Gene Ontology Classifications
Automated description from the Alliance of Genome Resources (Release 8.0.0) Predicted to be located in membrane. Is expressed in nervous system. Orthologous to human TMEM179 (transmembrane protein 179).
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Gene Ontology Evidence Code Abbreviations:
EXP Inferred from experiment
HMP Inferred from high throughput mutant phenotype
HGI Inferred from high throughput genetic interaction
HDA Inferred from high throughput direct assay
HEP Inferred from high throughput expression pattern
IDA Inferred from direct assay
IEP Inferred from expression pattern
IGI Inferred from genetic interaction
IMP Inferred from mutant phenotype
IPI Inferred from physical interaction
IAS Inferred from ancestral sequence
IBA Inferred from biological aspect of ancestor
IBD Inferred from biological aspect of descendant
IKR Inferred from key residues
IMR Inferred from missing residues
IRD Inferred from rapid divergence
ISA Inferred from sequence alignment
ISM Inferred from sequence model
ISO Inferred from sequence orthology
ISS Inferred from sequence or structural similarity
IEA Inferred from electronic annotation
RCA Reviewed computational analysis
IC Inferred by curator
NAS Non-traceable author statement
ND No biological data available
TAS Traceable author statement