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Inbred Strains of Mice: BRVR


Inbr: F83+. Albino. Genet: c. Origin: Webster (1933a,b) developed two lines resistant and susceptible to infection by Bacillus enteritidis (Salmonella sp.) by selection on the basis of a progeny test, followed by full-sib mating. Mortality under specified test conditions was 15% and 85%, respectively, and was about 39% in the unselected controls. Later tests (Webster, 1937) with louping ill and St Louis encephalitis viruses led to the development of three lines designated BSVS (bacteria-susceptible, virus-susceptible), BSVR (bacteria-susceptible, virus-resistant) and BRVS (bacteria-resistant, virus-susceptible). Later BRVR (bacteria-resistant, virus-resistant) mice were developed from a cross between BSVR and BRVS, with subsequent selection for resistance to the two agents, and full-sib mating. There may have been some confusion between the lines in the past, and authenticity should not always be assumed.


Hydronephrosis in 11% of females and 18% of males (1/13) (Taylor and Fraser, 1973), 34-42% in males and 30-34% in females (Collins et al., 1971., 1971). Resistant to Salmonella, some encephalitic viruses and experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (Staats, 1976). Resistant to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (cf. 6/14) (Levine and Sowinski, 1973). Resistant to induction of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (cf. 2/5) (Vladutiu and Rose, 1971a). Carries gene for resistance to group B arbovirus infection (cf. strain PRI) (Darnell et al., 1974., 1974). Differences between the responses of BRVR and BSVS to infections and various antigens are listed by Boehme(1970).

Boehme D. H. (1970) Resistance to Salmonella infections in inbred mouse strains. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 46, 499-508.

Collins G. R., Goodheart C. R., and Henson D. (1971) Spontaneous heritable hydronephrosis in inbred mice. I. Description, incidence and distribution of lesions. Lab. Animal Sci. 22, 333-338.

Darnell M. B., Koprowski H., and Lagerspatz K. (1974) Genetically determined resistance to infection with group B arboviruses. I. Distribution of the resistance gene among various mouse populations and characteristics of gene expression in vivo. J. Infect. Dis. 129, 240-247.

Levine S. and Sowinski R. (1973) Experimental allergic encephelomyelitis in inbred and outbred mice. J. Immunol. 110, 139-143.

Staats J. (1976) Standardized nomenclature for inbred strains of mice: Sixth listing. Cancer Res. 36, 4333-4377.

Taylor D. M. and Fraser H. (1973) Hydronephrosis in inbred strains of mice with particular reference to the BRVR strain. Lab. Anim. 7, 229-236.

Webster L. T. (1937) Inheritance of resistance of mice to enteric bacterial and neurotropic virus infections. J. Exp. Med. 65, 261-286.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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