Inbred Strains
of Mice: DDK
Inbr: F105. Albino. Genet:
A,B,c,D,s. Developed by K. Kondo from
outbred dd stock from Institute of Infectious Diseases, University of
Tokyo, in 1944.
DDK females mated to C57BL males are semi-sterile, but the reciprocal cross
is fully fertile. The low `fertility' is caused by embryonic death at
the morula-blastocyst or pre-egg cylinder stage 3-5 days after fertilisation.
A deficit of trophoblast formation was observed. Transplantation experiments
show that the defect is the property of the embryos, not the uterine environment.
The DDK karyotype appears normal (
Wakasugi, 1973).
Tendency to diabetes (
Nishimura, 1969). Nuclear
transplantation experiments between hybrid eggs of BALB/c and DDK strains
has shown that failure of F1 (DDK female x BALB/c male) embryos to develop
is not due to the combination per se of maternal (DDK) and paternal (BALB/c)
genomes but rather to an incompatibility between paternal (BALB/c) genomic
contribution and DDK cytoplasm. This incompatibility does not occur between
a female BALB/c pronucleus and the DDK cytoplasm, suggesting the involvement
of a differential imprinting of parental genomes. (
Babinet et al 1990)
C., Richoux V., Guenet J. L., and Renard J. P. (1990) The DDK inbred strain
as a model for the study of interactions between parental genomes and
egg cytoplasm in mouse preimplantation development. Development -
Supplement 1990, 81-87.
Nishimura M.
(1969) Breeding of mice strains for diabetes mellitus. Exp. Animals
(Japan) 18, 147-157.
Wakasugi N. (1973)
Studies on fertility of DDK mice: reciprocal crosses between DDK and C57BL/6J
strains and experimental transplantation of the ovary. J. Reprod.
Fertil. 33, 283-291.
Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester,