Inbred Strains
of Mice: DC
Inbr (Le) 100. Agouti, +. Origin: mutation to dancer
Dc arose
in an obese stock outcrossed to a BALB/c x C3H/He hybrid in 1956. One
cross to C3H/HeJ, then inbred. Heterozygotes exhibit circling and head
tossing behaviour but are not deaf. Homozygotes die at birth with cleft
lip and cleft palate. A neurological mutation "scrambler" appeared in
1991. Homozygotes have unstable gait, with phenotype and pathology resembling
reeler (
Sweet et al, 1996). Maint. by Le.
Sweet H.
O., Bronson R. T., Johnson K. R., Cook S. A., and Davisson M. T. (1996)
Scrambler, a new neurological mutation of the mouse with abnormalities
of neuronal migration. Mamm. Genome 7, 798-802.
Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester,