Inbred Strains
of Mice: CT
Inbr (Lac) ?+8 . Agouti: +. Origin:
ct (curly-tail) mutation arose
spontaneously in GFF inbred mice. Backcrossed to CBA an unknown number
of times, then bxs of presumed
ct/ct homozygotes. Differs from
CBA at many marker loci. Expression of the
ct gene ranges from
spina-bifida causing pre-natal death to various degrees of kinky tail,
to complete normality. The neural tube defects can be modified by environmental
factors. Excess vitamin A increases the incidence, but low doses given
at a particular stage of gestation can prevent the abnormalities (
Seller and Adinolfi 1981). The exencephaly and spina bifida
are manifested independently of the maternal environment (
Seller et al 1981) Maint. by Lac.
M. J. and Adinolfi M. (1981) The curley-tail mouse: an experimental model
for human neural tube defects. Life Sci. 29, 1607-1615.
Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester,