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Inbred Strains of Mice: APN


Inbr. (1998) F26. Albino, c. Origin: Outbred Swiss Webster mice from Connaught Laboratories, Toronto, Canada, selected by Casley and Whitehouse, Banting Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada, for nonresponsive serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) following administration of 150mg/kg acetaminophen per os, with brother x sister mating started in 1993 (see also APS).


Low caffeine 3-demethylation activity (8/8). Hepatic CYP1A2 mRNA, protein and enzyme activity (MROD, acetanilide 4-hydroxylation) was significantly lower than for strain C3H (Casley et al 1997a, b).

Casley W. L., Menzies J. A., Girard M., Larocque L., Mousseau N., Whitehouse L. W., and Moon T. W. (1997a) Differences in caffein 3-demethylation activity among inbred mouse strains: a comparison of hepatic Cyp1a2 gene expression between two inbred strains. Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 40, 228-237.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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