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Inbred Strains of Mice: CT


Inbr (Lac) ?+8 . Agouti: +. Origin: ct (curly-tail) mutation arose spontaneously in GFF inbred mice. Backcrossed to CBA an unknown number of times, then bxs of presumed ct/ct homozygotes. Differs from CBA at many marker loci. Expression of the ct gene ranges from spina-bifida causing pre-natal death to various degrees of kinky tail, to complete normality. The neural tube defects can be modified by environmental factors. Excess vitamin A increases the incidence, but low doses given at a particular stage of gestation can prevent the abnormalities (Seller and Adinolfi 1981). The exencephaly and spina bifida are manifested independently of the maternal environment (Seller et al 1981) Maint. by Lac.

Seller M. J. and Adinolfi M. (1981) The curley-tail mouse: an experimental model for human neural tube defects. Life Sci. 29, 1607-1615.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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