Inbred Strains
of Mice: DD
Inbr (A) 91. Albino:
A,B,c,S. Origin: From noninbred ddN stock
of Cen.Lab. Exp. Animals, Osaka University 1956, to Heston 1957 (
Heston et al 1964), to Nara 1959.
Mammary tumours 84% at 7.7 months in DD, 4% at 20 months in DDfC57BL and
91% in DDfC3H at 6.7 months (
Heston and Vlahakis,
1971). High serum haptoglobin level (2/11) (
et al., 1967., 1967). High erythrocyte catalase (2/18) (
Hoffman and Rechcigl, 1971). Host for transplantable androgen-dependent
mouse mammary carcinoma SS-115, which only grows in intact males (
Bruchovsky and Meakin, 1973). Develop keratinized nodules
and squamous cell tumours when given urethan in the drinking water (
Imai et al 1984). Low spontaneous locomotor
activity (1/9) (
Nikulina et al 1991).Carries
an incomplete proviral genome of endogenous mammary tumour virus (MMTV)
on the Y chromosome (c.f. 4/10) (
et al 1991). Clonidene failed to produce an aggressive behavioural
response (cf 3/9) (
Nikulina and Klimek,
N. and Meakin J. W. (1973) The metabolism and binding of testosterone
in androgen-dependent and autonomous transplantable mouse mammary tumors.
Cancer Res. 33, 1689-1695.
W. E., Vlahakis G., and Tsubura Y. (1964) Strain DD, a new high mammary
tumor strain, and comparison of DD with strain C3H. J. Natl. Cancer
Inst. 32, 237-251.
W. E. and Vlahakis G. (1971) Mammary tumours, plaques and hyperplastic
alveolar nodules in various combinations of mouse inbred strains and the
different lines of the mammary tumour virus. Int. J. Cancer 7,
H. A. and Rechcigl M. Jr. (1971) Erythrocyte catalase in inbred mice.
Enzyme 12, 219-225.
Imai S., Tsubura
Y., and Hilgers J. (1984) Urethan-induced mammary tumorigenesis in a murine
mammary tumor virus (MuMTV)-positive mouse strain: evidence for a keratinized
nodule as an MmMTV-negative precursor lesion for squamous cell tumors.
J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 73, 935-941.
E. M., Skrinskaya J. A., and Popova N. K. (1991) Role of genotype and
dopamine receptors in behaviour of inbred mice in a forced swimming test.
Psychopharmacology 105, 525-529.
E. M. and Klimek V. (1993) Strain differences in clonidine-induced aggressiveness
in mice and its interaction with the dopamine system. Pharmacol. Biochem.
Behav. 44, 821-825.
R., Okumoto M., Iwai M., Iwai Y., Takamori Y., Imai S., and Hilgers J.
(1991) Incomplete proviral genome of mouse mammary tumour virus is present
on chromosome Y of NIH Swiss and some genetically related mouse strains.
Lab. Anim. 25, 4-8.
A. C., Gelderman A. H., Ragland R. H., and Hoffman H. A. (1967) Haptoglobin
levels in serum of various strains of mice. Science 158,
Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester,