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The Laboratory Mouse1

Joan Staats

Mus musculus Linn. the common house mouse, has been a member of man's immediate environment for many centuries. Along with other members of the order Rodentia, rats and mice constituting the family Muridae spread with man and his commerce from their origin in Asia to all parts of the world. A thorough account of the antiquity of the fancy mouse and its interactions with the human species is given by Clyde E. Keeler ( 1931).

The conversion of the mouse from pest to pet to productive element of the scientific community took place slowly. During the 19th century a number of European zoologists bred fancy mice to investigate varietal characters and tried to interpret the results by Galton's law of ancestral inheritance. The valuable information thus acquired, however, could not be correctly interpreted until the rediscovery of Mendel's work in 1900. The problems of inbreeding, selection, decrease in fertility, appearance of abnormalities, and increased susceptibility to disease noted by earlier workers were attacked from a new viewpoint in the light of Mendel's findings. Cuénot's 1902 papers in Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale et Générale seem to be the first to apply Mendelian principles to animals ( Bateson, 1903). William E. Castle working with Drosophila, Sewell Wright with guinea pigs, and S. Hatai and Helen Dean King with rats provided early examples of the new scientific breeding of animal forms ( Castle et al., 1906; Wright, 1922; King, 1911).


Clarence Cook Little, a Harvard undergraduate, began studying the inheritance of coat color in mice under Castle's tutelage in 1907. Two years later he obtained a pair of mice carrying the recessive genes for dilution, brown, and nonagouti. During the next few years he inbred the descendants of this pair brother to sister for more than 20 generations, with selection for vigorous animals, thus creating the first inbred strain of mice, which he named dbr. It was later called dba after the three recessive genes, and since about 1950 has been written DBA.

Little was interested in the study of neoplastic diseases and recognized that difficulties were bound to arise in dealing with a condition which appears relatively late in life and is subject to much environmental influence. He reasoned that elimination of the great genetic diversity in unrelated animals would facilitate that study.

Within 15 years after the origin of the first inbred strain, most of the others used in cancer research had been established. Relationships between strains and families of strains are shown in Figure 1-1.

In 1913, Halsey J. Bagg obtained some albino mice from a dealer in Ohio, maintained them as a closed colony, and used them in behavioral experiments. In 1921, Leonell C. Strong mated a mouse of the Bagg albino stock with one from an albino stock Little maintained at that time at Cold Spring Harbor. From this cross Strong started the A strain, a high mammary and lung tumor strain ( Heston, 1949). In 1920, Strong made a series of crosses between the Bagg albinos and strain DBA, and from the hybrids developed a number of inbred lines: C3H, CBA, C, CHI, and C12I. Of these the C3H has been the most widely used and has been split into several sublines with well-defined differences between them ( Staats, 1964).

Another well-known and widely used family of strains also dates from 1921. While he was at Cold Spring Harbor, Little obtained mice from Miss A.E.C. Lathrop, a fancier in Granby, Massachusetts, and mated littermates female 57 and male 52. Progeny of this black pair segregated as black and brown; inbreeding them led to the C57BL and C57BR strains. C57L was developed by J.M. Murray from a color mutant in a C57BR subline.

Also at Cold Spring Harbor, E. Carleton MacDowell received from Little the descendants of Miss Lathrop's male 52, the progenitor of the C57 lines, and female 58. He inbred these mice, forming the C58 strain, and by selection was able to establish an incidence of leukemia of about 90 per cent. MacDowell also inbred the Bagg albinos and sent some to George D. Snell about 1932. Snell used the letter "c" in his laboratory records as a convenient indication that the animals were white. The letter became attached to "Bagg alb," and the designation evolved to BALB/c, a widely used strain.

While at the Henry Phipps Institute in Philadelphia in 1928, Jacob Furth purchased three different stocks of mice, designated A, R, and S. Stock A "was claimed to yield many cancers," and stock R was stated to be cancer-free. He and his collaborators inbred a number of families in each stock, from which were derived the AK and RF strains ( Furth et al., 1933).

The widely distributed Swiss albino mice, largely noninbred, are mainly derived from two males and seven females which Clara J. Lynch of the Rockefeller Institute obtained from A. de Coulon of Lausanne in 1926 (Lynch, 1961, personal communication). The original stock probably came from Paris. Descendants of these mice were distributed to other laboratories and to commercial breeders. Some lines, such as the SWR/J and SJL/J, have since been inbred. Origins of these and many other inbred strains are listed in Table 1-1. References given are not in all cases the original ones, for an attempt has been made to list papers best describing the strain origin. In most cases multiple references are supplementary, offering additional information or enabling the searcher to go from a reference in which the strain is clearly named to one in which the real origin is given but the mice are not so named. In some cases, no really satisfactory reference can be found. The many fostered and congenic strains have not been included. For these interesting formulations the latest issue of Inbred Strains of Mice should be consulted. Strains known to be extinct have not been listed.


The majority of inbred strains, from the most recent back to the DBA, were developed for use in cancer research, to prove or disprove the existence of genetic factors influencing the incidence of cancer and the independence of inheritance of different types of cancers. By selection during inbreeding, various types of malignancies in predictable frequencies were established in the several genotypes. Or, conversely, resistance to all forms of neoplasia was established (Chapters 27, 28). As inbred strains became available and information about them began appearing in the scientific literature, investigators recognized that these animals could contribute greatly to medical research. It became possible to use biological material in experiments with confidence the only variables were those the investigator chose to include in the experimental design. The greater the uniformity among animals, the fewer are needed to attain a given standard of accuracy or repeatability.

A large proportion of cancer research has been built upon inbred strains of mice. Many types of projects were made possible only by the development of the strains and the tumors the mice produce or tolerate, and a large part of the remainder is dependent on the strains for suitable material.

Investigators in many fields have come to realize the value of F1 hybrids from crosses between inbred strains. Such mice are genetically homogeneous although heterozygous for those gene pairs by which the parent strains differ. Hybrids have been found to be as predictable in response as the parent strains, though not necessarily like either one. The greatest general advantage of F1 hybrids is their increased vigor and, in certain types of terminal experiments, they are preferred over inbred mice. Such mice cannot be used for propagating their own characteristics, however, since genetic segregation will occur in F2 generations.

As an extra dividend of fixing coat-color genes and cancer-affecting genes by inbreeding, it was found that other constitutional diseases also became established in the various genotypes ( Chapter 29). Many of these conditions parallel pathological states in man, thus providing unique material for studies on causation as well as on the march of the disease process.

Other differences between strains have been found and exploited in many fields and situations, as following chapters in this book attest. These include differences in disease susceptibility, nature of disease produced by a given pathogen, and survival time of infected individuals; nature and severity of radiation response, length of reproductive life, litter size, number of litters, and maternal care; sensitivity to and production of various hormones, and reaction to implantation or extirpation of endocrine organs; cold tolerance, growth performance on varying dietary formulas, and capacity for antibody production; blood constituents including normal blood-cell values, and enzyme levels in various organs.


Information about mice is available from a variety of institutions and publications. Among the standard scientific periodicals, the Journal of Heredity (United States), Genetical Research and Heredity (England), Bulletin of the Experimental Animals (Japan), and Zeitschrift für Vererbungslehre and Zeitschrift für Versuchstierkunde (Germany) are important vehicles for reporting new mutations, linkage tests, and methods of husbandry.

Hans Grüneberg's The Genetics of the Mouse (1952) is the standard work in this field. It gives detailed descriptions of the genetics and pathology of all mouse mutants known up to 1950. Chapter 8 of this volume contains a check list of all mouse mutants known to early 1965 with short descriptions of each. The number of recorded mutants is more than three times as large as it was in 1950.

Mouse News Letter (MNL) is a continuing source of information on the location of mutants, discovery of new ones, and research news. It is not a publication, but an informal document circulated privately. It is issued semiannually by the Laboratory Animals Centre, Carshalton, Surrey, England, and provides an information exchange among those working with mutant mice. Contributing laboratories provide lists of the mutant stocks they maintain.

Inbred Strains of Mice (ISM) is issued biennially by The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, as a companion to Mouse News Letter. Contributing laboratories send lists of their inbred strains only. Both MNL and ISM are arranged alphabetically by reporting laboratories.

Standardized Nomenclature for Inbred Strains of Mice ( Staats, 1964) is compiled mainly from the contributions to ISM and is arranged by strains rather than by laboratories, thus being essentially a locator list. It gives information on the origin of strains, their particular characteristics, and the institutions maintaining them. It contains also the rules of nomenclature ( Chapter 6) and a list of abbreviations of names of institutions or persons to be used in identifying substrains.

More general information, not restricted to genetics, is gathered and disseminated by many national centers. The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) in London has published an excellent handbook ( Worden and Lane-Petter, 1957) covering all of the common and some of the uncommon animals. The topics to which UFAW has given particular attention during its history include regulation of wild populations (especially inhumane trapping and poisoning), the treatment of animals, the techniques of euthanasia, and humane education. The Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources (ILAR) in Washington, D.C., issues a mimeographed quarterly publication, Information on Laboratory Animals for Research, containing news of meetings and publications, with occasional information-exchange sections or husbandry hints. Distribution is limited to persons active in biological research or in the production of laboratory animals. The ILAR has published minimum standards for the commercial production of various laboratory animals. Whereas UFAW and ILAR act as informational bodies, promote legislation, and work toward accreditation and improved standards, they do not generate scientific research or raise animals. The Laboratory Animals Centre, set up near London in 1947 by the Medical Research Council, does generate research and raise animals, as well as promote the use of better animals and the proper training of animal caretakers.

Three important publications in the general field of laboratory animal husbandry are the Proceedings of the Laboratory Animal Science Association (and its predecessor the Laboratory Animals Centre Collected Papers), the Journal of the Animal Technicians Association, and Laboratory Animal Care.


Inbred mice, once maintained in very few places, are now widely available from national or regional stock centers. The Jackson Laboratory raises 2 million mice a year, maintains more than 75 strains and substrains, and in addition has many stocks carrying one or more named mutant genes. Other large colonies in the United States are at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, and at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. England, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, Hungary, and Scotland all have at least one center where large numbers of genetically controlled mice are raised for the benefit of the scientific community. Many other countries are establishing or planning such centers, either under the auspices of the national health ministry or as private laboratories.


Inbred mice have been used for cancer research since C.C. Little established the DBA strain in 1909. Other differences in disease incidence between strains, whether fixed in the genotype by selective inbreeding or arising as mutations, have made possible concerted attacks on major diseases afflicting mankind. As more becomes known about subtle biochemical differences between strains, ever more refined tools will be available to medical research workers.

1The writing of this chapter was supported in part by National Science Foundation grant G-18485, The Lousie H. and David S. Ingalls Foundation, and the Edwin S. Webster Foundation.


Bagshaw, M.A., and L.C. Strong, 1950. The occurrence of tumors of the forestomach in mice after parenteral administration of methylcholanthrene: a histopathologic and genetic analysis. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 11: 141-175.
See also MGI.

Bateson, W. 1903. The present state of knowledge of colour-heredity in mice and rats. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 2: 71-99.

Bielschowsky, M., F. Bielschowsky, and D. Lindsay. 1956. A new strain of mice with a high incidence of mammary cancers and enlargement of the pituitary. Brit. J. Cancer 10: 688-699.
See also MGI.

Blount, R.F., and I.H. Blount. 1961. Strain differences and the relation of aging to salt susceptibility in mice. Texas Rep. Biol. Med. 19: 739-748.
See also PubMed.

Bonser, G.M. 1938. The hereditary factor in induced skin tumors in mice: establishment of a strain specially sensitive to carcinogenic agents applied to the skin. J. Pathol. Bacteriol. 46: 581-602.
See also MGI.

Bowman, J.C., and D.S. Falconer. 1960. Inbreeding depression and heterosis of litter size in mice. Genet. Res. 1: 262-274.
See also MGI.

Casas, C.B. 1963. Induction of hepatomas by thiouracil in inbred strains of mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 113: 493-494.
See also PubMed.

Castle, W.E., F. W. Carpenter, A.H. Clark, S.O. Mast, and W.M. Barrows. 1906. The effects on inbreeding, cross-breeding, and selection upon the fertility and variability of Drosophila. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 41: 731-786.

Chase, H.B., M.S. Gunther, J. Miller, and D. Wolffson. 1948. High insulin tolerance in an inbred strain of mice. Science 107: 297-299.

Cooper, C.B. 1939. A linkage between naked and caracul in the house mouse. J. Hered. 30: 212.
See also MGI.

Crispens, C. Jr. 1963. Factors which influence normal values for serum lactic dehydrogenase in mice. Experientia 19: 97-98.
See also MGI.

Davenport, C.B. 1900. Review of von Guaita's experiments in breeding mice. Biol. Bull. 2: 121-128.

Davenport, C.B. 1906. Inheritance in Poultry. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 52. 136 p.

Deringer, M.K. 1951. Spontaneous and induced tumors in haired and hairless strain HR mice. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 12: 437-445.
See also MGI.

Deringer, M.K. 1959a. Occurrence of tumors, particularly mammary tumors, in agent-free strain C3HeB mice. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 22: 995-1002.
See also MGI.

Deringer, M.K. 1959b. Necrotizing arteritis in strain BL/De mice. Lab. Invest. 8: 1461-1465.
See also MGI.

Deringer, M.K. 1962. Development of tumors, especially mammmary tumors, in agent-free strain DBA/2eB mice. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 28: 203-210.
See also MGI.

Detlefsen, J.A. 1921. A new mutation in the house mouse. Amer. Natur. 55: 469-473.
See also MGI.

Diadkova, A.M., and E.A. Lotosh. 1962. Onkologicheskaia kharakteristika novoi linii laboratornykh myshei DBR. [The oncological characteristics of a new line of laboratory mice DBR.] Vop. Onkol. 8 (11): 46-47.

Dobrovolskaïa-Zavadskaïa, N. 1929. Sur l'hérédité de la prédisposition au cancer spontané chez la souris. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 101: 518-520.

Dobrovolskaïa-Zavadskaïa, N. 1930a. Sur une lignée de souris, riche en adénocarcinome de la mamelle. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 104: 1191-1193.
See also MGI.

Dobrovolskaïa-Zavadskaïa, N. 1930b. Sur une lignée de souris, pauvre en adénocarcinome de la mamelle. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 104: 1193-1195.

Dobrovolskaïa-Zavadskaïa, N. 1937. Efficacité de la sélection en vue de l'élimination des factuers héréditas responables du cancer spontané dans une lignée de souris (lignée XVII nc). Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 126: 287-289.

Dunn, L.C. 1936. Studies of multiple allelomorphic series in the house-mouse. I. Description of agouti and albino series of allelomorphs. J. Genet. 33: 443-453.
See also MGI.

Dux, A. 1957. Experimental studies on the transplantability of the mammary cancer in mice [in Polish, with English summary]. Nowotwory 7: 67-90.
See also MGI.

Eaton, O.N. 1941. Crosses between inbred strains of mice. J. Hered. 32: 393-395.

Foulds, L. 1956. The histologic analysis of mammary tumors of mice. I. Scope of investigations and general principles of analysis. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 17: 701-711.
See also PubMed.

Fraser, F.C., T.D. Fainstat, and H. Kalter. 1953. The experimental production of congenital defects with particular reference to cleft palate. Neo-Natal Stud. 2: 43-48.
See also PubMed.

Furth, J., H.R. Seibold, and R.R. Rathbone. 1933. Experimental studies on lymphomatosis of mice. Amer. J. Cancer 19: 521-604.
See also MGI.

Gardner, W.U., and J. Rygaard. 1954. Further studies on the incidence of lymphomas in mice exposed to x-rays and given sex hormones. Cancer Res. 14: 205-209.
See also PubMed.

Gates, W.H. 1927. A case of nondisjunction in the mouse. Genetics 12: 295-306.
See also MGI.

Goodale, H.D. 1938. A study of the inheritance of body weight in the albino mouse by selection. J. Hered. 29: 101-112.
See also MGI.

Green, E.L. 1941. Genetic and non-genetic factors which influence the type of the skeleton in an inbred strain of mice. Genetics 26: 192-222.
See also PubMed.

Green, E.L., and M.C. Green. 1946. Effect of the short ear gene on number of ribs and presacral vertebrae in the house mouse. Amer. Natur. 80: 619-625.
See also MGI.

Grüneberg, H. 1952. The Genetics of the Mouse, 2nd ed. Nijhoff, The Hague. 650 p.
See also MGI.

Helyer, B.J., and J.B. Howie. 1958. Spontaneous haemolytic anaemia in NZB/Bl mice. 36th Ann. Rep. Brit. Empire Cancer Campaign, p. 458-459.

Heston, W.E. 1945. Genetics of mammary tumors in mice, p. 55-84. In F.R. Moulton [ed.] A Symposium on Mammary Tumors in Mice. Amer. Ass. Adv. Sci., Washington, D.C.

Heston, W.E. 1949. Development of inbred strains in the mouse and their use in cancer research, p. 9-31. In Lectures on Genetics, Cancer, Growth and Social Behavior. Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine.
See also MGI.

Heston, W.E., G. Vlahakis, and Y. Tsubura. 1964. Strain DD, a new high mammary tumor strain, and comparison of DD with strain C3H. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 32: 237-251.
See also MGI.

Hummel, K.P. 1957. Mouse News Letter 17: 54.

Hummel, K.P. 1958. The inheritance and expression of disorganization, an unusual mutation in the mouse. J. Exp. Zool. 137: 389-423.
See also MGI.

Inbred Strains of Mice, No. 3. 1963. The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine.

Inbred Strains of Mice, No. 4. 1965. The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine.

Keeler, C.E. 1931. The Laboratory Mouse: Its Origin, Heredity, and Culture. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 81 p.
See also MGI.

King, H.D. 1911. The sex ratio in hybrid rats. Biol. Bull. 21: 104-112.

Kobozieff, N. 1959. Mouse News Letter 19: 14.

Kreyberg, L. 1952. The origin and the development of the "white label" mouse strain. Brit. J. Cancer 6: 140-147.
See also MGI.

Laboratory Animals Centre. 1958. Catalogue of Uniform Strains, 2nd ed. Carshalton, Surrey.

Law, L.W. 1948. Mouse genetic news, No. 2. J. Hered. 39: 300-308.

Lehman, A., and R.G. Busnel. 1962. A new test for detecting MAO-inhibitor effects. Int. J. Neuropharmacol. 1: 61-73.

Little, C.C. 1913. Experimental studies of the inheritance of color in mice. Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 179: 17-102.

Lynch, C.J. 1954. The R.I.L. strain of mice: its relation to the leukemic AK strain and AKR substrains. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 15: 161-176.
See also MGI.

MacArthur, J.W. 1944. Genetics of body size and related characters. I. Selecting small and large races of the laboratory mouse. Amer. Natur. 78: 142-157.
See also MGI.

MacDowell, E.C. 1936. Genetic aspects of mouse leukemia. Amer. J. Cancer 26: 85-101.
See also MGI.

MacDowell, E.C. 1950. "Light" - a new mouse color. J. Hered. 41: 35-36.
See also MGI.

MacDowell, E.C., E. Allen, and C.G. MacDowell. 1927. The prenatal growth of the mouse. J. Gen. Physiol. 11: 57-70.
See also MGI.

MacDowell, E.C., and M.N. Richter. 1935. Mouse leukemia. IX. The role of heredity in spontaneous cases. Arch. Pathol. 20: 709-724.
See also MGI.

Maliugina, L. L., and O.G. Prokof'eva. 1957. Oncological characteristics of mice of strain C3HA [English transl.]. Probl. Oncol. 3: 201-207.
See also PubMed.

Medvedev, N.N. 1957. Konkologicheskoi Kharakteristike nizkorakovykh myshei CC-57-Korichnevye. [On the oncological characteristic of the low-tumorous CC-57-brown stock mice.] Biull. Moskov. Obshchest. Ispytatelei Prirody 62: 63-67.

Medvedev, N.N. 1958. O lineinykh myshakh CC-57-belye. [The CC-57 white mice lines.] Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 119: 369-371.

Mouriquand, J., C. Mouriquand, and J. Petat. 1960. Premières observations à propos d'une nouvelle souche de sourris hautement cancérigene. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 154: 632-633.
See also PubMed.

Mühlbock, O. 1947. On the susceptibility of different inbred strains of mice for oestrone. Acta Brev. Neer. 15: 18-20.

Murphy, E.D. 1963. SJL/J, a new inbred strain of mouse with a high. early incidence of reticulum-cell neoplasms. Proc. Amer. Ass. Cancer Res. 4: 46. (Abstr.)
See also MGI.

Murray, J.M. 1933. "Leaden," a recent color mutation in the house mouse. Amer. Natur. 67: 278-283.
See also MGI.

Murray, W.S. 1934. The breeding behavior of the dilute brown stock of mice (Little dba). Amer. J. Cancer 20: 573-593.
See also MGI.

Murray, W.S. 1938. Genetic segregation mammary cancer to no mammary cancer, in the mouse. Amer. J. Cancer 34: 434-441.
See also MGI.

Murray, W.S. 1963. MA/My strain of the Marsh albino mouse. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 30: 605-610.
See also MGI.

Nelson, J.B. 1948. The nasal transmission of pleuropneumonia-like organisms in mice and rats. J. Infect. Dis. 82: 169-176.
See also MGI.

Nichols, S.E., Jr., and W.M. Reams, Jr. 1960. The occurrence and morphogenesis of melanocytes in the connective tissues of the PET/MCV mouse strain. J. Embryol. Exp. Morphol. 8: 24-32.

Ranadive, K.J., and S. A. Hakim. 1958. A biological study of strain L(P) and its response to 20-methylcholanthrene treatment. Brit. J. Cancer 12: 44-54.
See also PubMed.

Ranadive, K.J., K.A. Kamat, T.G. Coutinho, and V.R. Khanolkar. 1961. Incidence of spontaneous mammary carcinoma in the new strain of Indian laboratory mouse. Indian J. Med. Res. 49: 562-567.
See also MGI.

Rauch, H., and M.T. Yost. 1963. Phenylalanine metabolism in dilute-lethal mice. Genetics 48: 1487-1495.
See also PubMed.

Rudali, G., N. Yourkovski, L. Juliard, and M. Fautrel. 1956. Sur quelques caractères des souris appartenant à la nouvelle lignée cancéreuse. Lignée NLC de la Fondation Curie. Bull. Ass. Franc. Ét. Cancer 43: 364-383.
See also MGI.

Runner, M.N. 1957. Mouse News Letter 17: 56.

Russell, E.S., and F.A. Lawson. 1959. Selection and inbreeding for longevity of a lethal type. J. Hered. 50: 19-25.
See also MGI.

Russell, L.B. 1957. Mouse News Letter 17: 84.
See also MGI.

Russell, W.L., and J.G. Hurst. 1945. Pure strain mice born to hybrid mothers following ovarian transplantation. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 31: 267-273.
See also MGI.

Schott, R.G. 1932. The inheritance of resistance to Salmonella aertrycke in various strains of mice. Genetics 17: 203-229.
See also PubMed.

Snell, G.D. [ed.] 1941. Mouse genetic news No. 1, p. 7. Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine. (Mineo.)

Sokoloff, L., and M.F. Barile. 1962. Obstructive geniturinary disease in male STR/1N mice. Amer. J. Pathol. 41: 233-246.

Staats, J. 1964. Standardized nomenclature for inbred strains of mice, Third listing. Cancer Res. 24: 147-168.
See also PubMed.

Stamer, S. 1943. Effect of a Carcinogenic Hydrocarbon on Manifest Malignant Tumors in Mice. Munksgaard, Copenhagen. 158 p.

Strong, L.C. 1936. The establishment of the "A" strain of inbred mice. J. Hered. 27: 21-24.
See also MGI.

Strong, L.C. 1940. A genetic analysis of the induction of tumors by methylcholanthrene, with a note on the origin of the NH strain of mice. Amer. J. Cancer 39: 347-349.
See also MGI.

Strong, L.C. 1942. The origin of some inbred mice. Cancer Res. 2: 531-539.
See also MGI.

Strong, L.C. 1951. Litter seriation phenomena in fibrosarcoma susceptibility. J. Gerentol. 6: 340-357.
See also MGI.

Strong, L.C. 1952. Susceptibility to fibrosarcomas in 2NHO mice. Yale J. Biol. Med. 24: 109-115.
See also PubMed.

Taylor, A., and G.F. McKenna. 1961. A new mouse strain susceptible to mammary cancer. Texas Rep. Biol. Med. 19: 706-707
See also MGI.

Tibón, G. 1953. Mouse News Letter 9: 10.

Van Gulick, P.J., and R. Korteweg. 1940. Susceptibility to follicular hormone and disposition to mammary cancer in female mice. Amer. J. Cancer 38: 506-515.

Webster, L.T. 1933. Inherited and acquired factors in resistance to infection. I. Development of resistant and susceptible lines of mice through selective breeding. J. Exp. Med. 57: 793-817.
See also MGI.

Webster, L.T. 1937. Inheritance of resistance of mice to enteric bacterial and neurotropic virus infections. J. Exp. Med. 65: 261-286.
See also MGI.

Weir, J.A. 1953. Association of blood-PH with sex ratio in mice. J. Hered. 44: 133-138.

Wolfe, H.G. 1961. Selection for blood-pH in the house mouse. Genetics 46: 55-75.
See also MGI.

Woolley, G.W., and C.C. Little. 1945. The incidence of adrenal cortical carcinoma in gonadectomized female mice of the extreme dilution strain. I. Observations on the adrenal cortex. Cancer Res. 5: 193-202.
See also MGI.

Worden, A.N., and W. Lane-Petter. 1957. The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory Animals, 2nd ed. Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, London. 951 p.

Wright, S. 1922. The effects of inbreeding and crossbreeding on guinea pigs. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bull. No. 1090: 1-63.

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