Figure 8-1. Photographs of some mutant mice, approximately one-half natural size but not all reproduced at the same magnification.
Obese   Dwarf
A. Obese ( ob/ ob).   B. Dwarf ( dw/ dw).
Dystrophia muscularis   Hydrocephalus-3
C. Dystrophia muscularis ( dy/ dy).   D. Hydrocephalus-3 ( hy-3/ hy-3).
Luxoid   Oligosyndactylism
E. Luxoid ( lu/+), from below through the glass.   F. Oligosyndactylism ( Os/+), from below through the glass.
Hairless   Achondroplasia
G. Hairless ( hr/ hr).   H. Achondroplasia (+/- above, cn/ cn below).