1-1 |
References to origins of inbred strains |
2-1 |
The probability of heterozygosity (h) and the possibility of incrosses
(p) at the a locus at n generations of brother-sister inbreeding,
assuming a cross (a/a x +/+) in generation zero |
2-2 |
The probability of incrosses p at the a locus after n generations
of backcrossing, where c is the probability of recombination between the a and the D loci
2-3 |
The probability of incrosses (p) and of heterozygosity (h) at the a locus
after m cycles of the cross-intercross system with two generations per cycle, where c is the
probability of recombination between the a and the r loci |
2-4 |
The probability of incrosses (p) and the probability of heterozygosity (h) at the a locus
after m cycles of the cross-backcross-intercross system with three generations per cycle, where c is the
probability of recombination between the a and the r loci |
2-5 |
The probability of incrosses p at the a locus
after n generations of brother-sister inbreeding with heterozygosis forced by backcrossing assuming the initial mating is
+ r/+ r x a +/a +
or a r/a r x + +/+ r, and by intercrossing, assuming the initial mating is
+ +/+ r x a +/a r,
where c is the probability of recombination between the a and r loci |
5-1 |
Diet formulations at the Jackson Laboratory in parts per thousand by weight |
5-2 |
Summary of vitamin needs and effects in the mouse and amounts used in Jackson Laboratory diets (1965) |
5-3 |
Comparative analysis of various diets in percentage |
7-1 |
Chiasma frequency in adult male cells at metaphase |
7-2 |
Chiasma frequency in young male cells (6 weeks old) at metaphase |
7-3 |
Comparison of chiasma frequencies in male mouse cells at diakinesis and metaphase |
7-4 |
Chiasma frequency in female mouse cells at metaphase |
7-5 |
Sex determination in Drosophila, Melandrium, and the mouse |
7-6 |
Translocations and other heritable chromosomal abnormalities |
8-1 |
Linkage groups and recombination frequencies |
8-2 |
Kinds of matings which allow use of a linked marker for early identification of a mutant |
8-3 |
Linkage testing stocks maintained at The Jackson Laboratory in 1965 |
9-1 |
Results of an experiment for selection of vibrissa number |
10-1 |
Mutation rates in postmeiotic male germ cells exposed to single acute doses of X-irradiation |
10-2 |
Mutation rates in fetal spermatogonia exposed to single acute doses of X-irradiation |
10-3 |
Mutation rates in all spermatogenetic stages exposed to varying doses of γ-rays at low dose rates from a 400 millicurie radium source |
10-4 |
Mutation rates of spermatogonia exposed to one or two acute doses of radiation |
10-5 |
Mutation rates of spermatogonia exposed to single chronic doses of radiation |
10-6 |
Mutation rates of spermatogonia exposed to 1,000 R of X-rays at 90 R/min in fractionated doses |
10-7 |
Mutation rates of spermatogonia exposed to chronic neutron radiation |
10-8 |
Mutation rates in fetal oogonia exposed to single acute or chronic doses of radiation |
10-9 |
Mutation rates in oocytes exposed to single acute and chronic doses of radiation |
10-10 |
Percentage distribution of mutations at seven specific loci induced in spermatogonial and postspermatogonial cells by γ- and X-irradiation. |
10-11 |
Experiments designed to assess the effects of irradiation on the hereditary fitness of mouse populations |
11-1 |
Schematic outline of changes in the reproductive organs of the mouse during the estrous cycle |
13-1 |
Peyer's patches in mice of seven strains |
13-2 |
Accessory spleens and spleens with forked tips in mice of nine strains |
14-1 |
Physical and chemical teratogenic agents |
14-2 |
Critical periods for various malformations produced by teratogenic agents in mouse embryos |
15-1 |
Pleiotropic effects of genes causing limb defects |
16-1 |
Quantitative serum characteristics |
16-2 |
Protein constituents of serum |
16-3 |
Total blood volumes |
16-4 |
Blood pressure and pulse rate |
16-5 |
Means and standard errors of means of blood pH |
16-6 |
Respiratory characteristics of mice |
16-7 |
Basal and resting energy metabolism |
16-8 |
Tissue oxygen consumption |
16-9 |
Relationship of environmental temperature to heat production |
16-10 |
Body temperature |
16-11 |
Quantitative characteristics of urine |
16-12 |
Water balance in young adults (3 to 5 months of age) |
16-13 |
Proteinuria |
16-14 |
Composition of normal mouse urine |
17-1 |
Means and standard errors of means for erythrocyte characteristics of 18 inbred strains |
17-2 |
Means and standard errors of means for leukocyte characteristics of 18 inbred strains |
17-3 |
Mean total numbers and differential distributions of leukocytes in blood of mice from six inbred strains |
17-4 |
Known characteristics of the hemoglobins of 48 inbred strains |
17-5 |
Myelograms of 2-month-old female mice |
17-6 |
Fetal erythrocyte populations |
17-7 |
Postnatal increase in mean number and mean volume of erythrocytes in normal and certain genetically anemic mice |
17-8 |
Hematoogical characteristics of mice bearing one or more mutant genes causing hemolytic anemia or jaundice |
20-1 |
Comparison of estimates of thyroid secretion rate |
20-2 |
Ratio of I131 count in thyroid to that in serum (T/S) and plasma protein-bound iodine concentration (PBI) in various strains of mice and their hybrids |
20-3 |
Minimum amount of estradiol benzoate giving positive vaginal smears in approximately 50 per cent of the mice |
20-4 |
Association of body and organ weights with weights of pituitary gland remnants in D2CEF1 hybrid female mice |
21-1 |
Some genes affecting pigment in the mouse |
22-1 |
Radiation sensitivity (LD50.30) of ten inbred mouse strains |
22-2 |
Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of various ionizing radiations for the production of acute lethality in mice |
23-1 |
Convulsive threshold of inbred and hybrid mice treated with insulin |
24-1 |
Deaths produced by tumors indigenous to inbred strains when transplanted to F1, F2, and BC mice |
24-2 |
Survival of skin grafts from inbred mice when transplanted to F1, F2, and BC generations |
24-3 |
The expected outcome of transplants made from strain A to strain B, and to F1, F2, and BC generations produced by crossing strain A and strain B |
24-4 |
Expected percentage of susceptible mice in F2 and BC generations on the assumption that susceptibility and resistance is determined by 4, 9, 13, or 15 histocompatibility loci |
24-5 |
Linkage of albinism (c) with resistance (-) in the 12th (intercross) generation of CR line B10.C(41N) |
24-6 |
Four histocompatibility loci identifiable by their linkage relations |
24-7 |
Crossover data for H-1, H-2, H-3, and H-4 |
24-8 |
Analysis of CR lines B10.C(41N) and B10.C(47N) by the F1 test |
24-9 |
Use of the F1 test to type various inbred strains for allele H-7a of strain C57BL/10 |
24-10 |
Distribution of histocompatibility alleles and alloantigenic specificities among inbred strains and congenic resistant sublines |
24-11 |
Differences in the "strength" of various histocompatibility loci as measured by grafts of skin and C57BL/10 transplantable leukemias made between congenic strain pairs |
24-12 |
The maximum number of alloantigenic specificities detectable with four genetically unrelated strains of mice |
24-13 |
The known alleles and alloantigenic specificities of the H-2 system and the inbred strains that carry them |
24-14 |
Crossovers separating H-2 into five regions and locating the position of Ss |
24-15 |
Per cent crossing over between different regions of the H-2 locus |
24-16 |
Evidence from grafts to C57BL x BALB/c reciprocal hybrids for an X-linked histocompatibility factor |
24-17 |
Evidence that the Y-linked histocompatibility factor is present in the Y and absent in the X of strain CBA |
24-18 |
Relation of the age of donor and host to the per cent successful skin grafts made from male to female in strain A |
24-19 |
Relative concentration in different tissues of the H-2, H-5, and H-6 transplantation alloantigens |
25-1 |
Organs of the mouse cultivated in vitro |
25-2 |
Effects of hormones on mouse organ cultrues |
26-1 |
Mean lifespans and standard errors of means in days in samples of n inbred mice in the pedigreed expansion stocks |
26-2 |
Mean lifespans and standard errors of means in days in samples of n nonbred F1 hybrid mice (1954-1958) |
27-1 |
Characteristic tumors of inbred strains, sex and age incidence |
27-2 |
Percentage incidence of tumors of some long-lived inbred strains and wild mice |
27-3 |
Classification of mammary tumors |
27-4 |
Classification of tumors of the hematopoietic system of the mouse |
29-1 |
Constitutional diseases associated with single-gene substitutions |
32-1 |
Percentage composition of whole mouse brain at different ages |
32-2 |
Stocks and inbred strains of mice with recessive inherited retinal disease |
32-3 |
Behavioral and morphological effects in some mutants involving the inner ear |
32-4 |
Relationship of drugs and electroshock to audiogenic seizure susceptibility |
33-1 |
Percentage of mice in each of 15 strains defecating during six 10-minute tests |
33-2 |
Strain comparisons for mean number of trials to reach conditioning criterion of five successive avoidances |
33-3 |
Mean amount of exploratory activity shown by each of 15 mouse strains, and the probability of differences among them |
33-4 |
Pentobarbital anesthesia (60 mg/kg ip) under varying conditions of lighting and housing |
33-5 |
Mean manipulation and visual exploration scores |
33-6 |
Genetic constitution of groups with means and variances of activity scores |