Inbred Strains
of Mice: DH
Inbr 32 (Jah, Aug. 1995). Genet.
a, Dh, albino. Origin: Institute
of Medical Science, University of Tokyo. C57BL/6xC3H/HeF1 mice from J
were crossed with BALB/c-nu/nu once and mice with an albino coat colour
were selected, and the nu gene was eliminated. Obtained by Jah in 1986.
Carries the dominant hemimelia gene
Dh (
1989). High incidence of lethality among F1
Dh/+ male mice
resulting from a cross between DDD females and DH-
Dh/+ males,
however, this is not observed in the reciprocal cross (
Suto et al, 1996).
Green M. C. (1989) Catalog
of mutant genes and polymorphic loci, in Genetic variants and strains
of the laboratory mouse, 2nd ed. (Lyon M. F. and Searle A. G., eds),
pp. 12-403. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, Tokyo.
Suto J., Wakayama
T., Imamura K., Goto S., and Fukuta K. (1996) High lethality of F1 (dh/+)
male-mice from the cross between DDD female and Dh (Dh/+) male. Exp.
Anim. 45, 99-101.
Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester,