Inbred Strains
of Mice: BSVS
Inbr: F 99 +?. Albino. Genet:
c. Origin: see BRVR.
Susceptible to
Salmonella, some encephalitic viruses and experimental
allergic encephalomyelitis (
Staats, 1976). Susceptible
to St Louis encephalitis and yellow fever virus (Boheme 1970). According
to Levine and Sowinski (
1973), resistant
to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (cf. 6/14), but 100% susceptible
according to Schneider
et al. (
Sensitive to anaphylaxis after sensitisation with BSA and increased sensitivity
to serotonin following pertussis vaccine (
et al., 1973., 1973). Susceptible to induction of experimental autoimmune
thyroiditis (cf. 3/5) (Vladutiu and Rose, 1971a). Spontaneous congenital
hydronephrosis 5% in males, zero in females (
et al., 1971., 1971). Extremely sensitive to traumatic shock (
Halevy and Altura, 1974). Has a defective immune response
to DNP-haemocyanin and streptococcal group A carbohydrate, which are T-cell-dependent
Briles et al., 1976., 1976).
D. E., Krause R. M., and Davie J. M. (1976) Genetic control of non-H-2
linked T-dependent antibody response defects of the BSVS mouse. Fed.
Proc. 35, 824.
G. R., Goodheart C. R., and Henson D. (1971) Spontaneous heritable hydronephrosis
in inbred mice. I. Description, incidence and distribution of lesions.
Lab. Animal Sci. 22, 333-338.
S. and Altura B. M. (1974) Genetic factors influencing resistance to trauma.
Circulatory Shock 1, 287-293.
S. and Sowinski R. (1973) Experimental allergic encephelomyelitis in inbred
and outbred mice. J. Immunol. 110, 139-143.
Rose N. R.,
Vladutiu A. O., David C. S., and Shreffier D. C. (1973) Autoimmune murine
thyroiditis. V. Genetic influence on the disease in BSVS and BRVR mice.
Clin. Exp. Immunol. 15, 281-287.
N. A., Lee J. M., and Olitsky P. K. (1957) Effect of nutrition on the
production of acute disseminated encephelomyelitis in mice. J. Exp.
Med. 105, 319-334.
Staats J. (1976) Standardized
nomenclature for inbred strains of mice: Sixth listing. Cancer Res.
36, 4333-4377.
Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester,