)1Hmd | transgene insertion 1, Hiroshi Hamada | STOCK Tg(Foxj1-cre/ERT2)1Hmd | MGI:7492196 | ||
Foxj1 | Foxj1tm1.1(cre/ERT2/GFP)Htg | forkhead box J1; targeted mutation 1.1, H Troy Gashghaei | nervous system respiratory system head reproductive system | cardiovascular system liver & biliary system | STOCK Foxj1tm1.1(cre/ERT2/GFP)Htg/J | MGI:5585638 |
Foxj1 | Tg(Foxj1-cre)1Hmd | transgene insertion 1, Hiroshi Hamada | B6C3-Tg(Foxj1-cre)1Hmd | MGI:7610619 | ||
FOXJ1 | Tg(FOXJ1-cre)F14Htzm | transgene insertion F14, Michael J Holtzman | MGI:5428030 | |||
FOXJ1 | Tg(FOXJ1-cre/ERT2,-EGFP)1Jf | transgene insertion 1, Jonas Frisen | nervous system | MGI:4838109 | ||
FOXJ1 | Tg(FOXJ1-cre)F26Htzm | transgene insertion F26, Michael J Holtzman | head nervous system respiratory system reproductive system | renal & urinary system cardiovascular system alimentary system liver & biliary system | MGI:3797103 | |
FOXJ1 | Tg(FOXJ1-cre/ERT2)1Blh | transgene insertion 1, Brigid L Hogan | respiratory system | MGI:3808149 | ||
Foxl1 | Foxl1em1(cre/ERT2)1Smoc | forkhead box L1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724525 | |||
Foxl1 | Tg(Foxl1-cre)1Khk | transgene insertion 1, Klaus H Kaestner | alimentary system liver & biliary system mesenchyme | B6;SJL-Tg(Foxl1-cre)1Khk/J | MGI:3769667 | |
Foxl1 | Tg(Foxl1-cre/ERT2)#Khk | transgene insertion, Klaus H Kaestner | alimentary system | MGI:7439803 | ||
Foxl1 | Foxl1tm2(cre/ERT2)Khk | forkhead box L1; targeted mutation 2, Klaus H Kaestner | alimentary system | liver & biliary system renal & urinary system respiratory system | MGI:6711487 | |
Foxl2 | Foxl2tm4(cre)Tre | forkhead box L2; targeted mutation 4, Mathias Treier | MGI:4430207 | |||
Foxl2 | Foxl2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Kliu | forkhead box L2; targeted mutation 1.1, Kui Liu | reproductive system | MGI:5548141 | ||
Foxl2 | Foxl2tm1(GFP/cre/ERT2)Pzg | forkhead box L2; targeted mutation 1, Pumin Zhang | alimentary system head reproductive system endocrine system nervous system | mouse-other limbs extraembryonic component liver & biliary system mesenchyme respiratory system embryo-other integumental system tail hemolymphoid system muscle skeletal system cardiovascular system cavities & their linings sensory organs renal & urinary system adipose tissue | B6;129P2-Foxl2tm1(GFP/cre/ERT2)Pzg/J | MGI:4940388 |
Foxl2 | Foxl2em1(cre)Gaof | forkhead box L2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Fei Gao | respiratory system liver & biliary system reproductive system cardiovascular system renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system | MGI:6739811 | ||
Foxn1 | Tg(Foxn1-cre)1Tbo | transgene insertion 1, Thomas Boehm | MGI:3815021 | |||
Foxn1 | Foxn1em1(icre)Smoc | forkhead box N1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7263400 | |||
Foxn1 | Tg(Foxn1-cre)8Ghr | transgene insertion 8, Georg A Hollander | MGI:3806589 | |||
Foxn1 | Foxn1tm3(cre)Nrm | forkhead box N1; targeted mutation 3, Nancy R Manley | hemolymphoid system alimentary system branchial arches | B6.129-Hs6st1tm1Wvc Foxn1tm3(cre)Nrm/AnuApb B6.129-Ndst1tm1Je Foxn1tm3(cre)Nrm/AnuApb B6.129-Ndst1tm1Je Foxn1tm3(cre)Nrm Tg(CD2-Tcrb)/AnuApb B6(Cg)-Foxn1tm3(cre)Nrm/JAnu B6.129-Atg5tm1Myok Foxn1tm3(cre)Nrm/Wehi B6(Cg)-Foxn1tm3(cre)Nrm/J NOD.B6N(Cg)-Foxn1tm3(cre)Nrm/J | MGI:3760775 | |
Foxn4 | Tg(Foxn4-icre)1Smal | transgene insertion 1, Stavros Malas | MGI:4838412 | |||
Foxn4 | Tg(Foxn4-cre)1Xia | transgene insertion 1, Mengqing Xiang | MGI:4867445 | |||
Foxp1 | Foxp1em2(cre)Smoc | forkhead box P1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750729 | |||
Foxp2 | Foxp2tm1(cre)Zjh | forkhead box P2; targeted mutation 1, Z Josh Huang | MGI:6720891 | |||
Foxp2 | Foxp2tm1.1(cre)Rpa | forkhead box P2; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | B6.Cg-Foxp2tm1.1(cre)Rpa/J | MGI:5896307 | ||
Foxp2 | Foxp2tm1.1(flpo)Tmj | forkhead box P2; targeted mutation 1.1, Thomas M Jessell | MGI:6728072 | |||
Foxp3 | Foxp3tm1(cre)Saka | forkhead box P3; targeted mutation 1, Shimon Sakaguchi | MGI:3812203 | |||
Foxp3 | Tg(Foxp3-RFP,-cre)1Narl | transgene insertion 1, National Applied Research Laboratories | C57BL/6-Tg(Foxp3-RFP,-cre)1Narl/Narl | MGI:5898001 | ||
Foxp3 | Tg(Foxp3-icre)97Gpt | transgene insertion 97, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307377 | |||
Foxp3 | Foxp3tm4(YFP/icre)Ayr | forkhead box P3; targeted mutation 4, Alexander Y Rudensky | mouse-other hemolymphoid system | B6.129X-Foxp3tm4(YFP/cre)Ayr/StvAnuApb B6.129(Cg)-Foxp3tm4(YFP/icre)Ayr/J | MGI:3790499 | |
Foxp3 | Tg(Foxp3-RFP,-cre/ERT2)33Narl | Transgene insertion 33, National Applied Research Laboratories | C57BL/6-Tg(Foxp3-RFP,-cre/ERT2)33Narl/Narl | MGI:5898235 | ||
Foxp3 | Foxp3em5(icre)Smoc | forkhead box P3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 5, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6449825 | |||
Foxp3 | Foxp3tm9(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Ayr | forkhead box P3; targeted mutation 9, Alexander Y Rudensky | STOCK Foxp3tm9(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Ayr/J | MGI:4950935 | ||
Foxp3 | Foxp3em4(cre/ERT2)Smoc | forkhead box P3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6449827 | |||
Foxp3 | Foxp3em6(dre/ERT2)Smoc | forkhead box P3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 6, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724543 | |||
Foxp3 | Foxp3tm1.1(flpo)Daav | forkhead box P3; targeted mutation 1.1, Dario AA Vignali | MGI:7414284 | |||
Foxp3 | Foxp3tm4(EGFP/icre)Tch | forkhead box P3; targeted mutation 4, Talal A Chatila | mouse-other | STOCK Foxp3tm4(icre)Tch/Mmjax | MGI:6717215 | |
Foxp3 | Foxp3tm2.1(EGFP/cre)Shori | forkhead box P3; targeted mutation 2.1, Shohei Hori | B6.Cg-Foxp3tm2.1(EGFP/Cre)Shori | MGI:5609975 | ||
Foxp3 | Tg(Foxp3-EGFP/icre)1aJbs | transgene insertion 1a, Jeffrey Bluestone | B6129S-Tg(Foxp3-EGFP/icre)1aJbs/J | MGI:4430213 | ||
Foxp3 | Tg(Foxp3*-cre,-Thy1)#Xzhou | transgene insertion, Xuyu Zhou | MGI:6117456 | |||
Foxp3 | Tg(Foxp3-EGFP/cre)1cJbs | transgene insertion 1c, Jeffrey Bluestone | NOD/ShiLt-Tg(Foxp3-EGFP/cre)1cJbs/J | MGI:3809724 | ||
Fpr-rs3 | Tg(Fpr-rs3-cre,-GFP)4Irod | transgene insertion 4, Ivan Rodriguez | MGI:7434276 | |||
Fpr-rs3 | Tg(Fpr-rs3-Venus,-cre)#Irod | transgene insertion, Ivan Rodriguez | head sensory organs | MGI:7434259 | ||
Fpr-rs3 | Tg(Fpr-rs3-Venus,-cre)2Irod | transgene insertion 2, Ivan Rodriguez | MGI:7434260 | |||
Fpr-rs3 | Tg(Fpr-rs3-cre,-GFP)2Irod | transgene insertion 2, Ivan Rodriguez | sensory organs head | MGI:7434275 | ||
Fpr-rs3 | Tg(Fpr-rs3-cre,-GFP)#Irod | transgene insertion, Ivan Rodriguez | sensory organs head | MGI:7434274 | ||
Fpr-rs3 | Tg(Fpr-rs3-Venus,-cre)7Irod | transgene insertion 7, Ivan Rodriguez | MGI:7434262 | |||
Fpr-rs3 | Tg(Fpr-rs3-Venus,-cre)5Irod | transgene insertion 5, Ivan Rodriguez | head sensory organs | MGI:7434261 | ||
Fpr-rs3 | Fpr-rs3tm1.1(cre)Irod | formyl peptide receptor, related sequence 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Ivan Rodriguez | head sensory organs nervous system | MGI:7434229 | ||
Frzb | Tg(Frzb-cre)2Tylz | transgene insertion 2, Przemko Tylzanowski | embryo-other head | MGI:3527941 | ||
Frzb | Tg(Frzb-cre)3Tylz | transgene insertion 3, Przemko Tylzanowski | head embryo-other | MGI:4848048 | ||
Frzb | Tg(Frzb-cre)1Tylz | transgene insertion 1, Przemko Tylzanowski | embryo-other branchial arches head sensory organs skeletal system mesenchyme cardiovascular system limbs nervous system | muscle | STOCK Tg(Frzb-cre)1Tylz/Orl | MGI:3527940 |
FSHB | Tg(FSHB-icre)#Kmar | transgene insertion, T Rajendra Kumar | MGI:5908156 | |||
Fshr | Tg(Fshr-cre)1Ldu | transgene insertion 1, Louis Dubeau | reproductive system | B6;D2-Tg(Fshr-cre)1Ldu/J | MGI:3575090 | |
Fshr | Fshrtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ics | follicle stimulating hormone receptor; targeted mutation 1.1, Mouse Clinical Institute | MGI:7863555 | |||
Fshr | Fshrtm1.2(cre)Ics | follicle stimulating hormone receptor; targeted mutation 1.2, Mouse Clinical Institute | MGI:7863563 | |||
Fst | Fstem2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | follistatin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7750737 | |||
Fstl1 | Fstl1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Mvdh | follistatin-like 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Maurice JB van den Hoff | MGI:5293378 | |||
Fstl1 | Fstl1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Ning | follistatin-like 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Wen Ning | respiratory system cardiovascular system | MGI:7314239 | ||
Fstl4 | Tg(Fstl4-cre/ERT)1Jrs | transgene insertion 1, Joshua R Sanes | head sensory organs | MGI:4437479 | ||
Fthl17e | Tg(Fthl17e-Pold1*D400A,-cre)1Tyag | transgene insertion 1, Takeshi Yagi | MGI:7509702 | |||
Fto | Ftotm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | FTO alpha-ketoglutarate dependent dioxygenase; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Ftotm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Ftotm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632490 | ||
Fto | FtoGt(cre/ERT2)1Card | FTO alpha-ketoglutarate dependent dioxygenase; gene trap Ayu21-T95, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7482569 | |||
Fzd10 | Tg(Fzd10-cre/ERT2)2#5Luo | transgene insertion 2#5, Liqun Luo | MGI:7616786 | |||
Fzd10 | Tg(Fzd10-cre)1Chzh | transgene insertion 1, Chunjie Zhao | MGI:3822453 | |||
Fzd10 | Tg(Fzd10-cre/Esr1*)1Chzh | transgene insertion 1, Chunjie Zhao | nervous system head embryo-other | MGI:3841575 | ||
Fzd5 | Tg(Fzd5-icre)63Gpt | transgene insertion 63, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307378 | |||
Fzd9 | Tg(Fzd9-cre)1Chzh | transgene insertion 1, Chunjie Zhao | head nervous system renal & urinary system cardiovascular system sensory organs respiratory system | MGI:4454675 | ||
Fzd9 | Tg(Fzd9-cre/ERT)1Chzh | transgene insertion 1, Chunjie Zhao | MGI:5318266 | |||
Gabra1 | Gabra1em1(cre)Lbrl | gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunit alpha 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Stephen Liberles | nervous system | MGI:6726586 | ||
Gabra6 | Tg(Gabra6-cre)B1Lfr | transgene insertion B1, Louis F Reichardt | nervous system sensory organs muscle head respiratory system skeletal system | alimentary system | B6;D2-Tg(Gabra6-cre)B1Lfr/Mmucd B6.D2-Tg(Gabra6-cre)B1Lfr/Mmucd | MGI:2450934 |
Gabra6 | Gabra6tm2(cre)Wwis | gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunit alpha 6; targeted mutation 2, W Wisden | nervous system head | B6;129P2-Gabra6tm2(cre)Wwis/Mmucd B6.129P2-Gabra6tm2(cre)Wwis/Mmucd | MGI:3047798 | |
Gabra6 | Tg(Gabra6-cre)CWwis | transgene insertion C, W Wisden | nervous system head | MGI:3836806 | ||
GABRA6 | Hprt1tm29(Ple79-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 29, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303385 | |||
GABRA6 | Hprt1tm331a(Ple275-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 331a, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5529935 | |||
GABRA6 | Hprt1tm130(Ple78-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 130, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303213 | |||
GABRA6 | Hprt1tm28(Ple77-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 28, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303374 | |||
GABRA6 | Hprt1tm30(Ple80-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 30, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303397 | |||
GABRA6 | Hprt1tm327(Ple77-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 327, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303413 | |||
Gabrg1 | Gabrg1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunit gamma 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766089 | |||
Gabrr3 | Tg(Gabrr3-cre)QM32Gsat | transgene insertion QM32, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Gabrr3-cre)QM32Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086203 | ||
Gabrr3 | Tg(Gabrr3-cre)KC112Gsat | transgene insertion KC112, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Gabrr3-cre)KC112Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4366817 | |
Gad1 | Gad1tm2(cre)Mony | glutamate decarboxylase 1; targeted mutation 2, Hannah Monyer | MGI:4830465 | |||
Gad1 | Tg(Gad1-cre,-lacZ)1Mini | transgene insertion, Liliana Minichiello | MGI:5486478 | |||
Gad1 | Gad1tm2(cre)Tama | glutamate decarboxylase 1; targeted mutation 2, Nobuaki Tamamaki | head nervous system | MGI:4833682 | ||
Gad1 | Gad1em1(cre)Smoc | glutamate decarboxylase 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766090 | |||
Gad1 | Gad1tm3(cre/PGR*)Tama | glutamate decarboxylase 1; targeted mutation 3, Nobuaki Tamamaki | nervous system head | MGI:7466336 | ||
Gad2 | Tg(Gad2-Ncre/ERT2)1Jhi | transgene insertion 1, Johannes Hirrlinger | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze Tg(Gad2-Ncre/ERT2)1Jhi Tg(Slc6a5-ERT2/Ccre)1Jhi/Ph | MGI:6727873 | |
Gad2 | Gad2em(cre/ERT2)Smoc | glutamic acid decarboxylase 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766091 | |||
Gad2 | Tg(Gad2-Ncre)1Jhi | transgene insertion 1, Johannes Hirrlinger | head nervous system | 129S6;B6-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze Tg(Gad2-Ncre)Jhi Tg(Slc6a5-Ccre)Jhi/Ph | MGI:6468275 | |
Gad2 | Gad2tm1(cre)Bvz | glutamic acid decarboxylase 2; targeted mutation 1, Boris V Zemelman | head nervous system | MGI:5568691 | ||
Gad2 | Gad2tm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | glutamic acid decarboxylase 2; targeted mutation 1, Z Josh Huang | nervous system sensory organs head | reproductive system endocrine system muscle skeletal system adipose tissue hemolymphoid system respiratory system renal & urinary system integumental system cardiovascular system alimentary system liver & biliary system | STOCK Gad2tm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:4355159 |
Gad2 | Gad2tm2(cre)Zjh | glutamic acid decarboxylase 2; targeted mutation 2, Z Josh Huang | integumental system hemolymphoid system head respiratory system sensory organs skeletal system nervous system adipose tissue muscle endocrine system reproductive system mesenchyme alimentary system renal & urinary system cardiovascular system embryo-other liver & biliary system | limbs tail extraembryonic component branchial arches cavities & their linings | STOCK Gad2tm2(cre)Zjh/J B6N.Cg-Gad2tm2(cre)Zjh/J B6J.Cg-Gad2tm2(cre)Zjh/MwarJ | MGI:4418713 |
Gad2 | Gad2em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | glutamic acid decarboxylase 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7289804 | |||
Gad2 | Gad2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Gmbk | glutamic acid decarboxylase 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Gero Miesenboeck | MGI:5473402 | |||
Gad2 | Gad2tm1.1(icre/ERT2)Bcgen | glutamic acid decarboxylase 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Biocytogen LLC | MGI:6761379 | |||
Gad2 | Gad2em2(icre)Smoc | glutamic acid decarboxylase 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7289805 | |||
Gad2 | Gad2tm1.1(flpo)Jnb | glutamic acid decarboxylase 2; targeted mutation 1.1, J Nicholas Betley | MGI:6156370 | |||
Gal | Tg(Gal-cre)KI87Gsat | transgene insertion KI87, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | B6J.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Gal-cre)KI87Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Gal-cre)KI87Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4367008 | ||
Gal | Galtm1(cre)Hmun | galanin and GMAP prepropeptide; targeted mutation 1, Heike Munzberg | MGI:5909271 | |||
Galnt18 | Tg(Galnt18-cre/ERT2)10Yyan | transgene insertion 10, Yuchio Yanagawa | nervous system head | MGI:6840967 | ||
Galr3 | Tg(Galr3-cre)SU30Gsat | transgene insertion SU30, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Galr3-cre)SU30Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311704 | ||
Gap43 | Gap43tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | growth associated protein 43; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Gap43tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Gap43tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632492 | ||
Gas1 | Gas1em1(icre/ERT2)Nono | growth arrest specific 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Noriaki Ono | hemolymphoid system skeletal system limbs | B6.Cg-Gas1em1(icre/ERT2)Nono/J | MGI:7484373 | |
Gas2 | Gas2tm1(GFP/cre/ERT2)Pzg | growth arrest specific 2; targeted mutation 1, Pumin Zhang | MGI:6187669 | |||
Gas2 | Gas2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | growth arrest specific 2; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867255 | |||
Gast | Gasttm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | gastrin; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Gasttm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632493 | ||
Gata1 | Tg(Gata1-cre)1Sho | transgene insertion 1, Stuart Orkin | muscle nervous system head liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system extraembryonic component embryo-other renal & urinary system respiratory system cardiovascular system reproductive system | 129S.Cg-Tg(Gata1-cre)1Sho/MdfJ B6.Cg-Tg(Gata1-cre)1Sho/MdfJ | MGI:2446599 | |
Gata1 | Tg(Gata1-cre)453Sug | transgene insertion 453, Kazuo Sugamura | MGI:3784513 | |||
Gata1 | Tg(Gata1-RFP,-cre/ERT2)48Narl | Transgene insertion 48, National Applied Research Laboratories | C57BL/6-Tg(Gata1-RFP,-cre/ERT2)48Narl/Narl | MGI:5898238 | ||
Gata1 | Tg(Gata1-cre/ERT2)L259Jeng | transgene insertion L259, James Douglas Engel | skeletal system hemolymphoid system | C57BL/6J-Tg(Gata1-cre/ERT2)L259Jeng/J | MGI:6717192 | |
Gata1 | Tg(Gata1-cre/ERT2)2Mym | transgene insertion 2, Masayuki Yamamoto | hemolymphoid system skeletal system | MGI:6852598 | ||
Gata1 | Tg(Gata1-icre)1Jtp | transgene insertion 1, Josef T Prchal | limbs hemolymphoid system skeletal system | nervous system cardiovascular system respiratory system liver & biliary system renal & urinary system head | MGI:5568218 | |
Gata1 | Tg(Gata1-cre/ERT2)1Mym | transgene insertion 1, Masayuki Yamamoto | hemolymphoid system skeletal system | MGI:6852555 | ||
Gata1 | Tg(Gata1-cre)2Bsl | transgene insertion 2, Monica Bessler | MGI:3814186 | |||
Gata1 | Tg(Gata1-cre/ERT)1Mema | transgene insertion 1, Masatsugu Ema | MGI:3814385 | |||
Gata1 | Tg(Gata1-cre/ERT2)L245Jeng | transgene insertion L245, James Douglas Engel | skeletal system hemolymphoid system | MGI:6850167 | ||
Gata2 | Gata2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | GATA binding protein 2; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Gata2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632494 | ||
Gata3 | Tg(Gata3-cre)2476Jeng | transgene insertion 2476, James Douglas Engel | branchial arches sensory organs head | MGI:7442301 | ||
Gata3 | Gata3em1(flpo)Good | GATA binding protein 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Lisa Goodrich | MGI:7855857 | |||
Gata3 | Gata3tm1.1(cre)Gmlz | GATA binding protein 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Guillermo M Lanuza | nervous system head | MGI:5619418 | ||
Gata3 | Tg(Gata3*-cre)2481Jeng | transgene insertion 2481, James Douglas Engel | nervous system branchial arches head sensory organs | MGI:7442302 | ||
Gata3 | Tg(Gata3-cre)2471Jeng | transgene insertion 2471, James Douglas Engel | sensory organs head | MGI:7442300 | ||
Gata4 | Gata4tm1(cre)Svs | GATA binding protein 4; targeted mutation 1, David S Silversides | MGI:3778758 | |||
Gata4 | Tg(Gata4*G4-cre)1Blk | transgene insertion 1, Brian L Black | MGI:4840244 | |||
Gata4 | Tg(Gata4*G2-cre)#Roja | transgene insertion, Anabel Rojas | cavities & their linings cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system | MGI:5805214 | ||
Gata4 | Gata4tm2(cre/ERT2)Ykaw | GATA binding protein 4; targeted mutation 2, Yoshiya Kawaguchi | respiratory system liver & biliary system cardiovascular system alimentary system | MGI:6724013 | ||
GATA5 | Tg(GATA5-cre)1Krc | transgene insertion 1, Kenneth R Chien | mesenchyme renal & urinary system embryo-other muscle cavities & their linings liver & biliary system cardiovascular system | alimentary system reproductive system | MGI:4366011 | |
Gata6 | Gata6tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Fmw | GATA binding protein 6; targeted mutation 1, Fiona M Watt | C57BL/6-Gata6(eGFP;Cre/ERT2)Fmw/H C57BL/6-Gata6tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Fmw/H | MGI:6358513 | ||
Gata6 | Gata6tm1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | GATA binding protein 6; targeted mutation 1, Bin Zhou | MGI:7429141 | |||
GATA6 | Tg(GATA6-cre)#Jbeb | transgene insertion #, John B E Burch | muscle cardiovascular system | MGI:3823206 | ||
Gbx2 | Gbx2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jyhl | gastrulation brain homeobox 2; targeted mutation 1.1, James Y H Li | STOCK Gbx2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jyhl/J | MGI:3840448 | ||
Gcg | Tg(Gcg-cre/ERT2)151.3Ics | transgene insertion 151.3, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.B6J-Tg(Gcg-cre/ERT2)151.3.Ics/Ics | MGI:5500797 | ||
Gcg | Gcgem1(cre/ERT2)Khk | glucagon; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Klaus H Kaestner | B6;129S4-Gcgem1(Cre/ERT2)Khk/Mmjax | MGI:5825448 | ||
Gcg | Gcgtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Gkg | glucagon; targeted mutation 1.1, George K Gittes | B6;129S-Gcgtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Gkg/J | MGI:5898440 | ||
Gcg | Tg(Gcg-icre/ERT2)9Reim | transgene insertion 9, Frank Reimann | alimentary system | MGI:6727379 | ||
Gcg | Tg(Gcg-cre)1Herr | transgene insertion 1, Pedro Luis Herrera | alimentary system endocrine system | B6.Cg-Tg(Gcg-cre)1Herr/Mmnc | MGI:2387564 | |
Gcg | Tg(Gcg-cre)1Slib | transgene insertion 1, Steven K Libutti | endocrine system alimentary system | MGI:3844015 | ||
Gcg | Gcgtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Yasu | glucagon; targeted mutation 1.1, Yasuhiro Yamada | alimentary system endocrine system | MGI:7384334 | ||
Gcg | Tg(Gcg-cre)#Mmsc | transgene insertion, Michael M Scott | C57BL/6J-Tg(Gcg-cre)1Mmsc/Mmmh | MGI:5911310 | ||
Gcg | Tg(Gcg-icre)23Cshi | transgene insertion 23, Chiyo Shiota | nervous system endocrine system head alimentary system | MGI:5529611 | ||
Gcg | Gcgem1(cre)Utr | glucagon; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, University of Tsukuba Laboratory Animal Resource Center | alimentary system nervous system head endocrine system | C57BL/6-Gcgem1(cre)Utr | MGI:6512088 | |
Gcg | Gcgem1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | glucagon; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7299493 | |||
Gcg | Gcgtm1.1(icre)Gkg | glucagon; targeted mutation 1.1, George K Gittes | B6;129S-Gcgtm1.1(icre)Gkg/J | MGI:5898434 | ||
Gcg | Tg(Gcg-icre)12Fmgb | transgene insertion 12, Fiona M Gribble | alimentary system | MGI:5432481 | ||
Gcg | Gcgtm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa | glucagon; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | B6.Cg-Gcgtm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa/J | MGI:5896316 | ||
Gcg | Tg(Gcg-icre/ERT2)17Reim | transgene insertion 17, Frank Reimann | MGI:6727381 | |||
Gcgr | Tg(Gcg-cre/ERT2)1Asp | transgene insertion 1, Andrew S Peterson | MGI:5818288 | |||
Gchfr | Gchfrtm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | GTP cyclohydrolase I feedback regulator; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Gchfrtm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632495 | ||
GCHFR | Hprt1tm137(Ple85-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 137, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303220 | |||
Gck | Gcktm2885(icre)Thor | glucokinase; targeted mutation 2885, Bernard Thorens | nervous system head | C57BL/6-Gcktm2885(icre)Thor/J | MGI:6810750 | |
Gck | Tg(Gck-cre)TG7Gsat | transgene insertion TG7, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Gck-cre)TG7Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435507 | ||
Gck | Tg(Gck-cre)#Rck | transgene insertion #, Jeffrey M Friedman | MGI:5551794 | |||
Gcm1 | Tg(Gcm1-cre)1Chrn | transgene insertion 1, Jean Charron | extraembryonic component reproductive system | STOCK Tg(Gcm1-cre)1Chrn/J | MGI:3841940 | |
Gcm2 | Tg(Gcm2-cre)OC103Gsat | transgene insertion OC103, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | MGI:5528891 | ||
Gdf10 | Tg(Gdf10-cre)OR10Gsat | transgene insertion OR10, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Gdf10-cre)OR10Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051754 | ||
Gdf15 | Gdf15tm1(cre/ERT2)Amc | growth differentiation factor 15; targeted mutation 1, Andrew P McMahon | renal & urinary system | C57BL/6-Gdf15tm1(cre/ERT2)Amc/J | MGI:6382101 | |
Gdf5 | Tg(Gdf5-cre/ERT2)#Mpac | transgene insertion, Maurizio Pacifici | skeletal system limbs | MGI:7435586 | ||
Gdf5 | Tg(Gdf5-cre,-ALPP)1Kng | transgene insertion 1, David M Kingsley | skeletal system limbs mouse-other mesenchyme | FVB/N-Tg(Gdf5-cre,-ALPP)1Kng/J | MGI:3577961 | |
Gdf5 | Gdf5tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Eze | growth differentiation factor 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Elazar Zelzer | MGI:5789619 | |||
GDF6 | Tg(GDF6-cre/ERT2)L2Kng | transgene insertion L2, David M Kingsley | tail embryo-other limbs | STOCK Gdf6tm1Kng Tg(GDF6-cre/ERT2)L2Kng/J | MGI:6093690 | |
Gdf7 | Gdf7tm3(cre)Tmj | growth differentiation factor 7; targeted mutation 3, Thomas M Jessell | MGI:3588567 | |||
Gdf9 | Igs2em6(Gdf9-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 6, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:6715561 | |||
Gdf9 | Tg(Gdf9-icre)5092Coo | transgene insertion 5092, Austin J Cooney | reproductive system | nervous system head respiratory system renal & urinary system cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system liver & biliary system | STOCK Tg(Gdf9-icre)5092Coo/J | MGI:3056522 |
Gdf9 | Igs2em47(Gdf9-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 47, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300660 | |||
Gdf9 | Gdf9tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | growth differentiation factor 9; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867276 | |||
Gdnf | Gdnftm1(cre/ERT2)Cos | glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor; targeted mutation 1, Frank Costantini | B6;129S6-Gdnftm1(cre/ERT2)Cos/J | MGI:5553062 | ||
Gfap | Tg(Gfap-cre)2Ito | transgene insertion 2, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Gfap-cre)2Ito | MGI:7524158 | ||
Gfap | Tg(Gfap-cre)1Ito | transgene insertion 1, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Gfap-cre)1Ito | MGI:7524156 | ||
Gfap | Tg(Gfap-cre)73.12Mvs | transgene insertion 73.12, Michael V Sofroniew | hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system head reproductive system renal & urinary system mesenchyme limbs integumental system endocrine system alimentary system skeletal system muscle nervous system sensory organs | cavities & their linings adipose tissue extraembryonic component liver & biliary system embryo-other tail respiratory system | D2.Cg-Tg(Gfap-cre)73.12Mvs/SjJ B6.Cg-Tg(Gfap-cre)73.12Mvs/J | MGI:3522215 |
Gfap | Tg(Gfap-cre/PGR*)473Gkl | transgene insertion 473, George Kollias | MGI:4367775 | |||
Gfap | Tg(Gfap-cre)4Ito | transgene insertion 4, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Gfap-cre)4Ito | MGI:7524162 | ||
Gfap | Igs2em7(Gfap-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 7, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:6718252 | |||
Gfap | Tg(Gfap-cre/ERT2)2Narl | Transgene insertion 2, National Applied Research Laboratories | C57BL/6-Tg(GFAP-cre/ERT2)2Narl/Narl | MGI:5898240 | ||
Gfap | Tg(Gfap-cre)77.6Mvs | transgene insertion 77.6, Michael V Sofroniew | respiratory system reproductive system nervous system endocrine system muscle hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system alimentary system head sensory organs renal & urinary system | liver & biliary system | B6.Cg-Tg(Gfap-cre)77.6Mvs/2J | MGI:3838840 |
Gfap | Gfaptm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | glial fibrillary acidic protein; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:5811821 | |||
Gfap | Tg(Gfap-cre)2Kmik | transgene insertion 2, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba | MGI:3697333 | |||
Gfap | Tg(Gfap-cre)PK90Gsat | transgene insertion PK90, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Gfap-cre)PK90Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435506 | ||
Gfap | Tg(Gfap-cre)2Brn | transgene insertion 2, Anton Berns | head nervous system | FVB/N-Tg(Gfap-cre)2Brn/Cnrm | MGI:2663939 | |
Gfap | Tg(Gfap-flpo)62Thara | transgene insertion 62, Toshiro Hara | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Tg(Gfap-flpo)62Thara/J | MGI:6294098 | |
Gfap | Gfapem1(dre)Gpt | glial fibrillary acidic protein; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7299532 | |||
Gfap | Tg(Gfap-cre)3Ito | transgene insertion 3, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Gfap-cre)3Ito | MGI:7524160 | ||
Gfap | Tg(Gfap-cre)#Mvs | transgene insertion, Michael V Sofroniew | MGI:5285867 | |||
Gfap | Tg(Gfap-cre)1Sbk | transgene insertion 1, Suzanne Baker | MGI:2448664 | |||
GFAP | Tg(GFAP-cre/ERT2)505Fmv | transgene insertion 505, Flora M Vaccarino | head nervous system | B6.Cg-Tg(GFAP-cre/ERT2)505Fmv/J | MGI:3774167 | |
GFAP | Tg(GFAP-cre)1Kdmc | transgene insertion 1, Ken D McCarthy | head nervous system | MGI:3655847 | ||
GFAP | Tg(GFAP-cre/Esr1*,-lacZ)BSbk | transgene insertion B, Suzanne J Baker | nervous system renal & urinary system alimentary system head reproductive system | hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system endocrine system integumental system sensory organs muscle respiratory system liver & biliary system | MGI:3813947 | |
GFAP | Tg(GFAP-cre)#Gtm | transgene insertion #, David H Gutmann | MGI:3057344 | |||
GFAP | Tg(GFAP-Ncre)VFki | transgene insertion V, Frank Kirchhoff | head sensory organs nervous system | MGI:3833398 | ||
GFAP | Tg(GFAP-cre)8Gtm | transgene insertion 8, David H Gutmann | nervous system head | embryo-other cardiovascular system alimentary system renal & urinary system liver & biliary system | B6.Cg-Tg(GFAP-cre)8Gtm/Nci | MGI:2656248 |
GFAP | Hprt1tm141(Ple90-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 141, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303224 | |||
GFAP | Tg(GFAP-cre)1Gtm | transgene insertion 1, David H Gutmann | head nervous system | MGI:2656247 | ||
GFAP | Tg(GFAP-cre/Esr1*,-lacZ)ASbk | transgene insertion A, Suzanne J Baker | renal & urinary system nervous system alimentary system reproductive system head | integumental system hemolymphoid system endocrine system muscle cardiovascular system liver & biliary system sensory organs respiratory system | FVB/NJ-Tg(GFAP-cre/Esr1*,-lacZ)ASbk/Mmnc | MGI:3813945 |
GFAP | Tg(GFAP-Ccre)FFki | transgene insertion F, Frank Kirchhoff | nervous system head | MGI:3833400 | ||
GFAP | Tg(GFAP-cre/PGR*)2Kdmc | transgene insertion 2, Ken D McCarthy | MGI:3712448 | |||
GFAP | Tg(GFAP-cre/ERT2)13Kdmc | transgene insertion 13, Ken D McCarthy | nervous system head | B6(C3)-Tg(GFAP-cre/ERT2)13Kdmc/Mmmh | MGI:3712447 | |
GFAP | Tg(GFAP-cre/ERT2)1Fki | transgene insertion 1, Frank Kirchhoff | MGI:4418665 | |||
GFAP | Tg(GFAP-cre/Esr1*)10Kdmc | transgene insertion 10, Ken D McCarthy | nervous system head | MGI:3712446 | ||
GFAP | Tg(GFAP-flpo)1Liuch | transgene insertion 1, Chong Liu | MGI:7486189 | |||
GFAP | Tg(GFAP-cre)25Mes | transgene insertion 25, Albee Messing | branchial arches integumental system alimentary system liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system head nervous system skeletal system tail mesenchyme muscle renal & urinary system respiratory system reproductive system sensory organs endocrine system adipose tissue | limbs cavities & their linings extraembryonic component | FVB-Tg(GFAP-cre)25Mes/J D2.FVB-Tg(GFAP-cre)25Mes/SjJ | MGI:2179048 |
GFAP | Tg(GFAP-cre)#Mzhu | transgene insertion, Min-Sheng Zhu | MGI:4839234 | |||
Gfi1 | Gfi1tm2.1(GFP/cre/ERT2)Gan | growth factor independent 1 transcription repressor; targeted mutation 2.1, Lin Gan | sensory organs head | MGI:6477635 | ||
Gfi1 | Gfi1tm2(GFP/cre/ERT2)Gan | growth factor independent 1 transcription repressor; targeted mutation 2, Lin Gan | MGI:6477586 | |||
Gfi1 | Gfi1tm1(cre)Gan | growth factor independent 1 transcription repressor; targeted mutation 1, Lin Gan | liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system head alimentary system nervous system cardiovascular system integumental system respiratory system sensory organs skeletal system renal & urinary system | MGI:4430258 | ||
Gfi1b | Gfi1btm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi | growth factor independent 1B; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:5811823 | |||
Gfra1 | Gfra1tm1(cre/ERT2)Sjn | glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor family receptor alpha 1; targeted mutation 1, Sanjay Jain | MGI:5514386 | |||
Gfra1 | Gfra1tm4.1(cre/ERT2)Jmi | glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor family receptor alpha 1; targeted mutation 4.1, Jeffrey Milbrandt | reproductive system | MGI:6331276 | ||
Gfra1 | Gfra1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Cfi | glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor family receptor alpha 1; targeted mutation 1, Carlos F Ibanez | MGI:6119532 | |||
Gfra3 | Gfra3em1(cre/ERT2)Amc | glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor family receptor alpha 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Andrew P McMahon | C57BL/6N-Gfra3em1(cre/ERT2)Amc/J | MGI:5818208 | ||
Gfral | Gfralem1(cre)Lbrl | GDNF family receptor alpha like; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Stephen Liberles | MGI:7397279 | |||
Gfral | Gfraltm1(cre)Vwwt | GDNF family receptor alpha like; targeted mutation 1, Vicky Wang-Wei Tsai | MGI:7546840 | |||
Gfral | Gfralem1(cre)Rsy | GDNF family receptor alpha like; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Randy J Seeley | B6;SJL-Gfralem1(cre)Rsy/J | MGI:6834782 | ||
Gfral | Gfralem2(cre/ERT2)Rsy | GDNF family receptor alpha like; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Randy J Seeley | B6;SJL-Gfralem2(cre/ERT2)Rsy/J | MGI:6834783 | ||
Gfy | Tg(Gfy-cre)1Yyos | transgene insertion 1, Yoshihiro Yoshihara | sensory organs head nervous system | MGI:5788288 | ||
Gfy | Tg(Gfy-cre,-Gap43/Venus)#Juhi | transgene insertion, Junji Hirota | nervous system head | MGI:7447227 | ||
Ggt1 | Tg(Ggt1-cre)M3Egn | transgene insertion M3, Eric G Neilson | renal & urinary system | STOCK Tg(Ggt1-cre)M3Egn/J | MGI:3811269 | |
Ggt1 | Ggt1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | gamma-glutamyltransferase 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766110 | |||
Ggt1 | Tg(Ggt1-cre/ERT2)1Pepe | transgene insertion 1, Petra Pennekamp | renal & urinary system | B6N;D2-Tg(Ggt1-cre/ERT2)1Pepe/Cnrm | MGI:3798834 | |
Ggt1 | Ggt1em1(cre)Cya | gamma-glutamyltransferase 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7491921 | |||
Gh | Ghem1(cre)Jmz | growth hormone; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Jeffrey M Zigman | integumental system nervous system endocrine system mouse-other head | MGI:7467198 | ||
Gh1 | Tg(Gh1-cre)bKnmn | transgene insertion b, Rhonda D Kineman | reproductive system head endocrine system nervous system | B6.FVB-Tg(Gh1-cre)bKnmn/J | MGI:4442901 | |
GH1 | Tg(GH1-cre)1Sac | transgene insertion 1, Sally A Camper | respiratory system endocrine system limbs integumental system nervous system reproductive system head renal & urinary system | hemolymphoid system liver & biliary system cardiovascular system adipose tissue alimentary system muscle | B6.Cg-Tg(GH1-cre)1Sac/J | MGI:3833232 |
Ghrh | Ghrhtm1.1(cre)Mgmj | growth hormone releasing hormone; targeted mutation 1.1, Martin G Myers, Jr | nervous system head | B6;129-Ghrhtm1.1(cre)Mgmj/J | MGI:6197216 | |
Ghrhr | Tg(Ghrhr-cre)3242Lsk | transgene insertion 3242, Lawrence S Kirschner | nervous system sensory organs limbs head integumental system endocrine system | alimentary system | FVB(Cg)-Tg(Ghrhr-cre)3242Lsk/J | MGI:3771849 |
Ghrl | Ghrltm2.1(cre/EGFP)Suss | ghrelin; targeted mutation 2.1, Lori Sussel | STOCK Ghrltm2.1(cre/EGFP)Suss/J | MGI:5485215 | ||
Ghrl | Ghrlem1(icre)Gpt | ghrelin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7299567 | |||
Ghrl | Tg(Ghrl-icre)#Weiz | transgene insertion, Weizhen Zhang | endocrine system alimentary system | nervous system head | MGI:6341984 | |
Ghrl | Tg(Ghrl-cre)E7Jmz | transgene insertion E7, Jeffrey M Zigman | reproductive system endocrine system alimentary system | liver & biliary system renal & urinary system muscle adipose tissue nervous system head cardiovascular system integumental system | MGI:6718600 | |
Ghrl | Tg(Ghrl-cre/ERT2)107.2Ics | transgene insertion 107.2, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Ghrl-cre/ERT2)107.2Ics/Ics | MGI:7346149 | ||
Ghsr | Ghsrtm1.1(cre)Jmz | growth hormone secretagogue receptor; targeted mutation 1.1, Jeffrey M Zigman | head nervous system endocrine system alimentary system | MGI:6759033 | ||
Gip | Tg(Gip-icre)117Jjho | transgene insertion 117, Jens J Holst | MGI:6758286 | |||
Gipr | Giprem1(icre)Reim | gastric inhibitory polypeptide receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Frank Reimann | head integumental system nervous system alimentary system adipose tissue | MGI:6765436 | ||
Gja1 | Gja1em1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | gap junction protein, alpha 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724250 | |||
Gja1 | Gja1tm5(cre/ERT)Kwi | gap junction protein, alpha 1; targeted mutation 5, Klaus Willecke | B6.129P2-Gja1tm5(cre/ERT)Kwi/Cnrm | MGI:2676327 | ||
Gja10 | Tg(Gja10-cre/ERT2)#Tfur | transgene insertion, Takahisa Furukawa | head sensory organs | MGI:7438249 | ||
Gja10 | Gja10tm2.1(cre)Kwi | gap junction protein, alpha 10; targeted mutation 2.1, Klaus Willecke | hemolymphoid system | MGI:4867556 | ||
Gja10 | Tg(Gja10-cre)14Brsk | transgene insertion 14, Botond Roska | head sensory organs | MGI:5634458 | ||
Gja10 | Gja10tm1.1(icre)Aah | gap junction protein, alpha 10; targeted mutation 1.1, Arlene Hirano | head sensory organs | MGI:5908159 | ||
Gja5 | Gja5tm2(cre/ERT2,RFP)Lumi | gap junction protein, alpha 5; targeted mutation 2, Lucile Miquerol | cardiovascular system | MGI:4941829 | ||
Gjb6 | Tg(Gjb6-cre/ERT2)53-33Fwp | transgene insertion 53-33, Frank W Pfrieger | alimentary system nervous system respiratory system head muscle cardiovascular system | liver & biliary system sensory organs hemolymphoid system | B6.FVB-Tg(Gjb6-cre/ERT2)53-33Fwp/Orl | MGI:4420273 |
Gjd3 | Gjd3tm1.1(cre/EGFP)Nmun | gap junction protein, delta 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Nikhil V Munshi | muscle cardiovascular system | embryo-other | MGI:7444430 | |
Gkn1 | Gkn1em1(icre)Gpt | gastrokine 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7299605 | |||
Gli1 | Gli1tm3(cre/ERT2)Alj | GLI-Kruppel family member GLI1; targeted mutation 3, Alexandra L Joyner | skeletal system integumental system mesenchyme embryo-other limbs muscle head nervous system | STOCK Gli1tm3(cre/ERT2)Alj/J B6.129S6(Cg)-Gli1tm3(cre/ERT2)Alj/RtigJ | MGI:3053957 | |
Gli1 | Gli1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | GLI-Kruppel family member GLI1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724555 | |||
Gli2 | Gli2tm1(cre/ERT2)Tipe | GLI-Kruppel family member GLI2; targeted mutation 1, Tien Peng | respiratory system | MGI:6195610 | ||
Glp1r | Glp1rtm1.1(cre)Lbrl | glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor; targeted mutation 1.1, Stephen Liberles | nervous system | STOCK Glp1rtm1.1(cre)Lbrl/RcngJ | MGI:5776617 | |
Glp1r | Glp1rtm1.1(cre)Cors | glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor; targeted mutation 1.1, Cathrine Orskov | endocrine system renal & urinary system liver & biliary system nervous system integumental system adipose tissue cardiovascular system alimentary system hemolymphoid system respiratory system | muscle | MGI:6718964 | |
Glp1r | Tg(Glp1r-icre)#Fmgb | transgene insertion, Fiona M Gribble | nervous system liver & biliary system cardiovascular system alimentary system head renal & urinary system endocrine system muscle | MGI:5755096 | ||
Glp1r | Glp1rem1(icre)Smoc | glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7289891 | |||
Gls2 | Gls2em1(cre/ERT2)Hzhu | glutaminase 2 (liver, mitochondrial); endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Hao Zhu | STOCK Gls2em1(cre/ERT2)Hzhu/J | MGI:6704902 | ||
Glul | Glulem1(cre/ERT2)Hzhu | glutamate-ammonia ligase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Hao Zhu | STOCK Glulem1(cre/ERT2)Hzhu/J | MGI:6704906 | ||
Glul | Glulem2(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | glutamate-ammonia ligase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Bin Zhou | MGI:7451132 | |||
Gm33628 | Gm33628Gt(CAG-cre/ERT2)1Arak | predicted gene, 33628; gene trap 1, Kimi Araki | MGI:7492230 | |||
Gm37352 | Gm37352Gt(cre/ERT2)2Card | predicted gene, 37352; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7521932 | |||
Gm37352 | Gm37352Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | predicted gene, 37352; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7482670 | |||
Gm38618 | Gm38618Gt(cre)2Card | predicted gene, 38618; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7482666 | |||
Gm38618 | Gm38618Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | predicted gene, 38618; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7482664 | |||
Gm38618 | Gm38618Gt(cre)3Card | predicted gene, 38618; gene trap 3, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7482667 | |||
Gm5127 | Tg(Gm5127-cre/ERT2)1Mhsi | transgene insertion 1, Michael Simons | cardiovascular system | B6;SJL-Tg(Gm5127-cre/ERT2)1Mhsi/J | MGI:7490280 | |
Gnai1 | Gnai1tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | G protein subunit alpha i1; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Gnai1tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632496 | ||
Gnai2 | Gnai2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | G protein subunit alpha i2; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Gnai2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Gnai2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632497 | ||
Gnao1 | Gnao1tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha O; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | cardiovascular system respiratory system hemolymphoid system alimentary system nervous system head sensory organs renal & urinary system endocrine system reproductive system muscle | embryo-other tail integumental system extraembryonic component mouse-other limbs liver & biliary system cavities & their linings adipose tissue mesenchyme skeletal system | MGI:5754964 | |
Gnat2 | Gnat2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Eye | G protein subunit alpha transducin 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Stephen H Tsang | sensory organs head | MGI:7514880 | ||
Gnb4 | Gnb4em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7299700 | |||
Gnb4 | Gnb4tm1.1(cre)Hze | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Gnb4tm1.1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:5806633 | ||
Gnb4 | Gnb4tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Hze | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Gnb4tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Hze/J | MGI:5904049 | ||
Gng4 | Gng4tm2(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 4; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Gng4tm2(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5660016 | ||
Gng7 | Tg(Gng7-cre)KH67Gsat | transgene insertion KH67, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Gng7-cre)KH67Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4367011 | ||
Gng7 | Gng7tm1(cre)Mmsh | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 7; targeted mutation 1, Masayoshi Mishina | MGI:3833955 | |||
Gng7 | Gng7tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 7; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Gng7tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Gng7tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632498 | ||
Gng7 | Gng7tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 7; EUCOMM targeted mutation 1.1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:5766130 | |||
Gng7 | Gng7tm2(cre/PGR)Mmsh | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 7; targeted mutation 2, Masayoshi Mishina | MGI:3833956 | |||
Gng7 | Tg(Gng7-cre)KH71Gsat | transgene insertion KH71, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Gng7-cre)KH71Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Gng7-cre)KH71Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4367014 | |
Gng8 | Gng8tm1.1(cre)Irod | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 8; targeted mutation 1.1, Ivan Rodriguez | sensory organs head | MGI:5908376 | ||
Gngt2 | Gngt2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma transducing activity polypeptide 2; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867289 | |||
Gnrh1 | Tg(Gnrh1-cre)1Dlc | transgene insertion 1, Catherine Dulac | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Gnrh1-cre)1Dlc/J | MGI:3691288 | |
Gnrh1 | Tg(Gnrh1-tetO-cre,CMV-tetR)1Awo | transgene insertion 1, Andrew Wolfe | head nervous system | MGI:4437221 | ||
Gnrh1 | Tg(Gnrh1-cre)35Awo | transgene insertion 35, Andrew Wolfe | nervous system head | MGI:4437236 | ||
Gnrh1 | Tg(Gnrh1-icre/ERT2)9Jde | transgene insertion 9, Jan Deussing | head nervous system | MGI:6754136 | ||
Gnrh1 | Tg(Gnrh1-cre)1Gsc | transgene insertion 1, Gunther Schutz | nervous system head | MGI:3696671 | ||
Gnrh1 | Tg(Gnrh1-cre)1Rsp | transgene insertion 1, Rolf Sprengel | head nervous system | MGI:3612443 | ||
Gnrh1 | Tg(Gnrh1-icre/Esr1*)1Rsp | transgene insertion 1, Rolf Sprengel | head nervous system | MGI:4943337 | ||
Gnrh1 | Gnrh1em1(cre)Smoc | gonadotropin releasing hormone 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766118 | |||
Gnrhr | Gnrhrtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Djb | gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor; targeted mutation 1.1, Daniel J Bernard | MGI:5908151 | |||
Gnrhr | Gnrhrtm1.1(cre)Uboe | gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor; targeted mutation 1.1, Ulrich Boehm | MGI:3795249 | |||
Golm1 | Golm1tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | golgi membrane protein 1; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | integumental system reproductive system respiratory system nervous system head cardiovascular system branchial arches liver & biliary system alimentary system embryo-other hemolymphoid system renal & urinary system sensory organs skeletal system endocrine system mesenchyme | muscle extraembryonic component cavities & their linings adipose tissue tail mouse-other limbs | MGI:5897179 | |
Gp1ba | Gp1batm1.1(icre)Yose | glycoprotein 1b, alpha polypeptide; targeted mutation 1.1, Yotis A Senis | MGI:6504221 | |||
Gp1ba | Gp1baem1(icre)Smoc | glycoprotein 1b, alpha polypeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7289942 | |||
Gp1ba | Tg(Gp1ba-cre/ERT2)28.21Ics | transgene insertion 28.21, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Gp1ba-cre/ERT2)28.21Ics/Ics | MGI:7346153 | ||
Gpa33 | Gpa33tm2(cre/PGR*)Ern | glycoprotein A33 transmembrane; targeted mutation 2, Matthias Ernst | MGI:6806128 | |||
Gper1 | Gper1em1(cre)Smoc | G protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | nervous system endocrine system head | MGI:6764548 | ||
Gpr101 | Tg(Gpr101-cre)AKldr | transgene insertion A, Klas Kullander | MGI:5911689 | |||
Gpr101 | Tg(Gpr101-cre)BKldr | transgene insertion B, Klas Kullander | C57BL/6-Tg(Gpr101-cre)BKldr/Kctt | MGI:5911690 | ||
Gpr139 | Gpr139tm1.1(flpo)Tasic | G protein-coupled receptor 139; targeted mutation 1.1, Bosiljka Tasic | B6.129S6-Gpr139tm1.1(flpo)Tasic/J | MGI:6514363 | ||
Gpr141b | Gpr141btm2(icre)Ciphe | G protein-coupled receptor 141B; targeted mutation 2, Centre d'ImmunoPhenomique | MGI:6279767 | |||
Gpr141b | Gpr141bem2(icre)Smoc | G protein-coupled receptor 141B; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7289966 | |||
Gpr151 | Tg(Gpr151-cre)#Ito | transgene insertion, Shigeyoshi Itohara | nervous system head | C57BL/6J-Tg(Gpr151-cre)#Ito | MGI:5587996 | |
Gpr17 | Gpr17em1(cre)Gfng | G protein-coupled receptor 17; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Guoping Feng | C57BL/6J-Gpr17em1(cre)Gfng/J | MGI:7571198 | ||
Gpr17 | Tg(Gpr17-icre/ERT2)#Ldim | transgene insertion, Leda Dimou | nervous system head | MGI:5701517 | ||
Gpr171 | Gpr171em1(cre)Smoc | G protein-coupled receptor 171; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766127 | |||
Gpr26 | Tg(Gpr26-cre)KO269Gsat | transgene insertion KO269, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Gpr26-cre)KO269Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086170 | ||
Gpr26 | Tg(Gpr26-cre)KO250Gsat | transgene insertion KO250, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Gpr26-cre)KO250Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Gpr26-cre)KO250Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4847098 | |
Gpr26 | Tg(Gpr26-cre)KO273Gsat | transgene insertion KO273, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Gpr26-cre)KO273Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4847100 | |
Gpr4 | Gpr4tm1(cre)Skas | G protein-coupled receptor 4; targeted mutation 1, Sergey Kasparov | head nervous system cardiovascular system | MGI:7446684 | ||
Gpr52 | Tg(Gpr52-cre)116FKohi | transgene insertion 116F, Hidetoshi Komatsu | head nervous system | MGI:5618128 | ||
Gpr65 | Gpr65em2(icre)Smoc | G-protein coupled receptor 65; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7289987 | |||
Gpr65 | Gpr65tm1.1(cre)Lbrl | G-protein coupled receptor 65; targeted mutation 1.1, Stephen Liberles | nervous system | STOCK Gpr65tm1.1(cre)Lbrl/RcngJ | MGI:5776540 | |
Gpr68 | Gpr68em1(cre)Blr | G protein-coupled receptor 68; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bryan Roth | MGI:7867180 | |||
Gpr68 | Gpr68em2(cre)Blr | G protein-coupled receptor 68; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Bryan Roth | MGI:7867224 | |||
Gpr83 | Gpr83tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ddg | G protein-coupled receptor 83; targeted mutation 1.1, David D Ginty | nervous system | STOCK Gpr83tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ddg/J | MGI:7539709 | |
Gpr88 | Gpr88tm2(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi | G-protein coupled receptor 88; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Gpr88tm2(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5811828 | ||
Gpr88 | Tg(Gpr88-cre)RX50Gsat | transgene insertion RX50, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Gpr88-cre)RX50Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086202 | |
Gpr88 | Tg(Gpr88-cre)1Kmik | transgene insertion 1, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba | nervous system head | C57BL/6J-Tg(Gpr88-cre)1Kmik | MGI:5559595 | |
Gpr88 | Gpr88tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa | G-protein coupled receptor 88; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | B6.129S4-Gpr88tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa/J | MGI:4947986 | ||
GPR88 | Hprt1tm359a(Ple94-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 359a, Elizabeth M Simpson | B6.Cg-Hprt1tm359(Ple94-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5568240 | ||
Gpx3 | Gpx3tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | glutathione peroxidase 3; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Gpx3tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Gpx3tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632500 | ||
Gpx3 | Gpx3tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | glutathione peroxidase 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57bL/6NTac-Gpx3tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Gpx3tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632499 | ||
Gramd2a | Gramd2aem1(cre/ERT2)Zboro | GRAM domain containing 2A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Zea Borok | MGI:7660800 | |||
Grem1 | Tg(Grem1-cre/ERT)3Tcw | transgene insertion 3, Timothy C Wang | skeletal system alimentary system integumental system limbs mesenchyme | B6.Cg-Tg(Grem1-cre/ERT)3Tcw/J | MGI:5620176 | |
Grem1 | Grem1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Snjt | gremlin 1, DAN family BMP antagonist; targeted mutation 1.1, Shannon J Turley | hemolymphoid system | MGI:6718253 | ||
Grem1 | Grem1em1(tdTomato,-icre/ERT2)Yil | gremlin 1, DAN family BMP antagonist; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Omer Yilmaz | MGI:7624527 | |||
Grhl3 | Grhl3tm1(cre)Cgh | grainyhead like transcription factor 3; targeted mutation 1, Shaun R Coughlin | alimentary system embryo-other | STOCK Grhl3tm1(cre)Cgh/Mmucd | MGI:4430902 | |
Grid2 | Grid2tm1(cre)Mwa | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, delta 2; targeted mutation 1, Masahiko Watanabe | MGI:4949272 | |||
Grid2 | Grid2tm1(cre/PGR*)Ksak | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, delta 2; targeted mutation 1, Kenji Sakimura | nervous system head | MGI:3577356 | ||
Grik2 | Grik2em1(icre)Gpt | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 2 (beta 2); endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7299893 | |||
Grik4 | Grik4tm1(cre)Ksak | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 4; targeted mutation 1, Kenji Sakimura | head nervous system | MGI:4360478 | ||
Grik4 | Tg(Grik4-cre)G35-3Stl | transgene insertion G35-3, Susumu Tonegawa | nervous system head | MGI:4455188 | ||
Grik4 | Tg(Grik4-cre)1Phs | transgene insertion 1, Peter H Seeburg | nervous system head | MGI:2176224 | ||
Grik4 | Tg(Grik4-cre)G32-4Stl | transgene insertion G32-4, Susumu Tonegawa | integumental system alimentary system branchial arches endocrine system nervous system adipose tissue reproductive system mesenchyme liver & biliary system sensory organs hemolymphoid system head respiratory system skeletal system cardiovascular system muscle cavities & their linings renal & urinary system | limbs extraembryonic component | C57BL/6-Tg(Grik4-cre)G32-4Stl/J | MGI:2387441 |
Grik4 | Grik4tm1(cre)Mim | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 4; targeted mutation 1, Masayoshi Mishina | MGI:3850720 | |||
Grik4 | Grik4tm1.1(cre)Slab | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Ralf Schoepfer | B6.Cg-Grik4tm1.1(cre)Slab/H B6(Cg)-Grik4tm1.1(cre)Slab/H | MGI:4398684 | ||
Grin2c | Tg(Grin2c-cre/PGR)25Mim | transgene insertion 25, Masayoshi Mishina | head nervous system | MGI:2446605 | ||
Grin2c | Grin2ctm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, NMDA2C (epsilon 3); targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Grin2ctm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Grin2ctm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5632501 | ||
Grin2c | Grin2ctm2(icre)Mwa | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, NMDA2C (epsilon 3); targeted mutation 2, Masahiko Watanabe | MGI:5306941 | |||
Grm2 | Tg(Grm2-cre)MR89Gsat | transgene insertion MR89, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Grm2-cre)MR89Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311758 | ||
Grm2 | Tg(Grm2-cre)MR90Gsat | transgene insertion MR90, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Grm2-cre)MR90Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4940613 | |
Grm2 | Tg(Grm2-cre,-EGFP)631Lfr | transgene insertion 631, Louis F Reichardt | B6;FVB-Tg(Grm2-cre,-EGFP)631Lfr/Mmucd | MGI:4943473 | ||
Grm6 | Tg(Grm6-cre)#Rolw | transgene insertion, Rachel O L Wong | head sensory organs | MGI:6850002 | ||
Grm6 | Tg(Grm6-icre)1Rlbn | transgene insertion 1, R Lane Brown | sensory organs head | MGI:4411993 | ||
Grm6 | Tg(Grm6-cre)7Tfur | transgene insertion 7, Takahisa Furukawa | sensory organs head | B6.Cg-Tg(Grm6-cre)7Tfur/TfurRbrc | MGI:7444015 | |
Grm6 | Tg(Grm6-flpo)1Tfur | transgene insertion 1, Takahisa Furukawa | B6;B6C3-Tg(Grm6-FLPo)1Tfur | MGI:7529813 | ||
Grm6 | Tg(Grm6-cre)#Brsk | transgene insertion, Botond Roska | head sensory organs | MGI:5634477 | ||
Grp | Tg(Grp-cre)KH288Gsat | transgene insertion KH288, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Grp-cre)KH288Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Grp-cre)KH288Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4367023 | |
Grp | Grptm1.1(EGFP/cre)Zfc | gastrin releasing peptide; targeted mutation 1.1, Zhou-Feng Chen | B6;129S-Grptm1.1(EGFP/cre)Zfc/J | MGI:6285760 | ||
Grp | Grpem1(cre)Smoc | gastrin releasing peptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514741 | |||
Grp | Grptm1.1(icre)Himo | gastrin releasing peptide; targeted mutation 1.1, Hisashi Mori | head nervous system | C57BL/6-Grptm1.1(icre)Himo | MGI:6201709 | |
Grp | Tg(Grp-cre)KH107Gsat | transgene insertion KH107, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Grp-cre)KH107Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4367018 | ||
GRP | Hprt1tm152(Ple100-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 152, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303235 | |||
GRP | Hprt1tm150(Ple99-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 150, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303233 | |||
Grpr | Grprtm2(icre)Zfc | gastrin releasing peptide receptor; targeted mutation 2, Zhou-Feng Chen | B6.129S-Grprtm2(icre)Zfc/J | MGI:6729692 | ||
Grpr | Grprem2(flpo)Ygs | gastrin releasing peptide receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Yan-Gang Sun | nervous system head | MGI:6740372 | ||
Grpr | Grprem1(icre/ERT2)Ygs | gastrin releasing peptide receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Yan-Gang Sun | nervous system head | MGI:6740210 | ||
Grpr | Grprem3(cre)Smoc | gastrin releasing peptide receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766140 | |||
Grpr | Grprem1(flpo)Ionsz | gastrin releasing peptide receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Qiang Sun | MGI:5882369 | |||
Grpr | Tg(Grpr-icre)#Mlag | transgene insertion, Malin C Lagerstrom | nervous system head | MGI:6119666 | ||
Gsc2 | Tg(Gsc2-cre)RD32Gsat | transgene insertion RD32, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Gsc2-cre)RD32Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435505 | ||
Gsdma2 | Gsdma2tm1(GFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | gasdermin A2; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:6095194 | |||
Gsx1 | Tg(Gsx1-cre)6Wql | transgene insertion 6, Wenqin Luo | STOCK Tg(Gsx1-cre)6Wql/J | MGI:5780863 | ||
Gsx2 | Tg(Gsx2-icre)1Kess | transgene insertion 1, Nicoletta Kessaris | nervous system head | B6;CBA-Tg(Gsx2-icre)1Kess/J | MGI:3761171 | |
Gsx2 | Gsx2em1(cre)Kta | GS homeobox 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Kohichi Tanaka | C57BL/6J-Gsx2em1(cre)Kta | MGI:7610677 | ||
Gsx2 | Gsx2em1(flpo)Bche | GS homeobox 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Chen | head nervous system | MGI:6758119 | ||
Gsx2 | Gsx2em2(cre)Kta | GS homeobox 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Kohichi Tanaka | MGI:7610678 | |||
GSX2 | Tg(GSX2-cre,-EGFP)4Kc | transgene insertion 4, Kenneth Campbell | head nervous system | MGI:6791330 | ||
Gtayu1 | Tg(Ayu1-cre)#Imeg | transgene insertion, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:5524265 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-106)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-106)ImegGt(cre)1Card | gene trap Ayu21-106, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7482653 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-T188)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-T188)ImegGt(cre)1Card | gene trap Ayu21-T188, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 1, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:7522278 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-T188)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-T188)ImegGt(cre)2Card | gene trap Ayu21-T188, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 2, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:7522280 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-T34)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-T34)ImegGt(cre/ERT2)1Card | gene trap Ayu21-T34, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 1, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:7522230 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-T34)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-T34)ImegGt(cre)4Card | gene trap Ayu21-T34, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 4, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:7522269 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-T34)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-T34)ImegGt(cre)3Card | gene trap Ayu21-T34, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 3, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:7522263 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-T34)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-T34)ImegGt(cre/ERT2)2Card | gene trap Ayu21-T34, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 2, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:7522260 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-W115)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-W115)ImegGt(cre)2Card | gene trap Ayu21-W115, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 2, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:7482660 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-W115)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-W115)ImegGt(cre)1Card | gene trap Ayu21-W115, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 1, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:7482659 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-W147)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-W147)ImegGt(cre)1Card | gene trap 1, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:7482663 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-W241)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-W241)ImegGt(cre)4Card | gene trap Ayu21-W241, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 4, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493076 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-W241)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-W241)ImegGt(cre/ERT2)1Card | gene trap Ayu21-W241, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 1, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:7482675 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-W241)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-W241)ImegGt(cre/ERT2)2Card | gene trap Ayu21-W241, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493074 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-W241)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-W241)ImegGt(cre)3Card | gene trap Ayu21-W241, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 3, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493075 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-W241)Img | Gt(Ayu21-W241)ImgGt(cre)1Arak | gene trap Ayu21-W241, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 1, Kimi Araki | MGI:7492219 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-W52)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-W52)ImegGt(cre/ERT2)3Card | gene trap Ayu21-W52, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 3, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493079 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-W52)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-W52)ImegGt(cre)4Card | gene trap Ayu21-W52, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 4, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:7493080 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-W52)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-W52)ImegGt(cre/ERT2)1Card | gene trap Ayu21-W52, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493077 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-W52)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-W52)ImegGt(cre)5Card | gene trap Ayu21-W52, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 5, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:7493081 | |||
Gt(Ayu21-W52)Imeg | Gt(Ayu21-W52)ImegGt(cre/ERT2)2Card | gene trap Ayu21-W52, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493078 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.1(HIFA/cre/ERT2)Yunz | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1.1, Zhong Yun | MGI:6452621 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3.1(cre/ERT2)Vlcg | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 3.1, Velocigene | MGI:5545927 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm2(FLP*)Sor | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 2, Philippe Soriano | 129S4/SvJae-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm2(FLP*)Sor/J B6.129S4-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm2(FLP*)Sor/J | MGI:3766925 | ||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Tg(Gt(ROSA)26Sor-cre)15Eps | transgene insertion 15, Eric Sandgren | MGI:3715365 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm6(dre/PGR*)Dwi | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 6, Douglas J Winton | liver & biliary system integumental system hemolymphoid system alimentary system renal & urinary system | respiratory system skeletal system cardiovascular system | MGI:6719400 | |
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm6(cre)Sor | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 6, Philippe Soriano | MGI:6402709 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm2(EGFP/cre)Alj | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 2, Alexandra L Joyner | B6N.129S6(Cg)-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm2(EGFP/cre)Alj/J STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm2(EGFP/cre)Alj/J | MGI:5432030 | ||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sorem1(CAG-dre/ERT2)Bzsh | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | MGI:6386789 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/ERT2)Tyj | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, Tyler Jacks | nervous system alimentary system head endocrine system respiratory system hemolymphoid system adipose tissue skeletal system liver & biliary system sensory organs reproductive system integumental system renal & urinary system cardiovascular system muscle | B6;129-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/Esr1)Tyj/Nci B6.129-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/ERT2)Tyj/AusbAnu B6.129-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/ERT2)Tyj/J | MGI:3699244 | |
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sorem47(CAG-phiC31)Smoc | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; endonuclease-mediated mutation 47, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7290056 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm6(cre/ESR1)Arte | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 6, TaconicArtemis | MGI:5551323 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(cre/ESR1)Arte | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 9, TaconicArtemis | C57BL/6-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(Cre/ESR1)Arte B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(cre/ESR1)Arte Ddx5tm1.1Arte/ArteH | MGI:3763211 | ||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm2(icre/ERT2)Jphe | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 2, Jean-Paul Herman | respiratory system cardiovascular system nervous system endocrine system reproductive system liver & biliary system renal & urinary system integumental system hemolymphoid system head muscle | B6;129-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm2(icre/ERT2)Jphe/Orl | MGI:3793441 | |
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(creB)Dwi | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, Douglas J Winton | MGI:5486456 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Tg(Gt(ROSA)26Sor-Ncre/vvd*,-vvd*/Ccre)2Tofu | transgene insertion 2, Toshihiko Fujimori | MGI:7468982 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sorem112(cre/ERT2)Smoc | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; endonuclease-mediated mutation 112, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7290054 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm17(flpo)Imeg | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 17, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:6758625 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/ERT)Brn | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, Anton Berns | integumental system liver & biliary system respiratory system alimentary system renal & urinary system cavities & their linings | hemolymphoid system sensory organs nervous system cardiovascular system reproductive system muscle head endocrine system | STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/ERT)Brn Gjb2tm1Ugds/Cnrm | MGI:2445311 |
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm2(cre/ERT2)Brn | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 2, Anton Berns | renal & urinary system nervous system liver & biliary system integumental system cardiovascular system embryo-other head alimentary system extraembryonic component | STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm2(cre/ERT2)Brn/Cnrm | MGI:3764519 | |
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/ERT2)Thl | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, Thomas Ludwig | MGI:3701992 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm8(cre/Esr1*)Nat | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 8, Jeremy Nathans | B6;129-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm8(cre/Esr1*)Nat/J | MGI:5578185 | ||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(FLP1)Wtsi | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6N-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(FLP1)Wtsi/Mmucd C57BL/6N-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(FLP1)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5496383 | ||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm7(cre/ESR1)Arte | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 7, TaconicArtemis | MGI:5551325 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(FLP1)Dym | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, Susan Dymecki | reproductive system limbs nervous system mesenchyme head muscle embryo-other | C57BL/6N;Fam120btm1a(EUCOMM)Hmgu Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(FLP1)Dym Edil3Tg(Sox2-cre)1Amc/Macara/Vu C57BL/6N;Fam120btm1a(EUCOMM)Hmgu/Macara/Vu B6N.129S4-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(FLP1)Dym/J 129S4/SvJaeSor-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(FLP1)Dym/J B6.129S4-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(FLP1)Dym/RainJ | MGI:2429412 | |
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/Esr1*)Nns | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, Nicholas N Smithers | MGI:5566525 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Tg(Gt(ROSA)26Sor-Ncre/vvd*,-vvd*/Ccre)3Tofu | transgene insertion 3, Toshihiko Fujimori | MGI:7468983 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(cre)Ozg | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 3, Ozgene | MGI:7277809 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm5(phiC31)Sor | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 5, Philippe Soriano | embryo-other | MGI:4829675 | ||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sorem7(cre/ERT2)Gpt | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; endonuclease-mediated mutation 7, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7299986 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm16(cre/ERT2)Imeg | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 16, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7526266 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/ERT)Nat | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, Jeremy Nathans | head nervous system sensory organs reproductive system | B6.Cg-Engtm2.1Hma Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/ERT)Nat Tg(CAG-EGFP*)#Hma/H B6;129-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/ERT)Nat/J | MGI:2669525 | |
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Tg(Gt(ROSA)26Sor-Ncre/vvd*,-vvd*/Ccre)#Tofu | transgene insertion, Toshihiko Fujimori | MGI:7468984 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm43(flpo)Imeg | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 43, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:6758626 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm13(cre/ERT2)Imeg | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 13, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7526264 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm6(cre)Mom | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 6, Peter Mombaerts | MGI:7444767 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm13(dre)Maoh | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 13, Masato Ohtsuka | mouse-other sensory organs head liver & biliary system | MGI:7516500 | ||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm5(dre)Dwi | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 5, Douglas J Winton | alimentary system respiratory system hemolymphoid system integumental system skeletal system cardiovascular system liver & biliary system renal & urinary system | mouse-other | MGI:6719399 | |
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm16(cre)Arte | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 16, TaconicArtemis | C57BL/6NTac-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm16(cre)Arte | MGI:3839354 | ||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4(flpe)Vlcg | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 4, Velocigene | MGI:5546037 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/ERT2)Alj | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, Alexandra L Joyner | MGI:3778915 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm5(flpo)Imeg | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 5, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | MGI:6758627 | |||
Gt(ROSA)26Sor | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(phiC31*)Sor | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 3, Philippe Soriano | embryo-other | B6;129S4-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(phiC31*)Sor/J B6.129S4-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(phiC31*)Sor/J | MGI:3766932 | |
Gucy1b2 | Gucy1b2tm4(cre)Mom | guanylate cyclase 1, soluble, beta 2; targeted mutation 4, Peter Mombaerts | MGI:6719244 | |||
Gucy1b2 | Gucy1b2tm4.1(cre)Mom | guanylate cyclase 1, soluble, beta 2; targeted mutation 4.1, Peter Mombaerts | STOCK Gucy1b2tm4.1(cre)Mom/MomJ | MGI:6719255 | ||
Gucy2d | Gucy2dem1(cre)Baccm | guanylate cyclase 2d; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Mark Baccei | MGI:7639690 | |||
Gucy2g | Tg(Gucy2g-cre,-EGFP)52Irod | transgene insertion 52, Ivan Rodriguez | MGI:5430756 | |||
Gzf1 | Gzf1Gt(cre)3Card | GDNF-inducible zinc finger protein 1; gene trap 3, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493085 | |||
Gzf1 | Gzf1Gt(cre)1Card | GDNF-inducible zinc finger protein 1; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493083 | |||
Gzf1 | Gzf1Gt(cre)2Card | GDNF-inducible zinc finger protein 1; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493084 | |||
Gzmb | Tg(Gzmb-cre/ERT2)1Dtf | transgene insertion 1, Douglas T Fearon | MGI:3830652 | |||
GZMB | Tg(GZMB-cre)1Jcb | transgene insertion 1, Joshy Jacob | cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system | NOD.FVB(B6)-Tg(GZMB-cre)1Jcb/YgchJ B6;FVB-Tg(GZMB-cre)1Jcb/J | MGI:2176191 | |
Gzmm | Gzmmtm1(cre)Mjs | granzyme M (lymphocyte met-ase 1); targeted mutation 1, Mark J Smyth | MGI:3665444 | |||
H2 | Tg(H2-Ead-cre)158Jcb | transgene insertion 158, Joshy Jacob | hemolymphoid system | MGI:4454551 | ||
H2-T3 | Tg(H2-T3b-cre)1Kyio | transgene insertion 1, Kyoko Inagaki-Ohara | MGI:5311427 | |||
Hamp2 | Hamp2em1(cre/ERT2)Hzhu | hepcidin antimicrobial peptide 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Hao Zhu | MGI:6704915 | |||
Hand1 | Tg(Hand1-EGFP/cre)#Abfi | transgene insertion, Anthony B Firulli | muscle mesenchyme cavities & their linings cardiovascular system | MGI:7435716 | ||
Hand1 | Hand1tm1.1(EGFP/cre)Abfi | heart and neural crest derivatives expressed 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Anthony B Firulli | cardiovascular system mesenchyme nervous system muscle cavities & their linings | STOCK Hand1tm1.1(EGFP/cre)Abfi/J | MGI:4838016 | |
Hand2 | Hand2em1(dre)Pjen | heart and neural crest derivatives expressed 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Patricia Jensen | head cardiovascular system skeletal system mesenchyme limbs embryo-other alimentary system endocrine system branchial arches nervous system | B6.Cg-Hand2em1(dre)Pjen/J | MGI:7543292 | |
Hand2 | Tg(Hand2-cre)7-1Clou | transgene insertion 7-1, David E Clouthier | nervous system limbs sensory organs cardiovascular system embryo-other mesenchyme respiratory system alimentary system skeletal system branchial arches head | MGI:3056567 | ||
Hap1 | Tg(Hap1-cre)RE55Gsat | transgene insertion RE55, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Hap1-cre)RE55Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051815 | |
HAP1 | Hprt1tm159(Ple105-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 159, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303242 | |||
HAP1 | Hprt1tm14(Ple103-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 14, Elizabeth M Simpson | nervous system head | B6.129P2(129S4)-Hprt1tm14(Ple103-EGFP/cre)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:3835525 | |
HAP1 | Hprt1tm157(Ple104-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 157, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303240 | |||
HAP1 | Hprt1tm161(Ple106-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 161, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303244 | |||
HBB | Tg(HBB-cre)1Phi | transgene insertion 1, Sjaak Philipsen | MGI:3578635 | |||
HBB | Tg(HBB-cre)27053Kpe | transgene insertion 27053, Kenneth Peterson | hemolymphoid system extraembryonic component skeletal system embryo-other liver & biliary system | MGI:3050350 | ||
HBB | Tg(HBB-cre)27038Kpe | transgene insertion 27038, Kenneth Peterson | extraembryonic component embryo-other skeletal system hemolymphoid system liver & biliary system | MGI:3050344 | ||
HBB | Tg(HBB-cre)12Kpe | transgene insertion 12, Kenneth Peterson | skeletal system hemolymphoid system embryo-other extraembryonic component liver & biliary system | C57BL/6-Tg(HBB-cre)12Kpe/J | MGI:3800816 | |
Hcar1 | Hcar1em1(cre/ERT2)Blr | hydrocarboxylic acid receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bryan L Roth | MGI:6852746 | |||
HCMV | Tg(hCMV-cre)140Sau | transgene insertion 140, Brian Sauer | STOCK Tg(hCMV-cre)140Sau/J | MGI:2176176 | ||
Hcn4 | Hcn4tm1(cre/ERT2)Anlu | hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated K+ 4; targeted mutation 1, Andreas Ludwig | cardiovascular system muscle | skeletal system renal & urinary system respiratory system head nervous system hemolymphoid system liver & biliary system | MGI:3809312 | |
Hcn4 | Hcn4em1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated K+ 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724251 | |||
Hcn4 | Hcn4tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Sev | hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated K+ 4; targeted mutation 2.1, Sylvia Evans | STOCK Hcn4tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Sev/J | MGI:5529675 | ||
Hcn4 | Tg(Hcn4-cre/ERT2)1Yzhao | transgene insertion 1, Yong Zhao | cardiovascular system respiratory system | liver & biliary system nervous system hemolymphoid system head renal & urinary system | MGI:5562295 | |
Hcrt | Hcrttm1.1(cre)Ldl | hypocretin; targeted mutation 1, Luis de Lecea | nervous system head | MGI:6201351 | ||
Hcrt | Hcrttm1.1(flpo)Ksak | hypocretin; targeted mutation 1.1, Kenji Sakimura | head nervous system | MGI:6357834 | ||
Hcrt | Hcrtem2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | hypocretin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766175 | |||
Hcrt | Hcrtem1(cre)Fuyu | hypocretin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Fu Yu | MGI:7514979 | |||
Hcrt | Hcrtem1(icre)Stak | hypocretin; transgene insertion 1, Takeshi Sakurai | MGI:7657792 | |||
HCRT | Tg(HCRT-EGFP,-cre)1Ahky | transgene insertion 1, Akihiro Yamanaka | head nervous system | MGI:5662280 | ||
HCRT | Hprt1tm169(Ple112-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 169, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303252 | |||
HCRT | Hprt1tm168(Ple111-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 168, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303251 | |||
HCRT | Tg(HCRT-cre)1Stak | transgene insertion 1, Takeshi Sakurai | nervous system head | MGI:3839422 | ||
Hdc | Tg(Hdc-cre)IM1Gsat | transgene insertion IM1, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Hdc-cre)IM1Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Hdc-cre)IM1Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4847128 | ||
Hdc | Tg(Hdc-cre)IM4Gsat | transgene insertion IM4, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Hdc-cre)IM4Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Hdc-cre)IM4Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4847127 | ||
Hdc | Tg(Hdc-cre/ERT2)#Tcw | transgene insertion, Timothy C Wang | MGI:6113500 | |||
Hdc | Hdctm1.1(icre)Wwis | histidine decarboxylase; targeted mutation 1.1, William Wisden | nervous system head | STOCK Hdctm1.1(icre)Wwis/J | MGI:5461698 | |
Hdc | Hdctm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | histidine decarboxylase; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Hdctm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632502 | ||
Hdc | Tg(Hdc-cre)#Jmz | transgene insertion, Jeffrey M Zigman | MGI:5562453 | |||
Hdnr | Tg(Hdnr-icre)5Phg | transgene insertion 5, Phillip Grote | head skeletal system alimentary system cardiovascular system branchial arches | nervous system limbs | MGI:6400525 | |
Hdnr | Tg(Hdnr-icre)betaPhg | transgene insertion beta, Phillip Grote | nervous system | cardiovascular system | MGI:6400491 | |
Hes1 | Hes1tm1(cre/ERT2)Lcm | hes family bHLH transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1, L Charles Murtaugh | head nervous system sensory organs | MGI:4412375 | ||
Hes5 | Tg(Hes5-icre/ERT2)1Imayo | transgene insertion 1, Itaru Imayoshi | ICR.Cg-Tg(Hes5-icre/ERT2)1Imayo | MGI:6507396 | ||
Hes5 | Tg(Hes5-cre/ERT2)2Vtlr | transgene insertion 2, Verdon Taylor | MGI:5568736 | |||
Hes5 | Hes5tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | hes family bHLH transcription factor 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Hes5tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5632504 | ||
Hes7 | Tg(Hes7-cre)3Ysa | transgene insertion 3, Yumiko Saga | ICR.Cg-Tg(Hes7-cre)3Ysa/YsaRbrc | MGI:4415687 | ||
Hes7 | Tg(Hes7-cre)1Kag | transgene insertion 1, Ryoichiro Kageyama | mesenchyme embryo-other | ICR.Cg-Tg(Hes7-cre)1Kag/SiaRbrc | MGI:4415616 | |
Hes7 | Tg(Hes7-cre)4Ysa | transgene insertion 4, Yumiko Saga | ICR.Cg-Tg(Hes7-cre)4Ysa/YsaRbrc | MGI:4415692 | ||
Hes7 | Tg(Hes7-cre)10Ysa | transgene insertion 10, Yumiko Saga | ICR.Cg-Tg(Hes7-cre)10Ysa/YsaRbrc | MGI:4415619 | ||
Hes7 | Tg(Hes7-cre)13Ysa | transgene insertion 13, Yumiko Saga | ICR.Cg-Tg(Hes7-cre)13Ysa/YsaRbrc | MGI:4415684 | ||
Hes7 | Tg(Hes7-cre)8Ysa | transgene insertion 8, Yumiko Saga | ICR.Cg-Tg(Hes7-cre)8Ysa/YsaRbrc | MGI:4415698 | ||
Hesx1 | Hesx1tm1(cre)Jpmb | homeobox gene expressed in ES cells; targeted mutation 1, Juan Pedro Martinez Barbera | MGI:3822473 | |||
Hexb | Hexbem3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | hexosaminidase B; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766184 | |||
Hexb | Hexbem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | hexosaminidase B; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724577 | |||
Hexb | Hexbem2(cre/ERT2)Mp | hexosaminidase B; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Marco Prinz | nervous system head | MGI:6717342 | ||
Hey2 | Hey2tm1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | hairy/enhancer-of-split related with YRPW motif 2; targeted mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7786871 | |||
Hey2 | Hey2em1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | hairy/enhancer-of-split related with YRPW motif 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | MGI:7439153 | |||
Hey2 | Hey2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | hairy/enhancer-of-split related with YRPW motif 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Bin Zhou | MGI:7439156 | |||
Hhex | Hhextm1(cre/Esr1*)Sia | hematopoietically expressed homeobox; targeted mutation 1, Shinich Aizawa | MGI:5817778 | |||
Hhex | Tg(Hhex-cre,-GFP)1Ksz | transgene insertion 1, Kenneth S Zaret | tail alimentary system embryo-other | extraembryonic component | MGI:3829036 | |
Hhex | Hhextm1.1(cre/Esr1*)Sia | hematopoietically expressed homeobox; targeted mutation 1.1, Shinich Aizawa | MGI:5817779 | |||
Hhip | Hhipem(cre/ERT2)Smoc | Hedgehog-interacting protein; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766185 | |||
Hhip | Hhiptm1(cre/ERT2)Wtsi | Hedgehog-interacting protein; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | skeletal system head | MGI:7466293 | ||
Hic1 | Hic1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Tmun | hypermethylated in cancer 1; targeted mutation 2.1, T Michael Underhill | cardiovascular system limbs reproductive system muscle | B6(Cg)-Hic1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Tmun/J | MGI:6740447 | |
Hip1 | Hip1Gt(cre)2Card | huntingtin interacting protein 1; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493088 | |||
Hip1 | Hip1Gt(cre)1Card | huntingtin interacting protein 1; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493087 | |||
Hlf | Hlfem2(cre/ERT2)Suda | hepatic leukemia factor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Toshio Suda | head nervous system respiratory system liver & biliary system mesenchyme embryo-other cardiovascular system extraembryonic component | MGI:7486479 | ||
Hlf | Hlfem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | hepatic leukemia factor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | hemolymphoid system mesenchyme liver & biliary system cardiovascular system | MGI:7262729 | ||
Hmx3 | Tg(Hmx3-icre)1Kess | transgene insertion 1, Nicoletta Kessaris | nervous system head | MGI:5566775 | ||
Hmx3 | Tg(Hmx3-cre)NM2Gsat | transgene insertion NM2, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Hmx3-cre)NM2Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311736 | ||
Hnf1b | Tg(Hnf1b-cre/ERT2)1Jfer | transgene insertion 1, Jorge Ferrer | STOCK Tg(Hnf1b-cre/ERT2)1Jfer/J | MGI:4420452 | ||
Hnf4a | Hnf4atm1(cre)Sdv | hepatic nuclear factor 4, alpha; targeted mutation 1, Stephane D Vincent | alimentary system mesenchyme liver & biliary system extraembryonic component renal & urinary system reproductive system | cardiovascular system respiratory system | STOCK Hnf4a tm1(cre)Sdv/H STOCK Hnf4atm1(cre)Sdv/H | MGI:3052820 |
Hnf4a | Hnf4aem1(dre/ERT2)Bzsh | hepatic nuclear factor 4, alpha; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | liver & biliary system | MGI:7444938 | ||
Hnf4a | Hnf4atm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | hepatic nuclear factor 4, alpha; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Hnf4atm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5632505 | ||
Hopx | Hopxem2(dre/ERT2)Smoc | HOP homeobox; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724253 | |||
Hopx | Hopxtm2.1(cre/ERT2)Joe | HOP homeobox; targeted mutation 2.1, Jonathan A Epstein | cardiovascular system | STOCK Hopxtm2.1(cre/ERT2)Joe/J | MGI:5300731 | |
Hopx | Hopxtm4.1(cre)Joe | HOP homeobox; targeted mutation 4.1, Jonathan A Epstein | cardiovascular system | MGI:7437591 | ||
Hopx | Hopxtm1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | HOP homeobox; targeted mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300354 | |||
Hopx | Hopxem1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | HOP homeobox; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724252 | |||
Hoxa1 | Tg(Hoxa1-cre)1Tlu | transgene insertion 1, Thomas Lufkin | nervous system embryo-other alimentary system | MGI:2176212 | ||
Hoxa1 | Hoxa1tm7.1(cre)Mrc | homeobox A1; targeted mutation 7.1, Mario R Capecchi | MGI:4818445 | |||
Hoxa11 | Hoxa11em1(cre/ERT2)Dmwe | homeobox A11; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Deneen M Wellik | limbs mouse-other skeletal system hemolymphoid system embryo-other | MGI:6723802 | ||
Hoxa13 | Hoxa13tm1.1(cre)Makm | homeobox A13; targeted mutation 1.1, Marie Kmita | MGI:5316384 | |||
Hoxa13 | Hoxa13tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Mtor | homeobox A13; targeted mutation 1.1, Miguel Torres | limbs | MGI:6718975 | ||
Hoxa13 | Hoxa13tm1(cre)Mlkn | homeobox A13; targeted mutation 1, Mark L Kahn | extraembryonic component | MGI:7433098 | ||
Hoxa13 | Hoxa13tm1.1(cre)Mlkn | homeobox A13; targeted mutation 1.1, Mark L Kahn | embryo-other extraembryonic component tail | head cardiovascular system nervous system | MGI:7433099 | |
Hoxa2 | Hoxa2tm2(cre)Mrc | homeobox A2; targeted mutation 2, Mario R Capecchi | MGI:3038600 | |||
Hoxa2 | Tg(Hoxa2-cre)#Fmr | transgene insertion, Filippo M Rijli | MGI:5474195 | |||
Hoxa2 | Tg(Hbb/Hoxa2-cre)1Fmr | transgene insertion 1, Filippo M Rijli | head nervous system | MGI:3773535 | ||
Hoxa2 | Tg(Hbb/Hoxa2-cre)2Fmr | transgene insertion 2, Filippo M Rijli | head nervous system | MGI:6759010 | ||
Hoxa2 | Tg(Hoxa2-cre)1Dym | transgene insertion 1, Susan M Dymecki | nervous system mesenchyme head | MGI:3774260 | ||
Hoxa2 | Hoxa2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | homeobox A2; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867260 | |||
Hoxa3 | Hoxa3tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | homeobox A3; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Hoxa3tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633766 | ||
Hoxa3 | Tg(Hoxa3-cre)#Fmr | transgene insertion, Filippo M Rijli | MGI:5490878 | |||
Hoxa3 | Hoxa3tm1(cre)Moon | homeobox A3; targeted mutation 1, Anne M Moon | embryo-other branchial arches mesenchyme head | B6;129X1-Hoxa3tm1(cre)Moon/Mmucd | MGI:2686838 | |
Hoxa4 | Tg(Hoxa4-cre)2Jlzn | transgene insertion 2, Jeffrey Lorenz Neul | B6J.Cg-Tg(Hoxa4-cre)2Jlzn/Mmmh | MGI:5440715 | ||
Hoxa5 | Hoxa5em1.1(cre)Fmr | homeobox A5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1.1, Filippo M Rijli | MGI:6759846 | |||
Hoxa5 | Tg(Hoxa5-cre)447BLjea | transgene insertion 447B, Lucie Jeannotte | nervous system embryo-other skeletal system integumental system respiratory system reproductive system alimentary system mesenchyme | STOCK Tg(Hoxa5-cre)447BLjea/MsfdJ | MGI:5518947 | |
Hoxa5 | Tg(Hoxa5-cre)444CLjea | transgene insertion 444C, Lucie Jeannotte | nervous system reproductive system skeletal system mesenchyme integumental system alimentary system embryo-other | respiratory system | MGI:5518946 | |
Hoxa5 | Tg(Hoxa5-cre)1Fmr | transgene insertion 1, Filippo M Rijli | MGI:5474192 | |||
Hoxb1 | Hoxb1tm6(cre)Mrc | homeobox B1; targeted mutation 6, Mario R Capecchi | MGI:2668513 | |||
Hoxb1 | Hoxb1tm1(cre)Og | homeobox B1; targeted mutation 1, Stephen O'Gorman | sensory organs branchial arches mesenchyme head nervous system | skeletal system | B6;129S-Hoxb1tm1(cre)Og/J | MGI:3773272 |
Hoxb1 | Tg(Hoxb1-cre)r4Mist | transgene insertion r4, Michele Studer | CD1(B6)-Tg(Hoxb1-cre)r4Mist/Cnrm | MGI:5006714 | ||
Hoxb13 | Tg(Hoxb13-cre)1Cbie | transgene insertion 1, Charles Bieberich | MGI:5908176 | |||
Hoxb2 | Tg(Rr141-cre)1Ksec | transgene insertion 1, Katheryn S E Cheah | skeletal system branchial arches nervous system head embryo-other sensory organs cardiovascular system | MGI:3849597 | ||
Hoxb3 | Tg(Hoxb3-cre)1Pkht | transgene insertion 1, Paul Kwong Hang Tam | tail alimentary system mesenchyme nervous system | embryo-other | MGI:3796197 | |
Hoxb3 | Tg(Hoxb3-cre)#Fmr | transgene insertion, Filippo M Rijli | MGI:5490877 | |||
Hoxb4 | Tg(Hoxb4-cre)1Fmr | transgene insertion 1, Filippo M Rijli | MGI:5490879 | |||
Hoxb4 | Tg(Rr5-GFP/cre)1Sapc | transgene insertion 1, Sabine P Cordes | nervous system head | mesenchyme | STOCK Tg(Rr5-GFP/cre)1Sapc/J | MGI:3793851 |
Hoxb6 | Tg(Hoxb6-cre)A5Mku | transgene insertion A5, Michael R Kuehn | extraembryonic component mesenchyme embryo-other | MGI:2176216 | ||
Hoxb6 | Tg(Hoxb6-cre)C33Mku | transgene insertion C33, Michael R Kuehn | head embryo-other alimentary system extraembryonic component nervous system mesenchyme | MGI:2176217 | ||
Hoxb6 | Tg(Hoxb6-cre/ERT)1Smac | transgene insertion 1, Susan Mackem | embryo-other mesenchyme limbs | MGI:3793474 | ||
Hoxb6 | Tg(Hoxb6-cre)#Mku | transgene insertion, Michael R Kuehn | extraembryonic component | STOCK Tg(Hoxb6-cre)#Mku/J | MGI:4366041 | |
Hoxb7 | Tg(Hoxb7-cre)13Amc | transgene insertion 13, Andrew P McMahon | embryo-other tail renal & urinary system alimentary system hemolymphoid system head mesenchyme endocrine system nervous system reproductive system | cardiovascular system respiratory system liver & biliary system | C57BL/6-Tg(Hoxb7-cre)13AmcMarpApb STOCK Tg(Hoxb7-cre)13Amc/J | MGI:2675121 |
Hoxb7 | Tg(Hoxb7-cre)1Rob | transgene insertion 1, Elizabeth J Robertson | renal & urinary system embryo-other | MGI:3626290 | ||
Hoxb7 | Tg(Hoxb7-cre)5530Cmb | transgene insertion 5530, Carlton M Bates | renal & urinary system | MGI:3525254 | ||
Hoxb7 | Tg(Hoxb7-cre)5526Cmb | transgene insertion 5526, Carlton M Bates | head nervous system renal & urinary system embryo-other | MGI:3525255 | ||
Hoxb7 | Tg(Hoxb7-cre)1Jpa | transgene insertion 1, Juha Partanen | head nervous system | MGI:4354304 | ||
Hoxb8 | Hoxb8em1(cre)Mrc | homeobox B8; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Mario R Capecchi | MGI:7855742 | |||
Hoxb8 | Tg(Hoxb8-flpo)11Oki | transgene insertion 11, Ole Kiehn | C57BL/6-Tg(Hoxb8-flpo)11Oki/Kctt | MGI:6147797 | ||
Hoxb8 | Tg(Hoxb8-cre)1403Uze | transgene insertion 1403, University of Zurich | head renal & urinary system nervous system embryo-other integumental system muscle | cardiovascular system liver & biliary system | MGI:4881836 | |
Hoxb8 | Hoxb8tm2.1(cre)Mrc | homeobox B8; targeted mutation 2.1, Mario R Capecchi | STOCK Hoxb8tm2.1(cre)Mrc/J | MGI:4818426 | ||
Hoxb8 | Hoxb8em1(flpo)Vabr | homeobox B8; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Victoria Abraira | STOCK Hoxb8em1(flpo)Vabr/J | MGI:7282054 | ||
Hoxb8 | Hoxb8tm4.1(cre/Esr1*)Mrc | homeobox B8; targeted mutation 4.1, Mario R Capecchi | MGI:4818431 | |||
Hoxb8 | Tg(Hoxb8-dre)#Uze | transgene insertion, University of Zurich | nervous system mouse-other | head | B6.Cg-Tg(Hoxb8-dre)#Uze/J | MGI:7427732 |
Hoxc8 | Hoxc8tm2.1(cre)Mrc | homeobox C8; targeted mutation 2.1, Mario R Capecchi | integumental system embryo-other | MGI:4818428 | ||
Hoxd11 | Evx2/Hoxd13tm4(cre)Ddu | even-skipped homeobox 2; targeted mutation 4, Denis Duboule | B6.129S2-Evx2/Hoxd13tm4(cre)Ddu/Orl B6.129S2-Evx2/Hoxd13tm4(cre)Ddu Del(2Hoxd11-Hoxd13)27Ddu/Orl B6.129S2-Evx2/Hoxd13tm4(cre)Ddu Del(2Hoxd4-Hoxd13)28Ddu/Orl | MGI:3762124 | ||
Hoxd11 | Evx2/Hoxd13tm4(cre)Ddu | homeobox D13; targeted mutation 4, Denis Duboule | MGI:3762125 | |||
Hprt1 | Hprt1tm328(EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 328, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303418 | |||
Hprt1 | Hprt1tm5(EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 5, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303428 | |||
Hprt1 | Hprt1tm320(cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 320, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303420 | |||
Hprt1 | Hprt1tm313(cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 313, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303411 | |||
Hprt1 | Hprt1tm314(cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 314, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303412 | |||
Hprt1 | Hprt1tm318(EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 318, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303417 | |||
Hprt1 | Hprt1tm345a(icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 345a, Elizabeth M Simpson | C57BL/6-Hprt1tm345(icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5532493 | ||
Hprt1 | Hprt1tm322(cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 322, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303289 | |||
Hpse | Hpseem1(cre)Ngai | heparanase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, John Ngai | B6.Cg-Hpseem1(cre)Ngai/TasicJ | MGI:7286051 | ||
Hrg | Hrgtm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | histidine-rich glycoprotein; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Hrgtm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633767 | ||
hs1006 | Tg(hs1006-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1Jlr | transgene insertion 1, John L R Rubenstein | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(hs1006-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:6160947 | |
hs1050 | Tg(hs1050-cre/ERT2,-GFP)393Jlr | transgene insertion 393, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs1050-cre/ERT2,-GFP)393Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:5609411 | ||
hs1056 | Tg(hs1056-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1705Jlr | transgene insertion 1705, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs1056-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1705Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:5705379 | ||
hs1060 | Tg(hs1060-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1593Jlr | transgene insertion 1593, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs1060-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1593Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:5705359 | ||
hs1163 | Tg(hs1163-Ccre,-lacZ)1Fawa | transgene insertion 1, Fan Wang | nervous system integumental system | MGI:5556214 | ||
hs1172 | Tg(hs1172-cre/ERT2,-GFP)606Jlr | transgene insertion 606, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs1172-cre/ERT2,-GFP)606Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:6160954 | ||
hs1218 | Hprt1tm363a(hs1218-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 363a, Elizabeth M Simpson | B6.Cg-Hprt1tm363(hs1218-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5568243 | ||
hs1318 | Tg(hs1318-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1Jlr | transgene insertion 1, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs1318-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:6160950 | ||
hs1324 | Tg(hs1324-cre/ERT,-GFP)1138Jlr | transgene insertion 1138, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs1324-cre/ERT,-GFP)1138Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:5705406 | ||
hs1336 | Tg(hs1336-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1651Jlr | transgene insertion 1651, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs1336-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1651Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:5705384 | ||
hs1538 | Tg(hs1538-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1608Jlr | transgene insertion 1608, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs1538-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1608Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:5705320 | ||
hs192 | Tg(hs192-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1034Jlr | transgene insertion 1034, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs192-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1034Jlr/Mmucd STOCK Tg(hs192-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1040Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:5705330 | ||
hs192 | Tg(hs192-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1040Jlr | transgene insertion 1040, John L R Rubenstein | MGI:6160853 | |||
hs204 | Tg(hs204-cre/ERT2,-GFP)35Jlr | transgene insertion 35, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs204-cre/ERT2,-GFP)35Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:5705349 | ||
hs218 | Tg(hs218-Ccre,-lacZ)1Fawa | transgene insertion 1, Fan Wang | nervous system head | MGI:5556213 | ||
hs218 | Tg(hs218-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1Jlr | transgene insertion 1, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs218-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:6160851 | ||
hs23 | Tg(hs23-Ccre,-lacZ)1Fawa | transgene insertion 1, Fan Wang | nervous system head | MGI:5556209 | ||
hs281 | Tg(hs281-cre/ERT2,-GFP)72Jlr | transgene insertion 72, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs281-cre/ERT2,-GFP)72Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:6160923 | ||
hs348 | Tg(hs348-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1Jlr | transgene insertion 1, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs348-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:6160931 | ||
hs599 | Tg(hs599-cre/ERT2,-GFP)119Jlr | transgene insertion 119, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs599-cre/ERT2,-GFP)119Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:5705409 | ||
hs611 | Tg(hs611-Ncre,-lacZ)1Fawa | transgene insertion 1, Fan Wang | nervous system head | MGI:5556208 | ||
hs636 | Tg(hs636-cre/ERT2,-GFP)266Jlr | transgene insertion 266, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs636-cre/ERT2,-GFP)266Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:6160933 | ||
hs643 | Tg(hs643-cre/ERT2,-GFP)838Jlr | transgene insertion 838, John L R Rubenstein | MGI:6160935 | |||
hs653 | Tg(hs653-cre/ERT2,-GFP)869Jlr | transgene insertion 869, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs653-cre/ERT2,-GFP)869Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:6160937 | ||
hs660 | Tg(hs660-cre/ERT2,-GFP)847Jlr | transgene insertion 847, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs660-cre/ERT2,-GFP)847Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:6160939 | ||
hs671 | Hprt1tm349a(hs671-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 349a, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5532502 | |||
hs692 | Tg(hs692-cre/ERT2,-GFP)103Jlr | transgene insertion 103, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs692-cre/ERT2,-GFP)103Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:5705362 | ||
hs752 | Tg(hs752-Ncre,-lacZ)1Fawa | transgene insertion 1, Fan Wang | nervous system | MGI:5556205 | ||
hs799 | Tg(hs799-cre/ERT2,-GFP)405Jlr | transgene insertion 405, John L R Rubenstein | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(hs799-cre/ERT2,-GFP)405Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:5705365 | |
hs840 | Tg(hs840-cre/ERT2,-GFP)75Jlr | transgene insertion 75, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs840-cre/ERT2,-GFP)75Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:6160942 | ||
hs841 | Tg(hs841-cre/ERT2,-GFP)522Jlr | transgene insertion 522, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs841-cre/ERT2,-GFP)522Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:5705376 | ||
hs953 | Tg(hs953-cre/ERT2,-GFP)526Jlr | transgene insertion 526, John L R Rubenstein | STOCK Tg(hs953-cre/ERT2,-GFP)526Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:5705353 | ||
Hsd11b2 | Hsd11b2tm1(cre)Anft | hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 2; targeted mutation 1, Aniko Naray-Fejes-Toth | muscle alimentary system mouse-other reproductive system nervous system head respiratory system cardiovascular system renal & urinary system integumental system | endocrine system | MGI:3699113 | |
Hsd11b2 | Hsd11b2tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa | hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Hsd11b2tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa/J | MGI:5896324 | |
Hsd17b1 | Tg(Hsd17b1-icre/ERT2)3Casa | transgene insertion 3, Emilio Casanova | reproductive system | B6N.Cg-Tg(Hsd17b1-icre/ERT2)3Casa/J | MGI:4946612 | |
Hspa1a | Tg(Rr469-cre/ERT2,-EGFP)13Jlr | transgene insertion 13, John L R Rubenstein | MGI:7606978 | |||
Hspa1a | Hprt1tm352a(Hspa1a-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 352a, Elizabeth M Simpson | C57BL/6-Hprt1tm352(Hspa1a-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5532520 | ||
Hspa1b | Tg(TCF/Lef1-cre/ERT2)#Ypc | transgene insertion, YiPing Chen | integumental system adipose tissue | MGI:7515000 | ||
Hspa1b | Tg(Hsp70-1-cre)1Arge | transgene insertion 1, Argiris Efstratiadis | B6;CBA-Tg(Hsp70-1-cre)1Arge/Flmg | MGI:2389571 | ||
Hspa1b | Tg(RARE/Hspa1b-cre/ERT2)#Asc | transgene insertion, Andreas Schedl | reproductive system sensory organs head cardiovascular system | MGI:6726566 | ||
Hspa1b | Tg(Hspa1b-flpo)A4Kht | transgene insertion A4, Kazue Hashimoto-Torii | B6(129)-Tg(Hspa1b-flpo)A4Kht/J | MGI:6512451 | ||
Hspa1b | Tg(Hsp70-1-cre)#Arge | transgene insertion, Argiris Efstratiadis | MGI:5439180 | |||
Hspa1b | Tg(Hsp70-1-cre)6Arge | transgene insertion 6, Argiris Efstratiadis | renal & urinary system cardiovascular system | MGI:2389573 | ||
Hspa1b | Tg(RARE/Hspa1b-cre)1Dll | transgene insertion 1, Pascal Dolle | MGI:4867248 | |||
Hspa1b | Tg(Hsp70-1-cre)7Arge | transgene insertion 7, Argiris Efstratiadis | MGI:2389578 | |||
Hspa2 | Tg(Hspa2-cre)1Eddy | transgene insertion 1, Edward M Eddy | renal & urinary system respiratory system extraembryonic component embryo-other cavities & their linings head tail alimentary system skeletal system adipose tissue branchial arches nervous system hemolymphoid system integumental system reproductive system sensory organs endocrine system mesenchyme liver & biliary system muscle cardiovascular system limbs | C57BL/6-Tg(Hspa2-cre)1Eddy/J | MGI:3843498 | |
Htr1a | Tg(Htr1a-icre)1Fto | transgene insertion 1, Francois Tronche | head embryo-other nervous system | B6.FVB-Tg(Htr1a-icre)1Fto/Orl | MGI:3762198 | |
Htr1a | Htr1atm1.1(cre)Hze | 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1A; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6;129S-Htr1atm1.1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:5904051 | ||
HTR1A | Hprt1tm173(Ple117-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 173, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303256 | |||
HTR1A | Hprt1tm175(Ple118-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 175, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303258 | |||
HTR1A | Hprt1tm178(Ple120-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 178, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303261 | |||
HTR1B | Hprt1tm335(Ple277-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 335, Elizabeth M Simpson | C57BL/6-Hprt1tm335(Ple277-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5532381 | ||
Htr2a | Htr2aem1(cre/ERT2)Blr | 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bryan L Roth | MGI:7543065 | |||
Htr2a | Tg(Htr2a-cre)KM208Gsat | transgene insertion KM208, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Htr2a-cre)KM208Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435493 | |
Htr2a | Htr2aem2(cre)Blr | 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Bryan L Roth | MGI:7543066 | |||
Htr2a | Tg(Htr2a-cre)KM207Gsat | transgene insertion KM207, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Htr2a-cre)KM207Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Htr2a-cre)KM207Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4367033 | ||
Htr2a | Htr2aem3(cre)Blr | 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Bryan L Roth | MGI:7543067 | |||
Htr2c | Htr2ctm1(cre)Heis | 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2C; targeted mutation 1, Lora Heisler | MGI:5819072 | |||
Htr2c | Htr2ctm1.1(icre)Jwso | 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2C; targeted mutation 1.1, Jong-Woo Sohn | nervous system head | MGI:6451570 | ||
Htr2c | Htr2cem1(icre)Ylu | 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2C; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Youming Lu | head nervous system | MGI:7442224 | ||
Htr2c | Htr2ctm1.1(cre)Heis | 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2C; targeted mutation 1.1, Lora Heisler | nervous system head | MGI:5819075 | ||
Htr3a | Tg(Htr3a-cre)NO152Gsat | transgene insertion NO152, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Htr3a-cre)NO152Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Htr3a-cre)NO152Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435492 | |
Htr3a | Htr3atm1.1(flpo)Rudy | 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 3A; targeted mutation 1.1, Bernardo Rudy | STOCK Htr3atm1.1(flpo)Rudy/J | MGI:6284821 | ||
Htr3a | Htr3aem2(cre)Smoc | 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 3A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766199 | |||
Htr5a | Htr5atm1(icre)Ahky | 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 5A; targeted mutation 1, Akihiro Yamanaka | MGI:7493226 | |||
Htr6 | Htr6tm1.1(cre)Smoc | 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 6; targeted mutation 1.1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7435295 | |||
Htr6 | Tg(Htr6-cre/ERT2)NIDA108Htz | transgene insertion NIDA108, Nathaniel Heintz | STOCK Tg(Htr6-cre/ERT2)NIDA108Htz/J | MGI:5882707 | ||
Iapp | Tg(Iapp-cre)1Oyak | transgene insertion 1, Kumi O Kuroda | nervous system head | MGI:7434726 | ||
Iapp | Iappem1(icre)Gpt | islet amyloid polypeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300486 | |||
Icam5 | Tg(Icam5-cre)DYyos | transgene insertion D, Yoshihiro Yoshihara | nervous system head | MGI:3783746 | ||
Icam5 | Icam5tm1(cre)Mmsh | intercellular adhesion molecule 5, telencephalin; targeted mutation 1, Masayoshi Mishina | MGI:3042494 | |||
Id1 | Id1tm2(cre/ERT2)Bene | inhibitor of DNA binding 1, HLH protein; targeted mutation 2, Robert Benezra | MGI:4366863 | |||
Id2 | Id2em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | inhibitor of DNA binding 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724579 | |||
Id2 | Id2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Blh | inhibitor of DNA binding 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Brigid L Hogan | sensory organs head | B6.129S(Cg)-Id2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Blh/ZhuJ | MGI:4398923 | |
Id4 | Id4tm1(cre)Bcgen | inhibitor of DNA binding 4; targeted mutation 1, Biocytogen LLC | reproductive system | MGI:7437978 | ||
Ift140 | Ift140tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Yaos | intraflagellar transport 140; targeted mutation 1.1, Yao Sun | MGI:6718291 | |||
Igbp1b | Tg(Igbp1b-cre)1Imku | transgene insertion 1, Nobuo Sakaguchi | head nervous system | MGI:3623492 | ||
Igf1 | Tg(Igf1-cre)PY2Gsat | transgene insertion PY2, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Igf1-cre)PY2Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086201 | ||
Igf1 | Igf1em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | insulin-like growth factor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300591 | |||
Igfbp2 | Igfbp2em1(cre/ERT2)Ntang | insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Nan Tang | FVB.B6-Igfbp2em1(cre/ERT2)Ntang/J | MGI:6472828 | ||
Igfbp2 | Igfbp2em1(cre/ERT2)Hzhu | insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Hao Zhu | MGI:7486103 | |||
Igfbp5 | Igfbp5tm1(icre/ERT2)Murr | insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5; targeted mutation 1, Stephen Murray | reproductive system alimentary system | MGI:5779503 | ||
Igh | Tg(Igh-6-cre/ERT)30Afst | transgene insertion 30, A Francis Stewart | MGI:3702034 | |||
Igh | Ightm3.1(icre)Mbu | immunoglobulin heavy chain complex; targeted mutation 3.1, Meinrad Busslinger | MGI:7539540 | |||
Igha | Ighaem2(cre)Xidw | immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Xiaodong Wang | MGI:7767879 | |||
Ighg1 | Ighg1em1(cre/ERT2)Rsky | immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 1 (G1m marker); endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Klaus Rajewsky | B6(129X1)-Ighg1em1(cre/ERT2)Rsky/J | MGI:6266867 | ||
Ighg1 | Ighg1tm1(cre)Cgn | immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 1 (G1m marker); targeted mutation 1, University of Cologne | hemolymphoid system | B6.129P2(Cg)-Ighg1tm1(cre)Cgn Igktm1Dhu Ptprca/AnuApb B6.129P2(Cg)-Ighg1tm1(cre)Cgn/J C.129P2(Cg)-Ighg1tm1(cre)Cgn/J | MGI:3652526 | |
Ighg3 | Ighg3tm1.1(icre)Gbrt | Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Gregory M Barton | STOCK Ighg3tm1.1(icre)Gbrt/J | MGI:6388414 | ||
Igkv3-5 | Tg(Igkv3-5*-cre)DLoxP1Plbe | transgene insertion DLoxP1, P Leif Bergsagel | MGI:7429177 | |||
Igs2 | Igs2em17(CAG-dre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 17, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300630 | |||
Igs2 | Igs2em69(Vil1-cre/ERT2)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 69, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300682 | |||
Igs2 | Igs2em71(Zp3-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 71, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300684 | |||
Igs2 | Igs2em24(CAG-flpo)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 24, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300637 | |||
Igs2 | Igs2em44(ED-L2-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 44, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300657 | |||
Igs2 | Igs2em18(CAG-dre/ERT2)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 18, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300631 | |||
Igs2 | Igs2em50(MMTV-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 50, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300663 | |||
Ihh | Ihhem1(Tomm20/mKate2,dre)Xya | Indian hedgehog; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Xiao Yang | limbs sensory organs integumental system hemolymphoid system endocrine system nervous system renal & urinary system reproductive system skeletal system liver & biliary system head alimentary system | cardiovascular system | MGI:7341589 | |
Ikzf1 | Tg(Ikzf1-cre)FCayo | transgene insertion F, Michel Cayouette | MGI:5465168 | |||
Ikzf1 | Tg(Ikzf1-cre)GCayo | transgene insertion G, Michel Cayouette | MGI:5465169 | |||
Ikzf1 | Tg(Ikzf1-cre)ACayo | transgene insertion A, Michel Cayouette | MGI:5465164 | |||
Il12b | Il12bem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | interleukin 12b; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7290417 | |||
Il13 | Il13em1(icre)Smoc | interleukin 13; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7290424 | |||
Il13 | Il13tm1(YFP/cre)Lky | interleukin 13; targeted mutation 1, Richard M Locksley | C.129S4(B6)-Il13tm1(YFP/cre)Lky/J | MGI:4459318 | ||
Il17a | Il17atm1.1(icre)Stck | interleukin 17A; targeted mutation 1.1, Brigitta Stockinger | B6.129(SJL)-Il17atm1.1(icre)Stck/J | MGI:4940851 | ||
Il17a | Il17atm2.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Flv | interleukin 17A; targeted mutation 2.1, Richard A Flavell | mouse-other alimentary system | MGI:6739820 | ||
Il17a | Il17aem3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | interleukin 17A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6430675 | |||
Il17a | Il17atm1.1(EYFP/icre)Ehs | interleukin 17A; targeted mutation 1.1, National Institute of Environmental Health Science | B6(Cg)-Il17atm1.1(EYFP/icre)Ehs/J | MGI:7446997 | ||
Il17a | Il17aem4(icre)Smoc | interleukin 17A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6430676 | |||
Il17f | Tg(Il17f-cre)1Awai | transgene insertion 1, Ari Waisman | MGI:3831089 | |||
Il17f | Il17ftm2.1(cre)Cdon | interleukin 17F; targeted mutation 2.1, Chen Dong | MGI:6388418 | |||
Il17rb | Il17rbtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Seno | interleukin 17 receptor B; targeted mutation 1.1, Hiroshi Seno | MGI:6343524 | |||
Il1r1 | Il1r1tm1(cre/ERT2)Jhle | interleukin 1 receptor, type I; targeted mutation 1, Joo-Hyeon Lee | respiratory system | MGI:6718882 | ||
Il2 | Il2tm1.1(cre)Iwsh | interleukin 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Makio Iwashima | STOCK Il2tm1.1(cre)Iwsh/J | MGI:5804692 | ||
Il21 | Tg(Il21-cre)GLipp | transgene insertion G, Martin Lipp | C57BL/6-Tg(Il21-cre)GLipp/J | MGI:5762613 | ||
Il22 | Il22tm1.1(icre)Stck | interleukin 22; targeted mutation 1.1, Brigitta Stockinger | alimentary system | C57BL/6-Il22tm1.1(icre)Stck/J | MGI:5632146 | |
Il22 | Il22em1(icre)Smoc | interleukin 22; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7290477 | |||
Il22 | Il22tm1.1(cre)Lky | interleukin 22; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard M Locksley | B6(C)-Il22tm1.1(cre)Lky/J | MGI:5906262 | ||
Il23a | Il23aem1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | interleukin 23, alpha subunit p19; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7290482 | |||
Il25 | Il25tm2.1(icre)Lky | interleukin 25; targeted mutation 2.1, Richard M Locksley | alimentary system liver & biliary system | MGI:7442196 | ||
Il25 | Il25tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Lky | interleukin 25; targeted mutation 2.1, Richard M Locksley | liver & biliary system alimentary system | MGI:7442197 | ||
Il4i1 | Il4i1em2(cre)Smoc | interleukin 4 induced 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7290516 | |||
Il5 | Il5tm1.1(icre)Lky | interleukin 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard M Locksley | B6(C)-Il5tm1.1(icre)Lky/J | MGI:5558083 | ||
Il5 | Il5em2(icre)Gpt | interleukin 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300800 | |||
Il7 | Il7tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | interleukin 7; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Il7tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633768 | ||
Il7 | Tg(Il7-EGFP,-icre,-HBEGF,-luc)#Tslr | transgene insertion, Thomas Schuler | MGI:6120866 | |||
Il7 | Tg(Il7-cre)CRche | transgene insertion C, Ellen R Richie | alimentary system skeletal system liver & biliary system integumental system hemolymphoid system | renal & urinary system | MGI:3850419 | |
Il7r | Il7rem1(cre)Smoc | interleukin 7 receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724584 | |||
Il7r | Il7rtm1.1(icre)Hrr | interleukin 7 receptor; targeted mutation 1.1, Hans-Reimer Rodewald | MGI:4441349 | |||
Il9 | Il9tm1.1(icre)Lky | interleukin 9; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard M Locksley | B6(C)-Il9tm1.1(icre)Lky/J | MGI:5927676 | ||
Il9 | Tg(Il9-cre)#Stck | transgene insertion, Brigitta Stockinger | B6.Cg-Tg(Il9-cre)#Stck/J | MGI:5296240 | ||
Inha | Tg(Inha-cre)3Zuk | transgene insertion 3, Martin M Matzuk | reproductive system endocrine system | MGI:3641118 | ||
Inha | Tg(Inha-cre)1Zuk | transgene insertion 1, Martin M Matzuk | endocrine system head reproductive system nervous system | MGI:3641115 | ||
Inha | Tg(Inha-cre)2Zuk | transgene insertion 2, Martin M Matzuk | reproductive system endocrine system head nervous system | MGI:3641116 | ||
Inmt | Inmtem1(cre)Smoc | indolethylamine N-methyltransferase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7788100 | |||
INS | Tg(INS-cre)2Rms | transgene insertion 2, Robyn M Slattery | C57BL/6-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(UBC-HPSE)Anu Tg(INS-cre)2Rms/AnuApb | MGI:2663956 | ||
INS | Tg(INS-icre)18Msdr | transgene insertion 19, Marlon R Schneider | renal & urinary system head nervous system endocrine system alimentary system | MGI:5438640 | ||
Ins1 | Tg(Ins1-cre,-GH)#Hkim | transgene insertion, Hail Kim | MGI:7439173 | |||
Ins1 | Ins1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | insulin I; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724585 | |||
Ins1 | Tg(Ins1-cre/ERT)1Lphi | transgene insertion 1, Louis Philipson | endocrine system alimentary system | renal & urinary system adipose tissue reproductive system sensory organs nervous system respiratory system liver & biliary system head hemolymphoid system muscle | B6.Cg-Tg(Ins1-cre/ERT)1Lphi/J | MGI:4410453 |
Ins1 | Ins1tm1.1(cre)Thor | insulin I; targeted mutation 1.1, Bernard Thorens | alimentary system endocrine system | nervous system liver & biliary system head | B6(Cg)-Ins1tm1.1(cre)Thor/H B6(Cg)-Ins1tm1.1(cre)Thor/H B6(Cg)-Ins1tm1.1(cre)Thor/J NOD.B6(Cg)-Ins1tm1.1(cre)Thor/JnsnJ | MGI:5614359 |
Ins1 | Tg(Ins1-cre,-DsRed*T3)#Caoy | transgene insertion, Yanan Cao | alimentary system endocrine system | nervous system head | MGI:6790389 | |
Ins1 | Ins1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Thor | insulin I; targeted mutation 2.1, Bernard Thorens | alimentary system endocrine system | B6(Cg)-Ins1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Thor/J | MGI:5614361 | |
Ins1 | Ins1em2(cre/ERT2)Cya | insulin I; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657286 | |||
Ins1 | Ins1tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | insulin I; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Ins1tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633769 | ||
Ins1 | Tg(Ins1-cre/ERT2)16.7Ics | transgene insertion 16.7, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Ins1-cre/ERT2)16.7Ics/Ics | MGI:5500795 | ||
Ins1 | Tg(Ins1-cre)#Hkim | transgene insertion, Hail Kim | MGI:7439171 | |||
Ins1 | Tg(Ins1-RFP,-cre)14Narl | Transgene insertion 14, National Applied Research Laboratories | MGI:5898242 | |||
Ins1 | Tg(Ins1-cre)25Utr | transgene insertion 25, Ken-ichi Yagami | endocrine system reproductive system alimentary system renal & urinary system | nervous system head | C57BL/6N-Tg(Ins1-cre)25Utr/Rbrc | MGI:5560759 |
Ins1 | Tg(Ins1-RFP,-cre/ERT2)23Narl | Transgene insertion 23, National Applied Research Laboratories | MGI:5898245 | |||
Ins1 | Ins1em2(icre)Smoc | insulin I; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724586 | |||
Ins1 | Ins1tm1(cre)Rttr | insulin I; targeted mutation 1, Guy Rutter | MGI:5706983 | |||
Ins1 | Ins1em1(cre)Utr | insulin I; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, University of Tsukuba Laboratory Animal Resource Center | C57BL/6J-Ins1em1(cre)Utr | MGI:5911527 | ||
Ins1 | Ins1em3(icre)Gpt | insulin I; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, GemPharmatech | MGI:7572967 | |||
Ins1 | Tg(Ins1-cre/ERT2)#Pesch | transgene insertion, Philipp E Scherer | endocrine system alimentary system | MGI:7442903 | ||
Ins2 | Tg(Ins2-cre)3Lt | transgene insertion 3, Edward Leiter | NOD/ShiLt-Tg(Ins2-cre)3Lt/LtJ | MGI:3721302 | ||
Ins2 | Tg(Ins2-cre)25Mgn | transgene insertion 25, Mark A Magnuson | endocrine system embryo-other skeletal system liver & biliary system adipose tissue tail alimentary system cardiovascular system renal & urinary system reproductive system mesenchyme head integumental system nervous system muscle sensory organs branchial arches | hemolymphoid system limbs cavities & their linings respiratory system extraembryonic component | B6N.Cg-Tg(Ins2-cre)25Mgn/J B6.Cg-Tg(Ins2-cre)25Mgn/J | MGI:2176227 |
Ins2 | Ins2em6(dre/ERT2)Smoc | insulin II; endonuclease-mediated mutation 6, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7626553 | |||
Ins2 | Tg(Ins2-flpe)25Arte | transgene insertion 25, TaconicArtemis | MGI:5440432 | |||
Ins2 | Ins2tm1(cre/ERT2)Kcmm | insulin II; targeted mutation 1, Susumu Seino | MGI:4950476 | |||
Ins2 | Tg(Ins2-cre)1Cya | transgene insertion 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:6760589 | |||
Ins2 | Ins2em5(cre/ERT2)Smoc | insulin II; endonuclease-mediated mutation 5, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7290555 | |||
Ins2 | Tg(Ins2-cre)#Okam | transgene insertion, Hiroshi Okamoto | MGI:6279300 | |||
Ins2 | Ins2tm1.1(cre)Wpiz | insulin II; targeted mutation 1.1, Weiping Zhang | STOCK Ins2tm1.1(cre)Wpiz/ArvnJ | MGI:6423077 | ||
Ins2 | Ins2em1(icre)Gpt | insulin II; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300851 | |||
Ins2 | Tg(Ins2-Tag*,-flpe)#Gne | transgene insertion, Genentech | MGI:5441546 | |||
Ins2 | Tg(Ins2-cre)5Lt | transgene insertion 5, Edward Leiter | NOD/ShiLt-Tg(Ins2-cre)5Lt/LtJ | MGI:3721303 | ||
Ins2 | Tg(Ins2-cre/ERT)1Dam | transgene insertion 1, Douglas A Melton | head alimentary system endocrine system nervous system | NOD.Cg-Tg(Ins2-cre/ERT)1Dam/SbwJ STOCK Tg(Ins2-cre/ERT)1Dam/J | MGI:3720973 | |
Ins2 | Ins2em3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | insulin II; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7290553 | |||
Ins2 | Tg(Ins2-cre)23Herr | transgene insertion 23, Pedro Luis Herrera | alimentary system head nervous system endocrine system | B6.D2-Tg(Ins2-cre)23Herr/Mmmh | MGI:2387567 | |
Ins2 | Tg(Ins2-cre)1Heed | transgene insertion 1, Helena Edlund | MGI:3603309 | |||
Ins2 | Tg(Ins2-cre)6Lt | transgene insertion 6, Edward Leiter | NOD/ShiLt-Tg(Ins2-cre)6Lt/LtJ | MGI:3762760 | ||
Ins2 | Tg(Ins2-tTA,tetO-cre)1Ctlh | transgene insertion 1, Carol T L Huang | alimentary system endocrine system | MGI:6852696 | ||
Ins2 | Tg(Ins2-cre)6Fcb | transgene insertion 6, F Charles Brunicardi | MGI:2450420 | |||
Ins2 | Tg(Ins2-cre)7Fcb | transgene insertion 7, F Charles Brunicardi | MGI:2450422 | |||
Ins2 | Ins2em2(dre/ERT2)Smoc | insulin II; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724254 | |||
Ins2 | Tg(Ins2-cre)1Dh | transgene insertion 1, Douglas Hanahan | MGI:3603660 | |||
Insl3 | Insl3tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | insulin-like 3; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867261 | |||
Insl3 | Insl3em2(icre/ERT2)Trejj | insulin-like 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Jacques J Tremblay | MGI:7865356 | |||
Insm1 | Insm1tm1.1(GFP/cre)Mgn | insulinoma-associated 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Mark A Magnuson | STOCK Insm1tm1.1(GFP/cre)Mgn/Mmjax | MGI:5576020 | ||
Iqgap3 | Iqgap3tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Itoy | IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 3; targeted mutation 2.1, Yoshiaki Ito | alimentary system | C57BL/6-Iqgap3tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Itoy | MGI:7461842 | |
Iqgap3 | Iqgap3em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766256 | |||
Irf6 | Irf6tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | interferon regulatory factor 6; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:5811830 | |||
Irs4 | Irs4tm1.1(cre)Dolsn | insulin receptor substrate 4; targeted mutation 1.1, David P Olson | nervous system head | MGI:6720261 | ||
Isl1 | Isl1em4(dre)Smoc | ISL1 transcription factor, LIM/homeodomain; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7626557 | |||
Isl1 | Isl1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | ISL1 transcription factor, LIM/homeodomain; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6720912 | |||
Isl1 | Isl1em3(dre)Smoc | ISL1 transcription factor, LIM/homeodomain; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724258 | |||
Isl1 | Isl1em2(icre)Smoc | ISL1 transcription factor, LIM/homeodomain; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724259 | |||
Isl1 | Isl1tm1(cre/Esr1*)Krc | ISL1 transcription factor, LIM/homeodomain; targeted mutation 1, Kenneth R Chien | cardiovascular system nervous system muscle | STOCK Isl1tm1(cre/Esr1*)Krc/SevJ | MGI:3530632 | |
Isl1 | Isl1tm1(cre)Sev | ISL1 transcription factor, LIM/homeodomain; targeted mutation 1, Sylvia Evans | muscle cardiovascular system | STOCK Isl1tm1(cre)Sev/J | MGI:3623159 | |
Isl1 | Isl1tm1(cre)Tmj | ISL1 transcription factor, LIM/homeodomain; targeted mutation 1, Thomas M Jessell | muscle cardiovascular system nervous system | MGI:2447758 | ||
Islr | Islrtm2.1(cre/ERT2)Mat | immunoglobulin superfamily containing leucine-rich repeat; targeted mutation 2.1, Masahide Takahashi | alimentary system hemolymphoid system skeletal system limbs | MGI:7335171 | ||
Islr | Islrtm1.1(HBEGF,cre)Mat | immunoglobulin superfamily containing leucine-rich repeat; targeted mutation 1.1, Masahide Takahashi | hemolymphoid system skeletal system alimentary system adipose tissue | MGI:7335155 | ||
Islr | Tg(Islr-cre/ERT2)#Tobe | transgene insertion, Kazuyuki Tobe | renal & urinary system integumental system muscle reproductive system adipose tissue alimentary system liver & biliary system | MGI:6718533 | ||
Itga11 | Igs2tm1(ITGA11-cre)Dgul | intergenic site 2; targeted mutation 1, Donald Gullberg | B6.Cg-Igs2tm1(ITGA11-cre)Dgul/Oulu | MGI:7343884 | ||
Itga2 | Itga2tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | integrin alpha 2; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6N-Itga2tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633770 | ||
Itga2b | Tg(Itga2b-cre)AParl | transgene insertion A, Roberto Parrilla | hemolymphoid system liver & biliary system skeletal system | MGI:4839352 | ||
Itga2b | Itga2bem2(cre/ERT2)1Smoc | integrin alpha 2b; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766259 | |||
Itga2b | Tg(Itga2b-cre)NE1/21Emam | transgene insertion NE1/21, Nikla R Emambokus | cardiovascular system liver & biliary system skeletal system mesenchyme extraembryonic component reproductive system hemolymphoid system | MGI:2670207 | ||
Itga2b | Itga2btm1(GFP/cre)Emam | integrin alpha 2b; targeted mutation 1, Nikla R Emambokus | MGI:2670210 | |||
Itga8 | Itga8tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jomm | integrin alpha 8; targeted mutation 1.1, Joseph M Miano | renal & urinary system nervous system hemolymphoid system respiratory system cardiovascular system reproductive system head skeletal system alimentary system | B6J.Cg-Itga8tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jomm/Mmnc | MGI:7529623 | |
Itgam | Tg(Itgam-cre)AJva | transgene insertion A, Jean Vacher | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Itgam-cre)AJva/J | MGI:3577104 | |
Itgam | Tg(Itgam-cre)BJva | transgene insertion B, Jean Vacher | MGI:3577105 | |||
Itgam | Tg(Itgam-cre/ERT2,U6-RNAi:Cacna1b)17Ttan | transgene insertion 17, Tsutomu Tanabe | MGI:5705582 | |||
ITGAM | Tg(ITGAM-cre/ERT2)F9Jckr | transgene insertion, Mathias Jucker | head nervous system | MGI:7439393 | ||
ITGAM | Igs2em48(ITGAM-cre/ERT2)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 48, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300661 | |||
ITGAM | Tg(ITGAM-cre)2781Gkl | transgene insertion 2781, George Kollias | hemolymphoid system nervous system | B6.Cg-Tg(ITGAM-cre)2781Gkl/Flmg | MGI:3629092 | |
Itgax | Tg(Itgax-cre/ERT2)8Gpt | transgene insertion 8, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307380 | |||
Itgax | Igs2em49(Itgax-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 49, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300662 | |||
Itgax | Tg(Itgax-EGFP,-cre,-HBEGF,-luc)2Gjh | transgene insertion 2, Gunter J Hammerling | MGI:5476442 | |||
Itgax | Tg(Itgax-cre/ERT)61Gkl | transgene insertion 61, George Kollias | C57BL/6-Tg(Itgax-cre/ERT)61Gkl/Flmg | MGI:3690924 | ||
Itgax | Itgaxem1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | integrin alpha X; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724221 | |||
Itgax | Tg(Itgax-cre)1-1Reiz | transgene insertion 1-1, Boris Reizis | integumental system alimentary system respiratory system adipose tissue liver & biliary system renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system muscle skeletal system endocrine system reproductive system | mesenchyme tail sensory organs mouse-other head limbs nervous system cardiovascular system embryo-other extraembryonic component cavities & their linings | C57BL/6-Atg7tm1Tchi Tg(Itgax-cre)1-1Reiz/Wehi B6N.Cg-Tg(Itgax-cre)1-1Reiz/J B6.Cg-Tg(Itgax-cre)1-1Reiz/J NOD.Cg-Tg(Itgax-cre)1-1Reiz/PesaJ | MGI:3763248 |
Itgax | Tg(Itgax-cre,-EGFP)4097Ach | transgene insertion 4097, Alexander V Chervonsky | B6.129-Ndst1tm1Je Tg(Itgax-cre,-EGFP)4097Ach/AnuApb B6.129-Hs2st1tm1.1Je Tg(Itgax-cre,-EGFP)4097Ach/AnuApb B6.129-Hs6st1tm1Wvc Tg(Itgax-cre,-EGFP)4097Ach/AnuApb C57BL/6J-Tg(Itgax-cre,-EGFP)4097Ach/J NOD.B6-Tg(Itgax-cre,-EGFP)4097Ach/J | MGI:3720729 | ||
Itgax | Itgaxtm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | integrin alpha X; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867294 | |||
Itgb7 | Itgb7Gt(cre/ERT2)2Card | integrin beta 7; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493092 | |||
Itgb7 | Itgb7Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | integrin beta 7; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493091 | |||
Itih1 | Itih1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | inter-alpha trypsin inhibitor, heavy chain 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Itih1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633772 | ||
Itih1 | Itih1tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | inter-alpha trypsin inhibitor, heavy chain 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Itih1tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633771 | ||
Itm2a | Itm2aem1(dre/ERT2)Gpt | integral membrane protein 2A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7301005 | |||
Itm2a | Itm2aem2(icre)Gpt | integral membrane protein 2A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7301006 | |||
Itpk1 | Itpk1Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | inositol 1,3,4-triphosphate 5/6 kinase; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493093 | |||
IVL | Tg(IVL-cre/ERT2)1Blpn | transgene insertion 1, Cedric Blanpain | STOCK Tg(IVL-cre/ERT2)1Blpn/J | MGI:4999984 | ||
Jam2 | Tg(Jam2-cre/ERT2)2Jrs | transgene insertion 2, Joshua R Sanes | head sensory organs | STOCK Tg(Jam2-cre/ERT2)2Jrs/J | MGI:3785734 | |
Jam2 | Jam2tm1.1(cre)Jrs | junction adhesion molecule 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Joshua R Sanes | STOCK Jam2tm1.1(cre)Jrs/J | MGI:6116683 | ||
Jarid2 | Jarid2tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | jumonji and AT-rich interaction domain containing 2; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6N-Jarid2tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5811911 | ||
Jchain | Jchainem1(icre/ERT2)Deep | immunoglobulin joining chain; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Deepta Bhattacharya | B6(129)-Jchainem1(icre/ERT2)Deep/J | MGI:6478203 | ||
Jchain | Jchaintm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | immunoglobulin joining chain; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Jchaintm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Jchaintm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633773 | ||
Jdp2 | Tg(Jdp2-cre)#Kkyo | transgene insertion, Kazunari K Yokoyama | head nervous system | hemolymphoid system renal & urinary system muscle liver & biliary system limbs alimentary system reproductive system skeletal system respiratory system | MGI:5551455 | |
Jdp2 | Tg(Jdp2-cre)15Rbrc | Transgene insertion 15, RIKEN BioResource Center | C57BL/6J-Tg(Jdp2-cre)15Rbrc/Narl | MGI:5898248 | ||
Kank1 | Kank1em1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724264 | |||
Kap | Tg(Kap-icre)29066/2Sig | transgene insertion 29066/2, Curt Sigmund | head renal & urinary system liver & biliary system reproductive system nervous system | alimentary system hemolymphoid system | B6.Cg-Tg(Kap-icre)29066/2Sig/J | MGI:3806307 |
Kap | Tg(Kap-cre)1Isa | transgene insertion 1, Yoshitaka Isaka | renal & urinary system | MGI:5305041 | ||
Kap | Tg(Kap-cre/ERT2)64.9Ics | transgene insertion 64.9, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Kap-cre/ERT2)64.9Ics/Ics | MGI:7346164 | ||
Kap | Tg(Kap-icre)21Gpt | transgene insertion 21, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307381 | |||
KCNA4 | Hprt1tm357(Ple278-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 357, Elizabeth M Simpson | B6.Cg-Hprt1tm357(Ple278-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5568229 | ||
Kcnc1 | Tg(Kcnc1-cre)MN77Gsat | transgene insertion MN77, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Kcnc1-cre)MN77Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311735 | |
Kcnc1 | Tg(Kcnc1-cre)MN94Gsat | transgene insertion MN94, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Kcnc1-cre)MN94Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311734 | ||
Kcnc2 | Tg(Kcnc2-cre)K128Stl | transgene insertion K128, Susumu Tonegawa | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Kcnc2-Cre)K128Stl/LetJ | MGI:3530564 | |
Kcne1 | Tg(Kcne1-cre/ERT2)1Imos | transgene insertion 1, Ivan P Moskowitz | cardiovascular system muscle | MGI:5301931 | ||
Kcng4 | Tg(Kcng4-cre/ERT2)#Brsk | transgene insertion, Botond Roska | sensory organs head | MGI:5634472 | ||
Kcng4 | Kcng4tm1.1(cre)Jrs | potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily G, member 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Joshua R Sanes | sensory organs head | B6.129(SJL)-Kcng4tm1.1(cre)Jrs/J | MGI:5688863 | |
Kcng4 | Kcng4em1(icre)Smoc | potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily G, member 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7290656 | |||
Kcnh5 | Kcnh5tm1(cre/PGR*)Mim | potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 5; targeted mutation 1, Masayoshi Mishina | C57BL/6-Kcnh5tm1(cre/PGR)Mim/MimRbrc | MGI:4367714 | ||
Kcnip2 | Tg(Kcnip2-cre)OP11Gsat | transgene insertion OP11, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | MGI:5528884 | ||
Kcnip2 | Kcnip2tm1(cre/ERT2)Yifz | Kv channel-interacting protein 2; targeted mutation 1, Yifeng Zhang | sensory organs nervous system head | MGI:7482482 | ||
Kcnip2 | Kcnip2tm1.1(cre)Uze | Kv channel-interacting protein 2; targeted mutation 1.1, University of Zurich | B6.Cg-Kcnip2tm1.1(cre)Uze/J | MGI:7427724 | ||
Kcnip2 | Tg(Kcnip2-cre/ERT2)NIDA099Htz | transgene insertion NIDA099, Nathaniel Heintz | C57BL/6J-Tg(Kcnip2-cre/ERT2)NIDA099Htz/J | MGI:5882709 | ||
Kcnj11 | Tg(Kcnj11-RFP,-cre/ERT2)40Narl | Transgene insertion 40, National Applied Research Laboratories | C57BL/6-Tg(Kcnj11-RFP,-cre/ERT2)40Narl/Narl | MGI:5898252 | ||
Kcnj8 | Tg(Kcnj8-cre/ERT2)#Cbet | transgene insertion, Christer Betsholtz | MGI:7489793 | |||
Kcnj8 | Kcnj8tm1(cre/ERT2)Cbet | potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 8; targeted mutation 1, Christer Betsholtz | MGI:7489794 | |||
Kdm2b | Kdm2bem1(cre/ERT2)Bcgen | lysine (K)-specific demethylase 2B; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Biocytogen LLC | nervous system head | MGI:7449219 | ||
Kdm4c | Kdm4ctm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | lysine (K)-specific demethylase 4C; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Kdm4ctm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Kdm4ctm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633774 | ||
KDM5C | Hprt1tm334a(Ple279-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 334a, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5532380 | |||
Kdr | Tg(Kdr-cre)15964Brei | transgene insertion 15964, George Breier | nervous system cardiovascular system head | MGI:3038972 | ||
Kdr | Tg(Kdr-cre)15962Brei | transgene insertion 15962, George Breier | hemolymphoid system sensory organs extraembryonic component embryo-other cardiovascular system head renal & urinary system skeletal system mesenchyme liver & biliary system nervous system respiratory system alimentary system | muscle | MGI:3038968 | |
Kdr | Kdrem1(icre)Gpt | kinase insert domain protein receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7301215 | |||
Kdr | Tg(Kdr-cre)#Brei | transgene insertion, George Breier | MGI:5428039 | |||
Kdr | Kdrtm1(cre)Sato | kinase insert domain protein receptor; targeted mutation 1, Thomas N Sato | extraembryonic component nervous system muscle cardiovascular system embryo-other | STOCK Kdrtm1(cre)Sato/J | MGI:2655253 | |
Kera | Tg(Kera-cre)IM23Gsat | transgene insertion IM23, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Kera-cre)IM23Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4367037 | ||
Kera | Tg(Kera-cre)KC4.3Wwk | transgene insertion KC4.3, Winston W Y Kao | reproductive system embryo-other sensory organs head | MGI:3849605 | ||
Kiss1 | Tg(Kiss1-cre,-AcGFP)2Nurep | transgene insertion 2, Lab of Reproductive Science | ICR.Cg-Tg(Kiss1-cre,-AcGFP)2Nurep | MGI:6472635 | ||
Kiss1 | Kiss1tm1.1(cre/EGFP)Rpa | KiSS-1 metastasis-suppressor; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | head nervous system | B6(129S4)-Kiss1tm1.1(cre/EGFP)Rpa/J | MGI:6278139 | |
Kiss1 | Kiss1tm1.1(cre/EGFP)Stei | KiSS-1 metastasis-suppressor; targeted mutation 1.1, Robert A Steiner | head nervous system | STOCK Kiss1tm1.1(cre/EGFP)Stei/J | MGI:5298495 | |
Kiss1 | Kiss1tm1.1(cre)Mgmj | KiSS-1 metastasis-suppressor; targeted mutation 1.1, Martin G Myers, Jr | MGI:5911623 | |||
Kiss1 | Tg(Kiss1-cre)J2-4Cfe | transgene insertion J2-4, Carol F Elias | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Kiss1-cre)J2-4Cfe/J | MGI:4946649 | |
Kiss1 | Tg(Kiss1-cre,-AcGFP)1Nurep | transgene insertion 1, Lab of Reproductive Science | head nervous system | ICR.Cg-Tg(Kiss1-cre,-AcGFP)1Nurep | MGI:6472634 | |
Kiss1 | Kiss1tm2(cre/GFP)Coll | KiSS-1 metastasis-suppressor; targeted mutation 2, William H Colledge | head nervous system | 129-Kiss1tm2(cre/GFP)Coll/H 129-Kiss1tm2(cre/GFP)Coll/H | MGI:6113450 | |
Kiss1 | Kiss1tm1.1(cre)Uboe | KiSS-1 metastasis-suppressor; targeted mutation 1.1, Ulrich Boehm | MGI:4878876 | |||
Kiss1r | Kiss1rtm1.1(cre)Uboe | KISS1 receptor; targeted mutation 1.1, Ulrich Boehm | MGI:5052305 | |||
Kit | Tg(Kit-cre)151Eks | transgene insertion 151, Bjorn Eriksson | head sensory organs nervous system | MGI:3050394 | ||
Kit | Kitem1(cre)Bzsh | KIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | MGI:6361908 | |||
Kit | Kitem2(cre)Bzsh | KIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Bin Zhou | MGI:6361905 | |||
Kit | Kittm3(cre/Esr1*)Ccai | KIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase; targeted mutation 3, Chen-Leng Cai | MGI:5818527 | |||
Kit | Tg(Kit-RFP,-cre/ERT2)26Narl | Transgene insertion 26, National Applied Research Laboratories | C57BL/6-Tg(Kit-RFP,-cre/ERT2)26Narl/Narl | MGI:5898254 | ||
Kit | Kittm1(cre/ERT2)Dsa | KIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase; targeted mutation 1, Dieter Saur | head cardiovascular system skeletal system extraembryonic component hemolymphoid system sensory organs | MGI:5543260 | ||
Kit | Kittm2.1(cre/Esr1*)Jmol | KIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase; targeted mutation 2.1, Jeffery D Molkentin | hemolymphoid system integumental system respiratory system reproductive system cardiovascular system renal & urinary system | B6.129-Kittm2.1(cre/Esr1*)Jmol/J | MGI:5571475 | |
Kit | Kittm1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | KIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase; targeted mutation 1, Bin Zhou | integumental system cardiovascular system respiratory system | MGI:5750790 | ||
Kit | Kittm1.1(cre)Jmol | KIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase; targeted mutation 1.1, Jeffery D Molkentin | hemolymphoid system limbs integumental system alimentary system muscle reproductive system cardiovascular system respiratory system | B6(129S4)-Kittm1.1(cre)Jmol/J | MGI:5571474 | |
Kit | Tg(Kit-cre)143Hmb | transgene insertion 143, Dan Holmberg | reproductive system | MGI:3036304 | ||
Kit | Kittm3.1(cre/Esr1*)Ccai | KIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase; targeted mutation 3.1, Chen-Leng Cai | MGI:5818536 | |||
Kit | Kittm1(cre)Htng | KIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase; targeted mutation 1, Hiroki Taniguchi | B6.Cg-Kittm1(cre)Htng/J | MGI:6279770 | ||
Kit | Kittm1(cre/Esr1*)Kkar | KIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase; targeted mutation 1, Klaus Karjalainen | MGI:5818476 | |||
Klb | Klbtm1(cre)Mglm | klotho beta; targeted mutation 1, Matthew Gillum | head nervous system | MGI:6727118 | ||
Klf1 | Klf1em1(icre)Jbkr | Kruppel-like transcription factor 1 (erythroid); endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, James J Bieker | B6.Cg-Klf1em1(icre)Jbkr/J | MGI:7616745 | ||
Klf12 | Klf12Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | Kruppel-like transcription factor 12; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493094 | |||
Klf3 | Klf3tm1(cre/ERT2)Pzg | Kruppel-like transcription factor 3 (basic); targeted mutation 1, Pumin Zhang | B6;129P-Klf3tm1(cre/ERT2)Pzg/J | MGI:4441459 | ||
Klf4 | Tg(Klf4-cre/ERT)1Wai | transgene insertion 1, Walden Ai | integumental system | MGI:5439626 | ||
Klf4 | Klf4em1(cre/ERT2)Kta | Kruppel-like transcription factor 4 (gut); endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Kohichi Tanaka | MGI:7610679 | |||
Klhl24 | Klhl24em1(cre/ERT2)Yyang | kelch-like 24; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Yong Yang | MGI:7439046 | |||
Klk10 | Klk10tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | kallikrein related-peptidase 10; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Klk10tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5811913 | ||
KLK3 | Tg(KLK3-cre)1Ches | transgene insertion 1, Nicholas Chester | MGI:3664341 | |||
KLK3 | Tg(KLK3-cre)13Saa | transgene insertion 13, Sarki A Abdulkadir | reproductive system renal & urinary system | MGI:2447387 | ||
KLK3 | Tg(KLK3-cre)D4Trp | transgene insertion D4, Jan Trapman | MGI:3761848 | |||
Klk4 | Klk4em3(cre/ERT2)Odk | kallikrein related-peptidase 4 (prostase, enamel matrix, prostate); endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Ophir D Klein | MGI:7607000 | |||
Klk4 | Klk4em2(cre)Odk | kallikrein related-peptidase 4 (prostase, enamel matrix, prostate); endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Ophir D Klein | MGI:7606995 | |||
Klk5 | Klk5tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | kallikrein related-peptidase 5; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Klk5tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Klk5tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633775 | ||
Klk8 | Tg(Klk8-cre)NP157Gsat | transgene insertion NP157, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Klk8-cre)NP157Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435491 | |
Klk8 | Tg(Klk8-cre)NP171Gsat | transgene insertion NP171, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Klk8-cre)NP171Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086200 | ||
KLKB1 | Tg(KLKB1-cre/ERT2)1Pcn | transgene insertion 1, Pierre Chambon | STOCK Tg(KLKB1-cre/ERT2)1Pcn/CmoJ | MGI:3775927 | ||
Klrb1c | Klrb1cem1(icre)Gpt | killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily B member 1C; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7301335 | |||
Klrb1c | Klrb1ctm1.1(icre)Tlaw | killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily B member 1C; targeted mutation 1.1, Toby Lawrence | MGI:6754098 | |||
Klrd1 | Klrd1em1(icre)Cya | killer cell lectin-like receptor, subfamily D, member 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657289 | |||
Klrg1 | Klrg1tm1.1(EGFP/icre)Flv | killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily G, member 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard A Flavell | hemolymphoid system | MGI:6357845 | ||
Klrg1 | Klrg1tm2(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi | killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily G, member 1; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Klrg1tm2(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5660019 | ||
Kng2 | Kng2em1(icre)Gpt | kininogen 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7301356 | |||
Krt10 | Tg(Krt10-cre/ERT)#Efu | transgene insertion, Elaine Fuchs | integumental system | MGI:7494119 | ||
Krt10 | Tg(Krt10-cre/ERT2)39.28Ics | transgene insertion 39.28, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Krt10-cre/ERT2)39.28Ics/Ics | MGI:7346201 | ||
Krt10 | Tg(Krt10-cre/ERT2)39.28.ICSLacr | transgene insertion 39.28.ICS, Matthieu Lacroix | MGI:5908171 | |||
Krt10 | Tg(Krt10-cre/ERT2)1Pcn | transgene insertion 1, Pierre Chambon | MGI:3629075 | |||
Krt12 | Krt12tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | keratin 12; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6N-Krt12tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633776 | ||
Krt12 | Krt12tm3(cre)Wwk | keratin 12; targeted mutation 3, Winston W Y Kao | head sensory organs | B6.129(Cg)-Krt12tm3(cre)Wwk/J | MGI:3624816 | |
Krt13 | Krt13em1(cre/ERT2)Raja | keratin 13; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Jayaraj Rajagopal | STOCK Krt13em1(cre/ERT2)Raja/J | MGI:7450687 | ||
Krt13 | Tg(Krt13-cre)139Gaff | transgene insertion 139, Sarah L Gaffen | reproductive system alimentary system | hemolymphoid system liver & biliary system integumental system | C57BL/6-Tg(Krt13-cre)139Gaff/J | MGI:6379001 |
Krt14 | Krt14em3(dre/ERT2)Smoc | keratin 14; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724261 | |||
Krt14 | Krt14tm1(cre/ERT2)Akli | keratin 14; targeted mutation 1, Apostolos Klinakis | renal & urinary system | MGI:6791378 | ||
Krt14 | Krt14tm1(cre)Wbm | keratin 14; targeted mutation 1, Walter Birchmeier | integumental system | MGI:2148596 | ||
Krt14 | Krt14em1(cre)Cya | keratin 14; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7460311 | |||
Krt14 | Krt14tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Hjg | keratin 14; targeted mutation 1.1, Hermann-Josef Grone | integumental system | MGI:5908393 | ||
Krt14 | Krt14tm1.1(cre)Wbm | keratin 14; targeted mutation 1.1, Walter Birchmeier | integumental system | B6.129-F2rl1tm1c(EUCOMM)Wtsi Krt14tm1.1(cre)Wbm/Apb | MGI:2148597 | |
Krt14 | Tg(Krt14-cre/ERT2)2.11Ics | transgene insertion 2.11, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Krt14-cre/ERT2)2.11Ics/Ics | MGI:7346204 | ||
Krt14 | Krt14em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | keratin 14; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724262 | |||
KRT14 | Igs2em8(KRT14-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 8, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:6718926 | |||
KRT14 | Tg(KRT14-cre)1Cgn | transgene insertion 1, University of Cologne | alimentary system integumental system reproductive system hemolymphoid system | B6.Cg-Tg(KRT14-cre)1Cgn/CgnCnrm STOCK Nfkbiatm1Kbp Tg(KRT14-cre)1Cgn/Ieg | MGI:2652655 | |
KRT14 | Tg(KRT14-cre)1Efu | transgene insertion 1, Elaine Fuchs | alimentary system mouse-other integumental system | MGI:1926500 | ||
KRT14 | Tg(KRT14-cre/Esr1*)3Brst | transgene insertion 3, Barry R Stripp | respiratory system | MGI:4357971 | ||
KRT14 | Tg(KRT14-cre)40Smr | transgene insertion 40, Sarah E Millar | MGI:3046574 | |||
KRT14 | Tg(KRT14-cre)1Arte | transgene insertion 1, TaconicArtemis | MGI:5440430 | |||
KRT14 | Tg(KRT14-cre/ERT)20Efu | transgene insertion 20, Elaine Fuchs | integumental system reproductive system cardiovascular system | endocrine system respiratory system nervous system alimentary system adipose tissue liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system muscle renal & urinary system | B6.CD1-Tg(KRT14-cre/ERT)20Efu/MarpApb B6(Cg)-Krt76tm1c(KOMP)Wtsi Tg(KRT14-Cre/ER)20Efu/MarpApb STOCK Tg(KRT14-cre/ERT)20Efu/J | MGI:2446606 |
KRT14 | Tg(KRT14-cre)1Ipc | transgene insertion 1, I Pierre Chambon | alimentary system integumental system | MGI:2177413 | ||
KRT14 | Tg(KRT14-cre)1Amc | transgene insertion 1, Andrew P McMahon | muscle reproductive system integumental system adipose tissue cavities & their linings liver & biliary system nervous system hemolymphoid system sensory organs head renal & urinary system limbs cardiovascular system alimentary system | skeletal system tail extraembryonic component respiratory system mesenchyme embryo-other endocrine system | STOCK Tg(KRT14-cre)1Amc/J B6N.Cg-Tg(KRT14-cre)1Amc/J | MGI:2445832 |
KRT14 | Tg(KRT14-cre)52Smr | transgene insertion 52, Sarah E Millar | MGI:3046576 | |||
KRT14 | Tg(KRT14-cre)8Brn | transgene insertion 8, Anton Berns | hemolymphoid system alimentary system integumental system | reproductive system | FVB-Tg(K14-cre)8Brn/Nci FVB.Cg-Cdh1tm1Jjon Trp53tm1Brn Tg(KRT14-cre)8Brn/A STOCK Trp53tm1Brn Brca1tm1Brn Tg(KRT14-cre)8Brn B6.FVB-Tg(KRT14-cre)8Brn/MarpApb | MGI:2177243 |
KRT14 | Tg(KRT14-cre)43Smr | transgene insertion 43, Sarah E Millar | alimentary system integumental system | MGI:3046575 | ||
KRT14 | Tg(KRT14-cre/PGR)1Der | transgene insertion 1, Dennis R Roop | integumental system | MGI:2447651 | ||
KRT14 | Tg(KRT14-cre/ERT2)1Ipc | transgene insertion 1, I Pierre Chambon | integumental system | B6.Cg-Tg(KRT14-cre/ERT2)1Ipc/MtzJ | MGI:2177426 | |
KRT14 | Tg(KRT14-cre)#Smr | transgene insertion, Sarah E Millar | MGI:3813245 | |||
Krt15 | Tg(Krt15-cre/PGR)1Cot | transgene insertion 1, George Cotsarelis | MGI:5428869 | |||
Krt15 | Tg(Krt15-cre/ERT2)12Blpn | transgene insertion 12, Cedric Blanpain | MGI:5478553 | |||
Krt15 | Tg(Krt15-cre/ERT2)1Johu | transgene insertion 1, Joerg Huelsken | integumental system | MGI:3784521 | ||
Krt15 | Tg(Krt15-cre/ERT2)CNiem | transgene insertion C, Catherin Niemann | MGI:5296325 | |||
Krt15 | Tg(Krt1-15-cre/PGR*)22Cot | transgene insertion 22, George Cotsarelis | alimentary system integumental system | B6;SJL-Tg(Krt1-15-cre/PGR*)22Cot/Cnbc B6;SJL-Tg(Krt1-15-cre/PGR*)22Cot/J | MGI:3511785 | |
Krt15 | Tg(Krt15-cre/ERT2)ANiem | transgene insertion A, Catherin Niemann | MGI:5296247 | |||
Krt17 | Tg(Krt17-cre)#Mjd | transgene insertion, Michael J Dixon | alimentary system | MGI:5629386 | ||
Krt17 | Tg(Krt17-cre/ERT2)1F3Dmo | transgene insertion 1F3, David M Owens | MGI:5523315 | |||
Krt17 | Krt17tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | keratin 17; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Krt17tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Krt17tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633777 | ||
Krt17 | Krt17tm1(cre)Murr | keratin 17; targeted mutation 1, Steve Murray | sensory organs endocrine system skeletal system muscle mouse-other respiratory system reproductive system renal & urinary system limbs liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system alimentary system head nervous system cardiovascular system integumental system | adipose tissue branchial arches tail embryo-other extraembryonic component mesenchyme cavities & their linings | C57BL/6N-Krt17tm1(cre)Murr/GrsrJ | MGI:5435552 |
Krt17 | Krt17em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | keratin 17; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766292 | |||
Krt18 | Igs2em8(Krt18-ACE2,-cre/ERT2)Cya | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 8, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657273 | |||
KRT18 | Tg(KRT18-cre/ERT2)23Blpn | transgene insertion 23, Cedric Blanpain | STOCK Tg(KRT18-cre/ERT2)23Blpn/J | MGI:4821951 | ||
KRT18 | Tg(KRT18-cre/ERT2)1Rgo | transgene insertion 1, Robert G Oshima | liver & biliary system renal & urinary system nervous system reproductive system head integumental system | MGI:2450291 | ||
Krt19 | Krt19tm1(cre/ERT)Ggu | keratin 19; targeted mutation 1, Guoqiang Gu | alimentary system renal & urinary system liver & biliary system skeletal system endocrine system | limbs | STOCK Krt19tm1(cre/ERT)Ggu/J | MGI:3797107 |
Krt19 | Krt19tm1(cre)Mmt | keratin 19; targeted mutation 1, Makoto M Taketo | head sensory organs branchial arches cardiovascular system nervous system extraembryonic component embryo-other alimentary system mesenchyme reproductive system | MGI:1858007 | ||
Krt19 | Krt19em1(cre)Smoc | keratin 19; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766294 | |||
Krt19 | Tg(Krt19-cre)#Tcw | transgene insertion, Timothy C Wang | alimentary system | MGI:5692449 | ||
Krt19 | Tg(Krt19-icre)2Hirt | transgene insertion 2, Hiroyuki Tomita | alimentary system embryo-other liver & biliary system | B6.B6D2-Tg(Krt19-icre)2Hirt | MGI:6387216 | |
Krt19 | Tg(Krt19-cre)#Hcz | transgene insertion, Hua-Chuan Zheng | MGI:5909282 | |||
Krt19 | Krt19tm1(cre/ERT2)Szki | keratin 19; targeted mutation 1, Atsushi Suzuki | MGI:5506739 | |||
Krt19 | Tg(Krt19-cre/ERT2)#Tcw | transgene insertion, Timothy C Wang | alimentary system | MGI:5692448 | ||
Krt19 | Tg(Krt19-cre)#Csz | transgene insertion, Charles S Zuker | MGI:5909911 | |||
Krt19 | Krt19em1(dre)Bzsh | keratin 19; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | MGI:6386784 | |||
Krt2 | Tg(Krt2-6a-cre)1Ism | transgene insertion 1, Ian Smyth | alimentary system integumental system | MGI:3038016 | ||
Krt20 | Krt20em1(cre/ERT2)Amc | keratin 20; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Andrew P McMahon | C57BL/6N-Krt20em1(cre/ERT2)Amc/J | MGI:5903002 | ||
Krt4 | Krt4em1(cre/ERT2)Bcgen | keratin 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Biocytogen LLC | renal & urinary system reproductive system | MGI:7449308 | ||
Krt5 | Krt5tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Blh | keratin 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Brigid L Hogan | B6N.129S6(Cg)-Krt5tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Blh/J FVB.129S6(Cg)-Krt5tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Blh/MqrJ | MGI:5305438 | ||
Krt5 | Krt5em4(cre)Smoc | keratin 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7264775 | |||
Krt5 | Krt5em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | keratin 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758024 | |||
Krt5 | Krt5em1(icre)Gpt | keratin 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7301410 | |||
Krt5 | Krt5em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | keratin 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758025 | |||
Krt5 | Tg(Krt1-5-cre/ERT)1Ipc | transgene insertion 1, I Pierre Chambon | integumental system | MGI:2177427 | ||
KRT5 | Tg(KRT5-dre/PGR)42Zaw | transgene insertion 42, Zhu A Wang | B6;129-Tg(KRT5-dre/PGR)42Zaw/J | MGI:7660854 | ||
KRT5 | Tg(KRT5-cre)5132Jlj | transgene insertion 5132, Jose Luis Jorcano | embryo-other respiratory system integumental system head limbs sensory organs nervous system reproductive system alimentary system | cardiovascular system muscle hemolymphoid system renal & urinary system liver & biliary system | B6.Cg-Tg(KRT5-cre)5132Jlj/Cnbc | MGI:3050065 |
KRT5 | Tg(KRT5-cre/ERT2)43.10Ics | transgene insertion 43.10, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(KRT5-cre/ERT2)43.10Ics/Ics | MGI:7346208 | ||
KRT5 | Tg(KRT5-cre/ERT2)AJdg | transgene insertion A, John DiGiovanni | FVB-Tg(Krt5-cre/ERT2)AJdg/Mmmh | MGI:3807716 | ||
KRT5 | Tg(KRT5-cre/ERT)SCmch | transgene insertion S, Chun-Ming Chen | reproductive system hemolymphoid system respiratory system alimentary system renal & urinary system integumental system head sensory organs | MGI:3829360 | ||
KRT5 | Tg(KRT5-cre)1Tak | transgene insertion 1, Junji Takeda | MGI:1926815 | |||
KRT5 | Tg(KRT5-cre/ERT2)1Blh | transgene insertion 1, Brigid L Hogan | respiratory system | MGI:4358332 | ||
KRT5 | Tg(KRT5-cre/ERT2)2Blh | transgene insertion 2, Brigid L Hogan | alimentary system | respiratory system | MGI:6753172 | |
KRT5 | Tg(KRT5-cre)1Xya | transgene insertion 1, Xiao Yang | MGI:3606663 | |||
KRT5 | Tg(KRT5-cre/ERT2)2Ipc | transgene insertion 2, I Pierre Chambon | integumental system renal & urinary system | STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sor(CAGGS-Yap5SA,LacZ)Mao Tg(KRT5-cre/ERT2)2Ipc FVB.Cg-Tg(KRT5-cre/ERT2)2Ipc/JeldJ STOCK Notch1tm2Rko Notch2tm3Grid Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(CAG-tdTomato)Hze Tg(KRT5-cre/ERT2)2Ipc/JeswJ | MGI:2177429 | |
KRT5 | Tg(KRT5-cre/ERT2)#Mym | transgene insertion, Masayuki Yamamoto | alimentary system integumental system | MGI:7451265 | ||
KRT5 | Tg(KRT5-cre/ERT)ICmch | transgene insertion I, Chun-Ming Chen | alimentary system renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system integumental system reproductive system | C57BL/6-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(YAP5SA):Tg(KRT5-cre/ERT)ICmch/APB | MGI:3829358 | |
KRT5 | Tg(KRT5-cre/PGR)1Der | transgene insertion 1, Dennis R Roop | integumental system | MGI:2651408 | ||
Krt6 | Tg(Krt6,-cre,-Cerulean)2Grsr | transgene insertion 2, Genetic Resource Science Repository | C57BL/6J-Tg(Krt6,-cre,-Cerulean)2Grsr/Grsr | MGI:5485014 | ||
Krt6 | Tg(Krt6,-cre,-Cerulean)1Grsr | transgene insertion 1, Genetic Resource Science Repository | C57BL/6J-Tg(Krt6,-cre,-Cerulean)1Grsr/Grsr | MGI:5484938 | ||
Krt6 | Tg(Krt6,-cre,-Cerulean)4Grsr | transgene insertion 4, Genetic Resource Science Repository | C57BL/6J-Tg(Krt6,-cre,-Cerulean)4Grsr/Grsr | MGI:5485016 | ||
Krt6 | Tg(Krt6,-cre,-Cerulean)5Grsr | transgene insertion 5, Genetic Resource Science Repository | C57BL/6J-Tg(Krt6,-cre,-Cerulean)5Grsr/Grsr | MGI:5485017 | ||
Krt6a | Krt6aem1(icre)Vk | keratin 6A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Vesa Kaartinen | limbs head sensory organs integumental system alimentary system | MGI:7464182 | ||
Krt6a | Krt6aem2(icre/ERT2)Vk | keratin 6A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Vesa Kaartinen | head alimentary system | MGI:7464183 | ||
Krt6a | Krt6aem1(cre/ERT2)Tchn | keratin 6A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Ting Chen | STOCK Krt6aem1(cre/ERT2)Tchn/J | MGI:6401425 | ||
Krt7 | Krt7tm1(cre/ERT2)Que | keratin 7; targeted mutation 1, Jianwen Que | reproductive system renal & urinary system | MGI:7336814 | ||
Krt79 | Tg(Krt79-cre)#Swo | transgene insertion, Sunny Y Wong | MGI:6118974 | |||
Krt8 | Tg(Krt8-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1Xin | transgene insertion 1, Li Xin | alimentary system integumental system respiratory system hemolymphoid system reproductive system liver & biliary system renal & urinary system | C57BL/6J-Tg(Krt8-cre/ERT2,-GFP)1Xin/J | MGI:5314229 | |
Krt8 | Tg(Krt8-cre/ERT2)17Blpn | transgene insertion 17, Cedric Blanpain | STOCK Tg(Krt8-cre/ERT2)17Blpn/J | MGI:5305437 | ||
Krt8 | Tg(Krt18-EGFP,Krt8-cre/ERT)HCmch | transgene insertion H, Chun-Ming Chen | renal & urinary system reproductive system | MGI:5647879 | ||
Krt82 | Krt82tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | keratin 82; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Krt82tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633778 | ||
Lamp5 | Lamp5em1(flpo*)Ngai | lysosomal-associated membrane protein family, member 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, John Ngai | B6.Cg-Lamp5em1(flpo*)Ngai/TasicJ | MGI:7286057 | ||
Lamp5 | Tg(Lamp5-cre)SN25Gsat | transgene insertion SN25, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Lamp5-cre)SN25Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435518 | ||
Lbhd2 | Lbhd2em1(cre/ERT2)Fuki | LBH domain containing 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Izumi Fukunaga | head nervous system | C57BL/6J-Lbhd2em1(cre/ERT2)Fuki/J | MGI:6508398 | |
Lbhd2 | Tg(A230065H16Rik-cre)RA31Gsat | transgene insertion RA31, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(A230065H16Rik-cre)RA31Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5498098 | ||
Lbhd2 | Tg(A230065H16Rik-cre)RA13Gsat | transgene insertion RA13, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(A230065H16Rik-cre)RA13Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051816 | |
Lbx1 | Lbx1tm2(flpo)Gld | ladybird homeobox 1; targeted mutation 2, Martyn Goulding | MGI:5770780 | |||
Lbx1 | Tg(Lbx1-cre)3Cbm | transgene insertion 3, Carmen Birchmeier | limbs branchial arches | MGI:3704929 | ||
Lbx1 | Lbx1tm3.1(cre)Cbm | ladybird homeobox 1; targeted mutation 3.1, Carmen Birchmeier | MGI:3710149 | |||
Lbx1 | Lbx1em1(cre)Smoc | ladybird homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766304 | |||
Lck | Tg(Lck-cre)I57Jxm | transgene insertion I57, Jamey Marth | B6.129-Foxo1tm1Flv Tg(Lck-cre)157Jxm/Anu | MGI:2177584 | ||
Lck | Tg(Lck-cre)I540Jxm | transgene insertion I540, Jamey Marth | B6.Cg-Tg(Lck-cre)I540Jxm/J | MGI:3701502 | ||
Lck | Tg(Lck-icre)3779Nik | transgene insertion 3779, Nigel Killeen | reproductive system alimentary system renal & urinary system respiratory system endocrine system hemolymphoid system nervous system liver & biliary system head skeletal system sensory organs | cardiovascular system muscle adipose tissue embryo-other integumental system | B6.Cg-Tg(Lck-icre)3779Nik/J | MGI:2655492 |
Lck | Tg(Lck-cre)7Syt | transgene insertion 7, Huey-Kang Sytwu | MGI:5901742 | |||
Lck | Tg(Lck-cre)14Syt | transgene insertion 14, Huey-Kang Sytwu | MGI:5901740 | |||
Lck | Tg(Lck-cre)1Cwi | transgene insertion 1, Christopher B Wilson | mouse-other hemolymphoid system | B6.Cg-Tg(Lck-cre)1Cwi N9 B6.Cg-Prdm1tm2.1Nutt Zfp683Gt(OST314703)Lex Tg(Lck-cre)1Cwi/Apb B6NTac.Cg-Tg(Lck-cre)1Cwi/Mmnc | MGI:2448686 | |
Lck | Tg(Lck-cre)548Jxm | transgene insertion 548, Jamey Marth | embryo-other alimentary system reproductive system hemolymphoid system | cardiovascular system renal & urinary system nervous system | NOD.Cg-Tg(Lck-cre)548Jxm/AchJ B6.Cg-Tg(Lck-cre)548Jxm/J | MGI:2176199 |
Lck | Tg(Lck-cre)#Jxm | transgene insertion, Jamey Marth | MGI:5538658 | |||
Lck | Tg(Lck-cre)1Jtak | transgene insertion 1, Junji Takeda | B6.Cg-Tg(Lck-cre)1Jtak/JtakAyosRbrc C;129P2(Cg)-Cxcr4tm1Yiw Tg(Lck-cre)1Jtak/YiwRbrc D1.129P2(Cg)-Cxcr4tm1Yiw Tg(Lck-cre)1Jtak/YiwRbrc | MGI:3655254 | ||
Lck | Tg(Lck-cre)#Zhu | transgene insertion, Yuan Zhuang | MGI:3054844 | |||
Lck | Tg(Lck-cre)3778Nik | transgene insertion 3778, Nigel Killeen | MGI:2655490 | |||
Lck | Tg(Lck-cre)19Hhan | transgene insertion 19, Hua Han | MGI:4889049 | |||
Lck | Tg(Lck-betarec)1Abnd | transgene insertion 1, Antonio Bernad | MGI:3802615 | |||
Lck | Tg(Lck-cre)#Nik | transgene insertion, Nigel Killeen | MGI:4819511 | |||
Lck | Tg(Lck-cre)3785Nik | transgene insertion 3785, Nigel Killeen | MGI:2655481 | |||
Lck | Tg(Lck-cre)1Thr | transgene insertion 1, Terence H Rabbitts | MGI:3584021 | |||
Lck | Tg(Lck-cre/ERT2)51.17Ics | transgene insertion 51.17, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Lck-cre/ERT2)51.17Ics/Ics | MGI:7346211 | ||
Lcn5 | Tg(Lcn5-cre)1Ylzh | transgene insertion 1, Yonglian Zhang | MGI:5474050 | |||
Lcn5 | Tg(Lcn5-cre/ERT2)#Sxie | transgene insertion, Shengsong Xie | reproductive system | respiratory system hemolymphoid system renal & urinary system cardiovascular system liver & biliary system nervous system head | MGI:6202082 | |
Lcn8 | Lcn8tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | lipocalin 8; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:5811987 | |||
Lcn8 | Lcn8em1(cre)Xys | lipocalin 8; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Xiao-yang Sun | MGI:7512804 | |||
Lcn9 | Lcn9em1(cre)Xys | lipocalin 9; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Xiao-yang Sun | reproductive system | hemolymphoid system nervous system cardiovascular system head renal & urinary system | MGI:6731103 | |
Lect2 | Lect2em1(cre)Smoc | leukocyte cell-derived chemotaxin 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | liver & biliary system | MGI:6760622 | ||
Lef1 | Lef1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Lef1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633779 | ||
Leftb | Tg(Leftb-cre)1Hmd | transgene insertion 1, Hiroshi Hamada | mesenchyme cardiovascular system embryo-other extraembryonic component | MGI:2654234 | ||
Lefty1 | Lefty1tm1(cre/Esr1*)Sia | left right determination factor 1; targeted mutation 1, Shinich Aizawa | MGI:5817776 | |||
Lefty1 | Tg(Lefty1-cre/ERT2)8Hmd | transgene insertion 8, Hiroshi Hamada | extraembryonic component mouse-other embryo-other | B6.Cg-Tg(Lefty1-Cre/ERT2)8Hmd/HmdRbrc | MGI:6358748 | |
Lefty1 | Lefty1tm1.1(cre/Esr1*)Sia | left right determination factor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Shinich Aizawa | MGI:5817777 | |||
Lefty1 | Tg(Lefty1-cre)2Hmd | transgene insertion 2, Hiroshi Hamada | mouse-other embryo-other | B6.Cg-Tg(Lefty1-cre)2Hmd/HmdRbrc | MGI:6358771 | |
Lefty2 | Tg(Lefty2-cre)21bHmd | transgene insertion 21b, Hiroshi Hamada | embryo-other | extraembryonic component | B6.Cg-Tg(lefty2 5.5-cre)21BHmd/HmdRbrc | MGI:3046967 |
Lepr | Leprtm1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | leptin receptor; targeted mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758027 | |||
Lepr | Leprem2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | leptin receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | integumental system adipose tissue | MGI:7489534 | ||
Lepr | Leprem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | leptin receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758026 | |||
Lepr | Leprtm3(cre)Mgmj | leptin receptor; targeted mutation 1, Martin G Myers, Jr | head nervous system | B6.129-Leprtm3(cre)Mgmj/J | MGI:3773731 | |
Lepr | Leprem4(dre/ERT2)Smoc | leptin receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | limbs skeletal system | MGI:7434946 | ||
Lepr | Tg(Lepr-cre/ERT2)#Rha | transgene insertion, Ralf H Adams | limbs hemolymphoid system skeletal system | MGI:7434978 | ||
Lepr | Leprtm2(cre)Rck | leptin receptor; targeted mutation 2, Jeffrey M Friedman | endocrine system liver & biliary system integumental system nervous system renal & urinary system reproductive system alimentary system hemolymphoid system adipose tissue muscle cardiovascular system head skeletal system respiratory system | limbs extraembryonic component mesenchyme tail cavities & their linings embryo-other | B6.129(Cg)-Leprtm2(cre)Rck/J | MGI:3776158 |
Lepr | Tg(Lepr-cre/ERT2)#Cya | transgene insertion, Cyagen Biosciences | skeletal system limbs hemolymphoid system | MGI:7434945 | ||
Lfng | Tg(Lfng-TagRFP/cre/ERT2)8Amc | transgene insertion 8, Andrew P McMahon | B6;D-Tg(Lfng-TagRFP/cre/ERT2)8Amc/J | MGI:5317216 | ||
Lfng | Tg(Lfng-cre/ERT2)1Mmsa | transgene insertion 1, Mirjana Maletic-Savatic | nervous system head | B6;FVB-Tg(Lfng-cre/ERT2)1Mmsa/J | MGI:6120527 | |
Lgals3 | Lgals3em1(cre)Cya | lectin, galactose binding, soluble 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | renal & urinary system cardiovascular system | MGI:6861775 | ||
LGB | Tg(LGB-cre)74Acl | transgene insertion 74, Alan R Clarke | integumental system | STOCK Tg(LGB-cre)74Acl/J STOCK Trp53tm1Brd Brca1tm1Aash Tg(LGB-cre)74Acl/J | MGI:2137694 | |
Lgr4 | Lgr4tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Npa | leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Novartis Pharma AG | alimentary system | MGI:5635820 | ||
Lgr4 | Lgr4tm1(cre/ERT2)Cle | leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor 4; targeted mutation 1, Hans Clevers | respiratory system | MGI:5285689 | ||
Lgr5 | Lgr5tm3(cre/ERT2)Cle | leucine rich repeat containing G protein coupled receptor 5; targeted mutation 3, Hans Clevers | MGI:6798079 | |||
Lgr5 | Lgr5tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Niba | leucine rich repeat containing G protein coupled receptor 5; targeted mutation 3.1, Nick Barker | alimentary system | MGI:6507189 | ||
Lgr5 | Lgr5em1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | leucine rich repeat containing G protein coupled receptor 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724265 | |||
Lgr5 | Lgr5tm1(cre/ERT2)Fjs | leucine rich repeat containing G protein coupled receptor 5; targeted mutation 1, Frederick J de Sauvage | MGI:5294796 | |||
Lgr5 | Lgr5em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | leucine rich repeat containing G protein coupled receptor 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7301624 | |||
Lgr5 | Lgr5tm1(cre/ERT2)Cle | leucine rich repeat containing G protein coupled receptor 5; targeted mutation 1, Hans Clevers | renal & urinary system integumental system alimentary system reproductive system | head nervous system sensory organs respiratory system cardiovascular system liver & biliary system skeletal system hemolymphoid system endocrine system muscle | B6.129P2-Lgr5tm1(cre/ERT2)Cle/J | MGI:3764660 |
Lgr5 | Lgr5em1(cre/ERT2)Kba | leucine rich repeat containing G protein coupled receptor 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Konrad Basler | integumental system alimentary system | MGI:7460264 | ||
Lgr5 | Lgr5tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Npa | leucine rich repeat containing G protein coupled receptor 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Novartis Pharma AG | renal & urinary system integumental system respiratory system alimentary system | MGI:5635821 | ||
Lgr5 | Lgr5em1(EGFP,-icre/ERT2)Yil | leucine rich repeat containing G protein coupled receptor 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Omer Yilmaz | MGI:7624526 | |||
Lgr5 | Lgr5em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | leucine rich repeat containing G protein coupled receptor 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758028 | |||
Lgr5 | Lgr5em3(dre)Smoc | leucine rich repeat containing G protein coupled receptor 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7264785 | |||
Lgr6 | Lgr6tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Cle | leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor 6; targeted mutation 2.1, Hans Clevers | sensory organs renal & urinary system head integumental system respiratory system mesenchyme | B6.129P2-Lgr6tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Cle/J | MGI:4438349 | |
Lgr6 | Lgr6em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor 6; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766311 | |||
LHB | Tg(Lhb-cre)1Sac | transgene insertion 1, Sally A Camper | nervous system head reproductive system renal & urinary system endocrine system | STOCK Tg(Lhb-cre)1Sac/J | MGI:3822455 | |
Lhx1 | Lhx1tm1.1(icre)Rob | LIM homeobox protein 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Elizabeth J Robertson | mesenchyme head cardiovascular system embryo-other alimentary system mouse-other | MGI:5698524 | ||
Lhx2 | Lhx2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | LIM homeobox protein 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Z Josh Huang | STOCK Lhx2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:6720833 | ||
Lhx2 | Tg(Lhx2-cre)1Lcar | transgene insertion 1, Leif Carlsson | MGI:5300954 | |||
Lhx3 | Lhx3tm1(cre)Slp | LIM homeobox protein 3; targeted mutation 1, Samuel L Pfaff | MGI:3513299 | |||
LHX3 | Tg(LHX3-cre)#Sjr | transgene insertion, Simon J Rhodes | head nervous system endocrine system | MGI:5576209 | ||
Lhx6 | Lhx6tm1(cre)Osb | LIM homeobox protein 6; targeted mutation 1, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University | MGI:6473267 | |||
Lhx6 | Lhx6tm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | LIM homeobox protein 6; targeted mutation 1, Z Josh Huang | nervous system head | B6(Cg)-Lhx6tm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:4365737 | |
Lhx6 | Tg(Lhx6-icre)1Kess | transgene insertion 1, Nicoletta Kessaris | nervous system head | B6;CBA-Tg(Lhx6-icre)1Kess/J | MGI:4355717 | |
Lhx8 | Tg(Lhx8-icre)1Kess | transgene insertion 1, Nicoletta Kessaris | head nervous system | MGI:7490134 | ||
Lhx8 | Lhx8tm1(cre)Grsr | LIM homeobox protein 8; targeted mutation 1, Genetic Resource Science Repository | C57BL/6N-Lhx8tm1(cre)Grsr/2GrsrJ | MGI:5564768 | ||
Lhx9 | Lhx9tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Gan | LIM homeobox protein 9; targeted mutation 1.1, Lin Gan | nervous system limbs sensory organs head reproductive system | MGI:5620763 | ||
Lmo2 | Lmo2tm2(cre)Thr | LIM domain only 2; targeted mutation 2, Terence H Rabbitts | MGI:2671438 | |||
Lmx1a | Tg(Lmx1a-cre)1Kjmi | transgene insertion 1, Kathleen J Millen | head nervous system | MGI:4359769 | ||
Lmx1a | Tg(Lmx1a-EGFP/cre)3Kjmi | transgene insertion 3, Kathleen J Millen | STOCK Tg(Lmx1a-EGFP/cre)3Kjmi/J | MGI:4461311 | ||
Lmx1b | Lmx1bem1(dre)Uze | LIM homeobox transcription factor 1 beta; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, University of Zurich | C57BL/6J-Lmx1bem1(dre)Uze/J | MGI:7567953 | ||
Lmx1b | Lmx1btm2(cre/ERT2)Rjo | LIM homeobox transcription factor 1 beta; targeted mutation 2, Randy L Johnson | limbs embryo-other mesenchyme | STOCK Lmx1btm2(cre/ERT2)Rjo/J | MGI:3849050 | |
Lmx1b | Lmx1btm3(cre/ERT2)Rjo | LIM homeobox transcription factor 1 beta; targeted mutation 3, Randy L Johnson | MGI:3849051 | |||
Lncenc1 | Lncenc1Gt(cre)4Card | long non-coding RNA, embryonic stem cells expressed 1; gene trap 4, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7522225 | |||
Lncenc1 | Lncenc1Gt(cre)3Card | long non-coding RNA, embryonic stem cells expressed 1; gene trap 3, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7522067 | |||
Lncenc1 | Lncenc1Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | long non-coding RNA, embryonic stem cells expressed 1; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7522052 | |||
Lncenc1 | Lncenc1Gt(cre/ERT2)2Card | long non-coding RNA, embryonic stem cells expressed 1; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7522058 | |||
LPAR4 | Tg(LPAR4-cre/ERT2,-EGFP)#Hjcho | transgene insertion, Hyun-Jai Cho | skeletal system hemolymphoid system embryo-other nervous system liver & biliary system cardiovascular system | MGI:7520361 | ||
LPV | Tg(LPV-cre)607Roho | transgene insertion 607, Rodney JY Ho | MGI:5319171 | |||
Lrat | Tg(Lrat-cre)1Rshw | transgene insertion 1, Robert F Schwabe | liver & biliary system | MGI:5545650 | ||
Lrat | Lratem1(icre)Gpt | lecithin-retinol acyltransferase (phosphatidylcholine-retinol-O-acyltransferase); endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7301725 | |||
Lrat | Lratem1(cre)Smoc | lecithin-retinol acyltransferase (phosphatidylcholine-retinol-O-acyltransferase); endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514033 | |||
Lrat | Lrattm1(cre/ERT2)Jhe | lecithin-retinol acyltransferase (phosphatidylcholine-retinol-O-acyltransferase); targeted mutation 1, Jinhan He | MGI:7764730 | |||
Lrig1 | Lrig1tm2.1(icre/ERT2)Mrc | leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Mario R Capecchi | integumental system head alimentary system nervous system | B6J.Cg-Lrig1tm2.1(icre/ERT2)Mrc/Mmucd | MGI:6724057 | |
Lrig1 | Lrig1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Rjc | leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Robert J Coffey | alimentary system integumental system | STOCK Lrig1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Rjc/J | MGI:4947937 | |
Lrig1 | Lrig1tm1(cre/ERT2)Kjen | leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 1; targeted mutation 1, Kim B Jensen | alimentary system integumental system | MGI:5520983 | ||
Lrp2 | Lrp2tm2(EGFP/cre)Tew | low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 2; targeted mutation 2, Thomas E Willnow | MGI:5314898 | |||
Lrp2 | Lrp2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Bara | low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Jonathan Barasch | MGI:7279146 | |||
Lrp4 | Lrp4tm1.1(GFP/cre/ERT2)Gan | low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Lin Gan | head nervous system | MGI:6739898 | ||
Lrrn1 | Tg(Lrrn1-cre/ERT2)#Dri | transgene insertion, Elizabeth Carroll Driver | MGI:7593844 | |||
Lrrtm1 | Lrrtm1em1(cre/ERT2)Amc | leucine rich repeat transmembrane neuronal 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Andrew P McMahon | C57BL/6N-Lrrtm1em1(cre/ERT2)Amc/J | MGI:5902946 | ||
Ltb | Ltbtm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | lymphotoxin B; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6N-Atm1Brd Ltbtm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633780 | ||
Ltf | Ltftm1(icre)Tdku | lactotransferrin; targeted mutation 1, Takiko Daikoku | reproductive system integumental system cardiovascular system mesenchyme hemolymphoid system liver & biliary system alimentary system renal & urinary system respiratory system | mouse-other nervous system head endocrine system | STOCK Ltftm1(icre)Tdku/J | MGI:5581966 |
Ltf | Tg(Ltf-icre)14Mmul | transgene insertion 14, Mathias Muller | STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1Hjf Tg(Ltf-icre)14Mmul/Biat C.Cg-Tg(Ltf-icre)14Mmul/Biat | MGI:5571915 | ||
Ltf | Tg(Ltf-cre)#Stw | transgene insertion, Colin L Stewart | embryo-other | MGI:7437635 | ||
Ltf | Ltftm1(cre)Stw | lactotransferrin; targeted mutation 1, Colin L Stewart | reproductive system embryo-other | MGI:7437636 | ||
Ltf | Ltfem1(icre)Smoc | lactotransferrin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7264787 | |||
LTF | Tg(LTF-EGFP/cre/PGR)11Klin | transgene insertion 11, Kurt Lin | MGI:5898041 | |||
LTF | Tg(LTF-EGFP/cre/PGR)15Klin | transgene insertion 15, Kurt Lin | hemolymphoid system integumental system reproductive system alimentary system | MGI:5568730 | ||
LTF | Tg(LTF-EGFP/cre/PGR)7Klin | transgene insertion 7, Kurt Lin | MGI:5898042 | |||
Lum | Tg(Lum-cre/ERT2)#Xen | transgene insertion, Taconic Biosciences | MGI:7545167 | |||
Ly6a | Ly6aem1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | lymphocyte antigen 6 family member A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7301827 | |||
Ly6a | Ly6aem3(icre)Cya | lymphocyte antigen 6 family member A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657295 | |||
Ly6a | Ly6atm1.1(cre)Jmol | lymphocyte antigen 6 family member A; targeted mutation 1.1, Jeffery D Molkentin | cardiovascular system | B6.129S-Ly6atm1.1(cre)Jmol/J | MGI:6198589 | |
Ly6a | Ly6aem1(icre)Gpt | lymphocyte antigen 6 family member A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7301828 | |||
Ly6a | Ly6atm2.1(cre/Esr1*)Jmol | lymphocyte antigen 6 family member A; targeted mutation 2.1, Jeffery D Molkentin | hemolymphoid system respiratory system cardiovascular system renal & urinary system alimentary system liver & biliary system | B6.129S-Ly6atm2.1(cre/Esr1*)Jmol/J | MGI:6198591 | |
Ly6a | Ly6atm1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | lymphocyte antigen 6 family member A; targeted mutation 1, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system | MGI:6361441 | ||
Ly6a | Tg(Ly6a-cre)1Isg | transgene insertion 1, Isidro Sanchez-Garcia | MGI:5551780 | |||
Ly6a | Ly6aem4(icre)Smoc | lymphocyte antigen 6 family member A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7290904 | |||
Ly6a | Ly6atm1.1(cre/ERT2)Geno | lymphocyte antigen 6 family member A; targeted mutation 1.1, Genoway | respiratory system renal & urinary system cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system | MGI:7484560 | ||
Ly6a | Tg(Ly6a-cre/ERT2)1Isg | transgene insertion 1, Isidro Sanchez-Garcia | MGI:5551781 | |||
Ly6d | Ly6dem1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | lymphocyte antigen 6 family member D; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7301832 | |||
Ly6g | Ly6gem2(icre)Smoc | lymphocyte antigen 6 family member G; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724267 | |||
Ly6g | Ly6gem3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | lymphocyte antigen 6 family member G; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724268 | |||
Ly6g | Ly6gem1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | lymphocyte antigen 6 family member G; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724266 | |||
Ly6g | Ly6gtm2621(cre)Arte | lymphocyte antigen 6 family member G; targeted mutation 2621, TaconicArtemis | hemolymphoid system skeletal system mouse-other | MGI:6330745 | ||
Lypd1 | Tg(Lypd1-cre)NR151Gsat | transgene insertion NR151, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | MGI:5435531 | ||
Lypd1 | Tg(Lypd1-cre)SE5Gsat | transgene insertion SE5, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Lypd1-cre)SE5Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435530 | |
Lypd1 | Tg(Lypd1-cre)NR149Gsat | transgene insertion NR149, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Lypd1-cre)NR149Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4940666 | |
Lypd6b | Tg(Lypd6b-cre)1Sleep | transgene insertion 1, Yu Hayashi | head nervous system | C57BL/6J-Tg(Lypd6b-cre)1Sleep | MGI:6317423 | |
Lypd8 | Lypd8tm1(cre)Ktak | LY6/PLAUR domain containing 8; targeted mutation 1, Kiyoshi Takeda | MGI:6508394 | |||
Lyve1 | Lyve1em1(icre)Gpt | lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7301876 | |||
Lyve1 | Tg(Lyve1-cre/ERT2)#Rtem | Transgene insertion, Richard Tempero | MGI:6758733 | |||
Lyve1 | Tg(Lyve1-cre/ERT2)54Rtem | Transgene insertion 54, Richard Tempero | MGI:6758738 | |||
Lyve1 | Lyve1em1(icre)Cya | lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657296 | |||
Lyve1 | Tg(Lyve1-cre/ERT2)49Rtem | Transgene insertion 49, Richard Tempero | hemolymphoid system integumental system sensory organs cardiovascular system respiratory system head alimentary system | MGI:6758737 | ||
Lyve1 | Lyve1em1(cre/ERT2)Jkpns | lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Jonathan Kipnis | MGI:7859688 | |||
Lyve1 | Lyve1em1(Ncre)Jung | lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Steffen Jung | head nervous system | C57BL/6-Lyve1em1(Ncre)Jung Cx3cr1em1(Ccre)Jung/J | MGI:6508985 | |
Lyve1 | Lyve1em3(cre/ERT2)Gpt | lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | cardiovascular system head nervous system | MGI:7446935 | ||
Lyve1 | Tg(Lyve1-cre/ERT2)60Rtem | Transgene insertion 60, Richard Tempero | MGI:6758739 | |||
Lyve1 | Lyve1em1(cre)Smoc | lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766336 | |||
Lyve1 | Lyve1tm1.1(EGFP/cre)Cys | lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1; targeted mutation 1, Jason G Cyster | adipose tissue integumental system muscle endocrine system cardiovascular system alimentary system sensory organs nervous system liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system respiratory system reproductive system skeletal system renal & urinary system head | B6;129P2-Lyve1tm1.1(EGFP/cre)Cys/J | MGI:4421655 | |
Lyz1 | Lyz1em1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | lysozyme 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724277 | |||
Lyz1 | Lyz1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Cle | lysozyme 1; targeted mutation 2.1 Hans Clevers | alimentary system | MGI:7447075 | ||
Lyz1 | Lyz1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ngao | lysozyme 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Nan Gao | alimentary system | MGI:7439048 | ||
Lyz1 | Lyz1em1(icre)Gpt | lysozyme 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7301878 | |||
Lyz1 | Tg(Lyz1-cre/ERT2)#Ngao | transgene insertion, Nan Gao | alimentary system | MGI:7548470 | ||
Lyz2 | Lyz2em3(cre/ERT2)Cya | lysozyme 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657298 | |||
Lyz2 | Lyz2tm1(cre)Ifo | lysozyme 2; targeted mutation 1, Irmgard Forster | muscle alimentary system nervous system renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system liver & biliary system respiratory system reproductive system head | sensory organs skeletal system embryo-other endocrine system integumental system adipose tissue extraembryonic component | C57BL/6-Ets2tm1Pjh Lyz2tm1(cre)Ifo /PjhApb B6.129P2-Leprtm1.1ChuaLyz2tm1(cre)Ifo/JAusbAnuApb B6.129P2-Lifrtm1a(EUCOMM)Hmgu Lyz2tm1(cre)Ifo/JAusbAnu C57BL/6-Maltm1Pjh Lyz2tm1(cre)Ifo/PjhApb B6.129P2-Lyz2tm1(cre)Ifo/JAusbAnu B6J.Cg-Bsgtm1.1Riki Lyz2tm1(cre)Ifo/Mmmh B6.129P2-Lyz2tm1(cre)Ifo/Rbrc C.129P2(B6)-Lyz2tm1(cre)Ifo/Rbrc B6.129P2-Lyz2tm1(cre)Ifo/CgnCnrm B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(Trib1,-EGFP)Ekt Lyz2tm1(cre)Ifo/H NOD.129P2(B6)-Lyz2tm1(cre)Ifo/NadlJ B6.129P2-Lyz2tm1(cre)Ifo/J B6N.129P2(B6)-Lyz2tm1(cre)Ifo/J D2.129P2(B6)-Lyz2tm1(cre)Ifo/SjJ | MGI:1934631 |
Lyz2 | Lyz2tm1(cre/ERT2)Grtn | lysozyme 2; targeted mutation 1, Florian R Greten | B6.129P2(FVB)-Lyz2tm1(cre/ERT2)Grtn/J STOCK Lyz2tm1(cre/ERT2)Grtn/J | MGI:6114757 | ||
Lyz2 | Tg(Lyz2-cre/ERT2)26.19Ics | transgene insertion 26.19, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Lyz2-cre/ERT2)26.19Ics/Ics | MGI:7346215 | ||
Lyz2 | Lyz2em2(cre/ERT2)Gpt | lysozyme 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7301881 | |||
Lyz2 | Lyz2em2(icre)Cya | lysozyme 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657297 | |||
Lyz2 | Lyz2em1(icre)Gpt | lysozyme 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:6729910 | |||
Lyz2 | Lyz2em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | lysozyme 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758029 | |||
Lyz2 | Lyz2em3(cre)Smoc | lysozyme 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6887678 | |||
Lyz2 | Lyz2em6(dre/ERT2)Smoc | lysozyme 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 6, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766339 | |||
Lyz2 | Lyz2em1.1(cre)Elgaz | lysozyme 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1.1, Mohamed Elgazzar | MGI:6195189 | |||
Lyz2 | Lyz2em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | lysozyme 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6718613 | |||
Lztfl1 | Lztfl1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | leucine zipper transcription factor-like 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Lztfl1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633781 | ||
Madcam1 | Madcam1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | mucosal vascular addressin cell adhesion molecule 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766341 | |||
Maf | Maftm1.1(cre)Uze | MAF bZIP transcription factor; targeted mutation 1.1, University of Zurich | MGI:7567957 | |||
Mafa | Mafatm1.1(cre)Cbm | MAF bZIP transcription factor A; targeted mutation 1.1, Carmen Birchmeier | MGI:5806113 | |||
Mafa | Mafaem1(cre)Xzd | MAF bZIP transcription factor A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Xinzhong Dong | nervous system | MGI:7468617 | ||
Mafa | Mafatm1.1(flpo)Gld | MAF bZIP transcription factor A; targeted mutation 1.1, Martyn Goulding | MGI:6459713 | |||
Mafb | Mafbem1(flpo)Thore | MAF bZIP transcription factor B; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Wallace Thoreson | MGI:7441914 | |||
Mafb | Mafbtm1.1(cre)Kmm | MAF bZIP transcription factor B; targeted mutation 1.1, Kenneth Murphy | B6N(129S4)-Mafbtm1.1(cre)Kmm/J | MGI:5795905 | ||
Mafb | Tg(Mafb-cre/ERT2)#Fmr | transgene insertion, Filippo M Rijli | MGI:5474190 | |||
Mafg | Tg(Mafg-Nrf2/cre,-EGFP)737Hozu | transgene insertion 737, Hozumi Motohashi | renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system nervous system alimentary system head respiratory system liver & biliary system | MGI:7485929 | ||
Mag | Magem1(dre)Gpt | myelin-associated glycoprotein; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7301907 | |||
Man1a2 | Tg(Man1a2-cre)RE8Gsat | transgene insertion RE8, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Man1a2-cre)RE8Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435525 | ||
Map2 | Map2em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | microtubule-associated protein 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6358047 | |||
Map3k15 | Map3k15tm1(cre)Stl | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 15; targeted mutation 1, Susumu Tonegawa | MGI:6117443 | |||
Mapt | Mapttm1(cre)Nagy | microtubule-associated protein tau; targeted mutation 1, Andras Nagy | reproductive system head extraembryonic component embryo-other nervous system | MGI:3512756 | ||
Mapt | Mapttm3(cre/PGR)Aha | microtubule-associated protein tau; targeted mutation 3, Akihiro Harada | nervous system sensory organs head | hemolymphoid system renal & urinary system cardiovascular system muscle liver & biliary system alimentary system | MGI:3797111 | |
Mapt | Mapttm2(cre)Aha | microtubule-associated protein tau; targeted mutation 2, Akihiro Harada | head nervous system | liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system alimentary system respiratory system renal & urinary system cardiovascular system | MGI:3793311 | |
Marchf4 | Tg(March4-cre)OZ149Gsat | transgene insertion OZ149, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(March4-cre)OZ149Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435476 | ||
Mark3 | Mark3Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | MAP/microtubule affinity regulating kinase 3; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493097 | |||
Matn1 | Matn1tm1(cre)Rpbh | matrilin 1, cartilage matrix protein; targeted mutation 1, Raymond P Boot-Handford | MGI:3715205 | |||
Mb | Mbtm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | myoglobin; targeted mutation 1.1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Mbtm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Mbtm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633782 | ||
Mbip | Mbipem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | MAP3K12 binding inhibitory protein 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766355 | |||
Mbp | Tg(Mbp-cre)1Tjk | transgene insertion 1, Trevor J Kilpatrick | MGI:3663919 | |||
Mbp | Tg(Mbp-cre)9Gvn | transgene insertion 9, Marco Giovannini | reproductive system head cardiovascular system endocrine system nervous system | FVB/N-Tg(Mbp-cre)9Gvn/GvnRbrc | MGI:2450460 | |
Mbp | Tg(Mbp-cre)29Miur | transgene insertion 29, Masayuki Miura | nervous system | MGI:3762376 | ||
Mbp | Tg(Mbp-icre/ERT2)#Rjfl | transgene insertion, Robin JM Franklin | MGI:5763089 | |||
Mbp | Tg(Mbp-cre,CAG-EGFP)53Masa | transgene insertion 53, Masahiro Sato | nervous system cardiovascular system | MGI:3702029 | ||
Mbp | Tg(Mbp-cre)6Gvn | transgene insertion 6, Marco Giovannini | reproductive system head nervous system endocrine system | MGI:2450457 | ||
Mbp | Mbptm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | myelin basic protein; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Mbptm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633783 | ||
Mbp | Tg(Mbp-cre)51Gkl | transgene insertion 51, George Kollias | B6.Cg-Tg(Mbp-cre)51Gkl/Flmg | MGI:5707788 | ||
Mc3r | Tg(Mc3r-cre)#Cone | transgene insertion, Roger D Cone | MGI:6758196 | |||
Mc3r | Mc3rtm1.1(cre)Dolsn | melanocortin 3 receptor; targeted mutation 1.1, David P Olson | nervous system head | MGI:6690499 | ||
Mc4r | Tg(Mc4r-cre)25Rck | transgene insertion 25, Jeffrey M Friedman | B6.Cg-Tg(Mc4r-cre)25Rck/J | MGI:3785555 | ||
Mc4r | Mc4rtm3.1(cre)Lowl | melanocortin 4 receptor; targeted mutation 3.1, Bradford B Lowell | head nervous system | STOCK Mc4rtm3.1(cre)Lowl/J | MGI:5647881 | |
Mc4r | Mc4rem1(cre)Smoc | melanocortin 4 receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758030 | |||
Mc4r | Mc4rem2(cre)Vai | melanocortin 4 receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Christian Vaisse | nervous system head | MGI:7447190 | ||
Mcam | Mcamem1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | melanoma cell adhesion molecule; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7302080 | |||
Mchr1 | Tg(Mchr1-cre)1Emf | transgene insertion 1, Eleftheria Maratos-Flier | head nervous system | C57BL/6J-Tg(Mchr1-cre)1Emf/J | MGI:5474277 | |
Mchr1 | Tg(Mchr1-cre/ERT2)3Nbe | transgene insertion 3, Nicolas F Berbari | head endocrine system nervous system | MGI:6763061 | ||
Mchr1 | Tg(Mchr1-cre/ERT2)2Nbe | transgene insertion 2, Nicolas F Berbari | nervous system head | MGI:6763060 | ||
Mcm2 | Mcm2tm1(cre/ERT2)Scpr | minichromosome maintenance complex component 2; targeted mutation 1, Steven C Pruitt | hemolymphoid system integumental system alimentary system cardiovascular system nervous system skeletal system head | 129-Mcm2tm1(cre/ERT2)Scpr/J | MGI:3818719 | |
Mcoln3 | Mcoln3tm1.1(cre)Lrcb | mucolipin 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Christian Grimm | respiratory system | MGI:7469457 | ||
Mcpt1 | Mcpt1em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | mast cell protease 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766361 | |||
Mcpt8 | Mcpt8em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | mast cell protease 8; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758031 | |||
Mcpt8 | Tg(Mcpt8-icre/ERT2)#Hkar | transgene insertion, Hajime Karasuyama | mouse-other skeletal system hemolymphoid system | MGI:6760637 | ||
Mcpt8 | Mcpt8tm1.1(cre)Ics | mast cell protease 8; targeted mutation 1.1, Mouse Clinical Institute | hemolymphoid system | C57BL/6N-Mcpt8tm1.1(cre)Ics/Ics | MGI:7327249 | |
Mcpt8 | Tg(Mcpt8-cre)1Voeh | transgene insertion 1, David Voehringer | MGI:4834475 | |||
Mcpt8 | Mcpt8tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Ics | mast cell protease 8; targeted mutation 2.1, Mouse Clinical Institute | MGI:7863566 | |||
Mcpt8 | Mcpt8tm1(cre)Lky | mast cell protease 8; targeted mutation 1, Richard M Locksley | C.129S4(B6)-Mcpt8tm1(cre)Lky/J B6.129S4-Mcpt8tm1(cre)Lky/J | MGI:5007937 | ||
Mcpt8 | Mcpt8tm2.2(cre)Ics | mast cell protease 8; targeted mutation 2.2, Mouse Clinical Institute | MGI:7863567 | |||
Mecom | Mecomem1(cre/ERT2)Suda | MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Toshio Suda | cardiovascular system mesenchyme liver & biliary system mouse-other extraembryonic component | MGI:7488471 | ||
Mecom | Mecomtm4(cre/ERT2)Aspe | MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus; targeted mutation 4, Archibald Perkins | B6.Cg-Mecomtm4(cre/ERT2)Aspe/J | MGI:7512927 | ||
Mecom | Mecomtm4.1(cre/ERT2)Aspe | MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus; targeted mutation 4.1, Archibald Perkins | mesenchyme cavities & their linings skeletal system cardiovascular system renal & urinary system liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system reproductive system respiratory system | head nervous system | MGI:6317371 | |
Mef2c | Tg(Mef2c-cre)5Patr | transgene insertion 5, Paul A Trainor | MGI:5690164 | |||
Mef2c | Tg(Mef2c-cre)1Blk | transgene insertion 1, Brian L Black | limbs muscle mesenchyme cavities & their linings tail embryo-other | respiratory system cardiovascular system alimentary system skeletal system | STOCK Tg(Mef2c-cre)1Blk/Mmnc | MGI:3583679 |
Mef2c | Tg(Mef2c-cre)#Blk | transgene insertion, Brian L Black | cardiovascular system muscle | MGI:4940068 | ||
Mef2c | Tg(Mef2c-dre/ERT2)#Bbr | transgene insertion, Benoit G Bruneau | cardiovascular system | MGI:6790590 | ||
Mef2c | Tg(Mef2c-cre)2Blk | transgene insertion 2, Brian L Black | cardiovascular system muscle respiratory system branchial arches | cavities & their linings | STOCK Tg(Mef2c-cre)2Blk/Mmnc | MGI:3639735 |
Megf10 | Megf10tm1.1(cre)Jnk | multiple EGF-like-domains 10; targeted mutation 1.1, Jeremy N Kay | sensory organs head | MGI:6740603 | ||
Megf11 | Tg(Megf11-cre)BIto | transgene insertion B, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6-Tg(Megf11-cre)BIto | MGI:7523924 | ||
Megf11 | Tg(Megf11-cre)JIto | transgene insertion J, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6-Tg(Megf11-cre)JIto Lrrc4tm2.1Ito | MGI:7523927 | ||
Megf6 | Megf6em3(cre)Zzhg | multiple EGF-like-domains 6; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Zhen Zhang | nervous system embryo-other sensory organs skeletal system head integumental system mesenchyme | renal & urinary system cardiovascular system liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system respiratory system alimentary system | MGI:6343189 | |
Meis1 | Meis1tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Mtor | Meis homeobox 1; targeted mutation 3.1, Miguel Torres | nervous system sensory organs limbs embryo-other head | MGI:5689568 | ||
Meis3 | Meis3tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi | Meis homeobox 3; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | STOCK Meis3tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5660020 | ||
Meox1 | Tg(Meox1-TagRFP/cre/ERT2)30Amc | transgene insertion 30, Andrew P McMahon | B6;D-Tg(Meox1-TagRFP/cre/ERT2)30Amc/J | MGI:5435690 | ||
Meox1 | Meox1tm1(cre)Jpa | mesenchyme homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1, Juha Partanen | limbs cardiovascular system head sensory organs mesenchyme | tail | MGI:3611205 | |
Meox1 | Meox1em1(dre)Smoc | mesenchyme homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724282 | |||
Meox1 | Meox1tm1(cre)Ysa | mesenchyme homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1, Yumiko Saga | ICR.Cg-Meox1tm1(cre)Ysa/YsaRbrc | MGI:6324520 | ||
Meox2 | Meox2em1(cre)Smoc | mesenchyme homeobox 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758032 | |||
Meox2 | Meox2tm1(cre)Sor | mesenchyme homeobox 2; targeted mutation 1, Philippe Soriano | extraembryonic component embryo-other | mouse-other | B6.Cg-Apoetm1.1(APOE*4)Adiuj Meox2tm1(cre)Sor Trem2em1Adiuj/J D2.129S4(B6)-Meox2tm1(cre)Sor/SjJ B6.129S4-Meox2tm1(cre)Sor/J | MGI:2176174 |
Mesp1 | Mesp1tm2(cre)Ysa | mesoderm posterior 1; targeted mutation 2, Yumiko Saga | embryo-other branchial arches extraembryonic component | mesenchyme | ICR.Cg-Mesp1tm2(cre)Ysa/YsaRbrc B6;CB-Mesp1tm2(cre)Ysa/H B6;CB-Mesp1tm2(cre)Ysa/H | MGI:2176467 |
Mesp1 | Mesp1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | mesoderm posterior 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7291035 | |||
Mesp1 | Mesp1em1(cre)Msah | mesoderm posterior 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Makoto Sahara | MGI:7486159 | |||
Mesp2 | Mesp2tm3(cre)Ysa | mesoderm posterior 2; targeted mutation 3, Yumiko Saga | MGI:2386202 | |||
Mesp2 | Mesp2tm13(cre/Esr1*)Ysa | mesoderm posterior 2; targeted mutation 13, Yumiko Saga | ICR.Cg-Mesp2tm13(cre/Esr1*)Ysa/Rbrc | MGI:3715268 | ||
Mesp2 | Mesp2tm13.1(cre/Esr1*)Ysa | mesoderm posterior 2; targeted mutation 13.1, Yumiko Saga | MGI:3715271 | |||
Mettl2 | Mettl2Gt(cre)3Card | methyltransferase 2, methylcytidine; gene trap 3, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493102 | |||
Mettl2 | Mettl2Gt(cre)4Card | methyltransferase 2, methylcytidine; gene trap 4, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493103 | |||
Mettl2 | Mettl2Gt(cre/ERT2)2Card | methyltransferase 2, methylcytidine; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493101 | |||
Mettl2 | Mettl2Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | methyltransferase 2, methylcytidine; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493100 | |||
Mex3a | Mex3atm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ebat | mex3 RNA binding family member A; targeted mutation 1.1, Eduard Batlle | MGI:6121437 | |||
Mfsd2a | Mfsd2aem1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | MFSD2 lysolipid transporter A, lysophospholipid; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | nervous system cardiovascular system liver & biliary system head alimentary system | renal & urinary system respiratory system | MGI:5909986 | |
Mfsd2a | Mfsd2aem2(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | MFSD2 lysolipid transporter A, lysophospholipid; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Bin Zhou | nervous system head cardiovascular system liver & biliary system | MGI:6361460 | ||
Mfsd2a | Mfsd2atm2(cre/ERT2)Dls | MFSD2 lysolipid transporter A, lysophospholipid; targeted mutation 2, David L Silver | respiratory system | MGI:7434664 | ||
Mgam | Mgamem1(cre/ERT2)Amc | maltase-glucoamylase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Andrew P McMahon | C57BL/6N-Mgamem1(cre/ERT2)Amc/J | MGI:5902996 | ||
Mgl2 | Mgl2tm1.1(cre)Aiwsk | macrophage galactose N-acetyl-galactosamine specific lectin 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Akiko Iwasaki | B6(129S4)-Mgl2tm1.1(cre)Aiwsk/YkumaJ | MGI:7254996 | ||
Mgp | Mgptm1.1(cre)Borr | matrix Gla protein; targeted mutation 1.1, Teresa Borras | cardiovascular system muscle head sensory organs | B6(129S4)-Mgptm1.1(cre)Borr/J | MGI:6117343 | |
Mia | Miatm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | MIA SH3 domain containing; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Miatm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633786 | ||
Mitf | Mitftm1.1(cre)Mwka | melanogenesis associated transcription factor; targeted mutation 1.1, Mari Wataya-Kaneda | MGI:6151122 | |||
Mitf | Tg(Mitf-cre)710-59Gsb | transgene insertion 710-59, Gregory S Barsh | integumental system tail | MGI:3778683 | ||
Mitf | Tg(Mitf-cre)7114Gsb | transgene insertion 7114, Gregory S Barsh | tail sensory organs integumental system head embryo-other | MGI:3778684 | ||
Mitf | Mitftm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | melanogenesis associated transcription factor; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Mitftm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633787 | ||
Mki67 | Mki67em2(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki 67; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Bin Zhou | MGI:7451129 | |||
Mki67 | Mki67tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Bsed | antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki 67; targeted mutation 1.1, Benedict Seddon | hemolymphoid system | MGI:6718980 | ||
Mki67 | Mki67em1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki 67; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | MGI:7451128 | |||
Mki67 | Mki67em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki 67; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7302318 | |||
Mki67 | Mki67tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Cle | antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki 67; targeted mutation 2.1, Hans Clevers | STOCK Mki67tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Cle/J | MGI:5816737 | ||
Mki67 | Mki67em2(icre)Gpt | antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki 67; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7302320 | |||
MKI67 | Hprt1tm339a(Ple280-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 339a, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5532385 | |||
Mlana | Tg(Mlana-cre)5Bee | transgene insertion 5, Friedrich Beermann | B6;D2-Tg(Mlana-cre)5Bee/Orl | MGI:4887843 | ||
Mlc1 | Mlc1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Jhmc | megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts 1 homolog (human); targeted mutation 2.1, Joseph H McCarty | head sensory organs nervous system | MGI:7540321 | ||
Mlip | Mliptm1.1(cre)Dzw | muscular LMNA-interacting protein; targeted mutation 1.1, Da-Zhi Wang | MGI:5907348 | |||
MMTV | Tg(MMTV-flpo)11Gcr | transgene insertion 11, Gerhard Christofori | alimentary system respiratory system integumental system | MGI:7466141 | ||
MMTV | Tg(MMTV-cre)7Mul | transgene insertion 7, William J Muller | integumental system | reproductive system | MGI:3525443 | |
MMTV | Tg(MMTV-tTA,PyVT-tetO-cre)6Atai | transgene insertion 6, Atsu Aiba | MGI:4881748 | |||
MMTV | Tg(MMTV-cre)1Kem | transgene insertion 1, Rolf Kemler | MGI:3697514 | |||
MMTV | Tg(MMTV-cre)BElee | transgene insertion B, Eva YHP Lee | integumental system | MGI:3043448 | ||
MMTV | Tg(MMTV-cre)AElee | transgene insertion A, Eva YHP Lee | integumental system | MGI:3043429 | ||
MMTV | Tg(MMTV-flpo)9Gcr | transgene insertion 9, Gerhard Christofori | alimentary system integumental system | respiratory system | FVB/N-Tg(MMTV-flpo)9Gcr/J | MGI:7466135 |
MMTV | Tg(MMTV-flpo)29542Kuw | transgene insertion 29542, Kay-Uwe Wagner | alimentary system integumental system | reproductive system hemolymphoid system | FVB/N-Tg(MMTV-flpo)29542Kuw/Mmmh | MGI:6392338 |
MMTV | Tg(MMTV-cre)FMam | transgene insertion F, Lothar Hennighausen | reproductive system | B6.Cg-Tg(MMTV-Cre)Fmam/Nci C57BL/6-Hprttm1(CAG-Rock2*/ER) Tg(MMTV-Cre)/Apb | MGI:4453858 | |
MMTV | Tg(MMTV-Erbb2*,-cre)1Mul | transgene insertion 1, William J Muller | FVB/N-Tg(MMTV-Erbb2*,-cre)1Mul/J | MGI:4361017 | ||
MMTV | Tg(MMTV-cre)4Mam | transgene insertion 4, Lothar Hennighausen | renal & urinary system adipose tissue hemolymphoid system embryo-other liver & biliary system respiratory system muscle nervous system integumental system skeletal system sensory organs reproductive system alimentary system cardiovascular system endocrine system head | extraembryonic component limbs cavities & their linings mesenchyme tail | STOCK Tg(MMTV-cre)4Mam/J | MGI:2176166 |
MMTV | Tg(MMTV-cre)105Ayn | transgene insertion 105, Alexander Yu Nikitin | integumental system | hemolymphoid system | MGI:4837133 | |
MMTV | Tg(MMTV-cre)#Tfln | transgene insertion, Timothy F Lane | MGI:5688657 | |||
MMTV | Tg(MMTV-cre)#Mam | transgene insertion, Lothar Hennighausen | integumental system | MGI:3802643 | ||
MMTV | Tg(MMTV-cre)1Mam | transgene insertion 1, Lothar Hennighausen | integumental system hemolymphoid system reproductive system alimentary system | STOCK Tg(MMTV-cre)1Mam/J | MGI:2176165 | |
Mnx1 | Tg(Mnx1-cre/ERT2)4Rbro | transgene insertion 4, Robert M Brownstone | MGI:6758657 | |||
Mnx1 | Mnx1em2(cre)Smoc | motor neuron and pancreas homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758034 | |||
Mnx1 | Tg(Mnx1-cre)1Jrs | transgene insertion 1, Joshua R Sanes | MGI:3766074 | |||
Mnx1 | Tg(Mnx1-cre/ERT2)8Rbro | transgene insertion 8, Robert M Brownstone | nervous system head limbs alimentary system skeletal system mesenchyme | B6J.Cg-Tg(Mnx1-cre/ERT2)8Rbro/Mmjax | MGI:6758656 | |
Mnx1 | Tg(Mnx1-cre/ERT2)#Rbro | transgene insertion, Robert M Brownstone | MGI:6758655 | |||
Mnx1 | Mnx1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | motor neuron and pancreas homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758033 | |||
Mnx1 | Mnx1tm4(cre)Tmj | motor neuron and pancreas homeobox 1; targeted mutation 4, Thomas M Jessell | sensory organs mesenchyme integumental system nervous system muscle renal & urinary system limbs endocrine system cardiovascular system alimentary system embryo-other hemolymphoid system skeletal system reproductive system respiratory system head | branchial arches liver & biliary system adipose tissue extraembryonic component tail | STOCK Mnx1tm4(cre)Tmj Grm7Tg(SMN2)89Ahmb Smn1tm1Msd Tg(SMN2*delta7)4299Ahmb/J B6.129S1-Mnx1tm4(cre)Tmj/J | MGI:2447793 |
Mobp | Tg(Mobp-icre/ERT2)16Dbe | transgene insertion 16, Dwight E Bergles | nervous system head | MGI:7434620 | ||
Mobp | Tg(Mobp-icre/ERT2)8Dbe | transgene insertion 8, Dwight E Bergles | MGI:7434619 | |||
Mobp | Tg(Mobp-icre/ERT2)10Dbe | transgene insertion 10, Dwight E Bergles | head nervous system | MGI:7434613 | ||
Mog | Mogtm1(cre)Gkl | myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein; targeted mutation 1, George Kollias | head nervous system | STOCK Mogtm1(cre)Gkl/Flmg | MGI:3689957 | |
Mog | Mogtm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Mogtm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Mogtm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633791 | ||
Mpeg1 | Mpeg1em1(cre)H | macrophage expressed gene 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Harwell | C57BL/6NTac-Mpeg1em1(cre)H/H C57BL/6NTac-Mpeg1em1(cre)H/H | MGI:6451609 | ||
Mpeg1 | Mpeg1em2(cre)H | macrophage expressed gene 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Harwell | MGI:6741021 | |||
Mpp3 | Tg(Dlg3-cre)KG118Gsat | transgene insertion KG118, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Dlg3-cre)KG118Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Dlg3-cre)KG118Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4847240 | |
Mpz | Tg(Mpz-cre)1Brn | transgene insertion 1, Anton Berns | sensory organs nervous system mesenchyme head | FVB-Tg(Mpz-cre)1Brn/Orl | MGI:2445228 | |
Mpz | Tg(Mpz-cre)4Brn | transgene insertion 4, Anton Berns | MGI:3047266 | |||
Mpz | Tg(Mpz-cre)26Mes | transgene insertion 26, Albee Messing | nervous system | B6N.FVB-Tg(Mpz-cre)26Mes/J FVB/N-Tg(Mpz-cre)26Mes/J | MGI:2450448 | |
Mpz | Tg(Mpz-cre)3Brn | transgene insertion 3, Anton Berns | nervous system head | MGI:3047148 | ||
Mpz | Tg(Mpz-cre)2Brn | transgene insertion 2, Anton Berns | nervous system | FVB/N-Tg(P0-cre)2Gth/GvnRbrc | MGI:3047001 | |
Mpz | Tg(Mpz-cre)94Imeg | transgene insertion 94, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics | embryo-other integumental system alimentary system skeletal system cardiovascular system mesenchyme nervous system head branchial arches sensory organs | MGI:2176258 | ||
Mpz | Tg(Mpz-cre)#Brn | transgene insertion, Anton Berns | MGI:3850380 | |||
Mpz | Tg(Mpz-cre/ERT2)2Ueli | transgene insertion 2, Ueli Suter | nervous system | MGI:2663097 | ||
Mrc1 | Tg(Mrc1-cre/ERT2)#Tobe | transgene insertion, Kazuyuki Tobe | MGI:6113806 | |||
Mrc1 | Mrc1em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | mannose receptor, C type 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7623935 | |||
Mrc1 | Mrc1em1(cre/ERT2)Jkpns | mannose receptor, C type 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Jonathan Kipnis | MGI:7859686 | |||
Mrc1 | Mrc1em1(cre/ERT2)Mp | mannose receptor, C type 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Marco Prinz | cardiovascular system head nervous system | MGI:7446934 | ||
Mrgpra3 | Mrgpra3em1(GFP/cre)Smoc | MAS-related GPR, member A3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766390 | |||
Mrgpra3 | Tg(Mrgpra3-GFP/cre)#Xzd | transgene insertion, Xinzhong Dong | MGI:5506535 | |||
Mrgprb2 | Tg(Mrgprb2-EGFP/cre)#Xzd | transgene insertion, Xinzhong Dong | integumental system respiratory system cardiovascular system | MGI:5749285 | ||
Mrgprb2 | Tg(Mrgprb2-EGFP/cre)2Xzd | transgene insertion 2, Xinzhong Dong | integumental system | MGI:5749276 | ||
Mrgprb2 | Tg(Mrgprb2-EGFP/cre)3Xzd | transgene insertion 3, Xinzhong Dong | integumental system | MGI:5749277 | ||
Mrgprb4 | Mrgprb4tm3(cre)And | MAS-related GPR, member B4; targeted mutation 3, David J Anderson | B6N.129S1-Mrgprb4tm3(cre)And/J | MGI:5448562 | ||
Mrgprb4 | Mrgprb4tm4.1(flpo)And | MAS-related GPR, member B4; targeted mutation 4.1, David J Anderson | B6N.129S1-Mrgprb4tm4.1(flpo)And/J | MGI:5448564 | ||
Mrgprd | Mrgprdtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Wql | MAS-related GPR, member D; targeted mutation 1.1, Wenqin Luo | limbs nervous system integumental system | STOCK Mrgprdtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Wql/J | MGI:5924939 | |
Mrgprd | Mrgprdtm1.1(cre)And | MAS-related GPR, member D; targeted mutation 1.1, David Anderson | B6.129S1(Cg)-Mrgprdtm1.1(cre)And/Mmnc | MGI:3852395 | ||
Mrgprx1 | Tg(Mrgprx1-cre/ERT2)#Xzd | transgene insertion, Xinzhong Dong | nervous system | MGI:6717279 | ||
Mroh7 | Mroh7tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | maestro heat-like repeat family member 7; targeted mutation 1.1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Mroh7tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Mroh7tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633793 | ||
Ms4a1 | Ms4a1em1(icre)Gpt | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7302517 | |||
MS4A1 | Tg(MS4A1-cre/ERT2)1Mjsk | transgene insertion 1, Mark J Shlomchik | MGI:5545930 | |||
Ms4a3 | Ms4a3tm1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 3; targeted mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | mouse-other | MGI:6726594 | ||
Ms4a3 | Ms4a3em2(cre)Fgnx | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Florent Ginhoux | mouse-other reproductive system | respiratory system liver & biliary system integumental system alimentary system head renal & urinary system cardiovascular system nervous system | C57BL/6J-Ms4a3em2(cre)Fgnx/J | MGI:6726593 |
Msi1 | Msi1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Njen | musashi RNA-binding protein 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Nancy A Jenkins | MGI:5471313 | |||
Msi1 | Msi1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | musashi RNA-binding protein 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7291164 | |||
Msi1 | Msi1em1(cre/ERT2)Nju | musashi RNA-binding protein 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Model Animal Research Center of Nanjing University | alimentary system | MGI:7450823 | ||
Msi1 | Tg(Msi1-cre)#Sal | transgene insertion, Universidad de Salamanca | MGI:5296021 | |||
Msi2 | Msi2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Reya | musashi RNA-binding protein 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Tannishtha Reya | alimentary system respiratory system nervous system head renal & urinary system | MGI:7548734 | ||
Msln | Mslnem3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | mesothelin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766400 | |||
Msln | Mslntm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ilw | mesothelin; targeted mutation 1.1, Irving L Weissman | MGI:5910114 | |||
Msln | Mslntm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | mesothelin; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867256 | |||
Msln | Mslnem1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | mesothelin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724287 | |||
Msx1 | Msx1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Bero | msh homeobox 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Benoit Robert | B6.129S2-Msx1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Bero/Kctt B6.129S2(Cg)-Msx1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Bero/J | MGI:5049923 | ||
Msx1 | Msx1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | msh homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728795 | |||
Msx2 | Msx2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | msh homeobox 2; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Msx2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633794 | ||
Msx2 | Tg(Msx2-cre/ERT2)1Nono | transgene insertion 1, Noriaki Ono | integumental system | MGI:6194241 | ||
Msx2 | Msx2em1(icre)Gpt | msh homeobox 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7302562 | |||
Msx2 | Tg(Msx2-cre/ERT2)2Nono | transgene insertion 2, Noriaki Ono | skeletal system integumental system mesenchyme alimentary system limbs head | B6.Cg-Tg(Msx2-cre/ERT2)2Nono/J | MGI:6194078 | |
Msx2 | Tg(Msx2-cre/ERT)27Alj | transgene insertion 27, Alexandra L Joyner | limbs | STOCK Tg(Msx2-cre/ERT)27Alj/J | MGI:4834769 | |
Msx2 | Tg(Msx2-cre)5Rem | transgene insertion 5, Robert E Maxson | reproductive system limbs | STOCK Tg(Msx2-cre)5Rem/Mmnc B6.Cg-Tg(Msx2-cre)5Rem/BortJ | MGI:2159109 | |
Msx3 | Tg(Msx3-icre)1/1Wdr | transgene insertion 1/1, William D Richardson | MGI:5430776 | |||
Mtnr1a | Mtnr1aem1(cre)Blr | melatonin receptor 1A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bryan L Roth | MGI:6858035 | |||
Muc1 | Muc1tm1(cre/ERT2)Lcm | mucin 1, transmembrane; targeted mutation 1, Lewis Murtaugh | MGI:4443061 | |||
Muc1 | Muc1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Lcm | mucin 1, transmembrane; targeted mutation 1.1, Lewis Murtaugh | MGI:4399063 | |||
Muc2 | Muc2em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | mucin 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728796 | |||
Muc2 | Muc2em1(icre)Gpt | mucin 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7302614 | |||
Muc5ac | Muc5actm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | mucin 5, subtypes A and C, tracheobronchial/gastric; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867299 | |||
Muc5ac | Muc5acem2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | mucin 5, subtypes A and C, tracheobronchial/gastric; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766409 | |||
Mup3 | Mup3em1(cre/ERT2)Hzhu | major urinary protein 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Hao Zhu | MGI:6704916 | |||
Mx1 | Tg(Mx1-cre)29-4Her | transgene insertion 29-4, Joachim Herz | nervous system liver & biliary system reproductive system renal & urinary system head hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system alimentary system | muscle | MGI:2180899 | |
Mx1 | Tg(Mx1-cre)1Cgn | transgene insertion 1, University of Cologne | hemolymphoid system alimentary system integumental system reproductive system muscle skeletal system sensory organs cardiovascular system head endocrine system adipose tissue respiratory system liver & biliary system renal & urinary system nervous system | B6.129-Sphk1tm2Cgh Sphk2tm1Rlp Tg(Mx1-cre)1Cgn/UsaApb B6.Cg-Tg(Mx1-cre)1Cgn/CgnCnrm B6.Cg-Cebpatm1Dgt Tg(Mx1-cre)1Cgn/J C.Cg-Tg(Mx1-cre)1Cgn/J STOCK Mttptm2Sgy Ldlrtm1Her Apobtm2Sgy Tg(Mx1-cre)1Cgn/J B6.Cg-Tg(Mx1-cre)1Cgn/J STOCK Tg(Mx1-cre)1Cgn/J | MGI:2176073 | |
Mx1 | Igs2em52(Mx1-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 52, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300665 | |||
Mybpc1 | Tg(Mybpc1-cre)2Aibs | transgene insertion 2, Ed Lein | B6;C3-Tg(Mybpc1-cre)2Aibs/J | MGI:3838495 | ||
Myf5 | Myf5tm1(cre/Esr1*)Trdo | myogenic factor 5; targeted mutation 1, Thomas A Rando | muscle limbs mesenchyme embryo-other head | liver & biliary system reproductive system hemolymphoid system nervous system renal & urinary system | STOCK Myf5tm1(cre/Esr1*)Trdo/J | MGI:5509335 |
Myf5 | Myf5tm1.1(cre/Esr1*)Trdo | myogenic factor 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Thomas A Rando | muscle limbs | MGI:5509340 | ||
Myf5 | Myf5em1(icre)Gpt | myogenic factor 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7302663 | |||
Myf5 | Myf5tm1(cre)Mrc | myogenic factor 5; targeted mutation 1, Mario R Capecchi | head muscle nervous system embryo-other mesenchyme limbs | B6;129-Myf5tm1(cre)Mrc/J | MGI:3710099 | |
Myf5 | Myf5tm3(cre)Sor | myogenic factor 5; targeted mutation 3, Philippe Soriano | endocrine system reproductive system branchial arches hemolymphoid system integumental system nervous system tail adipose tissue muscle embryo-other respiratory system sensory organs mesenchyme liver & biliary system skeletal system cavities & their linings alimentary system cardiovascular system limbs renal & urinary system head | extraembryonic component | B6.129S4-Myf5tm3(cre)Sor/J | MGI:2135565 |
Myf5 | Myf5tm1.1(cre)Mrc | myogenic factor 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Mario R Capecchi | skeletal system mesenchyme muscle embryo-other limbs | nervous system | MGI:3783303 | |
Myf5 | Myf5em1(cre)Smoc | myogenic factor 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728798 | |||
Myf6 | Myf6tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Lepr | myogenic factor 6; targeted mutation 1.1, Christoph Lepper | mesenchyme head limbs muscle | cardiovascular system | STOCK Myf6tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Lepr/J | MGI:5620013 |
Myf6 | Myf6tm2(cre)Mrc | myogenic factor 6; targeted mutation 2, Mario R Capecchi | mesenchyme muscle | B6;129-Myf6tm2(cre)Mrc/Nci B6;129-Myf6tm2(cre)Mrc/J | MGI:3783305 | |
Myf6 | Myf6tm1(cre)Mrc | myogenic factor 6; targeted mutation 1, Mario R Capecchi | muscle mesenchyme | embryo-other | MGI:3487371 | |
Myf6 | Myf6em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | myogenic factor 6; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728802 | |||
Myf6 | Myf6tm1.1(cre/Esr1*)Cklr | myogenic factor 6; targeted mutation 1.1, Charles Keller | muscle | MGI:5688769 | ||
Myh11 | Tg(Myh11-cre/ERT2)F31Gko | transgene insertion F31, Gary K Owens | muscle cardiovascular system | C57BL/6-Tg(Myh11-cre/ERT2)F31Gko/J | MGI:7398497 | |
Myh11 | Myh11em1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | myosin, heavy polypeptide 11, smooth muscle; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728803 | |||
Myh11 | Tg(Myh11-cre,-EGFP)2Mik | transgene insertion 2, Michael I Kotlikoff | renal & urinary system mesenchyme adipose tissue integumental system alimentary system head nervous system hemolymphoid system muscle sensory organs cardiovascular system respiratory system reproductive system | B6.Cg-Tg(Myh11-cre,-EGFP)2Mik/J | MGI:2653286 | |
Myh11 | Tg(Myh11-dre/ERT2)#Cya | transgene insertion, Cyagen Biosciences | renal & urinary system cardiovascular system sensory organs head muscle | MGI:6860615 | ||
Myh11 | Tg(Myh11-cre)5013Gko | transgene insertion 5013, Gary K Owens | renal & urinary system respiratory system alimentary system muscle nervous system head cardiovascular system | MGI:3690121 | ||
Myh11 | Myh11em1(icre)Jifz | myosin, heavy polypeptide 11, smooth muscle; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Jifeng Zhang | B6.Cg-Myh11em1(icre)Jifz/J | MGI:7512809 | ||
Myh11 | Tg(Myh11-icre/ERT2)1Soff | transgene insertion 1, Stefan Offermanns | respiratory system muscle alimentary system cardiovascular system renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system adipose tissue | integumental system | STOCK Nox4tm1.2Hwsc Tg(Myh11-icre/ERT2)1Soff/Orl B6.FVB-Tg(Myh11-icre/ERT2)1Soff/J | MGI:3819270 |
Myh11 | Tp(X)1SoffTg(Myh11-icre/ERT2)1Soff | transposition, Chr X, Offermanns 1; transgene insertion 1, Stefan Offermanns | cardiovascular system | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tp(X)1SoffTg(Myh11-icre/ERT2)1Soff/ZjngJ | MGI:6830915 | |
Myh11 | Myh11em2(cre/ERT2)Jifz | myosin, heavy polypeptide 11, smooth muscle; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Jifeng Zhang | C57BL/6J-Myh11em2(cre/ERT2)Jifz/J | MGI:7512810 | ||
Myh2 | Myh2tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | myosin, heavy polypeptide 2, skeletal muscle, adult; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Myh2tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633801 | ||
Myh4 | Myh4tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | myosin, heavy polypeptide 4, skeletal muscle; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Myh4tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633807 | ||
Myh6 | Tg(Myh6-RFP,-cre)44Narl | Transgene insertion 44, National Applied Research Laboratories | MGI:5898256 | |||
Myh6 | Myh6em3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | myosin, heavy polypeptide 6, cardiac muscle, alpha; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7510098 | |||
Myh6 | A1cfTg(Myh6-cre/Esr1*)1Jmk | APOBEC1 complementation factor; transgene insertion 1, Jeffery D Molkentin | cardiovascular system muscle | nervous system hemolymphoid system sensory organs renal & urinary system adipose tissue reproductive system liver & biliary system alimentary system integumental system head | B6.Cg-Gpr37L1tm1d(EUCOMM)Wtsi Tg(Myh6-cre/Esr1*)1Jmk/JVccrApb B6.Cg-Adra1atm1d(EUCOMM)Hmgu Tg(Myh6-cre/Esr1*)1Jmk/JVccrApb B6.Cg-Mtortm1.1Gcon Eif4ebp1tm1Nso Eif4ebp2tm1Klan A1cfTg(Myh6-cre/Esr1*)1Jmk/Cnrm STOCK A1cfTg(Myh6-cre/Esr1*)1Jmk/J B6.FVB(129)-A1cfTg(Myh6-cre/Esr1*)1Jmk/J | MGI:3050453 |
Myh6 | Myh6em4(cre)Smoc | myosin, heavy polypeptide 6, cardiac muscle, alpha; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7626662 | |||
Myh6 | Tg(Myh6-cre)TG9Pjay | transgene insertion TG9, Patrick Y Jay | MGI:5496902 | |||
Myh6 | Myh6em3(icre)Gpt | myosin, heavy polypeptide 6, cardiac muscle, alpha; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7302677 | |||
Myh6 | Myh6em2(cre)Smoc | myosin, heavy polypeptide 6, cardiac muscle, alpha; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | hemolymphoid system liver & biliary system respiratory system cardiovascular system renal & urinary system muscle | alimentary system | MGI:7510097 | |
Myh6 | Myh6tm1(cre/Esr1*)Ccai | myosin, heavy polypeptide 6, cardiac muscle, alpha; targeted mutation 1, Chen-Leng Cai | MGI:5818368 | |||
Myh6 | Myh6tm1(cre)Bzsh | myosin, heavy polypeptide 6, cardiac muscle, alpha; targeted mutation 1, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system | MGI:6388408 | ||
Myh6 | Myh6tm1.1(cre/Esr1*)Ccai | myosin, heavy polypeptide 6, cardiac muscle, alpha; targeted mutation 1.1, Chen-Leng Cai | MGI:5818369 | |||
Myh6 | Tg(Myh6-icre/ERT2)#Wet | transgene insertion, Nina Wettschureck | MGI:5477906 | |||
Myh6 | Igs2em54(Myh6-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 54, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300667 | |||
Myh6 | Tg(Myh6-cre/PGR*)6297Mds | transgene insertion 6297, Michael D Schneider | respiratory system muscle cardiovascular system | MGI:5445555 | ||
Myh6 | Tg(Myh6-cre)2182Mds | transgene insertion 2182, Michael D Schneider | muscle respiratory system renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system reproductive system skeletal system alimentary system mesenchyme | limbs liver & biliary system cavities & their linings | B6N.FVB(B6)-Tg(Myh6-cre)2182Mds/J FVB-Tg(Myh6-cre)2182Mds/J B6.FVB-Tg(Myh6-cre)2182Mds/J | MGI:2386742 |
Myh6 | Tg(Myh6-cre/Esr1*)1Liao | transgene insertion 1, James K Liao | MGI:3654324 | |||
Myh6 | Tg(Myh6-cre/ERT2)12.8Ics | transgene insertion 12.8, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Myh6-cre/ERT2)12.8Ics/Ics | MGI:7346218 | ||
Myh6 | Tg(Myhca-cre)1Lrsn | transgene insertion 1, Nils-Goran Larsson | MGI:2177636 | |||
Myh6 | Tg(Myh6-cre/PGR*)1Mds | transgene insertion 1, Michael D Schneider | muscle cardiovascular system | MGI:3803295 | ||
Myh6 | Tg(Myh6-cre)1Xya | transgene insertion 1, Xiao Yang | muscle cardiovascular system | MGI:3690221 | ||
Myh6 | Tg(Myh6-cre)1Jmk | transgene insertion 1, Jeffery D Molkentin | STOCK Tg(Myh6-cre)1Jmk/J | MGI:3779100 | ||
Myh6 | Tg(Myhca-cre)1Abel | transgene insertion 1, E Dale Abel | MGI:2182091 | |||
Myh6 | Igs2em53(Myh6-cre/ERT2)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 53, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300666 | |||
Myh6 | Tg(Myh6-cre/ERT2/Hif1a)#Hhas | transgene insertion, Hesham A Sadek | cardiovascular system | MGI:5749963 | ||
Myh6 | Tg(Myh6-RFP,-cre/ERT2)56Narl | Transgene insertion 56, National Applied Research Laboratories | C57BL/6-Tg(Myh6-RFP,-Cre/ERT2)56Narl/Narl | MGI:5898263 | ||
Myh6 | Tg(Myh6-cre)#Cya | transgene insertion, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:6470610 | |||
Myh6 | Igs2em1(Myh6-icre)Cya | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7571622 | |||
Myh7 | Myh7tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | myosin, heavy polypeptide 7, cardiac muscle, beta; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Myh7tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633809 | ||
Myh7 | Tg(Myh7-cre)1Zli | transgene insertion 1, Zhenlin Li | cardiovascular system muscle limbs | MGI:3046780 | ||
Myh7 | Tg(Myh7-cre)1Jmk | transgene insertion 1, Jeffery D Molkentin | cardiovascular system | MGI:3054171 | ||
Myl1 | Myl1tm1(cre)Sjb | myosin, light polypeptide 1; targeted mutation 1, Steven J Burden | STOCK Myl1tm1(cre)Sjb Atg7tm1Tchi Gaatm1Rabn/PuroMmjax STOCK Myl1tm1(cre)Sjb/J | MGI:1931135 | ||
Myl1 | Tg(Myl1-cre)13Nros | transgene insertion 13, Nadia Rosenthal | head limbs muscle mesenchyme | MGI:3813966 | ||
Myl1 | Tg(Myl1-cre)1Sjl | transgene insertion 1, Sejin Lee | MGI:4438603 | |||
Myl1 | Myl1em1(icre)Smoc | myosin, light polypeptide 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7626663 | |||
Myl1 | Myl1tm2(cre)Sjb | myosin, light polypeptide 1; targeted mutation 2, Steven J Burden | MGI:1931137 | |||
Myl1 | Myl1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Lepr | myosin, light polypeptide 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Christoph Lepper | head limbs muscle | cardiovascular system | STOCK Myl1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Lepr/J | MGI:5620012 |
Myl11 | Tg(Mylpf-cre)3Kraj | transgene insertion 3, Stan Krajewski | head nervous system sensory organs | embryo-other | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Mylpf-cre)3Kraj/Mmjax FVB/N-Tg(Mylpf-cre)3Kraj/Mmjax | MGI:3761931 |
Myl2 | Myl2tm1(cre)Krc | myosin, light polypeptide 2, regulatory, cardiac, slow; targeted mutation 1, Kenneth R Chien | muscle cardiovascular system | FVB.129S4(Cg)-Myl2tm1(cre)Krc/AchakJ B6.129S4(Cg)-Myl2tm1(cre)Krc/AchakJ | MGI:2385922 | |
Myl2 | Igs2em55(Myl2-cre/ERT2,-tdTomato)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 55, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300668 | |||
Myl2 | Myl2em1(cre)Smoc | myosin, light polypeptide 2, regulatory, cardiac, slow; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728804 | |||
Myl7 | Myl7tm1(cre)Krc | myosin, light polypeptide 7, regulatory; targeted mutation 1, Kenneth R Chien | MGI:2668722 | |||
myl7.L | Tg(myl7.L-cre)1141Tmhn | transgene insertion 1141, Tim Mohun | cardiovascular system embryo-other | MGI:3712343 | ||
myl7.L | Tg(myl7.L-cre)1118Tmhn | transgene insertion 1118, Tim Mohun | embryo-other respiratory system cardiovascular system muscle | CBB10-Tg(myl7.L-cre)1118Tmhn/H CBB10-Tg(myl7.L-cre)1118Tmhn/H | MGI:3712342 | |
Mylk | Tg(Mylk-cre)1Ljm | transgene insertion 1, Louis J Muglia | MGI:5440068 | |||
Myo15a | Myo15atm1.1(cre)Ugds | myosin XVA; targeted mutation 1.1, Unite de Genetique des Deficits Sensoriels | MGI:4361284 | |||
Myo1a | Myo1atm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | myosin IA; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Myo1atm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633811 | ||
Myoc | Myoctm3(cre/ERT2)Rjo | myocilin; targeted mutation 3, Randy L Johnson | MGI:4950391 | |||
Myocd | Myocdtm1(cre)Dzw | myocardin; targeted mutation 1, Da-Zhi Wang | mesenchyme sensory organs renal & urinary system cardiovascular system respiratory system limbs head alimentary system nervous system muscle embryo-other | adipose tissue | MGI:5615209 | |
Myocd | Myocdtm1(cre)Jomm | myocardin; targeted mutation 1, Joseph M Miano | limbs head renal & urinary system mesenchyme muscle cardiovascular system | STOCK Myocdtm1(cre)Jomm/J | MGI:3849559 | |
Myod1 | Myod1tm1(cre)Mrc | myogenic differentiation 1; targeted mutation 1, Mario R Capecchi | embryo-other | MGI:5704213 | ||
Myod1 | Tg(Myod1-cre,-lacZ)1Asf | trangene insertion 1, Atsuko Sehara-Fujisawa | MGI:5518462 | |||
Myod1 | Myod1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Lepr | myogenic differentiation 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Christoph Lepper | mesenchyme muscle head limbs | embryo-other cardiovascular system | STOCK Myod1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Lepr/J | MGI:5620011 |
Myod1 | Myod1tm2.1(icre)Glh | myogenic differentiation 1; targeted mutation 2.1, David J Goldhamer | head limbs mesenchyme muscle | embryo-other | FVB.Cg-Myod1tm2.1(icre)Glh/J | MGI:3840216 |
Myod1 | Myod1tm1.1(cre/ERT,TVA)Gcg | myogenic differentiation 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Gerard C Grosveld | B6;129-Myod1tm1.1(cre/ERT,TVA)Gcg/J | MGI:5547828 | ||
MYOD1 | Tg(MYOD1-cre)M23Glh | transgene insertion M23, David J Goldhamer | head branchial arches liver & biliary system muscle mesenchyme limbs respiratory system embryo-other skeletal system cardiovascular system alimentary system | hemolymphoid system | MGI:3574960 | |
Myog | Tg(Myog-cre)1Eno | transgene insertion 1, Eric N Olson | limbs embryo-other mesenchyme muscle | skeletal system | MGI:3530558 | |
Myog | Myogtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Lepr | myogenin; targeted mutation 1.1, Christoph Lepper | head limbs muscle mesenchyme | cardiovascular system | STOCK Myogtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Lepr/J | MGI:5620014 |
Myt1 | Tg(Myt1-Ccre)#Ggu | transgene insertion, Guoqiang Gu | MGI:6357888 | |||
Myt1 | Myt1tm1(EGFP/icre)Ldh | myelin transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1, Lynn D Hudson | nervous system | B6.129(SJL)-Myt1tm1(EGFP/icre)Ldh/Mmnc | MGI:4943749 | |
Naaladl1 | Naaladl1em1(cre)Smoc | N-acetylated alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase-like 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7291222 | |||
Nalcn | Nalcntm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | sodium leak channel, non-selective; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Nalcntm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633812 | ||
Nanog | Tg(Nanog-cre/Esr1*)4470Mms | transgene insertion 4470, Michael Shen | mouse-other | C57BL/6N-Tg(Nanog-cre/Esr1*)4470Mms/Mmjax | MGI:6714092 | |
Nanog | Tg(Nanog-cre)#Vlcg | transgene insertion, Velocigene | MGI:5545911 | |||
Nanos2 | Tg(Rr442-cre/ERT)1Ysa | transgene insertion 1, Yumiko Saga | MGI:4358403 | |||
Nanos2 | Nanos2em2(cre)Jahe | nanos C2HC-type zinc finger 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Jason Heaney | reproductive system | MGI:6388705 | ||
Nanos3 | Nanos3tm2.1(cre)Ysa | nanos C2HC-type zinc finger 3; targeted mutation 2.1, Yumiko Saga | ICR.Cg-Nanos3tm2.1(cre)Ysa/35YsaRbrc | MGI:4358405 | ||
Nanos3 | Nanos3tm2(cre)Ysa | nanos C2HC-type zinc finger 3; targeted mutation 2, Yumiko Saga | ICR.Cg-Nanos3tm2(cre)Ysa/27YsaRbrc ICR.Cg-Nanos3tm2(cre)Ysa/35YsaRbrc | MGI:3777592 | ||
Ncam1 | Ncam1em2(cre/ERT2)Gpt | neural cell adhesion molecule 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7376898 | |||
Ncr1 | Ncr1tm1.1(icre)Viv | natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Eric Vivier | alimentary system | B6.Cg-Ncr1tm1.1(icre)Viv/Orl | MGI:5308410 | |
Ncr1 | Ncr1em4(cre/ERT2)Smoc | natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728809 | |||
Ncr1 | Ncr1tm1(icre/ERT2)Tfen | natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1; targeted mutation 1, Todd A Fehniger | MGI:6739825 | |||
Ncr1 | Tg(Ncr1-cre/ERT2)#Lll | transgene insertion, Lewis L Lanier | hemolymphoid system skeletal system liver & biliary system mouse-other | MGI:6729263 | ||
Ncr1 | Ncr1em11(cre)Smoc | natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 11, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7291259 | |||
Ncr1 | Tg(Ncr1-icre)1Zdo | transgene insertion 1, Zhongjun Dong | MGI:6727376 | |||
Ncr1 | Ncr1em9(dre)Smoc | natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 9, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7291263 | |||
Ncr1 | Ncr1em1(icre)Gpt | natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7302867 | |||
Ncr1 | Ncr1em8(dre/ERT2)Smoc | natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 8, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7291262 | |||
Ncr1 | Tg(Ncr1-icre)265Sxl | transgene insertion 265, Veronika Sexl | MGI:4941472 | |||
Ncr1 | Ncr1tm1(icre)Bcgen | natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1; targeted mutation 1, Biocytogen LLC | MGI:6780080 | |||
Ncr1 | Ncr1em2(icre)Smoc | natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728806 | |||
Ncr1 | Tg(Ncr1-cre/EGFP)#Cajv | transgene insertion, Christian A J Vosshenrich | hemolymphoid system | MGI:5648031 | ||
Ndnf | Ndnftm1.1(folA/cre)Hze | neuron-derived neurotrophic factor; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Ndnftm1.1(folA/cre)Hze/J | MGI:5702713 | ||
Ndnf | Ndnftm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ispgl | neuron-derived neurotrophic factor; targeted mutation 1.1, Ivo Spiegel | head nervous system | B6(Cg)-Ndnftm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ispgl/J | MGI:6393601 | |
Ndnf | Ndnftm2.1(flpo)Ispgl | neuron-derived neurotrophic factor; targeted mutation 2.1, Ivo Spiegel | B6(Cg)-Ndnftm1.1(flpo)Ispgl/J | MGI:6393604 | ||
Ndnf | Ndnftm1.1(cre)Rudy | neuron-derived neurotrophic factor; targeted mutation 1.1, Bernardo Rudy | nervous system head | STOCK Ndnftm1.1(cre)Rudy/J | MGI:6284835 | |
Ndnf | Tg(A930038C07Rik-cre)1Aibs | transgene insertion 1, Allen Institute for Brain Science | B6.Cg-Tg(A930038C07Rik-cre)1Aibs/J | MGI:5292251 | ||
Ndnf | Tg(A930038C07Rik-cre)4Aibs | transgene insertion 4, Ed Lein | B6;C3-Tg(A930038C07Rik-cre)4Aibs/J | MGI:3850200 | ||
Ndrg1 | Ndrg1tm1(cre/ERT2)Myan | N-myc downstream regulated gene 1; targeted mutation 1, Motoko Yanagita | renal & urinary system | MGI:6451756 | ||
Neb | Nebtm1(cre)Chen | nebulin; targeted mutation 1, Ju Chen | STOCK Nebtm1(cre)Chen/Cnrm | MGI:3664092 | ||
Nebl | Nebltm1(cre)Chen | nebulette; targeted mutation 1, Ju Chen | STOCK Nebltm1(cre)Chen/Cnrm | MGI:7277813 | ||
Necab1 | Necab1tm1(cre)Ahan | N-terminal EF-hand calcium binding protein 1; targeted mutation 1, Adam W Hantman | nervous system head | MGI:6810745 | ||
Nefh | Tg(Nefh-cre)22Jcol | transgene insertion 22, John Collinge | nervous system head | MGI:3761830 | ||
Nefh | Tg(Nefh-cre)7Kul | transgene insertion 7, Ashok B Kulkarni | MGI:4356089 | |||
Nefh | Tg(Nefh-cre)12Kul | transgene insertion 12, Ashok B Kulkarni | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Nefh-cre)12Kul/Mmucd B6.129(FVB)-Tg(Nefh-cre)12Kul/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Nefh-cre)12Kul/J | MGI:3043822 | |
Nefh | Nefhtm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | neurofilament, heavy polypeptide; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867236 | |||
Nefl | Nefltm1(cre/ERT)Nat | neurofilament, light polypeptide; targeted mutation 1, Jeremy Nathans | sensory organs head nervous system | B6;129-Nefltm1(cre/ERT)Nat/J | MGI:3777624 | |
Nefl | Tg(Nefl-cre/ERT2)45.3Ics | transgene insertion 45.3, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Nefl-cre/ERT2)45.3Ics/Ics | MGI:7346220 | ||
NEFL | Tg(NEFL-cre)50Msd | transgene insertion 50, Michael Sendtner | nervous system head | MGI:3702327 | ||
NEFL | Tg(NEFL-cre)1Arte | transgene insertion 1, TaconicArtemis | MGI:5440428 | |||
Nes | Tg(Nes-flpo/ERT2)34CAlj | transgene insertion 34C, Alexandra L Joyner | STOCK-Tg(Nes-flpo/ERT2)34CAlj/J | MGI:5532191 | ||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre/Esr1*)4Ynj | transgene insertion 4, Yuh-Nung Jan | head nervous system | MGI:3765946 | ||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre)27Gae | transgene insertion 27, Gregory A Elder | MGI:3587639 | |||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)1Imayo | transgene insertion 1, Itaru Imayoshi | head nervous system | C57BL/6-Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)1Imayo | MGI:4398673 | |
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre)1Atp | transgene insertion 1, Andreas Trumpp | hemolymphoid system renal & urinary system liver & biliary system nervous system respiratory system head extraembryonic component integumental system branchial arches embryo-other mesenchyme cardiovascular system cavities & their linings skeletal system alimentary system muscle reproductive system sensory organs | MGI:2176835 | ||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre)1Hhan | transgene insertion 1, Hua Han | MGI:3839107 | |||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)6Imayo | transgene insertion 6, Itaru Imayoshi | MGI:7520014 | |||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)3Imayo | transgene insertion 3, Itaru Imayoshi | MGI:7520010 | |||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre)2472Pick | transgene insertion 2472, David J Picketts | MGI:3528493 | |||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre)3Wme | transgene insertion 3, Werner Muller | MGI:2386551 | |||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)73Lfp | transgene insertion 73, Luis F Parada | alimentary system nervous system head | liver & biliary system respiratory system cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system renal & urinary system | MGI:3840184 | |
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)1Adra | transgene insertion 1, Alex Dranovsky | skeletal system hemolymphoid system | MGI:5009457 | ||
Nes | Nesem1(icre)Gpt | nestin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7302949 | |||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)#Kag | transgene insertion, Ryoichiro Kageyama | MGI:4941327 | |||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)7Vtlr | transgene insertion 7, Verdon Taylor | MGI:4355234 | |||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre)2Wme | transgene insertion 2, Werner Muller | STOCK Tg(Nes-cre)2Wme/J | MGI:2386550 | ||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre)1Nogu | transgene insertion 1, Shigeru Noguchi | nervous system head | cardiovascular system | B6.Cg-Tg(Nes-cre)1Nogu/Rbrc | MGI:3718108 |
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)KEisc | transgene insertion K, Amelia Eisch | nervous system | C57BL/6-Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)KEisc/J | MGI:3767432 | |
Nes | Tg(Nes-phiC31*/ERT2)4Imayo | transgene insertion 4, Itaru Imayoshi | nervous system head | MGI:5463451 | ||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)4Imayo | transgene insertion 4, Itaru Imayoshi | head nervous system | C57BL/6-Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)4Imayo | MGI:3817325 | |
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre)1Sasa | transgene insertion 1, Toshikuni Sasaoka | head nervous system | MGI:3715173 | ||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)1Jf | transgene insertion 1, Jonas Frisen | MGI:3784516 | |||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)62.33Ics | transgene insertion 62.33, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)62.33Ics/Ics | MGI:7346222 | ||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre)52Utr | transgene insertion 52, Ken-ichi Yagami | C57BL/6N-Tg(Nes-cre)52Utr/Rbrc | MGI:7513018 | ||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)5-1Imayo | transgene insertion 5-1, Itaru Imayoshi | head nervous system | C57BL/6-Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)5-1Imayo | MGI:3641212 | |
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre)1Kag | transgene insertion 1, Ryoichiro Kageyama | head nervous system | MGI:2176222 | ||
Nes | Nesem1(flpo)Awar | nestin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Rajeshwar Awatramani | head nervous system | MGI:6740241 | ||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)1Fsh | transgene insertion 1, Gordon Fishell | nervous system head | MGI:3774417 | ||
Nes | Nesem1(cre)Smoc | nestin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7341873 | |||
Nes | Tg(Nes-phiC31*/ERT2)2Imayo | transgene insertion 2, Itaru Imayoshi | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Tg(Nes-PhiC31*/ERT2)2Imayo/ImayoRbrc | MGI:5431595 | |
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre/Esr1*)1Kuan | transgene insertion 1, Chia-Yi Kuan | C57BL/6-Tg(Nes-cre/Esr1*)1Kuan/J | MGI:4420448 | ||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre)1Wmz | transgene insertion 1, Weimin Zhong | embryo-other nervous system mesenchyme head | MGI:2429684 | ||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2,-ALPP)1Sbk | transgene insertion 1, Suzanne J Baker | MGI:5304277 | |||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre)1Kln | transgene insertion 1, Rudiger Klein | sensory organs nervous system cavities & their linings endocrine system liver & biliary system head hemolymphoid system renal & urinary system cardiovascular system muscle reproductive system alimentary system respiratory system adipose tissue mesenchyme integumental system | embryo-other extraembryonic component skeletal system limbs branchial arches | B6.Cg-Tg(Nes-cre)1Kln/MullMmmh B6.Cg-Bclaf1tm1Lfmp Tg(Nes-cre)1Kln/Ieg B6N.Cg-Tg(Nes-cre)1Kln/CjDswJ B6.Cg-Tg(Nes-cre)1Kln/J | MGI:2176173 |
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre)1Wme | transgene insertion 1, Werner Muller | embryo-other nervous system | extraembryonic component | STOCK Tg(Nes-cre)1Wme/J | MGI:2386545 |
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2,-EGFP,-HBEGF)1Lfp | transgene insertion 1, Luis F Parada | nervous system head | MGI:7449234 | ||
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre)Wme | transgene insertion, Werner Muller | MGI:4412413 | |||
Nes | Tg(Nes-phiC31*)1Imayo | transgene insertion 1, Itaru Imayoshi | nervous system sensory organs head | mesenchyme | ICR.Cg-Tg(Nes-PhiC31*)1Imayo/ImayoRbrc | MGI:5431596 |
Nes | Tg(Nes-cre/ERT2)5-2Imayo | transgene insertion 5-2, Itaru Imayoshi | MGI:7520012 | |||
NES | Tg(NES-cre)#Ajde | transgene insertion, A Joseph D'Ercole | head nervous system | MGI:6758960 | ||
Neto1 | Neto1tm1.1(cre)Jrs | neuropilin (NRP) and tolloid (TLL)-like 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Joshua R Sanes | sensory organs head | B6.129(SJL)-Neto1tm1.1(cre)Jrs/J | MGI:5688860 | |
Neto1 | Neto1em1(icre)Smoc | neuropilin (NRP) and tolloid (TLL)-like 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7291289 | |||
Neurod1 | Tg(Neurod1-cre/ERT2)D1BTahi | transgene insertion D1B, Tatsumi Hirata | MGI:6712709 | |||
Neurod1 | Tg(Neurod1-cre)RZ24Gsat | transgene insertion RZ24, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Neurod1-cre)RZ24Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311739 | ||
Neurod1 | Tg(Neurod1-cre/ERT2)M1Fcal | transgene insertion M1, Federico Calegari | head alimentary system nervous system sensory organs | C57BL/6J-Tg(Neurod1-cre/ERT2)M1Fcal/J | MGI:5582823 | |
Neurod1 | Tg(Neurod1-cre)1Able | transgene insertion 1, Andrew B Leiter | nervous system alimentary system endocrine system head | STOCK Tg(Neurod1-cre)1Able/J | MGI:5449711 | |
Neurod4 | Tg(Neurod4-cre)OU98Gsat | transgene insertion OU98, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Neurod4-cre)OU98Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311752 | ||
Neurod4 | Tg(Neurod4-cre/ERT2)D4ATahi | transgene insertion D4A, Tatsumi Hirata | MGI:6712715 | |||
Neurod6 | Neurod6tm2(cre/ERT2)Kan | neurogenic differentiation 6; targeted mutation 2, Klaus-Armin Nave | MGI:5308768 | |||
Neurod6 | Neurod6tm1(cre)Kan | neurogenic differentiation 6; targeted mutation 1, Klaus-Armin Nave | head nervous system hemolymphoid system | cardiovascular system respiratory system alimentary system embryo-other renal & urinary system muscle liver & biliary system | MGI:2668659 | |
Neurod6 | Neurod6tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Kan | neurogenic differentiation 6; targeted mutation 2.1, Klaus-Armin Nave | MGI:5308766 | |||
NEUROD6 | Hprt1tm333(Ple281-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 333, Elizabeth M Simpson | C57BL/6-Hprt1tm333(Ple281-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5532376 | ||
Neurog1 | Tg(Neurog1-cre/ERT2)G1CTahi | transgene insertion G1C, Tatsumi Hirata | MGI:6712707 | |||
Neurog1 | Tg(Neurog1-cre/ERT2)1Good | transgene insertion 1, Lisa V Goodrich | nervous system head sensory organs | B6;129P-Tg(Neurog1-cre/ERT2)1Good/J | MGI:3777275 | |
Neurog1 | Tg(Neurog1-cre)1Jejo | transgene insertion 1, Jane E Johnson | nervous system head sensory organs | STOCK Tg(Neurog1-cre)1Jejo/J | MGI:4455179 | |
Neurog1 | Neurog1tm1(Ccre)Cschu | neurogenin 1; targeted mutation 1, Carol Schuurmans | B6.Cg-Neurog1tm1(Ccre)Cschu/J | MGI:7612306 | ||
Neurog2 | Tg(Neurog2-cre/ERT2)G2ATahi | transgene insertion G2A, Tatsumi Hirata | head nervous system | MGI:6712679 | ||
Neurog2 | Neurog2tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | neurogenin 2; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:5812210 | |||
Neurog2 | Tg(Neurog2-cre/GFP)1Stoy | transgene insertion 1, Anastassia Stoykova | head nervous system | MGI:3528199 | ||
Neurog2 | Neurog2tm2(Ncre)Cschu | neurogenin 2; targeted mutation 2, Carol Schuurmans | B6.Cg-Neurog2tm2(Ncre)Cschu/J | MGI:7451386 | ||
Neurog2 | Neurog2tm1(cre/Esr1*)And | neurogenin 2; targeted mutation 1, David J Anderson | MGI:2652037 | |||
Neurog2 | Neurog2tm1(icre/ERT2*)Ggc | neurogenin 2; targeted mutation 1, Giacomo Consalez | MGI:5431772 | |||
Neurog3 | Tg(Neurog3-cre/ERT2)1Able | transgene insertion 1, Andrew B Leiter | endocrine system alimentary system | STOCK Tg(Neurog3-cre/ERT2)1Able/J | MGI:5449724 | |
Neurog3 | Tg(Neurog3-cre)C1Able | transgene insertion C1, Andrew B Leiter | renal & urinary system head alimentary system nervous system embryo-other skeletal system hemolymphoid system endocrine system reproductive system | cardiovascular system muscle extraembryonic component respiratory system tail integumental system cavities & their linings adipose tissue liver & biliary system branchial arches mesenchyme sensory organs limbs | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Neurog3-cre)C1Able/J STOCK Tg(Neurog3-cre)C1Able/J | MGI:3052639 |
Neurog3 | Tg(Neurog3-cre/ERT)#Dvs | transgene insertion, David V Serreze | MGI:5499837 | |||
Neurog3 | Neurog3tm3.1(Ncre,Neurog3)Ggu | neurogenin 3; targeted mutation 3.1, Guoqiang Gu | MGI:6357881 | |||
Neurog3 | Neurog3tm1.1(cre/ERT)Ggu | neurogenin 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Guoqiang Gu | MGI:3796207 | |||
Neurog3 | Tg(Neurog3-cre/Esr1*)1Dam | transgene insertion 1, Douglas A Melton | alimentary system endocrine system reproductive system | STOCK Tg(Neurog3-cre/Esr1*)1Dam/J | MGI:2684324 | |
Neurog3 | Neurog3tm1(Neurog3,cre/ERT)Ggu | neurogenin 3; targeted mutation 1, Guoqiang Gu | MGI:3796205 | |||
Neurog3 | Tg(Neurog3-cre)24Syos | transgene insertion 24, Shosei Yoshida | reproductive system | B6.Cg-Tg(Neurog3-cre)24Syos/SyosRbrc | MGI:3623356 | |
Neurog3 | Tg(Neurog3-cre)1Dam | transgene insertion 1, Douglas A Melton | endocrine system alimentary system | STOCK Tg(Neurog3-cre)1Dam/Mmucd NOD.Cg-Tg(Neurog3-cre)1Dam/SbwJ | MGI:4366451 | |
Neurog3 | Tg(Neurog3-Ncre)#Ggu | transgene insertion, Guoqiang Gu | MGI:6357891 | |||
NEUROG3 | Tg(NEUROG3-cre)1Herr | transgene insertion 1, Pedro Luis Herrera | endocrine system alimentary system | B6;D2-Tg(NEUROG3-cre)1Herr/Mmmh | MGI:3763357 | |
Nfatc1 | Nfatc1em3(dre)Bzsh | nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin dependent 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system | MGI:5804102 | ||
Nfatc1 | Nfatc1tm1.1(cre)Bz | nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin dependent 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system | MGI:5471107 | ||
Nfatc1 | Nfatc1em4(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin dependent 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Bin Zhou | cavities & their linings embryo-other cardiovascular system extraembryonic component muscle | MGI:6163791 | ||
Nfatc1 | Nfatc1tm1(cre)Bz | nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin dependent 1; targeted mutation 1, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system | MGI:5699715 | ||
Nfatc1 | Nfatc1tm2(cre)Bzsh | nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin dependent 1; targeted mutation 2, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system | MGI:6163733 | ||
Nfatc1 | Nfatc1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin dependent 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system muscle | MGI:5637438 | ||
Nfatc1 | Tg(Nfat1c-cre)1Bz | transgene insertion 1, Bin Zhou | MGI:5430637 | |||
Nfatc1 | Nfatc1em1(icre)Gpt | nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin dependent 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7302980 | |||
Nfatc1 | Nfatc1em2(GFP/cre)Bzsh | nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin dependent 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system | MGI:5804181 | ||
Nfatc1 | Nfatc1em1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin dependent 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | MGI:5804178 | |||
Nfil3 | Tg(Nfil3-EGFP,-icre)#Mfeu | transgene insertion, Markus Feuerer | MGI:6755588 | |||
Nkg7 | Nkg7em1(cre)Wehi | natural killer cell group 7 sequence; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | MGI:6506977 | |||
Nkx1-2 | Nkx1-2tm2296.1(cre/ERT2)Arte | NK1 homeobox 2; targeted mutation 2296.1, TaconicArtemis | sensory organs nervous system extraembryonic component mesenchyme alimentary system mouse-other head tail embryo-other | B6J;B6N-Nkx1-2tm2296.1(cre/ERT2)Arte/H B6J;B6N-Nkx1-2tm2296.1(cre/ERT2)Arte/H | MGI:6718289 | |
Nkx2-1 | Tg(Nkx2-1-cre)1Wdr | transgene insertion 1, William D Richardson | head nervous system | MGI:3761164 | ||
Nkx2-1 | Tg(Nkx2.1-icre)1Kess | transgene insertion 1, Nicoletta Kessaris | MGI:7344300 | |||
Nkx2-1 | Nkx2-1tm1(cre/ERT2)Htng | NK2 homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1, Hiroki Taniguchi | MGI:7514968 | |||
Nkx2-1 | Nkx2-1tm2.1(flpo)Zjh | NK2 homeobox 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Z Josh Huang | STOCK Nkx2-1tm2.1(flpo)Zjh/J | MGI:5700385 | ||
Nkx2-1 | Nkx2-1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | NK2 homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728813 | |||
Nkx2-1 | Tg(Nkx2-1-icre/ERT2)1Kess | transgene insertion 1, Nicoletta Kessaris | B6;CBA-Tg(Nkx2-1-icre/ERT2)1Kess/J | MGI:5430921 | ||
Nkx2-1 | Nkx2-1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | NK2 homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Z Josh Huang | alimentary system head endocrine system nervous system respiratory system | cardiovascular system integumental system renal & urinary system sensory organs muscle reproductive system liver & biliary system adipose tissue skeletal system hemolymphoid system | STOCK Nkx2-1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:5302534 |
Nkx2-1 | Tg(Nkx2-1-cre)2Sand | transgene insertion 2, Stewart Anderson | nervous system mesenchyme head alimentary system endocrine system respiratory system | cavities & their linings integumental system mouse-other renal & urinary system liver & biliary system reproductive system hemolymphoid system skeletal system adipose tissue extraembryonic component branchial arches cardiovascular system limbs muscle embryo-other tail | C57BL/6-Atmintm1Jhh Gt(ROSA)26Sortm(EYFP)Cos Tg(Nkx2.1-cre)2Sand/J C57BL/6J-Tg(Nkx2-1-cre)2Sand/J | MGI:3773076 |
Nkx2-2 | Nkx2-2tm4.1(cre/EGFP)Suss | NK2 homeobox 2; targeted mutation 4.1, Lori Sussel | alimentary system head nervous system endocrine system | B6.129S6(Cg)-Nkx2-2tm4.1(cre/EGFP)Suss/J | MGI:5538250 | |
Nkx2-2 | Nkx2-2tm6.1(Ccre,Nkk2-2)Suss | NK2 homeobox 2; targeted mutation 6.1, Lori Sussel | MGI:6780118 | |||
Nkx2-2 | Nkx2-2tm1(icre)Aholz | NK2 homeobox 2; targeted mutation 1, Andreas Holz | MGI:5818052 | |||
Nkx2-2 | Nkx2-2tm1.1(icre)Aholz | NK2 homeobox 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Andreas Holz | MGI:5818053 | |||
Nkx2-2 | Tg(Nkx2-2*-cre)1Mtse | transgene insertion 1, Michael P Matise | MGI:5290102 | |||
Nkx2-2 | Tg(Nkx2-2-cre/ERT2)1Wdr | transgene insertion 1, William D Richardson | MGI:5430928 | |||
Nkx2-5 | Nkx2-5tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Rard | NK2 homeobox 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Reza Ardehali | cardiovascular system | embryo-other liver & biliary system nervous system renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system head respiratory system | MGI:6791388 | |
Nkx2-5 | Tg(Nkx2-5-tTA,tetO-EGFP/cre)1Smwu | transgene insertion 1, Sean Wu | cardiovascular system | STOCK Tg(Nkx2-5-tTA,tetO-EGFP/cre)1Smwu/J | MGI:5788432 | |
Nkx2-5 | Nkx2-5em2(icre)Gpt | NK2 homeobox 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7303047 | |||
Nkx2-5 | Nkx2-5em1(cre)Smoc | NK2 homeobox 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728814 | |||
Nkx2-5 | Tg(Nkx2-5-cre)9Eno | transgene insertion 9, Eric N Olson | cardiovascular system alimentary system muscle liver & biliary system | MGI:3514028 | ||
Nkx2-5 | Nkx2-5tm1(cre)Rjs | NK2 homeobox 5; targeted mutation 1, Robert J Schwartz | embryo-other muscle hemolymphoid system alimentary system cardiovascular system head branchial arches | B6129S1-Nkx2-5tm1(cre)Rjs/J | MGI:2654594 | |
Nkx2-5 | Nkx2-5tm2(cre)Rph | NK2 homeobox 5; targeted mutation 2, Richard P Harvey | branchial arches respiratory system integumental system liver & biliary system endocrine system extraembryonic component cavities & their linings cardiovascular system alimentary system head muscle mesenchyme | B6.129S1(SJL)-Nkx2-5tm2(cre)Rph/J | MGI:2448972 | |
NKX2-5 | Tg(NKX2-5*-cre)#Kyuhl | transgene insertion, Kyu-Ho Lee | alimentary system mesenchyme cardiovascular system branchial arches | MGI:7314947 | ||
NKX2-5 | Tg(NKX2-5-cre)#Kyuhl | transgene insertion, Kyu-Ho Lee | cardiovascular system alimentary system branchial arches mesenchyme | MGI:7345921 | ||
Nkx2-6 | Nkx2-6tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | NK2 homeobox 6; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Nkx2-6tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633814 | ||
Nkx3-1 | Nkx3-1em3(icre)Smoc | NK3 homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728823 | |||
Nkx3-1 | Nkx3-1tm3(cre)Mms | NK3 homeobox 1; targeted mutation 3, Michael M Shen | B6;129S-Nkx3-1tm3(cre)Mms/Nci | MGI:4361334 | ||
Nkx3-1 | Nkx3-1em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | NK3 homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728822 | |||
Nkx3-1 | Nkx3-1tm4(cre/ERT2)Mms | NK3 homeobox 1; targeted mutation 4, Michael M Shen | renal & urinary system reproductive system | B6;129S-Nkx3-1tm4(cre/ERT2)Mms/Nci STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(CAG-EYFP)Hze Nkx3-1tm4(cre/ERT2)Mms Smad4tm2.1Cxd Ptentm1Hwu/AbshnJ STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(CAG-EYFP)Hze Nkx3-1tm4(cre/ERT2)Mms Ptentm1Hwu Tg(ARR2/Pbsn-MYC)7Key/AbshnJ STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(CAG-EYFP)Hze Trp53tm1Brn/Trp53tm3Tyj Nkx3-1tm4(cre/ERT2)Mms Ptentm1Hwu/AbshnJ STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(CAG-EYFP)Hze Trp53tm1Brn Nkx3-1tm4(cre/ERT2)Mms Ptentm1Hwu/AbshnJ STOCK Brca2tm1Brn Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(CAG-EYFP)Hze Trp53tm1Brn Nkx3-1tm4(cre/ERT2)Mms Ptentm1Hwu/AbshnJ STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(CAG-EYFP)Hze Brca1tm2Cxd Nkx3-1tm4(cre/ERT2)Mms Ptentm1Hwu/AbshnJ STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(TMPRSS2/ERG)Key Nkx3-1tm4(cre/ERT2)Mms Ptentm1Hwu/AbshnJ STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(CAG-EYFP)Hze Nkx3-1tm4(cre/ERT2)Mms Ptentm1Hwu/AbshnJ STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(CAG-EYFP)Hze Nkx3-1tm4(cre/ERT2)Mms/AbshnJ STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm2(myc*T58A)Rcse Nkx3-1tm4(cre/ERT2)Mms Ptentm1Hwu/AbshnJ STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(CAG-EYFP)Hze Krastm4Tyj Nkx3-1tm4(cre/ERT2)Mms Ptentm1Hwu/AbshnJ STOCK Braftm1Mmcm Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(CAG-EYFP)Hze Nkx3-1tm4(cre/ERT2)Mms Ptentm1Hwu/AbshnJ STOCK Nkx3-1tm4(cre/ERT2)Mms/AbshnJ | MGI:4365630 | |
Nkx3-1 | Nkx3-1tm1(cre)Wez | NK3 homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1, Warren E Zimmer | MGI:3689997 | |||
Nkx3-1 | Nkx3-1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | NK3 homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728821 | |||
Nkx3-2 | Nkx3-2tm1(cre)Wez | NK3 homeobox 2; targeted mutation 1, Warren E Zimmer | mesenchyme alimentary system | MGI:3848005 | ||
Nkx3-2 | Nkx3-2tm4.1(cre)Tlu | NK3 homeobox 2; targeted mutation 4.1, Thomas Lufkin | limbs mesenchyme head alimentary system skeletal system branchial arches sensory organs | nervous system | MGI:5300901 | |
Nkx3-2 | Nkx3-2tm3.1(cre)Tlu | NK3 homeobox 2; targeted mutation 3.1, Thomas Lufkin | head alimentary system skeletal system sensory organs mesenchyme limbs branchial arches | nervous system | MGI:5300900 | |
Nkx3-2 | Nkx3-2tm1(cre)Tsa | NK3 homeobox 2; targeted mutation 1, Sophia Y Tsai | MGI:3579118 | |||
NKX6-1 | Hprt1tm342a(Ple282-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 342a, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5532390 | |||
Nkx6-2 | Tg(Nkx6-2-icre)1Kess | transgene insertion 1, Nicoletta Kessaris | STOCK Tg(Nkx6-2-icre)1Kess/SshiJ | MGI:4355562 | ||
Nkx6-2 | Nkx6-2tm1(cre/ERT2)Fsh | NK6 homeobox 2; targeted mutation 1, Gordon Fishell | STOCK Nkx6-2tm1(cre/ERT2)Fsh/J | MGI:4412372 | ||
Nkx6-2 | Nkx6-2tm2(cre)Ercs | NK6 homeobox 2; targeted mutation 2, Johan Ericson | B6;129P2-Nkx6-2tm2(cre)Ercs/Kctt | MGI:4440471 | ||
Nlrp14 | Nlrp14em2(cre/ERT2)Qys | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 14; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Qing-Yuan Sun | MGI:7546832 | |||
Nmb | Tg(Nmb-cre/ERT)#Kras | transgene insertion, Mark Krasnow | head nervous system | MGI:6724023 | ||
Nmb | Nmbtm1(cre)Daba | neuromedin B; targeted mutation 1, Douglas Bayliss | MGI:7657852 | |||
Nms | Tg(Nms-icre)20Ywa | transgene insertion 20, Masashi Yanagisawa | nervous system head | C57BL/6-Tg(Nms-icre)20Ywa/J | MGI:5638418 | |
Nmu | Nmutm1.1(cre)Debu | neuromedin U; targeted mutation 1.1, Dimitri De Bundel | MGI:7512918 | |||
Nmu | Nmuem1(cre)Smoc | neuromedin U; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728875 | |||
Nmu | Tg(Nmu-cre)RJ32Gsat | transgene insertion RJ32, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Nmu-cre)RJ32Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435514 | ||
Nmur1 | Nmur1em1(icre)Hexu | neuromedin U receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Heping Xu | alimentary system | skeletal system respiratory system hemolymphoid system adipose tissue integumental system | MGI:7531755 | |
Nmur1 | Tg(Nmur1-icre,-EGFP)1Dart | transgene insertion 1, David Artis | hemolymphoid system alimentary system | C57BL/6-Tg(Nmur1-iCre,-eGFP)1Dart/J | MGI:7464238 | |
Nodal | Tg(Nodal-cre)1Rob | transgene insertion 1, Elizabeth J Robertson | embryo-other | alimentary system nervous system | MGI:3796252 | |
Nodal | Tg(Nodal-cre)16Hmd | transgene insertion 16, Hiroshi Hamada | embryo-other | C57BL/6-Tg(NodalNDE-Cre)16Hmd/HmdRbrc | MGI:4360082 | |
Nodal | Tg(Nodal*-cre)#Mku | transgene insertion, Michael R Kuehn | embryo-other tail | MGI:4454667 | ||
Nos1 | Nos1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | nitric oxide synthase 1, neuronal; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728876 | |||
Nos1 | Nos1tm1(cre)Mgmj | nitric oxide synthase 1, neuronal; targeted mutation 1, Martin G Myers, Jr | B6.129-Nos1tm1(cre)Mgmj/J | MGI:5301174 | ||
Nos1 | Nos1em2(cre)Smoc | nitric oxide synthase 1, neuronal; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728878 | |||
Nos1 | Nos1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | nitric oxide synthase 1, neuronal; targeted mutation 1.1, Z Josh Huang | renal & urinary system head alimentary system muscle nervous system sensory organs | integumental system respiratory system skeletal system adipose tissue endocrine system cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system liver & biliary system reproductive system | B6;129S-Nos1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:4941223 |
Nos2 | Tg(Nos2-tdTomato,-cre)1Albe | transgene insertion 1, Alain Bessis | C57BL/6J-Tg(Nos2-tdTomato,-cre)1Albe/Orl | MGI:5645754 | ||
Notch1 | Notch1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | notch 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758035 | |||
Notch1 | Notch1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Sat | notch 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas | MGI:5304912 | |||
Notch1 | Notch1tm5(cre/ERT2)Rko | notch 1; targeted mutation 5, Raphael Kopan | alimentary system | STOCK Notch1tm5(cre/ERT2)Rko/J | MGI:5009237 | |
Notch1 | Notch1tm3(cre)Rko | notch 1; targeted mutation 3, Raphael Kopan | alimentary system nervous system limbs mouse-other mesenchyme sensory organs endocrine system hemolymphoid system muscle extraembryonic component integumental system renal & urinary system cardiovascular system embryo-other head | STOCK Notch1tm3(cre)Rko/J | MGI:3514150 | |
Notch1 | Notch1tm4(cre)Rko | notch 1; targeted mutation 4, Raphael Kopan | STOCK Notch1tm4(cre)Rko/J | MGI:5009236 | ||
Notch2 | Notch2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Sat | notch 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas | MGI:5304913 | |||
Notch2 | Notch2tm2(cre)Rko | notch 2; targeted mutation 2, Raphael Kopan | MGI:5523501 | |||
Notch3 | Notch3tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Sat | notch 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas | MGI:5304914 | |||
Notch4 | Notch4tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Sat | notch 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas | MGI:5304916 | |||
Noto | Nototm1.1(cre)Csgn | notochord homeobox; targeted mutation 1.1, Cheryle A Seguin | MGI:5294811 | |||
Noto | Nototm1(cre/ERT2)Hssk | notochord homeobox; targeted mutation 1, Hiroshi Sasaki | B6.Cg-Nototm1(cre/ERT2)Hssk/Rbrc | MGI:4366167 | ||
Noto | Tg(Noto-cre)#Knd | transgene insertion, Hisato Kondoh | MGI:6434311 | |||
Nox3 | Nox3tm1.1(cre)Kobio | NADPH oxidase 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Takehiko Ueyama | mouse-other head sensory organs nervous system | MGI:6725847 | ||
Npas1 | Tg(Npas1-icre,-tdTomato)1Cschn | transgene insertion 1, C Savio Chan | C57BL/6-Tg(Npas1-icre,-tdTomato)1Cschn/J | MGI:5816528 | ||
Npff | Npfftm1.1(icre)Xen | neuropeptide FF-amide peptide precursor; targeted mutation 1.1, Taconic Biosciences | nervous system head | MGI:7464745 | ||
Nphs1 | Tg(Nphs1-cre)1Seq | transgene insertion 1, Susan E Quaggin | nervous system head renal & urinary system | alimentary system | MGI:2653994 | |
Nphs1 | Tg(Nphs1-cre)33Mska | transgene insertion 33, Taiji Matsusaka | renal & urinary system | MGI:3762483 | ||
Nphs1 | Tg(Nphs1-flpo)1Jhm | transgene insertion 1, Jeffrey H Miner | MGI:5431870 | |||
Nphs1 | Tg(Nphs1-cre/EGFP)1Crjk | transgene insertion 1, Chris Kennedy | MGI:5432567 | |||
Nphs1 | Igs2em56(Nphs1-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 56, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300669 | |||
Nphs1 | Tg(Nphs1-cre)#Seq | transgene insertion, Susan E Quaggin | MGI:5468313 | |||
Nphs1 | Tg(Nphs1-cre)10Mska | transgene insertion 10, Taiji Matsusaka | MGI:5902390 | |||
Nphs1 | Tg(Nphs1-cre)2Seq | transgene insertion 2, Susan E Quaggin | MGI:3703790 | |||
Nphs2 | Tg(Nphs2-cre)1Seq | transgene insertion 1, Susan E Quaggin | renal & urinary system | MGI:3586451 | ||
Nphs2 | Tg(Nphs2-cre)#Anec | transgene insertion, Aris N Economides | renal & urinary system | MGI:5645974 | ||
Nphs2 | Nphs2tm1.1(icre)Ptb | nephrosis 2, podocin; targeted mutation 1.1, Paul T Brinkkoetter | renal & urinary system | MGI:6200320 | ||
Nphs2 | Nphs2tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | nephrosis 2, podocin; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Nphs2tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633815 | ||
Nphs2 | Nphs2tm1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | nephrosis 2, podocin; targeted mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758036 | |||
NPHS2 | Tg(NPHS2-cre/ERT2)#Mkas | transgene insertion, Masato Kasahara | renal & urinary system | respiratory system hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system nervous system alimentary system liver & biliary system head | MGI:4442436 | |
NPHS2 | Tg(NPHS2-cre/ERT2)#Hika | transgene insertion, Hiroshi Kawachi | MGI:6728122 | |||
NPHS2 | Igs2em77(NPHS2-cre/ERT2,-mGFP)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 77, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7376655 | |||
NPHS2 | Tg(NPHS2-rtTA,tetO-cre)1Holt | transgene insertion 1, Harry Holthofer | renal & urinary system | alimentary system liver & biliary system cardiovascular system | MGI:3767326 | |
NPHS2 | Tg(NPHS2-icre/ERT2)1Dnsh | transgene insertion 1, Farhad R Danesh | renal & urinary system | MGI:4819592 | ||
NPHS2 | Tg(NPHS2-cre)295Lbh | transgene insertion 295, Lawrence B Holzman | reproductive system endocrine system renal & urinary system alimentary system | liver & biliary system mesenchyme embryo-other limbs integumental system head hemolymphoid system sensory organs respiratory system tail cavities & their linings extraembryonic component muscle nervous system skeletal system cardiovascular system adipose tissue | FVB.Cg-Myh9tm1.1Gac Tg(NPHS2-cre)295Lbh/Mmjax 129S6.Cg-Tg(NPHS2-cre)295Lbh/BroJ B6.Cg-Tg(NPHS2-cre)295Lbh/J | MGI:2450359 |
Npnt | Tg(Npnt-cre)383Sleep | transgene insertion 383, Yu Hayashi | C57BL/6J-Tg(Npnt-cre)383Sleep | MGI:7524191 | ||
Npnt | Npntem1(flpo)Ngai | nephronectin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, John Ngai | B6;129S4-Npntem1(flpo)Ngai/TasicJ | MGI:6865658 | ||
Npnt | Tg(Npnt-cre)386Sleep | transgene insertion 386, Yu Hayashi | MGI:7524193 | |||
Nppa | Tg(Nppa-cre)4Vmc | transgene insertion 4, Vincent M Christoffels | cardiovascular system | respiratory system liver & biliary system limbs alimentary system | MGI:3710255 | |
Nppa | Nppatm3.1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | natriuretic peptide type A; targeted mutation 3.1, Bin Zhou | MGI:7439151 | |||
Nppa | Tg(Nppa-cre)m-3Vmc | transgene insertion m-3, Vincent M Christoffels | MGI:7382834 | |||
Nppa | Tg(Nppa-cre)3Vmc | transgene insertion 3, Vincent M Christoffels | embryo-other cardiovascular system muscle | limbs cavities & their linings liver & biliary system alimentary system respiratory system branchial arches | MGI:2679329 | |
Nppa | Nppatm1(cre)Cya | natriuretic peptide type A; targeted mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657304 | |||
Nppa | Tg(Nppa-cre)m-3+4Vmc | transgene insertion m-3+4, Vincent M Christoffels | MGI:5013828 | |||
Npr2 | Npr2tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Fgr | natriuretic peptide receptor 2; targeted mutation 2.1, Fritz G Rathjen | MGI:5567995 | |||
Npr3 | Npr3em2(scre/ERT2)Bzsh | natriuretic peptide receptor 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Bin Zhou | MGI:7451372 | |||
Npr3 | Npr3em1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | natriuretic peptide receptor 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | cavities & their linings cardiovascular system mesenchyme | extraembryonic component embryo-other hemolymphoid system | MGI:5804184 | |
Npr3 | Npr3tm2(cre/GFP)Bzsh | natriuretic peptide receptor 3; targeted mutation 1, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system | MGI:6163737 | ||
Npr3 | Npr3em1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | natriuretic peptide receptor 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724289 | |||
Npr3 | Npr3tm2(cre/ERT2)Hze | natriuretic peptide receptor 3; targeted mutation 2, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Npr3tm2(cre/ERT2)Hze/J | MGI:7571411 | ||
Npr3 | Npr3tm1.1(cre)Hze | natriuretic peptide receptor 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Npr3tm1.1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:6150901 | ||
Npr3 | Npr3em1(cre/ERT2)Bz | natriuretic peptide receptor 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system | MGI:7467076 | ||
Npr3 | Npr3tm1(cre)Hze | natriuretic peptide receptor 3; targeted mutation 1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Npr3tm1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:7571391 | ||
Nps | Npsem1(cre)Jgeer | neuropeptide S; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Joel C Geerling | nervous system head | C57BL/6J-Npsem1(cre)Jgeer/J | MGI:7382970 | |
Npsr1 | Npsr1em1(icre)Gpt | neuropeptide S receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7303181 | |||
Npvf | Npvftm1.1(icre)Gand | neuropeptide VF precursor; targeted mutation 1.1, Greg M Anderson | endocrine system head reproductive system renal & urinary system nervous system sensory organs | MGI:6720253 | ||
Npw | Npwtm1.1(icre)Ymf | neuropeptide W; targeted mutation 1.1, Masa Fu Yanagisawa | head nervous system | MGI:5694675 | ||
Npy | Npytm1(cre)Zman | neuropeptide Y; targeted mutation 1, Boris Zemelman | B6.Cg-Npytm1(cre)Zman/J | MGI:5750089 | ||
Npy | Npytm1(cre)Tkar | neuropeptide Y; targeted mutation 1, Tim Karl | MGI:3811718 | |||
Npy | Tg(Npy-cre)1Rck | transgene insertion 1, Jeffrey M Friedman | MGI:3776160 | |||
Npy | Npytm1.1(flpo)Hze | neuropeptide Y; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Npytm1.1(flpo)Hze/J | MGI:5903980 | ||
Npy | Npytm1(rtTA,tetO-cre/EGFP)Snby | neuropeptide Y; targeted mutation 1, Amanda Sainsbury | MGI:4818970 | |||
Npy | Tg(Npy-cre)RH26Gsat | transgene insertion RH26, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Npy-cre)RH26Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Npy-cre)RH26Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051789 | |
Npy | Npyem1(icre)Gpt | neuropeptide Y; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7303190 | |||
Npy | Tg(Npy-cre)RH28Gsat | transgene insertion RH28, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Npy-cre)RH28Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086199 | ||
Npy1r | Npy1rtm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa | neuropeptide Y receptor Y1; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | nervous system | B6.Cg-Npy1rtm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa/J | MGI:5804208 | |
Npy1r | Npy1rtm1(cre/GFP)Rpa | neuropeptide Y receptor Y1; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | MGI:5896318 | |||
Npy1r | Tg(Npy1r-cre)RL2Gsat | transgene insertion RL2, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Npy1r-cre)RL2Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5521363 | |
Npy1r | Tg(Npy1r-cre)RL28Gsat | transgene insertion RL28, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Npy1r-cre)RL28Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086198 | ||
Npy2r | Tg(Npy2r-cre)SM19Gsat | transgene insertion SM19, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Npy2r-cre)SM19Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Npy2r-cre)SM19Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435524 | ||
Npy2r | Npy2rtm1.1(cre)Lbrl | neuropeptide Y receptor Y2; targeted mutation 1.1, Stephen Liberles | nervous system | STOCK Npy2rtm1.1(cre)Lbrl/RcngJ | MGI:5776535 | |
Npy2r | Tg(Npy2r-cre)1Tfur | transgene insertion 1, Takahisa Furukawa | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Tg(Npy2r-cre)1Tfur/TfurRbrc | MGI:5701375 | |
Npy2r | Tg(Npy2r-cre)SM20Gsat | transgene insertion SM20, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Npy2r-cre)SM20Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311718 | ||
NPY2R | Hprt1tm354(Ple283-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 354, Elizabeth M Simpson | B6.Cg-Hprt1tm354(Ple283-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5568225 | ||
Nr2e1 | Tg(Nr2e1-cre/ERT2)#Clzh | transgene insertion, Chun-li Zhang | MGI:5296897 | |||
Nr2e1 | Tg(Nr2e1-cre/ERT2)1Gsc | transgene insertion 1, Gunther Schutz | nervous system head | MGI:3807544 | ||
NR2E1 | Hprt1tm346a(Ple264-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 346a, Elizabeth M Simpson | B6(Cg)-Hprt1tm346a(Ple264-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5532496 | ||
NR2E1 | Hprt1tm338a(Ple284-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 338a, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5532384 | |||
NR2E1 | Hprt1tm189(Ple138-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 189, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303272 | |||
Nr2f2 | Tg(Nr2f2-cre)40.1Ics | transgene insertion 40.1, Mouse Clinical Institute | MGI:7863615 | |||
Nr2f2 | Tg(Nr2f2-cre/ERT2)40Ics | transgene insertion 40, Mouse Clinical Institute | MGI:7863612 | |||
Nr4a1 | Tg(Nr4a1-EGFP/cre)820Khog | transgene insertion 820, Kristin A Hogquist | C57BL/6-Tg(Nr4a1-EGFP/cre)820Khog/J B6N.B6-Tg(Nr4a1-EGFP/cre)820Khog/J NOD.B6-Tg(Nr4a1-EGFP/cre)820Khog/YgchJ | MGI:5007644 | ||
Nr4a2 | Nr4a2em1(cre)Smoc | nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766444 | |||
Nr4a2 | Nr4a2em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7303222 | |||
Nr4a2 | Nr4a2tm1(dre)Hze | nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 2; targeted mutation 1, Hongkui Zeng | MGI:6790280 | |||
Nr5a1 | Tg(Nr5a1-cre)7Lowl | transgene insertion 7, Bradford B Lowell | head endocrine system nervous system reproductive system | B6J.FVB(129)-Tg(Nr5a1-cre)7Lowl/RujfJ STOCK Tg(Nr5a1-cre)7Lowl/J | MGI:3617315 | |
Nr5a1 | Tg(Nr5a1-cre)5Asc | transgene insertion 5, Andreas Schedl | MGI:3041879 | |||
Nr5a1 | Tg(Nr5a1-cre)1Kmor | transgene insertion 1, Ken-ichirou Morohashi | reproductive system endocrine system | MGI:3822808 | ||
Nr5a1 | Tg(Nr5a1-cre/ERT2)4Kmor | transgene insertion 4, Ken-ichirou Morohashi | endocrine system | MGI:3822809 | ||
Nr5a1 | Tg(Nr5a1-cre)SB15Gsat | transgene insertion SB15, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Nr5a1-cre)SB15Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311726 | ||
Nr5a1 | Nr5a1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A, member 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Nr5a1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633816 | ||
Nr5a1 | Tg(Nr5a1-cre)2Klp | transgene insertion 2, Keith L Parker | head endocrine system reproductive system embryo-other hemolymphoid system nervous system | mesenchyme | B6;D2-Tg(Nr5a1-cre)2Klp/HyJ | MGI:3689423 |
Nr5a1 | Tg(Nr5a1-cre)2Lowl | transgene insertion 2, Bradford B Lowell | head alimentary system hemolymphoid system reproductive system nervous system endocrine system | respiratory system liver & biliary system integumental system adipose tissue renal & urinary system muscle cardiovascular system embryo-other skeletal system sensory organs | FVB-Tg(Nr5a1-cre)2Lowl/J | MGI:3617314 |
Nr5a1 | Tg(Nr5a1-cre)SB4Gsat | transgene insertion SB4, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Nr5a1-cre)SB4Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311757 | ||
Nr5a1 | Tg(Nr5a1-cre)#Lowl | transgene insertion, Bradford B Lowell | MGI:4440636 | |||
Nr5a1 | Tg(Nr5a1-icre)185Gpt | transgene insertion 185, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307383 | |||
Nrg1 | Nrg1em1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | neuregulin 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | MGI:6361462 | |||
Nrg1 | Nrg1em2(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | neuregulin 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Bin Zhou | nervous system mesenchyme | MGI:6361465 | ||
Nrg1 | Nrg1em1(cre)Smoc | neuregulin 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766448 | |||
Nrg4 | Nrg4tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | neuregulin 4; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Nrg4tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Nrg4tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633817 | ||
Nrl | Tg(Nrl-cre)1Smgc | transgene insertion 1, Shiming Chen | C57BL/6J-Tg(Nrl-cre)1Smgc/J | MGI:5763658 | ||
Nrl | Nrltm1(cre/ERT2)Jpea | neural retina leucine zipper gene; targeted mutation 1, Jillian N Pearring | sensory organs head | MGI:7514918 | ||
Nrl | Tg(Nrl-icre)11Gpt | transgene insertion 11, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307384 | |||
Nrp2 | Nrp2em1(icre)Gpt | neuropilin 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7303250 | |||
Nrp2 | Tg(Nrp2-cre)#Hsak | transgene insertion, Hitoshi Sakano | MGI:7437865 | |||
Nrp2 | Tg(Nrp2-cre/ERT2,-Kikume)1Qsch | transgene insertion 1, Quenten Schwarz | nervous system head embryo-other mesenchyme | MGI:5634784 | ||
Nrp2 | Tg(Nrp2-cre,-EGFP)#Qsch | transgene insertion, Quenten Schwarz | head embryo-other liver & biliary system cardiovascular system nervous system extraembryonic component respiratory system hemolymphoid system mesenchyme | MGI:5749579 | ||
Nrp2 | Tg(Nrp2-flpo)#Past | transgene insertion, Jeroen Pasterkamp | head nervous system | MGI:6726601 | ||
Nsmf | Tg(Nsmf-cre)NR133Gsat | transgene insertion NR133, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Nsmf-cre)NR133Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Nsmf-cre)NR133Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435504 | ||
Ntng1 | Ntng1em1(cre)Kfra | netrin G1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Kevin M Franks | head nervous system | MGI:6740547 | ||
Ntng2 | Ntng2tm1.1(cre)Hze | netrin G2; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Ntng2tm1.1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:5806651 | ||
Ntng2 | Tg(Ntng2-Ncre,Abhd3-Ccre)#Gsat | transgene insertion, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | MGI:5617264 | |||
Ntrk1 | Ntrk1tm1(cre)Lfr | neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 1; targeted mutation 1, Louis F Reichardt | B6;129S4-Ntrk1tm1(cre)Lfr/Mmucd | MGI:4360700 | ||
Ntrk2 | Ntrk2em1(cre)Bxu | neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1,Baoji Xu | C57BL/6J-Ntrk2em1(cre)Bxu/J | MGI:7612056 | ||
Ntrk2 | Ntrk2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Pern | neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Patrik Ernfors | MGI:7539562 | |||
Ntrk2 | Tg(Ntrk2-cre/ERT2)#Phep | transgene insertion, Paul A Heppenstall | B6;D2-Tg(Ntrk2-cre/ERT2)#Phep/Cnrm | MGI:6201344 | ||
Ntrk2 | Ntrk2tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Ddg | neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 2; targeted mutation 3.1, David D Ginty | nervous system | B6.129S6(Cg)-Ntrk2tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Ddg/J | MGI:5616440 | |
Ntrk2 | Ntrk2em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758037 | |||
Ntrk3 | Tg(Ntrk3-cre/ERT2)#Phep | transgene insertion, Paul A Heppenstall | integumental system cardiovascular system nervous system | MGI:7435316 | ||
Ntrk3 | Ntrk3tm1(cre)Lfr | neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 3; targeted mutation 1, Louis F Reichardt | B6.129X1-Ntrk3tm1(cre)Lfr/Mmucd | MGI:3521571 | ||
Ntrk3 | Ntrk3tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Ddg | neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 3; targeted mutation 3.1, David D Ginty | nervous system | STOCK Ntrk3tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Ddg/J | MGI:5707203 | |
Nts | Ntstm1(flpo)Giml | neurotensin; targeted mutation 1, Gina M Leinninger | nervous system head | MGI:6727386 | ||
Nts | Ntsem1(icre)Smoc | neurotensin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7291434 | |||
Nts | Ntstm1(cre)Mgmj | neurotensin; targeted mutation 1, Martin G Myers, Jr | head nervous system | B6;129-Ntstm1(cre)Mgmj/J | MGI:5296932 | |
Nts | Tg(Nts-cre)RH4Gsat | transgene insertion RH4, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Nts-cre)RH4Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311749 | |
Ntsr1 | Ntsr1tm1(cre)Giml | neurotensin receptor 1; targeted mutation 1, Gina M Leinninger | head nervous system | MGI:6202108 | ||
Ntsr1 | Tg(Ntsr1-cre)GN209Gsat | transgene insertion GN209, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Ntsr1-cre)GN209Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4367043 | ||
Ntsr1 | Ntsr1tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa | neurotensin receptor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | nervous system head | MGI:7439918 | ||
Ntsr1 | Tg(Ntsr1-cre)GN220Gsat | transgene insertion GN220, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Ntsr1-cre)GN220Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Ntsr1-cre)GN220Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:3836636 | |
Ntsr1 | Ntsr1tm1.1(cre)Giml | neurotensin receptor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Gina M Leinninger | head nervous system | B6.129-Ntsr1tm1.1(cre)Giml/J | MGI:6202112 | |
Ntsr2 | Ntsr2tm1.1(cre)Giml | neurotensin receptor 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Gina M Leinninger | nervous system head | B6.129-Ntsr2tm1.1(cre)Giml/J | MGI:6202113 | |
Ntsr2 | Ntsr2tm1(cre)Giml | neurotensin receptor 2; targeted mutation 1, Gina M Leinninger | nervous system head | MGI:6202109 | ||
Nxph4 | Nxph4em1(cre)Zak | neurexophilin 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Zachary Knight | nervous system endocrine system head | B6.FVB-Nxph4em1(cre)Zak/J | MGI:6285704 | |
Nxph4 | Nxph4em1(icre)Gpt | neurexophilin 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7462235 | |||
Nxph4 | Nxph4tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Hze | neurexophilin 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Nxph4tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Hze/J | MGI:5501233 | |
Oat | Oatem1(cre/ERT2)Hzhu | ornithine aminotransferase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Hao Zhu | MGI:6704918 | |||
Oca2 | Oca2tm1(cre/ERT2)Mymi | oculocutaneous albinism II; targeted mutation 1, Mayumi Ito | integumental system | MGI:7526532 | ||
Odam | Odamem1(cre)Mlp | odontogenic, ameloblast asssociated; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Michael L Paine | C57BL/6J-Odamem1Mlp/Mmjax | MGI:6715330 | ||
Olfm1 | Olfm1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | olfactomedin 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Olfm1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Olfm1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633819 | ||
Olfm4 | Olfm4tm2.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Cle | olfactomedin 4; targeted mutation 2.1, Hans Clevers | MGI:5805245 | |||
Olig1 | Olig1tm1.1(cre)Rth | oligodendrocyte transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, David H Rowitch | MGI:6759440 | |||
Olig1 | Olig1tm1(cre)Rth | oligodendrocyte transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1, David H Rowitch | head nervous system | B6;129S4-Olig1tm1(cre)Rth/J | MGI:2179311 | |
OLIG1 | Hprt1tm362a(Ple304-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 362a, Elizabeth M Simpson | B6.Cg-Hprt1tm362(Ple304-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5568381 | ||
Olig2 | Olig2tm2(cre)Htak | oligodendrocyte transcription factor 2; targeted mutation 2, Hirohide Takebayashi | MGI:5426934 | |||
Olig2 | Olig2tm1(cre)Tmj | oligodendrocyte transcription factor 2; targeted mutation 1, Thomas M Jessell | MGI:3774124 | |||
Olig2 | Olig2tm2(TVA,cre)Rth | oligodendrocyte transcription factor 2; targeted mutation 2, David H Rowitch | STOCK Olig2tm2(TVA,cre)Rth/J | MGI:3810299 | ||
Olig2 | Olig2tm1.1(cre)Wdr | oligodendrocyte transcription factor 2; targeted mutation 1.1, William D Richardson | B6.129-Olig2tm1.1(cre)Wdr/J | MGI:4461156 | ||
Olig2 | Olig2tm1(cre/Esr1*)Htak | oligodendrocyte transcription factor 2; targeted mutation 1, Hirohide Takebayashi | B6.Cg-Olig2tm1(cre/Esr1*)Htak/Rbrc | MGI:2183410 | ||
Olig2 | Olig2em1(icre)Smoc | oligodendrocyte transcription factor 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7626704 | |||
Olig3 | Olig3tm2(cre/ERT2)Cbm | oligodendrocyte transcription factor 3; targeted mutation 2, Carmen Birchmeier | MGI:3833733 | |||
Olig3 | Olig3tm1(cre)Ynka | oligodendrocyte transcription factor 3; targeted mutation 1, Yasushi Nakagawa | MGI:3841452 | |||
Omp | Omptm12(cre/ERT2)Mom | olfactory marker protein; targeted mutation 12, Peter Mombaerts | MGI:5426990 | |||
Omp | Tg(Omp-cre)1Ajr | transgene insertion 1, A Jane Roskams | MGI:3790323 | |||
Omp | Omptm4(cre)Mom | olfactory marker protein; targeted mutation 4, Peter Mombaerts | integumental system skeletal system cardiovascular system nervous system head reproductive system sensory organs tail muscle alimentary system endocrine system renal & urinary system | extraembryonic component adipose tissue hemolymphoid system respiratory system embryo-other liver & biliary system | B6;129P2(Cg)-Omptm4(cre)Mom/MomTyagRbrc B6;129P2-Omptm4(cre)Mom/MomJ | MGI:3692980 |
Omp | Tg(Omp-cre)#Sbo | transgene insertion, Staffan Bohm | head sensory organs | MGI:7438201 | ||
Omp | Omptm1(cre)Jae | olfactory marker protein; targeted mutation 1, Rudolf Jaenisch | MGI:3045687 | |||
Omp | Omptm12.1(cre/ERT2)Mom | olfactory marker protein; targeted mutation 12.1, Peter Mombaerts | sensory organs head | B6;129-Omptm12.1(cre/ERT2)Mom/MomJ | MGI:5426991 | |
Opalin | Tg(Opalin-icre/ERT2)#Rjfl | transgene insertion, Robin JM Franklin | head nervous system | MGI:5763107 | ||
Opalin | Opalintm1(cre)Pfw | oligodendrocytic myelin paranodal and inner loop protein; targeted mutation 1, Paul Worley | head nervous system | MGI:5635920 | ||
OPN1LW | Tg(OPN1LW-cre)4Yzl | transgene insertion 4, Yun-Zheng Le | head sensory organs | STOCK Tg(OPN1LW-cre)4Yzl/J | MGI:3527258 | |
Opn1mw | Tg(Opn1mw-cre)1Asw | transgene insertion 1, Anand Swaroop | head sensory organs | MGI:2686735 | ||
Opn1mw | Tg(Opn1mw-icre)28Gpt | transgene insertion 28, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307385 | |||
Opn1sw | Tg(Opn1sw-cre)1Asw | transgene insertion 1, Anand Swaroop | head sensory organs | MGI:2686737 | ||
Opn1sw | Tg(Opn1sw-icre)13Gpt | transgene insertion 13, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307386 | |||
Opn3 | Opn3em1(cre)Lan | opsin 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Richard A Lang | adipose tissue integumental system | MGI:6456884 | ||
Opn4 | Tg(Opn4-cre)SA9Gsat | transgene insertion SA9, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Opn4-cre)SA9Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311703 | ||
Opn4 | Tg(Opn4-cre)#Yau | transgene insertion, King-Wai Yau | head sensory organs muscle | MGI:6331108 | ||
Opn4 | Opn4tm1(cre)Sapa | opsin 4 (melanopsin); targeted mutation 1, Satchidananda Panda | head sensory organs | MGI:3798479 | ||
Opn4 | Opn4tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Saha | opsin 4 (melanopsin); targeted mutation 2.1, Samer Hattar | STOCK Opn4tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Saha/J | MGI:5285845 | ||
Opn4 | Opn4tm1(cre)Saha | opsin 4 (melanopsin); targeted mutation 1, Samer Hattar | STOCK Opn4tm1(cre)Saha/J | MGI:7257816 | ||
Opn4 | Opn4tm1.1(cre)Saha | opsin 4 (melanopsin); targeted mutation 1.1, Samer Hattar | sensory organs nervous system head | MGI:4881482 | ||
Opn4 | Opn4em1(cre)Smoc | opsin 4 (melanopsin); endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758038 | |||
Opn5 | Opn5em1(cre)Lan | opsin 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Richard A Lang | head sensory organs integumental system nervous system | MGI:6387222 | ||
Oprk1 | Oprk1em1(cre)Smoc | opioid receptor, kappa 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758039 | |||
Oprk1 | Oprk1tm1.1(cre)Rmai | opioid receptor, kappa 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Rajani Maiya | MGI:7511868 | |||
Oprk1 | Oprk1tm2.1(icre/ERT2)Llch | opioid receptor, kappa 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Lee-Yuan Liu-Chen | MGI:6505539 | |||
Oprk1 | Oprk1tm1.1(cre)Sros | opioid receptor, kappa 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Sarah Ross | nervous system cardiovascular system endocrine system renal & urinary system respiratory system sensory organs head muscle embryo-other | STOCK Oprk1tm1.1(cre)Sros/J | MGI:5910988 | |
Oprk1 | Oprk1tm1(cre)Ddg | opioid receptor, kappa 1; targeted mutation 1, David D Ginty | MGI:7736362 | |||
Oprm1 | Oprm1tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa | opioid receptor, mu 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Oprm1tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa/J | MGI:6451472 | |
Oprm1 | Oprm1em1(icre/ERT2)Ygs | opioid receptor, mu 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Yan-Gang Sun | head nervous system | MGI:6739854 | ||
Oprm1 | Oprm1tm1(cre)Kmel | opioid receptor, mu 1; targeted mutation 1, Konstantinos Meletis | head nervous system | MGI:7447017 | ||
Oprm1 | Oprm1em1(cre)Jabl | opioid receptor, mu 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Julie A Blendy | C57BL/6NTac-Oprm1em1(cre)Jabl/Mmnc | MGI:7529797 | ||
Oprm1 | Oprm1tm2.1(EGFP/cre)Ics | opioid receptor, mu 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Mouse Clinical Institute | head nervous system | C57BL/6-Oprm1tm2.1(EGFP/cre)Ics/KffJ | MGI:6755589 | |
Oprm1 | Oprm1em1(cre)Smoc | opioid receptor, mu 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758040 | |||
Oprm1 | Oprm1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Dwata | opioid receptor, mu 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Dai Watanabe | head nervous system | MGI:6718628 | ||
Or10j5 | Tg(Or10j5-cre,-ECFP)6Hsak | transgene insertion 6, Hitoshi Sakano | MGI:6491969 | |||
Or10j5 | Tg(Or10j5-cre,-ECFP)17Hsak | transgene insertion 17, Hitoshi Sakano | MGI:3766289 | |||
Or10j5 | Tg(Or10j5-Or6a2,-cre,-EYFP)1Hsak | transgene insertion 1, Hitoshi Sakano | MGI:3766292 | |||
Or13c7c | Or13c7ctm1(cre)Jgst | olfactory receptor family 13 subfamily C member 7C; targeted mutation 1, Jorg Strotmann | MGI:4398871 | |||
Or13c7c | Or13c7ctm1.1(cre)Jgst | olfactory receptor family 13 subfamily C member 7C; targeted mutation 1.1, Jorg Strotmann | MGI:4398872 | |||
Or2b4 | Or2b4tm5(cre)Mom | olfactory receptor family 2 subfamily B member 4; targeted mutation 5, Peter Mombaerts | head sensory organs | B6;129P2-Or2b4tm5(cre)Mom/MomJ | MGI:3722381 | |
Or4e5 | Or4e5tm3(cre)Rax | olfactory receptor family 4 subfamily E member 5; targeted mutation 3, Richard Axel | MGI:3046831 | |||
Or4e5 | Tg(Or4e5-cre)1Hsak | transgene insertion 1, Hitoshi Sakano | head sensory organs | MGI:6491953 | ||
Or4e5 | Or4e5tm1(cre)Rax | olfactory receptor family 4 subfamily E member 5; targeted mutation 1, Richard Axel | MGI:3046829 | |||
Or55b4 | Tg(Rr323-cre,-Gap43/Venus)13Juhi | transgene insertion 13, Junji Hirota | nervous system head | MGI:7447200 | ||
Or7a37 | Tg(Or7a37-GAP/CFP,-icre)1Kob | transgene insertion 1, Reiko Kobayakawa | MGI:7378276 | |||
Or8a1 | Or8a1tm28(cre)Mom | olfactory receptor family 8 subfamily A member 1; targeted mutation 28, Peter Mombaerts | head sensory organs | STOCK Olfr151tm28(cre)Mom/MomTyagRbrc STOCK Or8a1tm28(cre)Mom/MomJ | MGI:3692997 | |
Osbpl1a | Tg(Osbpl1a-cre)OW20Gsat | transgene insertion OW20, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Osbpl1a-cre)OW20Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086189 | ||
Osbpl1a | Tg(Osbpl1a-cre)OW8Gsat | transgene insertion OW8, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Osbpl1a-cre)OW8Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086197 | ||
Osr1 | Tg(Osr1-cre)4Mrt | transgene insertion 4, Gail R Martin | sensory organs reproductive system alimentary system muscle mesenchyme embryo-other cardiovascular system renal & urinary system limbs head | liver & biliary system respiratory system | FVB/N-Tg(Osr1-cre)4Mrt/Mmmh | MGI:3793846 |
Osr1 | Osr1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Amc | odd-skipped related transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1, Andrew P McMahon | reproductive system mesenchyme renal & urinary system embryo-other | STOCK Osr1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Amc/J | MGI:3827104 | |
Osr2 | Osr2tm2(cre)Jian | odd-skipped related 2; targeted mutation 2, Rulang Jiang | branchial arches muscle cavities & their linings alimentary system embryo-other limbs cardiovascular system head liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system renal & urinary system integumental system endocrine system reproductive system tail mesenchyme nervous system skeletal system respiratory system adipose tissue sensory organs | extraembryonic component | B6;129S1-Osr2tm2(cre)Jian/J | MGI:3768549 |
Osr2 | Osr2tm5(cre)Jian | odd-skipped related 2; targeted mutation 5, Rulang Jiang | MGI:4365778 | |||
Osr2 | Osr2em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | odd-skipped related 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7291479 | |||
Otof | Otoftm1.1(cre)Mull | otoferlin; targeted mutation 1.1, Ulrich Mueller | head nervous system | B6(Cg)-Otoftm1.1(cre)Mull/Mmmh | MGI:5014098 | |
Otof | Otoftm2.1(cre/ERT2)Mull | otoferlin; targeted mutation 2.1, Ulrich Mueller | head sensory organs | B6(Cg)-Otoftm2.1(cre/ERT2)Mull/Mmmh | MGI:5014097 | |
Otof | Otofem1(cre)Smoc | otoferlin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766475 | |||
Otog | Tg(Otog-cre)1Ugds | transgene insertion 1, Unite de Genetique des Deficits Sensoriels | MGI:2183511 | |||
Otp | Otptm1.1(flpo)Tmj | orthopedia homeobox; targeted mutation 1.1, Thomas M Jessell | MGI:6728073 | |||
Otp | Tg(Otp-cre)1Hzo | transgene insertion 1, Huda Y Zoghbi | B6.FVB-Tg(Otp-cre)1Hzo/J | MGI:5897831 | ||
Otp | Otptm2(cre/ERT2)Asim | orthopedia homeobox; targeted mutation 2, Antonio Simeone | MGI:7856905 | |||
Otx1 | Otx1tm6(cre/ERT)Asim | orthodenticle homeobox 1; targeted mutation 6, Antonio Simeone | STOCK Otx1tm6(cre/ERT)Asim/Cnrm | MGI:6468494 | ||
Otx1 | Tg(Otx1-cre)1Eag | transgene insertion 1, Elizabeth A Grove | MGI:3612835 | |||
Otx1 | Otx1tm4(cre)Asim | orthodenticle homeobox 1; targeted mutation 4, Antonio Simeone | STOCK Otx1tm4(cre)Asim/Cnrm B6.129-Otx1tm4(cre)Asim/J | MGI:2661060 | ||
Otx2 | Tg(Otx2-cre/Esr1*)1Sia | transgene insertion 1, Shinichi Aizawa | MGI:5817755 | |||
Otx2 | Otx2tm2(cre/ERT2)Tlam | orthodenticle homeobox 2; targeted mutation 2, Thomas Lamonerie | 129;B6-Otx2tm2(cre/ERT2)Tlam/J | MGI:3695701 | ||
Otx2 | Otx2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Mgoe | orthodenticle homeobox 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Magdalena Goetz | STOCK Otx2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Mgoe/Cnrm | MGI:5473314 | ||
Otx2 | Otx2em1(icre)Gpt | orthodenticle homeobox 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7303776 | |||
Ovgp1 | Tg(Ovgp1-icre/ERT2)746Chok | transgene insertion 746, Kathleen R Cho | STOCK Tg(Ovgp1-icre/ERT2)746Chok/Mmucd B6.Cg-Hprt1tm353(Ple274-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax C57BL/6-Hprt1tm348(Ple265-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax C57BL/6-Hprt1tm347(Ple155-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax C57BL/6-Hprt1tm343(Ple270-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax C57BL/6-Hprt1tm345(icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax C57BL/6-Hprt1tm350(Ple232-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax B6.Cg-Hprt1tm366(Ple67-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax B6.Cg-Hprt1tm367a(Ple251-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax B6.Cg-Hprt1tm365(Ple266-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax C57BL/6-Hprt1tm351(Ple198-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax C57BL/6-Hprt1tm335(Ple277-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax B6.Cg-Hprt1tm364a(CAG-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax B6.Cg-Hprt1tm363(hs1218-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax C57BL/6-Hprt1tm332(Ple272-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax B6.Cg-Hprt1tm362(Ple304-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax B6.Cg-Hprt1tm361(Ple267-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax C57BL/6-Hprt1tm333(Ple281-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax B6.Cg-Hprt1tm360(Ple253-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax B6.Cg-Hprt1tm359(Ple94-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax B6.Cg-Hprt1tm358(Ple287-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax B6.Cg-Hprt1tm357(Ple278-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax B6.Cg-Hprt1tm355(Ple286-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax B6.Cg-Hprt1tm354(Ple283-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax C57BL/6-Hprt1tm340(Ple252-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5911356 | ||
Oxr1 | Tg(Oxr1-cre)C14Stl | transgene insertion C14, Susumu Tonegawa | nervous system head | C57BL/6N-Tg(Oxr1-cre)C14Stl/J | MGI:5300944 | |
Oxt | Oxttm1.1(cre)Dolsn | oxytocin; targeted mutation 1.1, David P Olson | head nervous system | B6;129S-Oxttm1.1(cre)Dolsn/J | MGI:5523143 | |
Oxt | Oxtem2(icre)Smoc | oxytocin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7291498 | |||
Oxt | Oxttm1.1(cre)Gcho | oxytocin; targeted mutation 1.1, Gloria B Choi | MGI:6113596 | |||
Oxt | Oxttm1.1(icre)Ksak | oxytocin; targeted mutation 1.1, Kenji Sakimura | nervous system endocrine system head | C57BL/6-Oxttm1.1(Cre)Ksak | MGI:6764587 | |
Oxt | Oxttm1.1(flpo)Cya | oxytocin; targeted mutation 1.1, Cyagen Biosciences | nervous system head | MGI:6726072 | ||
Oxtr | Tg(Oxtr-cre)ON66Gsat | transgene insertion ON66, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Oxtr-cre)ON66Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311702 | ||
Oxtr | Tg(Oxtr-cre)ON82Gsat | transgene insertion ON82, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | MGI:5662433 | ||
Oxtr | Oxtrtm1(cre/GFP)Rpa | oxytocin receptor; targeted mutation 1, Richard D Palmiter | STOCK Oxtrtm1(cre/GFP)Rpa/J | MGI:6153224 | ||
Oxtr | Oxtrtm3.1(Oxtr*,cre)Knis | oxytocin receptor; targeted mutation 1, Katsuhiko Nishimori | reproductive system head integumental system renal & urinary system nervous system | cardiovascular system | MGI:6718390 | |
Oxtr | Oxtrem2(icre)Yinn | oxytocin receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Yukiko U Inoue | nervous system head | B6;C3-Oxtrem2(icre)Yinn/J | MGI:7282234 | |
Oxtr | Oxtrtm1.1(cre)Hze | oxytocin receptor; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Oxtrtm1.1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:6150896 | ||
Oxtr | Oxtrem4(icre/ERT2)Yinn | oxytocin receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Yukiko U Inoue | nervous system head | B6;C3-Oxtrem4(icre/ERT2)Yinn/2J | MGI:7282236 | |
Oxtr | Oxtrtm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa | oxytocin receptor; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | MGI:5896317 | |||
P2rx2 | P2rx2tm1.1(cre)Ttc | purinergic receptor P2X, ligand-gated ion channel, 2; targeted mutation 1, Thomas E Taylor-Clark | head respiratory system sensory organs muscle alimentary system cardiovascular system nervous system | MGI:6331316 | ||
P2rx2 | P2rx2em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | purinergic receptor P2X, ligand-gated ion channel, 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7623939 | |||
P2rx7 | P2rx7tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | purinergic receptor P2X, ligand-gated ion channel, 7; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867275 | |||
P2ry1 | P2ry1em1(icre)Smoc | purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7291503 | |||
P2ry1 | P2ry1tm1.1(cre)Lbrl | purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Stephen Liberles | nervous system | STOCK P2ry1tm1.1(cre)Lbrl/RcngJ | MGI:5776536 | |
P2ry12 | P2ry12em1(cre/ERT2)Peng | purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled 12; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bo Peng | nervous system head | cardiovascular system | MGI:7450934 | |
P2ry12 | P2ry12em1(icre/ERT2)Tda | purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled 12; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Thomas D Arnold | cardiovascular system respiratory system head hemolymphoid system nervous system alimentary system liver & biliary system | B6(129S6)-P2ry12em1(icre/ERT2)Tda/J | MGI:6379582 | |
Parm1 | Parm1em1(cre)Ngai | prostate androgen-regulated mucin-like protein 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, John Ngai | B6.Cg-Parm1em1(cre)Ngai/TasicJ | MGI:7286053 | ||
Pax2 | Tg(Pax2-cre)10Shwl | transgene insertion 10, William Shawlot | embryo-other renal & urinary system reproductive system mesenchyme | MGI:3613796 | ||
Pax2 | Tg(Pax2-cre)1Dje | transgene insertion 1, Douglas J Epstein | MGI:3797084 | |||
Pax2 | Tg(Pax2-cre)1Akg | transgene insertion 1, Andrew K Groves | branchial arches nervous system renal & urinary system sensory organs head embryo-other | STOCK Tg(Pax2-cre)1Akg/Mmnc B6.CD1-Tg(Pax2-cre)1Akg | MGI:3046196 | |
Pax2 | Tg(Pax2-cre)1Amc | transgene insertion 1, Andrew P McMahon | nervous system head | MGI:3656139 | ||
Pax3 | Tg(Pax3-cre)2Joe | transgene insertion 2, Jonathan A Epstein | limbs mesenchyme muscle embryo-other | MGI:3576663 | ||
Pax3 | Tg(Pax3-cre)#Patr | transgene insertion, Paul A Trainor | branchial arches nervous system head sensory organs | MGI:6784084 | ||
Pax3 | Tg(Pax3-cre)1Joe | transgene insertion 1, Jonathan A Epstein | cardiovascular system nervous system skeletal system mesenchyme integumental system branchial arches tail | MGI:2176205 | ||
Pax3 | Pax3tm1(cre)Joe | paired box 3; targeted mutation 1, Jonathan A Epstein | reproductive system mesenchyme branchial arches endocrine system adipose tissue embryo-other cavities & their linings limbs nervous system skeletal system head tail renal & urinary system alimentary system integumental system cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system muscle sensory organs respiratory system | liver & biliary system extraembryonic component mouse-other | B6;129-Pax3tm1(cre)Joe/J | MGI:3573783 |
Pax3 | Pax3tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Lepr | paired box 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Christoph Lepper | limbs adipose tissue tail mesenchyme nervous system integumental system head muscle | STOCK Pax3tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Lepr/J | MGI:5620010 | |
Pax4 | Tg(Pax4-cre)1Dam | transgene insertion 1, Douglas A Melton | endocrine system alimentary system | STOCK Tg(Pax4-cre)1Dam/J | MGI:4868408 | |
Pax4 | Pax4tm1(cre/ERT2)Sosa | paired box 4; targeted mutation 1, Beatriz Sosa-Pineda | MGI:3772207 | |||
Pax4 | Tg(Pax4-cre,-GFP)1Pgr | transgene insertion 1, Peter Gruss | 129-Tg(Pax4-cre,-GFP)1Pgr/Mmnc | MGI:4365811 | ||
Pax6 | Tg(Pax6-GFP/cre)1Rilm | transgene insertion 1, Richard L Maas | STOCK Tg(Pax6-GFP/cre)1Rilm/J B6.FVB(129S)-Tg(Pax6-GFP/cre)1Rilm/J | MGI:5538391 | ||
Pax6 | Tg(Pax6-cre)1Knd | transgene insertion 1, Hisato Kondoh | sensory organs head | MGI:3624748 | ||
Pax6 | Pax6em1(cre)Cya | paired box 6; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657306 | |||
Pax6 | Tg(Pax6-cre,GFP)1Pgr | transgene insertion 1, Peter Gruss | embryo-other endocrine system sensory organs head alimentary system | STOCK Tg(Pax6-cre,GFP)1Pgr/Mmnc | MGI:3045749 | |
Pax6 | Pax6tm2(icre)Fmur | paired box 6; targeted mutation 2, Fujio Murakami | C57BL/6N-Pax6tm2(iCre)Fmur/FmurRbrc | MGI:7493241 | ||
Pax6 | Tg(Pax6-cre,GFP)2Pgr | transgene insertion 2, Peter Gruss | head sensory organs | MGI:3052661 | ||
Pax6 | Pax6tm1(icre)Fmur | paired box 6; targeted mutation 1, Fujio Murakami | C57BL/6N-Pax6tm1(iCre)Fmur/FmurRbrc | MGI:7493240 | ||
Pax6 | Tg(Pax6-cre)1Zkoz | transgene insertion 1, Zbynek Kozmik | sensory organs embryo-other head | MGI:3711997 | ||
Pax6 | Tg(Pax6-cre)1Rilm | transgene insertion 1, Richard L Maas | sensory organs endocrine system head alimentary system | MGI:2450279 | ||
Pax7 | Pax7em1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | paired box 7; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724303 | |||
Pax7 | Pax7tm1(cre)Mrc | paired box 7; targeted mutation 1, Mario R Capecchi | limbs embryo-other head mesenchyme muscle | STOCK Pax7tm1(cre)Mrc Mapk14tm2Nbr/JpellH STOCK Pax7tm1(cre)Mrc/J | MGI:3497712 | |
Pax7 | Pax7em3(icre)Smoc | paired box 7; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724310 | |||
Pax7 | Tg(Pax7-cre/ERT2)1Tajb | transgene insertion 1, Sharhagim Tajbakhsh | MGI:5449370 | |||
Pax7 | Pax7tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Fan | paired box 7; targeted mutation 2.1, Chen-Ming Fan | nervous system respiratory system sensory organs alimentary system limbs muscle head mesenchyme endocrine system | skeletal system renal & urinary system branchial arches adipose tissue hemolymphoid system extraembryonic component integumental system embryo-other cardiovascular system liver & biliary system reproductive system | B6;129-Pax7tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Fan/J | MGI:4353154 |
Pax7 | Pax7tm1(cre/Esr1*)Cklr | paired box 7; targeted mutation 1, Charles Keller | muscle limbs | B6;129-Pax7tm1(cre/Esr1*)Cklr/Nci | MGI:4436914 | |
Pax7 | Pax7tm1(cre/ERT2)Gaka | paired box 7; targeted mutation 1, Gabrielle Kardon | limbs muscle | B6.Cg-Pax7tm1(cre/ERT2)Gaka/J | MGI:5141477 | |
Pax7 | Tg(Pax7-cre/ERT2)1Cbm | transgene insertion 1, Carmen Birchmeier | nervous system | MGI:3774422 | ||
Pax7 | Pax7em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | paired box 7; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724306 | |||
Pax8 | Pax8em1(cre)Smoc | paired box 8; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758041 | |||
Pax8 | Igs2em57(Pax8-cre/ERT2)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 57, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300670 | |||
Pax8 | Pax8tm1.1(cre)Mbu | paired box 8; targeted mutation 1.1, Meinrad Busslinger | B6.129P2(Cg)-Pax8tm1.1(cre)Mbu/J | MGI:3050216 | ||
Pax8 | Pax8tm1(cre)Mbu | paired box 8; targeted mutation 1, Meinrad Busslinger | MGI:2445461 | |||
Pax8 | Tg(Pax8-cre/ERT2)CAmat | transgene insertion C, Athena Matakidou | C57BL/6J-Tg-Pax8(Cre/ERT2)CAmat/AmatH C57BL/6J-Tg(Pax8-cre/ERT2)CAmat/AmatH | MGI:5911838 | ||
Pax9 | Pax9em1(cre/ERT2)Ychai | paired box 9; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Yang Chai | MGI:5824734 | |||
Pax9 | Pax9tm1.1(cre)Sbam | paired box 9; targeted mutation 1.1, Simon Bamforth | head branchial arches skeletal system mesenchyme sensory organs embryo-other | B6.Cg-Pax9tm1.1(cre)Sbam/H B6.Cg-Pax9tm1.1(cre)Sbam/H | MGI:6760663 | |
Pbsn | Tg(Pbsn-cre)20Fwan | transgene insertion 20, Fen Wang | reproductive system renal & urinary system | mouse-other | FVB;B6-Tg(Pbsn-cre)20Fwan/J | MGI:3717407 |
Pbsn | Tg(ARR2/Pbsn-icre)58Atai | transgene insertion 58, Atsu Aiba | renal & urinary system reproductive system | liver & biliary system cardiovascular system respiratory system | MGI:6718258 | |
Pbsn | Tg(Pbsn-cre)4Prb | transgene insertion 4, Pradip Roy-Burman | renal & urinary system reproductive system | cardiovascular system nervous system alimentary system head hemolymphoid system respiratory system liver & biliary system embryo-other integumental system | B6.Cg-Tg(Pbsn-cre)4Prb/Nci STOCK Tg(Pbsn-cre)4Prb/J | MGI:2385927 |
Pbsn | Pbsnem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | probasin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7291548 | |||
Pbsn | Hprt1tm1(Pbsn*-cre/ERT2)Jir | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 1, Frank R Jirik | MGI:3831277 | |||
Pbsn | Tg(Pbsn-cre)8113ANg | transgene insertion 8113A, Norman M Greenberg | MGI:2450559 | |||
Pbsn | Pbsnem1(icre)Gpt | probasin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7303925 | |||
Pbsn | Tg(Pbsn-cre/Esr1*)14Abch | transgene insertion 14, Andreas Birbach | C57BL/6-Tg(Pbsn-cre/Esr1*)14Abch/Biat C57BL/6-Tg(Pbsn-cre/Esr1*)14Abch/J | MGI:5461708 | ||
Pbx2 | Pbx2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | pre B cell leukemia homeobox 2; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Pbx2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633820 | ||
Pbx3 | Pbx3tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | pre B cell leukemia homeobox 3; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | limbs adipose tissue endocrine system head sensory organs integumental system respiratory system liver & biliary system embryo-other renal & urinary system skeletal system muscle reproductive system alimentary system branchial arches nervous system cardiovascular system | extraembryonic component hemolymphoid system tail cavities & their linings mesenchyme mouse-other | C57BL/6NTac-Pbx3tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Pbx3tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633821 |
Pcdh19 | Pcdh19em2(folA/cre)H | protocadherin 19; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Harwell | MGI:7859515 | |||
Pcdh9 | Tg(Pcdh9-cre)NP276Gsat | transgene insertion NP276, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Pcdh9-cre)NP276Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086196 | ||
Pck1 | Hprt1tm1(Pck1-cre)Vhh | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 1, Volker H Haase | MGI:3621174 | |||
Pck1 | Pck1tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1, cytosolic; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:5901752 | |||
Pcolce2 | Pcolce2em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | procollagen C-endopeptidase enhancer 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766493 | |||
Pcp2 | Tg(Pcp2-cre)2Mpin | transgene insertion 2, Max-Planck-Institute of Neurobiology | muscle respiratory system sensory organs liver & biliary system alimentary system reproductive system head nervous system renal & urinary system endocrine system cardiovascular system embryo-other | B6.129-Tg(Pcp2-cre)2Mpin/J | MGI:2137515 | |
Pcp2 | Tg(Pcp2-cre/ERT2,-ALPP)1Alj | transgene insertion 1, Alexandra L Joyner | MGI:4360711 | |||
Pcp2 | Pcp2em1(icre)Gpt | Purkinje cell protein 2 (L7); endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7303970 | |||
Pcp2 | Tg(Pcp2-cre)GN137Gsat | transgene insertion GN137, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Pcp2-cre)GN137Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4367053 | ||
Pcp2 | Tg(Pcp2-cre)756Mro | transgene insertion 756, Silvia Marino | nervous system head | B6;FVB-Tg(Pcp2-cre)756Mro/H B6;FVB-Tg(Pcp2-cre)756Mro/H | MGI:3513599 | |
Pcp2 | Tg(Pcp2-cre)9Kmik | transgene insertion 9, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba | C57BL/6-Tg(Pcp2-cre)9Kmik/KmikRbrc | MGI:3697338 | ||
Pcp2 | Tg(Pcp2-cre)1Amc | transgene insertion 1, Andrew P McMahon | liver & biliary system embryo-other muscle skeletal system sensory organs hemolymphoid system reproductive system cardiovascular system nervous system head tail | STOCK Tg(Pcp2-cre)1Amc/J | MGI:3656031 | |
Pcp2 | Tg(Pcp2-cre)GN135Gsat | transgene insertion GN135, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Pcp2-cre)GN135Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Pcp2-cre)GN135Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:3836637 | |
Pcp2 | Tg(Pcp2-cre)3555Jdhu | transgene insertion 3555, Jian-Dong Huang | nervous system sensory organs head | renal & urinary system | B6.Cg-Tg(Pcp2-cre)3555Jdhu/J | MGI:3053828 |
Pcp2 | Pcp2tm1(cre)Nobs | Purkinje cell protein 2 (L7); targeted mutation 1, Noboru Suzuki | sensory organs nervous system head | B6.Cg-Pcp2tm1(cre)Nobs | MGI:3578623 | |
Pcp2 | Tg(Pcp2-cre/ERT2)17.8Ics | transgene insertion 17.8, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Pcp2-cre/ERT2)17.8Ics/Ics | MGI:6364579 | ||
Pcp2 | Tg(Pcp2-cre)3Mdk | transgene insertion 3, Michael D Koob | nervous system head | MGI:3664534 | ||
Pcp2 | Tg(Pcp2-cre)22Lfr | transgene insertion 22, Louis F Reichardt | head nervous system | B6.D2-Tg(Pcp2-cre)22Lfr/Mmucd B6;D2-Tg(Pcp2-cre)22Lfr/Mmucd | MGI:3056290 | |
PCP2 | Hprt1tm347a(Ple155-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 347a, Elizabeth M Simpson | C57BL/6-Hprt1tm347(Ple155-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5532499 | ||
PCP2 | Hprt1tm325(Ple157-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 325, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303373 | |||
PCP2 | Hprt1tm205(Ple157-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 205, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303290 | |||
PCP2 | Hprt1tm203(Ple156-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 203, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303287 | |||
PCP2 | Hprt1tm348a(Ple265-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 348a, Elizabeth M Simpson | C57BL/6-Hprt1tm348(Ple265-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5532501 | ||
PCP2 | Hprt1tm201(Ple155-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 201, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303285 | |||
PCP2 | Hprt1tm199(Ple154-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 199, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303282 | |||
Pcp4 | Pcp4tm2.1(cre)Mtto | Purkinje cell protein 4; targeted mutation 2.1, Toshitada Takemori | MGI:7493187 | |||
Pdcd1 | Pdcd1em1(cre)Cya | programmed cell death 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | head nervous system | MGI:7526525 | ||
Pde1b | Pde1btm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | phosphodiesterase 1B, Ca2+-calmodulin dependent; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Pde1btm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633822 | ||
Pde1b | Tg(Pde1b-cre)OZ114Gsat | transgene insertion OZ114, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Pde1b-cre)OZ114Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311725 | |
Pde1c | Tg(Pde1c-cre)IT146Gsat | transgene insertion IT146, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Pde1c-cre)IT146Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Pde1c-cre)IT146Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4367060 | |
Pde1c | Tg(Pde1c-cre)IT106Gsat | transgene insertion IT106, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Pde1c-cre)IT106Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4367057 | ||
Pde6c | Pde6ctm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | phosphodiesterase 6C, cGMP specific, cone, alpha prime; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867292 | |||
Pde6g | Pde6gtm1(cre/ERT2)Eye | phosphodiesterase 6G, cGMP-specific, rod, gamma; targeted mutation 1, Stephen H Tsang | head sensory organs | MGI:5696992 | ||
Pdgfb | Pdgfbtm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | platelet derived growth factor, B polypeptide; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867290 | |||
Pdgfb | Tg(Pdgfb-icre/ERT2,-EGFP)1Frut | transgene insertion 1, Marcus Fruttiger | integumental system sensory organs cardiovascular system alimentary system muscle extraembryonic component liver & biliary system mouse-other respiratory system mesenchyme nervous system hemolymphoid system skeletal system head renal & urinary system | MGI:3793852 | ||
Pdgfc | Pdgfctm2.1(cre/ERT2)Hdin | platelet-derived growth factor, C polypeptide; targeted mutation 2.1, Hao Ding | renal & urinary system mesenchyme alimentary system head embryo-other nervous system | MGI:7439353 | ||
Pdgfra | Pdgfratm1.1(cre/Esr1*)Nshk | platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide; targeted mutation 1, Shin-Ichi Nishikawa | MGI:5475226 | |||
Pdgfra | Pdgfraem2(dre)Smoc | platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766500 | |||
Pdgfra | Pdgfratm3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide; targeted mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7786920 | |||
Pdgfra | Pdgfratm2.1(flpo)Leol | platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide; targeted mutation 2.1, Lorin E Olson | MGI:6728539 | |||
Pdgfra | Tg(Pdgfra-cre)1Clc | transgene insertion 1, Constance L Cepko | sensory organs head | C57BL/6-Tg(Pdgfra-cre)1Clc/J | MGI:4837746 | |
Pdgfra | Pdgfratm1.1(cre/ERT2)Blh | platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide; targeted mutation 1.1, Brigid L Hogan | respiratory system | B6.129S-Pdgfratm1.1(cre/ERT2)Blh/J | MGI:6201731 | |
Pdgfra | Pdgfraem1(cre)Smoc | platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7623940 | |||
Pdgfra | Pdgfratm2(cre/ERT2,-EGFP)Msas | platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide; targeted mutation 2, Masakiyo Sasahara | MGI:6467930 | |||
Pdgfra | Pdgfraem3(cre)Cya | platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657309 | |||
Pdgfra | Pdgfraem1(dre/ERT2)Bzsh | platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system | MGI:6721052 | ||
Pdgfra | Tg(Pdgfra-cre/ERT2)1Wdr | transgene insertion 1, William D Richardson | head nervous system | MGI:3832569 | ||
Pdgfra | Pdgfratm1.1(cre/ERT2)Trdo | platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide; targeted mutation 1.1, Thomas A Rando | muscle | MGI:6377446 | ||
Pdgfra | Pdgfraem3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766499 | |||
Pdgfra | Pdgfratm1.1(flpo)Leol | platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide; targeted mutation 1.1, Lorin E Olson | embryo-other head mesenchyme | nervous system sensory organs integumental system | MGI:6731084 | |
Pdgfra | Tg(Pdgfra-cre/ERT)467Dbe | transgene insertion 467, Dwight E Bergles | head nervous system | B6N.Cg-Tg(Pdgfra-cre/ERT)467Dbe/J | MGI:5056164 | |
Pdgfra | Pdgfratm2.2(flpo)Leol | platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide; targeted mutation 2.2, Lorin E Olson | integumental system adipose tissue | MGI:6731085 | ||
Pdgfra | Pdgfratm1(flpo)Leol | platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide; targeted mutation 1, Lorin E Olson | STOCK Pdgfratm1(flpo)Leol Gt(ROSA)26Sortm65.2(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/LeolJ | MGI:6728538 | ||
Pdgfra | Pdgfratm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Hyma | platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide; targeted mutation 1.1, Hiroyuki Miwa | hemolymphoid system skeletal system liver & biliary system branchial arches cardiovascular system renal & urinary system head alimentary system nervous system respiratory system limbs adipose tissue muscle mesenchyme embryo-other integumental system | B6.Cg-Pdgfratm1.1GFP/cre/ERT2Hyma | MGI:5644346 | |
Pdgfrb | Tg(Pdgfrb-cre)9Rha | transgene insertion 9, Ralf H Adams | B6;129-Tg(Pdgfrb-cre)9Rha | MGI:3763193 | ||
Pdgfrb | Tg(Pdgfrb-cre)1Rha | transgene insertion 1, Ralf H Adams | MGI:3692784 | |||
Pdgfrb | Tg(Pdgfrb-cre/ERT2)1Grei | transgene insertion 1, Daniel Greif | MGI:5882790 | |||
Pdgfrb | Pdgfrbtm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | platelet derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867281 | |||
Pdgfrb | Tg(Pdgfrb-cre/ERT2)6096Rha | transgene insertion 6096, Ralf H Adams | limbs hemolymphoid system skeletal system | B6.Cg-Tg(Pdgfrb-cre/ERT2)6096Rha/J | MGI:5807436 | |
Pdgfrb | Tg(Pdgfrb-cre)#Rha | transgene insertion, Ralf H Adams | MGI:4835938 | |||
Pdgfrb | Pdgfrbem1(icre)Bcgen | platelet derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Biocytogen LLC | MGI:7439912 | |||
Pdgfrb | Tg(Pdgfrb-cre)35Vli | transgene insertion 35, Volkhard Lindner | MGI:5291826 | |||
Pdgfrb | Pdgfrbtm1.2(flpo)Leol | platelet derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide; targeted mutation 1.2, Lorin E Olson | adipose tissue integumental system | MGI:6731087 | ||
Pdgfrb | Pdgfrbtm1.1(flpo)Leol | platelet derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide; targeted mutation 1.1, Lorin E Olson | STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm65.2(CAG-tdTomato)Hze Pdgfrbtm1.1(flpo)Leol/LeolJ | MGI:6728540 | ||
Pdgfrb | Pdgfrbtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Csln | platelet derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide; targeted mutation 1.1, Chyuan-Sheng Lin | sensory organs cardiovascular system head nervous system muscle | B6.Cg-Pdgfrbtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Csln/J | MGI:5901894 | |
Pdha2 | Pdha2em1(GFP/cre)Gpt | pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 alpha 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7377004 | |||
Pdpn | Tg(Pdpn-icre)14Biat | transgene insertion 14, Biomodels Austria | C57BL/6N-Tg(Pdpn-icre)14Biat/Biat | MGI:5526988 | ||
Pdpn | Tg(Pdpn-cre/GFP)1Gco | transgene insertion 1, Guillermo Oliver | MGI:6507742 | |||
Pdpn | Pdpntm1(cre)Mlkn | podoplanin; targeted mutation 1, Mark L Kahn | MGI:4820841 | |||
Pdpn | Tg(Pdpn-cre)HRkl | transgene insertion, Raghu Kalluri | sensory organs integumental system hemolymphoid system alimentary system cardiovascular system head | C.FVB-Tg(Pdpn-cre)HRkl/J | MGI:7442946 | |
Pdx1 | Tg(Pdx1-cre/Esr1*)#Dam | transgene insertion, Douglas A Melton | endocrine system alimentary system | STOCK Krastm4Tyj Trp53tm1Brn Tg(Pdx1-cre/Esr1*)#Dam/J STOCK Tg(Pdx1-cre/Esr1*)#Dam/J | MGI:5008261 | |
Pdx1 | Tg(Pdx1-flpo)#Dsa | transgene insertion, Dieter Saur | MGI:5616872 | |||
Pdx1 | Tg(Pdx1-cre)1Smoc | transgene insertion 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7738330 | |||
Pdx1 | Tg(Pdx1-cre/Esr1*)35.10Dam | transgene insertion 35.10, Douglas A Melton | endocrine system alimentary system | STOCK Tg(Pdx1-cre/Esr1*)35.10Dam/Mmucd | MGI:2684321 | |
Pdx1 | Tg(Pdx1-cre)1Herr | transgene insertion 1, Pedro Luis Herrera | alimentary system endocrine system | cardiovascular system | MGI:2387562 | |
Pdx1 | Pdx1tm4.1(cre)Mgn | pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1; targeted mutation 4.1, Mark A Magnuson | C57BL/6J.129S6-Pdx1tm4.1(cre)Mgn/Vu | MGI:6470616 | ||
Pdx1 | Tg(Pdx1-cre)6Cvw | transgene insertion 6, Christopher V E Wright | endocrine system alimentary system | MGI:2177604 | ||
Pdx1 | Tg(Pdx1-cre)#Dac | transgene insertion, Domenico Accili | MGI:7437697 | |||
Pdx1 | Pdx1tm1.1(dre)Gkg | pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1.1, George K Gittes | endocrine system alimentary system | muscle | MGI:6359751 | |
Pdx1 | Pdx1em1(icre)Gpt | pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7304073 | |||
Pdx1 | Pdx1em2(cre)Smoc | pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766503 | |||
Pdx1 | Igs2em82(Pdx1-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 82, GemPharmatech | MGI:7572968 | |||
Pdx1 | Tg(Pdx1-cre)1Heed | transgene insertion 1, Helena Edlund | MGI:3774305 | |||
Pdx1 | Tg(Pdx1-cre)89.1Dam | transgene insertion 89.1, Douglas A Melton | head alimentary system nervous system endocrine system | embryo-other | B6.Cg-Tg(Pdx1-cre)89.1Dam/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Pdx1-cre)89.1Dam/Mmucd | MGI:2684317 |
Pdx1 | Tg(Pdx1-cre/Esr1*)35.6Dam | transgene insertion 35.6, Douglas A Melton | endocrine system alimentary system | MGI:2684319 | ||
Pdx1 | Tg(Pdx1-cre)6Tuv | transgene insertion 6, David A Tuveson | alimentary system head nervous system | hemolymphoid system | B6.FVB-Tg(Ipf1-cre)1Tuv/Nci FVB(B6)-Tg(Pdx1-cre)6Tuv/JwkimJ B6.FVB-Tg(Pdx1-cre)6Tuv/J | MGI:3032531 |
Pdx1 | Tg(Pdx1-cre/Esr1*)1Mga | transgene insertion 1, Maureen A Gannon | nervous system head alimentary system endocrine system | NOD.Cg-Tg(Pdx1-cre/Esr1*)1Mga/MirmJ | MGI:3839433 | |
Pdx1 | Tg(Pdx1-flpo)#Koli | transgene insertion, Kenneth Olive | alimentary system | MGI:6758746 | ||
Pdx1 | Pdx1tm1(cre)Yasu | pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1, Yasuhiro Yamada | B6;Cg-Pdx1tm1(cre)Yasu | MGI:7526335 | ||
Pdx1 | Tg(Pdx1-cre)PBMga | transgene insertion PB, Maureen A Gannon | MGI:4839473 | |||
Pdx1 | Pdx1tm1.1(flpo)Most | pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Michael C Ostrowski | alimentary system liver & biliary system | MGI:6119579 | ||
Pdx1 | Tg(Pdx1-flpo)#Ybi | transgene insertion, Yan Bi | alimentary system | liver & biliary system | MGI:7513809 | |
Pdx1 | Pdx1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758042 | |||
Pdx1 | Tg(Pdx1-cre)XBMga | transgene insertion XB, Maureen A Gannon | MGI:4839475 | |||
Pdx1 | Pdx1em1(cre/ERT2)Cya | pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657310 | |||
Pdx1 | Pdx1em1(cre/ERT2)Rbrc | pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, RIKEN BioResource Center | C57BL/6N-Pdx1em1(cre/ERT2)Rbrc | MGI:7385054 | ||
Pdyn | Pdyntm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa | prodynorphin; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | head nervous system | MGI:7439919 | ||
Pdyn | Pdyntm1.1(cre)Mjkr | prodynorphin; targeted mutation 1.1, Michael J Krashes | endocrine system nervous system head | B6;129S-Pdyntm1.1(cre)Mjkr/LowlJ | MGI:5562873 | |
Pdyn | Pdyntm1.1(cre/ERT2)Hze | prodynorphin; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6;129S-Pdyntm1.1(cre/ERT2)Hze/J | MGI:5904056 | ||
Pdyn | Pdyntm1(cre)Czer | prodynorphin; targeted mutation 1, Christoph Schwarzer | MGI:3715202 | |||
Pdyn | Pdynem2(icre)Smoc | prodynorphin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7291601 | |||
Pdzk1ip1 | Tg(Pdzk1ip1-cre/ERT2)#Reiz | transgene insertion, Boris Reizis | skeletal system hemolymphoid system head nervous system integumental system cavities & their linings respiratory system | MGI:7439529 | ||
Pdzk1ip1 | Tg(Pdzk1ip1-cre)KD31Gsat | transgene insertion KD31, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Pdzk1ip1-cre)KD31Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Pdzk1ip1-cre)KD31Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4367064 | ||
Pdzk1ip1 | Tg(Pdzk1ip1-cre)KD27Gsat | transgene insertion KD27, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Pdzk1ip1-cre)KD27Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4847309 | ||
Pecam1 | Tg(Pecam-cre)1Roml | transgene insertion 1, Mark A Labow | MGI:2387555 | |||
Pecam1 | Pecam1em2(icre)Gpt | platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech | MGI:7576466 | |||
Penk | Tg(Penk-cre,-lacZ)1Mini | transgene insertion 1, Liliana Minichiello | MGI:5532538 | |||
Penk | Penkem2(icre)Smoc | preproenkephalin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7291611 | |||
Penk | Penktm2(cre)Hze | preproenkephalin; targeted mutation 2, Hongkui Zeng | B6;129S-Penktm2(cre)Hze/J | MGI:5607585 | ||
Penk | Penktm1.1(cre)Gsche | preproenkephalin; targeted mutation 1.1, Gregory Scherrer | nervous system | MGI:6113637 | ||
Penk | Tg(Penk-glc-2-cre/ERT2)2And | transgene insertion 2, David J Anderson | B6N.FVB-Tg(Penk-glc-2-cre/ERT2)2And/J | MGI:3849454 | ||
Penk | Penktm1.1(cre/ERT2)Hze | preproenkephalin; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Penktm1.1(cre/ERT2)Hze/J | MGI:5501235 | |
Pf4 | Pf4em1(icre)Gpt | platelet factor 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7304117 | |||
Pf4 | Tg(Pf4-icre)Q3Rsko | transgene insertion Q3, Radek C Skoda | muscle adipose tissue hemolymphoid system mesenchyme liver & biliary system integumental system limbs cardiovascular system alimentary system renal & urinary system embryo-other respiratory system nervous system cavities & their linings reproductive system sensory organs endocrine system head skeletal system | C57BL/6-Tg(Pf4-icre)Q3Rsko/J | MGI:3764698 | |
Pf4 | Tg(Pf4-cre/ERT2)3.21Ics | transgene insertion 3.21, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Pf4-cre/ERT2)3.21Ics/Ics | MGI:7346227 | ||
Pgc | Tg(Pgc-cre,-secNluc)#Hcz | transgene insertion, Hua-Chuan Zheng | MGI:7543061 | |||
Pgc | Pgctm1.1(cre/ERT2)Itoy | progastricsin (pepsinogen C); targeted mutation 1.1, Yoshiaki Ito | alimentary system | MGI:7461847 | ||
Pgk1 | Tg(Pgk1-cre)1Lni | transgene insertion 1, Peter Lonai | alimentary system | B6.C-Tg(Pgk1-cre)1Lni/CrsJ | MGI:2178050 | |
Pgk1 | Tg(Pgk1-RFP,-cre/ERT2)3Narl | Transgene insertion 3, National Applied Research Laboratories | MGI:5898271 | |||
Pgk1 | Tg(CAG-GFP,Pgk1-flpo)1Luo | transgene insertion 1, Liqun Luo | MGI:5489070 | |||
Pgk1 | Tg(Pgk1-flpo)10Sykr | transgene insertion 10, Shoshana Yakar | B6.Cg-Tg(Pgk1-flpo)10Sykr/J | MGI:4415609 | ||
PGK1 | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(PGK1-cre)Ozg | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, Ozgene | MGI:5435692 | |||
PGK1 | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm11(flpo)Amc | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 11, Andrew P McMahon | MGI:7327519 | |||
Pgk2 | Tg(Pgk2-cre)1Yna | transgene insertion 1, Yoshinobu Nakanishi | reproductive system | MGI:2447642 | ||
Pgk2 | Tg(Pgk2-cre)24Shb | transgene insertion 24, Seiji Shioda | MGI:3641577 | |||
Pgk2 | Tg(Pgk2-cre/ERT2)35.12Ics | transgene insertion 35.12, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Pgk2-cre/ERT2)35.12Ics/Ics | MGI:7346234 | ||
Pgk2 | Tg(Pgk2-cre)1Vdh | transgene insertion 1, Frans A van der Hoorn | MGI:3702025 | |||
Pgr | Pgrem1(cre)Cya | progesterone receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7490195 | |||
Pgr | Pgrem1(flpo)Shah | progesterone receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Nirao Shah | head nervous system | STOCK Pgrem1(flpo)Shah/J | MGI:6885881 | |
Pgr | Pgrem1(cre)Smoc | progesterone receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514020 | |||
Pgr | Pgrtm1.1(cre)Shah | progesterone receptor; targeted mutation 1.1, Nirao M Shah | B6.129S(Cg)-Pgrtm1.1(cre)Shah/AndJ | MGI:5487679 | ||
Pgr | Pgrtm2(cre)Lyd | progesterone receptor; targeted mutation 2, John P Lydon | alimentary system hemolymphoid system reproductive system | MGI:3576366 | ||
Pgr | Pgrem2(icre)Smoc | progesterone receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7265105 | |||
Phex | Phextm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | phosphate regulating endopeptidase homolog, X-linked; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Phextm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Phextm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633823 | ||
Phf21b | Phf21btm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | PHD finger protein 21B; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867273 | |||
Phox2a | Tg(Phox2a-cre)1Kania | transgene insertion 1, Artur Kania | nervous system head | MGI:6726486 | ||
Phox2b | Tg(Phox2b-cre)1Jbr | transgene insertion 1, Jean-Francois Brunet | B6D2-Tg(Phox2b-cre)1Jbr/Orl | MGI:5306618 | ||
Phox2b | Tg(Phox2b-cre)3Jke | transgene insertion 3, Joel K Elmquist | nervous system head | B6(Cg)-Tg(Phox2b-cre)3Jke/J | MGI:5005058 | |
Phox2b | Tg(Phox2b-cre)NP91Gsat | transgene insertion NP91, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Phox2b-cre)NP91Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4940669 | ||
Phox2b | Phox2bem1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | paired-like homeobox 2b; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7304189 | |||
Phox2b | Phox2bem2(cre/ERT2)Heno | paired-like homeobox 2b; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Hideki Enomoto | MGI:7657397 | |||
Phox2b | Tg(Phox2b-flpo)3276Grds | transgene insertion 3276, Christo Goridis | B6;D2-Tg(Phox2b-flpo)3276Grds/J | MGI:5508639 | ||
Phox2b | Tg(Phox2b-cre)NP110Gsat | transgene insertion NP110, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Phox2b-cre)NP110Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051755 | ||
Phox2b | Phox2bem3(cre)Heno | paired-like homeobox 2b; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Hideki Enomoto | MGI:7657398 | |||
Phox2b | Tg(Phox2b-cre)1Jke | transgene insertion 1, Joel K Elmquist | MGI:4941486 | |||
Pi16 | Pi16em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | peptidase inhibitor 16; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7377026 | |||
Pias3 | Pias3tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi | protein inhibitor of activated STAT 3; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Pias3tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5660021 | ||
Piezo1 | Piezo1tm2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | piezo-type mechanosensitive ion channel component 1; targeted mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758043 | |||
Piezo1 | Piezo1em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | piezo-type mechanosensitive ion channel component 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Bin Zhou | respiratory system head embryo-other hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system nervous system alimentary system renal & urinary system liver & biliary system | MGI:7491978 | ||
Piezo2 | Piezo2tm1.1(cre)Apat | piezo-type mechanosensitive ion channel component 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Ardem Patapoutian | limbs integumental system nervous system head | B6(SJL)-Piezo2tm1.1(cre)Apat/J | MGI:5574478 | |
Pip | Piptm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ovi | prolactin induced protein; targeted mutation 1.1, Catherine E Ovitt | alimentary system | head renal & urinary system reproductive system sensory organs respiratory system embryo-other | B6.Cg-Piptm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ovi/J | MGI:5661584 |
Pirt | Pirttm3.1(cre)Xzd | phosphoinositide-interacting regulator of transient receptor potential channels; targeted mutation 3.1, Xinzhong Dong | MGI:6332952 | |||
Pirt | Pirttm1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | phosphoinositide-interacting regulator of transient receptor potential channels; targeted mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6681811 | |||
Pitx1 | Tg(Pitx1-cre)7Rsd | transgene insertion 7, Michael G Rosenfeld | head nervous system endocrine system | B6.Cg-Tg(Pitx1-cre)7Rsd/J | MGI:3690467 | |
Pitx2 | Tg(Pitx2-cre/ERT2)#Jfm | transgene insertion, James F Martin | cardiovascular system respiratory system | MGI:6764477 | ||
Pitx2 | Tg(Pitx2-cre)1Ych | transgene insertion 1, YiPeng Chen | MGI:3848917 | |||
Pitx2 | Tg(Pitx2-cre/Esr1*)#Hmd | transgene insertion, Hiroshi Hamada | integumental system cardiovascular system limbs embryo-other muscle mesenchyme | MGI:5636151 | ||
Pitx2 | Tg(Rr437-cre)16Hmd | transgene insertion 16, Hiroshi Hamada | MGI:7512988 | |||
Pitx2 | Pitx2tm4(cre)Jfm | paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 2; targeted mutation 4, James F Martin | nervous system muscle cardiovascular system head | 129S-Pitx2tm4(cre)Jfm/Mmucd | MGI:2445429 | |
Pitx2 | Tg(Rr437-cre)#Hmd | transgene insertion, Hiroshi Hamada | embryo-other limbs integumental system muscle cardiovascular system mesenchyme | MGI:5636045 | ||
Pitx3 | Pitx3tm1(icre)Smdt | paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 3; targeted mutation 1, Marten P Smidt | MGI:5447644 | |||
Pitx3 | Tg(Pitx3-cre/ERT2)1Yqd | transgene insertion 1, Yu-qiang Ding | limbs muscle alimentary system sensory organs mesenchyme head tail | nervous system cardiovascular system | FVB(B6)-Tg(Pitx3-cre/ERT2)1Yqd/YqdRbrc | MGI:3797399 |
PITX3 | Hprt1tm10(Ple162-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 10, Elizabeth M Simpson | nervous system head embryo-other sensory organs | B6.129P2(129S4)-Hprt1tm10(Ple162-EGFP/cre)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:3835521 | |
PITX3 | Hprt1tm360a(Ple253-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 360a, Elizabeth M Simpson | B6.Cg-Hprt1tm360(Ple253-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5568241 | ||
PITX3 | Hprt1tm27(Ple160-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 27, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303362 | |||
PITX3 | Hprt1tm26(Ple161-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 26, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303351 | |||
Pkd1l2 | Pkd1l2tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi | polycystic kidney disease 1 like 2; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Pkd1l2tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Pkd1l2tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5660024 | ||
Pkd2l1 | Tg(Pkd2l1-cre)#Csz | transgene insertion, Charles S Zuker | alimentary system | MGI:5691401 | ||
Pkd2l1 | Pkd2l1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | polycystic kidney disease 2-like 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758044 | |||
Pkd2l1 | Pkd2l1tm1(cre)Lmn | polycystic kidney disease 2-like 1; targeted mutation 1, Emily Liman | MGI:6451758 | |||
Pkhd1 | Tg(Pkhd1-cre)1Igr | transgene insertion 1, Peter Igarashi | renal & urinary system | MGI:3794109 | ||
Pkib | Pkibem1(cre)Fuki | protein kinase inhibitor beta, cAMP dependent, testis specific; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Izumi Fukunaga | head nervous system | MGI:6508401 | ||
Pkig | PkigGt(cre/ERT2)2Card | protein kinase inhibitor, gamma; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493149 | |||
Pkig | PkigGt(cre/ERT2)1Card | protein kinase inhibitor, gamma; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493148 | |||
Pklr | Pklrem1(cre/ERT2)Hzhu | pyruvate kinase liver and red blood cell; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Hao Zhu | MGI:6704919 | |||
Pknox1 | Pknox1Gt(cre)1Card | Pbx/knotted 1 homeobox; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493162 | |||
Pknox1 | Pknox1Gt(cre)2Card | Pbx/knotted 1 homeobox; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493163 | |||
PLAT | Tg(PLAT-cre)116Sdu | transgene insertion 116, Sylvie Dufour | MGI:3052515 | |||
Plin1 | Plin1em1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | perilipin 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724319 | |||
Plin1 | Plin1tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | perilipin 1; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867291 | |||
Plin1 | Plin1em2(dre/ERT2)Smoc | perilipin 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7291716 | |||
Plin2 | Plin2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Mort | perilipin 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Rory E Morty | MGI:5755034 | |||
Plp1 | Tg(Plp1-Ncre)DFki | transgene insertion D, Frank Kirchhoff | nervous system head | MGI:3833395 | ||
Plp1 | Tg(Plp1-cre)F633Rako | transgene insertion F633, Rashmi Kothary | MGI:5297401 | |||
Plp1 | Tg(Plp1-cre/ERT2)1Ueli | transgene insertion 1, Ueli Suter | alimentary system embryo-other sensory organs mesenchyme skeletal system head nervous system limbs integumental system | MGI:2663093 | ||
Plp1 | Tg(Plp1-Ccre)RFki | transgene insertion R, Frank Kirchhoff | sensory organs nervous system head | MGI:3833396 | ||
Plp1 | Tg(Plp1-cre/ERT)3Pop | transgene insertion 3, Brian Popko | respiratory system cardiovascular system sensory organs reproductive system integumental system head nervous system hemolymphoid system alimentary system muscle skeletal system | liver & biliary system endocrine system renal & urinary system | B6.Cg-Tg(Plp1-cre/ERT)3Pop/J D2.Cg-Tg(Plp1-cre/ERT)3Pop/SjJ | MGI:2450391 |
Plp1 | Plp1em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | proteolipid protein (myelin) 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7304405 | |||
Plp1 | Tg(Plp1-cre)F627Rako | transgene insertion F627, Rashmi Kothary | MGI:5297408 | |||
Plp1 | Tg(Plp1-cre)1Bzal | transgene insertion 1, Bernard Zalc | MGI:3778283 | |||
Plvap | Plvaptm1.1(cre/ERT2)Tng | plasmalemma vesicle associated protein; targeted mutation 1.1, Takashi Nagasawa | reproductive system | MGI:7461180 | ||
Plvap | Plvapem1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | plasmalemma vesicle associated protein; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | MGI:7514988 | |||
Plvap | Plvapem1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | plasmalemma vesicle associated protein; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758045 | |||
Plxnc1 | Plxnc1tm1(IL2RA)Mkil | plexin C1; targeted mutation 1, Mitsubishi Kagaku Institute of Life Sciences | MGI:7526353 | |||
Plxnd1 | Plxnd1tm2.1(flpo)Zjh | plexin D1; targeted mutation 2.1, Z Josh Huang | B6;129S4-Plxnd1tm2.1(flpo)Zjh/J | MGI:6720835 | ||
Plxnd1 | Tg(Plxnd1-cre)OG1Gsat | transgene insertion OG1, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Plxnd1-cre)OG1Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Plxnd1-cre)OG1Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435523 | |
Plxnd1 | Plxnd1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | plexin D1; targeted mutation 1.1, Z Josh Huang | B6;129S4-Plxnd1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:6720834 | ||
Plxnd1 | Plxnd1tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | plexin D1; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | cavities & their linings respiratory system integumental system endocrine system nervous system tail cardiovascular system branchial arches sensory organs head renal & urinary system muscle mesenchyme alimentary system hemolymphoid system skeletal system liver & biliary system embryo-other limbs reproductive system | adipose tissue extraembryonic component | MGI:5629433 | |
Pmch | Pmchem1(cre)Smoc | pro-melanin-concentrating hormone; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766527 | |||
Pmch | Tg(Pmch-cre)1Rck | transgene insertion 1, Jeffrey M Friedman | C57BL/6-Tg(Pmch-cre)1Rck/J | MGI:5521470 | ||
Pmch | Tg(Pmch-cre)KY133Gsat | transgene insertion KY133, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Pmch-cre)KY133Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Pmch-cre)KY133Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051756 | ||
Pmch | Tg(Pmch-cre)1Lowl | transgene insertion 1, Bradford B Lowell | head nervous system | endocrine system alimentary system | STOCK Tg(Pmch-cre)1Lowl/J B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Pmch-cre)1Lowl/J | MGI:4887235 |
Pmel | Pmeltm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jkn | premelanosome protein; targeted mutation 1.1, Ian Jackson | B6;Cg-Pmeltm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jkn/H | MGI:7783489 | ||
Pmel | Pmeltm1(cre/ERT2)Jkn | premelanosome protein; targeted mutation 1, Ian J Jackson | MGI:6791291 | |||
Pmel | Pmelem1(rtTA,tetO-icre)Osaw | premelanosome protein; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Masatake Osawa | reproductive system cardiovascular system head alimentary system cavities & their linings renal & urinary system integumental system respiratory system sensory organs | MGI:7522089 | ||
Pms2 | Pms2tm2(cre)Lisk | PMS1 homolog2, mismatch repair system component; targeted mutation 2, Michael Liskay | liver & biliary system alimentary system muscle renal & urinary system | MGI:5538273 | ||
Pnmt | Pnmttm1(cre)Xbao | phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase; targeted mutation 1, Xuping Bao | MGI:3810658 | |||
Pnmt | Pnmttm1(cre)Sne | phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase; targeted mutation 1, Steven N Ebert | MGI:3510456 | |||
Pnmt | Pnmttm1.1(cre)Sne | phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase; targeted mutation 1.1, Steven N Ebert | STOCK Pnmttm1.1(cre)Sne/J | MGI:7709523 | ||
Pnoc | Pnoctm1.1(cre)Mrbr | prepronociceptin; targeted mutation 1.1, Michael R Bruchas | head nervous system | STOCK Pnoctm1.1(cre)Mrbr/J | MGI:6359738 | |
Pnoc | Pnoctm1.1(cre)Jcbr | prepronociceptin; targeted mutation 1.1, Jens C Bruning | MGI:6448945 | |||
POGZ | Hprt1tm212(Ple168-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 212, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303299 | |||
POGZ | Hprt1tm16(Ple167-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 16, Elizabeth M Simpson | head nervous system | B6.129P2(129S4)-Hprt1tm16(Ple167-EGFP/cre)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:3835530 | |
POGZ | Hprt1tm214(Ple169-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 214, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303301 | |||
Polr2a | Polr2atm1(cre/ERT2)Bbd | polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide A; targeted mutation 1, Mariano Barbacid | B6.Cg-Polr2atm1(cre/ERT2)Bbd/Cnbc STOCK Polr2atm1(cre/ERT2)Bbd E4f1tm1.1Llca/J STOCK Polr2atm1(cre/ERT2)Bbd/J | MGI:3772332 | ||
Polr2f | Polr2ftm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide F; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Polr2ftm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633824 | ||
Pomc | Tg(Pomc-cre)5Brn | transgene insertion 5, Anton Berns | head nervous system endocrine system | MGI:4367779 | ||
Pomc | Tg(Pomc1-cre)1Gsb | transgene insertion 1, Gregory S Barsh | nervous system head | MGI:3576071 | ||
Pomc | Tg(Pomc-cre)1Lowl | transgene insertion 1, Bradford B Lowell | nervous system head | B6.FVB-Tg(Pomc-cre)1Lowl/J | MGI:4362028 | |
Pomc | Tg(Pomc-FLP)1aBrn | transgene insertion 1a, Anton Berns | MGI:4353096 | |||
Pomc | Tg(Pomc-FLP)1bBrn | transgene insertion 1b, Anton Berns | MGI:4353097 | |||
Pomc | Tg(Pomc-cre/ERT2)#Jke | transgene insertion, Joel K Elmquist | MGI:5569339 | |||
Pomc | Tg(Pomc*-cre/ERT2)#Rlb | transgene insertion, Robin Lovell-Badge | endocrine system head nervous system | MGI:6718949 | ||
Pomc | Tg(Pomc1-cre)16Lowl | transgene insertion 16, Bradford B Lowell | nervous system head endocrine system reproductive system renal & urinary system | sensory organs integumental system embryo-other muscle hemolymphoid system alimentary system respiratory system cardiovascular system skeletal system liver & biliary system | STOCK Tg(Pomc1-cre)16Lowl/J | MGI:3640616 |
Pomc | Pomctm1.1(cre)Lowl | pro-opiomelanocortin-alpha; targeted mutation 1.1, Bradford B Lowell | nervous system head | MGI:6718623 | ||
Pomc | Tg(Pomc*-cre)#Jdr | transgene insertion, Jaques Drouin | endocrine system nervous system head | MGI:6201724 | ||
Pomc | Tg(Pomc1-cre)1Mlf | transgene insertion 1, Matthew L Fero | MGI:3623445 | |||
Pomc | Tg(Pomc-dre)#Jcbr | transgene insertion, Jens C Bruning | head nervous system endocrine system | MGI:6828609 | ||
Postn | Tg(Postn-icre/ERT2)#Wet | transgene insertion, Nina Wettschureck | muscle cardiovascular system | respiratory system renal & urinary system liver & biliary system | MGI:7281316 | |
Postn | Tg(Postn-cre/ERT2)#Fcko | transgene insertion, Frank C Ko | skeletal system mouse-other | hemolymphoid system | MGI:7548553 | |
Postn | Postnem2(cre/Esr1*)Gpt | periostin, osteoblast specific factor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech | MGI:7572983 | |||
Postn | Postntm2.1(cre/Esr1*)Jmol | periostin, osteoblast specific factor; targeted mutation 2.1, Jeffery Molkentin | B6.129S-Postntm2.1(cre/Esr1*)Jmol/J | MGI:5908450 | ||
Postn | Tg(Postn-cre)1Sjc | transgene insertion 1, Simon J Conway | cardiovascular system | muscle | MGI:3775923 | |
Postn | Postnem3(icre)Cya | periostin, osteoblast specific factor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657311 | |||
Postn | Postnem1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | periostin, osteoblast specific factor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | MGI:6720923 | |||
Pou1f1 | Pou1f1em1(cre)Xidw | POU domain, class 1, transcription factor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Xiaodong Wang | MGI:7767880 | |||
Pou1f1 | Tg(Pou1f1-cre)1Rsd | transgene insertion 1, Michael G Rosenfeld | MGI:3690468 | |||
Pou1f1 | Tg(Pou1f1-cre,-ALPP)1Xdfu | transgene insertion 1, Xiang-Dong Fu | MGI:3719216 | |||
Pou2f1 | Pou2f1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867257 | |||
Pou2f3 | Tg(Pou2f3-cre,-Venus)M2Imt | transgene insertion M2, Ichiro Matsumoto | C57BL/6J-Tg(Pou2f3-nCre-ires-Venus)M2Imt/ImtRbrc | MGI:7518553 | ||
Pou2f3 | Pou2f3tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Imt | POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Ichiro Matsumoto | alimentary system | B6(129S4)-Pou2f3tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Imt/J | MGI:6755141 | |
Pou3f4 | Tg(Pou3f4-cre)23Cren | transgene insertion 23, Bryan Crenshaw III | MGI:2158500 | |||
Pou3f4 | Pou3f4tm2(cre)Cren | POU domain, class 3, transcription factor 4; targeted mutation 2, Bryan Crenshaw III | B6N.Cg-Pou3f4tm2(cre)Cren/Mmjax | MGI:6501011 | ||
Pou3f4 | Tg(Pou3f4-cre)32Cren | transgene insertion 32, Bryan Crenshaw III | integumental system limbs nervous system embryo-other | MGI:2158470 | ||
POU3F4 | Tg(POU3F4-cre)M51Cren | transgene insertion M51, Bryan Crenshaw III | sensory organs skeletal system nervous system head limbs mesenchyme | MGI:5285402 | ||
Pou4f1 | Tg(Pou4f1-cre/ERT2)#Wei | transgene insertion, Weizmann Institute of Science | MGI:7259784 | |||
Pou4f1 | Pou4f1tm1(flpo/ERT2)Past | POU domain, class 4, transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1, Jeroen Pasterkamp | nervous system head | C57BL/6J-Pou4f1tm1(flpo/ERT2)Past/Mmnc | MGI:7489615 | |
Pou4f1 | Pou4f1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | POU domain, class 4, transcription factor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766531 | |||
Pou4f1 | Pou4f1tm1.1(cre)Tcba | POU domain, class 4, transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Tudor Constantin Badea | head embryo-other nervous system sensory organs | MGI:5629682 | ||
Pou4f1 | Tg(Pou4f1-cre/ERT2)2Jiz | transgene insertion 2, Jian Zhong | nervous system | STOCK Tg(Pou4f1-cre/ERT2)2Jiz/J | MGI:5619669 | |
Pou4f2 | Pou4f2tm1.1(cre)Tcba | POU domain, class 4, transcription factor 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Tudor Constantin Badea | embryo-other head nervous system sensory organs | MGI:5629683 | ||
Pou4f2 | Pou4f2tm1(cre)Bnt | POU domain, class 4, transcription factor 2; targeted mutation 1, Vann Bennett | B6.Cg-Pou4f2tm1(cre)Bnt/SjJ STOCK Pou4f2tm1(cre)Bnt/J | MGI:5829570 | ||
Pou4f2 | Pou4f2tm1.2(cre)Tcba | POU domain, class 4, transcription factor 2; targeted mutation 1.2, Tudor Constantin Badea | sensory organs nervous system head | MGI:5629706 | ||
POU4F2 | Hprt1tm337a(Ple285-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 337a, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5532383 | |||
Pou4f3 | Pou4f3tm1.1(cre)Tcba | POU domain, class 4, transcription factor 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Tudor Constantin Badea | head sensory organs | MGI:7470765 | ||
Pou4f3 | Pou4f3tm1.2(cre)Tcba | POU domain, class 4, transcription factor 3; targeted mutation 1.2, Tudor Constantin Badea | sensory organs head | MGI:7470766 | ||
Pou4f3 | Pou4f3em1(cre/ERT2)Yss | POU domain, class 4, transcription factor 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Yun Stone Shi | head sensory organs | MGI:6693366 | ||
Pou4f3 | Pou4f3tm1(cre)Krak | POU domain, class 4, transcription factor 3; targeted mutation 1, Kristen Rak | MGI:6113694 | |||
Pou4f3 | Tg(Pou4f3-cre)1Devet | transgene insertion 1, Douglas Vetter | sensory organs mesenchyme head | nervous system | MGI:3639351 | |
Pou5f1 | Tg(Pou5f1*-cre/ERT2)4Atsuz | transgene insertion 4, Atsushi Suzuki | MGI:7520451 | |||
Pou5f1 | Tg(Pou5f1-cre/ERT2)#Ysa | transgene insertion, Yumiko Saga | MGI:5615471 | |||
Pou5f1 | Pou5f1tm1.1(cre/Esr1*)Yseg | POU domain, class 5, transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Yoav Segal | B6(SJL)-Pou5f1tm1.1(cre/Esr1*)Yseg/J | MGI:5049897 | ||
Pou6f2 | Pou6f2em1(flpo)Jbb | POU domain, class 6, transcription factor 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Jay Bikoff | MGI:7865233 | |||
Ppm1a | Ppm1atm1(cre/ERT2)Rosc | protein phosphatase 1A, magnesium dependent, alpha isoform; targeted mutation 1, Roland Schule | MGI:5705637 | |||
Ppm1a | Tg(Ppm1a-cre/ERT2)43.3Ics | transgene insertion 43.3, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Ppm1a-cre/ERT2)43.3Ics/Ics | MGI:7346236 | ||
Ppp1r17 | Tg(Ppp1r17-cre)NL146Gsat | transgene insertion NL146, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Ppp1r17-cre)NL146Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311750 | |
Ppp1r17 | Tg(Ppp1r17-cre)NL163Gsat | transgene insertion NL163, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Ppp1r17-cre)NL163Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311753 | ||
Ppp1r1b | Tg(Ppp1r1b-cre)1Meeh | transgene insertion 1, Michelle E Ehrlich | nervous system head | MGI:4356000 | ||
Ppp1r2 | Tg(Ppp1r2-cre)4127Nkza | transgene insertion 4127, Kazu Nakazawa | nervous system head | C57BL/6N-Tg(Ppp1r2-cre)4127Nkza/J | MGI:4421503 | |
Ppy | Tg(Ppy-cre)1Herr | transgene insertion 1, Pedro Luis Herrera | MGI:2387565 | |||
Prdm1 | Tg(Prdm1-cre)1Masu | transgene insertion 1, M Azim Surani | head respiratory system embryo-other limbs liver & biliary system adipose tissue alimentary system nervous system renal & urinary system reproductive system mouse-other cardiovascular system skeletal system endocrine system tail integumental system mesenchyme muscle hemolymphoid system branchial arches sensory organs | cavities & their linings extraembryonic component | B6.Cg-Tg(Prdm1-cre)1Masu/J | MGI:3586890 |
Prdm1 | Prdm1em1(icre)Gpt | PR domain containing 1, with ZNF domain; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7304654 | |||
Prdm1 | Prdm1tm5.1(cre/ERT2)Rob | PR domain containing 1, with ZNF domain; targeted mutation 5.1, Elizabeth J Robertson | sensory organs cardiovascular system mouse-other integumental system limbs embryo-other alimentary system mesenchyme head | MGI:7438442 | ||
Prdm1 | Prdm1em1(cre)Zzy | PR domain containing 1, with ZNF domain; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Zhongzhou Yang | MGI:7852338 | |||
Prdm1 | Prdm1tm3(icre)Rob | PR domain containing 1, with ZNF domain; targeted mutation 3, Elizabeth J Robertson | limbs head extraembryonic component sensory organs integumental system mouse-other embryo-other mesenchyme cardiovascular system | MGI:5439582 | ||
Prdm16 | Prdm16tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | PR domain containing 16; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Prdm16tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Prdm16tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633826 | ||
Prdm16 | Prdm16tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | PR domain containing 16; targeted mutation 1.1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Prdm16tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Prdm16tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633825 | ||
Prf1 | Prf1em3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | perforin 1 (pore forming protein); endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766543 | |||
Prf1 | Prf1em2(cre)Smoc | perforin 1 (pore forming protein); endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7482335 | |||
Prg2 | Prg2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ics | proteoglycan 2, bone marrow; targeted mutation 1.1, Mouse Clinical Institute | MGI:7863603 | |||
Prg2 | Prg2tm1.2(cre)Ics | proteoglycan 2, bone marrow; targeted mutation 1.2, Mouse Clinical Institute | MGI:7863608 | |||
Prg2 | Prg2tm2(cre/ERT2)Ics | proteoglycan 2, bone marrow; targeted mutation 2, Mouse Clinical Institute | MGI:7863605 | |||
Prg4 | Tg(Prg4-cre/ERT2)#Ndy | transgene insertion, Nathaniel A Dyment | cardiovascular system limbs muscle skeletal system mouse-other | MGI:7446980 | ||
Prg4 | Prg4tm1(GFP/cre/ERT2)Abl | proteoglycan 4 (megakaryocyte stimulating factor, articular superficial zone protein); targeted mutation 1, Andrew Lassar | skeletal system | STOCK Prg4tm1(GFP/cre/ERT2)Abl/J | MGI:5490969 | |
Prg4 | Tg(Prg4-cre/ERT2)#Mpac | transgene insertion, Maurizio Pacifici | skeletal system mesenchyme limbs | MGI:7435587 | ||
Prg4 | Tg(Prg4-cre)#Mkaz | transgene insertion, Kazu Matsumoto | limbs skeletal system mesenchyme | MGI:7434561 | ||
Prkcd | Tg(Prkcd-cre)PIto | transgene insertion P, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Prkcd-cre)PIto | MGI:6827391 | ||
Prkcd | Tg(Prkcd-cre)GIto | transgene insertion G, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Prkcd-cre)GIto | MGI:7524164 | ||
Prkcd | Tg(Prkcd-glc-1/CFP,-cre)EH124Gsat | transgene insertion EH124, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Prkcd-glc-1/CFP,-cre)EH124Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:3844446 | ||
Prkcd | Prkcdem3(cre)Smoc | protein kinase C, delta; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766546 | |||
Prkcg | Prkcgtm1(cre)Zfc | protein kinase C, gamma; targeted mutation 1, Zhou-Feng Chen | MGI:3603180 | |||
Prkcg | Prkcgtm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | protein kinase C, gamma; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:5812242 | |||
Prkcg | Prkcgtm2(cre/ERT2)Ddg | protein kinase C, gamma; targeted mutation 2, David D Ginty | B6;129S6-Prkcgtm2(cre/ERT2)Ddg/J | MGI:5828137 | ||
Prl | Prlem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | prolactin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758046 | |||
Prl | Tg(Prl-cre)1Levy | transgene insertion 1, Andy Levy | MGI:4835658 | |||
Prl | Tg(Prl-cre)#Salr | transgene insertion, Stephen A Liebhaber | head endocrine system nervous system | MGI:7448387 | ||
Prl | Tg(Prl-cre)1Mrub | transgene insertion 1, Marcelo Rubinstein | MGI:5471483 | |||
Prl2c2 | Prl2c2tm1(cre)Gle | prolactin family 2, subfamily c, member 2; targeted mutation 1, Gustavo Leone | extraembryonic component | MGI:5472136 | ||
Prl3b1 | Tg(Prl3b1-cre)2Hoi | transgene insertion 2, Hisashi Oishi | MGI:5911454 | |||
Prl3b1 | Tg(Prl3b1-cre)4Tysn | transgene insertion 4, Tsuyoshi Nakanishi | B6.Cg-Tg(Prl3b1-cre)4Tysn/TysnRbrc | MGI:7517161 | ||
Prl3b1 | Tg(Prl3b1-cre)8Tysn | transgene insertion 8, Tsuyoshi Nakanishi | B6.Cg-Tg(Prl3b1-cre)8Tysn/TysnRbrc | MGI:7517174 | ||
Prl3b1 | Tg(Prl3b1-cre)10Tysn | transgene insertion 10, Tsuyoshi Nakanishi | C57BL/6N-Tg(Prl3b1-cre)10Tysn/TysnRbrc | MGI:7517179 | ||
Prl3b1 | Tg(Prl3b1-cre)7Tysn | transgene insertion 7, Tsuyoshi Nakanishi | B6.Cg-Tg(Prl3b1-cre)7Tysn/TysnRbrc | MGI:7517168 | ||
Prl3b1 | Tg(Prl3b1-cre)2Tysn | transgene insertion 2, Tsuyoshi Nakanishi | B6.Cg-Tg(Prl3b1-cre)2Tysn/TysnRbrc | MGI:7517156 | ||
Prl3b1 | Tg(Prl3b1-cre)9Tysn | transgene insertion 9, Tsuyoshi Nakanishi | B6.Cg-Tg(Prl3b1-cre)9Tysn/TysnRbrc | MGI:7517176 | ||
Prl3b1 | Tg(Prl3b1-cre)6Tysn | transgene insertion 6, Tsuyoshi Nakanishi | B6.Cg-Tg(Prl3b1-cre)6Tysn/TysnRbrc | MGI:7517165 | ||
Prl3b1 | Tg(Prl3b1-cre)1Tysn | transgene insertion 1, Tsuyoshi Nakanishi | B6.Cg-Tg(Prl3b1-cre)1Tysn/TysnRbrc | MGI:7517153 | ||
Prl3d1 | Prl3d1tm1(cre)Gle | prolactin family 3, subfamily d, member 1; targeted mutation 1, Gustavo Leone | MGI:5472138 | |||
Prl4a1 | Prl4a1tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | prolactin family 4, subfamily a, member 1; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6N-Prl4a1tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633827 | ||
Prl8a2 | Prl8a2em1(icre)Fjd | prolactin family 8, subfamily a, member 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Franco J DeMayo | B6;129S6-Prl8a2em1(icre)Fjd/J | MGI:7311604 | ||
Prlh | Prlhem1(cre)Mgmj | prolactin releasing hormone; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Martin G Myers, Jr | nervous system head | STOCK Prlhem1(cre)Mgmj/J | MGI:6757218 | |
Prlh | Prlhtm1(cre)Smln | prolactin releasing hormone; targeted mutation 1, Simon M Luckman | head nervous system | MGI:5634277 | ||
Prlr | Prlrtm1(cre)Uboe | prolactin receptor; targeted mutation 1, Ulrich Boehm | MGI:6436578 | |||
Prlr | Prlrtm1.1(cre)Uboe | prolactin receptor; targeted mutation 1.1, Ulrich Boehm | renal & urinary system liver & biliary system head nervous system respiratory system endocrine system alimentary system reproductive system cardiovascular system integumental system hemolymphoid system sensory organs | MGI:6725828 | ||
Prlr | Prlrem4(cre)Smoc | prolactin receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766549 | |||
Prm1 | Tg(Prm-cre)#Og | transgene insertion, Stephen O'Gorman | MGI:5284868 | |||
Prm1 | Tg(Prm-cre)58Og | transgene insertion 58, Stephen O'Gorman | head renal & urinary system reproductive system alimentary system endocrine system nervous system sensory organs | STOCK Tg(Prm-cre)58Og/H STOCK Tg(Prm-cre)58Og/H B6Ei.129S4-Tg(Prm-cre)58Og/EiJ 129S/Sv-Tg(Prm-cre)58Og/J | MGI:2176182 | |
Prm1 | Tg(Prm1-cre)1Mrc | transgene insertion 1, Mario R Capecchi | MGI:3702329 | |||
Prm1 | Tg(Prm1-cre)1Osb | transgene insertion 1, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University | reproductive system | B6.Cg-Tg(Prm1-Cre)1Osb/OsbRbrc | MGI:3046670 | |
Prm1 | Tg(Prm-cre)70Og | transgene insertion 70, Stephen O'Gorman | MGI:2388049 | |||
Prnp | Tg(Prnp-cre/ERT)28.8Ics | transgene insertion 28.8, Mouse Clinical Institute | reproductive system | nervous system head | MGI:4415180 | |
Prnp | Tg(Prnp-cre/ERT)28.4Ics | transgene insertion 28.4, Mouse Clinical Institute | nervous system sensory organs head | MGI:3720937 | ||
Prnp | Tg(Prnp-GFP/cre)1Blw | transgene insertion 1, Carrolee Barlow | reproductive system | 129S6-Tg(Prnp-GFP/cre)1Blw/J | MGI:3044724 | |
Proc | Proctm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | protein C; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867277 | |||
Procr | Procrem1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | protein C receptor, endothelial; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728824 | |||
Procr | Procrem5(cre/ERT2)Smoc | protein C receptor, endothelial; endonuclease-mediated mutation 5, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728825 | |||
Procr | Procrtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Yaz | protein C receptor, endothelial; targeted mutation 1.1, Yi Arial Zeng | integumental system | MGI:5703644 | ||
Procr | Procrtm1(cre/ERT2)Yaz | protein C receptor, endothelial; targeted mutation 1, Yi Arial Zeng | B6;129-Procrtm1(cre/ERT2)Yaz/J | MGI:6273782 | ||
Prok2 | Prok2em1(icre)Gpt | prokineticin 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7304784 | |||
Prokr2 | Prokr2em1(icre)Cfe | prokineticin receptor 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Carol F Elias | STOCK Prokr2em1(icre)Cfe/Mmjax | MGI:6119460 | ||
Prokr2 | Tg(Prokr2-cre)MG32Gsat | transgene insertion MG32, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Prokr2-cre)MG32Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051757 | ||
Prokr2 | Prokr2em1(icre)Gpt | prokineticin receptor 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7304787 | |||
Prokr2 | Prokr2em2(icre)Gpt | prokineticin receptor 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7377079 | |||
Prokr2 | Tg(Prokr2-cre)MG17Gsat | transgene insertion MG17, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Prokr2-cre)MG17Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Prokr2-cre)MG17Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435490 | ||
Prokr2 | Prokr2em2(dre)Smoc | prokineticin receptor 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766553 | |||
Prokr2 | Tg(Prokr2-cre)MG22Gsat | transgene insertion MG22, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Prokr2-cre)MG22Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Prokr2-cre)MG22Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4940663 | ||
Prom1 | Prom1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | prominin 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758047 | |||
Prom1 | Prom1tm1(cre/ERT2)Gilb | prominin 1; targeted mutation 1, Richard J Gilbertson | B6N;129S-Prom1tm1(cre/ERT2)Gilb/J | MGI:3830624 | ||
Prom1 | Prom1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Cle | prominin 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Hans Clevers | alimentary system | MGI:7564263 | ||
Prop1 | Tg(Prop1-icre)432Sac | transgene insertion 432, Sally A Camper | B6J.Cg-Tg(Prop1-icre)432Sac/Mmucd | MGI:6711976 | ||
Prop1 | Tg(Prop1-icre)517Sac | transgene insertion 517, Sally A Camper | nervous system head alimentary system endocrine system | MGI:5818681 | ||
Prop1 | Tg(Prop1-cre)#Rsd | transgene insertion, Michael G Rosenfeld | MGI:5702865 | |||
Prop1 | Tg(Prop1-cre)1Rsd | transgene insertion 1, Michael G Rosenfeld | endocrine system nervous system head | B6.Cg-Tg(Prop1-cre)1Rsd/J | MGI:6415528 | |
Prox1 | Tg(Prox1-cre/ERT2)29Gpt | transgene insertion 29, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307387 | |||
Prox1 | Tg(Prox1-cre/ERT2)1Tmak | transgene insertion 1, Taija Makinen | cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system liver & biliary system | C57BL/6-Tg(Prox1-cre/ERT2)1Tmak/H C57BL/6-Tg(Prox1-cre/ERT2)1Tmak/H | MGI:5617984 | |
Prox1 | Tg(Prox1-cre/ERT2)1Jscal | transgene insertion 1, Joshua Scallan | MGI:7537333 | |||
Prox1 | Prox1tm3(cre/ERT2)Gco | prospero homeobox 1; targeted mutation 3, Guillermo Oliver | sensory organs head | STOCK Prox1tm3(cre/ERT2)Gco/J | MGI:3759501 | |
Prox1 | Prox1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | prospero homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758048 | |||
Prox1 | Prox1tm5(GFP/cre)Gco | prospero homeobox 1; targeted mutation 5, Guillermo Oliver | MGI:4441289 | |||
Prox1 | Tg(Prox1-cre)SJ32Gsat | transgene insertion SJ32, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Prox1-cre)SJ32Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435513 | ||
Prox1 | Tg(Prox1-cre)#Fkfr | transgene insertion, Friedemann Kiefer | MGI:7437467 | |||
Prox1 | Tg(Prox1-cre)SJ39Gsat | transgene insertion SJ39, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Prox1-cre)SJ39Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435522 | ||
Prox1 | Prox1em2(cre/ERT2)Cya | prospero homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657312 | |||
Prox2 | Prox2em1(flpo)Cbm | prospero homeobox 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Carmen Birchmeier | MGI:7506801 | |||
Prph1 | Tg(Prph1-cre)11Dmd | transgene insertion 11, David M Donovan | nervous system head sensory organs | MGI:2448080 | ||
Prph1 | Tg(Prph1-cre)35Dmd | transgene insertion 35, David M Donovan | nervous system tail head sensory organs | embryo-other | C57BL/6-Tg(Prph1-cre)35Dmd/Mmucd | MGI:3841120 |
Prph1 | Tg(Prph1-cre)25Dmd | transgene insertion 25, David M Donovan | head nervous system sensory organs | MGI:2448081 | ||
Prph1 | Tg(Prph1-cre)#Dmd | transgene insertion, David M Donovan | MGI:4879098 | |||
Prrx1 | Tg(Prrx1-cre/ERT2)1Mlgn | transgene insertion 1, Malcolm P Logan | mesenchyme embryo-other limbs | MGI:4437919 | ||
Prrx1 | Tg(Prrx1-cre/ERT2,-EGFP)1Smkm | transgene insertion 1, Shunichi Murakami | embryo-other | B6.Cg-Tg(Prrx1-cre/ERT2,-EGFP)1Smkm/J | MGI:4355342 | |
Prrx1 | Tg(Prrx1-cre)1Cjt | transgene insertion 1, Clifford J Tabin | branchial arches skeletal system endocrine system embryo-other respiratory system hemolymphoid system alimentary system nervous system limbs reproductive system integumental system cavities & their linings mesenchyme renal & urinary system cardiovascular system sensory organs muscle extraembryonic component adipose tissue liver & biliary system head | tail | B6.Cg-Tg(Prrx1-cre)1Cjt/J B6N.Cg-Tg(Prrx1-cre)1Cjt/ErenJ | MGI:2450929 |
Prrx1 | Tg(Prrx1-mTFP1,-cre/ERT2)1Etnka | transgene insertion 1, Elly M Tanaka | embryo-other integumental system mesenchyme head limbs | MGI:7507547 | ||
Prrx1 | Prrx1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | paired related homeobox 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7291841 | |||
Prrx1 | Tg(Prrx1-cre)98Mlgn | transgene insertion 98, Malcolm P Logan | MGI:4437774 | |||
Prrx1 | Tg(Prrx1-icre)36Gpt | transgene insertion 36, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307388 | |||
Prss12 | Tg(Prss12-cre)SP43Gsat | transgene insertion SP43, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Prss12-cre)SP43Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435502 | ||
Prss12 | Tg(Prss12-cre)SP41Gsat | transgene insertion SP41, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Prss12-cre)SP41Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435503 | ||
Prss29 | Prss29em1(cre/EGFP)Tesp | serine protease 29; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Thomas E Spencer | reproductive system | MGI:7467066 | ||
Prss56 | Prss56tm1(cre)Pch | serine protease 56; targeted mutation 1, Patrick Charnay | MGI:6107933 | |||
Prtn3 | Prtn3tm1.1(cre/ERT2,CD4*)Wkas | proteinase 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Wolfgang Kastenmuller | hemolymphoid system skeletal system | MGI:7539266 | ||
Psca | Pscaem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | prostate stem cell antigen; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | renal & urinary system reproductive system | MGI:7449309 | ||
Psma8 | Psma8em1(icre/EGFP)Gpt | proteasome subunit alpha 8; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7304889 | |||
Psmb11 | Psmb11tm1.1(icre)Yout | proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type, 11; targeted mutation 1.1, Yousuke Takahama | alimentary system embryo-other hemolymphoid system | integumental system renal & urinary system reproductive system | MGI:5521209 | |
Psmb11 | Psmb11tm1(icre)Yout | proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type, 11; targeted mutation 1, Yousuke Takahama | MGI:5521208 | |||
Ptcra | Ptcratm1(icre)Hjf | pre T cell antigen receptor alpha; targeted mutation 1, Hans Jorg Fehling | B6.129P2-Ptcratm1(icre)Hjf/Ieg B6.129P2-Ptcratm1(icre)Hjf/J | MGI:3696089 | ||
Ptf1a | Ptf1atm1(flpo)Hcrd | pancreas specific transcription factor, 1a; targeted mutation 1, Howard C Crawford | alimentary system endocrine system | B6.129S6-Ptf1atm1(flpo)Hcrd/J | MGI:7447045 | |
Ptf1a | Ptf1aem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | pancreas specific transcription factor, 1a; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758049 | |||
Ptf1a | Ptf1atm1(cre)Hnak | pancreas specific transcription factor, 1a; targeted mutation 1, Hassan Nakhai | STOCK Ptf1atm1(cre)Hnak/RschJ | MGI:3701996 | ||
Ptf1a | Ptf1atm1(cre)Cvw | pancreas specific transcription factor, 1a; targeted mutation 1, Christopher VE Wright | MGI:2387804 | |||
Ptf1a | Ptf1atm1.1(cre)Cvw | pancreas specific transcription factor, 1a; targeted mutation 1.1, Christopher VE Wright | endocrine system liver & biliary system alimentary system | STOCK Ptf1atm1.1(cre)Cvw/Mmnc | MGI:2387812 | |
Ptf1a | Ptf1atm2(cre/ESR1)Cvw | pancreas specific transcription factor, 1a; targeted mutation 2, Christopher VE Wright | B6.129(Cg)-Ptf1atm2(cre/ESR1)Cvw Krastm4Tyj Ptentm1Hwu/J STOCK Ptf1atm2(cre/ESR1)Cvw/J B6.129S6(Cg)-Ptf1atm2(cre/ESR1)Cvw/J | MGI:3771322 | ||
Ptf1a | Ptf1aem1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | pancreas specific transcription factor, 1a; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7304925 | |||
Ptgds | Ptgdstm1(cre)Gvn | prostaglandin D2 synthase (brain); targeted mutation 1, Marco Giovannini | FVB.Cg-Ptgdstm1(cre)Gvn/GvnRbrc | MGI:7488139 | ||
Ptgds | Ptgdstm1.1(cre)Gvn | prostaglandin D2 synthase (brain); targeted mutation 1.1, Marco Giovannini | MGI:5051626 | |||
Ptger2 | Tg(Ptger2-cre)SC31Gsat | transgene insertion SC31, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Ptger2-cre)SC31Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5519951 | ||
Ptger2 | Tg(Ptger2-cre)SC30Gsat | transgene insertion SC30, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Ptger2-cre)SC30Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Ptger2-cre)SC30Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311756 | ||
Ptger3 | Ptger3tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa | prostaglandin E receptor 3 (subtype EP3); targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Ptger3tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa/J | MGI:6451475 | |
Ptgfr | Ptgfrtm1(cre/Esr)Ddg | prostaglandin F receptor; targeted mutation 1, David D Ginty | MGI:6833887 | |||
Pth | Pthtm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | parathyroid hormone; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867293 | |||
PTH | Tg(PTH-cre)4167Slib | transgene insertion 4167, Steven K Libutti | alimentary system endocrine system | liver & biliary system nervous system muscle head hemolymphoid system respiratory system cardiovascular system renal & urinary system | 129;FVB-Tg(PTH-cre)4167Slib/J | MGI:2683304 |
Pth2 | Pth2em1(cre)Gpt | parathyroid hormone 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7304949 | |||
Pthlh | Pthlhem1(icre)Gpt | parathyroid hormone-like peptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7304950 | |||
Pthlh | Tg(Pthlh-cre/ERT2)909Nono | transgene insertion 909, Noriaki Ono | limbs skeletal system | B6.Cg-Tg(Pthlh-cre/ERT2)909Nono/J | MGI:6257033 | |
Pthlh | Pthlhtm1.1(flpo)Zjh | parathyroid hormone-like peptide; targeted mutation 1.1, Z Josh Huang | MGI:7782628 | |||
Ptn | Ptntm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | pleiotrophin; targeted mutation 1, Z Josh Huang | nervous system head | MGI:7438130 | ||
Ptprc | Tg(Ptprc-cre)#Mez | transgene insertion, Eva Mezey | reproductive system hemolymphoid system | MGI:6355436 | ||
Ptprc | Ptprcem1(dre)Bzsh | protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type C; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | MGI:7429135 | |||
Ptprc | Tg(Ptprc-cre)1Kpf | transgene insertion 1, Klaus Pfeffer | MGI:4454278 | |||
Ptprc | Ptprcem5(dre)Smoc | protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type C; endonuclease-mediated mutation 5, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766570 | |||
Ptprc | Tg(Ptprc-cre)NM127Gsat | transgene insertion NM127, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Ptprc-cre)NM127Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086195 | ||
Ptprc | Ptprctm1(cre)Medv | protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type C; targeted mutation 1, Alexander Medvinsky | MGI:4367466 | |||
Ptprc | Tg(Ptprc-cre)NM130Gsat | transgene insertion NM130, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Ptprc-cre)NM130Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086190 | ||
Ptprcap | Ptprcaptm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type C polypeptide-associated protein; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Ptprcaptm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/sup/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Ptprcaptm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633828 | ||
Pvalb | Pvalbtm3.1(dre)Hze | parvalbumin; targeted mutation 3.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Pvalbtm3.1(dre)Hze/J | MGI:5461318 | ||
Pvalb | Pvalbtm1(cre)Bvz | parvalbumin; targeted mutation 1, Boris V Zemelman | head nervous system | MGI:5568692 | ||
Pvalb | Pvalbtm1(icre)Ksak | parvalbumin; targeted mutation 1, Kenji Sakimura | MGI:6382183 | |||
Pvalb | Pvalbtm2(cre/ERT2)Zjh | parvalbumin; targeted mutation 2, Z Josh Huang | head nervous system | B6;129S4-Pvalbtm2(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:5700403 | |
Pvalb | Pvalbem3(icre)Smoc | parvalbumin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7626770 | |||
Pvalb | Pvalbem1(icre)Smoc | parvalbumin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7291921 | |||
Pvalb | Pvalbtm2.1(flpe)Hze | parvalbumin; targeted mutation 2.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Pvalbtm2.1(flpe)Hze/J | MGI:5461313 | ||
Pvalb | Pvalbtm1(cre)Arbr | parvalbumin; targeted mutation 1, Silvia Arber | cardiovascular system alimentary system integumental system hemolymphoid system nervous system head reproductive system muscle sensory organs renal & urinary system | liver & biliary system skeletal system embryo-other extraembryonic component adipose tissue endocrine system tail limbs respiratory system mesenchyme cavities & their linings | B6.129-Etv1tm1Wds Pvalbtm1(cre)Arbr/Anu B6.Cg-Pvalbtm1(cre)Arbr Fxnem2Lutzy Fxnem2.1Lutzy/J B6.Cg-Pvalbtm1(cre)Arbr Fxnem2.1Lutzy/J B6.129P2-Pvalbtm1(cre)Arbr/J B6;129P2-Pvalbtm1(cre)Arbr/J | MGI:3590684 |
Pvalb | Pvalbtm4.1(flpo)Hze | parvalbumin; targeted mutation 4.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Pvalbtm4.1(flpo)Hze/J | MGI:5490601 | ||
Pvalb | Pvalbtm1.1(Ncre)Mdes | parvalbumin; targeted mutation 1.1, Martin Deschenes | MGI:6113615 | |||
Pvalb | Pvalbtm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | parvalbumin; targeted mutation 1, Z Josh Huang | nervous system head sensory organs | B6(Cg)-Pvalbtm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:4365738 | |
Pvalb | Tg(Pvalb-cre)1Mony | transgene insertion 1, Hannah Monyer | nervous system head | MGI:3798581 | ||
Pvalb | Pvalbtm1.1(cre)Aibs | parvalbumin; targeted mutation 1.1, Allen Institute for Brain Science | reproductive system | B6.Cg-Pvalbtm1.1(cre)Aibs/J | MGI:4421793 | |
Pvalb | Pvalbem1(icre)Gpt | parvalbumin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7305017 | |||
Pvalb | Pvalbtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Hze | parvalbumin; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Pvalbtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Hze/J | MGI:5461312 | |
Pvalb | Tg(Pvalb-cre)1Tama | transgene insertion 1, Nobuaki Tamamaki | nervous system head | MGI:3837553 | ||
Pvalb | Pvalbtm5.1(cre/folA)Hze | parvalbumin; targeted mutation 5.1, Hongkui Zeng | head nervous system | B6.Cg-Pvalbtm5.1(cre/folA)Hze/J | MGI:5501499 | |
Pvalb | Pvalbtm2(cre/ERT2)Arbr | parvalbumin; targeted mutation 2, Silvia Arber | MGI:6149719 | |||
Pvalb | Pvalbem1(icre)Cya | parvalbumin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657313 | |||
Pyy | Pyytm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | peptide YY; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Pyytm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633829 | ||
Pyy | Pyytm1(cre)Hhzg | peptide YY; targeted mutation 1, H Herzog | MGI:3664105 | |||
Qrfp | Qrfptm2.1(icre)Stak | pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide; targeted mutation 2.1, Takeshi Sakurai | nervous system head | B6J.B6N-Qrfptm2.1(icre)Stak | MGI:6724026 | |
Qrfp | Qrfpem(icre)Smoc | pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7291936 | |||
Rab39b | Tg(Rab39b-cre)TL73Gsat | transgene insertion TL73, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Rab39b-cre)TL73Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435482 | ||
Rag1 | Tg(Rag1-RFP,-cre/ERT2)33Narl | Transgene insertion 33, National Applied Research Laboratories | MGI:5898273 | |||
Rag1 | Rag1tm1(cre)Thr | recombination activating 1; targeted mutation 1, Terence H Rabbitts | MGI:3584018 | |||
RAMP3 | Hprt1tm220(Ple173-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 220, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303308 | |||
RAMP3 | Hprt1tm216(Ple171-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 216, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303303 | |||
RAMP3 | Hprt1tm218(Ple172-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 218, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303305 | |||
RAMP3 | Hprt1tm222(Ple174-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 222, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303310 | |||
Rarb | Tg(Rarb-cre)1Bhr | transgene insertion 1, Richard R Behringer | embryo-other nervous system mesenchyme head renal & urinary system sensory organs limbs reproductive system endocrine system | B6.Cg-Tg(Rarb-cre)1Bhr/Mmnc | MGI:3580294 | |
Rarb | Tg(Rarb-cre)1Mrc | transgene insertion 1, Mario R Capecchi | limbs embryo-other | STOCK Tg(Rarb-cre)1Mrc/J | MGI:2159107 | |
Rasgrf2 | Rasgrf2tm1(cre/folA)Hze | RAS protein-specific guanine nucleotide-releasing factor 2; targeted mutation 1, Hongkui Zeng | nervous system head | B6;129S-Rasgrf2tm1(cre/folA)Hze/J | MGI:5501498 | |
Rasgrf2 | Rasgrf2tm2.1(folA/flpo)Hze | RAS protein-specific guanine nucleotide-releasing factor 2; targeted mutation 2.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Rasgrf2tm2.1(folA/flpo)Hze/J | MGI:5806617 | ||
Rasgrp1 | Tg(Rasgrp1-cre)PO1Gsat | transgene insertion PO1, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Rasgrp1-cre)PO1Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051790 | |
Rasgrp1 | Rasgrp1tm2(GFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | RAS guanyl releasing protein 1; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:6095165 | |||
Rasgrp1 | Tg(Rasgrp1-cre)PO14Gsat | transgene insertion PO14, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Rasgrp1-cre)PO14Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051796 | |
rax | Tg(rx3-cre,-EGFP)MB31Zkoz | transgene insertion MB31, Zbynek Kozmik | sensory organs head | MGI:5505619 | ||
rax | Tg(rx3-icre)1Mjam | transgene insertion 1, Milan Jamrich | sensory organs nervous system head embryo-other | MGI:3665330 | ||
Rax | Raxtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Sbls | retina and anterior neural fold homeobox; targeted mutation 1.1, Seth Blackshaw | head nervous system endocrine system sensory organs | alimentary system cardiovascular system renal & urinary system muscle liver & biliary system | STOCK Raxtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Sbls/J | MGI:5558909 |
Rax | Tg(Rax-cre)NL44Gsat | transgene insertion NL44, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Rax-cre)NL44Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051780 | ||
Rax | Raxtm1.1(rTA,tetO-cre)Lan | retina and anterior neural fold homeobox; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard A Lang | MGI:5494255 | |||
Rax | Raxem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | retina and anterior neural fold homeobox; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766595 | |||
Rax | Tg(Rax-cre)1Zkoz | transgene insertion 1, Zbynek Kozmik | nervous system head sensory organs | B6.Cg-Tg(Rax-cre)1Zkoz/Ph | MGI:5505625 | |
Rax | Raxem1(icre)Gpt | retina and anterior neural fold homeobox; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7305222 | |||
Rax | Raxem2(cre)Smoc | retina and anterior neural fold homeobox; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766594 | |||
Rbfox3 | Rbfox3tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | RNA binding protein, fox-1 homolog (C. elegans) 3; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867284 | |||
Rbfox3 | Rbfox3em1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | RNA binding protein, fox-1 homolog (C. elegans) 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724320 | |||
Rbp1 | Tg(Rbp1-cre)MJ72Gsat | transgene insertion MJ72, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Rbp1-cre)MJ72Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051758 | ||
Rbp3 | Tg(Rbp3-cre)528Jxm | transgene insertion 528, Jamey Marth | B6.Cg-Tg(Rbp3-cre)528Jxm/J | MGI:2176193 | ||
Rbp3 | Tg(Rbp3-cre)1Brn | transgene insertion 1, Anton Berns | head sensory organs | MGI:2445226 | ||
Rbp4 | Tg(Rbp4-cre)KL105Gsat | transgene insertion KL105, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Rbp4-cre)KL105Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311733 | ||
Rbp4 | Tg(Rbp4-cre)KL100Gsat | transgene insertion KL100, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Rbp4-cre)KL100Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Rbp4-cre)KL100Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4367067 | |
Rbpjl | Rbpjltm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | recombination signal binding protein for immunoglobulin kappa J region-like; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867269 | |||
Rbpms | Rbpmsem1(cre/ERT2)Yzhe | RNA binding protein gene with multiple splicing; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Yingfeng Zheng | cardiovascular system liver & biliary system head sensory organs respiratory system embryo-other alimentary system mouse-other nervous system | MGI:7547006 | ||
Rbpms | Rbpmsem1(cre/ERT2)Gan | RNA binding protein gene with multiple splicing; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Lin Gan | MGI:7523861 | |||
Rcan2 | Tg(Rcan2-cre)ON50Gsat | transgene insertion ON50, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Rcan2-cre)ON50Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311738 | |
Reck | Recktm3.1(cre/ERT2)Noda | reversion-inducing-cysteine-rich protein with kazal motifs; targeted mutation 3.1, Makoto Noda | MGI:5428467 | |||
Reg4 | Reg4em1(flp)Smoc | regenerating islet-derived family, member 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7292006 | |||
Relb | Tg(Relb-cre)53Rie | transgene insertion 53, Marc Riemann | alimentary system renal & urinary system cardiovascular system nervous system integumental system skeletal system hemolymphoid system limbs sensory organs endocrine system head | adipose tissue respiratory system liver & biliary system muscle | MGI:6729308 | |
REN | Tg(REN-cre)1Haca | transgene insertion 1, Hayo Castrop | head reproductive system mesenchyme nervous system renal & urinary system skeletal system liver & biliary system cardiovascular system endocrine system | MGI:3830171 | ||
Ren1 | Ren1tm2(cre)Gom | renin 1 structural; targeted mutation 2, R Ariel Gomez | renal & urinary system | MGI:3044909 | ||
Ren1 | Tg(Ren-cre)#Kwg | transgene insertion, Kenneth W Gross | alimentary system renal & urinary system endocrine system | MGI:5617967 | ||
Ren1 | Ren1tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | renin 1 structural; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867301 | |||
Ren1 | Tg(Ren1-cre/ERT2)1Sjs | transgene insertion 1, Stuart J Shankland | renal & urinary system | MGI:5502914 | ||
Ren1 | Tg(Ren1-cre)1Sjs | transgene insertion 1, Stuart J Shankland | renal & urinary system | MGI:5506724 | ||
Ren1 | Ren1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | renin 1 structural; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766601 | |||
Ret | Rettm2(cre/ERT2)Ddg | ret proto-oncogene; targeted mutation 2, David D Ginty | nervous system | MGI:4437245 | ||
Ret | Tg(Ret-cre)#Mlgn | transgene insertion, Malcolm P Logan | MGI:7316914 | |||
Retn | Tg(Retn-cre)1Laz | transgene insertion 1, Mitchell A Lazar | head integumental system nervous system adipose tissue | muscle liver & biliary system alimentary system | MGI:5505690 | |
Retnla | Tg(Retnla-cre)#Voeh | transgene insertion, David Voehringer | reproductive system head liver & biliary system cavities & their linings nervous system mouse-other hemolymphoid system alimentary system renal & urinary system adipose tissue integumental system respiratory system | MGI:6755104 | ||
Rfx2 | Tg(Rfx2-cre)1Bknr | transgene insertion 1, Martina Brueckner | MGI:5317178 | |||
Rfx4 | Rfx4tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | regulatory factor X, 4 (influences HLA class II expression); targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:5633830 | |||
Rfx6 | Rfx6tm1.1(EGFP/cre)Mger | regulatory factor X, 6; targeted mutation 1.1, Michael S German | MGI:4429702 | |||
Rgs14 | Rgs14tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | regulator of G-protein signaling 14; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867295 | |||
Rgs14 | Tg(Rgs14-cre)SR63Gsat | transgene insertion SR63, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Rgs14-cre)SR63Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311709 | |
RGS16 | Hprt1tm12(Ple177-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 12, Elizabeth M Simpson | B6.129P2(129S4)-Hprt1tm12(Ple177-EGFP/cre)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:3835523 | ||
RGS16 | Hprt1tm224(Ple175-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 224, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303312 | |||
RGS16 | Hprt1tm9(Ple178-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 9, Elizabeth M Simpson | nervous system head | B6.129P2(129S4)-Hprt1tm9(Ple178-EGFP/cre)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:3835520 | |
RGS16 | Hprt1tm11(Ple176-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 11, Elizabeth M Simpson | STOCK Hprt1tm11(Ple176-EGFP/cre)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:3835522 | ||
Rgs8 | Tg(Rgs8-cre)OK14Gsat | transgene insertion OK14, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Rgs8-cre)OK14Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051791 | |
Rgs9 | Rgs9tm1.1(cre)Yql | regulator of G-protein signaling 9; targeted mutation 1.1, Yuqing Li | nervous system head | B6;129S-Rgs9tm1.1(cre)Yql/J | MGI:3692442 | |
Rho | Tg(Rho-cre)2Yzl | transgene insertion 2, Yun-Zheng Le | sensory organs head | STOCK Tg(Rho-cre)2Yzl/J | MGI:3720262 | |
Rho | Tg(Rho-cre)#Yzl | transgene insertion, Yun-Zheng Le | MGI:4417915 | |||
Rho | Tg(Rho-cre)1Yzl | transgene insertion 1, Yun-Zheng Le | head sensory organs | MGI:3720261 | ||
Rho | Tg(Rho-icre)1Ck | transgene insertion 1, Ching-Kang Chen | sensory organs head | B6.Cg-Pde6b+ Tg(Rho-icre)1Ck/Boc | MGI:3576662 | |
RHO | Tg(RHO-cre)16Eap | transgene insertion 16, Eric A Pierce | head sensory organs | MGI:3718197 | ||
RHO | Tg(RHO-cre)1Qliu | transgene insertion 1, Qinghuai Liu | head sensory organs | cardiovascular system renal & urinary system reproductive system liver & biliary system respiratory system | MGI:5546625 | |
RHO | Tg(RHO-cre)8Eap | transgene insertion 8, Eric A Pierce | head sensory organs | MGI:3718196 | ||
Ripply3 | Tg(Ripply3-cre/EGFP)#Kts | transgene insertion, Kitasato University | MGI:7260209 | |||
Rlbp1 | Tg(Rlbp1-cre/ERT2,-EGFP)1Wshn | transgene insertion 1, Weiyong Shen | sensory organs head | MGI:5473306 | ||
Rlbp1 | Tg(Rlbp1-cre/ERT2)1Eml | transgene insertion 1, Edward Levine | MGI:7708072 | |||
Rlbp1 | Rlbp1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | retinaldehyde binding protein 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Rlbp1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5812261 | ||
Rlbp1 | Tg(Rlbp1-cre/ERT2)1Tfur | transgene insertion 1, Takahisa Furukawa | 129S6.Cg-Tg(Rlbp1-cre/ERT2)1Tfur | MGI:7610635 | ||
Rln3 | Rln3tm1.1(cre/GFP)Et | relaxin 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Eric Turner | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Rln3tm1.1(cre/GFP)Et/J | MGI:6356529 | |
Rln3 | Rln3em1(cre)Smoc | relaxin 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7292068 | |||
Rnase10 | Rnase10tm1(cre)Hht | ribonuclease, RNase A family, 10 (non-active); targeted mutation 1, Ilpo Huhtaniemi | MGI:5051834 | |||
Rnase10 | Rnase10tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | ribonuclease, RNase A family, 10 (non-active); targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6N-Rnase10tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5812264 | ||
Robo3 | Robo3tm1.1(cre)Ajaw | roundabout guidance receptor 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Alexander Jaworski | nervous system | MGI:6385305 | ||
Robo3 | Robo3tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ddg | roundabout guidance receptor 3; targeted mutation 1.1, David D Ginty | STOCK Robo3tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ddg/J | MGI:7539707 | ||
Rora | Roratm1(cre)Ddmo | RAR-related orphan receptor alpha; targeted mutation 1, Dennis D M O'Leary | STOCK Roratm1(cre)Ddmo/Cnrm | MGI:5000017 | ||
Rorb | Rorbtm3.1(flpo)Hze | RAR-related orphan receptor beta; targeted mutation 3.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Rorbtm3.1(flpo)Hze/J | MGI:5806628 | ||
Rorb | Rorbtm1(cre)Hze | RAR-related orphan receptor beta; targeted mutation 1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Rorbtm1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:7509098 | ||
Rorb | Rorbtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ddg | RAR-related orphan receptor beta; targeted mutation 1.1, David D Ginty | STOCK Rorbtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ddg/J | MGI:5828138 | ||
Rorb | Rorbtm1.1(cre)Hze | RAR-related orphan receptor beta; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | head hemolymphoid system nervous system | B6;129S-Rorbtm1.1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:5507855 | |
Rorc | Tg(Rorc-cre)1Litt | transgene insertion 1, Dan R Littman | mouse-other hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system | B6.FVB-Tg(Rorc-cre)1Litt/J | MGI:3054098 | |
Rorc | Rorcem1.1(cre/ERT2)Ayr | RAR-related orphan receptor gamma; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1.1, Alexander Y Rudensky | hemolymphoid system alimentary system | MGI:7442010 | ||
Rorc | Tg(Rorc*-mCherry,-cre/ERT2)#Litt | transgene insertion, Dan R Littman | MGI:7493596 | |||
Rorc | Tg(Rorc-mCherry,-cre/ERT2)#Litt | transgene insertion, Dan R Littman | MGI:7493594 | |||
Rpe65 | Rpe65tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Kser | retinal pigment epithelium 65; targeted mutation 1.1, Philip Kiser | head sensory organs | C57BL/6-Rpe65tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Kser/J | MGI:6501720 | |
Rr291 | Tg(mI56i-flpe)39Fsh | transgene insertion 39, Gordon Fishell | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(mI56i-flpe)39Fsh/J | MGI:4421157 | |
Rr291 | Tg(mI56i-cre,EGFP)1Kc | transgene insertion 1, Kenneth Campbell | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(mI56i-cre,EGFP)1Kc/J | MGI:3609985 | |
Rr291 | Tg(Rr291-cre)6-1Clou | transgene insertion 6-1, David E Clouthier | MGI:3027060 | |||
Rr291 | Tg(Rr291-cre)6-2Clou | transgene insertion 6-2, David E Clouthier | renal & urinary system head respiratory system embryo-other mesenchyme sensory organs limbs alimentary system skeletal system nervous system branchial arches | MGI:3027086 | ||
Rr293 | Tg(I12b-cre)1Jlr | transgene insertion 1, John L R Rubenstein | head sensory organs nervous system limbs integumental system | STOCK Tg(I12b-cre)1Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:3833422 | |
Rr293 | Tg(I12b-cre/ERT2,-ALPP)37Fsh | transgene insertion 37, Gordon Fishell | STOCK Tg(I12b-cre/ERT2,-ALPP)37Fsh/J | MGI:5140608 | ||
Rr355 | Tg(Rr355-cre)1Jlr | transgene insertion 1, John L R Rubenstein | branchial arches alimentary system nervous system head limbs tail | STOCK Tg(Ure2-cre)1Jlr/Mmucd | MGI:3833423 | |
Rspo2 | Tg(Rspo2-cre)GIto | transgene insertion G, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Rspo2-cre)GIto | MGI:6322970 | ||
Rspo2 | Tg(Rspo2-cre)BIto | transgene insertion B, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Rspo2-cre)BIto | MGI:6322969 | ||
Rspo2 | Tg(Rspo2-cre)#Ito | transgene insertion, Shigeyoshi Itohara | nervous system head | MGI:7346167 | ||
Rspo3 | Rspo3em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | R-spondin 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766623 | |||
Rtel1 | Rtel1tm4.1(cre/ERT2)Hdin | regulator of telomere elongation helicase 1; targeted mutation 4.1, Hao Ding | reproductive system alimentary system | MGI:7442434 | ||
Rtkn2 | Rtkn2em1(cre/ERT2)Jich | rhotekin 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Jichao Chen | respiratory system | C57BL/6-Rtkn2em1(cre/ERT2)Jich/J | MGI:6721138 | |
Runx1 | Tg(Runx1/Hspa1a-cre/ERT2)5-2Itoy | transgene insertion 5-2, Yoshiaki Ito | hemolymphoid system alimentary system | MGI:6726405 | ||
Runx1 | Runx1tm1(cre/Esr1*)Ims | runt related transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1, Igor M Samokhvalov | liver & biliary system embryo-other sensory organs alimentary system reproductive system hemolymphoid system mouse-other nervous system cardiovascular system mesenchyme head extraembryonic component | MGI:3711451 | ||
Runx1 | Tg(Runx1/Hspa1a-cre/ERT2)3-17Itoy | transgene insertion 3-17, Yoshiaki Ito | hemolymphoid system | MGI:6726411 | ||
Runx1 | Runx1em4(dre/ERT2)Smoc | runt related transcription factor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7626803 | |||
Runx1 | Runx1tm2.1(cre/Esr1*)Ims | runt related transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Igor M Samokhvalov | embryo-other extraembryonic component cardiovascular system mesenchyme hemolymphoid system reproductive system | MGI:5316015 | ||
Runx1 | Tg(Runx1/Hspa1a-cre/ERT2)#Itoy | transgene insertion, Yoshiaki Ito | cardiovascular system skeletal system alimentary system mesenchyme respiratory system liver & biliary system mouse-other | MGI:6726413 | ||
Runx2 | Tg(Runx2-icre)45Gpt | transgene insertion 45, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307390 | |||
Runx2 | Tg(Runx2-icre)1Jtuc | transgene insertion 1, Jan Tuckermann | mouse-other limbs skeletal system head | MGI:4455015 | ||
Runx3 | Runx3tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Tmj | runt related transcription factor 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Thomas M Jessell | MGI:5505843 | |||
Runx3 | Runx3tm1(flpo)Noo | runt related transcription factor 3; targeted mutation 1, C. de Nooij | nervous system muscle | MGI:6718261 | ||
Runx3 | Runx3tm6(EGFP/cre)Yg | runt related transcription factor 3; targeted mutation 6, Yoram Groner | MGI:5911702 | |||
Ruvbl2 | Ruvbl2em1(icre)Gpt | RuvB-like AAA ATPase 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7305683 | |||
Rxfp1 | Rxfp1em1(cre)Ngai | relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, John Ngai | head nervous system endocrine system | B6.Cg-Rxfp1em1(cre)Ngai/TasicJ | MGI:6502651 | |
Rxfp2 | Tg(Rxfp2-cre)#Aia | transgene insertion, Alexander I Agoulnik | MGI:5141475 | |||
Rxfp2 | Tg(Rxfp2-cre)5Aia | transgene insertion 5, Alexander I Agoulnik | mesenchyme reproductive system | MGI:3716416 | ||
Rxfp2 | Tg(Rxfp2-cre)1Aia | transgene insertion 1, Alexander I Agoulnik | reproductive system mesenchyme | MGI:3716424 | ||
Rxfp3 | Tg(Rxfp3-cre)RS38Gsat | transgene insertion RS38, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Rxfp3-cre)RS38Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435501 | |
S100a4 | S100a4em1(cre)Zhyg | S100 calcium binding protein A4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Ying Zhao | MGI:7413867 | |||
S100a4 | S100a4em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | S100 calcium binding protein A4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758050 | |||
S100a4 | Tg(S100a4-flpo)3Lba | transgene insertion 3, Laurent Bartholin | alimentary system mouse-other hemolymphoid system integumental system | MGI:6723877 | ||
S100a4 | S100a4em3(cre/ERT2)Cya | S100 calcium binding protein A4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657320 | |||
S100a4 | Tg(S100a4-cre)1Egn | transgene insertion 1, Eric G Neilson | reproductive system integumental system skeletal system muscle renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system respiratory system liver & biliary system cardiovascular system alimentary system adipose tissue | mesenchyme cavities & their linings sensory organs limbs endocrine system tail head branchial arches nervous system embryo-other extraembryonic component | B6.C-Tg(S100a4-cre)1Egn/JhrsJ BALB/c-Tg(S100a4-cre)1Egn/YunkJ | MGI:3712292 |
S100a4 | S100a4tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | S100 calcium binding protein A4; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-S100a4tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-S100a4tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633831 | ||
S100a4 | Tg(S100a4-cre/ERT2)3Gpt | transgene insertion 3, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307391 | |||
S100a4 | Tg(S100a4-cre)1Gle | transgene insertion 1, Gustavo Leone | integumental system | MGI:3775823 | ||
S100a8 | Igs2em81(S100a8-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 81, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7305714 | |||
S100A8 | Tg(S100A8-cre,-EGFP)1Ilw | transgene insertion 1, Irving L Weissman | B6.Cg-Tg(S100A8-cre,-EGFP)1Ilw/J | MGI:4415239 | ||
S100b | Tg(S100b-cre)20Ito | transgene insertion 20, Shigeyoshi Itohara | nervous system cardiovascular system head integumental system | muscle hemolymphoid system respiratory system renal & urinary system | C57BL/6J-Tg(S100b-cre)20Ito | MGI:4441370 |
S100b | Tg(S100b-EGFP/cre/ERT2)22Amc | transgene insertion 22, Andrew P McMahon | mesenchyme skeletal system nervous system limbs | B6;DBA-Tg(S100b-EGFP/cre/ERT2)22Amc/J | MGI:4849988 | |
S100B | Hprt1tm365a(Ple266-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 365a, Elizabeth M Simpson | B6.Cg-Hprt1tm365(Ple266-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5568246 | ||
S100B | Hprt1tm234(Ple183-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 234, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303323 | |||
S1pr2 | S1pr2em3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766633 | |||
S1pr2 | Tg(S1pr2-cre/ERT2)#Kuro | transgene insertion, Tomohiro Kurosaki | MGI:6435090 | |||
Sall1 | Sall1em1(Ncre)Jung | spalt like transcription factor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Steffen Jung | head nervous system | C57BL/6-Sall1em1(Ncre)Jung Cx3cr1em1(Ccre)Jung/J | MGI:6508988 | |
Sall1 | Sall1tm5(cre/ERT2)Ryn | spalt like transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 5, Ryuichi Nishinakamura | nervous system head | MGI:4443031 | ||
Sall4 | Sall4tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Ykawa | spalt like transcription factor 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Yasuhiko Kawakami | mesenchyme tail embryo-other head reproductive system nervous system | B6.Cg-Sall4tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Ykawa/J | MGI:6257344 | |
Satb2 | Satb2tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa | special AT-rich sequence binding protein 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | head nervous system | B6.Cg-Satb2tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa/J | MGI:5896327 | |
Satb2 | Satb2em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | special AT-rich sequence binding protein 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766636 | |||
Satb2 | Satb2tm1(cre)Vit | special AT-rich sequence binding protein 2; targeted mutation 1, Victor Tarabykin | MGI:3695425 | |||
Satb2 | Satb2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Slp | special AT-rich sequence binding protein 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Samuel L Pfaff | nervous system | MGI:7439756 | ||
Satb2 | Tg(Satb2-cre)MO18Gsat | transgene insertion MO18, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Satb2-cre)MO18Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051792 | ||
Satb2 | Tg(Satb2-cre)MO23Gsat | transgene insertion MO23, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Satb2-cre)MO23Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4940657 | ||
Scd3 | Scd3tm1(icre)Msdr | stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase 3; targeted mutation 1, Marlon R Schneider | MGI:5908392 | |||
Scgb1a1 | Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Vart | transgene insertion 1, Vassilis Aidinis | B6.Cg-Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Vart/Flmg B6;CBA-Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Vart/Flmg | MGI:3819980 | ||
Scgb1a1 | Scgb1a1tm1.1(Cicre)Thbr | secretoglobin, family 1A, member 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Thomas Braun | respiratory system | MGI:7263084 | ||
Scgb1a1 | Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)#Thr | transgene insertion, Terence H Rabbitts | MGI:4880871 | |||
Scgb1a1 | Scgb1a1tm1(icre)Fjd | secretoglobin, family 1A, member 1; targeted mutation 1, Franco J DeMayo | B6;129-Scgb1a1tm1(icre)Fjd/J | MGI:5433101 | ||
Scgb1a1 | Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Kkw | transgene insertion 1, K Wong | MGI:3623212 | |||
Scgb1a1 | Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Grau | transgene insertion 1, Timothy A Graubert | respiratory system | MGI:3663797 | ||
Scgb1a1 | Scgb1a1tm2(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi | secretoglobin, family 1A, member 1; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Scgb1a1tm2(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5660121 | ||
Scgb1a1 | Scgb1a1tm1(cre)Fjd | secretoglobin, family 1A, member 1; targeted mutation 1, Franco J DeMayo | MGI:3797249 | |||
Scgb1a1 | Scgb1a1tm1(cre/ERT)Blh | secretoglobin, family 1A, member 1; targeted mutation 1, Brigid L Hogan | respiratory system | B6N.129S6(Cg)-Scgb1a1tm1(cre/ERT)Blh/J | MGI:3849566 | |
Scgb1a1 | Scgb1a1tm1.1(cre)Fjd | secretoglobin, family 1A, member 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Franco J DeMayo | MGI:3797250 | |||
Scgb1a1 | Tg(Scgb1a1-cre/ERT2)5Nar | Transgene insertion 5, National Applied Research Laboratories | MGI:5898277 | |||
Scgb1a1 | Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)4Narl | Transgene insertion 4, National Applied Research Laboratories | C57BL/6-Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)4Narl/Narl | MGI:5898275 | ||
Scgb1a1 | Scgb1a1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | secretoglobin, family 1A, member 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728866 | |||
Scgb1a1 | Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Tauc | transgene insertion 1, Michael Tauc | respiratory system | liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system head muscle alimentary system nervous system renal & urinary system | B6D2-Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Tauc/Orl | MGI:3610310 |
Scgb1a1 | Igs2em58(Scgb1a1-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 58, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300671 | |||
Scgb1a1 | Scgb1a1em1(icre)Cya | secretoglobin, family 1A, member 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657321 | |||
Scgb1a1 | Scgb1a1em2(cre)Smoc | secretoglobin, family 1A, member 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728864 | |||
Scgb1a1 | Scgb1a1tm1.1(icre)Fjd | secretoglobin, family 1A, member 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Franco J DeMayo | MGI:6720287 | |||
Scgb3a1 | Scgb3a1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | secretoglobin, family 3A, member 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6N-Scgb3a1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633832 | ||
Scgb3a2 | Scgb3a2em1(dre/ERT2)Brst | secretoglobin, family 3A, member 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Barry R Stripp | MGI:7531065 | |||
Scgb3a2 | Scgb3a2em1(cre)Smoc | secretoglobin, family 3A, member 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728867 | |||
Scgn | Tg(Scgn-cre)#Gsz | transgene insertion, Gabor Szabo | head nervous system | MGI:6761356 | ||
Scgn | Scgnem2(cre)Smoc | secretagogin, EF-hand calcium binding protein; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766644 | |||
Scn10a | Scn10aem1(dre)Fens | sodium channel, voltage-gated, type X, alpha; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Henning Fenselau | nervous system | STOCK Scn10aem1(dre)Fens/J | MGI:7463971 | |
Scn10a | Scn10atm3(cre/ERT2)Jwo | sodium channel, voltage-gated, type X, alpha; targeted mutation 3, John N Wood | nervous system | B6;129-Scn10atm3(cre/ERT2)Jnw/H B6;129-Scn10atm3(cre/ERT2)Jwo/H | MGI:3689893 | |
Scn10a | Tg(Scn10a-cre)1Rkun | transgene insertion 1, Rohini Kuner | nervous system | endocrine system cardiovascular system renal & urinary system alimentary system embryo-other liver & biliary system head | MGI:3042874 | |
Scn10a | Scn10atm2(cre)Jwo | sodium channel, voltage-gated, type X, alpha; targeted mutation 2, John N Wood | nervous system | B6.129-Scn10atm2(cre)Jwo/H B6.129-Scn10atm2(cre)Jwo/H B6.129(Cg)-Scn10atm2(cre)Jwo/TjpJ | MGI:3053096 | |
Scn9a | Scn9aem1(icre)Itsu | sodium channel, voltage-gated, type IX, alpha; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Isao Tsuneyoshi | integumental system nervous system | MGI:7490200 | ||
Scnn1a | Tg(Scnn1a-cre)1Aibs | transgene insertion 1, Ed Lein | B6;C3-Tg(Scnn1a-cre)1Aibs/J | MGI:3838497 | ||
Scnn1a | Tg(Scnn1a-cre)#Csz | transgene insertion, Charles S Zuker | MGI:5909907 | |||
Scnn1a | Tg(Scnn1a-cre)3Aibs | transgene insertion 3, Ed Lein | reproductive system hemolymphoid system nervous system integumental system endocrine system alimentary system respiratory system head renal & urinary system | embryo-other | B6;C3-Tg(Scnn1a-cre)3Aibs/J | MGI:3850187 |
Scnn1a | Scnn1aem1(icre)Gpt | sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated 1 alpha; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7305820 | |||
Scnn1a | Tg(Scnn1a-cre)2Aibs | transgene insertion 2, Ed Lein | B6;C3-Tg(Scnn1a-cre)2Aibs/J | MGI:3838498 | ||
Scube2 | Scube2em1(cre/ERT2)Des | signal peptide, CUB domain, EGF-like 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Dean Sheppard | MGI:7530613 | |||
Scx | Scxtm2.1(cre/ERT2)Stzr | scleraxis scleraxis bHLH transcription factor; targeted mutation 2.1, Ronen Schweitzer | mouse-other | B6(129S4)-Scxtm2.1(cre/ERT2)Stzr/J | MGI:6508700 | |
Scx | Tg(Scx-cre)HShuk | transgene insertion H, Chisa Shukunami | mesenchyme limbs skeletal system embryo-other alimentary system mouse-other reproductive system renal & urinary system respiratory system head cardiovascular system muscle sensory organs | MGI:5476830 | ||
Scx | Scxtm1.1(cre)Shuk | scleraxis scleraxis bHLH transcription factor; targeted mutation 1.1, Chisa Shukunami | tail limbs skeletal system muscle mesenchyme mouse-other cavities & their linings | MGI:6330742 | ||
Scx | Scxtm1(cre)Shuk | scleraxis scleraxis bHLH transcription factor; targeted mutation 1, Chisa Shukunami | MGI:6330743 | |||
Scx | Tg(Scx-cre)LShuk | transgene insertion L, Chisa Shukunami | mesenchyme skeletal system limbs mouse-other | MGI:5476829 | ||
Scx | Scxem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | scleraxis scleraxis bHLH transcription factor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7623943 | |||
Scx | Tg(Scx-GFP/cre)1Stzr | transgene insertion 1, Ronen Schweitzer | C57BL/6-Tg(Scx-GFP/cre)1Stzr/J | MGI:5317938 | ||
Sdk1 | Sdk1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jrs | sidekick cell adhesion molecule 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Joshua R Sanes | B6.Cg-Sdk1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jrs/KrishJ | MGI:5698881 | ||
Sdk1 | Sdk1em1(cre/GFP)Jrs | sidekick cell adhesion molecule 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Joshua R Sanes | head sensory organs | B6.Cg-Sdk1em1(cre/GFP)Jrs/KrishJ | MGI:7439467 | |
Sdk2 | Sdk2em1(cre)Jrs | sidekick cell adhesion molecule 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Joshua R Sanes | MGI:7546841 | |||
Sdk2 | Sdk2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jrs | sidekick cell adhesion molecule 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Joshua R Sanes | B6.Cg-Sdk2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jrs/KrishJ | MGI:5698883 | ||
Sds | Sdstm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | serine dehydratase; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Sdstm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633833 | ||
Selenow | Tg(Selenow-cre)NP72Gsat | transgene insertion NP72, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Selenow-cre)NP72Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Selenow-cre)NP39Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311701 | ||
Selenow | Tg(Selenow-cre)NP39Gsat | transgene insertion NP39, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Selenow-cre)NP39Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5519915 | |
Sell | Sellem1(cre/ERT2)Mnz | selectin, lymphocyte; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Michel C Nussenzweig | MGI:7548487 | |||
Sell | Selltm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | selectin, lymphocyte; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Selltm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633834 | ||
Selplg | Selplgtm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | selectin, platelet (p-selectin) ligand; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:5812266 | |||
Sema3a | Sema3atm1.1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3A; targeted mutation 1.1, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system muscle | MGI:7439154 | ||
Sema3a | Tg(Sema3a-cre)#Ryba | transgene insertion, Nicholas JP Ryba | alimentary system | MGI:7438219 | ||
Sema3d | Sema3dtm2.1(GFP/cre)Joe | sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3D; targeted mutation 2.1, Jonthan Epstein | cardiovascular system branchial arches | STOCK Sema3dtm2.1(GFP/cre)Joe/J | MGI:5317896 | |
Sema3e | Sema3etm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3E; targeted mutation 1.1, Z Josh Huang | MGI:6720892 | |||
Sema3e | Tg(Sema3e-cre)OX19Gsat | transgene insertion OX19, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Sema3e-cre)OX19Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5519922 | ||
Sema3e | Sema3etm1(cre/ERT2)Arbr | sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3E; targeted mutation 1, Silvia Arber | MGI:3848810 | |||
Sema6a | Sema6atm1(cre/ERT2)Alk | sema domain, transmembrane domain (TM), and cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 6A; targeted mutation 1, Alex L Kolodkin | sensory organs nervous system head | MGI:7488666 | ||
Sema6a | Sema6atm1.1(cre/ERT2)Alk | sema domain, transmembrane domain (TM), and cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 6A; targeted mutation 1.1, Alex L Kolodkin | MGI:7718586 | |||
Sema7a | Tg(Sema7a-cre)NO117Gsat | transgene insertion NO117, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Sema7a-cre)NO117Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086194 | ||
Septin4 | Tg(Sept4-cre)OX54Gsat | transgene insertion OX54, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Sept4-cre)OX54Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086169 | ||
SERPINA1 | Tg(SERPINA1-cre)1Arge | transgene insertion 1, Argiris Efstratiadis | liver & biliary system | renal & urinary system nervous system hemolymphoid system head respiratory system cardiovascular system | MGI:3821757 | |
SERPINA1 | Tg(SERPINA1-cre/ERT)1Ipc | transgene insertion 1, I Pierre Chambon | liver & biliary system | MGI:2387444 | ||
SERPINA1 | Tg(AAT-cre)43Rbrc | transgene insertion 43, RIKEN BioResource Center | C57BL/6J-Tg(AAT-cre)43Rbrc/Rbrc | MGI:4415189 | ||
SERPINA1 | Tg(AAT-cre)50Rbrc | transgene insertion 50, RIKEN BioResource Center | C57BL/6J-Tg(AAT-cre)50Rbrc/Rbrc | MGI:4415191 | ||
SERPINA1 | Tg(AAT-cre)31Rbrc | transgene insertion 31, RIKEN BioResource Center | C57BL/6J-Tg(AAT-cre)31Rbrc/Rbrc | MGI:4415186 | ||
Serpina1e | Tg(Serpina1e-cre/ERT)1Sykr | transgene insertion 1, Shoshana Yakar | MGI:4418191 | |||
Serpinb7 | Tg(Serpinb7-icre)1Fech | transgene insertion 1, Feng Chen | MGI:5464108 | |||
Serpinc1 | Serpinc1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade C (antithrombin), member 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867283 | |||
Setd4 | Setd4tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Wjy | SET domain containing 4; targeted mutation 2.1, Wei-Jun Yang | endocrine system alimentary system | MGI:6822323 | ||
Setd4 | Setd4em1(cre)Wjy | SET domain containing 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Wei-Jun Yang | cardiovascular system alimentary system endocrine system | MGI:6822324 | ||
Sfrp1 | Sfrp1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | secreted frizzled-related protein 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Sfrp1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633835 | ||
Sfrp1 | Sfrp1tm1(cre/ERT2)Hmd | secreted frizzled-related protein 1; targeted mutation 1, Hiroshi Hamada | MGI:7314301 | |||
Sfrp1 | Tg(Sfrp1-cre/ERT2)1Hmd | transgene insertion 1, Hiroshi Hamada | STOCK Tg(Sfrp1-cre/ERT2)1Hmd | MGI:7492426 | ||
Sfrp2 | Sfrp2em1(dre/ERT2)Gpt | secreted frizzled-related protein 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7305999 | |||
Sfrp5 | Sfrp5em2.1(dre)Kkb | secreted frizzled-related sequence protein 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2.1, Hiroki Kokubo | B6-Sfrp5em2.1(dre)Kkb | MGI:7610639 | ||
Sfrp5 | Sfrp5tm1.1(cre)Kkb | secreted frizzled-related sequence protein 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Hiroki Kokubo | cavities & their linings cardiovascular system | B6-Sfrp5tm1.1(cre)Kkb | MGI:7437537 | |
Sfrp5 | Sfrp5em1.1(ERT2/cre)Kkb | secreted frizzled-related sequence protein 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1.1, Hiroki Kokubo | cardiovascular system | B6-Sfrp5em1.1(ERT2/cre)Kkb | MGI:7437538 | |
Sfta3 | Sfta3tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Eem | surfactant associated 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Edward E Morrisey | respiratory system head endocrine system nervous system alimentary system | MGI:6850124 | ||
Sftpa1 | Tg(Sftpa1-cre)1Xya | transgene insertion 1, Xiao Yang | cardiovascular system embryo-other alimentary system head nervous system respiratory system | MGI:3696659 | ||
Sftpa1 | Tg(Sftpa1-icre)33Gpt | transgene insertion 33, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307392 | |||
Sftpc | Sftpctm1.1(Nicre)Thbr | surfactant associated protein C; targeted mutation 1.1, Thomas Braun | respiratory system | MGI:7263083 | ||
Sftpc | Sftpcem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | surfactant associated protein C; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758051 | |||
Sftpc | Sftpcem1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | surfactant associated protein C; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7306008 | |||
Sftpc | Sftpctm1(dre/ERT2)Bzsh | surfactant associated protein C; targeted mutation 1, Bin Zhou | respiratory system | STOCK Sftpctm1(dre/ERT2)Bzsh/J | MGI:6357171 | |
Sftpc | Tg(Sftpc-cre)1Blh | transgene insertion 1, Brigid L Hogan | respiratory system | alimentary system hemolymphoid system endocrine system | MGI:3574949 | |
Sftpc | Sftpcem2(cre/Esr1*)Cya | surfactant associated protein C; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657324 | |||
Sftpc | Tg(Sftpc-rtTA,Nudt18-tetO-cre)1Ptch | transgene insertion 1, Pao-Tien Chuang | MGI:5486022 | |||
Sftpc | Sftpctm1(cre/ERT2)Blh | surfactant associated protein C; targeted mutation 1, Brigid L Hogan | B6.129S-Sftpctm1(cre/ERT2)Blh/J | MGI:5305340 | ||
Sftpc | Sftpctm1(cre/ERT2,rtTA)Hap | surfactant associated protein C; targeted mutation 2, Harold A Chapman | MGI:5444645 | |||
Sftpc | Sftpctm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ptch | surfactant associated protein C; targeted mutation 1.1, Pao-Tien Chuang | MGI:5485991 | |||
Sftpc | Sftpctm1(cre/ERT2)Yasu | surfactant associated protein C; targeted mutation 1, Yasuhiro Yamada | B6;Cg-Sftpctm1(cre/ERT2)Yasu | MGI:7526340 | ||
Sftpc | Sftpcem1(icre)Cya | surfactant associated protein C; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657323 | |||
Sftpc | Sftpcem2(icre)Gpt | surfactant associated protein C; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7306009 | |||
SFTPC | Tg(SFTPC-cre)11Yo | transgene insertion 11, Yuichi Oike | respiratory system | cardiovascular system | MGI:3841690 | |
SFTPC | Tg(SFTPC-cre)#Mliu | transgene insertion, Mingyao Liu | MGI:4440739 | |||
SFTPC | Tg(SFTPC-cre/ERT2)F42Kfx | transgene insertion F42, Kai-Feng Xu | MGI:5465199 | |||
SFTPC | Tg(SFTPC-cre/ERT2)#Hbji | transgene insertion, Hongbin Ji | MGI:5555031 | |||
Sgca | Sgcatm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | sarcoglycan, alpha (dystrophin-associated glycoprotein); targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Sgcatm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633836 | ||
Sh2b1 | Sh2b1tm3(cre)Lr | SH2B adaptor protein 1; targeted mutation 3, Liangyou Rui | nervous system head | MGI:6754108 | ||
Shbg | Tg(Abpa-cre)1Cmal | transgene insertion 1, Charles M Allan | reproductive system | MGI:4431035 | ||
Shf | Tg(Shf-cre)SO5Gsat | transgene insertion SO5, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Shf-cre)SO5Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311724 | ||
Shh | Shhem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | sonic hedgehog; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758052 | |||
Shh | Shhtm2(cre/ERT2)Cjt | sonic hedgehog; targeted mutation 2, Clifford J Tabin | limbs head endocrine system alimentary system integumental system extraembryonic component | mouse-other liver & biliary system cavities & their linings mesenchyme tail respiratory system skeletal system cardiovascular system embryo-other sensory organs reproductive system renal & urinary system nervous system | B6.129S6-Shhtm2(cre/ERT2)Cjt/J | MGI:3053960 |
Shh | Shhtm3(cre)Chg | sonic hedgehog; targeted mutation 3, Chin Chiang | MGI:3759540 | |||
Shh | Shhtm1(cre/ERT2)Tshim | sonic hedgehog; targeted mutation 1, Tomomi Shimogori | MGI:5294343 | |||
Shh | Tg(Shh-cre/ERT2)#aYjg | transgene insertion #a, Yongsu Jeong | nervous system head | MGI:5692334 | ||
Shh | Tg(Shh-cre)#Dje | transgene insertion #, Douglas J Epstein | MGI:5317189 | |||
Shh | Shhem2(icre)Smoc | sonic hedgehog; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758053 | |||
Shh | Shhtm1(EGFP/cre)Cjt | sonic hedgehog; targeted mutation 1, Clifford J Tabin | hemolymphoid system limbs muscle liver & biliary system mesenchyme skeletal system embryo-other cardiovascular system alimentary system reproductive system renal & urinary system respiratory system branchial arches integumental system endocrine system sensory organs nervous system head | tail cavities & their linings extraembryonic component adipose tissue | B6.Cg-Shhtm1(EGFP/cre)Cjt/J | MGI:3053959 |
Shox2 | Shox2tm1.1(cre)Oki | SHOX homeobox 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Ole Kiehn | MGI:5567920 | |||
Shox2 | Shox2tm3.1(cre)Ypc | SHOX homeobox 2; targeted mutation 3.1, YiPing Chen | MGI:5504508 | |||
Shox2 | Shox2em1(icre)Zyliu | SHOX homeobox 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Zhiyong Liu | nervous system | sensory organs head | STOCK Shox2em1(icre)Zyliu/J | MGI:7489962 |
Shroom3 | Shroom3Gt(ROSA53)Sor | shroom family member 3; gene trap ROSA53, Philippe Soriano | limbs mesenchyme cardiovascular system head nervous system embryo-other alimentary system sensory organs muscle | B6.129S4-Shroom3Gt(ROSA53)Sor/J | MGI:1889778 | |
Siglec1 | Siglec1em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 1, sialoadhesin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7306099 | |||
Siglec1 | Siglec1tm2(icre)Mtka | sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 1, sialoadhesin; targeted mutation 2, Masato Tanaka | MGI:6449968 | |||
Siglec1 | Siglec1em2(icre)Smoc | sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 1, sialoadhesin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7292310 | |||
Siglecf | Siglecfem1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin F; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724321 | |||
Siglecf | Siglecfem4(cre)Smoc | sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin F; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766667 | |||
Siglech | Siglechtm1.1(icre)Ciphe | sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin H; targeted mutation 1.1, Centre d'ImmunoPhenomique | hemolymphoid system | MGI:6357988 | ||
Siglech | Tg(Siglech-cre,-mCherry)#Spar | transgene insertion, Tim Sparwasser | STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1Hjf Tg(Siglech-cre,-mCherry)#Spar/Ph | MGI:5615447 | ||
Sim1 | Tg(Sim1-cre)KJ21Gsat | transgene insertion KJ21, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Sim1-cre)KJ21Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4940654 | ||
Sim1 | Tg(Sim1-cre)2Lowl | transgene insertion 2, Bradford B Lowell | head nervous system | MGI:3692527 | ||
Sim1 | Tg(Sim1-cre)1Lowl | transgene insertion 1, Bradford B Lowell | extraembryonic component endocrine system alimentary system head skeletal system tail sensory organs reproductive system limbs liver & biliary system cardiovascular system respiratory system hemolymphoid system nervous system renal & urinary system integumental system branchial arches muscle cavities & their linings mesenchyme adipose tissue | embryo-other | STOCK Tg(Sim1-cre)1Lowl/J B6.FVB(129X1)-Tg(Sim1-cre)1Lowl/J | MGI:3692526 |
Sim1 | Tg(Sim1-cre)#Lowl | transgene insertion, Bradford B Lowell | renal & urinary system nervous system head | cardiovascular system alimentary system integumental system adipose tissue endocrine system liver & biliary system | MGI:5447031 | |
Sim1 | Tg(Sim1-cre)KJ18Gsat | transgene insertion KJ18, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | MGI:4367070 | ||
Sim1 | Sim1tm1.1(cre)Gld | single-minded family bHLH transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Martyn Goulding | MGI:3839912 | |||
Sim1 | Sim1tm1.1(cre)Lowl | single-minded family bHLH transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Bradford B Lowell | head nervous system | MGI:7444470 | ||
Sim1 | Tg(Sim1-cre)KJ27Gsat | transgene insertion KJ27, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Sim1-cre)KJ27Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4847416 | |
Sim1 | Tg(Sim1-cre)KJ40Gsat | transgene insertion KJ40, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Sim1-cre)KJ40Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Sim1-cre)KJ40Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051778 | ||
Sinhcaf | Tg(Sinhcaf-cre/ERT2)5Hmd | transgene insertion 5, Hiroshi Hamada | MGI:7492194 | |||
Six1 | Tg(Six1-cre)1Kwk | transgene insertion 1, Kiyoshi Kawakami | head sensory organs nervous system | MGI:5698451 | ||
Six1 | Tg(Six1-cre)2Kwk | transgene insertion 2, Kiyoshi Kawakami | mesenchyme alimentary system sensory organs branchial arches limbs nervous system embryo-other head | MGI:5700048 | ||
Six1 | Six1tm1(cre)Xli | sine oculis-related homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1, Xue Li | tail limbs renal & urinary system sensory organs mesenchyme reproductive system alimentary system nervous system head | MGI:5014213 | ||
Six2 | Tg(Six2-GFP/cre)1Amc | transgene insertion 1, Andrew P McMahon | renal & urinary system | MGI:3848345 | ||
Six2 | Six2tm1(EGFP/cre)Phoh | sine oculis-related homeobox 2; targeted mutation 1, Peter Hohenstein | MGI:5578005 | |||
Six2 | Tg(Six2-EGFP/cre)1Amc | transgene insertion 1, Andrew P McMahon | STOCK Tg(Six2-EGFP/cre)1Amc/J | MGI:3845228 | ||
Six2 | Six2tm2(cre/ERT2)Amc | sine oculis-related homeobox 2; targeted mutation 2, Andrew P McMahon | B6.Cg-Six2tm2(cre/ERT2)Amc/J | MGI:3845219 | ||
Six2 | Six2tm3(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Amc | sine oculis-related homeobox 2; targeted mutation 3, Andrew P McMahon | B6;129-Six2tm3(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Amc/J | MGI:3845222 | ||
Six2 | Tg(Six2-EGFP/cre)#Phoh | transgene insertion, Peter Hohenstein | MGI:5578006 | |||
Six2 | Six2tm1(tTA,tetO-EGFP/cre)Amc | sine oculis-related homeobox 2; targeted mutation 1, Andrew P McMahon | MGI:3845218 | |||
Six3 | Six3tm4.1(cre/ERT2)Gco | sine oculis-related homeobox 3; targeted mutation 4.1, Guillermo Oliver | STOCK Six3tm4.1(cre/ERT2)Gco/J | MGI:6507739 | ||
Six3 | Tg(Six3-cre)22Frty | transgene insertion 22, Yasuhide Furuta | B6.Cg-Tg(Six3-cre)22Frty/FrtyRbrc | MGI:7494249 | ||
Six3 | Tg(Six3-cre)#Yjg | transgene insertion, Yongsu Jeong | MGI:7437465 | |||
Six3 | Tg(Six3-cre)69Frty | transgene insertion 69, Yasuhide Furuta | nervous system sensory organs head | B6.Cg-Tg(Six3-cre)69Frty/FrtyRbrc STOCK Tg(Six3-cre)69Frty/GcoJ | MGI:3574771 | |
Six3 | Six3tm4(cre/ERT2)Gco | sine oculis-related homeobox 3; targeted mutation 4, Guillermo Oliver | MGI:3814875 | |||
Six6 | Tg(Six6-cre)TD40Gsat | transgene insertion TD40, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Six6-cre)TD40Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435500 | ||
Six6 | Tg(Six6-cre)3Grsr | transgene insertion 3, Genetic Resource Science Repository | C57BL/6J-Tg(Six6-cre)3Grsr/GrsrJ | MGI:5607260 | ||
Six6 | Tg(Six6-cre)7Grsr | transgene insertion 7, Genetic Resource Science Repository | C57BL/6J-Tg(Six6-cre)7Grsr/GrsrJ | MGI:5607264 | ||
Sla | Tg(Sla-cre)KJ303Gsat | transgene insertion KJ303, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Sla-cre)KJ303Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4940648 | ||
Sla | Tg(Sla-cre)KJ319Gsat | transgene insertion KJ319, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Sla-cre)KJ319Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4847420 | ||
Slc12a1 | Slc12a1tm1(cre/ERT2)Jlo | solute carrier family 12, member 1; targeted mutation 1, Johannes Loffing | MGI:7512819 | |||
Slc12a1 | Tg(Slc12a1-EGFP/cre)#Ruli | transgene insertion, Ruisheng Liu | renal & urinary system | MGI:6388761 | ||
Slc12a1 | Slc12a1em2(dre/ERT2)Gpt | solute carrier family 12, member 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7377224 | |||
Slc12a3 | Slc12a3em1(cre/ERT2)Amc | solute carrier family 12, member 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Andrew P McMahon | C57BL/6N-Slc12a3em1(cre/ERT2)Amc/J | MGI:5902998 | ||
Slc12a3 | Slc12a3tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | solute carrier family 12, member 3; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Slc12a3tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633837 | ||
Slc12a3 | Slc12a3tm1(icre)Juha | solute carrier family 12, member 3; targeted mutation 1, Juliette Hadchouel | renal & urinary system | MGI:6382048 | ||
Slc12a8 | Slc12a8em2(cre/ERT2)Imai | solute carrier family 12 (potassium/chloride transporters), member 8; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shin-ichiro Imai | nervous system head | MGI:7432978 | ||
Slc16a8 | Tg(Slc16a8-cre/ERT2,-EGFP)1Moss | transgene insertion 1, Steven E Moss | sensory organs nervous system head | MGI:4399744 | ||
Slc17a5 | Slc17a5em1(cre)Smoc | solute carrier family 17 (anion/sugar transporter), member 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7292367 | |||
Slc17a6 | Tg(Slc17a6-cre)OX23Gsat | transgene insertion OX23, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Slc17a6-cre)OX23Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086168 | ||
Slc17a6 | Slc17a6tm1.1(icre/ERT2)Bcgen | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 6; targeted mutation 1.1, Biocytogen LLC | head nervous system | MGI:6761378 | ||
Slc17a6 | Slc17a6em1(icre)Smoc | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 6; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758055 | |||
Slc17a6 | Slc17a6em1(phiC31)Bklim | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 6; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Byung Kook Lim | nervous system head | MGI:7564234 | ||
Slc17a6 | Tg(Slc17a6-icre)1Oki | transgene insertion 1, Ole Kiehn | head nervous system embryo-other | C57BL/6-Tg(Slc17a6-icre)1Oki/Kctt | MGI:4881727 | |
Slc17a6 | Slc17a6em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 6; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758054 | |||
Slc17a6 | Slc17a6tm1.1(flpo)Mgmj | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 6; targeted mutation 1.1, Martin G Myers, Jr | MGI:7467070 | |||
Slc17a6 | Tg(Slc17a6-cre)OX30Gsat | transgene insertion OX30, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Slc17a6-cre)OX30Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Slc17a6-cre)OX30Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051759 | |
Slc17a6 | Slc17a6tm1.1(flpo)Hze | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 6; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6;129S-Slc17a6tm1.1(flpo)Hze/J | MGI:5903982 | ||
Slc17a6 | Slc17a6tm1.1(flpo)Jnb | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 6; targeted mutation 1.1, J Nicholas Betley | MGI:6156365 | |||
Slc17a6 | Slc17a6tm2.1(cre)Lowl | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 6; targeted mutation 2.1, Bradford B Lowell | B6.129S6(Cg)-Slc17a6tm2.1(cre)Lowl/J | MGI:7706018 | ||
Slc17a6 | Slc17a6tm2(cre)Lowl | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 6; targeted mutation 2, Bradford B Lowell | renal & urinary system adipose tissue branchial arches tail reproductive system mesenchyme alimentary system head integumental system limbs skeletal system cavities & their linings respiratory system nervous system endocrine system sensory organs hemolymphoid system | D2.129S6(B6)-Slc17a6tm2(cre)Lowl/MwarUgfmJ STOCK Slc17a6tm2(cre)Lowl/J B6J.129S6(FVB)-Slc17a6tm2(cre)Lowl/MwarJ | MGI:5141269 | |
Slc17a7 | Slc17a7em1(flpo)Tasic | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 7; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bosiljka Tasic | B6;129S6-Slc17a7em1(flpo)Tasic/J | MGI:6514364 | ||
Slc17a7 | Slc17a7tm1.1(cre)Ahan | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 7; targeted mutation 1.1, Adam W Hantman | head nervous system | MGI:7446770 | ||
Slc17a7 | Tg(Slc17a7-cre)SA31Gsat | transgene insertion SA31, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Slc17a7-cre)SA31Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435481 | ||
Slc17a7 | Slc17a7em2(icre)Smoc | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 7; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7292369 | |||
Slc17a7 | Slc17a7tm1.1(cre)Hze | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 7; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Slc17a7tm1.1(cre)Hze/J B6;129S-Slc17a7tm1.1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:5507862 | ||
Slc17a7 | Slc17a7tm1.1(icre/ERT2)Bcgen | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 7; targeted mutation 1.1, Biocytogen LLC | head nervous system | MGI:6761377 | ||
Slc17a8 | Tg(Slc17a8-icre)1Edw | transgene insertion 1, Robert H Edwards | nervous system head sensory organs | STOCK Tg(Slc17a8-icre)1Edw/SealJ | MGI:5316477 | |
Slc17a8 | Slc17a8tm1(cre)Hze | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 8; targeted mutation 1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Slc17a8tm1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:7571433 | ||
Slc17a8 | Tg(Slc17a8-cre)#Tmos | transgene insertion, Tobias Moser | MGI:5911419 | |||
Slc17a8 | Slc17a8tm1.1(cre)Hze | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 8; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6;129S-Slc17a8tm1.1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:5792821 | ||
Slc17a8 | Tg(Slc17a8-cre/ERT2)1Dke | transgene insertion 1, Daniel Kerschensteiner | MGI:5882745 | |||
Slc17a8 | Slc17a8em1(icre/ERT2)Zyliu | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 8; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Zhiyong Liu | sensory organs head | B6(Cg)-Slc17a8em1(icre/ERT2)Zyliu/J | MGI:6384614 | |
Slc17a8 | Slc17a8tm1(cre)Lowl | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 8; targeted mutation 1, Bradford B Lowell | MGI:5471228 | |||
Slc17a8 | Slc17a8em1(icre)Smoc | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 8; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7292372 | |||
Slc18a1 | Slc18a1em3(icre)Mkwt | solute carrier family 18 (vesicular monoamine), member 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Masakado Kawata | MGI:7413203 | |||
Slc18a2 | Tg(Slc18a2-cre)OZ27Gsat | transgene insertion OZ27, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | MGI:5086167 | |||
Slc18a2 | Tg(Slc18a2-cre)OZ14Gsat | transgene insertion OZ14, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Slc18a2-cre)OZ14Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Slc18a2-cre)OZ14Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051793 | ||
Slc18a2 | Tg(Slc18a2-cre)OZ13Gsat | transgene insertion OZ13, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Slc18a2-cre)OZ13Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051800 | ||
SLC18A3 | Tg(SLC18A3-cre)AMisa | transgene insertion A, Hidemi Misawa | head nervous system | C57BL/6-Tg(SLC18A3-cre)AMisa/MisaRbrc | MGI:2679331 | |
SLC18A3 | Tg(SLC18A3-cre)Misa | transgene insertion, Hidemi Misawa | MGI:3793863 | |||
SLC18A3 | Tg(SLC18A3-cre)KMisa | transgene insertion K, Hidemi Misawa | nervous system head | B6.129S5-Adarb1tm1SkwaTg(SLC18A3-cre)KMisa C57BL/6-Tg(SLC18A3-cre)KMisa/MisaRbrc | MGI:2679332 | |
Slc1a3 | Slc1a3tm1(cre)Ksak | solute carrier family 1 (glial high affinity glutamate transporter), member 3; targeted mutation 1, Kenji Sakimura | C57BL/6-Slc1a3tm1(cre)Ksak/KsakRbrc | MGI:4360729 | ||
Slc1a3 | Slc1a3tm2(cre/PGR*)Ksak | solute carrier family 1 (glial high affinity glutamate transporter), member 3; targeted mutation 2, Kenji Sakimura | C57BL/6-Slc1a3tm2(cre/PGR)Ksak/KsakRbrc | MGI:4360731 | ||
Slc1a3 | Slc1a3tm1(cre/ERT2)Mgoe | solute carrier family 1 (glial high affinity glutamate transporter), member 3; targeted mutation 1, Magdalena Goetz | head nervous system | MGI:3830051 | ||
Slc1a3 | Tg(Slc1a3-cre/ERT)1Nat | transgene insertion 1, Jeremy Nathans | sensory organs head | STOCK Tg(Slc1a3-cre/ERT)1Nat/J | MGI:4430111 | |
Slc1a3 | Slc1a3tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Wsj | solute carrier family 1 (glial high affinity glutamate transporter), member 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Walker Jackson | nervous system head | 129S4(B6N)-Slc1a3tm1.1(cre-ERT2)Wsj/WsjH 129S4(B6N)-Slc1a3tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Wsj/WsjH | MGI:6414570 | |
Slc1a3 | Tg(Slc1a3-cre)#Tdan | transgene insertion, Todd E Anthony | MGI:4456190 | |||
Slc1a3 | Tg(Slc1a3-cre/ERT2)45-72Fwp | transgene insertion 45-72, Frank W Pfrieger | sensory organs respiratory system head muscle nervous system | hemolymphoid system alimentary system cardiovascular system liver & biliary system | B6.FVB-Tg(Slc1a3-cre/ERT2)45-72Fwp/Orl | MGI:4420274 |
Slc22a6 | Slc22a6tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Amat | solute carrier family 22 (organic anion transporter), member 6; targeted mutation 1.1, Athena Matakidou | B6;129S4-Slc22a6tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Amat/H B6;129S4-Slc22a6tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Amat/H | MGI:5911847 | ||
Slc26a4 | Slc26a4tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | solute carrier family 26, member 4; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Slc26a4tm2(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Slc26a4tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633838 | ||
Slc26a5 | Slc26a5em1(flpo)Thore | solute carrier family 26, member 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Wallace Thoreson | B6;129S6-Slc26a5em1(flpo)Thore/Mmucd | MGI:7441913 | ||
Slc26a5 | Slc26a5tm4(cre/ERT2)Jnz | solute carrier family 26, member 5; targeted mutation 4, Jian Zou | MGI:5316514 | |||
Slc26a5 | Slc26a5tm4.1(cre/ERT2)Jnz | solute carrier family 26, member 5; targeted mutation 4.1, Jian Zou | MGI:5316512 | |||
Slc26a5 | Tg(Pres-cre)1Jnz | transgene insertion 1, Jian Zuo | reproductive system nervous system sensory organs head skeletal system | MGI:3052546 | ||
Slc26a5 | Slc26a5tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | solute carrier family 26, member 5; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Slc26a5tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Slc26a5tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633839 | ||
Slc26a5 | Tg(Slc26a5-cre)#Jnz | transgene insertion, Jian Zuo | sensory organs nervous system head reproductive system | liver & biliary system renal & urinary system cardiovascular system alimentary system | MGI:5662247 | |
Slc26a9 | Slc26a9em1(cre)Sms | solute carrier family 26, member 9; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Suzanne L Mansour | sensory organs skeletal system alimentary system respiratory system head renal & urinary system nervous system endocrine system mesenchyme | liver & biliary system cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system | MGI:6715244 | |
Slc2a2 | Tg(Slc2a2-cre)#Thor | transgene insertion, Bernard Thorens | MGI:4462802 | |||
Slc2a4 | Tg(Slc2a4-cre)546Dac | transgene insertion 546, Domenico Accili | MGI:4941207 | |||
Slc30a3 | Slc30a3tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Mlds | solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter), member 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Michael Michaelides | MGI:7512765 | |||
Slc32a1 | Tg(Slc32a1-cre)2.1Hzo | transgene insertion 2.1, Huda Y Zoghbi | B6.FVB-Tg(Slc32a1-cre)2.1Hzo/FrkJ | MGI:4867735 | ||
Slc32a1 | Tg(Slc32a1-cre)65Kzy | transgene insertion 65, Kazuhiro Yamakawa | nervous system head | C57BL/6J-Tg(Slc32a1-cre)65Kzy | MGI:5523786 | |
Slc32a1 | Slc32a1tm2(cre)Lowl | solute carrier family 32 (GABA vesicular transporter), member 1; targeted mutation 2, Bradford B Lowell | nervous system head | STOCK Slc32a1tm2(cre)Lowl/J B6J.129S6(FVB)-Slc32a1tm2(cre)Lowl/MwarJ | MGI:5141270 | |
Slc32a1 | Tg(Slc32a1-cre)#Oki | transgene insertion, Ole Kiehn | nervous system | MGI:6117419 | ||
Slc32a1 | Slc32a1tm2.1(flpo)Hze | solute carrier family 32 (GABA vesicular transporter), member 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Slc32a1tm2.1(flpo)Hze/J | MGI:6150908 | ||
Slc32a1 | Tg(Slc32a1-cre)RO29Gsat | transgene insertion RO29, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Slc32a1-cre)RO29Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311710 | ||
Slc32a1 | Slc32a1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | solute carrier family 32 (GABA vesicular transporter), member 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Slc32a1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Slc32a1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633840 | ||
Slc32a1 | Tg(Slc32a1-icre/ERT2)3Gloss | transgene insertion 3, Bernd Gloss | C57BL/6N-Tg(Slc32a1-icre/ERT2)3Gloss/J | MGI:5049903 | ||
Slc32a1 | Tg(Slc32a1-cre)RO32Gsat | transgene insertion RO32, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Slc32a1-cre)RO32Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086193 | ||
Slc32a1 | Slc32a1tm1.1(flpo)Hze | solute carrier family 32 (GABA vesicular transporter), member 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Slc32a1tm1.1(flpo)Hze/J | MGI:5806634 | ||
Slc32a1 | Tg(Slc32a1-cre)ZIIto | transgene insertion ZI, Shigeyoshi Itohara | MGI:6827389 | |||
Slc32a1 | Slc32a1em2(icre)Smoc | solute carrier family 32 (GABA vesicular transporter), member 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7292409 | |||
Slc34a1 | Slc34a1em1(cre/ERT2/EGFP)Gpt | solute carrier family 34 (sodium phosphate), member 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7306322 | |||
Slc34a1 | Slc34a1em1(EGFP/cre)Jsprk | solute carrier family 34 (sodium phosphate), member 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Joo-Seop Park | MGI:7856708 | |||
Slc34a1 | Slc34a1em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | solute carrier family 34 (sodium phosphate), member 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7292412 | |||
Slc34a1 | Slc34a1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Bhum | solute carrier family 34 (sodium phosphate), member 1; targeted mutation 1, Benjamin Humphreys | STOCK Slc34a1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Bhum/J | MGI:5544917 | ||
Slc34a1 | Slc34a1em3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | solute carrier family 34 (sodium phosphate), member 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7623946 | |||
Slc38a4 | Slc38a4Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | solute carrier family 38, member 4; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493150 | |||
Slc47a1 | Slc47a1em1(cre/ERT2)Jkpns | solute carrier family 47, member 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Jonathan Kipnis | C57BL/6J-Slc47a1em1(cre/ERT2)Jkpns/J | MGI:7595999 | ||
Slc5a2 | Tg(Slc5a2-cre)1Tauc | transgene insertion 1, Michel Tauc | renal & urinary system | nervous system head alimentary system hemolymphoid system muscle respiratory system cardiovascular system | B6;D2-Tg(Slc5a2-cre)1Tauc/Orl | MGI:3694735 |
Slc5a2 | Tg(Slc5a2-cre)#Tka | transgene insertion, Takashi Kadowaki | renal & urinary system | alimentary system liver & biliary system nervous system hemolymphoid system respiratory system adipose tissue head cardiovascular system muscle | MGI:6115244 | |
Slc5a2 | Tg(Slc5a2-cre/ERT2)2Narl | Transgene insertion 2, National Applied Research Laboratories | C57BL/6-Tg(Slc5a2-cre/ERT2)2Narl/Narl | MGI:5898279 | ||
Slc6a11 | Slc6a11em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, GABA), member 11; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758056 | |||
Slc6a11 | Tg(Slc6a11-cre/ERT2)1Khakh | transgene insertion 1, Baljit Khakh | head nervous system | B6N.FVB-Tg(Slc6a11-cre/ERT2)1Khakh/J | MGI:5806574 | |
Slc6a2 | Slc6a2em2(flpo)Zhanc | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, noradrenalin), member 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Cheng Zhan | MGI:7435060 | |||
Slc6a2 | Tg(Slc6a2-cre)#Stl | transgene insertion, Susumu Tonegawa | MGI:6121428 | |||
Slc6a2 | Tg(Slc6a2-cre)FV317Gsat | transgene insertion FV317, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | MGI:3841661 | ||
Slc6a2 | Slc6a2em1(cre)Zhanc | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, noradrenalin), member 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cheng Zhan | head nervous system | MGI:7435059 | ||
Slc6a2 | Tg(Slc6a2-cre)FV319Gsat | transgene insertion FV319, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | MGI:3836638 | ||
Slc6a2 | Slc6a2em1(cre)Lbrl | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, noradrenalin), member 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Stephen Liberles | C57BL/6J-Slc6a2em1(cre)Lbrl/J | MGI:7397278 | ||
SLC6A2 | Hprt1tm239(Ple190-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 239, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303328 | |||
Slc6a3 | Slc6a3em2(icre)Gpt | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, dopamine), member 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7462297 | |||
Slc6a3 | Tg(Slc6a3-icre)1Fto | transgene insertion 1, Francois Tronche | nervous system sensory organs head | FVB/N-Tg(Slc6a3-icre)1Fto/Orl B6;FVB-Tg(Slc6a3-icre)1Fto/Orl | MGI:3852083 | |
Slc6a3 | Tg(Slc6a3-icre/ERT2)2Gloss | transgene insertion 2, Bernd Gloss | C57BL/6-Tg(Slc6a3-icre/ERT2)2Gloss/J | MGI:5049906 | ||
Slc6a3 | Tg(Slc6a3-icre)9190Gsc | transgene insertion 9190, Gunther Schutz | head nervous system | MGI:5554573 | ||
Slc6a3 | Tg(Slc6a3-icre)9075Gsc | transgene insertion 9075, Gunther Schutz | nervous system head | MGI:5554407 | ||
Slc6a3 | Slc6a3tm1.1(flpo)Fuyu | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, dopamine), member 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Fu Yu | B6N(Cg)-Slc6a3tm1.1(flpo)Fuyu/J | MGI:6316964 | ||
Slc6a3 | Tg(Slc6a3-icre)#Gsc | transgene insertion, Gunther Schutz | MGI:3770171 | |||
Slc6a3 | Slc6a3tm1(cre)Xz | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, dopamine), member 3; targeted mutation 1, Xiaoxi Zhuang | nervous system head | B6.129(SJL)-Slc6a3tm1(cre)Xz/Cnrm STOCK Slc6a3tm1(cre)Xz/J | MGI:3691571 | |
Slc6a3 | Slc6a3em1(flpo)Hbat | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, dopamine), member 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Helen Bateup | head nervous system | STOCK Slc6a3em1(flpo)Hbat/J | MGI:6441980 | |
Slc6a3 | Slc6a3em1(icre)Smoc | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, dopamine), member 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7292443 | |||
Slc6a3 | Tg(Slc6a3-cre/ERT2)69.41Ics | transgene insertion 69.41, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.B6J-Tg(Slc6a3-cre/ERT2)69.41Ics/Ics | MGI:7346250 | ||
Slc6a3 | Slc6a3tm1(cre)Lrsn | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, dopamine), member 3; targeted mutation 1, Nils-Goran Larsson | B6N.Cg-Slc6a3tm1(cre)Lrsn/Kctt | MGI:3702746 | ||
Slc6a3 | Tg(Slc6a3-cre/ERT2)1Span | transgene insertion 1, Rainer Spanagel | head nervous system | MGI:3835856 | ||
Slc6a3 | Tg(Slc6a3-cre)SG56Gsat | transgene insertion SG56, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Slc6a3-cre)SG56Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Slc6a3-cre)SG56Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435512 | |
Slc6a3 | Slc6a3em1(icre)Gpt | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, dopamine), member 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7306411 | |||
Slc6a3 | Slc6a3em1(flpo)Rcos | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, dopamine), member 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Rui Costa | MGI:7858961 | |||
Slc6a3 | Slc6a3tm1(cre)Bkmn | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, dopamine), member 3; targeted mutation 1, Cristina M Backman | MGI:3689433 | |||
Slc6a3 | Slc6a3tm1(cre)Rpa | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, dopamine), member 3; targeted mutation 1, Richard D Palmiter | MGI:3527180 | |||
Slc6a3 | Slc6a3tm1.1(cre)Bkmn | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, dopamine), member 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Cristina M Backman | head skeletal system hemolymphoid system nervous system | endocrine system renal & urinary system sensory organs adipose tissue reproductive system muscle cardiovascular system integumental system alimentary system embryo-other liver & biliary system respiratory system | B6.SJL-Slc6a3tm1.1(cre)Bkmn/J STOCK Mcutm1.1Jmol Slc6a3tm1.1(cre)Bkmn/J STOCK Ndufs2tm1.1Job Slc6a3tm1.1(cre)Bkmn/SurmJ | MGI:3689434 |
Slc6a3 | Tg(Slc6a3-cre)SG62Gsat | transgene insertion SG62, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Slc6a3-cre)SG62Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435499 | |
SLC6A3 | Hprt1tm243(Ple193-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 243, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303333 | |||
SLC6A3 | Hprt1tm246(Ple194-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 246, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303336 | |||
Slc6a4 | Tg(Slc6a4-cre/ERT2)EZ8Gsat | transgene insertion EZ8, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Slc6a4-cre/ERT2)EZ8Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4367236 | |
Slc6a4 | Slc6a4em2(icre)Smoc | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, serotonin), member 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7626847 | |||
Slc6a4 | Slc6a4tm1(cre)Xz | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, serotonin), member 4; targeted mutation 1, Xiaoxi Zhuang | head nervous system | B6.129S1(Cg)-Slc6a4tm1(cre)Xz/Cnrm B6.129(Cg)-Slc6a4tm1(cre)Xz/J | MGI:3691577 | |
Slc6a4 | Tg(Slc6a4-cre)ET124Gsat | transgene insertion ET124, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | MGI:3841656 | ||
Slc6a4 | Tg(Slc6a4-cre/ERT2)EZ13Gsat | transgene insertion EZ13, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Slc6a4-cre/ERT2)EZ13Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Slc6a4-cre/ERT2)EZ13Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4367233 | ||
Slc6a4 | Tg(Slc6a4-cre)ET127Gsat | transgene insertion ET127, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Slc6a4-cre)ET127Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4367073 | |
Slc6a4 | Tg(Slc6a4-cre)ET33Gsat | transgene insertion ET33, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | sensory organs head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Slc6a4-cre)ET33Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Slc6a4-cre)ET33Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:3836639 | |
Slc6a4 | Slc6a4em1(phiC31)Bklim | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, serotonin), member 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Byung Kook Lim | head nervous system | MGI:7564233 | ||
Slc6a4 | Slc6a4tm1.1(flpo)Luo | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, serotonin), member 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Liqun Luo | B6.Cg-Slc6a4tm1.1(flpo)Luo/J | MGI:6360133 | ||
Slc6a4 | Tg(Slc6a4-cre)#Ito | transgene insertion, Shigeyoshi Itohara | nervous system head | MGI:6324519 | ||
Slc6a4 | Tg(Slc6a4-cre)208Ito | transgene insertion 208, Shigeyoshi Itohara | head nervous system | C57BL/6J-Tg(Slc6a4-cre)208Ito | MGI:6324535 | |
Slc6a4 | Tg(Slc6a4-cre)810Ito | transgene insertion 810, Shigeyoshi Itohara | head nervous system | MGI:6324536 | ||
Slc6a4 | Tg(Slc6a4-cre)ET35Gsat | transgene insertion ET35, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | MGI:3841634 | ||
Slc6a4 | Slc6a4tm1(cre)Grch | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, serotonin), member 4; targeted mutation 1, Jay A Gingrich | MGI:3663166 | |||
Slc6a4 | Slc6a4em1(flpo)Fuyu | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, serotonin), member 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Fu Yu | C57BL/6N-Slc6a4em1(flpo)Fuyu/J | MGI:6316965 | ||
SLC6A4 | Hprt1tm351a(Ple198-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 351a, Elizabeth M Simpson | C57BL/6-Hprt1tm351(Ple198-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5532519 | ||
Slc6a5 | Slc6a5tm1.1(cre)Ksak | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, glycine), member 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Kenji Sakimura | nervous system head | C57BL/6-Slc6a5tm1.1(cre)Ksak | MGI:6382286 | |
Slc6a5 | Tg(Slc6a5-icre)121Veul | transgene insertion 121, Volker Eulenburg | head nervous system | MGI:4453975 | ||
Slc6a5 | Tg(Slc6a5-cre)KF91Gsat | transgene insertion KF91, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Slc6a5-cre)KF91Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051794 | ||
Slc6a5 | Tg(Slc6a5-ERT2/Ccre)1Jhi | transgene insertion 1, Johannes Hirrlinger | nervous system head | B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze Tg(Gad2-Ncre/ERT2)1Jhi Tg(Slc6a5-ERT2/Ccre)1Jhi/Ph | MGI:6727874 | |
Slc6a5 | Tg(Slc6a5-Ccre)1Jhi | transgene insertion 1, Johannes Hirrlinger | head nervous system | 129S6;B6-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze Tg(Gad2-Ncre)Jhi Tg(Slc6a5-Ccre)Jhi/Ph | MGI:6468277 | |
Slc6a5 | Tg(Slc6a5-dre)#Uze | transgene insertion, University of Zurich | nervous system | C57BL/6-Tg(Slc6a5-dre)#Uze/J | MGI:7427737 | |
Slc6a5 | Tg(Slc6a5-cre)KF109Gsat | transgene insertion KF109, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Slc6a5-cre)KF109Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Slc6a5-cre)KF109Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4367229 | ||
Slc6a5 | Tg(Slc6a5-cre/ERT2)#Uze | transgene insertion, University of Zurich | nervous system | B6(129S6)-Tg(Slc6a5-cre/ERT2)#Uze/J | MGI:7427742 | |
Slc6a5 | Tg(Slc6a5-cre)1Uze | transgene insertion 1, University of Zurich | nervous system | C57BL/6-Tg(Slc6a5-cre)1Uze/J | MGI:5619573 | |
SLC6A5 | Hprt1tm251(Ple199-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 251, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303342 | |||
SLC6A5 | Hprt1tm255(Ple201-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 255, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303346 | |||
SLC6A5 | Hprt1tm253(Ple200-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 253, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303344 | |||
SLC8A1 | Tg(SLC8A1-cre)1Shou | transgene insertion 1, Weinian Shou | MGI:5490094 | |||
Slc8a2 | Slc8a2tm1(cre)Hssh | solute carrier family 8 (sodium/calcium exchanger), member 2; targeted mutation 1, Hee-Sup Shin | MGI:2667136 | |||
Slc9a3 | Slc9a3tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Niba | solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 3; targeted mutation 2.1, Nick Barker | alimentary system | MGI:6450715 | ||
Slc9a3 | Slc9a3tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Niba | solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Nick Barker | alimentary system | MGI:6450711 | ||
Slco1c1 | Slco1c1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1c1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728869 | |||
Slco1c1 | Tg(Slco1c1-icre)1Mash | transgene insertion 1, Markus Schwaninger | head nervous system | respiratory system liver & biliary system alimentary system cardiovascular system renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system muscle | MGI:6720267 | |
Slco1c1 | Tg(Slco1c1-icre/ERT2)1Mash | transgene insertion 1, Markus Schwaninger | head nervous system reproductive system cardiovascular system | alimentary system liver & biliary system renal & urinary system respiratory system | MGI:5301361 | |
Slco2a1 | Slco2a1em1(cre)Ngai | solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 2a1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, John Ngai | B6.Cg-Slco2a1em1(cre)Ngai/TasicJ | MGI:7334983 | ||
Slfn4 | Tg(Slfn4-EGFP/cre/ERT2)1Jmer | transgene insertion 1, Juanita L Merchant | MGI:5908382 | |||
Slit3 | Slit3em2(icre)Gpt | slit guidance ligand 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7377264 | |||
Slitrk6 | Tg(Slitrk6-cre)DIto | transgene insertion D, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Slitrk6-cre)DIto | MGI:7524168 | ||
SLITRK6 | Hprt1tm340(Ple252-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 340, Elizabeth M Simpson | C57BL/6-Hprt1tm340(Ple252-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5532387 | ||
SLITRK6 | Hprt1tm267(Ple210-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 267, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303359 | |||
SLITRK6 | Hprt1tm265(Ple208-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 265, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303357 | |||
SLITRK6 | Hprt1tm263(Ple207-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 263, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303355 | |||
Sln | Slntm1.1(cre)Krc | sarcolipin; targeted mutation 1.1, Kenneth R Chien | MGI:5804671 | |||
Smad7 | Tg(Smad7-cre)1Sjc | transgene insertion 1, Simon J Conway | mesenchyme branchial arches respiratory system limbs cardiovascular system alimentary system head sensory organs embryo-other nervous system | muscle | MGI:4352679 | |
Smarcd3 | Igs2tm2(Smarcd3-cre/ERT2)Bbr | intergenic site 2; targeted mutation 2, Benoit G Bruneau | muscle embryo-other cardiovascular system cavities & their linings | head | MGI:6790573 | |
Smarcd3 | Tg(Smarcd3-cre/ERT2)#Bbr | transgene insertion, Benoit G Bruneau | cardiovascular system muscle mesenchyme extraembryonic component embryo-other cavities & their linings | head limbs | MGI:6790427 | |
Smc1b | Tg(Smc1b-icre)#Jess | targeted mutation, Rolf Jessberger | MGI:6758823 | |||
Smoc2 | Smoc2tm1(cre/ERT2)Cle | SPARC related modular calcium binding 2; targeted mutation 1, Hans Clevers | integumental system alimentary system mesenchyme nervous system sensory organs head | MGI:6467827 | ||
Smpd3 | Smpd3em2(cre/ERT2)Gpt | sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 3, neutral; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7377277 | |||
Smr2 | Smr2tm1(cre/ERT2)Ddg | submaxillary gland androgen regulated protein 2; targeted mutation 1, David D Ginty | STOCK Smr2tm1(cre/ERT2)Ddg/J | MGI:7643388 | ||
Smyd3 | Smyd3tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | SET and MYND domain containing 3; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867254 | |||
Snap25 | Tg(Snap25-flpe)47DSJDJdd | transgene insertion 47DSJD, Joseph D Dougherty | B6(Cg)-Tg(Snap25-FLPe)47DSJDJdd Tg(Egr1-cre/ERT2)47DSJDJdd/J | MGI:6342000 | ||
Snap25 | Snap25tm2.1(cre)Hze | synaptosomal-associated protein 25; targeted mutation 2.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6;129S-Snap25tm2.1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:5507846 | ||
Snap29 | Snap29tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | synaptosomal-associated protein 29; targeted mutation 1.1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Snap29tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Snap29tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633841 | ||
Sncg | Sncgem1(flpo)Tasic | synuclein, gamma; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bosiljka Tasic | B6;129S6-Sncgem1(flpo)Tasic/J | MGI:6514365 | ||
Snhg11 | Snhg11tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | small nucleolar RNA host gene 11; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Snhg11tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633842 | ||
Sohlh1 | Sohlh1em1(icre)Gpt | spermatogenesis and oogenesis specific basic helix-loop-helix 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7306612 | |||
Sohlh1 | Sohlh1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Kliu | spermatogenesis and oogenesis specific basic helix-loop-helix 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Kui Liu | reproductive system | MGI:5548125 | ||
Sos1 | Sos1Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | SOS Ras/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493151 | |||
Sost | Sosttm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | sclerostin; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Sosttm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633843 | ||
Sost | Tg(Sost-GFP/cre)#Caob | transgene insertion, Charles A O'Brien | MGI:5922035 | |||
Sost | Sostem2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | sclerostin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7292534 | |||
Sox1 | Sox1em1(cre)Okn | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Hideyuki Okano | B6(Cg)-Sox1em1(cre)Okn B6(Cg)-Sox1em1(cre)Okn Tem1(dre)Okn Sox17em1(phiC31*)Okn/2-3 | MGI:6471911 | ||
Sox1 | Sox1em1.1(cre)Okn | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1.1, Hideyuki Okano | MGI:6471922 | |||
Sox1 | Tg(Sox1-icre/ERT2)#Cruh | transgene insertion, Christiana Ruhrberg | MGI:5909999 | |||
Sox1 | Sox1tm1(cre)Take | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 1; targeted mutation 1, Takumi Era | embryo-other | B6.Cg-Sox1tm1(cre)Take/Rbrc | MGI:3807952 | |
Sox1 | Sox1tm3(cre/ERT2)Vep | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 1; targeted mutation 3, Vasso Episkopou | MGI:5646006 | |||
Sox1 | Sox1em1(icre)Gpt | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7306635 | |||
Sox10 | Tg(Sox10-icre/ERT2)26Vpa | transgene insertion 26, Vassilis Pachnis | MGI:5301107 | |||
Sox10 | Tg(Sox10-icre/ERT2)93Vpa | transgene insertion 93, Vassilis Pachnis | MGI:5910373 | |||
Sox10 | Tg(Sox10-cre/ERT2)1Sout | transgene insertion 1, E Southard-Smith | MGI:6201041 | |||
Sox10 | Tg(Sox10-icre/ERT2)1Ldim | transgene insertion 1, Leda Dimou | MGI:5790496 | |||
Sox10 | Tg(Sox10-icre/ERT2)388Wdr | transgene insertion 388, William D Richardson | head branchial arches sensory organs mesenchyme nervous system alimentary system | CBA;B6-Tg(Sox10-icre/ERT2)388Wdr/J | MGI:5634390 | |
Sox10 | Tg(Sox10-cre)1Sout | transgene insertion 1, E Southard-Smith | MGI:5897484 | |||
Sox10 | Sox10em3(cre)Smoc | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 10; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7623947 | |||
Sox10 | Sox10tm1(cre/ERT2)Yasu | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 10; targeted mutation 1, Yasuhiro Yamada | B6;Cg-Sox10tm1(cre/ERT2)Yasu | MGI:6386671 | ||
Sox10 | Tg(Sox10-icre/ERT2)2Ldim | transgene insertion 2, Leda Dimou | MGI:5431880 | |||
Sox10 | Tg(Sox10-cre/ERT2)#Shka | transgene insertion, Shin H Kang | head nervous system | MGI:7494224 | ||
Sox10 | Tg(Sox10-ERT2/cre/ERT2)17Sor | transgene insertion 17, Philippe Soriano | tail alimentary system sensory organs head cardiovascular system branchial arches mesenchyme nervous system | embryo-other | 129S4.Cg-Tg(Sox10-ERT2/cre/ERT2)17Sor/J | MGI:5697877 |
Sox10 | Tg(Sox10-cre)507Mcln | transgene insertion 507, Andrew S McCallion | cardiovascular system embryo-other mesenchyme nervous system branchial arches head sensory organs | MGI:4410448 | ||
Sox10 | Tg(Sox10-cre)1Wdr | transgene insertion 1, William D Richardson | branchial arches embryo-other hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system | B6N.Cg-Gjb2tm1Ugds Tg(Sox10-cre)1Wdr/Cnrm B6;CBA-Tg(Sox10-cre)1Wdr/J | MGI:3586900 | |
Sox14 | Sox14tm2.1(cre)Tmj | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 14; targeted mutation 2.1, Thomas M Jessell | head nervous system | MGI:5909921 | ||
Sox17 | Sox17tm2.1(icre)Heli | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 17; targeted mutation 2.1, Heiko Lickert | embryo-other cardiovascular system sensory organs extraembryonic component alimentary system renal & urinary system respiratory system nervous system reproductive system mesenchyme liver & biliary system mouse-other head hemolymphoid system | MGI:4418897 | ||
Sox17 | Sox17tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Mgn | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 17; targeted mutation 3.1, Mark A Magnuson | C57BL/6J;129S6-Sox17tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Mgn/Vu | MGI:6470599 | ||
Sox17 | Sox17tm1(icre)Heli | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 17; targeted mutation 1, Heiko Lickert | cardiovascular system head hemolymphoid system reproductive system respiratory system mouse-other extraembryonic component renal & urinary system mesenchyme liver & biliary system alimentary system | MGI:3852645 | ||
Sox17 | Sox17em1(phiC31*)Okn | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 17; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Hideyuki Okano | MGI:6471915 | |||
Sox17 | Sox17em1.1(phiC31*)Okn | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 17; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1.1, Hideyuki Okano | MGI:6471921 | |||
Sox17 | Sox17tm2(EGFP/cre)Mgn | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 17; targeted mutation 2, Mark A Magnuson | STOCK Sox17tm2(EGFP/cre)Mgn/Mmnc | MGI:5468103 | ||
Sox17 | Sox17tm4.1(icre/ERT2)Heli | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 17; targeted mutation 4.1, Heiko Lickert | respiratory system mesenchyme liver & biliary system cardiovascular system embryo-other renal & urinary system reproductive system hemolymphoid system alimentary system extraembryonic component | MGI:5543602 | ||
Sox18 | Sox18tm1(GFP/cre/ERT2)Pzg | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 18; targeted mutation 1, Pumin Zhang | B6;129S-Sox18tm1(GFP/cre/ERT2)Pzg/J | MGI:4442184 | ||
Sox2 | Tg(Sox2-cre/ERT2)194.34Ics | transgene insertion 194.34, Mouse Clinical Institute | C57BL/6N-Tg(Sox2-cre/ERT2)194.34Ics/Ics | MGI:7346252 | ||
Sox2 | Edil3Tg(Sox2-cre)1Amc | EGF-like repeats and discoidin I-like domains 3; transgene insertion 1, Andrew P McMahon | embryo-other extraembryonic component mesenchyme | C57BL/6N;Fam120btm1a(EUCOMM)Hmgu Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(FLP1)Dym Edil3Tg(Sox2-cre)1Amc/Macara/Vu B6.Cg-Edil3Tg(Sox2-cre)1Amc/J B6N.Cg-Edil3Tg(Sox2-cre)1Amc/J STOCK Edil3Tg(Sox2-cre)1Amc/J D2.Cg-Edil3Tg(Sox2-cre)1Amc/SjJ | MGI:2656539 | |
Sox2 | Sox2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jpmb | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Juan Pedro Martinez Barbera | nervous system alimentary system endocrine system head sensory organs | MGI:5512893 | ||
Sox2 | Sox2em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758058 | |||
Sox2 | Sox2em1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758057 | |||
Sox2 | Tg(Sox2-icre)1Gpt | transgene insertion 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307393 | |||
Sox2 | Sox2em1(icre)Gpt | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7306644 | |||
Sox2 | Tg(Sox2-flpo)4.2.28Mhem | transgene insertion 4.2.28, Myriam Hemberger | B6.Cg-Tg(Sox2-flpo)4.2.28Mhem/J | MGI:7587778 | ||
Sox2 | Tg(Sox2-cre/Esr1*)20Jheb | transgene insertion 20, Jean M Hebert | MGI:5494289 | |||
Sox2 | Tg(Sox2-cre/ERT2)1Skn | transgene insertion 1, Silvia K Nicolis | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Sox2-cre/ERT2)1Skn/Cnrm | MGI:4397776 | |
Sox2 | Tg(Sox2-flpo)#Mhem | transgene insertion, Myriam Hemberger | mesenchyme extraembryonic component embryo-other | MGI:7460314 | ||
Sox2 | Sox2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ykaw | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Yoshiya Kawaguchi | liver & biliary system respiratory system alimentary system | B6;Cg-Sox2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ykaw | MGI:6724015 | |
Sox2 | Sox2tm1(cre/ERT2)Hoch | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2; targeted mutation 1, Konrad Hochedlinger | head sensory organs | B6;129S-Sox2tm1(cre/ERT2)Hoch/J | MGI:5295990 | |
Sox2 | Sox2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Kinz | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Bernd Kinzel | MGI:5804019 | |||
Sox3 | Tg(Sox3-cre/ERT2)#Syos | transgene insertion, Shosei Yoshida | reproductive system | MGI:7461181 | ||
SOX3 | Hprt1tm355(Ple286-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 355, Elizabeth M Simpson | B6.Cg-Hprt1tm355(Ple286-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5568226 | ||
Sox6 | Sox6tm1(cre)Awar | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 6; targeted mutation 1, Rajeshwar Awatramani | MGI:6726338 | |||
Sox6 | Sox6tm1.1(cre)Awar | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 6; targeted mutation 1.1, Rajeshwar Awatramani | MGI:7264416 | |||
Sox6 | Sox6tm2(cre/ERT2)Awar | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 6; targeted mutation 2, Rajeshwar Awatramani | MGI:7264417 | |||
Sox6 | Sox6tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Awar | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 6; targeted mutation 2.1, Rajeshwar Awatramani | MGI:6740239 | |||
Sox6 | Sox6tm1.1(cre/ERT)Lpm | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 6; targeted mutation 1.1, Lia Panman | B6.Cg-Sox6tm1.1(cre/ERT)Lpm/LpmH | MGI:7567763 | ||
Sox9 | Sox9em3(dre/ERT2)Smoc | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766707 | |||
Sox9 | Sox9tm3(cre)Crm | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9; targeted mutation 3, Benoit de Crombrugghe | B6.129S7-Sox9tm1(cre)Crm/HaakRbrc | MGI:3608931 | ||
Sox9 | Sox9tm1(flp)Smoc | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9; targeted mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758060 | |||
Sox9 | Sox9em1(cre/ERT2)Tchn | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Ting Chen | integumental system cardiovascular system | C57BL/6-Sox9em1(cre/ERT2)Tchn/J | MGI:6386787 | |
Sox9 | Tg(Sox9-cre/ERT2)1Msan | transgene insertion 1, Maike Sander | sensory organs head | STOCK Tg(Sox9-cre/ERT2)1Msan/J | MGI:5009223 | |
Sox9 | Sox9em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758059 | |||
Sox9 | Sox9tm1(cre/ERT2)Haak | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9; targeted mutation 1, Haruhiko Akiyama | B6.129S7-Sox9tm1(cre/ERT2)Haak/HaakRbrc | MGI:4867441 | ||
Sp7 | Tg(Sp7-tTA,tetO-EGFP/cre)1Amc | transgene insertion 1, Andrew P McMahon | skeletal system limbs mesenchyme mouse-other | B6.129-F2rl1tm1c(EUCOMM)Wtsi Tg(Sp7-tTA,tetO-EGFP/cre)1Amc/JApb B6.Cg-Tg(Sp7-tTA,tetO-EGFP/cre)1Amc/J | MGI:3689350 | |
Sp7 | Sp7tm1.1(icre)Yaos | Sp7 transcription factor 7; targeted mutation 1.1, Yao Sun | MGI:6718293 | |||
Sp7 | Tg(Sp7-cre/ERT2)#Hmk | transgene insertion, Henry M Kronenberg | renal & urinary system alimentary system head limbs skeletal system | cardiovascular system respiratory system embryo-other liver & biliary system | MGI:4829803 | |
Sp7 | Sp7em2(cre/ERT2)Cya | Sp7 transcription factor 7; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657327 | |||
Sp7 | Tg(Sp7-cre/ERT)1Hmk | transgene insertion 1, Henry M Kronenberg | MGI:4437216 | |||
Sp7 | Tg(Sp7-icre)1Gpt | transgene insertion 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307394 | |||
Sp7 | Sp7tm1(icre)Bcgen | Sp7 transcription factor 7; targeted mutation 1, Biocytogen LLC | skeletal system limbs | cardiovascular system renal & urinary system respiratory system liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system | MGI:6791387 | |
Sp7 | Sp7em1(flpo)Oam | Sp7 transcription factor 7; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Ormond A MacDougald | B6.Cg-Sp7em1(flpo)Oam/J | MGI:7294193 | ||
Sp7 | Sp7em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | Sp7 transcription factor 7; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766709 | |||
Sp8 | Sp8tm1.1(flpo/ERT2)Tmj | trans-acting transcription factor 8; targeted mutation 1.1, Thomas M Jessell | MGI:6728071 | |||
Sp9 | Sp9tm2(cre)Zyan | trans-acting transcription factor 9; targeted mutation 1, Zhengang Yang | head nervous system | MGI:6152406 | ||
Spi1 | Spi1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | Spi-1 proto-oncogene; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867268 | |||
Spic | Spictm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | Spi-C transcription factor (Spi-1/PU.1 related); targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Spictm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633844 | ||
Spink1 | Spink1tm3(cre)Kymm | serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 1; targeted mutation 3, Ken-ichi Yamamura | endocrine system liver & biliary system alimentary system respiratory system renal & urinary system | MGI:5544431 | ||
Spink8 | Spink8tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 8; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Spink8tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg C57BL/6NTac-Spink8tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633845 | ||
Spo11 | Tg(Spo11-cre)1Rsw | transgene insertion 1, Robert S Weiss | STOCK Tg(Spo11-cre)1Rsw/PecoJ | MGI:5484745 | ||
Spo11 | Tg(Spo11-cre)D5Mpel | transgene insertion D5, Manuela Pellegrini | B6;C-Tg(Spo11-cre)D5Mpel/Cnrm | MGI:4850038 | ||
Spon1 | Spon1em1(cre)Csz | spondin 1, (f-spondin) extracellular matrix protein; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Charles S Zuker | MGI:6728135 | |||
Spp1 | Spp1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jrs | secreted phosphoprotein 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Joshua R Sanes | MGI:7437681 | |||
Spp1 | Spp1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Niba | secreted phosphoprotein 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Nick Barker | alimentary system | MGI:6450712 | ||
Spp1 | Tg(Spp1-icre/ERT2)#Lecl | transgene insertion, Isabelle A Leclercq | liver & biliary system | MGI:6514326 | ||
Spp1 | Spp1em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | secreted phosphoprotein 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7306759 | |||
Spp2 | Spp2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | secreted phosphoprotein 2; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Spp2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633846 | ||
Spp2 | Spp2tm1(cre/ERT2)Amc | secreted phosphoprotein 2; targeted mutation 1, Andrew P McMahon | C57BL/6-Spp2tm1(cre/ERT2)Amc/J | MGI:5565344 | ||
Sprr2f | Tg(Sprr2f-cre)2Dcas | transgene insertion 2, Diego H Castrillon | reproductive system | renal & urinary system nervous system head | B6(FVB)-Tg(Sprr2f-cre)2Dcas/J | MGI:6764667 |
Sprr2f | Tg(Sprr2f-cre)1Dcas | transgene insertion 1, Diego H Castrillon | head reproductive system nervous system renal & urinary system | liver & biliary system integumental system sensory organs hemolymphoid system mouse-other alimentary system | FVB-Tg(Sprr2f-cre)1Dcas/Nci | MGI:4438222 |
SPRY1 | Hprt1tm358(Ple287-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 358, Elizabeth M Simpson | B6.Cg-Hprt1tm358(Ple287-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5568239 | ||
Sptb | Sptbtm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | spectrin beta, erythrocytic; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | mesenchyme cardiovascular system head hemolymphoid system muscle sensory organs branchial arches nervous system liver & biliary system limbs renal & urinary system alimentary system endocrine system reproductive system | skeletal system cavities & their linings respiratory system integumental system tail embryo-other extraembryonic component adipose tissue | MGI:5812372 | |
Srd5a2 | Srd5a2tm1(cre/ERT2)Amc | steroid 5 alpha-reductase 2; targeted mutation 1, Andrew P McMahon | C57BL/6-Srd5a2tm1(cre/ERT2)Amc/J | MGI:5660837 | ||
Srf | Srfem1(icre)Gpt | serum response factor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7306800 | |||
Srr | Srrtm1(cre/PGR)Himo | serine racemase; targeted mutation 1, Hisashi Mori | MGI:3831132 | |||
Sry | Tg(Sry-cre)#Masi | transgene insertion, Masanori Ito | reproductive system | MGI:6355373 | ||
SRY | Tg(SRY-cre)1Svs | transgene insertion 1, David W Silversides | MGI:5426227 | |||
Sst | Ssttm1(cre)Bvz | somatostatin; targeted mutation 1, Boris V Zemelman | head nervous system | MGI:5568693 | ||
Sst | Ssttm2.1(cre)Zjh | somatostatin; targeted mutation 2.1, Z Josh Huang | muscle adipose tissue alimentary system hemolymphoid system head integumental system sensory organs cardiovascular system extraembryonic component endocrine system reproductive system skeletal system mesenchyme nervous system renal & urinary system | tail respiratory system cavities & their linings embryo-other limbs liver & biliary system | B6N.Cg-Ssttm2.1(cre)Zjh/J STOCK Ssttm2.1(cre)Zjh/J B6J.Cg-Ssttm2.1(cre)Zjh/MwarJ CBA.Cg-Ssttm2.1(cre)Zjh/AhsnJ | MGI:4838416 |
Sst | Ssttm1.1(cre)Mony | somatostatin; targeted mutation 1.1, Hannah Monyer | head nervous system | MGI:6116825 | ||
Sst | Tg(Sst-mCherry,-icre)44Fmgb | transgene insertion 44, Fiona M Gribble | MGI:5911684 | |||
Sst | Sstem1(flpo)Bcgen | somatostatin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Biocytogen LLC | head nervous system | MGI:7451206 | ||
Sst | Tg(Sst-mCherry,-icre)#Fmgb | transgene insertion, Fiona M Gribble | MGI:5911682 | |||
Sst | Ssttm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | somatostatin; targeted mutation 1, Z Josh Huang | head nervous system | B6(Cg)-Ssttm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:4355153 | |
Sst | Sstem2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | somatostatin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766723 | |||
Sst | Ssttm3.1(flpo)Zjh | somatostatin; targeted mutation 3.1, Z Josh Huang | STOCK Ssttm3.1(flpo)Zjh/J B6J.Cg-Ssttm3.1(flpo)Zjh/AreckJ | MGI:5700394 | ||
Sst1 | Sstem1(cre)Smoc | somatostatin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514743 | |||
Sstr2 | Sstr2tm1(cre/ERT2)Ddg | somatostatin receptor 2; targeted mutation 1, David D Ginty | STOCK Sstr2tm1(cre/ERT2)Ddg/J | MGI:7643392 | ||
St18 | St18em1(cre)Yili | suppression of tumorigenicity 18; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Ying Li | head nervous system | MGI:7548490 | ||
St18 | Tg(St18-cre/ERT2)1Ffr | transgene insertion 1, Fiona Francis | B6;D2-Tg(St18-cre/ERT2)1Ffr/Orl | MGI:7563962 | ||
Stab2 | Tg(Stab2-icre)1.3Cger | transgene insertion 1.3, Cyrill Geraud | MGI:6741034 | |||
Stab2 | Tg(Stab2-icre)1.2Cger | transgene insertion 1.2, Cyrill Geraud | mesenchyme alimentary system cardiovascular system liver & biliary system head nervous system integumental system | C57BL/6N-Tg(Stab2-icre)1.2Cger/Ieg | MGI:5909287 | |
Star | Startm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi | steroidogenic acute regulatory protein; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Startm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Startm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5660124 | ||
STK11 | Igs2em59(STK11-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 59, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300672 | |||
Stmn1 | Stmn1tm1(cre/ERT2)Koo | stathmin 1; targeted mutation 1, Bon-Kyoung Koo | MGI:6456665 | |||
Stra8 | Igs2em60(Stra8-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 60, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300673 | |||
Stra8 | Stra8em1(GFP/cre)Smoc | stimulated by retinoic acid gene 8; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6356355 | |||
Stra8 | Tg(Stra8-icre)1Reb | transgene insertion 1, Robert E Braun | hemolymphoid system alimentary system nervous system reproductive system endocrine system sensory organs renal & urinary system skeletal system head respiratory system | embryo-other liver & biliary system | B6.FVB-Tg(Stra8-icre)1Reb/LguJ STOCK Tg(Stra8-icre)1Reb/J | MGI:3779079 |
Stra8 | Stra8em1(cre)Stpg | stimulated by retinoic acid gene 8; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Stephanie A Pangas | MGI:7523862 | |||
Stra8 | Stra8em1(cre)Cya | stimulated by retinoic acid gene 8; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657328 | |||
Stra8 | Stra8em2(cre)Smoc | stimulated by retinoic acid gene 8; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7623949 | |||
Stra8 | Stra8tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | stimulated by retinoic acid gene 8; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | alimentary system reproductive system | integumental system adipose tissue skeletal system cardiovascular system sensory organs head hemolymphoid system liver & biliary system endocrine system muscle renal & urinary system respiratory system nervous system | MGI:5621007 | |
Stra8 | Tg(Stra8-cre)1Osb | transgene insertion 1, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University | B6D2-Tg(Stra8-Cre)1Osb B6D2-Tg(Stra8-cre)1Osb | MGI:6323441 | ||
Sv2a | Tg(Sv2a-cre/ERT2)1Jrs | transgene insertion 1, Joshua R Sanes | MGI:4839390 | |||
Syce1 | Syce1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | synaptonemal complex central element protein 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Syce1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633847 | ||
Sycp1 | Tg(Sycp1-cre)2Uchi | transgene insertion 2, Arikuni Uchimura | C57BL/6-Tg(Sycp1-cre)2Uchi/TyagRbrc | MGI:7496072 | ||
Sycp1 | Tg(Sycp1-cre)3Uchi | transgene insertion 3, Arikuni Uchimura | C57BL/6-Tg(Sycp1-cre)3Uchi/TyagRbrc | MGI:3833568 | ||
Sycp1 | Tg(Sycp1-cre)1Uchi | transgene insertion 1, Arikuni Uchimura | C57BL/6-Tg(Sycp1-cre)1Uchi/TyagRbrc | MGI:7496069 | ||
Sycp1 | Tg(Sycp1-cre)4Min | transgene insertion 4, Minoo Rassoulzadegan | alimentary system endocrine system reproductive system | liver & biliary system respiratory system nervous system hemolymphoid system head renal & urinary system | B6;D2-Tg(Sycp1-cre)4Min/J | MGI:2176068 |
Syk | Syktm1.1(cre)Fkfr | spleen tyrosine kinase; targeted mutation 1.1, Friedemann Kiefer | MGI:4442917 | |||
Syk | Syktm1(cre)Fkfr | spleen tyrosine kinase; targeted mutation 1, Friedemann Kiefer | MGI:4442916 | |||
Syn1 | Igs2em61(Syn1-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 61, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300674 | |||
Syn1 | Tg(Syn1-cre/ERT2)1Tfur | transgene insertion 1, Takahisa Furukawa | MGI:7520215 | |||
Syn1 | Syn1em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | synapsin I; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766734 | |||
Syn1 | Syn1em1(cre/ERT2)Iiis | synapsin I; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Masashi Yanagisawa and Hiromasa Funato | nervous system head | MGI:6506975 | ||
Syn1 | Syn1em1(cre/ERT2)Cya | synapsin I; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657329 | |||
Syn1 | Tg(Syn1-cre)671Jxm | transgene insertion 671, Jamey Marth | skeletal system renal & urinary system sensory organs reproductive system nervous system mesenchyme head alimentary system | cardiovascular system liver & biliary system endocrine system respiratory system hemolymphoid system muscle | B6.Cg-Tg(Syn1-cre)671Jxm/J | MGI:2176055 |
SYN1 | Tg(SYN1-icre/mRFP1)9934Rdav | transgene insertion 9934, Ron Davis | B6(129S4)-Tg(SYN1-icre/mRFP1)9934Rdav/J | MGI:4947576 | ||
Syna | Synaem1(cre)Mdf | syncytin a; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Mark D Fleming | 129S.FVB-Synaem1(cre)Mdf/J | MGI:7484063 | ||
Synb | Synbem1(cre)Mdf | syncytin b; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Mark D Fleming | extraembryonic component | 129S;FVB-Synbem1(cre)Mdf/J | MGI:7433162 | |
Syndig1l | Tg(Syndig1l-cre)TD24Gsat | transgene insertion TD24, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Syndig1l-cre)TD24Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435511 | ||
Syndig1l | Syndig1ltm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | synapse differentiation inducing 1 like; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Syndig1ltm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633848 | ||
Syndig1l | Tg(Syndig1l-cre)TD15Gsat | transgene insertion TD15, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Tmem90a-cre)TD15Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435475 | ||
Synpr | Synprem2(cre)Smoc | synaptoporin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766737 | |||
Syt10 | Syt10tm1.1(icre)Geno | synaptotagmin X; targeted mutation 1.1, Genoway | MGI:5286607 | |||
Syt17 | Tg(Syt17-cre)NO14Gsat | transgene insertion NO14, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Syt17-cre)NO14Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Syt17-cre)NO14Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4940641 | |
Syt6 | Tg(Syt6-cre)KI109Gsat | transgene insertion KI109, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Syt6-cre)KI109Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086192 | ||
Syt6 | Tg(Syt6-cre)KI130Gsat | transgene insertion KI130, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Syt6-cre)KI130Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5051779 | ||
Syt6 | Tg(Syt6-cre)KI148Gsat | transgene insertion KI148, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Syt6-cre)KI148Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Syt6-cre)KI148Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4847479 | |
T | Tg(T-cre/ERT2)1Lwd | transgene insertion 1, Mark Lewandoski | STOCK Tg(T-cre/ERT2)1Lwd/J | MGI:5509185 | ||
T | Tg(T-cre)1Gos | transgene insertion 1, Achim Gossler | embryo-other mesenchyme | STOCK Tg(T-cre)1Gos/Biat | MGI:3811072 | |
T | Ttm1(cre/ERT2)Hssk | brachyury, T-box transcription factor T; targeted mutation 1, Hiroshi Sasaki | mesenchyme reproductive system nervous system embryo-other | MGI:5490031 | ||
T | Tem1.1(dre)Okn | brachyury, T-box transcription factor T; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1.1, Hideyuki Okano | MGI:6471923 | |||
T | Tg(T-cre)1Lwd | transgene insertion 1, Mark Lewandoski | renal & urinary system head embryo-other mesenchyme limbs extraembryonic component sensory organs alimentary system cardiovascular system nervous system | C57BL/6J-Tg(T-cre)1Lwd/H | MGI:3605847 | |
T | Tem1(dre)Okn | brachyury, T-box transcription factor T; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Hideyuki Okano | B6(Cg)-Tem1(dre)Okn B6(Cg)-Sox1em1(cre)Okn Tem1(dre)Okn Sox17em1(phiC31*)Okn/2-3 | MGI:6471913 | ||
Taar5 | Taar5tm1.1(cre)Qli | trace amine-associated receptor 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Qian Li | MGI:7482325 | |||
Taar6 | Taar6tm1.1(cre)Qli | trace amine-associated receptor 6; targeted mutation 1.1, Qian Li | MGI:7482326 | |||
Tac1 | Tac1em1(icre)Smoc | tachykinin 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7292659 | |||
Tac1 | Tac1em1(flp)Pc | tachykinin 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Peng Cao | nervous system head | MGI:7432814 | ||
Tac1 | Tac1tm1.1(cre)Hze | tachykinin 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | head nervous system | B6;129S-Tac1tm1.1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:5484636 | |
Tac1 | Tac1em4(icre)Cya | tachykinin 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657330 | |||
Tac2 | Tac2tm1.1(cre)Hze | tachykinin 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6;129S-Tac2tm1.1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:5484637 | ||
Tac2 | Tac2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | tachykinin 2; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867267 | |||
Tac2 | Tac2tm1.1(cre)Qima | tachykinin 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Qiufu Ma | B6.129-Tac2tm1.1(cre)Qima/J | MGI:5307922 | ||
Tac2 | Tac2tm1.1(cre)Mgmj | tachykinin 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Martin G Myers, Jr | MGI:5911624 | |||
Tacr1 | Tacr1em3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | tachykinin receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766742 | |||
Tacr1 | Tacr1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Sros | tachykinin receptor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Sarah E Ross | nervous system sensory organs head | STOCK Tacr1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Sros/J | MGI:5908273 | |
Tacr1 | Tacr1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ddg | tachykinin receptor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, David D Ginty | nervous system | STOCK Tacr1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ddg/J | MGI:7539708 | |
Tacr1 | Tacr1tm1.1(cre/GFP)Xzd | tachykinin receptor 1; targeted mutation 1, Xinzhong Dong | nervous system | MGI:7468609 | ||
Tacr1 | Tacr1tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa | tachykinin receptor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | head nervous system | MGI:7439920 | ||
Tacr1 | Tacr1tm1.1(cre)Hze | tachykinin receptor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Tacr1tm1.1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:7439128 | ||
Tacr3 | Tacr3tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa | tachykinin receptor 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard D Palmiter | B6.Cg-Tacr3tm1.1(cre/GFP)Rpa/J | MGI:6451481 | ||
Tafa4 | Tafa4em1.1(cre/ERT2)Ddg | TAFA chemokine like family member 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1.1, David D Ginty | MGI:7709672 | |||
Tagln | Taglntm1(cre/ERT2)Feil | transgelin; targeted mutation 1, Robert Feil | alimentary system cardiovascular system muscle | nervous system head | MGI:2389040 | |
Tagln | Tg(Tagln-cre/ERT2)23Narl | Transgene insertion 23, National Applied Research Laboratories | C57BL/6-Tg(Tagln-cre/ERT2)23Narl/Narl | MGI:5898281 | ||
Tagln | Tg(Tagln-cre/ERT2)1Feil | transgene insertion 1, Robert Feil | muscle cardiovascular system | MGI:2389039 | ||
Tagln | Tg(Tagln-cre)1Zli | transgene insertion 1, Zhenlin Li | B6.Cg-Tg(Tagln-cre)1Zli/Orl | MGI:4365411 | ||
Tagln | Tg(Tagln-cre)1Jjl | transgene insertion 1, John J Lepore | renal & urinary system cardiovascular system mesenchyme alimentary system respiratory system liver & biliary system mouse-other muscle | MGI:3577106 | ||
Tagln | Taglnem2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | transgelin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766743 | |||
Tagln | Tg(Tagln-cre)1Llw | transgene insertion 1, Lucy Liaw | muscle cardiovascular system | MGI:3620642 | ||
Tagln | Taglnem1(icre)Gpt | transgelin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307130 | |||
Tagln | Taglntm2(cre)Yec | transgelin; targeted mutation 2, Yuqing E Chen | sensory organs respiratory system integumental system extraembryonic component head hemolymphoid system tail endocrine system mesenchyme reproductive system limbs adipose tissue alimentary system liver & biliary system renal & urinary system embryo-other nervous system branchial arches cavities & their linings muscle skeletal system cardiovascular system | B6.129S6-Taglntm2(cre)Yec/J | MGI:3706313 | |
Tagln | Tg(Tagln-cre)1Jomm | transgene insertion 1, Joseph M Miano | mesenchyme tail muscle head extraembryonic component mouse-other cardiovascular system | B6.Cg-Tg(Tagln-cre)1Jomm/Mmnc | MGI:3522214 | |
Tagln | Tg(Tagln-cre)1Her | transgene insertion 1, Joachim Herz | muscle alimentary system tail adipose tissue reproductive system nervous system embryo-other skeletal system liver & biliary system head hemolymphoid system branchial arches extraembryonic component renal & urinary system integumental system respiratory system limbs cavities & their linings cardiovascular system sensory organs endocrine system mesenchyme | STOCK Tg(Tagln-cre)1Her/J B6.Cg-Tg(Tagln-cre)1Her/J | MGI:2446975 | |
Tagln | Tg(Tagln-rtTA-cre)1Llw | transgene insertion 1, Lucy Liaw | muscle cardiovascular system | limbs | MGI:3620643 | |
Tagln | Taglnem1(cre)Smoc | transgelin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6430642 | |||
Tagln | Taglnem2(cre/ERT2)Gpt | transgelin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech | MGI:7576531 | |||
Tagln2 | Tagln2em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | transgelin 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7292677 | |||
Tagln2 | Tagln2em4(dre/ERT2)Smoc | transgelin 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7292679 | |||
Tagln2 | Tagln2em3(dre/ERT2)Smoc | transgelin 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7292678 | |||
Tal1 | Tg(Tal1-cre/ERT)42-056Jrg | transgene insertion 42-056, Joachim R Gothert | liver & biliary system cardiovascular system embryo-other respiratory system muscle extraembryonic component renal & urinary system alimentary system | B6-Srsf2tm2874(P95H)Arte Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(EYFP)Cos Tg(Tal1-cre/ERT)42-056Jrg/Apb C57BL/6-Tg(Tal1-cre/ERT)42-056Jrg/J | MGI:3579158 | |
Tal1 | Tg(Tal1-cre/ERT)145AJame | transgene insertion 145A, J Anke M van Eekelen | nervous system head | MGI:3712043 | ||
Tal1 | Tg(Tal1-cre/ERT)#Jame | transgene insertion, J Anke M van Eekelen | MGI:4948457 | |||
Tal1 | Tg(Tal1-cre/ERT)90Jame | transgene insertion 90, J Anke M van Eekelen | head nervous system | liver & biliary system alimentary system cardiovascular system | MGI:3712042 | |
Tal1 | Tg(Tal1-cre/ERT)1Jrg | transgene insertion 1, Joachim R Gothert | adipose tissue head muscle alimentary system renal & urinary system embryo-other nervous system extraembryonic component cardiovascular system sensory organs liver & biliary system respiratory system mesenchyme tail integumental system limbs | C57BL/6-Tg(Tal1-cre/ERT)1Jrg/J | MGI:3055721 | |
Tas1r1 | Tas1r1tm2(cre)Uboe | taste receptor, type 1, member 1; targeted mutation 2, Ulrich Boehm | MGI:5569262 | |||
Tas1r2 | Tg(Tas1r2-cre)#Csz | transgene insertion, Charles S Zuker | MGI:5691402 | |||
Tas2r105 | Tg(Tas2r105-EGFP/cre)#Feli | transgene insertion, Feng Li | alimentary system reproductive system | MGI:7446677 | ||
Tas2r108 | Tas2r108em1(cre)Blr | taste receptor, type 2, member 108; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bryan Roth | MGI:7867217 | |||
Tas2r131 | Tas2r131tm2.1(cre)Uboe | taste receptor, type 2, member 131; targeted mutation 2.1, Ulrich Boehm | nervous system respiratory system reproductive system alimentary system head hemolymphoid system sensory organs | MGI:5569285 | ||
Tas2r143 | Tg(Tas2r143-cre/ERT2)#Soff | transgene insertion, Stefan Offermanns | renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system respiratory system alimentary system cardiovascular system reproductive system | MGI:7548525 | ||
Tbr1 | Tbr1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Maoc | T-box brain transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Chai-An Mao | sensory organs head nervous system | MGI:6781269 | ||
Tbr1 | Tbr1tm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | T-box brain transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1, Z Josh Huang | STOCK Tbr1tm1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:6720839 | ||
Tbx1 | Tg(Tbx1-cre)1Joe | transgene insertion 1, Jonathan A Epstein | cardiovascular system head mesenchyme sensory organs branchial arches muscle | MGI:3037834 | ||
Tbx1 | Tg(Tbx1-cre)#Dsr | transgene insertion, Deepak Srivastava | MGI:4940066 | |||
Tbx1 | Tbx1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zzhg | T-box 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Zhen Zhang | mesenchyme alimentary system sensory organs head | MGI:6718614 | ||
Tbx1 | Tbx1tm4(cre/Esr1*)Bld | T-box 1; targeted mutation 4, Antonio Baldini | cardiovascular system branchial arches | B6;129S7-Tbx1tm4(cre/Esr1*)Bld/Cnrm | MGI:3046795 | |
Tbx1 | Tbx1tm6(cre)Bld | T-box 1; targeted mutation 6, Antonio Baldini | cardiovascular system muscle | B6.129S7-Tbx1tm6(cre)Bld/Cnrm | MGI:3757964 | |
Tbx18 | Tbx18em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | T-box18; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766748 | |||
Tbx18 | Tbx18tm2.1(cre)Ccai | T-box18; targeted mutation 2.1, Chen-Leng Cai | MGI:5707713 | |||
Tbx18 | Tg(Tbx18-icre)3Fech | transgene insertion 3, Feng Chen | muscle branchial arches embryo-other integumental system reproductive system mesenchyme limbs cardiovascular system renal & urinary system cavities & their linings | STOCK Tg(Tbx18-icre)3Fech/J | MGI:3850082 | |
Tbx18 | Tbx18tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | T-box18; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:5697969 | |||
Tbx18 | Tbx18tm1(cre/Esr1*)Ccai | T-box18; targeted mutation 1, Chen-Leng Cai | MGI:5507040 | |||
Tbx18 | Tbx18tm4(cre)Akis | T-box18; targeted mutation 4, Andreas Kispert | MGI:3841145 | |||
Tbx18 | Tbx18tm2.1(cre)Sev | T-box18; targeted mutation 2.1, Sylvia Evans | MGI:5461544 | |||
Tbx18 | Tbx18tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Sev | T-box18; targeted mutation 3.1, Sylvia Evans | STOCK Tbx18tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Sev/J | MGI:6113477 | ||
Tbx18 | Tbx18tm2(cre)Sev | T-box18; targeted mutation 2, Sylvia Evans | MGI:3801041 | |||
Tbx2 | Tbx2em1(cre/ESR1*)Zyliu | T-box 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Zhiyong Liu | STOCK Tbx2em1(cre/ESR1*)Zyliu/J | MGI:7495797 | ||
Tbx2 | Tbx5tm1(cre/ERT2)Bbr | T-box 5; targeted mutation 1, Benoit G Bruneau | MGI:6508683 | |||
Tbx2 | Tbx2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | T-box 2; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Tbx2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Tbx2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633849 | ||
Tbx2 | Tbx2tm1.1(cre)Vmc | T-box 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Vincent M Christoffels | MGI:4415614 | |||
Tbx21 | Tg(Tbx21-ZsGreen,-cre/ERT2)H3Jfz | transgene insertion H3, Jinfang Zhu | MGI:5690125 | |||
Tbx21 | Tbx21tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ayr | T-box 21; targeted mutation 1.1, Alexander Y Rudensky | alimentary system hemolymphoid system respiratory system mouse-other liver & biliary system | MGI:6758779 | ||
Tbx21 | Tg(Tbx21-cre)1Yyos | transgene insertion 1, Yoshihiro Yoshihara | head nervous system | MGI:6721441 | ||
Tbx21 | Tbx21em1(flpo)Saka | T-box 21; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Masahiro Yamamoto | MGI:7511834 | |||
Tbx21 | Tbx21tm1.1(cre)Gmld | T-box 21; targeted mutation 1.1, Graham M Lord | alimentary system mouse-other | MGI:7450747 | ||
Tbx21 | Tg(Tbx21-cre)1Dlc | transgene insertion 1, Catherine Dulac | head nervous system | B6;CBA-Tg(Tbx21-cre)1Dlc/J | MGI:5528860 | |
Tbx21 | Tbx21em2(cre)Smoc | T-box 21; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766749 | |||
Tbx21 | Tbx21tm2.1(cre)Ayr | T-box 21; targeted mutation 2.1, Alexander Y Rudensky | hemolymphoid system | MGI:6758783 | ||
Tbx21 | Tg(Tbx21-dre,-Thy1)#Xzhou | transgene insertion, Xuyu Zhou | MGI:6117460 | |||
Tbx21 | Tbx21tm1.1(flpe/ERT2)Gmld | T-box 21; targeted mutation 1.1, Graham M Lord | MGI:5575639 | |||
Tbx22 | Tg(Tbx22,-cre,-mCherry)1Grsr | transgene insertion 1, Genetic Resource Science Repository | MGI:5493304 | |||
Tbx3 | Tbx3em1(cre)Mhts | T-box 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Matthias H Tschop | head nervous system endocrine system | MGI:6764609 | ||
Tbx3 | Tbx3tm4(cre/Esr1*)Moon | T-box 3; targeted mutation 4, Anne M Moon | head embryo-other sensory organs | MGI:7471384 | ||
Tbx3 | Tbx3tm1.1(cre)Vmc | T-box 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Vincent M Christoffels | MGI:3710254 | |||
Tbx3 | Tbx3tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Vmc | T-box 3; targeted mutation 3.1, Vincent M Christoffels | MGI:6450136 | |||
Tbx3 | Tbx3em1(cre/ERT2)Toyo | T-box 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Fumiko Toyoshima | integumental system liver & biliary system cardiovascular system limbs | MGI:7451039 | ||
Tbx4 | Tg(Tbx4-cre/ERT2)#Kras | transgene insertion, Mark Krasnow | respiratory system mesenchyme | MGI:5574488 | ||
Tbx4 | Tg(Tbx4-cre)6Kras | transgene insertion 6, Mark Krasnow | respiratory system mesenchyme | FVB/N-Tg(Tbx4-cre)6Kras/J | MGI:5635865 | |
Tbx4 | Tbx4tm1(cre)Tmj | T-box 4; targeted mutation 1, Thomas M Jessell | MGI:5292375 | |||
Tbx5 | Tg(Tbx5*-cre)1Mlgn | transgene insertion 1, Malcolm P Logan | MGI:5818475 | |||
Tbx5 | Tbx5tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Bbr | T-box 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Benoit G Bruneau | mesenchyme cardiovascular system head sensory organs | MGI:6790619 | ||
Tbx6 | Tg(Tbx6-cre)#Rsam | transgene insertion, Ramkumar Sambasivan | tail embryo-other mouse-other limbs nervous system alimentary system mesenchyme | MGI:6331071 | ||
Tbx6 | Tg(Tbx6-cre/ERT2)5769Fan | transgene insertion 5769, Chen-Ming Fan | MGI:5431548 | |||
Tbx6 | Tg(Tbx6-cre/ERT2)1Pa | transgene insertion 1, Virginia Papaioannou | MGI:6105951 | |||
Tcerg1l | Tcerg1ltm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | transcription elongation regulator 1-like; targeted mutation 1.1, Z Josh Huang | STOCK Tcerg1ltm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:6360921 | ||
Tcf21 | Tcf21tm1(cre/ERT2)Cbet | transcription factor 21; targeted mutation 1, Christer Betsholtz | MGI:7545172 | |||
Tcf21 | Tcf21em1(cre/ERT2)Boz | transcription factor 21; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bo O Zhou | reproductive system | MGI:7464547 | ||
Tcf21 | Tcf21tm3.1(cre/Esr1*)Eno | transcription factor 21; targeted mutation 3.1, Eric N Olson | MGI:5442346 | |||
Tcf21 | Tcf21em1(icre)Gpt | transcription factor 21; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307232 | |||
Tcf21 | Tcf21tm1(cre)Seq | transcription factor 21; targeted mutation 1, Susan E Quaggin | MGI:5446790 | |||
Tcf7 | Tcf7em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | transcription factor 7, T cell specific; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307237 | |||
Tcf7 | Tg(Tcf7-EGFP,-cre/ERT2)#Held | transgene insertion, Werner Held | MGI:6717277 | |||
Tcf7l1 | Tcf7l1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Hng | transcription factor 7 like 1 (T cell specific, HMG box); targeted mutation 1.1, Hoang Nguyen | integumental system alimentary system cardiovascular system limbs | MGI:5620299 | ||
Tcf7l2 | Tcf7l2tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Mrc | transcription factor 7 like 2, T cell specific, HMG box; targeted mutation 3.1, Mario R Capecchi | muscle limbs | B6.129(SJL)-Tcf7l2tm3.1(cre/ERT2)Mrc/MahllJ | MGI:5141491 | |
Tcf7l2 | Tcf7l2tm1.1(EGFP/cre)Mrc | transcription factor 7 like 2, T cell specific, HMG box; targeted mutation 1.1, Mario R Capecchi | B6.129(SJL)-Tcf7l2tm1.1(EGFP/cre)Mrc/MahllJ | MGI:4946909 | ||
Tcf7l2 | Tcf7l2tm1(EGFP/cre)Mrc | transcription factor 7 like 2, T cell specific, HMG box; targeted mutation 1, Mario R Capecchi | MGI:4946918 | |||
Tcfap2a | Tg(Tcfap2a-cre)1Will | transgene insertion 1, Trevor Williams | embryo-other sensory organs nervous system head alimentary system | MGI:4887352 | ||
Tcrb | Tg(Tcrb-cre,-GFP)#Itan | transgene insertion, Ichiro Taniuchi | MGI:6739847 | |||
Tcrd | Tcrdtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zhu | T cell receptor delta chain; targeted mutation 1.1, Yuan Zhuang | B6.129S-Tcrdtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zhu/J | MGI:6117766 | ||
Tcte2 | Tcte2tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | t-complex-associated testis expressed 2; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867262 | |||
Tecta | Tectaem1(icre)Dbe | tectorin alpha; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Dwight E Bergles | B6.Cg-Tectaem1(icre)Dbe/J | MGI:6451046 | ||
Tecta | Tectatm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | tectorin alpha; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Tectatm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Tectatm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633850 | ||
Tek | Tg(Tek-RFP,-cre)3Narl | transgene insertion 3, National Applied Research Laboratories | C57BL/6-Tg(Tek-RFP,-cre/ERT2)27Narl/Narl C57BL/6-Tg(Tek-RFP,-cre)3Narl/Narl | MGI:5523491 | ||
Tek | Tg(Tek-icre/ERT2)1Soff | transgene insertion 1, Stefan Offermanns | reproductive system head liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system integumental system muscle respiratory system renal & urinary system sensory organs | B6.FVB-Tg(Tek-icre/ERT2)1Soff/J | MGI:3837451 | |
Tek | Tg(Tek-cre)1Arnd | transgene insertion 1, Bernd Arnold | hemolymphoid system adipose tissue alimentary system cardiovascular system renal & urinary system liver & biliary system respiratory system | MGI:2651392 | ||
Tek | Tekem1(dre)Bzsh | TEK receptor tyrosine kinase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | nervous system hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system alimentary system limbs respiratory system liver & biliary system head | MGI:6361468 | ||
Tek | Tg(Tek-cre)12Flv | transgene insertion 12, Richard A Flavell | alimentary system mouse-other muscle head respiratory system nervous system liver & biliary system renal & urinary system hemolymphoid system reproductive system embryo-other cardiovascular system | B6.Cg-Tg(Tek-cre)12Flv/J | MGI:2136412 | |
Tek | Tekem1(cre)Smoc | TEK receptor tyrosine kinase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728793 | |||
Tek | Tg(Tek-cre)1Xyfu | transgene insertion 1, Xin-Yuan Fu | MGI:2683222 | |||
Tek | Tg(Tek-cre)1Ywa | transgene insertion 1, Masashi Yanagisawa | muscle reproductive system nervous system mesenchyme cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system endocrine system cavities & their linings skeletal system integumental system limbs head liver & biliary system branchial arches adipose tissue mouse-other extraembryonic component respiratory system renal & urinary system sensory organs alimentary system | C57BL/6-Tg(CAG-hAPP770)Skita Tg(Tek-cre)1Ywa B6.Cg-Tg(Tek-cre)1Ywa/StakaRbrc B6;SJL-Tg(Tek-cre)1Ywa/Cnbc C.Cg-Tg(Tek-cre)1Ywa/Cnbc STOCK Nox4tm1.2Hwsc Tg(Tek-cre)1Ywa/Orl B6.Cg-Tg(Tek-cre)1Ywa/J | MGI:2450311 | |
Tek | Tg(Tek-cre)5326Sato | transgene insertion 5326, Thomas N Sato | liver & biliary system mesenchyme sensory organs alimentary system cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system renal & urinary system muscle reproductive system head nervous system embryo-other | MGI:2445474 | ||
Tek | Tg(Tek-cre/ERT2)1Arnd | transgene insertion 1, Bernd Arnold | cardiovascular system head liver & biliary system renal & urinary system nervous system alimentary system hemolymphoid system respiratory system | B6.Cg-Tg(Tek-cre/ERT2)1Arnd/ArndCnrm | MGI:2450312 | |
Tek | Tg(Tek-cre)2352Rwng | transgene insertion 2352, Rong Wang | mesenchyme hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system extraembryonic component | FVB-Tg(Tek-cre)2352Rwng/J D2.FVB-Tg(Tek-cre)2352Rwng/SjJ | MGI:3810530 | |
Tek | Igs2em80(Tek-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 80, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307283 | |||
Tek | Tektm1.1(icre/Esr1*)Hrr | TEK receptor tyrosine kinase; targeted mutation 1.1, Hans-Reimer Rodewald | skeletal system alimentary system liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system | MGI:5635996 | ||
Tek | Tg(Tek*-RFP,-cre)3Narl | transgene insertion 3, National Applied Research Laboratories | C57BL/6-Tg(Tek*-RFP-IRES-cre)3Narl/Narl | MGI:5523493 | ||
Tek | Tekem2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | TEK receptor tyrosine kinase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728794 | |||
Tek | Tg(Tek-cre)#Rwng | transgene insertion, Rong Wang | MGI:5052345 | |||
Tek | Tg(Tek-cre)1Rwng | transgene insertion 1, Rong Wang | head embryo-other cardiovascular system nervous system | MGI:3608912 | ||
Tek | Tg(Tek-RFP,-cre/ERT2)27Narl | transgene insertion 27, National Applied Research Laboratories | MGI:5818139 | |||
Tek | Tg(Tek-cre)#Xya | transgene insertion, Xiao Yang | embryo-other cardiovascular system mesenchyme | MGI:4459419 | ||
Tenm3 | Tenm3tm1(cre)Luo | teneurin transmembrane protein 3; targeted mutation 1, Liqun Luo | STOCK Tenm3tm1(cre)Luo/J | MGI:6120493 | ||
Tert | Tertem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | telomerase reverse transcriptase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758061 | |||
Tert | Terttm4(cre/ERT2)Sear | telomerase reverse transcriptase; targeted mutation 4, Steven E Artandi | MGI:6704920 | |||
Tert | Tg(Tert-cre/ERT2)1Brlt | transgene insertion 1, David T Breault | MGI:4941319 | |||
Tert | Tertem1(cre/ERT2)Hzhu | telomerase reverse transcriptase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Hao Zhu | MGI:6704917 | |||
Tet1 | Tet1Gt(cre/ERT2)2Card | tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 1; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493161 | |||
Tet1 | Tet1Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 1; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493160 | |||
tetO | Col1a1tm1(tetO-cre)Haho | collagen, type I, alpha 1; targeted mutation 1, Hanno Hock | B6;129-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(rtTA*M2)Jae Col1a1tm1(tetO-cre)Haho/J | MGI:5558024 | ||
tetO | Gt(ROSA)26Sorem1.2(tetO-flpo*/ERT2,CAG-GFP*)Nijo | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1.2, Nikhil Joshi | MGI:7450712 | |||
tetO | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(rtTA,tetO-cre/ERT)Nat | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 3, Jeremy Nathans | B6;129-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm3(rtTA,tetO-cre/ERT)Nat/J | MGI:3849063 | ||
tetO | Tg(tetO-EGFP/cre)1Kdmc | transgene insertion 1, Ken D McCarthy | MGI:3712445 | |||
tetO | Tg(tetO-ERBB2,-cre)#Mul | transgene insertion, William Muller | MGI:6758107 | |||
tetO | Igs7em1(tetO-EGFR*,-GFP,-cre)Smoc | intergenic site 7; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724581 | |||
tetO | Tg(tetO-flpo)1Bbd | transgene insertion 1, Mariano Barbacid | MGI:6455673 | |||
tetO | Tg(tetO-ERBB2*,-cre)#Mul | transgene insertion, William Muller | MGI:6758105 | |||
tetO | Tg(tetO-PyVT,-cre)1Mul | transgene insertion 1, William Muller | FVB/N-Tg(tetO-PyVT,-cre)1Mul/J | MGI:5805223 | ||
tetO | Actbem1(tetO-cre)Ttaka | actin, beta; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Takeshi Takarada | MGI:7434981 | |||
tetO | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.1(rtTA,tetO-cre)Bkmn | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1.1, Cristina M Backman | respiratory system nervous system integumental system skeletal system embryo-other head sensory organs renal & urinary system | liver & biliary system cardiovascular system | MGI:4443293 | |
tetO | Tg(tetO-cre)1Kdmc | transgene insertion 1, Ken D McCarthy | head nervous system | MGI:3712444 | ||
tetO | Tg(tetO-cre,-EGFP)3Mull | transgene insertion 3, Ulrich Mueller | C57BL/6J-Tg(tetO-cre,-EGFP)3Mull/Mmmh | MGI:5056487 | ||
tetO | Tg(tetO-cre)1Tfur | transgene insertion 1, Takahisa Furukawa | B6.Cg-Tg(tetO-cre)1Tfur/TfurRbrc | MGI:7518733 | ||
tetO | Tg(tetO-cre)1Dgt | transgene insertion 1, Daniel G Tenen | MGI:3776900 | |||
tetO | Gt(ROSA)26Sorem4(tetO-dre,-BFP)Smoc | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724573 | |||
tetO | Tg(tetO-cre)LC1Bjd | transgene insertion LC1, Hermann Bujard | nervous system renal & urinary system respiratory system liver & biliary system head | B6;C-Tg(tetO-cre)LC1Bjd/BjdCnrm STOCK Tg(Camk2a-Grin2c/itTA)12Rsp Tg(tetO-cre)LC1Bjd/Kctt | MGI:2448952 | |
tetO | Tg(rtetR-tetO-cre)40Mhz | transgene insertion 40, Martin Holzenberger | head integumental system alimentary system nervous system mouse-other | C57BL/6-Tg(rtetR-tetO-cre)40Mhz/Orl | MGI:3513452 | |
tetO | Igs7em3(tetO-ERBB2*,-GFP,-cre)Smoc | intergenic site 7; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724583 | |||
tetO | Tg(tetO-cre)3Jig | transgene insertion 3, Jeffrey I Gordon | alimentary system | MGI:3041443 | ||
tetO | Igs7em2(tetO-EGFR*,-GFP,-cre)Smoc | intergenic site 7; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724582 | |||
tetO | Tg(rtetR-tetO-cre)1Mhz | transgene insertion 1, Martin Holzenberger | head nervous system muscle cardiovascular system | MGI:2447693 | ||
tetO | Tg(tetO-cre)1Lin | transgene insertion 1, Jonas Lindeberg | nervous system head | C57BL/6J-Tg(tetO-cre)1Lin/Kieg | MGI:3046554 | |
tetO | Tg(APOE-rtTA,tetO-cre)1515-3Reh | transgene insertion 1515-3, Robert E Hammer | STOCK Tg(APOE-rtTA,tetO-cre)1515-3Reh/J | MGI:7432912 | ||
tetO | Tg(tetO-cre)1Jaw | transgene insertion 1, Jeffrey A Whitsett | alimentary system respiratory system hemolymphoid system endocrine system | B6;129-Vegfatm2Gne Tg(SFTPC-rtTA)5Jaw Tg(tetO-cre)1Jaw/H B6;129-Vegfatm2Gne Tg(SFTPC-rtTA)5Jaw Tg(tetO-cre)1Jaw/H C.Cg-Tg(tetO-cre)1Jaw/J B6.Cg-Tg(tetO-cre)1Jaw/J STOCK Tg(tetO-cre)1Jaw/J FVB.Cg-Tg(tetO-cre)1Jaw/J | MGI:2679524 | |
tetO | Gt(ROSA)26Sorem1.1(tetO-flpo*/ERT2,CAG-GFP*)Nijo | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1,1, Nikhil Joshi | MGI:7450711 | |||
tetO | Gt(ROSA)26Sorem1(tetO-flpo*/ERT2,CAG-GFP*)Nijo | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Nikhil Joshi | B6J.B6N(Cg)-Gt(ROSA)26Sorem1(tetO-flpo*/ERT2,CAG-GFP*)Nijo/Mmjax | MGI:6383112 | ||
tetO | Tg(tetO-cre,-EGFP)2Mull | transgene insertion 2, Ulrich Mueller | C57BL/6J-Tg(tetO-cre,-EGFP)2Mull/Mmmh | MGI:5014074 | ||
Tex101 | Tg(Tex101-icre)2Lzj | transgene insertion 2, Zi-Jian Lan | renal & urinary system reproductive system | B6;SJL-Tg(Tex101-icre)2Lzj/J | MGI:4888565 | |
Tex101 | Tex101tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | testis expressed gene 101; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Tex101tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633851 | ||
Tfap2a | Tfap2atm1(cre)Moon | transcription factor AP-2, alpha; targeted mutation 1, Anne M Moon | branchial arches embryo-other head | STOCK Tcfap2atm1(cre)Moon/Mmucd | MGI:2686837 | |
TFAP2A | HhatTg(TFAP2A-cre)1Will | hedgehog acyltransferase; transgene insertion 1, Trevor Williams | alimentary system mesenchyme cardiovascular system muscle sensory organs limbs skeletal system reproductive system branchial arches embryo-other head | integumental system | STOCK HhatTg(TFAP2A-cre)1Will/J | MGI:3038358 |
Tfap2e | Tfap2etm1(cre)Will | transcription factor AP-2, epsilon; targeted mutation 1, Trevor Williams | nervous system head | MGI:4398845 | ||
Tfap2e | Tfap2etm1.1(cre)Will | transcription factor AP-2, epsilon; targeted mutation 1.1, Trevor Williams | MGI:4398846 | |||
Tfcp2l1 | Tfcp2l1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ovi | transcription factor CP2-like 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Catherine E Ovitt | head alimentary system respiratory system renal & urinary system sensory organs | embryo-other | B6;129S-Tfcp2l1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ovi/J | MGI:5662395 |
Tff1 | Tg(Tff1-cre/ERT2)#Ern | transgene insertion, Matthias Ernst | MGI:5911315 | |||
Tff1 | Tg(Tff1-cre/ERT2,Tff2-rtTA,Tff3-luc)#Ern | transgene insertion, Matthias Ernst | STOCK Tg(Tff1-cre/ERT2,Tff2-rtTA,Tff3-luc)#Ern/J | MGI:5911344 | ||
Tff1 | Tff1em4(cre)Smoc | trefoil factor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7292738 | |||
Tff1 | Tg(Tff1-cre)1Kko | transgene insertion 1, Kazuhiko Koike | alimentary system | liver & biliary system | MGI:7444396 | |
Tff1 | Tff1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | trefoil factor 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Tff1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)WtsiWtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Tff1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633852 | ||
Tff1 | Tg(Tff1-cre)2Kko | transgene insertion 2, Kazuhiko Koike | alimentary system | MGI:7444397 | ||
Tff1 | Tg(Tff1-cre)#Kko | transgene insertion, Kazuhiko Koike | alimentary system | MGI:7444393 | ||
Tff1 | Tff1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | trefoil factor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758062 | |||
Tff2 | Tg(Tff2-EGFP,-cre)3aTcw | transgene insertion 3a, Timothy C Wang | alimentary system | MGI:7520492 | ||
Tff2 | Tg(Tff2-cre/ERT2)#Tcw | transgene insertion, Timothy C Wang | MGI:5496138 | |||
Tff2 | Tg(Tff2-Hbegf,-cre/ERT2)#Tcw | transgene insertion, Timothy C Wang | alimentary system | MGI:7520440 | ||
Tg | Tg(Tg-cre)1Soff | transgene insertion 1, Stefan Offermanns | endocrine system alimentary system | embryo-other | MGI:3796561 | |
Tg | Tg(Tg-cre/ERT2)1Kero | transgene insertion 1, Jukka Kero | alimentary system endocrine system | respiratory system reproductive system liver & biliary system adipose tissue head nervous system | C57BL/6N-Tg(Tg-cre/ERT2)1Kero/J | MGI:5575412 |
Tg | Tg(Tg-cre/ERT2)#Mmcm | transgene insertion, Martin McMahon | MGI:5780075 | |||
Tg | Tgem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | thyroglobulin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7623957 | |||
TG | Tg(TG-cre/ERT2)248Ubc | transgene insertion 248, Uppsala University | B6.Cg-Tg(TG-cre/ERT2)248Ubc/Kctt | MGI:6267050 | ||
TG | Hprt1tm1(TG-cre)1Sasr | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 1, Samia Selmi-Ruby | alimentary system endocrine system | MGI:5576753 | ||
Tgfb3 | Tgfb3tm1(cre)Vk | transforming growth factor, beta 3; targeted mutation 1, Vesa Kaartinen | cardiovascular system head tail integumental system branchial arches alimentary system embryo-other limbs sensory organs nervous system mesenchyme | STOCK Tgfb3tm1(cre)Vk/J | MGI:3768673 | |
Tgfbr2 | Tgfbr2tm1(cre/ERT2)Sleep | transforming growth factor, beta receptor II; targeted mutation 1, Yu Hayashi | MGI:7523184 | |||
Tgm3 | Tgm3tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | transglutaminase 3, E polypeptide; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | integumental system alimentary system | mouse-other adipose tissue hemolymphoid system nervous system renal & urinary system respiratory system muscle head reproductive system sensory organs liver & biliary system mesenchyme cavities & their linings limbs extraembryonic component cardiovascular system embryo-other skeletal system endocrine system tail | MGI:5754970 | |
Th | Thtm3(cre)Rpa | tyrosine hydroxylase; targeted mutation 3, Richard D Palmiter | MGI:3527160 | |||
Th | Tg(Th-cre)FI172Gsat | transgene insertion FI172, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | STOCK Tg(Th-cre)FI172Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Th-cre)FI172Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:3836641 | |
Th | Tg(Th-cre)FI12Gsat | transgene insertion FI12, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Th-cre)FI12Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Th-cre)FI12Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:3836640 | |
Th | Them1(icre)Gpt | tyrosine hydroxylase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307420 | |||
Th | Tg(Th-flpo)9Imayo | transgene insertion 9, Itaru Imayoshi | C57BL/6-Tg(Th-FLPo)9Imayo/ImayoRbrc | MGI:7517122 | ||
Th | 7630403G23RikTg(Th-cre)1Tmd | RIKEN cDNA 7630403G23 gene; transgene insertion 1, Ted M Dawson | sensory organs mesenchyme nervous system endocrine system alimentary system branchial arches embryo-other head | tail skeletal system renal & urinary system cavities & their linings respiratory system extraembryonic component hemolymphoid system integumental system liver & biliary system adipose tissue cardiovascular system reproductive system limbs muscle | B6.Cg-7630403G23RikTg(Th-cre)1Tmd/J | MGI:3584380 |
Th | Thtm1(cre)Te | tyrosine hydroxylase; targeted mutation 1, Ted Ebendal | renal & urinary system endocrine system muscle head cardiovascular system limbs integumental system nervous system sensory organs alimentary system respiratory system reproductive system | B6.129X1-Thtm1(cre)Te/Kieg | MGI:3056580 | |
Th | Tg(Th-flpo)4Imayo | transgene insertion 4, Itaru Imayoshi | C57BL/6-Tg(Th-FLPo)4Imayo/ImayoRbrc | MGI:7517116 | ||
Th | Tg(Th-cre)12Mrub | transgene insertion 12, Marcelo Rubinstein | nervous system endocrine system sensory organs head | MGI:2677450 | ||
Th | Tg(Th-cre)#Gsat | transgene insertion, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | MGI:5607431 | |||
Th | Thtm1.1(flpo)Awar | tyrosine hydroxylase; targeted mutation 1.1, Rajeshwar Awatramani | head nervous system | MGI:6726324 | ||
Th | Thtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ddg | tyrosine hydroxylase; targeted mutation 1.1, David Ginty | nervous system | STOCK Thtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ddg/J | MGI:5569743 | |
Th | Them1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | tyrosine hydroxylase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758065 | |||
Th | Tg(Th-phiC31*)1Imayo | transgene insertion 1, Itaru Imayoshi | head nervous system | B6.Cg-Tg(Th-PhiC31*)1Imayo/ImayoRbrc | MGI:5431597 | |
Th | Tg(Th-flpo)5Imayo | transgene insertion 5, Itaru Imayoshi | C57BL/6-Tg(Th-FLPo)5Imayo/ImayoRbrc | MGI:7517118 | ||
Th | Thtm1(cre/Esr1)Nat | tyrosine hydroxylase; targeted mutation 1, Jeremy Nathans | head sensory organs nervous system | B6;129-Thtm1(cre/Esr1)Nat/J | MGI:3795871 | |
Th | Tg(Th-flpo)8Imayo | transgene insertion 8, Itaru Imayoshi | B6(Cg)-Tg(Th-FLPo)8Imayo/ImayoRbrc | MGI:6324055 | ||
Thbs3 | Tg(Thbs3-cre)SW52Gsat | transgene insertion SW52, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Thbs3-cre)SW52Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435521 | ||
Thrb | Thrbtm4(cre)Df | thyroid hormone receptor beta; targeted mutation 4, Douglas Forrest | MGI:7587750 | |||
Thrsp | Tg(Thrsp-cre/ERT2)1Sjes | transgene insertion 1, Sebastian Jessberger | MGI:5473349 | |||
Thy1 | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14.1(Thy1-dre)Maoh | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 14.1, Masato Ohtsuka | cardiovascular system nervous system alimentary system sensory organs head liver & biliary system renal & urinary system | MGI:7516494 | ||
Thy1 | Tg(Thy1-cre/ERT2)#Brp | transgene insertion, Peter J Brophy | MGI:5141302 | |||
Thy1 | Tg(Thy1-spH)34Yyan | transgene insertion 34, Yuchio Yanagawa | B6.Cg-Tg(Thy1-spH)34Yyan/Rbrc | MGI:7495848 | ||
Thy1 | Tg(Thy1-cre/ERT2,-EYFP)AGfng | transgene insertion A, Guoping Feng | B6.Cg-Tg(Thy1-cre/ERT2,-EYFP)AGfng/J | MGI:3719910 | ||
Thy1 | Tg(Thy1-cre)1Vln | transgene insertion 1, Fred Van Leuven | tail alimentary system branchial arches mesenchyme embryo-other cavities & their linings muscle adipose tissue renal & urinary system nervous system cardiovascular system sensory organs liver & biliary system respiratory system reproductive system hemolymphoid system integumental system endocrine system extraembryonic component limbs skeletal system head | FVB/N-Tg(Thy1-cre)1Vln/J | MGI:2684620 | |
Thy1 | Tg(Thy1-cre/ERT2,-EYFP)HGfng | transgene insertion H, Guoping Feng | STOCK Tg(Thy1-cre/ERT2,-EYFP)HGfng/PyngJ | MGI:4830789 | ||
Thy1 | Igs2em65(Thy1-icre,-ZsGreen)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 65, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300678 | |||
Thy1 | Tg(Thy1-cre/PGR*)1Gsc | transgene insertion 1, Gunther Schutz | nervous system head | MGI:2447655 | ||
Thy1 | Tg(Thy1-cre)703Vaw | transgene insertion 703, Valerie A Wallace | cardiovascular system integumental system alimentary system sensory organs nervous system respiratory system liver & biliary system head | MGI:3702324 | ||
Thy1 | Tg(Thy1-cre)1Dlam | transgene insertion 1, Diether Lambrechts | MGI:5009038 | |||
Thy1 | Tg(Thy1-cre/ERT2,-EYFP)VGfng | transgene insertion V, Guoping Feng | B6;SJL-Tg(Thy1-cre/ERT2,-EYFP)VGfng/J | MGI:3719909 | ||
THY1 | Hprt1tm287(Ple229-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 287, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303382 | |||
THY1 | Hprt1tm285(Ple228-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 285, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303380 | |||
THY1 | Hprt1tm290(Ple230-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 290, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303386 | |||
THY1 | Hprt1tm283(Ple227-cre/EGFP)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 283, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303378 | |||
Tie1 | Tg(Tie1-cre)9Ref | transgene insertion 9, Reinhard Fassler | mesenchyme hemolymphoid system nervous system extraembryonic component integumental system tail renal & urinary system embryo-other respiratory system cardiovascular system liver & biliary system reproductive system head | B6.129-Tg(Tie1-cre)9Ref/Kieg B6;129-Col15a1tm2.1Pih Tg(Tie1-cre)9Ref/Oulu | MGI:2385916 | |
Tie1 | Tie1em1(cre)Smoc | tyrosine kinase with immunoglobulin-like and EGF-like domains 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6728873 | |||
Tie1 | Tie1tm1(icre/Esr1*)Hrr | tyrosine kinase with immunoglobulin-like and EGF-like domains 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Hans-Reimer Rodewald | MGI:6279994 | |||
Tie1 | Tie1tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | tyrosine kinase with immunoglobulin-like and EGF-like domains 1; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Tie1tm2(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Tie1tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633853 | ||
Tie1 | Tie1tm1.1(icre/Esr1*)Hrr | tyrosine kinase with immunoglobulin-like and EGF-like domains 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Hans-Reimer Rodewald | MGI:6279996 | |||
Tigit | Tigitem3(icre)Gpt | T cell immunoreceptor with Ig and ITIM domains; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307469 | |||
Tigit | Tigitem1(cre/ERT2)Tebi | T cell immunoreceptor with Ig and ITIM domains; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Takashi Ebihara | mouse-other respiratory system | MGI:7484293 | ||
tk | Tg(TK-cre)1Alj | transgene insertion 1, Alexandra L Joyner | MGI:4437924 | |||
TK | Tg(TK-cre/Hif1a)#Dmgi | transgene insertion, Daniele M Gilkes | MGI:6385533 | |||
Tlcd4 | Tlcd4tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | TLC domain containing 4; targeted mutation 1, Tmem56 | C57BL/6NTac-Tlcd4tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633855 | ||
Tle4 | Tle4tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | transducin-like enhancer of split 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Z Josh Huang | B6;129S4-Tle4tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J | MGI:6720838 | ||
Tle6 | Tle6tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | transducin-like enhancer of split 6; targeted mutation 1.1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Tle6tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Tle6tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633854 | ||
Tlr2 | Tlr2tm2(cre/ERT2)Dfil | toll-like receptor 2; targeted mutation 2, Dominik Filipp | MGI:6385317 | |||
Tlr2 | Tg(Tlr2-RFP,-cre/ERT2)67Narl | Transgene insertion 67, National Applied Research Laboratories | MGI:5898288 | |||
Tlr2 | Tlr2tm1(cre)Dfil | toll-like receptor 2; targeted mutation 1, Dominik Filipp | hemolymphoid system alimentary system nervous system skeletal system head liver & biliary system | MGI:6385316 | ||
Tlr2 | Tg(Tlr2-RFP,-cre)41Narl | Transgene insertion 41, National Applied Research Laboratories | MGI:5898284 | |||
Tlr5 | Tlr5em4(cre)Smoc | toll-like receptor 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7292812 | |||
Tlr5 | Tlr5em3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | toll-like receptor 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7292811 | |||
Tlx1 | Tlx1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Rygo | T cell leukemia, homeobox 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Ryo Goitsuka | alimentary system hemolymphoid system | B6-Tlx1tm1.1(cre/ERT2/ires2/Venus)Rygo | MGI:5692287 | |
Tlx2 | Tg(Tlx2-cre)#Ymor | transgene insertion, Yuka Morikawa | extraembryonic component nervous system alimentary system embryo-other sensory organs head mesenchyme | cardiovascular system | MGI:4453972 | |
Tlx2 | Tlx2tm1.1(cre)Rpk | T cell leukemia, homeobox 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Raj P Kapur | MGI:3846678 | |||
Tlx3 | Tlx3tm1(cre)Qima | T cell leukemia, homeobox 3; targeted mutation 1, Qiufu Ma | MGI:3789185 | |||
Tlx3 | Tg(Tlx3-cre)PL56Gsat | transgene insertion PL56, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | nervous system head | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Tlx3-cre)PL56Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5311700 | |
Tlx3 | Tg(Tlx3-cre)PL58Gsat | transgene insertion PL58, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Tlx3-cre)PL58Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435498 | ||
Tmem100 | Tg(Tmem100-EGFP/cre/ERT2)30Amc | transgene insertion 30, Andrew P McMahon | reproductive system renal & urinary system | B6;DBA-Tg(Tmem100-EGFP/cre/ERT2)30Amc/J | MGI:4849986 | |
Tmem119 | Tmem119em1(cre)Mari | transmembrane protein 119; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Thomas Marichal | MGI:7513910 | |||
Tmem119 | Tmem119em2(icre)Gpt | transmembrane protein 119; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307593 | |||
Tmem119 | Tmem119em1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | transmembrane protein 119; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307592 | |||
Tmem119 | Tmem119em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | transmembrane protein 119; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758066 | |||
Tmem119 | Tmem119em1(cre/ERT2)Gfng | transmembrane protein 119; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Guoping Feng | nervous system head | C57BL/6-Tmem119em1(cre/ERT2)Gfng/J | MGI:6195002 | |
Tmem119 | Tmem119em5(cre)Smoc | transmembrane protein 119; endonuclease-mediated mutation 5, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7292835 | |||
Tmem150c | Tmem150cem1(cre)Uoh | transmembrane protein 150C; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Uhtaek Oh | nervous system | MGI:6718970 | ||
Tmem233 | Tmem233tm1.1(cre)Jcox | transmembrane protein 233; targeted mutation 1.1, James J Cox | nervous system | B6J;B6N-Tmem233tm1(cre)JCox/H C57BL/6-Tmem233tm1.1(cre)Jcox/H | MGI:7531116 | |
Tmem45b | Tg(Tmem45b-cre)#Jcox | transgene insertion, James J Cox | nervous system | C57BL/6-Tg(Tmem45b-cre)#Jcox/H C57BL/6-Tg(Tmem45b-cre)#Jcox/H | MGI:7531102 | |
Tmprss2 | Tmprss2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Ychen | transmembrane protease, serine 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Yu Chen | reproductive system alimentary system endocrine system liver & biliary system renal & urinary system respiratory system integumental system | skeletal system hemolymphoid system nervous system cardiovascular system head | MGI:5911389 | |
Tnc | Tnctm1(cre/ERT2)Gcr | tenascin C; targeted mutation 1, Gerhard Christofori | MGI:7466158 | |||
Tnc | Tnctm1.1(cre/ERT2)Gcr | tenascin C; targeted mutation 1, Gerhard Christofori | STOCK Tnctm1.1(cre/ERT2)Gcr/J | MGI:7712998 | ||
Tnc | Tnctm1(cre/ERT2)Cmha | tenascin C; targeted mutation 1, Chuan-Ming Hao | renal & urinary system nervous system head | cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system integumental system liver & biliary system | MGI:5520052 | |
Tnfrsf11a | Tnfrsf11atm1(icre)Wask | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 11a, NFKB activator; targeted mutation 1, Claudia Waskow | hemolymphoid system | MGI:6761745 | ||
Tnfrsf11a | Tnfrsf11atm1(EGFP/cre)Ykob | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 11a, NFKB activator; targeted mutation 1, Yasuhiro Kobayashi | MGI:5316980 | |||
Tnfrsf19 | Tg(Tnfrsf19-cre/ERT2)1Kori | transgene insertion 1, Vladimir Korinek | C57BL/6N-Tg(Tnfrsf19-cre/ERT2)1Kori/Ph | MGI:5575757 | ||
Tnfrsf19 | Tnfrsf19tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Cle | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 19; targeted mutation 1.1, Hans Clevers | nervous system renal & urinary system respiratory system liver & biliary system alimentary system head | STOCK Tnfrsf19tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Cle/Ieg | MGI:5613002 | |
Tnfrsf4 | Tnfrsf4tm2(cre)Nik | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 4; targeted mutation 2, Nigel Killeen | B6.129X1(Cg)-Tnfrsf4tm2(cre)Nik/J | MGI:3843034 | ||
Tnfrsf4 | Tg(Tnfrsf4-cre)1Nik | transgene insertion 1, Nigel Killeen | MGI:3487294 | |||
Tnfsf11 | Tnfsf11em2(cre)Htaka | tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 11; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Hiroshi Takayanagi | hemolymphoid system mouse-other skeletal system | MGI:6718923 | ||
Tnni2 | Tg(Tnni2-cre/ERT2)42.16Ics | transgene insertion 42.16, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.B6J-Tg(Tnni2-cre/ERT2)42.16Ics/Ics | MGI:7346361 | ||
TNNI2 | Tg(TNNI2-icre)1Vrmn | transgene insertion 1, Holly Van Remmen | MGI:4418328 | |||
Tnni3 | Tnni3em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | troponin I, cardiac 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758067 | |||
Tnni3 | Tnni3tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | troponin I, cardiac 3; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | cardiovascular system muscle | endocrine system respiratory system integumental system alimentary system embryo-other mouse-other hemolymphoid system skeletal system nervous system adipose tissue reproductive system renal & urinary system liver & biliary system sensory organs head | MGI:5754967 | |
Tnni3 | Tnni3em1(dre)Bzsh | troponin I, cardiac 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system | MGI:6386758 | ||
Tnni3 | Tg(Tnni3-cre/GFP)1Mknn | transgene insertion 1, Michael Koenen | cardiovascular system alimentary system muscle | MGI:3715463 | ||
Tnni3 | Tnni3em1(cre)Cya | troponin I, cardiac 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7834392 | |||
TNNT1 | Hprt1tm350a(Ple232-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 350a, Elizabeth M Simpson | C57BL/6-Hprt1tm350(Ple232-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5532518 | ||
TNNT1 | Hprt1tm292(Ple231-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 292, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303388 | |||
TNNT1 | Hprt1tm296(Ple233-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 296, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303393 | |||
TNNT1 | Hprt1tm294(Ple232-EGFP/cre)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 294, Elizabeth M Simpson | MGI:5303391 | |||
Tnnt2 | Tnnt2em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | troponin T2, cardiac; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758068 | |||
Tnnt2 | Tnnt2tm1.1(cre/Esr1*)Ccai | troponin T2, cardiac; targeted mutation 1.1, Chen-Leng Cai | MGI:5818274 | |||
Tnnt2 | Tg(Tnnt2-cre)5Blh | transgene insertion 5, Brigid L Hogan | cardiovascular system muscle | STOCK Tg(Tnnt2-cre)5Blh/JiaoJ | MGI:2679081 | |
Tnnt2 | Tg(Tnnt2-rtTA,tetO-cre)1Wtp | transgene insertion 1, William T Pu | MGI:3851371 | |||
Tnnt2 | Tnnt2tm1(cre/Esr1*)Ccai | troponin T2, cardiac; targeted mutation 1, Chen-Leng Cai | MGI:5818273 | |||
Tnnt2 | Tnnt2em1(dre)Bzsh | troponin T2, cardiac; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system | MGI:6386782 | ||
Tns1 | Tns1tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | tensin 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Tns1tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Tns1tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633856 | ||
TNS4 | Tg(TNS4-cre)1Shlo | transgene insertion 1, Su Hao Lo | alimentary system respiratory system renal & urinary system head reproductive system nervous system | cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system | MGI:5484658 | |
Tpbpa | Tg(Ada*-cre)5Xiay | transgene insertion 5, Yang Xia | B6.FVB-Tg(Ada*-cre)5Xiay/J | MGI:5444884 | ||
Tpbpa | Tg(Tpbpa-cre,-EGFP)5Jcc | transgene insertion 5, James C Cross | extraembryonic component | B6N.Cg-Tg(Tpbpa-cre,-EGFP)5Jcc/Tcp B6J.Cg-Tg(Tpbpa-cre,-EGFP)5Jcc/Tcp STOCK Tg(Tpbpa-cre,-EGFP)5Jcc/Tcp C57BL/6-Tg(Tpbpa-cre,-EGFP)5Jcc | MGI:5287872 | |
Tpcn2 | Tpcn2tm1.1(cre)Lrcb | two pore segment channel 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Christian Grimm | nervous system head | MGI:7486452 | ||
Tph1 | Tg(Tph1-EGFP/cre/ERT2)#Jmer | transgene insertion, Juanita L Merchant | alimentary system | MGI:7439062 | ||
Tph1 | Tph1em4(cre/ERT2)Smoc | tryptophan hydroxylase 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 4, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766817 | |||
Tph2 | Tg(Tph2-cre/ERT2)1.38Zi | transgene insertion 1.38, Dusan Bartsch | MGI:4830865 | |||
Tph2 | Tg(Tph2-cre)RH35Gsat | transgene insertion RH35, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Tph2-cre)RH35Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435520 | ||
Tph2 | Tg(Tph2-icre/ERT2)6Gloss | transgene insertion 6, Bernd Gloss | STOCK Tg(Tph2-icre/ERT2)6Gloss/J | MGI:5049908 | ||
Tph2 | Tph2em1(dre)Ionsz | tryptophan hydroxylase 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Qiang Sun | MGI:5908148 | |||
TPO | Tg(TPO-cre/ERT2)1139Tyj | transgene insertion 1139, Tyler Jacks | B6(Cg)-Tg(TPO-cre/ERT2)1139Tyj/J | MGI:5565332 | ||
TPO | Igs2em66(TPO-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 66, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300679 | |||
TPO | Igs2em23(TPO-cre/ERT2)Smoc | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 23, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766215 | |||
TPO | Tg(TPO-cre)1Shk | transgene insertion 1, Shioko Kimura | renal & urinary system endocrine system alimentary system | cardiovascular system liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system nervous system head respiratory system | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(TPO-cre)1Shk/J | MGI:3653644 |
Tppp3 | Tppp3tm1.1(icre/ERT2)Fan | tubulin polymerization-promoting protein family member 3; targeted mutation 1.1, Chen-Ming Fan | embryo-other limbs mouse-other | MGI:6761418 | ||
Tppp3 | Tppp3tm2(cre/ERT2)Yasu | tubulin polymerization-promoting protein family member 3; targeted mutation 2, Yasuhiro Yamada | B6;Cg-Tppp3tm2(cre/ERT2)Yasu | MGI:6386670 | ||
Tppp3 | Tppp3tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Fan | tubulin polymerization-promoting protein family member 3; targeted mutation 2.1, Chen-Ming Fan | mouse-other | MGI:6761419 | ||
Tpsb2 | Tpsb2tm1(cre)Adch | tryptase beta 2; targeted mutation 1, Roberto Adachi | MGI:3722523 | |||
Trdc | Trdcem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | T cell receptor delta, constant region; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766821 | |||
Trem2 | Trem2em1(cre)Jddl | triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Jiandie D Lin | liver & biliary system | MGI:7490214 | ||
Trf | Tg(Trf-flpe)35Arte | transgene insertion 35, TaconicArtemis | MGI:5440434 | |||
Trh | Tg(Trh-cre)5Anh | transgene insertion 5, Anthony Hollenberg | head nervous system | MGI:4462700 | ||
Trh | Trhem1(dre)Lowl | thyrotropin releasing hormone; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1,Bradford B Lowell | head nervous system | MGI:7482625 | ||
Trh | Trhtm1.1(cre)Mjkr | thyrotropin releasing hormone; targeted mutation 1.1, Michael J Krashes | head nervous system | B6;129S-Trhtm1.1(cre)Mjkr/LowlJ | MGI:5562874 | |
Trh | Tg(Trh-cre)40Anh | transgene insertion 40, Anthony Hollenberg | head nervous system | MGI:4462698 | ||
Trib2 | Trib2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Hze | tribbles pseudokinase 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Trib2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Hze/J | MGI:5501236 | ||
Trp53cor1 | Trp53cor1Gt(cre/ERT2)2Card | tumor protein p53 pathway corepressor 1; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493153 | |||
Trp53cor1 | Trp53cor1Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | tumor protein p53 pathway corepressor 1; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493152 | |||
Trp53cor1 | Trp53cor1Gt(cre/ERT2)3Card | tumor protein p53 pathway corepressor 1; gene trap 3, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493256 | |||
Trp63 | Tg(Trp63,-cre,-Cerulean)3Grsr | transgene insertion 3, Genetic Resource Science Repository | MGI:5493306 | |||
Trp63 | Trp63em1(dre/ERT2)Smoc | transformation related protein 63; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758069 | |||
Trp63 | Trp63tm1.1(cre)Ssig | transformation related protein 63; targeted mutation 1,1, Sabina Signoretti | B6.129S-Trp63tm1.1(cre)Ssig/J | MGI:5502576 | ||
Trp63 | Trp63tm1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | transformation related protein 63; targeted mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307983 | |||
Trp63 | Tg(Trp63,-cre,-Cerulean)4Grsr | transgene insertion 4, Genetic Resource Science Repository | C57BL/6J-Tg(Trp63,-cre,-Cerulean)4Grsr/GrsrJ | MGI:5485018 | ||
Trp63 | Tg(Trp63,-cre,-Cerulean)10Grsr | transgene insertion 10, Genetic Resource Science Repository | MGI:5503128 | |||
Trp63 | Trp63tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jxu | transformation related protein 63; targeted mutation 2.1, Jianming Xu | renal & urinary system reproductive system | MGI:6119568 | ||
Trp63 | Trp63em1(icre)Gpt | transformation related protein 63; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307980 | |||
Trp73 | Trp73tm1(cre)Agof | transformation related protein 73; targeted mutation 1, Andre M Goffinet | MGI:4365581 | |||
Trpa1 | Trpa1tm1.1(cre)Kzim | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily A, member 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Katharina Zimmermann | alimentary system | MGI:7514628 | ||
Trpa1 | Trpa1tm1.1(flp)Ttc | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily A, member 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Thomas Taylor-Clark | MGI:7398201 | |||
Trpa1 | Trpa1tm1(Hbegf,cre)Csz | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily A, member 1; targeted mutation 1, Charles S Zuker | nervous system | MGI:7446805 | ||
Trpa1 | Trpa1tm1(flpo)Toka | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily A, member 1; targeted mutation 1, Takaharu Okada | MGI:6387248 | |||
Trpa1 | Trpa1em1(icre)Kob | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily A, member 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Reiko Kobayakawa | head nervous system | MGI:6781250 | ||
Trpc1 | Trpc1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867280 | |||
Trpc4 | Tg(Trpc4-cre)EIto | transgene insertion E, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Trpc4-cre)EIto | MGI:7524170 | ||
Trpc4 | Tg(Trpc4-cre)NIto | transgene insertion N, Shigeyoshi Itohara | C57BL/6J-Tg(Trpc4-cre)NIto | MGI:7524174 | ||
Trpc4 | Tg(Trpc4-cre)383Stl | transgene insertion 383, Susumu Tonegawa | MGI:6114650 | |||
Trpc5 | Trpc5em3(icre)Smoc | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 5; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766829 | |||
Trpc5 | Trpc5tm1.1(cre)Dbru | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Dieter Bruns | nervous system alimentary system head | MGI:6758141 | ||
Trpm2 | Trpm2em2(icre)Smoc | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7293004 | |||
Trpm2 | Trpm2tm1.1(icre)Jsmn | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Jan Siemens | STOCK Trpm2tm1.1(icre)Jsmn/J | MGI:5795931 | ||
Trpm4 | Trpm4tm1.1(cre)Zuf | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Frank Zufall | sensory organs head | MGI:6718321 | ||
Trpm5 | Trpm5tm1.1(cre)Uboe | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Ulrich Boehm | respiratory system nervous system head alimentary system renal & urinary system sensory organs | MGI:6755459 | ||
Trpm8 | Trpm8tm2(cre)Smoc | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8; targeted mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6430281 | |||
Trpm8 | Tg(Trpm8-GFP,-cre)#Csz | transgene insertion, Charles S Zuker | nervous system | MGI:7446802 | ||
Trpm8 | Trpm8tm1(flpo)Ddg | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8; targeted mutation 1, David D Ginty | STOCK Trpm8tm1(flpo)Ddg/J | MGI:7643394 | ||
Trps1 | Tg(Trps1-cre)#Osud | transgene insertion, Makoto Abe | MGI:5911451 | |||
Trpv1 | Trpv1tm1(cre)Bbm | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 1; targeted mutation 1, Allan Basbaum | B6.129-Trpv1tm1(cre)Bbm/J | MGI:5141470 | ||
Trpv1 | Trpv1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 1; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Trpv1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Trpv1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633864 | ||
Trpv1 | Tg(Trpv1-cre)SK30Gsat | transgene insertion SK30, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Trpv1-cre)SK30Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435497 | ||
Trpv1 | Tg(Trpv1-cre)1Hoon | transgene insertion 1, Mark A Hoon | nervous system | MGI:4942415 | ||
Trpv1 | Tg(Trpv1-icre)1Kldr | transgene insertion 1, Klas Kullander | MGI:4880764 | |||
Trpv1 | Trpv1em2(Myc,cre)Smoc | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758070 | |||
Trpv3 | Trpv3em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 3; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6885981 | |||
Trpv4 | Trpv4em1(cre/ERT2)Amc | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Andrew P McMahon | nervous system head reproductive system respiratory system sensory organs renal & urinary system skeletal system integumental system alimentary system limbs | tail muscle hemolymphoid system embryo-other cavities & their linings extraembryonic component cardiovascular system endocrine system adipose tissue liver & biliary system mesenchyme mouse-other | C57BL/6N-Trpv4em1(cre/ERT2)Amc/J | MGI:5818185 |
Trpv5 | Tg(Trpv5-cre)#Prae | transgene insertion, Jeppe Praetorius | MGI:4888717 | |||
Trpv5 | Tg(MAR-Trpv5-cre)#Prae | transgene insertion, Jeppe Praetorius | MGI:4888728 | |||
Tshb | Tg(Tshb-cre)4Sac | transgene insertion 4, Sally A Camper | renal & urinary system liver & biliary system reproductive system respiratory system nervous system head endocrine system cardiovascular system | alimentary system | B6J.Cg-Tg(Tshb-cre)4Sac/Mmjax | MGI:5495135 |
Tshb | Tshbtm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | thyroid stimulating hormone, beta subunit; targeted mutation 1.1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Tshbtm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Tshbtm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633865 | ||
Tshz1 | Tshz1tm1(flpo)Zjh | teashirt zinc finger family member 1; targeted mutation 1, Z Josh Huang | nervous system head | B6;129-Tshz1tm1(flpo)Zjh/J | MGI:6888001 | |
Tshz3 | Tg(Tshz3-GFP/cre)43Amc | transgene insertion 43, Andrew P McMahon | B6;D-Tg(Tshz3-GFP/cre)43Amc/J | MGI:5317285 | ||
Tspan9 | Tspan9Gt(cre)2Card | tetraspanin 9; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493165 | |||
Tspan9 | Tspan9Gt(cre)1Card | tetraspanin 9; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493164 | |||
TSPY1 | Tg(TSPY1-cre)33aYfcl | transgene insertion 33a, Yun-Fai Chris Lau | nervous system reproductive system mouse-other skeletal system head | endocrine system | MGI:3603336 | |
Ttc21a | Ttc21atm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | tetratricopeptide repeat domain 21A; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Ttc21atm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633866 | ||
Ttll5 | Ttll5tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 5; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Ttll5tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633867 | ||
Ttr | Tg(Ttr-cre)1Hadj | transgene insertion 1, Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis | extraembryonic component | MGI:3829595 | ||
Ttr | Ttrtm1.1(cre)Card | transthyretin; targeted mutation 1.1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7523194 | |||
Ttr | Ttrtm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | transthyretin; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Ttrtm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Ttrtm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633868 | ||
Ttr | Tg(Ttr-cre)10-3Xyfu | transgene insertion 10-3, Xin-Yuan Fu | MGI:3768554 | |||
Ttr | Tg(Ttr-cre/Esr1*)1Vco | transgene insertion 1, Mireille Vasseur-Cognet | liver & biliary system | alimentary system cardiovascular system respiratory system hemolymphoid system | B6;D2-Tg(Ttr-cre/Esr1*)1Vco/Orl | MGI:3046546 |
Ttyh1 | Ttyh1em1(icre/ERT2)Minz | tweety family member 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Min-hua Zheng | nervous system head | MGI:7469841 | ||
Tuba1 | Tg(Tuba1-cre)1Tes | transgene insertion 1, Lino Tessarollo | nervous system | skeletal system hemolymphoid system | MGI:3505769 | |
Tubb3 | Tubb3tm1.1(cre)Ksak | tubulin, beta 3 class III; targeted mutation 1.1, Kenji Sakimura | C57BL/6N-Tubb3tm1.1(Cre)Ksak | MGI:7384619 | ||
Tubb3 | Tubb3em1(icre)Imayo | tubulin, beta 3 class III; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Itaru Imayoshi | MGI:7282232 | |||
Tubb3 | Tubb3em2(flpo)Imayo | tubulin, beta 3 class III; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Itaru Imayoshi | MGI:7282242 | |||
Twist2 | Twist2tm1(cre)Dor | twist basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor 2; targeted mutation 1, David M Ornitz | limbs embryo-other mesenchyme branchial arches skeletal system mouse-other | muscle hemolymphoid system | MGI:3044412 | |
Twist2 | Twist2tm1(cre/ERT2)Eno | twist basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor 2; targeted mutation 1, Eric N Olson | muscle alimentary system cavities & their linings head limbs | MGI:7437699 | ||
Twist2 | Twist2em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | twist basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758071 | |||
Twist2 | Twist2em1(cre)Smoc | twist basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758072 | |||
Twist2 | Twist2tm1.1(cre)Dor | twist basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor 2; targeted mutation 1.1, David M Ornitz | branchial arches liver & biliary system extraembryonic component head respiratory system hemolymphoid system cavities & their linings renal & urinary system alimentary system endocrine system limbs mesenchyme muscle skeletal system mouse-other cardiovascular system reproductive system sensory organs embryo-other adipose tissue nervous system tail integumental system | B6.129X1-Twist2tm1.1(cre)Dor/J | MGI:3830850 | |
Ty | Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)#Bhar | transgene Insertion, Kapil Bharti | MGI:6383115 | |||
Tyr | Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT,-Hras1*,-Trap1a)14Jvde | transgene insertion 14, Benoit Van den Eynde | MGI:4354014 | |||
Tyr | Tg(Tyr-cre)2Lru | transgene insertion 2, Lionel Larue | integumental system | MGI:3573938 | ||
Tyr | Tg(Tyr-cre)3Gfk | transgene insertion 3, Graham F Kay | head integumental system | MGI:3580525 | ||
Tyr | Tyrem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | tyrosinase; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758073 | |||
Tyr | Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT,-Hras1*,-Trap1a)10BJvde | transgene insertion 10B, Benoit Van den Eynde | integumental system | MGI:4354013 | ||
Tyr | Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)13Bos | transgene insertion 13, Marcus Bosenberg | integumental system alimentary system endocrine system head limbs sensory organs hemolymphoid system | muscle skeletal system adipose tissue respiratory system nervous system cardiovascular system liver & biliary system renal & urinary system reproductive system | B6.Cg-Nrastm1.1Nesh Cdkn2atm2.1Nesh Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)13Bos/Nci B6J.129P2(Cg)-Nrasem1(Q61K)Burd Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)13Bos/Mmnc B6J.129P2(Cg)-Nrasem2(Q61L)Burd Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)13Bos/Mmnc B6J.129P2(Cg)-Nrastm1.1Nesh Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)13Bos/Mmnc B6J.129P2(Cg)-Nrasem5(Q61Q)Burd Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)13Bos/Mmnc B6J.129P2(Cg)-Nrasem3(Q61H)Burd Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)13Bos/Mmnc B6J.129P2(Cg)-Nrasem4(Q61P)Burd Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)13Bos/Mmnc B6J.129P2(Cg)-Nrasem8(G13D)Burd Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)13Bos/Mmnc B6J.129P2(Cg)-Nrasem7(G12D)Burd Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)13Bos/Mmnc B6J.129P2(Cg)-Nrasem6(G13R)Burd Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)13Bos/Mmnc B6.Cg-Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)13Bos/J B6.Cg-Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)13Bos Braftm1Mmcm Ptentm1Hwu/BosJ | MGI:3641203 |
Tyr | Tg(Tyr-cre)1Lru | transgene insertion 1, Lionel Larue | nervous system embryo-other head integumental system | B6.Cg-Tg(Tyr-cre)1Lru/J | MGI:3573939 | |
Tyr | Tg(Tyr-cre)#Lru | transgene insertion, Lionel Larue | nervous system embryo-other integumental system head | MGI:5911868 | ||
Tyr | Igs2em67(Tyr-cre/ERT2)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 67, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300680 | |||
Tyr | Tg(Tyr-cre)1Gfk | transgene insertion 1, Graham F Kay | integumental system branchial arches alimentary system sensory organs head nervous system embryo-other endocrine system | renal & urinary system cardiovascular system respiratory system liver & biliary system reproductive system hemolymphoid system | MGI:3580524 | |
Tyr | Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)1Lru | transgene insertion 1, Lionel Larue | integumental system embryo-other | nervous system head endocrine system sensory organs | B6N.Cg-Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)1Lru/J | MGI:3617509 |
Tyrp1 | Tg(Tyrp1-cre)1Ipc | transgene insertion 1, I Pierre Chambon | nervous system alimentary system embryo-other sensory organs head | muscle respiratory system mesenchyme liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system integumental system | MGI:2387296 | |
Tyrp1 | Tg(Tyrp1-cre/ERT2)1Mtz | transgene insertion 1, Daniel Metzger | MGI:5446622 | |||
Tyrp1 | Tg(Tyrp1-cre/ERT2)1Jwk | transgene insertion 1, Jin Woo Kim | head sensory organs | MGI:7460347 | ||
UAS | Tg(UAS-cre,-miRFP670)216Staka | transgene insertion 216, Satoru Takahashi | MGI:7384647 | |||
Ubc | Ubcem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | ubiquitin C; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7467409 | |||
UBC | Gt(ROSA)26Sortm2.1(UBC-flpe)Ozg | gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 2.1, Ozgene | MGI:6297051 | |||
UBC | Tg(UBC-cre)8Narl | Transgene insertion 8, National Applied Research Laboratories | C57BL/6-Tg(UBC-cre)8Narl/Narl | MGI:5898293 | ||
UBC | Ndor1Tg(UBC-cre/ERT2)1Ejb | NADPH dependent diflavin oxidoreductase 1; transgene insertion 1, Eric J Brown | muscle adipose tissue skeletal system integumental system head alimentary system hemolymphoid system endocrine system liver & biliary system renal & urinary system respiratory system sensory organs cardiovascular system reproductive system nervous system | FVB/N.Cg-Tg(UBC-cre/ERT2)1Ejb/VcccApb B6;129-Srsf3tm1 Tg(UBC-cre/ERT2)1Ejb/MarpApb B6.Cg-Vhltm1.1Wkr Ndor1Tg(UBC-cre/ERT2)1Ejb/Mmnc 129S.Cg-Ndor1Tg(UBC-cre/ERT2)1Ejb/J B6.Cg-Ndor1Tg(UBC-cre/ERT2)1Ejb/1J B6.Cg-Ndor1Tg(UBC-cre/ERT2)1Ejb/2J | MGI:3707333 | |
UBE2I | Tg(UBE2I-cre)1Xxh | transgene insertion 1, Xianxin Hua | MGI:3663673 | |||
Ubiad1 | Ubiad1Gt(cre/ERT2)2Card | UbiA prenyltransferase domain containing 1; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493155 | |||
Ubiad1 | Ubiad1Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | UbiA prenyltransferase domain containing 1; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493154 | |||
Uchl1 | Tg(Uchl1-cre)NO63Gsat | transgene insertion NO63, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Uchl1-cre)NO63Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086191 | |
Ucma | Ucmatm1(flpo)Hze | upper zone of growth plate and cartilage matrix associated; targeted mutation 1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Ucmatm1(flpo)Hze/J | MGI:7712781 | ||
Ucn | Ucnem1(cre)Good | urocortin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Lisa Goodrich | MGI:7855858 | |||
Ucn3 | Tg(Ucn3-cre)KF43Gsat | transgene insertion KF43, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Ucn3-cre)KF43Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Ucn3-cre)KF43Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4847522 | ||
Ucn3 | Tg(Ucn3-cre)KF31Gsat | transgene insertion KF31, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Ucn3-cre)KF31Gsat/Mmucd STOCK Tg(Ucn3-cre)KF31Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4847524 | ||
Ucp1 | Tg(Ucp1-cre/ERT2)426Biat | transgene insertion 426, Biomodels Austria | MGI:5498561 | |||
Ucp1 | Ucp1em2(cre)Gpt | uncoupling protein 1 (mitochondrial, proton carrier); endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7449094 | |||
Ucp1 | Tg(Ucp1-cre)14Bnto | transgene insertion 14, Manuel Benito | MGI:2385804 | |||
Ucp1 | Ucp1em1(cre/ERT2)Wwz | uncoupling protein 1 (mitochondrial, proton carrier); endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Wenwen Zeng | MGI:6363028 | |||
Ucp1 | Ucp1em2(cre)Smoc | uncoupling protein 1 (mitochondrial, proton carrier); endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6514744 | |||
Ucp1 | Ucp1tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | uncoupling protein 1 (mitochondrial, proton carrier); targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Ucp1tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Ucp1tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633869 | ||
Ucp1 | Ucp1em1(cre)Chez | uncoupling protein 1 (mitochondrial, proton carrier); endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Zheng Chen | adipose tissue integumental system | MGI:7532766 | ||
Ucp1 | Ucp1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | uncoupling protein 1 (mitochondrial, proton carrier); endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758074 | |||
Ucp1 | Tg(Ucp1-cre)#Brsp | transgene insertion, Bruce M Spiegelman | integumental system adipose tissue | MGI:5636752 | ||
Ucp1 | Tg(Ucp1-cre)1Lcas | transgene insertion 1, Louis Casteilla | MGI:3702024 | |||
Ucp1 | Tg(Ucp1-cre)1Evdr | transgene insertion 1, Evan Rosen | reproductive system head renal & urinary system integumental system endocrine system nervous system adipose tissue | muscle liver & biliary system alimentary system cardiovascular system | B6.FVB-Tg(Ucp1-cre)1Evdr/J | MGI:5550468 |
Ucp1 | Tg(Ucp1-icre)#Jcbr | transgene insertion, Jens C Bruning | MGI:5911694 | |||
UCP1 | Tg(UCP1-cre/ERT2)56.11Ics | transgene insertion 56.11, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(UCP1-cre/ERT2)56.11Ics/Ics | MGI:7346363 | ||
UGT8 | Hprt1tm361a(Ple267-icre/ERT2)Ems | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1; targeted mutation 361a, Elizabeth M Simpson | B6.Cg-Hprt1tm361(Ple267-icre/ERT2)Ems/Mmjax | MGI:5568242 | ||
Umod | Tg(Umod-cre)#Cwil | transgene insertion, Carsten Willam | MGI:5804676 | |||
Umod | Tg(Umod-cre)1Dek | transgene insertion 1, Donald E Kohan | renal & urinary system | MGI:4947390 | ||
Umod | Umodem1(cre/ERT2)Amc | uromodulin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Andrew P McMahon | C57BL/6N-Umodem1(cre/ERT2)Amc/J | MGI:5902999 | ||
Unc5b | Unc5btm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh | unc-5 netrin receptor B; targeted mutation 1.1, Z Josh Huang | head nervous system | MGI:6849725 | ||
Upk2 | Upk2em1(icre)Gpt | uroplakin 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7308267 | |||
Upk2 | Tg(Upk2-cre)1Rkl | transgene insertion 1, Raghu Kalluri | renal & urinary system | reproductive system extraembryonic component respiratory system | B6(129)-Tg(Upk2-cre)1Rkl/WghJ | MGI:5014304 |
Upk2 | Tg(Upk2-icre/ERT2)1Ccc | transgene insertion 1, Carlos Cordon-Cardo | renal & urinary system | liver & biliary system reproductive system head nervous system | B6;CBA-Tg(Upk2-icre/ERT2)1Ccc/J | MGI:5568245 |
Upk2 | Tg(Upk2-cre)6Xrw | transgene insertion 6, Xue-Ru Wu | renal & urinary system | MGI:3583893 | ||
Upk2 | Tg(Upk2-cre,-EGFP)#Akli | transgene insertion, Apostolos Klinakis | MGI:5779424 | |||
Upk3a | Tg(Upk3a-GFP/cre/ERT2)26Amc | transgene insertion 26, Andrew P McMahon | B6;DBA-Tg(Upk3a-GFP/cre/ERT2)26Amc/J | MGI:4940379 | ||
Upk3a | Upk3aem1(cre)Smoc | uroplakin 3A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758075 | |||
Upk3b | Upk3bem1(dre)Smoc | uroplakin 3B; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724323 | |||
Upk3b | Tg(Upk3b-cre)#Skur | transgene insertion, Sei Kuriyama | MGI:6114706 | |||
Uri1 | Uri1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Ndj | URI1, prefoldin-like chaperone; targeted mutation 2.1, Nabil Djouder | alimentary system | MGI:7444769 | ||
Uts2b | Uts2bem1(cre)Zak | urotensin 2B; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Zachary Knight | B6;FVB-Uts2bem1(cre)Zak/J | MGI:6448061 | ||
Uts2r | Uts2rem1(cre/ERT2)Gpt | urotensin 2 receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7308354 | |||
Vamp2 | Vamp2tm1(cre/ERT)Nat | vesicle-associated membrane protein 2; targeted mutation 1, Jeremy Nathans | nervous system head | B6;129-Vamp2tm1(cre/ERT)Nat/J | MGI:3795865 | |
Vav1 | Tg(VAV1-cre)1Graf | transgene insertion 1, Thomas Graf | hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system liver & biliary system | mesenchyme | B6.Cg-Tg(VAV1-cre)1Graf/MdfJ | MGI:3765313 |
Vav1 | Vav1em3(cre/ERT2)Smoc | vav 1 oncogene; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766865 | |||
Vav1 | Commd10Tg(Vav1-icre)A2Kio | COMM domain containing 10; transgene insertion A2, Dimitris Kioussis | respiratory system extraembryonic component head integumental system cardiovascular system endocrine system liver & biliary system skeletal system hemolymphoid system alimentary system muscle renal & urinary system adipose tissue reproductive system nervous system sensory organs | mesenchyme branchial arches cavities & their linings embryo-other limbs tail | B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(CAG-loxP-Stop-loxP-OsTIR1F74,-EGFP)Tani Pdcd1em1(mAID)Tani Commd10Tg(Vav1-icre)A2Kio B6.Cg-Commd10Tg(Vav1-icre)A2Kio/J NOD.Cg-H2b Commd10Tg(Vav1-icre)A2Kio/JkraJ B6N.Cg-Commd10Tg(Vav1-icre)A2Kio/J | MGI:2449949 |
Vav1 | Tg(Vav1-cre)#Cgp | transgene insertion, Cristin G Print | MGI:5527187 | |||
Vav1 | Vav1em2(icre)Smoc | vav 1 oncogene; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7748720 | |||
Vav1 | Igs2em9(Vav1-icre)Cya | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 9, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657274 | |||
Vav1 | Tg(Vav1-cre)8Cgp | transgene insertion 8, Cristin G Print | renal & urinary system extraembryonic component nervous system embryo-other alimentary system reproductive system muscle endocrine system cardiovascular system hemolymphoid system head | MGI:4888391 | ||
Vav1 | Tg(Vav1-cre)1Awr | transgene insertion 1, Andrew W Roberts | renal & urinary system cardiovascular system muscle reproductive system | liver & biliary system | B6.Cg-Tg(Vav1-Cre)1Awr/WehiAnuApb STOCK Ubtftm1.1Moss Tg(Vav1-Cre)1Awr/AnuApb | MGI:3043860 |
Vav1 | Tg(Vav1-cre)1Cgp | transgene insertion 1, Cristin G Print | alimentary system skeletal system hemolymphoid system cardiovascular system | B6.Cg-Bclaf1tm1Lfmp Tg(Vav1-cre)1Cgp/Ieg | MGI:2450339 | |
Vav1 | Vav1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | vav 1 oncogene; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Vav1tm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Vav1tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633870 | ||
Vav1 | Tg(Vav1-cre/ERT2)#Boui | transgene insertion, Philippe Bouillet | MGI:6113431 | |||
Vdr | Vdrem1(cre)Ssis | vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Stephanie Sisley | nervous system renal & urinary system alimentary system head | liver & biliary system | MGI:7435234 | |
Vgll4 | Vgll4em1(dre/ERT2)Wyu | vestigial like family member 4; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Wei Yu | MGI:7514159 | |||
Vil1 | Tg(Vil1-flpo)1Zak | transgene insertion 1, Zachary Knight | B6J.FVB-Tg(Vil1-flpo)1Zak/J | MGI:7411356 | ||
Vil1 | Tg(Vil1-cre)1000Gum | transgene insertion 1000, Deborah L Gumucio | alimentary system | B6.Cg-Tg(Vil1-cre)1000Gum/J NOD.Cg-Tg(Vil1-cre)1000Gum/J | MGI:5474779 | |
Vil1 | Igs2em70(Vil1-icre)Gpt | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 70, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7300683 | |||
Vil1 | Tg(Vil1-cre)#Gum | transgene insertion, Deborah L Gumucio | alimentary system | MGI:6363341 | ||
Vil1 | Tg(Vil1-cre)DNju | transgene insertion D, Model Animal Research Center of Nanjing University | MGI:6402924 | |||
Vil1 | Tg(Vil1-cre)20Syr | transgene insertion 20, Sylvie Robine | alimentary system extraembryonic component reproductive system renal & urinary system | head cardiovascular system respiratory system nervous system | B6.Cg-Tg(Vil-cre)20Sy/Nci STOCK Slc34a2tm-Nhch Tg(Vil1-cre)20Syr/Orl B6N.Cg-Tg(Vil1-cre)20Syr/J B6J.Cg-Tg(Vil1-cre)20Syr/MdfJ | MGI:3053819 |
Vil1 | Tg(Vil1-cre)2Utr | transgene insertion 2, Ken-ichi Yagami | C57BL/6N-Tg(Vil1-cre)2Utr/Rbrc | MGI:7513813 | ||
Vil1 | Vil1em2(cre/ERT2)Smoc | villin 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7623960 | |||
Vil1 | Igs2em10(Vil1-cre/Esr1*)Cya | intergenic site 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 10, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657275 | |||
Vil1 | Vil1em1(flpo)Lbrl | villin 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Stephen Liberles | liver & biliary system nervous system head alimentary system | C57BL/6-Vil1em1(flpo)Lbrl/J | MGI:7482596 | |
Vil1 | Tg(Vil-cre)1Mka | transgene insertion 1, Michael Karin | alimentary system | MGI:2662274 | ||
Vil1 | Tg(Vil1-RFP,-cre)3Narl | Transgene insertion 3, National Applied Research Laboratories | MGI:5898292 | |||
Vil1 | Tg(Vil1-cre)997Gum | transgene insertion 997, Deborah L Gumucio | nervous system reproductive system renal & urinary system respiratory system cardiovascular system endocrine system head alimentary system | limbs embryo-other tail sensory organs cavities & their linings integumental system skeletal system liver & biliary system extraembryonic component hemolymphoid system mesenchyme adipose tissue muscle | B6.Cg-Tg(Vil1-cre)997Gum/J B6N.Cg-Tg(Vil1-cre)997Gum/J | MGI:2448639 |
Vil1 | Tg(Vil1-cre/ERT2)23Syr | transgene insertion 23, Sylvie Robine | alimentary system | B6.Cg-Tg(Vil1-cre/ERT2)23Syr/J | MGI:3053826 | |
Vim | Vimem1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | vimentin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | integumental system cardiovascular system mesenchyme respiratory system | MGI:6720921 | ||
Vim | Vimem2(dre)Bzsh | vimentin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Bin Zhou | MGI:6720927 | |||
Vim | Vimem2(cre)Smoc | vimentin; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7766872 | |||
Vim | Tg(Vim-cre/ERT2)#Rshw | transgene insertion, Robert F Schwabe | MGI:5804689 | |||
Vim | Vimtm2(flpo)Ggen | vimentin; targeted mutation 2, Giannicola Genovese | MGI:7718776 | |||
Vip | Vipem1(icre)Smoc | vasoactive intestinal polypeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7293133 | |||
Vip | Viptm1(cre)Zjh | vasoactive intestinal polypeptide; targeted mutation 1, Z Josh Huang | reproductive system alimentary system head muscle renal & urinary system nervous system respiratory system cardiovascular system endocrine system | sensory organs adipose tissue hemolymphoid system embryo-other integumental system liver & biliary system | STOCK Viptm1(cre)Zjh/J B6J.Cg-Viptm1(cre)Zjh/AreckJ CBA.Cg-Chr 10C57BL/6 Viptm1(cre)Zjh/AhsnJ | MGI:4431361 |
Vip | Vipem1(icre)Gpt | vasoactive intestinal polypeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7308409 | |||
Vip | Viptm1.1(cre)Pful | vasoactive intestinal polypeptide; targeted mutation 1.1, Patrick M Fuller | head nervous system | MGI:6718935 | ||
Vip | Viptm2.1(flpo)Zjh | vasoactive intestinal polypeptide; targeted mutation 2.1, Z Josh Huang | STOCK Viptm2.1(flpo)Zjh/J | MGI:5700390 | ||
Vip | Tg(Vip-cre)PH13Gsat | transgene insertion PH13, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | STOCK Tg(Vip-cre)PH13Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5086166 | |
Vip | Vipem3(icre)Cya | vasoactive intestinal polypeptide; endonuclease-mediated mutation 3, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657339 | |||
Vipr2 | Tg(Vipr2-cre)KH234Gsat | transgene insertion KH234, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | head nervous system | MGI:4366729 | ||
Vipr2 | Tg(Vipr2-cre)KE2Gsat | transgene insertion KE2, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Vipr2-cre)KE2Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4940629 | ||
Vipr2 | Vipr2em1(cre)Hze | vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Hongkui Zeng | B6.Cg-Vipr2em1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:7571388 | ||
Vipr2 | Vipr2em1.1(cre)Hze | vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1.1, Hongkui Zeng | head nervous system | B6.Cg-Vipr2em1.1(cre)Hze/J | MGI:6150903 | |
VIPR2 | Tg(VIPR2/Hspa1b-cre/ERT2)1Dlee | transgene insertion 1, Daekee Lee | cardiovascular system | muscle liver & biliary system head reproductive system nervous system integumental system alimentary system respiratory system hemolymphoid system renal & urinary system | MGI:6727058 | |
VIPR2 | Tg(VIPR2/Hspa1b-cre/ERT2)22Dlee | transgene insertion 22, Daekee Lee | cardiovascular system | MGI:6727075 | ||
VIPR2 | Tg(VIPR2/Hspa1b-cre/ERT2)32Dlee | transgene insertion 32, Daekee Lee | cardiovascular system | MGI:6727079 | ||
VIPR2 | Tg(VIPR2/Hspa1b-cre/ERT2)17Dlee | transgene insertion 17, Daekee Lee | cardiovascular system | MGI:6727072 | ||
VIPR2 | Tg(VIPR2/Hspa1b-cre/ERT2)29Dlee | transgene insertion 29, Daekee Lee | cardiovascular system | MGI:6727077 | ||
VIPR2 | Tg(VIPR2/Hspa1b-cre/ERT2)33Dlee | transgene insertion 33, Daekee Lee | cardiovascular system | MGI:6727080 | ||
VIPR2 | Tg(VIPR2/Hspa1b-cre/ERT2)23Dlee | transgene insertion 23, Daekee Lee | cardiovascular system | MGI:6727076 | ||
VIPR2 | Tg(VIPR2/Hspa1b-cre/ERT2)#Dlee | transgene insertion, Daekee Lee | MGI:6727054 | |||
VIPR2 | Tg(VIPR2/Hspa1b-cre/ERT2)30Dlee | transgene insertion 30, Daekee Lee | cardiovascular system | MGI:6727078 | ||
VIPR2 | Tg(VIPR2/Hspa1b-cre/ERT2)20Dlee | transgene insertion 20, Daekee Lee | cardiovascular system | MGI:6727074 | ||
Vmn1r206 | Tg(Vmn1r206-cre)SN45Gsat | transgene insertion SN45, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Vmn1r206-cre)SN45Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435519 | ||
Vsx1 | Tg(Vsx1-cre/ERT2)471Fclo | transgene insertion 471, Frederic Clotman | nervous system | MGI:7482341 | ||
Vsx2 | Tg(Chx10-cre/ERT2)G7Tfur | transgene insertion G7, Takahisa Furukawa | B6.Cg-Tg(Chx10-cre/ERT2)G7Tfur/Rbrc | MGI:6727117 | ||
Vsx2 | Vsx2tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | visual system homeobox 2; targeted mutation 2, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | alimentary system sensory organs renal & urinary system head | adipose tissue hemolymphoid system nervous system tail embryo-other cardiovascular system reproductive system cavities & their linings limbs extraembryonic component muscle integumental system mesenchyme mouse-other endocrine system liver & biliary system respiratory system skeletal system | MGI:5754950 | |
Vsx2 | Vsx2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Tfur | visual system homeobox 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Takahisa Furukawa | B6(C3)-Vsx2tm1.1(IRES-cre/ERT2)Tfur | MGI:6323661 | ||
Vsx2 | Vsx2tm3.1(cre)Kash | visual system homeobox 2; targeted mutation 3.1, Kamal Sharma | MGI:7750853 | |||
Vsx2 | Tg(Vsx2-icre)20Gpt | transgene insertion 20, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7307396 | |||
Vsx2 | Tg(Chx10-EGFP/cre,-ALPP)2Clc | transgene insertion 2, Constance L Cepko | sensory organs head | STOCK Tg(Chx10-EGFP/cre,-ALPP)2Clc/J | MGI:3052237 | |
Vsx2 | Tg(Vsx2-cre)TC9Gsat | transgene insertion TC9, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Vsx2-cre)TC9Gsat/Mmucd B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Vsx2-cre)TC9Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:5435496 | ||
Vsx2 | Tg(Chx10-cre)5Tfur | transgene insertion 5, Takahisa Furukawa | sensory organs head | B6.Cg-Tg(Chx10-cre)G5Tfur/TfurRbrc | MGI:5302217 | |
Vsx2 | Tg(Vsx2-cre)2690Chow | transgene insertion 2690, Robert L Chow | 129S1.Cg-Tg(Vsx2-cre)2690Chow/J | MGI:5297524 | ||
Vwa5b1 | Vwa5b1em1(icre)Gpt | von Willebrand factor A domain containing 5B1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7308552 | |||
Vwf | Vwfem1(cre/ERT2)Cya | Von Willebrand factor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | hemolymphoid system | MGI:7439361 | ||
Vwf | Tg(VWF-cre/ERT2)C1014Ubee | transgene insertion C1014, Eroboghene Ubogu | MGI:7607018 | |||
Vwf | Vwftm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | Von Willebrand factor; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | MGI:7867246 | |||
VWF | Tg(VWF-cre)1304Roho | transgene insertion 1304, Rodney JY Ho | MGI:5319174 | |||
Wap | Tg(Wap-cre)11738Mam | transgene insertion 11738, Lothar Hennighausen | adipose tissue integumental system alimentary system | muscle respiratory system liver & biliary system cardiovascular system | B6.Cg-Tg(Wap-cre)11738Mam/Nci B6.Cg-Tg(Wap-cre)11738Mam/JKnwJ B6129-Tg(Wap-cre)11738Mam/J | MGI:2176167 |
Wap | Tg(Wap-cre)2Gsc | transgene insertion 2, Gunther Schutz | MGI:3527262 | |||
Wap | Tg(Wap-cre)1Gsc | transgene insertion 1, Gunther Schutz | integumental system | FVB/N-Tg(Wap-cre)1Gsc/Ieg | MGI:3527260 | |
Wap | Tg(Wap-cre)51Nki | transgene insertion 51, The Netherlands Cancer Institute | MGI:3801314 | |||
Wap | Waptm1(cre)Arge | whey acidic protein; targeted mutation 1, Argiris Efstratiadis | MGI:2177210 | |||
Wap | Wapem1(cre)Smoc | whey acidic protein; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758076 | |||
Wap | Tg(Wap-rtTA-cre)10Whl | transgene insertion 10, Wen-Hwa Lee | integumental system | C57BL/6-Tg(Wap-rtTA-cre)10Whl/Nci | MGI:3043456 | |
Wap | Tg(Wap-cre)15Nki | transgene insertion 15, The Netherlands Cancer Institute | MGI:3801315 | |||
Wdfy1 | Wdfy1Gt(cre/ERT2)2Card | WD repeat and FYVE domain containing 1; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493157 | |||
Wdfy1 | Wdfy1Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | WD repeat and FYVE domain containing 1; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493156 | |||
Wdfy1 | Wdfy1em1(cre/ERT2)Cya | WD repeat and FYVE domain containing 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences | MGI:7657340 | |||
Wfs1 | Tg(Wfs1-cre/ERT2)2Aibs | transgene insertion 2, Ed Lein | B6.Cg-Tg(Wfs1-cre/ERT2)2Aibs/J | MGI:3850189 | ||
Wfs1 | Tg(Wfs1-cre)5Utr | transgene insertion 5, Ken-ichi Yagami | MGI:5563913 | |||
Wfs1 | Tg(Wfs1-cre/ERT2)3Aibs | transgene insertion 3, Ed Lein | respiratory system endocrine system renal & urinary system nervous system adipose tissue cardiovascular system integumental system hemolymphoid system head reproductive system sensory organs skeletal system muscle liver & biliary system alimentary system | B6;C3-Tg(Wfs1-cre/ERT2)3Aibs/J | MGI:3838496 | |
Wfs1 | Wfs1em1(icre)Gpt | wolframin ER transmembrane glycoprotein; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7308631 | |||
Wnt1 | Tg(Wnt1-cre/ERT)1Alj | transgene insertion 1, Alexandra L Joyner | mesenchyme nervous system branchial arches head | STOCK Tg(Wnt1-cre/ERT)1Alj/J | MGI:4359399 | |
Wnt1 | Tg(Wnt1-cre/Esr1*)10Rth | transgene insertion 10, David H Rowitch | nervous system head | embryo-other | MGI:2447684 | |
Wnt1 | Tg(Wnt1-flpe/ERT2)9455Dym | transgene insertion 9455, Susan Dymecki | MGI:5432117 | |||
Wnt1 | E2f1Tg(Wnt1-cre)2Sor | E2F transcription factor 1; transgene insertion 2, Philippe Soriano | hemolymphoid system head muscle sensory organs integumental system skeletal system branchial arches mesenchyme cardiovascular system respiratory system limbs liver & biliary system embryo-other renal & urinary system nervous system tail alimentary system endocrine system reproductive system | extraembryonic component cavities & their linings adipose tissue | B6.Cg-E2f1Tg(Wnt1-cre)2Sor/J 129S4.Cg-E2f1Tg(Wnt1-cre)2Sor/J | MGI:5485027 |
Wnt1 | Tg(Wnt1-FLP1)1Dym | transgene insertion 1, Susan M Dymecki | nervous system head | MGI:3774259 | ||
Wnt1 | Wnt1em1(dre)Smoc | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6724324 | |||
Wnt1 | H2az2Tg(Wnt1-cre)11Rth | H2A.Z histone variant 2; transgene insertion 11, David H Rowitch | sensory organs integumental system tail alimentary system hemolymphoid system adipose tissue branchial arches renal & urinary system head cavities & their linings reproductive system liver & biliary system endocrine system muscle limbs cardiovascular system skeletal system embryo-other nervous system mesenchyme respiratory system | mouse-other extraembryonic component | STOCK H2az2Tg(Wnt1-cre)11Rth Tg(Wnt1-GAL4)11Rth/J B6.Cg-H2az2Tg(Wnt1-cre)11Rth Tg(Wnt1-GAL4)11Rth/J | MGI:2386570 |
Wnt10a | Wnt10aem1(cre/ERT2)Amc | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 10A; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Andrew P McMahon | C57BL/6N-Wnt10aem1(cre/ERT2)Amc/J | MGI:5902945 | ||
Wnt10b | Wnt10btm1(cre/ERT2)Amc | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 10B; targeted mutation 1, Andrew P McMahon | C57BL/6-Wnt10btm1(cre/ERT2)Amc/J | MGI:5660815 | ||
Wnt11 | Tg(Wnt11-TagRFP/cre/ERT2)28Amc | transgene insertion 28, Andrew P McMahon | B6;D-Tg(Wnt11-TagRFP/cre/ERT2)28Amc/J | MGI:5435691 | ||
Wnt11 | Tg(Wnt11-cre/ERT2)1Jwng | transgene insertion 1, Jianbo Wang | branchial arches mouse-other respiratory system muscle cardiovascular system embryo-other extraembryonic component alimentary system cavities & their linings mesenchyme | MGI:5708687 | ||
Wnt2 | Wnt2tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Eem | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 2; targeted mutation 2.1, Edward E Morrisey | MGI:5544574 | |||
Wnt2b | Wnt2bem2(cre/ERT2)Takma | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 2B; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Masanori Takahashi | MGI:7764511 | |||
Wnt2b | Wnt2bem1(cre/ERT2)Takma | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 2B; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Masanori Takahashi | MGI:7764508 | |||
Wnt3a | Wnt3atm1(cre)Eag | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 3A; targeted mutation 1, Elizabeth A Grove | MGI:3612795 | |||
Wnt3a | Wnt3atm1.1(cre)Mull | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 3A; targeted mutation 1, Ulrich Mueller | head nervous system | B6.Cg-Wnt3atm1.1(cre)Mull/Mmmh | MGI:5014206 | |
Wnt4 | Wnt4tm3(EGFP/cre)Amc | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 4; targeted mutation 3, Andrew P McMahon | B6.Cg-Wnt4tm3(EGFP/cre)Amc/J | MGI:4359657 | ||
Wnt4 | Wnt4tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Amc | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 4; targeted mutation 2, Andrew P McMahon | B6.Cg-Wnt4tm2(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Amc/J | MGI:3845544 | ||
Wnt4 | Wnt4tm2(EGFP/cre)Svo | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 4; targeted mutation 2, Seppo Vainio | B6;129P2-Wnt4tm2(EGFP/cre)Svo/Oulu | MGI:4399121 | ||
Wnt5a | Tg(Wnt5a-cre/ERT2)#Jwng | transgene insertion, Jianbo Wang | cardiovascular system | MGI:6760675 | ||
Wnt5a | Tg(Wnt5a-cre)ML10Gsat | transgene insertion ML10, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Wnt5a-cre)ML10Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4940627 | ||
Wnt5a | Tg(Wnt5a-cre)ML7Gsat | transgene insertion ML7, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Wnt5a-cre)ML7Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4940622 | ||
Wnt5a | Tg(Wnt5a-cre)ML21Gsat | transgene insertion ML21, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University | STOCK Tg(Wnt5a-cre)ML21Gsat/Mmucd | MGI:4940625 | ||
Wnt5b | Wnt5bem1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 5B; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7293186 | |||
Wnt6 | Wnt6tm1(cre)Mrc | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 6; targeted mutation 1, Mario R Capecchi | mesenchyme embryo-other | MGI:5749680 | ||
Wnt7a | Tg(Wnt7a-EGFP/cre)#Bhr | transgene insertion, Richard R Behringer | integumental system reproductive system | STOCK Tg(Wnt7a-EGFP/cre)#Bhr/Mmjax | MGI:4882135 | |
Wnt9a | Wnt9atm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 9A; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Wnt9atm1(EGFP/Cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Wnt9atm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633871 | ||
Wt1 | Wt1em2(cre)Smoc | WT1 transcription factor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7266838 | |||
Wt1 | Wt1em1(cre/ERT2)Bzsh | WT1 transcription factor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Bin Zhou | cardiovascular system cavities & their linings mesenchyme | MGI:6361467 | ||
Wt1 | Wt1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Wtp | WT1 transcription factor; targeted mutation 2.1, William T Pu | MGI:7528785 | |||
Wt1 | Tg(Wt1-EGFP/cre)1Akis | transgene insertion 1, Andreas Kispert | MGI:5002800 | |||
Wt1 | Wt1tm2(cre/ERT2)Wtp | WT1 transcription factor; targeted mutation 2, William T Pu | respiratory system cavities & their linings muscle cardiovascular system | STOCK Wt1tm2(cre/ERT2)Wtp/J | MGI:3801682 | |
Wt1 | Tg(Wt1-cre)#Jbeb | transgene insertion, John Burch | cardiovascular system cavities & their linings mesenchyme | MGI:5308608 | ||
Wt1 | Tg(Wt1-cre)1Jbeb | transgene insertion 1, John Burch | mesenchyme cardiovascular system muscle | MGI:5562908 | ||
Wt1 | Wt1tm1(EGFP/cre)Wtp | WT1 transcription factor; targeted mutation 1, William T Pu | endocrine system tail skeletal system adipose tissue sensory organs muscle nervous system liver & biliary system hemolymphoid system alimentary system mesenchyme embryo-other renal & urinary system reproductive system limbs head respiratory system cavities & their linings integumental system cardiovascular system branchial arches | STOCK Wt1tm1(EGFP/cre)Wtp/J | MGI:3801681 | |
Wt1 | Wt1em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | WT1 transcription factor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758077 | |||
WT1 | Tg(WT1-cre)1Asc | transgene insertion 1, Andreas Schedl | integumental system embryo-other | MGI:3587654 | ||
WT1 | Tg(WT1-cre)AG11Dbdr | transgene insertion AG11, David M Bader | cardiovascular system embryo-other cavities & their linings alimentary system muscle respiratory system | MGI:3609978 | ||
Xcr1 | Xcr1tm1.1(icre)Kmm | chemokine (C motif) receptor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Kenneth Murphy | B6(129S4)-Xcr1tm1.1(cre)Kmm/J | MGI:6450161 | ||
Xcr1 | Xcr1tm1(icre)Ciphe | chemokine (C motif) receptor 1; targeted mutation 1, Centre d'ImmunoPhenomique | MGI:6279765 | |||
Xcr1 | Xcr1tm4(cre)Ksho | chemokine (C motif) receptor 1; targeted mutation 4, Tsuneyasu Kaisho | C.Cg-Xcr1tm4(cre)Ksho B6.Cg-Xcr1tm4(cre)Ksho | MGI:5803711 | ||
Xcr1 | Xcr1em1(icre)Smoc | chemokine (C motif) receptor 1; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:7293200 | |||
Xcr1 | Xcr1tm2.1(icre)Ciphe | chemokine (C motif) receptor 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Centre d'ImmunoPhenomique | hemolymphoid system | MGI:7442771 | ||
Zbtb16 | Zbtb16tm1.1(EGFP/cre)Aben | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 16; targeted mutation 1.1, Albert Bendelac | B6(SJL)-Zbtb16tm1.1(EGFP/cre)Aben/J | MGI:5532503 | ||
Zbtb16 | Tg(Zbtb16-cre)1Sant | transgene insertion 1, Derek B Sant'Angelo | MGI:5804200 | |||
Zbtb16 | Zbtb16tm1.1(cre/GFP)Liwa | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 16; targeted mutation 1.1, Lie Wang | MGI:6758938 | |||
Zbtb16 | Tg(Zbtb16-mCherry,-cre/ERT2)#Rhob | transgene insertion, Robin M Hobbs | reproductive system | MGI:7442054 | ||
Zbtb32 | Zbtb32tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 32; targeted mutation 1.1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Zbtb32tm1.1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/Cnrm | MGI:5633872 | ||
Zbtb46 | Zbtb46em2(icre)Smoc | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 46; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758079 | |||
Zbtb46 | Zbtb46em1(cre/ERT2)Smoc | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 46; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shanghai Model Organisms Center | MGI:6758078 | |||
Zbtb46 | Zbtb46tm3.1(cre)Mnz | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 46; targeted mutation 3.1, Michel C Nussenzweig | B6.Cg-Zbtb46tm3.1(cre)Mnz/J | MGI:5749231 | ||
Zbtb7b | Zbtb7bem1(icre)Gpt | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 7B; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, GemPharmatech Co., Ltd | MGI:7308794 | |||
Zbtb7b | Tg(Zbtb7b/CD4-cre/ERT2,-CD2)1Daav | transgene insertion 1, Dario AA Vignali | MGI:7414281 | |||
Zbtb7b | Tg(Zbtb7b/CD4-cre,-CD2)#Tani | transgene insertion, Ichiro Taniuchi | MGI:6784021 | |||
Zbtb7b | Tg(Zbtb7b/CD4-icre/ERT2,-CD2)13Daav | transgene insertion 13, Dario AA Vignali | MGI:7414283 | |||
Zfp13 | Zfp13Gt(cre/ERT2)1Card | zinc finger protein 13; gene trap 1, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493158 | |||
Zfp13 | Zfp13Gt(cre/ERT2)2Card | zinc finger protein 13; gene trap 2, Center for Animal Resources and Development | MGI:7493159 | |||
Zfp629 | Zfp629tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | zinc finger protein 629; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Zfp629tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiIeg | MGI:5633873 | ||
Zfp683 | Zfp683tm1.1(cre,Hbegf)Kgis | zinc finger protein 683; targeted mutation 1.1, Klaas van Gisbergen | mouse-other | MGI:6718519 | ||
Zfp819 | Zfp819tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi | zinc finger protein 819; targeted mutation 1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | C57BL/6NTac-Zfp819tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2 )Wtsi/WtsiH C57BL/6NTac-Zfp819tm1(EGFP/cre/ERT2)Wtsi/WtsiH | MGI:5633874 | ||
Zfyve27 | Zfyve27tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Qaa | zinc finger, FYVE domain containing 27; targeted mutation 1, Qais Al-Awqati | renal & urinary system | MGI:6148981 | ||
Zic2 | Tg(Zic2-cre/ERT2)1453Kln | transgene insertion 1453, Rudiger Klein | nervous system | C57BL/6N-Tg(Zic2-cre/ERT2)1453Kln/Mmnc | MGI:6760601 | |
Zic2 | Tg(Zic2-cre/ERT2)1463Kln | transgene insertion 1463, Rudiger Klein | nervous system | MGI:6760602 | ||
Zic4 | Tg(Zic4-icre)1Kess | transgene insertion 1, Nicoletta Kessaris | head nervous system | MGI:4840322 | ||
Zic4 | Tg(Zic4-cre)NIDA016Htz | transgene insertion NIDA016, Nathaniel Heintz | C57BL/6J-Tg(Zic4-cre)NIDA016Htz/Mmucd | MGI:6119487 | ||
Zic4 | Tg(Zic4-icre/ERT2)1Kess | transgene insertion 1, Nicoletta Kessaris | MGI:6358140 | |||
Zic5 | Zic5tm1.1(icre/ERT2)Akg | zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Andrew K Groves | STOCK Zic5tm1.1(icre/ERT2)Akg/J | MGI:7593739 | ||
Zp3 | Tg(Zp3-cre/ERT2)76.12Ics | transgene insertion 76.12, Mouse Clinical Institute | B6N.Cg-Tg(Zp3-cre/ERT2)76.12Ics/Ics | MGI:7346365 | ||
Zp3 | Tg(Zp3-cre)82Knw | transgene insertion 82, Barbara B Knowles | C57BL/6J-Tg(Zp3-cre)82Knw/KnwJ | MGI:4888024 | ||
Zp3 | Tg(Zp3-cre)1Gsv | transgene insertion 1, Frank Grosveld | MGI:4366047 | |||
Zp3 | Tg(Zp3-cre)93Knw | transgene insertion 93, Barbara B Knowles | reproductive system | C57BL/6J-Tg(Zp3-cre)93Knw/J D2.B6-Tg(Zp3-cre)93Knw/SjJ | MGI:2176187 | |
Zp3 | Tg(Zp3-cre)1Gwh | transgene insertion 1, Gerald W Hart | B6.Cg-Tg(Zp3-cre)1Gwh/J | MGI:2387870 | ||
Zp3 | Tg(Zp3-cre)3Mrt | transgene insertion 3, Gail R Martin | tail limbs hemolymphoid system liver & biliary system head integumental system cardiovascular system embryo-other respiratory system | B6.FVB-Tg(Zp3-cre)3Mrt/J FVB/N-Tg(Zp3-cre)3Mrt/J | MGI:2176052 |